#remus lupin x hufflepuff reader
goldencherriess · 2 years
The art of eye contact || Young! Remus Lupin x Fem! Hufflepuff! Reader
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Pairing: Young! Remus Lupin x Fem! Hufflepuff! Reader
Word count: 1.6k
Summary: The three times they made eye contact and the one time he did something about it.
Warnings: none, just pure fluff. Idiots in love
That's what she saw when she met his eyes across Slughorn's class. They were sparkling and melting honey combs. Warm. Kind. Sweet. She only wished she could drown herself in them.
Slughorn's voice echoed in the background along with the bumbling of the cauldron in front of her. White noise. She paid no attention to them.
An elbow dug into her ribs brought her back to the present. Frowning, she turned to her friend, who just pointed her head subtly to the professor.
''Miss L/N, can you tell us what you smell from this cauldron?''
She gulped down the lump that was settling in her throat and took a few steps to the front of the class. Y/N could still feel his eyes on her, burning holes into her back. She took a whiff of the potion in front of her. Aromas embraced her and she suddenly felt lightheaded. She took a step back, clutching her robes in fists. ''I smell parchment, chocolate and... honey.''
Slughorn clapped, smiling. ''And can you tell me which potion it is?''
She opened her mouth to reply, but she quickly closed it, shaking her head.
''Yes, mister Lupin?''
She turned her head to where the honey eyed boy was sitting and felt her insides warm up. He was slowly lowering his hand, clearing his throat. ''It's Amortentia. Although, it's a love potion, it can't induce true love, just infatuation. Its smell is different to everyone, according to what attracts them.''
Slughorn's face lit up, once again. ''Very good, mister Lupin! Ten points to Gryffindor!''
Remus' eyes panned to hers, once again, and she felt her face burn.
''Please, miss L/N, you can go back to your seat.''
And she did, feeling his lingering gaze on her all the way to the desk and throughout the whole class.
The Great Hall was bustling with chatter and laughter. The light came through the tall windows, painting the room in a low glow. There were owls delivering mail, dropping them from the air. The Daily Prophet plunged straight in Remus' mashed potatoes with a splash, small droplets sticking to his face and hands. ''Great.'' he muttered. After wiping away the food from his skin, he picked up the newspaper and started flipping through it. Something about dark forces rising were written in ink. Feeling a pair of eyes on him, Remus looked up from the pages.
There, across the room at the Hufflepuff table, sat the Potions girl. Her eyes met his and Remus felt his chest clenching and burning up. She softly smiled and he felt his own lips curling up. The hands on the newspaper loosened, letting The Daily Prophet fall right back into the mashed potatoes.
''Heaven help a fool who falls in love'' said Sirius from besides him, snickering.
Remus turned his head so fast that he was sure he would have gotten whiplash. ''What's that supposed to mean?''
''You're smitten'' smirked Sirius while he bit into the glistening and fat chicken leg.
Remus shook his head, sandy hair falling into his eyes. ''That's not true. We barely even talked!''
''Doesn't matter, mate, it's written all over your face.''
Remus threw Sirius a look. ''What's written over my face is annoyance.''
''Hmm, I beg to differ'' replied Sirius with a mouth full of food. He gulped down the meat, the rich aroma caressing his throat like a velvet to the touch. ''There's no time better than the present! You should ask her out. Someone will snatch her up.''
''Someone like who? You? She's not your type, Padfoot.''
''She may not be my type, but I am everyone's'' said Sirius, pointing at him with the chicken leg. ''Just so you know.'' he shrugged.
Remus grumbled a series of nonsense under his breath, between ''This ladies man, I swear'' and ''We just share Slughorn's class, that's all.''
''You should ask Prongs for love advice. He had more luck with Evans than you did with this Hufflepuff bird.''
Mashed potatoes were thrown. ''Oh, shut up!''
The library was always a place she found solace in. Peace and quiet. And books. Their smell got her high. She could flip through a book hours on end and never feel time passing by.
The afternoon sun was streaming in through the windows, illuminating the dancing dust and the golden books' spines. She read each one, caressing their covers, much like a lover would caress lips.
A sigh escaped her own lips when she remembered the essay on Amortentia she had to write for Slughorn's class. ''Thirty percent of your grade!'' he had said.
It was safe to say Potions wasn't her favourite class. Not because she didn't like it, but because it was the one class she wasn't on top of. Charms were more of her area. Safe and easy to understand.
Her fingertips came across a Potions book. It was worn out, but it would do, Y/N decided. She went to take it out when her fingers brushed someone else's from the other side. A shock travelled her arm all the way to her heart.
The book was removed from the shelf and her eyes met honey ones. Warm. Kind. Sweet. Y/N realized that maybe drowning in them would be a sweet sorrow.
''Oh, sorry, did you want this book?'' said Remus from the other side of the shelf.
''No, it's alright, you keep it.'' And she turned on her heels, feeling her cheeks burning up.
Her walk was rapid fire, her hair flying behind her. She collided with someone's chest. A chocolate smell embraced her, inviting her in. She suddenly remembered that day in Slughorn's class. Y/N took a step back, feeling very small and flustered. Her face was all red like a blooming rose.
''Sorry!'' said the honey eyed boy.
She just nodded and took a step around him. His hand lingered on her wrist, stopping her in her tracks. He hastily retracted his hand, scratching the back of his head. ''I, uh- you can have the book.''
Y/N shook her head. ''It's alright.''
Remus wrapped his fingers around hers, giving her the book. ''No, please. I'll just find something else.''
His touch kissed her skin in small fireworks and she found herself wondering if he felt it too. Her gaze met his. Honey. ''Thank you'' she breathed.
He softly smiled, nodding his head. And he left.
Her hand felt cold afterwards.
The Great Lake was the perfect place on the school grounds to take a break and just breathe. The air was fresh and sweet and it made her lightheaded. The last sun rays were reflecting in waves in the water like light scales. It was peaceful. Tranquil. And for a moment, Y/N felt at peace herself. She closed her eyes, leaning her back on the tree trunk. The willow was swiftly dancing in the wind, whispering nothings in the air. Peace.
That was until a splash was heard. A few droplets of water splattered her and she shrieked. They were cold against her warm skin. Y/N blinked against the sun, bringing a hand to her forehead. There, a few meters in front of her, on the shore was Remus and his gang of blokes. His sandy hair was shining in the afterglow and he was laughing. His laugh was carried by the wind all the way to her. It lit something inside of her and Y/N found herself smiling lightly.
The one who jumped in the water had shoulder length, ebony hair. And was suddenly aware of her presence. ''Oi! Ain't that your Hufflepuff birdie, Moony?''
Remus turned his head towards her, a smile gracing his features. His eyes met hers and Y/N got on her feet, turning away. Her chest contracted, all the air leaving her. Her cheeks reddened, once again.
''Wait, Y/N!''
His hand gripped her wrist and turned her towards him. He was so close. Y/N could see every imperfection on his face and smell his chocolate, homey scent. But the eyes were what froze her in her spot. They were so strikingly warm, so invitingly sweet. There were specks of gold in the warm, brown, honey eyes. She could count each and every one of them. If she could, she would have taken a jump in their pool, swimming in their depth. But she couldn't. So, she just settled in gazing in them, hoping to see Remus' soul and some of his heart.
Snickers were heard from the back. ''Yeah, get some, Moony!''
He blushed in the light, dropping her hand. ''Don't listen to them. They're a bunch of idiots.''
She shook her head. ''I'm not.'' she whispered.
''Right, right. Uh-''
''You have really pretty eyes.''
He almost choked. ''I, uh- Thank you, I mean, you also have pretty eyes. The best, really.''
She giggled, tilting her head. ''Am I making you nervous?''
Remus puffed out. ''Just a little bit. Am I making you nervous?''
Y/N shrugged, looking at her worn out shoes. ''Just a little bit.''
Silence followed. Only the gentle swings of the willow branches and the lapping of the waves were heard. The sun was now dipping in the horizon, casting orange hues over her face and hair and Remus thought he was looking at an angel. If he could squint enough, he could see her wings.
He took her hand, again. Sparks. They pinched him, drawing shocks against his skin. Her doe eyes looked up at him and Remus smiled, letting adoration find home on his features. ''Would you like to go to Hogsmeade this weekend? With me?''
She slowly blinked. ''Are you asking me out?''
He nodded, his thumb starting to caress the back of her hand. ''I am.''
Her face broke out in a grin. ''I would love to.''
His heart skipped a bit. ''Then, it's date.''
''Ten galleons, boys. Come on, a bet is a bet.''
''This is ridiculous, Padfoot. You practically set them up!''
''Nuh uh, that was the power of love!''
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Writing this fluffy fic was so much fun! It was inspired by "Ophelia" -The Lumineers. It's also written for @lucywrites02 ' creative challenge, so make sure to check their blog out!
Any feedback is welcomed! Take care xx
Tag list: @bohemianrhapsody86 @serenefreakgeek
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A Fight Well Fought 
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Reader
Summary: when Hogwarts is being faced by a surge of bullies, Remus Lupin finds himself at the brunt of it. As a prefect, and a victim, he has to bring in extreme measures to get this surge under control.
And you, the knight in shining armour and self-proclaimed bully buster, are the extreme measures.
Inspired by the bully x student council member trope. I read some really great ffs with like the student council x delinquent trope and I feel so bad because I can't remember their titles for the life of me TT but my heart goes out to the authors of those books <3
Reader's house and gender is ambiguous!
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“You-Know-Who is an incel.”
You sweatdropped almost immediately after you said it. Perhaps that wasn’t the best thing to say to Bellatrix Black and her gang of future death eaters, but on the other hand, you didn’t really care. Someone needed to put that daft cow in her place, and boy, had you been lined up for a long time.
The mass of curly hair that was once hovering over a sobbing first year snapped in your direction. Bellatrix’s right eye twitched as she made her way toward you, stopping inches away from your face.
“What did you just say?” she wasted no time in brandishing her wand at your throat. A shadow was cast on her face. “How dare you. You foul little no-life! How dare you speak of the Dark Lord in that manner!” You narrowed your eyes at the tip of her wand before spitting out your reply. “You heard me. He’s an incel. A loser. A joke!”
You expected her to curse you on the spot, but instead she let out a high-pitched laugh as she bent down closer to you, her breath hot on your ear. “Oh, how amusing. You really think you know anything about the Dark Lord? You really think you can - ?”
You don’t give her the chance to finish her prolonged monologue. You leaned back, curling your fingers into fists, and whirled forward, causing your knuckles to make full contact with her face.
The punch sent Bellatrix flying backwards. Her head slammed into the wall of the corridor with a loud strike, accompanied by the gasps of the portraits surrounding you. You glared at her with a deep scowl, watching as blood slowly began to seep out of her nose. You flexed your fingers, ignoring the stinging sensation that was blistering out from your hand.
Adrenaline coursed through your body. You basically thrived from it, your love for fights and conflict often resulted in an overdose of the hormone. You grinned a malevolent smile, wiping the back of your blood-stained hand over your lips; you were pretty sure you now had a streak of red painted across your face.
Rodolphus Lestrange, Bellatrix’s husband-to-be, rushed to her side, blubbering panicked words of comfort to her. You had no idea where the other members had run off to.
Listening to their quiet whimpers (well, Rodolphus’s whimpers, Bellatrix was still quite motionless), your expression falls flat into a look of deep annoyance. “It’s funny how just one punch can take you down so easily.”
Now, it was you who took out your wand. You pointed it at the couple, with a derisive taunt. “Let’s see how your precious master reacts to this. Stupef- ! ”
You were cut off by a rush of frantic footsteps headed in your direction. “A-ah! (Y/n) (L/n), right?”
You turn your head to face the new voice, still keeping your wand poised at the centre of Bellatrix’s forehead. 
Oh. Remus Lupin.
You appraised him with furrowed brows. Remus Lupin was a member of the notorious boy-band squad “the Marauders”, but from what you had gathered, he was the most tame of the group. Your eyes dropped to the shiny red prefect badge on his chest. Yep. A goody-two-shoes indeed. 
Remus skidded to a halt several steps next to your posse of four, if that’s what you would call this exchange. He was completely out of breath, steadying himself by placing his hands on his knees as he hunched over. 
Now, just what did Remus Lupin want? He was in your year-level, and in quite a few of your classes, yet you couldn’t say you were well-acquainted with him - or any of his friends, for that matter. 
Remus, rather unimpressively in your opinion, sucked in a final breath of air before standing up straight. He ran his hand through his brown head of hair and made his way next to you. 
“Black and Lestrange,” he started, his voice now enforced with authority, a stark contrast from the huffing boy you had witnessed literally seconds prior. “Harassing younger year level students, let alone any students at all, is a clear violation of the student code of conduct at Hogwarts! For that, I will be speaking with your Head of House to ensure you receive the proper punishment.” 
Wow, you thought. That sounded really scripted.
Remus paused, and added as an afterthought, “20 points from Slytherin, each.”
Rodolphus, the only one conscious between the two, twisted his ugly mug into a snarl, evidently severely displeased with Remus. “You filthy half-breed! Do we need to remind you of your place, again?” 
