#rather than to believe that i am helpless in the face of this problem
the worst part of this hypersomnia phase isn't even losing most of the day to sleep or the awful dehydration headaches, it's that no one will fucking believe that I haven't been going to bed later than usual.
i have been going to sleep at mostly consistent hours for 6+ months, and my body just decided a couple months ago that it requires more sleep than before, and that's why i've been sleeping in later and later.
but i guess the reality that someone's body and capabilities can suddenly take a dive through no fault of the person inhabiting that body just doesn't fit the narrative that sleeping disorders and many other disabilities are just self-inflicted in some way
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chiefdirector · 9 months
Remembering | Tim Bradford | The Rookie
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten
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tw: some suicidal thoughts referenced (one sentence)
“What do you know about your case worker, Kade Sullivan?” Grey said, still keeping his gaze on (Y/N) despite her looking away and back through the glass to watch Tim questioning Diaz. “We believe that he may have had some involvement into how Regina Diaz got to a position to leverage both you and the department.”
“Right. I never really saw Sullivan. He stayed away from me. I met him once, maybe twice. He likes to keep a professional distance.” She slowly answered. 
Grey lifted his coffee cup up and took a small sip. “You’re a good judge of character, (Y/N). Did anything seem off about him? I know it was a while back but anything helps.”
“He seemed a bit odd, nervous even. But I put it down to him being paranoid about the operation. I mean it can’t be easy for these caseworkers to not have consistent contact with their UC’s.”
“What do you mean? Did you not check in with him daily?”
“No.” (Y/N) said, looking down. Now that she said it out loud, it was strange that Kade never requested to check in with her and Williamson often. “He wanted weekly check-ups. He never said why though.”
“Is there anything else? At all because the more you can remember, the less leverage Regina will have to bargain with us.”
“I’m sorry, Wade. I really am. I can have a look through some of my journals from that time, I think Tim kept them.”
Grey nodded his head. “Please. I guess it’s now down to Tim.”
“Hello Officer Bradford, I’m glad to see you back in here again after your break. You kept me waiting for longer than I had hoped.” Regina said, posed as a wall of confidence as she had done during every other talk with the detectives. “I found it rather rude.”
“Not my problem.” Tim retook his seat opposite her. He had stepped out when Regina had started to get irate with him, he needed her as calm and rational, well as rational as a drug queen-pin could be, before he could get anything viable from her. 
He remembered the day he had arrested her, how helpless and frightened she seemed. She was backed into a corner, but now she had a fighting chance and by God did she know it. “You wanted a deal. Let me say this one more time. Tell us about Kade Sullivan and I’m sure the District Attorney will be nicer to you.”
Regina smirked. “No. I have something you want. So I lay out the terms. You know what I want after our… exchange but I want something first. I think that is only fair, considering your situation.”
“My situation?”
“Oh you know. How (Y/N)‘s being back in LA will cause some problems for you and your colleagues.” Regina watched, laughing softly as Tim’s face twisted in confusion. “You really think that just because I’m sitting in handcuffs that I wouldn’t follow through on my threat.”
“Whatever it is, call it off. Now!”
“How about you do something for me first, Officer Bradford. Quid Pro Quo.”
“Fine. What do you want?”
“I want you to tell me how it felt two years ago when I forced (Y/N) to vanish. How it felt to lose your wife and not being good enough to find her.”
Of all the things he expected her to say, this was one of the last. He had thought that she would have asked to walk free, or a reduced sentence at the least, but she just wanted to relish in his pain. 
She wanted to know how numbing it felt for him to filter by day to day, his reason to carry on with each day painstakingly stolen from. She wanted to enjoy the powerlessness he had felt when each lead led to another heartbreaking dead end. She wanted him to be reminded of each day, and how they got more and more painful as time went past. Her demand was a reminder of the nights he would drink himself to sleep because that was the only way he could close his eyes and not see (Y/N) face in his mind.
It was a reminder of how he couldn’t look at daisies without crying, or enjoy music, or find a purpose. It was a reminder that he had become a hateful shell of who he used to be, and that even though she was back with him, he didn't know if he would ever get that piece of his former self back. It was a reminder of how he planned for an easy way out for himself if the grief got too bad.
Regina wanted to remind Tim that she had taken it all away before, and that she could take it all away again. And she wanted him to admit that.
“So, Officer Bradford. What will it be?”
Tim launched himself up so he could lean down on the table and over her, “You should know how I felt. It was probably the same way you did when your husband died when the LAPD raided one of his warehouses. I was there that day. I took him, so you took her. But I got my wife back, but your husband is still six feet under.”
“How dare you!” Regina screeched, as she rattled in the chains, trying to find her way out of the cuffs. For the first time since she had been arrested, she lost her well maintained composure.  
Tim took a step back from the table. “Thank you for cooperating. Prison transport will be here for you soon.”
“But what about our deal?! You won’t know what's coming without me.”
“I think we’ll be fine, Ms. Diaz,” Tim kept his back to her as he stopped at the door “because we now know that we were being hunted, so now we can prepare. So, thanks for the heads up. Enjoy prison.”
As soon as the door shut behind him, Tim leant against the door, trying to make sense of what had happened. Surely she was bluffing, they could monitor her calls and her visitation  to try to not allow her to give any command, but if she was as intelligent and conniving as she had presented herself to be, she would find a way around it. 
As he heard Grey and (Y/N) exit the observation room, he pushed himself off the door. Grey held himself strong, not showing any panic or concern at this stage, but his eyes darted in thought, clearly going over the possibilities of what could happen now. (Y/N) presented herself similarly, except her tell was the fiddling of her wedding band. She used to play with her engagement ring, but due to the dangers of the job and the possibility of it causing harm when in contact with a perp, she quickly replaced it with a plain wedding band, identical to Tim’s.
“So what now? You don’t really believe her, do you?”
(Y/N) moved to place her hand on Tim’s arm. “I wouldn’t put anything past her.”
“Then it’s settled,”  Grey said, “We hope for the best and plan for the worst.”
Part Ten | Part Twelve
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
Tags: @xceafh  @kmc1989  @buba424 @salty0cracker @iamasimpingh0e
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igotanidea · 1 year
Glimmer: Jason Todd x reader
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request: Jason Todd x fem!reader who is optimistic, sees good in people and gives him hugs and kisses when he comes from patrol.
She never knew it, and even if she did she would totally refuse to believe it, but there was something in her eyes that always made Jason feel better about world and about himself. A bit.
He met Y/N on one of his night patrols and not-so-surprisingly rescued her from a mugger. Typical Gotham occurrence, but unlike any other citizen of this god-forsaken city she did not seem shaken or terrified or even sad.
“How are you so fine with what happened?” instead of taking off the second the robber was dealt with Jason found himself captured by her unusual behavior
“I’m not” she sighed deeply and her e/c orbs focused on him, making him shake inside due to the intensity of the gaze “I’m not all right with how Gotham affects people. That the poor had to go to the great lengths to survive on the streets while crime lords have everything. I’m not fine with the fact that kids here suffer because their parents abandoned them. I hate that GCPD seem helpless when it comes to dealing with all this shit and vigilantes have to take matters in their own hands.”
“So, pretty much you hate Batman?” Jason scoffed, trying to act casually, not showing how touched he was by the mention of kids on the streets. After all, he was one of them many years ago and the memory of what he went through was still hunting him sometimes.
“I never said that!” she laughed. She laughed a few seconds after a traumatic events. “I admire everything he does. But unlike our fierce protector, I’d rather focus on seeing good in people.”
“Good?” Jason scoffed, his helmet muffling the sound a bit “There’s nothing good in this shithole.”
‘Maybe that is your problem, Red. Your aim is to get rid of the crime lords. Arguably by killing them all off….”
“I don’t do that anymore.” He chimed in
“Then hurting them. Injuring them. Making them remember the pain. I’d rather spread the good emotions. Like in the homeless shelter where I volunteer after work. Or at the child center. You should see the smile on those people faces just because you gave them ten minutes of your time. To talk, to actually ask them how they feel, if there’s anything they would like to do. Elders have so many to say, yet no one ever listens. And children, those poor little souls, who did nothing wrong in their life, except for what’s necessary to survive. A hug or a joke is enough to make them cry happy tears.”
“You’re being awfully optimistic, aren’t you?”
“Can’t help being who I am” she smiled so bright, Jason could swear that it lighted up the whole alley “you should try that sometimes, Red Hood. Anyway, sorry for keeping you this long, bet you have another parts of the city to patrol.” Once again her beaming, hopeful, sincere eyes landed on his face (or rather helmet) “thank you for helping me. I know you do not see yourself this way, but what you do matters. The method may be a bit extreme, but still, I appreciate what you did. What you do.”
“I……” Jason stuttered. It was the first time someone actually said something like that to him. Was he really good in her eyes?
“I gotta go.” She shook he head, hair falling all over her face and Jason had to use all his strength to fight the urge to brush those strands of. There was something about this girl…. ”Stay safe, Hood, will you?” she turned around and started walking away, but he called after her, making her stop.
“Can I get your name?!”
“Wonder why that matters to you.” she laughed, but decided in favor of answering “It’s Y/N. My name’s Y/N.”  with a single wave of the hand she was gone, leaving Jason wondering and muttering that single word over and over again.
“Hey, Drake. I got a favor to ask.”
“And out of all the people in the world you came to me?” Tim raised an eyebrow “You must be truly desperate, Todd.”
“I can always go and ask Barbara. Bet she’ll deal with the search I need much faster than you. She’s an expert after all.” Jason smirked knowing well enough how the reverse psychology affected Tim.
“Better!? No way!! What do you need?” the younger boy spun around on the chair, now facing the bat computer, fingers hanging over the keyboard, twitching in anticipation.
“I want to find a person. I only got a name, Y/N, possible living location and I know she works at the homeless shelter and kid center. Can you target her?”
“don’t know.” Tim tapped his chin, wondering “Is he a Red Hood’s object of interest or Jason Todd’s one?”
Fuck. There was no good answer to that question and Jason found himself falling right into Tim’s trap. 
“Let’s say a little bit of both.”
“Whatever you say……”
Tim was faster than Jason anticipated and with just a few clicks and searches he managed to locate the girl. And just a few minutes later, after breaking some speed limits (Bruce would pay for the tickets obviously) Todd was in front of the building she was spending her evening at.
It’s been a while since Jason seen so many hurt and scared people in one place and that reminded him how much crime actually was in Gotham. He was fighting some part of it, but the rest…. Damn it. The view was just painful. Starting from a few-years old, ending up on the elders, every age group has a representation in this place. And amongst all those citizens he saw Y/N. With messy hair and a smudge of something that seemed like a paint, but was awfully similar to blood she was telling a story to a bunch of kids, one of them placed on her knees. That little dirt on her cheek made Jason shudder. In the depths of his mind he already saw her injured, bleeding in some alley, after being attacked or raped, her optimistic attitude not serving as a shield.  But apparently her positive attitude was not a result of obliviousness and being raised in separation from the bad aspects of life, but rather the opposite. She experienced the sadness and pain everyday while working with those people and yet, remained cheerful. That was….. strangely alluring.
“Hey there.” She put the kid down, noticing him standing in the aisle, looking confused “Are you lost? Are you hurt? Do you need help?” she was so tiny in comparison with a tank Jason was and she wanted to help him. Not even expecting anything in return.  
“No…. I ……”
“Hey, it’s ok.” she reassured, putting a hand on his shoulder and he immediately felt the warmth coming all over his body. “You’re safe here. We can give you any aid you need.”
“I don’t need help. “ Jason shook his head.
“You sure?” she tilted her head “Cause it seems to me like you got a strained muscles, a bruise on the jaw and some cuts on the forearms.”
“You are quite observant, aren’t you?”
“Did my time as a doctor assistant.” She shrugged “never get to finish though”
“Um… you know, typical Gotham stuff. Parents getting shot. No one to help me pay for college…. I had to tend for myself and that required a full time job, not just studying. So I dropped. Became an assistant nurse instead. Shitty job, shitty pay, shitty work hours, but  get to make ends meet.”
“And you still find time to volunteer?”
“Like I said to someone before, I’d rather help people by spreading good. Seriously, can I help you with anything…..?”her voice hanged a bit and it took him a while before realizing she was waiting for hi name.
