jumobear · 2 months
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AF for PastelBirb
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yandere-sins · 3 years
Horrortober Prompts
Hey guys!
@pastelbirb​ and I have created this list for everyone who wants to participate in some spooky challenges this October! One prompt per day, and if you are up for a challenge, try the additional sentence starter or art challenge! We look forward to your creations! 
➤ You can @ pastelbirb​ and/or me @yandere-sins​ and we’ll reblog your post on our blogs! Additional, use our hashtag #horrortoberchallenge2021
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➤ Day 1: Listen “Listen to me!”  |  Use a song to inspire your art for today!
➤ Day 2: Decision “It’s your decision. Choose wisely.”  |  Choose only one color for your drawing.
➤ Day 3: Sharp “Careful, you could hurt someone with that.”  |  Add a sharp weapon/blade in your drawing.
➤ Day 4: Needle “It’s just a tiny sting. You won’t notice it at all.”  |  Draw a medicine-inspired theme or add wool-like elements to your drawing.
➤ Day 5: Disturbance “Nothing can interrupt us now.”  |  Disturb yourself by listening to horror stories while you draw.
➤ Day 6: Time “How long has it been?”  |  Try to finish your drawing in 2 hours.
➤ Day 7: Shock “You look like a deer caught in the headlights.”  |  Use bright colors for your drawing.
➤ Day 8: Lesson “Seems like you need to be taught a lesson.”  |  Try a new drawing style / another drawing style from the one you use the most often.
➤ Day 9: Blind “Don’t be scared of the dark.”  |  Use grayscale for your drawing.
➤ Day 10: Hide “Where are you~” |  Draw only in black and white.
➤ Day 11: Punish “I don’t want to do this! But you leave me no choice.”  |  Do a lineless art.
➤ Day 12: Mark “With this, you’ll never forget.”  |  Use dull colors for your drawing and bright colors for the mark.
➤ Day 13: Picture “You look so pretty in this picture.”  |  Use sepia colors for your drawing.
➤ Day 14: Compromise “I’ll be good! Just, please - don’t go!”  |  Try to use complementary colors.
➤ Day 15: Blood “Is that… blood?”  |  Use red colors for all of the drawing- but another color of your choice for the blood.
➤ Day 16: Spell “It’s like you put a spell on me.”  |  Make your drawing magical!
➤ Day 17: Break “Try that again, and I’ll break your arm.”  |  Add a shattered item of your choice in your drawing.
➤ Day 18: Medicine/Drug “You’ll feel better soon.”  |  Use as many colors as you can.
➤ Day 19: Cold “I know the perfect thing to warm you up.”  |  Use cold colors (Purple, blue, green).
➤ Day 20: Lock “You’re not leaving until I say so.”  |  One pencil/brush, one color, one layer only.
➤ Day 21: Favor “I did you a favor by getting rid of this pest.”  |  Only use colors you like.
➤ Day 22: Bite “Did you just bite me?”  |  Draw a character with bite marks or fangs!
➤ Day 23: Cut “Look what you did.”  |  Draw two different backgrounds in the same drawing.
➤ Day 24: Plead “Please talk to me.”  |  Create a short story behind your picture!
➤ Day 25: Run “You can run, but you can’t hide from me!”  |  Make a drawing with dynamic poses.
➤ Day 26: Stalk “I am always with you.”  |  Create a stalker OC (human or animal).
➤ Day 27: Lie “Was it all a lie?”  |  Only use colors you dislike.
➤ Day 28: Mercy “Mercy, ha! You want mercy?”  |  Do a full background in your drawing.
➤ Day 29: Promise “I promise.”  |  Just do your best!
➤ Day 30: Blackmail “Why are you doing this to me?”  |  Add a letter somewhere in the drawing.
➤ Day 31: Sick “I can make you feel better.” |  Draw a phobia of yours for the last day! (Eg. spiders, heights, clowns, etc.)
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yandere-daze · 3 years
Horrortober Day 17
Here we are, back on track! I´ll promise to eventually get all if the prompts done, even if it will take me longer than October, so keep looking forward to that!
I have to admit I´m not really satisfied with this one :/
Prompt and challenge by @pastelbirb and @yandere-sins!
Link to my Horrortober masterlist here!
Day 17: Break --> “Try that again, and I’ll break your arm.”
tw yandere, tw possessiveness  
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Your body felt numb against the otherwise soft mattress you had been forced to lie on top of for who knows how long now. Judging from the faint light flooding through the gaps of the barred window, you would say that it must be the middle of the day by now and still you were lying down motionlessly. Well, it wasn´t like you really had a choice in the matter, seeing as Leona´s strong arms caged you in with him, but your aching muscles practically screamed at you to move around a bit.
You hadn´t done any kind of moving around the last few days and neither had the other occupant in the room but he really didn´t seem to mind it as much as it bothered you. He was the one at fault for this in the first place so that wasn´t really a surprise to you.
Yes, you had spent the last few days of your life uselessly lying around in bed with Leona in his room that no one except Ruggie ever dared to enter. And even then, the hyena was only allowed into the room for a short while to bring any necessities you two needed like food or water. You weren´t allowed to leave the room yourself and Leona had clearly announced to you that he felt too lazy to do so himself. After all, why waste time doing such a boring thing when he could just stay in bed with you the entire day? It was just more convenient to let Ruggie do all of the bothersome chores for him, just like he always did.
At the moment, Leona seemed to be sleeping still, a neutral expression on his face as his chest rhythmically rose and fell. And yet his grip around you felt just as tight as when he was awake. It was as if even unconsciously he was programmed to ensure that you couldn´t try to get away from him even when he was sleeping.
It was honestly quite frustrating, especially since you were certain Ruggie had forgotten to lock the door when he left you both to go to class this morning! It would have been the perfect opportunity to escape, maybe a once in a lifetime chance, but now you were absolutely powerless to even try? All you wanted was a single chance, nothing more! Just one chance to go back to your normal life at NRC. Sure, Leona would obviously come and find you again but maybe if you told some of the other dorm leaders what had happened they might be able to protect you. You´d rather be too optimistic then let your last piece of hope be crushed. No, you needed to hold on for as long as you could, you would never submit to Leona, at least not in will. It was just what he wanted, for you to lose all faith, so you refused to give him what he wanted!
Then suddenly while you were lost in thought, you felt the mattress shift underneath you, as Leona rolled around to the side while mumbling in his sleep. And due to his movements, his hold on your waist had loosened up enough that you could possibly pry off his hands with your own rather limited strength. The only concern you had was that he would most likely wake up if he noticed your warmth was gone and that he wasn´t holding anything anymore. You somehow had to trick the lion into believing that you were still there while you made your escape.
Turning your head as best as you could, you spotted a large pillow right beside you and soon an idea formed in your head. You´ve seen it done in movies before so you should at least try it, right? There wasn´t really anything to lose as far as you were concerned, your freedom was the most important thing to you right now.
So without moving your body too much you stretched out your arm, barely managing to touch the pillow with your fingers. Just a bit more and you could grab it, it was so close yet so far! The image of the open door, your chance at escape, reappeared in your mind and gave you the ounce of perseverance you needed. With your best efforts you try stretching your arm out just a little bit more. It´s painful to reach out as far as you are right now and you have to grit your teeth to try and not let out any pained groans but eventually, your whole hand finds purchase and you´re able to draw it closer to your body.
Holding it in your arms now you let out a quiet sigh of relief. The first step was a success, now the even harder part came. You somehow had to switch out yourself in Leona´s grip with the pillow you were holding without him waking up to try and slip away.
You waited a bit to collect your breath before putting the large pillow in the space between you and Leona. It was a tight squeeze seeing as he was very close to you- he couldn´t hold you like this otherwise, but it somehow worked. Then very slowly and carefully you removed one of Leona´s hands that was on your waist, one finger at a time and then with bated breath held the heavy hand up to lay it on top of the pillow instead.
Frightened, you whipped your head around when you heard the lion grumble something in his sleep but when silence had settled in again after a few moments of anxious waiting, you concluded that it was once again safe to keep moving.
Now it was time to remove the second hand, then you would be free to get up and leave because you would be free from the grip. You saw Leona´s ear twitch once while you were moving but other than that everything went swimmingly. You could cry from joy right now! Much too long had you been confined to this bed, never once being allowed to get up and walk around a bit but that would all end now!
Glancing over one more time to make sure you were asleep, you slowly crawled out of the bed now that you were free from Leona´s grip.
