#i supplement with seaweed
lightngaleart · 1 year
Anders has, somehow, grown bigger than my tank boss and I’ve noticed the tank boss doesn’t really shove him out of the way as much anymore 🤣
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six-of-ravens · 2 years
oh so spirulina is. seaweed. ok ok.
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felixrexi · 6 days
૮ ․ ․ ྀིა things i'm doing to get back on track after binging for a month.
- WALK MORE. i'm someone who walks 10k steps without feeling tired as ive always been very active in that sense. if you struggle with stamina, i suggest starting now! my personal goal is maybe 15k steps/day.
- caffeine. i drink a LOT, but ideally i'd like to suppress my appetite with it as much as possible. i will buy supplements and see what helps most.
- water! a given, appetite suppression and helps lose in the long run. i'm always doing something with my hands/drinking so i don't need to set myself a goal, i'll probably drink 3-4L.
- 3d diary 🤍 this is something i've wanted for a while, i want to decorate it and make it cute lol.
- keep stacked on low cal safe foods. i've been binging non stop this past month, and buying 22 cal seaweed snacks works best to deter me!
- open tumblr every morning. deleting my past account made me spiral back into gaining.
- watch 3dyt! vlogs motivate me in my personal life so this will help me incredibly.
if you're also getting back on track — lets be mutuals! sending love and luck to us both 💗
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napfordinner · 11 months
My lovely friends, this is a friendly evidence-based post pertaining to the risk reduction of a few well-known health effects of 4n4 and mia. Including: Amenorrhea (loss of regular menstrual period), anaemia, digestive upset, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, general well-being, and osteoporosis. It is quite a long post, but please let me know if there’s any other information you would like me to cover. 💕
🪐 Vitamins and Supplements:
• A-Z Multivitamin. Is beneficial for supplementation. For example, Vitamin C is a vitally important vitamin for the body’s connective tissues, including the maintenance of healthy bones and teeth, cellular formation and maturation, resistance to infection, and an increased ability to heal. Additionally, B12 contributes to an adequately functioning nervous system, bone marrow, and intestinal tract. It also acts to increase metabolism of protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Finally vitamin B2 when combined with Vitamin A promotes good vision and healthy skin, as well as assists in metabolising proteins and fats at a cellular level.
• Calcium and Vitamin D. Seek a preparation which offers 1000mg of calcium and 10-20mcg (400-800 iu) of vitamin D. Vitamin D increases the bodies efficacy during the absorption, retention, and metabolising of calcium. Calcium of course being vital for bone integrity and imperative for the prevention of osteopenia/osteoporosis.
• Iron. An appropriate iron intake will restore the functionality of red blood cells, allowing the proper oxygen transportation around the body, increase focus, energy, athletic performance, and sleep. Having a sufficient iron store will alleviate some commonly experienced symptoms of low iron including fatigue, dizziness, pallor, and shortness of breath. It may also reduce the sensation of cold hands and feet.
• Potassium and Zinc. A lack of zinc impairs the ability to smell and taste. Connecting this impairment to nose blindness. For example, a lack of a sense of smell and taste may impair one’s own ability to detect their own bad breath, BO, and other unpleasant smells that others may be able to detect.
• Omega 3’s - Fish oil, Krill oil, Hemp oil, or Flaxseed oil. Improper dietary intake, or supplementation of omega 3 fatty acids will result in areas of epidermal (skin) dryness, hyperkeratosis, and hyperpigmentation. As well as the formation large scales expose underlying tissue, which are easily infected. The hair becomes sparse, dry, lusterless, and brittle, with a reddish tinge. Furthermore, nails become brittle and dull, tear production reduces, the tears are also significantly less oily leading to increased evaporation contributing to chronically dry, red, and itchy eyes.
If oil supplements are scary for you to intake due to calorie fears (there is only approx 25 calories in 2 average fish oil capsules). There are dietary sources of omega 3 that are relatively low calorie including chia seeds, edamame, and seaweed. However they provide little amounts in comparison to supplementation or traditional dietary sources such as fish, avocado, oils etc.
However this should also be considered when deciding whether to supplement omega 3’s - they stimulate the secretion of leptin, a hormone that decreases appetite and promotes the burning of fat. Through the enabling of conversion of dietary fats into body cells for burning as fuel.
🍄 Dietary Intake
•Bone broth (or vegetable broth if meat is not apart of your diet ☺️) I cannot stress how great bone broth is! Extremely low calorie, but incredibly nutrient-dense. It also acts to decrease the inflammation within the gut that many of us will experience due to our dietary habits. Including conditions such as constipation, gastroparesis, liver disease, bloating, abdominal pain, and stomach ulceration.
Bone broth also contains large amounts of protein, collagen, iron, vitamins A and K, fatty acids, selenium, zinc, and manganese. Protein being the most satiating macronutrient can decrease hunger and associated discomfort. Collagen and the variety of micronutrients within the bone broth contributes to joint and bone health. Bone broth will also contribute to hydration.
•Nutrient-dense foods including blueberries l are among the best sources of anthocyanins (antioxidants) that promote brain health and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Additionally, red tomatoes and red capsicum (Peppers). Tomatoes are the richest source of lycopene, which is a type of carotenoid found in red fruits that has powerful antioxidant effect that may help protect against heart disease and certain types of cancer.
•Fibre is imperative for smooth gastrointestinal function, including regular bowel movements. Fibre is of course typically found in whole fruits and vegetables, beans/lentils, and whole grains. Low calorie fibre sources include: red kidney beans, carrot, and chickpeas. Psyllium, chia seeds are also good sources of fibre. Fibre supplants such as Metamucil may also aid to increase fibre intake. An adequate intake of fibre may reduce the dependence of laxative for bowel movements. Prolonged use of laxatives may create a dependency on them to even have a bowel movement.
