#my friend likes dick greyson
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sentient-stove · 15 days
“Do you remember when I sold my soul a few years back?”
The tapping at the keyboard did not still. “Yes of cour— Tim, you sold your soul?”
“Oh my god, you forgot.” He dramatically threw a hand against his chest, collapsing sideways out of the chair to land on the cave floor. “I’m wounded. In my cold, soulless heart, shot straight through it. You forgot I sold my soul. Dick, how could you?”
“It’s been a hectic few years-“
“It’s my soul Richard Greyson. Isn’t that important? I sold my soul to the Ghost King and now it’s apparently changed hands.”
“The Ghost King sold your already sold soul?!?”
Tim sat back up, using the BatDesk to pull himself to his feet. “Nah, apparently the og king got bested in combat and the new king now owns it. He sent me a letter. So we could meet. And potentially discuss me repossessing my soul. Anyway, are you free Thursday cause that’s when he’s picking me up and he said I could bring a friend. Cissie already said no, so you’re the next on my list.”
Dick had long since abandoned whatever report he’d been working on and was staring at Tim with what could only be described as ‘major concern.’ “Can we please backtrack to the fact you sold your soul to a Cthulhu-like entity?”
Meme under the cut
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infernalodie · 1 year
𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐂𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬 (𝐏𝐓.𝟏) || 𝐄𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐭
“𝘐'𝘮 𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘞𝘩𝘰 𝘥𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘪𝘥𝘰𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘸? 𝘋𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘮𝘦?“
Inspo: Ryan Beatty - Dark Circles Weston Estate - Where Do We Go? Brakence - hypochondriac
Pairing: Elliot x FemMale!reader
Summary: The dark circles of heartbreak was something you needed escape...
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Warnings: Angst, homophobia (F slur), description of smut, and even more angst.
Words: 2663
Days seemed to slowly tick away with each tap of your finger against the old desk. Nights turned to day, and days turned to night. Like with each tap, the days and nights went by in those few seconds. It was a constant cycle with the extra shit you never asked to be included. If it is drama going on at school or your own unfortunate misfortunes involving Lexi and Cassie. There were just a whole lot of factors that went into your day that was never requested. It left exhaustion to seep under your eyes, forming dark circles that you weren’t able to break free from.
But things were simple when Elliot was here.
“God.” You placed your head in your hands, rubbing at your crimson eyes.
You wished his warm hands ran up your quivering thighs. How the calloused pads of his fingers would follow each curve of the limbs. His lips just a few inches from yours. God, you could already see the smirk that would dance across his lips. Enjoying how pitiful you looked- How palpable you became under his touch. You could hear him using his favourite pet name, whispering it in your ear as you are trying to catch your breath. “My baby boy is so excited-”
The sound of pounding at your door made you whip your head around. “Who is it?”
“Hurry up, girly. We’re going to McKay’s party,” Cassie called out on the other end of the door before her footsteps retreated back down the hall. Leaving staring at the door wide-eyed, hands covering your erection, and a fermenting dread building in your gut.
But you knew Cassie and Lexi’s goal with doing this was to get you laid. And having your sister help you get laid with another guy wasn’t embarrassing enough, it was them sitting in your room trying to play cupid. And as much as you wanted to back out of their plans, you knew Cassie would pull you down the stairs by your ear and force you into the car.
So, you got dressed, sweeping your blonde locks out of your face and splashing water on your face. Just to hide the fact that you hadn’t left your room or the house since summer break started and this was the first attempt at socializing with others.
Getting downstairs, you found your siblings to already be waiting for you in the vehicle. Leaving the entire backseat open for you.
Hopping in, you heard Greyson Chance playing faintly through the speakers. Cassie sitting, scrolling through her phone and Lexi adjusting the side mirrors. “Did you call me, girly?” You inquired, a hint of a smile on your lips as you stared at the side of Cassie’s head.
“Y/n, you can’t tell me that you've grown your hair out to my length, have facial structure ideal for a girl, and a small frame that every gay guy wants from a twink to tell me you aren’t considered girly.”
Her words made Lexi laugh as you slapped your sister on the shoulder. “You gonna call me a slut next?” You quipped.
“Just matters on how much dick you get tonight and we’re making sure it happens,”: Cassie said, motioning between her and Lexi. “This isn’t middle school anymore. You are free from relationships and you need to let your wings out and experience the life of getting wasted and getting laid.”
All you could do is sigh and try to keep that smile up for as long as you could before the vehicle started moving. But all you could do is open your phone and stare at the apps for a few moments before your thumb gravitated toward the photos. Scrolling through the many meaningless pictures of you, your friends, your sisters, and then Elliot. Pictures of the both of you together at the carnival, pictures of him playing his guitar, and some of him just smiling at you with a dreamy layer in his eyes. It made your heart heat up at the fond memories spent with the guy who was your first kiss, first boyfriend- first time for everything. Among those pictures were videos that were more recent than the innocent ones the two of you shared early on in your relationship.
You pressed on one, making it mute as you watched with your bottom lip caught between your teeth. Elliot was laid out in his bed, naked. The camera was hovering above him with his gaze zeroed in on you. As the camera trailed down further, it revealed his hardened cock standing at attention. Twitching with the need for stimulation. The faint glint of the silver ring could be seen as you could already hear the groans that fell from his lips. Pleading for you to help him finish and spare him the pain. But you swiped off the video before you saw too much.
You couldn’t shake him. From your mind, from your words, from your actions. It made you wonder if he experienced it as well. Did he think about you? Did he slip up and say your name? Did he watch the sensual videos of the two of you together and wish for that again? Does he idolize someone the same you did for him?
It left an empty part inside of you unfulfilled. And hurt you knowing that if he was putting his time into someone else, then you would have to give that up. Give him up. The thought alone left your stomach turning. Because even if someone was better, you truly believed you would always be his best. But sitting in the back of this car, knowing that Cassie and Lexi would strive to get you laid, made you wonder who was better off in the long run.
And even when you got to the party, sisters pulling you despite how dead limp went with them, you realized that this rebounding might just be your downfall. Not comparable in any comparison, but you might just end up like Rue. A junky trying to hide the pain from the loss she’d experienced. And you knew that if you even entertained the idea of moving on, some part of you would always end up belonging to him.
“Hey, psychoanalyst.” Lifting your head, you smiled at the sight of Maddy. Leaning into her side when she sat down on the counter beside you, her arm wrapping around your shoulders. “What’s on your mind, sweetheart?”
Out of all your friends, you were the youngest. The “baby” is what they liked to call you–Your own little nickname within the friend group. You were innocent to a lot of the bullshit that went on. Never did drugs. Never indulged in alcohol. And never had any real bad encounters with Nate. Sure, he wasn’t afraid to say he thought you being a “fag” was weird to him and he would never accept you. But even then, it was something so minor when the two of you had been tasked with a school assignment. He never made any comments further than that. There was mutual respect, even though you knew he was a dirtbag that needed to be put into the ground. But that was why you were the baby. They trusted you more than themselves with secrets about what was going on in their lives.
“Hmmm, nothing.” The unconvinced look on Maddy’s face made you huff. “Really. I just don’t like parties. You know this.”
She hummed, raising a brow. “You sure it’s not because your ex-boyfriend is staring at you from across the room?”
It was embarrassing how quickly you raised your head to look around. But Maddy found it highly amusing, no matter the sounds of annoyance you made. “Y/n, baby, you are a little puppy whenever Elliot is mentioned.” Maddy stroked your head, fingers gracefully running through your locks in a soft and delicate way. “Although I hate that Cassie and Lexi want you to get over him, maybe they’re right in this situation. I mean, I had to do the same to get over Nate.”
“But you still feel things for him?” You inquired, looking at her innocently.
Maddy sighed, rubbing your back. “Yea’, I still have feelings for him.”
There was a mutual level of understanding between you and Maddy that has been shared since last year. Both your exes broke your guys’ hearts and left you two to try and figure out ways to cope with the pain as they lived on. Now, unlike you, Maddy had to see and hear all about Nate. Who he was fucking, what parties he was going to be at, and the inevitable visit or text he would give. It was a twisted and unhealthy relationship you would never speak your mind to in respect of your friend.
But for you, Elliot was a blip in the system that was reality. There wasn’t a specific time that you could think back on when he was really around after the two of you broke up. You heard he was around town. Driving around at midnight, like the two of you used to do. Or he was at school where you would spot his bleached tips from down the hall before he disappeared for the rest of the day. And maybe there was some part of you that wished he would acknowledge your existence. Share the same hall when the two of you are going to your separate classes. But you knew Lexi would try to comfort you and say, “This just makes it easier to move on, Y/n. Never seeing him is a good step toward something better.”
“It’s just hard, y’know?” You muttered. “He just seems so close, yet so far. I can call him or text him, but I have a feeling he doesn’t want anything with me.”
“But that’s maybe how it should be,” Maddy speculated, grasping at straws of reasoning. “All things aren’t meant to be forever. A friendship, a boyfriend, a girlfriend- not everything works out until you find the person that just sticks.”
You stayed leant against her, watching the party ensue in front of the both of you. Only able to scoff at the reality check. “That’s a shit way to live.”
A steady laugh fell from Maddy’s lips as she pressed a kiss to your temple. “But that’s how it is and you either to accept that or continue living in the past.”
She hopped off the counter, sighing with a smile as she turned to you. “Now, are you trying to get your dick wet or sit here and mope over something you don’t have control over?” She inquired, a mischievous look in her eyes. Waving her arms in some sort of hypnotist act, making you unable to contain the smile. “C’mon, darling. Let’s go dance!”
With a groan, you took her hands, laughing when she pulled you in the direction of McKay’s living room which was packed with teens. And seemed from Maddy’s encouraging attitude to let loose or it was the realization that tonight could just be used to let go of everything, you embraced the freedom. Laughing at Maddy dancing against you sensually, brandishing a matching joyful smile to yours. You do the same with her, Maddy grabbing your hips and cheering you on.
