#okay to bed with me. i've lost my mind enough tonight
tarydarrington · 4 months
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"I'll take his hand and try to pull him inside with me."
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luveline · 1 year
Hi Jade! I’ve been on my criminal minds rerun and it made me come up with this Spencer request if you’re taking them right now! Something along the lines of the reader and Spencer being together and she becomes pregnant but he pieces it together before she does!
tysm for requesting! hope this is ok♡ 1k
cw fem!reader has a positive attitude towards her pregnancy. vaguely adult theme
"I really don't think I can go," you say, flopping down on the bed. 
Spencer laughs and shakes out the shirt in his hands, hoping the creases from the dryer will iron themselves before dinner tonight. "You always say that."
"I really mean it this time. I miss Hotch, I do, and I'm glad he's out of WITSEC, but thinking about the restaurant is making me queasy." 
"Really? I looked it up, it's a nice place. They have their Grade A, it should be spotless in there. I'm pretty sure they almost got a Michelin star." 
You groan, turning onto your side. "I looked too. The entire menu is seafood," you whine. 
"What's wrong with that?" Spencer asks, giving you a quizzical look. 
"The smell." You rub your nose against his pillow and sigh. "I don't feel good. Didn't rough me up in my sleep, did you?" 
"I would never do that," he says, putting the last of the laundry aside to sit by your hip. His hand rests naturally against the slight curve of your side, fingertips pushing the hem of your shirt up enough to steal a glance at your back. 
He wouldn't say this aloud and it doesn't matter, but you've gained a little weight recently. Actually, it does matter in that he thinks it's adorable, but he knows that telling your partner they've gained weight is a faux pas. He likes it, anyhow. It's happy weight. 
Things are so serious now but they don't feel serious. There's no solemness in your relationship, just comfort. He's putting on weight in tandem. 
"You really don't want to go?" Spencer asks. The earlier he lets Hotch know the better. 
You wrap an arm around your stomach. "Sorry, Spence. I'm so sorry, I've felt sick all day and I think it'll just be a repeat of yesterday morning." You puked before breakfast, the smell of eggs too much to bear.
Spencer feels it click into place then and there. The weight, the puking, your changing taste. Your sore chest and lower back, your sensitivity. 
He pushes you gently, a hand on your hip to encourage you down. Careful, he lays down next to you, propping his head on the pillow as he brings hand up to hold you. He can't know for sure… but if you're pregnant as he suspects, it fits. And more than that, it's insane. He doesn't know how to handle this besides wrapping you up in his arms. He'll keep you forever, if he can. 
"Don't be sorry," he says, his voice faraway. You relax completely in his arms, sliding your leg over his to lock him in. "Does your back still hurt?" 
"My chest, Spence," you lament, "it feels like I'm winded. I think I'm coming down with something. Maybe you shouldn't be near me." 
"In that case, I'm staying right here." 
You laugh softly, the warmth of it a circle on his shoulder. "I can call Hotch myself and say sorry. I'll feel better in a few days, and we'll reschedule, and I'll pay even if he tries to." 
Spencer draws a line up your back. Now or never. 
He steels his nerves, the beginning of a hypothesis hesitating on his tongue. Your symptoms in addition to your irregular period and your regular sex lives points toward pregnancy. How does he say that? How should he say it? Should he even bring it up? Perhaps he should wait until you discover it yourself. And you aren't definitely pregnant, it's just a possibility. Maybe you're simply sick—
"Hey, earth to handsome," you whisper, cupping his cheek in your soft palm. You smile as he snaps out of his thoughts. "Hey. I lost you for a few seconds, where'd you go?" 
"Nowhere. I'm here." 
Your smile gets impossibly fond. It's not dissimilar to how you usually look at him. "Are you okay?" 
"Fine. I love you." 
"I love you," you say. 
There's something about you now, this gaussian blur to you. Sunlight seeps in lazily through the blinds thick as honey, a golden kiss to your skin where you lay face to face with him, and your I love you makes him want to cry. This is all ridiculous and amazing and he doesn't know what to do, doesn't know how to make his mouth move into the right words. 
"What is it?" you ask. You know him better than anyone. 
"I think you're pregnant." Spencer winces, though he can't beat his smile into submission. "I mean. You could be pregnant." 
"Why do you think that?" you ask, visibly startled. 
"Your sensitivity to strong smells, your soreness, your late period, to name the more obvious. That's not factoring in your worsening low iron lately, and your headaches." You make a strange sound he doesn't like. "What?" he asks worriedly.  
"I'm late," you say into yourself, looking past him as you puzzle it over. 
"It's a good thing, if you are. I mean, it's an amazing thing if you want it to be. I'm saying everything wrong. It's only amazing if you want it to be, I want it to be. But I'm on your side no matter what." He grimaces into his hands, rubbing his face with both palms. 
You sit as he panics. He clicks his neck looking up, racing to follow you, alarmed as you shimmy down the bed toward the ensuite bathroom. 
"What are you–" 
"I'm gonna take a test." 
"Wait a second." Spencer catches your hands before you can get too far, pulling you back to the end of the bed to sit down. "Wait. Is it– is it bad? If you are?" 
You look down at your stomach briefly. Anyone else might miss it, but Spencer can't not follow your behaviour, and the way you're acting now makes him think he got it wrong. That you won't be happy. 
You grab Spencer's hand. "You know, it's not funny. All our friends are gonna ask how I found out, and I'm gonna have to admit that you noticed it first." Your eyes track up his face almost shyly, and soon your smile is as blistering as his. 
Spencer bends under your weight as you jump up, throwing your arms behind his neck, your lips smashed to his ear. "I love you," you whisper urgently, "so much. This is good, right? This is really good." 
"Are you kidding?" he asks incredulously. 
Spencer takes your face into two hands and kisses you as hard as he ever has. He realises a second in that he'd much rather be squeezing you, caging you into the circle of his arms unrepentant. 
"We have a really good excuse to miss dinner," Spencer says.
He sounds close to tears. You're worse, laughing wetly as you pull him into the bathroom to take your test. 
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telvess · 11 months
RoR: Morning with them (Hermes, Hades, Qin) 🔞
I've finally defeated my writer's block, at least a bit. And I swear I wanted to write something fluffy. Then why - for the Helheim sake - I ended up writing NSFW context again…?
You were wakened by a morning sunlight. You opened your eyes and immediately regretted it, covering your head with the pillow to find relief in the partial darkness. The empty space next to you - where your hand expected to find Hermes - alarmed you, so you forced yourself to peek again. The feeling of disappointment woke you up completely. — Why are you leaving so early? — you mumbled, seeing him getting ready in front of the mirror. He was putting on a shirt, so for the last seconds you could see his naked back, which you had kissed many times last night. — Duty calls. — You’re god, you know? — you jumped out of the bed and hugged him from behind — You have the right to take the day off! Even as you interfered, Hermes buttoned his dress shirt. — I’m afraid the gods don’t have that privilege. — Really? — you sighed into his back — Even we, humans, figured that out! You saw his reflection in the mirror smiling at you. After the shirt, the time had come for a tie. — Let me — you offered help. Without a word, Hermes handed you the tie, and as you placed it around his neck, you felt his eyes on you. Since you were standing naked in front of him, your cheeks suddenly felt warm, and the situation didn't get any better as you remembered what happened last night. — Is everything okay? — Yes — you replied, however you didn’t have enough courage to look up. Otherwise, you would have notice Hermes’ mischievous expression, because - as always - he knew exactly what was going on in your mind. As you were tying a tie, Hermes’ hands appeared on your waist. He was already wearing white gloves and was now caressing your skin with the soft fabric. As his touch was leaving burning trace on your bare skin, your sensitive body slowly began to wake up. Hermes moved his hands to your back, where he raised them along your spine to reach your shoulders, neck and finally your jawline. You bit your lower lip and without second thought, you let your hands slide over Hermes’ collar to touch his neck with trembling fingers. — Patient, silly goose — his calm voice brought you back to reality — Tonight you gonna untie that tie as well. Your eyes met his. Hermes seemed amused by your confusion, but beside that you didn’t notice any sign of lying. — Will you leave that early the next morning too? — you asked. Then, to your surprise, Hermes just leaned towards you. Your lips moved instinctively as he approached closer to yours, meeting in a deep, promising kiss. Every time Hermes and you shared an intimacy moment, you slowly lost yourself in his firm hug and skilled tongue, but over time you started to realize that he was the one who was overcome with passion much more than one would expect. As if his perfect, unshakable image had loosened slightly, as if Hermes had finally forgotten himself in the endless years of tasks assigned by Zeus. Then again, something - perhaps his divine control or just aversion to being late - forced him to stop. Hermes was the first to regain absolute control over himself. The only things that gave him away was his rapid breathing and the messy hair you gave him, which was also taken care of very quickly. — Yes — he answered, calmly. It took you a moment to remember what you had asked him, and once you did, a groan of disappointed escaped your lips — However, tomorrow we will wake up much earlier. You smiled at the hidden promise in his words. Hermes checked himself in the mirror one last time before touching your jaw again and forcing you to look into his eyes. — That’s a good knot. Thank you.
You were lying partially on Hades’ chest and were leaving a trails of small kisses on his exposed skin. Some time ago, a faint light started to seep through the curtains, but you were already awake. Watching Hades sleep was something you never expected to do and you really hoped now that it wasn't a dream. As you left another kiss, you saw how Hades’ head moved slightly. — Oh? — he looked so adorable: sleepy eyes, messy hair and a very lazy smile. You felt so lucky that you had witnessed this side of the king of the Underworld. — Good morning — you smiled back. — Morning, my queen — Hades ran his fingers through his hair, making them even more dishevelled. — Did you sleep well? — you asked, trying really hard to hide your laugh. — Yes, but it doesn't compare to the awakening. Hearing this made you want to kiss him again, but now your fingers also explored his skin, following a track of his sculpted muscles. — Well… I didn’t mean to wake you up… — you kissed him again — It’s just… — and again, — … you teased me. — Oh, really? — Hades grabbed you with his large arms and rolled over with you, so that you were now underneath him. You laughed at the sudden change. For a moment he just looked at you without any particular expression, and then he leaned towards your neck, where he placed a very gentle kiss. His warm breath on your skin, especially on that sensitive spot he found out about last night, made you moan. Hades lifted his head just for a moment to show you his triumphant smile before returning to leave more kisses just below your ear. — You are… aah-h… so… You couldn’t control your body anymore, but was that a reason to be angry? Because you felt so good right now as Hades continued his journey down your chest to your breasts. You ignored weak resistance of your pride and closed your eyes, enjoying the moment. Hades’ lips around your nipples sent shivers your lower parts and as he licked and sucked on them, more moans escaped your lips. You grabbed his hair and arched your back in a fit of passion. — Now, now, who’s the teaser here… — you heard his quiet, deep voice. — Hades… His lips were replaced by his hands now, which slowly massaged your breasts, and Hades' fingers poked your nipples from time to time. — Just look at you — he said slowly — Very naked and very… mine. You couldn’t help but smiled. You opened eyes just to find him watching you. He reached for your head to brushed your hair behind your ear. — I didn’t know you’re such tamer. Hades laughed, his finger was curling your strand of hair. — I didn’t know that either. Looks like you drew it out of me. — Oh, so now it’s my fault? — Well… — he pinched your cheek — What can I say, that’s your charm, dear. You giggled. — Woah, quality save. Hades leaned towards your lips, but stopped an inch before he reached them. — You know, y/n… — he whispered — I'm not a morning person, but you're on your way to changing that. — You seem to have a lot of energy, my king. — And even more ideas on how to use it. Hades wasn’t lying, he had plenty of them.
