#purple and red their signature colors of course
redhoodie1723 · 1 year
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I saw @snarkylinda’s post about a CM Cowboy AU (I reblogged it a few posts ago, go check it out it’s amazing), and I just had to draw it. Anyways,,, Reid and Prentiss, my beloveds.
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koszmarnybudyn · 5 months
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The four horseman.
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I have thoughts so here's a rant:
Normal is conquest/i think its illnes or something (its zaraza so plauge where i'm from) because the Oaks brought the doodler about (plus he's the one that brought it to heaven with willy so started the apocalypse), plauge cause the Oaks also have the doodler in their blood and its an "infection" (he's also the stinkiest lol). He has the black eyes he got after seeing what the doodler wants, the purple in his eye is for love and hate, and the blue is there cause that's his signature color and again love. The crown is made of tentacles and also have the eyes (red to symbolize hate and the rage the Oaks carry). I tried to potray him slightly Jesus and Mary like (its so wierd writing that in english), and of course he has the white cloak (i did not draw horses because im bad at drawing horses and i didnt want this to take half a year to make). He and Scary are the ones turned straight to the camera because they are the ones that are the most important doodler wise. Also them being white and black paralleal.
Taylor is war because well i just thought it fit him best, (also he gets the sword then), and i made him look demonic. I dont have much to say about him unfortunetly because this was honestly a struggle. He does parallel with link though in their demon and angel designs.
Link is famine, i feel like hes the one to give up the most, hes been denied his sustanance (love) and as the series progresses he gets more nihilistic because of that and gives up, i feel like famine fits that. He also gets the scales because hes a judge (he condemned his father and he forgiven Scary) and because of the goddess of fairness. Like everyone he gets the eye treatment (i love eye motifs what can i say, also please notice how everyones eyes are diffrent cause that was also a struggle) but i also incorporated the angel motif (yes every link i draw in an au has to get the angel motif i just like angels and well he is a protector and is trying to be good, but then "falls" (cause many deaths) and becomes jaded) the angel thing is also there because he has spent a lot of time in heaven (and he has that generational catholic quilt ya know). The eyes are orange and yellow because that's the colors i usually give him but also because the're golden and sun like.
And of course our seeker of darkness-Scary as death. I contenplated making Link death and her war but i finally didnt. She is partially inspired by that one painting of Mary staring into the viewer as shes holding the corpse of Christ (maybe its silly but my little dramatic heart thinks of Scary summoning the doodler and Marys story to be similar, and just a pretty cool concept you know), and partially just death depictions. She was the first one i finished and probablly still my favorite. She of course has the most purple (i thought about making everyone purple to fit the backround but that would have been a hassle). The whites in her eyes are a nod to the doodler summoning again.
Oh and of course the backround, it has tentacles for thr doodler and doves for innocence because idk if you noticed yet but i am obsessed with religious symbols and also because i think the teens are just teens and they are not quite to blame (and neither is the doodler)
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wholoveseggs · 6 months
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~Five days of Fluffmas~
Amidst the festivities of the Mikaelson Christmas party, Elijah captivates your attention, and Rebekah hatches a plan to assist you.
1k words - No warnings, no smut! just pure fluff.
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You weaved through the crowded room, heading towards the bar. The Mikaelson Christmas party was in full swing. People mingled all around the compound, but you could barely pay them any mind. The only thing on your mind was the original vampire across the room.
Perhaps it was the Christmas lights casting a warm glow, or the alcohol flowing through your veins. Maybe it was the way the dark fabric of his tux stretched over his shoulders. Either way, you found it difficult to keep your eyes off him.
He was leaning casually on a high table, talking with Marcel. You ordered a drink from the bartender, working up the courage to approach them.
"Are you alright?" asked Rebekah, who happened to notice the dreamy look on your face.
"Hmm?" You blinked out of your daze. You grabbed the drink in front of you, taking a long sip to distract yourself.
Rebekah smirked. She knew her brother was behind that look, and it made her smile.
"Thanks for the dress," you remembered, gesturing to the ball gown she had lent you. The deep purple fabric glittered faintly, reflecting the warm colors surrounding you. She truly had impeccable fashion sense.
"Of course," she smiled, "Although, you could show up in a potato sack and my brother would be head over heels for you.”
You blushed, "I don't know about that," you said, hiding your embarrassment with another swig of your drink. "He doesn't show much interest."
At this point, you were certain he pitied you, and he was only kind to you out of some sort of obligation. You just wished that it wasn't forced between the two of you. He wasn't exactly an open book, so it was impossible for you to guess at what might be on his mind.
Rebekah chuckled, "that's just his nature; unlike Kol and Klaus, he's always been reserved," she said, "but trust me, he likes you. You just have to make the first move."
"I'm not sure that I can," you confessed, "what do I say?"
Rebekah's smile grew wide, "I have an excellent idea," she said. She looked down the bar, grabbing one of the centerpieces and tearing a piece off of it, handing it to you. "Mistletoe."
The plant was small, with tiny white berries and small green leaves, tied together with a red velvet ribbon.
"So what? Just walk up to him and hold this above his head?" You asked, incredulously.
"Well," Rebekah shrugged, "that's one way.”
You decided to swallow down your nerves and just do it. You finished off your drink and headed towards where Elijah was standing. You felt like the ground was slipping away beneath you, but you chose not to stop. At this point, you decided you didn't care. You made a fast decision, and you were sticking with it.
After all, Christmas is a time for good cheer, right?
Elijah and Marcel continued to talk as you approached them. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and you knew they could probably hear it.
Marcel was the first to look up, giving you one of his signature warm and inviting smiles. Elijah took a few more seconds, his eyes snapping up to meet yours the minute he heard your heart start to beat faster.
"Uh, hi," You smiled awkwardly, completely losing the ability to speak.
Elijah returned your grin, suddenly curious as to why your heart was going so haywire. "Y/N, Merry Christmas," He greeted.
His eyes slipped down, noticing what you were holding in your hand. You panicked, moving the leaves so it was a bit more hidden behind you.
Marcel grinned as he realized what was going on. "What's that you have behind your back?" He teased.
"Don't worry about it," interjected Rebekah, arriving just in time to save you from the awkward tension. She looped her arm in Marcel's, pulling him away quickly.
With both of them gone, you were suddenly stuck, wondering what the heck to do now.
Well, you knew what to do, but you weren't sure if you would be able to.
You held the mistletoe up, a weak smile on your face as you met his eyes. All the butterflies in your stomach transformed into pure regret, and you instantly pulled the mistletoe down, shaking your head.
"You know what," you laughed, shaking your head, "sorry, this was ridiculous."
You were so embarrassed you just wanted to jump into a hole and hide forever, but before you could run away, Elijah gently grabbed your wrist. He slowly lifted your hand, extending the plant between you.
You looked at him questionably. With his other hand, Elijah caressed the side of your cheek. He stepped forward, his face suddenly a lot closer than it was before.
Slowly, he leaned in, stopping millimeters away from your mouth. He gave you time to stop it, to step away, but you didn't even consider it. You threw the mistletoe aside and threw your arms around him. Closing the space between you.
Everything seemed to happen in slow motion; you could feel every breath, every move, every touch. His hand moved to the small of your back, holding you close and pressing you into his chest. His other hand weaved into your hair, cradling your neck, keeping your lips connected to his.
After what felt like an eternity, you broke apart, just slightly. Foreheads pressed together, you couldn't help but giggle at the moment that had transpired.
Elijah let out a relieved sigh, smiling at the fact that he didn't need to continue pretending. He had fallen for you a long time ago, and here you were, smiling up at him with flushed cheeks. You pressed another quick kiss to his lips, before giggling again and burying your head into his neck.
He held you tight, swaying you slightly on the spot as you finally relaxed into him.
"Merry Christmas, darling," He whispered, pressing another quick kiss to your hair.
"You want to get out of here?" You asked shyly, lifting your eyes back to his.
He pulled away, bending down to pick up the discarded mistletoe, "can I bring this?" He teased.
You smiled, taking his free hand and intertwining your fingers with his.
"Please do."
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klaprisun · 3 days
One Sunny Day
(Stardew Valley)(Haley x Female Farmer)
Chapter 27
All through the night I couldn’t let myself fall asleep. I was up daydreaming, overthinking, and walking through the whole day from start to end. I know exactly how I want everything to play out and when I should bring the bouquet to Haley’s.
First things first, I have to stop and get the bouquet. I waltz over to Pierre’s with an extra pep to my step. Caroline is standing and chatting with Pierre behind the counter this morning. They both turn and look at me when they hear the bell chime from over the door.
“Good morning!” I greet the two of them.
“Good morning, Danny. How can we help you?” Caroline greets back.
“I need a bouquet…please,” I was so excited that I nearly forgot my manners.
“Pierre, do you mind grabbing this wonderful girl a bouquet?” Caroline asks her husband.
“Right on it!” He says as he reaches to a shelf behind the counter. He pulls out a bouquet full of blue, purple, and yellow flowers. Lots of greenery were added to give it more depth and to make the colors pop. The flowers are wrapped in classic brown paper, but it was a little too plain for my liking.
“Do you mind tying a blue ribbon around the paper on the stems?” I ask Pierre.
“Of course I can do that. That’s a really good idea,” he replies as he goes searching on the shelf under the cash register. He takes such a long time that Caroline finally reaches down and finds it for him. He blushes in embarrassment and takes the ribbon from her.
“There we go. A beautiful bouquet with a blue ribbon tied into a bow.” Pierre passes the bouquet to me and I exchange it for a few of my coins.
I turn on my heels, bouquet in hand and head for the door.
“Good luck!” Pierre and Caroline call out with a wave. I give them a friendly wave back and start heading over to Emily and Haley's house.
When I arrive at their front door, I stand there on the doorstep for a minute. I contemplate all of the different ways this could go one more time before knocking on the front door.
