#regulus black gives nice hugs
apus-neverstoplooking · 9 months
Prompt: Gold, 389 words, @jegulus-microfic
*the quote that Regulus says to James if from ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ by Oscar Wilde*
James has had a long day. Regulus is aware of this the moment he looks up from the couch when James walks in the door of their flat.
He looks utterly defeated with his hair more tousled than normal, heavy eye bags, and a slouched posture. Regulus is prepared to burn whoever made his Jamie feel like this. They got to a place where James allows Regulus to see that side of him, the side that doesn’t smile all the time or bring that special ‘James Potter Energy ™️’ that people expect him to have. Regulus gets to see the side of James that isn’t okay, he’s the only one who gets that side.
James walks over and immediately falls into Regulus’s lap, wrapping his arms around his waist and attempting to burrow into his chest. Regulus simply cards a hand through his hair, scratching his scalp every so often. When James gets like this it’s best to just let him be until he’s ready to talk.
“Are you ready to talk about it mon amour?” Regulus asks after about 10 minutes.
James nods his head, but even then, it won’t be for another few minutes until James actually starts to speak. Regulus gave him the space to speak because sometimes James feels like his problems are less important and that people don’t want to hear about them, so Regulus always makes sure to remind him that he wants to talk about it without being pushy.
“Just work, it’s not even that big of a deal.” He mumbles from Regulus’s chests.
“Hey, hey, hey, if it’s important to you it’s important to me, regardless of what it is.
“I know.” James says after a moment, “I just feel like we’re not doing anything. I joined the ministry because I wanted to change things but we’re not changing anything. I’m not changing anything.
“Look at me me Jamie.” Regulus says gently.
James looks into Regulus gray eyes, his brown ones red-rimmed.
“The world is changed because you are made of Ivory and Gold.” He says each word intentionally, so James knows he means them.
James’s face is glowing; a smile that could light up galaxies.
“If I’m made of ivory and gold, then I think you’re made of ebony and silver.”
It’s oddly fitting for the sun and the stars.
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yeah okay so my obsession with jegulus has only grown these past few days AND THEN I SAW THIS TIKTOK AND I GOT FUCKING HOOKED I'VE WATCHED IT 50 TIMES JUST TODAY
16 notes · View notes
petitemistletoe · 1 year
Pairing: Regulus Black x Reader, Potter!Reader
Warnings: angst!
Word Count: 6.2K+
A/N: Alright listen I am a Lily Evans stan through and through but she does not come across the greatest in this fic
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“Stop biting your nails,” Regulus nudged you lightly. 
“Sorry,” you said sheepishly, “I just hope the first term went well for Celeste. I’ve missed her so much.” You rested your head on Regulus’s shoulder. 
“Celeste sent us about a thousand owls with updates. She’s fine! Plus she’s had Milo with her.” Regulus made a good point. Your daughter, Celeste, had started her first year at Hogwarts at the same time as her cousin Milo.
“Where are Sirius and Remus anyway?” You asked, glancing at your watch, “The train is going to be in any minute now.”
As if on cue, you saw Sirius and Remus running through King’s Cross. Remus was carrying an empty carseat and Sirius was balancing a baby in his arms. They made their way over to your spot on the platform and were breathing heavily. 
“Someone,” Sirius panted, “take the baby so I can have a moment to collapse.”
“Give me my delicious little nephew,” you grinned, taking the baby from Sirius and giving his chubby cheek a little kiss, “how are you Teddy?”
Teddy gurgled in response and wrapped a chubby hand around a strand of your hair. 
“Why exactly are you two so late?” Regulus quirked an eyebrow at his brother. 
“You know how it is, baby stuff.” Remus explained, setting the carseat on the ground and taking Teddy back from you.
“Sirius take too long looking at himself in the mirror?” Regulus chuckled. 
“You laugh but it’s under the shroud of wicked jealousy,” Sirius deadpanned. 
“Can you believe that our kids are first years! It feels like we graduated just yesterday,” you reminisced, threading your arm through Sirius’ and resting your head on his shoulder. 
“They’ll be here any minute now!” Sirius grinned, looking at the wave of students getting off the train. 
“Sirius! It’s your turn, Teddy needs to be changed.” Remus was now holding Teddy at arms length, his nose wrinkled. 
“Oh no,” Sirius peaked at Teddy’s diaper, “Moony this is a two man job. You guys mind waiting for Milo while we fix this?”
“Go for it,” you waved the boys off. You and Regulus were making idle chit chat until a body slammed into you. You looked down and saw the nicely styled brown and black curls and knew it could only have been your nephew.
“Hi Milo,” you said, pressing a kiss to his head. 
“Hey Auntie! Have you seen my dads?” He asked, pulling away and hugging Regulus. 
“They’re in the bathroom changing Teddy. Have you seen my daughter?” You responded. 
“She’s coming. Her and Harry were saying goodbye to Ron and Hermione at the front of the platform.” Milo shrugged. Your blood ran cold. 
“Harry?” You asked. Before Milo could respond you saw Celeste skipping towards you.
“Mum! Dad!” Celeste gave you and Regulus a giant hug. 
“Celeste! I want to hear all about your term,” you said with a giant grin. 
“Sure Mum! I want you to meet one of the greatest friends I made. He’s actually one of Milo’s childhood friends.” Celeste stepped back and revealed Harry standing behind her. Even if you hadn’t recognized the name you would’ve know that Harry was James’s son. Harry was the spitting image of James, save for his eyes. His eyes were the same color as Lily’s. 
“Hi! I’m Harry Potter, it’s nice to meet you Mrs. Black, Mr. Black.” Harry extended his hand to you and Regulus. Regulus had the same gobsmacked expression that you did and he swallowed harshly before saying, 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Harry. I understand that you and Celeste have become fast friends.” 
“Yes! I’ve known Milo my entire life so he introduced Celeste and I. Milo’s fathers are actually my father’s two closest friends. You might know him, James Potter?” Harry asked. 
“Uh, yes. We were in school at the same time as your father.” Regulus said, diplomatically. 
“Really?” Harry asked. Before you could continue any further Sirius and Remus returned. 
“There’s my godson!” Sirius laughed, wrapping Harry in a tight hug. 
“He hugs Harry before he hugs his own son.” Milo rolled his eyes as he hugged Remus and gave his baby brother a kiss on the forehead. 
“There’s my boy.” Sirius lifted Milo of the ground in a grandiose show of affection. 
“Where are your parents, Harry?” Remus asked. 
“Around here somewhere I’m sure.” Harry scanned through the throng of people. He disappeared off and you felt like you could breathe again. 
“Alright, love, do you have all your things?” You asked Celeste, running a hand over your daughter’s head, “Regulus grab her trunk.”
“Did you make the Christmas fudge mum?” Celeste asked. 
“Three trays of it.” You grinned, pinching Celeste’s cheek. 
“Oh Auntie your fudge is the greatest! Dad can we go over to Celeste’s and have some?” Milo asked Remus. 
“Why not? You know I have a soft spot for chocolate.” Remus laughed as he tried to juggle both the car seat and Milo’s trunk. 
“Give me the baby and give the car seat to Sirius.” You said. Remus went to hand you Teddy but tutted, “Other side, Remus. My shoulder.” You swapped sides and then took Teddy from Remus’ arms and balanced him on your hip. 
You were making your way out of the train station when Harry was running back towards you all, a giant smile on his face.
“Alright Harry?” Celeste asked.
“Yeah, yeah. I wanted to introduce our parents. Mr. And Mrs. Black these are my parents James and Lily Potter.” Harry stepped back to reveal his parents. You felt like the wind had been knocked out of you. 
“James.” You said, cooly. 
“It’s been a while.” James’s tone was as icy as yours. 
“Well we should get going,” Lily said diplomatically. 
“Yes! Yes. Good to see you. Have a happy Christmas!” Regulus pushed Celeste away before the conversation could progress any further. 
Luckily for you all, Celeste forgot all about encounter by the time she got home, had a tin of fudge, and played with her little brother Atlas who had been in private lessons when you all were at the train station. Atlas and Celeste were sleeping peacefully, now, and you were thinking about James as you got in bed next to Regulus. 
“Love?” Regulus shook you from your thoughts. 
“Yes darling?” 
“I was saying that Narcissa called and wants to have tea tomorrow and get all the children together.” Regulus said. 
“Oh, sure Reg.” You nodded.
“Thinking about James?” 
“You know me so well,” you laughed softly, “it just caught me off-guard…seeing him again.” 
“I know. Are you alright?”
“It’s weird, right? Harry and Celeste being friends.” You asked, rubbing your shoulder. 
“Yeah, a good weird though. I think we should consider the possibility of telling them that they are related. They deserve to know and it’ll only be worse if they find it out on their own.” Regulus ran his thumb over your knuckles. 
“I know you’re right.” You went to bed that night with your thoughts spinning impossibly fast in your brain. 
“Oh my God! How can a child so small poop so much?” Remus said in disgust. His entire chest was coated in what had previously been Teddy’s breakfast. Sirius had been walking over to check on Remus, but immediately turned and crept back down the hallway as quietly as he could. “Nice try, Pads! Get back here right now.” 
“How did you know I was in the hall?” Sirius asked with a groan, taking over the diaper change while Remus removed his shirt and scourgified it. 
“Werewolf hearing, obviously.” Remus rolled his eyes. 
“Dads! When are we going to Celeste’s?” Milo asked, peeking his head into the room. 
“We’re going to meet Celeste and Atlas at Aunt Narcissa’s house.” Remus responded. 
“Oh fuck do we have to go to Narcissa’s? It’s so creepy there.” Sirius complained. 
“Really? You aren’t even going to pretend to act like a parent in front of our kid?” Remus rolled his eyes. 
“Aunt Narcissa isn’t so bad,” Milo shrugged, “Draco’s kind of annoying though.”
“Of course he is. He’s the spawn of a Black and a Malfoy.” Sirius rolled his eyes at the thought. 
“Sirius!” Remus was unfortunately not surprised at his husband’s antics. 
“I have a different question.” Milo shook his head, “so you know how Celeste and Atlas are mine and Teddy’s cousins because Dad and Uncle Regulus are brothers?”
“Yeah?” Sirius and Remus weren’t exactly sure where things were going.  
“And you know how you two were best friends with Uncle James and Aunt Lily in school?”
“Yeah…” Now Sirius and Remus had an idea where things were going and they didn’t exactly love it. 
“Why was I never allowed to have Harry and Celeste over at the same time? And why were things so awkward between everyone at the train station when Celeste’s and Harry’s parents met?”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.” Remus said quickly. 
“Yep, Milo, you’re crazy.” Sirius nodded.
“Wait a minute,” Milo’s brain was moving quickly now, “isn’t Auntie’s maiden name Potter? But she doesn’t have a brother…is Uncle James her cousin? Are they fighting? Have they been fighting since before any of us were born? But Auntie always talks about how important family is…did Uncle James do something to break their bond? They must’ve been close since they would have been just a year apart at Hogwarts. And you two are still very close with her and Uncle Reg…in fact Dad I remember you said that Auntie was the person that reunited you with Uncle Reg. So it had to be something really specific between Auntie and Uncle James. Aunt Lily’s face was almost as red as her hair and Uncle Regulus was glaring at Uncle James when we were at the train station so I bet it was something about Auntie marrying Uncle Regulus and Uncle James marrying Aunt Lily. But Uncle James and Aunt Lily got married first so it was probably a fight between Auntie and Uncle James about Aunt Lily!” Milo looked very pleased with himself.
“You’re way off, Milo, it wasn’t like that at all.” Remus said weakly.
“How did you do that?” Sirius was looking at his son now like he was dripping in radioactive waste. 
“I knew it!” 
“Okay, Milo, listen you can’t tell Celeste or Harry. This is not our information to share.” Remus was very serious. 
“Of course, Dad. The secret is safe with me!” Milo beamed. 
“Oh my God Ron! How has it taken you this long to cast a communication spell? Fred and George showed it to us like four times before we left for holiday!” Celeste whispered. She was underneath her covers as it was past one in the morning but Milo had sent everyone an owl saying he had an urgent message and needed to talk face to face. 
“It was hard, Cel!” Ron tried to defend himself but Harry was laughing too hard to be heard for anyone else on the call to hear him. 
“Okay, okay. Milo what’s your news?” Hermione asked, shaking her head.
“I just discovered something big! Something about Celeste and Harry.” Milo said excitedly.
“Does it have something to do with how weird our parents were at the train station?” Harry asked. 
“Yes, indeed. Celeste’s mum and Harry’s dad are cousins!” Milo paused to allow the revelation to skin in. 
“No way! Why wouldn’t they tell us?” Celeste gasped. 
“Apparently they had a really bad falling out and I think it’s because Celeste’s mum and Harry’s mum hate each other!”
“Why would they hate each other?” Hermione asked. 
“No idea. But you two are going to have to find out.” Milo grinned. 
“So mum,” Celeste asked after you all returned from the Malfoys, “I have a question for you.”
“Sure, love. Did you want any more fudge?” You asked, taking out a tray and cutting off a few pieces. 
“Thanks mum!” Celeste took the plate from you.
“Hey Atlas! Do you want any fudge?”
“Yes yes yes!” Your eight year old came running into the kitchen. Atlas looked just like Regulus, dark curls and bright green eyes. Celeste looked more like a potter…more like James, in fact: tanned skin, warm brown eyes, easy smile. Celeste and Harry had looked like twins at the train station. It filled you with an uncomfortable heartache.
“Giving the kids more sugar?” Regulus quipped, helping push Atlas’s chair closer to the table. 
“It’s Christmas.” You smiled, “there’s a fresh batch of egg nog in the fridge from this morning if you’d like to join me in a glass.”
“Read my mind, Mrs. Black.” Regulus poured you and him two glasses and you sat at the able with your kids. 
“So Celeste, you said you had a question for me?” You asked, leaning back so you were resting against Regulus’s shoulder. 
“Are you and Harry’s dad cousins?” Celeste asked. Your back went rigid as Regulus sputtered and choked on his eggnog.
“Why…where did you hear that?” You asked. 
“I’m going to kill Sirius.” Regulus shook his head.
“The truth is, yes, James and I are cousins.” 
“Did you have a falling out because you hate Harry’s mum?” 
“Oh my god,” Regulus rubbed his temples.
“Who’s Harry?” Atlas asked.
“I do not hate Harry’s mum.” You sighed, “James and I are just not as close as we used to be.”
“You know what,” Regulus stood, “we’re going to Sirius and Remus’s. We can let them explain everything since they felt so strongly about sharing it in the first place.”
“Good idea.” You hoisted Atlas onto your hip, even though he was far too big for it now and apparated as Regulus grabbed firmly onto Celeste’s wrist to apparate them both. You were standing in Sirius and Remus’s living room and you set Atlas down as Sirius entered the room with a blanket and a bowl of popcorn. 
“Oh fuck,” Sirius tried to turn on his heel but you grabbed him by the back of the shirt. 
“You’ve got a big mouth, Black.” You shoved Sirius down on the couch. 
“Moony! Milo! Can you come in here please?” Sirius called as Regulus and Celeste apparated into the room. 
“What’s up, Pads?” Remus entered the room, Milo right behind him.
“Hey Auntie,” Milo said shyly, sitting between his fathers on the couch. 
“Milo, when we speak to you do you hear words or is it just the Charlie Brown whomp sound?” Remus said with a sigh.
“Sorry,” Milo shrugged. 
“We’ll deal with you later. Take your cousins up to your room while your aunt tears me a new asshole.” Sirius sent Milo, Atlas, and Celeste out and then cast a silencing spell over the living room for good measure. 
“What the hell is wrong with you!” You said, slapping Sirius on the chest and arms after each word for emphasis. 
“Milo guessed it! It was really only a manner of time considering your behavior at Kings Cross.” Remus said with a sigh.
“You’re right.” You flopped on the couch next to Remus and put your head in your hands. Regulus sat down next to you and rubbed your back. 
“Do you think it might be time for you and James to reconcile? It’s been ten years since you two last spoke.” Remus asked.
“I don’t know. I’ve been carrying this resentment so long I might feel lonely without it.” You said with a weak chuckle. There was a loud crack in the air and James, Lily, and Harry were standing in the living room. 
“Sirius!” James roared, “I’m going to kill you!”
“Milo has another parent! Why do target me?” Sirius threw his hands in the air. 
“Kids are upstairs, Harry. Why don’t you join them while we talk?” Remus sent Harry upstairs. 
“I think we should have a conversation about how we’d like to proceed. Celeste and Harry are closer than ever and I don’t think any of us have been very fair.” Regulus said with a deep sigh. 
“James!” You said in a sing-song voice as you set your book down and settled down on the blanket that James had spread in front of the lake. James, Sirius, and Remus had been taking advantage of the nice day and were studying outside by the Black Lake. 
“What is it?” James was pretending to be exasperated but he couldn’t hide his smile. He always had a soft spot for his baby cousin. 
“I need your potions notes. We’re brewing liquid luck and Slughorn assigned me a terrible partner.” You said with a sigh. 
“Who’d he assign you?” Sirius asked. 
“Your little brother,” you said with an eyeroll.
“Come on,” Remus exhaled lazily, handing you a joint that he’d lit a few moments before, “as far as Slytherins go, Regulus is pretty good at potions.”
“Yeah, yeah he’s a potions wiz. I don’t need him mansplaining potions to me so I need to read up on liquid luck and show his ass up.” You said before taking a long drag of the joint, “This is really good, Remus.”
“Thanks, I did get an O in herbology.” Remus laughed. 
“Here,” James was forever organized and was able to locate his notes from last year rather quickly, “use them wisely.” 
“Hey Prongs did you tell the young Miss Potter your news?” Sirius asked, taking the joint from you.
“No! What’s your news, Jamie?” You poked James in the ribs playfully. 
“Now that Lily and I have been dating for a few months now, I’d like for you two to officially meet.” James said with a grin. Your stomach turned unpleasantly. You had only ever seen Lily in passing, considering you were in Slytherin and a year younger than the Marauders. You hadn’t liked how James had pined after Lily considering she did not make it a secret how she despised him. Sure, James was a bit immature sometimes but he had the biggest heart of anyone you knew. You swallowed all that down and grinned, 
“Can’t wait. When are we going to meet?”
“Why don’t you come to the Gryffindor common room tomorrow night?”
“Sounds like a plan.” You grinned. You had to leave the warm sun and your friends an hour later to meet with Regulus to start the potions work. You didn’t care for Regulus. Being a close friend of Sirius meant that Regulus was naturally more haughty towards you and you thought he could be unnecessarily cruel whenever he was around Barty Crouch Jr. To you had been less than pleased when Slughorn had paired you together would be an understatement. 
You found him sitting at a table in the corner of the library, bent over a book. 
“Hello Regulus,” you said, sitting down next to him. 
“Hi. I thought we could start with raiding the greenhouses to find some horseradish. The first step of brewing Felix Felicis is to mix ashwinder eggs and horseradish.” Regulus said. 
“I think it’d be better actually to substitute wasabi for horseradish. Apparently it makes the potion more potent.” You said, setting James’ notes out in front of you.
“These notes are brilliant,” Regulus snatched up the page and studied it. 
“Thanks, they’re my cousin’s.” You shrugged. You worked for a while with Regulus before walking together back to the Slytherin dorms. 
“You know…it’s funny.” Regulus said with a small shake of his curls. 
“What is?”
“You and I both have close family in Gryffindor. The Gryffindor/Slytherin mix isn’t super common.” Regulus said. 
“Yeah I guess you’re right.”
“We’re not so different are we?” 
“I’m nothing like you, Regulus. I’m not cruel.” You crossed your arms. You were at your door now and weren’t entirely sure why Regulus had walked you all the way up to the girls dorms. 
“The Felix Felicis takes six months to brew. I bet you’ll be under me by then.” Regulus said with a confident laugh.
“In your dreams, Black.” You said with an eyeroll. You entered your room and huffed but had to admit it was a bit hard to hide your smile. 
You were nervous as you ascended the steps up to the Gryffindor common room. You didn’t know what it was exactly but you weren’t looking forward to meeting Lily. You shook the thoughts from your brain as Sirius let you into the common room. 
“Remus!” You said with a grin, jumping into Remus’s lap and accepting the joint from him. Lily was perched on James’ lap and she was grinding down on him as they made out like their lives depended on it. 