Qin Shi Huang
You were a light sleeper, so when Qin sat at the edge of the bed, your eyes immediately opened. — Don’t go! — you muttered, and in a sudden burst of desperation, you clutched to Qin’s back and wrapped your arms and legs around his waist like little child. — I’m expected to, my sweet lady — said Qin, but his tone indicated he was open to conviction. — Yesterday you said that you expected your empress to speak loudly about her needs! — you remained — And today I expect you to stay and entertain me! You left a few kisses on his centipede tattoo that ran down his back and smiled in satisfaction as you felt Qin’s body tremble. You pretended to shudder with the cold. — Ugh! I’m so cold! Qin froze for a moment, the sculpted muscles on his back flexed and then before you could blink, he turned around and gently pushed you onto your back. — Cold? — said Qin, outraged — In the presence of the emperor? Unforgivable! Then he lay down close by and he whispered with a smile: — I will handle this matter myself. You giggled as he covered both of you with the duvet, and then pulled you into his chest. He held you tightly in embrace, with his face buried in your hair you felt his warm breath on your neck. — You smell nice — his words made you blush. You started massaging Qin’s muscular arm, feeling his bare skin with your fingers and listening to his slow breathing made your body completely relaxed, to the point where you had to fight with yourself to not fall asleep again. — Qin… — you mumbled. — Yes? — I’m sleepy… — That’s good to hear. You frowned but didn’t open your eyes. — No! I don’t want to sleep again because… because I hate waking up alone! You felt his grip tighten, and then his lips whispered next to your ear: — I’m never too far away. You opened you mouth and closed it almost immediately, feeling ashamed of yourself. — Well… You’re right — you said and sat straight— You have your responsibilities. You should go. — Oh? — you couldn’t help but smile at his disappointed reaction — The duties are where I am! Your attempt of withhold a laugh was mediocre, and soon the huge bedroom you shared was filled with loud laugher from both of you. Qin grabbed your arm and forced you to lie down next to him. — Here I thought I'd rest a little longer… — he sighed. — Oh, so you tried to use me as an excuse then! Qin presented you his false smile that he usually gives to unwanted advisors, and you stuck your tongue out at him in the response, then grabbed his cheek and moved his head towards you, so you could place a kiss on his lips. His hand appeared on your back almost immediately and the other one hid itself in you hair, pulling you closer to his warm body. — It seems you have a new reason to stay — you said once you stopped kissing and looked at the bulge in his pants. — Yes, and it requires an immediate solution. Qin touched your jaw and turned your face towards him. You could drown in his pure, innocence eyes, even now, when he had such dirty thoughts. You giggled, feeling sudden surge of shyness. Qin smacked his lips. — You shouldn’t make emperor wait.
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tobecatherine · 8 months
Nightmare Comfort
Part 2
Okay ya'll, it's been a very long time since I've found a character that has made me want to write like this. Once I got to romancing Gale in the second act I was hooked. I've read so many good stories lately that I decided last night to write and see what comes out. Please keep in mind I am still only in act 2 of the game so I don't know the ending. So some details may not be accurate.
I will warn you, it's a little depressing to start but apparently it's something my brain needed to get out. I would probably label this as sad, mixed with fluff and if enough people want me to continue, there could be a spicy second part.
To set the scene, picture this: It's been a few months since you returned to Waterdeep with Gale after the end of your travels. Ever since slowing down your mind has been racked with guilt, feeling like you don't deserve comfort you start to push Gale away.
Please be kind:
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First person
Word Count: 2332
Nightmares had, in some way, always had a hold on you. But once returning to Waterdeep with Gale, they seemed to have gotten worse. It started with small, repeated dreams of the battles you fought together that pushed you to do things that normally would have been out of character for you. Haunted by lives you couldn’t save, the people you had failed. They would slip into your dreams every few weeks, reminding you of where you had been. It didn’t matter how many you did save, in your mind, only the ones you failed mattered deep down.
When you would wake, for just a moment, you would think you were back there, in the heat of battle. But as your body regained its senses and you’d open your eyes, you’d see Gale’s slumbering face, listening to his soft breathing. Just having him so close would bring you back to reality. It made you glad that you didn’t move much in your sleep. The shame you felt over this, you couldn’t tell him. You knew he’d listen but you also knew he would want to fix it but in your own way, you felt like this is what you deserved. So you let the dead haunt your dreams, doing your best to hide your growing exhaustion.
As the nightmares became more frequent, it felt almost like it was becoming a ritual to wake up and just take in Gale’s sleeping face. You would spend hours just gazing and scanning every wrinkle, dimple, freckle and scar he had. The thought crossed your mind that if you did this long enough you could memorize the slope of his nose and the curve of his cupid's bow and maybe, just maybe, the picture perfect image of him in your mind could chase away the bad dreams. 
Tonight's nightmare was especially bad. You stood there, the day you thought you had lost Gale forever. The moments replaying in your mind as you watched him die, shedding tears over his body because you weren’t sure he could be brought back. While your party had found a way to revive the love of your life, the feelings of mourning were still all too real. When you awoke, you felt tears on your face and when you opened your eyes the comfort you sought wasn’t there.
Panic arose in your chest as you sat up quickly to see where he could be. Your eyes scanned the room, coming upon the open doors that lead to the balcony. There, in the pale moonlight, you could see Gale standing shirtless, leaning slightly against the door frame, his back to you as he gazed upon the stars. While you couldn’t see his face, his body language and the energy you felt from him, you could tell something was wrong.
Quietly you removed the blanket that covered you on the bed you shared. The air was warm on this night so you had gone to sleep with nothing on other than one of Gale’s tunics. Slowly you raised yourself off the bed, walking slowly up behind the tall striking man in front of you. As you reached him you wrapped your arms around his waist, your hands gently placed on his belly, leaning forward just enough to rest your forehead against his back. In automatic fashion Gale’s big hands rested over yours as a long sigh left his lungs.
You could feel the guilt in your throat coming up like bile, wanting nothing more than to tell him everything you had been feeling but you still couldn’t bear drowning him in your issues. You need to be strong, perfect, beautiful, all the things he tells you you are every day. If you couldn’t do that then you failed him too. So instead you pressed close into his back, tightening your arms around him, worried that at any minute he could just drift away into a cloud of smoke.
“Were you ever going to tell me?” He asked, ever so softly. So softly that you almost missed it but you had felt that familiar rumble from his chest as he spoke.
“You knew?” You asked. A lump in your throat forming as you try not to speak louder than a whisper. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I wanted you to come to me… I… I knew something was wrong but I could tell that you wanted to handle it yourself so I didn’t push. You are beautiful beyond comparison but you are also stubborn and bullheaded. But the longer this has gone on My Love, your nightmares aren’t as silent as you think they are. It breaks my heart to see you struggling like this and I can’t just sit back and wait anymore,” He said, turning around to face you, still holding your hands. “I’m starting to think you don’t trust me.”
Gently he raises each of your hands to his lips, leaving small kisses along your knuckles before placing each one so you're holding him around his neck.. The hair on his face tickling your skin almost made you smile but you found yourself still looking at the floor, your heart at your feet. With another sigh, Gale laid one hand against your waist, keeping you close to him. The other carefully raises your head by the chin to look at him. Gale’s eyes look longingly into yours as his hand cups your cheek. 
For a moment you relax, tilting your face into his palm, feeling your body relax for just a moment. The heat from his hand felt comforting against your skin. 
“I’m sorry, none of this is your fault. You have done so much for me. I didn’t want to add another burden to your plate.” you say, lip quivering. “I must look pathetic… I am pathetic.” 
You watch as Gale’s brows furrow and the corners of his mouth point downward. His thumb brushes against your bottom lip to calm its quiver. His eyes search yours for understanding, recognition. “Where is the strong brave Druid that I fell in love with on the road?”
You can feel your gut clench, you didn’t have an answer, he was right, this wasn’t you. “I’m afraid I lost her,” You replied, your fingers twisting curls with the hair on the back of his neck. You were sure Gale was going to end this, ask you to leave because you weren’t the girl he fell in love with anymore. Tears flowed freely down your cheeks now. It felt like a dam had burst behind your eyes.
At the sight of this, Gale wrapped both arms around you, with one smooth motion he lifted you into his arms, carrying you back to bed. You were sure he would just lay you there and walk away but instead he sat on the bed, resting you carefully on his lap, cradling you in his arms.
“Every day you tell me how you love me, you reassure me about the choices we’ve made. Why won’t you let me do the same for you?” He asked softly. “You can’t keep bottling up all these feelings. I  don’t understand why you insist on suffering in silence but if that’s what you need then…. I want you to cry for as long as you need to and I will hold you for as long as you need me to.”
With his words, suddenly a flood of emotion burst forth. Pressed against his chest you let yourself sob, groan, and scream. Muffling yourself against his skin, you let out the rage and anxiety that pent up for the last few weeks. He was right, you shouldn’t have bottled this up, the heat in your chest made you feel like you were in the throat of a dragon.
It took a few minutes but you soon realized Gale was whispering in your ear. Straining your ears to hear the soft words he spoke. Between your sobs and frustration, you could hear him say, “I love you.” “my heart has never ached more for anyone than it does for you.” “I will be here for you always, you just have to let me in.”
For the first time you could admit the truth. “I’m scared,” You said, finally regaining control of your breathing.
“What are you scared of, my sweet?” Gale asked, now rocking the two of you back and forth.
“Of everything.” You said, taking deep long breaths now as you come down from the all too embarrassing tear filled journey you just took in Gales arms. Moving ever so slightly you rest your head on his shoulder, wishing your nose wasn’t now stuffy so you could breathe in his scent.
Softly you let your lips kiss the soft skin of his neck, admitting to yourself that this really had gone for too long. So, you started to let it all go.. There in Gale’s arms you tell him your whole story. You admit that before the whole venture started you had been alone for quite some time. It has made you view sharing things with others a burden because who could you trust when you were mostly alone. You spoke about those you failed and how they haunt your dreams but the biggest fear of all, was the fear of waking up and realizing Gale had only been a dream the whole time.
At the mention of himself, Gale chuckled. “You aren’t going to lose me. The road we traveled was a rough one, and even with everything I know, I would trade all the stars in the sky, all the air in my lungs, even all my books just to spend every last moment I live with you.”
Your eyebrows raise as he mentions his book collection. “You’re really serious,” you said, lifting your head to look at him with surprise. You search his face for anything other than the serious look he now wore.
“I don’t joke about my book collection sweetheart,” he said, gently placing a kiss on your forehead.
“I don’t deserve you, I feel like all I’ve done is trick you.”
This time Gale placed his lips against yours. Slow and soft, his hand moving to rest on the back of your head, his fingers running through your hair. You’ve known Gale was one who showed his love more than he spoke about it, but he was good at both nonetheless. You could feel the pure emotion he put forth in his kiss. He took his time kissing each section of your face, wanting you to feel as loved and precious as he viewed you. When his lips found yours again it was like your heart was suddenly being filled with more love for this wizard than you ever thought possible.
Once your lungs ached for air you finally pulled away from his lips. Gathering your composer you finally explained the rest of your insecurities, you finally explained your fear of losing him and how it felt to feel your heart break into a million tiny pieces from the uncertainties of his survival that day.
“Every day I get with you feels like a dream… and when I sleep… the nightmares are my reality. Everything has just felt too good to be true. I’m sorry Gale… I know this side of me isn’t what you signed up for,” you tell him, your eyes meeting his.
Gale leaned forward, kissing your forehead for a long moment before pulling back and resting his own against yours so you could share each other's breath. “My love, when I asked you to marry me, I meant it. There is no one in this world or in the heavens that I have loved so fully and who has made me feel like just being me is good enough. I want to stay beside you, no matter what life brings. Be that nightmares, blissful dreams, fights, love making, every moment I get to spend with you makes me feel like the luckiest man alive.”
“I have never loved someone the way I love you,” you say in return. “That’s why it scares me so much. Now that all of that is behind us, it’s like my mind won’t just let me be. We’ve been through so much, we’ve shared so much. What if I ruin this?”
“I won’t let you,” he said simply. “I will just have to remind you how loved and cherished you are.” With that Gale tilted his head and caught your lips in another kiss. Gentle and sweet. You could feel love move through him, making your heart skip. “I have an idea that might help… maybe not right away but with time I think we can change the way your mind has tried to trick you.”
