#motherfucker tried turning into my lane and almost hit me
tittyinfinity · 1 year
I'm so lucky to have quick ass reflexes because people in this town fucking suck at driving
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idy-ll-ique · 3 years
Pairing: Mob Boss!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: age gap, mentions of blood, graphic descriptions of violence, death
Requested: nope
Summary: "touch her and I'll kill you" but Bucky is a man of his words.
Author's Note: Hiya peeps! Okay, so regarding the ending; there's two ways to look at it. 1) soft-dark!mob!bucky or 2) arranged marriage au with a twist. you can decide that for yourself. enjoy!
"Appreciate it, Marvin, but really, I'll be okay," Y/N assured her coworker, giving his arm a gentle squeeze. The single dad of 2 still looked unsure. "Y/N, it's very late, please…" She continued shaking her head. "Please. My house isn't that far," she tried and he gave up. "If you say so. Let me at least walk you to the gates." She allowed him to do that.
They chatted as they walked. "How are Eva and Evan?" she grinned at him. Marvin smiled bashfully, rubbing the back of his neck. "Eva said her first word yesterday," Marvin admitted and Y/N squealed. "Ooh, what was it?!" she asked excitedly. "It was their nanny's name, actually." She smirked at the way he turned pink.
Y/N had met his kids' nanny once; she was a beautiful woman and Y/N knew Marvin had a crush on her. Her name was… Nicole, if she wasn't mistaken. "Really? That's another reason why you should ask that woman out." Marvin jokingly shoved Y/N and she laughed harder as they stood near the gates. "See you tomorrow!"
"Bye!" Y/N waved and started walking down the dimly lit street, humming under her breath. Thinking back to her chat with Marvin, a smile bloomed on her face and she chuckled to herself, shaking her head. "Oh, Marvin, you idiot," she snorted under her breath, freezing when she heard footsteps behind her. "Hi there." Slowly turning around, she saw a man.
Instinctively she took a step back; he was a bad man, he gave those vibes. "No," she said flatly and turned to leave, pausing out of fear when he harshly grabbed her arm. He spun her around and his eyes widened when they landed on her face. "Y/L/N's daughter, aren't ya, ya pretty thing," he hissed in her face and she winced.
"Let me go."
"Now that's one thing I can't do, my dear," he sighed dramatically and Y/N forced a glare on her face despite being shaken to the core. Truth was, her father ran a mob. They dealt with arms and weaponry and since Y/N had a soft soul, she had rejected her father's decision of her taking over the mob after him. He respected that, was relieved, even; he didn't want to put his daughter in danger.
Her father had a friend, young (and very good-looking, she had to admit). His name was Bucky Barnes, and he ran his own mob. His mob was bigger and more famous than her father's, he practically owned a sixth of the city. She had heard talks of her father handing his mob over to Bucky after his retirement a few years down the lane.
"Let me go," she repeated, trying to keep her voice as steady as possible as she blinked back tears. "Come on angel, I'll make it worth your time. It's been a long time since I've been with a pretty girl like you," he crooned and Y/N scrunched her nose, the action earning her a sharp slap on the cheek from the man. She cried out in pain.
Then she managed to wrench her arm away from his grip, moving to run away but this time he grabbed her waist, forcing her to elbow him in the gut. He pulled away again and she turned, placing a firm slap on his cheek as she seethed, daring him to put his hands on her again. He did, circling an arm around her shoulder as he pulled her in. She leaned forward and bit his arm. He hissed.
"You bitch!"
"Let go!" she screamed this time and he slapped her again, clamping a hand over her mouth. "I'm going to fuck the brat out of you," he whispered dangerously and Y/N's eyes watered as she tried to get away from him. A third slap, this time his ring cut her cheek. A drop of blood trickled down her soft skin and the man hummed appreciatively.
"Wh-What's your name?"
He stopped and considered her for a minute. "Rumlow," he answered simply and she started wiggling in his grip again. "Stop that!" he screamed and threw a punch at her face, hitting her square in the jaw. A fight broke out; Y/N hit him back by slapping him on the cheek again and Rumlow proceeded to choke her. Her vision going hazy she gasped and kicked him.
Straight in the crotch.
Rumlow's hands left her body as he bent forward, cupping his crotch in pain. Finding new strength, she pushed him and with nothing to ground him he fell, giving Y/N enough time to escape as she ran away, glad that she had decided to wear sneakers that day. There was only one thing on her mind; her home, which she shared with her parents.
I just want to sleep.
Coughing at times, she reached home 15 minutes later and opened the door, thinking that her parents would be asleep by then. Her watch said it was 12:30 am. Unfortunately, as she threw open the front door, she froze again for in the doorway stood her parents and in front of them, Bucky. He was holding his jacket, signalling that was about to leave.
He turned to look at her and his eyes immediately took in all the bruises that had formed on her face, as well as her clothes which were askew and the handprint of someone gripping her arm. "Y/N!" her mother exclaimed worriedly, almost fainting at the sight of her daughter looking so beaten up. Y/N's eyes snapped towards Bucky when he spoke.
"Come with me."
Without questioning his authority Y/N followed Bucky up the stairs and into the study. The moment the doors closed behind them he took her face in his hands, examining the bruises. The noise of her parents making their way upstairs stilled him for a moment but they simply walked past the study towards what he concluded was the master bedroom.
Bucky had also liked Y/N for a long time. Her parents had introduced her to him when she was 20; he was much older than her but towards the end of the day, when his friend had asked, "What do you think about my daughter?" he couldn't bring himself to lie. And surprisingly, her father was ecstatic at the idea of Bucky dating his daughter.
Well, at least he had her parents' approval.
The moment the door to the master bedroom closed, Bucky's hands resumed their motions. Y/N stood as still as possible despite being in a lot of pain, not wanting to ruin the sudden, personal moment that they were having. He had always been civil with her; never talking to her as more than a friend, never touching her for long but oh, today was much different.
Bucky carefully lifted her jaw, noticing the way she unintentionally flinched when his fingers came in contact with her chin. A broken jaw. She was also bleeding from the cheek and a trail of blood went down the corner of her lips. Barely being able to contain his anger he swiped the blood away, causing Y/N to shudder.
Tears pooled in her eyes as her skin started itching and aching. His hand left her face and gently curled around her arm, lifting it so he could get a better look at the handprint. Not one word was spoken during the entire exchange as Bucky took note of all her injuries. She suddenly lifted her hand to wipe her tears and tilted her head further up, exposing her neck.
Bucky took in a sharp intake of breath. Her neck was covered in deep purple, red and blue bruises. Someone tried to choke her. He wasn't able to contain his anger anymore but he tried his best as he finally looked Y/N in her eyes. She stared back at him, whimpering. "Who did this?" The words came out a hiss. "B-Buck…" she choked out.
"Y/N?" he whispered, bringing her hand to his lips. The intensity of the situation hit her then; Bucky liked her. Momentary happiness washed over her but there were more important things to care about. "Bucky," she breathed and leaned forward, pressing herself closer to him, wrapping her arms around his torso.
One of his hands cradled her head, discreetly checking for injuries there as his other arm went around her waist. "I need a name, sweetheart," he hummed quietly, too quietly. "R-R—" she stammered but stopped as her wounds unknowingly caught on fire at the letter. "Rumlow?" Bucky blurted out.
He didn't think that was the name she'd take but Y/N pulled away from him with a look of disbelief on her face, causing his worst fears to come true. Rumlow got to you. Fuck, that bastard was dying today. "It was him?!" Bucky gasped and Y/N nodded. "How did you know?" she croaked out, wincing when pain shot through her throat.
"We— We've got a pretty famous rivalry going on, sweetheart, surprised you didn't know that."
"Sorry, don't keep up with mob news."
He chuckled for a moment before sobering up; straightening his shoulders as a dark look crossed his face. "I have to go now, you take care of yourself, okay?" He moved to leave when Y/N pressed a hand to his chest, stopping him. She leaned on her tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek, the action causing butterflies to flutter in his stomach.
He gently turned her head and pressed his lips to hers in a chaste kiss. "I'll visit tomorrow," he whispered and she nodded, a smile forming on her lips. "I'd like that very much." With a smile of his own he kissed her forehead and they both left the study, making their way downstairs. Bucky left the house and Y/N turned to see her mother standing at the top of the stairs.
"Your daddy has called the doctor, dear, he'll be here in 15 minutes."
"Okay, ma."
"Rumlow, you motherfucker!" Bucky roared as he stormed into the bar where he was sure his rival was. Behind him walked in his right-hand men Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers, followed by 15 of his men. Rumlow looked up from his corner, his eyes going wide at the furious look on Bucky's face. While he had seen the look a thousand times, something was different tonight.
Bucky spotted him and strode forward, easily pushing aside the men who came to their boss' defence. Rumlow gasped when Bucky grabbed him by the throat and smashed his skull against the table, eliciting a hiss and a low groan from the man. "You fucking dare—" Bucky began as he lifted him up, only to punch him square in the jaw like he had Y/N.
"You fucking dare put your hands on her!" Bucky shouted but Rumlow's head was spinning after he'd hit the table. For the first time, he realized, he was afraid. Of Barnes. In the background, Bucky's men, outnumbering Rumlow's men, fought. "You hurt her and now you're going to pay!" Lifting an empty bottle of vodka off the table with his free hand, Bucky smashed it on Rumlow's head.
Pieces of it got stuck in his scalp as Rumlow fell unconscious. All Bucky saw was red. He couldn't physically bear the thought of someone hurting his girl and being true to his words… "I promised her father," Bucky breathed out as he threw more punches at Rumlow's dying body, "No one was going to hurt her."
Another punch to the face. "I told him, anybody who touches her dies," Bucky hissed, "And yet you dare— I'm a man true to my words," Bucky promised in a sinister tone, knowing that he was talking to himself since Rumlow was long gone. His hand closed around Rumlow's neck. "You touch her—" He squeezed, "You die."
And Rumlow's dead body slumped on the floor.
The fight around him stopped instantly.
"We're done here."
"Princess?" Groaning softly, Y/N turned away from the voice and pulled the covers tighter around herself. "Away," she mumbled and heard a soft feminine laugh as well as two manly chuckles behind her. "You've been asleep a long time, baby," a familiar voice whispered, placing a hand on her arm. Her eyes flew open and she looked up, straight at Bucky.
"Oh my God!" Jumping up, she threw her arms around the man and buried her face in the crook of his neck, causing him to laugh. Smiling at each other, her parents left the room, leaving the two lovebirds alone. They were sure Bucky could handle breaking the news to her by himself. "Good morning," he greeted as he sat down, pulling her on his lap.
"Do you really like me?" she whispered, realizing that they had not made it explicitly clear last night. "Of course I do, princess. You're mine," he spoke in a possessive tone. "I'm yours," she agreed as she burrowed closer to him. "And no one touches what's mine and gets out alive." Y/N took a few moments to register those words.
When she did, she pulled away from him, still straddling his lap as she stared at him, jaw dropped. "You…" He nodded and Y/N's eyes went wide. Though he was delivering the news of someone's death, Y/N couldn't bring herself to feel bad. He had attacked her, he got what he deserved. "I— I don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything, I just wanted to tell you what I did. We can talk about something else," he offered and a smile immediately bloomed on her face. "How long have you liked me?" He laughed before cupping her face, pulling her down to press his lips to hers. "Ever since I met you 5 years ago, doll, I was smitten." Y/N gasped against his lips.
"Ever since you met me?! Me too!"
"Really?" He grinned broadly at the look of excitement on her face. My sweet angel. "Really! I— I think I might… I think I might love you but it's too early on—" she stammered but Bucky took her hands, tears starting to glisten in his eyes at her words. She loves me. "Princess, I love you too," he admitted and she paused.
"Bucky, I love you!" she smiled hugely and hugged him tightly. Bucky quietly wiped his tears off, pressing a soft kiss to her neck. He could see the bruises fading away and that calmed his heart. She's safe with me. And I'm never letting her go. "So, there's some news…" he continued and she pulled away, a curious look on her face.
"What is that?"
"Your father is retiring. I'm gonna take over the mob now." Y/N squealed and clapped her hands; she knew her father made a great decision. Bucky was more than competent. "Congratulations!" she shouted and jumped out of his arms, running out of the room to wish her father the same. Bucky chuckled as he stayed there for a moment more, running his hand through his hair.
"Can't wait to make you my wife, baby."
A/N: Three Bucky fics in a row 👀 leave a like if you enjoyed, thanks for reading! I really appreciate it (and thanks for 430 followers lol I love every single one of you)
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 4 years
A LunaTic and Her Gunn (Part 117 2xs2) "Internet Thangs"
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Colson and Luna pull up to The Chateau Marmont. Colson steps out first, handing his keys to the valet. As another man approaches Luna's door he puts his hand up to stop him. Walking around, he'd rather open His Girl's door himself. Slipping out of the SUV, the somewhat notorious couple manages to walk inside, hand in hand without being bothered.
"Why are we here?" A slightly drunk and totally confused Luna asks.
"They usually film in NY, out here they book where we want. Ash or Jackie must've chose The Chateau... I'm not sure who booked this one." He shrugs out his answers as he leads her to room 29.
Inside the room looks nothing like the hotel Luna's used to. Everything is draped in black sheets. It actually makes the tragic landmark a bit more gloomier, which Luna didn't think was possible.
"Hey, Colson! How are you?" Sean the host greets him. "This must be Luna, it's such a pleasure." He grins as he stretches his arm out.
"Thank you for having us." Luna accepts his hand warmly, still not knowing what the fuck Colson has gotten her into; all she knows is that there's supposed to be wings and she's starving.
"We're all set up. Make yourselves comfortable and we'll start in 10... Sound good?" Sean confirms to Colson's nod and Luna's look of uncertainty; this is Colson's third time, Luna's never have I ever.
"Welcome to Hot Ones, Everybody!" Sean greets the camera. "We've got a special couple's edition here today with some self proclaimed Bad Things. I'm talking with Machine Gun Kelly and if you don't mind my saying so, his STUNNING girlfriend THAT Brooklyn Bitch. They're both ruling the charts with their hit single Bad Things along with other collaborations like I Think I'm Okay and Nightmare." Sean now turns to them directly. "Guys, I've gotta admit, I've seen the music video, caught your performances on SNL, Ellen and GMA... Not a stalker but I might've also peeped a couple hot Insta pics and stories of you two... I have to say, they do not do justice to the amount of tattoos and bad assery, I don't know if that's a word but I'm making it one... That comes along with the two of you in person. Just looking at the you, I wanna peirce my nose, buy a fender and find a hardcore chick to rule The World with!" He laughs nervously as Luna gives him an weird look; in her drunken mind, he's an odd, little man.
"Do it! Live the dream, my Dude!" Colson encourages him with a chuckle.
"Don't tempt me, I just might." Sean wishes. "Okay, so lemme give Brooklyn a little insight... We've got ten wings. Ten types of hot sauce raising in intensity with each wing... And one question to go with each wing and sauce." The host explains.
"Wait, what?" There's that magic sentence again as Luna hears how each wing is contingent upon a question. "You told me hot wings... You didn't say anything about questions." Luna raises her eyebrows at Colson.
"Ten wings. Ten questions. Come on, we got this, Kitten." Colson sinks a firm kiss onto Luna's cheek.
"Not the way you eat fucking wings." Luna lowly snarks for only Colson to hear with an obviously unamused tone; she doesn't like to be blindsided.
"Okay, Round One... One wing, one hot sauce, one question. Beware they get hotter as we go. Don't worry though, we've got your water and your milk that you can refill at anytime." Sean begins to start them off.
"Hold on... Wait. What? What is milk and water? Are you... Are you children?" Luna slightly stutters in disgust. "If I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna enjoy it. Fuck this ballsack shit, lemme get a beer. Please." Luna asserts while finding herself asking the same stupid fucking question AGAIN as she tries to reel herself in.
"Fucking MILK??? Who the FUUUUUCK... Ugh... Shut up, Loons. Get your beer, eat your chicken, let Colson answer whatever questions and roll on." She tries to calm down and mentally prepare herself for who knows what besides chicken and beer. "They are REALLY trying to ruin two of my favorite things though." Luna can't help but still complain to herself, thinking of how much she HATES interviews.
Colson can't help but laugh at her. He knew today was gonna take a lot of patience and persuading, considering Luna's great love for interviews and all things The Internet. He's surprised she's held up this well so far. "SHIT!! I hope either Ash or Jackie screened these FUCKING questions." Colson's heart suddenly begins to panic.
"Heineken, please." The sound of Luna's voice breaks Colson's thoughts as he focuses on the secretive smile on her face.
"Alright, Penny Lane." He teases her as he squeezes her thigh and tries to drop a kiss on her lips.
"Unh Unh... Luna Smith, motherfucker." She declares with a slur as she ducks just out of his reach; reminding him of the first time he tried to kiss her.
Giving him a playful eye, she let's him pull her into his lap. Luna runs her fingertips along Colson's jawline as he dips his tongue inside of her willing mouth, lightly dancing together until he breaks away to only hold her by the lips; hands firm upon her ass as always. There's a sweet, sensualness to them as love and other emotions rush between their beings by just their kiss on the lips. Colson wraps his arms around Luna, both sighing upon his release as they rest forehead to forehead. Intimate words are exchanged between the two of them until Sean interrupts them after grabbing Luna a few beers. EVERYTHING being caught by the cameras. Slightly intoxicated, Luna doesn't even think to be aware of them like a fucking dumbass.
"Alright... Round One... Now complete with water, milk and beer." Sean rubs his hands together with a chuckle.
"Thank you." Luna lifts her beer graciously to his smiling nod.
"Starting us off, we've got Hot One's classic sauce. It's our garlic fresno edition so critique away." He suggests as they all bite into a leg.
Colson takes one bite. Luna's eating the fuck out of her chicken wing as always. Then dude starts asking questions and ruins everything.
"You two are getting married in like two weeks so I'm assuming you live together... How do you guys typically start your day off?" He is easily the most awkward interviewer Luna has ever encountered.
"We do." Colson answers after he swallows his bite; looking over at Luna whose still munching away, her chicken filled nod agrees with him for the moment. "We usually start the day by fucking and getting stoned. One or the other or both together. It don't matter which order as long as their together. Back to back. Fucking and stoning. Stoning and fucking." Colson clarifies himself as Luna almost snorts her beer and Sean tries to compose himself.
"I fucking love him." Luna's soul shines for Colson.
"Round Two... This is a shawarma sauce by Dawson's. Little spicier but not much." The host leads.
Colson takes one bite as expected. Luna's chilling. Eating fucking chicken. She can't talk if she has a mouth full of chicken.
"You've got this new album out, Hotel Diablo... What would you say is the most personal song on it?" Sean asks as he takes a sip of his milk.
"Glass House." Colson answers lowly; Luna hands him her beer, only slightly happy her mouth is preoccupied by delicious meat.
"Next we got Goat Rider by Angry Goat Company... " Sean begins to describe the next sauce.
"They should call Em that... " Luna says lowly as she looks up at Colson and tries to contain herself; his smirk only encourages her. "Because he's the angriest little GOAT of them all." She says in a tiny, childlike voice; it's Colson's fault she couldn't help herself as she dips her face into his chest to hide her giggles; he's just as bad as he covers her head and his own laughter with his arm crooked around her.
"God Damn, I fucking love her." Colson's heart glows with amusement from his Kitten's sense of humor.
"Hey... Hey... Hey... No secret conversations. Hot wings and questions." The host tries to redirect them.
"Alright, super chicken man." Luna announces as she comes out of her hiding spot. "What's next?" She asks as she grabs her third wing and chomps into it.
"Are you guys REALLY getting married at ESTFest?" He asks as Colson almost chokes on his chicken.
"Need some milk?" Luna asks sarcastically with a full mouth.
"Fuck you." Colson coughs out as he sips the milk. Luna almost chokes on her own chicken as she laughs at him. "See, that's what you get. Asshole." He calls her out after handing her, her beer and making sure she'll live.
"So ESTFest... ?" Sean goes on to remind them.
"Yeah... " Colson nods after he collects himself also. "During ModSun's set."
"What?" Luna asks Sean directly when he won't stop looking at her for an answer. "You see the ring." Luna wiggles her sparkling left finger in the air. "ACTUALLY... I got two." She grins like a spoiled little girl as she extends her right hand out. "THIS one is my favorite... " Luna declares as she admires it herself before she leans back against Colson, staring up at him with THAT One Look as she plays with one of her most prized possession.
"Is that a guitar string?" Sean asks with pure wonder.
"Is that the fourth question?" Luna asks with a teasing charm as she holds her hands together towards her chest, just underneath her chin.
"I like that you play hard ball." Sean chuckles nervously as he wags his finger at her, not wanting to let this question go. "I'll trade it in for Round Four's question as long as it's a two part answer." He bargains.
"Mmmm... Nope. Two questions. Two answers. Two chickens." Luna's unwilling to budge.
"Fine... Is it a guitar string?" He asks again with a tinge of disappointment but still wanting to know.
"Yes." Luna nods her head proudly as she answers and presents her hand back towards him again so he can fully study the work of love.
"Wow. That's really neat the way the wire is twisted around to reinforce itself." He observes in admiration. "Where did it come from? EXACTLY." He reframes the question.
