#she lay at other leg then we annoy her but she go to this one
simonstamenovic · 24 days
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celestie0 · 7 days
gojo satoru x reader | college au [18+]
kickoff drabble no.1 third wheeling
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ᰔ pairing. college au - soccer player! gojo x film major!reader (f)
ᰔ summary. gojo satoru is the most popular guy on your college campus. he's tall, funny, hot, not to mention he's the most talented soccer forward the school has seen in years. but he's also a frat dude, which puts him in a world very different from your own, as he spends most of his nights partying & drinking while you spend most of yours working on your annoying film major assignments. but when he reaches out to you for a favor, you realize that helping him out might have something in it for you too.
ᰔ warnings/tags. 18+, fluff, angst, smut, college au, fraternities, sororities, partying, drinking/alcohol, romance, jealousy, pining, slow burn, opposites to lovers, friends to lovers, she falls first he falls harder, an insane amount of edging, gojo being an idiot
ᰔ chapter. drabble #1
ᰔ words. 2.4k
a/n. hello!! welcome to my very first kickoff drabble :0 i’m reaaallyyy close to finishing ch10 (which tbh i might split into three separate chapters bc it’s fucking 30k words) but i just had this silly idea for a drabble that i wanted to write. i briefly headcanoned that gojo, mina & todo all hung out once before and had a trauma-dumping session, so i wanted to explore that haha. sorry if the writing is ehhh i just kinda knocked this out in an hour.
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☾·̩͙꙳ moodboard no.1 :: ♬.*゚playlist
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timeline note: this is written in gojo’s pov, and it’s set between chapters 3 and 4 (so after reader first went to one of gojo’s practices for her film major assignment, but before the scene she walks in on gojo making out with shoko in that party bathroom. basically before gojo had feelings for her and also before they kissed for the first time)
“What? Why do you have to bring Mina?” Gojo asks as he holds his phone between his ear and shoulder, packing his duffel bag for his away game tomorrow. Oh well, unmatching socks for three days it is.
“Because,” Todo’s deep voice on the other end of the line buzzes with a frequency that is far too low for the mic of his phone to pick up with clarity, “she’s my woman, bro. And she wants to spend time with me today, too.”
Gojo groans as he zips up his bag, tosses it onto the floor nearby the door, and then flops onto his bed. “Don’t tell me you’re one of those dudes that blows off his bros to hang out with his girlfriend.”
“Not blowing you off, the three of us will just hang out together. And trust me, Satoru,” Todo’s voice drawls, “when you feel the same way about a girl the way I feel for my buttercup, you’ll understand.”
Gojo scratches his eyebrow with his knuckles and grimaces with skepticism as he stares up at the ceiling. The puppy love he’s had to hear about anytime he’s talked to Todo since the day the guy started dating Mina has been nauseating to say the least, and he’s starting to wonder if he should’ve introduced the two of them in the first place. Maybe he’s just being bitter, but no one wants to third wheel.
But that’s what he finds himself doing anyways. Sitting at a brunch spot instead of a daytime bar because Mina wanted to drink bottomless mimosas instead of beer on tap.
“Can we go halfsies?” Mina purrs as she reaches over the table to Todo’s plate, attempting to steal a piece of steak off of it but Todo shakes an index finger in the air.
“No, princess, allow me,” Todo offers, sticking his fork into meat that was so well-done Gojo could physically see it recoil from the action. And then Todo is bringing his fork to Mina’s mouth, and she’s looking him dead in the eyes as she pops it in her mouth.
Gojo sinks further down into the booth, if he slid any further he’d be laying horizontal, and his leg is bouncing underneath the table with impatience and irritance. The waiter comes by to ask him how the food is, and he says great despite the fact his arms have been crossed at his chest the entire duration it’s been placed untouched in front of him.
“Why you sulkin’ there, pal?” Todo asks, mirth in his eyes like he knows he’s torturing his friend.
This doesn’t make any fucking sense. It was supposed to just be the two of them today. A bro’s hangout. They had important things to discuss, like Fantasy Football and their Hot Ones rip-off YouTube channel idea.
“Does this place serve anything harder than this?” he asks, uncrossing one of his hands to hold up the chilled glass of mimosa that was 90% sparkling wine and 10% juice, since he poured it himself.
“You can try a different establishment,” Mina shrugs as she chews. Which she’ll probably be doing for the next two minutes, because of the well-doneness.
Gojo groans like a toddler. Todo kicks his shin underneath the table. Gojo all but growls at him.
“Just because my lady here is not interested in talking about sorority orgies like you are, doesn’t mean we all cannot engage in meaningful conversation,” Todo says.
“When the fuck have I ever talked about sorority orgies?” Gojo hisses at him. The waiter who was coming by to fill up water most definitely overheard the topic of conversation, because he spins on his heel and will likely never tend to their table again for the duration of their stay.
Okay. Maybe he was being a bit too bitter. But truthfully, he’s never had a relationship like Mina and Todo have. Well, in honesty, he doesn’t really want one like that in the first place. He’s not too into lovey-dovey bullshit, but who knows, maybe someday when he meets the right girl, he might turn into that kind of guy, just like Todo prophesied. But right now, it just makes him grumble in…jealousy? Like, oh, look, one of my closest buddies is all lovesick on a Thursday afternoon with his girlfriend who seems to not mind at all that he has had a smudge of pan sauce on his cheek for the better part of the past ten minutes. Matter of fact, she finds it endearing. What’s that like?
And then he reminds himself he’s not looking for a relationship, anyways. He’s fine with what he gets from women, and he’ll leave it at that.
Todo tries to pick up the bill, and Gojo feels humiliated by it so he asks for a separate check. The restaurant doesn’t split bills, and he ends up paying for all three.
“Mm…this is where we had our first kiss, babe. Do you remember?” Mina sighs delightedly as she holds onto Todo’s arm, walking through trees into a secluded area of the city’s park.
