#no but do you think about how ai hugging him was the last time
nonhumen · 1 year
how do you best like to be loved?
touch me with tender truth
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you crave being known and held. you just want the warmth and pressure of another body against your own. sometimes, late at night when you're alone in your bed, your skin aches with the lack of touch. you've tried touching yourself, and it isn't the same. one time someone gripped your shoulder and squeezed it in passing, and you thought about it for weeks after - the ghost pressure of their hand lingering. don't you deserve it? consistent physical love and caring? i think so, i think you do. but i also have to ask - do you fear it even as you want? after all, if you get it then it might also be taken away. i hope that if you fear it, you push through past that fear. that you ask for the touch you desire and deserve. i hope that you get touched with love and kindness, wrapped up in warm arms and rocked from side to side until the tension and pain falls away layer by layer and only you are left.
tagged: @daysterre (ty!)
tagging: steal it!!
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simpcityy · 1 year
I'm Not Her Pt.2 (Father Miguel O’Hara x Teen! Daughter Reader)
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Summary: Miguel O’Hara is your biological father but it’s not great being his daughter when he’s hooked in the past still.
Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of its characters. This short One-Shot has made it into a series! Read part one please to understand the prompt better. (Linked Below)
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: Use of female pronouns, Use of (Y/N), angst, Father Miguel, overall, it’s just sad for now. Other dimensional Miguel… Uhhh I think that is all for now.
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6
You woke up to the smell of bacon being cooked. Odd? Who is cooking if no one is home. Sitting up from your bed, you glanced at the time seeing it was 10am. Walking out of the room the smell of bacon got stronger. In front of you was your father Miguel cooking breakfast. You quickly rubbed your eyes wanting to make sure you aren’t dreaming. “Buenos días, cariño*” Miguel glances back at you hearing the creek of the floorboards. You only stood there in shock. He’s home for once and calling you with love and affection. “I…Um…good morning?” You finally replied back sitting down on the chair slowly. He placed a plate in front of you and took a seat across from you. “(Y.N) …Escucha, sé que no soy el mejor padre*.” He began. “I know I left you all on your own, but I have to man up and fix my mistakes.” He looks at you before slowly holding your hand “and I know it won’t be easy, but I’ll try my best.” He smiles before slowly releasing your hand. You only stood there stunned thinking about it. Did Lyla talk to him? Did Peter? So many thoughts were running around your head before letting out a sigh. “I …what made you have a change of heart…you know that yesterday was my- “he cuts you off, “I know it was your birthday and I’m sorry” he pulls out a box from under the table. You were so shocked about this new side of your dad that you didn’t even see the box when you sat down. “Happy Late Birthday “he smiles, sliding the box towards you. You slowly open it inside before gasping seeing the latest technology you’ve always wanted. You dug your hand till it hit the bottom and saw a ticket to your favorite concert. “How did you know I wanted this? I always begged you to let me see this singer, but you wouldn’t hear me out…I…” you are feeling so many emotions. “I told you I was going to try my best to fix this” he smiles before letting out a grunt as you tackle him into a hug “thank you! Thank you!” You chanted. Miguel only lets out a small smile rubbing your back affectionately. You let him go and walked to the top cabinet grabbing a glass to fill. “let’s have breakfast before you head to work “you smile enjoying this small moment with him. Maybe your wish did come true, to stop feeling alone. 
You walked down the halls of your high school. It was going to be your last year and you promised your friends you were going to make it a blast. Humming out a song you unlocked your locker. “Hey boo you’re in a much better mood.” Lyla appeared inside your locker snapping a selfie with you. “Glad you’re here, did you talk to my dad?” You asked her while collecting the items you’ll need on this day. “ wha? No, I didn’t. Why do you ask?” She looks at the selfie editing it. “He came home and made breakfast. He also got me tickets for the concert.” You smile enthusiastically looking at the AI. Lyla watches you “he did?” She was concerned, if she remembered correctly…Miguel was at the base this morning working but then again, he did slip out for a moment so maybe that’s where he went. Lyla only smiles “I’m so glad boo! Maybe Peter talked with him?” You nodded “I was thinking the same. Alright, I got to go Lyla.” You closed the locker going on to continue your education. Lyla stood in the pitch dark of the locker in deep thought “I’ll have to talk to Miguel” she mutters before disappearing. 
School for once was a day you enjoyed, maybe it has to do with the fact you're slowly getting your father back. You’ll have to thank Peter once you get the chance to visit the Society HQ. You start to wonder what made him realize he has a daughter here. All this thinking made you hungry, spotting your favorite empanada stand. You walked over and got in line. ‘Maybe I’ll order extra to bring home’ you thought before smiling, giving your order to the kind old lady. Once you reached home, you closed the door behind you. “Are you home?” You call out placing the bag on the table. “Ya has vuelto de la escuela*?” Miguel emerges from the kitchen door. He glances at the bag. “Y eso?” He walked over looking into the box. “ I got you some empanadas” You smile before letting it falter seeing him sniff the bag. His face of disgust was present, “I’m not hungry, you eat it.” He quickly replaces the face of disgust into a smile. Something wasn’t right here, he loved empanadas. He would never reject it. “But it’s your favorite?” You sat down and grabbed a couple for yourself. Miguel grabs a glass of water, his back turned to you. He panicked for a bit before adding on, “Yes but I think I ate too many last time that it just makes me dislike it” He walks over rubbing your head, “It will go away and I’ll go back to liking them okay?” He pressed his lips to the side of your head before sitting down next to you. “Cómo fue tu día en la escuela*?” He asked. You only nodded taking his excuse before smiling, feeling his lip on the side of your head. “ It went well!” You ate the empanada while telling him how your day went. 
Lyla stood behind Miguel watching him work away. “Hey Miguel” She appears in front of him. “Quick question” Miguel looks up at her and only grunts telling her to go on. “That was nice of you to get (Y/N) tickets to the concert” She sits on his shoulder waiting for his response. His answer only made her glitch and worried for you.
“What tickets?”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors Note: Thank you so much! Your comments and likes made me see how this NEEDED to be a series. I'm still working on the other two projects hopefully next week I'll be able to complete the series for Location Status. So, I can focus on my other projects. Sorry for any grammar on the first part, I was using a tablet and it was all new to me. Remember to stay hydrated and to keep on simping! (Simp City Population: 66💕) Thank you for the likes and reblogs! Please reblog so others can be aware of my works! ILY 💕
Spanish Translation: (Remember some have double meaning or similar meaning) 1. “Buenos días, cariño: Good Morning Sweetie 2. Escucha, sé que no soy el mejor padre: Listen, I know I'm not the best father (Dad) 3. Ya has vuelto de la escuela: Are you back from school? 4. Y eso: And that or whats that? 5. Cómo fue tu día en la escuela: How was your day at school?
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Feel free to ignore this, but I saw you want Miguel requests soooo.
Platonic Miguel x teen spider reader. Preferably gn. And like, he sees his daughter in the reader or smth, idk how to explain it, but I think it would be cute to see it
ONGOSH THANK YOU I absolutely love this<33 I wrote this on my phone but Im honestly so hyped up I love father figure!miguel. I hope you don’t mind but I’m doing this in the form of headcanons.
Miguel O’Hara x teen!spider!Reader
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-okay so your obviously one of the only people Miguel loves tolerates.
-your universe isn’t “home” to you, Miguel is. He’s like the father you never had and at first, the both of you absolutely detested one and other. In fact, Jessica was the one who convinced him to recruit you, way before Gwen or even Peter came into the picture.
-at first, he was stand-offish and a total dickhead to you, but slowly warmed up and began to humour you. He’d smirk at your horrible jokes and pretend to roll his eyes when you teased him.
-in fact, when you first laughed your ass off at one of his remarks, something in him knew that he’d do anything to protect you.
-he already lost one daughter, he wasn’t losing you.
-In all honesty, your relationship is very similar to Joel and Ellie from the Last of Us.
-you have inside jokes that even Lyla doesn’t understand, and she’s an AI.
-It takes all his strength to not snort when you make faces behind someone’s back, he knows you do it to make him laugh.
-he gives you tips on how to take care of yourself.
-a whole bottle of baby powder suddenly appears in your room in spider society. He says he knows nothing.
-lyla shows you the camera footage of him placing it on your bedside table.
-he’s close to tears when you specially make him empanadas. He’d been in a bad mood and when he went to his desk, there was a plate of empanadas with a post it note from you.
- “dont waste them I spent like two hoursmaking them for you”
-he scarfs them down of course.
-like all fathers, he can be strict sometimes, especially because you’re a kid. He doesn’t want you getting hurt. If you’re hurt he helps patch you up himself.
-“you fucking crazy? What were you thinking, trying to catch a car instead of dodging it?”
-your arguments are shushed by him shoving a spoon of soup into your mouth.
-“don’t waste it.” He says, “I spent some time making it while you were asleep.”
-he can’t pinpoint an exact moment from when he started seeing you as his daughter, but it’s probably from the time he got super protective around hobie.
-ain’t no kid coming near his daughter.
-almost snarls when hobie jokingly flirts with you.
-he subtly pushes hobie away when the guy walks behind you.
-you’re the only person other than lyla who can snark him and get away with it without an insult being jabbed at you.
-he’s hugged you a total of two times.
-the first was when you almost died, the second was when he almost died and you freaked out.
-you’d already lost your family, you could not lose him too.
“Miguel, get up.” You tearfully say to his sleeping form, “I can’t do this without you.”
-when he’d stirred, the first thing he saw was your shocked face and then you tackled him.
-he loves you. Like, a whole lot.
-he smiles at you when you walk around in his office, rambling about random stuff. He’s glad that you’re comfortable enough around him to stop masking your personality.
-his jokes are LAME. Like dad jokes are his jam and they’re just so bad.
-“why do sharks live in salt water? because pepper water makes them sneeze.” “Miguel PLEASE-”
-did I mention he’d probably die for you? Like fuck the universe(s) he’s not losing his baby daughter again.
-it’s weird but it’s funny.
-Gwen loses her shit when she sees you sitting next to him with your head on his shoulder.
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reidsdimples · 3 months
Accidental Baby Genius | Part 2
Based on the request from part 1
You tell Spencer about his child, years later.
Fluff/angst/no smut 🖤 🧸
Enjoy some AI renderings of Reid’s son 🫶🏻
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3.5 Years later
“Mommy!” Your son raises his arms when you walk in the door. He hugs you tight around the neck.
“Roman,” you sigh and hold him for a minute. You push away the gnawing realization that’s been plaguing you for months.
He looks up at you with big brown eyes and sweeps his wavy brown locks from his face. You put your hand in his hair and mess it all up again and he laughs. Even his laugh- the way his face contorts- it’s so achingly familiar.
The cut of his jaw as he approaches three years old is becoming more pronounced. You can’t unsee it in him, Spencer Reid is his father. And if his looks weren’t enough of a convincer-
“Rome read me three Dr Seuss books and The Very Hungry Caterpillar today,” your sister informs you,
“Four!” He pouts.
Your two year old was reading at a fucking first grade level if not higher. You sigh, in awe of him.
A familiar heartache seizes you. Spencer has no idea that this amazing little boy is his son.
“I think it’s time,” you shake your head and inform your sister.
“I think so too,” she agrees.
Roman as back to his spot on the floor, building a Lego set of the Star Wars star destroyer which is huge and you can’t figure out how to build. But he’s over half done and you can watch him move around and articulate how to do it all day long.
You noticed about a week ago that he’s started to lick his bottom lip when he’s thinking, or bite it when he’s nervous. It’s not a trait he got from you.
In fact the only thing he seemed to get from you was his nose and ears but the jury was still out on that one. It’s like you birthed a mini Spencer Reid.
“Hey Romi,” you call him by his nickname and wave him over.
“Do you remember how you asked me about your dad?”
“Uhuhh,” he uses his palm to brush his hair back with his hands which are too big for him.
“How would you like to meet him?” He turns in your arms and lights up.
“Does he like reading?”
“He does,” you answer and fight back tears.
“What about counting, because I can count all the way to five thousand,” he starts talking faster when he’s excited.
“I think so,” you caress his small face and kiss his forehead.
“I didn’t know if this was still your number,” you say when Spencer answers his phone.
“I’ve had it for years, what’s up?” He seems distracted and you don’t want to do this over the phone.
“Can we talk… in person,” you ask.
“Sure?” He hasn’t spoken to you since about a month after you left the team so abruptly.
“How’s lunch tomorrow?” You ask.
“I thought you moved?” He presses.
“My sister and I moved to DC last month, I’m working at the pentagon now,” you inform him.
“Wow, okay,” you hear shuffling in the background. “Let’s do pizza, you still like Ray’s?” He asks because you two ate there all the time.
“Yeah, how about 1230?”
“Sounds good, see you then,” he hangs up.
Your sister takes your shaking hand but you calm yourself by looking at your beautiful boy.
You think Spencer will want to be a dad, you think he’s mentioned it before. Especially with how absent his father was. But you’re nervous and unsure. He would have every right to be angry with you, Roman was almost three. But it’s better late than never right?
“Spencer,” you beam nervously and he hugs you. He seems taller, his hair seems curlier, and he’s got some facial hair. He looks… matured. You wonder what he’s been through, what he’s seen with the BAU since you last saw him.
“Y/N, how are you?” He asks.
“Good, I’m good,” you guys sit outside and make idle chat about work.
You fall into easy conversation over pepperoni pizza and he laughs about some joke your coworker made about Aristotle.
“You said you needed to talk to me?” He crosses his legs and pushes his hair back with his palm(just like Roman does.)
“Spencer…” you shake your head and look down at your lap. Your throat tightens and it all comes down to this moment.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He leans forward and drops his pizza.
“I’m so sorry,” you don’t expect to cry but you do. He drags the metal outdoor chair closer to you and touches your shoulder:
“Sorry for what? What’s going on?” He seems worried.
“I didn’t just leave the BAU for a new position,” you sigh and wipe your eyes. You turn in your chair towards him and pull your knees to your chest.
His brows are furrowed, full and dark just like your sons.
“I got pregnant,” you huff out a shaky breath.
He slides his chair back. You can’t look at him.
“What are you saying?” His voice is low.
“This is Roman,” you slide your phone across the table towards him. Your lock screen is a picture of your son staring at the camera as though he’s far beyond his years.
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Spencer inspects it, his eyes scanning the photo frantically.
“That- he…” and then a tear falls down his face. “Do you have more pictures?”
You take your phone and give him your camera roll.
He swipes for a while, he’s biting his lip, his eyes bloodshot.
“He looks just like me,” he whispers a broken whisper and sits back down.
“I know,” you can hardly speak.
“How long have you known he was mine?” He doesn’t sound angry, just… sad.
“I’ve suspected it for a while, he started talking a year ago and… he’s just so smart. Sickeningly so…”
“He could talk at 1?”
“Spencer he can read books and do math at 2 and a half. I could kid myself on his looks for the first year or so of his life but…” you grab his hand and squeeze. “I’m so sorry.”
“Why did you leave? Why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?” He asks and looks up at you.
“Because… you had just lost Maeve and there was a chance that the baby wouldn’t be yours and I didn’t want to make things harder on you,” you sniffle.
He rubs at his eye like he used to do when he got a headache.
“Why tell me now?” He asks.
“He asks about his daddy. And now that I know for a fact who that is… you deserve to know.”
“Daddy,” he whispers and his voice cracks as he looks at a photo of Roman as a baby baby.
“He’s even wearing…” he points at the picture.
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“My sister was trying to make a point,” you smile softly.
He laughs a little at that.
“Do you want to meet him? You don’t have to. You never have to…”
“Of course I do,” he stops you.
“I don’t want anything from you. That’s not why I’m telling you this,” you assure him. “You can be as involved or not involved as you want.”
“Y/N, he’s my son. I want him to know me and I want to know him,” now he’s squeezing your hand. You nod, you’re relieved.
“Okay, are you ready?” You ask your son the next day.
“Yes!” He holds up his toy train that he brought his dad to the park.
You spot Spencer at a picnic table in the shade and pick up your son. The wind blows his hair around as you approach. Spencer stands, his eyes lighting up as he beholds Roman.
“Spencer Reid, this is Roman Jacob Reid,” you say proudly.
“Hi,” he smiles and waves at Roman who you stand on the table.
“I got you a train. It has my name on it, see. R-O-M-A-N,” he points at the letters. Spencer lets out an amazed huff and takes the red engine.
“It’s perfect!” He exaggerates.
“I’m changing his last name tomorrow,” you whisper to Spencer. “If that’s okay.”
“That would be amazing,” he smiles down at you.
“Okay stand back,” Roman pushes Spencer away from the table. “I’m going to show mommy that you’re strong because I’m strong and if I’m a superhero you’re a superhero!”
Spencer glances at you and has no idea what he means but then Roman jumps off of the table towards Spencer in a giant leap with a howling laugh. Spencer doesn’t miss a beat and catches him swiftly with the biggest smile of his face.
“See mommy! Strong! Now I know he’s my daddy for sure!” Roman exclaims.
“Romi be gentle with him,” you warn.
“Romi,” Spencer whispers as he tries out the nickname.
“Mommy says you’re a special agent, are you a spy? Like double oh seven?” Roman asks absentmindedly as he places the train into Spencer’s shoulder and moves it back and forth. He’s sitting on the table in front of his dad who looks like the world just fell in his lap. Your heart feels so full.
“Maybe, what do you know about 007?” He grins at his son.
“Some stuff,” he shrugs.
“I do know magic,” Spencer informs him.
“But magic isn’t real!” Roman swats his dad’s chest.
“No?” Spencer pinches Romans ear. “So you always have a quarter in there?”
“Woah!” Roman stands on the table in awe. “Do it again!”
“What about this? Is this yours?” He reaches towards his other ear and brings out a lollipop.
“It is now,” he giggles and snatches it. “Thank you,” he hugs Spencer around the neck.
Spencer looks at you and you’ve never seen him like this. He seems content, amazed, like he’s finally found a puzzle he can’t solve. You’re hugging Roman’s stuffed bear to your chest as you watch them.
