#new writeblr boost
oddcryptidwrites · 1 year
Welcome Back to the Collection of the Odd Cryptid's Writings
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Hi! I'm Athens/Andy (they/them). I am a somewhat old yet somewhat new face on writeblr. I'm currently a second year student at a university in the deep south, studying history and anthropology in order to become a museum curator. Most of my free time is spent writing, which is the driving force behind this blog. Writing has become the love of my life over the past ten years.
AthensWrites has had two prior iterations. All I posted here in the previous iteration was privated, including Not Your Typical Fairytale. Don't fear, NYTF will make a glorious return ;)
With all that said, welcome back to the odd writings of Athens, and I hope you enjoy your stay. Below the cut, I've detailed some of my current projects, which range from Sci-Fi (my favorite) to thrillers to fantasy to realistic fiction. I've highlighted key content warnings and tags for each, just to keep you aware. If you'd like to hop on a tag list for any of these stories, please let me know! Some of them I post more frequently than others. I am also very tag list and tag game friendly so PLEASE tag me in stuff. If you need other people to tag in a writeblr tag game, look no further than this post!
The collection is constantly updating and evolving, so stay tuned!
Not Your Typical Fairytale (#nytf)
Although originally planned as a standalone novel, NYTF has now expanded into three separate books: Knight of Dawn, Queen of Noon, and King of Dusk. There's an additional collection of short stories/untold stories planned as well, tentatively titled Pawn of Midnight.
Content warning: gore, death, violence, graphic scientific experimentation, derealization, paranoia, drug use and abuse, alcohol use, child abuse (physical, verbal), relationship abuse (verbal, manipulation), sex (consensual) Related tags: nytf, Piers Hall, Grady Yensey, Rene Dubois, ATLZoS
Knight of Dawn
Piers Hall is the newly crowned monarch of the post-apocalyptic State of Georgia, after their mother, Queen Adele, was declared unfit to rule. Despite meaning well, they find themself unprepared for the role, especially as political rivals, like North Carolina’s President René Dubois and Councilmember Shanna Miles, close in on their tail, seemingly threatening to topple their rule. When various palace staff start to show where their real loyalties, it seems like Grady Yensey, Commander of the Royal Guard and their closest friend, is the only one they can trust. Piers and Grady must scramble to uncover the truth behind Queen Adele’s questionable associates, Piers’ missing past, and President Dubois’ shady activities
International Alliance of Superhumans (#iash)
Superhumans have existed as long as we have, normal people who suddenly develop seemingly magical powers overnight. That’s why the International Alliance of Superhumans was founded in 1945, to help control these superhumans to better humanity. Now, the Alliance's ideals and control is falling apart, as the Underground and the Union threaten its weakening rule over the superhuman community. Fireball is the golden hero of the Alliance , the face of the organization, the beloved apprentice of the Chief Administrator after the death of the one and only GoldenSon. He’s brave, courageous, kind, and always up to take a photo with the kiddos, accompanied by his partner, NightSong. He’s taken down villains from Quantum Rift (the killer of GoldenSon) to Árbol Terror, and now has his eyes set on taking down Hueso Blanco and Morpheus Nox before they can tear a hole in reality. Brigid Roberts is the face behind the mask of Fireball. They’re the only child of the now-deceased Nikki Roberts and find have found themself seeking revenge for Nikki’s death…while also trying to manage this superhero business and their senior year of high school. It doesn’t help that the administration of Wesmoreland keeps threatening to expel them for their aggressive behavior. Hueso Blanco is the epitome of an ex-Alliance villain, a well beloved hero fallen from grace, after Árbol Terror and Quantum Rift convinced him to join the Underground. Now with both of his former allies dead, he leads the Underground, and with the help of Morpheus Nox (an up and coming villain with a terrifying similarity to Quantum Rift) he plans to tear a hole in our reality, ripping out world apart. Martin Garcia-Flores is the sole caretaker of his younger brother, Elias, and would do anything to protect him. After the Alliance's violent threats, he left, in order to protect what was left. He lost friends and family and his love to the Alliance's corrupted side, and now works tirelessly to bring it to his knees…while also trying to work three separate jobs to keep himself and Elias afloat. When fate brings Brigid and Martin face to face, maskless and vulnerable, the two come to understand they may not be as different as they’d both previously thought. Content Warning: violence, gore, death, family abuse (physical, verbal), alcohol (use) Related Tags: IASH, superhumans, Brigid Roberts, Martin GF, Hueso Blanco, Fireball
