#peacock vil
inkblot-mirror · 5 months
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Yum Vil got drip 💧
No to the hair though.
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sleepyorchidmonster · 10 months
Something happens and all of the human NRC kids turn into animals, while the beastmen, fae and merfolk are left to deal with the situation.
Which is fine, if Floyd hadn't learned about Heartslabyul using hedgehogs as croquet balls right before the incident.
Leona, holding a rabbit Epel: Alright, we have to find a way to change those herbivores back, let's split into three groups. One checks the potions lab, the other investigates the rest of the school for any freak magic and the last one babysits the animal‐ OWCH!!
Leona: Stop attacking me, Vil!!
Floyd, entering the room in a panic: SOMETHING HAPPENED TO-
Floyd: Oh, you guys know already...
Floyd, looking over to the equestrian club: Oh! A hedgehog!
* Floyd grabs Riddle the hedgehog and throws him out of the window, where he is immediately taken by a falcon*
Everyone: FLOYDD!
Malleus: I'm going to assume that Leech is not going to be present in the babysitting team...
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pinkcadavart · 6 months
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lyxchee-art · 2 months
Custom Skullgirls palettes, but with Disney villains !! Pt. 1
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Beowulf - Clayton (Tarzan)
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Eliza - Madame Medusa (The Rescuers)
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Peacock - McLeach (The Rescuers Down Under)
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yours-stevie · 11 months
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Boo 👻
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pomfiores · 2 years
@igniferous said: tired of men and their slutty little waists
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GENUINELY. THATS WHAT I THINK EVERY TIME. that small waist, for what? a man to grab it?? whore.
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last set of tsumsitter ssr groovies 👀
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First is Pomefiore!! (Edit: The initial version of this Groovy is on the left; Rook is missing the golden Pomefiore markings on his robes. There was an update to fix this. The updated version is on the right.)
The trio is framed by a border of colorful lights, which reminds me a lot of old-fashioned movie theater signs (though not as colorful). If you look closely at the top and bottom, it seems they are posed for a candid photograph and it’s being posted to Magicam or something?? Rook and Epel look super crisp here, which I love!! I think Epel is posing with his hands held behind his back. This paired with his smile and the slight bird’s eye view of his face makes him look super cute please don’t beat me up for saying that, Epel. And Rook is being showy and familiar as usual, even putting one hand on Vil’s shoulder. Vil isn’t cringing or uncomfortable with it, which goes to show that he and Rook are truly good friends.
As for Vil, it’s rare to see him posed casually like this. Most of his cards feature him posed in very “model”-like and mature ways, so to have just one hand on hip, leaning forward slightly, and gripping his grimoire is unique for him (I mostly associate this pose with Ace, lol). His smile is quite casual too—it’s not quite the full catty smirk he has in his live2D model, it’s a lot more subtle and playful.
BahacTeHWWRVwkkwwm YHE VIL TSUM STeALS THE SHOW ThoUGH 😭 (You can tell it’s smiling despite the lack of a visible mouth) from how its eyes!! The placement of the Tsum is also funny. With Pomefiore’s peacock throne in the background, it forms sort of an angelic halo around… the sentient stuffed toy… Proof that Tsum Vil is a heavenly being/j
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Next is Ignihyde!!
The Shroud brothers return to Cyberspace, that blue void with tons of ethereal floating screens, particle effects, and code www I don’t know what those three pink balls of flame are in the background, but there being three of them is a consistent theme for Ignihyde. Three pink fireballs, three Shroud brothers, three heads of Cerberus! I wish I could say more here, but I’m basically a Malleus when it comes to tech—
Idia’s pose isn’t anything we haven’t seen before (just at different angles of it, I suppose). But!! It feels different here and adding Ortho definitely adds to it. The Pokémon trainer energy of the initial art carries over to the Groovy. Idia looks like a smug, tough trainer looking down on you with a cocky grin and his face half-shadowed.
Ortho floats almost menacingly next to his big brother, his face entirely shadowed. His aura is like a phantom (fitting) or even like a Pokémon on standby waiting for the chance to fire off a Hyper Beam. This might be me overthinking things, but I wonder if the amount of light on the brothers’ faces references the original Ortho. Robo!Ortho’s face is entirely darkened because his parallel has passed on. Idia’s face is only partially shadowed because while he was close to stepping over to the “other side”, he ultimately found hope and was able to continue living, this time for himself and on his own terms.
I LIKE HoW TSUM IDIA HAS ITS OWN sCREEN TO WORK OFF OF TOO 😭 IBRO IS MAkING A sUS FACE TOO, IT’S GLEEfUL AbOUT WhAtEVRr it’S UP TO… That makes me think that it’s hard at work… I dunno, hacking something systems fnksgwiwozlapaeb Watch out, a Tsum near you might infect your computer and then bounce away happily after ruining all your programs and files.
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The violet backlight is fantastic—it adds an interesting lighting to the illustration and highlights the green flames and Silver and Sebek’s bright eyes. And speaking of Sebek and Silver, LOOK AT THEM JUST LOOK AT THEM???????? More specifically, Sebek’s arms (they look ultra meaty somehow) and Silver’s whole face(that lopsided smile??? HELLO?????)!! On either side of Malleus like that… Peak bodyguard, I REPEAT, PEAK BODYGUARD
With Lilia bringing up the rear, the three form a perfect squad to surround and to protect their liege. cbsjsbevejwlw I like that Lilia is different than Silver and Sebek; he’s hanging out upside down (as he usually does) and bears a huuuge grin, completely having fun in the moment. (… How does his hat stay on like that when he’s fighting gravity though?)
Up front and center is Malleus of course! He’s wielding his spindle staff like a king might a scepter. This with his fierce face gives the impression of a leader marching into battle with his retainers. You get a real good shot of his teeth and reptilian eyes here which I’m sure the Malleus stans are going feral for right now—and with the limelight shining down on him, he looks almost hopeful for once instead of downtrodden or gloomy.
THE TSUM MALLEUS LOOKS SO FUNKY PLACED tHERE cnsnwveuxvDFsFjqk Just. Cheekily There on Malleus’s shoulder… Because Maleficent and Diablo is a known combination, the image of those two as master and minion comes to mind. Imagine Malleus blasting you with lightning, pausing to listen to his Tsum whispering a suggestion into his ear, and then telling you the Tsum has advised that he blast you with a second strike 💀
Aaaaaah, the Tsumsitter SSR Groovies are some of the best in this game 😭 So glad they’re finally over though, it’s stressful saving rolls for what you know would be a limited event with multiple SSR banners, lol
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mochinomnoms · 7 months
The Private (not) Thoughts of a Moray Chapter 5: I wanna go on walks with you, I wanna have long talks with you
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Gender Neutral Reader x Jade Leech
Chapter 5 preview:
The fall was much shorter than you anticipated, as you felt yourself fall against a soft body. You opened your eyes, but found that the room was dark. Or a tunnel? Hole? Whatever it was, it was a tight fit as you shifted around to get back on your feet. You dug your elbows against the soft floor to get up, which subsequently moved and grunted.  “Ow. That was my rib.” Jade's voice grunted against your ear, his hold around loosening as he also moved to stand.  “Jade? What—oh my god!” You tried to scramble off of Jade, harder said than done in the space you two had found yourselves. Shifting around, you were sure that you’d just made the situation worse, as Jade lit a light with his wand. How in the world you managed to find yourself straddling Jade’s waist in the dark was a mystery. Though, with the flush look on his face, you weren’t sure he minded. Oh…by the Abyss itself… you’re such a pretty sight.
[wc} - 9,838
[notes] - let's gooooo! My editors still need a chance to comb through but I really wanted this out, so I will update with their feedback later so they don't have to stress! Anyway pls gimme your thoughts! I'd love to hear them!!
[tag list] - @simpingforbelphegor @myteacupisempty
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Chapter 5: I wanna go on walks with you, I wanna have long talks with you)
It had been roughly two months since the year started and you’d been housewarden. You’d like to say that it had been smooth sailing, and it mostly was. Mostly.
Epel had taken you to the Mostro Lounge of all places to get you to relax after a fight broke out between a few of the Ramshackle students over how they should decorate it for Halloween. A Diasomnia student that had managed to sneak into your roster a month ago had wanted to turn the dorm into Malleus’s usual haunted house, but Wynfred and the others wanted to do something new. 
Then it turned into another argument over what that new idea would be, which caused a fight to break out between the different students. If it hadn’t been for Wynfred bluntly calling them all whiny and suggesting that they just drew written suggestions from a hat. While most of them bristled at the remark, they’d agreed to follow his lead. After Albert had so kindly offered his hat, the winning idea was a screampark with clowns.
You’d thanked Wynfred for managing to wrangle them in, as you’d been out at a housewarden meeting at the time and did NOT feel like returning to a warring dorm. The redhead has flushed and beamed at your praise, something he’d been doing for a while you’d notice. At first, you thought it was just him being happy at being recognized for his efforts. 
“You know, Wynfred talks a lot ‘bout you, calls you all sorts of sweet names.” Epel had a gleeful smirk as he teased you. “Sounding like someone’s got a little secret admirer!”
Now you know why Wynfred had been so keen to seek your praise.
“Shut up Epel, you know I still have Vil on speed-dial, and I’ll tell him about you cussing out Yev, again.”
Epel wrinkled his nose and stuck his nose out at you, which you returned in kind. 
“Mmmeeh! Don’t worry about it, Yev has snitched on me plenty of times. Vil tells him to get it together and wrangle me in.”
The small man sipped on his smoothie before continuing, “Vil knew how to fight at least, I respect that. Yev’s a big ol’ wuss. He’s like a peacock. Or a chihuahua.”
Both of you giggled, you particularly at the image in Epel’s head of Yev’s head on a brown shaking chihuahua. Your fit of laughter was interrupted by a familiar presence and the thoughts of a familiar twin. 
Hehe, little shrimpy~
“Hi Floyd, what’s up?”
You craned your head to look up at Floyd, who was peering over the booth with a grin, his gold eye glinting at you. 
“Boo!” Floyd pouted, resting his chin on the top of the booth and draping his arms over to essentially trap you between them.
“Was tryin’ to scare Shrimpy, not fair!” 
You giggled at the whiny tone, though Epel looked a bit off put by Floyd, which wasn’t surprising. 
It’s like Shrimpy can tell when I’m nearby, totally not fair!
“Did you need something, Floyd?” Epel was still polite even after Vil left, so you suppose some of the habits instilled in him now came second nature. 
“Nah, just wanted to bother ya. Hey Shrimpy, Tony said you guys are doing scary clowns for Halloween? Never seen that, are clowns really that scary to humans?”
“Oh yeah,” You responded while Epel nodded along. “I don’t know about here, but back home it was a whole deal, we had like a whole scary movie franchise based on a scary clown that stole and ate children.”
