#seriously he is back in form 😂
leonsliga · 1 year
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Many are surprised that I don’t charge money for pictures of my feet and I find that slightly disturbing
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mags-yaps · 3 months
my thoughts on the tommy x henren deleted scene aside from people needing to CHILL is that it was a very accurate portrayal of a gay man and a lesbian couple interacting WAHAHAHA, like all the exaggerated facial reactions and back to back quips, the base fact that all henren really wanted was the tea while tommy dangled that bit of his sex life with buck at the end whilst ultimately not answering their question in a real and specific way. neither of them were taking each other seriously in that convo, and yet gerrard probs still had to step out a bit bc the queer energy was too strong in the firehouse for a moment there.
i also want to add that both tommy and lfj were in their most gayest, most evilest form in that interaction, i really can’t believe anyone can keep thinking he’s this nonchalant, one dimensional character when he’s serving this much cunt during a failed shovel talk 😂
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Hiii does 20 and Tyler Owens work for intimacy prompts? 🙏
“I Have A Question”
Fandom: Twisters (2024)
Pairing: Tyler Owens x Reader
Summary: When Tyler wakes you up in the morning, you never would’ve expected what comes next. (Intimacy Prompt 20. “A Hand Written Note”)
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: Just good, old-fashioned, tooth-rotting fluff over here, folks. Seriously, you’ll need to book a dentist appointment after this. The cavities are insane! I made myself nauseous. 😂
Author’s Note: This is my first time writing fanfiction again for a LONG TIME! It’s very rusty (and possibly OOC?), so any feedback is appreciated! @loveatfirsttornado I hope this does your request justice. 💖
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Sunlight filtered in through the airy curtains of the window as Tyler Owens stepped into the bedroom, a mug of coffee in each hand. Bracing himself against the doorway, he took a moment to admire the form sleeping in the bed before him.
Messy, unkempt hair and a ragged tank top and shorts peeked out from the mess of blankets and sheets. The whispered sighs of your breathing played melodically across the room as he watched the sun gently touch the skin of your cheeks, crawling up to warm the edge of your eyelids. With a scrunch of your nose, you turned away from the rising sun and burrowed your face further into your pillow, a heavy sigh wracking the sheets before you once again remained still.
God, you were beautiful in the morning. Tyler was sure he would never grow tired of seeing you like this.
Moving away from his position in the doorway, he slowly made his way to your side of the bed, setting the mugs quietly on the bedside table before carefully running a hand through your knotted hair, tucking a few strands behind your ear.
You murmured, sighed, eyelids fluttering slightly at the intrusion before your expression relaxed once again, remaining in the peaceful slumber you clung to every morning.
Chuckling softly under his breath, Tyler placed a hand square on your shoulder and nudged lightly. Still sleeping, you frowned, lips shaping into an irritated pout as your face pinched together.
“C’mon, sweetheart.” Rubbing circles on your arm with his thumb, he squatted down until he was eye level with you. “C’mon, it’s time to get up.”
The birds chirping outside the window mingled with the groan that left your mouth. The sheets rustled faintly beneath you. And then, your bleary, sleep-filled eyes blinked up at him, unfocused, until a tender smile worked itself onto your lips.
You sighed and buried your face back into the pillow, mumbling a brief, “Good morning, baby.”
“Good mornin’.” He smirked.
A shy smile and tinge of pink to your cheeks winked at him from behind the pillow.
Leaning until his forearms were braced beside you on the bed, he pushed a stray strand of hair away from your hiding face and waited for you to look at him. You eventually did.
“Did I ever tell ya
” he drawled, invading the space between you, swimming in the affection brewing in the depths of your eyes. God, he fell in love again every time he looked at your eyes. “How beautiful you are in the mornings?”
Pink washed up into your cheeks again, but a soft curve formed on your lips. “Every morning.”
“Good.” His fingers brushed the underside of your jaw, trailing up to the base of your skull and tangling in your hair. “I wouldn’t want you to forget it.”
“Hmmm.” You hummed into his mouth as his lips descended on yours, his hand tangling further into your hair. He needed you close, closer, running a hand down your back, steady pressure slowly moving you forward into his arms.
He broke the kiss abruptly, pulling back far enough to gaze into your eyes, tenderness overwhelming his expression.
“Sweetheart, I– I have something I need to ask you.”
Heart pounding in his chest, palms sweaty, he pulled out the slightly crumpled, ink-stained paper he’d carried around in his back pocket for almost a month now.
With shaky hands, he passed the note over to your waiting fingers. His breath caught in his lungs as he watched you unfold it and begin reading.
This past year has been a whirlwind.
I never imagined anyone would ever make me as happy as you do. Let alone that that someone would look at me with the love and affection I see in your eyes every day.
You are my morning sunrise. My perfect storm. My heart. My life. My everything.
I can’t even imagine spending the rest of my life without you.
So, I have a question. And I want you to look up from this paper so I can ask it properly

“Tyler, I–”
But the words never left your mouth. There, right before the bed, Tyler moved to rest on one knee, a black velvet box nestled safely within his sweating hands.
Shock. Disbelief.
He watched it all flash across your face.
Nerves set his stomach in his throat, but he swallowed until he could force the words he’d rehearsed for hours in the bathroom out. The words he’d repeatedly annoyed Boone and Lily with for weeks in order to ensure everything resonated perfectly.
“Darlin’, you’re the best thing to ever happen to me. From the first moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were somethin’ special. And when you followed me and the other wranglers into that first storm, I knew, come hell or high water, I was gonna do everything in my power to make sure that smile stayed on your face for the rest of your life. You’re more beautiful than any storm. More vibrant than a summer day. I am the luckiest man in the world to be able to have you in my life.
“And now,” Tyler flipped the box open, revealing the diamond-studded ring beneath. He watched tears stream down your cheeks as you clung to his every word, eyes locked on his gaze. Hopeful and waiting. “Now I have just one question.”
The oxygen in the room vanished.
He forced a breath into his lungs and let your full name spill from his tongue, followed by the much-awaited question.
“Will you marry me?”
You were nodding before he even finished the sentence.
“Yes.” The whisper was thick, quiet, rasping against the emotion closing your throat. Tears poured from your eyes and forged trails down your face.
But all Tyler heard was the word itself.
“Yes, Tyler, of course. My God!”
Your arms wrapped around his neck, gripping his hair and bringing his lips crashing into your own. The box toppled from his hands, landing with a clatter on the hardwood floors as you all but crawled into his lap. You pulled away, joy still gleaming in your eyes and a radiant smile brighter than the sun itself painted across your face.
“What took you so long?”
Beaming from ear to ear, Tyler picked the box up off the floor and slipped the ring onto your finger, the diamond sparkling in the early-morning sunlight. But not nearly as much as you were now.
“I wanted to take my time. Do it right. If you feel it
“Chase it,” you finished for him.
“That’s right.” He swallowed, staring into your eyes, absorbing the tiny crinkle to your nose and residual wetness on your lashes. “I wanted to make sure I chased it right.”
With a final adoring gaze, his lips met yours again.
And you smiled into the kiss, the coffee cold and forgotten on the nightstand.
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Closed Position: Week 5 (Rumba Part 3)
Closed Position Masterlist ||| Main Masterlist Dieter Bravo x OFC (Katarina)
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Series Summary: Dieter Bravo, now sober, was looking to change his bad boy image after hitting rock bottom. His team hoped that having him join the nationally televised family friendly dance competition, Dancing with the Stars, would be a good first step, if they can keep him out of trouble. 
Katarina Stamos expected her last season as a professional dancer on the show to go the same as it had for the past thirteen seasons. That all changed when she was partnered with the infamous Dieter Bravo. 
Dieter and Katarina are reluctantly thrown into their partnership and must learn to work together to succeed in the competition. In the process they form a deeper connection beyond the dance floor that neither anticipated.
Chapter Word Count: 13.5k
👉 Warnings: Themes dealing with intimate partner violence (not by or toward Dieter), past alcohol abuse, and past drug abuse. There will be fluff, tears, spicy language, and smut. This will be a slow burn. Read at your own risk. Dieter Bravo comes with his own warnings.
👉 Chapter Warnings: Dieter being a menace, improper use of a seat belt, Dieter with a guitar, serious sexual tension, improper ballroom dancing, Dieter's mouth, blasphemy (because of Dieter's mouth), smut, aftercare, fluff, and maybe a smidge of angst
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Chapter Quote: “You know you wanna do it with me. Let’s cause a scene.” 
Kat's POV
On Friday, I awoke sweaty and aroused. I was almost certain I had been having a sex dream
about Dieter. That was a new experience. I was equal parts mortified and angry that the alarm woke me up before the climax. 
I sat up and stretched before reaching over to grab my phone and water bottle from the nightstand, unscrewing the lid and taking a long drink as I unlocked my phone. I turned my attention to email first, opening the app to make sure I didn’t have any new marching orders from Stacia and Joe. I didn’t, but there was an email from the medical clinic indicating that my test results were now available. I figured everything was probably fine, but that didn’t make it any less nerve wracking as I logged into their portal to check. I sighed in relief as I skimmed down the page, all negative. At least that was one less thing to worry about. I closed that app, then noticed there were new Instagram notifications. Dieter had apparently posted a couple of new stories. The first was a picture he had taken of me last night before dinner. I balked when I saw the included text said “My dance partner is hotter than yours,” with the hashtag #YourLoss. 
(Click pics to enlarge. More after the jump.)
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That didn’t do anything to help my current state of arousal. The fact that he absolutely did not give a fuck was a serious turn on. However, I knew it was going to cause some raised eyebrows.
I sent a quick reply to the story, “Dieter, seriously?đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ˜‚â€
My eyes rolled at his ridiculousness as I moved to take another drink of my water. I nearly choked, spilling half of it down the front of my shirt as his next story popped up on the screen. It was a mirror selfie of him sitting on the edge of the bed wearing nothing but his black boxer briefs and brown leather jacket. Once I finally stopped coughing, I audibly groaned. He looked so fucking good. Without a second thought, I took a screenshot, just as there was a knock at my door. I quickly locked my phone as I yelled “come in”, realizing too late that I probably looked like a hot mess. Dieter popped his head around the door, “Hey sleeping beauty
what in the world happened to you?”
I looked down at my shirt and rubbed aimlessly, “I spilled my water.” Because of you, you beautiful fucking tease. “What’s up?”
He looked amused, “I’m gonna go grab us some breakfast. I’ll be back.”
I gave him a deadpan stare, “I hope you found your pants.” 
He snorted, “Unfortunately for you, I did.”  
Fucker. I narrowed my eyes and chucked a pillow toward his face, “Shut up. Get out of here.” 
He laughed loudly as he pulled the door shut behind him. I heard the main door to the suite open and close a few minutes later. I screwed the lid back on my water and put it on the nightstand, huffing in frustration as I fell back onto the bed. His mere existence was making me crazy. At least we only had two days left here because I wasn’t sure how much more I could handle. I sighed, pulling up the screenshot of his story. Something about it caused the ache between my thighs to become almost painful. 
I scoffed, “Oh fuck this. I can’t take it anymore.”
I tossed my phone down beside me, then settled back into the pillow and closed my eyes. One hand sliding up my shirt to knead my breast while the other found its way under the waistband of my sleep shorts. I was soaking wet to the point that it was embarrassing. I couldn’t remember the last time I was this aroused. It was almost shocking considering it was over something so small. Or was it? Maybe it had just been building all week and was finally at a breaking point. 
I fought it at first, trying to think of anything but Dieter, but my mind kept going back to him sitting on the edge of the bed, thick thighs spread wide with that smoldering look on his face. Then my thoughts shifted to his large hands being the ones touching me. Now knowing how good he was with his hands had me craving his touch over every inch of my skin. I could only imagine how good it would feel for him to massage other parts of my body. Something told me he wouldn’t disappoint. 
I could feel the tension building, stretching so tight that it had me sweaty and gasping for air, but wouldn’t progress further than that. I was stuck on the edge, unable to finish. I think part of me knew allowing my thoughts to wander down this path was a terrible idea and was still fighting it. I stopped my ministrations, huffing loudly from frustration. Setting up, I sought out my suitcase to find the small vibrator I had brought. I should’ve just started with that. 
After searching it out, I settled into bed again, trying to get back in my zone with light touches, working my way up to it. Now that I allowed myself to freely think of Dieter, I seemed to get to the edge a lot quicker this time. Just as I turned the vibrator on, I heard the front door open and slam shut, followed by Dieter yelling, “Food’s here!”  
I turned the vibrator off and shoved it under my pillow, kicking my legs, groaning, and wanting to cry. How the hell is he back already? If I didn’t do something about this soon, I was going to spontaneously combust.
I rolled out of bed, pulling my hair up into a messy bun as I walked out into the living room. Dieter stared at me with furrowed brows. 
“You good? You look flushed
Fuck. “Y-Yeah, I was just doing some yoga.” 
His brows arched, “You could do that in here ya know
where there’s more space. I promise I won’t gawk
too much
but maybe avoid the downward dog. I don’t need to see that.” 
I could feel the wetness on the inside of my thighs, suddenly thinking about how a little yoga session could turn dirty really fast under the right circumstances. 
I shook my head to clear that thought, remembering his last comment. 
“Why don’t you need to see that?” I asked. 
His face turned pink as he chuckled nervously, “Seriously? I’ve already told you that you have a nice ass. I wouldn’t be able to look away.” 
So, he’s an ass man. Got it. I snorted, “Well, at least you’re honest.” 
My eyes raked over the spread of food that he was now pulling out of bags, “Where did you go for all of this? That was super-fast.”
“There’s a diner just around the corner. I called it in and it was ready to go when I got there.” 
I nodded. That explains it. Of all days to get something quick
damn him. 
We sat down to eat. It took everything in me not to be distracted by the burning urge at my core. It eventually passed as we discussed the day’s schedule. Then I had to rush and get ready to head to the studio with him. It was dress rehearsal day, which I was pretty excited about. I couldn’t wait to see Dieter in action. 
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Most of my day was spent standing around, watching Dieter and the cast go through the skits. During breaks he would come over to ask me for feedback. Overall I thought he was doing amazing. The way he could just turn it on and go into character fascinated me. He was so witty, and his timing was spot on. I could already tell the show was going to go well if it turned out to be anything like the dress rehearsals. I did appreciate that he took any suggestions I made as being constructive. He didn’t seem offended and even welcomed the input, giving my ideas a try on the next run through. 
By lunchtime, I was beginning to feel achy. The week’s chaotic schedule was catching up to me and I had hardly taken any self-care measures to avoid it. I’m sure the pent up tension I had been feeling didn’t help matters either. 
Dieter came to sit next to me at the table with our DoorDash delivery and began pulling food out of the bag as he eyed me popping two anti-inflammatory tablets. 
“You feeling ok?” he asked.
I slumped back in my seat and puffed air out through my cheeks, “Yeah
I’m just getting a little run down. My joints are protesting and determined to ruin my day. I think I may take advantage of that soaking tub tonight. It might help.” 
Dieter gave me a sympathetic look, “Anything I can do to help? I can go get you some herbal tea. Turmeric, ginger, and white willow bark are good anti-inflammatories. I drink those when my back bothers me.”
I was surprised he offered such a thing, but I really shouldn’t have been. The man knows his plants, of course that would carry over to herbal remedies. He also seemed to have a tendency to try and take care of me. 
I reached over and squeezed his knee, “Thank you, but I’ll be fine
I think. I’ll keep it in mind though.”
He looked disappointed as he took a bite of his sub sandwich, chewing thoughtfully for a moment.
“We’ve still got a few more skits to rehearse. Why don’t you go relax in my dressing room for a bit
get off your feet
we can do the monologue run through last.” 
I made a pouty face as I picked at my sandwich, “But then I won’t get to watch you rehearse.”
“I mean
you don’t have to, it was only a suggestion
just wanna make sure you're not hurting. I need you on top of your game after all.” 
I smiled at his meager attempt at a joke, “You know what, I may actually take you up on that offer. At least long enough for the pain meds to kick in.” I would never admit it to him, but I was actually starting to ache bad enough that it was getting hard to ignore. 
He nodded, “Good.”
That seemed to placate him for now. I did appreciate his concern. At least he showed me that he cared. It was more than Alec ever did. 
After I finished my sandwich, I stood and perched against the table beside Dieter, who was now scrolling on his phone.
“How long do you think it’ll take you all to finish up?”
Without looking up from his phone, his hand reached out toward me, slipping around my lower back before pulling me into his side. His hand came to rest on my hip as he finally looked up at me from where he was still sitting in the chair. 
It took me off guard, but I didn’t hate it. I responded by leaning into him and resting my hand at the nape of his neck. My fingers inched toward his curls, hesitating briefly before moving to scratch lightly at his scalp. It had to be one of the most casually intimate interactions we had ever had. I wanted more. 
When our eyes met, my breath hitched. God, he’s so fucking beautiful. I could feel his thumb running across the small area of exposed skin where my shirt had ridden up, causing goosebumps to form over my entire body. It would be so easy to crawl into his lap and kiss him right now. I exhaled slowly, attempting to focus my thoughts on something else. 
Dieter seemed to have been momentarily distracted too, but eventually gave me a small smile, seeming to remember that I had asked him a question. 
“I’ll come get you during our next break. Feel free to take a nap if you want. The leather sofa is pretty comfortable, but I can’t promise how clean it is. No telling who has been in that room
I snorted out a laugh, “Noted.” 
I moved to leave, but his hand tightened on my hip. His gaze turned more intense, “Promise you’ll let me know if you need anything? I’ll go get whatever you want.” 
I smiled at him and ran my fingers through the top of his hair, brushing it away from his eyes. It felt strangely satisfying to do. “Don’t worry, I will. I promise. It’s not that bad, really.” 
He studied my face for a moment, seemingly satisfied with my response before dropping his arm. I was suddenly feeling much better and didn’t want to leave him after that exchange, but I didn’t want to try and explain my sudden recovery because it had everything to do with him. 
After that, I made my way to his dressing room and immediately sunk down onto the plushy leather sofa. There was a blanket draped over the back that seemed questionable, but I sort of didn’t care, wrapping myself up in it as I settled in for a nap. I was out as soon as I laid my head down. Hazy dreams that I wouldn’t remember followed. Only traces of the way it made me feel would remain - warm, safe, loved, and blissfully happy.   
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I awoke sometime later to Dieter sitting on the edge of the couch beside me, his hand on my hip giving a gentle shake. He was looking at me with a smirk as I groaned and wiped the sleep from my eyes. 
“Time to wake up, sleeping beauty. How you feeling?”
I moved to sit up, his hand sliding down to rest on the side of my thigh in the process. 
“Better, I think. I didn’t realize how badly I needed that.”
He nodded, “Yeah, I think we’ve both been a little sleep deprived the last few days.”
He stood, “You ready to go over the monologue?” 
I laughed nervously, “I suppose. This is about to be a disaster
Dieter shook his head, “Nope, you’ve got this. Just focus on me and the cue cards if you need them. Forget anyone else is in the room.”
That’s easy to do. I do it often enough. I stood and followed him out to the stage, both of us taking our places. The first time through was
rough. By the fourth time, I relaxed into it some, creating a playful banter between us, which was the goal. Dieter’s facial expressions to my joking insults were so on point. It was hard for me to keep from laughing. I really hoped I could keep it together during the live shows. The fifth and final time, we managed to nail it, which left me feeling much more confident about the whole thing. 
Dieter and I were standing just in front of the stage exchanging notes on our last run through when one of the writers, Judy, came over and invited us out for open mic night at a local blues club. I knew there would probably be alcohol there, so I was tempted to decline. I glanced over at Dieter with a questioning look, “I’ll leave that up to you.” 
Dieter shrugged, “We could spare a couple of hours, right? I wouldn’t mind getting you up on stage...” A mischievous grin was now plastered across his face as I started to shake my head. 
“Nope. Not happening, Bravo.” 
Judy’s eyes lit up, “Wait, do you sing?”
Dieter bumped his shoulder against mine, still smiling, “She sings and plays. She’s amazing.” 
I was still shaking my head, “Dieter, no. I refuse.” 
He put an arm around my shoulders, hugging me against his side as he leaned in close to my ear, “I’ll do it if you will.” 
I sighed, “Now you’re playing dirty
Dieter snorted out a laugh as Judy grabbed my arm, “Come on Kat, it’ll be a good time. It would be amazing to see you two do something like that together.” 
I puffed air out of my cheeks, “Alright fine. We can go
but I’m not making any promises.” 
Dieter bear hugged me, shaking me from side to side as he yelled “Yaaaaasss” a little louder than necessary. I laughed and rolled my eyes at his enthusiasm. Judy snickered at Dieter’s antics, “Great, I’ll let everyone know you’re coming. You can share a ride with us if you don’t mind being squished in. It’s not that far away.”
Dieter glanced over at me, a smirk on his lips, “That’s fine, Kat can sit on my lap if need be.” 
Fucking hell. Why is he torturing me like this? I narrowed my eyes on him as Judy chuckled, “Cool, I’ll go gather everyone up.” 
After she walked away, I leaned over to Dieter and quietly asked, “You sure this is ok? You know they’ll probably be drinking
He sighed, “I’m gonna have to be around it at some point. It’s inevitable.” He gave me a soft smile as he took my hand and entwined his fingers with mine, “Besides
you’re gonna be there with me, so I’ll be fine.” 
His eyes crinkled around the edges as his smile grew. I could tell that he believed what he was saying. It caused butterflies to form in my stomach when I considered the possible implications behind his words. 
