#me when I smash my special interests together into one silly guy
raptorscreams · 1 month
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New mewtwo dropped, thinking of naming him Dreadlock
I am not immune to the brain rot
Dragon type lad, he’s a feral little stinker!!
Bonus concept sketch wrow
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dreamifics · 3 years
James Potter x Reader
Warning:just angst and sad fluff ig
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A letter for James Fleamont Potter
Dear James Potter,
Hey, what's up? That's a lousy letter starter after years of pretending you guys didn't exist.. This would be a rollercoaster of emotions, so try to keep up. Remember when we first met? You were in Ollivanders, buying a wand when you accidentaly almost killed me?
A little girl was walking pass a shop called Ollivanders, she was simply minding her own business when a ray of magic blast to her.. She fell on her butt first, her hair was a mess, she looked like she got burnt..
"Oh, dear godric!I'm very sorry!" A little boy about the same age as the girl came running out of the store.. He had a messy hair and thick glasses, he gave the girl an apologetic smile..
"What in the bloody hell are you doing?!" The girl was mad, who wouldn't? She was just simply having a great day when an idiot almost killed her..
"Buying wands?" He answered unsure. He was just shopping for wands when this very powerful surge made him lose control and it blast to her.
"I look like a mess, Mother would be infuriated..", The girl mumbles to herself as she stands up.. She huffs and glare at the boy.
"I'm James, by the way.."
"I'm Y---"
"Y/N L/N!!WHAT HAPPEND TO YOU?!" Her mother's voice boomed all throughout the alley causing some wizards to look at them..
"Goodbye, you bloody idiot.." Y/N mutters to herself.
"I heard that!"
"You were supposed to hear that!"
And that was the start of our friendship.. You little dim wit, but I'm thankful for that, because I got to meet you.. Did you know that I was not very fond of you? You just wore me down, you're a persistent arse.. But now, it all made sense to me..
What my gut was telling me about you.. You were-- no no, you're still my downfall, James.. I clearly remember when it all daunt to me, the how and why? I'm still unsure about the answer to those two questions. I'm guessing you know what I'm talking about, if you don't... I'll say it or write it now..
I'm hopelessly fucking in love with you, I realized that when you went and announced your relationship with Lily.. There was this painfully hurtful jealousy in my heart and brain.. And I couldn't get rid of those stupid feelings for you..
It was another dreary Sunday in Hogwarts, Y/N was with the Marauders except for James, they were eating at the great hall.. They were talking, teasing and annoying each other when James entered with Lily in his arms.. That image broke Y/N to thousands of little pieces, she suddenly became one with the universe.
"She finally said yes, mates!" James announced causing all of the students to cheer and screamed, obviously happy.
To Y/N, the news broke her.. She was fine with James crushing to Lily because she though Lily was not interested.. But after years of pining and persuasion, she finally said yes. Y/N should've seen it coming, she should be happy for them but why is she hurting?
"Aren't you happy for us, Y/N?"
Y/N was called back from her thoughts, the question echoed through her mind.. Oh dear Godric, she was not happy.. She wanted to be the one under James arms, or to be the one to kiss him in the lips.. She love James, not like platonic, this was so much more.. She wanted to be Lily so bad, ofcourse she's not bloody happy!
"Of course, I am!Congratulations, Prongs!"
But what could she do? Y/N would have lost that battle years ago, she was not James type.. What could she do but just pretend that she was happy and fine with them.. She was dead sure that she'll forget all about James someday.. So until that day comes, she needs to fake a smile and accept her fate.
Loving your bestfriend is the worst thing in the world, James.. I wanted to confess so bad, but the idea of losing you was a heavy baggage to carry.. So, I settled by just being your friend but you don't know how many times I've wanted to confess..
To go up to you and smashed my lips into yours but you were in a relationship with Lily, so I never did anything.. You were happy, and that was enough for me.. And don't get me wrong, I tried to find someone else but you were the best James..
It has been weeks since James and Lily got together, no one knew how she felt.. She was all alone, fighting her feelings from overcoming her. Y/N was sitting in the library, reading a muggle book called 'Wuthering Heights'..
However she hated it, she was bitter and had no time for lovey dovey books.. Y/N needed to move on, she shouldn't be stuck on James..
"Hey, Y/N!"
Y/N was startled by a Hufflepuff student, she smiled and laughed..
"I'm sorry if I startled you, I--I just have a question to ask you.."
Y/N squint her eyes, she doesn't even know this guy.. She rattled her brain for any recollection of this guy..The guy saw her confused face and chuckled.
"I'm Oliver Rigby, the captain of the Hufflepuff quidditch team.."
"Ohhh, yeah.." She just murmured but she had no idea who this guy is.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade this weekend?"
Y/N was taken aback but she needed to move on, she can no longer be hung up on a guy that doesn't even loves her back.
"Alright!I'll pick you up then!"
Y/N just smiled and walked away, she was reluctant to moved on.. Her heart was still beating for James, but she needs to move on.. For her own sake.
They were nothing compared to you, I tried to moved on.. But I always ended up to you, the same feelings always came rushing in when I see you.. Every guy seems horrible when compared to you.. The short period of time we spent together was wonderful, you gave me purpose when no one else did.
Y/N has just come back from a very horrible date, the guy did nothing but talk and brag about himself.. He was not like James who was funny and talks about entertaining stories.. The guy was not sweet nor kind, he was a bit of an ass.. That's the only thing he had in common with James, she sighs and sat in one of the sofa in the common room..
No one can beat James to Y/N, her standards were bloody high because of James.. She wanted to cry but that was stupid.. Crying over a guy who didn't even hurt her, she hates herself.
Y/N heart skipped a beat, she knows who's voice is that.. That voice gives her butterflies, she loves how that voice says her name..
"Thought you had a date?Why are you back so early?" He questioned.
"Did he stood you up? I reckon he'd do that, he looked like a douche to me."
"Sure.." She answered not looking at him, James sits next to her and put her arms around Y/N.. She felt her body stiffen as his body made contact with her.. Y/N silently prayed that James wouldn't notice her increasing heartbeat, the stiffening of her body and the way her cheeks blush..
"Are you alright?" James seems to notice his bestfriend all red and she looked like very uncomfortable..
"What if I said no, what would you do?"
"Make you feel better, ofcourse!" His laughs echoed through the whole Gryffindor tower.. Y/N let out a dry laugh, she didn't mean that.. But her heart was breaking into thousands of pieces, she want this feeling out of her system.
"Are you really alright?"
"Yeah, maybe.."
"Want to talk---"
"Jameees!" Lily's voice called the attention of the messy-haired boy..
"I'll be right back, Lily needs me.."
"B-But what about me?" Y/N tried her very best to not choke up and crack.
"Later, Y/N.." James messed her hair, she didn't meant to be demanding however this was the sign she was looking for.. The sign that James doesn't feel anything special for her, she was just James very annoying friend..Y/N realized that with one call, Lily has James wrapped around her perfect fingers, with only one call from Lily, James was gone.. He just left her hurting friend for Lily, Y/N suddenly felt her heart was no longer there..
It was bruised and beated so many times, and now.. Y/N chest is nothing but a vacant lot, an empty hollow space.. The tiny little hope that maybe James likes her back can no longer be found.
That hope was now gone.
Y/N had reached her limit, it was truly over.. The love and jealousy she feels was a heavy baggage to carry. Y/N needed to avoid James, just until she was fully okay..
Y/N knew deep inside her that her love for James will never fully go away..
Avoiding you was the only reasonable thing to do, to be frank.. It was the only thing to do.. If I kept up that silly facade, I would ended up being mental.. You see James, jealousy is a monster that takes over your whole mind and body. It's a hideous monster you can't escape.. I do have a few questions, did you notice the not-so-subtle cold shoulder I gave you? Because back then it seems like you didn't, did you though? Did you cry every night like I did? Or did your heart break like mine did?
Y/N finally got out of her bed, she was in the great hall, hundreds of feet away from James.. But from the looks of it, he didn't really seem to mind.. He was too busy whispering sweet nothings to Lily's ear.
"If your glares could kill, Evans and Potter would be dead now.." Her friend intoned, she snapped her head away from the sight of James.
"I don't what your talking about.." Y/N denied..
"Of course, you don't.." Her friend tease.
"If my looks can kill, you will be the first one dead.." Y/N gave her friend a glare which her friends just brushed off.
"Blimey!No need to get mad, I was just stating facts.."
"Just sod off." Y/N just played with the food in her plate.
"If you told James about your feelings, he would've ask you out." Y/N's friend said in a teasing manner..
"No, he would never do that.."
"And how do you know that?" Y/n rolled her eyes at her friends question.
"Because I knew James, he was inlove with Lily since the start of our first year. "
"That's what you think.." Her friend crosses her arms and smirk at her.
"What?" She questioned confused.
"Nothing, idiot.. You won't understand.."
"Look Y/N, just move on.." Y/N scoffs at her friends genius idea.
"You make it sound like it's so bloody easy.."
"Is it not?You cry about it for a day then you find someone else.. " Y/N looked at her friend with a surprised gaze, is it that easy? How come it's so hard for her?
"See, easy.."
"Sod off.." She shut her friend down as thoughts occupied her mind..
Y/N was walking down the silent halls of Hogwarts alone, a frown in her face she hasn't been smiling this past few weeks.. Her back suddenly stood straight when the four familiar faces welcomed her when she entered an empty classroom.
"Oh, hello Y/N.." Sirius was the first to greet her with a big smile on his face but she didn't give the smile back.
"Y/N!I was wondering where you were these past few weeks.." Remus gave her a comforting smile.
"Yeah, I had no one to eat my sweets with!" Peter walked up to Y/N and offered her a chocolate which she didn't accept.
"I apologize, I have to go now.."
"But Y/N--" Peter didn't get to finish the sentence, she was gone, James didn't even look up from his seat.. Did he forgot all about Y/N? But Y/N didn't feel anything anymore.. Funny how numbness can have it's perks sometimes..
Maybe you didn't notice me because you were so inlove with pretty little Evans? That came out a little rude, I apologize for that, but I'm not sorry.. You see, I don't hate Lily, but then again kinda wish she were dead.. She was all you saw James, I was with you through your worst.. I gave you everything, but what do I get in return?
Just heartaches and neverending what-ifs.. You never saw me James.. Remember the day we graduated and left Hogwarts? You didn't even say goodbye to me, not even a single glance James.. I was not the only one who gave up on our friendship.. We both did, James..
Riding the Hogwarts train one last time was a bittersweet moment for others.. To Y/N, it was a relief.. She would finally get to leave the place that reminds her of James, every corner and walls was embedded with memories of Y/N and James having fun with each other.. It may sound nice but it only brought misery to her.
"Y/N!We're getting off now.." Y/N's friend broke her silent trance.. Y/N stands up and exits the train, her feet hit the platform floor, Y/N took a deep breath and wander her eyes to the sea of graduate  students. Some were celebrating, some were crying and there Y/N saw him..
James had Lily under his arms as they talk with the rest of the Marauders.. Disappointment was written all over Y/N's face, this was the last day they would be able to see each other and James didn't even glance at her.. They were friends for years, she couldn't belive that their friendship was beyond repair..
"Quit staring at him, your looking pathetic." Y/N whispers under her breath, walking away without saying goodbye was not how she planned her last day in Hogwarts. Y/N was moving to America and will work in the Ministry of Magic there.. She does not want to work in the same place that James and Lily was going to work at..
Y/N needs to really move on, and America would be the place for it.. Atleast there, she's far away from any reminders of James or Lily.. Holding her trunk, she walks away from her old life.. No more heartaches, just miserable thoughts and lots of what ifs.
Moving here didn't even help, I'm still inlove with you.. You might be confused about why I'm just sending this letter to you now.. Well Mister Potter, I just got an invitation to your wedding and I'm very very drunk right now.. I didn't think you would really send me an invitation because you know were just strangers.. We spent years ignoring each other and now this bloody envelope shows up at my home..
How did you even knew my address? Were you keeping tabs on me? If that's the case then I'm very flattered and also a little bit creeped out but that's not the point! The point is, I'm not going to your wedding because I'm still fucking inlove with you.. I hope you enjoy the wedding though, also don't bother writing back.. I would never remember this anyway, so James.. Give Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease.
If you guys have any request for imagines about ( marvel characters, DC characters, stranger things, game of thrones, brooklyn 99, friends, basically anything! I accept everything!)
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kuroo-shitsurou · 3 years
Auxilium (College!Xiao x College!Reader)
TW: mentions blood, depression, anxiety
note: it's my first time writing and posting something on tumblr so im sorry if it's bad!! reader is gn hehe.
Late February was never a good time for Xiao.
It was the second month of the year; People were starting to adjust and adapt to the ever-changing and progressing timeline. Although, he never really understood the concept of the "New year, new me!" shtick. Humans make decisions that eventually shape their personalities. What does a new year have anything to do with that? Does a change in the year automatically make you a good person? Does it make you less of an asshole than you might already be? He never really understood.
He found it rather silly, actually. Whenever a new year rolls around, Xiao would mutter silent curses to himself because he'd write the wrong year on his papers. Other than that, there wasn't any significant changes he made in his daily routine. He was still the same Xiao; The same anxious, mildly depressed, and coffee-high art major Xiao.
Now, Xiao was a respected figure in their college (or at least, that's what he was told). He was one of the most talented artists at Tokyo University, and professors have been eyeing him for a scholarship overseas (he, along with his brooding and mysterious senior, Diluc). His keen eye for details always produce great results as most of his portraits are featured in the university's gallery of students' greatest works. Not to mention, one of his larger canvas works were displayed at the Tokyo Museum, making him one of the youngest artists to have their art showcased there.
Admittedly, Xiao was aware of how people admired his talent. Unfortunately, due to a rough childhood where his parents barely showed him any love and affection, he had trouble reflecting his true emotions onto other people. That's why other art majors often labelled him as a self-absorbed, egotistical prick.
Xiao was the last person you'd want to compliment. It's not that he'd be a dick about it or that he'd scowl at you and act as if he was better than you in every way possible. It wasn't like that at all. It's simply because Xiao doesn't know how to handle compliments. He'll still keep his stoic face, lips pressed in a straight line, but deep inside, he'd be flustered to bits. He'd try to internalize his reply, stitching together the right words to express his gratitude, but it would always take him a few minutes. The person who complimented him would've already left after he finally constructed the sentence in his head. Not that he wasn't used to it
This led to Xiao earning his current reputation, as stated earlier. He was already expecting the rest of his college years to be spent alone in his studio, working on his artworks during the wee hours of the night, high on the fumes of his paint palette and his exhausted coffee machine.
Until you came.
Kaoru was... eccentric. You were loud, you were moody. He felt like you'd be the type of person he'd hate dealing with just because you was unpredictable. You were like the rain, and Xiao hated the rain.
He must have an Archon's cursed tongue, because he got paired up with you during the first semester of their second year in college. You were a familiar name to him, as you were in the same course since the first year, but he barely knew anything about you since you were in different classes.
"Hey, Xiao! I'm _____. I hope we can be good friends by the end of the semester!" His memory of your bright smile still remains vivid in his head. He wasn't really a brooding type like Diluc, but Xiao liked to believed that he presented himself as a silent person who had no intentions of interacting with other people. So, how were you so bubbly around him? Because she was forced to do so? You were to be his partner for the whole semester, after all. Maybe it was all formalities. Yeah, that's probably it.
"Hm." Xiao gave a nod in her direction, acknowledging your existence. you heard from your friends that the young artist didn't have a pleasing personality, but you weren't expecting to be shutdown from the get-go.
"Mind if I sit beside you?"
Again, a light nod.
You felt the awkward tension between you and Xiao, and you hated it. You were a person who hated it when people are uncomfortable in your presence. You didn't want to be a bother, and you did your best to make everyone like you. Not that you were a people pleaser, nor an attention hog, but you just wanted to get along with everyone.
The lecture was going to begin in twenty minutes, so the lecture hall was yet to be filled with people. You took the opportunity to strike up a conversation with the amber eyed man beside you, who was typing away on his laptop. Something about color theory and how it affects the perspective of people on different art types? You couldn't really see that well. He was a fast typer.
"So, Xiao, I heard that your painting was displayed in the Tokyo Museum last year. It must have been an honor. I was at the unveiling last year and I saw it up-close." You started off, testing the waters.
"And what did you think of it?" Xiao cringed internally. He meant to genuinely ask for your feedback regarding his art, but it sounded so harsh that he wanted to punch himself when he saw you wince (or maybe you shuddered because it was cold and you were wearing a sleeveless top? His nerves were getting the better of him at this point).
"Well, a lot of my friends told me that it wasn't anything special,"
"It was a large canvas. I can still remember how it looks. But, maybe that's because I'm at the museum every two weeks," You laughed. You noticed how Xiao's breathing noticeably changed after you started your sentence, and you have to admit that it sounded a bit too mean.
"You know, Xiao. My friends told me that your art was simple. Anyone could have done it. But honestly, they couldn't be more wrong. I love how your piece was painted. Auxilium. I'll never forget what you called it. That's... Help, right?"
At first, Xiao didn't want to listen to this person ramble about an art piece he made during one of the lowest points of his life.
His anti-depressants had run out during that one Christmas. It was 2:47 in the morning. He had morning classes the following day. He had a project to submit, but he was unable to continue working because of the unbearable pain in his chest. His head was throbbing. Voices were invading his mind. Flashbacks of his parents' negligence taunted him. He rushed to grab a glass of water, chugging it down in almost three chugs. He slammed the glass back onto the counter, smashing it into tiny little splinters and cutting himself in the process. His hand was bleeding, there were bits of glass on his counter and on his floor, but he couldn't care less. He was heaving, his breathing was unsteady, he wanted to die right then and there. His vision became blurry, but he rushed back to his studio.
With a bleeding hand, he picked up his brush and began to tear into his canvas. Not literally, but he started to create strokes onto the blank canvas. Different colors, different textures (he swore some of his blood got blended in with the area where he painted the sunrise, but it's fine. No one was going to notice, right?). He screamed and cried, wanting to throw the entire easel out his window.
It was Christmas. He was alone in his apartment. His anti-depressants ran out. He was having a panic attack.
That night led him to having one of the worst breakdowns he could remember, but he also ended up with a gorgeous painting that nabbed him a place in the Tokyo Museum.
"Help," Your voice echoed in his ears, snapping him out of his trance.
