#platonic or romantic however you choose to interpret it
cbsxreader · 2 months
You go to a car rally with the mercs! Pt.2
Pt.1 ; Pt.2
Notes: Gn!Reader, can be interpreted as romantic or platonic!
Doesn't get the hype about rallies. In his words, why would you want to purposefully want to risk getting hit with dust and rocks and damaging your hearing?
A real killjoy. You end up standing away from the front row, dust clouds barely hit you, in the shade, no junk food. Basically a dull experience just because of his neatness as a doctor.
However, if a crash happens, Medic is the first to jump to help. No matter how much security tries to stop him, he'll be there on scene.
If you want an autograph from the racers, he'll insist on patiently waiting in line. He's a mercenary, but as a medic, there are too many people there to create a fuss.
Even if you couldn't enjoy it, Medic insists that the day was great. And maybe you can convince him to buy a piece pf merch to remember the experience.
Isn't the biggest fan of rally, but doesn't mind if you want to go to one. He doesn't like all the people, the invasion of personal space in the front rows and the loud noises for something that's meant to be fun.
If the parking lot isn't too far, Sniper offers to sit on his camper's roof. It's clean, away from the crowd, and gives a good view of the track and cars. He can give you binoculars to watch the cars closer too.
Just watch out to not get heatstroke. He'll be fine, he's fine in the heat, but the scorching sun combined with a hot camper roof can get to a person.
Insists on bringing your own food. Sniper thinks that paying 2 dollars to have sauce on something is ridiculous and the fast food isn't too apetizing for him.
Be thankful he's not afraid to choose stray dirt roads to avoid traffic. Otherwise you'd be stuck behind a line of cars the rest of the day.
If you somehow convince him to join you to go to a rally, he acts like a VIP, period.
Spy has his own tent in which he hides from the shade and dust that comes his way. Sure, he sticks out like a sore thumb but that's the point.
Doesn't judge and judges at the same time if you decide to buy merchandise. On one hand, he spends thousands on suits, so he can't talk, but on the other hand, he doesn't understand if it's one of many rallies.
No fast food, obviously. Only his own brought meals and Spy might share if he feels pitiful enough for you after you get some overpriced fries for yourself.
Bribes the traffic control as the attendees leave to let him past first. People are confused when he just drives past them without a care in the world.
Btw you didn't miss anything, I did the Supports before the Defenses because I had more ideas for them
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bucksdaffy · 4 months
i mean i think it's fair to ask what show y'all are watching when you act like tommy's this amazingly well developed character and he and buck have this deep emotional connection lmao. the fact that people started shipping buddie by the end of 2x01 if not the second eddie showed up in buck's pov working out shirtless to 'whatta man' and nobody shipped bucktommy til that kiss should tell you which is the ship with an Actual instant attraction and emotional connection (on both sides) even if that first part was obviously unintentional and which is a random ship forced together for shock value that we're all supposed to cream ourselves over because of The Representation.
i can promise you no one acts like tommy is a well-developed character, and he and buck already share some deep emotional connection. what we do acknowledge, however, is the potential. and because plenty of people can see it, they simply choose to enjoy it.
people who started shipping buddie by the end of 2x01 ALSO only saw the potential. buck and eddie did not share any deep emotional connection by that point as well. what's funny is that eddie also wasn't a well-developed character yet too. but you don't seem to trash on people who started shipping them at that moment, why is that? if you want to criticize us, you should at least be consistent.
and also i'd argue there WERE people who started shipping (although perhaps "shipping" is too strong of a word so rather who did see something between) buck and tommy as soon as they shared this little moment at the end of 7x03. many people speculated if this was some kind of foreshadowing of a future relationship between the two of them. some even enjoyed the idea. so i don't think it's right to assume absolutely no one hoped for them to be canon before they kissed.
at the end of the day, the basic difference between buddie and bucktommy is that buddie is, and always has been, fanon, while bucktommy isn't. i'm really not interested in what little feelings of yours you assign to buddie. just because YOU think some moments between buck and eddie are romantic doesn't mean everyone thinks so. in fact many people interpret them as platonic. and that's the thing with buddie: there is no real evidence to prove their bond has any romantic elements to it. no acknowledgement of feelings, no kiss, nothing. neither buck nor eddie has canonically ever shown that one is romantically interested in the other. in canon they are just friends. and nothing you say will ever change that unless tim and co ultimately do decide to make them canon one day. until then i'm sorry to say it's all in your head.
you should realize that not everyone enjoys constantly reading into every interaction buck and eddie have to prove there are romantic implications between them. some people simply prefer having things laid out before them. it's honestly wild to me that you can't accept there are people who'd take canon over fanon any day. if you're angry because people don't see what you see while watching the show and instead enjoy what is actually happening on the screen, i think it's a sign for you to take a breather and focus on real world for a while.
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
So how about tooth fairy Jack frost Easter bunny and mr claus(sorry if do do him) with someone that represents karma and make bad things happen to terrible people.
Tooth fairy,Jack frost,Easter bunny/bunnymund and north with a karma reader
I have so many requests so I'm starting off with the requests that have the less characters bc they take me the less amount of time.
Of course you can,for this you will be chosen as a guardian because karma dosnt nescerally have someone who represents it so they just have to believe in karma and shit.
Also norths will be more platonic than romantic
Has been proof read
Ty for the request
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Tooth fairy
Shes kinda scared that you'll be something like pitch black
However once shes been explained to that you give people what they had coming she understands alot better
Despite her first interpretation shes actually very sweet
She sees you give a bully karma and she just smiles sweetly at you.
You and her come across each other every so often,usually it's because someone had their tooth taken out unwillingly(like someone punching someone or something)
She likes hanging out when shes not collecting teeth or just having some down time
You also explain to her that when you give someone karma they had it coming and deserved it
You like to hang out with her at the tooth palace(or whatever its called)
You have actually given abit of karma to pitch before
There have been times where you've had to put bunnymund and Jack in their place,she finds it funny whenever this happens
Her mini tooths love you to bits
Even when your not at the palace you'll always have a small group of them following you about
They like to make sure your okay and pick up teeth along the way
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Jack frost
Honestly hes kinda excited
A guardian of karma sounds excitciting
He probally wouldnt be surprised if he was one of the first to receive karma though
He asks you constantly why you give him karma,much like a kid who broke a vase then pretended they didnt do anything
Hes very clingy
Tries to get other people out of trouble by bribeing you
If hes ever done something that you need to give him karma for he'll try get out of it by sweet talking
If there one person he'll never stop you giving karma to its pitch
Infact he constantly whines to you about giving pitch more,even going as far as making things up
He likes putting his hand on your shoulder
Will start snow fights with you at random
He will definatly see you floating around during an unexpected storm
Your almost constantly busy so he dosnt get to much time with you
Because of this he will definatly start more frost days so you can spend a day off with him and enjoy the snow
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Bunnymund/Easter bunny
Hes mixed between two mindsets
Having another responsible guardian
Another Jack situation
He would definitely be surprised if he got any karma,its be a "I dont think I deserve this " even though he knows what hes done
Hes definitely got it easy after seeing the type of karma you gave to Jack though
Will ask if you can give karma to Jack,because he was playing with some of the elves....