You internally raised an eyebrow at this. Had the Remus Lupin gotten into a fight with the ‘slytherin gang’, as the school lovely christened the huddle of death-eaters-to-be.
Rodolphus suddenly stretched his arm out, presumably to drag the other boy close to attack him. His fingers circled around Remus’s collar, ready to seize and-
Rodolphus’s head was slammed back into the wall, narrowly dodging the bombarda curse you’d just fired. He blinked rapidly, as if just remembering your presence. Your lips twitched as you saw the tremors in the hand that was holding onto the front of Bellatrix’s robes. Someone needed to put the fear of Merlin in him. Asshole. 
You sneered at him. “You and your girlfriend better get out of my sight, because I assure you that the next time I see you, I won’t miss.”
With that, Rodolphus grabbed Bellatrix and scrambled away.
You stuffed your hands in your pockets, watching the pair run away with a sense of amusement. As the supposed leaders of ‘the Slytherin gang’, you would’ve thought they’d put up more of a fight. Maybe they weren’t on the tops of their games today, you’d heard complaints that they usually do much worse. Well, whatever. It’d do you good to keep your guard up for the next few days anyways, in case they decided to jump you in the middle of the night.
The first year student, who you’d totally forgotten about during the tussle, suddenly stood up, tear stains trailing down his cheeks. He didn’t stop to acknowledge you or Remus in his haste to get the hell out of your corridor.  You rolled your eyes and sighed. Kids.  Realising that it was just you and Remus left now, you began to follow the first year boy’s cue to leave, still scowling and fiddling with the wand in your robe pockets. 
“(L/n)!” said Remus, snapping his head away from the notebook he held in his hands - when the hell did he get a notebook - and toward you. 
“You’re (Y/n) (L/n), aren’t you?” he asked, repeating his previous question.
You eyed him from your spot near the end of the hallway. “...why do you care?”
He gave you a soft smile. “I’m Remus Lupin. We’re in the same year level. I don’t think we’ve met before.” You stayed silent, blinking lazily at his tall figure.
He gave a nervous laugh. “Anyways,” he said, scratching his cheek. “I just wanted to say thanks for helping out. Bullying has gotten completely out of hand and even though we’ve been trying to catch people, it's been really difficult to get everyone. So, I just wanted to say thanks! It’s really nice of you to step in for that first year boy.”
He has a lot of scars, you noticed, staring at his face. Gazing at him, you realised that he was still staring at you expectantly. “I wasn’t doing it for him, or for you. Black and Lestrange annoy me. I wasn’t trying to help out anyone,” you answered shortly.
“Well, regardless, thank you!” he gave you a cheesy thumbs up, causing you to roll your eyes.
An abrupt thought crossed your mind. 
Remus had to have been there the whole time, right? 
The corridor you’d been in was one of the most secluded in the school. From what you knew, prefects were given small sections to patrol each night plus the fact that the confrontation between the Slytherins and the first year boy had been going on for quite a while before you stepped in. There was no way that such a loud fight (especially when one of the three was screaming at the top of her lungs) would go unnoticed by him. Hell, if you were able to hear it from the next corridor over, then there was almost no evidence that Remus wouldn’t have known about it before.
You let your gaze settle on Remus. Just what has you so scared that you can’t step in first? The question sat at the tip of your tongue. The most plausible reason was that he was afraid of being harassed by those Slytherins (not to mention that sketchy line Lestrange had shouted before. ‘Again’? Did they usually gang up to teach Remus a lesson?)
Huh. Maybe that’s why he has so many scars.
Regardless, your eyes swept Remus up and down once more before you spun around and stalked out of the corridor. It doesn’t concern me anyways.
The next time you bump into Remus, you realise that your theory-conspiracy skills were surprisingly on point.
A midnight stroll, stemming from you raiding the kitchens, had led you to a dark, dingy little room in the corner of the dungeons as well as a front row seat to what looked like a Slytherin, pure-blood ritual with Remus Lupin as the sacrifice.
One, two, you started to count in your head, three, four. 
You could make out Wilkes (from his foul stench) and Avery’s scrawny physique in the weird circle they’d formed but you had no clue who the other two were.
Wilkes had been muttering something into Remus’s ear, his hand firmly gripping the ends of his chocolate coloured hair. Remus looked quite dazed, and you realised with a start that his left eye was darkened and deeply bruised. 
Wilkes sneered and he suddenly reared back, only to bash Remus’s head into the floor. What followed was one of the loudest cracks you had ever heard, as well as the ugly cackles of the four Slytherin lackeys.
Forcing his head up, Remus raised his gaze to the roof, revealing the wound on his forehead that was beginning to drip with blood.
What happened next was quite unclear to you. 
One moment you were glaring down the group with your hand coiling around the base of your wand, and then, the next were occupied by the groaning sounds and creaking limbs of four students who’d been ungracefully tossed into a heap. 
You stood next to Wilkes, staring intensely at before raising your foot and ramming it into his face. Good Merlin, did you hope that the heel of your shoe had dug into one of his eyes. He let out a howl and he brought his hands to his face to assess the damage. But before his hands could contact his skin, your foot harshly slammed down onto his fingers once again. 
Irritation was flooding through your veins, pounding like an alarm, as you glowered down at him and his lackeys. You held out your wand, your dominant hand busted from the force of your punches, as you intended to use reducto on them (or at the very least turn him into a chicken) when a hasty thud caught your attention.
Remus had fallen over trying to stand up, his mind clearly still blurry from when the Slytherin brutes had struck his head into the ground. You watched silently as he staggered over to you, placing his hand on your shoulder in an attempt to both placate you as well as regain his balance. 
He offered you one of his small smiles. “We have to stop meeting like this.”
Your eyebrow twitched as you raked your eyes up and down his lanky figure. Aside from the wounds on his face and the slight tears on his robes, he seemed to be relatively functioning. 
You turned your gaze away from him and toward the Slytherins convulsing on the floor. “How long have they been giving you shit like this for?” From the corner of your periphery, you saw his smile falter. He didn’t answer your question, and from that you could presume that it had been going on for quite a while. 
Taking in his sullen expression, a fresh wave of anger coursed through you as you bent down to grab the hair of one of the Slytherins moping on the ground. With a satisfying ‘thwack!’, you threw a punch that left a lovely, blooming purple bruise just underneath their eye. 
Before you could crack his skull into the floor, similar to the way they had done to Remus, the said boy spoke up. “(Y/n).”
His eyes pleading with you to stop, for some Merlin-forsaken reason. Though you wanted to say that you were an independent person who took no crap from anyone, it was enough for you to drop the Slytherin’s head and stand back up.
You glanced at Remus, your eyes dropping to his busted lip. Huh. When did that happen? 
“You said there was a bullying problem,” you spoke suddenly, diverting your gaze. You scuffed the floor with your foot, where a dark red liquid was stained across the ground. 
Remus blinked, surprised that you were initiating the conversation. “Yeah. Heh. Maybe I should’ve mentioned that I knew that from first-hand experience…”
You pocketed your wand and raised your eyes to meet his. The tips of your ears burned slightly. “I’ll help. I’ll take care of it.”
And for the second time, in the span of a few days, you stalked out of the room, plotting murder in your mind and leaving Remus to his own devices.
The next time Remus bumped into you, there was at least a dozen thoughts running through his head - the loudest one of all being “what the fuck.”
There were, if he had to estimate, about twelve students dangling above you, strung up like some gruesome chain of fairy lights. It didn’t help that their eyes were shiny with tears, reminiscent of little flickering bulbs. 
You were sitting under your halo of bruised and bloodied students, apathetically scanning your nails. You only looked up when you heard him approaching.
“Lupin,” you acknowledged dryly, looking vaguely unperturbed about having beat up members of the Hogwart delinquent squad that were at least double your size.
“(Y/n),” he meekly responded, dipping his head in greeting. His eyes were fixed on the students dangling above you, swaying whenever a soft zephyr passed by. The handiwork of levicorpus, he supposed.
You frowned at the concern etched on his face. How could he still have sympathy for punks like these, when he knew first-hand the damage they'd done to the students of Hogwarts. “I took care of it.”
Noticing how he was now staring into the widened eyes of Rosier, who was hanging pleasantly upside down, you helpfully added “I know it's not all of them, but I’m working on it.”
Remus’s shoulders shook slightly as he attempted to muffle his laugh. 
“Oh,” you said, “I almost forgot.” 
You waved your wand and about 4 of the students were sent crashing down. They groaned, clutching their heads. The sudden transition from hanging upside down into foetal position must have been unsettling, but you held little sympathy for their plights.
You nudged one of them in the back (more like kicked) and they all scrambled into a bow at Remus’s feet. 
“Lupin!” it was the four Slytherins who had jumped him the other day. They spoke in almost precise synchronisation, like they’d been forced to rehearse it several times over. “We’re sorry for attacking you! We promise to never do it again! Never!”
Remus, charmingly surprised at their sudden revelation, looked over at you. You were frowning again, and you shot off a spell at Wilkes, who let out a whimper. “Lupin!” he cried out. “I’m worse than worse! A monster among men! Please accept my sincerest apologi- !“
His apology speech ended shortly as he paused to hack out blood. You death-stared him, plotting only Merlin knows what, to force him to continue his apology to Remus.
Sweat-dropping, Remus bent down and placed a hand on his shoulder. On any other day, Wilkes would have spat in his face and called him a disgusting half-breed for touching him; but this was not like any other day. Wilkes’s teary eyes met Remus’s own as he mouthed out ‘help me.’
“W-well,” Remus flashed Wilkes one of his gentle smiles - you fought the urge to ram the Slytherin bully’s skull into the portrait of Sir Ewarn the Fifth (who had been watching the scene with a vague horror in his painted eyes). “I accept all of your apologies. Just, preferably, don’t do it again. Please?”
He stood up. Some of the people you had strung up weren’t even the traditional, pureblood supremacist Slytherins, he realised. Jeez. This bullying problem had spread to all the houses. His lips twitched when he caught you scowling at Zacharias Smith (senior), a fourth year Hufflepuff notorious for stealing people’s homework assignments and hiding them in the abandoned girls’ lavatory.
You watched as the Slytherins you had released began to scramble away, and with a sigh, you let down the remaining students. Before they sprinted away, though, you stared intensely at them, reminding them to promise Remus never to torment anyone again.
Once they were all gone, you turned to Remus with an almost cheery demeanour - or at least the cheeriest he’d seen on your face so far. “I don’t think you’ll be hearing any complaints about them anytime soon!”
Remus, bless his pure soul, cracked a weak grin at you. His golden eyes furrowed as he took your hands in his. “Everytime I see you, your knuckles are always split open. Do you not get them treated?” Your somewhat happy expression had returned to its typical deadpan. “I used to go to the Hospital Wing, but after a while Madam Pomfrey got wary of how many times I would show up. Eventually, I just stopped showing up altogether.”
Wow, thought Remus, absentmindedly glancing down at your hands. (Y/n) is just a fighting spirit through and through, huh? Of course, he had his own reasons for his perpetual presence in the Hospital Wing, but that was a story for another time.
He grabbed your hand and began tugging you softly to follow along with him. 
You weren’t entirely sure if he was aware of the extensive hand holding he was doing, and it made your ears burn with embarrassment. The two of you stopped in front of a broom closet, where he leaned in to grab a roll of bandages. 
“Sorry,” he said, the corner of his eyes crinkling as he gazed upon you gingerly. “I’m not really that great with healing spells and I don’t want to use you as my guinea pig just yet.”
Merlin, you thought angrily. He needs to stop smiling like that.
Remus kneeled down in front of you. He began unravelling the roll to wrap the bandages around your knuckles in a firm, yet delicate??, way. A way, you thought, glancing off to the side as you felt your face heating up, that felt oddly specific to Remus. 
When you felt his warm touch leave yours, you glanced back down, your face starting to cool down. You flexed your fingers experimentally, pleased to see that you could still curl them into fists easily enough.
“Hey, Remus,” you said, surprising both yourself and him with the use of his first name. 
You bent down to peer closely at his face.
He made eye contact with you, and you could hear his breath hitching as he realised the distance, or lack thereof, that was between the both of you. You reached your hand out, cupping his jaw and brushing your thumb against his cheek. You could feel his face heating up at your touch.
Just as Remus’s emerald eyes began to flutter shut, you pulled back abruptly. Your ears were warm as you too took notice how close the two of you were. You quickly showed him your thumb, where a single strand of brown lay.
“Oi! (L/n)! Sit with us!”
You spun around to face the voice who had called out for you. You were greeted by the grinning face of James Potter (who was standing way too disturbingly close to you). 
“(L/n),” he repeated. “You’re friends with Moony, yeah? You should sit with us.”
He grabbed your wrist and dragged you over to the spot at the table where the infamous Marauders had claimed for today. You opened your mouth to protest (you and Remus weren’t really friends, more like partners in crime or something along those lines), but you decided to leave it. 
You took a seat next to your (favourite) marauder, who gave you one of his insufferable, pure, tender smiles. You forced your lips into a straight line, praying to whatever higher power watching over you that no one could feel the heat radiating from your face. 
