#peter parker/stephen strange
thestarkerisobvious · 7 months
What No One Tells You About The End Of The World
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What No One Tells You About The End Of The World 
…you still have to eat once in a while.  You still have to shit.  You still have to lay down and sleep and then, eventually, you have to get up the next day.  You think you will just stay in bed forever - but I promise you can't.  You will have to get up.  You’ll get bored.  You’ll realize you haven’t bathed in a while.  And eventually, you’ll have to eat.
At least he has something to eat.  Peter reminds himself, sometimes, that he still has electricity and hot and cold running water.  He may live completely alone in a world where the human race has forgotten his name, but at least he has something to eat, and someone to eat with.  Not everyone does.
And Peter does have someone to eat with.  And someone who, on occasions, asks him if he’s eaten today.  Asked if he was getting enough rest.  “Not that I’m one to judge,” that someone would joke mildly, and then some conversation about night-owls and insomnia would follow, but still.  It was nice to be asked.  Such a tiny little kindness that really hit home when the whole planet has magically forgotten your existence.  
Although his older lover might be amused if Peter ever described him as “kind.”  “Infuriating” would be more accurate.  “Maddening.”  Both by day and by night.  Maddening by day (that ego was NOT an act, and sometimes difficult to live with behind closed doors.)  Maddening by night (that scrape of beard on the back of his neck, making Peter crazy…)
What no one tells you about the end of the world is that you will still wake up with morning wood. And that maybe… even though you are sure you don’t deserve it… maybe you still get to feel good.  Sometimes.
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(And sometimes… maybe  more than just good.  Maybe a lot more than good.  Like when he strongarms you to face the wall and presses it in inch by inch, forcing you to take it slow, forcing you to wait.  You’re stronger than him, obviously, it’s not like he’s wearing all his fancy clothes right now but how are you going to fight him?  Not when your cock is in his expert hand and the scrape of that damn beard against your neck is making you insane…)
He apologizes for being an asshole sometimes.
Which… kind of hurts.  Because he never apologizes to the world for being himself… he just is.  That’s what Peter admires about him.  He is completely and utterly himself… doesn’t seem to doubt himself.  Not like Peter at all…
(Also, he never referred to himself as an asshole until they went to bed together.)
Not that Peter can complain.  Having this older man for a lover… this older, arrogant, infuriating man… well…
It gets lonely at the end of the world.  Especially when you’re surrounded by people walking past you, walking to and from work every day and every night, not knowing that your world just ended.  You think you won’t need companionship after your whole world falls apart but, oddly, you do.  Existence has ended, but you’re still human.  Apocalypse is now and passed, but it’s still good to have a conversation about that crazy thing you saw on the street today.
And if you have that conversation while laying side by side in this ridiculous bed, letting the sweat dry off your bodies as you catch your breath and marvel at what you’ve just created together, well…
…who knew you could still laugh after the world has ended?
Laugh, or chuckle, or maybe roll your eyes or maybe even growl a little in frustration at the one man in the world who knows your name.  Maybe even fight a little… maybe even quarrel.  You think you don’t care about anything any more… what else is there to care about at the end of the world?  But you are still a human being.  You still have edges.  And sometimes yours bark up against his and you feel yourself bristling…
…but all of that melts away at when Peter finds himself melting in that man’s iron arms.
His lover is an older man  - he never lets Peter forget it - and he loves to point out that, as an older man he is just not as interested in his own climax as he is in other things.  Peter’s lover is a scientist at heart.  And he is often at night he seems more interested in certain scientific experiments on Peter’s willing body than he is anything else. 
How many times can Peter come in one evening?  How long can he wait, held gaping there on that silver razor edge, waiting for release?  
Who knew, here at the end of the world, that you could still be surprised?
And so Peter does just that.  Gets up in the morning.  Eats.  Shaves.  Shits.  Teases his lover gently about how long he spends looking in the mirror every morning, meticulously plucking his face to maintain that signature facial hair.  There’s more and more gray appearing in that hair now than ever before, but Peter just uses the term “silver fox” and kisses his lover before going out into the world.  Out into the world to try to find some kind of meaningful thing to do.  Then comes home (he gets to think of it as “home” now - that is such a relief) and lets his older lover take control again.