With joy you felt your feet touch the ground and you moved to stand up when suddenly, your legs started wobbling uncontrollably and without any time to gather yourself, you keeled over, resulting in a loud crashing sound as you fell against the bedside table as you plummeted on the ground. Panicking, you found that no matter how hard you tried, you couldn´t get up- couldn´t get your legs to work. They still felt incredibly numb, no doubt weakened because they hadn´t gotten any use the past few days.
And then to your absolute horror you heard the sheets rustle behind you and a loud tired yawn, clear indicators that you must have accidentally woken up Leona with your fall. Why now of all times did your legs have to fail you like this?? You had been so close, all you had needed to do was walk out that door and you would have been fine!
“Herbivore, just what do you think you´re doing? I didn´t give you permission to slip out of bed”. You shrieked when you heard Leona´s rather deep voice ring out behind you- and it sounded anything but pleased. You had really messed up now.
“Did you really think you could just run away from me while I was sleeping? How stupid, have you not come to your senses by now? You´re mine and you´re sure as hell not getting away!”
Then you heard the sheets rustle once more as Leona crawled over the bed until he was sitting right above of where you were on the ground, on the edge of the bed. You felt you skin crawl when you looked up into his stormy eyes. Right now he was looking at you like a predator that had just cornered it´s prey and that wasn´t too far off from the truth.
“But you can´t even do anything can you? Your legs are just too weakened to carry you anymore, what a poor little herbivore.” The smug grin on his face told you that he was feeling anything but pity for you right in this moment, instead he was just openly mocking you.
When you didn´t retort anything, he frowned but decided to continue. “Why don´t you be nice and come back to bed with me? I really don´t feel like picking you up myself, it´s too much work.”
And now he had the audacity to complain when you were in a situation like this! But really, what could you do? You could try crawling to the door but that would most likely result in him mocking you even more, laughing every step of the way before getting up right when you finally reach the door. You didn´t want to give him any more amusement today.
“Hm, trying to be difficult? You know I´m really angry at you, y/n. Making me hug a pillow and then thinking you can just decide if you want to leave or not? It´s ridiculous. But still…” He openly frowned at you. “You´re not completely stupid. Were it not for your useless legs you would have gotten away and as much as it´s a bother I can´t have that. You´re still the best pillow I could ever ask for so you have to stay.”
Then he smirked at you. “So let me tell you something”. As soon as he uttered his sentence all hints of enjoying this current situation were wiped off his face.
“Try that again and I´ll break your arm. That way you won´t be able to do anything at all and I wouldn´t have to try to keep an eye on you to make sure you don´t get any stupid ideas”
You flinched when you felt his large hand suddenly weighing down on your shoulder and he humorlessly chuckled. “How cute, you´re scared. I wouldn´t want it any other way.” He looked to be pondering over something for a second before uttering something that was even scarier than his earlier threat, if that was even possible.
“Or even better, how about I use my unique magic on both your arms and legs? If all your limbs are gone then there´s no risk of you trying anything funny ever again.”
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cutelittlevamp · 3 years
Horrortober Day 29 - Promise
Heyyyy there^^
So, today with day 29 (not late at all *cough*) of @pastelbirb and @yandere-sins Horrortober Challenge
Today again from the Hades Game, a Yandere!Dionysus x Reader
Hope you're all doing well^^ Stay healthy
➤ Day 29: Promise “I promise.” | Just do your best!
Working at the theatre had its ups and downs, but you really enjoyed your work on most days. You had always liked acting, even as a child. Maybe you never were the main act but that was okay. It wasn’t about being the main act, it was about enjoying what you did and having an audience that enjoyed the play as well.
That is what good theatre is about.
There was a little party after the last performance today but you didn’t particularly feel like partying, so you went down to the beach to look at the sea. The beauty of the sea never ceased to amaze you, especially on clear nights like this when the starry sky was reflected in the dark water. It was beautiful but you’d never board a ship out of your own free will. Poseidon’s mood was too fickle.
Tonight he seemed to be calm though and you decided to sit down in the sand with the glass of wine that you’d brought along and just watch the tide some time. It was so calming, soothing even. You couldn’t say for how long you just sat there but it had to be quite some time once you noticed that your glass was empty.
“I know, I promised to play for you but I’m afraid today was my last performance.”
You had been around the age of 12 when your grandmother told you that Dionysus wasn’t just the god of wine, insanity and festivities but also of theatre. In your childish enthusiasm you had declared that day: “Then I’ll play for him! I promise I’ll always give my best every time I’m acting in a play.” It had just been a childish exclamation but you still felt obliged to tell him that you’d stop acting.
“I’ll get married soon, so I won’t have the time to act anymore.”
Standing up you picked up your empty glass that you had placed beside you just to find it wasn’t empty at all. Confused, you looked around and, after confirming you were still alone, then at the wine glass in your hand. You could tell from the rich sweet scent that it was a different wine then the one you drank before and in the dim light the liquor seemed to be a shade of purple instead of red.
The odour alone made your mouth water and your head spin. Every single alarm bell inside your head tried to scream at you to not drink, yet you couldn’t help yourself but doing exactly that. You only took a small sip of the wine but that small sip alone seemed to overwhelm you completely. Never before had you tasted anything as good as that.
You were still relishing the taste when the world started spinning around you. Feeling incredibly tipsy and overjoyed all of a sudden you sat down in the sand again laughing about nothing in particular, spilling some of the liquid with your sudden movement.
You didn’t care about the wine dripping from your fingers and just continued to laugh and giggle, your eyes closed and your free hand on your stomach. It had been a long time since you felt as happy as now and you didn’t even know why.
Only when you felt someone gently grab your arm and something warm and wet touch your fingers did you open your eyes again, slowly calming down. Right in front of you was an unfamiliar man, watching you intently as he licked the wine from your fingers.
Surely you would have told him to stop under normal circumstances but your foggy mind couldn’t even comprehend what was happening right now so you just stared back into his eyes. You had never seen anyone with purple eyes before.
Seeing that his lips moved it was obvious that he said something but you were too mesmerized by his eyes to actually listen, so you just nodded in acknowledgement.
Needless to say that you shouldn’t have done that.
He seemed overjoyed by your ‘agreement’ and pulled you into a tight embrace, causing you to let go of your glass. Now that you couldn’t smell the wine that strongly anymore you felt a little less dizzy anymore and finally comprehended that there was a lot wrong about this whole situation.
“Who are you?” Your question came out slurred and sounded to yourself as if someone else had said it instead of you yet he didn’t seem to mind that at all. “Well, your Lord Dionysus, of course. You had called out to me before, don’t you remember?”
You could remember that you spoke to the waves before that you couldn’t stick to your childhood promise. He didn’t really hear all that, did he?
The god laughed upon seeing your unsure and confused expression. “It doesn’t really matter now, does it? You just agreed to star in one last play for me.”
“What? When did I -” “Right now when I asked you you nodded. Nodding normally means agreeing to something and don’t cha dare take that back now.”
You just looked at him with wide eyes, unsure what to do now. It wouldn’t be a very smart move to upset a god, would it?
“Just one more play? I guess that's okay.” Dionysus smiled brightly upon hearing your words, then held out his hand for you to take. “Well, let's go then.”
You didn’t know where he wanted to go and you didn’t ask either. You’d find out soon enough that the location wouldn’t be as much of a problem.
The actual problem would be that he never said what role you should play or … for how long you were supposed to play it.
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yanderesxreaders · 3 years
 yandere ex x reader (pronouns used for reader; they/them) (pronouns used for yandere; he/him) character: original character 
TW: cursing, implied death, ‘’head gripping’’, obsessive/creepy behavior
day 19 for @pastelbirb and @yandere-sins horrortober. ‘’ex x’’ reader  lol.  my first thought was '’NAGA’’ for this prompt but i changed my mind. do people still like nagas or is that over rejaoiwnfoai
2,325 words down there oop
“I know the perfect thing to warm you up.”
It was as if he had a rare gem within the halls of his home that he was graciously offering up to the quivering visitor; he spoke it as if his guest were undeserving of whatever he had in store, but he had the kindest of hearts to notice their trembling knees and act upon it with a gentleman instinct; an impulse he’s never had before until now. “Since you won’t come in...” He stared hopefully at them, expecting them to come inside with him, but their stony attitude seemed to morph them into a statue as they refused to please him with any moment of movement. As the boy fell back on his attempts, he left with a defeated sigh, “I’ll just um...Bring it to you...Stay there.” As the tall male turned his back around to retreat into his home, he sent his guest a warning glare; his expressive features drawing out words for them to acknowledge with a cold sweat, ‘If you leave, I’ll find you.’ His new company watched him with an incoming frown as soon as he turned his face away from them.
