#parker is such a little pookie
lisbonsteresa · 2 years
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they're so
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sincericida · 8 months
attends the Loewe Fashion Show.
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catnerd-13 · 6 months
i’m going so insane i’m getting dragged back into my spider noir phase LET ME GO THINKIGN ABOUT HIM TOO LONG MAKES ME SAD HE’S SO DOOMED BY THE NARRATIVE LET ME LEASVEE AAGAGHHHHH
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googlekromer · 3 months
du riescht so gut is so good to me because whenever "der wahnsinn" is said i immediately think about my ocs, 5 university students who are basically one big family and who all love rammstein to some degree, and they named their group der wahnsinn, and they're crowded around a record player waiting anxiously for the thing to be said. they don't move. they don't speak. they stare at the player.
and then when it's said, they all cheer and yell "THAT'S US!!! THAT'S US!!!"
canonically they're going to be at the concert in copenhagen on the 5th of july, where undoubtedly the same thing will happen
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waitimcomingtoo · 1 year
Pairing: Peter Parker x Best Friend!Reader
Synopsis: Flash’s pool party turns into a kissing party and Peter fears you’ll kiss someone else
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“Hobo. Bride of hobo. Are you coming to my party Friday?” Flash said as he held up a bright orange flyer that had the details of a pool party at his house on it.
“What party?” Peter asked as he shut his locket.
“The party you weren’t invited to. Later suckers.” Flash laughed obnoxiously, flipped you both off, and then ran away. You and Peter looked at each other before shaking your heads in disbelief.
“Wow. I haven’t been called a sucker in…ever.” You realized.
“Me either. I thought it was one of those fake high school experiences that only happens in movies. Like a bully asking for your lunch money or dunking your head in a toilet.” Peter replied.
“Or making a volcano for the science fair.” You added, making Peter smile.
“Yeah. Exactly.” He said as he looked at you fondly for understanding him.
“So what are we gonna do Friday while the rest of our school goes to Flash’s super cool party?” You asked as you threw some books in your locker.
“Oh, we’re hanging out on Friday? I didn’t know that.” Peter blushed at your nonchalant invitation. You’d never hung out just the two of you before and the fact that it seemed like an obvious choice of plans for you made Peter happy.
“Well, duh. Neds definitely gonna be invited ever since him and Flash bonded over getting left behind on the field trip freshman year. We should do something.”
“Just you and me?” Peter asked with a hopeful smile.
“Yeah. It’ll be fun.” You smiled back and wondered if the thought of alone time was as exciting for you as it was for Peter.
“Maybe we can grab some ice cream and then hang out on my roof. It’s pretty nice up there once you scare the bats away.”
“I love that idea. It’s a date.” You replied without thinking. You face dropped when you realized what you called it while Peter turned bright red.
“Or whatever we want to call it.” You quickly added with a forced laugh.
“We can call it a date.” Peter shrugged, taking you by surprise. You smiled at him just as the bell rang.
“Well then it’s a date. Catch you later, P.” You squeezed Peters arm before going to your next class. Peter watched you leave with a dreamy smile on his face. This Friday, you’d finally be going on a date. Whether it was an ice cream date, a friend date, or a date date, he was just happy to be going with you.
The next day, Flash caught up to you on campus and walked with you to your next class.
“Hey, pookie. I would like to formally invite you to my pool party.” Flash said as he held out a flyer for his party.
“Really? What made you change your mind?” You laughed in surprise and took the flyer.
“I realized something and had a change of heart.” He replied.
“Oh yeah? What did you realize?”
“That inviting you gets I mean to see you in a bathing suit.” Flash said, making you laugh in shock.
“Gross. But thanks. For the invite, I mean. Not for the other thing.” You said and shoved the flyer in your backpack.
“You can bring Parker too. Since you two are dating or cousins or whatever.”
“Neither.” You chuckled. “But yeah, I’ll bring him.”
“Perf. See you Friday, my little cinnamon apple.” Flash blew you a kiss and walked away just as Peter approached you.
“What did he want?” Peter faked a laugh and hoped it hid the jealousy he felt when he saw Flash blowing you a kiss.
“Good news. Flash kindly extended the invitation to us.” You said and took the flyer out to show Peter.
“Oh, really? So we can go?” Peter asked and hoped he didn’t sound as disappointed as he felt. He could care less about a stupid party. He just wanted to be with you.
“Yeah. If you want.” You shrugged, also not really wanting to go. Your date with Peter sounded much more appealing.
“Sure. It’ll be fun.” Peter lied through a smile.
“Maybe we can still get ice cream after. Just the two of us.” You suggested, making Peters smile turn genuine.
“Yeah. If the party’s lame, we can just slip out and go on our date.” Peter said just to use the word “date” again. You smiled sheepishly and nodded your head.
“It probably will be lame. We can stay for the food and then have some real fun. Just me and you.”
“Ned will probably want to come with us, though.” Peter realized as his disappointment returned.
“Too bad.” You shrugged. “He can hang with us anytime. But he can’t come on our date.”
Peter grinned as you said everything he hoped you would. Your date was still on the table and he might even get to see you in a bikini before it. That was the only thing making either of you want to go to the party.
When Friday came, there was prep to be done. You and Peter went to your dorms after class and began to prepare for the evening ahead. Peter laid out all his swim trunks before trying them all on to see which one he could best impress you in. Meanwhile, you were looking in your floor length mirror and making an important decision.
“I’m gonna shave my entire body.” You whispered to yourself. When MJ came home from class a little while later, she found you covered neck to toe in shaving cream with a razor in your hand.
“Should I even ask?” She asked when you froze at the sound of her opening the door.
“Pool party.” You told her. “Peters gonna be there. I don’t want him to know I have body hair. He can’t see the hair on my upper thighs. He just can’t, MJ.”
“Every single person literally ever, including Peter, has body hair covering their entire body. He already knows you have hair on your thighs. Everyone does. Why do you have to do all this?” She couldn’t help but laugh as she gestured to your shaving cream covered body.
“Look, you don’t shave your armpits and that’s amazing and more power to you for not caring about society’s expectations for female body hair, but tonight, I do care. I care enough to need Peter to think I’m as sleek and slippery as an exfoliated baby dolphin covered in baby oil.”
“Fine. Give me a razor. I’ll do your back.” MJ sighed and held out her hand. You fist pumped before giving her a spare razor.
Peter was back in his room making sure he looked his best for you. He ended up in navy blue swim trunks and a fitted white T-shirt that you complimented once. He twirled around in front of his mirror and made sure everything looked right. When he was satisfied, he drenched himself in body spray, grabbed a towel, and headed to your dorm.
You rinsed off the shaving cream and put on a perfume that Peter said he liked once before changing into your bathing suit. You put your hair into two braids and threw a big shirt on over it just as Peter came knocking on your door. You gave MJ a look before throwing on a smile and opening the door.
“Hey, P. Oh, I like that shirt.” You complimented him as you leaned against your door.
“Oh, thanks.” Peter blushed even though he only wore that shirt for you. “I, uh, like your hair like that.”
“Thanks. I didn’t want the chlorine to dry it out.” You shrugged and tugged on one of your braids to draw attention to it.
“It’s cute.” Peter said in a weak voice, making your smile.
“Yeah? I’ll have to do it more often then.” You did your best to flirt. Peter laughed shyly and rubbed the back of his neck.
“You should. It looks really good on you.” He said without making eye contact. Something was most definitely in the air between you tonight and you both felt it. You touched your braid again not to draw attention to it, but to feel beneath your fingers what Peter was seeing.
“Damn. I thought the awkward friend hook up happens after the party. Should I leave?” MJ said from behind you. You hung your head in shame as Peter turned red.
“We’re leaving. Bye.” You gave her a look as you grabbed your bag and shut the door.
“Use protection! And I don’t mean sunblock.” She called after you from inside your dorm room.
“Oh my God. We need to get out of here.” You laughed in embarrassment and took Peters hand to pull him towards the elevator. Once you were in the elevator, you stood side by side and avoided eye contact since MJ had now made things awkward. You didn’t know how tonight was gonna go, but going to sleep as more than friends with Peter would be nice. Even if all that happened was a kiss, you’d be satisfied.
You and Peters hands bumped a few times as you walked to Flash’s house. You had a feeling in your gut that once you walked into this party, things were going to change. You could only hope they were changing for the better.