“Break it up, love birds, you have company.” Sirius said, slapping James upside the head on his way back to the couches. 
“Sorry,” James said, sheepishly, setting Lily down next to him. James introduced you two. 
“Lily, it’s great to finally meet you. The guys talk about you all the time.” You said with a smile.
“Ditto! James always says you’re one of the most important people in his life.” Lily grinned. 
“Yeah. James and I are both only children so we really felt more like siblings than cousins.”
“Are you the first Potter in Slytherin?” Lily asked. It was an innocent enough question, Lily could not have known that it had been a sore subject in your family. You were the first Potter in Slytherin. No Potter had been in a house that was not in Gryffindor for over one thousand years. It had been a shock to your family. 
“Uh, yes I am.” You tried to hide your discomfort over the question. 
“Oh. Good for you.”
“And you’re a muggle born, right?”
“Yes.” Lily’s eyes flashed dangerously. 
“Good for you.” You responded. The rest of the night passed rather quickly and then James walked you back to the Slytherin dorms. 
“So?” He asked excitedly.
“So what?” 
“So what did you think of Lily? She’s great, isn’t she?” James was beaming.
“She’s something.” You pursed your lips. 
“What do you mean?”
“I hate her.” You said with a head shake. James was shocked. He tried to get more out of you, but you told him you were tired and went to bed. James felt like his brain was in shambles as he made his way back to the Gryffindor common room. Only Lily was left, reading a book by the fire. 
“Hey love,” James sat down next to her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
“Hi James. Have a good walk?” She asked. 
“Yeah, yeah. You liked my cousin, right?”
“Your cousin?” Lily said nervously, “Yeah! She’s quite spirited.” 
“Oh my god you hate her, don’t you?” James’s heart felt like it had dropped into his ass.
“I do!” Lily groaned, “But honestly I barely know her. We’ll get together more and more and hopefully we’ll become good friends. It’s clear to me that we both care about you a lot and want the best for you.” Lily said. James could only shrug. 
As Lily and James became closer and closer, you started spending less and less time in the Gryffindor common room. You also became closer to Regulus as you continued working on your potions project together. You were finally able to meet Regulus for your final potion check before you submit it as a final to Slughorn. As you made your way down you ran into James. 
“Hey! I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever. I miss you.” James said, slinging an arm over your shoulders. 
“I know! It’s just been so busy with classes and finals but I’m about to submit my potions final so that’ll be a huge weight off my shoulders.” You said with a grin. 
“We’re going to the Three Broomsticks tonight, why don’t you meet us there? Celebrate the end of potions for the year” James said, “We’ll get properly pissed.”
“That sounds great. Who all is going?” You asked. 
“The whole gang! Remus, Sirius, Mary, Marlene, Lily.”
“Lily?” You faltered. 
“I know you aren’t her biggest fan but I promise it’ll be fun.” James begged.
“Alright! I’ll see you later then. Have a butterbeer waiting for me.” You called as James reascended the steps. He sent you thumbs up before disappearing around the corner. You walked into the potions classroom and saw Slughorn was peering over your cauldron as Regulus explained away. 
“Ah Ms. Potter, nice of you to join us. I was just about to review your potion. I believe you and Mr. Black were assigned Felix Felicis.”
“Yes sir, we were.” You nodded. 
“As I was saying,” Regulus said with a quick nod in your direction, “we decided to add wasabi instead of horseradish to the potion in order to increase its potency. 
“Very smart.” Slughorn nodded. He mulled over the potion for a full two minutes before nodding. “Outstanding work you two. I knew great things would come from the two of you. Your reward is that you are able to keep the potion. I’m sure you both understand, however, that use of the potion during a Quidditch match is strictly illegal.” 
“We understand, professor.” Regulus nodded. Professor Slughorn stalked out of the room. You and Regulus hugged tightly. 
“We did it! Do you want the potion? I don’t have any use for it.” You said with a shrug.
“Yeah.” Regulus nodded. He uncorked the vial and swallowed it down.
“What are you doing?” You raised your eyebrow and looked at him.
“I needed it for what I’m about to do.” Regulus said. Before you could ask him what he was talking about, Regulus grabbed you by the waist and kissed you hard. You were surprised at first but then you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back.
“Oh wow.” You said when you broke apart. 
“Will you go out with me?” Regulus asked, brushing his curls out of his face. 
“Yeah. Do you want to go to the Three Broomsticks with me?” You asked. 
“Yeah I do.” Regulus grinned. 
The two of you walked hand in hand to Hogsmeade. It seemed that the Gryffindors had started without you and the group was very, very drunk. Lily was perched in James’s lap again and you tried not to roll your eyes.
“What are you two doing here?” Sirius asked, slurring his words a bit, “I mean…what are you two doing here together?”
“We’re friends, Sirius.” You rolled your eyes. You and Regulus were able to catch up to the rest of the crowd quickly. 
“More than that.” Regulus laughed and slung his arm over your shoulders. 
“Really?” James narrowed his eyes. 
“Why not?” You snuggled yourself deeper into Regulus’s arms. 
“He’s a Slytherin. He’s dangerous.” James snapped at you.
“I’m a Slytherin.” You bit the inside of your cheek harshly. 
“So you finally made your way over to dark wizards? Guess you really are a Slytherin.” Lily giggled. 
“And you’ve proven that you can live up to the stereotype of annoying muggleborns.” You shot back. 
“Stop it.” James frowned but it was too late. The storm between you and Lily had been brewing for six months and there was no stopping it now.
“You know what James, I can’t do this anymore. It’s her or me.” Lily crossed her arms over her chest. 
“Oh come on! Like James is going to pick some girl he’s been dating for less than a year over his cousin.” You rolled your eyes.
“Don’t do this. You both are being unfair.” James said. 
“James didn’t tell you? After we graduate, we’re moving in together.” Lily spat at you.
“Make your choice James.” You said coldly. 
“No.” James shook his head.
“Fine,” you said, standing and grabbing Regulus’s hand, “I’ll make it for you. Goodbye.” And you stormed off. 
There was quite a bit of electricity in the air during the Quidditch final. It was already charged, being a competition between Gryffindor and Slytherin. You and Regulus were both playing as chaser and seeker respectively. This was an important match for you, you were being scouted by four different professional Quidditch teams and the representatives were all in the stands. You still had a year of Hogwarts left after this one but the teams were ready to make an offer that would work around your school schedule. 
You couldn’t think about that right now, though. You wanted to stomp Gryffindor into the dirt. Your blood was pulsating in your ears as Madame Hooch blew the whistle to signify the start of the match.
The match was vicious, with you and James diving at each other and playing dirtier than you ever had to before. You were flying next to James and you shoulder checked him rougher than you should’ve. James nearly fell off his broom but he was able to swing all the way around and restabilize. 
“That was a cheap shot!” James spat at you.
“Guess I’m just a lousy Slytherin.” You spat back. “At least I’m not wrapped around the finger of a witch with a stick up her ass.”
That was too far, you knew it, but you were too upset to care. James yanked at the back of your broom just as a bludger rammed itself into your chest. You fell hard and Madame Hooch had been too enraptured in a squabble between the Sirius and the Slytherin beaters to notice what was happening until it was too late. You hit the ground hard and heard a sickening crunch sound as your arm was wrenched awkwardly behind your back. You groaned as Madame Hooch started running towards you and blowing her whistle wildly. Before she reached you, though, your broom did and it embedded itself in your shoulder. You were screaming so loud your throat was raw. You tried to grab at your broom with your other hand but realized that the broom had impaled the fleshy part of your shoulder and was anchoring you to the ground. 
“Oh my God,” Madame Hooch gasped as she made her way towards you. Madame Pomfrey was hot on her heels and she knelt down next to you. Regulus made his way down to you next. He dropped to his knees next to you and grabbed at your hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. Then Sirius landed. He took one look at you and promptly vomited into the grass. James was there next, his face paler than it had ever been. 
“Alright love, I’m going to move you over to the hospital wing where I’ll give you a sedative and assess the damage.” Madame Pomfrey said. You wished that Madame Pomfrey had given you the sedative before she moved you. You had never and would never again experience such pain. Not when you gave birth, not when you had been a victim of cruciatus  curse, not ever. Madame Pomfrey had to move you again to St. Mungos and a team of healers were put together to remove your broom from your shoulder and patch you up. 
When you were finally stable again, the doctor who had been presiding over your case made his way to your bedside. Your parents and Regulus had been by your side for the entire four day period. 
“It will take time for your shoulder to heal. It faced an unbelievable trauma and even after much physical therapy, rigorous potion taking, and rehabilitation your shoulder will never reach its full, working capacity.” 
“So I’ll never play Quidditch again.” You said bitterly.
“Oh darling let’s just be happy that you’re okay.” Your mother tried but you shook your head. 
“I’m so sorry, Ms. Potter, but no. Playing professionally will not be possible.” The doctor bowed his head. 
You refused James’s visits for the next two weeks until you were able to be discharged from the hospital. You were home, laying on your bed and staring at the ceiling. You wanted to rip down your Quidditch posters but you couldn’t extend your arm that far up yet. You were forced to just glare up at them. 
“Hey, can I come in?” James asked, knocking on your open door. You looked at him and turned back to stare at the ceiling. “You have no idea how sorry I am. I have never felt more terrible in my entire life. I thought you were going to die,” James had tears in his eyes, “and it would have been all my fault. All over something so stupid. But I’m glad that you’re alive. But I am so so sorry that I cost you your career. If I could go back and erase it, I would.” 
“I don’t ever want to see you again.” You said softly and stared at the ceiling until James left the room. 
You and James did not speak for four years. He got married and you got married and it was bizarre. All of a sudden you were no longer speaking to your best friend. Good things came out of the situation, though. You and Regulus got married and had a baby. Regulus and Sirius repaired their relationship and Sirius and Remus married and had a baby as well. You and Reg had Sirius and Remus over often, watching the newly one year olds play together. 
“I still can’t believe that you named her Celeste.” Sirius shook his head. 
“Why? You don’t like the name?” You asked with a soft laugh.
“I just can’t believe you stuck with the celestial theme.” Sirius rolled his eyes. Regulus laughed too.
“It wasn’t even my idea,” Regulus laughed, “my darling bride thought of it. She wanted Celeste for a girl and Atlas for a boy.”
“You really are a Slytherin.” Sirius laughed and gave you a kiss on the cheek before scooping Milo up.
“We should get home and give Milo a bath before bed. I don’t know why people think that having babies is hard. Milo’s a dream.” Sirius shrugged. He apparated out. Remus was about to follow when he turned to you.
“What is it Remus?” Regulus asked. 
“I know you don’t want to hear it, but James and Lily are in a rough place. James might try to reach back out to you.” Remus said. 
“I’m not interested in that.” You said, looking down at your lap. 
“I know. Just thought I would give you a heads up.” Remus said with a smile before apparating out.
“Celeste still has so much energy. Should we let her play for a little longer before bed?” Regulus asked, settling into the couch. 
“Yeah, why not.” You shrugged. You and Regulus chatted idly for a bit longer before you heard a knock at the door. 
“Think that’s Sirius forgetting something?” Regulus asked. You stood up and headed for the door, 
“Doubt it. When has Sirius ever knocked?” You laughed. You opened the door and your jaw dropped in shock when you saw James at your doorstep, Harry on his hip.
“Hey.” James said softly.
“James. What are you doing here?” You asked. 
“Who is it?” Regulus called from the couch. 
“Uh, it’s James.” You responded. 
“I’m sorry,” Regulus walked up over to where you were, “I thought you said James but I must have mis-” Regulus went silent. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked. 
“I, uh, I wanted to see you. I wanted to talk about things.” James said, bouncing Harry on his hip a few times. 
“Why don’t you come in,” Regulus stepped back to let James in. He lead James into the sitting room where Celeste was sitting on the ground and playing with her toys. 
“Thanks, Regulus.” James said as he entered. 
“Why don’t you let Harry play with Celeste?” Regulus offered. James set Harry down next to Celeste. “I’ll go make some tea.” Regulus left you and James sitting on the couch in awkward silence. 
“Harry looks like you.” You said softly.
“Yeah, yeah he does. Celeste looks like you.”
“Seems like they were fast friends.” You said. Harry and Celeste were curled up, yawning and grabbing at each other’s feet. 
“That’s good. It’s good for cousins to be close.” James said. 
“I heard things between you and Lily are rough right now.” 
“It’s just a rough patch. But I’m sorry about the way things happened. I want Harry to have his cousin in his life. I want my cousin in my life.” James was nervous, you could tell. 
“I don’t know if it’s fair to set up Celeste for that kind of heartbreak. Wouldn’t want the kids to get close only to have Harry abandon Celeste for some girl and then nearly kill her.”
“That’s not fair,” Regulus said, setting down the tray with the tea.
“I don’t have to be fair. James cost me everything.” You said, your jaw set. 
“I want to start over. Please. I love you, I miss you.” James begged.��
“Then why did you choose Lily?” Emotion was cracking through your cold exterior. 
“I didn’t!” “You did! I’m your family! You never should’ve chosen her over me.” You said, rising from your seat. 
“You never should’ve made me choose!” James screamed back. 
“Maybe we should revisit this later when everyone has had a chance to calm down.” Regulus stood between you and James now.
“No. I think you’ve made it very clear. Sorry I tried.” James scooped up Harry and left, slamming the door shut behind him. 
“No, we haven’t been fair.” You said, “But I’d like an apology.”
“I’m sorry! I’m so so sorry for everything I did to you.” James gushed, grabbing your hand. 
“Not from you,” you shook your head, “from Lily.”
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
Whoops. - AU Jegulus oneshot
(This isn't the smut, guys! That's next on my list!)
Regulus is a TA for Professor Monty Potter and Monty keeps trying to set Regulus up with his son. Regulus always refuses, of course. But what happens when, at the end of the term, he goes to the Potter Christmas Party? Just a fun oneshot based off this post! Thanks to @sebbianas for the idea and @heartshiii for the request!
“I think he’s shown up to class a grand total of three times,” Monty murmurs, jerking his chin towards the last of the students exiting the auditorium.
Regulus chuckles and continues picking up the exam papers from the desks. “Still want to go with your ‘progressive-no-attendance-policy’ next semester?" he asks lightly as he brings the pile towards the Professor.
“Eh. If he aces the final, he obviously didn’t need my help, did he?” Monty shrugs, flashing Regulus a grin.
“And if he doesn’t?”
“Then maybe he’ll show up a bit more often when he has to retake the class,” Monty finishes, laughing in earnest, now.
Regulus chuckles again and surveys the empty room. “Need anything else before I go?”
“No, Regulus. You’ve been an excellent help. Best TA I’ve ever had, but don’t go telling anyone I have favorites,” Monty says, smirking a bit.
“Thanks, Professor Potter–” Regulus begins, only to be cut off.
“Monty,” he agrees, still feeling a bit nervous using first names even after all these weeks. He’s been trained in etiquette since birth, after all.
“And since you’re now officially not my TA,” Monty says, smiling, “You’ll come to my house tonight for my holiday party? My son will be there,” he waggles his eyebrows comically at this, and Regulus rolls his eyes.
It’s been an ongoing topic ever since he and Regulus had talked about it earlier that term:
“That’s a nice bracelet,” Monty said absentmindedly as they corrected papers together.
“Ah. Thanks. My brother gave it to me,” Regulus said of the black and rainbow bracelet on his wrist.
But Monty was looking closer at the bracelet, now. “Can I ask-?”
“He gave it to me when I came out,” Regulus supplied, looking at the Professor hesitantly.
Monty seemed unsurprised at the admission, but he also seemed like he wanted to ask something. “Can I ask something that might be seen as unprofessional?”
Regulus felt a bit nervous at this. It had been years since he’d left his extremely unaccepting parents, gone to live with Sirius in a tiny little flat by themselves. They didn’t live together anymore, but those years had been difficult, and it'd taken a lot of work to accept himself. He still had a fear of people, specifically adults, being cruel about his sexuality. But he was also curious. “Yes?”
“My son…my son recently told my wife and I that he’s pansexual. Could you possibly be kind enough to give me some advice? About how to show him that I still feel the same about him?” Monty’s face was so genuine that Regulus almost burst into tears.
But instead, he began to talk. To tell about all the things he wished his parents had done.
Of course, ever since that day, Monty had been casually bringing up his son, and how he and Regulus might get along. But Regulus had always refused, trying to respect the boundaries of the TA-professor relationship. Also, he'd never admit it, but he likes Monty, and worries a bit about losing him as a mentor if things went wrong on a potential date.
But he can't exactly refuse to go to the party tonight. Not after everything Monty has done for him.
“I’ll be there,” he says with a small smile, and bids Monty goodbye.
He feels a bit nervous knocking on the door of the Potters that evening, but also reminds himself that he knows how to deal with a party. He knows how to small-talk and kiss up to people and make a good first impression.
He hates it all, of course. Hates everything that reminds him of the way he was raised. But he can do this.
So, when Mrs. Potter answers the door and pulls him into a hug, he’s quite surprised- he’s never been hugged at any fancy dinner party his family has ever thrown. But he still thanks her kindly for the invitation and hands her the bottle of wine he brought.
“Oh, you’re so sweet!” Mrs. Potter gushes, leading him inside.
It’s- crowded. There are a lot of people, all dressed nicely and drinking from fancy glasses. Some look to be closer to his age, while others are older. And in the middle of one of the rooms is-
“Sirius?” Regulus asks incredulously.
“Reggie!” Sirius cries, bounding forward, dragging a boy with him. “What’re you doing here?”
“Monty invited me…” Regulus murmurs, looking around for the man in question.
“Oh, Monty is around somewhere!” Mrs. Potter assures him, waving her hand carelessly. “Sirius, dear, you know Regulus?”
“Only for my whole life,” Sirius says with a wink. “Reggie’s my brother!”
Mrs. Potter gasps loudly. “This is your brother? Well, Regulus was Monty’s TA this semester!”
“He never tells me anything, ever since he moved on campus,” Sirius complains, leaning against the boy he brought along with a dramatic sigh. Then, he turns to Regulus. “The Potters are James’s parents.”
James. Regulus has heard of him. He and Sirius became friends at the start of University. Sirius has said a lot about him on their weekly phone calls, but they’ve never met.
“Well, I’ll leave you to it, then!” Mrs. Potter says, leaving Regulus with Sirius and his friend to answer the door again.
“Thanks, Mrs. Potter,” Regulus murmurs, only to be told, “Effie!” by both Sirius and Mrs. Potter.
“Can’t believe you’re here, Reg! Let’s get you something to drink, eh?” Sirius says excitedly, dragging the tall-but-quiet buy he’s still attached to with him.
“Now would be a good time to run,” Regulus murmurs to the boy.
“We share a flat. I can’t run far,” the man says with a grin as Sirius shrieks about seeing another friend.
Ah. So this is Remus. Well, this will be interesting.
Regulus was imagining a proper party. With suits and ties and a five-course seated meal and six different types of silverware and lots of networking.
Well, it was a party, alright. And people certainly had suits and ties. Or they did, about six drinks ago.
Because this party has drinks. Not just a few, but an everlasting amount. And people are enjoying them.
“Never been to a Potter Christmas Party before?” Remus asks him with a smirk as he stands in a corner and nurses his fourth- fifth?- drink, the room spinning just a tad.
“Didn’t realize I’d need a designated driver,” Regulus murmurs back, though he’s safe, as he took a cab.
“Sirius told me that last year he threw up in the bushes,” Remus admits with an evil grin.
“Charming,” Regulus laughs.
But the conversation seems to stutter to a halt.
Because he sees someone across the room. A boy.
Alright, it’s not just a boy. It’s– it’s the most beautiful human Regulus has ever seen. His dark hair is tousled and he wears the nerdiest circular glasses. His tan skin is almost caramel-colored and his grin is jaw-dropping. He’s dressed in a navy suit and tie, but Regulus can see his muscles rippling just a bit under his clothes.
And then Regulus loses his breath.
The boy is looking at him.
He stares back, unable to tear his eyes away.
And then the boy, very purposely, looks Regulus up and down. Slowly.
And then he grins. And turns away.
And Regulus feels all…fuzzy. But in the most pleasant way. “Shots? I need shots,” Regulus hears himself say in a hoarse voice.