"We were On Tour in Pittsburgh and Colson sporadically proposed to me in his dressing room after The Show. He made it with one of the strings off the guitar he'd used that night within like 20mins." Luna sweetly admits as she thinks back to those private moments.
"I just wanna say, for the record, One... The guitar that string came off of goes everywhere with me now. Has ever since... Actually I don't think I've used another electric since that night." Colson looks over at Luna, who shakes her head to agree with him that he hasn't. "And Two... I had that rock for a few weeks but my dumbass left it behind when we hit The Road." Colson points out.
"Annnnnnnnd I love them both." Luna coos as she pecks Colson on the side of the mouth. "Now can I see why this goat is so angry?" She asks as she shoots him a grin and grabs her chicken leg.
"Alright, where are we at?" The host struggles to regain control of his show.
"We're at you owe me another hot wing because we gave you two answers." Luna reminds him of their deal as she splashes the sauce from the next bottle in line onto her fifth tiny drumstick. "You want any?" She asks Colson as she reaches over.
"Ahhh... Just a bit." He groans.
"You know Imma tell Slim all about this later tonight, right?" She chortles at him lightly. 
"I fucking hate you." Colson chuckles at a munching ass Luna while he reaches for her beer.
"So... Round Six?" Sean asks as he weakly throws his hands up to their nods. "We've got Scorpion from the Heartbeat Hot Sauce Co. Now we're climbing up the ladder guys but Brooklyn, you've eaten all of each of your wings. The only other person to do this is Shia Labeouf. Think you can you keep up?" He asks her as if it's a test.
"This motherfucker is DUMB." Colson snickers to himself at the idea of anyone challenging Luna.
"Hold up, I have some questions. First off... What do you mean only one other person has eaten all their wings? What the fuck do they do with 'em?" She asks, feeling kinda offended by the lack of chicken respect on this Internet Thang that Colson has her involved in.
"Most guests usually take a small bite of each wing." He explains to Luna's look of horror.
"Why did you ask me if I can keep up? Did you run out of chicken and beer?" She genuinely asks around the sexist insult to his head shake.
"She's such a fucking bitch." Colson thinks in amusement as he watches Luna. She is his favorite person in The World, especially when it comes to her level of IDGAF.
"Okay then, let's eat and answer questions." Sean simply requests as he takes a healthy bite. "What's the craziest thing you two have done together?" He asks once he's swallowed.
Colson takes a drink from the beer he's now sharing with Luna, mentally refusing to sip anything else after she made fun of him. His insides are dying. Luna's having the time of her life like she's the Abba Queen of hot wings as she wipes her mouth after fucking up her latest victim. Both of them are on totally different waves lengths but when their eyes meet for the question anything drops away and everything makes sense.
"The craziest thing I've ever done with Luna is fall in love with her almost 10yrs ago simply by her presence and smile." Colson grins as he looks down for a moment. "I think I might've even described it once as a cosmic boner." Colson lightly laughs to himself as he looks up into Luna's welling eyes and they lightly giggle together at the reality of their love; she covers her mouth to slightly to muffle her happy whimpers.
"Yeeaaah... We've done some crazy shit but none of our foolish antics compare to the risk that we're taking by starting a life together." Luna answers sincerely as her breath catches and her eyes never leave Colson's.
"More wings for Round Seven?" The host interrupts their intimacy again.
"Round Seven." The couple agrees before nodding studiously at each other and focusing on their wings.
"Round Seven we have Bourbon Habenero Ghost from Hellfire Detroit. Let's give it a go." He suggests as they each take a bite. "Best song on Hotel Diablo?" Sean hits them with a rapid fire question.
"AHHHHH... Fuck!! THAT'S hot!! Ahhhh... Ahhh... Bad Things!"  Colson shouts out his answer as he stands up and begins waving his bandana around.
Sean heads directly for the milk after one full bite, chew and swallow. Luna eats the whole wing. Then finishes her beer.
"Aww... Bunny." Luna coos with a smile as she lightly giggles and sucks her teeth. "Don't listen to him, he's hot sauce dumb right now. Col, get some milk... " She advises as she hands him the glass. "Hotel Diablo is bigger than just ONE great song." Luna air quotes. "It's a whole concept from beginning to end. I won't say which song I think is the best but I think when a song that is not only number on the Alternative charts but also number two in POP with a major lyric that stands alone about hurting oneself... " Luna's voice begins to quiver. "Than that means to me that millions of people are responding to and resonating with a certain kind of painful feeling... " Luna starts to become visibly emotional as she continues to speak. "And I think it's important to pay attention to that point because it's incredibly concerning that so many individuals in our society obviously relate in some kind of vulnerable way to the words of this song but we don't talk about ANY it. It's time to change our question. It's not what is the best song. It should be WHY is this the best song." Luna has tears rolling down her cheeks as she looks down in her lap to let them drop silently, leaving both men speechless.
"Holy fuck... I never thought of it that way." Colson stares at her while holding the empty glass of milk before making his way over to comfort her.
"Are you guys ready for Round Eight?" Sean gently asks as he sits back down with them after Luna's had a chance to pull herself together.
"Yeah, Man. We got this." Colson answers as he squeezes Luna's thigh.
"Okay... Round Eight... We got Beyond Insanity by Da Bomb and a direct question for Brooklyn. We ready? Bite!" Sean declares skipping his own wing to ask Luna the question mid chew. "Why won't you proclaim your birth name publicly?"
"What the FUCK was that?" Colson's bewildered by the question presented to Luna as he holds tight of her thigh and drops his wing as she speaks. "Just know I'm here, Kitten." Is all he can think as he stares daggers into Sean and Luna cooly rips the host a new asshole. 
"Do you know my birth name?" Luna asks as she slows down her chewing and stares through the stupid host. "Because I don't. It's not Luna Smith if that what you're suggesting. That's my legal name. Not my birth name. You should really do your research before you ask your guests personal questions... Or at least have them worded correctly." Luna advises icily as she finishes her wing. "We ready for Round Nine?" Luna asks loudly with an annoyed tone as she drops the chicken bone onto her full plate.
"Yeah. Let's do it." Sean continues uncomfortably. "This is called Chipotle Express and it's by PuckerButt Pepper Co... We may be rising in heat but we're gonna take it down a smidge in the questions... I know you've collaborated a few times but do you guys think you'll ever do anything like a full album or project together?" Sean asks as he bites into his wing.
For the first time Luna doesn't use her love of food as an excuse not speak. "That's probably the best question you've asked yet." She compliments Sean finally as she looks over at Colson's own turning wheels before choosing to explain. "Because it's the first one that I don't have an answer to because I never heard the question."
"I think what she's trying to say is as natural of a next move that you may think making an entire album together may be... It never occurred to either of us until the moment you presented the question... " Colson turns his head to stare at Luna with a loving smile; both knowing that they're sharing almost the same thought. "And now I can't stop thinking of all the other thousands of things we could create together. So thank you." Colson and Luna turn away from each other for a moment to look at Sean with gratitude.
"Do you guys believe in soulmates?" He asks his final question while caught up in the loving feelings between the couple.
Colson and Luna answer at the same time but with different responses. Different ideals. Different expectations. 
"What do you mean no?" He asks her with furrowed eyebrows.
"I don't. I believe in true love but I don't believe that we're only destined to love one person. I think different people are supposed to come into our lives at different points for different reasons for different amounts of time. If that wasn't my truth than I would've never been able to fall in love with you after Justin." Luna explains her logic to him as if they're the only two in the hotel room.
Colson's silent for a moment. Totally hating Sean and his hot wings. ESPECIALLY hating his stupid fucking questions. Deeply contemplating what Luna just said.
"But you do, MGK?" Sean asks him directly, interrupting his thoughts.
"Yeah. I believe I found my soulmate... And if not, I'll have her as my wife." He smiles coyly, never taking his eyes off of Luna as she watches him with adoration.
"What were your other questions?" Luna inquisitively asks Sean after they wrap up taping.
"Oh! Uh... What do you think married life will look like for you guys and do you think you'll ever have kids?" He responds, slightly caught off guard.
"Life won't change." Luna smiles. "We're gonna keep on creating, traveling and being kind to The World as for... "
"You ready, Kitten?" Colson interrupts them as he slips his arm around Luna's waist. "Thanks again, Man." He acknowledges Sean before leading Luna away.
"We already have one... But maybe another one day." Luna answers his second question over her shoulder with a twinkle in her eye.
"Where are we going now?" Luna giggles into Colson's ear as he carries her piggyback style up a slight hill.
"You've shown me a lot of cool things, now it's my turn." He answers her as he gently sets her down in the evening glow of the dipping sun. "Here, lemme get that blanket." He asks of her as he takes the schoolbag from off of Luna's back. Stretching it out, he reaches for her once he sits down. "Lay with me, please?" He requests.
"Where are we?" Luna asks as she curls up next to his body.
"Just wait." Colson gently instructs as he lights a blunt.
On a quiet hill somewhere in LA, Colson and Luna snuggle up together in the warm summer's air as the sun falls off the edge of The Earth. The night's sky slowly creeping around them. Luna's breath catches in her chest as she takes in Colson's surprise. It's a WHOLE sky filled with stars.
"I knew you'd appreciate this." He smiles to himself as he kisses the top of her head.
"It's so beautiful... How did you ever find this?" She asks in amazement.
"Mod showed me one night when we were tripping. It's the ONLY place you can see the stars out here." Colson breathes in deeply as he pulls her closer.
They lay together pointing out what they think are different constellations. Debating what's a satellite and what's a star. Luna drawing out Orion's Belt as Colson shows her where he believes to be The Big and Little Dipper are.
"So you really don't believe in soulmates?" Colson asks Luna again under the cosmic sky.
"No. Not one. I believe we're destined to love who we love... And I love you, Bunny. What's the difference?" She asks him.
"I don't know... I guess I find the whole idea of belonging to one person to be comforting and romantic. It's like having a predestined home." The idealistic yet hurt little boy inside of him answers.
"Oh, Bunny... " Luna purrs as she snuggles closer to him. "I am your home. Forever. Married, not married. Soulmates, not soulmates. I know a lot of shit but there's not much I'm sure of." Luna admits. "I am sure that I've loved since I saw you but that I wasn't meant to truly meet you until I did." She places his hand in the middle of her breasts so he can feel her beating heart. "We are who we are for a reason and right now... Our reason is the only thing that makes sense or matters to me."
Colson grabs her chest with a firm lightness. Holding their feelings tightly inside of his large palm. After a moment he gently rolls his body so that he looms over top of Luna. Staring down at her, he brushes the random stands of hair from her face. Leaning on his forearms, he dips down to kiss her passionately. She runs her fingers along the sides of his face into the back of his hair as she pulls him closer and kisses him firmly.
Their touches are sweet and soft under the star filled sky. They slowly undress each other as their kisses linger on their bare skin. Colson and Luna stare into each other's souls as he fully enters her. Making them both shake from their pure feelings and emotions.
It's not often that Colson and Luna make love. They usually fuck the shit out of each other. Tonight they're not animals. They're intimate lovers, both taking their time. Dropping heartfelt I love yous into each other's ears as they softly pant and moan. Soulmates or not, Luna and Colson are in this shit called Life together. Forever.
To be continued...
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thewhumperinwhite · 4 years
Guardian Angel
OKAY SO LISTEN. this is not the update anyone was hoping for but sometimes the only thing that’s gonna keep my contrary adhd brain from Abandoning a project is to Invest Energy Somewhere else for a while. case in point, I've been plugging grimly away at both café and wkw for weeks and written ~500 words total, and then I wrote this whole thing in About Twenty Minutes.
So uh. You know how FBI is an au of an Actual WIP I have about vampires? Well this is... technically also that but it’s a lot closer to the actual canon of that WIP. If you don’t know anything about FBI or those characters, that’s great, you’re in the same spot Karim is here lmao.
Also this is heavily inspired by this very good spn fic, which I keep coming back to despite not being active in that fandom at all anymore. This goes in a very different direction than that, but they open in similar ways.
Also please note, the main character of this is a young teenager, and there will be some mild underage whump, but this is my official promise that there is no underage sex in this story. 
Anyway uh let’s get this..... car wreck underway I guess
TW for: car accident due to reckless driving resulting in serious injury (or by rights it should anyway); body horror; animated corpse (of a sort); religion/Christianity.
For about—let’s say—the first fifteen miles away from his house, the thrill of the stolen car and his notable lack of driver’s license was enough to keep Karim in his own skin, not spiralling into rushing panicky thoughts. After a while that thrill starts to fade into the background and every time it does he hits the gas a little harder, and the new speed is enough for him for another fifteen miles until he has to hit the gas again because his brain is catching up with him.
Which is to say that when the thin pale shape of a human being stumbles out of the bushes along the side of the highway, Karim is going easily a hundred miles an hour, and no amount of slamming on the brakes is going to get him to stop in the hundred feet between himself and this person’s human body.
He hits the white shape at, optimistically, sixty miles an hour. It shoots up the car’s hood, cracks the windshield with its skull, and disappears over the top of the car. Realistically there’s no way the quiet hard thump of the body hitting the pavement many feet behind the car is audible over the sound of the car’s squealing brakes but it feels like Karim can hear it, can hear the accompanying crack of bones breaking against the asphalt.
The car rolls to a stop, and Karim spends several unfathomable seconds staring at the windshield, not bloodied but almost completely starred with a huge spiraling crack just off the center, and all he can think is, no, no, no no no no no oh no oh no.
Then he hears a muffled groan from behind him and dives for the car door, tumbles out onto the pavement on his hands and knees, scrambles back toward the pale body squirming and twitching in the middle of the left lane behind his mother’s SUV.
Somehow there’s still no blood, even back here, but it is immediately clear that there is something seriously, deeply wrong with this body.
“Motherfucker,” it says, and Karim freezes a few feet away from it, still the most horrified he’s ever been and now also very confused and between those two feelings no longer able to move. The voice issuing from the ruined and twisted body sounds, at most, annoyed. It flops horribly onto its back, like a boned fish, and rolls its head awkwardly on its shoulders to face Karim. “Going a fucking million miles an hour on an—” The body stops speaking, and stares up with wide shocked eyes in its colorless face.
“Karim,” the dead thing says.
Karim stumbles back a step, the horror already overfilling his chest growing and mutating so fast he loses his footing and falls painfully backwards, scraping his palms as he catches himself to stop from sprawling completely. The initial all-consuming terror of having killed a person with his mother’s car is turning into a—different, harder to parse all-consuming terror.
Because every instinct he has is telling him that this thing that just called him by his name is a corpse.
Watching it sit up on the pavement, in a hopefully unconscious mirror of Karim’s own half-sprawled pose, is like watching a marionette puppet being controlled by a very unskilled puppeteer. It’s movements are jerky and uneven; it falls back when it puts its weight on one of its arms and the leg on that side is stuck out stiffly in front of it and bending in places that aren’t joints. And above its wide filmy eyes its forehead is starred with cracks like an egg dropped on a hardwood floor.
“You’re alive,” it says. Its voice is—completely normal, which is somehow the strangest thing about it. About—him.
“I—I’m so sorry,” Karim says, starting to run on autopilot now, fumbling in his pocket for his cellphone, “I’ll call, I’ll call an ambulance, I’ll—”
“I don’t need an ambulance,” the dead boy says absently. He leans forward, his mangled arm hanging useless at his side, though he doesn’t move like he’s in any pain at all. “You’re—holy shit, you’re a baby.”
Karim blinks, away from his phone screen, up at the dead boy. He looks—older than Karim, but not by that much, like a college student, maybe. And he’s looking up at Karim with alarm that’s almost horror, like Karim is the weird mangled abomination here.
“I am not,” he says automatically. There’s still no blood, anywhere. There’s—he can see that the skin of the boy’s head is broken, but it’s not bleeding, not a drop. 
The boy searches his face with his weird foggy eyes, still leaning forward. His hair is short, maybe even buzzed in the back, and it’s a dull sandy-brown, above a face that might be handsome if it wasn’t gray-tinged and bloodless and cracked open.
“What year is this?” the dead boy says urgently.
Karim stares at him.
His arm is dangling limply at his side and his leg is definitely broken in more than one place and Karim did that, which will continue to be true regardless of whatever else is going on with this guy medically, and Karim has no idea what to do about that, is almost paralyzed by the desire to physically twist time back ten minutes and have this not be the moment he’s in right now.
But he can’t do that, so he answers, “Uh, 2009?” in a high squeaky voice like it’s a question, instead.
The dead boy’s eyes go even wider.
“It’s,” he whispers. “You’re,” and then he stops and looks at the ground. He raises his still-working arm to scrub across his cracked forehead, maybe tries to raise the other one, winces.
“I’m sorry,” Karim croaks. “I should— I gotta get you to a hospital.”
The dead boy shakes his head. “I don’t need a hospital,” he says, “I need a church.”
Karim feels himself gasp sharply. “Oh god,” he says, “Oh no, I’m— sure you’ll— make it, man, you’re—” He laughs, the sounds grating and hysterical in his own ears. “Look, you’re not even bleeding!”
The dead boy blinks up at him, and then he laughs, throwing his head back, and it’s a full, pretty laugh, sparking up toward the darkening sky— and when he lifts his chin Karim can suddenly see a bizarre pattern of marks all over his neck, a dozen little dots, in pairs, clustered around where you would look for a pulse on someone you weren’t sure was alive.
“That’s not what I mean,” the dead boy says, his eyes squinty and warm with laughter, and then he takes in a deep breath and lets it out slowly, staring at Karim, the smile fading from his pretty dead face. “Christ,” he says softly, and then, again, “Karim.”
Karim takes half a step back. “How— how do you know my name?”
“Ha,” the boy says, “that’s—” He tries to push himself to his feet and hisses, falling back like his broken leg won’t take any weight. Karim takes a step closer, unable to keep from reacting to obvious pain that he definitely 100% caused. “Actually,” the boy says, “I—would love it. If you could give me a ride. To the nearest church before I try to answer that. Karim.”
Karim stares at him. “What?”
“Catholic would be best if you’ve got it,” the boy says, with the air of somebody who knows he’s saying an absurd thing and is trying very hard to play it off. “I’m sure another kind would work but I’d just as soon not—” He shifts, winces a little; Karim looks down at his leg and squeezes his eyes shut, he’d momentarily forgotten how awful it looks. The boy laughs, sounding slightly hysterical. “I’d just as soon not drive around between a bunch’a churches if it’s all the same to you. Save you some gas money, huh?”
“Why,” Karim says, and he forces himself to look at the boy’s leg for real. There’s a place beside the— crooked, displaced— kneecap where Karim can see a strip of skin missing, and the exposed flesh is pale and bloodless; he feels his stomach squeeze in panicked nausea. “Why would you need a church right now.”
The boy sucks his teeth audibly, bowing his head, and then spreads his still-working hand wide with a fine-you-got-me shrug. 
“Because,” the dead boy says, “I need holy water to put my leg back together.”
Karim blinks. Blinks again, for good measure.
“What,” he says. He shakes his head. “What. Why would that. Why.”
The boy looks away, tilts his head like he’s doing math in his head, and says slowly, in the voice of someone trying a gambit they’re pretty sure won’t work. “Because I’m... your guardian... angel?”
Karim narrows his eyes. The boy could at least have the decency to say it like he means it.
“Okay,” the dead boy says, and nods like he’s trying to psyche himself up. “Okay, yeah, no, that’s fair, I— Hold on, I’ll— I’ll show you.”
The dead boy sighs and shakes his head. “This is gonna fucking suck,” he mutters, and he closes his eyes. 
At first Karim doesn’t think anything weird is happening— that an evening breeze has just kicked up. But as the wind gets stronger and he can see pebbles and bits of loose asphalt skittering away from where the dead boy sits on the pavement, it becomes clear that the sudden rush of cool air is coming from him. His sandy hair is whipping around his head, too, like it’s in a stronger wind than the one Karim can feel, and Karim realizes a second late that there’s— light coming from him too, a cold white glow growing so slowly he didn’t see it at first.
The dead boy lets out a shaky breath, his face creasing in concentration, or maybe pain.
Karim stumbles backward, hitting the back of the car and pressing his back against it, staring at the dead boy. The wind picks up and the light suddenly flashes, so bright that Karim throws up his arm to shield his eyes— and through his fingers, he can just see that the light beaming from the empty air above the dead boy’s shoulder blades, where it almost forms the shape of two enormous wings out of thin air and dust.
The wind and light sputter and die roughly in unison. Karim lowers his hand enough to stare at the dead boy in— he’s not sure what feeling, actually. Possibly terror.
The boy’s hair settles back against his cracked forehead. “Oh, good,” he says, breathing hard, like he’s just run a mile on a hot day. “It worked.”
Then the dead boy sags sideways and flops limply onto the pavement, and lies still, like corpses generally do.
“What the fuck,” Karim Mun says, with feeling.
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Wild Child (Billy Hargrove x Reader) part 3
Warnings: lots of swearing, road rage, that’s it I guess?
„Steve, if you keep running your fringers through your hair like that you’re gonna be bold by lunchtime.“
„Don’t say that! My hair is the best about me.“ your friend replied, removing his hand from his head, putting it in the frontpocket of his jeans while tapping the wall next to him with his fingers.
„I’m sure there might be other stuff.“ you chuckled.