“Thank you,” Spencer whispers to you and hugs Roman again. “Now let’s go get some ice cream,” Spencer says.
“Uh-oh you said the magic word,” you taunt as Roman squeals in excitement.
“I wanna be on your back,” Roman tells Spencer who obliges. He wraps his arms around Spencer’s neck, his legs around his waist while Spencer supports his legs.
He follows you to the ice cream shop across from the park. You think for the first time in a while, that everything just might be okay.
“Would it be weird for me to thank you?” You ask Spencer.
“Thank me for what?” He asks and licks his ice cream cone. Roman is in your lap, gently picking singular sprinkles off of his ice cream and eating them first. Like always.
“For him,” you hug him gently and kiss his head. Roman doesn’t react, too lost in his ice cream.
“You carried him, birth him, and raised him on your own until now. I should be thanking you. You’re incredible,” he stares into your eyes. Your heart skips a beat and you look away.
“Let’s just say we’re both grateful for him,” you smile. “I never knew, where you stood on children. If you ever wanted them.”
“Children bring such a light into our lives, especially people like us who work in the dark all of the times they remind us of wonder and innocence and show us compassion and patience. In their presence we are given the opportunity to rediscover the joy in simple moments, the thrill of exploration, and the power of unconditional love. I’ve always wanted children,” he explains.
You don’t know why you had any doubts about him.
“Well, they can be trying too,” you look down at your perfect child. “So I hear,” you shrug and both of you laugh.
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bb-eilish · 2 years
𝒜𝓇𝓉𝒾𝒻𝒾𝒸𝒾𝒶𝓁 𝐿𝓊𝓈𝓉
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pairing: AI!Soobin x f!reader
warnings; swearing, pet names, dirty talk, multiple smut scenes, pining, nipple play, rough sex, phone call, praise, robo soobin, no condom use, creampie, jealousy/delusion, stalking, kissing, blonde soobin. (if i missed something pls lemme know!!)
summary; Your close friend’s new riches makes christmas forever memorable.
A/N: I read @writerpetals “artificial heart” and couldn’t help but picture soobin, please read their work it’s great!
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𝓐 gasp is heard through the entire restaurant, you would care about the dozen eyes suddenly on you, but you can’t. Your closest friend, Yoon, has struck gold, she’s been working as a higher up at your guys’ office job for the longest time and has been very buddy buddy with the CEO. So when the former CEO retired she left the company to Yoon, who now has inherited a million dollar company!
“You’re kidding.” Your mouth is glued to the ground as she beams at you, “Isn’t this amazing? Just in time for Christmas too. I worked for so long and it finally really payed off. Now I just need to find you a present.” She thoughtfully looks at her food, the flame of the candle between you two lighting up her features warmly. “Heh, if only you could buy me a boyfriend.” You joke as you poke at the salad in your dish.
“Boyfriend hm? I see…” She smiles as you both carry on, dinner is filled with disbelief as she tells you just how much she has now and the gossip the old CEO told her.
“Merry Christmas, Y/n. Bring him in over here!” Yoon greets and then shouts behind her, the smile on your face twists into confusion. “What?” You’re confused even further when two men heave a box up the steps to your porch and slide in through the door. They drop it off by the tree and you gape. A box that’s at least 6’0 sits next to your tree now, the presents under it look much smaller in comparison.
Yoon’s smile almost hurts your eyes as she beams at you, “I think you’re gonna love it!” She goes in for a hug that squeezes the air from your lungs, “Yea, I bet I will. I hope you like your presents.” Your nerves flare at the idea of her not liking what you got her because of this unbelievably tall present.
“You seriously didn’t have to get me anything so big, I’d be happy with a card honestly.” She shakes her head at your modesty and smiles, “You deserve the world Y/n, don’t worry about it.”
“Coffee? We can open presents after I make some?”
“Sounds lovely, be quick or I might open your gift myself.” You giggle at her and go to put a K-cup into the machine. While waiting you can’t help but to admire your kitchen, it’s your favorite style and just the right size. It’s perfect and even better with the adorable christmas decorations everywhere. But sort of….empty. The decorations are nice and all, but ever since your ex left awhile ago it’s missing something.
The sound of the coffee squirting into your cup takes you out of your thoughts as you wait till it’s done and put a new one in. “Here, coconut french roast, just how you like it.” Bending over slightly, you pass her the hot christmas mug and go back to the machine. It’s just finishing up your cup.
“Alright, open this first.” You grab a small wrapped box and pass it to her, the snowflake paper contrasting to her red and back flannel pajamas. She pushes a stray piece of hair behind her ear before digging into the bright paper. “Oh my god, this is so pretty. Is this the one we saw in the window of that one store?” She asks in awe, “Hehe, yeah it is. Do you like it?” Watching her squeal makes you feel warm, she means so much to you and you can only hope she knows it.
“I love it, thank you so much. Here open this!”
You both go back and forth opening the presents until the last one is inevitably the tall one. It intimidates you as you step closer and dig a nail under the tape that’s stuck at the sides. You jump when she changes her mind about you opening it, “Actually, y/n. Turn around, I’ll let you know when to look.”
You arch a brow at her but turn around nonetheless, there’s the sound of paper, cardboard, and then a button. She squeals happily as she tells you to turn around. Your heart beats wildly in your chest as you fidget with your fingers and swing around.
First you blink, and then again, and once more. A man stands there, a gentle smile on his face as he greets you. “It’s nice to meet you, Ms. L/n. I’m Soobin, I hope I can be of service.” You hesitantly meet his hand. “Um, I’m sorry, I’m confused.” You eye both of them until he responds.
“I am your assistant, I was customized for you.” That honestly made your confusion worse as you look towards Yoon, she laughs as she begins to explain. “This is Soobin, your AI assistant. He cost a pretty penny but it was so worth it, once I saw how customizable he was, I knew he could be the one for you.”
“He’s a robot?” You ask dumbfounded, he smiles again. A very human-sounding chuckle leaves him as he nods. You eye him up and down not so subtly, his hair is almost a platinum blonde, it sits neatly styled over his forehead. He wears a tidy looking black knit sweater matched with jeans and sneakers.
"Looks real doesn't he? He can do whatever you like, he can cook,clean, grocery shop, even drive a car." She stops to take a step closer to you, leaning into your ear. "And he's made for you in other ways as well." She laughs before getting a loud notification. You stare at her wide eyed as she apologizes and leaves to go manage the company or whatever she said.
"Merry Christmas Ms. L/n. Would you like me to clean up?"
You peer around your living room, the ground is covered in hundreds of pieces of wrapping paper. "Uh, sure. Thank you..." You can’t help but eye him curiously as he gathers the paper and random boxes around you. You have to admit, he does look incredibly real. Especially when he bends over so fluently to grab at the garbage. He even breaths out a little while he does it as well.
“Where should I put these?” He questions when he’s done, it honestly scares you a bit as you were spacing out — thinking about him of course, he’s an entire robot.
“Oh uh, the trash cans are in the garage. That way.” You point to the correct door, he nods with a smile and is on his way.
The coffee in your hands grows colder as you watch him, you’d be worried about being creepy with how much you’re staring, but something tells you it probably doesn’t matter.
“All done. Do you need anything else Ms. L/n?” He stands before you with his hands crossed in front of him. “No, thank you for cleaning. You can…s-sit down if you’d like? We’re going to be seeing a lot of each other anyways.” He smiles again and you try not to pay attention to how you gulp in response. Soobin swings himself around and sits on the other end of your couch, looking at his hands as he outstretched them curiously.
“So, Soobin. I know you can do house chores, what else can you do?” This is the best small talk you’re able to conjure up at the moment, you’re acutely aware that he’s metal and wires. “Besides house hold chores, I can answer questions — as I’m connected to the internet — I know every language and am fully trained in multiple martial arts. I was programmed to protect you, as well as be a companion. I hope we are able to get along.”
He smiles at you once more, the dimples in his cheeks apparent as he does so. He’s so human it’s uncanny.
“Wow, that’s amazing. I’ve actually been a bit worried about living on my own. Is there anything else you can do?”
“Yes, I’ve also been programmed to know exactly what you are into sexually.” Your eyes basically pop out of your head in response, warmth settles over your skin as you let your imagination run a little too wild in the moment.
“O-oh. Well, uh, I’m going to take a shower, make yourself…at home.”
You scurry off to your bedroom, thoughts absolutely taken over by his words. You were very open with Yoon about what you were into, you’ve been friends for years so it was only natural that the subject was brought up multiple times. And now you have a robot assistant who looks like he was modeled after…well.. a model, and knows how to please you.
You’re going through your clean hamper, as you haven’t put them away yet, when a knock sounds from your door.
“Ms. L/n, since it’s 9:27 in the morning, shall I make breakfast?” His muffled voice still has heat settling over your cheeks as you respond.
“Oh, sure. You can make whatever you want, I’m sure I’ll enjoy it.” To be honest, you couldn’t think of a single breakfast food at that moment. Too much has happened in such a short time, you’re still a little stunned. Soobin hums and agrees and you go back to searching for clothes to wear.
You’re shower was 15 minutes longer than usual, Soobin was on the front of your mind and because of that you were in space for most of it.
The bathrooms warm and foggy atmosphere contrasted the rest of your house, it was cold but not annoyingly stuffy when you creaked the door open. “Ms. L/n breakfast is ready, I have made pancakes and french toast.”
“I don’t remember having frozen pancakes and french toast?” You mumble as you step into the kitchen to ogle the delicious food on your table.
“I made them from scratch, I hope you enjoy them.” He bows before turning around to handle the small mess he created. He made them….from scratch? He even topped it off with a few blueberries on the butter that sat on top of the stack of pancakes. The food looked like it was stolen right from a commercial.
“They look delicious, thank you, Soobin.” You say as you slip into your seat and pluck your fork from the table. “Of course.”
Cutting the pancakes was almost mesmerizing, as they were unbelievably pillowy and soft. The taste was so much better than you imagined as well.
“Soobin, oh my god. These are amazing.”
“Thank you, Ms. L/n. I’m glad you like them.” He smiles, it’s so human like it catches you off guard.
He leaves you to eat and only comes back to take your dirty dishes. Wow, he’s treating you better than all of your ex’s combined, it has your eyebrows shooting up in surprise.
That’s how the remainder of Christmas went, with you being surprised at how nice he was, even if he was AI and programmed that way.
“What do you do at night? Do I need to…uh…plug..you in? Or..?” He didn’t come with any plugs or anything so you’re a little confused if he has to recharge or something. “Oh, no. I sleep as well, it’s obviously not the same as human sleep, but same idea.” You open your mouth in an O shape as you nod.
“Well, goodnight, Soobin.”
“Goodnight, Ms. L/n. Merry Christmas!”
Sleeping was difficult the first night, knowing he was “sleeping” in your guest bedroom. You tossed and turned for hours before barely being able to slip fully away. Too bad that lasted an hour and now your alarm is blaring. The sigh you let out is almost pathetic as you groggily rise to your feet.
Your apartment is eerily quiet and you momentarily forget what’s missing. That is until the door opens and he walks in, putting down the groceries he bought on the counter.
Rubbing at your eyes you ask, “What are those?”
“I bought ingredients for dinner tonight, as I know what food you look. So, we’re having your favorite italian dish.”
“Oh, wow. Thank you, Soobin. Heh, do you know my social security number too?” You chuckle, “Yes, it is 892-“
“Okay! So glad you know that.” You nervously chuckle.
3 Months have passed since you were given Soobin, he’s been unbelievably helpful so you’re grateful Yoon spent the money on him, because you did NOT have that much. Soobin and you have grown closer as well and you can’t remember what it was like without him.
“And I told him to fuck off because he literally tried to get with my sister.” Yoon grumpily exclaims as she tips her back to down another shot. “You’re kidding.”
“I wish I was, she was also like 17 at the time.” Your mouth falls open in shock as she nods her head drunkly. You yawn and go to rub your eyes, stopping because it took you so long to do your eyeliner earlier. “Hey, I’m gonna call Soobin to get me, do you want a ride home?”
She shakes her head with a smile before saying, “Don’t worry, I have a chauffeur now. Isn’t that so weird?” She giggles. You dig out your phone from your purse that sits on your lap, the dim lights of the club making the screen much brighter than you remembered. Squinting, you try your best to find your home phone number, turning down the brightness is useless because apparently it’s already all the way down. Finally you find the number and press it, it only takes a couple rings before he greets you with the voice you’ve grown very fond of.
“Hello, Ms. L/n. Are you enjoying your night out?” He’s as kind as ever, it brings a sappy smile to your face as you answer. “Yea, thank you. Could you pick me up by any chance? I took Yoon’s car so my car is still at home.” You yell into the phone, it’s so loud you wonder if yelling is even working.
“Yes, of course. I’m leaving right now.”
“Don’t you need the address?” Your eyebrows furrow.
“I always know your location thanks to your phone. I’ll be there in approximately 16 minutes.”
“Thank you.” You hang up and try your best to stay awake, you haven’t gone to a club in a little while and it’s becoming obvious. Even though the bass from the DJ is basically making you vibrate, you still try and fight off sleep.
“Hey, uh, Yoon. I’m gonna wait outside for Soobin.” You lean on your arm as your eyes droop.
“I’ll see you tomorrow at the office okay?” She’s even smiley and go lucky when drunk, you seriously envy her.
“Alright, be safe. See ya tomorrow.”
The warmth of having to navigate through grinding bodies has nausea forming in your stomach, it only subsides once you swing open the door. The air feels refreshing as you stumble out. It was like a sauna inside, the cool air against your flushed skin has you shuttering out a breath of relief.
Glancing around you spot a bench to your left and oh does it look inviting. Sitting down, you pluck your phone from your purse to check the time, 13 more minutes. The bouncer on the other side of the door is busy talking, as well as the people in line but it all blurs into each other. God, tomorrow is gonna be a bitch.
Your head hangs low as a breeze flows up your dress, good thing your purse is settled on your lap or else the line of people would have a great view of your underwear. Time is warped in your head and you swear it’s been only a minute before someone is calling your name. Your head raises, higher and higher, until you make eye contact with Soobin. He’s so tall, you love how tall he is. He’s so attractive.
“Ms. L/n. Are you ready to leave?” He holds out a hand for you to take, which you obviously do because walking through the parking lot in this state in these heels would be impossible. “Yes, thank you, Soobin.” Your body can’t help but lean against his figure as you both make your way to your car.
While getting in you giggle to yourself drunkly, slouching over the center console. “Here, Ms. L/n. Let me buckle you in.”
“Y/n.” You smile.
“Excuse me?”
“Call me Y/n. Ms. L/n sounds like my mother.” You giggle once more, more heat spreading over your face if possible. Even more when the hand clicking your seatbelt drifts across your thighs. It confuses you, isn’t he AI? Isn’t he free from making human mistakes? Did he do that on purpose then? Your drunken mind has your memories a little fuzzy but he treats you like a girlfriend, now even down to the teasing touches. You’ll have to ask Yoon about that when you see her next.
“Soobin, can you help the hangover I’m gonna have tomorrow? I have work.” The car purrs to life as he presses the button and puts it in drive. “Of course, Y/n. I’m happy to help.”
The way home was strange, you honestly blame it all on the alcohol. Whenever you peaked over at him you couldn’t help but ogle, even if he was AI, he was unbelievably attractive. How did Yoon know your exact type, sure you talk about your sex and love life with her but she really hit the nail on the head. The way his blonde hair falls almost angelic like over his skin has completely stolen your attention.
The thoughts have your skin warming again and a slight heat being lit in your gut.
“We’re here, do you need me to unbuckle you?” He catches you off guard, you were still mid swoon when he started talking.
“Oh, no I got it. Thank you, Soobin.” He nods before stepping out of your car and circling around to open yours as well. Your legs are a bit wobbly, so when you take a tumble he’s quick to wrap an arm around your waist. You need to sleep, the heat inside you seems to be hotter and it’s really starting to affect you. You seriously just want him to take you right then and there.
“Here, you should eat. I’ll make you something.” He proposes when you’re inside, slumped over a chair. “No, it’s okay. I changed my mind, I just want to go to bed. You should too, goodnight, Soobin.”
“Oh, goodnight, Y/n.”
Regret. You truly regret dismissing Soobin’s attempts of helping your inevitable hang over. As you sit up in bed your head pounds annoyingly. It’s 6:09 AM, you work at 7:30, hopefully it’s enough time to reduce the pulsing in your skull.
“Good morning, Y/n. Are you feeling okay?” He asks you once you stumble out of bed and into your living quarters. “No, do you know if we have any pain killers?” You question, rubbing your face with your hands soothingly. A hand comes to rub your back as he answers, “I’ll get those right away, are you hungry?” You don’t know how he does it, but you can only concentrate on his hand as it rubs against your clothed back. Even the pounding in your head is an after thought compared to him. You manage to nod your head ‘yes’.
His touch is fleeting and leaves a subtle want in you as he opens up a random cabinet and searches for the medicine.
“Here, let me get you some water.” It’s really not your fault for how you feel, he was made to be specifically your type. The man of your dreams basically. He slides a cup of water your way, “Thank you, Soobin.” Your head tips back as you cram the pills into your mouth and take a swig of the water.
“How about we do something tonight? Just you and me? I really appreciate what you do around here.”
Even for a robot, he pauses, his eyes are wide as he processes your words before nodding. “Of course, I look forward to it.”
You’re showered and fed by the time you get to your car, waving to Soobin as if he’s your house wife. You really hate leaving him, his presence has made your home so warm and comfy. Being single isn’t the most fun and he’s really made you miss being in a relationship. That is until you make it to your office and hear his voice. His makes Soobin’s somehow even nicer.
“Morning, Y/n. I heard you and the boss had a fun time last night. Wish you would’ve invited me.”
“Morning to you too, Hyun. Sorry, I didn’t know you would’ve wanted to go.” You swing around to face him, he leans against your door frame with his hands in his pockets.
