#saw someone send anon hate to someone about this the other day so if it's not clear This Is A Bug
samble-moved · 11 months
hate to tell some people this but fyi. once tumblr added alt text, a lot of old images got bugged to have the ID show (despite op not putting it there) as just saying "image". this isn't op trying to be a dick and screw with people, it is a known and common issue. you can tell it's a bug and not intentional because ive seen it happen on blogs that haven't posted in a decade, long before alt text was added. getting mad and sending anon hate about blogs "adding alt text that just says 'image' to mess with people" isn't something you should be doing. it is a bug. not something done by malicious actors. stop being aggro towards users who found out their old stuff had this happen, they aren't the one doing it.
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swe3tte4rs · 8 months
" My mom is so beatiful! " - Batfamily x Model!Batmom headcanons
Request: Batmom headcanons where batmom’s a model & the coolest mom ever?
Author's note: Thank you anon 🫶! Here is my second request, so I hope you like it. I didn't know what to put for the title so I settled for this one.
And it will also take me a while to upload the Zatanna x reader oneshot 🤗.
Again I clarify that my main language is not English, so sorry for the spelling errors 😿.
TW: nothing!! Just fluff I think
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Nightwing / Dick Grayson
Since he met you, he was fascinated with your beauty and elegance.
He loved when you went to galas and you wrapped him up in your long elegant jacket while you picked him up in your arms and let him fall asleep like that.
Dick didn't miss any of your shows or commercials.
I bet he has your older shows saved on his computer.
A model and cool mother at the same time? Wow, Dick couldn't ask for more.
You are his only support, the only one who was there and loved him no matter what.
Dick will always ask your opinion about what he wears or what haircut he will get.
He goes crazy every time he hears someone say "Your mom is hot."
"It's not my fault that my mom loves me and yours didn't love you, fucking slu-"
I feels like he would play with you by imitating your walk just to annoy you.
Always showing off his mother, yesyesyes.
The YJ and Titans members would be very jealous of him; because you treat him very nicely and send him food, without saying that you drown your son with love.
Jason Todd / Red Hood
When he was Robin he was dwarf and plump. I and other people agree 😇
Jason loves the support you give him and keep giving him.
And he also loves your delicious food, he probably asks you to prepare some for him every time he goes out on patrol.
I just imagined him (when he was Robin) bringing you a bouquet of flowers bigger than him once you finish the show, seeing you with those beautiful and big eyes 😭
I bet he sometimes got scared when he saw your face on a commercial billboard.
And he keeps doing it, only he spits out whatever he's drinking when he sees you in TV. (Without him knowing that you participated as a model in X brand)
He loves and continues to love your attacks of kisses on his face.
Yes, he would also ask you for style advice, but only once a year, he is very proud when it comes to his clothing style.
Damn Jason, your mom is a model, what do you want them to do?
Tim Drake / Red Robin
He has a love-hate relationship with your love attacks.
Tim, like his other siblings, would not miss any of your shows, or the parts in which you appear.
He would help Barbara to make sure no one wants to sabotage you at one of your shows.
If given the choice between your food or the support you give him, Tim would jump off a bridge. (jk)
"Bro, can you shut the fuck up and stop saying how beautiful my mom is? I already know that."
Tim gets embarrassed every time he is with his friends and you call him (by phone XD), because you start reminding him that he is very handsome and he need to eat something. But it irritates him more when his colleagues ask to talk to you.
Damian Wayne / Robin
I think he wouldn't care about your job
He's like, the most attached to you.
After your shows he would be attached to you like a flea.
Also at the galas.
Damian was surprised that you were so kind and loving towards him despite the things he said to you before him had that mother and son connection.
I think that at first Talia wouldn't like you, but after several talks with her and assuring her that you're not going to do anything to Damian, you could even be friends.
Oh yes, he wouldn't care about your love attacks, as long as it's not in front of his friends.
"Yes mom, yes I ate the food... Yes, I know you love me. *sighs* I love you too mommy..."
You're like Jon's second mom.
His favorite days are pool or beach days, he likes to enjoy the sea while spending time with his mom.
Cassandra Cain / Orphan
Cass is the vice president of your fan club.
Cass loves you infinitely.
She has an album full of photos of you and her after the shows.
She doesn't like the idea of you parading in swimsuits.
She would always ask you for clothing tips and advice.
Cass likes, loves, and admires having a mother who understands her and can be herself with her.
She wouldn't care if you show her love in public or private. She always gives you more love back!
Skincare routine between you and her.
You always make sure that she is fashionable but also has her own style.
She would have a lot of admiration for you.
I feel like she would hardly take any notice of "your mom is hot" because she thinks they are flattery.
But if they go overboard and insult you, Cass wouldn't hesitate to give them a good beating. Nobody messes with her mommy.
I think she would have you as her wallpaper. A photo of you and her on your birthday or on her birthday.
Stephanie Brown / Spoiler
She is the President of your fan club.
Throughout the parade she is like "how boring, I want to leave" until you finally appear, it doesn't matter if the outfit you wore is ugly, she would applaud you with all her might.
I feel like she gets angry every time anyone tell her "she's super hot" (you), and Steph is like "the nosebleed I'm going to give you is going to be hot."
Every time she sleeps over at the mansion she joins you and Cass's skincare routines.
She loves you because every time you talk there is some laughter.
Steph appreciates and adores the support you give her as a mother figure.
You rarely have love attacks towards her.
But she adores them.
Every chance she would go shopping with you.
Duke thomas / The Signal
Just let me...
Duke is your photographer.
He had a hard time opening up to you at first, but you were just great and so sweet to him.
He doesn't react like his brothers do when they tell him "your mom is hot", rather he would feel uncomfortable.
Only if they insult you would he get serious.
He likes that you are always there to support him every time he goes out on patrol or comes back from patrol.
You and Duke's connection started when you tried to get him to distract himself from the harsh reality of his biological parents, like going to the park and all that.
He is embarrassed when you have your love attacks towards him. It doesn't matter if you are alone or in public, he will be embarrassed every time you have those love attacks.
I feel that when you go with him to buy clothes, you spend a lot of time because you can't decide what clothes to buy him.
But in the end you end up buying everything for him.
Barbara Gordon / Oracle
Yes, I added Barbara, okay?
In my AU there was no love affair between her and Bruce 😇
The one in charge of making sure everything goes well at the shows.
Sometimes she sees you as her mother, sister and best friend.
Barbara always sends you messages; according to her so as not to lose contact, which is a lie because you know it is purely on a whim.
I don't think you have love attacks with her, just a simple kiss on her cheek or forehead.
Although sometimes she envied the attention you gave to your children.
Barbara would value and care for you deeply.
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[You can add more headcanons if you like <3]
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yourheart-inmyhands · 5 months
Hello friend!
Would it be alright if I request some angst content with the Archons + Neuvi + Arlecchino where the darling is injured to a lethal extent, where they are hanging by a thread (your choice if it was self-given or otherwise).
Maybe some of them took darling's company and time for granted so having them be so close to gone is like a wake up call to them, and they become 10x more overbearing, and perhaps a little loving? Thank you!!!
Hi thank you so much for the request! Unfortunately I don't really do more than 3-4 characters in one post anymore so I did half the characters you asked for, but you are 100% free to send in another request for the others <3 I hope you enjoy :D
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including mentions of violence, mentions of delusional behavior, mentions of reader being sick, hurt, and otherwise injured, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk.
Arlecchino might be a bit cold and standoffish, but she was never a cruel lover. She just didn’t trust herself to get any closer to you than she was. She’d sleep in the same bed as you at night, buy you gifts, and eat meals with you, but affection was a difficult thing to get from her. Arlecchino has feared being close to someone not because she doesn’t want to be loved, but because she doesn’t want to experience any more loss in her life.
She thought that by keeping you at arm’s length she could protect you, but in fact, she had been wrong. Sitting by your bedside, ears blocking out the dull beeping of your monitors as she stares. Not at your face, she can’t bring herself to look at your gorgeous features after letting you get this hurt, but instead, she stares at your hand. It lays limp on top of the bed sheets, and as much as Arlecchino hates to admit it, she wants nothing more than to hold it right now.
It’s almost as painful as the first time she saw you all bandaged up, wires all over you as you lay on the bed, looking more so asleep than in the coma the doctor said you were in. The desire to hold your hand, it made her fingers twitch, her nose scrunch and her heart hurt. Arlecchino loved you, undoubtedly, but she just couldn’t bring herself to be affectionate with you on this level. Against her will though, her hand seems to move on its own, creeping up the side of the bed and gently scooping up your limp one. Arlecchino was never one to cry, a barely audible curse leaving her lips as she bites them, trying to steady their trembling as she turns her head, blinking away the building tears. She hated crying, but she hated even more that this was the first time she’d ever held your hand, a time when you couldn’t even return it, couldn’t even be awake to feel it.
Neuvillette is distraught, both because of how long it took him to notice how bad your cold had been getting and because he didn’t even notice till a small hoard of angry melusines stormed his office. It wasn’t like he was trying to be ignorant, he had just been busy and figured that you’d get over your cold soon. Humans are strong and resilient, a mere cold shouldn’t be that difficult, especially with some melusines caring for you.
He had rushed home immediately, finding you curled up under a mass of blankets and yet still shivering, a gathering of melusines around you fussing and frantic over your continuous decline. While Neuvillette wanted to reassure them that you’d be alright, looking at you in this moment, he couldn’t even reassure himself of that.
A week had passed since Neuvillette had rushed home, refusing to return to his office until you had made a full recovery. He spent most of the day laying in bed with you, helping to keep you warm by holding you close, his natural body temperature being higher than humans helped greatly with this. He wasn’t worried about catching your cold, dragons had much hardier immune systems, but he was worried about your slow recovery rate. Even with the gracious help of the melusines, you had rapidly declined before he came around to ensure you were recovering. A small part of him wonders what it was that was making you worse, he knew the care the melusines provided was above and beyond what he could do himself. The small part of him that doesn’t know hides the smaller part that does know what was wrong, that small bit of denial that his ignorance was making you worse.
It had been a long time since Zhongli last felt the warm, sticky feeling of blood on his hands, the front of his suit splattered in it and his polearm drenched in it. Despite having once been the war god, it was never something Zhongli enjoyed, which was why he made the change to the god of contracts. Yet in this moment, he couldn’t refrain from the violent nature that lurked within him. 
Seeing you crumpled on the ground, an ever-growing puddle of blood beneath you as a gathering of treasure hoarders laughed and stalked off, hands holding belongings stolen from the innocent citizens of Liyue, you included. It left a gross feeling in his chest, a sickening, growing rage that he couldn’t dismiss. His first move was to evaluate your condition, making sure you were stable before demanding Xiao, his most treasured Adeptus, take you to the Bubu pharmacy. His second course of action was to summon his polearm, following the obvious trail the attackers had left behind.
Zhongli didn’t even bother to clean up before going to visit you, his once pristine image now stained as he stalked into the pharmacy. He was covered in dried red, yet not a spec was his. He didn’t even need directions to know where you were, silently walking over to the cot you were laid on, pulling up a chair to sit beside you as he nodded in regards to the doctor himself, Baizhu. There weren't many in Liyue that Zhongli trusted to treat his beloved well, but Baizhu he knew was a capable doctor. Looking at Xiao, who stood silently in the corner, watching over you till Zhongli arrived, the tall man dismissed the Yaksha, who knew exactly what mess he was being asked to clean up. It was in this moment, watching skilled hands drag a needle through your delicate skin, stitching up wound after wound, that Zhongli swore he’d never leave your side, not even for a moment. He couldn’t lose you.
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shy-writer-999 · 5 days
hey friend! can i request a capital F FILTHY zoro x f!reader where they two of them are rivals/borderline enemies who fight all the time but after they both get a lil tipsy they end up hate fucking in the roughest most desperate way possible…
Ohhhh yes yes yes. YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND, ANON. anything filthy and with zoro i’m down. brace yourself because this is nasty. you told me capital F FILTHY and i gave you FILTHIER. this turned into a ~2.9k word monstrosity. i read it through like twice so plz excuse any overused words or typos...
everyone say it with me, now: "hate sex! hate sex! hate sex!!!!"
You and Zoro butted heads since the day you got on the ship. Zoro thought his tiffs with Sanji were super fucking annoying—but Sanji had nothing on you. Not only did you have an annoying quip in response to everything he said, but he heard you actively shit talking him in front of his face multiple times. He despised you—everything about you. He hated how you mocked him, hated how cocky you were around him, hated the way you fought, your morals, the way you spoke to everyone BUT him; he couldn’t stand you.
The pair of you had almost gotten to blows multiple times, but he just couldn’t bring himself to hit you. He’d threaten you with his sword but never use it, even though he thought about it more than he would like to admit.
Your asinine remarks would replay in his head sometimes. “Zoro, the amount of effort you put into working out and being stoic is fucking pathetic. Lighten up for once. You’re fucking draining to be around.” Your tone was vile and pitiful. He saw red any time you said stuff like that.
“Zoro, another bottle of sake? Like you haven’t had enough to drink for a whole year? Fucking alcoholic.” You would smirk and condescend, and he’d try to send it back your way but he felt like the couldn’t twist the dagger the same way that you could.
“Shut up,” he would respond, agitated and cold. “Mind your fucking business and go nag someone else, woman. You’re insufferable.”
What was the most agitating thing about you being an asshole to him was that you did it while looking so good. He hated that. He would actively mull the fact over—you were gorgeous, but you had such a rotten personality, it couldn’t be helped. You fought like shit, treated him like a child, mocked him, derided him… And he did the same to you. But he felt his cock twinge any time you got close and nasty with him.
“Yeah, Zoro? Going to go sneak back to your hideout and drown yourself with sake before swinging your swords around? Fucking weirdo.”
Sometimes he would get really intense about it. He’d seethe with hatred and respond with such loathing that it was a wonder he didn’t do anything about it. “If you don’t leave me alone, I swear I’ll slit your throat.”
