#same thing: stuffs half the cube into his mouth
lightngaleart · 1 year
Anders has, somehow, grown bigger than my tank boss and I’ve noticed the tank boss doesn’t really shove him out of the way as much anymore 🤣
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knightjpg · 3 months
Brick by Brick
And like a dog who's learned a new trick Simon rings your bell the next day. Wasn't happy with how he left it, and wasn't that faucet leaking? He's got plenty of spare wood in his shed, don't you worry. What's that about the boiler making a weird noise? He'll take a look at it, might have something for the draft in the hallway too. Pay him? What are you talking about, he does stuff like this for fun. Don't sweat it, love. Just hand him that wrench.
tags: construction worker simon/neighbour reader
part 1 | part 2
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Summer is the worst time of year for construction work outside. Up early before the birds are awake to try and beat the heat, arriving on site at six or earlier with bleary eyes and creaky joints from the day before. It means coming home at four or five with lots of day left to get through yet without the will or energy to do anything beside shower, eat, watch some telly, and sleep. 
The pay is good and it beats sitting in a cramped office all day, but when Simon gets home with aching knees and the thrum of a headache at the back of his skull it's hard to remember why on Earth he chose the career he's in. He's drenched in sweat, large dark patches adorning his pits and back. 
It's one of those days where very little can make him stray from his commute straight to home to collapse into his big falling-apart chair, but today it's not really up to him. A large moving truck blocks his driveway. The faded company logo against dirty white overtakes the entire view of his windshield, though Simon can see the back doors are still swung open. No one to attend to it, though. 
Simon noticed the FOR SALE! sign had gone, of course. Remembers feeling vaguely pleased, even, that the home next to his wouldn't be empty anymore, because he of all people knows exactly how quickly places can fall apart without anyone tending to it. But right now all he feels is tired, and hot, and really fucking annoyed. Just when he's clicked his belt loose to get out of the car and see if the dolt belonging to the truck is anywhere to be found, voices carry from the open front door. 
“...last. I'm afraid it's a little heavy, though, so maybe we should get the boxes out first?” 
And out steps the sweetest little thing he's ever seen. Hair tied up, tight little top, and shorts that give him ample view of your legs.  
Maybe summer's not so bad after all. 
You're talking to a bloke wearing a uniform that matches the moving truck and who looks flushed in the face from exertion. As soon as you clock Simon's car, though, you stop mid-sentence in surprise, and then quickly walk to him, brows furrowed apologetically. 
“Oh, I'm so sorry—you're trying to get past us, aren't you?” Simon gives you a nod, and you turn back to the mover. “Would you mind moving the truck up a little? I don't want it to be in the way.” 
There's precious little parking space ahead, so Simon rolls down his window and calls out to you, “Jus’ backing up a few yards s’fine.” He gestures to his driveway so you know that's where he's headed, and you flash him a smile and a thumbs-up in understanding. 
The truck is moved, Simon parks his car, and you pull another heavy-looking box from the cube. You never reach your new doorstep with it; Simon steps in and lifts it from your hands. You blink up at him, lashes fluttering sweetly with surprise. “Oh—are you sure? It's heavy...!” 
One corner of Simon's mouth tugs up. Tired as he is it weighs next to nothing, and he can't resist holding it with one arm, holding out the other. 
“Can take ‘nother if you need.” 
You laugh and assure him this is quite enough, then jog back to the truck while Simon pushes past the half-open door to his new neighbour's home. 
It's a mess, of course. Piles of boxes, scattered furniture, rolled-up carpets. Simon puts the box down in the living room, then saunters back outside to lift another from your hands. He does the same with the couch; the mover is struggling and Simon doesn't trust him not to let it fall and crash. And you're such a little thing. Just doesn't feel right, watching you rush around and struggle without stepping in. 
With Simon's help it's quick work. The mover thanks Simon before driving off, but he's not really listening. There's much more important things to pay attention to. 
You're pretty. Cheeks flushed from exertion, breathing hard, flyaway hairs from your ponytail sticking up in odd directions. Simon has to suppress the urge to smooth them away. 
"Thanks so much for the help,” you tell him earnestly. “I'm sorry we were in the way—we thought we'd have a little more time before people started coming home from work.” 
“S’alright,” Simon says. It's nearing evening, now, the sky above you glowing in pale pink and oranges hues. The little smatter of trees across from you rustles with a gust of summer wind.  
You introduce yourself and insist on giving Simon your number “in case there's ever anything you need.” Simon's more concerned about a young woman living all on her own but takes your number all the same, watching your pretty little fingers tap it in on his phone. 
“I mostly work from home, but I'm very quiet and boring,” you tell him with a smile. “You don't have to worry about noise.” 
For some reason that isn't the selling point it should be. When Simon stands inside his hallway, house empty and dark and quiet, he wishes he still lived in a shitty apartment with thin walls on the bad side of Manchester. Maybe then he'd hear your footsteps, or better yet, your voice. Instead the only thing waiting for him at home is silence. Heavy and thick, where he's ripped away from sweet sunshine and plunged underwater. 
Simon is halfway to falling asleep on the couch when the bell rings. He groans, drags a hand over his face, and glances up at the TV. The football match is still going. The camera pans over a cheering crowd, their cries distant and quiet. 
He mutes the thing entirely and heaves himself up to open the door. Swear to God, if this is the fucking salesman again... 
“Hi there.” 
You give Simon a little finger wave, your other hand cradling a round oven dish. When you shift on your feet the protective foil on top rustles noisily. 
You look a little more put together than you did yesterday—rested, showered, fed. Just as pretty. 
Although, speaking of fed... 
“Alright?” Simon asks, eyes on the oven pan. He's only catching a faint whiff of something, but whatever it is smells really fucking good. His stomach reminds him that the only thing in his fridge are a couple cans of beer.  
You nod and lift the dish with a shy little grin. “Yeah. Um. I wanted to say thanks again, for yesterday. And I wanted to test out my oven, so...” 
You hold the dish out for him to take. Simon's fingers brush yours, large meaty paws easily twice the size of your own. When he peels back the foil you add, “Shepherd's pie. I thought about cookies, but I wasn't sure if you'd like those.” 
The scent hits him, then, rich and hearty and buttery smooth. The dish is still a little warm. 
Fuck. When was the last time he ate something homemade? 
“No, I'll eat anything,” he says, suddenly feeling a little self-conscious. He hasn't showered yet. Must look a nightmare. Does he stink? “Thanks.” 
Your whole face lights up, and Simon's neck feels hot. He averts his eyes to avoid your gaze and pretends to inspect the pie instead. Jesus, what is he, twelve? “I'm glad. I'll leave you to it, then.” 
D’you want to come in for a drink?  
It's on the tip of his tongue, but he can't get the words out quite right and gives you a brusque nod, watching you walk back to your own home before closing his door all the way. 
He eats at his kitchen table and finishes the whole thing in one go. Chases bits of flakey crust with his finger, licks up every leftover crumb. The meat is tender and juicy and for a while after the only things he smells is golden-brown potatoes seasoned with rosemary. 
He mourns it when it's gone, of course. Has half a mind to go over right now and ask if your cooking is for hire—Simon can't remember the last time he felt satisfied. When he ate not just for the sake of fuel or convenience but because someone wanted him to have something nice, something special. Is it special? Is he special? Are you going around the neighbourhood handing out cookies and pies to just anyone? 
Simon's sigh is loud in the silence and sticks to the kitchen walls. 
The pre-made frozen meals are fine, of course. Empty plastic containers fill up the rubbish bin. They're easy and cheap and most days Simon's glad just to have something warm in his stomach.  
And yet. 
The next day Simon stands at your door at six in the evening sharp, holding the clean dish in his hands. You invite him in for a cup of tea, because unlike him you have good manners, and you sheepishly apologise for the stacks of boxes everywhere. 
“S’alright,” Simon says, carefully manoeuvring around a large pile of books. “I don't mind.” 
And he doesn't, though he does feel like a bull in a china shop. Large and much too coarse for the little tea cup you hand him while the kettle whistles on the stove. 
“I'm afraid I don't have much to go with it,” you say with a flutter of your hands. “Do you like ginger snaps? I think I've got a pack somewhere.” 
You don't wait for his answer and pry open one of the cupboards. First come the ginger snaps, then the box of Earl Grey, which you hold up to him with a triumphant smile. “Unpacked the important stuff first.” 
Simon frowns and jerks his chin to the cupboard. “S’it stuck?” 
“Oh—yeah. They all are.” You give the wood a little knock. “It'll take me some time to get to fixing everything. The house went for a good price, but only ‘cause it needs some love.” You give him a rueful smile and get up, wiping your hands on your thighs. “I'm not all that handy, so I'll have to take it bit by bit.” 
Simon rises before you finish your sentence. "Let me see.” 
“Oh, no, it's okay. It's not a big deal, really—” 
Simon crouches down, slowly, to spare his knees, and tests the hinges. The wood is rotten in certain places, the hinges old and rusted. Rather than fixing it up it should be replaced entirely. You really better had gotten this place for good money, because this will take more than a bit of elbow grease to repair. He prods at the hinges, tuts, and looks up at you. 
“Ready to fall apart, this one. You said they're all like this?” 
You nod, worry creasing your brow. “I—yes. Well, the kitchen is. The bathroom seems alright. Is it worse than I thought?” 
“Might be. You have anyone look at this?” 
You shake your head. “I'm starting to feel silly about it now, but I was going to look up how to do it myself.” 
Simon straightens. “I'll go get my kit.” 
It's not as bad as he feared. Two cabinets need tearing down completely, but the others are worth saving. Simon warns you the repair job will fuck the wood, but you tell him it's no problem; you'll paint over it anyway. 
You feed him tea and ginger snaps while he works, asking him several times if he wouldn't like a break, hasn't he done a lot already? You feel terrible about having him work on his day off. Didn't he say he worked construction? He must be so tired, poor man. You insist he stay for dinner. “You've been so helpful—it's the least I could do.” 
Simon takes a breather to watch you cook. Chicken, pasta, summer salad. The sun sinks lower and hits you straight on from the kitchen window, painting the edges of you a dazed red-gold. An angel's halo. 
“You big on reading, then?” 
You turn down the heat and put a lid over the pan to join him at the table. Simon's eyeing the many books strewn about on top of boxes that say “pans” and “kitchen supplies”. Le Morte D’Arthur. Histories of the Kings of Britain. Beowulf. There's even one that prompts a vague, long-forgotten memory from his school days— The Canterbury Tales.  
“I am. Always have been.” You nod to the books. “I teach at university—medieval literature. But I'm working on my own research on the side.” 
Simon lets out a low whistle. His pretty bird is a clever one. Smarter than him, that's for sure. He might be big and strong but he's got bricks for brains. 
That's what his dad always used to say, anyway—that he's stupid. Those always were his kinder moments. 
“That explains all the books y’got.” 
“There sure are a lot of them, aren't there? I swear moving really makes you realise just how much stuff you own...” You shake your head. “I'll have to get a bigger bookcase.” 
“Think it's impressive.” 
Your eyes crinkle with a smile. “Not as impressive as knowing how to fix my cabinets! I don't know how I would've managed by myself.” You hop up from your seat to check the food, then ask over your shoulder, “Is that something you do a lot for work, too? Carpentry and the like?” 
Simon shakes his head. “We do the heavy lifting. Clearing a place out, laying the foundation. Johnny—my coworker, he's mostly on machinery. Kyle does transport and plumbing. I do the heavier handiwork.” 
You hum and start plating the food while asking him more questions. Is the pay good? Is his boss fair? Are his coworkers nice? 
Price's fairly strict is what he is, Simon answers, and you laugh again. He likes that. Likes that he gets you to do that. 
He wolfs down a plate of his pasta and devours the chicken. It's fragrant, roasted with lemon and thyme, bursts between his teeth. He tells you more about Johnny, that he's a cocky bastard who likes playing with electricity way too much, but that he's also a loyal friend. That he's a hard worker—that all of them are. 
When his plate is empty and he's eyeing what's left in the pans you push them closer without saying anything, and prompt him to tell you about that time a plumbing line exploded and Kyle got soaked from tip to toe in disgusting gunk. He smelt like sewage water for weeks. 
Simon doesn't even realise how much he's talked until his throat starts feeling rougher than usual. You make it easy somehow. If he'd thought you would look down on him because of your own job he needn't have worried. You're not at all like what he imagines when he thinks of professors, none of the stuffy superiority complex he's used to weathering when people find out all he does all day is chafe his fingers on hard cement.  
Maybe you're just good at faking it, but he doubts it. The sparkle in your eyes when you listen to him so intently has to be real. 
You send him home with a warm thanks and dessert, and Simon feels something in his chest lurch when you peer up at him through your lashes in the doorway, smiling and sweet. Can't remember the last time he went out for dates. Can't remember having the time or energy for it. 
And like a dog who's learned a new trick Simon rings your bell the next day. Wasn't happy with how he left it, and wasn't that faucet leaking? He's got plenty of spare wood in his shed, don't you worry. What's that about the boiler making a weird noise? He'll take a look at it, might have something for the draft in the hallway too. 
Pay him? What are you talking about, he does stuff like this for fun. Don't sweat it, love. Just hand him that wrench. 
There are days when it's hard, of course. Simon is only human, and spending days and days on sizzling hard concrete would wring anyone dry. The project is coming along nicely, but at the height of summer there's plenty of times when even the promise of your smile isn't enough to keep him from falling asleep on his couch—often on an empty stomach. 
But during the weekends he rings your bell dutifully. Six o’clock becomes something sacred in his mind, sweet relief after praying on his knees for hours smoothing out cement. It gets to the point where he turns down Friday drinks with the guys more than once because he's got something to go home for now, his pretty little bird that's never once mentioned a boyfriend of any kind. 
“You really should let me pay you.” 
Simon gives you a look before pushing his large shoulders further into the cabinet under the bathroom sink. “Should be the one payin’ you. I know I'm doubling your grocery bill.” 
He eats more at your place than his own these days. It gives him incentive to rush through a shower, dress like something resembling a human, then wait at your doorstep to be let in. Wagging tail and everything. 
Your cheeks darken and you duck your head. “No, um... It makes me happy. To see you eat my cooking, I mean,” you confess a little shyly. “I feel like I'm the one getting everything out of this. I hope I'm not keeping you from—from spending time at home, or with your family.” 
“S’just me, love.” Simon pauses, pretends to inspect the pipes. “Less you don't want me coming ‘round anymore.” 
“No, no,” you say hastily. “No, I like—I like the company. Really.” Your voice softens. “And I'm not just saying that because I appreciate the help.” 