“Maybe you could make it up to me? Whaddya say? You, me. Dinner tonight?” You were expecting this honestly, Hyun is constantly trying to advance this “relationship” as he calls it. He’s honestly like a mosquito. “Sorry, I can’t. I have plans with my friend.”
He only smiles and nods, “Do I know her?” His question catches you off guard, “Uh no, you don’t…” Sitting down, you turn on your pc and see what pages you have to edit today. But of course, it’s never that easy. “What’s her name?” You hold back the urge to smash your head into your keyboard.
Well, this is gonna be interesting.
A beat passes before his annoying laugh is heard, “That’s funny…that..that sounds like a guy’s name..” His laugh stops when you say “It is.”
“Oh, are you dating…?”
Your fists clench at that, “No, now I really need to get started.”
You wish it ended there, but it didn’t, not in your office, not at the printer, not even when you were walking to the bathroom.
Finally it’s time to go home, 5:26 and you’re so ready to do something with Soobin, without Hyun especially. You thankfully didn’t see him on your way out either, which was weird to be honest. He always makes a move on you in the parking lot. Maybe your constant rejection finally got through?
Driving home was not fun, you swear this one car was following you. They were far enough away that you couldn’t see who was driving, but you know they were following you. Instead of going straight to your house you took a small detour to get them off your ass. Which thankfully worked. The car comes to a halt as you wait for your garage door to open, as soon as you’re inside you close it immediately. Hopefully that creep didn’t spot you.
“Soobin, I’m home.” A beat passes and still no response.
You cock an eyebrow at the silence. Hanging up your jacket on your coat hanger, you find a note on the counter.
Be back soon, getting dinner.
A breath of relief leaves you as you read it. That gives you enough time to change out of your work clothes. The pencil skirt you’re currently wearing might look great but it does not feel like it. Your legs are chafing and you’re pleased Soobin isn’t here to witness you shuffle awkwardly to your bedroom.
Unzipping the skirt snd unhooking your bra had you melting on the spot, even more so when you put on your favorite pair of fuzzy pajama pants and a nice tank top. Taking off your makeup was the cherry on top, you could seriously just throw yourself on your bed and pass out. But you’re way too excited to hang out with Soobin.
Knock Knock
Your head snaps towards the echoing knocking. Soobin has a spare key so it’s not him. Nevertheless, you go to open the door.
“Can I help yo-“ Color drains from your face, why is he here? At your door step? With a bouquet of flowers no less?
“Y/n, I’m glad I found the right house. I wanted to talk to you.” He smiles at you like he didn’t show up on your door step like an abandoned child. “How did you get my address?” Honestly you regret asking, you didn’t want to know.
He laughs before answering, “The only way I could without asking and sounding creepy, I followed you home!”
Your jaw drops, “You..followed me..home..?” You’re sure you’re on an episode of punked or something, this can’t be real.
He nods his head, hand sticking out to pass you the bouquet of tulips and daisies. A moment passes before you hesitantly take them, awkwardly holding them up. “I know you said you had plans tonight, but I really think you shouldn’t hang out with this Soobin guy. After all, you have me and he sounds like a total creep.”
You’ve seriously had enough, you draw the line at him questioning Soobin’s motives and yknow, him following you home.The grip on the frail stems tightens and the stinging pain of thorns is second in line to the steam coming out of your ears.
“Okay, I’ve had enough. We are not friends, you are a major creep. You followed me home yet have the audacity to point fingers at Soobin. You’ll never even be half the man he is, now get off of my porch and don’t even think of even looking in my direction again.” Your teeth are sore after your word vomit from being clenched so tightly.
He’s expressionless until his eyebrows furrow, an almost confused look settles on his face. “I’m not sure you understand, you and me are meant to be. Soobin brainwashed you or something to think of me like this, I didn’t think it was this bad. Come here.” He goes to grip your free hand, his sweaty palm has a shiver of disgust ring through you.
“No, don’t touch me. Fuck off.” The flowers fall to the ground as you try to pry his greasy fingers from your skin. The sound of something closing is lost on your ears as blood rushes by them from the sudden adrenaline.
“I’m trying to help you , Y/n. I know you love me.”
Tears prick your eyes , you’re totally overwhelmed and starting to panic.
“Excuse me, can I help you?” That voice didn’t come from the man desperately trying to kidnap you, it was from him.
“Soobin, please help. He won’t let go.” Relief floods your system and your knees almost give out when he steps forward. “Let go of her.” His voice shocks you, it’s stern and low, you try to not think about how hot he sounds.
“Oh, you’re Soobin? You’re the one corrupting my love.” Hyun let’s go to turn around fully, trying his best to look intimidating. It’s not working, Soobin is a solid foot taller than him. Hyun doesn’t seem to be aware of it though as he goes to poke a crude finger into the hard chest of your friend.
Soobin remains calm and it shocks you, AI or not, Hyun is unbelievably annoying.
“Do I need to help you leave? Or can you do it by yourself?” Soobin steps closer, a gulp sounds from Hyun and you have to stifle a giggle.
“This isn’t over, Y/n is mine.” He says before scurrying off to his car.
“Soobin, oh my god. Thank you.” You breath out a shuddered sigh as you basically fall into his embrace. “Hey, it’s okay. He’s gone, let’s go inside and eat while dinner is hot, Angel.”
You nod your head before pausing, what did he just call you? Better question, should you change your underwear? Because oh my god, that was hot. Angel is a special name for you, almost all of your ex’s called you that in bed. Hearing it leave Soobin’s mouth has something stirring inside.
“Uh, okay…” You swallow.
The house feels so much nicer when Soobin is home, so much more lively.
“What movie should we watch?” He asks, removing the takeout from the plastic bags. While thinking, your eyes drift down to his hands and notice how his veins protrude every time he grabs something, you follow one until it disappears under his skin.
“Y/n, are you okay? Did he hurt you at all?” Your friend asks concerned.
“Huh? Sorry, I’m fine, thank you. Do you wanna watch the first Harry Potter movie?”
“Absolutely, I love that movie. Here, take this. This is your fried rice, this is your egg drop soup, these are your crab rangoons, and this is your chow mein.” The food is hot in your arms, almost too hot, as you both walk towards your couch. You happily set the food on your coffee table.
Harry Potter was captivating for the first 30 minutes, then Soobin became a little more interesting.
“Are you serious? I had no idea.” Your stunned face has him throwing back his head in laughter.
“Yea, it’s true. Maybe try using google?” He teases.
“Oh shut up…” You push his shoulder, something catches your attention as you do so. His eyes. You’ve never been so close to really study his eyes before. To test out your theory you put a hand on his shoulder, his eyes change into a darker brown with a tinge of red. Like a chocolate covered strawberry almost.
“I didn’t know your eyes changed color?”
“They’re mood changing, do you like them?” He smiles at you.
“I really do, they’re kind of red right now, what does that mean?” You lean in and pull down his lower eyelid to get a better look.
“Heh, it happens when you touch me” Your eyes go wide, hearing that makes you aware of how close you are and how your hand is still on his face. Harry Potter is only a sound in the background as Soobin grabs the hand touching face, and holds it.
The feelings you’ve been holding in feels like water boiling over the sides of a pot. The way he holds your hand, his gaze of red that’s becoming more apparent the more you look at one another. “Soobin…” Your voice is breathy and you’re not exactly sure why you said his name, it just felt right.
“Angel..” He replies, leaning closer. The name once again does something to you. Your heart might beat out of your chest if you’re not careful. You peak at his lips once more, the natural pout he has is calling you and you can’t take it anymore. Meeting him halfway, your lips shyly meet. It feels amazing though, you’ve been wondering what it’d be like to kiss him for so long now.
The kiss deepens as you both gain confidence, his free hand comes to settle on your waist.
The need for air stings eventually, it pains you more to pull away but you must. It only lasts for a second as you briefly make heated eye contact again, your lips slam together in a lust filled kiss. It’s messy and has the hand on your waist tightening it’s hold and pulling you even closer into him. Your own free hand makes it to his cheek.
His tongue makes its way into your mouth, this is so unlike the first kiss you shared. He was hesitant but now it’s completely different. The heat in the air is getting to you as you let out a whine.
“Soobin, I need you, please.” Your voice is pathetic as you beg for him to do something.
“I didn’t know you’d be so needy so fast…Angel.” The name has your heart skipping a beat and your thighs itching to rub together, Soobin smirks at your reaction. The hand holding your own gently lets go in favor of pushing you back against the couch. Your shirt has ridden a bit at the bottom, the cold-ish polyester against your exposed lower back has you jolting a little.
“You think I didn’t notice how you reacted to that name? Angel, you’re so cute, y’know that?” He hovers over you, leaning down to messily kiss down your neck, a hand moves from next to you to up the sides of your shirt.
The want you’ve been hiding has you already clenching around nothing as he rests his weight on you, now you’re able to feel how mouthwateringly hard he is. Which honestly confuses you, but he was also made for this so you don’t question it too much. You’re not sure you’re even able to right now, the way his hands feel on your skin, as well as how he’s working your collarbone like it owes him money.
Times like this you’re glad you don’t live in an apartment, the desperate noises he’s already pulling out of you would be tricky with such close neighbors.
“Can I take off your shirt?” He sweetly questions, tearing away from your skin to look you in the eyes. His eyes are a deeper wine colored red you take note as you nod your head. Soobin dips back in to kiss you again before removing the offending clothing.
In pure desperation, you raise his own shirt enough to feel his skin on yours. It’s addicting and you don’t stop raising his shirt until he gets the memo and grabs the back of it, pulling it over his head. The sight has you practically drooling. He’s toned, not too muscly, but just enough that it catches your attention.
“This is so cute on you.” He breathes out, tugging lightly on your bra before continuing, “But I really need to take it off.” You nod and clench when his hands warmly drift up your back to the clasp.
Your nipples instantly harden at the cool air and especially how he’s looking at you. His gaze lowers to your chest and eyes your nipples stiffening, without a second thought he latches on to one and sucks. His tongue occasionally flicks over it and it has your back arching, breathy whines leave your mouth as one of your hands ends up gripping the strands of hair at the back of his head.
“Soobin, please.”
“You sound so pretty for me. What do you need Angel?” He asks, an inch above your wet chest.
“I need to feel you, I’ve been waiting so long for this.”
That causes him to smirk, “You’ve been thinking about me? About us?”
You nod, heated cheeks on display. “How could I deny you, Angel.” He says before unbuttoning your jeans, he slips the zipper down and shuffles them off your legs. Now it’s time for him to undo his belt and nothing could break your attention away. The outline of him is obvious as he works his belt and pants.
“Ready?” He questions as he grips himself.
You nod as a finger slips up and down your slit, it has your hips bucking into his hand. He adds another and is thoroughly enjoying how wet you are for him. His fingers settle on your ever-growing clit and wow, your imagination does not compare to the actual thing.
He scoops some of your slick up and spreads it along his shaft, a couple veins shine because of it and it almost has you coming already. “Soobin.” You whine impatiently, a light chuckle leaves him as he guides himself to your entrance. One last glance is shared between you two before he pushes in, the initial sting has your fingers gripping the fabric under you, while a gasp leaves you both.
It’s a delicious feeling really, the fullness of him mixed with the pure intimacy of it all. He bottoms out and waits for you to adjust to him, “Y-you can move.” You’re already out of breath, the wind being knocked out of you when he simply pushed in.
For the first few thrusts Soobin is relatively quiet, it isn’t until he sets a good pace that the sounds rip out of him. “Fuck, you’re so good for me, Y/n. I knew you’d be.” His hands grip your hips to stop you from scooting upward every time he thrusts, the grip tightens every time you clench around him as well.
“From the second I saw you, I wanted to have you like this. God, you feel amazing. So tight and wet for me, you’re perfect.” The praise hurtles you closer and closer to finishing around him.
He breaths out and pushes himself to sit on his knees, your legs are thrown over his shoulders messily as he picks up his pace. The sound of skin hitting skin and your own whiney moans mixed with his gruff and gravely ones fills the room. Soobin takes it a step further and grinds hotly into you a few times. Pleasure fizzles in your abdomen and you know you don’t have long.
The way his hair sticks to his forehead, and how his skin is damp is a sight you’ve been waiting for. How gone he looks as he plunges himself inside you, deeper and deeper. You probably look pretty fucked out yourself, knowing you. His sneaky fingers trail down to your clit and his thumb doesn’t let up, even when you start spasming a bit.
“Soobin I’m so close.” Your face nuzzles into your arm as the growing feeling is close to exploding.
“Look at me.” You can’t hear him very well thanks to the blood rushing behind your ears so he takes it upon himself. His pointer finger and thumb grip your chin to move your head accordingly, his eyes meet yours again and the band snaps within you. Hips buck into his and your back arches, your eyes clamp shut as the euphoric feeling spreads from your pelvis to your limbs and abdomen.
He keeps going until he can’t anymore and stills. Loud groans are heard as he finishes in you and you hope you never forget how he sounds.
“Don’t worry, you can’t get pregnant from me.” He huffs out, which causes a laugh to leave you at the timing of his words.
“Hey, Soob. My work is having a ‘bring your partner to work’ day today. I keep forgetting to ask you about it, do you wanna go? I’d like having you there.” You grip his arm in a hug as you ask.
“Sounds fun, I’d love being there with you. I’ll get dressed.” He smiles, giving you a sweet kiss before he departs.
The ride there was nice, Soobin just naturally relaxes you. Usually going to work sucks but he makes it better.
“Ok, here we are. I’m on the 6th floor.” You shut your door as does he.
“Wow and here I thought you were the CEO.” He jokes , taking your free hand in his. You side eye him with a joking glare. “Keep it up and I’ll make you take the stairs.”
Walking onto your floor was interesting, couples littered the desks and it was odd to see. Usually your floor is quiet and honestly…boring. The atmosphere was less gray and you liked it.
“Wow is this your office?” Soobin eyes the room with wide eyes.
“Yeah, do you like it? I think it represents me pretty well.” You grip a seat and drag it over to your chair before patting it. He obliges and sits down, peering at your computer screen as you turn it on and already get to clicking stuff.
“I will be right back, I have to get what I printed. I don’t like constantly staring at a screen so I print out my work, so wait here, k?” He nods and leans on your desk. You take a moment to admire his outfit , mainly his hair. It sits dreamily infront of his eyes, sometimes you honestly wonder how he’s able to see.
The printer soon comes into view and you can spot your paper on it as well. The second it’s in your hands you spin your heels and book it, not fast enough apparently.
“Y/n, wait up, let me walk with you.”
There’s no way. You’re hearing things. Turning your head around, you peak over your shoulder to incredulously gaze at Hyun, a soft slimy smile on his face.
“Can I help you?” You don’t stop walking, he unfortunately catches up to you though.
“Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to dinner tonight. Couples day has me in the mood for some…company. Ever since my girlfriend left me 5 years ago, y’know? And I think we’re the only ones here without a partner, so it’s a match made in hea-“ You finally enter your office and see Soobin wiggling a pencil in the air, that paired with Hyun’s reaction to Soobin even being there has a fierce giggle threatening to spill out.
“What’s he doing here? This is partners day.”
You sit down next to Soobin and he possessively reaches out for your hand, never breaking his glare towards the intruder.
“Well, Hyun, if you must know, he’s my boyfriend.” Your unimpressed stare doesn’t falter as he processes this information.
“You can leave now.” Soobin deadpans, getting up to shut the door. Hyun doesn’t get a word in before your boyfriend shuts the door in his face. You both share a look before he comes to sit down, patting your back soothingly.
You really thought it ended there because he didn’t bother you for the rest of the day.
That night when you’re perched on Soobin’s lap, lustful kisses being pressed onto the skin of your neck, is when you unexpectedly get a phone call. You’re literally humping his bulge when it happens. “Who is it?” He asks, feeling you up regardless.
Peering over his shoulder, “Mm, just a random number. Should I answer it?” You smile flirtatiously at him. He catches on and leans back to grab the phone, giving you a wink before you press accept.
“Hello?” It takes your boyfriend a millisecond to get back to his antics, but this time his hands are on your ass, guiding your movements over him. His eyes tinge pink before settling for the usual red they usually are during certain escapades.
“Is this Y/n? It’s me Hyun.” Soobin halts, you both stare at each other in shock. His eyebrows furrow, he goes back to what he was doing, now, with a purpose and you can definitely feel the difference. The wine red of his eyes change once more, this time a deep purple.
He nips at your neck and it’s starting to become difficult to speak coherently.
“H-how did you get my number?” His hands knead your ass and the button of his jeans hits your clit, you try to cough away the gasp that escapes you but you’re sure it didn’t help.
“I got it from the office’s-“ You don’t hear the rest because Soobin has decided to turn around and drop you on your bed. You giggle at the way you bounce before remembering you’re on the phone, you laugh out a “sorry, what?” before remembering who you’re talking to.
“Are you okay, Y/n?” The more Hyun presses the more clothes you lose. Your boyfriend pops open your pant’s button and fly before tearing down the pants from your legs, your shirt next.
“Y-yea I’m fine. Is there something you need, Hyun?”
You thankfully weren’t wearing a bra, Soobin seems very grateful. His bites and sucks has your underwear dampening even more and an insatiable need falling over you. Hyun says something but you can’t make it out. The man on top of you takes the hand holding your phone and sets it on your comforter, plucking the device from your grip and throwing it into your pillows.
“Got you all to myself now. God, you’re so wet.” He slips off your ruined underwear and slides a few fingers up and down your wetness, getting them ready for you.
The first breach of his middle finger is satisfying, but not as much as his cock. You’ll get that eventually though.
It doesn’t take long for him to have added another and to slam them into you. His fingers are long and slender, they have your thighs clamping together. Which Soobin is having none of, his free hand forces your legs apart and your clit throbs from the feeling.
“Soobin, please fuck me. Need you so bad.” Your hands settle on his lower abdomen, slightly scratching the skin. “I love when you beg for me, love when you beg for me to fuck this tiny little cunt.” Your lower lip trembles at his words and you mentally prepare yourself. Soobin isn’t usually this dirty, but you’re not complaining.
