#mine: crime show meme
lilcathsmith · 4 months
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Crime Show Meme - CSI insp. [4/10 episodes]
"What does Nick Stokes mean to you? How do you feel when you see him in that coffin? Does your soul die every time you push that button? How do you feel, knowing that there's nothing you can do to get him out of that hell?." - Grave Danger (Season 5 Episodes 24 & 25, 19th May 2005)
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chippdhearts · 6 months
crime show meme
[5] main character(s)
[1] recurring/guest character(s)
[1] serial killer(s)
[3] suspect(s)/killer(s)
[5] dynamic(s)
can be romantic, platonic, etc
can contain multiple people
[5] case(s)
[10] episode(s)
[1] location(s)
[3] quote(s)
[3] scene(s)
[1] costume(s)/outfit(s) feel free to use/edit as you like. if you'd like me to see your edits/gifs for this meme feel free to tag me using #cinnacrimeshowmeme losely based off (x, x)
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starry-907 · 23 days
(LEGAL DISCLAIMER: this is all in good faith, i have permission from the mods to make this, and this is all light hearted)
i've come to make an announcement @kinglazrus is a tyrant of a mod, she put me in the ib prison SO I WILL EXPOSE THE TYRANT-NESS OF ALL INVISOBANG MODS BY CHRONICLING ALL OF THE CRIMES THEY GAVE ME OVER THE COURSE OF INVISOBANG (featuring my poor organizational skills while counting)
(under the cut cuz this is gonna get long)
CRIME 1: posted stickroll in chat (granted this was an intentional bid for jail so this one isn't very tyrant-y)
CRIME 2: got released for threatening to fight Laz, but then was put back into jail for threatening to fight Laz (somewhat tyrant-y, also shows evidence of mod-infighting /j)
CRIME 3: mentioned that i had avoided getting put in jail for a third time, i also got solitary confinement cuz i think i tried to join a riot (LAZ DID THIS SO THIS IS EVIDENCE OF TYRANCY)
CRIME 4: called out a mod's typo (said amound instead of around) (this one is very tyranty)
CRIME 5: said y'all all (ok this one's fair)
CRIME 6: stated i was going to make this post detailing all the reasons i got jailed (YOU CANNOT SILENCE THE TRUTH, VIVA LA REVOLUTION)
CRIME 7-3003: called out another mod typo (lebvends instead of legends) (very much so a tyrant move, i skyrocketed in my number of crimes for a very minor thing)
CRIME 3004: didn't remember reading the info doc (in my defense i had read the rules channel though, so this was unwarranted)
CRIME 3005: saying i had receipts that implied Laz was a tyrant (AGAIN, YOU WILL NOT SILENCE ME)
somewhere along the line kad ate 3 of my crimes, idk where or how but they got eaten (proof below)
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LOST 1K CRIMES, DOWN TO 2002: i made a snapcube reference (specifically the "woah he's bisexual, I didn't know that" meme) (slight redemption from the mods)
GOT PUT IN SOLITARY AGAIN: called out a mod for breaking the emoji chain we had going in one of the gen chat channels (THE PEAK OF TYRANCY, I WAS ATTEMPTING TO BE A GOOD CITIZEN AND I WAS IMPRISONED FOR IT)
GOT PUT IN SOLITARY AGAIN AGAIN: pointed out that i had written more than Laz in a sprint when she'd previously had the most words in earlier sprints, truly a moment akin to the myth of athena and arachne (truly a mark of a tyrant mod)
2 CRIMES REMOVED, DOWN TO 2000: this is where we honor a glorious sacrifice. @duchi-nesten bravely offered to take two of my crimes upon herself (after the 3 of mine that they ate), so that my crimes number could match my birth year. we will have a moment of silence for this.
ok moment of silence over cuz she lost her crimes as punishment so i got three crimes back so i went to 2003 crimes.
3 CRIMES REMOVED, BACK TO 2000 AGAIN: again we must honor a sacrifice. @brekitten agreed to take 3 of my crimes to add to her own count and we must honor that as well.
THEN THERE WAS A MESS GOING ON WITH THE EMOJI CHAIN THAT I WAS TRYING TO FIX (people breaking the chain), I WAS IN THE TRENCHES but i did go from 2000 crimes to 1987 crimes for my good behavior in trying to hold the line, so that was very non-tyranty of the mods. the chain was indeed fully broken but Laz broke it so it's gonna stay that way (i had to go to sleep)
so the tl;dr is laz is a tyrant, go look at what people made for ib, and maybe join @ecto-implosion because kad immediately put me in jail upon joining and said i have a lifetime sentence because of nepotism /light-hearted
also i full well might've missed something, i definitely think i missed a solitary confinement or two but w/e
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dragongirltongue · 7 months
this site is nothing without the trans women who use it tbh. We're the ones people screenshot to show how good and funny this website is despite the fact that this website clearly doesn't want us and the staff around here are fucking itching to get rid of us at a moment's fucking notice.
What happened to Avery is just the latest fucking example of how the assholes in charge actually view us. The fact that immediately after the conversation started dozens of other trans women have been banned for the crime of pointing out the transmisogyny in the CEOs actions or even just lightly meming on him for his overreaction to the kind of shit you'd do to your friends in gmod.
I don't plan to leave this site mostly out of spite at this point but if I get banned for speaking out I don't think I'm coming back until tumblr is completely out of the hands of it's current staff. Fuck I'm so mad right now but if I even use some colorful language to vent about that I know I'm gonna have mine and likely my systems presence as a whole on this site completely fucking erased.
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bubbleddisasters · 4 months
Since Y’all liked the last one, heres something somewhat similar:
TWST Characters as funny / random ass moments with my friends/family
Ace : A good friend of mine made an entire Cards against Humanity Deck including us, and we played it at like 4 am.
Also, one of my closest childhood friends of now 11 years, the way we first met was he insulted me, and then thirty minutes later I peeked at his notebook while he was drawing (our beds were next to eachother) recognized Sans from a meme, and then managed to bullshit through an entire conversation about Undertale without him suspecting I didn’t know what the hell I was talking about.
I made a joke about it a little less then a year ago, thinking he knew by now, but no. He looks at me and the conversation goes:
“Are you telling me our entire first interaction was you just fucking improvising through a discussion of a fandom you didn’t know shit about?”
“Wait you didn’t know?”
“You genuinely believed that I knew what I was talking about then for 10 years?!?”
“Surprisingly, yes.”
Deuce: I was biking with my sister, and she accidentally biked straight into a fucking lake. Also when my dad looked me dead in the eye after receiving one of my graded tests and goes
“How the fuck do you answer Maine four times on different questions and be wrong for all four times.”
Bonus Adeuceyuu combo: Me and two of my childhood friends once linked together to grab something we saw in a river, turns out it was just a broken fishing rod.
Also another on me and the above two friends meeting: The first thing one of them did was insult me, and I genuinely have zero memory of how I met the other.
Basically, we met at a sleepaway camp as kids, and for some reason, our sleepaway camp had some wackass shit, but one of them was this game. I don’t remember the name of it, but you had to go in groups of 3-4 and tie ribbons around each staff tent/cabinside without getting caught (and keep in mind each campsite and Cabins were very spread apart) at midnight, and the first to return to the cafeteria, where the staff were waiting, and did so after tying them all, on won.
Kids age 12-17, in the middle of fuck knows where in the woods Long Island, running around in the dark unsupervised with only any light bringing items they brought themselves.
So me, and we’ll call them C and M, teamed up. It’d take too long to go into full detail, but it was a very Prologue Mines fused with Camp Vargas core adventure.
Bonus First year gang in general : Me and three friends were waiting for something I genuinely don’t remember in an abandoned dorm area and got extremely bored, and one of them could do a perfect Donald Duck impression, and another a really good goofy, and this somehow led to us having a fake reality tv show verbal bitchfight as Donald, Goofy, Mickey and Minnie for a solid hour. We all regretted not recording it.
Cater: My friend from Wales entirely forgot about the existence of timezones and called me in the middle of my history class. Her ringtone at the time was just a clip of her screaming “Bread”.
How my teacher didn’t figure out who’s phone it was is beyond me.
Trey : Made Russian Roulette Spilt Cupcakes for a large group of my friends, and one is allergic to strawberries, while another’s favorite is, so I very specifically placed the strawberry filled one on the complete other side of the table with the intention of slipping it in after she picked her two.
Some fucking how, she ended up with the Strawberry one, which I had tied with a bow (basically the ones with bows mean they contain an allergen, and the color is the allergen. Ex: Strawberry was BRIGHT FUCKING PINK.) I’m to this day not exactly sure how, but my best guess is she traded hers with whoever originally got the Strawberry one before we ate.
Luckily, I told her partner, who had been my baking partner in crime and convinced me to add in the strawberry after I said it might be a bad idea, to bring two epi pens just incase.
Riddle : I am around 5’3, and I had a friend (?) who was 6’2-3 in middle school. We had almost the blatant definition of a Floyd and Riddle Dynamic, but he’d out of the blue be extremely sweet to me (kinda like that comic in the anthology), only on days I was going through shit. When I tell you I genuinely thought I was hallucinating when he did though-
Also, I yelled at him for nailing, yes, NAILING, a flag on the ceiling reading :”el sábado es para los chicos” (Saturday is for the boys) In the fucking Spanish classroom. Since nobody was as tall as him and the janitors didn’t notice it, it was there for like a week.
Che’nya : My friend and I have an ongoing inside joke where whenever we spot the other through a window in the hallway, we text the other “behind you” or “to your__”
Leona : I brought a pillow with a silk pillow case (gift from my mom) to a sleepover once, and my friend went “You trust leaving me in the room with this?” and I genuinely responded “Its a pillow, why wouldn’t I trust you.” entirely forgetting that Silk can be pretty expensive.
I felt so bad bro.
Ruggie : My friend once dared me to get a one plate of everything during a party. I misinterpreted this and brought a mostly to full plate of each thing, including water bottles.
Turns out they meant balance one of everything on a single plate.
I did not, infact, return the seven brownies, four cupcakes, two cookies, twelevish tangerines, popcorn and god knows how many grapes, but everything else was returned or snatched by friends.
Jack: My friend was throughly convinced she knew where she was going when we got lost outside at one of the biggest malls in fucking America, and we ended up walking a good 4/6th of the perimeter before finding the target (the store, we were still fucking lost) , which we called her mom to pick us up at.
Bonus: My friend, a few dormmates and I were at Starbucks and this random woman comes up to my friend and goes “Hey, they got my order wrong, want my drink?” and I was literally trying to give him this face of “BAD IDEA”. Yea so he ignored the obvious and drank the whole fucking thing and was bouncing off the walls for the rest of the day. (This one could also work for Jamil I suppose.)
Floyd : I was once walking with a friend of mine and jokingly said Trees are giant salads.
This motherfucker breaks off a branch of the nearest tree, takes a fatass bite, drops it, and goes “I want a refund.”
Jade : Randomly got interrogated my mushroom hunters—-
(I kind you the fuck not, MUSHROOM. HUNTERS. Basically, they go out to hunt/find/ forage for rare mushrooms. Atleast thats what they told us?! I wasn’t paying much attention, I was busy petting their dog tbh)
—While camping, my friend and I had zero clue what they were talking about, so she just pointed in a random direction and they thanked us and left.
The same friend also introduced me to mica, but always called them Mermaid Scales, and we more than once walked around in the water looking for them, I was the only one that would literally stop mid-trail to pick some up though. I have a massive collection.
Also she never let me live down the fact I once trapped myself in my tent with fucking dental floss overnight just to see if I could, then couldn’t undo it in the morning, and our adult / guide / trying to keep us alive person had to cut me out with a knife.
Azul : This one very specific time as a kid I was talking to two identical twins, who were standing on each side of me, wearing the same outfits but color reversed, and nearly had an internal breakdown trying to remember which was which, so I just did verbal gymnastics around using their names.
We later literally spent two hours fighting for ours lives together and I shit you not I STILL COULDNT REMEMBER THEIR FUCKING NAMES.
Kalim : Went shopping with my badass grandma and somehow left with a Second Hand Valentino (the brand) dress for $50 and a free bracelet one of the employees gave me because ….I actually don’t know.
Also, I got trapped on a really high up indoor water slide with my sister because the water entirely stopped (we learned later the water machine tied to that ride blew up) , and where we were was like a weird slope like between two drops. We couldn’t get back up, and going down was too risky without water bcs we could go splat.
There was like a window ish on the ride, so like a smart 8 year old, I start calling for help at the top of my lungs. My sister (10) also did this. There was this guy who I guess heard us that we nicknamed Chad because he looked like the most stereotypical 2000’s beach movie love interest lifeguard and was dramatically looking around for where the voices were coming from but NEVER LOOKED UP??
