9mothsinspace · 11 months
I'm so fed up with depression.
But what is even worse are these rare, random good days in between that leave you wondering why you've ever been depressed in the first place.
And then the day is gone and with it that little ray of light and you have no idea how to get it back.
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inexable · 1 month
The Fed's Game-Changer Speech!
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell has just announced a significant shift in economic policy from Jackson Hole, signaling that the long battle with inflation is nearing its end. With inflation now below 3% and unemployment slightly rising from historic lows, the Fed is looking to cut interest rates to help stabilize the job market.
What are your thoughts on this move? Can the lowering of interest rates bolster the economy without leading to negative repercussions? How do you think this decision might influence the upcoming presidential election? Let’s discuss the potential impacts and implications of Powell’s striking new direction!
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demonstars · 1 year
the autism doesn't usually hit until i have three test lined up and i have a meltdown because my sister told me my card would get denied (as a joke) (it didn't but it fucked my night)
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confessmau · 9 months
I think it's funny how Laurance, one of the few guys to have never worn a skirt or a dress in canon and has some of the worst fits in the whole series (Especially in mystreet, some of his mcd fits are rlly good), is the one who is so often headcanoned to wear dresses and skirts, be into fashion, have a long skincare ruitine, and so forth.
yall are clinging so hard to the guy who canonically can't dress himself when canon garroth is right there, dressed a sexy nurse and standing directly next to dr. laur.
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sainadazai · 1 year
d7 and e6 with akutagawa?
(if you don't write for him can you do chuuya?)
Breath Play + Dom/Sub with Akutagawa
Warnings ⚠️ Foul language, sexual themes, dom/sub dynamics, choking, akutagawa being sassy and mean!!
Working for the port mafia has always been a job of convenience. There was no desire on your part to do the job other than to get paid, no passion behind your position, no alterior motive. However, as you grew and climbed the ranks of the port mafia you soon learned that times change.
What was once a daily ruitine, a nuisance, was now the highlight of your morning.
You wake up, dress up in casual black pants and a black shirt alike, you get your morning coffee and you head to work for your assignment, but, recently someone new has been in the office waiting for you. Someone you practically pray to see each day.
"Good morning Akutagawa, sir." His eyes peeking up from the coffee he was stirring and for a Meer moment brighten with interest. The assassin.
See, he has notably began to desire seeing you each day as well. The way you smile cutely when you come in to say goodmorning, how your gaze frequently lingers on his long fingers and drops subtly to his legs when you notice how he spreads them in his chair.
He could just eat you up, and it excites him so. Ever since becoming a person of higher power among those in the mafia, he hasn't quite been able to tame his need to boss people around. To be mean.
And oh, it's so cute when he is mean to you.
You never take it too personal, the work isn't why you come here anymore. It's him. And to watch his face scrunched up in disgust as you overshare about a recent killing, to see his eyes darken with some emotion you can't quite place whenever you confess you've made a mistake. It soils your panties and you can't get enough.
And so today, you come in again, after being assigned to an assassination of a man who was unfortunately at your favorite coffee shop. And I mean, it's not like you could risk not getting coffee tomorrow so you decided the kill could wait. He didn't need to die today, it wasn't urgent.
Or so you thought.
Akutagawa didn't take so kindly to this news.
"You think your so safe just cause you walk around all pretty and sweet, don't you?" He hisses through a clenched jaw as you are trapped between his slim form and the wall.
Despite his thin build he dwarfs you, making you shrink further in your stance.
A hand flies to your throat before you can respond and what you don't expect is that next a sensation of pain arises from your now bare shoulder. He bit you. Another thing you aren't quite prepared for is the all but needy whine you let out at the feeling.
And you're soaked. You can't lie and say you've never dreamt of something like this, getting him mad enough to hurt you. It's not even out of lust per se. It's an infatuation that goes beyond surface level. You want to know what fuels that fire in his eyes. What makes this man so mean, so angry, so sexy.
"Oh? I see, you've done this on purpose." A smirk pulls at his lips. His eyes tracing the mark he's now left on you, a sense of pride welling in his chest. You are someone he can control, he can bully into submission. You take him seriously.