He likes to hang out with you when your not doing anything in Easter island
He likes to give you personalized eggs as presents
Hes very protective of you especially when coming on the topic of pitch
Speaking of,bunny would definatly ask how much karma hes due,isnt surprised with the amount
You sometimes help him place the eggs around at Easter,its a fun activity for the day
Your the only one he'll ever allow to brush his fur,let alone touch it
Glares at Jack if he gets to close
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He trust the man in the moon,and so far manny hasnt been wrong in choosing his guardians
Hes also heard about you before so hes confident in manys choosing
Hes grateful that you seperate Jack and bunny alot,they can be quite tiring sometimes
Since you dont really have a realm or anything north let's you hang about in the workshop
The yetis and elvs love you
The elves will often climb on you or show you some of the toys
You help the yetis paint and make the toys every so often
He gives you one of the snow globes so if you cant make it back yourself you can just throw the globe
He acts very much like a father figure to you
Asking how your day was and what some of the people did etc
He was the one to reasure the others that you ment no Ill intention
You fit very well into the guardians
If north thinks you need a break he gives you a toy with a note with it
Let's you pet the reindeer
He allows you to watch the globe if your ever bored
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thinkingaboutfilm11 · 4 months
I don’t think there has ever been (and will ever be) another pairing in f1 where one of the drivers is as obsessed with the other as Ayrton was with Alain. I’m genuinely haunted by the knowledge that right before passing away Ayrton told Alain his biggest secret and that Alain is willing to take it to the grave — that’s what you call loyalty, but above all that’s love in his purest and deepest form (however you choose to interpret it, be it platonic or romantic). I have my own personal headcanon about what this big secret might have been, which would put a lot of things and situations into perspective (at least to me, of course).
I agree with you completley anon, I think that whatever they had was genuinley special and unique, and thats very evidant through the way Alain still speaks now. He says things like 'we HAVE a bond', 'the days I spent with him were the best of my life'- okay old man how about you say that about YOUR WIFE? Or your kids? Or all your other friends?
Its not really for me to speculate if the real Alain and Ayrton did have romantic feelings for each other BUT Ayrton sure did have a wierd, surface level attraction to women that he never was able to build a stable relationship off of. And Alain seems to get through wives and affairs faster than toilet paper. And they seemed to be the only constant in each other's lives.
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theoneprecioustome · 7 months
Aigis' S-Link: Platonic & Romantic Route
P3R (finally!) introduced the option to stay just friends with the girls, and Aigis wasn't the exception. I think there's a lot to be said about the way both routes were handled, especially in regards to the rooftop scene, so I wanted to share my thoughts about it while the game is still fresh in my mind lol
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First things first: No matter what route you pick, Aikoto truly are the cutest. Just look at them! Their bond is truly phenomenal regardless of how you choose to interpret it.
From what I've seen, the rooftop scene remains the same whether you romanced Aigis or not. Which is logical, because the rooftop scene has been the same since Vanilla, back when Aigis didn't even have a Social Link. It is not influenced by whether the player chose to romance Aigis or not, because it's mandated by the main story rather than by optional choices.
In other words, whether you choose to interpret it romantically or not, Makoto's bond with Aigis (and the strength of it) has never been optional.
That said, now that we have a "platonic" and a "romantic" route to compare, I feel like P3R makes it even more obvious that the rooftop scene we all know and love features an Aigis who is in love with Makoto rather than one that just sees him as a friend 😂
Beware of spoilers for the entire game and Episode Aigis - The Answer!
Let's begin chronologically. In P3R, you can avoid having to reject the girls by simply not giving them any reason to confess to you in the first place. For Aigis, this happens on Rank 8 of her social link, where we get this choice:
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If the player chooses to tell Aigis that what she feels for Makoto is just friendship, Aigis will accept it and focus on becoming Makoto's best friend (more on that later, because there's a lot to be said about that, too). If the player tells Aigis that what she feels for Makoto is love, Rank 9 and 10 of her Social Link happen just like they did in FES and P3P (unless the player rejects her, of course).
What is really interesting here though is the way the Social Link Cards choose to describe Aigis' mindset in each route. During the platonic route, we get a very general description telling us that Aigis has "shared her thoughts on the significance of finite things such as life..."
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Meanwhile, if you go for the romantic route, you get the following description:
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"She's decided to cast her doubt aside and share her true feelings with me..."
There's no description like that in her platonic route. This is also true of the way Aigis chooses to "confess" her wish to Makoto.
In the platonic route, Aigis says: "I have to tell you my feelings..."
While in the romantic route, she says: "Even if this wish of mine is to never come true... I still want to tell you my true feelings..."
So, the game itself describes Aigis' romantic feelings as her true feelings.
With that important distinction out of the way, let's go back to their platonic route:
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As you can see, it keeps the parts of Aigis' Rank 10 speech that (retroactively) tie it to the rooftop scene. The lines are just modified so they work in a platonic context. This is achieved by including the rest of SEES into the mix, and by having Aigis define herself as Makoto's "best friend".
However, aside from Aigis promising that she will always be by his side, there's no mention of Aigis wanting to protect Makoto, or of the fact that being by his side is what's most important to her. The Rank is focused on Aigis remembering Makoto and being able to carry her memories of him & SEES forever, and this is what is highlighted in its description.
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Now, let's compare this with the romantic route we've always known:
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And what do we see in the rooftop scene?
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Aigis echoes the same sentiments she expresses during her romantic S-Link, in which she is confirmed to be in love with him. Coincidentally, it is her Romantic S-Link's description that deliberately gives focus to Aigis' promise to be by his side in his last moments, even though this promise of hers is present in both routes:
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So I feel that the addition of this Platonic Route and its contrast to Aigis' usual S-Link has helped prove what most of us have been saying along: Aigis falls in love with Makoto through the course of the game, regardless of whether you do her S-Link or not 😭
It is not a coincidence that Aigis' speech to Makoto is very similar to Chidori's speech to Junpei. As I've mentioned before, the only thing missing is the "I love you", but Arena explains why Aigis refrained from saying it:
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Which begs the question, what about Makoto?
