weird-tea · 8 months
Living for the choice to make all half-bloods canonically neurodivergent. Like it works both as a great way to make neurodiverse kids feel seen but also just makes all the sense when applied to the Heroes of Greek Mythology
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traumamagpie · 1 year
You're always told where to be and when to be there. You're told what you're going to do and with whom. You have to ask if you're allowed to pee, can only eat and drink when allowed, only enjoy the media allowed by those above you. You're constantly punished for not living up to their standards. You're left hungry and exhausted with absolutely no remorse. There's no escaping the punishments. There's never an escape.
And they still try to tell me it's not traumatic.
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crippledpunks · 2 years
i support you if you struggle to socialize due to disabilities. if hanging out with people is too stressful due to anxiety, OCD, PTSD, dissociative disorders, personality disorders, schizophrenia, depression, bipolar, autism, ADHD, or any other neurodivergence or mental illness, it's okay. if maintaining friendships and keeping up with plans is too difficult due to fibromyalgia, ehlers-danlos syndrome, arthritis, chronic pain, gastrointestinal disorders, chronic fatigue/low energy, epilepsy, neurodivergence, mental illness, learning disorders or any other health conditions, it's okay.
i support you if you find it difficult to keep up with making friends, socializing, or maintain relationships. i'm here for you if you want to have more friends and close relationships but struggle to maintain them and don't know how to or just can't due to your disabilities. i'm here for disabled people who don't seek relationships or close bonds for the sake of their own mental or phyiscal well-being. you know what's best for you. you are allowed to live according to what makes you feel safe and comfortable. i support you.
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"Is this kid neurodivergent or is this just how kids are?" A continuing saga of me genuinely never being able to tell the difference.
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duracel-battery · 2 years
Hunter: Wait there are mind control chips in our brains? Tech: Don't worry, we're neurodivergent, so they don't work.
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wooly-nooly · 3 months
I love when you can tell when someone truly enjoys theyre creative endeavor because they get very weird about it.
Like while they’re in the zone of they’re craft and they hold their face funny, or they sit super uncomfy looking/ hold themselves strangely or, they move and fidget weird.
Bonus: when interrupted from their task they take a while to acclimate to the world again because they were real deep in the zone
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
Less of a question or confession, more an idea for a book.
IK the dystopia craze has died down a bit, but this idea has been bouncing around my head for a while: a "mildly" (idk what the proper term is anymore, I've heard complaints about high-functioning and low-support-needs both) autistic, aroace person (preferably a woman or AFAB person to dig into the "woman must make baby" stuff) living in a crushing, terrible world where everyone has to get married and have a bunch of babies to repopulate the world.
The main character is basically good enough at masking to not get straight up killed, but the aroace thing is the bigger problem. Bcause they are expected to get married and pump out the babies, and they just don't want that. I never see a human character who is autistic and aroace and isn't explicitly an alien or robot, or implied to be broken or some shit.
I'd love to see a really human, emotional character who is also autistic and aroace, and a dystopia seems the best tool to me to demonstrate to neurotypicals and/or allos how alienated I (and others like me) always feel.
Please, I need a better writer than me to start on this, or I will write it and it will be terrible.
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queercodedrogue · 2 years
Girl, help! I'm struggling with internalized homophobia, transphobia, and intense masking!!!
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instantartific · 2 years
Do you have any neurodivergency and/or LGBTQ+ hcs for the NSR cast?
For LGBT headcanons, like... I don't do that that much, given that that's something I just don't care about. I'm queer as hell myself, I just kinda... naturally write characters queer as hell.
For neurodivergency headcanons, I technically do? Though, it's sort of a "I see these traits in these characters or these characters having these traits just make sense to me." I don't 100% say "this character has xyz disorder" unless I am putting a lot of effort and care into portraying it to the T.
For example:
I write Nova and 1010 with traits from personality disorders. I tend to write Nova with NPD traits, and the boys all have varying degrees of traits from various disorders, but all share subservience to the point of hurting themselves to serve and the drive to cause extreme harm to be recognized by others. Some members also cause themselves extreme harm in order to elevate their emotions, and if they could, would develop harmful habits.
Despite the fact that 1010 are androids, I still write them as having traits from human personality disorders, because their sentience developed with these traits. That, and I like to project.
Neon has PTSD and extreme paranoia, that I can say for certain. Whether that paranoia can be linked to a set disorder or not is up in the air, I don't know. I could technically add that he experiences hallucinations and compulsory impulses as well, but I also can't say if that has ties to any specific disorder.