Epel added, “Yeah, and we had a whole thing like two years ago where people were sighting killer clowns on the street! Like, just randomly in the middle of the night!”
“You guys had that too? Oh, that’s weird.”
Floyd made a disturbed face at your comments. Humans are weird. He hummed, moving to further shove his body over your booth. You wouldn’t be surprised though if his feet were still on the ground. 
“Killer clowns? Just beat them up, I don’t know, humans get scared of the weirdest things.” 
The twin perked up as he held up a finger to shush you as you opened your mouth to rebuke. 
“Wait a sec, I got something for ya!” Floyd brought his hand up to his mouth and shrilly whistled a small tune. “Hey Aspen!”
Watching with mild curiosity, you watched as the pink-haired man froze at Floyd calling for him. Staring at Floyd with wide eyes, he briefly darted his gaze to you, and back to Floyd.
“Bring the calamari over for lil’ Shrimpy!”
Aspen made a face, scrunching up his nose as he did what he was told as he internally complained. 
I can’t believe you’re making me touch this stuff, I just—I can’t with you! How can you have Jade’s sweet face, and yet be such an ass, Floyd.
Placing the plate before you, Aspen gave you and Epel a polite nod. “Here you are, please enjoy.”
“Yeah, Aspen’s reeeal fond of squid, ain’t ya?” Floyd giggled as Aspen took a deep breath, glowering at him as he turned his cheek and trotted off. 
Stupid, it’s no wonder you can’t court your mate, you brute.
“I believe my shift has ended. I’ll be setting off, I’ll see you at Ramshackle, Housewarden.”
You watched from the corner of your eye as Floyd grinned wryly at Aspen’s retreating form, looking back at you and Epel to pout and mockingly sniffle. 
“He’s always been so mean to poor ol’ Floydie!” He giggled again, tilting his head as you rolled your eyes. “He ignores me all the time, even when I’m trying to have fun with him! It was just a joke!”
You gave a light-hearted scoff, as did Epel who froze at Floyd squinting a golden eye at him. 
“Right, a joke. Like when you ‘accidentally’ served Azul your takoyaki. Didn’t he smack you hard enough to bruise you?”
Floyd blew a raspberry, cocking his hip as he leaned further against your booth. At the angle you had to crane your head to look at him, he almost looked like his brother. 
“Yeah, he was so mean for that! It’s fine, though, he kept serving me unagi for like a week after that to get back at me.”
His eyes dulling a bit, you could tell Floyd was getting bored now that his ‘fun’ had left. Though, he seemed to perk up as you popped a calamari ring into your mouth, studying your reaction as you chewed. It got a bit awkward as you made eye contact with Epel, who shrugged. 
I wonder if he’s waiting for the Prefect to say something about the food. Maybe he made it and wants praise?
You swallowed and cheerily told Floyd, “Hey, this is really good! Tastes great, did you cook it, Floyd?”
Floyd held his chin in his hands, grinning again as he watched you take another ring. 
Waiting until you were mid-chew, he purred out in a teasing tone, “Oh, no I didn’t make that. Jade made it. For you.”
So sappy, an’ such a basic courting gift too!
You choked on the calamari, coughing and frantically hitting your chest. Epel yelped as he nearly jumped over the table to shove your glass of water in your face, which you accepted. 
“Oh? You good Shrimpy?” Floyd, unbothered as ever, grinned as he watched you chug your water. “Something got you all flustered?”
“Floyd! Don’t make jokes, they’re chokin’!” Epel scolded Floyd as you finally took a heaving breath, waving your hands to cool off your burning cheeks.
“It’s fine, just went down the wrong throat. Um,” You shakily smiled at Floyd as you replied, “Thanks for letting me know, I’ll be sure to thank him later.”
As if, I don’t need him getting the wrong idea. 
“Oh good, Jade wanted to talk to ya ‘bout something anyway. Can’t remember about what.” Floyd gave you a lazy smirk. “He was gonna visit ya at your dorm, but what if I pop you in his room as a surprise? It’ll be reeeal funny!”
“Nope!” You popped your lips, blanching at the thought of Jade finding you alone in his bedroom.
“Kayyy!” Floyd shrugged, sliding his upper body against the top of the booth as he sauntered away. “I’m sure Jade will be back soon anyway. I’ll have someone come top off your waters while you wait.”
An exhausted sigh left your mouth as you rested your head against the cool table while Epel did the same, in solidarity you think. 
“Ya good? I’ve heard that Jade has been hovering around you lately. You don’t like, owe him anything, do you?”
You slid your head up to meet Epel’s gaze, who was currently giving you a curious look. 
Ace mentioned he’s been around you a lot lately. 
“Ah, no he’s just been, ummm—” you hummed as you considered how to word your circumstances without telling him about your telepathy.
Maybe I should tell him anyway…
“If it helps, I don’t think it’s anything bad!” Epel tried to reassure you with a small smile. “You two walk together after your potions class, right?”
You blinked in surprise, raising a brow. “Yeah? How’d you know?”
“Oh, he’s in the remedial second-year flight class with some other mermen. And I see you two walking when I’m coming from astronomy, it’s on the way.”
Every day too, without fail. 
Epel waited for you to take a sip of water before giving you a wry grin. “It’s cute, you guys look like a couple.”
Choking on your water, you coughed as Epel giggled at your flustered reaction. Unfazed by your glare, Epel happily continued. 
“Ha! I thought Ace was joking, but you really do get all embarrassed talking about Jade. What? You got a crush on him?”
“NO!” You shouted, nearly flying out of your seat. The dining room got quiet as you did, several eyes staring at you. From the corner of your eye, you could see Floyd smirking at you. Like he knew what you were talking about. 
Oh, geez. Epel was leaning back against his seat, eyeing you up and down. Dramatic much?
“I mean, uh, no.” You hastily mumbled as you settled back in your booth, wishing you could just sink into the cushions. 
“Sure, yeah.” Epel scoffed, and relaxed, smirking at you again. “You know, he’s real happy during flight class, even though he can barely make it off the ground. Might have something to do with a certain someone, you think?”
You laughed and dryly responded, “I wouldn’t know.” Liar. “Besides, it’s not like I ask for him to hover over me all the time. It gets annoying sometimes”
Epel now looked at you puzzled. “Ace didn’t mention anythin’ like that. He’s not like…stalking you or anything, right?”
I’ll beat him up if he is. He might got a foot over me, but I can take him!
The sentiment was sweet, but the thought of Epel confronting Jade made you uneasy. With how intense his feelings were for you, you couldn’t imagine Jade willingly backing down just from a few harsh words or threats from Epel of all people. 
“It’s nothing to worry about. Promise!” You straightened and frantically waved your hands at the doubtful look he gave you. “Jade’s been nothing but helpful! He’s probably just being nice.”
“Jade, being nice? Sure, yeah right.” He snorted, amused again. “He’s as nice as a bull seein’ red. He’s like his brother, nothing but a big and mean bully.”
You clicked your tongue, now annoyed. “That’s not fair, Jade can be nice! Like I said, he’s been nothing but helpful to me since the year started.” You weren’t sure why you were so defensive. Jade had been as much of a nuisance as he was helpful since the year started. 
Though, if I couldn’t read his mind, he probably wouldn’t actually be such a nuisance to me. I guess he hasn’t actually done anything to make him annoying. 
“Hmm, awfully defensive, Prefect.” Leaning in, like he was sharing a secret, Epel slyly whispered, “You sure he’s actually annoying, or are you just pretending? Cause you’ve been getting redder since we’ve started talking ‘bout him.”
You smacked your hands against your heated cheeks, scowling at the cackling Epel. 
“I’ve not! Liar!”
“Ha! Look at you!” Epel teased, stealing a piece of calamari as he continued making fun of you. “Why you all red, then?”
“Oh, shut up!” You pouted, sticking your tongue out at your friend before sighing. “Look, there’s more to it, I’ll tell you about it later, just stop making fun of me!” 
Epel nodded in understanding, popping one of the calamari rings in his mouth.
“I’ll hold ya to it! Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about one of the guys in my class almost eating a poisonous plant in botany!”
You spent the next half hour listening to Epel recount the stories about the guys in his botany class. You liked being around Epel, even though he wasn’t aware of your telepathy. The way he spoke out loud and in his head were different, since he still spoke to himself internally with his normal accent. 
“And then, he cut the bloom off, which made the entire glasshouse fill up with this pink gas!”
It smelt so awful, I'd rather have my face shoved in a cow's hind end!
“It smelled reeaaally bad!” Epel barked a laugh as you two got up from your seats, your waiter had finally given you your receipts. “It was a whole deal, Professor Kallpa was sooo mad!”
“Oh, really?” You laughed alongside Epel as you two walked out of the dining room. “I’ve never seen him mad, it must’ve been really bad!”
As you two turned the corner of the hall leading to the door of the Mostro Lounge, Jade was just exiting his bubble, too preoccupied by the small notebook in his hand to take notice of you. 
“Oh shit—Epel hide me!” You spun back around and plastered your back against the wall, freezing like a deer in headlights. Epel yelped as you snatched the back of his collar. He followed suit, crouching against the wall under your arms as he looked up at you with an amused look. 
“Seriously, what—” you smacked a hand over his mouth, listening for movement or thoughts.
Hmm? Interesting, is there a little guppy hiding from me? I hope they’re aware I can smell them.
You tried to make out Jade’s footsteps as you could hear his thoughts come closer and closer. You looked at Epel mouthed out, ‘He’s coming.’ Epel blinked rapidly in confusion, shrugging as he waved his hands in front of him. 
‘What do you want me to do?’ He mouthed back, standing and holding his hands up still in confusion. 
Though am I mistaken, that familiar scent of lavender…is that you, my love?
You stopped breathing, shoulders hunched up as your brain rapidly ran through various escape plans before finally settling on one. 
“Sorry, Epel,” you whispered, giving him a nervous smile. “I’ll make it up to you later.”
Just as Jade was turning the corner, you shoved Epel into the tall man, the force causing the two to barrel into the ground with a loud ‘thump’ and groans. 
While they, and most importantly Jade, were down, you swiftly and sneakily sped past them. 
Ow! You ASS!
You turned as you opened the lounge entrance, pushing your back against the forming bubble as Epel looked up at you from the ground, glaring at you as if he could form a hole into your skull. 
Ugh, is that Epel? Gah, I hit my head against the wall…
Jade looked up from his place on the ground, following Epel’s gaze as the bubble lifted you from view. He looked surprised, if a bit sad to see you go, opening his mouth to call out to you.
You sighed, feeling a bit guilty as you let the bubble take you to the mirror. It was just a few minutes to get to it, but that was enough to let you stew in your own thoughts for once. 