“I’m Jason. And I …. I think I want to be a volunteer as well.”
It’s been three years since then.
Three years in which she was constantly surprising him with her attitude, her smile, her uptake on things.
Three years of her being his rock, getting him through the shittiest, lowest day, never letting him give up or his darkness and shadow consume him. She was his ray of sun on those days when he had no power to push through.
Jason was not the first person to trust people, but somehow she managed to gain it quite quickly. After a few months of acquaintance, shaking because of the emotions (mostly fear) he told her about his alter ego, awaiting abandonment, terrified, judgmental gaze and her leaving him for good.
There was a moment of silence after his confession, two young adults just sitting on the couch opposite of each other. Jason looking down, silent begging for her to not leave him, missing the fact that Y/N’s signature honest gaze were focused on him.
“Jason….” she said quietly, careful not to startle him “Jace, please look at me.” The boy hesitantly raised his head, scared what he might see on the girl’s face “did you think I would leave you?”
“Yes.” He blurted not able to control himself anymore.
“You silly boy.” She leaned forward slightly, reaching for his cheek, not touching yet, since she learned how hard physical contact was for him “Can I?”
“Please….” He mumbled, and once she cupped his face, immediately leaned into the touch. So touch starved, so desperate for her, without even realizing this.
“Listen to me, Jason Todd. I am not going anywhere.”
“You’re not?”
“Of course not.” she whispered “I’m honestly a bit offended you could even think something like that. Do you even know me?”
“I know you see good in place where there is none. And I’m no good. I’m bad news, always have been and….”
“Oh, for crying out loud.” She hissed and not giving a shit about being gentle put her lips on his, the urge being just too strong to hold it anymore. “Sorry….” Just a few seconds later she realized what she did and pulled back, her face turning apologetic. “I didn’t mean to push….”
“Come back here” Jason breathed out, wrapping an arm around her waist and claiming her lips again, this time fully. God, he never knew how much he craved her and how much fear of rejection on her part he had.  “I need you.” he whispered pulling her flush to him “God, I shouldn’t  but I need you so bad.”
“Good thing it’s mutual.” She smiled, brushing a curl from his face and connecting their foreheads
“But….” He tried to say.
“if you start talking about that shit about darkness and everything else I won’t kiss you for a week.”
“Are you threatening the Red Hood, princess?”
“Guess, I am” she laughed, realizing that little fact “is it working?”
“Sure as hell it is.” Jason gasped before closing the gap between them.
Y/N was quickly accepted into the Wayne family, turning into a valuable member of the team. And damn, she was good at working with Oracle from the cave. But the most important part of her job (in her own words) was still giving the good vibes. Keeping the batboys (and batgirls) up and running, showing them how much good they were doing and how grateful people were for that.
Jason needed it more than anyone else, still doubting himself and dealing with past trauma, not that anyone blamed him for that. If nothing else, dying and resurrecting definitely have an effect on one’s mentality. And that was precisely why, Y/N would always stay up in the night, waiting for Jay to come back from the patrol to welcome him in the most caring and loving way she could.
“Jace!” she jumped off the couch as soon as she heard him walk thought the door, his helmet and jacket already discarded on the floor. She practically jumped into his arms, wrapping legs and arms around him, tugging her boyfriend tightly, feeling his muscles relax under her touches and caresses.
“Hi, baby….” He sighed deeply feeling her in his arms. The only person that made everything he did worth the effort.
“My hero.” She tugged him even tighter, hands tangling in his hair massaging gently.
“Hero? That’s funny princess. Are you sure you’re not mistaking me for Grayson? Do you wish that it was someone else in your arms?”
“What are you…..?” she pulled back from him slightly, but his arms kept her in place, familiar smirk forming on his face. “You are incorrigible Todd! Why are you constantly playing with me?”
“Cause you look cute with that surprised Pikachu face” he kissed the top of her nose and she pouted.
“Stop it! It’s my job to kiss you and hug you. You’re tired and hurt. Let me take care of you.” her hand travelled down from his neck and rested on his heart “Please, love. I just want to take all the pain from you. Let me, Jason.” she was practically begging him now, and the fact that he truly had someone who was willing to do that for him was making him melt. Since the words failed him, he just nodded, closing his eyes not to show any vulnerability. Almost three years of being together and it was still hard for him to show her his emotional side. “Open those eyes” she commanded, once he put her back on the floor and they just stood in place. “I love you, Jason.” Y/N said with fully convinced voice “whatever you think about yourself, you are a hero to me.” a little kiss on his forehead “A protector.” Kiss on his nose “a fighter” one on each of his cheeks “I can never see you differently” a peck on his lips, too short, leaving him wanting more and chasing her lips “but it’s me. You don’t need to act strong with me when you are tired. You don’t need to hide your emotions. You could never be too vulnerable for me. I accept and somewhat understand Red hood, but it’s Jason Todd I fell in love with. My Jason. The emotional one. All right, baby?’ she caressed his cheek, grabbing his hand and leading him backwards towards the bed “will you rest with me?”
“Yes.” He whispered “Please……”
“All right.” She helped him lay down and once he rested head on her chest, feeling her fingers play with his hair, the other hand caressing her back, Jason slowly let the tension and the burden of opinion, judgments and expectations go.
She was making him feel better about himself.
She was making him feel better about world.
And maybe it was wrong and selfish and careless, but he loved her.
And he was going to tell her that.
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suckerforcate · 2 years
you asked for Larissa so here i am requesting a Larissa x pregnant reader😇
disgustingly sweet fluff, nothing else👀👀
Headcanons pregnant Reader
Pairing: Larissa Weems x pregnant!Reader
Word Count: 475
Warning: Labour?, disgustingly sweet fluff haha
A/n: I hope it's alright that I made headcanons for this, I thought it was a little easier than writing a real fic for this request <3
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•When you found out that you were actually pregnant, Larissa cried. You had never seen her cry like this, she was full on sobbing. Out of pure luck
•All her life she had struggled with her partners to a point where she believed she would never find true love and have the family she had always wanted, so to now really have this life blew her mind.
•She would be quite insecure at the beginning, that she is too old to be a mother. You were quite a bit younger than her, and she didn't want to slow the family down.
•You made it very clear to her that there is no one, in the whole world, who you'd rather have a child with.
•She would spoil you. You crave something at two in the morning? Wait twenty minutes and you have it. She would drive to a gas station no matter what time it was and get it for you.
•She would always talk to the little one and tell them about her work and the wonderful family they would be born into.
•She loved cuddling you and kissing your belly.
•In the last trimester you always had back pain or neck pain, but she didn't hesitate to give you a massage. If needed every evening.
•You never knew she could draw until now. She made a beautiful piece for the nursery of you and her holding a baby in front of the school. It was beautiful and because your hormones were playing roulette you immediately started crying when you saw it.
•At the beginning she was absolutely overwhelmed by your outbursts. Sometimes you would just start crying out of the blue without any reasonable explanation. She didn't know what to do, and her absolute awkwardness was actually what made you laugh again.
•It was the sweetest thing seeing her rush to you and trying to tell you, it was no problem that you accidentally hung her night gown into your side of the closet. And it was also no problem that that meant Larissa had to search for it.
•But, lucky for you, Larissa was one of the most patient people you knew.
•But when you went to labour she was a MESS
•She felt so incredibly helpless because she just couldn't do anything to take the pain away from you
•She nearly had a panic attack as your water broke
•But like the sweet angel she is, she let you squish her hand, stroked the wet hair our of your face and brought you something to drink every time you screamed for it
•When she saw your little angel and held her in her arms, she could help herself but cry again
•All she ever wanted was here in this room, and she wouldn't let anyone take it away from her ever
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
nice! i will say, i have only seen the show so my opinions are based on that
okay so first off, i agree with you that both the usually portrayed versions of Niè Huáisāng aren't accurate. he's not helpless (though he certainly can seem so at points, i.e. when he and Wangxian are trapped in the cave with the stone fairy) but he's not a strategic mastermind either.
Niè Huáisāng, to me, comes off as impulsive and clever. he thinks quick, and in his younger years, he uses that mainly to avoid the things he has no interest in doing (cultivating, using his sabre- can't say i really blame him for that, given what Niè's usually end up succumbing to). in later years, he's surrounded by a bunch of things he never wanted to do (running the sect, being a leader in general, and paperwork), and he's still trying to avoid those things (playing dumber than he is, whining to Jīn Guāngyáo and Lán Xīchén because he knows they'll dote on him).
and i think, at least in part, avenging his brother is more impulsive than anything else and may not have, entirely, been something he wanted to do. the revenge, in the end, exposed a lot of Jīn Guāngyáo's secrets to several people, and i think Niè Huáisāng just kind of hoped one of them would be angry enough to kill Jīn Guāngyáo (or maybe that his brother’s fierce corpse would) and i really think, in that last moment, when he realized he went to all of this trouble and Jīn Guāngyáo wasn't going to die, he panicked and made someone else take care of the problem. but i also think, up until that moment, Niè Huáisāng was on the fence about killing Jīn Guāngyáo.
Niè Huáisāng wasn't shown to be a violent person in the show. he liked to catch birds, paint fans, and collect erotic novels. but, i can't believe he lost all attachment to Jīn Guāngyáo if it took him that long to actually get him killed. Huáisāng, like i said, is impulsive and even the smartest guy in the room (which, i say this with love, he is not) would have snapped, right then and there, and turned it into a fight. but he didn't. he dug into all of Jīn Guāngyáo's secrets and, yeah, he eventually exposed them, but i think part of him was looking for a reason; either a way to excuse or condemn Jīn Guāngyáo, something that would push him to one side of the fence or the other. and the other part of him was stalling and avoiding the problem until he absolutely couldn't.
sorry for the text wall. Niè Huáisāng is my favorite out of the show so i have a lot of feelings about him
oh these thoughts are so delightfully crunchy, and I think I largely agree with them, to a point. I know I mentioned somewhere else recently (at least, I think I mentioned it on tumblr, tho tbh it might've been through a discord conversation) that rather like nmj, jgy spends an awful lot of his time in the story un-murdered for someone whose opponent's intention was always to murder him. for nmj, I think he lives for as long as he does because jgy genuinely does not want to kill him despite multiple attempts on his life and enduring increasing pressure from his father to make it happen--up until nmj punts him down the jinlintai steps and humiliates him/his mother in front of the entire lanling jin sect.
(pausing here just to say: I am so sick and tired of the comments by the antis on this point that jgy did not deserve to seek any kind of retribution or vengeance in the face of this insult. like is it only fine when the gentry resort to violence to satisfy insults to their honour? anyway)
so, yes, I think I vibe with your point wrt nhs and his revenge quest! not only because I also agree that he just could not, and did not want to decide what to do, but because yes, he absolutely did care about jgy! I think those feelings are especially clear in cql given how the drama reshapes the relationship that jgy-as-meng yao has to the qinghe nie. he is nhs's body guard and protector (and, uh, babysitter), and I often think of that glimpse we are given of nhs anxiously pacing outside the throne room while nmj aggressively interrogates freshly-stabbed (to protect!! nmj!!) meng yao after wen chao's assault on the unclean realm:
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this 👆👆👆is not the behaviour of a little guy who is ambivalent or otherwise emotionally uninvested in the outcome of this interrogation. he is fretting! he is worried! and then afterwards when meng yao has been ousted from the nie, huaisang is the one who sweeps up to him to try to support his shoulders. because meng yao is still, you know, freshly stabbed by wen zhuliu in this moment. (you're welcome, da-ge. thanks for the banishment. could he have a bandaid maybe--no? no ok that's fine)
ultimately, tho, even if he waffles and can't make up his mind for over a decade, I do think nhs does want to kill jgy when he finally succeeds in doing it. and maybe he tells himself that he is doing it to avenge nmj, rather than for even more personal reasons (e.g., 'san-ge murdered da-ge, but he betrayed me') but let's be real, we will never know. whatever interiority nhs has, either in the novel or in the drama, remains hidden from the reader/viewer, and all we have to go on is the framing provided to us by the camera lens, and by what wwx shows us in the text.
and in cql, this is that glimpse we get of nhs's face right before he tricks lxc into stabbing jgy:
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(sorry you get my meme, I couldn't find my original screenshot womp womp)
anyway, that's the glower of a little guy who has decided he is definitely gonna do a murder.