„I’m just so nervous about that job interview today.“
„For that summer job?“
„Yeah…I really need it.“
„I’m sure it’ll be fine. I mean..you sure know a lot about ice cream.“ you tried to cheer him up, playfully hitting him in the shoulder.
„Oh by the way. Is your car working again?“
„Yeah my uncle fixed it yesterday. Was just one of the spark plugs. Why?“
„Could you maybe pick me up at the mall tonight? My dad thought it would be a very good idea to seize my car keys due to the lack of scholarships… and all the rejected college applications. But on the other hand he’s forcing me to get this job for which I’ll need a car…so..?“ „Yeah alright I’ll pick you up. When?“
„Thanks (y/n) you’re a real lifesaver. Somewhere around 7 or 8 should be fine I guess. By the way how was your weekend. Didn’t you go to a concert or something?“
„It was uh…a lot! I’ll tell you when I drive you home tonight.“ You definitely didn’t have the nerves to go through that desaster of a night right now. Especially not on a monday morning.
„HEY (Y/L/N)!“
The sound of this voice was enough to make you roll your eyes and let out a loud sigh. „What Hargrove?“ as you turned around Billy was already right in front of you resting his left arm against the locker above your head while looking down at you.
„Looks like you forgot something in my car saturday night.“ Oh that’s what all the yelling was about, he wanted to get everybody’s attention to embarass you as much as possible.
„What? My dignity?“ you snapped back.
„No not quiet.“ Billy mumbled, smirking down at you. He opened his right hand in front of your face, revealing one of the earrings you had been wearing that night.
Oh how much you wanted to say that this wasn’t yours, in order to not grant that absolute dickhead the satisfaction of making everyone in the hallway think that he had finally managed to win you over. But sadly those little red and blue lightning bolts were your favorite pair. You had been looking for the other one all sunday, finally comming to the realization that you must have lost it at the show. A version which you would actually prefere at this moment.
„You win this round Hargrove.“ you growled as you took the earring from his hand causing him to chuckle as he licked his lips. „But don’t you think that I’ll let you get away with this bullshit.“
As you turned aways, quietly cursing to yourself you locked eyes with Steve who had been standing next to you this whole time looking at you in complete disbelieve.
„Steve! Come on! AS IF!“
„Ok ok…wouldn’t have thought so.“ he chuckled raising his hands in defense, „But I still wanna know how you got into that weirdos car.“
„Told you I’ll tell you later.“
„Last call for Steve Harrington. Your chauffeur has arrived.“ You greeted your bestfriend as you stopped the black Dodge Charger in front of the yet to be opened mall. Steve was wearing a big smile on his face, as he walked towards your car, giving you the thumbs up.
„Congratulations Mr. Harring- What the hell do you have there?“
„Ice cream. They’ve given me free samples in order to welcome me to the Scoops Ahoy family.“ Steve stated proudly as he made himself comfortable in the passenger seat, placing the big paper bag on the dashboard.
„They’ve given you ice cream? In December?“
„Genious isn’t it? Like that it won’t melt on the way home.“ „As if it would last until you’re home.“ You chuckled as you stepped on the gas in order to make your way back to Hawkins.
„Now tell me.“ Steve began while trying to unwrap the ice cream bowl without getting anything on your seats. Not that you would have cared, your car was always a bit of a mess. „How come that you drove around with Billy this weekend? Did you loose a bet?“
„Alright alright…make yourself comfortable my dear friend and enjoy this absolute trainwreck of a story…“
„And that’s how I ended up driving home with that cocky fuck. The end.“ you concluded your story „Liked it?“
„Well it explained a lot but I personally would have expected a lot more blood and violence.“ Steve replied evaluative, still being very busy with that huge sundae.
„Well you know how they say-“ before you could end your sentence you were suddenly cut off by another car emerging out of the dark, causing you to hit the brakes. „FUCK!“
You knew damn well whose car that was. Without further hesitation you put your foot down causing the engine to rev. „Wait for it motherfucker…“ you mumbled to yourself while following the midnight blue Camaro down the dark road.
„Uhm (y/n)?“ Steve began carefully, clinging his free hand on to the dashboard. „Don’t you think you’re going a little fast?“
„Shh Steve! I know what I’m doing.“ you silenced him, turning up the radio which was blasting Metallica’s Four Horsemen.
You could finally see the rear lights as well as that californian license plate getting closer and closer.
You kept flashing your headlights while driving closely behind the Camaro, suddenly changing to the oncoming lane and stepping on the gas once more.
Yeah bitch guess what, you’re not the only one with a fast car in Hawkins.You began to smirk.
„You’re going to overtake him or what?“ Steves voice was a bit shaky at this point. You didn’t answer. Instead you kept driving on the lane next to the Camaro, now being on a level with your Dodge.
You quickly looked to the side and catched a glimpse of Billy Hargrove with some girl that you had seen around at school before. Even in this short moment you could see that his eyes were burning with anger as he stepped on the gas, preventing you from overtaking him.
Well, same, asshole. You thought.
„Steve roll down the window!“ you demanded, eyes focused on the dark street looking out for oncoming traffic. You could spot the headlights of a truck in the distance.
Your best friend did as he was told while mumbling something along the lines of „Oh this isn’t good…we’re definitely gonna die…oh yeah…“.
„I’m sorry but I need this.“
Before he could ask what you meant by that you grabbed the ice cream bowl from Steve’s hands, keeping a hold of the steering wheel with your left leg as you leaned over and tossed the bundle towards the Camaro.
You could hear breaks squeeking as you quickly moved yourself back into your seat, smashed your foot on the gas and cut Billy off, just before the truck driving towards you would get too close.
„Well thanks for not killing us but I guess I’ll take the bus next time.“ Steve mumbled while nervously running his fingers through his hair.
„WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU BITCH?“ the voice of Billy Hargrove was roaring across the parking lot in front of Hawkins High as he made his way towards you. You were sitting on the hood of the Charger having a smoke before you would head home.
„Well I can only return that.“ you scoffed unimpressed. There were only a few things that scared you and High School boys with anger issues definietly weren’t one of them.
„Oh, were you also cut off by some asshole who had to show his new grilfriend what a big, bad guy he is?“
„Not my grifriend.“ Billy replied his voice now low and humming, stopping directly in front of you.
„Not the part I care about.“ you answered, flicking your cigarette on the ground.
„What are you on your fucking period or somethink like that?“
„Nope just being my usual bitchy self as you like to call it.“
„You think this is a joke huh?“ the curly haired boy growled moving even closer to your face while resting his hands on the hood of your car between your legs.
„Do you?“ You didn’t shirk from his look, staring directly into his radiant blue eyes which were almost swallowed by his pitch black lashes.
„Fuck you…“ he mumbled, his low voice quavering aggressivly as he took a few steps back.
„You know what (y/n)?“Billy shouted „Maybe you just need a good fuck.“
„Well don’t we all?“ you replied with a wink. As soon as the words had left your mouth you could hear a disgusted wheezing followed by a bunch of girls whispering.
„Oh come on Tina get it together.“ you snapped at one of the girls standing by, who was shaking her head at you.
Fucking prude.
„Maybe some of the pretty boys outside of town can help you with that.“ Billy yelled across the parking lot, as he turned away from you to storm of towards his car.
„Yeah I’ll save you some!.“ you shouted back while flipping him off. „Go blow your dad you mullet wearing asshole!“
„WHERE DO YOU TWO THINK YOU ARE?“ Oh shit. Everybody frooze at the sound of the front door of Hawkins High swinging open followed by the roaring voice of Mr. Jenkins. Your headmaster.
„What? Can’t this be viewed as some sort of extracurricular activity?“ Oh god why couldn’t you just for once keep your fucking mouth shut?
You gowled as you picked up your stuff and headed back into school.
„Thanks (y/l/n), well done.“ Billy hissed as he pushed past you.
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blackrosesfanfic · 4 years
Chapter 221
Lane is fucking bad man. I'm cleaning up a whole gallon of milk because he decided that he knew how to make chocolate milk for him and Royalty, who is fucking 1 and unable to do any fucking thing. I cant deal with this boy. So here my ass is. And he sitting in the dining room with Royalty drinking his milk like he didn't do nothing. He did fucking manage to make their milk.
"Yo." I say answering my phone.
I throw the paper towel away. "Drew."
She sighs. "I miss hearing your voice. How are you?"
"I'm good."
"You don't care how I am?"
I roll my eyes. "Naw, not really. Got a lot of shit going on."
"Oh with your sister and her cheating husband?"
"Drew seriously."
She giggles. "Well anyway. If you don't want to talk to me I understand."
I nod taking the phone away from my ear. "Aight."
I hang up. You accept that shit and it always turns into some shit. I look around the kitchen. In the fake world Leah would be standing right there ready to ask a million questions and I would be acting like I'm caught.
"What the hell is this?" Chris snaps.
"Where the hell your kids at?" I retort.
He points outside. "They out there with Jordan."
"Jordan is your babysitter?" I shake my head. "My irresponsible 7 year old who hates babies?"
"I just went to fucking pee." Chris says looking at the milk. "That's milk?"
I throw the paper towel at him. "You finish this shit."
"It was only 3 minutes." Chris says looking out the back door. He opens it. "Jordan? What are you doing? Where are the kids?"
"So I'm not a kid?" Jordan asks.
Chris looks back at me then at her. "The babies. You are a kid. Where are the babies?"
"In the house."
"There are adults in there." She snaps. "So can I get back in the pool now?"
"I got to clean this up." Chris says sounding defended. "Aye, when is Cammie and Trey coming? What time is it? I thought they were just picking Caden up."
I just stare at him as he rambles without waiting for any type of response. I don't even know shit he talking about. Can't answer his damn questions. Chris cleans it up then goes into the dining room where the kids were. Jordan hits the glass door then waves for me to come to her. No. I'm not watching you in the damn pool. She drops her shoulders. Shay is the name that her mother wanted but her father named her Jordan. But Jordan has stuck around just like Shay. I think more people call her Jordan. I wave at her. That pissed her off. My phone rings.
"Man, why the fuck you make me think I knew how to talk to my wife?" Trey spazzes.
I laugh. "You and Chris suck each other dicks too much. Just alike. What the hell you talking bout?"
"Tried to talk to Cammie and only thing came out of it was her thinking I don't want to be with her."
"But you don't Tremaine. Ain't that what you told me?"
"No." He says unsure. "Did I?"
I chuckle. Motherfucker so insecure. I don't know what my fucking sister does to him. Don't know where his ass is. I don't know when I became his spiritual advisor. I stare at Jordan as she presses her face to the glass.
"Aye, Chris! My fucking baby trying to be patient with your ass."
"Chris!" Lane yells running into the kitchen.
Chris comes into the kitchen from the other direction. "Bruh, find out when your sister coming to get her kid."
Lane was opening the back door. "Shay, open this door!"
"Lane you can do it yourself!" Jordan yells opening the door.
"Rollie?" Chris pleads.
I laugh. "Aye, Trey come save Chris from your son."
Trey blows. "I can't save my fucking self from his mother."
"You had a whole day of silence to rehearse. What the hell were you doing instead?"
"Sleeping." He snaps.
"The damage is real. Tell me the conversation."
He sighs. "I can't."
"Damn you forgot?"
"It's fucking embarrassing."
I shrug. "Well then Trey what can I do?"
"Man, I dont know. Let me call you back."
This nigga is a fucking mess. Lane runs into the house holding his dick. He pauses at the door right after he gets into the house then he start crying. I turn away from him and start laughing. Chris about to fucking shit bricks. I turn back towards Lane.
"What's wrong, nigga?"
"What's wrong, Lane?" Chris asks coming up behind him. "You went to the bathroom?"
I hold my laugh in. "On the floor."
All the emotion leaves Chris' face. He looks down at Lane who is still screaming. Chris leans against the door frame. Sweet Amber comes up asking what happened. She is too good to Chris. She picks Lane up.
"You just not having a good day, baby."
"You talking to Lane or Chris?" I ask.
She kisses Chris' neck then walks out of the kitchen with Lane. Chris just stands there then he goes back outside. I look out of the back door. Jordan was floating on a flower float with shades on and a towel over her body. That is what you were so ready to get in the water to do? Not even play. Just lay there.
I answer the phone unconsciously. "Hello."
"Hey, Tremaine."
I smile. "Hey, Mama Cammie."
She chuckles just a bit. "I'm waiting on my luggage. Cammie isn't answering her phone. Did she send a car to pick me up? I'm really not too familiar with things in LA. Will it be easy to get a cab?"
"You at the airport?" I ask sitting up in my seat. "Cammie home breastfeeding or something. Maybe pumping. Which airport are you at?"
"Tremaine, I have no clue."
I smile. She is so much of Cammie. I swear. Helpless but bossy. She doesn't have it as bad as Cammie though. Cammie is a bitch. She reads me the ticket information. I'm actually not far away from her.
"I'll be there to get you in a few minutes." I tell her.
"Oh no. Just tell me how to get a cab. Do I call?"
"No, ma'am. I will be there. It's fine. I'm close."
We hang up the phone. I left the house just to not be there with Cammie, my mama, and my aunt who are all giving me looks. I don't think Cammie told them anything. I'm still getting looks. I get out of the car like I'm a normal person.
"Sir you can't park here."
"I'm just walking inside to get my mother." I say pointing. "She right there."
The guy looks behind himself then he looks at me. "Alright then. 5 minutes."
I walk into the building. This was a bad idea. I couldn't see over the crowd of people coming and going. I walk over to the corner of the room near a man with a sign. He waves it in the air then he looks at me.
"You never going to find your person just standing there. You need a sign."
"Yeah, buddy. It ain't that simple."
The guy puts his sign down. He walks to the wall and pick up a big piece of paper and bring it to me.
"Sure it is." He says handing me a market.
"Thanks." I say writing my name on the paper.
The guy looks at me. "Oh you waiting on Trey Songz?"
I stare at him for a few seconds then turn away. "Yeah. Sure."
I cover my face with the sign as someone stares at me. Let's not have any pictures of me standing in the airport with a sign. I chuckle to myself. That would be funny though. Wouldn't be funny running from the crowd of people that follow me.
"Mama Cammie." I say taking the sign away from my face.
She looks around. "I think those people are waiting for Trey Songz to come to his driver. Maybe you should leave that on your face."
I chuckle and start walking. "I didn't know you were coming to town."
"I talked to Cammie about it. Should I have told you? I don't want to be invasive."
"It's just that she didn't tell me. You welcome anytime."
We walk out of the airport followed by the crowd of people that Gwen was talking about. I'm sure that they have figured out by now that it is me. They were behaving well and just following me. That's all good. We get into the car without being bothered. I'm honestly not ready to go home.
"I was going by Chris' Beach rental he has to see Lane. Do you want to do that?"
"Oh yes that's fine."
We drive for a good bit in silence. It was very peaceful. Almost like she wasn't there. She had her face almost glued to the glass. I change my mind again about going to Lane and I drive around the city so she can see different sights. I didn't tell her that's what I was doing. We really just stayed silent.
"So Mama." I say looking at her. "You just came to LA to visit?"
"I want to be in my grandkids life without always taking them from home. You know?"
I nod. "Yeah."
"I figured it would be good for me and Jayla to... I don't know. That might be a stretch. What do you think?"
"She must tell you stuff." She says looking at me hopeful.
"She really doesn't. I mean she tells me stuff. But I don't understand her reason."
Gwen sighs deeply. "You know it's hard as a parent without having so much against you. I really loved her father. I wish they could remember that. I'm not a bad person for trying to fill a really big hole in my life. That was my first love."
"She might not understand that."
"I can't say I would have went back and changed anything because my kids would lose out on time with their father."
I glance over at her. "How is that?"
"They spent so much time with him."
"I mean. Why weren't yall together?"
She looks at me. "Just like you travel he traveled."
"I thought her father was just a local artist. Not traveling around the US."
"I see she doesn't talk about anything. I just want to say that I tried my best after he father died. I went from raising my kids with a great father to being by myself. Both of them seemed to forget everything. It became my fault that my son wanted to be a thug instead of a straight A student like he was."
I chuckle. "Rollie made straight A?"
"He was a grade level ahead of his class and he was still the top of his class."
She sighs. "Yes, Rollie. He changed completely. He went from being picked at to picked out of the crowd. He was a big fluffy bear. They turned my baby into a mean gangsta." She chuckles. "He still is my soft teddy bear. No matter how small he is."
"And Cammie? What happened with you and her?"
She sighs. "College. I don't know."
"Just college?"
Damn. The girl never told her fucking mother what happened. Gotdamn Cammie. I'm not going to be the one to fucking tell her. But Cammie is going to tell her with my help. Damn I'm already in the fucking hole.
"My children were spoiled by their father. He gave them whatever they wanted. I mean whatever. They would miss school for weeks at a time. My grandfather was the superintendent at the time so everyone in the school knew my family. They would send the kids school work with them. Her father spend a lot of his time in Atlanta and New York. They were rarely home with just me. And when they were they behaved so that they could go out of town when time came."
"Cammie don't talk about her childhood. I learned a lot just now. Do I know my wife?"
Gwen smiles softly touching my shoulder. "In ways that matter. She has grown so much since she had Lane."
"I need some growing, Mama Cammie."
"You need to get your priorities straight. God. Family. Everything else."
I nod. "But taking care of my family is done with that everything else."
"Girls, parties, sex, and drugs?"
"No ma'am. Money, work..."
She puts her hand up between our faces. "Don't even preach that to me. You could work as a manager at a Walmart and take care of your family. This is your dream. This is the life you want. It's not what God gave you and it's not doing nothing for your family."
"I mean..."
"It's not doing nothing for them." She repeats. "And it has no place in your marriage."
"So you saying I should stop music?"
She smirks and puts her phone down. "If you don't know how to grow up and put those childish things to the side."
"So Cammie's father did?"
"Nope." She says looking at herself in the mirror. "Got into a car with a drunk woman who ended his life and his unborn child."
I sit up in my seat then look at her really quick. "Say what? You kidding me?"
"Of course their father was nothing but a Saint to them. I know you haven't heard that."
"You was sitting here talking about how much in love you were."
She sits back then she looks at me. "Never said I didn't have growing to do. I sure did stop acting a fool and go back home to my parents. Married the man my father wanted me to marry and the rest is history."
"I don't see where you and your kids relationship went wrong."
"When I told my son that I would not watch him kill himself like his father did. When I told my daughter that she was headed straight for a life of regret and shame. Running after that football player and all his glory. I stopped feeding my children with a silver spoon and they rebelled. I became the worst mother in the world. But I don't regret it because they weren't doing nothing with themselves living under me."
I glance at her. "So you think Cammie shouldn't have married me?"
She smiles. "I like you Trey Songz." She touches my shoulder. "Better you grow up now while she still tolerates you. I think that boy broke her heart and she never wanted me to know. But I would never tell her I told you so. Like I said. Lane made her grow up. Maybe it was you. Well it has to be you. Lane wouldn't be here if it weren't you."
"Sometimes I think I'm not good enough for her."
"Cause you aren't." She snaps looking at me sideways. "But that doesn't mean you aren't capable of being what and who she needs. Your worth is not what makes you undeserving of her. It is your reputation. Your Mr. Steal a Girl."
I laugh. "Did you recently learn that?"
"I listened to a song or two of yours."
"You think outside of my fame persona..."
"Outside of Trey Songz."
I nod. "Only that part of me deserves Cammie?"
"Are you looking for some answer?"
"I just like what you said. It would be nice to hear it again."
She makes her eyes big. "Go hear it from your wife."
"But she is mad at me."
"Okay, she is mad at you. Did she stop loving you?"
I nod my head. "Okay. Let's go by the house then go to the beach with Lane."
"Where is Caden? At the house?"
She nods her head while smiling. "Okay."
I nod. "Good."
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tisfan · 5 years
Moving Violations
Square: G5 - Carjacking Title: Moving Violations Warning: None Rating: Teen Characters: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Tags: kidnapping, carjacking, car chases, car crash Summary: This evening was not going according to plan. Now he was going to have to call the god damned police and file a fucking report and then call his insurance and file another report, and then he was going to have to call Pepper and-- Link: A03 Word Count:  2,545 Posted for @winterironbingo *also include relationship if not just winteriron
The conference was over, finally. Tony dragged his suitcase out to the car garage. He would have had the concierge do it, but it was late, the bellhops were all busy, and Tony didn’t want to wait. He wanted to get in his car, stop somewhere for an extra triple large coffee, a donut the size of his head, and get the hell out of Dodge. Or New Jersey, honestly, which was worse, and there he was anyway.
He popped the trunk, pushed his suitcase into the back, and was just straightening up when someone pushed a hard, metal thing against his back. “Gimme the keys, motherfucker, and don’t try anything funny.”
God damn it. This was not what he’d had in mind, checking out of the hotel immediately after the conference instead of waiting until morning, like everyone else. Suppressing a sigh, Tony slowly lifted his hands, letting the keys dangle.
Now he was going to have to call the god damned police and file a fucking report and then call his insurance and file another report, and then he was going to have to call Pepper and--
The car thief snagged the key fob, then shoved, pushing Tony forward into the trunk. The locking mechanism scraped against his midsection, tearing his shirt and bruising his skin. “Get it--”
There was a second man, a black ski mask pulled down to hide his face. He reached into the trunk and cut the safety cable that unlocked the trunk from the inside.
