#one of his main problems is that he uses I messages to lie about himself its wild
torchstelechos · 1 year
Hi I’m curious what exactly do you mean by bingmei being extremely good at communication? I haven’t read sv in quite some time and don’t remember many of his interactions with anyone other than sqq
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Oh goody, I have validation to discuss this! First and foremost, I am studying western communication so I will be doing more general explanations when discussing theories. Second, the translated work I will be discussing is the Scum Villain Self Saving System; Seven Seas Entertainment translation. This is for clarification purposes on examples I will be using to explain what I mean. As for person being studied, I will only be discussing Lou Binghe's (Bingmei for the majority) communication style.
Alright, first off we will be discussing how Lou Binghe speaks to others. This is important because not all communication is *verbal* communication. Going in a chronological order for LBH's communication towards SQQ we see a very specific communication verbal style. LBH uses I-messages (or owned messages) to specifically state how he feels and how he hopes to fix or continue this in the future. Not unusual for students to use towards their teachers, as this is polite to do. However we can see that this continues even as LBH get's angrier with SQQ.
In the very first meeting, SQQ asks how LBH is doing with his cultivation and LBH says, "This disciple is stupid and still...failed to understand." (pg. 30, book 1) which is a perfect example of the I-message set up LBH has. "This disciple" is a statement of possession in his wording, what he is saying is that this statement is true of his own knowledge. "is stupid" is the modifier of this statement and "failed to understand" is the content. Essentially he is purposefully giving a statement that is non aggressive in communication theory of interpersonal relationships. Later, during the carriage incident before the Skinner Demon arc LBH also gives a non-aggressive statement towards Ming Fan "I wouldn't dare" (pg. 53, Book 1). This being another I-statement (added as it is known that SQQ is watching).
"Ning Yingying-shijie went with me to the city's market earlier today, Luo Binghe said. "Once evening fell, I urged Shijie to return, but she refused--then somehow she suddenly vanished. This disciple...searched the entire street once but couldn't find her, and he could only come to plead with Shizun for help."
This is another good example of said I-message use, LBH (even panicked) starts this by explaining the I-message owners (the people who know this info) and says "Ning Yingying-shijie" and "me" in a non aggressive statement opener. By then continuing to explain the situation and modified the information by his own feelings on the matter. By stating that evening fell and that she vanished, he is giving information (content) to SQQ but modifies it by stating that LBH "urged Shijie to return" and "searched" and "plead" he is modifying the information to suggest that he did his best and needs help in a non threatening manner. Another example of this is during the Skinner incident aftermath, where LBH asks SQQ if he may know the reason SQQ used him as bait. Upon given the promise that he would not die, he states, "If this disciple could give up his life for Shizun, it would be an honor." Once again this is a modified statement meant to be nonthreatening in communication theory. Now that we have gone over this era of LBH, lets jump to Meng Mo to explore the Dream sequence verbal communication.
A slight variation from the previous Communication! This era of LBH has made an assumption over SQQ's past actions and now is a tad looser than previous communication events. Instead of being timid with his questions, LBH specifically asks every single question he can to SQQ to verify whats happening and to gather more information. He continues, however to use the same I-mesage format for most sentences towards SQQ. Any and all variation of these statements are towards enemies (Sha Hauling's Demons, and Meng Mo) and when SQQ is harmed. LBH will give more aggressive statements that *demand* information, but rarely does he insult or do anything more aggressive than that in speech. The only times he has done so at this point are in defense of SQQ's life, as at that point he had been under the assumption he was dying. Skipping waaay ahead lets discuss verbal communication in the Abyss scene, as everything up to this point is very similar and does not have an emotional charge to it that would suggest a change in speech.
Noticeably, his speech pattern doesn't change but we get a new message type in this! A you-message are usually aggressive in communication style as you are stating something about someone else that might not be true, however in this instance it is a true statement. Probably implying that LBH would not have stated such a thing if he was not sure of what he was saying about SQQ. He states, "But Shizun, you said before that just as people can be good or bad, demons can be good or evil" which is a you-message with the content being people and demons with modifier being good, bad, and evil. Hes basically using past words to clarify an assumption in this instance, which isn't necessarily a wrong thing to do but there are better ways to ask this. He even continues this by saying, "But you said..." at a later part. Ending this scene he says, "Shizun, do you really want to kill me?" all around this scene is a rather good example of what I mean by LBH being a good communicator! Hes sticking to asking clarifying statements, and using I-messages to explain whats going on. Not only that, but hes not in the wrong for this scene and doesnt know that SQQ is agreeing with him in his mind. (pp. 248-249, book 1).
Lets skip to the next book and discuss the Jinlan City incident. Which I can say with immediate disdain, is when Xin Mo comes out to play in LBHs speech patterns. Before the abyss, LBH used a lot of I-messages and only stated things he knew to be true about himself (what he felt) and what he knew about others (information shared or told to him by said individual). Afterwards, due to both Xin Mo and trauma, we have an individual who uses a lot more you-messages and makes a lot more assumptions about individuals around him. He still asks a lot of clarifying questions/statements however, and even makes some of his more aggressive you statements tilted in such a way that SQQ could deny it.
Examples of what I just said appear in the chase scene: "No, I should say, a relentless hatred towards me." (pg. 54, book 2). and "Does Shizun honestly think that I would kill, burn, massacre cities, and inevitably topple countries just because of that half of my lineage?" (pg. 55, Book 2)
Its also the first time we get something new new from LBH, he starts insulting people in book 2! Towards SQQ he says, "Utter hypocrisy!" which is a major first for a lot of LBHs speech patterns. If he did insult people before this, he did so in a polite conventional way (email style lmao). Speeding up to get to the prison scene, there are more notable moments in the accusation stage where LBH continues to use more you messages to state what he does know about SQQ. This reads more along the lines as a defense, and a way to subtly imply that he wants to make sure he wasn't misunderstanding SQQ previously. As all you message statements he uses tend to be more questioning in nature (unless about how LBH was treated or taught by SQQ specifically).
In the prison scene, LBH states direct facts to LPM (its in a month, what are you doing, etc.) while towards SQQ he asks more clarifying questions about why he did what he did and what he wants. Its only after being refused answers that he reverts back to using more I-messages. "I knew the answer, but I still asked Shizun. I'm so stupid." (pg. 100, book 2) (Again with the stupid comment, it would appear to be a theme).
In the confrontation on rooftop scene, a tad too long for me to quote if we wish to get to emotional bids and nonverbal communication in this post, LBH is spitting mad and Xin Mo is active to an absurd degree because of backlash. This also has an affect on LBH! (something I will continue to point out because I am losing my mind over fanfic after fanfic acting like LBH is always yandere girlfriend mode 24/7. Hes not!!! Its literally Xin mo!!) He states his feelings over his past, and what he felt towards SQQ at that moment in mostly aggressive style communication. This being a lot of yous and a lot of accusation speech. This leads to the explosion and Xin Mo being cleared from LBH. He almost immediately starts using only I-messages again and clearly goes into shock, but he does revert back from you messages at this point.
Ironically, I found that when LBH is talking to himself (presumably) he only uses you messages because he thinks hes talking out what he knows to himself. As such, he does not worry about being polite at all before he kisses SQQ in his dreams. Its only after that he uses an I-message towards SQQ, and its more or a clarification statement. At around this point in the novel we get a healthy does of what a stable Xin Mo carrying LBH, and its someone who uses equal amount of you and I messages.
Going to book 3, we'll just go over his ending monologue/breakdown because. Listen, we're a few pages into this and I highly doubt anyones going to read this far. I feel like Peerless Cucumber absolutely wailing about PIDW latest chapter, this is an absurd post.
Anyway, towards absolute desolation, we will start discussing this segment with "Is that so? But I don't trust Shizun anymore." (pg. 287, book 3). Almost every line in this segment is a picture perfect communication breakdown on what and why LBH feels the way he does in an interpresonal relationship. He specifically states how he feels about SQQ, how this happened, why this feeling specifically, and what this means for them now. He then states how he feels about himself, and why! This is very important, because this is the basis of solid verbal communication. LBH even states how they can continue and how all this can be fixed. Of course, none of this is healthy but hey! It's theoretical good communication, not healthy communication (the major issue I see in this fandom is differentiating the two). It's after this last breakdown that he defaults to I-messages for the majority of the Ridge arc. It becomes more childish as time goes on, I will admit, but Xin Mo is full influence on LBH at this moment in time. It's after the papapa to save the world that we see something interesting, LBH goes back almost fully to just I-message speech pattern. This is notable because this is after everything intense happened and he has had time to think it over. Before now, when left to his own devices and forced to reckon with SQQ almost dying he would revert to you-message centric speech patterns but this is after Xin Mo. Since this is no longer a factor, LBH has taken to falling back towards his disciple era speech patterns. Basically, LBH has begun to take on a healthier and theoretical amazing communication technique because this is forcing SQQ (and others) to acknowledge the scenario and feelings of the matter.
Now getting onto Emotional bids! This is something LBH does almost the entire three books, any and all times LBH has stated "Shizun" by itself was an emotional bid. (emotional bids being an act or word usage to get your relationship pattern to acknowledge you or to showcase that they care about you). It's important to note that LBH's main way of emotional bids is verbal, he almost never goes the physical route for emotional bids. Yes, he does use physical means to make SQQ pay attention to him but this is more along the lines of staying in the conversation than acknowledging LBH specifically as someone SQQ cares for. Its only during the hand holding time that LBH uses an emotional bid in such a way, its also why it hurt LBH a lot more when SQQ seemingly turned away from it. Of LBH and SQQ, LBH uses the most emotional bids and lets SQQ respond to them in anyway. SQQ is, however, an idiot and doesn't notice most of them or actively misreads them. Its actually funny how many times I can count an emotional bid that SQQ ignores in a chapter (more than 10).
Nonverbal communication, ah how I hate thee in this instance, it covers 60-90% of human communication. LBH is more of a verbal communicator but also does use haptics and proxemics to communicate. Touch and distance, he uses these to insinuate different scenes and feelings on SQQ as a whole. Basically, LBH uses verbal communication to clarify but uses touch and distance to set tone for this communication exchange.
Now, what does LBH do wrong in communication? Strangley enough he does one thing very wrong despite the fact that he asks for clarification communication a lot. He mind reads (the act of assuming what someone is thinking) a lot because of the mixed signals he gets from SQQ. SQQ lacks the ability to verbally communicate certain things because of the system, this makes LBH have to decode a lot of nonverbal communication in hopes of understanding things. He fails. A lot. This is fair to him, but this is the main problem that facilitates the miscommunication of the entire series. Both LBH and SQQ think they know the other better than they do, and thus lead to problems when they actually do try to communicate with the other. Frustrating! I know!
TLDR; LBH as a whole is a theoretical good communicator with a slight assumption problem, but I didn't say that its healthy communication :3
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hazelsmirrorball · 4 months
Lacy | Oscar Piastri x Logan Sargent x Fem! Reader
summary: oscar piastri has everything logan sargent could ever wish for but he would trade everything just for y/n to seem him the way he sees her
faceclaim: olivia rodrigo
pairings: oscar piastri x gf!singer!reader, logansargent x friend!singer!reader
a/n: can’t even tell you what is this, but it’s something different that’s for sure. Excuse any errors english isn’t my main language
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Logan Sargents eyes wandered all over Oscar Piastri’s apartment. His heart beats to the rhythm of the clock near him. He could feel sweat dripping from his forehead as he waited for Oscar to enter the living room. For a guy that almost exploded his phone with messages for them to hang out; he’s taking a lot of time to pay him attention.
At first he didn’t want to come, but part of him felt guilty if he denied his best friend’s invitation. He couldn’t say he was busy because the McLaren driver could read right through him. He nervously played with his hands trying to think of something, anything but the thought of Oscar’s longterm girlfriend. He felt bad, he couldn’t lie to himself and deny what was going through his head.
But as Logan’s eyes continuously scanned his around his apartment trying to distract himself it was as he saw the ghost of her leaning towards him. Every bit and piece had, y/n’s touch, everything traced back to her.
Her sweet perfume lingered on the couch cushions. While an empty can of her favorite drink sat on the table in front of him. As he kept looking his eyes rested on the small table next to him, the red cherry lipstick that covered her beautiful lips stared back at him as he felt his stomach turn. Pieces of her used handmade bows that had little strands of her hair. Logan let a deep sigh imagining all the times Y/n would come in the paddock with her sweet cherry lips and her beautiful hair flowing in the wind.
Logan’s hand slowly reached for the table in front of him, trying to snap himself out of the trance he was being suck into. How can a thing so sweet ruin all his morals, all his beliefs. He felt guilty, guilty for wanting the one thing that made Oscar Piastri happy.
But why couldn’t he have her? Oscar wasn’t a bad person towards Logan, well at least not directly. Oscar Piastri had everything Logan Sargent ever wanted. A perfect F1 career, a perfect team, a perfect life and the perfect girl. Oscar was smart, attractive and funny, everything opposite from Logan. At least in his eyes. Why couldn’t Logan have this one thing? What did Oscar have that Logan didn’t? He swore he had potential, he just needed time for people to see it. Oscar had the only thing Logan Sargent really wanted, Y/n.
“Sorry, mate! I was busy helping Y/n hang a painting in her room. But my attention is one hundred percent on you now” Oscar said sitting down next to Logan. He slowly scanned Oscar body noticing the familiar lipstick stain adorned on his lips.
As much as Logan wanted to avoid the facts. He found himself stumbling upon the couple everywhere he would go. Photos of them in the paddock, group hangouts, hell even fans would tagged him in their couple pictures. It drove him insane, he tried to rationalize, to call himself. But every single thing Oscar did was poison for Logan, he couldn’t take it anymore. It was like Oscar deep down knew about Logan’s feelings towards her and was out to get him. He wanted to make him suffer, there wasn’t any other reason. Oscar was to get Logan, that was a constant thought in his head. Maybe he was jealous or maybe he idolized Oscar in a way no one else could.
“Oh, it’s no problem really. Mentioning Y/n I don’t know if you remember the text I sent you a few weeks ago” Logan said placing his notebook in the table in front of Oscar and him. Oscar looked at the notebook and nodded
“Yeah! I showed y/n the thing you wrote and she was over the moon! she enjoyed it a lot, she was in a complete writers block so that helped her a lot with writing that new ep she wanted to do. So thank you so much logan, i owe you one big time” Oscar said slightly punching logan shoulder as he forced a smile letting out a chuckle with him.
“that’s what friends are for. But she decided to make the poem into a song? i didn’t think it was that good” Logan responded raising an eyebrow towards Oscar. He simply shook his head and turned towards him.
“I don’t know where or how you wrote that poem. But i trust y/n’s opinion, that song is going to be a hit!” Oscar responded in attempt to shake Logan insecurities. He quietly nodded, feeling a real smile starting to creep up.
“what’s the name of the song?” Logan managed to slip out
Oh, Logan Sargent Loathed the dazzling starlet that was Oscar Piastri and even though he didn’t have y/n. he would do anything to have Y/n bows around his wrist and her lipstains on places only the two of them would know, even if he had to play the long run.
y/nnnn via instagram!
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liked by logansargent, oscarpiastri and 2,368,902 others
y/nnnn so excited for my new single that’s coming out real soon!!! thank you so much to one of my favorite drivers @logansargent that gave me the main inspo to write this song, love you so so much and i wish you guys love this so as much as i do x.
view all comments
landonorris for a moment i forgot you were a singer, i thought you were just oscar’s annoying gf
-> y/nnnn shut up
user101 mother is back!!!!
user23 thank you logan for being y/n’s inspiration
user1893 team logan!!!!!!
user78 team oscar!!!
oscarpiastri so talented! i love you so so much
logansargent you are wonderful y/n!! i’m always proud of you and ur music
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universitypenguin · 1 year
Hey Alice! I’m curious as to what transpired in the hospital after princess’s attack. Was Lloyd being a doting bf or was he giving her the silent treatment even then 🙊 as always thank you for writing this series whenever I see an update my heart soars!! You’re so talented in bringing these characters to life ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for the lovely message! Unfortunately, Lloyd was anything but a doting boyfriend at the hospital… actually, his temper was running a bit hot during that scene… 😬😢🙈
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Word Count: 762
Warnings: Lloyd being pissed off, discussion to stalking, references to a knife fight and main character being hospitalized
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After Jake’s revelation that Aiden couldn’t be your stalker, Lloyd didn’t stick around.
He didn’t trust himself to be there when you woke up. Instead, he told Jake to go sit with you so that someone would be there when you woke up, and went home to study the crime scene. He met Detective Diskant and walked him through the scene, giving the investigator his statement about what happened. When that was taken care of, he went to the spot where the suspect had been captured by the surveillance camera and verified Jake’s measurements to confirm the height of the attacker. He stopped by and spoke with Mrs. Lange about the video footage, then asked her to keep an eye on his place for a while.
Lloyd went home and packed his things, collected your stuff, and loaded everything into his Mercedes. Then, he drove to your apartment, packed you some fresh clothes and threw the entire contents of your medicine cabinet into a bag. Before he left he went by to check on Mrs. Thompson, and she was the one who told him about the video camera that had been monitoring your front door.
Thanks to that disturbing revelation, his temper was boiling when he returned to the hospital. Zach met him in the parking garage and told him you’d woken up and that Aiden was out on bail. Lloyd informed him that he was taking you to the cabin, where you’d be more secure. When questioned about whether that was what you wanted, he told Zach to fuck off.
When he came to collect you from the ER holding area, the reception you got from him was anything but warm. He barely said a word to you and remained focused on getting you discharged, collecting the paperwork for your follow up visit, and signing the rest of the discharge forms. It wasn’t until you were in the car that you managed to get a chance to speak.
The atmosphere in the vehicle was buzzing with tension as the late afternoon sun cast shadows across his face. He didn’t take his eyes off the road or so much as incline his head to acknowledge he’d heard you. The dark scowl was etched into his features and his posture was rigid.
“Lloyd, please. We need to talk.”
His jaw clenched. “Why? Why now? There was plenty of time to talk before, but you didn’t say a word. Not to me, at least.”
“I know. I didn’t tell you what was happening, and I shouldn’t have done that. But there were so many other things going on, from Singapore to Qatar and then… your father. I didn’t want to add to your problems, and I thought I had everything under control.”
His lips twisted as if he’d tasted something bitter.
“You kept this from me, Princess. I thought we were honest with each other, but clearly, that was just my own view of how our relationship worked.”
“Lloyd, I didn’t-”
He cut you off. “You lied. It was a lie of omission, so maybe you think that makes it better, but guess what? It’s worse. Lies of omission are the most effective kind of deception. Trust me, I’ve lied and bent the truth enough times in my life to know exactly what makes a good lie.”
“I’m sorry. I was scared of what you might do and I wanted to protect you.”
His breath hissed, the sound a low whistle of suppressed rage. “When I told you Tao was tailing us in Singapore, do you think that was easy for me?”
Your stomach flipped. “No.”
“It wasn’t, but I was honest with you anyways. When I cut off his ear in the bathroom? Do you think that was something I wanted to tell you about? Do you?!”
Dully, you shook your head, mumbling a quiet, “No.”
“It wasn’t! I wanted to lie to you and tell you everything was fine and that you had nothing to worry about! But you know what, Princess? I told you the truth anyways. Even when it was something that wasn’t pleasant, I still respected you enough to be honest.”
After that explosion of temper, you curled into the passenger seat and stared out the window at the landscape. You wanted to ask where he was taking you, but held back, unwilling to risk another argument over what you’d done. The rest of the trip passed in silence. Lloyd didn’t turn on the radio to break the tension and he didn’t offer any opening for you to apologize further.
So you did the only thing you could and waited for him to cool down, while planning your apology for some future moment, when he’d be ready to hear you out.
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blurryfce300 · 7 months
i need to get these thoughts out of my brain before i explode okay
so clancy huh? it’s quite a bit more violent than i think any of us were expecting for the final dema story album, isn’t it? not in terms of the music but really in terms of where it tells us the story is headed. and it feels odd to me that the supposed end of this story is centered arøund fire and absolute destruction. like youve got clancy (whø i will be calling tyler før the sake of simplicity but he is also clancy i have a whole post about that) whose main goal currently is to recruit from inside dema and destroy it. then the character who we’ve seen as the leader of the rebellion, the torchbearer (josh) is standing off to the side? he’s just in tyler’s periphery, hence him being blurred in every promotional image we’ve had minus the apple music ones.
so tyler wants complete and total destruction of dema, or at least of its structure. he wants revenge. the problem with this is that he is trapped in tunnel vision so badly that he døesn’t see what’s happening to him. “i fly by the dangerous bend symbol” the dangerous bend symbol is there tø warn yøu that you have a high chance of making a serious mistake, and in some defintions, a common mistake. tyler is ignoring every warning sign being shoved in his face from every direction, and it’s turning him into what he wants to take døwn. he’s using the same methods the bishops use (psyhokinesis) to recruit peøple, which is alsø sømething the banditos never did. they dø nøt gø intø dema and recruit, they ønly help thøse whø already want to escape.
tyler says in overcompensate that he’s døne running, but this is a blatant lie. he’s going back to trench, the place where he ran from the things he is fighting against. he’s using psychokinesis to trick himself into thinking he’s done running.
so what do i think will happen? simple. tyler is going to continue to ignore every warning sign and play into the cycle, he’s going to førget who he was and become blurry again, and the cycle will repeat. i believe what we are seeing in clancy is høw the cycle usually ends and restarts itself. tyler finds psychokinesis and gets so obsessed with destruction and thinking he’s a weapon now that he becomes the very thing he thinks needs to be destroyed.
there are two songs on clancy that corroborate this. “backslide” and “snap back”. backslide means to relapse into bad habits. i think that clearly says tyler will slip back into blurry, and he will stay there for a bit, until “snap back” where someone cømes to help him “snap øut” øf this low point, øf this mindset of destruction. and even if that does happen, it won’t be an instant fix. it will be hard to cøme back after what has happened and pivot to a different direction.
nøw, løøking back at this from a non-lore perspective and one more based in what the story represents as a whole, destroying the things yøu hate abøut yourself isn’t that great, nøw is it? yeah you don’t like these things, but just outright trying to eliminate them is eliminating a part of yourself, and that døesn’t sound gøød. so what is the better solution to this? acceptance and understanding. learning to live with the parts you hate rather than total destruction.
but i think we need to see this total destruction as a show of the incorrect path for tyler and for the story, before someone else cømes in to rescue him. the banditos are representative of your friends, family, yøur support networks. tyler is ignoring them, choosing to fight this battle alone, and this is not the correct way to go about this, but it’s sømething we need to see happen. it’s a message of what not to dø, and we need to see høw bad øf a path it is to ensure that message is heard.
tldr: tyler/clancy’s path of destruction is VERY bad, he is going to fall back into blurry again and the cycle will repeat unless he allows øthers to help him change cøurse. but he’s ignoring every warning sign, and in the end, this is sømething we need to see happen to him.
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Oh, boy! Rudi’s book is even worse than I thought!
I got these messages (I’m editing out the name just in case the person doesn’t want to get involved lol):
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......So, let’s drag this.