"People can tell me that it's nothing more than a simple painting, but the way that the sunrise was only showing in a segmented part of the canvas? The way that there were hints of red? It kind of reminded me how a new day can resemble hope but still contain hurt. Like, the promise of a fresh start isn't guaranteed a good one, right?"
Your words rang in his ears like a gong being hit continuously. He wanted to cry. People always complimented him and congratulated him about being recognized by art critics and national museums, but none of them ever really stopped to talk to him about his art. They were there for his recognition- not his work.
"I mean, you could begin with a fresh start, but wouldn't the remnants of yesterday still take a toll on your tomorrow?"
"Hm. Interesting take. To be honest, those specks could have been my blood." Xiao spoke up, to your surprise. A small smile formed on your face. Maybe this guy wasn't so bad after all.
"My hand was cut up when I was painting that," He added quietly, not mentioning why his hand was in that state. "I think I accidentally added too much concentrated red. I couldn't blend it out the way I originally planned."
"Oh? But that makes it all the more great, though!" You beamed, "Maybe it was an Archon guiding you? I don't really believe in that stuff, but acknowledging some divine intervention once in a while can't be all bad, no?" You laughed.
"I guess you're right." For the first time in a while, Xiao actually gave someone else a small smile. It wasn't really a smile per se, but his lips curved even the slightest bit upward, and you decided that it was a win for you.
Fast forward to the second semester of their third year.
Late February was never a good time for Xiao.
It was the second month of the year; People were starting to adjust and adapt to the ever-changing and progressing timeline. Although, he never really understood the concept of the "New year, new me!" shtick.
It had been years since he was clinically-diagnosed with mild depression. So, why was he still that way? Shouldn't new years help him be a better person? Or something like that. Why was he still like this?
Late February meant the end of one semester, and the start of another.
What else did that mean?
His semestral feedback report (he refused to call it a report card. What was he, high school?).
"Xiao? Are you here? I bought almond tofu from Xiangling's place. Sorry for barging in, you weren't answering my calls." He heard your voice from the kitchen and he glanced at the clock on his studio's wall.
1:37 AM.
You were at Xiangling's place because you were working on a report about the history of acrylic paints or whatever it was. You were supposed to go home, but you still dropped by his apartment. He checked his phone.
[ 14 missed calls. ]
"I'm here." He answered meekly, but loud enough for you to hear. He felt tired. Defeated, maybe. He was blankly staring at the canvas in front of him. He has sketched the base of your face and upper body. He was planning on painting a portrait of his beloved to decorate his room with, but he couldn't find the energy to continue.
He could hear the soft "thud"s of your feet walking from the kitchen towards the studio, but he tuned it out with an annoying static he could only hear in his head.
Fuck. Where are they?
He rushed to the drawer next to his easels and rummaged around in a panic.
Where the fuck are they?
He kept a few anti-depressants in his studio because he spends most of his time here and he didn't have time to rush to the kitchen to get them if he ever got a panic attack.
"Fuck!" He cursed loudly, throwing the contents of his desk onto the floor. Some of his paintbrushes scattered on the wooden floor of his studio, marking the wood various colors. Maybe they're going to stain, but he didn't really care.
Xiao heard the footsteps retreating until he couldn't hear anything else except the constant ringing in his ears. It was annoying. It was loud. It started to make him want to split his head open.
"_____," He whispered, feeling his chest hurt and his throat tighten. The passageways helping him breathe seemed to close themselves, giving him a hard time and mocking him. It was coming back again.
Tears started to flood his vision, and they rolled down his red cheeks. He took the ponytail out of his hair and used two hands to tug at his locks starting from the roots. His breathing patterns became more erratic, but he tried his best to stay calm.
His knees and legs felt like jelly. He had to lean against the desk to avoid from toppling over.
Why? Why again? Why now? Why when you were here?
He screamed. It was loud enough for the neighbors to hear, but his care for any external entities was out the window the moment his eyes became blurry with tears.
Even though he was leaning against the desk, his legs still couldn't hold the weight of his entire body. His knees dropped to the floor, and he swore he must've dented the wood below, but he paid no mind to it. His knees were also aching, but he could deal with that later. He bent down and pressed his forehead to the floor.
"_____," He whispered again, longing for his partner. "Auxilium."
"Xiao?" The voice was muffled. His eyes were glued to the floor in front of him, but he knew it was you.
"Xiao, stay with me, honey." There was a hint of panic evident in your voice, but he was glad that you didn't let that get the best of you. You was still somewhat calm.
You kneeled down beside him, helping him back to an upright position.
"Honey, you left these on the counter outside." You handed him two tablets of his anti-depressants, and he gladly placed them in his mouth. You also gave him a glass of water, and he downed it in two swift gulps. Afraid that he might underestimate his strength, he returned the glass back to you instead of setting it down himself, nodding at you in the process.
You got into a more comfortable position where you rested your back against the wall, and you guided Xiao to follow you. It was a difficult task; He was very sensitive during his panic attacks.
His semestral feedback reports always made him anxious. He didn't have to please his parents anymore since he moved out years ago, but Xiao had this nagging feeling inside of him to do better with his academics. Nobody was really pressuring him to be a straight-A student, but did he feel like he needed to be? Who was he trying to prove himself to anyway? You knew about his sever panic attacks and how they were more active if he had a big event coming up. The first time you had to deal with it, you were still stiff and trying to learn how you could help. Now, you takes pride in yourself for being able to handle him in the ways you know would help him the most.
"Here you go, I've got you." You cooed, assisting him with moving. You laid his head flat on her lap and she began stroking his beautiful, tousled forest green locks. The highlights he had under the first layer of his hair started to fade, and you made a mental note to take him to a salon so they could get their highlights redone.
"You know, I've been listening to a lot of Coldplay lately," You started speaking, as if Xiao wasn't about to have a full-on panic attack. "Yellow would have to be one of my favorite songs. I guess it's kinda cheesy, but can you blame me?"
You used your free hand to wipe the tears from his cheeks.
"Look at the stars, look how they shine for you." You began singing, voice just above a whisper.
"And everything you do. Yeah, they were all yellow."
Xiao was a reserved person who had a hard time dealing with other people because of his inferiority complex that sprouted when he was young.
"I came along, I wrote a song for you."
He didn't have love and affection growing up. He didn't know how to be the best person to talk to. He had poor communication skills. He was a mess, to be honest.
"And all the things you do. And it was called yellow."
You were the first person who looked past his rough and tough exterior. You were the person who showed interest not just in his name- but in him as a whole.
"So when I took my turn, what a thing to've done."
"Thank you," He murmured silently, noticing that the ringing in his ears vanished. His throat was beginning to open again, and he could finally feel the steady heartbeat he had in his chest.
"And it was all yellow."
Xiao curled himself into a ball, burying his face in your clothed stomach. You smelled a bit like smoke (maybe you ate yakiniku at Xiangling's?) and your faded cologne. It smelled like home. It washed a sense of relief over his entire being. He felt safe. He felt secure. He was being held like a child, but he didn't really mind. Maybe he needed this.
"Your skin. Oh yeah, your skin and bones,"
You craned your neck downwards to look at Xiao's figure. He finally looked peaceful. You knew about his rough past. You knew about the trauma he had to go through, but you chose to look past it because you knew that he was just afraid and... alone. He needed someone to be there for him, and you would rather the world die than leave him alone ever again.
"Turn into something beautiful."
You noticed how his chest started a rhythmic pattern of ups and downs. His breathing was finally steady. He looked at peace. He looked like he was right at home.
"Do you know? You know I love you so."
You couldn't help but chuckle as you watched him sleep in your lap. How could anyone think that this softie was an asshole?
"You know I love you so."
You barely whispered the last part of the song, but it was loud enough for his heart to hear it. Xiao hated when things were unpredictable; that's why he hated the rain. But now, maybe the idea of rain wasn't so bad. Especially since you were his rain.
"I love you, Xiao."
At that moment, you knew that the involuntary smile on Xiao's face was a response that contained more emotions than his words could ever bear.
"I love you too."
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moondustis · 4 years
new things: day dream (m)
pairing: college teacher!doyoung + reader genre: smut, a hint of fluff (includes: dirty talking, name calling, bimbofication kinda, teasing) word count: 3,5k summary: Because the thing is, you had a plan. A very stupid one you’ll admit to that, but still it was a plan. A plan that involved seducing the teacher, to finally get him to pay attention to you. a/n: special thanks to the anons that sent me ideas for this one a while back. hope you guys enjoy this! 
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Kim Doyoung was a very respectable man.
He had a passion about teaching that translated perfectly into the way he spoke to and addressed his students, making even the ones that were just taking his class to fill their curriculum interested in the matters of classical music theory. And to make it even better, he was as handsome as he was smart, getting every girl in the class to want a piece of him that they would never have.
It was endearing, really, to see all these girls and even some boys, that were here to get something as noble as a masters degree, going cross eyed because the teacher just happened to look too good for his own good. The giggles, long stares and sometimes blatant flirting were all funny to watch, even more because of Doyoung’s clear lack of interest.
And you… Well, you are very stupid and maybe have lost your damn mind. Because the thing is, you had a plan, a very stupid one you’ll admit to that, but still it was a plan. A plan that involved seducing the teacher, to finally get him to pay attention to you.
A plan that probably needed a little more planning involved, but it’s too late now for that.
Doyoung walks into the classroom, all white button up and neatly pressed slacks, his round glasses hiding the faint dark circles underneath his eyes from probably one too many nights gone without sleep, for the sake of grading papers. He’s wearing a caramel cardigan today and you think it’s an absolute crime that he can make something like that look so hot on him.
You sit on the first row, of course you do, and when his eyes lock onto you he looks stunned for a moment, eyes raking up and down your body because the outfit you had put together was anything but subtle. The short skirt that showed your legs too well, the closed cardigan the was a little too low on your cleavage, everything about it was planned perfectly in order for him to swallow drily as he placed his thing on the desk.
He clears his throat, gathering himself before he greets the class, telling everyone to open the article he had sent via email. It’s a boring lecture, mostly because of the fact you can’t focus on anything but the glances he gives your way and the words he speaks seem to slur together in sentences that don’t quite make sense.
But you don’t get distracted, no. You have a plan and there’s no turning back now, you had left shame outside the moment you stepped into this classroom with the thought of fucking the teacher clear as day in your mind. When he looks your way again, you put it into action.
It’s kind of like a game, you see. The first step is to get him to pay attention, which he does but without losing his composure, he’s better than that of course. But you have tricks up your sleeves, so you lean on the desk a little, bite on your lips enough that he raises one eyebrow in curiosity. And there you go, the second step is achieved as he becomes interested.
From there it’s easy, he lets himself look enough but not as much as you want, as if to not raise suspicion. It makes you feel giddy, finally basking in the attention most girls in this class could only dream of getting.
The class goes on with your shared glances, expectation making your blood boil in a way you haven’t felt in some time and it only makes you feel bolder. So when the lecture is finally over, you wait until every student has walked out of the classroom, as you watch him gather his things with his back turned to you.
He’s expecting you to make your way towards him, of course he is. And you can hear a chuckle leave his lips when he hears the sounds of your footsteps. For some reason, that only serves to incite you.
“Good evening, professor.” You say, voice too sweet as he turns to you.
He raises one eyebrow, in a challenge almost. “_______.” It’s simply said but you almost can’t help the smile that wants to form on your lips as your name falls from his lips. “How can I help you?”
He rests both his hands behind him on the desk, body leaning towards yours in nothing but an inviting way. You lick your lips, watching his eyes follow your movements. “You see… I have been having a little trouble with some of the readings from your class.”
It’s a stupid lie, cliche maybe with the way you say it feigning innocence, but he seems to find it all very amusing. “I see. May I know which ones in particular?” He asks with a glimpse of smile on his lips. “So I can know how to advise you, of course.”
You squint your eyes at him briefly, clearing your throat before you say the first thing that comes go mind. “That… That book with the blue cover, you know? The name escaped me, I’m sorry.”
This time he doesn’t even try to hold in the small laugh that escapes his lips. “Classical Form? It’s understandable that you would have some trouble with it.” He’s still smiling at you when he moves from the table, gathering his things. “Would you like to accompany me to my office, then? So I can assist you properly.”
You can’t agree faster, a smile turning the sides of your lips slightly upwards.
You follow him outside the class until you reach his office, a small room with a big shelf filled with books and music sheets, a fancy desk and a sofa that looks designer made and not something you would buy from ikea. He gestures for you to sit down, so you do, but still watching him closely as he locks the office’s door before walking to lean against his desk.
You cross your legs when he eyes you, making your skit rid up a bit. There’s a glint on his eyes before he’s breaking the silence. “Classical Form, then?” His voice is flat and your eyes stick glued to his lips. “I’ve left the copy I own at home, but I’m assuming you have brought yours?”
You haven’t, of course, but still you pretend to look around for it on the bag you had dropped on the couch, sighing loudly to indicate you obviously couldn’t find it. “I must have forgotten mine at home as well.”
He bites his lips then, holding in a clear smile. It’s endearing to watch him, as much as he must think it is to watch your silly attempts. “Miss ______, forgive me for saying this. But I think it’s not your readings that you need help with.”
‘Duh’ is what you want to say, but instead you smile bashfully at him. “Am I that obvious?”
“A little bit.” He says with a scoff, crossing his arms. “Tell me then what is it that you really want.”
Maybe it’s your mind playing tricks on you but he says it almost in a challenge, eyes not moving from yours as you stare right back at him. “What I really want? I don’t think you’re ready to know that, professor.” You say with a small laugh.
A loud laugh escapes his lips this time.
“You’re crazy.” He says amused and with a shake of his head. “I think I can handle it, _____.”
He falls for your bait too well and it’s thrilling, makes you feel more confident that he’s not only giving you his full attention but urging you on. So you play your cards. “The thing is,” Is what you start with, a grin of your own on your lips. “I’ve been very needy because of you.”
That makes him raise both eyebrows now. “Because of me? That’s a very harsh accusation.”
You scoff playfully, uncrossing your legs so you can balance your elbows on them and rest your chin on your hands. “Is it?” That’s a rhetorical question because next you add. “Did you know every girl in your class wants to sleep with you? Some of the men too.”
“I didn’t.”
“Liar.” You mumble, rolling your eyes, and that makes him smile at you, a playful one that looks way too cute for the situation.
A moment of silence passes before he’s asking. “Are you one of those girls then?”
Obviously, you think to yourself. Wouldn’t be here practically offering yourself for him if you weren’t. “Maybe I am.”
You decide then to get up from the couch, making your way to him with purpose and as if on cue, he’s opening his legs that were crossed before, but you don’t go that far. “And what would you like me to do about that?” He says it in a way that shows you he’s teasing, trying to embarrass you and that sends a thrill through your entire body.
“Are you trying to get me to say I want you to fuck me?” You take a step forward, standing in between his parted legs and if he wanted he could easily touch you. “Is that it, professor?”
“That would be inappropriate, relationships with students are not allowed.” His lips twitch as he says it, eyes roaming your face.
You fake a pout. “Am I not worth an exception?”
“Are you?” Another challenge, he seems to like them.
“Oh, I’m pretty sure I am.” And then you are stepping closer to him, close enough that he can move a hand to the back of your neck and smash your lips together.
So much for self control, you think. But even if Doyoung was apparently good at keeping his cool façade, you knew that deep down he was easy to break, easy to succumb to desperation. And he kisses you with exactly that, lips nipping at yours as he positions your head to his pleasing and you fall as putty as you’ll allow yourself.
You still chase his lips when he breaks the kiss, grabbing at the front of his shirt and bring him closer so you can take the direction of the kiss into your own hands this time. It’s just shy from messy, how you lick at his lips to get him to part them, how you slide your tongue against his in motions that make you lose your mind just a little bit.
He scoffs a little when this time he manages to break the kiss. “You’re really bold.” He says as a matter of fact, a little breathless and the hand still on your neck squeezes it just a little. “Do you like acting like a little slut, is that it?”
You fight back the urge to smile, instead biting your lips in a whole theatrical scene as his eyes stay fixed on your face. One of your hands move to his neck, then slither down to his chest where you pop open the first button of his shirt. “Maybe it’s because I want you too much, sir.”
A noise comes from the back of his throat. Then he’s stroking your cheek. “Will you let me do whatever I want then?”
You laugh now, separating from him just a little and now unbuttoning the first button of your already low cardigan, as if to match his. “Now who’s being bold?”
“You, again.”
“Ha! I only do it because you seem to like it.”
One of his hands come to your back, pulling you closer again. “So you will let me do whatever I want.”
Now you really say it, eyes on him with playful determination. “Duh.”
His throat bobs, jaw tense. And then he’s turning you around to face the desk, your hands coming in contact with the hard material of it.
It takes no time for him to press behind you, his interest on your little back and forth clear when you feel the forming bulge on his slacks. His hand roam your thighs, reaching the rem of your skirt and bringing it up. “Are you always a brat or is it just because you want my cock, hmm?” He whispers, pressing his cheek to the side of your head. You shiver in anticipation, lips parting at his foul language and hips moving backwards trying to press your ass even closer to his front.
“Why don’t you give it to me and see it for yourself?” It’s your bite back, earning a low chuckle from him that is a high contrast to the way his fingers squeeze your thigh in what you think is desperation.
With a grunt, he dips his hand inside your skirt, tip toeing around your skin in a way that makes it tingle, but it doesn’t stay at that. With a blink of your eyes he’s pressing his palm to your clothed core, the cotton fabric sticking to it in a way that makes you embarrassed from how wet you already were. But was it really your fault?
It makes him laugh lowly. “I don’t think I will.” And then he pushes his palm upwards, the friction on your clit making you whimper pathetically.
Of all the things you expected to happen, him dropping to his knees behind you were not first on the list for sure. You expected him to lose control a little, push your skirt up and fuck you while you still had your panties on, them pushed to the side as he pounded into you in a way that made your eyes roll. Deep and rough like you liked it.
What happens is a lost of control in different ways. In a way that involves him pulling your legs to his liking, making space for him between them. Your skirt gets bunched up on your back, your ass on display for him to squeeze and with his face so close that you feel the little puffs of air on your still covered core.
His hand squeezes your soft skin harder when you try to squirm and get him to finally do it. “Tsk, are you going to be good?” He asks, with a small slap to your ass to enhance his word. “Or are you going to continue acting like a desperate slut?”
A small part of you wants to be the desperate slut, get on his nerves and make him annoyed enough that he just fucks into you. You’re sure that he would be able to slide in without any difficulty with how wet you are. But you also want desperately to come, taking a guess that this wouldn’t be happening if you were to pick his second alternative. “I’ll be good.” You mutter finally, breathy voice as he rewards you by pushing your panties down.
