#probably should have signed these but fuck it we ball
redrose10 · 3 days
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#5 from the picture game
Warnings: Swearing, mention of suggestive stuff, maybe cheating
Thanks for the request!
“I hate him! I hate him! I hate him.”, you shrieked throughout your small apartment after throwing your bag down on the floor. Your roommate, Sarah, concerned with all the commotion came walking out to see what was going on with you.
“Bad day?”, she questioned.
“Min Fucking Yoongi.”, you spat.
She sighed, “What did he do now?”
“Alright class, you’re going to work in small groups of two or three for this project. Pair up on your own and I’ll send around the sign up sheet for you to write down your names. Remember this project will count for 80% of your grade so it’s kind of a big deal and shouldn’t be taken lightly.”
You scanned around the room making eye contact with Namjoon. He nodded before getting up and making his way over to you. You felt relief that you would be working with not only one of the smartest guys in the school but also someone who was respectful and reliable. For some reason this school seems to have attracted every arrogant fuckboy within a 500 mile radius and you hated it.
Namjoon took a seat next to you but before he could speak someone else cleared their throat.
The leader of said fuckboys was standing right in front of you like you had summoned him by thinking too much about him. You bit your lip so hard you tasted blood.
“Hey Yoongi! Want to join our group?”, Namjoon happily asked oblivious to the tension in the air.
“He can’t. He’s already working with Tia.”, you gritted through your teeth. You knew she was a regular of Yoongi’s. Yoongi looked over at the woman who was trying to look seductive but looked more like she was in pain than anything.
“Nah we’re kind of going through a thing right now.”
Namjoon chuckled, “I get it man. You can work with Y/N and I. It’s not problem.”
Yoongi took a seat and pretended to listen to Namjoon as he came up with a game plan while you sat there and stewed in your anger. You knew Yoongi wasn’t going to lift a finger while you and Namjoon did everything yet he’d still be given a good grade.
Before you knew it class was over and Namjoon said his goodbyes before quickly running off to his next one.
You were angrily packing up your bag when you heard Yoongi speak.
“Y/N are you not going to speak to me this entire project? We have to work together.”, he asked.
You scoffed, “No we don’t. You and I both know you’re going to flake and it’ll be all on Namjoon and I to do all the work so why don’t you just do us a favor and get lost already.”
Yoongi stood up and leaned slightly over your desk, “Maybe you should get laid for once. You need to get some of that bitchiness fucked out of you.”
And with that he was gone and out the door leaving you red faced and so angry you couldn’t think straight for the rest of the day even once you finally walked through your front door.
Sarah chuckled only infuriating you more. “Y/N I get it. Yeah that was a really shitty thing to say but you do always seem to be the one to start things with him. Maybe him and Tia really are going through something and you two were the only option to work with. I just don’t know why you have this extreme hatred for the guy.”, she said after seeing your upset face.
You rolled your eyes before heading to your room and flopping down on your bed.
Was Sarah right? Are you the instigator? And if you are then you’re sure that he deserved it 99% of the time anyways.
Ever since the first day you met him he has been a thorn in your side.
You met Yoongi in Kindergarten. He sat behind you and would constantly pull on your ponytail and when you turned around he’d just sit there with a big smile. You complained to your parents who told you he probably just had a crush on you but that you should ask him to stop if you didn’t want him to do that any more.
Then in the fifth grade he was playing basketball at recess. He tried passing the ball to someone else but instead it came flying at your face breaking your nose. He was at your side in an instant using his jacket to stop the bleeding. He apologized profusely saying it was an accident but you’re sure he did it on purpose.
Your freshman year of high school he overheard that you had a huge crush on a boy named Jin. He was a year older than you and so handsome and funny. You thought maybe he liked you too until he started distancing himself. You found out a couple months later that Yoongi had told him that you had some incurable contagious skin condition.
Somehow though over the next couple years you had grown fond of Yoongi, even developing feelings for him. He had matured and was pleasant to be around. You were ecstatic when he asked you to be his date to the senior prom. The night had been going well and you really thought you were going to share your first kiss with him. The dj announced it was time for the last dance when you realized Yoongi was taking a really long time in the bathroom. Walking the halls looking for him you found him pushed up against the lockers with Mia, the prom queen, sticking her tongue practically down his throat. You ran out of the dance that night ignoring the shouts of your name coming from Yoongi who was chasing after you.
While walking home with a broken heart you made yourself a promise that you would never let Min Yoongi hurt you ever again. So much so that you ignored any contact he tried to make with you even finally going to his parents when he didn’t get the hint.
In college you tried your best to avoid him. The first year was easy. You had different majors and different friend groups. Then Sarah started dating one of his best friends Hoseok leading to there being lots of time spent together. You watched as he often left the hangouts with some random woman he met. You’d always roll your eyes realizing he never changed. He always had something to say to you or about you too. His little comments here and there to purposely get under your skin only added to your irritation.
Maybe that’s why your first emotion around him now is always anger.
Thankfully your emotional day helped you swiftly fall into dreamland and stop thinking about him.
“Y/N, let’s go!!”,Sarah shouted from behind your door.
“Be right there.”
You took one final look at your outfit. Your dress was a little tighter than normal but you were hoping to get the attention of this guy you met on campus, Taehyung. You weren’t really into going to parties but you were in a pretty good mood since Yoongi had skipped class all week as expected of him and once Taehyung asked you if you were going to be at this party you were quick to agree.
The smell of alcohol and sweat and just dirty funk quickly hit your senses. You’d think they could’ve sprung for a couple $1 air fresheners but what could you expect from a bunch of college guys.
Once further into the home you were able to easily spot Taehyung. He walked over with two bottles of beer. One was still sealed which he cracked open for you. You appreciated his thoughtfulness.
You were really starting to like Tae, as he told you to call him. He was funny, gentle, dangerously handsome. You could see yourself having a future with him. He went off to get you another beer when you felt someone’s glare on you.
Yoongi was also at the party. You should’ve known. It was a perfect spot for him to prey on some woman who was too buzzed to care. He was leaning up against the wall, head slightly cocked while looking at you. He was wearing a black hoodie that fit him perfectly, rings adorned his long fingers, that stupid headband he’d been into wearing recently. You hated him but you hated it more that he still had an effect on you because you couldn’t stop thinking about how good he looked.
He smirked when he noticed you staring at him. Your body only heated up more when you noticed him looking you up and down.
“Y/N…I didn’t think parties were your thing.”, he said after walking over.
“Well I’m here with someone else. Not that it’s any of your business.”
“Uh yeah I saw that you were here with Taehyung. You should really think twice about him.”
You rolled your eyes, “Then why don’t you do something to ruin it for me Yoongi? That seems to be what you’re best at.”
Thanks to the darkness of the party you didn’t see his confidence falter a little at your words.
“Look Y/N I don’t give a fuck what you do. I’m just saying maybe don’t get too hung up on him.”
He left and walked past you into the kitchen leaving you feeling uneasy but Tae showed up just in time with another beer to take your mind off of him.
Two hours later, eight beers, and countless songs danced to you were needing some air. It had been a long time since you were this buzzed. Sarah was long gone with her date so it looked like you were going to get your wish of going home with Taehyung.
He walked you outside to sit on a bench underneath a big oak tree on the property.
“You alright?”, he chuckled after you let out a long sigh.
“Yeah just tired.”
Taehyung remained silent as you took in the night sky. For some reason that you hated, Yoongi was heavily on your mind. You figured that by now he was probably on his second hookup of the night which only hurt you more making your stomach just a little more nauseous.
“Hey uh Y/N can I ask you something?”, Taehyung spoke from next to you.
Your body woke up with excitement.
“Of course.”, you nodded.
“Your friend Sarah…Is she…Is she seeing anyone?”
You stared at him in disbelief. He wasn’t interested in you at all. The whole reason he asked you to the party was to get the details on your friend.
Feeling like you were going to cry or throw up, maybe both you stood up to begin walking home.
“Let me get you home safe.”, Taehyung said reaching for your hand.
You tried to pull away but a third hand grabbed yours first instead.
“No thanks. I’ve got her.”, a familiar voice broke the silence.
Yoongi was already leading you to his car before you could even protest.
He helped you into your apartment and to your bed. He’d been there several times when Hoseok and Sarah were dating so he knew his way around.
You were broken hearted once again and nauseous and exhausted and just didn’t have the strength to fight him any more.
You told yourself you were definitely never drinking again especially after the last thing you remembered being you asking Yoongi to stay and lay with you for a while.
And thankfully you remembered asking him that because if you hadn’t you probably would’ve woken up half the city with your screaming when you woke up and saw him peacefully sleeping next to you. You tried your best to get out of bed without him noticing but it didn’t go as planned.
When he woke up he looked even more shocked than you did. He jumped out of bed only to land awkwardly on some books which caused him to slip and end up on the floor with a loud thud. You stifled a giggle as he hastily got himself up again.
“Fuck Y/N I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep. Nothing happened. I swear I didn’t try to pull anything funny. You were crying and you asked me to stay and I felt bad. I was only gonna stay until you fell asleep but I must’ve dozed off myself. It’s these classes are killing me and I’m working two jobs and I’m just exhausted.”
“Yoongi it’s okay. I remember asking you to stay. It was an accident.”, you said trying to calm him down.
He looked at you wearily, “Are you feeling okay? The Y/N that I know would’ve already threaten to chop my balls off and shove them down my throat.”
You chuckled, “Yeah well this Y/N, is pretty hungover so I’m gonna let it go this time.”
He relaxed a little and sat back down on your end which did annoy you a little but you let it slide because the prior nights events were slowly coming back to you and you had some questions.
“Hey Yoongi, did you know that Taehyung only asked me to the party so he could ask about Sarah?”
He slid his tongue over his teeth. A habit of his he did when he was nervous. He nodded, “Uh yeah. He mentioned something about it to Jimin and then it got back to me.”
“So is that why you tried to get me to stop talking to him?”
He nodded.
“What do you mean why?”
You scoffed? “Well you kind of have a history of hurting me more than helping me so I’m just wondering why all of a sudden you cared enough to try and stop me from getting hurt?”
Yoongi turned to stare at you. His face flushing, either from anger or embarrassment, you weren’t really sure.