“Get in,” the first guy said, prodding Tony with the -- gun, probably -- metal thing in his back, giving him a matched bruise.
There was not a lot of room in the trunk, with the spare tire, his suitcase, and it being a sports model and not some soccer mom’s SUV.
This... was even worse. And just when Tony thought it couldn’t get any worse, Ski Mask reached in and groped at Tony’s clothes, what the fuck. “Hey, fuck you, what the--” Ski Mask shoved at Tony’s face, making him crack his head on the back of the tiny space, and came up with Tony’s phone. “Damn it, give me that!” The guy tossed it onto the floor of the parking garage with a snort, and then slammed the trunk shut, narrowly missing another crack on Tony’s head.
“Come on,” the first guy said, rushing around to the driver’s side. “Three more minutes until the window closes.”
“Not getting paid enough for this job,” Ski Mask said, but he was also getting in the car. The doors slammed, the car jerked into reverse and skidded out of the parking lot. Whoever was driving was good, Tony noted, shifting gears precisely, and handling the car well. At least, he wasn’t getting slammed around inside the tiny space.
(more under the cut)
Just to make sure, he tried pulling on the release lever, but it did nothing. Tony felt around, trying to get an idea for what was available. He found a screwdriver in his jacket pocket, and a pair of wire cutters. He couldn’t reach his pants pocket, cramped as it was, but since they’d tossed his phone, he didn’t think there was anything useful in there, anyway. A bunch of business cards, some conference swag -- pens, fidget toys, a couple of novelty condoms.
He felt around in front of him. Trunk, liner carpet-- oh! The tail light. He could... he could work with that, probably. He felt around for the screws holding it in place.
It was all kinds of awkward, trying to maneuver his arm into position to work the screwdriver, but he managed to get the cover off. He felt for the wires. There should be... yes, there. They were mounted into place, but a couple of snips with the cutters took care of that.
Now, he could make the tail light do what he wanted. He listened for a moment -- wherever they were taking him, it was on some kind of highway. Good. He tapped the wires together, carefully, making the light blink. Short-short-short-long-long-long-short-short-short. Pause. Short-short-short-long-long-long-short-short-short. Not many people knew Morse code anymore, but SOS was still pretty universal. Hopefully someone would notice and call them in.
Night driving wasn’t one of Bucky’s favorite things. Drivers tended to ignore motorcyclists with almost aggressive tenacity even during the day, and night was worse. He’d just missed being hit with a car that had rolled up behind him, swerved around, and then pulled back in the lane without adequate clearance.
Crazy, early drunk, Bucky decided. He dropped his speed again, letting some room get between him and the car.
Idiot left his blinker on, too, continually flashing.
Bucky rolled his eyes, and--
Wait, what? The tail light was blinking, rhythmically, and not in the simple click-click that most turn signals did. Bucky’d seen a few kits in his day, that made the tail-lights do an almost marquee scroll, which was really distracting late at night, but this wasn’t doing that, either.
Might be a short; it wasn’t any of Bucky’s business anyway. If the guy got pulled over for a burned out taillight, so much the better.
The light went dead for a moment, then started up again. The other rear light stayed steady, the whole time.
Flick, flick, flick. Flash, flash, flash.
What? Something nagged at him for a moment, and he lost the car as it wove around a tractor trailer. Bucky opened the throttle, speeding up.
SOS? Couldn’t possibly be. He only knew Morse Code because he watched entirely too many old war movies with his buddy Steve.
He pulled in behind the car again, watching, counting.
Yeah, that was… that had to be deliberate.
Bucky considered pulling over and calling 9-11 on his phone, when the car changed lanes twice. Bucky had to speed up to keep it in sight, and then it was headed off one of the exits, one of the complicated things that had two side paths, plus a jughandle. If he didn’t keep his eye on the car, he wouldn’t know where it went. Who even knew if the cops would take the story seriously?
Bucky followed them off the interstate.
“If this is someone’s idea of a prank,” Bucky muttered, “I am never gonna try bein’ a good samaritan again.”
Not that he had a plan. He was on a motorcycle, for fuck’s sake. It’s not like he could clip them and make them stop without practically killing himself in the process.
The tail lights flickered a few more times, then stopped, as if the person -- if it was a person -- was getting tired.  
At least there were traffic lights now. The car would have to slow down. Bucky grumbled, then decided to risk it. He took the next right hand turn, then an immediate left, slipping around traffic, taking advantage of his smaller vehicle and probably making all sorts of moving violations, but he managed to get ahead of them.
“Oh, this is so stupid,” he told himself, but as he came up on the car from the side, he slowed down, aimed the bike, and jumped off, letting the motorcycle smash into the passenger side door.
Inside the car, the passenger-side airbag exploded. The car swerved sharply and went into a spin, smashing into the guardrail. When it finally came to a stop, one tire was flat, and the bumper and whole side of the car had been liberally crumpled.
The driver’s side door opened, and a man floundered out of the car. “What the fuck!” he demanded. “What the--” He spotted Bucky, and his lip curled into a snarl. “What the absolute fuck, you asshole!”
Bucky’s sharp gaze raked the man, taking in dark clothes, aggression, and-- a gun holstered under one arm. Fuck, this was such a bad idea.
He staggered, letting his body pull him at a rolling gate. Playing drunk. “Dude, where’d you--” he acted like he couldn’t find his helmet’s strap, struggling with it. “Saw th’ car in front of you, and the car behind you, but not you…” He got the helmet off, still closing the distance. “What the hell’d you do to my bike?”
Two more steps, and Bucky threw the helmet at the guy, smashing him in the face with the fiberglass, hand automatically reaching, and-- grabbed the gun. “Don’t fucking move, asshole,” he yelled, putting the barrel right over the guy’s bloody nose.
The guy’s eyes went big and round in shock. “What-- Okay, man, okay, Jesus fuck, what the fuck am I going to do now?”
“Dude, tell your friend that he cannot possibly shoot me before I shoot you,” Bucky advised, stepping to one side and keeping the first guy between himself and the passenger. “He looks a little banged up to me, he’s likely to shoot you in the back before he gets one off on me.”
“What are you, some kind of cop?” the guy demanded, but he waved at his buddy, who was still trying to get untangled from the airbag enough to turn around and draw a bead on Bucky.
“Cops wish they were as cool as I am,” Bucky said. “Have him pop the trunk.” He hoped it wasn’t too damaged to work, and that whoever was inside it was okay. He really had not thought this through at all. Provided he lived through it, though, it was going to make a great story to tell Steve and Sam.
Slowly, with much cursing and complaining, the other guy managed to find the lever to pop the trunk.
“Hey pal, you okay in there?” Bucky tried to look over the driver’s shoulder to see what was actually in the damn trunk.
“I’ve been better,” said a voice. There was some more cursing and several pained grunts, and then a man unfolded from behind the driver, climbing laboriously out of the car’s trunk.
“If you can walk, there’s a whole ton of zip ties in my cycle’s saddlebag. And then I’ll call the cops?” He shifted the gun again, aiming at the guy’s knee. “Don’t even think about it. I don’t want to kill you, but my moral code’s a little wobbly on the subject of kneecaps.”
The victim looked around and then stumbled his way over to Bucky’s bike, rummaging in the bags and then coming back with the zipties. “Should I even ask why you have-- oh shit, you’re hot.” He froze, staring at Bucky.
Bucky spluttered. That was not at all what he’d expected. “I’m an electrician,” Bucky explained. “And I had a bunch of cable-wraps to do today. Come on, Dude in Distress, let’s zip these fuckers up before someone decides to try me. This is my favorite jacket, I do not want blood on it.”
The guy shook himself back into motion. “Right, right. Sorry.” He walked around behind the driver and started zip-tying the guys’ wrists. “It’s been a long week, and I’m dealing with an adrenaline dump; my filters are pretty much gone.”
Bucky stepped away, once they were both ziptied and on the ground, swearing and cursing, but probably not going anywhere. “Jesus,” he said, then lowered the gun and flicked the safety on. “Not how I intended to spend Friday night-- oh, crap, look at my bike!” Bucky’s voice spiraled up, the victim wasn’t the only guy who was dealing with a sudden flush of hormones. He wobbled back another few steps, shaking from head to toe.
“Whoa, hey, relax, it’s going to be okay,” the victim said. He reached out a tentative hand and gingerly patted Bucky’s shoulder, then again with more confidence when Bucky didn’t immediately throw him off. “I will absolutely make sure it gets fixed. Or replaced. Whatever’s easiest.” He looked around. “What did you do, drive right into the side of the car?”
“Basically, yeah,” Bucky said. He reached for his phone, tapping the Emergency Call button. “You need an ambulance-- what’s your name? I’m Bucky.”
“Tony,” the guy said. He prodded carefully at his face and arm and one leg. “I think it’s all superficial,” he said. “Just... cops.”
“Right, okay,” Bucky said, and when the phone chirped, with the “911, what is the nature of your emergency,” Bucky gave almost no details. “There’s been a… attempted kidnapping and car accident--” he peered at the street signs and gave an address.
“Sir, can you stay on the--” Bucky hung up. They’d both get grilled at the station, or the hospital, if medics decided they needed treatment anyway.
“Tell me you’re not some sort of swag drug dealer or something in a meet up gone bad,” Bucky said. “I’d really like to be the good guy, here.”
“Uh, yeah, I think we can safely say you’re the good guy,” Tony agreed. “I haven’t done drugs since college and I’ve never dealt. I don’t know what these two were after, but it wasn’t, you know, revenge for my nefarious and criminal ways. Hey, can I borrow your phone for a sec?”
Bucky handed it over, looking at the guy. He was dressed in a suit that had probably been nice before he’d been shoved in the trunk of a car, with tousled brown hair and a perfectly shaped beard. If Bucky had to say he had a type, Tony would have checked off a lot of boxes.
Tony dialed the phone. “Pep? What, no, I’m not-- It was fine, but I-- Pep! Code ninety-nine! ...Thank you. Yes. No, I’m fine. Mostly. Well, they jumped me in the garage and stuffed me in the trunk but the hottest guy in New Jersey managed to make them crash the car and-- No, I’m serious. The police are on the way; I need you to scramble the team. Yeah. Yes, really, I’m fine. Yeah. I’ll call after the police. I know, I know, you don’t have to-- Yeah, okay, I know.” He hung up without saying goodbye and handed the phone back to Bucky. “Thanks. My assistant,” he explained. “She likes to be kept up to date on my schedule.”
Bucky snorted. “So, this is, what, like someone’s extra meeting?” He saw light flashing in the distance, the wail of sirens getting closer. Very carefully, he took the gun out of his jacket pocket and put it on the pavement. “This is gonna be a very long evening,” he told Tony. Although given that he had a code for being kidnapped that his secretary knew, he was probably used to it. “Don’t suppose I can buy you a shitty cup of coffee after it’s done, or something?”
Tony looked at Bucky again, startled. “Wait, really? No, don’t answer that, you made the offer; no takebacks. Yes. You can buy me coffee. I’ll buy the doughnuts.”
“Square deal,” Bucky said, giving Tony a wide grin. “If I get out of this with less than a dozen moving violations, shitty coffee is gonna be all I can afford. By the way-- the Morse Code? That was clever. I was following them for like ten miles.”
Tony grinned back, offering Bucky a hand. “Thanks. And... Thanks.”
“I’d say anytime, but I’d rather you not make a habit of getting carjacked.”
“I dunno,” Tony said, giving Bucky an obvious once-over. “It might have been worth it.”
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chimmychanga1225 · 6 years
Homeless: Damijon (1)
"You're fucking kidding", Damian practically groaned as he reluctantly walked into the school he blatantly didn't attend. Who the fuck did this cop think he was? He gave an "are you serious stare" to the overly peppy cop who escorted him to the local public school. "How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not supposed to be here! I need to find my mother."
"Don't worry, kid. I get it. Your almost in high school, you want to show your street cred, skipping school and all. Believe me, I was the same. But this isn't how you get somewhere in life. This isn't how you become popular or make friends. Now if you want to become a schmuck, you're going down the right path." The cop's earnest bright blue eyes, reflected back Damian's incredulous stare at the man.
"What dumb 50's movie did you steal that shit monologue from?" The cop's face lit up brighter than a Christmas tree telling Damian he definitely hit a soft spot. "My, err, roommate likes the old stuff, what can I say," he said sheepishly.
Damian scanned the man's face, picking up in the subtle smile lines and freckles. However, the more closely Damian studied him the redder his face became making it even harder to notice the details. "What the hell are you doin, kid?"
Damian sighed, leaning away from the cop. Why did he care so much, anyway? "Nothing," he replied, "just wondering what kind a person would stay with your ugly mug."
"Sorry, ugly and brainless mug."
"Look, little dude. Just go to school, okay?" The cop began to restlessly look at his watch giving Damian a chance to catch a glimpse at his name tag. He squinted barely managing to differentiate the black lettering from the dark silver backing. "Clayton," Damian muttered curiously looking up to the cop.
It took the other a minute to catch the drift. "No, it's Grayson. Holy shirt, kid, how bad is your eye sight?"
"Do I really need to answer a question starting off with holy shirt?" Damian took a step away from the conversation, giving him a second to breathe. He massages his temples trying to soothe the oncoming headache away. "Why am I even entertaining this? Let's just agree to disagree on the whole school thing, Grayson. You can't make me go to a school I don't attend."
"You haven't even seen the half of it."
"I don't go here, I'm not even from this area! I was just waiting around for my mother you idiotic fools. Put me the hell down, motherfucker." Dick laughed as he saw the pill sized version of aggression being forcibly taken to algebra. He turned to the school's elderly principle with his classic smile.
"Thanks again, Mr. Fraiser. I didn't want to trouble you but-", he began but was quickly interrupted by the hunched but muscled elderly man clapping his back. "Anything for a respected alumn like you, Mr. Grayson. Having you visit here in your free time and not to mention all of the demonstrations you give the kids is truly an honor and a privilege . I know middle school has probably the toughest years for dealing with kids but the way you manage them is amazing. They love you!"
"You flatter me, Mr. Fraiser. I'll come by later to see if the hellion has everything settled. Thank you so much!" Mr. Fraiser bid goodbye shortly after, and left for his office. Dick sighed before glancing down the hallway the said hellion was dragged through earlier with a slight frown. "He's been standing there for days. Did he really expect to be picked up at that rate," he muttered to himself.
He patted his pockets looking for the keys to his cruiser, still deep in thought. "Really hope I didn't just abduct someone."
"This shitty establishment is giving me a fucking headache. Where is she?" Damian cursed Talia in every language he knew, knowing the devilish woman had something planned. Suddenly his phone rang. After witnessing a child lose their phone to one of the overgrown fools, he knew he should discreetly take the call. After hiding the flip phone in his hoodie, he immediately went off.
"It better be fucking worth it Al Ghul. I've been wanting to stab my eyes out since the first shriek that came out of the bat called Ms. Tyler."
"Patience, son," Talia emphasized, "I'm on a trip, so I can't pick you up. Figure something out while I'm gone. Keep your phone on you."
"Whatever." With a raged filled, yet satisfactory snap, he finished the call. He pulled away from his phone, letting it slide down the back of his hoodie into his hand. "At least it's just for today."
As kids practically sprinted away from the building to their parents' car, Damian fell in with the crowd to hide himself, determined to avoid the police car sitting in the middle of the lane with its sirens running. He could clearly see the police man from earlier waiting patiently and calmly despite the loud wail resounding from the car. "Fucking psycho," Damian muttered.
He shuffled away easily blending into the environment. He didn't have time to play with the man child, Damian needed to find somewhere to crash temporarily. He worriedly glanced at his watch. With the amount of time he wasted in school today, he was already behind schedule. "I'm so screwed."
"Wish I could say the same." Damian would like to say he didn't scream like a chick when he heard the voice directly by his ear. He really wishes he could. He turned around, startled to see a slightly taller girl standing behind him. "You insane mother fucker, what do you think your doing?"
"The name is Barbara, twerp."
Damian could feel weirdo vibes coming off of her, but he didn't have the energy or time to waste in her. He kept walking. "Hey, where are you going!?"
"Just saying this now, cougars aren't my type lady."
"As opposed to the sexy policeman that’s waiting for you over there?”
“How perverted are you, dude? Lay off.” Damian tried to speed walk away from the Barbara careful not pick up his speed too to avoid catching Grayson’s attention. Unfortunately, Barbara has longer legs to start with and had no problem with the speed picking up a bit.
“Sorry, it was a weird way to start a conversation, but I’m bored, I’m going this way, and you’re here. Wanna be friends?”
“No. Now leave me alone.” Damian’s cold hearted reply only seemed to encourage Barbara to pry even more. “Come on Twerp, I know you want to be friends. Just say it. ‘Please Barbara, I’m truly alone and lost in this world of middle school and I just want one dear friend. Please, oh please be my bestie for life’. Just like that.”
Damian felt minutes away from punching the girl. He turned on his heel sharply to face the girl. “What will take for you to leave me alone!?”
“Haven’t you’ve been listening? Just be my friend, idiot.”
——— 1 year later———
Damian’s entire body seemed to shiver at a frequency previously unrecorded by scientists. His finger tips almost seemed blue. He reached for his phone once more, dialing the familiar number. “Barbara, you better hurry the fuck up.”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, but debate club held me up for a while. I swear I’ll drive you back. Just give me 5 minutes to get down there.”
“2 minutes and I’m gone.”
“Stupid twerp.” Damian snapped the phone shut and shoved his hands and phone back into his pocket, searching for any trace of the previous warmth he had. Just as the promised 2 minutes came to an end, a panting Barbara emerged from her high school’s steps, glaring at Damian. “I was on the fourth floor, you idiot. I had to sprint from the opposite end of school too. I could’ve died!”
“Save the complaining for later, Gordon. You owe me a dinner.”
“... and Kathy is just the cutest. She gets flustered over anything and everything and oh my God, please tell me that’s our food. I’m starving.”
“Wow, I never thought it was possible to talk fifteen minutes straight without breathing, but here you are proving me wrong again, Gordon.” Barbara rolled her eyes, but a playfully smiled remained on her lips. The waiter quickly and haphazardly placed down their food, before running to deliver the next table’s serving.
“The diner is the same as ever. Under staffed and messy.” Damian’s classic frown morphed into an even more disgusted expression as he noticed an old piece of chewed gum stuck to the window next to him.
“But you love it.” Barbara said before turning to her back pack, looking for something. “I put it here somew- ah”, Barbara exclaimed, a smile illuminating her face.
She carefully pulled out a bagged smushed cupcake which was staples to another plastic bag with a candle and lighter. She presented the baggies with a proud look. “Happy birthday!”
“Oh, you actually remembered that? I thought you were joking,” Damian said, actually a little shocked. The weeks following their first meeting, Barbara and Damian grew to actually be good friends, much to Damian’s surprise. At the rate he’s going, maybe he just attracts crazy people. When Barbara’s birthday finally swung around she got curious about Damian’s, who was just as clueless as her.
“Well, how could I forget the birthday I made up for my best friend?” Damian’s cheeks turned bright red, still not used to the endearment and care Barbara constantly sends out.
“I’m your best friend,” he asked shyly.
“Of course. And naturally I’m your’s Damian because, in all honesty, I doubt you talk to anyone else your age outside of me and Kate. You’re just too much of an awkward little twerp.”
“I could be friends with someone younger or older than me.”
“Damian if there’s anything you hate more than people your age, it’s people younger than you. And your first immediate reaction to someone older interacting with you is to insult them. Wow, now it’s my turn to be shook. How did I even deal with you!?”
“Shut up and light my birthday cupcake, Gordon.” Barbara let out another body quaking laugh, unable to take Damian’s outraged expressions. “Okay, you big baby. Give me a second.”
Barbara tried her best to take the cupcake out with care, but her back pack has already done its damage. Half the icing was lost to the baggie and her fingers and the candle snapped in half. Damian snickered as he watched Barbara struggle with the crappy Teen Titan’s lighter she bought from CVS. “Finally,” she exclaimed when the candle was lit.
“To keep this from getting awkward, I’m not gonna sing, but I still want to embarrass you, so SMILE!” Damian flinched away from the flash of her camera before shooting her a disgruntled frown. He never liked pictures that much, but even he couldn’t prevent a smile creeping on his face when he saw Barbara squealing over how cute the pictures are. “I can’t wait to show these to Kathy!” She said pulling off a chunk of cupcake.
“Show it to her and you die, Gordon,” Damian threatened. Barbara took another picture while giggling mischievously. “Sure,” she drawled. She put away the camera.
A short but comfortable silence settled in their usual booth at Red’s Diner. After eating a mix of the sugary cupcake and their evening pancakes, Barbara called for the bill. “I can’t believe it’s over already. I don’t want to leave you yet, Dami. Maybe we can have a sleepover!”
“I’ll pass, Barbie,” he said, in a mocking tone. Damian began to gather his stuff, to prepare to leave when he caught Barbara pouting on the opposite side of the booth. He sighed, knowing he would regret this. “I’m not saying okay to a sleepover, but we can hang out longer if you want.”
“Awesome! Let’s go,” Barbara practically yelled, slamming money on the table, and zooming past Damian. He figured that if he didn’t want to lose the crack filled five year old, he better quicken his pace. “Wait up!”