"No, akutagawa, sir, i would never." And he almost hisses at the sly glint in your eyes. You wanted this. You were testing and teasing him and he knew just how to fix it.
The hand around your throat tightened and began to lift you higher against the wall. A light feeling overwhelmed your senses as you lacked oxygen but it made the sensation of his touch so much more intense.
"What a silly little girl. Hmm? Thinking her boss isnt going to punish her?" His hand loosens for a second, he wants you conscious.
After a deep inhale though, he is squeezing again, not missing the way your eyes roll back and your thighs clench together.
"I see," he forces a knee between them, licking his lips as you roll your hips down onto him.
"Sir." It's a meer whisper yet it has him growing painfully stiff.
"You want me to fuck you." A devilish smirk overtakes him and he's moving to begin ripping you to shreds.
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lady0lunamoon · 1 year
Honestly, I hope they don't end up trying too hard to make Shadybug and Claw Noir "emo" in the actual special! Especially considering being emo is more about art and music and — like the name says — Emotions, instead of just being depressed!
I hope the writers know that and will not fall into the stereotype of emos being depressed and suicidal, when writing Shady and Claw!
Instead, have them be more on the snarky side than the depressed side!
Instead of making them full on depressed, make them troubled teens who can still find enjoyment in life!
And IF you go the "You don't understand me" ruitine, give them a REASON to feel like that! But still, don't make them full on depressed!
I'm warning you writers! These two have potential to be the best Miraculous Antagonists yet! Don't you DARE ruin it for me!
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clovesnz · 10 months
Dropping my anti-cold ruitine:
Wake up
Eat something somewhat wholesome
Drink tea
Take a covid test because I’m paranoid
Gargle salt water
Wear my crystal necklace even though I normally don’t believe in that kinda thing
Sit in the sunlight
Drink emergen c
Drink miso soup and have lunch
Take advil
Sit in the sunlight
Eat turkey for dinner lol
Drink more tea
Gargle more salt water
Drink a glass of water
Rest in bed and get up to pee every 30 minutes for a bit because of all the tea and water I just drank
Clutch my crystal necklace and pray for the universe to heal my ailments before hanging it up for the night
Take melatonin so that I don’t stay up worrying about how I will feel the next day
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waywardtyrantpirate · 6 months
Mdni minors or ageless bios I will block you
I just had to do my ruitine not right due to scheduling an not anybodies else's fault an I'm thrown into a flare up. Ugh. I'm now wearing clothes that I don't usually wear bc my ruitine is that I wear certain clothes on certain days an its complicated but I have to due my health. I'm ok. I just need to breathe. My hand is killing me. The rash is getting bigger and worse. My ankle an leg is killing me too. I can stand on it but whenever I lean down to pick something up or stand on it too long it hurts.
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bondew · 8 months
"Ew girls" "Why did he just assume it was a girl" Boys that isn't very straight of you!!
Cadence Lane.
I'm still very confused on what came over me just before, like that's probably the first time I've aplogised since maybe last year? And I didn't even do anything wrong?! Something is wrong with me. I pull on my jacket and sit down on my bed, my hair has flopped back into it's regular messy state, I scroll though my camera roll for a while. So long that I end looking at pictures of me from early highschool. God I was so weird, I just want to go back in time and warn myself. I stare at one photo for a while, it's of me and my dad. My hair is all long and messy, I have a funny hat on and a wide, real smile. He has the same smile and is gripping my shoulder in a side hug. My screen turns off and I see my reflection in the deep void, my eyes are welling up.. I quickly wipe the tears away and stand up, tossing my phone behind me. Pacing back and forward I struggle to figure out what to do, noticing its already dark out I take off my shirt and then slide my jacket back on, jumping into some black and white checkered pants I grab my cosemetics bag. Heading down the staircase I enter the bathrooms and instantly want to leave. My eyes lock onto the group of boys and make my way to the sink to my right, I'm as far away to them as possible and praying they leave me alone. After brushing my teeth and whiting them I grab some cleanser out of my bag and start to wash my face. The boys start whispering, then their voices get louder. "Faggot! Sissy!" They call across the bathroom, I try to hold back my anger, "Stupid femboy!" Taking subtly deep breaths I flip them off to release a little steam. Continuing I finally finish up and shove all my stuff away. They keep going, even though I'm about to leave. God I wish I could just punch them all right now. I go to grab the door handle but someone from the other side turns it first. The room goes silent as that red-head boy from before enters. I Look back at the group who are all now smiling like their innocent. "I heard some comotion in here? Is everything ok?" I hear a concerned bubbly voice say, the boys all make up some random excuse and move on with it. Why is that guy friends with them, they seem so different? And why does he keep appearing? I try not to think about anything when I get back to my room, I just sit on the bed, open my laptop and scroll.
