#names similar to elegy
namesetc · 2 years
hi, im looking for names similar to Elegy, Lament, Reverie, & Valence!!
ooh pretty names!
Alchamy / Alchemy
Brooklyn / Brooklynn
Bridget / Bridgette
Epiphany / Epiphanie
Fabel / Fable
Maven / Mavon
Maebrea / Maebry
Whimsey / Whimsy
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val-cansalute · 3 months
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summary: You’ve been in Jackson for three months; you’ve been stuck in a perpetual cycle of guilt and ravenous grief, trying desperately to recover from what went down between you and your brother before you left home and came here. Needless to say, you’re fitting in like a lego block in an 1000 piece puzzle, and you realise you’re better off going back to the old house, where you can succumb to the thoughts that plague you. Maria tries to help here and there, shoving you into patrol with people she prays you’ll get along with, namely Ellie Williams. Rather than that, you expectedly remain strong in your stance, both of you as closed off as each other. You come to appreciate the mutual understanding you’ve reached, giving each other space, only ever making slightly critical remarks, to the point where you think you see cracks start to form in your iron shell. But iron is iron, after all.
ch. 1 -
You’re not getting better, definitely worse. Patrol is the only force beckoning you to leave your den of misery, patrol with Ellie. Not much luck there either, you return with an injured ankle and an Ellie who is slightly less awkward and icy, similar to you. Though, when you’re alone with your thoughts again, you are utterly helpless.
ch. 2 -
Progress is dwindling, regress is massive; you’ve been inside for a fucking long time, with your only motivation for getting outside off the table. The numbness is overwhelming, so the knocking goes unanswered as you merge with your mattress. You told yourself you’d leave Jackson once you can walk again. Then, Ellie breaks the door down, with a very important food delivery. She profusely apologises, but the blizzard raging outside captures your focus. She can’t get home now. Sleepover?
ch. 3 -
This chapter contains smut.
The tension is high after last night’s events. Ellie’s on her way soon after, and the consequences of her busting through your door fully set in when the woman from the infirmary manages to get inside to check if your ankle is healing well. Good news: it is. So, you can set off soon. Ellie returns, to your surprise, and she comes bearing gifts. You learn something new everyday, e.g. weed makes you and Ellie horny.
ch. 4 -
Ellie’s departure was a gentle slaughter of your heart, leaving you dazed and empty. It’s time to go. One last meeting with the people of Jackson at the party Ellie left you to help with, and you’re off, leaving nothing but a note and a confused Ellie to read it behind.
ch. 5 -
She’s searching for you, she’s desperate, and hungry, and exhausted, but she’s been worse. There’s no way she won’t find you.
ch. 6 -
This chapter contains smut.
Recovery is a slow process, but Ellie is someone you’ve historically found comfort in. Each day, she expands the bounds of that comfort, and each day, you’re sure you want to live to see another.
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vamptizm · 4 months
useless ⋆𐙚 — rafe cameron
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SUMMARY — you finally confront rafe about your relationship and the future of it.
PAIRING — rafe cameron x reader
THEME — angst. break up. slight classism i believe?
WARNINGS — one swear word.
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‘cuz i’m useless,
when you’re stuck in my mind
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.ೃ࿐ 🪐 it wasn’t hard to read rafael cameron, that is something you were undoubtedly certain about. his tortured eyes and bruised knuckles could tell a million stories — perhaps an elegy even — for one might believe his soul to be dead, leaving behind a mortal body that remains on earth. to everyone the boy was cruel and choleric, quick to fight and easy to anger, but not to you. you saw him in more than just black and white, more than just his wealth… more than just trouble. they say that love is blind and truth be told, you never wanted to see again if it meant that your perfect picture relationship would be at the risk of coming to an end… but the universe has it’s own plans.
“say it” you spoke in a monotone voice, preserving the poker face that you wore being the only goal at that very moment. an explanation was not needed, for rafe knew exactly what you expected of him.
he was painfully aware of the situation. the differences in your ways of life, the disagreements in morals and especially the contrast in reputations. nothing about you and rafe was similar and you both knew it. yet, people love to live in ignorant bliss, it’s in their nature. they desperately attempt to change their fate and rewrite destiny, but indeed, the universe has it’s own plans as always. rafe found it hard to be seen with you, so he hid you. from the world, from his family and from his friends.
it wasn’t that he didn’t deem you worthy — you were a beautiful and seraphic being — everyone eventually learned to love you and he was no exception. you were everything he dreamed of and more, an utter blessing in his life and he never failed to tell you so. kindness, humor and elegance were in your nature, no matter the appearance or status. but unfortunately, you happened to be a pogue and no matter how perfect and charming you tried to be, at the end of the day his people would always unavoidably look down on you. and so rafe cameron had unconsciously decided that you indeed, were not worthy of it all. not the effort, not the stress, not the time and definitely not worth his last name.
“say what?” he questioned stoically as he feigned to be clueless. he was too scared to scared to let you go… too scared to break your heart.
you let out a humorless chuckle, the patience you had was running thin and all you wanted was closure. despite knowing the answer, you couldn’t bring yourself to leave first and never look back, it might have been the best thing that you could do for yourself… but you simply couldn’t just yet. “please… just say it, rafe. tell me what you’ve been dying to admit”.
the boy simply glanced at you, his muscles frozen in place and his heart beating rapidly in his chest. he had to. he couldn’t do this to you any longer. not when you looked at him like that and pleaded for his mercy. “we can’t be together”. the bomb had finally dropped and it was silent. so silent, that you could hear a needle hit the hard floor.
reality had finally began to set in, knocking the air out of your lungs and stealing your words. with pursed lips, you stood in front of him while the bridge of your nose began to painfully hurt and the hot tears started to glaze your eyes. you held your breath in hopes of disappearing at that very moment, in hopes of waking up and finding yourself in his arms. this time, you wouldn’t make the mistake of asking questions that could lead to your soul being crushed, but you remained in the same spot.
taking in a deep breath, your gaze rose from the floor and settled on his face. an ingenuine smile painted your lips as you looked into his eyes. rafe cameron wasn’t a hard person to read and in that moment, you knew that this had hurt him almost as much as it had broken you. you had built up the strength to grasp his hand in yours, holding onto it for just a little while as your thumb traced circles on his skin. “god, you’re such an asshole”, you stated in a brittle voice — yet another ingenuine chuckle escaping your lungs — and with that his hand was suddenly back to the position it had been and the only thing that remained was the sweet scent of vanilla and honey that you had left behind.
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sevencolorsatlast · 1 year
Archons Reacting To Their Creator Singing Pt. 1
Hello, peeps! This is my first SAGAU post! :)
Part 1 [Venti, Zhongli, Ei and Nahida] (You're Here!) || Part 2 [Furina]
Author's Note: The Creator is singing this song specifically (or any of The Crane Wives' songs, honestly). It's such a good song.
Also, I had a few headcanons of mine thrown here and there. You can figure them out as you go and feel free to take inspiration! :D
Author's Note 2 (8/26/23): I'll be adding Furina soon!
Author's Note 3 (11/12/23): Added Furina! :D Check the link above! I also fixed minor things here!
Content Warning(s): None
Other Notes: Default SAGAU / GN!Reader / Drabbles - Different Scenarios / 1.9k+ Words / Ao3 Link
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[ Venti ]
" This house says my name like an elegy
Oh my, oh my
Echoing where my ghosts all used to be
Oh my, oh my "
After a long day entertaining your followers and finally alone, the Traveler takes you to Windrise for you to rest and bid farewell as they used the Statue of the Seven to teleport who-knows-where. You remember they prefer working on commissions late at night but you worry they aren’t getting proper sleep.
You sigh, tiredness caught up to your body, but your mind is wide-awake. A crystal fly perches on your shoulder, basking in your presence. Its glow never ceases to amaze you; you can feel your eyes twinkling as you gently caress it with your fingertip.
A distant tune chimes in your mind - like the gentle light of the moon and the soft earthy smell of the ground. You hum the song's intro quietly; the crystal fly takes flight to join its kin, circling you from the air with their slow elegance. 
You start singing, your peripheral missing a certain bard stopping in his tracks when he hears your voice and hides in plain sight. The grass sways beneath your feet, and the fireflies glow brighter as you gain the confidence to sing a little louder. He floats by and rests his feet on one of the tree’s branches, adoring the sight below him.
As a bard, Barbatos wants to play along but doesn't want to interrupt you; that would be impolite of him. He pays attention to the lyrics you’re singing and makes sure to ingrain them in his mind and inspire him to make another tune similar to yours. He knows it doesn’t match your divine, but he will try to please you with his hymns. The God of Wind can see you smile while singing to yourself, and your surroundings dance in delight, making his heart skip a beat.
Due to his starstruck mind, he didn’t realize that you had finished singing, and you glanced up to see the crystal flies; your eyes met his. You suddenly feel conscious, heat rising on your cheeks. He drops from his hiding spot, kneeling on one knee when he lands.
“Your Grace,” He looks up at you, slight regret upon his emerald eyes, “I apologize-”
You’re honestly tired of your followers apologizing to you for every little thing they do.
“It’s not a big deal, Venti.” You say so casually, your tone firm yet smooth as silk, “As I said before, treat me like any other normal Teyvatians. Or like a fellow Archon.”
He is quiet for a while as he contemplates, which is highly unusual for him. You mentally take a note before he stands up, manifesting his lyre, and smiles at you.
“Well then,” He says, his fingers plucking the strings, “Can you teach the song of yours to a poor ol’ bard like me, Y/N?”
You can’t help but grin when he says your name. “With pleasure.”
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[ Zhongli ]
“ All my aching bones are trembling
And I may yet fall apart
Won't you stay with me, my darling
When the war starts in my heart? “
It is a hot afternoon when you visit Nantianmen, with Zhongli accompanying you since he knows his region at the back of his hand. He built it from the ground to impress you and continuously fight off threats to prepare for your arrival.
But he never thought you would arrive after his "death", yet he welcomed you when you sought him out at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. You agreed to have a contract with him that states that you will never expose his true identity as Morax. After all, you know his lore and backstory, so you stir clear from Adepti territories as much as possible despite the condition not written on the contract.
His gaze never leaves you as you hum and randomly point your finger to something new; he willingly gives you its story and you listen to him intently, eyes sparkling with curiosity. As he finishes, both of you stand before the area where Azhdaha was imprisoned.
You sing your tune while brushing your hands against the flowers, blossoming under your touch. His golden eyes widen, turning to you as your surroundings come to life. The leaves sway to your melody; the sunlight emits a glow that Zhongli himself cannot explain. The birds chirp along, and the rustle of the grass compliments your melodies.
The song's lyrics are breathtaking enough, and your voice is divine to his ears. He is more than happy to have you sing in his presence.
He realizes he is holding his breath after you’re done singing; you turn to him and smile bashfully.
“I hope you liked it.” You say, “And I may have messed up the lyrics a little.”
“I enjoyed it, Your Grace.” He says to you, pleased, “And, I assure you, I will not mind if you explain the ly-”
“Oh boy, I’m really glad you can lend an ear, Zhongli!” You beamed. “You have no idea how much I want to discuss the lyrics with someone!”
He blinks in surprise, his pursed lips melting into a genuine smile. “I'll be listening, Your Grace.”
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[ Ei ]
“ Every word I say is kindling
But the smoke clears when you're around
Won't you stay with me, my darling
When my walls start burning down, down, down “
Beelzebul is built for fighting. You are well-aware of that.
But, as a Creator, you are bold enough to ask her if she can sing, and she turns to you with a dumbfounded look. You didn’t mind if she didn’t answer your inquiry, but she insisted anyway. Of course, she can, but some of her notes are off-tune. Regardless, you’re impressed that the Electro Archon herself can sing and that's enough information for you.
Ei didn’t tell you how embarrassed she was when she tried to sing in front of your divine presence. She airs this predicament out to her dear friend Yae Miko. The sly Yokai obviously never going to live it down. 
Weeks later, you are invited to a gathering where you need to entertain people and can’t deny the request since you are this world's Creator. You are looking for someone to get comfortable with singing the tune in your head. You do not feel as safe with any of your followers except with Ei but she already has a nation to deal with, and you don’t need to disturb her from her endeavors. 
Even without speaking, Yae takes notice of your behavior and notifies Ei as soon as possible. Knowing that sly Youkai, you had no choice but to rehearse in front of the Archon since you would rather hide behind Ei while she deals with a Thunderhelm Lawachurl than Yae shooting you cunning looks and teasing you despite you being her Creator.
You temporarily borrowed the Traveler’s Serenitea pot; they don’t mind since they are taking bounties and finishing their remaining commissions. There’s a kitchen inside the teapot, so you had prepared her favorite dessert as a token of thanks for her presence. She says there’s no need for you to be so polite since you are her Creator but you insist that you appreciate her having her schedule cleared just to see you sing.