Aw, he looked kinda sad. Maybe I should’ve just sucked it up and let him say hello. 
You leaned against the cool wall of the bubble, watching as a small school of fish swam by. If you’re being honest with yourself, if it wasn’t for the fact you knew about how Jade felt for you, you probably wouldn’t have such a hard time interacting with him. You’d be blissfully unaware, making your way through life without a concern in the world.
Probably. Maybe. What if he tried confessing then? Would I still be avoiding him if I didn’t know what he thought of me? Ugh, but they’re such weird thoughts! Is it too much to ask for him to be normal?
From the distance you could see another bubble form from the Mostro Lounge, no doubt Epel following. As you turned to press through the mirror into the Hall of Mirrors. You sighed again.
What am I talking about, no one at this school is normal. 
Stepping aside to wait for Epel, you took your phone out to check your texts. You blanched at the sight of several missed Magicam messages, mostly from Wynfred and Silas.
winniethewitch: Hi Prefect! Just a suggestion, can we invest in pest control? I think it would be really beneficial for us all :) sysalson: ignore my brother, there are no issues with bugs. The bugs are fine, the bugs are my friends :D winniethewitch: Hi again, Prefect! Please ignore Silas. The bugs are very much NOT fine. The bugs are not our friends. The bugs must go. winniethewitch: Hi Prefect, this is Wynfred, your unofficial Vice Housewarden. Please ignore my previous messages. Silas is right, the bugs are our friends and I made a haS42q vhq0[p;’M  winniethewitch: That was not me. Please as the Headmage for pest conlk10vg n  319jioqajn13pn
You read through a few more messages, each harder to decipher than the last, as Wynfred and Silas evidently fought over the phone. You noticed that the last messages were actually readable.
winniethewitch: Prefect! I have taken care of the problem, there is no need for pest control now. Evidently, please ignore the smell when returning. It turns out that Aspen can make quite the strong pest repellent, it just happens to smell very strongly of garlic.
“Oh god, are you kidding me?” You chuckled to yourself, the sound of the Octavinelle mirror shimmering catching your attention. Turning to greet Epel, you noticed a smug look on his face instead of the annoyed one you expected.
“Heyyy, you know I didn’t mean to shove you so hard, right?”
“Mm-hm.” Epel hummed, walking past you and out the building. You followed, if a bit confused. 
“I just panicked, and wanted to get out of there.”
Epel replied, “Away from Jade, right?”
“Right! You heard me earlier, it’s been a little weird being around him a bunch, so I just wanted to—”
“Yeah, don’t worry, I made sure to tell him that you weren’t trying to be rude or anything.” 
You stopped rambling, now silent as Epel continued to offhandedly comment. 
“Yeah! He seemed real worried that you were in such a rush to get away from him. So I let him know that you were just being shy, that you’d been getting all red and flustered when talking about him earlier—”
“WHAT!” You screeched, running ahead of him to stop Epel in his tracks, by now Ramshackle was in view and there were a few students on the porch staring after you yelled. 
“Yeah, he didn’t say anythin’, but I could tell he was reeeal happy to hear that. I mean, he nearly, tripped over himself trying to follow you out, but Azul came over for him.”
Scoffing, you tapped your food as you angrily placed your hands on your hips. Epel looked at you, still smug. 
That’s what you get for leaving me behind. Trying to sacrifice me, hmph!
“By the way, he asked me to remind you that your potionology group is still meeting at 3 later today. He said Yev was throwing a fit over you not texting him back, and he wanted to get work done.”
“Oh shit, I forgot!” You groaned, rubbing the palms of your hands against your eyes. “Ugh, I gotta get dressed in my lab uniform.”
Epel laughed, nudging you with his shoulder to push you towards Ramshackle. He cooed in mock sympathy, “Oh, too bad, so sad, better hurry up then.”
You ran, Epel laughing as you made a panicked screech, to Ramshackle. You zoomed past the group of freshmen on the porches they greeted you, stumbling into the foyer. You notice Grim in the living room, standing on the table as he told some sort of story about fighting an overblot monster in the mines. No doubt overinflating his part in the story. 
“And then it raised its pickaxe to my hench-human while the other two ran for their hides! But, as the brave and mighty Grim, I used my most powerful spell—”
“GRIM!” You slid on the hardwood floors, huffing and pointing at the gray familiar. “Was laundry done yet!? I need my lab pants!”
“Nyah! Uh.” Grim jumped as his ears pinned down, and he sheepishly mumbled, “Nooo, I forgot. But I was telling these guys about the mines and—”
You ran up the steps and flew into your room, slamming the door behind you as you shuffled through your clean clothes to find your oversized lab coat, goggles, and pants. You managed to find the first two, but the third was indeed still in your dirty clothes hamper. 
Damn it! Ugh, where are my tights?
Crewel had often chastised you when you wore your skirts to lab classes, as it didn’t follow lab safety protocols. Vil had helped you make outfits with opaque black tights to help cover your skin for lab, though you’d stopped after the last class when you spilled a potion over your legs, causing your favorite tights to bleach an ugly white, splotchy pattern. 
You learned the hard way why none of your other classmates wore their skirts to lab either. Now you had a dedicated pair of pants for all labs, also bleached but comfortable. Unfortunately, they were still buried under a pile of dirty clothes. 
Groaning, you slipped off your shoes and socks as you pulled out a pair of black tights, slipping them on, along with your lab coat and goggles around your neck. You had to fold your sleeves up to prevent them from engulfing your hands, easier said than done as you tried to smoothly slip on your shoes again. 
Stumbling back out of your bedroom, and tripping a bit over the stairs, you managed to make it to the main hallway before being interrupted mid-walk. 
“Prefect!” Perfect, they’ve still here! You looked up at Aspen, who looked strangely happy to see you. Behind him was Wynfred, who was blushing and staring down at his feet. 
“Prefect,” Aspen chirped, gesturing to Wynfred with a flourishing wave. “Wynfred has something very important to tell you—”
“Sorry! Can’t talk! Ask Grim if you have any dorm related questions!”
“But, wait!” You ignored Aspen’s calls and him cursing you out in his head, while Wynfred also called out. 
“Prefect, I—”
“Can’t talk! Bye, bye, bye, bye!”
You ignored their shouts as you leaped over the Ramshackle steps and ran as fast as you could to the castle. Maybe Vargas had a point trying to recruit you to the track team, as you managed to make it to the hallway that Yev’s lab was in just five minutes shy of three o’clock. You nearly rammed into Riddle’s back as you slid across the floor. 
“Oh my!” Riddle stumbled forward, his goggles falling lopsided over his head, turning as he heard the trample of your steps. He stumbled backwards as you keened over, hands on your knees as you heaved for air.
“Prefect! Mind where you’re going!  You nearly trampled me over!”
“Sorry! I just didn’t want to be late.” You took a final deep breath as you smiled up to Riddle. “Just 5 minutes to spare!”
Riddle chuckled as he lent a helping hand to get you back up, pulling you along to the classroom Yev had instructed your group to meet at.
“Very good Prefect, let’s not hurt ourselves, though. I already checked in, it’s just Jade. No sign of Yev quite yet.”
“Wasn’t he the one who insisted that we meet at this specific time? I’d thought he’d been here already.”
Riddle chuckled as you two made your way into the classroom. As Riddle had said, Jade was sitting at the end of the classroom in a desk closest to the wall. He’d been studying the stones that made up the wall rather intently before notice you and Riddle enter. 
“Why hello Riddle. And Prefect, we’d bumped into each other earlier and didn’t even manage to say hello.”
Gave Jade a polite wave and a sheepish smile as Riddle greeted him. 
“Still no sign of Yev, Jade?”
“Oh, no. How strange, especially since he insisted on us meeting at this time.”
Jade’s eyes briefly locked on your form, eyes drawing up and down. 
There you are! My darling! My pearl, you’re wearing a skirt again! I can’t believe I didn’t notice earlier! And you’re acting all shy! Your little friend was right! Cute, cute, cute!!
“Hey, Riddle, what if I jumped off a bridge? For fun?”
Riddle sharply inhaled, slowly turning his head to give you an unamused glare. 
“What if I tied a leash to your neck? For fun?”  He scoffed, pulling at your cheek like a mother to her child. “Honestly, you worry me at times, I may have to anyway.”
Hmm, not a bad idea Riddle…
Jade’s mind conjured up an image of you on your knees, in the maid outfit again, a leash tied to your neck leading up to his hand as he cooed over you. 
You made a low-pitch whine as the two of you made your way to where Jade was waiting at the end of the classroom.
“No, I’m fine actually, no leashes here. Hate them.” You made an ‘X’ with your hands as you turned and walked backwards, puffing your cheeks. “Not something I want on my person, at all!” 
Really? You heard Jade shift in his seat, standing to approach you and Riddle. Hmm.
You smiled to yourself for effectively shutting down the latest dirty thought. 
At least, until Jade conjured up another image of you straddling him in bed, using his tie as a leash to pull his face to yours. 
“Jade, you’ve been naughty~” You giggled, pulling on his tie, further tightening it as his own hand clasped yours. “Maybe I ought to collar you up? Tie a leash and drag you around like a pet?” Jade gasped, pupils blown wide, as he let out an uncharacteristically high-pitched whine. A sound reserved just for you.  “Anything you want, just for you, my love.” Jade groaned as you licked a stripe up his throat to meet his lips in a messy, wet kiss.  His words muffled as he spoke against your moving lips, “I’ll be your pet. I’ll let you use me. Please—” Grasping the ends of your shirt, tugging at them like a lifeline, Jade started muttering nonsense as he ground his hips against yours.  “Please, please, please, I’ll be so good to you! I’ll fuck you so good, I’ll make you feel good if you’ll just let me. Let me love you, please, please, please—”
A sharp pain flew up your neck to your head as you collided with the stone wall, tripping over a table leg while walking backwards. Your face was burning, as was the heat in your gut. Riddle and Jade both made noises of concern as you clenched the back of your head. You were glad that they assumed your red face was due to your embarrassment, as Jade’s last rambles were still echoing in your head. 
“Oh my, Prefect! Are you alright?” Riddle's voice was full of concern, but also slight amusement as he grabbed your left arm, Jade the right, to pull you up. 
“Yes, that looked like it hurt quite a bit.” Jade murmured, moving his hands to gently move your head. “Allow me to check your head.”
“No, I’m—ow!” His hand brushed on a tender spot on your crown, making you wince. ”Ooooh, that hurt!”
Ah, I’m so sorry, my pearl, but you make the cutest sounds sometimes! You heard Jade tut as he leaned down to closely inspect your head. I just wonder what kinds I could pull from you.
You cringed, leaning away from his hand and shooing both boys away. “I’m fine, guys, it’s just a bump.” 