Simon exhales, shifts a little to accommodate the strain in his boxers, and holds his hand out for the screwdriver. 
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tllgrrl · 1 year
Welcome Home: Ch 2 - Safe and Home: Special Delivery For Sarah
Relationship: Sarah Wilson / Bucky Barnes | Rating: M
Summary: Team Cap has been away on a mission for 3 months. They—he—will be back, safe and home, in 3 days. 3 more days…
* * * * * * * * * *
Sarah turned off the TV, calling it a night after attempting a 3-episode mini-binge of Great British Bake-off.
She’d started to doze off in the middle of the first episode because it had been a busy day at work, not only doing the day-to-day operational stuff, but also making sure everything was in place and set to run smoothly for the next week while she was going to be on call, working from her home office.
Having a brother who’s an Avenger definitely has perks.
His friend and predecessor, Steve Rogers, liked the Internet well enough. It helped him catch up to modern times. Sam Wilson, however, completely embraced modern technology and wanted to have access to everything at a moment’s notice, even when he was at Sarah’s for some R&R.
And to that end, she and the kids benefitted from having excellent, dedicated, encrypted WiFi in their home, through StarkTech.
Now she was relaxed from the shower she took before hunkering down on the couch for a little Netflix and the half glass of beer left over from dinner.
Noticing that there was only one note taken: “Nadiya – Iced Buns”, she stood up, put her notepad and pen on the coffee table, picked up the empty glass and took it to the kitchen, not bothering to turn on the light there.
She rinsed the glass, put it in the dish rack, closed her eyes in the dark, and…
…feels a solid warmth against her back, a scratchy stubble and soft lips on her neck, an arm on either side of her, and both of their hands resting on the edge of the sink.
One arm, warm flesh.
The other arm, being metal, would be a little bit cooler. Not quite the same temperature of his body. But not…cold.
She feels his arms encircle her waist, his mouth on the nape of her neck, as the shining dark metal hand inlayed with gold slides up, cups her breast and—
The soft clatter of cubes from the ice maker in the freezer jolts her out of her reverie.
She shakes her head and sighs.
(3 more days.)
The kids were at a birthday party weekend sleepover, so she was having some final Me Time before all her Men returned: the Little Men, her sons Cass and AJ, and also the Big Men, Sam (just wanting to take a break and go fishing with the kids), and Bucky (craving “properly seasoned food”, the kids…and her), who were due in 3 days, after being gone for 3 months.
(3. Whole. Months.)
Cass and AJ were practically bouncing off the walls in anticipation of when their uncles came back from the latest Captain America mission.
They were planning some kind of “special celebration” that involved the uncles’ favourite cookies—that she’d bake—and a special “Welcome Home” banner that they’d make.
But Cass and AJ weren’t the only ones.
She was starting to bounce off of the walls, too.
Yes, she was looking forward to having her brother here for a few days, but she was bouncing off of the walls in anticipation of the return of the man who she was going to—among other things—let put his hands—among other places—in her hair.
As soon as he’s safe and home…
She checked the downstairs doors and windows, turned off the living room lamp, headed upstairs to the bathroom to brush her teeth, etc., and was on her way up the smaller second set of steps to the attic when her phone rings.
(Right on time.)
“Hello, Gorgeous.”
There he was…the piercing, but soft, smiling, blue-grey eyes. The dark hair, looking a little long and kinda shaggy but in a good way. The beard, also a little on the scruffy side, but still fetching in that way.
(And…be still my heart…are those a few grey hairs??? Yummmm…)
He and Sam would most likely stop off at the barbershop before they come home, or hopefully wait a day or two because she’s gonna want her hands in that hair.
(He’s gonna want my hands in that hair, too.)
She couldn’t tell exactly where he was, but it seemed like he was en route to somewhere, who knows where in what part of the world.
It looked like he was in the back seat of a vehicle and it was dark outside.
She opens the door to his room, walks in and, closing the door behind her, heads straight for the bed.
“Hey there, Handsome! How you doin’?”
“Aside from missing you with my whole body and soul? Fine and dandy. You?”
“Aside from missing you with my whole body and soul? Swell.” She climbs onto his bed, lays there on her back, and inhales his scent while looking into his eyes there on the phone in her hand framed by the starry sky outside of the skylight.
Seeing him right now, she feels something she hadn’t felt since she first started seeing—and after she lost—her late husband, the father of her boys. Cassius.
It was a feeling she thought she’d closed the door on and would never feel for someone again.
She’d missed Mama and Daddy when they passed. She still misses them. She’d missed Sam after The Snap. And, yes, she still misses Cassius.
This wasn’t…isn’t…that.
Eventually, after Cassius passed, this feeling lessened because she had 2 babies here who needed her.
And in addition to raising these two children, she had a generations-old family business to keep afloat, bills and bill collectors to keep at bay, food to keep on the table, and a roof to keep over their heads.
She’d been on a couple of dates, even tried a “relationship” that didn’t last past a few months, and when it ended, she didn’t feel anything even near…this.
And now, here it is again. It sneaked up on her, all stealthy, and it grabbed her by the heart as she looked into those piercing, but soft, smiling, blue-grey eyes.
“Thought I’d give my baby a quick call before she turned in...”
He looks up, gets closer to his phone and whispers, “…an’ it looks like ya’exac’ly where I can’t wait ta see ya.”
(Old School Brooklyn accent’s sneaking in. He’s tired…or anxious. Or both. Just 3 more days, sweetheart.)
“I was missing you, sithandwa, and so here I am…in your bed…”
“In my…mmmmm…are ya now. Well…before I get distracted thinkin’ about all o’ that, I wanted to give you a heads-up.”
“A heads-up…for what?” (Please, Lord, not a mission extension…)
She holds her breath, waiting to hear the exact number of days to be added to the 3 she’s already trying to get through before he’s home.
“I got a little something for ya. Had to call in some favors to have it delivered to the base and then brought directly to you…tonight. Hold on…”
He leans away from his phone, talking to someone in the front seat.
“Sorry about that. Team member talk. Map stuff. Anyways…”
“So…someone is delivering something here…tonight?”
“Yeah. Driver notified me that he should be there in about…5 minutes. Sorry for the last minute late night delivery, but I just wanted to get it there to ya sooner, rather than 3 days from now.”
“3 more days. I can’t wait to see you, James. How you been sleeping, baby?”
“Surprisingly well. Especially when I get ta talk to you before turning in. Just a second…ETA about…2 minutes.”
“Is this package big?”
Bucky’s face breaks out into a huge, mischievous grin. “Well…um…I been told—“
She faintly hears it, a knock on the front door.
“That’s probably the driver.”
“You heard that…? Wait. Who am I talking to?! Of course you heard that! Super-hearing-ability, you!” They both laugh.
“You look beautiful, by the way. So help me, Sarah…I can’t wait to hold you.”
She’s wearing some men’s PJ bottoms and one of his t-shirts, over a lace bralette. Her hair is in 4 twists and covered with one of her her satin-lined bandanas.
She’s decent, but puts a silky robe on over the t-shirt because what some young recruit from the base doesn’t need is to see her in this t-shirt without a proper bra on underneath.
Especially when she’s just been talking to her lover, and it’s…obvious.
She goes downstairs to the living room, makes sure the baseball bat is behind the front door, and the doorstop is in place, looks through the peep and sees someone standing on the porch, holding…what the…?
(Is all…that…flowers?)
“Baby…did you—James. Hello? Did you send—Dammit. Wouldn’t you just…”
Her phone screen now reads CALL ENDED - LOST CONNECTION, and he’s no longer there.
“He’s probably trying to call back...”
She quickly goes to her speed dial contacts, pulls up the special In Case of Emergency Group, turns on the porch light, opens the door a crack…
“Hi, Sarah...”
And there’s that little 3-finger wave.
“Wh—?!? WHAT?!? “
(Welcome Home is on The AO3. All of it.)
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ticklystuff · 1 year
hallooo i hope your doing well! (and i hope your tumblr and drafts are safe from your coworker 😭😭)
i would like to submit my genshin team for the ask game:
xiao, wanderer, kazuha, albedo
no longer accepting teams, thanks!
hewwo anon thank you and same to you <3 i left her unattended with my laptop for four hours that day lmao i would keep going back to my cube with the excuse that i needed some water but really it was just to check to make sure she wasn't snooping asdkjf anyway hope you enjoy!
also your team was similar to someone else's (there are a lot of anemo bois this time) so i'm sorry if some of these end up samey as my last ones
who’s the most ticklish character
It's Kazuha! He has one of the prettiest laughs and Scara and Albedo can't help but sneak in a few pokes whenever they see him walk by. He's pretty chill about it too and isn't phased when people ask him, so someone can just walk up to him and give his sides a few scribbles and it's cool with him
who’s the character that most people would assume isn't ticklish, but actually is
I'm gonna go with Xiao because of how serious he always looks, but Albedo and Scara being artificial humans would raise some questions regarding this!
who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles
This question is always dedicated to poor Xiao lmao it doesn't help that the other three are all really good lers and Xiao absolutely cannot handle teasing, something that both Albedo and Kazuha excel in
who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others
Albedo is really good at guessing tickle spots, but I don't think he'd hand them out so easily Kazuha, on the other hand, has a really good memory and will observe every tickle fight to record tickle spots in his memory. He doesn't tell people, unless he's really hammered. Also, sometimes he'll spill his own tickle spots when under the influence lmao oops
who’s the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about
Imagine Albedo asking Scara if he could potentially study him, from one artificial human to the other. It's nothing painful and Scara isn't bothered by it, except for when Albedo happens to brush past certain spots that Scara has to constantly remind him to be careful of and he's 90% sure Albedo is doing this stuff on purpose just going off of the subtle smirk on his face. Anyway, Albedo is bound to find undiscovered tickle spots, like Scara's ticklish hands. Also, Scara asks if Albedo is the same way and Albedo doesn't mind telling him of his own usual tickle spots too
who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars
Scara because sir is unhinged when it comes to winning these things because he refuses to lose to something as silly as tickling, but he's also really ticklish himself, so it's he's not too far ahead of someone like Albedo when it comes to tickle fights
which character has a kink for tickling
Albedo! Also, what if I said Kazuha..? I know I said in the last few that he doesn't, but this very thought is appealing to me right now, hmmmm so what if....?
which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them
I don't think this would apply to any of them! Scara got tickled by Childe plenty of times, Xiao was bullied by his Yaksha friends, Kazuha gets tickled by Beidou all the time, and Albedo has been tickled by Klee and Kaeya as well
which two characters have tickle fights all the time
Okay, so even though Kazuha is this really cute lee to me, I also think he'd be a really teasy ler in his own way. Not in the typical teasy way that lers tend to be, but y'know how the dentist will have a conversation with you while half their arm is in your mouth? As a ler, Kazuha is kinda like that, except replace dental work with tickling. He'll ask his lee about their day while tickling them and enjoys watching them struggle to formulate proper sentences and he makes sure to emphasize certain words with more assertive tickles. Whenever he's more in a ler mood, he'll do this with all the guys, but this especially works really well on Albedo because Albedo is super susceptible to teasing and gets flustered easily and Kazuha will try to ask questions about Albedo's latest experiment and Albedo can hardly answer and it's so embarrassing because it's like he doesn't know his own experiment anymore and he just says "I don't know!" a lot. Also, Albedo is a good ler, but Kazuha is his greatest enemy because Albedo isn't an aggressive ler and heavily relies on teasing, but Kazuha isn't really affected by teases as much, so it's really easy for him to flip the tables on him
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tarlos-spain · 2 years
Tarlos Advent Calendar
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Chapter 02
Day 13 - Christmas tree shopping
Carlos slept through the afternoon and as TK was entertained with the twins playing with the colored cubes, he didn't bother to wake him up. He fed dinner to Luna and Daniel, now that they were starting to try more adventurous things like meat, fish and fries, it was a delight for both of them to prepare the meal and watch them pick up the fries with their little hands and stuff their faces with the meat sauce.
Luna protested because she hated getting dirty. When it was time to play with the flour or try different textures in the nursery, the little girl would just put a finger on it and automatically, after looking at it and seeing it dirty, she would look at her monitor to wipe it off. Having her face messy with food... Even though she didn't know what the food was yet exactly, it made her very cranky.
Daniel, on the other hand, was a creature that enjoyed rolling around on all the surfaces he could find and, as if he were a dog, he went looking for all the puddles in the park, until he found the one with the most mud and tried to get into it.
Luckily for them and unfortunately for the boy, both Carlos and TK were faster than the little one and didn’t allow him to carry out his intentions, so that, unlike his sister, he began to protest and enjoyed enormously discovering the different textures that the sauces and all the food had.
Once they had eaten their dinner and had their fill, the twins fell asleep in TK's arms. It was amazing how what once seemed impossible when they were babies half the size of now, carrying them both in his arms and putting them to sleep without them waking up, was now easy and simple.
He carried them to their cribs. Soon they would remove the bars, which no longer went up because they both came down when they woke up and went to fetch them from their bed and turn them into beds, but they wanted to continue to enjoy a little longer that they had two babies, almost newborns, before accepting the idea that they were already children who would soon go to school.
Luna mumbled something, turned on her side and put two fingers in her mouth. She had never sucked her thumb and had hated pacifiers from day one. The two fingers were her best companions. Daniel lay on his back with his mouth open, his whole body stretched out in his crib.
He stroked the cheeks of the two children and left the bedroom door together, never closed. Since they had decided they would not have a monitor in their room because they had seen what horrible people could do with those things, they preferred to always listen out in case they were needed.
He changed rooms and went into the bedroom. He had also prepared some creamy mashed potatoes for Carlos as well as some warm soup, he was sure that with the way he was feeling he wouldn't want to eat too much and run the risk of throwing up if it was anything heavy.
He sat on the bed and stroked his husband's cheek, though as he did so, he realized it was burning. The fever had spiked in those three hours that he had not monitored it because he had been watching the children.
He felt guilty, though at the same time he knew he couldn't be on top of it all. The thermometer almost exploded when TK checked it — the fever had risen to nearly 104º. Carlos’s teeth were chattering and his whole body was shaking.
Thanks to Andrea, he had learned about the cold herbal compress she had always prepared for her children. He put it on his forehead and the eucalyptus and sage smell reached him, which would soon clear Carlos' nose and prevent him from coughing.
It still took a while for the fever medicine he administered to take effect, but little by little the fever came down. He sat on the bed beside him with a book to keep an eye out for anything that happened.
So when he heard him mumble something, at the same time as he opened his eyes, he was ready.