It’s a second of just him close enough but not touching. Then he spreads your legs even more, getting you exposed enough so he can press his lips to where you wanted him the most. You cry out with no hesitation, hands gripping at the desk as his tongue laps on your entrance, spreading your wetness around in a way that is as collected as it is messy.
He eats you out with teasing as his goal, flicking his tongue in agonizing ways and sucking your clit with patience. It makes you absolutely crazy, twisting around on his hold and trying to get more friction, to make him move faster.
A loud curse leaves your lips when he dips his tongue inside your entrance, just the tip, and he reprimands you with another slap when you try to throw your ass back in attempts to get it deeper. “Ughnn, you are so mean.”
“I though you said something about being good.” He whines back at your, words muffled and sending vibrations through your core that make you clench a little around nothing.
“Pleasee.” You drag out the words when he laps slowly at your pussy, followed by kittenish licks. “I will if you give me what I want.”
Maybe it’s because he loses his patience finally, or maybe because you were very persuasive with how you look behind your back to catch his eyes just as he gets up from his kneeling position. He smiles at you, just shy from wicked. “Liar.”
The unspoken words are that he likes it that way. Likes that you talk back and squirm under his hold, likes that you act like a brat until he gives in. But he also likes that you’ll take it however he wants, that the only thing that will make you stop acting up is his cock deep inside of you.
And he gives you just that. The sounds of his belt clicking and pants being pushed down just enough to get his leaking erection out, making your head spin. Even more when he finally enters you, a yelp on the tip of your tongue as he bottoms out just like you thought, with no resistance at all.
“Fuck. This is what you wanted, hmm?” His voice is strained despite his attempt to seem calm as he moves his hips once slowly, erection gliding out of you coated with your arousal. Then he slams back inside, your nails trying to grip on the desk but you fail, your body plopping on the desk.
“Y-Yes.” It’s more a moan than anything else, your mind barely able to form coherent thoughts because it’s been so long, and you feel so full with him fucking you deep and fast like you wanted.
One of his arms encircles your middle and pulls you up so that your back is pressed to his chest, giving attention to your nipples as he grunts so close to your ear that the sound makes you clench around him, turning it into a pained moan.
“You’re just a dumb little slut aren’t you?” He asks with a pinch to your nipple. You nod dumbly, so close already that you have to squeeze your eyes shut. “Yeah, you are, my pretty dumb slut that will do anything to get fucked.”
This time your walls pulsate around him, a long whine coming from your lips as he fucks into you faster, hand gripping at your waist for leverage. “Ugnhn, fuck. It’s so - so good.” You manage to get out and the words are followed by your lips parting in a silent scream as he hits repeatedly the sweet spot inside of you.
It doesn’t take you long after that, your body shaking in his hold as you come with a loud moan, your hands moving back to grip at his clothed thighs as blinding pleasure washes over your body. You trash around when he continues fucking you, too sensitivity but it feels too good, your release making the slide even smoother.
He mutter incoherent sentences, moans of your name as his hips snap into yours quick and deep, until they falter and he’s coming inside of you, spurts of cum coating your walls as he lets a long ‘ah’ that sounds too melodic for just a man reaching his high.
You both pant heavily as you catch your breaths. Wrecked a word too simple to describe how you feel as he pulls out, tucking himself quickly inside of his pants, and you fall forward with both your hands supporting you on the desk.
He helps you put your panties back on, fixes you skirt with a pat to your ass that is as sweet as the kiss he presses on your bare shoulder before he’s turning you around and into his arms. Your cardigan has moved enough that your chest is exposed but he fixes that too. You can’t help the small smile on your lips when he kisses it.
“This was highly unprofessional.” He says after a while and you scoff, hand caressing his cheek affectionally.
“Please, we had to fuck in your office at least once in our lives.”
He gives you his gummy smile, as if amused that you both really just did that. A thing that had only been joked about before over the years you had been together. “But not while pretending you are student of all things.”
Now you laugh affectionately, slapping him playfully on the chest. “Says the man that played his part way too well. You liked it, you pervert.”
“I like anything that involves you, silly girl.” His answer makes your heart somersault in your chest. You watch as his eyes soften, the dark circles even more visible with his this close, so you caress it softly with your thumb. “I’m sorry that I haven’t been giving you enough attention, love.”
“It’s okay, baby.” You reinforce your words with a kiss to his lips, sweet and enough to make him sigh. “Now can we please go home so you can give me some more of it?”
The smile he gives you is your favorite from the entire night. Then he brings his hand to where yours is on his face, lacing your fingers together and bringing it to his lips so he can press a small kiss to the back of your hand. “Anything for my wife.”
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strayneoct · 4 years
My best friend.
yandere!Felix x reader
warning: violence, stalking, slight cursing
  “y/n truth or dare?” Your best friend Felix asked, you guys were playing a spontaneous round of truth or dare after your little movie marathon. “Truth.” You responded rather monotone- Felix smiled after the word left your lips. He looked at you smugly and raised his eyebrow, “Good choice my dear, dear friend.” He said, smirking. “Did you ever sleep with your oh-so-pretty boy, Chris?” This question took you off guard, which led to you choking on your Capri Sun that you were currently drinking. “FELIX, OH MY GOD,” you exclaimed in shock. The boy next to you just laughed at your reaction while waiting for the answer that you had yet to tell him. “I... um…”you started, “I guess?” You said unsure, Felix looked beyond confused by your answer. “What do you mean ‘you guess’?” You looked at him in a shy manner and let out a deep sigh. “Nothing major happened, we made out and got a bit handsy. We got tired after some time and he stayed over. So I guess we slept but not with each other, you know?” Felix looked skeptical and displeased with what you said. Was he really that disappointed that nothing happened? Or is he being like this because of another reason? “What? Why are you making that face?” You asked the boy who was now moving a bit away from you. “Nothing, I just didn’t expect that. I thought you were too vanilla for that stuff. Anyway, let’s move on. I believe it was your turn to ask me.” You were slightly offended by his statement. “Vanilla? Me? Doesn’t he know me at all?” You thought to yourself, but since he seemed so eager to change the topic you just moved on from it. “Okay, fine. Truth or dare?”
   “Dare!” he said excitedly.
   “Mhm, I dare you to send the girl you are crushing on a picture of your abs.” You said smugly, now it was Felix’ turn to look shocked. “You can’t do that, I look like shit right now. This is not fair”. You just shrugged and retorted, “Sorry, Lix but I don’t make the rules. You have to! Be grateful that I didn’t say to send her your nudes.” “Alright- just you wait. I’ll get you back in the next round. Ahhh, this is so mean. I’m gonna go to the bathroom first and freshen up, since I look like trash.” You only laughed at that and gave him a thumbs up.  
  You started to feel a little sting in your chest when he vanished to the restrooms. You still couldn’t really comprehend Felix having a crush on someone. He was talking a lot about them within the last few weeks. To be perfectly honest, you were a bit jealous, but you would never tell him that. You always thought that you two would be together, so there was never another person in the picture. Sure, you kinda went on a date with your classmate last weekend, but you had no interest in him or whatsoever. You never thought of any other boys, the crushes that you’ve had were nothing special. It would always last for a few days or maybe even a few weeks. It seemed like- the more time you spent with Felix, the more you could see yourself together with him. You only went on a date with your classmate, Chris, because your other friends forced you. They wanted you to get “laid” because apparently you started to get more annoying and cranky day by day.
  Felix was never really a fan of the idea, but you never thought much of it. You assumed that he’s just protective over you. It hurt a bit that Felix only saw you as just a friend- or even a sister, because you always felt this weird feeling when you’re with him. Having no idea what the feeling is supposed to mean and you still need some time to figure it out. But you know for sure that you will always love Felix, no matter what type of love. All you want is to have him by your side and the knowledge that you’ll always be together, either as friends or maybe even more.
  After your train of thoughts, you start to entertain yourself until Felix comes back so guys continue with your silly game. You turned on some soft music from your favourite playlist to keep yourself company. The boy took a little longer than you expected, so you grabbed his phone to surprise him with some funny pictures of yourself while you waited. You took his phone with the familiar phone case you got him for his birthday and smashed in his passcode. “Huh, what’s this?” You said out loud. His phone wasn't unlocking. “Did he change his passcode? But why?” You tried to unlock the phone several times but to no avail. Is Felix hiding something? Would he really have any secrets from you? What would be so bad that he would change his passcode and hide it from you?
 Curiosity suddenly hit you like a truck. You tried to think of different things the code could be. His mother’s birthday. The day when his first pet passed away. Nothing worked. You ended up typing in your birthday and to your surprise, it unlocked. After a little victory dance, you began to think of where he could’ve hid something from you. Before you started to look at his messages, you noticed a photo of yourself that you’ve never seen before. It was a picture of you sleeping in his bed, cuddling one of his beloved plushies. At first you were a bit startled- but you shrugged it off, he is your best friend and best friends take random pictures of each other all the time, right? Your heart started to swell up at the thought that Felix loved and cherished you and your friendship so much that he put you as his wallpaper.
“I bet he was texting someone about something” You whispered to yourself, but you suddenly stopped. “I can’t do this. I can’t just invade his privacy like that. Maybe he had a surprise for me and changed his passcode? Mhm…I have to trust him. Maybe he’ll tell me what’s up when I mention it?” You thought. After a second thought you pressed on the camera app. You decided that you should just trust him and wait for him to be ready to tell whatever he is hiding and then started to take some selfies. You took a bunch of photos with silly faces, laughing to yourself. It made you happy to see that you gained a bit of confidence and that you’re starting to be more happy and satisfied with how you looked.
 A few minutes passed and you got bored of taking selfies, so you decided to go to his gallery and delete the ones that were a bit ugly or blurry. Opening his gallery, something immediately caught your eye. It was a folder that had your name as the title. Suddenly you felt this weird feeling again. It felt so odd, you couldn’t even describe it. Maybe it had something to do with the folder? It started when you saw it, so maybe if you look into it, you’ll figure it out? You eagerly opened the folder. It held a lot of random photos of you. At first you found it really sweet and cute. But the more you scrolled, the weirder it got: there were pictures of you going out with other friends, when you were grocery shopping, at school, at work, even from outside your window. Even photos of you while changing… “What the hell is this?” You thought, you kept on scrolling through the folder and felt unsafe.
 Why does he have all this? Where did he get it from? Did he take these himself? All those thoughts made you feel dizzy. You found a picture of yourself in your room while you were… Oh my god. This is way too creepy for you to wrap your head around. With shaky hands, you closed his gallery and started to dig even deeper into his phone. There was an app called live camera that made you curious. You tapped on it and it opened. The app showed you live videos of every corner of your apartment. Your room, your bathroom, the kitchen, even the damn walk-in closet. You saw Felix being filmed in your bathroom. He was looking through all your laundry and started sniffing it. You can feel yourself starting to panic more and more. All you wanted to do is get out of here now, even if this was your apartment, you needed to get out as fast as possible.
 “What are you doing?” You heard his familiar voice say. You froze up immediately. How come you didn’t even notice that he left the bathroom? Was the app delayed? It doesn’t matter to you right now. All you wanted was to find a way to get out. “Uh… I wanted to take some selfies because I got bored. You took way too long, What were you even doing?” The boy in front of you suddenly looked nervous. “I washed my hair because it looked kinda oily, hope that was okay.” He lied. You never thought that he’d ever lie to you, but after what you saw, this isn’t a surprise anymore. He sat down and went to grab his phone. “WAIT,” you exclaimed. Felix halted and looked at you, puzzled. “You know, I’m kinda tired right now, let’s just go to bed and continue this tomorrow. You can give me your phone, I can go charge it for you.” He simply declined and put it in his pocket. “Fine, let’s go to bed then. I know that you need your beauty sleep, so let’s go. Do you wanna change first? I can go change in the bathroom if you want.” He suggested. This was it. This was your chance. You can get out when he’s changing. “Yeah I’ll go change in my room and you can change in the bathroom”. Felix just smiled. You stood up and went to your room as fast as possible. The moment you closed the door you started to panic again. Fetching your phone out of your back pocket, you started to type a message to your friend Chris and asked him if you could come over. Thankfully the boy responded after seconds, thank god for his insomnia. After reading his confirmation, you rushed to pack some clothes and put on your shoes.
  Taking a deep breath, you opened the door and looked around to see if he was already done. To your luck he seemed to still be in the bathroom. You tippy toed to your front door and grabbed the doorknob. SLAM, the moment you opened the door, you felt a strong force that shut it as fast as you opened it. “Where do you think you are going?” At this point you were scared for your life. “My mom texted me, something happened and I need to be there now. I’ll be back in a few minutes,” you quickly came up with this lousy excuse. “At 2am?”, he asked. All you did was shrug. “You know, my phone takes pictures of people that use the app right?” He said casually, your eyes widened. He saw you grab your stuff. He looked at his phone. How could you forget the cameras that he installed? You felt his hand wrap around your arm and he dragged you to your room and locked it. “Let’s have some fun…” was the last thing he said before locking the door. This is a Felix that you never expected to see. In a matter of seconds, he became your worst nightmare.
This was the first time that I ever wrote a fic, so I hope you guys liked it 🥺
also big thanks to my friend Harlie for correcting my grammar haha ily
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kafka-ish · 4 years
stanley’s sister has got it going on | r.t.
richie’s got a crush and he’s got it bad. the only thing that’s keeping him from the girl he’s been chasing is his best friend—her brother.
word count: 4,665
warnings/included: nsfw (not explicit), fluff, swearing, fem!reader
a/n: as i was rereading this i realized that this is the dirtiest thing i’ve ever written??? (so far). in comparison to other works it’s probably vv vanilla so pls bear with me
In the defense of Richie Tozier, it wasn’t his fault he ended up catching feelings for Stanley Uris’s little sister. There were a lot of things he couldn’t control. Like when his mouth opened and out came a poorly done impression of his chemistry teacher. (Which just so happened to have been done as Mr. Ford was standing behind the boy). 
Richie may as well just start a list of things he can’t help, marking y/n Uris down as number thirty-three. 
“Hey, Richie!” Well, well, well, if it wasn’t the person Richie had been most desperately trying to avoid. “Are you going to Stan’s tonight?” y/n asked. She was standing outside of his car door while he was in the driver’s seat, flicking through the radio stations, trying to find a good song for the ride home. 
Upon hearing the voice, Richie stopped fidgeting with the knob. It was honestly hopeless trying to find a good song at this point. None of the good stuff comes on until later. He turned his head to meet eyes with the accompanying voice from outside his car.
Bad idea. 
Of course, y/n chose to wear a tank top and the shortest skirt possible that day. Hell, any day he’d find his thoughts lost in her. Whether she was wearing a bikini at the quarry or in an oversized t-shirt and checkered pajama pants. 
“Earth to Richie?” y/n laughed. She waved her hand in front of his face, trying to capture his attention. Little did she know, that wasn’t necessary. 
“Actually, I was thinking about being a no-show today. I’ve been neglecting my training.” 
“Oh! You train? Which gym?” She was grinning wide and her gaze burned a hole through his heart. 
“The arcade. I gotta keep my skills fresh if I ever wanna keep that high score.” y/n rolled her eyes, but his comment still made her laugh. 
“Well, can you take me home? Once you drop me off I promise you can have all the time in the world to work on your skills.” Emphasis on ‘skills’. 
“Promise, eh?” Richie repeated, giving the girl a hard time. “Did Stan forget how to drive?” 
“No…” The ‘o’ part was drawn out. “He has his bird watching club today and I don’t feel like sitting in the sun for an hour while I wait for him.” 
Richie smiled to himself, thinking for a moment. On one hand, he shouldn’t be alone with the sister of one of his best friends’, as he had different intentions. On the other hand, he couldn’t just leave his best friend’s sister hanging like that. In hindsight, he had come to the conclusion that there was a possibility of Stan getting mad at him either way. 
Taking Stan’s sister home it was. 
“What are you waiting for, y/n/n, get in.” Richie finally made his decision. 
y/n cheered happily, thanking him, as she rounded his car and opened the door to the passenger’s seat. 
“You have no idea how happy this makes me!” y/n smiled, her expression reaching ear to ear. 
“Oh yeah. I bet you’re over the moon about getting a ride from your brother’s best friend in some beat up chevy.” Richie tried his best to distance himself. He really did. But he couldn’t help but notice y/n’s figure in the tight-fitting clothes, especially when she sat in such a close proximity to him. 
“I don’t think you get it, Tozier.” y/n hummed as she started turning the knob on the dash, finally settling on some rock station. She lowered the volume so they could still talk without yelling over the atmosphere. “We never hang out.” 
“We’re hangin’ out right now,” Richie argued, daring to look away from the road for one millisecond just so he could steal a glance at her. 
“Yeah, but… You hang out with Bill, Eddie, and Stan, and stuff.” She sounded disappointed. 
“I guess it’s different with them.” Richie shrugged. It was different with them. Bill, Eddie, Stan, Ben, and Beverly even, had their group together. They had the same classes together. They faced off a killer clown together. 
“I get that you guys have your own friend group and stuff.” y/n said quickly, not wanting to sound lonely or weird from her previous statement. “But we’re friends. Aren’t we?” She said this with an unsureness in her voice that Richie didn’t know how to reply to. 
I should’ve just left her at school. What’s so bad about waiting in the sun while Stan’s off watching some stupid birds? I guess it is kind of hot out. But a little heat won’t hurt anyone, right? Besides, she’s wearing a tank top. 
Richie peered over at y/n who was looking out the window as her head leaned against it. 
A white, lacy tank top that makes her skin look even more—
“Richie?” Concern washed over the girl’s eyes. Her attention turned to him instead of the scenery that passed by them. 
Richie whipped his head away from her body and stared blankly at the road. It was almost as if he were a ghost. Except he actually had color in his face. 
“What is it, y/n/n?” Richie’s eyes were still on the road. 
“I asked if we were friends.” The girl giggled, not being able to take anything seriously for longer than five minutes. “But that’s a stupid question.” She looked down and began to pick at her nails. 
“Of course we’re friends.” Richie insisted. The only problem is that I want more and your brother would kill me. 
Something inside of y/n calmed at the affirmation. “So we should hang out.”
“Already told ya, y/n/n. I got a date with destiny today.” 
“I don’t mind being the third wheel.” 