“Well look who it is. Frick and Frack. Welcome to my party.” Flash greeted you and Peter as you walked in through his gate. Flash’s house was naturally enormous and his pool looked like a lake. There was a water fall on one end, a diving board, and a tray of drinks going around on an inflatable table. Flash himself was in the tiniest pair of swim trunks you had ever seen. They were golden and had his name stitched across the butt, making you and Peter burst out laughing when you saw it.
“Hey Flash. Thanks for the invite.”
“My pleasure. Or, it will be once you drop that shirt.” Flash winked at you. “Anyways, hope you guys brushed your teeth before this.”
“Why?” You frowned. You had, of course, and so did Peter.
“Because this is a kissing party.” Flash said like it was obvious. Your eyebrows went up and you looked at Peter who was just as confused.
“Sorry, what? What the hell is a kissing party?” You laughed, thinking he was kidding.
“Duh. It’s a party where you kiss as a competition.” Flash rolled his eyes. “The person at the end of the party who kisses the most people wins.”
“Wins what?” Peter wondered.
“The Cuban Rizzle Crisis.” Flash shrugged. “You’re crowned Rizz Khalifa. The Rizzly Bear. You get a degree in Quantum Rizzics. You become the Rizzard of Oz. You star in Harry Potter and the Rizzoner of Azcaban. You feel me?”
There was a long, long silence as you and Peter stared at Flash. Flash’s gaze was piercing as he looked back at the two of you with no shame.
“What?” Peter said finally, making Flash roll his eyes.
“Just kiss as many people as you can and keep count.”
“But can’t multiple people win if they all kiss everyone at the party?” You pointed out.
“Not everyone plays.” Flash shrugged. “Plus, people are always coming and going. There is never a fixed amount of people here. And you can deny a kiss if you think the person is gross.”
“So you probably won’t get any kisses then.” Peter said, making you laugh.
“Suck my balls, Parker.” Flash scoffed before turning to you.
“By the way, cutie pie, that’s an open invitation.” He said with a wink.
“Hard pass.” You replied.
“All right. Let me know if you change your mind, pookie.” He winked at you again and you looked away.
“I won’t. And I don’t think I’m gonna play. I don’t really get down like that.” You told Flash. Peter internally sighed in relief. He had feared that you were gonna play and end up kissing other people while he had to watch. But luckily, you were on the same page.
“Me either.” Peter added. You looked at him in surprise before smiling.
“Fine. You two can just make out in the corner or call your grandma or something.” Flash grumbled.
“Again, not dating and not cousins.” You corrected Flash.
“Whatever. I don’t judge.” Flash held up his hands and walked away. Once you and Peter were alone again, you looked at each other and laughed.
“Kissing party? Come on. That’s not a real thing, is it?” Peter asked you.
“I think he got it from a movie or something. There’s no way people really do this. Imagine the germs. Bleh.” You stuck your tongue out and then pulled your shirt off. Peters whole world stopped as he saw you in a bathing suit for the first time since sixth grade. He didn’t realize how much he was staring until he heard you laugh uncomfortably.
“Peter? Are you still with me?” You asked and waved a hand in front of his face.
“Yeah. Sorry. I thought I saw a bug on your leg.” He lied before tugging his shirt off. You stared at him shamelessly until the shirt was over his head and then pretended you were looking somewhere else. It had slipped your mind that Peter got randomly jacked one day and he had just reminded you with a full view. You’d only ever seen his muscles through his occasional tight shirt but this was much more revealing than that. You snuck one more glance and gulped before throwing on a smile.
“Do you want to get in the water?” You asked. Being in the water mean you wouldn’t have to fight for your life trying not to stare at Peters body for a while.
“Sure.” He smiled and held out his arm. You wrapped your arm around his and walked over to the stairs of the pool.
“Ah it’s…not cold. It’s actually the perfect temperature.” You realized after bracing yourself for the cold pool water.
“Of course he has a heated pool.” Peter grumbled and walked in. You swam over to a spot near some people but also a little isolated. The people behind you were making out and once you both noticed that, you blushed.
“Wow. They’re earning points already.” You chuckled.
“I know. I wonder who’s gonna win.”
“Us. Definitely.” You joked, making Peter laugh.
“Oh, for sure. I’m already making a list in my head of all the people I’m gonna kiss.” He played along.
“Oh yeah? Who’s at the top of the list?” You asked as you swam closer to Peter. Peter looked at your lips and then into your eyes before smiling shyly.
“The list is actually just your name written a hundred times in your handwriting.” Peter joked. You smiled in shock and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Really? Tell me more about that?” You asked. Peter gulped and wasn’t planning on telling you anything. Instead, he’d show you how he felt by finally kissing you.
But before that could happen, Brad Davis swam over and tapped your shoulder.
“Hey, Y/n. I didn’t see you come in.” He smiled.
“Oh, yeah. Peter and I just got here.” You smiled in disappointment and let go of Peter.
“Cool, cool. So, I’m sure Flash told you what kind of party this is.” Brad said, making Peters senses go off. Brad wanted a kiss and as the captain of your schools basketball team, he might get it.
“He sure did. Which is when Peter and I told him we aren’t playing.” You said through a fake laugh to dilute the uncomfortable situation.
“Oh, my bad. I came over here to kiss you but I didn’t realize you guys were dating.” Brad said apologetically. You and Peter exchanged a look and he gulped.
“We’re not dating.” Peter forced a laughed as well.
“Ohhh. Cool. So I can kiss you?” Brad asked and moved closer. Peter felt white hot jealousy in his veins and looked at you to see what you were gonna do.
“Like I said, not playing.” You laughed awkwardly and moved away from him.
“No sweat. Let me know if you change your mind.” Brad smiled at you and swam back to his friends. Peter blew out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and looked at you. You had your hands over your mouth and wide eyes.
“Oh my God. That was so awkward. I need to get out of here.” You whispered to Peter.
“Let’s go get some food.” Peter suggested. You agreed and got out of the pool together. Peter put a hand on your back and got a towel for you so you could cover yourself when you went inside.
“Uh oh, my Virgin alarm is going off.” Flash said when you and Peter walked into the kitchen where a group of your classmates were. Peter rolled his eyes as Flash walked towards the two of you with his hand flat like a metal detector.
“Beep, beep, beep. I found them. I found the virgins.” Flash gasped as he waved his hand over you and Peter.
“Knock it off, Flash.” Peter grumbled as his face flushed.
“I had to. You two are the only ones not playing.” Flash replied. Everyone looked at you and you suddenly felt insecure for not participating.
“Really? I thought you said other people weren’t playing.” You asked.
“They dipped.” Flash shrugged. “Everyone here is a part of the game. Expect for Chastity Mary and Pete the Prude over here.”
“I’ll play.” You blurted just to make everyone stop staring at you like you were a giant loser. Peter looked at you in confusion and you gave him a stressed look.
“Me too.” Peter nodded to back you up. You didn’t actually want to play, but the peer pressure had gotten to you. That and the fact that this little game might be the perfect excuse to get Peter to kiss you.
“Oh, shit. You’re really playing? In that case…” Flash closed his eyes and leaned in to kiss you with his lips puckered. You picked a strawberry off the table and shoved it in his mouth while Peter laughed.
“Guys, Neds here.” One of the boys in the kitchen gasped.
“NED! NED! NED! NED!” Everyone funneled out of the kitchen in a mob while cheering for Ned.
“Did you know Ned had a cult following?” You asked Peter.
“Kinda. He’s famous around here ever since he got them to reinstate all day breakfast in the dining hall.” Peter explained.
“That was him? Shit, I’d cheer for him too.”
“I should go say hi to him. If he had time for old friends, that is.” Peter joked.
“Y/n, over here!” One of the girls in your grade came over and took your arm. You gave Peter an apologetic look as she pulled you away.
“I’ll catch up with you later!” You told him before disappearing back outside with the girl.
It was almost an hour before you and Peter were reuniting. Now that you were in the competition, Peter could not relax. He was on high alert all night as he tried to spot you in the large crowd. He couldn’t enjoy the party because he was too busy fantasizing about the worst case scenario of you kissing all the popular boys and falling in love with one of them. After you’d been mingling in your respective friend groups for a while, you spotted each other on either side of the pools waterfall. You swam under the waterfall and stayed close to the wall so you were protected by the wall of water but not getting wet.
“There you are. I’ve been looking for you.” Peter smiled and swam to you.
“Have you?” You smiled in return and swam closer to him.