Dazz Shawn.
Half of my friends have left my the time I've finished brushing my teeth. I mess around a bit with my orange hair before getting pulled to leave by my group, we all head outside and sit on the field. Their aren't many stars in the sky having been in a city but its still quite nice. We all chuck our toiletries on the floor and then we just run. Not like drills or anything just for fun, no one's really said a word. I mean thats how it normally is, this is just ruitine. Honestly it's the highlight of my day, I actually smile, I have fun with my friends, I'm free. It's nice. Not having to worry, not having to care what anyone thinks. I fall onto my back into a patch of long-ish grass and everyone joins me. "I love you guys." I say, sure my friends can be a bit mean at times. But.. well they don't know this but they are the reason I'm still here, if it wasn't for them just existing. Well how do I put this.. I wouldn't exist anymore? We are all just smiling, I've forgotten everything about today. This is what university life is. We slowly all head back to out own dorms, I walk back alone. Just relaxing, still smiling.
Cadence Lane.
I slowly wake up and glance at my phone, realising its 10am I jolt to my feet. As I realise it's saturday I fall back down. My laptop has been knocked to the floor, I plug it in and proceed to make my bed. Brushing my hair I slide on some regular pants and sit back down. Scratching my chest I check my notifications, there's none. I start to scroll through my socials when the regular saturday morning chatter arrives. As I run my fingers through my hair I step outside to realise how many people there actually is, girls and boys are all gathered in circles, leaning on walls, just chatting away. "Can you all just shut up?! Its saturday morning for fucks sake!" I say with a tone, so it will reach above the chatter. Everyone goes silent, with just a couple whispers. I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste and shove past the croud to get to the bathroom. I hate to admit it but I hear girls swoon. Ew girls. I quickly finish up and then stomp back to my room, I just know today is going to suck. The hallway has actually gotten quieter, surprisingly. Guess I just have yell at people to get my way, I can deal with that. I make my way down to the kitchen and grab my ingredients from the fridge, checking no one has taken any I start cooking. Reheating my rice in the microwave, I top it with a fried egg, scallions, soy sauce and some leftover meat. "Mmm! That smells great!" A voice gets closer, he peers over my shoulder. I take a quick glance at his face, why does he just appear?! "Um yes.." I reply, a bit awkward. Shit shit, what is happening to me. My voice is softer than before, a bit calmer. I sit down at the table, trying to get out of the conversation. Thankfully he gets the message and gives up on talking to me, I break up the egg and start to eat my breakfast. "Wait- didn't you just come out of the bathroom and brush your teeth?" The voice appears again and sits down infront of me. "Um yes?" "Who brushes their teeth before breakfast?!" "Well it's better for your anamal over time." I go back to my cold stare, the guy shrugs and starts to eat cereal while sitting with me. It's insanely awkward but.. oh well, he'll probably just appear again if I leave.
Dazz Shawn.
