#non man
genderstarbucks · 3 months
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Nonman is a term for those who reclaim being called a "non man". A term for anybody who considers their gender identity to be a "non man".
Nonwoman is a term for those who reclaim being called a "non woman". A term for anybody who considers their gender identity to be a "non woman".
These terms are only to be used by those who willingly call themselves a non man or a non woman, do not use these terms for people who do not wish to be called a non man or a non woman (especially multigendered people)
[ID: a 5 striped flag that consists of the colors #320A00, #8B2000, #FFFFFF, #8B2000 and #320A00. End ID.]
[ID: a 5 striped flag that consists of the colors #003921, #017340, #FFFFFF, #017340 and #003921. End ID.]
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 2 years
Every time you people send me the word non-men in my inbox another hostage dies btw
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island-76 · 4 months
Here's your reminder that AFAB doesn't mean that person has breasts and a vagina. That AMAB doesn't mean that person has a flat chest and a dick.
Don't let AMAB and AFAB become the progressive binary
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genderqueerdykes · 1 month
if you are a trans boy, especially a teenage trans boy, i wanted to say that as a trans man in their 30's, you have my deepest respects and condolences for what you may be going through right now.
it has become socially acceptable and basically online custom to bully teenage trans boys & mascs, call them cringy, or excuse misgendering them for whatever reason. people put trans boys on this pedestal of "must perform masculinity and manhood to cartoonish degrees" even though they're still children.
people make trans boys fight for their manhood before they can even be boys. i am sorry people can be so judgmental and harsh on you. you are not wrong for wanting to be a boy. you are experiencing something wonderful. it's okay if you still want to be a boy even if people have treated you poorly, or tried to make you feel bad for being a boy. there is nothing wrong with being a boy.
it's okay if you never socially transition. it's okay if you're afraid to come out because it's not safe. it's okay if you never change your outward appearance. it's okay if you try very hard to pass but struggle to. it's okay if you wear "women's" clothing and shoes, bras, makeup, etc., it's okay if you're gay and love other men. it's okay if you're scared of hrt. it's okay if you don't want surgery. it's okay if you mainly occupy girl's spaces still. people will find every reason to pick these things apart and ridicule trans boys for, but they are all perfectly fine experiences that do not make you any less of a boy. you are the one who is in control of your transition, presentation, and state of being- you should be able to prioritize your safety over the comfort of random strangers who have no impact over how you live your life.
i've been put through this too, but later in life as i came out when i was an adult. people still try to make me feel bad for identifying as a trans man, for whatever reason they have in their head to justify hatred of a trans person. i've had enough. there will never be an excuse for how people try to excuse the infantilization and abuse that trans men and trans boys face.
take care of yourselves, no matter what age you are, if you are a trans boy, man, or masc you deserve to know that other trans men care about you, especially when people are scrambling to find ways to punch down on you. there are people who suck, but there are also a lot of people who care about you. keep your chin up. you know who you are
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pixelmain · 3 months
OH MY GOSH was playing monopoly GO (it’s like monopoly but it gos) and I saw the event for women’s history month and had a short circuit in my brain because the women’s suffrage flag is one color off from being the nonbinary flag I was like??? Acknowledgment??? Nope lmao
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alienbycomics · 9 months
A comic collab I made with my non-binary transmasc friend LM about our experiences feeling at home in our bodies 🪷
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Check out more from my amazingly talented friend LM on Instagram:
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sandra-6s-blog · 2 months
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dayangaytransman · 28 days
Transphobe: Pronouns are useless, blah blah blah.
Me: Of course they are! Mother fucker! I speak Persian!
We only have one pronoun, “او,” which you can pronounce like the “oo” in “moon.” That means I use “they/them” for your transphobic ass all the time!
Additionally, we can use “این,” pronounce like the "in" In Berlin. which means “it,” if you are nearby.
We can even omit the pronoun completely. For example, we can say “رفت,” which means someone left, and as you can see, it’s just one word.
We can write poems, and no one knows the gender of our lovers. I don’t know about you, but I think it’s pretty neat.
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poll-boy · 9 days
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! If anyone has any pride related polls please submit them!! i want to do a bunch for pride month :)
any poll submission at all is appreciated though! so if you want to do something non pride related please do!
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faineant-girl · 6 months
ohhhh bisexual man save me........ bisexual man............
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some good news!! the spanish state's ministry of equality has finally passed one of the most progressive trans laws on the planet, shielded free and universal access to abortion and banned conversion therapy and genital surgery for intersex babies, among a lot of other feminist policies. the minister of equality irene montero gave a speech thanking spain's lgtb and trans associations for helping her draft these legislations. couldn't be more proud!!
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unipacas · 1 year
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no time to make proper art so take these low quality memes 🥴
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drizzledrawings · 5 months
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They are my best friends
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genderqueerdykes · 4 months
interesting observation i've made: i'm a genderqueer intersex trans person who's been on T for 9 years. i wear a lot of elaborate makeup and dress in "women's" clothing most of the time. my body is very masculine and i don't hide my "masc" features like my facial and body hair when i go out, i don't try to pass as any given binary gender, i did in the past and it made me miserable, so i just go about my life as the genderqueer person that i am
whenever i'm outside in a skirt or dress and my beard and body hair are fully visible, i do get a lot of compliments from fem people and women, but i actually get a very large portion of my comments from masc people and men. i originally thought that men would be the most hesitant, but i actually get a lot of men who approach me saying things like "i really dig what you're doing" or "keep that up" or even things like "you dress like how i feel on the inside." that one really stuck with me.
if this many men and mascs are willing to approach me- how many more feel the same way and were too shy or scared to say it out loud for fear of judgment from those who may overhear?
we societally groom men and AMAB people to believe they don't want to wear dresses, skirts, and makeup- but they do. whether or not these people were all transfem eggs or gay is not for me to speculate on; what i want people to take away from this is that people of all gender identities want to wear dresses, skirts, and makeup. people of all gender identities want to dress in different ways. we teach each other that women only wear certain clothes and men only wear certain other clothes, but that's just not the reality of it.
people are way more nuanced than that, and i've seen it with my own two eyes. it's beautiful. the world is a lot more open minded than we're taught to believe. we need to start letting everyone dress as they please. it's clear that most people don't fit into this rigid binary we've created. humanity is just too diverse for that.
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miilkybnn · 7 months
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y’all know that one audition tape Neil did? Yeah, so anyways make it Soap
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pedro-pascal · 5 months
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EDWARD CULLEN + red flags 🚩
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