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Day 357,
Author's Note/Content Warning: Stream of consciousness of dealing poorly with anxiety and fear of/resignation to death.
Coming out here and spending the day alone was a mistake.  The unwanted thoughts and fears keep creeping in.  I should have brought some records with me to keep working on the census project.  Then at least I would have had something to keep myself occupied while waiting for the laundry to dry.  But that would have risked exposing old books to the rain and I’d hardly be a good archivist if I took a selfish risk like that.  
Why am I even bothering with laundry of all the stupid, mundane things right now?  It’s not like - no, you, no, I, have to believe it will still be relevant.  Just like eventually having that talk with Lin and Cass will eventually be relevant.  Although… at least if it ends up otherwise, the archive will be in good hands.  She’s about as experienced with the job as I am at this point afterall.  
It’s comforting in a way.  If the worst happens no one really needs me.  What little Cass can’t handle in the library, she’s got Pat to cover for until she gets older.  And if she finds herself in need of a role model or mentor, she’s got Lin for that.  Maybe without me to latch onto she’ll finally make some friends her own age.  
Meanwhile, Vernon’s the most well-adjusted out of all of this and actually has a social life outside our little circle.  And Lin and Maiko have each other.  Happy as I am for those two, if I’m being completely honest it’s bittersweet seeing your two closest friends pair off and leave you as the proverbial third wheel.  It’s funny, I used to love the peace and quiet of solitude - still do at times - but after having gotten used to having someone around being alone feels, well, lonelier than it used to.  
Okay, stop all this.  Stop acting like you won’t be around after the next mist night.  Doesn’t matter what Theo said.  He didn’t even say anything would happen that soon.  What happened to “live like I expect to make it through this”?
But it’s hard.  It’s hard putting on a brave face.  It’s hard telling myself that things being out of my hands brings peace and not terrifying helplessness.  It’s hard believing that a life too good to be true will go on in the face of nightmares that feel even more real than waking.  It’s hard telling everyone that I’m fine.  But if I say or show or hint otherwise then they’ll worry and want to help and be unable to and that will hurt them and that would be even harder.  
Easier to try to keep it to myself and push through until it stops being a problem one way or the other.  Maybe that’s selfish to cut them out, but isn’t dragging them down with me a selfishness too?  I can’t tell which is the lesser evil, so may as well stick with the one I’m used to.  
I just want someone to hold me and tell me everything will be okay.  
Even if it’s a lie.  
Especially if it’s a lie.  
Thank you.  
You’ve read all of this, haven’t you?  Not just the parts where I was alone and away from the Village so you could read over my shoulder as I write.  
Is that why you’ve grown kinder toward me?
Do you think you understand me better than you once did?
Am I more than entertainment to you now?
When the time comes, will you sing me to sleep?
Most of today was fairly uneventful.  Got laundry done.  Made lunch.  Relaxed while waiting for the laundry to dry.  Packed up and returned to the Village in the late afternoon.
Had a bad moment, but it passed.
The nature sprite showed up briefly.
After dropping things off at the library and spending a little bit of time on preparations for school tomorrow I went out to the inn for dinner and another unscheduled telling.  It seems the others had the same idea for they waved me over when I walked in.  They were seated in a back corner rather than what had become our usual table.  They’d even talked Maiko into joining them somehow.  Probably the reason for the marginally more secluded seating arrangement.
The food was good.  The conversation was pleasant.  Looks like Maiko’s recovery is going to be a matter of days instead of weeks like Lin expected.  The question of whether Maiko will continue on at the forge is still to be answered.
I let Cass take the lead in deciding what stories to tell tonight.  As ever, the performance was well-received.  She’s good at this.  What’s more, she enjoys it.  It feels wrong to push her away from it.
Afterward Vernon went off on his own, Lin and Maiko left together (I know not if they went separate ways at the end or not), and I walked Cass home before retiring to the archive.  I worked some more on the extrapolated census.  I’m now writing this.  Next I shall go to bed.
<==Previous          Next==>
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Innocent Life
Ethan Winters (Resident Evil Biohazard) & Child!Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Angst, Mentions of Death, Grief, Spoilers for RE8:Village, Swearing
Genre: Angst
Summary: As Ethan stands outside the ruins of Luiza’s house, looking the aftermath of the death he barely escaped in the eye, he cannot get the wails and cries of a child out of his head. Takes him a bit to realize they’re not a product of his trauma.
Requested by Anon. Hi dear! Thank you so much for the wonderful request, I had a blast writing it - what can I say, angst is my specialty hehe. Hope you enjoy the read! Love, Vy ❤
How the hell is this happening? Why is this happening? Why to me? Why my family? Why were we the ones chosen for this suffering to be thrown upon? What did my daughter do to deserve this, for fuck’s sake?!
Why does everyone around me die? Why do I always loose everyone?
I’m the problem....
His knees are weak, his head’s spinning. His lungs have filled with smoke and ash so much he can barely breathe. His eyes sting, reddened around the edges, his vision blurry. However, what bothers him most is the mess that is currently his mind - swimming with the feeling of betrayal, sorrow and dread.
He lost so much so suddenly and in such a short amount of time. He lost Chris - someone he thought of as a friend but has now been replaced by a coldblooded killer and backstabber. He refuses to believe that’s still the Chris who saved him and Mia from Louisiana, he has to be dead.
He lost Mia. He’s lost her before countless times - he lost her when he though she was dead, he kept losing her and getting her back at the Bakers’ residence as she switched between her monstrous form and being herself. He lost her again when they made it back, when her mind was clouded and darkened, when all she needed was solitude and when he wasn’t allowed anywhere near her as doctors upon doctors used her as a research object. And now he’s lost her again, this time for good. It’s just him and Rose now.
Or it would be if she too wasn’t taken from him, leaving him in the pit of grief and loss, both emotions at an intensity he’s never experienced before. Like a drill going through his heart, or a sledgehammer breaking it down to shards. Or as though his heart’s completely vanished, unable to take the anguish Ethan’s existence has become. The anguish that will live on for as long as he will.
Those three years of Mia being gone.
That nightmarish night back in Louisiana.
The horrific sight of dozens of bullets entering his wife’s body in front of his very eyes as he remained helpless.
The sound of Rose’s wailing cries.
God, he can still hear them. And oh so vividly. Like a cursed, haunting loop in his brain. If he closes his eyes he can almost imagine her being a few feet from him, near him, giving him the opportunity to soothe her, calm her down, tell her it’s all gonna be ok even if it seems like hell at the moment. Promising he’d make it all alright and make the right people pay for what’s happened.
But then finally, he picks up on it - the oddity in the cries he’s hearing.
They’re too realistic for a mind to be able to produce. They’re too loud and too close and are external. And, most importantly, they sound like the cries of an older child.
Ethan quickly snaps himself back to reality, coming to terms with the knowledge that the sounds he’s hearing are a part of it and not some dark corner of his mind. Despite the horror he feels and creep up, taking over his whole body in the form of cold sweat, he still takes a step towards the source of the ear-splitting and heart-sinking noise. It’s instinctively human to feel a sickening feeling of sympathy combined with the need to shield something so powerless from any harm.
To save an innocent life.
Heading towards the side of what used to be Luiza’s house he spots it - a crib on top of which there’s a pile of rubble and wooden planks. The thing seems to barely be standing and yet it’s harboring the child whose cries have now grown louder. Ethan’s frozen for a few moments, frozen with fear. Frozen with the overwhelming thought that there’s no way he can save that child. Frozen and powerless, just like he was on the floor of his own home as life left Mia’s body.
You didn’t do anything for her....
The sound of a crack in the already weak wood, seemingly coming from the child’s crib, sends all his senses on edge, his adrenaline once again starting to rush through his veins.
But you can do something for that child, Ethan! Do something before it’s too late!
Within the blink of an eye, Ethan finds himself standing above the unsteady wooden structure, putting all his strength into removing the rubble that has thankfully piled atop the wooden planks, preventing anything from landing on the baby and harming it. Hell, it’s a miracle it didn’t suffocate from the smoke in the first place. Its cries are put to a halt when its wide eyes land on Ethan, who’s looking back at the toddler with the same amount of distress.
“Hi there. It’s ok, you’re safe now.“ He finds himself breathing out shakily as his trembling hands reach down, picking up the now silent toddler. “It’s ok, little one. You’re a literal miracle, you know that?“ His gaze travels over the ruin the house has become, the house that was this child’s home. Its family’s home. This toddler knows loss much like Ethan does, or it will when it grows up. But as of now, it’s secured in the bubble of blissful ignorance due to infancy.
And Ethan has come across yet another bump in the road: making his way in the castle was already gonna be a difficult and possibly lethal venture, but doing it with a child in his arms, that’s a death sentence for both him and the kid.
“You and I have a thing for surviving hell, but not even I am willing to take the risk of taking you with me, kid.“ He gently caresses the toddlers head as its big awed eyes blink up at him with curiosity.
One one hand, a castle with horrors he’s yet to be familiar with; on the other, a village which’s horrors he’s already seen and experienced and would rather die right in this very spot than subject this innocent kid to them.
Ethan’s once again stranded.
“What do I do with you, kid? Being with me won’t bring you any good. I’m like a death sentence to everyone around me.“ His heart breaks as he says that because - in his mind and by his logic - it’s the truth. It’s the only thing that makes sense in such a nonsensical situation.
Then suddenly, an idea sparks, fueling what little hope and courage he has left and getting his legs to move from the spot they’ve been stuck in for the past God knows how long. That’s not important right now. What matters is that, for the first time since this nightmare started, Ethan Winters has a clue of what he’s doing. He’s got a plan.
                                                                *  *  *
“I see you have returned!“ The Duke greets him with his signature lazy smile before his gaze lands on the child in Ethan’s arms, his eyes widening in surprise, “Oh, and you’ve got company!“
“Actually...“ Ethan stops in front of the shop, adjusting his grip on the kid, “They’ll be keeping you company from now until....well, until I come back.“
“And where is it you’re planning on going?“ The Duke asks, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and concern, “Perhaps you don’t suppose I know how to take care of a child.“
Ethan grows irritated, “Perhaps you don’t suppose I’m gonna take a kid into that castle you called me insane for wanting to go in myself. Trust me, I wouldn’t be leaving them with you if it wasn’t my only choice.” When he doesn’t receive a verbal response from the Duke, more of an expression change that suggested he’s accepting of this, Ethan grow relieved, turning to the toddler that hasn’t taken its eyes off him even for a second. “Hey, you’re gonna be just alright with the big guy, ok? He’s gonna keep you safe until I come back.” His initial intention was to say ‘even if I don’t come back’ but he just couldn’t bring himself to say it, not to the kid at least, “Until then...” He pauses when a name automatically pops up in his head, “Until then, Y/N, you’ll stay here with the Duke.”
After that heavy-hearted goodbye, Ethan reluctantly hands the kid - Y/N - over to the Duke, a shift they are not very happy about seeing as how they start wailing immediately.
“You owe me plenty, Mr. Winters.“ The Duke says with a frown on his face, displeased and already developing a headache from the child’s cries.
“I owe you nothing. What you’re doing is basic human decency.“ Ethan glares at him before turning his attention to Y/N, “Hey, it’s alright. I know you two aren’t big fans of one another, but I promise I won’t take long. I’ll be back before you know it.“ Planting a quick reassuring kiss on top of the child’s head, he steps away, relieved to find they don’t break out in a crying fit again.
With that peace of mind, he takes off on the path that’ll lead him to the castle. A part of him has found some peace, knowing that one innocent life has been saved.  However, there’s still one awaiting rescue. And he’ll be damned if he’s not the rescuer.
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I wasn’t there
Bucky x reader
Word count: 2510
Warnings: self harm/self harm scars, little bit of angst, mostly comfort, tears
Summary: Reader self harms and Bucky sees her scars one day on a mission by accident. He feels guilty and wants to help her as much as he can now that he knows. 
Based on the quotes: "Show me your scars, I want to see how many times you needed me and I wasn't there"
A/N: Thank you SO MUCH to the anon who sent this in! Not going to lie I was bawling writing this, I love it so much. This deals with heavy topics and mental health so as always, if you feel that reading this will be harmful to your journey in any way, please feel free to skip it. As always, I am here to talk about anything you guys may need. 
