#out of kingly duties
wardenforaking · 3 months
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It's my 11 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
// Wow… 11 years ago I made this account. I cannot believe how quick time has gone
I know I’m not around much these days but I want to give a huge shoutout to each and every one of you who made Alistair possible. Who made this experience worthwhile. Because of you guys it is why I stayed. It is why I had a smile on my face each day.
Truly, thank you. Thank you for these blissful 11 years 💙
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corkinavoid · 24 days
DPxDC Glass Coffin
Weirder shit has happened in DC universe, but hear me out, Young Justice finds a glass coffin with Danny sleeping inside it. Maybe it's in some ancient tomb and hidden away for centuries, maybe it's in some villain's private collection of artifacts, maybe it's in some museum in plain sight.
And then Kon hears a heartbeat from it.
(I'm going with the version of YJ that is Kon, Tim, Cassie, and Bart here, fyi)
Assuming they didn't come to wherever they found the coffin just for the sake of it, they, as the responsible teenagers they are, finish their business first and take it to Mount Justice later to figure out what the fuck. Meanwhile, Danny is sleeping peacefully like a princess, all up in his King garb, with the Crown of stars, cape of night sky, and whatever else pretty stuff you want him to have. Point is, he looks majestic.
Tim looks up the records for the coffin. The files say it's hundreds of years old, and no one has been able to open it yet. The boy inside is stated to be either a statue or some kind of really well-preserved corpse - no amount of scanning registered any signs of life, so it was treated like a piece of art for the most part.
Yet, Con is absolutely positive he heard a heartbeat inside. What's more, he can still hear it now. It's impossibly slow but still recognizable.
Cassie finds a whole lot of legends about it, most of them speaking of 'only those from the other side can open the casket', and there are no clarifications to what kind of other side they are all talking about.
Of course, they all try. Because this is some kind of Snow White or Sleeping Beauty shit, and besides, none of them even think they would be able to open it anyway. And, sure, as soon as they are done having fun with it, they will report to the JL about their finding. Maybe the magic users will know something about the weird Sleeping Prince. They even go as far as to reason with the casket, loudly proclaiming where they are from, because they all come from very different 'sides'.
Bart goes first, explaining how he is from the future. The casket doesn't budge. Cassie goes next, stating herself as Themyskirian, but to no avail. Kon is next, with his half-Kryptonian heritage, but the glass coffin doesn't accept him as worthy either.
And then it's Tim's turn. And somehow, he flips the glass lid open with no effort at all.
A moment of silence follows, all the YJ members frozen in place, waiting for anything to happen, but the boy inside keeps just laying there, unmoving and with his eyes closed. Then Cassie makes a joke about kissing the princess to wake her up, and all of them start arguing on ethics and stuff because why is Robin the one that has to do the kissing, do you have any idea where that boy has been? Fuck off, you kiss him if you want it, and also, do you really want him to wake up, what if he is some kind of villain or an evil spirit, or-
"Which one of you assholes is dead enough to wake me up from my nap?"
And that's as far as I got with this idea. Maybe Danny was put into some magic sleep, maybe it was Clockwork's time shenanigans, maybe someone locked him inside and he decided to sleep it off, maybe he is there on his own volition, taking a vacation from Kingly duties.
I'm just having this vision of eternally beautiful Danny in a glass (oh, maybe it's not glass, maybe it's ice) coffin, and the YJ arguing over it. There's also Dead Tired potential here, because I love them, yes.
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savanir · 3 months
DP x DC prompt [8]
The observants have been pestering Danny for a while now. Something about a ‘kingly’ duty. 
Apparently there is this collective of ghosts who wish to conquer the infinite realms and have been sporadically trying to do so for the past… give or take six hundred years or so? maybe longer. 
After asking around it’s clear to Danny that they get more zealous with each year that passes.
so, ghost cult, world domination, realm domination? doesn’t matter, but usually dead cult folks settle down after their deaths, in this case however from what Danny understands these people are continuing what they started in life. And this is one hell of an ancient cult that’s somehow still relevant considering that ‘new’ members still show up and join their ranks.
But Danny is King now (much to his dismay) so it would probably be best if he just put an end to this matter once and for all.
Danny went in prepared and with backup that he told to wait for his signal should things go sideways. and then went in.
he expected a big fight, a huge mess, he would probably need help at some point cause unlike with most of his rogues this was a big group who were probably a lot more organized.
he did not expect the haunt of the cult to look like a mix between middle eastern and asian, a bad feeling was starting to creep up Danny’s spine.
The bad feeling got worse when Danny got close enough and was promptly surrounded by a group of ninja’s who had their weapons out. He felt himself promptly fall into a defensive stance that he thought he had long forgotten. Danny isn’t exactly sure what to do now though.
the stalemate is broken when one ninja speaks up in arabic “the heir has finally come to take his rightful position” and all of a sudden the tension is broken and Danny is left dumbfounded and with anxiety creeping up his spine as the ninja’s fall into kneeling positions.
“young master Danyal al Ghul, we are most honored by your arrival and here to serve you in death as we have in life”
Well shit
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aegonstradwife · 2 months
conception | aegon targaryen x reader
summary: anonymous requested; you and aegon have 4 daughters. while aegon is in a meeting they discuss the fact that the king doesn’t yet have a male heir. otto suggests aegon taking a second wife to have a chance at producing an heir. it pisses aegon off that otto would even suggest that.
warnings: talk of general misogyny, established relationship, smut. (riding, creampie.)
a. note: link to the original request.
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It's a warm day, perfect for taking the girls out to play in the courtyard. They are glad to be free of their daily lessons, and you of your queenly duties.
One day away from such responsibilities couldn't hurt, and the sun shining down on your grouping had you in higher spirits than you had been for months.
Until you spied your husband stalking his way through the corridor toward you.
Initially, you lit up as you saw Aegon, as did your daughters upon seeing their father; he is so often away from them in council meetings or tending to other kingly duties.
For Aegon, seeing his wife and daughters makes him happier than he's been all day. It's a rare sight, seeing him smile so warmly, especially these days. But sadly, it doesn't last long.
The girls may not notice, as Aegon scoops the youngest into his arms, but you sure as hells do.
That menacing look, the red rimming his eyes. Telltale signs that Aegon isn't feeling his best, which unfortunately have been more prevalent of late.
"Aegon?" You lay a hand on your husband's arm, squeezing. "What's the matter, love?"
His violet eyes lay upon your hand squeezing his arm, and he tries to keep his terrible mood in check, so as not to take it out on you or the children. "There's nothing wrong, my dear."
But he refuses to meet your gaze as he presses a kiss to your daughter's forehead.
"Nothing?" You raise your brows, studying him. Something is wrong. Perhaps something you'd better not discuss around the girls....
"Ladies, why don't we break for lunch?" You announce, herding your daughters to one of the maids nearby.
With one last kiss to her chubby cheek, Aegon sets the youngest down and allows her to waddle off with the rest to the kitchens.
"Talk to me, my love." Once alone, you run your hands up Aegon's arms to his shoulders, kneading. "What happened? I thought you were meant to be at council all day...."
The king grumbles, frustrated to be questioned by you, but at the same time relishing the feeling of your talented hands kneading the tension out of his shoulders. Of which there is a lot.
His gaze meets yours, and there's a hint of annoyance in it, though whether at you or other matters, you can't initially tell.
".... Otto has brought a most pressing matter to the council today."
The breath he takes next is measured, trying to keep his composure, though he finds doing so much easier in your presence.
"What?" You frown, any number of terrible things flashing through your mind. All of them ending with the palace in rubble, your family ruined as Rhaenyra takes the throne. "Is it her? What awful thing has she done now?"
You dig your fingers ferociously into Aegon's shoulders.
A small pained noise escapes him, though he tries not to wince as he places his hands over yours to loosen your grip.
"It's not Rhaenyra." He continues to stare at you, his eyes full of an exhaustion you wish you could wipe away. "It's Otto."
You smooth your fingers apologetically over his shoulders, soothing the hurt. "So you said. What did he say?"
Aegon closes his eyes, that furrow between his brows relaxing for just a moment, as your fingers stroke him, before returning. He pauses, unsure how you're going to take the words that must next fall from his lips. Knowing they might hurt you. "He said we need a son, that we desperately need a son and soon...."
Your stomach falls. You knew this was coming - for years now you've only been able to produce girls. With every birth, Aegon's joy only grew, and your worry along with it.
What if you couldn't produce an heir at all? What if -
"We'll keep trying," you say resolutely. "I know I can give you a son. Just let's keep trying, please...."
"That's not all that was mentioned." It looks like it physically pains Aegon to tell you this. "The matter of a second wife was also raised, to try and help produce a male heir...."
You know husbands - especially kings - often take second wives when the first is unable to birth a son. Gods, it will about kill you if Aegon turns to that ...
At a loss for what to say, and feeling tears threatening to spill if you utter so much as a word, you cling speechlessly to Aegon, hoping for him to make it all better.
His hand is under your chin, cupping gently, forcing you to look at him. "But.... what if.... what if I don't care for a son?"
Shaken by this declaration, all thoughts of crying banished in worry, you clap a hand over your husband's mouth and glance around for any passing servants. "Do not say that, Aegon! What if someone were to hear...?"
A determined hand encircling your wrist, he pulls your fingers gently from his mouth, a grave look on his face. "And if they did? Why is it so important they think we care about a son? Why.... why couldn't one of our daughters be queen? Rhaenyra seems to think she has some claim to the throne. Why not our eldest?"
That intense stare does not waiver as he continues to peer at you.
"Aegon, please, not here..."
The cogs in your head are turning, as you grab him by the hand and pull him along into a spare room, Aegon following silently along.
It seems he, too, is thinking about what he's just said as he closes the door behind you. His expression is still earnest when he turns to face you.
You turn to face him at the same time, arms crossed. "You're saying you would name Syryn as your successor, as queen?"
"Yes," comes his simple yet fervent reply. "If Rhaenyra believes Viserys named her heir, then surely I can do the same?"
You chew thoughtfully at your cheek. "Otto will never accept it. I doubt the smallfolk would either. Isn't that why we're in this situation in the first place?"
"You think they won't accept it?" Aegon asks, cornering you and placing his hands on your shoulders. "I'll make them accept it. I'm the king, damnit. I don't want a son, I don't need a son. I have everything I need already."
The conviction with which he says it almost makes you believe it. "And.... you don't want to at least keep trying? For a son? Or even another daughter?"
Seeing your husband all worked up like this is making you feel.... things.
Aegon notices the immediate change in your expression, the way you look at him, your need for him.
"We will keep trying.... but not because I want a son."