Unlike in FES, P3P and especially Vanilla P3, this time the player does have a choice as to whether Makoto reciprocates Aigis' feelings or not. If the player allows Aigis to confess to Makoto during her S-Link, they can even reject her outright.
That's why Makoto's behavior during P3R's rooftop scene stands-out even more than usual. After all, while some of Vanilla/FES Makoto's reactions to Aigis' weren't reproduced in P3R, his behavior towards her in the rooftop scene remained intact.
And the rooftop scene shows him being intimately close to her in a way that he isn't shown being to anyone else in the game.
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We see him laying in her lap, reaching out to wipe her tears away, smiling at her as she confesses that she wants to stay by his side. Most importantly, she is the very last thing he sees and yet he still passes away with a smile on his face, looking perfectly at peace.
When P3P gave players a choice as to who Makoto should have by his side during his last moments, this choice was described as being Makoto's "precious person". I'd argue that the way the rooftop scene is executed in P3R implies that Aigis is still meant to be that person for him, even in this new iteration of P3 where he is much closer to everyone in SEES.
Even if you choose the platonic route, the game makes sure to establish that Makoto and Aigis are supposed to be really close, to the point that she is the only one, out of the platonic social routes with the girls, that can be called his "best friend".
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If you choose "that's a beautiful wish", the scene ends the same way, with Aigis thanking him and declaring them best friends. So even in the platonic route, Aigis is established as being particularly close to Makoto.
So, technically the rooftop scene could work within that context, right? Aigis is Makoto's best friend, who just so happens to realize she's actually in love with him during the fight with Nyx. It fits and doesn't stop Makoto from being in love with whoever the player chooses for him.
But... whoever the player chose to date instead of Aigis isn't there, yet Makoto doesn't look like he misses them.
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Truth be told, he doesn't look like would rather be anywhere else than right there with Aigis lol
Another interesting little detail is that P3R itself tells you that whoever Makoto is dating is supposed to be his strongest bond. A bond that is "far stronger and different from the others."
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So even if Aigis is his best friend in the platonic version of her S-Link, whoever Makoto has feelings for is supposed to have an even stronger bond with him than her according to this.
And that doesn't quite add up with The Answer, where Yukari acknowledges that Aigis was the one who felt the strongest about Makoto (or even the one "closest to him", if you consider this official side-story as canon).
You know what does line up with The Answer, though?
"And the bond you share will deepen even more, entwining their fate with yours..."
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Aigis' is the one whose fate was inexorably tied to Makoto's, to the point that she gained his Personae (the ones that come from the sea within his soul), his Velvet Room and reached the same Answer to Life that he did.
(Granted, I'm basing all of this on The Answer as we know it. It is entirely possible that the P3R Team will rewrite it and come up with a new reason as to why Aigis gains Makoto's Persona, so that P3R SEES are all equally close to Makoto now 😂)
So personally, I'd say that just like Aigis' feelings for Makoto are the way they are regardless of player input, it's fairly easy to assume that the Makoto we see at the end of the game reciprocates her feelings regardless of player input as well 😭 But of course, this all just my opinion!
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fumifooms · 4 months
I think you made me start shipping Marchil
Your posts got me thinking about their dynamic then I wrote a fic that was supposed to be platonic but midway through I realized it could actually be interpreted as romantic too and now I'm just sad about how little time they'll have together
First of all, you have a lovely icon, second, I’m so honored… I finally read Not a bad way to go and it was soo so good like. My god!!! Pre-canon is underused and you did so many interesting things with it.
It sounded like a cruel joke, that the one who needed her concern the most was also the one least interested in it.
^^^ go read it go read it
Chilchuck was drunk enough that he needed to hold onto the walls not to fall, but apparently still sober enough to remember emotional vulnerability was his worst enemy, as he made sure to avert her eyes and said: “Namari made me come talk to you ” to make it clear he wasn't being nice voluntarily.
“Of course I'm scared of dying.” He scoffed. Did she really think so little of him? “But if I could choose, I would want to die doing something I love, like drinking. Or maybe fucking,”
Maybe you wish you didn’t know but my new favorite HC because of this is that Chil dies yes prematurely not of liver failure though but during coitus. Especially if marchil, the thought of him busting a nut and his heart giving out makes me laugh so hard. My god. Lmao. Oh god. Lmfao. Worst day of her life
Marcille knew Chilchuck wasn't a kid, but she often struggled to take him seriously as an adult because he was just so adorable and small. In this moment, however, she saw them exactly for what they were, even if it was just a glimpse. A sheltered, naive little girl trying to tell a tired, much more experienced man how to live the rest of his life.
Standing ovation
She tried to find an explanation to give him, but she couldn't even find one for herself. Why would she miss him? He was just Chilchuck, her coworker, Chilchuck who was cold, aloof, sometimes crass, evasive, and even outright mean. He who was level headed, reliable, trustworthy, perceptive and clever. He who had the least time left, even in a best case scenario. “I guess that despite your best efforts, there's still a lot to like about you.”
This fic goes so hard, standing ovation pt 2
“I just think it's better if we don't get too close. Don't you agree?” “I… maybe” she said, uncertain as he didn't know how to feel about that. Caring about people would only hurt her in the wrong run, she knew that, but unfortunately she couldn't help it.
I looove how they can be read to be similar on this aspect. My hand clenching around my phone as I rear up to rant about Marcille and the way she does keep people at an arm’s length subconsciously again my god my goood. Obsessed with this obsessed with this, underused for marchil. Terrified of loss through death vs rejection duo I love youuu
Brilliant ending I’m in shambles. I’m not gonna spoil it
You get marchil so much you truly do. The way they mesh, the way their views on mortality clash and both soothe & bruise… He doesn’t have much time left even in best case scenario (which Mr I won’t eat well I’ll drink and smoke a lot I’ll stress all day every day is determined to not make happen) which makes it all the more meaningful for Marcille’s arc when she learns from him to finally enjoy the present moments… It’ll only be a fraction of her life, but to him he’s giving her the rest of his life. What are some decades of love worth? Worth it, surely, if nothing else
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finalgirlwillbyers · 23 days
What do you think about the initial purpose of the paining? Did Will plan to give it as a platonic gift to try and reignite their friendship? Or was he (as some people think) going to tell Mike some kind of version of the van speech since he thought he already lost him and there is nothing else to lose? Thanks
The painting is a distillation of Will's affection for Mike. It's a peace offering after many months of minimal contact. It's essentially a "Hey, I haven't forgotten you. I missed you. You mean a lot to me. You're my best friend". Will exposed his heart a bit, leaving him vulnerable.