SHITTT WHAT AM I DOING?! Why am I sitting with a total stranger, why am I talking to a total stranger? Who am I and what have I done with the real me?! Deep breaths Dazz.. just put your dish in the washer and leave now. As I stand up my bestfriend slings his arm around be he suddenly speaks, "Yo Dazz, I had the weirdest dream last night, I was like flying, on like a giant apple.. singing Ariana Grande? Oh yeah, she was there too singing with me.. she's so hot." He laughed, "Did you like have any dreams?" I immediately go red as he suddenly jogs my memory, I had managed to forget what my dream was a couple hours ago. "Oh.. um.." "Omg- was it a sex dream?! It wasss!" He says a bit too loud and I get even more flushed. "No it was not!" I cover his mouth, "Just of someone I like, nothing weird or anything." "YOU LIKE SOMEONE?!" He rips my hand off his mouth and shouts this, "Who…?" He smirks and starts listing girls name. I start walking faster and further away, trying to get my skin back to it's normal colour. I'm finally at my room and instead of being calm and taking deep breaths, breathing becomes significantly harder than normal. I break into a sweat and my mind starts racing, who heard him? Why did he say that so loud? Why did he just assume it was a girl? Do I tell him it wasn't? Do I come out to him? Why did I say 'someone I like' I don't really even like them! That guy probably thought I was stupid or weird when I talked to him!? I sit on my bed and start taping each finger besides ring with my thumb, my tears start to slow down and my breathing returns to normal. I hear knocks at my door, wiping my teachers before they make my eyes super red I answer. "Oh hello!" I say in my cheery voice, the guy from my dream- I mean the guy I talked to this morning is holding my jacket. "You forgot this?" I snatch it back and thank him, it feels impolite to close the door so we just stand there. He grabs to door knob and closes it himself. How did he know where I live? Oh wait- my door has a picture of myself on it.. right. Forgot my friends put that there. I bury my face in the jacket and force myself just to sleep this bad day out.
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chirpycreations · 2 years
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Huh, pretty sure that only said 'Report spam' yeserday when going though my new daily ruitine . (Thank you girl-bots, but I ain't intrested and don't appreciate my eyes being graced with your profile pictures when going to report you).
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thefarawaystar · 20 days
School starts up again this week, back to the ruitines, and every day being the same as the last. I think if solitaire would like to burn down my school, I'm not sure I'd be able to stop them, mostly because I just dont want to.
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playlistsbybunny · 28 days
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princess of ireland
star of the county down - the irish rovers
if you're irish, come into the parlour - barnbrack
muirsheen durkin - irish lands of limerick
bold o'donaghue - the blarney lads
the moonshiner - the clancy brothers
murisheen durkin - the poxy boggards
molly ban / flowers of edinburgh / famous ballymote - ciaran tourish
apples in winter - dervish
the fox chase - finbar furey
tir n'aill - syr
dochas - aaron dolan
the glad eye / the journeyman / the wayward son - john doyle
meetings of the waters - the elders
dean mcleod - sheridan ruitin
the stinger - imar
'stor, a stor, a ghra - altan
oro mo bhaidin - mary o'hara
i'm shipping up to boston - dropkick murphys
kinky boots - the irish brigade
highland girl - nathan evans
mouth of the eden - sabrina jordan
daylight - david kushner
7 minutes - dean lewis
stick season - noah kahan
irish jig - irish pub society
the luck of the ireland - irish flute music universe
an chloch - dirk freymuth
into the forest - irish folk & celtic music
seven old ladies - foster & allen
catch me if you can - chris ball
link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7ox6nAMmEwpVn4pjYpTag9?si=f9c843db09634f12&pt=861e4cb8ec864696800b8a6948257167
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I got my cat a new bed/like hole and she likes to scratch it before curling up inside. The downside is the scratching doesn't sound like scratching. It sounds like she's hurling so I always panic. And because I panic I ruin her little ruitine and she gets mad at me 😔
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aajjks · 7 months
Hey Princess Alina. Sorry that I haven't kept in contact lately. I've recently started studying at university so my life has changed a lot and I've been super busy. I'm just messaging to let you know that I'm still alive and I haven't forgotten about you. Catching up with your content used to be part of my everyday ruitine last year, so it feels weird that I don't get the time for it nowadays. I miss chatting with you and I miss reading your posts. I hope you're doing well and that your 2024 has been good so far 💜
Hey, I’m good how about you? It’s been a while I was starting to get concerned. But it’s really good to know that you’ve started University and I hope that I’ll get to my studies soon too. Just take your time and focus on your future. 🥺♥️ I’m just glad you’re OK & doing good. 🩷🩷
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oceanneedsmentalhelp · 7 months
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goblinroleplay · 2 years
part of my morning routine (i almost wrote that as ruitine) now consists of dancing (gothly) to decidedly un-goth music . like bimbofied
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