Gojo trails behind, his hands in his pockets, grumbling annoyances to himself. He glances at the time on his smart watch. Practice in two hours. He wanted to kill time before then, but time seems to be going even slower now.
“I remember that kiss like it was yesterday, love,” Todo says with charm before kissing Mina’s forehead. Would it be inappropriate and petty if Gojo pretended to gag?
The couple settle down with memory onto grass near a tree trunk that’s located right in front of a sparkling lake. Gojo takes a few steps forward past them until the tips of his shoes dips into the water and he makes eye contact with a duck.
He hears a lighter click behind him, and he turns around to find Todo sparking the end of a fat blunt. He watches the muscle man suck through it before passing it to Mina, who does the same and then extends her arm out towards the lake to offer it to him too.
“Satoru doesn’t smoke, babe,” Todo tells her, “athlete drug rules and all.”
Fuck it. He walks up to them onto the grass and sits down criss-cross right in front of Mina, taking the joint from her and pulls his own share of smoke through his teeth.
“I’m surprised you smoke, Mina,” Gojo tells her, the air in front of him turning cloudy as he speaks, and he hands the blunt back to Todo.
“Occasionally,” she says, “oh gosh, don’t tell y/n though, she has this crazy fear about commercial weed having flesh-eating bacteria in it, and she’d kill me if she found out I’ve ignored all her fear mongering.”
Gojo blinks at her. “Why would you mention flesh-eating bacteria infested weed while we’re smoking?”
She shrugs. “Sorry.”
“This is nice,” Todo chirps in, “my best friend and my girl. All three of us hanging out together.”
“But you said I was your best friend,” Mina pouts, “and your girl.”
Gojo has run out of imaginary gags to give.
“I mean it, seriously!” Todo says, “two of the people who know me the best, sitting with me. I love you guys.”
Mina swoons and lays her head on Todo’s shoulder. For a moment, Gojo’s eyes soften at the sight. And he feels happy for his friend. And then he realizes Todo is crying.
“What—” Gojo stutters, jaw dropping and brows furrowing at the sight.
Mina lifts her head off of Todo’s shoulder to look at him, concern in her eyes. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“It’s just—” Todo starts, tears streaming down his face freely, “all my life, people have treated me like some really macho masculine guy. All muscles, and bursting abs, and thundering thighs, and deadlifts over four-hundred pounds—”
“Okay, we get it,” Gojo sighs as he perks his elbow up on his knee and lays his head down on his hand.
“—but you two…you two see me for who I really am. I’m just a sensitive guy who craves connection,” he says through a macho sniffle, and Mina reaches up to wipe at his tears. “I appreciate that.”
Gojo purses his lips together in consideration of Todo’s words, and he reaches out to pat the guy on the thigh in reassurance. “Let it out, big boy.”
And he does. He softly sobs for a minute or so, and Mina is lovingly doting at him the entire time. And there’s that jealous pang in Gojo’s chest again. He ignores it by taking another drag.
“You know…Todo,” Mina chimes in softly, “I moved around a lot when I was younger because my dad was in the military…for as long as I can remember, I’ve had such a hard time making friends. And sometimes, I’d even get bullied for being different, and being the ‘new girl’ everywhere I went…”
Gojo shrinks a little from where he’s sitting, realizing that the two of them are opening up about their feelings.
“But I’ve felt so happy and at home at UTokyo…I got to meet you here,” she grins, kissing Todo’s cheek, “oh, and I guess I got to meet you too, Gojo.”
He gives a nod. “Yeah. Thanks.”
Mina’s laying her head on Todo’s shoulder again, peering off into the lake. “And y/n, she’s my best friend. From day one when I met her, she’s always been there for me. She’s never made me feel like I need to prove anything to be myself around her. I can just be, and that’s enough. Sure, sometimes she gets a little mad about things, but I know that she’ll always be there for me at the end of the day. I think she’s the first friend I’ve had where I really understand what true friendship is.”
Mina has tears shining in her eyes too. And at the mention of you, Gojo realizes he’s listening intently. Like he needs to know more.
“I’m really grateful I’ve gotten to meet the people that I have here,” she continues, “it really is a blessing to be seen by those around you.”
Her words hang heavy in Gojo’s mind, along with the haze in his head he’s barely managing to fight off, and he feels his breathing pick up.
The two of them suddenly turn their heads to look at him, and he blinks at them.
“Well,” Todo says, “it’s your turn, man.”
“My turn for what?” Gojo asks.
“To open up, silly,” Mina laughs as she wipes a tear off her cheek.
“I—“ Gojo starts, feeling like he’s been put on the spot. He glances at his watch again. An hour until practice. “I…don’t really have much to open up about.”
“Really?” Mina asks, “nothing at all? There’s nothing on your mind right now?”
“I guess not.”
“I find that so hard to believe,” Mina scoffs, “you’re the school’s star soccer player, the best player the division has seen in years, you’re a super popular hot shot that’s adored by all the girls, and all the guys wanna be you, too.” She continues to list off these facts of his life like anyone from a mile away could read him like a book, “surely you’ve got a lot on your mind. Pressure? Worry? Or maybe you’re just on cloud 9 all the time and thinking god damn, am I glad as fuck I was born this way. That’s okay, too. Shows you’re self aware.”
“Yeah,” Todo chimes in, “whatever you’re feeling is valid, bro.”
Gojo looks between the two of them. If he felt like he was third wheeling before, now he just feels like he’s in couple’s therapy. Except the couple are the therapists.
“Uh. I guess I feel pressure,” he finally opens up, “my dad played soccer, way back in the day, and I guess I want to honor…him.” The words feel bitter on his tongue, unfamiliar and strange, and for a moment he considers why words are said at all if most are left better unsaid.