Damian cursed Barbara’s height for the fifth time tonight. He was still regrettably shorter than the girl meaning he was slower as well. “Jesus Christ Barbara, I told you to fuckin wait,” he wheezed, finally having caught up to Usain Bolt Jr.
“You’re just slow, Dami.”
“Whatever.” Barbara and Damian slowed to a walking pace comfortable for both of them, taking in the area’s surrounding. “Where do you want to go,” Damian asked. “We probably have maybe five more hours before I have to go.”
Barbara kept quiet, which was basically taking 180 degree turn, personality wise. “Barbara,” Damian called out, slightly more worried now.
“I think I’m gonna tell my dad, Damian. About me and Kate. I don’t want to keep sneaking around him.” Damian wasn’t necessarily surprised. He felt her reaching her limit for some time, but why now?
“Did something happen at school?”
“Just some jerks. Nothing big.”
“‘Kay. Let me know if you want them dead later, though.” Barbara laughed although Damian wasn’t really joking. “Kind gesture, but I don’t even care to give them the time of day. It’s not like they’re anyone important, but my dad... if anything I just want to get it off my chest.”
Damian gave a slight nod and hesitantly hugged his friend. “Good luck, Barbara.”
“Thanks, Damian.”
I promised it like months ago, so I’m not sure if anyone cares anymore but whatever. Here’s the Damijon fic. Hope you like it. I already wrote out part 2, so if it isn’t up by tomorrow, feel free to attack me. Happy new year! Wowza none of this was Damijon, but it’s gonna get there.
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allthingsmissedrph · 6 years
★·.·´¯`·.·★ Tag Lyrics Masterlist
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Masterlist of lyrics to be used in things like tags. Part of this was posted over on jennifermusingisms but the rest is new. Won’t be in the tags but still posting it because it is a good one that I can use later. Like/reblog if you stumble across this and find it helpful.  I have been doing tags that are fancy since the trend started so I would like to say that I am good at it by now. 
Found you when your heart was broke
I used to be a little too reckless.
Feeling so high but too far away to hold me
Just running from the demons in your mind
Put you right back on your feet
Living in a world so cold wasting away
Don’t know what’s going on. Don’t know what went wrong
Something about you makes me feel like a dangerous woman
I’m so into you. I can barely breathe.
All I want to do is all into you
A little less conversation and a little more touch my body
so baby lets keep this secret. A little scandalous but baby don’t let them see it.
I ain’t trying to push you but god damn I’m a mess
Anytime I’m alone. I can’t help thinking about you.
I’m so into you that all I want to do is fall in deep
Oh , baby look what you started. the temperature is rising.
Remember when you said there is no second chance?
That’s my lane. don’t wear it out though
So sue me for looking so pretty tonight wearing your favorite color under the lights
It is hard to see what you don’t want to see
feeling myself can’t be illegal
Pick up that jaw off the floor
Sue me for being good friends with your friends
What do you do when I’m not around?
Liar , Liar words on fire
Didn’t want to come to your party anyway
You’re a fucking liar
Sold my soul to someone cold. Split me open centerfold.
You’re dead inside but how did you get that way?
What do you do when I’m not around?
Payback is a bad bitch but baby I’m the baddest
Baby , I’m sorry. I’m not sorry.
Being so bad got me feeling so good. Showing you up like I know that I could
Feeling inspired because the tables have turned
The grass is greener under me
I know how bad this must hurt seeing me like this but it gets worse
I don’t know why I do this every time. It’s only when I’m lonely
Please forgive me for the drink spilled on the floor
It’s time for me to take it. I’m the boss right now
What’s wrong with being confident?
Forget the diamonds and pearls they just want a ring
You run your mouth all over town
Do Re Me Fi So fucking done with you
All the games you play. I ain’t no tic tack toe
Send the X and O’s on another note
You never had to buy yourself a drink
Tell me pretty lies. Look me in the face
You’ve been out all night. I don’t know where you’ve been
I’ve got hella feelings for you.
I act like I don’t fucking care because they ain’t even there
I’m only a fool for you
My girl don’t want me because of my dirty laundry
I miss you pushing me close to the edge
I wish I knew what I had when I left
You set fire to my world and I couldn’t handle the heat
I want you to ruin my life. I want you to fuck my nights.
Six inch heels , she walked in the club like nobody’s business
God damn , She murdered everybody and I was her witness
Never stop until we die!
I don’t want to go to school ,I just wanna break the rules
Getting high and getting wrecked
Wrote it down and read it out ,hoping it will save me
My love makes me feel like somebody else
One ,Don’t pick up the phone. You know he is only calling because he is drunk and alone
Two ,Don’t let him in. You’ll have to kick him out again
Three ,don’t be his friend. You know your gonna wake up in his bed in the morning.
I got new rules , I count em.
Practice makes perfect. I’m still trying to learn it by heart
Hands in the air like we just don’t care
We are going to go all night until we see the sunrise.
It’s our party we can do what we want
I’ve got a feeling that tonight is gonna be a good night.
I’m moving on ,it’s getting late
Don’t even try , can’t even fuck my vibe.
Motherfucker don’t play with me
We wrote a story in the fog on the windows that night but the ending is the same ever daytime
Can you feel the tension rising? It’s almost love!
If you love me ,let me know!
Most times I pretend that he is just a friend.
Darling ,I’m a mess without your love.
Heaven knows I’ve tried , tried to get by
Money don’t buy class and I can’t be bought like that
I am a diamond because diamonds are forever 
I like where my hands are. I’m just gonna hold tight
You should have never let me go. I hope it hurts like hell.
Insecure but I’m working with it.
Could you fall for a woman like me?
It’s not fun to be the girl you hit and run.
I’ve got trust issues for trusting you. I got trust issues from trusting you
I want to waste your time like you wasted mine
I’m going to mix these drinks until your out of focus. 
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latinegro · 6 years
Trigger Warning
I really believe that you can tell all about a person from the way they drive. Actually, I think I know everything I need to know by simply seeing a person operate a vehicle. You have those people who drive safely because they are conscious of the fact that there are rules of the road. They are the people who are too timid to change lanes for fear that anything than bigger than a jeep is going to bear down on them. Then you have the cavalier motherfuckers who give no fucks about you on the road.
It's those cavalier people that I really cannot stand. They’re the ones that will zig-zag on the Saw Mill Parkway just to avoid any kind of traffic as if there are more than two lanes. They are the fuckers who will ride your ass no matter if you’re in the fast lane or slow lane just so you can get out of the way. I really hate those people.
Sometimes, just for giggles I will slow down and pin them between lanes especially if abuela in the green caddy next to me is going 15 miles an hour on Fort Washington. Then you see how fast motherfuckers want to get by you by swerving into oncoming traffic.
So there is no wonder that I’m fuming right now that this asshole just took my parking spot. You know how long it takes to find parking in Washington Heights? Granted I had to go to Nyack today for a cookout. I wanted to get back in time to find parking but it’s a Saturday and no one is trying to move. I found a spot right across the street from my building and as I’m about to make a U-turn, this prick comes from behind and makes a fast U-turn into my spot as I’m about to pull into it.
He’s fucking dead wrong and he knows it. I call him an asshole and he shrugs it off and smiles. I watch him as he gets out the car and closes the front door. I feel all this anger boiling over. It has been a bad fucking week. I’ve had to handle a bunch of babies at work that cannot take the fact I’m younger than them and giving them orders. My girlfriend, Monica, texted me last night that we have to talk and I already know what that means. My student loans are about to kick back in big time because all my forbearances are used up. I’m so fucked and right now, it would’ve been nice if I had just this one thing go right for me.
It takes me another 45 minutes to find parking. I got lucky by finding a spot along Broadway and Dongan Place. Normally I have a strategy for all this. Sometimes I will just circle a 10 block radius to see if anyone is leaving. They have to eventually, it’s a Saturday night. People will leave to go wherever they go or I have to simply wait at a fire hydrant for someone who doesn’t live in the neighborhood to leave and go back home. Which eventually does happen as some white lady and her black boyfriend pulls out of a spot that I immediately take.
I turn off the car and just stare at my phone. Monica apparently doesn’t believe it has taken me over an hour to find parking. I forget that she doesn’t live around here. She is perfectly fine in her Syracuse apartment where all it does there is fucking snow. This is what I get for having a long distance relationship. She never trusts me and I can’t stand it. I’m almost thirty years old and I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt. Monica thinks I have a crush on one of her chapter sisters, Yesenia, which is absurd.
I walk down Broadway texting Monica reassuring her that I am indeed walking home. I even send her a snap chat proving my exact location. Yeah, I’m not even sure why I’m with her. She’s this very hot Peruvian woman I met when I was up there for a Career Fair. I don’t go up there to hit on college girls but the business suit she had on made me think twice about what I majored in. Of course, we exchange glances and then she gives me her resume. Monica was never actually qualified for the job. I work for the bank that buys other banks, so there is no way we were going to be remotely interested in a pre-med major. But what I was interested in was those legs.
I look up from my phone and there’s that car in that parking spot that I wanted. It is still there. A dirty red Chevy Sonic that’s parked wrong with the back tire on the curb. I stop to look at the car. You can tell there is a film of greenish soot like this dude parked under a tree for a week. I can still feel my anger bubbling over. This is what I get for being cheap and opting out of the monthly parking fee that building offers.
I should keep walking right?
I realize I look crazy standing here so I pull out my wireless headphones and connect them to my phone. If anyone comes walking by, I can at least pretend that I’m on the phone. This is New York City, it isn’t uncommon to see people talk to themselves but people will stare unless they think you’re on the phone. Then pedestrians will completely ignore you. But, this doesn’t solve my issue of what to do.
Should I pee on this car? That’s totally classless but I really do have to take a leak. I can just light up asshole’s car really good because it could use some liquid. It hasn’t rained in about three weeks which means this car is gonna smell too. The only real issue it that I have a problem with public urination. Imagine me pissing out in the street when I hate to see other people do it.
I put my hand in my pocket and pull out my keys. I should key this motherfucker’s car. I know all this shit seems real petty right now, but I really need to release this anger that I have. I could draw on this dude’s car right now and not give a fuck about it. I look around to make sure no one sees me. I would have to make this real quick. I’m not only looking out for this asshole but I’m looking out for the police too. I really don’t want to give them a reason to shoot another black man. They just killed a guy in his car a few weeks ago for refusing to leave it. Fuck that.
I’m classier than this. I have a corporate job. I work down by South Ferry. I make six figures and I live in the white part of Washington Heights. Why would I do this? More importantly, what would my dad do? Yup, he would walk away. My father was a disciplined Military man that took shit from nobody. God bless his soul. I tried my best to live up to the standards he instilled in me. I will just go upstairs and deal with my feelings.
I finally walk into my building and check the mail. Way too many bills but at least my new Playboy came in… you know, the magazine that doesn’t do nude pictures anymore. I may need to cancel my subscription to this crap. I walk into the elevator and push 6. I live on the top floor. This is not a penthouse apartment but it’s pretty decent for a two bedroom all to myself. I still hear the chimes coming from my phone. Monica is not giving this a rest. Ok, I will admit that I haven’t been the best boyfriend. That trip to Punta Cana was probably ill-advised but my buddy had his bachelor party there and what was I gonna do? Not go? Come on.
I get out of the elevator and I immediately get smacked with the aroma of arroz con gandules. Mrs Garcia must be at it again. That woman is the best cook in the building. I’m just fortunate that she offers her food since she knows I come home late from work every day. She doesn’t like the girlfriend because Monica doesn’t cook. Apparently, I remind her of her grandson.
I walk over to my apartment and let myself in. The lights are on in the living room but the rest of the apartment is dark with the exception for the bedroom. I can see a faint blue light coming from underneath the door. The television must be on. I put my keys on the hook by the door. I walk toward the living room as I kick off my shoes. I plop the mail on the couch.
I open the shades of the window and I can see the street below. I’m still looking at this asshole’s car. I was hoping that I would have distracted myself long enough that my aggravation would’ve passed. I text Monica again letting her know that I’m home and that after a shower I will call her. I toss my phone on the couch and unbutton my shirt. The one thing that I really enjoy about living alone is that I can do anything I want within these walls. If I want to walk around naked then I can do that.
I take off my pants and my shorts. The humidity in this city is crazy. I’m already sweating from that short walk from the car to the apartment. I walk to the over to the corner and pick up the one thing that is going to make me feel good, my Crosman Venom Nitro .22 Air Rifle. I open the window all the way before I take aim.
“Let me guess someone took your parking,” says a gentle and sweet voice. I wondered what took her so long to come out of the bedroom.
“I really did try to calm down,” I say as I take aim with the scope. I bought this thing at Walmart in New Jersey a few months ago. I use it for target practice to scare pigeons and cats. I’ve been getting really good at it. Every so often I may kill a bird or cat. Whatever.
I feel her naked breasts on my back as she places her chin on my left shoulder. “You’re determined to make me miss, huh?” I say as I smile and adjust my aim.
“You haven’t missed yet.”
I pull the trigger and the hear a faint shatter of his driver side windshield. I resume my aim again and fire. The rear driver windshield shatters. I look over to Yesenia and smile. She’s completely naked as she said she would be. I left her here this morning so I could go to Nyack. There was no way I was going to take her to that cookout so I decided to let her make herself at home.
“You’re right, I never seem to miss when you’re here.”
“I guess I should try harder”
Yesenia turns around and as I take aim once again. I try to concentrate as she presses her warm as against my hardening dick. Using a BB gun to shoot out windows of a car is hard enough, but to do while my dick is being stroked by such an incredible ass takes skill. I think she might just make me miss this time. 
As she normally does, she relaxes me so much that I don’t want to pull the trigger. I want to put this rifle down and enjoy her talent. But no, I’m determined to shoot out the front windshield. She must sense how determined I am, because she turns around, looks at me and grabs it. 
I remember that I met Yesenia on the same day I met Monica. She was also at the same career fair, however, she was qualified at so many things. I took her resume and she was hired by one of my colleagues. I didn’t realize they knew each other at the time.
Yesenia goes down on her knees and I recall her once telling me that she has no gag reflex. Once again she proves her case. 
As I adjust my aim, which is now shaky, I see people walking by the passenger side of the car. They have no way of knowing what just happened to this asshole’s car. But their presence forces me to wait. I look down at Yesenia and she winks. Yup, she is making it harder to concentrate. I hear the phone on the couch vibrating. It must be Monica. She still doesn’t trust me.
I don’t blame her. I pull the trigger.
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Chapter 19
(Jess POV)
my life in New York is finally starting to shape up! i have an amazing job that i love. i found this huge apartment just down the street from a baby store, grocery store, train station and the office building i work in. it’s perfect! ... and i should be happy but honestly i cry myself to sleep most nights because i miss everyone so much. but, i know this is for the best. if i where to go back it would rip Harry, Louis and Zayn apart forcing Liam and Niall to choose sides and they would all just end up getting hurt... so if i have to be miserable for a while to prevent hurting the people i care about then it’s %100 worth it.
i’m 9 months pregnant and walking 2 blocks to get to work. it’s not easy but i’m determined not to miss a single day of work until the baby comes. my boss Mia really took a chance by hiring me. when we met i was a 6 month pregnant, recent high school graduate, who was living out of her car and had no money or work experience of any kind. yet she saw potential in me and that’s something i could never thank her enough for. she’s also like my only friend here. i talk to some of the people i work with but it’s always about work. it’s just like high school, no one wants to hang out with the pregnant teenager. Mia is the only one that treats me like an actually person... yet another thing i don’t know how to thank her for.
the moment i walk into the office i get a sharp, cramping pain in my stomach causing me to stop in my tracks and double over in agony. Mia sees me and rushes over to see if i’m okay. “what’s wrong?” she asks, placing a hand on my back. “something’s wrong. it hurts!” i say holding back a scream. the next thing i feel is a small release of pressure and my feet feeling wet. “i think my water just broke.” she nods looking down at the wet floor. “okay, i’m taking you to the hospital.” she states, not asking. i nod without argument, waddling to the door and into the awaiting car.
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she drives as fast as she can through the city to the closest hospital. when we pull up she runs in before me to get a wheel chair for me. we reach the nurse at the front desk and she takes us directly into a private room. “do you want me to call anyone for you? the father, maybe?” i shake my head. “no, i can never see him again. there’s a reason i left home. i can’t drag him back into this.” i say, sad at the realization that i really will never see Harry again. “okay, well what about your mother? do you at least want me to call her?” she asks. “no...” i muster out before i scream in pain from another contraction. she seems to let go of any hope that i might want someone here with me. “but, can you please stay? i don’t want to be alone. this baby girl shouldn’t come into this world with only me here.” she nods with a forced smile. “okay, i’ll stay. as long as you don’t mind me working.” she says sitting in the chair next to my bed and pulling out her laptop from her bag. “go ahead.” i say finally able to catch my breath.
(12 hours later)
who knew having a baby would take this damn long? it’s been hours and i’m still only 4cm dilated. i’m ready to just give up and say ‘no, this baby is staying in. it’s warm and safe in my stomach. she can just stay in.’ but that would be completely insane because if she where to stay in it would likely cause permanent damage and possibly even death. and as much as this sucks and hurts like a motherfucker but in the end i’ll have a beautiful baby girl. “ahhhh! call him, call Harry!” i say through the pain of yet another contraction. Mia looks at me, wide eyed. she doesn’t ask if i’m sure because she doesn’t want to give me the chance to change my mind.
i watch as she takes my phone and goes through my contacts to find Harry’s number and hit call. my heart pounds hard against my chest as i wait for him to pick up the phone. i know he does when Mia says “is this Harry?” she pauses for a moment. i’m guessing to hear his answer before she starts talking again. “i’m Jess’s boss Mia. i’m calling because Jess is in labor and she wants you here.” i snatch the phone away from her before he even gets the chance to respond to what she said. “Harry! i’m sorry, i’m so sorry i left. but, i want you here. i can’t do this alone. AHHHHHHHHHH!” i scream at the top of my lungs at another achingly painful contraction. “okay, where are you? i’ll get there as soon as i can.” after taking a moment to catch my breath again answer him “i’m at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. i don’t care how you get here, just do.”
(Harry POV)
i’ve given up hope of ever seeing Jess again after almost 4 months of not seeing or hearing from her or even knowing where she is. i’ve tried calling her mother a few times but she wont tell me anything. i’ve just been trying to enjoy the tour and meeting our fans and it helps... until i’m alone and everything comes flooding back. i miss her more then anything. even after everything that’s happened i still love her.
after our show in Chicago we are all messing around in Niall’s hotel room when my phone rings. i’m hesitant to answer it because i’m so tired. but when i see the name on the caller ID i almost drop my phone as i frantically try to answer it. “Jess?” i ask quietly so the guys wont hear and stare at me like sad puppies. “is this Harry?” asks an unfamiliar voice. “yes, it is. who is this?” i ask, feeling my heart race as i have flashbacks to when the doctor called me from Jess’s phone after what happened with Jay. “i’m Jess’s boss Mia. i’m calling because Jess is in labor and she wants you here.” my mind goes completely blank. what did she just say? before i can respond i hear i shuffle on the other end of the phone and then i hear her voice. “Harry! i’m sorry, i’m so sorry i left. but, i want you here. i can’t do this alone.” then she starts screaming so loud i think my ear drum might rupture... and our concerts can be as loud as a NASA rocket taking off. “the guys are here. i’m sure they’d want to come too.” i say absentmindedly. “no, don’t tell them. i only want you, please.” she pleads. i hesitantly agree. she tells me where she is and after hanging up the phone i turn to the guys who have all come to be staring at me. “is everything okay mate?” Liam asks, from across the room. i get to my feet and grab my keys, phone and wallet before answering. “i’m sorry i have to go. i’ll explain everything later.” before i can get to the door Louis stops me. “take a breath mate. tell us what’s going on.” i take a beep breath and close my eyes. “i can’t explain right now. it’s a family emergency... i need to go, NOW!” i break through his grasp and storm out of the room in a hurry.
the driver is waiting for me when i get outside “take me to the airport!” i demand as i close the door behind me.
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(Jess POV)
it’s been over 2 hours since i called Harry and he is still not here! he has to get here soon or i might just kill someone. “do you want me to get you anything, hun?” Mia asks, getting up from where she had been sitting for the passed 6 hours or so. “yes, can you hand me my phone, please? i want to call Harry and see where he is.” she nods politely and reaches for my phone - that is on the bedside table - just out of my reach. i snatch it out of her hand and start dialing the minute my second hand comes into contact with my phone.
it rings for a while before finally there’s an answer. “hello?” a deep, frantic voice says through the phone. “Harry, where are you?” i ask in desperation. “i just landed at JFK i should be there soon. just hold on, okay? i’ll be there as soon as i can.” i don’t know why but it makes me laugh. “i’ll try but i can’t promise anything. this baby is going to come whether i want it to or not.” i say sarcastically, knowing that’s not what he meant. “you know that’s not what i meant. i’ll be there soon. i--” he pauses just before he’s about to say something i find my self longing to hear. “i love you.” i manage to say before another contraction comes ripping through my stomach. i hang up the phone before getting a response about what i said, not wanting him to hear me scream. i’m just holding onto the fact that he’s close and i’ll see him soon.