🥥 Adequate Hydration
• The best way to ensure adequate hydration is simply by consuming enough water during the day. However, if plain water consumption is difficult, fluid intake will also suffice. Including fluid such as teas, flavoured/enhanced water, diet soft drinks, juices, etc. The optimal fluids to consume in addition to, or instead of simple water to ensure adequate hydration is mineral water, coconut water, or diet electrolyte replacements (Powerade/Gatorade, Pedialyte, Hydralyte). Correct hydration and electrolyte intake will reduce headaches, constipation, and muscle cramps/weakness.
❤️ Reproductive Health
•Amenorrhea is a common experience for those of us with a uterus. However it is imperative to understand that you are more than likely still ovulating despite the lack of a regular menstrual period. Therefore, contraception must still be used. Amenorrhea may be alleviated through dietary supplementation and small changes to the diet to include more micronutrients, but it may not be completely fixed unless there is an increase to body fat percentages.
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Author's Note: More of Ramiel in Living Waters AU. Thank you to @sleepyfan-blog for letting me borrow Cedric. Thank you to @egrets-not-regrets for helping me with keeping in character and letting me Borrow Lenora and Erriox.
Summary: Ramiel and the other Primaris marines share a meal together and he finds a sea shell to give as a gift to Lenora and Erriox. He's meeting them for the first time and is a little nervous about it.
Warnings: None that I can tell, let me know if I need to add anything.
Past =-= Next
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
Ramiel is humming to himself as he is gathering up some fish for supplementation for supper. He listens to Jophiel happily chattering about his mom Lenora and not-dad Erriox, and he notices Claude swimming towards them. He nods towards Claude who has a determined look on his face.
“Did you need something, Claude?” Ramiel asks his brother-cousin, tilting his head a little as he continues to prepare the fish.
“Yes,” Claude says, “I think you should meet Mom and Erriox.”
“Alright,” Ramiel says after a few moments of thought. “When do you want me to meet them?”
“Both of them should be at the nest in a few days- so I’ll have you meet them,”  Jophiel chimes in, a gleam in his eyes that speaks of satisfaction. Of a plot that he’s thinking of slowing enfolding in the ways he wants it to.
Ah- that is something he should talk to Cedric about. Jophie’s been plotting recently. Hopefully he’s looped in Catius. Who’s the best at tactics and logistics of the lot of them? Ah- he should speak with Catius as well. Otherwise his plans tended to go. Uh. Awry. Some of the times.
The Noodle Incident.
Nope. Stop. Not thinking about that right now. Also not thinking about how Jophiel almost became a Lamenter. Almost. Ramiel pauses and murmurs a prayer of thankfulness to the God Emperor for that. 
Jophiel didn’t need that kind of bad luck following him due to Warp-witchery cursing that poor Chapter of the Sons of the Great Angel. Not with the difficulties he has already. He shakes his head a little and decides to not think about it. That causes his mood to fall and his brother-cousin to worry.
He focuses on Claude and Jophiel talking about and he nods and agrees to meeting with Lenora and Erriox in a few days time as he mentally goes over his list of tasks that he’d like to get done today, and what gifts he should bring for Erriox and Lenora. 
He’s heard that in some cultures it’s polite to bring a gift as a guest to someone who’s important to someone close to you. Or something like that? Hm. He’ll have to think on what to get them. Ramiel turns to Jophiel and asks, “what do Erriox and Lenora like for gifts?”
“Huh? Oh- you don’t have to bring them a gift,” Jophiel says leaning into Ramiel a little, “The gift is your presence.”
Ramiel’s ears go bright red at that and he turns his face away a little as he recovers his composure. He coughs a little and says, “If you’re sure…”
“Very sure, Rami,” Jophiel says as he leans more onto Ramiel, draping one of his wings across his body.
 Ramiel huffs a little and shrugs his shoulders, which has Jophiel not leaning so much of his weight on his fellow Primaris Marine, gently folding his wings on his back with a soft hum. Also, occasionally stealing pieces of fish or seaweed as they prepare the supplemental food. 
The whole squad of them comes together to eat the mixture of rations and freshly prepared fish and other foraged foods. They speak of what they have done and see for the day, and what they hope to accomplish for the next cycle. 
Ramiel quietly prays over the food, thanking the God Emperor and his brother-cousins for their help in hunting, foraging, cooking, and cleaning before and after the cooking of the meal has occurred. The prayers take place before they start the meal. 
Over the next few days Ramiel scours the area, while he keeps in mind what Jophiel says about not needing to bring a gift, he wants to bring a gift, he can find one that is good enough. Over his eyes alight on something that shimmers in the water and he dives down to grab it. 
It’s a seashell, with a bright iridescent sheen- he’s heard of Abalone shells, and how they can be used for trade and gifts. Highly prized for their luster and sheen. He carefully tucks the intact shell into a pouch- thinking of asking Cedric or one of the others to help him get the shell up to proper polishing and shine levels. While it looks small in his hands, in those who are of a baseline human size, or a Harpy, they look much bigger.
“Cedric!” He calls out, “I found an intact Abalone shell. I think it would make a good gift for Lenora and Erriox. Could you help me polish it?”
“Sure thing!” Cedric responds with a cheerful smile as he swims over to help his brother out. “How do you feel about meeting Jophie’s parents for the first time?”
“A little nervous,” Ramiel admits to his fellow Black Templar quietly, “However, I’m glad that I get to meet a couple of people that are so important to Jophiel and Claude.”
