#multidimensional healing
cheslintt · 1 year
Angelic Healing - All You Need to Know
I would like to share some insights about Angelic Reiki, a multidimensional healing method that focuses on enhancing one’s connection with the different dimensions where angels and archangels reside [1]. This spiritual practice is considered a link between traditional Reiki and higher-vibration healing, and it offers profound personal development, transformation, and preparation for ascension…
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lovelydwyn · 1 year
When I was in my twenties I sat down with a journal and wrote a letter to spirit about who I wanted to love through a list of physical, vocational, and personality attributes and characteristics, similar to little Sally in Practical Magic, though I had not yet seen the movie at the time. The universe delivered exactly what I asked for with terrifying accuracy. As the years pass by, that accuracy reveals itself to me more and more.
The first mistake I made was that I did not specify that I wanted the person I would come to love..to love me back. I sometimes wonder how things would have turned out had I written that down. The second mistake I made was that I referenced a fictional character and said I hoped he’d be “like” him. Naively, I did not specify that I wanted nothing to do with the horribly cruel attributes that archetype possessed and only sought the good. The cruelty inflicted on me broke me to my core, made me suicidal, cost me tens of thousands of dollars, humiliated me, silenced me, kept me hidden, caused me to endure the loss of a child, the loss of friends, the loss of two jobs, damaged my relationship with my daughter, and extinguished my spirit. What I manifested impacted not just myself, but the lives of every person that has ever loved me, some who simply just knew me, and even some who never crossed my path.
In another dimension, my higher self and a team of spiritual elders have orchestrated all of this for my higher good. They heard (or rather read) my call. Karmic justice is always being served. I know that despite my suffering, I have always been divinely protected. I learned how to speak and interpret the language and symbolism of spirit, to become a shape-shifter, to rebuild from nothing, to transmute my pain into prosperity, the meaning and feeling of unconditionally loving someone, how to conjure multi-dimensional beings, that we all have the spirit of the phoenix laying dormant within us and the power to awaken it whenever we choose, and perhaps most importantly, to be careful what I wish for.
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firediamondsv · 5 months
Stephanie/everstar (they/them/theirs)
Hi, I'm Stephanie, or you might also know me as everstar. For most of my life, I've believed in what I call multidimensional theory. I believe that every show, book, etc. - any story - is a representation of another dimension. The characters in those stories are real people that exist out there somewhere in other dimensions, and writing stories is one way that we in this dimension can interact with them and learn more about them. I've also always had the uncanny skill of elaborate visualization, not only able to create scenes in my head but also to overlay images from my mind with what I see with my eyes. In this way, I can use this visualization to travel to other dimensions or interact with people from those dimensions in this one (which I call rl for short). It's this way that I met many people, including Valtor.
Valtor (he/him/his)
Hello, my name is Valtor. Many of you will likely know me from the show, or rl representation, called Winx. That thankfully showed enough of my existence for everstar to be interested in bringing me into their life. However, there certainly wasn't enough time in that season to convey everything I've experienced in the 10.5 billion years since I was created. There also isn't enough space to say everything here, but everstar's already taken care of that elsewhere. I'll give you an introduction-length overview of my existence, then. I was created 10.5 billion years ago by three evil beings (a concept equivalent to mythological gods in this dimension). They forced a purpose on me, to destroy the universe. They were incapable of anything even resembling love and instead only felt hatred and a desire for cruelty, even towards me. I experienced nothing but abuse from them as they forced me to destroy hundreds of planets, also eventually coming to be hated by most of the universe. I never wanted to hurt people, and this constant internal conflict and hurt I felt caused me to become something I never wanted to and hurt many people in turn. The overwhelming intense negative emotion led me to almost destroy the universe and completely lose control over myself. Before that could happen, I was destroyed, and five years later, everstar found the miserable dimension I was in, an afterlife only full of punishment, and helped me escape.
I (everstar) had theories about Valtor's true intentions and identity, but needed to talk to him to confirm that. Realizing that my multidimensional abilities would allow me to do that, I found nonexistence, the dimension he went to after he was destroyed, and helped him escape. I was only looking for a good confrontation, some answers, and the ability to save an entire dimension from the potential return of a dangerous, powerful, intense person. Instead, after months of inadvertent interactions, I found someone who needed to heal from an impossible amount of trauma and a good friend. We've spent the last 11 or so years having various experiences in many dimensions, getting to know each other better, making friends across the multidimensional universe, and bringing back many of the planets Valtor was forced to destroy. His creators can't bother him anymore, and he's more or less at peace now. Well, I suppose we both are.