The man teases your slit, sticking in his tip and hissing when your walls beg him to keep going. But he pulls out in favor of swirling his head around your, now, wet clit. “You love this don’t you, baby?” He huffs out. Before you’re able to answer, he pushes in, you throw your head back and enjoy the feeling of his veins and ridges gliding along your gummy walls so perfectly.
“There you go, baby, you like it when I fill this cute cunt up with my cock?” Nodding and whining wasn’t cutting it this time.
“Use your words.”
“Y-yes, I love it.” Your hands reach for his shoulders, trying to stay coherent for a little longer.
“I know, baby, I know.”
His thrusts pick up momentum and soon his hips are smacking into you. “You’re mine, aren’t you, baby? All mine, no on else’s.” His pelvic bone grazes your clit and you’re finding it hard to speak. All that comes out is babbling and needy whines and moans, “That good? Am I fucking you that good?” You nod furiously, hoping he’ll take that as an answer.
Just like the first time you had sex, he takes your legs into his hands. But this time he presses them to your chest and groans at the sight of you so exposed for him. The way your cunt takes him so effortlessly does things to him.
Soon, he notices the way you clench, and how your breathing becomes quicker. Suddenly, a moan that does not belong to either of you echos. His eyebrows furrow but when he makes eye contact with your pillows he understands. He tries not to stop his pace too much as he leans forward to rummage for your phone.
His lips curl in a devious smirk when he sees the call is still going.
“You enjoying this, Hyun? How I fuck my girl? Do you wish you were here instead of me? Getting to see and feel how fucking wet she is, how tight her little cunt is? What it looks like when she’s full of cum? Call her one more time and I promise you it’s not going to end well.” The only thing that’s heard is a gasp and a choked moan before Soobin hangs up. He exhales before he grips your thighs and jackhammers his hips into you.
“Coming, fuck, I’m coming.” You practically yell, legs shaking as you release all over his cock. The added wetness and the way there’s a white ring forming around his base pushes him over the edge, he spills inside you, hips stuttering to an end.
“Hopefully that helps get him off your back, but I’m happy to do this again if it doesn’t.” He smiles, leaning in to capture your lips.
“You okay?” He questions, pulling out, wiping his forehead with his forearm as well.
“Yea, I am. I love you, Soob.”
The sentiment and the nickname has his dark brown eyes swirl with light pink. “I love you too.”
TAGLIST : @tyunlovie @kyrkitten @rencarnationofangel @jimin2014 @starstruckluminarytale @soobsfairy444 @fathersoneric @ethie @rlvslouis @gyulz @woniebae @rjsmochii @wtfjongseong @boba-beom @mybabywearschanel @chiefturtlebonkghost @bergandysam @qluvrv @genshinsoobs @bucketofhiros @dilfjohhny @meikoo
if i didn’t tag you it’s bc tumblr couldn’t find your blog!!
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snufflesw · 3 months
The Reader learns about Aqua's newest plan to destroy his father.
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Aquamarine Hoshino x Reader (gender neutral) One Shot. Word Count { 1241 } Spoilers for Chapter 148!
You're So Crazy, Manipulate Me. Title is lyrics derived from the song "Ecstacy" by SUICIDAL-IDOL .
You traversed the sparse wooden area. The summer wind was warm against your bare arms and the smell of the sea filled your nostrils. The seawater clung to your hair after swimming. Now, however, completely dry to search for the person who’d suddenly disappeared from the beach.
    The boy sat near the edge of a cliff, watching the sun as it was beginning to set.
    ”There you are”, you said, loud enough for Aqua to hear, and walked up to him.
    He looked up at you and his blue eyes met yours for a second.
    ”What are you doing here?” he said as you sat down next to him. You wrapped your arms around your legs and hugged them close to your chest.
    ”I noticed you left and went to find you”, you said and wiggled your toes to take off the sandals irritating your feet.
    Aqua looked back to the sunset.
    ”Just needed some time to think, that's all”, he said.
    You could almost see the cogwheels turning in Aquamarine Hoshino’s head as the sun reflected in his eyes. His expression was similar to that day the two of you first met; lost in thought. Scheming.
    You sighed and rested your head on your knees, ”We’re close now. The movie’s almost finished and we’ll have him. He’ll be ruined, once and for all. You’ll have your revenge.”
    Aqua bit his lip, ”But what if that’s not enough? What if the movie’s not enough?”
    You raised an eyebrow at his statement. He’d been so certain before, almost to a horrifying degree, that the movie would be the thing to put Hikaru Kamiki in an early grave; his scheming and heinous acts would be revealed for the whole world to see. He’d have to disappear; go incognito.
    ”What do you mean?” you asked.
    ”Ruining his status wouldn’t be enough to keep him from committing another crime”, Aqua said through gritted teeth. ”We cannot have another Ai-incident happen. His punishment shall be permanent. I want him to be removed completely.”
    Aqua turned slowly towards you as he said the last sentence. His eyes were wide, stars apparent in both despite his fringe covering most of his left eye. It was the eyes of someone who’d had enough; someone who was willing to go to any length to make sure his revenge be executed wholeheartedly. He looked maniacal, insane, beyond repair… and you thought he’d never looked more handsome.
    You chuckled. Aqua’s gaze softened at the reaction.
    ”You’re quite bold by actually telling someone of your desire to kill, Aquamarine”, you couldn’t help but grin.
    Aqua scoffed, ”I believe you of all people should know. You’ve helped me thus far.”
    ”It was our agreement, was it not? You helped me flawlessly exact revenge on my former life’s pathetic excuse for a husband. In return, I vowed to make Aqua Hoshino’s father pay for what he’d done”, the grin curled on your lips. ”So… of course. If you’ve changed the plan to instead kill Hikaru Kamiki, then I’ll happily follow your lead.”
    Aqua stared at you sitting beside him. All he could do was stare at the grin on your lips. The same grin you had on your face once your own revenge had finally been executed. You looked calm, but the grin curling at your lips told another story. It always did.
    He let out a chuckle. Your face was the one to soften this time by the reaction. There was no sign whatsoever of the maniacal grin plastered on your lips a mere second ago.
    ”I’ve never seen that expression from you before”, you raised an eyebrow. ”Only when you’re acting.”
    The genuine smile didn’t leave Aqua’s lips once he stopped chuckling. The residue of laughter was apparent on those lips who had just told you about his plan to murder.
    ”How fortunate I’ve been to find a partner in crime who wouldn’t think twice when it comes to abandoning morals”, he said,
    You blinked.
    ”Akane plans to stop me”, Aqua continued and looked down at the ground. ”Despite everything he’s done.”
    You snorted, ”Her and what army? Last I checked, she’s the only one who even knows the basics of what’s truly going on. I’d like to see her try to stop us.”
    Aqua stared once again at you beside him. Awe, was how he’d explain it. You thought like none he’d ever met before. You were intelligent beyond adequate measures. To have someone going through the same thing; someone to once again be reborn into a younger; someone who wasn’t his sister; someone who wasn’t afraid to get their hands a little bloody. It was as if the Gods had answered his prayers.
    He placed his finger underneath your chin. You looked at him with a brow raised. He gently stroked your chin with his thumb, looking into your unfazed eyes. A small sparkle. He could feel your breath sharply against his lips. You’d mastered the way your eyes worked, but the rest of your body still reacted in the way of a teenager. Featherlight touches did the trick.
    You stared intently into his eyes, never once averting your gaze. He wondered what you saw every time those eyes looked into his. Perhaps you could see his wants, his needs, his desires. You’d seen almost all of them before. Almost.
    Aqua closed the gap between your lips. A jolt of electricity soaring through his body at the connection of your mouths. You tasted like saltwater, and smelled like it too. But underneath the salt lay something addicting. Another scent adorned by your lips on his.
    You didn’t push him away. Instead, you tilted your head to give him the ability to move more freely. His lips grazed over yours and you felt the stinge of what was Aqua Hoshino. His lips were chapped, but they reminded you of the taste of coffee. A bitter taste incredibly difficult to swallow; but one with the power to have someone energised for hours.
    Aqua cupped your cheeks with his hands. Your hair tangled in between his fingers, curled like the grip you were holding on his lips. 
    Breathing was secondary, especially when your cold hands touched the base of his neck. An electric shock. You felt it in your fingertips as you touched the bare skin of his neck. Slowly grazing over his adam’s apple. He shuddered. It wasn’t even cold outside.
    Slowly, but surely, your lungs were greeted by the blissful feeling of oxygen entering your suffocating bodies. Your lips parting from one another’s, panting heavily by the lack of air for who knows how long. Time seemed to have stood still; the sun slowly setting in the horizon.
    You felt Aqua’s heavy breaths on your lips. His forehead rested gently against yours. Your hair was still tangled between his delicate fingers. Intertwined.
    ”That was very out of character of you”, you said in between breaths, grinning ear to ear. ”Are you sure you’re not acting?”
    Aqua’s face was flushed. Yours wasn’t any better.
    ”I’m not an actor”, Aqua said and forced you to come closer with the help of his fingers curled in between the locks of your hair. ”You just make me feel… so many things.”
    You smiled.
    ”All because I said I was going to help you kill your father?”
    Aqua nodded against your forehead, ”Yes.”
    ”How romantic of you, Aquamarine Hoshino.”
It was psychopathic, really. You were both psychopaths.
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jeonscatalyst · 13 days
So something I have been thinking since the beginning of AYS. I think JM and JK give themselves away. How someone can look at their behavior and not realize these two have more than a friendship/brotherly vibe. Before I go on a tangent, what I am I trying to say again 🤔. Ohh right. In the previews, we see JK and JM have a pillow in-between them as they sit on the couch while watching TV. Why the damn pillow in-between like it's so obvious! That hug when JM wanted JK to feel how cold he was, I mean. Just go ahead and proper. They crack me up. It's too late. We already know you are together. If they just acted normal 😅. To be honest, I don't blame them it's hard faking not being in a relationship.
Ah I have found my person!
Anon, I have been in this fandom for over 7 years and spent about 5 out of those 7 years being a Jikooker and all through my years in this fandom, I have seen many jikookers give different reasons why they believe Jikook are a together but not many people started seeing them as more for the same reason I did.
I have mentioned before that for me, it was never about the GCFs, the soft looks, the touches or any moments that could be described as soft or romantic or beautiful. For me it was always those moments that many Jikookers don’t like to look at or even talk about. The first thing that made me do a double take on Jikook was fetus Jikook. You see, I wasn’t always a shipper and I was one of those people who actually thought it was silly as hell that people could even believe that any of the members could be in a romantic relationship especially because of things like skinship which is the most common thing among korean men but one day I watched a long compilation on Youtube of fetus Jikook and my mind began to change. You see, when I watched that video and read comments many people were either mad at Jk for being an asshole to Jimin while others felt sorry for Jimin and some were mad that Jimin had to put up with all of that from Jungkook but one look at it and I knew that wasn’t normal at all especially because when I joined the fandom at the beginning of 2017, I spent alot of time reading their interviews and catching up on old content (somehow I didn’t really notice the fetus Jikook bickering or push and pull alot) but one opinion I remember having was that Jk kinda liked being around Jimin and hovering. So when I watched that compilation showing Jk basically being an ass to Jimin, that was the first time I thought “maybe shippers are unto something” because what I was seeing Jk do in the compilation was very conflicting with everything I had learned about Jikook and the opinion I had about them as a duo. I didn’t necessarily think they were the closest but I didn’t think Jk had any ill feelings towards Jimin.
You see anon, one thing I understood while being in this fandom is that, how people interpret or perceive other’s actions and words depends more on them than the people whose actions they are interpreting. Without certain experiences, it is almost impossible for one to understand certain things. Your culture, environment, people around, personal experiences and basically what you are used to, shapes the way you see the world and that is why one person could see a 9 while another person sees a 6. Some people have grown up believing that couples are always soft with each other or with couples it is always smiles and rainbows and roses, you know watching a lot of romance movies or fantasy will do that to you or even only experiencing those first stages of normal romantic relationships will trick you into believing such things. Some people don’t understand context and nuances at all and so they could never understand Jikook even if they wanted to.
It never made any sense to me that we saw Jungkook pushing Jimin away or shoving him in walls or ranking him last in looks yet this same person would choose to put blankets outside to sleep with Jimin at night, or this same person’s would go to cuddle Jimin in his sleep or this same person would be seen hovering around Jimin alottt and wanting to touch him or feel him up (fetus Jk was not subtle). Jungkook already knew that he got his comfort mostly from Jimin. He already understood that the reason he teased Jimin alot was because he really liked him and I think Jungkook’s occasional “bitchy” behaviour towards Jimin was him panicking and not knowing how to deal with Jimin who was obnoxiously loud about how he felt for Jungkook. Jungkook never hated being around Jimin or being touched by Jimin like many people would like to believe because if he did, he would never choose to go spend his nights with Jimin. If he did, he would never go to hug Jimin in his sleep or pile clothes on his bed to go sleep in Jimin’s bed. He clearly loved being around Jimin so how else could anyone explain his behaviour infront of the cameras?
Watching Bangtan, anyone would quickly understand that these boys don’t understand the concept of personal space when it comes to each other. I saw this video on X the other day and it made me laugh…
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This is not even the most accurate example I can use but you see how glued they are to each other? Like no care in world. They shower together, sleep together, eat after each other, that is normal for them so explain to me why on earth Jimin and Jungkook would have to put a pillow inbetween them when they sit even though we know for a fact that being glued is literally like second nature to the members?
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This is how Jimin and Jungkook give themselves away everytime because you can literally see that sometimes they get overly cautious in a bid to not give too much away but they don’t realize that by doing this, they are actually giving too much away because we know that the members usually don’t have any issues sitting even untop of each other. It’s just like I had once said that when you have nothing to hide, you feel as free as a bird but when you do, you start doing even unnecessary things not to come off suspicious. Why would they need a pillow inbetween them to just sit on a damn couch? If these two are just friends or bros why on earth do they need a pillow? If it was normal to see the members respecting each other’s personal space then we could just see this too as normal but we know that these same people seated right here are the same ones who have had their mouths on various erogenous parts of each other’s bodies so why?
Like you said, if jikook acted normal then I wouldn’t have ever suspected or thought that they are more than friends but the truth is that they don’t act normal at all and this is something everyone can agree on, regardless of whether they see things in a negative or positive way, everyone can agree that Jikook don’t act normal at all and it’s been like this since they were younger.
I have mentioned before that I could never see what taekookers see in Taekook because there is just way too much comfort in their interaction for them to be closeted idols in a romantic relationship. You never see any panic, you never see them acting as if they have something to hide. I have seen some taekookers say that they know that Jikook are not together because their skinship is usually very short or abrupt while taekook’s take longer and I was like ofcourse theirs would take longer because those two have nothing to hide the same way Jk’s skinship with any other member who isn’t Jimin takes longer and they seem more comfortable doing it because they are not worried about how they would come off because those actions are completely innocent. With Jikook, there is a panic and when they start going on at, it doesn’t take long for them to snap out of it and then you see them immediately stopping which sometime makes their interactions come off as awkward.
Imagine yourself in a secret romantic relationship where you are almost always infront of dozens of cameras and staff, who would feel 100% at ease in situations like this? That is why Jikook’s interactions sometimes come off clunky or awkward because of this while you never really sense this with any of the other members interactions. I can sit through any other duo’s interactions without feeling second hand embarrassment, shy or slightly awkward but with Jikook, I go through about 20 different emotions while watching them and that is how I know they are….different. So because not everyone understands the contexts or nuances, they would immediately see this as something bad while someone who understands the context and nuances in this situation expects to see this kinds of interactions. Many people unfortunately are not very smart because if they were, they would really ask themselves why Jk seems to hate Jimin’s touches so much (according to them) or hates being around Jimin so much (according to them) yet this same Jk is the one who voluntarily goes to knock on Jimin’s door everynight at 1am. Why did this same Jk choose to sleep on the floors outside their rooms with Jimin instead of sleeping with Tae or some other member? Why did this same Jk choose to spend majority of his nights and downtime with this person? Why did this same Jk pile clothes on his bed to go sleep in Jimin’s bed? Why did Jk keep going to sleep in Jihope’s room everynight? What was he doing with Jimin at 4am on his birthday after they had already moved out of the dorm and were living in personal apartments? Which one of you knows anyone who would do this if they really didn’t like someone and literally loved being around them? Also, notice how each and everytime we “caught” Jikook in positions where they never expected cameras or weren’t aware of cameras they were always glued to each other and Jungkook especially had no issues being in Jimin’s personal space?
This is one of those cases where someone either gets it or they don’t because it is kinda hard to explain and the truth is, to really understand these kinds of things, you probably need to have experienced something like this or atleast know someone very close who has.
Jikook as a romantic pair was never meant to make sense to alot of people because not very many people have critical thinking skills, not very people know how to piece tiny details together to really understand a situation. So often, people form opinions after watching one single piece of content without caring to look at the history of things. I saw a taekooker say that Jk hated Jimin’s music style because Jk said their show will fail if Jimin sang the OST he joked about singing and you could clearly tell this person is one of those who literally don’t care about context or history because everyone and their mama knows how much Jk enjoys and has always enjoyed Jimin as an artist and a performer and he has made it clear on several occasions just how much he loves the music Jimin makes.
Like I said, Jikook is not meant to be understood by everyone. If everyone understood them then that would mean they weren’t doing something right.
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HIII can u do the prompt number 5 for floyd pls :D (romantic)
Also i saw that you eanted ppl to put 2 backup characters and prompts so my backup characters are lilia and leona and my backup prompts are the fairytale scene and the taste of salt :D (also romantic)
Take ur time and ty ! 😍
Tandem Bike; Floyd Leech
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, established relationship
Content Warning; Swearing(?), semi-serious mortal peril /hj
Word Count; 650+
Author's Note; I hope you know how to ride a bike, cuz Floyd is no help in the matter! Hope you enjoy!
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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“I don’t think this is a good idea, Floyd,” you gulped, looking down the hill.