He sat fidgeting with his rings for a moment before looking at you, “Y/N…that night…that night at the prom. I didn’t kiss that girl.”, he paused, “I had written you a song. It was stupid and cheesy actually…”, he chuckled, “I forgot it in my locker so I told you that I had to go to the bathroom so I could go get it. Mia came up to me. She knew I liked you and she always hated it. She said it was the last dance and you were looking for me. I tried to push past her but as soon as I did she pushed me against the locker and kissed me. She knew you were standing there. She wanted you to see. I chased after you but you wouldn’t stop. I stopped shouting your name but I followed you home to make sure you got there safely.”, he shook his head, “You never answered any of my texts or calls. I even did dumb shit like leaving notes in your locker. Then my parents told me that I needed to back off before I got in trouble so I let you go. I guess I was childish and built some resent towards you. I’ve liked you ever since kindergarten when I used to pull on your ponytail with that ridiculous Minnie Mouse clip you always used to wear. And you just completely cut me off without letting me explain. I was hurt and started acting out towards you.”, he sighed, “I’m sorry Y/N. For all the messed up stuff I’ve said to you. I didn’t mean any of it. I guess I…I guess I just wanted to push you away from me. The further you were the less I remembered about how I broke your heart and how I never even got the chance.”
You stared at him in disbelief.
“So all this time you liked me?”
He nodded.
“Is that why you told Jin I had a contagious disease? Because you knew we liked each other?”
He chuckled at that, “Yeah I did. I was a little bit jealous and come on Y/N, you knew you could do better than him. He was more beauty than brains. I mean I told him you had stage 4 Cootie-Cockilus and he believed me…”
Laughter erupted in the room.
“Okay maybe that one helped me more than I thought.”, you laughed.
The room fell back into an awkward yet comfortable silence.
“Y/N, can we start over…please.”, Yoongi suddenly asked.
Bitingng your lip in thought you finally nodded in agreement, “Yeah I’d like that.”
“Alright well let’s get some breakfast then. I know a great cafe just outside of campus.”, he said motioning for you to follow him.
You grabbed your bag and walked in front of him.
Just before your hand reached the door handle you felt a tiny little tug on the end of your ponytail.
Your heart skipped a beat making you stop.
The biggest gummy smile greeted you when you turned around to playfully eye culprit.
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lifeintheworldtocome · 10 months
if you like and dont rb i will block you
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assorted drawings i did instead of my schoolwork. its been 100000 years since ive posted traditional art man
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evilminji · 1 year
Oh... my god? Ghost Reporters.
Imagine it. Their office is in the Zone. They literally FEED of hunting for The Next Big Scoop! And Revealing The Truth! Every honest reporter that got silenced for getting a little too close to the facts. The bloody, beating, heart of societies underbelly.
Every Lois Lane that had no Kryptonian to stop some rich and powerful jackals putting them in the ground.
Well Death sure didn't stop THEM! They STILL want answers! But now they have co-wokers. Oh~ and SUPERPOWERS! And best part?
The newly appointed KING is going too and from the living world. That must mean it's okay now, RIGHT? Your majesty? You're not a RAGING HYPOCRITE, aaaaare you? :) 🎤
And... look. Danny knows full well what these piranhas are up too. He's not stupid. But Madeline Fenton raised a lot of things. Fool? Not one of um. That a LOT of reporters with sharp, sharp teeth and bloodlust in their eyes. He wants to half-live.
He compromises. Illusion of control and all that. Yeah, yeah, they all tooootally respect his authority etc. Give them Them Scoop! He, wisely, gets the fuck out of the way. Whoosh! Off they go!
Thats.... probably gonna be a problem. *siiiiiips his morning coffee* But it's not HIS problem. Not right now.
And? Suddenly all these politicians and business leaders are getting fucking AMBUSHED. Oh? You thought you'd get soft ball "aren't I a man of the people. Buy oil!" Bullshit questions? HA! Where were you on June 27th, 1978, at-
And "according to YOUR words, exact quote as follows-"
Just? They BEAT the leader with the STICK. "Oh but you'll lose access". They'd love to see HOW! They can go through WALLS! Answer the question, coward. "Your gonna make powerful enemies!" Oh nooooo, what are they gonna DO?
Shoot us TWICE?
Hey Mr. Family Values! How's the three mistresses your wife doesn't know about?? "No comment"? That's fine. We already have THEIRS. >:D Good luck with your upcoming election!
And like? As newspapers are shutting down and turning clickbait all across the country? This ONE(1) tiny, middle of nowhere town? Somehow has a horrid, horrid, ARMY of Satan's own Reporters. All apparently willing to die for the News. Throwing themselves at dictators and Supervillians alike.
"We see no God here but the Truth" is literally their papers MOTTO.
The damn thing is basicly a BRICK. You get a paperback of news. Entire planet AND THEN SOME. How?! How are they reporting, IN DETAIL, on the break down of talks between two planets 16 galaxies over? Hal says it's accurate. But what Earth paper would even HAVE that information?
And?? The whole town treats this as normal? There are human children, complaining about the weight of papers, because it makes their paper routes a pain in the ass. Soccer moms discussing alien celebrity drama. Farmers muttering over foreign unrest and how it will impact their corn harvest.
Fucking Lex Luthor, clearly deciding to roll with it, coming to sign himself up for a paper. Gaining a new life long Nemesis upon meeting Vladimir Master, whom he decides is both hot and unbearable. Someone is heard shouting "oh god, there's TWO OF THEM!"
And?? Look. Clark isn't MAD. Or JEALOUS. Nor is he in a secret Reporting War with Jerry from the Amity Chronicle. Because that would be petty and childish. He's just SAYING, maybe they should check the place out!
Maybe Jerry is a DICK and deserves it, is all. (Lois stop laughing.)
@hypewinter @hdgnj @ailithnight
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mikajunie · 6 months
rediscovering shame and giving yourself compassion (how to deal with shame as someone with ADHD)
this is directed towards my fellow ADHDers who have trouble with reoccuring shame while leads to hindered productivity.
signs that your productivity is hindered by shame (compiled by my own experiences):
you feel negative physical symptoms when you think about your responsibilities
you find ways to avoid the responsibilities
every time you make progress, you feel like you don't ever wanna touch it again
when you present your progress, you feel ashamed of yourself because it's not finished (on time & according to ur standards).
you feel like you are a constant failure. you never win, despite achieving good things here and there.
you are a walking ball of anxiety
you have a fear of being perceived
there's probably more, but eh those are just from my own experiences
below i will write down what y'all should remember, what you can do to help yourself, etc. this is compiled from dr k, my own journaling time, and my firsthand experience from having shame 24/7
some things u gotta remember
shame is what exists in the gap between your ideal self and where you are currently.
your ideal self doesn't have to be unrealistic, it can be yourself when you were at your peak or someone who is very similar to you.
shame brings negative thoughts, because it makes you see progress as a negative thing.
instead of being happy that u made progress, u grumble to urself and ask "why didnt i just do it sooner? im so stupid". it's a reminder of your failures, so u avoid progress altogether.
shame can become a part of you, to the point where you feel uneasy or vulnerable if you dont feel ashamed at yourself
shame doesn't do anything to ADHDers in the long run except self-loathing and hindered productivity.
what should u do?
basically self-therapy, but instead of stopping at why, i try to solve my shame one-by-one.
examine past moments where you felt a LOT of shame. this can go back to elementary. the stronger the emotions, the better. now, write them down. you're probably cringing, but that is good. feel all the cringiness running through ur veins.
why did you feel shame? why did it happen? what did you feel?
reframe your thoughts. instead of immediately running away from it, accept it and justify it. give it compassion. give it a hug. was it your 7 year old self? hug yourself. it's okay to fuck up and do silly things sometimes, and it's okay to have ADHD. it's not our fault.
remember that ADHD is a lifelong nerudivergency, you can't just push it away. coping mechanisms and tools help, but give yourself some grace when you screw up. it's our first time living anyway.
calm your body down. make sure your physical body is doing okay.
now... think of one thing you want to do but can't because of shame and do these steps carefully. think of the reasons why you might be ashamed, and reframe your thoughts.
WARNING!! TAKE IT ONE PRESENT ACTION AT A TIME. don't do this for every action you want to take, let your body slowly learn that it's okay to make progress despite the shame you feel, and you are allowed to feel compassion for yourself.
train your body to accept compassion slowly. life is tough with ADHD but it's even tougher knowing that shame will get in your way. give yourself a break, it's fine to fuck up, we all go through different things anyway. even if it's not fine, you will learn and make those mistakes a lil bit lesser in the future.
ok hope this helps.
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mabelstone · 3 months
Common Tongue
hozier x f!reader
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part five of lullabies <3 | part four | masterlist
cw: 18+, oral sex, a lot of this is sex ok u should know me by now, the word 'balls', not much plot tbh
word count: 4.1k
taglist: @princezty @somethinglikero @jimihendrixpopfigure @the-imperfectgirl-blog @l1nd3n @yunonaneko xo
I woke in the delicious warmth of Andrew’s arms, his soft breaths against my neck sending a chill down my spine. I gently nuzzled into his touch, his arms autonomously holding me tighter. For the next week and a half, this was my morning routine. Also part of the morning routine was the part where I would slip out of his grip as gently as possible when I was on the verge of weeing myself.
I’d slip back into bed, entranced by the way sleep drenched breaths swam through the small parting of his lips. The way his muddy greens danced under his eyelids as he dreamt, and the way his thick lashes swept along his high cheekbones made it near impossible for me to look away.
We danced around the fine line of being lovers, friends, and fuck buddies, not even entertaining the thought of defining what we were. I knew it was all probably moving too fast considering I’d just gotten out of a relationship. Not that I really cared - Andy had a way of numbing me. Numbing the heartbreak in a way that I didn’t even have to acknowledge it. He made me feel happy and sexy and loved, if that’s what you’d call it.
Like he could feel it, he’d wake to me watching him, causing me to blush profusely and apologise. He’d either pull me in and kiss my neck and forehead, or remind me with a grin, “staring is rude, y’know,” in his deep, groggy morning voice. It was rare to catch him watching me sleep as I was the early riser of the two of us. But during the day, I’d swear I was his favourite sight. Maybe that was just wishful thinking.
This past week also consisted of numerous phone calls to Andy, all from producers begging to sign him to their labels. I was so ecstatic for him, but of course, he was overtly humble as always. After doing his research and attending a few meetings, he decided to go with Rubyworks.
“Andy!” I threw myself into his arms excitedly, squeezing him so hard, I thought he might implode. “I’m so proud of you… we have to celebrate!”
“I’dunno, baby…” he sighed, raking his hands through the back of my hair while I melted into his touch. “This all might blow up in my face yet.”
“Don’t talk rubbish!” I scolded him, peeling my face away with my arms still around him so he could see me frown. “And you deserve to be celebrated. And we have no plans for dinner. Please?”
“Because you’ve twisted my arm,” he gave in, bending down slightly to capture my lips in his. As if I had any control at this point, I autonomously kissed him back, a squeak leaving me when he effortlessly picked me up and sat me on his kitchen island.
He deepened the kiss, one of his hands squeezing my thigh, the other tangled in my hair. I sighed against him, my hands skating across his abdomen. His tongue slipped into my mouth, forcing me to swallow a grunt of his. Both of his hands now slipped up my thighs, stopping just at the crease of my hip with a firm squeeze.