“Yeah, jackass? I’m sure you like to dream about that, but you’ll never be able to do it because you’re 1: a pussy and 2: I’m your crewmate, idiot.” Sometimes you’d tease him for having the hots for you (which you thought was false), and he’d get so flushed and angry that you thought he would light on fire.
One night, a group of the crew was drinking on deck. You, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, and Usopp. Everyone was a few cups (or bottles) deep, and what started in raucous laughter ended with people splitting up into small groups or going inside for some snacks.
You and Zoro were unfortunately sitting next to each other, much to your mutual dislike. An offhand comment from Zoro (he was speaking to Usopp) vaguely alluded to you being bad at wielding a sword. It set you off. Your head whipped in his direction. He must have been sitting a few feet away.
“What the fuck did you just say, Zoro?”
He rolled his eyes and waved his hand. “What’s it to you? Can’t you mind your own damn business?”
You bit your lip and shoved the crude and despicable rebuttal back in your throat—it wasn’t worth fighting with him again. You already had a spat earlier that day, which left you both livid. Sometimes you’d goad him into it for fun and games. The added benefit was that he would get even hotter when he was angry. Sure, his personality was shit, but when he sneered and snarled at you he looked damn good. You were in denial about how much his scowls turned you on, but you ignored it because you couldn’t stand the man. He was just an atrocious person all around, and you let him know that every second that you could.
After you heard the comment, you huffed, snatched your bottle up and stormed inside. You were about to smack the shit out of him. When you stood up, the alcohol hit you—you were definitely tipsy, perhaps that was contributing to how enraged you were.
You went into the galley and you were about to grab another bottle when the door opened. Those familiar, maddeningly heavy, swaggering footsteps padded towards you. Presumably, Zoro was coming to grab another bottle of sake. Like he fucking needs one, you scoffed to yourself.
“Oh, great.” He was scornful and sarcastic. “You gettin’ more? Can’t wait to see how annoying you get after this bottle.”
“Zoro, you’re on my last fucking nerve.” You turned around and he was a couple feet away, arms crossed. Something in his eyes looked different.
“Is that so? When am I not on your last nerve? You’re so fuckin’ sensitive, get a grip.”
You bit your tongue, trying to not say something foul. You failed.
“Zoro, I’m so sick of you. Your presence is literally unbearable. I can’t stand you, seriously, not right now. And oh, by the way, you’re a shit swordsman.”
You knew that last part would infuriate him. You wanted to get him riled up. It was a sick form of entertainment for you. And anytime you told him he was a shit swordsman he went ballistic.
“Do you ever shut your damn mouth!?” He stepped forward, his voice angry. He was uncomfortably close. You were leaning back on the counter, trying to create any distance you could between your face and his, but he had you caged in. He put a hand on the counter behind you.
“Always looking to start a fight, huh?” His tone was contemptuous and belittling. “You’re about to bite off more than you can chew.”
The closer he got, the hotter he looked. You hated him, but fuck, he was a sight for sore eyes. When he was up this close, you felt even more intoxicated than you already were.
“And what would that mean?” You stared into his eyes, deadpan and annoyed. You placed it now, you could see what about his eyes looked different—his eyes were ravenous. He looked like he was starving for something. More liquor? You hoped he was hungry for something else.
“You’ve got such a big mouth and you never stop running it.” He was practically growling.
Your heartbeat grew faster, and heat started to bloom between your legs. He was so hot when he was angry. That was part of the fun. Especially when his voice got like that.
“And what are you going to do about it?” You raised an eyebrow at him, and your eyes were deadly.
“Might have to shut you up somehow. Maybe you’ll shut the fuck up if my cock is shoved down your throat.”
You actually laughed. “Oh, what is it? Like three inches?”
He drew his face closer to yours. The hand that wasn’t bracing himself on the counter came to squeeze one of your hips so hard that it hurt.
“I’m about to fuck you so hard I break you. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Fucking slut.” He murmured, his voice deep and hushed.
Your eyes were locked, eye contact blistering. He was staring into you so hard you thought he’d leave a burn mark on your irises.
“You’re an idiot, Zoro. Are you being serious? You’d cum all over yourself before you even got close to fucking me.”
“Mmmm, we’ll see about that.” He purred. You were speechless, your brain trying and failing to come up with something to throw back at him. It was short circuiting because he just said he wanted to fuck you.
In the moment that you were searching for an answer, his lips crashed into yours. His grip on your hip tightened; it was going to leave a bruise. As your bodies pressed together, you noticed his hard on rutting into you slowly.
The kisses were haphazard and sloppy, teeth knocking. He bit your lip so hard you almost yelped. A hand snuck up to grab a fistful of your hair and he pulled it so tight it’s a wonder he didn’t rip out a huge clump of it.
“You’re fucking useless.” He pulled away from you, murmuring in a husky tone centimeters away from your lips. “You talk all that shit but I know you want me to fuck you. Probably wanted it the whole time.”
“Shut up, Zoro.” You would have enjoyed every second of this if he just shut his trap.
He pushed you up so you were sitting on the counter. Sucking harshly on your neck, he bit it so hard you thought it would bleed. You let out a muffled whine in surprise.
“Are you already getting worked up and I’ve barely touched you?” His voice was poisonous.
“Holy shit, shut up, Zoro.”
“Say that one more time and I’ll put my cock in you.”
You doubled down. You hoped he was serious. “I said, shut the fuck up, Zoro.”
He let go of your hair and hips and proceeded to rip your pants and panties off in one go. He almost shredded the seams. He took in the sight for a moment.
Your eyes were bathed in lust, your breaths shallow and quick already. Your shirt rode up and your nipples were hard.
His fingers wandered to your now bare cunt and he let out a chuckle.
“You’re so fucking wet already. I know you’re going to take it all for me because you’re fucking desperate. Is that right?”
Your mouth went dry and you did the most miniscule of nods. You didn’t want him to know how badly you needed him.
He slid two thick fingers into your entrance then started to finger fuck you. Your walls tightened and pulsed around him, getting adjusted. Pushing them apart, his fingers roamed and prodded. It felt so good that you had to bite your lip to keep the moans back. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.
“You’ve been craving my cock this whole time like a depraved, touch-starved slut, haven’t you?”
His other hand grabbed a painful fist of your ass and then crept up to squeeze your throat. You let out a barely audible whimper and he felt his cock twitch.
You tried to squeak out words and you were barely successful. “You’re—the one—who’s hard—right now, Zoro.”
It was a lame comeback, but it drove him crazy. “Use your fucking mouth one more time and I’m going to stuff you so full you can’t talk.”
His fingers found your g-spot and pressed on it forcefully. You choked out a breathy “fuck you, Zoro,” and he went still.
“What was that?” His hand around your throat tightened. “Did you not hear what I just said, or are you fucking stupid?”
His fingers started to move twice as fast, and you squirmed. When he could tell you were about to orgasm, he pulled them out.  
He freed his cock from his pants and fisted it lazily for a moment before lining it up with your entrance. “You want this, don’t you? You ran your fat mouth too much, now I’m going to fuck the attitude out of you. Say I’m a shit swordsman one more time and I’ll choke the air out of you until you see stars, then I’ll stuff you full of my cock. But you’d probably like that. Fucking slut.”
“You’re—a fucking—shit—swordsman” you tried to get the words out as his fist squeezed your throat. You couldn’t breathe and you were so aroused that it was hard to focus.
He pushed his cock into your folds and through your slit, entering you inches at a time. You started seeing stars, as promised, and you could only focus on his vice grip around your throat and the sensation of his huge girthy cock stretching you out. He let go of your throat for a moment before bottoming out, and when his tip kissed your cervix he groaned.
“Just look at you. Drooling for my cock, you’re worthless.”
He leaned in so your foreheads touched and pulled out of you agonizingly slow.
“You want more? You want me to fuck you?”
You just looked at him, pouting. You didn’t want to admit it. But you wanted it, and you wanted it BAD. You nodded again and he plunged back into you forcefully. A wet squelching noise sounded into the room when he bottomed out again.
Zoro grinded his hips just enough so he could fuck you deep inside.
“What, the back talk stops the second I put my cock in you?”
You hissed air in through your teeth. “Fuck you, Zoro.”
His jaw dropped for a second and he lost composure, but he kept moving his hips all the same. “What was that?”
“I said fuck you.” You were glaring up at him petulantly.
He pulled his cock out completely and you gasped at the feeling of emptiness.
“Okay, if you hate me so much then I’ll just stop. Is that what you want?”
You could only shit talk for so long before the pleasure started to take over your mind in a haze. All that you knew now was that Zoro was saying dirty things to you and he just took his cock out. That was unacceptable, at this point.
“Zoro.” You whined. “Put it back.”
“Awh, you want me to put it back in?” He feigned pity while you nodded eagerly, throwing all dignity out of the window.
“If you want it that bad, then you need to beg for it like the pathetic little slut you are.”
Your cheeks smarted with blush. You couldn’t believe that you were about to beg for his dick, but you needed it so fucking bad you couldn’t hold back.
“Fuck. Please Zoro. Please keep fucking me.”
Now that he was getting carried away, he wanted to be cruel. You did have a habit of running your mouth, and he wanted to punish you for it.
“Hmm. That’s not quite good enough. If you really want it, say my name. Say my name and I’ll fuck you.”
“Zoro.” You pleaded, your voice strained. He snuck a hand back in your hair and pulled your hair so hard it hurt.
“No. I said, say my name.”
“Roronoa Zoro. Please. I need it.”
“Roronoa Zoro. P-please.”
“That’s what I thought.”
He pressed his cock into you again with a groan. One hand was gripping your hip, and he moved the other down to rub circles over your clit. Your hips bucked.
You started to let out moans with reckless abandon—you needed it harder, faster, deeper, anything that he could possibly do with his cock, you needed it. The noises melted in his ear, but he was worried that someone would hear, so he kissed you. It actually felt tender at times—if you weren’t lost in pleasure, you’d have been able to feel his thumb rubbing a circle on your cheek. What was up with that?
Between his kisses, he said something filthier with each thrust. “Tell me how good it feels.”
“Fuck, Zoro. Feels so good. Your cock—feels so fucking good.”
His shaft and tip dragged over your g-spot countless times. Each time your moans got louder and the mess you were making on Zoro’s cock got juicier.
“Zoro, ‘m gonna cum.” You were at your wits end.
“That’s it, baby, cum on my cock. Cum for me. Just for me.”
That was all you needed to hear before you started to squirm and writhe with pleasure. Your fingers dug into his shoulders and your eyes rolled back in your head—it was that good. He fucked you through your orgasm and then pulled out to cum on your stomach. He wanted to cum inside, but he figured he’d save that for next time (if you were nice enough to let him).
Moments later, while he got you cleaned up, he admired how flushed you were and how lidded your eyes were with satisfaction.
“Baby, huh?” You giggled.
“What?” Zoro was puzzled.
“You called me baby.”
He turned crimson. “You heard me wrong, blockhead.”
“Mmmhmmm, sure. Now help me put my pants on. There’s no way I can walk after that, baby.”
He was speechless. He knew you were teasing him, but he liked it. Enemies to lovers, much?
You found out later that no one walked into the kitchen while you were fucking because Sanji almost went inside and got quite the eyeful through the mini window on the door. He almost puked at the sight then promptly told everyone “no one go in the galley because the two boneheads are doing something disgusting.”
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racinggirl · 8 months
best I've ever been
Lando Norris fic - requested
My inbox for requests
a/n: thank you for this request, anon! I tried to write it the way I see things, and the way I've experienced things. I do want to put A MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING on this story, as it contains loads of things that might trigger anyone that has some sort of eating disorder. I also want to say that if you struggle with any form of eating disorder or any other mental health struggles, please please contact someone. If you're scared to do that, tell someone, even if it is a stranger online, slide in my questions, but look for help. you do not have to do this alone, and there are many people that want to see you smile, even if you might not see it yourself. Enjoy this story, and keep sending in requests 🧡
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FEB 28th, 2024
Being a student at university while dating one of the most famous people in the world wasn’t something that was on everybody’s to do list. But it was on yours, and it brought along a lot of hate, high expectations and stress.
You have never been that perfect WAG, you weren’t like Lily, who was a professional golfer. You weren’t like Kelly, who had a beautiful daughter and was an amazing model. You weren’t like Alexandra, who was stunningly beautiful with an amazing career. You were just you, and that’s something Lando loved about you.
‘I don’t want to date a professional model, someone famous or some sort of influencer. I want to date you, because in my eyes you are more beautiful than all the models together. You’re the one that stole my heart and please, never give it back to me.’
He always made sure to reassure you, tell you how beautiful you are, how proud he was of everything you were doing, how grateful he was for calling you his girlfriend. All those things made you love that man even more and more every single day.
‘’You look stunning, baby.’’ His lips pressed a gentle kiss to your temple, his hand intertwined with yours as he pulled your body closer against his own.
‘’You feel cold, my love, are you okay?’’ His hand moved to rest on your forehead, then on both your cheeks as his bright eyes looked at you with worry.
‘’I’m okay, Lando, it’s just a bit chilly in here.’’ You smiled, giving his hand a gentle squeeze before you both walked out of his hotel room, on your way to the parking lot so you could go to the track immediately after.
He never noticed, and you were somewhat happy, but somewhat sad as well. You see, you weren’t like all the other WAGs, instead of wearing a size XS or S, you’d squeeze yourself into a medium or large at some times. Those cute outfits the other girlfriends would wear wasn’t something you’d find in your own wardrobe, simply because you did not feel comfortable wearing something that showed skin.
Lando didn’t mind, though. He never did. He knew you were absolutely gorgeous, and he worshipped you every time he saw you because he was aware of your insecurities. He tried his best to make you feel better about yourself, but you always had this mental note that you wouldn’t be good enough for him, let alone be good enough to be his girlfriend.
‘’No, thanks.’’ You politely rejected the small snack you’d find at the McLaren hospitality, something you used to say yes to because let’s be honest, they were extremely tasty. Lando smiled at you, squeezing your hand gently before whispering something in your ear. You smiled at his words, feeling extremely grateful for having such an amazing boyfriend.
