#physical health healing
world-prayers · 1 year
Health Angels | Divine Gifts To The World: Angelic Healing
Imagine a world where you could heal from any mental or physical health condition simply by calling upon an angel that heals. Angelic healing is a powerful practice that can help you achieve total psychological and physical wellness. It’s time to visit the Health Angels to cure whatever is ailing you. Continue reading Untitled
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nemmet · 3 months
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🪵🐓 i started playing stardew valley a couple of weeks ago and shane’s eight heart event changed me forever i think
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
Today in awful pain due to cramps, but ended up laughing and cheered up because I said aloud, “My tummy hurts and it’s Wei Wuxian’s fault!”
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There he is! That's the man that made your tummy hurt!!!
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yeesiine · 2 months
Mood: Sending love to everyone who is just... tired. Life is a lot, and sometimes the answer to it all is to just be still and silent for a while. Give yourself space and grace. Whether it’s decision fatigue, information fatigue, anxiety fatigue, routine fatigue, getting-your-life-back-together fatigue, career fatigue, social fatigue, financial fatigue, or physical fatigue, take a moment to breathe and recharge. You deserve it.
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prettieinpink · 1 year
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based on a health link article
Cycle syncing is when we match our menstrual cycle to our health lifestyle, such as nutrition and exercise. By using your menstrual cycle as a guide of your health throughout, you become in tune of your hormonal needs
Our menstrual cycle has 3 distinct phases excluding your period, which occur over a month.
Follicular(menstruation happens in this phase). Lasts for 6-14 days. Estrogen and progesterone are increasing.
Ovulatory. Lasts for 15-17 days. Estrogen is at its peak, testosterone and progesterone are increasing.
Luteal. Lasts for 18-28 days. Estrogen and progesterone are high, but if the egg stays unfertilised, the hormones decrease and the cycle repeats.
Your hormones are at its lowest, so light exercise and cardio is better suited for your stamina here. Yoga, walking, stretching, jogging
Hormones are increasing, so high intensity exercises are suited for this phase as your energy is higher. gym, cycling, skip rope, running, HIIT
As your body prepares itself for another cycle, energy may be low, so light or moderate exercise is best. Pilates, ab exercises, any strength training
Your Estrogen will begin to increase in this stage. Drink warm beverages to help with cramps. Despite your cravings, limit fatty/oily foods, caffeine and watch your sodium intake. Eat foods that help with metabolising your estrogen.
broccoli, sauerkraut, cabbage, high quality meats, cauliflower, spinach, sesame seeds, flaxseeds
Your estrogen is the highest so opt for foods that support your liver, protect you from environmental toxins(as they can impact your hormones) and are anti-inflammatory.
Leafy greens, whole grains, eggs, legumes, high quality meat & fish, garlic, almonds, whole fruits
Estrogen and progesterone are high, but will begin to decrease. Magnesium rich foods to help fight fatigue, and foods that help with serotonin are best.
Leafy greens, quinoa, buckwheat, dark chocolate, spinach, pumpkin seeds, sweet potatoes, beans, avocado
This is the phase when your cycle is beginning to repeat, so you want to ensure that your diet is optimal. Avoid caffeinated drinks, sugar, deep fried foods and high amounts of dairy.
To start implementing these changes to your lifestyle, track your cycle and begin to identify how long each phase lasts for. Pay attention to how your body responds to each phase.
with that, I wish you luck 💖🎀 i hope we all stay healthy and happy together 👏
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faeriekit · 6 months
Health and Hybrids (XXI)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters  for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and the prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
🖤Chapter navigation can be found here🖤 Click to browse previous updates.
💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts (now featuring mediocre mouseover translations, only available on a computer)
Where we last left off... Wonder Woman! Robin! Impulse! Danny! Dick drawings! Who says that occupational therapy and learning a second language can't be fun?
Trigger warnings for this story:  body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) |  my nonexistent attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
EXTRA TW for: vomiting, panic attacks (this chapter only)
Danny can hold a spoon now. He is unstoppable.
So, when the lady isn’t there to feed him dinner (more mush), one of the not-the-lady nurses gives Danny a tray, and lays a mat over his lap so that he can eat without completely messing up his bedsheets.
Eat he does. Slowly. Maybe a little messily, and it’s kind of embarrassing to have to admit to himself that food definitely spills out of his mouth and onto his lap. The doctor/nurse/medical person, whoever they are, turns on the television, and Danny doesn’t try to ask for the remote. The television only gets something like ten channels, and none of them are cartoons at lunch hour.
So. News it is.