A short time later, a group of us squished into the back of a black SUV. Dieter sat in the very back corner. I hopped in behind him. Just as I was about to settle into the seat, he pulled me onto his lap, sitting me at an angle across his thighs. He wordlessly reached up behind him with his left hand to pull the seat belt out and motioned for me to fasten it around the both of us. Judy and one other person slid onto the bench seat beside us as he wrapped his arms around my middle and hugged me against his chest.  
Dieter’s proximity caused him to completely invade all of my senses. His face was close enough to mine that I could almost taste his lips. I was cocooned in his smell and warmth, causing me to melt into his embrace. I could feel his hot breath blowing against the side of my neck and hear it hitch as I smiled shyly at him. The sight of his rounded brown eyes gazing deeply into mine made my heart skip a beat. For a brief moment, the world fell away, and it was just us getting lost in each other's eyes. He tucked his bottom lip between his teeth before turning his attention to Judy who had apparently asked a question. 
“I’m sorry, what was that?” he said almost in a daze.
“Do you play too?” she asked again. 
Dieter shrugged, “I guess you could call it that.”
I smiled down at him, “He plays the guitar and sings. He’s really good.” 
A smile tugged at his lips as a blush crept across his cheeks. He squeezed me a little tighter as he leaned his forehead against my jaw. 
Judy clapped her hands excitedly, “This is gonna be so much fun.” 
I wished I shared her enthusiasm, but I couldn’t. Dieter laughed, his eyes meeting mine again.
“You gonna have some fun with me, Kit Kat?” My brow arched. Fucking tease. 
I shifted to put my arm around his neck, “Depends on which definition of fun we’re talking about.” 
His left hand that now rested on my hip gripped a little tighter as his eyes roamed over my face. I could tell he wasn’t sure how to take that comment. Good. Stew on that one. One side of his lips tugged upward, “I’m open to trying any definition of your choosing.” 
My jaw nearly dropped. What. The. Fuck. Is he doing? I glanced around the car, worried someone was going to hear us, but everyone now seemed engrossed in one of the multiple conversations happening between the occupants. I could feel myself relax knowing that they all seemed distracted. 
He shifted to lean in closer, causing his right hand to slide up my jean covered thigh a few inches. His lips grazed the shell of my ear as he spoke in a low gravelly voice, “We gonna rehearse for a bit after this?”
When he pulled away I couldn’t help staring at his pouty bottom lip briefly before my eyes flicked up to his. I nodded, “I’m not gonna let you get out of it that easily. You still need a little work.” 
He chuckled, “Right
Whatever you say, sweetheart.” 
I gave him an admonishing look over the pet name as he fought a smile. We were interrupted by the opening of doors, having arrived at the club. 
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The club wasn’t really what I was expecting. The walls were dark, but it was hard to tell what color they actually were because every inch of the place was bathed in a crimson glow from the red lantern like light fixtures hanging overhead. A decently sized stage sat in the center of the room with equipment scattered about. The stage was surrounded by tables and plushy booths where people sat enjoying meals. A bar lined the wall on the far side, which made me cringe a little, but overall the atmosphere seemed very chill. It didn’t give off any sort of party vibe. 
We were seated at a large table next to the stage. Judy sat on one side of me, Dieter on the other. I sat in silence taking in my surroundings while Dieter chatted away with one of the cast members seated on the other side of him. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits and eager to engage with him. It appeared that whatever damage he had caused during his previous time with them had been repaired. It made me happy that he was making progress in that area because I knew how worried he had been about it. 
A server soon appeared and began taking everyone’s drink order. To my surprise, not a single person ordered alcohol. I briefly wondered if that was something they had discussed as a group beforehand or not. Either way, I appreciated it. Dieter was still chattering away so I’m sure he hadn’t even noticed. 
I had just started flipping through the menu when, without a word, Dieter grabbed my chair and pulled me closer to his side. I looked up at him with furrowed brows. He gave me a cheesy smile as he rested his arm along the back of my seat, “I didn’t get a menu. Gotta share. What are we getting?”
I gave him a disbelieving smile and rolled my eyes, tilting the menu toward him so he could look at it with me. By this point in the week, we had gotten into the habit of picking out meals that we both wanted to try so we could sample each other’s dishes. I settled on the blackened chicken carbonara while he went with a Cajun chicken and shrimp pasta. 
After ordering, his arm remained around the back of my chair as he leaned in closer to talk to Judy on the other side of me. His full attention seemed to be on her, yet his fingers had found their way to the back of my hair, lightly stroking through it as he talked. I tried to be present during their conversation, but it was hard to focus on anything other than his soft touch. To be honest, I wasn’t even sure what the hell they were talking about. 
Our attention was soon drawn to the stage as open mic night got underway. The host of the evening, Brian, was already badgering people to go sign up before it even started. Before he introduced the first performer, he caught sight of Dieter sitting in front of the stage. He stopped mid-sentence and changed course, “OH Damn, we got Dieter Bravo in the house tonight y’all!”
His eyes shifted to me as the room whooped and whistled, “AND Kat Stamos is here too! Y’all shouldn’t have sat next to the stage. Imma be giving you hell all night.” 
We all laughed, but I felt like I was dying inside just a little bit. I hated being the center of attention like this. Judy took that moment to yell out, “Get them up on stage!” Fucking hell.
Brian’s eyebrows arched, “Oh you guys gonna perform for us?”
I shook my head as Dieter tried to laugh it off. He must have sensed my nervousness because his free hand found its way to my thigh and squeezed gently. 
Brian laughed, “I’ll come back to you later. I’m not lettin’ that go.” Everyone cheered. Fuck. This is not how I saw the evening going. The host finally moved on to introducing the first performer just as our dinner was served. Aside from taste testing each other's food, we ate mostly in silence, enjoying the soulful blues performances taking place mere feet from us. I thought we had escaped the wrath of Brian, but I was wrong. Just as we were finishing up, Brian was back on stage asking if anyone wanted to fill the next open slot. When no one came forward, his eyes focused on us.
“A little birdy told me that Dieter and Kat have some hidden talents. I think this would be a good time to get them up here!” 
I glanced over at Judy, who looked guilty before her nervous smile turned to an encouraging one. I felt a sudden adrenaline rush coursing through me as I turned to Dieter. A small part of me really wanted to see him sing and play on stage. 
“Go on, get to it. You said you would do it,” I teased with a smile.
He shook his head, “No, I said I would, if you did. You gotta come too.”
He stood up, which seemed to get the crowd riled up further, “Come on Kit Kat. You know you wanna do it with me. Let’s cause a scene.” 
I laughed. This is NOT what I wanna do with you, sir. I puffed air out of my cheeks. “Fine
but you owe me a solo performance too.” 
“You let me pick the song and I’ll do anything you tell me to,” he replied with a dimpled smile. Fucker. I couldn’t pass that up.
He grabbed my hand, tugging me up out of the seat. The cheers in the room were almost deafening as he pulled me up onto the stage. He grabbed one of the acoustic guitars from the stand, taking a minute to strum and tune it as he chatted with the house band. Brian walked over and offered me a wireless mic before disappearing. The handle felt slick in my sweaty palms as I turned toward Dieter who was moving toward the mic stand in the center of the stage. He gave me a sneaky grin as he worked to raise the stand to his height. I smiled at him nervously as I raised my mic to speak, “Alright Bravo, what's it gonna be?” 
Dieter was still smiling at me as he strummed a couple bars of the opening notes, waiting for my realization to kick in. It didn’t take long. It was the song I had been humming along to on Wednesday. The one he said that he wanted to hear me sing right before we had the almost kiss, or whatever the hell that was. I chuckled, rolling my eyes at him. He turned to his mic, “I hope you’re ready to have your minds blown by this beautiful and talented woman standing on stage with me.” 
I could feel the heat creeping up my cheeks as the audience responded with whistles and applause. I couldn’t help hiding behind my hand. I could hear Dieter’s deep rumbling laugh through the sound system. It vibrated through every inch of my body as I took a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for what we were about to do. I had sung in front of crowds before, but that was during family gatherings. This was different, almost daunting. Especially since I knew videos would inevitably find their way online for the world to see. 
Dieter turned toward me and leaned in to ask, “You good?” 
I gave him a nervous smile, taking another deep breath as I nodded. 
“Focus on me if you need to,” he said. I nodded again. 
He bumped his shoulder against mine, “Ok, here we go.” 
I watched as his thick fingers began to pluck out the opening notes to Blood on a Rose. My eyes met his sultry gaze just as the words to the first verse left my lips.  đŸŽ¶ (Song link for reference)
Your voice in my ear / The world disappears / So I'll fall again / You can keep me right here / Haunting my soul / A beautiful thorn / You rapture my heart / Leave me broken and torn
The lyrics were suddenly taking on a new meaning for me. He WAS haunting my soul, and I was torn between keeping things professional and completely losing myself to him. I was inching closer to him now, singing only for him. We had seemingly become completely entranced by each other as I moved into the chorus. 
This love is killing me / The pain must be part of the cure / It's so hard to breathe when I need you so bad that it burns / You are the fire, love is the blood on a rose
I felt every word of it. This game we were playing had turned into nothing short of torture. My desire for him was reaching a new peak as the electricity crackled between us like it never had before. We were connecting in a new way that suddenly felt more intimate than the dancing. Maybe because we could both sense that there was some truth to the lyrics. I couldn’t keep myself from reaching up to brush the curl away that had fallen down over his forehead, then settled my hand on his cheek as I began the next verse. 
Lost in your eyes / These ties that bind / Body and soul / Leaving nothing behind / Don't know how to stop / Don't know how to stay / These chains might break / But you like it that way
And lost in his eyes I was. I don’t think either of us had broken eye contact since the first note of music sounded. We were standing so close together by the time I went into the next round of the chorus that I could have easily leaned in to kiss him if there hadn't been a guitar between us. After a short building instrumental interlude, he shifted, angling the guitar in front of me. He leaned in toward the mic just as I started the final two refrains of the chorus and joined in. 
The rush that I felt from his closeness was insane. My entire body was tingling and covered in goosebumps with his face now inches from mine, our gazes still locked as he belted out the words, harmonizing perfectly with me. Sharing this moment and this part of myself with him was waking something up inside of me. A craving unlike anything I had ever felt, and he was the only one that could satisfy it. 
When the song ended, we just sort of stared at each other for a few beats as applause and cheers broke out around us. He smirked as he pulled me into his side and kissed me on the cheek. Just as I pulled away, the crowd began to chant “One more!”. I laughed, shaking my head as I raised the mic to speak, “I think the next one is on Dieter. I’m done.” 
Dieter gave me his best sad puppy dog look. I shook my head again, “Nope. I’m done. It’s your turn.” He rolled his eyes as I turned to exit the stage, receiving praise as I went. I politely smiled in thanks, moving to take my seat at the table directly in front of where Dieter was now standing.
I could see that he was feeling anxious as he fidgeted with the guitar strap, then adjusted the mic, “Well, I don’t have Kat up here to make me look good anymore.” He laughed nervously, “So, you all better take it easy on me.”
The audience filled with quiet laughter as he turned around, briefly speaking with the house band one more time before returning to the mic. His voice started with the music, slow and deep. Bluesy guitar riffs intermingling with his somber tone. Every word was laced with emotion as his eyes focused on me. 
đŸŽ¶ (Song link for reference)
Bright lights with the side of passion / Nightlife, welcome the attraction / Her satin gloves wrapped all around / She lift me up, then, she knocked me down / I fell in love, she showed me how / She takes a puff and it's curtains now
I was happy to be sitting, because my legs would have given out on me if I hadn’t been. He was literally taking my breath away. This was way more intense than the first time I had seen him sing. I could feel it in my bones - in every cell. I couldn’t handle how fucking perfect and beautiful he was. 
Judy grabbed my arm, “I had no idea he sounded like this. He’s so fucking good!” 
All I could manage was a small nod, not taking my eyes off him as he transitioned to the chorus. 
She drives a camera crazy / I think she knows it / There ain't no one above her and she ain't afraid to own it / The glitz and glamor slay me / But is it hopeless? / This goddess of a woman really gets the people going / Close up, zoom out / From every angle, yeah, she lay me down / Choked up, no doubt / She hard to handle, but she'll keep you 'round
His anxiety appeared to have dissipated. He now seemed slightly cocky even. The rawness and passion in his voice was seriously doing something to me. My thighs were now clenching together under the table. The ache at my center went from zero to painful in an instant. I sighed. This may very well be what finally breaks me. 
As he moved into the second verse, something about his expression changed. It was more playful as he fought a smirk, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip during the brief lyrical pauses. His eyes were borderline seductive as he continued to focus on me. Something told me he knew what he was doing, and that thought only made me squirm more. I couldn’t help questioning his song choice. I found myself wondering how much truth was behind the lyrics. 
Might bite when they call for action / Shines like she'll evoke reaction /  I feel it jump, heart starts to pound / She pulled the plug, really show me now / We fell in love, she showed me how / Hands are cuffed as I slowly drown
By the time he hit the chorus again, he was in full performance mode - sliding the guitar behind his back and gripping the microphone between both hands with confidence. It had to be one of the hottest things I had ever seen. A confident Dieter seemed to be my new weakness.
Everyone in the room collectively lost their minds when he finished. I could hear murmurs around about how amazing he sounded and how surprised everyone was by his talent. He was shocking people left and right this week and I was loving every second of it. I was proud of him and suddenly understood the urge of wanting to show him off. He was MY dance partner after all. If he could use that as an excuse, then so could I. 
After a shy “thank you” to the audience, Dieter rejoined us at the table and was met with fist bumps, claps, and pats on the back. He had a dopey grin on his face as he finally sat down beside me. When he noticed me looking at him, his demeanor shifted, seemingly unsure of himself now. I gave him a comforting smile, reaching to lace my fingers with his.
“You did such a good job. I’m a little speechless.”
He huffed out a relieved chuckle, shifting to put his arm along the back of my seat as he leaned in next to my ear, “You were amazing. I could listen to you all night.” 
It was my turn to be embarrassed. I could feel the blush creeping up my cheeks, but I still managed to pluck up the courage to ask, “Those were some interesting song choices. Why did you pick them?”
Dieter leaned back into his chair and took a drink of water with his free hand, seemingly weighing his response. He finally shrugged, “They seemed to fit the mood of the evening.” 
He’s being cryptic with that answer. My brows pinched together, “What does that mean?” 
A cocky grin spread across his face, “You tell me.” 
My mouth opened to speak, then snapped shut. I don’t know what to do with that. What is he insinuating? 
We were suddenly interrupted by two younger women who asked to take a selfie with us. We agreed, of course. After they spent a few minutes fawning over us, they thankfully left. Dieter immediately turned his attention back to me, smiling as he draped his arm back around my shoulders.
“I’m almost afraid to check social media after this gets out. You know there’ll be videos,” I said. 
He snickered, “Well, let’s beat them to it. Story time!”
Dieter shifted to pull out his phone and snapped a quick selfie of us, then posted it to his Instagram story with a smirk. I’d have to check to see what ridiculousness he added to it later. After setting his phone down on the table, his hand found its way to my thigh and rubbed gently as he asked “When do you wanna head back?” 
His gaze locked with mine as I reveled in the sensation from his touch. The thigh touching was new, he did it so casually now and I was loving every second of it. I wanted more. 
“Umm, lemme run to the ladies room, then we can go,” I finally said. 
Judy’s attention was drawn to me as I got up. I motioned that I was going to the bathroom which prompted her to stand and join me. We had to wait in line for several minutes, quietly chatting amongst ourselves as we did so.
“I’ve gotta say, Dieter has shocked us all this week. He’s like a completely different person. He’s actually been pretty amazing to work with,” she said.
I smiled, “Yeah, I know he’s been working really hard. He was excited to be asked back.” 
“I’ll admit, a lot of us were not happy about him coming back at first. He was an absolute asshole last time
when he wasn’t trying to get laid that is. He was a mess.” 
That probably shouldn’t bother me, but it sort of did. I had to remind myself that he hadn’t kept his past a secret. I knew he used to sleep around. Maybe it was just starting to hit me differently after the Alec thing. 
“Being sober has done him good though. I think you're having a positive impact on him too. He seems much more relaxed when you're around,” she added with a knowing look in her eyes. 
My brows furrowed, “What do you mean?” 
She shrugged, “I dunno. He just appears to be
happier maybe? You seem very in tune with each other.” She leaned in closer, “I’ve gotta ask
because I honestly can’t figure you two out
Do you have something going on? Like
are you together?” 
I scoffed, “No. Absolutely not. I mean, sure, we’ve gotten close
I understand what he’s going through because my dad had the same issues
And this show and all the drama that comes with it is putting us through the wringer. We’ve just become good friends through all of it.”
She didn’t look convinced, “All I’m gonna say is
he was tryin’ to get with anyone that would give him the time of day last time he was here. Now, he only has eyes for you. That man is one hundred percent into you.”
I laughed nervously, “No he’s not. It’s not like that with us.” 
She gave me a doubtful look as she moved to take the next open stall, “If you say so, honey.” 
I stood there, a little dumbfounded for a moment. Maybe I wasn’t imagining things?
I tried to put Judy’s words out of my mind as I walked back to the table. I was still trying to convince myself that she was wrong. Do I think he flirts sometimes? Yes. But he’s Dieter fucking Bravo. That’s just how he is. To say he only has eyes for me is a whole other level that I was not fully convinced of yet. Of course, now that I was thinking about it, I couldn’t actually recall having seen him flirt with anyone else. Not even in a joking manner. That had to be because he was comfortable around me though. Right? 
As I approached the table, I realized Dieter was saying his goodbyes. He turned to me with a soft smile on his face, “I took care of our bill, and our ride should be here any minute.” 
Damn, he didn’t waste any time. I nodded, then turned to bid my farewells to everyone for the evening and thanked them for inviting us. Once finished, Dieter grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd to the exit where we found our Uber already waiting.
Tumblr media
The ride back to the hotel was oddly quiet, but I could still feel a strange electricity crackling between us. Something had definitely changed between us tonight. I couldn’t keep my eyes from shifting in his direction and roaming over his profile as he stared out the window of the car. The city lights occasionally illuminated his face in various shades of white, blue, and pink - emphasizing his aquiline nose and pouty lips in a way that was making it hard for me to breathe. I knew I should look away, but I couldn’t. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could ignore the feelings I was having toward him. Being with him as much as I had this week was causing a raging monster to grow inside of me, and it wanted him. After tonight, I didn’t think I could lock it away any longer.
Once we reached the hotel, I linked my arm with his as we walked inside toward the elevators. After the elevator doors closed, his arm shifted to wrap around my waist, tucking me into his side. I was suddenly surrounded by the scent of him, earthy and woody with a soft citrus undertone. It was intoxicating and I had to remind myself not to lean in to inhale him. His husky voice broke through my thoughts, “Do you still wanna rehearse some tonight? I guess we probably should, huh?”
I raised my head to look at him, startled by how close his face was to mine. Fuck. He’s beautiful. I cleared my throat, staring up at him through my lashes, “Yeah, I mean
maybe we can just run through it a few times with the music.” 
The elevator doors opened to our floor. I moved away from him to exit, “I’m just gonna run and change first. Tight jeans are not ideal
” I added with a chuckle, swiping into the room as I spoke. He nodded, agreeing that he was going to change as well.  
I changed into black leggings and a matching zip front sports bra, then met Dieter in the living room. We stuck to our routine of rehearsing on the terrace. It wasn’t a cold night but being up on the top floor definitely made it a little chilly. Dieter made some sort of comment about keeping the blood flowing to stay warm and my thoughts spiraled. The fact that we were stuck doing one of the most intimate dances this week was not helping matters. I suddenly had butterflies in my stomach realizing what we were about to do while I was in my current state. I don’t know if I can do this and keep it together. 
I queued up the music using the small Bluetooth speaker and my phone, then hit play on my watch once we got into position. On our first run-through, I messed up several times because I couldn’t concentrate, but we managed to make it through in the midst of laughter. Dieter was completely throwing me off my game with his new found confidence and intense focus. His hesitation with physical contact had disappeared only to be replaced by a cocky smirk and playful glint in his eyes, which was beyond distracting. I felt like he knew what effect it was having on me too. 
On our second run-through, we shook off our giggles and managed to focus, if that’s what you could even call it. The electric current between us was buzzing at max levels as we channeled the intimacy of the dance. Our touches became more sensual and less playful, the looks between us now lingering, the space between us disappearing. Instead of just our foreheads touching during those more intimate moves, our noses were now nuzzling against each other with our lips centimeters apart. Every nerve ending in my body was like a livewire, shocking me where our skin touched. By the time the song came to an end, the vibe between us had completely shifted. I stepped away, laughing nervously, “Well, that one went much better. I think we have a pretty good grasp on it. Do you wanna call it a night?” I need to get away from him. Now. Or I’m gonna lose what little control I have.
Dieter rubbed at the back of his neck as he peered up at me through his lashes, the corner of his lip twitched upward before he spoke, “I dunno, I think maybe we should go through it one or two more times
at least. If you’re feeling up to it
of course.” I could feel his chocolate eyes boring into me as he fought a smile. What the fuck is this? Why does he keep looking at me like that? His words from a few days ago popped into my head, “I’ll behave unless I’m told to do otherwise.”
Surely, he’s not
no. Is he? I felt like he was trying to get a read on where I was with things. Did he feel the shift too? My intuition was telling me that if we kept rehearsing right now, something was going to happen. This whole situation we had been thrust into was setting us up for this and I was falling for it. My gut told me he was too. My head was telling me to call it a night, but my traitorous lady bits were throbbing at the possibility of seeing what else Dieter Bravo could do with those loose hips of his. I suddenly felt like everything was hinging on my response. I must have taken longer than I realized to answer him, because Dieter’s brows furrowed as my name slipped out between his lips. My attention snapped back to him as he asked, “Is everything ok?”