His hands relinquish their hold on your shoulders to instead grab for your hips, gripping them firmly and pulling you flush against him. That earnest look in his eyes is now dark with desire, gaze roaming hungrily over your body.
Your hands come to sweetly cradle his jaw, humming contentedly as your body is pulled to his. "I love hearing you talk about our family this way. I love knowing you love us and will do anything to protect us, as king."
Twining a lock of his hair around your finger, you look up at him through your lashes. "I would love to give you another child, Aegon. Son or daughter."
He purrs as your fingers weave further into his hair, his hands tightening their grasp on your hips, pulling you ever - impossibly - closer.
Aegon leans down, breath hot against your ear, and breathes, "Then you'd better be prepared to keep trying.... over, and over and over again."
You can't help but grin, ecstatic at Aegon's joy over your family. You wrap your arms tightly around his shoulders and kiss him; a biting kiss, teeth clashing, tongues sliding over each other.
"We should try now," you gasp, tugging at the back of Aegon's jacket. "While the girls are at lunch and you have some time away from the council."
Aegon groans agonizingly into your mouth before he pulls away, gaze now even darker.
"Such a desperate little thing, aren't you? Wanting to take advantage of your husband while he can spare the time," he teases, pulling off his jacket and tossing it aside.
Even just those words - Aegon calling you desperate, seeing you for what you truly are - are enough to make your legs tremble.
"Oh please, Aegon. Right here, I need it here."
The room you've found yourselves in is bare, with naught more than a fireplace and a few suits of armor dotting the perimeter.
As such, you pull him back toward the wall and lean yourself against it, fingers dipping under the collar of his exposed tunic. "I need to feel you, my king."
Aegon presses you back against the wall, your back aligning with the cool stones, his body now pressed firmly against yours. His lips find your neck with a huff of hot air, kissing and nibbling, hands grabbing for every bit of you they can reach.
"You're always so needy, so desperate," he mutters. "I'll give you what you need, my wife. I'll give you everything you desire."
As his hands work their way over you, yours do the same over him. His body has the perfect amount of cushion to it - being held against him is the most comfortable feeling in the world.
"Aegon...." You whisper, lifting a leg to wrap it high around his waist. "Give me another child. Please."
A deep growl escapes him at the wrap of your leg around him and he presses forward, wanting to make sure you can feel every searing inch of him against you.
"You want another child, do you?" His lips blaze a scorching path to the collar of your dress, which he tugs out of the way with his teeth. "You want me to fill you up and give you what you need?"
In a hurry to have him inside of you, you gather your skirts and pull them up with a quick nod. "Let's not waste too much time. Someone will be looking for one of us sooner or later."
He whines as your gown is hiked up, revealing the smooth, creamy skin of your legs and the heat between them. He runs his hands over those legs, leaving burning trails in their wake.
"So impatient," he murmurs, "but I have to agree with you."
He hunches down, positioning himself properly between your legs, and curls his hands around the backs of your thighs. "Wrap your legs around my waist, love, and hold on tight."
With your back still anchored against the wall, you wrap your legs tightly around your husband's hips and allow him to lift you from the ground. Your hands are still moving all over him, eventually skimming down to his trousers, which you start to undo the buckle of.
Aegon grunts his approval, allowing you to unbuckle his breeches. His gaze never leaves yours, though, as his breaths grow shallow.
"Gods, you're going to be the death of me one day," he sighs, hands squeezing at your thighs. "You always know how to drive me absolutely wild."
At this angle, it's hard to get your hand all the way inside the opening of Aegon's pants. But you do manage to circle your fingers haphazardly around your husband's half-hard cock and give him a few solid pumps to bring him to full hardness.
"And the way to drive you wild is to ask you to fill me full of your babies, isn't it, Aegon?"
His breath hitches at the feeling of your hand around him, a frustrated groan falling from his lips. His entire body quivers with desire as he leans in. "You know me too well. The thought of filling you with my seed, of giving you more children.... it's enough to drive any man wild."
"Any man?" You 'tsk.' "Doesn't the thought of just 'any' man getting me pregnant make you jealous, my king?"
With your legs already around his hips, it's hard to get the waist of his trousers low enough to allow his erection to pop out and Aegon has to help you, shoving the constricting material down so that the head of his cock can nudge at your folds. "I'm wet for you.... can you feel it?"
Though he doesn't say it aloud, he feels a sharp pang of jealousy at your words, a possessive need surging through him. He growls, hands gripping your thighs even tighter, eyes practically blazing with desire.
"Don't play with me. I know you're teasing, but it's enough to make me lose control." He leans in even closer, breath blistering against your skin. "Put me inside, my love. Let me feel you."
Arching your back away from the wall, you position yourself so that Aegon's cockhead is pressing insistently at your opening. "…. should I make you beg to fill me up?"
That simple question sets his body quivering with yearning for you. His fingers dig into your skin as he tries to hold on to his composure, but failing all the while.
"Please…." He groans, his voice low and hoarse. "Please, my love, let me fill you up. I need it, I need you."
"Good boy," you sigh, and after a quick peck of a kiss to his nose, you begin to relax the muscles in your back, allowing your wet cunt to slide down on Aegon's cock, welcoming him inside of you.
Aegon's eyes roll back in overwhelming pleasure at the feeling of your warm, wet heat around him. With a sharp inhale, he redoubles his hold on your thighs, pulling you down onto him as he begins to move with you, matching your rhythm perfectly. The sound of skin slapping against skin echoes through the room, mingling with your moan and Aegon's desperate grunts. Aegon's face finds your neck again as he continues to drag you down onto him with abandon, deeper and harder with each thrust.
"You feel so good, my love." His voice is tremulous, hands beginning to shake where they hold you up. "I'm not going to stop until I get you pregnant again."
And it all feels so dirty, the hem of your gown trapped around your waist as your husband pulls you down by your hips, driving himself into you. Your hands try to grapple for purchase at the wall beside your head, but then settle for resting your wrists at Aegon's shoulders, tips of your fingers clawing and scratching at the back of his neck.
"Please, Aegon…we don't have long. Someone might come looking soon…" At this point, you don't even care if you climax, as long as Aegon's seed finds its home deep inside of you.
In response, Aegon nods, hips now moving even faster as he feels your nails digging into his neck. He can feel his own release building, evidenced by the way his chest heaves and his face has gone pink all over. The need to give you what you want is overwhelming for him.
"D-Don't worry, my love," he gasps. "I won't last long like this."
And with that, he gives one final, powerful thrust, burying himself deep as he empties himself inside of you, shouting your name like a war cry.
There are few things in this world you enjoy more than the feeling of Aegon's warm seed splashing inside of you. You hum, eyes rolling back, as the king spends himself inside you.
He pulls you close, holding you tight against his chest. "I love you," he gasps, with a kiss to your temple. "And I love our daughters. Fuck a male heir. Syryn will be queen."
Capturing his lips in another kiss, you run your hands gladly up and down his chest. "Syryn will make a great queen. She already bosses the other girls around like it's her job."
Aegon chuckles, pulling back to look down at you with a gleam in his eye. "I think she takes after her mother in that regard."
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bluerosefox · 11 months
Beloved Beyond Time
A DeadSerious Prompt where a young Damian follows his mother's advice about finding his future 'Beloved' and is smitten with a TimeTraveling Ghost King (Prince) Danny when his grandfather summoned the eldritch being.
Damian, despite being young, will want no other to be by his side once he takes over the League. Especially since the King was able to strike fear in his grandfather for even just for a moment.
Danny, whose just started taking up his soon to be Kingly title and duties, at first freaked out when a kid who just got out of toddlerhood is offering marriage. Who wouldn't. And well while he didn't fully encourage it, he found it a little adorable and tried to nudge the kid away from said... err crush feelings?
He was a little sad to have to say goodbye to the kid when his month long stay with the al Ghul's (mostly to see if they're worthy to keep the Pits) he was pretty for sure he'd never run into the kid again and if he did who knows how old they'd actually be because again.. time travel.
So Danny now at the age of 16 really wasn't expecting to be basically be cornered on his first day at his new school at Gotham Academy by a 17 year old Damian Wayne who is leaning over him and says "Hello Beloved. Time has been kind to you it seems."
Danny's poor half-alive heart is currently dying from being cornered by an older Damian.
Let this crazy train wreck begin.
#danny phantom#danny fenton#blue rambles#crossover#writing ideas#random idea#danny phantom dc#dpxdc#dcxdp#dead serious#Damian sneaked into a League meeting when they summoned the Ghost King#but they actually got the Ghost Prince who was learning how to handle realm duties at the time#but Danny doesn't tell them that. Also they summoned him when he was practicing his eldritch form. So yeah he scared them.#Danny actually scared Ra's into submission by threatening his precious Lazarus Pits since he was going to be forced to stay for a month#Danny actually and sadly can't do much to the Pits.Its been there for so long the world would start to become unstable if he took them away#He can heal people who have been effected by it though#Anyways this is another thing Ra's doesn't actually need to know if Danny has anything to say about it#Damian is a smitten kitten by the being who managed to strike fear in his grandfather#and decides only the Ghost King was worthy of becoming his Beloved#During the month he tries to get Danny to agree to their impending marriage#Danny freaks at first but finds it a little adorable and never really takes it seriously#he does try to reason with Damian about how it wont work but the boy is stubborn#Damian does worm a spot in Danny's heart though by being stubbornly adorable#When the month is up. Damian swears to a fading Danny he will marry him in the future#Danny returns to his own time and thinks thats the end of that.#A few weeks later he finds out that someone as a joke signed him up for an exchange student program and that he was picked to go to Gotham#Damian has NEVER forgotten the one he calls Beloved#and has drawn him. Many times. In Eldritch form. Ghost King form. Little Man form. Phantom form. EVEN his human form only Damian knew of.#So when Damian spots Danny. He knows who he is.#Damian is gonna try to channel his mother's abilities in seduction to woo his Beloved
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justmymindandstuff · 3 months
Dawn and Dusk - Aegon II x Sister (you)
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summary: Aegon was crowned king. He has stolen the throne from your half sister and war is at your doorstep. But you don't care about any of that the second his hands wrap around your hips. For far too long you have to miss your brothers touches because his kingly duties cost all his time. This night you give into your desires.
words: 4.717
warnings: 18 (+). MDNI, Smut; incest, Targaryen Siblings doing Targaryen Siblings Stuff; Brother/ Sister; Sibling kink?, light choking, spiting, Oral (m!receiving), blow job, Oral (f!receiving), p in v sex, cheating, porn with a tiny bit of plot,Blood&Chees; mention of death, mention of murder
english is not my first language// I wrote this in a few hours so no beta or proof read // First time writing smut // no use of yn // Gif not mine
I heard 1989 and TTPD from Taylor Swift while I wrote this (It has nothing to do with this Story I just wanted to share this little fact with you.)