“Are you sure you’re okay? It does none of us any good if you’re hurt and can’t focus, you can go to the nurse.” Riddle replied, pushing you towards the door.
“Yes.” Jade chirped in agreement, ignoring Riddle’s side eye at his abnormally happy tone. “Allow me to take you—”
“Oh no! I don’t think so!” Yev came barreling through the classroom door, looking rather disheveled. Compared to his rather clean, prim appearance, he looked as if he’d been run through the wringer. 
Oh my, I would have never seen Vil in such a state. You heard Riddle stifle a chuckle as he eyed Yev fixing his messy hair. Said man was huffing, no doubt from running. 
“Ugh my hair! Look,” Yev said, eyeing you in particular, “It took forever for us to find a spare day to meet up. I won't go through the effort of rescheduling it when one of you just happened to bump your head.”
Besides, I have a potion in my lab you can take anyways. 
“I really must insist that the Prefect get checked up.” Jade argued, giving Yev a polite smile. Though, his eyes were quite firm. 
“And I must insist that we get started.” Yev scoffed as he pushed past the three of you pressing against the stones in the wall as he continued talking. “I have pain medicine in my lab, just…ugh. Where’s that damn button!”
Your group shared looks at Yev’s muttering, moving closer to huddle around Yev as he pressed hidden buttons along the stone wall. He pressed one, the lights flickered off and back on as he pressed it again. 
Riddle yelped as the bookshelf next to him spun into the wall, turning around to reveal its other side blended into the wall. He jumped back as it spun again, nearly hitting him. 
“Yev! Be careful!.” Riddle yelled, cheeks turning red. “I thought this was your secret lab, how do you not know how to get in it?”
Yev yelled back, “I know! I’m just having trouble—you know, I didn’t have to let us use my lab for our project!”
As the two started arguing, now the blackboard and teacher’s desk shaking as Yev pressed more stone buttons, Jade shuffled closer to you. 
“You know…” Jade leaned down to softly speak to you. “I can still take you to the infirmary, if you’d prefer?”
You looked up at Jade, surprised at the tender look in his eyes.
I really shouldn’t be, though. 
“I, uh—” You turned away shyly, reaching up to touch the still throbbing spot on your head. “Maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad idea—”
“Wait! Don’t press that one, it’s the wrong—”
Your stomach dropped as the floor beneath your feet disappeared. Specifically the square panel you and Jade had been incidentally standing on, the trap door opening as you two started falling down the dark pit. A scream left your mouth, arms reaching around your midsection as you clutched onto them and shut your eyes. 
The fall was much shorter than you anticipated, as you felt yourself fall against a soft body. You opened your eyes, but found that the room was dark. Or a tunnel? Hole? Whatever it was, it was a tight fit as you shifted around to get back on your feet. You dug your elbows against the soft floor to get up, which subsequently moved and grunted. 
“Ow. That was my rib.” Jade's voice grunted against your ear, his hold around loosening as he also moved to stand. 
“Jade? What—oh my god!” You tried to scramble off of Jade, harder said than done in the space you two had found yourselves. Shifting around, you were sure that you’d just made the situation worse, as Jade lit a light with his wand. How in the world you managed to find yourself straddling Jade’s waist in the dark was a mystery. Though, with the flush look on his face, you weren’t sure he minded.
Oh…by the Abyss itself… you’re such a pretty sight.
“You say that often, ‘my god’, what does that mean if you don’t mind me asking.” Jade pushed himself up by his free elbow, the other arm busy holding up your only source of light. “It’s an expression, yes?”
“Y-yeah, it’s like when you guys say things li-like ‘by the Seven’ or—I’m sorry. Let me try to get off you!”
You started rambling, looking around for a way to put some distance between you and Jade. However, you only saw black walls around you. Looking up, whatever panel had been above you was closed off, black stone closing you in. 
“Well, there’s not much space for you to move.” Unless you want to keep moving those hips against me… “Perhaps relax, there’s hardly any space between the two of us.”
“Right! Of course, but I think I can…” Carefully, you managed to stand in the small space, trying to avoid moving against him. Harder said than done, but you managed, reaching down to lend a hand to him. “Here.”
Jade smiled, something soft and sweet, as he took your hand and awkwardly shuffled against the wall as he slid up. 
Though, this is just as nice as well. 
“I think I can hear them shuffling on top of us. Do you think one of them noticed us falling?”
“Ha, with the way you screamed? Without a doubt.” Jade managed to stand straight, a good chunk of space between the tops of your heads and the trap door panel. 
He attempted to reach up to knock the top of the panel. Despite his height his fingerprints barely brushed it. Luckily, you could hear Riddle and Yev’s panicked footsteps stumble around. 
Riddle’s voice came through the floor, muffled and frantic.
“Prefect? Jade? Prefect!? Yev what in the world was that!? Where did it send them? Prefect! Y/N!!”
“We’re here!” You called out, smacking the wall in an attempt to make more noise. “We’re fine!”
“Oh good!” You heard Yev laugh, then yelp as you heard a smack. “What?! Usually it would send them down to the lake! They got stuck in the trap hole since you pressed the button twice, usually it would’ve sent them to a nice midafternoon bath!”
You heard another smack and yelp, then some scratching against the wood.
“Prefect, we’re going to get you and Jade out! Let me just figure out how to get the panel open.” 
Listening to some more footsteps, Jade leaned down to murmur, “There goes our plans then. You don’t suppose they’ll get us out of here before 3, do you?”
You snorted, stifling a laugh, failing to do so at the sound of more clamoring and arguing above you. 
“Give Riddle some faith at least. He’s always been smart. And resourceful! You should’ve seen him over the summer, he got through every training simulation thrown at us.”
“Ah, I never did learn about what happened at that camp the headmage had you all attend.” Jade leaned down, studying your features. 
Oh, such a wonderful smile! I wished you’d do that more often around me.
“Azul’s been tight-lipped about it as well, perhaps you’d be willing to share with me?”
You blinked up at him, shuffling a bit as he leaned down to whisper against your ear. 
“You can trust me, you know.” His smooth voice drew a shiver down your spine. You think that he noticed your blushing face, based on the way he took a sharp breath. 
Please, please, please! Don’t be nervous, there’s no need to be shy with me! I know you are, but you don’t need to my love!
You really wanted to wring Epel’s neck for that comment, though it was hard to focus. Especially with the lack of space between you two. 
“I’m happy to lead an ear. There’s no need to be shy.”
You shuffled against the wall to place some distance between you two, squinting at his smile. You half expected him to cage you in with his long arms, though he seemed more amused at seeing you try and escape him. 
Ah! Look at you being shy! So cute, cute, cute! 
You wanted to roll your eyes at him, more annoyed now than anything, even with your blush. 
“I’m fine, thank you. I can handle myself just fine.”
Jade chuckled, “Ah, I forget how spirited you can be.”
Before you could retort back, a bit of light from the opening panel shone through. Both you and Jade looked up to see Riddle’s gray eyes peering through the small gap he made. 
“Prefect!” shouted in relief, looking at the twin. “And Jade. You’re there too.”
“Oh, Riddle. Your concern is most kind.” 
Ignoring Jade’s thinly veiled sarcasm, you smiled and reached up with both hands to wave at Riddle. 
“Hey! Let’s go! Can you open it more to get us out?”
“Yes, but I can’t reach you. Yev has to stand by the button that opens this panel up. He’s using a spell to hold the button so that it won’t open the panels beneath you while I pry this one open.”
Riddle briefly disappeared, the panel moving slightly more as he pushed it into its slot. The floor beneath your feet also shifted, vibrating as if it too wanted to slide away and disappear. 
“Ah! Careful, the panel here is moving!” 
You stumbled, Jade catching you by your waist to help steady you as he also called out. 
“Riddle! I’d rather that we don’t plunge into the lake! I heard it’s quite slimy!”
“Ew what? Riddle!” You panicked, shouting for Riddle and jumping on your toes. “Get us out!”
Riddle huffed, crawling back to poke his head through the now large hole. 
“I’m trying! Jade, can you lift the Prefect on your shoulders.” Riddle ignored your protest and continued to speak. “Just lift them, so I can pull them up, then the two of us can try to reach for you.” 
You blinked in confusion, processing Riddle words before paling. 
“Wait, what—AH!” You felt Jade’s hands grab your knees, looking down to see the back of Jade’s head settle between your thighs as he lifted you on his shoulders. A small shriek slipped your slips as you grasped at Jade’s hair, pulling hard enough to make him wince, so that you could steady yourself. 
Oh, fuck. Their hands, their thighs, it’s better than anything I could imagine…
You panicked at another one of Jade’s daydreams. This one of Jade between your legs, thighs squeezing the sides of his head and hands pulling the teal strands in his head as you arched your back and cried out his name. You tightened your thighs instinctually, regretting it as you felt Jade’s breath shudder. You felt it, even with the tights blocking your bare skin. 
“RIDDLE! GET ME OUT!! NOW!” You launched your hands and body up, making Jade stumble forward as you tried reaching for the ledge that was still out of your grasp.
“I’m going! Do not yell at me like you’re me!” Riddle’s hands were now within your reach, the tips of your fingers brushing against each other. “Jade, push them up higher or something. I can’t reach!”
You felt Jade move his hands to cradle beneath your thighs, lifting you as you nearly made it to freedom’s grasp. 
“Riddle, have you managed to get—Aye, hijo de puta!” 
You felt yourself dropping again, Riddle’s hands now quickly fading away while Jade’s grasp tightened against your legs. 
You heard your scream echo against the stone walls as you two fell through the tunnel. At some point, Jade had let go of you to grab at your waist again, tucking you against his chest as he curled around you and braced. 
It certainly helped, as he took the brunt of the fall against the cold waters of the lake underneath the school castle. 
Chill seeped through your bones, hair and lab coat billowing around you as you finally opened your eyes to see nothing but dark, green murky water. Below you was more darkness, the tops of a seaweed forest underneath your feet. You think you could make out a few fish, even one of those giant catfish Vargas made his camp attendees fish for. 
However, you missed the large, silver large-toothed fish darting between the seaweed, only noticing it as it was charging at you. Bubbles flew out of your mouth as you screamed, shutting your mouth again, and attempting to swim quickly to the surface. Luckily for you, you made it rather quick as a familiar webbed, green hand snatched your hand as Jade bolted to the surface. 
Breaking the water, you gasped for a deep breath, brushing your bangs from your face and blinking away water from your eyelashes. You frantically whipped your head around, searching for Jade, as you called out his name in a panic. 
“Jade? Jade! Where are you? Jade!” You yelped as he breached the water, brushing his hair back. He had a scrape on his arm that he was studying with mild irritation.
“What an annoying creature—oh!” Jade grunted in surprise as you threw your hands over him, clutching at his shoulders. 