"TK… What are you doing here? You have to go to work."
"I don't have to go anywhere, I'm on vacation for Christmas."
"Christmas? It's not Christmas, that's a long way off. Besides, we don't take days off at Christmas, we need the money for the new house."
"The house..." TK smiled and moved a little closer to Carlos to stroke his cheek. "We already live in the new house, remember?"
"No...it's days before the move. That's why I know Christmas is still a long way off."
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destinyimage · 4 months
He Died & Saw Hitler in Hell
Bryan Melvin, a self-described militant atheist, died after contracting cholera from drinking contaminated water at a construction site.
In this excerpt, Bryan talks about his time in Heaven and hell, especially focusing on the ongoing experiences of the people he saw who had been condemned to hell. He saw abusers, killers, and even a preacher. However, the most notable person Bryan saw is one of the most reviled men in all of history, Adolf Hitler.
After his death, he was given permission by Jesus to use his name and title. From there, he was sent to a place infested with demonic creatures…
I went through the doorway and was cast into a tunnel-like vortex moving toward a yellowish dim light, a different type of light.
I fell out of the sky and bounced on the ground. I stood up and thought I must be in hell. I remember when I was a kid, everyone talked about hell having fire and brimstone, devils, and the guy wearing tights with the pitchfork and wings and stuff. There was none of that.
I was sitting on a hill and there was a little valley with a house on the other side of it. Everything was brownish and dead-looking because it was so hot. The house was oddly like the house that I used to live in with my parents back in Virginia, but not quite; there was a difference. There was a dilapidated tree in the wrong place in the yard. It was where our driveway would have been. It was not the same house, but it was. I saw all that and then all these people came out of the house. Then more people came up out of the valley. It looked to me like they were coming to welcome me to paradise, slapping me on the back and everything. However, things just did not feel right.
I kept thinking that some of these people could not really be here because they were not dead. The people began to morph into other creatures right in front of me, trying to distract me. One even tried to appear as my mom, and I said, “You are not my mom. My mom’s not dead. You are not dead.” Then they all changed. I could see that their eyes were like alligator eyes with yellow irises. And suddenly I could see what they really looked like. That was when they all surrounded me and I started saying Jesus’s name and title nonstop. I had permission. He gave me permission to say His name and title. That is the first thing that people need to realize.
He gave me permission to say His name in this place. When I said His name, they could not grab hold of me. They could not bite me, but they could push me and touch me. Being poked and prodded by these creatures was an odd sensation. The good news is that they were unable to do what they had originally been planning to do. One creature came forward out of the crowd, who I nicknamed lizard breath. In fact, I found a statue of this creature that was made near Loveland, Colorado. I saw it from a distance and told my brother-in-law, “That looks like the creature I saw.” It is the best representation I ever saw of lizard breath.
So we walked over to it. It had a dinosaur or alligator-like tail, like it was reptilian, but his mouth was bigger. I could not tell you how many eyes he had because his breath was so foul that it would distort his face. He took me and he said, “Come, follow me, and I will give you half of my kingdom.” Let me go back to the statue really quick. When I saw the statue, it was opening day for this place. This statue was in the African art section and it said this is the traveler who escorts people into the underworld. Talk about creepy. This was a total Twilight Zone moment for me.
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I started following him and we took a few steps towards the horizon. He stuck his hands into the horizon and ripped it open. He stepped up and out of this place and motioned for me to come. I did not know what to do, so I just followed him, because I did not want to stay there with those creatures. I came out of a cube or a cell and was standing on a wide dusty road. The Bible talks about chambers of death and it describes hell as a pit with a dungeon and cells. I was seeing the pit of hell but at the time I did not fully grasp what I was seeing. I was scared, but at the same time I also knew I deserved this place. I wanted to wake up but could not.
So I was standing there trying to process all of this and all I could do was follow this creature. He started pointing toward the road and all the things that were going on. I could see tornado vortexes dropping people off into the cells just like I had been. I also saw this wide dusty road with these gaggles of hideous-looking creatures. These demonic entities were escorting people along this road and delivering them to these cells. It was extremely hot, dry, and dusty. As Bill Wiese says, “It is so hot, your eyeballs are going to melt out of their sockets.” The dirt of the place felt like I was walking on rotted flesh, but it was dusty. Very strange. I could see hot glowing rocks in various places and I could hear a roar of flame too. It all stank. It smelled so bad I could taste it.
I kept following this creature and he took me to the center of the road to a circular pit. The best way I can describe it would be a spiral staircase. The bricks were the cells and the cells were stacked six high and layered as a bricklayer does in a circle. Behind the first few cells, it opened into little V-shaped formations and little rooms the farther it went back. We walked over there and when I looked down, I saw a bottomless pit that went as far as I could see.
The creature told me this was a grand place. He motioned to me and I followed him back toward the cubes. When we got back over to the cubes, all I could do was just stare. We looked inside two of these cubes and I could see people inside of these cells. Somehow I was instantly granted knowledge of their life history. I knew how and when they got there.
I could see what was going on in the cell from my perspective, but I also could see from the perspective of the person inside the cell and what they were experiencing. This is exceedingly difficult to explain, but I could see it from both perspectives at the same time. So I was looking at this stuff transpiring and the people were experiencing just degrees of recompense just like the Bible says, payback for how they gamed the system, gamed God, and made life ugly. It all comes back to you. You are dwelling in a never-ending nightmare. That is what these people were experiencing and I saw a lot of people.
There was a professor writing on a blackboard. He had corrupted youth with his ideas. He never thought that there would be any payback for what he was teaching.
I walked to another cell and saw a minister who was not really a minister. He was looking to have his way with the young girls and ladies. He died during the Cane Patch Revival. As he sat inside his cell, he thought he was at a revival meeting, but nobody paid attention to him. The room was not filled with people; there were demons sitting on the chairs. All the props, including the chairs, were demons. When they got up and chased him out, they began beating him with a big black book. He thought he could run, but the inside of these cells were small. As he ran, the scenery would change, but I could see what was going on. It was like he was running on a treadmill, like what you saw inside the holodeck on Star Trek: The Next Generation. He was running and suddenly an entity came down through the roof of this place. He had cloven hooves with talons. He put his talons on the man’s chest and laughed as he crushed the life out of him. Then it would begin all over again. Another scene would change and he continued reaping what he had sown.
To make a long story short, we came to a row of cells and I saw some Nazis, people who had committed horrible atrocities, and they were experiencing being shot and killed. I saw the man who was known as the blonde butcher. He orchestrated and laid the foundation for the final solution. He was killed in Czechoslovakia in 1942.
I walked to another place and there were all these entities around and I stopped and looked inside this one cell that looked like the inside of a furnace. Inside I saw Adolf Hitler. You could not mistake him. People do not realize the depth of the vile hatred that he had and how much he was involved in the occult. His powers of deception were acquired through Luciferianism, a religion practiced by the ancient Nordic pagans.
He was being gassed and cremated repeatedly. His flesh would be consumed, burned off by the flames, and then come back. I cannot explain it. He was feeling the pain, yet he was also getting violently angry.
He was going through that same destruction that he put so many Jewish people through!
I saw him experiencing the flames of the furnace, but I knew intuitively that he also experienced the gas chambers. He experienced being stripped. He experienced being raped. He experienced being buried alive. He endured all the atrocities that he put the Jewish people through.
It was unmistakably Hitler. He had his little mustache and everything. He looked like a picture I had seen of him from about 1945, where he was pinching some German kid soldier on the cheek. That guy survived the war and talked about that. He looked like that, but he was bent over. Some people say that he might have had Parkinson’s, or Parkinson’s that was induced by the drugs that he was being given. He was a drug addict. People do not know it, but it has come out that Dr. Morell gave him shots and some synthetic form of methamphetamine.
I followed the creature down several more levels. Each level we went down, the more the torments increased. Eventually, we came to a cell that was open and looked like it had a dentist’s chair in it. This was how it was all supposed to end for me. This is where my cell would have been. Somehow I just knew that. This cell was a little larger than the other ones and it was open, meaning that the whole host of hell could come in and torment me. I realized that when the creature had said, “I offer you half of my kingdom,” he was offering for half of the kingdom of hell to torment me. I was at my wits’ end. This was the end and this was where I belonged. This was where I was going to spend my eternity. I understood that this was what I deserved. I had lost all hope. I wanted to wake up but could not.
Suddenly I felt a presence coming in behind me. As it got closer all of the entities scurried out of there and left. The ground was shaking and rocking with each footstep. At the moment I lost all hope, the presence came up behind me.
Bryan Melvin’s testimony doesn’t stop there!
To hear more of Bryan’s experience and his return, read the rest…
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triplexdoublex · 3 years
Daddy’s Girl
Pairing: Colson x Reader
Warnings/tags: anal play, ice cube insertion, mild daddy kink
A/N: inspired by the unleased song with Lana, a request for Colson filling both holes, a request for a reader who only looks sweet an innocent and some late night fun.
You may have looked like a sweet and innocent daddy’s girl but the truth was you were far from it. If you were as innocent as you looked you wouldn’t have gotten on the tour bus in the first place. It wasn’t your first rodeo; you knew the type of things that took place when a musician invited someone back to the tour bus, and you were more than willing to take part in whatever kinky craziness Machine Gun Kelly had in store for you. You’d seen all his interviews, heard talk of his wild fetishes; you’d let the man do absolutely anything he wanted to you and you weren’t afraid to let him know it. 
“Tell me what you want me to do to you?” He nipped over the fresh plum markings he just left on your neck. The two of you had never even made it to the bunks; instead landing on the couches up front with mouths clashing and clothes flying. It wasn’t long before you were both naked. 
“Anything you want to do to me, Daddy. I swear I’ll let you do whatever you want. Use me, I’m yours!” 
“Look, this’s gonna end bad for you, cuz I’m gonna go mad for you,” he let out a small laugh as he smirked. I know you wanna be bad for me but I don’t wanna move too fast for you,” he stated, assuming his kinks and desires far outweighed your limits based on your naïve looks. 
“There’s no such thing — I mean it, whatever you want, I’ve probably done it before anyways . I’m down for whatever.”
While the shock of what you just said sunk in, and Colson was still deciding what exactly he wanted to do with you and which one of your orifices he wanted to stuff with his cock, something in the corner of his eye caught his attention. 
“Oh shit, this ice is fuckin dope!” He exclaimed, noticing and taking hold of one of the fancy round ice cubes that surrounded various bottles of liquor chilling in the tour bus bar. 
You could see his eyes illuminate with a filthy idea as he popped a small, cherry tomato sized, frozen orb into his mouth, holding it in place with his teeth so it extended out just past his lips. 
The glacial sphere began to slowly thaw the second he kissed it against the desire fueled warmth of your flesh— down your neck and over your collar bone— leaving a cool trickle in its wake. It slowly cascaded down your chest like a quaint waterfall, and plunged over the brink of your nipple.  
Colson dragged the frigid ball lower and lower down your body — over your navel to your eager heat — the cool slickness exciting your clit. 
“Uhh, Kells, Fuck!” You moaned , bucking your hips. You had expected him to keep teasing your clit with it but he opted to continue moving lower; past your entrance to the tight pink pucker between your ass cheeks. With his tongue he pushed the remainder of the ice out of his mouth and into your body. “Ohhh , fuck, fuck, fuck, cold,” you whined at the numbing chill inside you. “More! "You cried out at the intense, unique feeling.
“Damn, girl, you are a freak huh?” He chuckled at your needy outburst, grabbing another ball of ice and bringing it to your hole “How many, you think we can fit?” He asked, popping it in. “Well that makes two now” he smirked sinfully, before adding another “three!”
“Oh FUCK!!”  You gasped in ecstasy . You’d never felt anything quite like it; how it could numb you yet heighten the intensity of your pleasure at the same time. “Don’t Stop!” 
“Four… Five …Six…Seven” He could sense you getting fuller; each one inserted met with a little more resistance than the last. “Eight… Nine…Ten,” he counted out loud. You were coming completely undone — a babbling, dripping mess — completely lost in the euphoric frigid fullness of it all . “And one for good luck….opp, guess not,” he laughed as it popped back out. “Ten it is.” 
“Oh God, just fuck me pleaseee!” You begged, with a whine so needy, it almost sounded as if you were in pain.
“Shit, I guess you ain’t as innocent as you look—-my favorite,” he smirked, teasing his tip through your wet folds before pushing in, causing another cube to pop out of your ass. “Nine” he chuckled against your neck, licking and sucking at your flesh as he began to pivot his hips. “Ahhh, fuck this feels so sick!” He exclaimed enjoying the cold, ribbed, feeling the balls of ice bulging through your walls was proving; it added a whole new element of pleasure for both of you. 
With every chilled, in and out thrust against your G-spot, the thawing ice shifted inside of you creating the most intense waves of bliss; the force causing small gushes of melted water to be expelled from you, adding to the puddle of wetness that had already formed under you. 
When Colson added rubbing your clit into the mix, you couldn’t keep still or quiet ; every single one of your erogenous zones now engaged: his mouth on your neck, fingers on your clit, cock in pussy and ass filled with ice. You’re pretty sure your cries of “Kells!” and “Daddy!” could be heard for miles as you came hard and fast on his dick, with him finishing moments later. 
“Aye, why’s the bar only like half filled with ice? I don’t want warm tequila.” Rook complained later when all the boys were back on the bus. 
“You see that pretty little thing that was getting off the bus when you guys got on—,” Colson started nonchalantly. “— filled her ass with them.”
“Nah, for real? That daddy’s girl looking chick!?” Rook exclaimed. 
“Oh, she was a daddy’s girl, alright!” Colson smirked. “Let daddy do whatever he wanted.” 
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silly-mouse · 3 years
Hey^^!!! This is my first time requesting anything to anyone so im scared i might write/request something wrong sjdknnejej
bUT can I request an age regressor reader x cc!awesamdude where reader is regressed and is really interested in the mechanism of a rubix cube and sam's magic tricks?:0 like sam does the card tricks he showed on stream to tommy, and reader(who's kind of nonverbal) just makes high pitched hums and gasping noises to express themself and how they feel. The whole thing could be on stream where sam is live on twitch(tho reader is out of camera's view for privacy reasons and chat completely understands that) and chat is just awwing at the noises cuz they find it v cute:>
afab, they/them, body type is ur choice<3 YOU CAN SAY NO OR IGNORE THIS IF YOU WANT AJDKDKDJE
I dont love how this came out but im doing alot on my main blog atm plus christmas stuff (also i never saw sam do any magic tricks so i couldnt include that) so i deemed it good enough. Also wrote a thing about the possible things that happen when you send an ask bc everyone seems scared to send them but you have no reason- but it was long as shit so maybe ill post it as its own thing if yall think itll help your anxieties cause worst case scenerio is you get blocked but thats literally only if you request something like ragingly racist/homophobic/sexist etc or some nazi kkk level shit
Unspecified CC!Awesamdude x gn!reader, little!reader, nonverbal!reader, ~450 words, age regression
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does anyone else hear the like whimpering?
where’s the baby???