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DEC 2nd, 2023
‘’Sooo, how are you and Lando doing?’’  Your best friend had a smirk plastered on her face as the two of you got into the building on campus.
‘’I heard he’s going to Finland to ski with Martin Garrix, will you go along, too?’’
‘’We’re good, but no, I’m not going.’’ You told her while the two of you made your way to the elevator.
‘’Actually, I’m taking the stairs, will you come with me?’’ You asked, watching how your friend nodded and followed you to the staircase.
‘’I’m not good at skiing.’’ You explained, counting every step in your head. ‘’And we have exams in the second week of January, I want to pass those.’’
You weren’t lying, completely. You did have exams that you wanted to pass, and you weren’t the best skier out there, but there was another reason.
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NOV 4th, 2023
‘’Baby,’’ Lando was in the kitchen preparing dinner as you sat on the couch, working on your laptop for those damn deadlines.
‘’Hmm?’’ You hummed, typing away a few words for your thesis as you glanced up at your boyfriend.
‘’Will you come along on the ski trip? It’s in your holiday period, isn’t it?’’ He asked, sitting on the edge of the couch as he read through a few paragraphs of your thesis.
‘’I’m sorry, babe, but I can’t.’’ You started. ‘’Things will be busy, and I really want to finish my final exams and get this thesis done with.’’ You explained, feeling his hand on your cheek to make you look at him.
‘’Okay, I understand.’’ He whispered and kissed your forehead gently, like he always did.
The moment he walked to the kitchen to finish dinner, you looked at your schedule. Just a few more months till the season started, a few more months till he would have to show up at the paddock with you on his side, because you knew he loved having you on his side, and you loved supporting him.
However, it also meant you had just a few more months to lose as much weight as possible.
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DEC 2nd, 2023
Never did you think you’d end up in a situation like you were now. Never did you think you’d end up on the ground, your best friend next to you as a random girl brought you some water.
‘’Are you okay? You scared the living shit out of me.’’ Your best friend had her hand on your back as she thanked the girl that gave you the water. You took a sip, carefully, and you sighed.
‘’I’m okay, I just… I didn’t sleep too good last night, maybe I should have gone to sleep earlier.’’ You lied, again. It was something that had become a part of your routine lately.
‘’Okay, well, stop doing that then because you scared me.’’
You had passed out once you had reached the top of the stairs. Not eating properly for a few weeks in a row had probably been the reason for that, but you did not want to worry them. You knew for sure that if you would have been skinny, it was the first thing people would say, and you somehow put that as your goal. You knew it was bad, you knew relying on other peoples’ reactions for your goal to be reached wasn’t something that was a good indicator, but it was what you did.
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AUG 7th, 2023
Hate, it’s something every celebrity and WAG has to deal with, but somehow you were shocked when it actually happened to you. Lando had warned you about it, and he had also tried his best to reassure you. Somewhere you knew the things those people said was fake, and only came from an act of jealousy, but that didn’t mean it hurt less.
You were scared to mention it to Lando, because you knew he loved his fans, and the fact those fans sent hate to you, would absolutely break him. That’s why you never mentioned it to him. Until you had to…
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You and Lando had been dating for almost 6 months now, and the world found out about a month ago. You wanted to keep it quiet for longer, but after fans spotted you together more than once, there was no more denying of the fact you two were dating.
At first you were excited, because Lando always made you feel so good and so comfortable, you thought you could take on the world with him on your side. You weren’t scared of anything when it came to the adventures you’d go on with him, but those things quickly changed the moment you opened your phone to go to Instagram.
 The hate seemed like it was never ending. You had never posted a picture with Lando because you feared the reactions. You never even posted selfies anymore due to the fear of judgement from others, from fans. It wasn’t all hate, and people were extremely kind as well, but whenever you start to receive hate, those things don’t matter anymore.
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FEB 5th, 2024
15 kilos down, you had lost 15 kilos since you started losing weight, and today was the day you saw the number go down again. You had been stuck on a plateau for almost a week, and you started to panic when the number wouldn’t go down. You started to restrict yourself more, and more, and eventually the number went down.
Surviving on two crackers and a bit of dinner wasn’t good, but it worked, and you were determined to keep it going.
Lando was away quite a bit for work. He had complimented you a few times already, because of course he saw that you had lost weight. 15 kilos weren’t a little bit.
‘’You lost weight.’’ He smiled, his lips on that same place on your temple again as you closed your eyes. ‘’Mhm, I did.’’ You whispered proudly; your arms wrapped around his torso.
‘’You look beautiful, darling. I just, you know you didn’t have to, right? I mean, I’m glad you’re feeling better, but you know that you didn’t have to do it, at least not for me. I’ll love you no matter what size, shape, or weight you are.’’ His hands moved to cup your cheeks, causing you to look directly into his eyes.
‘’I know.’’ You whispered, leaning up to press your lips to his. That kiss turned into something more, because now you were comfortable enough to take the first step.
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FEB 28th, 2024
‘’You look amazing, Y/N.’’ Lily, Oscar’s girlfriend, wrapped her arms around you, hugging you before pulling away to take a look at you. ‘’How much did you lose?’’
‘’Ehm, around 20 kilos.’’ You smiled at her, hearing her gasp. ‘’Oh, wow, that’s a lot!’’ She smiles, but you could hear the worry in her voice as well.
‘’Yeah, I mean, it’s alright, I feel a lot better now.’’
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You groaned, put your phone away and took a deep breath. You were annoyed, both with yourself and with others. You knew you promised yourself you’d stop the moment others commented about your weight loss, the moment others would get worried, because that’s when you would have reached your goal. But you couldn’t stop, and that’s what worried you.
‘’Hey, let’s get lunch.’’ Lily smiled at you, and the panic immediately started in your head. How could you get out of it, how could you not eat anything, how how how…
‘’Sure.’’ You smiled back, because others couldn’t suspect anything, they’d stop you, and that’s what you feared because you did not want to go back to that summer of last year.
As you sat down next to Lily, you had ordered a salad because that was the meal with the least number of calories on the menu. It had become a habit, searching for the lightest, most healthy, and smallest portions and meals.
You had barely eaten anything, though, and Lily noticed, too. ‘’You barely touched your food, are you okay?’’ She asked softly. After reassuring her everything was fine, the waiter came to take the food away.
‘’Are you sure you’re done?’’
Lando and Oscar came to join you not long after, both boys taking a seat next to their girlfriends.
‘’Hey, did you have lunch already?’’ Oscar asked Lily, causing Lily to nod. ‘’Eh, yeah, we did.’’ She says, hesitantly though. She glanced over at you, and then at Lando. He knew enough by just that look.
He was aware of the fact you were losing weight. At first, he was proud, and he tried to help you with choosing the right foods, the right supplements for extra vitamins and even did his workouts with you. However, when you started to lose more, and faster, he got worried. He talked to you about a healthy weight loss multiple times. He even talked to Jon about a diet that would help you slowly go back to maintaining weight, because you had lost a lot.
Lando tried to have that conversation with you a few times, but you always brushed it off. He was barely ever with you because of the preparations for the start of the season, which he absolutely hated. He contacted your best friend, asking her to keep an eye on you as well.
‘’Babe.’’ He said, this time very seriously. ‘’Can we talk?’’ He asked. ‘’Alone.’’
‘’Ehm, maybe later, okay? I must do something first.’’ You always came up with an excuse because you had a feeling Lando was going to talk to you about your weight loss. You had a feeling he was going to tell you to stop losing weight, because that’s what was going through your own mind as well. You knew you had to stop, you just couldn’t.
‘’Did you eat lunch?’’ He then asked, causing Oscar to look at you as well as Lily. ‘’Yeah, I did.’’ You said, or actually, you lied. ‘’Okay, fine, then you won’t mind me asking Lily.’’ He continued and glanced over at his teammate’s girlfriend.
You looked at Lily, nervously. You couldn’t ask her to lie for you, but you also didn’t want her to tell him the truth. ‘’We had lunch, Lando.’’ You quickly said.
‘’I’m asking Lily.’’ He said, a little more dominant this time.
‘’Lando…’’ You sighed, but he had enough.
‘’I think I already know the answer.’’ He started. ‘’Come with me. Now.’’ He grabbed your hand and pulled you up, walking with you to his driver’s room. He had to talk to you, and even though he hoped it would never come to this point, there was something that had to happen, and you knew it as well.
‘’Lando, what are you… Hey!’’ You frowned, watching how he put you in the chair and how he stood in front of you. He was mad, but mostly hurt, it was written all over his face.
‘’You’re gorgeous, Y/N, you’re absolutely beautiful and it hurts me so much that you’re not seeing it. I wish, I honestly wish you could see yourself through my eyes, because then you’d see the most beautiful, gorgeous, perfect girl I’ve ever laid eyes on.’’
You stayed silent, but immediately felt a tear rolling down the right side of your face.
‘’You lost weight, and I’m so proud of you for doing so. I always told you you didn’t have to lose weight, that you’re perfect the way you are, but I knew you wanted it. I knew you didn’t feel comfortable the moment you showed me those DM’s, the hate you received. I was supporting you, I wanted to help you because I knew it would make you feel better once you’d lose a few kilograms. Damnit Y/N, I was so proud of you for losing the weight with the right food, the right workouts and at the right pace. But ever since you started restricting at the beginning of this year, I should have stopped you. I wanted to let you figure it out yourself, because I know you’re strong, and I know you could do that. I hate myself for not being with you more, for not looking out for you, for being the worst boyfriend ever because I didn’t give you enough love-…’’
‘’You do…’’ You whispered; your voice soft as you wiped the tears that were falling from your face. ‘’You give me so much love, Lando.’’
‘’Then why.’’ He asked, his voice breaking in the middle of the next sentence. ‘’Then why are you doing this to yourself.’’
You looked down at your lap, then at your fingers, and then at his hands that took your hands in his own. You watched how he kneeled in front of you, wiped your tears with his thumbs and forced you to look into his eyes which had tears in them as well.
‘’I love you, so much you have no idea, please… please let me help you. I will not force you to gain weight but let me help you get back to a healthy lifestyle. Let me ask Jon to put together a plan for you so you will maintain a healthy weight. We can do workouts together. I promise I’ll be there more often, in between races, for your graduation. I see a future with you, Y/N, and I want you to accept my help… No. I need you to accept my help, because it hurts me so much seeing how you treat yourself, my love. You deserve so much better than how you’re treating yourself. I’ll go to therapy with you if you need me to, okay? I promise you I’ll make it my own personal goal to see you have a healthy relationship with food again.’’
You never expected the words of the love of your life would turn everything around. You never expected Lando to have such a big effect on your thoughts, on your view on weight loss.
‘’Please help me…’’ You whispered before breaking down in his arms. Every word he spoke hit you right in the heart. Seeing the tears in his eyes and hearing his voice breaking were the things that made you realise you weren’t only punishing yourself, but also the love of your life. And it wasn’t just him that you were hurting.
Your best friend.
Your parents.
That random girl in the hallway that gave you the glass of water after watching you pass out.
That one fan that told you you were gorgeous, that told you to not believe the haters.
The waiter that took away the almost untouched salad, asking if you were sure you’d had enough.
You were hurting more people than just yourself, and right now it was the time to give back to those people by working on yourself, by taking care of your own health so Lily wouldn’t have to lie for you anymore. So your best friend could stop worrying about her best friend. So Oscar wouldn’t have to feel sorry for not noticing. So that fan can continue sending positive messages and not feel like what they say doesn’t matter. So that waiter can take back an empty plate knowing that the food they served was tasty. So that random girl doesn’t have to look at you and worry every time you walk up the stairs.
So you would be happy.
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AUG 12th, 2024
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if you struggle with mental health in any way shape or form, please call 988. A life line for anyone that needs support. You are beautiful, you are worth it, you are amazing &lt;3
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madhatterbri · 3 months
Challenges | D.P.
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Summary: If I may request - Liv holds a celebration for herself in the ring & calls out Dom to join her but instead it’s Fem!Reader (ex member of TJD who still has a soft spot for Dom & feelings for Damian). She calls out the lack of open challenges since Liv’s been champion & Liv should focus on finding a challenger rather than a “daddy”. Liv thinks the reader is jealous & hits a nerve when she brings up Damian..then all hell breaks loose. Thank you.
Requested by: anon
Author's Note: I am digging Liv currently. 😂 Please do not see this as me hating on Liv. Also, did you send me this before Monday cause um... this happened with Zelina, didn't it? Anon, spill who gonna win MITB so I get some money? 👀
Damian Priest Masterlist
Taglist: @plentyoffandoms @mrsarcherofinfamy @brideofinfamy @theworldofotps
"Come on out, Daddy! I have new gifts for you," Liv squealed in the microphone and giggled. She twirled the microphone in her hand. A silence hung in the air. An entrance theme played in the arena, but it wasn't Dirty Dom's.
Y/N walked down the ramp with an extra pep in her step. The funny business with Liv and Judgment Day had to stop. She may have been an ex-member, but she still cared about them. Well, mostly Dom and Damian.
"You must be confused little ho, ho, ho. This isn't Christmas time," Y/N told her. The crowd laughed as Liv rolled her eyes. She entered the ring and stood in front of her. "Although I can see why you are confused. You have been living on the high side of life, haven't you?"
"I'm sorry. I want to talk to someone who is a current member of The Judgment Day. Not the one that no one remembers was in the Judgment Day. Go back to your little lonely hole now," Liv smiled and waved her hand to shoo her along. Y/N slapped her hand away.
"I'm here looking for a fight. You. Me. Next week on RAW," she demanded. The crowd cheered. "I beat you, and you stay away from Judgment Day for good,"
"Why would I do that? Unlike you, they want me around," Liv shrugged and smiled.
Y/N sucked her teeth and looked at the ground. She looked up at her once more. "If you want to be Little Orphan Annie looking for a daddy, then give me the title. I'll be a fighting champion,"
"You care a lot about a group that kicked you out. Stalker much?" Liv asked. Her eyes widened, and she put a hand over her mouth. The horrible fake laugh emitted from her body. "You can't still be into him after everything that happened, right?"