Story 1: What the fuck is this. It’s another thing that doesn’t make sense on a logistical level; Phoebe was usually the one who was tasked with managing Freddie’s drugs (weird sentence to type lol), so why would he even need Barbara to smuggle anything? And I know she was a party animal, but would she have really done this? Even if she would have, would Freddie have been desperate enough for coke to have removed it from a woman’s vagina? One of the main problems with this story is that Rudi is yet again portraying Freddie is a ~wild~ and out of control drug user, which is something debunked by Brian, Roger, Jim, and Phoebe (off the top of my head, at least). It’s a tabloid narrative that’s been used to smear Freddie and blame him for his death for decades, literally, to the point where Brian had to defend Freddie against this accusation right after his death. The other problem is, of course, the sexual nature of this story, again suggesting that Freddie was sexually interested in Barbara, which he was not. It’s a lie Rudi has repeated in the past, though. I can’t tell who made this up, Rudi or Barbara (because she made up other sex stories with Freddie, after all), but I think it’s made-up nonetheless. 
Story 2: There is no reputable source that says Barbara knew about Freddie’s diagnosis, to my knowledge. In fact, Jim said Barbara was one of the people Freddie cut off and distanced himself from once he got sick, because his circle got much smaller and he didn’t want people to know or see him that way. I don’t think Barbara or Rudi knew tbh, but there’s this sick tendency among grifters like them to claim they did know, since it was such a big secret and only people super close to Freddie were told about it. So, they pretend they were close to and trusted by Freddie enough to have been one of the few to know his secret diagnosis. Rudi is a habitual liar, so I see no reason to think this isn’t the case with him. The fact that each of these stories got a whole chapter also feels like padding to me, a sign that Rudi didn’t actually have a lot of information to share and needed to extend the page length.
tl;dr Rudi is a lying piece of trash and I’m really angry that yet another grifter has decided to make money off Freddie’s name decades after his death with sensationalist, exaggerated garbage that oh-so conveniently fits with the tabloids’ endless harmful narrative about Freddie. Don’t give this cock your money.
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star-cherub · 10 months
“Night one.. a futile escape”(Cont. of yesterdays story)
Warning for this following segment, violent content ahead, please read at your own risk!
“Marvin what’s going on?” Carmela probed, growing increasingly wary of the tense situation, her hand subconsciously having drifted to her stomach, as if to protect the clump of cells within her womb.
“It’s the chief. he’s gone off the rails, says he’s infected with something, that the whole city is about to go to shit.” Marvin sighed, glancing over his shoulder at the chief again before lowering his voice, his hand on his service weapon. “Look.. it’s probably fine, but for now you should hunker down in your office, lock the door. keep an eye on your phone.”
“But I need-“ she was cut off quickly by an escalation at the front door, Marvin ushering her and a few of the other nurses who had come to investigate into the infirmary, motioning for them to just lie low. Murmurs of concern filled the room, a few nurses hurrying to try and call their families to pick them up from the station, others fearing the worst amongst themselves. If any of them were to be honest, they feared the police chief, more than one of them able to recount times he had harassed or berated them over the tiniest things.
“Do you suppose we’ll get home on time?”
“What’s happening with the Chief..”
“I heard him raving about some sort of infection, maybe he’s contracted rabies..” A gruesome giggle followed that comment, but few found it amusing, one even swatting her friend’s arm for being so macabre.
“Really now! all of us should take this time to be productive.” The head nurse chided, waving them away from the door where a few had attempted to spy through the foggy glass. Carmela stood back from the group, her posture rigid and tight as the other nurses as they begrudgingly returned to their work. She knew something was going to happen.. and frankly she wasn’t interested in staying locked in the infirmary like this. The nurse slipped back into her own office and locked it tight behind her, staring at what she had at her disposal with increasing concern. The sounds from the foyer only grew louder, a conflict brewing nearly to a point of violence she feared.
Carmela pressed her ear to the wall, listening intently to the muffled argument. It wasn’t clear.. she needed a better spot to listen.
Upon spotting a vent in the wall she pulled her chair over and peered through it, gaining a limited view into the main room, where she could see the chief waving his arms in a mad frenzy at the officers, trying to exert his authority over the situation. She tucked a few red strands of hair back into place so she could press her ear to the cold grate, a shudder clawing it’s way up her spine and gripping her throat as she caught the very end of what must’ve been a horrific rant.
“-And this whole city is about to go to shit! I’m locking this place down now, nobody is getting in..” the Chief’s voice boomed, announcing his deplorable act of cowardice, the keys jingling in his hands being the only real sign of power on his person. “And if anybody has a fucking problem with it.. they’re free to leave. Go on. show of hands. who wants me to let them out?” he offered a way out.. but his tone suggested quite the opposite was true.
“That’s what I thought. I’m gonna lock the place down, the rest of you stay put and keep your nose out of places it doesn’t belong.” Carmela pulled her ear away from the vent and peered out at the area, watching as the officers dispersed, likely just to find somewhere to lay low until the chief let everyone leave. She squinted at the chief as he passed the vent she was peering through, and she swore she could hear him murmuring..
Mumbling to himself wasn’t enough of a concern as is, but knowing the chief.. what was being said was less than savory. She slid down the wall and back into her chair, grabbing her desk phone and dialing for Jill again, leaving another hopeless message after being sent to voicemail.
“Jill.. It’s Cammie again, look something here is seriously wrong, Chief Irons won’t let us out and said something about some sort of infection in the city.. be safe out there.” The message clicked to an end and she sighed, shuddering and standing from her chair, watching the nurses move around on the other side of the frosted glass of her door.
Carmela paced around her office for a few moments, her hands dragging against her desk in an endlessly anxious motion, tracing stars along it before she was pulled from her anxious spiraling by a knock on her door. The nurse jolted, red hair practically standing on end as she spun to face whoever was knocking, shoulders slipping into a more relaxed posture when she recognized the head nurse waiting for Carmela to open the door. She unlocked it and cracked it to speak with the woman, the elder nurse looking tired as she nodded for Carmela to follow along.
“The chief wants to talk with the nursing team.. he was very particular about demanding everyone be present.”
Carmela slipped out of her office, lugging her heavy purse and long coat along with her, praying that the chief would say his piece and let them leave.. of course that wasn’t the case.
His lecture had already began by the time Carmela had made it into the room, the chief halting his tirade to groan, rubbing the bridge of his nose before flailing his arms around again, the nurses whispering in the back, swapping their gossipy theories with occasional gasps breaking out amongst them. Carmela stood apart, anxious as Chief irons issued a terrifying and inarguable order.
“Nobody leaves. and all the guns are going into the weapons cache.” The murmur of the crowd boiled to furious protests, only for the chief to fire a round at the ceiling to catch their attention. “WEAPONS. on the floor now.” few scrambled to obey him, though his focus was on those who didn’t immediately relent, gripping their concealed firearms tighter before scoffing and setting them down. He seemed to mentally note each of these people… the fighters. Though the nurses trembled, they began to nod in agreement with his order.
“it makes sense, this way nobody can get hurt by mistake in a panic..”
“The Chief knows best.. he only wants to keep us safe, right?”
Carmela stood stock still, her grip on her purse tightening as those around her bowed for a moment to set aside their weapons. She took in a breath as Chief Irons halted to stare at her, those puffy.. animalistic eyes not seeming to blink as he made his way up to her, close enough she could smell the cigar smoke on his breath.. and another scent.. formaldehyde.
“Go on. empty your purse.” He eyed her in a nauseating manner, a hint of threat that only she felt beneath his words. The nurse’s lips pulled into a thin line as she shook her head, glaring down at the man with a look of barely contained disgust. “Open it.” He was firmer this time, the other members of the station now staring at the scene, a few nurses chiming in for her to just listen.
“Cammie! come on, it’s for everyone’s safety, you won’t even need to defend yourself if nobody is armed.” This earned a stern glare from the redheaded woman, who scoffed and turned back to Chief Irons, stepping away before opening her purse, tilting it forward to let him see inside. Just as he reached his hand out to take it she dropped it, the contents spilling all over the floor.
“Whoops. butterfingers. sorry.” her expression was challenging his authority, and it was clear the chief was struggling to keep his.. tendencies under wraps. Her purse was full of things typical of someone her age, lipstick, skincare products, hair-ties, menstrual pads and the like. amongst these things though, sat two items of interest. her custom pistol.. and a small silver locket.
She smirked as the chief was forced to kneel to grab the pistol off the floor, his fingers scooping up the locket with a curious look. The color drained from his already pale face, a sheen of sweat appearing as he stared in horror at the image inside. a young girl with dark hair.. and purple butterfly clips in her hair.
“Something wrong, Chief?” Carmela raised an eyebrow, maintaining an excellent poker face as the other officers stared on in confusion. Irons swallowed hard and glanced around for a moment before slipping the locket into his pocket, shuffling off to grab the rest of the weapons.
Just as the chief dismissed the rest of the group Carmela felt a hand grip her elbow, a hand over her mouth dragging her off down the winding hallways. she gnashed and bit at the callous flesh to no avail, the sound of a door coming unlocked catching her attention as she managed to briefly squirm free, only to be promptly grabbed again, forced into the room.
Upon gaining her bearings she gasped, falling back and gripping the oak wood behind her, the room of taxidermic creatures sending a jolt of horror through her. There, locking the door was chief Irons, who let out a heavy sigh before turning back to her, walking around the large coffee table and pouring himself a glass of whiskey, very clearly adding a strange powder to the second glass he poured before he offered it to Carmela. She shook her head and he scowled, still shaking with rage as he set the glass down, drinking his in one go before pouring another that went untouched.
The chief paced closer to the nurse, who stood frozen with a scowl of her own. He kept his voice low.. as if trying to soothe her, to convince her she was the one in the wrong. “You have trouble keeping that mouth of yours shut don’t you?” He reached a hand up to cup her face, his thumb going to trace her lips as she turned her head away in refusal, catching his hand and squeezing it until she heard a sickening crunch, the chief cursing and pulling away from her, searching blindly for something to ease the pain. Carmela took her chance, lifting a heavy gold name plaque off his desk and swinging it at him, hitting him in the side of the head and watching as he dropped to the floor, writhing. With a swiftness she had never known she swiped the keys off his hip and began struggling to open the door to his office as he clawed at his desk to stand, shouting obscenities at her. “ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS KEEP YOUR NOSE OUT OF MY BUSINESS! But you just kept looking didn’t you? Once I take you.. I’ll sew those pretty little eyes wide open, then you can look all you like. fucking bitch..” He groaned, finally back on his feet just as Carmela managed to flee, out into the halls and straight up the nearest flight of stairs. She couldn’t hide for very long.. she needed to escape the station altogether.
but with no weapons..
no aid..
and no rescue..
She had little hope she was making it out of this place alive.
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foxbearclub · 2 years
✷ june's notes ➋
when i first watched mp100, i wasn’t all that impressed. i wasn’t a fan of the art style, the mc was an impressionable and powerful middle schooler who has psychic powers and it mainly focuses on his highs and lows in his life. again, i wasn’t too sold abt the plot but as i continued to watch it and understand more about shigeo, his friends, his struggles, reigen, dimple—i just felt so enamored by them. not bc they’re extraordinary but they are ordinary but in the best way possible.
and i think the one scene that rly got a chokehold of me was when shigeo was on the brink of destruction, wanting to let himself go so he could protect his loved ones but when reigen stopped him and held him still saying, “when things go south, you can run away!” that struck me to my core. i think that was the first time when i saw an adult stand up for a child in anime and actually succeed and help him? that meant so much to me bc i never rly had adults in my life when i was a child that i could talk to about my problems or trauma. but when reigen stood for shigeo at that time, i just knew i had to keep going with the anime.
mob psycho 100 was one of the main reasons why i started anitwt back again in 2019 and funnily enough, i don’t think i ever stopped using anitwt since. mp100 s2 began around that time and pls, it just kept getting better and better. despite the short episodes, the staff and cast really poured their all in order to tell such an amazing story with so much emotion and it goes without saying with s3.
the ending both gave me such unspeakable pain and joy at the same time. it hurt me to see it end but i was overjoyed to see how far shigeo, reigen, dimple and everyone else got to grow. and the message may be perfectly simple but it reside in my heart forever, as cheesy as that may sound.
i’m so grateful to one-sensei for creating such an amazing story, for studio bones and its staff and cast for working hard for mp100 to come alive! it has become so important to me and it will continue to be until the end of time, not gonna lie <333 but yep. that’s just my lil spiel for tonight. good night!
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hello-nichya-here · 3 years
How NOT to write romance - How I Met Your Mother edition
Warning: long-ass post and lots of bitterness over a TV show that ended nearly eight years ago.
Basics for story-telling
If the romance you want to write is dysfunctional, fucking embrace it and have fun with the concept instead of pretending the bad shit the characters do is okay because “it’s true love”
Acknowledgde that your main character has flaws instead of acting like he is a saint who can do no wrong for no reason other than “he is the main character. Definitively don’t make him do, of his own free will, the exact exact same things the supposedly “selfish and cruel” womanizer does and then excuse it as him having “succumbed to/been tricked by a bad influece” like he’s child who doesn’t know any better instead of being a grown ass adult.
Don’t make your characters be annoying, entitled fuckers who think they have the right to judge others for wanting different things out of a relationship/not wanting a relationship at all. Don’t act like monogamy, double dates with other couples, marriage and children are something EVERYONE secretly wants deep down.
Don’t demonize the “evil” character of the group and act like the “heroes” being appalled by the shit he does is anything other than hypocricy. There’s literally nothing forcing them to be friends with him, so they’re obviously not as horrified at bad shit he does as they say they are, otherwise they would have ditched him a long time ago.
Don’t have the “heartless womanizer”,  who we later find out is the ex-husband of the girl the lead wanted for himself, be shown to us exclusively through the eyes of the an unreliable narrator who had motivation to make him see worse than he is likely to be (get his kids to want him to get the girl instead of the “douchebag”). Also, don’t make his schemes to trick women into sleeping with them so completely absurd and ridiculous that the audience is pretty sure that 70% of the women he banged were completely aware he just wanted a quick fuck and went along with it anyway because they wanted some dick (and because the character is played by Neil Patric Harris, who is incapable of not being charismatic)
Fucking let you characters (especially the supposed hero we’re supposed to think is the best boyfriend ever) grow instead of making them constantly repeat the same mistakes
Lily and Marshall
Don’t make one of the characters hide something very important from their partner, and then have the audacity to be mad at them for “just not understanding” as if they were given any reason to understand what the problem even is
Don’t act like someone being heartbroken that their partner lied to them and practically made a plan to “escape” being married to them means they’re not being “supportive” of said partners dream - you should especially not do that after we were shown that they took a job they didn’t like just to make sure they’d have a secure future that would allow said partner to follow their dream.
Don’t have the character who was obviously in the wrong need to be convinced to get their shit together and apologize to their ex.
If a character forgave the ex who wronged them and even got back together with them, don’t have them constantly hold their past mistakes over their head like it that problem has not already been solved - you especially not make them do that on what was supposed to be their wedding day. They can either forgive their partner or not, they can’t keep going back and forth.
Don’t have them constantly hide important shit from each other (having a huge financial debt, getting a job, etc)
DO NOT have the character who fucked up years prior suddenly be willing to do the same shit again for the EXACT same reason (”I think our relationship is in the way of my dreams and I’m now completely isolated because I refuse to talk things out with you”) and then expect the audience to sympathize with them.
Ted and Robin 
Unless you’re writing a Disney/Disney-esque romance, don’t have your lead just look at someone across the room, decide they’re “The one”, imagine their life together and full on say “I’m love with you” AND “I love you” on the first goddamn date.
Don’t have the lead stalk his love interest, and throw three parties in a row just to have an excuse to get close to her now that she made it clear she is not interested in having a relationship with him.
Don’t have the “hero” lie about having broken up with his girlfriend so the girl he wants to be with will sleep with him, and then have him blame his actions on time. “Nothing good happens after 2 a.m.” Grow a pair of balls, Ted!
If one of the characters says “You’re going too fast on the whole ‘love’ thing. Can’t we just go on a few dates and see what happens instead of already starting to plan our lives together?” and the others throws a fit, that is called “being incompatible” and “damn, this dude doesn’t respect boundaries”, not “Wow, she’s so afraid of commitment”
If you want the audience to believe the main character’s feelings are not one-sided, don’t make the fact that said feelings ARE unrequited a running joke, and don’t have the girl only accept giving him a chance after having to deal with the fucker whining “But I love you” for months and/or after going through bad break ups. Also, if you have to retcon half the fucking show to “proove” that “she DOES love him”, that pairing fucking sucks.
Don’t compare the couple you want the audience to root for to the main character’s divorced, dysfunctional parents, and don’t have flashbacks showing that the lead had no clue what his girlfriend actually liked in bed AND that she literally covered up his face so she could pretend she was fucking someone else.
If your lead character is still jealous/possessive of his ex, thinks he still has a chance even after she told him to his face that she didn’t love him, and acts like she and her fiance (who he says is his friend) being happy is somehow them being selfish and cruel, your lead character is a loser AND an asshole.
Don’t throw away the entire premise of the show (Ted finding the REAL love of his life) just to force a bad pairing down the audience’s throat
Ted Mosby in general
Don’t have your “romantic, sensitive hero” break up with a girl on her birthday through an answering machine, come back into her life without warning years later because he’s afraid he’ll die alone, and find out that she never heard the message but was actually told about it by her friends and family who were at her apartment preparing a surprise party for her. You should especially not make his first reaction to this new be being mad that he was not invited to the party, and for the love of God, don’t make him break up with her on her birthday AGAIN.
Don’t have the “hero” cheat on his girlfriend and excuse it with bullshit like “Nothing good happens 2 a.m.” and “But I genuinely love Robin so it’s okay that I’m lying to both of them”. Do not, I repeat, do NOT have him blame it on his girlfriend being distant when she didn’t pick up the phone one night and then called back the second she was free to do so, while he was enjoying the gifts she sent him and LIED to her about having sent her some as well.
Don’t fucking make an entire episode with the premise of him turning a no into a yes - and telling that story to his children like it’s romantic.
Don’t have his fiance, who he knows has a rocky relationship with the father of her daughter, tell him she is uncomfortable with him inviting his ex to their wedding and then have him decide “This means I should invite her ex as well”. Also don’t expect me to feel bad for him when she runs off with said ex.
Don’t have him spend YEARS waiting for one of the hundreds of girls he thinks is “the one” to be single and even ask her neighbour to spy on her and let him know when/if she breaks up with her boyfriend - again, for YEARS.
Don’t have the lead say he’s gonna tell their kids about his love story with their DECEASED mother, only for it to secretly be an excuse for him to go “By the way, I’m still in love with aunt Robin despite her having rejected me for 25 years, can I go screw her?”
Don’t act like making the characters reverse back into who they were at the beginning at the story means they’re gonna make things work this time when the whole point of their break up in the beginning on the story was the fact that they’re just not right for each other.
Robin and Kevin
A therapist who was supposed to help their patient move on after a bad break up that messed them up, dating said patient is a major red flag. It is also a bad sign that, when she cheats on him and wants to break up, he realized what she was doing to used his job as “evidence” that he knew better and that she should NOT tell her partner how she felt/what she actually wanted.
Do NOT have said therapist date yet ANOTHER patient that asked him help to move on from a bad break up. Seriously, Kevin was a creep, stop acting like he was some angel who “deserved better than Robin.”
BONUS: How NOT to break up a couple - Barney and Robin edition
Don’t act like their relationship falling appart after their friends kept meddling, and even kept them locked in a room against their will until they labeled their relationship as something they aproved of, is somehow “proof” that they’re not good for each other.
Don’t retcon their relationship to force a break up (seriously, Barney was super supportive of Robin long before he even fell in love with her, but I’m supposed to believe he’d be a bad boyfriend who is never there for her? And he loved advantures and always said “challenge accepted”, but was suddenly miserable travelling the world with her and couldn’t deal with not having wi-fi at the hotel? Fuck off)
Don’t spend an entire season focusing on their wedding, have them get married and then divorce THE NEXT FUCKING EPISODE! Why do you hate your audience? Even people who don’t want them together can see this a terrible idea.
And most important of all, when people question what the fuck were you thinking, don’t have a meltdown on twitter and say that people who think Barney can change are responsible for Donald Trump being elected, you fucking weirdo, go see a therapist (that isn’t like Kevin)
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filipinoizukuu · 3 years
hello mr simp do you have any thoughts on the leeks 👀
Okay, it's no secret that I'm an All Might stan. I LOVE All Might. Very very much. Not just as a simp, but genuinely, I enjoy his character SO MUCH.
--And unlike what some people may think, I'm not totally blind to his flaws. I know he sucks as a mentor and that he's done way more harm to Deku than good. He's.... not perfect. in every sense of the word. The whole point of AM's character is that he is a DEEPLY FLAWED individual— but at the end of the day, still good.
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This new chapter gave me SOOO many new feelings. I'm not gonna lie to y'all and say I was a Stain apologist beforehand because I wasn't. I disliked Stain to a certain degree, but I also knew he was morally grey enough that I was able to still quite appreciate him as a character. This chapter was about EVERYTHING to me because I honestly did NOT expect Hori to go in this direction and for things to happen the way they did. It was too good to be true! Too fanfic-y! The disbelief I felt when I read what happened was on par with when Bakugou and Deku had that apology and kinda-hug in the rain!
But this disbelief is not because it was a bad thing.
I think the writing in Chapter 326 is phenomenal. The moment that All Might was really beginning to lose hope in not just himself as a hero, but himself as a PERSON... we finally hear the opinion of someone who would abso-fucking-LUTELY make or break the last of his spirit.
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Stain is, as much as his views are pretty agreeable and his label is that of a vigilante, still a pretty shitty guy. He's tried to kill literal kids who got in his way, even if said kids made pretty dumb decisions. AM hearing what he has to say is absolutely mind-boggling to him because he knows all of that. He knows Stain is a shitty person and that his worldview is perhaps terribly skewed. He knows Stain has spent a hot minute frying his brains down in Tartarus and isn't good at making judgment calls. Knows that for all intents and purposes, Stain's opinions are not to be trusted.
But the thing is... Toshinori also knows that Stain, regardless of the soundness of his mind, is telling the truth.
Regardless of how fucked-in-the-head Stain is, we as readers are able to acknowledge that he isn't blinded by hero worship. Sure, he's bitter, cynical, and quite the absolutist--but Stain is still clear-headed enough to be able to see AM's flaws for what they are and accept them, ultimately proving to Toshinori that the power of All Might was never his own but rather the legacy that he inspired.
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The society MHA takes place in is flawed. We all know this. Heroes, as a concept, had been corrupted into being purely about good and evil. Purely winning fights for money or fame or the abstract concept of victory (coughs Endeavor and the no.1 spot coughs), making heroism as we know it about flashiness and power instead of mercy and the desire to help others.
All Might symbolizes the ideal version of the Hero Society. He represents doing the best you can. Being a hero until you reach your limits, and then going even past that. He symbolizes pure intention and the desire to be a hero not for material gains but because of the pure want to make society a better and safer place. Stain refers to Kamino Ward and the statue as a "holy land" because he believes that through and through, AM's only had the purest of intentions and morals. To him, Toshinori was like a deity that had no fault in making society what it was in the present because that accountability fell on the generations of heroes that failed to fulfill his legacy.