These were one of those rare moments where you got to forget about the problems going on in life. Because even though you hated going to parties, you didn’t need drinks in your system to have fun. If you are with Maddy, your sisters, and even Fez, you felt allowed to shed the skin you had on back at home and just be yourself. Something so minuscule ended with it being so important to you when things became difficult or mentally demanding.
But across the party where your eyes gravitated, you could see him. Standing there with a cigarette between his lips and a red solo cup in his grasp. And his eyes stayed planted on you. His eyes were trying to portray something to you. Like a word about to be spoken but the sound of booming music cut him off.
And he looked good. The same long sleeve he let you wear countless mornings with nothing else underneath hung lazily off his slim figure. He wore the same semi-baggy sweatpants he’d have on when he played his guitar while you sat on your laptop on his bed and helped your mother with bills. The face tats were the same and still looked gorgeous on him. Everything about him screamed the same and something about that hurt you.
So much so that you had to make up some sort of excuse to Maddy. Ignoring her worried questions as you rushed out of the living room and outside. It felt like there were more eyes out there watching you, curious as to why you were uncontrollably sobbing into your fleece sweater.
“Y/n!” You could hear him calling your name. His Converse patted against the driveway as he chased after you. The intentions were simply unknown to you but you didn’t want to know. “Y/n, please just stop for a sec-”
No hesitation could be evident in your actions as you spun around, pointing and exclaiming, “No!”
Elliot’s eyes grew wide, raising his hands in surrender as your face twisted. Maybe it was the misconception you created that maybe you wouldn’t have to see him ever again, which you knew wasn’t possible. Maybe it was the close proximity of Elliot that made you scared to simply go through the pain all over again. Which made you shake your head/ “You- You don’t get to do this. You don’t get to talk to me!” You cried.
He sighed, hands dropping by his sides. “I mean, I didn’t know there was a manual-”
“Stop being a smartass, Ell!” You yelled in exasperation, silencing him. Placing a hand over your face, sniffling in an attempt to hide yourself or your heartbreak from him. But he only attempted to reach out, searching to comfort you. But you recoiled, weeping softly. “You didn’t change.” You whispered, almost as if you were finally realizing it for yourself. “You didn’t change your style of clothing. You didn’t get a new tattoo. You don’t have someone else you can call yours.”
“Y/n, I’m-”
Before he could even finish his words, Cassie and Maddy, who must’ve searched for you and came running when they saw Elliot, stood between the both of you. “Back the fuck up!” Maddy shoved Elliot back, who clenched his jaw, raising his hands once again. “Who the fuck do you think you are? Hmm?”
“I am leaving,” he replied honestly.
“Good. That means you stay the fuck away from Y/n, Elliot,” Cassie spat. “You’ve done enough damage.”
“Cassie, please-” You pleaded, trying to pull your oldest sister away, hoping to just leave as soon as possible and go cry where there weren’t curious teens gathered.
Yet, Maddy made sure to shove Elliot again, pressing her finger to his chest. “You stay away from baby and if I see you near him again, I’ll kick your head in,” she threatened. “Got it?”
Still, Elliot kept his hands raised and walked away. His eyes flickered to your glass ones before he turned and went back to the party. Leaving you to be escorted to the vehicle before Lexi came running after some sort of commotion happening at the party that called for Maddy’s and Cassie’s attention. Which left you in a cold and claustrophobic space with your second oldest, who simply held your hand as she drove.
And throughout that drive, all you could hear were her hushed reassurances. Ones that were meaningless to you in a time like this. But one stuck with you that either brought you realization or hope for the future.
“This is what it takes for us to grow, Y/n.”
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whore4batfam · 2 months
You said in the post about dick not wanting to be damians dad that it felt like younger brother mad at older brother and so many metas ive seen have noted that bruce and dick are more brothers than father and son (esp. If you take into consideration bruce not wanting to replace the greysons) so its fun that you could see that in their dynamic
yes i’m a big fan of Bruce and Dick’s complicated relationship. yes they are brothers. yes they are father and son. yes they are enemies. yes they are friends. yes they hate each other. yes they love each other.
but tbh the biggest theme that i keep encountering and putting in my own analysis and writing is how you can see love being an act of the will by the way they stay
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watsittoyah · 11 months
Wow, Friday is really the last day of the Along Came Spider-Man 2099 series and I’m big sad again. I say again because when I finished it I had sat there and was like…I can’t show you guys the fan art I drew, I can’t talk about the series much without giving something away, but wow, I hope you guys still stick around when I do another series. I really wanna do a different version of Dick Greyson like I wanna make you guys just melt reading that story…anyways I want to say thank you all for the likes, the comments and follows, you all encouraged me continue this story and this was great, I don’t have lots of friends, I have very few and some of them don’t really know I write on here. But you guys are my friend now! No take backs! Anyways if you guys want to chat my inbox is open, if you guys okay sims (I do and I’m making a YouTube just for her) then we can talk about that too and if you want to talk about the last story or any of my stories let’s chat. Thank you guys 🥹
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49 and 70 for a drabble?
love this combo of prompts! this one's Greyson, 650 words. hope you like it!
“Grey… what are you doing?”
Greyson’s head whipped up, though his hands continued chopping. He gave Elijah the dirtiest look he could muster. “The fuck does it look like I’m doing? Do I ndot come in here and do the same damn thing every day?” he asked, sliding the onions he’d diced into a pan and moving on to slicing carrots. “Don’t come in here asking mbe stupid bullshit.”
Elijah slowly raised his eyebrows and chuckled under his breath. “Yikes,” he said, prompting an eye roll from Greyson. “Someone’s snippy when he’s sick.”
“Dude,” Greyson said, his knife stopping mid-chop. “Don’t.”
The GM held his hands up in mock-surrender. “Listen, I didn’t come in here to fight,” he said. “I just thought you said you were going to stay home when we talked last night.”
To be fair, that had been what Greyson said. In fact, his exact words as he massaged his throat the evening before were, ‘I’m getting a fucking cold, so don’t be surprised when I’m not here in the morning.’ Elijah hadn’t said anything, but he’d thought to himself I’ll believe it when I see it. The way Greyson was aggressively chopping these vegetables had him wishing he was proven wrong.
“Yeah, well, I looked at the reservations on mby phone this mborning; we jumped up 40 covers,” Greyson said, sniffling and wiping his nose on his shoulder while simultaneously scraping the carrots into their own pan. “I’mb fi – GDSHH-ue!” The chef sneezed, hard, into the air away from the food. Elijah winced.
“Bless y -”
“HHDSHH-uhh! IGTSHZUE! ISSHH-ue! God, fuck.” Greyson held a hand over the bottom half of his face and snatched a handful of tissues from the box Elijah hadn’t noticed on his prep station. The chef attempted to blow his nose, but only succeeded in making himself cough. He threw away the tissue in vain and washed his hands before turning back to his waiting boss. “I’mb finde. Ndow leave mbe alone,” he said.
Elijah bit his cheek, frustrated. “Greyson,” he said, crossing his arms. “Really? Forty covers? You think Matt can’t handle an extra forty covers? It’s one night.”
Greyson sighed in frustration and slammed his knife down on the cutting board. “Ndo, Lij, I really don’t think he can handle forty extra covers. Because anytime I take a goddamnb day off, sombe shitty review comes in about how the food was cold, or it took forever, and it’s ndot fuckigg worth it. So I’mb going to stay, and the food will combe out the way it’s supposed to, when it’s supposed to. HGTSHZUE! Snrf,” Greyson wiped his nose with the back of his hand and groaned when he realized he needed to wash his hands again. “I’ll take a day off whend I’mb dead,” he grumbled, trudging to the sink.
Elijah waited for the chef to return to his station before he responded. “You good? You done with your little rant?” he asked, prompting an eye roll from the chef. “I’ll assume that’s a yes. Greyson: go. You’re not working tonight.”
“Lij,” Greyson said, picking up his knife in protest. “Yes, I amb.”
Elijah plucked the knife out of his friend’s hand and placed it back on the cutting board. “No, Grey. Not with that cold you’re not.” The two of them held eye contact for a few moments, a game of chicken Greyson knew he was doomed to lose.
“NGTSHZUE!” Greyson wrenched to the side to sneeze into his elbow and Elijah grinned in victory.
“My sentiments exactly,” Elijah said, crouching down to grab Greyson’s knife bag and placing it on the prep table. “Pack your things. Get some sleep. Come back when you can go three seconds without sneezing on the food.”
“You’re a dick,” Greyson called to Elijah’s retreating form. The GM turned back at the insult and laughed in the chef’s face.
“I sure am,” he said, and strolled out of the kitchen.
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redhead-batgal · 2 years
Hey hun! So I was looking through your Halloween Prompt list I saw some that I though would go great together. So the first one is with Dick, the prompts are 11, 16, 17, 23, and 32, and the reader is his best friend. The second is for Jason, the prompts are 6, 8, 9, 10, and 18, and the reader(or OC) is like an actual witch they can either just be like best friends or dating either works🤷🏾‍♀️. 💙💙
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Type: Drabbles
Pairings: Best Friend! Reader x Dick Greyson/Nightwing & Witch! Reader x Jason Todd/Red Hood
Prompts: 🎃 11: "It’s a bat on a leash.” “It’s my pet vampire, excuse you.” 🎃 16: “Spooky scary skeletons-" “Dancing on rainbows!” “That’s not- it doesn’t- never mind.” 🎃 17: "For the skeleton war!” 🎃 23: “Horror movie? Do you mean my life?” 🎃 32: “Bats are supposed to hang upside down, that’s how I knew he was a vampire.” “I’m literally a human!” 🎃6: “Hexs or Ex’s you choose.” 🎃8: “Devils day, devils day! The day demons and goblins love to play.” 🎃9: “This my incompetent dipshit, is a summoning circle.” 🎃10: “For the last fucking time a Ouija board is not a placemat.” 🎃18: “If i see one more stain on my grimoire I’m going to kill someone.”