“You’d better stop,” he warned, pupils blown.
“Or what?” I teased, hands now gripping his biceps. Fuck dinner. I’ll give him something better to eat.
“You’ll see later,” he promised with a kiss to my temple, sliding his hands off me. “Let’s get ready now, or it’ll be impossible to drag me out of this house.”
“Fine,” I sighed in faux disappointment, hopping off the table and dragging him behind me by his hand.
I put on my favourite dress; a flowy black number with a corset like top that did me lots of favours in the breast department. I wore some simple three inch heels, sheer black stockings, and a faux leather coat. My hair was slicked back into a wavy ponytail, complimented by some chunky gold jewellery to break up all the darks I had on. I wore Andrew's favourite perfume of mine, Jimmy Choo's Eau De Parfum. I'd always had an illustrious love for fashion, but oftentimes Joe had an issue with my style. Not Andy, though. His jaw just about hit the floor and he looked as if he were close to calling off our plans and just taking me to bed instead. Not that I would have protested... but no, tonight was about him.
He looked edible in a black button up and brown jacket, with those white converse's that were basically fused to his feet at this point. He trimmed his beard down and has doused himself in Tam Dao by Diptique, and when I say he smelt divine, I mean, I considered calling off our plans as well.
At first, we found ourselves in a cheesy karaoke bar that was walking distance from his house. We threw back a couple shots, laughing and cheering on both the good and… not so good performances. Andy always said that despite the voice he was gifted with, he hated singing karaoke. I eventually convinced him to duet Islands in the Stream with me. It was the most fun I’d ever had. He then gave his own rendition of Sex Bomb, and I hate to admit it, but it did something to me. We snacked on shitty street food as we passed through the weekend markets, enjoying our tipsy people watching.
After that, we found a dim lit bar in the west end with live music and cheap drinks for happy hour. We caught a taxi and walked hand in hand from the car to our booth. For once, I loved having everyone's eyes on us. I wanted everyone to see us together, though we weren't really together.
The combination of the sultry jazz band in the background mingling with the effects of too much alcohol too fast had me sliding my foot up his leg, getting a high from watching his eyes darken as he squirmed. He gave me a warning look, to which I innocently sipped at my drink and averted my head to the band, gently applying pressure to his crotch. I felt his hand grip my ankle, and when I thought he'd move me away, he ran his hands up my leg instead, stopping only when he reached my knee. I turned my head back to him quickly, my core growing hot at the feeling. He looked gorgeous, curls framing his face, his eyes fixed on me as if I were the most interesting thing in the room.
His stare challenged mine, almost daring me to keep going. The look in his eyes screamed, "see what will happen," and I have never been one to turn down a dare.
Drunkenly, I slid my finger around the rim of my glass, bringing the salt to my lips as I sucked my finger clean, making effort to show my tongue at first. I pushed it in far deeper than necessary, almost able to hear the way his breath hitched in his throat. His grip on my ankle tightened, and I applied a bit more pressure with my heel.
"I swear to God, I will throw you into a cab right now," his eyes were hooded and narrowed in on me. It felt like a stand off between a predator and prey, despite feeling nothing but safety in his presence.
"You wanna take me home, big boy?" I teased, relishing in the way his cheeks flushed when I used the ridiculous pet name. He loved a good double entendre. Well, triple entendre, really.
I reached across the table to grab his hands, running my thumb over his knuckles. Despite the often heated nature of our exchanges recently, I'd never felt more loved. Maybe that was the wrong word, it was too soon. I'd never felt more secure.
He abruptly got up from the booth, dragging me to the dance floor with him. I laughed wildly, the alcohol buzzing through both of our veins like a freight train. “You hate dancing!”
“I know!” He shouted back over the music, pulling me in close to him by my waist. “But you’re beautiful and you’ve been force feeding me whiskey.”
“Hardly force feeding,” I scoffed, slapping his arm playfully. We swayed to a cover of I’d Rather Go Blind by Etta James, giggling uncontrollably at how uncoordinated we both were. It didn’t matter, it felt good.
Then there was the feeling of someone bumping into me hard, followed by the cold of a drink soaking the back of my legs. I gasped, pushing myself further into Andy to get away from the feeling.
“Sorry,” the woman spoke with no sign of remorse in her tone or expression. Andy was quick to grab a handful of napkins from the table beside us, wiping me down as I blushed embarrassedly. I was sure I was hallucinating when I looked up and saw Joe smirking. Fucking loser.
“Andy,” I pulled him up by his coat from where he was wiping me down. “Let’s go.”
“It’s okay, darlin’, you can’t even tell-“
“No, Joe is here. Let’s leave, please.” I felt hot and nauseous immediately, the glint in his eye from across the room all too familiar. He was going to make me pay for leaving him.
Andrew’s expression turned unreadable, yet he still nodded and stayed close behind me as I quickly fled the bar. “You alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I nodded, acutely aware of how dry my throat felt. “He’s just unpredictable, I’d rather not deal with him tonight. Or, ever for that matter.”
He just hummed in response, lacing his fingers with mine. He pulled out his phone to order us an Uber. I tried to protest, insisting that we hadn’t celebrated him enough. He shushed me with a kiss, reassuring me that tonight was wonderful and he was grateful. I leaned into his body while we waited in the cold, his arm around my shoulder as we watched the traffic pass us by.
“So you are with him?” Joe scoffed, seeming to appear out of thin air. I startled at his voice, scolding myself internally for peeling away from Andy so quickly. “And you couldn't fuckin' wait for the chance to steal her, could you?"
“We aren’t together,” I quickly interjected, ignoring the way Andy’s face faltered at my clarification. “And even if I was, we are over. It’s over. Don’t you understand?”
“I understand that you can’t keep your legs shut.”
I was taken aback by his comment, unable to think of a snarky reply as my cheeks warmed and my jaw slackened.
"That's no way to speak to a woman, show some fuckin' respect," Andrew growled, stepping closer to my ex, absolutely towering over him. Joe tried to get in his face, both of them puffing their chests out like two pigeons. It was kind of sexy. Is that horrible to say?
"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" Joe bit back, grabbing a fistful of Andrew's shirt.
"Stop!" I shrieked, grabbing Andrews' wrist, trying my hardest to get him away from Joe. "I want to go home."
"Home?" Joe seethed through gritted teeth, his face red as a traffic light.
Andrew shoved Joe back, sending him stumbling, barely finding his footing.
"Andy, I want to go home," my voice was fragile as I tugged on his wrist once more, his expression immediately softening when he saw tears in my eyes. He took my hand in his, leading me away as he checked to see if Joe was hanging around. Looks like the security guard saw him, thankfully.
The Uber rolled up two minutes later and I couldn't have climbed in any quicker. I was beyond grateful to be in a warm car rather than out in the cold with Joe.
"That was fuckin' scary," I huffed, throwing my head back against the headrest.
"I'm sorry," he cooed with a gentle hand threading through my hair. "I shouldn't have said anything to him."
"That was not your fault," I assured him, turning to look at those big, doe eyes that were starting to make me weak.
He gave me a half hearted smile and sat in silence for the rest of the drive. I wondered what he was thinking, but felt it was probably best to just let him feel how he needed to. When we got home, we thanked the driver and walked into Andrews house in silence.
"Are you okay?" I asked gently, standing by as he shucked his coat.
"Yeah," he sighed with a shake of his head, though it wasn't convincing in the slightest.
"Did I do something? Or, say something?" I prodded further, softly taking his hand so he'd look at me.
"Really, it's no big deal," he gave me a half hearted smile, squeezing my hand once before heading for the stairs. "I'm gonna go shower."
I watched as he walked away, wracking my brain for anything that could have happened. Surely seeing Joe didn't upset him.
Then I remembered how fast I was to reassure my ex that Andy and I weren't exclusive. Fuck. I planned out my approach in my head for a while so I didn't dig the knife in deeper.
When I made it to his room, he was in his closet with dampened curls and a towel around his waist, looking for clothes, I presume. I knocked softly to let him know I was at the door.
He hummed in response, turning only his head to me.
"Is it because I said we aren't together?"
He huffed some half witted laugh, almost as if he were embarrassed.
I walked closer to him, taking his hand into mine. "Well we aren't officially together, Andy." I sighed. "But I guess we kind of are together, aren't we?"
That caught his eye.
"And," I continued, "I can't think of anyone else I'd rather be with right now." I took his face into my hands, pulling him close as I softly kissed him. His mouth was much warmer than mine and he smelt so fresh and delicious.
Each time we kissed, something deep inside of me sparked like a flint and steel. The near palpable electricity of that spark conducted its way through my lips straight to his. We found a steady rhythm that was soon forgotten, replaced by tongue and teeth, desperate for more. Without breaking contact, we staggered back onto the bed, only the cotton of his towel and the nylon of my stockings keeping our bodies separated. My hands tugged at his soft auburn curls, eliciting encouraging hymns of appraisal that I wished I could devour. His hands dug into my hips harder than he ever had. Not hard enough to hurt me, but hard enough to let me know he wanted me just as bad as I did him.
I moved my mouth to his neck, sucking at his delicate skin, feeling his pulse against my lips. He shuddered and gasped, desperately trying to grind my body against his. The sinful noises he made only made me crave him more, only made me yearn for his beautiful rhapsodies. To hear them alone, without the deafening ring of my own pleasure in my ears, to hear them without my own pants and sighs overwhelming his. Just him, all of him.
"Andy, I really want to suck your cock," I blurted, pulling away to look at him through drooped eyelids. "May I please?"
"Good manners," he joked, his eyes even more lidded than my own. "Of course, baby." He pulled me in for another kiss, his tongue gliding against mine as I let a hand trail down his stomach and underneath his towel. I felt him twitch in my hand as I started to stroke him, his groans reverberating in my mouth.
I had never wanted to knob somebody off so bad. I always hated it with whoever else I was sleeping with. There was something about Andy. He was such a giver that it felt wrong not to give him something back. Like I'd be missing out on a sacred experience if I didn't do it right now. There was no part of me that didn't get pleasure out of pleasuring him.
I pulled my lips from his, sliding down between his legs. I kissed from his jaw to his collarbones, to his chest and then his stomach, watching goosebumps form along his creamy skin, his calloused hands skating along my forearms.
I finally freed him from the towel, watching his cock jump against his happy trail. I took him into my hand, pumping his length a few times to see his facial expression change. My God, was it the most divine sight. Unable to hold off any longer, I licked a flat stripe over his tip, his precum dancing on my tongue.
"Fuck," he practically gasped, gently grabbing the back of my head.
I slowly wrapped my lips around his tip using one of my hands to guide him into my mouth. Without taking his eyes off me, he reached behind his head for a pillow, staring at me like he might die if he looked away. I didn't dare take my eyes off his.