It’s going to be a long night.
The man is everywhere. When Regulus goes with Sirius to get another shot, he’s there in the kitchen chatting with Mrs- Effie. And he looks Regulus up and down again, his expression hungry.
Regulus almost spits out his shot.
When Regulus moves to a dining room, he’s there, too. He just has to squeeze behind Regulus to get to the plate of cookies. And as he does so, his entire chest brushes against Regulus’s back.
“Excuse me,” his low voice whispers right into Regulus’s ear.
Regulus almost drops his plate.
When Regulus moves to a sitting room to continue talking with Remus, he sees the man there, too. He’s speaking with Sirius. Regulus is too far away to hear what they’re saying, but the man keeps looking at him.
And Regulus looks back.
At some point throughout the night, someone puts on Christmas music. It blares through a speaker and some of the guests are tipsily dancing. Sirius is trying to lead Effie in a waltz as they both giggle hysterically and Remus takes pictures from the side.
And the boy is there. Again.
Except now, he’s walking directly toward Regulus.
“Care to dance?” he murmurs, his gaze almost piercing through Regulus, to his very soul.
Luckily, he’s taken dance lessons before. “Alright,” he agrees a bit nervously.
The boy leads him to a quieter spot in the room, away from Sirius’s insanity, and Regulus tries not to react to how it feels to just hold his hand. He’s not in middle school, after all. He shouldn’t feel so giddy. It must be the alcohol.
They begin to do a sort-of waltz that involves mostly just turning in a circle to the soft music in the background. As they do so, the boy’s hand rests on Regulus’s waist, his thumb moving back and forth slowly, making Regulus’s toes tingle a bit.
“You haven’t been here before,” the boy murmurs softly, looking almost desperately into Regulus’s eyes. “I- I’d remember you.”
Regulus can’t resist. “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asks, pretending to be upset.
“I- no, I-”
“I’m joking,” he says with a smirk, and he feels the boy relax a bit.
“You’re…beautiful. That’s why,” the boy says, answering his earlier question.
And beneath the obvious attraction between them, Regulus senses that this boy is being genuine. And he almost melts right there. Nobody’s ever called him beautiful before. “Thank you,” he whispers.
“How am I doing at this dancing thing? My best friend says I’m terrible at it,” the boy asks, clearly trying to ease the tension, grinning wryly.
To be honest, he’s not great. But Regulus is just enjoying the way the boy’s hand is resting at his waist, making his skin there all hot. “You’re doing fine,” he allows, laughing, trying to resist the urge to pull the boy closer, so their bodies touch.
The boy shrugs, laughing, and Regulus is again stunned by his smile. “Well, I guess we all have our weaknesses. I just wanted an excuse to talk to you, really.”
And then they stare at each other, all attempts at conversations gone. And It’s cliché and ridiculous, but it’s like they’re the only people in the room. All Regulus can feel is the boy’s hand on his waist, the other clasped in his own. All he can see is the way the boy is staring at him- almost adoringly.
And then, they’re kissing.
And if Regulus liked the feeling of the boy’s hand on his waist, it’s nothing compared to the feeling of their lips together. It’s heat and perfection and desire but also somehow warm and gentle and caring. Regulus feels the want building in the base of his spine as suddenly, the boy’s hand lets go of his own and comes to the back of his neck to pull gently at his hair.
Maybe it’s the alcohol, or maybe Regulus is going crazy, but suddenly, he wants more. Fuck the fact that this is his Professor’s Christmas party.
But at least the boy seems to be on the same page, because as they separate, he grabs Regulus’s hand and drags him along yet another hallway, up some stairs, and into a bedroom.
And before he can really contemplate what they’re doing, he’s slammed up against the wall of the bedroom, the door closes, and the boy’s lips are all over him.
“Is this alright?” the boy murmurs gently, grabbing hesitantly at the hem of Regulus’s shirt, and he only has to nod once before his shirt is ripped off his body, followed quickly by the boy’s own jacket, tie, and shirt.
And God, his hands. They’re everywhere. Cool against Regulus’s hot skin, tracing against his pale chest as lips and teeth move along his neck, and he lets out a moan that is quite embarrassing, but it only seems to spur the boy on more.
He feels like he’s floating, the way the boy worships him, kissing seemingly everywhere at once- his neck and jaw and lips and shoulder.
And then two things happen simultaneously.
The boy’s hands start to move. It’s as if they’ve read Regulus’s mind, because all he can think is Fuck, lower, lower, yes, damnit, touch me lower.
But just as the hands are finally drifting over his waistband, the door opens.
“Jamie, you’re supposed to be sociali- oh!”
And to Regulus’s absolute horror, it’s Monty. Walking in the bedroom. To him and a half-naked boy.
He wants to run. Or hide. Or throw up.
But it all gets decidedly more confusing when Monty, who previously just looked dumbfounded, bursts out laughing.
He and the boy look at each other and back again, and Regulus is a bit relieved to see he looks confused, too.
But Monty finally catches his breath and says, “Well…I’m glad you two have, erm, met! James, this is Regulus, the TA I told you about! And Regulus, this is my son, James!”
Well. Whoops.
“Remember last year?” James murmurs into Regulus’s ear as they set out what feels like hundreds of bottles of wine for the annual Potter Christmas Party.
“Vividly,” Regulus says, but he hides a smile.
“Suppose we should do that again this year, but finish what we start- ow!” James shrieks, trying to turn away from Regulus’s light punch.
Regulus just rolls his eyes at his boyfriend. “Shut up, Potter.”
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ellecdc · 3 months
The Drink Snob (part 4)
mafia au!Remus Lupin x fem!reader - 3k
p1 // p2 // p3 // p4
You stood on the sidewalk staring dumbly at the sign that hung above the door of the restaurant - La Luna – with a list of references under your arm.
You’d thought long and hard about showing up today, and you weren’t sure which part of you was the part that won. Was it the part of you who saw things through? The part of you who had a lovely conversation with a motherly sounding woman on the phone and had promised her you’d be here? Was it the part of you who sort of wanted to see The Man™ again? Or was it the part of you who didn’t like being told what to do?
You supposed it didn’t much matter now which part of you won, seeing as it found you here.
Now you just had to make it inside the restaurant...which should be easy...seeing as you had two functioning legs...so why the hell aren’t they moving?
Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe you shouldn’t have come. Who voluntarily works for a criminal? Or at least for a criminal’s mother. He’s proven to you that he’s nothing but trouble. 
What if it was the good kind of trouble? The kind that led to fun banter and teasing remarks. The kind that made life more exciting and adventurous. The kind that made him really fun in bed.
Stop it.
He wasn’t the good kind of trouble. He was a criminal. Just because he stopped one guy from drugging you doesn’t mean he’s any better than him. Just because he spent hours with you at a bar listening to you lament about your life. Just because he took the opportunity to warn you about his mother’s restaurant. Just because he seemed to give a damn about you...
No, that was wishful thinking. 
You shouldn’t be here.
Your option to leave was taken from you, however, when a man exciting the restaurant paused to hold the door open for you.
Fuck it.
You thanked the man and squared your shoulders as you entered the restaurant. 
It was fairly quiet inside, which you supposed made sense seeing as it didn’t open until 4pm. There were some serving staff behind the bar readying glassware and silverware for the evening, and a few men moving a large piece of furniture covered with a moving blanket to the corner of the restaurant.
“No fucking way. You came!” A voice called. You turned to see the same curly haired man from the restaurant the night that The Man™ saved you from Tan. He was smiling widely at you as if the two of you were old friends that hadn’t seen each other in years.
“Uhm...me?” you asked dumbly. Kill me now.
The man just laughed as he approached you and gave you a bone crushing hug. “Yeah you! You’re The Girl.”
“The girl?” You muttered as you stepped away from the overly affectionate man.
“James, step away from the girl; she doesn’t even know you.” A shorter man with black hair and silver eyes said as he smiled politely at you. “Sorry about him. He’s mostly harmless, just an idiot.”
The man...James...beamed at you as if his friend hadn’t just insulted him.
“I’m James, this is my boyfriend Regulus.” James introduced finally. 
“It’s nice to meet you.” You said as you gave him your name in turn.
“Oh, we know.” Another man said as he entered the dining area. He looked startlingly similar to Regulus, though his hair was quite a bit longer and he was littered with tattoos and silver jewelry. He was also accompanied by The Man™.
“Don’t be fucking weird.” The Man™ muttered to his companion.
“Sorry Moons, no can do.” He said salaciously as he waltzed his way over to you extending his hand. “The names Sirius, doll. So glad I finally get to meet you.” He said with a wink.
You choked on a laugh. 
“Fucking hell. You’re unbelievable.” You said instead of hello.
“Thank you!” He beamed, puffing his chest not unlike a peacock.
“That wasn’t a compliment...”
James barked a laugh. “Oh Moony, can we keep her?” He said as he wiped a fake tear from under his eye.
“You’re name’s Moony?” You asked incredulously.
The Man’s murderous glare softened as he looked from James to you. “One of them.”
“The sods name is Remus, dollface. Don’t mind him, he’s emotionally constipated.” Sirius interjected.
“Sirius!” Remus chastised from across the room. 
“What is goi-oh! You must be Y/N!” A lovely woman exclaimed as she made her way into the dining hall. “I was wondering what had my boys so rowdy.”
You flushed under the insinuation and extended your hand quickly.
“You must be Hope. It’s nice to meet you; I’m terribly sorry if you’ve been waiting on me.”
The woman waved you off and threw a sarcastic glance over her shoulder. “Oh, I’m not fussed. It’s hard to get almost anything done with this lot ‘round. Come, leave the boys to their folly.” She said as she ushered you down the hall. 
“Those are your boys?” You asked as the two of you made your way to what looked to be Hope’s office.
“Yes! Well, technically just Remus. But they’re a package deal, those boys.” She said with the fondness only a mother could manage. It made your heart hurt.
“I suppose that’s an important quality...in his line of work.” You offered. You chose to attend the interview regardless, but it was important for you to understand exactly what was expected of you here.
Hope looked at you with a knowing glint in her eye as she sat at her desk, seeming to size you up. “Yes, I suppose so.”
She pulled out some papers and you placed your references in front of you.
“So, what kind of questions do you have for me?” She asked casually.
You felt your eyebrows furrow as you calculated her question; you’d never been asked that at the beginning of an interview before.
“Erm, I... well I guess I’d like to know a little more about what the job entails.”
Hope smiled widely at you – you could see now where Remus got his dimples from.
“Well, we were looking for someone who had a license to serve liquor, perhaps to help with serving and bussing tables. But really what I’m most excited about is your music.”
“My music?” You asked quietly.
“Oh yes.” Hope offered enthusiastically. “I’ve always wanted live music here, but we’ve never had anyone to do that! I must admit, I looked you up after I received your CV – you’re very talented.”
“Oh, god.” You murmured as you felt you face heat in embarrassment. “I’ve really only played with orchestra’s – I’m not sure that’s an example of any talent.”
“Hm, and modest too. Tell me, do you make it a habit of downplaying your worth?”
You felt like you’d been slapped.
“Because you shouldn’t. You ought to be proud; I sure am.” She carried on like she hadn’t just rocked your world. You cleared your throat and tried to fight against the tears clamoring their way to the surface.
“As for...this line of work.” Hope carried on, emphasizing your phrasing regarding Remus’ job. “This is indeed a restaurant. We deal with mostly restaurant matters. Some of our patrons may be...more colourful than average, and we may see the boys come and go from time-to-time, but there’s nothing you’d need to be concerned about.”
You nodded, a little stunned by the speed of this conversation, but feeling like you got the gist.
Restaurant. Shady business behind the scenes. Nothing for you to worry about.
Good enough.
“Look. You’ve worked at bars in some of the largest cities in North America – that tells me you work well under pressure and in a fast-paced environment. You’ve worked with orchestras across the continent as well, which tells me you work well in a team environment. You’re working towards your doctorate which tells me you’re dedicated and hard working. You’re an ideal candidate, Y/N.”
Remus was right – how does one say no to Hope Lupin?
“Do you work well in a team?” She asked plainly.
“Do you work well under pressure?”
“How’s your right hook?”
You laughed. “Not bad? I guess...I’ve not had to use it much if I’m being honest.”
Hope shrugged her shoulders. “We can work on that.”
You laughed again before taking a deep breath. “Okay. Alright, well...whatever you need then.”
Hope smiled. “You’ll play for us?”
You grimaced but shifted it to a smile. “There’s no saying no to you, is there?”
Hope beamed. “And you’re a quick learned. Excellent! Come with me.” She called as she stood and marched out of her office. 
You followed her obediently back out to the dining hall where James, Remus, Sirius, and Regulus were still loitering – each having taken a seat at a different table. And that large piece of furniture they’d been moving in when you arrived? It was a piano.
It was a Concert A 192 Bechstein grand piano.
It was a brand-new Concert A 192 Bechstein grand piano.
You thought you were going to faint. These pianos were not cheap.
“Think this will work for you? I’m sure we could swap it for something else if needed.” Hope commented as she moved towards the piano.
“You got this...for me?” You murmured. Hope smiled at you but bit it back when she saw the emotion on your face. 
“Well, we got it for the restaurant. If you need something else though, we can likely exchange it.”
She was interrupted by a scoff from Sirius. “I am not breaking my back dragging that thing back out of here again, mummykins.”
“You’ll damn well do whatever the hell I tell you too, bubs.” She shot back.
Sirius conceded immediately. “Absolutely. Whatever you want mum.”
“So, are you gonna play us something?” James interjected.
“Now?” You asked apprehensively. 
“Well, someone’s gotta test it out.” He shrugged. “They tuned it at the store but said it might shift slightly during the move.”
You hummed in acknowledgement but made no move to sit at the piano. James sighed dramatically and stood from his seat.
“Fine. I’ll do it myself.”
Regulus groaned and brought his hands up to his ears as his boyfriend sat at the piano with a flourish, cracking his knuckles, and began pressing keys at random.
Sirius bobbed his head in encouragement as if what James was currently producing could be considered music. Regulus banged his head against the table with his ears still covered, and Remus shook his head with a grimace.
“Okay, okay! Oh, you poor thing what has he done to you?” You cooed at the piano as you swatted James’ hands away.
“Uhm, I was playing it. Duh.” He muttered as he stood from the bench.
“That was a crime, is what it was. This piano is a work of art – it costs as much as a bungalow in America.” You said as you sat at the bench, staring at the keys in awe. 
You’ve played some pretty spectacular instruments throughout your life; the New York Philharmonic certainly provided for their pianist, no holds barred. But those were instruments you had to give back once you finished playing with them. Granted, this belonged to the restaurant, but...it was here for you to play.
“What are you going to play us?” Remus asked quietly.
You turned your head to him, surprised out of your musings, to find him looking at you softly.
“Any requests?” You asked the room.
“James’ knowledge of music that one can play on a piano expands no further than heart and soul, dollface. Don’t ask us.” Sirius smirked as he dodged a swat that James sent his way with an indignant squawk.
“You’re the expert.” Hope encouraged you from the side of the room.
You took a deep breath and turned back to the piano. You felt horribly exposed; no orchestra to hide behind, all eyes on you. Make it count.
You opted for a piece you’ve played an unholy amount of times.
It was your mother’s favourite. 
It wasn’t anything particularly difficult or challenging; it was not a technical piece in the slightest. But something about it spoke to you.
It felt like sitting in a sunroom on a rainy day and watching beads of raindrops race down the panes of glass. It felt like the sun peeking out from behind the clouds after days of overcast skies. It felt like a hug from your mom.
Turns out, it sounded even more beautiful on a Bechstein. 
The last few notes echoed through the predominantly quiet restaurant as you stared down at the keys.
“What’s that called?” Remus asked quietly.
You looked over at him to find that same soft look on his face.
“It’s called Sorrisi.”
“What language is that?” James asked.
“Italian, I believe.”
“What does it mean?” Sirius interjected. 
You smirked before responding. “I believe it translates to I smiled.” 
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Remus watched as you seemed to shake yourself out of some sort of reverie. The piece was simple, but it was deep. Remus swore he could see years of memories and feelings oozing out of your shoulders as your hands danced across the keys.
And he wasn’t the only one. He could tell his mum was crying – most people wouldn’t have likely noticed, thinking she was just farsighted - but he knew that she only ever removed her glasses from her face if she was tearing up.
And then you had to go and act all bashful like you hadn’t just moved the room to tears with a few simple notes. Like you had no idea how wonderful you were. How beautiful you were.
Remus was fucked.
Here's the song you played for (Remus) the boys and Hope 🥰
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bettymylove · 1 year
The feeling of comfort
pairing: james potter x reader
content: fake dating trope, both are oblivious idiots, a basic cliche fic, kissing
a/n: my first fic<33 (if you want to be in my taglist comment!!)
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This day like any other day started the same not wanting to get out of bed but still doing it getting ready and heading down to the great hall with Lily.
James flirting with Lily, Sirius yelling he's done with this bullshit and Remus looking at him with an interest you could only imagine you could give to someone.
Sirius and James leaving for practice asking Lily for a goodluck kiss her refusing while rolling her eyes but a hint of blush still evident.
Y/n looking at the slytherin table to gaze at Regulus who she talked with once in a while but he never showed as much interest as her never seeing the true emotions she wanted him to see.
It was the same monotonous routine and she was sick of it she needed something new.
"Hey lily party in the common room tonight tell your friends" Remus informed Lily with so much comfort you wanted that comfort that level of friendship that trust you wanted validation.
"Okay see you tonight" Lily replied to him with a smile and the same level of understanding and informality.
A party finally something not so boring.
"Partyyy" marlene yelled hugging her slightly her of course returning the hug.
There was no reason for a party right now James had thought but who says no to some fun and besides things were getting way too serious around here.
"Chug chug chug chug!!"
Everyone was yelling around James while his head was thrown back trying to finish the contents of the bottle fast.
He did so within seconds receiving an attaboy from Sirius.
Lily and all her friends had made an appearance just minutes after all this Lily receiving a lot 'you look greats' as she normally does she was just effortlessly like that.
James noticed her and lead her towards the bar to his friends.
While y/n was sitting with her friends on the couch occasionally leaving to go get a drink that was until Dorcas decided she was bored and wanted everyone to play truth and dare.
It was all fun and game until the bottle landed on y/n with Lily on the other end and she knew what she was going to ask.
"So I'm only asking this because you didn't tell me the other day but who do you like?" there was a glint in her eyes as if she had found the perfect opportunity.
"Nope i choose dare"
"Nuh uh i already asked the question"
"Fine but if any one of you tell anyone" you pointed at everyone with a threatening look even though it was pointless this was gryffindor and one thing about gryffindors was they like to gossip.
"We won't" Sirius yelled "just tell us" you were about to say no the words practically on your tongue but that sense of wanting validation came back and anyways sharing a secret won't matter, right?
Everyone in the circle was anticipating an answer which you didn't want to give.
"Regulus" you mumbled finally after seconds of awkward silence.
"Regulus Black" you yelled way too loud and everyone was looking at her in shock.
"My brother?" Sirius said in a way that made it seem like he was having a hard time processing this information.
"He's nice to me and actually makes the effort to know me."
"But a slytherin" peter questioned and you were filled with fury.
"Not everyone in slytherin is a bad person and just because you think so because you're too proud to be a gryffindor does not make him bad and he will never be bad to me you just have a standard for every fucking person" she was out of breath after that not quite believing she yelled at someone for something so little "I'm sorry I'm really sorry Pete I think I drank too much so I'm going to bed" she bid goodbye to her friends before heading for the stairs.
And even though Peter had mumbled 'it's okay' she didn't feel it and the only reason she reacted like that was because regulus actually talked to her just because he wanted to just because he wanted to know her and it made her feel good inside.
But anyways that wasn't an excuse and she'd find a way to apologize to Peter.
"Y/n wait" someone she didn't expect called out to her James Potter his perfect curls falling on his nothing short of an angelic face.
"James did you need something?"
"No-well I just wanted to ask you something."
She motions for him to go on.
"You know how I like Lily and you like Regulus Black."
"Yeah who doesn't now" recalling back the scene that just happened.
"Well my point is i thought if we make both of them jealous enough they'll actually want to date us you know ?"
"And how do you plan on doing that?"