Anyway, My sister got us out in the end because she found a hatch and managed to open it, and I shit you not there was a spiral staircase with a gigantic fucking sign reading “DO NOT CLIMB STAIRCASE.”
So obviously, my sister chucks me across the gap onto the staircase and then jumps over herself, and we end up spending another 40 minutes after that fiasco trying to find our parents while i’m pretty sure Chad was trying to find us.
After the 40 minutes we just assumed we were now orphans and went back to where we left our keycard and low and behold our parents had just come back from wherever they had fucked off to.
Also Chad found us and felt super bad, and bought us a smore cake?!? Someone throw him back in time to be his destined role as an extra in Teen Beach Movie. The cake was great though, but that was one hell of an 8th birthday lmao.
Jamil : My friend from India (jokily) Divorced me after my dumbass asked her if Chai was an ingredient used in Chai Tea.
Spoiler Alert : Chai IS THE TEA. Apparently, asking for Chai Tea is the equivalent of saying “Can I have some Tea Tea please.”
Yea safe to say I felt real stupid in that moment.
Epel : My sister once locked me in the bathroom so she could test her new makeup on me. She left for one second and I kid you not I snuck out of the window.
Random bonus : Me and my cousins for some reason ended up roughhousing outside after one of our older cousins weddings, and I judo flipped a whole ass 17 year old man at age 12 and I felt so powerful in that moment.
Also If you saw about the ranch in the previous post, me that gang had an anonymous cookie provider who would leave us two tins of fresh cookies every day around 12ish pm, usually behind the kitchen or outside the equipment shack.
Yes, we tried to catch them once, No, we didn’t succeed. Also nobody wanted to risk loosing cookie privileges, so we didn’t try again.
Rook: Once scared the living shit out of my online friend by texting him “I am now several miles closer to your location.” . He lives in South America, and I happened to be in Florida with a friend, so I thought i’d be funny.
Vil : I was going to a cosplay convention with a friend, and instead of bringing like a normal amount of makeup, my indecisive ass brought basically a whole suitcase worth of it.
Also won a costume competition at my boarding school for Halloween, and wasn’t even aware there was a competition until the year after, when a good half or more of my dormmates asked me to do their makeup because they’d heard I was really good at it.
Idia: Ok, so, long story, but my friend invited me and two mutual friends to see Sweeney Todd on Broadway w/ the og cast. However, I was the only one who didn’t know we were going anywhere, because he thought his mom told my dad we were going to see Sweeney Todd, while my dad thought my friend told me, but also he was suspiciously alluding to it, maybe unintentionally
So I show up in a blue hoodie with a bad pun on it, mildly ripped sweatpants, mismatched socks and bright rainbow crocs. Not very “going to watch a musical about cannibalism and Serial Killers” attire. But it gets worse.
So around the 3/4ths into the first act is when I usually get snacks at musicals or plays, since they’re usually just finished setting up and theres no line, so I’m in and out and don’t miss much.
Well, I did that as usual, and its important to know we had front row balcony seats, because…
I slipped on my friends playbill on the way to my seat, and my fucking left croc went flying down into the seats below us, and hit an older woman in the head right at Sweeney did the first oofing, and the stage lights go red for a moment in this scene.
I felt so bad, and was literally too embarrassed to go get the shoe myself, so one of my friends got it for me. Apparently the lady thought it was somewhat funny (thank fucking goodness)
Ortho : My sister and I were biking once, and found out some reason the coats we had (school merch from field day I think). had the biggest fucking hidden pockets known to man.
So the next time we went out, she for some reason decided to put our dads entire laptop in there.
Also bonus: My friend once invited me over to their house to help with their costume, and when I came over, the costume was literally a gigantic trash can. No, not the actual object, They were literally making a giant trashcan costume.
I helped but still remained mildly confused in the process.
Malleus : I had a good friend who lived next to a graveyard, and sometimes we would just go on nice walks in the graveyard.
Lilia: Another Wilderness one: We were making Pasta, and one of the guys in our group was playing with a large thing of moss, tripped, and the moss got into the fucking pasta.
One guide said “Nature Consequence, we can still eat it” while the other screamed they were going to get fired.
Also, me and a friend were singing bo-burnham on a hike, and for some reason we had this stupid ass idea of making a fake fishing rod called…..
“The Child Catcher.”
(The irony ony of us both being 14 at the time so technically we were children)
We found a good fishing rod like stick and a vine, tied a vine on, and I kid you not we carried that thing for MILES. We also made a fork with a flatly shaped stick and a rock named Reddie.
Yea living in the woods does somethin to ya I gotta say.
Bonus: One of my childhood friends had a very giant dog, and one time we had a sleepover, she was laying infront of the other side of the door when we woke , and because of the way the door was, we couldn’t get through.
So my genius solution was to climb out the window (this was on the second floor) , Cha-Cha real smoothed to the nearest other window, go through there, and lure the dog away with a treat.
It worked.
Silver: Went to this make your own dipped popsicle thing with a good friend of mine, and watched in pure horror as she got a mango popsicle dipped in dark chocolate and rolled in fruity pebbles.
Another one: I was at a Sleepover and there was this tent like thing that was meant for tiny people (aka me, not really it was for toddlers but I was small enough to fit at the time), and at some point in the middle of the night, someone tripped on the tent and it entirely collapsed on me, and not only did I sleep through it, I ended up being the last person to wake up because they all saw the tent collapsed and assumed I was already awake.
Also I was camping once and I rolled away from my tarp and somehow down a road, and my friend said when she found me there was just several butterflies and caterpillars on me. I originally didn’t know but I found a caterpillar on my head that morning and apparently it was poisonous (I was fine and I named him Bob)
Sebek: I was in an escape room with some friends, and I discovered that a key we had gotten in the very beginning worked on another lock, so I did that, and later one of my loud friends finds a key and is SPIRALING because she can’t find what it unlocks for like 30 minutes, and after several minutes I realized, unintentionally slammed my hand on a desk and screamed “OH SHIT.” with zero context.
That experience was actually my first time in a escape room with friends, and not my family or a bunch of drunk strangers in suits + my concerned mother.
Second years : My friends in the priorly mentioned group consisted of who I’ll call N, who was doing 70% of the work, we had R, who was angrily searching for the lock to the key, we had T, the birthday boi, who was randomly making jokes about the 1930s, S, who genuinely forgot he had a key item in his pocket, and A, who dramatically serenaded the paintings after misinterpreting a clue and me, who kept accidentally unlocking shit ahead of time.
Third Years: Prior to the other mentioned event, we had gone to a small improv event that ended up being just us, and the poor guy running it kept giving us scenarios and random conditions which we would absolutely make the craziest shit from.
If I remember correctly, one of the skits was we were supposed to be a school board, and the condition was when someone said an idea, you had to say yes.
The result? a organ harvesting business thats front was a school, and everytime someone got detention, one organ of theirs was sold, and the funds went into funding the biogenetically engineered creation of Hatsune Miku and Cat Boys.
For some reason this skit also led somehow into atomic glitter and cocaine missiles, selling souls on Ebay with express shipping, using Sephora Products and Instagram to spread our propaganda, making meme complications of our crimes, and nuking the Bermuda Triangle.
Ask no questions because I have no answers.
Yea thats it for now! Enjoy!
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rissararity · 6 months
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Wrote a little fic inspired by this meme. Art is not mine!
Astarion/Half succubus bard oc. Cat calling, references to SA, comfort, friends to lovers, partners in crime, protective Astarion
Might eventually become a more put together fic, if it does it would be a slow burn friends to lovers
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“Do we have any other takers? Any more bets? How about you, sir? Betting man?” the gorgeous bard beamed while she played a melody to raise anticipation on her lute.
“You know what? Sure.” The man tossed a couple gold into the pot.
The crowd cheered while Astarion gave a close lipped smile, eye fucking a couple of the women in the group.
A few more coins trickled in, clinking against the others.
“Now watch and be amazed as I throw this dagger, up to the second floor, it bounces handle side down off that, that then that,” he pointed to a couple of things, “and into the center of that barrel.” He announced with a flourish, parading around dramatically.
While he distracted the crowd, the bard cast a little spell to ensure he’d succeed. Astarion felt the power and confidence surge as her spell took effect, making a big show out of throwing the dagger.
While it flew through the air, Liv took the opportunity to pick a few pockets then make her way to the front before the trick shot was over.
As the blade hit home, the crowd was a mix of cheers and jeers.
“Aww better luck next time, friends!” She offered a supportive smile that hid the inward smirk she felt.  She validated a few peoples feelings and casually got each of them to walk away.
The bard scooped up the gold while the rogue retrieved the dagger. They smiled at each other for a moment before quickly and discreetly leaving the area.
To an outsider they’d look like lovers exchanging a look. But they knew they were shit eating grins of victory, and they were in fact not lovers, but 200 gold richer.
As they reached the end of the alley, they waved to Gale, who stood with his arms crossed. “Again? Really?” he glared, falling into step on Liv’s other side.
“Oh relax, you benefit from the spoils too. Most of this ends up going to potions and gifts for you.” The half elf snickered, purposely hip bumping him.
The wizard’s glare softened and he ducked his head. “I suppose that’s true. But if you two get caught, you’re on your own.”
The elves smirked at each other, “Somehow I think we’ll manage.” Astarion turned his ruby gaze to Gale who rolled his own.
The men grew uneasy while the trio walked by a group of men who began to whisper after them, staring at Liv in particular. The vampire could have torn their heads off with his bare hands for the disgusting way they spoke about her.
Gale glared back at them, putting an arm around her shoulders protectively. “Honestly, Liv, we can’t take you anywhere civilized.”
“I’d hardly call this place…much less those meat sacks civilized.” Astarion agreed, now wishing he’d been the one to grab her first.
“I’m not doing anything on purpose.” She muttered, dropping her chin.
“Boo hoo, it must be so hard being effortlessly gorgeous.”  The vampire rolled his eyes.
“When I cant go anywhere alone without being hassled, propositioned or having wives threaten me for stealing their husband’s eyes-“ “And hearts.” Gale added.
“Right. A few of them did say that.” She pouted, “I know I can more than take care of myself but I get so…” she crossed her arms over her ample chest and shivered with a frown.
The group had noticed fairly early on she seemed fairly oblivious to the leers she got everywhere she went, and that  when she no longer was, the attention made her extremely uncomfortable.
She could flirt her way out of trouble no problem but was easily flustered and nervous if a man just started commenting on her body. It made a pit form in her stomach that stayed until someone else from her party found her.
Even Shadowheart had played the role to make the men think they had no chance.
She sighed, “And Astarion,” he looked at her. “You sound jealous when you say stuff like that. You’re too pretty to be jealous.”
Gale smirked as the vampire’s jaw dropped for a moment, blinking in surprise “I…er..um..you’re absolutely right.” He pushed his hair from his face and shook out his shoulders, “You passed the test.”
Liv rolled her eyes while the wizard shook his head, a small smile on his lips.
Red eyes grew annoyed as he saw this, prompting him to cross his arms and pout, “I’ll meet you back at camp.” He strode of into the masses of people on the street.
The pair laughed, keeping their leisurely pace.
“He adores you,  you know.”  Gale told her once their laughs became little giggles.
Her cheeks grew dark, “No, he would have made a move by now if he did. We’re just good friends.”
He arched an eyebrow, “Is that so?”
She mimicked him, raising her own and dropping her voice, “Yes, that is so.”
The wizard made a face, “You’re too good at that.”
Wind whipped her long blonde hair around while carrying her laugh.  “What can I say? I give a performance like no other.”
Liv yelped as a hand seized her elbow. “I bet you do, babe. Why don’t you come with me and give a private show?”
Her entire body froze as ice set in, eyes wide with fear as her legs stopped moving.
“I’m going to give you one chance to let go of the lady and be on your way.” Gale’s voice dripped with venom in a way she’d only ever heard in situations like this.
The barbarian sized him up then laughed, yanking her arm confidently, causing her to stumble closer. “Fuck off, mate. If you can’t defend your woman, don’t bring her outside.”
They couldnt go throwing magic in the middle of town, the creep knew that.
What he didn’t expect,  was Gale to cast a hold person spell, locking him into place.
He then gently unfurled the man’s fingers from Liv’s arm and put a protective arm around her waist. “You need to learn some manners. Best hope we don’t ever meet in a battlefield.”
The man’s eyes burned with rage as Gale pressed a kiss to the still shocked bard’s temple and led them back into the crowd.
She pressed herself into her companion’s side all the way back to camp, trying to match his breathing the entire way.
No one knew what caused this reaction in her, but they had an idea. None dared broach the subject and figured talk if and when she wanted.
Normally in battle, she was fearless and thoughtful. But when confronted with someone like that barbarian she locked up.
When they returned to camp, Astarion had already thought up a snappy quip-the perfect amount of sting and sass.
Unfortunately,  it died in his throat as soon as he looked over at them. One look and he knew.