The day he gets to meet Lenora and Erriox arrives, and he’s not entirely surprised, but still a little nervous about it. Which he will power through, he is a Black Templar after all and a Space Marine. Space Marines aren’t trained to feel fear however trauma can, does, and will affect them and their brothers, veteran and apprentice alike. 
His nearly completely black tail, with only a few, thin strips of white denote him as a Chaplain-in-training. Ramiel had hesitated, but had decided that, since he wasn’t trying to show hostility (even though he is meeting a Son of Perturabo- a First Born, at that), not wearing his armor or weapons might help the First Born Space Marine feel more at ease. 
The infamous tensions between their gene-lines make this a potentially fraught meeting. He wouldn’t attack first, nor was he planning to- but the temperament, personality type and Reputation of his Chapter doesn’t make meeting others easy or likely to go well. 
It doesn’t help that Ramiel’s heard of Black Templar pods attacking the sentient magical beings and creatures that live alongside humanity on Holy Ancient Terra. Diplomacy was almost considered a swear word, and definitely something he’s heard called as a form of ‘cowardice’ by some of his more hardliner and militant brothers in the Black Templar pods.
Ramiel swims after Jophiel and Claude, the carefully polished abalone shell was in a pouch slung across his waist. He waits as Jophiel, Cedric, and Claude greet Erriox and Lenora cheerfully. He is glad that they have some parental-type guidance in their lives, it seems to have steadied them in ways that they hadn’t been before. That he hadn’t realized that they weren’t until after the effect the pair of them had on his brother.
The meeting spot that they’d arranged to meet at was on an island nearby that was mostly neutral ground. It was- he’d later find out -where Lenora first met Jophiel, who’d been having one of his fits. He carefully takes out the abalone shell, that he’d decided to gift the pair of them.
He straightens to attention briefly when Erriox and Lenora shift their gaze to him and he dips his head a little and greeting and says, “Hello Miss Lenora and Brother Erriox, I’m Ramiel- I’ve heard a lot about you from Jophiel, Claude and Cedric. It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too, Ramiel,” Lenora says with a warm smile as she looks him over. 
His dark coloration- much darker than the nearly glowing white in the water due to how brightly white his colorations were was a bit fascinating and startling. Lenora hadn’t realized, although it did make sense, that a difference in coloration could be startling between the same kind of mer.
“I hadn’t realized Black Templars could have such strikingly different colorations,” Lenora tells him.
“Ah- it’s due to… specialization, ma’am,” Ramiel says as he scratches the back of his head sheepishly, “Cedric’s an Apothecary-in-training, and I’m a Chaplain-in-training. Specialists tend to have more dramatic colorations than the standard battle brother. I think it’s so that we are more noticeable when in battle or something?”
“Fair enough,” Lenora says, noticing the shimmering shell in his hand, “Oh- an intact Abalone shell, how rare.”
“I found it,” Ramiel says, puffing up his chest with pride, “I … thought it might make an nice gift.”
“It would,” Lenora says with a nod.
“Then it’s yours,” Ramiel says, offering it to her, “I mean it as a gift for you and Erriox. Cedric, Claude, and especially Jophiel, have been talking to me a lot about you two, and how much peace and joy you’ve given them…. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Lenora says, “I don’t need a gift.”
Ramiel wilts a little, she had said that she thought it would be a fine gift… but why doesn’t she want it? Did he pick the wrong thing? He blinks a little, and notices Lenora shift closer and gently grasp the shell from him.
“But I will accept it,” Lenora says, watching the way Ramiel perks up at that. 
It breaks her heart how hard on themselves, Jophiel and his brother-cousins are. She also has an amused, wry suspicion that, perhaps, Jophiel wants to have her and Erriox adopt Ramiel as well. 
He’d asked, after she’d met Cedric, if they'd adopt him as well, if Cedric accepted. And then had given her those devastating liquid red eyes that had her heart melting. She’d told him she’d talked to Erriox about it.
Erriox had grumbled about it, muttering about “Scouts who think they are sneaky and clever but aren’t.”
Then he’d turned to her and smirked, saying, “I bet Jophiel’s going to ask us to adopt a full squad of five Primaris Astartes, and likely not one of them from the same gene-line.”
Erriox bet kisses if he was right. Lenora laughs, saying she gives him kisses all the time anyways. Still, she can’t deny her own curiosity of who else Jophie is going to ask them to adopt. 
So far- Erriox had been right, for the most part, Ramiel and Cedric are both Black Templars (sons of Dorn) as Erriox had explained it while grumbling about how most Sons of Dorn are very aggravating to deal with. Usually. 
She pulls away from her thoughts and focuses back on Ramiel. He’s just as large as the rest of her sons, similar build, if a bit more scarred up than the others. She notices with concern the scar on his chest, it looks like something really sharp might have pierced his chest- worrying because it was near where his heart. Er. Hearts are located.
They talk for a few moments more, as they turn- hearing someone come near them, it’s Erriox who greets her and Ramiel with a gruff nod. His tail loosely wraps around one of Lenora’s ankles.
Jophiel and the rest of their sons had been talking about Ramiel recently, likely warming him up to the idea of meeting yet another Son of Dorn- and a Black Templar at that. What Jophiel had failed to mention was the Specialty that this other Scoutling has. 
Chaplains are the beating hearts of a Chapter, they help guide the brothers from Aspirant to Battle Brother and beyond. They help tend to the mental, emotional and battle-trauma needs of their fellows.
How by the Throne on Terra, a Baby Librarian, a Baby Apothecary and a baby Chaplain, hadn’t been noticed and snatched up by one, or more of the local pods, he didn’t know. It certainly implied that the boys may be avoiding their older brothers for some reason or another. 