“I have. The boys started wrestling each other and I wanted to give it a go with you.” Peter joked. You laughed and swam even closer to him so that your chests were touching. A comfortable silence fell between you and the rest of the party fell away. You couldn’t really see or hear anyone outside of the waterfall so it felt like it was just the two of you.
“So have you kissed anyone yet?” Peter asked and held his breath.
“No. People keep asking me but I keep declining. I don’t think I’m winning tonight.” You clicked your tongue.
“Me either.” Peter laughed in relief.
“So you haven’t kissed anyone?”
“No. No one’s asked me.” He admitted.
“So kiss me.” You shrugged and held your breath for his response. Peter turned around and looked behind him but didn’t see anyone.
“Who are you talking to?” He asked you.
“You, you dingus.” You laughed. “I’m asking you.”
“You want to kiss me?” Peter asked in disbelief and pointed to himself. You nodded your head and Peter felt a panic rise in his chest.
“N-no.” Peter weakly stammered.
“No?” You asked as your eyebrows went up.
“Sorry. No, thank you. Is what I meant.” Peter corrected himself.
“Oh. Right. Sorry.” You laughed awkwardly and swam back a little.
“Just because-“
“No, it’s totally cool.” You cut him off. “You don’t have to explain anything to me.”
“I just-“
“I’m gonna go get a drink. See you later?” You smiled at him and quickly swam away. Peter was frozen under the waterfall as he processed what happened. Suddenly, Ned burst under the waterfall with urgency.
“Dude! What the hell was that?” He asked and swam to Peter.
“I panicked! I didn’t think she was gonna ask me that!” Peter whispered harshly.
“Why wouldn’t she? This is a kissing party!”
“Kissing parties aren’t real! That’s not a thing that exists. This is a made up concept. Think of the germs! You haven’t thought of the germs you bitch!” Peter exclaimed. Ned jutted in his back in surprise and Peter felt bad.
“Why are you yelling at me?” Ned whispered.
“Because I just blew my chances with Y/n and I’m angry!” Peter whispered back.
“Well why didn’t you kiss her?”
“Because.” Peter whined. “I don’t want our first kiss to be because of this gross game. I wanted it to be because we wanted it.”
“Dude, she hasn’t kissed a single person tonight. You’re the only one she asked.” Ned pointed out.
“Your tone makes me think you’re leading me to a profound conclusion.”
“Clearly she only agreed to play so she could kiss you. That’s why she’s been saying no to everyone else but asked you. She’s not playing the game. She just wanted to kiss you.” Ned said and smacked Peters chest.
“No. That would mean she likes me. And there’s no way she likes me.” Peter insisted.
“Then why would she agree to play this game if she was gonna say no to everyone but you?”
“Because she’s a silly goose? I don’t know. I don’t have all the answers, Ned. Maybe she was just being a silly little guy.”
“Dude, she’s likes you.” Ned groaned. “And she just shot her shot. And you shot her down.”
“That’s way too many shots.” Peter whispered in fear that Ned was right.
“You need to go smooch that girl before you lose her forever.” Ned told him.
“Oh God. Do you think that will happen? Do you think she’ll kiss somebody else?” Peter gulped and chewed his nails.
“Probably. If I’m right about her liking you, that means she just got rejected and is probably super hurt and embarrassed. She’ll be looking for someone to distract her and remind her that she’s desirable. Plus, I heard Brad and Flash are tied and Y/n is the only girl they haven’t kissed. If they get to her before you do, you’re done.”
“Oh God. I can’t let that happen.”
“You might be a little late for that. Turn around.” Ned looked guilty as he pointed over Peters shoulder. Peter turned to see you and Flash sitting on the edge of the pool together. You were laughing at something he was saying, making Peters stomach drop.
“Oh no! She can’t kiss Flash. I’ve never seen him apply chapstick once in his life. And he licked the back of the bus seat in fifth grade during a game of Truth or Dare so he’s definitely carrying some sort of disease.”
“I remember that. He picked truth and then randomly licked the seat top to bottom.” Ned recalled.
“She can’t kiss that mouth. He has cooties. He can’t give my beloved cooties.” Peter said as determination filled his body.
“You need to do that think football players do when they catch the ball that was thrown at a different player.” Ned told him.
“No. That’s the show about sitting down your family member who has an addiction and sending them to rehab.” Ned waved his hand.
“That’s Intervention.”
“No, Intervention is the Tom Cruise movie where he goes to space and his daughter is Renesmee from Twilight.”
“For starters, I’m not really sure why you called her Renesmee “from Twilight” as if there is any other character in any other movie with that name, but you also just described the movie Intersteller. Which is with Matthew McConaughey, not Tom Cruise.” Peter corrected him.
“So what movie am I thinking of?” Ned wondered.
“Fuck if I know. I’ll be right back.” Peter said and swam over to you and Flash. He saw Flash starting to lean in and in a panic, grabbed a beach ball and threw it at him.
“Ow. What was that?” Flash looked around once the ball hit him in the head.
“Hey guys. What’s going on?” Peter smoothly slid into the convo.
“Hi, Peter.” You smiled shyly and then looked back at Flash.
“It was Inception.” Ned said suddenly as he joined Peters side. Peter face palmed and you just looked confused.
“What was Inception? What did that mean?” Flash asked in genuine confusion.
“The movie I was thinking of. Inception starring Leonardo DiCaprio. That’s what you have to do to Y/n.” Ned explained. He slowly turned and realized you were sitting right there on the pool edge and smiled sheepishly.
“Oh, hey Y/n. Lovely weather we’re having, no?” Ned asked.
“What about an inception?” You playfully narrowed your eyes at Peter.
“He means interception.” Peter mumbled in embarrassment.
“Intercept what?” You asked as you slipped into the pool to be closer to Peter.
“Your kiss with Flash.” Peter admitted as he looked into your eyes. His big brown eyes were full of guilt and you couldn’t stay mad even if you wanted to.
“Ew. You thought I was gonna kiss Flash?” You laughed. “Not after what he did to that bus seat in fifth grade. No offense, Flash.”
“Was it that bad? It tasted like dry Ramen.” Flash shrugged.
“Who eats dry Ramen?” Ned asked.
“People who question the status quo and reject the suffocating confines of the shell society puts us in.” Flash stated.
“What the fuck are you ever talking about?” You whispered to yourself.
“Who knows? Did I hear Y/n wanted to kiss little old me?” Flash batted his eyelashes and pretended to tuck hair behind his ear.
“No, you didn’t.” You told him.
“Wait, so you didn’t come over here to kiss Flash?” Peter asked you.
“Ew, no. Why would you ever think that?”
“Because you wanted to forget that I rejected you.” Peter said, making your eyes widen.
“You rejected Y/n?” Flash laughed in surprise. “That is an M.Night Shamelan level twist right there. That shocked me more than that one Black Mirror episode where it turns out he was a pedofile after I spent the whole episode feeling bad for him.”
“What are you talking about now?” You whined.
“I actually know what he’s talking about.” Peter admitted. “That episode was crazy.”
“Right? When the mom was like “Kids, Kenny? You were looking at kids?” I nearly threw my phone at my TV. On God. I was rooting for him. And best believe, that is the last time I will ever root for a white man.” Flash shook his head. Everyone in the pool was looking at you guys now and trying to peer into the conversation. There was an awkward silence and even more awkward eye contact before Flash spoke again.
“So why didn’t you want to kiss Y/n?” He asked Peter.
“I was kinda also wondering that.” You admitted and looked at Peter for answers.
“Can we talk somewhere else? In private?” Peter asked you quietly.
“You’re just gonna let me hear that much of the conversation and then leave at the end? Talk about edging.” Flash scoffed.
“Fine. He can hear. In fact, everyone should hear this.” Peter decided and got up on the pool steps.
“Hey, everyone. I have an announcement.” Peter said as he cupped his hands around his mouth.
“I like Y/n. As more than a friend.” He announced as he pointed to you. You smiled in delight while everyone else gave each other the side eye.
“No one gives a shit, Parker.” A boy shouted after a long moment of silence.
“Everybody knew that.” Another girl added.
“Do a flip!” Someone shouted.
“He thinks he’s the main character or something, I swear.” Someone else muttered.
“Oh. I thought that would get a bigger reaction.” Peter frowned and walked back down into the pool to go back to you.
“You like me?” You smiled softly.
“I do. A lot.” Peter admitted with the same soft smile.
“Then why didn’t you kiss me?”
