Bruce Wayne, Batman, can't die for good (as in no more comics with him in, he offically canonically dies for good) simply because his haunting of the narrative would be too good
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sweatyflytrap · 1 year
Annoyed at the fact that life is so fucking cyclical and everything keeps going round and round and round till you are literally forced to break the cycle
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transgendersquiddo · 2 years
actually u know what. im obsessed with empires!oli. send ur friend into heaven. speedrun afterlife smp. see god. get sent to empires because of said god. kill the ender dragon. give sausage the jumpscare of a life lifetime on accident because your dog died. cage. freedom. "bard". cbat sausages father figure. get a silly little outfit. build a tent. aware of the narravtive. im obsessed with him u don't understand
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Wow, we still haven't moved on from "JK is gatekeeping RM" narravtive.
It's ok, not every army has/ever had a partner and we shouldn't judge them for it. I hope that maybe at some point, they will realize what that behavior means and who it's addressed to. Baby steps and lots of understanding.
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aymana2mediablog · 1 year
Week-7 Music videos characterized by 3 genres.
Performative: This type of music video consists of a single artist or a group, performing to the camera itself, or in front of a live audience at a one of their concerts. This technique is used to convey the concert experience. Bands, especially rock bands tend to use this convention as their concerts consist of a high energy performance; therefore it’s more interesting to watch rather than a single artist, just standing there singing a Ballard. This choice of music video is the cheapest of the three and can be very effective if the location to film in is suitable. Performance music videos can also consist of the artist or band in the studio, this is to remind the audience the importance of the actual soundtrack, and this will tend to indicate a direct message, which can be given by the interpretation of the lyrics themselves. If we were to make a performance music video we would have the artist performing on stage, to an audience, this idea would be imitating and trying to perceive to the audience it is a concert atmosphere.
Music videos these consist of Coldplay-Clocks and Justin Timberlake-Suit & Tie ft JayZ
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Narravtive: This type of music video consists of a sequence of events, it effectively tells a story, which relate to the lyrics and genre, they are achieved by the use of actors, correct mise-en-scene involving location, props and costume. When everything is done correctly the audience can become very engaged. This type is commonly used when the song is featured within a film, so some scenes from the film eventually end up being cut into the music video. Narrative videos tend to be incorporated when the song is a love song, or a Ballard. If we were creating a narrative music video, we would follow the lyrics being sung so eventually a story would progress in the music video.
Conceptual: This type of music video purely relies on poetic form, no narrative can be followed while watching, but a certain mood or feeling will be evoked by the experience of watching (Frith 1998). A conceptual video all tends to depend on the interpretations created by the audience, which results in the video itself having more than one meaning, considering everyone interpretations will be different. These videos are also the ones that can be perceived as being unusual, and based on one idea, they tend to focus on a specific editing or filming techniques .Conceptual videos tend to have a deeper meaning into the lyrics, no just showing/explaining what is being sung.
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asthavinash · 5 years
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Sustainability! I come across this word and I scroll, swipe or turn to next. Do I realise depth of this word? Do I understand the need of the hour? 
How many times do we all, in fact, take the triviality and see it under a magnifying glass? Are drastic climatic changes trivial or just not “large” enough? 
‘What I need’ is not a constant and perhaps, the needs of today won’t be the same as the needs of tomorrow. To explain this further, I would like to quote the United Nations general assembly 1986 definition for sustainable development: 
“Sustainable development is the conscious and judicious use of resources that meet the need of today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
Sustainability is often looked as an ‘call for action’ whereas I believe it should rather be the basis of a living — deeply embedded in culture and human life. 
And what brings me to make this my current discourse? Well, I owe credit to the eye-opening views on sustainability that I was fortunate to experience in person. It all began with two contrasting views of sustainability, a difference that made all the difference. 
Two friends, one from Glasgow and one from Sweden spent many noons conversing about ideal life choices: What truly is a conscious choice? When do we know how to make it? How do we choose? 