Or it is simply due to coincidence, but with a Baby Librarian among their number, he thinks that’s unlikely. Erriox would love to get that explanation out of the boys. One Specialist in a squad of scouts was fine, two were… unusual, but three. Hm. 
He might have to talk to his pod leader, after he gets the story from the Scouts to see if they had reasons, good reasons, for not joining a shoal. He doesn’t want to overcomplicate things, and white he’s busy most of the time, he can sometimes keep an eye on the Scouts. Jophiel and Claude have come to him, asking about certain logistical and/or tactical things from time to time. 
So- for now, he’ll wait, build trust with the boys and see why they are avoiding most of their ‘first born’ space marines brothers. A few hours later- Ramiel leaves- stating that he’s off to go get some supplies for Cedric.
Jophiel turns to look at both of them with plaintive red eyes, and Erriox knows what he’s going to ask before he opens his mouth. He arches an eyebrow at his first not-son and says, “If Ramiel wants to be adopted by us… well… I need to get to know him more before I say yes or no.”
“Yes sir,” Jophiel says with a slight pout on his face.
Lenora hums and nods in agreement, lightly patting Jophiel’s arm as she reminds him that he needs to help his Gannet Aunties with some reconstruction efforts. There had been a really bad storm and, while everyone was safe and hadn’t been injured, a couple of the big rocks had shifted, and some of the trees had fallen.
After the boys have left, Erriox smirks down at her a little bit, and she huffs at him pointing out, “Ramiel is also a Black Templar- but I think you’re right. Jophi’s trying to have us adopt a bunch. I’m not opposed to the idea, what about you?”
“I have… gotten used to the idea,” Erriox says with a grumble. “I didn’t think I’d basically become a pseudo-scout sergeant- and yet, life has a way of changing things in ways we don’t expect.”
At least, they are mostly independent and can get themselves in and out of trouble with minimal help. He still gets plenty of time with his lovely mate Lenora- the boys often more out doing their own things and hunting, but it’s nice to have them come back and be at the nest at the same time he is from time to time so that he knows they are doing well. 
It also helps ease something within his hearts- that one or more of the boys will be with Lenora while he’s gone. He knows that Lenora can, and has the capability and capacity to fight and defend herself. But- he’s occasionally had nightmares about random astartes finding and hurting, and or killing her. And he only finds out about it after the fact. But- that isn’t something he has to worry about. Not as much as he had before, at least.
Erriox snorts a little as his thoughts drift to something happier- Ramiel’s potential reaction to the Gannet Aunties. Cedric’s reaction had been highly entertaining. Jophiel had told him the right of it- that one is certainly shy. He wonders if being sweeter tempered is something that is true for all Baby Black Templars or if it’s only something that is true for Cedric and Ramiel.
That that he’s tempted to really find out. Sons of Dorn and Sons of Perturabo do not get along well. And from what he’s learned of, in the ensuing ten thousand years, that series of grudges has only gotten worse with time.
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dailycharacteroption · 9 months
Herbalist (Alchemist Archetype)
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(art by TamberElla on DeviantArt)
The thing about alchemy and chemistry in general is that many aspects of it were born in an herbalist’s garden. Many plants produce all sorts of biochemicals that serve a purpose for the plant itself, but also have curious effects when ingested. This is where the first medicines came from, literally feeding the ill pretty much any local plant and seeing if something worked. Essentially, every single medicinal drug in existence is merely a poison that is carefully applied to maximize the beneficial effects while minimalizing the bad.
Applying it to the quasi-magical power of alchemy in 1st edition Pathfinder, and we can see how herbalists would be a sort of cousin to the traditional alchemist, focused on growing and caring for their ingredient supply, rather than turning to animal byproducts and rarified compounds from the earth.
Now, we’ve covered plenty of plant-themed alchemists before, but what sets the herbalist archetype apart is their focus on leshies!
Leshies in pathfinder are nature spirits given form and greater awareness through specially cultivated plant bodies grown by druids or powerful intelligent plant creatures such as treants/arboreals and the Green Men, and the interaction between these specially grown bodies and the animating essence seems right up the alley of an archetype dedicated to similarly utilizing horticulture to perform wonders of science and medicine.
With their desire to understand their own existence, many horticulturalists might be vine leshies or other fully independent leshies (such as the options converted from P2E by yours truly), but though the flavor text suggests that they are the only ones taking this archetype, I feel that anyone with such an interest in leshies and their magical existence might seek a similar path, utilizing their discoveries even if they cannot truly create leshies on their own.
Naturally, these herbalists know how to supplement and replace alchemical skill with knowledge of herbalism. What’s more, while traditional alchemists work based on intellect and knowledge, these practitioners instead utilize wisdom and practical understanding.
Additionally, whether they are leshies or not, their studies of the primal powers have granted them the ability to access druidic magics, though they must follow the same rules that extracts normally do, requiring them to make sense as a drinkable potion or elixir.
Finally, these horticulturalists learn how to create alchemically-infused seedpods rather than bombs as a ranged weapon. These pods crack open violently on impact to harm foes, though without splash damage. However, as they gain mastery, they can use them to replicate the nasty side effects of the various plant projectiles of actual leshies, from the deafening snap of a leaf leshy, to the blinding effects of fungus leshy spores, to the entangling vines of gourd leshies, the sickening spittle of flytrap leshies, or the blinding brackish seawater of seaweed leshies.
If you’re interested in an alchemist with access to certain buff and attack spells normally only seen with druids, as well as an alternative to bombs with free debilitation effects, this archetype might be right for you. Consider also, however, that this archetype is also meant to work with the gathering and preparing of herbs subsystem from Ultimate Wilderness, so keep that in mind if this does appeal to you.