"By making you my fake girlfriend" he said with such an ease like it was just a normal thing asking someone you barely know to date-to fake date you.
"This could end up really messy i mean if Lily starts dating you then she'll just see me as her boyfriend's ex and that will be a complicated relationship and-"
"I'll tell lily when we start dating" he cut her off.
"I need time to think about this I'll tell you tomorrow morning."
"That's fine."
You just nodded and went straight to bed.
The next morning you woke up a little early to pick up some flowers and your mother's special banana bread for Peter.
When you gave him both the things he was finally in the same mood he always is in.
And there he was James looking at you with an eagerness like a puppy waiting for its treat and of course your friends noticed him staring at you and not his 'lily flower'.
"Is there something going on between you and james?" lily asked with a curious tone.
"What? no of course not" you replied with your voice all high pitched.
Lily didn't completely believe you but left the topic nonetheless.
When you got up to go to your first class and started heading out the great hall James had stopped you.
"Have you thought about it?"
"Uh- yeah yeah i have."
"So ?" you could tell how patiently he was waiting for your answer.
"I'll do it" you said with an assertive tone.
Really y/n that's great he went in straight for a hug and even though you accepted it you still mentioned to him that no was there and he didn't need to that him just shrugging in response.
It had been a two weeks since then and everything was going according to plan well for James at least.
She did things James told her to do to make Lily jealous and it worked as she always found an excuse to leave,her cheeks always flushed.
It was a normal morning james coming down to sit beside y/n kissing her cheek.
"hey sweetheart"
"hii jamie did you sleep well"
"yeah dreamt of you actually" he said pulling her close.
"well i gotta leave have to talk to slughorn bout my paper see you before minnies class" James informed you as he picked up his bag.
"okay byee"
she looked at Regulus during this whole fake dating thing he had not talked to her once she was hoping it was because he was jealous.
"Wow you really are the perfect couple huh?" Dorcas asked.
"Yeah james and his sweetheart" Marlene elbowed you teasingly.
You know what there's a party friday night you should make a move on him to do the deed.
"Really don't you think it's too soon?" Lily asked.
"No it's the perfect opportunity" Mary made an effort to say something in the conversation.
"You know what?it's been almost a month now and i think we're ready" you only said this after hearing Lily's reply.
"Great I'll help you pick you out a dress"
"Yes please that sounds like fun"
You liked this liked being the centre of attention it was nice.
Just before transfiguration you met James like he said you would.
"James you're going to be so happy hearing this"
"Okay, so you know the party on friday?" he nodded at this "Marlene suggested we should sleep together and Lily completely freaked out saying stuff like it's too early so i told them that we're ready so on friday after some time we'll just go to your dorm do whatever the hell we want and then I'll sneak back to my dorm at night so your friends won't be able to see but mine will"
"Okay, i wanna kiss your genius brain and this is a perfect plan"
"Oh i love you" he said hugging her. In moments like this was when y/n felt the best because even though she'll never admit to anyone she had started giving James the longing stares she once gave Regulus and maybe just maybe she liked James and even though they were not going to be together it was nice fake dating him.
That evening when you were back at your dorm Lily had asked you something.
I just wanted to ask "how did you and James even got together i thought you liked Regulus?"
"Oh no that Regulus thing was just a cover up i just see him as a friend I liked James but was too scared to admit that's it."
"Oh yeah that makes sense"
You let out a breath of relief thankfully you already prepared yourself for these questions before hand.
"It was friday and you were afraid you'd break your jaw from how much you were smiling you couldn't help getting to spend some alone time with James was amazing even though you had been on hogsmeade dates this was different it was his dorm.
"So y/n are you excited for tonight?" marlene asked with a slight wink.
"Oh yeah definitely" you tried to play it cool.
"You better tell us all the details"
"Marls he's right there" you said looking right at him he shot you a wink when you looked at him.
You had a free class today and were headed to the the library to get some work done when you were met with a sight you wished you wouldn't have seen.
There he was just outside the library Regulus Black snogging a girl without a care in this world and even though you didn't like him anymore it still stung for some reason.
Why were you jealous when you liked James maybe you were too attached to Regulus and it hurt you to see him with another girl.
You didn't go to the library instead headed straight for your dorm dressed down and picked out Jame's shirt that he gave to wear it and went straight to sleep.
After a while your dormmates came into the room stirring you awake "wait why are you back did I sleep that long?"
"I guess you even missed lunch so we brought you some food" Lily said with a shy smile on her face god you hated what you were doing to her.
"Thank you"
"Okay now eat up we'll all go shower and then get ready for the party" Mary was clearly the most excited for the actual party out of the lot.
"That sounds great"
You did everything Lily said and were standing in front of the mirror trying to decide what drrss to wear.
You ultimately decided on a black mini drrss with baby blue ruching at the neckline and the bottom.
Reaching the patry it was on full swing and for the first time in your entire life you felt wanted.
"Baby here" James shouted at you.
"Coming, okay how do i look"
"Perfect now go get him"
Reaching James he pulled out a seat for you and kissed your cheek in welcoming your freinds followed suit to the drinks area where everyone was hanging out.
After talking with everyone and james getting up to get you drinks a few hours had passed by you had played some games and now as you were about to go to play something else.
James pulled you back and whispered "do you wanted to go up?"
You of course had to initiate it you told your friends you would.
So when you friends were around you started to kiss his jaw and made it look like you were whispering something in his ear.
And he replied with a yeah of course baby before leading you up to his dorm.
"Gosh I'm so tired" james yelled before plopping on the bed.
"Really i thought james potter's party drive was high."
"It is just not tonight"
James was laying on his stomach trying to dig out his record when you decided it would be a great idea to tickle him.
He looked offended to say the least "did you just tickle me?" you just shruged "oh you are so in for it" he stated before you decided to run for it.
He was chasing you all over the dorm and you landed on his bed again he took this opportunity to pin both your hands above your head and tickle you.
"Stop stop jamie stop please"
"Jamie you nevercall me jamie until someone one's around"
"Don't you like it?"
"Love it actually, I love it when you call me jamie" he answered with such a nod that made it sound like he came to a very important conclusion.
If y/n was to tilt her head upwards a mere centimeter she would have been kissing james her james.
They were meant to be together and it frustrated her to every end he couldn't see that.
He tilted his head to the side his eyebrows kniting together in thought.
are you thinking of me?
She wanted to ask him but before she could he released her hands and sat up and in hopes to start up new conversation y/n thought it would be the best idea to talk about her previous crush.
"I saw Regulus kissing someone today"
"Oh no are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine I don't like him anymore there's someone else now." she said looking up at him wishing he would kiss her.
She thought she would be bold for once and leaned in only for James to back away.
Y/n you're not in your right mind right now.
she tried to hide her emotions she really did but it wasn't her fault her eyes started watering.
"Right of course sorry was just a crazy impulse.
James just nodded in response and that somehow made it worse.
"Oh would you look at that you said looking at the clock on his bedsude table it's late enough i should leave"
"But y/n-
And before he could continue she was out of the door.
Going back to her dorm she went in inside only to see her friends already back from the party.
"Hii y/n how did it go?"
"It was great he was great" you said with a bitter undertone which thankfully your friends didn't notice.
You went in your bed not in mood for an interrogation.
You couldn't stop it you were crying crying over a boy you never thought you'd see this day but here you were.
You hated how he made you feel.
You hated how he made you cry
But what you hated the most was that you didn't even hate him at all.
It was morning the birds were chirping the sun was shining but not for you you didn't want the morning to come beacuse that meant getting up and facing James.
But you had to get up you couldn't miss class again.
Reaching the great hall you were relieved to not see James.
Sitting next to Marlene you started loading stuff onto your plate.
"So you didn't give us any details you know."
"well there's nothing to tell i mean it was great i felt great I'm not sure he did though and now i don't know if i should ask him about it or let it be or maybe he's just hiding because he was enthusiastic i don't know I'm probably overthinking"
"Oh there's nothing to worry about I've had some guys who even though feel great just don't express it as nicely its totally normal"
"Really, thanks"
Wow y/n you just inserted your metal problems to make everyone belive he's bad at expressing things that'll make Lily jealous for sure ugh you hated yourself right now.
And just because it wasnt bad enough already James Potter had decided to show up.
"Hey baby"
"Hello" actually I'm going to go early to slughorn to see if I could find a seat after that you fled the great hall.
"But isn't her first class herbology?"
"I think so replied Lily"
You couldn't even look at him in the face let alone be in the same room what was he doing to you and why was he doing it you wish disappear into thin air right now the embarrassing moment replaying in your mind not in the right mind what does that mean.
You had decided that you don't want tofake date anymore it had been long enough already time for it to end.
Shaking you reached his dorm hesitant to knock and just before your hand was centimeters from doing so the door opened and there stood the man you longed you started doubting your decision.
But no you had to do this to make James and Lily happy.
"James I wanted to talk to you."
James asked you to come in but you refused standing in the doorway leaning on the frame you began speaking.
"I wanted to say that - I really- I think that we should end this fake dating thing. Lily is jealous enough and you should ask her.
"But what about your crush?"
"Oh it's okay i don't want to make anyone jealous"
After a few moments of silence while james looked like he was deciding something you decided to leave.
"Wait please wait."
But you resisted the cries and went on it was the nice thing to do for them.
You went to your dorm after that and collapsed on your bed that was probably the most hardest thing you have ever done and it hurt it hurt so much.
By the time you woke up to someone knocking on the door your eyes were all swollen and red and your cheeks had the tear stains still on them and everything about your face yelled you were crying though you didn't care.
But when you opened the door you wished you would had James was there and him seeing that you were crying was not the best thing.
"Y/n- he began before pausing and asking if were you crying.
"No I had something in my eye" you said frantically.
"Anyways did you want something?"
"Actually can I say something?"
"Yeah of course come inside"
"Y/n" he began once again "You said it's been way too long but i honestly feel like it's been mere seconds because every moment i spend with you i don't even realise I'm living it just because of your existence you have completely and totally mesmerised me and I yearn for you and it - it breaks my heart you cannot see that .
"What about Lily?" you whispered.
"I told her weeks ago I don't like her but still stayed with you because I like just being with you merlin I like doing nothing with you."
"I don't believe-"
He held you wrist and pulled you to look towards him holding your face in his hands.
"This feels like home you feel like home to me why don't you get that you are the sole reason why I exist and always will be and I love you y/n more than i will ever be able to say."
You started crying again pushing him lightly "you big idiot."
"So do you love me?"
You didn't answer just pulled his face towards yours smashing your lips against his him holding on to you so tight that if he lets go you will slip away.
Turns out all the books were wrong there are no fireworks in true love there's only comfort and that was exactly what you felt.
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Bad Ideas Part 9
Regulus Black au
Summary:  It started as nothing now it’s something. Voldemort has been defeated but that doesn’t mean the wizarding world is still a good place to be.
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Rating: M
Part 8 Link
Arriving at the restaurant, you stood between Regulus and Harry. You had quietly bribed Regulus to be good. As much as you wanted to see Regulus scare the shit out of Vernon, you also wanted to see what your aunt and uncle had to say.
Were they going to apologize for all of the years of mistreatment? Was one of them dying and wanted to make amends or were they simply wanting to brag about their new car? The possibilities were endless. You weren’t sure which option you wanted to go with. Time would have to tell on that one.
“My offer to climb across the table and slap them real good still stands.”
Regulus commented. Harry glanced over to the other man with a raised eyebrow before fighting a smirk. While Harry wanted to dislike Regulus for making a move on you, he really couldn’t. Over the past little bit, Regulus proved himself enough to Harry. He also made you happy so that was enough for your twin. His offer to slap Vernon around also made Harry happy.
“I may take you up on that.”
Harry replied as you shook your head.
“Before we start slapping people around, why don’t we see what they want? I would be surprised if they honestly just wanted to see us.”
Regulus rolled his eyes. He had enough about Vernon and Petunia Dursley to do him a lifetime.
“Sorry love but I highly doubt that’s what it is. If they just want to catch up I would be more shocked than if I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet.”
You only nodded in agreement. Common sense told you that Vernon and Petunia didn’t want to catch up. Harry was, after all, the reason that the Dursleys had to leave their “perfect” little home. Why would they want to see you again?
“There they are.”
Harry’s voice pulled you from your thoughts. You looked up to see your aunt and uncle sitting at a table in the middle of the restaurant. Petunia held her hand up to motion to come over.
“Here we go.”
You murmured before squeezing Regulus’ hand. The expression on his face had gone from mildly annoyed to straight haughty and holier than thou. He didn’t have to say anything for you to know that he already hated Vernon and Petunia. He was also looking for “ANY” reason to let the insults start flying.
Arriving at the table, neither Petunia nor Vernon stood to give you any form of a hug. You didn’t expect this so it really shouldn’t have surprised you. Vernon only nodded while Petunia forced a smile.
“Harry…Y/n…it is so nice to see the both of you. How are you?”
Regulus moved to pull the chair out for you to sit in. You gave him a small thank you before turning your attention back to your aunt.
“We are alive. I hope you both are doing well.”
Petunia nodded again forcing a smile.
“We are doing fine. I received your letter about that madman being killed. I’m guessing all is well in your world?”
Your world….
You knew that was hard for Petunia to say. The fact that it wasn’t accompanied by some kind of insult was a miracle in itself.
“Yes, everything is fine…for the moment. It's just getting everything put back together.”
Harry replied. You were thankful that Harry came in. Your brother always knew when you were ready to say something snarky.
“I’m glad to hear that. We have been worried.”
Again, Petunia sounded like she had been forced to say that. Your aunt was as worried about you as you were worried about her.
Vernon, meanwhile, had been staring at the young man by your side. He hadn’t said a word since sitting down. His cold grey eyes had been flickering between Vernon and Petunia as he looked at them as if they were garbage.
“So, who are you?”
Vernon finally asked. Regulus looked right at Vernon as if he was personally offended to be spoken to by a muggle…or at least a muggle like Vernon.
Regulus replied in a cold cool voice. Vernon was even more annoyed. He expected a little more than a first name.
“Pleasure. So, are you funny like them?”
Regulus questioned, narrowing his eyes on Vernon as if he were a mouse. You had to swallow back a chuckle at how Regulus’ cat-like nature coming out.
“A…wizard…I guess.”
Vernon replied, feeling suddenly uncomfortable under the younger man’s icy gaze.
“I’m not a comedian. I suggest that you watch how you speak to me, Vernon Dursley. Harry and Y/n may be nice to you but I won’t be. I should climb across the table and choke you out for how you lot treated them as children. If you were any kind of aunt or uncle, you would have never treated your niece or nephew so poorly…stupid prejudices or not.”
Vernon swallowed, clearly uncomfortable. He had got his answer on what Regulus’ background was.
“Well, nothing. You’re a shit excuse for a family…the both of you. I personally don’t see why you lot even bothered checking in on them. They had done just find during this whole war without the help of either of you.”
Petunia blinked a few times before beginning to speak.
“You don’t understand it was… we did what we thought was best…given the circumstances.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow at Petunia instantly making her rethink her life choices.
“I understand enough. You treated your sister’s children like shit. That’s enough for me to understand. I can understand you a lot being scared of things that you don’t understand. That, however, gives you no right to be shitty individual to people…especially children. There was no treating them the best in anything that you did.”
Neither Harry nor yourself moved to say anything. You gave Regulus a proud smile. It was nice hearing him say something like this. Those words alone proved just how far Regulus had come as an individual. Had this conversation happened never would have happened. Regulus would have probably berated Petunia and Vernon for being muggles and simply existing.
“You don’t know anything.”
Vernon snapped. Regulus stood up making Vernon cower lower in his chair.
“I know enough. Y/n, Harry let's just get out of here. This is a total waste of both of your time.”
Neither Harry nor yourself argued. You came, you saw, and now you were ready to get the hell out.
It took until the lot of you arrived back at Grimmauld Place for Regulus to calm down. Harry was silently laughing to himself for a few moments before speaking.
“Regulus, why don’t you just pull a gun on them the next time?”
Regulus shook his head and hung his coat up.
“I’ll just punch him in the face.”
Harry nodded.
“I’ll agree to that.”
Harry turned to walk into the dining room leaving the two of you alone. Regulus sighed…then my mother came out.”
Regulus was relieved when you smiled. While he didn’t really expect you to be angry with him for going off; Regulus really didn’t try to hear the Dursleys out. He pretty much saw them and went ballistic.
You stood on your tiptoes to press a kiss to Regulus’ chin.
“I found it rather amusing. My inner child was healed seeing them have their asses handed to them.”
Regulus wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his forehead against yours.
“You always deserved better.”
Regulus said with a soft sigh.
“OH MERLIN…is that Regulus?”
Both Regulus and yourself instantly stood up and turned to the voice. Your mouth dropped seeing what had to be your parents standing in the doorway. Rubbing your hands on your eyes a few times you had to make sure that you weren’t seeing things. James and Lily looked just as they did in the photos that you had.
The better question was why were dead people suddenly turning up like long-lost people coming for a friendly visit? Not that you were entirely complaining. Without this odd-ass situation, you would never have been able to be with Regulus. Now your parents…
Regulus looked clearly as shocked as James.
“Oh Merlin is that James?”
Regulus replied in a snarky tone. James turned to Lily who looked equally as shocked. Never in a million years did they expect to see Regulus alive…and holding you…their daughter.
“What is going on around here?”
James snapped. Sirius who was looking ready to jump out the window groaned.
“Man, don’t make me say it.”
James turned to Sirius. Harry winced, from his place beside his godfather. This wasn’t really how he wanted to drop the “Y/n is dating Regulus” bomb on his poor unsuspecting parents.
“Is he dating my daughter?”
Sirius again groaned. Regulus rolled his eyes before chuckling.
“Wow, there is no getting past you.”
You moved to stand in front of Regulus. The last thing that you wanted was to see fists or hexes start flying.
“Okay…what is going on here? Mum…dad…you’re alive…what is going on around here? Not that I am not thrilled to see you both…but…is everyone killed by lord Snakeface turning back up?”
James and Lily couldn’t say anything for a moment. It was Lily that spoke first.
“Sweetheart, I don’t know how to answer that but we can be a family again….as we should have.”
James nodded before turning his attention back to Regulus.
“What about him?”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
Regulus replied. James glared at Regulus. After coming back from the dead, the last thing that James ever expected was to see his only daughter in a relationship with Regulus Black.
Yet….here I am.
James thought before speaking.
“What makes you think that you are good for her? I know you…at least how you used to be. Leopards don’t change their spots.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow before turning to face you. He gave you a gentle smile. The last thing that Regulus wanted was for you to hear what he was about to say.
“Sweetheart, wait for me upstairs. We can catch up with them later.”
You turned and walked from the room without another word. As much as you wanted to stick around, part of you wanted to get away too. This was too much all at once. Your fight or flight feelings were about to come roaring back and thankfully Regulus recognized it.
It's nice having someone on my side.
Regulus waited until the door to his room closed before turning back to face James and Lily.
“With me, Y/n gets to come first. She had always come second to Harry and for once she gets to come first. That’s what makes me good for her.”