It's because of this vulnerability that Will changed his plan to gift the painting to Mike upon his arrival. Mike rebuffed Will's initial attempt of affection (a hug), which left him insecure about whether Mike cared for him at all. Consequently, Will dismissed the painting as "nothing" when asked by Mike. It appeared as if Will hoped for another opportunity to reconcile with Mike, however El's insistence and Mike's acquiescence that the day would just be about them two crushed that wish (and the painting).
Will is an introvert. He is also shy. Because he tends to internalize, it's important when he chooses to share how he truly feels. The when was always going to be the van, when Mike felt purposeless, insecure, and alone.
Interpreting the scene as a rehearsed monologue, rather than a spontaneous act of love, takes away from the beauty of the scene including Will's character. Quiet Will, who often lacks the words to express himself, freely expresses indignation over Mike's critical self-assessment.
Fitting the role of as the party's cleric, Will provides spiritual guidance to Mike, reorienting him towards self-realization instead of self-pity. He also exposes his bleeding heart, in order to consolidate Mike and El's fractured relationship. Will's painting and speech are more an expression of unconditional love, rather than strictly romantic or platonic love. Will loves Mike without limitations. While it causes him pain, it also empowers him to leave his shell.
"Losing Mike" was a consequence, not a motivator, of the speech. If Will thought there was "nothing else to lose," he wouldn't have masked his feelings as El's and would've told Mike he was gay. Will was still hiding these truths by the end of Stranger Things 4, a season in which the writers proved that Will and Mike were better together than apart.
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Hey can you maybe write the Om! Brothers (any you want) with a transmasc reader who is really dysphoric? If not that's fine!! Have a nice day :3
Beel, Mammon and Lucifer with a transmasc reader
Pairing: Beelzebub, Mammon and Lucifer x trans m!reader (separated)
Topics: gender dysphoria, kinda fluff??
Warning: I used he/him pronouns, if you want me to change them please let me know!! Also I made it more as a platonic/friendship but I think it can also be interpreted as a romantic relationship<3
Author’s note: hi!! I just picked my top 3 brothers, if you want anyone else you can request anytime🩷
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I feel like Beel has a naturally caring and empathetic personality. When he notices that m/n is feeling dysphoric, he becomes determined to uplift his spirits.
He would go out of his way to create a comforting environment, where m/n can feel safe and understood.
Beel might gently offer to cook his favorite meals, knowing that food can bring comfort during difficult times.
While sharing a meal together, he’d listen to m/n’s thoughts and emotions, offering a sympathetic ear without judgment.
When m/n expresses his struggles with dysphoria, Beel would assure him that he is valid and deserving of love and acceptance.
With a warm smile, Beel would remind m/n of the positive aspects of his identity, highlighting the unique qualities that make him special.
He might share anecdotes of his own self-discovery and acceptance, assuring them that it’s okay to have ups and downs during the journey.
Beel’s genuine support would offer m/n a sense of belonging and a reminder that he is valued for who he is.
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His reaction to m/n’s dysphoria might be uncertain.
However, once he understands the depth of their struggle, he would make a determined effort to show his unwavering support.
Mammon might stumble over his words at first, but he would want to let m/n know that he sees them as who they truly are, regardless of dysphoria. He’d use his preferred name and pronouns consistently, even correcting himself if he makes mistakes.
To help m/n feel more at ease, Mammon might plan fun outgoing or activities where he can temporarily escape his worries.
He’d encourage him to participate in games, laughing and enjoying themselves to distract from dysphoric thoughts.
Whenever he needs a boost, Mammon would shower him with compliments and reassurance, telling him how much he matters and how proud he is of his resilience.
As m/n’s trust in him grows, Mammon would offer to accompany him when he wants to explore his gender identity further. He’d be there to lend a listening ear and provide emotional support, understanding that everyone’s journey is unique and dysphoria doesn’t define his worth.
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Lucifer’s initial approach to m/n’s dysphoria would be to offer understanding and guidance.
He would create a space where m/n can express his feelings openly and honestly, without judgment.
Lucifer would research and educate himself about transmasc experiences, wanting to be well-informed and supportive. When discussing dysphoria, he would be patient and empathetic, encouraging m/n to articulate his emotions without feeling rushed.
Understanding the sensitivity of the topic, Lucifer would choose his words carefully, always using m/n’s preferred name and pronouns.
He would validate his feelings and remind him that dysphoria is a natural part of the journey, emphasizing that it doesn’t diminish his identity.
To help m/n cope with dysphoria, Lucifer might suggest various grounding techniques or relaxing exercises. He’s offer his assistance in finding resources if m/n needs them.
In moments of vulnerability, Lucifer would be a pillar of support, offering a comforting presence and a listening ear. He’d remind m/n that he has the strength to overcome challenges and that he’s there to assist him in any way possible.
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pomplalamoose · 8 months
Hey bae 🙏 do you think we could get something about turning sith!luke to the light side?💗
Hiii dear anon, thank you for your ask🩵
It's been a while since I received one and I'm sooo excited, especially since I get to talk about Sith!Luke, my beloved
I wasn't sure what exactly you wanted but I hope you like this discussion of possible scenarios anyways <33
• when it comes to turning Sith Luke back to the light, I think it really depends how and why he choose the dark side in the first place and what interpretation of him we're talking about
• if, for example, he turned during the original trilogy, you'd have to approach him differently than it would be the case if he grew up raised by Vader
• while his struggle to remain on the right path for himself and the galaxy is often highlighted in the movies and books, trilogy Luke never strays too far away from what Obi-Wan and Yoda taught him
• he certainly has his darker moments in which he considers everything he loves lost, but ultimately, even then, he'd rather sacrifice himself for the greater good than reach for the power Vader, and later the Emperor, offer him
• "Never. I'll never turn to the dark side"
• "Soon I'll be dead and you with me"
• so should he fall or, for whatever reason, deliberately make the decision to join the dark side, I see two possible ways in which this could turn out, his stubbornness and wish for justice and equity being one of the more important factors
• 1) he's convinced it's for the best and in favor of many
• it's hard to resist a seemingly easy solution in times of crisis, especially if it's offered in a tempting way and Luke is by no means unreceptive to manipulation
• however I do believe he'd realize his misconception rather quickly and so the most prominent thing keeping him from pursuing the light again wouldn't be his ignorance but his deep shame
• because of the weight he carries he's very hard on himself and no less so as a Sith
• consumed by the dark side he'd probably be less focused on improvement but on self doubt and hatred instead
• he may even go as far as to remain in this situation willingly as a way to punish himself
• not only would he think himself deserving of being miserable but also think it's for the better if he never comes near his loved ones again, afraid to hurt them
• here his stubbornness hurts him decidedly more than others because obviously there's still good inside of him, he just isn't allowing it to be there in favor of another misconception and self doubt
• ("I don't deserve to be around my family after what I did.", "Because what if I'm truly evil and don't know it?", "What if they fall victim to one of my mistakes and get hurt?")
