#one for holders held au
grimalkinmessor · 1 month
AFO keeps all the OFA users corpses AU but while he has the others bodies in the nomu tank he keeps yoichi's body in his bedroom💀(but anon! Why does afo have all the other users bodies in a tank but yoichi's in his bed?!) Cuz their corpses don't deserve comfort and shall be turned into disfigured nomus!! Yoichi... eh, he's a difficult case. Let's just say afo nomufied his body to an extent where it can't rot. Kinda like a "living" doll without the soul or he found a very powerful meta early on that somehow allowed him to preserve yoichi's corpse very well(shush this is an au, not canon where his body was blown to pieces😭) uh I'm going to you for this cuz ur afofa stories are very good and I wanna know your opinions, thoughts and own story forming ideas if you were the one doing this au of afo just treating yoichi's stasised corpse as a precious doll/ or him being like "haha, my little brother is just in an eternal coma, he's not dead, just sleeping and that pesky all might has his soul somewhere that I just need to get to wake him up haha awww🥺look at him he's so adorable when he's SLEEPING" anyway I just wanna know how you'll do about this with afos creep factor n stuff
Okay that last bit made me laugh XD
Garaki, watching AFO cradle Yoichi's corpse to his chest as he works: Uh—
Takashi: He's resting :)
Though tbh Anon, I'm more concerned with the fact that he's got the OTHER holders' bodies than I am that he's got Yoichi's—because of course he has Yoichi's. The man's got Brocon written in neon across his forehead why WOULDN'T he?? We all know what he's doing with it 😭
For how I'd write it though,,,,,eehh I probably wouldn't?? Just because most of my focus is usually on Yoichi, how he thinks and feels and what he goes through and commits, and in an AU where he's just a corpse, well, I guess I just wouldn't be able to hold the premise long enough to do something interesting with it. You might get a necro oneshot out of me at best, maybe a literal corpse bride wedding that AFO forces all his minions to attend (+ drags the nomu OFA corpses to out of spite), but other than that I got nothing 😅 Nothing long term anyway. I'd read it if someone else wrote it though! I definitely like the premise itself! :D
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elizzsush · 3 days
Future Child | Twisted Wonderland (W.I.P)
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Malleus Draconia X Reader
----It wasn’t everyday you’d find a three year old running around campus causing a ruckus. Usually students wouldn’t have to deal with this, but with Crowley you had to deal with everything. Now… why is it when you catch this small trouble maker it calls you “momma”?
AUs: None
Rating: SFW
Note: I just really like the whole future child trope and wanted to add to it! (Floyd is next bc I adore him) also, Casper was a place holder name bc I couldn’t think of one so ye.
Crowley in-listed you to help with the child problem around school. No, wait that sounded bad. A young fae no older then five got into night raven campus and has being running amok. obviously, you: the defenseless, Magic-less human with no knowledge of fae or even how some of this basics of this world work, you were the schools best bet against this ‘threat.’ And so, your oh so kind instructor pushed this task onto you and left.
Thankfully, you were well equipped with a grumpy cat-weasel who is so glad to help and definitely did not try and run away. “Ehh? Why do I have to help ya??” Grim whined as he hung limply, your hand firmly grasping his scruff as you held him up. He was so generous and did not need to be bribed at all.
You sighed, “I’ll put some money aside from this to get you tuna.”
“Why didn’t you start with that!” The motivated cat purred and jumped onto your shoulders. Now, you can finally begin your mission and take on this… threat?
This threat was a real threat!
You had learnt that after you had stumbled upon the frozen dinning hall; all of this was from the baby fae! What on Earth were you suppose to even do once you caught the child!
They’re was a mountain of ice and a many frozen students who were actively being saved by other students who were made to help. They had gotten lucky in your option. They didn’t have to find the kid. “So much magic… it’s hard to believe a kid did this.” A nameless person mumbled as they helped thaw the room out. You couldn’t help but hum in agreement to yourself. What kid could do this when Deuce struggled with making anything but cauldrons while he was somewhere new! It was… overwhelming magic for sure. And this was just the dinning hall!
“Not much to see here.” Grim grumbled from your shoulder, just then a ball of fire came hurtling towards the two of you! “Eek!!” Grim squealed.
“Sorry!” A no name student called out…
“We should leave… and fast.” You said as you turned to leave in a hurry. You tripped on the ice almost tripped on the ice while you left.
The very next place you checked was the court yard, where Mr Vargas liked to make you run in the blistering heat. PE was horrible.
I’m place of the field of grass, your peers used to practice flying on a broom, was a field of fire. Green fire no less. You stayed a distance away while you watched a group of five students try and summon water magic to help fight these flames. “If you don’t do this right it’ll be off with your heads!” Next to them, a familiar short, red haired boy was shouting at them and telling them what they were doing wrong.
“This seemed handled enough…” You muttered while you turned to leave.
You went to Mr Trein’s classroom next. Your most boring class of twisted wonderland, history, you think. Truthfully you hadn’t stayed awake longe enough to know what class he taught.
It was not for lacking of trying either!
He just drew out his words and spoke in just a boring robotic tone, it could put anyone to sleep! I digress. In place of the classroom was… an overgrown forest? In the center of it, you noticed a tall, well groomed, teal haired male, squatting down to examine what appeared to be a mushroom….
This seemed… handled-ish….
You would be taking your leave now. Also… where on earth did Grim run off too?
You didn’t have time to find him right now! Didn’t he know not to wonder off while they’re was a threat on campus!
This fae would eat him alive!
Feeling even more motivated and slightly panicked, you ran off to the your next location.
Your next, and final stop was the potions lab. The last know citing of the fae child. It was oddly… normal. Every potion was on its self, the stirring sticks where the usually go, nothing burned, frozen, or overgrown was… well anywhere. “Someone help me!” A very familiar voice squeaked out. Hesitantly, you walked closer to where you heard Grim’s voice.
A cauldron, inside of it was the soft glow of blue flames. No doubt caused by Grins fire-y ears. “Grim…?” You spoke softly. Peeking inside the steel pot, you saw a young boy, a long tail curled up beside him and one horn on the side of his head. He sniffled and then looked up at you with the most striking green eyes you’ve ever seen…
“Help me Y/n!” Grim cried out, breaking you from the little boys curse of cuteness.
“Momma!” The boy yelled out, stumbling to get up and jump into your arms, get hindered by the caldron he found himself stuck in. His face was red from tears and he looked scared… his small hands shaking with fear. He sniffled more, his chubby hands rubbing away his tears as they fell. Your heart ached slightly seeing those tears.
So, without a second thought. You picked the small boy up and cooed at him turned around and walked out the door back to ramshackle.
The small boy was absolutely adorable! Sure he may or may not have caused this weeks class cancelations but really, Ace was thanking the boy for it so all was fine! Back at ramshackle, you realized, he was just a kid! With big electric green eyes that reminded you of… someone? But who was it again? Well, it didn’t matter. The boy had Green eyes, H/ced hair and these two small slightly curled horns on top of his head.
His ears were pointed just like a fae’s but just slightly? They weren’t as long nor as sharp as a regular fae’s like Lilia. It was hard to explain. It was the oddest thing- he had a tail as well! A long blackish purple one at that. And he was excellent at magic as well, if the destroyed campus told you anything. “Are you mad at me?” He looked up at you with teary eyes.
“Why would I be mad at you?” You asked the small boy curiously, blinking at him a big confused at the question. His large electric green puppy eyes weren’t exactly helping you stand strong and not coddle him either.
“Because I made the rooms a mess…” he rubbed his large cheeks free from stray tears. Not that he was any good at it either, you just shook your head and kneeled to the floor, wiping them away for him.
Something about this boy made you wanted to care for him and protect him- he was just do cute. “Nonesense, you were scared. A little mess is fine as long as you weren’t hurt.” When you looked at him you felt something akin to cuteness aggression. This little fae was adorable! If Crowley didn’t find his parents you’d take him in!
Ignore how poorly you yourself lived in ramshackle! And how much of your food was canned tuna because Grim insisted on it over actual food.
The boy nodded, cuddling into your side like a small cuddly cat.
Children were a handful.
Crowley, after assigning you to catch the kid, never followed up on it. So you had been living with the child for three whole days.
Not to say the kid- who’s name you learned was Casper- was a handful. In fact he was a sweet heart. He tended to shy away from things a bit, and he was a bundle of nerves sometimes. Despite the amount of magic he held at his finger tip, he’d rush to you at the slightest creak of the floorboards.
However, when it was finally time to go back to school you didn’t really know what to do with the kid…? We’re you suppose to just… bring a kid to class with you? I mean, you already bring a cat, and the kid would probably be more well behaved then Grim.
So You, Casper and Grim, went to class together. He was very sweet, maybe a little to shy, the teachers did love him. He introduced himself to them from behind your leg.
It was in the cafeteria. “Fufufu, what do we have here?” Lilia popped up out of absolutely nowhere.
“Grandpa Lilia!” The kid for once didn’t shy away. You had expected him to start crying. (He had after all when Jade introduced himself to the boy.) Lilia simply smiled and accepted the boys affections, nodding along as he babbled about his day. “Where Papa?” He asked looking up at the older fae with his large sparkling eyes.
“Yes, good question indeed where is your papa?” Lilia asked, before he looked at you, a small smirk on his face, he looked at you like you’d know! You didn’t. You had tried to correct the kid on you being his mom before two- he cried and sulked over it for a while after that. “Well I best be Off now!” Lilia cheered and gave you the kid back before disappearing off somewhere.
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reveluving · 6 months
see you soon ; jason todd x batmom reader (ft bruce wayne)
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includes: jason's beloved dubbed 'princesa' (can read it as her and/or jason being latina/latino or spanish being jason's 1st/2nd language!) & tooth-rotting fluff!
a/n: combining @xoxokirby's jason todd x princesa with my batmom AU in this quick, cute thought because I just love talking about them together 💗
check out my batmom m.list <3
"Alright, so here's the hot chocolate," You carefully passed Jason the heavy double-cup holder, "And in here is your Philly cheesesteak, some soups and your girl's panini sandwich. And I threw in some brownie pudding in there since we had extra. Make sure you don't heat it up beyond forty-five seconds. You're lucky you texted me just as dinner rush started."
While waiting for Jason to come and pick up the orders he had requested you just hours ago, you closed down the necessary so you could head home with Bruce straight away once he finishes his work in the office. Not once had Jason stopped offering on taking you back to the manor first before heading back to his girlfriend at his apartment, but you insisted otherwise.
And how could he say no to his mother?
"Yeah, that's on me," Your son smiled sheepishly, holding the bags of food and drinks with ease, "Y'sure we don't gotta pay up?"
"What makes you think I'm making my own kids pay for food at my café all of a sudden?" You rested your hands on your hips, brows raised as if he had asked the dumbest question ever.
"'m just askin', y'don't have to be so mad. Sheesh," He shrugged, only to dodge your playful smack with a laugh, "Kiddin', kiddin'."
But the big smile on his face remained.
A lot of things make him smile, be it from you, his siblings, Bruce at times or his beloved, but he just couldn't help replaying how you considered his girl one of 'your kids', as if, like him, you just knew she was the one.
"Be sure to tell her about the family dinner that we're having in two weeks." You reminded him, slipping on your gloves before turning off most of the lights. It would be her first dinner with the Waynes, and you wanted nothing more than to have her as a part of your family’s cheesy traditions.
"I will," He nodded, and just as you wondered about the extra joy he was radiating, he hugged you with one arm—the one that was holding the bag of food, "Thanks, ma."
"Oh, Jay," You chuckled, returning the hug with a few pats in his back, "I'm just looking out for my kids."
Just then, you and Jason heard the sound of engine approaching, and lo and behold, the familiar black Aston Martin came into view.
"That's our cue. C'mon," You playfully pushed him from the back, drawing a worried 'ma!', afraid he might drop the food. You just responded to his pout with a cheeky smile before exiting the café, with him waiting for you to lock the door. Winter came in early in Gotham, and the citizens took the opportunity to decorate the city in ways that seemed so... familial.
You opened the passenger door, "Hey." You lit up as Bruce leaned in, his warm lips tickled your cold cheek.
"Sorry I'm late. Tried to finish up some of the last reports before the holidays."
You reassured him, shaking your head as you did, "You're not, I promise. Plus, Jay waited with me."
Bruce looked over at your door, where Jason stood, "Thanks, Jason. Head home safely and don't forget about the dinner, alright?"
"I won't," He nodded curtly as he walked backwards, heading to the alley where he parked his bike, "I'll text y'when I reach home."
"Say hi to princesa for us!" You grinned, waving as you watched your son disappear into the back of the store. You closed the door, turning to Bruce and officially greeting him with a quick but nonetheless sweet kiss, "Hi, you."
"Hi yourself," He sighed in content, leaning in for another kiss as he held the steering wheel, "Shall we?"
"Of course." You replied, and just as your seatbelt clicked into place, Jason drove past you, but not before waving at you and Bruce as he did.
With the end of the year around the corner, you were tired, and so was Bruce. Jason was no different and he didn't doubt that his girl was beat, too.
But it was impossible to suppress the smiles on your faces, knowing that none of you will end the day by your lonesome.
Just a hot drink in hand, a comfy bed to cuddle up in, and your other half to hold onto.
˚ · . f i n . · ˚
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wintfleur · 3 months
so stella is anemic, what if one of her brothers finds her passed out bc of it
౨ৎ passing out spells and a misinformed quinny
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°. — pairings ( Estella Hughes oc! X brother! Quinn Hughes )
°. — details ( g; i honestly don’t know. w; Stella passing out, I think that’s all. wc; 1.6k )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( thank you so much for requesting !!! So sorry that it took so long to get out, I’ve never written something like this before so I hope the passing out scene isn’t to cringe. I hope you guys enjoy it, please don’t be a silent reader !!! )
°. — ( feel free to send any requests of things you would like to see in this series, or if you just want to share some thoughts! I would absolutely love that! Please comment if you would like to be added to the tag list! )
au masterlist — you can find asks under #💌stellahughes!
Stella loved how peaceful early mornings were at her brother's lake house, especially when she had the house to herself. Luke was staying with some friends for the weekend, Jack was out doing God knows what, and Quinn decided to wake up early and go to a rink close by to do some laps. After making sure Stella was okay with being home alone, she was having a rough week, her energy was low, and she was basically napping and relaxing all week. 
Stella was curled up on the couch watching Gilmore girls and eating, well more like picking at some cherries when Quinn kissed her forehead and said he would be back soon. Shouting out a ‘i love you’ before he left. Stella mumbled back an i love you as her tired eyes were focused on the big tv, watching as dean and Rory argue for what felt like the 10th time this episode. 
She was currently rewatching the show with Luke, so she was stuck rewatching the earlier episodes since Luke was adamant of them watching it together. Stella yawned and brought the blanket she was cuddled up in up to her shoulders, she honestly wasn't sure whose blanket it was, it was already on the couch. 
Stella watched 3 more episodes of Gilmore girls before she started to get stir crazy and hot under the blanket. She pushed the blanket off her legs and sat up from laying down, she searched for the remote and paused the tv in the middle of the theme song. She blinked a few times and let out a heavy breath, starting to feel a little nauseous. Maybe it was the smell of cherries? She thought as she looked down at the bowl filled with cherries on the coffee table. 
Stella always got really nauseous whenever she was on her period, like now. She grabbed the bowl and got up from the couch, too quickly as she saw white spots in her vision. Stella ignored the nausea and the dizzy feeling she was used to and slowly walked out of the living room and into the kitchen to put the cherries in the fridge. 
She held onto the corner of the island counter after she put away the cherries, the dizzy feeling was much worse and the pounding in the back of her head became unbearable. Stella winced at the pounding in her head, closing her eyes and hoping that it would help. She felt that familiar fear of passing out, she slowly walked back into the living room, her legs and hands trembling. 
She grabbed onto the edge of the couch as she tried to lean against it, but she felt her knees become weak and her grip on the couch slip, her eyes roll back as she collapses on the living room floor with a thump. The last thing on her mind was that she was alone. 
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Quinn hums along to the song playing on the radio channel Stella had put on the last time she was in the car with him, he wasn't sure what the song was, but he had heard Stella listen to it many times. His car would almost always turn into Stella's whenever they were together, her things in the backseat, her ChapStick or lip glosses in the cup holders. He wasn't complaining though, he missed it when he was away. 
He drove into the driveway and shut off his car, sliding his keys into his pocket and grabbing the cherry ChapStick in the cupholder that he remembered Stella complained to Cole about her losing it. He slid it into his pocket before getting out of the car and going to the trunk to grab his hockey bag. He gets his keys out his pocket and locks the car as he walks up to the front door and unlocks the door, a sigh of relief leaving his lips now that he's home. 
Quinn closes the door behind him and drops his hockey bag near the front door, tossing his keys on the island counter in the kitchen. He was confused when he didn't hear the sound of the tv, but then again maybe she went up to her room. “Stella, I'm home!” Quinn shouts out and he gets no answer, he knows she could be sleeping but he got a weird feeling in his chest that something was wrong. 
Quinn set the water bottle he pulled out of the fridge on the counter and made his way out of the kitchen and into the living room. Quinn's eyes drop to the floor of the living room and his eyes widen in fear and worry when he sees his sister's heart patterned socks peeking out from in front of the couch. Quinn quickly made his way around the crouch, and he dropped to his knees at Stella's side when he saw her unconscious on the ground. 
“Stella? Estella, can you hear me?” Quinn frantically spoke loudly, his tone filled with worry as he quickly but gently rolled Stella to lay on her back, one of his hands on the back of his littles sister's head as he tilted it back to clear her airways. His heart was almost beating out of his chest as he tried to remember all the steps of helping someone who's unconscious. 
He turned his body to reach and grab a pillow off the couch to put under Stella's legs but quickly turns back to his little sister when he hears the weak groan leaving her pale pink lips. Quinn brought his hands to cup stella’s face, gently forcing her to open her eyes as he rubbed his thumbs on her cheeks “Hey, hey stella can you hear me ⸺ c’mon open your eyes.” 
“Oww” Stella sleepily whined out as she gained full consciousness. She was confused, she had no idea what was going on or what happened. All she knew was that her head was killing her, and her ass was numb. Stella slowly fluttered her eyes open, a wince leaving her lips at the bright light of the living room. Stella blinked a few times trying to get used to the light, Stella's hand gripped onto the fur of the rug, and she tried to flatten her palm to lift herself up from the uncomfortable floor. 
“Not so fast, it's okay just lay back down” Quinn spoke softly as he grabbed a pillow from the couch and slipped it under her head so she could rest it comfortably. Quinn kept his eyes on his little sister, they were still filled with worry. Stella groans and rests her head on the pillow looking up at her brother as she whispers, “What happened?” 
“Looks like you passed out ⸺ when were you gonna tell me you could do that hmm?” Quinn jokes with a weak smile, knowing that Stella would panic the more she thought of it. Stella sniffles and tries to smile at her brother's attempt to make her feel better, she was starting to remember what had happened. She replied quietly “Thought I’d surprise ya” 
“Consider me surprised” Quinn sighed, he gently moved some of Stella's hair out of her face before he stood up. “Don't move okay, I'm going to get your iron pills and something for you to drink.” 
Stella weakly nodded and watched as her big brother rushed into the kitchen. Stella waited for a few moments before she tried again to sit up, this time she was much more successful. Stella groaned quietly as she slowly stood up and sat on the couch, pulling the blanket over her lap and closing her eyes. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Stella chanted in her head as she did her breathing exercise, hoping that it would help with the pounding in her head. 
“I told you not to move ⸺ they say you have to lay down for 10 minutes” Quinn groaned as he walked into the living room to see stella snuggled up on the couch, of course she didn't listen to him. ‘They’ being the internet. Quinn had scoured the internet for as much information he could get about Stella's anemia and what to do if she passed out when she was diagnosed. 
“They also say you shouldn't put a pillow under someone's head after they pass out” Stella says matter-of-factly as she looks up at her brother who was holding out a cold glass of orange juice, the other hand holding two iron pills. 
“What? ⸺ and you're just telling me this now?” Quinn gaped as Stella took the glass and pills into her hands. Stella rolled her eyes and swallowed the two pills with a big mouthful of orange juice. She looks up at her brother who was giving her an unimpressed look, he took her health and safety very seriously. Stella gave him an innocent smile and just simply shrugged “It was a really comfy pillow.” 
“Where are you going?” Stella questioned him as he shook his head in disbelief and turned around to walk out of the living room, his hands on his hips as he dramatically walked out. All of her brothers were so damn dramatic . . . but so was she. She hears Quinn shout his answer from the kitchen and the sound of him unzipping his bag for his phone “Going to call mom and tell her you haven't been taking your pills.” 
“They also say you shouldn't put me through any stress or yell at me” Stella shouted back with a playful smile, she took another sip from the glass while she picked up the remote and started looking for something new to watch. Already feeling much better. 
“Now you're just making shit up!” Quinn shouted back with a roll of his eyes, knowing that his little sister was just teasing him. Quinn paused his movement of searching up their moms contact when he heard the faint sound of her laughter, a smile coming across his lips when he heard her sassily shout a reply. 
“It's completely true and reasonable!” 