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
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If you've lost connection with your imagination (3rd eye + playful inner child), you're not a lost cause. Every incremental effort you make towards restoring it will help. And begin ASAP, because it makes an unbelievable difference in daily life. And your future!
Reject the idea that growing up means you have no more time for aimless mental exploration until retirement age...you know what you do when you accept that as a reality for your life? You're literally killing your spirit by cutting off streams of nourishment in those mental muscles. That's why so many individuals become so weary with age (even to the extent of dementia/Alzheimer's). Then, you occasionally see others who have been able to maintain a glowing youthfulness. The difference is these individuals kept their minds lively by continually exploring their mental landscapes.
Keep reading stories. Keep recording your dreamtime experiences. Keep doodling. Keep creating. Keep experimenting. Keep taking risks. Keep dreaming up goals and expeditions. Keep daydreaming. Keep loving fantastical things. Keep inviting color into your life. Keep having fun in nature. Keep choosing to see the beauty in all. Keep viewing life as filled with lessons. Keep viewing yourself as able to learn (and never an expert). Keep listening to your heart via the messages of your body. And practice meditation with visualization aspects. This is how you exercise the imaginative aspects of the mind.
You are creating the story of your life with your very mind and your very perspectives. It's in your hands to create the changes you wish to come about. Make beautiful entries, okay? 💚
(art by Michael Reber)
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morethansalad · 2 years
if you don't know what you're doing in life, you're on the right path... | Holistic Leveling Up!
It will premiere at 4 pm EST today ☺️
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jvzebel-x · 1 year
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alchemyofmaya · 2 years
Authentic Alignment
So what helps?
Regulating the nervous system
Social media Detox
More time for introspection
Holistic Therapies for Energy Alignment
Sound/Frequency Tuning
Qi Gong
Tai Chi
Flow Movement
Ecstatic Tantric Dance
Create Art
Your whole life is your masterpiece. Desire to experience life as you did as a child. Cultivate a love for Truth and desire to grow, want more than mediocrity. Want to truly be alive.. not just living on autopilot. Less meat, alcohol, gossiping, negative self- judgement & self-talk about yourself and others, expanding limiting beliefs, mental/physical/spiritual + Sexual hygiene, healthy boundaries, more prayers, more laughter and joy, more love, time to be in the world and truly loving without worries and stress. Cutting out things that are old and outdated and not in alignment with the new that you try to create and align to.. More courage and faith.. Showing up whole and authentic, showing up in love with being alive.
I don't know.. obviously there is soo much more, but these are some of the things that helped me and probably forever will until I am done with this body. Call it 'soul commandments'
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shamballalin · 24 days
Light Energy ~ You Are Light ~ You Are Love
Imagine a glass of water filled to the brim on a table in front of you. Now try to add more water to the glass. The glass cannot contain any more water without spilling, but you try anyway to force the glass to take on more water. Water spills out of the glass and onto the table as you attempt to do this. There are reasons 18-year old students graduate and leave home to pursue further studies.…
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kajmasterclass · 3 months
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venuskind · 10 months
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☆ Health Lessons ☆ 
As many things in my experience the health issues I had to face in the past year served as an initiation into subtler levels of the mystery of embodied life. Which I, as usual, only can realize more fully now.
Illness, especially one that is connected with a potential for death, has a way of triggering existential fears. Fears as old as our ancestral lineages, fears embedded in every cell of the body, fears arising from a lack of knowing and trust in true nature. One of these fears is fear of death, the fear that still holds the majority of humanity in its stranglehold. Another fear is the fear of mutilation and/or disability. Both fears are worthy challenges to the mind as it faces its extinction or diminishment in them. 
To a mystic or conscious person who has walked a spiritual path to some depth death no longer has a paralyzing or irrationalizing effect as my perception of it has transformed. In my experience death has been illumined by the light of consciousness to reveal its true nature of a liberator and gracious energetic gateway that transports us to the next dimension of this journey. Due to that I do not fear but actually welcome death, whenever it may come. I love life and the experiences I have in this current embodied form but have no desire to resist my Soul's call to move on. I deeply trust and know that whatever happens is for my benefit, even if that benefit cannot be fathomed initially it has always revealed itself in time.