A/N 2: Ok there’s a part at the end that I don’t think is technically canon but it’s rumored and has been talked about before in regards to some of Bucky’s scarring on his left arm. I know it’s not a confirmed canon thing but it honestly works so well and I believe it’s true, please don’t come at me for that. <3
Tags: @buckys2thicc @thatfangirl42 @mardema @stucky-on-spiderman @barnesplums @peggycarter-steverogers @abitgryffindorky @buckfics  @freigeistundanderes  
Main Masterlist 
You trudged back to your room in the compound, exhaustion taking over your body. You had just gotten back from a mission that had taken the life out of you, more so than any others on the team. You had the power to control elements, but whenever you did it drained the energy out of you. At one point you had been surrounded, forcing you to lift the ground around you to knock everyone back. 
It was more than you had ever done at once, and nearly made you pass out. 
You were able to finish the mission, but you were absolutely exhausted, the worried eyes of Steve, Bucky, Bruce, and Natasha looking over at you. Nat was flying the quinjet, but still glanced back at you from time to time. Bruce was there mainly for medical help, as there wasn’t need for a code green. Steve was just Steve, being worried about you as your Captain. And as the friend of your boyfriend.
Bucky meanwhile would not leave your side. He was concerned, even after Bruce had determined you were nothing more than completely exhausted. He insisted on you lying down and him staying next to you. It was nice to know that he cared about you so much, he would do anything to protect you.
Which is what made your heart ache when you saw his face drop when you had said you were fine, and walked off to your room when you had arrived home.
It wasn’t that you wanted to be around him, not at all. It was just that you wanted to take a shower and wash the sweat and grime off of you, and you didn’t want him to see. Not yet, you hadn’t told him yet.
When you closed the door to your room, you peeled off your uniform, exposing your skin littered with scars varying in depth and age. You turned the water on and leaned against the countertop as you took in yourself. 
God, you hated them. 
You had struggled with self harm for a while now, but it was better than it had been before. It had been really bad before you had started dating Bucky. It’s not like it magically went away when you did, not at all, but just being around him made it easier. Him telling you how much he loved you, spending time with you, you helping him feel more secure. You weren’t alone in your head as much, 
He helped and he didn’t even know it. 
You traced your fingers over the most recent ones on your wrist from a few days ago. They had scabbed over by now, but the memory was still fresh in your mind. It was a panic attack in the middle of the night, and you didn’t want to wake anyone. You knew this would help you and it did. It grounded you back to the moment, calming you down as you focused on the stinging sensation rather than the panic. 
You looked down at all the other marks you had made. Most of them were on your thighs, because they were the easiest to hide. It was easier to wear pants in the summer than long sleeves. But you were running out of room, moving to your arms instead, trying to stay away from your wrists. But a few days ago you couldn’t even think about it through your panic attack. Sometimes you couldn’t think about it, being so overwhelmed that you weren’t quite aware of what you were doing until you saw the blood.
 You remembered making every single one of them. They all had a story, a reason. And all of them were different. 
You wanted to tell Bucky, you knew you would have to eventually. The two of you had avoided intimacy up until now, and slept in different rooms unless either of you was having a rough night and asked the other to stay. It wasn’t that you didn't want to be intimate with him, you had been together for months. But you had to tell him about this first
And you couldn’t find a way to quite yet.
You just couldn’t find the right time or words. You didn’t want to scare him off, and you didn’t want him to look at you in the sad, concerned way that people usually do with this sort of thing. You didn’t want to put this on him. And you for sure didn’t want him to blame himself.
You sighed, tearing your gaze from the mirror. You stepped into the shower, letting the warm water wash over you. You stood there like that for a few minutes before you moved to wash your body, taking your time. You had no plans tonight other than going to sleep. 
Bucky had watched you walk slowly back into the tower, wanting to follow you but also wanting to respect your boundaries and space. You were exhausted, but he wanted nothing more than to comfort you the entire night. But you didn’t want him too, and he wanted to respect that.
Still, it broke his heart to watch you limp away. He felt helpless. 
He couldn’t help but wonder if something was wrong with you. The way that the two of you had been together for as long as you had without some form of intimacy. He was patient, he would never want to push you, but he wondered why. Whenever the two of you had a conversation you had seemed to stiffen slightly and get uncomfortable. 
He never pressed it. Just dropped it and hugged you, telling you it was fine to wait. 
But the more time passed, the more helpless he felt. He felt like you were hiding something from it. He just wished he knew what it was so he could better help you. But in a way he understood. Everything that he had gone through - forcing someone to open up usually unintentionally makes them shut down. 
Even so, as he went back to his room he couldn’t stop thinking of you. He took his own quick shower, putting on sweats and a T-shirt before he came to check on you. He just wanted to make sure you were alright.
You had gotten out of the shower yourself, slowly drying yourself off before going back to your dresser to find something comfortable to wear. It was brutally hot and you were exhausted, pulling on a tank top and shorts. You were about to go back to lie down when you heard a soft knock on the door.
You sighed in frustration, closing your eyes for a moment. “Yeh, just a minute,” you said, exhausted, grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a loose sweatshirt to pull over yourself. You walked over to the door and opened it slightly, giving the man in front of you a tired smile.
“Hey Bucky.”
Bucky’s face softened, a small smile spreading on his face. “Hey doll. I - I know you said you wanted some time to yourself but I just wanted to check on you.”
You smirked at him slightly. “I’m just about the same as when we walked off the quinjet Bucky.” You shrugged, tugging your sleeves down - nervous habit. “I’ll be fine, I’m just really tired.”
Bucky looked you up and down quickly. “You sure?”
You hesitated a moment longer than you should’ve, quickly bringing yourself out of it. “Yeah.”
“You don’t sound sure,” he said gently. “Can I stay with you tonight?”
“Look I’m fine, I just want to go to sleep. I’m exhausted.”
“Please? Let me take care of you, it’s been a long day,” he said.
“You don’t have to Bucky,” you started, shaking your head lightly.
“I want to,” he assured you.
Sighing, you opened the door more to let him in. it wasn’t that you didn’t want him to stay, you did in a way. You always slept better with him there. You just really wanted to take off the sweats. But that would mean having a conversation that you weren’t ready for.
Sweat was better than tears.
You climbed into bed and Bucky laid down beside you, wrapping his arm around you. He kissed the temple of your head as you relaxed back against his chest. “Try to get some rest sweetheart.”
You hummed, already feeling exhaustion overtake you as you closed your eyes, drifting off to sleep faster than you ever had.
You woke the next morning feeling much better than the night before. You shifted slightly, feeling Bucky’s arms still around you. 
“Good morning sleeping beauty.”
“What? What time is it?” you asked sleepily.
Bucky chuckled behind you. “It is almost noon.”
Your eyes widened as you started to sit up. “What? I slept that long? How long have you been awake, I’m sorry -”
“Hey, sweetheart, don’t worry about it. I've been awake for a while but it’s no problem. You needed the rest and I’m glad you got it.”
You hummed again in acknowledgement, reaching your hands up to rub your eyes. What you hadn’t realized was that while you were asleep, your sleeves had ridden up slightly. You never had to worry about your wrists because you had never gone down that low on your arms. 
“Angel, what’s that?” Bucky asked, grabbing your arm gently to get a better look. You took your arm away quickly, tugging your sleeve down. You shook your head and crossed your arms as you stood up. “It’s nothing, really. I’m gonna go shower.”
“It doesn’t look like nothing,” Bucky said, standing and walking over to you. You tensed, and he noticed. “Did someone hurt you?”
“Please drop it Bucky,” you pleaded, still unable to meet his eyes. 
“Y/n I swear if someone hurt you -”
“I did it.” you blurted out, surprising you both. You took a shaky breath, and Bucky felt his heart drop, praying he had heard you wrong. 
“What?” he asked, barely audible. The only noise was your heart hammering in your ears. You swallowed, looking down at the ground and fiddling with your sleeves again. 
“I hurt myself sometimes,” you said with a small shrug. “It helps.”
“With what?” he asked, carefully. 
You met his eyes, tears pricking your own. “Everything.”
Silence. Bucky walked towards you slowly, pulling you into a hug, as you closed your eyes, silent tears falling. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t know how to.” you said simply. “I was embarrassed and ashamed, and I didn’t want you to blame yourself.”
He held you tightly, rubbing a hand up and down your back as more tears fell despite you trying to hold them back. “Can I see?”
You pulled back and tensed up, looking at him. “What?”
“Show me your scars,” he said.
You shook your head slightly, confused. “Why?”
“Because I want to see how many times you needed me and I wasn’t there,” he whispered.
You looked at him for a moment. “Bucky, I can’t do that, I -”
“Please y/n,” he whispered. “It’s just me.”
You studied him for a moment before nodding. With shaky hands, you pulled the sweatshirt over your head, dropping it on the floor and resisting the urge to cross your arms. You stepped out of your sweatpants next, keeping your eyes downcast. You heard a sharp intake of breath from Bucky, but you weren’t able to look at him yet.
Bucky felt his heart shatter at the scars littered across your arms. There were so many marks, he didn’t want to even think about how many there were. He felt tears prick his eyes but he knew he had to be strong right now. It pained him how much you were hurting and how oblivious he was. He took your hands in his, you still unable to look at him.
 “I’m so sorry it took me this long to be there for you.”
You shook your head, looking at him. “Don’t do that to yourself, please, it’s not your fault Bucky. You’re the reason it’s not worse.” You turned around and crossed your arms. “ I’m sorry, Bucky, I didn’t know how to tell you. They’re ugly, they’re disgusting. I’m disgusting. Who’s so fucked up that they have to slice open their skin to make themselves feel better? I hate myself more than anyone I’ve ever known. How pathetic is that?” 
“Y/n, can you look at me?”
Trying to blink back tears, you met his gaze again, his eyes glassy. “Your fight is our fight. None of this is your fault, don’t apologize for how you had to fight on your own. I’m here now, okay?” His hand ghosted over your scars. “These scars right here are your battle scars. They tell your story of how strong you are. Never be afraid or ashamed of that, okay?” 
You looked down, still embarrassed. 
“Hey, y/n. It’s okay.”
Before you could respond, Bucky took off his own shirt, something he had never done in front of you. Your eyes found the scars where metal met skin, most of them faded but had obviously been deep. You reached your hand out to trace over his scars.
“When they gave me this arm and they were starting to tortue me I would scratch at it. Whenever I had been out of cryo for long enough I would start to remember and claw at it too, before they wiped me again. I thought I was a monster.”
You shook your head. “No, Bucky that wasn’t your fault, you didn’t ask for Hydra to do all those things to you.”
“You didn’t ask for your mental struggles either. So why are you ashamed?”
“You didn’t ask for the metal arm, you wanted to get rid of it. It wasn’t in your control. This, what I do, I choose to do it every time. It doesn’t feel like a choice but I still pick up the knife.”
“But I bet if you could you would choose to put it down, yeah?” he brushed a piece of hair out of your eyes. “It’s okay y/n. Don’t be ashamed of how you helped yourself survive.”
You nodded, taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry.”
He shook his head and pulled you into another hug. “Don’t apologize for letting me be a part of your story.”
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rp-meme-central · 3 years
Knights of the Old Republic - interactions between companions - sentence starters
1. “Don’t you snap at me, _____! You want a lecture? How’s this: only bratty little children fly off the handle because of a simple comment.” 
2. “I don’t have to listen to you, _____! You ain’t my father/mother - though you’re sure old enough to be!” 
3. “Are you ready to have a civil chat? Or is this going to be another childish tantrum?” 
4. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get mad at you. It’s just that I’m sick of everyone treating me like I’m a helpless kid.” 
5. “You have to know that we don’t think you’re helpless. Look where we are, look at what we’re doing. You’re not just along for the ride. We need you.” 
6. “We’ve got to do something about your breath. I didn’t want to say anything, but it’s bad. Worse than usual, which is hard to believe.” 
7. “Okay, relax. No toothbrush. Sheesh. Just try to eat something else to cover up that smell, okay?” 
8. “Wait a minute, let me get this straight. You lost your ______? Isn’t that a violation of some kind of _____ code or something?” 
9. “Take my advice: this is one detail you might want to keep out of the history texts.” 
10. “I heard a rumor that the ______ captured you without much of a struggle. It must be embarrasing to be bested by a handful of street thugs.” 
11. “That’s the problem with you _____. Always chanting about peace and control, never up for a good fight.” 