@amelie-black @justfinishthis @jessyballet @knreidy1 @georgeweasleydumbhoe @criminalyetminimal @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @fific7 @siriuslyceleste @golddustwomann @littleshadow17 @ell0ra-br3kk3r @livshifts @jsjcue @stelleduarte @millies0bsimp @coffeeaddictednymph @readtomeregulus @rogue-nyx88 @i-love-scott-mccall @s-we-e-t-t-ea @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @f4iryluvy @panpride @daddyslittlevillain @saramaple @missgorldafirst @buttercup-beeee @gugggu6gvai @mentally-unstable-hoe @yousmellllikecaca @jag9000 @quinis @haroldpotterson @goldensunshineshit @aurorasnape12 @ad-astra-again @dumybitch @melaninnbarbie @marichromatic @ravenhood2792 @play-morezeppelin @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @rubyroscoe1 @lostarc24 @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @moldy-old-boot @hankypranky @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032 @knight-of-gleefulness @untoldshortsofthefandoms @deanwherescas @shitfaceddaniel-blog @wontlookaway @sprnaturallover @li0nh34rt @tas898 @mycuddlycorner @bennyberry @bxcndd
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hotdamnitsmoony · 3 months
what each of the marauders think of their birthday & traditions they have
james: definitely loves his birthday and enjoys the attention. the group throw him a surprise birthday party every year, obviously now he expects it, but he really enjoys being celebrated and other people showing him the love he endlessly gives them. his main tradition growing up was effie making him birthday pancakes with sprinkles, syrup and squirty cream and once regulus finds out he asks for the recipe and does it for james at hogwarts.
regulus: absolutely hates his birthday, and refuses to tell people when it is but sirius ends up telling the group so they can have little celebration. the only tradition he has is he and sirius sharing a cake together (that they often had to sneak behind their parents backs when they were children).
remus: doesn’t really care for it, but enjoys spending time with his people. the night usually ends in drunken bowie karaoke and being very cuddly with sirius. his birthday tradition is being woken up by the marauders screaming happy birthday at him (unless the full moon is near).
sirius: used to hate his birthday, but now absolutely LOVES it! will throw a massive party, dance on tables and be with the people he loves. he usually sets a theme for his parties too, like fancy dress or superhero, and they’re usually very talked about around school. his favourite birthday tradition is when he, james and remus sneak down to the great hall in the middle of the night and have a photoshoot (specifically with sirius in dumbledore’s throne) and they do it every year they’re at hogwarts.
lily: likes a low key birthday with her friends, and enjoys having the attention more than she lets on. she, mary, pandora, marlene and dorcas usually go and have a little picnic by the black lake and gossip and play silly games til their hearts content. the only tradition she has is that she wears her mother’s earrings on her birthday so that it feels as though she’s at home. she will also cry at least once.
mary: loves her birthday and the attention that comes with it. she absolutely milks it around her birthday by saying things like “oh, but what day is it tomorrow?” and “you have to be nice to me it’s my birthday this week.” she would definitely also have a party thrown for her - which not many people remember the day after. her tradition is having a girls night with her dorm mates where they paint each others nails, do hair and face masks etc!
pandora: has a love hate relationship with her birthday, considering she shares with evan. she likes the spending time with her people part but isn’t the biggest fan of the loud parties. she would spend her day in a field making flower crowns and daisy chains with her friends and always brings evan a bouquet back. pandora and evan share a tradition where they meet at the time they were born and sing a song they made up as kids about how they won’t leave each other’s side.
barty: absolutely loves his birthday! he usually finds any old excuse to throw a party but this means he can get away with it easier! he wears the most revealing outfit in his closet, sending evan into a gay panic, and the sharpest eyeliner. he’ll dance on tables, swing from chandeliers, play truth or dare and spin the bottle. his tradition is standing on top of the astronomy tower with evan and regulus and they scream into the night about whatever’s on their mind and then have a group hug (which they’d deny to anyone who asks).
evan: also has a love hate relationship with his birthday, but finds himself smiling as he goes to sleep after the day is done (and not just because he’s probably drunk). he loves each bouquet pandora makes for him and presses them so he can preserve them. he has a small-ish party with the group where they play games like twister. the tradition he has is that he gets ready for whatever party they’re having with pandora and she does his makeup.
marlene: loves her birthday more than any other holiday and will remind everyone when it is constantly. she will throw an absolute rager and have the time of her life (until she gets a hangover the next morning). she pre plans her outfit and makeup weeks in advance, but will end up getting changed at least three times during the party! she doesn’t have any traditions other than getting trashed. although she is rather sentimental about reading the cards she’s given.
dorcas: is usually quite cryptic about her birthday, and until people find out when she’s drunk at marlene’s birthday party. she doesn’t really like the attention too much but will spend the time with her friend and enjoy it. deep down she loves reading the sappy cards that everyone writes for her but she slightly mocks them for it instead. the tradition she has is buying herself a outfit every year, and she takes the girls with her and tries the clothes on fashion show style!
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James has just arrived at the address he was given to babysit. According to Google Maps, the house is called Grimmauld place.
A woman answers the door a few minutes after James knocks. She has long, black, unruly hair. She looks frantic. "Hi, hi, sorry. It's a little crazy in here. I'm Bellatrix Black-Lestrange. Nice to meet you."
"James Potter."
"Right, Sirius told me about you." James makes a confused look. "The one who hired you, his name is Sirius."
"Like the star?"
"Yeah. I'm surprised someone knows that."
"I've always been fascinated with the stars. You're named after one, too."
"Yeah, I am. Most of my family is."
Fleamont - James' dad - taught James all about the stars when he was four. He was always fascinated with them since he was born. He thought they looked like the little specks of paint that Euphemia - James' mother - drew.
"Anyway, come inside, it's cold."
As soon as James walked inside, he was hit with a water balloon. "Ted Remus Lupin!" A man with the same long, black hair just more tamed yells. "I'm so sorry. My son is a prankster. Anyway, I'm Sirius Black-Lupin." Sirius looks James over. "Hey, Reg! Can you get a towel!"
Another woman walks up with long, white, and black hair. "What happened, Siri?" She looks over at James. "Oh, hello. I'm Narcissa Black-Malfoy. It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you, too."
A boy comes up to hug her leg. She smiles. "This is my son, Draco."
"Another star. You really meant it when you said most of your family."
"Yeah." Bellatrix says. "It's crazy and hectic." A man with short black hair walks up with a towel in hand. "Finally, Reg. Took forever."
"Shut up, Bells. At least I can't get pregnant."
"Why is that your insult?"
"Who would want a second kid? Apparently, you."
"Whatever." She takes the towel from the man and hands it to James. "Sorry, that's Regulus Black." The man - Regulus - leaves.
"Reg! Are you coming with us!?" Someone from the other room yells while James drys himself with the towel.
"No!" Regulus answers. "And take B and Ev with you! Their sickening!"
Yet, another woman comes in with a girl and a man trailing behind her. She has - thankfully - tamed, brunette hair. "I'm Andromeda Black-Tonks. This is my husband, Ted Tonks. And my daughter, Nymphadora Tonks."
"Nice to meet you."
"You, too."
Two more men come in. "Rodolphus Lestrange."
"Lucius Malfoy."
"James Potter."
Three men and two women come in. The first woman that has red hair speaks up. "I'm Lily Evans-Rosier."
"The Lily Evans? The one that Marlene keeps talking about?"
"You know her?"
"Know her? She's my best friend."
"Anyway," The dark skinned girl with blonde highlights says, "I'm Pandora Rosier. This is my twin," she gestures to a dark skinned boy, "Evan Rosier."
"And this is my boyfriend, Barty Crouch." Evan gestures to a boy with blonde tips.
"I'm Remus Lupin. Kids! Come here!" Four kids come running in. "Teddy Lupin, Draco Malfoy, Nymphadora Tonks, Harry Rosier, Luna Rosier, and Tom Riddle Jr." Remus gives an apologetic looks. "I'm sorry there's so many, but we need a break."
Bellatrix speaks. "Regulus is upstairs if you need anything. It's.... three so, we'll be back around.... ten?" Everyone nods. "Ten. Is that ok?"
"Yeah. Of course it is. I babysit Aries and Artemis for 2 days and their.... monsters?"
Lily smiles. "Fair enough. Anyway, instructions are on the fridge. If you need any help, feel free to ask anyone, yeah?"
Everyone says goodbye, and now it's James and the kids. "So, have any toys?"
Luna squeals. "I'm gonna like you."
James smiles. "Well, I hope so."
"Hey! That's cheating!" Harry yells.
"Nuh uh." Luna says.
"Yes, it is."
"Nuh uh."
James sighs. "Alright, who wants to go to the park?"
"Yeah!" Everyone yells.
James has finally riled up the kids at six and is now finally in the house at six-thirty.
Seven rolls around, and the kids have been fed.
Eight rolls around, and it's time for bed.
"I wanna say goodnight to Uncle Reggie." Luna pouts. "I do it every night."
James sighs. "Alright. Go say goodnight."
"Yay!" Luna grabs James' hand and starts running down the hall to what James assumes is Regulus' room. Luna stops in front of a door and knocks. The door opens, and Regulus appears with messy hair, pajama pants, and no shirt.
Fucking hell.
"Uncle Reggie!" Regulus looks down and picks up Luna. "You forgot to come say goodnight."
Regulus smiles. "I did? I'm sorry. I won't do it again." He gives Luna a kiss on the temple and sets her back down. "Alright, bedtime." Regulus leads Luna to her room and tucks her in.
"Goodnight, Uncle Reggie. Goodnight, James."
James decided to sit down and scroll through TikTok on his phone. Apparently it's been an hour because next thing he knew Regulus was walking down the stairs and he looked at the clock.
James goes back to his phone for another ten minutes before Regulus comes into the room. He stands right in front of James - which he didn't even realize either - and speaks, "Have you eaten anything?"
James jumps. "A little warning next time would be nice. Also, no."
"You should eat something."
James eyes him. "You're one to talk. You didn't even come down for dinner."
Regulus rolls his eyes. "I don't like eating with the kids. And anyway, I'm heating up food right now."
"Ok, good." He pauses and waits for Regulus to leave. He doesn't. "Is that all you wanted?"
"Mm. No, actually. I think you're cute." He walks away and leaves James flabbergasted.
Unfortunately, Regulus goes back upstairs with his food and doesn't come back down. Not even when James leaves. Luckily, James has sticky notes in his bag. He grabs his bag and excuses himself to use the restroom. He grabs a bright yellow sticky note and a pen and writes, 'I think you're cute, too' and sticks it to Regulus' door - he remembers from when Luna wanted to say goodnight.
"Artemis, no! Aries, stop! You little -" James' phone rings.
Sirius Black
"Hello - Aries, Artemis! I'm going to call your mother! Better yet, I'll call your mama!"
"No, no! We'll stop!"
"Thank you, now be quiet."
"Yes, Uncle Jamie."
"Sorry about that. What's the problem?"
"We need someone to babysit again, and Reg won't do it. Plus, they seem to like you." It's been two weeks since he last babysat them - for the first time. "Please." He begs. "If you need any help, Reg is here."
"I'm sorry, Sirius." Sirius told him to call him that. "I'm already babysitting my niece and nephew."
"You can bring 'em! We don't care. As long as you come, please."
James sighs. "Alright, I can take them anywhere I want, anyway."
"Thank you."
"Ar, Art, who wants to go play with other kids?"
"Alright, I'm going to need you to be good, ok?"
"Yes, Uncle Jamie." Aries says.
James knocks on the door, and Pandora opens it with Luna and Harry beside her. "Sorry, their being clingy."
"James!" They both yell.
"Hey!" Artemis yells. "That's our Uncle Jamie!"
Pandora has a panicked look on her face. "Oh god. You already have a babysitting gig? Are you supposed to take them out?" She wispers the last part.
"I'm their Uncle. I can do whatever I want, and Marls won't care. Have you not met them?"
"No, should I have?"
"Not necessarily. Ar, Art, you guys have met Lily, your mama' friend, right?"
"Yeah, she's nice. We call her Aunt Lily." Artemis says.
"This is her wife, Pandora."
"Really?" Aries asks. "She looks pretty. Way prettier than you, Uncle Jamie."
James smiles. "Wow, thanks."
"Well, it is true," Artemis agrees. "Uncle Jamie."
"Anyway, come inside. It's cold out there."
Hmm. James thinks. Less chaos.
Apparently, Pandora knows what he's thinking because she says, "Remus is giving them a talk."
"Hey, Uncle Jamie." Aries says. "How many kids we talkin'?"
"Six and counting."
"Wow! Uncle Jamie, you hit the jackpot."
"I don't wanna." Artemis says. "Uncle Jamie, can we go?"
James squats down to her level. "Come on, you don't have that many friends. You need to make more. Your mama and I had so many friends by your age."
Artemis groans. "But I'm not like Mama."
"I know, you're more like your mom."
A voice comes from the doorway. "Aren't they the same people?" Regulus.
"No, their not. They have two moms."
"Do we have to? Can't you just drop me off with Mom or Mama?"
James sighs. "Marlene is working her hotel, and Dorcas can't have any distractions when she's painting. So, no. I'm sorry, babes."
Artemis sighs. "It's fine."
"Come on, sis. It'll be fun."
"For you, maybe. You're better at making friends."
"You know," James starts, "you remind me of one of my friends."
"Peter. He couldn't make friends very well until I walked up to him. After that, he made friends quite easily."
"Really? You really think I'm just like Uncle Peter?"
James nods. "Absolutely. You just need a little push by your brother. Aries? Help your sister, ok?"
Aries salutes him. "Yes, Uncle Jamie, sir." James rolls his eyes, and Aries laughs. "Of course, Uncle Jamie. I always will."
James gets back up. "Ok, so, here's two of kids. Luna and Harry. Their siblings just like you but their twins."
"You mean just like Aunt Lily talks about her friends who are twins."
James smiles. "You've already met one of them. Pandora is one of them."
They both gasp. "Really!? Two twins in one day!? Best day ever!" Aries yells.
Andromeda comes in. "What's all the yelling for?"
"Sorry, they were excited. Aries, Artemis, remember."
"We know. We're sorry."
"See. Good kids when they want to be."
"You're kids?"
"No. I've been single for years now. I think I'm probably gonna stay that way at this rate. Anyway, these are my best friends' kids."
"Uncle Jamie!" Aries yells. "Look, they both have blonde hair - really blonde."
"You have a sibling?"
"No, none. Marls and Cas just like to let their kids talk freely. So they decide to call all of our friends Aunt and Uncle."
"That's pretty nice, actually."
Artemis walks over to James. "Jamie, bag."
"Magic words."
"Uncle Jamie, could I please have your bag so we can play?"
"Better." He hands her the bag that has all kinds of toys and coloring books he put together the first day he started this business. Aries and Artemis helped, of course. They run off into the other room somewhere.
"You're really good with them." Regulus says.
"I was there the day they were born. Through everything. I was waiting outside with the rest of my friends' kids. But I was still there."
"You'd be a good father someday."
James smiles as soon as Evan and Barty come in. "Who's kids are those?" Evan spots James. "You have kids?"
"No, those are my best friends' kids. You know what, it'd be easier if I said yes. I might start doing that." James peeks his head into the other room. "Hey, Ar, Art," they look up at him, "how 'bout, I just start tell people you're my kids?"
"Wouldn't be much of a lie anyway."
"As long as Mama and Mom are still our moms."
"Why did they say 'it wouldn't be much of a lie'?" Barty asks.
"I was both of their sperm donors, but they came out looking like both Marlene and Dorcas. Hey, Lily' here, right?"
"Yeah, she's in the kitchen."
"Great, I'll be back." James walks in the kitchen and sees Lily cooking. "Hey, Lils."
"James. You remember, don't you?"
"Yeah, sadly. But I got better."
"Not much, I see." James' eyebrows fly up. "I can see the scars on your wrists." Lily sighs. "It's been years, Jamie. Why can't you stop?"
"Because they were my whole life, Lils! You know that. And this whole thing is what made you disregard me from your life."
"You can say it, James. I broke up with you."
"Yeah, yeah, I know." James sighs. "I got better than I was before, though. When Artemis was born, I stopped doing it all over and just on my wrists." James closes his eyes and takes a deep breath in and out. He opens them again. "I'm sorry, Lils. I'm sorry I can't get over my parents' death. But I'm not sorry that we broke up and you found someone better. She's good for you, and I'm happy just seeing you happy."
Lily smiles. "Thank you, Jamie." They hug.
"You know, you could have told me they call you Aunt Lily." They break apart.
"Aries and Artemis. They told me a few minutes ago."
"You got here a few minutes ago - oh - they're here?" James nods. Lily - and James - runs past everyone - who is now where James left only four people - and into the sitting room. "Aries, Artemis!"
"Aunt Lily!" They both yell and rush up to her.
"Aunt Lily?" The other kids murmur.
Lily smiles and pulls apart from them. "Jamie will tell you why they call me that. Alright, you two, I'm going out with my family, and I need you two to watch over your Uncle and these other kids. Can you do that for me?"
"Yes, ma'am!" Lily gets up and walks to the door - James following close behind.
"Um, Lils, you can't leave me with explaining that."
"Sure I can. I'm doing it right now."
"Ok," Bellatrix says, "anyway, the instructions are on the fridge. If you need anything, Reg is upstairs."
"Bye, Jamie, love you."
Love you, too." Pandora makes a confused look while James ushers them out. He smiles at Lily. "You make me explain, I make you explain."
"James." Lily warns. "I'll get you for this."
James just smiles in return. When they were all outside, James says, "Lily and I dated," and closes the door. James could hear yelling coming from the other side as they walked farther down the sidewalk.
James turned around and saw Regulus wide-eyed. "You - you dated Lily?"
"Uncle Jamie!" Artemis yells. "I wanna call Mama! I want to tell her I made friends!"
James walks into the room. "Sure, come here, Mis." Artemis walks up to James and plops herself down on his lap. James grabs his phone and dials Marlene.
"James? What's wrong? Are they hurt?"
"Their fine, Marls. Mis just wants to tell you something."
James hears a sigh over the phone. "What is it, babes?"
"I made friends!"
"How - you - James, where are you?"
"Mama, we saw Aunt Lily."
"James, you can't babysit that many kids."
"I just added two more. Plus, when we're not at home, they behave."
"You know their terrors, James. You can't do that by yourself. I'll be there to help in a little bit."
"No, Marls. You need to stay at the hotel. You have a job to do. So do I. And this is mine. I'll be fine. And if I need any help, I'll call Pete, or Frank, or Alice, or even Mary." James hears Marlene sigh.
"Alright, but if anything happens, you call me no one else until I say so, got it?"
"Yeah, Marls, sure. I love you."
"I love you, too. I love you, Artemis, Aries!" She yells the last bit so her son can hear her.
"I love you, too, Mama!" They both yell. James hangs up.
"Artemis, go play."
"Ok." She gets off of James' lap and runs up to her brother and their new found friends.
"Are you going to tell me?"
"Tell you what?"
"You and Lily."
"Why would I? We're not friends."
Regulus raises an eyebrow. "The sticky note you left says otherwise."
James avoids Regulus' gaze. "I have no idea what you're talking about." James hears footsteps coming closer, and Regulus comes into view.
He leans down and tilts James' head upwards. "Are you sure?" He wispers.
James nods.
Regulus grip tightens. "And you're so sure that if I show you proof, you will still deny it?"
James' eyes wonder down to Regulus' lips for 2 seconds, and then go back to his eyes. He nods again.
Regulus' hand disappears from James' chin. "Well, then, come on." Regulus holds out his hand, and James takes it.
Regulus leads James up the stairs before James speaks, "I shouldn't leave the kids."
"They'll be fine." Regulus leads James to the end of the first hall - which he didn't realize last time - where Regulus' room is.
There are three halls - as far as James knows. One for the girls, one for the boys, and the third one for the parents (and Regulus).
"Your house is a little bigger than mine."
"A little? I'm assuming - comparing to yours - it's a mansion."
"My mum always liked to build more and more rooms, so yeah, a little bigger." Regulus opens his door to his bedroom, and James is in awe.
James sees pictures of the Black', Regulus and his friends, and a picture of six people he doesn't recognize, standing with the Black'. James walks up to the photo and takes a quick once over.
The two beside Sirius and Regulus are their parents. The two beside Andromeda, Bellatrix, and Narcissa are their parents. And the last two standing beside Pandora and Evan are their parents.
"These are your parents? You look just like them."
"No, we don't."
"What are their names?" Regulus eyes him. "Just curious."
"If I tell you, will you let it be?"
"Pandora and Evan' parents are Adele Jacob - Rosier and Axel Rosier. Andromeda, Bellatrix, and Narcissa' parents are Cygnus Black and Druella Rosier - Black. And Sirius and I' are Walburga Irma - Black and Orion Black."
James' eyes go wide. Walburga Irma, as in Mum' ex- girlfriend!?"
"Euphemia Braithewaite."
"What about her?"
"She's my mum."
"Really? My mum - a cold, heartless, bitch - dated your mum - the sweetest person alive?"
"How did you know she was so nice?"
"With how you turned out, both your parents had to be nice."
Regulus goes to his nightstand and pulls out a bright yellow sticky note - the one he left. "You kept it?"
"Yeah. I did."
"Kids, time for bed."
"But Uncle Jamie."
"No, none of that, Aries. Come up here on the couch, both of you." They do, and they immediately fall asleep.