“Mm…” Mina acknowledges him, “is your father still around?”
Gojo is shocked at the question, and he answers entirely on reflex. “No. He’s not.”
It just occurs to him that Todo of all people should at least know about his father. But the guy’s not a die-hard soccer fan like most people around Gojo are, and then there’s a sad sinking feeling in his stomach when he realizes that maybe his father’s legacy is gone, and this was the proof. Faded away, a career cut too short to make any real change in the world. The thought has his heart physically hurt in his chest.
“Okay,” Mina chirps in again, blunt like the roll of weed pinched between her fingers, when she speaks again, “so you struggle with having an estranged father?”
“Not estranged,” Gojo clarifies, feeling chill to his bone in spring heat, “he’s dead.”
The two of them become silent at his deadpan, and quickly steal a glance at one another before stiffening in discomfort.
“I’m sorry,” Mina says, dropping her haze slightly.
Now he feels like he’s turned things sour.
“It’s fine,” Gojo waves his hand dismissively in the air, or maybe to break up smoke, “I mean, it’s not, but, it’s fine.”
“Well which one is it, bro?” Todo asks, “is it fine, or not?”
A question that has haunted him for years.
“It’s fine,” he assures them.
Conversation is normal after that, as he continues to watch Mina and Todo live in soulmate glory with stolen kisses and inside jokes that sound entirely way too absurd out of context, but the thoughts of his unsuccessful trauma dump don’t leave him. Not until he cracks a small smile at how ridiculously silly and cute a girl has to be to think that all commercial weed has flesh-eating bacteria in it.
[fast forward to tomorrow, game day]
“Choso,” Gojo walks right up to his teammate in the middle of the locker room while the guy pulls his uniform shirt on over his head, “gimme some of your urine.”
“What??” the dark-haired man guffaws. “Why?”
“Uhh I kinda smoked some weed yesterday, so I’m not going to pass the test,” he says as he holds his urine cup out to him. Of fucking course the one time he doesn’t adhere to subtance rules, they test for urine. “C’mon. Don’t be stingy with your piss.”
“Dude,” Choso looks him dead in the eye, “I was going to ask you for your piss. I went to a Joji concert last night.”
“What?!” Gojo gasps, “without me?!”
a/n: they blackmailed nanami for his urine
[the end]
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a/n. LOL thanks so much for reading this if you did haha, it was fun to write in kickoff gojo’s pov, it feels like it’s been forever. the contents in this chapter are kinda sorta relevant for ch10, so i just thought it’d be fun to write about it. see you all in the next one!!
➸ you're all caught up!
taglist: @megumisdivinedogs @witchbybirth @avatarl0v3r @mwtsxri @asherheed @wynney @delulux3 @higuramapet @zombriesworld @xenop0p @phoenix-eclipses @who-can-touch-my-boob @mo0nforme @reagan707 @lost-resonance @foulprincesscycle @luniunia @alekssashka7 @thecaptainpandabear @beabadobeee @thexmistress @bsdicinindirdim @tsukikourito @getitsatoru @gabriiiiiiii @slut-4-gojo @cactisjuice @kissofife @tiredflame132 @cliosunshine @prince-wyiilder @btszn @izayas-rings @semra4 @gojosimp26 @ethereally-lyann @drthymby @luv4sae @bbyxxm @fvsm4x @sadmonke @zoinks1010 @bakuhoethotski @horisdope @banenemilk @scenic236 @nanasukii28 @aquaberrydolphin @spindyl @ri-sa20 @thexmistress @hojoslutoru @mwtsxri @ritsatoru @bxddiebloss @chwesuh-imnida @minidrake @megumisthirdog @imjustaweirdnerd @sakui1 @angelicscribe @deluloser @new-weather47 @ayoluvly @ronniebird @bloopsstuff @threrealestpussyeater @tetsuski @fffinskye @gh0ulkz @mandysfanfics @erencvlt @laviefantasie @sukunamylovexoxo @girlkissersco @itzjuliana @yell0wdreams @1dimas7 @strayedjeno @sullybrothersmate @oaooaoaoaoa @swagangelllamawolf @inniesblog @dunghirse @muchlov3ashley @myawooooooo @berranurates @leclercwifey @piercethenun @lavender-hvze @satorkiees @ynishalee @vernasce-blogs @n1n1c @gojosukuna2268 @4y3sh4 @pngjpn @inmaki @iluvgetosuguru @imjustaweirdnerd @gojonegs @bigsimpo343 @obsessed-female @rintaswife @deluluforcarlos55 @hermitkerm @iwaizami-chan @dunghirse @fantasticpersonkitty @thatobsessedreader @v4mpieres @rotteneyess @sugurubabe @strawberrygirl0 @frankie-mercury @chilichopsticks @sakui1 @ricaliscious @stxrrielle @zazajy @dl-yum @leclercwifey @onilorian @geniejunn @bsaeshell @tiny0325 @simonexox0 @mmeerraa @elenion-et-al @luvbbydoll @13-09-01 @kazbrkker @saucypeanuttt @suneee @bnha-free-writing @sataraxia @invisible-mori @aristocrrat @lovebittenbyevans @lostinthe-jojos @fleetwoodhoe @iwaijimes @nerdyrandomfangirl @trafalgarrattata @magnoliamonsterthing @samistars @certainlysyko @strangehuman101 @luvbbydoll @yuki-jjk @whereflowerswenttodie
hope u guys don’t mind me tagging for drabbles too :””) please let me know below if/when your taglist preferences change!! thank you
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demiesworld · 9 months
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MEANIE! | satosugu x fem!reader
☆ — synopsis: satosugu x fem!reader being in a poly r/s and when one of them is away on a mission they video call and watch the other get fucked.