“Jade! Are you hurt? What was that? Is it gonna get us?! Oh my god, JADE IT’S GONNA GET US, WE GOTTA GO!” You babbled on and on, hyper focused on looking at the water below you for signs of the aggressive fish. Which proved meaningless, as you couldn’t see anything besides the dark green water. 
You paused at Jade’s sudden laughter, growing louder as his chest shook, and his eyes squinted in mirth. Looking at him with furrowed brows, you tilted your head as he reached over to cup your cheeks. He squeezed them together, making you pucker your lips as his laughter died down. 
He’s…laughing! Like, fully laughing! I’ve…ever seen him laugh! Woah!
“My dear, relax!” Jade managed to stifle his laughter, now softly chuckling. Something more characteristic of him. 
He has a nice laugh, actually. Not like Floyd’s, it’s just more… Jade. I guess…it suits him!
“I can assure you, I am just about the scariest thing in this lake at this moment. Nothing is going to come for us as long as I remain in my merform. But your concern for me is delightful.” 
So sweet. 
Jade looked at you fondly, eyes darting down to your lips, making your breath catch in your chest. 
Is he gonna…?
“We should head to the shore and start heading back up. I imagine Riddle is quite worried about you.” 
Jade suddenly let go of your cheeks, instead moving to swim on his stomach, gesturing for you to grab his back. 
“Here, allow me to help you to shore.”
You nodded, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you carefully maneuvered around his dorsal fin. You were reminded of the time you got trapped in the Scarabia desert and had to swim through the river Kalim made. Though this time you had a different twin to be your ride. 
“Heh, kinda familiar, huh? Though you had Grim and Azul with you back then, right?” 
Jade started wading through the water, one of his own hands reaching up to hold yours on his chest. 
“Yes, you were with Floyd last time. That was quite the time, wasn’t it? You found yourself in trouble more often than the average person.”
“It’s not like I mean to! It just sorta happens!” You pouted, debating on pinching Jade, as he chuckled at your offended response. 
You decided to look up at the shore Jade swam to, noticing two figures walking along the coliseum pathway. 
“Hey, I think that’s them! Hey! Riddle! Yev!” You called out to the two figures, drawing their attention. You waved a free hand, squealing as Jade sped up, making you fall against his back and clasp onto him again. 
“Jade! Careful!”
“Now, now, my pearl.” This was the first time he’d ever refer to you as ‘pearl’ outside his thoughts. Though, he was more focused on your arms around him rather than the words coming out of his mouth. 
“Have faith. I would never let you get hurt under my care.”
Jade sped back up, and despite yourself, you let out small screams of glee as adrenaline ran through your veins as you rode on Jade like a rollercoaster at a water park. 
It took but a minute to make it to the shore, much sooner than the pair of students who were still making their way over. You crawled off Jade and up the sandy shore, grabbing your hair and wringing the water out. You hear the shimmering sound you’d associated with the twins and Azul’s transformation, turning to see Jade dusting himself off, perfectly dry in his lab uniform. 
“…Are you kidding?”
Jade looked up, looking at you with confusion. 
“I beg your pardon?”
“You’re dry! You literally were just a merman, in the water, and now you’re just dry!?”
Jade looked taken aback, before laughing at your angry face. 
Oh, my! How cute! You’re almost never angry, what a delightful view!
“My apologies for not being courteous enough to suffer alongside you.” Jade walked over to you as you started working getting the water out of your goggles. He was still chuckling at you.
“It’s a perk of our transformation potions. Quite convenient, yes. Oh, but you poor thing. All soaked.”
Jade stopped, a blush filling his cheeks as he stared at your torso. He turned away, clearing his throat.
“I do believe that the water soaked through…ah…your shirt.”
A gasp left your mouth, looking down to quickly snatch your lab coat closed and button it up. It didn’t really matter, though, as Jade’s mind was filled with the image of your wet, seek through shirt and the view of your chest. 
Today…has…been so, so wonderful~
You sighed, looking over to the students walking over. 
“I’ll ask Riddle to help dry me off with a spell or something. Though…that’s not him.”
You squinted at the pair, now within a reasonable view, realizing it was Aspen and Wynfred. 
Did you? Did they follow me here?!
“Prefect, there you are—why are you wet?” Aspen stopped, looking your sopping form up and down with a raised brow. “And Jade too—ugh, never mind.”
“Wynfred here has something he’d like to tell you, but you left before he could. It’s something incredibly important! Go on Wynfred, tell them!”
Aspen turned around and pushed Wynfred, who was digging his feet into the ground, towards you and Jade as you wring water out of your clothes. A small trench was forming as Aspen continued to push the frozen ginger closer to you, who was currently clenching his fists to his sides. Staring at you wide-eyed, Wynfred’s eyes darted between you and Aspen, who was smiling and gesturing to you. 
“Go on…” Do it, you idiot!
“Uh, is everything alright? Wynfred, are you okay? Did something happen? Did you get hurt or—”
“PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME!” With a sudden burst of confidence, Wynfred ran forward to grasp your hands with his. “I think you’re a wonderful housewarden! And I am equally great, so we’d make a great pair!!”
His sparkling eyes would be cute, if it wasn’t for how tightly he clenched your hands. And Aspen, of course. 
Yes! Go out with him, so I can get you off of Jade’s back! Come on! Say something! Do you know how hard it was to convince him to ask you out?! Say something!
Wynfred’s very sudden confession, which you're doubting was a real confession and not just a misguided push from Aspen, shut you and the surrounding area up. The silence was deafening. Even the birds and the breeze stopped, as if mocking your predicament. Minus the scandalous gasp from your left, no one spoke. 
Wait, who the hell gasped?
You turned to look at Riddle and Yev, who had run down the castle to meet you and Jade. Though, Riddle looked like he just swallowed a lemon, while Yev was clutching a hand to his chest as he looked at your group with an open mouth. 
“Oh my—WYNFRED SALSON!” Yev marched over with a furious look, snatching Wynfred by the ear to scold him. “What in the world makes you think you can just go up to a housewarden and demand a date from them! That is not how a proper Pomefiore student acts!”
You backed away as Yev continued scolding Wynfred, pitying him. Riddle walked over to you and leaned down to inspect your face and arms, prodding at you and checking for any wounds.  
“Well, that is certainly awkward. Are you alright? You didn’t get hurt, did you?” 
“Ah, no.” You shook your head, smiling as you turned to look at Jade. “Jade actually…”
You froze, as did Riddle, upon noticing Jade’s expression. Or, more accurately, the lack thereof. Instead of his usual smile, or even the sweet ones he’d been giving you earlier, Jade’s face was a blank slate, eyes focused solely on Wynfred’s form. 
I will drag you into the deepest depths known to man until the pressure pops your eyes out of your sockets, your heart bursts, and your lungs fill with the bitter cold of the sea. I will watch your body turn into bloody, liquified mush you stupid, arrogant, waste of space! Stay away from my mate! Mine! Mine! Mine! MINE!
Jade's expression quickly changed back to his usual smile, though he was still emanating an aura that could be best described as “bloodthirsty”. Murderous even! Sanguinary, if you wanted to be poetic. Riddle at least had noticed it, as he leaned close to whisper. 
“Did something happen with Jade? I figured he would be annoyed that he fell into the lake, but he seems…rather….”
“I was going to be nice and say ‘furious,’ but yes. Homicidal fits quite well.”
“Ugh!” Wynfred started shoving against Yev, who was still rambling angrily at Wynfred for his ‘lack of etiquette’ apparently. 
“Look, Prefect! I would quite like to go out with you on a date! I think you’re very nice to everyone in the dorm, and I am also nice!” 
You think Wynfred chose to ignore Aspen’s snort, green eyes darting to him and back to you. 
“Besides, I’ve been told that we’d make a great match! Just ask Aspen! He’s the one who suggested that I—MmmPh!”
Aspen ran over to slap his hand over Wynfred’s mouth, laughing nervously as he glanced at Jade. Said man was now squinting at Aspen with annoyance and distaste. 
Really, Aspen? I expected better from you, little squid. 
“I was just, uh, supporting my fellow roommate!” The pink haired boy continued to nervously laugh. “You know how it is! I’m just being benevolent, l-like the Sea Witch!”
Jade let out a small chuckle, tilting his head. “Is that so?”
“Yes!”  Wynfred managed to shove Aspen’s hands away, reaching for yours again, though his smile faltered as you stumbled back. “Sorry! I don’t mean to be so forward. But I know how busy you’ll be getting as Halloween comes up, and I wanted to ask you on a date during the celebration so that—”
“Oh no. I’m afraid that simply won’t work.” Jade finally stepped forward, wrapping a hand around your shoulders and bringing you close.
Riddle made a noise, and from the corner of your eye you could see him give Jade a disapproving glare. 
“W-what? Why!” Wynfred thinned his lips, glaring at Jade and his hold around you.
I’d make for a great date! My siblings say so! Aspen says so too!
Jade titled his head, giving Wynfred a mock sympathetic look. 
“Well, the Prefect will simply be too busy with helping me with selling products for Octavinelle during Halloween. After all, Ramshackle’s haunted amusement park makes for the perfect environment to sell food and drinks, especially at the prices Azul places.”
I’m sure I can convince him to do so easily enough.
“What?” Aspen scoffed, blinking at Jade incredulously. “Azul never mentioned that!” 
“Oh, we were still figuring out the details. Our lovely Prefect here was going to help us.” Jade cooed as he leaned down to rest his cheek against the top of your head. 
“But we can discuss more once Azul has the finer details figured out. Now, if you two don’t mind, we all need to be heading back to Yev’s lab and get started on our project. We’ve lost valuable time with this trap door fiasco, haven’t we?”
“Right…” You slowly answered, looking at Riddle who nodded, still eyeing Jade. Yev perked up, wiping imaginary dust off his lab uniform as he too agreed.
“Right, you are Jade. I’m not done with you, Wynfred. I will be speaking to you about your manners later this week.” 
Yev sneered at Wynfred, who scoffed in return, as he turned his heel and waved for your group to follow. Jade did so, giving Wynfred another blank stare before turning to you and smiling. 
“Shall we?” Let’s go, my pearl.
“Uh, give me a sec. Riddle, can you help me with a drying spell?”
“Oh, of course. Excuse me.” Riddle walked around Jade as he took out his wand, shooing Jade and the two freshmen still lingering. “Go, we will meet you there. And you two.”
Both of the younger students froze under Riddle’s gaze. The redhead’s reputation and strict gaze followed him everywhere it seemed. 
“You’ve made the day excitable enough, off you go. Perhaps think about learning more tact, especially around your upperclassmen. Go”
 The stern end of his sentence spooked the two to run off to Ramshackle, you presume. Riddle cleared his throat, drawing your attention as the tip of his wand glowed a soft red. 