"The rest of you, time for bed."
The final one for the night is Luna. And she always has to go to Regulus. They knock on the door, he opens it, and picks up Luna. "Hey, ma filleule."
James almost passes out from the use of French.
He doesn't know why, but French coming from Regulus' mouth, is heaven. And he's heard people speak French before but coming from Regulus, that's something he can't stand.
"Goodnight, Luns." Regulus puts Luna back on the ground.
"Come on, hermosa chica." She takes James' hand and leads them to her room. He tucks Luna in and she falls asleep almost immediately.
"You're good with kids."
James jumps. "Jesus, Regulus. You scared me."
"You can't speak Spanish and not expect anything to happen."
"Oh, you mean this? Eres tan hermoso y guapo. Quizás no pueda quitarte las manos de encima por mucho tiempo."
Regulus groans. "No, stop."
"Vale, está bien, Regulus. Adiós."
The door opens, and everyone comes in. "Thank you so much for watching the kids." Bellatrix says. "Even though you were already watching some. It means so much to us. Thank you."
"It was no big deal. All of them are not as much work as these two alone." James looks down in his lap where Aries and Artemis are laying. "Aries, Artemis, come on. Get up."
They run to the other side of the room to grab James' bag and run back to James while James grabs his phone.
Bringing the kids home. See you soon.
Thanks, Jamie. I love you.
I love you, too.
"Alright, Cas should have your food ready by the time we get home." James walks to the door, looks up at the stairs where Regulus is watching him, and yells out, "Fairwell, Black's and Rosier's. Goodnight!" And he walks out with Aries and Artemis only looking back once at Regulus' window where he's watching James walk down the sidewalk and to his car.
"Thank you, Uncle Jamie!" They both say. "We love you!"
"I love you, too!" James yells back from the car.
Just as James was about to leave, Marlene' car pulls up, and she gets out. "James Fleamont Potter! Quit cutting yourself!"
"What?" James asks, surprised as Marlene leans in the window.
"Lily called me. She said she saw your cuts."
"That little -"
"No, don't blame her. This is all you. I thought you said you got better when Artemis was born?"
"I did, sort of. I mean, I started only doing it in one place."
"Your wrists." Marlene closes her eyes and takes a deep breath - a little habit Marlene picked up from James, which he picked up from Effie. "James, you can't keep doing this to yourself. It's been five years since Mis was born. Ten since Effie and Monty died. You need to stop. It's not healthy."
James sighs. "I can't, Marls. You know how I feel."
"I do, James. I really do. But you can't keep beating yourself up about it. It wasn't your fault."
"If I was there! If I was there, I could have gotten them out in time. Instead I decided to ignore them over a stupid fucking fight." James starts to tear up. "The last thing I ever said to them was, 'I hate you. I wish you would die.' That's the very last thing, Marls. How could I 'get over it'? It's my fault. If I was there, they wouldn't have gone after me."
"It was the drunk driver, James. It wasn't you. I promise." Marlene opens James' door. "Come on. Stay with us tonight. Please? I'll make sure no one bothers you."
James scoffs. "But you."
Marlene smiles. "That's only because you're my best friend, and I care about you." James sighs and gets out of the car with his wallet, phone and keys. Marlene locks it and leads them inside. "The world would be a dark place without you, Jamie. You're our sun, and everyone knows it. Even Aries and Artemis. They'd miss you too much."
Jamie, Frank, and I want to go out. Do you think you could watch Neville?
Think I can? I'm a god! (At babysitting, of course) Yes, yes, I will.
Hey, James. I got this number off of Sirius' phone.
Hey, Regulus.
How did you know?
Right, nvm. Anyway, I wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out?
Hang out, really? After everything?
Ok, I'm sorry. I'm not really good at asking people out.
So, you want to go on a date?
Great! When?
I can't. Babysitting.
One of my friends' kid, Neville Longbottom. Alice has been my friend since school years, so I'd do almost anything for her.
The rest I'd do for Marlene.
Fair. Um. What if I come with you? To the babysitting gig, that is.
I mean, if you want. Where do you want to meet?
Come pick me up at my house?
Yeah, I'll be there in 10.
"Hey, Marls. I got a gig."
"Alice and Frank."
"Longbottom. You know, the dude that Al married?"
"Oh! Franky! Yeah, got it."
"Hey, who's watching the kids if we all have work?"
"You. It'll be only three kids this time. You'll be fine."
"Yeah, about that. Someone is.... tagging along."
"Tagging?" Marlene gasps. "You mean like a date? Like someone who wants to help you work, kinda date?"
"I guess."
"Not telling. At least, not yet, ok?"
Marlene sighs. "Fine. Meany." She mumbles the last bit under her breath, but James still heard her and smacked her up the top of her head.
James pulls up to the front of Regulus' house and pulls out his phone.
I'm here.
Come inside real quick.
I can't. I have Aries and Artemis. Sorry.
It's ok.
I get it if you don't want to come.
No, I do. I'll be out in a minute.
"Ok, you two have to be on your best behavior. Play with Neville, I don't care. Just don't be brats. Ok?"
"Yes, Uncle Jamie. We promise."
James sees Regulus open the door and walk down the sidewalk. "Hey." Regulus says when he opens the car door.
James digs around in his bag and pulls out two figets. "Ar, Mis, here's you figets."
"Yay!" Aries yells. "Thank you, Uncle Jamie."
"Can we go see Aunt Alice now?"
James turns the car back on and starts driving to Alice' house. She's only ten minutes away from the Black'.
"Uncle Jamie, can we play music?" Artemis asks.
"Yeah, here." He grabs his phone and reaches behind his seat where Artemis is. She takes it.
Their favorite artist is Sarah Maddack, and that's exactly what starts playing - the Coffee Shop Bop.
I hoped into a coffee shop
And then my jaw dropped in shock when
I saw a girl who had cool pants
They made me want to dance
"What kind of music is this?" Regulus asks.
"It's their favorite artist." James answers. "Sarah Maddack."
"Still doesn't answer my question."
"It's the only answer I got."
By the time they get to Alice' house, that Playlist has run through at least three times. James knocks on his friends door with Aries and Artemis in front of him and Regulus beside him. Frank answers. "Hey, James. Alice is upstairs with Neville."
James gives the bag to Aries, and they both run inside. He smiles. "Sorry, you know how they are."
"I do." He looks over to Regulus. "Who's this?"
"Regulus Black."
"Nice to meet you."
"You, too."
Frank steps aside and gestures for them to come in. James can hear Aries and Artemis in the other room. Alice comes down the stairs with Neville on her hip. She's wearing a long black dress with sequins. It has one strap on the right side and a leg slit. "Al, I think I could date you."
Frank raises his eyebrows. Alice rolls her eyes. "You probably would if you weren't gay."
"True. I mean, when I saw Frank, I just knew." She rolls her eyes again.
"Take your nephew."
"Gladly." Alice hands Neville over to James.
"Uncle Jamie! You're here!"
"Yeah, so are Aries and Artemis." Neville gasps while James puts him down, and he runs to the other room. "So, Al, I didn't have time to take a shower this morning with Cas and Marls."
"You'll do it either way."
"Sure as hell I will."
Alice sighs. "Fine."
"I love you, Al."
"I love you, too, Jamie. Goodbye."
"Adiós, mi amor!" James yells before Alice shuts the door. James laughs. He walks to the other room, Regulus trailing behind him. "Alright, I'm going to take a shower. Reg, are you good for a few minutes?"
James looks at Regulus, and he's blushing. He didn't even realize he called him Reg. James smirks. "Reg? Reggie?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine."
James walks over to Artemis. "You think you could all stay in here for ten minutes? Regulus and I have something to do." She nods. "Thank you, babes."
James walks over and grabs Regulus' hand, dragging him up the stairs. "James, they can't be unattended."
"They'll be fine." He walks into Alice and Frank' room and into the bathroom. When the door is shut and locked, he pins Regulus to the door. "Did you like that? Reg."
He blushes again. "Stop that."
"I don't think I will." He kisses Regulus' cheek, then the other one, then is chin, then finally his lips. He kisses back.
Regulus pushes James back to the toilet - luckily, Alice always insists on closing it - breaking the kiss in the process. He straddles him and starts kissing James again.
James breaks the kiss. "Reg, I need to take a shower."
Regulus groans. "No."
"Yes. Come on, Reg. Please?"
He groans again. "Fine." He gets up, kisses James again, then leaves.
Alice stumbles in the door with Frank behind her. "Jesus, Al." James says. "What did you two do?"
James walks over to his friend and helps her get up the stairs. He lays her down on her bed and tucks her in. She falls asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow.
He goes back downstairs to see Frank and Regulus talking while Aries, Artemis, and Neville are playing. "Nev, bedtime."
"But, Uncle Jamie."
"No, it's bedtime."
"Fine." James walks over to the three and picks Neville up and does the same he did for Alice except Neville wanted a bedtime story - Goodnight Moon. Neville is passed out before James even finishes the book.
He goes back downstairs, and Aries and Artemis are asleep on Regulus. Aries on one side with his head on Regulus' leg and Artemis on the other side with her head on Regulus' other leg.
Frank must have gone upstairs at some point because he's nowhere in sight.
James smiles. "You look cute like that." Regulus looks up.
"Really? Do you think I'd be a good dad?"
James hums. "Yeah, I do." James walks over to them and picks up Artemis. She stirs a little but goes right back to sleep. He does the same thing with Aries, and he also goes back to sleep. "Are you ready?"
"Can you grab my bag." James looks around. He spots it at the corner of the room. "It's over there." He nudges his head in that direction.
Thankfully, Aries or Artemis don't wake up when James puts them in their car seats. Neither do they wake up when he gets them back out of the car seats and into their beds.
"Ah, fuck. I forgot Marlene and Dorcas aren't going to be home for a few hours. Do you think you could stay for a little while?"
"Yeah, sure. What do you have in mind?"
"We could watch a movie or something."
Regulus humms. "That sounds nice."
So, they did, in fact, watch movies, eat some snacks, and maybe some other little things - that couldn't go far because of Artemis and Aries - until Marlene and Dorcas came home.
James hears the door open, signaling that Marlene and Dorcas are home. "Hey, Jamie!" Marlene yells. How'd your so-called date go!?"
"It's going pretty well." James hears footsteps, and Marlene comes into view.
She smiles. "Babe! Jamie brought a boy!"
James hears more footsteps, and Dorcas comes into view. "He did what?"
James gets up with Regulus behind him. "Kids are in bed. We'll be going now."
"No," Marlene says, "you can't do that."
"Yes, I can. I'm going back to my apartment and you can't do anything about it."
Marlene smiles and twists her foot a little. "Ow! Jamie, I twisted my ankle."
"Your wife is right there. Right, Cas?"
"Mmm. I don't know, Jamie. I don't think I can carry her."
James sighs. "You two are assholes and you're lucky I love you." Marlene climbs on James' back. "Cas, don't do anything."
"Definitely won't."
"Don't!" James yells as he starts walking. When he gets to the stairs, he drops Marlene on her feet. "Alright, be a nice little, Marlene, and tell me what you're up to."
"No, I don't think I will."
"Dorcas is having a little chat."
"Marlene Elizabeth McKinnon! You are a little cunt!" James walks back to where he left Regulus and Dorcas. They're not there.
"Dorcas Eileen Meadows!"
"James Fleamont Potter!" Dorcas' sarcastic voice comes from the kitchen. James storms in there with Marlene right behind. Regulus nowhere in sight.
James points at Dorcas. "Your a fucking cunt just like your wife. I hope your kids don't turn out like either of you."
"Who else would they turn out like, dipshit?"
"Oh, I don't know, Marls. Maybe their sperm donor, me."
"Why would they turn out like you?"
"Because I'm always here!"
"Because you don't know how to take care of yourself! Cas, have you seen his wrists lately? Lily told me."
"Lily has no fucking say! She left me when things got too hard!"
"James, that was ten years ago. When Effie and Monty died."
"They were my parents, Marls! How could I be normal?"
"It's been ten years!"
"And it feels like ten seconds! Marls, they were my whole life."
"I know that, Jamie. They were my parents, too."
"You had parents! And they were mine."
"Jamie, you can't keep doing this to yourself."
"Why the fuck not!? I don't belong here!"
"Yes, you do! Your our sunshine, Jamie. We'd all be in darkness if something happened to you."
Dorcas cuts in. "Aries and Artemis would never be happy again."
James closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Yeah, yeah, you're right." He opens his eyes again.
Dorcas clears her throat. "Uh, Jamie. Behind you."
"What?" He turns around and spots Regulus. "Fuck." Regulus looks at him with pity in his eyes. James sighs. "You heard the whole thing." He nods. "I'll- um - take you home now." He turns back around, and Marlene tosses him his phone, keys, and wallet. "Thanks, Marls. I won't be back tonight."
"Going back to your apartment?"
"Yeah. I love you both."
Marlene looks at him. "Jamie,"
"I'll be fine. Ok?" She nods. "I love you."
"We love you, too."
James and Regulus make it to his car. The whole time, neither of them spoke. James starts the car and starts driving. James usually puts on music when he's driving, but this doesn't feel like the right time.
About five minutes into the drive, Regulus speaks. "James,"
"Can we not? I've already been through this a million times. I get it. You never want to see me again. This is exactly why I don't date."
"I - wait, you think I don't want to date you?"
"That's how these things usually go. Isn't that where this is going?"
"No, of course I want to date you. Why would this lead me away?"
"That's what happens every time."
"Well, not this time. I promise." James parks the car of the side of the road. "What are you doing?"
James turns to him. "Why? Why are you staying?"
"Because someone shouldn't leave when things get hard. Especially when it's something like that."
James' breath hitched. "You mean it? You're staying?" Regulus nods. "Can I kiss you." He nods again and James leans in.
At some point - after the make-out session - James drives to the Blacks.
"Thanks. For staying - I mean."
"I don't know why anyone wouldn't. You're too beautiful and kind to pass up." James smiles and leans in for another kiss. Regulus opens the car door and gets out. "I'll text you?" James nods.
When James gets home, he erases his 30-day mark of not having any suicidal thoughts and puts down zero.
James started that when his parents died because he always had them a lot. The farthest he's ever got was two months. Marlene always thought it was stupid until she realized he always wrote down how many days. Then, she was always around to check the board - even though she thought she had made a good excuse, James still knew.
'How you doin'?'
'He didn't leave.'
'Yeah. I think I might finally have found my true love.'
'I'm glad, Jamie. You really needed one.'
'Wow. Thanks.'
'You're welcome.'
James rolls his eyes.
'I'm going to bed now. I love you.'
'I love you, too.'
If James was thinking about Regulus all night, no one needed to know that, only him.
It's been a month since Regulus and James started dating and a month since he last babysat the Blacks. James is pretty sure Regulus hasn't told anyone because no one has gave him the shovel talk. Marlene, Dorcas, Alice, Mary, Peter and even Frank gave Regulus the shovel talk, but no one has him yet.
James has learned a bunch of things about Regulus. Like, his favorite flower, - Acrtic Willows - color, - green - food - a chocolate soufflé - and many more.
Regulus has been around a lot in the past month, and Artemis, Aries, and Neville like him a lot. One time, they even asked if they could call him Uncle Regulus. Of course, James said no. That would be too much pressure. But if Regulus stays longer, then they most likely will.
At this point, Regulus has stayed over at James' at lot. He even stayed for a week once. But every time, he's always went back to his family. But every time, he always comes back to James.
With Regulus around, James' board has 30 days suicidal thoughts free. Surprisingly, Regulus never asked about the board. And even Marlene has accepted that Regulus is much better for James.
When his thoughts get too much, he still cuts his wrists, but lately, it's been a lot better.
"Hey, Reg." Regulus humms in response. "Have you told your family about us?"
"No. I didn't think you'd want to deal with that." They're laying in James' bed cuddling.
"I'll be fine. I promise. Just tell 'em."
"Ok. Well, we can tell 'em later today. Oh, yeah, Siri wants me to babysit. Can you?"
"Sure, Reg."
"Thank you, baby." He leans up and kisses James. "You're the best."
"Before you guys go, James and I have something to tell you."
"You're dating." Pandora states.
"How -"
"I know everything, James. But I didn't tell anyone. Besides, Lily."
"Yeah, and I already knew. It was obvious, Jamie."
Sirius makes a surprised face. "I didn't! That's my baby brother!"
"Ok, and?" Bellatrix says. "That's our baby cousin."
Barty purses his lips. "He's just my best friend."
James found the perfect place for Regulus' surprise. It's a greenery with a bunch of Regulus' favorite plants and trees.
"Regulus Arcturus Black, the first time I set eyes on you was the most spectacular thing I ever witnessed. You might have been mean to me at first, but I must have grown on you because, well, we're in this spot right now. So, Reg, Reggie, the love of my life, will you forever be with me for eternity? Make me the happiest man alive and make me your husband?"
Regulus smiles. "Yes, James, of course I will."
Regulus and James have found the most beautiful place to raise their family. James' childhood home that he never sold. And good timing, too. Aries, Artemis, and Neville started calling Regulus Uncle. And the same thing with James. Luna, Harry, Tom, Nymphadora, Teddy, and Draco started calling James Uncle, too.
"So, who's getting married?" A woman asks.
"We are." James says. "Me and my fiancé."
"You two?"
What? Never had a gay couple?"
"No, sorry. Tuxedos or dresses?"
"Dorcas, my other beloved. Will you be my bridesmaid?"
"Yes, James."
"No scream?"
"I'm not like Marls but just for you." She screams.
"Alice, my wife, will you be my bridesmaid?"
She smiles. "Of course I will, Jamie."
"Mary, my life, will you be my bridesmaid?"
She jumps up and down while screaming. "Yes, yes, yes!"
"Frank, my husband, will you be my groomsman?"
"Yes, James."
"Peter, my love, will you be my groomsman?"
"Yes, James. Why wouldn't I be?"
"And, finally, my beloved, Marlene, will you be my maid of honor?"
She screams. "Yes! I knew you loved me!"
"Barty, will you be my groomsman?"
He smiles. "Do you really love me that much?"
Regulus rolls his eyes. "Yes or no?"
"Evan, will you be my groomsman?"
"Of course I will, Reg."
"Pandora, my beloved, will you be my bridesmaid?"
"Yes, Reg. Of course I will."
"She gets my beloved?"
"Shut up."
"Andromeda, Bellatrix, Narcissa, my dear cousins, will you be my bridesmaids?"
"Yes, Reg."
"You like me."
"Of course, Reg."
"Remus, the husband of my brother, will you be my groomsman?"
"I guess." He says sarcastically. He laughs. "Yes, I will."
"Finally, my dear brother, will you be my maid of honor?"
Sirius' mouth falls open. "You want me to be your maid of honor? I knew you liked me. Yes, Reggie."
"That boy really made you a sap."
Bellatrix gave birth to twins, Aliana and Mattheo, and had four more kids after. Two belonging to her husband, Cara and Mandy. One belonging to a man named Charles, Lorenzo. And one more belonging to Tom Riddle Sr., Delphini, and her siblings, Tom, Aliana, and Mattheo.
Regulus and James had three kids, Lillian, Leo, and Rose. Remus and Sirius had more kids, Hermione and Violet. Dorcas and Marlene had another kid, Jack. Narcissa and Lucius had another kid, Lila. Andromeda and Ted had another kid, Nina. Evan and Barty married and had a few kids, Lucas and Nicholas - which they said they'd never have any. Pandora and Lily had one more kid, Eclipse. Alice and Frank had twins, Juliana and Nicky. Peter married a woman named Elizabeth and had no kids. Mary married a woman named Emmeline and had one kid, Penelope.
And all them kids, made for a great family reunion and stories in a few years.
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masivechaos · 2 years
regulus black x  gn! reader
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Request: yes / no
Synopsis: Regulus isn’t used to affection. So when you give him a memory box he feels emotional for the first time in a while.
Warning/content: pure fluff, a little mention of childhood trauma and the reactions it can give you, my English
a.n.: 1.4 words- i like using ‘you’ for the pronoun so i can do more gn! reader but tell me if i missed something since i'm used to write fem! reader, i hate this one but yoohoo
masterlist / marauders masterlist / navigation
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
You prepared this for months. Collecting everything you could, Hogwarts express tickets, photos you took together, the cinema ticket when you brought him to a muggle movie theatre for the first time, a rock you found when you walked to the Black Lac. It was shaped like a heart and it was the day you learned Regulus was a huge romantic.
