#prevents inflammatory disease
marccurelab · 2 years
Calvit CT Tablet | Buy strip of 10 tablets at best price in India | Marccure
Calvit CT plays a vital role in bone growth and development.  It prevents a low level of calcium in the body and makes your body relax which is adequate for growth & development. It contains calcium citrate which is used to treat conditions caused by low calcium levels such as bone loss (osteoporosis), weak bones (osteomalacia/rickets), decreased activity of the parathyroid gland (hypoparathyroidism), and certain muscle diseases (latent tetany).
The zinc and magnesium compound makes the immune system strong , gives  better metabolism and prevents inflammatory disease.
Use of calvit CT:
It is used to maintain bone density.
Also used for calcium deficiency in the body.
Prevent osteoporosis.
Makes bones strong.
Increased the activity of thyroid gland.
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hussyknee · 1 year
Idk if there's enough people talking about what a gigantic energy drain Complex PTSD is. It's not just one single traumatic event, it's having lived in a traumatic situation for a long time. And in the case of child abuse, your entire formative life period. Everything is a trigger, anxiety is your default, and your brain keeps trying to keep you safe by yelling at you about everything you're doing "wrong", which will lead to pain. Your brain is a constant war zone, braced for attack, rarely relaxed, at least some part of you always hypervigilant. The stress it takes on your body is insane. It's why trauma is linked to autoimmune issues, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and, according to one study, cancer.
Physical disability leaves you even more vulnerable and less able to live up to the impossible standards of control and "correct" behaviour your brain insists on, not to mention the free gift given to all patients of chronic illness that is medical gaslighting and patient-blaming, all of which simply compounds the trauma. Reduced physical and mental health obviously leads to systemic risk factors such as inability to pursue academic and professional qualifications, poverty and financial struggle, malnutrition, becoming unhoused or bad living conditions, exacerbated medical issues and further lack of medical resources, reliance on welfare and care networks, and becoming trapped in codependent, abusive or toxic relationships. The knock-on effects are endless.
This is all to say— if you're wondering why you can't seem to do more than the bare minimum every day when you haven't been diagnosed with a physical illness, or you're "not that disabled", or you think your symptoms are "just psychosomatic" (which means your brain is under so much intolerable stress that it's started taking a chair to the windows and destroying the furniture just to get you to NOTICE AND MAKE IT STOP): the answer is that your body is actually struggling under the kind of stress that kills trained soldiers and disables them for life. So stop trying to convince yourself that you're just not trying hard enough when what you really, desperately need to get your life on track is community, care, rest and ease.
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drforambhuta · 8 months
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In recent times, the incorporation of CA 125 into comprehensive full-body health examinations has gained popularity as part of a proactive approach to monitoring overall well-being. While CA 125 is well-known for its association with ovarian cancer, its inclusion in broader health assessments extends its usefulness beyond specific cancer screenings.
1. Early Detection of Gynecological Cancers: One of the primary advantages of integrating CA 125 into full-body health checkups is the potential for early identification of gynecological cancers. Elevated CA 125 levels may not only suggest ovarian cancer but also act as an alert for other gynecological malignancies like endometrial or fallopian tube cancers. This holistic approach enhances the likelihood of detecting these cancers in their early stages, enabling timely intervention and improving treatment outcomes.
2. Monitoring Reproductive Health: Beyond cancer detection, CA 125 plays a role in monitoring reproductive health. For women facing conditions such as endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease, heightened CA 125 levels could offer valuable insights into the health of reproductive organs. Regular inclusion of CA 125 in health checkups enables a more comprehensive assessment of reproductive well-being, aiding in the early identification of reproductive health issues.
3. Indirect Indications of Inflammation and Other Conditions: CA 125 is not exclusive to gynecological concerns; its elevation can also be linked to inflammatory conditions and other noncancerous health issues. Including CA 125 in full-body health checkups provides a broader perspective on inflammation within the body, potentially indicating underlying health conditions such as liver disease or inflammatory disorders. This indirect insight enhances the diagnostic value of a full-body health assessment.