• in this case it'd definitely be possible to make him see reason
• Luke is able to and eager to learn from the past, as well as adapt to a new point of view
• if he can believe it's for the best to join the dark side, he can believe the opposite once more
• it may need patience and coaxing, much affection, assurance and insistence but through your love (romantically as well as platonically) he'd be able to find himself again
• 2) his opinion of the galaxies political situation changes to such an extent that he's convinced his fall to the dark side is genuinely important in order to implement a just system
• I will be honest, I have no idea how that would even happen but let's stick with the idea anyways because we're taking about Sith!Luke here
• (maybe he was brainwashed???)
• in this scenario I imagine it to be rather difficult to make him reconsider
• not only is he now convinced of what he's doing is inherently good but also of the fact that the people not sharing his opinion have some devious plans to make those he's so set to protect suffer
• Luke firmly stands by what he believes in and while that is a wonderful attribute to have it's rather problematic when it's used for harm
• that man is ready to fight for his convictions and I see him defending them in a way similar to how he resisted the dark side in RotJ
• he's still Luke though and not stupid, I belive it still possible to reason with him especially if you're someone he admires or otherwise holds dear
• in order to get him to listen to you though you'll need time and patience to get under his skin
• now let's take a quick look at the interpretatiom of the Sith!Luke I write about
• to some extent he's still the same person as trilogy Luke but while they share certain traits, they turned out like opposites due to the circumstances they were exposed to during their lifes
• basically my Sith!Luke is a "What if Luke and Leia were raised with the dark side by Darth Vader"-version in which he grows up in a galaxy after the Empire defeated the Alliance and thus doesn't know anything about Jedi since they just,,,don't exist anymore
•(granted, this is a rather dark AU but I saw no other way in which Luke would act like he does in my fics, without any hope of him changing his ways)
• (there are of course works that discuss a different outcome, exploring Luke turning to the light side despite being raised as Sith, so it is of course a possibility if that's what he's set up to do)
• (I, however, like to center my Sith!Luke around the idea of just that being unthinkable since it's so far fetched and ooc for a person so full of light and good)
• (please keep that in mind when continuing to read, xx)
• this too is the only case in which I think it wouldn't be possible to turn him to the light side because the concept in itself is a foreign and outdated one
• it does exist, yes, and Luke is aware of it too, after all he's well studied and educated, has to be if he is to be the successor of his father
• but it is nothing that seems worth looking into further since the classical "fight" between good and bad is a thing of the past
• because while Luke may not agree with every political stance his family takes he knows he'll be the Emperor sooner than later, able to make changes as he likes
• in this regard, depending on the role you take on in his life, you might be able to slightly influence his decisions and/or his treatment of a certain group of people
• if you're important enough to him he'll listen to what you have to say, though he won't necessarily implement it into the system
• you are well advised to approach such attempts carefully though since you don't want him to suspect you of disregarding his status and position
• or, even worse, want to alienate him from his family and loved ones
• because no matter the universe, Luke would move worlds for those he cares for and accordingly (mainly Sith!Luke) grows easily suspicious when someone so much as questions their behavior, motives, etc. or insinuates to be against them
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tloupride · 4 months
The Last Of Us Pride Event: Calling All Fandom Creators
Are you involved in the TLOU fandom and have a creative hobby? Are you actively involved in the fandom and want to spread the positivity? Do you wish you could be more involved but don't know where to start?
If you answered yes to any of the above, or you're simply just curious about what a TLOU pride event could entail: the admins of this account (@consultingzoologist and @roselees) invite you to join in the fun ❤️🌈
This event encourages creativity of all types, and throughout the rest of Pride Month and beyond we will be providing themed prompts for the community to use. You're welcome to use as few or as many as you would like, and to interpret them however you see fit; the blog will also be open to submissions, and any prompt ideas are welcomed too!
Need ideas? Any creative response to the prompts would be lovely, but to name just a few examples:
Fanfics 📝 and Podfics 🎧
Whether you write long form works or exclusively one-shots, canon complaint or entire AUs - any of the prompts can be used for TLOU themed fan works.
Fanart 🎨
Do you draw digitally? Or do you hand paint your art? Either way - any of the prompts can be interpreted into art works, however you see fit.
Moodboards ✨️
A fandom classic and a lost tumblr art; how do the prompts make you feel? How would these translate into pictures?
Playlists 🎵
Like the above, what songs do the prompts make you think of? Compile a playlist of what pride in TLOU means to you, or maybe the vibes a certain character gives you.
Meta / Discussion 🤔
Maybe you just want to discuss the relationship between pride and the plot of the game, or the importance it has within the show; whatever the prompt makes you think of, we'd be happy to hear it!
Headcanons ✒️
Do you have headcanons to do with pride and the show? Now is the perfect time to share!
Of course all of these are just a guideline, if you have any other ideas to fulfill the prompts, we'll be happy to see them!
All shared fan works should be tagged with '#tlou pride exchange', and they'll be reblogged and shared here. Let's spread some more positivity within the community, and celebrate all of our brilliant creators! ❤️
(The work doesn't have to have been made exclusively for this event, either. If you have a queer themed fanwork for TLOU you want to share, regardless of when it was made, just tag us for a reblog!)
And now for the prompts...
Coming out
Queerplatonic relationship
Platonic soulmates: what platonic relationships from canon are meaningful to you?
Domestic bliss: write a fic or draw some art about your favourite pairing, romantic or platonic, enjoying some much deserved peace.
Queer romance
Queer joy
Found family: would it be Pride Month without the family we choose? Maybe talk about the meta of the trope, or your favourite instance within canon. Or how it comes into play in an AU.. the possibilities are endless!
Rarepairs: pick a pairing you wouldn't normally write/edit for, and see where the inspiration takes you! Maybe you only write TessJoel... why not try your hand at Ellie/Dina? Or perhaps you want to engage with a new platonic ship; why not take two characters that barely interact in canon, and see how it unfolds? What would happen if Joel had met Anna? How about Sarah and Ellie?
Gender identity: exactly what it says on the tin.
Pride Meta: What does queerness in The Last of Us mean to you? How does it contribute to the story?