Most of the news follows the same cycle; the weather, sports teams Danny can now recognize the colors of, traffic cameras, and events with long, scrolling text to detail the happenings onscreen. There’s something about dogs? That’s fun. The scientist/nurse/tech, whoever they are, says something in the tone of Aaw, aren’t they cute? as puppies run about and wrestle on screen.
Danny kind of misses Cujo. He picks at his bedsheet, and doesn’t say anything.
The dog program transitions away— there’s a bright banner in its place. Danny’s seen it before: it’s something to the equivalent of Breaking News. It’s usually weather, or crime, or something.
Um. But it’s not that. Danny’s spoon drops, because a ROBOT LADY lights up the screen with a glistening silver suit, not unlike the Ecto-Skeleton his parents used to keep in the basement. Or, well…this one might be more streamlined?
Danny shifts. He can’t help. He’s here, in the hospital. Or. Uh. The space…hospital. His body is very broken.
But there’s a robot lady wrecking a town on Earth.
And Danny can fly.
…Could fly. Could have flown. If he was. Well.
Danny’s not well, and his body aches and his hands don’t work and his legs work even less, but there’s people out there who need help. People who are getting shot at with rays and Danny can fight them, and humans can’t. Danny can help. He—
His core throbs. Danny chokes. He pulls at his chest, trying to find some kind of purchase on his medical gown to tug himself—up?? Out?? He can’t fly right now, but maybe—?
“Whoah, whoah, whoah, abide, abide.”
Danny grits his teeth. “Look!” he snaps, and jams a finger at the television. “There’s—look! There’s a giant robot out there punching buildings!”
“Wacie,” the human protests, but at least turns up the volume so that Danny can see better. “Wacie, þær eart firas þær nou.”
What does that mean?!
Danny hasn’t lifted himself in forever. His legs don’t work, but his arms…might.
He presses his palms down to the mattress. He pushes.
There is a liberated fraction of a second where Danny’s whole weight is on his arms.
—And then he comes crashing back to reality, his elbows snapping back into place. His butt slams back onto the bed and the whole frame jitters.
Danny pants. His arms quake.
The medic completely barrels through Danny’s usually meticulously-kept personal bubble, trying to make sure Danny didn’t dislodge his IV or rip his ligaments and tendons or tear his muscles or. Something. Danny barely notices, barely cares, because someone else blasts onto the television screen in a red bathing suit and gold boots.
And suddenly, both the people on screen are fighting. It’s brilliant. It’s bloody—it’s physical, in the way that flesh and bone and metal must be. Danny’s never seen serious fighting like that before.
And the new woman flies.
Danny stares.
She flies. She fights. She wins—narrowly dodging or displacing lasers with something shiny on her arms, and getting long hair singed in the process. In the end, the robot is tethered down with some kind of shiny metal rope, screaming and kicking all the way.
…Danny barely remembers to choke in air. That's so cool.
The medical person says something reassuring, but Danny’s too tired to listen. He watches this new woman take her applause, floating down on nothing but air to meet the reporter and answer questions. She looks poised. Confident. People clap. People shout things out. People smile. People cheer.
…No one is screaming. No one is running.
There are no ghost hunters in the crowd.
Danny’s exhale is manual. So is his inhale. His heart monitors are making all sorts of funky pictures most likely, but that’s not his business—he watches a woman in armor who flies take off into the sky, free to come and go as she pleases.
It…it hurts. It’s so beautiful and so peaceful and gentle and it hurts so much.
His eyes well up with tears. Why did she get this? This…niceness? Everyone had hated him when he'd tried to help—the teachers, Vlad, the town, his parents. They’d hated him! All he ever wanted to do was help like she did!
What made him so different?! Why was it Danny who got hunted down and shot at? Why was it Danny who got kidnapped and taken hostage?!
Tears burn his eyes like fire. It’s got to be the salt. Danny’s strangled whine turns into a choked off sob before he can catch it. His hand goes to his mouth, but he can’t stifle the noise.
He doesn’t want to. He wants to cry. He thinks he deserves it.
The tears come until he is sobbing, crying, wailing—because WHY WHY WHY was it so easy to hurt him?! WHY DID THEY HURT HIM, WHY DID MOM HURT HIM, HE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING WRONG!
A towel appears in his hand. They’re so nice to him here. So much nicer than when Mom and Dad had—
Danny’s cries are as much screams as they are anything else.