You glanced around hoping that by the time you have to look back at Remus, your face would have cooled down. Lily Evans, Marlene Mckinnon, Mary Macdonald and Alice Fortescue were seated on your other side, deeply engrossed in whatever conversation they were having. Lily Evans was sitting unusually close to the Marauders today, especially considering how much she allegedly hated them (or did, at least, before her falling out with Snape which kind of neutralised her hate for them. Slightly).
Lily caught you staring and offered you a smile and a giggle, You froze awkwardly and blinked at her greeting.
“So, (L/n),” began Sirius Black, the resident Hogwarts heartthrob. He was grinning cheekily at you. “How are you on this mighty fine day?” You deadpanned at his wack attempt at a Texan accent. “Good.” “Ah, good, good.” he sweatdropped at your lack-luster answer. “Yep. It’s great to be good.” 
You raised an eyebrow at him before glancing at Remus, who smiled sheepishly at you.
“I- we noticed how you usually sit alone during mealtimes,” he said, shoulder brushing ever so closely to yours. “I thought it would be nice if you could join us.” 
Merlin, you could feel your ears burning again.
Remus continued on, seemingly taking no notice of your internal (and external) struggles. “We’re friends now, so you’re more than welcome to sit with us if you want.” 
He finished with one of his dazzling smiles and - jeez, you had to stop getting flustered over his smallest gestures.
“I’m James Potter, in case ya didn’t know before!” James Potter announced helpfully.
“Right, and I’m Sirius Black,” he said, grinning at you. “It's siriusly great to meet’cha!”
James and Remus chuckled at the joke. You blinked awkwardly at them before swivelling your head to look at the final boy. 
“I-I’m Peter Pettigrew,” he said, smiling nervously (though his smile wasn’t nearly as cute as Rem- wait, what on earth were you thinking?!)
They all looked at you expectantly. 
“Oh.” you began ever so eloquently. “I know who all of you are. We’re in the same year level. We take most of the same classes as each other?” Seeing them stare blankly at you, you sighed. 
“Well, whatever,” said Sirius, leaning forward, a shit-eating grin on his face. “We heard, from our dear pal Moony here, that thanks to your solo vigilante efforts, Snape, Wilkes, Rosier - the entire little death-eater wannabe squad were basically prostrating on the floor, begging for forgiveness!”
“They piss me off-,” you began, wanting to repeat the same speech you had given Remus when the two of you had first met - that you didn’t care about honour, or revenge for the ickle first years who had fallen victim to their wrath - but Lily Evans suddenly cut you off.
“That was you?” she said, eyes wide. You didn’t even know she was listening to the conversation. “Like, you’re the person they’ve been talking about?”
James was practically bouncing up and down in his seat. “Tell us, Evans- the rumours!” Lily ignored him (for the most part), but she did in fact tell you the rumours. “They say that there’s been a monster of sorts attacking wandering students in the dead of night! But they only target the ones who no one really likes.” 
Marlene gasped, bringing her hands to her face. “So, you’re telling me that the other day, when I saw Lucius Malfoy sporting a black eye, that was you?”
Everyone in a five-seat radius of you was looking at you with new-found admiration. To top it all off, Remus patted your shoulder and announced “bullying at Hogwarts is at an all time low, thanks to (Y/n)!”
With that single touch, you basically combusted.
For all of your years here at Hogwarts, you’d remained fairly asocial. You’d sit by yourself during mealtimes, be the last to be partnered during group projects and stuff like that. The only socialising you ever got was when you beat the crap out of your enemies. 
How were you supposed to know that your enemies also happened to be everyone else’s enemies?
But still, it had all unfurled to where you were now.
And so, surrounded by Remus and the rest of your new friends, you found your lips twitching into the smallest of smiles.
It had been a few months now, since that first time you had run into Remus. And it was now, that we would be witnessing your final fight.
You were standing behind Remus, hands stuffed in pockets as per usual, whilst the boy gave his usual lecture on why not to bully others (well, ignoring the fact that you were essentially a bully now too pretty much).
Remus waved off the fifth year student you had cornered prior before turning to face you with a great smile.
Remus hadn’t been touched for the last few months either. Not with you, basically standing around as his bodyguard. Even a wrong glance at the boy would result in your death-stare gracing the halls of Hogwarts. 
“That was it,” you began, your voice quiet and hoarse.
Remus blinked at you.
You coughed. “I mean, that was the last one. There are no more delinquents left.”
“Ah,” he said. “I see.”
He exhaled, seeming to work up the courage to do something. Then, he leaned forward, taking your hands into his and smiling earnestly at you. “Well, then. Thanks, (Y/n), for putting up with me and being my partner in crime for so long. It’s been really great having you with me, a-and I’m glad we could work together.”
He laughed his little nervous laugh, the one that he usually did, and you were pretty sure that your heart rate had tripled.
Yeah, you wanted to say, but the words died coming out of your throat. Me too. We make a great pair.
Your final fight wasn’t one you were expecting. It wasn’t one that involved you beating anyone up or stringing them upside down. Instead-
You took a shaky breath, cursing yourself for getting so flustered over Remus’s words. Your fingers furled into their typical fist shapes, but rather than them swinging back (like they typically would), you rested them softly on his chest.
Ah. So your heart wasn't the only one having palpitations right now.
“(L/n)...?” Your hands gripped the front of his robes as you shut your eyes and pressed your lips to his. You can basically feel him falter against you at your action, but almost just as quickly his own lips begin to move. 
His kiss was gentle, and very, very unsure. You move your hands to the back of his neck, to press him impossibly closer to you. You don’t know what’s going on, but all you know is Remus. Remus, Remus, Remus your heart is quite literally singing.
That revelation - the one where you realise that the only reason your heart was beating was because of him - literally shoots spikes of warmth through your body. The tips of your ears are red-hot, and you were pretty sure that you were seconds away from overheating. You glance to the side, trying to hide your face from Remus.
Nevermind. Your eyes flickered back toward him. He looked dazed, and he brought his hand to brush softly against his lips. He met your gaze and you could see the blush rising to his face. He cupped his cheeks, darting away from you as you had previously done. 
You, laughing - yes, laughing - took his hands in yours once more and allowed your lips to finally reunite. 
A fight well fought, indeed.
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ellecdc · 4 months
A Man With a Plan.1
prologue // p1 // p2 // p3 // p4 // p5 // p6 // p7
Remus Lupin x whimsical!reader - Hogwarts Era (no Voldemort) - Soulmate AU
CW: mentions of bullying - only one description of it, but it's chill cuz James tells them to fuck off like the king he is? Descriptions of werewolf behaviour idk. Use of Y/N
Synopsis: Remus planned to never fall in love. Moony had other plans.
“Don’t you think she’s just the loveliest thing, Moons?” James spoke in reverence.
Remus needn’t move his gaze from his book to know that Lily Evans just walked into the library – so he didn’t. 
“Sure is, James.”
“Don’t be getting any ideas though.” James said as he nudged his friend. He was clearly trying to go for light and breezy, but Remus caught the nervous twinge in his voice.
“You truly have nothing to worry about, Prongs.” He muttered.
“What? Don’t like birds?” James asked, though he was still watching Lily make her way over to her friends.
“Who doesn’t like birds?” Sirius questioned as he appeared out of nowhere, swatting Remus’ feet off a neighbouring chair and taking the seat for himself.
“Remus, apparently.” Peter answered from behind his book.
Remus finally lowered his book to regard his friends. “That is not what I said.”
“He said he doesn’t like Lily.” James told Sirius, finally turning his attention away from this girl to look at his mate like can you believe this guy?
“I literally just said I agreed that she was lovely.” Remus guffawed.
“If you think she’s so lovely, why don’t you go ask her out then?” Sirius asked with a smirk, causing James to let out a strangled groan. 
“What! No, common that’s like, against the bro code. Oh! Hi Y/N!” James cut himself off as he spotted you entering the library.
“Hello, James.” You greeted serenely as you started towards him. “What has your aura so pink today?”
This caused both Sirius and Remus’ eyebrows to cock, though neither of them interrupted yours and James’ interaction. 
“We were just talking about how lovely Lily is.” James answered solemnly.
“Yes, I suppose that would do it.” You answered as you turned to follow James’ gaze. 
“It’s funny, her aura turns the same colour when she looks at you. I wonder what that could mean.” You said softly, completely missing the way James’ head reared back.
“Well, I must be off. I’ve been trying to check out a book all week, but each time I’ve come to the library I’ve ended up distracted trying to clear the nargles from the shelves. The library is just full of them!” 
Your voice was feather light as you bid a simple goodbye to James who returned it with an easy smile before you floated away.
James turned from your retreating form to see the bemused faces of his friends, sans Peter who still hadn’t raised his head from his book.
“What was that?” Sirius finally asked.
“What was what?” James asked as he furrowed his brows. “Y/N?”
“Since when are you friends with her?” Sirius continued.
“We have care of magical creatures together. She’s tutoring me, actually. She’s really quite nice.” James said as he picked up his own forgotten textbook.
Sirius, still not able to let it go, added, “She’s an odd little bird, isn’t she?” 
James only shook his head. “She’s harmless. People give her a harder time than she deserves.” 
“Perhaps...” Remus acquiesced. “But what the hell is a nargle?” 
“Oh, not a clue.” James answered simply before beginning to work on his Ancient Runes translation.
Remus and Sirius exchanged one more look before moving to their own homework.
It’s not that Remus didn’t know who you were – Hogwarts wasn’t a big enough school to not know the other students in your own year – but there had never been any interactions between your circles of friends. Namely, Remus’ friends and whoever you happened to hang out with never seemed to intertwine. Remus had to assume you had friends – even he had friends, and he was a monster – but he had no idea who they could be. 
Remus had to admit you were a cute little thing, if a little odd as Sirius said. James could be a lot of things, but he always saw the best in people; so, it really shouldn’t have surprised Remus that James had made a friend of you. 
What Remus didn’t yet know was what your newfound friendship with James would mean for him.
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“So, what do we think? Does Lily here have some competition?” Marlene joked with a wicked grin as she threw her arm across Lily’s shoulders at the Gryffindor table.
“Competition for what?” Sirius asked around a mouthful of eggs from his spot across from Peter and Remus.
“James, of course.” Dorcas clarified.
Lily groaned. “I was never competing.”
“I mean, who needs tutoring in care of magical creatures? Don’t you just like, show up and feed them? Seems like a ruse to me.” Mary chuckled from her place.
Peter leaned into Remus before adding. “Does seem a little weird that James needs help in care of magical creatures, seeing as that’s exactly what he does once a month.”
Remus nearly choked on his tea before regaining his composure. Apparently, he hadn't regained it quickly enough. 
“What’s so funny over there?” Lily asked as she narrowed her teasing-filled eyes at the two offending boys.
“Nothing at all, Evans. But trust me when I say you have absolutely nothing to worry about when it comes to the future Mr. Evans-Potter.” He responded easily. All the mirth left Lily’s face as she turned her gaze towards her breakfast, but both Peter and Remus noticed the faint blush dusting her cheeks. 
It was surprising to all, although not surprising at all (I mean, come on, James has been at this for seven years – it was bound to come about eventually), that Lily was slowly beginning to warm up to James’ advances. It probably helped that they were head girl and boy this year, it also probably helped that James was less annoying about it and far more polite with his advances, and it also probably helped that the rest of Lily’s friends really quite liked James. 
As if summoned, James accompanied by Lily’s competition, entered the Great Hall together. 
“I’d really like that, Y/N. Thank you!” James could be heard saying as the two of you approached his friends.
“It’s really no problem, James. I’m sure they’d love to have more visitors.” You responded softly. Remus noticed your smile was just as soft as your voice; he thought it was lovely. 
What the fuck? Stop thinking people are lovely, you git. He scolded himself immediately. 
“Who’s this little birdie introducing you to, Prongsie?” Sirius asked as he shot a salacious wink your way.
You furrowed your brows at him in confusion.
“Birdie?” You asked James softly. He smiled kindly as he turned to you. “A nickname, Y/N. The way Sirius just said it could be taken as a compliment.” 
“Or an insult if you don’t appreciate such brazen flirting.” Dorcas added which earned her an elbow to the ribs from said flirt. 
“Anyway,” James interjected, looking towards you somewhat awkwardly. “Y/N here was helping me study facts about thestrals when she told me she has befriended a wild herd not far from Hogwarts. She said she’d take me to meet them.”
“Meet thestrals? Can you even see thestrals, Prongsie?” Sirius asked inquisitively. 
“There are other ways to enjoy the presence of beings without being able to see them.” You offered simply, your tone remaining nothing but kind even as you corrected him. Remus couldn’t help but smile at you.
Stop smiling, dumbass. He mentally berated himself.
“Quite right. I’d like to try feeding them and petting them.” James said with a level of finality. “If you think they’ll let me.” He added hastily as he turned to you.
You offered the git a soft smile and patted his arm placatingly. “I’m sure they will, James. In fact, I think your voice might be the perfect hertz; the thestrals will love your lower tones.”   
The majority of the group just furrowed their brows at you, but Marlene began to cackle. 