I straighten my hat, adjust my shirt, dust my pants off and fluff the flowers of the bouquet as well before knocking on the door. Finally, I bring my hand up and knock on the front door.
“I knew you couldn’t stay away for much longer. I figured we’d see you at our house today,” Emily chuckles as she opens the door. She opens the door wider and invites me in. I step inside and make my way to the living room. I’m far too antsy to sit down just yet, so I stay standing.
“You are such a lovey dovey, Danny. Look at you with your bouquet of flowers, all dolled up,” Emily gushes. I didn’t really ‘doll up’ as Emily says. I only brushed my hair out really well and cleaned my boots up. I was just wearing my regular farm wear, I didn’t want to look like I’m trying TOO hard.
At the sound of my name leaving Emily’s mouth, Haley’s bedroom door flies open. Startled, Emily and I whip our heads her way.
Haley has done herself up nicer than I have ever seen. She was wearing a pink, halter top sundress that reached down to her mid thigh with her wavy blonde hair framing her face and draped over the front of her shoulders. Her nails have a fresh coat of her usual blue nail polish that brings out her eye color. The only bit of makeup she was wearing was mascara and her signature pink lipstick.
I can’t help but just stare at her as she stands at the doorway of her room. Her whole demeanor is glowing and bright today, giving me butterflies in my stomach.
My awkward staring has caused her to blush and look down at the ground. She twirls a strand of hair around her finger, waiting for one of us to speak.
“Get a room you two,” Emily laughs as she has been standing here watching us stare at each other. “You’re undressing each other with your eyes right in front of me.”
This causes Haley’s face to go redder than before. I also felt my face go red from what Emily said since I may or may not be guilty of it.
Emily marched away and went into her room due to the tension between Haley and I. She didn't want to be a third wheel or witness the weirdness going on.
“So…” Haley takes a few steps my way with her hands clasped behind her back.
“So…” I responded nervously. I had the bouquet behind my back where Haley couldn’t see it just yet.
“What are you doing here, Danny?” Haley asks me as she gets closer to me.
“I just came to see you. I have something for you that I’m hoping you like…”
“Oh yeah? What is it?” She tilts her head at me curiously.
I take the bouquet from behind my back and hand it out to her. I watch her eyes follow my movements and land on the bouquet as I hold it out. They immediately light up when she notices what I was holding out to her.
“Danny…” she whispers as she slowly takes it into her hand.
“I hope you like it. I made sure to get Pierre to add a blue ribbon to make it prettier,” I blush, scratching at the back of my neck.
“You do know what this symbolizes right?” Haley asks me with her eyebrow raised.
“I believe it means ‘romantic interest’ if I’m not mistaken?” I confidently responded. Her eyebrows raise in surprise, realizing I knew the intent behind the flowers. "Is there something wrong?” My voice filled with worry as I’m afraid I did something wrong.
“No no nothing is wrong. I’m just surprised…” She breathes out.
“Why are you surprised?” My voice is still trembling with worry.
“You really like me? After how I treated you?” She mumbles, unsure of being deserving of the gesture.
“Oh course I really like you. I thought this would make that clear?” I chuckle softly.
Haley walks closer to me and takes me by the hand. I feel my whole body heat up at her touch.
“My hand might be a little sweaty,” I whisper nervously.
“That’s okay. I was going to take you to go find a vase with me to put this in,” She says as she starts dragging me to the kitchen.
Haley lets go of my hand once we get to the kitchen and starts rummaging through the cupboards. She goes through all the ones at the bottom, but once she has to reach to the top cupboards, she can’t see what’s in them.
“Can you help me? Do you see a vase up there?” She asks while pointing to the shelves in the cupboard.
“Well I don’t see a vase in this one. Try the next one,” I directed her. She opens the next cupboard and motions for me to look. Sure enough, I see at the very back a tall, glass vase she could use for the bouquet. I place my hand on the counter for balance and reach with the other one to grab the vase at the back. But when I put my arm up to reach, I feel something skimming the exposed skin of my waist.
“You have such smooth skin for a farmer. I mean your calloused hands say otherwise, but everywhere else…” Haley says as she traces her fingers along my waist. I nearly lose balance while bringing the vase down.
“Well besides all the cuts and scrapes from the mines,” I responded as I put the vase on the counter. As I say that, her fingers brush across a gash on my stomach that hasn’t healed yet. Many of the injuries have yet to heal.
“Have you been taking care of them?” She asks me in a low tone, looking up at me through her eyelashes.
“Well.. uh...no,” I stutter as she brings her hand up to my face. She traces the cuts I have along my cheek, then down to the one I have going across my lip. She seems to linger on that one a little bit longer.
“Your lips are also soft considering you are out in the sun all day usually. You’d think they get sunburnt and chapped often?” She says.
“Mhmm,” I say in a daze, letting her fingers travel around my body. She slid them down my arm next, right down to the palm of my hand.
“Yeah look at all the callouses and scratches you got going on here. You really should let me put some cream on your hands. It’ll soften them up,” She traces the creases of my hand, causing me to get goosebumps.
I quietly nod my head as I admire her face. She wasn’t looking up at me to notice I was looking at her. She was too concentrated on my hand.
“Let’s go find a spot for this bouquet in my room,” she finally says as she takes the vase into her hands.
I’ve never been in Haley’s room before and I’m kind of nervous. Seeing the place where most of someone's personal life takes place is very intimate to me. She must be comfortable enough with me to let me into this part of her life.
Haley opens the door of her room and leads me inside. I take a couple of steps in and start admiring it. The wallpaper is a horizon of a beach with sand and water. There were even little sail boats scattered throughout the water of the wallpaper. Two big palm trees were part of the wallpaper as well. Her bed was pressed up to the corner of the room with a lamp beside it. On the other side was a dresser and a small side table next to it with a teddy bear on it. She had a cute, pink vanity to the right of the door and a lamp squeezed into the corner on another small side table. In the left front corner was a shelf with her camera perched on it. A huge potted plant was also next to it.
“Your room is cute,” I say, taking it all in. As I am focused on the room, I hear Haley close the door behind me.
“A lot of it is from when I was a kid. I never wanted to redo it and kind of embraced it. I added a few things as I got older such as this vanity,” she explains as she gestures to the pink vanity. She paces around the room trying to find somewhere to put the vase of flowers.
“This will be a good spot. First thing I’ll see when I enter my room!” She smiles as she places the vase on top of the big dresser. I can’t help but smile with her as she happily places it down.
I notice she has two pictures printed out and taped to her wall next to the dresser. I walk over to investigate. Haley notices where I’m looking and quickly moves in front of them.
“Nuh uh,” she shakes her head while blushing at me, still blocking the pictures.
“C’mon what do you have to hide?” I tease her trying to look around her. She just shrugs at me.
“Well now I have to see,” I say as I grab her by the waist. She squirms and squeals in my grasp and I toss her over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I keep her there as I take in the two pictures she has taped to her wall.
One of the pictures was a sweet one of her and Emily taking a selfie. They were making funny faces at the camera.
To my surprise, the other picture was of her and I at Marnie’s farm. It was one of us hanging out with the cows. I was showing her how to pet a cow, but instead of looking at the cow, I was looking at her. She was looking back up at me as well, not paying attention to my demonstration.
“Looky at what we got here. Is this a picture of you and I?” I tease her more.
“You weren’t supposed to see that!” she squeals from over my shoulder.
“That’s really creepy of you, Haley,” I joke. I start walking over to the bed but stop at a weird door at the back of her room.
“What’s in here?” I ask her. I spun around to show Haley what I was looking at since she was still draped over my shoulder.
“It’s a work in progress. I’ll show you when it’s done,” she replies.
I continue over to her bed where I put Haley down. I grab her by the waist again and lift her up off my shoulder. I gently toss her down onto the bed, causing her to let out an “oof”. Somehow, she still remains perfect, not a hair out of place. Her face was flushed due to all the blood rushing to her head from hanging over my shoulder.
She sits up on the bed and pats beside her, inviting me to sit next to her. Doing as I’m told, I take a seat beside her. I watch as she reaches her arm up and yanks my hat from my head. The static of my hat leaving my head causes my hair to tousle. She lets out a laugh as she puts the hat on her own head.
I feel my stomach erupt in butterflies from how good she looks in my cowboy hat. That, and other places of my body seem to enjoy it as well. The hem of her sundress seemed to creep farther up her thighs as she sat crisscrossed on her bed. I can’t help but quickly peek down at her thighs and body. The dress accentuates the curves of her hips and chest a little too well. It’s almost like she wore this dress on purpose.
“Whatcha looking at?” Haley catches me as I let my eyes linger a little too long.
“Oh…nothing…”I quickly replied awkwardly, my face heating up.
“Yeah…okay…” she skeptically calls my bluff with a smirk. She leans back onto her arms and stretches her legs out over my lap.
She flicks her eyes down at her legs and back up at me, giving me another smirk. Boldly, I take my hand and caress the side of her calf. I slowly bring myself to a lean, and bring my hand up her leg to caress her thigh. I hold my head up with my fist as I lean across the bed. She is still up farther on the bed than me, my head is only at her hip.
“You’re a tease,” she mutters under her breath to me.
“I’m the tease?” I raise an eyebrow at her, still caressing her thigh.
“Look what you are doing!” She points to my hand.
“Look what you’re wearing,” I breathe, tugging at the hem of her dress.
“I knew you’d like it,” she winks. I feel my breath hitch in my lungs at the wink.
“Stay for dinner, Danny,” she looks at me with a gleam in her eyes. I look around to find a clock. When I find one on the wall of her room, I see that it’s already dinner time. I hadn’t even noticed my stomach rumbling.
“If you so desperately want me to,” I respond playfully, giving her dress another few tugs at the hem.