For a vine leshy or other sapient leshies or other plantfolk, I imagine that pursuing this path is very much one of self-discovery, which can be fun to roleplay. Other ancestries might view things differently, perhaps trying to understand with analysis and experimentation what primal casters understand intuitively.
Assumed to be a witch by nearby villagers, Old Mira is a hermit living on the edge of Sunshadow Woods. While it is true that she does brew many a potion, she is in fact an herbalist that finds companionship in the leshies of the dark forest rather than among her own kind. For the right price, however, she can sell all sorts of remedies and carefully prepared herbs as well, and is always interested in rare plants she can attempt to breed in her greenhouse garden.
Arbus of the Reef is in a bind. His seaweed leshy companion has been kidnapped by grindylows, and he can’t leave a new growing leshy body unattended to rescue her. If the party agrees and succeeds in doing so, he’ll happily teach them some secrets he’s uncovered in how to grow leshies without truly being part of nature.
A horror of shadow has come to the fields of Aldnoon, a termagant velstrac seeking to turn the population of these farmland into her doomed adoptive brood. Opposing her is Old Candle, a gourd leshy herbalist. They hope to cure those affected by the fiend’s poisonous flux, but they’ll need help to face such a monstrous horror of a mother.
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My current supplement plan
⚠️Disclaimer: this is highly personal and based off my cronometer calculations + the fact that I’m currently anemic. I recommend EVERYONE supplement heavily when restricting, but figure out what you need individually.
Daily Supplements
- Iron with Vitamin C (for better absorption)
- Hair Supplement with a bunch of B Vitamins (including Biotin) + Zinc
- Calcium with Vitamin D (for better absorption)
- Omega 3 (especially important for brain function)
- Magnesium + Potassium
Additional Habits
- Daily fruits & veggies (especially berries🫐)
- High protein diet (1.4g or more per kg of bodyweight)
- Nutrient enriched vegan foods
- Probiotic & prebiotic foods
- Making sure to eat the nutrients I don’t supplement in high enough doses
Sodium: salt on food, broth on fasting days
Selenium: 1 brazil nut a day
Copper: seafood, nuts & seeds, tofu, cocoa
Potassium: bananas, avocado, legumes
Iodine: seafood, seaweed, iodized salt
Other Supplements/Aids
- Fiber tablets, I usually take a few in a day to suppress appetite & help with digestion
- Diet Sodas, Coffee & Energy Drinks for appetite suppression & energy
- Different teas to help with specific concerns (chamomile for tummy aches, green tea for metabolism, stinging nettle for water retention, etc.)
- I smoke very little but sometimes I’ll grab a cigarette to help avoid binges when I’m stressed or hungry
I’m considering adding collagen but for now I think I’m good.
As soon as I loose my period again I’ll get my hormones tested and maybe start on the pill again to prevent osteoporosis. Hormones play a very important role in bone health!
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foggynitefic · 9 months
Drop Them Bones Chapter 8: Devil to Pay
Devil to Pay
Today the expression "devil to pay" is used primarily as a means of conveying an unpleasant and impending happening. Originally, this expression denoted a specific task aboard the ship such as caulking the ship's longest seam.
The "devil" was the longest seam on the wooden ship and caulking was done with "pay" or pitch. This grueling task of paying the devil was despised by every seaman and the expression came to denote any unpleasant task.
OOF. This chapter took a minute to write. It also just kept growing and comes in at a whopping 10,587 words. Most of the other chapters are between 5k and 7k words. If you're worried about this ending anytime soon, let me reassure you that I have bitten off enough to keep me chewing for quite some time. But I already have another 15k written, including the ending, so as these chapters grow like fungus, there is a road map, I promise.
1. Not gonna lie, I made myself so hungry writing this, that I ordered sushi, takoyaki, and hamachi kama at 2200 two nights in a row on a holiday weekend. Pretty sure that restaurant either loves or hates me now, dudes.
2. How to fillet a tuna for sashimi:
3. I debated having Usopp's net catch go into a barrel of seawater, but I couldn’t find a lot of reliable research (quickly) as I was writing on the actual employment of that practice, just nostalgic tinged references to "oh yeah they did that in Ye Olden Days" without corroboration (yes, I know OP is about fantasy pirates on another planet). I did learn that Roman sailors may have used tanks to transport live fish over long distances.
4. The etymology of the terms “starboard” and “port”.
5. Applegators = alligators. Bananagators = crocodiles.
Recipes distressed in the making of this chapter:
Maguro no Zuke-Don: If you're working with raw sushi-grade fish, use it the day you get it, or cook it if you use it later. It will not taste the same once frozen and thawed. If you don't want to put too much effort in, there's multiple brands that do microwave sticky rice, and you can just buy a good furikake instead of cutting roasted seaweed (although that's pretty easy with cooking scissors) and sprinkling sesame seeds. Scallions make everything better. The marinade takes the most time - but I also cheat and use Otafuku okonomiyaki sauce from the Weee! app. Go lazy!
Seaweed sheets: You can do this. This is a life choice you can make. I haven't made it because ref. above paragraph on being lazy and outsourcing.
Roasted seaweed: If you want to try experimenting with different flavors, this is a good basic recipe to start.
Spanish Tuna Steaks: I'm not sure what noise my partner and Alton Brown would make at the instructions to press down on the tuna steaks to get a good sear, but otherwise this recipe is pretty standard and easy. Sanji embellished/supplemented with a bell pepper - you can probably put in any veggies that are about the same consistency of tomatoes' liquid/flesh and have it work.
Sauteed Green Beans: Usopp's reaction is mine. Green beans are a punishment. Just roast the clove of garlic in the oven and I'll eat that instead, don't waste it trying to flavor inedible grass. I included these to show their supply status and what would happen if someone didn't want to eat in Sanji's kitchen.