“Oh, sweetheart. It’s a good thing you’re pretty.” She said as she wiped a non-existent tear from below her eyes.
James’ eyes turned stormy as he locked his gaze on Marlene, but his voice remained somewhat relaxed as he addressed you. “Thanks again, Y/N. I’ll see you in class.” 
You smiled politely at him before making your way over to your house table.
“How ironic is it that such a ditz was sorted into the house that values learning, wisdom, wit, and intellect.” She snorted, either missing James’ glare or ignoring it entirely. 
“Marlene, I love you, you’re one of my best friends, we grew up together, you’re my sister from another mister, I would die for you.” he started, making sure she was looking at him before proceeding. “Do not make fun of my friends.”
Remus was certain his eyebrows had flown right off his forehead as he exchanged a look with his friends. Sirius and Peter seemed to be in agreement that they’d never seen James so stern as he sat down beside Sirius and started filling his plate. Unbeknownst to the boys, Lily was looking at James with a small smirk a look of respect from her end of the bench. 
“So, boys,” James began, “I was thinking, for our next brilliant prank...”
And just like that, James was back to planning pranks with the Marauders as if he hadn’t just blown the entire Gryffindor table’s minds. 
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The rest of the month went about the same; you and James could be found around the castle together, which Sirius was more than happy to take the piss about, and none of James’ friends made fun of you anymore - genuinely fearing James’ wrath ever since he hexed some Hufflepuffs who made a passing comment about you one day. 
Remus didn’t think you noticed any of it, however; at least it didn’t appear that way. He found that quite remarkable. He found you quite remarkable.
He hated that. 
It’s not that Remus was a prude, but he didn’t like liking you. It made him feel icky – out of control, like he didn’t have a say in any of it. Casual hookups were much more easy and comfortable for him, it was easy to roll over the next morning, say thanks, and carry on like nothing.
But just sharing a small nod of acknowledgment with you made him giddy. 
He hated that.
He certainly hadn’t agreed to liking you – he had rules. Rules like – having sex with someone was fine, having feelings for someone was not. And he didn’t want to have sex with you!
Okay, that’s not necessarily true.
He didn’t not want to have sex with you, but that’s not what drew him to you. You seemed ethereal; otherworldly; perhaps a touch too pure.
Certainly, too pure for a werewolf.
Which is why he had rules in the first place; he would not allow someone to get tangled up in his curse of a life, to suffer through loving someone as awful as him. It was painful enough being Remus, he wasn’t going to curse someone to loving him. 
So, Remus made a plan: he would ignore this friendship between you and James and pretend like you didn’t exist, only being as polite as humanly possible to stay within James’ good graces. 
That plan was fucked to shit in potions. 
The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff 7th year class was finishing up as the Slytherin’s and Gryffindor’s entered for their own class. Remus inwardly sighed as he spotted you across the room heading for the ingredient supply cupboard. Remus sighed again when some of your fellow housemates chuckled watching you struggle to carry the many ingredients on your own, none of which offered to help. 
“Oh! Are you headed to the supply closet? Mind taking these too?” A snarky little witch (Remus replaced that W with a B in his mind) said as she placed another vial on top of your load without waiting for your response. 
Remus had to give you credit, however, as all you did was smile kindly as you reconfigured the many vials and jars in your arms. 
Remus sighed outwardly, and loudly, as he made his way to follow you into the supply closet.
“Here, let me help you with that.” He muttered somewhat petulantly like he hadn't just volunteered his help unprompted as he relieved you of some vials and jars.
You looked at him with a face of surprise which quickly morphed into one of gratitude. Remus loved hated it.
“Thank you, Remus. That’s very kind of you.” You all but sung to him. Your voice sounded like angels. Fuck. 
Remus scoffed. “Not quite as nice as you, cleaning up for everyone else.” He muttered somewhat darkly.
You bobbed your head back-and-forth noncommittally. “Oh, I don’t mind so much. They do plenty for me in return.”
He turned to you, genuinely interested to hear what exactly those knob heads ever did for you. “Like what?”
You smiled to yourself as you continued placing ingredients in their rightful homes. “Well, they’re always keeping me on my toes by hiding my things around the castle. They must know how much I enjoy a good treasure hunt.”
Remus’ hand stopped in midair as he watched you continue to work. Did he hear you right? Did you actually believe these people were being kind? Did you think of those people as your friends?
“Or perhaps they don’t know that. Then in that case, I suppose the joke would be on them.” You said plainly as you turned your attention back to Remus, offering him a slightly pursed smile – like you were trying to hide the full extent of your joy at the thought, though the dimple that appeared on your left cheek gave you away.
It actually surprised a bark of laughter from him as he forced his hand to resume its task. “I suppose so.” He concurred. 
Remus heard a small tinkling sound and a gentle ‘oh’ escape your lips as a vial rolled into his foot. You both bent down to pick it up, but Remus was faster. As he went to hand you the offending vial, your fingers brushed gently.
For Remus, you may as well have set off a bomb.
Remus swore he felt every neuron in his body firing at the same time, his blood cells turned to lava and his veins turned to ice, his feet felt like they were fully rooted to the dungeon floor below him while his heart thrummed and took off in flight from his body. 
And through all of this, Moony was going feral. 
“Pack. Pack. Pack. Pack. Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine. MINE.”
Remus ripped his hand away from you like it burned – and in some ways it did – but the newfound space between your beings seemed to hurt even more. 
Remus’ chest was heaving, and his heart was going a mile a minute while Moony continued howling inside of his head. He could barely hear the classroom behind him through the blood rushing in his ears.
Remus could count many worst parts about this whole experience, but at this very moment, the worst part was your face.
Your head was cocked to the side like a confused cocker spaniel as your brows furrowed ever so slightly. You peered at Remus with a concerned gaze and your entire being just oozed kindness and understanding.
As if you could understand the clamoring of the 13-year-old werewolf living inside his brain screaming at him to lunge at you, bow down to you, fold you up and put you in his pocket, to crack open his ribcage and place you inside of him for eternity. What the fuck was wrong with him!?
“Are you alright, Remus?” You asked, so, so, so softly. In fact, you said it so softly that Remus was sure if Moony hadn’t just decided to dial into the exact channel of your frequency, he would have missed it completely. 
“Yes.” He breathed as he shook his head no. “No. I don’t know. I-”
You nodded sympathetically, as if Remus had said anything coherent at all. “That’s alright.”
Remus willed his lungs to take a deep breath. Because, was it really? Was it really alright? Because it sort of felt like Remus was dying; like his life was over as he knew it. 
“Ah, Miss. L/N, you should be off to your next class now, quickly. Mr. Lupin, please take your seat.” Mr. Slughorn said, poking his head briefly into the supply cupboard before retreating in much the same way.
You nodded politely at the teacher before offering Remus a smile.
“Thank you again for your help, Remus.” You said gently as you moved past him to retrieve your bag before exiting the classroom. Remus Moony wanted to follow you, begged to follow you. He could still smell you – you were everywhere. Fuck, Remus needs to shower.
Remus leaned his head against the cool stone of the dungeon walls. “What’s happening to me?” He moaned miserably to himself.
If only he knew. 
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Continue to chapter two here.
Taglist: @hanniejji
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kenthoe · 2 years
fr tho why is everything smut😭😭 i wanna read angst that would ruin me, make me sick to my stomach and cry like there's no tomorrow bro i want a fanfic that is so devastating that i won't be able to function for the next few months
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revwatts · 3 months
Petition to make
'loud, chaotic and dramatic husky girlfriend x sunshine, lovable and adorable golden retriever boyfriend'
to happen.
"Chaos follow me everywhere I go." Boyfriend x "Are you calling me chaos!?" Girlfriend
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luizd3ad · 1 month
You'll Be Fine | Poly!Moonwater x Reader
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ࣪˖⤷ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ࣪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ˖ ⤷
Pairing: Regulus Black x GN!Reader x Remus Lupin WC: 430 CW: Slight talks of anxiety, talks of a bad day (not really tbh), no use of Y/N, kinda a comfort fic ig? Author's Note: Idk man this is my first time writing Moonwater so hopefully it’s good. Summary: Remus comes home to you napping on Regulus.
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does anyone even like these? why do I keep making theses collage thing?
When Remus gets home from work he doesn't expect much. Usually you and Regulus would be home before him. Both of you would usually be reading books or talking just typical things that people do when they get home to unwind a bit. 
What he hadn't expected was to come home to what seemed to be an empty and quiet home.
To say he was confused when he walked into their flat would be an understatement, normally there would be some evidence that his partners were home. But there wasn't.  
He started looking around the flat in search of you or Regulus, but he couldn't find either of you. His anxiety started to get the best of him, what if something happened, were you two okay? He felt his mind start to go a mile a minute.
Eventually he made his way to the shared bedroom and he felt his anxiety die down significantly at the sight of you sleeping on Regulus' chest while his hand ran up and down your back with a book in the other hand.
It wasn't necessarily uncommon for Remus to come home to one or both of you to be napping but it was so rare that he didnt think about it.
Regulus looked up, putting his book on his side and then pressing his finger to his lips telling Remus to speak quietly to avoid waking you up. Only then did Remus notice your tear stained cheeks, Remus brows furrowed and he shot Regulus a look that asked ‘what the hell happened?’ Regulus just sighed and spoke quietly.
“They had a bad day, nothing too terrible but it was just one of those days.”
Remus just nods and he crawls into bed next to you so that you're in between both men. He turned so that he could look at you and Regulus better, putting his hand on your hip, rubbing his thumb gently over it. 
“Everythings okay though, yeah?” Remus wisped to regulus, a look of worry still on his face. 
“All things considered, yes.'' Regulus sighs looking away from Remus for a moment but Regulus never stopped rubbing your back, he wanted you to know even in your sleep he was there for you. “They'll be fine, mon cœur. They have us and we will always be there to make sure that everything is fine.” Regulus said, looking back at Remus, who just nodded. 
Remus knew as long as you had each other in your lives that you, Regulus and him would be okay. Sometimes that's all anyone could hope for.
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wolfstardaughter-jj · 2 years
Random Ravenclaw: I wonder how Lupin-Black survives dating a chaotic mess like Weasley.
Random Hufflepuff: Right? He's good looking and all but I don't think I could survive the constant pranking and detentions.
~meanwhile with Y/n & Fred~
Y/n: Can I-
Fred: No love, you will not eat the levitation candy.
Y/n, pouts: But I wanna fly like Peter pan.
Fred: And I don't want you to end up on the Great Hall ceiling and never get back down. They're just prototypes, they're still in the works.
Y/n: But-
Fred: No buts, sorry love.
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teenageheartthrob · 1 month
Maruaders- Types of Love
James loves like a happy puppy, with his full heart. It’s almost innocent, as if he hasn’t yet been touched by the hurt of the world, and you supposed in many ways he hasn’t. Although naiveity can often be exciting, you could barely keep up with the hyperactive toddler. It was a shame really that he wasnt the dog, it would’ve been much easier to get him to run laps of the Quidditch pitch. He loves in all five love languages, you’re never short of displays of affection, and James would rather die than to leave you questioning his intentions. He followed you everywhere, physically or otherwise. Even on the pitch his eyes found yours in an instant, the softness behind the contact making your heart beat just a little faster.
Sirius loves fiercely, like he could lose you at any moment. As if his next breath might be his last and maybe breathing you in will save him from the empty clutches of death. Sirius loves with the weight of the fear of his entire family behind him. Perhaps each emotion is as passionate as the other. He loves you like a whirlwind romance, burning and intense. Your friends wouldn’t be surprised to hear one day that the two of you had actually been married for months, having eloped as a display of your endless affection.
Remus loves tenderly, with patience and care. Maybe he's scared of himself, of what he could do to you, but in reality, he's more scared of what you could do to him. He has a tough exterior, he has to, it was the only way he could hope to survive, but you could tear all that down in a second if you looked at him the right way. It fucking terrified him. He loves tenderly, treats you as the love of his life (because you are), but he loves from a distance. Ever so cautious, calculating the damage each of you could feasibly sustain. He watches with a loving gaze and lazy smile, behind shaggy hair, unaware of your blush hiding behind your own.
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neytirisheaven · 8 months
[ ↷ m. masterlist ]
[ ❏   legend   , ]
✿   fluff     !    ☁︎   angst    !    ★   smut     !
♥︎   personal favorite     !    ✓   complete     !
ᝰ   currently writing     !
marauders era ──
❛ james potter ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  tell me that i'm all you want:
( afterglow,   taylor swift )
IN WHICH lily's sudden attraction to james has him thrown for a loop, and you're not sure if you have his heart any longer
ᝰ  |  been about three years since i dated you:
( broken clocks,   sza )
IN WHICH your breakup with james was already beginning to hit its three year mark when he shows up at your doorstep
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
❛ sirius black ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
✓  |  i can't lose when i'm with you:
( snooze,   sza )
IN WHICH sirius is so desperately in love with you, and the rest of the marauders help him execute his extravagant plan to ask you out
ᝰ  |  i'm so proud i got to love you once:
( sugarplum elegy,   niki )
IN WHICH it's the first wizarding war and you're visiting your ex, sirius, in his apartment
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
❛ remus lupin ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  i can't stop thinkin' 'bout you:
( thinkin bout you,   katie )
IN WHICH your little hallway crush on one of the infamous marauders, remus lupin, turns into something more
ᝰ  |  do you feel the love?:
( double take,   dhruv )
IN WHICH remus is as oblivious as they come, and you're tired of dropping all those hints that never get picked up
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
❛ regulus black ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
✓  |  she's all i wanna be so bad:
↳ ✓  |  how could i ever compete with that?