“I’d do just about anything to make this end and get to just live… here with you,” You say softly.
Sitting up straighter Gale smiled down at you in his arms. “Good, I love you… we’ll do this in two parts. First, every morning, I want you to tell me five things that make you happy. It doesn’t matter what they are or why they make you happy. You just need to remind yourself that there are plenty of things that bring you joy. Then second, I want you to tell me something we could do together that would make you feel better.”
Your cheeks flush from the first thought that crossed your mind when he said this. A small smile creeping onto your lips as your teeth start to lightly chew on your bottom lip. “Like making love under the stars like we used to?” You mumbled. Sex felt like it should be the farthest thing from your mind, but the stolen nights the two of you shared on the road were some of the most comforting and happy moments you remember having in your whole life. 
With a smirk and a chuckle Gale nodded. “That my love, I can provide.”
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 months
Insecure Eddie that thinks he’s not good enough for you and it comes out like a jealous boyfriend.
It comes to a head when he gets mean and he has to apologize to you before it’s too late.
Request by @mugloversonly ❤️
Angst with a happy ending
It's not like he meant to be so mean. Eddie loved you with all of his heart yet there was this gnawing feeling inside of him at times, the feeling like he wasn't good enough for you.
Things had come to a head earlier in the night, it was at a party that Eddie was reluctant to attend but he had to do a few deals, make some money.
Dean was all over you from the go, not that you noticed that and didn't seem to realise he wanted you.
Unfortunately, it made the fears that Eddie had run wild in his head and he worried that someday you would realise that too.
Once the two of you left the party Eddie was moody and irritable, he shouldn't have taken his mood out on you and he felt like a douchebag.
"Eddie love, what's wrong?" you gently take his hand and he pulls it away, his head full of stupid thoughts, he knew they were stupid but it didn't stop him thinking them.
"What's wrong? I just watched my girl being flirted with by that idiot Dean and you didn't even notice, or maybe you did. Maybe you just want to find a way to get rid of the freak" he hears you gasp and immediately regrets being so mean but he doesn't know what to do to fix things.
"You really think I'd do that? You know how much I Iove you Eddie" you whisper this through tears.
You're quiet all the way through the ride and when he drops you off at home you don't even utter a word to him.
All night he lay in his bed, his stomach full of dread.
Why did he have to act like a dick, he had snapped at you and would barely speak to you before hand. What if he lost you for being so foolish?
He tosses and turns all night, his mind set on making things up to you. Somehow.
Unless he was far too late.
You look like you don't want to be here and Eddie can't blame you. He has begged you to come over and thankfully you did.
It took some time on the phone for you to even speak to him, you're voice was thick and wobbly, he knew you must have been crying most of the night and felt wretched that he had upset his princess.
"I'm sorry sweetheart" his voice breaks when your lip wobbles and you avoid his eyes, he approaches you and gently asks you to look at him so he can never for your forgiveness.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry princess. I got lost in my head. I've always felt like I'm not good enough for you and then I saw dean flirting with you and I just snapped. It's not an excuse. I was an idiot and I'm sorry" You soften a bit.
"Oh, Eddie. I love you, I love you so much. You're so good to me. You're amazing and I adore you"
Eddie holds you close and kisses you tenderly. Apologising again for being such a dick. He could have lost you tonight and he never ever wants that to happen.
"You are incredible and I never want you to feel like you don't deserve me. That's bullshit okay? You deserve love Eddie Munson and I'm going to make sure you believe that" You kiss him sweetly and he holds you close, feels his anxieties melt away for a little while.
Whatever came next you and Eddie would get through it together by talking it out. He would never make the mistake of almost losing you again.
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bisexuallsokka · 6 months
25 from the prompt list!! :)
25. a kiss as a 'yes'
Zuko can't keep his eyes off Sokka.
This is nothing new, of course. At this point in their years of marriage, preceded by years of friendship that turned into years of dating, Zuko is sure he has spent hours of his life staring at Sokka.
This, though...this is different.
He watched Sokka's brilliant smile all night as he played and talked with his niece and nephews for hours. He saw Sokka running around with them, playing tag and hide and go seek and half a dozen games the kids had invented until Sokka needed to rest his knee and found himself with a lap full of three young kids mere moments after sitting down. Zuko smiled fondly as Sokka read the three of them books until all four of them were on the verge of falling asleep. Zuko saw every hug and forehead kiss he gave the kids as they said their goodbyes, saw Sokka's eyes getting misty at their protest of his leaving, saw the content smile on his face as he drove.
Once they are home and getting ready for bed, Sokka catches him looking a few times until he grins and teases, "Is there something on my face?"
Zuko smiles. "No. I just...I love how much you love those kids. I love them too, of course, but you are crazy about them. It's cute."
"Yeah, well, I can't help it that they are so cute."
"They're getting so big," Zuko says. "Do you ever...miss when they were smaller?"
Sokka shrugs. "I thought I would, but I love seeing their personalities emerge as they grow. It's so funny seeing them act just like Aang or Katara."
"Don't you miss their newborn snuggles though?" Zuko asks.
Sokka eyes him suspiciously. "Obviously. I'm not a monster. Wait, did you-" he starts, eyes lighting up for a moment before he calms down. "Never mind. No way is Katara pregnant, she's told me she's done having kids." He still gives Zuko a side eye, and Zuko laughs.
"She's not pregnant, no. We were talking about something else all night."
"Okay," Sokka says, giving him his full attention, now definitely on Zuko's case. "It has to do with babies?"
Zuko nods, trying his hardest to not betray his nervousness. He's not nervous about what he's trying to ask Sokka, he knows he wants it, but he also knows how badly Sokka wants it, so Zuko wants this moment to be special. Sokka, looking confused, just waits for Zuko to elaborate, and Zuko swallows. "Well, I've been talking with Azula-"
"She is pregnant?" Sokka says, eyebrows shooting up, and Zuko can't help but laugh at the bewildered expression on his face.
"No, definitely not," he says quickly. "She just-- well, you see, she's been...she's a lawyer, yeah? And not the kind that we...but she has connections...she has some good recommendations..."
Sokka looks completely lost, so Zuko stops, takes a deep breath, and says, "She gave me a list of good family lawyers. Ones that have experience with adoption cases."
At first, he thinks Sokka hadn't heard him, he's more still than Zuko has ever seen him in his life. But then, his eyes widen, barely enough for Zuko to notice. Zuko doesn't think he's even breathing.
"This is something that we have talked about but we always dropped it, leaving it for some future discussion because we were busy or low on money or distracted by one thing or another. I know how badly you want kids, and I was nervous about it at first, but now I know how badly I want to have kids with you, and it's been all I can think about the last few times we have been at Katara's, and I swear she read my mind because she started talking about it tonight and everything just feels right, so if you are ready, if you think it's a good time-"
He doesn't get to finish his rambling. Sokka shoots across the room, his hands gently cradling Zuko's face as he looks into his husband's eyes. Sokka's own eyes are wide and excited and so damn beautiful, and he says, "You're serious?"
"More serious than I've ever been ab--hmmph!"
He's taken by surprise as Sokka interrupts him again, this time with a kiss so fierce it honestly kind of hurts. Zuko smiles into it nonetheless, his arms reaching for Sokka's waist to pull him closer.
Sokka's lips widen into a smile as well, and when they pull back, Zuko asks, "So is that a yes?"
"Of course it's a yes, you dumbass," Sokka says, going for exasperated but failing as his tears are overflowing and Zuko reaches a hand up to wipe them away, not registering his own tears until Sokka does the same for him.
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shock to your system [H.Steinfeld]
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pairing: hailee steinfeld x reader
summary: your move to new york isn't as panic-free as you would have hoped but thankfully, your girlfriend knows just what to do to help.
warnings: panic attack + general mentions/descriptions of anxiety; hailee being the sweetest person in the world even in stressful situations; cute cheesy fluff; one day i'll figure out how to write endings, i promise; me dragging new york again, i'm so sorry
wordcount: 1.3k
a/n: title (and inspiration) comes from shock to your system by tegan and sara, i cannot recommend the song enough, holy crap. this request by sent in via pm and it's slightly heavier on the anxiety side than some of my past works. important disclaimer: i've never experienced a panic attack before despite living with major anxiety so hopefully the descriptions aren't totally awful. hope you enjoy <3
* * * * * * *
You should’ve known better than to keep your growing anxiety to yourself. Despite the nagging feeling in the back of your mind, you had dismissed it at first. You were sure it was just the average amount of discomfort that comes with moving to a different city and because of it, you didn't say anything to your girlfriend.
Clearly, that had been a bad idea.
You didn’t know where it stemmed from but it was obvious the move to New York had left you a little more uneasy than you had anticipated. It’s not like you were a stranger to the city but living here is something completely different to visiting every few months. Everything about it is loud and overwhelming and incredibly different from the ocean-blue views of L.A that you’re so used to.
Not only were you dealing with the move, but you were also dealing with Hailee’s absence most days. Hawkeye had been picked up for a season 2, hence your hurried move to New York, and your girlfriend was on set pretty much every hour she was awake. She didn’t technically have the title of executive producer like she did with Dickinson but she certainly behaved like one, choosing to stay on set even when she didn’t have any scenes to film.
In hindsight, the signs were obvious. And yet you managed to ignore them over and over again until you finally snapped.
You had spent most of the week laying in bed and pretending like everything was fine. Hailee was distracted enough that she didn’t question you even when it was obvious you were avoiding things and you made no effort to fill her in on what was going on inside your mind. You didn’t see anything wrong with it…until today when your anxiety got way out of your control.
You don’t even know how it happened. One second you were fine, relaxing on the couch and texting your girlfriend who was on her way back to your apartment, and the next you felt the walls closing in on you. All it had taken to tip you over the edge into an ocean of panic was a genuinely sweet question from Hailee, an offer to go out tonight and explore the city together.
The mere thought of stepping foot outside of the walls of your new home was more than enough to make you spiral.
And spiral you did.
You’re not sure how much time passed, it felt like both an eternity and a second to your overwhelmed mind, but the tightness in your chest slowly increased until you were left gasping for breath.
You’re so lost in trying to remember how to properly breathe that you miss the sound of the door opening until the caring voice you love so much calls out for you. “y/n?”
You open your mouth to say something but all that comes out is a choked sob full of more desperation than sadness. You want to look up at Hailee but you feel frozen in place like all you can do is shake and struggle to get enough air into your lungs.
“Hey, it’s okay,” she says as she crosses the space between you until she’s kneeling in between your legs. “Can you look at me, baby?”
“Can’t- Too much-”
“Shh, I know, I know. Take your time, you’re safe, love.”
Her gentle hands come up to caress your face, her thumbs wiping away the tears you hadn’t even realized had been slipping out of your tired eyes. Her touch helps ground you despite the chaos swirling around your mind, almost as if she’s the only thing keeping you anchored to reality.
She moves slowly but she manages to help you lift your head enough to be able to look into the loving eyes you call home. “There we go. Focus on me, alright? I’m not going anywhere.”
You sort of mumble in agreement although the sound comes out slightly muffled and incoherent. Hailee doesn’t judge your panicked response and instead does her best to comfort you, keeping her eyes trained on your face for any subtle hints that the panic attack may be growing stronger. There’s an underlying sweetness to the moment that not even the demons in your mind can argue against.
You do your best to focus on the sweetness of the moment and the sheer warmth she radiates so effortlessly while you struggle to get your breathing back under control. It’s a slow process filled with Hailee’s whispered words of encouragement and soft caresses but eventually, your shaking subsides and your breath starts coming in somewhat steadier than before.
You feel as if you’ve run a marathon despite having been frozen in place for who knows how long. The relieved smile that spreads along your girlfriend’s face offers more solace than the air that fills your lungs. “Better?”
“Yeah.” Your voice is barely louder than a whisper but at least you can finally talk without hyperventilating. “Thank you.”
“You don’t have to thank me,” she replies with a small shake of her head. “I’m just glad I could help you.”