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( THIS. IS. SO. BAD. IM. GONNA. SCREAM. 😄 )
°. — taglist ( @privatemythss @prettyboywoll @cixrosie @toasttt11 )
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daylite-writes · 5 months
Welcoming Legacy (It welcomes you) - SAGAU ft. Foul Legacy Tartaglia
Ever since you woke up in Teyvat, you’ve been… confused. The memories of your previous life fading, leaving you to wander. One thing was for certain though, the people here despised you for the face you wore. That was, until waking in the Snezhnayan wilderness after another death, a certain abyssal harbingers saves you from the cold.
cw: imposter au SAGAU shenanigans, temporary death, hyperthermia, passing out, not very yandere (but from his perspective it definitely would be), hurt/comfort, Capitano cameo! Written to be x reader ish, but it’s vague and ur kinda cold so can be read as Romantic or Platonic! Will be tagging as both lemme know if it shouldn’t be.
1.5k words
It’s almost funny, you think, how he’s the one who reconsized you first.
No. Not recognised. This was the first time you’d met any of them. The vision holders, the ‘characters’ that you once fawned over and held very dear. They wouldn’t know your name, your face—except for the fact they did. And they hated you for it. “Impersonator”, “Heretic”, “Damned”, “Witch.”
They all looked at you as if you’d committed a grave crime. A slight that could not be forgiven. But how could you have? You were given this name, and born with this face.
And yet you were hunted. And yet you were killed. Arrow through the heart, spear through the back, claymore to the ribs. The pain was unbearable, but death wasn’t the end. Each time you closed your eyes, hoping for an end to the nightmare, you awoke somewhere new.
You recognized the landscape from hours spent playing the game, and quickly learned to avoid settlements, villages, and most importantly, vision holders. The pain of death was too much, leaving your body trembling with sobs and quietly pleading to whatever force put you on Teyvat to just let you go home.
After the fourth death—at the hands of an electro charged spear, courtesy of a certain mahamantra—you woke up, shaking uncontrollably. Only this time, not from phantom pains or the emotional toll of death. This time, is was due to a heavy, bone deep, unnatural cold.
Of course it had to be Snezhnaya.
You whimpered, cursing your luck. This would be a slow, painful death if you couldn’t find shelter and fast.
Stumbling to your feet—bare, the clothes that stayed with you after death did not include them—you looked around pitifully. A snowy forest. Beautiful, but useless, and hard to see far in. You’d never been to Snezhnaya in game either, so there was no way you’d be able to find shelter. Pitifully, you dragged yourself under a tree, curling into yourself under the pine’s branches, hoping it wouldn’t be too painful. Achingly, you let your eyes close, waiting for the next place.
Only, before the cold took you, a rumbling call broke through the tranquil silence of the forest.
Blearily, you opened your eyes. Some kind of beast? It wasn’t like you were familiar with the creatures of Snezhnaya. But it didn’t sound like a normal enemy monster. It was sad, keening… longing.
It called out again. You… would rather die quickly to a beast than slowly to hypothermia, you supposed.
“Here,” you called out weakly. You clicked your tongue a few times, as if luring in a cat. “Come on.”
You laughed slightly. Had delusion from hypothermia set in so quickly? You were making kissy noises at the monster in the forest. Luring in your death with soft sweet noises.
The forest was still for a moment. And then it wasn’t.
Snow crunched underfoot of what was undoubtedly a large creature. You were pretty sure you heard the waning bend of pine trees as it shoved pass.
Was this a mistake? Probably. You were too cold to care. Maybe its claws would be warm as it tore you apart. Ha. Wouldn’t that be nice?
At some point your eyes had slipped closed again, but it was close now. You could hear it. So close—you waited for the sink of claws into your flesh—
It came to a stop in front of you, inches away, maybe, if the warm breath on your skin was any indication.
In a raspy, warbling tone, it spoke English. “Creator?”
You opened your eyes again, and gasped as you saw… Tartaglia? No, not him, exactly. But, his Foul Legacy. The rough plates of armor adorning his limbs, the red mask with a singular clouded pearl eye in the center, the sheer size of him.
“Ajax?” You mumbled.
“Creator!” It said again, rough, desperate, as if it had a throat not made for speaking.
“Hi.” You said simply, before your eyes slipped closed.
There was warmth.
A lot of warmth.
You sighed, not daring to open your eyes for fear it might disappear. That you might still be laying in the snow, your blood crystallizing in your veins.
A smooth, clawed hand cupped your cheek, then your jaw, tilting your head back. Was this when the pain would come? You stirred a bit, but little nothing happened. The thing holding you sighed, gently pressing the sides of your cheek to open your jaw. What? What was happening? You hardly had time to panic before something warm was poured into your mouth, and his inhuman hand latched around your mouth to keep it shut.
You whimpered, eyes still closed—gods you really didn’t want to open them. You really couldn’t mentally confront what was happening. For now, it needed to stay invisible, it needed to not be real—as the liquid sat in your mouth. You refused to swallow, but it tasted like broth? Was it broth? You decided you didn’t care, not so long as you were being forced to drink—
That was, until its other hand came up and began to massage your throat. You sputtered, the rough finger pads gently rubbing against your throat forcing you to swallow after a moment.
It’s… nice. Warm but not hot, and definitely just some sort of broth now that you think about it. The next time the edge of a bowl is set against your lips, you drink of your own volition.
Whatever was caring for you seemed happy, as its rumbling chest, reminiscent of a cat's purr, seemed to indicate. Honestly, you were too, going slack against it, hiding your face in what you think is it’s neck, lined with a mane of fur, as it rubbed circles into your scars. The old aches of death soothing under its fingerpads.
Sleep came easy.
The next time you woke up, you weren’t so afraid to open your eyes.
Strangely calm, you didn’t even jump at the sight in front of you.
Probably seven feet tall, with thick, armored plates running up his body, a mix of purples, blues, blacks and reds coloring his body. His mask was a dull red, and an abyssal blue, almost jewel like eye was set in the center.
Foul legacy. Tartaglia’s abyssal form. This was Childe, no—
He practically melted, wrapping around you at the raspy croak of his own name.
You sighed, snuggling into the small fur mane around his neck.
“What are… what are you doing here?” Wasn’t he out of the country? You weren’t sure what point in the story you arrived during, but none of them had him in his homeland for long. “Isn’t being in that form for too long dangerous?”
He smiled. Well, ‘smile’ was a bad term. He curled back his lips and opened his plated maw, one you didn’t know he had. It was hidden among the red armor of his mask, which you were now convinced were just, ya know, his face when in foul legacy. His maw, black and almost a void inside, lined with row after row of sharp, shark-like teeth. He yawned, wide, before snapping his mouth shut with a little clack.
You couldn’t help the small giggle that bubbled up from your throat.
He seemed to like that, purring as he set his chin atop your head.
Your giggle faded away, and your face fell. You gave a soft sigh, body aching slightly. With a quiet voice, you could help but ask what’d been gnawing at you since you woke.
“Why… Why are you helping me?”
“Because the ones who hurt you are fools.”
That was not Ajax.
You turned your head, towards the entrance of the cave Ajax had holed the two of you up in.
When you saw who it was, you shied into the arms of Foul Legacy, who was happy enough to wrap his arms around you.
Capitano’s intimidating figure blocked the entrance of the cave, mask glinting in the fire light.
“I apologize for the late arrival, I was combing the west side of the valley for you. Tartaglia seemed to find you first.”
“I…” What?
Capitano stepped deeper into the cave, his steps were confident, but the closer he got, he lowered his head. It almost looked like a sign of respect.
A mere few strides away, he reached a hand out—to greet you? Touch you? You were sure, as before he could do anything, Ajax dragged you closer and responded to Capitano with a guttural growl.
“Quiet, eleventh.” Capitano commanded. Despite his unhappiness, Ajax obliged, letting Capitano closer.
A cold metal gauntlet approached your face slowly, before cupping your face. Gently, it tilted your jaw up, forcing you to meet the void of his mask.
You didn’t know that when the firelight hit your irises, they glittered with constellations, or that the veins barely visible against the white of your eyes were gold.
What you did see through, was the way his heavy shoulders dropped, and you heard a reverent sigh of relief. He dipped his head lower, and you swore crystal blue eyes blinked slowly down at you.
“Welcome to the waking world, dear Creator. Celestia has kept you asleep and unseeing for far too long.”
Omg this had so much more but the plot got out of hand so I just took the first bits and left the rest out. TECHNICALLY there’s lord and explanations but I know I’d never finish a cohesive plot so here we are! My first attempt as SAGAU!
Gonna update my ask specifics soon as well as answer one!
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xzaddyzanakinx · 7 months
| So, So, Right | pt. 2
Stepbro! Anakin x innocent reader
18+ MDNI
Warnings: eventual smut, inappropriate relationships, make out sesh, reader has oral fixation
Info: Modern AU, Anakin is whipped, Anakin literally worships the ground you walk on, reader is accidentally a brat, Anakin is conflicted, NOT PROOFREAD
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You were impatiently waiting for Anakin at the front door at 5:00 pm sharp, your makeup retouched and your hair up in an elegantly smooth ponytail. A small scrap of white satin tied in a bow covered your ponytail holder, you’d left your clothes on from earlier just in case Anakin came home yucky, you didn’t want to get your nice clothes dirty.
“What are you doing?” Your mom came up behind you, a mason jar of ice water clinking in her hands.
“I’m waiting for Ani. He’s gonna take me to the movies!” You turned around quickly to flash a big smile at her.
“What are you gonna see?” She slipped her arm in yours and pulled you to the couch, “sit down, standing over there isn’t gonna make him show up any faster.” She laughed.
“I dunno, whatever he wants I guess.” You shrugged, picking at the hem of your shirt.
“You know, I’m proud of you.” Your mom said softly. “I was really worried that you two wouldn’t get along.”
“What? Why?” You scoffed.
“Well you’ve been an only child your whole life and so has he. Sometimes it’s hard to adjust to a new family structure.” She patted your knee.
“Well I don’t think it’s been hard, I love him, he’s my favorite!” You grinned.
“You’re too sweet for your own good.” Your mom laughed, smiling widely as she heard Anakin’s truck pulling into the drive way.
Your feet hit the ground immediately, pushing open the glass storm door and waiting for him on the porch. His white shirt was discolored and put his jeans had stayed spotless, you assumed he probably took them off to wear his work clothes. He slammed the truck door shut, bobbing his head to the beat of whatever song he’d been listening to moments earlier.
He jogged up the front steps and held his hand out to stop you from running up to him. He grinned at your pout and furrowed brows, giving a light chuckle at your reaction.
“Look at me, you don’t want this all over you do ya?” He gestured to his stained shirt and grease streaked arms.
“I don’t care!” You rolled your eyes, a slight smile creeping up your lips when he bent down with his hands behind his back to give you a chaste kiss on your forehead.
“C’mon. Gotta shower.” He opened the glass door and ushered you inside with a gentle pat to your ass.
“Ani!” Your mom greeted him with an awkward smile, a bit of confusion in her eyes.
Anakin’s breath caught in his throat, - did she see that? -
“Hey Satine.” Anakin swallowed his guilt laced worries and smoothed the situation over with his charming smile. “I’m gonna go get cleaned up.” He thumbed over his shoulder to the stairway, before jogging up to your shared bathroom.
You walked to the kitchen, grabbing a cup of grape juice for yourself and a can of Pepsi for Anakin. Your mom following closely, her anxious demeanor went unnoticed by you.
“Gotta go get changed.” You said as you slipped past her.
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“Knock knock.” You said playfully as you entered your room, seeing the bathroom door wide open and the steam coming from the shower.
Receiving no answer you hummed to yourself while you sat down your drinks, turning to your neatly made bed and seeing a cute light pink summer dress, clean white cotton underwear, a pink bralette and some white sandals. You smiled to yourself, loving when Anakin chose your clothes for you.
You slipped out of your dirty clothes and into your clean ones, stepping into the dress just as Anakin was walking out of the bathroom with a towel hung low on his waist.
“Is that okay?” He questioned, making sure you’d be comfortable wearing the outfit he’d picked.
“You always pick the perfect thing.” You smiled, pulling your ponytail over your shoulder and spinning around so Anakin could zip your dress.
He ran his knuckles down your spine on their way to your zipper, sending cold chills through you. You giggled at the sensation and pulled your shoulders up to your ears when his plump lips made contact with the nape of your neck.
“Gorgeous.” He clicked his tongue, eyes roaming your figure.
He turned on his heel, going to his room to get clothes on. He dropped his towel about halfway through the bathroom, leaving him completely bare. He didn’t even turn around to acknowledge what he had done, you blushed as an unfamiliar feeling bloomed in your stomach. You shyly looked anywhere but his open door, that is until he came strolling in, focused on buckling his belt.
“How d’ya think I look?” He did a little twist in place to show off his nice casual clothes. Non-ripped black jeans, black vans and a black&red flannel with a Minor Threat shirt underneath.
Giving him two thumbs up and a big smile you bounded over to him, stopping right in front of him. He leaned down a kissed each side of your mouth, pulling back to smile softly as he stared at your lips.
“How come you never kiss me for real?” You asked, Anakin seemed a bit taken aback by this.
“Do you want me to?” He leaned in closer, noses brushing together.
“Yes.” You smiled, closing the distance between you.
Your lips meeting in a gentle embrace. His velvety smooth lips caressing yours in an intimately cute dance. You could feel him trying to stave off a smile and it sent a shiver down your spine that made you giggle.
“What’s so funny?” He pulled back grinning.
“Nothing!” You squeaked, feeling warmth forming at the apex of your thighs.
You felt a bit shy, so you just quietly held out your hand for him to take. Which he of course did, pulling you to the door and down the stairs at breakneck speed, catching his breath on the bottom step with a laugh.
“Need some cash?” Obi-Wan asked, not looking up from his book on the couch. “Satine said you’re going out?”
“Nah I’ve got it covered.” Anakin said, flicking his wrist in a wave at his dad.
“Be safe.” Obi-Wan peered over his book from under his glasses.
“Always are, aren’t we bunny?” Anakin teased, playing with the ‘ears’ on your satin bow.
You giggled and agreed, making your way to the front door and into Anakin’s truck in no time at all. Anakin beat you there to open the door for you, waiting until you had buckled your seatbelt before closing the door and climbing in his side. His warm hand resting on your knee, squeezing lightly as he backed out of the drive way.
“Took a bit longer than I thought,” he hummed, “Sonic okay? I don’t think we have time for a restaurant.” He tapped the clock on the radio.
“Yeah, ‘course.” You agreed as he pulled up to a stall to order your food. You were just happy to be here with him.
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A vanilla milkshake and a whole load of tater tot’s later you were making your way through the ticket line at the movies, settling for something scary. Anakin always teased that you weren’t ‘big enough’ to handle horror movies, and you wanted to prove him wrong.
“I promise. I won’t get freaked out like last time!” You tugged on his shirt sleeve while he laughed.
“Sure. Sure. Just don’t come crying to me when you get scared.” He said semi-sternly.
“Fine.” You crossed your arms, feelings a bit squished thinking that he might’ve been serious.
“Baby, I’m only kidding. You know that.” He pulled you into his chest with a possessive tug at your hip.
“I know.” You answered quietly, collecting your tickets from the man at the counter.
“Let’s go find a good seat m’kay?” He pulled you along, his arm thrown across your shoulders.
He led you to the top row, the theater was sparse compared to what you expected. The movie had been out for at least two weeks but you didn’t expect it to be so empty. You clapped excitedly, loving that you practically had the whole place to yourselves.
Anakin lifted the armrest between your seats so you could lean over on him, lifting his arm up so you could comfortably wiggle into place. His arm around you lowered until he had a firm grip on your upper thigh, his thumb in the crease where your leg met your hip, his long fingers squeezing the soft flesh of your ass.
That warm feeling crept back up into your stomach, sending a shiver down your legs. Anakin noticed, smirking to himself before twisting to pepper your hair with kisses.
The movie started off slow, but as it went on the gruesome violence was starting to get to you. You tucked yourself up under his arm, hiding your face in his chest.
“Is it too much babydoll?” He whispered, his breath ghosting you ear.
You shook your head, not wanting to admit defeat. “No, just tell me when the killer is gone.”
A few seconds later Anakin gave you the okay signal and your head popped back up to see the bloody aftermath on screen. It was enough to make you nauseous, you closed your eyes and swallowed, refusing to give in to your silly childlike fear.
You squeaked and sunk back into his chest, feeling his chest rumble as he held back a chuckle.
“My poor girl.” He tutted, stroking your cheek softly. “Do you want to go?”
“No!” You pouted.
“There’s no shame in being scared babe. It’s called a horror movie for a reason.” He squeezed your cheeks to puff out your lips, making you giggle.
“I can do it. It’s almost done.” You nodded, sneaking your thumb into your mouth. Chewing the skin on the sides of your fingernail. As stupid as it was, it was comforting to you. At this point you didn’t care if Anakin thought it was weird, you just needed to calm yourself.
He watched from the corner of his eye, your lips wrapped around your digit made his cock twitch.
“Princess?” He whispered softly, his hand not occupied by your ass cheek came to tilt your face toward his.
Sullenly you removed your thumb and gave him a shame faced smile. Afraid he’d be judgmental, your eyes widened as he swiped his thumb over your bottom lip. His gaze never left yours as he slipped the pad of his thumb past your lips and slid it gently across your tongue in massaging circles.
“That better baby doll?” He asked, his voice husky as he shifted in his seat.
Something about the way he asked you this, or maybe something about the way he looked at you had you feeling that warm tingly feeling in your stomach again. You hummed in agreement against his thumb, earning a little grunt from his throat. He crossed and uncrossed his legs as he tried to get comfortable again, his dick straining in his jeans.
You spent the rest of the movie just like this, Anakin’s thumb caressing your tongue and his other hand migrated under the hem of your dress, trailing lightly up and down your thigh.
As the credits rolled you unfurled from Anakin’s embrace, reluctantly standing up to stretch. Anakin laced your fingers with his yours and led you down the steps and too the main foyer of the theater.
“Hey!” Someone called your name and your head spun in search of the source.
A hand waving frantically caught your attention and you squinted to properly see their face. Joshua, a student from one of your Gen. Ed. classes made his way toward you.
“Who’s this?” Anakin asked, his hand tightening around yours.
“A boy from school!” You said, dragging him behind you.
“Josh! This is Anakin, Anakin, Josh.” The boys nodded toward each other, gauging the other reluctantly.
“How’s your summer?” Josh asked, choosing to ignore Anakin completely.
“Oh it’s good, Ani just started a new job, we’re out celebrating!” You looked up at Anakin proudly, resting your hand on his chest.
“Oh. Nice.” Josh grumbled, “he your boyfriend?”
Anakin opened his mouth to speak but you interrupted. “No silly, he’s my stepbrother. Remember? I told you my mom was getting remarried.”
Anakin’s arm slithered around your waist, pulling you back into him. Tilting your head back to kiss your lips with a devilish grin plastered on his face. You were too busy gazing up at Anakin to noticed the flash of disgust travel across Josh’s face.
“Alright, Josh,” Anakin mumbled, “gotta get my pretty girl home don’t I?”
“Mhm, okay Ani.” You smiled, waving in the general direction of josh, completely unaware that he had made a fast exit after Anakin’s display of affection.
“I didn’t like that guy.” Anakin sighed as he ushered you into the truck.
“Why? He’s always been nice.” You asked.
“He seems off. I think it’s best if you keep your distance princess.” Anakin smoothed your dress before buckling you in. “I just wanna keep you safe.”
“I know, I trust you.” You smiled.
“Good girl.” Anakin grinned, closing the door and making his way to his side.
The ride home was quiet as you watched the night sky twinkle with the stars, streetlights flickering and porch lights turning on. The pavement gave way to gravel as Anakin pulled into the drive way. Suddenly then air felt a bit thicker when he clicked the release on your seatbelt, you turned to him, his face just inches from yours.
“Let me try something okay princess?” He breathed, “c’mere.”
He pulled you into him, one hand on the nape of your neck and one hand pressing against your lower back.
Tentatively he dipped down, eyes flicking from yours to your lips before he dove in and pressed his mouth to yours. In comparison to the sweet kisses you’d shared earlier, this was rougher, more passionate. The aggressiveness of it had you gasping for air and Anakin’s tongue slowly pushed against yours, exploring your mouth slowly, making sure to memorize your taste. Reluctantly he pulled back, your lips chasing his until he gripped your neck firmly.
“You have no idea what that does to me.” He palmed himself, shifting his cock to fit more comfortably, turning your head away when you tried to watch what he was doing.
You whimpered into his mouth as he captured you in another devouring kiss, this time you moved your tongue in sync with his. Earning a moan that rumbled from his throat to your lips. He paused, as if considering something, before cupping your face in both hands and tilting your head back.
His lips left yours to place a sloppy open mouthed kiss to your throat. Taking note of the way you clenched your thighs tightly together and leaned into him, a pleased smirk on his face when he pulled back.
“Let’s get you inside before I… well let’s get you inside.” He chuckled to himself.
Your head too fuzzy to even question him about his odd statement.
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“Hop up here baby doll.” Anakin tapped the bathroom sink. Bringing a washcloth to your face to remove your makeup for you.
Brushing your hair and braiding it down your back for you. He placed your toothbrush in your hand and brought your hand up to your mouth. Encouraging you to go ahead and start brushing your teeth while he went into his room.
“You can wear this tonight,” he laid one of his sleep shirts next to you on the counter.