"Nature held me close": Based on the quote from Leslie Feinberg, how does nature and queerness come together?
Pride AU: whether it be canon divergent or a modern AU, go nuts!
Remix: create some fanart, or a playlist, or even an edit for your favourite queer fic, old or new!
Music: create a fanwork based around your favourite queer anthem - bonus points if its canon complaint to the show (released before September 2003) or the game (September 2013)!
Of course, all of these are just guidelines and by no means have to be strictly adhered to, let your creativity run wild! We're excited to see what you make, and be sure to share them under the tag so we can reblog and spread the positivity further ❤️
Any comments, ideas, or want to submit a prompt of your own? Send it our way!
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tss-anxceit-week · 1 year
The time has come...
...for spooky season, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, orange leaves and windy storms. And, lest we not forget:
The arrival of the prompts for Anxceit Week 2023!
Thank you all for your wonderful submissions; I hope these pairs of prompts will help inspire you.* 💜💛
Day 1 (Nov. 12): Close & Distant
Day 2 (Nov. 13): Eyes & Apples
Day 3 (Nov. 14): Trust & Betrayal
Day 4 (Nov. 15): Free Day!**
Day 5 (Nov. 16): Home & History
Day 6 (Nov. 17): Kiss & Make Up
Day 7 (Nov. 18): Lies & Promises
*Like I mentioned above, these prompts are first and foremost meant as tools to spark your inspiration. You are free to interpret the prompts however you like, choose either one or both, incorporate them in any degree you wish.
**As the name suggests, you are free to choose whatever prompt you like on Day 4! Go wild! Need ideas? Perhaps some of these honorable mentions from the submissions can inspire you: Lantern, Denial, Web, Photoshoot, Past/Future, Shedding, Nightfall, Sewing, Capes.
As for some final announcements, please keep the rules below in mind:
Tag this blog (@tss-anxceit-week) and/or include #anxceitweek2023 in your post when you submit something. That will help me make sure I reblog all the Anxceit content being made for this week.
Artwork of any kind is welcome! Art, writing, playlists, crafts, animation, poetry - you name it, we'd love to see it!
This is a SFW event. Please be aware that NSFW content will not be reblogged here to keep this space available to as many as possible.
As long as Anxceit is the main focus, you are allowed to include polyships featuring Janus and Virgil as well. And further on that note, the ship can be celebrated in any nature: platonic, familial, romantic, etc.
Don't feel obligated to partake in every single day. Whenever you are able/willing/inspired you are free to join, but take care to not overwork yourself.
And most importantly of all: have fun! I am so thrilled to see what you all will come up with and it's an honor to organize this event for the community here. Feel free to send me an ask if you have any questions or comments!
See you sssssssoon...
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augenblicklich-lila · 2 years
cod incorrect quotes #1
First post on this account! And it's about CoD. If you told me that a few months ago, I would've laughed in your face. Alas, I do not choose the hyperfixation, it chooses me, and boy, am I glad it did!
I was super bored one night and these are the result. I literally have so many of these. Too many. Probably.
Mainly Y/N stuff, platonic and romantic. Also has some Soapghost and Alerudy because I just love them a lot, okay? I think I kept most of this gn. Feel free to interpret however you like, this is just here for enjoyment and funsies! So enjoy :D
・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.✭・♛ ♛ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ━━✫・*。 ⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーーJ   °。+ *´¨)
Y/N: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it. Ghost: Just rip the bandage off. Y/N: It’s Soap. Ghost: Put the bandage back on.
Ghost: What, in the name of sanity, have you got on your head? Alejandro: It's a fez, I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool. Soap: snatches the fez, throws it in the air Ghost: shoots it
Soap: Tell me something dirty Y/N: Your kitchen
Price: You have an impressive pain tolerance. Y/N: Thanks, it's the trauma.
Ghost: I’ve only had Y/N for a day and a half but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Y/N: Don’t worry, I have a permit. Ghost: …This just says “I can do what I want”.
the Squad at Disneyland, in the teacups Ghost, Price, König, and Rodolfo: spinning a little and talking Alejandro, Gaz, Soap, and Y/N: flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming
Ghost: If you got arrested what would be the charges? Gaz: Theft. Soap: Disturbing the peace. Alejandro: Aggravated assault. Rodolfo: Arson. Y/N: All of the above. In that order, probably (I THINK I SHOULD FEEL BAD FOR RODOLFO'S BUT IT IS HOW IT IS)
Soap: What's worse than heartbreak? Rodolfo: Waking up in the morning and your phone wasn't charging. Alejandro: Waking up in the morning. Ghost: Waking up. Y/N: Waking up in the morning… Y/N: And seeing Gaz. Gaz: Hey! Rude!!
Gaz: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Price and Ghost's convo? Y/N: Me. I'm in the laundry basket. Alejandro: I'm in the washing machine. Soap: I'm in the closet. Y/N: We accept you Soap. <3 Soap: No I'm literally in the closet. Y/N: Love is love. <3
Squad reactions to being called straight: Ghost: The fuck, no I'm not. Alejandro: Excuse the hell out of you? Soap: Ding dong, you are wrong! Gaz: Who told you that? And why did they lie? Rodolfo: Rude. Y/N: punches the person
Y/N: Soap is so… Ghost: Annoying? Rodolfo: Cute? König: Funny? Gaz: Weird? Y/N: I don't know, maybe if y'all let me FINISH for ONCE IN MY LIFE, I'd tell you!
Alejandro: The floor is lava! Ghost: helps Y/N onto the counter Gaz: kicks Soap off the sofa König: lays on the floor Rodolfo: …Are you okay? König: No.
The squad's reaction to being told they're the chosen one Price: I will not let you down. Soap: Sounds fun. Gaz: K. Y/N: No, I'm fucking not. Rodolfo: Do I have to be? König: Please god, I am so tired.
Ghost: When was the last time you cried? Y/N: Uh, like 15 minutes ago, why?? Ghost: really? That recent? Y/N: Yeah voice crack is that an issue? starts crying again
・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.✭・♛   ∧_∧ (。・ω・。)つ━☆・*。 ⊂   ノ    ・゜+. しーJ   °。+ *´¨) “Hie thee home, little wanderer.”
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genshin-obsessed · 1 year
Can you write reader being comforter by diluc (and anyone else you'd like) after they were rejected by their crush. Ya home girl was rejected 😞
Oh no! I'm sorry! You best believe Diluc would be there comforting you (and probably slightly happy that you were still single if you wanna go the romantic route) This can be interpreted however way you like. You can choose whether you want it to be romantic or platonic ^w^
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"Well there's no point in crying." Diluc said with a sigh as he rubbed your back while you practically sobbed on his couch.