Though they hadn’t moved an inch, spoken a word, or made any motion since they were fervently greeted at the front door, they couldn’t, however, stop the movement of their eyes rolling in irritation as they watched the hurried boy retreat within the halls of his cabin. He wandered about imperatively until disappearing, being swallowed in the throat of a downwards staircase to presumably search the insides of his basement for the prementioned solution to his guest’s shakiness. 
Though it was arguably cold outside in the isolated woods, the reason for trembling limbs wasn’t because of the winds touches being freezing; but because of the mere vulnerability of being alone in disquieting seclusion with a blatant maniac. The immense fear overtook them emotionally and physically. They took a step further away from the entrance to feel a little more at ease. They gripped every red flag given so far through their interactions, and kept the handful of flags close in mind. “I should just go. Something’s definitely up, and I should leave... But...”
The drifting thought was contradicted by an overwhelming state of affairs that consumed their mind; the contents of the invitation would keep their feet grounded here until they secured an acceptable answer to all the questions that the request of their presence had raised. (Y/n) reached down into their pockets to withdraw a crumpled clump of paper, recovering the sheet by smoothing it out until the writing became perceivable. Their eyes scanned the letter knowingly, remembering the exact phrasing and words used, written in red ink in sloppy handwriting and childishly drawn hearts to scatter the page with an unsettling décor. Their eyes scanned over the contents, their eyes narrowing as they ventured further into his disoriented thoughts written on paper.
“My fickle love, please come tonight. 
You never come to me on your own accord, and that sincerely hurts. When I try to talk to you, you act so distant like you want me to disappear and just die. We need to talk. I understand if you’re cautious of me; but don’t worry, I won’t kiss you at the door like we used to ♡ . Because I’ve finally come to terms that you’ve moved on from us; but I can easily drag you back to where you belong ♡
I’ll make it clear, that where you belong is at my side. 
So if you’d so kindly come...
Because, if I must include, for a matter of fact, I have something of yours, something which you deem important in your life, that I will not hesitate to dispose of if I do not see you tonight. I honestly don’t get the appeal and all the affection you hold for it. It’s quite miserable. I’ll be so angry if you do not come, I might just completely destroy it beyond recognition, and when you see it, you may just cry!  That would be your fault, though!  ♡”
Their spontaneous reaction to completing the concerning letter would be to anxiously shove the paper back in the confines of their pockets, out of sight while the letter’s contents still persisted to haunt their mind. The letter’s obvious underlining tone effectuated the invited guest to stay on guard; they had invited their boyfriend to join for company and protection, but he had messaged back last minute he was unable to make it. For caution, (Y/n) had their phone easy to grab in case of emergency to call for authorities if prompted. Shoulders lifting in tension at the re-arrival of their ex boyfriend, the slinking boy folded his arms behind his back, using his body as a divider between the guest and the retrieved item. 
“Is that the something of mine?” They quoted from the letter, eyeing his slithering arms cautiously as he tried to hide the item closer to the backside of his body that seemed to tremble with excitement for the upcoming events. The boy shrugged flatly, unexpressive or uncaring of the subject. “Part of it, I suppose.” He tiredly sighed, the topic not even deserving of much attention as he breathed it out quickly and uncaring in a small voice. 
They squinted their eyes at the implication, their hand squeezing their cell phone and shuffling their feet further away from him. They watched one another for a long while; one of them observing the other with intense glances, covering their body in yearning gazes, while the other watched the boy with suspicion, ready to run for it at the slightest of wrong movements coming from the twitchy boy.
“Can you come in?’‘ He suddenly whined, taking a step outside to reach a step closer to them. “I don’t have to, so I won’t.” They returned firmly, intending on not taking a step inside that suffocating building of rotten memories. “Who said that? Of course you have to come inside.” They continued their stubborn refusal at the prospect of entering, finding his pressure to be beyond unsettling and causing them to clamp onto their device of assistance even tighter as if it were a stress toy to relieve some of the tension swelling through their body. “Why?” Their voice quivered as the single question left their cold lips. 
The expected response was delayed as the male was content with keeping silent, only watching their ex lover with a desperate gaze. (Y/n) scrunched up their nose in disturbance and instantly turned away on an impulse decision, “I’ll be leaving then.” Satisfied with their legs working and pumping away the fear of the situation so they weren’t frozen in place, they turned to glance back as they departed with a glare, “Go ahead and dispose of whatever you have of mine.” They watched for his reaction, pleased with the aspect of leaving him in the dust and departing the animus feelings.
“Gladly.” He retorted loudly and enthusiastically, crumbling all plans to useless dust in a moment as he dragged his arms forward, revealing the item he had been confiscating from them and hiding behind his back. A large, beige hoodie swung back and forth through the air.
 (E/c) training on the article of clothing, instant recognition processed an overwhelming amount of fear in their mind, their steps slowing into a stiff halt as they turned their body around. “You’re quite right; what was I thinking? I had offered this to you with the prospect of you wearing this to help you from this freezing cold. It’s quite trashy, isn’t it?” He smiled in vast pleasure at the fear that showed itself evidently on his ex lover. He threw the sweater to the ground, dirtying it in an instant as mud smudges against its fabric. (Y/n) stared blankly at the cozy, familiar hoodie with tears tapping at the ducts of their eyes. It was their boyfriend’s hoodies. Their sights lifted from the uneasy, questionable presence of their significant other’s clothes up to the satisfied boy with a baffled glare.
“How did you get that.” Their paralyzing fear finally subsided to allow them the  minimal amount of energy in order speak a single sentence, demanding a direct answer to a vital question. He simpered in response, aggravating his visitor’s panic. “I just ripped the ugly thing off of the disgusting prick.” He stated simply, causing (Y/n) to be influenced by dread as their feet suddenly pressed heavy steps into the ground, aiming their body to lunge past the lingering, smiling boy as they rushed inside his house, sprinting down his stairs where they had watched him go down to retrieve the hoodie. 
“Finally, you come inside. It was getting cold! I was worried for you. You’re so stubborn, always have been.” He shouted after them as if they were holding a casual conversation, smoothly placing himself in their retreating steps that headed into his basement. “I see you didn’t need my offering, either. It doesn’t upset me, don’t worry. Maybe you can wear one of my hoodies if you’re still cold.” He thought aloud to himself while he smiled at the thought of the procured individual ultimately staying within his walls once more, “Mine would look so much better on you, anyways. You always liked to wear them before, anyways...Why can’t you now?’’ He thought to himself as he reached his steps, calmly going down into the darkness where his guest had already descended into in a frenzy. 
Turning behind himself, he locked the door to the basement, shoving his keys securely into his pocket before turning back on track, hearing the expected screaming and crying of his beloved. 
A bundle of cold air strangled (Y/n) as they choked out, a numbing chill pricking their fingers for a coldness to crawl up their veins before contaminating their entire body in a coat of ice. Screams of denial were heard throughout the basement as all they could do was grab at what was left of their significant other; all the hopes for a good future with him crumbling as they were flung back into the perfect past, which its nostalgia rotted at the sight of his rotting body. Their entire body shook from its core, their limbs barely able to reciprocate the requested actions their mind enlisted for them to do. They wanted to run, call for the police. They wanted to do the impossible, turn back time and stay by their lovers side to make sure that this never happened. They turned back to see their harasser, a detestable, content smile on his lips as he savored their suffering as if they deserved it. 
‘‘You know, this poor man didn’t have to die. He would have never died if you didn’t move on so quickly.’‘ Spite fueled his vocals and clenched his fists. Bringing himself down onto their level on the floor, he grabbed his hand around their head into a tight grasp, squeezing each of his fingers deep into their skull as if he were gripping onto a bowling ball. He dragged their face up to look into his eyes, a sudden rapture indulged him at the aspect of their attention stuck onto him for answers to their misery. 
 A smile placed itself on his face, replacing his previous anger with snarky bitter sweetness. “You left me because you said I loved you too much. That you were creeped out by me.” He softly recalled, pulling out their memories together as they stared at him in agony; knowing they were right to say that. “You left me because I loved you too much!?!? The hell is that shit supposed to mean?! You want me to love you less???” His clench on their head tightened, his fingers digging deeper into their cranium, causing them to yelp out their pain and shove back at him in an awkward fight, their hands placing forcefully onto his chest and placing all their weight and power to push him down successfully. 