To be frank, that was the last thing Richie needed. It was bad enough that middle schoolers would wait lined up behind him, watching as he lost at some silly arcade game that he still had a passion for. He didn’t need some hot girl hanging over his shoulder while he did so, too. But Richie’s mouth had betrayed his thoughts. 
“Only if you want to, y/n/n.” He had avoided trying to call y/n anything other than her name or her nickname. He wouldn’t allow himself to call her any of the cutesy trademark pet names he’d call other girls that he would shamelessly flirt with for fun. He started implementing this tactic in sophomore year once he really started to notice her. 
At first, it was the way she greeted him every time the losers met up at Stan’s house. Maybe he was crazy, but he swore she gave him special attention: always running up towards him when she saw him, her lingering by his side before Stan yelled at her, asking if she had anything better to do. Her smile was seemingly wider and her eyes brighter whenever she held conversations with him compared to the other losers—or maybe that was just Richie looking into things too much. 
Due to drama and false rumors, y/n had started hanging out with the losers more this year. It was an attempt for her to take her mind off of the absence of friends on her part. None of the losers seemed to mind, even Stan. Thus, she became a regular when the group went on swimming trips to the quarry or slept over at each other’s houses. This didn’t really help Richie’s case. Now, he was basically forced to see her figure in a swimsuit and in every other setting imaginable. Not to mention, he couldn’t do anything about it either. 
The two had finally arrived at the arcade. Richie had managed to snag the closest parking spot to the entryway and y/n relentlessly made fun of how he never parked straight until they got in the door.
“Okay, kid. Once you get your license, you can criticize my ‘bad’ parking. But for now, since you’re hitching rides for free, I say you better just keep quiet for now.” 
“But you’re so over the lines! I can’t imagine your coloring if that’s how you park.” 
“I’ll have you know, y/n, I don’t color. For one, that shit’s for babies. And I am way past that preschool shit. And second of all, coloring’s way lame.” Richie had made his way over to the Street Fighter machine and inserted a quarter in the slot. 
y/n watched him thoughtfully for awhile as he fidgeted with the joystick and jammed the buttons. 
“Do you want anything to drink?” she asked, growing bored of watching the same repetitive visuals from over his shoulder. But she didn’t think she could ever grow tired of watching him. 
“Hold on.” His hand smashed against the buttons in rapid fire movements while he simultaneously maneuvered the joystick. A few seconds after, the game played a pitiful noise and the boy let out a groan. Richie had lost. 
“That’s a weird way of saying coke.” y/n hummed before skipping off to the lounge area. 
On her way back, she saw Richie’s face contort in frustration. Once again, he had lost to the game. 
“Cheer up, buttercup!” y/n passed handed him the glass bottle and Richie had finally stepped away from the Street Fighter machine. 
“Easy for you to say. You don’t got an inanimate object beating ya four to one.” Richie pretended to wipe the nonexistent sweat off his brow and looked down to y/n, offering her a smug look. 
“Would a kiss make you feel better?” The girl leaned closer to him and got up on her tippy toes, preparing to peck him on his cheek. 
This was the first of y/n showing any sign of real interest. And while Richie wanted to bask in the glory of his long time crush finally coming around, his thoughts also drew to Stan. What kind of friend would he be if he made a move on his friend’s little sister? Technically she’s the one making the moves- 
Cut it out, Rich!
His internal monologue argued for a while before he realized y/n’s lips were attached to his face. 
“W-what are you doing?” Richie belatedly snapped out of his thoughts and came to his senses. 
y/n pulled away. Her arms crossed tightly around her chest and her posture was now slightly hunched over. Oh. 
“I thought I could make you feel better.” She mumbled. When she eventually spoke, she let out a breath she wasn’t aware she was holding in. “Can you take me home?” She asked, though it was more of a statement than a question. 
“Of course.” The two started heading for the door and Richie tried to slow his pace so that his long legs would be in sync with hers. “To be honest, y/n/n, I was kinda getting tired of this ol’ dump anyways.” 
A small smile graced y/n’s lips as he talked. Even if she was still embarrassed from the previous events. 
“You’re not gonna be a professional video game player?” 
“Oh no. That dream’s been abandoned for a long time now.” Richie quipped back. He was turning the keys into the ignition and began to drive off. 
The car ride to Stan’s place was silent. Either because of the turn that had taken place earlier at the arcade, or because Richie didn’t wanna open his big mouth and accidentally slip up; ruining his relationship with both Stan the Man and Stan the Man’s hot sister. 
Richie’s old chevy slowly came to a stop at the front of Stan’s house. The sky was cloudless and an unnerving shade of blue today, highlighting how perfectly trim and green Uris’s lawn was. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” y/n finally spoke up. Her voice foreign to Richie’s ears after the fifteen minutes of dead air from the two of them. But it wasn’t that foreign. Her voice echoed through his brain practically everyday. Whenever classes got boring or nights seemed endless, Richie found himself either replaying past conversations between them. Or other scenarios… She was an unhealthy addiction he couldn’t quit. Like smoking, only hotter and way more deadly. 
“What’s there to talk about?” Richie faced y/n, putting on his best ‘I’m-not-interested-in-you’ face, when he really felt quite the opposite.
“Richie, I feel like you don’t like me.” Her accusation was dead wrong, but there was hurt in her eyes. Somehow, Richie had managed to convince the girl of his dreams he hates her when that couldn’t be less true. 
“I don’t.” He forced a chuckle to ease the tension but y/n wasn’t having it. 
“Can I tell you something?” y/n asked. Richie nodded, a quizzical look on his face. Before continuing, y/n swallowed. She didn’t usually get nervous, but Richie was someone to get nervous over. “I like you.” 
Her words felt like something out of a dream Richie once had before. 
“What can I say, kid. It’s impossible not to.” Of course, y/n didn’t really like him. At least, not like that. She was probably just saying this for shits and giggles. Pulling his leg. A classic Richie stunt. 
“I mean, I like you like how Ben likes Beverly.” 
Richie’s eyes then widened at the declaration and his body stiffened. 
“It’s okay if you don’t like me back,” she said with such ease that Richie admired. She shrugged and the thin strap of her tank top fell down her shoulder. Richie couldn’t help but notice, his eyes wandering where they shouldn’t. 
“Listen—” He gulped. His eyes kept trailing down no matter how hard he tried not to. “Listen,” he repeated, now meeting her big eyes, “I don’t not like you, y/n/n. In fact the funny thing is… is—” his words got caught in his throat. He couldn’t bring himself to tell her. Not with Stan’s breathing always down his back (whether Stan was actually there or not).  
“What’s so funny, Rich?” Her soft, sweet voice filled his ears once again. It was like a spell, because suddenly (and conveniently), the thought of Stan was no longer in the back of Richie’s mind. 
“I like you too, kid.” His voice was low, but y/n still heard him.
“So what’s stopping this?” A sly smirk formed on y/n’s face. She climbed over the control panel and her already short skirt rode up to be even higher. 
y/n sat herself on Richie’s lap. The boy had to keep from pinching himself. What was happening was straight out of a wet dream of his he’d probably had last night. 
The girl on his lap was toying with a strand of his hair while looking into his eyes. Her shoulder was still bare from the strap that fell off it.
“I’m so glad you feel the same way.” Richie didn’t think he could help himself any longer with the sultry way she was speaking and the fact that she was on his lap. “Now I can do this.” 
y/n placed a tender kiss to the awestruck boy’s lips. It was slow and steady. She didn’t want to mess things up since they had just admitted their feelings to one another. 
But Richie was impatient. 
As soon as she pulled away, he connected his lips to hers again. He was sloppy and fast paced with his movements, yet still full of passion. 
y/n giggled into his mouth which caused Richie’s heart to skip a beat. She’d been waiting for this moment since she first laid eyes on him. 
The first time Richie stepped foot into the Uris household, y/n had greeted him excitedly. 
“y/n could you get that!” Stan shouted to her from their den. He was busy setting up board games, making sure every last piece was in its designated place. 
“Why do I have to?” y/n grumbled, still walking out of her room so she could get to the door anyway. “You were closer.” 
“I’m preparing for game night. This is the first time my friends are coming over and I want everything to be suitable.” Stan was polishing the game pieces now. 
“I don’t think your friends will mind if one of your little thing-a-ma-bobs is out of place.” y/n jokingly tipped over one of the players to Stanley’s game that he had already put into place but she quickly put it back upon noticing the discontent that marked his face as she did so. 
“I’ll mind.” Her brother replied calmly. 
Another knock at the door. 
“Can you please get that?” 
y/n got up and walked over to the door. She was first met with a lanky boy whose legs were too long for his torso and eyes were too big for his face. 
She didn’t expect Stan’s friends to be hot. 
“Hi!” y/n exclaimed, hoping to give off a good impression on the group.
“I didn’t know Stan had an underaged maid. I guess the Uris’ will do anything for labor work.” No one laughed at Richies joke. 
“That’s Stan’s sister, dipwad,” Eddie said, disgusted at his friend. 
Richie made an ‘o’ shape with his mouth and the group shuffled in, meeting Stan in the den. 
“Stan you never told me you had a hottie for a sister.” y/n could hear Richie’s voice from across the hall. Her intestines turned into butterflies and she could pass for a canary with how red her face had gotten. 
But despite having the hugest crush on Richie, y/n never shared any classes with the boy. She was a year younger than Stan, but in the same grade as him because of the accelerated classes she took. So y/n had to admire from afar. 
Well, not anymore. 
Her lips were now attached to his neck, eliciting a moan from him. She smirked at that and started to roll her hips against his. Her name fell from his lips over and over and over again which evoked her to keep going. 
“Richie!?” An angered voice called from the outside of his car. 
It was the one and only. Stanley Uris. 
It was too late to act fast. Richie pulled y/n off him and looked guiltily out the window to see the face that matched the voice. 
But Richie already knew who it was. 
“Who me? I dink you ghat de wrahng goey.” Richie did his best Irish man accent but it was no use. 
“Okay, Richie, cut the crap.” Stan’s face was twisted up in an expression that almost scared Richie. His hands were folded against his chest and he was waiting for an answer. 
Richie simply couldn’t bring himself to answer the boy. He sat in shame with y/n next to him staring at her brother. Richie may as well have had ‘I’M SORRY’ written on his forehead with the way he was gaping at Stan.  
“y/n get out of the car.” Stan said, breaking eye contact with his friend. 
The girl complied, whispering about how sorry she was to the boy who drove her home before getting out. After that, she didn’t dare glance back at him in his car and Richie didn’t have the energy to even look anywhere besides the steering wheel. 
That was last week. Since then, Stan and Richie hadn’t said a word to each other. Richie hadn’t spoken to y/n since then either. The tension was too thick between Stan and Richie and Richie didn’t want to mess things up more than he already did. 
“I c-cuh-can’t believe yo-you liked y/n.” Bill chuckled. 
It was after school and the two were in the library. The details of what happened that day eventually got out. Both Stan and Richie had told their sides of the story and the losers were respectful enough to not take sides. They just hung out with Richie when Stan wasn’t around and hung out with Stan when Richie wasn’t there. 
“What’s so bad about that?” Richie looked skeptically at his friend, trying his best to defend himself. 
“I mean, yea-yeah sh-sh-she’s cute—”
“She’s beautiful.” Richie cut off but Bill rolled his eyes. 
“What-h-ever. I-it’s just funny tha-hat you wuh-would go after her.” 
“I already told you she kissed me first.” Richie proclaimed, a little too proudly. 
“Sh-he’s Stan’s sister!” That was true. 
“And a good kisser.” That was also true. 
“Gross, Richie.” Bill returned to the book in front of him, but Richie kept egging on the conversation. 
“I don’t see why someone has to be off limits just because they’re related to a friend.” His annoyed tone was evident and Bill gave him a sympathetic look. 
“It-t’s b-ba-basically written in th-the br-r-ro code.” Bill paused for a moment and Richie didn’t know if it was because he was embarrassed of his stuttering or if he was gathering his thoughts. “But i-i-if you li-li-like her… wh-who am I to s-suh-say any-th-thing.” 
If Bill was insinuating what Richie thought he was, then that made him cooler than he already was. 
And that’s how Richie found himself in y/n’s room Friday night. The losers were meeting up at the Aladdin to see the new Jim Carrey movie and somehow Richie had been able to get himself out of it, claiming he was overdue on chores and couldn’t make it. 
“Th-that’s t-too bad, R-Rich.” Bill said over the phone (but he knew better) while the other losers pressed their ear up against it, listening in. “The c-co-omedy should be ri-right up your alley.” 
“Dumb and underdeveloped?” Eddie asked Bill. “I don’t wanna see a movie just to hate it,” he complained. 
“Yowza, Eds. And I thought you appreciated my jokes.” Richie feigned hurt over the speaker. “Anywho, I gotta make like a tree and hang up. The ‘rents are asking for me.” They weren’t. 
“O-okay. Maybe nuh-nuh-next wee—” Beep. 
Richie had already hung up. 
y/n grabbed his hand, which was clamped over her mouth and took it off. She was bursting to the seams with laughter. 
“I can’t believe you’re a liar now,” she tsked, trying to fake an ‘I’m-not-mad-at-you-just-disappointed’ look that her English teacher had given her once. 
“Only under these circumstances.” He was fast to attach his lips to hers. They didn’t have much time and he wanted to make the most of what they had now. 
Richie was on top of her now, his lips still on hers. He kissed her everywhere from the crown of her head to the crook of her neck. If his kisses left a print, her skin would be buried under them. 
“Rich…” She sighed contentedly, eyes fluttering from the pleasure he inflicted on her when he had found a sweet spot behind her ear. y/n kissed him back hard with force and a sort of dominance Richie didn’t know she had in her. 
She flipped them, so that she was on top now. y/n took this liberty of having full control to take off her shirt and Richie’s as well. 
Richie smirked and began to kiss lower. His pace was slower than he originally started. Painstakingly slow. y/n wined at how delicate his lips felt tracing her skin but she needed more. 
“Touch me,” she urged. Richie obeyed, his hands were now on her chest, massaging and caressing her delicate skin. 
There weren’t enough words to describe the thrill and satisfaction Richie gave her. y/n could relish in this boy’s embrace forever with how good he made her feel. She began grinding against his jeans, just like the day they were caught by Stanley, so she could ease the ache for him between his legs. 
Richie chuckled, feeling her press against him. He knew precisely what she wanted but to give or not to give in was the question. 
“y/n/n, we don’t have that long,” He warned. 
“I don’t care.” She started peppering his face in kisses the same way he had done to her. At the same time, she began to unbutton his jeans. Who would Richie be to turn down sex anyway? 
She was fast at getting him inside her. Definitely not inexperienced. But Richie didn’t want fast. Not with y/n, at least. He wanted their first together to be slow, sensual, special—
“You’re amazing,” he grunted and she blushed in response. 
Her pace quickened at his praise. Their movements together felt electric and y/n herself was so hypnotic, Richie felt he could get lost in the thought—or the feeling —of her forever. 
A feeling that was indescribable washed over Richie once the two of them were finished. He had stayed inside of her, and y/n was now laying on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and tracing circles on his skin with her thumb. Their chests rose and fell together at the same time, a small action that Richie melted at the sight of. 
“For the record, I didn’t want it to happen like this,” Richie said. There was a sort of fear palpable in his tone. 
“For the record, you kissed me first.” y/n eyed him suspiciously before giving him a peck on the cheek. “And what does that mean? Did you…” She shyly decided on her words for a moment. “Did you not want to..?” 
“No, no, no, no.” Richie immediately counteracted the girl’s suggestion. “I so wanted to do this. I’ve dreamed about doing this—” Richie stopped himself before his talking could make things worse, but y/n found his rambling amusing. 
“So, what did you mean?” y/n tried again. She reached out to hold his hand, intertwining her fingers with his. 
“I mean.” He let out a sigh before continuing. “I wanted us to be, like, an official couple and shit before we do this shit.” He motioned between them and to where they were still joined. 
y/n flushed at the sight and covered her face. 
“Hey.” Richie was soft. Softer than y/n had ever seen him be. He took her wrists in his hands, uncovering her face so he could admire her. 
She was stunning even after sex. 
“I don’t want this to be a one time thing.” He was almost embarrassed to admit it, but with y/n he didn’t feel the need to be afraid. “I want us to go on dates and hold hands and tell each other about our day.” He was looking at the ceiling, daydreaming at the thought.
y/n’s eyes searched his face thoughtfully. “Of course, Rich. I want that, too!” She kissed his lips once more, elated at the boy in front of her. Her face fell shortly after she had a sudden understanding. “What’re you gonna do about Stan?” 
“Who’s Stan?” But Richie’s fake grin wasn’t fooling anyone. “Uh, well, we could tell him…” But when Richie saw a certain uneasiness consume y/n’s face, he ruled that option out. “How do you feel about dating in secret?” He offered. The situation wasn’t ideal, but at the time it seemed to be the lesser of the two evils at hand. 
“Okay,” y/n whispered. “So you should leave.” 
“Woah, babe, I just got here.” Richie sat up, looking for his shirt. 
“Yeah, but the movie should’ve ended by now.” y/n gestured towards the alarm clock on her nightstand causing Richie’s jaw to drop. 
He was heading towards the window now, knowing he had enough time to get out, but he wanted to be careful. 
“See you tomorrow then?” y/n giggled at how clingy he could be. 
“I’ll call you.” And Richie just couldn’t get enough of the smile she was wearing. 
“Sounds like a date!” He yelled from outside her house. 
During the drive home, Richie’s thoughts became lost in y/n once again. This was just the beginning.
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osakaso5 · 3 years
La Danse Macabre
Episode 22
Chapter Index
22-1: The Forgotten (1)
Konoe: Alright! You're gonna help me tend to the fields! Those who don't work, don't eat!
Arme: Understood!
Konoe: Through years of refining, these vegetables are now able to grow even without sunlight!
Arme: That's incredible!
Konoe: Till the land, sow the seeds, and water the plot! You can do that, can't you, Arme!?
Arme: I can! 
- - - -
Libel: ........
Libel: I had no idea a place like this existed right beneath us.
Libel: The river under that ravine must connect to underground waterways...
Kabane: Normally, it should be impassable, though.
Libel: .......!
Kabane: Drowning in the strong currents, or being smashed to pieces by the rocks. That's what would happen to most.
Kabane: It's a good thing you lived.
Libel: Who are you..? I don't appreciate being snuck up on.
Kabane: It's a bad habit of mine.
Kabane: My name is Kabane. Just another one who's made a home here.
Libel: What is this place..?