4. Holistic Approach to Cancer Prevention: Comprehensive health checkups aim to offer a holistic view of an individual's health, and the inclusion of CA 125 aligns with this goal. By monitoring CA 125 levels alongside other health parameters, healthcare professionals can adopt a holistic approach to cancer prevention. Identifying potential risk factors early allows for tailored preventive measures, such as lifestyle modifications and targeted screenings, contributing to an individualized healthcare strategy.
5. Psychological Well-being and Patient Empowerment: The incorporation of CA 125 in full-body health checkups not only serves clinical purposes but also contributes to psychological well-being. For individuals with a family history of ovarian cancer or other gynecological conditions, the regular monitoring of CA 125 levels provides a sense of empowerment and control over their health. Knowledge and early detection empower individuals to actively engage in their healthcare journey.
6. Collaborative Care and Informed Decision-Making: Collaboration between patients and healthcare providers is crucial for effective healthcare. Including CA 125 in full-body health checkups fosters a collaborative approach to care. Informed decision-making becomes possible as patients and healthcare professionals work together to interpret CA 125 results in the context of overall health, allowing for more personalized and targeted healthcare interventions.
7. Research and Advancements: The integration of CA 125 into full-body health checkups contributes to ongoing research and advancements in the field. The data collected from these comprehensive assessments, including CA 125 levels, can inform research on the interplay between biomarkers, overall health, and specific conditions. This continuous feedback loop supports the evolution of healthcare practices and diagnostic strategies.
There are many good hospitals in Bangalore that offer health checkup packages for females and include CA 125 test, such as a full body health checkup at Manipal Hospital Sarjapur Road in Bangalore.
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jasonpdoherty37 · 1 year
The Healthy Genius Podcast #1 Unlocking Longevity
Unlocking Longevity: The Okinawa Diet and the Secrets to a Centenarian Life Welcome to The Healthy Genius Podcast, where we explore fascinating topics related to health, wellness, and longevity.In today’s episode, which is our first, titled Unlocking Longevity: The Okinawa Diet and the Secrets to a Centenarian Life,we dive into the remarkable Okinawa Diet, renowned for its association with long…
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truth4ourfreedom · 3 months
The study was published in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science.  LET'S TALK ABOUT IVERMECTIN 1 – Ivermectin prevents the damage caused to RNA Vaccines.  2 – Ivermectin blocks the entry of Spike Protein into cells.  So, if the person was vaccinated with COVID, they have hope, they have a way to treat themselves through Ivermectin.  3 – Ivermectin is a treatment after Covid and after vaccination, it is an effective medicine in all phases of Covid 19, even before entering the cell, Ivermectin already destroys the virus in the blood.  It only has beneficial effects and no harmful effects in the treatment of the coronavirus.  4 – Ivermectin has a very powerful anti-inflammatory action against Coronavirus.  5 – Ivermectin has a powerful action for traumatic and orthopedic injuries, it strengthens muscles and has no side effects like corticosteroids.  6 – Ivermectin treats autoimmune ailments such as: rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, Crohn's disease, allergic rhinitis.  7 – Ivermectin reduces the frequency of flu and colds.  8 – Ivermectin improves the immunity of cancer patients.  9 – Ivermectin treats Herpes Simplex and Herpes Zoster.  10 – Ivermectin reduces the frequency of sinusitis and diverticulitis.  11 – Ivermectin protects the heart in cardiac overload, in an embolism for example, it prevents cardiac hypoxia because it stimulates the production of basic energy so that the tissue is not destroyed and thus improves cardiac function.  12 – Ivermectin is antiparasitic.  13 – Ivermectin is anti-neoplastic (anti-cancer), it suppresses the proliferation and metastasis of cancer cells, only killing cancer cells and preserving healthy cells, improving the effectiveness of chemotherapy treatment, as it kills cancer cells resistant to chemotherapy, defeating the resistance to multiple chemotherapeutics that tumors develop, and combined with chemotherapy and/or anti-cancer agents, it provides an increase in the effectiveness of these treatments.  14 – Ivermectin is antimicrobial (bacteria and viruses), and increases immunity.  15 – Ivermectin reaches the Central Nervous System and regenerates the nerves.  16 – Ivermectin regulates glucose and insulin metabolism.  17 – Ivermectin regulates cholesterol metabolism.  18 – Ivermectin reduces liver fat in steatose.  19 – Ivermectin protects the liver exposed to insecticides.  20 – Ivermectin attacks the virus wherever it is, regardless of mutations.  21 – Ivermectin serves for the prevention and treatment of coronavirus, surprisingly.  Unproven efficacy is not of Ivermectin, but of vaccines.  22 – Ivermectin, used as a prophylactic agent, was associated with a significant reduction in infection, hospitalization and mortality rates due to COVID-19.  23 - Ivermectin does not attack the liver, since it is not metabolized in it, and if in the intestine, on the contrary, it protects the liver. 