(Harry POV)
i hate New York traffic with a passion right now. i’m already anxious but being stuck in traffic is going to make my head explode. “can you get around this? i’m kind of in a hurry!” i almost shout at the poor guy. he looks at my through the rear view window and smiles. “your wish is my command.” he says sarcastically. suddenly we swerve out of the lane we’ve been stuck in for the passed 10 minutes into a fast moving lane. we swerve in and out like a bat out of hell. which is exactly what i wanted him to do.
the next thing i know we’re pulling up outside of the hospital and i’m opening the door before the car has even come to a stop. i run into the hospital as i pull out my phone to call Jess and make sure i’m not too late. “Hello?” says the same voice as i heard earlier that day. “where’s Jess? did i miss it?” i ask, running into the lifts. “no, you didn’t miss it. but, things are moving along. the doctors are ready to move her into the delivery room. where are you now?” she asks. “i’m in the lift. what room number is she in? i don’t want to miss another second of this.” just after she tells me the room number, the lift doors chime open. i hang up the phone and run straight into the room where Jess is screaming in pain, surrounded by doctors. “can i help you?” one of the nurses ask, sounding angry. “it’s okay, he’s the father.” Jess says from behind her. she walks away, but not without giving me a death stare as she walks away. i shake it off and walk over to Jess’s side, taking her hand as i approach. “i’m here.”
(Jess POV)
as the minutes pass i can feel myself getting closer and closer to having this baby and Harry still isn’t here. i made a mistake not having him in my life for the passed months and this is something no parent should miss. it’s the birth of his child. i just really want him here... i don’t think i can do this without him.
the next thing i know they are moving to a delivery room... alone. ‘Harry, where are you?’ is all i can think. there are doctors rushing around me like a bomb is about to go off or something. suddenly he comes bursting through the door sweaty and out of breath. the nurse is ready to call security before i intervene and tell her that he’s the father. she backs down and Harry comes over with that smile i love so much plastered across his face. “i’m here.” he whispers as he leans down and kisses me gently on the forehead. i smile back at him, speechless about what to say next. “thank you for coming. i know i messed everything up by leaving. i’m really sorry--” he cuts me off before i can continue talking. “you don’t need to apologize. i may not understand why you left. but, i know it’s something you needed to do. you can explain everything about your life to me later. right now you focus on having our baby. i’ve got you.” he squeezes my hand gently. another contraction comes - like a tsunami hitting me in the stomach - and i scream as loud as i can, squeezing Harry’s hand so tight i think i might break it. but, he doesn’t complain. he scrunches up his face with the pain but just keeps holding onto me until it passes.
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the doctor comes in for an examination. “okay, Jess it looks like you’re baby is ready to come out. it’s time for you to start pushing.” fear enters my eyes. i’m not ready for this. she’s just going to have to stay in there. Harry sees the expression i have on my face and as usual he knows exactly what to say. “it’s okay. you’re going to be okay. it’s just going to be a moment of pain and then you’ll have a beautiful baby girl that you will love more than anything in the world. i’m here for you... i love you.” he kisses me quickly on the lips - just a little peck - that gives me the strength to go on. i nod. “i love you too.” i say back before i turn to the doctor. “i’m ready.”
the pain is unbearable and it feels like it will never end... that is until i hear the cry of my new born baby girl. Harry lets go of my hand for the first time since he got here so he can cut the cord and help as they clean her off and wrap her in a tight swaddle. then the doctor hands her off to Harry and he brings her over to me. i take her in my arms and my entire world shifts. everything i thought that mattered, everything i thought i knew... changes. it’s only been like a minute since she was born and i already love her more then anything in the world.
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she has so much hair already - figures because we both have a lot of hair, his is better then mine - i just hope she gets his curls. “she has your eyes.” Harry says, holding onto her little hand with just his fingertips. i smile and stare down at this perfect baby girl i have held in my arms. “she’s perfect.” i whisper, not breaking my gaze at her. “have you picked a name yet?” one of the nurses ask as she wheels in a little bed, just big enough to fit our tinny baby girl. that’s when i realize i hadn’t even thought about names. i’ve been too busy with getting baby clothes, a crib, car seat and how the hell i was going to do this by myself. thinking of baby names never even crossed my mind. “no, not yet.” i say, glancing up at her only for a moment. she nods and leaves us alone. i look up at Harry who is looking down at our perfect new born daughter. “what do you think we should name her?” i ask him. he meets my eyes and smiles. “how about...” he pauses for a moment and we both look down at her and at the same time we both say “... Sophia.” we say in unison making both of us laugh. “it’s perfect... Sophia.” i whisper. he places his hand on my shoulder and i take it in mine, pulling him in close. we’re parents... how crazy is that! in this moment everything seems to fall into place. Harry’s the one and he always has been. i was kidding myself to think otherwise. when i look up at him again it’s different. his green eyes are sparkling in the florescent light of the clean white hospital room and the way his hair falls over his eyes and how his long fingers hold Sophia’s tinny, fragile hands and all i can think is ‘why did i think this baby would be better off without him? he’s going to be the best father!’ he looks up to see me staring at him and he smiles. “what is it?” he asks. “nothing. i’m just sorry for everything that has happened since we met. and i really regret not having you around these passed few months... because i love you and i always have.” i wait for him to answer but instead he leans in to kiss me gently on the lips. “i love you too. all that matters is that we’re together now and we have this beautiful baby girl that is more loved then she could ever know.” i laugh gently with my forehead rested against his. “yeah, she has two loving parents that will always put her first. 5 grandparents that will spoil her rotten and 4 crazy uncles that will treat her like their own. no one will ever be more loved!” he laughs at me calling the guys ‘4 crazy uncles’.
the nurse comes back in to take Sophia into the nursery so i can get some sleep. but, i refuse to let her out of my sight. she agrees to let the baby stay as long as i set her into the bed that was brought in earlier. and from the moment i let her go i start fading fast. i guess 15 hours of labor will do that to you. 
(Harry POV)
i watch as Jess drifts off into a deep sleep. she needs her rest after literally pushing a person out of her body. after a few minutes of just watching her sleep, Sophia starts to fuss. so, i pick her up out of her little bed and rock her to get her to calm down - so she wont wake up Jess who’s finally sleeping after what i guess was a long and hard labor - and i just stare at her, still in ‘awe’ of how much she looks like Jess. she’s perfect in every single way. then it hits me... i’m a father. i knew that i was going to be a father since the day the doctor told us she was pregnant. but, it didn’t feel real until now, standing here staring down at the beautiful girl laying in my arms. i make my way over to the chair in the corner of the hospital room once she has calmed down.
i sit there for what was probably 4 hours just debating what to do next... call my parents or the guys. Jess did tell me not to tell the guys. but i think that was just so they wouldn’t want to come with me here. which i get... this is something that was meant to be just for the two of us. but now that it’s all over i think they should know. so, i call them.
“hey, mate! are the rest of the guys there with you?” i ask quietly as Liam picks up the phone. “hey... yeah, everyone’s here. what’s up? is everything okay with your family?” he answers sounding almost... confused? “i’ll explain everything. just gather the guys around your phone and we’ll switch to FaceTime.” i instruct. i hear shuffling on the other end of the line and muffled voices before Liam comes back on the phone. “okay, we’re all here and supper confused. can you finally tell us what’s going on?” i laugh to myself and take a deep breath. “let’s switch to FaceTime.” i say, removing my phone from my ear to change the call over. the image of the guys pops up and they all seem pretty excited to see that i’m not curled up in bed or in a jail cell or wherever they thought i was. “so, what’s with all the suspense? are you finally going to tell us what’s going on?” Louis asks. “i’m sorry i didn’t tell you where i was going, Jess told me not to. but, i couldn’t keep this a secret any longer...” then i point the camera down to the baby sleeping in my arms. “guys, this is Sophia.” i say feeling a kind of... pride that i’ve never felt before. “holly shit Jess had the baby!!” Louis screams. “shhh! Jess is sleeping. it was a long labor, this is the first she’s slept in 24 hours.” he covers his mouth and whispers through his fingers “sorry, mate.” i shake my head. “it’s fine. i’m sorry i guess i’m pretty tired too. i haven’t slept since last night. i’ve just been sitting here staring at my daughter - completely in awe of her - for the passed 5 hours while Jess was sleeping.” i don’t really think any of them are actually listening to what i’m saying. they’re too distracted by Sophia... i don’t blame them though. “look at you. baby Hazza is a father.” Niall says teasingly. all i can do is smile. “yeah--yeah i am.” we talk for a little while longer - most of the time spent letting the guys look at Sophia. when i hang up the phone, i look up to see Jess awake.
(Jess POV)
i wake up to the sound of several voices filling the room. i see Harry sitting in the corner, holding Sophia close and holding his phone so they could both be seen by whoever was on the other end of the call. it takes me a moment to recognize Niall’s voice and with the other noise on the other end it’s obvious that they are all there. i thought i’d be mad but i’m actually really happy. i don’t think anything could ruin my mood.
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after he hangs up the phone he looks up to see me laying awake in my hospital bed. “i’m sorry i didn’t wake you did i?” he whispers. “no, you didn’t, don’t worry. who was that you where on the phone with?” i ask quietly, trying not to wake Sophia up. “it was the guys... i’m sorry i know you said you didn’t want me to tell them but--” i stop him mid sentence. “i’m not mad. i’m actually glad you told them. they’re your family. which makes them Sophia’s family too... and i still like to think of them as my family even though they might not feel the same about me anymore.” i look down at my hands as i fiddle anxiously with the bed sheets. i glance up to see him getting up from where he was seated and place Sophia in her bed. then he comes over and lays down next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders to pull me in close. “they are your family. they love you, they always have and nothing you do or say will change that. and now that we have Sophia our family is just getting bigger.” the way he talks about us all being a family makes me feel so guilty that he still doesn’t know about what happened between me and Zayn and me and Louis. “Harry, there’s something i need to tell you.” i’m ready to tell him everything right then. but, he stops me before i can continue. “you can tell me in the morning. right now i think we both need some sleep.” then he snuggles in closer to me and closes his eyes. i take a deep breath and curl into his side, easily drifting off.
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Sleep in the Heat!
Chapter 3 
Read:  1 | 2 | 3
A/N: OKAY I”M SORRY! I was feeling really unmotivated and it was hard to get anything out there even though i have a couple already written. IM SORRY JUST READ THIS
DESCRIPTION: Beverly Marsh was cursed with her hit not being hard enough and her dad coming back to  consciousness after being bashed in the head with a glass tray. The abuse only gets worse until the losers respond to a distress call and walk in on Mr. Marsh suffocating his own daughter. Things get out of hand when a huge fight breaks out between the six teenage boys and a grown man ending in murder. The losers were forced to pack up and leave their home on a road trip to find a place to breathe,,,
DISCLAIMER: I tried to write in songs during the situations so if you could, I suggest changing the song as the losers do in the story to add more effect :3
There’s one song lol : “You’ve got it (the right stuff)” NKOTB
pairings- literally everything oh mY GOD: Reddie, stenbrough, benverly, Stanlon, probably others I’m rlly tired.
these kids are thOTS
TRIGGER WARNINGS!: blood, murder, ANGST 
and without further ado,
“Let’s go big Bill!” Beverly was handling the radio while Bill Denbrough put the key into ignition. Stan was incredibly angry for being pushed to the back seat next to Mike then Ben. Richie wasn’t a fan of it either even though he was on the mattress again with Eddie.
“Okay muh-m-Mike, where are we off too?”
“We’re almost to New Hampshire so we should be driving for about 10 hours, not including stops, and we can take a break at this casino-hotel thing,”
“Finally! I’ve always wanted to gamble!” Richie yelled from the back.
“You’re an idiot,” Eddie said while putting on a different shirt that was white with yellow and blue stripes, Richie loved it because it was way too big on Eddie and he just looked so cute! Staring at Eddie made it all go away, almost like nothing ever happened with Mike.
“Turn it up!” Bev yelled. She was reading a stolen vogue magazine, which interested some of the boys, (not Eddie or Stan since they were gay while the rest were bi, pan, poly, you name it). She got excited when Bill got that cute little grin on his face and let the song “You Got It (The Right Stuff)” by New Kids on the Block. Bev looked back at Ben who was blushing and playing with his book page. He looked up and they met eyes, she did her signature wink and Ben grinned at her while they mouthed the words to each other. Everyone in the car was smiling to the sound of those stupid songs Ben would make the losers club listen to at the quarry or on bike rides.
Richie looked over to Eddie and saw the way he tapped his finger to the beat while playing sudoku from a page Richie ripped out of a magazine for him at their last haul. What Richie didn’t know was that Eddie was catching glances of him too. Eddie always thought it was cute that Richie had a couple of Bev’s hair ties on his wrist from when she had braided his hair. Eddie blushed at the thought of braiding Richie’s hair but quickly looked back to his sudoku page and filled in a number.
Richie had this urge to lay on Eddie or at least set his head on his shoulder. He kept hesitating until he glanced at the row of seats in front of them. Mike was air-drumming to the beat while Stan watched him and laughed. After that he laid his head on the boy real quick. It almost hurt from how fast he was, but Eddie’s heart still sped up and his breath hitched. Richie didn’t know why but after a few seconds of laying his head on Eddie’s warm chest he started to get tired and closed his eyes to fall asleep.
“Bill speed up.”
“What? Buh-b-bev?”
“Speed up!”
“Oh my god…” Stan looked back and saw the red and blue lights flashing as a police car turned into their lane.
“SHIT!” Eddie started to shake. He couldn’t go to jail. What are we gonna do?
“Eds! get your head down!” Richie pulled him against the door, under the windows and squeezed the small boy. Eddie squinted and clenched onto the taller boys sweater with his head pushed into Richie’s chest.
“Bill!” Bev tugged on his shirt sleeve.
“Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.” Ben clenched the arm rest and the empty bag of trail mix in his other hand.
“Bill turn here!” Mike spoke up. Bill frantically turned the wheel and pulled into a parking lot for the thrift store GoodWill. Stan kept looking back and made sure they weren’t followed. Luckily, the police car drove right past the turn and kept on. They all took deep breaths and tried to calm down.
Bev looked up and noticed the big store. Her voice shook but she puttered out, “Anyone up for shoplifting?”
Bev came out of the car first. Even before the murder she loved thrift shopping and fashion designing but she never had the money to buy herself clothes to experiment with. She looked the part though; she was wearing a white shirt with a design that was covered by long overalls that were a bit small on her and short with rips on the knee and one of Bill’s flannels and black converse. Stan wasn’t too happy about the flannel part but he was wearing Mike’s silk bomber jacket so he tried to shrug it off. They all walked in the store looking like suspicious teenagers, so not much was new. Richie liked the feeling of being intimidating even if it’s only to some 40 year old cashier.
They all went to different sections to find some clothes and of course the lovers always “found” their way into the same aisle as each other and Mike wanted his turn. Stan wandered to the back of the store where there was old furniture and tall shelves filled with knick knacks and old dolls (which creeped everyone out) and on the back wall there were old TVs and radios, (the TVs were always on static instead of an actual show). He sat down on the edge of a brown couch when he saw something in the corner of his eye. Something red was peeking out from the floor of the aisle to the side of him. He stood up and slowly made his way to the entrance on the shelf. He looked at the ground and saw red blood scattered on the floor and on his hands. As he looked up the section turned into the Marsh’s old apartment. Stan stood there wide-eyed almost about to cry, but no sound came out. He backed out of the aisle and clenched his hair, “stop,” he whispered, “Stop!” he cried, “STOP!” His back hit the back wall which was now covered in the same wallpaper as Beverly’s old kitchen. He looked down at his feet and saw a knife, the knife he used, covered in blood, “no…” He kept walking backwards in attempt to get away from the visions. He whipped his head left and right to search for a way out, when the front door opened.
“Mike?” Stan said. He ran to the figure in the “doorway” and hugged him.
“Stan? What’s goin’ on?”
Stan opened his eyes and he could see the end of an aisle and he let go of the hug. There was no blood on his hands and the floor was clean, “I… Sorry… I just saw…” His voice broke and Mike could tell he was about to tear up so he put his hand on Stan’s shoulders and said, “Hey it’s okay,”
Mike looked at Stan and admired him. Stan did the same. Their eyes locked. Until they both slowly closed them and leaned in. Their lips touched softly.
“Holy shit…” Richie whispered to himself from the end of the aisle, “You motherfuckers… You motherfuckers!” Richie stormed off.
Richie walked outside where the losers (except Eddie and Bill who were in the bathroom. They got situated in the car until Richie saw Eddie walk out the store and ran to him.
Eddie noticed he was angry and walked to him “Richie! What’s the matter?” He frowned when he got no response but a blank stare past him, “Rich?” Eddie clutches into his jacket and shook him but Richie yanked his arm out of his grasp when he saw Bill, then realized his mistake.
“What the hell?” Eddie said.
“Eds! I…”
“What the fuck is going on?”
“I- I need Bill”
“What- Bill? What’s wrong?”
“Just one second!” Richie yelled and pushed past the smaller boy.
“Richie!” Eddie stumbled back. He was visibly angry.
“Wuh-w-What’s going o-on?” Bill walked up behind Eddie in alarm.
“Bill!” Richie didn’t know how to word this, “I- uh… I saw…”
“What?” Eddie and Bill looked at him confused.
“Break up with Stan!” He blurted out. He squinted at his stupidity.
“What!” Bill looked at Richie like he was monster, he loved Stan.
Eddie look at Richie “What the hell Richie?!”
“Wuh-w-wuh-What a-are you tuh-t-talking ab-buh-bout?”
“Bill… I…”
“Ruh-R-Richie! W-What are you tuh-talking about?!”
“Look Bill I’m so sorry,” Richie reached out for him but he stepped back.
“What happened?” Bill said it sternly without stutter  and it made Richie feel terrible. How could he tell him this.
“Stan cheated on you.”
“W-wuh… What?”
“Richie what the hell?” Eddie said from behind.
“No… he-he didn’t! You’re luh-l-lying!” Bill pushed him.
Once Richie caught his balance and yelled, “Look Bill! I’m sorry! He- He kissed Mike!”
“Stuh-Stop it! Stan- He wouldn't duh-do that!” he choked on a sob.
“Bill you have to listen to me!”
“Tuh-Take it back!”
Richie’s eyes went wide. He’s heard those words before. “Bill… Please!”
“Take it back!” no stutter.
“I- I can’t!” Richie kept walking back as Bill continued forward.
“Richie!” Eddie yelled, he knew what was going to happen. His best friend against his boyfriend, it was all too familiar.
“Denbrough! Listen to me! I don’t know what happened! But they- They!-“
They all knew it was bound to happen. Bill punched him straight in the jaw.
“BILL!” Eddie screeched. He pushed past the taller boy and kneeled down to his “boyfriend” with the bloody lip, laying in the street. Heads around them were turning and the rest of the club came out from the car, including Stan and Mike.
“What’s going on?” Bev yelled, “Richie! Oh my god!”
“Bill?” Stan hurried to him and left Mike behind to help pick up Richie.
Eddie parted from his boyfriend when Mike and Ben lifted him up, “What the fuck Bill?!” Eddie pushed Bill back. He only stumbled a couple of steps.
“Hey! What happened?” Stan went between them and held onto Bill.
“You’re a piece of shit, Uris!” Eddie spat.
“Eddie!” Bev yelled
“What happened?” Ben repeated.
“Is ih-it tuh-true?” Bill said parting from Stan's arms and holding his hands.
“You fucking kissed Mike!” Eddie yelled.
Stan’s eyes went wide and Mike looked down.
“I- I…”
“Oh muh-my god…” Bill said. He backed away from the group.
“Bill,” Bev had Eddie in a comforting hug.
“Bill wait!” Ben yelled. Richie squinted while his ear started ringing from the noise. Richie was able to stand alone now and Eddie ran to hug him.
“Bill!” Beverly ran towards the boy who started running away from the parking lot and back into the forest.
“Bev! Wait!” Ben yelled, but he was too late.
A/N: Hahahaha sorry.
Wanna be the first on the tag list? send an off anon ask!
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yourcroweater · 7 years
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C o r r u p t
Chapter 2
A/N: this takes place in the first episode of season 5 of SoA. Chapter 3 will be set in episode 1 and 2. I’ll be taking some liberties when it comes to the time-line, I hope I don’t make a mess out of this lol. The lyrics are from Dark Nights - Dorothy
Tag list: @sam-samcro @telford-ortiz-teller @telfords-glasgow-smile @jaaxsoadeaanspn @i-was-made-of-nutella @dolphingoddess81 @i-am-the-luna @teller-telford-old-lady @dmagicreality @meggzz21 @i-like-it-heavy-so-i-can-panic @enjoy-the-destruction
“don't send me no angel, this city's too cold
cause I need a man with a black heart of gold
don't give me no lover, if he ain't got the stones
cause I need a man who will fight for his own.”
The sun was setting by the time I passed the Charming welcome sign. It hadn’t been hard spotting Charming in a map. Making my way there wasn’t hard either. It was an hour and a half drive through the I-580 according to Google Maps but I made it in a little less than an hour on my bike.
I would have left first thing in the morning if I wasn’t so damn tired. Those corpses Jimmy left for me took forever to clean up. Pieces of brain scattered everywhere -- I even found some on a far back wall -- and I had to make sure there was no evidence left behind.