“Because I didn’t want our first kiss to be apart of this stupid game.” Peter told you. “I also wanted to be wearing underwear the first time we kissed. I guess I’m picky.”
“I’m never wearing underwear. Ever. Even when I wear jeans.” Flash said, reminding you that he was there. You turned your entire body to look at him because of how shocked you were by that statement.
“Why not?” You asked him.
“It blocks the flow of my mojo.” He said and pointed to his crotch before moving his hand it and outward flow. You blinked a few times and then turned back to Peter.
“Peter, I only played the game because I wanted to kiss one person. You.” You told him.
“That’s why I started playing. But when you came up to me and asked me, I was so caught off guard that I panicked and said no.”
“Is your guard up now?” You asked him.
“Probably not. Peter could never afford a guard. Get it? Because he’s poor.” Flash said and then laughed at his own joke. Peter rolled his eyes before looking at you again.
“If you asked me again, I’d say yes.” He told you.
“I’m not gonna ask you again. But that’s good to know.” You smiled at him, making his smile drop.
“Y/n, over here.” A girl on the other side of the pool called.
“See you around.” You waved to Peter before swimming to the girl. Peter and Flash stood there in shock as the processed what had happened.
“Dude, that was brutal.” Flash said. “That was worse than the staph infection that hospitalized me after I licked that bus seat.”
“I can’t believe she didn’t ask me.” Peter whispered in disbelief. “And who the fuck keeps saying “Y/n, over here?””
“I can’t believe you rejected her, announced to the whole party that you liked her, and then she rejected you! That’s gold, man. You can’t make this stuff up. Anyways, later loser.” Flash hopped into the pool and started to swim away. He suddenly popped up in front of Peter, this time, with goggles on this time.
“Unless you wanted to play mermaids?” Flash asked him. Peter stared at him for a minute and then nodded.
“I do, actually. Yeah.”
“Amazing. My tail is blue. What’s yours?”
“Please let me be blue.” Peter whined. “I just got rejected by my best friend.”
“Fine. I’ll be orange.” Flash rolled his eyes.
Once the party had started to fizzle out, Peter got out of the pool and went over to where he had left his stuff. You walked over to him and he tensed up.
“Hey.” You said as you approached him.
“Oh, hi.” Peter said cautiously. He had no idea what you were here for after all of the bizarre interactions you had tonight.
“Towel?” You asked and offered him a fresh towel.
“Yeah, thanks.” He accepted it and eyed you skeptically before drying off.
“You should really try to ring your hair out. Chlorine might damage those curls.” You said and nodded towards Peters hair.
“Oh, thanks.” He said and rubbed his towel all over his head. When he was finished, he noticed you staring at him with a fond smile.
“What?” He wondered.
“You missed a spot. Here, let me help.” You said and took the towel. You rubbed it all over his head to dry his hair and then moved it to reveal his face. He was blushing, like always, but had a sad look in his eyes. You let the towel fall to around his neck and then pulled it to bring him closer so you could kiss him.
“Did you really think I was gonna kiss you for the first time with Flash Thompson sitting between us?” You asked once you pulled away.
“So that’s why you didn’t ask me again?” Peter smiled as he connected the dots.
“I’m like you. I wanted it to be special.” You shrugged.
“I think it would be even more special if it happened again.” He replied. You laughed and kissed him again, which he was ready for this time.
“So.” He said once you pulled away. “You still down for that ice cream date?”
“It’s a date.” You nodded and smiled.
“I know. I literally just said that.”
“Don’t ruin the moment, P.” You warned him.
“Fine.” He smiled. “Let’s go on our date.”
Tag List 🏷️
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling
@serendipitous-amor @tom-hollands-wifey
@whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning
@imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl
@jackiehollanderr @maryjanee23 @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow
@unbelievableholland @flixndchill @sovereignparker @every-marveler-ever
@undiadeestos @caelestii-e @eridanuswave​ ​ @fiantomartell @solarxmoonchild
@canyouevencauseicant @illwritetomorrow @thehappygrungelife @saysomethingspiderman @smilexcaptainx
@quaksonhehe @kelieah @seasidecrowbar @lovelessdagger @electraheart-3174
@unbelievableholland @yourtypicalhotmess @horanxholland @thesuitelifeofafangirl
@marshxx @heyheycharlatte @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie
@maybemona @alexxcorona113 @lethal-wisdom @xo-spidey
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mvltisstuff · 1 year
teenage fever - p.p **
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summary: peter helps cool his girl down after she gets in trouble at school
peter parker x reader
smut warning pookies 🤭
“got detention today, don’t have to drive me home :(“
peter saw the text the second it arrived, happy to see y/n’s name flash upon his screen. however, his face matched the emoji she put when he noticed what it said.
“what happened? i’ll pick you up and we can head back together after, okay?”
she left a little thumbs up on the message. “i’ll explain later, i’m just annoyed rn”
so, he waited in the parking lot for her. he never minds waiting for her, especially when it’s as rare as this. she never gets in trouble, she’s always been a good student, so he’s completely lost as to why she’s being punished. he sits in his car on his phone for a bit, still pondering why she may have gotten detention.
he saw her walk out of the back doors of the school, heading toward his car with her bag slung over one shoulder. he could instantly see the frustration on her face, and was ready to listen and be the best boyfriend he could.
she walked up, opening the door and sighing as she sat in the passengers seat. “you’ll never fucking guess.”
“i really don’t think i could,” he replies, looking into her face that almost has a smirk on it.
“my shitty calc teacher, right?”
“mhm, go on.”
“she reported my outfit to the office and gave me a detention for being disrespectful about it. all i said was that my outfit was fine! people wear shit like this all the time, and suddenly it’s a problem when i do it?”
peter realizes that he hasn’t gotten a good look at y/n today. at least he hasn’t seen her around school when they have this schedule. so, he takes his time now to scan the outfit that the math teacher supposedly hated.
her hair was pulled back lightly, a few pieces left out in the front. it shaped her face beautifully, the face peter admires every day. he looked down to her top, it was white with thin straps, the ends almost going into a corset-type of look. her waist was perfectly shaped, the one that peter always runs his hands down when standing beside her. the top pushed her boobs up as well, complimenting her lovely round breasts and cleavage that she showed. her shorts were just under her belly button, the dark blue showing off her hips and the way her thighs looked. he tried to sneak by a peek to her ass, turning peter into a hormonal freshman again. he takes in her entire figure, thinking about all the times he’s touched it, kissed it, pleasured it.
“you good?” y/n asks, her brows furrowing when they notice the blank stare on peters face. “babe, stop staring at my boobs, i’ve had enough of that today.”
“sorry!” he exclaims. “i think your outfits good- or hot- well you always look beautiful no matter what you wear.”
“thanks,” she smiles, seeing through his act. just by the way she looks at him, peter can feel himself getting warmer. every single time she fans her lashes while she looks up at him sends goosebumps down his arms, leading to his crotch as he shuffled uncomfortably in the driver seat. “you’re so funny sometimes.”
“what?” he asks.
“i just turned you on by stepping into this car, peter. don’t act all innocent on me,” she tells him, tilting herself more angled toward him. he notices the way her arms get closer together, pushing her tits together and peter can feel himself getting harder. “wow, maybe my teacher was right. maybe i am too distracting.”
she pulls a grin onto her face, letting her hand rest on his thigh. he shivers lightly, placing his own hand on top of hers. she places a hand on the side of his face, pushing his lips against her own. just by kissing her boyfriend, y/n could almost forget about the trouble she was in. she’d do it all again if it lead her to this, though. his hand brushes against her knuckles, lightly floating her hand over his sweatpants.
they are both fully facing each other, eyes shut as they fall into the others mouth. peter could always make her feel like they were the only people in the world, and no one else mattered.
he could easily taste the flavored gloss she had on, the scent instantly entering his nose as she inches closer to him. his fingers ran over her jaw and over her hair, admiring the silky strands on her head that he loved so much. he wishes the noises she made were louder, so he could hear her little noises perfectly, just the ones that turn him on more. it lasts for minutes, her hands trailing down to his thick biceps from all the crime fighting he did. her touch was always warm besides the cool feeling of her few rings on his skin. he let himself wander down to her waist, caressing the side before landing them onto her hips.
“y/n,” he groans into her mouth, pulling away slowly to lean his head against hers.
“shh,” she cuts him off. “i know what you want.”
“i want you to wear this every day.”