12. “So you’re saying we should have done nothing? Just let ______ conquer us unopposed?” 
13. “You asked me if I think things could have been different? I know they could have! If _____ had only listened to ______, millions of innocent people would still be alive.” 
14. “I would never use _____ for such petty and trivial revenge! The mere thought of it is preposterous!”  
15. “I am not stuck up. I merely have the years of training to give me the wisdom and understanding to see how childish such an act would be.” 
16. “You fought in ______, didn’t you? We may have faced each other in combat. What battles were you in?” 
17. “I try not to think about my past battles too much. The horrors of war are something I’d rather not relive.” 
18. “Yeah, I’m old and stubborn. But I appreciate the effort.”  
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pigeonp0st · 3 years
you did NOT say “hey send more wanda requests!” but here i am... sending you one jejeje :) how about cute fluffy red eyed jealous wanda? she just wants to hang with reader but EVERY! AVENGER! ALSO! DOES!
Wanda Maximoff x Reader #2
Words: 1,970
Tumblr media
Warnings: Jealousy, Cursing
Thank you for requesting, and by the way: I appreciate all of the Wanda requests so...hey! Send more Wanda requests. Oh, and this was written during a writers block so it’s not the best but I hope it’s good enough ;( Sorry for spelling mistakes.
There are moments during Wanda’s life where she is jealous, believe it or not. No, it doesn’t happen very often anymore; because really she has nothing to long for that she doesn’t already have.
But it happens… So despite her unwillingness to admit it, she’s currently experiencing one of her not so often bouts of jealousy—and it feels like such an ugly word, but it’s how she feels because everyone really just loves you, and she just wants you for herself.
and yeah, okay, someone could make the argument that she ‘has’ you already, and she feels that way, but she knows she doesn’t. Logically.
You could completely decide that you don’t want to be with her anymore, Wanda knows, and if that were something you wanted she wouldn’t even think about stopping you.
She’s not that type of jealous though. She’s not concerned you’ll leave her for someone else, despite how close you and Steve get while you’re discussing something, and despite how many times you fall asleep with Thor on the couch, despite how many times Tony seems to be looking for you, she doesn’t necessarily care about any of it.
As a matter of fact, Wanda would say that she loves the way everyone loves you. She loves how close you are with them...she just wishes it didn’t have to mean so little time for her.
So she’ll train with Clint and watch from the corner of her eye as you train with Natasha, and she’s not jealous about the way that you laugh with her, or the way that she smiles at you, or the way that Natasha pulls you until your faces are inches— okay she really didn’t need to fucking pull you so close-
“Y/N,” Wanda calls, absentmindedly throwing Clint into the cushioned wall with her powers. You don’t pay attention to her, much to Wanda’s dismay, instead you smirk at Natasha and she smirks at you— and really Wanda’s about a second away from throwing Natasha into the wall too— but then Nat headbutts you with just enough force that you’re winded by it, and completely and utterly finishes the fight.
Wanda stops her advancements towards you and starts clapping her hands, feeling utterly ridiculous but hiding it well.
From the way Natasha tilts her head at her perhaps she isn’t hiding it well enough.
You still don’t turn around to notice her though because now you’re locked into conversation with Bruce. And Okay.
She’s able to admit to herself now, that yeah, sometimes her jealousy comes from fear rather than want, but it’s only because anyone would feel threatened by Natasha.
She is also able to admit to herself that this is...harder for her than she previously thought.
This continues for a while longer. Wanda looks at you hanging out with the others, tries to get your intention, and gets utterly ignored.
She knows you aren’t doing it on purpose, but it hurts enough that whenever you, or the person you’re hanging out with ignore her she sighs and completely leaves the room.
She waits for you to look for her like she looks for you, she waits for you to be alone, but you never do, and you never are.
It hurts in a way it probably shouldn’t.
Wanda has been pouty lately.
When you ask about it she rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest like a disobedient five year old. It’s both amusing and concerning.
Concerning because she’s obviously upset about something, and amusing because she has the cutest pout, and the most dramatic flair about her.
You won’t be dropping this though. “Wan Wan-”
“Okay,” Wanda grimances immediately, “please never call me that again.” She looks horrified when she says it, and your amusement only goes up. Until you see the red glow in her eyes and remember that her powers have been showing the whole day.
This can’t go on.
“Wanda, did I do something wrong?” You ask, clearing your throat in an attempt to start the conversation over.
Wanda momentarily stops glaring at the table so she can glance at you. When she does she seems to sag into her seat at the worried look on your face. This isn’t your fault, she reminds herself, angry that she let her own stupidity affect you. “No,” Wanda sighs, her jaw clenching and unclenching. “No, draga, you haven’t.”
Darling, you remember. That’s what ‘draga’ means. Despite circumstances the term of endearment fills you with butterflies. “Then what’s wrong?”
This time when you ask Wanda answers, looking sheepish and guilty. “I...Y/N I want to spend time with you. Is that…” she pauses, feeling frustrated beyond belief, “is that okay?”
You’re...confused, to say the least. You don’t understand why Wanda would think it isn’t, she’s your girlfriend, you love spending time with her. You had thought that you were already spending time with her before.
“Wanda,” you stutter, eyes wide at the sudden tears in her eyes. When she tries to look away you put a hand on her cheek and force her glowing red eyes to meet yours. “Hey, hey, Wanda—baby—of course it is.”
It’s more than okay.
Wanda nods, looking just as shocked by her tears as you are. “I have no idea why i’m crying,” she says shakily, rubbing her eyes. “I don’t know why...I” Wanda pauses, letting out an angry defeated growl, “just- god, I...i’m just so frustrated.”
And she is, she really is. Wanda hadn’t realized how much this has been affecting her. She’s just angry at herself for needing you so much, and angry at the others for taking you away from her all the time, and then angry at herself again for being angry at the others just for wanting to be with you— she’s just angry. And it’s so exhausting.
But you aren’t. You’re the only thing in this life, to Wanda, that isn’t. It means everything, that’s why she needs you. Not all the time. Just sometimes at least.
You, little does Wanda know, need her around just as much, and more than that you need her to be okay, and she isn’t right now. Wanda looks so devastated and helpless, so helpless, that you’re hugging her before you can even register it, like your body moved on it’s own accord.
“Wanda,” you ask, concerned, “do you feel like i’m not already spending a lot of time with you? I mean...we sleep in the same bed.” Wanda hugs you so tightly though, that you wonder if you’ve been imagining the moments you two have spent together.
“No, no you have been,” she says sadly, and with a resignation in her voice that you don’t understand. “I guess...with all of the loss that’s surrounded me, and with the way I still try to distance myself from the others, I'm just really alone without you.”
You freeze completely, hit with an unbearable amount of sadness for the women you love.
Wanda pulls away from you when you tense, looking frantic because she worded that wrong, she hadn’t meant it to sound like she was guilt tripping you. “Obviously it’s not your responsibility to hang out with me all the time, I want you to hang out with your friends, it’s just...I mean...they do get to do stupid mundane things with you more...and I mean I want that too, but only if—”
You put a hand over her mouth, silencing her immediately. “Baby, slow down. Breathe. You’re gonna die if you don’t.”
“Okay…” you start when you realize Wanda has done what you asked and calmed down as much as she’s going to be able to right now, “no, you’re right, now that I think about it. Lately the others have been asking for me a lot and we only ever get a chance to watch a movie at night...we hardly see each other besides that.”
As you say it you’re shocked to find out how true it is. You’ve been so busy with your project with Tony, and training with Natasha, and Thor has been so sad lately that you’ve been trying to help him— and Clint with his sudden want to start cooking, and Peter with his girl problems, and—
And you hadn’t really taken a moment to realize that you miss Wanda too, you haven’t had the time to realize it while you were shuffling around the compound, but Wanda has had time. She’s had all the time in the world.
“Hey,” Wanda says when she notices the guilt on your face, “none of that.”
So you tackle her. Naturally. You tackle her because you love her, and she’s too sad. She looks too sad, she’s always too sad, and she never deserves to feel that way.
Wanda lets out a loud; ‘oof’ and falls back against the couch with you on top of her burying your face in her neck.
She doesn’t understand at all what’s going on, but she’s willing to give you what you want...until you start making weird noises.
“Rummmmm, tssssssss, weeeeeee.”
“Are you okay?” Wanda asks, legitimately concerned.
“Shhh, babe, i’m charging us up. Weeeee-”
“Okay,” Wanda laughs, pushing you off of her. When you yelp and nearly fall off the couch she catches you with her powers and gently lowers you on the ground.
You glare at her the whole way down, a humorous gleam in your eyes. “I’m trying to help babe, what the fuck.”
Wanda simply rolls her eyes at you, releasing another breathy laugh that has your features soften immediately.
“There it is,” you whisper quietly, reaching up to cup her cheek. Wanda smiles into your palm. “I’m sorry, Wanda. I’m realizing that I've missed you desperately too, so we’ll definitely have to make up for the time we weren’t together.”
“You don’t have to,” Wanda sighs, looking down.
“I want to,” you assure, because you do want to. You hadn’t noticed the ache in your heart until it was pointed out to you, but now that it has been...you just want to spend time with Wanda. But…
“But I want you to have other people as well,” you say quietly, “Do you think you could start opening up to the others? They really love you.”
Wanda studies your eyes, thinking. “I have been open with them.”
“You treat them like comrades more than family, even though they obviously love you more than that, and even though you do too.”
It’s something you’ve noticed. Wanda will protect everyone, and be there for them, and she’ll confide in them when necessary, but she’ll also avoid them, and avoid talking with them.
“Okay, I will try.”
The relief you feel at those four words is indescribable. This isn’t the first time you’ve had this conversation with Wanda, and the fact that she’s finally ready to listen fills you with joy that has you jumping back into her arms and smothering her with kisses.
“Hey,” Wanda protests, but she’s laughing, “I'll have to take it slow. Maybe i’ll start by finally coming to their movie nights”
“Sounds perfect,” you grin. And it does. Wanda hides in her room during those nights, but now she can be your game night partner. “Oh!” You yelp, jumping off her lap, “we should start training now. No one’s been able to beat Natasha at scramble but if we start training now by Friday we’ll be able to take her down.”
“I really am going to regret this,” Wanda sighs.
“It’s only two all-nighters, don’t be dramatic.”
“WHAT? I am not staying up all night.”
“We’ll see about that.” You whisper under your breath. You don’t think Wanda hears until she throws a couch pillow at your face.
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somerpmemes · 3 years
The Owl House Starters
Change as needed
“No! My only weakness! Dying!”
“That doesn’t count, right?”
“Do you have any friends? Real ones?”
“Tiny trash thief!”
“Oops, that happens sometimes.”
“I’m a squirmy little fella.”
“I like food, I like love, just let me write about it!”
“Oh, he gets so cute when he’s thirsty for power.”
“I’ve never actually broken any of your stupid laws… in front of you.”
“I hate everything you’re saying right now.”
“We’d be the strongest power couple ever.”
“Self-doubt is a prison you can never escape from.”
“Anyways, let’s bounce before any more monsters fall in love with me.”
“I am not your cutie pie!”
“No one wants an un-oiled snake.”
“Remember, never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once.”
“Be back by nightfall or risk mortal peril!”
“I know I’ve had enough delight for one day.”
“Sorry to break it to you, ___, but no one here is that well-dressed.”
“This has been a rough day.”
“Big houses always belong to big whack jobs.”
“Today just got good.”
“Wizards are just old people with glitter in their pockets.”
“Anyways, your food is gone and we are too.”
“Never trust a man in casual drapery.”
“All that mean-spirited laughter made me sleepy.”
“I don’t like this. I really don’t like this.”
“All your food was so tiny and cute.”
“If you can think of a better plan I’d love to hear it.”
“Betrayed by my own cool accessories.”
“I didn’t have to be part of this!”
“I… don’t like this.”
“I think I’ll head home and look at pictures of animals that are still… alive.”
“Wow, you’re so unnoticeable I almost rolled into you.”
“It’s okay, the thorns only went through a few layers of skin.”
“Alright, into the darkness you go.”
“Oh my god, I haven’t eaten real food in so long please give me some.”
“You can’t just cut open a human, can you?”
“Keeping junk in my pocket saved my life!”
“Ahh, baby’s first wanted poster.”