( she's all i wanna be,   tate mcrae )
IN WHICH being best friends with regulus black isn't all that great, especially when your feelings get thrown away for some new transfer student from beauxbatons
ᝰ  |  i've spent the night crying on the floor of my bathroom:
( good 4 u,   olivia rodrigo )
IN WHICH your breakup with your best friend's brother leaves you sobbing in the bathroom, and you're not as quiet as you think you are when regulus bursts in
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
lightning era ──
❛ harry potter ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  i'll keep it a secret:
( secret,   stemo & rich kim )
IN WHICH you tell harry about a little crush you have
ᝰ  |  why you gotta be like that?:
( y u gotta b like that,   audrey mika )
IN WHICH it's nearing the yule ball, and harry completely disregards your existence . . . like he always does
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
❛ fred weasley ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  i'll disconnect and keep the heart safe:
( love is (not) easy,   chase atlantic )
IN WHICH fred, as always, flirts with you, his best friend, and you can't take it anymore
ᝰ  |  don't be dishonest:
( don't,   bryson tiller )
IN WHICH you've barely just picked up the pieces of your heart and pieced them back together, and when word gets out that you like fred, it all falls apart once again
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
❛ george weasley ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  burning photos:
( die for you,   joji )
IN WHICH george broke up with you for angelina after fred's death, and you're finally beginning to let go of him
ᝰ  |  i need love and affection:
( loveeeeeee song,   rihanna & future )
IN WHICH george has been a bit distant recently, with preparations for his joke shop with fred, and you ask for just a bit more attention
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
ᝰ  |  you ain't my boyfriend:
( boyfriend,   ariana grande & social house )
IN WHICH both you and george need a little help getting your crushes jealous, so you turn to each other for assistance
❛ draco malfoy ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  i can give you love for free:
( escort,   chase atlantic )
IN WHICH draco's incessant teasing has an underlying motive
ᝰ  |  so long as we keep this lowkey:
( lowkey,   niki )
IN WHICH draco asks you to keep your newly established relationship under wraps from his parents and friends, and you're fine with it until it finally clicks
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
❛ mattheo riddle ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  tell me that you love me and prove it:
( 7pm,   lizzy mcalpine & lilacs. )
IN WHICH you begin to toss and turn at mattheo's newfound fondness of toxicity towards you and your relationship, and the sight of him with another girl is the final straw
ᝰ  |  maybe this is just lies:
( love affair,   umi )
IN WHICH your dynamic with mattheo is built off of what you believe is trust, but what he knows as lies
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
❛ theodore nott ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
ᝰ  |  she said "don't get too attached":
( heaven sent,   tevomxntana )
IN WHICH theodore begins to fall for you and your witty and sarcastic personality, but when you told him to not get attached, you meant it
ᝰ  |  chase two girls, lose the one:
( cardigan,   taylor swift )
IN WHICH you're one of the two girls that theodore can't keep his eyes, hands, nor mind off of, but as they say, "chase two girls, lose the one"
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
❛ others ❜
𓄼 oneshots 𓄹
𓄼 mini-fics 𓄹
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wittyminds · 4 months
Golden Hour - James Potter
Anonymous request:
also, i dunno if you’re still active, since it’s been a while, BUTTT james potter with a girlfriend taking care of him after he’s at a party?
James Potter x Girlfriend Reader
Warnings - Fluff, fluff and more fluff
sorry it's been ages since my last post, i needed time to do exams, mental health stuff etc and this was distracting me from school (i say that and im supposed to be studying for an exam tomorrow). i am trying to answer the prompts people gave me and i apologise again for the extremely long wait. i understand if you're a little annoyed or have forgotten about asking in the first place. this isn't my best story i'll admit and it is a little short but... i tried :/
You can't remember how long the party had gone on for but, by the time you climb the stairs to the dormitory to crash, the clocks read 2 o'clock. You probably could've stayed longer if Sirius hadn't been flirting with you drunkenly or if your boyfriend, James, hadn't started singing a cappella ABBA. Not that he's a bad singer. He just gets a bit... friendly towards everyone around him.
After wrestling your way through the crowd, you now stand overlooking the party, fighting the urge to facepalm at your boyfriend as he prances about the room.
You carry yourself to your room, changing into your comfies and burrowing down into your blankets. A book that has been gathering dust on your table catches your interest and just as you slide the bookmark out, a loud thump against the door causes you to nearly jump out of your skin.
Springing from your bed, you slowly make your way to the door, fight or flight responses going crazy. Of course, it could just be one of your roommates. They were light drinkers and after a couple drinks they all went down like dominoes. Or it could be Sirius coming to ask if you want another drink or a dance.
You shake your head at the thought and open the door, staring up at the boy swaying in the dim light.
His large frame crashes through the door, almost crushing you.
"James!" You put your hands out to stop him from going any further forward and he staggers, trying to keep his balance.
His brow furrows as he looks around, clearly confused by his surroundings and you can't help but laugh slightly at the sight.
"Hang on.." His voice slurs and he stumbles over his feet again, "This isn't the boy's dorm."
You place your hands on his chest and steady him, "No. No it's not."
"Oh.." He steps back unsteadily into the hall, leaving you to follow him in case of an accident.
By the time you both reach the boy's dormitory, the only victims of his drunken state were an innocent coffee table, a series of butterbeer bottles and a terrified first year who just wanted to go to bed.
You practically carry him to his room, which proves a difficult task given he is nearly twice your size. He mumbles something as you lay him down but not even he seems to know what he's rambling on about.
"Right," You say softly, tucking his blankets over him like a child, "Go to sleep, you idiot."
He smiles a smile that scrunches his nose and you mirror him, giggling quietly.
"You're pr'tty."
Your smile falters slightly and try to stop the blush rising to your cheeks.
You had almost forgotten about his shameless honesty when drunk. Sure, it was nice to hear but he could warn you a little before springing the charm on you. He knows how easily you blush and was constantly using to his advantage.
When you turn to face him, he is still staring at you with large puppy dog eyes and a lazy smile that warms your heart. With a roll of your eyes, you walk back over and perch on the edge of the bed.
"Come again, Jamie?" Your voice was quiet but sweet and his crooked grin made the blush come back in a warm rush.
"You're pretty." His words are less slurred this time and you brush a hand over his hair, sweeping it out of his eyes fondly.
"I think you need to sleep, love." You murmur, trying to ignore the urge to fall asleep curled next to him, "You'll regret it tomorrow if you don't."
"Ugh." His face screws up and you giggle softly at the animated response, "You sound just like Moony!"
You roll your eyes again and just as you stand up, he makes a clumsy grab for your hand and pulls you back. You land on his chest and see him holding back a grunt of surprise from the impact.
You laugh out an apology and he looks away drowsily, clearly away to fall asleep.
"G'night, Jamie." His eyelids flutter and he forces his eyes open.
"What? I'm not sleepy!" He cries, voice scratchy already and rubs an eye with one hand, the other pulling you closer.
"Seriously?" You can't help but play along with his game.
"Mhm." He nods his head, "I could stay up for hours!"
His eyes droop again and his breathing grows heavy.
"You're falling asleep."
He doesn't reply and when you look up, his eyes are closed.
Taking the opportunity, you attempt to climb off of him but his arm is like a vice and you groan, silently cursing his stubbornness. Your head falls against his chest, his heartbeat filling your ears and you find yourself relaxing at the sound.
The golden glow of the candles sends a warm light over James and you can't help but stare at his still form, taking in every detail. The light dusting of freckles across his nose and the faint trace of a scar from a Quidditch match in his third year.
This is your own perfect golden hour, the two of you snuggled up with the smell of butterbeer and autumn outside.
You wait for his snores to fill the room but they don't come. Had he finally stopped snoring? Or was he trying to prove he wasn't sleeping?
"I'm gonna marry you one day."
His voice breaks the silence and your heart flutters at the words. You look up at your boyfriend and cuddle in closer to his side, wanting to stay in this moment forever. Just the two of you in your own perfect, slightly tipsy, world.
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lovely-peace · 11 months
Whispers of the Heart
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Summary: When you're just pretending to date your crush, are there many worries. And then there is your ex-best friend, whose words still haunt you...
Pairing: Sirius black x hufflepuff!reader
Warnings: past toxic friendship, past toxic relationship (not with the reader), insecurities, self conscious , fake dating
I don't have much time to write from now on so I made this part shorter, sry /wc:+2300
Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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"You can go now." Madam Pomfrey looked at me critically. "And take care of yourself."
I nodded and gathered my things. I hid the flowers among my belongings and sneaked back to our common room. There were only a few people there as it was evening. But those who were there cast curious glances at me.
"If the whole school thought there was something between us, would you be ashamed?"
Part of me wanted to hide, while the other seemed to be flying. I was excited and scared at the same time. These feelings could only be triggered by Sirius, and that scares me.
I rushed up to our room with my things. The other girls were awake and looked at me surprised. Lydia seemed to recover first. "You're feeling better! I'm so glad; you really scared us."
I had to smile crookedly. "I'm sorry."
I unpacked my things and sorted them back in. Lydia and Maya just watched me. Eventually, Maya broke the silence. "Hey, I can't stand it anymore, what happened? You have to tell us!"
She sat on her bed and looked at me with an expectant smile. I don't know exactly why, but that somehow made me happy. Seraph had never asked about me or shown any interest in what was going on with me.
Without her, I almost felt lighter. Was it wrong to think that?
"It's complicated; I'm still overwhelmed by everything that happened," I said finally. I had now finished putting everything away, and the flowers were smiling at me.
When Lydia saw them, she squealed, "Are those from Sirius?" Her voice was very high-pitched.
I nodded. "Does one of you have a vase? Or a cup, that would work too."
Eagerly, Lydia rummaged on her bedside table and finally gave me a cup. I thanked her and filled the cup with water, placing the flowers inside. I put them on my nightstand, and they looked radiant.
"Are you two a couple?" Maya asked with a smile on her face.
If I say now that we're a couple, it feels like I'm lying. But if I claim the opposite, then the truth about Sirius will come out in the next few days.
"Wasn't Seraph with him until three months ago?" Lydia asked, and my feelings of guilt returned and plagued me.
"Yes, Seraph was with him," I finally said, staring at the flowers.
Lydia said nothing for a while. Then she cautiously asked, "What does she think of him and you?"
I tensed unknowingly, and the flowers seemed to lose some of their shine. "She's angry. She made it clear to me this afternoon that she wants nothing to do with me."
Maya sighed. "Honestly, I'm glad you have nothing to do with her anymore," she said.
I looked at her surprised. "Why?"
She looked nervously away. "Well, she always dragged you around with her and kept us away from you."
My eyes widened. "Did she?"
Lydia laughed nervously. "Yes, she constantly made it clear that you belonged to her, and we shouldn't take you away from her."
That didn't sound like the words she threw at me.
Maya shook her head and looked at me with a sad smile. "And when she saw you with Sirius, last Christmas, she immediately went after him. Even though she had no interest in him before. I'm glad you're with him now and not letting her hold you back."
Did she know I had a crush on him? Had she always known that I liked him and still said all those things? Had she known all those years I admired him from afar, and yet she talked about me to him? Did she still flirt with him? Did she still come crying to me when he broke up with her, expecting me to take her side?
"Hey, are you okay?" Maya looked at me concerned. I just nodded and smiled at her.
"Can I still have breakfast with you tomorrow?" I asked eventually. Maya just smiled at me.
"No, you can't. You have to!" she said. "We have to look after you so you don't end up in the hospital again!"
Lydia giggled excitedly and hugged me. "I'm so glad you're feeling better! From today on, we're all friends, okay??" she asked, looking excitedly into my eyes.
I smiled and nodded. Then she hugged me again and squealed with excitement. Maya and I laughed along.
This was one of the most beautiful evenings I had ever had.
"(Y/n), wake up, we need to go to breakfast!" Maya called before disappearing into the bathroom. I turned to the other side of the bed, trying to fall back asleep. I almost succeeded, but then a pillow hit me.
"Don't fall asleep again! Come on." Lydia called from the other side of the room. I sighed and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and searched for my things to get ready.
When Maya came out of the bathroom, I quickly slipped in and got ready. I looked in the mirror, and even the green hair didn't bother me that much.
When I came out, Maya and Lydia were already waiting for me. I smiled at them, and we went to the Great Hall together. I was so happy that even the looks from others didn't bother me. Until I saw her gaze.
Seraph looked at me as if I were a disgusting insect daring to buzz around. She wrinkled her nose and rolled her eyes. Suddenly, I felt insecure. But Maya pulled me along to our place.