As his fingers stiffened and released his merciless grip on their head and harshly collided his back against the basement floor, (Y/n) stumbled upwards without a second though, placing their sudden sprint in the direction of the exit. Climbing the steps, they spoke back breathlessly, “You’re sick, you’re delusional, you’re awful, you’re disgusting, you’re a killer.” They chanted hatefully through sobs and a runny nose, as they reached the door, “You’re also about to be behind bars, you psycho.” They yelled as they watched in a panic at the boy reacting uncaring at their escape, as he focused on rubbing his aching head that must have slammed into the ground upon impact. Gripping the door knob rigidly, they turned it quickly; only for the door knob to refuse access to an open door as it stiffly stayed in place, unable to turn any further. 
“When you left...” The boy continued as their new captive stubbornly fought with the door handle, “Everything became so cold. So so....cold..’‘ The boy slumped up from his sitting position, aiming his direction up the stairs slowly, causing alert to run through his captive as they flicked their wrist harder with the door knob. “There was an emptiness, without you...But now that you’re here...” (Y/n) flinched their head to take a peek at his proximity, screaming out their terror at his approach as they struggled fiercely with the inanimate object that refused to budge. They began kicking at the door, shoving themself against the exit with pleads, as if the door would open if they prayed hard enough. 
“I know the perfect, sweet little thing to make sure I never have to suffer through that coldness again...” 
Suddenly enwrapped within long arms, entangling themselves around the panicked individual, their contact felt like a winter cold pressed against their backside, breathing bitter, sharp air to pierce through their neck and numb them. 
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thesweetestpoison · 3 years
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My first piece of fanart! By @pastelbirb! Thank you very much. (^-^)
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toxic-excess · 5 years
If you could change my url, what would it be?
Simple and very accurate, makes sense. I really need to start using my actual name around more people...
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ao3feed-hamilton · 7 years
by grell-pastell (Pastelbirb)
Thomas' experience of uni has been excessively lonely so far. His best friend is hours away, and social anxiety has kept him from making any new friends. Then he meets Alexander, and maybe their interaction is solely restricted to arguing, but Thomas will take what he can get.
Words: 2470, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Laurens, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Aaron Burr, most of the cast will make an appearance at some point probably??
Relationships: Alexander Hamilton/Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson & James Madison
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Pansexual Alexander Hamilton, Gay Thomas Jefferson, Trans Thomas Jefferson, Social Anxiety, pretty much all of them are queer, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Rating May Change
from AO3 works tagged 'Hamilton - Miranda' http://ift.tt/2fvwJeK
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cuteness--overload · 5 years
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Source: http://bit.ly/2K8mYW9
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rinnenotsubasa · 8 years
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We all need Chan in our lives. There are always people who's willing to be our Chan. We can also be our own Chan.
From "For the Moment" by Pastelbirb.
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yandere-daze · 3 years
Horrortober Day 20
So yes it´s Halloween today so I wish all of you an awesome spooky day! Technically October will be over after today but I´ll still continue writng for this until all the daily prompts are done, so don´t fear! I just found out that posting a scenario daily is not very good for my creativity so spacing it out like this has worked a bit better for me ^^
Also Jamil directly after Kalim was not planned but still a nice irony kjsfk
Prompt and challenge by @pastelbirb and @yandere-sins!
Link to my Horrortober masterlist here!
Day 20: Lock --> “You’re not leaving until I say so.” 
tw yandere, tw possessiveness, tw imprisonment, tw hypnotization
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There was a distinct click of a key opening up the lock of the door that informed you that your lovely boyfriend had come to visit you once again. As the heavy old door to the basement of the Scarabia dorm creaked open, a figure stepped into the room, carrying plates of freshly cooked food and drinks for you to enjoy.
There was a moment of silence as Jamil regarded you with a look of scrutiny but his stiff shoulders soon relaxed when he took note of the bright red glow to your eyes that hadn´t disappeared while you were gone. With great pride he noticed how you smiled at him with utter adoration as he stepped closer to where you were sitting on your bed. Judging from the clean state of the room, Jamil concluded that you hadn´t moved away from the spot he had left you at this morning during the entire time he was gone.
You were so obedient and he couldn´t be happier.
Now of course, Jamil wasn´t delusional. He knew exactly why you listened to him so well and why you gazed at him so fondly even though he had locked you up in this dusty basement against your will. It was all due to his unique magic, Snake Whisper, that had put you completely under his spell and made you so cooperative.
When he had first dragged you down here you had screamed at him, begged him to let you go while trashing your arms around in attempt to overwhelm him and get away. Your response was only natural of course, no one liked being held somewhere against your will, but that didn´t mean Jamil appreciated your defiance. No, he couldn´t accept it.
You were the one thing, the one person, that made him feel seen and loved. All his life he had to stand in Kalim´s shadow, had to pretend that his own abilities were only average when he was capable of so much more. It angered him every day, made him despise the overly cheerful and naïve boy he had to take care of and tend to. How he wished that someone would see him for who he is, someone that would finally see that he was superior to Kalim. Someone that wanted Jamil.
And then you came along and entered his life. You had first been invited by Kalim to join one of Scarabia´s many lively parties as a guest. Jamil could still remember how annoyed he was with you at first. He thought you would just be another nuisance he would have to take care of on top of Kalim who was already plenty enough work for him. But no, to say you took him by surprise was an understatement.
While he had been cooking in the kitchen, you went and opened the door and did the unexpected. You shyly asked him if you could help him with the preparations in any way. Ah you looked so nervous when he hadn´t answered immediately and just stared at you for several seconds. You cutely shifted from one foot to the other, unsure what to do.
“Um I´m sorry if this too forward of me! You just looked so busy and I thought it was unfair that you had to do the preparations for the party all by yourself…”
How cute
The thought had suddenly appeared in his mind and Jamil felt his heart speed up. Why was he suddenly feeling like this? You had just asked if you could help him, it really wasn´t anything extraordinary. But the way you had said it was so genuine, like you really cared about whether he was overwhelmed or not.
“You´re already doing so much so… will you allow me to help you?” You had asked him so sweetly and even though it was so out of character for him, Jamil had agreed to your proposition without any further deliberations.
You were the first person to ever really acknowledge all the work he was putting into everything he did. You marveled at all the food he was cooking up for the feast, exclaiming how advanced his skills must have been to make something of such high quality in such little time. Getting this kind of praise was very unfamiliar to him but he soon decided that he very much liked every word of encouragement that was coming out of your mouth. He could feel his pride swell up and he hoped you wouldn´t stop any time soon.
But sadly, it all had to come to an end soon enough when a cheery Kalim slammed open the door with a laugh and quickly exclaimed that you shouldn´t be out there in the kitchen working so hard, you were a guest after all!
“Hahaha just leave it all to Jamil! Don´t worry about it y/n, he´s been doing this for a long time now. Just come with me, the others are waiting for you, let´s have some fun!”
And while you started protesting a bit, the sunny boy grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you out of the kitchen with a wide smile on his face.
Of course he hadn´t felt the sharp hateful glare on his back as he left. He was too clueless to ever think his dear “friend” would ever be resentful of him. No, Kalim had no idea, he didn´t understand anything at all. And now he had dragged you away from him when you two were having such a good time. Why did Kalim always get whatever he wished for without ever having to put any work into it?
Why can´t Jamil get what he wished for just this once? He wanted to be selfish.
Which is why he did what needed to be done.
All too willingly you had followed him down the stairs and through the darker hallways. You trusted him of course. You didn´t expect anything bad when Jamil had led you into that even darker room.
You only got suspicious when you heard the door click shut behind you and he locked the door with the key he had been holding onto all this time. It was the only key to this room of course, he had long since thrown away all of the copies made to make sure no one else would be able to meet you down here.
Confused you had turned around to face him head on, which was your second biggest mistake right after deciding to follow him. You had looked him in the eye and thus your fate was sealed.
The hushed words of “Snake Whisper” were the last thing you ever perceived with a clear mind before your eyes drooped and turned bright red as you stared at his face aimlessly.
Jamil couldn´t help but let out a victorious laugh. He had won. You were forever under his control now. Of course he had wished that he wouldn´t need to resort to hypnotizing you to make him love him but just the thought of you potentially leaving him for Kalim made his mind snap. He needed you to be his and his alone. He deserved to have someone to call his own, he deserved to be happy for once.
Maybe with time you would start falling in love with him for real and he could stop with hypnotizing you, it took him a lot of magic to uphold Snake Whisper after all. But first he needed to make sure you would never leave him. You weren´t allowed to see anyone else but him, especially not in this state. Your red eyes would immediately tell anyone you met that you were under the influence of his unique magic and he really couldn´t have that. Not to mention that his skin prickled with jealousy at the thought of you being with someone else.