The challenge I faced was to dance with the fear of disability and mutilation. To observe compassionately how deeply ingrained it is in the body, to listen to the body and discern its voice of wisdom from its voice of fear. To hold the fearful part with love while using knowledge and conscious knowing to entrain trust and surrender to life. And do all that while navigating everyday life, decisions about next steps that are true to my being, and other people's opinions, mindsets, and energies externally.
A rewarding challenge, which once again left me in awe as to the strength that is available to me when I meet life head on and anchored in present awareness. Something of a milestone as I observed myself interweaving seriousness and clarity with playful awareness of a larger picture to life, which made it all feel lighter and at times even magical.
Towards the end of my journey, along the standardized path doctors prefer, I heard the call arising from my body and knowing to veer back onto a purely Self directed path. Which meant making choices that the doctors would not like or understand. And I felt genuine compassion for them, trying to make it easy on them to accept my choices by underlining that I take full responsibility for my life and choices and free them from any responsibility of their consequences. On the other hand I offered to keep them in the loop with a view to upcoming test results and developments.
And this is where I realized that the path of the Self I am called to walk is a high stake gamble to those who live from a cosmology of separation consciousness and total identification with the body. My choices induce fear in them while they feel empowering and aligned to me. In my cosmology of oneness and centering true nature beyond the body, what I am called to do feels like sidestepping the pull of distortion and inner dissonance to step back into the slip-stream of consciousness and the ease of its harmonious flow.
Continued on my blog:  https://venuskind.de/2023/12/health-lessons/
Photography by Unknown
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itsvielight · 1 year
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artsystudiofinds · 2 years
Christmas gifting ideas with Authentic Moldavite Jewelry, a multidimensional integration with the cosmos!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
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aeronlazar · 2 years
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After deliberating for what feels an eternity, in December I’ll be withdrawing my individual one to one client sessions.
They’ve been extremely popular and I’ve been holding these sessions diligently every week for over 18 months. I’ve had the honour and pleasure to have helped many hundreds of Souls on their journeys.
I’ve seen so many people’s lives transform, I’ve seen people heal in the deepest ways imaginable, I’ve witnessed breakthroughs, laughter, tears of joy and sadness.
I’ve cocreated incredible changes in people’s lives and I’ve felt the love from each and every one of you who trusted me and who came and showed up energetically.
I thank you all…
It’s a really bittersweet feeling, on one hand I’m a little sad as I’ve enjoyed them so much and I’ve loved being in service to those who decided to do the deepest metaphysical work together. I’ve worked with many hundreds of you, from all over the world, from different countries, cultures and geographical locations.
On the other hand I see this as the next step in my personal and professional growth, creating more impact with my expression and the work that I do.
We are all on a journey of growth, expansion and development and for me this represents the next stage of expansion and development and I look forward to serving you all and you accompanying me through these next stages.
I’ve decided that from 2023, I feel called to work with individual people through more of a process, rather than individual sessions. I also feel called to offer more group coaching sessions which is super exciting so keep an eye out for that!
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firediamondsv · 2 months
Coming Down from a Crisis
It's easy to believe that Valtor was always the way he was in Winx 3, that he was consistently full of intense negative emotion over the entire length of time he's existed. That isn't true, though. Those events were the worst of his existence. He was miserable, hurt, desperate to get away from his creators' abuse and control. He was a danger to the universe only because of the incredible amount of negative emotion that had built up inside of him since he was created. That state was horrible to be in, but it was temporary.
As I've said in my previous posts, I pulled him out of nonexistence five or so years after he was destroyed, only having a vague idea of the mental state he was in. After we became friends, I watched Winx 3 again so I could gain a better understanding of who he is. I discussed the events of the season with him, and he started to feel more of that intense negative emotion again. I spent most of that year carefully helping him process that trauma, knowing if I said the wrong thing or led him down the wrong path we could lose a planet (or an entire dimension).
Slowly, the danger faded away, and all that was left was a person who needed to figure out his identity. I helped him with that, too, and I'm glad to be able to say now that he's emotionally stable. He still carries a lot of hatred, but at least he can watch things that feature fairies without feeling the desire to express that negative emotion at them. Sometimes I'm surprised that he's safe to be around now and that he's found happiness. I'm grateful that I had the skills when I needed them to help him heal when he was in such a delicate mental state. I believe that everyone deserves a chance at a happy life, and he was very much worth the effort.