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And you might as well.  Let him take your jaw in an iron grip and turn your head back for a demanding kiss as he slowly moves inside you… holding your breath in hopes to hear those tiny sounds that he makes, those noises that mean he can’t hold back much longer.  No matter how much he brags about not caring about his own climax.  There, on the edge, if you can keep from keening and begging, you can hear him too.  Those sounds he makes when he’s no longer able to remain dignified…
And that's when you realize the hard ugly truth - the world has ended, but you are still alive.  And you DO have a few blessings to count.  You have a place to sleep.  You have hot and cold running water, electricity, and food to get out of bed for.
And someone to go to bed with.
Someone you are actually starting to care about.
And that is the problem.
Because, much to your surprise, here at the end of the world, you are not alone.  And now you’re almost feeling like you might want to get up in the morning?   like you might want to go out into the world and see what’s in it? because you know when you get home at the end of the day, there will be someone to… to talk to about it?
And yes, okay, that someone is a little hard to live with… yes okay maybe he is the best in his field and maybe it isn’t pride if you know you are the best but still…
But maybe… maybe that man is being a little different now.  Maybe he’s making a lot more references to things that happened “before you were born” or even “long before you were born”  which you KNOW is a subtle way of reminding you that the gulf between your ages is huge, and it won't exactly get smaller over time.   
But there’s no point in thinking about the future.  Why think about the future when the world has already ended?
And maybe that's the key to it all.  There is no future.  There is no past…
…okay there is a past.  There is a whole hell of a lot of past… but now days it feels, to Peter, like it all happened to someone else.  Some other kid, someone he had been close to.   Someone who also had lego sets and also had one close friend that shared his obsession.  Some other kid who got the quiet anti-social girl to become his best friend and share a million crazy life experiences, including that first kiss, with each other.  Some other person that saved the  world alongside Tony Stark.  
Some other person that watched him die.
That other kid would never have… well he certainly would have dared to go to 177A Bleecker Street and demand to talk to Stephen Strange.  He would have done that.  When he just couldn’t take it any more.  Couldn’t stand to live in a world that had no idea who he was.  That kid would have dared to explain it all to Stephen Strange.  That other kid might have even accepted the apology, and offer of accommodation, from Steven Strange.  
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But would that other kid have gone to bed with Stephen Strange??  Would he have even taken that risk?
But he did.  THIS Peter Parker did.  This Peter Parker had taken that risk because, let's face it, what else did he have left to lose?  
And now, whatever else Peter had, he had another man to talk about the End Of The World With.  Another man who, kind of, understood.
Another man who just might have some good advice.
“Look out there, kid,” he said one evening, bringing Peter, clad only in his boxers, to that large ornate archaic window at the far end of Stephen’s large ornate archaic bedroom.  The window of the Sanctum Sanctorum  was currently looking out over the street of Hong Kong, not Greenwich Village, but still, Peter got the point.
“The world ended out there, too.  I guarantee you - someone out there on that street is watching the people walk by hating them.  How can they keep walking, how can they keep going back and forth, how can they keep going to work?  Don’t they know it’s the end of the world?  I guarantee you’re looking down on the end of the world right now.
“The world ends for people every single day…” Stephen was murmuring now.  He was standing close behind Peter, his strong hands on Peter’s hips.  Peter resisted the urge to close the distance between them, to press his ass against Stephen’s erection, to distract him and end this conversation.  It wouldn’t be the first time, certainly.  Sometimes a cold part of Peter complained that he wanted Stephen Strange for distraction, NOT for advice.
“But you, you keep going out there.  You  KEEP going out there and you KEEP helping other people.  Because you know the truth.
“What no one tells you about the end of the world is that - enhanced or not - magic or not - special or not - 
“You are still human.”
“And humans keep going.”
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   amazing moodboards by @mrstarksbaby
This has been a #MrStarksBabyIsObvious production. Follow the tag #MrStarksBabyIsObvious Production to see what else we've cooked up together.
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could I request a spiderstrange scene ? Like daddy Stephen cuddling his lil boy petey or giving him a bath or both 🥺🙈 (you’ve probably gotten this prompt before but they’re both so cuteeee)
this is such a cute scene!! i added some medical whump (bc its my fave thing ever sksks) i hope you don’t mind hehe💗💗💗
Daddy Stephen, +18 Little Peter, Littles Are Known, hospitalisation, baths, nighttime routine, fluff, comfort
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There is a knock on the door, and a nurse’s aid enters. The aid looks at the empty hospital bed, a puzzled expression on his face. Where did the patient go? Little patients tend to be playful and can hide under their beds, but this one seemed to have disconnected the monitors without setting off the alarms.