“yeah, yeah,” she mumbles, chuckling at him as he writhes under her touch. one of his hands still remains on her hip as she starts to inch her fingers into the waistband of his sweatpants. he can feel himself getting antsy for her to touch him, to do anything to him to relieve the pressure in his body.
his wish is her command in an instant, helping him to pull down the sweatpants past his crotch to reveal his boxers underneath. when she peels down the boxers, his hardened dick is immediately in her grasp, her mouth watering just by looking at his. she leaves a soft kiss on his tip, only relieving an gram of tightness through his abdomen.
she wraps her hand around his shaft, starting to pump lightly and gets the sweetest moan from peters lips. she adores seeing him like this, the way he falls into her grasp and lets her please him. “jesus, y/n.”
“i know, baby,” she smiles up at his blushed face while he looks at his favorite sight. she takes her tongue and drags it up the underside of his dick, wrapping her mouth around him and keeping her hands on the end. peters hands fly around the place at the intensity, not knowing where to put them until he places one on y/n’s head and the other on the side of his thigh.
she bobs her head up and down on him, sucking his dick with such ease that it makes him more turned on than he’s ever been. he hates to think of this, but he thinks of her in that class, her perfect body on display for him as the teacher eyes her.
the way his dick throbs and jumps makes her feel the arousal form in her heat, just knowing that she’s completely wet over hearing peters moans for her. she pulls back, letting the saliva form in her mouth before sucking her mouth back onto him. she looks over at his veiny hands clutching the car door, his chest heavily breathing and heart pounding. “y/n, fuck i’m really close.”
she signals to him that he can come by just continuing her motions on him. her extra hand moves down to his balls while she fondles them as he groans out into the thick air of the car. when he finally reaches his orgasm, his cum coats the inside of her mouth, settling in her tongue as she wipes some from her lip. he laughs when he watches her swipe some off her chin and swallow the rest, only finding it hotter as he gets hard again.
once peter catches his breath again, he loops his finger through the belt holes in her shorts, pulling them up toward him and he’s able to see the curve of her ass in them and he watches her thigh swing over him, just remembering all the times he’s been in-between them.
“wait,” he starts. “get these off.” he points to the shorts, helping her peel them off her legs to noticed the lacy pair of panties she had on underneath. he doesn’t bother to take her shirt off, not wanting to waste another moment where he’s not inside of her. “you look so hot today, baby.”
“thanks, peter,” she grins against his lips. “but i can just tell from how hard you are right now.” she grinds herself into his crotch, the fabric of her underwear rubbing against him, making him moan. he reached down, moving her panties to the side and runs his fingers through her warm folds. she pushes her warmth up against his dick, sliding his length through her slick pussy.
“you’re this wet for me already?”
“you’re crazy if you think i haven’t been this wet for you all day.” she whispers into his ear. “honestly, there wasn’t a period today that i didn’t think about you fucking me in this car, peter. even in detention.”
“it’s a good thing mr. stark tinted my windows, can’t see anything in here.”
she continues to rock her hips against him before he reaches underneath them. he shoves two of his fingers into her vagina, craving the taste of her on his tongue. she sighs out at the feeling of him filling her with just two of his fingers, only to be disappointed when he pulls them out again.
he brings them to his mouth, sucking on his fingers before reaching back down to his own dick, slipping it through her folds before sinking into her pussy.
they moan out simultaneously, instantly feeling somewhat relieved of the horniness they felt early. he still grabs a hold of her waist, helping bounce her up and down on his shaft as he moans out sweet nothings in her ear. “oh my god, y/n, this feels so good.”
she runs her fingers through his hair, ruining the small amount of gel he had applied that morning. his own arms reached around, pulling her into his chest and having her lean against him, his head fully in her soft tits and he was finally in heaven.
he reached another one of his hands down, circling her clit with his thumb and getting closer with the thought of him inside of her. he starts to tease the small nerves, making her moan out and pull him closer against her. “holy shit, peter!”
he starts thrusting up into her, using his lower body to slam into her repeatedly. he admired the way her boobs jiggle to the action of him fucking her. the coil in his stomach only began to tighten more, knowing that his second orgasm was close. he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to contain himself and resist cumming inside her warm pussy, but luckily birth control exists.
“peter, i’m gonna cum,” she announces, feeling his thrusts get choppier inside of her. “fuck, fuck, fuck! peter!” she utters out to each of his last thrusts before feeling his own release warm inside of her. the fireworks inside of her went off, feeling the intense stream of pleasure through her nerves. her heart thumps against her chest as she comes down from the high, peters thrusts only being slow and sensual now.
“god, i’ll never get enough of you.” peter mumbles into her neck, giving it light pecks as they both relax in each others arms.
“thank you,” she says.
“for what?”
“well, first of all for that awesome sex, and second, just for being there. you didn’t have to wait for me.”
“i’m glad i did, trust me. i’ll always wait for you.” he tells her, making a cheesy beam grow on her mouth. “i love you.”
“i love you, too, peter.” she plants one last kiss to his lips before moving back to her own seat.
lil extra smth
when peter and y/n walk in together, he slightly trails behind her, noticing the lightness and excitement in her mood. she walks into the room, the fellow avengers sitting around. sam, bucky, and steve were all playing cards games at the table as nat watched over them. tony sat on the couch, reading over something about him that was released in the news paper.
they hear friday announce that y/n and peter have arrived, and they surely didn’t expect a bubbly y/n in her outfit to come waltzing in. “hi, guys!” she says, looking around and giving them a nice smile as peter walks in, too.
“what’s got her so bubbly today?”
“i got a detention today!” she says, with no apparent upset on her face. “sorry we’re later than normal.” she looks at nat next making eye contact and winking at her as she skips away to her room. peter trails behind, almost shamefully walking away from the rest of them. nat just looks at her drink smirking while it swirls in the cup, knowing exactly what’s got y/n so thrilled. she gives a certain face to everyone else, signaling what went down.
“are you kidding me?” sam complains. “you’re telling me parker got laid today and i didn’t?”
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kitkatscabinet · 1 year
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Pairings: Peter B. Parker x reader, Miguel O’Hara x reader
Summary: the different ways the boys show their love for you
Brags about you to anyone and everyone. Talks about your achievements and shows off pictures when you aren’t there in person
You never need to ask for a hug. Peter always knows when your upset and is happy to be your own personal weighted blanket. Wrapping his bulk around you and whispering stupid jokes in your ear
Makes you dance with him. Pulls you up to slow dance through the apartment. He’s not very good and there isn’t always music, in which case he’ll serenade you himself. Something he’s even worse at, but it’s worth it to see the way your eye crinkle in joy
Has your back 100% of the time, is always down to shit talk coworkers and strangers that piss you off
Peppers your face in kisses, pulling you to him if you try and escape and tumbling over together in a pile of limbs and laughter
Will do all your favourite activities/watch your favourite shows without much question
Is willing to share the bed with millions of squishmallows/pillows/blankets. Even if it leaves little room for him.
Is your personal hype man. You could kill someone and Peter would think they deserved it, because you’re always right. You have never felt more loved than with Peter as he takes every opportunity to praise you.
Brings you trinkets/gifts that remind him of you from every universe he visits
Reading together, cuddled up with different books or with your head on his lap as he reads aloud
Miguel is a very busy man and to an outsider it may look like you put more effort into the relationship but you can tell he loves you by the things he lets you get away with
He’ll endure ridiculous pet names like Pookie Bear if it makes you happy, even if he’ll grumble about it in public.
Will also play along when you put your whole weight on him to try and stop him leaving in the morning
Takes more breaks, actually starts to develop a nearly healthy work/life balance when he realises how upset you get at him for overworking
Non sexual showers where he’ll wash your hair even if he’s exhausted, letting you gently rinse his bruises and scrapes in return. Will also dry/brush your hair afterwards if possible
Regularly texts/calls/FaceTimes throughout the day to check up on you. Will always let you know without fail if something comes up and he can’t be there. Gets Lyla to check up on you a lot too
If you don’t speak Spanish already then he helps you learn (no he didn’t almost cry when you surprised him with it the first time)
He listens. Miguel could listen to you explain the process of paint drying and still find it interesting. He lets you rant for hours about your day or latest hyperfixation. It might not always seem like he’s engaged but he always remembers everything.
Shoulder/neck kisses !!!!
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goldfades · 1 year
✮ '𝟐𝟐 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐩, zegras' have more fun
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♡ ─ summary | little flashback to when y/n posts her 2022 summer dump on instagram to update everyone on where she's going to college.