All this was in a box you decorated, his initials and yours painted on the wooden top. You stuck dried flowers and wrote little notes remembering you loved him along with the date of your first kiss on the sides.
The final note was the letter you wrote. You write the neatest possible, your tongue poking out of your lips as you took the pen between your fingers.
Dear Regulus, my love,
The first time I saw you, I knew I liked you. The way you were looking down at your book and just were in your own world. You were so pretty. I couldn’t not fall.
I talked to you and you were a little cold. But I did not give up, I kept talking to you again and again. And there I discovered a sweet and loving boy who just wanted affection. You were far from the mean boy you wanted me to think you were.
I don’t know if you need to hear this Regulus, but you deserve so much. You deserve to be held at night, you deserve to have your body and hair washed by soft hands when you’re tired. You deserve a nice flat filled with plants and cats where you can see the sunsets every day. 
You deserve everything. Despite what everyone ever told you.
And I’m so proud of you, love. I know it’s complicated for you to express your feelings but you still tell me every now and then you love me. And I can’t describe how much it warms my heart every time and I hope you know you can always talk to me.
You are so pretty. So so pretty. Every time I see you I have to fight to urge to drown you with sweet words. 
I love when you are laying on your side, reading a book, your eyebrows frowned because you are focused. I love when you are staring into space and your raven hair is floating in the air. I love the way you remember every single thing I talked about and keep me breakfast every morning. I love when you cover your ears because you’re blushing and don’t want me to know. I love everything about you, Regulus.
I know I’m not the best with words but I hope you can feel how much I love you and care about you.
The letter was the first thing he would see when he’d open the box. You covered the envelope with little drawings, not that you were the best at it but it came from your heart. You also knew the letter wasn’t incredible and wasn’t particularly well-written poetry but hoped he could feel how much you were honest in it.
You waited the whole day since you had a date at his dorm tonight. You knocked at the door, the box hid behind your back. As you heard the footsteps growing closer you took a deep breath.
Regulus opened the door “Hi!” you greeted, pulling him in a hug with your free arm. He chuckled “Hello” he kissed your temple. You both walked to his bed and Regulus sat on the sheets.
He offered you a confused look as you stayed up “What’s up?”. You wet your lips, a little stressed he wouldn’t like your tiny intention. “I- I made you a little thing” you said as you pulled the box out of behind your back.
You gave him your gift and he carefully took it in his hand. He read the little notes written on the sides, a small smile made its way to the boy’s lips “What it is?” he asked, you shrugged smirking.
Regulus took off the lid, his eyes widening as they fell on the letter. He set down the box, only keeping the envelope in his grip. He looked up, his mouth in a thin line “Open it” you chuckled.
He followed your instruction in silence, trying to figure out what was happening. After looking consistently at all the doodles you did on the letter paper he read it.
Your eyebrows frowned when his grip trembled and he let his head fall in his hand “Everything’s alright?” you questioned as you sat next to him, your hand on his arm but he shied away.
Now that you were closer you understood. He was crying. And was trying to hide it.
He never felt so much love. He never felt love actually. But with you he couldn’t wish better, every day you made his heart warmer, beating faster. You always made sure he was fine with everything and he needed this. 
You were the peace he always needed. You were the soft breeze kissing his face in the morning. You were reassuring like the smell of coffee and the sound of rain against the window at night. Wherever he was, if it was with you, he was okay and safe.
But as much he was feeling secure he hated crying in front of you. He needed to hide in front of everyone, thanks to his childhood traumas. He is the type of person disguising his pain behind dead eyes.
It took so much time before he accepted even a simple hand on his shoulder. He hated physical touch first, his skin aching and burning when anyone touched his epidermis. The first time you slept in the same bed as him you saw it was very hard for him to fall asleep but after a few nights, he finally found rest when you were next to him.
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders “It’s okay” you cooed. You looked down, seeing his tears wetting the parchment. You wanted to take the letter away so you could give him a proper hug but he stopped you. “Didn’t finish it” he simply said with a low voice, trying to focus on stopping his tears and turning his head so you couldn’t see them streaming down his face.
He sniffled, wiped his eyes and continued to read. When he finally went through the entire letter you embraced him tight. You chuckled a bit, trying to avoid your own tears starting to well up in your eyes “You’re only at the first gift”
He ignore your comment and a few other sobs came out when you rubbed his back slowly, stroking his hair out of his face. You took the box from the ground and handed it to him again.
He stayed still for a minute, needing to gather his thoughts. He pulled the cinema ticket “You kept it?” his voice cracked as he smiled. You nodded as you invited him to continue.
Regulus looked at every picture. On the first one you were kissing him on the cheek, the second was a photo where you were sleeping snuggled against each other taken by Pandora, on another one he was hiding in your neck as he fleed the flash of the camera. 
When he was done he just hugged you. He cried on your shoulder for as long as he could. Until his eyes were burning and couldn’t assemble a word anymore.
Regulus felt overwhelmed by the amount of love you were giving him. He wasn’t used to it and enjoyed the feeling so much.
You cleaned everything off his bed, gathering everything on the box and laid Regulus down. He nestled against your chest, clinging to your shirt. You ran a hand through his hair and hummed softly “Do you like it?” you asked, lips moving against his forehead.
“I love it” you heard him say. After a few minutes Regulus sat up, thumbing his tears away and took the box in his hands again. He displayed everything on the bed, he observed every picture, every ticket, every little note you kept from the classes you had together, every rock, dried flower, crystal…
He looked back at you “I love you” he cried as he tried to hide his tears. You pulled him close, hugging him as tight as possible “I love you too Regulus”
You both stayed like this. Your hands against his back, his quivering lips against your collar bone, his arms around your middle. He quickly fell asleep, exhausted by so many strong feelings and you were there the entire time, stroking his hair, kissing his temple.
Even in his sleep, he felt the love you gave him.
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daliyla · 1 year
Healing together (Nobleflower, muggle!Au, part 1/2)
(sorry if I do some mistakes, english is not my first language
Thanks to my beta @lujaninmydreams )
"one new plush unicorn"
"One and an icecream"
"One and you can invite Neville and Harry to a sleepover this weekend"
Little Draco seemed to think about it for a moment.
"Okay, but we'll watch the minion film Neville likes"
"We'll see if we can find it on netflix or disney+"
Draco nodded "okay. deal"
Narcissa sigh. Sometimes talking to her son was like doing business. No surprise that he was Reg's favorite cousin.
"Repeat the terms of the deal"
"I will not tell daddy that you and Alice kissed and you'll buy me an unicorn and an icecream and we'll invite Harry and Neville and we'll watch the minion movie"
"I thought you said no to the icecream"
Draco made puppy eyes. Such a business man. Regulus was definitely a bad influence.
"But muuuuum. I want an ice cream. "
Narcissa laughed.
"Okay, maybe next time you'll go to uncle Reggie and uncle James' house, if you'll be a good boy, I'll buy you an ice cream."
So they shook hands and the deal was made.
"Oh, honey..."
"I wouldn't tell daddy about Harry neither."
"I can't tell him he's my friend?"
"Of course you can, I was talking about the engagement part."
"Oh. Why?"
"Uhm, well..."
Because he's a little bit homophobic
"Because he might be sad that he wasn't able to see it."
"Oh" Draco thought about it, then he nodded "Okay".
The "engagement" happened two weeks before. Narcissa will never forget the moment her six-years-old son ran to her after school and told her that he was engaged and that Harry would have been soon his bride.
Sirius, when they told him a few days later, laughed so hard he almost choked and said it was nice to see Draco was following Black's family tradition.
That day there was Mary to pick Harry up from school, so the two women had to explain to the two children (and Neville, who would have been the officiant) that no, they couldn't marry at the moment because they were too young but yes, if when they will be older they still would have want to marry they would have.
Still, after two weeks, Draco kept calling Harry his bride. Alice thought it was cute and... well, she was right, it was.
"Mum" asked Draco after a while.
"Yes, honey?"
"When will I hug daddy again?"
Narcissa sighs. That was a question her son asked a lot, and every time she wished she could give him another answer.
"In some years, honey"
"But why? Have I done something wrong? Daddy doesn't want me?"
"What? No no, darling, no. See, daddy did some bad stuff, we've talked about it, do you remember?"
"Yes... You said that people sometimes do bad stuff but that doesn't mean they're bad people"
"Exactly. Daddy did some mistakes, and now he's paying for it in jail. In some years he'll be out and you'll be able to hug him as much as you want"
Narcissa smiled at him. "Now, why don't we decide what you'll wear? You want to be beautiful for daddy, mh?"
"I want the green T-shirt! The one with the dragon!"
"Of course, dear"
"Oh my, you're so big now!"
Draco looked smug. "I'm four inches taller!"
"You'll be taller than me in a few days if you keep growing this way" replied Lucius, smiling.
Narcissa, sitting with Draco on her lap, forced a smile on her face.
"Are you taking care of your mother, Draco?"
"Of course! She would be lost without me"
"And how is the new school?"
"I like it. I don't have to wear the uniform anymore and the teachers are very kind"
"Do you have any new friends?"
"Yes! There are Harry and Neville! And Harry is friend with Ron, but I don't like Ron very much, I think he's a little bit an idiot"
"Harry? The son of James and Lily? That Harry?"
"And Regulus and Mary" added Draco.
"He has four parents, daddy. Two mummys and two daddys"
"Oh. Yeah, sure"
"And the teachers are planning to bring us to a farm in may! It'll be so cool! I want to see a unicorn! Sirius says that they don't exist, but Sirius is stupid and I don't listen to him"
"Oh, so you see him?"
"Mh, yeah, sure. He's Harry's godfather and sometimes he picks him up from school. He has babysat me sometimes. "
"And this Neville? How is him?"
"Oh, he's kind and quiet. I think that without him Harry and I would argue waaaay more"
Lucius laughed "really? You two argue a lot?"
"Yes! Because he's so stupid sometimes. He thinks lions are better than snakes and that red is better than green and that chocolate ice cream is better than the strawberry one"
"Well, yes, that's pretty stupid"
Draco nodded.
"Daddy, I've learned how to write! So I'll write you letters and you can write me. I also know how to read, you know"
"Really? You're so smart"
"Thank you! Harry has some problems with it. Uncle Reggie said that he's dy- dysle-"
"Dyslexic" said Narcissa. Draco nodded.
"Yes, that, like uncles James"
"That's unfortunate"
"Nah, uncle Reggie says that Harry will learn, just with a little bit more effort. But I'm not, so I can write and read"
"Draco, dear" said Narcissa "why don't you go with Marlene to the vending machine to buy you some snacks?"
Marlene, a prison guard who James was friend with, heard her name and came to take Draco.
"They have M&M" Marlene added, smiling to the little boy.
Draco's face brightened. "Yes! Can I buy them, mum? Pleeeeease"
"Sure. There, take the money" she gave him some coins and, after Marlene was gone, she turned to Lucius.
"Have you signed the divorce papers?"
Lucius sighs.
"Are you sure you want to do it, Cissa?"
"Yes I am. Have you signed it?"
He rolled his eyes. "Yes, I have"
"Don't do that face. You know exactly why I'm doing it"
"Because I'm in jail"
"No. Because you used our son's money to try to pay your debts without telling me anything. Those money were supposed to be for his college"
"I'll repay"
"That's not the point. The point is that you lied to me and you put our son's future in danger. If you think I can forgive you for this, you're wrong"
"I told you I'm sorry"
"I don't care"
Draco came back, with a pack of M&M's and a pack of chips in his tiny hands. He gave the chips to her.
"Your favorite" he said, and Narcissa kissed his cheeks and thanked him, then she thanked Marlene. Draco didn't try to buy something for his dad. He already learned that he can't give him anything there.
When they came back home, Regulus was there. The moment Draco saw him, he dropped his mother hand and ran into his uncle's arms. Yeah, Regulus was actually his cousin, but Draco called him uncle and no one ever corrected him. Funnily enough, he never called Sirius "uncle" and he refused to acknowledge the fact that Sirius and Regulus are brothers.
"Uncle Reggie!" he screamed "is Harry here?"
"No, darling, he is with his mothers this afternoon. I'm here for you"
"I bought you a surprise" Regulus said, smiling. "It's on your bed. Go to see it"
In a second, Draco was running upstairs.
"Don't run!" Narcissa scolded him, knowing it was useless. She sighs "I didn't give you the keys to my house to spoil my kid"
"In fact, I'm here for you. How was it with Lucius?"
"As usual. Draco talked a lot, Lucius listened and talked to him and I was mostly silent"
"Have he signed the papers?"
"And Draco knows it?"
"Yeah. He seems to have taking it well"
"Congratulations then. You're a free woman now"
"Yey" Narcissa replied, with zero enthusiasm.
"So" Regulus continued "you can legally be with Alice"
Narcissa rolled her eyes.
"I don't know what you're talking about"
"Oh yes you do. Harry told me that Neville told him that he and Draco saw you two kissing"
"That was... a mistake. "
"Cissa, I'll be honest with you, 'cause I love you and you know it" Regulus took her hand "you need to fuck"
"That's- that's not your fucking business"
"Yes it is. Sirius is also worried. He even offered to babysat Draco for a night"
Narcissa tsks "it's not that bad"
"Oh yes it is"
Sirius loved Draco, even if he would've never admitted it. But he babysat him a few times and... Yeah, well, it was not a good idea. They were both too stubborn and too different to work together.
"Sex is not that important"
"I know, but you want to do it, and Alice wants to do it, so go to a fucking date with her and fuck her as if it were your last chance"
"Alice is a widow, she still loves Frank and you know it"
"I... Well, yes, okay. But Frank died years ago and now she's ready to move on"
"How can you know it?"
"'Cause she told me so"
"She... What?"
Regulus smiled "I might have talked to her before coming here"
"You piece of..."
Draco came down the stairs in that moment and he gasped.
"Mum! Was you about to say a bad word?!"
"Of course not, honey. I was saying that uncle Reggie is a piece of... cake for buying you a gift. What has he given you?"
Draco showed her a green pajamas with dragons printed on it.
"Wow, that's amazing, honey"
"And" added Regulus, the bastard "I was thinking that maybe tonight you could wear it at a sleepover at my house, with Harry and Neville. Alice already said yes"
You little piece of shit though Narcissa.
"Yes! Mum, mum, mum, can I go? Pleaaaaaaase! Please! I'll be good. I'll do all my homeworks and tidy my room, I swear. Can I go? Can I? You promised me I would have done a sleepover with Harry and Neville! Can I? Please!"
Narcissa sigh and forced a smile "sure, darling"
"Yes!" he hugged her "thank you thank you thank you!"
"Now go to pack your bag, mh?" suggested Regulus, the traitor.
"Sure!" and the child ran again upstairs.
"I told you not to..." Narcissa rolled her eyes "I don't know why I keep bother".
"Alice will come to pick you up at seven"
"I hate you"
"You'll thank me. Wear the dress you wore at my birthday, green is definitely your color"
"I hate you so much"
"Sure, keep telling you that" Regulus started to go upstairs, probably to help Draco "oh, and don't do it on the couch. I sit there"
"I'll do it there just to bother you"
"Your son sits there"
"He'll never know it"
"I'll throw flowers at your future lesbian wedding"
"Fuck off"
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Can you do a few stories about wolfstar?
Hi! Yes I absolutely can. While I'll work on some more and if you have an ideas you'd like to see please request! But for today, my brain said to give them wolfstar means consoling pain. This one is for you anon - with love 💜
He’ll be Alright (1/1) (Black Brothers | wolfstar)
(CW: inferred self harm/SI - handle yourselves with care my loves!)
“I need you to promise me you won't do that again,” Sirius says. It's pleading and desperate, and his eyes are filled with so much pain, his own and that which he shares with Regulus. So much hurt that Regulus has to look away.
“I can promise you that I'll try…” Regulus answers dejectedly.
“Reg, please,” Sirius begs.
Regulus eyes shoot back to find Sirius' and his arm reaches out gingerly to grab Sirius' wrists.
“No Sirius, I'm being real with you right now. Because I can't take being a disappointment to you on top of everything else going on and I can't promise that it won't happen again but I can promise that I will try,” Regulus says, always matter-of-fact but this time with the threads of honesty in his exhausted tone.
Sirius let out a heavy sigh. “Okay Reggie, okay. I love you, you know that?”
“It's nice to hear it,” Regulus replied. He knows it's harsh but it's also true. Sirius made him promise to be honest. Actually he's making him promise a lot tonight and Regulus isn't sure it's really the best use of their time. “I'm sorry that was mean,” Regulus says into the silence.
“No Reg, you're right. You're right." Sirius says and he closes the space between them to place a gentle hand on his shoulder. It's not a lot but it's enough for them for now.
“You going to be okay for the night?” Sirius asks when James and Remus show up to the door. Regulus nods, and then his eyes move over to James’ whose are sad with concern but soft with love.
James hugs Sirius as they swap places.
“Take care of yourself Regulus,” Remus calls from the door, as Sirius falls into his side.
As they walked out, down the long sterile hallway, Sirius clung tighter to Remus. Remus held him, hushed his silent cries, and once they were out in the fresh air pressed a kiss to Sirius’ head, as Sirius weeps “he's my brother, my baby bother.”
“He’s okay and he’ll be okay,” Remus reassured.
“I love you, Remus,” Sirius said as he stopped walking and he turned to look at the other boy. “Hes uh Regulus so going to need more of me for a while, so um I love you I want you to know that and if if Regulus was okay maybe things would be different a-” Sirius began. His voice breaking with every other word.
“Sirius we aren't breaking up, stop it,” Remus said, gripping Sirius’ jaw lightly. “I'm here for you, and that means through all of it. Even if you're brother is going through it. You are my family Sirius which makes Regulus my family. I'm not going anywhere. I'm here for you, I love you, and we will all make it through this. Together,” Remus’ words are firm and final but with so much compassion.
Sirius melts into his arms and cries for real now. “Thank god, thank you I love you so much,” is all that comes out coherently.
Remus wraps him in his arms, and they stay like that for a long time. They stay like that even as they walk home, and once they get settled in bed, and how they stay all night.
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kittykatkatelol2 · 11 months
"Dark Mark" Jegulus Oneshot
Prompt by @jegulus-microfic (prompt: praise)
Regulus stood in the middle of the room, his arm in agonizing pain, while his family praised him and their lord, and all Regulus could think about is how he betrayed James.
The Dark Mark shown brightly against the contrast of Regulus's pale skin; it made Regulus want to be sick, but he couldn't help but think of all that this mark stood for and be the tiniest of bits proud.
Then he though about James.
About what James going to say when he saw.
All the proudness and hints of happiness disappeared when he thought about how James was going to hate him for this.
His one love, the man who gave him so much joy and light in this hell, his sun - was going to hate him; for something he had no choice in.
Just as Bellatrix was about to tell him some more bullshit and give him more undeserved praise, Regulus left the room, not saying another word, and locks himself in his room.
Sirius had long fled this house, so he couldn't even go to them about this.
The one person who was ever nice to him, had left.
. . .
James walked to his front door, hearing someone ring the doorbell and thinking it was post.
He opened it, and stopped dead in his tracks as he saw who it was.
It was not the postman.
"Hey, Jamie... Uh.. May I come in..?"
James doesn't hesitate a moment to wrap Regulus in a tight hug.
"Oh my god, Reggie, oh my god- of course you can come in, you know you are always welcome. Oh my gods, I can't believe its you.."
"'Always welcome'.. Doubtful, once I tell you what I've become," Regulus thought to himself bitterly, but says nothing of the sort and forces the bitterness out of his words.
"Thanks, James.."
James basically drags Regulus inside after hugging him so tightly.
"Mum, Dad, Pads! Reggie is here!!" James called into the quiet house.
Fleamont and Euphemia Potter came into the room, but not before Sirius ran into the room and jaw dropped once she saw his brother again.
"Reg..?" Sirius's voice cracks as he steps out to see Regulus, not quite sure if this is even real, or if she was just dreaming.
"Hi Sirius."
The two hesitate a moment before hugging each other; it was probably the first time Sirius was able to hug Regulus since they were very little.