You take a deep breath, calming yourself before starting to sing. Ei’s eyes widen when she hears you sing, stopping her from eating the dessert she’s holding. The sky above you delightful showers you with its light, and your hair glistens radiantly. The water from the nearby waterfall matches your tune, and a gentle breeze hugs your body.
She just stares in awe after you’re done singing.
“Uh, how was it?” You ask her awkwardly, her gaze unchanging. Her purple eyes remain on you as if she is studying your stance.
She gains back composure a second later after registering your question and clears her throat, “It’s impressive, Your Grace. And I wouldn’t mind if you could sing for eternity.”
You freeze at that thought as she chuckles at your reaction.
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[ Nahida ]
“ This tired old machine is a-rumbling
Oh my, oh my
Singing songs to the secrets behind my eye
Oh my, oh my “
Nahida is a gentle and intelligent god by nature.
Meanwhile, you are already an intense person in your world to protect the weak. As a Creator of this world, you want the Sages to pay like any other sane person and punish them accordingly and mercilessly. They will face your wrath like any other enemies who dared to lay a finger on your favored acolytes.
But she begs you not to, and you have no choice but to comply with her wishes. She’s the God of Wisdom… and an adorable one that you can't resist her pleading emerald eyes. Despite your rough facade, Buer sees through you and appreciates you - as her Creator - wanting to protect her. You huff and glance away, saying she deserves more than being treated like nothing for hundreds of years.
You wonder how such a god can be kindhearted; you even acknowledge quietly that there’s not even a bad bone in Nahida. You trade your knowledge with her about your world, and she trades off the knowledge she learned from the Irmunsul and Dottore. She does this in order to distract you from your violent tendencies - you will give a piece of your mind to whoever bad mouths her and your followers.
One day, she accompanies and leads you to a place where small creatures live to ease your mind from harming the Sages. They call themselves the Aranara, and they are… tiny. Tiny and cute creatures, you thought to yourself. You notice they speak in such an odd manner, but you don’t mind.
One Aranara requested if you could sing for them, and you blinked rapidly at the sudden request. What kind of question is that? You look confused and turn to the Dendro Archon, who encourages you to answer. You sigh before saying that you can, but you warn that they should not expect your voice to be pretty and all.
The Aranara in front of you tilts their head and gives it a little scratch with its tiny hand; they said they haven’t even heard of your voice. You finally cave in and straighten your back to sing the first song that comes to your mind.
The forest around you lights up as if cheering and basking under your divinity. The Aranara around you follows your tune, and they are good at picking up the notes even when they aren’t familiar with the song you’re singing. 
Nahida watches you out of curiosity, and admiration, relieved when you finally let loose, and she grins when she sees you smiling. She claps along when you hit the second chorus of your song, humming along with the tunes she’s familiar with.
When you’re done singing, the Aranara folk cheers. One floats above you to put a flower crown on your head. You feel slightly embarrassed with all the attention you’re getting and you see Nahida clapping her hands in delight.
“That was delightful, Your Grace.” She says, coming down from her projected swing.
“It’s nothing, really.” You lied but, surely, she had already seen through you.
Nahida chuckles and hands you her signature dessert, “Have a snack! I’m pretty sure you’re hungry from all that singing.”
You let out a small, amused laugh, “...Thank you, Nahida.”
Damn it, you’ve grown a soft spot for this gentle god. 
And both of you know that you wouldn’t stop protecting her when the time comes, no matter the cost.
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villain-byteniwoha · 2 months
ships i like and why i ship them: a small, affectionate rant before bed
zhongchi: probably the first ship i ever interacted with. i may have started playing genshin for them. I specifically remember reading modern, non canon au fics on ao3 when i was still low AR and did not have liyue unlocked yet just to enjoy content of them without spoiling the story too much. those were good times
love the betrayal, the reciprocated manipulations, their individual bloody pasts and their juxtaposing love for humanity/family. the marriage chopsticks. god, the amount of threads I've read explaining those... and ofc you can't forget the official art with them by the harbor with the gingko leaves falling cinematically. i think that's the art that drew me to them lol
there's also something so deliciously tragic about a near-immortal being who's fated to succumb to erosion in due time, falling in love with a mortal man who's always within death's cold embrace. not to mention the subtext of their themes and principles. geo and hydro, stability and turbulence, land and sea, they crystallize when they meet in the middle, etc etc
kaeluc: another pairing I enjoyed the absolute shit out of, way back when I wasn't even playing the game yet. I remember learning about them while I was deep in my mxtx phase, specifically tgcf, and I'm pretty sure I dipped my toes in after I learned that they used to be sworn brothers. keywords here being used to. hook, line, and sinker. before I knew it, I was also reading fanfics about them, but only modern, non canon au ones because genshin terms made no sense to me and i didn't want spoilers. then I played the game. and then—we get Kaeya for free. I mained the shit out of that man for months.
and then. I fully entered the fandom, only to be immediately slapped in the face with the mistranslation issue.
and I get it, honestly, if you like ragbros good for you, I'm happy for you, but me personally, I will scorn hyv until the day I fucking die because had they not messed this up? kaeluc would've have been so powerful. KAELUC WOULD HAVE BEEN SO FUCKING POWERFUL
how could they not be? they're childhood friends but they're also forbidden romance coded, and rivals/enemies coded, but they're also soulmates. they don't just know each other, they're two halves of a whole, they know each other.
and the themes, don't even get me started on their themes. fire and ice, red and blue... paimon's line about them being similar (i.e. kaeya's a shady mf who fights in the day/diluc's a bright fire in the night) is one of the most romantic lines ever. they're sun and moon but only because they complete each other. also, lamp grass and calla lily? that's them as flowers, but they're the other person's ascension material like hello???????? fucking wild.
and ofc this kaeluc section can't end without me mentioning arundolyn and rostam. for those who don't know or have read/heard of those names but never really dug deep into it, arundolyn and rostam were knights of favonius around the same time as the cataclysm, and you can read about them in artifact sets such as brave heart, defender's will; and partially from the elegy bow
the reason they're here is because there are too many damn parallels between them and kaeluc to just be a coincidence.
arundolyn was a claymore user (see: ferrous shadow), he was the "lion of light,"; he was naturally gifted in strength but still trained hard and would later become the grand master of the knights; he'd push rostam to drink wine and tell him to have a little fun; he gives up his title and weapon after rostam dies
on the flip side, rostam was the swordsman who created the art of favonius bladework (see: favonius sword), his title was, "wolf pup,"; when he and arundolyn played as children, he was the stand-in for the champion knight of aristocracy; he "ruled the shadows," by protecting mond with ways the knights did not approve; rostam dies in an expedition to expunge the evils poured forth from the cataclysm...
I'll let you connect the dots there. I just also wanna point out, as a final note, that in the favonius sword's description, it says, "the childhood friend and spiritual counterpart of Arundolyn, the Lion of Light, whose name was Rostam, the Wolf Pup." ok. yeah. moving on
xiaoven: i very quickly realized after reading the genshin webtoon that venti was gonna be one of, if not my most favorite character. and i was curious as to who the people wanted to pair him with. keep in mind, this was around 2.0~2.2 I believe, so when I searched them up, the only canon backing I could find was the music scene
and boy, was that scene enough because holy shit, the brain rot these two gave me??? of a god who embodies freedom, and the last remaining yaksha chained to his duty????? they were so thematically opposed and beautiful, it wasn't hard to fall in love with them
by the time 3.0 came rolling in, I've already stopped playing, but that didn't mean i wasn't aware of how we were well fed by canon. from the trailer to venti full on attending the lantern rite and sitting down with the liyue gang; it was one of those interactions that transcended everything
and of course, OF COURSE, they also canonically addressed the fact that venti's music soothes xiao's soul. that's intimate. that's deep. that's so fucking romantic and nice and beautiful in the most tragic way...
also, we can't forget the depictions of god and servant here. the holy themes, the worship. the promise of immortality and foreverness, but also the threat of it. i just think xiao doomed with karmic debt and venti vowed to divine erosion is such a soulmate connection, and I'm also delusional
that's all for now but there's so much more...
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topaz-witch-tea · 6 months
absolutely loving the au, here to ask a question and to offer up my own ideas because i am brainrotting and adoring this
my question is, are you ok with people writimg their own fics of this au? credit of course will be given to you if permission to post is permitted on ao3, and it'll also be gifted, but i haven't written anything for hsr yet and i wanna get to practising the sillies
second, what ideas/petnames/doting names did jy, yx and df call yanqing when he was younger? and alternatively, if there's ever a time where yanqing is upset, would they call him that, even when hes a bit older, to comfort him, just an old habit they can't shake?
and, also, what similarities do yoy think he shares the most with each respective parent? yingxing and him definitely bond over swords,but what about the others?
i have plentyyy more ideas brewing in the ol noggin but i adore this AU, i think its wonderfully written and i cant wait to see what happens in elegy! have a good day!
Yes! Please feel free to write your own fics of this au, just remember to credit me and let me know because I would love to read it. 🥰 If you want any information on my AU that I have not posted about/published yet, let me know I will be more than happy to provide you with the info. Feel free to message me if you have any questions. 😁
The main petname that shows up in the fics is "Little Bird". All three of them call Yanqing this because when he was little, the sparrows and fiches would like to perch on his crib to look at him and Yanqing loved to copy them. He would flap his arms to mimic a bird flying whenever he saw one. They still call him that in private, though it gets less and less common as Yanqing gets older.
It does show up when they are comforting him, especially when he is upset about something concerning them. When he is upset, Yanqing likes to hide in dark places where other people can't reach him. He'll hide in the corner of his bed with the drapes pulled down or in his closet behind his clothes. His dads will often call him "little bird" to coax him out to get them to talk to him.
You are correct, Yanqing shares his interest in swords with Yingxing. For Dan Feng, it's the arts, primarily music. The Vidyadharas are known for their music and profoundly sad ballads. Music has always had its place in traditional education, particularly those of wealth and nobility, so I see Dan Feng knowing music and incorporating music into Yanqing's education. I can see Dan Feng giving Yanqing his jade dizi as a present.
For Jing Yuan, I don't see it as any tangible like swords or instruments but rather politics. Even though he is young, Jing Yuan will also give him exercises. "Who is talking?" "Who is listening?" "Who is at this event and who is not?" "If this were to happen, who would benefit and who would lose?" Yanqing's birth has always been a focus of gossip and his every movement is judged due to his position and lineage. So Jing Yuan considers it important he knows how to defend himself in these situations. If the three of them were to pass, Yanqing would still inherit titles and fortune and Jing Yuan could not bear it if someone took advantage of his son after he passed.
AWWW!!! THANK YOU!!! I love answering asks so please feel free to send more. I am also excited for the next chapter. I want the angst to be perfect.
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foxes-that-run · 6 months
The Lakes
The lakes is about escaping the challenging aspects of Taylor Swift's life with her muse to form an artist community like Wordsworth and Keats had in the Lakes district in the 19th century.
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Above, the Lyric video shows wildflowers, LK has referenced this song and Harry also has for a Pleasing campaign. In the vertical video Taylor is on a swing, reminiscent of the swing in Seven, possibly about Harry. Finally a photo with a swan in The Lakes District.
In the Long Pond Session Taylor said (I've shortened it)
'The Lakes is a testament of what I wanted to escape from and where I saw myself escaping to. We'd gone to the Lake District in England a couple years ago. In the 19th century you had a lot of poets like William Wordsworth and John Keats. There was a poet district. They had their own community of other artists, which I've always in my career.' Jack: 'it's not just I've found something worth escaping to it’s a person to escape with.” Taylor agreed "That's a huge sincere statement of hope, everything I'm naming is completely small compared to this love.” “Hoax as the ending song was interesting for a couple weeks but then I wanted the real last song. The Lakes shows you exactly what the overarching theme of the whole album of trying to escape and having something you want to protect, protect your own sanity and saying look they did this hundreds of years ago, I'm not the first person who's felt this way.
Taylor said they had gone to the lakes "a couple of years ago", and she described a poet district with an artist community, meaning fellow songwriters. She had been to the Lakes with a couple of years ago with on her first trip there with Harry Styles on her birthday in 2012. At the time Taylor said it was her best birthday since she was 6. Like Taylor, Harry has a similar experience of fame and is a lyricist. Harry has also sung about being in an artist community with Taylor, in Canyon Moon, which has a very similar idea as The Lakes.
I have seen people refer to the Invisible String Lyric "Our three-year trip / Getting lunch down by the Lakes" to point to Joe. While not photographed, their 3rd anniversary was October 2019, or 6 months before this song was recorded. 'A couple of years ago' rather than 'last year' implies the earlier trip. Joe is also not a lyricist, she spoke about an artist community. He is credited as a producer on Folklore. Taylor described how William Bowery wrote the melody's not lyrics.
Is it romantic how all my elegies eulogize me? I'm not cut out for all these cynical clones These hunters with cell phones
An elegie is the speech at a funeral, her songs, particularly those she is reclaiming are like diary. She lost her eulogie, the story of her life.