The point being, Stain understood that All Might was fundamentally not about 'being there' for everyone 24/7, but rather the message his presence had sent.
All Might's monologue at the beginning of the chapter essentially boiled down to the ideas that:
A. He regrets not being there properly for Deku
B. His image was a delusion that ultimately led to the downfall of hero society.
To break this down, his problem with Deku is his inability to be a competent mentor. It shows that he has led him down dangerous and horrible paths (Deku's stubbornness to do things by himself and his 'dark' arc post-war), and is unable to bring him back into the light even if he tries. It was only when Class 1-A had intervened that they were able to get Deku to rest and let people tag along, after all, which is why Toshinori was far too embarrassed to follow him into UA's walls even after everyone had come out with umbrellas.
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Stain disproves this in two ways.
First, he says that it was never about All Might's ability to actually be there for people. The whole point of what inspired Deku to be the inherently good-hearted "true hero" he is today is because of the values that AM's brand had instilled in him as a child. AM's biggest positive impacts came from behind the screen where he was used as the proof that true heroes can and do exist. Deku does want to be exactly like All Might, yes, which is why we see Toshinori leading him down the same path that he walked--but the underlying message of this is that the very first thing All Might gave him even before OfA was the courage to help fix society.
I do believe Deku is an innately compassionate person. Most people in the series are. However, what makes All Might's smile so uniquely impactful to what it did to Hero Society is the way it gave people courage to help people. Less hesitation. Less bystander syndromes. The ability to move without thinking. Because you can feel the want to help a person, but the courage to be nosey and actually do it? That's portrayed as something AM's image teaches people.
The second way he disproves AM's insecurity of dragging Deku down is that he makes it clear that this pain is somewhat of a necessity in reforming society. He says, interestingly enough, that this is but the 'middle process' in reforming society. This spills over to how he addresses Problem B, but what Stain is essentially saying here is that this sort of brutality and isolation that Izuku faces is impermanent. A phase. It implies that even if Deku is struggling and Toshinori is unable to help him, it is something that needs to happen before they re-realize the ideal heroes All Might's image is meant to create.
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The second problem in regards to how All Might feels about current society (how it's collapsing because of him, etc. etc.) is more interestingly addressed. There are many things that Stain says--like how Toshinori doesn't need to actually be the one to fix society with his bare hands. The current society is not his fault because of the fact that it is not finished developing. I'm not sure if I can go so far as to say that Stain means this in the sense of the Scorched Earth method of tearing everything down to build it back up better-- but I can say that Stain still has faith in society to rebuild after this period of chaos.
This rebuilding starts with the old generation of heroes correcting what they messed up (i.e. Endeavor v Dabi) and more importantly, paving the way for a better generation of heroes that was inspired by All Might's image. Heroes that are led by people like Deku, who is defined by his proclivity to help without thinking. The violent deconstruction of society is about exposing society to the raw truth of All Might's image that not everybody can be as strong as him-- which is why we have to take care of each other.
When the lady comes in to remove the sign and start cleaning the statue, it's symbolic. It's a clear metaphor that the past few chapters are the turning point for society as a whole, and how people are starting to remember what real heroism is. From the distrust that was seeded in society ever since LoV had surfaced, we are seeing that trust being returned TEN-FOLD now that people can see not only the mask of a hero's smile, but also the person underneath.
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I think it's some really neat symbolism here too about how Deku, who's metal mouth guard was literally all about representing All Might's smile, is shed.
This is hero society dropping their masks. Letting people see them for as they are. Toshinori revisiting the statue in this form makes all the more impact because he shed his mask ages ago during the Kamino Bust, so this is him coming face to face with the image he's created and seeing the differences between them, and how his image continues to live on even after he's almost completely Quirkless. The lady cleaning the All Might statue shows off the fact that things can be repaired again--that society can be clean (hehe stain pun) again.
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It's interesting to me here how Stain offers the information from Tartarus.
He doesn't care anymore about his life. It's evident. He disagrees with what the LoV is doing, but believes enough in Deku to think that it's time for him to retire the mantle of 'Stain'. Unless this is another test, it's very odd for me to hear that Stain is offering a blade and his life to someone he isn't even sure is All Might.
But the impact of this action reads loud and clear.
This is Stain taking pity on All Might. This is him realizing that All Might too is a person behind the hero. That Toshinori Yagi is incapable of doing anything past the image he had already created. By offering that knife and information on Tartarus, Stain is giving control back to Toshinori. He is giving AM the chance to do something big again to help society's reconstruction. To be a part of the revolution that he so badly deserves to see. That knife is essentially an exit ticket from the sidelines, and one last chance for All Might to be able to see what his image has done for people.
I personally think that the main reason Stain is willing to die then and there by Toshinori's hand, despite not being sure that he is All Might to begin with, is because of the final impact it creates that it isn't about Toshinori Yagi's true power as a person, but the image of All Might. It is because he looks like the symbol of peace, that Stain (the literal HERO KILLER) feels comfortable laying his life in his hands and giving away valuable information.
If that isn't a great testament to the power of AM's image, I don't know WHAT is.
I guess all I have to say is I absolutely love what Stain did in this chapter. Everything felt so incredibly symbolic and emotional and as someone who absolutely ADORES All Might and what he stands for in the story, this felt like a cool balm after seeing Deku tragically reject his bento box a good few chapters ago. I have a few more opinions about symbolism, and how I think Deku's generation of heroes is going to stray from the old gen, but I think that's a discussion for another time.
Thanks for reading 'til the end!
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destinygoldenstar · 3 years
How Dhar Mann Unintentionally Makes Bad Messages (Analyzing “Nerd gets revenge on Cool Guys”)
So if you remember by post titled ‘My beef with Dhar Mann’ you probably remember I am not a fan of this insanely popular Youtuber. I explained why before, and that my biggest gripe was that Dhar Mann’s main intention with his videos are to give good messages to his audience, only (and unintentionally I guess) to have the messages actually be extremely HARMFUL. I try commenting why I feel this way in his comment sections while trying to be nice and say that I only wanted him to do better, but EVERY TIME I get backlash from people who say I am a bad person for daring to criticize Dhar Dhar.
Do I regret my constructive criticism?
I may not be right all the time, but I sure know that Dhar Mann NEEDS to hear out people like me. But he actively REFUSES to and makes US look like bad guys. Seriously, every time I look through his comment sections and see kids genuinely call him an inspiration and an absolute role model... I feel really bad. Obviously, if they love his videos, that’s fine, opinions are opinions, but when they say that the messages are good... I just feel bad for these people because it REALLY feels like a cult. And I DO NOT want to have to say that to any fanbase.
And I just so happened to find new video he made that legitimately expresses ALL MY POINTS from my previous post about him, and just made me angry. Keep in mind I will TRY to keep the rage level as low as possible, and again, give constructive criticism as to WHY I find this video such a TERRIBLE influence to people.
“Nerd gets revenge on cool teens, what happens next is shocking”
Yeah, given how nearly EVERY Dhar Mann video ends the same way, I doubt ANYONE will be shocked at anything.
But that’s still not an excuse for my points.
Before I get started, I want to also point out that Dhar Mann was out for two months, where in a post he said he was doing it for Covid reasons, to save lives and keep his crew safe.
Okay, what’s the problem with that? He’s protecting people from Covid.
He wasn’t out to keep the people working on his videos safe from the deadly virus, he was busy promoting a new studio! Where he expresses that, as if his Covid post NEVER existed, and goes over how his videos will now be longer, and ‘less cringy’ (yeah right. Dude, being cringy is NOT the issue of your videos. The problem is that you don’t INTEND for it to be cringy, so you fail at your selling point. If ya wanna be cringy, be cringy, embrace yourself with that!) So okay, he wants to promote himself and his platform, and that’s why he was gone. Okay, cool. BUT DON’T LIE TO US. DON’T say you’re leaving to protect people, when you’re doing the exact opposite! And if that WAS your intention, WHY would you drag all your good and loyal crewmates into an area where they could get the virus?!
GOSH I feel so bad for the crew. I know I hate these videos, but I don’t hate the crew at all even if it seems that way sometimes. I want to give this crew a hug and get them some better work options.💖
So THAT’S the context as to why his videos are longer now. So, with the video I’m gonna go over today, there is A LOT of ground I want to cover. Therefore A LOT of bad messages I want to call out and tell people WHY these are bad messages and harmful ones to the audience.
Keep in mind that ALL of my words are my opinion, and meant to be constructive criticism, my points are not fact, it’s all about perspective, and I am sharing my perspective. If you think these are all good messages, good for you. I’m glad you can unironically watch these and see greatness in them. I also do not mean to harass Dhar Mann or anyone involved, and I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT SAY ANYONE SHOULD QUIT THEIR JOB. I say I want them to take what I say into consideration, so they can BE BETTER.
Also, this guy has 10 MILLION subs now. I only have 14 followers on Tumblr (love ya guys) So obviously, I am a VERY small force compared to him. But I do hope I can be heard by at least someone. And if you hear me, PLEASE leave a like and also share your thoughts. These types of posts get ZERO recognition and that makes me sad.
So, let’s look at this video, going over EVERY bullet point on WHY I find these messages SO TERRIBLE, going over EVERYTHING I can find in this single video: “Nerd Gets Revenge On Cool Teens”
1: It’s A Black And White World
This is a problem with nearly EVERY Dhar Mann video, but it needs to also be said here. The idea that it’s a black and white world we live in. If you don’t know what that means, it’s basically a world where there are good guys and there are bad guys, and it’s extremely obvious who’s who. The good guys do the morally good thing, and the bad guys do the morally bad thing. Now, in something like fiction, this isn’t ENTIRELY a problem, there are shows and movies where there are simply good guys and bad guys. 
The problem arises where your intention is to be realistic. And Dhar Mann is trying to portray how the world works. So this mindset makes his characters extremally unrelatable. They’re just one trait, one diversity, (I’ll talk about that later) and one role. There are cheesy shows out there that make the bullies unrealistically hateable and over the top, but that shouldn’t be a mindset audience members should walk away with and say “Yeah, that’s what the real world is like!” If you encourage kids that there are bad people in the world, that’s fine. If you encourage kids that there are nothing but bad people and you’re the only good person, that’s HARMFUL. That could turn that kid into an egotist who thinks that they’re always right.
On top of that, these bullies are NOT INTENDED to be corny, they’re intended to be realistic and to make the good guys relatable. Except even in my days, my bullies would never call names or be so blatant about making fun of my diversities, they don’t try to beat me, they don’t go out of their way to torment me. They would just annoy me and pester me to make me feel uncomfortable. They’d press my buttons and make me question myself. If I was downright beaten up or called names like Dhar Mann bullies do, I’d know straight away I’m being used. But the type of bullying I went through made me seriously question myself, because they knew what worked on me. Believe it or not, I myself had the mindset that I was the only right person, that I was good and virtuous and they were all morons. I had to learn the hard way that I was WRONG. I wasn’t ‘the good guy’ because they were people, and in their mind, I was the issue. I was constantly harassing them to be like me. And I will go into more detail about this later in this post. 
Dhar Mann doesn’t write bullies as though they’re people, he writes bullies as though they’re devils. It would be fine if he wasn’t trying to make his videos relatable, but he is, and that’s why it doesn’t work. NOBODY is going to relate to these bully characters or recognize that they might potentially be like them, because they are unidentifiable to the audience. They will not look at a video with a dude calling a girl names and throwing her notebooks in the trash and laugh in an over the top fashion, and go “Yeah, I can see myself in that, I guess my behavior is flawed.” 
If people can see these bullies in themselves, then... they should get some mental help.
Oh and another thing that’s not related to this video specifically: Critics are bullies in the Dhar Mann universe.
Guess that makes me a bully because I DARE to give him constructive criticism.
Must I say more about how harmful this is?
So in context of his video, a football player wants to date this hot girl because she’s hot, and looks down on a ‘ugly girl’ who has a crush on him, and he actively talks smack about her KNOWING she’s listening. 
I am NOT gonna act like I’ve never experienced this before. I unfortunately fall under the category of ‘traditional beauty’ to a lot of people, and that actually made me feel worse about myself, because I’d always have incels trying to date me for my looks alone. Then when they actively get to know me, they become bullies. (Yeah something Dhar Mann says about getting to know people as people will make bullies stop? Well, that’s a lie!) So no, while the dialogue is bad in this video, I am NOT gonna act like this isn’t behavior I’ve experienced before. 
Another nitpick, the teacher wants the kids to use calculators without any batteries. That would make the calculator shut down! What is her goal here?!
2: Liking Appearances Is Bad
You also don’t transfer into school in just a few weeks before the school year ends! That’s not how moving works!
But okay, so the guy is in love with the new girl because she hot, fine. Some relationships DO start off with appearances. Mine didn’t, but I am not gonna act like falling for appearance is a bad thing. Dhar Mann says that beauty is a bad thing to fall for, except it’s not. If you love a person truly, you love them for all aspects of them. Maybe not all, maybe you don’t like one or two things they do, but overall, you love them for who they are, and you love a ton of features they have. Obviously, liking them as people is always a good thing, and what you should focus on more. But sometimes it doesn’t matter if you like them as people, find them nice, find them to be good friends, find them to be the most good hearted people out there, if you don’t find them attractive, you DO NOT have to be in a relationship with them. You can just be friends, and there is nothing wrong with that. 
Secondly, this video wants you to believe that braces, acne, and glasses are unattractive and can never be attractive, and I’ll go in depth about this later. Do know that there ARE some people in the world who find glasses attractive, who find braces attractive. You should not feel ashamed of the physical appearance you do have because someone might find you and genuinely love you for that. And if they love you for your personality as well, that’s a good sounding relationship.
You DO NOT have to change the way you look or fit into ‘the traditional beauty’ in any way at all! 
I’m so glad Dhar Mann doesn’t say in this video that you DO have to fit traditional beauty in order to get ANY sort of love-
We’ll talk about this later.
Also, drawing your crush on paper isn’t cute. It’s creepy. Keep in mind that’s ENTIRELY my opinion, but I find that creepy. Unless you have a partner, and they’re okay with you drawing them, DON’T DO THIS.
I agree with the bullies here, the nerd girl is a CREEP.
And don’t worry, she gets even MORE UNLIKEABLE as the video goes on.
3: Grades = LIFE
Okay, to go in detail, the teacher tells the guy that he’s failing class. He doesn’t care, he can move on with his life. Good mindset man. Grades don’t define him, that’s good! 👍
Except we’re supposed to believe HE’S WRONG for this mindset!
But NOOOOOO, Grades are the single most important thing in the entire world! If you don’t get an A, you’re a bad person! If you don’t care about grades, you’re a bad person! There is NO OTHER WAY you can live your life other than to take tests and get As. Unless you get As, you will NEVER have a good life, and will NEVER be a real person in the real world.
Sadly, this is the school system we live in. AND IT’S SICK. This may be real, but it shouldn’t be ENCORUAGED to keep happening! Say what you will about hard work and preparation, we live in a world where there are MULTIPLE options for people to get jobs, participate in events, and have good lives, outside of school. We should encourage kids to actually explore the world and figure out who they are and find their own success, because if we keep them locked away from the world in a building and stress them out with tests involving memorizing random junk, THAT’S what makes them less likely to succeed at life.
I’ve followed this corrupted system for a long time, and what a dumb person I was back then. Because exploring the world has helped me in far greater ways. I want to help people understand that. It’s also why I absolutely HATE videos like these that encourage school to be the ONE AND ONLY WAY you can succeed at life. It’s GROSS.
This teacher also frames it as though FUN is BAD.
Fun is NOT bad! Fun is vital to a person’s self esteem. If they don’t like what they’re doing, they’re not gonna be happy, which could lead to several mental illnesses. Again, ANOTHER bad message from Dhar Mann.
Also what is she talking about when she says that ‘he could have easily stopped it’? I didn’t see HER stopping anything! I didn’t see anyone else walking by stopping anything! They were minding their own business, and that’s okay!! Whether or not you get involved in something is YOUR choice! You are not wrong for either route you take! Wanna get in on it? Fine. Don’t want to? Fine. That’s a subjective situation, and encouraging people that if they don’t fight back, they’re bad people, is HARMFUL.
So the guy wants to play football. But according to this world’s rules, bad grades mean you DON’T get to follow your dreams or have a good life! NOPE. Doesn’t matter how good you are at your skill, doesn’t matter how good you are as a person, doesn’t matter if you’re the only option they’ve got! Bad grades, means NO LIFE. NO DREAMS. YOU’RE A FAILURE. YOU GET NO FUTURE, and you can NEVER FIX THAT!
Aside from the ending, THIS makes me the most ANGRY out the entire 20 minute long video. That says a lot.
Which also brings me to:
4: “Instead of making fun of Anna, you should try to be more like Anna. She scores the highest grades out of any of my students in any of my classes.”
Me: 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠
YES. Encourage kids that they should NOT be themselves! But rather be like OTHER PEOPLE! “Because they’re just so much more successful than you!”
That’s SARCASM from me.
NO. DON’T think this quote is a good message. IT’S NOT. 
Sure, celebrities exist, they’re successful. But NO, kids CAN look up to them, but they should not try to BE them. If you get what I’m saying. Kids should be their own inspiration as much as others inspire them. They should feel comfortable being themselves and trusting their own talents and skills. Because some ways don’t work for others. We’re all different. And if we try to be like other people, we’re ultimately setting ourselves up for failures.
If I was in this Dhar Mann school and I had this teacher, I’d probably sue them.
She is a bad influence on her kids.
Okay, so this guy’s plan is to USE the nerd girl to get an A on the project, by lying about his feelings for her and manipulating her so he can dump her for the project. I WILL hand it to Dhar Mann that he points out this is wrong behavior. I’m not gonna argue with such. The nerd girl is the victim here. Not gonna argue. But the problem comes with HOW this is executed into showing he’s wrong. NOT by making him learn more about her or suffer because of his actions, but because the NERD GIRL does something WORSE and is seen as JUSTIFIED.
So skipping TEN minutes of FILLER, where all you need to know is that he uses her, he gets an A, he dumps her, and comes clean to her that she isn’t attractive to him. Boo hoo.
So what is the message here? Should the nerd girl move on? Should she learn to accept herself for who she is? Should she trust her own abilities and love her appearance just the way it is? Should she learn to be carful who she crushes on and trusts? Thus should the message be to avoid abusive relationships and red flags?
All of these things would be a legit good message to leave the audience with!
Let’s do the actual WORST outcome possible for this sort of story!
So narrated by Dhar Mann (cause he got lazy to actually WRITE his story) the guy and the hot girl get As, they get along, they start to love each other for who they are, and they become a couple. Cute. They have a great summer vacation, they legit talk to each other and hang out. 
It’s a great, cute, healthy couple!
5: You can only be traditionally beautiful to be attractive
THIS is why you don’t dump ugly girls... because they could become traditionally beautiful one day!
This is actually THE WORST MESSAGE of the entire video!
Yes kids, if you have glasses, if you have braces, if you have acne, you CANNOT be attractive in ANY WAY. NOBODY will like you! You have to become traditionally beautiful and hot in order to get ANY RESPECT from ANYONE.
Something about who you are on the inside? Something about loving yourself for your own beauty? NOPE. YOU MUST BE HOT. That’s the ONLY WAY you can be loved!
People with glasses can be beautiful! People with facial deformities can be beautiful! People with braces and be beautiful! You should love yourself for who you are! No matter what! You do not have to appeal to ANYTHING!
Dhar Mann actively says that NO, you CAN’T be beautiful unless you’re traditionally so! You CAN’T possibly be proud to have deformities! That’s just BAD!
NO, IT’S HEALTHY for people to love themselves, even if they’re not attractive! IT’S NOT HEALTHY to say they HAVE to be someone else in order to be attractive!
I can’t express how much I hate this! 
And best of all, the nerd girl is NOT EVEN A GOOD PERSON
I mentioned before that she was a creep, but this ending just makes her WORSE...
6: Ruining lives is GOOD
Yep. She ruins his life. Because of the stuff he did before.
Now, yes, the guy DOES deserve consequences for his actions. Fair. But I absolutely DO NOT think THIS is the way to do it. I don’t think the nerd girl should have ACTIVELY destroyed EVERYTHING HE LOVED. If it was passive, fine, but it’s not passive. His life is ruined because of HER, NO ONE ELSE. NOT any other aspect of him that could send him on any downward spiral. It is entirely HER. FAULT.
She records him flirting with her ‘cause she hot now’ and she exposes that to his girlfriend to END a perfectly serviceable relationship. That was an okay relationship! He wasn’t manipulating Amber, he wasn’t abusing her, he wasn’t using her for anything! He spent the summer with Amber and they got along! For who they were! And I’m supposed to believe he’s JUSTIFIED in LOSING that?!
He clearly loved Amber for more than her beauty in that montage! Sure her appearance is the main reason why he’s dating her, but he GOT ALONG with her! They were compatible! 
Then the nerd girl actively RUINS IT, by convincing Amber to DUMP HIM. The nerd girl exposes his actions (randomly) and EVERYONE hates him now! He gets bad grades now, he fails at school, he loses his privileges, he fails at his LIFE. Because earlier they said that grades defined EVERYTHING.
And they want me to believe the nerd girl is in the right.
She just proved that she was WORSE than him by doing this! She USED her classmates to ruin his life! She USED Amber to have her dump him! She USED everyone to ruin his life!! And then she walks away all pretty and attractive like it’s something to be proud of!
Yeah sure! Ruining a guy’s life is GOOD. Making sure he has NO FUTURE is GOOD. Revenge is GOOD. Ruining relationships is GOOD. Playing people is GOOD. Using your looks to an advantage is GOOD.
NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!
That’s NOT GOOD.
And there are people who believe this is a good message?!
No it’s not! This is NOT what you do! This is selfish, this is cruel, and this does NOT make you ANY better than the guy you want revenge on. If someone uses you the way the guy did to the nerdy girl, you LEAVE. You walk away, ignore him for the rest of your life, and you find acceptance in yourself! Maybe you become traditionally beautiful, maybe you don’t, maybe you find love n yourself just the way you are. But by doing the exact same thing your user does, does NOT make you right. It makes you just as wrong, doesn’t matter if you were the victim first. 
You need to WALK AWAY. You need to LEAVE, and worry about yourself! Just don’t ever talk to the person who used you ever again. That’s all you need to do!
I can’t believe people actually think this video is a good message. FIVE MILLION PEOPLE viewed it. I just... how?! HOW IS THIS GOOD?! THIS IS HARMFUL FOR PEOPLE, and in many ways, will actively change their lives for the WORST. If this gets in their heads at least.
I really DON’T want that to happen to anybody. SO I’m making this post. 
Dhar Mann, if you read this (which you very likely won’t) take my words and think about what I’m saying. Do better with your writing!
If you read this post, please like it. These sort of posts get ZERO recognition and it saddens me.
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nebulablakemurphy · 3 years
Miss American Pie
Chapter Two: The Perfect Partner Project
Warning!: This series features a romantic Yelena Belova x Fem!Reader pairing. Please keep scrolling if that’s not for you. 💜
Summary: After you’re freed from Dreykov’s control you team up with Yelena and Natasha to take down the red room.