My eyes widened, meeting his, “Yeah, sorry. I was thinking through the ending. I’m not sure it feels right.”
He arched a brow as the smirk returned, “I agree, it’s almost sort of
I nodded, “Yeah
I agree.” Maybe with a new focus, the tension might dissipate some. “Are you good to do another lift?” I asked.
He shrugged, his eyes were almost smoldering now, “I’m good with whatever you wanna do.” 
I felt like his words had a double meaning behind them. I tried my best to ignore my thoughts as I worked through the moves in my head, “Alright, I’m not sure how to explain this
as I turn, allow me to complete the turn into your side while lifting me up onto your hip. You’re gonna bend your leg slightly for me to rest on as you dip me backward, run your hand down my side then snap me up for the final pose.” 
He stood staring at me with a confused look etched on his face. I sighed, “Ok, hold on.” I moved to pick up my phone, closing my eyes for a minute to think where I had seen that move before. I somehow managed to pull it out of the recesses of my mind and quickly found it on YouTube to show him. He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he watched, then nodded, “Yeah, I like that better.” 
We tried it several times and managed to get it down after some struggles and laughter. Then we decided to go through the whole routine again with the new ending. The tension between us quickly returned - pretty much picking up where it left off. Especially when we hit the first lift. From my position on the floor, I raised my legs and hooked them over the tops of his thighs. He slowly lifted me off the ground as I rolled my torso upward and hooked my hands around his neck pulling his face up to meet mine. Our lips grazed against each other this time. The position that we found ourselves in felt more intimate than it ever had as he did a full turn, and I released the hold my legs had around his waist to plant my feet on the ground. We stayed in the embrace a few beats longer than we should have but kept going after finally breaking apart. 
Our lips continued to lightly brush against each other throughout the rest of the routine. This was new. We had never gotten this close and intimate during a dance. It was causing blood to rush to my aching core. There was no way we could keep this up or else I was going to burst into flames. I could feel my control slipping away with each passing second. 
By the time we reached the end with the final lift I was hanging on by a thread. When I turned and he lifted me onto his hip for the dip, he didn’t just run his hand down my side. He started by caressing my neck, skimmed the center of my breasts, then down my side to pull me upward toward his face. Instead of just resting my hand on the back of his neck, it seemed to have a mind of its own as it moved upward and fisted in the curls at the nape. I could feel his heated breath rush out against my lips as he closed his eyes from the sensation, a quiet whimper escaping his throat before nuzzling his nose with mine. He pulled back slightly, allowing his gaze to settle on me. He looked dazed as I continued to slowly pull away to stand. His hand slid down my arm and gripped my fingertips until they were out of his reach.
I turned away, brushing my hair back off my face and inhaling deeply in an attempt to compose myself. Fuck, I’ve never felt anything this intense before. It was really messing with my head. He was like a magnet pulling me in. There was no way I could fight this for seven more weeks. The pull was too strong. If it didn’t happen now, it was going to eventually unless something changed. 
His voice broke through my thoughts, “One more time?” He asked. His voice sounded off. Smoother and deeper somehow. Like honey and sex. I turned to look at him, his eyes widening slightly, “Or, we can call it a night
if you prefer.” He could sense my reluctance and was giving me an out. Deep down I knew he was testing me. I could sense that he wanted it just as badly as I did. 
I shook my head, “N-No
one more time should do it. Our timing was still a little off. I think we can get it right this time.” 
One corner of his lips tugged upward. Did I have a double meaning behind my words now? Fuck. What am I doing? We got into position as I started the music again. The last of the frayed threads that had been holding us back were finally pulling apart. After the first turn, he placed his hands on my hips and pulled my back tightly against his front. I could feel every inch of his broad body pressed against me, including the stiffness in his pants. There was no polite space there this time as I reached up behind me with my right hand to the back of his neck, grasping at his curls. His fingertips slid down the underside of my arm as his lips lowered to brush against the shell of my ear, then trailed down my neck before transitioning to the next move. I could still feel the blazing path of his mouth on my skin, even after it was gone.
Our touches continued to intensify as we got to the first lift. This is when the threads finally snapped. After I rolled my torso upright and pulled his face upward to meet mine, he stopped moving. His breathing was noticeably shallower as I cupped his cheeks and stared into his darkened eyes. Slowly leaning in further, and without thinking, I placed the lightest of kisses on his lips before pulling back to meet his gaze again. His eyes searched my face as a conflicted expression overtook his features. I loosened the grip my legs had around his waist so he could set me down, which he did, but his hands kept me pulled snugly against his chest as they caressed over the bare skin of my lower back. 
He pressed his forehead against mine, I could tell he wanted to kiss me, but he was holding back. His words popped into my head again, “I’ll behave unless I’m told to do otherwise.”  I realized then, he’s following my lead in this dance. I pressed my lips against his again, his response was tentative and gentle. Almost like he was afraid he might scare me away if he moved too quickly. My hands slid from his cheeks into his hair, pulling him in closer and deepening the kiss. His lips parted, allowing me entrance. It was soft and sensual the way he massaged my tongue with his. God, he’s such a good kisser. I had never really thought that about anyone in the past, now I realized why. There was an art to it, and Dieter Bravo had mastered it. 
My thighs clenched together, the throb at my center was now unbearable. I couldn’t take it anymore. I knew there was no fighting it at this point as my hands dropped down to the hem of his shirt and lifted it over his head. The soft fabric was replaced by my fingers splayed across his bare chest. He leaned in and kissed me briefly before pausing and placing his hands on either side of my neck with his thumbs resting on my chin, gently stroking my face. He pulled back, his intense eyes locking with mine. “Are you sure about this?” he asked.
I nodded in response, but then he continued, “If we do this
it changes everything. I-I can’t go back to the way things were before. It’s all or nothing for me.” He was deadly serious as his eyes bore into me, unblinking as he searched mine. His intensity took me by surprise, and only seemed to spur me on. I let out a shaky breath, his vehemence causing my heart to pound in my ears. I nodded again, “I’m sure.”
He must have found what he was looking for as his eyes danced around my face, because it was like a dam had broken when his lips finally crashed against mine. He was suddenly full of passion and need. His hands roamed over the length of my body as he walked us backward toward the open door to go inside. Once we passed the threshold, he turned, pressing me up against the curtain covered floor-to-ceiling window. My leg hooked around his hip as he rutted against my center, nearly causing me to come undone from the contact. 
His lips made their way down my neck, but he still seemed hesitant in touching me where I wanted him to. I grabbed his hands and brought them to my breast, encouraging him to have his way with me. He gave them a tentative squeeze, before groaning against my jaw. One of my hands fisted in the top of his hair as the other moved to the front zipper on my bra, “It’s ok to touch me, Dieter. I want you to
need you to
please.” I begged through heavy pants. 
He whimpered against my skin as I pulled the zipper down, his hands immediately reaching for and massaging at the soft exposed flesh as I managed to slide the bra off down my arms. He raised his head, his tongue quickly plunged into my mouth as one of his hands began to move downward at a painfully slow pace until he was finally rubbing against the spot that I wanted him most. It was my turn to whimper into his mouth now. It wasn’t enough, I wanted more. My hips bucked against his palm. He seemed to understand, moving to dip his hand into the front of my leggings, his digits sliding over my slick folds, expertly caressing and teasing me. I quickly turned into a quivering mess as he licked and sucked on my neck and worked me over with his thick fingers. 
He suddenly withdrew his hand, now sliding both down my sides and hooking his fingers under the band of my leggings, he paused quietly whispering into my ear, “Is this ok?” I let out a breathy “yes” as he continued to pepper me with kisses, slowly moving down my body with his mouth as he removed the rest of my clothing, completely exposing me. I was burning for him. I couldn’t remember ever feeling like this before. The hungry look in his eyes as he sucked a nipple into his mouth only exacerbated the feeling. 
Dieter sank to his knees, lifting my left leg over his shoulder as he pulled away from my breast with a pop. He turned his attention to kissing and nibbling at my inner thigh, dragging his patchy stubble against my skin as his lips made a fiery path to the apex. His teasing touches were maddening. I knew I wasn’t going to last long. When he finally moved to my folds, licking up the center with the flat of his tongue, my legs nearly gave out. He hummed against me before latching on to the sensitive and throbbing bundle of nerves, sucking and flicking his tongue in tandem as his hands gripped my ass and held me firmly against his mouth. I doubled over almost immediately, my hands fisting in his hair for balance. Fucking hell, how did he do that? The loud moan that escaped my lips was almost embarrassing. I somehow managed to get myself upright and grabbed onto the door facing to my left for support. I was already covered in sweat, breathing heavily, and thighs shaking from the building release. Another quick jolt of pleasure ran through me, nearly causing me to double forward again. A breathy, “What the fuck!?!?” escaped my lips. I’d never felt anything like this before. 
I could feel the deep rumble of his chuckle as he broke away with another pop, looking up at me through his lashes, “Everything ok, sweetheart?” 
My eyes narrowed at the pet name. I could tell he was using that word purposefully. His defiance only further stimulated my arousal. “I don’t think I told you to stop.”  
That cocky smirk was back again, “Yes, ma’am.” 
He dove back in, more enthusiastic than before - groaning out profane sounds as he worked. I was fairly certain he was sucking my soul out through my cunt. His mouth should be considered the eighth wonder of the world. He should be worshiped. My debauched thoughts were already sending me to hell, so why not add the worship of a false god to the list? 
I couldn’t help grinding and arching into him, it felt so good it was almost painful. My release hit out of nowhere, my vision going dark before filling with bursts of color behind my eyelids. My ears began ringing, muffling all sound. The primal cry that came from deep within my chest shocked me. My whole body was shaking to the point that I could hardly stand. I could feel Dieter in front of me now, nuzzling his slick covered nose against mine with his hands around my waist, holding me tightly against him for support.  
I snorted out a breathless laugh, “I think I just blacked out for a minute.” 
I could feel him laughing against my throat. “Somebody was wound up tight,” he said between kisses. I knotted his hair in my hand and tilted his face upward to meet my gaze, “I don’t think I’ve ever come that fast, or hard
He smirked. “You can wipe that smug look off your face,” I added through a chuckle. 
He shrugged as a cheesy grin spread across his face, “You know Kit Kats are my favorite thing to eat. What did you expect?”
I snorted, “You DID NOT just say that.” 
He laughed loudly, “I totally did, and I’ll never not say it again. It’s too good.” 
I smiled against his lips before pulling him in for a deep kiss, tasting the after effects of his handiwork. I wasn’t done with him yet. My right hand slid down through the light smattering of wiry hair at the base of his abdomen, then down the front of his gym shorts, rubbing his hard length. He melted into me as I swallowed his moans, pushing his shorts and boxer briefs down, exposing him to me. His size was as I suspected, girthy and above average in length, but not in a ridiculous way. He was perfect and I was aching to feel him. I NEEDED to feel him. I hooked my leg around his hip, encouraging him to rub against my slick center. He paused suddenly, his forehead dropping to my shoulder, “What’s wrong?” I asked. 
He raised his head to look at me with a grimace, “I
I don’t have any condoms. I wasn’t expecting
His rounded brown eyes were full of regret and maybe a little embarrassment at his admission. God, he’s perfect. I gave him a small smile, “I think I would’ve had more questions if you did have them.” He chuckled as I cupped his cheek, “It’s fine. I got the all clear and I’m on birth control
I trust you.” 
His brows arched upwards as he shook his head, “I haven’t
with anyone. I swear” 
I smiled against his lips, “I know
I told you, I trust you.” 
He huffed out a sigh of relief, kissing me once more as he grabbed my ass and lifted me. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked toward the bedroom. He continued kissing me as he sank to his knees on the edge of the bed, managing to make it up far enough to lay me back on the pillows. He hovered above me on his elbows, fingertips in my hair as he kissed gently on my forehead, my nose, then my lips. He stared down at me for a moment, his eyes full of emotion, “I just want you to know that
with you
this does mean something to me.” I could feel my heart beating out of my chest from his admission. I kissed him back, deeply, before mummering a quiet “I know” against his plump bottom lip. 
He gave me a soft smile, then sat up on his knees, his hands gently rubbing and massaging down my torso as he moved. His eyes followed their path, taking in every inch of my flesh. Seeing him like this, completely bare before me as he began stroking himself between my thighs, was easily the most erotic sight I had ever laid eyes on. His shoulders somehow looked broader from this angle, the muscles in his chest and arm flexed as he slowly slid his hand up and down his length. His messy curls were now hanging down over his lustful gaze, adding to his sexiness.
The way he looked at me was nothing short of obscene as he reached to rub at my inner thigh with his free hand, gently grazing his fingertips down to my ankle, then lifting my foot to rest on his shoulder. His hand continued to rub from the tips of my toes down my calf as he nuzzled his cheek against the inside of my foot. The softness of his touch juxtaposed with the scratchiness of his beard in such a sensitive spot caused a surge of electricity to course through my veins. 
My cunt was suddenly aching to be touched. I couldn’t wait any longer. I surprised myself when my right hand found its way down to my folds to rub at the small bundle of nerves. My fingers briefly dipped down to collect some of the slick to smear around before continuing in my endeavor. My left hand moved to squeeze my breast. I was already feeling that familiar tingling sensation again with very little effort. Something about Dieter made me feel brazen and uninhibited unlike ever before. I never felt safe enough to be like this with Alec. I never felt any of this with Alec. 
Dieter’s teeth sunk into his bottom lip as he watched me arch into my hands. His eyes flicking up from the apex of my thighs to meet my gaze ever so often to watch me, watching him. Neither of us said a word, our connection allowing us to silently communicate our feelings and needs as we shared this moment of mutual self-pleasure. 
His hand moved to caress my ankle, his thumb pressing THAT spot again just below the ankle bone, causing jolts of pleasure to shoot through me. He tucked his chin, opening his mouth to graze his teeth against the spot his thumb had just vacated, causing a new prickling sensation to creep up to my aching core. I whimpered quietly at the feeling, his gaze meeting mine as he began to gently suck the area. His eyes shifted down to my center, now watching my fingers at work. I watched as his head dipped further, spit dripping from his mouth onto his cock as he continued to leisurely stroke himself, his thumb swiping over the sensitive tip as he moved. Something about his actions made me feel feral. It wasn’t a want anymore. I needed him. 
Dieter must have sensed my growing need, suddenly lowering my leg and sliding his large hands around my hips. With a firm grip, he lifted them up off the mattress and notched himself at my entrance. I watched our reflections in the mirrored ceiling as he slowly sank in, stretching me around his length. The sight and feeling of him forced incoherent sounds from my lips. He let out a loud hiss through his teeth as he sunk in to the hilt. His eyes fluttered shut as his jaw went slack, his head briefly dropping back in ecstasy. The position he put me in had opened my hips up in a way they never had been during sex, allowing him in deeper, eliciting a pleasure I had never felt.
He leaned forward slightly, tucking one arm around my lower back, causing it to arch further, increasing the friction of his movements against my center. He set a steady rhythm, rolling his hips and thrusting upward in a way that hit all the right spots perfectly. His free hand slid up my abdomen to knead my breast and roll my nipples between his fingertips causing my skin to pebble all over. He let out a quiet moan at the way my body responded to his touch. I soon found myself fisting the sheets and coming undone again before he had even broken out into a sweat.
A satisfied smile slid across his face as I clenched down around him and groaned loudly with my release, “That’s it sweetheart, let it go.” His breathy voice was deeper and more husky than I had ever heard it. It was so fucking sexy. I wanted to tell him to stop calling me sweetheart, but deep down, it was only stoking the flames further. I think he knew it too, which is why he kept saying it.  
He gently lowered my hips to the bed while I tried to catch my breath. He shifted to hover above me on his elbows, somehow managing to leave us joined through it all. His fingers worked to brush away the stray hairs that were sticking to my sweaty face, his lips trailing behind them. I caught his mouth with mine, kissing him deeply as my hands wandered over his body. He began moving again, tucking his knees under my thighs to slightly elevate my hips. I arched up into him as he hit just the right spot deep inside of me. The way he moved was causing the base of his cock to rub against my clit in a way that was already making my whole body quiver and shake toward another release as my legs tightened around his hips. One of his arms slid underneath my lower back, holding me snugly against his chest, further increasing the friction as he continued to massage my tongue with his. 
All of his movements seemed to be calculated. Every touch and every angle were done with a single purpose - to give pleasure, not take it. He knew exactly what I needed and how to get me there. I didn’t have to tell him, because he was reading the cues. He was working my body in ways I never thought possible and satisfying every craving that I ever had that had gone unfulfilled. Yet, he was awakening a primal hunger that I didn’t think would ever be satiated.  
He began to quicken the pace of his thrusts, which finally sent both of us over the edge together. The room filled with sounds of our heavy breathing and loud moans as he finally spilled into me.  Our eyes remained locked on each other through our releases. It was intimate and unexpected, making my heart skip a few beats. He wasn’t afraid to show the vulnerable side of himself as he lost control - not holding back any of his soft whimpers. I found myself wanting to see it again and again. 
Dieter nearly collapsed on top of me, burying his face in my neck as he worked to catch his breath. My fingers instinctively combed through his messy curls as I did the same. Eventually, he moved to kiss me again, nibbling on my chin as he pulled out with a groan to lay at my side. He was quiet for a few minutes, now seeming unsure of himself as he finally spoke up, “Do you want me to leave now?” His words came out almost in a whisper, sounding sad, like it was inevitable. He didn’t look my way, instead he stared toward the doorway as he waited for my response. I could see his expression in the mirrored ceiling. He looked sad, like he was fighting back his emotions.
I could feel my brows pinching together, confused by his sudden change in demeanor. “Why would I want you to leave?” I asked. 
His lips set into a tight line as he shrugged, “Because people usually don’t want me to stay
I shifted to lay on my side so that I was facing him. I placed my hand under his chin, turning his head so he was looking at me, “I never want you to leave me after
He stared up at me with his sad puppy eyes before turning his body to face mine, burying his face in my side and hugging my thighs against his chest. “Is this ok?” he asked against my bare skin. My fingers moved back to strum through his hair, “Of course it is. It always will be.”  
I suddenly felt sad for him, wondering what had happened in his life that would make him ask those questions. I had the overwhelming urge to shower him in affection. I had a feeling he hadn’t gotten a lot of that, in recent years at least. Then again, I hadn’t really had that either.
I felt his hand rub up and down the back of my thigh, his head suddenly popped up to look at me, “Did you still wanna soak in the tub? I know the last few days have been tough on you. I don’t want you to be sore or anything. I can get it ready for you
if you want?” 
I glanced at the clock, it was almost 11:30 PM. “I dunno, it’s getting late.” 
Dieter kissed my hip, “If you wanna sleep in, I’ll go grab us some breakfast in the morning.”
I smiled, “You’re making that really hard to turn down, Bravo.”  
He was massaging my hip now, with a small smile on his lips. It felt amazing. 
“I wanna take care of you. Gotta keep these hips in working order,” he leaned down and kissed where he had just been rubbing as his hand slid down to grip my ass cheek. 
He’s definitely an ass man. I laughed, “Ok, fine. You win, but only if you join me.” 
He smiled against my skin, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
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I stretched out on the bed, watching as he moved around the room to prepare the bath, still completely naked and confident. As he waited for it to fill, he gathered towels from the bathroom then added salts to the water, occasionally checking the temperature. Once it was halfway full, he stepped in and sat down, “Oooh fuck, this might be too hot.” 
I laughed, “That means it’s perfect then.”
He shook his head, muttering out, “Nope. Nope. Nope.”  Then he moved to adjust the temperature of the running water.
Once he settled against the backrest, I got up to join him, piling my hair up into a messy bun along the way. He spread his legs wide so I could sit between his thighs and lean against his chest. I scoffed, “Nope. It could be warmer.” I sat up to adjust the temperature again while he laughed. We were quiet until the tub was full. I reached to shut off the water then got comfortable against him. His thumbs moved to massage into my neck, then down the back side of my shoulders. After several minutes, the rest of his fingers joined in, digging into the top muscles. His motions elicited a quiet moan from me as my head dropped back to his chest. His fingers made their way to the front side, massaging around the base of my neck, then moved down the sides of my arms. 
My eyes drifted closed, “Mmm, I wasn’t aware that a massage was part of this.”
Dieter’s lips brushed against my ear, “I told you, I wanna take care of you. That position I had you in can do a number on your neck and back.”
I sighed, “I’m not really sure what to do with this. I’m not used to aftercare.” 
He scoffed, “That shouldn’t surprise me. I hope he was at least a decent lay.” 
I laughed, “No. He wasn’t. He fucking sucked. I usually had to take care of things myself. He was a very selfish lover. Always wanting and taking. Half the time I just felt like his plaything to be used as he saw fit, then discarded when he was done. He typically didn’t stick around after either.” 
Dieter nuzzled into my neck, “That’s a terrible feeling that I know all too well. I promise, I’ll never do that to you.” 
I turned so that I could see his face, “I’ll never do it to you either
People would really ask you to leave after?”
He pursed his lips in thought, “Yeah, I mean
it was just hookups. It was never meant to be more than that. Either they asked me to leave, or they would leave without a word. It was better in a lot of ways
didn’t have to go through the awkward morning after thing. It’s just sort of what I’ve come to expect I guess.” 
I turned away, now staring at the water, “Why did you do it?”