The last line refers back to 'I Know Places' "They are the hunters, we are the foxes" where she and Harry ran from paparazzi, now they hide from every person with a cell phone.
Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die I don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry I'm setting off, but not without my muse
Taylor is saying she is not cut out for the music industry life, she lost the rights to her diary, constantly photographed. In the Long Pond she referred to having this plan for years, which she foreshadowed for Lover, and I think Harry's Peace ring. I think they may have shared this plan when they first visited for when she turned 30 and into 2020. Folklore is about communication and how life differs to what a 23 year old planned.
The final line is so lovely, her muse is Harry Styles. No other partner has inspired so much work or so much success, they have inspired and encouraged each other to do their best work. Even when they are with others for years they still write about each other. When they see each other they are prolific. Harry has even sung about how he writes too much about her. I could list what proportion of awards and hits are about this relationship, but let's stay in the Windermere peaks.
Despite their success Taylor does not think they are cut out for this life. Taylor has sung about Harry's anxiety in New Years Day and Now that we don't talk, it's also apparent watching him at award shows in his solo career. This song and many (Mirrorball, I know places, Slut!, You're on your own kid) are about how fame impacted Taylor.
What should be over burrowed under my skin In heart-stopping waves of hurt I've come too far to watch some namedropping sleaze Tell me what are my words worth
The first line I think could have 2 meanings, one that the relationship should be over but it is not and the waves are hurt of not being together. Or, and I think this because of the second half, Taylor cannot let her masters go. The last line is a pun on the worth of her words and the poet William Wordsworth.
I want auroras and sad prose I want to watch wisteria grow right over my bare feet 'Cause I haven't moved in years And I want you right here A red rose grew up out of ice frozen ground With no one around to tweet it While I bathe in cliffside pools With my calamitous love and insurmountable grief
I want auroras and sad prose, refers to Harry Styles. She describes his eyes as “aurora borealis green” in Snow on the Beach. She also describes him as sad boy in Question..?, he does write sad prose.
In the Long Pond Session Taylor said "I could see this you know you you live in a cottage and you've got Wisteria growing up the outside of it and you just why you know of course they escaped like that." William Wordsworths cottage (below) has wisteria growing on the side, which is a slow growing purple plant, almost a lavender haze!
I love the imagery of 'Red rose grew out of rose in frozen ground', because it refers to Rose, which is a Haylor theme. But also because it refers to the track before Hoax: "My winless fight, this has frozen my ground" It also refers to a theme of hiding their love, "I would die for you secret" in Peace, that something beautiful and no one needs to know about it.
The last lines are so poetic and dramatic I love them. Calamitous love refers to a love that’s “built to fall apart (and back together)” in OOTW or "a crooked love in a straight line down” in IWYW. Taylor used a similar word discussing SOTB, calling it cataclysmic love. Taylor describes her dramatic and passionate relationship with Harry rather than staide and safe one described with Joe.
Her insurmountable grief is all she’s lost, her masters, the things she gave up in your own your own kid and things she has to pine about.
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Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die I don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you Those Windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry I'm setting off, but not without my muse No, not without you
Love this chorus, such beautiful poetry about poets and love.
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mask131 · 1 month
The myth of Apollo (5)
And here is the last part of Françoise Graziani’s article « Apollo, the mythical sun » (begun here).
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IV/ The mystical Sun
The interpretation of the Sun as a symbol of royalty was already present during the Renaissance but was truly amplified by the baroque era. This iconological interpretation was first punctually associated with the panegyric (Ronsard in his “Elegies” wrote “Henry, the Sun that inspired me”), then to the emblematic, as the royal crown was depicted as a crown of sun-rays. While Tyard saw a positive symbol within the idea of the Sun “Prince and rector of the sky”, the baroque poet Drelincourt, in 1677, compared it to a “superb King, who shines in his Court, Crowned with rays” – but only to better accuse the celestial body of being a simulacra of God, a “weak painting”. Within the same idea, Du Bartas substituted the false pagan god to the real God: “The world is a cloud through which shines, not the bow-shooting son of the beautiful Latone, this divine Phoebus, but…”. It is very revealing that Drelincourt presents a critical and desacralizing interpretation of the sun, where it loses its mythical name and function… while writing within the court of Louis XIV, right as the king ideologically concretizes the literary allegories by depicting himself within Versailles (the “house of the Sun”) as Apollo, as the sun on earth. Drelincourt concludes his sonnet “About the Sun”, by insisting that the Sun is just the “portrait of the Primal Cause”: “your brightness is but a Shadow, and you are not the Sun anymore”. The mythical Sun is a false sun, but it is replaced in the metaphorical heaven by the real mystical Sun, the Christ, that the Renaissance paintings sometimes depicted under the traits of Apollo. As a reflection of the true God, as the interpret and the vehicle of God’s light, the Christ was a solar character, whose death was thought as bringing a “night” to the Western world (it was how the poets metaphorize the eclipse that occurred during the Crucifixion). This identification, very common within the mystical baroque poetry, was sometimes pushed to the point of including (in a very unusual way) some episodes of Apollo’s legends within the Christian allegory (such as Hyacinthus or Clythia).
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V/ The Sun of intelligence
The mystical sun is, in a paradox that determined all poetic interpretations, linked to the decline of the mythical sun. And yet, the mystical sun is born from a very old topos, the one of the Deus Pictor: if God is a painter, and the Universe his painting, than the Sun (and the poets claim it since the Hellenistic times) is his brush. In the baroque era, the solar myth, heavily used in a metaphorical (not quite allegorical) way, leads this motif towards the realm of abstractions. Every time it appears, it is linked to two elements: on one side, the Sun as a divine principle and an instrument of creation which becomes the double of the poet (a poet that now dares associate himself with not just Orpheus, but Apollo). On the other side, the diurnal travel of the solar eye becomes the metaphor of the process of writing. Numerous baroque texts play on the similarity between the words “rayons” (the rays) and “crayon” (the pencil), to show the Creator in his picturesque and scriptural functions. In a similar way, it is traditional to punctuate long poems by various sunsets and sunrises, described in such a way that they establish an analogy between the rhythm of the days, and the rhythm of the poem itself.
It is for example the case within G. B. Marino’s “Adone”, where, at the end of the poem, the Muse answers Apollo’s call, and comes to “end the thread of this long canvas”, and the end of the last day is described in textual terms: “The sky is of paper, the darkness of ink, the ray a feather / Which with the sun erases the ending day to write / to the West, in letters of gold, the end of the long travel.” Within “Adone”, Apollo is present under different shapes. He is found, in a metaphorical way, in the character of the hero, Adonis, which ultimately is just a gaze that crosses the various spectacles of the universe (celestial world, terrestrial world, cultural world) and is often compared, due to the “shine of his youth”, to Apollo. As the sun is the eye that brightens the world, that reveals the world and that allows it to be, the first creating gaze over the poem is done by the poet itself ; but there is another sight, the image of the human eye that reads and interprets the great Book of Nature. Adonis, within Marino’s poem, plays this role of reader, the double of the creature to which the secrets of the creation are hidden. He is, too, a “false sun”, and this is why Marino show him as a passive hero who, throughout the poem, does not understand what he sees: it is a reverse image of the philosophical sun of the Renaissance. He symbolizes the human soul, in the idea that the human soul only perceives the appearances, and mistakes itself for the sun because it was created in tis image. Marino’s Adonis is a “lonely eye” to which the gods (Venus and Hermes) reveal secrets, but the only world that receives the light of his gaze is the one of the book, of which the real writer is Apollo, “he who brightens the wise minds”. He who shines upon the minds embodies the last avatar of the god of Poetry: the divine Intellect, he who makes the minds shining and insightful, he who gifts human with both invention and divination. The solar sign valorizes the human Intellect, and more so over the individual intelligence. The god doesn’t “inspire” anymore, but he does more by “shining” upon the artistic works.
Apollo is more and more disguised as time passes by, to the point of losing his name – he is substituted so much he is even refused the qualificative of a god. He keeps however, as a mythical sign, a great coherence. The abstract uses of the Sun as metaphors for the divine eye contain very clear remains of its mythical nature. The connotations tied to the solar figure are simply the transpositions, on a metaphorical plane, of the elements tied to the god. The frequency of his use throughout the 16th and 17th centuries proves its almost ritualistic value, even though literature splits itself from the myth. As such, it seems that, as soon as the poetry does not bear the myth of the inspiration anymire, the figure of its titular god is slowly abandoned. Even though the invocation of the Muses persists, as a convention or as a periodical element, all the way to the 19th century. The names of “Apollo”, “Muses” and “Lyre” are enough to designate, by metonymy, and outside of all myths, the very concept of poetry.
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VI/ Hyperion
With Romanticism, Apollo becomes the Archer again. The divine inspiration of the poet is not an illumination or a revelation anymore, but a shock, a stupefying possession. The poet, as Hölderlin writes, is “struck by Apollo” and, confronted by the presence of the god, he can’t be understood by other humans anymore. The poetic vocation is assimilated to a curse, and to a suffering. Within Hölderlin’s work, Apollo is fused with both Jupiter, he who strikes with the blinding lightning, he who “shakes and vivifies”, and with Dionysos, to condense itself ultimately in the figure of the Christ. He also especially identified with the one who was, according to Hesiod, his grand-father, the titan Hyperion. Just like Hyperion, of which he bears the name in the allegorical novel of Hölderlin “Hyperion”, the poet is a fallen and exiled titan, whose rebellion (pre-apollonian actions) are doomed to failure, but who keeps the vague memory of his solar origin and of his mission, while still being, like the sun, doomed to loneliness. A loneliness which, in this context, bears both a positive aspect, as the solitude which brings exaltation, and a negative aspect, the solitude which makes the poet a cursed man or a mad man. Apollo and Dionysos become one within the Romantic conception of madness as a sign of both divine election and mystical drunkenness. The fundamental ambiguity of Apollo is found back within the duality of the poetry, perceived as both a grace and an eviction. This duality was felt by the Romantics on an individual plane, and not on a conceptual plane like in the Renaissance.
An exceptional occurrence of the figure of Apollo within literature must be studied, quite close to Hölderlin’s own interpretation. Apollo appears as the subject and the hero of a 19th century literary work in only one piece, an unfinished poem by Keats which was also called Hyperion (1819). This brief epic of a Miltonian style depicts the fall of the Titans, banished by the New Gods, and the rise to divinity of the young Apollo, initiated by Mnemosyne. Within Keats’ writing, just like within Hölderlin’s work, Apollo is treated as the symbol of a “new beauty”, and as the tutelar god, not to say the embodiment, of the New Poetry. For both men, the accent is put on the “divine future” of Apollo: for Keats, Apollo only becomes a god when, thanks to Mnemosyne (who is in mythology the mother of the Muses), he understands his divinity, and this accession to Knowledge is a painful process. Apollo, before striking the poets, suffers himself from an “agony as burning as death is cold”. And he screams painfully when he was his epiphany. Within Hölderlin’s, the name Hyperion symbolized, by an antonomasia, the splitting of the hero, a hero turned to the Ancient Gods, that feels himself as their interpret, and yet is destined to inaugurate the renewal of the Teenager Sun through a New Poetic Religion. The poet which is speaking here is not yet born, and Hyperion represents the mythical prehistory of he who will only become a god, a pure lonely spirit, the “Hermit of Greece”, free of all heroic temptations, only after Romanticism. In a similar way, Keats brutally interrupts his poem right as Poetry is born.
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vind3miat0r · 28 days
Send Me a Character & I'll Tell You game
Avoir (I had to lol)
My first impression: oaugh he was so mean to us in the beginning :( honestly? i did not like him (shocker i know). setting aside not having context for why he was acting like that, his character just did not strike a chord with me. the only thing that i really liked about him is that he yaps a lot and uses fancy words, and im like a moth to a flame when it comes to that shit
My impression now: THAT IS MY HUSBAND RIGHT THERE!! ughhh i love him and his character development :( hes so tragic and just. augh. he lives permanently in my brain now, the brainrot is real. i dont think im "could quote word for word" levels of obsessed, but ive listened to his audios enough times to know what hes going to say next in some instances. really a whole 180 i did there
Favorite thing about that character: his absolute adoration for Starlight. in the flashbacks, you can hear how much he loves and cares for them, and i can practically see him gazing at them starstruck, its beautiful. literally makes my cry anytime he says "my starlight" im so deadass rn 😭
Least favorite thing: honestly theres not really anything i dont like about him?? hes literally my favorite character so ofc im gonna be biased 😭😭 if anything, id like to hear more abt his past. i know he told us that story abt him and Circinus, and presumably there was more from the first time they were in the trap together, and id really like to see that, as well as their initial growing closer (again, ik that we saw some of that, but id would still like to see a more detailed version of it. like, who dropped the first "i love you"? and etc). other than that, i cant name anything off of the top of my head that i dont like abt him
Favorite line/scene: OAUGH. I HAVE SO MANY.. for scenes, definitely the entirety of "Back to The Real World With Your Demon." i was screaming internally the whole way through, and Avior realizing Starlight had gotten their memories back will always have me in a chokehold. and shoutout to his hbs and springback audios too. for lines, "The things I feel for you fly in the face of every justifiable fear and suspicion that this situation has burned into me" GETS ME EVERY TIME MAN, HE SOUNDS SO SOFT AND IN LOVE AND GRRRHASGHFDGF
Favorite interaction that character has with another: considering that hes literally only ever interacted with Starlight and Circinus on screen, id have to go with when hes helping Starlight get to sleep and (again) his hbs and springback audios. while i do like angst (why else would i listen to his playlist mutiple times per month), im such a sucker for fluff its not even funny
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: again, considering that hes only ever interacted with Starlight and Circinus, there is a whole slew of characters that id love to see him interact with! probably another demon character, like Warden or Gavin, those would be fun!