Gale was softly rubbing her forearm, reassuring her while he led her to his tent.
The vampire frowned and exchanged a look with the wizard on the way.  He immediately regretted his hasty exit earlier. He noticed pursuers were more easily deterred when she was with more than one man.
Astarion silently crept over to listen, able to hear their magic friend leading her through breathing exercises. When she’d calmed down, Gale finally left the tent to get some dinner.
He was about to stand only for Shadowheart to beat him to it, heading toward Gale’s tent to comfort the half elf.
 Annoyed as he was, he knew for Liv’s sake that only one person could be with her at a time.
Much to his dismay, she stayed for an entire hour and a half.
He started to head over only to stop in his tracks when the tent door moved and Liv emerged, looking tired but otherwise okay other than her red cheeks and the fact that she used a spell to change her appearance to the one she preferred-the one that more clearly showed her half-drow ancestry.
Her skin kept its pink hue but her hair shortened to a pixie cut, blonde at the root morphing into silver tips that sat perfectly in place. Her blue eyes shifted to one bright blue and one silver. A ring sat in her septum above her lips that wore a coat of black paint, matching her winged eyeliner and eyeshadow.
Her pointed ears were dotted with two in her cartilage on both sides, and a silver ring on the lobe. She bore tattoos of solid black up her throat with flame-like tendrils licking at her jaw, a small flame adorning her forhead.
This was who she preferred to be. Who she felt the strongest,  and most confident as. It was also her defense.
The others knew not to be surprised or comment on what she decided to look like that day. The long blonde look was always used for public performances; it had even earned her the title “The Angel” by word of mouth.
Astarion thought she was perfect both ways, but he knew the other men liked The Angel, while Shadowheart and Karlach shared his adoration of who he dubbed the demoness, the little devil, and simply the drow.
She hadn’t noticed him,  and headed for her bedroll by the fire.
Astarion’s chest tightened as he realized he was too late to comfort her. If he hadn’t ditched her this probably wouldn’t have happened. They’d be sitting around the fire while she played her lute and told them legends and stories.
He should have stayed. This was his fault.
He should have stayed.
Jaw clenched,  he thought, I’ll never abandon you again, my angel. You have my word I will remain close at hand.
What he couldn’t see, was her small smile as their tadpoles relayed the message in his voice.
In fact, he'd been so distracted that all his thoughts of guilt and protectiveness were made privy to the blonde.
He didn’t know it, but they grew closer that night without him ever speaking a word.
The following morning when they returned to the little town of Hodge to continue their search for information. Gale noticed Liv go out of her way to insure they passed by the same intersection from last night.
It was fairly early and the roads were fairly clear,  blue sky above them.
As they neared it, Gale stepped forward and took her hand. To everyone’s surprise, she turned her blue and silver gaze to Astarion and held her other hand out to him.
Shadowheart pouted as the visibly confused vampire somewhat hesitantly took her hand and walked on her other side.
Liv squeezed both of their hands as they strode down the road like they owned it. When they got to the next street, she pressed a kiss to the back of Astarion’s hand and gave him a grateful look before letting go and repeating the gesture with Gale.
The vampire blinked in surprise as an odd fluttering feeling danced in his stomach, Gale’s cheeks darkened a little as he returned her smile.
He followed her blindly like they were magnetized, eyes wide as he tried to make heads or tails of this feeling.
Her still short hair shined like silver in the sun, contrasting the warm, sunny light from the blonde near her scalp. Even painted with dark makeup, she was breath taking-silver septum ring glinting back at him a top her confident smile.
Especially when she was exuding confidence like she now was, leading them through the streets to their first contact.
Her rapier carefully tucked into her overcoat, lute strapped to her back, she walked through intersection exuding joy once again.
Astarion’s maroon eyes stayed locked on her profile while he continued to remain at her side. Gale went to talk to Karlach, leaving the two side by side leading the group.
The vampire's eyes flicked down to her hand, yearning to hold it again; to feel her soft, dainty hands in his calloused but well manicured ones.
The butterflies in his stomach hadn’t quite settled down yet-he’d heard some young women gossiping recently and learned that’s what it was called.
Though if it meant what they insinuated it did he refused to believe that was what was happening to him.  
He supposed Liv was pretty enough…oh who was he kidding?  They didn’t call her The Angel  for nothing. She was beauty incarnate, in both of her forms. Her movements were naturally elegant and graceful, her acrobatics during battle were unreal.
Everywhere she went an air of lavender and vanilla followed. You couldn’t be in a bad mood when she was around-he would know. He tried.
She was exactly what Cazador would have sent him after.
At that, he looked away from her shamefully. He didn’t deserve to walk beside her, figuratively or literally. His steps slowed so he could merge with the others but this stopped when her hand brushed the back of his – making his breath catch for a moment as sparks shot up his arm.
She caught his eye and winked, a small smile on her soft lips.  “Walk with me, Astar.”
He was about to scold her for the nickname but for some reason from her he didn’t mind it.
“Gale holds your arm through town.” He murmured quietly as they walked.
Her cheeks darkened, “So he does.”
“It’s only fair-rr- I mean….proper.” He collected himself. “It’s only proper that a lady gets escorted.” He raised his chin, keeping his eyes ahead.
“Of course.”
“After all, you tend to get sidetracked and lost.”
“Sounds like me.”
“Hells forbid you see a cat!”
A  little annoyed now, she glared, “Are you gonna do it or what?”
“Of course I am, don’t be stupid!” Came his rushed reply just before he almost aggressively looped arms with her like Gale often did.
Behind them, the entire team silently laughed. Gale crossed his arms over his chest, batting away Shadowheart to pretended to try and loop arms with him. He turned away from her and glared playfully before pushing her into Karlach who caught her then gave her arm a reassuring pat before going back to minding her business.
Astarion glared venomously at any one that looked at them too long, thankfully only a few people due to her still being in little demon form. He felt like her bodyguard, and as such had to be the scary dog that made outsiders keep their distance.
And unlike most bodyguards,  he actually HAD bite.
Meanwhile, Liv was blissfully unaware of the mission he’d given himself, waltzing down the street casually.
When they arrived at their agreed upon meeting place, Liv wanted to go in alone but the entire group was quick to shut that down.
“Just in and out-it’ll be quick. Everyone leaves happy, no big deal.”
Astarion’s lips quirked up in a grin while he held his laughter, little sounds sneaking out. Karlach immediately began to belly laugh, drawing the attention of a few townspeople. Gale sighed and shook his head while the bard looked at him oddly.
“Sweet summer child.” He pressed a patronly kiss to her temple and hugged her cheek to his chest for a moment.
With knit brows, she let him hold her for a moment. “Anyway, any alternative plans then?”
“Well, you aren’t allowed to go anywhere alone so write that down.” The vampire rolled his eyes, missing her little smile.
“Our best bet here is to not arouse suspicion, and to appear as normal as possible to blend in. I think Liv and I should go in together,  since we look the most like the locals." The wizard spoke up.
“Human, you mean?” Shadowheart asked, crossing her arms at the other half-elf.
“And not head to toe in armor. Not exactly common garb in these parts.”
She relented, “Liv and I could go. Two women won’t look odd and I’m sure she has an outfit I can borrow.”
Gale gave a snappy retort, angering the Cleric. They bickered over who was going in with Liv until Karlach  physically turned their heads to show them Astarion had already whisked her away and toward little café, both in all their silver headed glory.
After casting an apologetic look over her shoulder, she spoke “You didn’t ask me to put on the angel.”
He paused, “I’ll never ask you  to change, darling. However you feel best is how I want you.”
She squeezed his arm, smiling up at him while he avoided her gaze.
Luckily everything went according to plan for once and they got another lead.
Before they returned to their team, waiting in the distance in the town square, they decided to slip out the back door  to see if they could make a few extra coins.
Liv put on the angel to aid in the con on her own accord, excitement in her stomach as she and Astarion approached a small group of people already with a game in progress.
“Where is she? I need to see her.” Astarion pushed past Shadowheart and headed toward Wyll’s tent.
“She’s going to live. Don’t interrupt her healing session. It’s…private.” She trailed after him, wishing Wyll hadn’t taken some personal time away so he could cast a hold spell.
Ordinarily  Shadowheart was stronger than Astarion, but now he was in a protective rage, eyes blazing like a wildfire as he sought his little devil.
This fueled him to overpower her, tugging free of her grip and delivering a sharp shove that sent her on her ass, blinking in shock.
He entered the bubble of silence cast around Gale’s tent and froze as he recognized the sounds of lust and sex, as well as the all to familiar scents that went along with it.
His blood ran cold as he hid and peaked in. He knew what to expect but was still aghast when he saw Gale on top of Liv.
Liv’s nude body was dotted with scrapes and bruises from their last fight, her head lulled to the side, eyes half open. She didn’t react much to the wizards deliberate, confident thrusts, her breasts bounced in recoil to punctuate each one.
Gale bit his lip, brows knit as he began to speed up. Liv's shallow breaths along with a few gasps softly joined the other sounds.
Astarion felt rage like never before and had the biggest urge to reach straight through Gale’s back and pull out his still beating heart.
But he knew that was a bad idea.
Liv’s head turned to the other side and she accidently met the vampire’s eyes, her own going from half lidded to wide, cheeks ablaze.
Feeling much like a scorned lover,  though not sure why, he silently sneered at her and left.
The following morning, the air was tense between the two troublemakers-Astarion and Liv.
Gale hadn’t noticed him, and she hadn’t told him.
She avoided her rogue as much as possible without drawing attention, seeking a distraction.
Otherwise back to her normal self, she pulled her violin from her bag of holding  and began to play an upbeat jig, a smile on her face as she watched Karlach and Wyll prepare breakfast.
Gale and Shadowheart clapped in time with the music, smiling and enjoying the morning.
His eyes narrowed at Gale as he approached, considering how he could catch the wizard’s robe on fire, stopping short to watch the end of the song.
Liv hesitated a bit upon seeing him, but being the professional she is, she didn’t let it hiccup the song. Gale noticed the jovial mood in her eyes dulled, and used his tadpole to connect to the vampire -immediately realizing what had happened.
The bard finished the song with a flourish of her bow then bowed for the applause  that came from everyone that didn’t drink blood.
Gale connected to Liv for a moment to see if she knew, appreciating that she told him the truth and didn’t make him search her memory.
I think it’s time to tell him, Angel. He’s the only one that doesn’t know and he’s clearly upset.
She sighed, I have to, now. We can’t keep going like this.
He gave a short nod, then made an excuse about wanting to show Liv how to feel the weave so they could both go into the woods together.
They were correct in assuming Astarion’s jealousy would have him tailing them.
Once they were away from camp, his body froze mid-step as Gale cast a hold person spell on him.
The pair turned around and headed over to him, ignoring the slew of curse words falling from his fangs.
“What in the hells do you think you’re doing?!” He growled at last.
“We need to talk- and by that I mean you need to listen. We can’t have you attacking Gale or running off before we explain.”
He glared at her, inwardly annoyed that the passing breeze carried over her lavender scent.
“I’m not sure what I saw other than the two of you acting like a couple of randy teenagers.”
Liv crossed her arms, nodding, “That’s exactly why you’re stuck right now.”
Gale’s lip quirked up for a moment at her flat tone before he spoke, “That’s all you saw? Are you absolutely sure there was nothing else of note?”
“Gale, darling, I’m not going to comment on the size of your staff if that’s what you’re fishing for.”
The wizard blinked in shock, blushing,  “No! No that’s not what I meant.”
Standing slightly behind him, Liv giggled, cutting herself off when Astarian glared at her again.
“Think back. Really think-I’ll even help you.” She cast a focus spell on him while he huffed and closed his eyes.
His mind’s eye took him back Gale’s tent, his eyes glued to the scene before him. Liv looked exhausted from their last battle. Her body was scraped and bruised here and there and bags sat under her eyes.
Her baby blues lacked the spark they usually held.
The vampire knit his brows, growling at the other man. “Did you do something to her?”
Gale’s jaw dropped, Liv spoke up and vehemently denied it.
“It’s not like that either. I look right as rain today, right?” she gestured to her face- bright and clear as always.
He nodded.
“You know I’m a half elf, right?”
“Of course. Drow-correct?”
Liv smiled, happy he remembered that given her normal, warm and sunny appearance. “Right. Well…it turns out…the other half wasn’t human.”
“I’m sure you’ve noticed Liv is much more adept at magic than a normal bard…hells I’ve been trying to convince her to let me train her as a spellcaster…”
She rolled her eyes.
“Anyway, the other half…my father…was an incubus. So…I’m half elf half-“
“Succubus.” Astarion sneered, “It all makes sense now. The power you hold over others with the simple toss of your hair.”
They waited to see what he would say next, giving him a moment to think.
“That’s why you look so much better than you did…last night.”