There are hands on his shoulder. On his back. Rubbing. Danny wants to shove them off but the lady isn’t here, which means that it’s one of the staff-members who isn’t supposed to touch him. They’re not supposed to touch him in case Danny hurts them but one of them gave Danny a clean towel to scream into and is rubbing his back because he’s crying.
They’re trying to be so nice and gentle but EVERYONE JUST WANTS TO HURT HIM.
They’re smart, though. They notice before Danny does, and have a bucket ready by the time heaving sobs turn into outright vomiting.
At least the mush mostly makes it into the bucket.
Having a breakdown…sucks.
Danny has to carefully brush his teeth with an extra-soft bristle brush and rinse out his mouth before he gets more water.
Someone is being very nice. There’s artificial fruit punch flavoring in his drink. He wants to feel grateful but he mostly feels dead.
…His eyes slide listlessly across the room. Ha. Dead.
Danny is horizontal and wrung dry and too tired to do anything but pant by the time the lady comes back to his room. She’s in quicker than usual—her gown is sort of sloppy, hair sticking out of her hair net, and she’s still looping her mask around her ear.
She gets down on her knees beside his bed. She asks him if he’s alright.
Danny’s not alright. He isn’t sure he’s been alright in…ages. Ages and ages. Before he was trapped and tied down. Before he was hated. Reviled.
…Before he was Phantom, maybe; before Danny Fenton had died a shocking, senseless death.
Tears try to wring themselves out of his aching eyeballs, but he’s too dry-eyed to cry; the lady make sad, wet eyes for him, and that’s probably enough between the two of them. Danny’s misery is a vast, gaping void, and all he has to show for it is the shovel he’s been digging through all this shit with for the last few years.
The lady brings her hands closer to his hairline, curled fingers hovering in the air. Her word’s don’t mean anything to him, but the gesture is clear: May I?
“…Mm,” Danny agrees. His eyes fall closed when she gently scratches at his scalp with her fingers.
No one’s touched him gently, on purpose, in…ages. When he was little, Dad used to pop him between him and Mom in bed. Mom would brush out Danny’s bangs with her fingers and Dad would hum. It was always something ill-fitting and silly. Guns N’ Roses. Led Zepplin. Santana. Sometimes Jazz would sit with them, crushing him until Dad had to pull him up and out of harm’s way.
In the quarantine lab, hurting him had just been part of the scientific process. What if there was some new discovery under his fat layer? On the other side of his ribs? Nestled between his alveoli?
Danny sniffles. He’s too dry to cry. He blinks invisible dust off of his eyelashes, and focuses on the weird lady who’s with him now.
Up close, when his eyes work, she looks nice. She has blue eyes, like him. Like Dad. They’re kinda…glowy, maybe? Sparkly? They remind him of ice in the Far Frozen—inhumanly brisk, and impossibly clean. She has eye crinkles where she smiles, tan skin making them more defined than their actual depth. Between her hair net and her medical mask, little wisps of black baby hairs shine through.
She pets him. She smiles. Danny isn’t sure why, but. Whatever. Jazz used to insist that human skin-to-skin contact was an essential need, so this is probably, like, also medical care.
Yeah. Danny squints. …Sure.
Whatever. It’s nice.
So Danny gets petted and it’s fine. He almost doesn’t notice the giant gauntlet under the paper sleeve of her gown, but then it’s right in his field of vision, and. Hey. Didn’t he see that on TV, like, an hour ago?
Danny stares.
He can’t actually tell if they’re gold under the pale blue color of the gown, but. The color is certainly some sort of unusually colored metal, cold to the touch even through the paper-like material of the gown.
…He doesn’t want to touch her, or let her know that he’s touching her. But. He brushes the back of his wrist against the bracelet, and it hums against the paper gown between it and his bare skin.
The lady blinks. She looks down at where they made contact, and asks him if he’s alright.
Danny looks away.
She knows she saw him reach out to her, though, so she takes her hand off of his hair (…hey…) and pulls back the sleeve on her gown. “Sest,” she offers. See?
It is the same kind of bracer he saw on TV. Up close he can see the designed etched into it—geometric lines stretching down from her fingers to her elbow, terminating in something structural. Not quite diamonds. Just…strong.
There’s a couple of very, very tiny letters down towards the bottom. His eyes strain when they try to make any sense out of them; they’re too small for him to actually focus on, which sucks.
She steps back, and pushes her sleeves down to show off her gold bracers. She lifts up the hem of her gown, revealing red boots that go waaaay up her thigh. They have the same gold metalwork as she does on the bracers.
Danny just saw those on the television. His eyes widen.
“You—“ he starts, and then remembers their difference in language. He points his hand at the television. “You fought? You were on TV?”