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untitled5071 · 4 months
I have a Lisa Frankenstein request! If you'd rather not, thats totally okay, but I'd love a modern au of them going to a my chemical romance concert. ^^ it's for me and for one of my friends too, and it would really mean a lot to us! Thank you so much for doing what you do!
I hope you like it!
“Oh my god oh my god, I think this is it!” 
Even though Lisa’s eyes were trained on the stage in front of her, her arms were busy shaking the daylights out of her husband, her hands on his shoulders while he chuckled adoringly at her enthusiasm. He wasn’t doing too good of a job at hiding his own, either; this concert may have been a gift for Lisa while they ‘traveled’ through Mexico as part of their “don’t get caught by the police” world tour, but he was excited too. 
They hadn’t been to a concert in a long time; after Lisa was reanimated and recovered, the two of them had gotten as far away from Brookside as they could potentially get, and once the dust settled, they decided to do a little traveling to see what the modern world could offer them. They had no end of potential date ideas, but they both particularly liked live music. 
Though their favorite of all time would always be the private one given in the living room of Lisa’s old home, they both enjoyed being among other music lovers and shouting lyrics like maniacs. Granted, he knew he wouldn’t be doing much shouting tonight in the sea of people they found themselves in-both because he knew he wouldn’t be heard and because shouting just wasn’t in the cards tonight, but it was all worth it for the sake of seeing Lisa so happy. 
Speaking of Lisa, her declaration that the show was starting seemed to be right on the money, since the lights were starting to dim, the anticipatory roar of the crowd was starting to get louder and cell phone flashlights were starting to flick on like illuminated eyes across the arena. The creature divided his attention between Lisa and the stage as the sound of a heart monitor was projected over the screams of the fans, and she grabbed his stitched-on hand in a vice grip when a gurney containing a covered body was rolled onstage. 
Lisa’s cheers joined that of the rest of the crowd when the body revealed itself to be the lead singer, clad in a hospital gown over his signature dark outfit and clutching a microphone. The first song was ironically called “The End”, and as the creature expected, Lisa sang every word at the top of her lungs, teased hair flying in every direction as she bounced along to the beat.
He knew buying her that second hand iPod Nano last year was a good idea. 
The first verse ended with Gerard Way ripping off his hospital gown as the biggest curtain they had ever seen opened to reveal the rest of the band, already whaling away on their respective instruments. They all wore black outfits and parade marshal’s jackets (which seemed fitting), and they weren’t the only ones who had dressed the part. 
Lisa had spent hours trying to pick the perfect combination of tights and tops for this concert (all black, of course), and had finally settled on black fishnet tights that she had torn and woven back together herself with more colorful embroidery thread (sticking heavily to purple and green to match her husband’s stitched limbs), a black tulle miniskirt and a black sports bra under a mesh top, complete with black and dark-gray striped arm warmers, to match the fashion of the time. He himself was wearing a leather jacket over a deep red shirt, and his best ripped jeans that Lisa distressed for him, in more ways than one. They blended in perfectly with the ocean of punks around them, and that was just fine by them. 
The band cycled through their set with infectious energy and an electric stage presence, and the creature was surprised that the stadium they were in didn’t collapse under the weight of the stomping and jumping the audience was doing. He was particularly fascinated by the mosh pit that had formed towards the font; it was mesmerizing to see all of those bodies moving in such a disjointed but synchronized way that anyone could immediately understand was dangerous if not done properly. He had to respect it, honestly. 
The biggest problem with it, on the other hand, was that it was blocking their view of the stage, and by the time the band’s most popular started (signaled by a single note that was almost drowned out by the crowd), the frenzied movements of the people closer to the stage got more intense, as did the noise level. 
Lisa was staining herself on her tiptoes to see over the screaming heads in front of them, and when her husband noticed this, he put a hand on her shoulder gently, shuffling in the limited space that they had so that his back was to her, and squatted down slightly. Lisa got the hint immediately and hopped onto his back, and he hoisted her up so she could see over the several hundred flip phones being used to record the show and get a better view of the stage. She was delighted by this plan, holding onto him with her thighs and one hand while waving her other hand in the air, mirroring Gerard on stage. And even though her voice was meshing with thousands of others, even that of the actual lead singer, the creature thought her voice was the clearest and most beautiful of them all. 
She must have been able to feel his adoring gaze somehow, because as the song ended in a shower of confetti and pyrotechnics, she bent down and kissed his right cheek first, then his left, whispering (or, given the noisy circumstance) said in a normal speaking voice, 
“Thank you. I love you so much.”
And though he was particularly tongue-tied that evening and unable to speak the words back, he hoped that the kiss he gave her amidst the crowd’s raucous applause spoke his feelings adequately. 
They stayed that way as the concert continued, the creature keeping Lisa safe in the arms collapsed around where she was perched on his back and Lisa sneaking little kisses or playing with his hair in between songs, and as the band played one of their slower pieces, the two undead souls swayed together, united in their love of music and each other. 
These are the eyes and the lies of the taken
These are their hearts but their hearts don't beat like ours
They burn 'cause they are all afraid
When mine beats twice as hard
'Cause the world is ugly
But you're beautiful to me
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forestshadow-wolf · 8 months
Ok guys, I sacrificed a newborn lamb, migraine no longer debilitating :)
Cw: slight (nongraphic) emetophobia warning
Anyway totally don't think about simon riley who gets migraines due to trauma because trauma does weird thing to your body
Totally don't think about him ignoring it until he passed out or throws up infront of someone.
Or how he definitely would deny any ailment because "It's just a little headache." When infact his brain is trying to evacuate out the back of his skull, and there's so much pressure behind his left eye that he thinks I'd hurt less to scoop it out with a blunt spoon.
Don't think about how if he was on a mission where his body would automatically go into a sort of fight or flight mode due to his condition
Don't think about how he narrowly misses a shot because his left eye has this quite unique colorful, grainy starbusting phenomenon going on with it, and his right has this odd fading, and puldisng black boarder around it. And when he does fire thsi shot it rings in his ears and actually his vision goes white for half a second. And he'd shake his head to clear his vision, except he has since learded that that does nothing for him except cause an immediate expulsion of his stomach contents.
Don't think about how the action, and the noise, and the lights, and especially the flashbangs only make him want to kill himself, but of course he wouldn't. If only because he would never leave his team without his help, without overwatch, without backup. He'd never leave Johnny.
Or, missions aside, definitely don't imagine him trying to do paperwork but the words aren't words anymore. They aren't even stationary. They just squiggling blobs of black outlined in red or blue or green or purple, and it makes his head feel like it's imploding.
Don't imagine him trying to write out reports but he can't focus at all. He's gripping his pen so hard that his hand shakes. He's not using his computer because he might actually vomit if he has to. He was for a while, forced himself to, after an hour he almost slammed the lid shut and smashed the thing into his wall until it broke into a missiond tiny pieces. He did not do that. Wouldn't be able to explain that to price.
Don't imagine him trying to do signatures but it just comes out as a scribble of nonsense that can hardly be considered on the line. He has to squint to even see the line, much less to coordinate his hand to find the interception point of the line and his pen.
Don't imagine soap silently noticing. He almost doesn't. Almost snaps back when ghost yells at him for nothing really. Doesn't when he sees the telltale squirt of Ghost's eyes and they way his head is tilted to one side ever so slightly.
Doesn't imagine soap doing double time to cover both his and ghost's arses when they're out in the field and sees ghost stumble just slightly after every shot.
Don't think about soap going to ghost's office to coax him out and back to his room. How he makes sure the room is pitch black, had his curtains changed to blackout curtains for this reason. How he poitedly doesn't grab food or drink, against his better judgment, because he knows that it most definitely would not stay down.
Don't imagine him laying ghost's head in his lap or on his belly and massaging his temples, the back of his head, his scalp, even his eye sockets.
Don't think about how he knows exactly how he knows to do all this stiff not only because it's happened to ghost enough times but because he also gets them. From working with chems and explosives everyday for so long, even before then he used to get them. He knows what to do because it's what he likes when he has a migraine this bad. Knows exactly what to do because ghost does the same for him.
And especially doing think about how for both of them they way the other found out is during an episode, and they had to scramble for a trash can or a toilet so that they don't retch their guts up onto the floor.
Don't imagine how they continue to dry heave even when their syomach is empty, so they stay hunched over. Knowing logically that there is nothing left, but the feeling is still there.
Don't imagine them having to sit on the ground and shove their head between their knees to feel even slightly better. Or lying down and resting their cheek against the cold ground.
Don't imagine how they used to have to deal with it alone before they met eachother...
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th3w00ds · 4 months
HABIT + Habitoid lore (I have committed an EMH brainrot)
So, in my headcanon, HABIT is the original of the “Habitoid” race. He formed from the ancient chaos of early mankind’s thoughts, instincts, and of course their habits. He’s basically a god/kingly figure to the Habitoids. While HABIT isn’t actually a god, some beings, including most Habitoids, believe him to be one due to his immense power and strength. 
To them, HABIT is their god above their other gods, their creator (as HABIT did actually create the Habitoids.) How did he do this you might ask? He did it from his thoughts. But first, HABIT did not create the entire race, but a test run of six other individuals like him. His signature color was purple, so he created the other Habitoid “gods” with other colors. 
Their general looks are based off of HABIT's true form, btw.
Their little hierarchy goes as follows: 1. HABIT 2. Melancholy (Blue) 3. Fury (Pink) 4. Envy (Red) 5. Venom (Green) 6. Ruin (Orange) 7. Desperation (Yellow)
HABIT is the Habitoid “god king” of the slaughter, habits and atrocities. 
Melancholy, the blue god, is the “god” of sadness, despair and loss Fury, the pink god, is the “god” of anger, rage and wrath Envy, the red god, is the “god” of jealousy, resentment and desire Venom, the green god, is the “god” of deception, betrayal and manipulation Ruin, the orange god, is the “god” of destruction, decay and chaos Desperation, the yellow god, is the “god” of fear, anxiety and desperation The reason I’m putting god in quotes is because none of them, not even HABIT, are actually gods. They’re only extremely powerful ancient beings. 