She nodded, “I seem to have an odd mix of traits and abilities. My little demon appearance can’t be washed away by any manor of magic because it’s still real. When I take after my father, I become the angel. But my mother was the drow.”
“It doesn’t trigger my detect magic ability either.” Gale added, “Because of her half succubus nature, every week or so she needs to be…reset, or she gets sickly and weak.”
“That’s why she’s gotten so much stronger since the began traveling together.”
Liv blushed and shuffled her feet, “Look, I’m really not as smooth as I pretend to be-its an act.”
The vampire was quiet for a long while, “So when you say you cant sleep alone-“
The half elf gasped, “Not every night! God’s Astarion I’m not an animal! Gale told you…once a week. I try to hold out for as long as I can though…” she looked down, “I know it’s a big ask. More often than not I just need to cuddle.”
Gale patted her shoulder, a kind smile on his lips. “I assure you it’s no toil for us. I admit it can be difficult when you’re…in rough shape but knowing it’s the best way we can help you-“
“Mmmhm nothing to do with the fact that you get to have sex with her, I’m sure.” The vampire cut him off, winking when he was done.
The wizard’s warm brown eyes widened, cheeks darkening-it was certainly not a chore, but an honor.
Liv quirked an eyebrow at him, stifling a laugh and trying to force the corner of her mouth down.
Astarion relaxed as he watched her reaction to this. His jealousy faded as he realized for Gale, and hopefully Wyll, this was a friends with benefits situation, not a romantic relationship.
“Oh do let me go now. I’m listening.”
After a nod from Liv, Gale released the hold spell.
Astarion straightened himself and pushed his hair back, shaking off the stiffness. “The girls were already aware, I’m assuming?”
Liv nodded. “Unfortunately, my succubus healing only seems to kick in with men. I guess I need a…bridge to transfer.”
“You had sex with Shadowheart?”
Gale raised an eyebrow, “You tried to.”
“Well yes, but for a different reason. It’s not the same.”
“If anything, my reason is better than yours.” Liv glared.
He tilted his head, “Is it? Who’s to say? Besides, it only makes sense to gather as many…potential healers as possible and keep one on hand at all times. It was smart of you to try, since the two of you normally pair up when we split.”
Silence for a beat.
"Though I must tell you, I thought we were closer than this, little angel.” He turned to her. “Why was I the only one left unaware of your…condition? Did you not want my…” he gestured to his body, “help.”
Gale turned to her, too, curious.
The bard blushed, keeping her eyes on the ground. “We've always been great friends and I didn’t want to risk making it weird.”
“So you didn’t think it weird to proposition your companions weekly to steal their energy when they orgasm?”
“It's really not bad. One sip of a health potion and you're back to rights.” Gale defended her.
“Alright, well,” he approached Liv, who shyly looked up. “This doesn’t change anything between us, darling, not if you don’t want it to.” He tilted her chin with one finger. “But if you decide you do, I assure you I’m more than capable of not treating you any differently if we slept together; dearest friend of mine.”
Her cheeks blazed, lips parting in shock. Gale rolled his eyes and looked away while the two had a moment.
He knew his friendship with Liv was clearly different than whatever it was she had with Astarion, so hearing her admit that hadn’t stung like one might expect. It was no secret the two had more in common, more laughs and a knack for getting in and out of trouble.
Gale, as well as Wyll, knew what this was.
Giving the half elf a wink, Astarion turned around and headed back toward camp.
She didn't ask for his help yet, but he hoped she would.
And when she did he would be whatever she wanted him to be; a simple friend with benefits due to a caring heart and sense of obligation or...maybe...
Well he wasn't sure but he was looking forward to her helping him find that out.
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Writeblr Intro
Greetings traveller!
About Me:
She/her, early 30s
PhD graduate working in heritage
British (obsessed with tea)
Also sings and crochets
Enjoys both Star Trek & Star Wars
Occasional NaNoWriMo participant
Fanfic writer of 15 years making the jump into original fiction (find my fandom blog @thetamehistorian)
Happy to take asks / play tag games etc.
Has a habit of designing covers rather than writing
Second attempt at this blog (main blog this time, cha cha real smooth)
Tends To Write / Read
Sci-Fi & Cyberpunk
Urban Fantasy & Fantasy
Comedy (this suprised me too)
Introducing My WIPS
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A crime thriller with a touch of cyberpunk...
Man with habit of doing wrong thing for right reason
Best buds to reluctant allies to ‘I would die for you’
That ‘I can’t believe you’ve done this’ meme
Conspiracies and double agents
Lots of angst and hurt (with some comfort)
Wholesome parent / child relationships
Solaris City has a problem. Whilst the metropolis flourishes, down below in the old mines the Undercity grows wild and dangerous, it’s people cut off from the prosperity above, dreaming of the sun and spreading Haze - an addictive drug.
Elias also has a problem. Working for the Bureau has cleaned his slate but he hasn’t cut all ties with those underground. Now there’s a girl hidden in his flat and something big has been uncovered that has his contacts in a flurry.
With two days to go to a vote on unifying the two halves of the city, and his friend Sebastien caught right in the middle, Elias has a feeling that it'll only take one domino falling for everything to come crashing down.
Work Page
First Draft Complete, If Messy (Mind the Plot Holes)
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A sci-fi comedy of a ship of misfits...
Puns for ship names (and just bad jokes in general)
Captain packing up the ship and all its crew because they can no longer thrive in this household
Overly social parents (please stop inviting my professor over to dinner)
Space worker unions (and aliens)
Learning self-worth and finding strength through working together
Found family
The United Earth Ship Archimedes patrols the border of charted space. Beyond it - the vast and unexplored reaches of the universe.
It’s an exciting prospect for Aster Kobor, newly graduated from the fleet academy and hoping to make her mark upon the stars. Unfortunately, it only takes a few weeks for Aster to realise that the Archimedes is nicknamed ‘the screw’ for a reason. It’s a ship for the rejects and misfits, those deemed unfit to serve in the frontier ships and command never lets them do anything exciting. Still, Aster is determined to make the best of it and, unbeknownst to her, her meddling Captain is about to give the crew of the Archimedes their chance to show command what they're made of.
Soon a bad reputation is the least of their troubles and, whether the crew like it or not, they’ll have to learn to survive in deep space - where their only certainty is each other.
Work Page
Currently Wrangling Vibes Into ~ Characters ~ and ~ Plot ~
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A historical novel about determined women, trains, and winning a war…
One woman’s obsession with the railways
Code breaking commuters
Breakfasts cooked on a coal shovel
Being accidentally adopted by an elderly fireman and driver duo
Occasional air raid for added ~spice~
Solidarity in the face of adversity and outdated systems
Bea had always been fascinated by the railways, but her dream of driving one of the locomotives always seemed out of reach. Working the trains is dangerous, dirty, and completely off limits to the fairer sex.
Then the war came and the men went off the fight. Answering the call to help, Bea and her fellow railway volunteers find themselves with an opportunity of a lifetime. Obscured from judging eyes by steam and smoke they shadow the veteran drivers and engineers, learning what they can on the job and hitting the library when they can't.
The trains need to run, they are vital to the war effort. All it would take is one rogue bomb, one mishap to take out a driver and the wheels stop spinning.
Or at least, that's what the station manager thinks.
Work Page
Currently Doing Research and Initial Planning!
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octaviasdread · 5 months
I hereby conduct this tortured poets society album meeting in all of its mania and sorrowful blues as I move from unhinged impressions to unhinged first-listen analysis because I am incapable of saying less.
(and to all the Aimees i’m so sorry but that’s on Kim)
This Anthology is taking me so long to process, but nothing feels like the first jarring moments of I Can Do It With a Broken Heart - the cacophony and flashes of a birthday breakdown bopping to 80s arcade game synth. It's crumbled cake and mascara streaks when Bejewelled is actually a delusional Mirrorball,
and The Secret Garden reference in I Hate It Here, oh god, she’s so me:
I hate it here so I will go to / secret gardens in my mind / people need a key to get to / the only one is mine / i read about it in a book when I was a precocious child
I need to come back to that. But the whirlwind of Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? Plans cancelled. IM THE ONE barricaded in the bathroom with a bottle of wine, actually. It's me chained-up in that poor things victorian mourning dress shrieking elegies in my tortured nightingale screams.
She's Grammys Taylor looking at the crowd of her peers rolling their eyes, she's the litany of snide jokes diminishing her success, and the children, sisters, friends, and girlfriends of those who wronged her loudly singing her songs.
so i leap from the gallows and i levitate down your street / crash the party like a record scratch as I scream / who’s afraid of little old me
i was tame i was gentle til the circus made me mean / don’t you worry folks we took out all her teeth
ohhh, the throwback to Speak Now and the significance of MEAN. The song and its titular word show how childish language encapsulates that pointless spite and the bone deep hurt mean behaviour breeds - but now she’s a phoenix risen, and they hurl her youth and her downfall back in her face - word for word, surprised face - its the dark side the The Lucky One, of not escaping the cage of fame games.
you lured me and you hurt me and you taught me / you caged me and then you called me crazy
i wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me / you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me / so all you kids can sneak into my house with all the cobwebs / i’m always drunk on my own tears isn’t that what they all said?
PUT NARCOTICS IN MY SONG took me out. This album is funny in the most sardonic and absurdly humorous ways,
like the classic cowboy western guitar strings in her crime songs (I Can Fix Him, No Really I Can - pistols drawn), but especially the ones leading into Fresh Out The Slammer. Fucking genius, and to follow on with static sounds at 2:26ish to the house where you still wait up, is exactly the kinda detail I adore.
Naively, I thought Florence was done with me after Florida!!! It's a lyrical meme for single 20 & 30 somethings who moved away from home,
my friends all smell of like weed or little babies / and the city reeks of driving myself crazy / little did you know your home’s really only / a town you’re just a guest in
and the haunting morphs from the ghost of your girlhood into the catalogue of decisions and delusions which get you through adulthood. Yet it feels almost like an interlude within the song when
me and my ghosts we’ve had a hell of a time / yes i’m haunted but i’m feeling fine / all my girls got their lace and their crimes / and your cheating husband disappeared/ well no one asks questions here
appears like an alternative pov for No Body, No Crime with the girls and their ghosts and their pacts made over wine. Every Action has an Equal Reaction. Run away to Florida, or Texas, and lose yourself to lose the heartbreak. Its self-destruction, it's trauma-healing, bonding, and its breaking.
(what a song for an angsty girl collab, problematic girl in hand with problematic girl, lyrically and thematically, maybe the real love story is the friends we make along the way.)
And that wasn't even the last of it. It's Florence 2.0 with B side Cassandra, but instead of Dance Fever, its Taylor’s glorious mythology with all the allusions, parallels, intertextual and lyrical ruining of my mind:
when the first stone’s thrown they’re screaming / when its burn the bitch they’re shrieking / when the truth comes out its quiet
so they killed cassandra first cus she feared the worst / and tried to tell the town / so they filled my cell with snakes i regret to say / do you believe me now?
No apologies anymore. A girl given the gift of prophecy by Apollo, the GOD OF POETRY, is cursed with her prophecy never being believed: Burning all the witches even if you aren't one, indeed. She saw the truth of the Trojan horse, and the Trojans insulted her. Rep snake branding and the current cultural view of KK and Ye. I don't need to say anything else.
i was in the tower weaving nightmares / twisting all my smiles into snarls
the family the pure greed the christian chrous line / bloods thick but nothing like a payroll / bet they never spared a prayer for my soul
I literally played that THREE times before I got over it enough to finish my first listen,
and i’m still thinking about Clara Bow and that Stevie Nicks tambourine we collectively freaked over from the Spotify installation, and all the silent movie speculation from the track title release.
you look like Clara Bow in this light - you look like Stevie Nicks in '75 - you look like Taylor Swift
Three women whose public profession became entangled with their pain. Silver Springs. Boyfriend songs. The jokes. Clara Bow.
Clara feared being left behind by 'talkies.' Miss Americana. The fear of 30 bringing death to a woman's Hollywood/Musical career,
beauty is a beast that roars down on all fours demanding more / only when your girlish glow flickers just so / do they let you know?
Three women who beat the odds - three women whose talent, craft, and popularity carried them through.
But there's something more to unpack here with cycles and patterns - of the past endlessly repeating. It's the transient nature of fame and our fleeting view of beauty mapped out in the untouchable, ever-changing, and culturally worshiped moon.
It's a body of physical craters, a natural body we call discovered, and fight to claim. We project emotions and create rituals of worship - you're the new god we're worshipping. Endless stories are told about her, but we can never fully see the moon with human eyes. Eclipses, shadows, - 'half moonshinе, a full eclipse' - half-truths and half-moons:
this town is fake but you're the real thing / breath of fresh air through smoke rings / take the glory, give everything / promise to be dazzling
There's a play on light and a play on words in the repetition of Dazzling, shining so bright so blindingly bright. Who is dazzled? Who is doing the dazzling? There's an instability between Director - Public - Star. It's Hollywood lights, No one in my small town thought I'd see the lights of Manhattan / No one in my small town thought I'd meet these suits in LA.