Please read, save and re-blog before Tumblr takes this down.
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kbkherbals · 2 years
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reality-detective · 5 months
Do you Love making natural remedies?
Did you know that you can easily make this powerful remedy at home?
you will only need :
• 1 orange 🍊
• 1 Lime 💚
• 1 Lemon 🍋
• Onion skin (From 1 🧅)
• Big chunk of ginger 💛
• 5 willow leaves 🍃
• 1/2 tsp Turmeric 🧡
• Pinch of black pepper 🖤 (to activate Turmeric)
• More than pinch of Chilli pepper 🌶
1. Drop them all into a pot
2. Pour in water so all ingredients are under water
3. Steep for 15-20 mins
And you done ✅
Drink 1-2 cups daily
Good in fridge for up to a week+
Benefits of :
Orange 🍊 :
The vitamin C in it can help :
• Protect your cells from damage
• Helps your body make collagen.
Lime 💚 & Lemon 🍋:
• Consuming limes or drinking the juice may improve immunity
• Reduce heart disease risk factors
• Prevent kidney stones
Onion skin 🧅 :
• The skins of onion provides an excellent source of vitamins A, C, E, and numerous antioxidants.
• They're also a rich source of flavonoids, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Ginger 💛 :
• Has powerful components that lower blood sugar levels and prevent heart disease
• Eating ginger every day can regulate the production of insulin in patients with diabetes.
Willow bark 🍃 :
• Has been used throughout the centuries in China and Europe, and continues to be used today for the treatment of pain (particularly low back pain and osteoarthritis), headache, and inflammatory conditions, such as bursitis and tendinitis.
Turmeric 🧡 :
• Its most active compound, curcumin, has many scientifically proven health benefits, such as the potential to improve heart health
• Prevent against Alzheimer's and cancer.
Chilli pepper 🌶 :
• Helps Protect Your Heart.
• Can Help You Burn Fat and Lose Weight.
• Help Soothe Intestinal Diseases.
U can sure use fewer ingredients then shown, if u are sick just use those witch are needed at that time. 🤔
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scientia-rex · 1 year
I also spend a lot of time trying to convince people to prevent problems, because prevention still works better than cures. Don't fucking smoke! I would instantly become the best doctor who ever lived if I could just convince all my patients to quit smoking. Avoid alcohol! Don't do meth! Don't do fentanyl! Things that are poisons will poison you in ways you understand, in the short term, but also ways you can't really understand until you've watched dozens of people die from it thirty years later, struggling to breathe from their COPD or weak and nauseated beyond bearing from their end-stage liver disease. I watched a man take 3 weeks in the ICU to die from what meth did to his heart. Your heart isn't meant to beat 145 times a minute for weeks on end. Your liver isn't meant to metabolize 5 shots of gin a day. You aren't going to be able to use denial and willpower to repair the damage your own habits did.
I drink a lot less now than I did before I went into medicine. Lot of different reasons, including that I'm older and more settled. But I can't look at it the same way I used to; I can't brush off as a "fun quirk" what I know is alcohol use on a level that risks withdrawal seizures if they were to suddenly stop, like some of my family members do, nervously asking me about their loved one's drinking when we're alone because beneath the jokes they know it's a problem.