The Habitoids actually have a hierarchy themselves, looking like this:
The other “gods” The offspring of HABIT The offspring of the other “gods” The “demigods” (Regular Habitoids who were elevated from being a regular Habitoid to a demigod for one reason or another, rarely happens) Regular Habitoids
Habitoid hybrids, i.e a hybrid of a normal Habitoid and a human
I had an idea that all the Habitoid “gods” have signature animals, like HABIT’s being a rabbit. HABIT’s signature animal: Rabbit Melancholy’s signature animal: Raven Fury’s signature animal: Tiger Envy’s signature animal: Serpent Venom’s signature animal: Spider Ruin’s signature animal: Hyena Desperation’s signature animal: Vulture
And that’s all I’ve got figured out so far :D
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jasntodds · 1 year
Petrichor Chapter 1 Teaser
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Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader (little bit of fwb)
Words: 1,291
Chapter Warnings: Swearing, fluff
Summary: ❝Pylades: I’ll take care of you. Orestes: It’s rotten work. Pylades: Not to me. Not if it’s you.❞
Gotham is home, not just for Jason but for you, too. And now that you’re both finally back home, together, you’re ready to see where this next chapter brings the two of you. He’s your best friend and you’re his. And you both might want a little something more with being back home, the place you both feel most comfortable. Surely, nothing could possibly go wrong now.
A/N: I wanted to post a teaser because why not honestly lol so full chapter will out next Wednesday!! I hope you guys like this little bit!! If you wanna be tagged in this series, you can send me ask, comment, or click the link below to add yourself to the tag list!! 
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Jason’s been…touchy today. The two of you have always joked and played chicken with each other. You’re always the chicken. But, today, he’s very touchy and you don’t mind but you’re wondering why that is. What changed in the month you’ve been a part that Jason is suddenly touchy? And Jason knows he’s doing it. A part of him is doing it because it’s just you. He doesn’t have to worry about overstepping his best friend anymore. You can play this game the way Jason likes to play. A little more contact, make the game of chicken a little more thrilling. And the other part of him, wants to see where it’ll actually go. For real this time, despite everything.
“But I have won because this is comfortable.” You give him a large toothy grin and Jason does that crooked smile, where he’s almost biting his bottom lip, like he’s thinking something mischievous. And you swear he’s the prettiest person you've ever met.
Jason leans forward, plucking the book off the coffee table in front of the two of you. You watch him carefully over your phone. Jason lifts his legs up, yours still on top of his, and rests his feet on the coffee table before opening the book where he has a piece of paper as a book mark. The bruise on his jaw shines against the low light, moving with his jaw as he swallows. You find yourself thinking you like the way the bruises always look on his skin. He looks perfect even with the blacks and blues and purples and reds. But, the other part of you, hates that he’s covered in bruises. He never should be.
You sit all the way up and move closer to him, placing your fingers on his jaw. Jason’s heart stutters in his chest but he lets you finish. You turn his face so you can get a look at the bruises that hug his jaw and paint his opposite eye. Your touch is so gentle and tender, Jason isn’t sure if he’d ever get used to it. It’s been so long since he’s felt this, he almost wants to jump right out of his skin. But, he doesn’t dare move because despite his better judgement, he likes when you’re like this. It’s a side of you no one else ever really get to see and it makes him feel wanted.
 “What happened?” You ask softly.
Jason is like a graphite drawing, small details in colored pencil. Messy and decorated with shades of blues and purples. But beautiful and soft. Despite the messy smudges and the accidental hard edges and hand prints, he’s so beautiful. He is this beautiful graphite masterpiece that you think should be on display everywhere. There is an effortless about him and ease about him. He pays those purple and blue splotches no mind as the corner of his mouth quirks into his signature grin. He’s so unbothered and pretty. The graphite isn’t damaged or too messy, the smudges make him…him.
“Dickweed got a few lucky hits in.” Jason scoffs and there’s a tiny bit of arrogance that flashes across his eyes. “Got ‘em back though.” Jason wiggles his brows and you brush your thumb over the bruise on his jaw line before shaking your head.
“Of course you did.” You laugh softly, pulling your hand away and Jason just almost grabs your hand back.
You knew you missed him. That was obvious every single day. A coldness came over like the first cold front of the winter. Expected but disappointing anyway. You didn’t know you missed this much. You had no idea you gave him this part of yourself and he took it back to Gotham with him. You think of the Iron Giant, how when he blew up and parts of himself went everywhere, his parts echoed, finding home. You think that’s how your heart is with him. He has a part of it, maybe without even knowing, and your heart beats and aches until you’re with him. You never realized that’s what the pain was until now, now that’s it gone.
You, instead of going back to his face, wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into you. The hug catches him off guard, you hug him but there’s usually some bigger reason behind it. Deathstroke, almost dying twice, leaving, meeting again. There’s usually something bigger there but Jason doesn’t get the sense that’s what this hug is for. So, he reaches up and hugs you back.
You scare him. Jason Todd is not supposed to be scared of anything and lately fear has been taking over his life. And he’s scared of you, but not in that petrifying and paralyzing way that’ll get him killed one day. He’s scared because you’ve been here before and he backed out. He pushed and ran and then you ran. You’re runners and pushers, it’s embedded so tightly through your DNA, Jason doesn’t think anything would ever stop either of you. And he’s so scared to let himself exist with you in the way he so desperately wants to. He could never handle you leaving him and he couldn’t handle hurting you. So, he pulls away, not too far, but enough to look at you.
“What’s up?” Jason asks, his eyes darting over your face and his expression is careful, desperate not to give away the ache of his chest.
You shake your head, biting the inside of your cheek. “Can’t hug you?”
“Always got a reason.” The corner of his mouth twitches up but it’s sad. If someone hugs him, even you, there’s usually a reason.
”I just missed you.” You shrug your shoulders with ease.
Jason can feel the heat creeping onto his face. “You’ve said like six fucking times today.” Jason lets out this laugh that you swear is better than any sound you’ve ever heard before. “I knew you wanted me, but fuck.”
“Shut the fuck up.” You let out a groan but you can’t get the smile to fall from your face. “Want you.” You scoff. “You’re the one who wants me.” 
The smirk dances across Jason’s face. “Babe, if I wanted you, I’d have you.”
“Yeah, okay.” You roll your eyes. “Like to see you fucking try, Jay.” You taunt and there’s nothing hold you back from it now. You aren’t a Titan right now. There’s no Gar or Rose. It’s literally just the two of you for the first time since you’ve known each other. And you see Jason pause and you’ve won. “Mhm, exactly. I win.” You hum triumphantly, leaning back against the arm of the couch and Jason doesn’t take losing gently.
If this is game you want to play, he’ll play ball. No one else is here anyway. Jason gets this darkness that crosses his eyes and you do is smile to yourself proudly, going back to looking at your phone. You’re positive, for once, he doesn’t have a come back. But, Jason sticks his finger in his book and stretches his right arm out, grabbing the collar of your hoodie and pulling you forward, bringing you an inch from his face.
Your eyes nearly bug out of your head, your breath catches in the very back of your throat. You swear you can taste your heartbeat in your mouth. Your stomach flips upside down, your bones feel like they’re turning to jell-o. How the fuck does he do that? His eyes are forest green in the low light of the living room and you swears it’s your favorite color now. That specific shade of green that should be named after Jason, himself.
Jason’s eyes dart between your eyes and your lips, he’s doing it on purpose. Jason does everything with intention. Impulsive? Yes. But, he has a purpose for everything that he does. He’s careful even when he’s impulsive.
“Mhm, exactly.” Jason’s voice is low, mocking you.
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Tag list: @fairyofshampoo // @italiana-20 // @jasontoddsmentaldisorders // @purplerose291 // @lovelessamai  // @makaelaseresin // @lenidaslenchen // @mayfieldss  // @ghostkingblake // @im-done-with-this-im-out // @velvetskies // @lilylovelyxo // @cryinghotmess // @yesimwriting // @vivian-555 // @anthemabby // @baebeepeach // @legend-o-zelda // @harleycao // @somehow-lovable-trash​
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writing-fanics · 2 years
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[ Chapter One: Nevermore Academy ]
xavier thorpe x f!reader
table of contents < next chapter
word count: 1.9k 
By her father's request, [Y/n] wore a customized blazer made to fit her perfectly. Purple and black were the signature colors of Nevermore, along with the crest on her blazer. She embedded traces of sand into her clothing as well, adding a personal touch. A single black feather caught her eye in the mirror. By the outside window, peeking from behind the corner. Before completely disappearing from view. 
Thinking nothing of it, she continued to prepare for the day, at Nevermore Academy. Just as she was about to leave her room, the door burst open. Ivy her roommate entered the shared dorm room.
Her hands clenched and balled into fists; her cheeks bright red. "He's so fucking stupid!" Ivy shouted, angrily stomping her feet on the wood flooring. Groaning in frustration as she threw herself onto her bed. [Y/n] turned toward Ivy's side of her room, "I'm assuming, Eddie-"
"Ugh, he's so fucking clueless!" She groaned in frustration, grabbing her pillow and screaming into it. "Maybe, you should just tell him?" [Y/n] says looking at her. Ivy pulled her face away from the pillow and looked at her roommate, "Ah, yes maybe I should and be completely embarrassed afterward." Ivy says, sarcastically. 
[Y/n] sighed shaking her head, "I will once you confess your feelings too, Xavier." Ivy says, jokingly. [Y/n]'s face heated up as she looked at her roomate, "I have no idea what you're talking about." [Y/n] says, turning away from her and Ivy shook her head and chuckled.