He sighed, squirming under me a little, “Ummm, that’s more complicated. Most of the time I was so coked out I’m not even sure if I knew what I was doing. Other times, it was an escape
to feel something else and nothing else at the same time
but there was never any connection there. It was just about forgetting my problems and having a fun time.” 
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, suddenly worried that’s all this was to him. An escape. He must have sensed it because his arms tightened around me as he leaned his cheek against mine, “It’s not like that with you. Don’t worry. I told you
this means something to me. You’re making me feel things I didn’t know possible
want things I’ve never wanted because I was too afraid.” 
His voice wavered, which took me by surprise. I turned to face him again, searching his sad eyes. “What were you afraid of?” I asked.
He reached to entwine his fingers with mine on his chest, his eyes turning glassy as he stared at them, “In simple terms
rejection, abandonment, pain, loss. I didn’t feel like I was worthy of being loved. There’s a lot to unpack there, and I don’t wanna do that tonight. I just wanna be with you.” 
I smiled, releasing his hand and reaching to pull his face toward mine so I could look at him. We took each other in for a moment before he leaned down and captured my lips with his. I shifted to straddle his thighs as his arms snaked around me. We spent some time making out as our hands explored each other. It never progressed beyond that. I couldn’t remember the last time I had an intimate moment like this that didn’t turn sexual. It was actually kind of nice just being together. When we finally broke apart, Dieter buried his face in my chest, and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, my fingers instinctively going to his fluffy curls. He sighed contentedly, “I can’t believe this is happening right now.” 
I chuckled, “I honestly can’t either
“You fought a good fight. I wasn’t sure if you were gonna give in or not,” he mumbled out against my neck.
I scoffed, “Excuse me? You didn’t know I was into you.” 
I felt his rumbling laugh, “Oh I one hundred percent did.” 
I tugged his hair to lean his head back so I could look at him, “Since when?”
He shrugged, “Since last week for sure.”
My head shook from side to side in disbelief, “And here I thought I was doing a good job at hiding it.” 
He laughed, “Maybe for a little while, but no, not recently
I think the water is getting cold.”
I puffed air out of my cheeks, “Yeah it is.”
I slid back off his thighs, then he moved to stand and grab a towel. After helping me to my feet, he began drying me off. Once he was satisfied, he tucked the towel in around my torso, then gave my ass a squeeze as I stepped out of the tub. I squealed, reaching for his towel, then turned to return the favor of getting him dry. 
As I rubbed the towel over his chest, I suddenly felt shy as I asked, “Are you gonna stay with me tonight?”
He smirked, “If you want me to
I mean, I was kinda planning on it
Relief flooded through me. I couldn’t meet his eyes as I spoke, “Good. I wasn’t sure
His fingers found their way to my chin and lifted it upward so that I was looking at him, “I’m gonna be wherever you are until you tell me to fuck off.” I couldn’t help laughing. He always had a way with words. 
We didn’t even bother to get dressed before snuggling into bed, tangling our limbs together and making out like a couple of teenagers. I wanted to feel all of him as I drifted off to sleep and I made sure he knew it. He didn’t hesitate to wrap himself around me once we finally settled down. It was the best night’s sleep I had had in a very long time, and I knew it was because of him. 
Next: Week 5 (Part 4)
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A/N: Are you all screaming right now? I'm screaming because FINALLY! Took them long enough, right? Could that build up have been any slower? Dieter was taking a chance when he asked to keep going...it was a rather delicate dance on his part. We will hear from him in Part 4, which I currently have no ETA on as I haven't started it yet. (I know, I'm SORRY!)
Poor Kat just couldn't catch a break in this chapter. Just when she was finally going to do something about her little ache, Dieter had to ruin it. He was literally driving her crazy in every way possible. đŸ€­
What do you think about Dieter's song choices? Was he trying to make a statement?
Can we talk about how much he wants to take care of her (and honestly enjoys it)? He's too damn cute.
Also, can we talk about the sex? Do you think he's about to give Kat some new experiences? If so, how open do you think she'll be to them?
We got some small revelations about Dieter's past. What are your thoughts on that? We have more to unpack there...
✹This chapter's video is a little different. It was made by two of the dance professionals from DWTS (who are married in real life). I love watching these two dance together because their chemistry is off the charts. They are dancing to the same song that Dieter and Kat will be dancing the Rumba too. Honestly, I think their version is better than the one from the actual music video. Give it a watch and enjoy!
Click HERE for the video.
✹THE LIFTS: I’ve included gifs for reference on the lifts. The first two gifs go together. I had to split them because tumblr has a ridiculous size limit.😒
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CP Taglist: @titlee78 @legendary-pink-dot  @survivingandenduring @wannab-urs  @harriedandharassed
@hisandsnakes  @misstokyo7love @readingiskeepingmegoing  @runningmom94  @sin-djarin
@cakipy-blog  @missladym1981  @guelyury  @weho2kcmo  @alokaerza  
@girlofchaos  @trulybetty  @rhoorl  @bitchwitch1981  @madnessofadaydreamer
@darkheartgatita  @jazzloveslatte  @timpletance  @musings-of-a-rose  @samiamproductions
@myloveistoolittle  @for-a-longlongtime   @copperhalfcent  @auteurdelabre @drewharrisonwriter
@burntheedges  @stevie75  @bunniboo0015  @quicax3  @jackie923
@sherala007  @pastelnap  @angelofsmalldeath-codeine  @jessthebaker  @rebel-held
@gwendibleywrites  @senorabond  @annalovesflorida  @sandaltoesocks  @katw474
@txlady37 @inkmonster21 @sunnytuliptime @jeewrites @fifitheragertot
@pasc4lfuzz @toomanystoriessolittletime @pedrostories @dieterbravobrainrotclub
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harrywavycurly · 19 days
Niall talking to Harry about planning her Bach party please Sarah?😂😘😘
Hiii babes!! This makes me laugh because imagine if it never clicked for Harry that Niall being your Man of Honor meant he would be planning your Bach party and stuff? So I’ll happily give you a convo where it all dawns on Harry what all exactly Niall is in charge of with your wedding 😂💖
-find all things Lonely here✹
*this is done in dialogue form because it’s just a fun little conversation*
A/N: Niall drops by for a visit and Harry becomes aware of what all Niall is in charge of since he’s your Man of Honor, enjoy the bickering between my fave besties that like to act as if they hate each other✹
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“Yer office has a couch in it? What the bloody fuck for? You have a living room right down stairs
” “Because I wanted one in here for when I have to work late and-why are you even here Niall?” “Well I came to see if your lovely fiancĂ© or better known as my bestfriend was home but I forgot she’s dress shopping today so
figured I’d see if you were busy and up for a hang out.” “You weren’t invited to that?” “Oh I was but I had a morning meeting-” “wait you
you were actually invited to go dress shopping with her and the rest of the bridesmaids?” “Yeah? I’m her man of honor I’m invited to everything.” “So you’d get to see her dress before me? What kind of shit is that?” “I’m not her bloody fiancĂ© Harry so yeah I was always going to see the dress before you mate
besides I was there when the girls picked their bridesmaids dresses and while it was a bit like herding cats watching them pick two that they agreed on it was entertaining at least.” “You got to see the Paige and Emily showdown in person?” “Oh yeah
them two love to argue over everything
bout had to hold Emily back when Paige told her we should go with floor length gowns instead of knee length
” “she didn’t even let me see which dresses the girls ended up getting
” “really? Well don’t try no sneaky shit with me H I’m not telling you shit she doesn’t want you to know
but I’m glad that’s one thing I can cross off my list of duties to help with
I have to focus on this bachelorette weeken-” “I’m sorry? You have to focus on what now?” “Planning her Bach party
it’s like my main job besides like making sure she actually shows up to the alter on time and all that jazz.” “You
her party?” “Well s’more like a mini vacation because I’m thinking Miami for four days and getting a yacht for the main event because she loves a boat day ya know?” “Miami? Really?” “That’s the place they all agreed on
I just need to get some details settled with her before booking everything.” “I just
I didn’t think you were really going to be so
involved.” “What the fuck did you think I was gonna be doing Harry? Standing around looking pretty? No..I’m the bloody Man of Honor and I take that shit seriously.” “That’s
that’s good to know I guess
what else are you in charge of then?” “Ah yer gonna love this
I gotta assist her in bathroom breaks during the reception
like hold her dress and shit.” “Say that again?” “Yeah
like proper make sure she doesn’t like
ruin her dress or anything when she needs to take a leak.” “I don’t fucking think so Niall. Man of Honor or not you’re not going to be helping my wife go to the bathroom.” “See I told her you’d be all upset about it
so she got Emily to take over that part of my job.” “You’re such an asshole.” “I just like to see you sweat is all
so how’s Gemma coming with your bachelor party?” “What? She’s not-” “she’s not what? She’s your best woman Harry that means she’s in charge of shit like that
and knowing your sister she’s gonna plan something wild
I gotta call her and make sure I’m invited
.is it weird that me and Amelia will be at the bachelorette party together?” “I need your bestfriend to hurry up and come home..you’re giving me a headache
I need to lay down
” “good thing you have this couch in here then
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rabbit costume + luxe couture miss raven
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Because I love the Alice in Wonderland aesthetic and White Rabbit Fest is running in EN right now
 😭 I decided to make a Rabbit Costume for my OC! Figured I’d also do the same for the event running in JP at the same time, Tapis Rouge in the Shaftlands.
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Special thanks goes to @peripheralsanity for the super adorable bonus drawing of Miss Raven in her Rabbit Costume 😭 I wanna cram that bunny into my mouth like an Easter marshmallow

My own doodles are below the cut, along with various design notes 📝
First up, the Rabbit Costume!
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It takes a lot of inspiration from Alice herself: the bow in her hair, the dress, the apron. Miss Raven’s Heartslabyul dorm uniform design also pulls inspiration from Alice, so I tried very hard to make this look unique from that!
There’s a lot more bows, frills, and huge, goofy-looking accessories—like the rabbit ears + tail plus the shoes. The outfit also features a lot of pastel checkerboard pattern and shimmery makeup, like what is featured in Deuce’s Rabbit Costume. Upon closer inspection, there’s even more intricacies! Raven’s apron has heart-shaped pockets, the apron’s top has card motifs stitched into it, and the corset belt has a rabbit slowly dressing and then taking up a bugle to play. The transition demonstrates her own adaption to living among non-animals 😅
The rabbit on her skirt, chain, prize ribbon, and earring aren’t the White Rabbit but a cobbled together rabbit that’s missing an eye. The XO Rabbit poses as and stillinvokes the image of the White Rabbit, especially when it’s right next to a pocket watch. It fits Raven, who is someone not “organically” in the world of TWST (since she’s an OC).
I think my favorite part of this design is the super wacky and big hair. You may recognize it from the Hatsune Miku x Cinnamoroll campaign that was popular a while back. The shape reminded me of bunny ears, so I thought it would be nice to incorporate into Raven’s Rabbit Costume.
There’s so many strange things in clock town to observe! Miss Raven would have a fun time hopping around and seeing the sights
 documenting them with Ortho, picking out clocks and other souvenirs with Silver, chomping through the local specialties with Epel. Ah, and as for Deuce đŸ€” “Your son is trying very hard in his studies, ma’am,” she’d tell Dylla very seriously. “I commend him for his efforts.” (She very tactfully focuses on his improvements and personal growth over the actual numbers he produces.) Students of 1-A gotta look out for each other, right? Deuce fist bumps her behind her back or something to signal his thanks.
Miss Raven isn’t the athletic type, so I don’t think she would run in the relay race with them. (It would be hard to run in that dress anyway.) She can stick on the sidelines and cheer for them
Next is the Luxe Couture!
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I actually made two variants. One is more inspired by the Fairest Queen’s raven and the other is similar to the SR and R boys’ huntsman-inspired designs.
The first has more of an old-fashioned movie star feel to it
 which isn’t really what Vil invited the other students for so it falls outside of canon 😂 I just thought it would be cool to have a more personalized, glamorous fit for Raven.
She has much darker and more excessive eye makeup in this version. A bold, more confident look outside of her usual wheelhouse. Her hair is also curled into her face to resemble feathers, and her bun also has strands spiked up to look like feathers too. The dress itself is also very feathery, forming a train behind her wherever she stomps in her heels. The top of the dress also acts as a feather boa, making her appear larger and more intimidating than she actually is.
If you’re wondering why tiny skull earrings, it’s because the Evil Queen’s raven falls into a skull at one point in the movie 💀 since it’s so taken aback by what it is witnessing
 That “wow!” but also somewhat scared feeling is very similar to how Raven feels entering Fairest City, so I wanted to include a skull in some way. If I made the motif too big or too obvious, then it might clash with the whole ensemble so I chose to go with an understated accessory instead.
This look is definitely the most “different” of the group, but I tried to keep some elements in common with the others. For example, Raven still has the lace curtain which appears from where her dress is slit. She also has sheer gloves that have been studded with little white rhinestones. The jewels aren’t as big or colorful as Vil’s, but that’s the point: to not outshine the star. Miss Raven is nothing more than the shadow that clings to its queen 😌
The more group-cohesive outfit is last!
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It’s a similar double-breasted beige coat as Jamil’s, but it fans out into a dress + slacks at the bottom and has different sleeves. The puffiness of the sleeves at the shoulder and wrists make her seem large and in-charge! The buttons on her coat are large pearls.
I tried to maintain the huntsman’s color scheme throughout the outfit. Because of this, Raven’s belt is red and the lace in her dress is green. Her boots are similar to hiking boots (just picture them fancier in your head OTL I’m not great at drawing footwear).
We get her forehead in this design!! Her hair is pulled back into a “fancier than usual” ponytail, with her hair bunched into one loop before resuming as a normal ponytail. The clasp she uses is similar to the one Vil wears in his school uniform. Originally, I thought of just shoving an arrow through instead but decided against it since it makes the huntsman theme too obvious. The same reasoning came up when I considered giving Raven a small cocktail hat that looks similar to what the huntsman wore. Her head just looks so naked without something there 😂 but in the end I managed to refrain, and I think that helped the outfit look more clean and elegant.
Raven would be excited to visit Fairest City—it’s the capital of the entertainment industry! Though her main medium is quite different than that of films, she’s always wanted to visit for educational purposes. (Maybe she can learn from the scriptwriters there!) “At least one of you cares to learn,” Vil would tut. The trip’s a little stressful, trapped between Jamil and Azul’s petty remarks at one another and Ace teasing her for being the “odd one out” of the group—but hey, it’s all worth it for the experiences made there! I’d imagine that Raven loves all the pampering they get and all the important people they meet, it makes her feel like a real princess. Everywhere she looks, the streets and stores are shining too! Her raven blood is soaring. “I didn’t realize you had such excitable juniors, Vil,” Eric would chuckle. (“Waaaah, so cool! Like a prince!!” Raven would gush, earning eye rolls from her classmates and a groan from Ace.)
Walking on the red carpet wouldn’t interest her that much; she doesn’t like the attention so she tries hard to just fade behind the others and play support as best she can. Carrying Vil’s things or helping him with his makeup is no problem, just don’t thrust her under the spotlight and all the flashing cameras!
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deandoesthingstome · 1 year
Labyrinth Fantasy
Pairing: Minotaur!Sy x Reader
Summary: There's a new hotel in town. You now know it's for real and you need more.
Word Count: 5.7K
Warnings: 18+, NO MINORS, cunnilingus, p in v (standing and reverse standing cowgirl), monster fucking (right?).
Fantasy Hotel Masterlist
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You'd recounted enough of the details to convince your online benefactors that the investment was worth it, but kept enough to yourself to make the experience truly special.
Like, you didn't mention the time stretch at all. Though you had been wondering why the hotel even offered longer booking sessions if the hosts could just snap a finger and keep you satisfied forever. You felt only mild guilt about keeping the image of naked human Walter to yourself. They didn't need to know how good he looked NOT as a monster. You were keeping that for you own private thoughts. But you were bemoaning your current funding situation.
sendmeanangel: ugh, I'm never getting back there!!! MNstrluvr: Listen. There's a way. sendmeanangel: how? I can't get any more shifts at the restaurant. MNstrluvr: let us open a Patreon for you sendmeanangel: I'm NOT giving a recount of this event to total strangers darkgothnightengale: you have no idea who we are sendmeanangel: you are NOT total strangers. I know your favorite coffee and what you're studying at uni and your top 10 comfort movies. I know how you got that scar on your hand. darkgothnightengale: yeah but you didn't know that until you asked. Up to then we were total strangers who loved your work. Just like everyone on Patreon will be only they'll be paying MNstrluvr: yeah and you don't have to tell it to them like you told us. Put a different spin on it. Don't make the story from the perspective of the hotel. Make it a true fairy tale. Red riding hood in the woods and shit. Make him your boyfriend, The Woodsman, who's ready to show you his secret this fine full moon evening. sendmeanangel: oh my goddddddd!!! darkgothnightengale: yeah, but put all the most important details of him in Sendmeanangel: you just want to read about his massive cock splitting you open again darkgothnightengale: i have my needs. Besides, I just mean those details you only know now because you experienced it. You have something to draw from, something to make it real for everyone MNstrluvr: seriously, meana, do it. You will make so much money. You should have been putting your other stories out there long ago but this you can post and sell cause it'll be completely your own content with no re-imagining of existing characters sendmeanangel: okay, but you gotta beta the shit out of this for me. I can't have it sounding like I'm just recounting the whole thing from last night's fuck session with my partner MNstrluvr: 😆 đŸ€Ł 😂 đŸ˜č darkgothnightengale: oh my goddddddd!!!! MNstrluvr: anyway we already created an account. We'll add your email and send you the password reset so you can run it and transfer the money to your bank whenever darkgothnightengale: and as always, no pressure on timing other than knowing you need the money to get back to Walter but I can't wait to read this! sendmeanangel: what if he's not available?
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As you clicked Reserve something caught in the back of your mind.
Would Walter care you weren't coming back to see him?
How could he? You spent two hours (or was it more? You could never figure out the time swap calculations) together. You weren't even sure if that was his real name. Sure, you fantasized about him when you got home. You'd been in a fog of post-orgasmic bliss when you saw him in his human form, but that didn't stop you from cataloging every inch you could. Imagining snuggling next to his enormous and furry body wasn't hard.
It was this domestic bliss scene you'd eventually settled on as the opening to your "boyfriend's werewolf confession during an evening walk in the woods" fic that you posted on Patreon. The feedback had been a dream come true.
While the income wasn't as plentiful as you'd hoped, the wages and tips from your extra shifts allowed you to book another stay the following month. Walter was indeed not available on your only open day of the week so you sought out another option and found a four hour time slot with a new-to-you creature.
The listing called him Captain of the Guard.
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Something about this fantasy made you select the box at check in specifically requesting your host enter in form. You had missed this at your previous visit, and as you thought back to meeting Walter, you appreciated the gentle way he eased into the scene. But you wanted a little more
mystery? Suspense? apprehension this time. The front desk clerk told you your host's name was Sy, and sent you down to a lower level of the hotel. The only key he provided was the code you punched into the elevator number pad to allow you to press L3. 
When the doors opened, you entered a small, rustic room with a hard dirt ground and cool stone walls. You only saw one other door besides the elevator you just stepped through and your mind did some mental gymnastics. Was that the exit to the maze or a bathroom? If it was the bathroom, where was the maze?
A few benches were scattered around and sitting on one was the Offering Tray you purchased, along with a note telling you to dress or undress to your level of comfort and step out into the hall through the door opposite the elevator when you were ready. Okay, door to maze then. But your nervous pee sensation was building. Where was the bathroom???
You knew the elevator was locked after you exited the car, but the note also contained the return code you were welcome to use any time, even before your reservation was over. And the note also revealed the secret to locating the washroom around the corner of one of the walls that you now noticed didn’t quite reach the next wall, causing a little optical illusion that the room was a simple square with no other space. Clever. It reminded you of a scene from a fantasy movie you’d seen when you were younger.
You peed and then undressed for a quick rinse in the surprisingly warm shower. You had imagined the temperature of the liquid streaming over the mini waterfall in this rock room would be ice cold, but it was as if the water was heated to a constant, perfect temperature from a thermal spring. The floors were warm on your bare feet too. You almost had to tear yourself away. There was a fantasy to be had.
You hung your street clothes on the garment hooks and pulled your red cape from your bag. You had researched a few different costume options and came across a clever way to fashion a toga of sorts from the material, albeit a slutty red toga with a giant slit up one thigh. You didn’t bother with underwear this time either. After one last look in the mirror to make sure your nerves weren’t showing too badly, you gathered up the offering of cured meat and stepped into the hall.
The rough hewn stone walls were at least three feet higher than the room you’d just exited. You noticed shelves jutting out occasionally at various heights and made a mental note not to run into them. Not that you planned on running. The ground was soft and sandy, rather than hard packed earth. Even in bare feet, this was going to make running hard. Again, not that you’d planned on running. 
Now, which direction? Left was always your gut instinct so you followed the path in that direction, choosing a left turn anytime you came to an intersection. After dead-ending twice in about five minutes, you began to rethink your approach. While you figured it had be wise to build in some extra time to find your treasure, you didn’t want to spend four hours in a fucking maze alone. 
As soon as you made the next right, the air shifted. The hairs on the back of your neck stood at attention and a ripple of goosebumps grew up on both arms. You made a few more turns before you began to hear snorts and huffs in the distance. For a moment, you froze, unsure if you wanted to move toward or away from the beast. Not because you didn’t want to meet the beast. But only because you truly couldn’t decide how. Sneak up and surprise him? Or let him chase you?
A new roar announced he was getting closer and you made a snap decision to turn away. Let him find me.