She beat the 'War Big Machine' - but for me, there's ambivalence and illusion on all sides of the final lyrics, you've got edge, she never did / the future's bright, dazzling.
(and ‘Edge’ is particularly ironic when you consider the songs on this album…)
Moving again into the B Side, it's Taylor's departure from Invisible string, red strings of fate, and golden threads à la the golden chain of fate in Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities that strikes me.
First, I thought her writing was a complete departure from the themes of destiny and fate, but then, The Prophecy:
cards on thе table / Mine play out like fools in a fablе
it isn't an absent symbol; it transformed. It's the evermore forest amped to the max. Witches, folklore, fairy-tale and fable - a homeric epic. Its the hero's journey distilled as she opens the song with a move from 'full throttle' adventure, to slowing down 'Hand on the Throttle' to appeal for Supernatural aid at the hero's transformative fall.
and it was written / I got cursed like eve got bitten / a greater woman wouldn't beg / but I looked at the sky and said / please I've been on my knees / change the prophecy
Lover asking Traffic Lights becomes spending my last coin so someone will tell me, and this might be the most slept-on heartbreaking line. Her search for reassurance can't be framed as an arbitrary musing anymore. It can't be dismissed as a mere thought on her drive home, or something triggered throughout the day - its intent. It's a quest for answers, a plea, a last-ditch hope difficult to deny.
and I sound like an infant / feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen/ a greater woman stays cool/ but I howl like a wolf at the moon / and I look unstable /
gathered with a coven 'round a sorceress' table / a greater woman has faith But even statues crumble if they're made to wait / i'm so afraid I sealed my fate / no sign of soulmates
She's asking for a gift from the Gods, and when the God's won't answer, she plunges straight down from heaven or Olympus into the self seizure of power in witchcraft. And when it fails, she descends further - Spending my last coin so someone will tell me it'll be okay - paying mortal fortune tellers, even if they lie.
The song leans on figures without redemption, on the Eve's, on the women cursed and punished, and those who scream like infants rather than enduring burdens and pain in silence. She's poisoned, infected like Aurora from the wound of the pricked hand with dreams of him. Is this a punishment?
She's infected, cursed like Eve got bitten, [lyric of all time!!!!] but does a monster always do monstrous things? Who is the monster? Who is the folkloric, the literary Mad Woman? Perhaps she's written from the desperate, the scarred, and the wronged.
and the transition into another tale with Peter? As in Peter losing Wendy? Is it an epilogue to the Betty trilogy? or a different use of the metaphor?
and I didn't wanna hang around / we said it was just goodbye for now /said you were gonna grow up / then you were gonna come find me / words from the mouths of babes / promises oceans deep / but never to keep
The triangle is echoed in love's never lost when perspective is earned, reflecting the different povs of Betty, August, and James, and placing Peter as the new conclusion - the shelf life of those fantasies has expired / lost to the lost boys chapter of your life/ the woman who sits by the window/ has turned out the (porch?) light.
Promises wear out. Wendy's window closes, and so does this chapter in her life.
my lost fearless leader / in closets like cedar / preserved from when we were just kids / is it something I did? / the goddess of timing / once found us beguiling
is also - intentionally or not - Narnia coded. Is the storybook collecting dust in her closet? Or is the closet still holding a portal to another fairytale land accessible only in youth, another home you can't return to (and another folklore parallel with mtr, anywhere I want just not home).
Side B is so harmonious with ttpd being the end of a chapter as the anthology moves through all the seven stages (or Taylor playlists) of grief.
The Manuscript, the signing of the autopsy, is the Death of the Author. It's the Roland Barthes realisation of All Too Well reborn in joy and fan culture, the story isn't mine anymore, of the Eras - 'I hope you hear these songs and think of this night' - Tour. She knew what the agony had been for - art. connection. - and its these things that create the hope lost in ttpd's journey through mania, disorientation, loss and despair. It all leads to healing, nothing left but a manuscript.
So many thoughts from listen no.1 and they’ll probably change, but i’m so exhausted from this 31 song rollercoaster that I'm just gonna let this sit. death of the author, I guess.
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barrenclan · 11 months
I think catabolic seed by the scary jokes is very slugpelt, maybe about her life in general?
Yeah, I think so! I like the themes in this song about trying to take control of your life by reaching out to other people, but getting denied. That's very Slugpelt.
Also, check out this awesome PMV with Catabolic Seed, which I just have to show off cause I love it so much.
"But is bad luck really such a crime? If you won't be my valentine, could you at least give me a little bit of sympathy?"
"I don't care if I'm losing myself in the garden of earthly delights I could drop dead right where I stand, and I wouldn't mind"
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You guys always find such interesting songs. I like this one. It's definitely got good Rainhaze energy.
"even through the pain animals cannot change dance with the skeletons and float away"
"eat and then die all your siblings cast aside too"
"see with new eyes a world ready to despise you"
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No, no one's recommended this Hannibal fansong yet. But nice call for Ranger talking to Rainhaze!
"So look in the mirror And tell me, who do you see? Is it still you? Or is it me?"
"Do you feel the hunger Does it howl inside? Does it terrify you? Or do you feel alive?"
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That's a good classic ask, back from the beginning of the blog. Never forget Christmas music Daff.
"Underground, boxed and glum Left you there for rot All my fears are overgrown Will someone burn this grove?"
"Welcome home! It's been a while Do you miss your head? With your tattered clothes and your bloody nose?"
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I LOVE Vulture Culture! That song is great. I've been wanting to do a version of its animation meme for years now with a fandom I'm in. Maybe someday.
It can be a Rainhaze song and a Defiance song. They're so interlinked now, right?
"We live and die in a vulture culture We crucify anyone we hunger Gemini and a broken brother We live and die, my friend"
"Well, I guess I made my bed Now I gotta lie in it Like a suicidal kiss I got a guilty conscience"
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BarrenClan is a cursed land!...
"The curse ruled from the underground, down by the shore And their hope grew with a hunger to live unlike before"
"If they called on every soul in the land, on the moon Only then would they know a blessing in disguise"
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Asphodelpaw's themesong is a MARINA song, so you're already halfway there! I also agree with you about the idea of Asphodel feeling like she has to put on a strong front and pretend like she doesn't have any genuine feelings.
"It's okay to say you've got a weak spot You don't always have to be on top Better to be hated Than loved loved loved for what your not"
"You're vulnerable, you're vulnerable You are not a robot You're lovable, so lovable But you're just troubled"
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What a wonderful title for a song. I also love mashing my OCs into any vaguely related song to them.
"I bid the sunshine adieu! In 1872 When the girl that I liked Made me a creature of the night"
"On the shortest night of the year I told him he’d nothing to fear As I bit his throat and crooned as he choked “Together forever my dear”
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I'm certain this song has been suggested before, but that's only because any song from The Crane Wives discography could fit into PATFW.
"He taught me that the hand that feeds Deserves to be bitten when it beats He taught me how to break my chains And that money ain't worth a thing"
"Reminding me how little I have But as for time, as for time It's mine, it's mine"
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Poor Pinepaw! He really does know too much, often envious of who he used to be.
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...yeah, that's going on the playlist.
"Everything here is built on bones
Everything everything everything
And men will do as they’re foretold
Everything everything everything
Visions you don’t want to see
Everything everything everything
Hide your face from prophecy"
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If I'm being real - since this song is so desert-themed, it's giving much bigger Saltburn's Clan energy, especially with the line about "mountain cats". (Blasting beams into the 3 people who read this's head to go read SBC at @nanistar)
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If you want my opinion, I would say Slugpelt.
"So, if I can wait five more In this shape that I abhor I'll sleep with an open door Knowing you haven't touched a cell on my body"
"Now, my love carries the task Of handling the aftermath Can you smooth the looping lines Of fingerprints before your time?"
Lol I ran out of video embeds
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agent-calivide · 2 months
🎙️ and ✈️ for the ask game!!
✈️ Give a shout out to a fan artist / fic writer / etc. in the fandom that you appreciate!
Oh boy, get ready for a list.
@/lunacornfan2k24 has their AMAZING Celebrity Crush series that actually kicked off fanfic writing for the IEYTD fandom as a whole and holds up as one of my favorite fanfics I've ever read! All of the OC's are so fun, so real, and feel like they'd just be IEYTD characters in game!
@/rojaceartandgaming is the creator of Jackson "Agent Phoenix" Winters and has such a fun story going with his Out of the Ashes and Into the Flames fics! He's got such a strong personality and his rivalry with Juniper because they're both actors is such a fun twist! And that's not even touching on his other OC's, I Want To Punt Them! /pos
@/lavalampstealer has a super unique, silhouette style that I absolutely live for! They were a major art inspiration of mine and I get so excited whenever they're back in the fandom! I may or may not have stolen their idea of Kinesium making the agents glow (if I recall right?) and all around Cyan showing up on my dash always delights me!
@/neurotonic has such a strong artstyle with sharp shapes and bright colors and HOW ARE YOU SO CREATIVE??? Every art piece that comes from her is so neat, the body language, the expressions, I could ramble forever about how cool his art alone is, and then the OC's??? God tier, wanna be friends Black Mamba but I know they'd probs kill me.
@/an-asexual-idiot is another really cool artist that I'm always excited to see from! She's making the jump from Insta to Tumblr, so her blog's a bit empty, but her work is always so polished and detailed and I love seeing Gibson getting the attention he deserves. I am amazed by her backgrounds and would commit crimes to draw Juniper half as well as she does.
@/definitelyunhingedagentphoenix has hilarious incorrect quotes compilations that are always just the right amount of feral and is always feeding back into the fandom whenever I see their posts! It's a delight to see a string of them RPing out Phoenix getting into a problem or needing a loving family based on one meme post!
@/wyvchard is an awesome writer who does some pretty fun, pretty painful works! I'm living for their interpretation of Radio Host Phoenix, and their angst just hits different ngl- I've also gotten some of my favorite comments on Ao3 from them, they always put so much thought into them and make my work feel so appreciated in such a genuine way!
@/purplebehittindifferent AGH her COMICS. They're so pretty, they always melt my heart, and I am just thrilled to see them on my dash! The found family, the gremlin-y Phoenix, mom and dad Prism and Crane, the hurt comfort I LOVE them!!! They're so pretty and silly and sad and it's always neat seeing her work!
I could go on, this whole fandom is so gaddamn talented and we'd be here all night-
🎙️ What’s your favourite (used or unused) voice line in the games?
That's a hard one- honestly there's a few.
Again, obvious answer is obvious, "Oh, don't get any ideas, you're not going anywhere. As a matter of faaact~, you and I are gonna have a little chat" Is beautiful work from both voice actors and still gives me chills to this day!
But I also really like basically all of Zor's dialogue in KBOOM. "Ah, the creator and her creation working together..." "So you fooled Prism into believing in you... Well, even the great Phoenix will one day burn out..." "A bit late for that. And it seems Prism didn't die in the explosion at her factory either..."
Zor just scares me and I love them for it. The slightly patronizing edge, the condescension, the amusement. Zor feels so in control the whole time, and when they lose that control their mask only ever so slightly slips.
"Believe me when I say there's nothing worth saving at the agency... I would know.
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lilcathsmith · 4 months
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Crime Show Meme - CSI insp. [1/10 episodes]
"Concentrate on what cannot lie. The evidence." - Pilot (Season 1 Episode 1, 6th October 2000)
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popcornforone · 8 months
The Winners Circle
A Dieter Bravo Fan Fic
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This was in draft form a while, not completed. I’ve always wanted to write Dieter during award season & with Pedro being nominated so much this year it was fitting. Also a huge shout out to @salgal78 she said ahhh I have an idea for a fic for you to write or incorporate & part of it appears in this so thanks my love.
Synopsis: It’s the TV BAFTAS & both you & Dieter are up for awards. Everyone thinks you’re just friends, let’s see if you can convince everyone that’s still the case & not something more.
Word Count: 5800
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! PIV (passionate & kinda getting near rough) sex, oral male receiving, established relationship, cream pie, swearing, alcohol, mentions of party & Dieters previous life style, previously friends to lovers, secret relationships, teasing. Public sex, bribery.
Thanks as always for the read peoples it’s really appreciated. All feedback is welcome. I hope you enjoy.
Your silver heels sit in the corner of the hotel bathroom ready to head to the BAFTA’s. Tonight you are certain will be your night. You are up technically for 5 awards.