You reach for her with shaky hands and she instantly understands your silent request. She joins you on the couch, her arm instantly wrapping around your waist and offering you more comfort than she could ever imagine. You shift your body toward her and rest your head against her shoulder while making sure to keep your breaths slow and deep.
A few moments of silence go by before Hailee speaks up, the question she asks breaking your heart a little. “y/n…why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t realize it had gotten so bad.” Your words are laced with both honesty and small traces of guilt. “I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry, baby, I should’ve known.” Her grip on you tightens the slightest bit and it's obvious to you how genuine her concern is. It makes your heart flutter in your chest, the love that flows between you being more than enough to help your leftover discomfort disappear.
“Hailee, you’ve been so busy lately, it’s okay.”
“That’s not an excuse,” she argues. “I made you move here with me and then ditched you every day when I didn’t even need to be on set.”
You hate the way she blames herself but you know it’s only because she cares about you so much. It turns the whole situation into an easy pill to swallow. “Lee, I moved here with you because I wanted to. I love you, and I love New York, it’s just a lot to wrap my head around and that’s not your fault.”
She chuckles but the sound comes out a tad too deflated for your liking. “I’m supposed to be comforting you, not the other way around, love.”
“We can comfort each other. It doesn’t have to be a competition." You tilt your head slightly so you can gaze up at the proud owner of your heart. You pretend not to notice the thin layer of tears in her eyes, not wanting to spend any more time dwelling on the bad.
You're in your girlfriend's arms with nothing but time to spend with each other. And that's what matters to you.
"You...are way too sweet for your own good, you know that?"
She doesn't give you time to argue with her. Instead, she leans down and captures your lips with her own. You practically melt in her arms. After going almost a full day without her, this was heaven on Earth, you were sure of it.
You reluctantly pull away from the kiss, the smile on your face wider and more genuine than it's been all week. "I know you wanted to go out but how about we order pizza and watch a trashy rom-com?"
"You read my mind, baby."
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come-away-with-me87 · 3 months
Modern Hearts Chapter 16
Chapter 15 here
"Call me," he said with a wink, and with that, he was down the stairs and out the door.  You watched him leave, and just as you were about to close your door, you heard the door next to yours open, and out came Shouta in his hero outfit.  "Hey Shouta!  Are you on patrol tonight, too?"  He looked over at you, "I am. Who else is on patrol?"  "Keigo, he just left," you replied with a smile.  "I see," was all he said.  "I'm off, Y/N.  By the way, you have a red feather stuck in your hair," he said as he walked down the stairs.  You put your hands on your head, and sure enough, found a single red feather stuck in it.
You pulled the feather out of your hair, and looked at where Shouta was just walking.  Shouta seemed to be okay with you when Keigo wasn't mentioned.  Maybe it would be a good idea if you didn't talk about your date to him; you'll save that conversation for Nemuri, Mic or Toshinori.  You went back inside your down, locked it behind you, and started getting ready for bed.  You changed out of your sundress, washed your face, brushed your teeth and put your nightgown on since it was a warm night.  You laid down on your bed, and fell asleep nearly as soon as your head hit the pillow.
Sunday went by in a blur, and suddenly, it was your second week of work!  You were excited to start a new workweek; you really loved your job.  You enjoyed the students from all courses at the U.A., and genuinely liked helping them.  You made yourself breakfast and coffee, put on your usual blouse tucked into a pencil skirt, put on some makeup and your low heels, and walked out of your dorm to begin the short descent to the school.
As you walked out of your dorm, you didn't notice any of the other staff members around, so you were walking by yourself to the school that day, which you didn't mind.  You never minded being by yourself; that was the introvert that still lingered in you from childhood.  You began your walk to the school, where you saw Nemuri ahead of you.  "Hey, Nemuri!" you called out to her.  She turned around and smiled, "hey Y/N! How was your weekend?"  You told her all about your date with Keigo on Saturday, right down to the kiss.  "Oooo," Nemuri said, "and all you did was kiss, huh?"
You playfully punched her in the arm and laughed, "yes, Nemuri."  Nemuri looked at you thoughtfully for a moment, "I'm happy for you, Y/N.  I hope everything works out for the best."  You linked your arm with hers, and said, "thanks, I appreciate you."  You two eventually went your separate ways when you made it to the school; Nemuri to the teacher's lounge before classes started, and you right to the library. You opened up the library, and already had a visitor behind you: Izuku Midoriya.  Surprise, surprise, you thought to yourself with a smile.
Izuku ended up getting just the book he was looking for, and you had students trickle in and out of the library all morning looking for all types of different books.  On his break, Toshinori even stopped in at one point to see how your second week was going so far.  "It's pretty great, Toshinori. I love being able to help the students find what they need, and get some knowledge in their heads."  Toshinori smiled over at you, "that's great, young Y/N.  You seem to be fitting in very well here."  Toshinori wished you well, and off he went to teach his next class.
Your morning was so busy, that suddenly, it was lunchtime.  You left your lunch in the staff lounge since it needed to be refrigerated, so you locked the library behind you after the last student left, and made your way to the staff lounge.  Right before you reached the doorway of the lounge, you heard the familiar voices of Shouta and Mic talking.  About you.  You overheard Mic say, "bro, why don't you just ask Y/N on a date already?"  You then heard Shouta say, "I don't know. I've loved her since we were kids. I even loved her when we lost touch; she was always in the back of my mind. But she had a date with Hawks on Saturday; she's not interested in me in that way."  You then heard Mic say, "it was only one date! You never know how she may respond!"
To be continued...
Tag list: @jaguarthecat ; @lili-pond ; @big-denki-energy
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takami-takami · 10 months
thinking about post-war!Keigo where everything remains the same. Except his wings don't grow back. Everything repairs itself, everything changes back gradually to what it was before but his wings remain the same. Don't remain, rather. It's funny how slow he is, still not adjusted to all of this, given the very purpose of his existence lies in his ability to be fast. Doesn't matter that the reason for his speed is non-existent now. He's a hero, right? Heroes don't cry.
Heroes don't sob over their now-gone cause of existence.
Heroes don't just randomly forget they lost their wings one night, too busy staring at their lover's back with lost, blank eyes. Unaware of his woefully blank amber eyes, you lay beside him in his bed, which feels uncomfortably large now. Another form of failure that hurt his eyes if he didn't already have enough tears streaming down his ugly, scarred face silently, every time he had to begrudgingly look at himself in the mirror. Your attempts and pleas at spooning him tonight were hushed by his silent gaze. Please let me be useful, they pleaded. You gave up. Now gathered in his arms, both of you felt safe.
So safe that he forgot his empty back for a second. As instinct would have it, his back muscles flexed to move his wings to wrap around you. Closed amber eyes and a fuzzy head full of comfort hampered his worries and woes. His mind was too far gone in your soft to register the fact that he had been trying to do this for quite some time now. Unsuccessful attempts forced him to come back to reality. Body writhing, his eyes opened suddenly, wide and full of shock. His hands froze. Keigo slowly comprehended his actions. His eyes felt wet. Awoken by his movements, your body shifted in a frenzy as you turned to face him, eyes open but vision foggy from residual sleep. Out of pure instinct, you cupped his tear-stricken face as you tried hard to understand what the fuck was going on, the best your foggy mind could. His posture and expression worsened.
"Kei', honey, you okay? Kei', talk to me. Wh-" He fell to your chest hard. And bawled like a fucking child. Fists gripped the fabric of your shirt as he sobbed and cried, for god knows how long. You held him with equal force and gently rocked his body, despite a slight understanding of his sudden breakdown. To an extent, you were aware it was because of his wings, with the way he clutched your backside and felt it like it was his own. Whispering soft coos and sweet nothings into his hair continued for a while and near screaming and sobbing turned into silent cries. Eventually, he calmed down. Sensing his discomfort and heavy breathing, you combed your hands gently through his blond locks.
"I love you Kei', you know that right?" No response. Just faint nodding. You suppose that would do for now. uhh hey there V! Call me Rakuyou. This is my first time writing something like this. I've always admired people like you who can express their feelings in words so seamlessly and perfectly. I find Hawks' character quite admirable and well-written, and I most definitely don't gush over the boy every fucking moment. And as for this piece, I'd love to know some tips to write him well and some writing tips that you may wanna share. This might be a Wattpad-level fic at best, but I gave my best. Lemme know your thoughts on this one. I love Keigo and your work!
-Love, Rakuyou. (Crawls into a black hole and dies.)
I ... I do not have words for this. This knocked on my heart like it was a door and said "actually nevermind I'm coming in anyway" and smashed it to pieces on the way in.
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Tonight Feels Impossible
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tags: best friends to lovers, fluff, college!wanda, fem!reader, 
summary: you’re falling for you best friend and unbeknownst to you, she’s falling too.
word count: 1,160
a/n: all I gotta say is, I'm a swiftie. (flash backs are in ITALIC)
When you met Wanda, you should’ve known you were going to fall for her. The way her eyes captivated you told you enough.
You unlock your dorm door, trying not to drop the box you have in your hands. The door opens and you set the box down on the floor, all of your things spill out with a loud crash.
“You must be y/n, I’m Wanda”
Your heart stopped. The small smile playing on her lips was taunting you. She was stunning.
“Y-yeah I am” how are you supposed to function with her green eyes staring into yours?
“Do you need help with that?" you look at her, confused.
"With what?" she laughs lightheartedly at your oblivious behavior.
"Your stuff that fell out" you wanted to bang your head against the wall.
"oh right, sorry. uh yeah, that would be amazing"
Your door being opened pulled you out of your thoughts. Wanda walks through the door with a smile.
“Hey, y/n/n” she quickly greets you before walking up to you. You sit up in your bed “movie night tonight?”
“that sounds great, do you want to pick?” she pulls a movie out from her back.
“clueless, I've been dying to watch it again” she sets the movie down on your desk “I have one more class and then we can watch it” she childishly runs out of the room, leaving you laughing.
The movie is almost over and Wanda is enjoying every second of it. You feel guilty because you haven’t been able to take your mind off of the fact that she’s practically laying on you with her arm wrapped around your torso. You can’t understand why you feel differently, you’ve laid like this with her before. What is so different?
You try to shake that thought out of your mind and start actually paying attention to the movie.
“Then suddenly… oh my god! I love josh!” Wanda says along with the movie. She sighs, satisfied “Wanna know my favorite part about falling in love?” She says, so softly that you almost miss it.
“The realization, it’s the most exciting feeling you could possibly get” you mumble a ‘me too’ getting lost in your thoughts again. Could- could you be in love with her? No way, she’s your best friend. Sure, you’ve thought about what it would be like to date her, you’ve thought what it would be like to love her and to kiss her… but that’s normal for friends to think about. The more you think about it, you've never felt this way toward a friend- or anyone in that manner. Oh my gosh. I love Wanda.
You didn’t know how to act around Wanda anymore. You made every interaction awkward and you didn’t know how to stop it.
"Do you wanna go get lunch?" Wanda asks casually.
"Uh sure, yeah" You get up, quickly putting on your shoes. You follow behind her as she walks out of the dorm.
"You've been acting weird lately" sadness peaks out of her tone "I'm always here for you, y'know" you internally curse yourself for making her sad.
"I'm okay, just stressed out because of mid-terms" It wasn't a lie, you have been studying quite frequently, but she didn't need to know why you've been throwing yourself into school work.
"Yeah, me too. Maybe I can help you study?" You smile at her.
"Okay, what is a chronological structure?" Wanda scoots closer to you on the bed.
"Uhh that's when you're focused on telling the story than telling the ending?" She practically slams the note cards down.
"Why are you even worried about mid-terms when you're clearly going to nail them?" You shrug "maybe we should do something more... exciting" the tone in her voice makes your heart race.
"l-like what?" Wanda seems to be drifting towards you. She's so much closer than before.
"Movie night?" she backs away, your smile fades slightly.
"Sure, you can pick"
You felt dumb for thinking she would kiss you. She is your best friend, she won't love you.