You maybe delayed the introduction by a few minutes. He was adept and clearly knew this maze inside and out while you were still trying to find your footing. You were just about to turn a corner that looked surprisingly familiar when you felt a rumble and the sand shift beneath your feet before you heard a snort and few stamps on the ground.
“Turn around.” Though a command, it came out like a question and you knew this was yet another opportunity for you to provide your consent to the game. Keep walking forward and it would all be over. As a matter of fact, you were convinced your next step forward would take you to the hall where the door to your changing room was. Your turn was deliberate. So was the flash as the cape swished around your legs and settled back into place. Give him a show, you smiled inwardly to yourself, before you wiped that grin right off the face in your mind and dropped your jaw instead.
Before you stood a monster of a man/beast, which explained the rumbling of the ground. You noticed the hooves which explained the stamping sound. As you drew your eyes up his solid and thick legs, you were a little disappointed to see he was wearing a heavy pleated leather skirt which hid any hint of what might be hanging underneath. His biceps bulged and thick veins trailed down each forearm. His chest was broad and teeming with unbridled strength, bare and full of the fur you were hoping to find.
Walter wasn’t the first hairy man you’d been with, but he definitely made you appreciate it more and this beast sported a similar amount. As your gaze met his, you took in the visage of a bull’s head, noticing the ring you expected to see in his nose was not there, but the horns near his ears were. They were massive as well and you had plans.
“Who dares enter my labyrinth?” he demanded as he sauntered ever closer to you. “What little bird has been flitting through these halls?”
You gave your name as you held out the tray in front of you, but he simply stood before you, motionless, save his eyes which roamed over every inch of you. When he returned his gaze to yours, he cocked his head to one side.
“And what am I supposed to do with this?” he roared, obviously unsatisfied with the tray of meat. Did the hotel make a mistake? “Maybe you’re playing a game with me? Is that it? Interrupt my peaceful solitude and taunt me with a delectable offering only to hide it behind a curtain of fabric and an offensive tray of inferior flesh?”
 I didn’t know
 I didn’t think
” you stammered. Your heart was beating furiously, though he hadn’t taken another step toward you and you weren’t exactly trapped. You were more convinced than ever that if you wanted to escape, the entry room and the elevator were just around the corner. He was giving you time to acclimate to your decision to stay, making sure you weren’t having second thoughts. Though he commanded this hall in this maze, he was letting you call the next shot and you knew you were in no danger. Well, none that you didn’t want.
You set the tray on a ledge nearby, and grabbed fistfuls of your robe in both hands, lifting the material enough to give you the feeling of freedom around your lower legs. Just in case. Not that you were planning on running.
“In this labyrinth, the offerings are usually a little more respectful. Would you like to try your offering again?” Something about his words, the way he cocked his head again, the subtle pawing at the ground, as if he was about to rear up. He wanted you to. 
You licked your lips, and nodded. Took one more beat. Then turned and ran. Past the door to the changing room, up the hall to the right, left down the next corridor, then right again. Left. Left. Left. Right. For a moment you imagined he wasn’t right on your tail and then you hit a dead end and he descended on you as you turned to try to escape the hall thinking you might have enough time to head in another direction. Well, around you really. His arms caged you against the wall behind you.
He was so close. His musk was intoxicating and the scent added a little more fuel to the fire already burning in your loins. You peered up into his eyes, which you now noticed weren’t jet black, but rather a deep, dark azure. 
“That’s better,” he chuckled. “The offering is always sweeter after a little vigorous activity.”
“I’m so sorry,” you spoke. "I had no idea the offering I was given wouldn't be to your satisfaction. I should have anticipated better for a creature who commands such obedience and reverence as you."
“The tray isn’t the offering, little bird,” he huffed near your ear as you felt a hand drop from the wall beside you to your shoulder and then down to the pivotal point on your costume. One little tug, and, yep, there it went. The makeshift dressing had held up surprisingly well on the chase, but it was designed to come off easily and that it did. He made an approving sound, tracing a finger over one breast and down the valley between both, nearing your apex before he dragged the back of that hand up your belly and around your waist, ending with a firm grip on the meat of your hips.
what is the offering?” you asked, with feigned timidity, as if you didn’t know what he meant. His arms moved to circle your waist and his hands slid to the creases beneath both now bare cheeks.
"I'll take this peach instead," he snorted with what you perceived to be a wink and a grin. He jiggled the flesh of your ass and grinned wider as he caught the moan of pleasure you tried to suppress. "You don’t need to fight it little bird. This is why you're here. To let go of inhibitions and feel free to express your feelings and desires with no judgment. If you like someone paying attention to this luscious cake, you shouldn't have to feel like you have to hide it."
The exchange felt a little out of character for the scene, but you didn’t mind. The chase was fun, but it was going to be even better finding out how this man would take care of your needs. So you let him know.
"Fuck. It feels good to have you touch it. Most men just go straight for the pussy and ignore the pleasure I get from the tease, the idea of you..." you trailed off, uncertain if you wanted to broach that subject here.
"Oh, it's just an idea, huh? Nothing you want to try? Isn't that why you're here?"
You thought about Walter and wondered if Sy was as well endowed under the fabric covering his loins. Surely the beasts at this hotel were all inordinately adept at providing pleasure; that was after all the entire theme. And maybe there were other ways to pleasure a person, and maybe this hotel had them too, but you couldn’t begin to imagine that the size of Sy’s cock wasn’t proportionate to his stature. You weren't quite ready to feel that in your ass.
"It's alright, little bird. We're here for whatever you'd like,” he answered without you even saying a word.
“Can I call you Sy?” you asked, unsure how committed to the bit he’d be.
“Of course, darlin’.” That was an odd Texas drawl that had just overridden the previous enigmatic accent you assumed was meant to convey ancient Greece. He kept the twang when he saw your surprised eyebrow quirk. “We can take this play anywhere you want to go. Though I’m going to make one choice for us.”
He bent to scoop you into his arms, cradling your legs and back as he held you against his chest. You could feel his heart pounding and wondered if he could feel yours, too. You took some slow deep breaths to try to calm yourself.
For a brief moment, you nestled your head against his neck, relishing the feel of the fur against your cheek. Then you turned your head to pay attention to where he was taking you. You figured you would need to make your way out of this maze alone after being well and thoroughly fucked and somehow you imagined you'd still have enough brain cells to remember the path he was taking.
But Sy wasn’t going backwards to any open hall. Instead he was making his way directly into what you took for a dead end. Before he crushed you against the wall, as you were sure he was about to do, Sy stepped through the wall. Sort of. Through another optical illusion that proved the dead end was actually a T intersection.
Sy took the left branch and in a few short strides, you found yourself in a room filled oddly with accouterments of pleasure. A platform bed covered in softness in the middle of the space was an inviting contrast to the sandstone walls you'd acclimated to. In a few spaces, what appeared to be fur rugs hung against the walls. Straight ahead, covered in dozens of warm glowing candles illuminating the room along with hanging oil lamp pendants, sat a wooden altar. Bowls draped with mounds of luscious looking fruit and plates of cured meats and cheeses were nestled in between the candle holders.
As you looked around, you noticed no other entrance to the room, though you kept missing the non-obvious openings, so who knew? The markings on the wall and other accompanying furnishings led you to believe you were not just in some other hall of the maze. You were now in Sy's sanctuary. You’d found, or rather Sy was going to show you, the treasure at the middle of the maze. 
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Sy set you on your feet and stepped back, as if judging your temperature again. 
“Is this where I meet my fate, then?” you asked, with a shy smile.
“You’ll die a thousand little deaths in here,” he promised, returning to the previous accent, and you noticed now a tail swishing behind him. You hadn’t seen that before, but it seemed
“Sounds amazing.”
With that he rushed you as if you still held the red cape as a target. In what felt like one fell swoop, he bent to capture your hips and swing you forward over his shoulder as he turned and took a few steps toward a fur-lined spot along a wall and none of those movements jostled or startled you. It was as if he was picking up a piece of cloth, the ease with which he maneuvered you and held you stable so nothing hurt. Not his fingers in your hips, not your hips over his shoulder, not your back as he held you captive, pressed against the wall of the hidden sanctuary.
“Walter said you smelled delicious and tasted even better,” Sy huffed with hunger.
Did they talk amongst one another? That hardly seemed ethical. And yet, you’d gossipped and dished about this place and the man you’d met previously. Why would you assume he wouldn’t do the same?
“So that’s the first thing we’ll take care of here,” he continued as he dug his massive thigh into the moist heat between your legs and huffed breath onto your neck. His hands traced the length of your body, down both sides, over your belly, onto the sensitive skin of your inner thighs.
In a heartbeat, he had you off the ground, legs spread wide as he continued to trap you against the wall. You tried to hold onto his beefy shoulders for stability, but soon realized he wasn't done lifting you up as you lost purchase.
You were sure you'd be tumbling forward onto the sandy ground in front of you as soon as you cleared another foot of his body, but somehow you remained upright. Well, ‘somehow’ was known but you were still amazed at the raw strength and power Sy possessed to hold you aloft and continue to elevate your body.
With one final shrug, he had your naked form where he wanted it. Legs over shoulders and pussy right at his face waiting to be devoured. You'd had men, including Walter, in between your legs before. A few times when you were upright, and that always put a nice checkmark next to their names in your book. But never while hoisted six feet in the air.
The thick swath of muscle that ascended through your folds filled you with a warmth you had been craving for weeks. Sy somehow managed to manipulate the shape as well, so that he alternated between targeted tight circles with a tip and wide saliva drenched passes that were soon mingling with your own juices.
You had the distinct impression that the wall behind you was for your benefit only. A way to make you more comfortable and secure in the knowledge that he wouldn't let you fall while he was feasting at the altar of your thighs. That he had the ability to hold you upright all on his own while he ate you out.
He made you come at least three times with your back arched against the wall and crying out for relief as you pressed into his head to hold yourself steady, even while he supported you with a hand cradling your ass and another secure against your side. You had wanted to grab his horns, but something told you to stop and wait until you could ask permission. It didn’t seem polite to just grab at them without warning.
“Please, Sy. Please fuck me now,” you pleaded and he skillfully obliged, though he took his sweet time getting there.
He took a few more licks, sucking in the moisture dripping from your pussy before he began to ease your legs off his shoulders, down his body, and around his waist. He settled you there while he reached back to unhook his skirt and drop it to the ground. Then he knelt, still holding you against the wall, and shifted your legs down to rest on his thighs. This gave you an opportunity to peek down and see what he was working with, and not that you were at all surprised but it was still a bit of shock.
A strap of leather remained wrapped around his waist, traveling down both sides of his Orion's belt with the ends connected to a ring that sat stuffed behind his cock. While you contemplated just how long it would let him last, he worked an especially large condom onto his massive member, drifting a knuckle through your folds at every opportunity, given the proximity. He grunted and grinned each time you rolled your hips against his fingers, eagerly seeking more pressure, more depth, more everything.
“Patience, little bird. We’ll get there soon enough,” he warned as he finished affixing the rubber. You watched rapt as he held himself firm in one hand, tugging with the same languid pace he also used to trail his fingers from the other hand around your entrance, flicking at the hidden pearl up top and pressing his thumb deep inside you. It was killing you, but this was not one of the little deaths he had promised and you contemplated telling him so. 
As if he could tell just how impatient you were becoming, he finally spread your puffy lips wide and began to nudge the tip of his cock at your soaking entrance. A gasp was all you could manage as he moved to standing at the same time, easing your legs back up around his waist again.
Sy moved into you inch by glorious inch, pausing every so often to make sure you were comfortable. It was certainly not something you were accustomed to, but the feeling was familiar and you knew now he was at least as large as Walter. This was going to be fun. When he was almost seated you asked.
“Yes, little bird?”
“May I touch them? Hold 
 hold onto them?”
“Yes, little bird, you may.”
You used the leverage of your grip to drive your hips down the rest of the way onto his colossal cock and willed your inner walls to ease around him. A heat filled you, a desire to grind against him, but he stilled you. Made you sit with the enormity of the situation for a moment while he palmed a breast, rolled a nipple.
“Please, Sy, please. I want you to move. I want you to fuck me into this wall. Please.”
He didn’t make you beg another time. He was slamming into you and somehow rotating his hips in such a way that you felt him in every muscle and nerve in your body. It felt electric and vibrant and you wanted to explode. Sy let you. Fucked you right through it and into the midst of a second one before you could open your eyes again. 
You were grinding against him, pulling your body up and pushing back down using his horns to guide you and you were coming hard around him again. His laugh was infectious and you let one out with the third little death in this position. 
Suddenly, he spun you away from the wall. For a moment you thought he was heading for the bed, but he lifted you off his cock, then turned you around. He held you against his chest with one arm around your waist as his other hand guided his throbbing member into you once again.
You threw your arms behind you to grasp at his neck as if you needed to somehow participate in keeping yourself steady against him, but he could handle you all on his own. He had your legs splayed wide, an arm under each knee, and he drove up into you as if it was nothing. And while you didn’t need to, you absolutely wanted to slip your hands up a little higher, off his neck, over the back of his head and right back onto those epic horns. 
You smoothed your fingers over the bone, into the curl, and held on. It could have been your imagination, but his grunts and snorts seemed to magnify as you did so. Maybe he really liked it? Before you had a chance to consider dragging your fingers along the form again, he hit you with another deep wave of pleasure that had your eyes rolling back into your head as you slumped against him.
And it was like he knew how much more you had in you, because he just kept fucking you right back into consciousness, at which point you did gather your wits and give his horns a few more sensual strokes. It was his groan that told you he was close and you were helping him along. It only took a few more thrusts before you were coming hard around his dick and it seemed like he was letting loose with a roar, too.
He eased his phallus out of your sweaty, quivering body and moved forward to deposit you on the bed, admonishing you to stay put before he disappeared behind another secret wall. You heard water rushing and the sound began to lull you into a light sleep that only the warm, wet cloth pulled you out of.
“Don’t open your eyes just yet,” he spoke, his voice a little less gruff than before.
“I was promised a thousand little deaths,” you teased, unable to move your eyelids or anything else for that matter. His laughter lifted your heart.
“Oh, you want more? Looks like you’d scatter in the wind like a dandelion if I put my cock in you one more time.”
“I wish you weren’t right,” you joined him with a light laugh of your own. “Maybe if I could get a little nap
“Unfortunately, time has been flyin’ while we’ve been having fun. Don’t think you’ve got enough left for that.”
You peeled your eyes open, curious about his statement. You hadn’t meant to imply he should give you more time and you were embarrassed that he might think you were being pushy, demanding. You were not prepared for the sight of the man in front of you.
Where Walter’s shift had given him just a little extra height and bulk, not that he needed it to maneuver you around the room, Sy’s return to human form was dramatic. And not that he wasn’t massive in his own right, but the size of the beast that had just fucked you senseless was even more apparent comparatively. You could see he was solid, tree trunks for thighs and branches for arms. His shoulders were wide, chest broad. All the things you’d noticed of the bull, but just scaled down. And still incredibly daunting. 
“S’okay I shifted back?” he asked with concern.
“Of course, whatever you
 I mean, this is all so new to me. I have no idea what’s allowed. And how much time
” Was what you were thinking about within bounds? “Has it really only been almost four hours? How much time is left? I think I assumed
Sy gave another chuckle as you trailed off.
“Yeah, he musta really liked you from the get go.” At your quizzical gaze, Sy continued. “We don’t all have that gift. Walt’s one of the few. And he uses it sparingly. It’s not really a sanctioned hotel offering. If everyone could and did, we’d get nothing but two-hour bookings.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean to
 I mean, I hope that didn’t sound like I was demanding any special treatment or anything.”
“You honestly still don’t look like you have enough strength left to demand a deep breath,” Sy teased. “Here, lemme give you a hand. We’ll get you cleaned up for real.”
He scooped you off the bed and carried you into the bathroom, outfitted similarly to the entry room. He placed you gently under the warm, rushing waterfall before sudsing you up with a shower gel that smelled surprisingly like something you already owned. You watched as his hands slid over your body, easing the soap down your legs and guiding the water to rinse you off. 
“Sy,” you began, wondering if you should even bring it up, but as he stood to grab a towel for you, the shape you thought you’d seen as he washed you was even more apparent. “Is it allowed? Do we have time 
 Can I
help you with this?”
You reached for him, circling a hand around his obvious erection and tugging gently. His eyes closed slowly as he dropped his head back with a deep sigh, before he wrapped his arms around you and drew you to him. He put a palm against your cheek and tilted your head to train his beautiful blue eyes on yours as he spoke.
“It’s technically not allowed.” Your heart sank at his words. “But Imma make it good for you one last time anyway.” 
You let the towel drop to the floor as he lifted you to move back out to the bed. He set you down and you watched him climb onto the mattress, expecting him to grab a condom and crawl over you, or flip you over. When he settled himself between your legs, it wasn’t his cock that penetrated you. Sy put his mouth over your pussy again and the moan that escaped his throat had enough vibration you were sure you could come from that alone.
He was better. He was unbelievably better than Walter at this. It wasn’t something you were particularly proud to be thinking, but truth was where you found it and this was the truth. Sy was skilled and all the tricks he used in Minotaur form, he used here as well. You were squirming within moments, grinding up into his face and grabbing onto his freshly shaved head to help keep him where he’d do the most damage in the quickest amount of time. Not that he needed your help, because he was fucking good at this. He knew how to use his tongue and lips and, yes, teeth, gently, and yes fingers, deep and deft. And if you weren’t mistaken, he was squirming, too. 
You could see his ass wiggling and humping into the bed and if you weren’t losing your own damn mind you’d have noticed his hips stuttering as he came into the mattress right around the time his fingers landed back on the spot that, in combination with the movement of his tongue, had you screaming his name.
He let you linger in bed a moment, catching your breath while he slipped on a pair of white, slouchy linen pants before he held out his hand to help you off the bed. 
“Here,” he pulled the sheet around you with a soft chuckle and a grin. “This’ll be more comfortable than traipsing back to the elevator naked. I’ll show you the way.”
Sy led you back to the entry room, stopping along the way for a small detour to find your discarded cloak down the dead end hall. You swapped material with him as he deposited you outside the changing room and wished you a wonderful day.
“Come back and see us again, sometime. It was a pleasure,” he tilted his head at you as you stepped backwards into the room.
“The pleasure was all mine,” you replied.
“Don’t be too sure about that, now.”
Bonus Edit: Absolutely GORGEOUS headers made for me by my wonderful friend in fic @geralts-yenn:
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Everything HC Taglist: (as always, let me know if you want on or off)
@sillyrabbit81 @mayloma @geralts-yenn @raccoon-eyed-rebel @fvckinghenrycavill @kebabgirl67 @beck07990 @itsrubberbisquit @sweetdreamsofgelato @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @alexakeyloveloki @marantha @aireraume @angelmather1 @lizzystuffsthings @enchantedbytomandhenry @omgkatinka @littlefreya @avengersfan25 @just-chirpin @thesaucynomad @valacirca @henryownsme @summersong69 @foxyjwls007 @peyton-warren
Special tag: @kittenofdoomage (cause sometimes you love my stuff and this one's another monster fucker lol!)
Tags from Werewolf!walter (if you commented):
@ellethespaceunicorn @juliaorpll78 @martha-oi @cardierreh15 @cinnamoroll-things @caramariehurst @zombicupcake3 @openup-yourmind @shellyshellshell @nickfowlerrr @greensleeves888 @misshinson @thelastsock @princessaxoo @augustsprincess @justjulie1105 @minimin1993 if you asked and aren't here, Tumblr won’t let me tag you. Sorry!
390 notes · View notes
ghostssweetgirl · 1 year
Okay, I've got you. đŸ€Ș
What if reader (already in established relationship with the boys 141+los vaqueros) asks them "Would you love me if I was a worm"
Its gonna be so much fun!
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😂😭💀Dying at this LMAO it's a legit question though, because if they wouldn't love you in ANY form do they really love you? 😂😂😂 @ghostslillady
Reader x TF141 + Los Vaqueros | Would You Still Love Me if I Was a Worm?
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Captain 'John' Price
"Hey, babe," you looked over at him with a smile on your face.
"Yes, dear?"
"I have a question."
"What's that, love?"
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" you said it outright and confidently as you held eye contact with him.
"A worm?" he laughed. "Bloody hell kind of question is that?"
"I'm being serious!"
"I... I don't have an answer for that, darlin'," he shook his head while he chuckled, you could see his cheeks flushed red.
"So... you wouldn't?" you frowned, looking down at the ground.
He sighed. "Yes, yes, I would, y/n. I'd still love you if you were... a fuckin' worm." He peered over at you with an unamused look on his face. You smiled ear to ear, happy that he'd still love you... even in an unrealistic scenario...
John 'Soap' MacTavish
"Babyyyy..." you crawled closer to him on the couch, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug.
"Hey, there, pretty," he chuckled, hugging you closer.
"Can I ask you a silly question?"
"Oi, I love a silly question."
"Okay. Say I was a worm."
"A little earthworm?"
"Yes, exactly, me, a little tiny earthworm."
He shook his head, understandably.
"Would you still love me... if I was that worm?"
He busted out in laughter, his face turning red from how hard he giggled. "How exactly do you take care of a worm? The hell would I feed you?"
"I... I don't know," you thought. "Leaves? Dirt? I don't know, but you would still love me?"
"Of course, bonnie," his laughter didn't stop. "You'd love me if I was one, aye?"
"Yes! We'd be worm boyfriend and girlfriend!" you grinned, laughing with him.
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
It was a bad time for this question you had... it was bugging you all day. You were in the middle of a mission, and were taking cover in an abandoned building.