“Baby is right here and they’re fine,” Sam chuckled, watching his chat quickly move from ‘kill him, protect the baby’ to ‘baby content :DD you live another day.’ “They’re just playing with a rubix cube. Here,” he hummed, moving his mic arm so it was closer to where you were sitting on the floor, bundled up in your favorite blanket with your seal stuffie on your lap.
He remembered when he took you to the zoo and you spent half the trip watching the seals, telling him how much you wanted to hug one and how soft and squishy they looked. He ordered the plush that same night and gifted it to you the next time you regressed, watching it quickly become your favorite thing ever.
“Baby,” he gently hummed, smiling as he watched you look up with wide eyes, eager to hear anything he had to say. “Do you wanna say something to chat? They’re worried you’re upset.”
You pulled your sucker out of your mouth with a smack of your lips, leaning up to the mic. “...A...Ah,” you managed out, quickly popping your sucker back in. You couldn’t do it, Sam asked such a simple thing from you and you just couldn’t do it, you dissappoi-
“Good job, little one,” Sam chirped, his big hand settling on your head and gently scratching at your scalp. “Baby’s a little nonverbal today but they were so brave for you guys anyways, so everyone tell them ‘good job’.”
“Hmm, I don’t know,” he drawled with a coy smile. “What do you think, baby? They say you deserve some ice cream.”
You eagerly nodded, grabbing his offered hand in both of yours. “Mmm! Mhm mhm!”
“Yeah? You want me to make some milkshakes after the stream and watch some Disney?”
“You guys can’t steal my baby! Nooo, they’re mine,” he whined, bending out of frame to plant a kiss on the crown of your head. He chuckled as you preened before your attention was stolen by your rubix cube again. “Alright, I’m gonna leave baby alone to their rubix cube. Now, let’s check over here…”
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purplekiwis · 3 years
OMG YES! Damaged goods blurb! Can you do a fluff one where one of them is sick with seasonal flu and the other has to take care of them, but they're being stubborn about it because that's just what they do and how they are 🤧
Okay, okay... here she is! It's a bit meh I think, but I hope you like it! 🥰
Harry is sick and grumpy, and Y/N takes care of him (from the Damaged Goods AU)
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Harry feels miserable.
He’s worse than miserable, really,
because he has a cold… or is it the flu?! He has never known to spot the differences between the two, but he recognized all of the early signs, of course...
As per usual, it started with nothing but a sore throat one morning when he woke up, that ended up lingering throughout the whole day, then came a headache, and the tiredness, and the chills…
It wasn’t so unbearable at first… but the symptoms only kept getting worse and worse as the hours went by, to the point of leaving him with no choice but to skip his classes in favor of staying in bed… suffering.
The worst part about it? He wasn’t even suffering at home – where his mom could be taking her lips to his forehead every so often to see if he had a fever, and bringing him bowls of soup and fruit cubes on that same familiar bedtray that had accompanied him throughout all his periods of sickness.
Mom would also be making sure he stayed hydrated and took his medicine in time... which by the way, he wasn’t taking any. Logically speaking, Harry knew he should have gone to a pharmacy by now, to get something to make him feel better, but how? When he couldn't even muster the will to get up and go downstairs to fill the empty water bottle perched on his nightstand.
He couldn’t move.
Every single inch of his body hurt.
And now he was starting to get shivery under his bedclothes... for fucks sake.
If only he had Pepper, his spaniel mutt puppy, around to snuggle and keep his body cozy and warm like a hot water bag... then perhaps Harry would've been in a better mood. Yeah, definitely. Pepper would've let him bury his snotty face into its soft fur, and not even think to complain if its owner left a puddle of guck all over said fur.
But well, Pepper isn't there.
And being sick sucks.
Especially because Harry really wants some cuddles... and it hasn't been helping his case whatsoever that in this trying day of illness, his mind has done nothing but think of Y/N.
Pondering over what outfit she must have worn that day and what she might be up to while he’s laying there on his deathbed. He also wonders if she has noticed his absence, and if so… if she’s worried about him.
He huffs once he checks his phone again and realizes there are still no messages from her. She doesn’t have to check on him. He knows that, but he can't help that he likes to be cared for sometimes… and as it turns out illness has a tendency to turn him into a big, needy baby... who really wants to have Y/N taking care of him. It would be so good. She could play with his hair the way he likes, give him forehead kisses, hold his hand…
Harry sighs out loud. Her company would be even better than Pepper's, he believes... although Harry isn't so sure Y/N would enjoy having his snot on her as much as his trusty pup would, but that’s beside the point.
It’s even more beside the point because he knows she's not coming to see him.
She’s mad at him, he recalls now. Stupidly so, if he's allowed to think that - he did nothing wrong, after all. She asked him for a “brutally honest opinion” on a design work she was doing for one of her classes, and he simply gave her what she asked for, plain as that. But of course, then she didn’t like what he had to say and got sulky. Just girls being girls, he guesses…
Harry should've known better than to think that would stop her from coming to see him, though. His girl was a little box of surprises, after all... a true master in the art of keeping him on his toes.
She showed up only half an hour after she was done with her classes... softly knocking on his door before poking her head inside with a smile, only for her jaw to drop in shock at the absolute misery that oozed from his pores.
“Y/N…” His voice cracked sickly, almost comically. Harry could have laughed at it if he wasn't so utterly lethargic. “What- what are you doing here?”
“Well, what do you think?” The girl huffed, shutting the bedroom door behind her and heading towards the end of the bed to get a good look at him, hands on her hips. “Why didn't you tell me you were sick? Here I was, going about my day thinking you had slept in for being a bum, only to find out through your friends that you were unwell.”
Harry bit the inside of his cheek, trying to hide his downright amusement at her worried state. Y/N was worried about him? Well then, perhaps her irritation had passed and she had forgiven him… which meant maybe he’d get to have those cuddles he wanted so bad. “I thought you were mad at me?” He poked, eyebrows arching teasingly the best they could with the little energy the muscles on his face could muster.
“Well, I was and am now even more.” She punctuated. “But I still care, obviously. How am I supposed to leave you by yourself when you look like that?” She put down the bag she was holding at the edge of the bed and kneeled next to it on the floor.
“Look like what?” He frowned again. “All snotty and gross?”
“Precisely… and an awful lot like Rudolph the reindeer as well.” Y/N added, with a soft pat to the tip of his swollen, red nose.
Harry smiled at that, right before his eyes fell on the bag over his bed. “Did you go to the store to get those creepy sheet masks you wanted?”
“Huh?” She muttured confused, before noticing where he was looking at. “Oh no, um… these are just some things I got for you. Just vitamins and those gummies for when you have a sore throat, and also uh…” Y/N's cheeks went a little hot. “I got some chicken soup from the buffet restaurant as well, you know… the one next to the drug store. I thought it might do you good…”
“You went to get all that stuff for me?” Harry asked, Y/N hummed happily in confirmation, her eyes gleaming with tenderness. “Y/N... you shouldn't have. That shit is so expensive, and I'm fine, really. It's just a cold. You dont have to worry, let alone take care of me.”
“No offence, but I think I do.” The girl challenged his statement, picking up the halfway used toilet paper roll placed on his nightstand. “For a start, you shouldn’t even be using this to blow your nose. It’ll only irritate your skin and make it more sore.”
Harry rolled his eyes playfully. “That’s such a mum thing to say…” He grumbled in attempt to mask the fact that the secret big, needy baby in him was loving every single bit of the mom talk, and the same applies to when Y/N clicked her tongue chastisingly once he stubbornly snatched the roll off her hand and pulled out some more paper.
She took the chance that he had moved his arm to move a bit closer, sitting on the edge of the bed next to his pillow. “Is there anything else I can do to make you feel better?” She asked, lovingly running her digits through his unwashed curls. They felt a little waxy and knotty in her hands, but she didn’t mind it in the slightest. She just wanted to make him feel better in any way she could. So she kept playing with his hair, scratching at the roots and combing her fingers through his strands just the way she knew he reveled in - only breaking contact once she was almost certain that he had fallen asleep on her... However, as soon as Y/N began to pull her hand away to check her phone, Harry let out a whine and bumped his forehead against her wrist, in a silent request for her to keep going. “You're such a baby sometimes…” Y/N whispered, proceeding to fulfill his wish.
“Mhm... your baby.” He sighed happily.
Y/N smiled to herself at the state of pure bliss Harry was in. So utterly distracted by the slow puffy nature of his breaths, that she almost didnt notice that his droopy eyes had opened and were now fixed on her. He cleared his throat painfully. “Y/N... can I have one of those gummies you got? My throat hurts and I really want to try one.”
Y/N let out a tiny chuckle at the pleading tone he'd used, nodding as she got up to grab the bottle from the bag. She threw it at him playfully to catch midair, knowing that his reflexes were outstanding. “Ohh these seem nice. I love lemon and honey flavored shit.” He told her whilst inspecting the label.
“Yeah?” Y/N couldn’t help but to grin, feeling quite proud of herself for picking the right flavor. But her smile quickly melted into an expression of concern once she watched Harry crack open the bottle and carelessly throw a bunch of gummies into his mouth. “Harry! What are you- that’s not candy! You can’t eat them by the handful!”
“Oi, chill out… it’s just gummies. What wrong could it do?” He asked as he blithely chewed them. Words coming out garbled since he was speaking in between a mouthful.
“Oh, I don't know, perhaps there could be anesthetics in them... but who knows? It was just a thought.” Y/N ironized.
“Really?” He made a wry face similar to hers, inspecting the label closer. “Do you think we can get high on this shit?” He smirked, still chewing as he rolled the container around to check the ingredients in the back. “Cause I'm not gonna lie, that sounds like a pretty good afternoon plan to me...” He half joked, cracking the bottle open again and dropping a couple more gummies in his palm.
Y/N heaved at the suggestion. “I think it’s more likely that you get a terrible bellyache, and we end up in the ER...”
“You really think so?” Harry asked teasingly, taking another gummy to his mouth.
“Okay, that's enough. Give me that.” Y/N demanded, pushing for him to pass the container, but all he did was shake his head with a mischievous, defiant smirk. The girl rolled her eyes at him. “You know what? Fine.” She shrugged. “Eat as many as you want. Can't wait to watch you shit the bed once those anesthetics give you a loose bottom.”
He chuckled at the warning, amused. “If you’re so bothered, why don’t you come get them from me?” He questioned, but before he could prepare himself Y/N jumped on the bed to try and take the bottle away from his hands, what forced him to abruptly sit up and hold it over his head just so she couldn’t reach it from where she sat. “That was... real cute. Is that all you got, hm?”
Y/N huffed and crawled over his legs until she was practically on his lap. Seeing right through his facade once he happily handed off the gummies without putting up a fight and wrapped his arms around her middle to pull her in for a hug instead. “You must think you're so sly, don't you?” She mumbled in question, going back to petting his hair. “If you wanted a cuddle, you could’ve just said so… I don't mind your germs.”
“I was trying to behave to avoid getting you sick, actually…”
“Yeah right...” Y/N grumbled, dropping her head on his shoulder for a moment. “But I guess, since you've already passed me the germs and all... might as well just give me a kiss, no?” She proposed shyly, waiting for Harry to make the move. He did, pulling away slightly and placing his lips in hers softly. “Mm, more.” She pouted.
“Greedy.” He joshed, pecking the girl's lips again, and again... and once more for good measure. The damage was already done, after all... they might as well just keep doing it. “I feel disgusting, though. If I knew you were coming, I would’ve at least taken a shower and brushed my teeth. Can’t believe you still want to kiss me when I am like this.”
Y/N scratched at the frizzy hairs of his nape. “I promise you don't smell or look nearly as bad as you think you do… and you taste like lemon and honey so, that’s nice.” Harry distrustfully scrunched up his nose at her allegation, sniffing up some in the process before his digits rushed to grab some more toilet paper. He took it to his nose, blowing noisily. “Alright, snotty boy…” Y/N laughed, swiftly crawling off his lap. “How about I go downstairs to plate up our soup while you pick a movie for us to watch as we eat? It can be one of those “guy movies” and all, I promise I won't complain... today only, cause I'm giving you privilege for being sick.”
His eyes strayed towards you with interest, the lower half of his face still covered behind the poorly ripped toilet paper sheets. “I was actually thinking more like a musical or a pixar movie, maybe?”
“God, Harry.” Y/N gasped in awe. “I swear I've never felt more attracted to you in my life. Snot and everything.”
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on-maars · 3 years
Another Place
Literally I haven’t been able to stop screaming since ep2 came out and I needed to write something
Read on AO3
Bobby is halfway through the third part of The Outsider when he hears a sharp noise followed by a curse coming from the fire station's kitchen. He sits up straight on his chair and even though the voice comes as a whisper, the door to his office is still ajar and Bobby can recognize some Spanish he learned back when he was in high-school.
It’s Eddie then, who always tends to resort to Spanish when he wants to curse or complain about something to himself.
Bobby puts down his book on his desk, stands up and opens his office door a bit wider so he can take a few steps inside the kitchen. The room is plunged into darkness but Bobby can still catch sight of Eddie’s silhouette, standing in front of a box of herbal tea, his eyebrows furrowed, as if he’s currently facing the most complicated dilemma of his entire life.
“Can’t sleep?” Bobby asks and makes Eddie jump with surprise, letting go of the mug he was holding in his right hand. And Bobby might be over 40 but his reflexes are still good and he managed to catch it before it breaks on the floor.
“Shit Bobby, you scared the hell out of me. Thought I was the only one awake.” Eddie says but his voice seems sad, almost dejected.
“Nightmares?” Bobby asks. After all, Eddie’s been through a lot for the past few months, it would only makes sense for his sleep to still be haunted by the memories of the shooting.
“More like insomnia.” Eddie corrects him, his eyes still down. “There’s just stuff I can’t get out of my head, you know.”
“Stuff about the shooting?” Bobby says calmly, but that’s enough for Eddie’s face to wince in pain.
“Among other things.”
“Why don’t you go sit down on the couch and let me take care of it?” He offers. Eddie’s hand stops in mid air and his shoulders eventually slumped as his heads nods, retreating back from the kitchen with a heavy step.