“Yeah! Your boat sank, oh no!”
There’s giggles and wet splashing coming out of the bathroom, and the nurse’s aid heads over. He opens the door to find a Little boy in the bathtub and a man dressed in scrubs next to the tub.
“Daddy!” The boy squeaks at the sight of a stranger. He moves closer to his Daddy, putting his naked and wet arms around his Daddy’s arm.
“Oh, hi!” The man smiles at the aid.
“I’m making rounds doing sponge baths, but I guess you got here before me.” The aid laughs. He tries to get a glimpse of the man’s ID tag.
“Oh, yeah, sorry. I guess I did your job.” The man chuckles. “Peter’s my own Little and my shift just ended, so I’m spending the night with him here.” The man explains. “I hope I didn’t make your job harder.”
“No, no, Peter was my last stop, so you saved me some work.” The aid says, shaking his head. “I’ll leave you guys to it then, Doctor…”
“Strange. Stephen Strange. I’m upstairs at neurology.” Stephen smiles.
“Matthew Clark. I’m here with the Littles.” The aid, Matthew, replies. He then waves to Peter and wishes them both a good night before heading out.
Peter turns to his Daddy once they are alone once more. His eyes are wide and he is still clinging to Stephen’s arm.
“Did Matthew scare you, huh? He scared me a bit too. Although, I guess I owe him for not letting him know I’d come take care of you myself.” Stephen says, tapping Peter’s nose.
The boy giggles and rubs his nose with a wet hand. He lets go of Stephen’s arm and grabs his boat to sink it again. For some reason it keeps floating up if Peter doesn’t hold it down. Silly little boat.
“Yeah? I hope a rescue boat will come help them soon.” Stephen chuckles, grabbing the cup to keep rinsing the conditioner out of Peter’s hair.
After a few more minutes, Stephen drains the tub and gets Peter into a fluffy towel. It is one that the doctor brought from home so that Peter would be more comfortable during his hospital stay.
It’s bitter sweet having Peter here. Stephen would rather see Peter running around, being as healthy and happy as ever, but at the same time it is sort of nice having him so close. Stephen checks on Peter whenever he has some free time and he spends all his lunches with him. Sometimes the boy is so exhausted from his treatments that he isn’t awake when Stephen comes, but the doctor stays no matter what.
Once Peter is almost dry, Stephen lays him down on his bed, getting some lotion and rubbing it into the Little’s skin. The whole process is like a sleepy massage to Peter, and his blinking slows slower and slower as his eyelids get heavier with sleep. The doctor gets the boy a fresh pull up, and then a clean gown and socks.
“You want a paci, bud?” Stephen asks, showing Peter a pacifier with a sunflower on it. The boy opens his mouth to take the pacifier and sucks on it happily.
“My bestest Little boy.” The doctor sighs fondly, leaning down to kiss Peter’s forehead.
Peter hums behind his pacifier and makes grabby hands at his Daddy. It means he wants cuddles, and cuddles the boy shall have.
After toeing off his shoes, Stephen lays down on Peter’s hospital bed. He helps the boy to lay comfortably next to him, and then makes quick work of hooking him back on to the monitors. The boy fusses a little, but he calms down once Stephen is done and wraps his arms around him.
“Sleep now, baby. Daddy’s right here.” Stephen whispers, his head resting so that his lips faintly touch Peter’s forehead when he speaks.
Peter’s breathing evens out and becomes deeper within the next few minutes, and soon enough he is fast asleep.
“Sleep and get better, baby.” Stephen whispers.
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melina-mellow · 1 year
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I'm guessing Miguel is responsible for watching over all the spider people and the spiderverse itself, making sure it's stable.
Lol I can only imagine Peter and Stephen fucking up the multiverse in NWH almost gave Miguel an aneurysm 🤣
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yourdailymarvelmemes · 4 months
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hurtspideyparker · 2 months
Peter: I collect parental figures like they're pokemon cards
Stephen: How's that working out for you
Peter: ...I also collect parental issues
Stephen *facepalms*: You're an embarrassment
Peter: Hey! Don't make me look up to you and value your care
Stephen: ...