Space Clue/The Murder of Fredrik Lexand (#tmfl)
In 2183, humans abandoned earth as her ecosystems collapsed and became uninhabitable. Now, the remnants of humanity live in the Lexand Starfleet, a group of 16 name-brand ships, sailing towards deep space. In control of it all is Fredrik Lexand, the 17th great grandson of the original founder of Lexand StarFleet. From his living pod at the head of StarSeeker Alpha, he controls everything and anything that happens to humanity, from their food to their spouses to where the remnants of humanity will travel to. The weight of the world on one man’s shoulders (who are we kidding, of course he has lackeys who do all the menial work), worshipped as a god. Until the morning he is found brutally dismembered, mangled parts of his body strewn all over his office. Humanity freezes, watching intently, as the Lexand Pod is locked down by Detective Scoud Tambry, swearing to uncover the killer, and avenge the Corporate god-king. Content Warning: Violence, gore Related Tags: tmfl, space clue, Triple A Siblings, Scoud Tambry
Something Queer is Afoot (#SQIA)
Something Queer is Afoot is a massive collection of stories, all centering around queer life and romance. The Queer Crew is the group which most of them are centered around. This collection is MASSIVE and has about 10 different novella-length stories within. The content warnings listed below covers ALL of SQIA. Content Warnings: su*cide, death, homophobia, transphobia, abuse (physical, verbal, and sexual), drug use and abuse, religious trauma, sex (consensual and noncon/r*pe) Related Tags: SQIA, tqc, nlth, frf, sunandgun, boc
Still to be added: All of SQIA's individual projects, Cryto Conspiracy, The Great Fantasy American Road Trip, World of Ateine, Neon Squad
Athens' Current Objectives....
Blog Tag Directory:
#athenswrites: Personal writing
#athens answers: ask games
#other writeblrs: exactly what it sounds like, other writers I've reblogged
#writers I love: reblogs of close friends or writing that just hits me different
#rblg: general reblog tag
I'm pretty good at tagging extensively, so if you need to find something or are looking for a specific wip in my blog, there's a high probability I've tagged it like crazy
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bunnyswritings · 1 year
Saying "I love you" without saying "I love you" — some ways your otp can silently express affection
Forehead kisses, and smiling through the kiss
Resting their forehead on the other’s after a kiss
Tucking strands of loose hair behind their ears, with a thumb caressing their cheek
Interlacing their fingers with the other’s when they least expect it
Sleepy back hugs when the other person is busy whipping up breakfast in the kitchen, catching them by surprise
Just doing their own things in the same space; being so comfortable around the other even in their pyjamas
Holding both their hands while holding their gaze gently, just before leaning in for a kiss
Switching positions with the other when walking down a busy sidewalk because your feel the need to keep the other safe
Being playfully clingy in the mornings when one has an off day and the other has to rush to work
Getting them something from the store when they only mentioned it in passing
When one is overseas for a work trip and everything they see reminds them of the other person (bonus: whenever it happens, they take a picture and drop the other person a text.)
Squeezing their hand reassuringly and holding their hand throughout an intense social situation (eg. a large school reunion which the more introverted person is dreading)
Kissing away their tears
^ and letting the other cry on their shoulder even when their t-shirt gets soaked from their tears
Meeting them where they are, mentally and emotionally; never forcing them to do anything they aren’t comfortable with
Wholeheartedly supporting their dreams, and putting that into action by making concrete plans for it to happen
Dropping the other person an encouraging text before an important interview/event
Surprising the other with flowers just because; no occasion and no reason needed
Picking the other person up from work when it’s getting late, and walking them right to their doorstep after
Good morning and goodnight texts
Making the other person a Spotify playlist with songs that remind them of their relationship and growth
Remembering the littlest of things — activities they like and dislike, favourite brands of stationery, go-to ice cream flavour, choice of popcorn
Writing little notes on post-its and leaving them in random pages of their textbook, so that they will get a little endorphin boost when studying
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katy-l-wood · 11 months
"The Pits" is releasing everywhere on October 31st!