Dick 💙-
"So, what are you doing tonight?" You asked an eyebrow raised a half smile on your face.
Dick sighed before shrugging, " I volunteered to take Dames trick or treating tonight."
"Cool! I was planning on warching horror movies with my roomate, but they bailed on me."
Dick looked at you blinked a few times before there was a clattering of footsteps racing up the stairs.
You blinked before turning towards the door and seeing it slam open. Damian stood in the doorway his face flushed with someone following just behind him laughing.
It was Steph a broad smile on her face as she continued in a conversation she must had been having with Damian.
“Bats are supposed to hang upside down, that’s how I knew he was a vampire.” she remarked and behind her Tim sighed,
“I’m literally a human!”
Damian gestured to Steph dramatically his body trembling. Steph turned to you laughing as she winked.
"Teasing him is so fun. Watch this."
Walking towards Damian, she began leaning on his should batting her eyes before shouting,
Damian then out a groan pressing his face into his hands whimpering. A giggle escaped you and you noted Cass slipped into the room.
"She cannot be joining us for the night, Richard- Richard please!"
You bit back a smile and shared a knowing look with Steph. Dick laughed, leaning towards him you smiled saying,
"Spooky scary skeletons-"
"Dancing on rainbows!" Steph exclaimed.
A laugh of sorts escaped you as Dick shook his head.
“That’s not- it doesn’t- never mind.”
Leaning over you ran a hand through Dick's hair before winking at him and remarking,
"You should have known my dickie boy."
He sighed and nodded. Pushing yourself up you smiled and looked around the room before moving away from the couch.
"Well, I should be going. I don't what to delay you guys."
Dick sat up and Damian lunged forwards. He grabbed onto your arms and shook you slightly.
"No, Y/N. Please come with us! I do not think I can survive Brown and Drake's antics if you are not there."
You blinked and you looked over to see Steph pulling a stuffed animal bat with a collar around it out of nowhere. She showed it to Dick who raised an eyebrow.
"It's a bat on a leash." He muttered.
Steph blinked before gasping, "It’s my pet vampire, excuse you.”
A snort escaped you and you looked down at Damian before sighing.
"Fine, Fine little gremlin, I'll come with you."
Dick suddenly looked over to the two of you and smiled brightly, "Awesome! Do you want to do a group costume?"
"Oooo we could be the justice league!" Steph automatical shouts, "I'll be black canary! Dickie you should be supes and Damian you should be-"
"Of course, I should be Batman, like father."
"I was thinking Green Lantern." Steph continued causing Damian to glare at her, you giggled, and she looked to you.
"Y/N will be Batman."
You should your head, raising your hands, "How about something simpler?"
Steph turned to you, eyebrow raised high on her forehead.
"What should we be then?"
"Uhm, I don't know. Maybe Charlie Brown and the gang?"
Steph blinked before smiling brightly and nodded, "OH YES. I love that idea!!!"
Dick nodded as well, and Damian furrowed his brow.
"Charlie Brown? What is this? Is he a relative of Browns?"
You blinked a few times before pointing at him and saying, "He should be Charlie. I call snoopy!"
Dick jumped up but before he could say anything Steph lept towards you, "I'm Woodstock!"
Dick's jaw dropped and you laughed patting her head, "Alright. Let's do Charlie Brown. And after we get candy, we are watching It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. No protests!"
There was a moment of silence before Damian sighed and nodded, "Fine."
"Yay! Let's get dressed."
Jason 🔫-
“Devils' day, devils' day! The day demons and goblins love to play.”
Children squealed as a woman dressed in a huge hideous hat and pointy shoes wiggled her fingers at them. You rolled your eyes scowling.
"That is a destructive stereotype." You muttered.
An arm was suddenly around your shoulder, and you blinked to find Jason leaning on you.
"Aw come on Sweetheart, it's Halloween, get in the spirit."
Grinding your teeth, you leaned against Jason half hissing.
"Halloween was originally a holiday for witches not it's mocking witches. It's offensive."
Jason shrugged, wrapping an arm around your waist before you sighed.
Staring at the kids in costumes running around and adults in elaborate costumes chatting in corners you wrinkled your nose.
"I have to go; I have some things I need to do before the nights over."
Wrapping his arms tighter around you, Jason pressed his face into your neck.
"Nooo, I can't be here without you. The old man and dick will not leave me alone."
You paused looking up at him and then you smiled.
"Fine, you can come with me. But my roommate might have customers so keep that in mind."
Jason bounced slightly before pausing and pressing his face against yours.
"Which roommate is this?"
"The 'This my incompetent dipshit, is a summoning circle.' one”
"Ah," Jason remarked shrugging, "Sure, let's go!"
Turning towards the door, the two of you began walking out of the room when you noticed a bowl setting on a familiar looking wooden rectangle.
Recognation raced over you and you hissed out a snarl shaking your head.
"Sweetheart, whats wrong?"
Your hands shook and you spotted Bruce nearby and yanked yourself from Jason's grasps. Storming towards Bruce, you raised a hand. Grabbing onto Bruce's collar you pulled him towards the bowl and gestured towards the rectangle.
"Y/N what is going on- oh... is the placemat upsetting you?" Bruce muttered.
“For the last fucking time," You nearly shouted, "a Ouija board is not a placemat.”
Bruce blinked in surprise and with that, you released his collar and walked back towards Jason.
"Let's go Jay, I'm tired."
With that, the two of you walked out the door. It did not take long to get back to your apartment. You knocked three times as you usually did when you brought Jason over and walked into the room.
“If," One of your roommates snarled to another, "I see one more stain on my grimoire, I’m going to kill someone.”
You rubbed your forehead as the other roommate shrugged and pointed to yet another one who was on the phone.
"It's hexes or Ex's, you chose."
Sighing you turned back towards the door pulling Jason with you.
"You know what, I can do that stuff later, let's go to your place."
Jason nodded and allowed you to pull him out the door. "Man," He muttered pulling you against him as you walked down the hall, "I love Halloween."
You rolled your eyes before leaning on his shoulder and sighing, "I guess it's not too bad."
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lilredniki · 10 months
A/N: In this you are Bruce's daughter.
Prompt: Are you doing this to get my attention
Character: Dick Greyson (DCU)
Y/n sighed as she stood at the top of the stairs in Wayne Manor.
Bruce was hosting a party for the people who invested in the company.
As his biological daughter, she had to be part of it.
She walked down the stairs, her heels clicking on the tile floor.
She looked around trying to spot anyone she knew but there were too many people.
She sighed and walked over to the bar.
“Good evening Miss Y/n.”
She turned and saw Alfred. “Hello Alfred.”
He handed her a drink. “Your favorite.”
“Thanks Al.” She took a big gulp.
“Too many people?”
She nodded.
“Why not hang out as you young ones say?”
“Can’t find Dick.”
Alfred looked up and saw him.
Y/n followed his gaze. “That would be why.” She said with a groan.
“May I suggest that you make him jealous.”
“Oh that’s exactly what I plan to do.”
She got up and walked over to her best friend.
“Hey Jay-bird.”
Jason turned when he heard her.
“Hey Chika. You okay?”
She motioned to Dick and Jason groaned.
“He’s that stupid.”
“Wanna help me make him jealous?”
“And mess up his night?” He pulled her into his side. “Abso-fricking-lutely Songbird.”
Dick saw Y/n curl into Jason’s side and looked away.
The girls that surrounded him notices the change in his mood.
“What’s wrong Dick?” One of the blondes asked.
“Looks like Miss Wayne is having fun with your brother.” A fake redhead said pulling on his arm.
“She’s not worth it Dick.” Said a brunette.
Jason kissed Y/n’s cheek.
“They got nothing on you Songbird.”
He spun her around making her dress fan out around her.
“You look absolutely stunning in that dress.”
“Thanks Jay-bird. Daddy took one of my designs to a friend and she made it for me.”
Bruce walked over to Dick and noticed the mood change in him.
“Why don’t you go ask her to dance?”
“She’s having more fun with Jason.”
“I bet she would dance with you. You just have to ask her.”
Dick sighed. “Fine.”
Dick walked over to Y/n and Jason.
“Y/n would you dance with me.”
“It’s a waltz. I’m going to warn you I have two left feet when it comes to a waltz.”
“I don’t mind.”
He walked her to the dance floor and started to dance.
“So why didn’t you ask one of the ladies that were with you to dance.”
“Because I wanted to dance with you Songbird.”
“So you were listening to Jay and I talk.”
“Why? Do you have some kind of secret you don’t want me knowing?”
“Then why flirt with my brother.”
“I wasn’t flirting and he’d be pissed to hear you say that.”
“You were too.”
“Why do you care?” Y/n said getting mad.
The music stopped and Y/n walked back over to Jason.
Dick walked over and pulled her away.
“Are you doing this to get my attention?”
“Yes you stubborn fool!”
“Cause I love you!”
Everyone around them turned to look at them except Jason.
“You love me?”
“Yes I love you. I have since Dad took you in.”
“Can we talk away from all these people?”
Y/n nodded.
They walked away and Jason smiled.
Dick lead Y/n out onto the terrace.
“You wanted to talk so tal...”
Dick turned and kissed her.
Y/n’s eyes went wide before she melted into the kiss.
He pulled away and smiled. “I love you too.”
Inside; Bruce, Alfred and Jason all smiled.
“It’s about time.” Jason said walking to the door.
“Thanks again Jason.”
“Anything for my best friend.” He said walking out.
Y/n and Dick walked back inside and noticed all the ladies starring at them.
Y/n turned to face him and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“They got nothing on you babe.” He said with a wink. “Show them I’m taken.”
Y/n smirked and pulled him lower.
“You’re all mine.” She said loud enough for them to hear.