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: theres a character in a fandom named Caduceus Clay that my bf rlly likes, and i think him and Avior have a similar vibe :)
A headcanon about that character: augh i have so manyyyy 😭 ill just put down a few lol
Avior studied Greek and Roman mythology as a hobby during his first years on Elegy. he was at first intrigued by how thousands of years ago, the Greek had named the stars (which as you know, the d(a)emons are named after), and he just fell into a rabbit hole of legends and mytology after looking into it
he acted as a steward to Warden (the lore implications this would have would be CRAZY methinks)
after getting Starlight out of the trap, the areas of his body where his magic had torn itself away from him became white scars that resemble explosion scars. they're on his hands, arms, general chest area, and most of his tail. he also gained a facial scar from the fall he experienced
A song that reminds of that character: Upon Cobblestone Streets by The Family Crest. a while back i saw someone say that this song rlly fits Avior and Starlight's dynamic, i gave it a listen and immediately cried cuz they were RIGHT!!
An unpopular opinion about that character: two words: BODY💥WORSHIP💥 thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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monarch-moon · 10 months
Re: that last reblog
I might get a few raised eyebrows over this but here goes...
TL;DR: Thanks to that post, I'm accepting that I'm not cut out for producing consistent forms of media, internalized ableism might be why, I'm not cancelling Elegy, but Imma just do whatever I want.
Full thing with explanations below, but beware, Imma get personal for a bit, and my experiences with ableism will be mentioned, which...I never really talk about outside of my innermost circles:
In the last several years, I always thought my inability to make comics or games or literally any other form of consistent medias was due to the fact that I "lacked discipline". That was reinforced by the fact that the artists I follow, a couple of my friends, and my fiancee, are all webcomic artists that handle/handled things at a moderately consistent pace. This was also reinforced by shit I was told when I was younger IRL, when my undiscovered neurodivergency was excused by shit like "you're lazy" or "you lack discipline" and other similar statements.
In the last several years, I've tried time and time again to make some consistent medium in which my stories can be told, namely comics and games. I wanted to believe that I was doing it for the love of my stories, but in truth, I was doing it to "improve my discipline", which inevitably, ended in failure time and time and time again, and with each failure, hatred for myself increased, and in the last couple of years....it began to extend to my confidence and my stories. It all ended in one thought to everything: There's something wrong with me.
Recently, I felt like I experienced an artist's existential crisis, thanks to the one-two punch of burnout from doing Elegy Chapter 1 and being slapped with arthritis-related issues: why do I create, am I a good artist, why do I love these stories, is there really a right way to tell a story, do I ACTUALLY love the stories I make?
Well obviously, yes, I do love the stories and worlds I create, but for whatever reason, I genuinely cannot get myself to do anything beyond disjointed art pieces of stuff that would be classified as "spoilers". My followers want something more than that, I thought. They want stories.
But then that post came across my dash, and I felt like I was hit with an epiphany.
For one, I was projecting onto the followers I do have. I know those that truly stick around through my inconsistencies after all these years will love the stuff I create no matter the form or medium, and no matter how out of context it is. I should believe that rather than the imaginary expectations that have been placed on me for years.
Two, it was never about a lack of discipline....I was actively working against my neurodivergent brain, AKA how I function entirely. Of course it wouldn't work! It's like asking a mircowave to be a washing machine! Realizing that lifted a huge weight off my shoulders as both an artist and a person.
Three, I create because I love to. That's it, that's all the reason is! I love the art of creating worlds and weaving stories and writing fun and complex characters, and I love seeing how they all interact and change and influence off each other! The world influences the characters, the character influences the story, the story influences the world.
Soooo, why not draw whatever I want, do whatever I want, and be whatever I want? Out of context sketches and arts and insane ramblings is just as valid as a medium right?
While I do have people who work on webcomics, I also know and follow people who do this exact thing: draw things relating to their story, attach a blurb to said pictures about their worlds and characters in various forms of medium, and nothing more.
So I'm going to try that. Forget the manga....well okay, I might still do smaller comics for funsies, but forget "proper" mediums, Imma do whatever I want, and I know people will love it, no matter the numbers! Gives me a LOT more room to experiment with different styles and mediums and the like!
If you've managed to read this far, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I do have a terrible relationship with social media and how the internet is nowadays, but I do cherish the followers that have stuck around this far. I wanna do things for y'all, but above all, do things for me.
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hhoneyglasss · 1 year
So, You’ve Never Heard of Sunbound Wolves!
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{Pamphlet written, provided, and distributed by the Department of Uniform Magical Practices (D.U.M.P). All sources courtesy of the Dahlia Academy for Magical Novices (D.A.M.N) Archival Library and Anya Buchanan, a sunbound wolf of the Shaw Pack.}
☀︎ Origin
Location: Nearly all sunbound wolves live in Aria, the magical realm.
Population: There aren’t many of them—there’s a central village in a plane of Aria where they are primarily located (there is no Elegian or Arian name for this village).
Recovery: Their numbers are still small due to most of them being wiped out during the Sol'Arya Dynasty.
☀︎ Abilities
Immortality: They are biologically immortal—however, they do not have this immortality until the Elegian age of 25. In order to gain their immortality, they have to consult the Oracle, an ancient deity located in the center of their village.
Shifting: Sunbound wolves have the ability to shift between a human and wolf form. On average, sunbound wolves are larger than moonbound wolves. Some sunbound wolves also have horns, similar to d(a)emons, but they are rare, usually only being seen on members of the Ruling House. — While in Aria, sunbound wolves are constantly in wolf-form and cannot shift into a human form.
Enhancement: All sunbound wolves are granted with enhanced speed, strength, and senses. However, these abilities are dulled while under the following circumstances: if they're in human-form, if they have not gained their immortality, and/or they are located in Elegy.
Charm: The Charm ability is possessed by all sunbound wolves, and it is similar to Trancing (see A Guide to Vampires! Volume I, chapter 23, pg. 21, section 23.2) in nature. Charm allows the user the ability to physically and mentally control the target receiver. Unlike Trancing or d(a)emons, sunbound wolves are not able to induce memory modification using Charm. Charm is less invasive and inherently weaker than Trancing. In Arian history, this ability was taught to sunbound wolves by moonbound vampires during the Sol'Arya Dynasty in order to protect them. It eventually evolved to take on its own name, abilities, and restraints.
☀︎ Weaknesses
Connection to the Sun: If a sunbound wolf does not have access to an Arian or Elegian Sun for an extended period of time, they will become more and more ill until death occurs.
Need for Human Sustenance: Since sunbound wolves are naturally in wolf-form, it costs them a different kind of energy to maintain a human-form in Elegy—a type of energy the Sun cannot provide. To remedy this, sunbound wolves also rely on human food and need the required nutrition of any other human to remain healthy.
Vulnerability: While they are immune to the effects of aging once they gain their immortality, they are still vulnerable to death by external causes.
Weakened Healing: Unlike moonbound vampires, sunbound wolves possess no enhanced ability to heal themselves while in Elegy and in their human form.
Weakened/Revoked Magical Abilities: If there is a circumstance in which a sunbound wolf is in Elegy under the Elegian age of 25, they are physically unable to use any of their magical abilities to their absolute fullest extent, including Charm. For reference, their overall powers are reduced to the same level as that of a weak Freelancer. This measure was put into place millennia ago in order to keep young wolves from hurting unempowered humans or themselves while in Elegy. On the other hand, if a sunbound wolf is in Elegy and is the Elegian age of 25 or older, then they have free reign over all of their abilities, albeit slightly weakened as mentioned before.
Blood: Sunbound wolf blood is harder to resist by moonbound vampires, meaning a sunbound wolf is put more at risk while possessing open wounds around moonbound vampires. If a sunbound wolf finds themselves in an altercation with a moonbound vampire for whatever reason, it is important for them to remain cautious.
Shades: Unlike d(a)emons, sunbound wolves are not immune to Shades. While Shades are not able to consume life force from them as quickly as they are able to to humans, they are still able to take life force from sunbound wolves in both Aria and Elegy.
☀︎ Relationships and Backgrounds with Other Races (Both Elegian and Arian)
Moonbound Vampires: You might be thinking, “Moonbound vampires and sunbound wolves are on complete ends of the magical race spectrum—shouldn’t their magical relationship be strained?” It’s quite the contrary, actually. Think of it like two opposite magnetic poles—they are naturally attracted to one another. This sentiment can be applied to relationships between sunbound wolves and moonbound vampires. For example, in a perfect world, moonbound vampires would have constant access to sunbound wolf blood, as sunbound wolf blood provides the most sustenance and nutrition for them. However, in order to somewhat remedy this issue, sunbound wolves living in Elegy are required to donate their blood to D.U.M.P blood banks in exchange for D.U.M.P services. — {More of their connected backstories will be provided in the next volume of this pamphlet}.
Moonbound Wolves: We can apply the opposite magnetic pole metaphor with the relationship between moonbound werewolves and sunbound wolves. Essentially, moonbound werewolves and sunbound wolves do not have a positive magical relationship. To provide an example, it is usually recommended by D.U.M.P specialists that sunbound wolves who move to Elegy should refrain from joining moonbound werewolf packs. However, some sunbound wolves go against this recommendation. — {Once again, events during the Sol'Arya Dynasty have caused a centuries-long rivalry that will be discussed in the second volume}.
Sunbound Vampires: Sunbound wolves’ relationship with sunbound vampires is slightly more muddied and not as clear as the two species mentioned above. Indifferent and cordial is the easiest way to describe their relationship in Aria, as sunbound wolves do provide energy for sunbound vampires to feed off of, but their relationship to one another does not extend far past that.
D(a)emons: D(a)emons and sunbound wolves rarely interact in Aria—lesser is known about Elegy. Their relationship is mostly neutral.
Empowered Humans: Neutral.
Unempowered Humans: Neutral.
☀︎ FAQs
“Are sunbound wolves ‘werewolves’?” — Sunbound wolves are not werewolves or wolf-shifters. Sunbound wolves are wolves, and their human form in Elegy takes energy from them instead of the other way around. If anything, sunbound wolves could technically be labeled as human shifters.
“Why haven’t I met or even heard of sunbound wolves before?” — Nearly all sunbound wolves continue to live in Aria—most only visit Elegy once in their lifetime. This is due to the fact that many sunbound wolves do not feel safe with the extreme prevalence of moonbound werewolves in Elegy.
“Are there any sunbound wolves in Dahlia?” — There are. There is Anya Buchanan, who was mentioned previously. There is also another sunbound wolf in the Shaw Pack, but they wish to remain unnamed at this time. So far, these are the only sunbound wolves we are aware of in Dahlia.
“How are sunbound wolves able to shift and use magic? Isn’t that impossible?” — It is not impossible, at least for Arian races. Sunbound wolves have both an extrinsic and intrinsic core, otherwise known as a bitrinsic core. This specialized core allows them to physically exert magic while retaining the ability to shift between human and wolf form. For reference, d(a)emons have a similar type of core.
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Scythe chapter 16-20!!
Ayy we’re backk!! Let’s just get started shall we?
Chapter 16!!
-oh god the elegy—
-“Could you imagine me as a teenager?” OH YES I CAN OHOHO
-This also shows how much power scythes and especially Goddard has
-And also shows how bad of a scythe Goddard is as well
-Scythe Curie makes a good point that also relates to the toll, in which it doesn’t matter if they kill Goddard or anyone like him because another with the same ideology will always come along without fail
-this chapter didn’t have much but it IS good so ykyk
Chapter 17!!
-Rowan instinctively trying to protect Citra!!!
-it makes sense for most disabilities to be nonexistent but that doesn’t mean I have to like it :/ like idk why the way it’s done is just :// especially as a disabled person myself
-The way the describe Faraday’d death is already suspicious if you already know he isn’t dead but when you’re first reading it, it does make sense!
-“If I ever take on an apprentice it will be for a different reason entirely.” OHOHO I KNOW I KNOWWWW
-Again not much to say BUT still rlly good!!
Chapter 18!!!
-Part 3 begins!!