Lots of love to all of you 🧡
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You nod to the guard in front of your chambers and he opens the door for you. You let your gaze wander through your rooms, for a second it remain hanging at the burning candle on the night table and an exciting flattering draws through your stomach. Your skin is starting to tickle. “I will go to bed early. Please help me get dressed for bed."
You run through the corridors of the Reed Keep, the sun had already gone down and now the fakes give a little light. You're on your way to your rooms. Actually, you wanted to spend the evening with Helaena and the twins. But you and your brother Aemond are so immersed in crafting and planning battle plans for the war and how you use your dragons that you have forgotten the time. You know the kids are already asleep and you don't want to disturb or wake them up. It took a long time for the twins to finally sleep through the whole night. You can't count how many nights you spent in your sister's rooms and weighed one of the twins on your hip to get him to sleep. You're gonna make time right tomorrow morning and take them out to the gardens.
Immediately your maids are with you and begin to tie up the tight corset. You breathe out in relieve when you can finally get a reasonable breath again. The green silk of your dress slips from your body. Your maidens dress you off and then put your white night grown over your head. Your scalp is slightly scratching when the hair needles are pulled out of your hairstyle. Quick hands open your braids and brushes gently through your long blonde hair. One of the girls tries to braid your hair, but you stop her. “I want to wear my hair open tonight, I have had these tight braids for a few days now. I will get a headaches.”
She smiles at you and curtsy. "Of course, princess."
"Let me alone now, I want to go to bed."
The maids all sink into a fast curtsy before they leave your rooms.
You don't move until you hear the door fall into the lock. You quickly run over the cold stone to the door and turn the key. The lock cracks quietly as it closes. You breathe deeply and count to three in your head.
"Where have you been so long?“ Aegon's voice at your ear makes a shiver wander over your neck, and as his hands move from behind around your hips, you have to bite your lip so you don't,moan. It's been too long since he touched you.
"I made battel plans with Aemond." You answer and lean into his touch. His lips rub the skin on your neck, you can feel his body in your back, he slightly presses you against the door. You lay your hands on the wood.
"So you're letting me wait because of our brother? You're letting your king wait.“
"I didn't know you were waiting. If I had known, I would have come right away.“
"Have you not seen my sign?“
"Not until I came back."
"Anyway, you have let me wait. Because of Aemond. As a punishment, I should take you right here against the door."
Your nails scratch slightly over the wood as a spark in the middle of your body makes you shrink. You bite your lips to suppress a whirlwind. God, you're desperate. Since Aegon is king, he hardly had time for you.
"That's what you do to me if you neglect me for weeks."
You were used to having him in your bed every night and the sudden withdrawal of his touches, kisses, hands on your body, his cock in you. Gods, it's making you almost crazy. Aegon's lips stretch over your neck, his grip on your hips becomes a little stronger than he presses against you. You can feel his hardness through his pants and your thin night dress. He kisses your ear and bites slightly. "But you would like that, wouldn´t you?" His voice is dark and this time you can't suppress a quiet whimper. You press your legs together to get a little friction. Aegon swings you around and pushes your back to the door. His knee slips between your legs and you stand up again as the cloth of his pants runs over your bare cunt. Your arms lie around Aegon's neck, and you lean your forehead to his. His hands lie on your hips, his thumbs draw small circles over the thin fabric of your night-shirt. You move your hips, you desperately want more friction. Your lower abdomen compresses pleasantly as your clit rubs over his thigh. But it's not enough. "What kind of princess are you?" Aegon puts a hand on your cheek, slightly pushes your head back so that you stumble against the wood. You look at him, a smile dances around his lips and deep affection is reflected in his eyes. But as he speaks, his voice sounds rough and dark. " Humping at me like a common whore." His grip around your hip gets stronger and he pushes back your hips, so you lose contact with his thigh. You stand on your heels, try to defend yourself against his grip, and push your hips back forward. Aegon laughs quietly, pushes you back again and takes half a step back. Frustrated, you push away from the door and push him in his chest and away from you. Aegon goes half a step back and laughs at you.
“Neglect? Then it was probably another princess before whom I kneeled not even four days ago while she was sitting on the Iron Throne and came all over my face .”
Your lower abdomen contracts when you remember.
"No, it must have been me." you tell him and take a step towards him. "I missed you."
"I missed you too." he says and raises his hand and gently puts it on your cheek, his other hand finds its place at your hip and he draws you closer to himself. You put your arms around him and the next moment your lips are on each others. The kiss is as sweet as oranges from Dorne. After a short moment, you separated again. Aegon kisses your forehead and gently wipes your hair behind your ears. "I missed you, but if you don't kneel naked in front of me in five seconds, I might be looking for another princess." he's zero percent serious, and you're gonna have to smile. Then you bow down, kiss his collarbone over his shirt, and then lick his neck up to his ear.
"Everything you wish, my king." You whisper. Then you step back a step, grab the tail of your night shirt and pull it over your head. When you throw it aside, his eyes hit yours. You keep his gaze as you slowly get on your knees in front of him. He's standing right in front of you, putting a hand on your cheek as you look up to him. He nods and you quickly get your hands on his trousers . His cock jumps free. He is hard and pre cum leaks from the tip. You bow down and kiss his tip. Aegon's hand goes to your hair.
"You know I like it more when you wear braids." he says as he wipes your hair off your face. You lean into his touch, let his cock slip out of your mouth, but put your hand around him and slowly go up and down.
"You let me wait." you answer him as you lazyly pump his length. Aegon laughs quietly.
"You're going to tell me that for a long time, aren't you?“
"I will decide tomorrow ." you answer him and kiss his tip again. Aegon slightly pulls on your hair, so you have to put your head in your neck and look at it again. His other hand lies over yours around his dick.
"Are you ready?“
"Don't be a naughty princess. Open up.” You open your mouth and Aegon is slowly pushing his dick between your lips. You push your tongue down against his length and he quietly stinks up. You only got two-thirds into your mothe before you have to gag. Aegon stops his movement and retreats a bit. "You're out of practice." He says, and you look at him angrily, this was his fault too. You breathe through your nose and push forward a little bit, your scalp draws slightly as you lean against Aegon's grip in your hair, the feeling makes your lower abdomen pounce. Aegon loosens his grip a little, lets you slowly absorb his dick into your mouth. You get tears in your eyes, this time you get a little further before you retreat. Slowly you make your tongue slip over his tip. Aegon is moaning again. His hand squeezes over your cheek, then he pushes you back a bit forward on his cock, you close your lips tightly around him and try to relax your throat. You taste pre cum on your tongue and as you swallow, Aegon shakes up and his legs shake short. A curse comes out between his compressed lips. "You're doing well." You shiver as he praise you. You need two more attempts and then you've finally managed to get him whole in your throat. Your tongue continues to push against his length. Aegon pulls back a little bit, gives you a moment to breathe, lets you kiss his tip and then lick his length while you scratch your hands over his thighs. His pants are bumping around his thighs. Then he pulls himself completely out of your mouth, his hands form a pony tail with your hair.
You nod even though you know that's not enough for him. "Yes." Then you open your mouth again.
Aegon looks at you for a moment, then he pushes his hip forward. He's fucking your mouth fast and hard. Pre cum and your spit mix in your mouth and drop over your chin and on your naked breasts. It's messy, it's hard, and that's exactly what you need. You stumble around his cock, you feel your own moisture running down your legs. Aegon's legs are trembling and he's stunned as his grip in your hair gets stronger. You start scratching your tongue over his dick in your mouth again. You want him to come. You want to taste it in your mouth. You want to hear his moaning when he comes. That's why you cry when he suddenly retreats from your mouth. Your head follows him. "Please, Aegon." You whim and you aren´t suprised about the fact that your voice sounds desperate.
"What do you want, princess?“ he asks as he slowly pumps his dick in front of your face.
"Your cum in my mouth. Please, Aegon. I want to taste you. Please “
"How could I ever deny my princess a wish?" he says and pushes himself back into your mouth. Two quick strokes later, his cum floods your mouth and when you finally taste it again, you moan. You swallow as fast as you can, but it's too much. You can feel his sperm coming out of your mouth and landing on your breasts. Aegon moves his dick slowly in your mouth while a splash falls in your throat. When he's done,you lick his cock clean. Then you fall back on your heels and look up to Aegon. He takes a step back and looks you up and down. You know you have to look like a whore. Your hair falls over your shoulder and back, your nipples have set up in the cold of the chambers, and Aegon's cum runs over your naked breasts.
"You are beautiful," says Aegon with a warm smile. Then he holds hand out to you. You take it and let him pull you on your feet. Your lips meet for a kiss and he pushes his tongue into your mouth. His arm lies around your naked body and he presses you on his body. Then he separates his lips from yours. "In bed with you. I want to taste you." He says, and slaps your ass lightly. You twist your eyes, but still turn to your bed and walk the few steps through your chambers. You hear Aegon geting undressed behind you, and when you turn around and fall back on the bed, he puts his belt with his sword on the night table next to your bed. Then he follows you into bed. His warm body slips to you and pushes you deeper into the soft pillows of your bed. He kisses your lips, walks over your cheeks and over your callbone. When it arrives at your neck, he sucks up slightly and you can feel his smile on your throat before he sucks stronger again. He's gonna make sure you're wearing his mark on your neck tomorrow. In Court, you have to hide it with a high collar, but he'd know it's there, and that's enough for him.
His body slips between your legs and you gladly make room for him, spread the legs for him and push your hips towards him to get a little friction. But Aegon's pushing you back into the pillows.
"Aegon, please." You stumble.
"Not so impatient."
"I am not impatient." You insist. Aegon laughs quietly and then just keeps kissing your neck down. You' wiggle in his grip. When he pulls your nipple into his mouth and sucks slightly, while his thumb pushes over the other nipple, you bite your lips. He changes sides and repeats the game. This time too, there' comes no noise over your lips. You stay strong as his lips continue to scratch over your body and his hands slightly scratche over your sides and chase a sneeze through your whole body.
As his lips wander over the skin on your thigh and he pushes your legs further apart, your hands curl into the bed sheets under you, but your lips remain closed.
You're gonna show him that you can be patient. And stubborn, probably most of all stubborn.
But Aegon knows you, he probably knows your body better than you do. He knows exactly what you like, what you need. He studied you from the moment you gave him your maidenhood. On his six and ten nameday. He was married to your sister for almost a year then. But that didn't interest you, Aegon begged your mother to let him marry you, but the Queen remained in her disicion . You're too young and too much like Aegon. Aegon has to marry Helaena. But from the moment he first plunged into your warm cunt, nothing matters anymore. He wanted to give you as much pleasure as possible. And he had learned.