If you're having more than one, maybe two drinks a day on average, over a long period of time, you are damaging your body in ways you don't understand. You're setting up a permanent heightened inflammatory state. Your heart cells don't like alcohol; Google "alcohol-induced cardiomyopathy." Your esophagus and stomach respond to incessant bathing in poison by first developing wounds and then cancer. Your liver, of course, doesn't like it. Your liver not only converts poisons to harmless substances you can excrete, it also makes your platelets, so your blood can clot. It makes albumin, a protein that's essentially for keeping water in your blood vessels and not letting it leach into your tissues. So people who are dying of liver failure are in pain and weak and tired and sad the whole fucking time! And the only solution, a liver transplant, will come with a lifetime of medication and specialist check-ups and the knowledge that if you fuck up and kill this liver, too, no one is going to be eager to give you another try.
I don't guilt-trip my alcoholic patients with liver disease. I don't guilt-trip my smokers with COPD. They chose to cope with substances for reasons, even if I disagree with their reasons, even if those reasons are opaque to me. They will suffer the natural consequences of those actions whether I guilt-trip them or not. I want them to continue to see me, I want them to be honest with me. Other people will lay enough guilt on them. And nothing I can say or do would ever compare to the physical and mental suffering that goes with those diseases.
But if you can prevent these diseases in yourself, prevent them. Quit smoking. Do it now. Your lungs are going to look better starting almost immediately, with positive changes continuing for many years. Drink less alcohol. Sure, it's fun, sure, it's a longstanding human tradition, but it is also unfortunately a straight up poison and your body knows that no matter how persuasively you argue about the obvious failure of Prohibition. You can't argue with a cell. You can't convince your kidneys that high blood pressure shouldn't damage them. They are a system; they do what they do; they existed long before prefrontal cortex existed to justify what we want to do but know to be harmful.

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elicathebunny · 8 months
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Eating ginger can cut down on fermentation, constipation and other causes of bloating and intestinal gas. Wear and tear on cells. Ginger contains antioxidants. These molecules help manage free radicals, which are compounds that can damage cells when their numbers grow too high. It is useful in minimizing menstrual cramps, and it relaxes the muscular spasms as well
high in antioxidants, which may help protect against disease, inflammation and ageing It may improve gut health, dental hygiene, reduce cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure.
Garlic offers an immune system boost to help prevent colds and the flu virus. One study found that allicin, an active component of freshly crushed garlic, had antiviral properties and was also effective against a broad range of bacteria
commonly used for many human ailments such as hay fever, inflammation, muscle spasms, menstrual disorders, insomnia, ulcers, wounds, gastrointestinal disorders, rheumatic pain, and hemorrhoids. 
antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-tumorigenic, antinociceptive, and neuroprotective properties. It could prevent hair follicles from being starved of blood supply, dying off, and leading to hair loss.
Tumeric :
Turmeric has been used in both Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine as an anti-inflammatory, to treat digestive and liver problems, skin diseases, and wounds.
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covid-safer-hotties · 28 days
How COVID-19 might increase risk of memory loss and cognitive decline - Published Aug 7, 2024
Of all frightening ways that the SARS-COV-2 virus affects the body, one of the more insidious is the effect of COVID-19 on the brain.
It is now clear that many patients suffering from COVID-19 exhibit neurological symptoms, from loss of smell, to delirium, to an increased risk of stroke. There are also longer-lasting consequences for the brain, including myalgic encephalomyelitis /chronic fatigue syndrome and Guillain-Barre syndrome.
These effects may be caused by direct viral infection of brain tissue. But growing evidence suggests additional indirect actions triggered via the virus’s infection of epithelial cells and the cardiovascular system, or through the immune system and inflammation, contribute to lasting neurological changes after COVID-19.
I am a neuroscientist specializing in how memories are formed, the role of immune cells in the brain and how memory is persistently disrupted after illness and immune activation. As I survey the emerging scientific literature, my question is: Will there be a COVID-19-related wave of memory deficits, cognitive decline and dementia cases in the future?