-Again I always forget the names of these places, falling water is a very pretty name!!
-Citra being angry about Faraday’s death OUGH, she’s rlly going through 5 stages of grieve style
-Could you imagine ppl in the future calling our decor and shit old fashioned? Bizarre
-I love how they make Curie instantly charming and likable with only a few scenes, good writing man!!
-What hobbies would other scythes have? I wonder…
-Fun fact, i cannot drive, tried to learn and crashed the car, oh how I wish driving wasn’t necessary like in scythe
-Giving us little notes about the comfort scythes can give
-We hear a lot about being stagnant in the Scythe universe, and like, yeah, if you were in this utopia wouldn’t you grow stagnant even quicker than most? You have nothing to do literally
-You can really feel how observant Curie is, she noticed the small details
-Jesus even Curie’s yelling scared ME and I already knew what was gonna happen! She’s rlly intimidating—
-Gotta uphold your image!!
-“Another Scythe might have exacted a punishment far worse.” *COUGH COUGH GODDARD*
-Again shit names!! Barton Breen??? What??
-20 kids,, Jesus,,
-You can Curie’s own version of compassion, it’s different from Faradays yet still wonderful
-She did find her own way of gleaning!!
-Again FUCK Goddard!!
-I do wonder what would happen if Citra was trained by Goddard instead of Rowan…
-“Immortality has turned us all into cartoons.” GOD THAT LINEE
-Amazing chapter!! Told a LOT abt Curie!!!
CHAPTER 19!!!!
-Oo!! I thought this moment happened in Thunderhead but I misremembered!!
-Tho I THINK something similar happens??? Idk maybe my memory is fuckin with me ushejdj
-ALSO DAMN CITRA!! Pushin girls in front of TRUCKS holy fuck!!!
-Hate the eating descriptions!!
-Cindy lmaoo, whenever someone whitewashes Citra im gonna call it Cindy instead <3 spite
-“err on the side of respect.” LMAO love that line
-RONDA ROADKILL IM DYINGGGGGG and so did she! (Temporarily but yk)
-“Can i throw you under a truck some other time?” She’s a busy person! I’d totally throw Citra under a truck! Would be fun!
-Morals change when theres little consequences, Citra would never even CONSIDER pushing Ronda in the mortal age, but since people can just come back it doesn’t seem like such a bad thing, it also shows how the concept of empathy and morality has changed in this society
-“the cloud” like icloud! Guess apple won in this world!
-“The machine had a purer soul than any human” NO IT DOESNT IVE SEEN AI ART YOU CANT FOOL ME!!!
-OO TIME FOR CITRA TO INVESTIGATE!! I remember LOVING this plot so!!!!
Chapter 20!!
-Rowan finally!!! I missed you!!!!!
-He doesn’t wanna kill Citra!!! The beginning of his devotion to her UGHHH
-god hes only 17, I think we forgot how young these characters are, they really are just kids being pushed into this horrible situation god,,,
-“His was a life without substance, and now it would end.” God and here we see Rowan’s iconic self deprecating “emo” moments, people make fun of these scenes a lot but I fucking love em, it really contrasts Rowan and Citra. Citra has people who love and care about her, Rowan doesn’t, he knows that (in this moment) if he died no one would really care or remember him, so when he finds Citra, someone who does care about him and would care if he died, he clings to it. I mean when you’re that neglected and want SOMEONE to care even a little about you, wouldn’t you do the same thing?
-He already wants to change things!! And he will!! He will change a lot, though not as much as his girlfriend!!
-“So is there a reason why you choose your robes to be the color of piss?” HA one of my favorite lines!!
-“the Change” god their ideology—, the fact they’re all thinking that they’re changing things for the better really shows how convincing of a man Goddard is, GOD i hate him!!!
-Ans here we have Goddard’s MANY parties
-my sensory issues would hate this
-I accidentally spelled Goddard’s name as Goodard which…Isn’t that so Ironic?
-“Bimbotech” Neal I’m BEGGING you to stop
-“Rowan wondered if the man had a diamond-studded bathing suit in his waredrobe as well.” He would because he’s a vain prick!!
-HES UNDERAGE STOP GIVING HIM ALCOHOL!! *Looking at you RAND especially ya creep—*
-“He was lucky if they even remembered to get him a gift” rowans parents man,,, He was really fucking neglected man it’s so awful, and the fact he still cares about them despite that GODDD
-See how goddard bend the rules? See how he twists them to make them fit what HE wants? Yeah, he’s gonna do that a lot; again, fuck you Goddard
-ESME!!! Shes backk!! And he’s right! She’ll be important!!
-GOD this is a good chapter, rowan my beloved!!
And that’s it!!! Next time will be chapters 21-25!! We’re going so fast aren’t we?
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sincerelywhistler · 1 year
This is Saiph
Saiph (he/it) is a Nightcrawler, a sub-class of Serenity Daemon
(I yearn for more Redactedverse races of D(a)emons since we know they’re out there, so I decided to make my own especially spooky skrungle to pass the time😌)
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Just a heads up: Saiph’s background is kinda dark lol [psychosis/delirium, malicious values, mention of human death]
• Saiph, meaning ‘sword’, is a star located in the constellation of Orion.
• Saiph is mute; it doesn’t need to use words to hunt or feed from its prey 
• While Demonkind isn’t ill-willed such as how Elegy’s interpretation shamefully tends to portray them as, this is a hostile sub-class of Daemon, yet not by choice.
• The Sovereigns toyed and experimented with Serenity Daemons in a similar vein to how they once did with Concubi, corrupting and warping the peace-seekers into its antithesis, into something so violently obsessed and aggressive in finding their picture of ‘perfect and divine serenity’ that they spiraled and drove themselves into an enraged madness. Thus classifies them as a sub-class to Serenity Daemons. Nightcrawlers did not coalesce; they were forged.
• This aloof and territorial sub-class highly values isolation and solitude.
• But worry not; there are very few and far between number of Nightcrawlers, so rare that they used to be practically considered a myth until modern Department technology was able to better track and contain them for research purposes. D.U.M.P. has aptly given this sub-class its name, as the majority of documented Nightcrawler tracking patterns have been recorded to display they seek out humans to feed on from sundown to sunrise.
• Saiph’s kind is extremely patient and meticulous when picking their meals, so rather than feeding from a gathering of people in a single passing go, this sub-class modifies a single human’s memory and implements an overwhelming sense of deja-vu into their minds, piquing their curiosity and luring them to its space of choice while under a trance-like delusion.
• They keep their prey around for the rest of the duration of the human’s life as a thrall of sorts, because the further into delirium the person strays, the stronger the emotions these Daemons can feed from.
• The human’s worsening psychosis provides such a substantial amount of emotions that only one person is needed per Nightcrawler, a ‘mate-for-life’ type of relationship, but between their aggressive feeding habits, tendency to push the human mind too far, as well as the intensity and obsessive frequency at which they feed, the person’s life is often cut extremely short. Then begins another hunt.
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sassmill · 2 years
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Absolutely nobody asked for this, but since it’s nearly October and I listen to these year round: here are some Halloween-y spooky musicals that aren’t Sweeney Todd or Addams Family or Beetlejuice. Lots of murder inbound, folks. The spectrum ranges from “this piece of art is integral to my soul” to “this is campy and fun and I sing it in my car a lot.”
1) Get Jack
To sum it up with lyrics, “he’s still most wanted, but we’ve been forgotten.” The Canonical Five women murdered by Jack the Ripper tell their stories (and then rise as specters from Hell to bring him down). Some serious guitar shredding and rock vocals on tracks like “Left Handed Wives” and “Agony in Red,” and hard-hitting emotional lyrics and performances on tracks like “Blood in Whitechapel” and “Forever Erased.” Plus, a cheeky narrator who may or may not be the Devil. Strikes the perfect balance between earned rage and overdue grieving for these victims that have been largely pushed by the wayside in the history books because of their gender and occupation—like the women of Six, they’re flipping the narrative to reclaim their own identities and agency in the story. These five women were more than just names in a rhyme.
2) Angelmakers: Songs for Female Serial Killers
This song cycle tells you its concept first thing—everyone deserves one song. Even those that have been condemned. Especially them. An examination of “feminine rage and radical empathy,” it makes no excuses for each of these eight women—these serial killers—but it dissects their lives and asks the audience to ponder: how has this world broken you down? How much have you held in? How often have you said sorry? How much have you sacrificed for peace of mind, and how much would you give to make the world bear the full brunt of your pain? It’s more than a concert or a song cycle, it is an elegy—a ritual, an offering for women we know and women we have been. We begin by acknowledging the rage we carry, the effort it takes to temper it, in “Stick the Key In.” We bear witness to the pain that the world has wrought in these women, we recognize that their circumstances are similar to so many others in the seven wildly cathartic punk rock devotionals—and I do feel that that is exactly what they are, because each song is “for” one of these women. And we end the cycle with a psalm of sorts, for all of us: “Will to Live.” It is explicitly unapologetic in the grace it grants these women, and in engaging with their trauma we can allow ourselves as women some grace as well: our pain is real, and our rage reverberates through the centuries because of this will to live despite those that try to break us because of how they’ve been broken. It gives you permission to hurt so that you can start to heal. If you listen to this one, make an evening out of it and listen to it all the way through—complete the cycle.
Anybody who really knows me knows how close this show is to my heart. It takes the 1892 Borden ax murders and holds up a magnifying glass to the women at the center of it. Though the full history involves many, many players, this two act rock musical presents the story to us through just four: Lizzie and Emma, spinster sisters struggling under their father’s iron fist and their stepmother’s cold hearted scheming; Bridget, the family’s young Irish maid who sees and hears everything; and Alice, a neighbor and confidant who must weigh her desire to support the woman she loves against her conscience when she witnesses deceit. This work is a masterpiece of tension. In the days leading up to the murders, you can feel the stifling presence of the father and stepmother bearing down on all four women—and they aren’t physically present in the show at all. The women each play their own role in the drama they unfold—Bridget is our Greek chorus, Emma is puppet master, Alice is a light in the darkness, and Lizzie is the eye of the storm. Honestly, The Village Voice perfectly summed it up: “Lush tunes which retch sex, rage, dyke heat, misanthropy, and incest… Surreal glee and gallows humor… Finally, a rock musical you’d wanna mosh to.”
IMPORTANT: trigger warning for implications of sexual assault.
4) Lizzie Borden
Yes, there are two musicals about her. There’s also an opera by Jack Beeson and an Agnes DeMille ballet scored by Morton Gould, but that’s not why we’re here. As far as my suggestions on this list go, this 1998 treatment of the Borden murders is probably the most stylistically conventional for musical theatre (tying with Witches of Eastwick)—the weaving of dialogue with song, patter, and breadth of leitmotif call to mind Sondheim. Unlike LIZZIE, this show presents the full cast of characters involved in that fateful day and its aftermath in an inventive nonlinear fashion, splitting Lizzie into her younger self at some of its most chilling moments. The score is gorgeous, and I cannot properly stress how marvelously the leitmotifs pan out in the second act. Strikes a good balance between comedic, petty drama and the panic behind life altering tragedy—I guarantee you’ll be humming “Buttons” for at least a week after your heart stops pounding from the anxiety that builds with every measure of “So Easily.” Again, IMPORTANT: trigger warning for implied sexual assault.
5) Nevermore: the Imaginary Life and Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe
Haunting and ominously playful, the show’s traveling acting troupe starts at Poe’s birth and follows his tragedies and triumphs up until the opening moments of the show—a framing device that I will always love, and it’s played off here deliciously. I don’t have a whole essay to write on this one and I have no idea how biographically accurate it is to his life, but I love listening through it on long drives—a lot of underscored dialogue, which I just happen to enjoy while driving. Maybe because I like podcasts. I don’t know. It doesn’t really warrant a trigger warning, but I can’t NOT mention that it does include his marriage to his 13 year old cousin—the dynamic portrayed is avuncular if anything, nothing predatory or unnerving, but. Yeah. Child cousin bride. Do with this what you will.
6) Ghost Quartet
Dave Malloy, my sweet, sweet baboo. I love this show so much. I talked about this show in the process portion of my thesis. And it’s really impossible to summarize the plot because it is stories inside of stories and it’s best listened to many, many times in the wind and rain. There are two sisters, an astronomer, and a bear. A soldier. A driver, a victim, a pusher, a photographer. The Fall of the House of Usher. Sheherazade, Dunyazad, and Shah Zaman. Thelonious Monk. Any kind of dead person, reincarnation, a classic murder ballad, and lots of whiskey. It’s intensely weird and equally wonderful. If you listen to the live recording from the McKittrick Hotel, dialogue is included! Better yet, Dave Malloy actually made the full production directed by Annie Tippe available to watch on his YouTube channel at the start of the pandemic.