He had studied your body and your mind for nights, until he had both under control as well as he has Sunfyre under control. Until you both had the same connection to each other as to your dragons.
His hands slide over your upper body towards the center of your body, his nails scratch slightly on your skin. He lies on the abdomen between your legs, making himself comfortable on the soft sheets, while his lips continue to wander down your thigh. You can feel his lips turning to a smile.
"God, you are wet. And all this just because you sucked my dick? Maybe you're just a whore, not a princess. What do you think, sister?“
And at this point, he's got you. Your hips are rushing forward, and over your lips comes a moan that you couldn't suppress. The fact that he's calling you sister right now is causing hot desire to run through your body. It makes it all much more forbidden. A little more dirty.
"I'm your whore brother." you answer him and lift your head off the pillow to look him in the eyes. They sparkle full of desire and the next moment he bends and his tongue finally meets your cunt. He slips between your folds and you stumble together. You cramp your hands in the bed sheets while Aegon slides over your clit with targeted licks. His one hand pulls your thigh down under your butt and he lifts you slightly from the bed to his mouth. A knot is forming in your stomach and your toes are crumbling. Aegon makes you sink back on the pillows, his hand slips a little back and his finger scratches through your folds as his tongue circles around your clit. He distributes your moisture a little bit more, and pushes a finger into you. You push to him, he slips into you without any trouble.
"Fuck, princess." Aegons voice shakes, he pulls his head back a bit, his warm breath sweeps over the center of your body. "Can you take anonther one?“
He pushes a second finger into you, he curves his fingers into you and moves slowly. His tongue starts driving familiar circles over your clit. You know exactly what he writes with his tongue. Your hand is buried in his blonde hair, the same color as your hair. You slightly scratch over his scalp and his moan lets a pleasant vibrating run through your body. He can't even get to the g in his name before you came with a loud cry. He moves his fingers gently as you ride out your orgasm. Only when you loosen your grip from his hair and take a few deep breaths he gently pulls his fingers out of you. He's kissing your thigh and you shiver slightly.
"Are you all right?“
"Yes." you answer and stretch out your hand to him. He kisses your thigh again and then rushes up to you in your arms. When you feel his hard dick in the middle of your body, you whimper. Aegon starts rubbing against your center, soaking his dick in your cum. He moans when he looks down. Then he looks back at you and at the next moment his lips lie on yours, he claims your mouth as his. You taste yourself on his tongue. Aegon continues to lay his weight on you, his hands struck him next to your head. You push against him, you want to feel him in you.
"Please Aegon."
"Not yet." He says and kisses your neck and your naked collarbone. His hips move rhythmically as he rubs his tip over your clit and slides the rest of his cock through your folds. The familiar knot in your stomach is forming again and you are rushing to your next high, but you know it won't be enough. Aegon can take you to the cliff, but it will never be enough to let you fall into the pleasure. Aegon knows that as well as you do.
He enjoys tormenting you, but two can play this game. You know how to get him to do exactly what you want. What you need. Your hands wander over his arms and shoulders. You slightly stretch along his neck, move your hips against his, adjust to his rhythm. Your hands wander along his neck and stay on his cheeks. You drag him up slightly and Aegon follows your movement until his face is right above yours. You bow down to kiss him. The kiss is gentle, slow, with an appearance of innocence. Which doesn't fit the way you rub yourself on his dick shamelessly.
He separates your lips from each other and looks you in the eyes for a moment. Then you kiss his right cheek and then his left. The next kiss goes to the place under his ear.
"Please. Fuck me. Fuck me brother." you whisper.
Aegon moans and at the next moment he sinks his cock into you with one movement. The sudden fullness within you presses the air out of your lungs and you scream. Your hands slide to his shoulders and your nails scratch over his skin. Aegon stops for a second, then he pulls back almost entirely only to push forward again firmly. At this moment, your orgasm is washing over you, your walls are flattening around Aegon's cock, and he's pressing his lips to yours, so your kiss swallow your moan.
Your orgasm was not as strong as you would have liked it, and instead of finding release in it, you feel as if there is only more desire to rise in you. At the next moment, you push your hips back towards Aegon. You can feel every vein on his dick as he slowly pushes back into you. This time he just pulls a little back and rubs his hips over your clit. Aegon push your legs a little further apart, push his hips a little deeper into you. Your walls flatter around him.
"Fuck. You're wrapping me up like a glove. Your pussy is made for me sister.”
"It belongs to you. Always Aegon. Just you." You moan under his movements. He accelerates his strokes again a little, leans back a little and lets his hands wander over your body. His hands encircle your breasts, and when he slightly swings your nipples, you press against him.
"Like I said just a whore." he says and sits a little further to bend down to you. His lips meet yours. The kiss is tongue, teeth and desire. Aegon is breathless as he let your lips free. His tongue slips over his swollen lips.
"Open up," he says, and immediately you open your mouth. He' spits in your mouth, and you swallow. Aegon kisses you again, he twists your nipples and uses your moan to let his tongue slip into your mouth. Your tongues are playing around each other, your whole body is trembling from craving. You feel like you're jumping out of pleasure every moment. But you can't nourish salvation. Aegon's hand moves to your neck, he just leans it, doesn't put any pressure on your throat, but it's enough for your middle to crumble around his cock. This time, Aegon moans in your kiss.
"I need you to come. Princess." He says between two kisses.
You're shaking your head. "I can't do it again."
"Yes. You can." His other hand moves to your clit and he begins to run fast circles as his hips also move a faster rhyme forward. You' moan and shiver. "For me, sister.“ His hand around your neck is slightly pressed, you throw your head back, so you lean into his hand. "Come on your big brother's cock like a good princess." the pressure he puts on your neck and on your clit increase again, and as he again mercilessly push his dick into you, your orgasm breaks over you like a wave. You're screaming so loud you're sure somebody heard you as your body crumbles. Aegon's pushing his dick deep into you. "You're milking my cock princess." you tremble at his words, his hand is still on your neck, even though he no longer cut off your air flow. You can feel the pleasant pulse in the middle of your body and hear your heart beating in your ears as Aegon's lips gently move over your cheek. "You did so good. So good for me.” he's whispering. Again your puls around his dick and his hip moves against yours. You're over-stimulated and trembling, your walls still polishing slightly as Aegon moves again. You're pulling in the air sharply.
"You're doing so good." he whispers and puts his forehead on yours, wet silver hair is sticking on your foreheads.
"Is that okay? Two more sister, just two more." he moves his hips again, and you're stumbling.
"Yes." you bring out. Again his hips rush forward, your legs tremble and your body reacts by itself as your hips move with him. But Aegon is pushing your hips down, pushing into you a few more times, causing you to stumble. "Please brother. Come deep in me.” you cr< and in the next second Aegon's cum flood your body. He stumbles up and lays himself down on you as his hips push his cum deeper into you with gentle strokes. Your legs sling around his body and your arms lay around his shoulders as you pull him to you. You stay in eachothers arms for a moment.
Aegon's body weight is on you and it's a little hard for you to breathe but right now you don't care. Aegon gets up a little bit and smiles at you, kissing your lips briefly.
"Are you all right?" you ask him and a sincere smile appears on his face.
“Yes, I fell good. What about you?"
"Me too," you answer. Aegon bends and kisses you again. Then he carefully pulls out of you. You whimper softly when the pleasant feeling of fullness disappears and you feel his cum running out of you and polluting the white sheets below you.
Aegon sits up and slides to the edge of the bed. You draw your legs to you, without his body heat on you you feel a cold shower. "Wait a minute," Aegon says, wiping his hair out of his face, and then stands up. He walks around the bed and picks up your nightgrown. Aegon throws it at you and you giggle. Then you quickly get into your nightgrown so you can protect yourself a little bit from the cold night air.
Aegon comes back to bed with a cup of wine in his hand. He gives it to you and you take a few sips before you give it back. Aegon empties the cup and puts it to the site.
"Will you stay with me tonight?“you ask while you lie under the blankets.
"If my Lady allows it," he replies in a tone as if he hadn't been balls deep in your cunt five minutes ago.
"I will allow it." you answer him anyway, slide a little to the side and raise the blanket for him. Aegon climbs into bed next to you and puts a arm around you. With his other hand, he pulls you to his thigh, so that you lie half over him. Immediately his hand goes under your night shirt as he draws lazy circles on your skin. Exhausted, you cuddle at his chest. Aegon's kissing your hair . You close your eyes and slowly start to fade away.
A knock on the wall will scare you and Aegon next to you has also opene his eyes again, his grip goes immediately to his sword on the night table.
"I thought I'd find you here." Aemond comes into your room through the secret passage, reflexively you pulling the blanket higher above your body. Aegon next to you takes his hand back from the grip of his sword and looks at your brother angrily.
"What do you want?“ he asks anxiously as he climbs out of bed and gathers his things.
You both know Aemond wouldn´t be here if there wasn't an emergency. You just don't know how bad it is. Aemond waits until Aegon is dressed in pants and shirt.
You look at your brother, an unpleasant feeling becomes widespread in you as his gaze goes first to you and then to Aegon.
"They killed Jaehaerys."
At his words your breath is stifled, and a fierce burning is prepared in your heart. Tears are sprinkled behind your eyes. You look at Aegon, your eyes meet. You've never seen such pain behind his eyes, and you know that your eyes reflect his.
"I have to go to Helaena," he says, and leaves your chambers with quick steps. When the door falls into the lock behind him, you wince. You look at Aemond again. The hot burning in your heart becomes even stronger and walks through your veins until you feel a burning pain in your whole body.
"Aemond." you say and your voice sounds firm and dark. "I want revenge."
"We'll burn them all. They have no chance against Vhagar and Vermithor."
You nod and set yourself up a little further in bed. "We will fly at dawn and at Dusk they will all burn."
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gobbogoo · 7 months
"It's Been A While, Morgott"
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To me, this moment of tenderness all but confirms that Godfrey must have visited his Omen children in their sewer prison.
Consider everything we know about Godfrey. He actively venerated the Crucible and its primal manifestations. His knights wore helms decorated with horns and utilized its animalistic magic:
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Even after the Crucible fell from favour, these knights were tolerated right up until Godfrey was banished. Therefore Godfrey must have been preserving them even despite Marika's decrees. This makes sense, because Godfrey was born in the ancient era when the Crucible's wild power was considered a blessing, not a curse:
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"A vestige of the crucible of primordial life. Born partially of devolution, it was considered a signifier of the divine in ancient times, but is now increasingly disdained as an impurity as civilization has advanced."