"I'm going to go to central park, are you coming?" You half consider it, not really feeling up to it "alright, you're going. Come on" Wanda pulls you out of bed.
"Damn, you couldn't let me get up on my own?" she shakes her head.
"Nope, now hurry up"
You readjust the scarf on your neck, trying to shield your neck from the snow.
"Did we have to come so late?" you complain, she just ignores you and sits on the bench near you. You sit next to her, too far for her liking.
"Do you remember when we first met?" her question takes you off guard.
"yeah, of course" she looks at the people passing by.
"It's my favorite memory. I remember you being the most beautiful person I've ever seen, It was like a dream" butterflies flutter in your stomach "I've never been so starstruck in my life, but I played it off, you didn't, of course. That's what I found adorable. You couldn't focus on what you were doing because of me" your jaw slacks lightly.
"what do you mean? W-where is this coming from?" Wanda just chuckles lightly.
"Sometimes I'm completely shocked at your obliviousness" You had no idea what she was meaning.
"Do- do you like me?" as childish as it sounds, that was the best you could make out.
"No, actually" Her answer just making you more confused by the second "I love you. I love you so much that I can't stand to be without you. I've been wanting to tell you this for years but I never had the courage. I always knew that you felt the same, but I guess I was scared you would reject me either way. Maybe you didn't like me that much, but today, I woke up and I just knew I couldn't hide it anymore. I can't bear another second of being just friends, so please... say something, anything" your eyes are wide, too shocked to process this.
"There's no way you feel the same, is there? This feels like a dream, maybe I am dreaming" Wanda finally looks at you, a smile on her face.
"I can prove you aren't dreaming" you nod, wanting her to do what ever she could to prove it, you were terrified to talk, scared you might jinx it and wake up out of this so, so lovely dream. Wanda settles her gloved hand on your cheek, before slowly leaning in. You quickly close the gap and the softness of her lips makes you feel like you're melting. She slowly pulls away, making the kiss shorter than you wanted. "Does that prove anything?" You're unable to contain your smile.
"Tonight feels impossible" You kiss her again, more passionate this time, losing yourself in her. As much as it seemed to be a dream, it was all very real.
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ode-to-odes · 1 year
RPG Review: Journey of 1000 Zips
Well... if it's listed on itch as an RPG, then that's what it is... right?? In any case, this was one of the evenings I've ever had. Truly spectacular.
To play this game, you open 1000 nested zip files. Every file is numbered, so you can see how far you have left to go, and occasionally Elliot (@morebluebs) has left a comment in a file name. It's a dialogue between two people slowly losing their minds, in a way.
I spent two hours of my life on this game, and to be completely honest, I wish I hadn't. I also think Elliot wishes he hadn't made it, so at least all's fair in love and zipped files. This "game" is only for those with immense hubris and a growing to-do list filled with tasks they don't want to complete. That said, I'd rate it a 10/10 if I were a rating type of woman, which I'm not.
In order to keep myself sane, I took notes on the thoughts going through my mind as I played this game. Read under the cut to witness my descent into madness. Perhaps that will be enough to deter you from playing it yourself.
File 999. Let's do it.
950. I appreciate the title. Hoping for more of these as we keep going
900. No, it wasn’t that bad. I don’t know why I’m not listening to music while I do this. Perhaps I intuitively understand that this needs to be done in as boring an environment as possible.
899. okay
819. AH!
801. wouldn’t open. I’ve been opening these within each other, so I assume 200 nested files is the limit on my laptop. I moved file 802 to be by itself in my downloads folder and tried again. 801 opened. Huzzah, and the journey continues.
I also can’t believe this took Elliot over a year to make this. I assume this was a boredom and procrastination project. Kudos for ever finishing it tbh
800. I know. I’m doing it anyway
750. doesn’t have a comment in the file name. I didn’t realize I’d started to look forward to the names ever fifty files. Disappointed, I carry on.
743. I see we’re being unpredictable. Does the creator know that by making the opening of each file a gamble, opening these becomes more fun? Belatedly I realize that the opening of file 750 marked a quarter of the journey. Am even more disappointed op didn’t say anything to commemorate this moment.
700. I lost the ability to quit when I opened the first file. I’m committing to the bit. Fuck you.
650. once again, no mid-hundred title. I’m taking this moment to comment that as I do this, my sister is sitting next to me watching a frankly terrible horror movie. I am, I think, ashamed to say I find this activity more enjoyable.
627. Divisible by three, but not by nine.
608. Huzzah! My sister has decided to skip ahead in her movie because it’s boring her. I cannot do the same for my chosen entertainment tonight.
607 is empty. I tried opening it again. 607 2 is also empty. Migration attempt incoming.
Second migration of the night worked. continuing on. While I can’t say I’m enjoying this anymore, I’m glad that this does in fact appear to be 1000 nested files. I would never forgive Elliot if it ended prematurely
600. Don’t ask me to explain my decisions.
564. Elliot, do you feed on the part of my soul that I’m losing while playing this?
525. What does carpal tunnel feel like?
499. I feel nothing.
492. My sister asked me what I was doing. I explained to her. She asked me why I was doing this. I told her I didn’t know. She said nothing and then left. About as much of a response as I could’ve hoped for
461. Hey now. I could have done any number of things to procrastinate. You’re not special, Elliot.
432. Also divisible by three. Obviously I’m not listing every number divisible by three. But it just occurred to me here. As long as I’m taking a break from clicking, I’m going to move from the kitchen to my bedroom now that my sister has finished her movie and gone to bed. My wrist won’t stop cracking.
40 minutes later and I’m back at it.
425. In anticipation of the next file failure, I migrate this one earlier. plus if there’s a comment on 420 I can enjoy it unimpeded by the 200 file limit
407. A number that feels like it should be prime but isn’t
351. This isn’t getting any easier. However, it isn’t getting harder, either. That forty minute break did wonders for the one wrist muscle I’m using to do this.
333. Roughly 2/3 of the way there, although obviously not exactly. I think it would be an interesting psychology study to see how different people react to having to do this.
321. favorite one so far, definitely made me smile
294. Some people could probably find it in them to quit now.
284. I believe it. Why would you make this. Just to prove you could? Was 1000 the maximum files you could nest, or could you have kept going? Maybe one day we’ll have a sequel and it’ll just be 2000 files. I’d probably play that too. I don’t know why. But I think I would.
260. Another migration. This was definitely less than 200 files, but whatever. Will migrate again at 100 for the auspiciousness.
250. 75% done. I started this an hour and forty minutes ago. 100 minutes ago. So probably half an hour left. It feels like it should be less.
219. If I told my mom about this, she’d probably tell me that downloading things like this off the internet is a one way trip to getting malware on your computer. While I trust itch.io strangers much more than she does, can you imagine explaining that to the person you hire to fix your computer? “Yeah, I downloaded a file off the internet. It contained 1000 zip files nested within each other. I opened every single one and then the last one had this gnarly virus.” Like,,,,, you’d really be bringing that upon yourself. My friend hopes the last file contains something; he predicts the game of thrones shame gif. While I’d appreciate a fun little image, I fully expect there to be nothing except the last file just being called something like “you did it. Congrats on the most pointless accomplishment ever” well. Back to it
198. Elliot, if you had to go through the pain of making this, some of us might as well go through the pain of playing it.
175. I realized I forgot to point out 197, which is the Pokédex number for umbreon, my favorite Pokemon. home stretch.
135. I’m obviously tired. I did the math all wrong. Forgot to subtract the forty minutes I spent not doing this. This began at roughly 8:40 PM. It’s 10:34. So 1 hour 54 minutes minus forty. 74 minutes to open 865 files. Those numbers aren’t nice enough for me to do mental math, but I think I’ll be done in like ten minutes. Lets go!!
117. marks the first time the zipped file had a comment. Before this you had to unzip the file to see the comment. Which begs the question, is this something Elliot changed partway through, or will this be the only time it happens? I guess we’ll see.
I also realized 111 will be the last time we have repeating digit in a 3 digit number. 999 was the first… how far we’ve come.
111!!!! I feel like Elliot a bit. Is anyone going to read this? Am I screaming to the void?? Par for the course, I suppose.
100. Zipped file also has the comment. Clearly Elliot didn’t know how to do it differently at first. Anyway. Time for the final migration!
85. Seeing 2-digit numbers is jarring after all this time.
69 nice.
40. You know what would be so fucking funny? If we got to file 1 and it was labeled 1000 and then there were 1000 more files. I know Elliot didn’t do this - he doesn’t have it in him. But it would be so fucked up. I think that would make me quit. 1000 is enough
19. My favorite number. I can’t believe this is almost over.
2. This is it.
19 notes · View notes
yesyourstalker · 4 months
Mahi: ..….... *sleep*...........*sleep*...........*sleep*
Neta:......*eating*.....*eating*...... Really mahi?
News anchor: it's going to be a cloudy day today folks. low humidity with a slight breeze out we do have a slight chance of rain tonight and off of this week so enjoy this day while we have it
[beep beep]
Gai(deadbeat): I'm out side
Neta: I'll be out in a sec
Neta: mahi get up you're closing the store today remember. You're late
Neta: mahi!
Mahi: mmmmmm.....
Neta: mahi!.
Mahi: I'm up! I'm up ........ ...... can I get another pain killer before I go?
Neta: *sigh*...........there might be some in the cabinet
Mahi: alright.......... which bottles is it you have tons of pills in here
Neta:*sigh*.......with the yellow label in the white bottle...*huff* let me get it ..................here, this one isn't so strong take one
Mahi: alright. Cod ......
Neta: you're already running late. Just be at work by 4:00 okay? We need a manager to close the store
Mahi: yeah yeah. let me just take a quick shower and I'm off
Neta: alright. See ya in two days
Mahi: Where are you going exactly?
Neta: it's a long complicated story that doesn't concern you. See ya
Neta:.... alright sorry for the wait....
Gai: no worries. Let's get going..
[30min into the drive]
Gai:.....................................................................so...how have you been.
Neta: I've been fine Dad.
Gai: that's good.... you're really going to be surprised by the house we used to live in....
Neta: hmmmmm
Gai: we had plenty of space outside we were thinking of putting a playground for you when you got older.
Neta: wow that's nice...
Gai: the house is technically one story but we have a basement and an attic
Neta: uh-huh...
Gai: it's a 4 bed and 3 bath.... Maybe you might remember this place
Gai:. ..................hm
Mahi: Candi, can you fill in for me I still feel hungover
Candi: No Mahi. Go to work It's only 5 hours
Mahi: Please I really don't feel like gooooing
Candi: No mahi I'm not filling in for you. You think you're the first one to go to work hungover?
Mahi: Come on Candi! Please I barely ask you for anything. Can you just do this one thing for me?
Candi:......................... Okay Mahi fine.
Mahi: love ya Candi
Candi: Let me just get out of this hospital bed and leave my baby unattended so I can fill in for your shift.
Mahi: oh
Candi: Oh no! It's no problem really. I'm pretty sure Ona will be fine without me. She's only 2 days old, she should be fine.
Mahi: Nevermind...... I'm sorry
Candi: I'm in the car now. I sure hope my stitches are healed enough for me to stand for 5 hours
Mahi: Ok I get it! I'm going to work! fuck
Candi: Great have fun at work see you in 3 weeks
Mahi: alright....bye........... congrats on the new baby
Candi: awwww thank yoooou. bye!
Mahi: *sigh*.........fuck
Merv: son don't stand behind the manatees one kick from them and you're in the hospital.
Noiji: he's right you know. that's how I lost my eye. (POP). . see?
Warabie: UGHH!
Ikkan: heheh noiji stop heheheh that's gross
Noiji: hahahahahahahahah
Merv: noiji put your eye back in and stop goofing off
Noiji: ok ok..I'll stop hehehe
Warabie: .....you were joking right? That was a joke
Merv: he was just teasing you. These girls are quite peaceful and don't startle easily but still be cautious
Warabie: alright............ how did you lose your eyes? if you don't mind me asking
Noiji: I have this thing called Polycythemia and when I was 12 I had a blood clot-
Merv: boys prep the animals before you start conversations
Warabie: hello
Mahi: hey man
Warabie: hey mahi. what are you doing?