☆ — contents: poly r/s, unprotected sex, p in v, creampie, use of toy, pronebone, slut shaming, degradation kink, power dynamic, masturbating, sub!reader, dom!satosugu, mean!satosugu, implied anal (m receiving), just the usual filth
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gojo (why is it always gojo) is away on a mission and that leaves you and suguru to your own devices. he's comfortably laid inside of the hotel bedroom, wearing his pajamas when he takes out his phone and calls you up. immediately within the first ring you answer the call and change it to a video. you're in the bedroom you share with him and suguru wearing just satoru's shirt and no panties underneath.
"hey baby," satoru greets with a cheesy grin.
"h-hi satoru," you whimper and cross your legs. you bite down on your bottom lip seeing satoru's pretty face through the phone. "h-how is yo-your m-mission going?" your stuttering gives you away immediately.
"good. put suguru on the phone." you pass the phone over to suguru and shyly hid your face into the pillow beneath you.
in the background you're whining and grinding your hips against the bed trying to angle the toy that's inside of you to touch your sweet spot. suguru smiles at the face of his best friend as if he's not even using his phone to control the vibrations of the toy.
in a chipper voice suguru says, "satoruuu!" followed by your voice mumbling "need you to touch me" and suguru ignores you. "how are you doing?"
"pretty good, but this mission is taking too long. i was supposed to be home by tomorrow evening, now i gotta wait it out till the day after tomorrow. this sucks."
suguru's hand reaches down to the shirt you're wearing and he lifts it up over your ass. you feel his fingers curl under your ass cheek and squeeze the flesh. a weak moan is pulled out of your mouth and you jut your hips back to his touch. "please, please, suguruuu." his hand travels lower and he shoves the toy deeper into your gushing pussy. you toss your head back and let out a whiney moan. it's pressing right into your sweet spot until suguru drags it back by just a inch to prevent you from experiencing any sort of excitement.
the black-haired man once more ignores you and responds to satoru's remark. "well it was supposed to be a mission we had to do together satoru. you decided on going because you said you could get it done quicker just by yourself, the honored one."
you roll over on your stomach towards suguru and grab onto his arm like a koala. your hips rock against the toy trying to feel some sort of movement from it. "suguru, suguru," you plead out his name in a hushed whisper.
he just dismisses you by shoving your head away, doesn't even spare you a glance, and telling you, "i'm on the phone." which causes you to whine louder and for satoru to notice it.
"god, why won't she shut up? what's wrong with her?" he asks suguru, annoyed by your relentless begging.
"she's being punished because she took too long at the grocery store today. i told her to be back by 4 and instead she returned home at 5." suguru explained to his best friend. his brown eyes flicker to your pouty face, and then looks back at satoru on the phone. "looks like she still hasn't learned to follow directions."
satoru scoffs, "clearly." then he adds, "how long is the punishment?"
"she was gone for an hour, so i made the punishment an hour." suguru shrugs off your hands pawing at his bare upper body and pushes you away from him. you pathetically whimper as you lay beside him on your back. tears rolling down your cheeks because suguru wouldn't touch you.
"should have made it longer than that."
suguru chastises him playfully, "satoruuu we have to be nice to her. even if she is just a dumb slut that doesn't follow directions."
you shake your head in denial and grind your hips towards the toy. the vibrations are increased and your legs shudder as you try not to cum. suguru told you earlier you weren't allowed to touch yourself, and to cum without his permission.
"hmph. how much longer does she have?"
suguru looks at the timer on his phone, he forgot he had set it up, and answered, "wow she has just 3 minutes left. it's been an almost an hour darling." he flashes you a wide toothy smile that reaches his eyes. the smile looks kind but his actions are mean.
you look at him, batting your teary eyes as you shakily beg, "please suguru wi-will you touch me now?"
he looks back at the phone's screen and watches as satoru props up his phone and reveals the erection in his pants. "hmm, i don't know satoru. do you think i should do that?" you bite back from getting bratty at him. you knew he was stalling.
"might as well if it would shut her mouth."
you're flipped over onto your stomach just as the timer reaches the 1 minute mark. suguru is positioned behind you, his clothes were long gone, and the hard-on he had was itching to get inside of your weeping pussy. the phone is situated in an angle where satoru could see your teary face and suguru's lean body behind you. you could see satoru stroking his cock in his hand and rubbing the cum around the head of it.
suguru slaps his hands onto your ass cheeks roughly, gripping the flesh tight and leans his head down to the right side of your face. "you ready slut? you really want my cock inside of your filthy pussy?"
you nod your head eagerly to suguru and frantically plead, "yes, yes, i want it sugu. please sugu."
the second the timer goes off, suguru has his tip breaching your entrance and he's burying his fat cock in. the stretch burns but you always take them so well. your jaw drops and you let out a sensual mewl. satoru could see hearts in your eyes when his friend and partner is fully inside of you. his hips touching yours as he rocks them forward lazily. suguru grunts when he feels your cunt tighten. a hand gripping the bed sheets beneath your stationary bodies. you're both are rocking your hips against one another and it's annoying satoru.
"why don't you just fuck her already suguru?"
"be patient satoru. i don't want to break our little toy here." he brings your hips up from the bed, your chest still pressed against the mattress and holds you by the back of your head. suguru guides your head to look at the phone as he says, "why don't you watch our satoru while i'm fucking you princess?"
you breathe heavily and timidly nod your head, your hazy eyes looking at satoru. "o-okay."
the first thrust suguru gives knocks your breath away. you gasp and curl your fingers into the blankets. you want to toss your head forward, but suguru's grip is firm on it. he jerks on your head when you move it and forces you to stay in that position. his dick is driving into your body at a slow and easy pace. each thrust forward has his tip prodding at your cervix and brings stars to your eyes.