Y/N felt herself blush. She was the only one who knew about her crush on Damian. Now, it sounded like she was going to announce it to the world. Liv saw her nervous reaction and knew she had to go for the kill.
"Leave them alone and fight me. Let me give the title the respect it deserves,"
"Why? Are you jealous of this?" Liv asked and looked at the championship belt on her shoulder. "Or are you jealous of something else? Do you think this will help you get Damian? He doesn't want you, Y/N,"
"It isn't him,"
"Seriously, it's been years. Move on. He doesn't want you. He made that painfully obvious when he didn't keep you around," she sneered.
The crowd quickly turned to her side. Y/N glared and paced in the ring. She suddenly lunged at Liv. The microphone in Y/N's hand connected to the current champion's head. Liv fell to the ground.
Y/N quickly jumped on top of her. She grabbed the blonde's hair and started to punch her. All the hurt she experienced over the past few months started to bubble over. She told her in secret about her crush on Damian back when she returned to Royal Rumble. She never expected her to admit it.
As expected, the refs and security guards ran out to separate them. Adam Pierce stood at the top of the ramp with a microphone. He was telling the women that this wasn't how RAW conducted business. The championship match for next week was granted. Meanwhile, the two women continued to fight to reach each other.
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anamericangirl · 2 months
What's telling to me about how sick people can be is that Trump was nearly killed, someone in the crowd WAS killed, multiple other shots went out, the whole thing was a terrifying event that everyone in the world should be able to agree was scary And yet I see the media on the left trying to spin this "Well this is to be expected, he's so radical and so fascist that of course someone tried to kill him" and "#YOUMISSED" is trending on Twitter Mask is fucking off and I'm done hitting Anon when I send asks to you, these people have truly shown they have no empathy, no sympathy, and are bloodthirsty. People get shot up in a school and their first thought is "This is why we need to ban guns" and "This is because of ultra-MAGA"
Some unhinged motherfucker actually attempts to kill the former president and kills someone in the crowd and the left turns it into a fucking hashtag and an opportunity to try to blame it on Trump even though he's the one that got shot at.
The left are fucking deranged, and I know better than most because I used to be ON the left. I shaved half my head, I had blue hair, I lived with liberal pedophiles (literally) in Ohio for 2 years who wore diapers around the house and bitched about Elon Musk and Trump every fucking day. I know these people are psychopaths and now they have finally just outright announced to the world how sick they are.
Even fucking Biden tried to call the hospital Trump was at to ask if he was okay, EVEN DARTH FUCKING BRANDON CARED ABOUT TRUMP and yet these Twitterlibs and liberal media fuckwads are just jumping on the opportunity to go "Aww man #YouMissed, you fired 5 shots how come you couldn't get him, you fucked up, omg"
If this doesn't turn people away from the democrat party then nothing will. Trump was not the only victim of this shooting. A couple of people were injured, an innocent person was killed and still the only thing we hear from leftists is annoyance that the shooter missed.
And while we are rightly angry at the spins the msm is putting on this assassination attempt, they have to put that spin on it or eat their words for the last 8 years. They've been characterizing Trump as a fascist tyrannical dictator since 2016. They've spun him to be Hitler 2.0 telling everyone he's a threat to democracy and leading people to believe he's a threat to their very lives. The "trans genocide" and "kids in cages" the "don't say gay" bill all that nonsense is always, always linked back to Trump and if they turn around now and condemn this attempt on his life what would that say about them? Either they will have to expose themselves as the liars and propagandists they are or they will have to be seen as being sympathetic towards literally Hitler. And narrative is more important to them than anything.
Which explains why they were trying to avoid reporting what happened like the plague. The headlines I saw in the aftermath, after we already knew Trump had actually been hit by the bullet were things like "Trump escorted offstage after gun shots were heard." "Loud popping noise heard at Trump rally." And other variations of that headline. And still leftists don't question why after Trump was shot every single mainstream media outlet had the same headline and they all avoided saying Trump had been shot or an assassination attempt had been made.
They can’t come out and say this was wrong because it will mean they will have to admit to something even worse: that they were wrong.
But of course the people currently in office can't come out and condone the shooting. That would look very bad. So yeah, it's good that Biden stood up there and said the right words and made an effort to contact Trump but how convenient that this happened a mere couple of weeks after the democratic party has abandoned and turned on Biden so his words and condemnation will be buried and ignored and mean nothing.
For the last 8 years, though, Joe Biden and every other democrat in office, paired with the media, have been villainizing Trump for his rhetoric. Everything bad thing that happened was directly the fault of Trump because of his "dangerous rhetoric." But the rhetoric they've employed against Trump and all conservatives since that time has been the worst fearmongering and slander I've ever seen so they are directly to blame for this shooting because of their rhetoric. No more "rules for thee but not for me." They have to live in the world they made.
Leftism, as I'm sure you've seen first hand what with your experience of being one and living in that environment, is no longer about what you support, it's just about who you hate. And every sane person still aligned with them is waking up. The mask has been slipping for years and most of us were able to see who they really were way before it fully fell off but there is no mask now. They're not even trying to hide it.
They have the ideas they pretend to support when told to, but all leftists are only united by one thing: hate.
Their heroes are criminals like Michael Brown, George Floyd and Trayvon Martin. And they hate police until they shoot and kill Ashli Babbitt who's only crime was being a Trump supporter at the capitol on January 6.
They still bemoan the killing of a pedophile, wife beater and injury of a career criminal who were shot because they tried to murder a child while villainizing the child they tried to kill because he successfully defended himself against their attack.
To this day they spin their violent riots as "mostly peaceful protests" while the January 6 protest was a "violent insurrection."
The rapes and murder on October 7 were a justified response to "occupation" but anything Israel does is "genocide."
During covid they freaked out about "public health" and wanted everyone vaxxed and masked to "save lives" but when Trump got covid they all immediately wanted it to kill him.
When a white boy shoots up a school it’s an example of how evil white people and right wing gun nuts are but when a trans person shot children at a Christian elementary school the main focus of leftists, all the way up to the White House, was the danger the trans community would allegedly be in from right wing retaliatory violence and how “hateful Christian rhetoric” was responsible for the shooting.
And none of this has anything to do with the values they claim to adhere to. All of their positions on every single issue come down to who it is they hate the most of the people involved. So their "values” change by the second.
So the violence, depravity and dangerous rhetoric is pretty much 100% on their side but watch them try and spin this assassination on Trump as Trump's own fault. And watch leftists just unquestioningly go with it or just try to distract people with more fear mongering about Project 2025 or something else stupid like that.
The only thing that bothers them about this shooting, other than the fact that the shooter "missed', is that this has pretty much guaranteed Trump is going to win the election. And of course they can't stand that after all they've done to try and make sure that doesn't happen.
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koolades-world · 5 months
Hihihihi, in case ya remember me, im the Pain-sensitive anon, and in case i will request again remember me as BigS, because my requests are as big as my S, but enough about that.
Poor you, so many requests. Drink water, be stronger that those 637181 requests, don't let them kill you!!!
But im here to torture you with another one~
So i have an album with 3814 Asmodeus screenshots(I FKIN LOVE MY BOYFRIEND!!!), and i had an idea "dam, if Asmo became real, it would be very hard to explain why i have 4k pics with him... " So here is request!
Brothers, finding out that MC's new hyperfixation is... them?
Apparently MC is neurodivergent or something like that, and as many neurodivergent ppl, they have a hyperfixation! They just randomly becoming very interested in something specific and collect stuff with it, talk with everyone about it, and remember every single detail about it! Like Levi with TSL.
But one day, brothers realise that MC stopped talking about their past fixation and was less interested with it. They think that "Oh, they probably just found something new!". But one day, they take MC's phone just to find that... They have a giant album in their gallery that is dedicated only to him????
The album has every photo he posted on Devilgram, every photo that he send MC, some unique photos that MC shooted themselves, even some chat screenshots with times when he said something cute to them! They even was photographing thigs that "reminds of him". Like some cheeseburger with "Beel vibes", Blue flower that "Looks like Luci" or gorgeous mannequin that "feels like Asmo".
If its someone like Asmo, he would also notice thta MC started buying their fanclub's merch! Like "Asmo lover #1" shirt or "Lucifer best man!!"cup(Luci is very popular, he probably also has some fanclubs! i hate this guy tho)
I think Levi and Mammon would die from embarrassment. Asmo would die out of happiness and Satan with Luci will try to pretend like thay never saw that. and idk about other ones. :P
I think that would make a cute fluff and a very scary situation if it was real uwu
Thats all
Have a nice dayyyyyyyyyyyy~~~
-BigS aka.AlgophobicDude
hey! great to hear from you again :)
haha thank you! been slowly knocking out requests one at a time and let me tell you it's a lot more fun than it might look haha
i wrote this while wearing a pink cowboy hat. i just wanted to share that
you got it! enjoy!!
Mc with a hyperfixation on the brothers
is this a human thing?
he's happy to indulge you as long as you're not too loud about it out in public
especially please don't share those pictures with anyone, like mammon. he will sell those, especially the ones he only intends for you. please
he's happy you don't hate him, actually. you make this old man very happy haha
he would never tell you, but he's also got a photo album dedicated to you
also has a note on his D.D.D. full of all the things he never said to you but hopes to be brave enough to one day to tell you
he doesn't tell you he's got that though, not in a million years
he really loves that you're hyperfixated on him because that just means you care about him just as much as he cares about you
as expected, he's very flustered
he knows what it's like to have a little blorbo and he would give anything to be able to see them daily in person and live with them
he's over the moon once he realizes this and despite his embarrassment, he pushed through to spend more time with you
he's so dedicated <3
he's probably the most puzzled
he's always learning new things about humans even when he thought he knew everything
he knows and trusts you so from time to time, he'll take a picture with you in mind that he knows will remind you of him
all in all, he does think it's a little strange but won't stop you since he's never seen you happier
like they said, you're literally about to become the number one member of his fanclub!
lucky for you, once he finds your asmo photo album, he's feeding into your hyperfixation
you get lots of exclusive privileges, such as early morning selfies and all his merch for free, including prototypes
he's always ready to pose for a picture for you. every side is his good side!
he's a little confused but he's happy to make you happy
he listened to you talk about your hyperfixations the most beside levi so he's quick to pick up on this shift
to make you happy, he decides to make a handmade adult bib just for you haha and at first he's a little sad but then he finds it while digging for your snack stash
you've never worn it once because it's hanging in your closet next to your fancy outfits <3
you what? is his initial reaction
from the outside, it seems like it doesn't bother him or that he could care less
but, on the inside, he's elated since he thought after how he tricked you, you'd never want to be close to him again
now, you're the very thing that makes you excited to wake up every morning by his side
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morgana-larkin · 6 months
hi, I think I have a crazy and [loooong] prompt baskdjskkaka. From Melissa's line 'no women? nobody else?ever?'
The staff is reminiscing the little bickering a year ago or two about Janine's love life, only then the staff realize what has Mel said, that she's like into women too. Barb knows tho and Mr. J because ofc he knows everything what has happened in those hallways. So Ava, Janine and Jacob being themselves + Greg surprisingly, began to interrogate Mel about it and in some point she got tired of the constant questioning so she just admitted that she had a relationship with a woman before, particularly a teacher too at Abbott few years before the new teaching staff and principal arrived at the said school. She goes to describe the woman with a little smile on her face without realizing it, did not mention what happened saying they should take what she offers about her private life,the truth is, she still feel guilty of what has happened realizing she's wrong and it's too late. At that, she thought the staff will finally leave her alone but no, since she's single again after the failed proposal, they're like encouraging her to date and maybe try again with a woman. Ofc she declines, then one day Ava burst into the break room grinning, saying a new member of the district is around to help the school, but the top of the icing, as she quote, is she had finally found a match for Melissa not knowing who's r really is, then introduces r to the crew. And man, best believe Melissa almost threw herself out of the window when she sees the very woman she had a relationship before and apparently who she had managed to hurt that still haunts her at night, r is no different from the redhead as she is aslo shocked to see the woman, still there and stunning as ever, because last time they saw each other, the woman cursed that she doesn't think she can stay in a place where she knows r had lingered or stepped a foot with. So basically it's the queue for r to left Philly and never go back, but she's God's favorite and he decided to send her back to the very place she avoids the most. [The breakup is ugly, as it is a big misunderstanding, the redhead saw the other woman kissing, or rather being kissed by a man, against her will which she doesn't know since she became real irrational that point and didn't even listen to the plea of the other woman]
And bc of the weird and awkward reactions + interactions from the two women when they're in a room together, the staff slowly put 2 and 2 together that the new district member that has been sent to the school is the very woman who Mel had a past with.
That is so long I'm so sorry, I just need to let it all out or else I'm gonna combust
Anon it’s perfectly alright, let it all out. This took me so much longer to write and it’s just under 5,000 words😅. There’s so much fucking angst and as someone who hates seeing Melissa upset, I was literally glaring at myself for writing that Melissa is going through it. So I hope you enjoy it! As always not edited in the slightest!
As a side note I wanted to thank @janeyseymour for helping me out, I had no idea what former teachers do at all and she let me know a bunch of them!
Want You Back
Warnings: swearing, Melissa crying, smut
Words: 4.95k
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“No women? Nobody else? Ever?” Melissa said 2 years ago.
“Wait, what did Melissa mean by that?” Janine asked Gregory and Jacob one day when they were walking into work and talking about the conversation they had in the library a couple years ago.
“I don’t know, but it is weird that her first instinct was to immediately ask about women first instead of men.” Jacob says, contributing to the conversation.
“Do I even want to know what you nerds are talking about?” Ava asked them.
“It’s about Melissa, from something she said 2 years ago.” Gregory said and Ava looked at them.
“Melissa has said a lot of things 2 years ago.” Ava said.
“It’s when we were in the library and I said that I’ve been dating my boyfriend since 8th grade and you all questioned it and Melissa said ‘no women’.” Janine explained to Ava and this caught her interest.
“Oh ya, I remember that. I say we question her.” Ava said but the trio stopped her.