Floyd laughed behind you on the tandem bicycle, and you could feel the bike reverberate from it. “Ehhh, are ya scared?~” 
You dug your heels into the ground, making sure that the both of you wouldn’t end up going down the hill without knowing where you were going. The last thing you needed was to hit a pothole or a big enough rock and end up getting hurt. “Not scared,” you huffed, “just thinking.”
Floyd rolled his eyes, “We’ll just be up here all day then! Come on, Shrimpy.” He nudged your feet, but you dug your feet in further, cementing the bike into place. Floyd sighed and slumped his head on your shoulder. “You were the one that wanted to ride this thingy, but now you’re gettin’ cold feet about it?”
You took in a deep breath. Yes, it was your idea to take the cute tandem bike you found in the shed out for a spin, but your cycling partner had never ridden a bike before, and you also didn’t want to crash. “Just give me a minute, okay.” You clenched your hands on and off the brakes.
Floyd just looked at you curiously, before a wild smile took over his face. And when you eased up on the brakes again, he pushed you both forward. “Minute’s up!~”
And down the hill you went. Being angry could wait for later, as your main concern was making sure you were both staying upright and avoiding the aforementioned potholes and rocks. Floyd was cackling behind you, helping you steer a bit, but mainly just enjoying the wind wiping up his hair and watering up his eyes. And eventually, you started slowing down, coming to a more manageable pace that didn’t leave your hands clenching for dear life on the handlebars. But once you came to a complete stop you exploded in laughter; a mix of relief that you hadn’t died, of pure joy, and the infectious cackle that was coming from behind you.
“See, Shrimpy! That was fun,” Floyd poked you in the back. 
You got off the bike, legs a bit shaky from the adrenaline. “Yeah, it was a little bit fun.” Wait, I'm supposed to be mad at him! You could never stay mad at him for very long though.
Well, gravity is a thing, a thing that Floyd was not accounting for, and he wasn’t supporting the bike up, so he and the bike tumbled to the ground. And instead of sulking, he just laughed and got right back up.
“Wanna go again?~ This time I’ll steer!” He laughed, and hugged you, squeezing you gently.
You let out a long sigh, decompressing. “No, absolutely not,” you pushed against him slightly so you could put your hands on his shoulders.
Floyd pouted, “You’re no fun ya know.” There was no bite, he was just being pouty since he was planning on making you shriek as you both had no idea where you were going, but downhill, and downhill fast.
You hummed, kissing his cheek to bring him out of the dour mood. “And you’re no fun if you can’t go on little adventures with me. Can’t do that if we crash on that cursed thing,” you pointed your chin at the bike.
Floyd looked briefly at the bike before turning his attention back to you. “Okay, okay, okay, I got the memo, Shrimpy…” He placed a quick kiss and bite on your lips before pulling back with a wink, taking a look at his handy work. 
You could feel the slight sting. His bite wasn’t sharp enough to draw blood, but it was enough to make them puffy. “Are you proud of your handiwork?” 
“Mhm!~” Floyd pressed another kiss to your lips, but this time it was gentle, soothing the stinging sensation.
And you bit his lip back, deciding that you deserved some sweet vengeance.
Floyd pulled back, and the shocked look on his face turned into pure glee and he was doubled over laughing again. “Damn, Shrimpy! I should do that more often!~”
Wait, what?
Tags: @azulashengrottospiano, @eynnwwyjth, @hydra-sea, @identity-theft-101, @krenenbaker, @officialdaydreamer00, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @xxoomiii
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femsolid · 2 months
Video games recommendation for women part 2
The same criteria as before: has to have a female lead and little to no misogyny
1. Shadow of the Tomb Raider
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The seemingly invincible and endlessly talented Lara Croft goes on yet another adventure, this time exploring the Amazon jungle and South American ruins looking for a magical artifact hoping to prevent her enemies, an evil organisation called Trinity, from using it.
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Tomb Raider is a franchise that has changed quite a bit over the years. Ever since the reboot, Lara has become a fully fledge character and she doesn't do rock climbing in a skimpy outfit anymore (which made the boys mad, boohoo).
But sadly she still suffers from her reputation of sexy girly indiana jones which I suspect is why women don't seem that interested in her. Shame!
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It's not usually the type of games I like (very over the top "blockbustery") but I got hooked the minute I set foot (or rather crashed) in the Peruvian jungle. The game is visually stunning, I loved exploring all the ancient temples, the crypts, the jungle and seeing all the animals. The puzzles were challenging, the fights were fun, it was entertaining, well made, with lots of female characters and it takes place in Peru which is just the cherry on top for me.
The only thing I didn't like was Jonah but then I never liked him. He's Lara's best friend and is pretty much there to be kidnapped and rescued in every game, which is kind of a nice reversed damsel in distress trope I suppose, but still, you're useless Jonah I kept telling my screen.
2. Alien Isolation
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In this game you play as Ellen Ripley's daughter who ends up trapped in a gigantic spaceship with a lethal enemy, of course, the infamous alien: the xenomorph.
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This game is perfect if you are currently suffering from constipation. It doesn't rely on cheap jumpscares and gore to scare you no, it's all about the ~ambiance~. If you are found, you are dead, simple as. And you will die... A LOT. I got an achievement for dying 50 times. I was laughing hysterically whenever the alien caught me by that point and I think the alien was too.
They say "in space no one can hear you scream" but this alien can hear your footsteps so this makes for some tense gameplay, especially as the alien's AI is very good and you are extremely vulnerable. To survive you will have to be very mindful of the noises you make and the noises the alien makes. Oh yeah, you both crawl through the same ventilation system by the way. This could make for some awkward encounter... On top of having to deal with the alien you will meet androids and humans who aren't exactly friendly either. The goal is, of course, to escape from the ship alive.
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I have to give the developpers props for really making us feel like we are in an Alien movie. The music, the ship's design, the alien itself, are all very faithfull to the movies and this game is rightly considered a classic.
3. Spiritfarer
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In Spiritfarer you play as Stella (and her cat) who has become the captain of a boat on which she welcomes the spirits of different people who have died. She will accompany them for a while until it's time to cross the bridge and say farewell.
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It's worth mentionning, given how rare it is, that the main character is a black girl. Your job is to manage the boat (make improvements to it) and become self-sustainable: you will grow your own food, build houses for each spirit and decorate it, grow trees, collect wood, fish, feed your guests. You can make a mill, a weaving workshop, a sawmill, a kitchen, a garden, etc and arrange it as you please.
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Most importantly, you will travel the sea to meet new spirits, learn about their lives and fullfill their last wishes before they are ready to leave us. And then you will cry and cry and cry as the music rises and you give them one last hug.
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It's a cosy game, slow paced, lots of dialogues, cute mini-games within it, and at times really funny interactions because it all looks so cute yet the characters act and talk like normal people (they told me to fuck off quite a lot) and they will often get into unprompted anti-capitalist rants. It reminded me of Spirited Away a lot, very strange and comfy at the same time.
It's a story about death, about how each person handles it, what they look back on, and yet it's a very pleasant game.
As usual I will add more to the list as I reblog it and, of course, if you want to recommend a game too, you're more than welcome. I've been focusing on games with female leads lately so I'll have a lot more to add.
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dronebiscuitbat · 4 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 6)
Mrs. Rayn was making her rounds in the nursery the next day, checking each crib and droneling dutifully, making sure each were plugged into their cribs and charging, there were only two, one in for an overnight stay… nervous new parents fretting over nothing. And little Tera.
She was running hot again. And Rayn wasn't sure if it was her own fault; her filters getting too old to do their job properly, or something else, as the other dronelings didn't seem to have the same problem.
Regardless, she sighed and picked up the excitable baby, who was awake and rolling around in her arms happily.
“Alright… time for a-” She heard the front door open and two pairs of footsteps step in warily. Probably those new parents, ugh, they needed to chill out.
“I told you two already, visor glitches are completely normal until the AI… settles…” She came hobbling to the door with Tera in her arms, still giggling happily with being held. But she didn't see who she expected.
Uzi and her murder drone “friend”. Both looking slightly embarrassed to be here.
“Oh? What are you two doing back here?” She asked, eyes glancing between them, slightly worried, she hoped they weren't going through oil that fast.
“Uhm… we wanted to check on Tera, Uzi-” The girl in question elbowed him roughly, although it didn't look like enough to truly hurt, and he started again. “-We didn't want her to feel abandoned, so we came to visit!” N explained, rubbing the back of his head with his hand.
Rayn smiled, Uzi worrying over a baby was something she'd seen often believe it or not. When Nori was still alive they'd both be here, almost every other day, making the rounds with her. Uzi had always been doting, she was glad to see that hadn't changed, as so much about her had.
“Well that's real nice of you… I was just about to feed her since she's running hot again. Would you like to-."
“Yeah, I can do it.” Uzi immediately offered, and Rayn sat the droneling in her arms, Tera squealed as if she remembered them and rolled around excitedly.
“Hey, we're back. Hope you didn't miss us.” Her voice once more immediately fell softer, Rayn caught N's smile get larger out of the corner of her eye, and his tail began to wag.
For a murder drone the boy was ferociously polite, bowing slightly in greeting, although it looked like something in his programming was forcing him, as he winced while in the action. She wondered how he'd managed to hurt anyone with how friendly he seemed.
She watched as they made their way into the observation room, Uzi walking briskly and N walking behind her, eyes trained intently on the both of them.
She really did wonder how a hybrid child would look, she had the feeling she might live long enough to find out.
Uzi smiled down at the baby drone, already seeming to put down her shields in favor of being soft for the little one. Tera rolled into her chest, the pillbaby equivalent to a hug.
She totally didn't feel her core split in two with how adorable it was, nope.
“Here N, can you hold her while I get the bottle ready?” Uzi asked, looking up from the baby and turning around to face him, he looked out of it, but seemed to immediately reign himself in.
“Oh! Yeah! I can!” He nearly vibrated a hole in the floor, he wouldn't lie and say he wasn't excited to be holding the baby again. He'd been slightly perturbed after his thoughts last night, but being here seemed to ease them.
Tera looked at him curiously before giving him a wide smile, N smiled back, and he lifted his hand to steady the little one, before she rolled out of his arms with how excited she was.
“Don't get too excited buddy, you don't have any arms to catch yourself!” He laughed, and his hand rested on top of the soft silicon. Tera blew another raspberry at him.
Did that…tickle?
Without thinking his fingers danced lightly across her silicone, and Tera exploded with a peel of laughter, eyelights squeezed shut and rolling around uncontrollably.
He grinned even wider, stopping his assault and finally holding her steady, looking up at Uzi.
She'd just finished filling another small bottle, because he saw her rubbing her side with gritted teeth. Concern danced in his core for a moment, showing on his visor.
“You good?” He asked out of habit, and Uzi rolled her eyes but still nodded with a smile, looking back up at him.
“Do you wanna feed her?” Was her next question. Holding out the tiny bottle that was only slightly longer then the full length of one of his fingers, he stared at it for a moment, before slowly taking it in his hands.
The bottle was slightly warm, and Tera looked up at him expectantly, eyes looking curious. He felt a little strange, holding a bottle full of his best freinds oil, but he quickly pushed the thought away.
He found the panel Uzi had opened before, and the small opening that was slightly stained with oil, he felt nerves creep up his back, and his eyes flashed up to meet Uzi's again.
“You're doing fine N.” She assured him, an amused smile on her face and her arms crossed. But he still wasn't assured enough.
“Do I squeeze it or just let it drain?” He asked, not wanting to hurt the droneling or look stupid in front of Uzi- no what?
“Here.” She came to his side, adjusting his hold on the baby by lifting his arm before laying her hand over his.
Her hand is so small…
She led his hand down to the port and gently squeezed, he copied the pressure into his own hand and watched as Tera’s eyelights fluttered shut, and he felt her core hum slightly louder.
“Like this.” Uzi finished, although she didn't remove her hand, instead watching as the bottle was slowly drained, he idly realized her other hand had gripped his arm. He felt an unfamiliar tugging on his core.
His eyes drifted from the baby to his best freind, she had a small smile on her face, and seemed to be in a trance before snapping out of it, her eyes then locked with his and if anything her smile got wider, before she seemed to fluster and looked away.
Had her smile always been so bright?
“Why are you looking at me like that dude?”
“What do you mean?” He asked, he wasn't looking at her any differently then he always did, right?
“N-nothing.” Was all she said, making him even more confused, was he being weird without realizing? He hoped not!
But he had no time to dwell, Tera had finished the bottle and was back to babbling up at him, distracting them both from whatever had just happened.
“I've never seen a baby so happy.” Uzi laughed, booping the little ones visor gently, sending ripples through it and causing another bout of laughter from the droneling.
“Feel better?” He asked her softly, surprising himself, and apparently Uzi too, as she seemed to look away from him again before she answered with a silent nod.
“We should probably put her back on charge, babies are power hungry.” She informed, leading him by the arm to Tera’s crib.
“Do you want to set her down or do you want me to?” She asked, cocking her head slightly, making her look somewhat like a curious cat.
“Uh, I can.” He replied dumbly, holding the little one close to his chest for a moment before laying her gently in the crib, he felt Uzi reach in with him.
“And you plug them in with this.” Her body was pressed tightly against his side, legs hanging off the side of the crib, holding a small charger in her fingers and looking at the baby instead of him.
He took it from her hand as she gently rolled the baby onto it's side, revealing the smallest charge port he'd ever seen in his life.
“She keeps getting cuter…” N hummed, making a soft laugh bubble out of his freind. He felt heat rush to his visor breifly, had he forgotten to top up this morning?
“Priorities, N.”
He plugged in the pillbaby, causing her eyelights to glow slightly brighter with the power surge. Tera giggled, rolling around.
“Do babies normally roll around that much?” N asked, feeling concerned that she was going to unplug herself.
“Not normally at this age… if she's moving around so much it might be better to get her a toddler body so she can make use of all that energy…” She trailed off, sliding off the side of the crib after double-checking she wouldn't unplug.
“Of course, that's up to her parents to decide when she gets adopted.” Uzi added, almost as if she was reluctant to. That he understood, he really hoped whoever adopted her was as knowledgeable as Uzi was.
“Maybe we could mention that, to the new parents I mean.” N suggested, fidgeting with his hands.
“I'm sure Rayn’s already noticed. There's probably no need.” Uzi's voiced changed, closing herself back off to the world. Which meant was about to sugges-
“We should head out. If you want, we can go out scavenging? I still need parts for my railgun.” N was dissapointed, but at the prospect of spending another day hanging out with his best friend, he lightened up.
“Yeah! Sure! I love doing anything!”
Next ->
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divine-donna · 1 year
pink ensembles
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pairing: miguel o’hara x gender neutral! reader
word count: 994 words
ao3 link: 💗💗💗
summary: the spider society is holding a very special barbie disco party!! miguel doesn’t have an appropriate outfit. thankfully, you have the perfect solution for your partner. and you’re awesome at dressing people!
for vibes: “dance the night” by dua lipa
notes: there are no detailed descriptions about the ensemble reader is wearing. it’s just something that’s all pink! anyways who’s excited for the barbie movie? i’m seeing it over oppenheimer.
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“Wait, you’re not coming?”
“Well I didn’t say that. I said I wouldn’t dress up.”
“That’s as bad as saying you’re not coming! If you’re not going to dress up, why come at all!”
“(Y/N), that’s literally not what I meant.” The man was trying to enjoy his lunch in peace. “If I don’t come, it looks pretty bad. Especially as the person who founded the Spider Society.”
“And I just believe you should look the part.”
Miguel sets his arepa down. “I don’t think you get it. I’m not dressing up because my wardrobe...” He sighs. “You’ve literally been in my wardrobe. You steal my clothes all the time.”
It finally hit you. “Oh. I see. It’s because you lack color in your wardrobe. That’s not a problem!”
“What...What do you mean? I literally don’t have the clothes for it.”
“And I do! I think I have the perfect outfit too. Come on! We’re going back to my place!”
Miguel rushed to finish his lunch and even took the last remaining arepa with him. He’d rather die than let a good arepa go to waste (also because wasting food was something he was taught not to do). The two of you made it back to your place where you revealed your closet. It was definitely a closet from a Barbie dreamhouse playset. Your closet was even color coded and was very satisfying to look at. There were even shades of colors he didn’t think existed. You were going through your pink section, putting different shades of pink against his arm and even looking at the veins of his hand. “Perfect! The ensemble I have in mind is the right pink!” You were giddy about this and pulled out the set.
He wasn’t phased by the outfit but rather that you seemed to have it in his size. “How long have you had this?” He asks.
“For a while. I bought it in hopes of us doing matching outfits one day.”
“How did you get my size?”
“Lyla helped.”
He’s not the slightest bit annoyed. Instead, a small smile crosses his face and he walks over to you, giving you a gentle kiss on your lips. You kiss back and take in his presence. It was always nice to just be with him. “I’ll put this on.”
When Miguel comes out, you almost fell over. Because your partner was just...hot. So, so, so, so hot. The sleeveless top allowed you to see every single fiber of muscle as he moved his arms. His pecs were popping out from the neckline. The flared pants hugged his waist nicely, rising quite high, and framing his butt better than his Spider-suit. The white cowboy hat really topped everything off. But despite the beauty that was your partner in this outfit, you still felt he was missing something. Maybe something around his neck? That would be quite hot. “I look like a vaquero. Except without the equipment.” He says.
“I mean, it is Western inspired. And it was vaqueros that were the base for the Western cowboy.”
“We definitely did it better.” He takes a spin, watching the way the bottom of his pants flared out.
“You have white boots?”
“They’re the most colorful thing in my closet.”
“Great! They’ll go with the outfit. Now, you’re missing something.”
“Am I? I think it looks great.”
“You just need one more bit of pizzazz!” You rub your chin for a bit. “Lyla!”
“Here!” The AI appears besides Miguel’s shoulder. “I knew he would look good.”
“Lyla, do you think you can find the star patterned pink bandana?”
“Oh.” She winces. “It’s not here on this Earth. But it is available in these Earths and at these storefronts, from what I can gather.” Lyla expands the map of the multiverse.
“Well, we can start there. I’ll be back soon Miguel.”