“The TV?” Danny repeats. She doesn’t understand. Danny doesn’t know how to tell her what he means. “The…you were there?”
She looks at him to expand. Danny looks back at her.
…So they just stare at each other silently.
The door cracks open; the person who’d mediated Danny’s breakdown pokes their head in and says something. “Eower feoht wæs an þe box todæge.”
The lady blinks. Danny blinks. Wait. Did they just call the television the box?
“…Box?” Danny clarifies, and lifts a hand to shakily point at the television again.
The lady blinks, and grins. “Yea!” she returns, pumped up. She stands, to the powerful height she’d had on the television—excuse him, the box—and flexes her now-exposed arms to show off massive biceps.
Holy moly. Danny hasn’t seen any bigger biceps on his Dad.
She flexes one arm, the other, both—in front, and behind. If Danny had that much definition, he’d be showing off too! She leaps back impossibly far—and holy crap she can fly— to show off some mock punches at invisible enemies at speeds that Danny would be hard pressed to follow even with supernatural abilities.
He goggles.
She laughs at him, but she doesn’t sound mean—she sounds show-boating and silly, and teasing and playful, but not mean.
She’s like him. She’s not a ghost but she flies and she’s not human. She’s not human just like Danny. Just like that one green guy. Like the fast kid who visits him.
It’s such a relief. It’s so scary. Who are these people? Why are they healing him? Why are they keeping him?? Why do they have access to so many non-human people? What do they want him for? Is Danny supposed to fight like that?
He would fight. If he had to. He’s done it before.
If they make him fight, Danny’s pretty sure he’s going to fall apart like cheap glass.
The lady comes back when Danny goes quiet, her gloved fingers brushing up against his knuckles. The sensation is enough to bring Danny out of his…fog. Sometimes everything is so cloudy and vague. The pain medicine makes it go away, and the pain medicine brings it back.
Danny curls his hand into a shaking fist. He bumps her knuckles against his.
She makes a surprised noise. Danny feels her gently move his fingers, rearranging, moving where his thumb goes—
He huffs out a laugh. His fist wasn’t good enough to her standards. Her fist bump meets his in the middle with a smirk and a laugh, victory written all over her face.
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theereina · 8 months
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elicathebunny · 8 months
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Eating ginger can cut down on fermentation, constipation and other causes of bloating and intestinal gas. Wear and tear on cells. Ginger contains antioxidants. These molecules help manage free radicals, which are compounds that can damage cells when their numbers grow too high. It is useful in minimizing menstrual cramps, and it relaxes the muscular spasms as well
high in antioxidants, which may help protect against disease, inflammation and ageing It may improve gut health, dental hygiene, reduce cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure.
Garlic offers an immune system boost to help prevent colds and the flu virus. One study found that allicin, an active component of freshly crushed garlic, had antiviral properties and was also effective against a broad range of bacteria
commonly used for many human ailments such as hay fever, inflammation, muscle spasms, menstrual disorders, insomnia, ulcers, wounds, gastrointestinal disorders, rheumatic pain, and hemorrhoids. 
antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-tumorigenic, antinociceptive, and neuroprotective properties. It could prevent hair follicles from being starved of blood supply, dying off, and leading to hair loss.
Tumeric :
Turmeric has been used in both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine as an anti-inflammatory, to treat digestive and liver problems, skin diseases, and wounds.
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melveres · 11 months
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wizzy was down for maintenance so I drew my Young Wizard while I (impatiently) waited
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thequeenskeep · 19 days
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Everything in your life is a result of your greatest thinking.
∞ = 0. It is everything and nothing simultaneously. 0 is a circle-an enclosed space that feeds into itself. Infinity is zero collapsed, where nothing becomes everything. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction reducing All to 0. All numbers, all energy, all dimensions. The YOUniverse is infinite. Self-mastery is the application and transcendence of infinity, reaching the 0-dimension. The In. Finite. Point. In everything we do, we seek embodiment and expect to achieve a specific result. Be specific. Become limitless.
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The origin, or starting point, of a graph is also known as the point of intersection. A point where the x-axis, y-axis, and all quadrants meet.
All dimensions exist on the same plane, the first dimension (1D), and within the same point, the 0 dimension (0D), as demonstrated by infinity. Our inability to perceive mystical energy or entities stems from their exist in other dimensions beyond our comprehension. The unforeseeable exists outside of our third dimensional perception. Our minds, thoughts, feelings, spirit, etc. exist on different planes.