“Even demons have inner demons.”
“This is my paying attention face.”
“Look, now we’re boo boo buddies.”
“It’s like a rainbow, but looking at it turns you inside out.”
“I respect your cunning but I also hate you for it.”
“Oh, gross. Can I keep that?”
“This is terrifying, so why do you look so happy?”
“Oh no, a twist!”
“I’m kind of over that nickname, but okay.”
“Oh, what lovely thing do we have here? It’s just so dang shiny, oh my.”
“And look, I drew flip book.”
“I will literally do anything to stop this.”
“If I’m seen, I could go to jail… again.”
“Alright, let’s see this mess.”
“That’s probably fine.”
“Time to prepare for bloodshed.”
“Welcome down to my level!”
“I know I should be repulsed but that look is fierce.”
“I’m gonna steal everything that’s not nailed down!”
“I was up all night poison tasting and, for some reason, I don’t feel great.”
“I need an extra pair of eyes looking out for pickpockets. And an extra pair of hands in case I want to pickpocket.”
“I got leaves in my pants. And I like it.”
“I was a strange child.”
“You think this can stop me? I can still bite your ankles.”
“If you’re gonna eat me, just do it now!”
“___, you’re getting all swoony again.”
“Rivals are meant to be annihilated, not befriended.”
“Witches eating babies is so 1693.”
“Ugh, you.”
“I thought we were as cool as cucumbers but we’re as sour as pickles.”
“Whoa, I almost passed out.”
“It’s been hours, how can it keep screaming!?”
“Say that again and I steal your tongue.”
“Keep going, this is fun to watch.”
“Isn’t that taking it a bit too far?”
“Just go away before things somehow get worse!”
“This never happened.”
“And who doesn’t like their name in lights?”
“That’s the incorrect reaction!”
“I smell an easy mark.”
“Well, I hate her.”
“It’s like demonic possession with the ones you love.”
“This is just like my favorite early 2000’s movie!”
“I’m so old… and pointy.”
“I’ve got some very confusing emotions right now.”
“My life’s not a joke! But yours is!”
“Novelty costumes are where I draw the line.”
“I am not above disrespecting my elders.”
“This vacation just took an alarming, back-alley turn.”
“Geez, I thought I’d like being babied. But I feel small and helpless, like some sort of baby.”
“Hey, take this, society!”
“I didn’t like her telling me what to do before, but now I love it!”
“Let’s go let out some teen angst!”
“This is how the cool kids ride. Super backwards, on purpose.”
“Your life is pretty terrible. But, hey, it’ll probably be over soon.”
“This is some of my best work, really captures the shame.”
“That’s sweet, kid. Now let’s never speak of this again.”
“Show, don’t tell, man.”
“Oh, look what you did. I’m gonna go rub it in.”
“That seems like a potential problem to me.”
“You being the razzle, I’ll bring the dazzle.”
“Do you always have confetti on you or—?”
“You’re just gonna be unhelpful, huh?”
“Okay, time to run for no particular reason!”
“Oof, I’ve had this nightmare before.”
“Like I’d actually apologize.”
“I want power, and I want drama.”
“Are you ready to give up?”
“I was afraid, I acted stupid.”
“I just wish you told me the truth.”
“You know, it didn’t taste as bad as I thought I would.”
“Impressive, still alive.”
“This is a throne worthy of a tyrant!”
“No, no, keep those sticky hands away.”
“No one wants to see that.”
“Since when are you into sports?”
“Gross, sympathy.”
“Don’t spend all night plotting revenge.”
“Oh, this is an interesting development.”
“I’ll take that weird grumble as a yes.”
“I’m feeling confident about this plan.”
“Trust must be earned.”
“If you run, you’ll just make it harder for yourself!”
“Your pride has destroyed you.”
“So tiny, so angry.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever be clean again.”
“If you ever want to search for the truth, I’ll help you.”
“Aww, that’s a horrible lie.”
“Partake of my free snack samples!”
“Why isn’t anyone paying attention to me?”
“A, eww. B, I’m bored. C, I feel like pickpocketing some dork while they browse.”
“I know my good angle.”
“Ugh, what are the basement dwellers doing out in natural sunlight?’
“Hey, there’s more to life than shipping.”
“___, I know you’re trying to help, but I think you’re crossing a line.”
“Ooh, I love punching.”
“You’re ominous, and I like it.”
“And of course you would be here just to be a nuisance.”
“I wanted to compare sunglasses.”
“Fame can really box you in, you know?”
“Besides, if anyone’s putting you down it’s gonna be me.”
“If it’s disappointing in any way I’ll spend the rest of my life trashing it.”
“He scammed us. Can you believe he scammed us?”
“Good entrance. But that outfit? Hah!”
“I’ve got a new crush and her name is education!”
“Ahh, fresh garbage.”
“I have never seen such an extravagant earring.”
“Wow, a surprisingly peaceful domestic moment. When will it be ruined?”
“Weaponizing my pride, well played.”
“Sorry, whoever’s over there!”
“Well, go on. Eat the snow.”
“Huh, it’s no fun if they don’t tremble.”
“Oh, okay, alright. Yup, an idea’s happening.”
“Shh! I don’t need your validation!”
“Get back here before that thing bites you!”
“No, we’re gonna die.”
“Cool. I didn’t actually think you could do it.”
“It’s not a secret.”
“Alright, your adorable banter is literally making me sick.”
“Believe it or not, I’ve seen worse.”
“Aww. I won’t be doing that, but thanks.”
“Quitting: it’s like trying, but easier.”
“You humans are filled with liquids, right?”
“I guess I have always liked pouring things into other things.”
“Time to scrounge through the trash.”
“I ain’t no desk jockey.”
“You don’t know diddly dang about squiddly squat!”
“I love secret rooms!”
“You have an aura of lies.”
“Also, you can eat trash.”
“Do the right thing, you dingus!”
“It just goes on like this for an hour.”
“Carnivals bring crowds and crowds bring suckers.”
“We’ve got scams to run.”
“I know poison when I see it.”
“You can’t scam a scammer.”
“You should really put a lock on your closet.”
“I love crimes!”
“Now this is my kind of weird.”
“That’s way safer than becoming blood brothers.”
“Beat up the man and steal his things for me.”
“This mama is ready for trauma.”
“All right. Approval!”
“Curse these stubby legs!”
“Sketchy carnival rides are not to blame this time.”
“___, you’re lucky I can’t be mad at your adorable antics.”
“Just when I thought I couldn’t respect the law any less…”
“Aww, what a supportive sign.”
“Yep, I just counted to one million.”
“Looks like we ruined his life for a second time.”
“I’ve always wanted to own a jagged piece of cheap metal.”
“Yes! Bread puns, bread puns forever!”
“Now I know what friendship tastes like.”
“I think today is a talons day.”
“It’s fun because it’s stupid.”
“I’ll admit, I was adorable.”
“Be careful with my brain.”
“Wouldn’t you rather talk about it?”
“That’s my motto after all, ‘Out of sight, out of mind.’”
“No schemes, no plots, no ruses. None.”
“I can’t believe I made him cry.”
“Are you solving a crime or about to commit one?”
“Sadly this is one problem crime can’t solve.”
“I’m supposed to choose someone interesting, accomplished, and noteworthy. People aren’t meant to be all those things!”
“Yup, her brain’s burned up real good.”
“Be still my fantasy-loving heart.”
“I’m pretty good at getting stuck inside people’s heads.”
“Hey, I found something magical.”
“I’ma put my face in it.”
“It’s like a little doghouse for angels.”
“If you’re handing out attention, I deserve it.”
“Eww, I mean, aww.”
“I really messed things up.”
“It’s eggs, it’s full of eggs.”
“No one turns down an interview with someone this pretty.”
“Me? Avoid? What? No. But let’s skip it.”
“There’s levels to me, kid. Levels I say!”
“Oh, right, I put people in there.”
“I’m gonna hug you so hard you’ll never forget me again!”
“I regret teaching you about the internet.”
“Ah, a severed hand. Perfect response.”
“Hmm, the demon at my shoulder makes a good point.”
“Always trust a shoulder demon.”
“The more I look at him, the more uncomfortable I get.”
“Man, you’ve got some quick grabbers.”
“I can’t wait to get overdressed, take awkward photos, push all the buttons!”
“We’re gonna turn this bloodbath into a fun bath.”
“Do you think I could pull off red eyeshadow?”
“Girl, you could pull off anything.”
“We’re style geniuses!”
“Ominous footsteps, creepy woods, this is no problem.”
“Dang, I look great.”
“___, you always go overboard and I end up bailing you out.”
“Now, what’s the fun in watching a kid get eaten by a monster if it’s my kid?”
“___, I don’t think you’re ready but we’re literally out of time.”
“Why so twitchy, witchy?”
“Teenagers are brutal. They’ll boo anyone and that kind of public humiliation will stick with you for life.”
“You look nice. Strange, but nice.”
“Honestly, I’m kind of amazed with how fearless you are.”
“You’ve done things I could never do.”
“Thing is, you’re sitting in my personal chitchat zone, which means you gotta talk.”
“I am a little weirdo.”
“You gotta pander.”
“Cheating a isn’t anything to brag about.”
“Well, can’t reason with crazy!”
“I’ve been talking for too long.”
“Feeling sentimental?”
“I love water.”
“I don’t know much about sports but I do know about sports movies.”
“What happens in the montage stays in the montage.”
“Not everything can be solved with a good attitude and a dope movie soundtrack.”
“Sorry, I just really love backstories.”
“You just destroyed your social life.”
“That’s such a stupid rule!”
“You’re not gonna show this to anyone, right?”
“I haven’t forgotten what you promised me.”
“Ahh, you’re a thorn in my side but you always dig your way into my heart.”
“Jeez, you’re morbid.”
“Ahh, it’s a fate much worse than death if you think about it.”
“Please don’t make me regret taking you here.”
“Love me a properly ventilated castle.”
“I spy with my little eye something coming this way!”
“I’m going away and I don’t know if I can come back this time.”
“And  ___, thank you, for being in my life.”
“I want her back as much as you do.”
“Don’t look at me like that, this is for your own good.”
“Ah farts, I got caught.”
“You understand, don’t you?”
“Please tell me that’s not as bad as it sounds.”
“To be great, you have to make sacrifices.”
“Ahh, ___, you chose the wrong side.”
“I like your spirit, but try that again and things won’t end well for you.”
“Go on, then. Go be a hero.”
“I may have lost but so have you.”
“I can teach you what I know, and what we don’t know we can learn together.”
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justlightlysedated · 3 years
For the kisses prompts - #27 for Malex please 😘😘
27. desperate kisses
Michael is too busy feeling pure and unadulterated relief as he stares at Liz and Max and Isobel and even Kyle, all in a massive group hug, celebrating their success at finally getting rid of Jones, to notice that Alex is staring at him intently.
Michael tries to push all the happiness he feels at this moment at the forefront of his mind, trying to forget the price that he still hasn't paid, but the moment his eyes flicker over to Alex, to see that Alex is looking at him intently, he knows he's fucked.
Alex inhales sharply, eyes going wide at whatever look flashes across Michael's face before he looks away.
"What did you do, Guerin?" Alex's voice cuts through the happy chatter and demands attention and Michael is helpless against it.
He looks from Alex to everyone who seem to realize collectively there is something that they're missing.
"Alex-" he starts taking a step towards him, wanting to steer this conversation outside and away from prying eyes.
"No," Alex says, and he's still staring at Michael like he can divine the answer to his question if he looks hard enough. "You're going to tell me what you did so that I can fix it."
"There's nothing to fix," Michael says, moving closer, and feeling a stab of despair when Alex takes a matching step backwards. "I did what I had to do."
It's almost as though a wall falls over Alex's face, and Michael's despair gets even more potent.
Jones-his father- had promised him a week to say goodbye, and he'd been thinking about how to break the news to everyone gently, especially to Alex.
They were in such a good place right now. It felt amazing. Michael doesn't think that he's ever been happier. He doesn't think that he'll ever be as happy.
And he'd wanted to hold on to it for as long as he could.
"Look," he says, and moves fast enough that Alex doesn't have time to move back, placing a hand on Alex's shoulder. "Jones is gone. He's never going to bother us again. So can't we just celebrate that and then worry about the rest tomorrow?"