To Godfrey, his Omen sons would not have been something to revile. This is supported by the fact that their horns weren't excised. I doubt it was Marika's choice, since she had turned against the Crucible by then. It MUST have been at Godfrey's behest. Likewise, who else could have commissioned THIS?
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A "memorial fetish fashioned in secret" that CLEARLY depicts Morgott. Someone CARED about this secret Omen infant. Enough to memorialize their their existence at the risk of the entire Golden Order. It literally ONLY could have been Godfrey.
Lastly, there's the circumstances of Godfrey's banishment. Most people say he was simply cast aside after he ran out of enemies to fight, but this CAN'T be all there was to it, because Raya Lucaria still existed. A FAR better explanation is that Godfrey began to show signs of disobedience. Godfrey was a man of instinct and emotion. Could such a man have sat idle while his children were imprisoned and his comrades reviled by the very order HE helped build?
No. And so Godfrey began to visit his Omen children in secret, where he told them stories of their lineage and their origins. In Morgott his stories instilled a Lord's sense of duty for the Erdtree and everything it could be.
In Mohg, his stories instilled an Omen's sense of pride for the Crucible, and everything it once was.
Until Marika learned of her husband's treachery, and the Omen Twins never saw their father again.
Someone pointed out that Serosh exists to channel Godfrey's emotions, and what's the first thing we hear/see when we approach Godfrey holding his son? Serosh roaring in anger. Beneath that kingly countenance, Godfrey is a lot more distraught than he's capable of showing.
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 95
Danny wasn’t thrilled with the whole ghost king bs. So he just doesn’t do it. The realm was just fine without pariah. Someone else can deal with the paperwork.
The biggest problem tho. The summonings.
No one will teach him how to say no to them. All wanting him to do his duty. He is barely passing his human classes. He refuses king lessons. He’ll take the summons over kingly duties.
Besides. Jazz has a solution.
At all times he is awake, thankfully summons don’t happen when he is asleep. A friend or Jazz is with him.
Armed with the Fenton anti-creep stick or another weapon. Ready to step over the summons circle smack down the cultist here and there and break the summoning circle. Then Danny just opens a portal and they dip.
John on the other hand is more stressed then normal. For some reason the new ghost king is letting any body summon him. Hell. They got reports that a slumber party summoned him.
Rather then ignore the summons. The new king has one of three teenagers deal with the problem. A goth armed with a wrist laser and brass knuckles, a guy with apparently a pda, and then the orange haired one with a flipping bat.
Now he had to summon the king and figure out what’s up.
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Ouija Board Prompt Idea
A/N: A late night Idea that came to me instead of sleep and I wrote this down during lunch break
Danny was just in Gotham because the city spirit had asked him for assistance with a rather persistent unruly Ghost that didn't understand that this was her haunt and she did not want them there.
So when he got the notice he did his kingly duties and made sure the Ghost was no longer annoying Lady Gotham. He was the Ghost King but even he didn't want to anger a spirit as old as her. He had watched the spirit take a ghostly club and hit Clockwork the Ancient of Time with it without remorse the first time they were introduced. So yea, no messing with this one.
He had been about to portal back home when he felt a strange pull one that was close to when he got summoned but yet it didn't feel as demanding but more like a little kid pulling on his shirt hesitantly. So he checked it out…
… and came across a group of vigilantes investigating an occult side.
Invisible he watched them, curious. He used to do the teen hero stick too before the whole Ghost King business allowing him to get some semblance of a normal life with his rogues, might as well see how others to that hero stick. Besides the pull he felt appeared to come from that tall one wearing a red helmet something was up with that guy.
"Come on, ask the ghosts a question or are you too chicken to do it?"
"I will not participate in this nonsense, Red Hood."
"Come on guys it will be fun!"
"For whom? You, Spoiler?"
"RR aren't you curious?"
"We just gotta ask the board a question and if a ghost is around they will answer by moving it, right?"
"Ghosts don't exist."
Okay Danny was not taking personal offense here but he was a half ghost and he ruled the Ghost Zone filled with ecto-entities that could count as ghosts. So yes, ghosts existed. It was a simple decision then as he floated down invisible crouching next to board still invisible and out of the way from them.
Making sure he made a lot of scraping noises as he moved the small wooden piece on the board to 'YES'.
Someone yelped and someone else shrieked, though Danny wasn't sure if that was a shriek of excitement or not. He still grinned at their reactions.
"Did that just move to 'YES'! It did, didn't it!"
Yea okay that earlier was a shriek of excitement considering how that girl in purple was jumping around. Though the poor kid among them looked a little paler now, Danny decided to keep an eye on the kid to make sure he wasn't overdoing it.
"Okay so a ghost is here?"
Maybe he should have bothered listening to Lady Gotham or Tucker more about the vigilantes of Gotham. Oh well no time better as this to learn. What did the girl call this boy again, RR? Danny wondered what that stood for.
He moved the piece around the board a little making sure they noticed before he spelled something out.
"N-O-S-H-I-T-S-H-E-R-L-O-C-K. No shit Sherlock. Ha! I like this ghost!" The tall one laughed, he believed the kid called him Red Hood earlier. Well the red helmet was a great testament to that sort of code name. Still he wondered about that weird feeling he got from the guy but pushed that aside for later.
"Well since there is a ghosts, what should we ask?"
"Maybe how old he is?"
"Think it rude to ask how he died?"
Danny rolled his eyes. Those were such mainstream questions.
"B-O-R-I-N-G, 1-6 , YES. Guys it looks like we are not were imaginativ."
"Well what do you suggest we ask then?"
"I don't know! Maybe he can show us a cool trick?"
"You know that reminds me of this game that's been out for a while, phasmophobia or something like that?"
Oh Danny knew this one! Tucker had told him about the game, he himself hadn't played it but he had watched his best friend do so, they had a lot of fun joking about how the ghosts were portrayed and the tools that were available to the players.
"So what? We ask the ghost to play Hide and Seek with us?"
"Let's cease this nonsense. This is not something we should mess with."
"Oh are you scared?"
He made a show of moving the wooden piece, doing his best not to snicker out loud as he moved the piece to count down from the number 9. Letting his own powers out a little to cause the already dim light to flicker and the room to cool down several degrees.
The reaction was instant once again. Though he didn't expect them to run for hiding spaces he definitely did not expect these people to pull out their weapons and position against each other's back like they were ready for a fight. Then again they were vigilantes
The poor kid among them looked even paler. Before his count down could reach 0 he decided to not scare the poor kid more. Pulling back his powers the room's temperature normalized and the lights stopped flickering. He moved the wooden piece knowing that at least one of them was watching it in anticipation.
"I think the ghost just apologized to us?" The RR teenager said carefully and Danny couldn't help the sheepish smile even if they couldn't see it in his invisible state.
"You know about the game?"
He moved the piece to YES.
"So you thought it was fucking appropriated to scare us like that?"
He moved the piece around and placed it back to YES before spelling out sorry again. The vigilantes shared a look and Danny decided to spell out a question.
"Huh? Uh yea Robin is fine." They looked confused but Danny kept his eyes on the kid. Well the poor boy still looked very pale but he also appeared to try to put on a brave front, it nearly caused a chuckle to escape the halfa.
"Can you show yourself?"
Not like he was really going to show himself but this was going to be fun, he thanked the Ancients that he was taking lessons with Pandora on how to manipulate his own ectoplasm. He summoned a blob of it making sure he himself was still invisible as he let the green blob be visible, forming it and making it look like a blob ghost.
The reaction was once again instant. They yelled in the chaos all he caught sounded like 'Lazarus water! Moving Lazarus Water!' Before the pale kid, Robin they said, slashed at his ectoplasm blob with his katana, essentially doing nothing to the blob of ectoplasm. The sword just went through it and Danny still holding it confused just instinctively let it reform the shape he gave it.
Danny blinked, okay now he was definitely not showing himself. "This is no a ghost but a Pit Demon!"
From the corner of the eye he saw Lady Gotham appear in the room staring at him disapprovingly and holding that ghost club she had used on Clockwork.
"I can explain, really! I was just joking with them!" He stood holding his hands up to smooth the situation, the green blob fell to the ground splashing against the Ouija Board with a loud splat. His chances of not get hit like Clockwork by Lady Gotham were becoming slimmer.
Shit, he hadn't used ghost speech but said that out loud.
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multific · 1 year
Whatever the Queen Wants
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Thranduil x Reader
Summary: On a boring day you have time to walk around, and recall different memories from your past.
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You loved taking walks in the woods and your gardens.
Seeing your kingdom bloom and glow just did something to you, it was special.
Spring was your favourite season. Seeing new life everywhere around you made you want to be a mother once again.
You could still recall when your son was born.
Legolas became the center of your world in a simple moment. As soon as the midwife-elf placed him in your arms, it was over.
Both for you and for your husband.
He was the cutest little elfling you have ever seen. Looked just like your husband but behaved just like you.
Even when he was little, you took him out to the gardens on walks, showing him the world. Every single time you looked at all the different rose bushes or hydrangeas all you could see was him as a little elf let's elfling playing amongst them, you just wished you had something to capture that moment with so you would be able to show it to your husband.
Now Legolas was a fully grown up elf, who was more interested in all the different kinds of fighting styles than nature, and also your husband did sometimes had time to spend with you right now he was too busy with his kingly duties, so you were left alone to walk the woods and your gardens.
And that is exactly what you were doing that day. You woke up and somehow amazingly sunny it was that day, so you made your way out to your favorite place in the garden. Your favorite place was where there were these huge hydrangea bushes, all different colors and shapes and sizes you loved every single one of them.
That part of the garden was a present from your husband to you as an anniversary gift. Since he knew how much you adored flowers, he added every single flower that she liked to the garden just to please you.
There were different statues as well in the garden, all of them beautiful.
You left out a long side on your way to your favorite bench. If only you could have the two men who meant so much to you there with you.
You felt so lonely at that moment, it might sound arrogant to some people that the queen was complaining but you really were rather sad that you had to spend such a nice day all alone although you did enjoy every second of it and you did make the best of it, but you still missed both of your boys.
Maybe that's why the idea of having another child was so inviting to you, then you would have finally someone who would need your attention all day long and they would give your attention all day long as well before they grow up. You missed that, you missed having someone who relied on you so much. Legolas it's already too old for him need you in such a way. Even If he did sometimes come over to you asking for your advice it wasn't the same.
When you tried to hint a new baby to your husband but he was too oblivious for your tries or he simply didn’t want to tell you that he did not want another child.
So, you didn’t bring the topic up after that. Although, it did hurt a little bit, you were happy with your life. Even if you felt lonely at times like this, you were happy.
“Naneth,” you heard someone say.
“Oh, Legolas. What are you doing here?” you asked as your son came over to you and sat down next to you.