We sat down at the table. Maya sat next to Lydia, and I sat across from them.
"To be honest, I have no desire for Professor Binns' class," Maya sighed loudly. But then she looked at me with a curious grin. "I'd much rather hear what's going on with you and Sirius."
I laughed nervously, hoping it was just a joke, but she kept looking at me that way. Eventually, I sighed. "It's complicated," I said finally. To be honest, I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how he wanted to pretend we were together.
Lydia giggled. "I don't know what you mean; he seems totally into you. I mean, he's staring at you right now!"
My eyes widened. "Is he?" I asked and turned around slowly. And sure enough, Sirius was looking into my eyes, smiling at me while James was telling him something. I smiled back cautiously and turned back around.
Maya looked at me expectantly. I quickly lowered my head to my breakfast and ate something. Then she sighed. "What do you have as the first class today?" she asked finally.
"Transfiguration. It's not bad; we worked well last time and already solved the assignment," I replied, trying to collect myself.
Lydia clapped excitedly. "I have Transfiguration too! You have to explain it to me, please, please!"
I laughed. "Don't worry, we can sit down together and look at it again."
Suddenly, both of them became quiet and looked behind me. Then they grinned at each other and lowered their gaze to their food.
"What's -"
"Darling, how are you?" Sirius asked and sat down next to me. He smiled at me warmly. My gaze wandered first to him, then to his friends. James was just grinning, while Remus continued to eat. Peter was also looking at us, and they weren't the only ones.
I saw glances directed at us from almost everywhere. I laughed nervously and suddenly felt very tense. "I'm good," I finally said in a softer voice.
Sirius didn't let the audience show at all. He just smiled and brushed a green strand of hair from my face. "I'm glad. Do you have time after school today?"
I could barely get words out and just nodded. He grinned even wider as if I had saved his day. "We can go over the material you missed yesterday. Does that sound good?"
I smiled back at him unsurely. "Yes, that sounds great." I thought he would then leave, but he stayed and looked at me critically for a moment. "How much have you eaten today?" he asked, almost like my mother.
I laughed at that. "I've eaten a lot already; I have witnesses!" I said, forgetting the others who were watching us.
Sirius looked over at my friends and grinned at them. "Take care of her, okay?" he said playfully, and Maya and Lydia just nodded and grinned.
"Hey, it happened once, it doesn't happen all the time!" I said, but Sirius turned away from me now.
"You can only say that when you don't end up in the hospital wing again this month, love," he said, and I could hear his grin. Lydia wiggled her eyebrows at me, and I had to laugh.
When I was finished, I took my things and wanted to go to Transfiguration, but then Sirius took my things and smiled at me. "Let's go, love," he said and turned around to leave.
"I was actually going with Lydia," I started, but Lydia shook her head and made frantic hand movements.
"What's wrong?" Sirius asked, looking at me inquisitively. I shook my head and smiled at him. "You don't have to carry my things, you know?"
He looked at me critically. "Darling, maybe I don't have to, but I want to! Is it so hard to believe that I want to help my girlfriend?"
Maya grinned at me, and Lydia's mouth was open in astonishment. I suddenly felt way too hot and light at the same time.
"Come on, let's go," he took my hand and held both my and his things pressed against himself with the other hand; I don't know how he managed that. Warmth flowed through my hand and slowly spread through my body.
We walked through the corridors, and when we were alone, I wanted to take my things back, but he held them up so high that I couldn't reach them.
"Forget it, I'll go through with this completely now! What kind of boyfriend would I be if I gave you your things back the moment we're alone? I can give you the answer: a bad one!" he said with a smug grin.
I blushed against my will. "But you're not really-"
He suddenly looked at me with a look that made me immediately regret what I was about to say.
"You know, when we're not in front of others, then you're not really-" he interrupted me with a quick kiss on the cheek, silencing me.
He smiled at me, almost nervously. "What if someone sees us when we thought we were alone? No, if that happens, then I'll take care of everything, you can count on that."
Before I could say anything in response, we were in front of the Transfiguration room, surrounded by people. He put my things on my table and winked at me before going to his seat.
James finally sat down next to me with an amused grin on his face. I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help but smile.
"So…" he began. "How did it happen?" He looked at me expectantly, which made me laugh nervously.
"Why don't you ask Sirius?"
James just rolled his eyes. "He never wants to say anything about it."
I smiled at him briefly. "Then I probably shouldn't either."
Before James could ask more questions, the lesson began.
The hours flew by, and after each class, Sirius would take my things and carry them to the next one.
At first, I tried to convince him that he didn't have to do that, but he remained stubborn, so I eventually gave up. I didn't understand why it was so important to him. Carrying my things wouldn't make any difference in how others perceived us. He was only doing it for show, not because he wanted to.
But I wished so much that he genuinely wanted to do it. Was that wrong?
Was it wrong that it somehow made me happy? I liked the feeling of someone doing something for me because they wanted to. Did that make me a toxic person?
After the last class, Lydia approached me before Sirius could. She looked around for him first and saw him engaged in a conversation. Then she smiled widely at me.
"You're going to the library later to study with him, right?" she asked me, and I nodded.
"If you ever have some free time with him, could we study Transfiguration together? I'm really bad at it," she pouted slightly and looked at me with pleading eyes.
I chuckled. "Of course, we can do that. I should have some time tomorrow."
She looked at me with a questioning gaze. "Don't you think he might have plans with you tomorrow and want to do something together? Because it's not that urgent for me, I can ask someone else."
I looked at her in confusion. "Why would he want to do something with me tomorrow?"
She looked at me as if I had lost my mind. "Tomorrow is his Quidditch match, hello?"
"After the game, he probably wants to celebrate with his friends, right? I don't want to interfere with that," I replied, feeling somewhat uncertain. I thought he would want to spend time with his teammates after the match, not with me.
"How would you interfere with that? You would just join the celebration, right? Why do you think that?" Lydia said with a puzzled expression.
Every time I asked Seraph if I could join her at the Quidditch celebration, she always told me that I would only be a bother. And even now, I believed her more than myself.
"I don't know, somehow I feel like I would just be a nuisance there," I said cautiously, but Lydia gasped in shock.
"You would never… Wait, did he tell you that? If so, that's super toxic—"
"No, no, he didn't. He didn't have to say anything. We haven't talked about it," I reassured her, but before she could say anything else, someone cleared their throat behind us.
We turned to see Sirius, who was looking at me with that indistinguishable expression again.
"Can we talk for a moment?" he asked me, but it sounded more like a desperate demand.
I simply nodded and wondered how much he had heard and if I had said anything wrong. He took my hand and began pulling me with him, and Lydia held my other hand.
"Don't get any wrong ideas, Black," she said, trying to sound serious and threatening, but her slightly raised corners of the mouth betrayed her. Then she let us go.
Sirius almost dragged me through the castle until we eventually went outside. He led me to the Black Lake, where he finally sat down. I cautiously sat next to him.
He stared out at the lake, still wearing that intense expression. Eventually, I couldn't stand the silence and asked him, "What's wrong?"
He glanced at me briefly, then looked back at the lake. He picked up a small stone and threw it into the water. It skipped four times.
"I wonder what you think of me."
"What do you mean?" I asked cautiously.
He threw another stone. This one skipped five times. "Sometimes, you say things that sound like I'm not voluntarily with you. Sometimes, you look at me as if you expect me to take advantage of you. You have this look as if you don't trust me."
"Please, Whisky, as if he ever really wants to have anything to do with you! He was a jerk to you from the moment we first met; you just don't interest him!"
I could still hear Seraph's laughter distinctly.
I looked at him and wanted to reassure him, but I couldn't find the words. He looked at me, and his gaze was so intense that it took my breath away.
"Is it so hard to believe that I enjoy being with you?" he whispered, so softly that I could barely hear it.
"No, it's not," I tried to reassure him. He looked back at the lake.
We didn't believe each other.
He chuckled softly and closed his eyes. "You have that look again," he whispered.
We remained silent for a while, simply listening to the sound of the lake. We sat there for a while, and at some point, I felt his gaze on me.
I turned to him and saw that he was looking at my green hair. He raised his hand but stopped midway. Then he looked into my eyes. "I'm sorry that the prank hit you. Does it bother you a lot?" he asked, looking at me with big eyes.
"I do want my old hair back, yes," I said, looking back at the lake.
"Why?" he asked, still looking at me.
I laughed at the question. "Have you seen me? I look terrible with it." Even worse than usual.
He was quiet for a moment. I looked back at him, and his gaze softened. Suddenly, he pulled me towards him and enveloped me in his arms. His warm arms gently wrapped around my body and stroked my back.
"I find you beautiful, with or without green hair. Besides, it looks great on you, love. I think we need to take you to an eye doctor," he whispered in my ear.
I felt myself blush and buried my face further in his arms. It felt like my body was on fire. How could Sirius trigger these feelings in me?
"Let's go to the library; we still need to study yesterday's material," he whispered to me after we had been in that position for a while.
I pulled away from him and nodded to him. He smiled and took my hand again, setting off another fireworks of emotions within me.
"You don't need me at all!" said Sirius dramatically after we finished with Defense Against the Dark Arts as well. I laughed and handed him his notes.
He watched me as I wrote down my own notes and marked the important things. Eventually, he got up. "I'm going to grab one of the spell books real quick to explain Charms better to you, okay?" he said, and I gave him a thumbs up while continuing to write.
I packed up my Defense Against the Dark Arts stuff and took out my Charms materials when I saw her.
Seraph was sitting in the other corner of the room, smiling at me, sending a cold shiver down my spine. The other Slytherin girls sitting at her table were the ones who were also at the party. They were her roommates.
Slowly, Seraph got up and approached me. I lowered my gaze again, hoping she would walk past me. But she stopped in front of me.
"He's helping you catch up with the material, right?" she said, and I heard the grin in her voice.
I looked up at her, wondering how I had never noticed the coldness in her eyes before.
"He probably just went off to fetch one of the books that could help you, right?"
I lowered my head again and looked at my notes.
"Can I tell you something? He did the exact same thing with me. He probably invited you to his Quidditch celebration, just like he did with me. He's just using you as a replacement, can you believe it?"
I tried to tune her out, but I couldn't.
"Oh, Whisky, you're so blind. Why don't you ever listen to me?" Her voice was gentle, and a part of me let her words in.
"He's just passing the time with you." With that, she turned around and walked back to her friends, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
When Sirius came back, I couldn't look him in the eyes. He returned with a book, which he proudly presented to me.
"I was a bit unsure at first, but with this book, I can easily explain the spell to you-"
I felt sick as Seraph's words replayed in my head. "Can we do the rest tomorrow? I'm feeling quite exhausted," I said to quickly get away from here.
He looked somewhat disappointed but then nodded. "Sure, but take the book with you and read Chapter 4 about Household Charms. It should help." He handed me the book.
"Thanks, Sirius," I said, putting the book away safely. I wanted to get up and leave, but he suddenly reached for my hand.
"Will you come to the match tomorrow?" he asked, looking vulnerable all of a sudden.
I smiled weakly at him. "Yes, I'll be cheering for you. Slytherin shouldn't beat you guys."
He nodded briefly but didn't let go of me. "And would you celebrate the game with me afterward?"
I nodded in response, feeling something warm inside. But as he smiled back at me, Seraph's words came rushing back.
"He's just passing the time with you."
I pulled my hands out of his and quickly left the library. He didn't follow me.
"You had that look again," the older Black whispered as he watched her leave.
Taglist: @theofficialmadman @fanboyluvr @fjdjsiskcjfj @starsval @olkathedestroyer @helloitsmeeeeeee @xamapolax @maripositanoctruna
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gaianyx · 11 months
Hii! How do you think Fred would react when he finds out Y/N had left a lipstick stain on his face (she kissed his cheek in the morning) and he had been walking around all day with it without noticing it?
Hope it makes sense, have a lovely day xx
Marked By You
by Jane F. Nyx
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A/N: Heyy, thanks for your request!! I loved the idea and did my best to deliver it. I haven't been active those last few months because i was going trough a bad writers block ;-; But now I'm back again with new stories already in the oven ;)
Feedbacks and tips will be wel recieved :)) Proof read.
Pairing: Fred Weasley X Reader
W/C: 1.K
Hope you all enjoy it!!
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"Bye, honey," was the last thing that I heard after she kissed me on the cheek and headed to her last lesson of the day.
Her smell... Intoxicating.
I followed her with my eyes until she turned left, out of the Great Hall. Her hair swayed when she walked away. She was stunning. This girl had me on a hook and she definitely knew it.
"You have a little drool over here," George said pointing to the corner of his own mouth, laughing.
"Yeah, yeah," I shoved his shoulder slightly, and George started laughing even harder. "Just saying that this girl has you on the tip of her finger. You, my dearest brother, are in l o v e," he made a heart with his hands. Wanting to drop the subject I tried to stay silent, but still said under my breath "Yeah, maybe I am,".
Me and Y/N had been best friends for a long long time, our parents knowing each other having most to do with it. But our friendship turned out to be much more, I confessed, she confessed and here we were.  Almost five months later, now officially together but still keeping it private. And still, none of us had had the guts to say those three magical words, that mean more than what they show. 