“No, this is Melissa we’re talking about. She won’t tell us something about her life so easily.” Janine says.
“Good point, we could annoy her until she gives in.” Ava suggested.
“Maybe another plan where we don’t put our lives at risk.” Jacob says.
“Oh come on. Melissa likes us too much now to kill us.” Ava says proudly and they all look at her like she hit her head. “I did say now, 2 years ago she definitely would have killed us.”
“That’s true, but we can’t ask her multiple times in one go, it’ll have to be a couple to a few times a day.” Jacob says.
“Ok let’s start now.” Ava says, excited about this plan and heads towards the break room. Ava enters, drawing attention as usual with the trio in tow behind her. “Melissa, question.” Ava asks as she pours some coffee in a mug. Melissa glances up at her from her phone.
“What do you want Coleman?” Melissa asks and looks back to her phone, typing something.
Ava smiles at her as she pours an unnecessary amount of sugar in her coffee. “Have you ever dated a woman?” Ava asks and Melissa freezes.
She looks up from her phone, “what?” She asks.
“Have you ever dated a woman?” Ava repeats. Melissa looks at her and sees the trio looking at her waiting for a reply.
“It’s none of youse business who I have or haven’t dated.” She says and goes back to her phone.
The trio and Ava look at each other and smile a little. They have a feeling that Melissa actually might have dated a woman due to her freezing.
*At lunch*
“So you have dated a woman haven’t you?” Janine asks her at her table.
“I thought I told you this morning it’s none of your business.” She glares at her. Janine gets the hint and goes to her own table.
*after school*
“Melissa, we just want to know if you’ve dated a woman before.” Jacob tells her as they all leave the building together.
“Why do you want to know so badly?” Melissa asks them, annoyed.
“Because you never tell us anything about you.” Janine says.
“Ya we just want to get to know you better.” Gregory says.
Melissa rolls her eyes. “What brought this up all of a sudden?” She asks them.
“Well remember when Janine made us play that annoying game and write something about ourselves on a card and then we guess who it was.” Ava asks, earning a ‘heeeey’ from Janine for calling her game annoying.
“Vaguely.” Melissa says, very short with them right now.
“Well, after Janine said he’s only ever dated one guy since grade 8, your immediate response was ‘no women?’.” Ava says and Melissa looks at them.
Melissa then proceeds to walk to her car. “Like I said , none of youse business.” She says and reaches her car and turns to look at them. “So stop asking.” She says and gets in her car.
*the next morning*
The trio keep glancing over at Melissa. They want to ask but wondering if it’ll be dangerous to ask her.
“I feel you guys looking at me.” Melissa says looking at her phone, unimpressed by them. And at that Ava comes in.
“We just want to know the answer.” Jacob tells her.
Melissa sighs and turns around and glares at them. “Ok fine. Yes, I’ve dated a woman before, last one was a few years ago before youse started working here.” She told them and they all beam.
“Omg this is so exciting!” Janine squeals.
“I can’t believe you never told us you were bisexual.” Jacob says.
“What was she like?” Gregory says, and they all look at him then back to Melissa.
Melissa immediately starts thinking about you and she smiles. “She was a teacher here, she taught 3rd grade and left 4 years before you guys started.” She says pointing to Janine, Jacob and Ava. “She was beautiful and smart and brave. She was funny and sarcastic as well and able to keep up with my wit.” Melissa continues. And they all listen as Melissa describes you. And unknown to Melissa, she was smiling the entire time. The only thing Melissa refused to say was your name and why you broke up.
“Why don’t you want to say her name or why you broke up?” Ava says.
“How about youse people take what I give about my life and shut it.” Melissa says and turns back around to go on her phone. Barb looks at her concerned. Of course she knows what happened since she was there and knows how guilty Melissa feels about how it ended.
“Have you ever thought about dating again, specifically a woman?” Jacob says.
Melissa turns to look at him. “No, I’m not going through it again.” She says with a slight voice crack.
Of course none of them listen to her and keep on the lookout for a woman that’s Melissa’s type. And then one day, Ava does. She bursts into the break room, full grin on her face and immediately looks at Melissa then back to the full group, she thinks she found a match for Melissa. Melissa gets up to get herself a coffee and pours it into her mug.
“Hey nerds listen up! The school district sent us a vice principal to help out around the school and they’re paying for it.”
“Really?” Janine says.
“Yep, oh here she comes.” Ava says “and her name is y/n y/l/n.” She says as you enter.
Before anyone can say anything, the sound of a mug breaking is heard near the coffee machine. They all turn to see Melissa with her hand out, as she just dropped her favourite coffee mug full of coffee and it broke on the floor. She’s standing there looking at the new woman who entered in complete shock, completely unaware that she just dropped her mug. They all look towards you who’s looking at Melissa with an expression that can mirror Melissa’s.
“Melissa, r u ok?” Jacob says, and Melissa glances at him briefly before looking down at the floor.
“Uh, u-um y-ya ya, I’m fine, I’m just gonna let Mr Johnson know about the mess.” Melissa says and books it out of the room. A minute later Mr. Johnson appears and sees you , then shakes his head, muttering ‘this will be interesting’.
They all introduce themselves to you , except for Barb. Once the trio and Ava leave, you look at Barb then at your feet, not knowing what to say to her.
“It’s nice to see you again dear.” Barb says and you look up at her.
“I had no idea that Melissa was still working here. I also didn’t really have a choice, the district sent me saying this school needs a vice principal and I needed a job.” You tell her.
“It’s alright, I understand.” Is all she says.
“I-I’ll avoid Melissa as much as possible while I’m here, to avoid any drama as I’m sure she’ll do with me. So you don’t have to worry about that.” You tell her then leave.
After that Barb leaves the break room and goes to check on Melissa. And sure enough, just like she thought, Melissa is having a full on crisis in her classroom. Melissa is at her desk writing something harshly, then gets angry at her pen for not working properly then throws it across the room.
“You’re handling it better than I thought.” Barb says after she sees Melissa throw the pen. Melissa whips her head at Barb and looks at her with anger in her eyes that quickly turns to tears. Barb immediately goes and comforts her the best she could.
“I can’t believe after all these years, she’s here again.” Melissa says, crying into Barb’s shoulder during a hug.
“I know dear, I know.” Barb says, patting her back.
“I thought I’d never see her again, after 6 years I still feel guilty about what happened.” Melissa says, still crying.
*6 years ago*
You and Melissa were at a club, drinking. Celebrating the end of another school year.
“Hey Amore, can you go get us some more drinks?” Melissa asks you, as she got the previous ones.
“Of course beautiful.” You tell her and give her a quick kiss on the lips with a smile. You then get up and go to the bar to get some drinks. You order a drink for you and Melissa’s favourite drink, then a man comes up next to you as you're waiting, and starts chatting you up.
“Hey there pretty lady.” He says and you glance at him and sigh, you just ignore him.
After your drinks are done, the guy is still trying to talk to you. Before you can reach for your drinks, he gets up and goes behind you and kisses you, blocking any possible exit. The guy is twice your side, you try pushing him off but he wouldn’t budge.
Melissa is wondering what’s taking you so long as it’s been 5 minutes. She gets up and goes to the bar and sees you with a man’s tongue down your throat, pressed up against the bar and Melissa sees red. As soon as the guy gets away from you, you see Melissa standing there about 10 feet away, looking pissed. Melissa stomps over to you, grabs your wrist and drags you out of the club.
“WHAT THE HELL Y/N!!! WHY WERE YOU KISSING HIM!” She yells at you and you’re taken aback.
“Did you think I wanted him to kiss me?” You ask.
“Well it sure as hell didn’t look like you weren’t enjoying it!!!” She yells at you.
“Melissa I didn’t…” You try to explain what happened but she cuts you off.
“I don’t fucking care what lame ass excuse you’re about to give!!! I want you and your shit out of my house and nowhere near me again!!! In fact!! Why don’t you leave the fucking city! I don’t want to see you and your cheating face ever again!!!” She yells at you and then turns around to go to her car. You run up and grab her arm to try and get her to listen to you. She shoves your hand off of her and you try again. “Let go of my y/n!” She tries to shove your hand off of her again but you hold on.
“Please Melissa! Just listen to me!” You tell her with tears in your eyes. “He kissed me! I didn’t…” she doesn’t want to listen to you anymore and pushes you off of her and you stumble and fall back on the ground. You look at her full of hurt and tears. She just turns back around and walks to her car and drives away.
You end up staying at a friend's house for a few weeks. You end up telling the principal of Abbott Elementary that you quit and won’t be coming back, you get all your stuff from Melissa’s house when she told you she won’t be there so you can come pick it up. And after 2 months, you end up finding a place out of Philly and get a job at the school district. You feel hurt and abandoned by Melissa. Your friend told you to forget about her if she wasn’t willing to listen to what happened and fight for you. You left a note at her place, explaining what happened at the bar as she blocked your number after telling you when she won’t be there for a whole weekend to come get your stuff. You left her place with your things, completely heartbroken, you thought Melissa would be it for you but you guess you were wrong
Melissa on the other end wasn’t any better, when she got back from her weekend trip, she saw your note and read it. Full of tears in her eyes as she realised her mistake. She immediately unblocks your number and a bunch of messages you tried to send her appear. She read them all, she wanted to send you a message, saying she got your note and wanted to talk, and then she saw your last message.
You: I know you won’t get this Melissa but I’m really sorry about what happened. I’ll be changing my number today and moving out of Philly soon so you won’t see or hear from me again. Love, y/n.
She saw that the message was sent yesterday, she was too late. She has no idea where you are and no way of contacting you.
*back to present day*
“Melissa, what if this is your chance to fix that mistake?” Barb says. “You told me that if you got a chance to apologise then you would take it.”
“It’s been 6 years Barb, she’s probably moved on and doesn’t care about me anymore.” She tells her. Barb doesn’t push her anymore, knowing she needs time and space right now.
At lunch time, you finish talking to Janine in the break room and go to leave. At the same time Melissa is coming in and you walk into each other. You both stare at each other for a few seconds, not knowing what to do or say. You then walk around her and leave the break room. Melissa stands there for a few more seconds in shock. She then looks over at everyone and they’re staring at her confused about what just happened. Melissa doesn’t say anything, she just gets her lunch and eats in silence.
The second period after lunch, Melissa has a prep period as her kids are in art class. She’s marking some tests when you knock on her door. Melissa doesn’t look up as she’s finishing up marking a question.
“Just a sec.” She says.
“That’s fine, I can wait.” You say and Melissa freezes and looks up. “I’ll just sit in one of the students' chairs. I’m sure they won’t mind.” You say with a chuckle.
Melissa quickly finishes marking the question and then looks up at you. “Hi y/n” she says and you look at her.
“Hi Melissa, long time no see.” You tell her.
“Ya, 6 years.” She says, embarrassed.
“Barb told me what happened with the vending machine guy, sorry about that.” You tell her and she nods.
“Y/n was there something you wanted?” She says.
“I wanted to make sure that me being the vice principal here won’t cause any…conflicts.” You tell her.
Melissa freezes, she’s caught in between, she wants to say yes so that you’ll leave and she won’t have to feel guilty every time she sees you but a bigger part of her wants to say no, she missed you and it was nice seeing your face and smile again. Melissa knows what she has to do, she can’t be selfish but she can be careful.
“No I don’t see why it would.” And you look at her and Melissa feels the need to get it over with. “I mean I moved on and you moved on, the past is the past right?” She says and if she’s honest, it hurt her to say that to you.
You were in a similar spot. It hurt to hear her say that she’s moved on from you but what would you expect. It’s been 6 years and you guys ended badly and you assumed that more than likely she didn’t read your note, probably threw it out.
“Ya, we’ll keep it professional.”
“Ya professional, exactly.” She agreed and you got up.
“Oh I’m supposed to introduce myself to all the teachers and ask if there’s anything they need.” You tell. “I got to know the principal more and while she’s nicer than the one that was here when I was a teacher, this one also doesn’t do anything.” You say and she chuckles.
“Ya I have a feeling you’ll be doing most of the principal duties as well.” She says.
“Yep, more than likely. So was there anything you need? Paper? Glue sticks? Pens?” You ask her.
“No no, I think I’m good for now but I’ll let you know if that changes.” She says and you nod.
“Alright.” You say and go to leave then turn back around. “Btw love the rugs. Am I correct to assume you had something to do with that?”
Melissa smiles and puts her index finger over her lips “shh” she says and you smile and mime zipping your mouth. After you leave , Melissa looks at the doorway and sighs. “What I need is you.” She says quietly.
Over the next month, the trio and Ava slowly start to figure it out. You and Melissa barely are in the same room together, barely speak to each other, and when you do, it’s very awkward and uncomfortable. Then they see Melissa’s face when she sees you, full of guilt and sadness. And when you see Melissa, your face is full of hurt.
“Melissa, how do you know y/n?” Janine asks Melissa after a month of watching the awkwardness.
“She’s the vice principal, so we all know her.” Melissa says to them, the trio not convinced for a second and she doesn’t even believe it herself.
“Come on Melissa, it’s obvious you knew her before she got here.” Jacob says. “I mean you’re interactions with her are awkward and tense. And when she first got here you dropped your favourite mug. I mean the only reason I would act that way is if…’’ Jacob doesn’t finish it as he put it all together and he gasps. “Omg y/n is the woman you dated!” He squeals out and Melissa whips her head around in shock since he figured it out.
“How the hell did you figure it out!” Melissa says and immediately her eyes go wide and covers her mouth with her hand for accidentally confirming what he said.
“So wait he’s right? She’s the one you told us about?” Janine says and Melissa rubs her temple with her hands.
“Ok fine, yes he’s right. Y/n is the woman I dated 6 years ago. But it ended badly and I don’t want to talk about it any further.” Melissa says and then walks out of the break room.
“What’s the matter with Melissa?” Ava says as she enters. “She seems grumpier than usual, I just said hi to her and she told me to go to hell.”
“Y/n is the woman that Melissa dated 6 years ago.” Jacob says and Ava has a shocked expression.
“Omg really?” She says. “Barb, why didn’t you say anything?”