The immune system and the brain Many of the symptoms we attribute to an infection are really due to the protective responses of the immune system. A runny nose during a cold is not a direct effect of the virus, but a result of the immune system’s response to the cold virus. This is also true when it comes to feeling sick. The general malaise, tiredness, fever and social withdrawal are caused by activation of specialized immune cells in the brain, called neuroimmune cells, and signals in the brain.
These changes in brain and behavior, although annoying for our everyday lives, are highly adaptive and immensely beneficial. By resting, you allow the energy-demanding immune response to do its thing. A fever makes the body less hospitable to viruses and increases the efficiency of the immune system. Social withdrawal may help decrease spread of the virus.
In addition to changing behavior and regulating physiological responses during illness, the specialized immune system in the brain also plays a number of other roles. It has recently become clear that the neuroimmune cells that sit at the connections between brain cells (synapses), which provide energy and minute quantities of inflammatory signals, are essential for normal memory formation.
Unfortunately, this also provides a way in which illnesses like COVID-19 can cause both acute neurological symptoms and long-lasting issues in the brain.
During illness and inflammation, the specialized immune cells in the brain become activated, spewing vast quantities of inflammatory signals, and modifying how they communicate with neurons. For one type of cell, microglia, this means changing shape, withdrawing the spindly arms and becoming blobby, mobile cells that envelop potential pathogens or cell debris in their path. But, in doing so, they also destroy and eat the neuronal connections that are so important for memory storage.
Another type of neuroimmune cell called an astrocyte, typically wraps around the connection between neurons during illness-evoked activation and dumps inflammatory signals on these junctions, effectively preventing the changes in connections between neurons that store memories.
Because COVID-19 involves a massive release of inflammatory signals, the impact of this disease on memory is particularly interesting to me. That is because there are both short-term effects on cognition (delirium), and the potential for long-lasting changes in memory, attention and cognition. There is also an increased risk for cognitive decline and dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, during aging.
How does inflammation exert long-lasting effects on memory? If activation of neuroimmune cells is limited to the duration of the illness, then how can inflammation cause long-lasting memory deficits or increase the risk of cognitive decline?
Both the brain and the immune system have specifically evolved to change as a consequence of experience, in order to neutralize danger and maximize survival. In the brain, changes in connections between neurons allows us to store memories and rapidly change behavior to escape threat, or seek food or social opportunities. The immune system has evolved to fine-tune the inflammatory response and antibody production against previously encountered pathogens.
Yet long-lasting changes in the brain after illness are also closely linked to increased risk for age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. The disruptive and destructive actions of neuroimmune cells and inflammatory signaling can permanently impair memory. This can occur through permanent damage to the neuronal connections or neurons themselves and also via more subtle changes in how neurons function.
The potential connection between COVID-19 and persistent effects on memory are based on observations of other illnesses. For example, many patients who recover from heart attack or bypass surgery report lasting cognitive deficits that become exaggerated during aging.
Another major illness with a similar cognitive complications is sepsis – multi-organ dysfunction triggered by inflammation. In animal models of these diseases, we also see impairments of memory, and changes in neuroimmune and neuronal function that persist weeks and months after illness.
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Even mild inflammation, including chronic stress, are now recognized as risk factors for dementias and cognitive decline during aging.
In my own laboratory, I and my colleagues have also observed that even without bacterial or viral infection, triggering inflammatory signaling over a short-term period results in long-lasting changes in neuronal function in memory-related brain regions and memory impairments.
Does COVID-19 increase risk for cognitive decline? It will be many years before we know whether the COVID-19 infection causes an increased risk for cognitive decline or Alzheimer’s disease. But this risk may be decreased or mitigated through prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
Prevention and treatment both rely on the ability to decrease the severity and duration of illness and inflammation. Intriguingly, very new research suggests that common vaccines, including the flu shot and pneumonia vaccines, may reduce risk for Alzheimer’s.
Additionally, several emerging treatments for COVID-19 are drugs that suppress excessive immune activation and inflammatory state. Potentially, these treatments will also reduce the impact of inflammation on the brain, and decrease the impact on long-term brain health.
COVID-19 will continue to impact health and well-being long after the pandemic is over. As such, it will be critical to continue to assess the effects of COVID-19 illness in vulnerability to later cognitive decline and dementias.