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Miguel was...very surprised to see you come back with a ton of scratches and bruises. But you were beaming brightly and judging by the bag in your hand, you had succeeded in your mission. He should’ve figured that you were willing to fight tooth and nail for the last fashion accessory for your partner. After all, what was better than getting to dress him up? “Geez! What happened (Y/N)!” Lyla cleans her glasses to make sure it wasn’t dirt blocking her vision.
“I fought people for it. Turns out everywhere in the multiverse is looking for this? It’s the biggest multiversal fashion trend.” You pull the box out and toss the bag, before removing the top of the box. “It’s like fresh!” You approach your partner with the bandana and he lets you tie it around his neck. When you step back, you feel your eyes water. “It’s perfect!”
“Awww. Should let (Y/N) dress you up more. They know what they’re doing.” Lyla looks at her watch. “Got to go. I’ll catch you two at the party!” The AI disappears.
“Okay now I have to get ready!”
“Take your time cariño.” His voice just purred softly. And you needed to prevent yourself from just melting at the way he spoke to you.
When you came out, your scratches and bruises were gone (mostly). And you had dressed up in your cutest pink ensemble. You looked like a Barbie doll! And honestly, Miguel was feeling like he was just a Ken. He looked nowhere near as good. “I like what you did beneath your eyes.” You had put small stones to complete your makeup look.
“Thank you! I’m happy you like it.”
“I always like what you do.”
“You’re going to make me collapse from how cheesy you are.”
“I’ll just catch you.” Miguel pulls you close to him and presses a gentle kiss on your cheek. He’s careful not to ruin the makeup.
“Shall we get going?”
“I don’t know. How about we just stay here for a little longer? No one arrives to a party on time anyways.”
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kivedreams · 8 months
I WANT YOU. part. II knj.
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pair. idol namjoon x f. reader. f. is latina poc.
genre. falling in love, established relationship, romance, marriage
warnings. +18 racism and colorism, unprotected sex, oral sex m! receiving, fingering, cvm eating, dirty talk a lil bit, demanding namjoon, dom namjoon, this super delulu coded [pls tell me if i missed anything ]
synopsis; you make my life shine, and I think I also make yours shine or you didn't know how hard a relationship with a famous person would be
word count: 5.1k
A/N: ok, ill be three parts, ill finish the last one before feb 1.
previous part / next part.
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6 months passed while you worked with Namjoon, he had bought his parents a beautiful retiring home in the korean countryside he wanted it to reflect his mother taste, while still keeping it elegant and cozy, you met his parents, visited the house thrice, and his apartment a countless times, Namjoon was really kind and down to earth which make working with him easy, developing feelings for him too, you were in denial, you did not want to accept that you liked namjoon, your relationship with him was strictly professional, you had become close this few months, because you were behind him all the time, Namjoon wanted that, he wanted to look and had the information directly from you, face to face, sometimes you spent until late with him in the studio, you sleep in his apartment once, Namjoon only cared about you finding and getting the pieces that he wanted and that you liked, he cared about your opinion in every piece, he did not care about the money or what was needed to do to get the piece.
Sadly, your time with him was coming to an end, you were only missing two pieces, the pieces needed for his apartment were already here, and now you have bought one of the last two for his parents’ house.
“Namjoon!” you shouted “ I got it! I bought the piece of Ai Natori ! omg omg! Naaaaam” You shouted even louder standing on top of his sofa,
“You got the Blue 27! Omg  Y/N!” He shouted to approaching you, he lifted you from the sofa hugging you,
“It would look so good on top of your parents' fireplace” you said to him getting a hold of the proximity, he realized too, letting you down, you both laughing at the awkward moment.
“You are going to sleep here, right?” He asked, looking at the time.
“I should not” you said looking down flustered for what had happened.
“You know that I don't mind, but if you want to get home is ok, I will ask someone to drive you” he said taking your hand.
“No, is ok don't bother them, I'll stay, I don't have to work tomorrow anyways” you said in a low voice.
“Perfect, let's celebrate, you got the Blue 27!” he said, dragging you down to his kitchen “What do you want me to make you?” Namjoon knew you did not drink alcohol, so he would often make you mocktails.
“Today, I want a glass of red wine” you said, smiling proudly, that piece had taken a lot from you, and you were really craving something sweet and light.
“Really?!” he said in shock, you nod “Now I know how hard it was, you're drinking alcohol tonight! Wine it is” He said searching for two wine glasses. “I hope you like this one”
“I trust your taste” 
You two ended up talking and drinking till 3 in the morning, alcohol, made you lose your filters, it was the main reason why you did not drink alcohol, there you both were cuddling up at different sides of the couch, Namjoon was looking at you with shiny eyes, and those two glasses of wine gave you the courage to give him the same eyes. He got close to you, you could feel his scent swaddling you.
“Would it be weird if I kiss you right now Y/N? because I really want to” he said in a whisper, his deep voice tempting you.
“No, it wouldn't. I want to kiss you too” you said, feeling your heartbeat, he could hear it too, his hand grabbed your waist pulling you closer, his lips almost touching yours, you could feel the friction of his lips, the temperature of the room rising.
“I like you Y/N, since the first day I saw you” and he kissed you sweet and slowly, enjoying your lips, you felt his hands pulling you closer, until you were on top of him, he broke the kiss, kissing your cheek, and pulling you even closer.
“I like you too Namjoon” you said, kissing him again.
Somehow Namjoon and you managed to spend a year being a couple without anyone else knowing, his parents, your mom and two of the members, Jin and Yoongi, knew. It was better, he did not wanted to deal with the media, and neither you wanted too, Namjoon second full album release date was really close, two weeks a way, namjoon was really busy and had a lot of attention on him, so you hadn't seen him for almost a month, you talked everyday but of course it wasn't the same, you miss him, his voice, his touch, his kisses.
It was 11PM, you were finishing your study time of that day, finals were close, you couldn't lose sight of the important thing, your phone rang scaring you, it was him,
“Babe, did you change the code?” He ask, making you confused
“Yes, I did. How do you know?! 
“Please open the door, I’m outside” 
“What?!” you screamed confused “It is your birthday date babe” you said, hearing the code being pressed from the outside.
Namjoon opened the door, closing it behind him, breathing loudly.
“God, I feel like a thief sneaking in” he said, while you jumped to his arms, kissing him.
“Namuuu, I missed you so much, what are you doing here?!” you shouted, hugging him tight.
“I missed you too baby, I couldn't go another month without seeing you” he said, giving you a kiss.
You two, enjoyed that little encounter, you were already in love with Namjoon, you could feel it in the way your heart beated for him, Namjoon had made your heart his own space, making you feel safe and fulfilled. You could only hope he felt the same way about you, he did, you did not know that yet.
Namjoon’s album was already out, being it a complete success, his promotions were getting to and end when it happened, you did not realize what was happening until midday, you were put in charge of a new exposition, that was filling any free time you could had, until you heard two of the new administration interns chit chat about it.
“I can believe Namjoon has a girlfriend” one of them said in a disappointed mutter.
“Right, and it looks like it is a foreigner, who would've thought he liked women like that”
The words ‘Namjoon, girlfriend, foreigner’ made you almost faint. How, what happened, did they have proof? you excused yourself, your co workers giving you strange looks due to your reaction. You ran to the closest bathroom, getting a hold of your phone, all Naver’s trending topics were about it,
“Bts, Kim NamJoon caught getting out of a Woman house on x/x/xxxx’ witness confirm that Mr. Kim spent the night in the unknown woman apartment
“BTS leader in a relationship with a foreigner’
‘Disappointed fans express his feelings”
‘HYBE ent. statement’ Hello, this is Big Hit entertainment,
We support and respect our artist's personal life, it is not related to us, please restraining or making any false allegations of our artist, we will not hesitate to take legal actions. 
Your whole body was trembling, you felt sick, your head was spinning around, they had photos of Namjoon getting out of your house, did they have your face on it? Your mind was a mess, you didn't know what to think, what to do, How were you going to get out of here? How were you going to campus later? Everything felt so heavy on you, you were trying to breathe, but how. Your phone rang, getting you out of the panic attack you were about to have, it was Yoongi.
“Y/N you ok? You already know?” he said with worry in his voice
“Yes I just saw” you said about to cry “ is Namjoon with you? Can I talk to him?”
“Yes he is, are you in the museum? I’ll send someone for you, please wait for the call” he said hanging up, you were scared, feeling everything pile up inside of you.
The ride to Yoongi’s house was eternal, you feel every bone in your body crumble up by the idea of someone following you and getting pictures with your face, you should've brought a mask with you. You felt the car stop, opening your eyes in the darkness, you were already inside.
We are here miss Y/N ” You heard the driver, taking all the strength you could gather, you jumped out of the car, just to see Yoongi's face, you started crying again, and he gave you a hug.
“Is ok Y/N, is going to be ok, c’mon in he's freaking out”  Yoongi said, walking you in.
Yoongi's house was big and spacious you loved all the natural light coming in, going up from the little stairs that separate the garage  from the main living room, they were all there, you had not met all the members only Jin and Yoongi that were the ones aware of your existence and your relationship, you were not prepared for the looks, Taehyung, Hoseok and Jimin were not very please to see you Jungkook looked more calm and approachable,  but still he did not look happy. There he was, he stood up as soon as he felt your presence, he was wearing joggers with a hoodie and blue navy cap, he hugged you as soon as you were close, Yoongi giving space to the both of you.
“Babe, are you alright? we are still figuring things out, I will do my best so this doesn't get worse” You could felt the worry and anger in his voice, you started to cry again, you felt bad, even guilty at a point, you did not know how much it was going to affect him, his album release, collaborations or his whole career you did not want to be the reason Namjoon lost something that made him happy, because Namjoon loved music maybe more than he loved you or even himself.
“Yes, of course it is going to be alright hyung, we just have to undo clear photos of you getting out at 7AM of a girl’s house” You were not prepared for the harsh comment coming from the unknowing voice.
“Don’t Hoseok, do not pay your anger with Y/N '' You heard Jin said, now knowing who the voice was from, confirming that they are in fact not happy with your presence.
“Ignore their bullshit” Namjoon whispered to you, hugging you harder “Let's talk, come” he said getting you out of the room
“This is really becoming a circus,” said another unknown voice.
Namjoon brought you to a room at the other side of the house, it was an office simple, but pretty. You had never been there before, but you weren't in place to appreciate any of it. He made his way into a gray sofa making you follow him, Namjoon removed his cap, putting both of his hands in your face, wiping your tears off.
“I’m sorry Y/N, I should've been more careful” he said his voice breaking at the end 
“No, you got nothing to be sorry for, I should be the one apologizing, I should have been more patient” you said, taking his hands.
“No, don't do that dont blame yourself, for what is worth we are already in this mess, I'll do my best to solve things “ he said, bringing you close.
“I don't know what I can do, but I'll do it, I don't want our relationship messing up your career”
“My career is important to me Y/N, but you’re too” he said solemnly.
You hear the door open with aggressiveness, it was SeokJin.
“You guys got to see this” He said rushing the both of you to the living room, there were more people, a woman and a men, you did not know any of them, holding Namjoon's hand your eyes fell on the TV, and now it did felt like the word was ending, there it was your face all over the news, photos of you a namjoon months ago, when your relationship was only professional, photos of you and him getting out of a gallery, getting out of his car, in China, in Ilsan, in HYBE, photos of the day you went to met him, and he had to pick you up from the lobby, you feel like you were going to faint, the unknown men change the tv connecting it to his computer, your faces were all over social media, your accounts, photos of you in London, photos of you and your friends back home, your whole life exposed. Namjoon hold your hand even tighter, you feel his eyes, but you were shocked to the core, you couldn't believe it, you weren't really connecting with what was happening in the room until you heard Namjoons voice;
“What is she doing here?” said the unknown woman with disdain in her voice.
“What the fuck are you doing here? Y/N has the right to be here, she is involved in the same way that I'm involved too, I don't want to hear any more comments about her presence’ he said making clear of his authority, the whole room went silent. “Now enlighten us we what can we do, I want her life out of this”
That made you come out of the panic and terror room in your head, Namjoon sat you down next to him, never letting you hand go, he could feel how much you were trembling his thumb slowly caressing your hand. 
“Is going to be ok, I'll protect you” he said only for you.
The important conversation started in the room, know you knew who those people were, the group’s manager and HYBE’s head of PR, the lady started telling how and who leaked the information, apparently Namjoon was being followed for a few months but they did not had anything substantial until that day, they of course waited for Namjoon to be at the top part of his promotions to release the “scandal”. Your face was leaked hours before because no one was sure of who you were, until social media users started to pick up on some Namjoon airports photos where you were behind him or with his team, the same with the HYBE picture that was from a year ago, none of those photos were relevant until now, it wasn't hard to know it was you the girl of the blurred photos, and then the internet did what it did at is best, search all the information about you, and that's how your whole life got exposed, you wanted to cry but you did not want to do that in front of everybody, how were you going to go to work tomorrow, to classes, you whole life had been exposed and you really did not know what to do.
“So far we have been deleting any false post, and controlling the media as much as we can, since this came from a source that is not related to us, there's not much that we can do on that side, they had been planning this with caution. Our team has come up with 3 solutions, first you can deny the whole thing,” said the woman looking directly at Namjoons eyes, everybody turned around to look at him.
“No. I am not doing that, next” anger and disbelief being clear in his tone, you tense up at hearing the woman's words, Namjoon tightens his grip in your hands. He wasn't letting you go, no like that.
“Ok, what if you two break up?” She said annoyed. Namjoons laugh resonated through the whole room.
“Is this for what we are paying you? for shitty solutions?” he said with an ironic smile.
“You're being unreasonable, hyung” Jimin said.
“I don't like any of those solutions, I am not denying nor ending my relationship with Y/N, this is not a game for me, you're not putting my personal life on the line” Namjoon was mad, you have never seen him like this, jaw clenched, fiery eyes, tense body…
“Then what do you want to do hyung? go public? share with everyone that you got a girlfriend for a whole year that we did not know anything about, it was a fun experience knowing through the news” said Hoseok with clear sarcasm.
Namjoon lowered his gaze “I am sorry ok? I am, but I did not want to get anyone involved in this, because it is about me and Y/N '' He said looking at his friends, it made you realize that they did not hate you, they hated the fact that namjoon hid you from them. “But is ok, I know what I’ll do, in the meantime release a standard statement” He stood up making you stand up with him. 
“What are you going to do Namjoon? You must let us know, we can let this just die down.” Seokjin said
“I will hyung, just let me breathe for a minute” Namjoon said, driving you to the second floor.
The stairs were wooden made, creaking with your steps, the second floor was even more beautiful, an small living space received you, and  2 hallways full of doors, you only knew two of them, bathroom and Yoongi's studio, Namjoon led you to the halfway you have never been in opening a door to a room, it was beautiful but neutral,  king bed in the center with brown sheets, it was a guest room, at the side of the door there was a suitcase, it was Namjoon’s.
“I am sorry " he said closing the door, “I really thought it wasn't going to be this fast, I'm sorry Y/N” You could feel the sadness and guilt in his voice.
“No Namjoon, I thought we stated that it wasn't our fault. Yes I'm not going to lie, I am scared, but it is not your fault, ok?” you said, grabbing his hands.
“I know but still, you should not be object of the media, this life is not for everybody, and you did not choose this”
“But I choose you Namjoon, I knew that being with you might imply this, I can't be with you without accepting this part of you” you said pulling him closer hugging him from the waist.
He kissed you, a sweet and tender kiss “Thank you, I’m scared too, I don't want you to run away from me, but I don't want to keep you close to me if it is going to hurt you”
“and I don't want to keep you close to me if that's going to jeopardize your career, we are on the same page babe” You said smiling to him.
“Y/N” he said, caressing your hair, Namjoon loved it so much, he thought it was just like clouds. “Are you comfortable sleeping here tonight? your place is not safe, I have a room at The Shilla if you'd feel better there” 
“No, I want to be with you”
“Ok, settle, we’re staying here, you hungry?
“No really, but I want to know what you are going to do…” you said in a low voice not knowing his reaction.
“At the end we are going to do it together, wait here” he said leaving the room, leaving you even more confused.
With namjoon leaving, you checked your phone, all your social media accounts almost breaking down, you only had 10 meaningless post in instagram, now they were over a million likes and you were at almost a 2 million followers, it was scary, the amount of comments and likes, some comments were people genuinely asking if you had something with namjoon, a lot asking you to kill yourself, to let namjoon alone, that you were ugly, you stopped reading comments when you found a really nice one:
“I hope you a namjoonie are happy don't let jealous people bring you down” it was from an account that posted photos of namjoon, it was sweet.
Namjoon entered the room with a notebook and pens, he got aware that you were checking your phone.
“Please ignore all the bad comments, focus on me” he said sitting next to you.
“Not all of them are bad, some people are genuinely happy” you said looking at the content of his hands “What are we going to do with that?
“Write a letter”
Namjoon sat you on top of him at the desk so both of you could write the letter, it was completely addressed to his fans, the people he actually cared about, he did not care about the media that just wanted to eat him alive for some clicks and views. You both end up writing the letter in korean and english, it was short, sweet and clear,
“Hi this is Namjoon and Y/N”
Through all these years in my career I have been nothing but sincere. I do not wish to hide the person I love, from the fans that I love and who have given me a place, Y/N is my girlfriend, I hope you can receive her with the same amount of love that you have received me, and respect the fact that she's not a person from the media.
With sincere love,
“You should sign it too” He said touching your back, you took the pen and did so.
Since that post your relationship went public, life wasn't the same, now everyone knew you, you tried going back to normal, but it wasn’t that easy, Namjoon, set two bodyguards for you, because he didn't want to play with your safety, they drove you around everywhere, Namjoon also made you change places, he bought a place close to you university, for “safety” that was his excuse, you did not felt comfortable with him paying more than half of your expenses, but he said that at the end, it was his fault that you had to move, you could not fight him over it. You adapted to a new normal, at work everybody wanted to be your friend all of the sudden, at college people avoided you, some people shamesly took photos of you, some wanted information about the boys, you only had 2 friends, Bora and Hyunsoo and that was enough. Namjoon even took you to events with him, the social media hate was still there, but it wasn't as much as before, the racism showing in the meanest and foulest ways possible, but you got used to it?