Best comedy show
Tv moment of the year
Best comedy actor (twice for your co stars)
& best comedy actress for you
You & your long time writing parter & first love came from nothing & wrote a hit sketch comedy show which has now reached its natural conclusion. You are both finally getting recognition for this & tonight as you walk the red carpet at the Baftas you will be validated. You strap your heels on & make sure your purple dress shimmers & makes you look fantastic. You leave the bathroom of the suite & see your husband sorting out his purple tie in the mirror. His eyes catch you in the reflection, & the (for once) smart Dieter Bravo turns around. His lips part as he sees you.
“Bloody hell” he says looking you up & down. “What happened to my wife & the comfortable leggins & hoddies she wears?”
“Oooh she’s here baby, don’t worry” you walk up to him & sort out his cufflinks for him. His pocket square as well matches the material on your dress. He is also up for two BAFTAS . For best performance In an international tv show & also for tv moment of the year. His death in the crime drama he was in last year got rave reviews & became an instant meme. It’s almost as iconic as Hans Gruber falling from the nakatomi plaza. “You do need to remember though Dieter, that no one even knows we are dating & just assumes we are friends” after confessing your mutual feelings for each other a few weeks ago, you decided not to waste any time & got married 8 weeks later. Only your immediate families & 2 friends each in attendance for the most romantic evening of your lives. You are meant to actually right now be on your honeymoon, but when you both got your award nominations 3 day’s before your nuptials, you postponed it by a few days.
“I will baby, don’t worry, remember I’m good at keeping these kinda secrets” he says with a wink & gets his phone out to take a selfie of you both before you head off to the BAFTAS. separate cars are coming to get you, as you are travelling with the people from your show who are in the rest of the rooms on this floor.
“I know you are, I mean people have seen us on the red carpet together before as friends…” you look longingly into his big brown eyes & this scruffy hair which you insisted he kept for tonight. It means if you can sneak a few minutes with him & you run your hands through it, it won’t look like you have done that. You do also prefer him scruffy. “But your mine now baby”
“& so are you my wife” he kisses you.
“I’m never going to get tired of hearing that husband”
“& I’ll never stop saying it” he smiles back. Click goes his camera as you both hold each other & take a romantic selfie. For your eyes only.
“To the left”
“Looking fabulous”
“How does it feel to be the toast of the awards?”
This is the craziest red carpet you’ve ever been on. There have been some properly famous people walk this in front of you tonight. But you seem to be the person everyone wants to talk to, have a selfie with, be interviewed by. It’s suddenly dawned on you that tonight will change your life. You are being taken seriously & as you pose you get more comfortable & confident in yourself.
“Dieter” a member of the press shouts. Because you’ve been doing so much fan service, interviews & stuff with your colleagues on your show, Dieter has now caught you up on the red carpet. “Pose with her” is shouted & that’s all it takes. Dieter stops his solo geeky pose he’s famous for & because you’ve always posed at events together, it’s not weird to anyone when he pulls you in close around the waist.
“Smile baby” he says as he kisses your hand & smoulders to you & then turns to the world’s photographers.
“I always smile Dieter” you beam at the press. Your hand is squeezing his bum, the cheek nearest to you. He winks at you & leans into your ear.
“Keep doing that…” he whispers seductively “… & you’ll remember tonight for more than the accolades you receive”
“Dieter” you say loudly in shock & suddenly realise people heard you outloud. “Oooh you know how he gets” you play it off & Dieter rolls his eyes. The press know Dieter is know for his slightly risky comments, that’s why he’s celebrity gold for the tabloids. He plays up to his perceived image, but that was just for your ears.
You continue to work the red carpet & eventually make your way into the auditorium & are handed a complimentary glass of champagne & then someone comes to take Dieter to his seat. You knew you weren’t sitting together but right now you wish he was sitting next to you for today. He wasn’t given a plus one & you gave yours to another member of your cast so they could come to this as well.
“Good luck beautiful” he kisses your cheek & is walked into the theatre. It’s only when you walk in that you realise how near the front you & your show are. You also see Dieter sitting about 8 rows back talking to an usher. You sit down next to your Co writer & ex Ciaran.
“So what are you predicting?” He says.
“Two, comedy show & best actor for either you or Pete” you reply.
“Ha” his wife Jess says “you’re always so modest, we all know full well you’re gonna pick up best comedy actress. If you don’t we all boycott the BAFTAs going forward”
“Jess!” You exclaim “you can’t say that while we are actually at the BAFTAs” you tut & roll your eyes & then you & Ciaran say the exact same thing in unisons. “Wait til we’ve at least won one bloody thing” the whole group of you laugh. It’s one of the lines from the show when you talk to others about how inappropriate they are but to do it once that person has left of the thing is over. If you get no other wins tonight this has all made you have a collective laugh.
“To present our first award…” the host goes on, you haven’t checked the program to see what order things are in, you were going to do that during the first award, but then you stop & put the list down & applaud as the words”… Dieter Bravo” are said. The room cheers. Obviously to you & your colleagues & friends they knew he was going to be here, they know your a couple probably the only people in the room that do, but the rest of the room is really enthusiastic too. It’s always good when a big megastar turns up for uk award shows. Out he walks in his charcoal suit, pocket square & tie that highlights the outfit, & he’s got his glasses on. That’s your man right there. He’s yours & you wish he was now sitting next to you to keep you calm tonight.
“Comedy is all about timing, something that’s not my strongest attribute, just ask my friends & how I almost didn’t get to my limo in time.”
“Well we’re a shoe in…”Ciaran whispers to you.
“The opening award is for comedy show, Dieters presenting, the world knows your friends, they are doing this for a nice little on stage reunion” Your eyes pop open.
“Ooooh fuck” your hand trembles & Ciaran grabs it like he used to when you were a couple but it doesn’t calm you as it shakes anymore. Proving you work better as writers & friends.
“Breathe, it will be okay” Jess whispers, she has known you both long enough to know that there’s nothing going on between you.
After the little highlight package Dieter announces your tv show the winner & you all cheer & slowly make your way up to the stage. You’ve already made the group decision that the two people who will do this acceptance speech will be Ciaran (because you & Ciarán both know Pete is winning comedy actor) & James the next person with the most input. They all are congratulated by Dieter as they go up to the stage & you are last, & you hug him in a friendly way. You then with the other 4 cast members step back & let James & Ciaran talk& accept the award. You slowly feel Dieters hand go around your waist. You’re still listening to what your friends have to say, but you are suddenly much calmer now that you’re next to your husband.
“Congrats baby” he whispers “my little bafta winner”
“Thanks Dieter, the night is still young.” You’re trying to be professional but the way he just poked his glasses back up his nose has got you desiring him. You then slowly leave Dieters side & quickly leap into the microphone to do one last thank you.
“I know it’s a long night so I’ll be quick but I just want to say James & Ciaran are the reason we are here winning this, because let’s be honest they make us all look funny & you were never going to thank yourselves we’re you.” The room erupts into chuckles & you all leave the stage to do a few small interviews with the press back stage, before returning to watch the awards.
As you predicted earlier Pete wins best comedy actor. His performance as Grumpy Grandpa is going to be remembered long after any of you are relevant anymore. It is harsh on Ciaran & his characters he created. He is the better performer but Grumpy Grandpa is marvellous, mainly because of the way you & Ciaran wrote it. You sit there as the nominees for comedy actress are read out. You hate being recognised, you’re bad at self praise, but this was always a definite nomination as you missed out on a supporting actress bafta for something else last year because it didn’t meet the bbfc guide lines for international work. This year that rules has now been changed due to people protesting towards Bafta.
“& the bafta goes to…” says Nathan who is a tv show judge & currently flavour of the month looks wise in the British press.
He says your name.
You freeze.
You thought this might happen. But that still doesn’t mean it’s a shock to the system to hear your name be read out loud. The room erupts in noise & cheers & you sit there as Ciaran hugs you.
“Oh my fucking god” the room is filled with noise & people congratulating you but it’s all silent as your head trys to process what has just happened. You have a solo bafta. The room is a blur as you make your way to the steps to go & accept the award. But as you reach the stage & Nathan comes to hug you, you just catch a sight out the corner of your eye. Dieter is wiping a tear away a few rows further back. He’s standing up & applauding like everyone else but his eyes are glazed. He’s proud. He’s proud of his wife.
You are brought to an even more surreal reality of winning by a hug from Nathan. He tall dark & handsome even more so in person, smells divine & he gives you a hug.
“Congratulations” he says his eyes dancing “finally” he says & he hands you the BAFTA. Your BAFTA. You don’t need to share this one. It’s just where you’re gonna put it. You almost drop it. It’s so heavy. It doesn’t look it but it really is a weight. You get to the podium & put it on the stand & take a deep breathe.
“Well ladies & gents,I can confirm that Nathan does smell as good as he looks” the room laughs. You’ve broken the ice at the start of your speech. You have a rough idea about who you need to thank but you’ve not written it down. You’re going to speak from the heart & then you properly begin.
“Thank you Bafta. This is incredible. As are my 4 other nominees in this category. It’s hard enough to be a woman in this world anyhow let alone showbiz, but comedy is the hardest job of all so I want to say thank you to my fellow nominees & the women who came before us for giving us this opportunity.” You point & look at the rest of the friends from the show.
“I need to thank my guys & gals from the show, mainly Ciaran for being an amazing writing partner for over a decade & to his amazing wife Jess who let him just after they got married to go spend 10 weeks in a room with his ex & trust us.”more people laugh. “I also want to thank my parents, my brother & his wife & all the friends from the beginning who let me tell them bad jokes for years you are always my inspiration & to my new friends that I have now I’m a big shot apparently” you do quotation marks as you say that. A member of the press who doesn’t write fairly about women when they are successful said that you’d soon be a big shot & it would be the end of your tv show. You’ve waited 3 years to own them back.
“I also want to thank the viewers for sharing our show over the years, you watching meant we could do wilder crazier things, so thanks for the support, but the person I really want to thank is whoever it is who’s listening me right now. Be it a girl a guy a they or an I. I never thought I’d be here, I have always been told nah not today or well try this or be this. I may have changed a little recently but I’m am most me in front of my lap top typing. I may now be a comedian & actress but I am a writer, & my dream was to be recognised for that. So whoever you are out there, keep striving for the dream, be it you want to be a doctor or you want to complete the ironing tonight you’ve got this & I believe in you.” The room applauds & you smile & then you raise your BAFTA in the air & finish your speech. “Thank you so much BAFTA & D I adore you” you make eye contact with Dieter as you say that. You always say to each other that you adore him in public instead of saying you love him & he does the same. It does mean I love you to each other though. The room gives you a standing ovation & you walk off back stage to speak to the press about your well deserved win.
That’s it for your shows win for the night & Dieter doesn’t win either but next comes the after party & dinner. You are nowhere near Dieter for dinner, but you can now text him & you make a point to walk past his table & he does the same to you. Dinner is finished & the party really gets going. A world famous dj is mcing & the music is banging. You’re stood there chatting to Nathan who presented your award earlier, your bafta has been taken to be engraved & will already be at your hotel room when you get there later. It’s been replaced with a glass of champagne.
“Sorry about the comment about how you smelt Nathan, but you always look phenomenal”
“I mean I do judge a beauty show, I have a reputation to live up to”
“As do I with my comedy & ad libs” you both laugh. “But you do smell good” you then smile. Nathan assumes it’s for him but it’s not. Dieter is walking your way behind Nathan with the other judge from Nathan’s Tv show.
“Ahhh Nathan I thought you should meet the rather Dashing Dieter Bravo, he’s interested in having a new suit” Violet says. Nathan turns & sees the look on Dieters face & looks him up & down every detail taken in. Nathan shakes his hand.
“I know me needing a suit? Ironic” Dieter giggles sipping his whiskey, trying to to keep smiling at you. Violet then interjects.
“& congratulations to you, lots of wins today, you created such a wonderful show… have you watched it Dieter?” He almost chokes on his whiskey. He came to set a few days before you were a couple to watch how your show is made. He knows all too well the effort you put into making it.
“Oooh yes I have, I love it, she’s very talented with her hands…” he lingers & then shouts”… at typing” he’s blushing & you just stand there smiling, knowing exactly what he meant.
“I’m sure she is” Nathan winks “Violet let’s go mingle & Dieter you can get my information & I’ll do you a suit fitting” Nathan then shakes his hand again & then hugs you goodbye “I’ll leave you & your other half alone” your face looks a bit shocked as you pull away & look at him. “His face, your eyes & the similar styles & colours on your outfit plus that new glistening ring, I’d say you want some alone time”
“Wow Nathan no one else has clocked”
“Well they are all idiots” & he leaves & Dieter smiles at you before putting his glass down & flinging his arms around you, lifting you up & spinning you around in the air. You do a small scream. People don’t take notice this is what Dieter does to all people, he’s friends with. When your back in your feet he whispers softly.
“Congratulations to my my little miss double bafta winner” he kisses your cheek & you wish you didn’t have to hide your relationship at the moment. You would love the world to know that you are Mrs Bravo.