The way the conversations led on was very interesting as all of us had a distinct opinion on sustainability, framed by individual context — the world around us. The ethnic diversity also contributed in the formulation of these ideas and approaches regarding sustainability. 
The conscious choices about what is needed and what is wanted, were staunch, as though etched like a tattoo on each of us. So I decided to hop onto the bandwagon and carve my own definition for sustenance. For me the journey starts with what I devote most of my time to: textiles.
I had always known that the textile industry was responsible for a huge amount of waste. But I did what was easy — turned a blind eye to it. 
During my time in Japan, I would be overwhelmed to see the amount of clothes available in the market while cruising downtown. Knowing the backstory, was one part of the pain I felt but seeing them spill out of the racks in a shopping frenzy was a pit in my stomach. Behind these trendy outfits that people hoard in their wardrobes is a dark truth — the labour intensive market of developing countries like our very own. I hit me when I starting feeling guilty, and partly responsible for this arrangement.  
And one day I was triggered for real change. At this point, I needed a warm jacket regardless of what I knew or did not, about what goes inside making a single piece. But it was going to be different this time, I was going to make a thoughtful, conscious, sustainable choice.   I intended to buy just one and my friend suggested that we should to go to the second-hand market for the same. 
To me, that sounded like I would need a surplus of courage. So I reinforced the thought I put in the first place — “Remember, it is choice I’ve made: a conscious, sustainable one!” I said that to myself and went ahead. 
That was the first time I ever went to a second hands shop. I hated it. The first thing that came to my mind was: “Somebody must have died in it.” It smelled of sweat and dust. It made my skin crawl. I was in the shop only because my friends wanted to be in it. 
Just a few moments later, I saw my friend of mine picking out clothes, and for every piece that she thought would suit me, she squeaked in excitement! She imagined me wearing it, with one arm that had been inked all over to complete the look! I looked at her for a second, and surprisingly it made me laugh. I thought it was a good way to pass my time here as I did not fancy the clothing anyway.
Following her entertainment scheme, now I started picking out clothes that would suit my friend, whilst started imagining it on her. I fell in love with this activity and we did it for so many more clothes. Every time I would pick out something I would imagine a look for her and give a complete backstory of how the girl who owned it would have looked and how she would have worn this. Gradually, every piece of garment became a story, as if narrating a tale for itself. 
Now, I really did not think of it as someone died in it. Instead, I thought of a someone, who accomplished their life long goal in It. It changed my perspective on second hand clothing. Soon, I transitioned from being a hater, to a propagator. Not only did I find the correct jacket for me, but I also feel really happy about the purchase. As a textile design student, besides the ethical reasons, I now want to put a soul in a piece of clothing.
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raan-miir-tah · 3 years
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kaialone · 5 years
Quick question. I saw on twitter that you mentioned that the Shadowside had things set up, but were changed after Hino stopped writing. You said something about Junior, but were there any other things you think were supposed to be different. Genuinely curious, because I haven't noticed anything, but I'm usually not very good at noticing these types of things. (Love your blog, and I hope you have a nice day!)
Thank you! (Sorry for the slightly late response ^^;)
Well, I’m not sure if I have much to say on this, I don’t have any actual background information of course, there’s just a bit one can read into it.
It’s gonna be a bit long, so I’m putting it under a read more.
The first episode is written by Hino, and in it we see some set ups that don’t really get picked up much afterwards.
One simple example is actually that Movie 4 and the PV for the first episode still used the OG tribes, Charming, etc, but by the time the first episode came out, the Charming symbol on Jibanyan’s arc was changed to Mononoke, from the new system. This means at that point, the new tribe system was just getting invented, and it also indicated Shadowside was kinda suffering from the fact that it was made before YKW4, so changes in mechanics like this were harder to implement.
I feel this is prolly why we don’t got tribe songs anymore, which is a real pity. Like Shadowside the anime couldnt have them, cause the tribe system was literally still being invented as the show was made, and YKW4 the game couldnt have them because well, gotta stick to what the anime did.