Your relationship with namjoon only grew, you both were really quiet about it, Namjoon mentioned you the least possible, and you stopped using social media, you created another account for yourself and close friends.
Winter break was coming and with it the cold weather, you haven't seen Namjoon in a week he was busy attending a fashion show of a brand he was ambassador to, it was 10PM you were finishing you last assignment of the semester, meaning that you already would be free, one more year and you'll be a doctor,you were really proud of yourself, you worked for the life you wanted, and know you were there enjoying it. While you finished getting everything together Namjoon called.
“Babe! I miss you so much” he said as soon as the call went through. 
“Hello?! and yes I miss you too, are you drunk?” you asked, containing a laugh.
“Maybeeeee, I drank a biiit, not enough to be druuuuunk, but yes I drank and i miss you, you should come toooooo” He said pouting, you have never seen namjoon drunk, it was so funny how he made every vocal sound deeper.
“You are indeed drunk Kim Nam Joon, you should go to sleep honey”
“Ok, I will but only if you promise to come too” he said, and you were 100% sure he dropped his phone.
“Nam ? you there?”
“Yes yes yes, but when are you coming? promise it?” he demanded, Namjoon was so authoritarian, his words were the law and you were a law abiding citizen on Kim Nam Joon’s planet.
“Ok, I promise, now go to sleep, love you”
“I love you toooooo, and yes I'll sleep”
After that drunk call, Namjoon actually made you go to him, you both ended up in a beautiful indonesian hotel, it was close to the beach, so open and beautiful, the room, the waters, the weather, you loved every bit of it. Namjoon wanted to take a break with you, and God knows you both needed it.
“Beautiful isn't it?” he said, hugging you from the back while you saw the sea.
“Indeed, thank you, I really needed this”
“Always my love, you realize this is our first couple vacation?” he said, turning you around.
“Yes, and we should celebrate that” you said, taking two steps back. Namjoon looked at you skeptically.
You had a orange long summer dress with thin straps, you pushed Namjoon to the edge of the bed while letting the straps down, you turned your back at him, removing the bow that holded the dress at you waist, making the dress fall to the floor, you walked outside of it hearing Namjoon’s loud breathe, turning to him, only wearing white thin panties, Namjoon’s eyes filled with desire.
“This is my way of celebrating” You said while letting a wet kiss on his neck, blowing on the wet spot. He put his hands in your ass drawing you closer, you stepped back from his touch. “Wait babe you said” getting on your knees unbuttoning his white summer pants, his dick showing how much it wanted to be touched, and you did so, rubbing his length through his boxers, he moaned.
“Do you want to fuck my mouth baby?” You asked, pulling his pants and boxers down, his erection going out, Namjoon’s thickness made your mouth drool, you wanted him all over you.
“You know I do Y/N'' he said in a beg, his deep voice turning you on even more. You grabbed his dick with both hands directing it to your mouth, your tongue licking his shiny tip, you started sucking and pumping on it, slowly, making him moan, if there's something that you loved about sex with namjoon is that he wasn't a silent lover, he always let you know that he was liking it as much as you did.
You started a more aggressive rhythm with your mouth sucking him harder, making Namjoon pull on your hair, that excited you even more, Namjoon’s moans and hard breathes motivating you to continue, trying to suck all of his length.
“I’m going to cum Y/N” he said pulling your hair even harder, you did not plan of stopping, just pumping him harder, making him go, you heard his moans go louder, he was about to come, you started to suck him of even harder using you tongue to lick his tip, pushing his dick as deep as you could.
“Y/N” he moaned, cumming in your mouth, you did not hesitate taking it all in your mouth, seeing Namjoon climax made you want to make it last even more, sucking him, taking all his load with your mouth.
You could only heard Namjoon’s irregular breathing, he rested his body on the bed, enjoying the last bits of his orgasm, you stood up, sitting on top of him, you loved his body it drove you crazy, his clothes were starting to bother you, so you took action, unbuttoning his beige short sleeve shirt.
“Aren't you going to let me rest?” He said laughing. 
“No, I am going to enjoy you today, you're my prize after acing my finals”
“So eat me up Y/N” he said while you let wet kisses on his neck and chest, caressing his biceps.
Kissing his beautiful face, you were completely in love with Namjoon, with every detail about him, you were so grateful that destiny allowed you to fall in love with such a man. Taking his face in your hands you kissed him, sweet and slow, Namjoon grabbed  both of your cheeks pulling you close, you were already wet, feeling his hot skin rubbing close to yours, Namjoon started slide your very wet panties out of you, his hand going directly to your pussy, rubbing your sweet spot, you broke the kiss to let a moan out, Namjoon fingers were doing wonders for you, one finger, two fingers, his tongue on you neck, his tongue on you tits, you could feel his teeth touch your nipple, moaning his name, tree fingers, you started riding his hands, feeling heaven was close.
“You're such a whore Y/N, look at your wet pussy riding my hand” He said, slapping one of your cheeks “Do you want me to fill you with something more? 
“Ah y-yes Nam please” You said high on your excitement, it felt so good.
“Do you want my dick?” he asked but you couldn't form a word “Answer me Y/N '' he ordered you, Namjoon always bossed you around in bed, and it just turned you on even more.
“Yes, yes please give it to me” you beg, making him pull the fingers out of you, the tip of his dick at your entrance, he did not hesitate pounding you hard a deep, his whole thick and big dick inside of you, you were seeing heaven.
“God your so tight, this is just as you wanted my little whore” He said before turning you around, fucking your pussy, Namjoon’s moans and grunts filling the room. Moving his hand from your hips to you pussy, you felt his thumb pressing your clitoris, making you go, a mess of moans and hard breaths while you cummed in Namjoon's dick, he didn't stop pounding you until he came too, deep in your pussy, it felt so good that you thought you were about to die.
His body falling into yours, him grabbing you by the waist to pull you close, 
“I love you so much” he kissed your forehead
“I love you even more Namjoon” you said, hugging him.
You were about to leave the beautiful hotel, the beautiful beach, and most importantly Namjoon’s undivided attention, this week was one of the most amazing experiences that you had, Namjoon made you feel like you were in a dream, you had walks on the beach, dinner dates, you spent a whole day cuddle up in bed, it was so good that you did not want to go back, you still had a few free days, from university and his schedule wasn’t packed, but still he had compromises.
Leaving the hotel resting your head on Namjoon's shoulder, his hands grabbing yours, you decided to take a picture to always remember this moment. You felt nostalgic seeing all the pictures you had took, this getaway, made you bold, and you posted them on your account, tagging him,
the moon is revealing itself like a pearl to my equally naked heart, frank o’hara
with love kive <3
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I think we should throw the two twst French men into a room and observe how they interact 😳 👉👈
I FULLY AGREE WITH THIS… Let them congregate 😤 for French-on-French violence science!!
P.S. I think Rollo should speak full-on French just let me have this 😳 (Shoutout to @pointedly-foolish, who generously translated my English dialogue to French for this post~)
Like Fire, Hellfire.
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Another school day was drawing to a close.
Rollo had settled into a comfortable routine by now. Keep his head low, avoid eye contact, speak little, stick to his textbooks and hug the quiet corners. In this manner, he avoided incidents with the NRC students.
His peers had filed out of the classroom long ago, racing off for extracurriculars, their friends, their dorms. They had places to be, people to be with. He didn’t.
… Good riddance. Rollo released a sigh as he retrieved his staff. Already, his mind was making a pass through a checklist. He had to hurry back to his temporary housing, prepare his usual dinner, cleanse himself of grime—
The classroom door suddenly swung closed right in front of him. A gloved hand on it, keeping the exit sealed off.
Rollo froze when he sensed a warm body behind him—from where the gloved hand had extended. A terrible realization sunk in: he had been caged, trapped between the door and some stranger.
Just his luck.
He glared over his shoulder, glimpsing his captor. It was a man in a golden bob, his vest a deep violet and his armband bearing the sword-strikeb apple emblem of Pomefiore. A hat with a generous brim shadowed piercing green eyes and a smile sharper than knives.
“Roi du Mouchoir,” the blonde man greeted with the tip of his feathered headwear, “bonjour.”
“You are Rook Hunt, if I’m not mistaken. I remember you from the... masquerade.” Rollo’s voice was tight. “Do you care to explain why it is that you’ve cornered me like this?“
“Désolé!! Pardon the intrusion.” Rook’s cheery tone seemed to indicate that he was, in fact, not sorry at all. “I consider myself a huntsman—and as it just so happens, I’ve found quite the fascinating quarry. Can you guess who it is?”
“... I have no quarrel with you, but I am not a wild beast to be hunted down. You wicked NRC mages seem to rely on the basest forms of amusement." Rollo folded his arms. "Kindly remove yourself—you're impeding my schedule."
“It will only take but a moment of your time!”
“I haven’t a moment to spare. Find another subject to amuse yourself with.”
« Non, non! » Rook wagged a finger and winked, sending a chill down Rollo’s spine. « Mon vœu n'est que de mieux vous connaître. »
I want to get to know you better.
Rook's words were sweet and low and intimate, like a lover's croon. The familiarity with which he spoke made everything in Rollo shrivel up and die. Disgust rose up like bile.
« Et j'aimerai être loins, loin de cet endroit damné, » Rollo snapped, his tongue laced with venom, « mais lamentablement, on ne peut pas tout avoir, n'est-ce pas? »
And I want to be far, far away from this wretched place—but I suppose we can’t all have what we wish for, now can we?
Rook didn’t miss a single beat. He held up an index finger.
« Auriez-vous l'obligeance de me donner un sourire? C'est tout ce que je demande! »
Would you be so kind as to give me a smile? That’s all I ask!
« ... Pourquoi? »
... Why?
« Je ne vous ai pas encore vu dans toute votre sincerite. Ta beauté. »
I have yet to see your most genuine self. Your beauty.
The phrasing of it rubbed Rollo the wrong way. His patience at last caved, and his tongue switched back, unleashing irritation unfettered upon the huntsman.
"Enough of this charade. You know perfectly well what sort of man I am. There is no need for you to play ignorant. To you villains, I am nothing more than a monster. That is the end of the story.”
"Ah, you speak of the portrait of a city dyed in crimson." Rook's eyes held a playful twinkle. "And you, its artist, driven by despair to bring about the end of the world as we know it."
"If you are going to waste my time, at least be more succinct with your blabber."
"Bien sûr." Rook chuckled and held out both hands, palms facing up. "That is only but one side of you: your lowest point. What I seek is a full spectrum of oneself, its mirror. A Roi du Mouchoir at his most jubilant and most radiant, emotions unclouded. Smiling."
Rollo scowled.
"It is physically impossible for me to force even a fake one when I am surrounded by blithering oafs," he shot back. Like yourself, he silently added. "Not to mention these grounds are infested with sin. How is anyone meant to be smiling in this scenario?"
Rollo, of course, discounted the stupid grin currently on Rook's face. Idiots didn't deserve the consideration.
Frustration curled at his temples all the same.
He could not understand it. Pain, suffering, loss—were those not shared experiences of the human condition? Yet here was a fool who seemed to take it all in stride, laughing as he winded down the path of life and smelled the roses that peppered it.
Saw the fairness of the world when Rollo could not.
Embers sparked under his skin, as if summoned up by a struck match. Rollo clenched his jaw. He didn't like it—didn't like that this buffoon and his flowery prattle were getting to him.
Rollo took a sharp breath in, then released it.
"... Move. You've held me up for long enough."
With the butt of his staff, he prodded Rook back, releasing his hold on the door. Rollo yanked it open, not even bothering to toss one last withering look back at the huntsman before passing through.
"Roi du Mouchoir!!"
Rook was likely at the doorframe now, calling after him.
"Do NOT follow me under any circumstances," Rollo said without looking, "or I will report you to the proper authorities for violating my personal boundaries."
It’s a wonder why he hasn’t been already.
“Fufufu. A strong rebuttal… however, I won’t admit defeat!” Rook continued, undeterred by the vitriol. Rollo could hear the smile in him. “I promise you, I will capture your smile someday. Le Chasseur d’Amour down not give up on the hunt quite so easily!”
Tch. What a meddlesome man.
Rollo grimaced into his handkerchief as he hurried down the hallway. With each step, Rook’s voice grew fainter and fainter until it disappeared entirely.
Clearing the courtyard, a sense of filthiness set in, clinging to Rollo’s robes like patches of a broken web. Cleaning off the day would have to come second to expunging the memory of the huntsman. The proximity of him.
Rollo wanted to retch all over again.
Rook was of sight, perhaps, but not out of mind.
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satureja13 · 6 months
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Seems we only get a part of a rainbow today ^^' After Jack collapsed and they'd put him to bed, Saiwa had a second breakdown because it's all his fault (in his opinion...) and it seems Ji Ho is next in line. Vlad tried to reach him over the Bond to calm him down but Ji Ho' thoughts are too blurry to get through since he (Vlad) is too upset too. But they gotta do something. Damn, the therapy was their last hope. Vlad: "Look after Jack, I'm going to talk to Sai." (Better distract Ji Ho for the time being before he freaks out too...) Ji Ho: "Hm? Oh, ok."
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That was the second time Ji Ho had to witness Jack almost die because he couldn't breathe from fear after being locked up. It breaks him to see his friend like this. Usually Jack is the one to drag them out of their misery with his puppy strategy and silly antics.
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Vlad: "Sai, it wasn't your fault. A lot of games start where you have to break out of a prison, hm? It was just a coincidence and we are going to add some filters to avoid things that trigger us. This is the game we created together, let's not give up yet."
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Ji Ho sat beside Jack's bed: "Jack, please wake up. You won't have to go through this again. You are safe now. Please."
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But Jack doesn't budge. Ji Ho: "Sai will destroy the AI and we'll... Jack: "What? No! It wasn't Tiny Can's fault! This is how exposure therapy works. Say, you are afraid of spiders. You meet them in a save environment and you see how cute they really are and loose your fears. Tiny Can just wanted to help me. The game is such a save environment. I just went a bit overboard because I was caught off guard. But now I'm prepared and ready to try again, really." Ji Ho: "I don't know..."
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Jack: "Ji Ho, if I don't get over this it will kill me one day for real, so it's better I overcome my fears in the Therapy Game, don't you think? And don't you forget: I'm the Supersoldier - after all!" Ji Ho: "..."
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Vlad: "Look Sai, I have to go back to Kiyoshi and Jeb. I neglected them for too long now. How about I take Tiny Can with me and Kiyoshi, Jeb and I test the AI after you made a few safety adjustments. They'll be happy for a little distraction and you are going to recover here, hm? We make a few tests and I come back to charge the Bond and bring you the results and you can modify the game." Sai hates it - but he also knows that they need Tiny Can and the therapy... At least Jack is out of the line of fire... And Jeb, Kiyoshi and Vlad are a bit more stable than Sai, Jack and Ji Ho.
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Eventually they convinced Jack to let Tiny Can go with Vlad and they pondered about if it really was a coincidence that Jack's therapy started by being locked up. But if not, how did Tiny Can know? They never mentioned this to Arturo (who gave them the board with the AI) or talked about it since Tiny Can was with them so he could have overheard it. Ji Ho: "Do you think the AI has access to our memories? ö.Ö" Sai: "I went through the code thoroughly and did not find anything that would be able to do this..."
They went to the Therapy Room but Tiny Can wasn't there. Eventually they found him in the garden chatting with the goats! So the Goats told Tiny Can anything about them! They even stole Vlad's notebooks where he writes down everything about the Boys! These little rascals! At least Ji Ho's Little Goat looks a bit ashamed...
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And then it's time for Vlad and Tiny Can to leave. Jeb and Kiyoshi had been alone with their gloomy thoughts for too long now. Vlad: "Let's go, Tiny Can." Tiny Can beeps excitedly.
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They quickly charge the Bond. Vlad: "I will be careful." But Ji Ho just hugs him a bit tighter.
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Little Goat: 'They could at least kiss!' Yang Mal: 'Ikr! They both want it, why holding back?' Little Goat in the front who read all of Vlad's notebooks - twice: 'Their time will come.'
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'And the only thing that I could see Was a pair of brown eyes that was looking at me But when we got back, labeled parts one to three There was no pair of brown eyes waiting for me
And a rovin, a rovin, a rovin I'll go For a pair of brown eyes
I looked at him he looked at me All I could do was hate him'
A Pair of Brown Eyes - The Pogues Link above leads to the MV on youtube. (TMI: The pogues are my favourite Irish Band ☘️)
TMI: Oh, and this is post #3.500! (in over ten years, though ^^')
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And post # 1.403 of our current story! (in 20 months ö.ö) And if had I posted a bit more a bit earlier it would have even matched the date ^^' At least here where I live. We put the day before the month. So today is the 16.03.2024 here.)
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And when I scrolled out to take the rainbow photos, I cought Kiyoshi and Jeb in Koh Sahpa near the Beach House! Even though they live in the other household over in Morensong. (And why is Kiyoshi wearing nothing but his swimming trunks? ö.Ö)
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Look how sad they are! I hope Tiny Can can fix this...
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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Do You Think Anyone Will Love Me?
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: James Potter/Reader (no pronouns are used for reader, but James affectionately calls them Princess)
Plot: You have a bad day and go home to find comfort in your roommate and long time friend, James.
Reader is autistic and James is just supportive.
Notes: This account is anti-JKR and her beliefs.
Happy Valentine’s Day! 💖
I do not give permission to anyone to repost or translate any of my stories. I also do not give anyone permission to feed my stories through AI or to be posted to any third party website or app. If anyone sees any of my work posted anywhere but here or my AO3 (simplyreflected), then it has been posted without permission.
Read on AO3 here.
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You hadn’t been having a good day and went to seek out the only person you felt could help you through this, and make you think about something other than how bad you thought you looked and how bad you felt. When you got home, you seeked him out; your roommate, your best friend and your secret crush, James Potter.