"oh! oh! oooohhhh suguruuu," you mewl.
satoru watches through the screen the moment suguru changes the speed of his thrusts and begins to rail into you from behind. the sound of skin slapping increases in volume just as your moans did. he tightens his grip around his cock and strokes it in sync to suguru's pace. the white-haired man bites on his bottom lip then mutters a soft "fuck" after teasing his balls. he keeps his eyes trained on your dumbstruck face.
you lick your lips when satoru lowers the camera down to his rigid cock and shows you that it's dripping with his cum. the taste of it from when he fucked your mouth days before he left lingers. a shiver rakes down your spine before you let out a moan because suguru had pressed your back into a deeper arch.
"satoruuuu... i miss- i miss you satoruuuu! ahh, ahh, wish you were- he-here!"
suguru furrows his brow at what you say, but keeps pounding his dick into your body.
your boyfriend snickers at your admission, "you miss me slut?"
"uh-huhhh, i miss you so, so, so muuuch... hmm satoruuuu..."
as soon as you say that suguru growls and clutches your neck in a firm grip. it cuts off your breathing, however it gives you that light-headed feel and your eyes go cross when he presses down on your airway. your voice bounces each time suguru slams his hips into you. he bites down on your earlobe making you yelp and lay there. suguru seemingly lost his temper and was fucking your body like a wild animal.
satoru chuckles, "hey suguru~ whatever happened to being gentle with our toy?"
"not when she's- fuck- got my cock in her. she should be- hng- paying attention to me."
you cry out, "i, i am suguru! oh god! ah, ah, ah!" you squeeze your eyes shut tight and pussy clenches around suguru's cock. you're trying hard not to cum without his permission, but his strokes are making it difficult to hold it.
"aww im sad y/n... don't you miss me?" satoru mockingly pouts to get a reaction out of you. he bites down on his bottom lip to hide his smirk when you pout at him through the camera.
he tilts his head to the side and squeezes his hand around the base of his shaft. fuck he misses you and suguru. he missed feeling your wet pussy clench before you cum. he missed hearing those cute, fucked out moans you made when you're feeling dumbed down. satoru feels sort of jealous of suguru right now. though it was his own fault to agree to do a mission alone.
still he continues to make a problem for you as he provokes you by asking, "don't you want my cock in you baby?"
the question leaves you stunned, you couldn't make suguru any more upset with you since he was impaling you with his dick. at the same time you didn't want to ignore satoru's question and you admittedly missed his cock inside of your pussy. it tightens around suguru's throbbing length and the black-haired man growls from behind you.
he presses his mouth against your ear and snarls, "go on and answer his question slut. don't leave satoru hanging." his hand smacks your ass.
"ah! suguru, sl-slow down!" you cry out when he speeds up his thrusts, you look back at him and shudder at the menacing glare he has in his brown eyes. "fuck suguru! please! ah! ohh!"
satoru sighs heavily at the sound of wet paps echoing in the room. you were always weak for that smoldering glare suguru gave when he was fucking you. just like how you were weak with satoru forcing eye contact with you when he had you in a headlock while doing missionary. their egos always wanting eye contact with you gave them gratification. each time you were made to do it, you would come undone.
the sorcerer clicks his tongue and huffs, "come on slut, i need to hear you say my name."
you swallow before you blurt out, "sato-satoru! f-fuck!" and it causes for the man currently inside of your pussy to pull himself out and adjust your position on the bed. satoru watches with his thumb quickly stroking his tip as suguru spreads your legs wider and lifts your hips up in the air. your ass perked up like a cat stretching. the sound of the bed rustling is brief when suguru aligns the camera perfectly with your face.
"suguru," you start in a needy tone.
"no, no, look at me you whore. that's right," satoru commands and you look right at him the moment suguru is breaching your pussy again. you make a strangled noise and wiggle your hips against suguru. "keep your eyes on me while he's fucking you, slut."
there's not a moment to think when suguru is back to snapping his hips forward. your pussy feels so nasty with the lewd wetness that resounds in the room. suguru's short and deep groans, his murmurs of "fuck, this pussy feels so good," are absolutely filthy. you look right into satoru's face at the camera, seeing the redness on his neck and his hand jerking his cock rapidly while he watches you get fucked.
you bring your hips back against suguru's as you look at satoru through the phone and silkily mewl, "satoruuu, satoruuu, ha, i l-love your face." your cunt tightens around suguru's cock when you say that out loud. you bite back a moan and a drunken grin forms over your mouth. "hn~ your face is so beautiful satoru, i-it looks even- hm! better w-when you c-cum! ah~" you meet each one of suguru's thrusts and your voice goes up an octave as you wail out, "fuck! fuck! ahhh- gotta c-cum! can i... c-cum please?"
"go on and cum on my dick," suguru grunted and you're clamping down on his thick cock like a vice. he has to stop moving to let you ride out your orgasm. your legs shaking and folds fluttering on his rigid length when you do. your body feels like it's flying after having came.
a pleased sigh comes from you after you've came and loosened around suguru's cock for him to chase down his high. he glides in your slick walls in deep strokes. the claps of his balls hitting your ass is loud. he mutters a, "fuck," before he slaps your ass cheek and goes into a frenzy on your pliable body.
"uhhh~ sato... sugu..." you mumble mindlessly. "uhhh yeeeeah, yeah, yeah, sugu."
"god she's fucked out now. now she's back to being the dumb slut we trained her to be." satoru comments and thrusts up into his hand. he tosses his head back. "damn it i can't fucking wait to get back home. fuck, i'm gonna fuck you in every room."
your clit throbs at the declaration and you squeal feeling yourself getting close to another orgasm. "keep talking satoruu..." you purr as your body is drowning in pleasure.