“Do you want to tell me what’s going on with you and Jade?” Riddle asked, showing you the pattern he waved his wand in for you to copy and use on your legs. Your friend focused on your arms and back. 
“Nothing! I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You quickly replied, focusing on keeping the spell up.
“Oh? So he wasn’t all over you when that fresh tried asking you out? He didn’t shut him down and stare him down like he wanted to tear him apart with his teeth? Y/N, please. Don’t take me for a fool.”
“I’m not! It’s not what you think.”
“And what do you think I think?” That I’m a dullard?
“I don’t think you’re a dullard, or whatever, it’s just complicated!”
Riddle huffed, giving you a once over as he hooked his arm with yours and dragged you up to the castle steps. 
“I didn’t say that part out loud, you know.”
“What are you talking about?”
Riddle scoffed, reaching over to adjust your tie. Something he’d often do for you. 
“I noticed pretty early on. It’s quite easy to tell when someone is reading your mind when they react to each and everything you say and think.”
“What! How do you—”
“That, and also Ace is known for his loud mouth.”
You tossed your head back, groaning as you pinched the bridge of your nose. 
“That dumbass.”
A small laugh left Riddle’s lips, smiling as you glared at him. “Don’t worry. I gave him a stern talking to. If it helps, he was only discussing it with Deuce, who I assume you also told?”
Nodding in affirming, Riddle continued, “I guessed. It certainly explains your strange behavior at times. Though I do have one question.”
“How long have you known about Jade’s feelings for you?”
“WHAT—oof!” You tripped over the castle steps, just barely catching yourself with Riddle grabbing your arm. “What are we talking about?”
“Floyd cornered me a few weeks ago. Both of our clubs got off at the same time, and he chased me around until he cornered me in one of the stables. He was complaining about how Jade got to be around his ‘mate’ all the time for class, but he barely saw his own.” 
Annoying eel he is. Why would I care about his damn love life? 
Riddle rolled his eyes at the mention of Floyd, though he continued. 
“It didn’t click until earlier, when I saw how…hmm…handsy he was with you.” 
You sighed, “It’s that noticeable?” 
“Only sometimes.” Riddle shrugged, patting your shoulder consolingly. “Especially when that poor freshman tried asking you out. Speaking of that, what are you going to tell him?”
You blinked at Riddle, confused. “What do you mean?”
Oh dear, catch up, Prefect. 
Riddle sighed, “Well, it’s not always appropriate for a housewarden to date one of their students. You’ll turn him down, yes? Besides, with how your admirer was looking at him, it would most likely be better for Wynfred’s well-being anyway.”
“Oh, yeah. You’re right…” 
You let out a tired sigh. Most likely, you’d have to take an extra long bath tonight to get the stress out of your bones.
“I’ll let him down gently later. Apparently, I have to talk to Azul about being a food vendor for the dorm’s haunted house.”
When you finally made it back to the classroom, a panel in the wall revealed a staircase, which Yev and Jade were waiting by. Jade’s eyes lit up at the sight of you, though he physically remained poised and proper. 
Welcome back, my darling! I hope that nasty little barnacle didn’t ruin your mood!
You chose to ignore Jade and called out to Yev, “So you said you had an idea for our final project. What kind of potion were you thinking?”
Yev perked up, proudly puffing his chest. “Oh yes, you two should love this! We will be making a blot preventative! I bet you two wished you had that last year, hm? I know, I’m brilliant!”
Both you and Riddle stared blankly at Yev, who was still standing proud, as Jade eyed him disapprovingly. 
“Hey, Riddle, what if I jumped out the window? For fun?”
“I’d still put a leash on you.”
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schoenpepper · 2 months
This Love is Skin Tight
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Intro: Vil's love has arms and teeth, it latches onto you and never lets go.
Warnings: bad writing, awful grammar, proofread by quillbot, he's kinda nuts ngl, just like i like my men, death idk, yandere, curses and poisons and stuff, like one German word and a couple French but it's from google translate, swear words
A/N: Got overexcited and rushed through my first request. I hope you like it anon whose emoji I can't understand (worm? intestine? noodle? isaw anon what).
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The dominoes fall one by one, and it starts with a potionology exam.
One you fail, mind you, but Vil can't think of a more perfect entry point to your life. He's the Pomefiore housewarden after all; he got his position by virtue of his potionology (and poison brewing 💜) skills, so you would obviously come to him for help. He would scold you for failing in the first place, but he would reluctantly agree to tutor you. Alone. Behind locked doors. Well after curfew. He's so generous, really, should you be too scared to traverse campus in the middle of the night on your lonesome, he would even be willing to lend you a room in the dorm (but if it just so happens that the empty rooms are dusty, he's afraid he won't be able to use magic to clean them, and instead, he'll have to lend you his bed). The perfect plan leading to his perfect romance.
"So I got Riddle senpai to teach me!"
His head turns so fast towards your table in the cafeteria that he's sure his neck almost snaps, but he's too preoccupied with your words to care. You chose to have that hot-tempered redhead tutor you rather than him? He's clearly the best option. Sure, Rosehearts is smart, but book smart wouldn't give you the knowledge and ability that his hands-on teaching would give you. You've made a terrible decision; ergo, he must rectify it.
He makes his way over to you in confident strides, making sure to flash you his best side when he calls out to you. "Süßkartoffel, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation from my table. If you're struggling so much at potionology, I could gracefully lend you my time to teach you, even amidst my very busy schedule."
You'll say yes, of course. He's already offered himself to you; what more do you want? He inspects the expression on your face and thinks of how much lovelier it would look once he gained control over your skincare routine.
"Oh, no, thank you, Vil senpai." You reply.
Frowns bring wrinkles, anger brings wrinkles.
Vil has to repeat the sentence over and over again in his mind for him not to break then and there. Maybe you'll agree to his offer if he accidentally drops two cursed sugar cubes into Rosehearts' lemon tea? He can't find it in himself to verbalize the threat when you smile at him so innocently, your eyes sparkling as you spoke. "I wouldn't want to take up your time, I know you barely have enough time for yourself." He fails to reply before the bell rings, and you pat his shoulder twice before skipping away with your merry band of idiots.
He did not spend at least thirty minutes in his room after classes just burying his face into the part of the blazer you'd touched. That would be disgraceful.
The second domino tips over when you visit the Film Research club. He preens like a peacock at your arrival, making sure his beret is snug on his champagne locks and his camel trenchcoat is absolutely flawless—not a speck of dirt on it. He acts undeterred by your presence, crossing one leg over the other as he sits on the folding chair. Lilac eyes glance your way before going back to the set, and he gestures at the staff manning the clapperboard. Vil pretends that he's all too focused on the actors, though he keeps you in his peripheral. Thus, he's halfway to insanity when he notices you're giggling with Ortho by the curtains instead of fawning over his gorgeous figure. How dare you?
You're so annoying.
Why aren't you tripping over yourself for him the way that you should? This is ridiculous!
His hold on the megaphone slips, and the sound of it crashing to the floor stops the actors on the scene. "Apologies." Vil looks at them haughtily. "Your acting was so boring and uninspired that my hand fell asleep."
Ha, see if he doesn't curse that robot child to never be around five feet of you again.
The students scurry back to their original places and restart the scene. Now you're finally looking at him. He straightens his posture to an impeccable standard under your admiring gaze, and even now, he still can't find a way to concentrate on his club activities. No, he wants to drag you over to sit on his lap in the director's chair and have you play with the clapperboard in that adorable fidgety manner you do whenever you're anxious. The scene finishes with audible sighs of relief from the actors.
"Y/N. Come here."
You walk over to him. "Yes, senpai?"
"Did you learn anything from their performance or did you just come here to chatter with Ortho?" Vil's tone comes out perhaps a little more poisonous than he would have liked, but you don't seem to mind it as you chuckle sheepishly. "Sorry, I wasn't watching too closely." You don't sound sorry at all.
"Then don't waste your time here if you're just going to be unproductive." Before he could offer you a chance at being his (permanent) assistant director, you bow at a perfect 45-degree angle. "I'm so sorry, senpai. I'll leave, then. I'm very sorry to disturb you." You walk away faster than he can stop you, and it makes him wonder if perhaps he should just hex your shoes to stay in place every time he's saying something that you so love to conveniently cut off. Would it kill you to let him finish his sentences? The corner of his lip twitches. He takes another deep breath.
He's a little too close to just locking you away in a basement forever.
The last domino falls and shatters his resolve to be a normal person and court you like a normal person would (read: meticulously create a series of coincidences that will have you seeing him in a new light and making you fall for him).
On such a beautiful, brilliant sunny day, he finds storm clouds drawing above his head at the sight he catches in the botanical garden. Leona Kingscholar, of all people, seems so comfortable laying his head down on your lap as you sit against a tree with a book in your hands. At Vil's fuming, Rook drops down next to him (where the fuck did he come from) and gleefully asks a question, plucking the string of his bow. "Permission to hunt the roi des lions, mon roi?" For once, he's glad that his best friend is a freak. The word leaves his lips before he can even think about it.
Whoosh, an arrow flies through the air and pins a corner of Leona's vest to the ground when he makes a move to dodge. "Ah, you were awake!" Rook shouts as he runs over to the beastman with a wide smile. "This should make the hunt more fun."
Leona clicks his tongue and sits up before bolting right across the field.
"Get away, you fucking nutjob!"
"Non, non, this is a permitted hunt!"
Vil watches with a subtle smile playing on the curve of his lips. When he finally turns to you, he finds a numb expression on your pretty face. "My, süßkartoffel, I didn't think that you and that lion were so close." You shrug and close your book. "I was walking when he pulled me down and claimed me as his pillow, so I just went with it."
Sorry, you just went with it?
His smile feels a little too heavy to keep up.
You just went with it? Are you serious? Are you real? What if I knocked you out right now and chained you to my bed? Will you still go along with it, then? What about if I dose your food with love potions?
"I see. Y/N, walk with me." Vil commands, snapping his fingers. You oblige and follow him all the way back to the Pomefiore dormitory in a deadly silent stroll. He opens the door to his room for you and locks it, murmuring a quick curse on the doorknob before turning to face you. "I would like to preface this by saying that this is not the way I wished to confess to you."
"No problem. What would you like to confess?" You have the nerve to beam at him in this situation. Do you even know what he's saying?!
You sit down on the edge of his bed, looking up at him so innocently. So naive and guileless.
He thinks he'd like to ruin you.
He wants to break you down into pieces and rebuild you in a way where you would want him in this monstrous form, all envy and sharp claws unsheathed. He wants to piece you back together with his name in every shard of your being. He wants to engrave you into himself, and by doing so, never be apart ever again. The only thing he does is kneel at your feet.