I slowly took more of him into my mouth, swirling my tongue around him as I did so. He grabbed a fistful of my hair, borrowing a whimper from my mouth working around him. I pulled off briefly to blink up at him, "tell me how you like it, please."
He whimpered some response, nodding desperately. I put my mouth on him again, looking up for further instruction.
"Stick your tongue out a little," he breathed, the faintest of smiles on his face. "Good, now start movin', baby."
I nodded best I could with my mouth full, bobbing my head at a steady rhythm. I looked up at him through my lashes, my stomach flipping at the sight before me.
"Gooood girl," he praised me, freeing one of his hands from my hair to brush his thumb over my cheek. "Can you go a little faster, angel?"
I hummed in agreement, moving my head along his length faster, keeping my tongue out along the base the way he liked, making sure to hollow my cheeks the best I could. Not that there was much room for that. I moved one hand to steady myself against his thigh, the other slipping down to massage his balls.
"Jesus Christ," he moaned, throwing his head back. "Yeah, that's it. Just like that." My stomach flipped, my core on the verge of boiling over. I swear I could get off on the sight and sounds of him alone.
I took him as deep as I could, fighting off the urge to gag as he repeatedly hit the back of my throat. My jaw was aching and tears were threatening to fall from my eyes, but I was determined. I could tell he was close by the unsteady rhythm of his breathing.
He gave my hair a firm tug, a warning, almost as if to give me the option to pull off. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum if you keep going."
I hummed in acknowledgement, no shred of intention to stop in my body.
"Where, baby?" He breathed, the muscles in his stomach beginning to tense. I traced a few shapes with my tongue as a form of communication, my way of showing him where, looking up at him. "Christ, Y/N," he groaned, spilling hot ribbons onto my tongue, his hips stuttering beneath me. I kept my mouth on him as he rode out his high, his face contorted in ecstasy, brows furrowed, mouth agape as his euphonious appraisals slipped from it.
I pulled off, my lips swollen and red, mascara no doubt running down my cheeks, and now uncomfortably horny.
Like he could read my mind, he sat up pulled me into his lap, now kissing my neck. His beard scratched across my collarbones in the most tantalising way, his hands working quickly to unzip my dress. He did so with ease, slipping the material off my shoulders where it pooled in our laps.
"You are perfect," he sighed against my skin, kissing me hard as he palmed one of my breasts. I whimpered against him, my hands in his hair as he buried his face in my chest. One of his hands cradled the bottom of my skull, the other guiding my breast to his mouth as he flicked his tongue across my nipple.
"Andy," I whined, pure need unmistakable in my tone. "Mmh, need you, baby."
He flipped me onto my back without warning, sliding down the bed between my thighs. His eyes were hungry, almost primal. Despite his release only moments prior, he had determination written all over his face as he buried his face between my thighs, pressing wet, open mouthed kisses through my stockings. "Please, I need you now. Please, please," my voice was whinier than I'd ever heard it, so much so I almost didn't recognise it.
My dress was still bunched around my waist, but he didn't seem too inconvenienced. My stockings, however, had no chance of surviving this one. In one fluid movement, he ripped through the crotch of my stockings, tearing them thigh to thigh. I gasped, my stomach flipping at the gesture. He pulled my knickers to the side, sliding his tongue over my clit without warning. Instantly, my back was arching autonomously, my head already thrown back against the mattress.
His tongue flitted against me with expert precision, switching between sucking and licking. "Tell me how you like it," he spoke against me, the vibrations from his voice combined with his soft lips against the most sensitive part of my body making my head go fuzzy. I couldn't even respond, only able to fumble around for his hand.
He slipped two fingers in with ease and I nearly screamed in pleasure. Lewd, wet noises filled the room, my whines and moans somehow even louder than the physical proof of my arousal. His deft fingers worked me to the fastest orgasm known to man, hitting my g-spot with each thrust, his tongue signing love letters onto my clit.
I chanted his name like a mantra, desperately clinging to the bedsheets beneath me as I completely lost myself under his touch. The most incredible feeling ever ripped through my every nerve ending, every fibre, every atom of my being. I shook uncontrollably beneath him, toes curled, eyes screwed shut as I made noises nobody else had ever torn from me. This must be what heaven feels like.
I finally came back down to Earth, panting like I'd ran a marathon. Andy wiped his mouth on the towel, the most satisfied grin I'd ever seen plastered to his face.
"Andy, I-" I stammered, genuinely lost for words as I laid my head on his chest. "I owe you the world. What do you want? Whatever it is, it's yours."
"Are you kiddin' me?" He laughed exasperatedly, kissing my forehead. "I should be givin' you the world. That was the closest to a religious experience I've ever had."
"You'd better write a song about this," I half joked, shimmying my dress off finally.
"Way ahead of ya', darlin'," he sighed in content. "I need to do that more."
"You ruined my stockings, Andy," I sighed in faux disappointment, "but that might have been the sexiest thing I've ever seen."
Then he was back to his shy self, a bashful grin on his face that he covered with his arm, leaving my heart to soar within my chest.
Fuck. I was catching proper feelings. Like... proper. Like, L-Word feelings. The realisation hit me like a tonne of bricks. Andy was to go and record some songs next week. What if he didn't feel the same? What if he got really famous and left me behind? Was I just sex? Was he just a rebound? It all has really moved fast, I shouldn't be getting attached...
"I'm gonna shower," I smiled politely, excusing myself before he had a chance to say anything.
A million thoughts raced through my mind at once. Was I trying to sabotage this for myself? It felt nice to be clean, a nice reset. The water defrosted me, made me feel centred again. I dried off and slipped into one of his hoodies.
"I need to tell you something," I blurted, unable to stop the words from coming out as I walked back into his room.
i did some googling and there might be some confusion (or maybe not, but just in case) when i say stockings i mean toe to hip tights/hosiery. i'm australian lol i apologise if some things don't make sense... i don't like the word hosiery ok
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fleuraimer · 2 months
tw!!! messy, unhealthy family dynamic depicted.
started watching the bear and now i can’t stop thinking abt boxer!carmy, like southpaw but the bear.
next part.
boxer!carmy who started fighting because he watched rocky every day after school as a child (because kids can be quite cruel, can’t they? twinkling eyes and gummy smiles, expressive and vivid, raw, but that vast imagination is no stranger to destruction.)
small for his age, and maybe he liked the color pink more than the rest of the boys in his class, but mikey always said, ‘let it rip, kid. real men wear pink.’ as he wiped his little brother’s tears with the pad of his baby smooth thumb, so carmy never paid it much mind (not until his 10th birthday was coming up and his dad asked him what he wanted the theme of his party to be. he’d told him he didn’t care, “as long as it’s pink, and has cake.” he earned the first ass whoopin’ that left enough bruises for his teachers to notice. “fell off my trampoline,” he’d told them. the berzatto’s didn’t have a trampoline).
boxer!carmy who joins a local gym in 7th grade, because what the fuck else is he supposed to do with all this pent up, boiling angst, festering inside his body, running through the ichor of his being. mom was always screaming, dad was always drinking, sugar was always crying, mikey was never even there anymore…
the gloves cradled his hands the way a family should, hushed the tremble like a mother would to a child. calm.
the sand-bang took away his burdens the way a family could, carried the weight of his agony on boney, worn shoulders the way a father would for his son.
he beat on the bag until his sweat puddled at the floor beneath him, lights flickering as the owner (eddie, a bitter old man that took in “fuckin’ heathens” and gave them a place to call home) silently watched on from his place by the switches.
boxer!carmy who graduates high school, but doesn’t go to college, decides to focus on boxing instead. had already been going to the gym 4 times a week, but now, with school out of the way, he’s there almost every day. he prefers it this way, honestly, away from all the noise and calamity of his home life (can’t listen to another second of mom screaming about how she could have been someone if they hadn’t ruined her life. we could’ve been something, you hear me? and you all fucked it! can’t take sugar’s crying, sad little weeps that chip at his integrity. can’t watch mikey stumble in again, high off this that and the other and gone as fast as he came. can’t understand dad’s carelessness, more concerned with a bottle of bourbon and the ‘ball game than his own children). it’s nice there, anyway—with showers and a kitchen, he’s got all he needs.
he fights day and night, so often that sometimes it’s easier to just sleep there (and after the third time eddie stopped yelling at him about it so he thinks that maybe he might be warming up to him), curled up next to the heater with a blanket and a pillow he stole from mikey’s bedroom (he always had the fluffiest pillows. and besides, it’s not like he’d even fucking notice). he trains so hard and so long that by the end of what would’ve been his freshman year of college, he’s 62-0 in all his rookie matches from january to then.
boxer!carmy who, with his team of nacho (ignacio, a heavyset, easily sweaty sparring partner), benny (a skinny, white medic with frameless, 90s era specs, a hoop earring in his left ear, and a toothpick always in his mouth), and eddie, signs up to go pro, and by some fuckin’ miracle, he gets the headline event of the year.
pushes his ass to work harder than ever before, prove to himself (and mikey and sugar and mom and dad) that he is fucking doing something with his life, more than they ever had, and more than they ever will.
he knocks his opponent out in the 5th round, all teeth and bones intact. cries in eddie’s arms like a big baby, but for once, eddie doesn’t gripe. hell, he’s probably crying too, as he weakly tightens his hold around carmy, and hushes his incessant blubbering. i know, son, i know. y’did it. y’can rest now.
wipes his own eyes as he turns to face the crowd (let it rip, kid), fists pumped in the air in a show of triumph, victory, bittersweet in the absence of those who are meant to see his glory and realize, finally, he is someone, someone worthy of praise and some fucking apologies for all shit he’s been through.
boxer!carmy who fought his way in the ring, and fights every damn day for his spot on the floor. picks up a few more things than championship belts along the way. fractured fingers and broken noses, cracked ribs and misplaced shoulders, popped knees. none in vein, of course. oh, no—god, no—carmen ‘carmy’ berzatto, the beast—the bear—hadn’t lost a single match since entering the professional boxing league.
boxer!carmy who fights the heavyweight championship of the world, and fucking wins, just to find out later that night, after an evening of food, wine, sex, and celebration, that his older brother, michael ‘mikey’ berzatto, shot himself in the fucking head (let it rip, kid).
boxer!carmy who stops fighting after that. for a while (thinks about drinking and screaming the way mom and dad did to cope, but settles for short breathing and night terrors, instead). he doesn’t talk to the family, doesn’t pick up anyone’s phone calls (they hadn’t spoken in years (because he never picked up the fucking phone calls) and now suddenly because mikey’s dead everyone wants to fucking reconnect?), just comfortably sits in his big penthouse apartment, wallows and wonders on what could’ve been.