Chapter One : Chemical Subjugation
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“I thought you had a jet?” Yelena cocks her head to the side, as you approach the decrepit helicopter.
“I asked for one.” Natasha mutters, under her breath.
“This isn’t a jet.” You add, the closer you get, the worse it becomes.
“I realize that!” The man who’d been standing with his back to you whips around to defend himself. This must be Natasha’s friend. “But you know what you didn’t give me? Time. Or money. I’m not made of jets.”
“Aww, he’s sensitive.” Yelena coos, “I see why you keep him around.”
“I’m not sensitive.” He protests.
“Of course not,” you smirk.
“Listen you-“ he breaks off. “Who are you again?”
“Y/N Y/L/N,” Yelena introduces you, climbing aboard. “She’s my partner….” She shrugs, “you name it really.”
“Partner works.” You chuckle, joining her in the cockpit.
“If you say so,” Yelena waves a dismissive hand. Getting a feel for the controls.
“Wonderful,” the man acknowledges your title.
“Thanks for the ride, Dick.” You salute him through the front window.
“It’s Rick,” he calls back.
“I know.” You give him a thumbs up. Waiting until he turns back to his conversation with Natasha. Taking the opportunity to lean down, kissing the top of Yelena’s head.
She cranes her head back to see you.
You nuzzle your nose against hers, until an exaggeration throat clearing tears you apart.
“We don’t have time for this.” Natasha, of course.
Yelena scowls at her, “yeah, yeah.”
Breaking Alexei out of a maximum security prison using only an earpiece, stowed inside of an action figure is a terrible plan. Nearly as bad as using him for information on how to locate a facility that’s impossible to find, run by a man who’s too slippery to kill.
That doesn’t stop you though. Generally speaking it’s going well. Until one of Yelena’s shots triggers an avalanche.
“Woah.” She marvels at the scene before you, her masterpiece. “Now this would be a cool way to die.”
“Yeah,” you holler back, sarcastically, over the chaos.
“You were getting no where with your tiny guns.” Yelena points out.
“Slow and steady wins the race,” you remind her.
“Fast is better. Solves problems.”
“And clearly creates new ones.” You jerk your chin toward the mountain.
“Get us out of here!” Natasha’s voice blares through the headset.
“I’m on it.” Yelena assures her. Moving into a better position for extraction. “Watch the side window.”
At her request you shuffle to the main ship. The prison guards are still putting up a fight. Inmates running in every direction.
“Alright, Natasha’s with us.” You confirm, once she’s secured her place on the black hanging rope. “Circle between the walls on your left to grab Alexei.”
“Yeah, no problem.” Yelena snarks, steering the plane away from another explosion.
“You’re doing a great job.”
“Don’t lie to me!”
“Fine,” you huff. “The spot is tight and the angle is bad. I don’t know how you’re gonna pull this off.”
Yelena is silent, processing the information. “Lie to me a little.” She amends.
“You got this.” The blinding wall of white threatens to swallow Alexei whole. You’re holding your breath too as the rope moves past the metal bridge he’s standing on.
“Well?” She yelps, impatiently.
“I don’t know. I can’t see.” Once the snow and ice clears, you spot two figures carefully scaling the rope. “Yelena?”
“Hmm.” She hums, expecting the worst.
“I knew you had it.”
“Yes,” Yelena sighs, before falling into easy laughter. More invested in this than she will ever admit.
Unfortunately, entertaining as Alexei may be, he has next to no information about Dreykov.
Instead he drawls on and on about how the man wronged him. Stuck him on that “boring mission” in Ohio. Then tossed him in jail and threw away the key because of…hair? A party?
You weren’t entirely sure. You excuse yourself to the vacant seat beside Yelena. Giving her thigh a reassuring squeeze.
Full lips twitch up into a grin.
“Tell us where the red room is.” Natasha grumbles.
“I have no idea!” He shouts, and then in Russian. “Why don’t you ask Melina?”
“Mom Melina?” Yelena whips her head around.
“We thought she was dead.”
“You cannot kill a fox that swift,” Alexei sucks in a breath.
You choke on your own saliva.
“Ew.” Natasha winces.
“What?” The man shrugs. “She was the master mind. His architect.”
“Are you telling me that Melina works for the red room present day?” Natasha leans closer.
“Yes,” he nods. “Remotely, outside Saint Petersburg.”
“I don’t think we have enough fuel for Saint Petersburg.” Yelena decides, after checking the needle on the gauge.
“We’ll make it.” Alexei waves away her concern.
“Ok,” Yelena mutters.
You look over at her.
“We’re not going to make it.” She mouths, with a shake of her head.
You smirk, closing your eyes and relaxing into the seat. It’ll be nice while it lasts.
Before long you’re falling into a controlled crash, at the Saint Petersburg city limit.
“So,” Yelena jumps out onto the dirt. “Are we there yet?”
“No, you will know when we are there.” Alexei begins snorting like a pig.
You take a seat in the chair opposite Yelena inside Melina’s humble abode. Her pigs can be heard carrying on out in the yard and Alexei’s early snorting makes perfect sense now.
Your eyes dart around the three women at the table uncomfortably as noises continue erupting from the bathroom. “Everything alright in there?” You bellow, loud enough for your voice to carry down the hallway.
Another groan is the only response.
“Let’s drink,” Melina’s voice breaks the tension. She fills each of your shot glasses in turn.
“Thanks,” you raise the clear liquid and toss it back. Feeling it burn it’s way down your throat before going back for another.
After a moment a clunking from the doorway calls your attention.
“It still fits.” Alexei announces, having stuffed himself into his old costume.
Melina whistles, with a slow clasp as he approaches the seat at the head of the table. “I never washed it once. Come eat.”
He hums a tune under his breath, reliving days gone by. “Look at us, family back together again.” If you didn’t know better you’d think it was sweet, he seems…happy.
“Well,” Melina swallows, dishing mashed potatoes onto his plate. “Seeing as our family construct was just a calculated ruse that only lasted three years, I’m not sure we can use this term anymore.”
“Agreed,” Natasha perks up. “So here’s what’s going to happen-“
“Reunion then.” Alexei offers instead. “I want to say something right off the bat.” He says to the woman who’d once been his wife. “You haven’t aged a day. Just as beautiful and supple as the day they staged our marriage.”
Melina moves closer, “you got fat, but still good.”
“I just got out of prison,” he confesses, “I have a lot of energy.”
“Ooohooo.” The older woman exhales.
You can’t help the bubble of laughter that forces its way from your chest. Covering your mouth with your hand as Yelena takes another shot.
“Please don’t do that.” Beside you Natasha looks physically ill as she protests. Swallowing down her disgust she begins again. “So listen. Here’s what’s going to happen.”
“Natasha don’t slouch. You’re going to get a back hunch.” Melina flicks her fork in Natasha’s direction.
“What? I’m not slouching? I don’t slouch.”
“Eh, listen to your mother. Up! Up!” Alexei joins in.
“I told you, I don’t want any food.” Yelena pushes her plate away.
“Eat a little something Yelena, for God’s sake.” Melina says, piling food onto her plate.
Yelena groans.
“Are you kidding me? Stop it all of you. This is ridiculous.” Natasha bites out.
“Me? I didn’t do anything. That’s not fair!” Yelena argues.
“It’s true, she’s just sitting there.” You shrug.
“Here’s what’s going to happen,” Natasha roars, effectively silencing the room. “You’re going to give us the location of the red room.”
Melina purses her lips, avoiding the topic. “It’s like when you told them they could stay up to catch Santa Claus.”
“That was fun!” Alexei recalls. “Look out girls, he comes down the chimney. And when the cookies are gone you know he is there.”
Melina clicks her tongue.
“What? I want them to follow their dreams, shoot for the stars girls.”
“No good.” Melina disagreed.
“Killing Dreykov isn’t a fantasy. It’s unfinished business.” Natasha looks between the two of them.
“You cannot defeat someone who commands the very will of others.” Melina says, softly. “You never got to see the culmination of what we started in America. After the perfect partner project was rejected, we took a different route.”
“The perfect partner project?” You repeat, racking your brain. You’ve heard that somewhere before.
“Why’d Dreykov scrap the project?” Natasha’s voice cracks like a whip.
“I don’t know.” Melina’s eyes dart down to her plate.
You can see that she’s lying.
“That’s when we turned our focus to chemical subjugation.” Melina continues, “the control is so profound that when the subject is instructed to stop breathing. They have no choice but to obey.”
Yelena shakes her head. Perfect lips turned into a frown. Hazel eyes glistening with tears as they meet your own.
“That’s enough.” You warn the older woman, seeing the expression. The last thing you want to do is cause her anymore pain.
“No.” The blonde insists. “Tell me more about the partner project.”
“Yelena, we don’t have to do this.” You shake your head.
“Yes, we do.” Yelena slams her fist against the table in frustration.
“The extraction was messy to start. A high profile missing children’s case in North America. But the bond was very strong. Enhanced through targeted conditioning and subliminal messages. Until something happened that Dreykov did not anticipate.”
“What happened?” Natasha wonders.
“The girls became…attached.” Melina’s mouth twitches, “so they were separated.”
“Do you know who they tested on?”
Melina’s guilty eyes land on you. “I am sorry.”
“No,” you suspected, maybe. Somewhere in the back of your mind. You spent the first six months in the red room under solitary confinement. Rapidly and rigorously conditioned in a matter of weeks instead of years. Preparing you…for her. The teenager girl you couldn’t stand, the woman you eventually came to love.
“You,” Yelena laughs, although it’s not particularly funny. “Us.”
“Yelena-“ you reach for her hand across the table.
“Don’t,” she snaps. “Don’t tell me that it will be ok. They stole your life because of me. I never asked them to do that. I never asked for you!”
“I know.” You assure her. None of this was ever her fault.
“That’s right, because you know everything. Don’t you, Y/N?” Yelena scoffs, her hands balling into fists on either side of her dinner plate. “You know what I think. You know what I feel. Look at you. Ready to come out of your own skin because I am unhappy. Prepared to move mountains, prepared to start wars.”
“Like you’re any better.” You challenge, she knows you like the back of her hand.
“That is my point!”
“I’m sorry that this happened.” Alexei interrupts. Surely gearing up for a ‘father of the year’ speech. “But we are here now. All together! Wasn’t that worth a few years of-“
“Shut up!” Natasha growls at him. “You are an idiot.”
No response.
She moves her attention to Melina, “and you’re a coward. You’re a coward. And our family was never real. So there’s nothing to hold on to. We’re moving on.”
“Never family, huh?” Alexei throws up his hands. “In my heart I am simple man. For a couple deep undercover Russian agents I think we did pretty great as parents.”
“Yes,” Melina nods her agreement. “We had our orders and we played our roles to perfection.”
“Who cares? That wasn’t real.”
“What?” Yelena’s voice breaks.
“That wasn’t real.” Natasha repeats for emphasis. “Who cares?”
“Don’t say that. Please don’t say that. It was real. It was real to me. You are my mother!” Yelena all but sobs. “You are my real mother, the closest thing I ever had to one. The best parts of my life were fake.” She pauses, drawing in a steadying breath. “And none of you told me.”
You swipe at the tear that escapes your eye. Traitorously running it’s way down your cheek. It was never fake. Perhaps arranged, but never fake. The way you want to wrap her up in your arms, protect her from her own sadness. The way your heart breaks in time with hers. That is real. It has to be.
She turns back to the woman who she considered a mother. “Those agents that you chemically subjugated around the globe…that was me too.”
Finally she addresses Natasha, “and you. You got out. It is impossible to escape. Are you going to say anything?” A pause. “No.”
She pushes her chair from the table, taking the bottle with her as she stands. Turning her back in the four of you.
“Yelena.” Natasha calls after her. Guilt eating away from the inside out.
“No.” Yelena dismisses her a second time. Moving into the next room and closing the glass doors behind her.
You look down at the plate of food in front of you, now lacking any appeal.
“I had no idea.” Melina whispers, wringing her hands.
“I’ll go to talk to her.” Alexei offers, rising to his feet.
“About what?” You hum, “how you handed her over to a life of pain and suffering at the age of six? How you experimented on her? How you didn’t come back for her? Yeah. I’m sure that’s just what she needs right now.”
With that you excuse yourself, back out to the front yard. Slowly circling the perimeter of Melina’s cottage. Not looking for anything in particular. Just killing time until someone produces information about how to get to Dreykov.
The blinding light that appears moments later catches you off guard. A team of men exit one of the three circling planes. Since you couldn’t find the red room, this is the next best thing.
Waking up is disorienting, coming to from a tranquilizer always is. It’s bright, almost blindingly so. It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust. You attempt to use your hands to cover them, only you can’t move your hands.
Leaning up as much as your restraints will allow you discover that you’re strapped to an operating table. And you’re not alone.
“Miss American Pie,” she drawls from a similar position. Neither of which gives you much chance to escape whatever fate awaits.
“You’re not allowed to die mad at me,” you grumble.
“I’m not mad at you.” She blinks slowly, as the surgeon marks a clean line at the perimeter of her hairline. “I’m just mad.”
“Yeah,” you let out a laugh, turning back to the light above the gurney. “Me too.”
“You are my perfect partner.” She murmurs, while gloved hands busy themselves with preparations. “I don’t know if that makes it better or worse.”
There’s a beat of silence between you. Acceptance…peace. “I love you, you know.”
At this Yelena smiles. A genuine, happy, smile. “I know.”
Something to remember her by.
The syringe at your neck releases a sedative into your blood and you fall asleep. One last time.
Dying is peaceful, gently rocking in the ocean. Then swaying more violently, giving you the urge to be seasick. Your body should move with the force of it. But something holds you steady, something warm.
“Yelena?” You croak.
“Not quite, but there is resemblance, huh?” A different voice greets you.
“Alexei?” You realize, pushing yourself into a sitting position.
“That’s a girl, up you go.” He says, clapping a hand against your back.
“What happened?” You ask, “where’s Yelena?”
“Still inside,” Melina confirms. “Brought you here so you’d be safe.”
“They’re coming.”
You sigh, ready to jump out the open door of the hovering chopper.
“What are you doing?” Alexei demands.
“Going to find them.”
“Wait! Y/N, wait.” He pleads. “There’s something I must tell you. I tried to tell Yelena but I don’t have earpiece.”
“What?” Your brows furrow.
“Never mind that.” He shakes his head. “The point, is you were right. What you said about Yelena. We complete our mission, we move on. But losing her, losing my girls is my biggest regret.”
“I’ll tell her, don’t worry.” You give his shoulder a squeeze.
“Please let me finish.” He stops you again. “She carried your unconscious body through burning building, through explosions. This is not easy, you are very heavy.”
“Oh, Alexei!” Melina scolds him.
“Not that.” He amends, “you know what I mean. It is dead weight.”
You nod, “sure.”
“I look at you together and I see true love and I am happy. You are family now, and this time…we are going to stay together. We’re not leaving without you.” The older man says, helping you onto the metal grate of the falling red room.
Not a second later an explosion rings through your ears, sending Melina, Alexei and your get away vehicle spiraling to the ground.
“It’s the thought that counts,” you’ll make a new plan.
You run toward the flames and gunfire. “Yelena!” You call out, searching the surrounding area.
“Y/N,” Natasha finds you. “What are you doing?”
“I can’t find Yelena.”
“I thought she was with you.” The woman frowns.
“Well she wasn’t!” You bite out, fear and frustration getting the best of you.
“Don’t worry, we’ll find her. You go-“ the red head pauses. Her eyes focused on something behind your head.
You turn to follow Natasha’s gaze. Finding her. Yelena. The wild, unpredictable, firecracker of a woman. On the wing of the jet with Dreykov inside.
“Yelena! Stop!” You rush over, realizing what she’s about to do. Her staff poised at the propeller.
She pauses at the sound of your voice.
“He’s not worth it.” No one is worth it. Not when she is the cost.
Yelena smiles, eyes alight with mischief, “I love you, you know.”
“I know.”
Natasha tries to reason with her. “Don’t do it!”
“This was fun.” Yelena tells her sister, jamming the propeller and effectively destroying Dreykov’s jet. The force of the explosions sends her backwards, hurtling towards the ground with the remaining pieces of the red room.
“Put your pack on and jump.” Natasha tells you. Rushing for the nearest parachute. “I’m going to save my sister.” She dives head first over the edge, without putting on her harness.
“Not if I get there first,” you challenge. This would be a cool way to die.
Chapter Three: Bye Bye
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httpdabi · 3 years
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My pet
Genre: romance, smut, normal AU with no quirks, university!reader x professor! Dabi,
Summary: Maybe skipping his class wasn’t such a bad idea. After all, the detention could wait for some other time, not like you weren’t getting sick of it anyway.
Words: 6.8k
Warnings: 18+, praise kink, bit of fingering in public place, semi public sex, unprotected sex, creampie.
Taking a deep breath you tried to calm yourself down a little. From all the papers, you had to lose the one from Professors Aizawa’s classes, which was pretty important. And the fact that he had a pretty big dislike of you didn’t help either, since you were sure that he will nag about it a whole moth or give you little to no time to write it again.
Rolling your eyes, you collected all the papers on the floor, putting them in one box, accepted the fact that your paper is nowhere to be found. With a big sigh you stood up and poured the hot coffee in your cup to go, before you took your bag from the floor and left your apartment.
You weren’t in the mood for Uni today, but at least you had only few classes, which meant you won’t spend much time there.
You checked your phone one last time, before you locked the door and hurried downstairs to catch your bus. Using the app, you always checked when will the bus arrive, giving yourself 5 minutes to catch it. This time you went out a bit earlier, since Aizawa’s class was the first one. After all you didn’t have the paper done, you couldn’t afford yourself more shit with being late.
,,Fuck’’ you hissed when you saw the bus already on the bus stop. You were about to run, but once you noticed all the people squished in it, you couldn’t force yourself to do it. After all, you were never sporty, every time you had to run to catch the bus, he would simply speed off and leave you half dead on the bus stop. Yeah, you had a condition of a dead horse.
,,I’ll be a bit late’’
you texted your best friend Mina as you sat on the small waiting bench. The next bus will arrive in 8 Minutes, which was enough time for you to smoke one. Upset about everything, you smoked your cigarette almost aggressively, puffing on it like it was your last one.
You don’t run. There is always a possibility that you will die if you run. So, it’s better if you come a bit late, then not at all. You thought to yourself.
Some people don’t come to the classes at all and no one gives a shit, yet you are worried about some stupid paper and being late.
When the bus arrived, you turned the cigarette off and got inside, finding yourself an empty seat as you hopped into it. Momo texted you that Aizawa is not even there and that maybe there’s a chance you’ll arrive before him.
Of course there’s no chance you’ll be able to do it, since the bus driver took his time driving. You were sure they had something against you. When you are trying to catch a bus, they suddenly turn into Formula 1 drivers as they speed off, but when you are inside of the bus, they follow every possible rule and drive so slow.
The moment you arrived, you walked pretty fast surprisingly, every second step you took, you tried to force yourself to run. You tried to push yourself between the students that had their best time in the fucking hallway of the Uni. Most of them giving you a weird looks as you started to run for the first time, upstairs.
Opening the door of the huge class, you stood there confused. The man standing there wasn’t Aizawa, so you looked around to check if the classroom was the correct one. It was. Scanning the room, you saw Momo in the last row giggling at you. Giving the man one last look, you made your way to your best friend.
,, You didn’t check your messages, did you?’’ She whispered quietly, as you hopped between her and Mina. Shaking your head you took out your notebook and placed it on the table, while Momo explained to you what’s going on.
So, Aizawa had some problems which forced him to be absent for the next 6 months, making his assistant Touya Todoroki take over his classes.
The three of you chit chatted quietly, as your new so called Professor was calling out your names to mark the list. Like in high school, you thought to your self as you put your hand up when your last name was called. Professor Aizawa never did that, one look was enough for him to notice who is absent and who’s not.
Everyone knew Touya Todoroki. He was around your age, and that made students a little bit more comfortable around him. You heard that he finished Uni one or two years ago, being one of the top students. Being that smart, and Aizawa’s one of favorites, they gave him the chance to work there as his assistant.
In your opinion, joking around with the students wasn’t really smart of him, since there’s always a possibility that they won’t take him seriously later on. But hey, maybe you were wrong.
Once the introduction was done, and he said enough about himself and all the plans Aizawa had for the next 6 months, he said that he’ll call your names out in alphabetical order, for you to give him your paper and sign the list he prepared for it.
You felt a bit uneasy when you realized that till now, all of them had their work finished and the possibility that you’re the only one that didn’t have it made your stomach twist.
When your name was called out, you thought about some lies you could tell him, none of them good enough.
,,I’ve lost it’’ you breathed out as you clapped your hands and slowly nodded your head. He gave you the ‘’are you serious’’ look as you stood there embarrassed a bit.
,,Is that even possible ?’’ he asked as he raised his brow at you, eying you out while you played with your fingers nervously.
,, Obviously, it is’’ you said, crossing your arms on your chest. What kind of question is that even? People come here and lie about their test being eaten by their pets, yet your honest and sad excuse was suspicious to him.
,, When is the next date ?’’ you added, hoping he’ll give you enough time to write it again.
,,Tomorrow’’ he said, not even looking at you.
,, WHAT ?’’ a scream escaped your lips, loud enough for everyone in the class to hear and look at you. Is this dude insane ? Even tho Aizawa didn’t like you, he would still give you maybe a week to finish it.
,,Take it or leave it’’ he said, with a small smile formed on his lips, like he didn’t just tell you to do something impossible. Rolling your eyes shamelessly, you turned around and made your way toward your seat, where Momo and Mina waited excitedly to ask you what happened and so on.
The moment your last class finished, you had to cancel all of your plans, making your way home immediately after it. That day, you couldn’t even afford yourself to make a lunch or dinner, since every second and minute counted. The only food for you was coffee and cigarettes that day.
The good thing was, that you remembered lots of things you already wrote, but sadly, the paper wasn’t really small, forcing you to write and write without taking even a small break.
You hoped that you’ll finish it till 11PM, since your first class started early in the morning, at 7 AM. Sadly your big hope sank like Titanic when you checked what time it was when you almost finished your paper.
It was fucking 3:37 AM.
That disgusting motherfucker, you thoguht to yourself, as you imagined how great it would feel if you had the possibility to break his fucking tattooed neck.
The moment you heard the alarm, you wished you were dead. If someone placed a gun on your forehead at that moment, you would probably beg him to shoot you. Taking more time then usual, you found yourself being late again. This time you didn’t give a single shit about it. You didn’t give a shit about looking like half dead bird, with your hair tied up in way too messy bun and dark circles under your eyes.
Stomping into the classroom, you didn’t bother to look or greet anyone, forcing yourself to sit in the first row, since more students remembered that they actually go to Uni and suddenly decided that today is the best day to show up. Mina and Momo didn’t sit close to each other or to you either, since the class was unusually much fuller.
Grabbing your phone out of your pocked, once it started to vibrate, you saw that Mina and Momo were writing shit in your little group chat.
,, Are we having this piece of shit all day?’’
you texted, ignoring the topic they were writing about.