"H-how could th-they?!" You cried, using more tissues to wipe your eyes. Diluc kept silent as he just waited it out. There wasn't anything he could really even say to make you feel better, so he just opted to stay quiet.
It took a good five minutes for you to finally calm down enough so that Diluc could actually talk to you. In a way where you'd actually be able to understand and process his words instead of getting more upset.
"Look, it's not the end of the world. You're a young, beautiful, and kind person. You don't need them to confirm it. So what if they said no. You don't need to cry this much." He said as he dabbed his knuckle under your eyes to dry the lone tear that slipped. "You'll find someone else."
"Who else?" You asked, looking at him with your glossy eyes. Diluc looked away for just a moment and contemplated his words before looking back.
"The person you're meant to be with."
"But... what if I don't?" You asked with a sniffle. "What if I'm not meant to be with anyone?"
"I highly doubt that's possible, but so what? You don't need a spouse or partner to be happy. You can be happy without one. Your world doesn't need to revolve around a relationship." He explained, making you look down at your lap. You were... overly upset. You just really liked this person and to be rejected was both upsetting and humiliating. But Diluc was right.. there were plenty of people out there and even if you weren't meant to be with someone then... you didn't need a person to love to be happy. Besides, you were young and this was probably just because you got your heart broken. There had to be someone else out there for you.
"Are you sure?" You asked, looking up at him. "Th-that I'll find someone?"
Diluc offered you a smile- one of his rare ones and nodded. He had absolutely no doubt in his mind that you'd find someone. And he already had someone in mind.
"Someone like you is destined to be with someone just as amazing."
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jaystephevents · 1 year
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JaySteph Weekend
August 11-13, 2023
Official Prompts List!!
It’s no April Fool’s! Our official prompts list is here!
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Friday, August 11 - Helping Bathe / Ride or Die / Book Club
Saturday, August 12 - Wearing Each Other’s Colors / Hand in Unlovable Hand / Annoying Bruce
Sunday, August 13 - Kissing for a Mission / Hair / PTSD
Please reblog to help spread the word !!
❤️💜Event Details💜❤️
❤️ You can use just one prompt per day or a combination.
💜 You can create for just one day, or two or three. (And of course, multiple works per day are allowed.) Late works are always welcome!
❤️ You may interpret the prompts as broadly or creatively as possible! Additionally, you may create for any AU, and any gender/race/orientation Jason and Steph. (We do encourage you to consider the why’s of switching a female character to male when there are so few fleshed-out canon females, but it’s not prohibited.)
💜 Almost all types of fanworks are allowed - fanfic, fanart, incorrect quotes, mood boards, play lists, edits, memes.
❤️ This is an event to create brand new fanworks that celebrate Jason Todd and Stephanie Brown as a couple - whether platonic, romantic, or NSFW. All works must be JaySteph-centric and related to one of the day’s prompts.
💜 This is a ship-friendly, censorship-free event open to all. We will have a very clear tagging system in place for all ships (including side ships) and dark content so that people can filter out what they don’t want to see from the main blog. We truly want the event to be accessible for everyone regardless of their personal tastes or triggers.
❤️ Due to JaySteph’s rarepair status, we don’t allow poly-JaySteph ships in order to keep the event’s focus exclusively on Jason and Steph’s relationship with each other. However, you are welcome to use poly relationships in side ships. DC Make It Poly Week is a great July event where you can feature all your JayStephPoly ships while spreading the JaySteph agenda love.
💜 Be sure to read the Event Rules and FAQs for all the nitty gritty details.
❤️ Work for JaySteph Weekend must be brand new, however you can combine it with any other fandom events if possible. For example, you can choose an August Year of the OTP prompt AND a JSW prompt to use in the same work, or combine a fandom Bingo fill with a JSW prompt. You can’t drop JSW work early, however, so hang onto it until our own event dates!
💜 Send us an Ask with any questions!
@dc-fandom-events @fuckyeahjaysteph
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nieded · 10 months
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Back in February of this year, I preordered the official Good Omens Tarot Deck & Guide Book. I think, originally, it was supposed to come at the end of October. It finally arrived today!
It comes with a full 78-card deck. I'll include pictures and thoughts of the major and minor arcana below the cut, though since I'm just exploring it, my first inclinations are pretty surface level. Overall, I think this is a beautiful deck worthy of anyone who enjoys tarot or just good art.
The Major Arcana
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First and foremost, I am bummed that they changed The Lovers to The Duo. Granted, at the end of season 2, Crowley and Aziraphale aren't lovers, so it does make sense, but 'Duo' just feels a little weak. In the standard Rider Tarot Deck, The Lovers can represent love in general, romantic desire, or seeking wholeness depending on how and where you draw the card.
Interestingly enough, the guide book does refer to Aziraphale and Crowley as The Lovers, so I think it's a cop out not to have it written on the card itself! I have a feeling that The Duo/The Lovers was a late edit. Either it was meant to be The Lovers originally, and it got edited out, or vice versa, it started out as The Duo and then they changed it after Season 2. Here's what the guidebook as to say:
"Upright: You're glowing! You've made a marvelous connection with someone. Things feel--dare you say--magical. Whether this connection is a close friendship or romantic relationship, it's clear that destiny has brought you together. The Lovers card also carries with it an element of choice. Will you choose to stay in this heavenly partnership despite any and all hellish complications? Or will you give in and let outside forces succeed in driving you apart?
Reversed: A once-heavenly connection has crashed back down to earth. You're feeling out of step with someone who means a great deal to you, and you're wondering whether patching things up is worth the effort. Perhaps you have simply grown apart. After all, some people just aren't meant to stay in your life forever. A bit of soul-searching will reveal whether you should double down on your efforts and recommit to this person or move on."
If you draw a reversed card, it typically focuses on the negative aspects of a card. It doesn't always exactly mean the opposite of the upright card. I think we've seen numerous times in canon when Crowley and Aziraphale aren't sure of each other and have to recommit, so I do think both of these descriptions are fitting.
Other thoughts: I love the choice to make Nanny Ashtoreth and Brother Francis represent Temperance, and I find it particularly interesting that Crowley is The Hermit, especially after seeing him in the Job minisode as Bildad. He's just a demon who goes along with Hell as far as he can, and it is lonely. Being a hermit, however, can be a good thing, representing someone who is staunch in their convictions and comfortable going against the flow.
My two favorites in the major arcana are Aziraphale as The Star and Crowley and Aziraphale as The World.