When you take a picture or video of the third dimension (3D), it is captured as a flat image observed 2 Dimensionally. Movies, for instance, are shown in 2D. When you turn that image on its side, it is a line or plane. That is the first dimension. Furthermore condensing it to a point, brings us to the 0 dimension. Multidimensionality is inherent; what exists is not absent, it is unseen or inconceivable. If you exist on point (3,2) in the graph that is physically (3D) all you know.
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Our minds transverse dimensions. When we close our eyes and see darkness, we are observing 0. Within we can see everything. This is known as astral (a star) traveling. However, opening our eyes reinstalls us into the 3D plane binding us to the laws of physics. It is possible to elevate our perception to see other dimensions with our physical eyes. However, this can lead to psychosis for beings accustomed to the 3D world. Its infinite nature reignites our genetic code(DNA), and we are bombarded with the real Truth. Reality. This rebirth, or revelation, prompts an overwhelming influx of knowledge putting us into a state of infancy where everything feels new, unfamiliar, and challenging to process causing a possible loss in consciousness.
We are creators. Our souls are creating everything we experience in other, alternate dimensions. Our mind is the messenger. Everything our brain’s experience is documented and delivered to the soul as an Instruction Manual. Our 3D vessel is the anchor, or origin point for the rope grounded to the Earth while our being occupies the cosmos. We are tethered to our creations, alternate realities, or dimensions and birth them into the 3D by tugging on, or embodying that energy. Eventually these dimensions, or planes, overlap and generate a 2D image, visualization, and as we experience life we identify them in the 3D as synchronicities or coincidence. We and our subsequent creations are bound to the Universal Laws that govern how our creation manifests in life.
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The name of the ‘Game of Life’ is self sufficiency. This includes self-awareness, self-discipline, emotional intelligence, positive, realistic thinking, goal setting, time management, and stress management. To achieve self mastery one must transverse the 7 dimensions, or chakras, within the One by: learning to think; learning to intuit; learning to feel; learning to do; learning to communicate; learning to lead; and learning to be. We evolved from nothing; therefore everything is accessible within. We have everything we need to succeed. How will you access it?
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signanothername · 6 months
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Besties who know nothing of personal space and social distancing when it comes to each other supremacy <3333
Also can i just say how so very happy yet so very sad Okuyasu makes me? How can this absolute sunshine have such an unfairly harsh life??? LET MY SON BE ALWAYS HAPPY
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So tempted to harm but must keep that 10 week streak. I can do it. I can make it to 3 months. I can do it…
There is hope. She gives me hope<3
(Kinda praying she doesn’t see this tho😭)
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prettieinpink · 1 year
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Hi lovelies! If you didn’t know, cortisol is the main stress hormone of your body. Cortisol is a good thing for our bodies, it manages how our body uses carbs, fats or proteins, keeps inflammation down, regulates your blood pressure, increases glucose, controls your sleep cycle and boosts energy for when you have high levels of stress.
However, your body can produce too much unnecessary cortisol which is when it can start taking a toll on us, leading to
Anxiety or depression
Heart diseases
Memory problems
Trouble staying focused
Digestive complications
Sleeping complications
Weight gain/loss
and more!
below the read more, there’s ways to lower and regulate our cortisol levels <3
getting adequate sleep
Prioritising and optimising our sleep is already beneficial for us, but it can help with lowering our cortisol levels. To make the most of your sleep, have an winding down routine, sleep and wake at similar times everyday, limit your caffeine intake(including soft drinks!) and reduce your screen time before you go to bed.
Moderate intensity exercise
Too intense exercise or no exercise, can increase the levels of cortisol but intense exercise usually has a temporary effect. It helps with managing our stress better and promotes better sleep which also helps with lowering your cortisol levels.
Practise deep breathing and meditation
This time to clear our minds, helps stimulates our resting & digest system in us. (Parasympathetic nervous system). You can do this wherever, whenever.
Eating a nutritious diet
Only you know what’s the best diet that suits your lifestyle, so I won’t say much about this, but make sure that you’re getting quality nutrition in your body.
Take your supplements
Make sure you talk to your doctor before taking any supplements! Before you consider taking any supplements, do some individual research first.
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skunkes · 3 months
why doesn't talon like looking young?
dis was gonna be in the little lore write up but i still have to iron out many details surrounding it ➡️ connecting to my general vampire lore....anyway the answer is abuse at the hands of higher rank vampires and mortal men who sought out young "boys" just like him + also he already hated that he would never get to age bc people would treat him weird even before all that (as in, they'd just treat him like he was stupid because he looks so young)
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kitten-forward · 11 months
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