,, Yeah, we’ll have one and half hour break in between, and then him again. I don’t mind it tho. Dude’s handsome as fuck’’
Mina replied, making you roll your eyes.
,, Handsome as fuck my ass. Bro looks like random junkie from the main train station’’
you tapped furiously sending the message, scrolling down your Instagram feed, not even bothering to look at him, when he called your name out when he checked the absence list.
,,No phone in my class’’ he said loud enough, when he noticed it. Ignoring his statement, you just continued to use your phone. It’s not his problem if you are using your phone, it’s not his fucking problem if you decide not to follow his class and fail it at the end. Sure, if you were interrupting the class, then it would make some sense. But since you didn’t interrupt him or anyone, it shouldn’t bother him at all.
In one moment, you had your phone in your hands, the next one it was snatched from your hands. Looking up, you saw him standing in front of the desk you sat in, with your phone in his hands, scanning the room if anyone else was using it too. Both Mina and Momo hid their phones fast, when they realized what just happened.
He stood there quietly as he did something on your phone. The only thing you could see was his thumb scrolling something on your phone up. Whatever it was, he had no fucking right to do it and it made your blood boil.
,, There is something called privacy, you sick fuck’’ you hissed loudly. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, or the fact that you had less then one day to finish your paper, but you couldn’t stop yourself from insulting him. The moment you spat those words, you felt his eyes on yours. You noticed a small smirk formed on his lips as he turned your phone off.
,, You just got yourself in detention Miss.’’ He said, as he placed his phone on his desk ignoring your complains.
At that point you weren’t sure if he got all the dislike on you from Aizawa, or if you had that kind of personality that made people easily dislike you. Sure, maybe you overacted and embarrassed yourself in front of the whole class, but in your defense, he didn’t have the right to do it. None of the students were children. All of you had the right to decide on your own if you will pay attention to the class or not.
When the first class was done, Mina and Momo came to you immediately, eyes wide in shock as they talked about what just happened. The two of them waited for you beside the door, as you took your finished paper and made your way toward his desk.
He pushed your phone from the end of the desk toward your direction, as he told your friends that there’s no need to wait for you. Confused, they left immediately, not wanting to pull themselves into troubler or give you more of it.
,, Sit down’’ he said, as you stood there confused as well, gripping tightly onto your paper. Being a bit lost, you didn’t follow him immediately, standing there totally lost.
,, Sit the fuck down’’ he repeated, this time a little louder. You sat there, eyes wide open in shock. Sure, he started off as someone that looked like all of your classes would be fun with him, but with todays actions, and the small amount of time he gave you, definitely changed the view of him to the rest of the students. To you even more, since his sudden behavior wasn’t really pleasing.
,, Paper’’ he simply said, as he tapped with his hand on his desk. You gave it to him immediately, not sure if you are allowed to leave or not, also unsure if you can take your phone or not anymore.
,,Good, now go clean the desks or whatever’’ he said as he took your paper, scanning it a little bit.
,, You gotta be kidding me’’ you laughed. This dude has some serious issues, you thought to yourself. ,, We ain’t in fucking high school’’ you hissed. You were about to grab your phone, but his hand stopped you, as he grabbed your wrist with his left hand.
Without saying another word, he just shook his head towards the direction where the small bucket was. Usually prepared for the Cleaning lady that does her job once the class is over.
You wanted to make even more drama, and curse him out instead of apologizing for interrupting his class, but at that moment you didn’t have the balls for it. First of all, because you were pretty sure he was in contact with Prof. Aizawa all the time, and second, it was already clear enough that he dislikes you more then Aizawa does.
You took a deep breath, as you prepared the water. Hoping he will let you go soon, since everyone else is already on the break and if you were being honest, you were getting pretty hungry.
The whole time, he just ignored you as he was correcting your paper. He already corrected the paper the rest of the class turned in, so he wanted you to have your note too. Aizawa told him about you, never paying attention to the class and appearing just to avoid the shit you could get for missing the classes. He heard enough about all of you, and he wanted to make sure none of you will misunderstand him just because of his young age. Starting of with you, and giving one good example to everyone else. Sure, it wasn’t very nice of him to give you less then one day to finish your paper, but only you were the one without it, and he didn’t want to wait too long for it and make you lose the little focus you had on the rest of the class. He was pretty sure you would mostly focus on the paper you had to write, ignoring the other stuff he prepared.
You took your time cleaning the desks, humming some song that was in your head last few days. When you finished your task, you made your way toward his desk. Sitting down to the desk in front of his own, you wanted to ask him if you may leave or take your phone, but somehow it felt too weird to do it.
,, Spit it out’’ he said, his eyes focused on the paper you gave him. Of course he noticed the little uncomfortable glances you gave him, and the way you played with your fingers. Something about it gave him the feeling of power, in some weird twisted way.
,, Can I go ?’’ you asked fast.
,,No’’ he replied as fast as you asked, like he was prepared for you to ask him that, making you whine loudly. You were pretty sure if it was Prof. Aizawa instead of him, you wouldn’t even dare to react that way.
,, Text your friends to bring you something to eat. You ain’t having the break today’’ he said, still correcting the paper. With a huge sigh you took your phone and turned it on. Messages popping up one after other. Mina and Momo cursing him out, sharing their location with you and simply being worried a bit. You told them about the break thing and asked them to bring you some snack, as you complained how he’s actually torturing you.
His coughing took your attention, making you place your phone on the table as you watched him stretch his arms out, as he placed your paper in front of you. Your eyes widened when you saw a huge D and 52% written on your paper. Some students would just be happy they passed, but not you. The worst grade you ever got in last two years was C, and yet you almost failed this fucking paper, only few percent’s saving your ass.
,, The beginning was alright. You missed lots of points. In the middle, some stuff you wrote didn’t make sense at all.’’ He sighed as he rubbed his right eye a bit before he continued telling you what you fucked up.
,, The end was terrible, from all the facts you wrote, to your grammar. It was painful to read ’’ He added, as he played with the pen in his hands.
,, Not sure what you expected from me when you gave me less then 24 hours to finish this shit.’’ You spat, anger taking over you again. At this point you found yourself missing Aizawa, and first time you felt unsure if you will be able to pass this class.
,,Is this detention done now? Can I leave now ?’’ you asked, wanting this shit finally to be over, ignoring his words from before that you won’t have a break today. At your surprise he just laughed you out, pissing you off even more if it was possible at all.
,, This ain’t your detention sweetie’’ he laughed, as he took his phone out of his pocket. Telling you how you will have to stay every day after classes for 1 to 2 hours to help him prepare his stuff for next classes. For the next four weeks.
You weren’t sure if he was joking around or not. You knew that some students had to do it, for example, Mina had to do it for a whole week, since she pissed off your Professor Shigaraki, always being late to his classes last year.
The next day, you ignored what he told you, as you made your way toward the exit when the class was done, only to be stopped as he called your last name out. That was enough for you to understand that he wasn’t joking around, and that the next four weeks you will have to give up 1 to 2 hours of your precious time.
At the beginning all you had to do was print the papers he prepared for the classes, and grab some stuff he needed while he was writing something down, or correcting some shit. You found yourself regretting the decision to go to that fucking uni. Usually professors don’t give a damn if a student pays attention to the class, if he passes or fail. They are here to teach, not discipline and if you feel like failing, that’s your issue. Well, not in this case. You felt like they enjoyed torturing y’all just for their own satisfaction.
Later on he would command you in the middle of the class to grab something out the office, since you already spent few hours in it, knowing where his stuff is. You also got yourself a new nickname in class, which was ‘’Todoroki’s pet’’.
,, Chill out, you only have 3 more weeks’’ Mina said as she took a bite of her sandwich, saying how she knows how you feel.
,, Bitch, no one called you Shigaraki’s pet. This is embarrassing’’ you whined, taking a sip of your coffee. The two of you decided to ditch the rest of the classes, since it was his one anyway. She wasn’t in the mood to listen to anyone’s shit today, since she had one sleepless night, and you weren’t in mood to stay 2 extra hours.
Both of you spent some time in the café, gossiping about some people form your class and making plans for tonight. Since it was Friday, both of you wanted to enjoy your time a bit, instead of spending the night home being lazy as fuck. Mina told you that Keigo invited the three of you to his little house party that he made every now and then. Every time his parents would go somewhere because of work, he would throw a party that made him so famous among other students.
He knew you, Mina and Momo from the high school and he always got along with all three of you. Sometimes even tagging along with the three of you to grab a coffee, nagging about his affairs and so on.
Mina didn’t go home, since you invited her to come over to your place. Both of you getting a good ass nap before you got ready for the party. She wore some of your fancy clothes and you wore a simple white shirt, and your pastel purple strap dress over it, that hugged your curves perfectly. The two of you did your make up before you wore your black Martens boots and made your way to the party.
Momo was already waiting at the party for you, drinking her beer with Keigo. She placed her drink on the counter when she saw the two of you get in. There were already some people you knew, but you knew that in the matter of time the house will be full as fuck.
,, You two sick fucks, why did you leave me all alone today’’ she laughed out as she took one sip of her beer.
,, No one’s in the mood to talk about that fucktard and his annoying ass classes here.’’ You said loudly, as you made a drink for yourself, mixing Malibu with some cherry juice as Keigo asked the three of you what happened.
,, Professor fucking Todoroki is torturing the shit out of me.’’ You said as you placed a cigarette between your lips. ,, I never thought I’ll say this, but I really miss Aizawa’’ you said in one breath making your friends laugh at your sudden confession.
,, Ah, I heard about your new nickname tho’’ Keigo said with a huge grin on his face, making you roll your eyes. ,, What is it again?’’ he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
You were about to tell him to shut the fuck up and drop this topic already, but a arm placed around your shoulders threw you out of the tact.
,, They call her My pet’’ a familiar voice said, making you almost choke on your drink. Momo’s eyes were looking at you in shock, and Mina tried to make herself unnoticed, since she skipped his classes with you today.
,, Bro, I heard that you are giving her some hard time. What did you do to my girl?’’ Keigo laughed loudly, as he greeted his ‘’friend’’. You sat there frozen, totally forgetting that you have a cigarette in your hand, that was now half way done. You weren’t sure how much he heard.
,, Nothing she didn’t deserve.’’ Your prof. answered, laughing together with Keigo. You forget that he was around your age, and that it shouldn’t be such a big deal to see him at party’s like this. After all, everyone enjoyed his company. You, Mina and Momo exchanged one look that told more then any word could. All of you grabbing your drink, before leaving the two of them in the kitchen.
,,What the fuck is he doing here ?’’ you spat out, not giving a shit if he will hear you or not.
,, I have no idea. This was so embarrassing’’ Mina said, laughing loudly as she drowned her drink down, grabbing another one immediately.
,, Why ?’’ Momo asked confused, making you ask yourself how much she drank already.
,,Girl, the fuck are you even asking ?’’ Mina asked her, still giggling around. ,, Usually people get smarter in Uni, what happened with you? ‘’ she added wrapping her arm around Momo’s shoulders.
,, Downgrade’’ you said, making your friends laugh, as Momo hit your arm lightly.
Keigo was playing the music, his phone connected to the large loudspeakers. At the beginning you hated his taste of music, but later on you simply got used to it and at some point you started liking the songs he would play.
The three of you were fooling around, chitchatting with some people you knew from Uni. Once you heard that Anxiety from Blackbear started playing, you made your way toward the kitchen where Keigo was. The moment he saw you he started making some silly dance moves, as you immediately started to hop around and copy his moves. The first time he showed you this song, you literally hated it so much, only later on to learn every word as it became the song of you two.
He started singing as you prepared another drink for yourself, waving your left arm in the air like Keigo did, following the beat of the song. At that point, you didn’t give a fuck about the presence of your Prof, since it looked like he didn’t really want to bother you either.
,, Having fun?’’ Keigo asked, as he placed his glass in front of your lips, forcing you to drink every drop of his drink.
,, Disgusting’’ you hissed, making a face. He laughed at your silly face and reaction as he pat your head. Taking a sip of your sweet drink, trying to cover up the Whisky he just gave you.
,, Touya, your detention ain’t shit. She still doesn’t have any manners’’ Keigo joked, as he shook his head a little.
,, I’m working on it’’ He answered, a small smirk appearing on his lips.
,, Oh shut the fuck up, both of you’’ you blurted, trying not to give them much reaction, since you were pretty sure they were just provoking you at this point. The two of them only laughed at your reaction, finding it cute.
Hopping of the long chair, you pulled your dress down, and made your way to find your friends. The house was full at this point. Greeting every third person, you tried to find either Mina or Momo, only to give up at the end.
Not wanting to go back in the kitchen, you made your way upstairs where the guest room was. Keigo and Todoroki noticed you going upstairs as Keigo tired to call your name out, only to end up being ignored since you didn’t hear shit.
You hopped onto the bed, your feet still on the floor, since you were too lazy to take off your boots. You placed the small ashtray on the bed, and lit your cigarette as you watched the people in the small hallway dance around and have fun.
Taking your phone out of the small pocket of your dress, you sent a message to the group chat, asking your friends where they are and telling them that you are in the guest room. Dropping your phone to the side, you enjoyed your cigarette, and the muffed sounds of the music. Looking at the ceiling, you waited for your friends to reply or come finally, since you wanted to drink and have some more fun.
The moment you heard the door close, your body twitched up.
,, What do you want now ? ‘’ you hissed when you saw Todoroki making his way to sit next to you. Instead of answering you, he just sat beside you, taking the small box of cigarettes and lighting one with your lighter.
You did the same thing, trying to cover the fact that you indeed felt a little bit uncomfortable. You laid down again, ignoring his presence as you puffed on your cigarette. You could feel his stare on you, as you tried to pull your dress down a little, scared it showed more then is should.
He laid down next to you, placing the ashtray to the side. In that moment you wished you were drunk, since the whole situation was freaking you out a little.
,, Chill out doll, we ain’t at Uni.’’ He said, placing his hands under his head, answering your question only now.
He looked a bit different then usual. Wearing simple black shirt with jeans, and Nike airforce. It looked good, but it kinda felt weird since the only outfit you saw him in was the formal one, in the uni.
You tried to move to the side a little, since he was a bit too close. Placing the ashtray on the nightstand, you took it as excuse to move a bit form him. Sure, he was handsome as fuck, sure you wouldn’t mind him that close, laying down beside you, if he wasn’t your fucking professor for the next six fucking months.
He noticed you wiggling to the side. How could he not notice that, as your dress got a bit up without you even realizing it, giving him view of more skin. He’s not stupid, he knew he made you uncomfortable, but he liked it. He liked the way when some of your friends called you by your new nickname. He loved the fact that he marked you his, without trying at all.
The moment you stood up, realizing that your dress is showing more then you intended to, grabbing the edges of it and pulling it down while whispering small apologies, his dick twitched inside of his pants. He placed one more cigarette between his lips, as he grabbed your wrist, forcing you to sit on his lap and not giving a single fuck if you could feel his erection.
,, What’s wrong doll?’’ he asked once you gasped in surprise. He loved how you didn’t dare to complain or even say anything. But was there even something to say? Even if you wanted to, you couldn’t find yourself to form a normal sentence anymore.
,, You heard what Keigo said. ‘’ he whispered, as he inhaled the smoke of his cigarette. ,, That my detention ain’t shit’’ he added, his finger on your jaw now, making you look at him.
,,What should I do’’ he wondered out loud, turned on only by the confused look on your face. You weren’t sure if he already noticed, but all he did at that moment turned you on. His grip around your jaw got stronger, forcing you to open your mouth lightly, as his lips got closer to yours only to exhale the smoke in your mouth.
,, You know, I have to punish my pet for being absent today’’ he said, his face only inches away from your own. ,, Sure, I thought you were sick at first. But look at you, healthy as fuck’’ he said, his other hand squeezing your ass tightly as he pulled you closer to his body. The position you were in was embarrassing for you, and you were pretty sure if someone walked in, you would be labeled as Todoroki’s pet forever.
He placed you onto the bed, slowly standing up to turn off his cigarette. You weren’t even sure what was happening anymore. You just sat there on the bed, as he locked the door before he made his way back to you. Standing in front of you, looking down on you, he couldn’t hide the smirk that appeared on his face.
Pushing you back lightly, your upper body fell onto the mattress giving him a perfect view of you, before he hovered over your body. He wanted to fuck your brains out, he wanted to hear you scream his name all over again as he fucked you into the mattress, but he had to risk it all with a question. Since you were giving him mixed signals, he had to be sure you wanted this as much as he did.
,, You sure about this ?’’ he breathed out, hoping you won’t turn into a fucking brat again and storm out of the room, or make any other unnecessary scene.
,,Yes’’ you managed to nod your head. Sure, the risk for you was huge, but what could even happen anymore ? You were already labeled as his pet, because of the stupid detention.
,, Good. Fucking. Girl’’ he said pointing every word out, as he placed soft kisses all over your neck, leaving sloppy purple marks shamelessly. Your breathing got a bit heavier hearing these three words coming out of his mouth.
He didn’t have time for foreplay, first of all, because he wanted to be inside of you, second, because the risk of people noticing was too big. Sure, he was around your age, but at the end he would probably lose his job.
,, Someone’s calling you’’ he said, still abusing your neck. Ignoring the phone and his words, you just enjoyed the feeling of his lips on your neck, wanting more.
,,Pick it up doll’’ commending, he pulled your panties to the side, as he touched your clit, groaning loudly when he felt how wet you already are. The thought of fucking you while you were talking to your friends got in his mind, and he couldn’t ignore it at all.
,, Yes?’’ you asked, sounding whiny more then you should, while he played with your pussy.
,, Bitch, the door is locked’’ you heard Mina on the other line, eyes wide in shock. You tried to pull yourself up, but his hand stopped you as he pushed you back into the mattress.
,, I’m.. I’m not.. ahh shit ‘’ You almost moaned when the sudden feeling of pleasure and pain took over you, as he entered you without a warning. Throwing your head back, you tried to talk, you tried to think of something, anything, to tell to your friend.
Touya closed his eyes, enjoying how your walls felt around his dick. Your pussy felt like it was made just for him. And it felt even better once he heard you fight the moan, while you tried to talk to your friend.
,, Keep being good for me’’ he groaned quietly, as his hips started to move at rapidly speed.
,,Are you with someone?’’ Mina screamed, as you closed your eyes, feeling every inch of his dick moving in and out of your core. All you wanted to do was throw the fucking phone away, and enjoy what he was giving you.
,, Y-yeah, friend’’ you said, trying to hold the moans, as he fucked you hard. Mina hang up after she told you that they will wait for you in the kitchen with Keigo. The moment the call ended, you threw your phone on the bed, placing your hands on his shoulders, finding some comfort in it. You were sure that people could hear the bed slamming onto the walls, maybe even your moans that he muffed with his hand.
,, You feel so good, doll’’ he groaned, every move he made was getting stronger and faster, turning you into a whiny mess under him. You placed your lips on his neck, sucking and biting on it as you tried to keep your moans low. You felt a bit proud of the marks you left on his neck. If you were marked his, then that was the last thing you could do to mark him too. Even if it was a bit.
,, Touya, please’’ you cried when he slowed down. Snuggling your face into his neck, you took a deep breath trying to calm yourself down from the pleasure he was giving you. The slow moves were too painful for you, they made you feel every inch of his dick moving inside.
He moaned loudly when he heard his name slip out of your mouth. He wanted to hear more of it, he wanted to hear you beg for him while you say his name all over again.
,, You look so good when you want it’’ he said, tugging your hair back into the mattress, giving himself more access of your neck that was already marked by him, but of course that wasn’t enough.
,, Be my good girl and beg for it’’ he said, not moving at all. He wanted to destroy you, but at that moment he simply had to hear you beg for him.
,,Please Touya, I’ll be good. Please’’ you begged again, and that was more then enough for him.
,, That’s my good girl’’ he whispered, kissing your lips as he started to move his hips again. He was pounding into you like there was no tomorrow, enjoying the way you were whimpering under him as you wrapped your legs around him, trying to get him closer to you.
,,So close’’ you mumbled somehow, squeezing your eyes shut when you felt his fingers rub against your clit. Only few rubs were enough for you to catch your high, biting onto his shoulder as you came all over his dick.
,, Such a good girl’’ Touya said as his speed increased, shortly after it, he comes deep inside you, groaning into your neck, as your fingers found their way to his hair. You closed your eyes, feeling his seemen filling your pussy up. He continued to fuck you as he was riding out his orgasm, slowly fucking his cum back into your core.
The two of you took some time to catch your breaths. His dick still buried deep inside you. The moment he pulled it out, you whined loudly at the feeling of emptiness. Placing one more kiss on your lips, Touya pulled your panties down, cleaning the cum that was leaking out of you with them.
,, You gotta be kidding me’’ you gasped when you realized what he did, only getting a smirk as a response.
Once he was sure that you were clean now, he pushed your panties deep inside of his pocket, giving himself a little present that would remind him of you, before he commanded you to unlock your phone, so he could save his number in it. Immediately calling his own number.
,, Don’t ever think of skipping my class again for the next six months” he hissed, as he grabbed your jaw, forcing you into kiss. All you could do was nod in agreement, promising that you’ll attend his classes.
He gave you one more kiss, before he left. Telling you to wait a bit, before you follow him, to make it less suspicious. Laying down on bad, all fucked out, you smoked one cigarette as you sent a message to Mina and Momo, telling them that you’ll be there in few minutes, and asking them to make you a drink.
Once the cigarette was done, you found yourself going downstairs, noticing that Touya was already with Keigo, talking about something. The moment you stepped into the kitchen, Mina and Momo started laughing loudly.
,,Oh, I see what’s going on’’ Mina gasped figuring out what just happened. She wasn’t dumb. Maybe others didn’t realized, but your overly marked neck, and the few hickeys around his neck made your friends understand what happened. Not like Keigo didn’t already know, he was the first one to support his friend, making him follow you into the guest room.
The next days, you found yourself waiting excitedly for your detention. Enjoying the time you were spending with him. Enjoying the risky sex the two of you had in the class room, in his office or in the toilet of the University.
Touya didn’t test your limits anymore, he knew that you were ready to do anything for him, he knew that he had you under his spell. But as much as he had you, you had him. He found himself spoiling the shit out of you, driving you home, coming to your apartment almost every evening and buying you little presents you never asked for.
You loved how he couldn’t keep his hands off you, not even in front of the class, ready to risk it all for you. Ordering you to work on some of his papers, while everyone else was chit-chatting or simply playing on their phones when the lesion was done. He wanted to let them all go, so he could fuck you there on the desk, but since it was too early, he just told them to do whatsoever, as you sat beside him, focused on your work.
The small gasp that came out of your mouth, once you felt his hand on your tight, squeezing it tightly, turned him on even more. You don’t wear skirt when you are having classes everyday, he had to grab that chance he had served in front of him.
,, Not here’’ you whispered, trying to look like nothing’s happening at all.
,,Yes here’’ he answered quietly, as he acted it out like he was explaining something to you, slipping one finger into your core.
The way he pumped his finger in and out of you, acting like he ain’t doing shit was driving you crazy. Also the fact that anyone that payed a little bit more attention to you, could probably realize what was going on, didn’t help either. The adrenaline was rushing in your blood, as you squeezed your tights together, trying to tell him that he’s hitting the right spot.