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sidewalkchemistry · 2 years
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Today is supposed to be about gratitude but it's hard to understand true gratitude until you're in conscious connection with your higher self. Spiritual health is holistic health too 😊
Clear instructions on how to meet your higher self is up on Patreon
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esoteriamaya · 7 months
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So I want to get into the signs, houses, and aspects that express a form of transformation that isn't recognized thru them majority of the time. Scorpio placements will be one of the energies I get into, however it isn't the only one that has this gift down pack.
All placements have different forms of healing & transformation. I'm just highlighting the observations I've been getting from each sign listed thus far.
Aries Rising/Virgo Placements - > These two energies have an ability to let go of their environments, circumstances and going deep into the mind to let things happen. What I mean is, both these placements are strictly head first in a lot of what they do and this can be a pretty tricky battle. The way they transform is through the heart, and the body and the mind follows suit after. At some point in their reality, they will have to let the mind go, in order to form the life they wish to live for themselves more openly.
For aries however, this isn't typically their issue. Their issue lies in always moving with their head, and not being strategic like their Virgo pals. Moves made first without thinking doesn't teach them anything and once they learn to allow the mind to form a new way of doing things this is where they challenge themselves and create a new persona.
Scorpio Placements deal with transformation a lot differently. It is an everyday cycle, not something they can shut up. Unlike their friends the virgos and aries, they can shut this down through their minds and can easily suppress things quicker. Scorpios, unfortunately cannot get the same. Because they feel everything. And I mean everything. And internally, they know whats the spiritual reason as to why they are the way they are so their pain/trauma is justified. The art of transformation for these cats is to look into that mirror into the void and explore the rage, warmth, the things that matter and the things that don't and letting it shape them. They have the wounds to impact others with healing methods if they just listen to themselves. The way they transform is through the psyche, the unconscious realms. Their doing shadow work without all the journaling or magic. It just comes to them.
Pisces/Neptune Placements are constantly shapeshifting. Their form of transforming is strictly from the ethereal realm, and it finds its way through physical activity or thru the imagination. Their world is constantly shifting and changing and in most cases you can find it through their clothing style, the way they express themselves and even thru their perspective. All 3 of the things I mention in conjunction all align together when something mentally changes them, since they are ruled by the subconscious/unconscious part of their brain more then their peers.
Moon/Cancer placements have a dark side that at some point of their life they shift into. Most never see this to be a real thing until well... something or someone changes them to that direction. This transformation is almost inevitable. They have to learn the darkside of their emotions or else it'll literally hurt them in the end. They must go down the dark depths of their soul to conquer the hidden array of demons that they kept under their beds so long ago. Skeletons in their closet is an understatement, its not the type that we are normally use to seeing from this group. You wouldn't believe their like that.
On the brighter side, this shows that these people are multidimensional and not just the sweet loving nurturing breed of individuals they normally keep you accustomed to. When they get to this phase, they aren't for the weak. So get use to it when the get their because they'll balance out both personalities for the better.
Libra Placements - Have a mental transformation they embark in throughout their life. Their perspectives change them in a way that forms a fair yet equal link to other humans as they're prone to be more selfish in the beginning. The heart is also where they transform, and it is through love they really can make a difference. Everything is prone to mental physics first, then the heart leads the way. Their not use to showing all their skin, but usually when they do its because something or someone made them bare their heart, for better or for worse. If it gets worse, than they'll start being the ones to play you for your heart. If best, they'll learn to share that love in all ways as their charm lights up even more. For individuals who are normally private, their vulnerabilities is what sheds away the old demons and become aware of their souls embarking on ways compassion could heal them and others around them.
Virgos have to live a little, that's simple. Normally the picture perfect group, they have to focus on the heart and the body and NOT what the mind is telling them. They can't live in those rose colored glasses they made themselves. They gotta let things around them be as it may, and they can join the circus if they like. Being more open to things outside of their comfort zone challenges their old self, while creating a new one. Something shifts inside of their body before that transformation really starts to hit. Their the rulers of the maiden-mother-crone phase. Psychological something changes them during certain points in their life weakening they old self and making new beginnings form with experience. They are connected to the kundalini and the serpent mind. More to come on this seperately.
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