And it has a shiny new wide release cover! You can pre-order it wherever books are sold, and there's a bunch of links to different shops on my website. (There's also a couple affiliate links in there, if you want to buy in a way that will give me a few extra bucks. 🥰)
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Check out the book trailer below:
No one goes into the Pits. No one understands the magic of the Pits. For those who try, there are consequences. - When Clarabella's girlfriend Emilia goes missing Clarabella tracks down the only person who can help: her outlaw older sibling Royal, who she hasn’t seen in three years. Royal knows more about the strange magic of the world than anyone, more than they should. Magic Clarabella doesn’t believe in. Not until the path to find Emilia leads deep into the mysterious and magical Pits that stretch along the spine of the continent, forcing her to rethink everything she ever believed. But once Clarabella, Royal, and Royal's gang enter they discover Royal can no longer leave. Now Clarabella has to choose who she loves enough to save: Royal, or Emilia?
Pre-order now!
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If you’re new to writing, don’t delete anything!
I mean it, one of the most motivating things I find is having a huge documents folder, or a large word count, or notebooks filled with ideas, even if the ideas are terrible and embarrassing, because it shows how much mental effort you put in and how much you’ve worked on your ideas. I know it might be embarrassing to reread old works, or easy to fall into the trap of thinking that everything you do is always going to seem cringe the next day BUT I PROMISE IT ISN’T LIKE THAT FOREVER.
There comes a day when you look back on your own writing and feel proud and there’s nothing on earth that compares to the feeling of success when you create something you’re proud of. So keep all of your ‘failures’, keep all of your dropped wips because it is a testament to all of the effort you put in. And be proud of yourself!
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slveepyscwrs · 2 months
Tips for Newer (And Not-So-New) Fanfic Writers (Episode #2: Don't Try Too Hard)
Hello everyone! I noticed that my Episode #1 of this makeshift series got quite the handful of likes, so I decided to talk about another tip today!
Don't Try Too Hard
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Before you misunderstand, by no means am I telling you to not put any effort at all into your first few works. It's amazing when new writers pour their passion into their story's world building and plot!
However, a lot of new writers (And even some seasoned writers still do this from time to time!) get stressed to the point where these efforts tend to fall apart all over the place.
Here are three examples of things that I've seen newer writers try too hard with:
Fancy Vocabulary: You're not writing a detailed literary analysis for your English class. No, we're not in Shakespeare's time either. Sprinkling some high-level vocabulary here and there, especially at important points in the story, can be a very effective tactic! That said, you probably shouldn't be pulling out your thesaurus every five seconds. One of the hallmarks of a good fanfiction writer (at least in my opinion) is being able to use simple enough language that readers will actually understand while still being able to get the memo across.
Overusing Literary Devices: One writing tip that I often seen thrown around is using similes, metaphors, personification, etc. Like a lot of things in writing, it's more of how you use them rather than how much you use them.
Inflated Word Counts: Admittedly, keeping my work concise is something that I still struggle with to this day. Managing word count honestly deserves its own post. Newer AO3'ers will see series that are hundreds of thousands of words long get popular and will immediately try to imitate that. What is more important to focus on is quality over quantity. Longer works do have an important place, but don't add filler on top of more filler just to achieve a certain word count.
Basically what all of this is trying to say, write in a way that feels natural to you. Take inspiration from experienced and popular writers you like, but don't go out of your way to be just like them. You will naturally develop your own writing style with practice. Don't hesitate, you've got this!
If you liked today's advice, don't forget to show some love to this post by leaving notes so I know that you all want more!
Your Gay Writing Bestie
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helioscenic · 1 year
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Hello! My name is August, I'm 23, nonbinary and gay as hell. I work retail irl (someone save me pls) and write in my spare time, I'm hoping this blog will help keep me accountable with my writing as I tend to procrastinate.
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I write queer fantasy with a focus on exploring themes of monstrosity, family and identity. (If you notice an abundance of snarky, dark haired protagonists then shhh, no you don't)
This is not my main, I'll probably tag any asks I send with this url just so you know it's me because my main is a retired blog from an old and embarrassing fandom lmao.
I would love to participate in ask and tag games, feel free to tag me if you're stuck for blogs! Also feel free to tag me in any fantasy wips taglists because I guaranteed will love it.