You and Ghost were reloading your guns. You looked at each other and he squinted at you. "What is it?" he knew that look on your face.
"I just... wanted to ask you something," you tried to hide that smile forming on your face.
"Can it wait until we're done here, luv?" he rasped as he secured the mag into his gun, patting it with the palm of his hand. You followed suit and sat up next to him as you eliminated enemies on the opposite side.
You emptied bullets into the enemy soldiers before ducking again. Ghost took out the rest before he was sat back next to you. He took a quick look at you, and you were already staring, still with a smile on your face. "Just what is it?"
"Well..." you started before you started quietly giggling. "I was wondering if... you'd still love me if I was a worm?"
"A fuckin' worm?" He repeated before calling over the comms, waiting for pickup. "Seriously? Fuckin' bloody hell kind of question is that?"
You couldn't help but laugh, laughing even harder even though no sound came out as he grumbled on about the question. Your stomach was starting to hurt.
"... Still love you if you was a goddamn worm...", "Fuckin' dumb questions you come up with sometimes..."
"Simon!" you yelled in a whisper. "Would you? Yes or no?"
He simply rolled his eyes, sighing in defeat as he looked at you. "... Yes. I suppose I'd have to learn how take care of the damn thing, yeah?" he chuckled.
"Yay!" you shrieked as you pulled him into a hug, he hugged you back tightly before pulling away as your getaway vehicle showed up.
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
A mission completed successfully, as always, results in a night of good fun and drinking.
You were sitting next to your boyfriend, Gaz, as the alcohol flooded through your veins.
You giggled behind your hand, covering up your laugh as it only became more intense with your thoughts.
"What's funny, baby?" Gaz asked.
"Oh," you paused. "Just thinkin'."
"If you'd still love me if I was a worm?"
"Oh my god," he shook his head, his hand wiped down his face at the question. "How do you come up with this?"
You shrugged, your face beet red as you couldn't stop giggling. "Would you, though?"
"I..." he stammered. "Y/n... why? Just why?"
"Because! Just because!" you said. "Yes or no? I'm a cute little worm!"
He sighed, soon laughing as well. "Yeah, yeah, I guess, as long as you're cute."
You hummed, smiling, happy with his answer.
Alejandro Vargas
You had prepared a home-cooked meal of one of his favorites, along with some wine to wash it down with. Waiting for his arrival, you nearly jumped for joy when he entered the house, jumping into his arms as you attacked his face with kisses.
"Mi amor," he rasped, kissing you passionately. "Missed you so much. Smells so good in here."
"Hehe, thanks, baby," you ushered him into the kitchen, pulling out his chair for him to sit and eat.
You finished your lovely dinner, catching up with him after his absence.
It was now bedtime, and as you laid cuddling him, one of the most random questions popped in your mind.
"Alejandro?" you whispered.
"Yes, baby?"
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
He didn't answer for a moment, but you waited, twiddling your thumbs as you awaited his response.
"Is this what keeps you up at night, hermosa (beautiful)?"
You softly laughed, but you shook your head. "Yes... But what's your answer?"
He chuckled, pulling you closer to him. "I love you regardless, baby. Even if you were a tiny little... slimy worm."
You were in the passenger seat as he was driving you back to the safe house. It was a bit of a drive and you had all the time in the world to be in your own head, pondering unanswered questions of the world until you came across one silly question...
You waited a moment, peeking over at your boyfriend while he had his eyes on the road. For a moment, he met your eyes and he smiled lovingly at you, holding his hand out for yours to take.
He rubbed the back of your hand before he pulled it to his lips, kissing it softly.
"Rudy, baby?" you cooed.
"Random... stupid question..." you giggled.
"Go on..." he nodded.
"Would you love me if I was a worm?"
"A worm?" he exclaimed, laughing.
"Darling, you would never be a worm," he spoke in between his laughs. "You're silly."
"I'm curious, though," your voice pitched slightly higher.
"Well..." he thought about it. "I love you. As you are now... and I'd love you in... any way, so... yes?"
"Yes?" your smile widened, your eyes lit up at his answer.
"Is that what you wanted me to say, my love?" he smirked. You nodded in response, sitting back into your seat.
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teriri-sayes · 8 months
Reactions to Mad Worshipper's Chapter 244
TL;DR - Archie recalls how Witira beat up a trash whale beastman in the past. Witira and Yanni's fight continues. Wild wind elementals and Cale's elementals join Tasha in her fight.
Troubled Archie The scene between Archie and Hannah today was so funny. The two were former enemies, so being together in one place was bound to be awkward for them. But Archie's panic over Witira's fight made him forget that. He even narrated to her what happened when he was young.
-the earth shakes and loud thuds are continuously heard- Archie: *trembling* Hannah: What's wrong? Archie: ...She's angry. Hannah: Huh? Archie: ...When I was young. You know our village is on ice, right? There... At that time, there was a trash whale beastman who messed with a penguin beastman that was a friend of the whale tribe. -a loud thud sounds as the ground shakes again- Archie: *wipes the cold sweat off his forehead* Anyway, Witira went to beat up that bastard. Hannah: And? Archie: That trash ran away by turning to a whale and diving into the sea. Hannah: So? Archie: Witira caught that whale, and... Narrator: After the young Archie witnessed that scene, he vowed to never mess with Witira. Archie: And then, Witira lifted the whole whale and slammed it to the ground. Hannah: ... -a loud thud sounds as the ground shakes again- Archie: T-That's what we're hearing now! Like that time when she beat him up! When she held the tail fin and swung it side by side in a semicircle like striking a paddle! The sound at that time was like this! Hannah: ... -a loud thud sounds as the ground shakes again- Archie: She's seriously furious right now! Witira's eyes rolled back then! Paseton was young at that time, and he came crying and saying, 'Noona, please stop.' No one can stop her unless he clung to her like that time! Paseton has grown up now... no- Even if the current Paseton comes crying and clings to Witira, she will stop! But Paseton-nim is in Roan! How do I bring him here! Huh? Hannah: ...Why are you asking me that? Archie: I mean, we're in real trouble! *stands up and looks out the tent* Damn it! Snow keeps falling! The snowfall is getting worse! Damn it! You don't have to worry about water running out here! Hannah: Then isn't that good for whale beastmen? Archie: That's the problem! It's a problem because it's good! There's so much snow! *clutches his hair* She might even go berserk! *runs out of the tent* Damn it! The elemental is completely beat up! I have to stop her! Hannah: ??? *looks at Archie as if he was a crazy person* Raon: Human, Archie is running to the battlefield! Why is that? Cale who is also scared of Witira right now: ...I understand him.
Quite a long scene, but it was so hilarious to see Archie panicking. đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł At first, I suspected that the trash was actually Archie, but the narration convinced me that he was just a traumatized witness at that time. 😂
Hannah's reactions to his panic was also funny, like she's confused why Archie was even troubled because the enemy being beaten up was good for their side. Or perhaps seeing her former enemy who was awkward with her suddenly confiding about the past and panicking. 😂
The Elementals Witira's fight continued today, and ended up with Witira clutching the earth elemental, who had lost its earthworm form, by her bare hands. There was also some stuff about Yanni's past and how she treated the earth elemental as her precious friend.
Peterson considered Yanni as crazy though because of what she did to her 'friend.' She was its friend, but also turned it into a brainless tool for fighting. Tasha's wind elemental was angry because it knew that the earth elemental lost its form after it got devoured by the source of the world.
Moving on, Tasha was angry at the enemy elves for crossing the line. I said that she was a polearm user last chapter, but she was actually a long spear user. She had her contracted wind elemental to help her, but Cale's wind elementals (the ones who always shout Chaos and Destruction) also joined in to help her. Even the wind elementals that lived in the Erghe Mountains joined her.
Ending Remarks Much of the chapter was about Witira's fight (and Archie panicking), and a prelude to Tasha's battle. As for Rosalyn, there was no mention of her at all today. I guess she'll have a chapter dedicated to her battle too? Given the pattern, perhaps we'll have 2 battle chapters per character. And Cale... it feels strange yet refreshing to see him as a spectator this time.
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multi-fandom-things730 · 10 months
Thanksgiving Stress
Summary: Hook’s girlfriend wants everything to be perfect for Thanksgiving and is stressing herself out. He tries to take her mind off of it.
Warnings: fluff?, cussing, stress
A/N: This short little fic is purely comfort for myselfđŸ« đŸ˜‚ But I hope you guys enjoy!!!! As always, a special thanks to @99hook for being the reason I started writing on here in the first placeđŸ„čđŸ«‚đŸ€ And @madhatterbri here’s the Thanksgiving fic😂💛
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When Tyler woke up, a smile grew on his face as the smells of cinnamon and nutmeg flooded his nose.
It was the day before Thanksgiving, and he chuckles when he walks into the kitchen and sees his girlfriend running around.
She doesn't even look over at him, not noticing his presence as she kneads the pie crust dough.
Tyler walks up to her and wraps his arms around her waist from behind. "Good morning mamas"
But Y/N just huffs in response and gives him a short "Hi"
He furrows his eyebrows, and a pout forms on his face. "That’s not a very nice greeting"
"I'm busy Tyler. I'm trying to get everything ready that I can today so there's less to do tomorrow. And I need to make sure everything is perfect" Y/N says, and pulls out of his grasp to walk over to check on the sweet potatoes in the oven.
Tyler sighs and leans against the counter. Y/N always got stressed when cooking for family. She wanted everything to be absolutely perfect. This likely stemmed from how her Aunt was very picky about who got to bring food; picky meaning that the only two people who cooked were her and Y/N.
Y/N took that very seriously, and wanted to live up to her Aunt's expectations.
He could tell she must have made a mistake before he woke up, because she always got extra frazzled after. And her southern accent was starting to become more pronounced, something that also happened when she got upset.
"Mamas, everything is going to be perfect. Your cooking always is" he comforts, and moves to stand behind her again.
Y/N finally pauses, and lets him pull her back against his chest.
He massages her shoulders, and leans his head down to place kisses on her forehead and temple. "You need to stop getting so worked up sweet girl. There's a reason your Aunt lets you cook. It's because your cooking is amazing"
"Thanks, honey" she breathed out, and Tyler has to hold in a chuckle at the southern twang in her voice.
"Except your mashed potatoes" he teases.
"Hey!" She exclaims, and pulls out of his arms. She turns to face him with her arms crossed and hip jutted out. "My mashed potatoes are not bad! I'm sorry your little yankee ass doesn't know what butter is, but that's not my problem! I ought to kick you right back to New York!"
Tyler just grins as she pops off at him, holding in a laugh.
But she could tell, which causes her to huff. "It ain't funny! Ain'tcha got something better to do than critique how I make mashed potatoes?! I'm the southern one here, you wouldn't know what enough cream and butter is if it slapped ya in the face!"
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry mamas" Tyler laughs as he reaches over and pulls her into a hug. "I was just teasing you. I love your mashed potatoes"
She looks up at him with a pout.
He just smiles and pecks her pouty lips. "I love you mamas"
She rolls her eyes, before leaning up and pecking his lips in return. "I love you too"
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aestrayla · 11 months
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study session ft. gojo satoru
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summary: you take satoru to the library to study for upcoming exams, what antics will he come up with while you’ve fallen asleep? ft. gojo satoru x f!reader
cw: SPOILERS (kind of lol), fluff, my humour, pet names (sweetheart)
word count: 0.4k
a/n: i'm currently DEFINITELY shadowbanned so hopefully this gets out to some if not anyone 😭 anyways, this is me writing about studying because instead of this i should be studying for my exams LOL
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a kick to your foot had you jolted awake from your little nap, headphones halfway through playing [your fav song] and a pen stuffed between your fingers.
putting the pen back to paper, a second kick had you pulling your headphones off, brows starting to furrow.
the third, and final kick, had you shooting up from your seat, peering over the desk wall at the white haired man in front of you. the screech from your chair causing some to look your way.
“can you stop that?” you hissed, loud enough for only him to hear.
“stop what?” he replied, a dopey grin plastered to his face, clearly amused at your looming form above him.
“i was trying to study!”
“yeah right, i could hear you snoring from a mile away,” he snickered.
“fuck you, satoru,” you seethed under your breath.
“sorry sweetheart, but you weren’t responding to my texts,” he waved around his phone, the screen open to your text messages.
you peered back down to your phone and saw a flood of message notifications, all from one person.
2:26pm: samsung galaxy z flip 3: yo can u help me w this question??
2:27pm: samsung galaxy z flip 3: hello???
2:28pm: samsung galaxy z flip 3: oh so its like that??
2:30pm: samsung galaxy z flip 3: is that u snoring?? can u stop pls ppl are staring 🙄
2:31pm: samsung galaxy z flip 3: attachment: 1 image
2:31pm: samsung galaxy z flip 3: LMAOO watch this be my new lockscreen 😂😂
you look back at him, obviously annoyed and he just shrugs, clearly unbothered.
“so you gonna help me, or what?”
making your way around the rows of tables, you finally stop at satoru’s.
“so what’s the problem?” you lean over his desk, scanning through the mess of papers.
“the problem is,” he suddenly grabs you by your wrist and pulls you into his lap. you yelp in surprise, startled by his sudden moves, “i’m kinda hungry, can we go for crepes?”
you push at the desk to swerve around to face him, “crepes? seriously? i thought you said you were going to study seriously for me today!”
he pulls you closer by your waist, “please, we’ve been here for hours already. you know i need my daily sugar fix,” he pouted.
you narrow your eyes at him, eyeing his features. from his bright blue eyes to his criminally glossy lips.
“i promise i’ll study twice as hard tomorrow so, please?”
you sigh, “fine, i give up.”
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a/n: who wants a part two where the problem is actually his throbbing d**k??! LOLL
©2023 aestrayla. do not modify, copy, translate or share.
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writeshite · 2 years
Smart Cookie
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“Huh, impressive, Dr. Reid; you’re a smart cookie.” You hold a door open, and he passes through; confused, he turns back. “Smart cookie?” “Yeah, you know, clever, intelligent,” you explained, “a smart cookie.”
Spencer Reid x Male!Reader
Fluff | Inaccurate Laws Probably | First Meetings | Tattooed Reader (Because I Don't See Enough Of That) |
Words: 3871
Author's Note:
Guess what I started watching 😂 but like seriously, I am loving Criminal Minds, and as you can see, Spencer has become my favorite, I just wanna wrap this man in a hug or something.
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“Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing, and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.” 
- Ann Landers
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Spencer’s knowledge of romance could be put together in a mountain of anecdotes and books, labeled by theme, source, and moment of discovery - sexuality, unknown source, age 15, conclusion: gay panic. Practical experience, however, could be summed into a blurb on the back of a book and promptly thrown in a fire. Friendship was something far easier; he’d come to learn it later in life - with childhood peers who took pleasure in putting him through the worst of what the American high school hierarchy had to offer - and even now, in adulthood, there were times he would think that those around him much preferred his absence over his presence.
The BAU was a lot kinder than high school was. Still, there were moments when patience would run thin, tempers may flair, or the occasional reminder that now was not the time for a tangent or a pointless anecdote or ‘do you ever shut up?’ or anything else along those lines - he didn’t mind, not like he’d used to as a child, besides, more often than not, the comments came from outside the BAU. Bystanders, police, investigators - very rarely did Spencer feel the need to squeeze himself into a neat little box and present what was deemed desirable to others, at least not until now.
“Nice to meet you, Dr. Reid.”
Change was never readily accepted by the BAU; in regards to new and retiring teammates, it was met with distaste; the change came in the form of you - a recent transfer to the team - your first case with them in Seattle, Washington. An open case, the unsub would stalk their victims and gather intel on them and their lives before attacking; victims had the murder weapons clutched in their right hand and some form of personal belonging stolen by the unsub. Trophies for his collection, his victims, all graduating students from the local university - he had access to the victim’s schedules, details of their personal lives, and used tools at the scene. 
“We’ll split up,” Gideon says, “ask around the university, staff, students, and the victim’s families.”
Spencer gets paired with you, questioning the university’s Faculty of Arts, the main focus of the unsub. The Faculty of Arts focuses on creative arts, writing, philosophy, and humanities - the liberal arts - with the campus’ main library in the area. “Wow, this is fancy,” you remark. Fancy’s an understatement; the faculty entrance was grand, with a pediment and columns overhead and the university emblem on a banner at the door. With the recent deaths, fewer students had been attending classes in person; the faculty head, Professor Jody Cunningham, was an older man with dark graying at the edges, a well-trimmed beard, and smoothed clothes.
“Professor Cunningham
.” you called his attention, introducing yourself, “....and this is my colleague, Dr. Reid; we’re with the Behavioral Analysis Unit.”
“A pleasure; thank you for coming; we’re all devastated by the news.”
“Did you know the students?” you ask.
Professor Cunningham nods, “They’d just handed in their thesis, and I’d been making my way through before, you know
.” he ran a hand down his face, “now, none of my graduates or other students are coming in.”
“The murders all connect back to one of the subjects taught here; the first was arts, the second, humanities; if he’s going by alphabetical order, then the next one should be natural sciences,” Spencer describes the first two victims, their characteristics, similarities, differences, “do you know any graduate students doing the natural sciences who fit that profile?”
“Three students I can think of, though one of them’s not in the States anymore, so it can only be the other two, Jesse Hudson and Lynn Watson. Jesse’s majoring in biology, and his thesis, I believe, was on the role of the clock gene in protection against neural and retinal degeneration; not 100% caught up on what that is yet, Lynn —”
“The clock gene is a major circadian system regulator found in mammals and fruit flies, the latter of which the transcription factors - clock and cycle - combine and stimulate the transcription of the period and timeless genes. The two proteins bind together and enter the cell nucleus, where the timeless gene then begins to degrade and the liberated period gene interacts with the clock and cycle to prevent them from activating gene expression.” His explanation comes to a stop, and he’s hoping he hasn’t managed to weird you out.
You turn to him, “What happens after?”
“What?” He’s dumbfounded, “uh
you want to hear me speak more?”
“It’s why I’m asking,” you reply. “If that’s ok, you don’t have to continue if you don’t want to.”
“No, no, I’d love to; I just
.people usually ask me to stop talking,” he shrugs. You raise your eyebrows, and he feels giddy, beaming a little; he carries on, even after you’re finished with professor Cunningham, you don’t deter him. Head tilted to glance at him, your undivided attention. “....I read this from an old thesis in my junior year.”
“And you still remember it?” 
He nods. “I don’t forget much,” he points to his head, “eidetic memory.”
“Huh, impressive, Dr. Reid; you’re a smart cookie.” You hold a door open, and he passes through; confused, he turns back.
“Smart cookie?”
“Yeah, you know, clever, intelligent,” you explained, “a smart cookie.”
Spencer’s a smart cookie. 
He’s a smart cookie.
He’s your smart cookie. 
Well, technically, he’s not, but you’re the only one that calls him that nickname, not all the time; of course, you still call him by his name, but you also call him smart cookie. He bounces on his feet when you call him that, a little grin on his face as he turns to you, “What’s got you all happy, cookie?”
“Nothing, just happy to see you too,” he responds earnestly.
“I’d hope so; otherwise, this coffee run would’ve been for nothing,” you remark, placing his order on his desk, a smile on your face; then you go to your desk, to the left of him, and across from Morgan - kick your legs up and lean back on your chair. 
“What none for me?” Derek pouts.
“Sorry, only deliver to sweetness,” you wink at Spencer, and he grins.
Morgan fakes offense, “Oh, oh, that’s how it’s going to be, alright. Don’t expect me to play middleman with you and Nick again.”
You snort, “Doubt that’s ever going to happen again,” you tell him, “that ship has sailed.” You move your hand through the air, mimicking a wave. 
“Nick?” Spencer asks.
“Morgan’s friend, we hooked up a few times, but it never went anywhere,” you reply.
“Yeah, loverboy here did a hell of a job with him, could barely walk the next day, not that he was complaining,” Derek added on, “Said you had quite the package.”
You throw a pen at Derek, tongue stuck out at him, “TMI Derek,” Elle voiced; she’s just arrived, her own coffee in hand, chuckling while she shakes her head. 
“I’m just giving performance reviews,” Derek shrugs.
“Oh god,” you laugh. 
Spencer feels a little hot under the collar, knocking his knees lightly to keep his imagination at bay - your voice by his ear, hands roaming his body before settling on his hips, his own arms around your shoulder - he shook his head a little, eyes slightly wide as he sipped the coffee.
“You alright there, cookie?” 
“I’ve been meaning to ask, what’s with the cookie nickname?” Elle voices.
You shrug, “Spence’s a smart cookie.”
“That’s a weird name,” Derek says.
“I think it’s adorable,” Elle counters.
“Adorable name for an adorable guy,” you wink again, and Spencer looks away, flustered. 
“Well, I’m not adorable
.adorableness inspires great affection or delight; you use it to describe someone or something that makes you love or like them, usually because they are
.” attractive, he wants to say, but that might imply something and people didn’t like it when he implied things. He’d like you to keep liking him.
“You good there, Reid?” Derek’s voice snaps him from his thoughts, and he nods, finishing off with a lesser, more implicating adjective. Attractive, there was a 50% chance you found him attractive, but he couldn’t get all that information out of a singular nickname, let alone a few interactions - you liked his rambles and tangents, that was something, right? You’d made him an origami heart - that he kept tucked away in his journals - and called it a hint.
“No facts for me today, cookie?” You’re parked just further along the street of your target - a suburban house in Atlanta, one car in the driveway, three bedrooms, and the target of your unsub - Hotch and Gideon were on the opposite end of the street, Elle, and Derek were shacked up in the house across from it. JJ and Garcia were back at base. 