Alex blinks several times, eyes darting all over Michael's face.
"Why can't you just tell me what you did?" Alex asks, eyes growing bright. "The way that you're acting tells me it's bad Michael. I just want to help you."
"You can't," Michael says on an exhale, letting his hand fall from Alex's shoulder, knowing that he's going to have to tell Alex the truth, right now.
"What did you do?" Alex asks again, voice shaking like he knows exactly what Michael is going to say.
Michael exhales roughly, and pushes down the pain and hurt he can feel stuck right in his throat.
"Jones is leaving the planet, and he needs an engineer."
It doesn't take long for Alex to understand. He inhales sharply and shakes his head in denial.
"No," he says and his voice cracks and reeks of heartbreak.
"Alex," Michael says, moving forward.
"No," Alex says again, in exactly the same way, and then he's leaving, walking out of the bar as fast as he can.
Michael looks at the door as it closes behind him, and jumps when Isobel's voice rings in his head, in tandem with Liz's voice in his ears.
"Go after him," they both say, making Michael jump.
In his haste to soothe Alex, he'd forgotten that they weren't alone.
Michael looks back at the others and he sees some knowing faces and some still confused faces, but he still has a week to deal with that, and the further that Alex gets, the more likely Michael won't see him again.
He runs out the door, letting it swing shut behind himself.
He looks around and doesn't have to look far to spot Alex, who is leaning against the back of Michael's truck, face in his hands, shoulders shaking.
Michael makes it to him in record time, but before he can touch him, Alex is moving.
"Don't touch me," he says, backing away from Michael, and his face is red, and his eyes are bloodshot and there tears dripping down from his chin.
Michael's heart shatters into millions of pieces that makes it difficult to breathe, to think.
"I'm sorry," he says, hands clenched to his sides, wanting to move closer, but knowing that Alex won't accept the comfort right now. "Alex, I am so sorry. But I had to save him."
"I know," he responds. "I know how important Max is to you Michael. I've been doing everything that I can to help. We all have. You're not fighting alone."
"I know," Michael says, taking a step closer and trying not to drown in relief when Alex doesn't move away. "I just-"
"Needed to be a self sacrificing idiot," Alex says, and his voice would be mocking if it wasn't for the fact that he was still crying.
Michael just looks away from him, wanting to find the right words to say, but Alex talks again.
"Why can't you just let yourself be happy?" He demands.
"Alex," Michael tries to speak, but Alex talks over him.
"You are happy with me, aren't you?"
"Of course I am," Michael says, taking several more steps closer.
"And our relationship is good, isn't it?"
"It's better than good," Michael assures him, stopping when he's within arm's length of Alex. 
Alex doesn't move but he tracks his movements like a predator.
"Then why are you giving it up?" He asks, sounding desolate, the words hitting Michael right in the stomach. "Why are you tearing us apart?"
Michael shakes his head, reaching for Alex, but Alex blocks his hands, not moving backwards but not ready for Michael to touch him.
"I-" Michael starts but he can't finish.
There is no explanation that he could give that would satisfy him. Michael had been given the choice and he'd jumped on it because nothing else was working and more and more people were dying, and he could save Max and protect everyone else.
It had been an easy choice, until he'd seen Alex and realized exactly what it meant.
"I love you," Alex says, the words coming out of his mouth in a sharp painful gasp. "Does that even matter to you at all?"
Michael feels horror, sweeping through him and leaving him cold. And he acts as the words stay stuck in his mouth unwilling to come out.
He digs his fingers into Alex's shoulders and tugs him forward. Alex collapses into his arms, wrapping his fingers in Michael's jacket and pushing his face into Michael's neck, a sob falling out of his mouth.
Michael wraps his arms around him tightly, almost too tight he's sure, but Alex is shaking like he's about to fall into tiny pieces right in Michael's hands and the only thing holding him together is Michael's touch.
Michael presses his face to the side of Alex's face, and presses a kiss high up on his cheek, breathing out shakily and struggling not to cry.
Alex jolts at the touch like it hurts, and before Michael can ask what's wrong, Alex is moving, but instead of getting out of Michael's arms, he moves in closer.
He presses his hands to Michael's face, fingers shaky and damp, and then he kisses him, a shuddering touch, too hard, and then another, and another, and another, each one brief and shaky.
Michael slides his hands to either side of Alex's neck, and he tilts his head and kisses him back.
Alex surges into the touch, desperate and wild, almost like a live wire in Michael's hands, digging his fingers harder against Michael's face and biting against his lips hard enough to draw blood.
Michael hisses at the pain, but Alex just pushes closer, kissing him harder and deeper, like he's chasing the metallic taste of the blood into Michael's mouth.
Michael eases away from the kiss after a few long moments, and Alex makes a sound like Michael is killing him.
Michael drops his forehead to Alex's, and just breathes.
"Don't go," Alex says in a hoarse whisper that Michael hears like a gunshot going off in his ears.
"We still have a week," he says, and Alex pulls away from him, blinking like he's confused.
"We still have a week, and you won't let me help you fix it?" 
"If I renege on my word, he said he'll come after you," Michael admits in a low voice.
"I don't care," Alex says immediately. "If I can find a way to get you out of this, I will do it."
"No," Michael says, shaking his head. "Not at the expense of your life."
"I don't care," Alex says again. "He can have my life if he wants it. If you're not going to be here, I'd rather be dead."
"Don't say things like that," Michael bites out, pushing in close again and looking Alex directly in the eyes.
"I can't live without you," Alex says, eyes shining bright but resolute. "I'm going to try and fix this, and if I die trying then at least I won't have to go on without you."
"Stop talking like that," Michael demands. "Stop talking as though your death wouldn't be the end of me too."
"Then stay with me, and we won't have any problems."
Michael closes his eyes, "Alex."
"It's one thing if you don't want me, Guerin. If you don't love me. If you leave because you're not happy. If you think our relationship was another mistake and we should've never tried again.
"But don't for one moment believe that I will let you go willingly if it's not what you really want."
And Michael, Michael can't. He can't.
He knew from the moment he made the deal that the hardest person to say goodbye to was going to be Alex. Because he knew that Alex wasn't going to let him go without a fight.
Michael sways forward, and Alex catches him easily, pressing their foreheads together as he breathes in shuddering breaths.
"Okay," he says in a low, low voice. "Help me fix this."
Alex wraps his arms around Michael's waist and holds him tight, "Always."
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“Don’t look at me like that.” “Like what?” “Like you still love me.”
This is slightly longer than usual and it doesn't even have a happy ending, oops? I presume you knew what you were doing when you sent me an angsty prompt ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And a happy birthday to @mppmaraudergirl !!! Hope you'll enjoy this unrequited pining dumpster fire queen :) I only wish it was set in 6th year to complete the set 🔥🗑❤️‍🔥
The dim light from the embers was trying to illuminate the Heads’ Office as he feasted his eyes on her. He thought about rekindling the fire to see her more clearly. Would she believe him if he said he was cold in April?
Just the fact they needed more light to see —her face in his case and the parchment in front of her for Lily’s— was enough proof that they’d been here for hours now, paying the price for not doing this in the last two weeks.
He tried not to think about why they were unable to do so, the first weeks of April a black blur in his mind he’d rather not visit.
Lily’s silhouette was a good distraction from his unwanted thoughts, he turned his focus back to it. He was just about to suggest adding more logs to the fireplace, weather be damned, when he realized Lily had been talking to him for a while now.
“—tried putting her with Bones last month but he said he will land himself in the hospital wing on patrol days if we ever pair them again, so we need a new partner for her.”
“How about Selwyn?”
“No, she's a half-blood, we can’t risk it.
Lily looked thoughtful for a moment. “Fenwick could work.”
Happy that he had thwarted the danger, he went back to his favorite pastime.
“You know, this would finish a lot faster if you were helping me instead of gawking at me from afar.”
“I’m sorry, am I disturbing you?”
“You’re disturbing my concentration, Potter. Either close your eyes or come here.”
Never one to reject an offer like this, he hurried beside her. She had another thing coming if she actually expected this to stop him from drinking her in though. He could see the shadows of her eyelashes now.
“I can help you with that performance anxiety, Evans. I heard imagining me naked should do the trick.” He swallowed the words not that you’d have any problem with it back, afraid even this was pushing the limits.
“Thank you for that mental image.”
They were still pretending nothing had happened then. Fine by him.
She did look a little flustered though, he just hoped it wasn’t in anger. He decided not to risk it anymore, taking advantage of his new proximity to the redheaded witch to follow the freckles on her cheeks. Even he couldn’t fuck this up if he never opened his mouth, could he?
Guess not.
“C’mon Potter, work with me here.”
He’d be worried if he couldn’t hear the smile in her voice. “I am. I came over here, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, to go over the patrol schedule with me,” the smile spread from her voice to her lips now, “not to continue your ogling beside my face now.”
He relented after that; still deathly afraid he could offend her unexpectedly. They went through the rest of the pairs slowly, easy laughter filling the air after a while. Lily was tapping the quill against her cheek, pondering about who to give Abbot as a partner, when he slipped up again.
It wasn’t his fault that the light hit her eyes just the right way when she was pursing her lips deep in thought. He was only human after all.
Still sprawled on her seat, it was proof of just how relaxed she was when she only laughed upon noticing, “Don’t look at me like that.”
A smart James, a James who wasn’t drunk on Lily’s laugh, would’ve never said what he said next.
“Like what?”
But he was far from that smart James now, the knowledge of what he probably looked like slipping through his foggy mind.
Her laughter hadn’t died fully yet when she said, “Like you still love me.”
Ah… Well, he brought that onto himself.
That was the hardest part about being friends with her probably. But it was okay, he had done worse things for Lily Evans than pretending he didn’t love her.
“You serenade your heart out to a girl one time…”
He didn’t bring up the other time the very same words were breathed tenderly in the dark. He wasn’t sure what was allowed yet, their newfound friendship still so fragile, so delicate.
When he realized he couldn’t have her in his life anymore unless he buried his feelings, that’s what he did, the opposite choice looking so unbearable that he hadn’t wasted a second thinking about it. So what if he sometimes felt like a tight fist was mangling his heart? He was listening to her laugh now, wasn’t he?
And he remembered what it was like, in that brief period, where he didn’t even have that in his life. Prefect meetings left abruptly, conversations ending quickly when he entered the room, gaze solely directed to people who could never appreciate them the way he would… He had been starved for her eyes, her voice, her touch. He thought he didn’t have her before, but there was never a time he didn’t have Lily Evans so completely than that damn week.
Which is why he fixed it, really, she left him no other choice. He promised her friendship, swore his feelings for her were gone, vowed to never try anything again. And as a reward, he got her back.
He kept all his promises so far, their past not-relationship (never a relationship) a taboo neither of them touched… until now. Once again Lily was steering the wheel and he was helpless but to follow her lead wherever she took him. Control had never been in his hands, and he was back to looking at her to figure out how he would be hurt next.
He wondered if this was a test when Lily looked satisfied with his answer. Was there a wrong answer to give here? Did he pass?
Lily stretched in her seat unaware of his musings, his wound still too fresh, he kept his eyes away from her this time. “I think we’re almost done here. Look it over one last time and we should be good to go.”
He took the parchment over from her distractedly, giving the schedule a lazy once-over when something caught his eye.
“You’ve put me with Remus.”
Her face stayed impassive but he could see she was fidgeting with her quill. “Uh, yes. Does that work for you?”
Suspicion arousing because of her skittish behavior, he turned his eyes to the schedule to locate her name.
Lily Evans & Dirk Cresswell
“I thought you hated patrolling with Cresswell, isn’t that what you said before?”
She was unable to hide her apprehension now, her face flaming up rapidly before his eyes. “Not–not exactly.” She averted her eyes. “He asked to patrol with me at the last Slug meeting, said his current partner was causing some problems.”
He tried to relax his jaw, knowing it’d make everything worse for him if he proved her discomfort right.
“The schedule looks perfect, Evans. I think we can wrap it up for the night.”
Her relief choked up the room. “Yeah, let’s just close up the office and leave this bloody room at last.”
“Actually, you know what, why don’t you leave closing up to me?” He continued without paying attention to her halfhearted protests, “No, no, you earned it. Let me deal with the aftermath, it’s the least I can do.”
She gave him a relieved smile. “Thanks, Potter.” She was already halfway to the door when she said her goodnights.