Bobby fills the kettle with water and turns it on before opening the box of herbal tea still on the counter. It’s an old box, supposed to help you sleep, one of those things he brought from home a few years ago when he realized it wasn’t much use back there. He places the tea bag in the mug, opens the drawer to grab a spoon and half a sugar cube. His movements are robotic, like he’s done that a thousand times in the past. And he did, back when his nights were filled with nightmares.
He lets out a sigh and leans against the fridge, looking at Eddie out of the corner of the eye. He’s seated on the armchair, his eyes fixed on the ground, the same haunted look Bobby saw him with a few times already during this past few weeks.
The light turns off on the kettle, and Bobby pours the water in the mug, before making his way towards the ‘living room’ area where he places the tray on the coffee table.
“Wanna talk about it?” Bobby asks as he takes on the seat on the couch.
“It’s just-” Eddie starts but marks a pause, like he’s not sure how to say the next few words. “Just stuff I- I try very hard not to think about. Or just bury- bury somewhere in my brain but-”
“It keeps coming back?” Bobby offers and smiles when Eddie just nods quietly as he takes a sip of his herbal tea. “Does it have anything to do with your panic attacks?”
Eddie’s mouth turns up at the edges but he presses his lips together in a straight line just as fast.
“How do you know about them?” Eddie asks, his voice barely louder than a whisper.
“I have my ways.” Bobby answers with a hint of amusement.
“Let me guess.” Eddie starts. “Buck?” And even though the words come out as a question, Bobby knows there’s no real need to answer. He still nods though, and smiles when Eddie rolls his eyes with a fond expression. “They were because of Ana.”
“The panic attacks?” Bobby asks, his eyebrows raised in confusion. “Were?” He adds. “You don’t have them anymore?”
“No.” Eddie shakes his head. “We broke up.” He adds. “I was trying to make it work for Christopher’s sake. Thought he loved her. And he liked her okay but turns out he was only going along with it because he thought she made me happy.” Eddie tells him, a sad laugh escaping his lips.
“And she didn’t?” Bobby encourages him. “Make you happy, that is.”
Eddie opens his mouth like he wants to say something but stops himself from doing so the next second. There’s a small silence after that. Eddie’s eyes are staring into space, his forehead wrinkled in concern, like he’s hopping that if he thinks about it long enough, an answer is going to magically appear in front of him.
“It was nice.” He starts and Bobby raises his eyebrows, unimpressed. “It just wasn’t working.” Eddie adds. “Couldn’t have worked.” He precises. “Not when I-” He marks a pause again, and closes his eyes while pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and his index. “I guess my heart just wasn’t in it.”
Bobby says nothing for a while. He just smiles. Because he knows where Eddie drives at. It’s been a long time coming, after all. All the looks, the soft glances, the sweet gestures. All the signs were there, and they were clear. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that what these two shared went beyond friendship.
“Have you talked to Buck about it, Eddie?” Bobby asks, his voice gentle.
Eddie flushes, and looks away. Because Bobby’s not only asking him if he talked to Buck about his break-up with Ana. No, in fact he’s asking a lot more than just that. And Eddie knows it. He’s just not sure he’s ready to go there.
“I... I did.” Eddie says, and closes his eyes again. “I mean I- I told him about Ana but I think he knows that… That it’s not only about the break up.” He adds. “It’s never been only about the break up, Bobby.” He admits. “It’s never been only about Ana.”
“I know.” Bobby smiles.
“He broke up with Taylor.” Eddie blurts out and Bobby’s not one to gossip about other people’s relationship because, ultimately, that’s their business and he’d hate to interfere with any of that. But as he sits there on that couch, watching Eddie, there’s only one thing that comes to his mind.
Freaking finally.
“So the ball’s in your court now, isn’t it?” Bobby asks.
“I guess it is, yeah.” Eddie answers, darting his eyes towards him before looking away just as fast. “And you know I was- I was waiting for the right time but…”
Bobby’s mouth turns up at the edges once again.
“I’m just so freaking tired of waiting, Cap.” Eddie finally says, and one of these rare soft smiles only reserved to Buck breaks in on his face. “I- I want this. Us.”
“I think everyone’s tired of waiting, Eddie.” Bobby remarks with a hint of amusement in his voice. “Tell him.” He adds. “After all we both know how he’s gonna react.”
“It’s- it’s gonna be good, right?” Eddie asks, his voice uncertain, a part of him still doubting. Bobby rolls his eyes and lets out a small laugh.
“Eddie, it’s Buck.” He reminds him. “He’s gonna be like a kid on Christmas morning.” He adds. “That boy loves you two to the moon and back.”
And, as if summoned, Buck chooses this moment to appear on top of the stairs, his eyes sleepy and his hair disheveled making his blond curls go in every direction. Bobby watches him as he shuffles towards them, and doesn’t miss the way his eyes light up when they fall on Eddie.
“Hey Eds.” He says, his voice soft, taking a seat on the arm of the chair Eddie's seated on. “You okay? I woke up and you- well you weren’t on your bunk.”
Bobby gives Eddie a knowing look and stands up, retreating back in his office once again, only this time he makes sure to lock the door behind him. He can still hear the muffled words coming from the living-room but nothing he can actually make sense of.
He lets his back rest on the backrest of his chair and goes back to his reading. It’s almost five in the morning now, and Bobby doesn’t see the appeal of trying to get a few hours sleep, especially now that they’ve been unbothered by any calls for a bit more than two hours. It’s certainly not going to last forever.
He finds himself so engrossed in his reading that the next thing he knows, a bit more than half an hour has passed and the kitchen is now dead quiet. The first sunbeams light up the fire station and Bobby decides that now is as good a time as any to start on breakfast.
Only, what he sees when he goes back inside the kitchen makes him stop in his tracks and smiles. Because there they are passed out on the couch, their legs intertwined and Eddie’s head pressed on the other’s chest while Buck has wrapped his left arm around Eddie’s waist while his right hand is buried in his black hair.
“Oh god.” He can hear Hen say from the top of the stairs. “Is this really happening?” She asks and Bobby only chuckles while shaking his head in disbelief.
“I guess it is.” He says.
“Holy shit.” This time, it’s Chimney’s turn to curse. “I’m calling Maddie.” He adds.
��Chim, it’s 5am.” Hen remarks.
“Oh trust me if I wait any longer I think she’ll punch me.”
“I’m taking a picture for the group-chat.” Ravi intervenes behind Chimney and Bobby only watches them from the kitchen with an amused smile.
“Guys come on, let them sleep for a while okay? They deserve it.”
“We’re not sleeping.” Buck’s voice comes from behind the couch. Bobby can’t see him but he can only picture the exasperated expression on his face.
“Not anymore.” Eddie adds.
Bobby rolls his eyes and turns his back on them to face the oven while chaos suddenly erupts in the fire station.
With a sigh and an amused smile, he starts on breakfast.
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neonponders · 2 years
🥶 (also would love it if you walk about candle play too 👀)
🥶 — Have they ever experimented with ice cubes? + candles
Less voluntary experimenting and more Steve complained too much during a summer day and got a cup of ice poured into his shorts.
Steve complains enough about his dick falling off from "Sprite frost bite" and Billy relents to give him a blow job...
At first it's hilarious because Steve does taste like Sprite. But then Billy becomes strangely fascinated by the feeling of Steve's skin warming underneath his lips. He wanders everywhere, from the points of Steve's hip bones, to the tops of his thighs. His dick doesn't even warm up from Billy's mouth; just passing touches and his hot breath.
When Billy finds a small ice cube lingering in the folds of Steve's shorts, he shocks the hell out of Steve by holding it to the tip of his cockhead with his mouth.
All things considered, they had a great time. Steve did cool off, but between Billy's arbitrary wiles and Steve knee-ing Billy in the chest, they both agree that ice-play is just too dangerous for them.
(I'm so sorry, because my brain went into a dark, canon place for candles.)
Mind Flayer likes it cold, right? So after Billy survives, he becomes a bit too interested in heat sources. His government-prescribed shrink worries he's self-harming because of the burns on his hands - especially on his left arm. Like he's trying to burn those black veins out of his body.
Steve has the same shrink because Russian chemicals and head injuries mean that he needs medication sometimes. His eyes have trouble focusing on hard days, which mean he can't drive and by some sort of irony, Billy still can.
So after a year, Steve notices during a hot summer day that Billy is resting his left arm on the cooking metal roof of his car. His skin is hot pink on both sides, seared and broiled from the metal and overhead sun.
Steve asks their shrink if that kind of thing is normal or just a "Billy thing."
"He's been eccentric as long as I've known him, so I can't really tell the difference."
The shrink smiles sadly. "Billy is a very sweet person. His more eccentric qualities are defensive maneuvers. Not against you. Against...a lot of things, mostly in his own mind."
Well Steve Service Top Worrier Harrington doesn't like that.
[I accidentally back-spaced AS SOON as this was done, and lost half of this ficlet orz so I’m sorry for the half-assed finish.]
• long story short, Steve gets Billy some weed candles.
• they go to the quarry and hotbox in Billy’s repaired Camaro. It’s romantic because it’s all candle-lit and stuff.
• Billy starts playing with the flame of a candle and Steve takes his hand hostage, putting it on his leg.
• Billy says that the pocket warmers are one-time use, so he has a bunch of hackey sacks now.
• They start having regular dates at the quarry, hotboxing in the car, and Billy gets more scrapes (and hickeys) from playing with the “hackey sacks” than burning himself now.
• Munson gets a small fortune from making weed candles.
Ask Game here ~
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cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
FATWS One Shot #2 - The Beginning of a Family
Word Count: 1804
Warnings: Cursing, Mentions of Human Trafficking (once, it was a mission Reader did), Minor Character Injury
Setting/Characters: The first half-ish of The Avengers in 2012; Reader, Steve Rogers, Nick Fury, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor, Mentions of Loki, Phil Coulson, and Clint Barton, OC!Agent Anderson
A/N: Here’s One Shot Number 2! I was thinking of making it longer and adding the actual Battle of Manhattan, but I dunno if I’m gonna do that. I just wanted these to be One Shots of first meetings and other smaller events. I didn’t want to do scene-for-scene two parters. If you want me to, I can, I don’t mind doing it, I just wasn’t planning on it. I’ve kinda been slacking today, which is why I haven’t cranked out more than this one, but I’ll see if I can finish one more for tonight. Tomorrow’s another late night for me at work, BUT! Tomorrow night FATWS comes out! So I will be doing the next Episode! I also don’t have Friday off this week, so the Parts might bleed into Saturday, but they will come this weekend!
Reminder that this has nothing to do with FATWS the show, but I don’t have a title for my FATWS Series, which is what these are based off of, so this is what they’re called for now! If you have any ideas for names, feel free to send them in! I’m just too lazy to come up with something clever for the whole Series.
Thank you so much for reading! As always, not beta’d so please excuse any mistakes! Be kind to yourselves and others! Stay tuned and enjoy!
FATWS Masterlist
cjsinkythoughts Masterlist
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You were exhausted, coming back from an assignment that lasted a little over two months. It’d been your first one since you were assigned to help Steve adjust, and you were guessing they’d keep you on desk duty for a few months before sending you back out again. Which frustrated you to no end.
But then you got back your personal cell phone from a fellow agent and, seeing you had a few  voicemails - which you never had - you flipped it on.
“Hi, Y/N.” Your lips turned up at the man you started growing close to over the past year. “I-I know you’re on a mission right now. I mean, you just left last week. Anyways, I just…I hope you’re doin’ okay. You probably won’t get this until later, but…still. I hope you’re safe. I, uh, I got that book. The one you were joking about me getting. The U.S. History for Dummies one. It goes farther back than I need to know, but I still read all of it. It helped. I wish you were here though. But I know you’re working. And that’s important. Um… I guess I’ll see you in a few months.”
The phone beeped before the next message played. “I took your advice. I got a sketchbook and some other stuff. There’s a ton of new supplies. I’m kinda excited to try them out. Maybe they’re not new but they’re more accessible now than they used to be. And I found a gym. In Brooklyn. It’s kinda run down - a hole in the wall type place - but they don’t do memberships and they don’t care how long you stay as long as you pay for your time. So that’s nice. I guess. Anyways…hi. I don’t think I said that earlier. It’s Steve, by the way. But you probably guessed that. Um…that’s all. I just wanted to let you know. Stay safe, honey. Abbyssinia.”
You listened to the next couple ones, all along the same lines. Steve telling you about his day; about the dog he was allowed to pet on his run or the different coffee he tried this morning at your previous suggestion. You snickered a little, shaking your head. You would never guessed that Hitler hitting, Nazi punching Captain America was so…soft. Cute.
His last voicemail was from earlier that morning, and it made her brow furrow. “Hey, honey. I, uh…God, I really wish you were here. I was told you’d be getting back last week, but then they said it might be another couple weeks because something happened? I hope nothing happened. Please be okay. I’ve really missed you. I know it’s only been a year, but…you’re the only familiar thing I have right now. I guess Fury was right to choose you since you were the first person I saw. There’s a, uh, problem. Fury’s got a mission for me. Some guy named Loki stole the Tesseract. Which was HYDRA’s secret weapon. That blue cube thing. I was just getting used to laptops and fast food and this…it’s just a lot. Overwhelming. You were always good at making things less intimidating. I’ve gotta go. Some SHIELD personnel are picking me up now. We’re going to…somewhere. I’m sure you would know, but they haven’t exactly told me. Hoping to see you soon, Y/N. Please be safe.”
You frowned at the information, looking up at one of your fellow agents, Anderson. “Hey.” He turned his head towards you from his conversation with the copilot. “Is something going on at HQ?”
“The Helicarrier.” Anderson corrected. “Fury just called it in. Something with the Tesseract. And some guy’s mind controlling people. He’s got Barton, apparently. The director is bringing a few people on board; Banner, Stark, Romanoff. Rogers, too, I heard. He wants you to be there ASAP, so we’re going there now.”
Letting out a sigh, you rubbed your eyes and nodded. “Alright. Let’s go see what’s going on.”
Fury met you as you walked off the jet, lugging your duffle bag over your shoulder. You were still in your clothes from the mission; a human trafficking ring in Guam. Dirty, torn up jeans along with a white tank top hugging your torso and a flannel, unbuttoned, over your shoulders. One of your sneakers had a hole in it, too, and you were walking with a slight limp from the dislocated kneecap you got a few days prior.
“Agent.” He nodded in greeting, passing you a file. “The others are waiting. We just brought in Loki.”