7) The Witches of Eastwick
As far as I am concerned, John Updike doesn’t exist and the only versions of this story that matter are the movie and this musical. Three witches in a small Rhode Island town learn to be authentically themselves and enjoy their lives through some ill-advised fraternization with the devil himself (the egrets be damned). Local prophet has some tummy trouble. The “I want” songs are delicious and it is a personal goal of mine to perform “Words, Words, Words” without actually biting my tongue in the last verse. “Dirty Laundry” has all the petty 1960s housewife drama you could ask for. “I Wish I May” is a charming trio about fulfilling the dreams we had as children. “Dance with the Devil” is a straight banger. “Another Night at Darryl’s” is a lusty romp. Just, like, do yourself a favor and listen to this musical it’s so fun. John Updike stays in the penalty box for all eternity, though. I am never getting those hours of my life back.
8 ) Rebecca das Musical
Okay I KNOW that this one is literally in German but hear me out—the lovely fanbase have made so many YouTube videos of the soundtrack with English subtitles if you don’t speak German (I’m… getting there). The Daphne du Maurier novel is perfect, the Hitchcock film is perfect, and this musical is perfect. Even before I knew enough German to comprehend any of the words, I knew the storyline well enough that the music itself (it’s so expressive I swoon) made characters and plot points clear. Gothic romance that is incredibly questionable, murder, ambiguity, repressed lesbianism, scandal, a protagonist that literally doesn’t have a name—what’s not to love? Mrs. Danvers steals the show as is her god-given right, and if nothing else you should listen to the demo recording of the English language version of the title song “Rebecca” from the vanished Broadway production (whose death was just as tragic and mysterious as Rebecca de Winter’s). It’s unhinged and incredibly sapphic; everything Mrs. Danvers ought to be (Kristin Scott Thomas, I’m so sorry they gave you that sad excuse of a script you deserved so much better. When it was first released I said I liked the 2020 Netflix Rebecca but in retrospect… no). I don’t think I’m really capable of intelligent thought at this point in the list (it is now 1:26 am) but just know that I love this musical and it is helping me learn German. Why am I learning German? So I can listen to this musical. Why I am listening to this musical? So I can learn German. And the snake consumes its own tail. And I should probably go to sleep.
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starlitangels · 2 years
The King (Pin the Crown On)
@zozo-01 and I have very strange conversations and sometimes I have to write them out. Enjoy this ridiculous little thing. Continuing with my recent theme: Major Cataclysm Spoilers Ahead 6.1k words CW: fantasy violence, some aggressive and threatening language, peril to characters
“King” Samuel Collins regarded me thoughtfully as I entered the audience hall, chin resting on his hand, sprawled casually on the throne that used to belong to the Imperium.
“What’s a lone Freelancer doin’ here all by themselves?” he asked. He wrinkled his nose. “Covered in the smell-a daemons?”
“I used to be the coordinator for the Academy’s daemon haven in Dahlia,” I said, keeping my posture straight but giving him a half-bow of respect. “I still work closely with them.”
“A’right. So what’re you doin’ here, Freelancer-coordinator?”
“The daemons who took over the Dahlia academy—who you fought beside when you stormed the Spire—have taken up... residence in Ferris.” I’d almost said refuge, but that seemed like the wrong word to use with this guy. “Avior has no idea I’m here. He’s in Borden organizing the daemons there.” I took a breath. “But, to be fair, I didn’t come here alone.” I gestured behind me.
A rift tore open and a tall daemon ducked through it, standing behind me to my right.
“You remember Vega, I assume,” I said.
Samuel Collins’ silver eyes sized Vega up slowly. “I remember,” he agreed. “You tryin’ to intimidate me or somethin’? It’s not gonna work.”
“No, no,” I replied, shaking my head.
I am simply here to protect the coordinator. Because if something happens to the love of Avior’s life... Vega trailed off, mildly threateningly. He smirked. Well. Newly minted kings can be so easy to... unseat from their thrones.
Samuel Collins snarled, baring his fangs. But didn’t get off his throne.
“Vega,” I chided blithely. “Not now.”
Vega’s orange-gold, fiery eyes peered down at me with a fake pout. Awww... but he makes a delicious meal, he complained, obviously mocking Collins. Such malice...
“Vega,” I pressed.
He heaved a sigh and relaxed. Fine, he relented.
I looked back to Collins. “Sorry about him. He insisted on joining me. I was going to bring a Serenity Daemon but Vega wouldn’t listen.” I gave him a somewhat fake smile. “Anyway. If I may, I’d like to discuss the actual reason I’m here.”
“Well get to it, then.”
“We—that is, the former residents of the Dahlia daemon haven—are intending to take Ferris as our territory,” I said, cutting right to the chase. “We intend to drive out any Mass-Maker who attempts to make it their base of operations, and we intend to make it a safe place for the daemons who are coming over from Aria for the first time to get accustomed to Elegy and be safe.”
“And?” Collins looked beyond indifferent.
“Well, we’re right on the border of your territory. Ferris isn’t that far from Dahlia. We don’t want to step on your toes. We’ll respect your border so long as you respect ours. If necessary or interested, I’m sure Avior would consider negotiating some sort of alliance. Considering some other Mass-Maker with even more progeny under their belt might try to snatch Dahlia from you,” I continued. Collins scoffed at that last statement.
“So why’d you come here alone behind your little demonic leader’s back?” he asked.
“Because I pulled your file before the fight at the Spire,” I replied. Collins lifted his chin off his hand and sat up a little straighter. “Our technician, Anton, did most of the vetting. He’s unempowered but he’s a genuine genius.
“But I recognized your name from the list of vampires who presented themselves at our gates that day.” I swallowed. “So I pulled your file.”
“Find anythin’ you like?” he snarked.
“You used to be a Freelancer,” I said, not rising to the bait. “I recognized your name from the healing classes I took while I was getting my full certification. My professor still lauded you as her best student, almost twenty years later. You and I are... were... of a similar spirit. Hardworking perfectionists. Some might call us—”
“Overachievers,” Collins put in, a thoughtful look crossing his face.
I nodded. “I tried for four years to take that title from you in my professor’s eyes. It’s a blow to my pride to admit I never did it.”
Amusement crossed Collins’ face. “No. I don’t imagine you did. What does any of this matter?”
“Call it naïveté if you want, but I hoped having some sort of understanding of each other might make you more inclined to listen.”
“You’re still here, ain’t ya?” he retorted. “I haven’t had anyone throw you out, yet.”
You could try, Vega growled.
“Vega,” I warned. “Not now.”
Vega was tense, but stood down. Yes, coordinator.
Collins snorted. “You got a Sadism Daemon on a short leash. I commend you for that.”
“Trust me, it’s his respect for Avior, not me.” I took a deep breath. “Are you willing to consider the possibility of an alliance with the daemons?”
“And if I’m not?”
I shrugged. “Respect the border between our two territories. Leave us alone, we’ll leave you alone.” I made a face. “Should that prove to be too difficult for you...” I glanced at Vega. He smiled menacingly. I looked back at Collins, still nonchalant and casual. “We have plenty enough daemons to defend our borders.”
“Well, then I suppose we’ll see what happens, won’t we, darlin’?”
Vega tensed behind me. If you call the coordinator that again—
He relaxed the muscle in his jaw, but didn’t relax anything else.
“I suppose we will,” I said to Collins. “But I advise you to heed me, now. There’s been enough bloodshed. We don’t want any more. We just want to continue our lives in peace and maybe scratch out a little spot of safety for our people.” I turned to leave.
“You will never be one of them,” Collins said softly.
I grabbed Vega’s wrist before he could do much more than snarl and whirl around. I felt a ward spring into existence between me and the half of the hall where Collins was. I turned slowly to face him again. He was still sitting on his throne. Hadn’t even gotten up to try and intimidate Vega or harm me.
I regarded Collins calmly. “I’ll never be a daemon, no,” I agreed. “But that doesn’t mean I’m not one of them.” I let go of Vega’s wrist. “When you find a the right family for you, you’ll find that you want to protect each other out of care and respect. Not fear or force. I lost my blood family to the Imperium years ago. The daemons became the family I chose for myself. And if you never find someone to mourn you when you are gone... I’m sorry.” I turned back to Vega. “Let’s leave.”
We walked back to the entrance of the hall. Vega didn’t drop the ward separating us from Samuel Collins.
At the door, I stopped, setting a hand on Vega’s forearm to halt him too.
I turned to look back one more time. “The Imperium didn’t like it when Mass-Makers turned empowered humans. Took most of their magic away, instead of giving unempowereds a Core. Alexis Solaire died the same night the Imperium did.”
Collins straightened up properly.
“I imagine there’s no love lost there,” I said.
He scoffed. “Woman more’n had it comin’,” he spat.
“Am I safe in guessing you didn’t even feel the bond die?”
He snorted. “Sugar, I’ve turned hundreds of vampires. I have so many maker-progeny blood bonds I could never tell when one-a ‘em vanished. So, no. I did not feel when the one between me and my maker died.”
I examined my fingernails nonchalantly. “Her death is the reason you got your invocations back.”
“Like hell,” he retorted. “She wasn’t the Invoker. I tied plenty-a progeny to the actual Invoker to know that for damn sure.”
“No. She wasn’t. But Vincent Solaire knew who was. And his price for giving up that information was her death.” I met Collins’ eyes. “My best friend’s pack alpha ripped her head off that night. Got the information from Vincent Solaire, ripped his head off too, and then went after the Invoker. You can guess the rest.” I left off the fact that Brachium willingly gave his life.
“Vincent Solaire had a few screws loose,” Collins commented. “Bastard deserved to have his head torn off.”
You could say that about every vampire on this plane, Vega remarked casually.
“The screws loose or the head tearing off?” I asked.
Vega shrugged. Choose one. I’m not picky.
I bounced an eyebrow and looked back at Collins. “I’m sorry she took that from you, Freelancer. But I thought you’d like to know that she’s gone.”
Before he could say anything, I ducked through the door, taking Vega with me.
“Let’s go home, Vega.”
Vega scooped me up and took off running.
Avior was waiting for us in Ferris. At the Keaton pack’s old den. Where the Dahlia haven daemons and the Shaw pack had taken up residence.
He was leaning against the wall next to the front door, arms crossed, staring up at the night sky.
There was a metaphorical stormcloud brewing over his head.
Vega put me down on the den’s porch. I’ll leave you two alone, he said, ducking through the door to go inside.
Once the door shut behind him, I scrunched my eyebrows. “What’s wrong, Avior?” I asked. “Something happen in Borden?”
“No, actually,” Avior said. Much too casual for the roiling energy around him.
“So what’s wrong?”
“I got a call. While I was in Borden. A few minutes ago. From King Collins in Dahlia.” He used the title sarcastically. “I don’t know how he has my number and frankly I don’t really care. He told me that you and Vega sought an audience with him and told him to respect our borders in Ferris and suggested that he and I consider negotiating an alliance.”
“So you’re mad at me?”
“I’m frustrated that you didn’t tell me you were planning it,” he corrected. “But everything else is sound.”
“So why are you... brooding?” It was the wrong word but my brain wasn’t supplying a better one.
“Because he decided to call me King Avior.”
A smile I couldn’t stop lifted up my face.
“Oh, don’t you start, starlight,” Avior said.
“But... but it suits you!” I teased.
“I’m not a king! I’m not like them! I’m not—” He shoved his hand through his hair. “I don’t want to be some tyrannical... monster.”
“You won’t be. You listen to the people who look to you for leadership. And you’ve got me, and Vega, and Cam, and everyone else to keep you humble.”
“What if I stop listening?”
“Then Vega and I will read you the absolute riot act to end all riot acts until we’ve knocked you back down to where you are now.”
He brushed the backs of his fingers down my cheek before cupping my neck. “I hope you’re right,” he said softly.
I gave him a cheeky grin. “I am. And if you start getting an even bigger head than Vindemiator always joked you have, I won’t even stop Vega if he starts getting violent if that’s what it takes to make you see sense.”
“I feel like I should be concerned, but I’m actually quite relieved.”
He pulled me a little closer and I reached for a kiss. He gladly agreed and pressed his lips to mine. “I love you, Avior,” I whispered. “And I am, absolutely, going to tease you about this for the rest of my life.”
He smiled wide. “I... don’t doubt that,” he said, resting his forehead against mine.
“Wanna go inside? It’s a little chilly.”
We ducked inside.
“Oh, God. What’s in that?” Avior complained the second I strolled into the den three days later with a small paper bag from the dollar store. He must have sensed my amusement and mischief.
“Just something to keep you humble,” I replied.
Asher looked up from where he’d been quietly talking with Milo on one of the couches. Neither of them had moved since I left for the store. Daylight still burned strong and we were making good on protecting Ferris from vampires to boot.
“What is it?” Avior pressed.
I reached into the bag and pulled out the cheap, plastic tiara. The kind that was poorly painted silver, with fake gems and thin, downy feathers—pink, in this case, since I hadn’t been able to find a red one.
“Starlight!” Avior protested as I moved to try to put it on his head. He ducked away. I pursued.