♡ ─ warnings | literally just fun, fake arguments, mention of ohio state.., literally nothing else.
♡ ─ taglist | tbd
♡ ─ ev's notes | i'm so excited for this au, i already fell with all the dynamics lmao. i'm trying something relatively new with the best friend oc's, please lmk how u feel about them!
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ynzegras bedford, new york
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Liked by trevorzegras, briesbagels, jhughes and 2,832 more
ynzegras | summer dumpie '22... also let's all take a guess on where i am going 4 uni (hint: it's red) tagged: pchandler68, briesbagels, avazegras, trevorzegras, griffinzegras august 7th, 2022
View all 234 comments
briesbagels | ohio state????
↳ ynzegras bingo!
briesbagels | gorgeous gorgeous best friend <3
↳ ynzegras ALL U BRIE, ILY
↳ trevorzegras ha ha ha, i'll fr make u laugh your ass off with those screenshots in my camera roll
↳ jhughes sorry king, u look good man
lhughes_06 | new fav wolverine
↳ ynzegras love ya lukey pookie
↳ pchandler68 what about me bro 😢
↳ lhughes_06 sorry man, ur both my fav
↳ ynzegras it's okay lukey you can be honest.. (it's me)
_quinnhughes | growing up too fast little z 🥹
↳ trevorzegras why didn't you cry when i grow up too fast??
↳ _quinnhughes i had an aneurysm reading that and because i dont fw you like that buddy
↳ ynzegras damn... u rly gonna take that trev??
↳ trevorzegras shut up """"LITTLE Z."""" 😐😐😐
↳ _quinnhughes im jk, trev (jk)
pchandler68 photo creds????
↳ briesbagels YA TO ME?? 😑
↳ pchandler68 yeah no, to ME
↳ briesbagels it's clearly MY digital camera parker
↳ ynzegras ooo she's going by first name basis, you're in real trouble chandler 👀
↳ trevorzegras guys stop arguing
↳ briesbagels tf asked you, trevor
↳ trevorzegras 😐😶
avazegras | don't remind me 😭😭 you're leaving me!!!!!
griffinzegras | gtfo you're no longer invited back to the house after u posted that pic
↳ ynzegras be nice griff i'm leaving in 2 weeks
↳ griffinzegras yeah good, ur no longer gonna eat my leftover wings and take my shirts for gym cover-ups 😑
↳ trevorzegras SHE DOES THAT SHIT TO YOU TOO???? you have a problem y/n
↳ ynzegras bruh. im getting ganged up on
↳ briesbagels leave her alone, she's just a teenage girl!!!!!
↳ trevorzegras fucking barely, she's 17 🙄
↳ ynzegras when he literally doesn't understand numbers????? 😭😭
umichwsoccer | 👀👀
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kairiscorner · 1 year
inspired by @thecoolerdor's story (yk which one i mean pookie :>>)
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
oh, sorry, you were asking something? — professor!spider noir x professor!reader
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your husband was a brilliant professor, though he wasn't the most fun one out of the bunch, his students found him so endearing that they couldn't not show up to his classes just to see and greet him. he was always trying his best, always modest and humble, never sought to be perfect but just right—he was perfect already to you, and because of that, you didn't hesitate to marry him years ago. now, several years into your marriage together, you both are now currently working at a local university as professors, with students who adore you both, though for your husband... they adore him maybe a little too much.
there were always those students in some classes that would get a little too close to their teachers or professors, but they wouldn't last very long. you've had your own fair share of that kind of experience, and so has your husband; though a few girls in his class this year had made you just a bit concerned than the previous times this has happened, and it was mainly because of how open they were about finding peter attractive and sweet. they had asked him to smile in class, and not being able to say 'no' to his students, he innocently smiled at them, with them snapping a few photos and squealing at how rosy red his lips looked, how his doe eyes and pearly white teeth shone through his smile, and the way his dimples popped up when he grinned—oh, he seemed heavensent to those girls.
they complimented him so eagerly and so often, as the days passed, the girls had kept up their overly-friendly act towards peter until today, the very day when they asked him before they left the teachers' lounge: "are you married, professor parker?" that question made you freeze up, it stung you a little bit because you had hoped nobody would pry into the private life of both you and peter, but these girls had shattered that illusion you kept up and brought you back to reality.
you turned your head over to your husband, who looked at these girls with the same surprised expression as you and, as you fret over whether or not to break it to these girls so they'd leave him alone and give you peace of mind, you heard peter's gentle voice call over to you. you hesitantly made you way towards him, debating to yourself whether or not you should tell these girls straight-up that you and peter were spouses, married to each other, but you kept reminding yourself that they asked peter, not you. you hoped from the bottom of your heart that peter would tell these girls, finally say 'no' to his students' desires for once and to get them off his back—when suddenly...
peter wrapped his arm around your waist, pulled you close, and leaned his face towards you with his lips puckered up. before you could ask him what he was about to do, he had clasped his lips with yours, in front of those girls, and kissed you tenderly. his kiss felt like he hadn't kissed you in a thousand years, though he had just kissed you that morning. he pulled away from you, your face all flustered and embarrassed as peter chuckled and blushed seeing you all cute for him when he surprised you with a kiss. he held up his left hand and proudly showed off his ring, grinning from ear-to-ear with a red and pink blush on his face as he declared with confidence: "yes, girls, i'm taken by your lovely professor here." he said as he kissed your cheek, with you growing ever more flustered at his loving demeanor.
the girls had finally been put to a stop from their flirting with peter, and peter had finally gotten them off his back. though that wouldn't guarantee those girls would immediately lose feelings for him, one thing remained constant—he was your husband, and he was only going to love, like he always has loved and still loves wholeheartedly, you, his dearest spouse.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @k4tsu3 @fiannee @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @arachnoia @thee-fantastic-mrfox @ophanimgold @fictarian @yuridopted0
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wntryoongs · 2 months
My thoughts while watching Deadpool & Wolverine
I made this review just for my entertainment and cuz I really couldn't control my excitement lol. Just a quick warning to please not take anything I say seriously :') (also i already wrote this review on letterboxd 3 days ago)
The intro alone deserves an Oscar.
THEY COVERED PETER PARKER'S FACE I AM SOBBING. DOES WADE KNOW WHO HE IS? With the 4th wall breaking power and whatnot.
The costume fitting scene with the butt slaps, slaps. Call me immature idc.
"Get your special socks on, nerds." Deadpool was adressing me on this one guys 🤣🙏🏻🙏🏻 my little geek brain was exploding with every little reference.
Casual by Chappell Roan was playing in my head when DP & W were fighting in that Honda. That was a tad bit too romantic bye.
Nicepool, I am mourning for you 24/7. You deserved so much better. Thank you for that wonderful The Proposal line. You have made my life complete.
Interesting cameos: it took me a minute to identify the Henry Cavill one. Chris Evans, what a treat! JENNIFER GARNER, MY WIFE!
A traumatized Wolverine and Deadpool vs. a hundred other Deadpools fight sequence lifted my soul. I legitimately thought I was floating away. I didn't blink. Not once.
Hugh Jackman: shirtless. My jaw=dropped (no cuz seriously). I understand the hype now. And don't ask me if I was salivating, anybody who claims to have seen me do such a horrendous act is a lying liar who lies 😐
I smelled a Deadpool hyperfixation incoming the moment i said "he's literally me". Wade Wilson is pookie.
Bad ass holy shit. Other than those Cherik edits I keep on seeing, Deadpool & Wolverine is the only reason I am finally convinced to watch x-men. Also I now wholeheartedly support the Xmen>Avengers agenda. In terms of power, at least.
Unrelated but why was Bucky not here? I miss him. And furthermore, WHERE was my beloved God of Mischief/Time/Stories!?? TVA plot kinda confused me, because isn't Loki the one whos supposed to hold all the timeline branches?
Compared to DP1&2, this was definitely toned down.
"We'll use the power of (homoerotic) friendship!" Ahh ending 😭. I can't even be mad though cuz they played it out so well. My only complaint for this movie is this: why didn't they kiss? Not even just a small smooch? But it's alright; God gave us ao3 for a reason.
I am very glad to have watched with people who aren't passive. Everyone in the audience were laughing. The whole experience was a great vibe.
The post-credit montage with Good Riddance playing in the background had me tearing up (i was biting my hand trying to stop myself from sobbing).