That day he finger fucked you in front of everyone, making sure no one noticed. Even tho no one gave two shits about the two of you, every person in their own worlds, you felt like all eyes were on you. You felt like everyone knew what was going on, as your head hang low, hair covering your face enough for you to squeeze your eyes shut as you came all over his fingers.
Once you found yourself breathing normally, you took your phone, opening the message that Mina sent you.
,, Girl, you can’t be serious’’
The two of you made eye contact, laughing loudly. Well, someone in fact noticed, thankfully no one dangerous.
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flightfoot · 3 years
I was just thinking about the early part of “Lies”. It was a little weird, wasn’t it? There’s been commentary about how little focus Lies, the akuma, actually got - Kagami was only akumatized for about five minutes in total. 
It seems to be be because of how much else was packed into the episode, how much stuff was going on.
The first minute and half, we checked in on Marinette. Not unusual, even for Adrien-centered episodes - Gorizilla did something similar. I think they want to make sure we remember that Marinette is the main character, though it’s also a nice way of giving the viewer some background on what’s been going on with Adrien as well, seeing how the rest of the world, as well as Marinette in particular, perceive Adrien and his life. 
But then we come to the next sequence of events, which seems a little more out of place.
See, the rest of the episode I can firmly place why it’s there - from the scene in the art room giving us some more tidbits on Kagami’s interests, giving us some time to see Adrien and Kagami together before things go awry. 
To the dating attempts and Adrien’s inevitable ditching, including seeing parts of “Truth” from Adrien’s perspective.
The confrontation scene about the ditching.
Kagami’s akumatization when Adrien’s caught in a lie and won’t tell her the truth.
The fight with Lies.
Adrien and Kagami officially breaking up.
And then the Ladynoir scene at the end, with Ladybug and Chat Noir talking about what they’d learned; that they had to lie, even to the people they cared about, but that even if they’d lost some people’s trust, they could at least trust each other.
Most of this parallels Truth, and fits neatly into the Adrigami relationship speedrun that the episode seems to be going for.
Except for that second section, the one with Chat Noir on patrol. 
It shows us that patrol Ladybug missed. Considering that the show’s displaying Adrien’s side of a lot of events in “Truth” that’s not a shocker.
But all that’s really needed for that is this first bit, showing Chat Noir laying around, waiting for Ladybug to show up for patrol, and eventually just going it alone.
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The rest of it was both unnecessary and weirdly out of step with the rest of the episode.
First we’ve got the kids waving Chat Noir over, with Chat seeming to think that they’re in trouble.
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Nope! They just wanted a selfie, wanted to take a pic with him because he was famous. They didn’t even talk with him afterwards, immediately running off, making it seem like it was less because they just really wanted to meet him, and more an opportunity to use him as a way to increase their own reputations, to show off - basically objectifying Chat Noir, similar to the way Adrien’s sometimes objectified as a civilian.
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Next we have Chat Noir talking to Mr. Banana and Mr. Ramier, clearly bored and wanting company, and hoping to get to put his superhero skills to the use - as well as get to see Ladybug again for sure.
But Mr. Ramier says he feels fine, prompting Chat Noir to slink off, disappointed at the thought that he wouldn’t get to see Ladybug again just yet, and that he hadn’t heard from her.
And the milk scene, which was memed almost immediately. 
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This scene was particularly weird, with Chat Noir remarking how calm things had been lately - a message that’s undermined throughout the rest of the episode. 
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Until, bored and missing Ladybug, he wanders past Kagami sparring with her mother, leading him to promptly end the patrol and head back to the manor, detransforming.
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He looks at his phone background of Kagami, then at his picture with Kagami and the rest of the fencing team, with Plagg implying that he should try hanging out with her instead.
Leading to showing Kagami and Adrien’s relationship, and the rest of the episode and focus around it.
But that whole patrol sequence was weird, since it didn’t further the Adrigami breakup plot much, and in fact implied that there weren’t enough akumas for Chat’s taste if anything, rather than being so many that it was gonna cause a severe strain on his personal life.
I suspect that the patrol sequence was meant to set up something else, beyond just showing us that Chat Noir’s bummed without Ladybug. It seems like he’s trying to figure out what to do with himself when he has free time, what he’s supposed to do, what he should be when he’s able to choose and when he can’t just go superheroing (doing the duties of a superhero I mean). 
In Marinette’s case the tension between her civilian and superhero lives seems to do with how busy and overwhelmed she is, and juggling all her commitments and responsibilities and somehow making it work.
Adrien has some of those problems to an extent - it’s ultimately what ended up screwing over his relationship with Kagami - but it doesn’t seem like as big a source of tension for him, and with this whole patrol sequence, I think the show’s pointing towards a different sort of civilian-superhero balancing act for Adrien  trying to figure out who he is, what he’s like, and what he wants to do.
He initially started the episode taking a break from his civilian life, wanting to go out and be a superhero instead. But when that proved boring and lonely, he went back to his civilian life and sought fulfillment there, with Kagami.
And of course, even once we got to the part with Adrien and Kagami properly, we still had Adrien struggling with figuring out who he was and what he wanted, shone especially well with the posing scene, with him talking about how clowning around as Chat Noir was himself, and Kagami denying that both the generic model and Chat Noir personas were really himself at his core, something that threw him for a loop.
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I suspect that this won’t be the only time this comes up this season, and that like Marinette bending under the strain of being both Ladybug and Guardian, Adrien trying to reconcile this duality and more generally figure out what to do with himself will be a recurring theme throughout the season.
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mewberii · 3 years
Streamer!Scaramouche [2]
thanks for all the support in the first part! i wrote a second part where scaramouche plays genshin + the reader comes in (i tried to make it as gender neutral as possible, so let me know if there’s something off!). you’re a close friend of scaramouche and also a voice actor!
i had been planning this since i wrote the first part, but because i was busy and uninspired i couldn’t finish it. but here it is and it’s actually pretty long (over 5k words...)! i hope you guys will like this!! obviously he’s a little nicer than he is in game but,,, for the sake of the plot + it being a modern au, it had to be done sjnfdskjf
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He was selected to play the beta for genshin because of his popularity and tbh he really wanted to play it
The game hadn’t really caught his eye all that much when he first heard about it but he saw how everyone online went crazy over it (plus other streamers who also were selected to play it in early access kept talking about it) and he became more curious to know what it would be like and if it’d live to everyone’s expectations
However he couldn’t really play it until it was officially released because he had a very busy schedule, and when he saw other streams of people playing it he was,,, lowkey jealous because it did look fun
When it was finally released and the game finished downloading and installing, he went live right away
And since so many people were looking forward to seeing him play plus the game was getting so popular so fast, that stream of when he first played hit his biggest milestone of live viewers ever
ANYWAYS skip forward to further into the game
when it comes to the gacha,,,
we’ve established that this boy is loaded. he won’t hesitate to throw some big amounts of money at the game to get every single character and weapon he wants and get their constellations to the max
i feel like he’d make little bets (and it works as a way to thank the chat for the support) like “if i get (insert newest character) in the first 50 pulls, i will gift 50 subs”
he’d be SOOOOOOO LUCKY it’d make everyone who doesn’t play think that it must be very easy to get the 5 stars or that the drop rate must be very high,,,
so in the end he’d have to gift the subs and it’d be funny to see the chat go absolutely crazy because everyone is commenting at the same time trying to see if they got lucky too and got the sub
but the chat goes so fast that they can’t even see their own comment after they send it sNDJGDJSK 
he’d end up turning subs mode on for a while because it goes crazy
and that’s when he’d see people going “I GOT THE SUB-” all excited and he can’t help but chuckle and congratulate them for being one of the lucky ones
probably another game he can use to play with some subs once in a while! they could play co-op and when he’s a very high level he’d go to the worlds of some of his subs with lower level to help them with whatever they need
this is where i want the reader to slide into the picture
you’d be a voice actor, and also you have been a friend of his for a very long time
he met you even before he started streaming and you were always so supportive of him, as he was of every and each of your dreams
in fact, he would have invited you over more than once to stream with him
people don’t say anything bc they’re afraid of scaramouche banning them (it’s happened before) + they understand it can be disrespectful... but…
some people lowkey ship you two a little bit,,,,,, you didn’t hear it from me. scaramouche don’t ban me----
so one day he’s making another livestream playing genshin (sponsored by mihoyo to promote the newest update and event) and they’re going to release a new character 
AND he has told everyone that you are the voice actor of the new character, who will be introduced in the event and is also getting their own banner
so everyone is very curious of what they’ll be like, if scaramouche will try to get them (obviously he will, he has every single character…. the amount of money he has put into the game…. just thinking of it gives me the heebie-jeebies) 
could he even,,, main them,,,,
spoiler: he won’t because he’ll stay honest till the end (and no hard feelings) but there are other characters that he has built up to the max just like them and still work better with the way he plays but he’ll still find a chance to use them often
he didn’t know anything of what the character you voiced would be like because you wanted to keep it a surprise and he knew his audience would enjoy seeing his first reactions
I think the character you voice in the game would have the role that Scaramouche has in the actual game, and their design would be fairly similar (maybe similar color palette) to the design fans made for him as a genshin character (the one i mentioned that he uses for popup notifs of subscriptions and all!)
needless to say he’d absolutely love their personality and the charisma you showed in their lines
of course when he finally gets them he shows everything about them including all their voice lines and he compliments y/n’s voice acting… that was the first time people suspected that....
mayhaps… scaramouche….
has feelings for you....
it’s in the soft gaze in his eyes,,, the gentle smile on his lips,,, his soft voice when saying “I think this one is my favorite line of theirs”
and just how BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL his laugh sounds when someone comments he should invite you and ask you to do that voiceline live for him and everyone else
he’d jokingly reach for his phone and be like “should i call them? i could” 
(but he wouldn’t because he doesn’t want to disturb you, you may be busy, considering you still hadn’t replied to the messages he sent to you before he started the stream a few hours ago)
if anyone dares be mean to you saying you got the chance to voice act for genshin just bc of scaramouche
or implies that he did something to get you there he’ll get quite mad even tho he won’t speak up about it (he might if enough people say it) 
people can see something shift in his gaze,,,, and he bans them permanently right away
it’d be kinda funny when he does those “reading unban requests” streams and he goes past immediately rejecting people who said those kind of stuff, not even reading the apologies JSNKJFNDSJKGNSDK
some people say he’s too strict about it but literally his stream his rules. people who don’t like him should just not watch him
and people who like him should NOT speak badly about you or doubt your talent and effort, which is what brought you that opportunity in the first place
one day he’d be streaming playing the game, he had been using your character and gathering materials to get their last ascension
and at one point he’d grab his phone and look at the screen for a second before putting it back down and saying he had planned something else for tonight besides playing genshin for a while
then, the doorbell would ring (before he could even close the game-) and it’d be heard from his setup room so people in the chat heard it and they’re all like???
it’s definitely not takeout because scaramouche never orders takeout when he’s on his own, he usually cooks for himself and just orders it when he’s with friends and they all feel like eating something different
actually, offtopic, but i have a feeling he’d be very responsible when it comes to food and like he’d cook himself proper meals all perfectly balanced and all- he could afford having someone cook for him but his house = his privacy and personal space so he’d rather do it himself
it’s like, past 10pm, so no way it would be a package or mail at that time
and then he says “we have a visitor tonight”
and then the chat goes crazy saying “CHILDE” “HARBINGERS” but mostly “Y/N!??!?/PLEASE LET IT BE Y/N”
and omg you brought takeout--------
it had been a while since they had seen you in scaramouche’s stream and you didn’t have your own channel (even though there were many people who encouraged you to open one)
SO everyone was very excited
i feel like scaramouche wouldn’t be the biggest fan of eating on camera so you guys would put the food away so that you can eat it later on your own without an audience
and you two would just spend a while talking to the chat, watching videos
AND reviewing fanart and fanmade content together!! it’d be so cute especially fanarts of the two of you together, little animatics or comics of funny clips or memes from his streams of you two,,,
someone made a little felt plushie of the genshin character you voiced and the way you COOED because it was SO cute
only those who were truly paying attention were able to notice the soft smile on scaramouche’s lips and the way he looked at you as you gushed over how cute the little plushie is and how talented the person who made it is!!
also you’d tell him you saw signora make a stream where she talked to some of her fans on discord individually to give them advice on their life/problems (nothing too serious) and it was very funny and you wanted to do that with him someday
and he’s like “that… could be a huge mess. people could say some crazy stuff” and you’re like “NO but i talked to her about it and she said she got her mods to talk to them first and approve them before they moved them up to the channel where she was to talk to her”
and he’s like “still…….. what if people lie and then when they get to talk to us they say something-”
and you’re like “BOY!!!! DO YOU NOT TRUST YOUR FANS *GASP*” and everyone in the chat is also going “GASP” “HE DOESN’T TRUST US…” “IS THIS YOUR IDOL…..?” “SAY SORRY” (all good fun, obviously he’d love to talk to everyone if he could make sure there won’t be anything disrespectful said)
SO!!!!! you two say you’ll plan to do something like that soon and everyone is very excited, they can already tell it’ll be both super cute and hilarious
before he ends the stream, you two watch some videos together
some are about some upcoming videogames and he talks about them and what he knows and explaining things to you... he is.. so knowledgeable…
the way you look at him as he goes into a little rant about it… cinematic parallels with the way he looked at you before
ONCE AGAIN, people aren’t blind. they notice. but they keep it to themselves bc scary scara (the way i had to resist overusing this one joke with his name-)
so the stream ends and you two walk out of the setup room to go to his living room and eat the takeout you brought while watching something on tv
he apologises because the food is cold now, but you brush it off saying it’s ok, you had missed being on his streams and you two can just heat up the food again
he doesn’t look at you in the eyes as he mutters that you know you can join his streams whenever, and instead just says it as he makes his way to the kitchen to heat the food
you join him in the kitchen soon after and tell him you also bought something for dessert and put it in the fridge already before
and honestly he didn’t know how much he wanted to eat that dessert until it was in his fridge, so he can’t stop himself from sighing and saying “god, i love you”
there’s silence for a second, right as the microwave beeps as it finished heating the food
it feels eternal to him, but you immediately started laughing and said jokingly “of course you do! you’re welcome!” 
he’s happy you took it as a joke because that’s not how he planned to confess (he didn’t plan to confess anytime soon in the first place) but at the same time ?? he’s lowkey offended inside because? you took it as a joke?? is it so unrealistic that you wouldn’t even think that he meant it romantically?
it’s at that moment that he realises that if he didn’t want to confess before, now he does.
he wouldn’t want anyone to know about how he let that slip because he’s sure no one in you two’s friend group even knows he likes you
but you,,, actually,,,,, were actually caught off guard too because scaramouche wasn’t precisely one for words of affection and he showed his care for everyone with his actions
in fact, you had never heard him say those words before but well- it was kinda nice- if only he meant it as you feel it- but he couldn’t, right? who’d confess their feelings so casually while looking at a dessert in the fridge with desire-------
that night, it gets pretty late and to be honest he’s a little too tired to drive you home as he usually would, so he asks if you’d like to sleep over
it wouldn’t be your first time doing so, not even the first time you stayed unplanned, and he had a couple guest rooms that you could use so you accepted
also, staying for longer meant you could keep watching some more of that series with him without worrying about it getting late
“actually” you said in a low voice, almost a whisper, since it was getting late and you two had been in complete silence while watching the series “i lowkey still wanted to stream some more”
he scoffs but then lets out a short chuckle, replying in the same volume
“it’s past 2am, who’s going to watch me stream now?”
“i would” have mercy for his poor heart- “but i’d be the streamer too this time so it doesn’t count” 
“what even would we do”
“can we play that co-op game you played with childe? it was so much fun” 
had you not brought it up, he wouldn’t have offered that ever because? if he had recently played it with childe he didn’t want to stream it again and make it feel repetitive for his audience 
(jokes on him because when genshin came out they put up with it being the only thing he streamed for over a week. they’d rewatch any game if it’s you two playing it)
but to be honest, he didn’t really want to stream anymore that day and just wanted to be with you, just you and no one else
he got up from the couch and walked towards the hallway, making you look up to him in confusion for a second, but then started getting excited knowing this meant he was going to let you play it with him
“i don’t really feel like streaming anymore today, but we can still play it. let’s go”
the next day, you two wake up around the same time and make breakfast together
scaramouche i feel is not very talkative in the mornings 
in fact, i feel like he’s just not the most talkative in general. he’s more the type to listen, but it’s different during his streams because he’s doing what he loves and talking about what he loves
and when it comes to you and he talks more it’s because he’s talking to who he loves----
before you’re going to leave and you’re standing at the door about to say goodbye to him, he suddenly speaks up before you can
“do you want to go somewhere tomorrow?”
you raise your eyebrows in curiosity from the sudden request, but then smile at him and nod
“yeah sure! what do you have in min-”
“it’s a date” he said, interrupting you, which was weird enough of him (since he would never interrupt you), but his words were even weirder-
“h-huh?” you felt the heat rising to your cheeks, and scaramouche just repeated his words
on the outside, he looked so casual and just, confident- bUT INSIDE he was actually panicking a little bit 
but just a little bit.
After a moment, you smiled at him again, this time somewhat more shily but also excited for your date!
“I look forward to it”
Just with that, you two knew you had made the first step
You weren’t just friends anymore
You two had hung out on your own many times before, in fact and as it was mentioned before, you two had even slept over at his house or yours many times before
but it had all always been purely platonic, and you guys had never even questioned that aspect of it even after realising you had romantic feelings for each other
he’d spend the rest of the day thinking of what you could do the next day, as if he hadn’t been brainstorming for ideas all night either
i feel like he hasn’t gone in many (if not any--) dates before
solely because he has never been interested in romance plus he had never liked someone or at least, not as much as he liked you
and even when he found out he felt something for you, he just always told himself he was okay with how things were, because he’d never experienced anything beyond friendship and didn’t feel the need to try and maybe ruin the friendship
SO he didn’t have many ideas of what a good date could be
he definitely didn’t want a cliché corny date, but he really didn’t have any idea of what was good enough for a date
(and if for future dates you want something he’d consider a “”cliché corny date”” he’d do it for you and actually enjoy it)
the last thing he wanted was to have to ask you what you could do for your date
1- because he didn’t want to show you any side of him that didn’t look like he always has everything under control and he’s always composed (as if you wouldn’t want to see every side of him, even his most vulnerable sides- you’d have to work on that with him when you two become official)
2- he… kind of wanted to surprise you…..
but it really got to the point where he really didn’t know what you’d like the most (or what he’d like the most too) and what he wanted most over anything else is to not disappoint you in you two’s first date
SO he finally texted you asking if there was anything special you wanted to do (and therefore indirectly admitting he……….. just really wanted to ask you out. so much he did it without thinking of what he’d do if you said yes--)
you didn’t seem to mind, and in fact you were happy he asked for your opinion 
overall, scaramouche was very independent so he wasn’t one to ask others for advice, opinions or anything, much less for help regarding anything
“how long has it been since we last went to the arcade? we could go there! i heard from childe that they added new games!”
and he’s like !?!?!?? THAT…. is…….. the perfect idea
“that actually sounds perfect” he admitted, and the message brought a big smile to your face 
“just don’t get mad at me when you lose at all of them” he sent right after, teasing you, and you couldn’t help but let out a laugh out loud
“the last time i won in your favorite game” you reminded him, and even after he read your message, he took a little bit to reply
(he needed a second to put the pieces of his pride together SJNFKJDS)
“don’t get used to it, it won’t happen again”
“we will see about that” the more you two joked like this, the more excited you got thinking about tomorrow
scaramouche was sure now that it’d be a great first date that you’d both remember forever
the next day, it was almost the time for the date and scaramouche was going to pick you up at your house
i feel like scaramouche would be very fashionable and even in his style he doesn’t try to hide that he’s loaded…
not that he cares about buying cheap clothes, literally he’d say if he likes it and it’s good (aka it’s not cheap because it’s made of something that won’t make it last longer than 3 weeks) he’ll get it
but it just so happens that many times… the clothes he likes most are from famous brands…
AND THIS DAY!!!!!! he’s putting together one of his favorite outfits because it’s a special day
it almost hurts me just how nonchalant he’d look on the outside, making it a little hard to know exactly just how much this date meant to him (because as i said he’s not one to be very vocal about his feelings or even his thoughts)
BUT i trust that you… since you know him well…. can see past all that and you know that this is not just anything casual to him. this is special.