You turn to him, “Yeah.” You tilt your head, and he feels something, the little fluttering in his stomach, his hair brushes by his cheek when he tilts his head as well, and before he can reach up to sweep it away, you beat him to it. 
“No, it’s alright
.” Spencer wishes he’d stopped talking right there, that his mouth just shut or Hotch’s voice filtered through earlier before he laid down his knowledge on human touch and then proceeded to end it with the words love hormone - quite the subtle move. On the plane ride back, Reid feels every muscle in his body knot and stiffen as he goes through the interaction in the car; you’re sat beside him, dozing off with your head propped by the wall. He glances over at you every once in a while, faintly touching the side of his head you’d touched, “love hormone,” he whispers to himself.
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Dr. Spencer Reid was something else; when you’d joined the BAU, it took some adjusting, your first case in Seattle was a handful, and the unsub - a student advisor - had access to his victims. He’d begun with the Faculty of Arts, and chosen graduate students from each subject, starting alphabetically; he’d only managed two before you’d caught him. You’d learned that Dr. Reid was intelligent, had an impressive memory, and “....I read this from an old thesis in my junior year.” And his voice was really nice.
He seemed to like the nickname smart cookie, bouncing on his feet and grinning when he responds; he does the same when you greet him either way. “What’s got you all happy?” you ask him after a coffee run. 
“Nothing,” he responds, “just happy to see you too.”
“I’d hope so. Otherwise, this coffee run would’ve been for nothing,” you remark, placing the warm drink on his desk. Granted, it’s not really a coffee run; you’d only gotten him coffee, mainly for the smile on his face. You turned to your desk across from Morgan.
“What, none for me?” he pouts.
“Sorry, only deliver to sweetness,” you wink at Spencer, who grins in response as Morgan fakes offense, mouth agape.
“Oh, oh, that’s how it’s going to be, alright. Don’t expect me to play middleman with you and Nick again.” 
“Nick?” Spencer asks.
Morgan’s friend Nick had been nice; you’d had a double date with Morgan, and one of his dates, then gone on a few more dates and spent a few nights together, but it hadn’t worked out - nothing personal, but that ship had sailed. 
“Yeah, loverboy here did a hell of a job with him, could barely walk the next day, not that he was complaining, said you had quite the package,” you threw a pen at Derek, groaning, as Elle regretted walking into work at this moment and hearing the tail end of that conversation. Spencer goes quiet, and his eyes dart away as he sips his drink, a blush creeping along his face.
“You alright there, cookie?” you ask him, and he turns his attention back to you with a small smile.
“I’ve been meaning to ask, what’s with the cookie nickname?” Elle asks; she looks between you and Spencer.
You shrug, “Spence’s a smart cookie.”
“That’s a weird name,” Derek says.
“I think it’s adorable,” Elle counters.
“Adorable name for an adorable guy,” you wink again, and Spencer looks away, flustered.
“Well, I’m not adorable
.adorableness inspires great affection or delight; you use it to describe someone or something that makes you love or like them, usually because they are
.” he doesn’t finish right away, stalling, as you assume he gathers his words. You’re not sure what he was supposed to say, but you don’t think it was “....small.” Even after, he looks deep in thought, mind wandering away from the present.
You don’t think about it much and proceed with your day; it’s a slow day at the BAU, so paperwork seems to be the main task today, though there’s not much of it, so the majority of the day is spent idling by each other’s desks. You’ve been throwing scrunched-up paper balls at each other; Spencer had started off on the discovery of paper, then its distribution globally, and was now on its more uncommon uses. “....and you could use the paper to make worthless currency.”
“Like Monopoly money?” you question.
You toss back the paper, and when he catches it this time, he unfolds it and refolds it into a swan, “You can also use it to make origami, though I wouldn’t consider that an uncommon use.”
When he hands you the swan, you take another piece of paper, fold it into a heart, you drop it in his hand, “You can also use it to leave hints,” you say, and he stares down at the heart, rosy-cheeked.
Dr. Reid was also easy to fluster.
“No facts for me today, cookie?” you ask him during surveillance; the house is empty, a decoy set in place to catch the unsub, surrounded on all sides; now all you had to do was wait. 
“Facts?” he asks.
“Yeah,” you turn to him, tucking his hair back, his eyes widen again, and a blush runs along his cheeks. You apologize, withdrawing your hand.
“No, it’s alright
.touch builds up cooperative relationships and reinforces reciprocity, and studies show that it signifies safety and trust. Basic touch can calm cardiovascular stress and activate the body’s vagus nerve, which is involved with our compassionate response. A simple touch can trigger the release of oxytocin, the, uh, love hormone,” he pauses, “why did I say that?”
“We’ve got movement.” Hotch’s voice interjects before anything else can be said, and you’re both out of the car, guns drawn as you track up to the house. The unsub tries to run back through the back, but Morgan’s waiting for him, knocking him down before he can escape. You don’t stick around in Atlanta, exhausted; you all pile into the plane, and you’re out; you wake to Spencer tapping your shoulder.
You stretch your arms, “Thanks for waking me, cookie.” 
“No problem,” he responds. 
You’re out the second your head hits the pillow, and wake up uncomfortably in yesterday’s suit. The new apartment looks homier and less empty, with most of your things already set out; you toss the old clothes in the hamper and get ready - shower, teeth, breakfast, and out the door. It’s a warm morning, so you carry your jacket in your hand.
“Damn, loverboy, I didn’t know you had sleeves.” You’d bumped into Derek on the way in, and he’d been immediately drawn to the ink on your arms. 
“Oh, these old things,” you quip, “they’re nothing special.” 
He whistles, and you lightly smack his arm, “Oh, shut up.” Derek wasn’t the only one taken back by the tattoos; the others were either shocked or intrigued, gathering by your desk to gander at them.
“Never, ever, keep your sleeves down again,” Garcia pleads.
“I’ll try,” you chuckle.
Spencer walks in last and takes a double glance at you, “You have tattoos? Wow,” he pauses, “wow.”
The others soon dissipate, but Spencer lingers a bit, looking between you and the ink; he reaches out but then hesitates, you hold out your arm and nod, and he traces the imagery. “That's one of my favorites,” you comment on the one he’s tracing.
“It’s beautifully detailed,” he observes, “they all are.” 
“Thanks, I’ve had them done over the years,” you say. He traces the lines to your fingers, and when he finishes, he moves to the other arm - he gives you facts on the origins of tattoos and asks about some of your tattoos. You get lost in your own world, carrying on with the conversation as you’re called in for a briefing.
“What about this one?”
Spencer fixates on your tattoos, tracing them over and over, eyes following his fingers as they go over the lines again, “My second tattoo, got it a few months after my first one on my birthday.”
“What was your first one?” You’re going through paperwork looking for clues and hints to lead you to the unsub, “It’s a spinal tattoo,” you tell him and his eyes widen, “I can show you if you’re curious.”
He brings a folder to his face, a nervous laugh, and he looks like he’s considering it; he shrugs a little, “Only if you want,” he murmurs.
“Oh, cookie, I could eat you up,” you reply, and he makes a sound of amusement or surprise, or maybe it’s giddiness - as he kicks his legs a bit.
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“Hey Morgan, how does dating work?”
Morgan slowly lowers the paper in his hand; it lays on his desk as he leans forward and glances over at Spencer. “Come again?”
“How does dating work?” Spencer repeats, “I assume you’re the most adept at this matter, I mean, I know how it works, but I’m also not
are you alright? Your face is doing —” Spencer gestures uncertainly.
.just savoring this moment, " he replies, smiling, “I know something you don’t,” he cheers.
“I don’t not know about dating, I’m aware of it from societal expectations, facets, and data, but I lack the field experience.”
“Don’t,” Morgan holds his hands up, “don’t ruin the moment,” then he’s back, a smirk on his face; he asks, “Is it loverboy?” Spencer nodded; Morgan clapped his hands, a satisfied grin on his face, “I knew it!” he whispered before returning to the matter at hand, “So,” he cleared his throat, hands together on his desk, “dating.”
“We’ll start simple; what do you know about dating? Not the facts, just the practical, like have you ever been on a date?”
“No, well, there was this one time I did get asked out by this girl in my class; we decided to go to the local park, but then I overheard her tell her friends it was a prank and they were going to douse me in some concoction, so I didn’t go,” he responds, “does that count?”
Derek shakes his head, “No, it does not, and are you ok?”
“Oh, yeah, it was a long time ago,” he shrugs, “so, what do I do about —” he winds his hands in a circular motion. “Is there a set of words I should say? Are there things I’m expected to do?”
“No, no, look,” Derek replied, “just, he likes you, for you, so don’t worry, just be yourself.”
“Be myself, huh? That’s the first time someone’s said I should do that,” he remarks. “Wait, how do you know he likes me?”
Derek raised an eyebrow, “He looks at you like the sun shines out of your ass,” he responded, “trust me, he likes you.” Spencer would like to believe Derek, and he does, but the little nagging voice in the recess of his mind, he starts wringing his hands a little and runs them along his pants to calm his nerves. “Hey,” Spencer glances up; Derek’s moved from his seat to his desk to his, leaning, “he likes you, ok?”
“How can you be sure?” Spencer purses his lips, twisting the strap of his bag, “He doesn’t deviate from how he acts when he interacts with all of us, he flirts with you just as much as he does with me, and Garcia, and Elle —”
“Why don’t you just ask him,” Derek points to the brief room; you’re currently standing by the door to it in deep conversation with Garcia. Spencer turns back and shakes his head.
“I think he’s busy; I —I’ll do it later.”
Later, in layman’s terms, really meant not ever. Preferably on his deathbed if he had to, but now that he’d asked Derek, any moment he’d look over, Derek would gesture to you, head tilted towards where you’d gone or were. Sometimes he’d mimic movements with his hand - one hand you, the other him, and they’d smoosh together into a kiss - then he’d groan, running a hand down his face when Spencer would shake his head frantically.
He’d like to avoid you and give a chance for the infatuation to die, but either he can’t bring himself to or doesn’t want to. He’s been playing the potential outcomes in his mind, he could confess, get turned down, and you’d remain friends, or he’d confess, get horribly rejected and then never see you again, or he could confess, and you could return the feelings. Considering all the options, he won’t be doing anything; he’ll just let this float away.
“You’re staring, cookie.” It’s the two of you in the kitchenette, no case, just tying up loose ends. “What’s going on in that mind of yours?”
“A potential hypothesis,” he responds.
“Oh yeah, what about?”
.I’m not sure how to put it into words,” he responds.
“Well, that’s a first,” you laugh, turning away from the kettle heating, “come on, give it a go.”
He nervously rubs his hands together, “Actually
.it might be easier if I–I demonstrated it.”
“In the kitchen?” You ask, and he nods, asking you to close your eyes; you raise an eyebrow.
“Just trust me,” he begs, “....please.”
You do so, and there’s a split second where you can hear him mutter to himself - you can do this, come on - there’s a soft push against your lips, and it takes you a moment to realize he’d kissed you, holding your wrist to balance and ground himself, and then it’s gone. Your eyes open, and Spencer’s pursing his lips, hands wrangling more intensely, “R–results?” He’s not just asking; he’s hoping, the subtle worry underneath his voice as he waits for an answer.
You take one of his hands and reel him back in with a slight tug, and he looks so terrified as if bracing himself for the worst, so you kiss him, hoping it displaces any of his fears - Spencer clings to you, even after, your bodies are flush as he hides away in your arms; drawing back every once in a while to look at you, before shying away, a frivolous laugh caught in his throat. 
“Good?” You inquire, and he nods.
“Very good.”
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End Note:
I apologize profusely for using the word cookie as a nickname for Spencer, but I named the fic and got committed so you get to suffer with me. Stay Hydrated.
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attic-club-sandwich · 1 year
Thoughts on Mammon being a bird dad?
Like there isn't a doubt in my mind he names them all. From cool names like Gucci to names of an object, like Rocky because he saw a rock on the ground... he's running out of names
omg i could go on all day about bird dad Mammon! He definitely treats his crows like his children. I always thought it was such a cool concept for him to be able to communicate with them (since they are his familiars... in my mind at least!)
But here's some of my personal headcanons/thoughts:
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I imagine that when Mammon first enters the Devildom, he spots a crow sitting on the fence as they are leaving the Demon Castle for the first time.
Then all of a sudden more keep landing and he keeps hearing voices calling out to him and his brothers.
"H-Hey uh, do you guys hear that too?"
The brothers shoot him weird glances since they think he's crazy, and for a second he thinks he's also losing his mind.
Then all of a sudden he realizes the birds are talking to him.
Beckoning him over to the fence.
It's like they immediately knew who he was.
Mammon hesitantly walked over to them, instinct telling him to hold out an arm.
One gently lands on him, looking directly into Mammon's golden gaze.
It speaks words that only he can understand, leaving his brothers visibly confused.
Mammon starts forming relationships with the birds, giving them gifts and getting things back in return.
There's a tree outside of Mammon's window that has the perfect branch that extends right past his bedroom window, so the crows often perch outside and tap on the window when they return home.
They like to bring him things like buttons, bells, stones, rings, etc.
They'll even bring him Grimm that they find laying around on the streets.
Mammon is very quick to return to his bedroom after RAD to see what gifts that they brought him.
He also keeps all of the feathers that the crows leave behind. He has a collection.
He always gets something to bring back for his crows too, like a shiny rock or a Demonus bottle cap he found or maybe some leftover snacks from the RAD cafeteria.
Mammon usually has peanuts or something in his pockets, and Lucifer gets very annoyed on laundry day (if he forgets to give them to his crows lol)
As far as naming them, i feel like you are absolutely right lol he definitely has them named after luxury brands like Gucci or Louis Vuitton or something 💀
He would also totally name them by the first ever gifts they brought him! So Rocky is 100% a possibility he's so cute omg.
Maybe he isn't too good at coming up with names sometimes so he has MC help him name them too because new crows will come along 💕 (baby crows perhaps?!)
He basically has his own personal little army of crows. He commands them and they listen and do favors for him, but he also takes care of them too in return.
If one returns injured, he will personally see to nursing it back to health!
He definitely takes his dad/grandpa responsibilities seriously. 😂
thank you for sending this in, Hack! I had so much fun rambling about this it sorta just turned into a headcanon haha
Taglist: @amberrskiies @obey-me-posts @sassykattery @delphi-dreamin @bite-sized-devil @a-hidden-gem @otomefoxystar @marvelous-maniac @nonbinary-disaster @selfmadender @animeismyhappyplace @vampire-tr4mp @ana-dear @gaychaosgremlin @sidgethegamer @meiloorun-tea @temnuk0
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newkatzkafe2023 · 2 days
Ok after reading that
Now I want a meet up with their team/friends XD
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(Lmk Wukong) The panic the public feels is so bad it reached two other realmsđŸ˜„đŸ«Ł. Everyone was either Filming or getting ready to evaluate Megaspolis as both Goddesszilla and Queen kong show up in the city today. Tang saw from outside pigsy's restaurant and his soul totally left his body at this and everyone ran outside to see the Chaos. Mk, Mei, and Redson were stuck between being Scared and being amazed upon seeing you and Queen Kong.
Mk and Mei were loosing it all over the place with stars in their eyesđŸ€©
Redson was literally praying, I kid you, not he was praying as he hid in the men's bathroom. He called his parents, saying his potentially final good byes and that he always loved themđŸ˜±
Sandy waved and welcomed you both, as he was very happy to meet you both.
Pigsy had to calm down a screaming Tang as the Scholar totally loses his mind😹
Elsewhere the Spider queen was discussing with her family/minions about moving out of the city Feeling like they were the ones in danger nowđŸ˜±
DBK and PIF share a look of shock as they listen Redson's semi-tearful rambling as the can see Goddesszilla and Queen kong from out their window
The Brotherhood absolutely moved out of the city as they don't want any of the ancient radiation heat from both of you😬
The Mayor's Whole body was so pale that People mistaken him as a ghostđŸ˜± and wants to join lady bone demon in her gravesiteđŸ˜šđŸ„¶
Jin and Yin were fanboying all over the place, throwing themselves as party as they asked you both for autographsđŸ€©
A fearful Nezha spread the word to all of heaven, well it wasn't news, It was a clearly very much a warning, a warning that flipped the heavens on their heads for a good few centuries to come😬😬😬
And finally,Macaque😰 is really missing being dead right about now, as he feels you and your sisters glare on him😠
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(MKR Wukong) The monk had a really bad stroke upon seeing you and your sister queen kongđŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł. He and Pigsy noticed that he was in a better mood lately, and more Reasonable to deal with and immediately something was up. Sandy was just happy the death threats Wukong would give him occasionally stopped. Then one morning the pilgrims were asleep until the ground shook like their was an earthquake. This made pigsy Shat and piss his pants as he paled and scream like a girl upon what he saw, it was you and Queen kong, and Sandy straight up pale like seriously he was ash at that point. Then Finally the monk who had a heart attack and Stroke at the same time, as the saw you and Queen kong. Finally, Wukong showed up and excitedly introduced you both as his 2 beautiful wives. That's right. He absolutely got married behind the monk and heavens back, and if they know what's good for them, they better not do anything😈.
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(NR Wukong) Li felt a serious mingrain form upon meeting Wukong's 2 wives, aka you and your sister Queen kong. Meanwhile, everybody was willing out and had so many questions for both of you, Li and Su's friend group. Welcome you both with open arms. Queen Kong was so happy to make new friends as she talked to everyone about practically everything, and shared stories about when you both were younger. You, of course didn't join the conversations, but that doesn't mean you weren't listening as you were just laying next to Wukong, but you were very happy that your sister had come out of her shell and made friends.
Meanwhile, the Ao Bing and his father went into hiding, because well.....between you and me, it turns the dragon king of the east actually owes you money And You're somehow scarier than a regular lone shark, and Queen kong has beef with Ao bing because the little Bastard set fire to part of her home and she's still mad about it this day. So they both better stay out of our line of sight😈👿
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(HIB Wukong) He's kinda embarrassed, but not in a bad way. It's more like he's huffing while getting scolded by Queen Kong about not making you both aware that he was a single father. You both loved Silly Girl and Luier in an instant. Like Wukong, you would sometimes get annoyed with Luier's motor mouth and never ending questions, but your both saved by Queen king's godly Patience with him And answered every question to the best of her ability. Meanwhile, you took a liking to Silly Girl because she seems like a fighter to you, and with a bit of self defense Training She could be a force to be Reckon with, plus you always wanted a daughterđŸ„°. Pigsy knew better to try both of you, as you could both totally Crush him under your thumb. But overall Luier and Silly girl love you both and already accepted you both as mother figures.
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(Netflix Wukong) Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh dear here we go. So you should know by now how annoying heaven found Wukong to be, but you should also know about how hard they shat and pissed themselves and went into a PTSD level state of panic when they found out about you both. Now they did hear the rumor that the monkey That was pestering them getting hitched, Which is probably why he wasn't bothering them for a while, but they had Absolutely no idea That he got married to not one but two wives, AND IT'S BOTH THE QUEEN OF THE MONSTERS AND THE QUEEN OF THE GORILLAS!!!!!!!! this has to be a dream. A incredibly traumatizing dream And if you think the heavens were suffering with this information you can imagine how the dragon king felt about this😬. HE messed with the husband of the Queens and lived to tell other people about it, He felt like this was the end he felt like this His final moments As he writes as will, Preparing To take his medicine and punishment.
Meanwhile You and Queen kong fawned over Lin like the daughter Neither view ever had. Spoiling her with food, treasures, and clothes as you both learned from Wukong that she was alone for most of her life. Well That's clearly about to change as you both welcome and adopted her as your daughterđŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°
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snippy-tano · 1 year
*waves* hello there!! I have this Image in my head of Tech liking to ramble about bugs (mostly because the fandom has decided to draw him fawning over them and it’s freaking adorable!) so the idea of Tech finding the reader and telling them about random bugs he found because they’re the only one who listens, and maybe starting to worry he’s imposing on the reader’s space, but hint hint reader thinks it’s the cutest thing ever and falls a little more in love every time he comes up to her with sparkling eyes and a new bug fact 💜
(Take your time please! THANK YOU FOR WRITING seriously you are sustaining all of us going through Tech withdrawal and ignoring canon together😂)
here it is friends!
this was so much fun writing. i think Tech grabbed me by the shoulders and wouldn't let go until i finished this because i was actually working on another one-shot when i suddenly skipped to this one. so yay! enjoy!
[my google targeted ads are going to be so messed up from looking up all these bug facts but it was worth it!]
masterlist is here!
taglist is here!
tagging: @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life; @marvel-starwars-nerd; @mackstrut; @dissapointingpancake; @quizznag; @ahsokatano-thetogruta; @welcometothepedroverse; @padawancat97; @fractiouskat; @mandaloriandin; @bantha-shit; @badbatch-simp24; @katelynnwrites; @s1st3r; @leotatombs; @torchbearerkyle; @rain-on-kamino; @the-navistar-carol; @bombshe77; @arctrooper69; @social-mockingbird; @littlebluebatbrat; @get-wr3ckered; @flowered-bicycles; @techissuperior; @dangraccoon; @lilyevans1
Little Known Facts
The first time it happened, you weren’t sure why Tech had chosen you. 
You thought maybe it was because he had exhausted all other options and you were the newest member of the team. You also thought it was likely because you were the only one left who had yet to turn him away.
You were deep in the jungles of Kashyyyk when Tech materialized beside you, startling you slightly. 
“My apologies.” He said and you shook your head after you caught yourself on a nearby tree and continued walking beside him. 