Kabane: It's nothing special. Just somewhere those of us who can't live on the Ark or the Surface  come.
Kabane: The deepest depths of this world.
Libel: I never knew of a place like this...
Kabane: No one does. We like to live in secret.
Kabane: We fled the chaos above. We refuse to take part in their conflicts.
Libel: ...How many are you?
Kabane: There's me, Konoe, and... Kuon. No one else.
Libel: You built this big underground city with only three people..?
Kabane: It is awfully big for such a small group, isn't it? ...Though there used to be more.
Libel: .......?
Kabane: There's not much down here, but make yourselves at home.
Kabane: For a life we saved, you seem awfully gloomy...
Libel: ...You don't look too cheerful to me either, Kabane...
Kabane: My face is always like this. It's not what you  think.
Kabane: You're our first guests in a while. I'm feeling more elated than you know.
Kabane: Look. Konoe's having fun, too. 
Konoe: That's no good at all, Arme! You're so clumsy, you're making the soil cry!
Arme: This is difficult... Can't you teach me more thoroughly!?
Konoe: You go bam! Whoosh! And then tap tap tap!
Arme: I didn't understand a word of that!
Kabane: Usually, he only has me or Kuon for company. This must be the most excitement he's had in a while...
Libel: I see... I'm glad to hear we're not a bother to you.
Libel: ...I'll help out in the fields, too. It's the least I can do to repay you for--
Kabane: Wait.
Libel: .......?
Kabane: You need to rest for a while.
Libel: ...I'm all healed up. Don't worry.
Libel: .......!
Kabane: I wan't asking. You owe me this much, for saving your life.
Libel: ........ 
22-2: The Forgotten (2)
Kabane: We'll have Arme help us.
Kabane: You mustn't leave this room, as part of your treatment...
Libel: You're awfully protective.
Kabane: It's in your best interests to obey.
Libel: Is that a threat?
Kabane: I wonder.
[Knock knock]
Kuon: ...May I talk to you for a moment, Libel?
Kabane: ........
Kabane: Well then... Remember to stay put, Libel. Think of this as a  warning from your predecessor.
Libel: .......?
Kuon: Hello, Libel. You must have plenty of free time, since you're not even allowed to go outside.
Kuon: We don't have anything exciting here in the Underground, so I want you to tell me how the Surface is doing.
Libel: ...Alright.
Libel: By the way, do you and Kabane not get along?
Kuon: ...Hmm? Why do you ask?
Libel: You didn't speak or even look at each other. Something about you felt off just now.
Libel: It's like you're both pretending that the other doesn't exist.
Kuon: Ah... I suppose you're right.
Kuon: This cold war of ours has gone on for what feels like 500 years  now. Though in reality, it may just be  discomfort...
Kuon: We usually communicate through Konoe, like a pair of children  who got into a fight. Isn't it silly? 
Libel: .......
Kuon: We were good friends when we first came here. Much like you and Arme.
Libel: ...You were?
Kuon: People change... And sometimes, it's harder to maintain a strong will than acquire one in the first place.
Kuon: No words or emotions are guaranteed to last forever.
Libel: You're being obtuse as usual, Kuon.
Kuon: Am I? I just hope you and Arme can remain friends.
Kuon: We may not have spoken  much yet, but you both seem like good people.
Libel: .......
Kuon: Oh, but enough about me. It's your turn.
Kuon: I want to hear your story, Libel. 
- - - -
Arme: Phew... I think I'm finally done...
Konoe: Well done, Arme. Come here and we'll take a break!
Arme: Alright!
Konoe: I almost wanted to interrupt your work earlier, but it turns out you're hardier than I thought.
Arme: It's fun to do manual labor, though I'm sure my muscles will hurt by tomorrow...
Arme: I was isolated in a small room for so long, even this exhaustion feels nice to me.
Konoe: Oh...
Arme: And, maybe it's because I'm so tired, but I've been falling asleep as soon as I go to bed down on the Surface. On the Ark, I always had bouts of insomnia.
Konoe: I see... You'd better hold on to that, before you get used to it...
Arme: I must say, Konoe, you're quite impressive. You grow all the food here by yourself, do you not?
Konoe: That's right. I do all the cooking and cleaning here.
Arme: Why don't you make Kabane and Kuon help you? The three of you could work together.
Konoe: Oh, there's no need for that. I enjoy working for them, you see.
Konoe: I'm happy just to have you as a helper, Arme.
Arme: I see... Then, I'll help you even more!
Konoe: Hehe, thanks a bunch.
Arme: Still... it's very quiet here. I'd like to live in a place  like this once everything is over.
Konoe: ...Is that so.
Arme: The lack of sunlight is a bit of a shame, but it's peaceful here... The Underground has its good sides.
Konoe: Right. At least, until you get used to it.
Arme: Once Libel recovers, we'll probably head back to the Surface.
Arme: But until then, I'll do my best to help you, Konoe!
Konoe: ........
Konoe: ...You guys have it so nice... 
- - - -
Fuga: ........
Fuga: Are you down there, Libel?
To be continued...
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missblissy · 5 years
Alastor X Reader Headcanons!(Part One)
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I’m very new to the Hazbin Hotel Fandom, so please forgive me if I’m not that good at this :’) I’ve had so many headcanons running around in my head lately and I’d love to share them with you guys! Enjoy!!
Alastor was always a mystery you, ever since you met him. Always smiling, always joking, he seemed so happy to be here in Hell. You once heard him say, “I’m in heaven here in Hell!” Surely if he was in Heaven it’d be some kind of living nightmare for him, right? Maybe that’s why you grew to like him so much, simply because you just didn’t understand him. 
To your surprise, he was incredibly charming, charismatic, and gentlemen at heart, despite his demonic nature. He genuinely seemed to enjoy being kind to you. You noticed how he’d hold doors for you, catch your arm if you ever slipped, hold out a hand for you to grab as you stepped out of cars, shove people out of the way just so he could speak to you (He had done this several times when you were in the middle of a conversations with Angel) and your favorite of all, Alastor would always make time for you whenever you needed it, and you needed quite a bit of his attention, he always seemed happy to talk to you. He could be busy tending to his business but would stop everything he was doing just for you. 
You were clearly treated very differently compared to the others within the Hotel. And honestly? You kind of loved it. Alastor went out of his way for you, you weren’t sure why, but it was nice to have someone pay so much attention to you. What was so special about you? Why was he so kind and why did he even care about you? The man was still a mystery to you.
To be totally honest, it scared you when you started to catch feelings. You realized how in over your head you were when Alastor disappeared for a couple of days to do god only knows what. You missed the little songs he’d hum as he’d walk down the halls of the hotel, they light and funny conversations you’d have throughout the day, the nasty jokes he’d mutter under his breath to you about the other residents. You felt your heart ring itself into a puddle when you sat alone for the first time in weeks and had your morning coffee by yourself. Damn, you really missed that bastard. 
You were way too happy when he finally came back to the hotel after about a week of being gone. When you heard his static voice from the stairwell, you nearly punted Niffty as you raced down to greet Alastor. You had the biggest smile on your face and you wanted to throw yourself at him, but you just stood there bouncing on your feet and hands clasped together, eagerly awaiting to get back to your regular life.
“Someone seems happy today! What’s with the pretty smile, (Y/n)?” Oof, he seemed happy to see you too, but you didn’t want to get your hopes up (yet). You grinned at him and just said, “I’m glad you’re back! It’s so boring without you here, ya know?” Oh, he knew, everything was boring without Alastor. 
You were so happy to have him back, while terrified because your feelings for him only grew stronger. You knew he’d never return those feelings, so you crushed them, broke them and smashed them down into a pile of ash and dust until you were numb to your own emotions. 
You went back to having coffee with Alastor every morning, and every morning you’d feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper in love until finally, you couldn’t stand it anymore. You knew you had to start distancing yourself from him or it’d only get worse, and there was no way in the Nine Circles that you’d ever confess to the Radio Demon, you knew he’d just laugh in your face (Despite becoming relatively good friends) and shoot you down faster than Lucifer fell from the heavens. 
But he noticed. He noticed that you wouldn’t have morning coffee with him as much. You didn’t laugh at all his jokes. You didn’t smile wide when you saw him, and wouldn’t meet his gaze. What had happened? You seemed so in love with him (Oh yeah, he noticed) and now you were putting distance between the two of you. Did he do something wrong? Surely not, because he could never do anything wrong!
Little did you know, Alastor was swimming in his own inner turmoil over you. He hated that little bit of humanity he had left that kept begging to be with you, but he didn’t hate you, he couldn’t bring himself to even dislike you in the slightest. So when you started avoiding him, he only tried even harder to be around you. You’d always make up some lie or excuse, saying you were to busy to do this or that with him.
So he quite literally trapped you at the end of the dead-end hallway. His never-ending grin flashed wide and he asked you, “How have you been, dear (Y/n)? We haven’t spent much time together! I do miss our little shenanigans.” 
“I’ve just been busy-”
He blinked and smiled even more, “With what?”
“O-oh.... just stuff. Ya know?”
“If it’s just stuff then you surely have time to spare! Come! Let’s go see what Angel is doing and mock what it is!” That did sound like fun... But.. No!
You shook your head and went to move past him, “I really don’t have the time to, I’m sorry, Alastor,” He grabbed you, but not in a threatening way. It was like the tips of his fingers snagging on the loose fabric of your sleeve. When you looked up at him you were shocked to see the smallest smile on his face, it was barely a grin and more of a pressed and thin line. 
“Are you mad at me?” He seemed so concerned, there wasn’t even any static in his voice, “I know you don’t have anything to do, (Y/n),”
Mad at him? No! You shook your head and began to feel bad, “I’m not mad!” You waved your hands frantically, “I’m just!” you looked for a lie, you didn’t want to give a single hint that you were in love with him, “I’m sick! I-... I don’t want to get you sick too!” Then you faked a couple coughs. 
“We both know you’re not sick, (Y/n). Do you just not like my company anymore?” That wasn’t it either! God! Why was this so difficult? 
Suddenly you were hit with a question all your own, “Why do you care?” You sounded harsher than you wanted to be. And that's when Alastor’s already fading smile totally and completely dropped. To show a shocked face and to express any emotions at all was a weakness in his eyes, wasn’t it? But your question shocked him, why did he care? 
His expression was blank for a second, and it was almost like his system rebooted. He shook his head, a smile flashed on his face, it reached his eyes this time, “Why it appears that I fancy you!” He said in a jolly tone. In those few seconds, Alastor was back to himself and back in control, “Come now!” He linked his arm with yours and pulled you along, “I’m growing tired of all this pointless nonsense, we’ve got a long day together, don’t we?” He talked so fast and pulled you along, you nearly missed that in a way, he confessed to you. He didn’t say “like” or “Love” but he admitted he had an interest in you. 
You were so dazed and confused by his sudden chipper tone that you just let him tug you along down the halls. Once your brain processed what the hell happened, you smiled, accepting the way all of this played out. He liked you! He LIKED you! He admitted it his own silly way and it felt like a weight had been lifted on your shoulders as you went along with Alastor. You smiled wide, eyes beaming, and heart racing and mind bubbling with thoughts of the Radio Demon that just so happened to feel the same way about you. It wasn’t exactly the way you had expected things to go down, but you were happy regardless.
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spaceorphan18 · 5 years
Finding Kurt Hummel: The Purple Piano Project
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3x01: The Purple Piano Project
Welcome to Season 3! I’ll try not to whine too much while we’re here, lol :)  
The season starts out on a relatively high note, however, making the whole thing feel a lot more promising than it ended up being.  This episode is fun and quirky and there are a lot of pianos for Kurt to drape himself on top of!! 
Future Plans
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So – we start off the season much like season two – Ben Jacob Israel going around and harassing everyone about their summer vacations and future plans. 
Do you see the set up of this shot, guys?  Rachel chattering in the front while Kurt tries to be distracting in the background?  Well – get used to it, because this Hummelberry dynamic is going to drag us through the next two years, guys, lol.  No really – I enjoy Hummelberry in this episode, I do.  But we had no idea this was a set up for (I’m sure someone will argue me on this) the worst Kurt arc on the show – Getting into NYADA.  And, unfortunately, the Hummelberry dynamic (or more so the writer’s obsession with Rachel not being able to fail at anything) plays into that. 
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Probably going off a rush of a summer where all they talked about was going to New York, Kurt and Rachel have all their future plans figured out.  They’re going to get a little apartment on the Lower West Side (yeah, sure), Rachel’s gonna be a big Broadway star, and Kurt’s gonna be married (legally!!!) by 30.  Yes – think about what is said here, I know Kurt has Broadway ambitions, too, but I find it funny that his dream aspirations include getting married.  
There are two key things I’d like to point about the whole marriage thing.  Kurt says by 30.  As we find in this season – not before 30 cause that is Too. Young.  But also.  Yes.  Kurt Hummel wants to get married.  And I’m pretty sure he already knows who his groom is going to be.  
But anyway, thinking about season 2, and how that started in such a dark place for Kurt, here we have the opposite – bright and shining optimism.  Oh, kiddo.  This really can only go down, can’t it. 
Purple Pianos
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Kurt: Why’s the T-Rex eating the Jew?
It’s exposition dump time! As we get filled in that the Glee Club remains uncool after the Nationals debacle from last year.  Kurt gets his share of funny lines as we get filled in.  
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Meanwhile – the glee club is three men down; Quinn pissed off the writers again, Lauren was fired, and Sam just couldn’t work out a contract deal.  So – Will gets the idea that placing purple pianos everywhere would inspire new people to join the club.  I’m not entirely sure how purple pianos are inspiring, but like Kurt, I’m totally on board with the whole thing.  
As seen in the background, the moment he can, he gets himself up and draped over one of the pianos. 
See – look how adorable he is on that piano!!! 
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Anyway – Will bores us with another inspiration speech that means mostly nothing since no one joins glee club anyway…. 
NYADA – School for Witches
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Lol – oh Kurt, you’re making the best faces in this episode so far….
First of all, let’s talk about the fact that Emma thought he and Rachel were dating (omg!), and the fact that he actually takes the pamphlet about ‘Me and My Hag’ (Lol).  Secondly, let’s talk about these sillies not doing their research on how Julliard is not a musical theater school.  At least Emma is doing the job she’s supposed to be doing in this episode! 
And then she steers them in the direction of New York Academy of Dramatic Arts.  Oh NYADA and my distaste for you begins, lol….  So, this particular school only takes 20 students a year.  Hmmm…  Looks a lot bigger than that in season 4 but whatever.  And the chances that two people from the same school and graduating year getting in? Doubtful.  But this is Glee, so here we go! 
Competitive Spirit
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 It’s the first day of school, and Blaine is still a Warbler, but his resolve is crumbling because Kurt is very persistent (and flirty and adorable) in this scene. You know there’s some interesting meta floating around about this scene recently – about their competitive nature and about how Blaine really isn’t /that/ competitive, but Kurt totally is.  He doesn’t mind it at all, really, which means, in a way, that they’re on equal footing.  Ah, how that is all about to change. 
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But what Kurt really wants is for Blaine to be around all the time so they can spend every minute of every day together.  Oh, Kurt.  Be careful what you wish for. But also – interestingly – they spent all the time together back when Kurt was at Dalton, and Kurt wants that little fairy tale to continue by bringing Blaine over to McKinley.  It’s obvious they talked about this at length over the summer, but I wonder what Kurt’s (more serious) arguments were for getting Blaine to come to public school. 
But anyway – the fun stuff – just how adorable and flirty these two are here! Hands might not have wandered south of the equator, but they were definitely up to stuff over the summer! 
We Got the Beat
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I’ve always thought Kurt was very pretty in this scene.  
I should probably have more profound analysis.  
Well, there’s not much to say, other than Kurt’s used to being bullied by the school, and he’s not about to make himself a target by getting up and singing on the lunch tables, no matter how pretty the pianos are.  
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Year 3 and Kurt’s still an awkward little dancer. <3 
This song is nice and fun and energetic.  Not really a favorite of mine, but man, what does it take to get this school into anything?  Geez! 
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You know, for someone who is so particular about their clothes – I’m sure this is like the zombie apocalypse.  Poor Kurt. I love the food ray shield. 
You know, never once in all my schooling did I witness a food fight. 
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Kurt is just not having it. 
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Kurtcedes lives! If only to pass along exposition.  And to exchange bewildered looks as Sugar sings her god-awful song.  
You know it’s funny – I never noticed how seasons 2 and 3 (and 4 actually) openers have plotlines of – let’s open up glee club for everyone! Except not really because we’re a seclusive little bunch. 
Velma and Roxy
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Small town is small after you’ve been to the big city.  But Kurt has a plan, that they’re gonna out preform all the other Ohio hopefuls so they can get a shot at their dreams.  I think, for the first time, I kinda get the purpose of this song (other than the blatant relation to Wicked and connection to season 2), but that they’re already counting in their victory against all the other hopefuls.  They’re putting their cart before the horse.  
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Say what you will about Gay Hogwarts, NYADA does attract the witches….
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The song itself is a little ridiculous but the performance is wonderful.  I love the choreography of this one.  And as always sound fantastic together, and this performance is no exception.  Say what you will about how Hummelberry was written – and I will say a lot over the next two seasons – Lea and Chris’s voices suit each other wonderful, and the show seems to latch on to that pretty well.  
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Not exactly a pic of Kurt, I know, but Blaine’s so frickin’ gorgeous in this scene.  And Kurt thinks so, too!! Look at that grin!  
But I’m kinda fascinated by this, now that I think of it, how Blaine’s all – check me out Kurt – in this kind of suave way.  And, oh Kurt, kind of caught up in his own drama to even notice that his boyfriend’s one outfit has changed.   
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But, just, the excitement Kurt has when Blaine’s decided to transfer.  OMG! the boy is so happy.  
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I love that Kurt has concerns – and they are so totally valid.  Blaine did transfer to be with Kurt, and that’s going to play a part in some of their bigger issues.  But for now, they can reveal in their happiness and not think at all about nasty, nasty break ups.  
And – getting Blaine into New Directions.  But since the only competition is Sugar, there really isn’t an issue here. 
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Oh Kurt – so giddy that he’s once again getting sung to in the courtyard.  Can this year get any better?!?!  
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Everything’s great util you light the piano on fire. 