I chased him around the common area while Milo and Asher watched in amusement, cackling. I nearly caught Avior twice—and he wasn’t using his enhanced speed—but every time he dodged before I could put the cheap, ridiculous little tiara on his head.
“Hey, over here!” Asher called, hopping off the couch, clapping, and holding his hands to catch the tiara. I threw it at him—guiding my aim with a little Psychokinesis—and laughed as he caught it. He vaulted the back of the couch he’d been on and chased Avior from the other direction.
“Tag-teaming is not fair play!” Avior exclaimed.
Asher and I laughed as we tried to box him in.
He ducked through a rift—and ended up directly in front of Milo.
“Milo!” Asher said, tossing the tiara over. Milo laughed, snatched it from the air, and joined the game.
“What is going on?” Cam demanded, standing on the stairs.
“Pin the crown on the king!” I replied, chasing Avior and holding my hands out for the tiara when I got close enough. Milo threw it at me. I fumbled the catch a little but managed not to drop—or break—the thing.
Cam watched us, gaping a little, as the four of us ran around the room. “Okay...” he muttered.
“Come join, Cam!” I called. “It’s fun!”
“No it’s not!” Avior protested. “I am not putting that thing on!”
“Why not?” Asher joked. “Are you scared of a little plastic?”
Milo snorted. “Nah—he’s just too dignified,” he put in.
I caught Avior around the waist and tried to reach to put the tiara in his hair, but he phased through my arm like a little cheater and ducked between Asher and Milo—who crashed into each other—and tried to get out of the common area.
But Cam blocked his exit. “Ah-ah-ah,” he said. “The leader should wear a crown, right?” he teased.
“Not you too,” Avior started—
In time for me to pounce on him and plant the tiara in his hair between his horns. I started to laugh so hard I snorted at the affronted expression on Avior’s face.
“I cannot believe the love of my life would subject me to such indignity—”
“Really?” I retorted, wiping tears of laughter off my face. “Have you gotten to know me at all this past year?” I moved with him to keep him from pulling the tiara off while Asher scrambled to get his phone out to take pictures. “We take joy in the few places where we can find it, Avior.”
“And one of those places is tormenting me?”
“... It’s a plastic tiara. Not the end of the world. We already averted that.”
“Coordinator, I got like ten pictures,” Asher said.
“Oh, my God—let me seeee!” I exclaimed, climbing off where I was still half-climbed up Avior’s back and rushing over to Asher’s side to look at his screen. I laughed as he scrolled through them. Most were blurry but there was one really good one of me beaming over Avior’s shoulder with one hand firmly holding the tiara to his head. “You have got to send those to me!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Asher said.
The door to the basement stairs opened and my friend emerged. “What does an unempowered gotta do for two uninterrupted hours of quiet around here?!” they demanded, eyes fixed on Asher.
I couldn’t help the scoff that escaped my throat. “With this many daemons and shifters trying to call one pack house home? Cast a mass sleep spell over the whole place and kick the daemons out,” I muttered sarcastically. My friend shot me a look. And as they twisted, I noticed a small bruise-like mark on their neck, poking out from under their shirt collar. Apparently their little budding attraction with Asher had progressed farther than I thought. I bit back a teasing grin.
Avior rolled his eyes. “Sorry,” he said to my friend. “These three just decided it would be fun to—”
He stopped as my friend started snickering at the tiara still between his horns.
“Oh, for God’s sake,” he muttered, reaching up and snatching the tiara out of his hair. He threw it at me. I caught it and set it on the paper bag that had ended up on the coffee table. “Save the games for when the Empathy Daemons are actually here. At least then they can feed on the joy you take in tormenting me.”
“You’re so dramatic, Avior,” I said, leaving Asher and Milo to lean against Avior’s side. He rolled his eyes. “You’re not being tormented. There’s no harm in trying to get you to wear a cheap toy.”
His phone started ringing before he could do much more than open his mouth to make some sarcastic retort. He yanked it from the pocket of his dark jeans and glanced at it. “Collins?” he asked as he put the phone to his ear. “To what do I owe the call?” He pressed a quiet kiss to my forehead and left the room, going out to the front porch. Asher, Milo, Cam, my friend, and I all exchanged looks. Cam looked at me and nodded toward the front door.
I made a face and shrugged. If he’d wanted me to go with him, he would have taken my hand and dragged me out.
We all stood there for a moment—and I realized Cam, Asher, and Milo were all eavesdropping on Avior. My friend and I were the only ones who couldn’t hear him, with our basic human senses. Cam kept making faces and Asher and Milo were exchanging looks.
After a minute, Avior came back in. There was a large crack in the plastic on the back of his phone that sealed itself shut—good as new—as he released his death grip on it.
Avior met my eyes. “He wants to see us. Negotiate an alliance or some sort of truce,” he said. Frustration colored his expression. “And he wants to make a thing out of it.”
“Meaning?” I prompted.
“Meaning he wants it to be a formal... meeting. As in dressing up fancy. All that posturing, meaningless, bullsh—”
“Who has to be there?” Asher interrupted. Avior met his eyes.
“Me, Vega, you,” Avior said. He looked to me. “And you. And anyone else who would like to join.”
“Well... we can’t bring everyone,” I said.
Avior and Asher both shook their heads.
“The numbers advantage would be nice,” Avior said. “But it’s too dangerous to have us all in one place.”
“Best to leave most of the pack here,��� Asher put in. Avior nodded.
“Yeah. Most of the daemons too. Some to guard the den, some to watch the border so Collins doesn’t try anything while we’re distracted.”
“I can put a couple wolves on the border too,” Asher offered. Avior nodded. He glanced at my friend, who had snuck closer to us while we’d been talking. “Can’t let the daemons feel like they’re doing all the work around here.” He smiled, and my friend smiled back. Milo’s eyes widened a fraction and his lips parted. He looked surprised. I could guess why. Before all this, my friend told me Asher was a somber guy. Milo seeing his alpha smile probably was jarring.
“Yeah. Put a handful. Make sure the rest know to stay in the den and stay safe,” Avior agreed.
“When’s the meeting?” I asked.
“Day after tomorrow.”
“Then we’ve got some plans to prepare.”
He nodded.
“C’mon. All teasing aside, Cam’s right. You need some way to denote you’re the leader.”
“Starlight, we’re not joking about this again—”
“It’s not a joke this time!” I exclaimed. “I’m not telling you to wear a bejeweled cape with a scepter and some gaudy, God-awful crown. I’m suggesting one piece of ornamentation that shows you’re our leader. Collins probably won’t be super dressed up, but he’ll be making it obvious that he’s king of Dahlia.”
“With what, a diamond-encrusted cowboy hat?” Avior retorted sarcastically.
“Honestly? Maybe.”
He snorted. “I’d want a picture of that if such a thing exists.” He rolled his eyes. “What did you have in mind?”
“Some sort of circlet?” I hedged. “I was thinking black metal, with a ruby or a garnet in the middle. Although, from a distance, I doubt Collins would be able to tell if it was a gem or some fancy-ass glass. But just something to show you’re the one he’s dealing with.”
Avior fixed me with a look. “Fine.” He closed his eyes and concentrated.
A burst of magic accompanied the circlet appearing around his head. The deep, violet-red garnet in the center of his forehead was shaped like a needle spearing down toward his nose.
“You’re staring,” he said.
I shut my slack jaw and blinked. “Damn,” I said. “It suits you.”
He snapped his fingers and weight rested around my skull. “If I have to wear something stupid, so do you,” he said.
I went to the tarnished, cracked mirror in the small bedroom we’d been sharing and sought out what he’d put on me.
His circlet was simple black metal.
Mine was bright, shiny silver with a pale blue star in the center of my forehead. The metal was much more intricately designed than his—which didn’t surprise me in the least. He and I were similar in that we liked treating the other much better than we treated ourselves. I saw the world in his gaze and he saw his future in mine.
I turned to face him. “You spoil me,” I said.
He shrugged. “It suits you,” he copied. I wrinkled my nose at him. He laughed.
I stepped out of the path of the mirror so he could fidget with his hair, an irritated expression on his face.
“This is ridiculous,” he muttered under his breath. “Isn’t it enough to say I am the leader? Do I have to wear this thing?”
“Yes. You have to. Because it makes you look hot and also does the other job of showing off that you are our fearless leader and—”
“Starlight. You don’t have to try and cheer me up. I get the point, believe it or not. It just seems ridiculous.”
“It’ll all be fine, Avior. I promise. And, hey, I was also gonna suggest you wrapping some gold chains up your horns if I didn’t think you’d grumble about it. But I know you would so I decided to just leave it at the circlet.”
“I should just cloak my horns...” he muttered, finally getting his hair to cooperate around the circlet.
“Well, I...” He trailed off. “I don’t know.”
I made a face. “Are you insecure about how they look?”
“No. I just... I don’t know. Feel like maybe I should look more human.”
“None of that, my love,” I said, cupping his face in both my hands. “You’re amazing as you are. I fell in love with a daemon. Collins already knows you’re a daemon. No point in trying to hide. Be proud and confident. You’re our leader and you’re damn good at your job. Don’t let this freak you out or get into your head. Understand?”
My head spun with dizziness as he surprise-kissed me. My eyelids fluttered closed and I leaned into the contact. “I understand,” he breathed.
“Good. Now let’s get going. Because if we have to stay in this room for one more minute with you dressed like that I’m gonna tear your clothes off,” I said, taking his hand and dragging him out of our room.
“Vindemiator. What a pleasant surprise,” I said as our group gathered outside the audience hall of the Spire. “I thought you and your human...” Deserted. Ran away. Ditched. Fled. Left. Too many words, all of them wrong.
“We did. Scorpius showed up and asked if I’d come to this so he could stay behind and watch the shifter children at the cottage. I...” Vindemiator shook some of his hair out of his face. “If it had been anyone else...” He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. I’m here. I’m fully fed. If anything goes south, Collins is gonna be dust under my boot.”
“Maybe don’t say that out loud in a place where he can probably hear you,” I advised.
Vindemiator made a face of indifference. “He invited a contingency of daemons into the Spire. He knows the risk.”
“He’s also a Mass-Maker.”
Vindemiator didn’t look concerned. “The only ones in this group I fear for are you and the shifters.”
“I’m decently trained in most magic. I should be okay.”
“For Avior’s sake, I hope that’s true. I don’t want to see what he does if something happens to you.” He glanced over my shoulder. “Speak of the demon.”
Avior’s familiar scent and warmth washed over me as a hand took mine. “We’re going in soon,” he said to me and Vindemiator. “Get ready... for anything.”
“Delightfully vague,” Vindemiator commented. He took a deep breath as though to calm his temper—that muscle in his jaw loosening. “I’ve got your back, Avior.” He sounded begrudging, but genuine.
Avior nodded to him. “We’ll make this quick and get you home to your Freelancer before you know it.”
“Here’s hoping,” Vindemiator muttered.
“Starlight, c’mon. I want you at the front with me.” Avior tugged me by my hand.
There were a few vampire guards standing about the walls of the antechamber as everyone formed ranks. Probably four and they all looked nervous, casting glances at each other.
Avior and I stood before the doors I’d entered through days beforehand. Vega just behind us to our right, Asher to our left. Vindemiator between the two, directly behind. The next row consisted of Milo, Cam, Crux, and Amanda. My unempowered friend had stayed back at the den—with strict orders on Delphinus, Arden, and Brooks to keep them safe.
One of the vampire guards Zipped to stand before me and Avior at the door. “The king will see you now,” he said.
He shoved the doors open.
My hand was clenched around Avior’s so hard I figured my knuckles were probably going to ache within minutes. Avior’s aura burned a little warmer, brushing against mine in an attempt at comforting me.
We strode into the audience hall.
Collins started chuckling. “Quite the entourage you got there,” he said.
Avior didn’t look fazed. “You’re a Mass-Maker. We respect that power—”
“But you don’t trust me. Naw, I get it.” Samuel Collins shook his head, still smiling. “Bring enough people to defend those who can’t rift long enough to escape. Apparently you’re as smart as the rumors say.”
We got close enough for me to realize he wasn’t wearing any sort of ornamentation on his head. No diamond-encrusted cowboy hat, like Avior had joked. No former-Imperial jeweled crown.
Just a large ruby pendant on a gold chain around his neck. 
The ruby’s diameter was probably as long as my thumb. There was a large S cut into the top face of the gem. I snuck a glance at Avior out of the corner of my eye to see if Avior had noticed it. If he did, he’d reacted faster and was already looking steadily into Collins’ eyes.
“Rumors?” he asked blithely.
Collins shrugged. “People talk,” he said. “I just happen to hear.”
“I see.”
Collins gestured with a hand. “Let’s dispense of the formalities, shall we?” he asked, actually getting off the throne. He was in a black suit with a pinstriped green shirt underneath the suit coat. And a pair of perfectly-polished cowboy boots.
Avior stiffened as Collins approached me. “Perhaps a dance is in order,” the vampire offered, putting a hand out for me. Vega’s magic burned hot behind me.