You chewed your cheek, narrowing your eyes as you scanned the information in the file. It had personal files of the others, but you didn’t need to look through those. You knew Natasha very well, considering she taught you half the things you know, along with Barton. You knew Stark - of course you did - especially after you helped set Natasha up to be his secretary a while back. Banner you were also knowledgeable about, seeing as you went undercover to find him when he first took off and had been part of the tracking team on him ever since. Thor you had learned about after his fiasco in New Mexico from Coulson. And, last but certainly not least, Steve Rogers, who you knew better than any file could explain.
“Walk me through this; Thor and Loki are the real Thor and Loki? Like, from Norse myths?”
“Apparently so. You know about the New Mexico incident with the two last year, don’t you?”
You nodded, pinching your lips together tightly. “Well, yeah, but I thought…I dunno. I guess it just didn’t click. So,” you tucked the file under your arm securely, raising an eyebrow at Fury. “We’re fighting a god? An actual god?”
“With an army of aliens.” He confirmed.
“Wonderful.” You huffed as the two of you turned a corner, making your way onto the bridge, just in time to hear Stark talking to Banner about him turning into the Hulk.
“Dr. Banner is only here to track the cube.” Fury butted in. You crossed your arms behind Fury, leaning on your good leg. “I was hoping you might join him. Before you do, this is-” 
“Y/N! You’re back!”
You shot a grin to the blonde, who perked up upon seeing you. “Hi, Steve. Just in time, too, huh.” You nudged Natasha slightly. “Hey, Nat. Sorry about Clint.”
She shrugged. “I’m just glad you’re here to help.”
“I’m sorry.” You looked over to find Banner frowning contemplatively at you. “Do I know you?”
You opened your mouth to answer, but Fury beat you to it. “Formalities later. Y/L/N, we’ll bring you up to speed-”
“I’ll get there, sir. How are you boys planning on tracking down the Tesseract?” You questioned, nodding in the two geniuses’ direction.
“I’d start with that stick of his.” Steve suggested, turning to look at the duo as well. “It may be magical but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon.”
“I don’t know about that, but it is powered by the Cube.” Fury stated. “And I’d like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys.”
A tall, broad as hell blonde looked at Fury, confused. “Monkeys? I do not understand-”
“I do!” Steve jumped in, pointing at Thor, before leaning back in his seat at the silence that came after his exclamation. “I-I understood that reference.”
You chuckled and shook your head, winking at Steve when he smiled bashfully at you. As the two scientists - was Stark a scientist? - started heading out, Steve hopped up, padding over to you.
“You’re back early.”
“Late, technically.” You shrugged, letting him pull you in for a hug, your hand rubbing his back. “I got your calls.”
He pulled away, his ears turning red. “Oh, yeah. I, uhm-”
You sniggered. “It’s fine, Steve. You can call me whenever you need to. I’m just sorry I couldn’t answer you sooner.”
“You were working.” He shrugged half heartedly. “Did it go okay? Are you okay?”
“Yes, Steven. I’m fine.” You rolled your eyes just as a yawn threatened to escape your lips. “If not a little tired.” You tapped on the star against his chest. “Nice suit, by the way.”
“Ha ha.” He grinned, eyeing your own clothing. “You’re matching me.” He tugged on the red, white, and blue flannel hanging from your arms. “You also look like shit.”
You snorted. “Wow. What a gentleman. Let’s get this whole Loki situation over with so I can go to bed, yeah?”
He chuckled a little with a nod. “Sounds like a plan, honey.” The two of you started out of the bridge. “You should shower first, though.”
“You’re a bully, you know that?”
“I’m just sayin’!”
“I’m just sayin’!” You mocked with a huff. “Leave me be, Rogers.”
His laughter was cut short, making you look over at him curiously, only to find his slitted eyes studying your movements. “Why are you limping?”
“Relax, Captain. I just dislocated my knee. It’s fine. Shit happens on missions, you know that.”
“Is that why you came back late?”
Shaking your head, you lead him to one of the private rooms the Helicarrier had so you could shower and change. “No. I just needed a little more time. That’s all. Now let’s focus on the problem at hand. We can talk more later.”
He hesitated, leaning against the doorway and watching you set your bag on the small cot.  “Okay. As long as you’re alright.”
Your heart jumped a bit at the concern laced in his tone, the apprehension in those blue eyes - which you found out had some green in them - making your breath hitch slightly. “I am.” You spoke softly with a firm nod of your head, trying to assure him and his worries. “I promise.”
“I’m gonna go check on Banner and Stark, then. Come find me when you’re done.”
You cleared your throat to recover yourself, throwing him a cheeky grin. “Aye, aye, Captain.”
He rolled his eyes with a smile, before turning and walking out, leaving you alone and confused.
What was that? You’d never had that reaction to anything. Your heart doesn’t race whenever someone walks in the room. Not like it did with him. What the hell did that even mean?
You shook your head, clearing your throats. You didn’t have time to dwell on that now. You doubted it was anything more than a fluke. You were just tired and seeing someone familiar, who was genuinely excited to see you was like a breath of fresh air after your operation. That’s all. Yeah.
With that decided, you headed to the shower, head spinning with new thoughts of this problem with the God of Mischief and that stupid blue cube.
All Works Taglist (Open):
@happygoreading​ @bibliophilewednesday​
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indecentpause · 2 years
Find the Word Tag
jumping on an open tag from @spacetimewraithwrites to find mark, make, miss, morning, more, minute
cw: mental illness discussion (adhd), dead body, murder mention, drug mention, food
“So, the room--” you start, but he interrupts.
“ADHD or autism?” he asks.
You freeze.
“What?” You stammer as it comes out.
Josselin straightens his neck and brightens. “Or are you comorbid? I’m comorbid.”
“ADHD,” you have to murmur, because he just sat down and you’ve barely said a word, so how could he know? “How--?” you start to ask, but he interrupts again.
“You’ve got a spinner ring on your left pointer finger and you’ve been tapping it against your cup and your straw has bite marks, probably stimming, yeah?” He leans to the side and gestures to your pocket. “And you’ve got a fidget cube in there, right? I can see the outline under the fabric. Most neurotypical people don’t carry more than one stim toy on them at a time, if any at all.”
“How many apartments are there here?” you ask, as you pull into the parking lot. “It looks like it’s mostly businesses.”
“It is,” Josselin says, “but all the spaces above them are apartments. That’s why I’m B, I’m the second floor.”
You pull into the space and turn the car off. Josselin jumps out of the car, clearly thrilled to be here with you, and he pulls his mask back up over his nose. You do the same.
You’re a little slower, wobbly on your bad ankle, but you recover quickly. When you attach your keys to your bag, you make sure they fall on the inside this time, and you’re very, very aware of how much you want to toy with your spinner ring, when usually it’s just instinct, it doesn’t cross your mind at all.
Josselin pauses near the back door, which leads into a stairwell.
“Can you do stairs?” he asks gently. “I didn’t even think about that. I’m so sorry. We don’t have an elevator.”
“Is there a handrail?”
“Then I’m fine.”
The Inspector squints at you, not rudely, just. Thinking. “Why are you here?” he finally asks.
“Oh, uh, I was the ride,” you say. You thumb back at your car. “I can stay here if--”
“Nonsense!” Josselin cries. The two of you follow the Inspector back to his squad car. He digs out a second mask and glove and a container of Vicks. Oh, man, Josselin did say she went missing a week ago. The body must have been here a while.
You switch out your masks and pull on the glove. You’ve been out of work a few months but you’ll remember this drill for the rest of your life. You swipe your gloved finger in the gloop and smear some under your nose, that familiar, sickening menthol smell, then hand it to Josselin to do the same.
“Oh! You were a paramedic, weren’t you?” Josselin asks, eyebrows up.
“Yeah. Some things you don’t forget.”
“What did you find?” you can’t help but ask. You peer past his arm to see the files spread out on the table, but the print is small, and you can’t read it from where you sit. Half of the other stuff that was on it this morning is now on the floor.
“You’re right,” Josselin says through a mouthful of noodles. “She was a student at that university. Everyone who knows her, friends, family, teachers, they all say she was a straight-A student heavily involved in extracurriculars, and we both know that doesn’t mean she didn’t use drugs, but it’s more unlikely. We tracked down some of her friends and they all said if she was using, they didn’t know anything about it, and she never showed signs of drug abuse.”
“But the stuff on the costume’s foot was drugs?”
“Cocaine and fentanyl.”
“Fentanyl?” you repeat.
“She was a tricky one, because of how much her skin had deteriorated, but her insides were mostly okay. Toxicology found heroin.”
“An overdose?” He pulls a notepad and pen out of his bag, poised to take notes.
Sara tilts her head back and forth. “That’s what they want me to say. There was enough to kill her, but I think there was more to it than that.”
“Why would they want to say that if they’re not sure?” you ask hesitantly.
Sara turns to you as Josselin starts to look at the body again.
“It’s a neat and easy wrapup,” she says.
“Did Inspector Montague accept this?” Josselin’s eyes are wide with surprise. “Usually he’s so much more thorough.”
There are so many lines at the courthouse. You accidentally stand in the wrong one for forty-five minutes, only to be told you need to be three lines down. Then they send you to a different office. But finally, you get the papers, and you move to the side to get them filled out. It takes some time and is pretty confusing, but Josselin walks you through it and finally, a few hours later, it’s done and filed. You still have to get the papers served and go to your court date, but you’ve got the process started, and it’s already a huge weight off your chest.
When you get back to the car and pay the exorbitant parking fees, and start heading home, and listen to more Disney soundtracks, Josselin asks, gently, “Hey, are you hungry? I know we had pizza not long ago, but. Java Thai makes some awesome fried corn cakes.”
tagging @sleepy-night-child @afoolandathief @sleepyowlwrites (if you want) and anyone else who wants to to find cup, bottle, jar, mug, plate.
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alyss01 · 4 years
|[Cooking adventures]|
[Corpse Husband x GN! reader]
Genre: Fluff (kinda)
Word count: 2K
Requested: no
To request: Corpse requests, Dream SMP and Comfy cartel are all OPEN
Synopsis: Corpse cooking dinner with his s/o, just a cute stuff. 
Warnings: none
A/n: I made dinner with my brother a few days back and then I kind of questioned what it would be like to do that with a s/o and then this idea plagued my mind for a few days until I managed to make time to write it all down.  It also may include some wrong words, english isn't my first language and I don't usually write things that include cooking so terms may be off!
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Corpse looked at you, questioning as you calmly washed your hands.
Shrugging your shoulders, you met his eyes as you replied, "nope, not at all," a small teasing smile formed on your face as you moved past him to dry your hands, "but I used to do this with my brother when I was younger and it turned out fine then. So I'm sure it will be edible."
Still your boyfriend didn't seem convinced, his eyebrows raised in question as you placed all the ingredients on the counter.
What you had told him was the truth however, you had made this recipe countless of times with your older brother when you still both lived with your parents. It had gone well each time, so you didn't worry much.
"I promise there won't be any aluminum foil involved." You teased as you turned to look at him over your shoulder, a small smirk tugging at your lips at the playful glare he send your way.
Corpse chuckled as he gave in, following your lead and washing his hands as you placed a pan on the counter, “will this be large enough?” you questioned as you held up the pan in your hand, questioning to Corpse as he looked at you, “how much do you plan on making?”
You thought for a second, it wouldn’t be bad to make more than necessary and keep the left overs in the fridge for tomorrow, besides that the family recipe that you knew was made to feed an entire family of people.
“It’ll be big enough, probably” you answered your own question as you placed the pan on the stove, returning to the counter as you tried to remember the recipe. It had been a while since you last made it.
Corpse seemed to realize he didn’t even know what you were going to make as he looked at the ingredients that littered the counter top, “what are we making anyway?” his tone questioning as he watched you move around the kitchen, grabbing one of the largest kitchen knives you owned and a cutting board in your other hand.
“Spaghetti Bolognese.” You answered simply, putting the items on the counter as you looked at him, “family recipe of course.”
He nodded his head, unsure of what to do as you moved around and prepared the kitchen for your endeavours.
His eyes followed your movements wordlessly, a small content smile on his face. You had always known your way around a kitchen, somehow whenever you entered one something would just change in your step.
Your otherwise somewhat chaotic movements fluid as you pulled one cabinet open and pulled out a bowl, placing it on the counter as you pushed the cabinet door back with your hip. Even when he had just met you, you held a certain affinity to the kitchen.
Once you’d told him how your mom taught you how to cook and bake, and you carried along the tradition of baking something in the weekends.
As someone that was a walking mess in the kitchen and often ended up with take out as a result, you were magical. It was a mystery to him how you could enter the kitchen and come out half an hour later with two plates of tasteful goodness.
When you became friends with him you learned about his eating situation, the image of which horrifying to you. It didn’t take long for you to drop by occasionally with extra food you had prepared to make sure he would at least consume a nutritious meal every so often.
Over time it became more often and you started to take your own portion with you as well after Corpse invited you to eat at his place instead. As this happened you grew closer to the male and eventually you started dating, the confession taking place at one of these nights.
When you moved in you took the task of buying groceries and cooking whenever you had the time to do so upon yourself. Corpse enjoyed the increase in tasteful cooking, grateful for it even after telling you that you really didn’t have to do it.
“Corpse?” your question pulled him out of his thoughts as he hummed in response.
A small smile tugged on your lips as you pointed to the pot on the stove, “Can you boil some water for the spaghetti? I think around half of the package should be fine.” He could see the packet of spaghetti noodles beside the stove as he moved over.
Beside him you were dicing up a union and carrot before putting them in the small bowl you had put beside the cutting board earlier.
Corpse looked curiously as you worked from beside you. The kitchen knife moved precisely and fluidly in your hands as you worked with it. Somehow you always chose the larger and sharper knives in the kitchen for cooking, claiming they were the most comfortable to use.
You added some garlic to the vegetables before moving to the pan on the stove and turning it on. Emptying the bowl in the pan, you looked at Corpse beside you.
“Can you make the broth? Just add one of those small cubes into around a cup of hot water.” Corpse grabbed the packet and pulled out one of the small cubes for the broth before the writing on the package caught his eye, “this says one cube per one litre.”
As you looked at him he could see the confusion on your face, a small smile on your lips as you shrugged your shoulders, one hand stirring the vegetables in the pan.
“It’ll be a strong broth then?” you questioned, eying the package suspiciously as Corpse chuckled, “Y/n, how long has it been since you made this?”
Now it was your turn for a nervous chuckle to fall off your lips, avoiding eye contact as you turned back to the pan, “like a year or two?” the answer more phrased as a question as you spoke.