Velma and Roxy II
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Kurt and Rachel are so ready for this NYADA mixer! Only to find out that while at McKinley they might be special snowflakes, in the real world, they’re a dime a dozen.  I like the reality of this scene, tbh.  That you can give your 1 in a Billion speeches all you want, there’s always going to be someone else who seems like they’re more talented than you.  There are a lot of things Glee misses the mark on when it comes to college.  Or theater.  And this scene is a bit over the top.  But it does show that, hey, there are a ton of people trying to make it the same as you – and so you do have to ask yourself – do you have what it takes to compete? Or do you just walk away. 
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I think now’s a good time to bring up the Glee Project.  I never watched it, tbh, so I can’t judge what kind of a show it was. But I’m not a fan of the results of the Glee Project.  And I don’t mean who won and who didn’t (Damien McGinty? Really?).  I mean that I have lots of problems with season 3.  But I think one of my biggest is that a show with a cast already overflowing now has to shoehorn these winners into the plot.  (I mean, think about how much space the show would have had without Rory)  Outside of Unique, I’m not really a fan of the characters that grew out of the Glee Project. 
That said, Lindsey Pierce was one of the winners, and her little moment to shine here seems perfect enough.  She’s a great vocalist, and I’m incredibly impressed by what she does here.  This performance is excellent.  
Anyway – going back to Kurt’s story.  It’s kinda hilarious how perfect a song choice this is – this group of kids basically stating that anything you guys can do Kurt and Rachel, we can do better.  Oh Glee with all its subtleties.  
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So.  Kurt and Rachel make it back to the car and break down crying because that’s what happens when your optimistic view point gets smashed.  Poor kiddos.  
And then we get Kurt gives Rachel a pep talk v.2.0 (yes, i’ll be numbering these).  And it’s similar to the Born This Way talk – that Rachel is good enough to get in because she’s still special.  The thing, though, as much as I joke around, is that I do honestly like this scene.  Because Rachel is in Kurt’s corner, too, supporting him even though he’s down on himself for lack of extracurriculars.  The scene is a balanced one, where they both pull each other out of this dark place, and I can really do Hummelberry when this kind of thing happens. 
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Gay High-five!!
You Can’t Stop the Beat
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Oh, I have waited so long to screencap this.  There’s a gif out there that’s even funnier though.  
Anyway – there’s a ton crammed into this little scene.  Blaine joins glee club, which is yay!! But c’mon, Finn, you’re seriously having issues with Blaine possibly taking the spotlight when you and Rachel get all the solos? And Santana’s out for the week.  Why is she only out for one week? Who knows.  And then, finally, Kurt’s feeling ambitious and running for Student Body President, and Blaine’s super proud of him.  Can’t you tell by the still above?
But the moral of the story is you can pull all of the strings out of the purple piano but you can’t pull out it’s music.  Or, er,  something like that.  
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Kurt’s feeling light and airy after that handjob.  Oh, wait, nope. 
It’s funny, I think this episode still holds up.  It’s crammed full of things, almost to a fault, but is still funny and endearing and services all the storylines it’s going to be presenting during the first third of the season.  I still really enjoy this episode even if season 3 goes mostly downward for me from here. 
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It’s Season 3 people. Bam!
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selfcallednowhere · 4 years
February 3, 2018 Dallas, TX
They opened with "James K. Polk." This surprised me--I expected them to keep doing it during the Quiet Storm section cos that was what they did the previous two nights. I'm honestly feeling pretty burned out on this song live after seeing it a million times--seeing it done acoustically during Quiet Storm was different enough to keep me interested, but when it's just the normal arrangement I am yeh rather sick of it.
Next they played "Damn Good Times," the second song all three nights on this trip, which I very much am not sick of even though I've seen that one a bunch too. It's one of my favorite live songs, actually--it's just SO FUN. "Hey, Mr. DJ, I Thought You Said We Had a Deal" was next and also superfun, even though the presence of Curt would've made it way better.
After that Flans said that this theater was "the box that rocks," and then, gesturing at the balcony, told us that we'd be meeting our accusers one by one and then all our verdicts would be read.
After "All Time What," Flans that it was time for the "fastest-singing portion" of the show, and that they were going to try to sing together. Then John said that this show was like a re-enactment of the instore they'd done earlier in the day cos so many of the same people were there. Then Flans said that he'd gotten our verdicts and we were all guilty.
I didn't really try to think about what song has them both singing really fast and singing together when he said it, but if I had I probably would've been able to figure out what the song was: "Letterbox." I was really excited to see it again, cos it's one of my top top top favorite songs.
After "New York City," Flans said that the show was "going too fast." Then he made them turn the house lights on for a "beard assessment." He said the beards looked "shockingly natural," and ordered a "round of beards" for everyone.
John said that they were going to be playing a lot of new songs and it was "a burden" and "a weight pressing down and crushing everything." I don't understand why they kept acting like we were going to hate seeing the new songs so much--I loved it and actually wished they would play more new songs.
Then Flans said that what they were aiming for was volume, and "as Bob Dylan said, there's just too much sound." Then they played a little bit, and Flans said if you buy I Like Fun you can get "all your favorite classical themes in one set."
Then they played "Mrs. Bluebeard." John really mangled the lyrics when they played it for the first time two days prior to this, but then the next day he did a lot better and only screwed up a couple of times and I was proud of him! But this time he was back to screwing up all over the place again. I was amused because afterwards he said "That's how it goes!" NO IT ISN'T JOHN. (Yes, I of course understand that he knew that too and that was the joke.)
Next they played "Music Jail, Pt. 1 & 2" which is one of my fav Glean songs, so I'm glad that one is still in the set.
After "Particle Man" and then "The Famous Polka," Flans said that they were playing two sets, which gives plenty of time to email and text.
JL: We're playing a lot of new songs, so bear with us. JF: No one likes the new songs, John. But we've already locked the doors!
Then there was this really obnoxious and probably drunk woman screaming for "When the Lights Come On," which they were most likely going to play anyway because they'd already played it at every other show on the tour. They said they weren't gonna play it and she just kept screaming for it. Then Flans said that they were gonna play it but now they weren't because of her, and then she started yelling "BUT I LOVE YOU," which made Flans tell a story about how they played at Bonnaroo which "is like being on the surface of Mars, you want to be anywhere else, and we were getting paid," and he met someone who told him how TMBG meant so much to them "and by the way, I love '500 Miles.'" Then the obnoxious woman went back to screaming, and I guess Flans figured there was no way to get her to shut the fuck up besides playing the song, so he asked John if he wanted to play it and John said "Sure. Fuck it." So then they played it and it was COMPLETELY AWESOME like it had been the other times I'd seen it, but also I was just happy to not have to hear that woman screaming anymore, and I'm sure all the rest of the crowd and the band and well anyone else in the building actually were too.
After "Your Racist Friend" they played "Nothing's Gonna Change My Clothes," YES YES YES. Even though I'd just seen it the day before I was ecstatic, since it's one of my fav songs and I've only seen it live a handful of times.
Next came "Cyclops Rock"--I'm really happy that's one of the Mink Car songs they've brought back into the set. It's great live--SO ROCKIN'.
Afterwards, Flans asked John about the current political climate.
JL: It's awesome! JF: Who needs nightmares when you have daymares? Things are gonna be great...later.
John introduced "The Mesopotamians" by saying that when he was a kid in 3000 BC there was a TV show about them.
Then came the set break and then Quiet Storm, the first three songs of which were the same as the previous two nights: "Older" and "I Like Fun" with the contra-alto clarinet, then "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too" on accordion. Before the third Flans said they were "Tres Might Be Giants" and made Marty give a sample of what he can do with the electronic drums.
After that there was something that really upset me:
JF: How are you, John? How are you doing with that accordion? JL: I'm ok. The accordion...just have to deal with it.
This is definitely not the first time I've witnessed him complaining about how much he hates playing accordion these days and I'm sure it won't be the last, but it still really upsets me every single time because seeing him play it is pretty much my favorite thing.
Then Flans was talking about the storm sound effects--he reassured us that they are in fact not just fans blowing in mics.
Then they played MY THEME SONG. Nothing is ever going to be as special as seeing it for the first time the day before, but I was still unbelievably excited to see it again.
After that they played something they hadn't played either of the previous two days: "Meet James Ensor." So that was an unexpected surprise. I love that song, and I thought it worked really well in this format.
Then the band came back on stage. Flans introduced Dan as being "the finest guitarist in They Might Be Giants."
Next they played "Istanbul." I'm so unbelievably sick of this song live, but I do at least like the crazy jam session at the end of it. Flans jumped up on Marty's drum riser for part of it and it was silly.
Afterwards, Flans said he was sick of that acoustic music and that it "reminded him of his folkie days." Then he asked whoever was in charge of the A/C to turn it on (he was right, it was for some reason really warm even though it was chilly outside). Then he said that the next song they had to play "out of contractual obligation to our band."
The song was "Number Three," which is superfun live. It's become one of the Pink songs I've seen the most cos they've been playing it a lot the last few years, but I always really enjoy it.
Afterwards Flans said that they wanted to thank "the guy holding the beer perilously close to the end of his fingertips."
JF: This next song is from the album Glean, everybody. JL: That's right. JF: All the way back to 2015! JL: Not a song that we have to do. A song that we get to do. JF: Think about the good old days. 2015. Things seemed so...so normal then. No dystopian...hellscape.
They played "Answer," and then John put his accordion on and Dan came over to the keyboard. Flans said that he was getting on the keyboard "where he belongs," and I was like "Ummmm how does the keyboard player feel about you saying that?" But HEY if you ask me John does belong with his accordion on, not behind the keyboard.
The next song was a major show highlight for me: "Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head"! This is a very special song to me, it was my very first fav TMBG song (in other words the one I'd most rock out to as a 5-year-old hearing my dad play his cassette of Pink), and I still love it dearly now. I've only seen it a handful of times, so it was a big deal.
Next they played "Doctor Worm," which wasn't as big a deal since I've seen it a million times, but still really fun as always.
Flans was mentioning where the next few shows are going to be, and said if we know anyone in those places we should tell them to come to the shows.
JL: If you don't know anyone in those towns...the first letter of each city...backwards spells out...an important message. I know it seems like a random tour where you like...it's like drawing a star on the map. There really is a reason for it. JF: Our booking agent is keeping it a secret from us. JL: Yes, he hasn't told us what the message was. We haven't been able to figure it out. JF: But it appears the letters spell out some kind of swear word. JL: Yes. Something very harsh. JF: It seems to be some kind of swear word and then the words "you guys." We're not sure what it means. It's impossible to know what that message could mean. JL: Before we get off-track here. Apparently--there's a thing called the Kessler effect. [The name of the venue was The Kessler.] And I believe it originated here. What it is, is when stuff in space starts smashing into each other and...all of space is destroyed. Do you guys know about this? And I don't know why but this theater is the very first part of that chain. The Kessler effect. JF: I first heard about it when we were described as the Kessler effect of bands. JL: I mean, yeh. We've smashed into, um...Soup Dragons, I believe.
(I thought he might've been making this whole thing up, but my friend Ant, who's very knowledgeable about space stuff, informed me that no it's a real thing, it actually is when stuff in space smashes into other stuff and they break apart, and it can actually be really dangerous. The "all of space is destroyed" part I'm pretty sure he made up though!)
Then they played "The End of the Tour," which is so good live (though I do think it works best as a show closer).
Next came "Spy," lots of fun as always. At each show I'd been to John played a sample of something as part of his improv part--this time it was "Here Comes Santa Claus," which was silly. I also managed to scream during the parts when Flans was trying to get everyone in the crowd to scream, even though I was feeling almost weak from excitedly singing along with every song and screaming after they played songs I particularly loved.
Then they played "I Left My Body," which was the last I Like Fun song of the night.  I really loved all the new songs I got to see them play, but I just wish they'd played even more!
They closed out the main set with "Twisting," which was, as always, COMPLETELY KICKASS. For some reason Dan was singing the "she wants" backing vocals instead of John--I'm not sure what was up with that and I didn't like it.
They started the first encore with "Let Me Tell You About My Operation." This is my current favorite Flansong, so I love seeing it live.
Flans said that the next song was their new single, which I was confused by because they'd already played "I Left My Body" (which wasn't a single exactly, but the closest thing the album had). But he was just joking--it was actually "Why Does the Sun Shine?", which is of course very much not a new song. John informed us that things that are a gas on the sun included Fiestaware, which he held up his red mug when he said (holding tea instead of coffee this time, I noticed, as evidenced by the string and tag sticking over the edge). He paused for a long time before the list of things that the heat and light of the sun are caused by the nuclear reaction between, but finally it was "Stuff! Things! Items! And objects!" He is so silly!
The first song of the second encore was "Wicked Little Critta," and they closed the show the same way they did the night before: with "Birdhouse in Your Soul." A perfect close to a perfect night.
John continued on his "stripey shirts, nothing but stripey shirts" streak, so he was 3/3 on this particular show trip for me. This time it was a black and white stripey t-shirt that I don't think I've ever seen him wear before.
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Heartbreaker (Peter Quill x Reader)
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A/N: Here is some more Peter Quill fic for y'all as if I don't already write enough. He is my fave character to write for so always send me requests for him, please.
Request: HEY BABE!! I would like to request a Peter Quill imagine based on the prompt(I was listening to a song) : “If your gonna break my heart, then break it” i feel like you could come up with something good!!!!
Prompt: “If you’re gonna break my heart, then break it.”
Summary: Peter Quill is someone you love more than anything else in the entire galaxy. You’re convinced he doesn't feel the same way, however, and you know it’s only a matter of time before he breaks your heart. Can he bring himself to actually to that? Or does he feel the same way?
Warnings: swearing, angst, fluff, mentions of drinking
Peter Quill: legendary outlaw, Guardian of the Galaxy, womanizer, and the cocky asshole you’re in love with. You can't help being so crazy about him when you adore every single one of his qualities, even the bad ones. His arrogance and flirty remarks leave you flustered and his sense of humor always makes you laugh. Your conversations with him leave you a stuttering mess, and when you manage to keep it together to talk to him, the two of you talk for hours. The special bond you have with him only allowed your feelings to grow. You want him. You want him bad. The only problem is that he seems to want every other woman in the galaxy. He always gets them, too.
It made sense, Peter is this handsome, muscular guy with a badass reputation he can use to his advantage. He can have any woman he wants and he usually gets his way, picking up the hottest women at bars. Most nights, you could hear Peter and his one night stand moaning through the thin walls. You, on the other hand, spend most of your nights alone, wishing you were the one with him in the other room.
You feel that tonight will be no different. Sitting on a dirty stool at some crummy bar you're sure you've visited before, you watch Peter waltz over to some beautiful, Rajak girl. You sigh and take a long sip of your drink, wishing it didn't have to be this way.
“You should tell him how you feel, Y/N,” Gamora says, sneaking up on you.
“Yeah right,” you snort in response. “Cause he totally seems to want me.”
She shrugs. “You will never know if you do not say something.”
You sigh, taking in her words. Deep down, you know she's right. Peter could potentially feel the same way and you’d never get to know if you don't speak up and tell him that you’re madly in love him. But you're scared, scared of rejection. If he doesn't feel the same way, just as you'd expect, the friendship you cherish more than anything in this world is over. The Milano would be filled with awkward tension when you two are in the same room or one of you would be forced to leave the Guardians. You can’t have it be that way, but you also can't take this any longer.
“Alright a-holes, let’s head out!” Peter announces with the clap of his hands. Gamora, Drax, and Mantis happily leave the bar and head out to the ship while Rocket and Groot reluctantly stumble out with a groan.
You catch up to Peter, following the others to the Milano. “No girl with you tonight?” you ask. “Did you fuck it up with that Rajak girl?”
“Nah,” he retorts, shaking his head. “Not my type.”
“A female with a pulse isn’t your type?” you laugh.
He chuckles at your reply before turning to you with a smirk. “I think someone like you would be considered as more my type.” He winks. You feel your cheeks heat up at his comment, so you try to hide it with an eye roll as you get inside the ship as quickly as possible.
Back on the Milano, you're unable to fall asleep. You toss and turn into the late hours of the night, wishing you had Peter by your side. You really want to tell him everything. You want to tell him you'd take such good care of him and wouldn't give a shit about his flaws. You want to tell him how much you enjoy talking to him about your similar interests or hearing about his past. You want to tell him that you could spend eternity laughing at his jokes or dancing with him to your favorite songs. Most importantly, you want to tell him how much you love him.
Fuck it.
You throw your covers aside and jump out of the bed. Stomping down the hallway, you head for Peter’s quarters and halt at his closed door. Your shaky hand slowly rises, hesitating before it comes in contact with the door. Taking a deep breath, you knock. You hear faint shuffling come from the other side of the door before Peter opens it. He stands before you in nothing but his boxers with his hair a mess and looking extremely sleepy. It’s a pretty attractive sight.
“What’s up, Y/N?” he asks groggily, rubbing his eyes. “Finally come to my room in the middle of the night to fuck?”
You sigh in response. “I don’t know...something like that I guess.”
His eyes widen and his eyes perk up. “What?”
“Well, actually, there is something I want to say.” He gives you a look that tells you he's intrigued and wants you to continue. You take another deep breath. “I love when you flirt with me. Your silly comments somehow manage to make my heart skip a beat and it’s one of the best feelings in the world. But, then I see you flirting with other women or even parading them around the ship the morning after you sleep with them...and it nearly breaks my fucking heart. So, I want to say that if you’re gonna break my heart, then break it.”
“Y/N I’m not gonna break-”
You cut him off. “Because I’m so madly in love with you, Peter Quill. I can't sleep at night because of you and all of these feelings I have. You have this power over me and all I want in this whole damn galaxy is to be with you. When I see you with other girls, it hurts, it hurts a lot. So I need to know if you’re in this like I am or if you just want to fuck around.” He stares at you blankly, taking in your words and trying to find a way to respond. His silence gives you an unsettling feeling and you can feel your heart rate pick back up to an anxious level even after how bold you were with your statement.
You back away from the doorway, slowly, almost tripping over your own feet. “Oh my god, I’m such an idiot. I can't believe I showed up at your door in the middle of the night and said...well all of that. I’m so stupid holy sh-”
This time Peter cuts you off, grabbing you by the waist and smashing his lips onto yours, hard. Your eyes widen, surprised by his touch, but you give into the kiss, closing your eyes and making it deeper. 
When Peter pulls away, you lean forward slightly, not wanting it to end so soon. His eyes linger on your lips for a moment until he brings them up to meet yours. You’re infatuated by the gorgeous, green color of them and how they're still so pretty even when he’s clearly exhausted. The corners of his mouth quirk up to a smile, one that you return. 