In doing so, researchers will likely gain critical new insight into the role of inflammation across the life-span in age-related cognitive decline. This will aid in the development of more effective strategies for prevention and treatment of these debilitating illnesses.
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ashswordsman859 · 5 months
the effects of the gases used by the bigger bodied smiling critters
Bobby bear hug: rose helps with stress, seizers, aging, and diabetes. (Nurse?)
Hoppy hopscotch: peppermint helps with pain management, digestive issues, common cold, sinus infection, and headaches. (Child care?)
Kicken chicken: ylang ylang is good for anxiety, depression,mood enhancement, and cognitive function. (Councilor?)
Craftycorn: jasmine is useful for immune support, blood circulation, optimizing hormone levels and relieving stress. (Nurse?)
Picky piggy: citrus is useful for heart health, help maintain cell health in brain tissue, prevents heart disease, kidney stones, brain dysfunction, and emotional regulation. (Food?)
Bubba bubbaphant: lemon grass helps with menstrual issues, improve digestion, nausea, headaches, muscle cramps, spasms, rheumatism (joint pain), high cholesterol, anti-inflammatory, bloating, and boosting red blood cell counts. (Child care for kids with chronic issues?)
Dogday: vanilla as said before helps relax and calm people by reducing anxiety and calms the nerves but also helps with fevers, spasms,blood clotting, although from what I found large amounts can lead to sleep issues but I don't know how accurate that is so take that with a grain of salt. (Kid care?)
Catnap: poppy flower as known does cause a fatigue affect but also has traces of opioids, along with that it also analgesia (inability to feel pain.), euphoria (the laughter), respiratory depression (breath shallow leading to build up of carbon dioxide in the blood.), decreased gastrointestinal mobility (digestive problems resulted when nerves or muscles in the gut do not work in a coordinated way.), and physical & psychological dependency.
eat your heart out au makers!
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nightbunnysong · 2 months
Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Rosemary Polyphenols
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Inflammation plays a significant role in the development of diseases such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), IBD-related colon cancer, and diabetes. Polyphenols, particularly those from Rosmarinus officinalis L. (rosemary), are known for their diverse biological activities, including antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects.
Key Molecules
1. Rosmarinic Acid: The primary phenolic compound in rosemary, noted for its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
2. Caffeic Acid: Another major phenol that contributes to reducing inflammation and protecting the gastrointestinal tract.
3. Carnosic Acid and Carnosol: Phenolic diterpenes that inhibit inflammatory pathways and reduce the production of inflammatory cytokines.
4. Flavonoids (Quercetin, Kaempferol): These compounds have antioxidant effects and modulate the inflammatory response.
Mechanisms of Action
- Inflammation Suppression: Rosemary polyphenols reduce inflammatory cell infiltration and block inflammatory signaling pathways such as NF-κB and NLRP3.
- Gut Microbiota Modulation: They promote the growth of beneficial probiotics and decrease pathogenic bacteria, improving gut microbiota composition and intestinal health.
- Improvement of Gut Barrier Function: They increase mucus secretion and strengthen tight junctions, contributing to a healthier intestinal barrier.
Therapeutic Potential
Due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, rosemary polyphenols hold promise for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases and related disorders. Their ability to modulate the inflammatory response and improve gut health positions rosemary as a promising candidate for new therapeutic approaches.
source of the information:
Achour, M., et al. (2024). "Anti-inflammatory properties of rosemary polyphenols: Mechanisms and potential applications."
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Anti-Inflammatory Ginger-Citrus Chicken Bowl
* 1 large sweet potato, cubed
* 2 large carrots, peeled and sliced
* 1 boneless, skinless chicken breast
* 1 ripe avocado, diced
* Mixed leafy greens (spinach, kale, or a blend)
* 1-inch piece of fresh ginger, grated
* 1 lime, juiced
* Olive oil
* Salt and pepper to taste
* Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C).
* Toss sweet potato and carrot slices with a drizzle of olive oil, salt, and pepper.
* Spread in a single layer on a baking sheet and roast for 25-30 minutes, or until tender.