He didn’t get up from his armchair right away, eyes stuck on the door she just left.
Pretending he didn’t love her may not be the worst thing he’d done for Lily Evans, but it was surely turning out to be the worst one for himself.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Omg it's been so long since I've gotten here in time when requests are open but here I am anyway I hope your doing ok and things went well with your visit with friends &Grandparents anyways I feel weird asking it but after reading your intepretation you caught my intrigue I'd like to request yandere Ging hc of him with a s/o who always tries to move b/c he annoys her but he keeps coming back !!! Feel free to make it soft 😊
It's been a while indeed since I've seen you so I'm happy you made it. Sorry that it took so long, but school enables me to only write one post per day😞. Buuut...I have only one week left before holidays and the last week we won't do much anything so I hope that by tomorrow I'll be able to write more again!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, obsessiveness, stalking, Ging annoying the s/o, meltdown of the s/o
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🍎I feel you, darling. It has to be exhausting to never know when exactly this man comes back or not, the times he just pops up in front of your house or has already somehow broken in and acting like he is at home. Ging simply can't help making bad impressions on his darling due to his constant absence and the indifference he seems to possess whenever they're pissed and want to scold him for his behavior. As someone who would like avoiding such arguments, he either disappears yet again or at least tries to calm you down in a way that doesn't help in most cases.
🍎You think moving away will work, hmm? Sorry to tell you, but it won't. Despite the impression that Ging doesn't look like he cares much and is a rather messy person, he is a respected Hunter. Connections, the possibilities he has with the status of being a Hunter and his very own skills are nothing to be forgotten and so he will have the new location of his darling found out the moment he finds out that they've moved. It's not like he pushes you into a corner for it the next time he just appears in front of the darling's door, ignoring their flabbergasted impression and going inside.
🍎The Hunter has already figured out from the very first incident why exactly you wanted to move, you were happy in your old home with the only thing annoying you being him. Ging is aware of his behavior and that it often has you feel like you want to rip your hair out yet he never really considered it too deeply. That is the kind of guy Ging is and it makes him a horrible person in more than just one pair of eyes. It just feels like he is not taking his darling seriously and ridicules them and that hurts, not to mention that he is so often away.
🍎So maybe now is the time to start recalling his actions and that he's made you go livid to the point where you do not want to be with him anymore. It becomes more and more visible every time you move away, slam the door shut as soon as he knocks on it or just refuses to open it at all. Something he would call "overreacting" at first seems to only turn more and more turbulent until the very first time his darling has a complete meltdown in front of him whilst he was telling them to chill out. Hysterical screaming and yelling whilst starting to burst out in tears before pushing him with violence out, slamming the door shut behind him.
🍎That was the first time Ging shut up when witnessing all of this, freezing and not knowing what to do. Even after he has been kicked down he doesn't know how to act, only the cries inside the house accompanying his thoughts for a while until you seem to calm down a bit. Overwhelmed would be the word to use for him, the feeling of helplessness and confusion, the feeling of having no idea what exactly to do now. It is the very first time his darling has given him such a emotional reaction, a highly negative one. The turning point where Ging has to ask himself if things can really stay the way they are or if he has to do something.
🍎Obviously he acts like a horrible person, but maybe he just happened to hit the wrong nerve after pocking for so long at you, maybe you just had enough. And as much as he hates troubles like those, even he is not too dumb or lazy to think that he can just act like he always did. Not this time, you clearly despise him by now. And that is not the kind of relationship he wishes to have when with the s/o. But the biggest problem for him now is what he is even suppose to do. He's no expert and will never be. How does someone apologize to their loved one without ruining things even more?
🍎The sudden disappearance from this man is something you're used to and wish for and that is what happens after. But not exactly for the reason you think. Ging believes that what you need now most is time to calm down, visiting you right after your outburst is not a wise option. Additionally he himself needs time to think now on what he should do, how he can make things right again. Well, as right as possible at least. It's written all over his face that something is bothering him and some people actually speak to him because of it. And Ging...well, after some time he tells them in vague details what is on his mind.
🍎Such talks are what turns out to be a big help because some people are surprisingly helpful. Especially all those married people who somewhat sympathize with the Hunter tell him in return their stories and what they did to make up with their partners and lovers. Lots of different advices and stories and yet Ging finds himself still having troubles. He's never done anything like this before so he is more nervous than he would like to admit after he has been away for a bit, tracking down the new home of yours again. Something really has to change.
🍎Blocking the door with his foot as you try to slam it shut right in front of his nose again is within his expectations as well as the yelling and he endures it with the same angering calmness as he always does. It's all the same in his darling's opinion. Until the very moment where he actually pulls out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back, handing them in a somewhat shy manner over. The man is highly embarrassed about it, not able to look his darling straight into their confused face as he stutters out an apology he has practiced beforehand. The practice was useless though, in front of the s/o this is a completely different thing.
🍎Instant forgiveness is not what you give him nor does he expect this. He did go too far about this time and he knows that he should stay to fix this. And he does. Somewhere else of course but it is the very first time he stays for a really long time since the grudge you have against him is not easy. During this time he comes to realize something uite importantt himself, how much of your life he actually missed whilst being constantly away. There are new hobbies and new friends you didn't know you had before and some of those friends are people he doesn't like. Because they're too close and you ignore him for them.
🍎It's rather silly since they're the only ones who kept you company whilst he was always away and he deserves this, but karma is a bitter bitch as he experiences himself. The relationship you two once had is in your eyes probably no more, increasing the danger of you falling in love with someone else, someone who will actually stay with you. Maybe that is why Ging turns unusually petty, following his darling around and biting his tongue when he catches them with one of those people he has officially recognized as love rivals. What a nasty feeling jealousy is and how frustrating your grin is when you caught him jealous for the very first time in a long while. Seems like the roles have reversed, haven't they?
🍎Using his connections is an option, but by now Ging is far too much provoked to do this himself. Not like he was planning before to use it, another drama with you is the last thing on his list he wants. His darling is letting him dance around here for quite a bit to the point where he accuses them mentally for being a sadist since he is pushed to do so many things he never did before and for that feels extremely awkward. Yet he goes through everything with embarrassment burning his skin, the desire to want the relationship far greater.
🍎The s/o comes to realize that he is serious as well, though doubting it at first. But the constant small gifts and the fact that he apologizes whenever he sees themplus tehe valuable fact that he stays around for a very long time convince them after some time. But forgiving him sweetly right after isn't what you would want after all the emotional roller coaster. You'll get back at him for everything before you shall grant him the relationship back. It takes a very long time and by the end of it Ging has probably the most frustrating months of his entire life behind him so it's safe to assume that now he knows how you must feel. Believe me, he has learned his lesson of a lifetime to treat his darling better from now on.
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All my worst nightmares are coming true. I have no friends. My career is in problems. I feel awfully stuck and pathetic. How do I help myself? How do I change my mindset? How do I manifest my truer potential?
Please helppp. I am looking for advice.
Thanks alot.
hello there friend. 💌 please read this article — it will articulate a lot of my thoughts so much better than I can.
my fave two parts:
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i think the key to living life with greater resilience/confidence is being content with what you have and accepting what life throws at you - both the good and the bad. life is less about achieving constant zen and peace and a worry free bubble, because in reality, it is inevitable you will face failure, rejection, pressure, loneliness, and worry. life is in your response- how do you face the challenges and difficulties you face? will you compound your frustration and struggles through negative thinking? will you believe the world is against you - only you, individually - or will you recognize that because of our shared humanity, so many people face similar challenges as you do, that you are not alone in your hardships, that difficulties are a part of life - and that you actually have much in life to be thankful for? will you believe in your innate helplessness or will you accept the universal imperfect flow of life that is part of being a flawed, impermanent human being in this world, and choose to actively play a role in deciding what happens next? so much of unhappiness is from being discontent with where you are and what you have, dreading the intenable uncontrollables of the future and looking outside of your life. open your eyes to your immense power in the present!!
i mentioned that my goal for 2022 is ‘unabashed gratitude’. that means i hope to be content with where i am and what i have, while working and growing into a better person. that means i endlessly perceive situations as potential opportunities rather than obstacles, and i accept moments of disappointment as a necessary part of the learning process and continuous growth, rather than unfairly burdening myself with an unrealistic standard of immediate excellence. i believe you can do this too - i trust fully that you can live a happier, more content life with fulfilling, satisfying moments, once you adapt a mindset of gratitude, intention, self belief, and action and abandon negative feelings of innate shame/unworthiness. good luck friend, wishing you all the best 💌🌟
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hi! Hope you’re doing well and feeling better! Do we know when we can expect a lumos update:)
First: Hi! I'm alive. The next update is coming, hopefully in the next few weeks!!! (Some people have expressed care/concern about my health, and I wanted to clarify that I have recovered and have been recovered for a few weeks. Apologies--it was not my intention to keep anyone worried or confused on that, or on the update scheduling!! <3 <3 <3)
This summer ended up being a bit less productive than hoped, writing-wise. On the flip side of that sad coin, that's given me time to "catch up." There have been some care tasks in dire need of attention that've been resting on the backburners for ages, and I've finally gotten around to a number of them (like cleaning out storage--a horribly needed but less than enjoyable undertaking).
The last few months have also been a strange mix of travelling to see extended family we almost never get to see, illness despite precautions, recovering from that, then helping some of the younger people in my family prepare to move out and away shortly (either after a summer home or for the very first time).
Those last departures especially have been cause for some delay.
As a "Bill" or "Charlie" in my family's birth order, I've been rather quiet about my younger siblings because I'm protective of them, and I value their privacy. But they are very much a significant part of my life. When I've vaguely alluded to "family things" in the past, it's usually had something to do with them. The day they leave, I think it'll rip my heart out a bit.
To say the least, I'm sort of soaking up time with them, helping them get their feet under them and what not.
Being an older sibling with a moderately significant age gap is strange. You're not quite a parent, obviously, but you're not the same as a regular member of the sibling cohort. It's something different altogether.
There are times when I run my mouth and throw advice at them without understanding what they really need. There are times they laugh and brush me off. And there are other moments, when something I've learned by struggling to sort it out proves handy, and the look of relief on their face makes that past struggle worth it and more.
This next phase is so exciting, and I know they're going to continue to grow and change. I'm so thrilled to get to know the new people they become.
Yet I can't help but mourn for the end of this era. When I'm not simply Treesap, but the older sister whose place they can crash at when they need to get away from it all, the accomplice that sneaks them coffee at school when their classes are more draining than usual, the person they often call when they're having a rough time, the friend who comes over and sits on the bean bag with them to watch cartoons because the world is brutal. We will still do some of those things, maybe, but it will be different.
I watch them leave the nest with my hands outstretched and shaking behind them. Not because I doubt they can fly, but because I've been catching them for so long (or at least trying to), that I don't entirely know how to step back.
But they are stronger--so much stronger than I was at their age.
When I moved out, I retreated inside myself. I hid away. I was constantly anxious and confused about the most mundane of tasks, and I was almost always too afraid to ask questions or seek much help. It took me ages (read: years) to venture out of myself more and to feel truly at home in my surroundings. I've been quite determined that it won't be like that, for any of my younger siblings.
They're so shiny and bold and young. My spine cannot help but lock up when I remember how harsh the world is. I am white-knuckled and wild-eyed and helpless in the face of it. Yet you cannot bubble wrap a person. (If I say it enough times, perhaps I'll believe it.) At any time of day, problem large or small, I can only hope they know they are not inconvenient.
I can only sleep with my ringer on.
In this moment, I'm a bit preoccupied holding my breath, whispering, "oh please, oh please, oh please be okay--" in between bouts of "That? No, that's a totally sensible question! Here, you can email this person, and--"
[I wish I could apply sandpaper to the world and smooth it for their journey, but I am not a carpenter, and I fear they would resent me for it.]
TLDR: Treesap is having a bit of a time, and it's had an impact on the posting schedule. I hope that's okay. <3
Very shortly, things will be quieting down, and the update should quickly follow. I'm hoping it'll be a few weeks.
On that note, this chapter's a bit strange, and I think it's benefitted from the extra time I've had to reflect on it. <3 I'm so excited to have it done and posted for all of you!!!! <3 <3 <3
In the meantime, thank you for all the support, kindness, patience, and encouragement.
All my love,
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