"Hello, Regulus, I hope you know you are welcome to stay as long as you want to," Effie says after Sirius and Regulus are done hugging; Sirius's eyes are red from trying not to cry (and failing).
"Thank you," Regulus says gratefully to James's parents, but somewhere inside him he knew that this generosity would be all but a memory once they found the mark on his arm, that was still burning from the recent inking.
"James could we talk for a minute, alone?" Regulus asks James in an undertone so only he could hear.
"Yeah, sure, come on, I'll show you to your room."
James takes Regulus's hand as they walk up the stairs, leaving the others behind.
James makes a mental note of how cold Regulus's hands were compared to last time he was able to hold them.
They both walk into the spare guest room, and Regulus closes the door behind the both of them.
"So what did you want to talk about?"
Regulus takes a deep breath before speaking.
"Jamie, I want you to know that I love you-"
"I love you too, Reggie!"
"I haven't finished.."
James's face falls, and he looks at Regulus curiously who continues to speak.
"I love you, and I really hope you do too, and I really want you to know that I had no choice.." Regulus says, his voice getting quieter but he keeps his eyes on James's as he reluctantly rolls up his sleeve.
His arm was red from irritation from the mark; the Dark Mark plastered black ink over his forearm.
"I am so sorry, Jamie-"
James says nothing, just stares in shock and horror at the Dark Mark on his lover's skin, while Regulus was willing himself not to let any tears slip.
James reaches out after a few moments to grasp Regulus's arm, his thumb just barely grazing over the black ink.
"I still love you Reggie. I just.. I just don't know what we are going to do now."
[Word count: 704]
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my-castles-crumbling · 7 months
dress - jegulus- rated M - am I allowed to give myself my own song prompt? because I did.
He knows what he is doing.
As he slides the silky fabric over his body, slowly zipping the zipper over his hips, he smirks to himself.
He knows.
He's not cruel, exactly, but he's not always nice. He likes to tease. Just a bit.
And James is just so fun to tease.
Their relationship is new. Few people know and even fewer people have the privilege of being given details. Most people have no idea.
Which allows for more fun, really.
Because then he gets to wear a skirt to a party and make James Potter cry.
He sees the taller boy's reaction as soon as he enters the room. He stop short, eyes as wide as saucers, nearly dropping his drink as he takes it in.
Because Regulus Black in a skirt is a sight.
And then James stumbles towards him, his expression as if he's been hit over the head. Maybe he's drunk? Probably not. It's still early.
"Regulus..." he murmurs as he gets close. He says it like a prayer. Like the whole world has stopped. Like he's dying.
And Regulus grins. "...Yes?" He asks innocently, drinking in the taller boy's enamored expression. It's intoxicating. He lives for it.
James reaches out, staring, his hand shaking, moving toward the thin, shining, tight fabric that hugs Regulus's hips. His hand stops and he meets Regulus's eyes. Questioning.
Regulus smirks and takes a small step forward, allowing James's still-outstretched hand to connect with his thigh. It grazes slowly downward to his bare skin, making them both shiver.
The party continues on around them.
"...fuck," James whispers. He sounds desperate. Shocked. In awe.
"Excellent idea," Regulus praises with a grin, promptly dragging a still-dazed James upstairs triumphantly.
As if that wasn't the reason he'd bought the damn skirt in the first place.
All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting My hands are shaking from all this Say my name and everything just stops I don't want you like a best friend Only bought this dress so you could take it off Take it off
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What if… this is a stages of life like if starts in the school years and ends two or so years after graduation like full life story and warning attempted roffie (not Harry’s doing) and later smut (consensual)
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What if Harry Potter family didn’t die and neither did regulus? Well I am going to give it a go
(Y/n) Black was two years younger than Harry and was in the same year as his younger sister, Holly. (Y/n) was the second in her family not to be placed in Slytherin. She was a Hufflepuff!
Into the actual story with first person writing.
I scrabbled into my seat next to Holly, as I was really pushing my luck in Transfiguration class.
“Miss Black, so good of you to join us.” Professor McGonagall chipped.
I quickly came back with “Am I late Professor? Class starts at 8 and it just turned 8.”
She gave me a look but began class without another word to me.
“Jeeze, Black you really cut it close this time.” Holly whispered.
“What can I say, I hate my alarm.” I shrugged.
Class ended and I wouldn’t have a class with Holly until after lunch. “Hey, will you be at lunch. Or are you planning on studying in the library again?”
“The library. Do you want to grab some sandwiches and join me?”
“Sure. I will swing by the great hall on my way from class.” I hummed as my class was near the great hall.
When it was time I shuffled through the great hall to grab some sandwiches. Now here I run into Holly’s brother, Harry. He’s a bit of an arrogant dumb ass. (His parents aren’t dead so he’s going to be a little like James and Sirius) As I walked in he shouted. “Watch out, future death eater walking through.”
I rolled my eyes and smacked him upside the head, “Careful, I will have your sister tell your mother that you are being a bully.”
“Ooh big whoop.”
I give him a smile, “ok bet. Let’s see how your mom takes you behaving with such disrespect for your sister’s friends who is also two grades below you.”
His eye brows shot up in realization that he was not in the clear. “Ok! Ok! I’m sorry.”
Few years later. (Y/n) and Holly in 5th year and Harry in 7th.
Holly and I weren’t asked to the winter dance by anyone so we decided we would just accompany each other. We walked in after a while someone asked Holly to dance and of course I told her to go. So I went and got myself some punch.
A boy from my year started talking to me and he got me another punch.
Then a familiar voice hummed from behind me, “No date I hear.”
I spun around with a scowl, “So what? Can’t you see I’m talking to someone.”
He looked at me with an unusual amount of affection, “so am I. Nothing wrong with that. And he’s dumb talk with me instead.” He raised his hand through my hair and pulled me closer. My breath hitched and he came close so that I could feel his breath on my lips, “Might I have this dance? It’s a nice slow one.” He straightened back up and all I could do was nod. He took my now empty cup and he handed it back to the guy. He led me out to the dance floor and pulled me close. He was a surprisingly good dancer. As we swayed to the music I laid my head on his chest beginning to feel dizzy.
“Har-rrry” I muttered, “don’t feel good.”
His arms encircled me protectively before sweeping me up into his arms growling, “I knew I saw him put something in your drink. Don’t worry, I will get you to the hospital wing. I got you.”
Things went black.
When I woke up I was out of it but I could feel someone holding my hand. “Where am I?”
The hand jumped and was now pulling me into a hug. “You’re okay!” It was Harry.
“Jeeze Potter. What’s gotten into you?”
He looked at me like he could cry, “I was worried. That dick drugged you with some muggle drugs. I was just so worried!”
“Could you please get me some water?”
“Of course!” He gave me a cup and then went to grab Madam Pomfrey.
After that Harry and I became closer and kept in touch after he graduated. When I graduated I went to work for the same sector of the Ministry of Magic as he was working in.
“Black! It’s good to see you. Todays your first day right?” Harry chuckled.
“Yeah, pretty exciting right?” I giggled.
“Yeah…listen… I… would you like to go on a date after work?” Harry stumbled over his words.
Blushing myself I hummed, “I think I’d like that.”
Dating steady
Harry had finally convinced me to move in with him. “Last box!” I sang.
“Finally! Nap time?” Harry asked hopefully.
I chuckled, “Harry, there’s so much unpacking to do!”
Pouting he pulled me into him, “which is why we will need a good nap with plenty of snuggles.”
“Cheeky aren’t we? Alright I guess I could use a little nap. Okay let’s go.”
Harry was like a little kid on Christmas Day when he pulled me into a cuddle on his bed. I awoke to Harry’s hand running up and down my spine, his chin on top of my head as my face was buried in his chest. I hummed happily, “How long have you been awake?”
“I don’t know… maybe an hour?”
“How long have we been napping?” I yawned and stretched before snuggling back in.
“Four hours I guess… want to get up or perhaps fool around a little bit?” He hummed as drew his hands down my side.
I moaned, “I think that would be a nice way to wake back up.”
He smiled before quickly disposing of my bottoms and diving between my legs. I reached down and pulled at his tousled hair. He is a vigorous lover and always generous. I bucked my hips riding his face. His tongue was talented as he eagerly lapped me up as I became a screaming mess.
He climbed up me smiling, “take your shirt off baby.” We both stripped and were exchanging sloppy kisses. He lined himself up with my opening and kissed me firmly, “You ready baby?” I simply nodded and he pushed in. Harry’s cock is a decent length and is quite girthy. It sits heavily inside of me and he knows that I need a minute to adjust. As he waits for me to give him the go ahead, he peppered me in kisses. I finally nodded and he began to piston his hips into me.
I wrapped my legs around his waist. “Harry… please… oh!!! God yes!”
He smirked down at me as he lifted my hips “You like that? Am I making you feel good?”
“Yes! Merlin, Yes! Ah harder please baby!” I moaned from the new angle.
Harry cums inside of me before he rolled off of me. He hummed and relaxed into the bed, arm draped over his eyes. I leaned over and gave him a kiss, “I am going to go make us some dinner.”
I threw on some underwear and his shirt before trotting off to make us some dinner. Harry eventually came out to join me wearing just his boxers. He slumped into a chair and watched me work. “Babe?” He called.
“I was hoping that you would be willing to come join me at my family dinner on Sunday at my parents house?”
Looking back at him I smile, “Of course, I would love to meet the rest of your family.”
“I mean with everyone including my godfather… and your uncle Sirius.”
“Harry, I just moved in with you, I think we are more than ready for the family meet. And while I have never met my uncle, that doesn’t change the fact that I want to be apart of every single piece of your life that I can. Now I hope that you are hungry, I made your favorite.”
I began to get ready to meet with Harry’s full family. I fussed over several different dresses. Harry came from behind me and wrapped around me and kissed my shoulder, “Baby you look great. Don’t worry love, they are going to love you.”
“But I just want to to make a good impression. And none of these dresses look good on me.” I groaned.
He chuckled, “Baby, look at me. I love you and so will they. You look beautiful my love.”
We walked into his parents house to be greeted warmly by his mother who was followed by his father. “Harry, aren’t you going to introduce us to your lovely girlfriend?” His mother sang.
“Mom, Dad… this is (Y/n) Black.”
A man resembling my own father looked up from his place on the couch. While he himself did not move, Professor Lupin got up from his spot next to him to come greet us. The man who must be my uncle Sirius, questioned, “Black?”
Professor Lupin scolded him but I didn’t skip a beat, “Hello Uncle Sirius. Harry has told me lots about you. Dad sometimes will mention you but not like Harry.”
Sirius raised his brows, “Oh? You will have tell me know what old Reggie has gotten into sometime.”
I turned my attention to Harry’s parents, “It’s lovely to meet you Mrs. and Mr. Potter.”
His mother smiled and brought me into a big hug, “Call me Lily. Please make yourselves comfortable, dinner will be done soon and Harry’s sister will be here soon.”
I smiled, “Oh great! I haven’t seen Holly since last year before she went on that escapade to America.”
Mr. Potter laughed, “So you know our Holly?”
I nodded, “Yep me and Holly have been besties since first year.”
“Oh she used to talk about you all the time, but she never included your last name. So were you all friends in school?”
This time Harry answered with a smile, “Nah she thought I was a insolent idiot until my seventh year.” That got the room to laugh.
“Looks like he is your son Prongs!” Professor Lupin laughed.
“You WERE an insolent idiot, there was no think about it.” I snarked.
Sirius laughed, “Yep it’s you and Lily all over again.”
I give Harry a look and before he could answer Holly walked in and answered, “Dad used to chase mom with unrequited love and then they just clicked.”
I scrunched my face, “Yeah that’s definitely not us.”
Harry was clearly embarrassed and now Sirius was completely paying attention, “Do explain!”
“Harry called me things like Death Eater and pure blood snob like I wasn’t friends with his sister all the time.”
“Harry James Potter!” His mother scolded.
“Sirius started it!” Harry immediately went on the defensive.
“I was wrong? I’m sorry? It worked out!” Sirius also went on the defensive.
Over a now an awkward dinner James asked “So Harry and (y/n), what changed for you to get together?”
“For me it was slow… I would see her walking down the hall and her smile she always had on, this smile that she wore no matter what and she was kind unless I was asking for it.” Harry chuckled, “But I don’t know if it was ever one thing. How about you babe?”
“Fifth year and your seventh winter ball after you stopped that guy from drugging me.”
“Oh my goodness!” Lily gasped.
“That’s a very specific moment.” Professor commented.
“It was a very specific turning point yes.” I shrugged.
We get back and I immediately went for a shower. Harry followed, “Babe? Can I join you?”
I sighed, “baby you know I love you but I need to just decompress.”
He gave me a strange look, “Everything alright love?”
I nodded as I went to lean into him, “Yeah, I just a little over peopled you know?”
He kissed the top of my head, “of course, would you like me to get your favorite movie and fuzzy blanket ready for when you get out?”
Giving him a squeeze, “That would be amazing.”
Cuddling on the couch Harry. I looked up at him, “Harry?”
He looked down at me in my place on his shoulder, “Yeah baby?”
“Why did you actually say those things about me when we were growing up?”
He froze, “I… I was an idiot. Easily influenced… Sirius always talked about your father and his connection to the death eaters and such. Then would suggest his kids were too. I know that isn’t an excuse and I know that I was just an awful little shit. I hope you know just how ashamed and embarrassed and sorry I am that I was that way. Truely I am so sorry baby. You’re the best thing in my life and I love you so much. I love you so much.”
I nodded, “thank you… I needed to hear that.”
He kissed my head, “I’m glad we talked this out. I hope you feel comfortable discussing your feelings with me. I will always try to make up for my idiocy. Can you ever forgive me?”
I snuggled further into him., “of course. But I will admit the memories still sting.”
He held me tight, “I understand. How are we feeling right now?”
“Let’s just watch the movie.”
We started going to Harry’s family dinners on a regular basis. I got to know my uncle even.
“So (y/n), Christmas is coming up, would you like to invite your family over here?” Lily asked.
I thought for a moment and looked at Harry, “I haven’t brought him home yet… dad hasn’t been the same since mom died..”
“Oh sweetheart… I’m so sorry to hear about your mom.” Lily sighed. “Must have been hard to have lost her. When did she pass?”
I shrugged, “last year… only six months after graduation. Dad didn’t take it well so he works all the time not that he didn’t work a lot before … and well he was protective before but since she died it’s hard to talk with him about much… I wouldn’t say dad has the emotional range of a cardboard box normally but right now he isn’t far off… I don’t know if he would even agree to come. I don’t know if I can be happy after hearing him say no to coming because he’s hurting. I don’t know… I’m sure mom told him about us before she died… I told her about us right before she got sick but he hasn’t said anything.”
Sirius came up and actually hugs me. “I’m sorry for your loss and I will get Regulus to come. I hope you know how much you are treasured here.”
Christmas came and dad actually came. As dinner came to an end Harry stood up, and looked at me, “(Y/n), I have never been so happy in my life than when I am with you.” He got down on one knee, “(y/n) Black, will you make me the happiest man and marry me?”
I smiled widely and threw my arms around him squealing, “Yes! Yes! Oh my god, yes!”
… we stumbled back into the house, teeth and lips clashing as we stripped each other. We bumped into walls and furniture as we made our way to the bedroom. Harry pulled me up the bed before he slipped down between my legs, kissing each leg. “Look at my pretty baby.” Harry hummed.
“Oh stop teasing! And eat me out!” I moaned.
Harry chuckled and propped himself up on his elbows, “I haven’t even had the chance to tease you yet! You’re so impatient.” He smirked before diving down between my legs running his tongue through my folds beginning to work me. He twirled and twisted his tongue lapping me up eagerly. I reached down and tugged at his tousled locks as I began to peak. When I did reach peak he allowed me to ride his face until I fell limp only to do it again three more times. He had me fucked out simply by his mouth. I relaxed into the bed as he climbed up me.
“Baby?” He hummed peppering kisses over my face, “pretty baby, can I have a turn?”
Instead of responding, I simply spread open my legs allowing him to slot his body in between my legs. He aligned himself and before pushing in he whispered, “I need to hear you say it. Come on love tell if I can have a turn. If the answer is no I will pull back, you know I will.”
I struggled to gather my thoughts and words before whimpering out, “gentle okay?”
He smiled softly, “of course love.” He placed tender kisses on my lips as he slides inside of me. “How does that feel love? Have I worked you out enough?”
I nodded and he began to pump in and out of me gently. As my moans grew louder, the more his pace grew faster. His own moans began to fill the room. He reached down between us and began to rub circles on my clitoris. “Come on baby, cum around my cock.”
I tried to focus on the feelings of him inside of me and his fingers working me until I began to contact around him screaming in ecstasy, causing Harry to let his own release wash over him. He coated my walls with his essence before he pulled out of me. He pulled me close and we fell into a blissful sleep dreaming of a happy life together.
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allamericanb-tch · 2 months
crimson rivers thoughts (16)
@tastetherainbow290 this was genuinely terrifying to read
chapter 38
REGINALD 😭 marlene you menace
pocket sized sirius i love marlene
marlene telling james about dorcas 
mcgonagall is tatted i love that for her
huey just trying to be nice and then regulus just being regulus 😧
"Poor Huey is having a really bad night," 😭😭
"Yes. I recognize it, because I, too, have had intentions to get in your pants.” oh james
“shiny topics” is james a niffler 
STOP TALKING ABOUT SWAPPING SPIT mono is making me bitter about this
🎶ooooooh shut up and dance with me🎶
barty mention
voldy 😧
dorcas pov <3
dumbledore mention booo
i’m scared for when the war starts
dorcas trying to keep marlene safe
🎶i almost doooooo🎶
“Yeah, but it's not like I want you any less when I'm sober." ahhhhhhh
oh no they’re fighting now
“Dorcas wants to give her the world. Dorcas can only give her nothing.” ok just break my heart then 
oh no what did voldy do
rip walburger and onion black
chapter 39
wow were just really jumping in here aren’t we
“he wasn't even heartbroken the first time he stepped up and saw the flower from the previous day right where he'd left it” the first time… does this imply there are many flowers left
vanity 💔
cream cheese bagel this is so gardenofrunar coded (not tagging bc you haven’t read this far yet but if you do catch up and read this HI TWIN how does it feel being the cream cheese bagel moot)
sirius is so dramatic i love him
“"It's not a date," James and Regulus announce at the same time.” sureee it’s not
“Writing more sad boy poetry, no doubt,” 😭
james is down bad (crying at the gym everything’s coming up teenage petulance)
effie ❤️‍🩹
oh no the quarter memorial is the quarter quell 😧
don’t make them go back in the arena please 
“the door won't just magically open for him” (mere moments later) “The door proceeds to magically open”
james losing it when he finds out regulus is here 
everyone offering to make regulus a plate and every time he’s like “no i ate but thank you”
regulus being horny 💀
“Regulus can swim now”
they’re hugging ❤️‍🩹
wait did dumbledore kill grindelwald
oh no not catching fire
this is going to be devastating isn’t it
i knew it was coming and yet i was still surprised
chapter 40
“On Regulus' twenty-sixth birthday, James shows up at his door not with a flower, but with a hat.” eeeeee (don’t lure me into a false sense of security)
and now it’s sad
oh they’re kissing
“on my fifteenth birthday, I wished on the sunrise that you would kiss me” no but james starting liking regulus when he was 15 ?!
hanky panky
"You'll always be my Reg” ❤️‍🩹
“Safe sex is important to Barty” you’re a real one, barty.
james keeping sirius updated on him and regulus 😭
BROTHER FUCKER 😭 sirius is a menace and james eats it up
we’re getting the rules for volunteering 
im so scared right now
sirius volunteering 💔
i’m going to cry there are tears in my eyes right now
the mayor is aberforth?!
effie no ☹️ zar don’t do this to me please
“Sirius stands there in the arms of the parents he's only ever truly known, and he weeps.”
🎶this is the last time i’m asking you this🎶
sirius calling effie mum ❤️‍🩹
andromeda <3
dora ☹️
“they’re ruined too” 💔
regulus and sirius are liars but i guess that just comes with being a black
no this is so sad things were just getting good for them
zar why would you write this
“james "sit down" potter and regulus "im sat" black” i love the end notes but this does NOT make up for what you did
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