No that just wouldn´t do. So to prevent you from ever leaving, he had to give you a command.
“You´re not leaving until I say so”, he says with a commanding voice and he absolutely loves the way you mindlessly nod at his request with a smile on your face.
“Of course I won´t.” You reassure him and Jamil couldn´t be happier.
“Good. Because I´m never letting you go, y/n. You´re mine and you will love me. I don´t care how long it takes but I won´t rest until you do. No one else is allowed to have you.”
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yandere-daze · 3 years
Horrortober Day 19
I have to admit that I had a lot of difficulty making up a scenario for this prompt but I hope the end result is still enjoyable to you guys!! <3
Prompt and challenge by @pastelbirb and @yandere-sins!
Link to my Horrortober masterlist here!
Day 19: Cold --> “I know the perfect thing to warm you up.”
tw yandere, tw delusional yandere
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You were shivering and you could see warm puffs of smoke in the air whenever you exhaled a breath. Rubbing your arms was barely helping you to stay warm as you walked around NRC, looking for some sort of warmth.
It was the winter break so almost everyone was gone but you had still needed to stay. Crowley had promised you wouldn´t be cold but those fire fairies didn´t seem to feel like doing their work so your fire wood that you had laid in the fireplace had remained unlit. So as a result, for the past morning both you and Grim and had been half freezing to death in the Ramshackle dorm. You had tried calling Crowley so many times to complain about what has been happening but he just refused to pick up his phone? Was he really so busy that he didn´t hear the ringing or did he just not want to pick up his phone and was purposefully ignoring you? Whatever the case, you were very angry at him.
Really, leaving you here to fend on your own? How utterly irresponsible! All of your “trusted” friends were gone as well to visit their families so there really didn´t seem to be anyone that could be of help to you. Grim had been complaining about the cold all morning and while you were very annoyed at his whining you had to agree. You needed to find a solution for this if you didn´t want to freeze to death until help would arrive.
So despite the biting cold you were walking around on a search for anything that might help you. But oh, you were already so sick of it! Your feet felt numb and you were shivering all over as another gust of icy wind blew against your face. You just knew you were going to catch a cold from this whole ordeal.
Grumbling to yourself, you almost jumped out of your skin when you suddenly felt the weight of a hand on your shoulder. Whipping your head around you were greeted by the sight of sparkling red eyes and a radiant smile. “Kalim! You´re still here? I thought you would have gone home for the winter break!” But the boy in front of you only laughed and his earrings dangled as he shook his head with a smile.
“Jamil said it was a good idea to have a study session here during the break so we all stayed. I´m happy to see that you´re here as well, haha!” You too couldn´t help but smile at his cheerful demeanor, momentarily forgetting about how cold you were until Kalim mentioned it himself.
“But y/n, you´re shaking all over! But don´t worry, I know the perfect thing to warm you up!” You were about to question what he meant by that but your words were cut off when he grabbed your hand and started dragging you along with him with quickened steps. “Just come with me, y/n!”
Seeing as there wasn´t really anything else you could be doing right now, you complied and just ran with him, both of you laughing on the way. Soon, you found yourself in front of the mirror that served as a portal to the Scarabia dorm. You had never been there yourself but were excited to see what it would be like.
Stepping through the portal, you held your breath before you suddenly found yourself in the middle of what looked like a desert. A welcoming heat greeted you and you immediately felt relieved as the cold slipped away from your body. You joyfully spread your arms out and let the rays of the sun warm you up. You had felt so cold the whole morning that you felt like you really needed to treasure this moment. “Well Kalim, it seems like you were right. Bringing me here really helped warm me up”. You smiled at him gratefully and he returned it tenfold.
“Ahahah I´m glad I was able to help you but why don´t you stay a little longer? You´ll just get cold again if you leave.”. Well you supposed that made sense. You had no reason to leave just yet, Grim could stand being without you a bit longer.
“Sure, I´d be glad to stay”, you told him and his smile got even brighter if that was possible.
“Great!”, he laughed joyfully, “I have so much prepared for you! Let´s have a party!” Then he once again grabbed your wrist and started dragging you towards the large palace further ahead of you. It looked tall and imposing but you were still curious what it would look like from the inside. It served as the Scarabia dorm so it had to be well lived-in at least.
“By the way, what do you mean when you say ´party`?” , you thought to ask while you two were walking hand-in-hand. Kalim seemed more than happy to explain, his eyes started shining and his hold on your hand tightened a bit.
“Haha, I´m glad you´re asking! I´ve been looking forward to this for a while now! Jamil has been helping me prepare everything! The food, the outfits, the reception hall, it´s all perfect for us!” He explained it so earnestly but you were honestly a bit confused by both the occasion and his wording.
“That all sounds mighty impressive but why would you need to organize such a big party? And why for us? It´s not like I´ve really done anything noteworthy…”
At your comment Kalim tilted his head to the side to look at you quizzically for a moment, a slight pout on his face before brightening up once more in realization.
“Oh no, are you feeling sick or something? Did you catch a fever?” He looked worried now but you were just even more confused.
“No? I don´t think so? Please just tell me more about this party.” But Kalim seemed to disagree with your assertion.
“No y/n, I think you really are sick if you don´t know what the big party is for. We´re getting married of course!”
Your eyes widened in shock and you tensed up as you couldn´t do anything but stare at him in disbelief. Had he really just said that? He couldn´t be serious. “Ahaha, Kalim please don´t joke around like that…” You awkwardly laughed in the hopes that Kalim just wasn´t good at making sarcastic jokes but your optimism soon vanished when he continued.
“But I´m not joking, we´ve been dating for so long now that I thought it was the right time.” Okay now what the hell was he even talking about? You two obviously weren´t dating, you would have definitely noticed if something like that ever happened. So why was he saying something like that?? It made no sense!
“Kalim please, I really can´t marry you! Because we aren´t even-!” You were quickly stopped when the boy laid both of his hands on your shoulders and gazed straight into your eyes with a concerned yet lovestruck stare.
“My poor darling, is it my parents you are worried about? Do you fear they won´t accept you? I assure you, there is no reason to be afraid. Sure, it took some convincing to let me marry someone that wasn´t of royal heritage, someone that doesn´t possess any magic, but it´s all okay now! We can get married like we always wanted to!”
You felt like your whole world was spinning, this was just too much all at once. How did Kalim think you were in a relationship to begin with? And then he somehow convinced his parents to allow the wedding to a commoner like you? Sure, Kalim was a very sweet and kind boy but you really didn´t want to marry him just like that. He hadn´t even asked you if you wanted to in the first place! Who just does something like this??
You took a deep breath before speaking up again, trying to look anywhere but those sparkling eyes staring into yours. “Kalim no, please listen. We aren´t together and I´m not marrying you!” You hadn´t wanted to be so direct but you didn´t think you could make him understand in any other way.
And indeed, there soon was a sad gaze in his eyes, he looked very hurt and his grip on your shoulders slackened as if all the energy had been robbed off of him.
“Y/n please, you can´t be serious…. You don´t want to marry me?”
You sighed and nodded your head, relieved that he had finally understood even if it took way too long for your comfort. Seriously, how had he even gotten to that conclusion in the first place.
But then suddenly, the expression on his face shifted and there once again was a smile on his face yet this one looked... off. The corners of his mouth stretched too far and his eyes were blown wide, you could swear you were able to see literal hearts in them too. He removed one hand from your shoulder to instead grab your hand instead and held it up against his chest.
“It seems like I´ve made a mistake, you don´t realize how much I love you! You were disappointed in me, I understand that now. Of course you wouldn´t want to marry me then! I need to be better and more grandiose in showing my love for you!” With how he was laughing now you felt as if absolutely nothing you said had gotten through to him at all. He was delusional.
“Kalim no-“ “But! That will all change now. I´ll have Jamil bring the finest jewelry and gems from the palace as a gift for you and there will be a giant parade in honor of your name! Then there´ll be an even larger feast then usual and afterwards everyone will dance merrily in joy! We can even slow dance together… It will be wonderful! And then you will finally understand my love for you and we can get married for real!”
This was just pure insanity, all of it, but it truly felt like you had no choice in this matter. What were you supposed to do when his entire family, a rich family at that, had already agreed on your marriage? You couldn´t even imagine how wealthy they were, surely they could pull strings to make it happen even against your will. It felt all so utterly hopeless. You truly longed to go back to the start of today when the only thing you had to worry about was the biting cold in your room and a complaining cat.
But you had gotten too close to the sun and now had to burn for your idiocy.