She kissed him and the others all screamed.
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shycolorstudent · 2 years
Young Justice Dick Greyson X in danger Civilian reader
Young Justice Dick Greyson X in danger Civilian reader
SPOILERS for Young Justice seasons 1-4. Also, this is for fun. I don't own anything from Dc. This is just some fun writing!
During this time, Dick struggled to balance his personal life with his hero's life. He’s Nightwing, and balancing university is an even bigger stressor. However, you, as their amazing partner, are very understanding. At this time, you found out Dick was Nightwing/Robin two years ago when he came to date night with a black eye, and well, he ran out of excuses. He couldn’t hide it anymore. You know how dangerous his job can be, and you want to bring up wanting him to take a break. He’s the leader of the team. However, he should step down and take a step back like Wally and Artemis. Your safety is always his biggest concern; however, his biggest fear has come to life he wasn't there to protect you. Kaldur and Artemis are still working undercover, and when they have to make a ploy to break into the hall of justice, you were at the right place wrong time.
-Buzz Buzz-
Dicks alarm rang; you rolled over and clung to his muscular arm. Dick groaned, and usually, he would get up to start his day; however, he hit snooze and turned to look at your face. “Moring.” He said with a smile as he kissed the top of your head. “Don’t remind me.” You said as Dick pulled you up on top of his bare chest. His abs were soft because he wasn’t flexing, and his skin was nice and warm. “I know I didn’t want the sun to rise ehtier.” He showered you with kisses. “So, what's your plan for today?” He asked with a smile. “School, study group, and coming home to an empty bed.” You sighed, and Dick rolled his eyes. “I’m sorry; I’ll make it up, I swear.” For the past week, he has been coming home at 3-5 in the morning, and you couldn’t sleep well for fear Bruce would come to you with bad news. “Do you want me to make it up now?” He asked as he started to look you up and down, his thoughts going to his deepest desires. “You and that dirty mind of yours.” You joked and closed your eyes 
After ten minutes of debating, you two should sleep a little or get started with your day. Dick decided to make breakfast. As you prepped the coffee pot, you were slow and deliberate with your movements. Dick flipped the pancakes, and through his peripherals, he noticed, “what’s on your mind?” you froze and stared to read you the way you held the cup meant you were nervous about something. “I can’t hide anything from you.” You liked that he could read you; it made communication easy. “I want to talk.” Dick raised his eyebrow as he poured more batter into the pan “about?” he questioned, “after Kaduar and Artemis's mission… could you step down as leader for at least a semester? I envy Wally’s and Artemis's relationship and don’t ever fake anyone’s death again. It’s starting to weigh on me. I’m tired of lying to Conner, Megan, and Artemis's mother. Plus, Kadar is my closest friend. It hurts hearing people hate him.” You wrapped your arms around yourself as a hug, and Dick turned off the stove and wrapped his arms around you, giving you a warm hug. “I promise I will never fake something like this. But about me stepping down, we have to save that topic for another time. Right now, I’m not ready.” He lifted your chin to meet your eyes. “When can we talk about it?” You asked with a bit of sass. “I don’t know… how about after the Kadar and Artemis mission?” He proposed “the team still needs me, and I can’t leave things half asked.” You nodded your head in response. “I understand it was selfish of me.” Dick kissed the tip of your nose and smiled “it’s not selfish. What your feeling is valid. I would be offended in you didn’t care.” 
With that, you were a bit calm. Dick and you ate a warm breakfast and then prepared for the day. Dick wore casual clothes, but under his hero suit, the boom tube was a three-mile walk. So he had to wear something simple as you finished getting dressed; he laid his hands on your hips and pulled you in, giving you a tight hug “Dick?” you questioned. “Sorry, I just wanted to keep you close. 
Classes were surprisingly laid back. It could be because midterms were coming up. You sent a text to Dick telling him how classes went, yet again, not a text back. It wouldn’t be till hours later. 
Sent at (3:30)
Barbra- “Hey, sorry that this is late. I can’t make it to the study group… some here stuff came up. I’ll make it, I swear!” (Y/n read 3:31)
Y/n- “No sweat, I get it! Be safe. We can reschedule some other time!” (Barbra read 3:31)
It’s always something with heroes. You got it; however, some of you wished they weren’t heroes and ordinary people. As you moped about not seeing Barbra today, another text was sent.
Sent at (3:33)
Tim- “Dicks is mad. It seems like the mission is going overtime. He sent Beast Boy, Blue, and me back to base. He’s dreading letting you know.” (Y/N read at 3:33)
Y/n- “Thanks for letting me know, Tim. Be safe. Hopefully, I can stop by and drag you guys for dinner. You guys must be starving.” (Tim read at 3:34)
Tim-” This is BB and Blue! Please, some were hungry! Please come quick we can see the light. Were about to starve, and only you can tame the anger of Dick Greyson!!.” (Y/n read at 3:35) 
You laughed at your phone and started to joke back. “What so funny?” A familiar voice caught your attention. “Conner!” you said with a smile, and Conner smiled back. You showed him the texts, and he chuckled. “I remember when Dick was mad, we would always call you to come over because Dick tried to put on a calm and put-together act. Somethings never change… well, a lot has changed.” He clenched his fist. You reached over and touched his fist to calm him. “I know that out of the four of us; you were close to Kaduar and Artemis. I never asked how you were doing Artemis was like your sister, and now she's gone, and Kaduar he. I just can’t imagine how it impacted you. You know what toll it’s taken on the rest of us. You have probably been taken care of, Dick. Ok, now I’m ranting, but how about we get some coffee from the hall? I have special access.” It killed you to keep up with this act, but it was for the greater good. “I’d like that, Conner.” You and Conner had come a long way before he kept his distance, scared that you would be the only person in the group that hated him, and now he’s one of your greatest friends.
-Dicks POV-
Y/n is going to kill me; I need somthing grand to make this up to her. The boys were laughing and running around with Tims's phone. “What so funny?” I asked them as I tried to distract myself from the mission. It was a smile to get some info, but it quickly went sideways. “Y/n is coming!” Beast boy said happily. Shit, this was bad Kaduar is coming to make a hostage situation, and there will be a camera so they can’t see her; otherwise, they will be in danger. “Shit!” I thundered, “Oooo BB, you're in hot water!” Blue said as Tim looked worried. “Are you two in a fight?” He questioned with fear in his voice. “No, we're not. I just… they want me to step down for a semester,” I respond without giving away why I don’t want her here. “Oh, have you talked to Bruce about it? He would want to know.” *Boom!* Ah, perfect, it’s Barbra who looks tired from the boom tube. I could just tell her to meet up with her for a bit. 
*Crash!* Kaduar is very early. This is not ok Y/n could come here at any minute. Wait a second, and They are in the hall I check my tracker on them. Ok, now it’s time to act my ass off. “Tim!” Barbara yelled as she pulled him to where Beast boy and Blue were at. “Kadar, what are you doing here!” I yelled as his goons blocked the boom tube. Artemis was nowhere to be found. “I’m going to make this friendly and easy, alright. Give me the access code to the hall. Or my partner Tigress will make a mess of things.” Kaduar said with a stern face. Barbra gasped, and I knew precisely why Y/n was in the hall. Oh, fuck me. I had to tell him that Y/n was there.
One of his Goons brought a Tv where it was broadcasting live Tigress in the hall. That glamour charm was working amazingly. The hall wasn’t destroyed yet, but hostages were there, and no Y/n. With each minute, Tigress would threaten a person and destroy something. “Dick, you have to do somthing. We can’t call their bluff.” Barbra said, “Y/n might still be there.” She was right, and I would have to give up the act of “fine it’s.” I gave him the code. “Thank you for the compliance Nightwing,” Kaduar said. To everyone's horror, when the doors opened and Tigress walked down the hall and opened another door, there were Y/n and Conner sipping coffee. “Y/n, stay back!” Conner cried out to her, using his body as a shield. Kaduar looked at me, fearing for the worst. “Nightwing!” Tim yelled, scared for Y/n. “How can you do that to your friend!” BB yelled, “They  still say nice things about you even after you killed Artemis!” Blue chimed in the heat of rage. Kaduar grabbed me and threw me into another room “Nightwing!!” The three of them cried out. “Please tell me that Y/n and Conner aren’t there, and that was just a figment my-” I interrupted him and tried to contact Wally to save Y/n. “This wouldn’t have happened if you had listened to me and had done my idea.” Kaduar shook his head. “I don’t want to blow this place up. This was once our home. I-I can’t, Dick.” He sighed. “You have to next time. Stealing something from the Hall of Justice won’t send a clear message; blowing up Mount Justice will.” Kaduar nodded his head and then began to open the door. “Wait… hit me. You gotta make it look like you fought me.”
Once he gave me a good hit, he dragged me out, and to our horror, Conner was on the ground, and Tigress was unconscious, being carried away by one of her goons Y/n had some cuts on their cheek and was on the floor. My blood-boiled Kaduar was frozen in fear. Barbra was fighting back the tears. The boys were in awe, seeing how many hits the Superboy could take. Then one of the Goons hit a-pillars, and the walls started to crumble off and on Y/n. “No!” I yelled so hard that my voice cracked as they flinched and yelled, “Dick, help!” then the live cut off, and I started to run to one of the Boom tubes but was stopped by Kaduar goons. “Stop. We must leave and check on the others. We will have another chance,” Kaduar said as he walked back to his ship. “Sir, should we report this, Y/n? They seem too close to the enemy, and it has affected you and this Dick person who knows he might-” Kaduar turned around and snapped at the man. “There will be no such thing as we drop this right now and never speak of them again. They are dead to me!” It killed him to say that I could tell.