“Y/N, .you’re absolutely ridiculous,” he whispers, his voice low and hoarse. “I haven't been able to get you out of my head since the day we met and so I drown myself with one night stands to try and forget...forget how much I love you.”
“Why would you want to forget?”
“Same reason as you, I guess,” he chuckles. “I didn't want to get my heart broken.”
You grin up at him. “Peter, I could never break your heart.”
“And Y/N, I could never break yours.”
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Noble or Nefarious, some of gaming’s greatest Ninja warriors!
Ninja’s. the warriors of shadow. They lurk in the darkness before striking. Often armed with powers considered magical, or weapons that require great skill. These Ninja are no longer in the shadows, as they are taking the spotlight. As a rule for this list, no Ninja that originate from anime will be on this list, so namely, no Naruto characters. (Also, for anyone who does not know… Kunoichi means female ninja, keep that in mind.)
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Ryu Hayabusa (Ninja Gaiden) One of gaming’s most legendary Ninja. Ryu Hayabusa has gone on several death defining journeys. He has saved the world from men and demons alike. Armed with a wide assortment of weapons and ninjutsu, Ryu dispatches his foes with no mercy. Ryu does not fear death, nor does he hesitate in striking down his foes. In the ninja gaiden series, Ryu fight hundreds of brutal opponents, he utilizes acrobatics and masterful swordplay. In the Dead or Alive series, he relies on skillful hand to hand combat. When not in combat, Ryu is a Curio shop owner and is the love interest of a female American agent. Ryu has appeared in various other games either as a guest character or a cameo as well.
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Joe Musashi (SHINOBI) Sega’s response to Ryu Hayabusa. Joe Musashi is one of the main characters of the SHINOBI series. A ninja from the Oboro clan. Joe is half American half Japanese and is quite the skilled warrior. Proficient at ninjutsu and shuriken throwing, Joe has fought evil since his early twenties. Joe is a righteous man who strives for world peace and has clashed with the evil terrorist syndicate Zeed on several occasions. He would eventually become the head of his clan and would continue defending the world from evil.
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Scorpion & Sub Zero (Mortal Kombat) Scorpion and Sub-Zero, one of the most iconic rivalries in video games. The Sub-Zero we all know and love is the brother of the original Sub-Zero. Scorpion is a wrath obsessed with revenge and can rarely see past his own anger. Sub zero can control ice and can use it to freeze opponents solid while in battle. Sub-Zero is calm and calculated and is the leader of his own people. He tries his best to be a good leader but is not afraid to bust some heads while doing so. Scorpion is a fallen soul that was given a second chance to enact revenge. While the target of his revenge is Noob Sabot, he tends to target the current Sub-Zero. Scorpion is adept in his knife throwing and has decent manipulation over fire. Scorpion is undead and very angry, rarely listens to reason and tends to be the one who stats fights. In some cases, the two put aside their differences and work together, when that happens they become near unstoppable.
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Grey Fox (Metal Gear Solid) Frank Jaeger, also known as Grey Fox is a mercenary turned vengeance fueled cybernetic ninja. Frank made an appearance in the first Metal Gear title as the infiltrator of outer haven, he was captured and rescued by Snake. He would disappear after the supposed Death of Big Boss. In Metal Gear 2 he reappears, this time as Snake’s enemy. Having sided with the real Big Boss, Fox tries to drive Snake away several times but ultimately fails. The two engage in a fist fight and Fox loses and supposedly dies. Later, in Metal Gear Solid, Fox returns in his famous cyborg ninja garb. A man obsessed with fighting Snake once more, he is a rogue card in the Shadow Moses incident. He eventually turns to Snake’s side and dies in the games finale. His death would carry a legacy that plays a large role in MGS4. As a cyborg ninja, Fox can render himself invisible and deflect bullets with his sword. He strongly prefers fighting hand to hand.
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Kat and Ana (WarioWare) Not every Ninja is a shadowy warrior that leaves behind a trail of bodies. Kat and Ana are two young ninja in training. Their name is a pun on the word Katana. When they are not in school they are training to become professional ninja, but usually something silly happens in the process. Their microgames in the wario ware series vary from game to game, covering themes such as nature, ninjas and everyday life. They also appear as an assist trophy in the smash series.
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Ibuki (Street Fighter) A young Kunoichi in training from the street fighter series. Despite her training, Ibuki acts like a normal teenage girl. She is not to fond of her training and finds it bothersome but takes it seriously nonetheless. She tends to sneak off and skip her duties to do her own thing. She desires to meet cool and handsome guys and will often judge her foes based on the way the look, act and dress. At some point she fights an immortal hermit named Oro, and even though she lost, it was considered her final test and she was granted a pass. She then went to university for ninjas.
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Kaede (Onimusha) A ninja assassin who would dive headfirst into combat regardless of the risk. At some point in the past she was sent by an unknown benefactor to assassinate a mane named Samanosuke Akechi. She instead became his ally and eventual lover. The two would travel together over the next couple years. She plays a role in several Onimusha games, usually aiding her lover or searching for him when he went missing. Eventually she would fall in combat at the hands of Gargant. After her death, she is still remembered fondly by her widowed lover.
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Rikimaru (Tenchu) A young master class Ninja assassin. Raised and trained by the man who killed his parents, Rikimaru was turned into a deadly warrior since an early age. Stoic and ever so serious, Rikimaru is loyal to Lord Gohda. He has helped quell rebellions and has fought off rival ninja clans to ensure Lord Gohda’s protection. A detached man, Rikimaru is very rarely influenced by emotions. He is skilled in many forms of combat and swordsmanship and is the current head of his clan.
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Yuffie Kisaragi (Final Fantasy VII) A teenage kunoichi thief who desires to restore her homeland of Wutai. She is one of the secret characters of FFVII and makes her debut by trying to steal Cloud’s materia. A spunky, emotional girl, Yuffie can act quite childish at times. She tends to get on her allie’s nerves but can be a skilled comrade in battle. Yuffie fights with a giant shuriken. As the series goes on, Yuffie grows up and matures a bit but still has an immature demeanor at times. She also appears in Kingdom Hearts as one of Sora’s first allies.
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Strider Hiryu (Strider) A master spy and an active Strider agent. Hiryu’s name, nationality and age are all top secret. The most info on him other than his appearance is that he was born in 2030. Hiryu is extremely skilled and collected in combat, often considered to be the top Strider agent to date. Being able to dodge bullets and defeat tons of enemies without showing fatigued, Hiryu is often the one who is left standing. Eventually the other Striders are whipped out, and he is the sole survivor. While he could easily flee, he chooses to fight. It is this bravery and tenacity to survive that make him an excellent Ninja.
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Izuna (Legend of the Unemployed Ninja) A 16-year-old kunoichi who is down on her luck. Izuna and her clan were kicked out of their castle because their leader thought Ninja were obsolete. Stubborn and somewhat clumsy, she winds up accidently offending the gods and must go on a quest to set things right. Surprisingly enough, she is a gifted individual that can allow gods to leave their shrines and support her. While not the most skilled ninja on this list, she is a kunoichi nonetheless.
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Shadow Man (Mega Man) A ninja robot master who originated from Mega Man 3. A skilled martial artist hwo loves to sneak up on people, Shadow man is surprisingly impulsive. He has a variety of attacks, such as creating a clone or using a smokescreen in battle. His weapon is the shadow blade and he is weak to the incredibly useful top kick. He reappears in several other games as well which further his ninja skills. Shadow man is possibly alien in origin as well.
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Wonder White (Wonderful 101) A superhero and a ninja in training. Wonder White, known by his real name Momoe Byakkoin and his other super name, the claws of calamity, is one of the heroes of Wonderful 101. Armed with special weapons passed down from generation to generation, White is a speed oriented fighter. A man who enjoys long entrances and spouting philosophy, he can be somewhat of a nuisance. While calm and cooperative, Wonder White is very talkative… Not very fitting for a ninja.
Sorry this one took a while. I was sick for the past day or so and typing just wasn’t going to happen. This list took me a while to write as well but hey! Its done! Thanks for reading, next time we will either look at some factory levels, or… If we reach 30 followers (we are at 29!!!) I will start my 5 part follower appreciation special! See you next time!
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mystisnykoto · 6 years
The Outsiders - Chapter 11
“You said that your name was Yoshi?” asked Iris, looking across the table to the red-haired miqo'te.
“You know it!” cheered the red-head, sending Iris an exaggerated thumbs up. “Omi got a hold o' me, le' me know you's lookin' to take on some Reds!” Yoshi blinked gleefully, her blue lines flickering quickly. Ruri giggled, watching Yoshi's over-the-top attitude on display. “Th' black haired one, th' one you described, he's been leading th' Reds f'r the last seven hectocycles, which is 'round about when they went nutso.” Iris nodded slowly, glancing over to Ruri and leaning in close.
“How long is a hectocycle?” whispered Iris, causing Ruri to chuckle.
“Don't you know, silly? It's one hundred cycles!” Ruri whispered loudly, trying to hold back her laughter. Iris leaned back, if only for a moment before returning back in close.
“How long is a cycle? For us Eorzeans,” Iris asked again, as Ruri lightly bumped Iris with her elbow.
“It's one year for you sweetheart,” Ruri smiled, Iris returning to her normal sitting position as a possible timeline of events rolled through her mind.
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“He's been in here... for seven-hundred years... But... how?” Iris asked herself, glancing over to Omi, whom had been sitting in the main chamber of the building. “Is that how he suddenly appeared for us two years ago? He'd been in here the whole time?” Iris thought to herself for a bit, Yoshi looking between the two and shrugging her shoulders.
“You're an odd one!” Yoshi spoke, looking over to Ruri. “Is she always weird like this?” Ruri and Yoshi shared a laugh as they looked at Iris.
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“Well, she's... not from here, so she asks a lot of questions about everything,” Ruri replied. “We were first helped by a girl named Hanna, she had this really pretty pink hair and everything!”
“Ye' I know 'f 'er!” Yoshi cheered out. “Sh's a good smart girl, helps the lot 'f us out quite often.” Ruri nodded, rubbing Iris softly on the back. “I can try gettin' a hold 'f her for ye.” Iris looked to Yoshi with a nod, the segments of her eyes twisting slightly.
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“I think that would be for the best, we could use as many people on this as we can get,” spoke Iris. “How many others do you have as part of your group that would be helping with all of this?”
“'Bout twenty 'f us,” Yoshi, two more wit' the both of ye' helpin' us,” replied Yoshi. “Thankfully we're small enough that we don't pull much attention from the Reds, but thinkin' wit' ye both here we'll make some actual headway against th'm.”
                                                                                                                            Hanna sat quietly, watching over the outside of a nightclub with several people waiting around outside. Using a scoped headset, she looked to each of the patrons out front and gained small bits of publicly available information on them. She panned over to the front door of the establishment, picking up on the sound inside. A beat-heavy song started up, filling Hanna's ears as she started to pop and bounce in her seat.
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“Oooo... I love this song!” Hanna mumbled to herself, humming along with the beat of the song. She kept her eyes trained upon the front, partly only so she could listen to the music, as she waited on some Reds to appear.
“Hanna, Hanna!” crackled the radio inside Hanna's ear caps. “Are you there?” Hanna groaned softly, reaching up to press on a small switch on her cap.
“I'm here Yoshi, what's up?” she asked, grumpy at having to interrupt listening to the song.
“We have a pair 'f new recruits coming out t' help ye,” Yoshi's voice spoke through the radio. Hanna scrunched her face as she set the scope down, mock collapsing to the floor.
“I gueeeess I can show them the ropes,” Hanna sighed. “You sure this is the best time to do so? That Zeffer guy is said to be running around here tonight, may not be the best time for a proving ground trial.”
“These two have experience and knowledge of Zeffer 'nd his activities. If anything, they'll be a great heap 'f info f'r ye',” Yoshi spoke as the radio signal cut out.
“Always something...” Hanna spoke, looking back through the scope in time to see a group of Reds walk in through the front, shoving passed the orange Firewalls guarding the door. “Well, now there is something interesting...” Hanna trailed off, curiously watching and zooming in to the max setting of her scope. She aimed in, as Zeffer's face entered her viewfinder. “Bingo!”
“Who's Bingo?” called a voice, causing Hanna to nearly leap into the air from her prone position. She let out a quick shriek, her blue lines turning nearly white with shock as she landed on her feet. She spun around quickly, prepared to defend herself, only to come to face Ruri and Iris, both giving a small wave.
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“Oh my gods you two! It's been a while!” Hanna shouted happily as she hugged the Valeths together.
“Well, it hasn't really been that long has it?” Iris chuckled. “Only a few days, right?”
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“That's what you think! It's felt like ages since we last saw each other!” Hanna pulled back, smiling as she looked over the pair. “Did you make it out? Iris looks different and your pink lines are a color I've never seen before! And Ruri has her blue lines! That's really good!”
“Well... we did make it out of here, but we... well, came back in... and are now stuck here...” spoke Iris as she began to explain the events leading up to their meeting.
                                                                                                                          “I see... that is quite the pickle to be in...” Hanna spoke, rubbing her chin as she glanced over her should to the club. “Well, if nothing else, I've confirmed that Zeffer is inside the club right now, if you were wanting to get some sort of revenge on the guy.”
“You know we do!” Ruri cheered out. “After he put u-uu-Iri-sss through, you know we want to deal it back to him!” Ruri spoke, her voice force correcting itself. “Just let us in there and we'll set him right!”
“How would the two of you think it best to get inside?” Hanna asked as she pointed over her shoulder with her thumb.
“Well, we can try to sneak in through the back, hoping we don't get spotted,” explained Iris. “Or we can just go in through the front, act like normal people and see how far we can make it inside.”
“Well, the Firewall at the front won't likely let us in without some sort of collateral or proof to our higher place of data...” explained Hanna. She lowered her scope, focusing her eyes on the alley behind the building. “Sneaking in the back might be out only real chance.”
                                                                                                                          “So... I don't have the software to bypass this door...” spoke Hanna, as she looked over the door. “Do... either of you have the software for it? Do you even have software?”
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“Well, I don't have any installed in me, and Iris... well, she is... maybe she can have software?” Ruri spoke, motioning with her hands. “Since she is, well, mechanical and such.” Iris gave a small chuckle as she walked up to the door.
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“I don't need special software to open this door,” spoke Iris as she had her left forearm open and the gauntlet wrap over her arm. Hanna and Ruri watched in awe, as Iris seemed to ready herself to attack.
“Whoa...” Ruri let out, looking at Iris' newly weaponized arm. “Are you going to smash the door down?” Ruri asked, looking back up to Iris' face. Iris gave a small smirk, instead knocking softly on the door with her right hand. “Wa-wait...” Ruri squeaked out, surprised by the subtle action. The door cracked open, a man standing inside peeking out through the sliver of light.
“Yes?” spoke the orange-lined man, as Iris pushed open the door and slammed her gauntlet into the man's face. The man had been sent careening backwards, slamming into the far wall, his lines going dark and turning into a weak orange pulse. “O-oh... well then...”
“Gods... he's been put directly into sleep mode...” Hanna mumbled, following Iris and Ruri into the club. “I guess that's one way to open the door, much easier than trying to slice it's data. Now, let's find Zeffer!”
(First Chapter)          (Previous Chapter)      (Next Chapter)
(Other Tales)
Huge thank you to Yoshi for providing themselves to the story and chapter!
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dumbledearme · 6 years
chapter eleven—beautiful little fool
read Child of Land and Sea here
Act II — Heart Of The Ocean
Part III — You know I am a righteous man. Of my virtue I am justly proud.
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Anthony came running toward her looking worried and baffled. “What…? I thought you were in danger! I came as fast as I could.”
His concern was so evident Andy had to hide her smile. “I’m not in danger.”
“Then why were you asking for help?”
“I wasn’t.”
“I think we’ve established I’m not in any danger,” she stopped him. “Now, listen. We don’t have much time. Hey, Tyson, come here.” The Cyclops approached and Andy told them about her conversation with Hermes.
“We need to go, then,” Anthony decided picking up one of the backpacks.
Andy was a little surprised. Somehow she didn’t think Anthony enjoyed very much the whole breaking the rules thing she had going on. “Are you sure? We might get into real trouble. And you promised Chiron that-”
“That I would keep you alive, yes. I have every intention to keep that promise. Now, your monster of a brother can stay behind and-”
“I want to go,” said Tyson.
“No!” Anthony’s voice was so carried with anger Andy almost backed away. “You’re not going anywhere with us.”
“Anthony,” she called softly. “We can’t leave him. Tantalus will punish him.”
“Andy, we are going to Polyphemus’s island! We can’t take a Cyclops-”
“He can go if he wants to go,” Andy insisted.
“Want to,” Tyson clapped his hands.
Andy looked at Anthony worried that he might change his own mind about going, but he only said: “How do we get to that ship?”
“Hermes said my father would help.”
“Then what are you waiting for, Seaweed Brain?”
With a nod, Andy stepped into the water and called for her father. She really had no idea what she was doing but she must’ve done something right because the next moment, three white stallions reared out of the waves.
“Fish ponies!” Tyson shouted.
“Hippocampi,” Anthony corrected.
They mounted the steeds. Riding was easy and fast. As they got closer to the ship, Andy let out a snort. The ship’s name was painted just above the bow live in black letters, lit with a spotlight – PRINCESS ANDROMEDA.
When they managed to go aboard the ship Tyson kept saying that there was a bad smell in the air.
“What exactly are you smelling?” asked Anthony.
“Something bad,” he didn’t specify.
“Great,’ the other complained. "You’re a great help.”
They passed a few sets of doors until they heard a very familiar voice. “-only a matter of time. Don’t push me, Agrius!”
It was Luke.
“I’m not,” the other guy growled. “I’m just saying. If this gamble doesn’t pay off-”
“It’ll pay off,” Luke snapped. “They’ll take the bait.”
Andy glanced at Anthony who had gone very pale. “We need to find out what he’s up to.”
He nodded and added, “And if possible, beat him up, bind him in chains, and drag him to Olympus.”
“-the prophecies ourselves,” Luke continued. “The fools won’t know which way to turn.”
“You really think the old horseman is gone for good?” The other guy, Agrius, asked.
Luke laughed. “They can’t trust him. Not with the skeletons in his closet. The poisoning of the tree was the final straw.”
Anthony’s lip twitched. “He talks about the tree- about her- as if she never mattered at all.”
Suddenly the door opened and Luke smiled at them. “If it isn’t my two favorite cousins. Come right in.”