“Spit.” He held a cup to your lips for you to spit your toothpaste into, rinsing it out and filling it with a bit of water for you to rinse the residue out with.
“All done.” He smiled, lifting you up by your hips and standing you in front of him, unzipping your dress slowly, placing his shirt in your hands.
“Go ahead, I’ll turn around.” He smiled, turning on his heels and dramatically covering his eyes.
You let the dress fall to the floor and kicked it aside, removing the bralette and pulling his shirt over your head. Leaving you in just his shirt and your underwear. You tapped his shoulder and he turned his head to nip at your fingers just to hear you squeal.
“Climb up in bed baby doll.” He ushered you into your room, peeling back the covers for you to crawl under.
He dropped his jeans to the floor, and slipped his shirt over his head. His toned stomach stretching as he lifted his arms over his head. He crawled in after you, pulling a book off your nightstand to start reading.
“Just one chapter tonight okay?” He yawned, petting your cheek as you laid on his bare chest.
“Okay.” You nodded, fiddling with a loose string on his boxers.
Anakin tried his best to ignore your fingers brushing against the sensitive skin on his waist. He was quickly becoming flustered, your hand so close to his crotch while you were completely unaware of what you were doing to him. Your touches getting heavier as you felt sleep creeping in, the back of your hand grazing across his half hard length. He jerked unexpectedly and caused you to stir.
“Are you okay?” Your head shot up worriedly.
“Yeah ‘course. Just a little jumpy.” He smiled, a light blush across his nose.
“Did I hurt you?” You asked, this time purposely dragging your fingers over the same spot to see if he reacted again.
Anakin did in fact react to your touch, a muffled groan slipped out and he tried to cover it up with a cough as he shut the book. He gently moved your hand up his abdomen, looking down at you with obvious conflict in his eyes. You didn’t understand, you just recognized that he was uncomfortable as he grabbed at his crotch and repositioned himself with a grunt.
“No you didn’t hurt me.” He smiled, “just- just a little sensitive there.”
“M’sorry Ani.” Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked up from his chest, playing with the hairs between his bellybutton and the waistband of his boxers.
“Don’t be sorry, you didn’t know baby doll.” He leaned down and cupped your face in his large hands. Rubbing his nose against yours before giving you a peck on each cheek.
“Goodnight princess.” Anakin stood, pressing his lips to his thumb and swiping it across your bottom lip.
“Night Ani.” You whispered as Anakin turned out your light and left to his room.
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Anakin laid awake, his cock throbbing and his mind spinning. Finally he sighed, deciding he needed some relief. Slowly he palmed himself through his boxers, groaning from the sensitivity of being hard for so long. He closed his eyes, pulling his member free from the tightened fabric, stroking himself languidly as he pictured your lips around his dick like they’d been wrapped around his thumb earlier.
Just as his legs stiffened and the hot coil in his stomach snapped he heard the pitter patter of your footsteps on the cold bathroom tile. His cum coated his palm, he panicked shoving his softening cock back into his boxers. Thinking quickly he slipped his sticky hand beneath the sheets and wiped his palm against the side of the mattress.
“Anakin?” You sniffled, shuffling to his side.
“What is it princess?” Anakin’s face was blood red, his voice shaky.
“Can’t sleep.” You lifted the blankets and forced your way into his bed, pushing him away from the edge so you could take his spot.
“Bad dreams?” He asked quietly, lifting his arm for you to tuck yourself against his bare chest.
“Uh huh.” You nodded, “remember at the movie?”
“What about it baby doll?” He whispered against the shell of your ear, breathing in the scent of your hair.
“Can I?” You looked up at him, batting your eyelashes.
Tentatively you picked up his free hand, bringing it to your lips. He didn’t protest, so you assumed it was okay, his calloused thumb settled on your tongue. Your nose scrunched up, noticing a weird taste on his skin, tangy and salty. You pulled his hand from your mouth and looked up at him quizzically.
“Why’s it taste like that?” You asked, opening his palm and licking a stripe up the rough skin. Collecting the residue on your tongue while Anakin tried his best to hold back a groan as he felt himself getting hard again.
“That’s enough.” He said sternly, pulling his hand back from your eager lips.
“But- what is it? Tastes good.” You pouted.
“Oh god.” He whimpered, shoving his face into his pillow.
“Ani?” You whined, trying to push him to roll over, so you could see his face.
“Just a second baby.” He sounded like he was having trouble breathing, and it worried you.
“No, lemme see.” You demanded, using all your strength to shift his weight so that he was laying on his side.
He still refused to look at you, his bottom lip stuck between his teeth in a vice grip. So you hiked up one leg and tossed it over his hip, using it as leverage while you place your hands on his chest and pushed. You fell on his lower abdomen, the mattress springing beneath you caused you to bounce slightly as you landed on him, your ass settling on his crotch.
His hands quickly came to your hips, gripping you tightly, trying to lift you off of him.
“Babydoll. No.” He warned, but you crossed your arms and shook your head. Further making your point by scooting back, feeling a warmth pulsing beneath you.
A tiny whimper left your lips when you unintentionally rolled your core against him, a streak of lightning rushed through your body that made your eyebrows furrow and Anakin’s hands left your hips to cover his face.
“Fuck. Baby? Baby!” His hands shot out to grab your wrists that were planted firmly on his bare chest. “Remember when I said I’m real sensitive down there?”
“Uh huh.” You nodded, pushing your cunt down on his now rock hard cock.
“God. Please princess I need you to stop.” He groaned, his voice gravely.
His grip on your wrists tightened, squeezing until his fingers dug into your flesh. You tried to shake loose to no avail.
“Let go!” You whined. “Why do I have to stop? Feels good.”
“What?” He squeaked, eyes wide.
“Feels good Ani.” You looked down at him with sad puppy eyes as you rocked against him.
He propped himself up on his elbows, in disbelief at what you’d just said. One hand coming to your cheek in a gentle caress.
“Say that again.” His voice thick with want.
“Feels good Ani. Just let me.” You answered immediately.
“Show me where it feels good, tell me what it feels like.” He tapped your hip to get you to lift off of him.
“Here.” You whimpered as you pressed two fingers against the center of your panties, feeling a wet spot there. “It tingles. It hurts.”
“Do you want me to help? I can make it better.” His hand left your cheek and slithered around the back of your neck, waiting for your answer.
“Please?” You nodded feverishly, the air being knocked out of you when Anakin flipped you onto your back.
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Let me know if you wanna be added/removed!
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shocymer · 2 months
Incognito mode
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"Your very first sweet and gentle boyfriend is surprisingly an expert when it comes to 'bed matters'"
Pairing : Yeosang x virgin! f!reader
Word counts : 4.1k
Contents & warnings : smut mdni! , office! AU, boyfriend!Yeosang, lowkey flirty Yeosang, a lot of fluff, virgin!reader, soft dom!Yeosang, nipple play, unprotected sex, multiple orgasm, fingering, oral (receiving & giving), squirting, cumshot, creampie.
a request fic from 🐈‍⬛ anonnie | masterlist | network : @newworldnet
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“Ma’am,” a male voice calling for you.
You could feel his fingertips moving, started from your upper arm to the shoulder. Those gentle touches kept running on you lightly, then it immediately stop before reached the end of your collar to the bare skin of your neck.
Startled by the touch. You, who’s lolled on your revolving chair with closed eyes for a good minutes, bound to open them abruptly. You could tell who he was, the way he’s holding his soft chuckles, the way his sweet smile greeted you the second you opened your eyes and of course those familiar deep with the hint of candy like tone when he’s calling for your name. If it’s not him, you sure be mad by his action.
“Oh, I deliver the files that you requested before.” He put a file folder with dark blue colors on your desk surface without a cue.
You fell silent for a mere seconds as you contemplated on it which laying down just like that. “What files?” You wondered. Throwing your gaze at him, demanded an explanation.
He placed his hand to the back of your chair instead. While the other one nudged your innocent pen holder on purpose, which spilled its contents all over your desk. Widened your eyes at the sudden mess, you shouted in whisper while gripping a good amount of fabrics from his suit, “what are you doing?!”
He didn’t answer you, remaining unbothered. Choosing to tidy up the mess he made certainly was his best move. He leaned closer, cutting the gap between both of your face. Until you grabbed the last pen on your desk. He held your hand to prevent you from doing so.
A cheeky smile emerged on his reddish lips. While he blown a soft whisper into your right ear, “I remind you ma’am, don’t forget to check the files.”
No, you couldn’t take this anymore. What he just did literally ticklish your entire body. Meanwhile your head going to combust at any moments. Just like a bunch of butterflies swarming inside your belly mixed up with the uncontrollable panic, afraid if others catches this flirty lovers right away.
You looked around, while putting your hand to cover his mouth, slightly pushed him further. Proceeded to gave an instant glare at him right after you could feel his smirk underneath your palm. He raised both hands in reflex, backed off so easily as if none of his actions affected you a moment ago. Last but not least, he won’t forget to throw those signature smile before left you in peace inside of your cubicle.
Really, sometimes you can’t grasp his train of thoughts. It’s quite differences of the Kang Yeosang you knew few weeks ago, the first time you admired him due to his calm and gentle demeanor, and the one who just invaded your work desk right now. How he's so well spoken to others plus the way he handled problems in every heated meeting was really attractive. But in the end, he’s just a ball of sunshine inside and such a teaser outside after he confessed his feelings towards you.
That day was kinda a weird occurrence, since he caught you standing still by the office pantry entrance at that time. Your mouth gape open in awe, when a ray of sunlight which you don’t even know how stream through the window pane, hitting on his sculpture like profile. Even though he just leaned on the edge of table while casually sipping his daily intake of caffeine.
His angel like gaze shift on you. The long and well curved lashes followed every blink of his eyes in disbelieved, after the word “beautiful” came out of your mouth under your sense. Putting the paper cup of his coffee aside, he stepped forward to your direction with both hands inside his suit pants pocket. You felt intimidated as you stepped back in response. He cornered you by the wall that only few inches away before he said, “wanna have a date? But If you interested of course.” And that’s the beginning of your love life with him.
A pink sticky notes fell out from the file folders once you open it. You reached it by the side of the chair wheels. His distinctive writing style was scribbled so well by that piece of paper.
Perhaps, are you free by the weekend? If so, I want to spend a whole day with you.
- Kang Yeosang
“Oh boy, you could send me a word of text instead Yeosangie.” You mumbled while holding your laughter, thinking how cute he was planning this gig, pretended to deliver some files as alibi. You just bit the tip of your thumb nail after you realized there’s three unread notifications belong to his name, popped out on your lock screen that was neglected ever since.
You were writing an answer on its note before intended to deliver those back to Yeosang, "yup, come over to my place at 9 on Saturday ⁠♡” Shaking your head, you felt so silly by both of your action. Well, he’s a man full of surprise indeed.
It’s Saturday morning as the promised date. Unfortunately you got a sudden call from the office, asking to work overtime by the good weekend. Your mood was definitely messed up as you just dressed prettily for your one and only boyfriend, but ended up going to work in those smoking hot looks instead.
You swiped through your phone while walking in a rush before pressed on his contact. It rang for more than a good minute even after you reach the front office entrance gate. The time elevator’s door was open, you bumped hard to someone. Now what? After sudden work call and your gorgeous lover is nowhere to reach, what next going to ruin your day. When you looked up it’s your boyfriend Yeosang staring at you. His disheveled morning hair with some strands poking through made you exploded in laughter.
He pointed at you with a surprised look as both going through the same miserable ‘supposed to be day off’ in the office. You could see, he also dialed up your number, wanting to inform you due to this sudden event. So that’s the reason why your call never reached him.
His hoarse voice, breaking through your laughter. “I thought I was the only one.”
You wiped a little tears at the corner of your eyes, “No, me too. Sadly, I’m looking forward to our date though.”
“We can still do that after work, right?” His smile was reassuring you, while his fingers brushing through the strands of his hair that started to look a little neat.
As soon as the ‘ding’ sound filled the space, Yeosang and you headed to your superior office, wanting to get over this quickly. There’s some troubles on the office website per-say, he couldn’t update the office log plus the multiple errors occurs on the website following behind. No one can handle it in this very weekend except both of you who’s obviously forced to agree and as part of the IT division.
When it's partly afternoon nearly to the evening, everything’s finally done. The office website running smoothly, your superior stopped yapping and handsome overtime labor pay will be in your pocket soon.
Yeosang tapped the back of your hand, “let’s get some coffee before we head back.”
You nodded and followed him towards the office pantry. To be truth, it’s not that bad working overtime only the two of you. First, you didn’t need to be worried if others might found out about your relationship. You don’t like the idea of became the office latest hot topics. And the last one, there’s specifically written on the employment contracts about love involvement between the co-workers. Who knew you would date one of them, moreover it’s Kang Yeosang above from all, which is your junior a year apart.
Both of your hands holding a cup of hot tea, while you occasionally stole glances at your dearest boyfriend. He leaned on in the exact same position as that day, sipping the very same of his favorite coffee brand. That truly recollecting your bashful memories.
Sometimes, enjoyed the time together in silence became a habit when there’s only both of you alone in one place. Everything you do with him is literally the first experience. You never in a serious relationship, resulting all of it ended in short term. The feeling of uncomfy creeping under your skin everytime you get close with a man. But Yeosang is an exception, he never invaded your personal space without permission and his unpredictable nature as well is weirdly made you comfortable to be around him.
You threw the empty paper cup into the trash bin before turned to Yeosang. “I’m done yeo, let’s go.”
The second you almost reach the pantry entrance, the lights flashed on and off then it turn into a complete darkness. The electricity went out without a warning. Great! Why today is the worst day of all. Now you’re stuck in this pantry and gave up just like that. Because no matter what you did, both of you can’t get out of there. Like first of all, who’s idea to build this damn automatic sensor door for office pantry?
Yeosang pull out his phone, trying to contact any services. But after multiple attempts, it got cut off due to lost signal. It became worsen that you just twisted your ankle in order to approached him while in this blackout state.
He immediately crouched down, taking off your left high heels carefully and massaging part of your ankle a bit. Just a second left you’re literally in the verge of tears. He noticed how your breath hitched due to overwhelming feeling as the result of stress.
“Shh baby, it’s okay.. I’m here.” He pressed another side of your ankle gently despite its tough looking fingers but is the opposite by the way he care for you like such fragile little thing. “Perhaps, this side is hurting too?”
You winced by the sudden pierced of pain, “Uh huh”
He grabbed an ice pack from the fridge in swift motion before wrapped it using his handkerchief. It feels a little bit better once those ice bundle placed on your swollen ankle. You couldn’t see him that well, but you can feel his delicate touches all over the lower part of your leg. Plus the way his fluffy hair fell loose following his head direction just distracted you from the pain. Your hand managed to reach a few strands of it, sometimes caressing and twirling them a little bit. And somehow it’s effectively calmed you down.
Fortunately, the blackout didn’t take too long. All of the lights came on in instant. He looked up at you only to make sure if you’re okay. “Let’s get out of here, before another blackout happen.”
He peeled his suit, then putting it on you to cover your thin beige blouse. His face was awfully too close while doing it. Your heartbeats rate can’t be compromised once his soft cheek slightly rubbed against your earlobe. Surprised, you kissed him on the cheek by accident the moment your face turned to him.
By far this was the most skinships you ever did with yeosang, since you didn’t comfortable yet to do anything related to it. The way your heart skip a beat, waiting for how he’ll reacted. But there’s a slightest irritation surfaced after seeing how normal his expression was as if nothings happen.
“Yeo..” You pulled the hem of his shirt.
He looked at you by his lashes, who’s still busy taking care of you. “Hmm? What’s wrong baby?”
“Uhm, you know..” You’re fidgeting, “is your offer still valid? Like.. spending the whole day with me thingy.”
“It still. Come on, let me carry you.” He crouched, offering his broad toned back for you.
You were unsure about the idea of carrying you all the way home. “What if people looking at us?”
“I don’t care, just hopped on me. You need to get rest soon.” His palm patted on his back as a sign for you to hurry.
You just changed into the most comfy clothes you have. Drinking your favorite warm chocolate milk while leaning over the headboard on your bed. On the other hand, Yeosang just finished prepping your sprained ankle by putting a small tower of pillows under. Also, an ice pack sitting nicely on it.
“If you need anything just call me, I’m right on your couch outside.”
Your fingers intertwined with his only a second before he turned his back, “don’t leave, stay here.” You plead.
“Are you.. sure?” Uncertain by your request, he was afraid if you might be uncomfortable.
The heat came up to your cheek, hardened the grip on his fingers. “Yeah, I mean it.”
He plopped down next to you. Kissing the top of your head just to ease your nervous state. You could find his eyes staring down at you full of affection. “Are you good baby?” His half whisper voice hold you in choke. A hint of rasp of his deep voice just tickled all over your sense.
Your vision blurred, only focused on his pair of reddish lips. Bead of sweats dripping by your forehead, you never felt this way before. The urge to be swallowed by him overflowing uncontrollably.
He closed the gap between you two, eyes alternately up and down from your bright eyes to those luscious looking lips of yours. His warm breath hitting on you, closer and closer after each seconds passed by. He cupped your right cheek after putting your hair behind, “can I kiss you?”
Shit. Squirming your legs after felt something under. Panties clinging to your folds, completely soaked. You nodded, maybe at this point you’ll obeyed every words that came out of those sexy lips. Down so bad for him, but your inexperience self don’t know how to engage first.
He devoured your lips slowly, wanting to taste every single bit of it. Placing your hands to cling behind his neck, before he wrapped your waist to pull you closer. To your surprise, kissing was never been this good before. It’s numbing on every sense of you every time he sucked the softest flesh of yours.
He parted from the kiss, flickering his soft gaze but full of desire into yours. He couldn’t hold back, just the same as you did. “Love, can I touch you more?”
No thoughts, head empty. You only need him at this very moment. “Y- yeah yeo..” He smiled, his fingertips trailed on every curves of your body with nothing left behind. The way it surfed on you, looks like searching for hidden treasure. A high pitched moan slipped by your mouth, only to be suppress by his wild kisses over and over.
Once again, the kisses parted only to peel your oversized hoodie. You wear nothing under it, made him groan on the sight. “Ah.. my beautiful lady.” He continued the kiss while his hand cupped your plump breast, sometimes twirling on your hardened nipple, made you gripping to the disheveled sheet under. Incoherent moan filled the room by the way he sucked the other one. His eyes on you all the time, wanting to see how its pleasured you.
You let out a sudden squeal when his index finger landed on your wet clothed cunt, rubbing it in circled motion. Thighs closed immediately while your hand struggling to ward off his wild finger. “Pehaps, you don’t want this darling?” His pierced gaze looking for your answer, but surely didn’t want you to say no.
This time lust was take over your mind, you definitely wanted it. Proceed to part the thighs slowly while covering half of your face, hiding your shy demeanor. Well by doing so, you just gave him permission.
“Such a good girl.” He caress the side of your cheek before pulled off those hot pants carefully without grazed your injured ankle. Showing your white laced panties on full display. Only a few light touches on your sensitive clit brought the shiver down to the spine, while his hand holding one of your thigh to keep it spread open. It’s wet wet, once he slid off your panties aside. The way your juice dripping down, made him gulping in instant.
He licked those bundle of nerves, flicking on it side to side mercilessly. Couldn’t hold back his mischievous smile, after he heard those incoherent moans out all the way of your throat. Fingers dipping in between his caramel locks, tightening its grip each second you’re almost hitting a wave of pleasure.
Hips bucking up along the gushes of honey like juices spilled out of your already glistening fold. He sat up, still busy palming it while you riding down the high. With the audacity licking it clean right in front of you.
Skin flushed red like the tinge of ripe peaches, chest rising up and down catching for some air, you looked him with half lidded eye. There’s a hint of satisfaction drawn on his face. Then just biting his lower lips probably thinking his next move.
To his surprise, you changed position into all four. Ignoring the pain on your lower leg, only to crawl towards his direction. “Babe!? what are you doing?” He held your chin up, preventing your delicate fingers that was unbuckling his belt. “I- just want to make you feel good too.” Averting his eyes, you don’t know how deep shade of red colored on your chubby cheek right now.
He sighed, “there’s another time for that. But today, just let me make you feel good. Okay?”
You felt guilty, it didn’t fair that only you who’s enjoyed this. You’re silence for a moment, battling in your own thoughts. Afraid if he’ll judge how passive you were in bed. Yeosang could sense the way your over thinking self kicked in.
“Love.. look.. look at me. Just show me what you got. Mkay?” He said, didn’t want to kill the mood for both of you.
Your face lit up. Continued to unbuttoned his pants suit then pulled the zipper down before letting his cock sprung free. You’re gasping in awe, like it’s your first time seeing a man’s dick up close. The tip is a little wet and whole of its part swollen, looks like it’s angry to you. You wrapped both of your hands to it, stroking it in clumsy way from the base to the tip. Mimicking how it’s done on a porn movie you had watched a week ago. His cock is getting harder in each stroke, made you curious how it feels like when you put it inside of your mouth. You braved yourself licked the tip of it, then followed Yeosang reaction that just shuddered by the feels.
Until you sucked it fully inside of your mouth and started bobbing your head up and down, trying to pump his hard member so well. For once and twice it felt right, but at the third one he hissed as you’re front teeth slightly brushed those thin skin.