Mahi: oh you know folding shirts stocking chokers. what are you doing?
Warabie: prepping a manatee so it can get milked
Mahi:...................cool?......... I guess......
Warabie: Yeah...... Surprisingly, it's not as bad as it sounds first we have to sanitize their nip-
Mahi: yeah no I don't want that image in my head thanks..... Candi had her baby......what color is this?
Warabie: what?!? She had her baby already!?
Mahi: Yeah her ink sac broke while she was working and it left a stain on the floor in the bathroom. Everyone's fighting about what color it is. I think it's baby blue.
Anto: It's not baby blue! You fucking idiot!!
Warabie: let me see........ Awwww the baby is turquoise.
Mahi: that is not turquoise. Turquoise has like a little bit of green in it.....right?
Naomi: No that's teal
Vinny: It's obviously aqua
Anto: No it isn't! it's sky blue! You know that if your head wasn't suck up your ass
Vinny: Ay watch yourself mother fucker, I'm not scared to go back to prison
Fugue: The color is very obvious
Anto: Oh really? What color is it since you seem to know of more than anyone else here?
Fugue: It's cyan
Vinny:............pfffthh...hehehehehhahahaha what? What is that?
Anto: Oh shut the fuck up! Are you serious!
Fugue: that shade would be considered Cyan
Anto: iT's cYaAnN!! You always have to make yourself seem like the smartest person in the fucking room.
Mahi: I'll call you back later......... Cyan is a neon color right That's not bright enough to be cyan
[3 hours in the drive]
Neta:...... ...........................
Gai: have you been talking to your aunt lately?
Neta: yeah we're talking
Gai: she tell you she's talking to Eddie again
Neta: not Eddie
Gai: that's what I said
Neta: how many chances is she going to give this guy?
Gai: I don't know. I'm honestly getting sick of him showing up randomly.
Neta: is he at least sober?
Gai: hell if I know
Neta: *ugh*..............................my blood sugar I get low. I need something to eat
Gai: alright I could eat I saw a takeout place.
Gai: this Place is actually really good. I've been here before It's the best takeout I'm telling you lady oyster is the best takeout place they The crab and lobster in their house Special fried rice
Neta: ehhh ..... I wouldn't say that this is the best place. Ikkan and I used to eat at a place called jelly wok, they put a whole friend egg on top of their lo mein and fried rice
Gai:.. what color is the shrimp with lobster sauce there?
Neta: brown..... it's the good kind
Gai: oh....was it eel owned?
Neta: isopod owned actually. They snuck up to the surface 12 years ago and no one said anything so they stayed
Gai: huh....well I think this place is better
Neta:....*eating*........hm ...it's not bad......*eating*.... it's really good
Gai: see... it's good like I said
Neta: i didn't expect them to have the coconut cream shrimp you rarely see that on menus nowadays
Gai: yeah it's octarian owned..
Neta:..... I can tell it's delicious..... Surface takeout and underground takeout are so similar when it comes to rice and noodles....*eating*......but their main dishes.....*eating * we don't have soft shell crab down below....... Wish we did.........*eating*.....
Gai: .........*eating*............... welp let's get back on the road...you want to drive?
Neta: yeah
Gai: how do you grow your tentacles so fast
Neta: distilled water..... I wash it in distilled water....I also stopped dying it to the root so it grows faster now
Gai: I see.... Noticing you have a little bit of pattern now
Neta: yeah... I was surprised when it started to show up again. I've been dying it for so never thought it would come back
Gai: you have the same pattern as your mother.......
Neta:..oh........ really?
Gai: yeah just like it..hm...
Neta:............................................I don't remember that much about mom.............
Gai: you were too young when she passed............hehehe she loved you tho... When you were born she showed you off to everyone... Coworkers, neighbors, the mailman ..hahaha he haha.... We couldn't get out of the hospital without her making nurses and doctors stop to look at her baby hehehe.... She'd show you swimming in your little ink tank
Neta: oh shit I forgot!
Gai: what? what happened
Neta: nothing, nothing My friend just had a baby and I told her I was going to give her Cirrina's old ink take when she was a baby.......... Let's do a quick stop so I can make a phone call. We need gas anyway
Neta: mahi go to my room for a quick sec
Mahi: I'm already in your room
Neta:........................* Inhale* * exhale*...... Okay...... Go to my closet and you'll see an ink tank that needs to go to Candi... You think you can give it to her?
Mahi: this pink backpack thingy
Neta: yes... that I also have a box of diapers and clothes for her too. but I'll give that to her later
Mahi: I don't think the hospital will allow me in. I can see
Neta: just ask for Candi
Mahi: ok......... where are you anyway?
Neta: uhhhhh? Dad?
Gai: we just made it trout mountains..*yawn*..... Another hour and and we get a motel tomorrow we'll drive to the house
Neta: we're in the mountains....... it's really nice up here..... actually...... I can see the city from up here.
Mahi: cool ...... Can I use your car?
Neta: no
Mahi: but your car has Built-In splatify and gps!
Neta: just use your phone, Go to the hospital. Ask for Candi. Give the ink tank to a nurse, she'll know what to do with it.........oh ......and take a picture of the baabbyy. I want to see her... Oh she's probably so cute
Mahi: inkfish babies are kinda ugly
Neta: what?
Mahi: nothing I see ya bye
Gai:..........*huff*.......*huff*........... I'm gonna go back to the car .......*huff*......... little light headed
Neta: dad?........ Dad!....... hey hey .....you okay?
Gai:....*cough*.... yeah.... I'm fine just thin air I guess heh.......ugh......*ssssssssssss*
Neta: something wrong with your neck?
Gai: no
Neta: let me see
Gai: Neta-
Neta:oh cod! .....dad!
Gai: I'm fine
Neta: how long have you had that sore?
Gai: only a couple of weeks it's fine I usually put a bandage on when it opens up again
Neta:. again!................*huff*............... Do you have any bandages?
Gai: in my glove compartment there should be some bandages and gauze
Neta: *hmmm*..... I'll drive the rest of the way..... you said the motel is an hour away?
Gai: yeah
Mahi: yeah hi I'm here to visit Candi.
Nurse: who?
Mahi: oh uhhh Candice
Nurse: Candice????
Mahi: Temp. Candice Temp
Nurse: Mrs. Temp okay ..... well visiting hours usually end around 11:30 but I can call her room and see if she wants any visitors
Mahi: mk...
Nurse: you can see her now
Mahi: cool . ...um... I was told to give a nurse this ink tank thing
Nurse: yep I'll take that. Thank you
Candi: look at her
Donn: she's beautiful.... and so tiny
Candi: I wouldn't say that.. pushing for 6 hours......but she's so precious
Baby: *yawn*....
Donn: awwwww.....
Mahi:...*knock*....*knock*...... hey Candi
Candi: hey Mahi....you brought the maternity tank?
Mahi: yeah. The nurse has it.............so that's your baby?
Candi: Yeah....... Who else would she belong to?
Mahi:... I don't know.........hm.... Is it supposed to look weird and squishy?
Candi: yes she's mostly ink right now.....so yeah she's supposed to look weird and squishy. ......you want to hold her?
Mahi: no
Candi: please... you'll look so cute holding the baby
Mahi: fine
Candi: awwww
Mahi: emm...................... what's her name?
Donn: Ona.
Mahi: oh.... that's nice........you can take Ona back now............ you're not gonna be here for three weeks so Seth will be taking over until you return
Candi: That's the plans
Mahi: Okay great
Nurse: The maternity tank is all set up for you ma'am
Candi: thank you
mahi: All right I'm going to Head back home..... Neta wanted me to take a picture of the baby to show him
Candi: no need I'm planning on doing a professional shoot tomorrow
Neta: hello?
Ikkan: hey babe. I didn't expect you to be up I was going to send a voicemail
Neta: oh.... sorry...... what are you doing
Ikkan: nothing getting ready to start my day...you?
Neta: about to go to sleep.... just made it to a motel
Ikkan: that's good, get some rest. I love you
Neta: I love you too. tell crab cakes I said hi.....................
Gai: *sigh*....
Neta: ................
Gai: .........you seem tense
Neta: did you even think about getting treatment before it started to spread? Did you catch it early? Did you catch it too late? What's going on dad?
Gai: do I really need to talk about this right now
Neta: Yes we do....we need to talk about this........ Why are you doing this? Why do you constantly......*sigh*..........[pulling over]
Gai: I made my decision Neta. Are you still mad about that?
Neta: you really think it's just that?! You really think I'm only mad about that! Not leaving me alone in the house by myself so you can go drink, not dropping me at my aunt's house when you couldn't deal with me, or enrolling me in the military or abandoning me in a mental hospital for 10 months!!! You missed my first wedding, you weren't there for the birth of your granddaughter and you haven't reached out for 18 fucking years!!!! and now that you're sick and dying you think it's the perfect time to reach out to me!!!
Neta: I just want to know why!? Why aren't you getting help or medical attention?!?!
Gai: you don't understand.........I just want to use my last moments in life to be a father and make up for lost time
Gai: son I-
Neta: I'm a 35 year old man!! Where were you when I was 19 and got a girl pregnant!!?? I had to teach myself how to parent!! When I was in a band!? I was successful I didn't see in the crowd! My business was one news opening day not a single phone call nothing..........................*crying*........
Gai: neta
Neta: and now you're here. Things were actually working out we're talking and laughing things are going great.... I'm spending quality time with my Dad something I've wanted for years...................*sobbing*...... It just feels like you're leaving me all over again........... every time I think you're here to stay you always find a way to leave me.......*sobbing*.......or get away from me all .....the time
Gai:.....................................*sigh*......... Neta......... I'm tired ........ I really am
Gai:.................... I lost my career ... ...my friends.....my home ......my wife.......You...........I lost everything in one moment and it ........it ruined me.....
[flash back sequins]
Gai: so what we have to leave? Where do we go?! This is octoling Territory!
Inkling soldier 1: all residents within the 50 mile radius have to leave the property..
Inkling soldier 2: sorry I know this is an inconvenience but we've reclaimed this property. We will be mailing information about your new location and where you'll be placed
Gai:No! I just bought this house! this is on an octarian base!.... what about my job. How am I supposed to go to work?
Inkling soldier 2: all factories, stores and businesses have already been shut down. They closed this morning
Gai: are you kidding so I'm out of job!.........
Inkling soldier 1: my apologies sir.... I don't agree with it either
Gai:.. come on man......you can't do this to us .....we just moved here....... our kid isn't even a toddler yet. Is there any way we can stay? I don't have that much money I can try-
Inkling soldier2: the land has been reclaimed for inklings we have a copy of the treaty if you want proof
Gai:"reclaimed" it was never yours to claim!!
Sydney: Gai please
Inkling soldier 2: sir if you don't leave the premises within a month we will have to take it by force...
Inkling soldier 1: your new location will be sent to you in the mail. Have a nice day
Gai:........[SLAM]...............cod damn it COD DAMN IT! Why is always me?
Sydney: honey......hey.... we'll be ok .... things like this happen all the time we'll bounce back like we always do
Gai: alright........ Everything is packed.... Neta is asleep.... let's go......
Sydney: here it says that our new location is going to be bunker 6988
Gai: just when you think you made it to the surface they find a way to shove you back underground
Sydney: [kiss] we'll be back eventually
Inkling soldier: name?
Gai: Gai Vern
Inkling soldier: ID?
Gai: here
Inkling soldier: alright.. family of 3. ..step out of the car sir.....you too ma'am...... we'll direct you to the line for your placement
Gai: ok but what about our car? What are they doing with our car?!
Inkling soldier: sir we need you to get in line
Sydney: we have everything packed in there! Our clothes, my mothers cookware, baby supplies ..... Neta! His insulin! He needs that!