"when i get home- hng, don't wear clothes. the both of you. i- hng- i want-" satoru clenches his teeth as he feels himself losing his composure. he almost whimpers, but he quickly covered it with a gasp. "i want y-your pussy on my cock. need it milked of every drop." satoru looks down at the red tip of his length and his balls tighten up.
suguru chuckles at satoru and looks at his best friend and partner through the phone's screen. "you don't just want her pussy on your dick satoru. i can tell you want- hng something more." suguru groans as he rams harshly into your body. he smirks as he looks down at the milky white juices on his groin while he's fucking you.
satoru feels his dick throb at suguru's words and he whimpers as he feels his hole clench. he shuts his eyes and quickens the speed of his hand. "s-shut up suguru- ahh... don't say anything."
"what? you don't want me to show you some love when you get back home satoru?" suguru shivers after saying that and then adds, "because if you want- hm- i can give you all the love you need."
satoru makes a choked noise as he feels his toes curling and body writhing. he's almost close. he can feel it getting closer now. "hmph, fu-fuck suguru shut the hell up."
"sh-shut up? don't you want me to keep going?" suguru croons.
satoru covers his mouth with his hand the very second he moans and cums all over himself. his cum releases out in thick heavy streams and paints his stomach along with his hand. he thrusts his hips up into his palm while he rides out his orgasm. his skin feels prickly and like electricity is firing through his veins as he lays there panting.
his best friend cums inside of you not too longer after. suguru's cum paints your insides white and it fills you up. when he pulls his wet cock out of your entrance, his cum combined with your own drips out of your pussy and onto the bed. suguru breathes heavily as he watches your pussy flutter with nothing inside of it. he reaches over your head and flips the camera to show off your cum-filled cunt to satoru.
"fuck." satoru curses as he sees the mess you and suguru made. he covers his blue eyes with his hand and lets out a groan of frustration, "ugh, i hate this so much."
suguru's voice in the background replies, "it's only less than two days until you get back satoru. i would believe that you could be patient to wait." his hand spreads your pussy on the side and thumb reaches in to pump out more of his cum. you let out a weak moan, but suguru adds on, "besides, me and her aren't going anywhere."
"yeah," satoru grumbles then his azure eyes glance to the time and at the stickiness on his skin. "shit, it's getting late and i have to shower suguru. i will see you guys the day after tomorrow."
the video call ends with satoru ending it and he gets out of the bed to take a shower. he brings his phone with him into the bathroom and places it on the counter to run the shower water. as he's preparing to step inside the sound of his phone grabs his attention and he looks at it. a text from suguru. satoru opens up the message and sees the image that he sent him. immediately his ears go red and he turns the phone face down on the counter before he enters the shower.
from: suguru image attached! you can also have an inch or two too sato~
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☆ — notes: UGH. i have tried for a minute to get this finished, but it's done. let me know what you think in the comments!
© demiesworld. please do not plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my work on any other platforms without my permission.
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oval3000 · 7 months
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Chapter 3
Yandere Psych Patient König x Nurse Reader
Warning: Possesive, Obsession, Death, Gore, Blood, Smut, Toxic behavior, age gap.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
(This might suck idk. I don't know German so it's all Google translate)
He hasn't left his room for a month. They kept him in their with the straitjacket on. His meals are just vitamins that he has to swallow. You would go in to check up on him, but new orders from the administrator's to not go near at all, so you pass by his room. You would peak through the little window and see him laying on his back with little no to motion on his arms or body entirely. His psychiatrist, Dr. Smith is the only that goes in there. They have sessions in his room instead of the usual spot they have it in.
She was pissed at everyone, specifically you. You are her punching bag, even though it was Ben's fault. "Why hasn't he been given his meds!" She yelled at you.
"We are not allowed to go i-" you tried to explain your her, but she could care less.
"You are his nurse right! Your job is to give him his meds! How did you graduate when you can't even do that!" She yelled at you.
You plead for her to listen to you "I'm sorry, Dr. Smith. I can't it's Mr. Millers orders. No one can go in except you because you are his psychiatrist."
So she strolled her way to the administrator's office.
Ignoring his assistant from telling her that she can't go in. Slaming the door open to see him sitting on his chair, writing whatever cral he writes on paper.
"Sarah calm down!"
"Do you have any idea how dangerous he is, and you want me to deal with him alone! On top of that the lack of guards is making my job harder!" Dr. Smith argued with a hand on her hips and her finger pointing towards Ben.
"Do you remeber when you wanted a nurse to look after him." She rolled her eyes. Yes, you, the nurse. "Do you have any idea how much money is going towards her. Triple the pay for looking after him."
Her hands swing in motion, showing her frustration. "She can't even do her fucking job Ben!"
"If she's alive, then she's doing her job well. What's making this hard, is you barging into my office and telling me what to do when you are the one demanding this." He stood up from his chair, fixing his navy tie. "We're loosing staff. People don't want to go near him. Gabriel is threatening to sue the company. Gaurds are quiting left and right so sorry that there aren't enough staff attending your needs."
She crossed her arms with an annoying sigh leaving her lips tinted with red lipstick. "Then hire more people, I don't see the problem?"
"Did you not hear what I said" he walked towards her, standing toe to toe to her. "Majority of our budget is going towards (Y/n). She's been here for two months now, lasting longer than any other nurses. We can't afford another hire with the same pay to deal with König. Besides he hasn't actually killed anyone in those two months, I'll take that than dealing with someone who has a broken jaw from a simple punch."
"Then ask for more money." She scuffed like if it was a joke she said.
He laughed at her face, "Do you think the government cares to fund more for this place, I already have the staff on my ass for new medical supplies, do you think they are gonna hand me the budget to hire someone with triple pay just because you are scared."
"Then fire (y/n) and hire a new guard, maybe someone with military experience."
"Why would I do that. You came into my office, spreaded your legs cause you were so desperate for a nurse and now you want me to fire her. She hasn't done anything in particularly wrong."
"She doesn't follow orders!"
"She does, you just make it difficult." He came in defense.
"Wasn't she trying to stop you from putting him into a straitjacket?" She smirked while her arms crossed at her chest.