“Because Ava, it’s not my secret to tell, it’s Melissa and y/n’s.” Barb says to her. “What I will tell you is Melissa feels guilty and is too afraid to apologise and y/n is too busy thinking that Melissa hates her. I’ve been trying to tell each of them to talk to each other but they’re both so stubborn.”
“Maybe we can trap them somewhere together and force them to talk to each other.” Ava suggests and they all agree, including Barb, that it’s not a bad idea.
“Ok but that requires a door that can lock from the outside and you can’t unlock it without a key from the inside.” Gregory says.
“I know just the place.” Mr Johnson says and they all turn to look at him on the other side of the room, not knowing he was there.
“You’re willing to help us with this?” Janine asks him.
“I was rooting for them 6 years ago when y/n was a teacher here.” He says and they look at him. Of course he knew, they honestly are not surprised at this point.
They put their plan into play, the next day during lunch they were gonna lock you two in the janitorial closet and Janine was gonna take Melissa’s kids with hers and go to the gym and then do a big art project in her classroom.
So when Melissa was going to get her kids, Janine asks Melissa if she could help her reach something from the Janitor closet and Mr Johnson went to ask you if you could help him with something in the closet. Melissa was grabbing the item when you walked in and then the door shut. You ran to it and tried to open it but it was locked.
“Did they just lock us in here?” You ask her. Melissa was too stunned to see you that she didn’t even realise what happened until you spoke.
“Ya I think they did.” She said.
“Why would they do that?” You ask her, annoyed.
“Probably for us to talk.” She says and you look at her.
“What is there for us to talk about? There’s absolutely nothing for us to talk about” You say and cross your arms.
“Actually there’s something. ” Melissa says and sits on one of the chairs that’s in there, while you sit on the other.
“What is it then?” You ask her and she takes a deep breath.
“6 years ago.” Is all she says but you understood.
“There’s nothing for us to talk about. You said it yourself, it’s in the past and we’ve both moved on.” You said and you look at her and she looks hurt. “What?”
“Have you really moved on?” She asked and you look at her.
“It doesn't matter, I know you moved on though. ”
“Ya a failed proposal is definitely not moving on.” she says.
“But you were in a serious enough relationship with him for him to propose.” You tell her and she looks down.
“Ya I guess so.” She gets her phone out to text Barb to come let them out and gets a reply back.
Barb: not until you talk to her.
Melissa: no, it’s too painful, please let us out.
Barb: I’m sorry Melissa but I know this was hurting you. Seeing her everyday is hurting you.
“They’re not gonna let us out anytime soon are they?” You ask her.
“I don’t think so.” She says and then looks at you. “I’m sorry.” She says.
“It’s not your fault, you didn’t lock us in here.” You say, totally missing what she was apologising for.
“That’s not what I’m apologising for.” She says and you look at her.
“Then what are you apologising for?”
“For 6 years ago, making a big mistake.”
“I read your note.” She says, cutting you off. “I should have listened to you but I was just so angry that I couldn’t think.” She tells you and looks at you with guilt. “The real reason I said no to Gary is because I didn’t want to be with him because I still have feelings for you. And I felt so guilty about how I reacted and I unblocked your number when I got home after reading your note and read all the texts and I wanted to find you or contact you but I had no way of doing that.” And a few tears slip down her cheeks.
“I haven’t moved on, you know. I’ve forgiven you for that night but I haven’t gotten over you.” You say and Melissa is looking at you with wide puffy eyes. “I tried, I ended up living with a girlfriend for a year. But then she broke up with me when she wanted more and I didn’t. Said I was emotionally unavailable. Which I guess is true, you can’t develop big feelings for someone if your heart belongs to someone else.” You said and the look on Melissa’s face said it all.
“Who does your heart belong too?”
“You.” Melissa sucked in a breath. “When I saw you standing there in the break room after 6 years, I couldn’t believe it, and you still look beautiful and stunning.” She let out an airy laugh.
“You as well, you still look so damn beautiful. My heart belongs to you too.” Melissa then gets up and walks over to you and crouches next to you and holds your hand and you look down at her. “I want to be with you again, if you’ll have me.” She says and you tuck a lock of hair behind her ear and smile at her.
“Of course, I want to be with you again too.” You said and Melissa beams. Then she gets up and leans in and kisses you. After 6 years Melissa finally felt back home again, like her lips are supposed to be on yours and no one else’s. You pull back after needing to breathe and you look at Melissa who’s smiling at you.
“You know I don’t think they’ll let us out until it’s the end of the day. So we still got… 2 and a half hours.” Melissa says, looking at her phone. You then get up and make her walk backwards and get her to sit on her chair and then straddle her lap.
“I think I want to know how to spend that time.” You tell her with a smile then go to kiss her again.
Melissa kisses you back passionately with her hands in your hair and yours are on her hips. Melissa’s hands travel down your body and land on your chest. She then puts her hands under your shirt and cups your boobs and you moan into the kiss. She then moves her lips down to your neck and starts sucking on it and you gasp before placing your mouth on her shoulder to muffle your sounds. Melissa giggles at your actions before unclipping your bra and lifts your shirt so she can put her lips around your nipples. You try to move your body so you can grind her leg but Melissa keeps you where you are and you whine.
“Patience, I don’t want to waste you on my leg.” She tells you and flips you both so you’re the one on the chair and removes your pants and underwear. She then immediately dives down and licks your pussy and you cover your mouth with your arm to muffle your moan. Melissa then puts her tongue in your entrance and begins tongue fucking you and you bite down on your arm as it feels so good.
Melissa tastes you again after years and thinks of how you still taste so good. She moans and it vibrates on your entrance and you gasp. She moves her tongue out of your entrance and goes for your clit and sucks on it. You’re moaning into your arm like crazy right now as Melissa is fucking magical with her tongue.
Melissa looks at you trying your best to muffle your sounds and gets up and kisses you. While kissing you, she slips a finger into your entrance and a thumb to your clit and you clutch her hair. She slips another finger in and pushes them in and out of you quickly while rubbing your clit. It doesn’t take long until you’re shaking and Melissa knows you’re about to come.
“Go on Tesoro, come for me.” Melissa whispers into your ear and then goes right back to kissing you just in time for you to come. “As soon as they let us out of this closet, I’m taking you to my place. I’ll cook us something and then it’s to my bed. How does that sound?” Melissa asks you after removing her fingers out of you.
“I like the sound of that.” You tell her, trying to catch your breath. “I honestly miss your cooking, and your body.” You say and she smiles as she kisses you again. She helps you get dressed after kissing you and then she sits down on the floor with you curled up on her.
And that’s how the Abbott crew finds them after they go to unlock the door after the students leave. They unlock it and see you on Melissa with her hands wrapped protectively around you and they all have their mouths open in shock.
“Oh finally.” Melissa says and you get off of her and help her up. “Come on.” She tells you and grabs your hand and begins sprinting out of there and you’re both giggling.
“Was that a hickey on y/n’s neck?” Janine says and they all look at her then back at you two running out of the building.
And when the two of you get to her place, Melissa keeps her word of making a meal then spending the rest of the evening in her bed.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
If you want to be added then let me know!
163 notes · View notes
srvbryn · 8 months
heyy, I was the one that asked if you're taking requests and I'm so happy you are!!
Could I request Luke x reader, where reader stats sending him some anonymous notes (just small things to avoid being obvious) and ends up getting kinda sad when Luke is considering almost every girl in the camp except her, and the ending can be whatever you like
Hope you're comfortable with this! 🥺
Also, if you're up to make tags with anon identification can I be 🫀anon? (It's so I can find the answers to my asks faster, but it's okay if you don't want to 😊
Hope you have a nice day 👋
Luke Castellan. Secret notes
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𐙚⋆.˚ Luke Castellan X f!reader (no mention of Godly parent)
Summary: "I've always admired you" He used to be the sweetest boy in camp, but now he's known as a traitor.
𐙚⋆.˚ light angst, THEY USED TO BE FRIENDS but then idk shit happened man, Luke actually like reader BUT he thought reader didn't like him so he spend time with different girls everyday to ignore his feelings lol, this shit take a whole different turn LMAOAOA
A/n: THIS ONE IS SO BAD - this writing shit block hit hard 😭😭 I barely have any ideas , I'm sorry if this one is BAD 🫀 anon 😔
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“For what it's worth
I did love you
And I could have said it a thousand and one times
But I wanted nothing more than for you to hear
To understand and to represent all that it meant
And I would say it again
To make it a thousand and two I do still love you
And it sure still does sound sweet
For what it's worth
I understand you
Maybe as far as you want me to
Maybe even more, but I do
And the consequences of understanding you
I didn't know would be love
Love unabashed and irreplaceable
Love that can't be replicated
A flame that didn't need to be fanned
Because how can you understand the beauty of a rose
And leave it in the garden...”
Maybe knowing it has thorns?”
Eighteen-year-old (name) has her future all planned out - spending the time at Camp Half Blood and move out of the place; attend college near the city; spend the summer in Spain.
The second I close my eyes, the memories play, and I find myself back at the beginning.
He used to be the sweetest boy in camp, but now he's not. It was sweet how he would respond to girls smiling at him. He was kind, the type of man you would want in a relationship.
He's literally the personification of a fairytale man, the way he walks the way he talks.
He's flawless.
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i. The first time I secretly gave you a note
I got some paper and wrote down my feelings for him. This is the first love letter I've ever written, and the first I've sent to Luke.
When I was finished, I went in without anyone noticing, folded the paper, inserted it through the slit, and pushed it inside.
You sigh with relief. It was dumb; seriously, a love letter? He's the most gorgeous and strongest swordsman in the camp, and the only way you can confess is through an anonymous love letter??
It was sparring time, and you really enjoyed it because you could admire Luke Castellan.
What you didn't expect to see was an Aphrodite girl batting her eyelashes so hard while staring at him. She's going to fly with that eyelash of hers, you thought to yourself.
But she has courage, and you admire her for it.
Lover girl: 0
Ms steal your man (#1) : 1
Luke Castellan was still awake that night, looking at the moon, as is his usual routine, which no one knows about.
Reading the notes he found inside his locker,
"Dear Luke, I've always admired you since the first time I saw you. - ♡"
It was short, but not meaningless, because it was the first time someone gave him something to remember.
Lover girl: +1
Ms steal your man (#1): +0
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ii. 14th February - I hate you
It would've been nice if your crush noticed you. You would be lying if you said you didn't hate valentine the most.
Inside her cabin, (Name) couldn't shake the sting of loneliness on Valentine's Day.
Tears welled up in her eyes as she imagined Luke enjoying the company with other cabin girls. "Why does he always choose them over me?" she questioned, her heart heavy with unspoken emotions.
Meanwhile, in the dimly lit hallways, Luke laughed with the others, blissfully unaware of (Name)'s pain.
"Luke, why not spend some time with (Name)?" Annabeth suggested, sensing her sadness. Luke brushed it off with a casual remark, "She's fine on her own."
Back in her cabin, (Name) clenched her fists, whispering to herself, "I'm always on my own." She tried to distract herself, but every attempt failed. The distant echoes of laughter outside only intensified her solitude.
As the night deepened, (Name) heard footsteps approaching her cabin. Hope flickered, but it dimmed as she realized it wasn't Luke. A gentle knock echoed, "You okay, (Name)?"
Tears streaming down her face, she replied, "I just wanted to spend Valentine's Day with someone who actually cares."
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iii. I should hate you
"You should've seen (Name)'s face," one girl giggled, recounting a previous encounter. "She's such a mess."
Deep in her heartache, (Name) wished Luke would notice her suffering. "Am I not enough?" she wondered, dealing with the harsh reality of his neglect.
The cabin's walls appeared to close in as the weight of unspoken words pressed down.
Luke's laughter echoed through the night, a stark contrast to (Name)'s silent sobs.
She craved his presence, his understanding, but he remained blissfully ignorant. "I thought I meant something to him," she murmured, wiping away tears.
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iv. Thank you, Annabeth
The evening sun cast a warm glow over the tranquil lake as (Name) joined Annabeth, Percy, and Grover.
Laughter and chatter filled the air as they settled by the water's edge. Annabeth, with her piercing eyes, couldn't help but notice (Name) seemed distant.
"Hey, (Name), you've been quiet. Everything okay?" she asked, concern etched on her face. (Name) sighed, her gaze fixed on the water. "Yeah, just thinking about stuff, you know?"
Percy, ever the perceptive one, chimed in, "You can talk to us. We're like family."
Grover nodded in agreement, "Totally, (Name), we're here for you."
As they enjoyed the lakeside atmosphere, Annabeth couldn't ignore (Name)'s glances toward where Luke was chatting with another girl.
She approached (Name). "Look, (Name), it's been going on for a while now. You can't keep avoiding this. You should tell Luke how you feel instead of sulking every time he talks to someone else."
(Name) tensed, her expression guarded. "It's not that simple, Annabeth. Luke and I are practically strangers."
Annabeth crossed her arms, her voice gentle yet firm. "You're like an older sister to us, and we hate seeing you upset. If you don't tell him, you'll always wonder 'what if.' Trust me, it's better to know than to wonder."
The words lingered between them, and (Name) mulled them over as they decided to take a dip in the lake. The water was cool, and the moon reflected on its surface as they swam.
Percy splashed water at Grover, starting a playful water fight. (Name) couldn't help but smile at their antics, but her thoughts still lingered on Annabeth's advice.
As they swam back to the shore, Percy asked, "Come on, (Name), join the fun! Don't let your worries ruin the evening."
(Name) hesitated for a moment before giving in, and soon laughter echoed around the lake as they played and enjoyed each other's company.
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v. Realization
Luke's curiosity got the better of him when he noticed (Name) sneaking into Hermes Cabin.
As he approached her, he had a furrowed brow and a puzzled expression on his face, and the pile of small love notes in her hands revealed the secret he had unknowingly discovered.
"(Name), what are you doing here? And what's with all these notes?" Luke said.
Her cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and nervousness. "Luke, I... um, well, these notes are for you. I've been leaving them hoping you will read them"
Luke's eyes widened in realization, understanding crossing his features.