Maybe soon…
Me and George got up after a little chat with the group, they were laughing a little more than normal giggling like girls, but I guessed it had something to do with George's comment and I let it be.
Heading to our class I had a feeling I was being watched, and while paying more attention I began to hear the whispering. I was almost a hundred procent sure it was because of me.
Not trying to brag, but I was kind of used to it. Before me and Y/N were something I was a girls man, if you know what I mean. After one particular summer and a huge glow-up, they suddenly had eyes for me, and don’t get me wrong but I wasn't going to let that opportunity slip.
Even tho I and Y/N were now official, we were private. Most not knowing we were together, but we never denied it when asked. 
This could explain the whispering, but still. Am I so irresistible? Nah, hahaha. I tried to ignore it and continued my journey to Professor McGonagall's class.
But the whispering and stars did not stop even when I entered the classroom, instead, it became clear that it was about me, I just had no clue why. It was only when Professor McGonagall entered the classroom that it stopped. As usual.
She scanned the room, looking for any imperfections or unusualities. Her eyes roomed the class from the very back until they stopped, where I was sitting. She walked to us, me, George and Lee and stopped right in front of our desk, looking directly at me. I am not going to lie, she was a very intimidating person and this time I had no clue as to what I had done wrong. I tried my best to think about what I had done wrong this time, I really did, but still, nothing had crossed my mind. 
Then she spoke, “As much as I think that this colour suits you very well Mr Weasley, it is not appropriate to have this marked on your cheek,” she stayed serious, hands crossed behind her back. ‘My cheek?’ I thought, what could possibly be marked on my cheek, “Could you please walk to the toilet and wash your face, after that, you are welcome back in my classroom hopefully without the whispering. You are apparently a popular person Mr Weasley,” she walked back to her place behind her own desk. Eyes following me as I left I did as she told and walked myself to the closest toilet curious as to what she was talking about. 
As soon as I walked in I saw it, it was crystal clear, I had been marked by you, your signature lipstick was now the main attraction on my white cheek. I wished I could have framed your kiss, girl, you made me soft and I loved it. 
I loved you, shit!
Those three words again, they stayed in my head as I washed my face, as I walked back to class and in class, I was working on automatic, malfunctioning, all because of you.
It was only when the bell rang that I finally awoke from my trance. Transfiguration had been my last period of the day so I headed to our spot, knowing it was also your last period of the day.
Shit! There I was again thinking about the words, the kiss, you… You, you looked stunning, unaware I had already spotted you. 
I walked to you and touched your shoulder, a beautiful smile appeared on your face when you realised it was me. God, I was so danm lucky.
Maybe now…
“I love you,” shit, I said it, did you even hear it? Your smile brightened, yep,  you definitely heard it. “What took you so long?” and you kissed me, you kissed me at our spot, the place we had finally confessed our feelings, the place I had finally said it, I said I loved you. 
This was everything I had wished for, you were everything I had wished for.
Our lips let go of each other, now able to breathe again after this amazing kiss we had shared, our foreheads now touching as we tried to even our breath, “You know? I didn’t hear you say it…”  I looked into her eyes through my lashes, she toke some distance and rested her hands on my neck, “Frederick Gideon Weasley, I love you!”.
“Finally!” exclaimed a happy Lee who turned to George that was next to him (not as happy), “George, you owe me ten galleons!” 
-“Seriously Fred, why couldn’t you have waited one day?!” George crossed his arms and headed to his dorm as Y/N and I laughed.
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Requests: Open  
A/N: Thank you very much for reading this post, it means a lot!
If you enjoyed this post pls don’t forget to like and reblog &lt;3333
See you on the next post,
xoxo Jane
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ellecdc · 2 months
A Man with a Plan.7
prologue // p1 // p2 // p3 // p4 // p5 // p6 // p7
Remus Lupin x whimsical!reader - Hogwarts Era (no Voldemort) - Soulmate AU
CW: angst, discussion of Black and Crouch shitty parenting, accidental attempted drowning/belief of drowning -> please note: there are always happy endings here on ellecdc
Amelia Bones didn’t like to think of herself as a particularly stupid girl, but she couldn’t deny she probably looked pretty foolish right now.
She was just about as pathetic as any school-aged girl got over their first crush – which was to say was very pathetic. The worst part of all of it was that she really sort of did this to herself.
She couldn’t deny that Remus had always been very clear that he was interested in nothing more than casual sex; he never invited her to breakfast, he never asked her out on dates, he never even invited her to parties. But that never stopped her from wanting those things.
And for a while, she was able to pretend it was fine.
She was able to pretend that when he didn’t kick her out of bed right away and allowed her to stay the night, that it meant he actually wanted her there. She was able to pretend that when he approached her at a party, it was because she had always been his first choice. She was able to pretend that when he grabbed her and rushed into a broom closet, it was because he just couldn’t stop thinking about her and needed her just as desperately as she needed him.
But she was only fooling herself.
And to add insult to injury, it appeared that Remus wasn’t completely averse to feelings, relationships, or dating; he just didn’t want that with her.
“And have you noticed how sweet he’s been on that freak L/N?” Shirley sneered from Amelia’s left as they all watched Remus smile sweetly at you and pass you a cup of something at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall.
“You should start offering palm readings, Amelia. Maybe then he’ll find you odd enough to keep around.” Added Silas, earning snickers from the entire friend group.
“Ha ha.” Amelia deadpanned, tossing her half-eaten toast onto the plate in front of her.
The bitter taste followed her around all day after that. She swore she could hear the sounds of Remus and his friends snickering all day, and if she happened to hear your serene voice echoing in the hallways, she knew that chances were that Remus wasn’t too far behind.
Remus was everywhere; and wherever she was able to avoid him – you seemed to show up. As you walked into the library in which Amelia was currently holed up in, she swore she was a thestrals hair away from using her quill to put herself out of her misery.
Amelia was able to see her friends from her current table but had opted to sit on her own in order to focus on the difficult Care of Magical Creatures essay, knowing that sitting with Silas would result in a rowdy game of gobstones in no time – library or not.
“Oi! L/N! What kind of voodoo spell did you cast on Lupin, huh?” Shirley called to the girl, earning her a round of snickers from the friend group. Amelia cringed, noting that you were currently alone and very clearly minding your own business.
“Hello Shirley.” You offered, albeit much less jovially than your usual sunny disposition.
“She asked you a question, freak.” Silas barked aggressively.
“Oh, leave her be.” Coraline chided in faux sympathy. “We all know she doesn’t have the attention span for voodoo practices; she’d need a brain larger than a goldfish for that.”
You looked away from the group who were now all belly laughing at your expense when your eyes met Amelia’s; her gaze already trained on you.
“Hello Amelia.” You said softly with a gentle smile gracing your lips as you approached her table. Amelia regarded you cautiously, though she hated to admit that she found it extremely difficult to feel defensive in your presence.
“Hi Y/N.” Amelia sighed, looking back down to her textbook.
“Have you gotten far on the essay?” You asked kindly, peering over Amelia’s textbook. She really wanted to be vexed at your intrusion in her studies, at her table, in her life, but she found she really couldn’t muster the effort.
“No... I, uhm. I’m finding this quite difficult, honestly. I’ve still got a foot of parchment to go.” She admitted begrudgingly. You hummed in agreement.
“It likely doesn’t help that it requires an understanding of the mating habits of the frost snails, which we haven’t covered in class.”
Amelia’s head snapped up to consider you. “Really?”
You nodded.
“Helga...I thought I had lost the plot! I was certain I had missed something in class to feel this lost.” Amelia admitted looking back down at her parchment feeling slightly elated to know that she at least wasn’t a complete fool in this area of her life.
“You can find everything you need to know on page 246; the rest of your paper should come along nicely.” You offered, smiling kindly at her. Amelia was sort of annoyed at the pleasant feeling that you elicited from her, but again she couldn’t muster up the energy to be particularly vexed.
“Thank you, Y/N. I would have been quite lost without your help.” She relented.
Your smile grew at that as you stood taller, preparing to walk away. “Oh, I’m sure you would have managed just fine Amelia. You’re quite the witch, you know.”
And with that, you floated away.
Amelia supposed that if there was anyone in this school who would be able to convince Remus Lupin to break all of his rules, you’d be a shoo-in.
Amelia decided then that it was actually quite an honour to have ‘lost’ to a witch like you.
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Remus felt silly wandering the grounds in search of you. If he was a man of more restraint, he would try harder to control himself; but he decided there was no use in denying Moony, or himself, of you.
Thankfully for your part, you didn’t seem to mind all that much.
Remus’ life had been flipped upside down twice recently: once when he found out about his soulmate bond, and again when he came clean to you about his lycanthropy. He found he felt... freer, safer, grounded if that made any sense at all.
And though his regular anxiety surrounding the full moons seemed to lessen, his anxiety surrounding you seemed to grow each day the closer he got to the full. It was almost as if Moony was convinced he could feel every beat of your heart – it sped up momentarily, something upset you, you’re catching your breath, you’ve fallen asleep – and though Remus felt incredibly disturbed and admittedly creepy to be capable of assessing all of these things from Merlin knows how far away, it brought Moony immense comfort to be able to sense you safe.
He tried not to overwhelm you with his constant presence as Moony (and begrudgingly, himself) would much prefer, but with the full moon approaching, Remus decided it was better for everyone not to fight the urge to be close.
Remus had (quite embarrassingly) searched the entire castle for you to no avail and had even resorted to asking Regulus (who was accompanied by Barty) if he knew where you were.
Barty had scoffed at him. “Figures you wouldn’t be privy to her schedule yet, Lupin.” He sneered, emphasising his last name as if it were a dirty word.
Regulus rolled his eyes at his friend and let out a sigh. “She goes down to the Black Lake every afternoon to bring a gift to the mermaids, Lupin. Now if you don’t mind, I find Barty to be far more pleasant company when he’s not whining about people dressed in red and gold.”
Well, Remus didn’t have to be told twice. Moony was very excited to leave his present company to find ‘MINE!’.
Remus was admittedly not a huge fan of the moniker Moony had chosen for you, but he was very tired of arguing with The Wolf.
As Regulus had promised, Remus finally found you crouched down at the edge of the dock on the Black Lake, tracing shapes into the water’s surface with your hands.
Perfect. Good. Mine. Mine. Mine.
Remus couldn’t exactly disagree with the sentiment.
You were alerted to Remus’ presence by the wooden planks shifting below his feet.
“Hello Remus!” You cheered in that gentle and serene way of yours; Remus couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face.
“Hello Y/N, what are you up to?” He asked as he stood above you. You began to squint up at him and Remus quickly shifted over in order to shield your eyes from the sun.
“I’ve been trying to befriend the mermaids.” You explained, returning your gaze down to the water. “Each day I try to bring them trinkets.”
Remus hummed in acknowledgement and crouched down beside you ignoring the burning sensation in his knees. “What kind of trinkets?”
You hummed in thought before you answered. “I think anything shiny works well. Sometimes if I’ve lost the pair to an earring, I’ll bring it to them. Or crystals and gems are nice too.”
“And what do you get for your efforts?”
You turned to consider Remus bemusedly; your brows were furrowed but you were still smiling, nonetheless. “Do you only ever do things for the sake of a potential outcome, Remus?”
Remus figured he ought to feel properly chastised, but he was just too happy to be talking to you in order to do much about it. “I guess so.”
You hummed and assessed his face before turning back to the water. “Do you often feel disappointed?”
“I feel like we’ve already determined that my planning skills are not conducive to success, no?”
You smiled to yourself at that as you continued playing with the water. “It’s true that I’ve set out with a goal to befriend the mermaids. But whether or not they return that friendship, I will have succeeded.”
“Wouldn’t you think that you’d have better luck from in the water?” He queried, causing your lips to purse as you let out a disappointed sound.
“Perhaps; if I knew how to swim, I’d certainly try.”
Moony reared his big old head again at that, and Remus quickly stood and gently helped you stand and pulled you closer to the middle of the dock, away from the edge you’d been inhabiting.
You giggled at him; the first real spontaneous emotion he thinks he had ever heard from you, and it caused Remus’ heart rate to speed up double time.
“You needn’t worry, Remus.” You expressed solemnly. “I’m very careful.”
And for that, he and Moony were glad.
“Where are you headed now?” He asked instead, hoping to begin steering you away from the Lakes edge and towards solid ground.
He could tell by the subtle lift at the corners of your lips that you had caught onto him, but were gracious enough not to call him on it.
“I believe I’m to meet Bartemus and Regulus in the Slytherin dungeons for a bit.” You admitted, causing Remus to wrinkle his nose and Moony to growl in protest.
So many of the words you had used in that sentence were displeasing to Remus, but you were willingly stepping off the dock and walking towards the castle with him, so he didn’t feel he had any right to complain. 
“What are you headed to now?” You asked in turn, catching Remus off guard.
What was he going to do now? The only thing he’d planned on doing was finding you, and he’d done that.
“You know; I’m not sure.” He admitted.