"Yes, and she was right. Putting him in a straitjacket does nothing. He was fine it's just that..." he closed his eyes taking deep breath.
"Just what?" She came closer to him, placing her hand on his shoulder, gently caressing it.
He turned his head to her, he used to lovy dovey with her seduction, but now it's more annoyance. "Eli, the other guard, came to my office the other day and told me that Gabriel was provoking König."
She rolled her eyes, looking around his office. Paying attention to the paintings hanged up on the wall and the light objects he has on his desk. "Like what? Making fun of him? We all make fun the people here what else is new?"
"I don't know the full details, but that's what he told me." He sat a bit on his desk.
"Why does that matter?" She shook her head without a single thought in her brain.
"Gabriel is threatening to sue us. If we fight the legal action, we'll have to defend König. König, just like any other patient represent us, our care. If they find out that Gabriel was the one that caused this, making König the victim it doesn't look good after we placed him in the straitjacket. Like we silencing him out. It will ruin our reputation, we'll all loose our jobs and you fucked your way up here for nothing."
"But he harmed a worker, beside murdered multiple people." She let out a little chuckle, placing her hand on his chest.
He didn't give in, instead, he gave her a stare. "He's ex- military and as for you being his psychiatrist, you'll have to speak on behalf of him. Meaning that people will find out about you, how you never studied to become a doctor you fucked every professor you had to get your degree."
"What are you saying, Ben." Her smile dropped.
"I won't fire (Y/n). She stood up for König, making us look like we care about our patients. As for Gabriel, all he's asking is for some 20,000 thousand dollars, which we can easily give him worth than standing infront of the judge. Which means that we can't afford new guards for you. Besides they're taking off his straitjacket today, so stop being so scared and do your dam job."
"I still think you should fire, (Y/n) atleast." She hummed, wrapping her arms around his waist.
"I'm not doing that. Beside she's the only staff that doesn't barge in here demanding stuff. She nice and sweet...." he looked down to the side, " and...young and beautiful. "
She let go of his waist, clenching her jaw. Yes, you being so beautiful. "So what? You want to fuck her? Is that it. Never head young pussy before?"
"You should leave, I have work to do and so do you. This discussion is over." He walked to his desk, sitting down on his chair, unbutton his last few buttons from his dark, navy, blazer.
She stormed off his office, angrly stomping on the white tile floors with her heels creating a louder noise.
You heard the word going around that their taking of his straitjacket, so you quickly gathered what you need to check him up. You saw as the guards took off. He let out a big stretched, flexing more of his muscles. It caused a scare to the guards like a lion letting out a roar.
You walked up to and saw more of his face. He stared at you.
He missed you. He never thought he would miss you. During that month of not seeing you was a time he contemplated about you. Are you made for him or not. He will shut his eyes and images of you will pop up. You smiling at him. Taking good care of him. Watching you squirm under him as you take his full length cock inside your pussy. He'll treat you with respect as long as you do what he says that's all. Seeing your belly swell up with his baby. Can't wait to fuck your tits filled with milk. Can't wait to impregnate you with multiple of his children, making one big happy family. How protective he'll be for his kids, for you. To stand up to the bullies, to show them not to be scared of anything. To hold them if they cry.
He should kill you for making him react this way. He should just kill you. You are just another nurse thinking they have control over him. He use to give orders to people, being the colonel and all, he got the respect he fought for, why does he feel weak around you. You are so sweet and joyful to him. If he was back in the field and saw you, would he kill you. Or maybe fuck you. Maybe that's it. He hasn't done it in so long, so long he hasn't touch a women. He should've just fucked one of the other nurses. Yes, maybe he should do that. Fuck a nurse, just to see. I mean what's the harm in that.
"Aah...yes. right there ngh.... yes...oh fuck that feels good."
The sound of König's footsteps were low that they couldn't hear over the sound of skin slapping against eachother. Watching a men fucking his girlfriend on his bed.
"Does your boyfriend fuck you like this?" Slaming her ass back and forth on his cock.
"Ah....a-aah....he-..he could barley...make me- fuck!..mmgh....wet." She grip the bedsheets hard while he kept pounding her.
No. No. He can't. Not you. He can't. He can't betray you like they did. He can't imagine the face you'll make if you know he fucked another girl. No he should be pure to you. You should be the only one he touches.
He needs you. Okay, it's done. He'll make you his and you'll love him. You'll love him and care for him. Rather you like him or not it's done.
You wrapped the cuff around his bicep and squeeze the bulb reading the numbers on the circle, writing it down. Doing the usual things you have studied for. As you were checking his heartbeat, he reached up which caused you to flinch a bit. His index finger, gently, caressing your cheek. Your back was turned to the guards, making it hard them to see what's going. You stared at him as he touched you with such charisma. His thumb reaching to your chin, hovering over your lips. He placed the tip of his thumb on your bottom lip, gently pulling it out a bit.
You shouldn't have this feeling at the pit of your stomach. You couldn't tell of you didn't smack his hand away because you are scared or because you enjoy it. You never had this much attention, not like this.
"I don't have time to argue with you (Y/n)! Go to your room!" The little girl tuged at her moms shirt.
"Where's daddy?" She felt tears running down her face as her mother poured more wine into her glass, already finishing up the fresh new bottle.
"(Y/n)! Seriously go to room! You are such a headache! Why couldn't your father take you with him! Nauseating!" She dranked the entire glass, slamming the cup on the table.
"Where's daddy?" She said one last time not letting go of her blanket. The same blanket her father got her when she told him she was cold.
He palmed your cheek, feeling your warmth. He went in closer to you. You could feel his hot breath, quicken as he got closer to your lips.
You pulled back, "I shouldn't- we shouldn't. I mean." You whispered to him.