He pulled it out and replacing it with his two fingers into your mouth. “Imagined it’s mine.” He said while moving his thick fingers in and out, parting your lips open. Right before your teeth almost brushed it, he gripped your chin, just stopping you from doing so. “Nu uh, no teeth allowed.” Then continued pumping his fingers for a good few times.
“Enough for the lesson, now tongue out.” He ordered you after removing them out.
You obediently did what was he said. Tongue wrapping on his throbbing cock which is slowly entered your mouth space. You’re sucking it just like sucked on his two digits before. Tongue all over his shaft while bobbing your head. His right hand guided you gently by grabbing your ponytail. The tears dwelled at the corner of your eyes as its tip hitting the back of your throat. Your moan muffled by his lengthy massive cock for solid five minutes, then he pulled out shooting all of its load on your chest.
You’re coughing that finally you had a chance to fill the air into your lungs. He’s worried that he might did it too hard. But you smiled instead, so glad that you could satisfy him. You thought it was all done but his cock stayed hard due to looking at how such hot mess you are right now.
Lips swollen covered with your drool, the tears traced on your cheek plus how his cum covered all over your chest. He gave a quick peck, but the taste of him and you mixed still linger on both of your lips.
He pushed you down onto your bed, “now it’s my turn.” Stroking his throbbing hard cock for a few times, he lined it to your sopping cunt. It hurts, even after all those foreplay beforehand. He leaned over to you, placing kisses down to your neck, hoping it’ll ease the pain.
“Yeo..” You mewl, just gripping on his tough bicep.
“Hm? take a deep breath and relax a little” He kisses your forehead while caressing on top of your head to calm you down.
“I.. knew.. but I’m afraid.” You could feel he entered you little by little.
He looked into your eyes, “Then, you wanted to stop?”
“Ahn- no.. I- I want you yeo.” You jolted as half of his length is already inside.
The looks on his eyes were pure concern, he literally stopped pushing. But your tight pussy keep swallowing him, wanting for some more. “Are you sure? We can do this another time.”
Shaking your head, you didn’t have a single thoughts to answer him back. Just want to make sure, he read through your expression before pushing it all the way. You flinched as few drops of tears rolling down. It’s full inside.
He stayed still for a good minutes and kissing you lips softly. The way he started to pump you in the slow pace, melting you down. The pain is slowly subsided as you try to match his motion. Both of your bodies collided full of passion. Every touches and kisses done with affection, just sending you to the cloud nine. Your head gone lightly as feather. You don’t even know what was out of your mouth, either it’s his name or some sort of gibberish due it’s pleasurable sensation.
Your moans and his groans take turns filled your dear bedroom. He thrusted his dick faster as he almost reach the climax. The way it’s pulsing inside, spilling its warm cum made you wailing. Your body is twitching due to it filled you belly so well. To the point it’s spilled over you pussy like a light flow of open tap water for a mere seconds.
Still catching on your breath, he whispered something to dare you. “I’ll show you what’s real good, love.”
He placed his three digits inside. Pumped you in such frantically pace that leaking his thick milk out of you on every thrust he make. While his other hand pushed your lower belly. “Yeo.. yeosang.. st- stop!” You tried to move his hand away but it didn’t bother him at all. He continued his work, ignoring all your desperate mewl.
It felt like a tight knot loosen up at once, you’re squirting hard. Bursting out your sweet juices mixed with his cum, wetting on your boyfriend’s half buttoned white shirt and some part of your bed covers. It won’t stop as Yeosang keep flicking on your clit, till your body spasm for a whole minute because of endless stimulation going on.
You’re panting hard that you just dumb fucked by him. Covering your face, you really hate on every possible look you showed right now. “Ahh, It’s embarrassing”
“What part of it is embarrassing?” He asked playfully that just lay down beside of you.
“Isn’t it.. disgusting? I peed over you” You rolled over, facing away from him.
He furrowed his eyebrow, while pulling you back to him. “Honestly it’s hot, love.” He remarked.
“No it’s not.”
“Yes it is.”
“No, i-” Before you could finished your words, he silence you with a quick kiss.
“Listen, you’re incredibly hot in whatever state you are in. Even if you’re crawling, tumbling, or in bridge position. It doesn’t matter for me.” He poked your waist.
You giggled as it tickling you. His words is calmed you down, he truly love you no matter what you do. “Oh Yeo, I don’t know if you’re.. good in bed too. I didn’t know that side of you”
His ears is getting redder, the calmed and gentle Yeosang just back. He chuckled, “Then I’ll show my other side from now on, my love.”
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mykneeshurt · 10 months
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Image from wallpaper flare
Priest! Simon Riley x F! reader AU
Warnings - 18+, minors DNI, explicit smut, religious themes, if you're interested in going to heaven this ain't the fic for you, this is incredibly blasphemous so if your easily offended by religious themes being used DNI
100% inspired by @dotcie - you let all your love rot inside you
Thank you to @luminousbeings-crudematter for encouraging this and helping me with multiple ideas and beta reading it for me!
The church was dark, the late evening sun shone through the stained-glass window above the altar. Hues of blue, red, green and purple descended into the empty church. Candles lined the walls, each mounted by a gold baroque style holder. The flames flickered as the warm summer air kissed them gently.    Stone arches adorned the walls, each one intricately designed with faces of angels and demons. You walked along the aisle touching each of the pews with your fingertips, the wood was stained a deep walnut colour. Each seat perfectly imperfect, littered with the scars of the congregation who graced their presence. 
Your eyes roamed along the paintings of different bible passages, all hung delicately along the sandstone walls. Each painting an abyss of pain and torment, each brush stroke a testament to the sheer emotion the artist must have felt. 
As you reached the altar you once again questioned why you were here. You sunk to your knees seeking sanctuary, the maroon carpet offering some comfort to your aching joints. The weight of what you’d done pressed heavily on your heart. So much so silent tears fell, staining the carpet beneath you. 
‘Are you ok?’ A voice from behind you asked, it was gentle and calm. Gasping you spun around, stood before was a shadow of a man. He was tall, his broad physique clearly visible through the shadows. ‘Oh! I’m so sorry I didn’t know anyone else was here’ you stammered, your breath catching in your chest. 
He stepped forward out of the shadows and into the light. As the sun rays illuminated him before you his divine beauty was slowly revealed. His jaw was sharp, his lips plump and soft with a small scar cutting through them. His hair was a sandy colour which was swept away from his face, bar a few strands which hung lazily on his forehead. He wore all black, his sleeves rolled up revealing a tattoo on his forearm. 
You stayed kneeling, feeling unable to move, unable speak. He stood before you extending his hand to cup your chin, his touch was merciful, soft, all consuming. Slowly he caressed your cheek, his thumb wiping away the solitary tear that stained your skin. His gaze pierced through you, eyes dark and possessive, a foreboding presence lurking in the void. 
‘Tell me what’s bothering you?’ He asked, voice calm but thicker than molasses. You tried to find the words, tried to articulate the feelings deep within you, but the words wouldn’t come. ‘Use your words’ he cooed, still cupping your jaw. All moisture suddenly evaporated from your mouth as you opened your lips to speak. ‘I … I did something bad’ you stammered. 
‘Is it forgiveness you seek?’ 
‘Yes Father’ your voice all but a whisper, yet still echoing in the empty church. He hummed to himself, dropping his gaze to your lips. ‘Stay’ he ordered as he removed his hand, a silent whimper falling from your lips as your cheek cooled from his touch. 
He walked to the alter and despite his muscular stature he moved almost silently. Like a ghost. As he turned back to you, he held the Ciborium in his hands, the emerald colour contrasting perfectly against his porcelain skin. Towering over you he pulled the host from the cup ‘I have a passage I’d like you to read, but first, take the body of Christ.’ 
Holding out your hand you waited for him to place it in your hands, except he didn’t. ‘Open’ he said forcefully. Lowering your hand, you opened your mouth sticking out your tongue. A small smirk tugged at your lips as he placed the thin wafer onto it. The host slowly dissolved on the heat of your tongue, as did any remaining sanity. He pulled your lower lip with his thumb ‘good.’ 
He motioned for you to follow him to the lectern, a black bible with gold rimmed pages sat unassumingly on the shelf. Placing you in front of him he bent you over slightly, your body completely pliable in his hands. He gently skimmed the pages with his fingers, the tattoo now fully visible. Veins kissed the surface of his skin as the defined muscles danced with every movement. 
Finally he stopped on the page he was looking for: Proverbs 28:13. His face was dangerously close to yours, so much so you could see the texture of his skin. A small amount of stubble littered his skin as his breath fanned over your neck. Lowering his lips to your ear he whispered ‘read, and no matter what don’t stop.’ His words vibrated down your spine straight to your aching pussy, taking a deep breath you began to read
‘Whoever conceals their sins …' his hand slipped to your lower back, but his eyes were fixed firmly on the text in front of you.
Gulping you tried to continue ‘... does not prosper …' his fingers grazed the back of your thighs, causing you to buck your hips slightly.
‘... but the one who confesses …' a whine exuded from the back of your throat, guttural and desperate.  ‘Shhh, keep going’ he whispered in your ear. Swallowing hard you tried again.  
‘… and renounces them …’ his fingers slipped past the hem of your panties, the sudden contact made you jump, you bit your lip trying to stifle a moan. ‘Good girl, keep going.’   ‘ … finds mercy.’ As the last word slipped past your lips, he sunk his finger into your wet cunt causing you to lurch forward onto the lectern, gripping the sides for balance. ‘Read it again’ he ordered. Taking a deep breath, you did as you were told, sounding out each word, each syllable laced with desire and pleasure. He slowly added another finger, stretching your pussy with his girth. Your whine rang out in the desolate church, ricocheting off the sandstone walls as he pumped his fingers. He pressed his thumb against your clit, once wet with your tears it was now wet with your arousal.  
Soon enough you were tripping over your words, a stuttering mess under his touch. With his free hand he wrapped it around your throat pulling you close to him, his fingers still orchestrating a flurry of moans from you. You were completely lost in him, your jaw slack as whimpers and gasps seeped from your very soul. You were so lost in fact you didn’t even realise he’d manoeuvred you towards the altar, the cool granite kissed your skin as he pressed you against it.  
Removing his fingers, he placed them on his tongue savouring your arousal, his gaze once again found yours ‘fuckin sinful’ he growled. Using his muscular arms, he trapped you against the altar the warmth of his skin seeping into yours like a virus. Reaching behind you he grabbed the gold chalice and took a sip of the wine, never once breaking eye contact with you. Gripping your chin, he tilted it, so you were looking directly up at him, slowly he placed his lips against yours allowing the wine to trickle into your mouth. A single drop trickled down your neck, his tongue was soon pressed against your skin lapping it up.  
You pulled him by his shirt collar into another kiss, it was velocious and messy. He gripped at your thighs pulling you up onto the altar, tilting you backwards the wine fell causing the once pristine white cotton to turn red with your sins. He nipped at your collar bone as he raked his nails along your skin, moaning into his mouth it was too much but not enough all the same time. He kissed along your torso and onto your abdomen, his lips teased the sliver of skin which poked out between your top and skirt. Goosebumps trickled along your skin as he bit the sensitive skin.  
Pulling at his hair you silently begged him to continue, silently pleading with him to taste you. Keeping his eyes on yours he lifted your leg onto his shoulder, he ripped your panties at the seam and placed his lips onto your weeping cunt. The sudden intrusion caused you to arch your back and moan into oblivion. His eyes pierced yours as he moved his tongue in languid motions, each swipe pulling another whimper from your chest. You gripped his hair digging your nails into his scalp, God rays cascaded around you encapsulating you both in this moment of pure sin. As the priest looked up you could have sworn it was Lucifer himself staring right back at you.  
‘Fuck … don’t stop’ you whined, finally finding words to use, finally finding your voice. Kissing his way back up your body he hovered over you for a moment, his stare intense and dominating. ‘Simon’ he muttered. You hummed, not quite catching what he said. ‘My name … Simon’ he repeated, edging closer to your lips once more. Pulling your lips open he allowed a dribble of saliva to drop into your mouth, instinctively you swallowed allowing the ribbon of spilt to glide down your throat.  
‘Please fuck me Simon’ you said as you placed your lips on his once more. Pulling away he unbuckled his trousers allowing his cock to spring free. Still staring at you intently he began to pump his hard cock ‘allow me this and I shall absolve you of all your sins.’ You could hear how breathless he was behind his stoic demeanour, a man on the edge of losing control.  
‘Yes Father, please.’  
Slowly he pushed into you, once again stretching your cunt, the sting was delicious. You both gasped as he filled you to the brim, bottoming out in one swift motion. He placed his forearms next to your head as strands of hair fell forward framing his face perfectly. The sun had moved slightly causing the coloured glass to reflect onto your bodies as you became one. He kissed you again, except this time you bit his lip causing it to bleed, ‘hmm, the blood of Christ’ you said smirking. Lowering his head to your neck he smiled into your skin ‘Amen.’  
He began to move his hips back and forth, caressing the sweet spot within you. The sound of skin on skin reverberated in the church, filling the once silent, once holy place with the sin of lust. Placing his hand around your throat he hissed through his teeth ‘beg me for forgiveness, for I will be your absolution.’ Tears stung the corners of your eyes as he fucked you on the altar, each thrust took you to a new level of pleasure. You ran your nails along his shirt, desperately trying to imagine what his skin felt like.  ‘Please, forgive me’ you whined as you rolled your hips into him ‘please father … please.’  
Upping his pace, he held onto your hips as he dug his fingertips into your flesh. Small grunts and breathless whimpers filled the space between you as he allowed himself to give into his primal desires. Rolling his hips, he dragged his cock against your cunt making you feel every movement, every thrust, every inch of him. Pulling your hand off his back he placed it on your clit ‘show me’ he murmured ‘show me how you like it.’ Feeling yourself instantly tighten you began to play with your clit, you watched as he dropped his eyes to watch the show you were putting on for him, his mouth opening slightly before biting his lip.   
Your breath began to catch in your throat as you felt yourself on the brink of orgasm, as your eyes rolled you caught sight of Mary looking down on you, watching you getting fucked within an inch of your life on the once pure altar. Wrapping your legs around him you pulled him closer, not wanting to let him go.  ‘Faster’ you begged, ‘harder Father please.’ He let out a slight chuckle of disbelief, once again placing his hand around your throat ‘you’re insatiable.’ Biting your lip you giggled, but that giggle was soon replaced with a broken guttural moan as he slammed his hips into yours. This was enough to push you into the blinding light of your orgasm, your back arched off the wine-stained cloth as you came around his cock. Shockwaves of pleasure shot through every fiber of your body as rode out your high.  
As the white noise from your orgasm finally dissipated your eyes met with his, his gaze was piercing, all knowing and consuming. His pace became sloppy, knowing he was close you sat up and pushed him away. Turning him round so his back was now against the altar you dropped to your knees, staring up at him like you did mere moments ago. You placed his cock on your tongue as the sweet bitterness of your combined arousal seeped over your tongue, ready to receive him. He looked down on you blocking out the sun, the light giving the illusion of a halo around him, but you knew when you were looking the devil in the face.  
Slowly you took his cock to the back of your throat, the change in sensation causing him to throw his head back and hiss. He cradled the back of your head as you bobbed back and forth, humming a hymn softly to yourself, praising the man before you. The humming caused vibrations to travel down his thick cock adding a whole new layer of pleasure to this already wicked act. He became breathless as you worked his cock in your mouth, you could feel the change in him as you dragged your tongue along his shaft. ‘Yes’, he whispered softly, repeating it like a prayer. Looking up at him you pleased with him to let go, to finish what he’d started.  
And that he did. You kept looking up at him as he came in your mouth, doe like eyes eager to please the man in front of you. His mouth was parted slightly as ragged breaths fell from his lips; he caressed your jaw as you swallowed. His touch just as soft and possessive as before.  
LMAO see you in hell x
@cowyolks @strlingsav @ave661 @glitterypirateduck @soapyghost        
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chimcess · 5 months
Afterglow || jhs
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Pairing: Hoseok x Reader Other tags: Vampire!Hoseok, Vampire!Reader Genre: Supernatural!AU, Vampire!AU, Twilight Universe, established relationship, fluff, smut, pwp Word Count: 4.5k+ Synopsis: "A loud crack of lighting boomed in the distance followed by a low rumbling. The storm was here. My love was not. I kept watching and waiting." Warnings: Character death (brief), mental illness (not reader and very brief), penetrative sex, oral sex (f receiving), vaginal fingering, lots of licking, kisses, slow and deep, Hoseok is a vocal boy, they are so in love, edging, over stimulation, hair pulling, man handling, growling, body worship, breast worship, unprotected sex (stay safe), vampire/animal sounds, implied outdoor sex, they are honestly so freaking cute, let me know if I missed anything A/N: So, I recently rewatched the entire Twilight Saga and couldn't stop myself. I promise they have nothing to do with the Cullens. I'm simply borrowing S.Meyer's universe for a second. Thanks for reading.
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Staring out of the second story window, I frowned. There was a thunderstorm on its way and the wind was harsh. Still, I stayed put. I would not move until I knew he was coming back.
The first few droplets that landed against my cheeks were freezing and as the rain started coming down, I got soaked. There had been a window here once but after a rather unfortunate night, one where mama had shouted and threw a candlestick holder at my head, the glass was all but gone. Only one singular piece along the very bottom of the trim remained.
She was dead now, well, as dead as I believed her to be. Daddy, too. Only I remained. The house had been suffocating at first, my body unable to handle the loneliness. My memories of the attack were weak and dimly lit, but I could never forget the moment the burn began. I will never forget what led up to it.
At the ripe age of nineteen, my father was planning to marry me off to a local boy called Percival Hobbs. Mr.Hobbs was a fine gentleman, his sensibilities and wit uncharacteristically gentle and kind for a man of the era. We were both middle classes, his family only slightly richer than my own, and well matched. I was happy to be marrying him, especially when he told me his plans of expanding his father’s business out of Virginia. I hated this place back then; I could recall that fairly well despite the thick film which covered my old life.
My mother was an unusual woman of which I had gotten my own set of quirks. When I was young, I could remember her singing as she cooked, weaving flowers through her greasy hair as she doted on my father as if he were a king. We never went without, and her joy was contagious. My mother, for all intents and purposes, was a happy person. Perhaps a bit odd, she was more outspoken and considered rather rude to the other women in Richmond, but no one could truly say anything bad about her.
It was only after a particularly nasty accident that her behavior changed. We were on our way to visit her sister in Norfolk when our horses were startled by something out in the woods. Our carriage took a fall and my mother hit her head on a rock. We were all lucky to have survived the ordeal, something my father praised God for, but mama was never the same. She never smiled, hardly spoke, and could never find the melodies of the songs she had loved so dearly. It was as though a switch had been flipped and the light within her was turned off.
Daddy was nervous, as was I, but childish worries and adult sorrow were different. I believed she was sad, but my father knew she would never return back to normal. His work became more demanding after that. As a lawyer, my father was held in high regard at the time and worked long days and nights in order to provide for the three of us. They never bore another child. I believe it was because my mother could no longer stand to be touched and my father could never hurt her, even if it broke his heart.
Years passed that way until a sudden change began to occur. No longer was she silent, but the songs she sang were very different. Her eyes were more alive than they had been in a long, long time, and her voice had come back. The joy of this was short lived, however, as her delusions started soon after. Men who were not really men, monsters who could love, and things that would reflect like diamonds in the sunlight. All of it rubbish, all of it insane, but all of it real in her fragmented mind.
Daddy was planning on getting her committed after she said there were people living in the walls of our home. He might have killed her for declaring her love for a man who shined in the sun if he had not believed her to be completely psychotic. All the while I watched as the woman I held dearly began to hate and resent the both of us. That was when the shouting started, the violence, and then father had no choice but to call the doctor.
He had no way of knowing the chain of events that could cause, nor the dire consequences it would have on me. The doctor came to the house a little after midnight to take my mother away. She screamed and thrashed violently as she went, calling out to her monster to come and save her.
His name had been Louis and I only remember it because of what happened next. She had only said his name once, a broken and terrified cry for help, when the figure appeared. He was a beautiful man; his skin so pale it shined in the carriage’s lantern light. I do not remember if his hair had been brown or black, it was too dark to make out, but I did know his eyes were red. Bloody, dripping with hatred, and trained on the hands of the doctor holding my mother.
The doctor was dead in the next breath he took, my mother curling into the beast’s chest in complete hysterics. Louis then looked at my father, his intentions clear, before finding me. I was crying, my nightgown thin and exposing, and my own horror was reflected back at me. Whatever he saw that day made all the difference. Killing my father was easy for him to do. If he was my mother’s lover, then he would have hated the man who bore her children. I don't remember screaming but I could recall my mother telling me not to be afraid. Louis would make it quick. My death, she said, would be painless.
It was not. When Louis’s teeth sank into my neck, I only felt the slightly pinprick of pressure before I grew tired and weak. I knew I would die, and I did not fight it. I was either too weak or shell-shocked to put much behind it. Then, he was off of me, and I was fighting to keep my eyes open.
“You will be magnificent,” He whispered, kissing my cheek. His voice was soft, presumably to keep my mother from hearing us. I would never know why. “I will take care of her. You take care of yourself, little one.”