Tyson, Anthony and Andy were forced inside the room. There was nothing special there except for a ten foot long golden casket – a sarcophagus engraved in Ancient Greek. But Andy was much more interested in watching Luke. He had changed since the last time she’d seen him. He was groomed like a proper evil minion.
Aside from Luke, there was three others in the room. Two big ugly guys and, to Andy’s surprise, Chris Rodriguez. Andy had met him three months before at Camp Half-Blood. He was one of the campers stuck at Hermes cabin because his immortal parent wouldn’t claim him. Guess he hadn’t been all too happy about that arrangement.
“Sit,” Luke told them. None of them did. Luke’s large friends were pointing their javelins at them. They looked like twins, but they certainly weren’t human. They had claws and snout noses and their teeth were all pointed like canines. “These are my assistants, Agrius and Oreius,” said Luke noticing her interest. “Perhaps you’ve heard of them.”
“Not really,” she said wondering when would people understand she didn’t really know anything.
“No? Let me enlighten you then to the cruelty of the gods you worship. Aphrodite ordered their mother to fall in love. The young woman refused and ran to Artemis for help. Artemis let her become one of her maiden huntresses, but Aphrodite got her revenge. She bewitched the young woman into falling in love with a bear. When Artemis found out, she abandoned the girl in disgust. Typical, isn’t it? They fight with one another and the poor humans get caught in the middle. But do they care? I think not.”
“You poisoned Thalia’s tree,” Anthony said, his voice low and hurt. Luke looked at him, his eyes tired, as if he was seeing his friend for the first time. They held each other’s gaze as if having a mental argument. “She saved your life. Our lives,” he whispered.
“The gods dishonored her, brother,” Luke said trying to hide the emotion in his voice. “If Thalia were alive, she’d be on my side. She’d stand here with me!”
“No, she wouldn’t.”
Luke took a step toward Anthony. “If you knew what was coming, you’d understand-”
Anthony moved so fast Luke had no time to think. His fist hit Luke hard in the eye and Luke stumbled back, cursing.
“You’re a monster,” Anthony choked the words out.
Luke’s minions prepared to attack, but Luke stopped them. “The gods have blinded you, my brother. Can’t you imagine a world without them? What good is that ancient history you study? Three thousand years of baggage! The West is rotten to the core. It has to be destroyed. You know this. Join me, Tony. We can start the world anew.” Anthony’s breathing was heavy, superficial, like every word from Luke was a knife to his chest. “I know you, Tony,” Luke insisted. “You deserve better than a hopeless silly quest. What are you doing? And with that?” he spat pointing at Tyson.
“Hey,” Andy warned.
“Traveling with a Cyclops,” Luke chided. “And you talk to me about dishonoring Thalia! You of all people-”
“Stop it.” The tone of voice startled Andy. Anthony was begging him. Like literally, he was pleading. Not another word.
“You know you’re wrong,” Luke kept pushing. “That’s why you hurt.”
Andy got in between them. “Leave him alone,” she said.
“Fine.” Luke raised his hands in surrender. “Let’s focus on you then, Andy. I hear your father has claimed this thing. How many insults from him can you take? You think he’s grateful to you? You think Poseidon cares for you any more than he cares for this monster? They are using you. Do you have any idea what’s in store for you when you reach your eighteenth birthday? Has Chiron even told you about the prophecy?”
“I know whom I can trust, Luke,” she said. “I know who my enemies are. I don’t need to know anything else.”
“You’re a fool,” he said. “A beautiful little fool. And that will get you killed. Much like Thalia.”
A noise made them all jump. Tyson had smashed the nearest dining chair against the wall. “Andy is not a fool!” he shouted and then charged toward Luke, his fists up, but the bears interceded. They each caught one of Tyson’s arms and stopped him from getting anywhere near their master. They pushed him back and Tyson stumbled.
“Too bad, Cyclops,” Luke said. “Looks like my grizzly friends together are more than a match for your strength. Maybe I should let them-”
“Luke,” Andy cut in. She made her voice come out soft like velvet. She tried to sound charming and enthralling. “Your father sent us.”
Luke’s face turned the color of pepperoni. “Don’t even mention him.”
“He told us to take this boat. I though I was just for a ride, but now I see he sent us here to find you. He told me he won’t give up on you, no matter how angry you are.”
“Angry?” Luke roared. “Give up on… me? He abandoned me, Andy! I want Olympus destroyed! Every throne crushed to rubble! You tell Hermes it is going to happen. Each time a half-blood joins us, the Olympus grow weaker and we grow stronger. He grows stronger,” and he pointed to the sarcophagus.
The temperature of the room seemed to drop twenty degrees. “You don’t mean-”
“He is re-forming,” Luke said. “Little by little, we’re calling his life force out of the pit. With every recruit who pledges our cause, another small piece appears-”
“That’s disgusting,” said Anthony.
Luke sneered. “You’re mother was born from Zeus’s split skull, Tony. I wouldn’t judge if I were you. Soon there will be enough of the titan lord so that we can make him whole again. We will piece together a new body for him, a work worthy of the forges of Hephaestus.”
“You’re insane,” Anthony told him.
“Join me, brother,” Luke asked one more time. “Join me and you’ll be rewarded. We have powerful friends, sponsors rich enough to buy this cruise ship and much more. You can build a monument to last a thousand years. A temple to the lords of the next age!”
Andy could see how the game was being played. Luke knew Anthony better than anyone else in the world. He knew exactly what Anthony wanted to hear, what needed to be said to tempt him beyond doubt. She didn’t think the pain and the struggle could get any more apparent but realized she was wrong and Anthony forced out the words, “Go to hell, Luke.”
Luke seemed genuinely disappointed. He turned to Oreius. “It’s time to feed the Aethiopian drakon. Take these fools below and show them how it’s done. Agrius, you stay here. We have important matters to discuss.”
Oreius guided them through the dark corridor. When they reached the deck, Andy nudged Tyson and said, “Now!” Thank the gods, he understood. Tyson smacked Oreius into the swimming pool. One of the security guards drew his nightstick, but Anthony knocked the wind out of him with a well-placed kick. Andy banged the other one in the head with a deck chair. They ran for the nearest lifeboat.
The lifeboat was hanging over the side of the ship, high above the water. Anthony and Tyson were having no luck with the release pulley. Andy jumped in beside them, took out Riptide and cut the ropes like a mad person. They free fell toward the ocean. Anthony was holding on to the boat straps for dear life. Arrows started to whistle past them. Andy grabbed the thermos Hermes had given her.
“Hang on,” she said and opened it. A white sheet of wind jetted out of the thermos and propelled them sideways. Andy lost her balance and fell on Anthony’s lap. The Princess Andromeda started to fade to the size of a white toy boat in the distance until it was gone.
Andy tried to disentangle herself from Anthony. They both blushed and sat as far away from each other as the boat could allowed them. Nobody said anything. Anthony was visibly upset, Tyson was taking a nap and Andy… Andy had no idea how she felt.
Only an hour later they spotted land.
“That’s Virgina Beach!” Anthony said sounding a little better. “How in the world did the Princess Andromeda travel so far in so little time? That’s like-”
“Five hundred and thirty nautical miles,” said Andy promptly.
Anthony stared at her. “How-”
“I don’t know how I know,” she shrugged.
He frowned and asked, “What is our position?”
“36 degrees, 44 minutes north, 76 degrees, 2 minutes west,” she said immediately. Then she shook her head. “Dude, how did-”
“Because of your dad,” he guessed. “When you’re at sea, you have perfect bearings. That is so cool.” He smiled, almost as if they were in vacation. Then he turned serious again. “Takes us to Chesapeake Bay. I know a place we can hide.”
They veered into a swampy area choked with marsh grass. Andy beached the lifeboat at the foot of a giant cypress.
“Come on,” Anthony said, helping her out of the boat. “It’s just down the bank.” Andy and Tyson followed him along the shore. “Here,” he announced. All Andy saw was a patch of brambles. Then Anthony moved aside the woven circle of branches, like a door, and Andy was looking into a camouflaged shelter. They all went inside. There were demigods provisions which surprised her even more.
“A half-blood hideout?” She looked at him in awe. “You made this place?”
“With Thalia,” he confirmed. “And Luke.”
“Oh…” she said awkwardly. “And he won’t look for us here?”
Anthony shook his head and leaned his back against the wall all sad again. “We made a dozen safe houses like this. I doubt Luke even remembers where they are. Or cares.”
Andy nodded. “Tyson? Would you mind scouting around outside? Like, look for a wilderness convenience store or something? Just don’t go far.” Once he was gone, Andy searched her backpack until she found a first aid kit. Then she sat across from Anthony and started cleaning his hand. “That was a beautiful sucker punch, by the way,” she told him. He didn’t smile or anything, just sat there watching her with those stormy eyes. “I’m sorry, you know. For… for seeing him and all of that.”
“It’s not your fault,” he said swallowing. “He let us go too easily. I think he wants the Fleece for himself. Maybe he’s hoping we’ll do the hard work and then he can steal it from us.” He flinched when she spilled mercury in his hand.
“I can’t believe he would poison her tree,” he said, at last. He looked so hurt Andy had to fight down the urge to hug and comfort him like the small baby bird he was.
“I know.”
“And to say she’d support him! He is out of his mind.”
“Is he?”
Anthony glared at her. “You remind me so much of her,” he said. “Thalia. You’re so much alike it’s scary. Either you would’ve been best friends or you would’ve strangled each other… She-she got angry with her dad sometimes,” he shrugged. “Doesn’t mean she would turn on him. Luke is wrong. He was in love with her and he thinks-he thinks he knew her so well, but… He couldn’t see what was underneath her anger. All he remembers is what he projected on her. That’s not Thalia. Never was. She was good to her core. Nothing could’d changed that.”
Andy finished with his hand. “What did he meant… about the-the Cyclops?” she asked. “He said you of all people-”
“I know what he said,” Anthony cut dryly. Then he drew a shaky breath. “You can never trust a Cyclops, Andy. Whatever you do. Remember that.”
Tyson chose that moment to crawl back inside. “There is a ship outside,” he said. “They told us to come aboard.”
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thirstyfortom · 6 years
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OMG how could I ever reject this amazing idea??? This is honestly one of the hcs I have for Ray, I totally believe he chooses MC to infiltrate the RFA because he already knew her, somehow… anyway, this is perfect and a great idea to wrap up this Valentine’s Week special, hope I did justice to it ^^
My Name 
“V hyung, Rika noona… can I go over there and see the flowers?”
“Sure, Saeran.” V nods, using his hand to protect his eyes from the sun.
“Just don’t go too far, okay?” Rika adds with a smile.
Saeran hums a yes as he runs towards the colorful garden of this park. Blue, orange, pink, green, he never seen so many colors gathered together, and the sun shining seems to make them even brighter! Beautiful… he can’t wait for those photography lessons from V so he can take pictures of all the wonderful things he’s seeing these days, then maybe… no, he shouldn’t be thinking like that, but maybe… one day he could show the pictures to Saeyoung?
What is he thinking? Saeyoung wouldn’t be interested in things like that, would he? Who knows, when he was still around, most of their conversations were about that book he was reading, mom, dad, church and… Saeran. Come to think of it, Saeyoung never talked much about himself and the things he liked, except for that day they shared that popsicle… all he knows about his brother is that he likes (liked?) ice cream. And that now he’s gone.
Saeran looks behind to see Rika and V, he feels like crying, but if he does, they’ll get worried again. The last thing he wants is to be a nuisance for these two… yes, he already bothered his brother too much and look what happened… so he better swallow down this pain in his throat and… forget all of this for good.
As he motions to turn around and go back to V and Rika, Saeran feels this weight against his shoulder, pushing him down to the ground. Ouch! What was that?
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry! Are you alright?” he has his eyes closed due to the shock, opening them to find a worried expression on huge glossy eyes and a small hand extended to him.
He is alright, but… why doesn’t his voice come out? Saeran stares at her hair dancing according to the breeze. A girl… probably by his age, if not a little older, offering her hand for him to get up, he takes it without thinking and immediately regretting, because now she’ll see his bitten ugly nails. Ugh… stupid!
“Are you okay? You didn’t hit your head, did you?”
He just hit his… butt, but saying that seems completely out of line, so he nods negatively and gulps, still staring at her.
“I’m really sorry, I didn’t see where I was going to…”
“Smashed… I… smashed it when I fell…” he looks down, and so does her, curiously, only to find the white petals and green leaves torn.
“Oh… oh yes. But hey, don’t get sad, it wasn’t your fault, it was mine. I was running without looking and bumped into you... poor little flower...”
“Lily of the valley.”
“It’s a lily of the valley.”
“Oh… okay…” she nods. Did he upset her by correcting her? Stupid! Stupid! “Thanks for telling me.”
Should he say “you’re welcome”? But what if sounds he doesn’t mean it? Tsk… why is it so hard to talk? He’s quiet, but usually he has no problem in talking to Rika or V…
No, he should say “you’re welcome”, she just thanked him, it’s just the most natural thing to say!
“MC, there you are! Why did you run away?” another girl shows up. Hands on her hips and a small glare. Ah great, now there are two, and this one looks mad! Angry women are so scary…
“Because you tried to set me up with a jerk, that’s why!” she crosses her arms and glares back. Uh oh…
“What do you mean?”
“This is my first Valentine’s Day, and I was so excited to go out with my best friend on a double date, but what does she do? She brings a gross and weird jerk to set me up with… why did you do that?”
“I’m sure he’s not that bad, MC… I mean, he can’t be if he's friends with my date.”
“Oh, believe me, he is! I don't know about you, but I'm not interested in having the tongue of a random guy shoved into my mouth like he wanted to.” Okay… why is he still standing here? This conversation feels very private and... confusing.
“Oh… ohoho, is this because you never french kissed before?”
“No, it’s not because of that, it’s-“
“You’re supposed to do that only with someone you like.” He says with a small voice, regretting right after as both girls look at him.
“Exactly my point.” She nods, oh… she agrees with him? Did he… did he say something right?
“And you are…?” the other girl gives him a mocking look. Oh no… she’s so mad! He should stay quiet from now on…
“He’s a boy I just met, don’t get any wrong ideas.”
The other girl grins mischievously, making her blush. So… cute… ugh, why doesn’t he have a camera just now?
“Tsk… alright, but you should at least go back and give the guy an excuse to leave. It’s very rude to ditch him to hang out with another boy just like that, especially on Valentine’s Day, you know?”
Valentine’s Day? What is that? He doesn’t know, but it must be important… and it has to do with… dating and kissing, apparently? But wait, according to what that girl said, she’s leaving the boy she came with to spend time with… him? Why… why would she spend an important day with him? They just met, and he is… so not like her. She’s bright, sweet… she’s just like the flowers… he doesn’t deserve to get close to someone like her.
“Yes, you’re right. Let’s go…” she walks towards her friend. “Be right back, okay… uhm… what’s your name again?”
His name…? Uhm, it’s… it’s so lame and so… pointless if there isn’t a Saeyoung to complement a Saeran, he should think of another name quickly…
“Ugh, let’s just go!” her friend grabs her hand, pulling her harshly before he can open his mouth.
She still looks at him as she is dragged by the other girl, mouthing a “I’m sorry… talk to you later…”
He just waves to her, trying to give her his best smile since there won’t be a ‘later’. There shouldn’t be, if Valentine’s Day is so important, she shouldn’t spend it with a silly weird boy who knows too much about flowers and too little about people, especially nice and beautiful people like her. And the name of this boy is…
“Ray” he whispers, walking towards where Rika and V are “My name is Ray…”
And hers is MC. It’s a name he’ll keep in mind along with the names of all the flowers he learned so far… it’s a name he definitely won’t forget.
And he didn’t, it was the first name that came into his mind a few years later, when it was time to find a tester for the game.
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agardenintheshire · 2 years
Hello! This is your Tolkien Secret Santa! I am working on your gift and was wondering if there was anything specific you are interested in reading about Gimli, Eowyn, or the Hobbits. I have a few ideas I have been playing with, but I would love to hear from you what would make this gift special! -Your Santa
hiiii my dear secret santaaaa i hope u are doing well! hmmm ive been thinking abt this all day but honestly i havent really come up w anything as ive been working on uni stuff (no thoughts brain empty). maybe ill just ramble a little about the characters and youll get some more ideas? although i'm sure the ones you have are already very good! actually in the past few years gimli has become one of my favourite characters. in the movies he's mostly a comedic sidekick but in the books there's so much more to him! like the parts after moria when he takes frodo to see the lake and recites poetry...the very deep (&sad) history of the dwarves that he carries with him and knows deeply about. and his relationship with legolas ofc but also hes soooo fond of the hobbits its so cute. AND! aragorn would have chosen him only to go with frodo (+himself) when he thought abt splitting up at the end of fotr like talk about an iconic character. but i love movie gimli too dont get me wrong like thats my silly dad. like i said hes mostly comedic but do many of those scenes also showcase his deep loyalty and what needs to get done is getting done attitude. like in rotk when he says certainty of death? small chance of success? what are we waiting for? its funny but also showcases his loyalty and trust in his friends aaa hes willing to die for them. or the scene at the council of elrond when he tries to destroy the ring once again it's funny but also hes like. well if its gotta be destroyed why r we all just sitting here lol lets GET TO IT *smash* aw man yeah i rambled for a bit huh. and eowyn!!!! whats not to love about eowyn!!! i think shes so cool - we love women with swords!!!! - and i love love love that she gets to heal at the end together with faramir. she's brave and outspoken but also very vulnerable and closed off emotionally (in the beginning). also miranda otto is soooooo pretty i want that white dress she wears SO BAD. and yeah hobbits i just love hobbits so much theyre neat little guys. they have SUCH a resilience in them it's astounding. pippin is my husband of now at least 10+ years (ever since i saw the movies!) and i would defend frodo with my goddamn life!!! sam is samwise the brave, setting the bar so high for all of us, and i love how merry can be so silly with pippin and so smart with frodo in the next he really does contain multitudes. im also obsessed with hobbit women that have like 2 descriptors if theyre lucky like yes you go girls i am in love. and bilbo....bilbo really is that old bitch! i prefer ian holm's bilbo i think his acting is so full of gravitas like the air of. hmmm sadness? melancholy? that he has and still hes so full of life and enjoys it and is silly....and hes so fond of frodo it tears at my heartstrings! okay now i rambled quite a bit i'm tired now. hopefully you got something out of this? if not ask again and ill try my best to answer. wishing u a lovely day/night wherever u are! 💜
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