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sleepnowmychild · 5 months
Ok but my worship is very lazy.
Don’t think you need to have a massive altar or a million offerings to be a ‘good’ devotee. Just do your best, do what you can, it’s the thought and thanks that counts.
I’m a very routine stuck person (thanks autism), so I can’t change my routines without immense stress. If I want to go out of my way to do a big offering or something alike, I need to plan and prepare for weeks and have it scheduled and be mentally prepared for my routine to change even if it’s only for an hour or two. So my worship is mainly documenting my dreams when I remember them, going to bed on time and keeping good sleep hygiene, making sure the altar is clean and lighting the candles and incense when I remember. Talking to him, quick and easy prayers, things I can do before bed really.
Would it be super fun to have like a whole festival sleepover party? Absolutely. But I couldn’t do it 24/7.
Just do what you can, what your mind and body allows. If you’re chronically ill or neurodiverce etc, don’t push yourself too hard. Again, it’s the thought that counts. Do what you can and make sure you say thank you when you can. And to be fair, Hypnos is the perfect deity for the always tired and forgetful gang.
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dailydoseofdragon · 2 months
Hello! Could I please request a dragon inspired by the AuDHD/neurodivercity symbol for July?^^
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Day 206- Neurodiversity
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crippledpunks · 2 years
when you're disabled, going to the doctor and being in medical care is a full-time job.
i have a therapy group for processing trauma that is 3 hours long, 3 days a week. i see my individual therapist once a week for an hour. i have to attend frequent appointments, about every 2 - 4 weeks, with my medications nurse to keep my medications stable. i book as many appointments with my primary care doctor as possible, usually once every 2 - 3 months. i am currently waiting for referrals for rheumatology, physical therapy, and genetics. i have a case manager, and am applying for in-home caregiving services. i generally speaking have such severe mental health symptoms that i need to go to the psychiatric hospital once every 4 - 5 months. i'm applying for disability and had to also find a lawyer who takes disability cases and have been up social security's ass for months.
i am constantly making phone calls, sending emails, reading discharge paperwork, learning about new medications and their effects, researching terms and diagnoses, trying to find programs and organizations to help with my specific disabilities, figuring out where offices are located, booking rides to and from appointments, having to find new doctors and therapists when i end up assigned bad ones who mistreat me and withhold medication- i am spending just as much time in my week interacting with medical professionals as my friends do at their jobs.
we bust our ass, just in different ways, and for many of us, it shouldn't have to be this way.
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valleys-emotes · 1 year
✰ ─ welcome 2 my emote blog!
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my name is valley or daffodil!
i go by they/them, bee/bim and bloom/blooms, i'm also autistic
my personal acc is @lavendergalactic and here is my rentry ! // other alters may post on here, but this blog is mostly mine!
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✰ ─ asks/requests are closed!
(for now)
it is first come first serve, i have a list and i'll work on them in order of when they were requested. it may take a while for me to get to yours but i will eventually!
✰ ─ emote info:
i make emotes for discord! feel free to use them!
rules for emote usage:
don't claim my emotes as yours
credit would be nice but it's not mandatory!
no tracing or reposting w/o credit
i won't do:
nsfw emotes, this is a sfw blog
full furry/animal emotes (i'm just not good at drawing them)
plushie emotes (again, i'm not good at drawing them)
i will do:
agere emotes
non-verbal emotes
stim emotes (depending on the complexity)
system emotes
neurodiverce emotes
mental illness emotes
+ more!
✰ ─ disclaimer; it might take a while for me to get to you! pls don't bother me to get it done. also i'm new to tumblr! still learning :3c plz be patient
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mikackergirl · 1 year
I like being on the side of the internet that looks at Gwen and says "my poor baby, i must protect her", makes cute fan art, and connects with her over neurodivercency and queerness, rather than the rest of the internet, that seems to look at her and go "i want to f*** this child", i just wish our side was a lot bigger and the other one a lot more quiet or non-existent altogether, please stop them talking i hate it
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greeen-bean · 1 month
Chapter Sixteen Thoughts:
Rowan is in my bad books. Maybe when your throwing plant pots at the wall you should calm down actually
Jimmy too a wee bit but he's not throwing things so
Nobody gets Lister like I do (it's the neurodivercities)
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upside-down-uni · 8 months
have been fucking around the past few years, now I'm in my finding out era! finding out what's wrong with my wrist, finding out what having an actual job is like, finding out how to get my neurodivercency diagnosed, finding out if going to the gym works for me.... and if I run out of things to find out before December, I can always find out new things!
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