* Season the chicken breast with salt and pepper.
* Cook in a skillet with a drizzle of olive oil over medium heat until cooked through. Let cool and shred.
* In a small bowl, combine the grated ginger and lime juice.
* Divide the roasted sweet potatoes and carrots among bowls.
* Top with shredded chicken, diced avocado, and a generous amount of leafy greens.
* Drizzle with the ginger-lime dressing.
This dish is packed with nutrients and antioxidants, making it a fantastic choice for preventing chronic diseases.
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Benefits of herbal teas
Herbal teas offer a range of benefits depending on the specific herbs used.
Here are some common benefits associated with herbal teas:
Hydration: Herbal teas, like any other type of tea, provide hydration to the body. Staying properly hydrated is essential for overall health and well-being.
Antioxidant properties: Many herbal teas contain antioxidants that help protect the body against free radicals, which can contribute to aging and various diseases. Antioxidants support cellular health and strengthen the immune system.
Digestive support: Certain herbal teas, such as peppermint, ginger, and fennel, can aid digestion, relieve bloating, and soothe an upset stomach. They may help alleviate symptoms of indigestion and promote a healthy digestive system.
Calming and stress relief: Several herbal teas, including chamomile, lavender, and lemon balm, have calming properties that can help reduce stress, anxiety, and promote relaxation. They can be a soothing beverage to enjoy before bed or during stressful moments.
Sleep aid: Some herbal teas, like chamomile and valerian root, are known for their sleep-enhancing properties. They can help relax the body and mind, making it easier to fall asleep and improve sleep quality.
Immune support: Certain herbs, such as echinacea, elderberry, and rosehip, found in herbal teas, can support the immune system and help prevent or alleviate symptoms of the common cold or flu.
Herbal remedies: Traditional herbal teas have been used for centuries as natural remedies for various ailments. For example, ginger tea is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and may help alleviate nausea and menstrual cramps.
It's important to note that while herbal teas can provide benefits, they should not replace medical advice or treatment.
If you have specific health concerns, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.
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breezingby · 30 days
Potential Health Benefits
Honey has many potential health benefits, including: (here's just a Few)…
Honey contains an enzyme called catalase that can help relieve minor inflammation. It can be used topically to treat burns and wounds, and orally to treat coughs and sore throats.
Antibacterial and antiviral
Honey can help fight infections caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It can also be used to treat acne by dabbing a small amount onto pimples to reduce swelling and fight bacteria.
Honey contains antioxidants like phenolic acids and flavonoids, which may help improve cholesterol levels and decrease the risk of heart disease. Honey can also help prevent and treat degenerative diseases.
Studies suggest that honey might offer antidepressant, anticonvulsant and anti-anxiety benefits. In some studies, honey has been shown to help prevent memory disorders. Wound care. Topical use of medical-grade honey has been shown to promote wound healing, particularly in burns.
Cinnamon has many potential health benefits, including:
Blood sugar
Cinnamon may help lower blood sugar levels, which can be beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes. It may also improve insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance factor (GTf), which can help with weight loss.
In addition to being an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, anticancer, lipid-lowering, and cardiovascular-disease-lowering compound, cinnamon has also been reported to have activities against neurological disorders, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.
Ginger has many health benefits, including:
Digestion: Gingerol, a natural compound in ginger, can help with digestion, nausea, and vomiting from motion sickness, pregnancy, and cancer chemotherapy. It can also help with mild stomach upset.
Anti-inflammatory: Ginger contains over 400 natural compounds, some of which are anti-inflammatory. It can help with bloating, gas, and reducing inflammation.
Pain relief: Ginger can help with osteoarthritis pain, menstrual cramps, and sore muscles.
Blood sugar: Ginger can help improve blood sugar regulation and lower blood sugar.
Heart health: Ginger can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, which can help prevent heart disease. It can also improve circulation and promote the breakdown of fats in the bloodstream.
Immune system: Ginger can help strengthen the immune system and fight germs.