But thats more a mechanics thing and isnt tied directly to the narrative.
For a narravtive example, the first episode is mostly told from Keisuke’s perspective, and while I don’t think that has to mean he was going to be the main character at some point, it did make it seem like there was at least  the idea of more character development for him.
It made sense to start the series with him, since he has this outsider perspective, but it also sets him up as this easily frightened kid who denies the supernatural. So in the first episode, a major point for him is accepting the existence of yokai, partially through the help of his deceased friend, who has become a yokai.
The episode ends with him saying to himself “Yokai definitely exist, I know this because my best friend is one”.
And yet, immediately afterwards in the next episode, we see Keisuke trying to calm himself by singing “yokai dont exist at all”. Now, one could do something interesting here, like Keisuke fluctuating between what he wants to believe, and have some conflict with that, but
From that point on, all Keisuke ever does is be frightened as a running gag, like the once per episode rule is that he gets scared by the yokai of the week, and thats it. He gets one or two episodes, but even those dont do anything with his character.
In episode 1, Keisuke was a multi-faceted character who happened to be easily frightened and insecure. Every episode after that reduced him to the single trait of “scared”, which maybe a little bit of sass sometimes, but everyone is sassy in the YKW animes.
And then in the final episodes he gets the confidence to help out, but there isnt really much that causes it, outside of a speech from Junior, but in either case, like 50-ish episodes of 0 character focus doesn’t get undone by a tiny bit of focus at the end.
Adding to that, another interesting thing is that like, even though Bourei Banchou is literally his best friend, he never has any interaction with Keisuke again, really.
He gets summoned once in episode 5, where he is taken out in 1 hit with no lip service, and then he is summoned again in the finale as a bit of a nod, but there is no real character there.
What makes this interesting is that in merchandise, Bourei Banchou was actually shown to have a Lightside, Banchō, whom we even get to see some anime-style render of on some cards/stickers:
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Considering the development of YKW4 was probably really early at this point (see the part about tribes) it’s unlikely they wouldn’ve created this design unless it was meant to be in the anime.
And when you look at him, he has very typical Yokai Watch sidekick look, doesnt he? So based on that I feel it’s likely that at some point, Banchō was meant to be Keisuke’s yokai partner, and be shown hanging around him and be an actual character and stuff.
But who knows.
One might say “well I don’t care about Keisuke, so I’m glad this didn’t happen” or something, which is a valid opinion to have, I’m just saying it seems obvious there was something dropped here.
Next we get the “Kaima” aspect. In episode 1, Fukurou’s dart hits a human which transforms him into a “Kaima”, which is what “Wicked Yokai” are called in Japanese, but the Japanese term has slightly different connotations, so…
Anyway, the question in hindsight is like: What the heck was that about?
This never happens again.
In episode 2 he hits the boy, but it doesn’t transform him, it shoots “evil” at Charlie the bike yokai, and Charlie turns bad.
After that he accidentally hits Jinta while trying to hit a human? And I think from that point on he either misses all the time or just hits the yokai directly.
And we never really get any explanation of what these darts even are, really.
Like, we know that supposedly it’s to look for the princess, but why?
Why does hitting humans and/or yokai with evil darts help?
One could assume make it’d awaken the Princess, but then why did he aim for what was clearly random punk jerks?
Did only Fukurou have those darts? If yes, how? And if yes, why was Shuten Douji not upset when Fukurou perished, at the very least over losing those darts?
Why did it only transform people in episode 1? In the very finale, we get people being transformed again, so I feel it maybe have at some point been tied to that, if they had a vague idea of what Soranaki was going to be yet.
But it’s clear there’s specific details that were meant to different.
Also, given what we learn later, why was Fukurou serving Shuten Douji, considering Shuten Douji’s main agenda is eventually revealed to be tied to restoring the power of the Oni Tribe, which Fukurou is not a member of.
It’s not like Shuten Douji has countless minions, he just as Douketstu and Fukurou, so I really gotta wonder why the latter is there.