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yandere-daze · 3 years
Horrortober Day 11
Hnghhh today it´s time for a very special boy! So happy to write for Riddle again, he was my first favorite when I got into twst and I still really really love him! *gestures at my profile picture and header* ndkda
Also apologies for the longer wait for this one, last night I finished up Taisho x Alice Episode 1 with a friend and I was way too tired to keep writing after that 4 hour long session
Prompt and challenge by @pastelbirb and @yandere-sins!
Link to my Horrortober masterlist here!
Day 11: Punish --> “I don’t want to do this! But you leave me no choice.”
tw yandere, tw toxic relationship, tw possessiveness
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„How many times have I told you this, y/n? You have to follow the rules I have given you. Just because I love you doesn´t mean you are exempt from them”, the Heartslabyul dorm leader said with a disappointed scowl on his face as he stood there right in front of you with his arms crossed. You just sighed and rolled your eyes, having already heard this rant many times before had made you immune to the stern tune he liked to use when scolding you. But your nonchalant attitude just made the redhead angrier.
He stomped his foot on the ground and his voice increased in volume. “Don´t roll your eyes at me! This is serious! Breaking the rules shall not be forgiven, rule breakers must always be judged! So what do you have to say for yourself?” Riddle looked quite impatient so you elected to just speak up now, not wanting to anger him any further.
“I´m really sorry Riddle but I really don´t understand what I did wrong. What rule could I have possibly broken just in the 10 minutes I was away from you?”
And you were being honest right now, you really had no idea why you were suddenly in trouble. There were just so many ridiculous rules, how were you supposed to keep track of all of them? It was a feat of sheer impossibility! And most of them were stupid anyway but you were smart enough to not inform Riddle of that.
Riddle sighed and with a disappointed look went on to tell you of your supposed wrongdoings.
“It won´t do for a fellow dorm leader to not know the rules but I suppose I will be merciful this time and explain it to you once more. Really, it is quite simple. It´s not just one rule you have broken, which would have been bad enough already, no, you had to go and break several in such a short amount of time! I´m quite disappointed in you, y/n”, he shook his head as if to emphasize that particular fact.
Internally you raised an eyebrow at that. How could that be? Literally all you did was walk over to Ace and Deuce for a bit to talk and then immediately came back. How could that have broken more than one rule?? But for the moment you thought it would be best to just let Riddle tell you what was wrong.
Satisfied at your lack of an outburst in an attempt to disturb him, Riddle continued.
“Now where should I begin? Let´s start with the gravest mistake of all. You left my side to talk to someone else even though we were having a fine day with just the two of us.”
Your eyes widened in disbelief. “That´s it? That isn´t even a rule to begin with! I can talk to whoever I want!”
You couldn´t help your outburst. You were just irritated that this was what he would consider a grave affront to the rules. This was ridiculous!
The redhead just clicked his tongue, now clearly dissatisfied with your response if the way his frown deepened was anything to go off of. “But don´t you remember? When I confessed my undying love to you, you promised that you would always stay by my side! You said we would always be together! It was a rule you brought forward and I have never even considered breaking it once! And now you will just deny it ever happened and trample all over it?!” He was noticeably getting angrier and angrier the more time passed in which there was total silence on your end. You were just at a loss for words. Had he really taken that so seriously? You would have though it to be cute if he wasn´t throwing such a fit over it now.
“Riddle, please calm down. Of course I´m at your side but that doesn´t mean I´m forbidden from talking to anyone else! You have it all wrong.”
It didn´t look like he was going to calm down anytime soon. “A rule is a rule, you can´t go breaking them just because you want to! You know I love but it´s not something I can just let go unpunished. And that wasn´t even the only rule you broke!”
Oh boy, you could only imagine the next supposed rule would be just as ridiculous as this one.
Riddle huffed and stomped his foot one more time as he glared right into your eyes. “Now moving on, the second rule you broke was laughing with someone other than me, your boyfriend! We are meant to be together and the very thought of you smiling with someone else, especially these unruly boys makes my heart flare up in rage! How dare you show them what is supposed to be for my eyes only?! They don´t deserve to even be in the vicinity of your radiant smile!”
“You mean to say”, you deadpanned, “me smiling was somehow breaking a rule? Are you serious?” You huffed in disbelief. This was going way too far.
“Indeed”, his face softened a tiny fraction as he grasped your face with his slender fingers. You squirmed away from his touch but he held you firmly. Then he brought two his fingers to the corners of your mouth to force a strained smile out of you. He swooned and sighed dreamily at that.
“Your lovely smile, your radiance! It all belongs to me and me alone! It´s a promise you made when we got into a relationship together, you can´t escape from your responsibilities now”, he frowned again and removed his fingers from your face, allowing your muscles to relax again. “You have to keep what you promised me and I´m sorry to say but I´m very disappointed in you. It breaks my heart to think you would ever even consider betraying me like this!” Near the end of his sentence he was raising his voice again and his hands started shaking as he once more became enraged.
“And you know what´s the worst thing?! You did all of this behind my back! You said you had some business to deal with and left me standing there! I trusted you and yet you lied! You spoke with other men without telling me! I only found out because I followed you out of a sense of wanting to see that you were safe! Imagine my shock and despair when I found out what you were really doing!” His face flushed an angry red like you have never seen before, Riddle´s voice shook the entire room and you wouldn´t be surprised if the entire school could hear the screaming door leader.
“Riddle, I´m sorry for not telling you but I just really didn´t think it was all that serious. You´re taking it too much to heart and acting like I´m only ever allowed to be with you! That´s not a very healthy thing to think and I´m sorry but I won´t apologize for what I did. I see no need to.” You decidedly had enough of this. You just hoped Riddle would calm down again if you left him for a while so you started turning your back on him, ready to leave.
“NO Y/N YOU`RE STAYING HERE!” Riddle´s grip on your wrist was painfully tight as he pulled you closer to him. You struggled to break free but he was surprisingly strong for someone so tiny when he wanted to.
“Y/n, I really don´t want to do this, but you leave me no choice. These troublemakers seem to have gotten to your head and made you think that you could just break the rules like this whenever you please. You don´t show any remorse but I´ll make you understand. You´ll soon come to realize that I´m only wanting what´s best for you.”
He raised his magic pen and held you firmly with his other hand so you couldn´t get away.
“Off with your head!”
The all too familiar words echoed in your head as you felt your throat squeeze up and for a moment you felt like you were running out of breath. Then the sensation stopped and as you hesitantly looked down, you saw the heart shaped collar around your neck.
“But I can´t use magi-“, you wanted to protest but Riddle promptly silenced you.
“I know but this is to serve as a reminder that rule breakers and liars will always get punished. Even my lovely darling”, he sighed again and gently ran his finger over the heart shaped collar he had just forced you to wear. Hah it was almost like he had just claimed you for himself! Everyone who would see you now would immediately recognize that it was his doing and he rejoiced at the mere thought of it.
“Things are going to change from now on until you understand. You will devote every single second of your day to me, just like I´ve always done for you. It´s important for both partners to put in the same amount of effort for a healthy and balanced relationship, isn´t that right?”
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yandere-daze · 3 years
Horrortober Day 10
1/3rd done now! It´s been a crazy journey so far and I gotta thank you guys for sticking around ^^
Prompt and challenge by @pastelbirb and @yandere-sins!
Link to my Horrortober masterlist here!
Day 10: Hide --> “Where are you~” 
tw yandere, tw violence, tw blood, tw possessiveness
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„Hehe, little shrimpy where are you ~”, you heard a sing-song voice not too far away from you. Damn it, Floyd must be right behind you at this point! How were you supposed to hide from someone like him? Sooner or later the eel would find you and then it would all be over.
But you´re certain you wouldn´t be able to outrun him so hiding was the only way to possibly escape. Crouching behind a table in the Mostro Lounge you carefully looked around to try and find an appropriate hiding spot. Where would he not find you? You were sweating as your eyes frantically darted from one corner of the room to the other. There weren´t many people around at this time of day so you would most definitely stand out if you were to get up now. Surely Floyd would find you then!
Why were you hiding from the boy in the first place? Because mere moments ago you had witnessed him do something you never wanted to experience.
You had entered the restaurant completely oblivious of what was about to happen right in front of your eyes. You had taken a seat at your usual table and were waiting for a waiter to come by to take your order, when you suddenly heard footsteps behind you as a small boy shyly approached your table. Turning around to properly face him, you saw a group of boys not too far behind at a different table, shouting encouragements his way, to which the boy only blushed. You cocked your head when he came to a stop in front of you. He directed his gaze at the floor, his feet shuffling nervously but otherwise didn´t immediately say anything.