Mugicha: Much like making your own seaweed sheets, roasting your own barley is a life decision you can make. Itoen makes a highly convenient teabag version, if you're more inclined to outsource...
Sensing a theme this chapter??
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💅💖Glamour Witch Tips PART 3 💖💅
Happy Lions Gate portal yall, hope your manifestations all come to fruition on this day! I haven’t done a compilation of glamour witch tips in a while so I thought I’d do that today. I’ve done lots of reading and research so I got a lot for y’all in this post. With that, let’s get into it!
💖For my false eyelash wearers, I hope you’re cleaning those things when you’re done wearing them. Most importantly I hope you’re cleaning them in moon water for additional alluring powers and or protection.
💖 Honey 🍯. Honey is an incredible thing to use in your Witchery. Not only is it a natural antioxidant, it also Carrie’s antibacterial and antifungal properties. Perfect for when you have a sore throat. It’s also been used across nations in many spiritual practices for ages.
Physical: honey can be used topically to treat acne, hyperpigmentation, dandruff, and (I’m not a doctor so take this with a grain of salt) has been historically used to treat burns and wounds to keep out germs and fight bacteria/infection.
Honey when consumed can also be used to; treat sore throat and cold symptoms, help with digestive unease, boost metabolism, and may help with cardiovascular health as well (again not a doctor so please take this with a grain a salt)
Spiritual/Witchcraft: Appropriately nicknamed “Nectar of the Gods” a perfect offering for most deities as honey is prevalent in most countries and cultures. Can be used to “sweeten” up already existing relationships. I personally associate honey with abundance due to the fact it’s the fruit of bees labor. Use honey as a face mask for additional beauty and attraction rituals.
💖Lavender. Lavender is an essential for every witch and has been used for a millennia in both spiritual practices and medicine as well. I use lavender soap to help ease my anxiety. I like to visualize my anxiety from where it’s felt the most (for me it’s my stomach and my head) leaving that area and traveling to my hands. Then I visualize it seeping out of my skin and that’s where I wash it away with the lavender soap. I bought my soap from NakedVoodoo on Instagram and I definitely would recommend her products and services to a friend and to y’all.
💖Rosemary. Rosemary is a great and I mean great herb that anyone can use and likely already has in their kitchen. In glamour it’s associate with confidence and youth; but its not limited to that. It’s also associated with awareness, banishing, cleansing, comfort, contentment, focus, loving spirits, memories, and renewal.
I used a rosemary shampoo bar from Nole, (an AMAZING hair care company that I recommend for everyone, it’s a little bit pricey but 10000% worth it.) Every time I use it in the shower I ask that it cleanses me of all icky things that I might of have picked up on and restores and renews my energy.
💖Seaweed. Seaweed and sea moss are not only a great supplement to add to your diet (I do have a post about it somewhere one here) it also has incredible magical properties for things such as abundance and blessings. Fantastic for rituals and spells invoking your health, stability, and like said prior abundance.
💖Cleanliness. This might be mostly because of my OCD (no actually, I just got diagnosed last month and since starting medication I’ve been doing much better) But making sure both you and your space is clean before spell work makes such a huge difference. Not only does it have your cleared energetically, but it also does something for your confidence as well. So before you do your spell work, shower and give your area a little tidying up and see the difference it makes.
💖Beauty 👏 love 👏 and 👏 attraction 👏 work 👏 is 👏 protection! 👏. This isn’t as much as a tip as it is more so a school of thought. I said what I said, beauty is the most deadly yet underestimated weapon you can have in this life. Doing love and attraction work on yourself is absolutely protection work, because when people love you and are attracted to you they are also going to be rooting for you and is going to be on your side.
As always happy crafting, stay safe, and stay beautiful my pretties.
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what are your Kendall Roy headcanons? Will you ever put them into a fic?
I think he's really into biohacking. green juice and cold showers and stacking supplements and keto and intermittent fasting.. I think it is an eating disorder for him, more like orthorexia, that when he is sober he's focussed on purity and perfection of diet. yoga and pilates as well as extreme cardio. I think after the gojo vote once he gets out of hospital and is put on meds, he signs up for a few iron mans and fails spectacularly. then he starts going to like tiny anonymous yoga classes and spin classes. starts taking ten vitamins a day and drinking four litres of water and doing biphasic sleep. obsessed with potassium levels and the best combination of pulses to eat. invested millions into theranos. grows his own seaweed.
he likes horses. he has lots. his favourite are british ones - shetland and exmoor and shire and suffolk punch and welsh mountain. he's not as good at riding as Shiv is but he's not bad; he likes the jumps and also going up mountains in the rain.
i also think he was born prematurely and spent a long time in neo-natal intensive care. wires and tubes. not held properly for the first six months of his life. a fighter. given logan as a middle name as a talisman: I need you and you will live.
he's tidy most of the time, except when things are bad and then he's messy. it helps that he has staff to tidy up after him, of course
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aleielle-of-roshar · 15 days
The WoF (er, my au’s) Rulers’ favourite dishes
Ft. Some idiot (*cough* me) who doesn’t know anything about alcohol trying their best to make it sound like they do- also tryna make the dishes actually sound okay, but as a human even tho I cook I have no clue what a dragon would like lmao
Food: Salt cured seal w/ juniper and seasalt sauce! With fresh herbs and a berry garnish.
Beverage: A slow brewed dark juniper and herb ale, generally served on ice with a cup w/ a salted rim. Sorta a richer twist of a low class beverage he drank before becoming king.
Food: Slow smoked salted boar roast, with a side of wild rice and roasted root vegetables.