“Thanks Dieter, sorry you didn’t win”
“Oh but I did, the world wants to speak & be with you but only I get to do that.”
After dancing & networking, you leave the party. Both you & Dieter are now a little bit tipsy & not drunk. A line of limos are waiting outside, so you hold his hand & March him into the back of one of them & ask the drive to go the long way to your hotel.
“Have you had an amazing night my love?” Dieter asks as he tucks your hair behind your ear that’s come down slightly & kisses your neck. Your hand goes straight to his thigh.
“Yes Dieter, one of the best nights of my life”
“Well you deserve it”
“So do youuuuhooooo oooh Dieter” his teeth graze down your neck making you shudder with excitement.”im sorry you didn’t win though”
“Oh no I won, the world wants you for 5minutes ,i have you all to myself” you plunge one of your hands into his whispy hair before he hold you in place & you make out in the back of the limo. You know from experience that these driver keep thing’s professional & don’t over step the mark. But as you stroke his length from above his trousers, you can feel his anticipation building. He’s getting hard with each touch stroke & kiss. He wants you & the way he is sighing means he might cum in his trousers soon, if you don’t help him out.
You grab the intercom & buzz it to the driver.
“Complete disgression which will come with a very generous tip?”
“Of course just let me know when your done, traffic is a nightmare tonight so it might take a…”
“Thank you” Dieter announces & slams the intercom off as he unbuckles his belt.
“Dieter?! That was rude!” You scoff at him he likes it when you a bit moody, it’s a turn on but what’s not a turn on for Dieter. “Sorry he’s drunk” you apologise & then really turn the intercom off.
“I’m not that drunk my love, I’m at the right level” he says “& I hope you give me more than the tip”. He winks & he unzips his toruses & from the inside of his boxers out flops his massive erect penis. You lick your lips in excitement. For years you had heard girls & guys talk about how good Dieters cock was for blow jobs & he’d always said they’d been alright but the first time you took his length inside your mouth he came in seconds. Maybe it was just the idea or desperation for him to claim your mouth but he always repays the favour.
“Oooh my mouth likes to go all in baby.” You kneel on the limo floor & push your hair from your face. You spit on his leaking head. It’s angry & waiting to be welcomed for relief. You look up at him & smile. “All the way?” He stares in disbelief you’ve only done that when you were both high on lsd but you enjoyed it.
“You… you…sss…. You’re sure” he man spreads fully.
“Totally ” you’ve been stroking him for the last few exchanges & know it’s time. Down you go. Not all the way starting with the tip you want to go further down with each bob. You want him to get even more lost in desire the further you go.
“Oooh yesss, oooh fuck baby yes” he loves how your small little mouth which always is so polite, accommodates him. Your tongue lapping around it, how the saliva costs him. He grips the seat in the limo looking down as you take him further inside you.
“Fuck, I have won, you’ve not sucked anyone else tonight off” one hand has moved to his thigh, stroking it. Adding extra tension to him. His hips can’t be constrained as they start to gyrate. You know this is your cue to go deeper.
When he fills your cunt with his penis you wonder how it fits. Therefore you’re always shocked that when it hits the back of your throat that you don’t run out of air. It’s always a mess when you’re finished with him, but damn he always feels so good when you give him oral.
“Oooh baby, more, more, can you go further?” You flutter your eyes at him & nod & his hands go into your hair to encourage your bobbing. “good girl, my fucking good fucking slutty wife” he moans & his hips move & his hands go into your head too. The teasing blow job is now a face fuck. & he is grinding his teeth & snarling in desire. He holds your hair keeping you in place so you don’t Bob & he fucks further down your throat. “Eye contact baby” you reconnect as you stare at your husband. “Fuck oooh fuck” each thrust harder. Your taste buds already tasting some of him. He grips your chin in place so it doesn’t budge. He’s going so hard you’re worried about the mess you will make soon.
You gagging around him. Your nose is in his pubic hair when you reach the base each time. There is no relenting. Dieter is getting everything out in this blow job & his shirt is starting to dampen from sweat from the excitement it’s building up inside him.
“Baby I’m gonna,… gonna cum… so…so…” he growls but due to the change in his rhythm you already knew this. You’d pulled back slightly. You didn’t want to choke when he came, that had happened before, it was not a nice feeling for either of you. So he’s not fully down your throat, as his hips shudder. “Fucking fuck oooh fuck” he screeches & Dieter spills into your mouth. Funky & salty, the ropes of his seed have your taste buds standing to attention. Swallowing every drop. His eyes are closed as his pleasure is complete. He leans back on the limo seat, as you slowly let his penis go & give it a few last licks before taking a napkin to wipe it clean.
“Still tastes like a winner to me baby” you eventually state, swiping your thumb to wipe up a small bit of cum on your lips before softly & seductively licking it clean. You wait til his eyes are open before you do this. He lets out a soft giggle & sigh.
“I’ve slept with countless people who have performed oral on me & yet there’s something about your reflex & the way you slurp that always turns me on more than anyone else.” He helps you back onto the seat of the limo & redresses him bottom half.
“Before or after….”
“Oooh the first time you sucked my cock I was like oooh this, this here is next level.” He smirks rubbing your hair in a hazy state. “Everyone before me must have been idiots…”
“Actually Diets…” you interrupt “you are the only man I’ve ever performed oral on”
“What!?” He’s shocked “this is a joke right” you shake your head.
“On mine & yours life…”
“Then why me… why no other guy before me”
“Because i knew you liked it, expected it & I wanted to return the favour, knowing how legendary the rumours were about your own mouth is at pleasuring cunts”
“Wow” Dieter leans in & deeply kisses you. “Well I appreciate it every time, & I will return the favour of making your clit quiver…” his hand goes under your dress & you feel his hand reach for your knickers, but the limo then stops.
“We’re here” the intercom voice announces.
“Probably best to do this in our hotel room actually, much more room” Dieter then leave a £250 in the back of the limo. “For your discression” he says & he then drag the two of you out of the limo.
You are woken the next morning by a knock at your door. You ignore it at first but then the phone in the room rings. You unhappily wriggle free of Dieters grip, those long muscular arms wrapped around you, not wanting to let go. Eventually you get the phone & gasp, grabbing Dieters Jacket from last night to put on & answer the door, you don’t want to answer it naked. Your face is full of joy as you sign the security forms & take the large black & gold box back into your room. Dieter has stirred at the commotion, your excitement & you slowly pulling yourself away from him.
“Babe?” He asks half asleep as you stand at the table & open the box. His eyes light up when he can see your bum cheeks popping out the bottom of his jacket. You turn your head & smile.
“Morning sexy”
“No your the sexy one in my jacket” Dieter replys with a big stretch before his hand goes under the bed sheet to try & calm his morning erection, but with the way you look that’s not going to happen, it’s just going to have to wait a few minutes.
You stand there & lift up your 2 Baftas which are now engraved with your name show & date.
“They are here,” you put one back in the box as they are both heavy & slide onto the end of the bed & do the thing you’ve always wanted to do if you ever got your hand on one, use it as a face mask. Both you & Dieter laugh at this. Dieter leans to his bedside table & takes a snap of you on his phone.
“For insta later baby”he says with a wink.
“But I’m all but naked Dieter?”
“You don’t need to hide your body beautiful” he’s taken the bafta from you to look at it but he’s clearly distracted. “What time is your tv show press shoot this afternoon?” He asks as he tussles his hair.
“4pm why?”
“Good” he kicks off the bed sheet showing he’s completely naked & aroused, & put the bafta on the bedside table. “We didn’t celebrate enough last night” he pulls you fully onto the bed so that you’re on top of him.
“Who ever said we did?” You smirk leaning your head to his for a sensual kiss. Your hands running through that crazy untamed fluffy hair.
“Oooh sweetheart” the words escape his lips as both your eyes close as the intense kiss continues. His hands go under the jacket caressing your body, making sure you’re in the right place for pleasure to begin. “My winner, my winner at everything” he slowly puts his hand on your behind & lowers you onto his meaty length, the stretch as always extraordinary. He’s so big & you gasp. He lightly pushes his hands into your bum so you start to rock down onto him, pleasure already spreading through your veins, pumping your blood. His hands after a few motions move to help you undo the few jacket buttons you have as he looks up at you as you both slide it from your body, tossing it off the bed.
“You’re so beautiful baby” he moans, his hips already at a good rhythm. He looks up at you as you ride him. Your pelvis rolling to meet his thrusts, as that special place is starting to be hit. His hands grip your hips. Finger marks will be there for a while after this is over. You trail your hand down your body, eventually stopping at your clit, stroking starts slowly but then gets more vigorous. Dieter would usually do this by he’s in a trace as you make oooh fuck noises, & your spare hand squeeze a nipple.
“Fuck Dieter oooh fuck”
“Yea baby like that, I like that, so fucking good” he pants back. “Why is your cunt so addictive?” He’s moving faster you know what he wants.
“Because your the one fucking it” you whine back your hands now on his chest, those hairs so fine but so nice to run your hands through. It gives you both goosebumps.
You then hoover over him & spread your legs a little more knowing full well what will happen when you kiss him next. He slows slightly his body knows it too.
“Fuck my pussy baby” you hold his face & lick it & he grabs your bum firmly. Your lips connect for a really exceptional kiss full of lust, tongues dancing together, faces almost melting into each other. But that’s all he needs. He thrusts, & pumps & is relentless. Hitting the spot every thrust, the motion of him pounding your cunt, has you screeching quickly.
“Oooohhhh fuck fuck fuck oooh yes yes yesssss fuck oooh fuck” are the only words you can say, as your body shakes as you approach your orgasm.
“Best cunt, my cunt” he crys as he bites your bottom lip not wanting your lips to be apart. “Fucking this tight little pussy til you can’t take me baby”
Your sweating & moaning & the blood inside you is boiling with this feverish sex you are having. You grip the pillow as he gently puts his hand around your throat.
“Dont cum yet baby” he asks but you can tell from the creaking bed & the sloppy sensation as he keeps sliding within you, that he knows you can’t hold it for too long. “Tell me baby, what are you”
“A winner”
“A slut”
“The best sex of your life”
“Erm… I was after something else”
“Your cum hungry wife” you whine & then open your eyes as his grip around your neck gets tighter.
“That’s it baby, now you can cum mrs Bravo”
“Dieter!!!!!! Ooooh fuck” you clamp the hardest you ever had, your release sends shives to all your never endings as you cum & your body stutters.
“Damn oooh fuck oooh shit ooooh fuckkkkk” Dieter follows suit, filling you up. Your walls coated in his seed a few thrusts later. Satisfying you both. Your sweat drips onto him as you lay on top of him as your softly take him out of you & you hold each other close. You can feel everything drip out of you onto him but neither of you care about the mess after that incredible spontaneous session.
“So” you eventually whisper when you can make a noise, & lift your head. “I’m the best sex of your life?” Dieter blushes.
“Well when you make me lose control, yes you are” he smirks & boops your nose.
“Hmmm it’s a shame you’re not mine…” you say with a pause waiting for a reaction, you both no that no man has got you off as many times as Dieter in the few months you’ve had sex. But he doesn’t for one instant believe you, his happy little face gives you some side eye. “Of course you’re the best sex of my life Diets & you know I am a very good wife”
“Do you think bafta would hand out an award for best sex?” he asks
“No they aren’t coming to watch us”
You say sternly, Dieters had several sex tapes leak.
“Of course not but we’d win hands down baby” he jokes & you rest your head on him again.
“Do you think that’s the only way you’d win a bafta?” You ask
“Nah I’ve got everything I could ever want to win, right here & turns out I didn’t need a prize to validate how much I’m in love with you” his kiss is soft & he rolls on top of you for a much more sensual round, before you have to come to the realisation that your world has changed so much in not just the last 24 hours but the last few weeks & months since you finally got your amazing husband.
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godstrayed · 1 year
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before you interact please read the post! / mutuals only.
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hello! it’s that time again i try to sell myself as a potential writing partner. i have written these in the past and been successful in occasionally finding roleplay partners who are interested in the same sorts of things as me. so i am looking for people who want to world build with me. i really like discussing plots, headcanons, and anything that can make me understand your muse better! i love sharing memes, drabbles, not roleplaying linearly and tossing around multiple threads! i don't need many people to write with but i really prefer to have a handful of people who i know well, am invested in their muses/feel super comfortable with my knowledge of their muses & pingpong my annoying ideas at them easily.
i tend to write lengthier things but i am okay with any length as long as it’s not one-liners! i also have zero interest in writing with someone who i will only have one thread with and never speak to again. 💀 i just rather focus on threads that will grow outside of just one single reaction! i like to think i am pretty easy to toss shit around with but i am a little shy so sometimes it takes a while for the ball to start rolling but once it is i am full-sending that shit.
so if you’re interested please GIVE THIS A LIKE and I WILL APPROACH YOU after i check out your muses/rules, if i haven't gotten around to it already! i am 100% gonna write the starter for whatever we come up with! i just ask if i take the time to write the starter that you reply to it at least once. failure to do so will result in me soft blocking since it happens so often and is super discouraging (and a waste of my time tbh). that might seem harsh but we could always write together when you do have the time or availability to reply.