-Y/n POV-
Here I was on the ground feeling guilty seeing my two friends fight. Conner was focusing on trying to shield me. I felt terrible, but what could I do? There's no back door or windows that I escape from. I could see an idea forming in Tigress's eyes as she lunged to grab me. Possibly, she could use me to run, but in truth, to let me escape. However, Conner pulled her away, and in the event, she scratched me across my face and arm. I’m not used to this pain like they are, so when I cried in pain and fell to my knees, Conner snapped and knocked out Tigress, but in trade, she hit him with something so substantial it made him weak and fell to the ground. One of the goons looked around in fear, “fall back!” but before they left, the goon blasted a pillar, and a wall was coming down, and all I could do was say, “Dick, help!”
A gust of wind went by; somehow, I was outside with Conner and in the hands of Wall West AKA, KidFlash. “Wally!” I said, being ever so grateful. He looked panicked, as if he saw a ghost. He gently put me down and said, “I actually made it!” Camera crews started to show up, and Wally took Conner and me to a base where we could get patched up. *Boom!* A Boom tube opened, and Dick ran to me and embraced me. “Dick, I was so scared!” His muscular arms wrapped around me, making me feel safe. “I was too. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you, my darling.” He kissed the top of my head and looked at my cuts “it seems like it won’t scar, but the one on your arms might.” Dick said, guilty as he looked at me. “Can we go home?” I asked him, “Yes, and I promise I won’t leave your side.”
Thanks for reading!! Let me know if you want more of this plotline! And if you want to request prompts for Dick x Civilian reader, I'll do my best to make it happen!
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theoccoven · 3 months
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❝Come on baby, smile.~ You’re in the presence of greatness.~❞
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙘 𝙄𝙣𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Name[s]: Zhao Xiao Dan [Birth Name], Greyson Cox [Western Name] ⇢ Other Name[s]: None ⇢ Nickname[s]: Old Man [Skyler & Jooheon], Ailun’s Kid [his dad’s friends], Dragon [Strangers], Gem [his mom], Little Soul [his dad], Apple of my Eye [Jooheon] ⇢ Like[s]: Fire, Oranges, Tangerines, Vape Pens, Sneakers, Cigarettes, Lighters, Weed, Music, Producing, Writing, Books, Songwriting, Piercings, Tattoos, Brandy ⇢ Dislike[s]: People who mess with his loved ones, Doesn’t dislike many things but can get angry easily
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙨 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Species: Half Dragon Half Warlock ⇢ Gender: Male [He/Him] ⇢ Sexuality: Gay, Polyamorous ⇢ Age: 30 [Current] [06.30.1993] [Cancer] ⇢ Height: 6’3” [190.5 cm] ⇢ Abilities: Fire Breathing, Fire Manipulation, Can touch fire, Fire Consumption, Night Vision, Form Shifting ⇢ Special Item[s]: Coal [Can amplify his core fire], Vape Pen [He can’t be seen without one], Headphones [His must have], Flask [Energy boost of the day], Golden Chain Bracelet [Anniversary Gift from Sky], Polaroid of him & Joo when they started dating ⇢ Birthplace: The Village of Ashos [Astaria Equivalent to Brisbane, Australia] ⇢ Residence: Amsterdam, Netherlands [Human Realm] [Current], Shanghai, China [Human Realm] [Visits Often], The Village of Votraria, The Mainland [Magic Realm] [When visiting Joo] ⇢ Status: Alive
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙛𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙨 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Occupation[s]: Male Stripper [Current], Music Producer [Side - To - Be Job] ⇢ Affiliation[s]: Club Aurora [Magic Realm], Le Camée [Human Realm] ⇢ Former Occupation[s]: Bookstore Worker [London, England] [Human Realm]
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙍𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥𝙨 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Family: Mother [Name Coming Soon], Zhao Ailun [Father], 6 Older Sisters [Names Coming Soon], 5 Older Brothers [Names Coming Soon] ⇢ Friend[s]: Jooheon [Longest Friend], Co Worker Friend [Name Coming Soon] ⇢ Romantic Interest[s]: Skyler [Current Boyfriend], Jooheon [EX Boyfriend] ⇢ Enemies: Dragon Hunters, Humans ⇢ Others: N/A
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙤𝙪𝙨 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Representative Symbol[s]: Chinese Dragon, Dragon Emoji [🐉], The Colors Green & Orange ⇢ Faceclaim[s]: Christian Yu [@/dprian on instagram] ⇢ Voiceclaim[s]: Christian Yu [@/dprian on instagram] ⇢ Other Claim[s]: N/A
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙊𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Greyson is a dragon warlock hybrid who works as a male stripper. He originally was meant to become a music producer and start a music career but suddenly dropped out of college and started working in a club in Amsterdam where he currently lives with his boyfriend, Skyler. He tends to travel around a lot mainly to Shanghai to meet with his mum and Votraria to visit Jooheon whenever he needs him.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝘽𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Coming Soon...
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝘼𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Greyson has a muscular build, standing at 6 feet and 3 inches along with weighing around 190 pounds. In younger ages he can be seen with longer jet black chest length hair but in his current age his hair is above his shoulders. His natural eye color is a bright red mixed with specs of green. They can change color depending on how he feels. When he’s happy they can turn a bright green, a dark green with swirling of green when angry and a very light pastel green when sad. He has prominent dimples when smiling and has a pair of small canines that can get longer if he wants.
⇢ His skin tone is tan/light brown. He has a lot of tattoos, all over his body. Many of these were given to him by Jooheon and the most prominent ones are Jooheon’s Chinese name on his left clavicle, a music clef behind his left ear and ‘Suck Me’ on his lower stomach. He has both his ears pierced. He also has a hand piercing on his right hand, belly piercing, nipple piercings, a left eyebrow piercing, an ampallang [dick piercing] piercing and back piercings. He also has yellow and green scales littered around his body but most prominently on his wrists, chest and hips. He also has black and green claws on his hands and feet but he mainly just allows the claws on his hands out.
⇢ He dresses in a more classical fashion/casual chic style. Lots of button ups, clothed pants, fancier shoes/sneakers. He doesn’t really like jeans but will wear them if going for something more casual all with form fitting shirts. Greyson loves to show off his chest so not all his buttons will be done. Depending on what he’s wearing you’ll also most possibly will be able to see the waistband of his boxers. He doesn’t tend to wear makeup unless he’s working at the club. He also likes jewelry specifically long necklaces and rings.
⇢ He has a deep voice, not super deep but deep enough. He has a thicker Australian accent when speaking in English. He is a native speaker in Mandarin and Cantonese, sometimes if he’s spoken Mandarin/Cantonese for a long period of time he has a bit of an accent.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Personality wise Greyson can be really laid back and chill. He comes off as a big tease and jokes about a lot of things. He’s also extremely flirty and will never miss the chance to make a sexual joke or give a load of compliments. Even though he is normally very laid back he can be easily angered or sadden especially if he’s off his meds. His BPD makes it hard for him to regulate his emotions sometimes and tends to go into explosive episodes of anger, sadness, etc. It does tend to make having close connections hard, he tends to have a feeling of numbness and is why he has had so many flings in the past. Also because of his BPD he’s only ever officially fell in love with one person and still can’t really let him go. Aside from this he can be really funny and fun along with being very overly dramatic about things which always makes his friends laugh.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝘼𝙗𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙨 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Fire Magic - he is half warlock and can control and manipulate magic
⇢ Form Shifting - as a hybrid he can change into a full dragon form
⇢ Fire Breathing - can breath fire in both dragon and hybrid form [bigger fire in dragon form]
⇢ Fire Consumption - can eat fire that is not his which can help create a bigger intense fire
⇢ Night Vision - can see very well in the dark
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙎𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙨𝙚𝙩 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Greyson is able to only create fire from what he breaths. He only breaths fire because he is a dragon and cannot actually create fire through magic. He can touch fire and control it, he can also take the fire he breaths out and control it to do what he wants with his magic. He can also consume fire to add to the power of the fire he breathes.
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙂𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙧𝙮 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Coming Soon...
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙏𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙖 ࿐ྂ
⇢ He has BPD & takes medication.
⇢ His favorite words is bitch and fuck.
⇢ He has 3 familiars currently, a Leopard Gecko named Sandy, a Komodo Dragon named Bradly and a Chinese Water Dragon named Evergreen.
⇢ When he’s extremely angry grey smoke pours out of his nose and mouth.
⇢ Growing up in a place where his culture is not prominent which made him embarrassed of his culture.
⇢ Only close friends and family can call him by his birth name.
⇢ Is a descendant of dragon warriors. His dad was a warrior when wars were prominent within the magic realm. He retired before war was officially ended.
⇢ Since he never got to meet his dad he isn’t sure what dragon breed his is but it is thought that he is one of the “original dragons”.
⇢ He dropped out of college and right away went to working at the bookstore he met Jooheon at. Later on works in Le Camée and then Club Aurora. Ends up also working in Joo’s tattoo shop as a piercer and tattoo apprentice as a side job.
⇢ Was going to college to become a music producer.
⇢ Still writes and plays music.
⇢ Because he is a dragon and warlock crossbreed he has a high level of magic.
⇢ He is a strong follower of Zhurong, the god of fire and the south in Chinese mythology and folk religion.
⇢ #🍓greyson core [For Random Fun Facts That Might Not Be Here]
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙉𝙎𝙁𝙒 𝙏𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙖 ࿐ྂ
⇢ Click Here!
⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝙌𝙪𝙤𝙩𝙚𝙨 ࿐ྂ
⇢ ❝Suck my fucking cock bitch-! ❞ [basically his catch phrase]
⇢ ❝I’m a sexy bitch, deal with it.❞
⇢ ❝You ruined our world, now you suffer for it.❞
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⇢ There will be more added as time passes!! Some things might also change!!
⇢ @theoccoven - all rights reserved, please do not repost, edit, plagiarize, etc.