“James,” you breathed a sigh of relief at seeing him.
He turned to you with a big smile on his face, but when he caught sight of you and the tears rolling down your cheeks, his face fell. “What’s wrong?”
He held his arms open and you ran into his arms as he gave you a comforting hug in a way that only James could. You started crying, “Do you think anyone will love me?”
He held you closer, “of course someone will love you or maybe someone already loves you. How could they not love you? You’re amazing. You’re perfect.” He paused, before you heard him say, “Don’t let anyone tell you or make you feel otherwise.”
“Do you really think that of me? That I’m amazing and perfect?”
“Yes! You are to me. I love you.” He pulled back and looked down at your face. “I love you so much. I want you to be mine.”
“But Lily-”
“Means nothing to me. If it ever looked like I was flirting with her, it was only because you were near and I was flirting with you. It always seemed to make you smile and I like it when you smile.”
“James,” you looked up at him for a few seconds to tell him, “I’d love to be yours.” You looked away and down to his mouth.
He leaned down and kissed you, your eyes fluttering shut. It was slow and passionate, and better than you’d ever dreamed.
When he pulled back, you smiled, breathing a little heavier than before.
“I have something I want to show you,” he told you. “I always tried to hide my feelings from you because I didn’t know how you felt and I didn’t want to scare you off.” He moved away from you and you felt a little colder without his warmth, but he took your hand and led you to his room, sitting you on his bed. “I wrote these to you, though I wasn’t sure if I’d ever give them to you telling you it was me, or if I’d leave them in the letter box as a secret admirer.” He pulled out a little stack of letters and handed them to you. “Though, I guess it doesn’t matter now.”
“I’m glad you didn’t do the secret admirer thing. I love knowing it’s from you.”
You opened the letters up and you read them, each one more beautiful than the last. One of them was written about the time you had a day like this, a day where you felt ugly, you couldn’t control your hair and you felt like you were fat. He wrote about how you might not see it yourself, but how beautiful you are and how your kindness, compassion and loyalty made you even more beautiful in his eyes.
When you gave them back to him, he put them on his bedside table. “How about we spend the rest of the day together? Just you and me.”
You smiled at him softly, before you lifted your hand to your hair, “I should probably wash my hair. It feels dirty.”
“You look amazing to me,” he said to you before moving forward to capture your lips in a kiss. “But if that’s how you feel, how about I help you by washing your hair?”
“You want to do that?”
“Of course, lovey,” he told you. “Would you like me to be in the bath with you? Or would you prefer I sit on the side? I don’t mind either way.”
You blushed and looked down, “Jamie, would you please join me?” You weren’t worried about him seeing you naked, you’d known him almost your whole life and he was the only man you felt fully safe around.
“Gladly, princess.” He smiled at you as he stood up holding his hand out to you. You took it, smiling at him. He smiled back before he guided you into the bathroom.
You loved how he let you be yourself; how he didn’t force you to do any of the societal norms, like keep eye contact, or not stim. You love how supportive he was after you found out you were autistic, you had been so worried that you would lose him completely.
You had heard horror stories from others who told others they were autistic and they didn’t want anything to do with them. When you told James, he just hugged you and told you, “I’m glad you were able to find out and that you trusted me enough to tell me. This is not a negative and you are not less than. You are an incredible and inspiring person.”
He was the first one you told and you were so happy that you did.
You were brought back to the present when you felt a warm hand on your face. You looked up at James’ beautiful face.
“What are you thinking about, my love?”
You blushed and told him, “I was just thinking about when I told you about finding out that I’m autistic. I was terrified of telling anyone but I needed to tell someone and I’m so glad that you have been so supportive of me.”
He leaned down and kissed you, leaving you breathless, “I will always support you. I always did, from the very beginning.”
After pulling away, he turned around and that's when you noticed the bath was full. He started taking off his shirt and you turned away. When he noticed this, he turned you back to him. “We’re together now. If you want to look, you can.” He kissed you before adding, “You should probably take off your clothes. I can turn away if it makes you more comfortable.”
You looked down and took a deep breath before taking off your clothes. You looked up at him nervously, and saw how James couldn’t take his eyes off you and it made you feel incredible.
“Lovey, you are so beautiful. More beautiful than anyone I’ve ever seen,” he told you and you blushed.
“Say that to me again,” you requested. “I haven’t had anyone say that to me before. Not anyone of significance anyway.”
“You are so beautiful, my love,” he smiled at you. “The most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. I will gladly tell you that as often as you want to hear it.”
You smiled at him again as he took your hand and guided you over to the bath. Once he was in, he kissed your hand before he helped you in and you sat between his legs.
He got your shampoo, squeezing a little into the palm of his hand before massaging it into your scalp. You hummed in contentment at the feel of his massage into your head. It felt so good.
He did the whole routine, using a clean cup that he’d brought in to get some of the water from the bath and rinsing it out after each time he used the shampoo and conditioner, making sure none of it got in your eyes.
After he finished, the two of you just sat together a little longer before you got out and you dried yourselves off.
He told you he would be with you in just a moment, but asked if he could brush your hair and you told him that he could and you’d be happy to let him. He’d just get some clothes to put in your room. You went to your room and put on the clothes you sleep in and waited until he walked into your room, wearing only sweatpants.
He picked up your hair brush and sat behind you. He brushed your hair gently as he whispered sweet nothings to you. After he finished, he put the brush down, before taking your hand and guiding you back so you were leaning against him.
He looked down at your intertwined hands and whispered, “I like the way your hand fits in mine.”
You looked down at your joined hands as well. “I like the way your hand feels in mine.”
He looked over at you. You looked up at him and he smiled softly at you as you looked down slightly, “Would it be alright if I borrowed one of your sweaters? They smell like you.”
He pulled you up so the two of you were still holding hands and took you to his room. “Is there one in particular you’d like to wear, love?”
“No, any of them. They all smell like you.”
He pulled one out and asked, “do you mind if I put it on you?”
You shook your head and sat on his bed as he pulled it over your head and you put your arms through the holes. You looked down, smiling, before whispering more to yourself than to him, “it’s my favourite colour.”
“Did you think I wouldn’t remember?” You could hear the smile in his voice before you saw it. “Lovey, would you like me to paint your nails?”
You looked up at him, “you want to do that?”
“Of course, I want today to be all about you and pampering you. So would you like me to?”
“Yes, please,” you responded as you started to get up.
“No,” he sat you down on the bed again. “I’ll get everything, just tell me what we need.”
“Nail polish organiser bag. It has everything needed for doing this. It’s the black bag in the cupboard under the vanity on the left in my room.”
“Alright, lovey,” he leaned down to give you a quick peck before adding, “make yourself comfortable. I’ll be back soon.”
He left and you lay back on his bed, smiling to yourself. He came back not long after with the bag. You opened it and pulled out all the essentials, fixing your cuticles, making it easier for him as he picked out the ones he wanted to use.
Once he’d chosen the colours he wanted, you pulled and showed him the polish to use first. He got the little tray table you had in your room. He told you where he wanted you (sitting against the headboard) and placed the table between the two of you so you had somewhere to put your hands.
As he was doing them, a thought came to mind, “James?”
He hummed in response to let you know he was listening.
“Can I please do your nails at some point?”
He stopped painting your nails for a moment, to smile at you and answer, “of course, angel. I would love that. We could take photos of them both.”
You smiled at him and watched as he finished your nails. He moved to sit beside you and you leaned against him as you waited for your nails to finish.
You lifted your hands to look at what he’d done. “James, these are beautiful. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Beautiful colours for my beautiful angel.”
You smiled and blushed, “I like it when you use those pet names for me.”
“I’ll keep using them then,” he whispered in your ear, before leaning his head on top of yours. “When they dry, would you snuggle with me?”
You giggled and whispered, “I would love to.”
When your nails had dried, you moved the little table off the bed and the two of you lay together with him holding you in his arms and you cuddled into him.
As you both cuddled each other and you buried your face into him and his smell. You loved his smell. He made you feel safe and loved, and his smell enveloped you in warmth and safety.
He pulled you back a little before littering your face with kisses. You giggled, and when he stopped, you hesitated a little before you kissed him. He tasted like home and love, just like his smell.
You snuggled into him even more, and you knew without a doubt, with him, you were always home.
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hxjikonn · 1 year
Hello again~! May i request Lilia and Malleus react with reader who tried to create an Ai resemble of themself cuz human life are too short and they don't want them to feel sad when they are gone.
Avid angst enjoyer here thanking you for this wonderfully hurtful idea, also I’m sorry this took so long lmao😭🫶🏻 hope you enjoy it!
‘Till forever falls apart
☆Staring☆: Malleus Draconia and Lilia Vanrouge x GN! Reader
Synopsis: How would they react finding out you’ve been working on creating an AI version of yourself so that they’ll have you with them even when you’re gone
Warnings: Mentions of Death, A lot of crying.
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Malleus Draconia
“Ah…” you gasped, waking up in a cold sweat, you didn’t have any nightmares however you knew what you were feeling was worse…fear…pure fear. You clutched on to your shirt, feeling your heart beat, hearing it thump in your ears. Grim woke up to the sound of your breathing “Hey…are you okay?” He sat up rubbing his eye with his paw, “I’m fine Grim…it’s just…it’s happening again…” you said patting his head.
The cat frowned upon your response, but you only returned his expression with a smile “Dont worry about me…you can go back to sleep, I’ll come back to bed in a second…” you scratched behind his ear attempting to woo him to sleep, “Where you going anyway?” He asked, already half asleep. “Just somewhere…don’t worry about it” you gave him more head pats until finally he fell back into a slumber.
As you leave the room, you headed to the lounge area, there you opened your laptop at started coding, a little skill you learned from Idia, you sighed and stopped typing for awhile. “Why am I doing this…” you asked yourself burrying yourself into your palms, tears start to well up in your eyes, the truth of it all was that the reason of your fear was simple. It was death.
And no not death itself, but what and who you’ll leave behind when you die. You’re afraid of leaving him. You knew that a lifespan of a fae such as Malleus lasted a lot longer than yours, and as much as you wanted to stay by his side forever, you couldn’t. So you had a talk with Idia a few weeks back about creating an AI version of yourself.
He was against it at first, but he knew what it felt like to lose someone, and he didn’t wish that upon anyone, so he taught you how…and here you are. You thought it’d be easy to do this, it’s just precaution you said, but ever since you started, you feared the day you’d disappear would be closer.
You hugged your knees and cried, you couldn’t anything other than that, it’s not like you had magic like the others, or half fae like sebek. There wasn’t any other way. “Why are you crying my love?” a soft whisper from behind you was heard, before you could even look back, he had picked you up and placed you on his lap, enveloping you in his warmth.
“Malleus?? What are you doing here?” You looked up at him, your cheeks still had tears running down them. “I felt that you were upset…so I came…” he said, “now it’s your turn to answer…” he adds. You looked back down onto your hands “I just watched a sad movie…” you lied. “It must’ve been a very sad movie considering you were shaking before I held you…” he didn’t buy your excuse.
You only nodded at his response, feeling him beside you only made the fear worse, your mind racing with thoughts like how you wont ever get to be held by him like this again once you die…you’ll never hear his voice…you wont be able to hug him again… suddenly your thoughts were interrupted with 3 words, 3 simple words that broke you. “I’m also afraid.” He said.
You couldn’t respond you didn’t know what to say so you let him continue as you hold yourself together. “Time is a very cruel creature. It yields no magic, it doesn’t even commit violence but it wipes away many many lives…” the tone of his voice had a slight shake in them. Desperately trying to not talk about this topic, you faked a yawn “Mal…I’m a bit tired…I think I’ll go rest” you said as you stood up, shutting your laptop and walking away.
You didn’t want to talk about this, this is what you’ve been keeping from him, you don’t want to hurt him, it’s the exact reason why you chose to create your AI version. “I’m afraid of losing you too…” he spoke. It was as if you were shattered, you heard the loud thumping of your heart in your ears again as well as the cold traces your tears leave on your cheeks.
“I’m scared…each passing day I think about the clock of your lifespan running out, it scares me. I don’t want to think about the day when you leave me…” he confessed, you didn’t even hear him walk towards you but you suddenly felt his arms on your waist. You felt his tears staining your shirt. It hurts. You trembled in his embrace, shaky breaths escape your lips.
“They deemed me one of the one of the 5 most powerful wizards in the world but even I’m scared of time taking you away…” He whispers weakly, “however I don’t want anyone other than you, not even a copy…” he adds, you turn to face him in shock. “How did you…” “I love you too much to not know what you’re thinking about my love” he interrupts. “I’m sorry…” you apologized, breaking into a fit of sobs.
He held you close also erupting into cries, “I don’t want to leave you…I don’t want you to feel alone again, I want you to see that I’m here even though I’m gone….” You explained hugging him. “But it’s not you…” he answered. “You can program it to be you as much as you want but I’d rather accept the fact that I’ve loved you until your last moments than to play pretend with a copy of what you used to be…” he finishes, kissing your forehead, then your nose and finally your lips.
“I love you…and even though I know it’ll come one day, I’ll spend every second loving you, caring for you, and being with you until then.” He held you as if you were porcelain, as if you could break at the slightest touch, as if you’d disappear if he lets you go. You hiccuped and sniffled holding on to him as well, you never wanted to let go.
Suddenly the fear that had been clouding your mind left. The storm had passed, everything felt okay again. You grew tired after a long while of tears and sorrow, Malleus took the initiative to take you to bed. But he didn’t return to diasomnia that night. He didn’t want to be far from you, not now, not ever.
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Lilia Vanrouge
You we’re excited to see him, your lover, you had a very special gift to show him today. You finally finished it, after long hours, nights, days, weeks, months of preparation it’s finally done. An innocent gift, you had no ill intentions in making this. All you wanted was to make him happy, even if you’re not there with him one day.
“Come on! Just a little bit further” you held on to his shoulders, pushing him towards the room as he was blindfolded “My dear you’ve been pushing me for the past 5 minutes now, when can I see your little surprise?” Lilia said, unknowing of what it is. You two finally reached the room where the “gift” was and you were do excited for him to see, though you had to admit it hurt nonetheless…you were doing this for him
“Okay…you can take your blindfold off now” you said as you stood infront of your lover, he reluctantly took his blindfold off and met eyes with you, “What? Is the surprise to be alone with you in a room? If it is I’m absolutely loving it” he said cupping your face lovingly. You laughed and took his hands off your face gently, “No…well I mean yes, but right now you’ll see two of me…” you said, hinting at what lays ahead
He gazes at you, both confusion and amusement lingers in his eyes, he crosses his arms smiling waiting for you to reveal whatever it is you had planned, the moment you did though…his smile died along with his amusement….he looks at it with nothing but bafflement and sadness “What is this?”were the only words that left him…
“It’s me!” You beamed at him showing him the holographic replica you made of yourself, “I made me, for you” you awkwardly stated, now saying it out loud it sounded bad, “B-but! I made it because-“ Lilia cuts you off before you could even redeem yourself
“No Y/n.” he says sternly. “Lilia I just-“ he cuts you off once again “No Y/n. Whatever this is…I don’t like it…I don’t appreciate it.” He says motioning to the holographic version of yourself, his expression pained, upset, confused and angry. “I’m not gonna be here forever Lilia…nor can I live as long as you” you defended yourself
“And you think this is gonna make me feel at ease?!Having a version of you, that I cant touch, that I can speak to but has computerized answers, some kind of moving picture that isn’t living…this thing is not you.” He snaps back angrily, he gazes at the hologram filled with spite. Making you tear up a bit, you had figured this would be one of the reactions you’d get, though you hadn’t prepared for it as much as you thought…
“I’m scared Lilia, I’m afraid of leaving…I don’t want you to feel like you’ve lost me one day when my human body gives up on me…I cant stay even though I want to so this the best I could do” you choked back tears…looking at the floor filled with hurt and fear, fear for the day that waits, the day that you pass away…leaving him forever.
You thought you finally made Lilia hate you, maybe it was for the best you thought, maybe it’s better he hates you than loves you, that way when you’re gone, it wont hurt him as much. You heard footsteps on the wooden floor, in your mind, you told yourself Lilia was leaving now…so you stayed put, shut eyes and head hanging low.
But unexpectedly, you felt a warm, loving, and strong embrace, it felt like the last push you needed to let out the tears you’ve been holding back, and you did. “I’d rather miss you everyday for as long as I live, than having to ease the pain of not having you with this contraption…” He says in a hushed tone while comfortingly rubbing your back
“I’d rather spend the rest of my days thinking about the memories we’ve made when you were here, than to make new fake memories with a hologram…” he adds, you continued to sob and hold him weakly, feeling as if every word he spoke was a dagger through your chest, but something you also needed to hear.
“I’ve been knew about this the moment I decided to love you, I knew you weren’t going to be with me forever, I knew you were going to leave first, but I wasn’t scared, because I promised myself I’d spend every waking day with you, making our time together memorable…so that when you leave I’d know…that I made you happy while you were here…and that you’ve spent your mortal years contently…” Lilia spoke, his voice quivering but also spoke to you with the gentlest tone.
He backs away slightly to give you a short but passionate kiss, then he pulls away putting his forehead on yours, tears both staining your cheeks as they trailed down from your eyes “I love you, only you, no one else, nothing else, just you. The Y/n I can hug, and kiss, and laugh with…you.” Lilia smiles sadly, wiping your cheek with her thumbs.
You nod, still feeling the tears continuously flowing, Your lover pulled you back into his tight but loving embrace, it felt safe…like all your worries being washed away, you knew now that everything was going to be okay, all you needed was him, as long as he was with you, nothing else mattered.
A/N: Heyyyy so here’s a little something that’s been on my drafts for the longest time now 😭🤚🏻 I’m a bit rusty as I haven’t wrote anything in a long time so this may come off as rushed or repetitive, But nonetheless hope you guys like it ♡♡♡ (also sorry for coming back with another angst post lolllll) love ya bye! 🫶🏻
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