boxer!carmy who doesn’t touch a pair of boxing gloves for nearly 6 months, because what’s the point? but then, some little pussy decides to come and challenge carmy for his heavyweight title. he was in no mood, really. michael fucking died, he could kill somebody, for christ’s sake. but, even as a kid (the fuckin’ crybaby)—gettin’ picked on by his classmates for usin’ the pink chalk to draw on the pavement—carmy never really did know when to shut his fucking mouth.
he accepts the dickhead’s challenge, timothy grayson, after the second time he says some over the top, arrogant, macho white-trash bullshit on live fucking television (spews off some real intellect about never giving up fighting for anything or anyone, when he doesn’t even fucking know what happened. carmy’s fuckin’ angry, so angry he doesn’t notice the pretty broad beside him, not really, to busy picturing tommy’s or timmy’s or whatever the fuck his name is face beneath his fists).
boxer!carmy who sets up a pay-per-view fight against timmy boy to defend his heavyweight championship.
boxer!carmy who picks up his gloves again and feels the cradle and coo of a mother. fits the laces just right, finds his bag, and when he throws a right hook, feels his burdens being lifted from his back, protected and brave under the shield of a father.
this is who he is.
carmen ‘carmy’ berzatto.
the beast.
the bear.
boxer!carmy who shows up to the pre fight weigh-in at his absolute best physical form, ready to fucking devour timothy on a silver platter.
boxer!carmy who goes up to on the stage after timmy—nacho, benny, and eddie by his side (plus the others accumulated along the years) thoughts calm over the roar of blasphemy being shouted at him. quitter! pussy! fuckin’ pansy bitch! (we could’ve been something, you hear me?)
he keeps his head down as he walks up the steps on the side of the stage, eddie’s hand settled on his right shoulder; grounding. and yet, as his eyes begin to lift from the ground beneath his feet, eddie’s grip on him doesn’t stop carmy from feeling like he’s floating 25 feet above the floor.
perfect, pointed, pink stilettos catch carmy’s eye, open toed with and big, chiffon-esque bow placed across the strap. his eyes trail higher.
deep, caramel skin, glinted in gold accents, fitting over knuckles and bangling from wrists. a mini skirt (shorter than usual, too short) to match the heels, and a skin tight, square neck top to accentuate a sharp, smooth collarbone. a couple stacked necklaces, some (unnecessary) cherry wine hued specs, and a sweet ribbon hanging from long, wistful curls, in that same damned pink.
his blue irises don’t stop fucking flitting around this unknown, ethereal figure until they land on a pair of rich, brown sugar eyes.
oh, jesus fuckin’ christ.
boxer!carmy who can’t keep his eyes off the pretty broad in pink for the rest of the show. he stands taller for her. flexes harder for her, puffs his chest with pride when his weight qualifies by a mile and a minute as the announcers read it from the scale. and the whole time, she’s lookin’ at him. fuckin timothy.
boxer!carmy who gets close to timmy when it’s time to showdown, closer than he has with anyone else. timmy’s yappin’, but it’s in one ear and out the other, nothin’ carmy ain’t heard before (could probably be considered kind in comparison).
he waits ‘til his trash talk subsides. until the silence he let bloom tangled with any single sliver of panic timmy might feel, and watches as it twists onto his ugly mug, brows furrowing. confused.
the corner of his lip lifts, and he holds timmy’s eye. “nice broad. pretty in pink, s’that your little girlfriend?” timmy’s stare hardens, but that deters carmy none. “quite the looker, shame she’s stuck next to your ugly fuckin’ mug—“
“keep her fuckin’ name out of you—“
“or what grayson? huh? can’t do shit now, can’t do shit after i whoop yo’ ass in the fight, and can’t do shit after y’pretty girlfriend dumps y’r s’rry ass because’a it.” nose to nose, breathing jagged, frustrated, a silence settles over them that speaks louder than any rebuttal timmy might’ve had.
carmy manages to press him further.
“i’m going to crush you, timmy. like a fuckin’ bug under my shoe. and after, i’m gonna take y’cute broad right over there back to my hotel suite, and fuck her like she wishes you could.”
boxer!carmy who walks off that stage with a bloody nose and a sore shoulder. but timmy left with a broken nose, an off set jaw, and crunched nuts.
he smiles as he stumbles down the stage steps, leaning into nacho and benny, a sense of dejà vu plaguing him as he recalls a shitfaced mikey falling through the doors of his childhood home (let it rip). but he’s swiftly pulled back into the real world when his eyes lock on a certain pair of wide, brown sugar, cherry red wine framed ones.
with a leaking nose and blood pooling at the seam of his lips, carmy grins, and shoots the pretty broad a wink.
a/n: can’t get him out of my head 🌚🧍🏽‍♀️
loosely edited/proofread!!
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aroeddiediaz · 6 months
7x04 Coda
Sprained ankles hurt. Eddie shouldn’t be as surprised as he is by the pain, because he knows all too well that the amount of pain injuries feel like is almost inverse with the actual damage they cause. A shot from a sniper felt like almost nothing, while a stubbed toe sends ricochets up his spine.
But that’s nothing compared to the encroaching feeling of dread as Eddie thinks back on his interactions with Buck over the last two weeks, and what might have caused his best friend to lash out at him.
“I think we fucked up,” he grumbles to Tommy, who gives him a quick glance before returning his attention to the road.
“You mean with Evan?” Tommy says.
Evan. That was kind of weird, right? Eddie had only ever heard Buck’s sister and parents call him by his first name before. He’d only used the name once himself, when he told Buck about his will.
But Buck hadn’t corrected Tommy on it, so he must not mind, Eddie supposes.
Eddie shakes that stray thought away.
“Yeah,” he continues, even though talking kind of hurts right now. That didn’t seem fair, it’s Eddie’s ankle that’s injured, not his lungs. “I mean, with me kind of blowing him off to come to that karaoke night… and the UFC fight in Vegas… and the pickup game…”
Looking back on it now, Eddie’s not sure when it all got so out of hand. He and Tommy had hit it off on the Coast Guard ride back to LA, while Buck was off checking in with Bobby and Athena. He’d been so excited as they shared their similar interests and history- army, MMA, old cars- that he’d immediately made plans to hang out. When Tommy mentioned that he could get them rinkside tickets in Vegas, Eddie had jumped on it immediately. He didn’t even think about mentioning it to Buck.
And the babysitting thing… Eddie kind of wants to curl up thinking back to the strange face Buck had made when Eddie asked him to watch over Chris. Buck usually loved hanging out with Chris, even volunteering for it when Eddie mentioned having plans, so he didn’t think twice about asking it of him. He should have known.
“Ooh, yeah.” Tommy lets out a whistle. “We did fuck up, huh. Could have at least invited him to muay thai after the match.”
Eddie laughs a little, strained by the pain and the stirrings of shame. “Buck doesn’t know muay thai. Just boxing.”
“Yeah?” There’s a funny tone to Tommy’s voice. “Maybe we should teach him.”
Eddie does a careful rotation of his inflamed joint. The stretch does help ease the pain a little. “Maybe you should offer him lessons,” he says. “I’m gonna be out of commission for a little bit.”
Tommy glances at him again. A slightly longer one, with them stopped at a red light, kind of searching. “You think he’d be interested in learning from me?”
“Oh yeah. You’re great. And Buck’s a quick study for sure.” Eddie glances out the window, and sees the urgent care clinic sign just past the intersection. “Actually, you think you could do me a favor?”
The light turns green. Tommy drives forward. “Of course.”
“Could you talk to Buck for me?” Eddie asks. “I’m sure he’s feeling all sorts of guilty right now, and it’s not his fault. He just got a little too aggressive at the game.”
It’s really too bad. Buck’s really good at basketball, for someone who hates the game so much. Eddie’s sure he’ll never get Buck to touch a ball again.
“Uh, yeah,” Tommy says, slowly, as he pulls up into the parking lot. “If you’re sure you want me to speak with him.”
Eddie nods. “He’s probably licking his wounds at his loft right now, and he’ll need a bit of a kick in the pants before he comes to see me. I trust you.”
Tommy chuckles a little. “Alright, then. I’ll swing by his place in the morning, before my shift, check in on him for you.”
That’s a relief. They find a parking spot close to the clinic entrance, and Eddie hisses a little as he opens the door and swings his legs out. He needs to be more considerate of Buck’s feelings, going forward. He has the sinking feeling that he’s started to take him for granted.
He’ll have to pay him more attention.
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harrysarchive · 10 months
I love tattooarrist harry and baker!y/n so much!! Can we please have more of them🥺🥺
No big deal; h.s.
Tattooartist!harry x baker!y/n
"I don't see the problem we were just staying in." He tries to defend himself his eyebrows furrowing, a common tell sign that he was getting worked up, "Me and Niall had a good fuckin day at work so we decided to celebrate. We can do date night another day no big deal."
Warnings: Slight angst
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I watch as the candle slowly melts with a sigh leaving my mouth, the cold dinner left untouched and the wine was left getting warm. I look up at the clock and my frown deepens.
I'll be back at 8, just me and you tonight love.
His charismatic voice with a wink rings through my mind. The clock taunts me with the hands striking 10, finally deciding he wasnt showing, I shoved my chair back the legs of the chair weeping from the tension against the wooden floor, and started picking up the dinner left to waste. Wrapping Harry's plate in plastic wrap i shove it in the fridge when a black ball of fur swivels its way between my legs, matilda meows sorrowful and i give her a light smile.
"He probably had to work late 'tilda." I hum giving her a pat before walking towards our bedroom.
As i sit on our bed I pull my phone out and scroll through my contacts, clicking his name i put my phone to my ear and wait as the sound of the ringing vibrates through my ear.
I obviously couldn't answer I'm probably busy at work or with y/n. If it's important give her a call.
I let out a frustrated huff at the voicemail, "Where the hell are you? We had plans tonight remember? Just give me a call back please."
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My body jolts as i hear the sound of keys jingle and the front door snapping open. I grab ahold of my glasses on the side table shoving them on and looking at the clock, 2:00 A.M. glares back at me. Are you actually kidding me? I put on my house shoes and walk towards the living area of the apartment, i watch as Harry pour himself a glass of water.
"And where the hell have you been?" I ask sharply as i glare at him, my hands on my hips Harry stops pouring the water and turns towards me with a frown.
"Out with Niall." He states bluntly taking a swig of water, a harsh laugh escapes my mouth and i nod.
"Did you forget something?" I ask with a sarcastic smile on my face.
He looks as if he's trying to remember something then shakes his head, "not that i recall."
Thats the fire that ignites my anger, "You made plans for us tonight! You wanted to have a nice quiet night in. I fucking made dinner, I had picked out a bath bomb for us to use. I even left work three hours early for this!"
"I don't see the problem we were just staying in." He tries to defend himself his eyebrows furrowing, a common tell sign that he was getting worked up, "Me and Niall had a good fuckin day at work so we decided to celebrate. We can do date night another day no big deal."