"Please tell me why you're like this." Vil whispers softly, leaning his head on your knee.
"I'm not sure I follow..."
"I love you." There's relief when he finally gets the words out of his mouth. He should have stopped there. Instead, the rest of his misshapen adoration comes spilling from his lips, confessions of unholy yearning leaving him like a prayer. "Truly, I love you so much that I despise you. I love you like the world loves the sun; I wish to burn in flames to witness your splendor. I love you like the tides love the moon; my heart threatens to engulf shores in watery death should you choose to look away from me. I love you like no one else has ever loved before; they are all embers in comparison to this fiery hearth I've tended for you." He feels your fingers gently running through his hair.
"Do you not find me ugly like this? Despicable? A monster comparable to eldritch horrors?" Vil frowns, his eyes teary. He is not a man who weeps, but what he is is an actor of great renown. "My love for you is too intense; it threatens to kill everyone you care for in an attempt to keep you for myself. My love is too eternal; it wishes to isolate you from those dregs of society you call friends; it wishes to devour you in your entirety. My love for you whispers to me with bloodlust, and only your flesh will satisfy it." He takes your hand and kisses your knuckles gently.
"Er, pardon?"
You shrug, patting his head. "If you like me that much, let's be together. So, like, do we kiss now or...?"
Vil stares up at you wide-eyed.
"Isn't that what couples do?"
"Pardon? Are we," He blinks. "Are we a couple?"
"I thought you liked me? I like you too. So we're a couple now, right?" You lean down and kiss his lips. You're inexperienced, for sure, only awkwardly fitting your mouths together. Vil thinks he might be insane with the way he chases after your lips, regardless.
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kiame-sama · 10 days
Fun fact, Peacocks are very aggressive and territorial, especially during mating season (I watched a few videos of males fighting each other for Peahens and not only are they fast but their movements are very graceful when fighting)
Harpy!Vil gives me the idea that he wouldn’t show off his feathers for just ANY female, she has to be very special to catch his eye (And he would never share, except maybe with Rook, everyone else is fair game for pecking and scratches)
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(Harpy Vil actually displaying his tail feathers, crest, and wings to that special someone. Changed the typical crown he wears in his dorm uniform to be peacock feathers, as the Fairest Queen was a Peacock Harpy as well.
Side note: I hate drawing feathers and wings and this took me longer than the others have. Used Vil's SSR card for reference on the pose and the Pomefiore emblem/dorm uniform, but the hands gave me so much trouble I cropped them out. This is 50% of what the original was going to be just because I struggle with hands and feathers so much.)
- Vil is very selective for who he displays for, as he is still a model and an actor even in my monster AU. Naturally, he is stunned by his human's natural beauty and unique nature when he first laid eyes upon them. He endeavors to win over his Human by any means, as no one else in all of Twisted Wonderland looks like his Human. Since no one can match his Human's looks, surely that means they are so fair none could reach that same level and their demure uniqueness is so akin to peahens he can't help but feel the need to give his feathers a good shake for them.
- Sometimes Vil will stand in front of a large mirror and practice displaying his feathers, working on making them shake out and flair out so he can be perfect when displaying for someone who actually manages to catch his eye. Nothing more embarrassing to Vil than the idea of messing up his own mating display by not practicing enough.
- Vil is far too proud to share with anyone other than his boon companion Rook. As Rook has proven himself to be a good companion and an even better friend, Vil would only be willing to share with the Huntsman Drider when it comes to his precious lover. His beloved belongs first and foremost to him, but Rook can technically lay with Vil's love as well given the fact that Rook has been better to Vil than anyone else in his life. He trusts Rook enough to help with pin feathers and even see him when he is ugliest molting so there is no one else Vil could possibly consider sharing with.
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harunayuuka2060 · 8 months
Yandere Malleus: Let's visit the city.
MC: ...
MC: ...
MC: *looks at him suspiciously*
Yandere Malleus: *smiles* What's wrong?
MC: The city?
Yandere Malleus: Yes. Fine clothes and dresses can be found in the city. I want to take you there. And of course, to buy a ring for our upcoming wedding.
MC: ...
MC: Bruh- What wedding?
Yandere Malleus: I wonder if I could invite some guests. Ah. *smirks* I'm sure that dragon and their husband won't mind receiving a wedding invitation from me.
MC: ...
MC: You've gone nuts.
Yandere Malleus: Beloved.
MC: ...
MC: Wait. Are you actually serious?
Yandere Malleus: Of course.
MC: ...
Yandere Malleus: You're not thinking of escaping while we are there, are you?
MC: ...
MC: I don't. But don't blame me if I wander off because I get lost easily.
Yandere Malleus: *chuckles* That's nothing to worry about.
Yandere Malleus: I always know where to find you.
MC: Yeah. You're more effective than a GPS. *couldn't help but roll their eyes*
MC: ...
Yandere Malleus: It's been a while, Schoenheit.
Fashion designer Vil: ...
FD Vil: Yes. It's been a while. What can I help you with?
Yandere Malleus: I have brought my future spouse. Would you mind designing their wedding dress?
FD Vil: No. You're lucky as I'm free this time of the month. Let's see. *looking at MC*
FD Vil: What kind of wedding dress do you have in mind?
MC: The one that screams 'Help'.
FD Vil: ...
FD Vil: *sigh* I think I have heard that before.
MC: Why? Is it a common occurrence here?
FD Vil: Yes. Fortunately, those people have learned to love their dragon spouses after quite some time.
MC: I-
FD Vil: I offer you my best wishes.
Yandere Malleus: Thank you, Schoenheit.
MC: ...
Vil: ...
Malleus: ...
Rook: Roi du Poison... A fashion designer... *sniffles* *then smiles happily*
Ace: Wow. As expected of Vil-senpai.
Epel: Is no one going to point out that he looks like a peacock?
Rook: Majestueux!
Vil: ...
Jack: I think the Prefect noticed it because they stared at him for a while.
Vil: ...
Vil: This isn't about me. Stop making further comments.
Malleus: Indeed.
Lilia: You seem to have calmed down, Malleus.
Idia: I'm sure it's because he heard that the Prefect is going to wear a wedding dress.
Malleus: ...
Ace: Bro- FOCUS.
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owlisbuffering · 2 months
The Name Game
Yuu has taken to using whatever nickname comes to mind when talking to the TWST boys, most of them puns or references to pop culture from their home world that no one understands. No one is safe and it's getting out of hand. Selections include:
Grim: Grimlin, Grimothy, Grimotheus, Fire and Grimstone, Grim Burton, Grim and Tonic, Grim and Bear It, Tiny Grim
(Dorms after the cut)
or The House of Cards
Ace: Aces, Ace of Base, Arsenic and Old Ace, DumbAce, SmartAce, Aceassin, Ace-mmetry, Acemmetrical, Crappola, It's a Trap!pola, All About That Ace
Deuce: Deuce Goose, Loosey Deucey (that one was a mistake; immediate regret), Deuces Wild, Deuce on the Loose, What the Deuce, Pas de Deuce, Mother Deuce
Trey: Trey Table, Tea Trey, Muffin Man, Treytor Tot, Great ExpecTreytions, Treytrix Reloaded, Cloverfield, Treytor, Treylor Swift
Cater: C8r Boi, Cater to My Whims, Caterer, Whip and Cay Cay, Diamonds are Forever, Cater-ina, Diamond Jubilee, Kiss Me Cate-r
Riddle: Riddle Me This, McRiddle, Hey Riddle Riddle, Kissed by a Rosehearts, Meet Me in the Riddle, Riddleculous
or The Watering Hole
Leona: Leona 500, Lion Sleeps Tonight, Aweem Away, Cat Nap, Comatose, Rip Van Winkle, Lambert
Ruggie: Ruginald, Teach Me How to Ruggie, Rug Doctor, Artful Dodger,
Jack: Jack Be Nimble, Jack Sprat, Jack and the Beanstalk, House that Jack Built, Jumping Jack, Hungry Like the Wolf, Big Bad Wolf, Team Jacob
or 3 Fish Mafia
Jade: Thing 1, Jaderade, Made in the Jade, Nephrite
Floyd: Thing 2, Vicegrip, Personal Space Invader, Pink Floyd
Azul: Tako Time, Tako Tuesday, Octillery
or The Cave of Wonders
Jamil: Snek, Danger Noodle, Hissy-fit, Peanut Butter and Jam-il
Kalim: Mr Golden Sun, Kalim Me Maybe
or Sephora
Epel: Epel Juice, Epel-sauce, Epel Pie, Fizzgig, Stufful, Pancham, Sour Epel, Incred-Epel Hulk
Rook: Rook Nook, Rookery, Lumiere, Corvus Christi, Murkrow, Rookadoodle
Vil: Queen V, Beyoncé, Potato Queen,  Madame Peacock
or Best Buy
Ortho: Orthopedic, Orthodontic, Mr. Roboto, Robotnik, XJ9, Jenny, How to Build a Better Boy
Idia: Ghost Rider, My Good Hotman, Shroud of Darkness, Your Most Lugubriousness
or Shadow Castle
Sebek: How Doth the Little Crocodile, Coccodrillo, Schnappi, Spinal Tap (because his vol goes up to 11), Totodile
Silver: Sleeping Beauty, Narcolepsy, Poker Face, Woodland Whisperer, Snorlax, Sleeper Cell
Lilia: Lils, Batty, Batman, Stellaluna, Littlest Vampire, Gramps, Lil' Guy, Woobat, Team Edward
Malleus: Toothless, Drag-on, Falcor, Mushu, Spike, Dragon Tales, Malleable, Malnutrition, Malfeasance, Malodrama
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merakiui · 4 months
If you had to make the human characters into beastkin, who would you pick for each?
Just wanna know what would come to mind.
:O this is such a fun question!!!! Please also share your thoughts on what you think! These are mine. :D
Riddle - hedgehog,,, oh, or maybe a flamingo.......... or a goldfish mwahaha. >:) or,, catboy....
Trey - definitely some breed of dog... a lab or maybe something like a German Shepherd or a retriever,,,, dogboy Trey is very real to me.
Cater - maybe a red panda or
Ace - red fox
Deuce - rabbit
Kalim - either an otter or a raccoon! I like the idea of a raccoon because they are both playful and smart animals, both of which Kalim is!! Also,,, imagine Kalim getting into all kinds of mischief because he has that raccoon tendency to be extremely dexterous and can open locked doors without keys and whatnot. But otter is also very good to imagine. Both animals are just very cute. <3
Jamil - cobra (naga Jamil is always so beloved to me.)
Vil - I have a few options for Vil because these are graceful and beautiful animals that I think would suit the equally graceful and beautiful Vil: white tiger, swan, or peacock! It's difficult to settle on one, so these are the options I've thought of.