Anyway, thanks for checking in on my blog! I hope you find something you like 😊
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(wips under the cut)
(working titles subject to change)
High fantasy, Fairytale Inspired
Nobody knows when the curse started, just that one day, the roses stopped dying. That's why they call it the roseblight curse, they were the first to be corrupted.
High Fantasy, Exploration of the 'Chosen One' Trope
When a man intent on finding redemption in the small mundanity of life is forced back onto the gameboard of dragons and kingdoms and war, will his past be the thing that saves them all or damns them?
Fantasy Folklore, Urban Fantasy
In Faerie, a gathering of Seelie is called a revelry. But do you know what a gathering of the Unseelie Court is called? A ruin
Mid Fantasy, Folkloric
A romance between a girl who is not a damsel and a girl who is not a monster
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E0L WIP; @serpentarii
R&R; @cream-and-tea
GENERAL; @wildswrites @strangerays
Let me know if you want me to add you to the taglists for my wips!
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charlies-trainhopping · 2 months
can you read this rq?
hey! this post is just asking fellow writers to reach out and support a passion project that my friend has really wanted to work on, called "universal friendships". she wants to learn and grow as an author, and become more experienced! so, just check out her blog-she has the prologue up im pretty sure.
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thevioletdaffodil · 6 months
my brain is stringed with wires who don't obey but you play those wires like harps with your beautiful hands, effortless and musical, you clasp my thighs when my empire trembles, you murder the stars for me, you wash my hair with sunlight, and sometimes i talk like an immortal but you never ask my age (i love you), and other times when the quiet steals me, you recite my thoughts better than my wiry mind can even conjure them up.
you make me dance in my sleep, hold my hand in the backseat. you handle my nerves like flower stems, and sometimes it hurts so much to see you loving so gently, so quiet in noise but so loud in intensity, as if when you see me, i'm the only thing you're seeing.
it hurts not in a sad, angry or hopeless way, it hurts because you handle my nerves like flower stems and the pain is soothed and i feel pity for god because now again, see how you have defeated him and his constant need to gift pain. you did it gently, and now he must be purple with rage, or maybe blue in repentance, but you, you don't care.
you only want flowers to grow from my old hands, you only want my flesh to glow pink and my brain wires to sing and to be able to devour me when want consumes us both, clasping my thigh, swinging me high, clinging onto each other.
never remind me how many lifetimes have passed with you because time is a godly conspiracy and i don't know what's time when i'm with you, it's just you're you. when i spread out my hands to fly one evening, you told me i looked like an aeroplane (i love you too).
i remember, a spider crawled on my wrist and i wept to god, telling him to bite me, to end it, and that instant, you flicked them both and you bit me neat (i'll never be the same.)
our mothers communicate to him in prayer. which one of them will tell him that he's fired already? that you, my lover, have accidentally dethroned him?
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carolinespoetry · 2 months
I'm relatively new to the platform and would love to find some small creative writing/poetry accounts to follow! Please drop any recommendations that you have or comment if you post your own writing!
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bunnyswritings · 1 year
50 (unconventional) date ideas for your otp
Attend an art fair together
Go on a hot air balloon ride
Furniture shopping date at Ikea
Visit an aquarium and have dinner in an underwater restaurant
Have a picnic at sunrise or sunset
Play 20 questions to get to know the other better
Take a pottery class together
Attend a silent disco party
Go indoor skydiving / bungee jumping
Take an aerial yoga class
Rent a couple bike and ride around town
Attend a poetry / book event
Have fun at a board game cafe
Visit a psychic and have fortunes read
Have a dine in the dark experience
Take a cooking / baking class together
Challenge each other at arcade games
Have a home movie night with popcorn and homemade nachos
Ice-skating when one doesn't know how to
Take a painting class / go for an art jam session together
Attend a play together
Go scuba diving together
Take a dance class together
Visit an animal sanctuary / shelter to volunteer together
Go for a kayaking adventure
Go to a comedy show
Organise a get-together potluck event with friends
Go to a drive-in movie theatre
Attend a beer or wine tasting event
Go to an escape room together
Visit an amusement park
Sign up for a themed run together
Go stargazing at a local observatory
Visit an art museum or gallery and have their caricatures drawn
Assemble a lego set together
Go on a scenic drive and have a picnic
Go on a nature trail walk together
Go camping together
Attend a themed costume party
Go to a local fair or festival
Take a horseback riding lesson together
Pet-sit a friend's pet together for a day
Play mini golf together
Have a spa day together
Take a sailing lesson together
Go rock climbing / bouldering together
Go to a karaoke bar
Take a sushi making class together
Visit an old bookstore or library
Play a game of laser tag
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henkan-writes · 2 months
Cool new writer alert
Seriously go check it out
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Lassos and Cherry Wine | Character art
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Hello to the second first post showing off the main character of my story!!