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pluvialpoet · 1 year
Heyyyy!!! It’s the hot for Dick Greyson bitch again 🤭 I’ve only seen the show with Brenton thwaites so I know even less than you 😄 but I loved it and especially loved him. Also, I’m sorry people are horrible you don’t deserve it! I love how you write every fic 💕
Have a wonderful weekend 🥰🥰🥰
my “hots for dick grayson” angel, how are you? 🥹 LISTEN…brenton is so fucking- let me just say I remember being up this man’s ass in high school and I graduated six years ago 👀 for perspective, it’s been a long fucking time. HES JUST SO WRITTEN BY WOMAN CODED THAT IM FERAL…BARING MY TEETH LIKE A RABID ANIMAL WHENEVER SOMEONE SO MUCH AS MENTIONS HIS NAME 🤡💀 we’re practically in the same boat, my friend!
it just sucks that I allow strangers on the internet to dictate how I pursue something I love, you know? I’m really trying to work on it, but it’s so hard. I have horrible adhd brain fog most days so it takes me a few weeks to write my typical over 10k worded pieces, and then when I post people still inquire about something I haven’t even thought about in months and it’s so discouraging. but oh well! trying to write for me and the people that truly enjoy what I write, so we’ll see how it goes! you’re the sweetest ever, truly! 🤍 hope you’re well! 🫶🏻
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That one person in your life that is the reason you are who you are and makes everything feel ok. You know the one. Go thank them.
@izadreamer thank you for being you
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propheticpotato42 · 3 years
Yeah I’m deep in my bullshit today, anyway the only real relationship solution of Dick Greyson is a polycule and here is why: firstly no more shipping wars, secondly it allows Dick to be the pan mess that he is without problem and thirdly it is needed. Think about it Dick has 5 younger siblings(6 if you include Steph) that are all emotional trash fires and on top of that every time one of his younger siblings makes a new hero friend Dick is now a big brother: Conner, Bart, Cassie, Rose, Jon, Flatline, literally anyone even slightly younger than him. We also got the Titans on top of that. And that means that it’s 9 pm and Dick and Kori are getting ready to cuddle when boom Tim calls about his most recent drama, or Cass is in the room, or Kon is calling about Tim, whatever Dick is now in Big Brother mode and needs to help. He can’t set boundaries Steph is crying he can’t tell her “yeah I’m sorta with my girlfriend now sooo…” nope they need help. Also you really think that this will resolve itself quickly these kids got the emotional stability of a card house in an earthquake it’s gonna take the night. And what is Dicks significant other supposed to do as he convinces Tim that things are ok with Bernard, that Cass isn’t a disappointment, the Duke is living up to everyone’s expectations, that Jay isn’t gonna leave Jon, that Jason deserves love and people actually like him? Read a magazine? Nope polycule Kori and Barbara cuddle as Dick deals with that mess and than receives double cuddles which he needs. This is the only solution to this very real problem.
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Elain’s Pie {Part 3//Conclusion}
Part 1: Elain’s pov 
Part 2: Azriel’s pov 
NSFW. 18+. 
Shout out to Shelby for writing this with me!
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Azriel stood outside of Elain’s apartment.
He had been standing there for five minutes, at least, unsure of what to do.
Well, he knew what to do.
He should knock.
And, usually, knocking would not be a difficult task, but it was the first time he was seeing Elain since…
The incident. 
She had invited him to come over for dinner. Coincidentally, pie was for dessert. 
Azriel closed his eyes and took a deep breath before knocking on her front door, three times, avoiding the giant floral wreath that hung in the top center.
“Coming!” she heard him call.
His entire body flooded with nerves. As her footsteps approached along the wooden floorboards, Azriel felt like he was going to puke.
He should turn around.
He should go home.
He couldn’t stop imagining her breasts.
Damn it, Azriel, you’re a grown ass man, not some horny teenager with only his hand to-.
Elain opened the door, looking absolutely stunning in a lavender sundress. 
“Hey!” she beamed. “Come in, dinner’s almost ready.”
He nodded, and smiled, and walked inside, running a nervous hand through his cropped hair. “Smells good.”
“Yeah?” Elain asked. “Just a simple dinner of roasted chicken and carrots. Nothing fancy.”
Azriel nodded, and realized just how long it had been since he’d been in her apartment. Her pink roses must’ve died. In the middle of her kitchen table, lilies took their place. 
Elain chuckled as she swept past him, back into the kitchen. “Take off your shoes, get comfortable. You act like you’re a stranger.”
Azriel cleared his throat and quickly slipped off his Vans. “Sorry, I- I didn’t sleep well last night.”
It wasn’t a lie.
Knowing he was going to Elain’s, he didn’t sleep worth shit. 
“How come?” she asked, opening the oven to remove the pan within. 
Azriel hesitated. “Not sure,” he lied. “Air conditioning went out. I think I was just hot.”
Elain hummed as she put the hot dishes on top of the stove. The table was already set to perfection, in true Elain fashion, just for the two of them. “There’s a bottle of wine chilling in the freezer. Mind taking it out?”
Azriel nodded and did as she asked. After taking out the bottle of moscato, he found the corkscrew and popped it open. After filling the two glasses on the table, he set it to the side. 
“Can I help with anything else?” he asked.
Elain shook her head as she carried a dish of roasted chicken surrounded by vegetables to the table. “Sit. Make yourself comfortable.”
He did as she asked.
Once he was seated at the table, he continued to watch her. 
“You’re acting strange,” she said, bustling about the kitchen, adding the finishing touches to their meal.
No, not at all, I’m just wondering if you’re wearing that same scrap of lace under your dress tonight. I just keep thinking about it.
“Just tired, is all,” he lied, but then he slipped in a kernel of truth. “A lot on my mind.”
“Well that’s what dinners with your best friend are for,” she replied, rounding the corner and taking the seat across from him. A soft smile that was so quintessentially Elain bloomed in her lips. “So you can relax and get whatever’s on your mind off of it.”
Looking at those lips, he knew there was no chance in hell he’d be able to get the image of her wearing nearly nothing out of his mind. Or the images his mind had come up with, based on pure creativity of his own.
Luckily for him, she hadn’t left much to the imagination. 
“Help yourself, please,” she said, motioning to the plate between them. She took her glass of wine and sipped from the rim. Azriel tracked the movement. 
When it was clear he wasn’t moving, Elain set down her glass. “This is awkward, isn’t it?”
“What?” Azriel asked. “No. No, it’s not-.”
“I was afraid this would be awkward, and it’s so awkward,” she said, her cheeks turning pink.
Azriel laughed, quietly. “Elain, it’s not awkward.”
“Then why are you acting so weird?” she asked, meeting his eyes. 
Azriel hesitated. “I’m not acting weird.”
“I know you better than anyone,” Elain said, pointedly. “You’re acting weird.” 
Azriel looked down at his empty plate, then back up at her. “Maybe we should talk about it.”
They hadn’t talked about it since that first night, since the night Azriel opened his phone to see a sight he never thought he’d have the honor of seeing, and then it was just him joking around to make her feel comfortable and less embarrassed.
Elain nodded, slowly. “Okay. We can talk about it.”
He had suggested they talk about it, yet he had no idea where to start. What exactly to say. He went with the question that had been eating him alive since she explained it wasn’t the picture she meant to send him.
It didn’t explain why the picture existed.
“Why did you even have that picture?” He asked, trying to keep his tone light. He even took a sip of the sweet wine to appear like he wasn’t about to tear out of his skin. “Was it for…someone else?”
They told each other everything. As far as he was aware, she hasn’t been seeing anyone else. Her breakup with Greyson four months ago had been catastrophic enough that she had decided she wanted to be single for a while. Granted, it had been a while, at this point, but he hadn’t heard her talk about a potential beau during any of their dinners, texts or phone calls.
“No!” She blushed, covering her own face. “No, of course not. I never take pictures like that.”
He refrained from telling her that he had seen proof that was a lie, at least once, but let her go on. “I just… I thought I looked good while I was getting dressed that morning. I was…feeling myself.”
Azriel bit his lip to keep from laughing. “Feeling yourself, huh?”
“Yes, feeling myself,” she repeated, and Azriel noted her cheeks had turned a darker shade of pink. “I’d never even taken a picture like that...and I wanted to know what I’d look like on camera.” She shook her head and breathed a laugh. “It was stupid.”
“It’s not stupid,” Azriel said, a little too quickly. Elain raised a brow, and he cleared his throat. “The picture wasn’t stupid. You looked…amazing. Incredibly attractive.”
Elain nibbled on her bottom lip as she said, “Of course you’d think that. I was nude and you’re a man.”
It was a joke, Azriel knew that, but Elain’s voice was far too quiet and insecure for the punchline to really hit.
Azriel just shook his head. “You always look amazing, Elain. I was attracted to you long before I saw you naked.”
There it was.
The confession.
Elain’s lip fell from between her teeth.
Before she could say anything back, he began scooping chicken and vegetables on his plate. “Smells amazing. I’m starving.”
That quickly, he tried to shove what he’d said under the rug.
For a second, she debated pushing him, those words, words she’d never expected to hear from him… They filled her with far more of a thrill than she expected.
So she let him steer the conversation to safer topics, let him drain his own glass and then refill it.
They ate.
They made small talk, talked about their weeks and work and what was going on with their friends. The conversation grew lighter with each word, and that awkwardness they had found themselves in had slowly faded away.
As dinner wrapped up and their plates were cleared, the wine bottle found itself empty.
Elain stood and cleared their plates only to return to the table a moment later with another bottle of wine and dessert.
“I hope you saved room for pie,” she said, setting it down in front of him.
His cheeks heated and he cleared his throat. “Absolutely. Always room for pie.”
The second the words left his mouth he wanted to take them back. Gods, his head was swimming. That was the dumbest thing he could have said, considering.
He could see the smile trying to form as she cut into it and placed a slice on his plate. “Good. I’m proud of this one. It’s a new recipe I found.”
As she leaned over, the dress she wore gave him an unintentional view of her cleavage and he forgot how to breathe. “I’m sure it will be the breast— I mean, best! The best you’ve ever made.”