I had taken an extremely long and necessary shower once I got to my loft, at almost 7am. I crashed on my bed totally naked afterwards, almost 9 in the morning then, still partially wet from my shower.
My whole body was sore from dismembering and carrying body parts and it took me forever to find a comfortable position in bed and finally sleep. I woke up at 4pm still feeling like shit. I tossed and turned all throughout my sleep and I hardly felt rested. This time, I blamed the nightmares on too much wine and on Taco Bell’s fat filled food -- but I knew better. I pushed it to the back of mind though. I could wallow in guilt later. Meeting my real father was more important than rethinking my sins.
Still, the guilt spoke louder and I found myself praying Our Father as I took the turn to leave I-580 and enter Charming town. I would have held the cross on my necklace if my hands weren’t on the clutch. My faith helped me constantly with my line of work and I always calmed down a little when I prayed. It would be good if I could find a church in Charming. I didn’t need to confess. Sunday mass was enough for me.
This time, however, I got a tad too distracted with my praying. I lost my grip on the bike for a second and I swayed on the street, earning several warning honks from cars. The honks startled me and I brusquely tried to straighten the motorcycle. A van had been trying to pass me on the right and when I swerved back into my lane it hit my side, sending me and the bike sliding against the road.
I landed on my side with my bike pinning me down. It took me a second to register the pain and start cursing. My left leg, the one under the bike, burned like a motherfucker and my left shoulder took most of the impact for my body. The car behind me hit the brakes, putting me face to face with its front bumper. There was big sticker on it that read ‘Jesus is my car insurance’. I doubted Jesus would cover the wreck if the guy had ran me over.
It was so ridiculous and ironic that I started laughing. God really had my back. I removed my helmet and threw it to the side still laughing.
“God fucking dammit,” I muttered to myself as I chuckled.
I looked down, trying to see the damage and wondering how much strength I would need to lift my Harley. As I tried to sit up so I could wiggle out from beneath the bike, I noticed three men jumping from their own Harleys and running my way. Bikers always helped it each other when it came to road troubles. Drivers rarely gave a shit, like the van driver who just took off after I went down.
“Hey hey, hold on,” called the first man ahead. He removed his helmet, revealing a mass of blonde hair.
I stopped moving so he and the other two men could lift my motorcycle.
“One, two, three,” the blonde guy counted and they pulled it up. I breathed out in relief once its weight was off me. The man with a big belly — made of beer and fried food, I supposed — kicked the footrest down so my bike could be propped up.
The third guy strode to me, offering me his gloved hand. I couldn’t see much of his face because the setting sun was right behind him, making him a silhouette. I grabbed my helmet with one hand before letting him pull me up to my feet.
I cursed under my breath once I was up. Pain flashed from my knee to my thigh and I stumbled. The man that pulled me up put his arm around me so I wouldn’t fall and I swung my arm around his shoulders so I could rest my weight on him.
“Ye okay, lass?” He asked. I looked curiously at him, trying to put a face to the Scottish accent, but the sun was in my eyes.
“Can’t say for sure,” I replied. I twisted my body a little so I could have a look at my leg. There was a mixture of red, black and grey and it took me a second to realise it was blood, asphalt and the colour of my jeans. It wasn’t gushing blood but it looked ugly. “Yeah, I’ll be fine, had worse before.”
“What happened?” Asked the blonde.
“I got distracted, it was my fault,” I explained. “Is she alright?” I pointed at my bike.
The fat guy checked it out from behind his blue sunglasses. “Yeah, she’s good. You took most of the fall. There’s a few scratches but we can fix it for you.”
Before I could say anything, the driver from the Crown Vic, the one with Jesus insurance, honked loudly at us. Fair enough, we were standing in the middle of the road but I had had an accident and I was hurt. I leaned past my Scottish saviour so I could give the driver my middle finger. The driver honked again and there was a collective raising of middle fingers from all of us this time and a loud “fuck off” from the fat guy.
“C’mon, let’s free up the road for that shithead,” the blonde said, nodding at the Scotsman and helping the other guy steer my Harley to a close lay-by.
I half limped, half hopped my way there with the aid of the man at my side. He was a few of inches taller than me, three or four inches I would guess, and he had to lean down a bit so I could rest my weight on him. I stole a glance at him -- actually, several glances, especially when I realised he was pretty good looking.
“Sit down,” he told me as he unhooked my arm from around him. I did as he said and sat down on my bike, hanging my helmet on the clutch and immediately looking up at him. He removed his sunglasses and met my eyes. I assumed my brain got overflowed with endorphins because I stopped feeling pain. Yeah, he was that hot. Mind numbingly and pain numbingly hot.
I noticed how hot the blonde guy was when he jumped off his bike but he was far too pretty for my taste. I liked my men ruggedly handsome, older and -- well from now on -- Scottish.
I stared at him and he stared right back. He had scars across his cheeks, I noticed -- hard to miss actually, and somehow it made him look sexier. It added to the whole dangerous and mysterious vibe he put out. He had a kutte on over a brown button-up shirt and I could read the patches if I squinted enough. Sons of Anarchy, Sgt. At Arms, Redwood Original. I stopped staring for a second so I could have a quick look at the other two men. All of them wore kuttes and the blonde one had a President patch. Rescued by a motorcycle club. Neat.
I turned my gaze back to the Scotsman. He tilted his head, his dark eyes meeting mine as a lopsided smile played on his lips. He was watching me with interest. In fact, I’d say he was checking me out. Good. I wasn’t being discreet about it -- when was I ever discreet with my flirting? Never, that’s when. I was laying on the ground a minute ago and here I was, lusting after my rescuer. And oh, there was a lot to lust after according to his tight jeans. I tried not to stare too hard at his crotch but it was difficult, especially because I was sat and he was right in front of me.
I managed to unglue my eyes from his junk and meet his eyes with a smirk. The blonde man cleared his throat. He was trying to hide his smile but he wasn’t being very good at it.
“Sorry. You said you guys can fix my bike for me?” I asked, trying to brush off the flirting.
“Yeah, there’s only a few scratches. We can paint it over at T-M but it’ll ruin the original paint job,” the guy with the blue glasses stepped forward as he spoke. He had long greying hair and a beard.
“Teller-Morrow Automotive, our auto-shop,” the Scot supplied.
I felt all blood leave my face.
Of fucking course. I came to Charming looking for my real dad, knowing his name, where he worked and that he was criminal. And now I was face to face with bikers, probably criminals, who owned the place my father worked in. I knew I was bound to meet some uncomfortable truths about my dad but actually realising how close to it I was, scared me. Not only that, but I was flirting with some guy who could very well be my dad. He looked old enough.
Jesus. What if he was my dad? That would be extremely weird. But he couldn’t be my dad. My mother said I looked like him and I had nothing in common with the Scotsman.
I had to just get on with it and ask.
“You happen to know an Alexander Trager then?”
At first they stared at me, their eyebrows twitching as if they expected me to say more. When I didn’t, all three of them shifted on their feet while exchanging looks. None of them reacted to the name as someone would if they heard their own name, which calmed me a little.
“What’s yer name?” The Scotsman crossed his arms over his chest, all traces of his flirting gone.
“Giulia,” I said. He cocked his right eyebrow in response, prompting me to say more. “Giulia Lucchese.” He looked at the other two and they shook their heads. “Look, I get that you don’t know me but I just wanna talk to Trager.”
“Why?” the blonde asked, his baby blue eyes piercing mine.
It wasn’t hard to tell they were suspicious of me. I would be too if some stranger came around my town asking for a friend of mine.
I took a deep breath before opening my mouth.
“Because he’s my father.”
Blondie and Scot raised their eyebrows and Blue Sunglasses let out a chuckle. Life would be a bit easier right now if I at least knew their names. It’d be nice to be on first name basis if they were gonna judge me.
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Blondie said, running a hand over his face. “Unbelievable.”
“It’s not that hard to believe, Jax,” Blue Sunglasses scoffed. “It was bound to happen. The way Tig fucks around... I knew some lost kid was gonna pop up someday,” he shook his head to the sides, laughing. His eyes analysed me and he stopped laughing as if he just realised something. “You said Lucchese?” I nodded. “Ain’t that fucking great?” he looked up at the sky as if he was cursing God.
“What?” I asked along with Scot and Blondie (or Jax).
“Lucchese, as in Bianca Lucchese,” my eyebrows shot up upon hearing my mom’s name. “Remember her, Chibs?” Blue Sunglasses stopped so he could look at Scot. Chibs was his name? I doubted it, probably a nickname.
“Shit. Aye, I remember her. But now she’s… Fuck. Tig sure chooses them well.” He smoothed his greying hair back with both hands, looking frustrated.
“What?!” Jax shouted, his blonde eyebrows furrowed. Apparently he wasn’t a fan of being kept out of the loop. I was right with him in this one.
“Ye were a kid, Jackie boy. Ye don’t remember her. Bianca, yer mum,” he eyed me for a second, “was drivin’ on 580 when her car broke down and she called T-M fer a tow. Tig and Bobby went to pick her up…” he stopped and looked at Blue Sunglasses, who I deduced was Bobby.
“Bianca was real pretty. Italian accent. Tig was onto her the moment she spoke,” Bobby explained, rolling his eyes. I leaned forward, my injured leg long forgotten, eager to hear the details of how my mother and father met. I knew nothing, I’d take any information those bikers had to give me. “We fixed her car but she stayed in Charming for a month because of Tig. Bianca broke things up because Tig was divorcing Colleen and then she left to Oakland. Pregnant apparently,” he pointed at me. “Since Giulia is here now.”
“So? What’s the problem?” Jax asked.
“Bianca’s married to Jimmy Cacuzza now. Which makes her,” Bobby pointed one fat finger at me again, “Jimmy’s stepdaughter and italian mob.”
“No I’m not,” I replied instantly. Took me a second to realise they knew Jimmy Cacuzza. More than that, they knew he was mafia. The name meant something to them and right now it meant trouble. At best they had a good relationship with Jimmy and my, well, existing put them at odds. “Yes, I’m his stepdaughter but I have nothing to do with the mob.” Okay, I was sorta lying. “Look,” I stood up, ignoring the flash of pain that coursed through my leg, “until yesterday I didn’t know who my father was. I came here to get to know him, I don’t want to cause any problems. You guys clearly have, uh, a relationship with Jimmy and I don’t wanna get caught in between that. It’s not my fault who my mom fucked or who she got married to,” I shrugged. “I just wanna meet my real dad and if he doesn’t want to talk to me, that’s fine. I’ll just go back to Oakland if that happens. But I’m not leaving until I get to at least see him.”
For a moment we all stared at each other. The sun had finished setting, leaving the California sky in a purplish shade. With the sun gone, the wind started picking up and the blood on my leg became cold as it dried. Headlights from cars passing on the I-580 were the the only source of light.
Finally, Jax nodded.
“Fine but you only get to talk to him after we’re sure you’re his daughter.”
“I’ll take a DNA test if you want me to,” I replied, sitting down again. I could have leaped in joy but my leg stopped me from doing that and I was not doing that in front of badass bikers. “I want to be sure, too.”
“Yeah, yeah. Until then, you’re not leaving our sight,” I was sure he was using his threatening voice, yet it had little effect on me. I just stared back. “Can you ride?” He looked from my leg to my bike.
“I’m good for riding but I should probably get this looked at later,” I said.
“My old lady is a doctor, she can check it out for you,” he walked to his bike, a Dyna Super Glide, and picked up his helmet. “You follow us out,” he commanded. No shit he was President, the man ordered people around like it was nothing. He could’ve said it nicely and I would follow them out anyway.
I was getting up to swing my leg over my Iron 883 when Chibs stepped forward, grazing my shoulder lightly with his hand.
“Yer leg’s still bleedin’. Ye have anythin’ to tie around it?” He frowned as he looked at the wound.
I could have drooled at this point. Not only was he hot, he was also caring. He was actually concerned about my leg. Yeah, he was making me horny with only that and that was a good skill to have.
“I have an old shirt in my saddlebag, you can use that,” I managed to say, pointing at the studded saddlebag attached to my motorcycle.
He bent down so he could open the saddlebag and retrieve my old over-sized Ozzy Osbourne shirt. I usually slept with it but apparently I wasn’t using it tonight, since it was going to be covered in blood. He united the two sleeves before squatting down in front of me. He wrapped it around my leg, staring dead straight into my eyes with his eyebrows arched. I bit my lip to stifle my smile as I watched him.
“Not how I imagined you going down on me,” I quipped. His hands stopped for a moment as he looked up at me, a grin appearing on his face. Bobby and Jax laughed as they mounted their bikes and then Chibs chuckled too. He finished tying my shirt and made sure the knot was secured.
“No need for a DNA test, Jax,” Bobby told him but he was looking at me. “After that one, she’s definitely Tig’s kid.”
Jax nodded, chuckling as he started his bike and soon his and Bobby’s laugh were drowned out by the Harleys’ powerful engines. I meant to ask what he meant by that -- was my dad a horndog like I was? -- but Chibs still had my attention.
He offered me my helmet after getting back on his feet and then leaned forward and gave me a wink paired with a smile. On top of everything else, he had dimples. To say my panties were soaked would be an understatement.
“Try to keep up with us, love,” he told me before turning his back on me and heading towards his own bike. His kutte had a nice design on the back with a reaper and an AK-47.
I tilted my head, my eyes fixed on his ass as he strode. Nice junk and a nice ass. He alone was reason enough for me stick around awhile. But I came to Charming with a purpose and that was to find my dad -- not a lover. I wouldn’t complain if it happened, though.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Water Talks (Biadore) Ch. 2 - Xana
A/N: greetings, sweeties! here goes chapter 2 and I’m so excited! if you’re unfamiliar with Adele’s song “Water Under the Bridge” I strongly recommend you to listen, it’s so beautiful, it inspired me lots and I may or may not used it somewhere else. I couldn’t help it! (lyrics are in italics) MK did a wonderful job with the editing, she’s literally the best! I hope you like it xx
Eventually, Roy changed his mind and went with the flow. He could never resist Shane’s ways of persuasion (mainly the blackmailing about Roy’s deepest secret which unfortunately blondie happened to know), not to mention Danny’s puppy eyes, which he pouted at Roy at least three times a day for a whole week.
They agreed to go somewhere warm and far from cities. For the record, no one wanted this trip more than Roy, he just didn’t want to leave all his responsibilities behind, so they rescheduled some of their gigs and made sure all of their managing teams and friends knew where they were and how to get to them. Greg called to let them know he had to be in Peru and apologized profusely for not being there.
Then, Wednesday morning, the three of them went MIA. At first, no one noticed. Fans didn’t pay much attention to Courtney’s empty Instagram story or Adore’s lack of tweets. After a few hours passed, however, some people began to question why three of the drag ABCD kept silent.
At this time, they were already on their way to the place they’d chosen in advance. A tent, blankets, and a sleeping bag had been packed in Danny’s backpack, with tons of alcohol and other necessary and not so necessary things in the trunk of Roy’s car. Roy suggested they use his car as he had previously included Noriega in his insurance and he could drive it in the case of Roy getting fucked up.
“Turn off the motherfucking radio, pleeeaseee” whined Danny, trying to cover his ears with the hoodie he had been using as a pillow.
Some shitty country station had been playing since the beginning of the trip, but as he was listening to his own playlist, Danny hadn’t had a problem before. Now that his iPhone was dead, Danny was forced to acknowledge the existence of some very not cool music. He should have charged his phone on the plane or somewhere but didn’t think about it until the horrendous country music was poisoning his eardrums.
“I haven’t had my revenge just yet” smiled the blond man.
“Fuck you”
When they had packed the car Danny took over the backseat, refusing to share it with Shane and as they started moving he quickly fell asleep. Shane was forced to stay awake and small talk Roy so he wouldn’t crash them. They couldn’t take turns because Jenek wasn’t in the insurance. It was completely useless anyway, he was wasted every time they hung out. It was 8 am when they left the city, and for god’s sake, everyone wanted to sleep.
“Ugh, fuck” Danny groaned and returned to his embryonic position.
“Come replace B, she’s about to fall asleep at the wheel” Shane .
“Yes!” Danny shouted excitedly, jumping up.
“No!” Roy cut Danny off in unison.
“Shit!” Danny hit his head on the roof of the car.
Roy momentarily turned to the backseat with unspoken worry.
“Roy!” Shane shouted and tried to get the hold of the steering wheel, as Roy unintentionally drove the car into the opposite lane.
“Sorry! Are you okay, Danny?” he quickly returned his eyes to the road, evening the wheels as he returned to the right lane.
“Well, since we didn’t fucking crash, I guess I am. Party!”
“You’ve been driving for two hours, and as far as I can see, you’ve been nodding off for the past ten minutes” Shane reasoned.
“Yeah, B, you can take my place and I’ll take yours” agreed Danny.
“Bitch, I wanted to go back” complained Shane.
“You go back, I’ll just sleep here” Roy gestured to the front passenger seat and slowly pulled over. “Why the fucking fuck did we wake up that early.”
All three of them switched places and ate half of the pizza that Danny had hidden in the trunk. Noriega was now driving with Haylock sleeping next to him and Jenek victoriously laying in the back of the car, with his earbuds in. Danny shut the radio down as they fell asleep and continued driving. Half an hour passed and he understood why they chose to listen to such shit. Still, all the broadcasts were awful, so he tried to wake his iPhone up and plug it in, which resulted in nothing since the cable didn’t fit. As Shane fell asleep with his, there was only one phone left to plug in and play some good music. Roy’s.
“Shit, what’s his PIN?“ Danny whispered and lightly pushed Roy’s shoulder. "Roy, hey, what’s your PIN?”
“Two-nine-oh-nine” Roy absent-mindedly blinked and fell back asleep.
“Two-nine-oh-nine. What else is two nine oh nine?” Danny typed the PIN with one hand, eyes following the road.
Then the realisation hit him.
“Shit! That’s my birthday!” he exclaimed unintentionally loud.
“Ah? What’s your birthday?” Roy exclaimed from his dreams.
“Ahahaha, no, today’s not the day, it's just that your PIN is my birthday” he laughed.
“Oh, well I won’t forget then” Roy noticed his heart pounding very quickly, but a theatrical background does a guy a lot of favors.
“You never forget, though” Danny commented.
“Then again, how did you manage to get my PIN?” seconds later he realised what exactly Danny had said.
The slightest fear of exposure almost paralyzed him in that moment. If Danny was curious enough, he would easily be able to find the stuff Roy kept locked in his phone. That shit would blow up like fucking 4th of July fireworks.
“I just want like some music, it’s so fucking boring driving the car while you both are fucking sleeping” he whined.
“Yeah, but you were just sleeping, and if I suggest Court play ‘kill, marry, fuck’ she would kill you without a second thought” Roy’s heart was pounding loudly, but his voice remained still.
His whole life was at the stake and he has to play it out.
“Don’t wanna guess who this bitch would bang or ring” Danny loudly laughed.
“My playlist is blank because I have all my music on my iPod which I happened to leave at home today, sorry” he retrieved his phone.
Danny sighed and handed over the phone.
“Fuck it, mine is dead”
“Not my fault, honey” Roy curled up in his seat, preparing to fall asleep again.
“I just, like, forgot to plug it in!”
“At least you could have taken the charger…”
"Oh, fuck off!” Danny blurted. “Then I’ll fucking sing!”
“Go on, queen” Roy waved and covered his eyes with his hoodie.
Danny thought of music choice for a minute. He didn’t want to sing anything very sad but he also didn’t want to seem too happy. His mind wandered to the last song on his playlist he was able to listen to before his phone shut down.
“If you’re not the one for me then how come I can bring you to your knees” he started, his full attention on the road as Roy shifted in his seat.
“If you’re not the one for me why do I hate the idea of being free?” he tapped his fingers against the wheel. Roy watched him with half closed eyes, trying not to bring attention to him being awake.
Roy loved to hear Danny sing. Not a performance, just him humming and changing songs in whatever direction his mind wandered. He always chose deep songs that somehow reflected his mood or his thoughts. Performing, he always had a strict set list he followed, without bringing too much of Danny into Adore. Roy loved every second of this real moment with Danny. He fully closed his eyes and let his mind slip away.
“If you’re gonna let me down, let me down gently, don’t pretend that you don’t want me” meanwhile Danny moved to the chorus and his voice became a little stronger as he checked Roy breathing calmly.
“Our love ain’t water under the bridge” Danny glanced at Roy, blinked and decided to change the song.
Danny spent some time humming to songs he loved, as his mind kept going back to his time on AllStars2. He didn’t like to admit it but “I Can’t Love You” always gave him some strength when everything else failed. That and “4 am” were his two most beloved and sincere songs about what he had been going through recently. He thought he could give it a shot, since everyone was sleeping, and he could just let his tears go.
“Baby you’re the work of art… A shooting star…” he began quietly.
Roy moved in his sleep and Danny quickly stopped. He waited until the older man’s breath evened out again and started over.
“Baby you’re the work of art… A shooting star…”
“Lighting up the darkness… So lucky that we found this, yeah…”
Roy awakened, but didn’t move. He didn’t want the moment to end.