“You looked lonely, Mother. So, I came to keep you company. Is Father still in a meeting?”
You offered him a kind smile, it warmed your heart that he thought about you.
“He is. But you don’t have to be here, I am not lonely, I have my flowers, you should practice.”
“Nonsense. No training or practice is more important than you, Naneth.”
“Thank you. How was your day?” he always loved to show or talk to you about his training. Ever since he was little he was a quick learner.
“Really good…” then he went on and on about his day. Telling you everything about swords, bows and more.
If you were honest you never truly understood everything he said or referred to but you still listened with a smile. Seeing him be so interested and happy about something warmed your heart.
You listened to everything he had to say. Every single word.
You saw so much of your husband in him. But you were there as well. You still couldn’t believe that you had the privilege to be the mother of this exceptional elf.
“Adar!” said Legolas out of nowhere which made you look the way he was looking. And you saw your husband, walking towards the two of you.
“Nin hén, Nin mel, what are you two doing out here in such an hour?” you failed to notice that the sun started to go down.
“Mother was lonely so I came over to give her some company.” replied Legolas as Thranduil joined you.
“It is getting late, it would be best if we all headed to rest.” you said and both of them agreed. Thranduil guided you towards your chambers after you said your goodbyes to your son.
“We have a wonderful child.” he said as you laid down in bed.
“Indeed, I cannot believe he is so big, I feel like I can still recall holding him as a young elfling.” you let out a long sigh at the happy memory as you felt your husband’s arms move you towards him. “I have been thinking, Nin mel.”
“Another child.” Thranduil almost jumped up as you said that.
“I have been feeling lonely with Legolas leaving us so frequently and with you being in meetings all day. I always wanted a daughter as well, you know that.”
“I do. I know it.”
“It was a silly idea.” you said after his long silence. “Forget it, Thranduil. I’ll be fine.”
“We can have another child. I’m only thinking of ways to ensure it would be a girl.” his confession nearly made you choke on air, then you smiled.
“No need. I would be happy with a boy as well.” you said as you pulled him closer and kissed him.
Thranduil knew, whatever the Queen of Mirkwood wanted, she got it.
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Naneth – Mother
Adar – Father
Nin hén – My child
Nin mel - My love
Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak   @manduse   @jacalineiscomingforyou  @mandoloriancookie @noname2246
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wardenforaking · 3 months
// It’s been a while since I posted here but just so you all know my Fathers tumour has returned. At the moment he is back on chemo in hopes to help as well as looking into possible medical trials to better understand and possibly find a more up to date aid for Glioblastoma’s
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A DC X DP IDEA #4 You’re worth is more than a penny.
Imagine dis…
We all read and saw fanfictions about either Jason, Constantine, Bruce, or even Jazz raising Danny when he became younger due to Clockwork’s interference, but what if we reverse the roles?
Alfred Pennyworth was raised by Phantom.
It was early 1900 in England where it is common for children were being sold like cattle for a penny. Among the rows of yelling parents who are willing to sell a few of their children for a few pounds to help themselves or the younger ones at home, one parent was loudly exclaiming that his child is merely worth more than a penny. A nameless child with skin and bones as a body, at the tender age of 6 years old he already knew the horrors of child slavery. Some were never seen again like the ones he saw outside playing tag and others return to their parents in a body bag. He also knew that no one would want a skinny child like him so he waited for the inevitable beating at this man’s house, He refuse to call that man his father nor that dingy four-by-four wall home.
Suddenly a distinguished gentleman walked past him and he was just in awe at what he had sawed. A young man that seemed like in his early 20s has a face of youth yet has an air of maturity around them. Wearing the cleanest pair of white waistcoats and black trousers, shaggy black hair, and striking blue eyes.
It was obvious that he was an errand boy looking around for new workers, his mind supplied.
The man looked at him with raised eyebrows and couldn’t help but think that this person may buy him out of this man’s clutches and put him to work that may or may not end his life.
The older man who saw the interested look of the errand boy tried to advertise him as his worth is merely a penny.
Danny was merely taking a break from his kingly duties after months, years, and centuries have passed since his adventures as Danny Phantom. Visiting a newly made dimension in the eyes of the king of Infinite Realms, he made his way through the early 1900s for some sight-seeing, with the insurance from his advisers, court, family members, and consorts (Tucker & Sam) he went and enjoyed the view and contemplating that why does Clockwork give him his farewell in a form of a cryptic message such as a father of a bat needs saving from his unexpected fate,  as well this universe felt like something interesting is bound to happen.
Being the High King of the Infinite Realms the realms itself chose him as their champion and king through countless rights of ascensions throughout the years.
Seeing that child slavery is still a thing at this point in time made him want to turn around and go to another realm less depressing than this time and come back later when they abolished slavery.
Though he caught an eye on this thin scrawny little boy who is nothing but skin and bones that the tiniest gust of wind will push him on the brick pavement, the boy’s parents however saw him taking interest and tried to get rid of the boy seeing that he was nothing but an extra mouth to feed due to his “responsibility” as a parent and tried to sell him for a penny.
Danny weighed the pros and cons in this situation, raising a mortal child may be both rewarding and satisfactory but the fact that he cannot break the ancient rules to make him immortal that was placed by the Realms themselves to uphold the balance between the living and the ancient realm, but he can bend it to an extent, so that if he can extend longevity in his lifespan to at least reach a century or so.
Added to the fact that Clockwork gave a message to protect him.
Bought the boy for a penny and carried the child towards the disguised horse carriage.
Now, how to explain to his family that he acquired a mortal child?
The nameless boy widened his eyes in surprise as the “errand” boy actually bought and carried him gently towards a clean carriage that looked like is owned by a king.
After making him sit beside his employer, his employer began asking him questions.
Such as his age, and name. likes, dislikes, and many other confusing questions.
At the mention of not having a name his employer began to frown, looks like he has made his new employer furious and he hasn’t even begun to earn his keep.
After a tense silence, his employer declared that HIS new name would be Alfred Pennyworth, as the word Alfred means counsel as he stated that he can see his future and that he would counsel different men who wish his advice, and Pennyworth, as his father is a fool for selling him for a penny as he is worth more than that.
At the time the nameless no…, At the time Alfred didn’t know what is the warm feeling on his chest that made him long for this man’s approval. He may be naïve or far too trusting for putting his trust in a man he met for a few minutes but at the time his only thought was he had his own name that he owns.
When the carriage stopped his employer carried him out of the carriage, and what greeted him is something he would never forget.
An endless green sky stretches along the horizon, A large black castle that reaches the sky that has growing vines all over its walls, at the front an entire estate dedicated to different and extinct plant life to flourish, and rows and rows of servants lined up and dressed in the fanciest clothing for maids and for all genders bowing ever slightly greeting and welcoming back their master in unison.
He looked behind him and around him for the master of the house but when he couldn’t see one, he turned his attention to the one who bought him as he is quite sacred for upsetting for not greeting the master in his own house.
But as he turn to the man for a plea for help he caught the small smile that his employer gave him and nodded towards the directions of the servants.
That was the time he learned that the man who bought him and gave him a name is his supposed master.
The next few days were confusing to the young Alfred Pennyworth, as he expected to be working on the animal shed or any menial tasks yet he was treated like a prince.
Free to learn what he desired, learning skills that he would never think of learning, free to eat anything his heart and stomach desired, free to have a soft bed to sleep on as well as having toys to ensure that he was not bored, given a wide variety of possible hobbies to take his mind off things. Gained and learned philosophies around the realms as well as had great teachers in teaching him essential things in morals, science, and more. Most importantly gained a family that he never thought he would even have.
He learned how to walk silently as a ghost, be swift in terms of movements waster no action, be present like a shadow, and use any weapon at hand, one’s body is a weapon itself. Discipline thy self in any temptation known to man, to integrate oneself to be unknown, eyes and emotions betray your mind be mindful of your facial and body movement as a single doubt will get someone you love to perish, but most importantly learned his new family’s motto.
Family is family.
Simple yet a powerful motto. No matter how cruel the man who brought and gave him a new life and purpose, the man who he saw as father, maybe in making decisions to ensure that the Infinite Realms stay balanced throughout the entire realms. How ruthless are his aunts and uncle to make sure that everything in between stays in the center of the balance as too much of the brings chaos
When Alfred was merely a teen he was given a blessing by his father, to be able to live a long life while maintaining his morality. One day he may die which is true, but it will be a long time before the reaper takes him to his next adventure.
Spending time with each member of the Nightingale family are memories that will be kept deep inside his heart. His mother Sam, taught him the wonders and secrets of flora, his other father Tucker, taught him how technology is used both in hope and destruction, His uncle Dan taught him about being an impenetrable wall in both mind and body, His older aunt Jazz taught him how to read his opponents in combat as well learning the beauty of human brain, His aunt Ellie who taught and showed him the wonders of the world in terms of the scenery, delicacy and culture, His grandfather Clockwork, taught him to be a cryptic as well moving on and forward as bad things are as natural as breathing and to move on is to let the time run its course.
Last but not least his father Danny, the High King of the Infinite Realms the man who he owes his entire being and life. The man whom he respects and wishes to turn out like him, the man who is proud to call his father. Taught him a multitude of things that one would not expect from a king, Be a Gentleman. A firm handshake combined with looking the other person in the eye carries with it respect, dignity, and strength, Honor Your Father and Mother, Respect Women, Be a Man of Integrity, Take Responsibility, and Work Hard, among the advice he gave and taught to him that they put into his life through action and words.
When WW2 came to his dimension he asked his father to be able to go back as it is still integrated into his blood to fight for the country that he was born into. As well as making a name for himself, to prove to the world his worth is more than a penny, to prove that all of their learning is not to be put to waste.
With the approval of his family, he set out to make his name.
S.A.S. Armed Services, fighting in 15 different operations between ages 18 and 20. A skilled medical and front liner soldier who was decorated. He later joined MI5, as well the secret forces of the Queen and later being knighted by her majesty
In this present time, we all know the current Alfred Pennyworth, the kickass ninja butler who is a mystery to the Batfam and has a lot of skillsets that are both surprising and expected to the Batfam. The butler who dared to out Batman the Batman. The butler is willing and dared to ground Batman for not taking care of himself. The butler carries a shotgun out of defense and we are pretty sure he is hiding a hidden bazooka somewhere in the manor. The butler who cooked delicious food and the one who raised Bruce Wayne
Working for the Wayne is not set to be permanent but the moment his ward Bruce Wayne becomes a hero just like his father and brings in his own version of a makeshift family he cannot help but stay for the sake of his ward that he saw as a son.
His family was there every step of the way.