Then they were gone, Louis and my mother both. I had barely managed to crawl back inside, my hand clutching the wound on my neck, when the burning started. It lasted for three days and when it was over, I woke up afraid and starved. My father and the doctor were still outside, but I did not care who they were. I drained what was left of them before realizing what I had done. Ashamed and mortified, I put them both in the carriage and set it on fire. No one could know what had happened, of that I was certain.
The next few years of my life were spent in the forests of Virginia staying out of sight and hunting. I lived off of animals mostly, their deaths did not weigh down on my conscience as much as a human's did. My family home was vacant, untouched, and our names were forgotten to time. In 1875, I finally emerged from my isolation in the forests and moved back in. By 1900, I was able to venture into town on a rare occasion when the sun was well hidden beneath a thick layer of clouds. The house had gone through very few changes and the room I stood in now had been my father’s study. I hated the thought of touching anything in it, but I knew I would need to fix this issue. I could feel how weak the wood around it was becoming.
A loud crack of lighting boomed in the distance followed by a low rumbling. The storm was here. My love was not. I kept watching and waiting.
I met Hoseok through coincidence. My friend Seokjin, a Korean immigrant who traveled across the world as a nomad, had stumbled across the boy when he was dying from tuberculosis on the streets of New York. Jin, feeling sorry for the young man, changed him as he had done so five other times. All of his children were nomads, two of them finding their mates, and I got along with them rather well. Hoseok was no exception.
Jin had come to me after Hoseok had taken a swipe at his sire’s own newly transformed mate, Evelyn. The boy needed someone to help him with his temper and dealing with two newborns was rather difficult. I remembered my own early years with distaste. We acted more like animals than people.
Hoseok arrived on my doorstep in 1953, angry, hungry, and completely irrational. He was just over a year old and while the worst of it was over, he had a gift that took its toll on him. Not all of our kind had an extra sense. Jin, for example, was completely normal. His beauty was unparalleled, but even in his human life he was the most handsome man one could have met. Hoseok, however, was not as lucky.
The boy was incredibly powerful, his ability to hypnotize anyone with the sound of his voice was something the Volturi, the leaders and rulers of our kind, would love to get their hands on. For Hoseok, it made his thirst grow quicker and he lacked control of it. He could easily manipulate those around him without meaning to, which was why his brothers did not want to deal with the task. I was Jin’s last resort and the only reason he had come to me was my own gift.
I lived in my world in a sort of bubble. Gifts, no matter the kind, were ineffective against it. The bubble was invisible, elastic, and malleable, but impenetrable. I could choose to remove it from myself and take the brunt of whatever ability was being thrown at me, but I had only done it twice. Both times had been when Jungkook had come to see me and wanted to know if his gift, to make fake clones of himself, could throw me off. He won the first round, but I came out on top the second time. Being the sore loser he is, Jungkook never asked for a rematch.
Hoseok and I took some time to warm up to one another. The pull toward him was instantaneous but he was too young and wild for either one of us to explore what that could mean. The first five months was spent chasing him down before he could attack the unsuspecting townsfolk in Richmond. Then it was showing him the way I hunted. When his eyes changed from red to amber to gold, his mood stabilized. Our friendship was finally able to take root and before long our love bloomed.
After our first kiss under the stars in the trees that surrounded my home, we were connected so deeply that removing one would surely bring death upon the other. When I was a child, I had been disappointed to grow up in the East. We were in the more rural part of Richmond and all of the girls at school made fun of me for being a ‘country bumpkin.’ As a vampire, however, my little ranch was a paradise. Hoseok and I could make love for hours and no one would hear a thing.
Right now, during this thunderstorm, would be prime time for us to lose ourselves within one another. It was a shame he had decided to go hunting alone today. Hoseok liked having space far more than I did, but I understood his wants and needs and gave him what he asked for. I could only hope his delay was from him getting distracted and not an unfortunate slip up. He had them more than I did, and they ruined his mood for weeks.
Finally, I saw him. His black hair was slick and stuck to his forehead from the rain, the linen pajamas he had worn out transparent and heavy. Elated to finally have him home, I jumped out of the window and crashed into him. The sound was thunderous.
Hoseok laughed, “Hey there, Sunshine.”
On top of him, I sighed, holding him close to me. The rain was cold, but it would not bother me. I could not get sick. Capturing his lips, I finally felt at ease. I did not like it when he was gone. The house was too quiet.
“I love you,” I sighed, feeling my body hum to life with need. “I missed you. Touch me.”
This aspect of our love life had been difficult for me at first. I was from an era when a woman did not speak this way, but after gentle coaxing from my lover, I had gotten over the prudishness of the 1850s. We were, after all, more connected than any human couple could hope to be. Gripping my hips, Hoseok licked my bottom lip.
“Can we go inside?” He asked, nipping at my chin as my hands shredded his shirt. “The rain is distracting.”
I nodded and he scooped me up, carrying me back inside at our natural speed. We were fan, faster than any living thing on the planet, and able to see the world clearly as we passed it by. Hoseok ripped the front door of its hinges, making me laugh. He was always so impatient when it came to sex.
We ran up the steps, passing the study on the way to our bedroom. The door was still open, the rain pouring into it. I wondered briefly what my father would have thought of Hoseok. Then his lips were attached to my ear and all thoughts of my father were gone.
He was less aggressive with the door to our bedroom. A creak inaudible to the human ear sent a chill up my spine as I clung to his wet body. His skin felt hot under my hands despite how cold we both were. Hoseok was panting like a dog, more from his excitement than any real need for air.
He laid me down on our bed gently before tearing off my dress. The chemise pulled apart as easily as a piece of paper. Hoseok’s mouth found my chest as soon as it was exposed to him, mouth finding a nipple as a hand fiddled with the other. Whining, I buried my hands in his hair and held him close to me.
“I missed you so much,” I cried out.
Hoseok bit down on the little nub before letting it go with a loud smack. Fingers still twisting and brushing my right nipple, he smiled down at me. Topaz eyes were pitch black with desire and a low purr reverberated through his chest. I felt it in my groin.
“I missed you more,” He replied huskily.
I smiled shyly, reaching out for him. Hoseok leaned into my touch, purring increasing as I caressed his face. Pouting my lips, I begged him to come closer with my eyes. He smiled; his eyes soft.
“I wish you could see how beautiful you look right now.”
He sucked on my chest for what felt like hours, grinding his hips down to meet my own, and purring like a cat the entire time. He had always embraced the more animalistic aspects of our life. My breathy sighs spurred him on, my hands increasing their wandering across his torso, as I silently pleaded with him for more. Hoseok only made me wait a few moments more before sloppy kisses descended down my stomach.
A thin pair of cotton underwear separated us, but he simply licked over the fabric. I cried out, the pleasure sending shockwaves through my body. Long, hard swipes of his tongue had my writhing, his breath so hot and warm against me it felt like I was taking a scolding bath. With every lick and suck I felt myself grow hotter. Hoseok lost himself to his own pleasure, rubbing himself against the mattress as he held my legs apart.
Sex was not always so brazen. Our first few times were more primal, the need to be close after months of dancing around the issue making the release all the more powerful. After that, I had grown slightly shy. Hoseok had taken to leaving my top on during those days, letting me grow more comfortable in his presence, and taking me so gently I cried. The next 70 years have taught us a great deal about one another, and now sex was just a part of who we were. Not a day went by that we were not lost to it, each time bringing out a different part of us, before going back to our respective hobbies. In a storm like this, however, I imagined we would not leave this bed.
“Please,” I whined. “More.”
Finally, the thin piece of cotton was removed, and his tongue was on me. Long and broad at first, he liked to play with me for a few moments before diving in. Unlike myself, my love had enough patience to watch and wait. Savoring it, he said. I think he just enjoyed being the only person who could see my eyes roll back in ecstasy.
I felt the ghost of his fingers trailing down my leg at the same time his mouth found my clitoris. I hissed, back arching off the bed as he swirled his tongue around the bud. His finger pressed against my opening. I gushed around it, grinding my hips down and forcing the tip inside of me. Hoseok groaned, tongue becoming more aggressive. I cried out, pushing down again and swallowing more of his finger. Finally, with a deep growl, he pushed it the rest of the way and added another immediately after.
I had never felt more alive than when we were in this bed. With Hoseok on top of me, eyes hungry and watching my every move like I was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. The monster within me was finally asleep as I became all consumed with his touch. Finding the soft bundle of nerves within me, Hoseok purred. I sobbed, the pleasure overwhelming.
“Look at you,” Hoseok rasped, moving from my sex to watch me. His fingers stretched me out as my hips raised to meet his thrusts. “So pretty and warm.”
He kissed my neck, “Your body is so beautiful.”
Languid kisses down across my throat, teeth gently grazing the skin, before trailing back down to my breasts. They had always been his favorite part of my body. He licked down the swell before kissing my nipple. His fingers sped up their menstruations making me mewl.
“God,” He croaked, voice deeper than normal. “You love this, don’t you?”
I nodded, body twitching and convulsing. “Yes.”
“Tell me how much,” He sucked on my left nipple.
I struggled to find words. My body was on fire now, my stomach tightening and expanding, and I knew I was close. My thighs were shaking so violently I would be embarrassed if it was anybody else, but this was Hoseok, and I knew he was happy to see my body singing for him. Somehow, I managed to speak.
“So much,” I breathed. “I love it so much.”
Sitting back on his ankles, he smirked. His shirt was gone and his toned body was on full display. I would never get bored of looking at him. Hoseok was the most beautiful person I had ever seen.
“You’re so messy,” His voice was like velvet. “So wet for me.”
His thumb found my clit and I was cumming before I could really savor the feeling. With a loud shout, I fell apart with Hoseok’s eyes on me. I was wired up and so desperate for more I began to beg. My pleas came out without a single thought behind them. I was drunk on pleasure and yearning for more.
“Just relax,” He finally said, hovering over me once more. His fingers were gone now and I began to tear at his pants. They were still wet and his skin had cooled the rain even further. “I’m going to take care of you.”
My hands were all over him. With his pants disposed of and his cock out, I held it tightly as I began to work my hands in a rhythm I knew he loved. Hoseok let out a guttural sound, a mix between a bear and a mountain lion, as he began to fondle my breasts again. Flicking my nipples, he fucked himself into my hand as he panted.
“Stop,” He grunted, grabbing hold of my wrist. “Grab your legs.”
I did as I was told. It had been difficult to let go of my control in the beginning. I was such a tightly wound person, my need for schedules and sameness a byproduct of my upbringing. I was raised to be prim, proper, and well put together. Even if I did not feel well, I was to be washed, dressed, and smiling all day long. Father would not accept anything less.
When my sexual relationship with Hoseok started, that was still a large part of who I was. When we changed we were frozen in time. It took a lot to cause great change within our kind. For myself, I had only had two since the burning stopped. The first was my decision to stop hunting the humans in my area. Animal blood helped calm the raging anger and depression I carried over from the last night I was alive. The second had been Hoseok’s arrival. Our mates changed us in the most profound way, and his existence made the looming sadness I carried with me fade. It was not gone, it would never fully heal for that was impossible, but he made the gaping hole in my heart three times smaller.
The other thing that changed was my horrible habit of controlling the people around me. Jin and the others all commented on my inability to relax or let go. Jimin, the first person Jin had ever changed, had joked that I was the only vampire in existence with wrinkles. I laughed at the time, but after Hoseok came to me I realized he had been right. I was always stressed, always striving for perfection, and always disappointed when it never came to fruition.
Laying underneath him, I was in awe at how easily I pushed my legs up against my chest. My arm pinned them down. There was not a worry about how improper I looked or if my hair was splayed out nicely. I did not care if this was perfect because I knew we were. Hoseok pressed himself to my entrance and I smiled. I did not need perfection so long as I had him.
Pushing himself into me, he cried out in pleasure while I chanted ‘yes’ over and over and over again. Buried to the hilt, Hoseok took a moment to hook my legs around his hips and kissed the tip of my nose. With a soft declaration of his love, he began to move.
I held onto his arms with everything I had. Hoseok was stronger than I was so I did not need to worry about my own strength bothering him. Outside the storm raged on while we rejoiced in our pleasure. Hoseok’s thrusts were hard, steady, and hit my deepest spot with precision. After so long we had one another memorized.
“S’good,” Hoseok slurred, his hips pistoning into me roughly. “You feel so good.”
I whimpered, “Baby, please.”
He grabbed my hair, roughly shoving my face into the mattress as he lifted his leg onto the bed. I wailed, his cock pounding into my g-spot making me see stars. His own sounds grew louder, growls and snarls filling the space as the sounds of us coming together grew louder and louder.
Fire was pooling in my lower abdomen, so hot it rivaled my change. I could feel Hoseok pulsing inside of me, his grip on my hair still hard and strong. Then he tugged, my head lifting off the bed as he manhandled me. He forced our mouths together, a clashing of teeth and tongue as he chased his own high. Time began to slow before fading, the fire all consuming, and I could no longer respond to Hoseok’s kisses. He let go of me then and I fell back onto the bed.
Everything faded into white, hot, searing sparks shooting up my entire body and licking my bones on their way out. I could vaguely hear the sound of something being torn as my body convulsed with the weight of my orgasm. Above me, Hoseok stuttered.
“I love you,” He said, his own pleasure closing in.
I hardly paid him any attention. Our kind would never tire, never sleep, or sweat, but I was positive I was at least two of them at this moment. I felt like I was in a trance as I watched him fall apart, his eyebrows pulled together and his mouth agape. His grunts and groans were more like cries now, higher and pitch and breathless. Then, with one final thrust he was spilling into me.
We stayed that way for a while, Hoseok inside of me as we looked into one another's eyes. Neither one of us was particularly tired but I knew we would take a break before our next round. The both of us enjoyed the human charade of cuddling and pretending to sleep for a time. Eyes closed and breathing evenly before finally one of us would break. Outside a particularly loud rumble made him grin.
“How would dancing in the rain sound?” He asked.
I laughed, heart full now that he was here.
“What kind of dancing?” I teased, already knowing my answer.
“Well, it will not require clothing.”
I pushed him away, sending his body back toward the other side of the room. With a wicked grin, Hoseok jumped to catch me, but I was already gone. If Hoseok was the strongest, I was the fastest. I ran down the hall, into my father's study, and out of the window with Hoseok fast on my trail.
My change had always seemed so meaningless before Hoseok came. Years spent wondering Louis’s reasoning and subsequent abandonment. I had never seen nor heard from either Louis or my mother since that night, and that left so much time for me to grow angry and bitter about this life. I hated what I was and who I was forced to be.
Now, running in with Hoseok in the afterglow of our love I realized something that would cause a third change within me. Everything that had led me up to this moment was worth it. All of the pain, loneliness, and heartache I had gone through was not a curse. It was a precursor. Every memory leading to the very reason for my existence closer still. A smile stretched across my face, one of my rarest, largest of smiles, and I let Hoseok catch me.
As long as he was here, nothing else mattered.
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© chimcess, 2024. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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lovebittenbyevans · 20 days
All Eyes On Her
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Summary: When the world find out about you being with Geto. You wonder if being his girlfriend is too much for you
Pairing: model! Geto Suguru x collegestudent! Female Reader
Warnings: cursed words, social media au, heartbreak
Author note: Geto world is here! This a continue of AU universe series Life In The Spotlight. Keep up with Behind Closed Doors and Mystery Girl. Enjoy reading!!
– I don’t do taglist
People can’t stop staring at you everywhere you go with him. For the past few months you have been busy with your classes and seeing him. On campus everybody just been gossiping about you and Geto.
“I can’t believe they last almost 5 months now.” A girl whispered.
Another girl whispered. “How did a bad man hook up with her?”
You can tell some of these girls you have class with are jealous even though you didn’t pay them any mind. You were not used to having this much attention before at all.
You sigh, looking down at your phone and noticing you were getting notifications on social media like crazy including blogs and geto fanpages tagging you every second.
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getosuguru babygirl ❤️ @.y/nusername
This was your reality now. You were going to have to find a way to get used to it. You walked out of the door feeling the cool breeze hit your face. Feeling all eyes on you was making you cringe inside.
Geto pulled up in front of the campus and got out of the car. He got out of the car, opening the passenger door for you while not paying any attention to any of the girls who were giving him heart eyes.
“Hey babe.” He gave you a kiss on the cheeks before you got inside his car hearing the door shut.
Geto got inside the driver seat, closing the door shut as he pressed the start button on his car. “Just drive, please.” You tell him. He nodded and immediately had his foot on the gas pedal driving off.
As he stopped at a red light, you began to speak again. “How do you deal with this attention all the time? It’s like eyes burning into my skull everyday.”
He chuckled, keeping one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand on your lap. “At first it was overwhelming but I learned to keep my head held high and keep it moving.”
You scoff. “Easy for you to say.” You started to wonder maybe being with him isn’t a good idea to begin with. “Maybe we should call this off.”
His eyebrow raises. “Call what off?”
You suck your teeth while leaning back against the passenger seat. “Us being a couple. You already ignore me anyway.”
“Ignore you?” Geto blinked in confusion.
You didn’t have time for him to play stupid. You glance at him. “Yes, you've been ignoring me for the last few days like I don’t exist anymore.” You did not feel like arguing with him either.
He pulled up in front of your dorm and put the car into park. He took off his seatbelt as he turned his head to look at you. “What? I have not–” You cut him off before he could give an excuse. “Check your phone from two weeks ago till now.”
Geto had no idea you were feeling this way. He was still getting used to having a whole girlfriend instead of being a manwhore. He took his phone from the cup holder and looked at his phone call logs.
He scrolled from last month to this month realizing he had a bunch of missed calls and facetime calls from you. He also looked at all the text messages you sent him within the last two weeks until today.
How the fuck has he missed all of these?
“Y/N, I–” He paused for a minute. “Don’t say you're sorry because that shit is already thrown out the window.” You raised your voice a little.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Is all he could say in his head
He tried to reach your hand but you pulled back. “Look, I know you are trying to get used to this whole having a girlfriend thing but maybe this isn’t what you need to change your ways because of the media. You can go back to your troublemaker ways.” You took off your seatbelt and got out of the car holding your backpack.
“Wait, Y/N you don’t mean–” He began to say something when his phone rang.
You shake your head as you hear Geto calling out to you. “Y/N, Y/N!” You ignore him closing the car door shut and immediately went inside going straight to finish packing your clothes in boxes.
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grimalkinmessor · 1 month
hello it's me from that "afo keeps all the users body au" thank you for answering honestly🥺I do think another way i could go about the au(and torture poor yoichi even more. I love him he's a very pretty man but sometimes you gotta put him through the mental wringer😭but afo already did that) is that yoichi could be in a comatose state/locked in syndrome kinda where the final confrontation between him, afo, and kudou happens and instead of dying(NOT IN PIECES😠) he's just severely Injured and is knocked unconscious where he... never wakes up again... but he can still think, hear, smell and feel worldly sensations he just can't move his body at all. Or wake up. Bruce drags kudou away because kudou is too shell shocked to move so they can't take yoichi with them and afo just gets his mittens on him again(yippie😊yoichi is in my arms again🥰I totally wasn't the one that almost mortally wounded him by trying to kill that disgusting rebel, yes its all that bugs fault that my yoichi got hurt) only to realize that something is wrong because it's been weeks and yoichi STILL hasn't woken up. He's breathing and his wounds are healed but :( so afo takes yoichi to the doctors to figure out what's wrong(I'm not smart enough for the medical stuff so just pretend garaki did something smart with his equipment and figured it out.) "Ruh roh, it seems like ur brother Is suffering from smth called locked in syndrome☝️🥸he's not brain dead though meaning he can hear, feel, and smell sensations he just can't wake up or move his body so... sorry ab that" and afos like "while it's great that he can't run from me again and that he'll need me to take care of him ill miss his sweet voice and pretty eyes🥺doctor figure out a way to process his brain waves into sentences/words/pictures(???) Neeeoooow😤" meanwhile yoichi can hear everything and is just internally screaming cuz that's all he can do. He'll kinda go back n forth between the vestige realm and the front of his mind so if he's sick of afos yapping for the day he can just retreat there. I mean, he won't be lonely for long cuz kudou n them will join but it's gonna take a while.
ok that's the one where afo has his body but what if kudou and Bruce managed to haul yoichi with them while afo is in shock that he "mortally wounded" yoichi? Erm... he's still breathing, they treated his wounds but he hasn't woken up in 4 days. Uh oh. Bruce and kudou refuse to classify him as brain dead cuz he's still breathing on his own so they run tests on him(they had equipment to see quirks so why not some advanced medical tech too?) OK his brain is up and running but his body isn't...(yoichi wiggle the brain wave thingies if you think your brothers an ass!) (~~~~~~) (oh my god ok he's alive) anyway, while they don't know exactly what it's called they have an idea and decide to care for him n stuff till kudou decides to face a very pissed off afo who actually doesn't know yoichi is technically alive cuz hes too traumatized to realize that he gave yoichi an immortality quirk, so basically the rest of the story is yoichis very much alive self being passed on to future ofa users with instructions that are basically (heres the comatose yet very much aware and alive body of afos brother, take care of him and don't let afo know or get to him Kay bye!) In this version afo gives yoichi the immortality quirk in the vault while in the first version afo gives it to yoichi while he's comatose. I'd say about generations 5 to 7 is when afo FINALLY catches on to the fact that he gave yoichi an immortality quirk and just face palms before going on a large manhunt for yoichi where the ofa users just play hot potato with yoichi😭(but anon! If yoichi has an immortality quirk why didn't it heal him immediately and wake him up???) Well, when he, kudou, and Bruce were skeddadling from afo, ofa was in the process of transferring to kudou, meaning yoichi was actually in a very vulnerable state, quirk wise and body wise, so not only was that immortality quirk working overdrive, it was also in the process of transferring to someone else IDK PLOT ARMOR OR SMTH😭 anyway, yoichi got "mortally wounded" enough for the quirk itself to panic bc it doesn't have enough reserves to actually save its user so what does it do? It forces yoichi into a coma to preserve that tiny bit of energy to keep its user from dying. It succeeded! but now yoichi can't wake up since it used up the reserves to heal yoichis body and only the "crucial" areas of his brain which bodily autonomy/aka, movement of the muscles wasnt included apparently and now it thinks it's done its job because it's purpose was to keep the user alive😁(oh anon, since you came up with these great ideas why don't you go on and write it?) I can't write for shit lmao if I start this I'll only be able to write down one sentence then lose interest, SECOND OF ALL! these are just ideas, I ain't forcing or asking any of yall to make a story out of it I just wanna get my evil brain worms out of my head to share with people and listen to how others would go about these ideas. Their opinions and takes. And since there's not a lot of afofa sickos I tend to yap to the rare ones out there. Very exciting! Anyway, sorry for bugging you with my long rant, I'm not forcing you to do anything but I do wanna see your evil brain worms process this info especially now that you'll have access to yoichis thoughts on this and hey, if you need his sight for it, locked down syndrome can technically allow the person to blink only so ig he'd only be able to move his eyes and that's it oh God poor yoichi... uh sorry for yapping
Ooo an even more interesting premise 👀 Though I think in the first one I'd go with Yoichi having a lot of existential dread around what state he's in, and the OFA vault would make it worse because, at the time, he wouldn't know what it was. I think it would scare him, because while he doesn't want to be with his brother anymore, entering "his" part of the mindscape cuts off his outside awareness, meaning that he experiences nothing but The Void™ while in that space, which would make him think that going into that space is him walking closer to death. And, despite everything, Yoichi doesn't quite want to die just yet. Give it time :)
I think he'd figure it out eventually though, probably when AFO decides to, uh, enjoy Yoichi's new "compliance" and he decides that death is the better alternative. Then he gets to the mindscape and figures out that it just. loops back around to reality if he walks too far into it. Scream.