"Oh, you know what I'm talking about." Ivy says, teasing. [Y/n] turned away hiding her face from her roomate. "It's so obvious you like him." She says, continuing to tease [Y/n]. "N-No I don't!" [Y/n] shouts, and Ivy laughse shaking her head knowing that it isn't true.
"Y/n, listen to me you are a terrible liar." She says, as she sits up from her bed and walks over towards [Y/n]. A sigh escapes her as she places a hand on her shoulder, "I understand, you want to deny your feelings for him. But he's going to find out cause you're really bad at hiding it." Ivy says and [Y/n] looks at her, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "It's that obvious?" [Y/n] asks, looking at Ivy and she just nods in response. 
[Y/n] sighs, walking towards her bed and grabbing her backpack. "I'm just going to forget the entire conversation ever happened, and go to first period." She says, walking towards the door and leaving her dorm.
She'd only been in school for a month almost two, and has already developed feelings for Xavier. Honestly, she was really nervous and didn't know what to do. She never felt these's feelings before theses emotions were all too new. 
She'd occasionally tense up in his presence, stammer and falter on her words unable to even get them out. She liked being around him when she could he'd bring a smile to her face. As she walked down the hallway, she'd catch the occasioanl glimpse of a black feathered bird flying swiftly past the window. Rolling her eyes she quickly made her way towards her first class.
During that time, a new student arrived at Nevermore Academy. Who was previously expelled from her latest school for killing two boys by dropping pirahnnas into the pool. Her name, Wednesday Addams. 
[Y/n] only saw her for a moment before needing to go to her first period class. Of course, everyone was gossiping about Wednesday and how her parents possibly pulled strings to get her off the hook. For killing the two boys as well injuring others.
"Honestly, I'm not suprises they let her into Nevermore." Ivy says walking up behind [Y/n] who turns around, and looks at her. "Why?" [Y/n] asks looking at her, "Um, knock knock Y/n. Her parents are alumni of the school." Ivy says and [Y/n] looks at her.
"Um, knock knock, Ivy this is my first time at Nevermore." [Y/n] says looking at her, "No you've just been living under a rock your entire life." Ivy says, getting a finger in response from [Y/n]. After she continued walking to her first period, fencing.
[Y/n] and Ivy were fencing against eachother, as the conversation went on in the room. "Maybe if you whined less and practiced more, you wouldn't suck." The two heard Bianca say to Rowan, "Seriously, Coach, when am I gonna get real competition?" She asks turning to look at the couch. Her eyes scanning the room for a another opponet.
 "Anyone else want to challenge me?" She sasks, and Wednesay wearing a black lamé , rather than the white one everyone else was wearing. "I do." Wednesday says, emotionless.
Looking at Bianca, " Oh, you must be the psychopath they let in." Bianca says, looking at Wednesday. Oh, how [Y/n] wished she had popcorn watching as Wednesday challenges Bianca.
[Y/n] honestly, never really had a problem with Bianca but seeing the self appointed Queen Bee, be challenged was so entertaining. And getting front row seats it was excellent.
After her classes were finished she made her way to her room, and just as she opened the door she saw it. A raven at the windowsill. "Ugh, I knew it!" She said, angrily. Storming towards the widowsill and opening it, "I've told may father that I'm in no need of a raven," She says and the raven looked down knowing she'd say that.
 "He said you'd say that," The Raven responded, looking at the girl. Who was glaring at her eye's filled with anger anger and annoyance, "He wants to know that you'll be alright," She says and [Y/n] scoffed rolling her eyes, and folding her arms across her chest.
"I'm doing just fine that you very much, now go back to the Dreaming." [Y/n] says, looking at the raven, "And, tell my father once again I'm in no need of a raven!" She shouts, and the raven caws in response, "No canndo m'lady, but um-" She froze the raven didn't say anything. [Y/n] turned to look at her, "What? What is it?" [Y/n] asks, looking at the bird. 
"Nevermind." The raven says and [Y/n] rolls her eyes looking away, and walking towards her bed and sitting down. She rolls her eyes and falls back her head hitting her pillow.  In the distance she could hear someone playing, Paint it, Black on the cello in the distance.
"So~ wanna talk boy?" Faye asked causing [Y/n] to grab her pillow, and toss it at the bird. Faye cawed in response, "Hey, watch it!" She shouted, and [Y/n] glared at her. "You watch it," [Y/n] spat looking at the raven. "Go back to the dreaming now and tell my father, that I'm in no need of a rave-"
"Y/n," A voice said and she turned around and saw her father, standing behind her but made of sand. "I see Faye failed to stay hidden," Morpheus says, his eyes glaring at the raven who shuffled out of sight. 
"Yeah, about I thought that I specifally told you that I don't need a raven." She says looking at her father, and he looks at her. "I'm very quite aware of your request, but as your father I have the right to know that you're well and safe." He says and she sighs folding her arms across her chest.
"Yes, but not by sending one of your ravens to spy on me." She says, pointing towards Faye. "I'm fine, I'm safe, and well." She says looking at him and he wasn't budging, "Perhaps," He says and she groans in annoyance.
 "Seriously, dad I'm fine I don't need a raven. Hell you said the samething to Lucienne." She said, and he looked at her, "Yes, I did end up needing him." He says, looking down at his daughter and she groaned in annoyance, pacing back and forth across her side of the room.
"What is it about this, Xavier I'm hearing about." He asks, and [Y/n] froze in her spot and her head craned towards Faye who was hiding, and she cawed seeing the princess' glare and flew out the window. "Y/n..." He says and she shook her head and pretended to yawn, "I'm really tired dad and have a busy day tomorrw," She says looking at him, "But you didn't."
"I'm fine okay, everything is fine but I need to get ready for bed okay." She says and Morpheus loosk at his daughter raising his eyebrow, "Hmm, goodnight my little dove." He says and she smiles looking at him as, he disappaers into a puff of sand. She groans in frusration and Faye flies back, and lands on the windowsill. 
"If you want to keep thoses feathers of yours, you mention anything about my feelings towards Xavier to anyone even my father. I'll pluck every feather off your body, and make a hate out of them." She says, and Faye nods.
[ Time Skip to the Harvest Festival ]
[Y/n] frowned as her dart misses the ballon over and over, "Ugh, I know theses are rigged." She groans in annoyance, and the standee looks at her knowingly, "Wanna try again?" He asks looking at [Y/n].
"Yes." She groans in response, continuing to miss the ballons over and over again. "You are really bad at this." The standee says and she looks at him and flips him off. Groaning in frustration she inevitably gives up, "You really, suck at this." She turned around, and saw Xavier walking towards her his hands in his jackets pocket.
She smiled at him sarcastically while her back leaned against the stand, "Wow, thanks for reminding me." She says to him sarcastically, looking at him. Turning around and looking back at the stand, "I'm planning on swiping one while his back is turned," She joked, as Xavier walked up beside her.
Before she could even react, he picked up a couple of darts missing a few ballons. But popping enough where he won a medium sized stuffed. She furrows her eyes as the standee handed Xavier the stuffed animal. "Show off," She joked looking at him and he chuckled softly, before handing the plush to her.
She smiles contently as she looks at the stuffed animals in her arms, her face heating up as she held it in her arms. Her heart pounding against her chest. She hugged it close to her chest and held onto the stuffed panda bear as if for dear life. 
Faye cawed, and landed on her shoulders looking at the stuffed animal in the princess' arms. "You're staring," Faye says, and [Y/n] looks away swiftly. "He's a friend." [Y/n] says, sitting on a nearby bench still holding onto the stuffed animal.
"You are in love." Faye says and [Y/n] scoffs rolling her eyes, placing the stuffed animal on the table and started looking at it. "If you don't mind me saying, I've seen it you are in love the way you look at him, your mannerism while around him-"
"I do mind, I'm not in love." [Y/n] says as she stares at the stuffed animal, "Ivy's right you're shit at hiding your feelings." Faye says to [Y/n] who immediately snaps her attention at her and glares, "Say that again, and you won't be flying home tonight." She says, and Faye cawed and flew away. Letting out a sigh, [Y/n]. Sirens blared in the distnace, and [Y/n] looked around seeing people scrambling
[Taglist]: @pinksirensong (just since does include morpheus) @preciousbabypeter @spideyanakin-interacts @betray-jaes @formulaangel55​ @momoko-world​ @bmkisseths​ @princess-depresso @tesha-i-guess​ @fl0r4f4wn​
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ladytesla · 5 months
The Great Faerun Baking Show (part three)
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For those of you who are just stopping by, I had a horrible idea a while ago and this is the result. I have no idea what's going to happen or who's going to win. I’m just going to roll a D20 ‘bake check’ for everyone and write out the results, including what everyone rolled so y’all know I’m not cheating just so my druid boyfriend can win.  The person with the lowest total score (out of a possible score of 60) goes home.
We've got the main 6 companions, Jaheira, Halsin, Minsc (and Boo), Minthara, Dammon, and my tav Medora (who y'all can just pretend is Alfira if you don't want someone else's tav in the story, since they're both female bards)
Week One, Cake Week: Star baker was Karlach, Minthara went home
Week Two, Biscuit Week: Star baker was Halsin, Shadowheart went home
Week Three: Bread Week, or "No you can't use Mage Hand to knead your dough"
Signature: Cottage Loaf
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Astarion: Sun dried tomato and paprika. Unfortunately somehow he never turned on his oven, so all he had when time was called was a big ball of dough that wasn't able to be judged.
Dammon: Greek spices and olives. Or whatever the Faerun equivalent of Greece is. Maybe Waterdeep? Anyway, there were a few too many olives and it was a little underbaked, but it wasn't too bad.
Gale: He really wanted to keep with a magical purple theme, but ube and red onion really don't vibe with each other. It was way overworked thanks to the mage hand he totally didn't use to help with the kneading process.
Halsin: Rosemary and wild mushroom. All of which he'd gathered himself, of course. Nearly perfectly done, and beautifully decorated with little sprigs of rosemary.