Luke said teasingly. "You're the one behind these notes? Why keep it a secret?"
Glancing everywhere but at him, you replied "you hangout with different girls everyday what makes you think I have the courage to confess?"
Luke's expression softened as he processed (Name)'s confession. The air between them thickened.
"You don't have to hide, (Name). Your notes brought joy to my days. Knowing it's you only makes them more special."
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vi. The prophecy
“Good-bye, Percy. There is a new Golden Age coming and you won’t be part of it.”
He slashed his sword in an arc and disappeared in a ripple of darkness.
The scorpion lunged.
I swatted it away with my hand and uncapped my sword. The thing jumped at me and I cut it in half in midair.
I was about to congratulate myself until I looked down at my hand. My palm had a huge red welt, oozing and smoking with yellow guck. The thing had gotten me after all.
My ears pounded. My vision went foggy. The water, I thought. It healed me before.
I stumbled to the creek and submerged my hand, but nothing seemed to happen. The poison was too strong. My vision was getting dark. I could barely stand up.
Sixty seconds, Luke had told me.
I had to get back to camp. If I collapsed out here, my body would be dinner for a monster. Nobody would ever know what had happened.
My legs felt like lead. My forehead was burning. I stumbled toward the camp, and the nymphs stirred from their trees.
“Help,” I croaked. “Please . . .”
Two of them took my arms, pulling me along. I remember making it to the clearing, a counselor shouting for help, a centaur blowing a conch horn.
Then everything went black.
Oh gods, "Annabeth-" (name) voice breaks the silence.
"I know (name) I know" She replied.
“You idiot,” Annabeth said, which is how I knew she was overjoyed to see me conscious. “You were green and turning gray when me and (name) found you. If it weren’t for Chiron’s healing . . .”
The room was quiet when Percy told them the story.
It was quiet for a long time.
“I can’t believe that Luke...” Annabeth’s voice faltered. Her expression turned angry and sad. “Yes. Yes, I can believe it. May the gods curse him.... He was never the same after his quest.”
“(name) can you believe what he just did?!” Annabeth said.
"I don't.. but seeing Percy like this oh my gods... I'm so sorry Perce"
Maybe I was dumb for not noticing you were plotting to betray us.
See you on the other side, Luke Castellan.
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angel eyes.
Pairing - Steve Rogers x Reader Summary - There's a price for those few months of paradise, a price for allowing yourself to be hypnotized. You'll never be the same, but you're not sure you'll ever regret peering into those angeleyes.
a.n. - day 4!!! hope you guys are enjoying! i swear i do not hate steve. i promise i love him. i'm making it a goal to write something nice about him. probably. at some point.
Steve Rogers Masterlist | AnonymityisFun’s SongFics Anon's Birthday Celebration
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"I'll see you later," you chuckle against his lips. You lightly push him away with a snort, "Go. You're gonna be late."
"I'm going. I'm going," he laughs. He pulls you back by your waist, "But maybe just another kiss. For good luck."
"Fine," he dramatically sighs, refusing to drop your hand. "If I have to."
"You have to."
He spares another tender kiss, gripping the back of your neck, "I'll see you tonight, okay?"
"Can't wait."
You watch him walk down the hangar to the Quinjet where his team waits for him. You can't help but wonder how you got so lucky, how you had earned the privilege of looking into those angel eyes.
"It's the eyes, you know."
You jolt at the familiar voice. "Sharon..."
She offers an apologetic smile, as though she knows the last person you want to see is Steve's ex-girlfriend. "I'm just - it's the eyes. It's a game he likes to play. Don't look too deep into them."
"Sharon, I..."
She sucks in a shaky breath, her eyes once bright and determined, now tired and almost... lifeless like she'd been burnt out and drained dry. "I wish someone would've warned me. I swear I mean you no harm. Just be careful."
Her words echo in your mind until Steve returns later that night.
It eats as you. Don't look into those angeleyes, she said. Those eyes you had the privilege of peering into day in and out. The eyes that you loved so deeply. How could you ever stop gazing into them?
"Steve?" It falls out of your mouth as you sit before empty plates, the meal you home cooked for him now cold. "What happened between you and Sharon?"
His eyebrows furrow, clearly thrown off by the question, "Sharon?"
"I guess I'm just curious."
"Did she say something to you?"
"I saw her earlier. She told me to be careful."
"To be careful? What, with me?"
You shrug, keeping the details of her warning close to your chest. "I don't know. Maybe."
He scoffs, "She was just - she was high maintenance. She wanted more than I could give her."
"Like what?"
He lets out a huff of air, his eyes rolling, "Like everything. It wasn't enough for her. Nothing I ever did was enough for her."
"Just don't listen to her. Okay?"
You nod, "Okay."
"That's what I love about you, you know." He stands, rounding himself to stand behind your seat. He wraps his arms around your shoulders, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck. "You're not like other girls. You don't ask for too much. You're okay with keeping things casual."
You only wish you would've listened to her warning. You wish you wouldn't have dismissed her as Steve's heartbroken ex.
It was so dream like. You're not entirely convinced you weren't hypnotized by those angel eyes. You fell face first into his paradise.
Dreamy nights spent with him whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
Lazy mornings spent in his kitchen.
You didn't see the mask slip until it was too late.
Not until you're the one asking for too much.
Not until you're the one he can no longer maintain.
Not until you're exactly like Sharon Carter.
Long after he discards you, you happen upon him one night. You're simply taking a late night around the perimeter of the Compound, one of the few bits of peace that you have in the aftermath of Steve Rogers.
And there he is. Standing there with a younger girl.
The look he gives her sends shivers down your spine. It's the way he used to look at you.
It occurs to you that she is you. The you from months ago. The you that fell into a blind paradise with Steve Rogers.
It's hopeless against those eyes. Against that perfect smile. Against him. One look and you're hypnotized. You know firsthand how easy it is to fall into the trance.
It's only in retrospect that you realize why his eyes were so angelic. Why they were so bright. Why they were so full of life and hope. It was the same reason that Sharon's eyes were so dull. Why you could hardly recognize yourself anymore. Because Steve Rogers is a man who takes. He takes and takes until there's nothing left.
You should warn her. You should offer her the same kindness Sharon Carter offered you. Maybe she'll use the wisdom better than you did.
The moment he leaves her standing alone in the pale moonlight, it's your one and likely only chance.
You approach her. As you gently touch her shoulder, you briefly wonder if you like exactly like Sharon Carter did when she warned you. Did your eyes look as lifeless and burned out as hers did? Did Steve's eyes glow even brighter because of it?
"Don't look too deep into those angel eyes."
Steve Rogers Masterlist Anon's Birthday Celebration
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams@shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes @beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog @infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 @buckysbarne @deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic @whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy @matchat3a @weallhaveadestiny @mostlymarvelgirl @honeydew3064 @michealharrypotter @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @withyoutilltheendoftheline @the-photo-hoe @rae-nna @sarachabeans1@double-shot-of-tequila @spookyparadisesheep @lunaalovesyouu @daisy-loves-bucky@roseproseposts @theoraekenslover@king814318 @maybesomedaytho @carlie-babes99 @sunshinechikin @as-white-as-snow-love @melala1030 @badasswlthafatass @armystay89 @multiversefanfics @cherrysscinema @breathlesspieceofdeath @ravenn-darkholme @bxckybxrnes24 @guiltyasreid @bellabarnes1378 @blithecapricorn @mrsnikstan
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jolapeno · 2 months
i wasn’t sure if I wanted to say something or not. but, I saw the post that @moonlitbirdie did here with the addition from @tonysopranosrobe and I guess it inspired me to be a little braver with my honesty.
because at the end of the day, this is my blog? it’s my thing I’ve taken and nurtured, and watered and made my own.
so lemme start with I’m aware it is humanly impossible to be everyone’s cup of tea, and I do not expect to be. but before the last week or so, I’d naively thought that if I wasn’t, those people would bow out politely from my life/space.
but that blog showed me that isn’t the case, and that sucked.
there are far more adjectives and words I’d love to say to describe my feelings on that blog and that situation. to describe the hurt and the sadness I’ve felt, not just for the words said about me but about moots, friends and others I see in the community I love being in. but I think I would never stop talking and we all have lives.
so I’ll get to the point of what this is.
normally, I wouldn’t address things publicly, but this time I want to put my foot down, to say a few things.
I might seem more confident in recc’ing myself, but that isn’t because I was faking it before. instead, it’s because I have good people in my life, and good friends who I might not have had before taking the time to let me hold some space in my life. who have reminded me that it’s okay to toot my fucking horn sometimes, and it doesn’t make me a bad person even if it feels bad.
they remind me that it’s okay to celebrate with cake when I finish a series I’ve worked really, really hard on. and those same good people are also ones who politely and virtually slap me when I begin talking shit on myself, who have helped me begin to forge a better relationship with the warring voices in my head—the writer who wishes to write and the girl with no self esteem who wishes to crawl into a ball each time she posts.
next, I know for some, it may have seemed like I was okay. that the normal posting on here was it running off my back like water. but it wasn’t. it was hard to come into a space where it felt like people hated me, and where people would send in asks about other people I’m friends with or care for or know. because even if it’s only a few asks, it feels like more, because I don’t know who is screenshotting and agreeing with it. and once you begin tumbling down that thought-cliff there’s no stopping you.
again, I’m aware I’m not perfect. i make mistakes, I try to learn from them, and I do not expect to be everyone’s fave person. but anon hate is not a thing I’d wish even on the people I personally dislike, and I’ve had it on and off pre that blog appearing. I’ve deleted and deleted, blocked and reported, and then that blog came and then it was out there, and I could do nothing. I just had to stare and read it, had to hope that people knew who I was.
and look, I say none of this for sympathy, but more an acknowledgment that not everything that stands past the ground shaking is stable. that people don’t always know or feel able to ask or share that they’re hurting. and then it’s isolating, it’s dark and it’s fucking lonely.
which is what leads me to my final thing, which is thank you. thank you to every single person who has reached out to check if I’m okay, to offer the option of a vent or a thot, and the ones that have even just sent love hearts. and also thank you to those who have thought about sending something to me or instead disputed or reported that blog.
I know on the post above by birdee and commented on by han mentions about checking in with people, and I just want to echo that point so loud. if you’re unsure what to do it this happens again (maybe not even now - god I hope - or in this fandom, but in the future) from someone who was mentioned, it’s check in.
similar to han (you worded it perfectly and I’m going to butcher it) it validated how shitty I was feeling, it allowed me to feel okay taking space to be mad and to be sad, because someone else was agreeing it was wrong. those things seem easy on the surface until your North Star has gone, until your upside down and topsy turvy. and if you’re reading this and thinking “bit fucking dramatic jo” then I ask you to kindly unfollow me, no hard feelings, or anything.
because in my eyes, anyone would feel a little disconcerted when their hobby doesn’t feel safe or provide the same comfort it did. when your hobby is the thing you look forward to, and then you can’t enjoy it because there’s a thousand thoughts running around and it feels so anxiety provoking. and yeah, I know there will be people who will go “it’s just tumblr” but I’ve been here a while, this isn’t my first rodeo here, and I just never wish for anyone else to feel like this. ever. no one deserves the hobby they love to be tarnished by shadows that shout and spew things, that you can’t fight back against, because you don’t know who they are.
but kind voices eventually break through and smother the unkind ones. they do. they have.
and I know for me, those check ins and messages brought me comfort when I needed it. they helped.
so if you’re unsure what to do, take comfort that a little love does help. it isn’t magic, it doesn’t fix it all, but it does make a difference, and that matters too.
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thesupreme316 · 10 months
How aew men react to someone disrespecting their gfs
nick wayne x female reader, darius martin x female reader, hook x female reader, action andretti x female reader, dante martin x female reader, Eddie kingston x female reader, ricky starks x female reader
AEW BOYS React to: You Being Disrespected/Them Protecting You
Word Count: 1K
Supreme Speaks: hey sorry for being late. but thanks for being patient. you and another anon had the same request so i hope they also see this. i hope you guys enjoy this. Please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warning: GIFS AINT MINE, mentions of explicit language, slightly suggestive language
Taglist: @hooks-martin @sheinthatfandom @triscillal @cassie0sstuff @eddie-kingstons-wifey @hookerforhook @batzy-watzy @wwenhlimagines
Nick Wayne:
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Okay, in my mind NICK IS A BABY
So he’ll ask for an apology from the person and but they refuse…In fact, they double down
And he just gets to fighting; lunging and tackling the person
But I think he’ll blackout fight
Like he didn’t even know he threw a punch until you pulled him off the other dude/person
Nick would be in shock at his actions, he’s shocked that he was that angry
He doesn’t like physical confrontation HES JUST A BABY
Would definitely buy you anything after that to make it up to you
But if he sees them again, it’s on and poppin
Darius Martin
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Okay, tbh yall can go back (light years away) to find when I wrote Darius defending the reader against Sammy Guevara (ew)
But I believe that Darius is very diplomatic
Like he’ll fight with words first
He be like trying to create distance between you and the person
Constantly getting in their face and telling em to back up
Hates when you feel uncomfortable and tries to keep his anger at bay so that way you don’t get frightened
I do think that Darius would wait for your approval to punch the person or lay hands on them
Him: looks back for approval
You: sighs yea
He doesn’t care who is around, he wants to send a message that you should never be disrespected
Ricky Starks
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Okay like I always say…Ricky is a sassy and bold man
So I see him verbally assaulting the person before any punches are thrown
“You have the nerve to talk like that to my girl? In that outfit? Your parents must be so disappointed”
Ricky would just tell you to pay no mind to the person but they kept pushing his buttons
So he did what any gentleman would do
He calmly placed you at the side, turned to the disrespectful person, and calmly whispered in their ear
The person would then make a disgusted face and quickly walk away; mumbling an apology to you
Ricky wouldn’t tell you what he did, all he said was “Let’s go back to having a gorgeous day, beautiful.”