Lastly a bit about Junior.
Now, Junior does not appear in the first episode, so this has less to do with Hino’s writing in particular, but I still think there might’ve been different intentions for Junior originally.
In the show itself, Junior is eventually revealed to have been born from pieces of Jibanyan’s body, and that’s really it. Despite this reveal, Junior doesn’t even get any major interactions with Jibanyan.
That in itself kinda feels to me like the anime writers didn’t have much of an idea of what to do with Junior, like they do with most characters.
And in any case, I really do think that originally, at some point in the production, Junior was meant to be born from Jibanyan and Whisper.
I’m not saying he was meant to be their literal baby, but I think he was probably meant to have been created in a similar manner to the show, but with parts of Whisper involved as well.
I mean, Junior’s design invokes traits of Jibanyan and Whisper alike in such a way that I have a really hard time to believe this wasn’t the intention at first.
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There’s another reason I believe this, too.
Before Shadowside the anime was out, Hino showed of some early art during an “Inazuma Walker” stream, which mostly focused on Inazuma Eleven, but has some other stuff, too.
When Junior was shown, his co-host jokingly said “Well, everyone can tell this the child of Whisper and Jibanyan”, to which Hino replied “Um, it’s a bit different.”
While Hino does say that “it’s a bit different”, I also feel the co-host probably wouldn’t have made the “it’s Whisper’s and Jibanyan’s kid” joke unless there was a bit of truth to it?
But this is only speculation on my part again, I could be wrong.
Regardless of what Junior’s origin was going to be, we can also see early teasers of YKW4 showing him next to Natsume, almost like a counterpart to Whisper&Jibanyan for Nate, and Nekomata for Shin.
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This makes me think that earlier on, Junior was possibly intended as Natsume’s main yokai “sidekick” or at least one of them, possibly fulfilling a role to her that would be similar to Whisper and especially OG Jibanyan.
But in the final product in both Shadowside and YKW4, Junior is more of a tag along, who doesn’t have a particular bond with any of the human characters.
Alright, those were just some of my thoughts, I hope this is what you were asking about?
Note that I have no idea what the behind-the-scenes of YKW looks like, this is just speculation. And even if I was right, that doesn’t mean any of this was done “behind Hino’s back” or the like. Even when he’s not writing directly, he could still be approving of any change, as far as I know.
To me it just personally felt like the anime writers couldn’t, or didn’t want to, follow up with some of the set-ups Hino made, not just story-wise, but especially characterization-wise.
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roosebolton · 5 years
Why the Night King dying early is excellent writing
So after watching episode 3, I noticed how many people were upset about the quick offing of the white walkers and end of the War for the Dawn. Having such a large plot wrapped up halfway through a season feels unbalanced and like the rest of the season is pretty pointless. However, I think it is important and telling that the Night King is now dead.
From the beginning, Game of Thrones has been, at its core, about characters. We’ve watched so many characters grow up, learn, love, grieve, and forgive. We’ve see how they have changed due to their circumstances and how they’ve developed through many different periods of their life. Game of Thrones is a fundamentally human story, about real three-dimensional characters that reflect the truth of humanity and the human condition.
The Night King is the absolute antithesis of this. He does not speak, he doesn’t even have a real name. He is a completely flat, one-dimensional character - the embodiment of pure evil. While this makes him terrifying to both the characters and the audience, it does not inspire reflection upon oneself. No person is truly pure evil nor is anyone purely good. Humanity, and Game of Thrones, is all about the grey inbetween the pitch black darkness of evil and the shining light of the good. It’s not Tolkien, it’s real life. Having the entirety of 8 seasons culminate in the conflict with such a non-relatable and non-human character would be a betrayal of the core message of the story.
We love these characters because we see parts of ourself within them. We hate some of them because they behave contrary to our personal morals or beliefs. But within each character we can see something we understand. Whether it be their motivations, how they feel, or how they are influenced by past experiences, we can still identify it and comprehend it. That’s what makes all of these characters so interesting and well loved, from the most despicable villains like Roose Bolton and Tywin Lannister to heroes like Brienne and Ned Stark. We relate to each and every one of them through our shared humanity.