All in all, yes.
Ps: I've been awaiting this movie the second it was announced to be produced. Also I've never avoided show spoilers before since I suffer from chronic FOMO and anxiety when it comes to media that I like. Even though I only had to avoid spoilers for a few days here and on letterboxd, I was already experiencing withdrawal because I felt like clawing my eyes out whenever I try to stop myself from opening reviews. EITHERWAY, it was worth it 😊
PPS: Much like Ryan Reynolds was born to play Deadpool, Hugh Jackman was born to play Wolverine.
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greensagephase · 4 days
Just realized how much I love the way you write your Miguel. Like instead of oversexualizing, making him animalistic or just straight up a dick (even tho he kindof is sometimes, let's be honest-)
I just love how you dive in his current trauma (not too long ago his mom got zombified like marvel give bro a break plz), include trust issues and his mental problems, while not breaking his character. You made him stubborn, a little proud, but still show slight vulnerability, and so many unsaid words. Hell, you might be one of the best Miguel writers I've ever seen on here!
I love the slow burn in NC, it makes Miguel seem more like a real person, with unbearable trauma and trust issues, who's main way to 'cope' is "by leading a society of Peter Parkers who can't pay their rent on time" (from the ATSV artbook), and as someone with a mental health too similar to Miguel's I can see myself in him (THAT'S A COMPLIMENT) with a slow build of trust
While I sometimes do enjoy a bit of smut, most of the time, it's too fast. Too quick, like- CALM DOWN LADIES (and gents), I DON'T THINK MIGUEL'S GONNA EAT YOU OUT ON THE COUNTER IN THE KITCHEN LIKE EMPANADAS
Hiii, Dino!!! Thank you for the ask, pookie!! 🥰 Also, I'm sorry for taking a few days to answer your ask. I took a few days off tumblr due to life :))
But omg, thank you!! I appreciate the kind words so much, and I’m happy that you love NC!Miguel and the slow burn! 🥹 Also, I’m glad you appreciate the acknowledgement of Miguel’s issues, traumas, and mental state within the fic. I’m no expert; no psychologist nor professional writer, but as the story expanded, I decided that I’d like to dive into Miguel’s story a little more, this being a Spider-Man Miguel fic after all, and one that’s attempting to portray Miguel as realistic as possible (or at least the way I see him and think he’d be like), so that entails including his issues, traumas, and mental state, too.
I know this has led to some chapters being a little delicate, overwhelming, and/or sad (and I’m sorry to anyone who has ever felt down or cried reading NC because they resonated with this content, or the emotions got a little too much. This has never been my intention ):), but I believe it’s important to address, especially because his issues, traumas, and mental state overall are big contributors to his behaviour and mindset in ATSV. As I said, I’m no expert, but just from what I learned in college and have learned throughout the years with personal experiences (seen close people dealing with similar issues like those Miguel has faced and is facing), I know healing from such traumas is important to move forward with life. I also know it takes time, which is a big reason why this fic is a slow burn.
I want Miguel to find himself in a healthy and positive mindset, learn to trust others, and know that he is worthy of love and friendships before he finds himself in a romantic relationship. I’ve yapped too much, but I’m glad that you appreciate that, even though these can be sensitive themes/discussions. Thank you! Also, I’m touched that you can see yourself in NC!Miguel and how he slowly begins to allow himself to trust someone. I hope that as the story progresses, you can continue to see yourself in him in a non-harmful way (I never wish to portray mental health negatively nor disrespect/offend someone)! 💖
And hehehe, your comment about the smut and empanadas has me laughing! 🤣 But I hope you can find more fics with a slower pace regarding that aspect though! I know there’s awesome and talented writers who continue to write for Miguel on here that feed my delusions about this man and post very regularly (thank you Miguel writers - ily 🥰), so keep your eyes open and support what you enjoy reading!!
ALSO, yes, but also no?? I saw a tweet a very long time ago of Oscar Isaac apparently saying Miguel was bi, but idk if it’s canon because I haven’t read any of the comics 😞 (all the plot lines within NC that align with the comics have been researched from other sources). Is it confirmed in the comics? :))
Thank you so much for the ask!! I hope you’re having a great day/night, Dino!! Pls take care!! 🫶🏼💖
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pinksugarscrub · 22 days
Hello, hello! As a spider-man fan I'm curious. Do you have a swinging playlist for your spidersona? If so, name a few songs! I'd love to hear them. Go ahead and add a little lore if you're comfortable 💕
Here's mine:
My sona's mentor is Peter Parker. After getting into the swing of being a duo, they both enjoy trying to out do each other while on patrol.
Solo swinging after Peter retires and after her canon event happens 👀.
Montage music for the intro every spider-person has in Into/Across the Spider-verse.
"Let's do this one last time-"
Tagging a few of my pookies but it's free rein for everyone
@the-kr8tor , @sluggyboiyo @hobieszeze , @rexlroze , @thats-a-mushroom
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telekineticseance · 1 year
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pairing: professor! trey parker x f! reader
summary: you’re a foreign exchange student for a semester of your senior year of college in japan where you have a new professor
genre: fluff
word count: 1121
cw: legal age gap
author’s note: this is like the trey version of ‘circumstances’ and i’m in love with the idea of him moving to japan and becoming a professor if his career in film didn’t work out so here we are. this is also a really short first chapter but i'm mainly just trying to roll in smoothly with this one.
You always hated university. It wasn’t the school that was the problem. It was the fact that if you didn’t choose a local school, your parents wouldn’t pay for it. So you spent 3 years at a university where instead of learning how to be an adult and adapt to society, you came home every day to your parents smothering you. The best part though was that while the students that traveled for school usually lived off ramen, you were able to come home to a home cooked meal.
But when the university asked if you were interested in studying abroad for the first semester of your senior year, you definitely opted for the option that wasn’t coming home to be your mother’s little pookie bear every night. It was simple, you stayed in Japan for a semester, continuing your courses online through your university and having a few in person. You were mainly excited for the fact that you wouldn’t have to be home all the time and be able to see another country. I mean you already had your schedule practically planned out for you.
Everything was going to run smoothly, that was until you had your first day with your new professors. You didn’t realize how different the in person University would be and although you had always been good when it comes to school work, you felt yourself struggling. And it didn’t help that you were attracted to your English Comp professor.
You sat in your chair from across the room, watching your professor ramble on about the different writing styles and how teachers who judge others for their writing techniques were the worst kind of teachers.. He talked with his hands as you watched him closely, seeing him pace back and forth, marker in his hand. You were pretty sure you were the only student that was attracted to him because well, he wasn’t the most attractive guy around but something about him made you like him..a lot. Maybe it was the fact he seemed to be genuinely passionate about the course he taught, along with during the free period in which you were his aid, he would always find ways to make you laugh.
He finished his rant and looked around the class to make sure everyone was paying attention, you felt as though his eyes had lingered on you for a small moment before he went back to the board and started writing down the writing prompt for the week he was setting up for the class. “Does anyone want to run the class through the writing process one more time?” He asked, turning to look at the class. Everyone kept their hands down and he looked over at your direction, “Come on Y/N you know it right?”
Your lips parted in shock as he pointed at you before leaning against his desk with his arms crossed across his chest. You felt your heart race slightly under his gaze before answering softly, “Invention, Drafting, Revising, Editing.”
“Sorry I didn't quite get that.” He said, raising an eyebrow at you. “Invention, Drafting, Revising, Editing,” You spoke up and he nodded while grinning at you, “That’s right.”
He glanced at the time before putting the marker down at the white board, “Alright. Get out. You’re all free to leave.” The class shook their heads while laughing to themselves before packing their bags and leaving. You finished packing up your own bag before walking up to the front of the class where your Professor sat at his desk, writing on his laptop.
“Hey Professor Parker,” You started before he looked at you through the corner of his eyes with a small grin on his face, “I told you, you can call me Trey.”
You shrugged, “It seems informal. I’ve never called a professor by their first name before.” He chuckled as he stopped typing and turned his attention towards you. “I’m shocked that in this week we’ve been with each other you haven’t realized I’m not really a formal guy.”
He wasn’t wrong. You were surprised he had a job honestly. He usually showed up in a t-shirt and jeans with his hair messy. Most of his lessons he’d say cuss words through it as well, and even go on random rants about the film industry. And then during the time of you two being alone, he would always ask for your help during lesson planning and insisted you referred to him by his first name. Trey. It was simple but you liked it. But you never found yourself using it, which he would tease you for every time you called him Professor Parker. You even tried Mr.Parker one time but you hated the way it made you feel so you stuck to Professor.