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT ME: can call me nic! 29. cst. they/them. selective. slow replies due to work and other responsibilities. willing to make new muses for people if i really like an idea/plot! emphasis on slow activity! please keep in mind that i take a whole lot of time sometimes.
THINGS I REALLY LIKE: pacific rim, the 100, the walking dead, baldur's gate 3, queens gambit, any apocalyptic setting, harry potter series, alice in borderlands, video games, league of legends, any mcu movie, x-men series, fantasy shows/games, fairies, hunger game series, graceling & demon slayer.
TYPES OF AUS: any type of apocalypse setting, fantasy, crime aus, soulmates au, period/era verses, dystopian, slice of life, mythological, anything with werewolves, royal aus, vigilantes, & mutant aus.
VIBES: angst (tbh most of my blog is angst), fluff, horror, cliches, tropes welcome, & the occasional smut when it fits the mood.
CHARACTERIZATION: i exist in extremities. i like writing really bad villains with zero remorse or softer characters with a more righteous morality. i enjoy writing against almost everything. i am open to exploring most things and you can find out more extensively my habits through my rules.
open to any type of relationship: family/friendship/romantic/enemies. doesn’t have to be romantic. however, if it is – i always write with anyone so gender/fc/etc doesn’t every bother me. write who you want to!
be prepared to: communicate, toss around ideas, explore plots & dynamics, share your interests with me as well, & be adored / have your muse(s) adored by me & mine.
  links: muses & laws. memes. verses. wanted plots.
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rzyraffek · 2 years
YANDERE THE MAN HUSH DUDE HEADCANONS BUT THE READER LOVES HIM BACK?? Btw they make tiktok vids together or share the same humour, They make vids about jokes or making funny vids by reacting or making someone read something & forcing to watch the vid with their reaction lol.
YANDERE the man (John) x reader
Headcanons, filming vids together or forcing each other to react to a weird video or doing weird funny stuff, if you want you can add anything else and yeah lol
Woah that is a long letter u wrote there
I LOVE THE IDEA OMG PLUS THEM PRANKING EACH OTHER omg BUT U FOROGR TO SAY WHAT PRONOUNS TO USE😭*exploes* gonna use she/her :) , there is some dialogue John is green and she is pimk
(Swf)(Request open)(TW:yandere,stalking,bulling people on tiktok)
Yandere silly dude from Hush (le josh) with as silly s/o
When he saw her first time he was sure that he will stalk her a little, spook her with some dead bodies, and kill her (his average sunday)
But after a while he kinda realised that he kinda likes her?? But he didnt pay mind to it(just yet) he still will try to commit crimes
He probably tried to stalk her while she was out in city but she bumped into him and he just 😳🧍 she probably started apologising while he tried to catch his breath.
And imagine if she decided that hes cute and invite him to some cafe. This guy went on mission to gather info to kill her, now He sits there drinking some tea and talks about some drama with her.
He will kinda find her funny, she seemed to have similar sense of humor like him. Then he decides to slow down his kill evil plan and gives her a chancs
His yandere type is defo "youre mine and only mine" but if she gets along with it, he is the biggest cuddle bug and shmol bean ever.
John wont tell her that he loves her (even if she is visably in love with him) and probably plan some evil kidnapind plan(super epic) So yeah he invites her to cute trip in forest total cute, then he ties her arms, then he yeets you in his car (he expects some sort of fight tbh) and drives you to his hause. While she just vibes to songs in radio.
"This is your hause now, try to escape and you wont be so happy" "cool, do you have wifi here" "🧍yea"
God zamn John prepared so hard!! Duble locks on doors, windows with super hard Glass, ect. He was prepared for game in cat and mouse and she just vibes on couch?
"I ordered pizza honey:)" "I cant eat it, I have ligma:(" "whats ligma" "😈 ligma bools"
Shes lucky he loves her because after limga joke he accualy regreted sparing her in first place
Also she would show him the most gen-z memes you can think of and record his reacion "Who is 🤨 among?"
He would blush like crazy when she wears his shirts, he will cuddle her a lot
He works out a lot, and eveytime after, he feels super strong and he just picks her up or play catch or just play-fight
'Damn babe somone just posted rat stealing whole bag of chips, wanna see?" *sees the video* "damn, so us"
He will say stuff like: slay, common W, most sane person in Ohio. This Type of stuff, im sorry if this bothers you
He will give headpats
If shes like tiktok famous and posts funni shit daily, she will try to inculde him. At first only as the guy holding camera or something. But later she will do stuff like "my bf reacting to my skincare routine!" Or "puting make up on my bf! (Not click bait) (he is shocked)"
But if they dont mind its win-win because its free comments and likes (and in big scale it means money)
I wanted to post memes at the end but tumblr doesnt like so I prolly post meme right after posting it
Also reader sending him funny shit while he is 'at work' *she sends funny rat meme* "honey i litteraly shoot somone leg off wtf is that" "hehe funi rat"
He loves walks in forest, with hand holding ofc. Also He has ps5 and he will play with her some silly games
Overall 9/10: pros:you get free food, and u dont have to work, u get hugs 12/7. cons: u get kidnaped
I hope its up to ur standards, i made it a little long, john>>
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no27-autonation-honda · 5 months
*gets hit with the f1 ask game beam*
tagged by both @oxygenpdf and @flyingcakeee!! Thanks <3
Who is your favorite driver?
I'm a new fan and I haven't begun properly my Summer Of Race Car Homework so it's all current drivers, but Alex Albon and Logan Sargeant are my faves.
Do you have any other favorite drivers?
I am new, and I honestly like a lot of them. My other faves are probably Zhou Guanyu (fascinated by that man), Yuki Tsunoda (fellow short king), and Oscar Piastri (April Aries Solidarity)
Who is your least favorite driver?
I don't really have a least favorite! I don't really know anything about either driver for Haas I guess. So maybe them by default? My sister went to a robotics meet this year sponsored by Haas and decided she will root against them forever because of that meet tho. (this is possibly one of her funniest choices. she does not pay attention to motorsports at all, and only glances over my shoulder to ask how bad things are going for Haas)
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
I am definitely driver based, but I picked the Williams team (more on this later) because I managed to catch the portion of pre-season testing where Albon was in the commentary box doing his champagne bit and I like. immediately decided I was rooting for him and Williams by extension. But bc of how i engage with sports I definitely also like teams (sorta. race car homework will decide how much I do later maybe)
If you like teams, what team do you pull for?
Williams (Albon and Logan and then got hit with Lia Block in F1Academy. Lia Block I Would Kill For You) but also Sauber (I pick teams based on color frequently and that green matched my hair last year, and is my fave type of green)
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?
Please christ do not put me in any situation of leadership. Just make me be in charge of like. whatever fuckin weird challenges they make em do on grill the grid. That i would be okay at I think.
How long have you been in F1
Uhhhh....February this year? I was *aware* of it and had friends into it before, and I knew like Hamilton and Verstappen before this year, and I knew who Schumacher was (VAGUELY!) but uh yeah. New Entry. New As Hell Entry, Even.
What got you into F1?
This is actually very funny. A couple buddies of mine have joked that they were gonna get me into motorsports for AGES, because it is "the perfect sport for me" and our new year resolution was to begin that process with nascar, since its "my cultural heritage as a redneck." (this is DEEPLY true and I cannot deny my family ties to nascar, redneckery, and general car silliness) February rolls around and Hamilton to Ferrari gets announced and I, recognizing who Lewis Hamilton is and being deeply surprised by the tumblr news bulletin text my friends to check in on em.
Group response is, "JESUS CHRIST!"
The following response is something to the tune of: "We're changing it up actually. Gee, you love sketchy business practices, financial crime, adrenaline junkie tendencies, weird contract trivia, AND athletes who are weird as fuck, Gee. We're starting you with F1 instead. have fun, please enjoy white collar crime and car racing. we will give u homework when the semester's over" And they did.
So I started following blogs posting memes, binged a few seasons of dts and analyzed the editing bc im a reality tv scholar in my heart and also the editing in that show is FASCINATING TO ME, and started watching highlights and found ways to watch the races, and boy. its a lot of fun! I was really surprised how chatty everyone is/seems to be in the fandom (and in the sports fandoms I guess?) so that's definitely helped.
Do you enjoy fanfic/rpf?
I will read literally any kind of fanfiction if the AU pitch is wild enough and boy does athlete rpf give writers good stuff to work with. I'm a former fanfic editor/beta reader, if the concept compels me I am here for it. Also, I love enabling crazy aus (hi wiz! <3) even if im not an rpf writer myself.
How do you view new fans?
I *AM* a new fan! I try to be conscious of my relative newness, but I'm enthusiastic to be here and having fun. So. Hope that's working!
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?
No, but we're a nascar family and we used to always be on a little family trip to my grandparents' house during the same week as the Indy500, so growing up we'd all be very sunburned and therefore hiding out inside while that race was on, so I grew up watching the indy500 (very different from nascar but this is also my fams only interaction with indy). I'm working on getting into nascar for the family, and Indy just to be the family's indycar and f1 correspondent.
For the friends, I do have those friends into f1 and theyre all gems and some of the oddest people I've ever experienced (very much the lesbians/gays who watch all sports stereotype), however the Car Chatter has always gone over my head until this year, but ya know. you move away and get busy so keeping track of hobbies and sports is hard when you arent religiously blocking someone every time a rivalry match goes down lol
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?
Of course! I am a very extroverted and social person I love making friends <333
i'll be real i have no clue who has and hasnt been tagged yet so im just gonna throw some names out and hope at least one of yall hasnt gotten this notification already lmao and if u haven't been tagged yet but follow me and would like to answer questions, consider this me tagging u spiritually
@two-tyred-problems, @wisteriagoesvroom, @stockcarbaby24 and @kissingwalls
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jovenshires · 9 months
9, 10, 28, 29 bestie !!
tyyyy bestie <3<3<3
9. What fic meant the most to you to write?
my wife, my best friend, the project i will always carry with me, dancing on my own. nothing like dealing with your own issues through the lens of a gamer boy who lives off of mountain dew kickstart and jurassic park movies <3<3
10. What fic made you feel the happiest to work on?
if we keep score was so so so much fun!!!! it really took on a life of its own and i LOVE to worldbuild so even though it was Stressful, i had a good time writing it for sure <3<3<3
28. How did you recharge between fics?
as i told you specifically i literally took like. a work week off. i listened to music, i binge-watched an anime, i went back to work after winter break, i read some of a book. it was great! back to the grind now though <3<3<3
29. If this were an awards show, who would you thank?
i was gonna answer this like a joke but it made me emotional so here are my genuine very real thanks KLNFKNFKLNFKNL
i'd like to thank smosh first and foremost for getting me through what has objectively been one of the most difficult years of my life. the company's been through ups and downs, but so have i, and i find a real genuine comfort in these guys playing board games and making memes so truly thanks so much to them. especially tommy and spencer bc where would i be without them KDNKLSNFK
thanks of course to soupy for being the second person to post a spommy fic and co-pioneering this nation with me. i am so honored to have her as a mutual, a friend, and a peer. her works are incredible and she jumped into the deep end with me when no one else would. and to add onto that i'd like to thank every spommy writer for sharing all of their incredible works, and every spommy nation member for commenting or giving kudos or coming into my askbox. genuinely you all made my year so much better and inspired me to keep creating and keep growing. i love you all so much, there are no words to describe how grateful i am for you <3
thank you to julie, who accepted every insane stray thought, text message, and rambling fic plot. she sat there as i described iwks in detail in my car on the way to the mall. god's bravest soldier. she's truly a real one for that, i might have stopped talking to me by now LMAO. thank you to mauricio for entering back into my life, validating every insane thing i've ever said, and just overall being an amazing friend. we have been through so much together you and i and im honored to be on this crazy journey with you now. shoutout too to snel and baflegacy who have also gotten a TON of my insane ramblings via dms, i adore yall and im so honored to have gotten to know you. <3<3<3
i cannot stress enough how HUGELY thankful i am to stella. when i tell you none of my works would be where they are today without her. she does the very stressful and tedious task of reading over my works for me, and i am forever grateful. like almost none of the fics i've written would be even half as strong as they are without her help. not to mention she's just one of my favorite people on this planet in general; i love talking to her and being in this online space with her and creating with her and yeah. my partner in crime, thank you so so much.
and finally: all of smoshblr in general. i have been here for six years now, and i've never had a fandom feel so much like home. all of my friends and mutuals, new and old, and every other follower of mine to boot. you all know who you are - i adore each and every one of you. thank you for everything. <3
send me fic writer asks!
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