“You know you got me losing sleep… I can’t believe the beauty of this moment…”
Roy always wondered who this song was about. Danny never shared a lot about his private life, his romantic interests or anything of that sort. He had spoken a few times about who he was seeing at the time or a particularly interesting story about his current obsession, but never with details, contrary to Shane or Greg who would always excitedly text in the chat about their new boyfriends or hook ups. They grew very close after Drag Race and the tours, so it was nothing extraordinary for Shane to call all four of them best friends. Even if Roy denied it every time being asked, he knew Shane, Danny and Greg were among his closest friends. Sometimes it really is RuPaul’s Best Friends Race.
“It’s all I’ve ever wanted…”
“But I can’t love you…”
“I can’t love you today, I can’t love you tomorrow”
“I can’t love you anyway” as Danny followed the lyrics, he felt tears gathering in his eyes.
“Hey, do you mind sharing a secret?” Roy said without opening his eyes.
Danny visibly flinched at the question, not expecting to hear Roy’s voice. He checked the navigation and realised they were ten minutes away from their destination, so he’s probably safe from a long talk about his private life.
“Yeah. I guess you want to ask, like, who this is about?”
“Uh-huh” Roy nodded, and opened his eyes. “And don’t say that shit about the Brazil guy. I know you, and I know that even though you had a good crush on him there was no problem between you two and the song’s too sad to be about him”
“Shit, you got me” Roy widely smiled at that. “All I can say is that I had… have, I guess, like really strong feelings for one person that I’ve tried to overcome for a while. I know the feeling isn’t mutual, so I just keep it to myself” Danny kept his eyes on the road, not looking at Roy.
He put all of his efforts to keep his voice calm and relaxed even as his whole body started to shake. Despite his hands trembling, he made sure to keep a strong hold of the steering wheel and his heart was pounding in his chest. He fought the urge to look at Roy’s reaction.
“Are we there yet?” Shane’s voice broke the silence.
“Oh, the Donkey is awake” laughed Roy in his typical manner.
Danny exhaled with relief, still trying not to look at his friend. Thank God Shane had such perfect timing.
“Navigation says almost” he answered.
Shane whined about being in the car for so long and Danny led the discussion far away from personal life until they reached their destination.
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blackrosesfanfic · 5 years
Chapter 196
Next day
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I cried in the shower this morning. I cried changing Caden's diaper. I cried after crying because I couldn't believe I was crying. It's crazy even to me. Now I'm thinking about it and feeling like I'm going to cry.
"Jay, did you pack?" Trey asks. I sniff. "Jayla, come on, Love. You said you could do this. Why you making it hard?"
"I sorta think you don't have an attachment to our son."
He rolls his eyes. "We both know why it's easy for me and not easy for you. Has nothing to do with how much we love our son. Jayla it's not even that long. They only have enough breast milk for 48 hours. So it’s impossible for you to stay away for more than a day."
"48 is 2 days."
"They need extra in case of an emergency or theyre wasteful. So really about 30."
I sigh. "I can't be you."
He picks up a bag. "You don't have a dick, you short, and you cry too fucking much. You sure as hell can't be me. Are these your clothes?"
"I figured if it's a day, I won't need clothes."
"Jayla." he says sternly. "We are leaving in 2 hours."
I fall on the bed. "April is not even here."
"Rollie is taking them to April. You know that."
"I think my baby's first plane ride should be done with me."
"Exactly why we are leaving in 2 hours instead of at the end of the day. Cammie, you acting like a brat. We went over all of this. Were you crying too hard?"
I stand up and go get my bag out of the closet. "Maybe. I need some reason to say no."
"Camille! We are going..."
"Tremaine stop yelling." I snap.
He blows. "Im headed to the airport."
I come out the closet. "Already?"
"I can't be here with you going through... Whatever this is. What are you carrying?"
"My clothes." I say dropping the bag then kicking it. "Enough for 2 days."
"You have clothes in VA. 3 days."
I swat him off. "I can wear the same outfit."
He gets really mad. "No, the fuck you can't. What the fuck?"
"I... Whoa now. What is your problem?"
"You not married to no fucking clown. Ain't no way the wife of Trey Songz is going to be seen anywhere with an outfit she fucking wore two days before. What the fuck are you trying to do? Give the fucking blogs some A1 shit to fucking talk about? Fuck no. You put 4 fucking outfits in that bitch after talking like that."
I sit on the bed and cross my arms. "I don't want to go anymore."
"I can't believe that shit. I must be broke as fuck or fucking stingy as a bitch. Hell no."
"I have 3 outfits. Shut up." I say resting my head on the bed.
Trey grabs the bag then checks it. He goes back out of the door. I'm going to just sit here and cry again. I get out of bed to go get Caden so I can snuggle with him. I never usually bother him while he is sleeping.
"Aye, don't even try that nigga. When the last time a song of yours was played twice in the same day? Centuries ago. Back before Benjamin Franklin. He wasn't even a president."
"Why are you running your mouth in here?" I snap standing in front of Trey.
He laughs really hard then grabs my waist. "Not even. No. Aye, what's your name again?"
I push him off of me. He kisses my cheek really quick then he walks away laughing. He so fake. Ain't shit that funny on that phone. Him and his friends annoy me. They will go without talking for months then plan to do something and talk for hours in the days coming up to the event. I bet any amount of money he talking to J. Cole.
"Mommy." Lane cries.
"In there. Don't wake Caden up. Yo? Caden not big enough to talk... What?"
Lane stomps into the room. "Mommy." he says like he angry.
I turn to him. "Lane, how may I help you?"
"Nanma coming?"
"Rollie is taking you to Grandma."
He sticks as much of his head as he could into the rails of the crib. I push his face back. He could really get stuck like that. He falls out on the ground. No crying. No nothing. He just lies there. That fellow is a mess. I look at him until he looks at me. I raise my eyebrows then smile. He jerks his body away to hide his smile.
"You are so cute, Lane. I love you."
"Love you." he says.
He always forgets whatever is going on when I tell him I love him. He makes sure he tells me back. I pick Caden up out of the crib. Lane's face was right there watching. He was looking like I was doing wrong. He was waiting for Caden to cry. He was sure he would. I kiss Caden then take him to the rocking chair. Lane follows.
"Mommy, Nana coming?"
"Yes, Grandma April coming to the car to pick you and Caden up."
"Caden go to grandma house?" Lane asks worried.
I smile. "Yes."
He puts the blanket over Caden. "Caden. Caden sleep?"
I stare at him. "We not starting this. Since when do you ask Why?"
"Cause." he shrugs.
"Okay, Lane. Want to share my lap?"
He starts climbing. "Yes."
I put Caden on my shoulder and help Lane into my lap. He wanted to lay down as well. He didn't want to simply sit on my lap. I start rocking with both of them. Surprisingly, Lane lies there then he starts talking random ass talk. I don't know what he talking about. He not expecting an answer so I let him talk. Trey looks into the room then he grabs a bag by the door. I'm being a bad mom. I didn't pack nothing for either of the boys. Not one thing. Trey has done everything. I'm sure he had help from April.
"Ma, call her yourself. Why?" Trey sucks his teeth then appear back in front of the door. "Where is Caden's insurance card?"
"Why?" I snap.
He disappears. "Why? Cause what? Fuck if I know, April. Oh."
I chuckle. I know why. Just being a bitch. I don't want Caden or Lane to go. This is why it was a good thing for me to keep my baby to myself. I was worst with Lane. Hell I took my fucking infant to Europe. Who does that?
"Jay, just in case Caden needs to go to the doctor. Do we have one for Caden?"
"Is he on your insurance?"
Trey comes all the way in the room staring at me. "Jayla, stop. What do you use... Don't worry about it. I'll look online."
"It's in the baby bag already."
"I changed baby bags."
I raise my eyebrows. "Do you put the clear bag with fingernail clips and stuff back?"
"Then it's in there."
"Why the fu... You could have said that." he shakes his head walking out. "I swear. The shit I deal with."
I rock my babies.
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"I have absolutely nothing to do."
"Why did you come to Chicago then?" Chris snaps scratching his balls in the middle of the floor.
I shake my head. "You are not cute."
He smells his hand then turn up his nose. "I'm not fresh either."
"Shut up."
"Why you came to Chicago? Tell me."
I lay back on the headboard. "I had something to do. I did it duh. Plus I wanted to surprise you, dumbass."
"Your ass lying."
"Maurice Brown... Anything else your lying ass got to say?"
I laugh. "What are you talking about? I was thinking we smoke a blunt."
"What happened to you cleansing your damn body?"
"You know how hard it is to eat right and not drink or smoke?"
He shrugs then starts walking to the bathroom. "Cammie does it all."
I chuckle and cross my legs in the air. "Cammie is a perfect ass bitchy goody two shoes. I done said fuck her for a while. Anyway."
"But she does it." he snaps.
"Oh, shut up. Bitter." I say reaching to the end table where I had weed for him.
I scream. He had jumped on the bed scaring the shit out of me. I slap his side. He puts his hand over my face. I fight with him. It was hard as fuck to get his hand off of me. I scream thinking that would get him to get off me. He just laughs. I dig my nails into his side. He only moves out of the way. How the hell he can be so far away yet still touch me. I give up. He continues laughing.
"You smell my balls?"
"Awwwh." I scream fighting him again.
He laughs then moves. "You scared of a little dick and booty on your face?"
"You fucking nasty."
"Huh?" he says coming back to the bed.
I look at him then try to hide my face. It looks like this nigga wiped his hand under his stank ass balls again. He grabs my arm. I scream and kick him then jump off of the bed. He laughs really hard. He so dramatic. He holds his stomach and throws his head back. I run and jump on the bed then jump on him.
"Fuck!" he yells as we both hit the floor. "Bitch."
"Motherfucking bad ass bitch."
He tries to put his hand in my face again. I smack it out of the way. He drops it to the ground and take a deep breath. I fucking won. He puts his hand to his face then drop it again. He had put the blunt back in his mouth. I kiss his face as he lies there with the blunt between his lips. He chuckles.
"You still a bitch." he says.
"Yeah yeah."
He sits up making me back up. He falls back like he didn't have no energy. I watch him. He flicks a lighter lighting the blunt. I grind on him. He blows the smoke at me. I mean I have been not drinking and all that but I'm just not feeling it. I feel like your mind has to be fully committed to something for it to benefit you. I'm just stressing myself out trying to live life like someone else. It's just not me. It's not us. We don't do either.
"So you stop smoking and I'll get back on my cleansing."
"What's wrong with weed?"
I snatch it out his mouth. "Tobacco."
He chuckles. "Oh. Well..."
"You are not even supposed to be smoking if you detoxing from liquor anyway. That's why you can't stick to that either."
"I drink less than I used to."
I roll my eyes. "Trey does it."
He laughs. "Bullshit. Shut up. He never smoked cigarettes like I do. Fuck Trey..."
"You want to?"
"Fuck my fucking brother?"
He gets in my face. "Technically, shit. You know what I was saying any fucking way. Get your stank ass off me."
"That's how you feeling?" I laugh pushing him back.
"You know what I'm feeling?" he blows smoke in my face. I shrug. "You cool as fuck. I almost felt guilty about being selfish and making you mine. Almost. If I had a bit of that stuff that make you not selfish. I think you perfect. For someone else."
I laugh. "That almost sounded sweet."
"Let's go to Dubai. Remember what happened in Du fucking bai?"
"No." I frown snatching the blunt. "What the fuck happened in Dubai? Between us?"
He lies back. "You know."
I look at his face. "No, Chris, I do not."
"What?" he looks at me. "We fucked in Dubai. I thought you was just fucking with me cause we said we would act like it never happened."
"Chris, we did not fuck in Dubai."
He sits up. "We did. I remember."
"You weren't too drunk to fucking remember. We were on that yacht with the Olympic sized pool. In the towel room after they left us in the sauna."
I cross my arms. "You remember too many details. Were you even fucking drinking?"
He grabs my wrist and shakes my arms apart. "Come on, we barely drunk anything. We got shit faced after though."
"Christopher that was not me."
"Cammie threw up cause it was her first time on a yacht."
I hit him. "Cammie's ass threw up cause she was fucking pregnant with Lane. She been on a damn yacht with Trey's ass."
"I remember her throwing up. We didn't fuck. We were just..."
"We fucked."
I laugh. "That totally slipped my mind. In the towel room. Oh my gosh."
He chuckles laying back. "It was quick no lie."
"It was like 2 seconds of a fuck. Like a damn movie clip. Bam against the wall dramatically..." I throw my hands up. "Towels falling everywhere. One pump, two pump, three pump... Bang on the cart. Towels everywhere! Bam... Bam against the wall. Dramatic fall on top of towels... Screen cut. Sweating, panting, and dazing into the camera. Wow. Okay let's not tell anyone about. Yeah. Okay. Molly washed down with Hennessy?"
He laughs uncontrollably. "It was not a Molly."
"What the case." I throw my hands up.
"You a bitch yo. I remember it being fly."
"Christopher have you been holding on to that memory? What happened to forgetting the shit?"
He wipes his face. "I'm sitting here sweating from the thought. Forget it why?"
"Cause we agreed."
"I just thought we agreed as in don't fucking tell my fucking girlfriend who bout to come around the corner with Cammie. Best 10 minutes..."
He grabs my face. "You don't have to be so accurate. In my defense I been waiting for that for a while."
"You a bullshitting lie." I say hitting his arm.
"Sevyn... Amber, Honey, shut the fuck up. I try to treat you like an average ass hoe but you just won't let me."
I stand up. "Am I fucking average?"
"You fucking fine. Perfect."
"Perfectly above average, bitch. Still make you cum in 2 minutes."
"Three!" he spats.
I laugh. "Yeah."
He laughs until he starts coughing with his fucking fucked up lungs. He sits up holding his chest and trying not to cough.
"Breathe bitch." I say hitting his back.
That made his mean ass stop coughing but he comes for me. I hop across the bed out of his way. I slap a balloon across the bed into his face. He smacks it then coughs a little fake cough. I chuckle hitting another balloon. He grabs it.
"Can I stick my dick in this?" he says grabbing his dick and putting the balloon lips to it.
"Are we going to Dubai?"
He shrugs. "If you want. Let's go."
"It's whatever. Stop raping that balloon and come in the shower."
"Don't beg." he says busting the balloon with the blunt.
I suck my teeth. "Really, Chris!"
He shrugs. "That bitch was fake."
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The kitchen
Last night I was reading a manga book that I used to like. That’s how desperate I am for a book by Chevy Stevens. The manga book was kinda boring and it did not take to long for me to fall asleep. I don’t usually read manga books unless it’s funny to read and if the art is top notch (l am an artist) and or if there are samurai in them. I had a strange dream about trying to find Ana and Nils in a strange city. They used to be my childhood friends. It was a beautiful dream…. even though I fucking forgot to take my fucking sleeping pills.
6:14 a.m Been thinking about the the victims of the London van attack. I feel sorry for them and their families. My heart, prayers, love, thoughts, and chants still go out to them. I would like to ring the necks of the perpetrators of this fucked up attack. Nothing worse nor more annoying than a fucking jihadist bitch. I hate using the big J word on the internet. I think the word “Jihad” should be a swear word or be forbidden to say (for Muslims and non-muslims) and I don’t fucking looking like that fucking word at all.
6:14 a.m (again) When I was writing the first comment about “jihad” I realized that I have Jill today. Sounds fun today, right? Yes but I am also dreading it because of the whole day there will be country music. And I can’t do anything about it. It is insidious and can mask itself as different genres of music but you can hear the fucking twang and Christian bullshit. I hate country music as much as the word “Jihad”. And right now I have to blast my ears with music I like and enjoy it while I still can before I am subjected to this ear torture. God I fucking hate country music!!!! 😠😡😤🤢👿👎🏼 P.S. I guess I have to think about my to favorite things (jumbo jets and Airports) and go to my Happy place, which is the Airport. ✈️🛩🛫🛬✈️🛬🛫🛩
RANDOM FACT ALERT!!! I was watching the news this morning and heard that it is to hot to fly jumbos. I did not know that. Apparently the air is less dense which mean you need to use more speed and a longer runway to take off normally. I got this from the U.S news.
8:09 a.m Jill picked yours truly up. We are going to the fucking library this morning. Thank fucking God. I can get another Chevy Stevens book. 📚Today we are going to scrap book this afternoon 👍🏼😀 and having pizza for lunch. Very yum 👅. The country music is blaring and it is driving me insane. I’d like to a country singer but that would bring me to his or her level😠. I fucking hate it. 👿But I also hate gospel music which is quick paced version of country music only without the twang and guitars. 😡I hate them both🤢😭👎🏼😤. I think music should be universal and appeal to all religions but that’s my opinion. 🤔Give me punk, death metal, goth, German techno, industrial, EDM, hip hop, and last but not least is horrorcore rap. 😊
8:23 a.m Just picked up big mouth resume girl.😠 She is especially bitchy today and won’t stop talking. If only God knew how much I hate her. I can’t even hear the fucking country music. It’s better than listening to this bitch. 😡👎🏼One more fucking word out of her fucking mouth I am going to punch her out😤. She tried to convert me to Christianity 🤢 and when I refused to convert she started turning my respite friends against me. She is rude to me and cyberbullys me to death on face book. Whenever she’s in the room people talk to her and they end up talking about neurotypical shit. The shit I can stand and talk about. They end up talking about cars, apartments, money, jobs, resumes and guys. Note: She is a fucking coward. I can’t talk about guys because I am lesbian. 🏳️‍🌈For once I want to talk about what I want to talk About. I guess smart people are hard to fucking find🤔.
9:20 a.m Just arrived at my respite house. This day I don’t feel over runned over and trashed. That’s fucking good. I think. We are going the bleeping library today at 10. Me! Want! Chevy Stevens! I just took some selfies with the dog filters on. I love using the dog filters because of the big tounge, it shows that I need to lick pussy. Besides my spirit animal is the wolf dog (German Shepard). I believe in Wicca and shamanism as that they help relieve my PTSD. I have to say that my religion is Wicca. I am a white witch. And I also believe in Native American shamanis. With way the dog filters are epic and I love it.
10:21 a.m Went to the library can got my Chevy Stevens book. Yay!!!!! 👍🏼😀🤗😊I am looking forward to bed time so I can read the fucking book. God I love Chevy Stevens and her writing, story lines and the plot. Some people think she is scary but i don't😡. Once I found the book I explored the rest of the library (the teen section in particular) and found some cute and nice Korean manga, if you want to call them that, but I am committed to Chevy Stevens books right now😍. After seeing those mangas I think I will broaden my book horizon and give mangas another chance. I used to like graphic novels and comic books when I was in high school. 😋But then I hit twenty years of age and forgotten all about them. Time to go do memory Lane next time I at the library. 🤔
11:00 a.m. We did scrap booking. A boring task to deal with. But I just found out that I was anorexic skinny as a child. No fucking reason the others picked on me besides for my ptsd. If change my diet I would not want to that skinny again. I want to fucking muscle. That was a memory that I think should’ve not be brought back up. It’s fucking embarrassing. The skinny geek with ptsd. Ouch. Thank god I don’t have to show those pictures on my fucking Facebook. I would be a laughing stock of the world. Scrap booking is fun in a boring and embarrassing way.
12:00 p.m Lunch!! Pizza!!! YYYYYUUUUUUMMMYYYY! 👅 My pizza all feta cheese. God fuck, I love my feta cheese on my pizza. We made our own pizzas for us to eat. Time to go. Food!!! Coming!!!!!!
1:00 p.m Me and my friends helped Jill’s husband Greg to clean the pool equipment. It’s almost surreal, why the fuck not getting the pool ready for us. I oversaw the hosing of the pool stairs and weights. I got my pants fucking soked. That was when I decided to call it quits but I did do quite a bit of hosing of the stairs and the pool weights. It was nice outside and I was wearing a hat… but the dear flies, black flies and the mosquitoes where horrid. So the hat did not work worth a shit. So I used my hat for swatting the bugs a way. I was scared of ticks that one might bite me. They are supposed to terrible this summer. Was going to play cards outside… but fuck that: ticks.
2:00 p.m Played a boring came of crazy 8s. I was sooooo bored I was stoned. I am naturally stoned, no need for drugs. This only happens when I am bored. Jill thought I was falling asleep during the game and ordered me to lay down for the rest of the day. So I was lying on the couch looking like a fucking fool all day until home time. This is the roughest afternoon I had ever had. It’s doesn’t help that I had a ptsd flashback and a flack back of a distant past life where I was a Buddhist nun living in the Himalayas….. twice at the same time. I was in a trance…. not sleepy. When will be get it…. I AM WICCAN, BITCHES!!!!!!! A WHITE MOTHERFUCKING WITCH!!!!!
3:00 p.m Found out that Caitlin blabbed on my again for no reason just to get me into trouble. She does this all the time and it’s a wonder that I haven’t been kicked of program for fucking reason. Apparently I said “why do you have to clean the damn kitchen”. She does this to me all the fucking time. And I wish she would stop getting me in trouble before I punch her lights out. What I fucked up way to end the fucking day. And it was such good day too. Fuck!!!!!😠👿😡😤🤢
4:30 p.m Just got the call of a fucking life time. Tomorrow I am going aboriginal day in Ottawa. Soooo fucking hyper right now. 😊🤗🤔👍🏼😍✈️
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