In either case though, I think that Yoichi would get pretty apathetic pretty fast. Or—not apathetic, but definitely ruthless. Harsher. He's leading his holders to his comatose body trying to get them to free him and they all keep dying >:( He knows this isn't fair, that he shouldn't keep calling people directly into AFO's arms (and nomu tanks) but that sort of constant numbness would wear him down. Probably much faster than the vault. He wants out, he wants to be slain out of mercy, he wants to be able to move and speak and run again, he wants somebody to save him, he wants his brother dead—his desperation probably kills the holders way faster than in canon, because he keeps pushing them towards their killer in hopes that they'll be the one that can finally save him. Finally stop AFO.
Meanwhile, AFO is trying his best to get Yoichi to wake back up. Because he always wanted Yoichi fully awake so he could banter and moan and scream at him, but now that Yoichi has a direct line to the other OFA holders, he turns out to be a very effective spy. The guards and minions think that just because he's not a physical threat means that they can say whatever they want around him, like locations, plans, plants, things of that nature, and All For One doesn't figure how those stupid heroes keep foiling him so well for months before he discovers just where it is Yoichi retreats to when his brain waves idle. That he's the one leaking information. And then he punishes Yoichi for it, in the very best way he knows how; forcing him to be present and making him feel. For AFO noncon can be corrective 🙏 Domestic punishment.
Plus, on the other side of the coin, if Yoichi was rescued by his vigilantes beforehand but has an immortality Quirk still, then that means that his body gets toted around from place to place with the current holder so AFO can't get his hands on him. This has the hilarious side-effect of meaning that Yoichi gets propped up in a chair at OFA meetings and everyone has to treat him like he's an active part of the meeting, because they all know he's awake. It's incredibly awkward and nobody likes it lmao.
Idk, I think you could have a lot of fun with it! Especially if Yoichi finds a way to still be an active threat :3 My boy is so beautiful and so so spiteful ✨ A little thing like whole body paralysis won't stop him for long!
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kyleoreillylover · 9 months
INSTAGRAM AU! Dominik Mysterio x Black!Fem!Reader
A/N: I got inspired by a fanfic like this, so I thought I'd take matters into my own hands and write one for my man Dominik. This took so long, so I hope you guys enjoy!
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y/n: dream world ☀️ pic creds to rhea :)
dominikmysterio: my dream girl ;)
↳y/n: and don't you ever forget it ☺️
↳ rhearipley: dom dom don't forget that she was mine first!!
↳dominikmysterio: but now she's mine, not yours. sorry not sorry, mami 🤷
↳ynstan134: the girls are fighting 😭 Dom you better stop you know Rhea would beat your ass for y/n 😭
↳y/n: ladies, ladies, calm down, there's enough for me to go around 😉
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dominikmysterio: Kicked ass in the ring, and in WWE 2k23 (sorry not sorry babe).
tagged: y/n
y/n: fr (I literally beat your ass in every single match and you told me to take it easy on you but it's whatever)
↳dominikmysterio: mi corazon why are you lying on my name 🤔 gaslighting is not healthy
↳y/n: I guess the pics I took of me winning are me gaslighting you then?
↳dominikmysterio: baby of course it's gaslighting, I don't expect anything less from you 🙄
damienpriest: bro didn't even let his girl win 😂 (you called me and finn on ft and complained about her winning)
↳y/nlover234: I love how everyone is just exposing Dom 😭
↳dominikmysterio: bro your supposed to be on my side!! ¿Qué pasa con el código hermano??!
↳damienpriest: Sorry bro, eras tú o Rhea y y/n me golpeó el trasero. 🤷
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y/n: You're either with us or beneath us 😈
tagged: dominikmysterio
y/nstan234: the way he looks at her 🥹😭
finnbalor: so proud of everything you accomplished ❤️
↳y/n: thank you good sir ❤️ couldn't imagine ruling the wwe without you by my side
↳domlover619: this is so cute 😭 you and finn as a duo are so underrated
dominikmysterio: can I be on top of you?
↳tjdstan: ??!! DOM 😭 have some decorum
↳y/nlover134:bro can barely control himself in the ring with her, ya'll thought he would control himself on instagram 😭
↳y/n: sorry babe, that spot is reserved for rhea only 🤷 No hard feelings though! 😘
↳tjdstan: LMAAOO 😭 that's tough dom 😂
↳rhearipley: as it should be, love. sorry not sorry dom dom 🥰
↳damianpriest: you see me personally dom... i wouldn't take that disrespect. but that's just me 🤷
↳finnbalor: damien priest, mitb holder, tag team champion and number 1 instigator.
↳dominikmysterio: Priest, no me obligues a 619 tu trasero!
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y/n: we are very nice people I swear 🥰
finnbalor: the nicest people I know (I'm being held against my will)
rhearipley: the both of you throw a fit whenever there are no chicken tenders on a menu
↳y/n: bc why aren't my chicken tenders there?? it should be the basis of every restaurant 🙄
↳dominikmysterio: exactly! because if a restaurant doesn't have chicken is it really a restaurant?
↳rhearipley: ....ya'll are made for each other.
dominikmysterio: I don't know why people don't like us we're literally so sweet like wtf🤨
↳y/n: exactly! idk why people in the wwe hate our guts! like what did we do to ya'll??!
↳tjdstan: didn't ya'll literally attack ilja and lyra last night 😭
↳y/n: they literally attacked us first?? are you blind? you call yourself a tjd Stan but you aren't acting like one!!
↳wwenxt: we love a gaslighting queen
↳tjdstan: I'm sorry?! 😭 but they wouldn't have hit ya'll if you guys didn't literally deck them first outta nowhere 😭
damienpriest: no lies were told
↳y/n: and that's why you are my 2nd fav 🥰
↳damienpriest: thank you chica, but why am I not first?
↳y/n: bc rhea exists??? what kind of question is that.
↳dominikmysterio: what about me, mi vida??
↳rhearipley: you heard the lady, dom.
↳y/n: sorry baby, it's the truth 🤷 better luck next time 💋
↳tjdlover: rhea x y/n wins every time dom, you need to get with the program!!!
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promptthebear · 10 months
🐰 Edmund Pevensie #14 please
Edmund Pevensie x Reader- "Please, tell me this is not why you woke me up.”
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Part 1/2 <- ***UP NOW!!!!***
Summary: Soulmate AU. Set during the "Golden Age", Edmund thinks he's doomed to be alone for the rest of his life. Until his fated match appears in the most unlikely of places. 2nd person, reader is written as "you"
A/N: Hey guys, sorry I've been go so long. Part two for this is literally being written right now and will hopefully be up very soon. I just thought I should give y'all SOMETHING to end the dry spell. Enjoy!
TW: None that I know of, but please message me if you need something tagged.
Rain was falling in sheets outside his study window, and the sound of the drops against the panes had soothed Edmund into a light doze. It was late, most likely past midnight, and his candles had burned down to almost stubs in their holders. He’d been reading for hours, lost in tomes of Narnian history and retrospects on ancient magic traditions. As fascinated as he’d been, he hadn’t been able to keep his eyes from growing heavy, and the blue velvet chair felt almost like a lover’s embrace.
Not that Edmund would have any idea what that actually felt like, though he could muster up a pretty good guess. Over the years, he’d watched his brothers and sisters find partners, wed, and have children of their own. Even little Lucy had been married last summer, leaving Edmund as the last bachelor among the family. That was one of the many reasons he’d been taking solace in his study over the last few weeks. He was plenty used to being alone, but there were only so many nights in a cold bed one could take before it started driving him a little mad.
Another man may have sought out comfort in the village pubs, but the idea of a hot, stuffy room and the press of drunken, sweaty bodies held about as much appeal to Edmund as driving straws under his fingernails. So, instead, he filled his waking hours in the company of books, often choosing to fall asleep among them than make the long, solitary walk back to his dark and empty chambers. This would be the third night in a row he’d spend here, and regardless of how Susan chided him that sleeping in his chair would ruin his back, Edmund also knew it wouldn’t be the last either.
A sudden, sharp rap at the door startled the young king from his near stupor. With a snort and a grumble, he rose from his chair, rubbing at his stiff muscles and silently cursing whoever chose to disturb him at this hour.
The hallway felt far too bright after the dim, golden light in the library, and for a moment after he opened the door, Edmund stood there, dazzled and blinking away stars from his eyes. When his vision cleared, he found himself staring into the face of one of the city guards. The young man seemed nervous, shifting from side to side and not quite able to meet Edmund’s gaze. Aside from the familiar uniform, the young man was little more than a stranger to him, and Edmund wondered why the captain would have sent someone so young to speak with one of the high kings.
“Your majesty. I beg forgiveness at the disturbance, would this matter have waited until morning I assure you I would not be here now.”
His voice betrayed his age, confirming Edmund’s suspicions that he was a new recruit, barely older than sixteen and almost twelve years his junior.
“Speak your piece and be on your way,” he replied, running a hand over his face to try and clear away any drowsiness that still clung on “It is far too late for either of us to be away from our beds”
The guard jumped at the sound of Edmund’s voice, and did some sort of half nod, half bow that made him look like a fish jerking around in a net.
“Again, my most sincere apologies your majesty. Once more, if it were not for the urgency of the situation I would not have caused you upset. My captain insisted that you be spoken with directly and that this message reach no ears but your own. I tried to tell him you’d be abed by now but-”
“Out with it, lad. The longer you speak, the longer the hour grows and the more weary I become.”
The edge to his words almost made Edmund wince. He hadn’t meant to be so sharp with the boy, but Susan had been right. Spending nights in his chair had made him incredibly sore, and had kept him from having a decent rest for far too long. The combination of both was not providing him with an overabundance of courtesy.
“We caught a pick pocket, your majesty. In the market, earlier this evening.”
Edmund reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying desperately to ease the throbbing that was starting to grow behind his eyes.
“Please, tell me this is not why you woke me up.”
Yes, Edmund acted as the King’s Justice and presided over all cases brought into court, even trifling ones like pick-pocketing. However, as far as he could tell, there was no reason something that simple would bring a guard to his door in the middle of the night.
“It is, your majesty”
“And? Have you all suddenly forgotten how to do your jobs? The thief can spend the night in lockup with your other petty criminals, and I’ll be there to preside over their trial in the morning. If that’s all you came to tell me, then I suggest you be on your way before I take it upon myself to serve you with a demerit and suspend you from service for the next week.”
The door was halfway closed when the young guard’s boot wedged itself between the door and the wall. Edmund stared down at it for a moment, trying to process the sheer gall of this otherwise seemingly placid young man. Nobody, in his recent memory, had ever kept him from closing a door when he wished. If he wasn’t contemplating sending this man to scrub out the barracks privvies for the rest of his natural life, he almost would’ve been impressed at his tenacity.
“Alright, that does it, I’m giving you until the count of three to get out of my sight and if you aren’t gone by two then so help me-”
“She has the mark, your Majesty”
It felt as though someone had just dumped a bucket of freezing water upon Edmund’s head. For a moment he stood, still as a statue while his mind raced at frantic speeds to try and make sense of what he was hearing. The lad had to be joking, there simply was no other explanation. This was all part of an elaborate prank someone was pulling on him, like Peter maybe, and Edmund would walk all the way down to the dungeons only to find a sow or donkey painted with a mark that matched his own rather than the girl he’d been promised.
He opened his mouth to tell the young guard he was a liar, along with a few other choice phrases, only to find his voice had left him. What was the worst that could happen, if he followed this boy? Experience told Edmund that he could end up being the kingdom laughingstock the next morning, but what of it? Most of his subjects, noble and common alike, either ridiculed him behind closed doors or pitied him to his face, which was somehow worse. The Lonely King, they called him. A solitary man in a world where everyone was fated to find their perfect match at some point or another. Would a lifetime of isolation be truly worth avoiding a few moments of ridicule?
The carved animals in the wooden door stared blankly back at Edmund, and though the flickering candlelight made their faces seem to dance and move among the shadows, they had no more answers for him than the young King had for himself. With a sigh, he clasped the edge of the door and pulled it open. It creaked loudly, a sound made louder still by the otherwise hushed air in the sleeping castle. The young guard waiting beyond started at the noise, and took a step back towards the far wall as though he expected Edmund to leap out and bite him.
Now standing in the full light of the hall, Edmund saw in earnest how young the guard really was. He may have been a youth of sixteen, but he had the face of a twelve or eleven year old, making him look like a squire rather than the soldier he was. A light dusting of fuzz across the boy’s cheeks, a hint of a beard, was the only thing to suggest he was near manhood and it made Edmund feel all the more guilty for being so hard on him.
“Come on,” he said, clapping a friendly hand down on the guard’s soldier as he moved past him “Let’s get this over with.”
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I suddenly remembered all your posts about Camila's reactions to the appearance of Beardo Philip and an idea struck me.
As usual, Belos Redemption AU, Philip lives in Noseda's House with the HexSquad, they all cool with him.
Fic - Belos discovers that he can change his appearance and turns into Beardo Phillip. He is so happy that he looks young again, but he is worried about strange reactions and looks from Camilla. Is she sick?
Hairy Bodies Are Hot
Camila's car took a turn into the Gravesfield Playhouse parking lot as she searched for a place to park.
Once she did, she put her car in reverse and backed into the open space.
Next to the theater entrance was a floor stand with a poster framed inside that read "Auditions."
Another poster, which was framed on one of the windows of the theatrical building, had the words "Gravesfield's Greatest Witch Hunters: A Tale Of The Brothers Wittebane" labeled in big bold letters above a picture of the Wittebane Brothers' statues.
Turning the car off, Camila removed the keys from the ignition and placed them in the armrest cup holder beside her.
She then offered a smile to Belos Philip, who was sitting in the front passenger seat next to her.
Despite this being his first ever audition, Philip didn't seem to show any signs of being nervous.
"Now Philip," Camila said as she began her pep-talk to the former witch hunter, closing her eyes.
"Remember, when you walk in there, do so with your head held high and show the casting director your most confident and professional self, but avoid boasting. Next, you'll want to make sure that..."
As Camila continued to give her good advice to Philip, she failed to notice the swift transformation taking place in her presence.
"... Finally, and this is important, you have to..."
The first thing Camila saw upon opening her eyes caused them to widen, red immediately rushing to her cheeks.
"Aaaa!" Camila shrieks in terror at the younger man now sitting in the passenger seat.
He was wearing Philip's coat, along with a bushy brown beard and an adorable smile as he looked at the mother.
"Wh-What's going on?" Camila asked the man as her eyes quickly shifted for something to pick up and protect herself with if needed.
Her la chancla was at home.
"Wh-Where's Philip? What have you done with him, you..."
She proceeded to slowly look him up and down. "Handsome stranger?"
Camila bit her tongue a little too late as she mentally facepalmed at her last sentence.
Did she really just call him that?
The brunette released a small chuckle. "Camila, my dear, whatever do you mean? I'm right here," he told her.
Camila did a double take as she blinked. "P-Philip?! That's... you?!" she asked. "But how?!"
"Last week, I discovered a method to modify my appearance. If I want to obtain the role as my younger self, one of the best ways to do so is to look the part," he explained in a charming voice that Camila found absolutely irresistible.
She felt her form melt like butter in a pan.
Philip refused to stand for the nonsensical injustice that was presented in Masha's hayride story at the Halloween festival.
"O-Oh! Okay then! That makes sense. Well, break a leg," Camila awkwardly wished Philip with a flushed face as he got out of the car.
He smiled at her kindly once more.
"Thank you," Philip said, closing the door.
As he walked toward the playhouse building, Camila continued to stare at him, her blush growing stronger.
"S-So, how did it go?" Camila asked Philip as he stepped back into the car.
His smile was brimming with pure, genuine excitement as he shut the door. "I was given the role of myself!" he beamed, buckling up.
"The director had nothing but praise for my performance."
Camila smiled at the news, her face still warm. "That's great, Philip. I'm so happy for you."
Philip shortly took notice of Camila's red face, concern soon crossing on his own.
He gently grasped her chin as he observed her flushed features, which caught her off guard, and a surprised squeak escaped her.
"Your face is terribly red, love. You're not becoming ill, are you?" he gently asked.
Camila swiftly shook her head and pulled away, quickly grabbing her keys and starting the car.
"O-Of course not!" she responded.
Once she carefully drove forward and turned her steering wheel, Camila commenced driving.
"I just forgot to turn on the AC when you left," she chuckled nervously.
"Ch-Chest hair," Camila whispered while in the laundry room, holding a familiar dress shirt that she was about to toss into the washing machine.
It was the same one that Philip wore yesterday and was sprinkled with brown body hair.
Someone was obviously shedding.
Camila tightened her grip on the shirt as she began to blush.
"S-So hairy...," she whispered to herself.
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cakeleighh · 7 months
lmao I have so many au's for this funky lil guy
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Bike au! bike au! bike au! bike au! bike au! :D (please forgive any spelling/grammar mistakes)
Don't ask me how I drew the bike, I was like 'hey why not use the select tool and gradient tool?' and then I blacked out for a few hours and when I awoke there was a bike on the page. I should probably drop some lore with this too.
So the scarab is still an alien that came to earth, but it was attached to -essentially- an accompanying spacecraft which the scarab is directly linked to. Unlike the movie, the scarab/bike was claimed by Victoria Kord almost immediately after Ted Kord died, and she attempted to reverse engineer it for her own interests. Unfortunately for her, the scarab was completely unresponsive to external stimulus and no tools were advanced enough to take apart the scarab/bike. There was only one instance of the mechanisms reacting to something, and that was long ago -before Kord industries was established- and they weren't able to get even an understanding of this alien technology at the time. And no matter how persistent Victoria Kord is, she isn't able to do anything with it.
Kord industries (founded by Ted Kord, with the inspiration of the scarab and Ted's brilliant mind) focused on making bikes and other motor vehicles inspired directly by the scarab. He didn't know how the bike worked but he could theorise and make his own inventions that worked for him. The company became one of the main manufacturers of bikes in the world, and holds racing events every year or so to bring in more publicity. Victoria does not care for these races, but she understands that they're good for the company. Victoria is -non surprisingly- more concerned about the military research and developments in the company.
After years of ruthless and expensive testing on the scarab/bike, with no results, the share holders expressed their concern with the lack of profits and new designs coming out since Ted's passing. Her researchers express how even Ted Kord was not able to get the scarab to respond, and therefore it had been almost 50 years since the scarab was reported to have activated (allegedly). With threats to pull out investments, Victoria was forced to abandon the Scarab program and quickly focus on other RnD departments. Though she personally still wanted to harness the power of the scarab, but she could do nothing without the money.
Through the neglect of the dismissed program, the bike is moved about into storage. But with one miscommunication, it ends up in the wrong warehouse. More time passes, and the warehouse is ordered to be cleaned out without concern for what's in there. The bike ends up in a scrapyard where it cannot be destroyed, so the owner takes the opportunity to sell it to another mechanic for a bit of extra money 'the company wont even know it's been resold'. The mechanic -completely unable to do anything with the funky beetle bike- tries to make his money back by selling to another scrap yard. And there it stayed for another few years, all the while Kord industries still thought it was in storage. This is where Jaime finds the bike, by accident, trying to look for his uncle's "misplaced" bike.