For those uninitiated, my story 'Lassos and Cherry Wine' is an original Western story about a (fictional) outlaw by the name of Julius Slater and his gang!
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Here he is!! My sweet southern jackass!! My silly little unreliable narrator <3
Silly little fun fact, the inspiration for Julius was Ned kelly and Billy the Kid (specifically played by Tom Blyth, watch that show its so fucking good 😫)
(Cuz of the inspo, I'm so tempted to draw Julius in Billy's outfit for the silly goofies, so if that pops up on here, that's why. <3)
Anyways!! Heres the link to the story. It's got cowboys, its got gay's uhhhhhh it's got hot people!!!
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a-little-echo · 1 year
"Galaxies twirl, their secrets softly sigh, Hearts once entwined, distant as the sky. Whispers of what was, like stardust gently fall, In our forbidden ballet, we lost love's call." - Echo
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thevoicestoldmeto · 11 months
New Writeblr Intro !!
Sitting here now its dawned on me just how daunting this is , gosh.
Hello!! You can call me Zee here. Im a 20 year old female who lives in the UK.
I would say I'm a beginner when it come to writing. I've taken far to many impromptu breaks in my life time to think otherwise , and have never really taken the time to properly practice my craft. I criticise myself alot , but i also figured that i have to start somewhere. I spend to much time fawning and geeking over my own OCs to not at the very least have an outlet for it all.
My favourite genres to read would probably be:
Crime fiction - some thing about a good immersive crime rooted story gets me every time.
Romance - I dont even feel like this one needs explaining. Im just weak in the knees.
Thrillers / horrors - If a story can make me feel the fear , it has my heart.
I don't have any WIP's at the moment - i would hope to start one , but i have a hard time compiling my ideas and making them into something useable (im working on it i swear.) That and ive spent so long roleplaying instead of writing that nothing feels captivating for me right now,
I'm looking for other blog to interact with and follow , and possibly new friendships and connections too. I love discussing characters and reading works , or just all round chatting - and hope to find my footing when it comes to making my writing great!
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unmotivater · 1 year
who wanna help me get settled in tumblr? i'm trying to open a writing blog for authoring and reviewing books.
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karbisworld · 1 year
Still bored so P.2 right now
✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓⟪SHIP⟫˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦ Jake Peralta x Reader
✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⟪CATEGORIES⟫˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦ Romance // Comedy // Little angst // Friends to Lovers
✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ⊹⟪SUMMARY⟫⊹ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓✦ Jake Peralta just got his heart broken by the two women's he liked the most, his formal girlfriend at the time Sophia Perez, who broke with him and his another romantic interest Amy after she told him that she didn't wanted a relationship inside work; now he's alone with only his friends.
✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁ ˓⊹˖ ݁ ˓✦˖ ݁ ˓♡˖ ݁
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-OH MY FUCKING GOD JAKE!- You scream feeling him puking in and next to you
-BLEAGH- he keeps on letting everything out - S-sorry! BLEH- he let everything out in his front door and you, making you a little nauseous too, but you also knew he didn't meant it so you just gave him little pats on his back when he ended
-Feeling better?- You ask him -Please show me your bathroom now- you said now feeling uncomfortable in your clothes
He nodded and took you to the bathroom -I am so sorry, seriously, I didn't meant that, I swear!- He says really ashamed
you nod and start taking your shirt off as you close the bathroom door -I know, but still I need a shower right in this second!- you say taking the rest of your clothes and hop into the shower
He got a little sober with all that and tried to clean in his front door, he was still a little wasted but the shame affected on him sobering him a little. After a couple of minutes you get out of the shower using his towel
-I am sorry, this is the only towel you had- you say a little embarrassed, can you please let me borrow some of your clothes? I could barely save some of mines-
Jakes gets quiet for a second and then nods like waking up -Yes! Of course!- he says and starts searching for clothes for you -I have this hoodie, in you it might look a little oversized, and I never really used these joggers cause they're too small for me, maybe they will fit you- he says giving her the clothes -You can change here, I will put your dirty clothes in the washing machine- he says leaving the room for you to get dressed
You start putting on the clothes, the hoodie was quite long for you since you were shorter than Jake, and the joggers were still a little loose but overall it was okay. After thinking on all this for a second you ran to the bathroom to see if Jake took all of your clothes already, you didn't thought that through, but you left your bra there since most of your shirt got dirty. He wasn't in the bathroom neither your clothes so you assumed he took them, which made you feel embarrassed. You thought on avoiding the shame and just act like nothing.