No big deal.
"No big deal?!" I snap taking a step in his direction, "We barely get to spend any time together because you're always working late, you fucking promised me tonight and you broke that promise. You come home six hours later from a pub and expect me not to be upset? I mean fuck Harry!" I huff massaging my temples.
"Well maybe you should have called me!" He bites and i sigh shaking my head.
"You know what, this isnt even worth it." I hum grabbing my keys from the key rack.
"Where the hell are you going?" He asks moving over towards me.
"Dont do this," he sighs, "look i'm sorry okay just dont leave please."
I take a look at him, his eyes heavy with exhaustion, hair disheveled and a frown on his pretty pink lips before taking a deep breath, "i need some time to think and breathe before i make a mistake and do something irrational, if we keep going at this it'll turn out that way. Please respect my wishes."
His frown deepens and brows furrow further, "be back tomorrow?"
"I have work all day, i'll be back at 8." I spit his words back at him before throwing the door open and making my escape.
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"...all im saying is he's a prick, plain and simple make him suffer." Martha states as she wipes down the colourful table.
Marthas been giving me a lecture since i walked into her little cottage yesterday at 2 in the morning and she hasnt stopped. I walked in the bakery with a frown at 6 A.M. and it hasnt came off the entire day, regulars constantly coming in giving me a sympathetic smile and wishing my day well.
"But Martha..."
"No but, no nothing. Dont give me that bullshit, sure he loves you and you love him but its the principle of the matter." She hums sitting in an old rustic arm chair next to the bean bags. "Think of it this way, if it was the other way around; him staying home making the dinner and you didnt show till ass crack in the mornin', he would do the same shit. Walk his pretty ass out of the house and drive off to Niall's."
I huff as i plop myself on the bright pink beanbag bringing my palms to my eyes trying to rub out the migraine that was destined to form. I know she's right he would be upset if it was the other way around, and the fact that he was being so blunt and  careless was very disrespectful.
"So what now?" I ask picking at my nails.
"You wait till he apologises."
I let out a deep sigh, "Martha I was also wrong for just walking out."
"No you werent, you told him yourself. You would have done some stupid shit that you didnt mean if you stayed there." She replies sharply, "and while he's at the apologising tell him to come clean the damn tables and dishes."
I let out a snort and shake my head, glancing at the clock 8 o'clock is staring back at me, Martha looks at the clock and hums.
"You can go, Nat is here so she can help clean up."
"No, i'll stay." I smile at her before snatching her rag out of her hands and smirking at her, "get up you old hag it's deep cleaning day."
She gapes at me then glares, "fuck that shit, you can do that yourself for calling me an old hag!"
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I look at the clock on my dashboard, 10:30 it reads. Letting out a huff i grab my purse and some desserts I decide to bring home, everything will be fine i hoped. Walking up to the door i let one last deep sigh out before making my way through. The sound of things being knocked over make me jump slightly, looking up towards the dining area i see Harry with blood shot eyes and a blotchy face.
"You're home." He croaks out smiling at me with watery eyes.
"Yeah, stayed late to help Martha deep clean." I mumble sitting my purse on the coat rack and my keys on the key holder.
"I- um I made dinner for us." He chirps pointing to the meal on the table, "chicken parm your favourite."
I give him a weak smile before nodding and walking towards the dining table, looking at the meal my heart pulls. "Thank you thats thoughtful of you."
"No it's not, it's the bare minimum, you shouldn't thank me for this." He sighs shaking his head, "i have neglected you for weeks y/n. Making you promises and never pulling through, telling you we'd spend time together but it never happens. When you left last night, i um i got to thinking and do you know how many dates i've fallen through on?" He ask and i shake my head, not really one to keep count on things like that, "six, fucking six, that is six to many. I wanna make it up to you, i decided to cut back on my hours-"
"Harry you didnt-"
"I know i didnt have to, i wanted to." He smiles grabbing ahold of my hands, "i want to spend a lot more time with you, i want to be there for you the way you've been there for me."
Tears stream down my face as i smile at him letting out a chuckle, "i'm sorry for leaving."
"Dont be sorry, i would've left to if i was you."
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A/N: oh my god :') hello guys i miss yall so fucking much its insane first off thank you so much for the request anon<3 i've been dealing with personal shit and just been in a reading (and writing) slump </3 and i've also been waiting for someone to request something so thank youuuuu!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed as much as i enjoyed writing this<3
-All the love,
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goose-duck · 3 months
Creepypasta incorrect quotes ⭐
Nina: spirit Halloween opened up early and my poor money decisions are always open so I bought a bunch of stuff
Jeff: so...are we the best or the worst?
Toby: yes, sir.
Jeff: he doesn't have eyeballs bro- he probably doesn't have balls either...
Nina: he's ugly, I love him
Y/N: There's just something abt his lack of a mouth and being less fluffy that makes me want him
Toby: he can't scream
Y/N: perfect
Jeff: best friends!!
Y/N: nooOOOOO!!!!
EJ: I learn from the mistakes of people who take my advice
Y/N: heading into work~
Y/N: or maybe not-
Nina: so romantic~
Jeff: *screaming*
Nina: romance <3
Y/N: Jack, why am I in this room?
EJ: am I responsible for you moving from room to room now?
Y/N: yes.
EJ: then stay in that room.
Toby: it's an elevator
Masky: this is a ladder, Toby.
Toby: imagination ✨
Hoodie: just because you put a sign that says "elevator" doesn't mean it's actually an elevator.
Toby: imagination ✨
Y/N: but not me, because no one can get mad at me
Jane: I feel like in an hour we're all gonna be mad at you for something
Toby: I made a house, what did you make?
Sally: a balloon
Toby: wonderful
Jeff: just don't be blind
EJ: wow, you've cured me
Toby: someone please take me off this fucking planet
Y/N: Don't look at ceilings when ur tired. Never know what you'll see.
Toby: context, please
Y/N: Thought I had a fucking ceiling fan but it was just the balloons that I refuse to take down from my 13th birthday. I can't tell if I'm tired or stupid but I think either way it's correct.
Toby: it's probably both
Y/N: Exactly- It scared the shit outta me too-I saw it and was so fucking scared that I might have a ceiling fan in my room-
Y/N: Y/N, Weakness: ceiling fans that may or may not be there
Toby: strength: walking in high heels, weakness: imaginary ceiling fans
Hoodie: it's just a deer or something
Masky: bro, that is not a deer
Jeff: *sees a spider* I should have just bombed the house the last time I saw one of you fuckers
EJ: I'm doing good...im doing great...i have a headache.....
Jeff: this is like when I threatened to steal your skin and bones and stuff
Jeff: it's like if a heat stroke were a room
Y/N: me
Jeff: no, you're like if a heat stroke were a person
Y/N: oh
Y/N: tree tops
Jeff: crispy
Nina: crispy tree tops?
Jane: why are they crispy?
EJ: why is everyone talking about trees??
Jane: I'm moving the pumpkins, sorry, Toby
Toby: nooo, my life's work...
Toby: would you be more offended if I got a mug of milk or orange juice?
Masky: milk.
Jeff: they're all safety scissors, I don't think I can possibly be unsafe with them
*pile of about 10 safety scissors*
LJ: I took some of his teeth and coloured them like candy corns
Jeff: I'll steal ur hair, I'll take ur eyebrows and I'll steal ur skin too
Toby: please, that's all I have
Jeff: U have bones, mucles, veins, blood, cartilage and organs that I could take too
Toby: no thanks
Hoodie: Masky is this big *puts his fingers together*
Jeff: what are you doing dude?
Y/N: hugging? I think??
Jeff: it's weird...
Y/N: yeah, let's never do that again
Y/N: die.
Toby: :0
Y/N: in a nice way..?
Nina: I'm sure there's someone in Fabio who's named Russia
Jane: what?
Nina: yup.
Jeff: I hit myself in the face with an eye!
EJ: give it to me!
Ben: what the rational number?
Toby: I think I failed at life...
*Jeff and Toby leave the room*
Masky: well, that was a headache
Hoodie: which one?
EJ: both.
*Jeff walks by*
Jane: look at him, he's greasy
Y/N: why are you only offended when Jeff says something?
EJ: because it's Jeff
Toby: well how's this right?
Jeff: because I'm here!
Jane: I'm going to Halifax
Jeff: Hali-fuck you
Sally: I saw a girl and she was young
Y/N: you're young
Sally: I'm 8
Y/N: exactly, young.
Sally: so you're a grandma?
Toby: fellas, if you need me, I'll be living inside this cabinet
Y/N: I'm afraid of togetherness
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
List of characters that i think smoke a lil weed:
Riddle. He needs to chill the fuck out. I don't think he'd be able to handle smoking though, physically or mentally, so like. Trey should maybe slip him a strawberry tart with some ganja in it
Cater. Let him find the will the live and spiritually high five Morgan freeman or smth idk
Ace and Deuce. Another day, another heart attack cause Yuu got into a situation again
Trey. Partially because we both know damn well how stressed he is on a daily, but mostly because I just want the strict "Rule Following Dorm" to just be chalk full of stoners. Never let them know your next move! 🤙
Ruggie. He deserves it. Weirdly enough, he actually preforms better at his jobs when he's high as balls (this is based on one of my brother's. He can't drive for shit but he can smoke a blunt and then suddenly he turns into a chauffeur???)
Jade. I don't think he would need it or even really feel a desire to do it; he just wanted to know what it felt like the first time he did it, but then Yuu shotgunned him once and now he's much more willing to smoke. Probably makes the best food ever when he's high
Jamil. Look me in my eye and tell me he doesn't need Marijuana like a white mom needs a live laugh love sign. You cant. He can't do it too much though cause whenever he gets high he ends up just. Melting into his floor and stares at the ceiling for the next few hours and he can't do shit.
Kalim. He wants to be included. Also I think he would be a crier cause Lord knows he needs a good sob
Epel. He'll do just about anything if he thinks it'll make him cooler, and in his mind, weed is pretty cool. It is significantly less cool when he starts coughing like he's trying to puke out his organs though.
Vil. I don't really know why, he just would. He wouldn't smoke it though. Probably just eat an edible, and not the normal ones like a brownie or a cookie or some type of sweet, nah. He's going for the peanut butter. "Vil why is your peanut butter green?" "It's made with pistachios" "Ok but why are your eyes so red" "it's windy out here". He's so good at lying through his teeth when it comes to this but come on! He needs a break! Let him do this or he's gonna bite neiges head off!
I dont think Rook would. I don't why for this either, it's just the vibes. Rook is staying sober.
Idia tried it once to see what the hype was about and started choking. He's one if those people who isn't affected by Marijuana so he didn't really do it again. Until those cotton candy vapes came out and then he tried it again.
Lilia. I don't think I have to explain this.