Jenny Kord is still a thorn in Victoria's side, not only concerned with the questionable ethics of Victoria's research, but preserving her father's legacy before Victoria destroys all evidence of it. Jenny knows of the scarab/bike, but has been prohibited in knowing it's location and status. So She's forced to go undercover as a presenter/cameraperson (This will make more sense when I show her design) at the racing events to try and get evidence on where the bike is being held, which is definitely easier when you have control of many cameras.
I made this au before the movie came out, and when I finally saw it, I realised the plot actually lined up pretty well already -which is convenient. The only thing I had to change was the inclusion of Jenny (cuz I knew nothing about her before the movie came out), and adding more detail to the antagonists. I love Jenny's design in this au (soon, I will release the pictures) cuz I had total free reign and a cyber-punk motorbike racing aesthetic to base it off. Also, she rides a bike in the movie too so I can actually base her bike off of the pre-existing one.
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forjongseong · 1 year
enchule // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: secretary!jay x CEO!fem!reader (part 11.5 of the series)
genre: office!au, fluff, smut (minors dni) // warning: older reader; Jay calls reader “Boss”; profanity; oral sex (m. receiving); fingering; unprotected sex; rough handling; Jay got too carried away :( // wc: ~8.5k (I also got carried away)
previous chapters:
part 1 - carmesí part 2 - mi reina part 3 - millones part 3.5 - hasta los dientes part 4 - vente conmigo part 5 - tusa part 5.5 - apaga y vámonos part 6 - versos de placer minisode part 1 - cuando nadie ve part 6.5 - yo te quiero más minisode part 2 - la niña de mis ojos part 7 - aeropuerto minisode part 3 - falling autumn minisode part 4 - night night part 8 - ambulancia minisode part 5 - subtítulos part 9 - al caer la noche minisode part 6 - after last night part 9.5 - the way you look tonight part 10 - mon soleil minisode part 7 - daylight minisode part 8 - subside minisode part 9 - your princess, my queen part 11 - qué bonito
next chapters:
click here for the masterlist
summary: Jay had taken you to Greece for your birthday, so you decided to take him to Australia for his.
author’s notes: welcome to part 11.5! this one is 3k words longer than the original half episodes. (oops)
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, JAY! my one and only, my sun and stars, the moon of my life, the air that I breathe, and my reason to wake up every morning... initially I planned on releasing this special .5 part right on his birthday, but a lot of things happened, and I kept getting creatively cockblocked for some reason, so here we are 5 or 6 days later with a half episode that, hopefully, with its length, can quench the thirst for you readers (my dear carmesimps) out there.
after the love I received in part 11, I hope this part also suffices! warning: don't forget to regulate your breathing and stay hydrated because the smut scenes here are hot...ter than usual, if I can say so myself...
behold! the song title for this part:
will you just look at the lyrics???
I don't know what happened that my mouth liked it when I stole a kiss from you it was just a game that got out of control, the rules were broken now your name doesn't leave my mind if you want to repeat it, I remember where Baby, I show up even if it's far I feel despair if I don't see you
tell me that's not Jay?????? literally???
taglist: @jaylaxies @thots4hee @jayked @end-hyphen @nyanggk @yoursjaeyun @maggstar @bucketofhiros @dimplejaehyuncutie @excusememissiloveyou @shinkenprincess-oh @mochimchimo @jongseonglogy
(send an ask if you want to be added)
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From the corner of your eye, you spotted a figure walking towards you steadily, and when he arrived right in front of you, you recognized the pair of shoes and immediately looked up.
“Remind me again why Jake is tagging along for our honeymoon?” Jay asked as he held a cardboard cup holder filled with three different drinks.
“Oh, thanks, mate,” Jake said, reaching out for his iced americano. The force of his hands almost tipped the whole cup holder, so you calmly held it in place by supporting the bottom with one hand.
“Sorry, Noona,” Jake continued. It seemed like he did not hear Jay’s complaint and was merely happy that his beverage order had arrived.
Jay sighed as he took his seat beside you, letting you hold both his drink and yours. He melted to your side and rested his head on your shoulder, to which you softly chuckled and patted his cheek with your free hand.
“This isn’t our honeymoon, it’s your birthday trip,” you explained. “We’re only gone for six days, and I want our actual honeymoon to last at least two weeks.”
“Sounds like a dream,” Jay muttered. “Do you think the company will be fine without the both of us? For fourteen business days?”
You shrugged and it made Jay’s head shake in place. “We probably need several meetings before we leave and during the honeymoon, I’ll have to check in once in a while.”
“That seems unfair. I don’t want you distracted during our honeymoon,” Jay said, pouting.
“Then I shouldn’t have married my secretary, don’t you think?” You brought your hand up and squished Jay’s cheeks, forcing him to pout his lips even more.
“If you need help and if you have a vacant position, you can hire me, Noona,” Jake chimed in, nudging your left elbow.
“You say that, yet you’re here with us,” Jay commented. “It’s because the destination is Brisbane, isn’t it?”
“Bingo,” Jake replied.
“Exactly,” you said at the same time.
Then both you and Jake snorted at the same time, and it made Jay wonder if the two of you were actually siblings.
When Jake told you a couple of weeks ago that he was going to visit his brother’s family in Brisbane, you immediately asked him a thousand questions about his plan—when he’s leaving, how long he’s staying, whether you should go and visit Brisbane with him, all the sorts. It took you a minute to realize Jay was staring at you the whole time, with a disapproving look, almost like he was hurt that you had forgotten his existence.
You found a less packed week that overlapped with Jay’s birthday, so without even asking if he approved, you cleared out both your schedules and planned your trip ahead, only notifying him three days before your flight so he would have enough time to pack. On the one hand, he was happy that you surprised him this time with a trip. On the other hand, he wished you had told him at least a week before, so he could participate in planning too.
“Just to be clear,” Jay began, clearing his throat. “You’re not tagging along for the whole time, right? Like we’re not gonna see you every day?”
“Of course not,” Jake answered. “But I’ll be on standby whenever Y/N Noona needs a tour guide. I can ask my brother for recommendations.”
“If it’s a city she grew up in, I bet she’ll be a good enough tour guide, but thanks anyways,” Jay said as he took a sip of his iced tea.
“You two speak as if I’m not sitting in between.” You shook your shoulder once and Jay immediately straightened up. “I think we’re boarding soon.”
The two guys redirected their attention to the gate, and as the staff made the announcement, the three of you stood up at the same time, gathering your belongings.
“Noona,” Jake leaned into you. “Thanks for the upgrade to business class.”
“Thank me too, the fuck,” Jay groaned, stretching his arms to the side. “It’s my birthday trip, remember?”
“Can you two stop bickering so I don’t feel like a nanny on duty?” You complained, staring at Jake and then Jay.
“Yes, Ma’am,” the two said in unison.
You had made the mistake of posting your trip on your private Instagram stories, and around the same time, your auntie—who was not really your aunt, just an old friend of your parents—replied to your post and demanded you come to see her. She even sent her husband to pick you up at your hotel, and you were too flustered and too polite to refuse.
Luckily, Jay is a natural at initiating conversations with new people. He offered to sit beside the driver, which was your auntie’s husband, Tim, and they began talking about the most random things regarding living in Australia, particularly Gold Coast. As the car drove along the more crowded streets, Tim explained a lot about the important places like he was a paid tour guide. It gave you enough time to respond to your family group chat, updating them about your trip.
“Are the boys not here, Auntie Nina?” You asked, looking around the room and noticing how quiet it felt.
Jay sat beside you at the dining table while you watched Tim and Nina prepare drinks and snacks. Jay leaned to whisper to you.
“Auntie Nina only has sons?”
“They’re all busy with work and college. My youngest is getting his master’s,” Nina smiled, walking towards the table, and placing a pitcher of iced tea and four clear glasses in the center.
“That’s wonderful,” Jay responded. “I bet he’s good in school too, huh?”
And just like that the conversation flowed naturally again. You updated them about your parents and told them a little bit about your work, and once they learned that Jay works for you, they both asked how you two met. You eyed Jay, who then tilted his chin to let you tell your version of the story, so of course, you did and had to censor some parts. Particularly the kiss in your office.
“He was just paying so much attention to me that I couldn’t help but notice him too,” you finished, tracing your finger on the outline of your glass. “I think I got lucky.”
“You’re gonna make me cry right here,” Jay said, stifling a sob.
Tim and Nina laughed at Jay, who literally had his lips quivering, and you brought your hands up to cup his face and comfort him, pouting at his cuteness. The rest of the night went by in a flash, with a delicious dinner prepared by Nina and a safe ride back to the hotel with Tim.
“I had a lot of fun today,” Jay said, making himself comfortable on the sofa, lying behind you.
You changed the channel on the TV, searching for a good movie. You felt like watching cable in hotels was somewhat a nostalgic activity, and you also found it quite therapeutic to just have the TV on while you keep yourself busy.
“I’m glad you did,” you replied as you placed your hand over his arm, which was now wrapped around your waist. “Jake is going to take us to the beach tomorrow.”
“I love that,” Jay muttered, kissing your shoulder. “Thank you for planning everything, babe.”
“It’s about time I return the favor.” You closed your eyes for a minute before turning your head slightly to your right, inhaling his scent. “You smell good.”
“Must be because I showered,” Jay replied nonchalantly. “You smell good too,” he said, kissing your cheek.
“Well, I haven’t showered yet, so I don’t know what you’re on.”
“I love the way you smell when you’re sweaty,” he said, tracing his finger along your shoulder and down your arm. “Reminds me of something in particular.”
You sighed heavily before you chuckled, feeling Jay’s fingers tickling your waist. “We’re not going to watch this movie, are we?” You asked.
Jay shrugged. “We can try.”
You exhaled in defeat and Jay chuckled lowly, placing his lips on the back of your shoulder, and staying there for a while. Your eyes focused on the TV and your fingers started stroking his arm that was wrapped around your chest. After a while, Jay settled into a more comfortable position, resting his head on a stack of pillows higher than yours so he could watch the movie too.
“Jay,” you called. He hummed and squeezed your waist. “After we go to the beach tomorrow, will you come with me to—”
“Yes,” he interrupted.
“You didn’t let me finish.”
“You don’t have to. ‘With me’ was all I needed to hear. I’ll go with you anywhere.”
Jay’s voice was close to your ear, and when he finished speaking you felt like you were covered in a soft and warm blanket. You smiled to yourself before bringing his hand up for you to kiss. You then carefully turned around to face him, still lying down on the sofa, and he pulled you closer to him to keep you from falling off.
“I’m so lucky,” you whispered, tracing your fingers along his jawline.
He smiled widely and your mouth mimicked his expression.
“I’m glad the feeling’s mutual,” he said, before leaving a chaste kiss on your lips.
Jake’s eyes widened in wonder as he observed you and Jay belting notes to Yuuri’s Shutter, which was on the playlist that you chose for the drive. Jay insisted on driving, since Jake’s brother was kind enough to lend you all his car and because Jake was not confident enough to be the man behind the wheel. Naturally, you rode shotgun and did your best to navigate the map and handle the choice of songs.
The song reached its bridge and climax, and Jake giggled at the way you and Jay both inhaled dramatically before hitting the final chorus which had a key change. The whole performance became even more dramatic with the wind blowing through the open windows, and you had to push your sunglasses up to wear as a headband to keep your hair from flying all over the place.
You heard the sound of Jake clapping from the backseat, and you turned around and looked at him in confusion. Jake grinned at you.
“Was that a sad song? It sounded sad,” Jake spoke, eyeing the screen that showed the playlist. “You both sound devastated.”
You snorted and Jay shook his head. “It’s Yuuri! What do you expect?” He protested, carefully bringing the car to a stop.
Several people crossed the street, and you quietly observed them. Jay tapped his fingers on the steering wheel and adjusted the volume of the speakers.
“And since when do you speak Japanese, Noona?” Jake asked, poking his head through the gap between you and Jay at the same time the light turned green.
“I don’t?” You said, slightly confused.
“She just has the lyrics memorized,” Jay explained. You nodded in agreement.
You proceeded to play more of Yuuri’s songs and Jake happily bobbed his head while listening to them until you all arrived at Surfer’s Paradise. It took a while to find a close enough parking spot, but when you did, you and Jake instantly turned into kids.
“Oh my God,” you gasped, watching the soft waves coming up the sand. “I’ve been wanting to come back here for ages.”
Jake jogged towards you and his hair moved up and down. “Noona! Race you to the water.”
Jay was startled at the way you and Jake both shrieked and laughed uncontrollably as you made your way to the shore. Jake almost tripped and lost balance, and you had to stop and squat to laugh properly. You then crawled your way on the sand, only to stand up and catch up to Jake as soon as his feet hit the water.
When you turned around, you saw Jay holding up his phone, recording everything. There were wrinkles on the corners of his eyes from the way he was smiling, and it seemed like he was trying not to laugh to prevent the phone from shaking too much. Jake caught your attention by slightly splashing you with the salt water, and you flinched before you chased him down.
“I won! I won!” Jake shouted, flapping his hands around to counter your attacks. You were flinging your arms in hopes that it would hit him.
“Okay, that’s enough!” Jay raised his voice, putting his phone back in his pocket before walking towards you. “Don’t tire her.”
Jake furrowed but at the same time you started coughing, and in between coughs you explained to him that laughing and running, or talking and walking up the stairs at the same time, was one of your asthma triggers. He immediately felt bad, and he hesitantly patted your back gently as you tried to control your breathing.
“Sorry, Noona,” Jake said before eyeing Jay cautiously. “We can just sit down and chill now.”
Jay was about to nudge Jake, but you stopped him by grabbing his arm.
“I’m fine!” You insisted as you watched Jay unfold a picnic mat. The two of them waited for you to sit before taking their places beside you.
“How do you like Brisbane and Gold Coast so far, mate?” Jake asked, peering over you to look at Jay.
You smiled and lay down completely, and Jay looked at you for a split second before answering.
“I get why you two are attached to this city,” Jay replied. “It’s the perfect balance between quiet and crowded.”
“Exactly,” you chimed in, squinting your eyes to avoid the sun.
Jake continued the conversation while Jay took out cans of soda and packs of sandwiches to munch on. Whenever you started to giggle, Jay was quick to pull you up back to your sitting position, and Jake also put his hand on your back out of reflex. The three of you ended up talking about a lot of things even long after you finished your snacks, and if it weren’t for Jake checking the time, you all would have stayed even longer.
“I need to take my hyung’s car back, but before that, I can drive you guys to the hotel?” Jake offered, dusting his pants from the sand as he stood up first.
Jay looked at you and you looked back at Jake. “I actually need to drop by a friend’s home and then the pharmacy. It’s fine, we can take the train.”
“Are you sure?” Jake asked, more towards Jay than to you.
Jay nodded. “Say hi to your brother for us,” he said.
“Alright then,” Jake responded. “I’ll text you again later.”
On the train ride to your friend’s house, you fell asleep on Jay’s shoulder, and he was determined to stay awake and alert, taking over the navigating duty that was supposed to be yours. Initially, you did not want to stay for longer than an hour at your friend’s, but she and her husband insisted, and Jay was more than happy to chat more with the new people he just befriended. Before going back to the hotel, you made a stop at the local drugstore and went through a list of products that your mother had asked for.
You both arrived at the hotel later than planned and by then you were exhausted. As you were taking off your makeup, Jay leaned back on the wall beside the bathroom door, looking at you.
“Can I help you?” You asked as you realized he wasn’t going to stop staring.
Jay chuckled before putting his hands in his pockets. “Just waiting for the bathtub to fill up. What? I’m not allowed to stare at my wife?”
You smiled softly and held a cotton pad over your eyelids. “So for tomorrow, I don’t have anything grand planned. We’re just gonna stay here and go for a walk if you’d like. But then the day after that is your birthday, so you get to choose whatever you want to do.”
“Really?” Jay replied, his eyes lighting up. “Great, then I can use some time tomorrow to look up stuff to do.”
“Mm-hm.” You wiped off the residue on your face before stretching out your arms. “Are you going to take a bath now?”
“Do you wanna join me?” Jay asked as he took a couple steps towards you.
“I’m…” you paused to look at your reflection, “I’m really tired, actually.”
Jay placed his hands on your shoulders and started rubbing you gently. “That’s my point. I’ll give you a massage. Come on.”
“You know I should be the one pampering you, right?” You looked at Jay through the reflection.
He brought his hands to cup your chin and tilted your head upwards before planting a kiss on your forehead.
“It’s not my birthday yet. Just come relax with me, okay?”
There was no way you could refuse your husband, especially when he was asking so politely.
“Just a bath,” you demanded as you stood up. “Nothing more.”
Jay chuckled, but then you gave him a sharp stare and he nodded. “Nothing more,” he said, clearing his throat. He then took one step back. “After you, my love.”
You slowly opened your eyes and found yourself staring at the dark. When you turned your head to the right, you noticed the faint light from the sun rising outside, and you guessed that it was still way too early in the morning to be doing anything. A second later, you remembered that you had a horrible dream where you got lost in a maze, and you called for Jay, but he never appeared.
To your relief, when you turned to Jay’s side you found him there, still fast asleep. You took a deep breath before bringing your hand up to caress his face, also brushing his hair back in the process. His breath was steady, despite his eyebrows forming a frown, and you stroked his cheek before you leaned in to kiss him.
Your kiss woke him up. He stirred before he opened his eyes, and you melted right beside him, grabbing both his hands and holding them tight between yours.
“Hey,” he greeted you, his voice croaked. “Good morning.”
“Morning, baby,” you whispered, placing his palm under your cheek, and resting your head back on the pillow.
He moved his thumb across your cheek before clearing his throat. “Is everything okay?”
You nodded, and Jay shot you a tired smile. You snuggled closer to him, caging yourself in his arms and moving close enough until you could touch your lips to his neck. His arms wrapped around your waist naturally, and when you kissed his chin he chuckled, squeezing you gently.
You moved your hand to his arm and squeezed him there, and with that, he looked down at you with his eyes only half open. You tilted your head slightly, bumping your nose to his chin before you carefully grazed your lips over his. You felt his lips slowly part, and that’s when you dived in for a passionate kiss.
Holding his face close to yours and letting him press your body onto his, you kissed him deeply. You felt his tongue swipe across your bottom lip, and as you opened your mouth you moaned when you felt his tongue tug against yours. You stopped for a split second only to catch your breath before you kissed him again, your leg thrown over his waist, latching your hip onto his.
Jay’s hands traveled underneath your camisole, bunching up the fabric until his palms were the only thing keeping your back warm. He stroked your back softly and ran his fingers down your waist and to your hips as he continued to lock lips with you. For a moment, the sound of your lips smacking was the only thing you could hear, aside from the soft sound of the clock on the wall ticking.
“I want to try something,” you confessed, pulling away only to find a strand of saliva connecting your lips and his.
Jay leaned in for one last kiss before he replied. “What is it?”
As much as you wanted to stay in his arms, to feel his hands run through your hair and along your back, you wanted to pamper him. You wanted him to feel more pleasure, so you had to fight yourself from staying in place.
“Just a second,” you whispered before pushing yourself away from him. His arms stayed there for a while as he watched you take off your top and sit straight, leaning against the headboard. “Come sit between my legs,” you demanded.
Jay’s eyes squinted in confusion, but his body was quick to react. He shuffled out of the covers to go to you, but before he could settle, you clicked your tongue.
“I want you naked, though.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
His tone of enthusiasm, in contrast with his messy bed hair, made you chuckle. He got undressed in seconds, and you reached out your arms when he made his way between your legs, resting his back against your chest.
“Oh,” he sighed, “this feels good.”
“I haven’t even started.”
“No, I know,” Jay rested his head on your right shoulder. “I just know it’s gonna be good.”
You had to hold yourself back from rolling your eyes, so you grabbed his chin and pressed your lips roughly against his, earning a light chuckle from him.
“Just relax, okay?” You mumbled against his lips.
“Are you comfortable? I don’t want to be leaning or pressing too hard on you,” Jay said, his eyes flickered from your lips to your chest.
Unbelievable, you thought. On the verge of receiving pleasure, he was still thinking of you.
“I’m fine, baby, thank you,” you replied, kissing his temple. Jay then relaxed and placed his hands on your thighs.
You began caressing his chest, trailing your fingers from his nipples, down to his abs and the v-line that always drives you crazy. You noticed his breath hitched once he saw your hands moving downwards, and you had to press your lips to his ear to give him reassurance.
“Relax,” you whispered.
You reached for his penis with your left hand, bringing your right hand back up to his nipple to pinch and play with it in hopes that it will get him hard fast. He flinched before he relaxed in your touch, occasionally whimpering when he felt that you were pinching too hard. Your hand moved up and down his shaft, continuing the motion until you felt him gradually harden in between your fingers.
“There he is,” you chuckled softly, lips grazing his earlobe. “A good morning to you, Sir.”
At this point, Jay was moaning at your every touch, and he even shifted in his seat once he felt your lips pressed against his neck. You began sucking softly, determined to make him feel enough pleasure but without leaving a noticeable mark. You continued kissing him down his shoulder while stroking his cock, which was now fully erect.
“Show me how you like it,” you requested. “Use your hands and show me.”