Beverage: (Mudwings have ridiculously high alcohol tolerance- and tend to just drink it because they enjoy the taste) A dark mead made from fermented honey and wildflowers, with herbs! Warm and smoky in flavour.
Food: Thick noodles with a venison bone and mushroom broth, and small slices of starfruit and braised venison.
Beverage: Oraclefruit (might change the name- glowing fruit found deep within the caves in the nightwing kingdom) juice with leafy greens, chia seeds, and a hint of mint! Served chilled.
Food: Tropical fruits and edible flowers, on a coconut rice seasoned with a hint of cinnamon.
Beverage: Mango, passionfruit, guava, and coconut milk (and yogurt ofc) lassi- with some cinnamon and cardamom, and topped with colourful decorative flowers! 
Food: Crispy grilled scorpion (their are big ones in the Sandwing kingdom-)- with a sweet pepper sauce made with herbs, honey, and roasted peppers.
Beverage: Cactus juice with a hint of lemon juice, and a few mint leaves. Served chilled. A common supplement for water in the Sandwing Kingdom, due to it’s scarcity. 
Food: Sea urchin meat and beluga caviar, with a broth made from sea plants of some sort (idk). And a touch of citrus juice!
Beverage: Starfruit juice in mineral sparkling water- with some extract from some glowing deep-sea seaweed which makes it glow in the dark. Served chilled.
Food: Crispy slow roasted duck seasoned with dried herbs- and with a side of roasted carrots, parsnips, and sweet potatoes!
Beverage: Heavily caffeinated herbal tea, served warm.
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pokefossilclub · 4 months
Any tips on taking care of a dreepy?
Uni student here and uh, a dreepy has been following me for a while now and it does not seem to have a trainer. I decided to catch it after seeing that it didn't have a trainer at all.
So any tips/tricks on raising a dreepy?
If it evolves, do I also need to account for new mouths to feed? Like if it evolves into Drakloak or Dragapult down the line, would I need to care for the new dreepies too?
Well! Congratulations on your new little friend! Dreepy are very social, so if it was spending a lot of time with you and not with other Dreepy, it was most likely very happy to be caught!
Luckily, they are also not very difficult to take care of!
Unlike some Ghost-types they do require regular feeding as they do not feed on emotions or life energy at all, but Ghosts don't generally eat a great deal regardless and they are also rather small! Any commercially-available Ghost-type food should be nutritionally complete for them; for supplementation or treats, they very much enjoy foods made from marine sources, such as seaweed and small Water-types! They are the ghosts of sea-dwelling Pokemon, after all!
Behaviourally, as I said, they are very social, and as yours has clearly already decided you are good company, will benefit from spending a lot of time with you! If you have other Pokemon who are likely to be friendly, I also highly recommend introducing them to each other as soon as possible so they can hang out! If you don't- and also just in general- arranging socialisation and playdates with other Pokemon outside the home is usually beneficial for them!
They tend to have bursts of playful energy where they can be very mischievous- and not at all above hassling and harassing people and Pokemon if they don't feel they're getting enough attention!- interspersed with longer quiet periods where they will generally be quite happy to just keep you company. If you're happy to, letting them sit on your head is their very favourite place, followed by shoulders! Luckily they are relatively simple creatures, so their mischief can be easily curtailed if they're focusing on something you'd rather they didn't, by distracting them and moving things to Dreepy-inaccessible places (although, remember they can become incorporeal!). And, of course, they LOVE to be yeeted! Please feel free to use your new friend as a projectile as often as you please!
As for gaining more mouths to feed if your friend evolves! While it is essentially inevitable that a Drakloak or Dragapult will pick up a few Dreepy friends (and a lack of interest in doing so can be a sign of serious behavioural or medical issues), generally speaking they will take responsibility for feeding and generally caring for their new buddies! You may have to shell out for a little more food as they will be sharing theirs, but as previously noted Dreepy are not big eaters in general! You are not required to catch or even pay much attention to the Dreepy your friend collects, and the ones that show up may change on a more or less regular basis depending on how many wild Dreepy in general live in your area and also how many wild Drakloak and Dragapult are around, but it is rarely a bad thing to take an interest and your friend will likely appreciate that you do! Just remember, if you do catch any of them, they become legally your responsibility!
Dreepy are very sweet and affectionate little creatures, and can be great fun! I wish you many years of happiness with yours!
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vsmodelmindset · 2 months
daily check-in: day 2
warm up: 10 min full body stretch
workout 1: 10 min full body pilates workout
workout 2: 6km walk
posture & flexibility exercises:
exercises/stretches: none
step count: 10,343 steps
stuck to my fasting window (12 pm - 8 pm): yes
notes: first meal at 12:40pm and last meal at 7:00pm
water intake: 2.5 litres
what i ate:
lunch: “sushi” bowl - rice, honey soy tofu, vegan mayonnaise, avocado, sesame seeds, and seaweed
snack: green tea and cinnamon doughnut protein ball
dinner: pumpkin soup
notes/photo description or recipe:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
weight: 59.1 kg
zone minutes: 6 minutes
supplements taken today: iron and b12
mood/energy levels:
how i'm feeling today: positive but very tired after exercising
stress levels:
sleep quality:
hours of sleep: 7 hours + 2 hour nap
quality: fair
daily goals:
goals set: 10k steps, pilates workout and eating healthy
achievements: completed 🤍
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swarmishstrangers · 2 months
Thinking about MSPAR starting to crave irradiated food after becoming the first guardian (you know! Just like Bec the dog) and eventually becoming radioactive themself because of, well, space powers... anyway, do you think they have potassium iodide on Alternia? Asking for a cerulean friend who may or may not have a crush on a radioactive hazard
Idk if I personally myself see them craving irridated food/becoming radioactive because of it because that would literally make them a hazard, at least to any human friends they end up making. Not that I don't see where you can get the hc tho!! Space and all (just not a hc I share) but!! To add onto it..