Yuu. They were the one that got everyone else smoking. The probably grow it in their garden and tell people it's mint (also inspired by my brother). They're stressed constantly and making out with their boyfriend doesn't always take that stress away, so why not make out with their boyfriend, but high.
Honorable mention: Sam! He's just cool like that.
Honorable mention: Chen'ya! Cause I feel like he would.
I know nothing about smoking weed because the smell makes me kind of sick so I will take your word for it that this list is accurate. I do know a decent bit about drinking vodka straight from the bottle so allow me to give you my list of people who I think would do that:
Crewel- i think he's a cocktail guy but sometimes he just doesn't have the patience. He also has a big bottle of absinthe for emergencies. It's been getting a work out with all the overblots this year.
Lilia- used to back when he was traveling the world, nowadays he prefers not to so he can set a good example for Silver. Probably sticks to weed since it's more natural
Floyd- I feel like he makes those toxic jungle juice mixes that you can't tell the alcohol content of for "funzies" but then refuses to drink it himself and just drinks it from the bottle.
Epel- again he thinks it makes him look cool. He hates vodka because as a proud citizen of Harveston he strikes me as more of a cider guy but he still assumes he looked cool.
Sebek- he did it on a dare and he hated every second of it.
Ruggie- he does the thing where he gets cheap vodka and puts it through a brita filter to make it better.
Leona- he is too lazy to get himself something better. Do you think he smokes weed or sticks to catnip? And if you asked him that how loud do you think he would laugh before trying to beat your ass?
Yuu- at all times they look like this to me:
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brotherwtf · 3 months
i feel like these lyrics would be super fitting for an sports au where bucky’s a football/rugby/baseball (basically any sports with a ball hahah) player
Shirts off, and your friends lift you up over their heads
Beer sticking to the floor
Cheers chanted, cause they said
There was no chance, trying to be
The greatest in the league
Where's the trophy?
He just comes running over to me
Touch down
Call the amateurs and
Cut 'em from the team
Ditch the clowns, get the crown
Baby I'm the one to beat
Cause the sign on your heart
Said it's still reserved for me
Honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
ahhh that is so cute! I'm thinking a college au maybe? classic jock/nerd au with Bucky and Gale, super cute and sweet
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Gale is going to school for astrophysics and astronomy, he hopes to do research or possibly become a professor once he gets his PhD
John signed on to play D1 baseball, but studies literature when he's not playing
They almost never cross paths, but when they do meet it's classic romcom bullshit
Gale is running late to an exam and John is late to practice and they literally run into each other on campus
Gale is knocked flat on his ass, books and pencils falling from his backpack and John immediately feels bad
It doesn't help that John is the most beautiful person Gale has seen, or that John is literally drowning in Gale's blue eyes bcs they just kinda sit there
It isn't until Gales scrambling for his books and pens that John finally snaps out of it and helps him up and desperately asks Gale for his number
Gale blushes as he gives it to John, and basically runs to his exam, John thinks about him all during practice and his teammates make fun of him endlessly
They start texting and talking more, meeting at the library or the dining hall and just talking
Gale finally musters up the courage to ask John on a proper date and John is absolutely ecstatic
They go into the city and get dinner and ice cream, after that just sort of wandering around until Gale says he should probably get back
John walks Gale all the way to his dorm, and presses a shy kiss to his lips to say goodbye, and Gale blushes endlessly
They start dating, and Gale starts going to more of John's baseball games to support him (aka look at John's ass and thighs in those tight baseball pants)
He doesn't quite understand the game, but always cheers for John when he's batting. John always beams the brightest when he can see Gale in the crowd, sometimes blowing him a kiss before hitting it out of the park
What if during one of their championship games, it's the bottom of the ninth, they're all tied up, bases loaded, and Johns up to bat. Gale is in the crowd, obviously, and he's nervous, wringing his hands together in anticipation
It's a full count (Three balls and two strikes) and this next pitch could either make or break their win. The entire crowd watches in anticipation, leaning forward in their seats
John looks into the crowd and spots Gale, blows him a kiss before turning back to the pitcher. Gale is probably thinking "you dummy, you don't have time for that now you need to focus"
And John hits a fucking grand slam and the crowd screams. Gale literally jumps to his feet and cheers when John rounds all the bases and returns to home with the rest of his team hugging and grabbing him
John manages to pull himself away from his team and finds Gale who's made his way up to the edge of the bleachers. He pulls John into an enthusiastic kiss and hugs him so close he feels like John might struggle to breathe, but he's too fucking proud of John to care
A couple of their teammates (I'm thinking like Curt and Rosie) pour Gatorade over John's head while he's still hugging Gale and then immediately regret it once they see they accidently soaked Gale, but Gale is laughing too hard to actually care
The boys try to drag John out to the bar, but he insists on staying behind and celebrating quietly with Gale, who just beams at the thought
In celebration, they go into the city and get ice cream, just like their first date
eeekk I loved this one! nerd/jock tropes are one of my favorites I hold them near and dear to my heart. lmk if you guys have any more hcs for this!
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yenonnoff · 3 months
TEACH ME HOW TO LOVE! 32. beachside lesson on romance
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masterlist ⌒☆ previous ⌒☆ next
fun facts:
i always make kenma and shoyo the least busiest in the group, when in reality, they should have equally busy schedules as the others hehe
while kenma was playing the sims with y/n, she gave him some ideas if he ever wanted to do a sims stream. wouldn't it be hilarious if he did the sims 4 100 baby challenge or a rags to riches one 💀 (he'd probably only do it if y/n was playing with him on stream though!)
i saved so many pics for shimizu's tweets like i was determined. i even stumbled across the atelier couture bridal collection for "shakespeare in love"; it was really pretty! you should check it out too :D
this chapter was me pushing my jolie and semi agenda by the way
i hinted at the possibility of their relationship here and there (mostly in the fun facts!). honestly, i'm like an ant picking up all these minuscule crumbs with the hopes of making a palace out of them. (literally disrupted some of my plans but fuck it we ball)
i kept thinking of crash course in romance while making the chapter title haha
guys there was supposed to be more but i had to split it into two chapters whoops 😓
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TEACH ME HOW TO LOVE! 。o♡ an atsumu miya smau
synopsis: when y/n l/n, a rising actress, decides to star in a romance film that could make or break her career, she’s unable to showcase her skills, revealing her inexperience within the romance department instead. worst of all, atsumu miya, her co-star and the main lead’s love interest, seems to hate her guts! with absolutely, unbearably zero chemistry between the two, an idea was proposed: spend time with one another in the upcoming weeks. will y/n be able to ignore her professionalism and listen to her heart? and will she, a clueless romantic, be able to pick up on the signs her co-star is sending her?
a/n: my sleep schedule is a mess guyskdalsd
taglist is open! dm or ask to be a part of it! (those bolded were unable to be tagged)
⌒☆ @kqbukimono @empathum @clyver @chosoluv @oceansfloor @sunarots @marga-j @rukia-uchiha-98 @wyrcan @thechaosoflonging @rintarousgirl @ast4rg1rl @seiamor @saiewithakatana @usermins @literally-a-ferret @terrarain @iuspired @haruskatana @wolffmaiden @ris-krispie @vellichxrr6782 @animenaces-world @reignsaway @emii4evr @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @yuminako @tojirin @v3nusplanetofluv @vyvixen @secondary-character-25 @tenjikusstuff4 @444choso @mylahrins @deimmortales99 @hisfuture @staywhelmed8801 @dl-yum @nessaasstuff @milesmoralesluvs @101tsumu @ryeyeyer @cherrypieyourface @azharyy @mimi3lover @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @dazball @whykirbo @r0seandth0rns @localgaytrainwreck @miyamoratsumuu @zephestia @luvvmae @seeyapizzazz
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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Bonten x bunny male reader
Warning: hybrid au, nsfw, smut, male reader, bottom reader, MLM, gay, diet omegaverse themes (elements of Omegaverse but not quite there)
If you are
Are a fujoshi
Do not interact
I will block you
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Those who knew Bonten knew to run for the hills if they enter a room, the predator hybrids weren't to be fucked with by any means.
And whatever they saw, belonged to them.
And currently they couldn't take their eyes off the cutest bunny hybrid with long floppy ears and a fluffy cotton tail to boot.
Said bunny was their beloved mate so why wouldn't they watch him whenever they could?
(Name) was in bunny form curled up against Sanzus fox tail as the pink haired man cleaned his sword calmly, pleased his mate was so relaxed to be in such a vulnerable state with him.
Currently (name) was in preheat, conserving energy for the upcoming heat that Bonten was thankful that they could alternate because bunnies had a reputation for a reason.
"He still sleeping?" Ran asked as he walked in with bags of veggies and fruits, the pink haired man nodded as he glanced down at the bunny who was still snoozing away, the tiny fluff ball stretching out.
"Well enjoy it while you can, because he's not gonna let us go once he starts"
Six hours later was when Mikey fet a hand on his chest push him down from where he was sitting, catching the rest of Bontens attention as (name) made a chirping noise to the wolf who stared at him curiously, charcoal eyes staring into (name)s fully dialated ones "you need a good fuck baby?" Mikey asked, thankfully (name) was only wearing one of their botton up shirts as he began humping at Mikey's jean covered lap "that would be a yes" Koko said teasingly as (name) huffed, leg bouncing which usually indicates one thing.
He wanted a chase.
"Hey baby?" Sanzu said teasingly and (name) turned to look at him "run" he said with a rumble as all the men's eyes flashed to a more primal look and with a pleased shiver (name) bolted down the hall as the others counted to twenty before taking off behind him.
God they loved a good hunt.
Did they purchase a home with this in mind? Oh absolutely and all parties had a grand time with it.
Ran and Rindō worked together to hunt him, the Panthers feral with joy as they scanned the area for any sign of the bunny.
Walking down the hall they saw a flash of an ankle and both men immediately took off after him, almost manic only to see the Jaguar that was Koko pinning the bunny down "get the others" Koko said before looking down at his hunt, shaking and blushing as (name) hooked his ankle behind Kokos neck to pull him close "oh? You ready to be eaten bunny?"
In this relationship there were no rules on who got to fuck the bunny as long as it was mutually consentual.
And Koko was a bit pent up, none of them able to fuck (name) for one week before his heat, knowing to save their energy for when it actually happens.
Koko devoured (name)s mouth, licking anywhere he could as his hands groped around, feeling the others flesh under his skin "so good~"
Koko freed his cock and let (name) wrap his legs around his hips, trapping him successfully as Koko wasted no time pushing into (name), the bunnies biology making him ready anytime "oh!" (Name) gasped out as Koko began thrusting "gonna fuck you real nice angel"
(Name) rolled his hips to try and meet his thrusts as the rest of Bonten gathered around him "open wide babydoll" takeomi said pressing the blunt head of his cock to (name)s lips, the men watching with pure lust as (name) sucked on the tip before slowly taking it in deepee down his throat "so good baby" takeomi said softly, playing with (name)s soft bunny ears as the bunny let the fox and jaguar fuck him silly.