“What?” Jay asked, confused. He didn’t realize that his breath had become heavier. “But I’ve barely touched myself since we started—”
“I know,” you responded. You kissed his neck again for reassurance and he sighed contentedly. “I just want to see how you used to pleasure yourself.”
You had moved your hands up to his biceps and you were stroking him there. With one squeeze, he began palming himself with one hand as he adjusted his position between your legs. You observed quietly as you paid close attention to the motion of his hands—the way he took long strokes from top to bottom, the way he ends each stroke with a slight squeeze towards the tip, the way his head fell back when he increased the speed. You noticed how he was almost panting like it was too much and he was trying to hold back.
“I don’t… Do you… Should I do this until I cum?”
The uncertainty in his voice and the submissive nature of it made you fall for him more, as if that was even possible. You nodded and gently nudged the side of his head with yours.
“You can cum if you want, baby.”
“But,” Jay paused before he opened his eyes and looked at you. “I want you to make me cum.”
And how could you refuse?
“Okay,” you whispered, kissing his lips. “Do you want my hands?” You kissed him again. “Or my mouth?” You kissed his jawline. “Or do you want my pussy?” You kissed his earlobe.
You could basically feel Jay shiver under your touch before he answered you, only after taking a considerable amount of time to decide.
“Your… mouth,” Jay muttered. “Can I?”
“Of course.”
You stretched out your legs and moved from behind Jay, making him rest his back against the headboard. He leaned comfortably after you placed a couple of pillows behind his back, and once he was set you crawled your way downwards, taking your position this time between his legs.
The sight of you on all fours with your ass up and your head over his crotch made him groan. You saw his cock twitch and decided to put him out of his misery. He had been a good boy, after all, listening to your requests and delivering, so you kissed the tip of his cock before putting it into your mouth.
You almost gagged from the way his length quickly filled up your mouth, and you could hear him shudder from the single move. You began bobbing your head up and down, coating his shaft with your saliva, and you felt his fingers very carefully brush your hair away from your face before bunching them up into a ponytail. He kept holding your hair as you continued your ministrations, and every whimper or moan that you heard from him served as your sole motivation.
You tried taking his whole length in, and you felt your jaw stretch a little too wide. The pause in your movements made him concerned, so he tried his best to comfort you by reaching out for your hand. You took his hand in yours, and you continued to suck him, alternating between kisses and kitten licks too.
“I’m c-close,” Jay whimpered. His body was shaking involuntarily, and you were secretly proud of yourself that you were able to make him feel this way.
You pulled your lips away from his cock with a pop, and you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand before you spoke. “You can cum in my mouth, baby.”
“Are you sure?” He asked.
You hummed and quickly put his length in between your lips again. You heard him mutter several curse words as you continued, and when you felt his hips start to thrust upwards, you held him in place by gripping his waist. The grip of his hand that was holding your hair up began to loosen, and after one last suck, you felt him release in your mouth. You were lucky you braced yourself, otherwise it would have ended in a choking mess.
You couldn’t take all of his cum, so when you pulled away some of it was dripping down your chin. You swallowed the rest, though, and when you looked at him, he was looking back at you in awe.
“It’s not my birthday yet, is it?” He asked, breathless.
You wiped your bottom lip with your thumb as you chuckled, and you shook your head as you made your way up to him, straddling him in the process.
“Fuck. Thank you for that,” Jay said as soon as your face was level with his. “Kiss me.”
“You sure?” You halted, hovering over his body before he pulled you in by the neck, licking your lips clean and kissing you feverishly.
“Wait,” he said all of a sudden, pulling back. You frowned. “Your turn.”
He placed his hands on your hips and slammed you down on his crotch, earning a surprised yelp from you. You then chuckled and he did the same, kissing you only after you relaxed on top of him.
“If you keep kissing me like this, I think I can cum,” you whispered against his lips.
“Is that a challenge?” Jay taunted, his fingers moving down to push your panties to the side. “If it is, get ready.”
You moaned into his mouth as soon as you felt his fingers graze your folds. With just one touch, you were already shaking from pleasure, and it didn’t help that he was nibbling your lips and kissing you like oxygen was only coming out of your mouth. He inserted one finger, and then two, and when he put in his third finger you gasped for air, unlatching your mouth from his.
“Jay,” you panted. “It’s too much.”
You felt his fingers curl inside of you and you whimpered, your body shaking as your head fell to his shoulder. You rested your forehead there as support, and you were grabbing his arms for dear life.
“Jay,” you whined helplessly.
“Oh, come on, baby,” Jay spoke right into your ear. Somehow you could hear him smirk. “You always take my dick so well. Surely, three fingers are nothing?”
You moaned again as he began moving his fingers in and out of you faster, and although you had already lost track of time, you knew that it took you less time to cum compared to him. Within a minute you were already a shaking, moaning mess on his lap, and you couldn’t even complain when you heard him chuckle proudly, his chest moving against yours during the process.
Jay’s fingers slipped out of you and as he brought them up to his face, you could see the way they were coated with your cum. But then he swiped his index finger over your lips, as if applying lip balm, before taking all three fingers into his mouth and sucking them clean.
“You’re fucking crazy,” you sighed, one hand latched onto his shoulder and your head resting against the crook of his neck.
He chuckled and your body moved with his.
“You’re welcome, baby.”
You walked out of the bedroom and into the living room all dressed up and covered in a light coat, and when Jay noticed you, he had to do a double take, completely abandoning his attention over his phone.
“Where are you going?” He asked, quickly eyeing your outfit from head to toe.
“I just need to pick up something from the lobby,” you said, waving your hand to emphasize that it wasn’t something of his concern.
“You’ll be back soon, right?” Jay asked again, sounding slightly worried.
You nodded. “Of course, I will, baby.”
You blew Jay a flying kiss and he made smooching faces back at you before you headed out the door. Jay then picked up his phone and continued his search for must-do activities that might fit into your schedule tomorrow. He must have been completely immersed because the next thing he knew you were already back, while he felt like you left only two minutes ago. You were holding a suspicious box, and you smiled as you made your way to the coffee table in front of the sofa Jay was sitting on.
“Now I know your birthday is tomorrow, but I figured we could get the cake a day early and eat it when the clock strikes midnight or something,” you explained without waiting for him to ask. “That is, of course, if you want to.”
Jay had never heard you sound so unsure, or were you being nervous? Either way, he found you absolutely adorable, and he smiled widely as he put away his phone and leaned in.
“What cake is it?” He asked.
“Chocolate,” you replied. You saw him raise an eyebrow. “Your favorite. The expensive kind.”
Jay chuckled lightly and shook his head. You excused yourself to put the cake in the fridge and you trotted back to your original spot, standing in front of the TV. Jay looked up at you in question, tilting his head, while you took a deep breath.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” you muttered to yourself while at the same time checking that it was two hours left until Jay’s big day.
“What is happening?” Jay said, his tone curious.
You sighed, taking your phone out and setting the volume to the max before choosing a song that definitely sounded seductive. You placed your phone on the table and began undoing the belt of your coat.
“Mr. Park Jongseong,” you spoke. “This dance is for you.”
You began moving your hips to the beat of the song and Jay’s jaw dropped. As you pulled the belt off and tugged the coat down, it pooled to the floor and revealed the tightest dress you have ever worn wrapped around your body.
“Oh my God,” Jay said under his breath.
The dress, colored in Jay’s favorite shade of green, hugged your curves in all the right places. The spaghetti straps were barely holding it over your chest, and you were fully aware that Jay was already looking at your protruding nipples. You lifted your leg to take off your shoes, and the tight skirt of the dress rode up your thigh. Jay licked his lips and leaned back on the sofa, amused and obviously ready for whatever you had prepared for him.
You continued to sway slowly, trying your best to keep your moves subtle and in sync with the music. You made a gesture of hugging yourself, and in the process, one of the straps slid down your shoulder. You heard Jay take a deep breath, and you looked at him as you pulled the other strap down before taking a step closer to him.
“Y/N,” Jay muttered, adjusting his position on the sofa. It was clear that your little dance was making him hot and bothered, exactly how you wanted him to be.
Very carefully, you kneeled on the floor, feeling the softness of the rug brush against your knees. You reached for Jay’s hand, which was resting on top of his thigh, and tugged on it slightly just to kiss the back of it, like he was a king that you worshipped. You then moved back and sat on the balls of your feet, stretching your arms to the side and up before bringing them back down like it was one of the most important moves of your rehearsed choreography.
Then, you sat and faced the side, bringing your knees up to your chest, which obviously made the dress ride up even further. You could feel Jay’s eyes glued on you, and you rested the palms of your hands to your side, pushing them to your back as you slowly lay back down, keeping only your ass on the floor and your back arched.
Jay scoffed before he palmed his erection over his jeans, and you smiled as you sat back up and began crawling your way to him. You put both hands on his knees and he immediately grabbed them, pulling you up and onto his lap. You whimpered when you felt his clothed hard-on rub against your bare cunt, and he realized you were not wearing underwear only after he slid his hands on your thighs and under your dress.
“Fuck, baby,” Jay hissed. “You really came prepared.”
You hummed and he smiled, strengthening his grip on your thighs. You took one of his hands off and brought them up to your chest, tugging on your dress. He immediately pulled it down, revealing your tits and erect nipples.
“God,” he whispered. “Thank you for this meal.”
Jay latched his lips on your tit and you giggled, welcoming him in your embrace and resting your hand on the back of his head. He licked, sucked, and kissed your boobs so hungrily yet also so tenderly, and there was no way you could keep your eyes open throughout the whole process. His other hand pulled your dress down completely, making it bunch around your waist. His hips began thrusting upwards, and you winced as you felt the rough fabric cause friction between your folds.
“You know,” you began, breathless, “this would be better if we took it to the bedroom.
Jay did not stop kissing you. In fact, he moved his mouth upwards and started sucking your neck while his hands traveled down to your thighs, gripping them tightly before he stood up with a grunt. He bit down on your neck, and you stifled back a moan, and as he maneuvered the both of you to the bedroom, you had to be his eyes and his ears.
“Don’t drop me,” you warned. “Don’t bump me into a wall either.”
Jay smiled and moved to kiss your chin, and before you knew it he had thrown you on the bed, gently, if that was even possible. He wasted no time in undressing, pulling the top of his white shirt over his head and unbuttoning his jeans. When he started unzipping, though, he paused to look at you.
“Wait, babe,” he began, “you were done with your dance, right?”
You chuckled. “The goal was to get you to carry me to bed, so yes, mission accomplished.”
Jay smirked as he pulled his jeans down with his boxers. He then tugged on your dress around your waist, and you lifted up your hips so he could take it off completely.
“Did you just buy that dress for me to take off?” He asked.
You nodded innocently, and Jay let out a breathy chuckle before he hovered over you.
“Thank you for the little show, baby,” he said, caressing your face. “You’re so fucking sexy.” He kissed your lips. “I mean, fuck.”
You couldn’t help but giggle, and he smiled so wide that the corner of his eyes crinkled. “Practicing that was so embarrassing for me.”
Jay frowned. “You practiced?”
“In my mind,” you clarified. “It almost took a toll on me. Could you tell that I was nervous?”
Jay was kissing your neck as you spoke, and he laughed onto your skin. His finger then trailed down your waist and quickly reached your core, and he drew a line along your folds which instantly made your breath hitch.
“From this, I can tell you were just aroused as I was,” he whispered, sucking softly on your neck. “Am I right, baby?”
You whimpered before nodding slowly. “Yes,” you whispered back.
Jay then grabbed you by the waist and flipped you over, making you sit on his toned abs as he relaxed and placed his hands under his head.
“Ride me, baby,” he requested. “Give me an encore.”
You placed your hands on his shoulder and scooted downwards until you felt his shaft press against your core. Jay groaned and moved his hips up, and you had to palm his chest to keep him from moving.
“Go on,” he continued. His position was relaxed, seemingly determined to just watch you do your thing.
You began slowly rubbing your folds along his shaft, from the bottom up and then back again. With every stroke, you moaned softly, and your eyes were closed but Jay was observing your face closely. It drove him crazy how you practically looked intoxicated, and he was motivated to watch you keep going.
“That’s it, baby,” he commented. “Just grind on me like that.”
Your movements became faster, and your moans gradually became louder too.
“Keep going,” Jay whispered. “You look so beautiful, baby.”
You whined as you continued rubbing against him, and you were desperate for more.
“I don’t want to cum yet,” you muttered. “Not now.”
“Put it in, baby,” Jay said, bringing one hand to your thigh to stroke it. “We can take it slow.”
You lifted your hips and reached for his cock, aligning his tip to your entrance. You then sank slowly on him as your eyes rolled back, and you heard Jay letting out a shaky breath as he completely filled you up.
“Oh my God, Jay,” you whined. “You’re stretching me out so good. You’re so big.”
Normally you would leave the words of affirmation in the form of desperate whines and moans, but for tonight, you wanted him to hear exactly what you were thinking of, and from the way his Adam’s apple bobbed you knew it was something he liked.
“Tell me how it feels, baby,” he said, squeezing your hips.
“So good,” you whimpered, feeling him twitch inside of you. “You feel so… so good.”
Seeing how you, a woman who is usually good with words, repeat the same thing three times already boosted Jay’s ego. His hands moved to your ass, and he squeezed you there, earning another lewd moan from you.
“Mmhm, baby,” Jay replied as he began thrusting. “Tell me more.”
Jay pushed himself up with his elbows and you rested your arms on his shoulder until he sat all the way up, staying inside of you. Your chest was now pressed against his, and he moved his face closer to yours, only close enough for your noses to brush against each other.
“I…” you began after licking your lips, “I want you to fill me up all night.”
Jay smiled before giving your lips a peck. “Do you think you can handle that, baby?”
His hands squeezed your ass harder, pushing them towards him and guiding the way you grinded your hips. Your breath gradually became heavier.
“I want to,” you continued. “I want you inside me. I want your lips on me. On my lips, on my neck, on my—”
You moaned when you felt him lick and suck on the skin beneath your jaw. Your grip on his shoulder tightened.
“On my pussy, too,” you finished your sentence with great effort.
“Hmm?” Jay hummed in response. “Do you want me to switch and put my lips down there now?”
“No!” You replied without missing a beat and sounding way too pathetic. “Not now, you’re still filling me up so good.”
Jay chuckled. Again with ‘so good’, as if those were the only words you could use to describe the feeling.
“Tell me what you want me to do right now.”
“Your hand on the back of my head,” you said. Jay did so. “Pull my hair and make me tilt my head so you can—”
You breathed shakily when you felt him suck on your skin, bruising your neck even further. You were sure you would be left with hickeys all over, but you didn’t care.
“What else, baby?” Jay mumbled against your skin.
“Stop asking me and just be rough,” you answered. “Please?”
Jay kissed you passionately and slid his tongue along your lips before pulling away. He held your ass up and slid out of you, only to hold you by your hips and turn you around. You immediately got on all fours and pushed your ass up, and when you felt his cock align with your cunt again you bunched up the sheets in your hands.
You moaned with every thrust Jay made, and his grip was strong on your hips. Your ass slapped against his pelvis, and the lewd sound echoed throughout the room along with your whimpers and his grunts. He heard you whisper ‘harder’, and he was more than happy to do so, hearing your moans go even louder.
You felt Jay’s hand move down from your hips to your thighs, and it took you a while to realize he was maneuvering you both to lie down on your sides. He pulled you towards him until your back was pressed against his chest, and with one hand he lifted up your leg before entering you again. The position allowed him to hit you on the right spot, and you screamed his name almost a little too loud. He continued to thrust into you, his skin slapping against yours, his grip firm against your thigh, and his teeth sinking into your skin like you were his prey.
“Jay…” you called, running out of breath.
Jay maintained the same pace but exerted more strength, pushing your leg even further up.
“Jay,” you called again, feeling tears beginning to pool in your eyes from the mixture of pleasure and pain.
You heard him grunt against your ear and you felt his other hand squeezing your boob a little too hard.
“Jay,” you tried again. “You’re hurting me.”
His movements stopped in an instant. His grip on your thigh loosened and you slowly felt him sliding out of you.
“No,” you reached to grab his hand in yours. “Stay inside.”
“Baby,” he called, his voice hoarse.
You rested your leg and brought your hand to your nape. Jay immediately put his hand over yours as he slid out of you completely. You were about to protest, but you were met with his eyes full of worry.
“I’m sorry,” he said as he hovered over you. “I’m so sorry, baby.”
You licked your lips before bringing your hand up to caress his face. “Just give me a minute, okay?”
Jay nodded and you closed your eyes. You then felt him kissing your forehead ever so softly, making a soft smacking sound. He then kissed you down your nose, to your left cheek, and your right, before moving down to kiss your jawline. He kissed your neck next, lingering on the parts where your skin started to turn purple. You caressed the back of his head, almost encouraging him to continue. You felt his lips against yours and you pouted, reciprocating the kiss.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled against your lips.
“It’s okay,” you reassured him despite the single tear trickling down your left eye.
“We can stop if you want—”
You shook your head quickly and palmed his cheek. He placed one hand over yours as he held himself up with his other arm.
“I want to finish with you,” you begged. “Please?”
You felt Jay’s breath hot against your face when he nodded. He brought himself down on his elbows and kissed your cheek once again before he entered you, causing you to wrap your legs around his waist.
“I promise I’ll be gentle,” he whispered before brushing your hair back.
You nodded. “Please keep kissing me.”
Jay kept his word and his lips latched onto yours as he resumed his strokes, going a lot slower and deeper compared to before. Your hands caressed his shoulders and moved down to his biceps, and you tried your best to reciprocate all his kisses while touching every part of his body that you could reach. Your hands rested on his back as his hips began to stutter, and when your walls clenched around him during your release, he groaned into your neck and came soon after.
Usually after a long session, Jay would collapse on top of you and relax as you brushed his hair, but for now, he was quick to move to your side, relieving you of his weight. His eyes concentrated on your face as he started to stroke your waist softly with his hands.
“Y/N?” He called. “Baby…”
You licked your lips before rolling to your side to face him.
“Forgive me, love,” he whispered. “I really wasn’t thinking—”
“It’s okay, Jay,” you chuckled weakly. “If anything, I feel sorry for killing the mood.”
“You did not kill the mood.”
“For being too weak then.”
Jay frowned and immediately propped himself up with one elbow. “You are not weak.”
“Fine,” you smiled, closing your eyes. “Maybe I’m just a little too old.”
You didn’t hear a response, so you opened your eyes, and you found Jay staring at you with teary eyes.
“Please don’t say that,” he muttered. “I feel horrible for hurting you. I swear I’m never going to be rough—”
“Now hold on,” you stopped him. You then chuckled lightly before tugging on his arm gently, making him lie down again. “I liked it. When you were being rough. Maybe we just need a safe word, that’s all. I think I called you three times to get you to pause.”
“Fuck,” Jay groaned. “I’m going to punish myself.”
“Look at me.”
The switch in your tone immediately made Jay comply, and only then you noticed how his face was covered in sweat, and maybe some tears mixed with it too.
“I don’t want this to change anything,” you said. “Promise me?”
Jay shook his head, and it made you frown.
“You need to understand that hurting you is the last thing I want to do. Actually, it’s not even on my list. So next time you want me to go rough, I’ll do so but very carefully.”
You snorted. “So, not rough then?”
“My beautiful, beautiful wife,” Jay whispered, scooting closer to you. “Please forgive me for now and we’ll use this as a learning point for future sessions.”
Jay pulled you into him and began leaving kisses all over your face, not the gentle feathery kind but the wet and aggressive type, making you chuckle and close your eyes as a precaution.
“Okay, okay,” you finally said, placing a palm over his chest. “By the way,” you continued after taking a quick peek at the clock, “Happy birthday, my love.”
Jay turned to find that it was three minutes past midnight and when he looked back at you, you were smiling at him and looking at him with full adoration.
“I can’t believe I ruined my own birthday present,” Jay said. “Your dance was so good and I had to go and ruin it.”
You grew tired of him feeling bad, so you exhaled and pushed yourself away from him, and he frantically tried to keep you in his embrace.
“Okay, okay! I’ll stop apologizing. Just stay in my arms.”
“I said happy birthday,” you mumbled against his chest.
Jay began running his fingers through your hair gently. “Thank you, baby. I’m lucky I get to spend it with you for the rest of my life.”
You couldn’t help but smile so wide. Jay then cleared his throat.
“You’re smiling, aren’t you?”
You smacked his arm, and he winced out of surprise. After a short session of soft slapping and tickling, he began caressing your thigh that was now thrown over his waist.
“Do you like your birthday trip so far?” You asked, resting your palm on his cheek and caressing him there with your thumb.
Jay nodded. “It’s been lovely.”
“Good. Then you need to outdo it later when it’s my birthday again,” you demanded, gently slapping his cheek repeatedly with your hand.
“Ma’am, yes, Ma’am,” Jay said, saluting you.
You giggled and pinched his cheek. “Kiss me, you dork.”
“Yes, Boss,” Jay whispered before sealing your lips with a kiss.
As you felt his plush lips against your lips and his tongue dancing with yours, you were reminded once again about how much, and how deeply your husband loves you.
"Should we have some of that chocolate cake now?"
Jay's voice broke your train of thought, but even if he could break every part of your body, you would still love him just as much.
© forjongseong 2023, all rights reserved
read the next part: meet cute
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