Jaheira: Cinnamon pumpkin bread. Very autumnal, but the moisture in the pumpkin threw off the consistency of the dough and left it underprooved. The decorative pumpkin seeds on top could only hide so many sins.
Karlach: Jalapeño cheddar. Just the right amount of heat, from someone who's an expert on it. She even decorated it with a few slices of jalapeño for presentation.
Lae'zel: For some reason she decided to put smoked salmon, herring and tuna in the same bread to make a fish loaf? It was also underbaked, and didn't go over well at all.
Medora: Saffron, rose and pistachio bread. The rose was a bit too overpowering, and the loaf was overworked. It looked nice, though.
Minsc: He used Indian spices in his bread like garam masala and curry powder, which gave it a really unique flavor. It was slightly overprooved, but overall a successful loaf.
Wyll: Gluten-free garlic and herb. He wanted to challenge himself to make a classic flavor more available to those with dietary restrictions (because he is a Very Good Boy) and it was a resounding success. He earned a Hollywood Handshake for his efforts.
Technical: Baguettes
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I was surprised to find that the lowest roll for this round was an 8! So they all did pretty well. I think that, from now on, if there's a tie I'll roll for them a second time. The second roll won't contribute to the score at all, it'll just determine the order in the technical.
Worst to best:
10. Halsin
9. Dammon
8. Astarion
7. Karlach
6. Minsc
5. Jaheira
4. Lae'zel
3. Wyll
2. Medora
Showstopper: Bread Sculpture
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Astarion: He recovered from his disastrous signature round to make a masterfully-done sculpture... of himself, with a dagger in one hand and a glass of wine in another. He had to reference the face from a sketch someone had made of him, but thankfully it had been a skilled artist. Paul and Prue had to look really hard to find a flaw.
Dammon: He made a bread dinosaur. A stegosaurus, to be exact. And thanks to its sturdy bread-roll legs, it was able to stand upright unaided. The tip of the tail got a bit burnt, and to save it he'd had to take it out of the oven underbaked.
Gale: He made Elminster's hat, and colored the bread with paprika and cayenne to get the red color. It ended up being quite lopsided, unfortunately, and overworked.
Halsin: His owlbear was incredibly detailed, and the garlic chip decorations he used for some of the feathers accented the flavor of the bread wonderfully. Some of the chips had browned a bit too much on the ends however, so it wasn't perfect, but it was close.
Jaheira: She had a rough time this round. Dropped one of her doughs so she only had two to work with and underbaked her sculpture of a tree so badly that it had to be propped up to stand upright.
Karlach: She made a tower of bread skulls, with one of four different flavors. And tiny grassini breadsticks to represent swords and spears. A mammoth undertaking that she pulled off very well.
Lae'zel: Unhappy about her gingerbread dragon, she was bound and determined to make a dragon right this time. And thankfully, she succeeded. Otherwise she would have continued to make dragons until she got it right. The bread was quite spicy and had chili peppers in it for good measure, but the heat wasn't overpowering at all.
Medora: She attempted to make a lighthouse on an island. It was really precariously tilted to one side, and the bread making the lighthouse was underbaked, but the bread the island was made of tasted fine.
Minsc: He made a giant bread version of Boo the Miniature Giant Space Hamster. Which he presented next to the real thing. It was a huge loaf of bread so it was underbaked in the middle, but it was visually impressive.
Wyll: His bread version of the Ravenguard family crest had a braided border which took a lot of time. However, with the added colors in the dough to bring the crest to life, Wyll was still able to make something delicious and very nicely baked within the time constraints.
The Results:
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Our star baker for the week, with a score of 52/60, is Wyll!
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Unfortunately, with a score of 23/60, Jaheira has to leave the tent.
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Feel free to play along in the comments! How would your tav or favorite npc compare?
Let's fuckin go we're doing pies and tarts next.
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dcawritings · 3 months
Green Hills and Blue Skies
Solunis is an Eclipse-style animatronic made for the exclusive use of a renaissance fair. He was designed to be flashy and entertaining, charming and witty, able to dazzle guests with his unique feature of flipping between two modes — Solar and Lunar Eclipse — upon whim or request. He’s exuberant and talented across a wide range of musical and storytelling skills, but most importantly he’s—
So very, very lonely.
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Three hundred and six thousand, five hundred and forty-two minutes.
Five thousand, one hundred and ten hours.
In other words, a touch under seven months exactly, down to the very moment in time that he was initially powered on -- when his systems came to life beneath blinding floodlights and his mind suddenly stuffed full of awareness.
Activity. Life. Pain.
The sensory overload was almost as agonizing as it was immediate. From cold and lifeless to the functional equivalent of a fully-grown adult, it wasn't something one could simply describe. The act of living when one was dead just a moment before — though non-existence would be more fitting of a description. It was as if every single byte of information within his body was on fire all at once, tearing through metal and wire and plastic until it engulfed him with the raw, unfiltered sensations of being alive.
To call it a shock would be an understatement.
At least the employees had the decency to power him on for the first time a few days before the grand opening of the fair. Not enough time to cope with the existential dread of suddenly being alive, mind you.
But long enough to learn how to hide it behind a mask.
That was seven months ago.
Seven months ago, he didn’t even have a name — not really, at least. He had a model type (Eclipse ver 2.32) and serial number (so long a string of letters and numbers that it isn’t worth mentioning), but neither of those concepts constitutes a name proper. His handlers came to calling him ‘Eclipse’ in passing, but his official title was dependent on what of two distinct forms he took on.
Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse. Catchy, one might think. Creative. Witty, even.
With his flashy attire fitting for that of a fantasy bard mixed in with the aesthetic of a royal jester, he truly was eye-catching. His signature feature was being able to switch back and forth from warm reds and golds to cool blues and purples in the blink of an eye. Not into separate personalities, as some earlier models did as a cost-saving measure, but simply to impress crowds of onlookers drunk on mead and happy to listen to a blissful tune of an animatronic almost tailor-made for entertainment and charm.
He has a name now, of course. One of his own choosing, not to be pried from his cold, power-drained fingers no matter how many times his systems were reset — the employees stopped doing that after a while, when it was obvious it was more effort to do so after every weekend than to simply let him roam about freely in the hours between shows and seasons.
Solunis. His name was—
His name is Solunis.
And it is Solunis who stands at the edge of the fairgrounds, beyond where the markers urge fairgoers not to tread, lest they wander into the thicket of the forest beyond and end up lost to the monster of mother nature.
In the last seven months almost exactly, Solunis had contemplated leaving the fairgrounds completely. He bore no physical shackles, no tether of which connected him to the buildings and fake castles currently inhabited by ghosts of crowds that wouldn’t return for several months when the weather grew warmer and more… pleasant. Only the utility bots remained, silent and passive. They felt like ghosts too.
Solunis ponders on what lies beyond the forest. And beyond that. And beyond that still. There is a vision wrapped somewhere deep in the animatronics programming. It’s… odd, like a memory he never lived, but colorful and vivid all the same.
Of rolling green hills and a soft spring breeze, a wide sky of beautiful cerulean that seems to stretch on for an eternity. The sun is bright and warm against the surface of his body, so much that there’s not a single worry or want in the bot’s entire being. He wonders how far this place is or if it even exists at all.
But maybe Solunis can find it. After all, nothing is keeping him tied here, right? He could charge using sunlight and had the newest kind of internal power engine that meant he could stay active for weeks at a time without so much as a sliver of the morning dawn. It’s what kept him active in the cold, dark winter weeks since the last fair. And… maybe it’s what will give him a chance to leave.
To find this place of green hills, blue skies warm sunlight. Away from everything.
But Solunis isn’t free just because he wears no physical leash; he learns this the hard way upon trying to take but a single step beyond the forest line.
It’s something inside of him. A computer chip most likely, triggered by gps coordinates or some other horrifying assertion of technological dominance hidden somewhere on the grounds. It sends a sudden wave of horror through Solunis’ entire body a mere millisecond before the shocks tear through him. Though he had never once been struck by lightning (nor had such an experience stored in his memory banks) he would describe it exactly like that; suddenly struck with a thunderous weight of a mountain that buzzed and burned through every single wire.
It’s pure agony.
He’s on the ground in seconds, screams of pain filtered and reverberated as his voicebox can barely produce noise at all beyond a shrill whine of metal and fear. And it gets worse. And worse.
And worse.
It’s only when Solunis manages to drag himself just a few feet back, struggling to crawl as his body trembles with an electric misery that only fades when he is back outside of the forest line once more.
He lies there for a while, staring up at the clear moonlit sky.
The sky in winter is often clearer, a preferred condition when trying to stargaze. Something about how the cold makes the air dryer, so there’s less water vapor to make the dark heavens above seem muted and fuzzy. Solunis had come across that fact somewhere in his information archives tucked deep into the unconscious parts of his systems.
He can count almost every single speck of light visible beyond a certain threshold of light, but he can’t take a single step beyond his tiny, isolated world. The only one he’d ever known.
The pain has been gone for a while now, but the specter of it remains in his thoughts, branded into the bot’s memories. He doesn’t try his luck a second time.
Green hills and blue sky will have to wait for another day.
Even if that day will never come.