The others jerked off and played with the bunnies body, stroking his cock and playing with his nipples "we should probably head to a bedroom soon" Kakucho said as the snake took (name)s wrist to have (name) stroke one of his cocks.
"Once we stuff him real nice with a few kits" Mikey said having (name) use his other hand to jerk him off.
(Name) was a shaking mess as he let the predators around him use him as they pleased, to heat drunk to even remotely care as the pre-cum leaking from Mikey's cock got all over his hand and wrist.
"Gonna give me cubs baby? A whole litter for me?" Koko hissed as he fucked (name) senseless, enjoying the sight of the bunny full of cock as his hips pistoned into him, the sound of his cock fucking his lovers tight hole echoing along with the sound of his throat being thoroughly fucked.
"Take it baby! Take it!" And with that Koko came hard into (name), the others cuming as well to cover the bunny with cum as the poor prey shook helplessly from his own orgasm.
"Let's clean you up for round too, you got seven more to please angel"
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biceratops7 · 1 year
HOly fucking SHIT-
Guys I just had a complete Shellstrop style “holy motherforking shirt balls” moment at work about Donnie’s unusual speaking patterns. You know, when he does this:
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This tendency to narrate his actions in the third person or verbally say onomatopoeias in place of the sound is uh… well it’s autistic right? Look it features in literally every compilation but no one knows why other than “vibes, sometimes it just be like that 🤷”
But NO. No it NOT be like that. I finally know what this fucking nerd is doing, hear me out…
… he’s scripting.
Think about it. You know what else describes action, emotion, and sound in purely words? Books. He has these little speaking quirks, yah, but if you actually zoom out and see the whole picture, Donnie talks like he’s a narrator. This makes a SHIT ton of sense considering we already have textual evidence that he engages in scripting behavior (more specifically some possible echolalia. See: saying “New York! What a Town!” in any situation something kind of abnormal happens after he hears Splinter say it with the exact same infections and everything.)
And we also know from the mystic library that Donnie actively seeks out and enjoys reading. So it stands to reason an autistic 14 year old who likes to be left alone to work on complex machines a decent amount and takes pride in his intellect would model the way he communicates off of written media as opposed to tv or his brothers. He could fill his social tool box with lines from Jupiter Jones and Lou Jitsu movies, but he may think it would give him less of a chance to properly express his capabilities.
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Books are also the only form of media that can literally just tell you flat out what a character’s expression or emotion is supposed to be without it being awkward, which would be really appealing for Donnie. What solidifies this for me is the fact that at least once he verbally says “sad face emoji”, which could not have come from a novel or textbook. But we often do flagrantly use emoticons as tone indicators, and Donnie is constantly on his phone.
I think he’s definitely aware that this is not a regular way of communicating, but he’s clearly also self aware of his issues in getting his emotional meaning across and receiving input back. So it stands to reason he would accommodate this in a way that, yes, makes him sound odd, but is at least effective.
Now for my final little “I’ve connected the dots. I’ve connected them” moment, I headcannon that Donnie learned to read before he fully got the hang of speech. Aside from… literally everything I just said, he uses sign language to tell the squirrels to blow up his treehouse in that one episode. But he does the sign for “make” a bit incorrectly (there should be a slight twist in his upper fist), which leads me to believe he was probably taught baby sign out of necessity rather than being fully proficient in asl. This is fairly common for autistic children with speech delays.
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fuck-customers · 6 months
If you don't have the balls to come talk to me directly like a big girl and try to shame me over the radio in front of our coworkers, don't be mad when I call your ass out.
At my job, in order to clock in/out, we have to first sign into the desktop computer to get to the homepage that has the timeclock program shortcut. Think of it like windows 95 where each family member had a different log in to use the same desktop computer. The system also forces us to update our password every few months and sometimes doesn't register the new password after it has been changed. (yay technology)
SO when I tried to clock IN, the computer wouldn't accept the password that I changed it to a few days ago and I had to ask my coworker log into the computer so I could just clock in. I went about my shift as usual and planned to change my password before leaving for the day.
10 minutes or so before my shift ends, I have no customers and finished my tasks and I have a bit of downtime to change my password, so I get on the computer in between customers to do that. The computer is right next to the register and I make sure to watch the line and stop what I'm doing to ring up customers/answer the phone/etc. Changing my password takes only about 5 minutes.
Now, rather than coming up to me directly to privately talk to me and allowing me to explain the situation and why I'm on the computer, my chickenshit ASM decides to try to shame me over the radio for all of our coworkers to hear. (And probably some customers, because there weren't enough headsets for all the radios today-I know I had to use my radio with no earpiece) But I was not in the fucking mood for her shit and clapped back a little bit.
(I'll use a fake name, but similar enough to convey the idea)
*I see the ASM slinking around the register area a minute or two before this, but assumed she had some project to work on. She was alone and could clearly see when I was with a customer or not to come talk to me privately.*
ASM, over radio: "Whitney, if you don't have any customers, you should be doing something productive, like cleaning up the registers or the front end."
Me, not feeling so hot in the first place and hates her guts: "FIRST OF ALL, my name is BRITTANY, NOT Whitney. SECOND OF ALL, my login wouldn't work and I had to have Melissa log in to the computer just so I could clock in when I got here, so I'm trying to fix it so I don't have to bother anyone else when I need to clock out, since my shift is over in 5 minutes."
There was absolutely no need to make an issue of this at all and if you're gonna call yourself a manager, then you should be managing real people by talking to them like adults. Sometimes there's a legitimate reason for why they might be doing something a different or unconventional way.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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dmercer91 · 11 months
ebug's sister, dm91
ok, first post where blake is blake!! also, excuse the absolute dumpster fire that is my life, and is the reason that this post is one post and not like 47
last season! (2022-23) part one / part two / part three / part four / part five / part six / part seven / part eight / part nine / part ten / part eleven / part twelve
(2023-24)! part one /
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liked by dawson1417, adamfantilli and 6,947 others
blakefriarr_: so many things have happened since i last popped up on all your timelines and made them immeasurably better!
this is episode one of season two of i-am-both-the sister-of-the-devils-home-emergency-backup-goaltender-and-also-happen-to-be dating-dawson-mercer-forward-for-the-devils series!
these pictures are in no particular order, because, i am moving into a new place with afore mentioned dawson mercer and have spent the last several weeks making it look like it's not the most depressing back alley murderous apartment any of you have ever laid your eyes on
and apparently, i have a ball ton of stuff!
regardless, here's what i've caught up on;
the entire nhl draft! though i have not acquired any new adoptees, it did come to my attention that the anaheim ducks as an organization did personally victimize me during the 2023 entry draft (they also took a BALLSY amount of time to re-sign bitch one and bitch two. what the literal fuck, dudes). also- if you are seeing this and you need help to flee, blink twice (not you adam) (you know who you are)
2, the entire preseason was also missed while i was one, curing myself from jetlag and the absolute dread of going back to uni and two, moving my egregious amount of shit with a spiteful level of independence. the devils won every preseason game! dawson scored that clusterfuck of a goal on slide two and we also got to see goalie bonks again! (i told you those pics weren't in order and i meant it)
three, (or four, i forgot what came first) quinneth played his first regular season game as captain of the canucks ad they kicked ass against the edmonton dudes. goncrats captain ;p
four (probably) rookie had both his first reg season nhl game AND his birth on the same day! he cried on camera for thousands of viewers and made me question kidnapping his brother and locking him in an abandoned building in ohio (who am i kidding i don't want to be in ohio). the blue jackets have since been doing blue jacket things (losing)
five (it's all blended together these days) the devs started their regular season and now i get to go to the arena and watch in peace as nico makes dumb faces, jack gets into petty scrums and goes to the box (apparently? that ones new.) and dawson does dawson things (be hot)
sixth and finally, assistant coach and captain quinn (he should probably drop a title for his mental health, me thinks) turned 24! i giggled profusely at an edit of him as tracksuit rob. good job on aging, kid 🎉
that's all, i think. (probably not, what do i know)
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jj.friar31: remember when we were roomies??? siblings defying the odds?? i've been left out to dry. i'm MARINATING in my loneliness. you've basically shot me and left me out for dead, blakey.
→ blakefriarr_: this is a touch dramatic, that's MY thing
→ jj.friar31: if i agree to never steal your dramatics again will you come back
→ blakefriarr_: have u seen how pretty my boyfriend is?? no dude
→ jj.friar31: blake pls
adamfantilli: of every picture you could've used you just decided to screenshot me crying
→ blakefriarr_: hi im blake have we met??
→ adamfantilli: also, do not kidnap luca.
→ blakefriarr_: oh so you just don't want my love?? is that what this is??
→ luca.fantilli: do not kidnap me
→ blakefriarr_: BOOORRRINNNGGGGG
nicohischier: every day i wonder what it would be like if we didn't let the ebug's come into the room
→ blakefriarr_: do you want dawson to be lonely and bitchless
→ nicohischer: yeah kinda??
→ blakefriarr_: oh
jackhughes: why.
→ blakefriarr_ ehehehe your bucket doing weird things
_quinnhughes: ??????? why am i tracksuit rob????
→ blakefriarr_: who else would be tracksuit rob
→ _quinnhughes: nobody needs to be tracksuit rob, friar.
→ _blakefriarr_: WRONG! you do :)
_connorbedard: am i who i are???
→ blakefriarr_: no apparently you are timbaland
→ _connorbedard: oh. okay?
→ adamfantilli: @/_connorbedard you get used to it
→ _connorbedard: do i want to??
→ adamfantilli: eh. 50/50
dawson1417: oh how i've missed the chaos
→ blakefriarr_: fbejdbsjshdghshsb
→ dawson1417: sometimes it's almost like you say words
→ blakefriarr_: :p i love you
→ dawson1417: i love you too, my girl <3
tannercharlotte: this is my reality tv
→ blakefriarr_: i'll leave him for u say the word
→ dawson1417: HEY??
→ blakefriarr_: shhhh baby go sleep
→ tannercharlotte: don't leave him b he doesn't have to know
ryangraves27: she back
→ blakefriarr_: i back!!
nhlblackhawks: ??
→ njdevils: don't '??' her she's right
→ blakefriarr_: thank you (trade for charlie)
→ nyrangers: i can excuse hawks slander but i draw the line at trying to take our char
→ nhlblackhawks: you can excuse hawks slander?
→ jj.friar31: why do teams keep doing this you have ENOUGH leverage over me
trevorzegras: am i bitch one or bitch two
→ trevorzegras: actually yk what don't answer that i don't wanna know
→ blakefriarr_: too bad you're actually both jamie is an angel
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