It was like you saw a switch go off…
But he then tells you the only disrespectful thing you’re gonna take is THAT PIPE IN YO-
Dante Martin (okay, idk why but Dante has been on the front of my mind recently….SO MY BABY)
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If you have seen various tag matches with him and Darius, Dante is more of a hot-head/impulsive person
I also think because of him putting on weight (HAVE YALL SEEN HIS BACK?? OMG I JUST WANNA-)
He has found new confidence in protecting you, a task he doesn’t take lightly
So I think he will punch first, ask questions later
But it’s so bad that Darius or any of The Lads would have to hold him back
Yeah, after that he’s quiet as a mouse
He’ll only be thinking about how he can better protect you
If someone tries you again, I think he would try to use his words
But that doesn’t work so he’ll just go back to punching people left and right
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Mr. Nice Guy
He’s a silent killer, we all knew that
So if anything he’s choking out bitches left and right
Without hesitation like it happens so fast and you didn’t even know how he managed to it
Like are you dating the cold-heart handsome devil or Sonic the Hedgehog
But what makes it funnier is that he’s choking out a person with a straight ass face
Like no struggling or strain on his face
He gets up and continues the conversation that you two were previously having
Like he didn’t wasn’t your shining knight
“So yeah I like Cool Ranch more than Nacho Cheese”
Action Andretti
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Andretti is a sweetheart and I think at first glance he doesn’t look that intimidating
So I think some people be underestimating him
But once he heard you get uncomfortable and disrespected, he quietly moved you aside before yelling in the other person’s face
You never saw him this angry so you kind of were in shock
And then you saw Andretti’s fist curl up so you were trying to pull him away but he stayed firm
“No, this bastard will apologize to you first. Then we can leave”
Although you were in shock by your boyfriend’s behavior, you can’t lie
It did turn you on
As soon as the dude left, you complimented your boyfriend and thanked him
He was trying to say you’re welcome but he saw that glint in your eyes and knew immediately how to show that you had the best boyfriend around
Eddie Kingston:
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Remember how he threw that TV at JAS? Yeah, he’s throwing everything in sight
I think everyone needs to understand that Eddie motherfucking Kingston is a ride-and-die friend
He will scorch the earth to ensure that you are defended
Any and all DMX songs are playing in his head while he’s doing so
He doesn’t tolerate disrespect at any time
So he and his friends will actively look for the person who disrespected you
Once he finds them, he pulls them aside
“Listen partna, you disrespected my girlfriend back there…don’t you think you outta apologize?” (Holds fork up to the person’s eye)
Would come back with a chunk of the person’s hair as a trophy and peace offering to you
To this day, Eddie would not tell you how he managed to get such a big chunk of the dude’s hair
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vanilladove · 1 year
This request is a bit long and specific but I hope that's not a problem efvevefvrgb I'm sorry
So if that's not a problem I would want headcanons for gn reader who is Atsushi's sibling (a year older), has the same ability and also is in ADA and is in love with Akutagawa and he hates them at first but then fall in love. Also reader has very similar personality to Atsushi. (I know, readers description is almost Atsushi, I kin him okay tgbrbrgbrbg 😭)
So fluffy sibling headcanons with Atsushi, romantic (and suggestive/nsfw if thats okay (I'm 19)) headcanons with Akutagawa and also headcanons about dynamics between reader, Akutagawa and Atsushi.
I'm sorry that it's so specific rtgefbefbefg And thank you in advance if you'll write this erfefvvejad ♡
hihi tysm for being my first request, anon! this is actually so cute ahhhhh :,) i felt like keeping this pretty fluffy. engagement is always appreciated (from anyone & everyone:D)! thank you guys for all the support + requests so far ♡
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pic creds luvpngs
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: akutagawa x nakajima!gn!reader
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre: fluff + a lil suggestive (hickeys)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ content warnings: none!
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₊˚⊹♡ being siblings with atsushi...
Since you're a year older, you've always been quite protective over your younger brother. Despite having very similar personalities, you're a bit more rational and street-smart than Atsushi.
You made him his first ever ochazuke (green tea over rice) at the orphanage one day to celebrate his birthday, and since then it's been his favorite food ♡
You cheer him up a lot and are kind of like his strength:,) After the kids at the orphanage cut his hair, you convinced him it looked cute and yelled at them to never mess with him again.
You always keep extra tissues on you for him bc he’s a lil crybaby sometimes :(
Both of you train together since you have the same ability. Luckily, neither of you are super competitive, so you both are at the same skill level.
You both share one brain cell...
₊˚⊹♡ being akutagawa's lover...
You fell first, but he fell harder :D
The first time you saw Akutagawa, you were enamoured by his beauty. Unfortunately, the feeling wasn't reciprocated since he held a grudge against you and Atsushi (*cough* bc of Dazai bragging*cough*).
Dazai sent you to negotiate with the Port Mafia on behalf of the ADA once, and you saw him again in a meeting. Higuchi was gone, so naturally you sat next to Akutagawa--much to his dismay.
He was side-eyeing you harshly the entire meeting until his lung decided to act up and send him into a coughing fit...
You gave him your untouched cup of tea and fished some cough drops out of your pocket (always prepared bc you're the older sibling lol). This surprised him (along with the other Mafia members).
He didn't have the luxury of declining, so he took them without thanking you and stubbornly looked away (you swore you saw a faint blush on his cheeks though...)
After the meeting, he pulled you aside and demanded to know your favorite café, so he could take you there, warning you, "don't get the wrong idea, I just don't want to owe you". (he's awkward ik :,) )
Somehow your little 'dates' went back and forth as you kept bringing him more things to ease his condition (handkerchiefs, tea w/ honey, medicine, etc.)
Akutagawa fell for your bubbly personality and giving nature (which he would've regarded as weak before). As much as he didn't want to admit it, it was nice to have someone take care of and genuinely look out for him. It's the reason why he secretly hopes he'll never stop 'owing' you.
His love language is quality time and writing you poems/love letters. Anytime he isn't working or with Gin, he spends with you. His go-to is a romantic moonlight walk by the ocean (he def hates water tho and refuses to even dip his feet in--black cat energy hehe)♡
Expect a lot of subtle affirmations from Akutagawa. Not many “i love you”s but a lot of “the moon looks beautiful tonight, doesn’t it?”
Also lots of affectionate head bonks hehe.
SUPER POSSESSIVE!!! Will constantly hold you/your hand when you're alone together or out in public and leaves hickeys to show you're his.
One time Atsushi saw one on your neck and asked about it...you told him it was "from Akutagawa", and he immediately got defensive thinking he'd hurt you. You awkardly laughed and told him it was a "hickey". Poor, innocent Atsu asked Dazai what that was and obviously Dazai's evil ass explained it in the worst, most suggestive way possible :p Afterwards, Atsushi wouldn't look at either of you for a week...
₊˚⊹♡ dynamics between the three of you...
Although at first Akutagawa refused to hang out with Atsushi, he began to tag along more after you expressed that it made you sad to leave him out. When they did fight, you were the middleman breaking it up.
Akutagawa has been nicer to Atsushi lately--scoffing at his jokes instead of clapping back, claiming "it's for your sake and definitely not by choice".
Nicknames! You call Akutagawa "Ryu" when you're alone together. Aku calls you by your name but still refers to Atsushi as 人虎 "Jinko". Tried to call Atsushi by his name once, but it felt wrong, so he never did it again lol.
Dazai likes to tease that you guys are "Triple Black". You're a powerful trio, and you often strategize and provide support to the other two.
Since you guys are so similar, you once asked Akutagawa why he liked you so much but couldn't stand Atsushi...
Mans was absolutely dumbfounded. The question made him realize it was because he loved you, but he couldn't bring himself to admit it flat out. The thought of that made his face red like a tomato. He was so flustered, he couldn't even think of a cute, poetic thing to say.
He brought you close to him in a hug to try and hide his crimson face, burying himself into your neck.
"Your haircut isn't stupid like his, that's all".
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hey-i-am-trying · 4 months
The issues in the server have not been fixed you just have faith they are going to be fixed.
I believe I have been trying to be very nice, to be very respectful of all sides. I have defended and criticized QuackityStudio, Quackity himself, and Léa whenever I saw fit to do so, and I tried to give equal treatment to everyone and be respectful to everyone except those who spread misinformation.
I have been called a Quackity hater, a bootlicker for Quackity, accused of not supporting the admins, accused of hating the project, being told my critical posts were doomposting, and now I am seeing people saying here and on twitter that me not wanting to support the project after the server reset is good. After all, I am a negative fan, I am one of those annoying brazilians that hated Quackity, so good ridence, right?
If you want to believe that the server reset will allow things to get better, that is something you are free to do. But what about not going to people's asks with a passive-aggressive attitude while hiding behind your little anon masks? And I don't mean just my asks  
And that is honestly fine, it is fine to believe things are going to be better. But you don't have to be brilliant to see the red flags that we are still receiving from the current management.
Let's talk about how the current management didn't even care to talk with CherryBee and Ryan properly and ghosted them for months. And don't come with the poor excuse of "they couldn't promise anything, they couldn't apologize", because hey, let you on a little secret, you can talk with someone without promising or apologizing. They decided to end the eggs arc, and nobody seems to know when they made this decision, does it hurt to send an email saying "Unfortunately, we weren't able to continue with the eggs characters". CherryBee and Ryan were not giving the most bar low etiquette that the most soulless corporation could give.  
CherryBee was only contacted recently, she has been hopeful things would get better until being contacted, she and Ryan spoke openly about wanting to return, they didn't even release any statement until this moment. Why were the admins for Richas, Pepito, Leo, Lullah, and Chayanne allowed to say goodbye to the players but Ryan and CherryBee weren't? The only distinction was that they both were openly friends with admins who were fired, let go, or resigned. I am not saying that is the reason why they both weren't contacted but I could tell what that looks like, it looks like retaliation for showing public support to the other ex-admins. God knows what is happening with 춘식, just know they also didn't get to say any goodbye to the players or audience.
Also, let's talk about this clown show here:
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Using the Ricardão(not Richas, Ricardão) farewell for the ghosties as marketing for a figurine one day after Richas officially died is definitely a choice, a dumb one, an incredibly insensitive one, but a choice nonetheless. 
But let's talk about how this shows they didn't stop to exploit the admins even the ones that they fired already. So, Elks(he/it) used to be the head writer of qsmp, but he also was responsible for creating concept art and models for characters. He created the entire design and models of Pomme and Richas, it is the intellectual owner of their designs, seeing as part of its TOS was that he was not relinquishing the rights of the designs for the client. Quackity Studio doesn't have the rights over Richas' and Pomme's designs, Elks was not consulted about the figures, he didn't even know they were being made. 
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The only reason QuackityStudio didn't receive legal consequences for keep selling the figurines is that Elks doesn't have how to at the moment. 
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So is very fun to see QuackityStudio will keep exploiting artists even after firing them.
Believe what the fuck you want to believe will happen next, but don't come to me and act as if your beliefs are based on facts and mine are born out of hysteria.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
Long time listener, new caller...:) I have read your posts since the Plant days. I've always wondered why you fell down this rabbit hole. Now how... why?
I’ve always liked William and Harry. Started following the BRF more closely in November 2010 because of William and Kate’s engagement. Came to really like Kate and I saw bits of myself in her.
Probably what I liked the most about Kate in those days was her sense of style and dress. In a world that was consumed with presenting and dressing young women for the male gaze, here was someone that dressed for herself and wore the kind of clothes that I liked to wear. I’ve always said that if it weren’t for Kate making modesty cool again - eg sleeves, higher necklines, longer hemlines, long trousers, and blazers - then I wouldn’t have had anything to wear in my 20s.
So then the more I paid attention to the royal family, the more I started to hear and see rumors and gossip about them. That ended up being more fascinating than the “Kate wore those shtupid wedges that The Queen hates!” articles. I started diving into the rumors - where did they come from? Who started them? Why did they start them? How did they start them? - which led me down into the world of PR and media relations.
Then Harry met Meghan and the PR around William, Harry, and Kate exploded. The rumors and gossip proliferated in ways I hadn’t expected or seen before. Then Harry and Meghan got engaged, I got a lot of icks, lurked in the DM comments section, discovered the “three blind mice” tumblrs (Skippy, Felix, and JD), checked it out, and I was home.
(I had tumblr long before then - I’ve been a tumblr since the platform launched because it was the creative fandom artsy side of the internet (predating Superwholock) and that was the kind of stuff I was into.)
Found Soap, Plant, Empress, Sassy and a few other tumblrs through Skippy that were much more my speed. Been here ever since. Kept tracking and following all the rumors and gossip for fun.
Then the pandemic hit. I needed a new lockdown project because the movies were closed and I couldn’t go anywhere. I decided to take all my scribbles and links on BRF rumors and gossip, put them all in a spreadsheet and start tracking if they were true or not and track where they came from to see how they got “into” royal-watching. The side of tumblr I was on started talking more openly about PR, rumors, and gossip and after sending in a bunch of anons to other blogs about rumor tracking, realized there was a lot of interest in that kind of stuff so here I am. And because the root of most gossip, including rumors and theories/conspiracy theories, involves PR, the analytical side kind of fit in neatly with that.
The rumors and gossip have died down - it’s not as frenzied as it used to be back in the 2016-2018 era so it’s a much quieter and not-as-frequently updated spreadsheet now as it was in the past. Ive still got the spreadsheet but because there isn’t a lot of chaos in the BRF anymore, there isn’t as much gossip and rumors, and the gossip and rumors there are, they tend to spread from the astrology/tarot side of the fandom. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that at all!
One final observation: I’ve noticed in the rumor/gossip tracking world is that there’s a lot of projection lately - so it’s more theories than rumors. I think it’s reflective of the current state of the BRF; the people who were once more freely speculating about the BRF or more freely trying to use gossip or public pressure to force particular decisions or actions from the BRF no longer have access to that kind of insider information to be as effective (or as punishing, perhaps) with their gossip and rumors.
I call my spreadsheet “Mythbusters” and it has 1,874 entries - so almost 1,900 rumors or pieces of gossip. 861 of them have been resolved; most are busted as false just with the passage of time.
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