You cut Corpse off before he could give up, “it’ll be fine, in the worst case we’ll just order take out later, just give it a chance for now?” the look on your face convincing him as he turned back to the task you had given him.
He dumped the cube in a cup of hot water like you instructed him to do, the cube barely dissolving like he was sure it was supposed to.
As he tried to figure out what he did wrong, you added the meat to your pan as you stirred, looking at what Corpse was doing out of the corner of your eye after his sudden silence.
“Are you okay?’’ you asked as he turned around, the glass measuring cup with a barely fallen apart broth cube in the middle of the orangey water.
“Y/n, it’s not doing the thing.” His voice almost a whine as he presented his failed task to you, a raised eyebrow his only response as you tried to figure out what happened, “Did you use boiled water?”
Now it was Corpse’s turn to be confused as he looked at you, “boiled water? You said warm water!” his voice frustrated as an amused chuckle left your lips.
“Its fine, don’t worry, just add the same amount of water but then boiled and I think we should be fine.” You answered, making Corpse grab the kettle with boiled water for the spaghetti as he poured it into the broth.
As he stirred the mixture the cube started to dissolve, just like you had said, “Won’t we have double the amount of water now?” He looked at you curiously as you stirred the pan, checking if the meat was ready so you could move to the next step.
“I mean its water right? So I guess it’ll just evaporate eventually?” you shrugged your shoulders as you answered.
You left the pan to sit for a while as you moved to your boyfriend, pressing your lips against his cheek, “don’t worry about it, it’ll be fine.” Your voice reassured him as your hand trailed down his arm, pulling your head away you spoke up again, “you can add the broth now by the way.”
Corpse placed a soft kiss on your forehead as he moved away, carefully dumping the broth in the pan together with the other ingredients.
Humming as you watched him, you moved back to the stove to start stirring the mixture of ingredients once more.
You were taken aback when Corpse caged you against him, his hands resting comfortably on your hips as you leant back against him. His head rested on yours as he watched your hands work.
A small smile tugged on your lips at the sweet moment, your hand leaving the ladle you had used to stir the soup like mixture.
You placed it on his hand on your hip, guiding it up so he could stir in your stead as you grabbed the tins filled with tomato paste and diced up tomatoes.
Carefully adding all of it to the pan, a small chuckle left your mouth at the volume the sauce had become. It was hard not to spill it over the edge of the pan as Corpse stirred, making you place your hand over his as you guided him, careful and slow movements keeping the sauce in the pan.
After a few minutes you turned back, your hand leaving Corpse’s as you pressed a soft kiss against his lips, your hand finding his hair as you brushed through it, the dark curls curling over your hand.
“I think it’s time now to start cooking the spaghetti, can you do that?” you looked up at him as a small smile tugged at his lips, “of course, babe” the nickname bringing a small flush to your cheeks.
Before he turned to you for questions you pointed to the package, “there are instructions on there, just use like half of the package.” You responded his unasked question with a small smile as he turned back.
He followed the instructions on the package flawlessly as you grabbed different spices and dumped different amounts into the sauce.
It didn’t take too much longer for your dinner to be finished, the soup like texture replaced by the thicker sauce after all the excess water evaporated.
After dividing the noodles and sauce over two bowls you allowed the remaining sauce to cool off so you could put it in the fridge for tomorrow. Corpse looked over your shoulder as you carried the two plates out, he had grabbed utensils and brought your drinks out to the living room.
You leaned against him on the couch, your bowl in your lap as you ate, a movie playing on the television in front of you. A satisfied hum left your lips as you took the first bite, covering your mouth as you spoke, it’s perfect.”
Beside you Corpse took his first bite beside you, twisting the spaghetti around his fork before he nodded his head.
“It is perfect.” A small smile formed on your face as you looked up at him from your position, leaning your head on his shoulder, “did you enjoy cooking together?”
A small smile formed on his face, “I expected to be worse at it.” A chuckle left your lips, “your always welcome to join me.”
“maybe I will more often.”
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rumblelibrary · 3 years
Hello, it's me again, your friendly neighborhood... Hungarian?!...👀❤️
Can I request a Sebastian Zöllner fic, where he is a coworker of Reader, and there's an obvious sexual tension, attraction in the office, they sit opposite each other, legs touching sometimes, hands touching... Idunno... Things like this 👀🔥 but nothing happened... Yet...🔥🔥
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Never an Enemy [Sebastian Zöllner x Fem!Reader]
Word count: 5k
Warnings: A bad mouthed journalist with strong opinions about art and performance that might offend
Author’s note: Did I let this idea simmer in me for ages? Yes. Did I ever stopped thinking about it? NO.
You hummed softly while the music blasted in your headphones as you made your way up the stairs to the headquarters of the Art Tribune, the art focused magazine you worked for since over a year.
You liked the job even if to deal with artists was hard and the pay check could really deserve an improvement, it was stimulating and surely kept you on the edge. That morning in particular you needed to revise some background stories and just loads of reading to do to work on a new article for an upcoming exhibition. Just the usual fact checking, but you just couldn’t do it at home the day before so you decided to come early and enjoy some peace and quiet at the office.
You arrived at the top of the stairs of the fourth floor with a groan, you told yourself you had to do the stairs because you spent 70% of your life sitting in front of a computer, kind of self care, but brutal. You groaned lightly going straight toward the little kitchen installed for the team when you noticed something in the empty shared room full of desks. It was actually a really nice place with big industrial style windows that let lots of light inside, a very smart environment to work in, with areas where you could relax, free Wifi and loads of facilities. Usually people were put in big desks together, facing each other, trying to push a sort of ‘community feeling’.
Inevitably most of the people created barricades with books, and pictures of their dogs or even empty coffee cups. Yes, all cute and artistic, but do not talk to me.
That’s what also the attitude of the man you shared your desk with on your first day. He whined like a child for twenty minutes, complained he was happy to work alone, followed the assistant of the editor around the office and created a barricade of catalogues between the two of you so thick that you wondered if it was also bulletproof, only to rest his elbows over it half an hour asking if you had the change for the vending machine. Yes, that random man was you colleague and friend, Sebastian Zöllner.
The same that you are witnessing now asleep on the desk, head resting on his crossed arms while a stand of saliva went down on his shirt, wild hair and shoes taken off.
He could be considered an attractive man if he wasn’t a bloody nightmare of a person. You actually worked a lot with him and enjoyed his presence most of the days, your characters folded nicely and you would bounce off his attitude. He was strong on biographies and annoying the shit out of others, so he was always nagging at someone, you included.
You smirked slowly tracing his hair with your fingers, he never looked so innocent and you were always surprised to learn how those messy hair were so soft. It wasn’t the first time you did that gesture, sometimes he did lean his head like this only to be touched like an annoying mewling cat that needs attentions. “Kaffee” He mumbled making you chuckle, such a an annoying brat and he didn’t even open his eyes.
You carried on walking to the little kitchen room to prepare some coffee for you and your desk partner. You shook your head aimlessly as you started wondering why the man is here at this hour and if it was really a good idea to wake him up. To have him awake means to be able to do little to zero.
You watched the coffee get ready, the comforting tune of your morning playlist getting you still on the good side of your mood as you poured the coffee in your mug.
Then you saw it, an arm sneaking in front of you and taking the mug from your hand, you jump scared in a second almost pouring the rest of the coffee on the whole kitchen counter only to encounter Sebastian sleepy figure behind you bringing the mug close to his nose and inhaling deeply the aroma before having a gulp, you stared at him as his jaw clenched, his eyes got a bit teary. “Fucking hot” he whined making you chuckle, he deserved it for stealing it, luckily you were already doing some more for him so he stole your favourite mug but you had some coffee for you left.
You pulled off your headphones leaning them on your neck “No idea you’d be sleeping at the office, weren’t you off on some interview ?”
He shrugged “yeah, well me neither, but interviewing sculptors is always annoying as shit and those are always supersensitive” he said opening the freezer and pulling out some ice cubes from their box and putting them in the coffee mug. “Scheiße!” He cursed as the ice cube landing in the mug caused the coffee to spill onto his white shirt. You pressed your lips tight against each other not to laugh into his face, but he was already pissed off and it wasn’t even proper work time. You watched him lean over the sink trying to wash it off somehow without even bothering to take it off, just adding chaos on chaos.
“Y/N! Do not laugh and try to help me! Beside, the heck are you doing here at this hour?” You rolled your eyes at that comment, but you didn’t indulge him in that request.
“I was just looking for silence”
He nodded like he didn’t believe a single word of it, he was just an asshole and you had to deal with it like it or not. You almost hated how he was so freaking good at writing and that’s probably why many people indulged him. Even you knew his pieces on the magazine and didn’t expect to find out he was so…so Sebastian.
You let out a breathy chuckle taking your mug and making your way to your joined desk letting him wrestle his balance over the kitchen sink trying to get the stain wet and not shower himself in the meanwhile.
You sat down at your spot leaning the mug on side, hands covering your face trying to keep a clear mind letting out a big breath “okay, let’s do this”
You turned on the lamplight on your desk pulling out your laptop from your backpack. As the computer was ‘waking up’ you stared at Sebastian side of the desk compared to yours.
You had like a little citadel of books around you, but it was pretty neat, a little succulent gifted by your friend for your first day at work with the name tag ‘Danny’ on it sitting beside the lamp, lots of pencils and pens of different colours and notebooks to no end. If you had something in common with that beast of a man was that you both still relied on paper for sketching ideas and write down impressions in the moment, then onto the typing.
His side, however, was like a contemporary artwork in itself. Half empty cigarettes packages everywhere, the ashtray filled up, paper inside books and books filled with more papers. Notes everywhere, the damn king of neon yellow post-its, stains of coffee and crumbles of food invert corner, his red laptop showing off like a punch in the eye and his satchel bag always hang or thrown around.
You often wondered if the cleaning stuff just gave up on him. Your lucky guess was that he would probably throw a fit if anything was moved, so everyone just played the blind eye.
He was good at throwing fits.
You watched him come back sitting in front of you, half of his shirt soaked in the attempt to clean it up, he licked his lips picking one empty package of cigarettes looking in it and throwing it away until he found one with still something in it and he lighted his cigarette as he turned on his laptop. You sighed opening the window to let the fresh air not getting you intoxicated.
You went back to sip your coffee and stare at the screen quietly, every now and then your eyes falling onto the little cloud of smoke in front of you.
Sebastian was an attractive man, that was undeniable and you were sure that made him also a successful interviewer even though he was so random and chaotic, when he was silent and collected in thoughts he was indeed a sight to be seen. The dark hair framing his face like he was some cherub, his deep eyes staring into the void of his own words as he typed. He had a sort of decadent look on him.
Slowly the office begun to get filled, people coming here and there to tease Seb about coming early and he just waving his cigarette around asking for silence.
The chief editor shouted getting into his office without even turning around. Seb rolled his eyes looking at you as he pushed the cigarette in the ashtray waving his hand around to dissipate the smoke around him before standing up.
“I wonder how he managed to survive few days without shouting my name” he smirked.
You looked at him and mimicked his smirk.
What a chaotic man.
You had finished your reading by then and started to make a first draft of the article you were meant to work on.
“Y/N!!!” Sebastian voice rang through the office making you jump on your seat and he gestured at you to go with him with a big wave of his arm.
You looked at your screen with an helpless sigh, it seems like you will not write that article anytime soon, you’d better just have slept an hour more.
You stood up following that incessant wave as Seb put his hand on your back to get you in a bit quicker.
“Good morning”
You said as the chief editor nodded quietly “Look Y/N, it is a big favour I have to ask you” he begun frankly as you were beginning to get worried “you did your time with silly articles, so I thought it could be interesting to pair you up with Sebastian to go to tonight’s exhibition of Evita Schnecke”
Your eyes went wide as you looked at Sebastian shrug his shoulders.
“I need somebody to keep the horse with tight rains” Mr Megelbach continued gesturing with his pen at Sebastian and then at you “and you will dip your toes in those big time artists environment, but we really need to make sure Sebastian won’t hurt anyone’s sensibility, her interview has been obtained with lots of hard work”
“Yeah, we all know that hard work” Sebastian whispered in your ear earning a glare from Mr Megelbach who handed you a couple of catalogues from that artist and the invitation.
“So, put on hold your current article for today, make a plan with this train wreck and please make sure he doesn’t show up dressed like that”
“That was unneeded”
“All precautions are always needed with you, and now get out of my office the both of you”
You nodded moving out of the office, you were a bit anxious. Those artists were unpredictable just as Sebastian.
You made your way back to your desk with him as you sat down looking at the invitation. “So, it begins at 9 pm” you said almost understanding why Sebastian shouldn’t be allowed to go unescorted because the invitation on the dress code had: Wear something that talks about your soul. Only that could bring Sebastian to have an aneurism.
“I hate that bitch”
“Seb, that’s not a good start for an article”
He smirked as you said so but shrugged
“I mean it, this woman was born into privilege, she portrayed herself to be this underground rebel, but her simple black dress was a Chanel and her everyday boot Balenciaga, so I don’t trust her for a reason”
You smirked as you could agree with that and showed him the two catalogues the boss gave you
“Choose your fighter”
He groaned so loud he could have stabbed his toe and he leaned over his side of the desk picking one from your hand giving a light pinch on your side “teacher’s pet”. You chuckled softly as he always said that.
“Tell me if you read something that it is not about the performer’s way of life” he mumbled opening it in front of him.
You begun your reading and it was indeed the hell pit of a vey spoiled kid who was told to be the greatest since the first day of life, you picked your notebook and opened it taking notes on things that you could ask about.
Sebastian in the meanwhile lighted up another cigarette rolling it between his fingers mindlessly, his eyes looking above the paper at you every now and then among the little curses in German about the stupid things written there.
After some time it was becoming really a torture to read and you leaned your back on your chair stretching your legs forward for Seb to catch one of them among his.
You smirked as you often joked to him he was like some bear trap with those legs always catching yours.
He put his hand under the table bringing your leg up onto his thigh as you shifted even lower on your seat, his hand touching your ankle mindlessly as he had a talent for little massages like that. He did it the first time a while aback, a summer day where it was so hot and humid that you couldn’t feel your own legs.
So it became a little ritual among the two of you. You had many of those rituals, it was like an unspoken collection of attentions. Like you making the coffee in the morning because he was a grumpy ass. Or him always buying you some chewing gum or little treat when he went to buy cigarettes.
“I guess I am not the only one that needs a restyle”
He said bringing you away by the tenderness those little actions brought to you when he pushed his finger in your Vans shoe deepening a hole that you were trying to ignore from months.