“It’s alright Tech. Is everything okay?”
“It is. What do you know about termites?” 
You blinked.
“Leave her alone Tech.” Came Hunter’s exasperated voice from several paces in front of you. 
“Uh. Not much, just that they eat wood among other things.” You replied and you could hear Crosshair scoff in front of you. 
“Your funeral.” He had whispered and you shot him a glare. 
“The queen of a certain termite species can lay 40,000 eggs per day.” Tech stated. “They also use vibrations to communicate with one another.”
“Oh really?”
“Yes.” Tech said, somehow continuing to tap at his datapad without missing a step. “They are also a good form of sustenance as they are rich in iron, calcium, protein, and fatty and amino acids.”
Your nose crinkled. “I think I’d rather not eat termites.”
“As would I, but they would work in a severe survival situation.” Tech concurred and you nodded.
“Thanks Tech. Now I know what I can eat if I have no other options.” “You are most welcome.” “Alright you two. We’re coming up on the camp so it’s time to focus.” Hunter called and Tech gave you a quick nod before jogging to catch up with the Sergeant. 
After that encounter, Tech seemed to take your willingness to converse with you about bugs as an excuse to bring up every single bug fact he knew. The others of the batch would shoot you sympathetic looks (Hunter), make teasing remarks in passing (Crosshair), and slap you on the back forcefully as a way of offering comfort once Tech was out of view (Wrecker). They all assumed that you were just being kind and allowing Tech to talk your ear off about bugs because you felt bad. 
But the thing was, you really didn’t mind. 
You had been around the batch long enough to know that Tech rarely got the opportunity to share “useless” facts. He was usually shut down due to it not being a good time. Which was understandable, he didn’t quite have a filter even if you were in a high pressure situation. 
But every time he would approach you with a new fact rolling off his tongue or a small insect perched on the back of his hand, his eyes would sparkle. 
It had a smile spreading across your face before he even started speaking and a warmth filling your bones. 
“Approximately 2,000 silkworm cocoons are needed to produce one pound of silk.”
“Really? That many?”
“About one-third of all insect species are carnivorous, and most hunt for their food rather than eating decaying meat or dung.”
“Good to know. I will make sure to avoid bugs if I am injured.”
“The term ‘honeymoon’ comes from the planet of Alderaan, where it is tradition that a newly married couple is provided with enough honey wine to last for the first month of their married life.”
“That’s actually really sweet. How much honey wine would that be?”
“That would depend on the couple, but an average amount would likely be a crate.”
“Wow. I will have to remember that.”
“Ants can lift and carry more than fifty times their own weight.”
“That’s impressive. Has anyone ever tried to replicate that with technology? I would imagine that it would be useful.”
“I had not considered that. Perhaps I will try.”
“I can’t wait to see it, Tech.”
With each encounter you had with Tech, the swirling in your stomach grew more and more insistent. It was hard not to watch him with a smile as he rattled off fact after fact. And he never told you the same one twice. 
It was an uninterrupted time you were granted with Tech as most of the batch cleared out whenever he started rambling about bugs. You grew to crave these moments. 
And it wasn’t until Crosshair had said something that you figured out why. 
“You know, if you like him, you could just say something. Save yourself the trouble of listening to bug facts all day.” He had teased, startling you as you sorted through the newest crate of supplies you’d picked up off of Kamino. 
“I do not-” You started to protest, but then paused. 
You thought back to every time he approached you with that sparkle in his eyes. How your heart had clenched and you involuntarily began smiling every single time. You started to hope he would come by with a new fact, just for a chance to listen to him talk about something he so clearly loved. You purposefully sought out bugs now, pointing them out in the hopes he would have a fact to share. And every time he did, you felt like you were flying.
Oh kriff you loved him.
“There you go, doll.” Crosshair drawled and you took a step towards him, punching his arm. 
“Not your doll.” You hissed, turning back to the crate to hide your reddening face.
“Maybe not. But you shouldn’t wait too long to tell him.” He said and you stopped stacking ration bars. He took a step closer, fingers playing with the toothpick in his mouth. “A word of advice, Tech is starting to think he’s imposing on you and your space with his facts.”
“He would never bother me!” You cried and Crosshair smirked. 
“Just thought I’d share. Do with this information what you will.” He turned to leave and you let out a laugh. 
“Aww Cross! You do care about Tech’s emotional well-being.” It was your turn to tease and you watched as his jaw clenched. But he didn’t deny it before he stepped out of the room, letting the door slide shut behind him. 
When he left, you sunk down in a nearby chair, mind racing. 
Tech thought he was bothering you? That couldn’t be further from the truth and you had to find a way to tell him. And fast. 
You had your opportunity a few rotations later when you made a brief stop on Naboo. 
You had only really stopped to refuel before heading back out, but you were going to enjoy the sunshine and warm temperatures. While Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair headed into the city you had parked near, you and Tech had opted to stay behind, albeit for different reasons.
Tech wanted to run a few diagnostic tests on the Marauder and you cited organizing some crates, but really you wanted a chance to talk to Tech alone. And judging by the knowing look Crosshair had shot your direction, your flimsy excuse didn’t work on everyone. But no one made any comments and you were left alone with Tech for what was likely going to be a few hours. 
He immediately set to work doing what he had stayed behind to complete and you did take some time to organize a crate or two, but you didn’t do it for long. In fact, you took the time to open up every hatch in the ship with the hopes of helping it air out a bit. 
While you waited for that, you found yourself sitting in the grass outside of the ship, head tilted towards the sunlight. You could hear the breeze moving the nearby trees and the tall grass of the fields surrounding the ship. In the wind, you could smell the blossoms of the blooming flowers. Your eyes were closed as you breathed in fresh air for the first time in a very long time. 
You heard footsteps approaching you from behind and you waited as Tech approached. 
“Is everything alright?”
You hummed in response. “Why do you ask?”
“I thought you were organizing crates and then I turned and you were not there.” He replied and you opened your eyes and turned to look up at him, squinting in the light. Tech shifted and the sun was no longer burning your eyes.
“Sorry, I finished and decided I should enjoy the weather and fresh air while I could.” You said. “You’re welcome to join me.”
“I should finish my calibrations-”
“-come on Tech.” You patted the grass next to you. “Join me. Your calibrations can wait a few minutes.”
Tech hesitated for a second before speaking. “Very well then.”
You smiled as he sat down cross-legged next to you. He continued to tap lightly at his datapad, but you didn’t mind it. You leaned back against your arms and again tilted your face towards the sky, eyes closing. 
The two of you sat in silence, but it was far from awkward. You were enjoying the weather and you were enjoying it even more knowing Tech was here with you. 
“Did you know-” Tech began only to stop talking. 
You opened your eyes and turned to him. “Why’d you stop?”
He stopped tapping at his datapad and you watched as he shifted uncomfortably. “I did not want to bore you with facts you do not care to know. I will leave you to enjoy the weather and return to my calibrations.”
Tech started to move, but stopped when you hand closed over his. You watched as his eyes darted down to your joined hands and then back up at your face.
“I wouldn’t have asked you to stay if I didn’t enjoy your company.” You started. “And I love hearing about bug facts. It’s clearly something you enjoy, so that means I enjoy it too.” 
“But - that seems illogical.”
You laughed, giving his hand a squeeze. “Maybe it is, but it’s true. So please, never stop telling me bug facts.”
Tech regarded you with a strange look on his face. “Fascinating.”
You blinked at him. “What?”
He hummed. “Nothing. I will have to experiment with this further.”
You definitely wanted to know what he meant by that, but you didn’t want to push him. So you removed your hand from his and nudged his arm as you shifted to lay down in the cool grass. You moved around, trying to find a comfortable place to lay, but so far weren’t successful. When you noticed Tech watching you, you waved him on.
“Go ahead. Tell me what you were going to say earlier.” 
“Your head looks uncomfortable. I will go get you a blanket to lay on.” Tech said and began to move. 
“No! It’s okay! It’s not uncomfortable.” You said quickly and he paused, half standing. 
“You should still rest against something more comfortable.” He replied and your mind was racing. “Alright alright, I will. But please sit back down.” You said and he looked like he was going to protest, but you gave his arm a tug and he sat down, legs stretched out in front of him. 
Before you could talk yourself out of it, you shifted on the ground before leaning back, your head coming into contact with his thigh. You felt Tech tense and you looked up at him, hand blocking the sun. 
“This okay?”
He didn’t answer you right away, but after a moment, nodded once. “Yes. It is alright.”
You smiled up at him before dropping your hand to your stomach and closing your eyes. 
“Alright Tech. What facts have you got for me today?”
“Houseflies find sugar with their feet, which are 10 million times more sensitive than human tongues.”
You huffed. “Knowing that makes me wonder why they love our ration bars so much. They’re pretty bland to us, but maybe we’re missing something.”
“It is possible.” Tech noted. “Did you know that true flies have only one pair of wings, and sometimes, none at all. A hind pair of ‘wings’ is reduced to balancing organs called halteres.”
“I did not know that. But I do have a question.” 
“What is your question?”
“Do you know why flies rub their feet together? I see them do it all the time and have always wondered.” You asked and surprisingly, Tech fell silent. 
You allowed a moment or two to pass, thinking maybe he was waiting for you to say more. But he still didn’t speak. You held up a hand, squinting one eye open to see Tech staring down at you with a puzzled look on his face.
“You okay? Did I ask a hard question?” 
He continued to stare at you like he was studying you. It was equally slightly unnerving and exciting. “Curious.”
Your heart thudded loudly in your chest as Tech continued to stare at you. Even though it was comfortable outside, you could feel your cheeks starting to warm. “Uh, Tech?”
“Right, apologies. Flies rub their limbs together to clean them. It may seem illogical given their appetite for dirt, but this cleaning behavior is actually one of their primary activities as they rid themselves of physical and chemical residues and anything that can affect the sensors on their feet.” Tech said and you gave him another look before letting your hand fall and your eyes close again. 
Tech began to rattle off more facts and you did your best to come up with resulting questions. It was peaceful, and there was a part of you that wanted this to never end.
Abruptly, Tech stopped speaking and you squinted up at him. “Everything okay?” 
“Over there. It’s a brown marmorated stink bug. They are rare in this region.” He said and you sat up as quietly as you could. You reached for your glass jar that held the remains of your water, dumping it out on the grass. Very slowly, you climbed to your feet. “What are you doing?”
“You said they’re rare right? Let’s catch this one!” You whispered as you began moving quietly towards where the bug was perched on a nearby tree. 
“We should not harm it.” 
“Of course not. We’ll catch it in this jar to get a closer look and then let it go.” 
Tech slowly stood as well, quietly moving behind you as you approached. Just before you reached the bug, it took off. Both of you shared a look before following. It was hard for you to spot, but Tech seemed to know exactly where it was at all times, so he kept you both on the right path. The trees grew slightly thicker and you made probably too much noise crashing through the woods. 
The bug stopped high on a nearby tree. You didn’t even hesitate before clamoring onto a large nearby rock. 
“Please be careful.” Tech whispered, hands raised like he was concerned you would fall.
“Don’t worry Tech. I’ve got this.” You said, reaching slowly for the small stinky bug. Your foot slipped and you wobbled for a second before righting yourself. You felt the ghost of Tech’s hand appear at your back before disappearing again and you fought the warmth creeping up your neck. 
“Almost, got it.” You said more to yourself as you approached the unsuspecting bug. 
Two things then happened simultaneously. 
One. The rock shifted beneath you ever so slightly, but it was enough to set you off balance. 
Two. Now off balance, your foot slipped on the same spot as before and you began to pitch helplessly backwards. 
The jar slipped out of your hand and hit the forest floor with a soft thud. You looked at the tree and caught a glance of the bug hopping away as you fell backwards. 
You let out a yell of surprise before colliding with something hard. You tried to turn to catch your fall, but weren’t completely successful. Which meant the moment you hit solid ground, the air was thrust out of your lungs in one fell swoop. 
You gasped for air, desperate to breathe again. You coughed once, trying to get your breathing back to normal. Your back was killing you and your shoulder was aching from impact. 
It wasn’t until you felt the ground beneath you start moving that your current situation hit you. 
Your eyes snapped open and you were surprised to see Tech sprawled beneath you. 
“Kriff, are you okay??” You gasped. “I’m so sorry Tech!”
“It is alright. Are you unharmed?” He asked, voice a little scratchy. 
“Uh yeah. Are you sure you’re okay?” 
“Yes. I am fine.” 
You let out a breath of relief before tensing. Your face burned as you realized just how compromising of a situation this was. And suddenly all you could think about was getting out of it as fast as you could. 
You made a move to get up but were stopped by Tech’s hands gripping your waist. You didn’t move any further, instead raising your eyes to meet Tech’s that were already watching you. 
He had the same look as before. One you could only describe as fascination. 
It had your stomach fluttering in response.
“Remarkable.” Was all he said and you found yourself unable to respond. 
You again tried to move, but Tech’s hands held firm. 
“I have been conducting small experiments and I believe I have almost arrived at my conclusion. All I need to do is complete one final test.” He said and you narrowed your eyes at him.
“I would like you to kiss me.”
Your heart thudded in your chest as your face burned. “Wha - what? Why?”
“I told you before, I need to conduct one last test before I reach my conclusion.” He said, as if it was indisputable science fact. 
You blinked at him. “And to do that I have to kiss you?”
“You do not have to. Although I would prefer it.” 
You looked away from him briefly, trying to process his words. 
Was he serious?
He had to be. Tech never said anything he didn’t mean. 
But why you?
Why now?
“You’re serious?” Was what you finally settled on as you looked at him. 
He gave you a firm nod. “I am rarely unserious.” 
He’s got you there. 
“Alright, but stop me if you need to.” You stated, trying desperately to hype yourself up. 
“I will not need to, but thank you.”
Karking hells.
Before you could say anything else to delay it any longer or completely talk yourself out of it, you leaned down and kissed him. 
You didn’t want to overwhelm or push him so you kept it short and sweet, despite never wanting it to end once you started. He didn’t seem all that responsive, but you tried not to think too hard about that. 
You pulled back, eyes opening to gauge his reaction. 
He tilted his head slightly before opening his eyes and meeting yours. “Once more please.”
Maker, this man was going to be the death of you. 
But far be it from you to say no. 
This time when you leaned down and pressed your lips against his, he reacted by tightening his grip around you. You slumped further against him without realizing it and felt the rumble in his chest as he hummed. 
It was easy to get swept up in the feeling of kissing Tech and before you knew it, you were pulling away because you couldn’t breathe. Your forehead rested against his as you looked down at him, trying to gauge his reaction.
“Well? Did you reach your conclusion?” You asked breathlessly.
Tech nodded once. “I have. I have determined that my feelings towards you are more than platonic.”
You couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across your face at his words. 
“Good because lucky for you, I feel the same way.” You replied and he met your gaze. 
“Excellent.” He said before raising his hand from its spot on your back to grip the side of your face, pulling you back down towards him. You smiled against him, more than happy to oblige in his request. 
The sun had climbed higher in the sky when you finally forced the two of you apart. The rest of the batch would be returning soon and it was important both of you were back and presentable before that happened. 
The short walk back to the Marauder was full of lingering glances and shy smiles. When you entered the clearing the ship was parked in, to your horror, you saw the rest of the batch was already back. 
Hunter shot you a knowing smile before heading into the ship and calling out to Wrecker instead. Crosshair opened his mouth, likely to make a snide comment, but you cut him off.
“We chased after a bug and it won.” You blurted and Crosshair rolled his eyes.
“Might want to pull the leaves out of your hair if you want that story to be believable doll.” He said before ditching his toothpick and heading into the ship.
“Not your doll!” You called after him, running a hand through your hair and catching several leaves. 
You turned when you felt another hand in your hair and you watched as Tech also removed a small leaf. You gave him a smile which he returned. You reached out, giving his hand a squeeze before turning and heading into the ship. 
You heard Tech follow behind you as you thought back to your moment shared in the woods. 
Who knew hearing bug facts could have such a wonderful outcome? 
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Silver, Azul: Equal Parts Noble and Naive
... Why's he making a Malleus "r u lost bby ghorl" face while also copying Lilia's chin-in-hand pose/Malleus’s Dorm Uniform pose đŸ€Ą There's another Malleus parallel in the vignettes; Silver comments on the same Philip-Aurora dancing painting (that is shown in Malleus's Groovy) and says that he took up dancing too since he admired the prince. Boy was ready for GloMasq/j Malleus glaring at the happy couple and Silver determined to stand firm against a fearsome foe... ;v;
I don’t know if I should be concerned or not given the Groovy and potential foreshadowing for book 7 😂 since there’s fan theories about how Silver could be the “sword” that slays the dragon
 *rubs hands together* but it would be fun if it happened

Fun fact about this Groovy: it had to be corrected because during the initial drop the devs forgot Silver's eyeshadow www The first time this mistake happened, I believe it was on Platinum Suit Vil's chibi.
A Tale as Old as Time.
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There was a magic to two sets of parallel lines, bound together to form a quadrilateral. A great number of things could be contained within it. Upon a storybook's page or a painter's canvas, endless possibilities and mystical beings.
Silver gazed at one now.
A spindly dragon, horned and with massive spines protruding from its back, was poised in a platinum frame. Its belly was a violent shock of violet, its scales black as the night. Leathery wings splayed, gaping maw glowing green, trails of smoke exuding from its nostrils, the fearsome beast was prepared to strike down any warrior foolish enough to approach it.
"This is the Thorn Fairy in her dragon form," Silver murmured, his expression set in seriousness. "I'd always dreamed of seeing it for myself someday."
"How wonderful that your dream has now become a reality," a slick voice crooned. It belonged to Azul, who had sidled up to him like an all-too-eager used car salesman. "Ah, but you seem to be troubled. What ails you?"
“It's just... for the Thorn Fairy to have assumed this form, it means she felt as though she was in danger. Someone may have threatened her or put her in this situation."
“That’s true.” Azul nodded. “As I recall from our Magic History lectures, fae tend to be reclusive creatures with rather tumultuous relations with other races.
“In the days when magic was branded as heresy, fae were particularly ostracized due to their natural affinity for it. Humans far and away wide feared them. It's possible that this painting depicts a struggle of a similar nature."
“A struggle
” The corners of Silver’s mouth turned down. “Yes, humans and fae have historically been at odds with one another. We are fortunate to live during an era of relative peace."
“Quite! My own people—the merfolk—have also had a strained relationship with humans. It was through the union of a mermaid princess and a human prince that we were able to begin efforts to mend that bond. I am most gracious to them! It is because of the mermaid princess that I’m afforded the opportunity to study on land.”
“That’s great, Azul. I’m happy for you.” Silver gave a smile that was as softy and airy as dandelion fluff. “It’s nice that we’re able to meet and share ideas with people from different walks of life. It makes the world a richer place.”
He looked to the painting again, his eyes tracing the curved horns of the dragon and stopping at the sharp tips. His liege, too, had a pair like those.
 As much as I hate to admit it, it will be a while before fae and humans can reach that level of understanding." Silver folded his arms. "Sebek says the differences are too numerous, but I
 I want to believe that we are capable of bringing about that kind of a future.”
His vision, so clear, so pure. It sparkled like the face of a polished mirror.
Azul pushed his glasses up, his hand concealing a smirk.
"Fufufu. Perhaps it is possible to achieve with your endless optimism and empathy, Silver-san. After all, I don't believe I've witnessed you losing your cool even once with Malleus-san, Lilia-san, or Sebek-san. That kindness and patience is your strength, stronger than any sword you could wield."
He pretended to hesitate. "Though... I do wonder what should happen if--no, never mind. Please forget that I said anything."
"What is it? You can tell me," Silver reassured him. Dread surged up from his stomach--but the spike soon settled.
"Well--" Azul made a little show of choosing his words carefully, as though he were thoroughly coming through ingredients lined up on a shelf. "Consider: what happens if the day comes when you are forced to point your sword at your master?"
"At Malleus-sama?! I can't imagine..."
"If, if. This is entirely hypothetical," his peer tutted. "Let us say that Malleus-san were to make a decision--a decision which has dire consequences for you, for all of humankind. Silver-san, would you be able to salvage that precarious peace?"
Surprise lasted for a second before it vanished from the knight. Back was a quiet stoicism, steel sharpening the delicate colors to his gaze. A hand clenching his chest, as if to keep his heart still.
Finally, he spoke.
"I will do what has to be done. I will not back down. If there comes a time when my lord strays from his path and into the darkness, then it is my duty as his retainer to return him to the light."
“And you are not concerned for what awaits you in the aftermath?”
“No,” Silver replied matter-of-factly. The answer was simple. “I will offer my hand.”
“I beg your pardon?! Am I hearing this correctly? You plan to help the person you just opposed back up after you defeat them?”
“That’s the right thing to do. Everyone deserves a chance for their feelings to be heard. If we listen, then we can find a solution together and keep the same misunderstanding from happening again. That’s my hope.”
His wish was like the buoyant notes of a bell. Clear, crisp, resonant. It flitted up, rising above the boys’ heads, at last bursting like a bubble and letting the words rain down on them in thoughtful flecks.
 I see,” Azul mused. “So that is the type of person you are."
How noble. How naive. It seems that Silver-san is a very bit like the prince from the story he so deeply cherishes. Neither will recoil from foes, no matter how formidable.
The valuable piece of information, he tucked away for a rainy day. With his probing settled, Azul brought his hands together and flashed a winsome grin.
Here was a hero in the making, and he, the sponsor to the champion.
“Your character is commendable!! I look forward to witnessing your many friendship-fueled triumphs.”
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