After some minutes Jake came from a small kinda like closet room that was his laundry room and he also looked a little embarrassed. He smiled -Hey the clothes fit you well- he says trying to avoid eye contact a little bit
-Yeah- you say doing the same, even though probably for a different reason
-Your clothes are already washing, it's probably going to take a little bit since my washing machine is not like the normal kind but, small apartment friendly- he says with a chuckle scratching the back of his head, he was more sober now but still feeling a little dizzy
-It's okay- you say with a smile and trying to not look so nervous about some parts of your underwear washing too
-Hey I am truly sorry- he says getting closer to you -Truly! Like, even if you would like to leave and block my contact now I wouldn't mind, I drank too much and you had to face the consequences- he says really ashamed making him on your eyes look extremely cute
You laugh softly and shake your head -No, it's okay really, I guess I rather prefer getting puked on but knowing that you're safe than I don't know, you drowning in it or whatever- you say playfully
His face light up -You mean it? You don't hate me?- he says with a smile getting closer to you sitting next to you
You chuckle and nod -I mean it, I don't hate you, you didn't mean it anyways so who cares, we all throw up from time to time- she says with a reassuring smile to him
He smiles -Thank you Y/N, you're truly the best! I really appreciate it, really, all of it, not only your sweet words but you being here... It feels nice to know that I am not truly alone- he says taking your hand
You squeeze his hand and smile -My pleasure- you say happily -plus you owe me big time now- you say playfully
He laughs -I know I do- he says still holding your hand -Any way you know I could repay you?-
-Not right now, but later when I have a ton of paperwork probably- you say playfully
He laughs softly -I see you already have a plan mhm?-
-Of course, I know you hate paperwork so torture you with it would be a good revenge for me- she says playfully
He chuckles and nods -Fair game- he says and caresses your hand softly making you a little nervous -Do you mind if we stay like this for a little more?-
-Holding hands?- you ask a little nervous
-Yeah- he says and looks at you
You shake your head -I don't think I mind- you say but still feeling your heart pounding a little harder than normal
He smiles and squeezes your hand softly, he not only holds your hand but lays his head on your shoulder and yawns -Thank you for being here Y/N, I am really thankful, and I am still sorry about all that but thank you for still being here, you and Charles I think has been the only consistent people in my life... And Gina too but we don't share that much anymore-
You nod -You don't have to thank me, that's why friends are for isn't it?- you say feeling a little sad at the same time you say that
He nods -Yeah, you're just the best- he says an yawns again -I am very sleepy, you can sleep in the bed and I will sleep on the couch- he gets up and as he gets up you pull him softly by the wrist
-Y-You don't have too, your bed is big enough anyways- you say shyly hoping that he won't think much about it
He looks at you a little surprised -You don't mind?-
You shake your head -If you snore much I will be the one going to the couch don't worry- you say playfully trying to not look nervous. He laughs
-Okay then, lucky for you, I don't really snore much- He says with a smile laying on one side of his bed -Once again... Truly thank you- he says to you with a smile
You nod -it's okay- you say carefully laying on the other side of the bed -Sweet dreams-
-Same to you- he says with a smile before you two lay back against back, you felt your heart going crazy and so was your mind, but since work was tiring and the drinks also hit you, you fell asleep quite quickly before noticing
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Small than before since the real person writing is sleepy now. Hopefully if my ADHD doesn't strike too hard I will come with more tomorrow, thank you for reading, remember you can ask if you want a specific idea for a small fanfic or a one shot!
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