Potassium Iodide? Not sure if Alternia would have the supplements themselves, but considering Potassium iodide can be found in many foods, such as seafood and seaweed, dairy products, and salt, I think it's not at least possible some of it at least exists on Alternia. Or Earth, if they're there lol.
If we go the seafood route in Alternia I actually imagine it's a little difficult or at least really pricey to get your hands on anything like fish and other things that come from the sea to use as an ingredient to cook with, so that might not be something they see a lot. The thought of Mallek presenting MSPAR with a wheel of cheese as a gift and show of affection is insanely funny to me (and them too).
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amphetaminedreamer · 1 year
tips & tricks to ward off cravings when restricting. 🌸
drink lots of water and take vitamins if you can, often times your body will crave certain micronutrients that can initiate cravings for other things (chips, fries, burger, etc). make sure you’re supplementing these for healthier options when you’re not fasting so you can see more results
think outside the box, let’s say you’re anemic (like many of us who have chronic ED’s) and are rlly craving a burger or thinking of breaking your fast. CHEW ICE!!! it can be such a lifesaver
depending on how you determine your fasts, drink tea!! if you’re craving something sweet use the tiniest amount of stevia (remember if you go past a certain threshold your body will begin to produce insulin and no longer be considered to be “fasting”
if your electrolytes are low do something abt it!!! i love vitamin water 0, seaweed, and rice cakes, for emergencies. remember anything under 50 cals does not break a fast, make sure that there are 10 or less grams of carbs in it tho
track your fasts down to the minute!! from your exact last bite of food set a clock for your fast, i like to use the Zero app. it helps hold me accountable and encourages me to keep going
find distractions, read a book, talk to a friend, watch tv, go on a walk!
back to my first point abt cravings. this is basically my cheat code
if i notice myself craving anything fatty, (burger, pizza, cheese) i opt for healthy fats. my go to is salmon, walnuts, almonds, and olives
for craving salty foods, (chips, fries, etc) I like to opt for roasted seaweed or broccoli.a
and for sweet cravings i’ll reach for a cup of warm tea w/ stevia. i usually like ginger tea bc it debloats very well!
pre plan your meals! know exactly what you plan to eat that day and hold yourself to it! i usually pre plan the sunday of a week or each morning or evening so that i’m making sure i’m getting what my body needs
work out more! once i started exercising it helped me to really understand how many calories i was eating. 1 protein bar becomes one run, an extra scoop of ice cream is a pilates session etc.
you can double check calories if you’re paranoid abt them when logging
every 1g of carbs has 4 cals
1g protein = 4 cals
1g fat = 9 cals
diligently track your calories if that’s something you do, we’ve all binged and been afraid to log calories after, log them anyways. it’s motivation to not do it again
weighing yourself before and after meals can encourage you to eat less
when preparing for a meal drink 12 oz of water first, then eat all vegetables first, then lean proteins, then carbs/ fats, you’ll be able to eat less that way and might not even finish your meal
hope this helps!
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galacticnova3 · 4 months
So like. A while back I came up with the headcanon that albino Dhelmise would be more inclined to attack a wider variety of prey items due to being unable to photosynthesize effectively. This is partly inspired by real plants that lack the pigments necessary for photosynthesis and instead parasitize other plants, such as the appropriately named ghost plant(Monotropa uniflora)(this one is actually the main inspiration for this headcanon due to its name and the fact that it can be a very pale pink or deep crimson— sound familiar?), beechdrops(Epifagus virginiana), and dodders. It obviously isn’t going to be 1:1 for a few reasons, those being that seaweed isn’t actually a plant to begin with(kelps are all macroalgae), there are currently no identified non-photosynthetic macroalgae(only two types of algae are known to be heterotrophic, both of which are strictly unicellular parasites), and the fact that Dhelmise is already known to be predatory/carnivorous rather than parasitic. Still, I think there’s enough basis both in real life and in-universe for this to hypothetically be a thing.
While their normal and shiny(and probably melanistic) counterparts would be able to supplement their nutritional needs by just hanging out in shallower waters during the day, that wouldn’t really be an option for individuals that lack pigmentation. Spending more energy hunting to make up for being unable to passively generate it would naturally lead to an overall increase in energy needs, which in turn means it would be beneficial to take what they can get. They can’t afford to rely solely on encounters with Wailords or other large Pokémon because they don’t have a consistent energy source to keep them alive(well, as alive as a ghost can be) between hunts, especially when taking into account how unlikely it is that they have a 100% hunting success rate to begin with. Also consider the kinda funny idea that the ones you should worry about aren’t dark green and able to be fairly camouflaged, a threatening shade of red, or ace pride flag colored the kind of colors you’d expect of a powerful sea creature that feeds on life energy— it’s the ones that are pastel pink and purple. Sailors telling stories of the heart-stopping moment they caught a glimpse of baby pink beneath the waves and prayed their ship wouldn’t join the countless others dragged beneath the waves.
Anyways would having like twenty of them in one field be considered dangerous for visitors in-universe, in the same way that wildlife safaris in areas with big cats or large herbivores(bison, buffalo, etc) are? Would the hugelarge Dhelmise pool(s) need a sign like WARNING DO NOT COME WITHIN 10 FEET OF THE WATER THEY WILL HAPPILY TAKE MORE THAN JUST BERRIES IF GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY. Do you gotta sign a waiver that makes it so that Av’s Seaweed Emporium wouldn’t be legally liable for any seaweed-related injuries caused by improper conduct just to be able to visit The Gang
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