Epel - a pony centaur!! He's waiting for the day when he'll finally become a strong centaur!
Rook - hmm,,, definitely something predatory. Maybe a hawk!
Idia - catboy. <3 I'm not sure which cat, but he is so catboy to me. Or maybe he's a wolf!!!!!! I should elaborate on wolf!Idia....
Silver - maybe there isn't any logic to this, but the idea of polar bear Silver......... 🥺 it's very cute to me.
Neige - a koala or a penguin! :D
Rollo - maybe a mouse!! There's a Vision for this one....... I promise,,,
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k-looking-glass-house · 7 months
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What if Crowley uses "bird" vocabulary like Floyd with his marine nicknames....
Yes he's a crow ... Just imagine if he sees us as biiiiird~
Of course it's just my point of view, I am not a professional in ornithology, you might have your own idea about this one and I would definitely want to hear about it!
Mostly they are birds we could see in my country...
Let's go:
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Grim(m) -> Grey catbird (grey like Grimm, striped wings and can make cat noise....yes)
Yuu(sona) -> Sparrow (Crowley would definitely call Yuu a little sparrow....)
Night Raven College staff
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Sam -> Painted bunting (small, vibrant, colorful, a rare sight to view)
Mozus Trein -> Eurasian skylark (classy, well known literally a french song about this bird "he sung it to Lucius as a kitten")
Ashton Vargas -> Pheasant (....the irony as his Disney counterpart is an hunter, but vibrant color)
Divus Crewel -> Great spotted woodpecker (literally screaming I am Cruella, fashion red, black and white bird)
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Ace Trappola -> Nothern cardinal (red... funky feather style, fights their own mirror reflection...)
Deuce Spade -> Blue slaty bunting
Riddle Roseheart -> Robin (Hi Ciel Phantomhive...I mean Kuroshitsuji ref but look that little red face)
Trey Clover -> Nightingale (sorry Trey...Crowley is implying you can either sing...or can't...but you do have a perfect voice!)
Cater Diamond -> Pyrrhula (I love this little bird too....they became very rare by now, look this tiny orange one)
(Heartslabyul are literally the birds of Aurora in 2d "Sleeping beauty")
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Jack Howl -> Owl (....this one is pretty obvious)
Leona Kingscholar -> "Savanna" eagle (yes... definitely a strong bird)
Ruggie Bucchi -> Speckled mousebird (listen to that bird you'll understand, also....that feather hairstyle!)
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Jade Leech -> Emperor penguin (tall...classy ...can't fly pfff)
Azul Ashengrotto -> Nothern gannet (verrryyy big, analystic-smart one, can't walk on land...)
Floyd Leech -> Snare penguin (unique appareance, multiple various vocalized sounds)
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Kalim Al Asim -> White falcon (precious, royal bird in a "maybe similar related country in our world")
Jamil Viper -> Red Parrot (or macaw) (obviously because of Iago)
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Epel Felmier -> Snow bunting (a "petite robuste" bird living in snow)
Vil Schoenheit -> Peacock (beautiful, handsome literally The Evil Queen's bird)
Rook Hunt -> Mallard (another irony for an hunter...but this bird is beautiful I mean it, and is found everywheerrre (like a stalker bird ha ha))
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Idia Shroud -> Blue jay (blue, black and blue stripes, funny enough the bird is stated to be noisy ha ha, Idia can be supah noisy sometimes too when setting his boundaries, GG Idia!)
Ortho Shroud -> Eurasian blue tit (a little fluffy bird, blue and yellow doing a very cute melodious sound, I love watching them...)
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Sebek Zigvolt -> Egyptian plover (yes....the bird on the crocodile's back...yes)
Malleus Draconia -> Great eared nightjar (it's a dragon bird....look at him)/I could have chosen Casoar too... but nope...
Lilia Vanrouge -> Anna's hummingbird (it's small, pink and changes color with light...like his hairs)
Silver -> Nine-primaried oscines (a cute lovely bird in our woods, pink and blue)
Thanks National Geographic....
It's just pure fanon brainstorming... I'm sorry...
bird photos were mostly took from "Wikipedia"
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twsted-canvas · 1 month
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I couldn't help but feel like the original intro I made for her was a bit ✨underwhelming✨. Therefore, welcome to Leota's re-introduction!
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TRIVIA (Includes spoilers!!)
‣ Leota's introduction to the Dark Carriage happened while she was driving in the middle of a blizzard. She woke up in her gate with snow still melting in her hair. ‣ Leota is a big believer in never giving up if you can help it (a.k.a she’s stubborn), and using what you can in the moment. In spite of her situation, she goes out of her way to make sure her classmates know that she's just as capable of succeeding, even without magic.
‣ Case in point, throwing hands with overblotters. She's not an experienced fighter by any means, but that doesn't mean she won't try. I could paint you a picture of her swinging a nearby paint can down on Overblot Riddle's head amidst Book 1's mayhem, but I'm sure it would look a million times more entertaining in your imagination.
‣ That goes for the phantoms in Tartarus too, much to Vil’s exasperation.
‣ She sunburns quite easily. Sam probably makes a premium on sunscreen at the mystery shop from her purchases alone. Jamil made a big show about treating her sunburns during the big marches Scarabia participated in over winter break in Book 4.
‣ She does deliveries to the dorms for the Mystery Shop from time to time as a way to make a little extra cash, since Crowley hasn't asked her and Grim to do much janitorial work after they started attending classes.
‣ Unofficial Gargoyle Studies club member, she just likes doing the walks around campus with Malleus. A lot of the gargoyle talk goes over her head, but she likes to hear him talk. She brings ice cream sometimes.
‣ Her favorite color is the peacock green that was introduced to her during the fireworks festival in the Scalding Sands. Kalim had a family seamstress make some hair ribbons from the color for her, for her collection.
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Thank you @ai-kan1 and @stestylius-arts for some of the resources I used to make this!
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zippidi-dooda · 2 months
Overblot design ratings starting at the bottom
DISCLAIMER: everything is ranked higher than Leona cause his toes
7) Score: 6.5/10
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I think this is self explanatory-put shoes one, cause 1: ew, dirty floor may step on a nail and 2: you got long nails, if you stub a toe, the nail will break or be pushed back into toe and it will hurt, though I will say I like the "tights" or ink covering the legs and ankle bangles. The stitched rags are a cool idea but compared to other designs, it doesn't exude fear or an aura of power. I like the upper half though, it suits you and I like how the fur across the shoulders represents Scar's mane. The hair and makeup is nice, but the makeup is lacking compared to others.
6) Score: 6.8/10
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The makeup is amazing, love the addition of the crown->that plus the shell necklace are a lovely representation of Ursula. I was surprised and happy to see this ob transformation but it's kinda just a darker version of Azul's merform to me so lacking a bit of creativity, still like it though
5) Score: 7/10
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Admittedly this design is very plain compared to even the two before him, but it gains bonus points for changing flame color based on emotion like Hades' hair, the hair here is also styled just like Hades' so if we think about it, someone could have literally blowed his hair out during the battle like happened to Hades, plus I like the mask, similar to the masks that light up when you talk which is fitting for Idia's chatacter
4) Score: 8.3/10
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Shoes are freaking amazing, the snatched waist, the tight fitting ... uh skirt, dress (?), the dangly jewelry, amazing, love baggy-Jammi but Jamil needs to wear more slick clothes like this, black and blood red suit him, makeup is great, inky chin pubes are ehh, turban is a bit over the top but it represents Jafar when he first gets his power which is fitting and the medusa hair is also representative of Jafar's transformation and looking at Jafar's dialogue we now know that deep down Jamil loves puns which is great. Will say that although each character gets a skin tone alteration when the ob, I found Jamil's most apparent and he kinda just looks ashy, but still a great design
3) Score: 9.3/10
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So when I first saw this, I hated his crown, sun, peacock headdress thing but seeing it more and more, it's kind of fitting, Vil is the only one who could rock something so "extra" (I mean that in a nice way, idk the right word for it), and if it represents a peacock it matches with the feathers on his legs, and I guess the claws do too. Honestly, I think this design was more inspired by the Evil Queen in Snow-white and the Huntsman (I may be wrong on that, don't quote me) but again, it is very fitting for Vil as a character. The subtle hints of red are nice, love the crown and the puffed sleeves and the dark veil. All of it is very grandiose and regal very queen, very Vil, but the dirty collar peaking out (and kinda the sleeve style) reminds me of Snow White which can be fitting for both the Queen and Vil because they both hate the one people praise but are always overshadowed by them, no matter what they do people will remember and connect them to the one they hate, even if they had succeeded in getting rid of them. The corset's okay, just shows that the rose has thornes, makeup's okay looks like his dorm crown and makeups nice but not much else
2) Score: 9.8/10
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He is adorable. Should I be scared, yeah probably, but he looks like an edgy cupcake I love it. Has one of the best makeup designs, love that the crown stays but just becomes more deadly, love the choker, love the spiked collar, love the high boots, his heart is displayed for all to see, double belts are always a safe bet, the painted roses represent the queen how things went wrong, the thorny vines wrap around him showing how sharp his words can bite, and the cards hanging from him, dyed in black like him are a lovely addition to the ensemble because it represents how even when gone mad, the Queen's soldiers dutifully followed her orders and came to her defense which, if Ace hadn't done anything, would be exactly the case for all the Heartslabyul students when Riddle overblotted
1) Score: 10/10
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I mean, come on now, look at him. I love the minty skin tone here its representative of Maleficent and really suits him. The cape shifting from purple to thorny green flames is also representative of Maleficent at the end of the film which I love, the crossing cage on his chest and under his skirt reminds me of the gates/windows/doors patterns of the time Sleeping Beauty is based in and we know he love architecture so points there, the style of the shoes/tights also look like the style if the time a little dorky but cute. He wears bangles and ink runs up his shoulders but I think it's interesting his arms and hands are mostly uncovered which is uncommon in almost all of the ob forms. The design of his corset is nice, don't really get the point of the belt tied in front but hey if it come down to it, grab and throw him over your should then sprint away, he'll be thrown off for a second but greatly angered afterward but hey distraction. The hair brushed back really seems to make him look more royal than he normally does which is nice and we can see his scales which are perfectly enhanced by the makeup outlining them. Now, I do like the green glowing between the plates of his tail but seeing the same pattern going on in his horns throws me off since I think I got too used to seeing his normal horns, his horns do look longer here but I'm not entirely sure that's true or if its just an optical illusion cause of the colors. Overall, the true extent of his strength and power are showcased clearly in this form which I think is great, and I see his cape is still dragging on the floor despite his height and the fact that he's floating so I need to see him walk down the stairs and swish his cape around like Mother Gothel
And that's it, what ranking would you give these Overblot forms? Which one would you wear?
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