The Night King has none of that and making him essentially the whole point of the entire series makes no narravtive sense. Episode 4 will herald a return to the core of the show: human relationships and emotions, and how they influence the story as the characters play the game of thrones.
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oswednesday · 5 years
I’m wary to like assume that the Pokémon Home thing means that certain Pokémon just won’t Exist in the Galar region, bc like... then what’s even the point of making it compatible with Pokémon Bank. Like logically ppl have completed national dexes sitting in pkmn bank, and letting them transfer that huge amnt of data up to Pokémon Home just to let them sit around and collect dust for eternity???? Doesn’t make a lot of sense. That’s just my feelings abt it tho.
i think the point is to control the simulator more, gamefreaks been trying for some time to create a pokemon space with Just the pokemon theyve designed for that region plus like the ones that sell well im sure as well as the ones that make sense in the game design, home sounds like itll be fun tho people should take caution with it, like theyre making it compatible but in a very controlled manner, it maybe a way to cut designs perma from future games simply due to aesthetic or what sells or it might be a way to create more of like a controlled experience
tbh who Knows what petty design feuds go on too, there might even just be beef fueling this sdfghj
this like New Experience Leave The Old Ones Behind isnt new at all,from the very game design of every generation like past silver and gold, its what they go with, cynically its cause nintendo is always trying to grab the most profitable demographic rather than stick to a cohesive design theory
the only thing stopping them from doing more stuff like that is the actual players like your concern and people being like UM HEY??? 
but like more and more with these nicher games and different narravtives theyre not really interested as far as i can tell in maintaining like pkmn as the catch them all, compt animal brawler it started out as
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study-with-megim · 5 years
30 Day Productivity Challenge - Day 13                                             31/3/2019
1. Chapter 12 - Roman History - Boatwright (Roman)
2. Brinkle Narravtive  (Thesis)
3. Admittance - 1000 words (Thesis)
4. Eve’s Perspective Reading and Outline (Religious Studies)
Okay so I have not updated in 3 days and that's because I kinda took a break, a break before the storm if you will... but the storm is here. I want to at least get 1000 words done today for my thesis which I don’t think will be too difficult, but starting it will be...here we go
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lunaneko14 · 6 years
Even Haku played more of an important part in naruto's narravtive and his own overall development than sakura ever did. She has never been anything more than a casual friend to him and if you tell any sakura wanker that they get so made....her relevance is too damn overhyped kishi had no direction for her thats just facts...
I honestly don’t even know why people assume she’s one of Naruto’s besties like................if anything she’s one of the people who have held him back or stalled him even on a worldly level.
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miramodhvadia · 4 years
why I changed my idea
Im more passionate about Indian bridal wear as it has a direct link to  my heritage and culture and I would like to learn more about it.
Why I have picked the theme?
I have chosen a bridal theme because my late grandmother used to design and create bridal outfits for the girls in the village and would donate the outfits to the poorer class citizens that would not be able to afford the clothes. It is also easy to research into my own culture and I want to find out more about my roots. I want to combine the traditional way my grandmother would have made things with my modern take as a british asian. I love the traditional embroidery, colours and patterns that run throughout each design making each bridal dress unique. The culturally appropriate designs were modest yet extravagant which is why I want to combine them with modern day asian bridal looks.
I will start this project off by researching into the history of the culture itself and look into why they use specific materials and colours, as well as designs.
Secondary research sources will be existing magazines, articles based on village life in India and historical films.
Primary research will be, getting in touch with some of the women my grandmother designed the dresses for, as well as making a survey to show what modern day brides are looking for in their dresses. Some fashion designers that are going to give me modern day inspiration are,
Manish Malhotra
Anju modi
I have looked into the fashion of India and chose images that relate to brides of today compared to the brides thirty years ago. I looked into traditional patterns and colours that I thought would inspire and help my vision.