“Seb, don’t do it, I wanted to make them last another season”
“Another season? These can’t last the end of the month, no doubt why your sex life is a train wreck”
You frowned at him taking your ankle off his hand to push on his chair making him roll back thanks to the little wheels underneath it, but he held on the desk and pulled himself closer again.
“What do you even know about it”
He looked at you, eyebrows raising up on his forehead
“Y/N, if I was your boyfriend I wouldn’t allow you to leave the bed that early in the morning to go to the office and that’s a fact”
“Oh, and how on heaven could you detain my passion for this job?” “Well, I can write you a list about it, you can consider it a to do list on your next date” His smirk was so wide, he enjoyed to tease you like that, the bastard, he knew to be an hottie and he always acted like half of the world was up to fuck with him.
“Oh please, do it, I want to see”
You teased him and he leaned in elbows on the table staring at you.
Oh the sexual tension with him was too much, you always went down on this hurricane of remarks, always him mentioning how you need more orgasms or implying it, or even implying how good he is at giving them.
“But be careful, because any act should be performed and not only lived”
You said quoting the artist you were reading about and he whined so hard like you really stomped your foot on his balls.
“Horrid witch”
“Me?” “No, that one”
He huffed and puffed picking another cigarette. Sometimes cigarettes just died on his fingers as he forgot to actually enjoy them more than waving them around.
The artist herself wasn’t remarkable, she used themes seen over and over before, she had a background as performer/dancer and she added painting to that, but more than talent she had an amazing marketing squad. You read her story and her commentaries about living like in a poem, which always sounds pretty easy with a big bank account.
You did all you could to stay neutral even if Seb was going down to massacre the woman, you two shared a bundle of two sandwiches (or better say, your brought a package of two and he was skipping his lunch so you just handed it to him) until you decided to get parted and go get ready at home.
That evening you were waiting for him in front of your apartment, when a taxi stopped in front of you and his figure appeared waving at you to come in on the back. His eyes widened in surprise “Well, well, well, look who got all fancy here”
He smirked as his eyes travelled on you shamelessly, the dress was actually one of those you brought ages ago and never used, also to wear heels felt like new, last time you went to a fancy event almost hard to recollect.
“Just move and let me in”
You said chuckling as you looked at him being so elegant when you noticed it, the price tag on his shirt.
“Seb, did you just buy this shirt?”
“Yes, and I am going to take it back tomorrow”
You looked at him puzzled
“What?” He groaned “I suck at ironing stuff”
You looked at him as a little laugh escaped your lips as he told you not to, but it was too late for that, you shifted closer to him anyway helping him to hide that price tag better behind his neck. Nevertheless the white shirt was really fancy and fitted him perfectly.
As you arrived in front of the gallery you sighed and made your way inside.
The place wasn’t crowded but few eyes turned as you got in.
“Would you like some champagne?” A waiter asked and Seb picked two flutes immediately downing one in a gulp on his own as the other was still in his other hand, he put the empty glass on the tray and then picked a third one handing it to you.
“Drink Y/N or you won’t make it to the end of the evening”
You smirked as he was always over dramatic, but indeed the evening seemed to be made for posh people to show off how cool they are.
You spotted the artist pretty quickly wearing a Valentino bright red dress, she surely had the dancer figure and gestures which gave her some kind of an edge.
"She is all yours"
You looked at Sebastian already half way through his drink, giving you that cheshire cat smirk.
"Are you sure?"
"You know I will insult her in a second if she names her dancing background one more time, I saw the videos, she looked like a three ready to collapse on the ground" he chuckled as you smirked shaking your head at his metaphor, but he is probably right, he is too much biased.
"I didn't notice the open back before" he said referring to your dress as he caressed over your skin with his fingertips making goosebumps raise up your spine.
"What? Am I too sexy for your own good?"
"Probably" he commented not losing a beat to answer you. You were taken aback from a moment, his eyes still down on his hand touching your back before raising up to find yours.
Then he took his hand away and pressed the cold champagne glass against it making you hiss "Now go, I'll check this bourgeois art"
You frowned but you just moved away from him. He always did it, he teased you and then made it a joke. You gave it back to him too, it was your relationship, that's how you balanced it.
"Good evening " you said to her with a smile holding your glass in your left hand before offering your right hand to her "I am Y/N, from the Art Tribune"
She went from neutral to smiling in a second
"Oh, I was waiting to meet you" she said leaning to kiss your cheek, surely she was a woman with charm, with a degree of boldness that made her charming and also, you noticed, extremely touchy-feely with everyone.
"We can define this a sort of retrospective of your previous works, I liked to see the evolution of it" you lied, because you just saw the catalogue.
But that was fair enough to have her go on about her, guess what? Past as a dancer, about how she needed to express herself, how she was her own muse and all the stuff you already read.
"What is next for you then?"
"I want to follow my dream, I have always wanted to found a space with my name where people could rent the rooms to perform dances and arts"
You stared at her. For real? Like there weren't other hundreds in the whole city?
"What will keep you apart from all the others that did this before you?"
"Nobody is me" she smirked like it was clear and obvious.
You asked few more questions, but you were sad to admit Sebastian was right. There wasn't art there, there was just profit, selling a name, a brand.
This saddened you because you met many artists that had less than a chance to make it but double the talent of Miss Valentino Dress.
"Y/N" Sebastian warm hand was on your back as you were downing the last bit of champagne "Come, come ,come quick" he said pushing you away as the artist clearly recognised him but he dismissed her with some insult or whatever he just mumbled.
"Seb, I was working, what the hell?"
"Elke is here"
You still didn't understand, you were puzzled as the reason of that anxiety was still unknown to you.
"Like your girlfriend Elke?"
"Put an ex in front of it" he said looking around frantically
"Oh, I am sorry, I didn't know"
"No, me neither, I thought she was just bashing around, she always did" his arm sneaked around your waist pulling you closer "please, act sexy for once"
You were one second from hitting his guts with your elbow when Elke herself approached.
"Oh, I didn't expect to see you here" she said waving her glass around
"Yeah, well I work for an important Art journal if you remember"
"How could I forget?" she groaned looking at you then as Sebastian's hand rested onto your hip. Really? Was he acting like you were his date?
"Hi, I am Y/N"
You said politely to her and she chuckled "Run when you can, this man is a leech and you don't even know it"
She mentioned it almost casually, but you could feel all the poison implied on your skin, Sebastian's hand giving you a soft squeeze, you had never seen him like this before. He looked like a dog that just got kicked, his back hunched over you lightly both trying to protect you and for protection.
"Well, thank you for your advice, I must be a real torment too because we actually have lot of fun together, I like his unpredictability"
You said it from your heart, you didn't want to insult her or anything, but you felt bad for him. Even if he probably deserved it, to be humiliated like this must be hard in any circumstance, in particular in a place where he is supposed to work and being known.
He looked at you a bit surprised, he leaned slowly pressing a kiss on your temple and you smiled because of that gesture so enveloped in that feeling of tenderness.
"Your shot" Elke said clearly a bit annoyed that you as she just moved along followed by a man that must be her date.
"Lets go out"
You suggested as Seb nodded and just followed for once, he held your hand as you guided him and for once he wasn't talking or commenting anything.
As you went out he sat down on the sidewalk pulling out his package of cigarettes taking out one immediately.
"Hey stand up" you said to him as he looked up at you and you snatched that cigarette off his lips "let's go away"
"Where? Don't we have to stay until she gets naked to dance?"
You smirked "No, we have all the material we need"
You took his cigarette away offering him your hand as he picked it and you guided him.
He was silent, which is rare, when he was silent it meant he was upset in some way, he always had a nice comeback line for everything usually.
His head leaned on side like a scolded child as he slowly laced your fingers together.
You walked across few streets, your heels clicking on the cement until you made it to your final location pulling him inside.
Seb asked looking at the sign, it was a kebab place, your favourite by the way.
"I am hungry" you just said making him lower his head and smile like a kid with cue breathy chuckles.
You ordered for the two of you as he went to sat down putting another cigarette between his lips when the man behind the counter glared at him and he just put it back in the package.
He sat down slouching as you did some small talks with the guys there, you clearly knew them. The soft music from the radio holding the place into a sort of magical aura as his eyes travelled over your naked back once more, the need for a cigarette becoming even more urgent.
You two dressed so elegantly really were so noticeable in the bright lightend place, he smiled to himself thinking it could be a nice painting by Hopper.
You came back offering him his kebab with a soft drink, very thoughtful because he was indeed already a bit high on champagne.
You ate quietly together, it wasn't uncomfortable, your silences were happening often at work and always filled with a sense of common understanding, you leaned your leg up like you always did at the office and rested it on his thigh as you sat sideways beside him. His hand flying naturally on your ankle to give his usual massage, his thumb tracing your skin with imaginary patterns as his other hand held the kebab close to his mouth.
The speaker at the radio announcing next song as Rocket Man by Elton John filled the room with a melancholic vibe. You couldn't help but think the song suited perfectly Sebastian, his being out of this word, out of control.
"Thank you" he said at some point as he tried his best not to ruin his shirt, you looked up at him as he was staring, his eyes telling you something on their own "You have been the best girlfriend I have ever had"
He added with a bitter smile diverting once more his gaze, you smiled back at him, he looked so resigned. Maybe it was the alcohol, but you have never seen him so fragile before.
"I could be"
His eyes darted up to you, his surprise evident as he put down the kebab, the soothing voice of the British singer still giving a dream edge to the moment as he moved closer. You slowly shifted your leg to give him room of movement as his right arm sneaked to rest on the back of your chair closing the space between the two of you.
His lips tasted still a bit of champagne as he pressed them against yours, you kissed him back slowly as his left hand travelled on your thigh pulling you closer to him probably staining your dress because of his greasy hand.
He pulled back almost immediately before leaning onto you again titling his head on the other side. This second time the kiss was more deep, more intense. Your hands slowly cradling his face before pulling back yourself.
He smiled against your lips and you smiled back.
Maybe tomorrow you will regret it like Elke said, maybe not.
Tagged @cazzyimagines @lieutenantn @handmaiden-of-mischief@thesunflowersutra @zemomybeloved@fictionlandslanddreams@charistory @greeneyedblondie44@apparrio @hb8301@whatawildone @rhymerhymerhyme  @thehuiabird @lilith-blackrose @unbeatablecurlgirl@obsidianlaszlo@alindeluce@zemosimp05 @baronesszemo-blackwood @nocapesdahlingLet me know if you want to get tagged to my publications too <3
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
your food asks always make me so happy SO WHAT DO YOU THINK THE GANG (and your robot husbands) FAVORITE CHRISTMAS-TIME TREATS??
tw : food and baking mentions!! Also brief alcohol mention!!
Christmas was never that big?? Like Rand wasn't a great cook it was usually just,, going out to eat, if anything.
<3 she really likes chocolates though - like specifically chocolate truffles? She always buys herself one of those big La Suissa chocolate box-bags to munch <33
OH HER FAVORITE IS HAZELNUT CHOCOLATES <333 she'd probably adore Ferrero Rocher <3
plus then <333 his house smells like christmas, its fantastic <333 all the sugary goodness
if he had to pick, its gotta be a classic! Chocolate Chip Cookies <333 with these Big Chunks of dark + milk chocolate?? Like the cookies are MASSIVE and GOOEY and you feel full after eating like,, half of one BUT HE LOVES THEM <333
MOUSSE CAKE, MACARONS, JUST,, ALL BAKED GOODS. Wheat and Butter and Sugar can never go wrong <33
She loves super dense, fudge-y desserts?? Like cake so dense and fluffy and buttery that it feels like your mouth is being cemented shut.
she has a tradition of stopping by this,, Small Bakery near where she used to live and buying WAY TOO MUCH LMAO.
She goes in for one, maybe two things and gets distracted because,, who can say no to fresh baked eclairs that just popped out of the oven <3
<3333 her favorite is this,, Super Dense Cheesecake?? She can feel her arteries closing up, its decadent. She coats it in Raspberry Sauce and Ganache and has never looked happier.
<3333 you wouldn't guess it but he's very good at baking - as the youngest, he was too young for a long time to go out with his Siblings to their parties so instead he'd watch his mum cook!!
<3 usually its either pumpkin or sweet potato pie??? The farmers down the road always had them for cheap so his mum would snag a few for both christmas and halloween!!!
IF NOT THEN <333 yule log yule log he swears his mother used to put crack in there bc,, no matter what he does he can't make it taste the same as hers!!
he's also a sucker for cider <3 he purposefully stops by a local orchard to pick out apples and makes it himself!!!
TURKISH DELIGHTS <3333 some of his only happy memories of Christmas were when him and his siblings would make towers out of them while waiting for dinner to finish cooking <33
SO NOW HE JUST MUNCHES THEM DURING THE HOLIDAYS BC,, IT GIVES HIM THAT NICE COZY FEELING. No nuts or anything inside, just plain sugar-dusted Rosewater Turkish Delights <333
On that note he'd probably like any,, gummy candies. Like not specifically christmas but he'll absolutely be munching down on some Gummy Bears and Jellybeans during the holidays <33
I HC that he eats kinda like a Gelatinous Cube?? Like he just Shoves it into his orb hard enough and it,, pops through and disolves?? Not directly associated to this ask but,, Yknow lmao
<333 HARD CANDYYYYY. Especially like,,
this is one of the rare moments he'll swap into a human form to eat smth because,, the experience of shoving a bunch of Ribbon Hard Candy into his mouth and crunching is fantastic.
OH FUCK,, he'd totally love like,, Liquor Hard Candy?? <3333
I don't know why but he strikes me as a Mincemeat Tart kinda guy?? Its the only thing that he goes out of his way to get during the holidays <33
Alternatively if he's feeling super nostalgic and wants to wallow in self pity, he'll go to that Dinner him and Rand used to go to.
Back before Rand got hitched, that was their christmas tradition?? They usually worked through the holiday season to get a leg up on Other Shadow Organizations and stuff but,,, after everything was finished up?? They'd head to the diner and order a Massive Cherry Pie to celebrate a good year. (yes JR always footed the bill but its still one of his last good memories of Rand)
he says he ''''''DoESn'T LiKe cAnDY''''' but he's still gonna get caught sneaking mints from the Sweets Bowl <3
ITS,, Cold-Sugary?? The flavor of mint is just <33 he adores mint and Christmastime means he's completely surrounded by it.
I love the idea of him having a massive sweet tooth but being too Prideful to admit it, so he just,,, steals baked goods and candies from ppl at random intervals. Little bastard <3
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