You decided to help him out a bit and broke the ice. “I´m sorry, is there anything I can help you with?”, you asked him with a gentle smile. The poor boy grew very red in the face as he fiddled with his hands before slowly raising his head to look at you. “Um, well actually, you see- “, he kept on stammering which you honestly found very adorable. Then he mustered up all of his courage to tell you what he meant to say. “Y/n, I….I really like you! And- and I want to ask you to go out with me!”
At your stunned silence his face grew even redder in embarrassment and you couldn´t help but feel bad for him. You smiled at him and nodded. “Well it might be too soon to start going out just yet but if you want you can sit down at my table and have dinner with me?”. His entire face lit up at the suggestion and he frantically nodded as you heard loud cheers and whistling from the table behind you. You amusedly shook your head before gesturing for him to sit on the opposite end of the table. Nodding shyly, he moved to sit down when suddenly, there was a large hand at the back of his head as a large frame loomed over him.
And then without any hesitance, the hand came crashing down, slamming the boy´s head against the glass table. You screamed out in shock as your mind registered what had just happened. Who would dare-
“Hehe you make such funny noises when your head meets the table, do it again, please? Let´s play! ~”
Immediately you registered the voice as Floyd´s. But before you could yell at him to stop, he laughed maniacally as he slammed the poor boy´s face back against the table, over and over, not stopping even when he was severely bruised and bleeding and had started crying a long time ago.
“Floyd stop this! What do you think you´re doing?!” Finally, you had found your voice again and immediately used it to scream at him.
The mentioned boy paused momentarily mid-slam and made a confused, pouting face as he considered your outburst as if he truly couldn´t comprehend what you were saying.
“Silly little shrimpy, I´m punishing him! Very bad of him to try flirting with you when you´re already mine” His face had gotten dark again and it looked like he was about to continue what he was doing beforehand, until he looked down and saw that completely exhausted and in pain, the boy had grown unconscious from the severe trauma against his skull. Your eyes softened in sympathy and you started crying. He had seemed like such a nice boy, what did he do to deserve something like this? Just by talking to you? This was crazy! The only relieving thought you had was that some of his friends had run out earlier to get a teacher so at least he would most likely get treatment soon enough.
Still, this was terrifying! You knew Floyd tended to make violent remarks or squeeze other people a bit too tightly but this seemed like much even for him. You didn´t feel safe around him anymore, especially when he looked up from the table to gaze at you again. You knew it was time to bolt. So you did.
And that was how you got into this situation in the first place. Taking him by surprise, you had managed to lose him a bit while running around the restaurant but at the same time you had gravely disadvantaged yourself. Floyd must have predicted you would immediately run for the exit so that is where he went first, meaning you of course ran into the opposite direction. And now you were decently far away from the door and as the eel started checking under every table he passed by, you knew your time was up soon.
“Come out come out, shrimpy! Hide and seek has been fun for a while but now I´m getting really bored!” , his sentence ended with a threatening undertone. He was clearly getting impatient and started to just flip the tabled instead of kneeing down to look under them to let out his frustration.
“I know you´re here somewhere, darling. I´ll find you soon~”. He laughed playfully in a way that at this point just sounded deranged to you. And his voice was way closer than you would have liked! He would discover you at any moment now! What to do, what to do?!
“Hehe, once I find you I´m going to squeeze you reaaally hard! I won´t let you go even if you beg and scream! You´re all mine, shrimpy and I´ll hurt anyone that tries to take you from me~”
You shivered and whimpered and then suddenly your cover was blown as the table previously hiding you was flipped over. “Haha I found you, shrimpy! Now don´t run away, okay? We´re going to have so much fun!”
Only maniacal laughter and your pained sobs rang through the empty Mostro Lounge as you felt your body being squeezed very painfully, robbing you of air.
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yandere-daze · 3 years
Horrortober Day 6
I´ve discovered that I like writing in the morning more than in the evening so I´ve been doing that the last two days. I guess you learn something new every day dnssn
Today is dedicated to our favorite dragon boy, hope you enjoy ^^
Prompt and challenge by @pastelbirb and @yandere-sins!
Link to my Horrortober masterlist here!
Day 6: Time --> “How long has it been?”
tw yandere, tw possessiveness, mentioned past kidnapping
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You felt tears threatening to escape your eyes as you glanced at the photo frame in your hands. While cleaning up your chambers a bit, you had stumbled upon an old memento you had brought along with you when Malleus had stolen you away all those many, many years ago. Back then you were still so full of hope, firmly believing that your friends would come to your aid and save you from the castle deep in the Valley of Thorns you were imprisoned in. But every attempt they had started was firmly crushed by the overwhelming magic that was used against him to the point they eventually stopped trying. You really couldn´t blame then, you didn´t want them to lose their lives in vain either.
Every day you had looked at the picture you were holding right now, a group picture with all of your friends from Night Raven College, back when you were celebrating your first Halloween in this strange new world. You had so many fond memories of that moment but with time, they slowly started disappearing from your mind, much to Malleus´ joy.
He never liked how much time you spent with everyone else, how well you got along with your dear friends. Thinking back on it now and more aware of his twisted sense of love, even then he had been very possessive of you and your time. You two had so many evening strolls together, walking around the school when no one else was awake. It had just been you two with no one to interrupt you, just like he wanted. He had always told you how he wished he could spend every moment of the day with you and how much he cherished and adored you. He loved you, and back then you had been absolutely over the moon to hear it as you had felt the same for him. Knowing your feelings were reciprocated made you so unbelievably happy. Oh how, naïve you were, not yet knowing how deep these twisted feelings of his really were running.
When he had stolen you away after his graduation from NRC you couldn´t believe what had happened. You pleaded with him, begged him to let you go but it had al fallen on deaf ears. Very soon it was clear to you that Malleus had zero intention of letting you go and there was nothing you could do about it. Of course you had tried to run away several times, in the beginning at least, but every escape attempt was quickly thwarted by Lilia, Sebek or sometimes even by Malleus himself. There really was no way a magicless human such as yourself would be able win against those faes, they were just so much more powerful than you. There was nothing you could do but accept your fate, knowing you would only get punished if you kept trying. So trying to stay safe and unharmed, you just started giving in.
No longer would you avoid Malleus´s touch when he tried to hold your hand or wrap his arm around you. No longer would you refuse the food you were given and then forced to eat it anyway. No longer would you give him the silent treatment until he grew angry. It was just easier like this.
There was only one thing you greatly opposed when Malleus first proposed the idea. You shook and cried, clung onto him and begged endlessly. But in the end, it made no difference. He had decided it was for the best and so it had to be done. You remember Silver giving you a pitying look as you were led away but he didn´t move to help you out either. He couldn´t go against the people that raised him, not that he was any match against Malleus or Lilia anyway.
And so you had to live with the fate that was dealt to you. The following days you hadn´t talked to anyone. You had hidden yourself under the soft blankets in your room and just cried your heart out at the pain and betrayal you had felt.
“Just how long has it been since that day? Since I was turned? I can´t remember”, you whispered to yourself and with shaking hands picked up the picture frame again. You felt a deep ache within your heart at seeing their smiles after so long. Their precious smiles, oh how you wished things would turn out differently…
Then you suddenly felt a strong hand on your back as someone pressed their mouth against your neck.
“My love, it´s been nearly 134 years since you´ve been turned into a fae.”
“Ah, right. I´ve completely lost any sense of time”
In the past you would have shrieked to suddenly having Malleus appear out of nowhere to touch you but in the many many years you had spent together you had grown accustomed to the fact that he liked to surprise you with his presence out of thin air.
You felt Malleus shift his head to find out what you were looking at and heard him snarl as he saw what it was.
“My beloved y/n, why are you looking at that old picture? I didn´t even know you had that anymore. Don´t you want to throw it away? They won´t come to visit you anyway and seeing them like this always used to put ridiculous ideas into your head. You belong to me and you don´t need to even think about anyone else. You understand, don´t you? So hand over that dastardly picture to me.”
He let go of you to turn you around so you were now facing him. His stern green eyes gazed at you intensely as he expectantly held out his hand for you to give him the old photo.
Your fingers shook as you looked down once again and saw all of your past happy memories in just that one picture. The people you had spent an entire year with and now would never be able to see them again. This was the last piece you still had of them and it would be gone in an instant if you gave it to Malleus. There would truly be nothing left of the old life you had.
You glanced up again and noticed that your husband was growing impatient, clearly not liking the fact that it was taking you so long to make this obvious decision. To him, this was entirely useless now that you two were together. He doesn´t understand just how much this meant to you.