Turmeric ~ In addition to these conditions, research studies have shown some possible benefits of turmeric for:
Degenerative eye conditions
Metabolic syndrome
Hyperlipidemia (cholesterol in the blood)
Muscle soreness after exercise
Kidney health
In India, it was traditionally used for disorders of the skin, upper respiratory tract, joints, and digestive system. Today, turmeric is promoted as a dietary supplement for a variety of conditions, including arthritis, digestive disorders, respiratory infections, allergies, liver disease, depression, and many others.
Chili peppers contain many compounds that may have health benefits, including:
Capsaicin The chemical that gives chili peppers their heat, capsaicin may help with:
Pain relief: Chili peppers can help with headaches, migraines, and joint pain. You can apply chili peppers directly to the skin to reduce the amount of a chemical that sends pain signals to the brain.
Metabolism: Capsaicin can increase your metabolic rate, which can help you burn more calories and eat fewer unhealthy foods. Some studies have also shown that capsaicin can reduce appetite and increase fat burning, which may help with weight loss.
Inflammation: Capsaicin is one of the most studied natural ingredients for its anti-inflammatory properties.
Digestion: Capsaicin can help clear phlegm and congestion, and may promote a healthy gut microbiome, which is important for a healthy immune system.
Vitamin A and vitamin C: Chili peppers are a great source of both vitamins, which can help boost your immune system and support eye health. Vitamin C can also help your body absorb iron and promote healthy skin.
Carotenoids: Chili peppers contain carotenoids, which may help protect against cancer. Some research suggests that capsaicin may also contribute to cancer cell death.
Keep in Mind
Take charge of your health—talk with your health care providers about any complementary health approaches you use. Together, you can make shared, well-informed decisions.
Using Dietary Supplements Wisely
Know the Science: How Medications and Supplements Can Interact
Know the Science: How To Make Sense of a Scientific Journal Article
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transmutationisms · 1 year
if you don’t mind me asking, what were the absurd unsourced claims about covid? i realize you may not want to reply and sort of perpetuate the spread of misinformation by not just burying it but i also would like to know if i’ve ended up absorbing something untrue that was stated alongside other sourced claims
idek what particular thing annoyed me enough to post about it lol because honestly, i see this all the time. i think the overall state of 'science communication' throughout this pandemic continues to be absolutely atrocious. it is bad practice to (for example) back up a claim to scientific certainty with a link to one (1) article, double points if it's a pre-print or was done on a small sample size or had sampling issues or other methodological flaws. we are in a situtation where the epidemiological factors change fast: new variants, new shots, &c. the degree of certainty with which certain (usually social media famous) communicators will make claims about this situation belies either a fundamental misunderstanding of how long it takes to establish scientific consensus, or a cynical disregard for such considerations. all of this is before we even get into issues like rampant p-hacking and just shitty low-quality science---yes, these exist in the 'hard' sciences as well. i can't tell you how many times i click through the links on some piece of covid communication---from literally any ideological camp---and it's weak, provisional, low-quality evidence to back up massive claims. this is bad practice even when the source is someone i agree with politically!
we know covid is fucking dangerous and terrifying and that it's spreading unchecked. and we know that most governments and public health institutions at this point have abandoned the disabled and medically vulnerable. i don't think we need to just make up inflammatory twitter bullshit (eg, a few weeks back when someone started saying cdc was going to prevent americans under 65 from recieving the new boosters? which was simply not true?) to get these points across. and like i said before, i really fucking hate being in this position where it feels like the only people who do agree that this is still a serious public health issue are also prone to spreading low-quality information. i don't want to be sitting here nitpicking, like, the exact claims about autoimmunity or prevalence of long covid or whatever because covid is a terrifying disease, long covid is a terrifying disease, and we should all be protecting one another and living in a society set up to allow us to actually do that. but i do also think that the prevalence of lies and scare tactics and shitty science has contributed to the degree to which this pandemic is not being taken seriously. because if everyone is engaging in the same bad communication and low-quality scientific interpretation and inflammatory bullshit claims, then it's sort of like... well, i can understand why many people would rather not listen to the people telling them it's still a dangerous situation. like yeah, why would you not just choose the people telling you that life can go back to your pre-pandemic 'normal'?
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