STILL!!!! he’d try his best to not let the blush rise to his cheeks and show, as well as to not let his voice shake when he complimented that you looked very good
ANYWAYS i think i think Scaramouche wouldn’t be one for big pda
the most he’d do where anyone can see is hold your hand or put his arm around your waist
WHICH IS WHY he’d try to be all smooth (and he would manage) reaching for your hand and lacing his fingers with yours
he wouldn’t make eye contact because then he’s sure it’ll show on his face that he’s getting somewhat flustered, but he’d still ask if you’re okay with it, to which you said yes
the area where the arcade was is always somewhat crowded so when you two were getting there, scaramouche would tighten the grip on your hand a little bit to make sure you wouldn’t let go and you’d be pulled apart by people trying to walk past however they can
you know that if you two got serious about your relationship, he would want to be the first person to share the news with his fans
BUT since he was so popular now, you two lived in a pretty big city and now were at a popular area (+ scaramouche wouldn’t be the type to try and hide his identity because he’s never had people make a fuss when they recognise him)
you were a little worried someone would see you two and maybe take a picture and post it online and it’d go viral before he can admit it himself
because of that, you end up throwing back to him the question he had asked when he held your hand 
“are you sure this is okay?”
your question confused him because he didn’t know what you mean, so he finally looked you in the eyes and waited for you to explain further
“it’s just- what if somebody sees us and recognises you?”
he looked away from you and back at where he was going, taking a few seconds to answer before he just shrugged
“i don’t care”
you softly let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding as you waited for him to say something, and almost missed the way he whispered
“as long as it doesn’t affect you”
for someone who seemed and actually tried to seem to self-sufficient, who appreciated his friends but was also okay on his own because he was absolutely comfortable with himself, he was actually…
more selfless than people would ever know, especially when it came to you
you two would have SO much fun in the arcade, trying every single game many times
this time though, scaramouche won in his favorite game so he lived up to his words
you two won so many tickets you literally didn’t even know what to do with them once you got the couple prizes you were interested in
you bumped into a couple fans of his, so you talked for a while
once again, you were met with suggestions of opening your own streaming channel, and even scaramouche said “i’ve told them that many times too, but they always say they think their streams won’t be fun enough”
and the fans are like “NO!! literally everyone thinks you’re super nice and fun!! of course you don’t have to if you don’t want to, but we’d love it!!”
one of the fans (exaggerating a little as a joke) said “i’ll be your number 1 fan i swear” and the three of you laughed, except scaramouche who just scoffed and smirked 
“i am ALREADY their number one fan. but good try” <- scaramouche in his head. say it outloud u coward.
but at the same time it was a joke scaramouche chill pretty much everyone knows you’re their number one fan……. even though you think you’re so smooth………. they just don’t say anything 
they were very nice and fun to talk to and you knew scaramouche and you didn’t really want anything else from the prizes, so you offered you two’s tickets to them
“we don’t really need these anymore so maybe you’ll have more use for them!!”
they got SO excited, the way their eyes lit up :( scaramouche is convinced you’re an angel but he’s also very happy to see how joyful his fans got because those were more than enough for the prize they really wanted-
so after that cute little interaction and having used up your energy for competition, you two leave and think of buying some ice cream or a milkshake or something to end the date nicely and to enjoy while you walk back home
the arcade was not exactly very close to where you two lived (it was far from your house, but even farther from his-) so he asked if you were okay with walking back or if you two should get an uber or something, to which you said you were okay
walking back with him meant!! a little more time you could spend with him
and he was happy you said that because he was feeling the same way and still didn’t want the day to end
we’ll see more about the kind of things he likes and dislikes if he’s released as a playing character BUT FOR NOW i really get this vibe that he’d LOVE boba tea
i even think he’d?? enjoy tea in general??? classy boy…
SO you two would end up going to get some boba 
it was very touching how, when reading the flavors they had that day, he suddenly and casually went “oh, they have your favorite” and you looked at the one he was pointing at and !!! indeed it was your favorite!!!!!!!
he remembers this kind of details very well
you take the chance to talk some more as you’re walking home
scaramouche asks about your job with voice acting and you tell him that you actually have been recording some new lines for your genshin character lately because in the next update there’ll be an event involving them
he’s looking forward to it but he teases you a little asking if it’s okay for you to spoil him with such information
but it’s okay because it’s not like he’d tell anyone, especially knowing it could get you in trouble
when he drops you off at your house, he has a hard time saying goodbye
literally you’re standing at your door and he’s in front of you, a couple steps away, looking away from you
you don’t say goodbye either, mainly because you know scaramouche is working the courage to say something, and you can also sort of guess what he wants to say
you think of saying it first, but then think that it would make scaramouche proud to be honest about his feelings and confess first
“i’ve liked you for a long time”
you can’t help the smile that makes its way onto your face, unconsciously reaching a hand up to slightly cover it
“i feel the same way” you replied to him in a soft voice
he took a deep breath and exhaled it softly, finally lifting up his gaze and making eye contact with you
it was already dark outside, so you couldn’t appreciate the faint rosy blush on his cheeks well
“can i kiss you?”
your eyes widened for a second, not expecting him to ask and if anything, thinking he’d just step forward and do it
so you were a little embarrassed and caught off-guard to reply properly, so you just nodded and put your hand down as he took the last couple steps and his face was right in front of yours
he’d cup your cheek in one of his hands, feeling the warmth of your skin
you closed your eyes, and he looked at you for a second longer before he finally leaned in and closed the short distance that separated your lips
at that moment you both knew that you had been missing on so much more when you two just settled and were content with your friendship
but!! that was about to change now, so it was all worth it
after that, scaramouche would make clear that this would be the first day of your relationship!! and even if he didn’t say it with words, you could just feel his happiness!!
so!! after that, because of work you two got a little busy the next couple months so dates weren’t very frequent 
or at least, they weren’t dates like the one you first had
but still whenever you two were free he’d go over to your house, or you’d come over to his to play, stream together, or literally just spend time together doing anything
he wouldn’t let people know you two had started dating straight away (if anything, only his other streamer friends -aka you two’s friends in common- knew)
but the day he said it, he wanted you to be there
SO one day you two were streaming and you were currently reacting to one fanart of you two together
so he looked at you and you made eye contact and it was like you two spoke with your eyes like
“do we tell them now”
“let’s tell them.”
so scaramouche would clear his throat and without closing the fanart, he’d say he has something he wanted to announce
everyone was excited thinking it’d be some new project, maybe involving you
maybe some merch??? and the fanarts had reminded him of it???????
BUT THEN he straightforwardly said
“y/n and i are dating”
and everyone goes aBSOLUTELY CRAZY
amidst the chaos, you two catch a comment saying “will you unban the people who shipped you two” and you laugh
and you look at each other like “did you read that one?” “yeah”
and scaramouche is like “yeah, i guess i will have to unban some people”
and when some get unbanned they’re like “fREEDOM!!!!”
and jokingly they’re all like “APOLOGISE!!!!!!!! SAY SORRY!!!” so he just laughs and you join them being like “!!! apologise!!! you banned them for it and!! look at you now!!”
so he ends up trying to hold in another laugh as he mutters a halfassed ‘sorry’ and everyone starts commenting claps and hearts and celebrating that he apologised. now justice has been made.
the rest of that stream suddenly feels livelier and brighter!! you two are laughing a lot and so is everyone in the chat!! 
and also the new genshin event would’ve already just been released that same day so you can talk about some of your experiences with recording or what you thought of it
and scaramouche would let you play it yourself!! (he still hadn’t played it) and it was also the first time you played genshin live!! you’d show people the characters you have and everything and tell them some anecdotes
people would be SHOCKED because you!? don’t have the character you voiced!? D:
and you’re like “yeah… i pulled for them and used up all my primogems and… didn’t get them”
and your banner is back because of the event, so scaramouche won’t let this slide!!!!!!!!!! YOU WILL GET YOUR CHARACTER.
your luck is terrible compared to his so at one point you’ll literally feel bad for how much he’s spending for you to get it
but he doesn’t mind at all and everyone is having fun so!!
and once you finally get them you’re sO HAPPY and everyone in the chat is celebrating
and you think it’s over but scaramouche is like ???? what are you doing?? open the wish page again. you’re going to get them c6.
but he won’t listen and he’ll do it
so!!! he’ll always do his best to be the best boyfriend he can be for you!! so you better give him your heart!!!!
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lovee-infected · 4 years
Hello!! Can I request headcanons about gn mc who got sick (with fever or something to the point they can't go to school) and the twst boys decided to visit and take care of them? I've always enjoyed your headcanon! Thank you!!
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Riddle Rosehearts
He's got much of a weak immune system himself so he's usually prepared for unexpected situations like this. He knows what to do.
Just lay back against your pillow, do exactly as he says and you'll return to full health in no time
He'd probably be really angry if he finds you out of bed without his permission or spending too much time over your phone and reading books; he insists on you resting and much as possible.
He agrees on being possibly a -bit- over protective but he doesn't mind. If this will do any good at your healing process then he's more than okay with it.
Whenever you tell him to stop over stressing himself because of you he just goes: " Me ? Over stressing? Of course not! If you wish me to be calmer than I already am, then stop playing around and rest well till you get better."
He truly does work his hardest for you while you need him, from takings notes of what has been teached during your absence to spending at least 2 hours a day with you, making sure that nothing goes wrong.
As the strict leader of Heartslabyul, he usually spends most of the day watching over students and checking whether they are doing good at school and exams or not, but for now he cuts back on these responsibilities to take care of you. He may not shout that out loudly, but he always puts you before any other responsibilities he might have. Perhaps he enjoys spending time with you just as much as he enjoys having fresh strawberry tarts.
Trey Clover
You were still trying to catch up with the classes but Trey just knew that it'd be too much. It was him who made you forget about the school and instead, rest in your room.
You are a bit stressed out about not being able to take care of your chores, but thankfully he is there for you. He isn't known as heartslabyul's mother for no reason, make sure that he knows how to caress and pamper you better than anyone else.
Aside checking on you every day and bringing you additional medicines and food, he makes sure to collect notes of everything that is teached during your apsence so you won't have problems catching up with the studies afterwards . No need to mention that his cooking on the other hand is stunning, 5 star chef Trey at your service.
He understands that it might be a bit boring laying down in bed without anyone to talk to, so he often comes to you as you need someone to talk to and also brings you your favorite books to read so you won't get any bored when he can't be there.
He never says a word to make you feel any bad or frustrating about being nursed by him, instead he knows how to motivate you to get better even sooner: " Nursing you is absolutely adorable, but I don't want my dear (y/n) stuck in a bed all day while I'm willing to show you way more exciting things than a just couple of books,"
Cater Diamond
Clones, clones and clones :Time to get to work! The best part with it is that he can always make sure to have at least one of his clones watching over you even if he's busy with school or stuff, not that he lets you know what he's doing though.
You wonder why Cater's staying with you 24/7, as a third year student, isn't he supposed to be like, really busy with studying? Cater assures you that there's nothing to worry about, and it seriously isn't. He can always catch up with everything even his actual self stays all night at yours.
While his use of clones might seem a bit tricky, he still makes sure to provide you with anything you as long as you're sick need and even more: Bringing you roses and chibi, stuffed animals as gifts, along with sweet chill chats whenever you're awake, sending you soft love quotes with a bunches of colorful hearts and kisses via text even as he's right beside you, He enjoys how you'll need to look up your messages to see what he texts you allthough he's sitting just a few meters away from you. Aw, the way you blush whenever youlok at your phone, how cute~
Ace Trappola
What's the purpose of going to school when he does not understand a single word of it while his mind is all stuck on you? What are doing now? Are you fine? Does your chest Still hurt? Has your pain gotten any worse? Is there someone with you right now? What if you need help??
He's about to lose his mind, he tries asking someone free to check on you but there doesn't seem to be such a person available at the moment. 'That's it , I'll go on my own'
With the help of the year gang ( Jack, Deuce and Epel) he fakes breaking his leg during a PE session and yeets off the school for an entire week. YES!
He is moving to your place for a couple of days and Deuce will cover up for him whenever someone asks where Ace is.
Ace just knows that you're sick, he isn't sure of the exact name or type of your illness. On his way to yours, he fills a bag with anything he finds at Heartslabyul's cabinets with any title as -medicine- for you. He'll later look for the right one you need between them.
When you get to look into what he has brought, you aren't sure if he's kidding or not and when you ask, Ace realizes that he's really goofed up: what he actually brought was nothing else than animal medicines, and he he literally brought you each and every of them existing in Heartslabyul; how come didn't he see the pets/only label-??
You're lucky that you already have your medicines prepared, so you tell him not to worry about it. He feels so damn embarrassed wanting to melt into earth right now, but you have to admit he really lifted up your mood. You're happy to have your cute, Crabby-haired idiot besides you while you're sick, and he tries his best to help you with cooking and making sure of you taking your right medicines on time to make up for the mess he made on his first day:" Ehehe...at least...you can use some of them when Grim gets sick, right ?"
Deuce Spade
He really wants to stay there taking care of you but... he has to go to school as well. He has to get much higher grades this semester if he doesn't want to have to spend another year as a first year.
He can't skip any of classes, but promises to spend the rest of his day after school.
He rushes with his school uniform still on to your place, not wanting to be even a second late . He has to carry some casual clothes along with his books since he wants to stay over nights if you need him.
Due to get getting in trouble a lot back at the time, he's rather educated in medical field so he knows much and less of what he'll need to do as you're sick?
His cooking isn't something he can rely on so he goes to Trey, telling that he needs some soup for Ace since he seems to be looking a bit sick lately?
He prepares your food, brings you warm towels, repeatedly checks your body temperature and when you're finally asleep, gets to his own studies. He ends up Having fewer than 3 hours of night sleep multiplr times and once, he didn't get any sleep at all.
He tries his hardest to look his best in front of you so you won't notice how terrible he actually is; when you question the bags under his eyes, he claims them to be left from the mascara which a couple of guys put on him a few days ago for fun and consistently laughs. Damn, this boy doesn't even know how to lie huh? He is literally dying, but he won't tell you a word. He can handle worse...
When you finally return to full health you realize how terrible he's been doing lately and you take rule of his nurse this time. Making sure that your cinnamon roll would finally get some sleep.
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Leona Kingscholar
"My room, now". You look way too terrible to be able to make it to the classes therefore he has to make sure that you won't do anything stupid while you need to be taking some rest.
Bringing you to his own room wasn't his main intention since he just wanted to keep an eye on you but couldn't afford to visit you everyday if you didn't live any close to him so, easiest solution to the problem would be you staying with him.
He lets you use his bed but keeps on reminding you that it's just because you're sick so you better not be expecting such things to ever happen again. He would fall asleep in less than a minute at whatever he lays his head on, so sleeping on the ground isn't as hard as it seems. He just had to make sure that you would't step on him or his tail when you walk out of the bed.
He can ask Ruggie to nurse you and all, but decides to do most of your stuff on his own because it'd be a lot worse if Ruggie too gets sick. Sharing the same room with you has already put him on a pretty high infection risk so, that wouldn't really matter if he's the one nursing you or not. He doesn't really mind getting sick either, a free chance to take some days off school and chill; why not ?
He turns out to be pretty good with board games and there's no need to worry about getting bored while you can go for 100+ chess matches with Leona winning you each and every time; a bit ironic, but entertraining nonetheless.
He's actually really enjoying spending time with you, but isn't really expressing it. The only time when he actually shows some direct affection is when he plants secret kisses on your forehead as you're asleep.
Ruggie Bucchi
He has grown up in an awfully poor family with multiple siblings, so he's pretty familiar to the pain of seeing those you hold dear sick .He has turned into a not only responsible but also supportive boy toward friends and family, so you can make sure that he can take the best care of you while you're sick.
Perhaps his only problem is...Leona. He'd need Ruggie around even during school time and the hyena boy can't even have a full 30 minutes away from him which makes it impossible for Ruggie to take his time checking on you at least once a day.
Well, he has to find a way to babysit both of you at the same time so, -Let's take you to his own room-
Great ! He no longer needs to worry now that he can take care of you both. Leona too agrees on you staying at his as long as you don't cause any trouble.
Poor Ruggie has to sleep on the floor but assure you that he rarely gets to be the one sleeping on bed back in the home so, he is kinda used to sleeping on the cold ground.
He knows how to cook? Much and and less of it but who cares? He just asks you what you want and returns with it in 30 minutes; guess why: Because he'd just borrow the food from someone else. He doesn't mind his dirty ways indeed, you're sick so, you're more important than some dude wanting to chill on his food during lunchtime.
He just takes a list of medicines you may need and returns with all of them in his bag. He has to come at the right time on his own every time you have to take any of them since you'd most likely either fall asleep or forget to take them on time.
Enjoy your time with him, because it's gonna be a real luxury. He'd treat you nothing less than the way he treats Leona as he's sick so, you may consider yourself a part of a royal family at his service.
Jack Howl
Fluffy tsundere wolf is ready to give up on all he's got for you, what on earth might be sweeter than this ?
The moment, no, the second he realizes that you're not feeling well, Jack would immediately take you to the nurse office to see if you're. It's such a relief that it isn't thst serious, all you need to do is to take some rest.
Meanwhile you're resting in bed, he'll do the shopping and asks the kitchen for some soup ( You're sick you can't have too salty or sweet foods like normal cafeteria meals ) He gives up on his own meal to get some for you instead, it's just hunger of course he can handle it.
He feeds you and makes sure that you'll finish your entire meal, reminds you to take your medicines on time, brings you your favorite books to read and, most importantly, listens to... anything you'd ask him for.
He hardly ever lets anyone touch his ears or tail but if it's you, why not? You even fall asleep hugging his tail like a doll and he just patiently waits for you to wake up, blushing as he appreciates how cute you look while asleep.
Damn he has to keep the distance otherwise he as well would end up being sick but, it just seems impossible to say no when you ask for cuddles.
Jack tells you stories of his home town and national legends making your mouth drop in fascination. His stories seem to amaze him just as they amaze you and it makes him unbelievably happy to see you liking things he's been appreciating all over his life.
He even gets to the point of talking about his will to become all mighty and strong just like the magicians he looks up to, especially Leona. Just watching his strength gives you the will to overcome your illness and be at least a bit like Jack; he's really great, isn't he?
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Azul Ashengrotto
No no no- Unacceptable! You shouldn't be sick, you shouldn't -get- sick- He told you to watch what you eat and what you wear as it's raining out there - HE TOLD YOU A MILLION TIMES- But now what? You are sick.
Azul panicks, he keeps on exaggerating the whole thing even if it's just a normal cold. He just isn't the type to easily deal with sicknesses. Whenever he catches a cold, it'll take him weeks to return to full health due to how weak his body is and, he's so worried about you being the same.
Soup, warm water bath, Medicines , magic potions to reduce the fever, ultimate revival spells... he showers you in all of them. Even if the virus won't kill you Azul's overprotection will most likely do, and he'll get really mad if you tell him that he's exaggerating it.
When you regain half of your full health, you ask him to let you return to school and- He immediately pits you back in bed: "No leavings, not until you're done with this troublesome fever or whatever."
You feel like an adult forced to stay in a cradle and wear diapers meanwhile Azul thinks that you're too naive to take your health seriously.
When you finally manage to pull him over, you realize how sick and pale he's gotten since you got sick. The bags under his eyes proved that he hasn't been getting much of sleep recently. "God what have you done to yourself-"
You finally tell him that he's the one who needs help , not you. You plant a kiss on his cheek and force his head to your lap, wanting him to get some sleep. He slowly understands that he might've been taking it a bit too seriously, but since you are fine now, he's kinda glad that he took it hard on you. He just wants you to be safe and sound; even if his it's going to cost his own health on the first placd.
Jade Leech
Humans get sick? It's pretty rare of aquatic creatures, especially eels to get sick so Jade's pretty new to this . 'wow , pathetic , aren't humans?' he thinks . Well anyway he can't just stand back and make fun humans while you seem to be in serious pain, but what can he do? He still has a lot to learn about human life and it's his first time having one of them sick, oh man.
Well, they tell that you should get some...rest ? Well maybe he should take you to bed. First step done , let's go for the rest. He blocks several of his classmates in the corners asking for... information. He simply takes notes . Possibly useful medicines and meals, hours of sleeping, allowed activities, useful tips, warnings, etc.
He has to read the list several times to make sure that he's got it all right. Let's nurse (y/n).
He unexpectedly goes from 0 to 100 like bam- bye eel boy hello nurse Leech. He'll turn your room into a hospital room, a good one though, filled with dolls and flowers and anything he was told to add because they send away positive vibes.
His cooking on the other hand is amazing. He'll look for several light meals for sick bodies but- chooses those which match your tastes . You can't help but to love everything he cooks . Chef's kiss.
He changes your bed pillow and cloths everyday, returning with washed, silky pillows and covers . A warm, smooth bed is what you need for a good sleep.
If there was such a status he would've been the god of nursing; wow you would've needed pay him off a lot for his service if he wasn't giving it all to his darling for free.
When you finally regain your health, he just has one more question left to ask before leading you to your daily classes: "Now now dear, would you mind rating me , and my nursing service?"
seem like he's really curious to see whether he's done it correctly or not.
Floyd Leech
Things seem so uncool when you're not as energetic as always , pale skin as if you're choking on lack of oxygen and bizarreness in your movements like a doll, smh, so boring.
Just like Jade, he's pretty new to surface life and watching you bear with illness looks pretty weird in his eyes?
When Jade, finally, informs him on what exactly happens to human body while struggling with an illness and what he must do to you to get rid of this annoying mode, he understands. Floyd still finds human's body shitty for how weak it is but decides to use Jade's words as a guide to deal with you.
A warm bed, fluffy pillows and stuffed animals, these seemed to be enough for step one: Enough of rest and sleep. He can't blame you on this one though, sleeping is always amazing. Something that never gets boring. Everything seems to be pretty fine to begin with, sadly it won't last any longer than a few hours-
He's told to bring you food, but when he returns with 4 bags filled with chocolate, candy, soda and chips; it's obvious that he didn't get the point correctly. Jade explains that your body is still way to weak for too salty or sweet foods, even highly cooked meals would worsen your immune system and make it take much longer to be healed.
Floyd goes for a second pick up and this time: this time returns with raw potatoes and frozen meat- Raw potatoes and frozen meat-. Well, he just followed everything Jade told him...? Neither too salty nor to sweet, and raw because Jade told him not to bring over-cooked stuff. Even if the virus did you no harm you would've probably died under his food selections if Jade wasn't there to stop him...
While his food choices might be horrible, Floyd's still one of the best mutuals you can have close when you aren't feeling well. With him beside you, giggling and chuckling as he rambles on how boring his day was, you've got to admit that you'd rarely feel sick when he's around. Although you're sick at the moment, nothing seems to have changed between the two of you, he enjoys spending time with you now just as much as he enjoys it when you're all safe and sound.
Well...maybe he can't be the best nurse you'd get to have , but one thing's for sure: No one can ever make you laugh like he does and, you know what say: Laughter is the best medicine~
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Kalim al asim
He can't be any more worried, he stresses out whenver a friend is sick and now, it's not just a friend, it's -you-, one of the dearest and closest ones Kalim had ever had; just how can he keep calm ???
He is being raised under severe health protection and hardly ever catches even a simple cold, several people had taught him strict health routines and he had to follow them all over his life, so he is considerably familiar with ways of overcoming and illness , and that's what he's here for!
Jamil forbids him from cooking since it's too dangerous if he needs to use any knifes, but that wouldn't hold him back from finding enormous food recipes based on your favorite condiments to make your meal more pleasant.
He makes sure to prepare anything you need in a matter of seconds, golden peacock or 5000 camels, doesn't matter ! He's got way more than enough and what use would be better than giving them to you?
He can take care of you on his own, but Jamil insists on Kalim leaving it all to him and stay away from you as much as possible (No need to mention the high risk of infection for Kalim since he's almost sticking to you all the time)
Jamil as well would caress you meanwhile you rest at Scarabia (Right, Kalim proudly brought you there ) and Kalim, makes sure to stay close to you as much as he can, mostly when Jamil isn't around to tell him off- He doesn't want to put Jamil in more trouble but, you are his first priority.
You're bound to your bed, but just having Kalim around brings way more fascinating adventures than what you might get to see out there. His stories really do show you to a whole new world and takes the pain in your lungs and chest way further that your mind could catch . Perhaps Kalim is he one and only who can make your mind fly, even as your body's laying lifelessly in bed.
Jamil Viper
For the first time, someone stressed him out more than Kalim always does. He's always expecting to be scared to death because of him, but because of you? Damn he didn't see this coming.
Depending on what your illness is, he manages to freak out even more or clam himself down to his sane self, but the main point is how he's got to serve you all the best until you're totally safe.
He soon prepares any kind of medicine and chemical you may need and you have to use them all properly, don't even think of rejecting any single one of them otherwise Jamil would force feed you: "Don't be such a baby, you won't get any better unless you have these"
Just like Azul, he might be a bit overprotective with your health since he doesn't even let you leave the bed for more than a few minutes. He insists on you avoiding any sort of activities that may be tiring or heavy to your body.
To be honest, the thought of using his snake whisper on you when you don't behave or ask him to stop being so strict over a simple illness crosses his mind. Luckily, he refuses to use it. You're still his lover that'd be too heartless of him to take advantage of you like this just because you can't see how much he loves you.
He needs to keep the distance, but has to admit that it can be really hard to avoid hugging and kissing all over your face when you're gazing at him with that sweet smile.
Having you close makes Jamil realize how affectionate he actually is: How much he misses the healthy and happy you who he was never in a danger. Well maybe this nursing days gives him a lesson to at least try to have some sweeter time with you while you are all safe and sound - and not tiredly laying in your bed.
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Vil Schoenheit
You can consider yourself nothing less than a Prince/ Princess when Vil of all people is caressing you. Your body is still way too weak to have control of anything going on in your life at the moment, and that's how Vil takes control over all of them- all in your life. Which means that you now have to live and do as he wishes.