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
wrath if subaru’s scarf is RED, not yellow
ok so like this is a very highly specific and Too Detailed and maybe just a Tad bit of a stretch of an analysis but like wrathbaru's scarf is canonically red in the if. but ALMOST EVERYONE makes it yellow in like fanart or other fan content a lot. which isnt a bad thing, i just think its funny because wrathbaru's scarf is like how disney's aurora has a dress that keeps switching between blue and red aljdslfj
but 1. i am a sucker for attention to detail AND im a nerd im so sorry 😭😭 and 2. i love character design a LOT and 3. this is the what if where color is HIGHLY important. and i think the scarf being red is more poignant than it being yellow.
ok to start off. heres what the text says:
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OK COOL so we’ve established the scarf is 100% red. but why? whats the significance? i think this is due to several reasons.
we all know subaru’s signature colors, at least pre-arc 6, in that subaru’s main color palette has been black and yellow. yellow specifically is the main color we associate with him. so its like yes, of course a lot of people in fan content continue that color scheme even with wrath if subaru because his scarf is the one thing in his character design with color in it. BUT thats the whole point of the if—that wrathbaru cant see colors except for if he trusts (or “trusts”, depending on how you see it) a person. yellow is subaru’s main color. but the absence of yellow in wrathbaru’s design emphasizes that hes lost his sense of self (if yellow = current subaru as we know him). the absence of yellow implies that wrathbaru has lost trust in himself (since wrathbaru would DEFINITELY mention it if he saw himself in color). subaru doesnt even wear his normal color palette anymore. it’s been replaced with a color that he hasnt worn at all until this point—red.
(additionally, subaru shared that specific black and yellow color palette with one other person—satella, the person whos given him rbd. wrathbarus paranoia stops him from overusing rbd to the same extent as other versions of subaru. so you could say he kind of. Rejects. having that color palette anymore, in a sense. would wrathbaru even trust / "trust" satella? it's debatable.)
and we DO see main route subaru with a yellow scarf and also later in arc 6 onwards with more yellow outfits and most notably a yellow bandanna. but wrathbaru wears a scarf to hide the scars on his neck and continue minimizing the amount of skin he shows. mainbaru wears a scarf to keep warm during memory snow, and he later wears his bandanna mainly as an accessory and also to help in the desert. so his scarf and bandanna are yellow because That is the color that he favors in all his outfits, and its the color that best showcase who he is. he wears a very warm, almost orange-y yellow; it’s very bold but it's specifically a Welcoming color. red and pitch black, on the other hand, is a very harsh contrast—it’s also bold, but in a Violent way. especially with the obvious red = blood imagery that immediately comes to mind given wrathbaru's kill count.
^^ and for further consideration, tappei (and the official artist(s) for rezero, if its illustrated) Does change subarus outfit in ifs to further showcase how hes changed. theres greed if subaru’s black and white suit (and the similar monochrome and lack of color Emphasizes the drastic changes subaru has been through and loss of self) and, for the purposes of More comparison, sloth if subaru.
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sloth if subaru's design here of course is. yes traditional japanese clothing. but like Clearly his outfit is meant to match 1. his son and 2. rem of course. like it's this purplish color to match all the purple rem wears, but also to contrast his black hair (cant have the outfit be black or his long hair is just gonna fade into it lajsdlf). it's softer than the bold black he wore before - it kind of shows he's mellowed out and matured from settling down and having a family. it's a comfortable and relaxed. it's a sort of casual outfit that fits him well and shows he has a healthy physique. he's pretty content for the most part and it shows in his design. unlike wrathbaru, who's drowning (hah... see what i did there...) in all the Stark Black of his clothing and the fact that of course he's drowning in it. his clothes don't fit right because he's so sickly. that, and he's hiding himself behind all the fabric (the significance of him using the scarf around his neck...).
so sloth if subarus outfit is meant to match rem. on the other hand, i think the biggest reason for the red scarf is that when it comes to wrath if subaru, he IS matching someone. by the end of the if, theres only one person left that he sees in color.
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“bright red”… “scarlet red”… “blood red”…. wrathbaru’s neck is a mess of scars from when ram strangled him, and he covers it with his red scarf.
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fluffyk97 · 1 year
I just keep thinking of all these different scenarios of either Sonic dying, or becoming immortal thanks to the emeralds- all that. Now suddenly I have the idea of both, kinda (sprinkled with a bit of Sonadow).
Sonic's special bond with the emeralds (because he totally does) leads him to be a but burdened with immortality. Of course he hates it when it's found out, feeling a part of his own freedom being taken away from him, even if it's death. It hurts seeing those around him growing older and eventually passing.
But Sonic being Sonic, he makes sure to find the positives through it all. Tails for one, luckily being a kitsune (I'm attached to the idea), doesn't pass either. Then Shadow and Omega, he manages to grow closer to them (Shadow especially). Raising Silver (Adopted? Tube baby as a Sonadow kid? Can't decide). All while keeping the world safe. He even looks forward to seeing Chip again.
But terrible event happens and the world starts dying. Drought, all vegetation drying up and falling apart. All energy in the world is just... dying. Even the Master Emerald, but the Chaos Emeralds still hold their power.
Sonic draws the last energy of the Master Emerald into himself and the Chaos Emeralds, he overfills himself with energy begging to be released, ready to tear his body apart. Tails frantically tries to pull anything else up on any of his tech to try and find another solution, but all he gets is static and a black screen. Shadow feels himself frozen as he stares at Sonic glowing like the sun right in front of him. He tries to tell Sonic to stop, let him do it instead. Shadow feels so angry as grief bubbles in his chest while Sonic just smiles at him and shakes his head. They both know only Sonic can do it anyway...
Sonic floats down to Shadow, placing the shared inhibitor ring Shadow gave him so long ago in his hand. Shadow feels his hand burn from how much energy Sonic has as his eyes burn from the tears gathering in his eyes that he hates are there.
He hates how Sonic is just smiling at him. He hates how he's just going to leave his little brother behind. He hates how he managed to worm his way into his heart. He hates how he's making him feel at that moment. Hates how he's making watch someone close to him die in front of him again. He hates how he loves him.
Sonic floats up into the sky until he's no longer seen except as just a second sun in the sky. It suddenly bursts and the light surrounds the Earth. Technology sparks back on. Water returns and fills up the oceans, lakes, rivers, streams. Plants bloom and gain back color. Life and energy returning to all other living beings around the planet that were suffering. The Earth was revived.
The Master Emerald gains back its wondrous glow, but instead of just green, it starts to shine multi-colored. Red, yellow, green, teal, blue purple, white.
Tails and Shadow inspect it later and find the similar energy signatures of the Master Emerald merged with the Chaos Emeralds and Sonic's. It hums and glows brighter in their presence, washing over them and the world as they grieve.
Sonic became a part of the Earth he loved so much, and they'll make sure to keep him safe.
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butmakeitgayblog · 11 months
Your ask box is always full of bullshit, so I’m going to share my bullshit with you.
Love is:
Having a huge fight with your partner about the fact that you had a terrible day at work and they came home equally as pissed.
You spent a couple hours apart, even trying to sleep in separate rooms.
Then they come to you and tearfully apologize for being a tit while asking you to come to bed.
It’s not the fights that matter… it’s the way you can so easily make up.
This gives me such intense CI Clexa vibes I'm breathless
Mini snippet?
You're coming home from a very long day. Been up since 5am and haven't stopped once since your feet hit the very expensive little rug you keep next to your side of the bed to cushion your knees whenever you push Clarke down and bow to her, if you will...
Except you'd had no time for anything that fun that morning, much less any second of the day after because it'd been one meeting after the next. Putting out one corporate fire after the next. Kissing so much concerned stakeholder ass that it was no wonder you'd completely forgotten to even eat lunch. You're pissed and you're exhausted and you're in no mood for anything other than inhaling whatever the cook made for dinner and then draping yourself dramatically across your bed.
Here comes Clarke.
Your beautiful, sensual, exquisite wife.
Hurling a thousand questions at you in rapid fire succession.
Demanding why you aren't also responding to each color swatch as though these are the most important decisions of your life.
Like you should have known to activate some magical energy reserve for when you got home because Clarke was on a deadline for the gallery fundraiser. Like somehow, because you could not give less of a shit in this exact moment if that certain shade of teal looks tacky with the gallery's signature royal purple, that means you do not respect your wife's work.
It— She— You—.... It does not go well.
A decent sized yelling match and a few slammed doors later, you find yourself alone in the bedroom, staring at your tear-brimmed eyes in the vanity mirror right where she had left you with a very thoughtful goodnight wish for you to "go fuck yourself, Lexa" before she'd dismissed herself to the guest suite for the night.
The following hour and.... seven minutes, you count as the number flips from where you lay watching your clock from the dark and loneliness of your too-big bed, are miserable. You regret every word, even if you did kind of mean them at the time. You know you could've been gentler.... maybe. You are just tired and so frazzled with everything going on at work. But you should've done better. Wasn't that what you'd both promised. Should've just pushed through and looked things over with Clarke. Taken the time to explain that of course you care, darling, and that no of course none of it was stupid. It was flattering to know your wife valued your opinion to begin with, right? You should've made that clear. Made plans to go over it over breakfast.
It's a restless hour and... eight minutes now that have you sitting up in bed, dragging your tired bones over to grab your robe with a mental note to set an alarm to call in late to work in the morning, at the exact same time your bedroom door creaks open and that wonderful head of blonde pops in. Red and puffy eyes searching for you in the darkness, frowning at the empty bed, before finding you frozen and halfway toward the door. A sniffle is her only announcement as Clarke walks over and just wraps her arms around your waist. Buries her head in your neck.
"I hate that guest suite."
Skin raising in goosebumps from where she soothingly scratches her nails down your back, you hum an acknowledgment and hold her right back. "Well... You did design it to make people not want to stay too terribly long," you reasons with a stroke of fingers through Clarke's hair. They're sopping wet and ice cold. Which means she'd been crying in the shower for the last hour until all the hot water ran out. "I'm sorry, darling."
Clarke shakes her head. Probably half wipes her nose on your sleep shirt, because she is a barbarian. Yo can't really bring yourself to care. "I was a dick," she says in a muffle of lips against your neck. "I saw how tired you were, and I kept pushing, because I'm nervous about this... But, I don't want anyone to know I'm nervous about it. And if you hated everything, then I knew—"
You know how incredibly hard that is for Clarke to admit. Because it's just as equally hard for you at times. Not the part about valuing each other's input, but about needing or wanting it at all to begin with. It's about doubting herself and her decisions when so much of her life is spent acting and believing that she doesn't need anything from anyone because she's entirely in control of it all.