You chuckled at him and began telling him about Barty and Regulus’ plans for the afternoon; and although he was displeased at the content, he was very pleased listening to the sound of your voice.
He hadn’t realised he’d been subconsciously leaning into you or brushing your hand with his until you confidently yet gently took his hand in yours and continued to lament about Barty’s poor study habits without missing a beat.
Remus found himself feeling very lucky to have you as his soulmate.
Remus’ feeling of luck ran out quickly when he found himself stepping down the last stair into the Slytherin dungeon to figuratively hand you off to your friends. 
You must have noticed Remus’ hesitation to let you go when you gave his hand a gentle squeeze and smiled kindly at him. “Perhaps we can meet in the library after supper? I have a Care of Magical Creatures essay to edit.”
And Remus was certain that was a lie; he was quite sure you were long done that essay, but he wasn’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth.
“That’d be very nice.” He agreed.
“Alright, alright, Lupin. Move along, would you?” Barty grumbled as he made his way over; Regulus rolled his eyes at his friend and actually offered Remus a somewhat apologetic expression.
“Barty.” You chided lightly with a smile. “Be nice, yeah?”
Barty grumbled petulantly, muttering “that was me being nice.” But he acquiesced to your request in the form of keeping his mouth shut until Remus had ascended the stairs.
True to your word, you approached the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall when you were finished eating with a kind smile on your face.
Unfortunately for poor Moony (Remus), your presence led to questions from James, who, upon hearing you were working on edits for the essay in Care of Magical Creatures, insisted he join (seeing as he hadn’t even started it yet). Of course, not one to ever be left out, Sirius was quick to offer to join.
And since Remus, James, and Sirius were all going to be in the library, Peter figured he may as well tag along. 
Though Remus was feeling rather petulant about the final attendance of your study date, Moony was feeling very chuffed about his whole pack being together.
He forced Moony to lie down and be quiet as he listened to you try to help James with his essay (read: pretty much write it for him). 
Remus was surprised how well you seemed to settle into his group of friends, and in turn, how his friends seemed to settle around you. 
James seemed to be able to sit still for a longer period of time if it was you he was conversing with, Sirius seemed less inclined to argue with everyone about everything, and Peter seemed far more comfortable in asking you follow up questions than he was with anyone else the group had spoken with before.
Unfortunately, things didn’t seem to want to go smoothly for Remus today. 
The sound of your name being called over and over and over again in a hushed tone interrupted your sentence on why the mating cycle of frost snails was dependent on the growth pattern of shrivelfig fruit as Barty came rushing over.
“I’m sorry,” he started breathlessly, surprising the absolute fuck out of Remus. “I forgot to tell you earlier; I got a letter.”
Remus watched as your face turned grave; your expression far more severe than he’d ever seen it before.
“Did you burn it?” You asked darkly.
“Not yet.” Barty admitted.
“Bartemus.” You chided quietly, looking like your heart was breaking a little bit.
“Merlin; do you really need Y/N to check your mail for you, Junior? Couldn’t this wait until later?” Sirius grumbled, never looking up from his own Runes translations he was currently working on.
Remus was surprised he didn’t hear your neck snap with the speed at which you turned your attention away from Barty and back to the table where you glared severely at Sirius.
“Sorry Treasure.” Barty commented quietly, patting your shoulder. “I’ll catch up with you later.” Before he left the library.
Remus felt his heart drop…no…he felt your heart drop as you turned to watch Barty disappear behind the stacks in the library. 
“Sirius Black.” You began quietly, causing all the boys to cringe at the use of his full name. “Tell me; how do you usually feel after receiving a letter from your father?”
You had once again returned your attention back to the black-haired boy, but any of the softness and serenity that the boys were used to seeing when it came to you was nowhere to be found. 
Sirius didn’t seem to have an answer for you as his eyes darted nervously between his friends. 
“Is your father kind? Loving? Understanding? Does he tell you he’s proud of you? That he’s glad to have you as his son? That it’s an honour to share his name with you?”
“No.” Sirius finally said quietly. 
“And who helps you with that?” You asked. “When you had nowhere to go, and no one to turn to; who helped you with that?”
Remus heard Sirius swallow around what was likely a growing lump in his throat. “James.”
“Then call me James, Sirius.” You said emphatically, standing and beginning to pack your things.
“Wait, dove. Where are you going?” Remus started reaching out a tentative hand to rest on your wrist.
You slowed your movements but didn’t stop. “I have a Sirius to comfort, and a fire ritual to perform.” You explained simply. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
And with that, you turned and disappeared into the rows of books.
“Way to go, Pads.” James grumbled as he began organising his half-written parchment. “You managed to upset a perpetually happy person, and now I’ll never finish this essay.” 
“Well how am I supposed to know everything about that crazy bastard?” Sirius finally blurted out defensively. 
“Don’t you think you’ve done enough damage, brother?” The voice of Regulus Black drawled as he stepped out from behind the stacks. 
“Make it a habit of spying, brother?” Sirius sneered back. “Tell me; was it my conversations you were concerned with, or Juniors?”
Remus watched as Regulus’ jaw tightened minutely as he seemed to consider his next words.
“I’m not telling you this for your own sake, nor for Barty’s. But, if Y/N is important to any of you, there are some things you ought to know.” He started.
Yes. Important. Mine. Important. Moony chanted, sitting at attention.
“You know the fire that was caused by a magical experiment that went wrong a few years ago in Ottery St. Catchpole? That was Y/N’s house. Both her parents died in that fire.”
James’ head reared back as Sirius sucked in an uncomfortable breath. 
“She lives there with an elderly house elf as her only family. The house elf and Barty.”
“Junior lives with Y/N?” Remus asked quickly; too quickly. He was immediately embarrassed.
“Junior lives with Y/N.” Regulus parrotted. “You know, Sirius, the Black’s aren’t the only family who practice Unforgiveables on their children.”
Regulus seemed to allow that to sit in the air for a moment before he continued.
“And you aren’t the only one who needed a friend to run to.”
“I’m sorry, alright?” Sirius admitted, though he couldn’t bring himself to make eye contact with his brother.
“I don’t think you are, Sirius. I think you’re feeling properly chastised, and have no qualms painting Barty as the villain in every story all because of the school colours he happens to wear. You were so upset when our family accused you of being sorted into the wrong house, but you are the one who continues to view houses as wrong.”
Sirius looked up at his brother at that. “I am sorry, Reg. I didn’t know.” He admitted earnestly. 
“I’d thought that maybe…maybe out of everyone, you’d understand him the best… he reminds me a lot of you, you know. Stop - don’t look at me like that.”
“Reggie, I am trying, but you’re pushing your luck here.” Sirius groaned.
“I just wanted to let you know.” Regulus continued, though he seemed to be saying that to Remus. “Y/N is wonderful. And accepting, and understanding, and wholesome, and open minded. But she will protect her own. If Evans has to learn to put up with the lot of you for the sake of Potter, you’re going to have to figure out how to put up with me and Barty, because I can assure you that Barty isn’t going anywhere.”
Hearing Regulus’ message for what it truly was, Remus made a mental note:
Do not come between you and Barty.
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You found the weather to be quite refreshing today as you made your way to the edge of the Black Lake. 
You felt poorly for Bartemus; you didn’t understand what the point of Crouch Senior continuing to write to his estranged son was, or what  he sought to accomplish.
Perhaps it was just to upset Barty, which upset you even more.
But, you’d performed the “fire sacrifice” as Barty often called it, and burned some white sage to cleanse the energy after disposing of the horrid letter.
And today was a new day. 
There were hardly any clouds in the sky, the grounds were quiet as most students were still in class whilst you had a free period, and Barty had offered you a family heirloom to offer the mermaids today.
You had no sooner lost sight of the Crouch signet ring as it sank to the depths of the Black Lake when the sun in the sky was blocked from behind you. 
You turned to see the figures of Silas, Shirley, and Coraline from Hufflepuff standing over you.
“I know you said she had a brian the size of a goldfish, Coraline, but it seems she rather wants to be a goldfish.” Shirley commented with a malicious smile.
“Returning home to the Grindylow’s, L/N?” Silas jeered. 
Your mother always told you to ignore the mean words; to smile and stay kind when people got mean. 
“What?” Coraline cooed in faux sympathy. “Kneazle got your tongue?”
“You better start talking, witch, because the way I see it; you’ve hurt one of ours.” Silas barked.
“Hurt?” You asked as you stood up, trying to sift through memories of your recent interactions with Hufflepuffs only to come up empty.
“Don’t play dumb; you totally stole Lupin right out from under Amelia.” Coraline explained.
Your heart fell; you certainly hadn’t meant to do that, you hadn’t even realised they were together. You never meant to hurt Amelia, and you were sure Remus must just hate you for this if it was true. 
“Amelia is twice the witch you are; Lupin deserves better than some ditzy airhead.” Shirley spat at you.
Amelia certainly was a nice witch; she was competent, powerful, and quite pretty. She was normal too, not like you; you were odd, a freak. 
“Why do you think he was spending all that time with Amelia when you two first started talking? He didn’t want you, L/N.” Coraline stressed.
He didn’t want you.
That was perhaps true. He didn’t choose this soulmate bond; and he didn’t choose you.
He had seemed more than disturbed in the beginning.
Perhaps he was only being nice to you now because he was simply no longer resisting the bond.
No one should have to live like that; to live their life out of force and obligation. Not Sirius, not Regulus, not Barty, and certainly not Remus.
“I don’t think you heard me.” Silas said as he took a menacing step towards you, and he punctuated every word with a sharp jab of his finger into your shoulder. “Stay. Away. From Lupin.”
And then he used his whole body to shove you backwards, and you were plummeting into the cold dark water of the Black Lake.
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taglist: @hanniejji , @y0urm0m12 , @c0nsc10usworld , @aphrcdites , @starsval , @thepunisherfrankcastle , @anuncalledbridge, @unstablereader , @klazina-couch-potato , @cancelledkaley , @ttulipwritezz , @boo8008 , @imobsessedwitholiviarodrigo , @frostooo , @myriadmoons , @aremuslupinsimp , @simars3 , @stargurl99 , @dreamingofts18 , @iwannabeinthesequalmrghostface , @agent-tempest , @xxrougefangxx , @serenadingtigers , @adhxmoony , @hufflepufffangirlqueen , @thebiggestnaturaldisaster , @urmomw4ntsme , @b4tm4nn , @jamieolivia27 , @stqrgirlies-blog , @loving-and-dreaming
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marauder-queen · 2 years
Sirius: Remus, look what Harry got me for father's day!! *holds up #1 Dad*
Remus, glaring silently while sipping from his own '#1 Dad' mug:
Sirius: that lying bitch
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Rewrite The Stars Masterlist
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Pairing: James Potter x Hufflepuff!Reader
Genre: Soulmate au, romance, angst, enemies to lovers, slight love triangle but gets over quickly
Warnings: angst, slight swearing, Remus getting emotionally hurt, minor character death
and fate is pulling you miles away
and out of reach from me
but you're here in my heart
so who can stop me if i decide that you're my destiny?
Summary: In which James loves his soulmate but hates Y/N L/N.
I: you're gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all
II: and out of reach from me
III: and i'm not the one you were meant to find
IV: and there are doors that we can't walk through
V: because we're able to be just you and me within these walls
VI: you know i want you, it's not a secret i try to hide
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oh, to be in love
“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever.” ― Alfred Tennyson
notes: the way that I teared up reading love quotes to pick for this lol. anyway shoutout to anyone who can make you feel this way bc they deserve it
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"I love you." The words rang in your ears and settled in the warmest, softest part of your body and soul. It was the feeling of riding rollercoasters and having your body anticipate the first drop but still be shocked by the thrill of it happening. It's only three words. The phrase had been spoken to you — around you— for 20 years, but hearing it with your body pressed against theirs meant something more. You'd read a million romances and watched thousands of hopeless pairings find their way to each other. You'd closed your eyes a hundred times and imagined a future with the 'perfect' someone. All of it was sweet and romantic, but this was better. 
You'd fallen for others in the past, taken part in one-sided sob stories more times than you'd like to admit, and ached for love. You've run to catch falling stars and been willing to touch the sun's core for people other than them. That was infatuation, but this was love. 
The feeling of being in love with them is unexplainable in words. It's closing your eyes when songs that remind you of them comes on, and then, you play a film of memories of them. It's watching a movie a hundred times before but getting excited for the big reveal because they've never gotten to experience it. It's the shivers you get when you step out of a warm house on a cold, dewy morning. Being in love with them is living the same way you have for 20 years, but now you cry at love songs because you relate to them. An anthology of experiences was the closest you could get; even then, something wasn't there. 
Up close and in the warmth of home, the two of you are mundane and far from sappy rom-com couples and their grand gestures. It's being too lazy to make yourself food, so they make it for you. Your relationship is knowing they need time to themselves and giving them space, even though it makes you pout a little. It's 'have fun at work, honey' kisses, saving the last spoonful of ice cream, stealing glances at them when driving, and nagging them playfully. The best part is when you are against them, and when you look up to stare at them lovingly, they're already staring down at you. 
Being in love with them was being in love with your best friend. 
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