He will take no effort in turning you into one of the fairest of all students in school (Not that you'll ever reach him though) as long as he can have his eyes over you. His rules are way more than just -beauty- ; just as he can be the all fair and powerful Queen who steps on you, he knows how to play the role of the nurse like a Queen would do~
A royal maiden is only to serve the royal family, so it's time to show how much of a princess /prince you can be in bed. You don't need to worry about your medicines or meals since Vil's always organized and on time with them, not to mention that his cooking too seems to be pretty good. He uses light yet, nutritious recipes that you'd enjoy and you're really surprised because these kinds food don't really look tasty.
Perhaps he just needed an excuse all this time to get this close to you, so he can take care of anything he's been dreaming to do with you all this time. Pedicure and manicure, trying on new fruit masks, resting face and body muscles to have a smoother, cleaner skin, etc.
Your room is a beauty salon at this point and you usually forget that you're actually sick.
He works on not only your physical beauty but also your manners, he doesn't care if you're sick or not . It's the best time to take away your poor manners and habits.
Well the scary Queen has got his own soft spots too; while indirectly giving you beauty lessons, he enjoys teasing you as you sometimes look pretty naive and new to all dos and don'ts of a high-level life like his, and he's more than pleased to teach you: "Pull yourself together , potato."
Rook Hunt
He isn't really into the whole nursing game but- If it's an opportunity to stalk caress and admire you all night, why not?
He is lowkey familiar with the basics so, it isn't supposed to be that difficult to handle . Finding pills and medicines isn't hard either since they can all be found at mister S's shop. ( He would've liked it better if he had to get them from a moster or something, anything more adventurous)
Though he doesn't really like quiet and safe journeys he'd actually appreciate it if it's with you. And of course, he won't let anyone else take advantage. Let it just be with the two of you and all~
He isn't about to hurt or scare you in any sort way; it's true that he just loves it when things get a bit dangerous but, he knows how to manage excitement as well. You want him to be a soft gentleman? Then that's what he's going to be.
Rook would be the softest Rook you could've ever imagined when he plays the nurse. It can't even be called nursing: It's about a passionate lover spending all his time with his darling who isn't feeling well. Even his expressions are taken to a totally different level, the mysterious smile he always puts on is replaced with a worried and, mildly sad gaze that makes your heart melt.
Might sound too dramatic bug he may even sing you to sleep. Sweetest words ever dancing to the rhythm of his unique accent that make your cheeks hurt at trying not to blush. This isn't the only drama he's up to though, even his normal speaking often ends up with your mind drowning in feelings. He won't bother giving you soft kisses on hand and forehead when you don't expect it. He likes surprising you, even if it's in a romantic way.
And...the real Rook, is only out when you're asleep. Sitting on a chair just a few inches away from your bed, a pair of eyes carefully follow the pace of your chest as it rises and falls. He's never tired, a huntsman gets no sleep as long as his prey's close by. Wow, if sweetness is all he needed to approach you, then he should give it a try more often~
Epel Felmier
His first reaction to hearing of you being sick is summarised in :Gasping, Blushing, Questioning, Sad puppy eyes. "It's just a simple fever...right? (Y/n) will soon be better..." , Epel confronts himself. He isn't getting overly emotional, but when it comes to you, he does have a sensitive spot.
At first, it is his anxiety over your health that makes him want to come over to your house to check up on you everyday but , it soon ends up being more serious. What if this is an opportunity to prove his reliability? You'd finally get to see how much of a strong and helpful man he can be. Even as he looks soft.
While Epel's trying his hardesr to seem a tough as possible, you can't help but to adore his cuteness as he is doing his best while you're sick. He bakes you the best of apple pies you've ever had and you have to admit; being sick can't hold you back from enjoying the sweet taste of fresh, caramelized baked apples melting in your mouth.
Growing up to be a country boy, he never really relied on chemicals as a useful cure to any illnesses. He's more into organic ways of helping human body into regaining its lost energy, which can be put as : 1) Healthy food 2) Enough of sleep and rest 3) Lifted up spirits and enough of humor. He'd be really protective over the last option, he wants to make sure that your self-esteem and spirits would be way better than ever
He has to keep the distance, but some small cuddles would not hurt, right? Perhaps some small forehead kisses before bedtime too. He's still pretty uncomfortable with kisses but, since you're sick...that can be counted as an exception.
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Idia Shroud
He's been away from humanity for too long; long enough to almost forget that humans get sick. Robots sometimes have their codings crashed or their gears damaged, that's when they'll need an engineer to repair them . How did the cure system work with humans?? He can't really remember. Due to spending time with almost nobody except Ortho (who happens to be a robot) and hardly ever leaving his room and as the result, barely getting sick, Idia is pretty new to human body's metabolism; he isn't sure of what he might be able to do for you. But, humans have something called...immune system, right? Ah something that heals body on its own. Well maybe relying on that would be enough.
He decides to give you some far distance support instead of comimg all way down to your dorm . He can't be any more happier of technology's existence for such cases. Your immune system can heal you on its own, all he've got to do is to send some motivation your way. The summary of most of his extremely motivational texts would be : "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger! Keep it up (y/n)!!👊✨💥" and when you reply telling him how terrible you're feeling he'd just try to look for strongers sentences-
He repeatedly mistakes humans and robots and accidently texts you:" why don't you get someone to repair you?" several times. Then goes to bang his head against the wall realizing how dumb he's acting.
When you get worse he gives up. Maybe those sentences wasn't enough of motivation . Idia really does want to come visit you in person but he seems to be bound to his area. Well at least, Ortho isn't, right? He comes up with a way better idea to program Ortho to take care of you while Idia can't do it himself. He copied hundreds of anatomy, human biology and medicine to Ortho's data list. Well that seems to be enough. He can now cook, wash clothes, brings you your medicines and most importantly, remain by your side all the time as you may need help. Idia puts s small camera on Ortho so he'd be able to watch what's going on as long as you need Ortho's his help. He feels quite guilty for not showing up on his own but- maybe it's just better this way. Coming in person would do no good but him freaking out at not knowing what to do which would end up in making you feel worse. Long distance watch as he controls Ortho around is way better, even if he has to keep his eyes on tablet 24/7. He cuts back on his sleeping to make sure that nothing would go wrong. Even long distance watch seems to be stressful at this point...
He does care about you, a lot, but right now, he's no prepared to show physical affection. Let him show his love through his very own ways, he's just taking baby steps with you <3
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Malleus Draconia
"Now now little one, don't give in so easealy. I know you're stronger than this..." Malleus motivates you. You certainly aren't going to die just because of a simple fever but still, wow. Humans -are- truly weak and fragile. He shouldn't really be caring for a mortal being especially if it's a human, but you are an 'exception'; you always are.
He could just leave you to Lilia and Sebek and you would've been under their watch and care 24/7, but he prefers to do this on his own since you are his favorite creature. He doesn't mind seeing how you'd overcome the pain even if it's with a simple cold. He wants to get more of you and your expressions.
He doesn't really have much to do, magic can do it all. All it takes to turn your depressing room into a prince/princess's dreamy bedroom is a twist of a finger. Go on and tell him what you want , you shall have in within a second. "All the best for you, child of man~"
While his significant magic skills are all truly stunning and helpful, his presence on his own seems to be the best part of him nursing you. He is your tsunotarou, afterall~ Not the descendant of Mistress of all Evil but only when it comes to you.
Sometimes he'd make you wish you'd stay in bed forever and ever, all to have him here, by your side. Just to have his soft, slender fingers brushing against your cheek and playing with the tip of your hair.
He does talk, but most of the time being is spent in silence since he doesn't want to bother you if it's hard for you to talk. He may pretend to be busy with something else but it's just to take your mind over the fact that he's watching you all the time. His small gestures are just as sensual as his words. Kisses on forehead, locking his dragon eyes with you , brushing your soft hair with hand as you lay on his shoulder (not that he cares about keeping the distance although you're sick. Your human illnesses are way too weak to do any harm to him, anyway~ )
His favorite time of the day is when you're asleep. You're adorable and lovely all time but, your sleeping pose, it's unimaginably beautiful to him. Watching your calm face empty of any emotion followed by the calm, yet, organized pace in your breathing as your chest falls and rises. He barely gets any sleep during the night, he doesn't need it. Watching you is way more pleasing: "Sweet dreams, my precious little human~"
Lilia Vanrouge
The most experienced, dedicated nurse here. He's been raising many of baby faes and struggling with a young, fireball shooter baby Malleus over the years. Nursing a fragile ill human like you is no more than a warm-up for him.
Chill on your bed and let him take care of everything, from the warm towels to fluffy blankets and pillows. Smooth music playing in your room as you take short naps, plushies and teddy bears around your bed giving you feelings of a newborn baby sleeping in a warm and fancy bed.
That's not all, along with his professional nursing skills, having Lilia himself around would take it all to a whole new level. He is so full of contrasts; Young and old, quite and wild, wise and careless, serious and silly and probably hundreds of other adjectives you can name.
Where else would you find a nurse who'd play you your favorite rock tracks on his guitar in the afternoon while at night, brings you cookies and hot milk to have while listening to his old but -gold- stories before going to sleep?
Lilia has got it all, old, new, calm, wild, and perhaps that's how it's never boring when he's the one you are spending time with. 'Sickness with benefits' to call. But, don't forget his horrible cooking skills.
Better hide some canned food under your pillow to save yourself from starvation when he's not around, refuse to eat his food st any cost (otherwise you'll need another 2 week hospitalized because of food poisoning-)
Make sure to thank your adorable bat nurse when you're back to full health; even if your stomach's still in pain because of his nasty cooking.
It's...his first time taking care pf someone. He is neither experienced nor educated when it comes to human health... especially because of how he's been living with fairies (who barely get sick) all over his life. The only reliable source for him would be his own memories; how Lilia used to take care fo him when he was a child. There isn't much he can remember but that'd do
Nursing doesn't seem to be that hard when he actually gives it a try - Mostly about you sleeping all day. Wow if sleeping this much is considered to be a symptom of being sick, then Silver himself has to be sick as hell 24/7. He isn't really sure if that's concerning or not
He is doing good since he seems go be pretty responsible and calm toward the whole thing, but don't expect him to be on time.
Silver wants to make sure that you'll take your medicines on time but he often fails to. He oversleeps most of the time and when he's up, he'd panic knowing that you missed your hourly medicine again.
He'd lowkey feel frustrated and useless when he misses stuff because of his sleeping issues, especially when it comes to you. He have to go for a stronger method so, he ends up in using 7 different clocks and alarms to make sure that he won't miss anything anymore; you're sick. He has to do all his best to take care of you. Nobody matters more than you do. Alarm clocks he uses are freaking loud and give him a heart attack whenever he uses them to wake up. Poor guy would need a long sleep when you're better.
He often falls asleep next to your bed after making sure that you are having a peaceful night sleep. He places a goodnight kiss on your forehead lays his head at the bottom of your bed. Who knows, maybe he would dream of you tonight, again.
Sebek Zigvolt
There's no way that you'd ever come close to master Malleus but- he still cares for you, a lot. Perhaps as much as he cares for Malleus although he refuses to confess to it. He is trained and skilled for all possible emergencies so he's all prepared to take the best possible care of you and make sure that you'll return to full health in no time.
He just knows what he is doing and makes sure that things would run smoothly. He is keeping each and every aspect in consideration and can organize everything like no one else can. From your sleeping schedule to light exercises required as you're sick. He insists on you starting to develop a better life style so that you won't end up in bed and lose time like this.
It's nice to have someone keeping the balance of your life when you need it, but when it's Sebek we're talking about, know that he might go a bit -too far- with it. He'd be overly protective and strict while you need a considerable deal of sympathy and softness too since you're sick - He collects notes of everything that was teached while you were sick and brings them to you to study, telling you that it'd be impossible to keep up with the rest of the lessons unless you study them right now, in your bed. And when you complain of it being hard to read and sit due to how weak your body is, he returns with the solution: Audio books (He isn't giving up... deal with it )
Studying isn't your only issue: he's being protective over each and every muscle you move. He'd wake you up early in the morning for a light, morning work out and doesn't let you out of the bed for the rest of the day. Whenever you complain, that's what his answer would be: " Master Lilia has blessed me with these , gloriously impressive lessons he's learned through experiences within his long- lasting life!! I believe in his words from the bottom and there's surely no cure greater than this if he says so" poor boy isn't considering he possibility of Lilia tricking him again at all.
This puppy means good, even if he fails to show it as great as you might be expecting him to. In fact he is just following all that he's told to, meanwhile he's pretty inexperienced and new to it. You may find it a bit unfair but, consider that he would've never gone out of his way to take care of you for plenty of hours everyday if it wasn't for you (Or Malleus-) seeing you sad on its own gives him wet puppy vibes let alone having you sick . He may act like a coward but, it's all because of how much you mean to him.
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(This is a long fanfic and will consist of multiple parts.)
Stolas sat in the family limo, enjoying the smooth rumble of limos engine as he travelled home. Along the way, he felt... at peace.
As though, all the problems that plagued his mind before, had... evaporated.
Stolas ran a hand down his chest, his thighs grinding together as he thought about his time with you.
You were so gentle. So tender and elegant with him. As though he were some delicate piece of art.
But he knew the truth...
You handled him so delicately, because you wanted him to feel loved.
...Because you loved him.
The thought sending a whole new wave of warmth threw him.
So focused on the events that just transpired was he, he didn't even notice his arrival home.
He walked through the building blissfully unawares of all around him, almost in a drunken state.
Entering his chambers he found the bed made and empty.
Of course it was, Stella hadn't shared there bed since Blitzø fell into Stella's brunch.
He'd once found it all so charming. Blitzø's brash, rough and tumble attitude had once made him swoon.
But now when he thought about being with Blitzø, he just felt like an idiot for having thought there relationship was anything beyond a business transaction.
But now he had you. And you were all he needed now.
He fell onto his bed, not bothering with the covers. Content to just lay there and bask in the light you brought to his life.
But those tears he shed had took a toll on him, and as much as he wished to bask in this warmth he could feel sleep taking him and with one more happy thought of you, he allowed sleep take him.
He awoke early the morning, and despite being bathed in the light of Hell's crimson sun.
He felt cold.
As though all the warmth youd given him yesterday had simply vanished.
He sat up, sluggishily removing the covers went about preparing for his day of... nothing.
Stella hadn't allowed him anywhere near his usual meeting or appointments, not since- well you know what happened.
Perhaps he'd try and talk to his beloved Octavia. If she was feeling hospitable.
Hmmm. Perhaps not. He should probably just give her some space.
Besides he realised an even more important thing he could do with his morning.
Learning everything he could about You.
Turning over, he found his phone. Looking through his contacts.
He found your name, going into your contact he considered messaging you, but decided against it. He didn't want to bother you so early in the morning.
Instead he pulled up Voxtigram, his main form of communication, before typing in your name.
But he couldn't find you.
So he checked Blitzø's friend list, he eventually found you, it turns out you just had your name backwards, something that made him chuckle.
Seeing pictures of Blitzø sent pangs of sadness through his chest, but he soldiered on.
Scrolling through your pictures, he didn't find much.
Alot of them were just pictures of the places you'd been, or one of the weapons you used on the job.
He eventually did find some of you.
The first he found was you and the two other Imps that worked there, Millie and Moxxie he was pretty sure were there names.
The next was you on your first day at work.
It was a selfie of you in a group hug with Blitzø and the others.
You were all clearly being forced by Blitzø.
The awkward little smile you wore sent a wave of warmth through him.
Scrolling further down, he found more pictures of you. Most of them were just you relaxing at a variety of places, or after after getting a new outfit. Just general stuff about your life in hell.
Then he found one that made his heart skip a beat.
It was a picture of you. Wearing just a pair of shorts at the gym.
You were pulling a little pose, flexing your muscles in front of a mirror, a shy little blush across your cheeks.
Stolas' swallowed, his throat suddenly very dry.
He rubbed his thighs together as he fantasised about licking the sweat off your abs.
With a shake to his head, he decided now was a good time to get out of bed.
Leaving his phone as he went and took a nice long shower.
A nice long, cold shower.
Getting out, he chose a more casual outfit.
An old T-shirt and some jeans he reserved for comfy home clothes. He didn't have anywhere to be.
He made his way to the kitchen, where he found Octavia sitting at the table.
The more calculating part of his brain told him to just leave her alone, but he decided against it. He shouldn't hide from his daughter, she needed to know he was still there for her 'Hello darling, how did you sleep.' He asked pleasantly.
Octavia looked up at him, her eyes looking cold and annoyed. So, not all to different from her usual teenage gaze.
'I slept fine dad.' She sai, her voice dull and lifless, before looking back down at her phone.
Stolas swelled with joy.
His daughter was speaking to him again. Everything seemed seemed to be getting better for him.
Pouring himself a bowl of serial, he took a rather lecherous lstroll down memory lane, Thinking about his time with you.
He didn't know how long he'd been thinking about you, but he was quickly pulled out of it when he felt something hit him on the back.
The clanging of cutlery that followed soon after gave him a good idea of what it was.
Turning around he found a rather angry teenage owl glaring at him.
Before he could ask what was wrong. The owlet released a frustrated growl. 'Can you just not?' She asked rhetorically.
Running down her face she told him 'I have do deal with you and Mums B.S. all the time, can you just not fantasise about your fuckin Blitzy~ in front of me.'
She fell back into her seat with a huff.
Stolas was a little shocked. He hadn't thought his beloved daughter could be so course.
'I-I... I didn't realise I was being so bothersome.' He said, sounding perhaps a bit to wounded.
Octavia sighed, 'Can you just not in the kitchen. Where we eat, please?' She asked, going back to her breakfast.
Stolas sighed, picking up his now soggy bowl of serial. 'How long had I been in that state?' He asked himself.
'Five minutes' answered Octavia not looking up from her phone.
'Oh' he said to himself, taking the bowl he poured it into the trash. 'Well that's disgusting.'
He chuckled to himself. Looking over his shoulder he said 'Well, I'm sure you'll be happy to hear you won't be hearing much about Blitzø... ever again.' He told her being perhaps a little vitriolic.
Getting a cup from the cupboard, he poured himself a cup of coffee.
Walking over to Octavia he went to take a seat, but stopped upon seeing her distrustful gaze.
Taking a seat he sighed. 'Octavia, darling... I know these past few weeks haven't been easy on you. And I know much of that-" He had to stop as Octavia glared daggers at him. "...All of it, was my fault. But I promise, things will get better... for both of us.' He took her hand into his own. 'I promise.'
Octavia looked up at him, she looked so startled by his words.
It seemed like she was gonna say something, dew drops forming in the corners of her eyes.
He was about to say something when Octavia shot up and ran away.
Stolas sat there. For a long while. His conversation running over in his mind.
Taking a drink from his coffee he stood up, put his cup in the sink and left.
He found himself in his garden, perhaps the last place he still felt at home on the palace grounds.
Trying to calm himself down went about his usual grooming routine.
Trimming bushes, feeding his plants, pulling weeds and just general plant care.
And as much as his plants soothed his nerves,, he could feel his mood shifting.
The depression beganing to invade his thoughts.
He felt himself become that miserable husk that got shoved out of Blitzøs office.
He clutched his head, hunching over on the brink of tears. His thoughts became like daggers, stabbing into his thoughts.
But before he could shed a tear, he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket.
Pulling it out, he found it was a call from you.
In something of a surprised stupor, he answered the call. He tried to clear the emotion from his voice before saying 'Hello?'
'Stolas? Are you okay? You sound upset.' You asked him, concern in your voice.
'(Y/N)?! I... I'm...' he was going to tell you some fluff story, pretending he was fine and probably throwing a few lewd innuendos I'm there.
But, he choked... He just couldn't.
'No... No I'm not okay.' He told you, on the brink of tears. 'I feel like everything is broken and it's all my fault.'
You took a moment to respond, clearing your throat you said. 'Stolas... why did you sleep with Blitzø?'
Stolas was taken aback, 'P-Pardon?'
You sighed, 'Did you want to hurt your family when you chose to sleep with Blitzø?'
Bringing up it was he who made of decision to sleep with Blitzø, made his self loathing grow like a fire.
'N-No!' He told you 'I would never want to hurt my family...'
'Its alright Stolas, I know you wouldn't want to hurt them... But you slept with him for a reason Stolas, you need to know what it is.'
Stolas wasn't sure how to answer, he didn't really know the answer. He could lie, tell you it was just a spur of the moment decision, but that just wasn't true.
'I-I don't know.' He stated, more then said. 'I don't know why I did it... I just... don't know.'
He sat there for several moments, his mind going into overdrive as he thought over the question.
'Its alright Stolas, I believe you. But you need to figure it out, this is something that will haunt you until you figure it out." You told him, trying your best to be serious.
Stolas wiped his eyes, before asking you, 'why did you call (Y/n)? I... don't remember giving you my number!' He mumbled out, rubbing his eye.
You coughed, clearing your throat, 'Don't worry about that. I actually called you because, well I mean, I was wondering, if maybe you wanted to do something tomorrow?' You asked him, voice thick with bashfulness.
Stolas was really taken aback, 'You... You want to do something... With me?' He asked incredulously.
You chuckled on the other end of the phone. 'If I were there right now, Stolas, I'd probably boop you right on a nose.' You tell him through a smile.
'I'd love to do something!' Stolas practically cheered. You chuckled, before telling him 'Great, Ive already got an idea, but if youd like to do-'
Before you could finish your note, Stolas shouted, 'I'd love Too!'
Stolas quickly calmed down, before clearing his throat, 'Sorry... I mean, I'd love to do whatever you had in mind.' He said, cringing at how desperate he'd sounded.
'Good to hear' You chuckled, 'Well, there's this great wine place I know that makes the best little pizzas, and I, uh, wanted to share it with you.'
Your words sent a wave of ecstasy through his body. You not only wanted to spend time with him but actively sought him out to spend time with him.
You were everything he wished Blitzø was.
And he loved it.
He didn't need Blitzø.
He had you now.
'Of course (Y/N), It would be my pleasure to spend some time with you.' He told you, biting his lip.
He felt like a school girl with her first crush, a youthful giddiness clouded his mind.
'Oh? Well I've got tomorrow off, does that work for you? We can do it another day if your busy.' You told him, concern clear in your voice.
It was Stolas' turn to laugh at the tone in your voice.
'I don't have anything on tomorrow, so I'd love to accompany you to yor wine and pizza place. Nothing would make me happier.' He told you earnestly.
He could hear the smile in your voice, as you told him. 'Well, I'm happy to hear that. I'll send you the address later today, call me if you need any directions... I'll see you then, Stolas.'
'I...' Stolas wanted to tell you how much he loved you, just how much joy you brought him with one simple phone call.
He wanted to tell you, but didn't have the words.
As he tried to manifest the words he needed, he heard say through the phone.
'Its alright Stolas. I look forward to seeing you too.'
You told him simply, Stolas just sighed. How you always knew what he was trying to say.
'I'll see you tomorrow, My Beloved.' he told you before you hung up.
Hearing the tell tale dial tone, looking down at the phone, your image in the caller I.D. bringing a smile to his face.
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