Im going to create a business idea which will include all of these aspects to help showcase a the rich cultural garments that women would wear when they would get married in my culture this project I will be exploring marketing and branding, and i will design some garment ideas. Using this blog I am going to document the development of an overall brand and business idea.
My brief:
The name of my Company is Kanya.chic. And my slogan is going to be making your special outfit perfect. The aim of this project with myself to collect arrange of classic Asian dresses and make them sellable to customer. I want to be able to stand out as a brand and a company and in order to this I have decided to make my addresses be more customisable. And I want to showcase all of this in a how good presentation with my business idea and intentions.
The overall motivation behind is the fact that my grandmother used to have the wedding dressmaking hobby and for the poorer girls of our village she used to create design and gift wedding dress is so that the parents wouldn’t have to pay for any of it. This allowed the girls to get that special outfit even though they weren’t as well off. The styles I chose to showcase are similar to the styles that my grandmother would create the only difference is, that these outfits had been adapted for the modern day British Asian girl. I am planning on achieving the outcome my research and different types of styles with in our Asian wedding fraternity I’m looking into big brands and big designers to see how they have adapted a very traditional looking dress to fit a modern day working woman.
Something that makes the objective personal is the fact that from a young age I have always wanted to be dressed up in something my grandmother created. However this will probably not happen now as she has died therefore I thought the need to recreate what she’d started. This lead me to look at the status of my mother and aunts endeavoured in dresses and to see how the evolution of the cultural dresses has changed over time.
Some background behind the idea is that I want to make it easier for people to buy these kinds of dresses in the traditional form so they can wear something more traditional but not feel uncomfortable in it as I am trying to customise each outfit for the individual. My aesthetic vision is for there to be a lot of red and golds as well as whites, as these were the colours that were often used and thought of as good luck colours during the wedding. I am hoping that this entices my target customer and allows them to feel as though the culturally appropriate.
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theseriousanarchist · 6 years
Fuck Meuler and Fuck the bullshit narravtive he’s pushing
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youthvoices-blog1 · 7 years
Daniel Gonzalez: Planet Hype Shadow Box!
Daniel Gonzalez: Planet Hype Shadow Box!
 Daniel Gonzalez
       The objectives in my shadow box represent my counter negatives. When people see me they assume  I am a very bad kid that doesn’t go to school because I am a kid from Oakland. I can prove that I go to school because I have awards and pins for being at school every single day for the whole year. My pin says, “Perfect Attendance.”  I would hate to rev…
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pimtawan · 7 years
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Design 1
Project 1.1 - The subject of division that divided each cube into 2 pieces by following the concept of natures.
Project 1.2 - The subject of fragmentation that divided each cube into 8 pieces. The final model represents the idea of using joints to create a system of interdependence within the fragments. The structure of the cube is in the same way of how the World Trade Center building in New York City are built.
Project 1.3 - A system of expansion which expand the 24 x 24 cm cube into a 48 x 48 cm bounding box.
Project 2.1 - Each video shows the interaction between 2 people and 1 object that generates the idea under the concept of space and limits of human body. ( Fabric,Rubber band ).
Project 2.2 - In this project, we still work with the idea of space and limits of human's body from the last project, This time we want a device that is accessible for both of us to go inside and some different material that is more stable and adjustable, so we've developed it by using the idea of tensegrity.
Peoject 3.1 - (Verminophobia - fear of germs) I came up with the icosahedron room.  It is a o ne of the geometric shapes where all conors are  more than 90 degrees, which means none of them are perpendicular to the walls because  corners are one of the places in the room where germs and dust usually stored at, so I try to avoid sharp conors as much as possible. 
Project 3.2 - I tried to avoid sharp corners by combining different geometric shapes.  As a result you can see that no walls are perpendicular to the floor and all of their angles are more has 90 degrees. As you go in, you will have to go through different process room by room in a sequence in order to be 100% clean in the very last room.
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