Inkling soldier: we're sorry to do this folks but no outside material once you enter the bunkers medical supplies will be given to you when needed
Gai: we're home.......if you can call it that
Sydney:..... it's a little small...... but we'll make do... just until we get back on our feet. You find a job and I'll work from home with Neta
Gai:.. ....
Sydney: we'll be ok....[peck]
Sydney:........*huff*.........*huff*..........*huff*......... ... .........*smile* ..............
Gai:...... we'll be ok.... we'll bounce back like we always do
Sydney: yeah. . .......... ..... ....... . . . .... yeah ..
Gai: it's only going to be for a couple months. Okay I just need you to watch him......
Kat: months?
Gai: he's been acting out so just put him in his room if he does something. He's going to a different school he got kicked out the last one
Kat: Gai......
Gai: I just need to get back on my feet..... I got another job and I just need to save enough money and I'm settled
Kat: you've been saying that for years
Gai: well what the fuck do you want me to do!? I'm doing my best!.... just look after him I got shit to do. I come back for em when I come back for em
Kat: .......*sigh*.... Alright...
Neta: [packing]....
Gai:........... ................*sigh*..... your first mission with a Splatoon. You should be proud you worked hard for this
Neta: not like I had a choice did I?.......
Gai: hay it was this or boarding school and we can't afford that
Neta: *heh*......... Let's hope you can afford my funeral. You're still paying debts off for Mom's
Gai: hey! Neta!
Neta: [SLAM] .......
[end of flashback]
Gai: when I saw you in the e-ward.... I guess I couldn't face you..... I didn't know what to do....felt like I lost everything and everyone... I honestly just gave up.......
Neta:......................................*inhale*.........*exhale*...................ok......... shit........................
Gai:.....*sigh*.....we're here.....
Neta: we are?
Gai: yeah follow this path.............up here............ they must have paved the road. It's a smooth drive...........here it is............*wh*............our house........oh wow
Neta:..... This was our home?
Gai: yeah......*sniff*..... This is it...... just how we left it..........*sniff*........ nothing has changed.....
Gai: I got the key. Just gotta jiggle it a little and.. there..........*chough*..*cough* a little dusty tho
Gai: the skylight is new along with the furniture.....well it's not really new but not ours......tho it's nice. So? what do you think?
Gai: speechless right
Neta: yeah.....hehe... you bought this?
Gai: yeah back in 78, It's in perfect condition...(Pat ..Pat)
Gai: almost perfect condition.......... Just needs a little bit of a repaint and diy and it should be fine
Neta: dad there's a hole in the ceiling
Gai: just have to put in another skylight it'll be fine
Neta: sure dad. which one was my room?
Gai: right here on the left...............looks like whoever owned this place turned it in an office...we spent weeks on the nursery.....*sigh*.....at least they kept the paint color the same.........
Neta:.hm .....
Gai: the basement seems the same the carpet is a bit darker than I remember
Neta: who owned this place? After you and mom left?
Gai: it was a vacation home for the first couple of years.....an inkling family moved in and then a urchin family owned it for a while...... that's all I know.....is that black mold?
Neta:..... what are you going to do with this place?
Gai: that's up to you.
Neta: what?
Gai: It's up to you. This land and this house is yours.... It'll take around a year for it to be restored. By the time I clean it, gut it, repaired and repainted I'll be in hospice
Gai: it's yours. you're a home owner now you should be happy
Neta:... yeah.... I am .... I'm happy....... thanks dad.......how much time do you have left?
Gai: A year and several months doctors told me.......
Ikkan: so he's not getting any treatment?
Neta: no he's made up his mind
Ikkan: I'm sorry babe....he has plenty of time
Neta: I know.....*sigh*...... I don't blame him though.........*sniff*....*sigh*
Ikkan: maybe if you spend more time with him maybe he'll reconsider
Neta: I can only hope.
Ikkan: what does the house look like?
Neta: you'd love it's that mid something you like so much
Ikkan: mid-century?
Neta: yeah yeah it's that..... It is kind of worn down though you might need to hire some people to fix it up
Ikkan: where is it located?
Neta: in the mountains like waaay in the mountains, if you drive another half an hour, you'll make it to camp triggerfish
Ikkan: so the arowana mall would beee.....uhhh........at least an hour away by train
Neta: Cirrina would have to walk down to get to the train station for school that's at least 45 minutes
Ikkan: we can install a spawn pad
Neta: yeah...... When you get back I take you to the house. Sound good?
Ikkan: yeah we can do that. I'd also like to meet your Dad if that's ok....
Neta: yeah I'd like that. Cirrina should see her grandfather at least once....
Ikkan: think he has enough time to see you get married?
Neta: I didn't ask. That's just going to be another disappointment when he doesn't show up
Ikkan: Neta... I understand........
Neta: I'll ask....... but we're putting his chair in the back
Ikkan: good because invitations go out at the end of the month. I hope you picked your best man we have 2 months left and-
Ikkan: shit ok uhhhh I'll call you.......... In the morning - my morning.. I have to go bye!........... I love you Neta!
Neta:.........ok..... love you bye.
Gai: what was that?
Neta: nothing...... Do you have anything planned for the next few months
Gai: no. why?
Anto, mahi and @fish-at-fish-fish-resort spent 30 minutes arguing over the color of the ink stain that was left on the bathroom floor....
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beneathashadytree · 2 years
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Just a month or so ago, this blog hit 2K followers! It feels so surreal; to have so many people reading (and actually enjoying! Like, can you imagine?) my fics is a dream come true. To celebrate this incredible milestone, I’ve decided to hold an event! I will be opening my requests for the upcoming weeks—from today, 26/1/2023, till 9/2/2023. I’ll be outlining my requesting rules here💗
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One Piece
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Moriarty the Patriot
Attack on Titan
Boku No Hero Academia
Bungou Stray Dogs
Kuroko no Basket
Tokyo Revengers
Juiutsu Kaisen
Mr. Love: Queen's Choice
Ikemen Sengoku
Ikemen Vampire
Ikemen Prince
Ikemen Revolution
Check my regular rules for requesting to find out where I’m at in each series/game! And here is my full masterlist, if you’d like to check out my works!
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Smut (as long as I’m comfortable with it)
Angst to fluff
Platonic or romantic
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PS: I generally write for gender-neutral readers! I try to be as inclusive as possible 🫶🏽
You can, of course, request more than one dialogue prompt. Any additional details you'd like, just let me know.
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Hi, I would like to request an angst piece for Jotaro Kujo in JJBA, prompt "Would you stop that?"
I want to request a smut piece for Vinsmoke Sanji, prompt number 64, reader is a switch and is the one saying it to him!
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“No one's ever done that to me before.”
“Could you play with my hair?”
“I can't remember the last time I did this with someone.”
“That feels nice.”
“I haven't been hugged in years.”
“I never want to let go.”
“Let’s just cuddle forever.”
“You put your arm around me and I literally felt my knees buckle, this is so pathetic.”
“I just want to be held for a little while.”
“You’re legally obligated to keep holding me.”
"I think I forgot what human contact felt like.”
“I need to remember what hugs feel like.”
“Do you mind if we stay like this for a little longer?”
“My family was never the touchy-feely type.”
“I’ve never been in a relationship before, so I don't really know how to do the whole…..kissing thing.”
“You were my first kiss.”
“Could we cuddle, like, platonically?"
“I’m in desperate need of a hug.”
"What's wrong with me?"
"Are you mad at me?"
"Can this stay between us?”
"I don't want you to go."
“Would you stop that?"
"Can we talk?”
"I have to tell you something."
"Take my hand."
"Sometimes I can't help but get lost in your eyes."
"This is my fault.”
"Talk to me. I'm here for you."
“Please, just come home."
"I didn't want to go to bed without you."
“You're doing it wrong."
"Go ahead, hit me."
“You don't give yourself enough credit."
"Why do you hate me?"
“Tell me something I don't know."
"Please don't make me go home."
"I've never seen you like this."
“You’re up early.”
"Let's just have sex instead."
"This part of you…seems to be very sensitive."
"Prove to me that you deserve this."
"If you give me a hickey, I'll have to give you one too."
"Ah, I see you have a little problem. I can help."
"I've never been into this stuff…until I met you."
"I just like keeping you close. You're so warm."
"Be quiet. We're not alone."
"And what if I want you to do that?"
"It's okay, you're doing great. Keep going."
"Come back to bed."
"You haven't seen anything yet."
"Can you feel what you've done to me?"
"Okay, but we have to be quick."
"Fine, I admit, I've fantasized about this before."
"I'll go gentle. Though, we can always change that."
"You shouldn't have said that. Now I can't resist you."
"I knew you were secretly a pervert, but this…!"
"That's it, there we go…just like that."
"Are you trying to seduce me? Because it's working."
"It's time for payback. Turn around."
"So you do like getting spoiled after all."
"Don't stop looking at me while you do it."
"You say that, but all I hear is 'more, more, more'"
"I want to love every inch of you tonight."
"Hey, hey, two on one is not fair!"
"Enough of that, let me fuck you."
"You can still keep going?! What in the world are you?"
"Take your time. The whole night is ahead of us."
"You like the way this fabric feels, don't you?"
"Your face is a mess… a very pretty mess."
[Prompts by @bewitchingmemes, @violettduchess]
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Spellbound (Giorno Giovanna, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Desperate (Mori Ougai, Bungou Stray Dogs)
Silk (Louis Moriarty, Moriarty the Patriot)
Inside (Sherlock Holmes, Moriarty the Patriot)
Call on Me (Chifuyu Matsuno, Tokyo Revengers)
Seduced (Albert Moriarty, Moriarty the Patriot)
Tender Love (William Moriarty, Moriarty the Patriot)
All Sensitive (Albert Moriarty, Moriarty the Patriot)
Obedient (Sir Crocodile, One Piece)
20 Years (Jotaro Kujo, Jojo’s Bozarre Adventure)
Hide Away (Sebastian Moran, Moriarty the Patriot)
Let Him Watch (Albert Moriarty, Moriarty the Patriot)
Show Me (Mori Ougai, Bungou Stray Dogs)
All Marked-Up (William Moriarty, Moriarty the Patriot)
After the Fall (William Moriarty, Moriarty the Patriot)
Firsts (Mycroft Holmes, Moriarty the Patriot)
Perfect (Jean-Pierre Polnareff, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Shameless (Mori Ougai, Bungou Stray Dogs)
Messy (Louis Moriarty, Moriarty the Patriot)
Nights with You (Mycroft Holmes, Moriarty the Patriot)
Earnest & True (Albert Moriarty, Moriarty the Patriot)
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All your positive feedback throughout this entire time—even when I was on hiatus—has uplifted me during the toughest times. I am eternally grateful for every single one of you wonderful people, and I want to give all that love back to you!💗
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maguro13-2 · 10 months
Andy X Fuuko is a thing.
*Here's a sequel of my previous post*
Fuuko : Now I've seen a picture of my naked self with what else is there for me in the horrors of the internet? I mean you guys felt the way of looking into the horrors of seeing things! What about you guys?
Pomni : I felt nervous they made gay pictures of me and Ragatha getting kisses from her and I'm totally cringed about it. And they started to making sweets
Kobeni : I felt the other way and I had any panic attacks of getting lewd baited, (shows body that has abs) look at this! I lost weight when I had the chance of stop eating meat and sweets! They gave me fruit and salad to have the guts to make me look hot again!
Fuuko : At least, I've seen some lewd art enough, I don't know how is Japan keep on happening on making pornography on fictional characters that does stuff? The whole net is really something to have the dark side written all over it! Who does that to the whole wide world. And if I ever see one of these nimrods making lewd art out of me, I swear to f**king god I will mercifully stab anyone in the neck with a knife, or I will use my strength with brute force!
Andy : Hey, Fuuko. Have you seen my pants and undies for today or tonight's episode? I totally forgot that I needed to keep my privates hanging out.
Fuuko : Then what are the fusses about you and your--OH MY GOD!!! Your d*ck and Balls are showing to my face!