“I don’t dance,” I said casually. “Never got the chance to learn how.”
The expression on Collins’ face turned to one of mock-sympathy. “Well, now. That’s too bad, ain’t it?”
“Leave my partner alone,” Avior said. His voice was soft but the threat in it was clear.
“But we’re already such good friends,” Collins retorted. “Overachievin’ Freelancers. Well, former, in my case. They came to me alone just a few days ago. What’s so different now?”
“The two dozen guards lining the walls?” Avior suggested casually. “But last time they weren’t alone.” He glanced significantly at Vega, who towered over everyone even without including how tall his horns were. “And they weren’t standing close enough for you to try to turn them without the chance to defend themselves before.”
“Would I do that?” Collins asked sarcastically.
“If you thought you could gain something from it, I don’t doubt it,” Avior said.
Vega circled silently around me, putting himself between me and the Mass-Maker.
“Let’s not make a scene before discussions of an alliance can even start,” I advised, trying to keep quiet.
I heard the Zip of someone—whether daemon or vampire, I didn’t know—and then a scream from too close to my ear for comfort.
I whirled to see Vindemiator’s hand closed around one of the vampire guard’s throats. Vin’s eyes were glowing a vibrant magenta as light emitted from his hand around the throat. The guard dissolved to dust, his screams echoing around the empty hall.
Asher was bent forward with his teeth bared, already half-shifted enough that his 6′2″ became more like 6′6″ and his muscles were straining the seams of his clothes. He glared with cold, hard amber eyes at the other guards in the hall, as if daring one of them to try something again, ready to shift in a split-second.
Vega and Avior pressed closer to me.
Collins sighed. “Idiot,” he muttered. “Alright. Dancin’s off. Unfortunate. I was lookin’ forward to makin’ some sorta shindig outta all this.” He strolled back over to his throne and plopped down on it. “Thought I could trust y’all to follow my orders without an invocation tonight,” he called to the guards lining the walls. “Anyone else makes a move I don’t say to make will have them dealin’ with me, rather than one of our guests.” Collins met Avior’s gaze. “Sorry about him.”
Don’t trust him, Vega’s voice said quietly. Only to me and Avior.
We never started, Avior and I replied at the same time.
Avior let go of my hand. “Vega,” he said, nodding between Vega and me. Vega dipped his head in agreement and kept watch beside me, much the same way he had when I first entered this hall.
Avior approached Samuel Collins. “You’ll have to give William Solaire my regards,” Avior remarked, gesturing to the S-carved ruby. Collins merely bounced an eyebrow—and I got the distinct impression that William Solaire would be receiving no such regards. Though I didn’t dare imagine the reason why.
I was completely boxed in by daemons—except Asher, on my left side—as Cam took up position on my right with Vega still in front of me and Vindemiator behind. I was the safest person in the room, probably—so why was I still so worried?
I tapped Vega’s shoulder blade. Yes, coordinator?
Something doesn’t feel right.
I’m not sure. My instincts are... going crazy. Asher seems to agree.
Asher, indeed, hadn’t gone back to his normal state, instead staying half-shifted with sharpened teeth bared. Maybe that was why I couldn’t relax—because Asher couldn’t and I knew to trust a shifter’s danger instincts.
Vega glanced at Asher, then peeked at me.
“You have our attention,” Avior continued to Collins. “Don’t assume I’m stupid enough to believe that vampire wasn’t under some sort of invocation that triggered him to attack after something was said. Trying to get our guard down. Most of us have been alive a lot longer than you, and we know most of the tricks in the book. Hell, Vega probably wrote the book.”
Collins glanced over Avior’s shoulder to Vega. Who was scanning the other guards with those burning coals of eyes.
“We’re still willing to negotiate an alliance,” Avior continued. “But trust must be earned.”
“Never did put much stock in the phrase ‘trust but verify’ myself,” Collins agreed. “Verification always should come first.” He kept looking at Vega—and I remembered Vega telling me and Avior that he’d been the one to draw the vampires to the academy when we were preparing our attack. “You seem to be trustin’ me enough to bring bloodbags we can actually feed on with you, though.”
“I brought individuals who I trust to take care of themselves,” Avior said.
“Includin’—apparently—the love of your life.” Collins’ cold silver gaze bored into me.
“Powerful Freelancer,” Avior said. “I don’t advise you to mess with them.”
“I don’t intend to. I’d hate to see what would happen if I pissed off a room full-a daemons for doin’ somethin’ to their king’s lover.”
“I don’t consider myself their king. I consider myself their—”
Vega tore away from me and slammed a vampire into the wall so hard that I definitely heard multiple bones—and maybe their skull—crack. Vindemiator grabbed me and pulled me backward to put Cam and Asher just a little ahead of me to protect my front.
“—leader,” Avior finished with a sigh. “Vega.”
Forgive me, Avior, but I heard them insulting the coordinator under their breath, Vega replied blithely, clawed fingernails digging into the vampire’s throat where he held them around the neck.
Collins looked the vampire in the eyes. “That true?”
The vampire managed a shaky nod—and I remembered vampires couldn’t lie to their makers.
Collins got off his throne. “Enlighten me. What did you deem so important that you had to say it out loud?” He approached Vega and the guard.
“Vega,” Avior entreated.
Vega loosened his grip around the vampire’s throat. The puncture wounds from his nails started sealing in the vampire’s neck. The vampire gasped for air and coughed to get their breath back. Avior, in the blink of an eye, was standing in front of me, holding my hand again.
The vampire coughed again. “I... I said... the Freelancer... is probably... the easiest prey in this room,” they rasped, sounding reluctant but unable to lie.
Samuel Collins sighed and shook his head. “Y’all...” he muttered. “So disappointed.”
With a lash of his hands and a quick twist, the vampire’s head was separated from their body. I blinked in surprise and pressed closer to Avior. Vega dropped what was left of the vampire to the ground.
“Well. This is goin’ poorly. Avior, howsabout we have this conversation in private? You pick one guard, I pick one guard. Everyone else stays here.”
“That can be arranged,” Avior agreed. He paused, gold eyes flicking to linger on Vega. He wanted to take Vega has his guard—his second, the most powerful daemon in the room. But when his eyes met mine, I knew what he was thinking. He also wanted to leave Vega to protect me.
Vindemiator shifted his weight so he was standing closer to me, looking fiercely around the room.
“Vega, to me,” Avior said. “Vin—”
“Understood,” Vindemiator interrupted, setting a hand on my shoulder.
Collins gestured to one of the vampires lining the wall. She approached. The four left the main audience hall to a back room.
“So,” Vindemiator remarked to me casually. “How long did it take you to convince him to put that stupid thing on his head?”
“Next to no time in comparison to how long I chased him around the den’s common room with a plastic pink tiara,” I replied.
Vindemiator snorted. “He’s a good leader. I... I just... I saw what I wanted to see. Before.”
“He doesn’t blame you for being mad at him because of what your partner did. He told me he would’ve felt the same way. It’s... it’s an incredible thing, for the human to earn the devotion of a daemon. It goes deep and lasts a long time. He forgave you for everything you said—and didn’t say but definitely felt—that night when Vega Sliced Moore’s Threads.”
“Then he’s a better man than I am.”
I gave him a confused look.
“Because I haven’t forgiven myself. He fought for our people for decades, and fought to preserve yours for just as long. I should have thought of that.”
“It’s okay, Vin,” I reassured him. “You can let it go.”
“Maybe. But I’m protecting you as fiercely as he protected my partner—and all of your kind—first.”
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creepywrites · 8 months
Warnings: death and cults.
After a big argument with Sarah, he ran away from home, Ben planned on leaving for a few hours, until he met a recruiter and after convincing him with all the potential friends and promise of becoming like Link, went with her.
He was drowned on his 12th birthday, and was ecstatic when he was informed he was going to be ascended as he was going to be the first.
After joining the eternity project he never saw his mum while alive again and never attended school.
Not many people took notice of his disappearance besides Sarah.
Because he was the first to be successfully ascended they named the group after him, B.E.N.
During the ascension, it wasn’t going all as planned and instead of going into the Link vessel, became the statue of elegy and could not communicate to any of the others or interact with the world.
The reason he latched onto the Legend of Zelda series is because of all the stress in his life. The games became his only escape from it all.
So when everyone was telling him about Kelbris and how it supposedly worked for him, became very excited to be ascended.
N64 is still his favorite console, he plays the old N64 Mario Kart tracks and Ocarina of Time. He considers them friends from a simpler time.
He really wanted to know more about his dad, even though he know he left them, Ben wanted closure.
Because Ben can't age after death, he's stuck being 12, however if he was still alive he'd be 33.
He was a very lonely and insecure kid, people at school never liked him and avoided him, because of his lack of social skills he never talked to people with similar interests.
Ben is friends with some of the other dead kids, he butts heads with Milo now and again. Out of all of them though, Iris is his least favourite because she always tattled on him to Roadwalker and Sadie. But he still likes her to some degree.
He's closest to Oliver and Sally, because they also like having mischief or playing pranks and he considers Sally a sister he never had.
His body was buried and never found, because Sarah died, people completely stopped looking and his case was dropped shortly after.
After Sarah saves him, he becomes Child Link, and Benjamin Lawman's spirit was actually able to separate himself from BEN when the Majora's Mask cartridge was reset. He manifested one night in the home of Jadusable, he went to his house only to find it was demolished, now he just wanders as a spirit hanging out with his new friends.
Ben doesn't remember much of what happened inside the game after the reset, but remembers the people there and misses them a lot.
His powers are phasing through solid objects, levitating small objects and teleportation. He can also go into games, but because of being in the eternality project, he doesn't.
The black goop from his sockets and mouth constantly drip down his face, it pours faster when he cries. He himself doesn’t even know what it is, but assumes it’s old blood.
Ben hasn’t celebrated a single holiday since joining the Eternity Project, and couldn’t celebrate much with Sarah, but goes all out with Sally and lost silver.
He's really anxious, and doesn't trust people easily. He's more friendly towards kids and dead people than adults.
Ben doesn't kill people, even though he easily can, he just wants to live his life and try to improve himself and his friends.
He doesn't surround himself with people that kill for the sake of it.
He used to be with Sadie and Roadwalker, but eventually left with Sally.
They brought him in after seeing him wondering aimlessly, Ben wasn’t going to be fooled twice and refused to go with them, but went after they proved they were dead, too.
He collected a lot of things like stickers, magnets, and pins based on his favourite games at the time, mostly Sonic, Legend of Zelda and Mario.
With the stickers, he likes putting them on his favourite things like a controller that he's claimed his.
He isn't that good at drawing, but he still likes doing it with the others, usually Sally and Lily.
His favourite games are Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and Harvest Moon. However he likes a lot of other games, too. As long as there's some sort of action he'll probably enjoy playing it.
Before dying, he was very naive and gullible. He hates how easily he was tricked and blames himself for his death.
He enjoys Dungeons and Dragons, he used to play with Sarah. He’s a big fantasy nerd in general.
Because he forced his way out of the cartridge, he'll randomly start to glitch out for a few seconds, this usually freaks or worries new people that he meet's because they don't know why he's doing it. But he can't really help it.
He used to draw whenever he could because he wanted to be an artist or animator, although eventually he gave up on that dream sometime after the joining the Eternity Project, becoming more and more dedicated to Luna.
Ben was always unintentionally masking without knowing.
He doesn't mask nearly as much as he used to, and only really does it if he is with someone he doesn't know or like.
His special interest is Pokémon, he used to have one of Legend of Zelda, but has recently stopped.
His stim is kicking his legs.
His closest friends are Sally and Lost Silver.
although he's gained a lot of knowledge over the years, he still has extremely childish mannerisms. The more upset he is, the more child-like he becomes.
Seeing others enjoy what he no longer can brings feelings of jealousy and resentment.
The first few years he was trapped in Majoras Mask, he felt scared and betrayed, he hated anyone who was in the project, and wanted them to suffer.
But after Sarah and Rosa, that changed his mindset after realising it wasn’t some evil plan by everyone involved and everyone was just as confused.
He was closest with Rosa, she was a close friend even if he couldn't interact with her.
He had no clue Sarah was helping him.
Ben mostly keeps to himself because he is afraid to lose the friendships he has - he will only interact with others when they are in the right state to do so. He knows that the people he holds dear are very fragile emotionally and deeply traumatised.
He doesn't speak very often, only a select few have ever heard him say anything.
He's completely blind, Sally is the one who usually guides him along.
In 2018, another Great Depression occurred, leaving many people jobless, homeless and a decrease in international trade. Many people died during this period until it ended in 2020, Ben was completely convinced this is what the Eternity Project was preparing for and thought it was the end of the world and they were going to die all over again.
Ben still keeps up with new Zelda games and enjoys the majority of them.
He smells faintly of a lake.
Ben likes the other ghosts and Lilly but can only hang out with them for so long because of all the different smells are overstimulating.
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