Looking at the long dinner table that is filled with food with his ward/ son and his children he can't help but look fondly at the scene in front of him.
This is why he would not eat with the rest of the Batfam, the ambitious dinner or just being complete brings him back just when he was just a little boy looking at his father for guidance.
The Bat family are known to be good sometimes great detectives as they were taught by the greatest detective in the world, despite their wit and intelligence they still could not figure out their grandfather/ butler.
Having no presence before WW2 is common, as many orphans joined the war to bring acknowledgment to their names and presences. So when a glowing green letter made its way towards the kitchen counter, just as Alfred took a moment to look when he immediately snatched the said letter and ripped it open to see the contents.
Now mind you this was a never occurrence as Alfred Pennyworth is the epitome of calmness and neutrality so when he tore a letter like a kid who was given his first Christmas present all noise seemed to stop to look at the wide-eyed butler.
Alfred kept reading the said letter with wide eyes ignoring the shocked look of the people around him. Immediately telling Bruce that he will be going on an immediate 2-week vacation without even concealing his own joy in his voice and quickly turned around to pack a suitcase worth.
The entire Wayne’s both adopted and not are now invested what could the letter possibly contain that Alfred Pennyworth himself becomes a kid just by reading it?
Tailing the said butler was hard, following his quick steps which indicate impatience from the patient butler as well as a small smile that indicates fondness immediately became their new case.
Stopping at a large mansion surrounded by plant life that has a gothic aesthetic to it. As Alfred entered the gate he was tackled by a small black-haired blue-eyed child immediately followed by three teens and one large buff young adult.
All of them are hugging and exclaiming joy as Alfred reciprocated each hug with enthusiasm for his age.
Who are they and how does Alfred know all of these people?
PS: If someone out there wanting to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so don’t forget to tag me though.
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i-drop-level-one-loot · 9 months
You know, it would be interesting for me to read the gloomy Disney characters. By the type that the Reader accidentally enters the Disney world. Or is already in this world. For example, a man! The Evil Queen× reader. Just imagine that the mirror says that the most beautiful is the reader and the man!The evil Queen was interested.. Well, or dark! A man!A Disney princess who believes in love and believes that the reader is his true love and that the reader should belong only to him.
Sorry for the bad English
Don't apologize
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You're perf, babes
Yandere!Genderbent!Evil King x GN!Reader x Yandere!Genderbent!Snow White
CW: Death, obsessive behavior
"Magic mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" The vain king asked his enchanted mirror as he often did whenever his pride was wounded. King Hadewig was the envy of men and women. Cold and beautiful, his features were cut like an ethereal ice sculpture. Intelligent, talented, and ruthless, most everyone either wanted to bed him or be him. However, his power was not guaranteed for long.
Hadewig was King only by responsibility, and not by actual title. His title was, legally, Prince Consort. He married his, now deceased, wife when he was a young bachelor, and she was the only eligible bachelorette of suitable status as a widow. Being so much older than him, it was an "unfortunate", but not "unsurprising" passing of the crown when the Queen died and left her son in Hadewig's care.
The only reason the child wasn't immediately crowned king was because of Hadewig's charm and influence, convincing the court that the young Prince Snow was too irresponsible to rule the country. But it was difficult to continue that lie going, even with Hadewig purposely keeping Snow ignorant of his future kingly duties by treating him as a servant, for now the boy was twenty years of age, and truly should have not only been coronated years ago, but also wed off to the available princess of the neighboring kingdom, a woman as old as Hadewig.
But his potential loss of power wasn't the reason for his low self esteem that day.
"You are, my king. There is one who approaches, but does not yet share with you what makes you fair."
The king slumped in his seat in an uncouth like manner. "Then why does my hunter not look at me like a man?"
King Hadewig's personal hunter, an immensely talented killer that didn't just slaughter animals for the king. And the only person who simply looked at the king. Nothing Hadewig did could change the professional look on (Reader's) face during their meetings. No matter how charismatic he was with his words, how stylish his clothing was, nor the love potions he attempted to spike (Reader's) drinks with, they were seemingly immune to every one of his attempts. In their most recent meeting, the one that left Hadewig depressed, he had offered his hunter a glass of wine, which they turned down, stating that the last drink they had received from the king did not agree with them.
"I can not tell you that, my lord. I only can report what I see, so unless your hunter speaks their secrets out loud while I spy, I am blind to their feelings for you."
Hadewig groaned, upset and broken hearted.
"Show me my hunter, again."
The face in the mirror melted, dissolving into an image of (Reader) leaving the castle. Their strong frame sent shivers down the icy man's spine. His first and only marriage was one of political importance, with no love or warmth between the husband and wife. But in the presence of his Mx. Hunter, the king was set ablaze. The intense feeling of heat was dowsed when he witnessed the bastard he hated most in the world approach his hunter.
At the steps of the castle, Snow had been timidly watching the triumphant hunter from afar, gathering the courage to approach them. He had never known shame, never feeling any sort of embarrassment about the state of his dress, but in the presence of the person who always smelled faintly of iron, he was reduced to two inches tall.
Stepping lightly like a mouse, the short adult snuck up behind (Reader), still debating whether or not he was actually going to announce his presence.
His decision was made for him, however, being noticed by (Reader) almost immediately.
"Good afternoon, your highness." They said, turning sharply on their heel to face him.
The hunter was the only person to address the prince by his royal status.
"Ah- how did you know it was me?" He asked incredulously. A pink blush warmed his entire head, wrapping around the back of his neck and up to the tips of his ears.
"Because I could hear you." (Reader) offered a kind smile to the shy, younger man. They felt sympathy towards him, with the way his cold step father treated him. With what they had done to him.
Snow was impressed by how cool (Reader) was. And a small part of him wished to impress them as well. He tried to straighten out his worn out rags. "What brings you to the castle today?"
"To gift the king a wolf pelt. And also," (Reader) reached into their pouch, pulling out a pressed flower, "to gift you this."
The prince sucked in his gasp, wide eyed and lips pressed tight.
"I apologize for not finding something better for your highness."
"No!" He panicked, grabbing the flower with both hands. "It's beautiful!"
He hadn't received a gift since the passing of his mother.
"Happy Birthday, your highness." (Reader) bowed, then turned swiftly, leaving the young man hyperventilating and sweating.
Only the king and his mirror heard Snow whisper long after (Reader) left: "I love you."
Three days later, and the king was losing his mind over the interaction. Snow was visibly taller, standing straighter as he worked, singing as he cleaned the castle grounds, and it was bothering him.
Hadewig kicked over his chair in frustration. "Magic mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"
"The one you fear is getting stronger, the confidence has warmed his winter, and people shall notice his spring awakening. The prince now glows more brightly than you, whose anger has etched lines of hatred into his ice like face."
King Hadewig released a scream, losing his control before quickly sharpening back up, running his hands through his messed hair.
He left his study, storming over towards a frightened servant.
"Send for my hunter."
Before (Reader), the king was disheveled, worrying (Reader) something awful.
"I can not stand for this disrespect any longer." His gaze read cold and cruel as it pierced the hunter's. "You understand that you are mine, correct?"
(Reader) thought about the flower and felt a wave of anxiety. "Yes, your highness."
"You understand that you belong to me?"
"Yes, your highness."
He sighed ever so slightly, before retrieving a wooden box from his desk. "I have another assignment for you.
Kill my son."
Nausea threatened to erupt from the seasoned murderer. "My lord?"
"Take him deep into the woods, and bring me back his heart." He held out the box. It was a test, as though (Reader) hadn't proved their loyalty to the mad man enough.
The empty box was heavy in (Reader's) hands.
"As you wish, your highness."
Prince Snow spun in the field of flowers as he searched for the most beautiful flowers for the hunter. It was the best day of his life! His father had given him a colorful outfit that fit him and the hunter had asked him out on a date! Well, they didn't call it a date, but what else could it have been?
He wove a crown for (Reader) while imaging their wedding day, becoming King and Royal Consort and having a real crown placed on their head.
(Reader), however, was weighing their options, not truly paying attention to the prince, and trying to ignore his childlike excitement.
What would the king do, if he was made a fool?
"Oh, hunter!" Snow ran over, holding out the delicate crown. "I made this for you! May I?"
And that was all it took, for (Reader) to spare his life.
They bent down, feeling the weight of the crown on their scalp. It smelled nice. Before Snow could retreat, (Reader) wrapped their arms around his thin waist. They had killed so many people before, but this was only the second time they felt unbearable guilt.
The first was after they took the life of the Queen.
"(Reader)?" Snow stuttered out, feeling weak in their strong arms.
"You must run, your highness." (Reader) whispered into his ear.
"The king has ordered me to kill you. So please, run. Far away, into the woods." They released the prince, and it was only then that he noticed the heavy bags under their tired eyes.
"Why? I don't understand-"
"Leave. It won't be long before that witch discovers my lie."
Snow fell to his knees, holding onto the edge of (Reader's) shirt for dear life, falling apart in front of them. "Please, no! Come with me! If he would kill me, what would he do to you for sparing me? Please, run away with me!"
(Reader) bent down to release his fingers from their hem, planting a kiss on his forehead as they did so. "I hope when I meet you again you will have found a name more worthy of such a warm and kind person. For as of this moment, Prince Snow is dead."
Excitement threatened to crack the King's cool demeanor as he observed the bloody heart in his hands. (Reader) was distant, but that didn't matter to Hadewig, for now there was no competition for his hunter's affection. They would soon be his, even if he had to use force to make it so.
"Excellent work, my faithful hunter." He offered a practiced smile, unnerving (Reader) who prayed that the pig heart made a convincing decoy. At least until they could escape and hide out in the mountains, far away from the King's eyes.
(Reader) gave a deep bow. Then they left, calmly getting on their horse, and leaving, not taking a single glance behind them as they sped off, emergency bag already packed on their steed.
Back in Hadewig's room, he caressed the box affectionately, thinking about his lovely hunter. The stress had certainly caused a frown line, just as the mirror said, but he was working at reversing the damage.
"Magic Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" He dreamily asked, slightly nervous that the rage had permanently ruined his perfect face.
"Hiding deep within the woods, tending a wounded heart, the fairest in the land hides. Prince Snow still lives."
The king scoffed. "I have his heart right here, mirror."
"No, within that box lies the heart of a pig."
The box fell from Hadewig's hands. "A pig..?" His face scrunched up painfully. "(Reader) would never betray- they belong to me! ME! Guards! Where is my hunter?!"
"The hunter is flying towards the mountains, away from the woods they released the prince into."
Hadewig collapsed at his desk, screaming in agony while pawing at his chest. "No! It's all his fault! Find me that little bastard- I'll kill him myself!"