Stephen: Did you just threaten me with your love?
Peter: Yep. It's as deadly as a serial killer
Peter: It's actually caused a lot of attachment issues for me
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Marvel + text posts
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TONY: Stephen and I--
PETER: Are getting married?
STEPHEN: No, we--
HARLEY, PULLING OUT A GIANT BINDER: Sit down. We've planned out the entire thing.
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Peter: You have to help me! Harry’s taking me to meet his parents tonight!
Stephen: Oh wow, that’s a big step!
Peter(sarcastic): Oh, really? That hadn’t occurred to me!
Tony: Kid, it’s gonna be fine! Just be yourself!
Peter: They live on the Upper East Side on Park Avenue!
Stephen(to Tony): Oh yeah, he can’t be himself…
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xenocorner · 1 year
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Supreme family? I don't know her, all I know is Team Well, Shit.
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winterspiderpurrs · 1 year
Okay okay but no one believes Peter is in a relationship. Sure people know he changed his Facebook status a few months back. But no one else was connected to it.
" My boyfriend doesn't have a facebook "
So yeah a lot of his college classmates think that he is lying about it. Sure some of them could admit that Peter was cute adorable even but they just can't picture this nerd who wore big sweaters, baggy clothes and sweatshirt to have any game.
Then, the day someone mixed some chemicals wrong during their lab day. Beakers exploded. Splashing stuff everywhere. Classmates quickly having to strip jackets and shirts off before the chemicals soak in and burn the skin.
" Oh shit Parker "
People turn to look at Peter, who has a bright blush spreading. His neck and chest and abs( yes, he had a small 6pack who knew!) It was covered in hickey's and bite marks.
They were even more surprised when the mysterious boyfriend actually shows up with a change of clothes.
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harrie-fic-center · 18 days
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bucky barnes [2]
clint barton
hobie brown
loki laufeyson [2]
marc spector
matt murdock
miguel o'hara
miles morales
peter parker
pietro maximoff
sam wilson
stephen strange
steve rogers
thor odinson
tony stark
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thestarkerisobvious · 11 months
So How Do You Feel About
A little Tony/Peter/Stephen Strange?
Not HAPPY Ironspiderstrange, mind you... just a little angsty...
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“Does he kiss you too?!” Tony was asking, and Peter found himself actually sputtering.
“Kiss me??  The Dr. Steven Strange?  Kiss me ?  Tony he barely even touches me!.......He just does what you’ve told him to do!  He just pumps away until I tell him to stop and then he just walks out!”
...“but I thought…”  Tony actually closed his mouth for a moment, his face puzzled.  “But I thought you didn’t want him to talk.”  
“So I can close my eyes and pretend he’s you.” 
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the thought of peter crushing on professor!stephen is just cute, we really need more spideystrange content ACKKKK
Peter’s studying biotech and they have a guest professor coming to have a lecture about medical technology. The professor has dark hair with splashes of grey, all combed neatly backwards to show off his angled face and sharp eyes. He introduces himself as Doctor Stephen Strange, recently retired neurosurgeon and now lecturer.
Peter can tell right away he is a person who is used to being in control of an OR and a whole team of people. He has to focus very hard on actually listening to what the professor is saying, not just how his lips move when he talks.
Some of the other students are also eager to hear more from Strange and they ask if they will have more lectures with him.
“If you want more or me, you’ll have to transfer to medicine. That’s where I’m at.”
Peter does exactly that.
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incorrectquotesmcu · 4 months
Peter, trying to cheer Stephen up: Things could be worse, you know!
Stephen: How?
Peter: How what?
Stephen: How could they be worse?
Peter: They couldn’t, I lied.
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Tony: think about the possibilities, you could stab your enemies with this
Stephen: it isn’t efficient: the heat will immediately close the severed arteries.
Harley: I’m sorry Stephen, but it actually works just fine.
America: and you just witnessed a Gryffindor, a Ravenclaw and a Slytherin having a conversation.
Peter: why use it to cut people when you can have toasts?!
America: and here’s the Hufflepuff
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1luna1lovegood1 · 4 months
Tony: there's only one thing worse than losing!
Stephen: [rips off paper to make it say 'losing peter'] boom!
Peter, nodding: me.
Tony: no-
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