The Minor Arcana
The Good Omens major arcana does not deviate much from the Rider Tarot Deck, but the minor arcana is where it gets interesting! Traditionally, the minor arcana is divided into four suits: wands, cups, swords, and pentacles, each with their own general theme. The Good Omens deck divides it into: angels, vessels, demons, and the humans.
After comparing the two decks, I have hard time linking the suits together. If I had to guess, I would assume they correspond like this:
wands = humans: linked to the fire and is represents creativity and passion.
cups = vessels: emotion and relationships (romantic and platonic), intuition
swords = angels: logic and reason, cutting through illusions,
pentacles = demons: tangible reality, substance
I don't know how accurate this is. Wands and Pentacles could possibly swapped, or more likely, we need to interpret the deck not based on the Rider Tarot Deck, but on the GO universe. So with that said, let's jump into my first impressions.
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Immediately, I suspect that when the tarot deck went on presale, it did not have season 2 in mind since the major arcana features nothing significant from season 2. Starting with the Angels, however, we immediately have season 2 characters including Muriel and Saraqael! And the Metatron takes center stage as The King of Angels.
Interestingly, Aziraphale appears in a solo card three times, and again with Mr. Dalrymple, the surgeon from The Resurrectionist mini episode. This will be relevant for later.
My favorite card is IV of Angels, which represents celebration.
"Upright: The IV of Angels represents milestones and celebrations. Whether you're turning another year older, you're preparing for a reunion, or you've just narrowly managed to save the world from Armageddon, it's clear that a little fete is in order. Take Aziraphale's example by tucking into your favorite celebratory sushi dish and pour yourself a glass of bubbles. You deserve it."
The Vessels
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I am certain that The Vessels represent emotion, as every card in the guidebook focuses not on the characters or events of each illustration, but emotions of the moment. This is the closest correlation I could find to the Rider Tarot Deck, and well, the name also gives it away.
My two favorite cards might be The King of Vessels with Shadwell's ridiculous finger and X of Vessels, featuring the Garden of Eden.
X of Vessels:
"Congratulations! Hallelujah! Your prayers are being answered. Whether you've hoped or prayed for an idyllic, perfect paradise of a home, true love, or something more mundane, the X of Vessels represents a wonderfully favorable outcome. Rejoice and enjoy!"
The Demons
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Hey, remember how I said it was interesting Aziraphale had three solo cards in The Angels suit? Crowley has ZERO in the Demons suit. He shares a card with Shax in the II of Demons. And remember, before you point out the IV of Demons, that is not Crowley. It's Aziraphale! This card is literally about luxuriating in a bath and treating yourself, and I'm finding not every card has a good correlation to the plot of Good Omens, but that's to be expected with 78 illustrations. This scene has a lot of potential for interpretation, however, and I wish it had been used better. But back to my original thought... Crowley is not considered a demon based on this deck.
Also interestingly, two cards feature the Four Horsemen, War in the Queen of Demons and the tools of the Four Horsemen in the III of Demons. Crowley and Aziraphale can't remember whose side they're on in canon, deeming them 'independent contractors,' but Minerva Siegel and Luthien Leerghast certainly felt they were more on the side of evil than 'good.'
Three of Demons:
"It's an unfortunate fact that even the best-laid ineffable plans fall through sometimes. Though you're feeling betrayed and disappointed, this heartbreak won't last forever. Give yourself the time you need to grieve this loss."
Yeah, you know, the more I think about it, I definitely think the Demons = Pentacles.
The Humans
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Last, but not least, we have The Humans suit. It features a wonderfully diverse cast of main and side characters like Sister Mary Loquacious and RP Tyler. Obviously, Adam is The King of Humans, but I absolutely love that Elspeth is featured here. HOWEVER:
There is an error in the book here. The book swaps the pictures of Elspeth and Mrs. Henderson, and now I'm not sure who is supposed to be who!
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Before I read the guidebook, I thought for sure Elspeth would make a perfect Knight of Humans, but Minerva Siegel has described her as the Page of Humans despite the card being mislabeled.
I have to look at the deck more closely, but this is the first misprint I've found.
Either way, the art is gorgeous, and I'm going to have a lot of fun looking through this deck. I probably won't use it much, however, because I don't want it to get damaged. I love collecting tarot for the art and different interpretations, and I'm super excited to add this to my shelf!
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thelunarsystemwrites · 7 months
Infectious Love Tale masterpost.
Summary: After Dream does some real stupid necromancy, he accidentally starts the zombie apocalypse. Somehow though, that's not relevant to the story... What IS important, is that Lust was bitten, yet... he's not like the rest, he's way more aware, emotional, and caring... Maybe, he is the hope the multiverse prayed for? Blue sure thinks so. (Queer platonic/romantic Lustberry AU, you choose how to interpret it!)
All the Infectious Love Tale (ILtale for short) content at your fingertips!
This AU was HEAVILY inspired by @shadowy-suitcase-herring-neck infection AU, (No, seriously, this AU would not exist without them!) which can be found here! And I HEAVILY recommend you check out their various creations!
It was also inspired by "Stephanie Mabey - The Zombie Song (Lyric Video)" Which can be found here!
DOCUMENTS: Short one-shots of mostly Dream documenting the sentient infected, Lust! However there may be entries of other nature.
Entry 0.1
Entry 0.2
Entry 0.3
Entry 0.4 - UNAVAILABLE.
Entry 0.6
Entry 0.9
FICS: Stories of the survivors! (and the not so lucky)
That was reckless...
Ways to show affection from an infected.
LORE DUMPS: Posts explaining plot, roles, character status, etc!
Dream's biggest mistake.
How the infected work?
Status update.
The two moods of Infectious love tale.
Infectious Love Tale: how everything gets worse.
Infectious Love Tale: Yanberry (TW: S.A and talk of disease being transmitted!)
ART: Yup! This AU has art!
Infectious Love Tale - Lust.
infectious Love Tale - Lust's sketch.
I just want my brother back, can't you understand that!?
Infectious Love Tale - Dream.
Infectious Love Tale - Nightmare.
Infectious Love Tale - Scrapped Blue design.
Infectious Love Tale - Blue.
COMICS: Yup, there might be short comics for this AU!
Waffles - Uncoloured.
Waffles - Coloured edition!
FANWORKS: If you ever make fan art of this AU, or writing, theories, you can ask them to be displayed here!
(Currently empty)
ASKS: Any asks relating to the AU will be put here, making your questions better known!
What if Lust WASN'T infected?
Out of 1 - 10, how much is your new AU based off the zombie song? ^^
Infectious Lust tale, what's the worst thing they've done to survive?
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