“Did you have a question?” He asked, breaking you away from your thoughts. You nodded in response, “I was kind of having a hard time understanding how serious this writing is supposed to be. Because most of the examples were on things like reproductive rights but if I wrote an opinionated piece on Robert Smith being one of the best musicians of our time would that count?”
He chuckled, looking up at you from his desk, “I mean if you chose to write that specific topic I would need much persuading which defeats the purpose of the assignment.”
“So you think Robert Smith is the best musician of our time?” You asked, stifling a laugh to yourself. He shrugged, leaning back in his chair, twiddling a pen in his fingers. “Maybe not the best but he is definitely up there with a few others.”
“I had no idea you liked The Cure.” He grinned at you, biting the tip of his pen before leaning forward back in his chair, “There’s a lot you don’t know about me Miss Y/N.” He spoke, looking up at you. You pulled away from his gaze and he cleared his throat slightly, “So to answer your question, you can write whatever you want. Just as long as you are good at persuading me to be on the same side as you.”
You nodded, you still weren’t quite sure what to write about but you had a week to do it so it wouldn’t be too hard. Maybe eventually it will come to you. “Any other questions?” You shook your head in response and he nodded, “Well then. I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
“Yes Professor Parker.” You responded, picking up your bag and throwing it over your shoulder as you started heading out the door.
“It’s Trey!” Was the last thing you heard before the door shut behind you and you walked down the hall.
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k-roi · 2 years
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back to the masterlist ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆
below are boundaries and limits in who i write, what i do write, what i do not write, what i might write for, suggestions on how to request and an important end note
☆ who do i write for?
avatar franchise, including movies one and two! not including the comics as i haven’t read them.
i love writing especially in lo’ak’s pov concerning his ships, but will write in other’s if specifically asked for!
stray fandoms include: voltron, bnha, peter parker/spiderman (tom holland’s version), etc
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
☆ what i do write?
baseline tropes (such as wholesome fics, fluff, romance)
rarepairs and canon pairs welcomed! i don’t necessarily have to ship your rarepair for me to write it, because i know how awful it is to have crumbs for your favourite ship.
introspective pieces for single characters that don’t have relationships attatched to them. this can focus on certain struggles, outlook on life, platonic relationships with other people, or figuring out their sexuality without romance
angst, angst with a happy ending, angst without a happy ending. be direct in what you want though! misunderstandings, falling out of love, etc
obscure au’s, perhaps involving human au’s, odd situations and crack taken seriously. i love seeing how your minds work and you might think up an idea i’d have never thought of!
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
☆ what i won’t write?
underage explicit material. very self-explanatory, i just don’t feel comfortable with it.
angst involving cheating is a HARD no
certain ships/dynamics in this list to be added -> aonunete (not my cup of tea), poly relationships (i have zero experience in this and would definitely mess up dynamics unfortunately), movie actors (that’s weird!), x reader (never written before, don’t know how i’d do, sorry)
dead dove material, such as heavy unprompted gore, explicit self-harm, dark insane behaviour to a worrying degree, sexual harm, sexual abuse, drug abuse, heavy themes of depression, incest, pedophilia, minor x adult, necrophilia, politics, racism, heavy discrimination, age differences and religious themes
oc x canon, unless it’s an oc i’ve referenced before in one of my other fics, such as Ra’yan
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
☆ what i might write?
i’m very hit or miss to be honest. if i feel like it, i’ll write your explicit prompts with of-age characters, but if not i’ll probably shelf it for a long time. some crackships/rarepairs i don’t have enough of a grasp on their personalities or interactions, so i may or may not write your prompt for them, my apologies! also these boundaries only exist for prompts given to me—i might decide to write dead dove works (like gore or depression, not the… odder ones) on my own one day, but it would be out of my own willing violation.
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
☆ how do i want you to request?
be my little pookie and say please and thank you when requesting something, it goes a long way and might make me more inclined to write your prompt faster! i write out of order and it is not a first come first serve basis—it’s whatever catches my attention and what i write faster. i only write prompts given to me in my ask inbox, NOT in ao3 comments. this is because it is more organized and easier to ticket
go crazy, just don’t make it hyper hyper specific or i’ll get turned off :( i’ll usually write everything as an ao3 fic, but if you just want a mini drabble or headcanons post then lmk ! its easier and fun too
only have a ship in mind? i bitch about not having substance to work with but honestly ignore my whining i’ll usually come up with a situation anyway! like a mystery box
please add a note if you do not want a certain ship or character in the background of your prompt, because my aonoak hindbrain will usually add it in anyway! not including prompt ships involving character x aonung or lo’ak to begin with, just in the background ships.
ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
☆ please note
writing takes a lot of time, and it can take weeks for me to complete and publish my works. don’t spam me for updates please! don’t send me anything you’ve sent or will send to another blog. don’t request a certain fic length—that’s up to me to decide and write out. you do not have to violate any of these boundaries for me to not want to write your prompt. my rules can and will change over time as i grow and change as a person. if i start to dislike one of my fics, i won’t delete it, but i may orphan or put it under anonymous, and remove it off my masterlist. it’ll still exist on ao3, but i will have cut ties with it. IMPORTANT: if you request something explicit, you must not be anon and you must have your age in your bio showing you are 18+
please note: you can chat w me in my inbox for whatever! i love these more than prompts sometimes <3 send in a 🐳 emoji with your prompt to prove you read through this all! and also pls stop bringing up a*nunete and why i don’t like them, i don’t ship them and frankly never will
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behindscenes-identity · 2 months
(Connie, Heacen, Tess, and Parker here belong to @bluryy-face0 )
Part Two of rating each ship in this two person fandom by how much I can see it happening
Akier(Aiko + Parker) 9/10 overall, it's literally canon and Parker sees the best of her fr fr; Aiko is HIS unlovable abomination, and they are so tragedy coded.
Hericho(Heacen + Jericho) 9/10 overall, I cannot get into them here or this post would be a college level essay, but all you need to know is that they make me hurt thinking about them and they are so in love and it is so toxic; the trauma bonding goes hard. They're terrible, yet so interesting, hence why I like it.
Conicho(Connie + Jericho) 9/10 overall, again, I can't get into this here but pookie recently wrote a fic about them and no joke I cried a little. They make me hurt so bad; CONNIE DESERVES SM BETTER!! 😭
Heconicho(Heacen + Connie + Jericho) 7.5/10 overall, I could see Jericho being open to a poly relationship, same with Heacen, I think the main issue is that Connie(iirc) is demisexual and demiromantic? So It would probably end up just being Jericho with two boyfriends and his boyfriends are good friends lmao – notably I can also see it being very healthy since they all balance eachother out.
Takio(Tess + Aiko) 7/10 overall, also canon, Tess sees uhh...the best? What she wants to see?? Idk they're doomed yuri core and honestly Tess deserves better :(.
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mochipeep · 6 months
1.) Cereza (from bayonetta)
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I literally love her sm omg. She’s so mother. (I have all the games)
2.) Ganondorf Dragmire (Hyrule Warriors)
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I love his design in the game and I am aware that it’s not cannon but it’s good! (The best character to play) literally my pookie <3
3.) Venom ( from the comics and movies)
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I was scared of him when I was little but now I just love Venom. (Those comics and movies helped with my depression lmao)
4.) Peni Parker. (From the comics and the movies)
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Same with Venom but I hate her cannon event by her losing her aunt and her friend I hate it sm. (Her mech is SO badass)
5.) Fluttershy (Mlp)
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I love her soft personality, call me childish for still watching a show about ponies but she’s the best and her rabbit (Angel) is so cute!
6.) Reaper (Overwatch)
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He’s very dark and moody but it’s fine, his design is badass tho.
7.) Princess Zelda (Twilight princess)
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She’s so badass in the game and I love it! I mean her dress is long and reaches the floor and must be dirty but she’s just a girl.
8.) Princess Daisy (From the Mario games)
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She’s such a tomboy and I love it! Her earrings are to die for i mean look at her she’s so cool!
9.) Princess Peach (from the Mario games)
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She’s very pretty I love her lipstick shade, but she keeps getting kidnapped by bowser . I wanna but her new game so bad but I can’t cuz I’m broke💀
10.) Snorelax. (From Pokémon)
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He’s adorable but I don’t know much about Pokémon.
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