Mother’s tits, he was hopeless. He was no better than a thirteen-year-old discovering the Internet for the first time. He couldn’t drag his eyes from her cleavage and knew drinking anymore of that sweet wine would land him in so much shit, he would have no idea how to get out of it.
Elain was looking at him. With the smallest, sweetest of smiles, she asked, “Breast?”
“I said best.”
“You said breast.”
“I did not.”
“Are you going to think about my boobs every time I offer you pie?”
Azriel opened his mouth, then shut his mouth just as quickly. “I’m trying not to, but it’s a little hard.”
“It’s a little hard?” she repeated, brows shooting up as she looked down, as if she could see through the tabletop to his jeans.
“No- not- I’m not….it’s hard not to think about…” Azriel sighed, closing his eyes and shaking his head. “Nevermind.” 
Elain suppressed the smile on her lips, and when Azriel opened her eyes and met her gaze, the amused expression on her face had him laughing, quietly. She reached over and refilled his glass. 
“I’m not mad about it, you know,” she said, quietly.
“About what?” Azriel asked, indulging himself with more wine.
“That you can’t seem to get that picture out of your mind.” 
“Good, cause it’s not likely to go anywhere any time soon,” he admitted, thinking back to what else he’d admitted earlier in the night.
She took a drink of her own wine as she sat down next to him, in the spot closer, rather than the seat across the table. “So. Have you ever sent any accidental embarrassing photos of yourself?”
He nearly choked on the bite of pie he’d been taking, and he had to admit, it was pretty damn good. “Have I ever…accidentally sent a dick pic to someone?”
She laughed softly, the sound of it skittering across his bones, and said, “Well, a topless picture of you wouldn’t be nearly as scandalous. So yeah.”
“Never on accident,” Azriel replied, clearing his throat. “Almost did the other night though.”
As soon as the words were out, he wished he could take them back. Especially as he saw her eyes widen.
He was drunk. He must have been so damn drunk to be saying the dumb shit he was saying.
“To me?” she asked, as if she didn’t already know the answer and needed clarification. 
“That’s typically the response, isn’t it?” Azriel asked, unable to control the words coming out of his mouth. “You get a naked picture, you send one back. Until you texted saying it was an accident, I was…thinking about it, yeah.”
Elain nodded, slowly, pursing her lips. “And what would it have looked like?”
The words were quiet, hardly audible, but her deep brown eyes were lit up, waiting for his answer.
Azriel hesitated. “I’m not… I don’t know,” he laughed, and a giggle escaped Elain. “It looks like it looks, I guess.”
“That doesn’t give me a lot to create a mental picture,” Elain said.
“Are you trying to create a mental picture?” Azriel asked.
“It’s only fair, isn’t it?” she asked. 
Azriel simply lifted a brow.
She took another sip of her wine and shrugged, asking, “You said you thought I was attractive, right?”
He nodded, not trusting his mouth to not say something stupid anymore.
“What if I said I found you attractive, too?” She raised an eyebrow and waited.
Azriel waited, too, not saying a word.
Her grin grew. “What if I told you I’d thought about it before?”
He blinked and choked. “You’ve thought about— Really?”
She laughed, the sound bright and amused. “I showed you mine, you show me yours.”
Azriel stared at her, eyes narrowed. “I feel like this is a trick.” 
“It’s not a trick.”
“Are we drunk?”
Elain took a moment to think about it. “I don’t think so.”
Azriel chuckled, knowing full well that she was full of shit. “Fine, you win.”
She raised a brow. “Show me.”
“Patience,” Azriel crooned. “I’m eating my pie.”
Elain leaned over to his plate, dug her finger into the filling and brought it to her lips, sucking it off her fingertip.
Azriel watched her, his heavy breaths going shallow. 
“It is delicious,” she said, giving him one of those bright, heart-stopping smiles.
That smile spurred him into motion. Reaching over, he grabbed her wrist and tugged her towards him, meeting her in the middle. The kiss was soft and sweet and it took everything in Azriel not to nibble on that full bottom lip. He felt her fingers grip his collar, pulling him closer to her and he kissed her until she was breathless.
Pulling away, she stood, smirking, and asked, “Are you all done with your pie?”
In answer, Azriel stood and scooped her up, his mouth instantly finding hers, hungrily. Her legs wrapped around his waist, the skirt of her dress sliding up her thighs. 
She clung to him, and it felt...right.
He had felt Elain’s arms around him a million times throughout the years, but those were only simple, friendly hugs.
This was something entirely different. This was desperation, heat, an awkward situation had turned into years of emotion tumbling out of them.
I showed you mine, you show me yours.
Oh, he would, he would show her everything, anything she wanted. He was in her grasp, and he didn’t want her to let go.
Azriel stumbled into Elain’s bedroom, his lips still on hers. She bit his bottom lip and tugged and the low growl that escaped Azriel had Elain’s fingers digging into his back. 
Azriel dropped Elain onto her bed and she landed, perfectly, her hair spilling into a crown around her head. She watched him, eyes bright.
“Tell me to stop if you don’t want to-.”
“I showed you mine,” she interrupted. “Fair is fair.”
Azriel stepped forward and reached for the hem of his henley, quickly pulling it over his head.
Elain pushed herself up into a sitting position at the foot of her bed and reached out, her fingertips brushing along his inked abdomen. 
Azriel held his breath.
Moving her fingers up his abdomen, Elain studied him. When she reached his chest, she began to trace the lines of his tattoos. She would stop at every scar and brush her thumb along it, as if giving it extra recognition and appreciation. 
When her hands moved back down, she paused at the waistline of his jeans, riding low on his hips. She traced his happy trail until she ran into the button of his jeans, and slowly undid it, bringing his zipper down just after. 
She didn’t wait, didn’t want to waste any more time by teasing him, and tugged his jeans off. He kicked them off, left in just a pair of tight, black boxer briefs.
“You’re sure about this?” Azriel breathed. Not because he didn’t want it, gods, he’d never wanted anything more than he’d wanted Elain. He’d been falling for her for years. But he knew there was a line that was about to be crossed that there was no coming back from.
Smirking, she slid her finger inside the waistband of his underwear, slowly running it back and forth, hip to hip. “Something to hide in there? Is he shy?”
“Absolutely not,” he replied. He was straining against the fabric and he knew Elain could see that.
With a nibble on her bottom lip, she looked up at him beneath lowered lashes and said, “I want to see your cock, Az. I want this.”
The words were the most vulgar thing he’d ever heard from her, and he was so stunned and turned on by them that he could only nod.
She tugged his boxer-briefs down and he sprung free.
Elain stilled as her eyes widened, taking him in. She took a raggedy breath, and Azriel watched every single movement that radiated off of her. The way her eyes took in every inch, the way her lips parted, the way her chest rose and fell in heavy breaths. 
She wrapped her hands around his cock before leaning forward and brushing her tongue over the head. Azriel cursed, hardly able to breathe. There were many ways he thought this would go, but her mouth around him?
It wasn’t one of them.
Not that he was complaining.
He sure as hell wasn’t complaining. 
His hands were fisted at his sides, terrified that if he moved, if he did anything to frighten her, she’d stop, and right now needed to know what her mouth felt like. He needed to feel the warm wetness and thought he might die if she stopped.
And thank the cauldron, she didn’t.
Elain let her tongue pass over the swollen head again, once, twice, before those full, pink lips wrapped around him.
Azriel was unable to stop the groan as his head fell back, but he forced himself to look down, not wanting to miss a second of her mouth on him.
Her eyes were shut and she kept a hand firm around the base of him as she worked him.
“Fuck, Elain,” he breathed, letting his hand slip into the mass of her golden-brown hair. Her eyes opened and she looked up at him.
Azriel had always loved getting lost in the deep caramel depths of her big, brown eyes. However, there was an entirely different feeling those big, brown eyes gave him as they eyed him through her long, dark lashes while her lips were wrapped around his cock.
And with her lips wrapped around his cock, and her eyes on his, Elain slid the straps of her dress down until it was a pool of lavender fabric around her knees. 
Her lips let him go with a soft pop. “Do you want to fuck me, Azriel?”
With every word, her breath was warm against his sensitive skin. She slowly stood, her hands trailing along his skin as she did so. Once she stood, Elain slipped off her bra, then slid down her panties.
The only part of Elain he had yet to see was now on full display.
Quietly, she laid back on her bed and spread her legs open wide before motioning Azriel to come toward her. The breath was knocked out of him as he cursed, and his knees hit the bed as he studied Elain’s perfectly shaved, pretty pink pussy. 
With a growl he’d never heard come out of himself, Azriel lined himself up at her entrance.
She gripped the sheets beneath her, and Azriel gripped her hips.
“Ready?” he asked, quietly.
Her cheeks were rosy. “Yes, please-.”
There was a knock on the door.
Azriel’s head swung around. “The fuck was that?”
Elain blinked. “What was what? Azriel, fuck me-.”
That knock came, once again. 
“Azriel,” Elain pleaded. “Fuc-.”
That knock came again, and Azriel’s eyes shot open. 
Elain wasn’t spread out before him, begging him to fuck her. He wasn’t in her bedroom, he wasn’t even in her house.
No, as Azriel blinked, his surroundings became clearer and he sat up, looking around his own living room.
He’d fallen asleep on his couch after work, his quick, shitty dinner of frozen pizza and a Jack and Coke still sitting on the coffee table.
And his cock was incredibly, painfully hard.
He fell back against the cushioned arm rest, dragging a hand down his face.
It’s was dream. It had all just been a damn dream and—.
Another knock came from the door and he realized that that had been what pulled him from the most amazing dream he’d ever had, right before he’d been about to fuck Elain.
Before he’d been about to fuck his best friend.
“Az?” a familiar, high-pitched voice called. “Are you okay? I thought I saw your truck in the lot.”