Gina : And I do believe that his cake is tanning in my face right now!
Shen : Dude! Put some clothes on! There's men, women, and lolis in here! No one can see your penis and your balls!
Andy : Oh that? Oh that's okay! Cause casual nudity will do just fine! But speaking of causal nudity, Me and Fuuko will do something privately in the room. With some literal privacy.
Fuuko : Really? Then what kind of privacy did we attend to?
Andy : Oh I don't know. Maybe it's just some wacky stuff in Japan I guess.
Fuuko : Sounds great to me! I'd like having privacy with you alone! What do you say that we get together later and give ourselves a nice treat. Perhaps, that we could do it in a fashionable way of how take good care ourselves. My first wish that is I am decided that I wanted spend the night all the way.
Andy : Cool. I'll be going to the same room that we were at.
Fuuko : With pleasure!
(we later show the JJBA group using drinking glasses to hear something from inside the room, Andy and Fuuko are heard while having sex with each other)
[Freek N You by Jodeci plays in the background]
Fuuko : (Sexually) Oh, Andy...you're such a naughty lucky guy!
Andy : (sexually) Oh, Fuuko! You're so cute and hot! I'm giving you this kind of good luck charm! And it's all for you!
Fuuko : (sexually moans) Please, be gentle with me, Andy! It feels so good!
(Andy and Fuuko Sexually moans)
Fuuko : (sexually screams) Motto! Motto!
Jolyne : What in the world are those two doing in there?
Josuke : This is not how it looks from what I hear about those Newcomers to David.
Dio : This is getting out of hand. Do I ever make up the minds from how do we fictional characters work things in Real World AU?
Giorno : It's best that we give them a little free time of their own.
Andy : Hold on tight, Fuuko! Here comes your lucky wish! And it's going to be a wild one!
Fuuko : (sexually) Andy-san...Iku...Iku...IKUUUUUUU! *panting* Wow, you're quite the man I that i'm really looking for. Thanks for giving me "lucky wish", my unlucky guy.
Andy : The pleasures of you is all mine, Fuuko-chan.
Fuuko : Oh, Andy-san. Andy-san, daisuki de!
Jotaro : That does it, I'm going to get to the bottom of this!
Jotaro : Would you two just shut the hell up!? Some of us are trying to get some sleep! (We show Andy and Fuuko in bed, Andy comforting the sleeping Fuuko while he reads a book with glasses)
(Record Scratch!)
Andy : Oh, Hello, Mr. Kujo! Good evening and, uhh, sorry about the loud noises we made. Yep that was our First time of me and Fuuko together. Yep, we're not doing so aggressive to anyone would we. She's just sleeping and I'm reading a book.
Jotaro : Y-Yeah, you are a reading book and comforting your...well, not to be eavesdropping by the way, a thousand apologies.
Andy : So that's why me and Fuuko are spending time together and do lots of for us to Handle. Totally great, and no big whoop. I'm sure that's a friendly suggestion of duo being a...great couple. Yep, duo of boys and girls being a cute couple.
Jotaro : Good grief, save all the hugs and kisses. Remember don't make any noises around the place next time. Remember, we are making new episodes every day and you need some rest. So please, no more interruptions. I really need my beauty sleep. (Closes door)
Fuuko : So, now that's done by the way, you wanted to go make me giving you a good luck kiss?
Andy : That's exactly that I would want to hear, Fuuko.
Fuuko : Well, then. Coming to bed while finishing reading, Honey?
Andy : Yes dear.
"The Next Day..."
*Door Banging*
Andy : I'll get it! (Opens door)
Fuuko : Hi, Andy. I just got back from the hospital and my doctor told me one thing about my lucky wish that you given me.
Andy : Really, like what is your doctor telling you?
Fuuko : Well...He told me that something important to you of giving me my lucky wish. Well to come clean and to tell it for you. I have something in common for you. (Starting blushing) Andy-san...I...
Andy : Fuuko....
Fuuko : (blushing)A...Andy-san...I am...I am pregnant... pregnant with your child.
Andy : Oh...Okay, and how did I even get you pregnant?
Gina : It's because of you just gave her with a lucky wish!
Andy : Oh, I actually understand that and I have one common thing that I have to say...(realizing) I forgot that people are shipping between me and Fuuko? WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FU-
Tomska : THE END.
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Since we're on the subject of npcs I'd like to give a mention to my favorite oni boy Takuya.
It's been a long time since Itto's character quest but after experiencing Shinobu's hangout, I've been plague by wholesome found family Arataki gang thoughts.
I kept thinking Takuya would basically be in Traveler's place around the squad, being the one trying to be responsible but ends up dragged into shenanigans anyways.
I'd imagine his relationship with Shinobu is a "your the only bitch I trust in this house" type of thing being the only other person holding any braincells (she low-key favors him more than the others sometimes but no one really notices cause my queen is subtle).
I have a soft spot for the Arataki gang in general as you can see.
But of course we can't forget about the sad priest boy Kasala who I keep throwing so much angst at.
Since you said dilf!Kasala here something:
If reader and Kasala had a child together before reader died of eleazar I can imagine how hard it'd be for him to not only process the grief but support their child going through losing a parent as well.
Maybe after Deshret's sacrifice, Kasala just lost all faith in anything anymore so he gives his child to someone trustworthy to take care of as he locks himself away to keep guard of a temple.
Kasala at end of his life, despite dying peacefully can't help but regret everything that happened to his family.
Helplessly seeing the love of his life dying before him.
Not doing enough for the last living remnant of their love for each other.
Letting his child loose both of their parents so soon because of his selfishness.
So as Kasala close his eyes for the last, his final thoughts were a hope for his little to be safe and forgiveness he knows he doesn't deserve.
Okay maybe Haitham isn't the only character I like to see cry at this point
Honorable mentions to Niwa who I can't help but feel like Kabukimono had a small crush on at some point.
I feel like Niwa's good with kids so imagine him and Kuni babysitting the children of tatarasuna together and at night he'll read bed time stories to some of them but Kuni ends up falling asleep to Niwa's voice too because of how comforting it is.
Mostly wholesome from me tonight.
- Vagabond Anon
Admittedly I have not done Itto's quest so I only know Takuya in a surface level but *pulling up pictures of him* Best looking npc in the game engine by far, they really made effort to implement him
But Itto's little found family is my favorite, it's like Mondstadt on a tiny level (adding in the three youkais from Akitsu Kimodameshi too, oh they're growing!) but on the back office it's actually Takuya and Shinobu holding the whole thing together hahaha Takuya being the Traveler, Takuya and Shinobu being tired parents, oh I love all of it
Continuing the curse of unhappiness down the line, how cool would it be if Cyno is part of the bloodline of his past self but their history has been lost thru time or whispered scarcely by his elders so as not to be discriminated in the age of the Akademiya ohhh
What if their child took on the temple duties after he died, or maybe Rukkha took care of them too aww why must we torment this unnamed child we just conjured
Also true, like a small possibility maybe innocently, Niwa supremacy in everything that he does. I want more Niwa content, he died too soon (fuck you Dottore) he's definitely the Tighnari of Tatarasuna in my mind, and Kabukimono is like Collei? Oh wow I'm starting to see parallels - ack I miss him so much, I'm gonna listen to his voice now-
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“loving him is like driving a new maserati down a dead end street.” “loving him is like trying to change your mind once you're already flying through the free fall.” “losing him was blue, like i'd never known.” “missing him was dark gray, all alone.” “forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met.” “loving him was red.” “remembering him comes in flashbacks and echoes.” “moving on from him is impossible when i still see it all in my head.”
“i was left to my own devices.” “the walls kept tumbling down.” “does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?” “how am i going to be an optimist about it?” “we were caught up and lost in all of our vices.” “where do we begin?”
“there was a time when i was alone, with nowhere to go & no place to call home.” “i am a lost boy from neverland.” “as we soared about the town that never loved me, i realized i finally had a family.” “you are now my home sweet home.” “neverland is home to lost boys like me.”
“you talk so pretty, but your heart's got teeth.” “then you turn into somebody i don't know.” “and you push me away.” “i don't know if i'm gonna make it out alive.” “you're looking at me like you don't know who i am.”
“please don't make any sudden moves.” “you don't know half of the abuse.” “you'll never know the psychopath sitting next to you.” “you'll never know the murdered sitting next to you.” “we don't deal with outsiders very well.” “you have trust issues.” “i tried to warn you just to stay away.” “it looks like you might be one of us.”
“i was born in a thunderstorm.” “i grew up overnight.” “i survived.” “i wore envy and i hated that.” “i had a one-way ticket to the place where all the demons go.” “i have made every single mistake that you could ever probably make.” “i knew what i wanted; i went in and got it.” “you took it all, but i'm still breathing.” “i'm alive.”
“i don't know where you're going, but do you have room for one more troubled soul?” “i don't know where i'm going.” “but i don't think i'm coming home.” “i'll check in tomorrow if i don't wake up dead.” “this is the road to ruin.” “let's be alone together.” “my heart is like a stallion, they love it more when it's broken.”
“i thought of angels choking on their halos.” “pulling out their fragile teeth & clip their tiny wings.” “i'd trade all my tomorrows for just one yesterday.” “i know i'm bad news.” “i want to teach you a lesson in the worst kind of way.” “letting people down is my thing.” “this town isn't big enough for the two of us.” “if i spilled my guts, the world would never look at you the same way.” “i'm here to give you all my love.” “and watch your face as i take it all away.”
“i'm never gonna be that girl.” “i don't want to be the puppet that you're playing on a string.” “i don't want to sit still, look pretty.” “i would rather fly solo.” “i don't know what you've been told.”
“i can't sleep tonight.” “i need a light to take me home.” “i know you're there.” “you could be my sanity.” “i'm overwhelmed.” “bring me peace.” “i don't know what i'd do without you.” “as long as you're with me here tonight, i'm good.”
“sometimes it takes all day to get out of bed.” “skeletons in my closet when i get dressed.” “don't go pretending like your past might drive me out.” “i promise i won't run away.” “tell your demons they can stay.” “when i tell you that i feel you, those are not just words i say.” “dark can be beautiful.” “it's okay to not be okay.”
“i'm ready for combat.” “i say i don't want that, but what if i do.” “i've got a hundred thrown out speeches i almost said to you.” “i jump from the train, i ride off alone.” “who could ever leave me? but who could stay?” “i hate my reflection for years and years.” “i wake in the night; i pace like a ghost.” “all of my heroes die all alone.” “can you see right through me?” “all the king's horses, all the king's men, couldn't put me together again.”
“do you ever get a little bit tired of life?” “like you're not really happy, but you don't want to die?” “am i past repair?” “i'm barely breathing, trying to stay afloat.” “i guess i'm just broken & broke.” “like a numb little bug that's gotta survive.”
“why am i villain if i speak what's on my mind?” “just look into my eyes.” “you know you can trust me, right?” “so, i painted my heart black.” “i kind of like the danger.” “don't you know that i do this to survive?” “i'll never lie again.” “i'll see you on the other side.” “maybe, someday we could be friends.” “i wouldn't trust me.”
“no one understands it quite like me.” “how could they believe me?” “i'm blessed, i'm cursed, i'm both.” “how do i save myself?” “it's dark here.” “i'm battle-ready when the demons come.” “these tears will be my warpaint.” “fighting with my shadow; the battle inside my head.” “i won't surrender while i still have my human heart.”
“i'm rough around the edges.” “i get stuck in my head.” “it's not personal, it's just personal.” “i've been strong for too long.” “sometimes i forget why i'm trying.” “just another tragic misfit.” “tape me up & ship me off. now i'm someone else's problem.” “they call me difficult 'cause i don't fit in the lines.” “i didn't get this far without any scars.” “i'm not brittle.” “maybe just a little.” “maybe i have a tendency to snap on people.” “they're lying, they're lying, they're lying.” “keep breathing, don't lose focus.” “you're alive, you're not a diagnosis.”
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