The seven dwarven women listened to the young man recall his tale of woe, his eyes full of tears but a smile still on his lips. "So, if you please, could I stay here? Just until my love returns for me."
Happy sighed dramatically, blushing and twirling her beard. "That (Reader) is so brave~"
Grumpy smacked the back of her head. "That double crosser may have saved the prince, but that doesn't mean they won't double double cross him!"
Bashful stomped a foot. "It's true love! They would never!"
"Well, they never confessed their feelings," Doc said while cleaning her glasses, "they could have saved Snow out of the goodness of their heart."
Snow smiled, trying to calm the fragments of his heart. "I have to believe, to hope, that (Reader) loves me as I love them. To risk death for me.. but, they said we would meet again. And I trust them."
It was painful, knowing that his father wanted him dead, but what was worse was hearing that (Reader) had put their life in danger for him. Despite all the pain and punishment Snow had endured, he never held it against his step father, but now..
A dark, bitter seed had been planted.
And throughout the night as the household slept, Prince Snow could feel it grow, threatening to burst forth from his chest. The dwarven women were so kind to him. So inviting, and trusting.
He wondered what else they would do for him.
The dark haired man knew that the apple was poison from the moment it was placed in his hands. What kind of elderly man would be this far out away from any sort of town, especially if they were traveling to sell produce? He didn't know who the old man was, but knew that he must have been in cahoots with the king.
"Oh, I don't have any money." Snow said quite sadly, placing his head in his hand.
"For such a lovely young man? Free of charge."
"Are you sure?"
The old man was certainly no real beggar. Nothing made sense. It was cruel, what Snow thought to do, especially if he was wrong, but in case he was right.. Snow whispered to a bird before smiling brightly at the stranger, taking the apple in both hands.
"Of course, please take it!"
Snow bit into the fruit, but did not swallow, hiding the chunk in his hand. After a few seconds of pretending to chew, he collapsed, holding his breath.
The king almost immediately dropped his disguise, snarling. His once similarly raven hair had a stripe of grey.
In a voice barely louder than a huff, he said "It serves you right, you filthy bastard. I would have let you live, if you had simply left my (Reader) alone."
He exhaled. There was no movement from the floor.
"Are you dead yet? Can you still hear me? I hope you can." The king smiled. "I hope you can hear me from beyond the grave as I finally get my happily ever after."
But as he celebrated the dwarves rushed home from work, and a small bird was rallying forces to find the hunter and lead them to Snow's body.
As he monologued to what Hadewig assumed was his son's corpse, the women returned from the mines, righteously horrified and armed with pickaxes.
Hadewig heard a woman shout "Grumpy, don't!" before a pick connected with his lower back, piercing his organs from behind.
The pain was excruciating, sending fire up his body as blood poured out of him. He imagined (Reader's) face, finally smiling for him as they cradled him in their arms, accepting his love. Hadewig wanted that to be the last thing he saw before he died.
Instead, he witnessed Snow, smiling up at him from the floor.
(Reader) arrived just a moment too late, having been closer than they had expected due to how deep into the woods Snow had traveled. They witnessed the sobbing dwarves sitting at the door, too upset to enter their own home where the young prince they tried to rescue lie dead.
The hunter pushed passed them, not wasting a second to grab the young man. He was still warm, but wasn't breathing.
Snow kept his eyes closed as he felt the worst pain he had ever known.
(Reader's) hands slammed into Prince Snow's chest. A rib cracked under their strength, but Snow refused to show it.
Then their lips pressed against his.
His nose was held shut as (Reader) forced air into his throat, trying to get him to wake up. They continued the repetitions a medicine man had taught them while blowing air into his lungs.
"God damnit, Snow, wake up!"
They leaned in, and felt him breath against their mouth. His large brown eyes fluttered open, and his face reddened.
His lips curled into a weak grin. "You came back for me.."
Guilt washed over (Reader), hugging him tightly to their chest. "I'm sorry I left, Prince Snow."
Warm hands ran through (Reader's) hair. "Please.. Call me Theros."
The regret and pain kept (Reader) still, allowing the recently "revived" prince to pull them in for a kiss.
After all that (Reader) put him through, a kiss was the least they could do.
But for the born again man, it was just the beginning.
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daughterofyore · 1 year
How would George behave while you were pregnant?
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a/n;; a little headcannon about how George would act while you, his queen were pregnant. summary;; George caring for you and how I believe he would treat you throughout your queenly pregnancy.
contents;; sickening amount of fluff, almost smothering amount of love, pregnancy, birth, !!W!!;; vomiting
wc;; 566 music inspo;; falling in love
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In the early stages of your pregnancy he would be an excited mess. Constantly asking if you were sure you were pregnant, just because he wanted to make sure he was being blessed with a little baby.
When a doctor would arrive to confirm the pregnancy, he would be at your side. Peppering your knuckles and cheek with kisses. Whispering sweet nothings into your ear, only loud enough for you to hear.
He would demand you move to his room so that he may take care of you. He wouldn’t trust the staff to care for you and would adopt the jobs of helping you dress, get baths etc. Nothing would stop him caring for his wife and the mother of his child.
The morning sickness would break his heart, seeing you convulsing above a toilet bowl. He would be by your side in moments, in fact if he was busy and heard you weren’t feeling well he’d sprint to be by your side.
He’d hold your hair back as you are sick, rubbing soothing circles into the small of your back. Giving you gentle encouragement.
“That’s it dearest, you’ll be okay.”
“I am here my love.”
“Once this has passed I’ll wrap you up and lay with you.”
He’d be an absolute fiend when it came to baths. He’d be so doting, carefully filling the bath with warm water and topping it off with different (safe) dried flowers.
He’d wash you, allowing you to just relax.
He’d constantly be touching your growing belly, speaking to the baby growing inside.
“Hello my little darling. I am so excited to meet you.”
At night he’d hold you close, even in his sleep he’d be reaching for you and pulling you to be flush with him. His hand would almost always be splayed across your stomach.
He’d pay special attention to foods which made you sick and the cravings. He’d take it upon himself to go and retrieve your cravings from the kitchen, even going as far as too learn how to make them. He’d take lessons with the chef to make sure they tasted great.
Anything you wanted, whenever you wanted you can be sure he’d be making it happen.
He’d set up a comfy nook in the observatory, as the pair of you lay down he’d point to different stars and tell you their names. He’d trace constellations with his index finger.
When it came time to give birth he’d race to your side, probably coming from a meeting or a kingly duty.
If anyone tried to stop him from entering the room he’d diminish them to nothing, ripping into them. How dare they try to prevent him from being by your side, he’d push by them and deal with them later.
As you would be in labour he’d be on the bed at your side, holding you and brushing your hair out of your face. He would encourage you to no end.
He’d be nervous, but extremely excited to see his little family grow together.
He would be so proud of you, pressing little kisses to your forehead. His heart would break at seeing you in pain, though.
When it would be all said and done and the baby would cry, he’d cradle it as he lay beside you. His heart swelling with love at seeing his perfect child and beautiful wife at his side.
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ew-selfish-art · 9 months
DP x DC AU: Danny desperately wants to find the explosion guy. Tim is really good at covering his tracks... he didn't account for ghosts.
The explosions make it onto TV as purported terror activity and most people haven't heard of that part of the world much less ever given a second thought to care about it. The only real reason it gets reported on has something to do with the Justice League and... Danny knows too much.
He's been in training for Clockwork's court (which he's suspicious of- feels like kingly duty bullshit- but Danny is playing along out of curiosity for now) and he's learned a lot about how the living and non-living worlds collide. That means learning about CW's usual suspects- one of which just happened to have a ton of bases around the area Danny was seeing on the news.
It didn't take long for Danny to try to piece together that whoever blew up Nanda Parbat was trying to fuck with the League of Shadows, and was doing it successfully. Less green portals in the world the better, same goes for assassins. But it gets Danny thinking... Maybe he can employ similar tactics on the GIW Bases that keep spawning on the edges of Amity Park. It would at least set them back while he and his friends navigated the help line desk to request Justice League intervention. None of them can leave Amity Park, so outreach is going to have to be creative.
So Danny figures he'll just find the guy. Call up some ghosts who were there, or er, came from there and get a profile and track him down. But the ghosts keep saying it was The Detective. Annoying!
Danny goes full conspiracy theory, gets Tucker and Sam involved, and begrudgingly asks Wes Weston his thoughts.
He hadn't expected Wes to garble out a thirty minute presentation (that had 100 more slides left to go before he cut it off) about how Batman totally trained with a cult and so did his kids. Danny kind of rolled his eyes but... hey, new avenue of searching in the Infinite Realms at least.
The ghosts confirm that Bombs is for sure not Batman's MO- But maybe his second kid would know? The second kid was already brought back to life though, so no way to easily reach him... Danny starts to realize that this might be the work of a Robin now. Wasn't the red one known for solving cold cases? (Sam provides this information- its a social faux pas to not know hero gossip at Gotham Galas- everything she's learned is against her will).
It all comes to a head when Danny goes about the hard task of opening a portal for the guy to come through at just the right time, explain the infinite realms so he doesn't panic and then describe what the fuck was going on with the GIW. It takes months, just over a full year, of random (educated guesses) portal generating- Finally, Red Robin drops into the land of the dead.
"So, you're the guy I've got to talk to about explosions right?" Danny enthusiastically asks.
Tim thinks he's died and landed in the after life following 56 hours of being awake and plummeting off the side of a building into a Lazarus pool. Nothing makes sense about the kid in front of him.
"Yeah, I got a guy for munitions." Tim answers cooly.
"How do you feel about secretly sanctioned government operations that violate protected rights?"
"Gotta get rid of 'em some how. Need me to point you in the right direction?" This might as well be happening.
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aethertetsuya · 1 year
DP x DC Idea 💡 🤡
Danny is held hostage by Joker. Contrary to popular belief, he doesn't have anything against clowns. He's just more guarded against them. Anyway, he was on Kingly duties. He needs the Joker dead. To bring justice to those whose lives he claimed.
As the Joker was monologing, he escaped his bindings and dives for the Joker only claw something out of him.
Danny split the Joker into two. The normal sane Jack Napier and the Madman Joker. See, the "Vat of acid" he got dropped into was actually a Vat of Lazarus Water. Thus pit madness.
The Batclan who was watching this unfold was shocked.
Batman: You cant kill the Joker.
Danny: Well according to the Anti Ecto acts I actually can. *Proceeds to tell yhem what the law states* BTW most of you fall under their ecto entity classification especially Red Hood.
Batman: *Blue screens*
Danny: Hey RH wanna beat this guy for Shit and Giggles. He cant die so you can have all the fun you want. I still need him for trial though.
Redhood: Thanks. I'm going to enjoy this.
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