She's Clarke Goddamn Griffin. Fuck everyone and their opinion.
Except you...
You've always been able to intimately relate to that feeling.
So her bristling reaction to your indifference, her sandpapered words and immediate serrated retorts, it all makes perfect sense now. Neither of you are entirely innocent here, and neither of you are entirely at fault.
Kissing her always makes Clarke feel better.
Taking a few minutes to blow dry her hair makes her feel pampered and cared for, even if she does hate any insinuation of being a princess.
Letting her undress you and tuck you under the sheets just to mold herself to your body with a whisper for you to go to sleep makes her feel in control of her life once again. Because despite all her hard edges, and her brashness, and her passionate anger, your wife likes feeling like she takes care of you.
Like you need her there just to fall asleep after a hard day battling the world.
And she's right, you very much do.
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vashtijoy · 1 year
The red-yellow-blue are just Robin Hood colors tho, not specifically proof of justice-ones (and the poj gun is clearly using robin colors). And Joker has the Arsene bat :D
Hi, anon! Wow, you're right, of course, that both the bat and Proof of Justice use the Robin Hood colours. But you say "just", and I'm not sure I agree with that.
First—Akechi having a Robin Hood-coloured bat in the opening matters. Because what does he do in the third semester? He uses Loki. He acts in-game very much as you'd expect him to act, with Loki for his main persona. He's in his third semester outfit in the opening. He should have a Loki bat, if he's going to have anything. But he doesn't. So Robin is still there, somewhere.
The other PTs (besides Joker) are all a bit robbed, bat-wise—they just get their signature colours, I think? Haru's purple, Yusuke is blue, etc etc. I have a feeling these would match up to their phones but maybe not. Futaba has that awesome sledgehammer, of course.
Second—as far as the story timeline goes, PoJ comes first, when Akechi is a kid. Robin Hood looks like it, not the other way around. Robin is colour themed like he is because that was something significant in Akechi's head when he awakened—that memory of playing hero for his mother. Significant enough that it might originally have been meant to be his palace treasure.
Idk it's just so interesting to me that they gave him that bat, instead of something Loki-themed, something in theme for P5R. Maybe that should give us a hint that, deep down, maybe part of him really is trying to be a hero still in the third semester.
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"Ever heard of an imperfect ally?"
"Ever heard of irreconcilable differences?"
Janus paused. "Why are we married in your scenario?"
Rated T.
"Why are you being so difficult? We want the same thing," Janus hissed, quite possibly a tad too close.
"Well clearly we don't want the same thing. I want to do the right thing and I don't think you could do that if you tried," Roman seethed right back, leaning in closer.
"But you also want to spread your wings! To create freely, to take opportunities. You are being limited! I can help you!"
"I don't believe you! How can I trust you with this when you're the enemy in every other situation?!"
"Ever heard of an imperfect ally?"
"Ever heard of irreconcilable differences?"
Janus paused. "Why are we married in your scenario?"
"We're getting a divorce in my scenario! We're clearly separated!" Roman threw his hand sin the air, turned, and stomped a few paces away.
"Really? Why did we get married if we hate each other so much?"
"Oh. Well…” He paused, a thoughtful look replacing his previous snarl. “Probably because despite your tendency to do everything that Patton tells us not to, you are still very kind to me and we are both very attractive and it was probably a spur of the moment thing, a little fling filled with a passion that we thought was hatred and frustration but turned out to be something else and then turned out to be frustration and hatred. It was a spring wedding and the cherry blossoms were floating peacefully down as we eloped."
"I do appreciate the dramatics. Who was our witness?"
Roman turned back, already in his pondering posture. "Hmm... Well it would have had to happen in the imagination so who do you want to be our witness?"
"Shirley Jackson."
"You would be a Shirley Jackson fan."
"You pick one then." He totally wasn’t even a little bit offended.
"... I never said I wasn't a Shirley Jackson fan."
… Previous non-offense retracted. "And who officiated?"
"Gene Kelly. He became officially ordained just for us."
"Didn't he die in '96?"
"I'm impressed! He did, but it's the imagination. I'm the boss and I can do what I want."
"Oh? Tell me more."
"Well since you're such a fan of my dramatics, there will be 99 empty chairs and one filled by our witness separated into two halves with 50 on each side, ten rows of five to create an aisle. A red carpet is rolled out, obviously-"
"- and I'm wearing a regal suit of white, gold, and red, my signature colors. What are you wearing?"
"Hmm, well, my usual attire wouldn't do... I'm no Creativity, but I think I can come up with a little something."
He paused, pretending he didn’t have fancier back up outfits that he’d thought about a thousand times, then Janus snapped himself into a suit he thought would fit the occasion. He kept his usual slacks and shoes, but he was wearing a white shirt and black tie underneath a golden yellow vest embroidered in black with snakes and over that was a black suit coat with dramatic tails. The gloves and hat remained of course.
He might have chosen a dress but then he would definitely be a black widow and spiders were so Virgil’s thing.
“For you, darling.” Janus flicked his wrist and produced a daffodil.
“For me? A daffodil? If I recall correctly, they represent selfishness.”
“Of course they do.”
Roman wasn’t paying Janus any attention at this point, he already had his right thumb and forefinger to his chin, and Janus knew nothing he said at the moment would get through.
“That might just be the purple one, though. Strength and overcoming obstacles for certain. That would be cute. But there was something else, too… I wish I could remember. I bet Specs would know. He knows everything Thomas has ever learned, no matter how whimsiful. Ha. I bet that drives him crazy.”
“I bet. But don’t you have anything for me?”
“But of course, mi rey.” Roman flourished and along with changing his outfit, a flick of his own wrist produced a dozen red roses mixed with some red carnations. The bouquet was bound with a golden snake.
“Show off,” Janus totally didn’t grumble.
“I can’t help what I am.”
“Truly. And what you are is impressive, I must say,” he purred.
“Who, me? Do go on.”
“You are strong and kind and virtuous. And you have been oh, so neglected, yet despite this you push on, trying to do the right thing, even when it cuts you to your core. That’s why you need someone to look out for you, because your goodness will be your undoing. Be selfish for once, Roman, and I mean truly selfish. Not just pushing back to be heard. Take what you need.”
“I can’t just take what I want with no regard for others. I’ll admit that I haven’t always been the best about it, but I deeply regret the pain I’ve caused the others… and you.”
“That’s behind us now. You needn’t cling so to the past.”
“Logan says those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it.”
“True, but those who linger in the past will have no future. There is a balance to be struck.”
“Why are you helping me?”
“It’s my job. My core function. Your core function is Creativity, but you are also the Ego. I may lie, but my core function is to preserve and protect you. The others as well, but you are my main charge.”
“I don’t want or need your help.”
“You may not want it, but you do need it. You may scorn me at every turn, but it doesn’t change what I must do. Without Thomas’s sense of self, there is nothing left to be concerned with. You so-called light sides have been waging wars worse than any I have hidden are capable of. The scars on all of you cut deep. You have to stop this. Balance can not come at the cost of any of you, least of all you, my prince.”
“So then why are you telling just me to take?”
“Patton already knows what he must do, Virgil will probably never listen to me again, Logan needs a far gentler and more time consuming touch, and of course, Remus has never hesitated, he needs no guidance on this issue.”
“I still don’t know…”
“I will wait, but there is only so long I can give you.”
“I just… I have to be his hero. What am I if not that?”
“You will always be his hero. You stumbled. We’re in the third act. There’s still time before the climax, don’t give up on our prince just yet.”
“... That’s it!”
“There’s still time before the climax?” It was a good thing Remus wasn’t around just then.
“No, the other meaning! It represents broken or unrequited love- Oh.”
“Don’t say oh.”
“No need to italicize it.”
“You- Do you- That is, what I mean to say is-”
“Oh come on, Roman. As if I know what flowers mean. It’s yellow. That’s my thing.”
“Then why not a yellow rose?”
“Well everyone knows that one. The friendship flower probably isn’t the best one for a wedding.”
“We’re not actually getting married.”
“I know that,” Janus hissed. “You’re the one I was worried about confusing fantasy for reality, changing the tense of your verbiage and all.”
“You snapped into a suit first.”
“You snapped into a suit, second.”
“Really? That’s all you’ve got?”
“What else do you want from me?” is not what he meant to say, but it’s what came out of his mouth.
“... The truth. I was receptive to you at first because I didn’t want to make the same mistake we did with Virgil, but then everyone was upset at me for it, and you and Patton were literally on opposite sides of the courtroom and so I thought that I was wrong again, and of course you set Remus on us after that so I was certain that I was supposed to oppose you but… Then everything went horribly and you helped Patton and they say I’m supposed to like you now, so what’s the truth? I tried to decide for myself but it seems like no matter what I do, I’m wrong. Maybe if Thomas had Remus instead of me this whole time-”
“Roman. Repressing Remus was regrettable, but I can’t think of a single situation in which trading you for him would have been beneficial. Sure, Remus is as free a thinker as they come, but he’s also chaos incarnate. And as far as the truth…”
Janus looked down at his gloves. Was he doing this again? He sighed. He would do it for Roman. Taking a glove off, starting by pulling at the fingers, revealed a scaled hand which he held up as proof of his oath.
“I solemnly swear that I only have Thomas’s best interests at heart, and that I want to help you create a life worth living. I hope that you will work with me towards this goal.”
He wasn’t sure what he expected, but nowhere on Janus’s list was getting tackle hugged by a tearful prince.
“Shhh, it will be alright.” Janus ran his ungloved fingers through Roman’s hair. “I’ve got you. Now and forever. Till death do us part.”
Roman pulled out of the hug with his hands firmly on Janus’s shoulders. He nodded. “Till death do us part.”
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