“Darling….”, he shook you out of your thoughts as he curled his fingers in a grabbing motion, clearly telling you to hurry up.
With a heavy feeling in your heart, you caved in and reached out your hand for him to the photo from you. The instant he held it within his own grasp, he closed his fist and a bright green flame quickly consumed it in it´s entirety. Not even burnt crisps remained.
“A good decision”, Malleus complimented you and was now smiling, happy with the choice you had made.
You hadn´t noticed the tear rolling down your cheek until your husband wiped it away with his index finger.
“Hush now darling, there´s no reason to cry. Nothing important was lost. After all, they are all long since dead.”
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yandere-daze · 3 years
Horrortober Day 7
I´m kind of proud that I´m still doing this so dutifully. I remember doing inktober a few years ago and only doing it for  like the first 3 days so this is definitely an achievement jsnedsl
Also holy moly, during the course of this week we´ve reached over 1100 followers? Didn´t I make an announcement for 1000 followers only a short while ago? That´s so crazy! Thank you guys for your support <3
Prompt and challenge by @pastelbirb and @yandere-sins!
Link to my Horrortober masterlist here!
Day 7: Shock --> “You look like a deer caught in the headlights.”
tw yandere
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It would all soon be over, you told yourself over and over. Not too long and you would finally be free from this room that had become your prison. You had gone over the plan countless times now, there was just no way you were going to fail. You couldn´t fail, for it would take away the last remaining piece of hope you still had.
Escaping from a mighty fae like Lilia was by no means an easy feat, doubly so when he had gotten so obsessed with you. He claimed he loved you but he said it with such a smirk you couldn’t be sure he wasn´t messing with you. He was always so cruel to you too, teasing you with an opportunity to escape only for him to easily catch you when you thought you were close. It had happened so many times before, so why did you think it would go any differently this time?
It was because you weren´t alone, you had someone that wanted to help you with your escape. Because you two secretly loved each other and mailed letters back and forth thanks to his trusted owl. Of course Lilia should never find out about this, he would no doubt be furious and there would be hell to pay for the both of you in that case. Which is why you had to be discreet. You only wrote the letters when you knew Lilia had a business to attend to and you would be alone for the next few hours.
Today was another one of these days. The Vanrouge had told you as such when he entered your room to bring you your food and water for the day. Luckily not cooked by him, that was one of the demands you had made when he first locked you up in here. He had been unusually saddened by the news that you didn´t want to taste his meals made with his love for you but had eventually relented when you had just refused to eat.
Glancing at your clock you realized that it would soon be time for you to strike. Your beloved had neatly laid out instructions for you to follow if you wanted to get away from this place. To say you were nervous about this would be an understatement but you were desperate to finally be free and to be able to run into the comforting arms of your lover. Oh how you longed to finally see him after only writing to him the past few months you had known him!
You pulled open a secret drawer in your desk and grabbed a small shining key that had been hidden in there. Your beloved had sent you this key recently together with a letter explaining that it was an enchanted key that is able to open any door in existence, no matter how sturdy.  After receiving it you naturally hid it so Lilia wouldn´t find out about it, he would definitely steal it away from you if he knew.
You got up and walked towards the locked door, taking a deep breath as you drew the key closer. Before they key could even make contact with the lock, it started shining brighter and you heard a click sound. To your surprise, the door opened all on its´ own too! How very curious. The magic on this must just be that strong, you guessed.
This was it, you were about to take your first step to freedom, now you just needed to cross the hall without notifying any of the royal guards walking around. If you could just get to that door then everything would be fine! Your beloved had promised he would meet you behind the gates of the castle and that he would take you away from this place.
So you mustered up all your courage and quietly started sneaking through the hallways, being careful as to not make any sounds. Glancing around the corner you could see a guard marching up and down the hallway, avoiding them would prove to be very difficult. When you saw them finally turn their back to you, you decided to go for it and walked as fast as you could, praying that you wouldn´t be seen. When you finally made it after you felt like your heart was about to burst, you looked back and still saw the guard monotonously walking back and forth, apparently not having noticed a thing. You silently cheered. This really wasn´t as bad as you thought it would be, at this rate you could really do it!
You barely saw any other guards on your way to the main entrance of the castle and when you did see them, they would luckily quickly disappear down another hallway. You were so close now, you could almost feel it! And when rounding the next corner your instincts were proven to be right. There it was: The gate, completely unguarded! Seriously, what was up with the security in this place? Where the guards slacking off because Lilia wasn´t there to scold and punish them? You didn´t think about it too much, as it was entirely in your favor.
Excited, you quickly walked over to the grand gate and used the magical key to open it up. Then, you saw a bridge and a grand forest in front of you as the fresh air greeted you. Oh how you had missed this feeling! You had been coped up in your room for so long that you had almost forgotten how good it felt to be outside.
Not wanting to risk getting caught in the very end, you wasted no time and ran away from the castle. There in the distance you saw a tall figure waiting for you, wearing a large cape with it´s back turned to you. You started running faster at the sight of your lover and once close you threw yourself at him and wrapped your arms around him from behind.
“Oh I´m so happy! Darling, your plan worked! I´m finally out of this place! I´ll never have to see Lilia again! I can finally be free and live with you!”, you cried out in joy and rested your head against his strong back.
“I´m so happy to have you here with me darling, cuddling up to me like this. You truly love me, don´t you?”, a deep male voice asked you. You feverishly nodded your head but realizing he wouldn´t be able to see that, you voiced out your agreement instead.
“Yes! I´ve loved you from the very first letter we´ve exchanged! You listen to me so attentively and it´s a joy to talk to you! I can´t believe I can finally meet you!”, you smiled happily and laughed.
“So that is what your laugh sounds like, y/n…”, your lover mumbled. And then he threw his head back and started laughing loudly. Startled at his outburst you let go of him and took a tentative step back.
“Is, is something wrong?”, you asked him worriedly.
“Hah I just find it very amusing that you would pour your heart out to a stranger when you wouldn´t even show a smile to your very devoted boyfriend, darling”, he laughed again but this time it sounded a bit menacingly.
And then suddenly, his body began to shift weirdly until his tall frame had significantly shrunken down. And then, when your supposed lover finally turned his head to meet your gaze, you let out a horrified scream.
“What´s wrong darling, didn´t expect to see me here? You look like a deer caught in the headlights.”, the man in front of you laughed, seemingly very amused at your shocked reaction.
And why were you so shocked? Because the person in front of you was in fact not your savior at all but instead the very person that had locked you up in that cursed room in the first place: Lilia Vanrouge. Just by the dark red color of his eyes you could immediately tell it was him.
“No, why…why are you here? What did you do to him?!”, your voice shook as you still had trouble grasping the situation. You had thought you were finally free, you had felt so relieved and now it was all for nothing? Just an elaborate plan from your bored captor?
“Oh darling, I didn´t do anything to anyone.”, he mockingly cooed, “Because he never existed in the first place”. Another chill went down your spine. He didn´t exist? But how could that be?
“But I exchanged so many letters with him so how-“
Lilia cut you off with another laugh. “That was me, silly! Or did you really think you could regularly contact another person without me noticing? My eyes are everywhere, there was no way I would have let something like that happen.”
“But then why did you do this? Why on earth did you send me all these letters?”, you demanded to know. You were confused, why go to such lengths? For what reason?
“It´s quite simple, I wanted to test your loyalty, darling. I wanted to know if you would dare think of trying to run away from me if the opportunity was offered. Oh y/n, I´m very disappointed in you”
“You mean you wanted to see if I would land in your trap and try to escape? This was all planned out by you?!”
“That´s correct, darling. Or did you really think it would be so easy to go by unnoticed in a gigantic castle?”, he leaned closer to you and grabbed your wrist, squeezing tightly. “It was very amusing to see you so scared. But really there was no reason to be, I had told the guards to stay clear off the entrance and to act like they can´t see you when you pass by them.”
You tried to rip your hand out of his grasp but the pressure only increased, to the point it actually started hurting.
“But I think playtime is over now, darling”. And with that the mocking smile on his face immediately vanished and was replaced by a very dark look.
“I think you need to be punished for betraying me so severely like this. Trying to run away with just any man is a real insult to my pride, you know? But you won´t have to make such a scared face now, after all you´re going to spend a loooot of time with the man you fell in love with, isn´t that right?”
And with that, your fate was sealed as you were dragged back inside by Lilia. And no matter how much you begged and screamed, he wouldn´t go easy on you this time.
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