He looked down to the pitched tent just below the waistband of his sweatpants. “Fuck,” he muttered. “Hey! I, uh, I’m coming.”
No, he wasn’t.
And that was the real problem on so many different levels. He stood, and with his eyes closed, he took a couple of deep breaths. 
Dead puppies. The end of The Notebook. Bad whiskey.
As he walked toward the front door, Azriel continued to think of things that made him sad, hoping his dick would get its shit together before he opened the door.
“Az, it’s raining!” Elain yelled, and he could hear the laughter in her voice.
A sound that made all the sad things Azriel was trying to think about completely vanish.
When he decided that little Azriel was calm enough, he opened the door. Elain stood on his doormat, rain drops falling onto her hair, in jeans and a t-shirt. 
“Sorry,” he said, unable to control his grin. “I didn’t know you were coming by.”
“I texted you about an hour ago,” she said, as he stepped aside to let her in.
“I accidentally fell asleep on the couch,” he said, tossing a thumb over his shoulder. In the process, he highlighted his piss poor meal.
She laughed. “It’s a good thing I brought this then,” she said, lifting the dish in her hands.
He somehow hadn’t even noticed it, but he froze and asked, “Brought what?”
Elain’s cheeks turned a deep shade of pink as she set the dish down on his kitchen table. “It, uh, is an apology pie.”
Azriel stopped on the other side of his table and chuckled. “I’m sorry, it’s a what?”
Elain sighed and covered her face with her hands. “This is an I’m sorry I sent you a picture of my breasts pie.”
Azriel couldn’t help his laughter. “Do people usually make pies for such occasions?”
“I do,” Elain replied, taking the lid off her dish. “And be happy about it, because it’s apple, and it’s going to be delicious.”
Azriel watched her for a moment before he nodded and went to retrieve two plates and forks. When he turned back around, Elain was watching him. 
“I…thought this would be awkward,” Elain confessed as Azriel sat across from her at the table.
“Why?” Azriel asked, cutting the pie. “Cause I’ve seen your tits?” 
Elain’s face turned as red as a tomato as she kicked his shin under the table. “I just… I don’t want this to change anything, you know? You’re my best friend, Az. You’re the one steady thing in my life and I don’t want that changing.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” he promised, plopping a massive piece of pie onto his plate. “It’s already forgotten about, alright? I haven’t even thought about that picture once.”
Elain lifted a brow. “Are you lying?”
“I would never lie to you,” he said, lying through his teeth. He’d thought about that picture every day, both when he was awake and, apparently, while he slept, too. 
“Good,” Elain said, helping herself to the dessert. 
Without another word on the subject, Azriel helped himself to Elain’s pie. 
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Hello, I have a thing I like to do on my blog with some of my favorite characters where I make a playlist for them and then explain some of the songs I chose, and I was wondering if I could do a few with your OCs (Allison, Hendrick, Greyson, etc. I don't know their "group name") . If so, would you mind giving me as much information as you'd want on the characters? I managed to get some info from your posts on them, but not as much as I'd like. If not, that's perfectly fine as well.
I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT ANSWERING SOONER!! But of course you can!! Here's some more information on the main group of my ocs, but some of it just slips my mind so if you want to know anything specific feel free to ask because I'll be happy to answer! :D
Dominic Darthen: Cocky and selfish, a prince who is willing to do whatever it takes for ultimate power. Controlling towards the people who are close to him and likes things going to his set plans/specifications even if that means he has to emotionally manipulate people to get it. Is never seen smiling and takes things extremely seriously.
Greyson Slauter: Although outwardly intimidating (because of the way he kinda looms over people because he slouches along with the way he words things (my man is just bad at social ques no problem with that) he's really the most big brotherly. Think like billy hargrove but a lot less openly a dick asdfghjk He's often sleep deprived so has a more slowed down vibe (some people mistake him for being high).
Allison Cassitone: Sarcastic and a bit jaded from a rough childhood, has a conflicting relationship with religion and although she considers herself religious she's more about the suffering parts of it. The collective big sister and is there to give tough love as well as be the voice of reason (this feels like such an obscure reference but she acts like Ben from the Sacred Heart graphic novel??)
Alexander Issac Wholeheart: (Technically the way Alexander acts is because he's possessed but he's possessed by Galante for most of the content I draw him in so that's what you're getting asdfghj) Childish and carefree, positive in the way where it makes him seem unhinged, often acts extra kid like in order to get people to do things for him because he's pretty lazy XD Often feels like he has to keep his emotions down because he thinks his friends are dealing with things that are way worse.
Henrick Smith: Our favorite pushover!! Jk jk Henrick isn't necessarily a door mat he's just terrified of Dominic and if doing whatever he asks prevents him from being the victim of Dominic's abuse then he'll do it. He grew up pretty poor and considers himself lucky to have gotten a job as Dominic's servant, is a bit competitive and although submissive in nature would fight to keep his position as a servant. Often swallows his teeth and doesn't have any one close enough to vent to so he's a ticking time bomb.
Tess Hart: A commoner by blood and raised by a baker family, the nicest of the group and is just a very genuine person. Unfortunately very forgiving of Dominic's actions because she cares about him too much, and knows about his trauma so she never holds him accountable. Tries to be kind to everyone regardless of whether they seem (even though deep down she gets easily scared and is terrified of what Dominic became/is becoming).
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cuddlykillers · 3 years
Screamtober 2021 - Day 11 : Werewolf
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FemaleVampire!Reader x Werewolf OC Slade Greyson
Melancholic jazz music seemed to haunt the nearly empty streets of the french quarter of New Orleans that night. All the hustle bustle of the day all gone to bed, all the late night parties migrating downtown or inside of bars, all the smells and sounds of the vibrant southern city was calmest at this late hour.
You however were wide awake as always, this was your time, your hour. The only bad thing about this beautiful night was the fact that you had to spend it shuttered up indoors and not out on the town yourself. It was for your own safety, you knew this, but it didn’t make it any less frustrating to be hiding inside an old overworked and now unused steam boat on the river overlooking the lights of New Orleans all night long. The smell of swamp and sea water meshed into a rather unique though decidedly unpleasant aroma inside the antique wooden river boat.
You looked at the bright side though, your surroundings were lovely or at least what was left of them. Torn chaise lounges, moth bitten ornate curtains, rotting mahogany tables, broken crystal chandeliers, it was certainly a beautiful sight in its day but now it looked like a scene straight out of a ghost movie.
You turned your gaze from the cobwebs and dust over to your sole companion on this bleak and depressing night, Greyson. It was a full moon, of course, so your dearest friend was in his primal form. Part man part wolf, all beast, Slade was a wild untamed swamp dwelling lycan with a heart of gold. When you two had first met you were terrified of him but you two soon grew close as he showed himself to be a truly caring and heroic friend. And with the way your life, or rather afterlife, was going right now you could really use all the friends you could get.
“Slade?” You asked, grabbing his attention instantly from keeping watch over the docks.
“Yes?” His voice gently growled, distorted into a low raspy monstrous voice from how he normally sounded when masquerading as a normal human. He leapt down and lumbered over to you.
You looked up into his gleaming warm yellow eyes and rubbed up his arms feeling his soft fur move between your fingers and the form of his muscles under your hands. “I cant tell you how much I appreciate you protecting me, if only there was some way I could show you my gratitude.” You smirked through burgundy painted lips and took a step closer still, brushing yourself up against him.
“Oh I could think of a few ways…” he chuckled with drool glistening on his sharp teeth, “But mon cher, you don’t want me like this. You’re so petite compared to me even when it isn’t a full moon, besides I can only control so much when my feral side is tempted to unleash itself.”
“Maybe I like the idea of that.” You began pulling the laces on your corseted blouse undone to let your tits hang out, all the while a playful seductive smile on your face.
His eyes grew big as he took in your sight, his claws instantly sliding up your sides to your breasts, “Hoo my lord, cher!” He grinned fondling your chest, “You’re so soft, ma belle.”
“And you’re so hard…” you spoke in a breathy voice as you gently took hold of his manhood. It was bigger than you even thought it would be, thick with a knot near half way through and as long as your forearm. It was black and red, swollen with a glistening glaze over it which made it look as enticing as a candy apple.
“Oui, very hard for you.” He smiled with hooded eyes.
“You like my titties?” You playfully taunted, “Think they’re pretty?”
“Oh you tease, you’re a seductress when the mood strikes ah?”
You giggled pulling away from his grasp on your breasts and lowering yourself to your knees, “Think they’d be pretty around your big juicy cock?” You raised a promiscuous brow.
He let out a calm though happy breath with a smile as you took his dick between your tits, massaging his erection with your feminine boobs and licking his tip with your tongue. He grabbed hold of a wooden column next to you and held to it for support as his tongue rolled out of his mouth and hung over you as you worked him.
“Give me all of your milk, mon bête. I want your white hot love all over these pretty titties!” You bantered before moving to slurp an inch or two of him into your mouth, swirling your tongue at his tip.
“Ah! Mon cher!” He moaned aggressively as his hips began swaying into your cleavage, pre cum leaking into your mouth. His warm breath beat against you from above as you quickened your speed, looking up at him with a devious sparkle in your eyes.
He stopped, quivering as his semen flooded your mouth. You took all you could as it began overflowing and spilling out onto your tits, you let his dick from your mouth and swallowed what you could of the warm sticky cum, noting it tasted surprisingly savory. His dick flopped onto your breasts releasing what was left of his seed all over your bare front.
He panted over top of you, looking down at your small naked cum covered stature. “You spoil me, cher.”
“Oh I’m not done with you yet, bête!” You stood up, his cum dripping from your nipples. You took his grisly muscled arms in your hands and pushed him, guiding him over to an empty billiards table and moved him to lay down on it, his legs spread. You climbed up on top of him, mounting him and looking into his eyes as he sat up to face you, “Now it’s your turn to make me howl.” You smirked.
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