"Mein liebling (my darling)." He whispered to you. The first time he spoke to you. You couldn't understand him, but he spoke to you. "Du bist mein (you are mine)." He pulled you closer to him, he didn't care if the guards were staring, if anything, he enjoys it. To show everyone that he is yours to touch. "Mein schatz (my sweetheart)," his lips were hovering yours, you felt a little tingle at how close he was.
You know this shouldn't happen. You turned your away from his. You walked back, feeling his grasp letting go. He stared at you witch a smile on his face. You saw the smile he gave you.
When your shift ended and went back to your apartment, the thoughts of what happened lingered into your mind.
That night, you couldn't sleep. He was in your dreams. What if you never pulled way. Were you really going to kiss him. You glazed over the parts where he touched you.
You searched the words he said to you to translate it. Sweetheart, darling, mine.
You felt the butterflies in your stomach again. You never felt so complicated before.
Having a crush on a patient.
You have a crush on König.
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sturniololoco · 3 months
this might sound weird but her me out.
could you do one where like reader is matt(or chris’s) gf but the boys have a younger sister (like sls) and when the sister goes to stay with the boys her favourite is always gf and she tells all her troubles and feelings to her when she’s missing her mom and dad
i completely understand if this doesn’t make sense but the idea came to me randomly xx
Home Sick
Matt Sturniolo x fem! Reader
Warnings: kissing, cuddling, crying, home sickness, etc.
My boyfriend, Matt, has been on the phone with his little sister the entire way to the airport.
This is her first time flying by herself and she just got off the plane so Matt is trying to walk her through it.
Chris and Nick have been talking excitedly about the plans they have made for her while they got their vlog camera ready.
I however, was nurvously picking at my nails, wondering what their sister will be like.
Will she like me?
I was pulled from my thoughts as I felt a hand on my thigh.
“Stop worrying baby. It’s gonna be fine.” He says in a low tone.
I smile and hold his hand, praying that he’s right.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything as cute as Matt’s little sister sprinting into his outstretched arms.
Normally, he would call this cringy behavior, but I know he's so happy to see her, that he secretly enjoys it.
She does the same to Chris and Nick, somehow showing all of her love for them in one tight squeeze.
Then she came over to me.
I was shocked when she wrapped her small frame around me, hugging me tight.
I looked up at Matt, giving him the Are you seeing how cute this is? look.
He smiles back at me proudly while grabbing his little sister's bags.
Pulling away, but still holding my hand, she pulls me with her to the car behind her brothers.
To celebrate the little sister's safe journey across the country, we indulged in a pizza movie night for the occasion.
I was snuggled into Matt's side on the end of the couch, and both of us snuggled into a blanket while we held hands.
Matt's sister was on his right, leaning into Chris on her other side.
It was safe to say that the siblings had a very close relationship, just judging by how they cuddled close together on the couch.
At the end of the movie, Nick stood grabbed our plates, and started to clean up. Just as Matt and I were about to do the same, Chris began tickling his little sister with no mercy.
Matt was quick to join in, the trio laughing as her brothers held her down.
Once they gave in, she was half upside down and breathing heavily, smacking her brothers on the leg as they walked away to go and help Nick.
"You ready for bed, baby?" Matt asked me, seeing me yawn from m spot on the island.
I nodded and stood, giving everyone a quick goodnight hug.
But as I went to see their little sister, she was fast asleep in her spot on the couch.
Smiling lightly to myself, I called Chris over.
"You might wanna move her before she gets too comfy." I laughed as he scooped her up into his arms and whisked her off to bed.
I wasn't far behind, only I followed Matt, snuggling into his warmth as we lay down in his bed.
Who knew a light coming all the way from downstairs could be so annoying.
It was the middle of the night and got up to pee, but haven't been able to fall back into my slumber thanks to the obnoxious LED light coming from the kitchen.
Giving up on any more rest, I kept out of the room and made my way down the stairs, to be met with a sight I was not expecting.
The Sturniolo sister was there, scrolling on her phone as tears poured from her eyes onto her cheeks.
I hesitantly sat next to her, and when she tried to stop her tears, I pulled her in for a hug, only making her sob harder.
"What's wrong sweetheart? Do you need me to go get Matt?" I asked, rubbing her back in an attempt to soothe her.
She shook her head no and calmed herself, taking in a deep breath before saying,
"I just miss my brothers being at home so much. But I also miss not being with my mom and dad. I wish they could just come home with me." She said, sheepishly.
I gave her a sympathetic smile.
"Your brothers talk about you every day. They miss you just as much, but that's what makes these visits so special. You get to spend special time together." I said.
this seemed to cheer her up slightly. She sighed and smiled before leaning in and giving me a tight hug.
"Thank you," she mumbles into my shoulder.
"Any time kiddo. I'm always here, just as much as your brothers."
I feel so bad, this was so rushed! Lemme know if you want me to add more or redo it, or just do something simular. <3
@idkwhosnyla @babypat08 @eyelessdemon00 @christopherowensturniolo @sturnsxx @freshloveforthefit @matty443355 @sleepysturnss @emeraldgreenbeautiesstu @sunsetsturniolos @hoesturniolo @x4nd3rsukz @chr1sgirl4life @sstvrnioloo @sturns-posts @chrisstopherfilmed @kylasrealityx @zoeysturnioloooooo @comet235 @islaasblog @sturnioloblogs @defnotayonna @mattsleftnipple03 @thematthewlover @mattsaq @idkhowtosleep @sturnolio-luvs @rubyjaneaxx @avatarloverlol @vickyzloserz @whoreforchrissturniolo @artloo123 @oliverstarksbae @heartzz4k @lily-strnlo @annalovesbooks-https @girlfriendvlogz @draculaura123
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desperate-gay · 4 months
ok… i don’t know why but i get secret relationship vibes from stina.
what if reader is new to arsenal, she transfers cause of stina, and nobody knows their dating/married… reader says her girlfriend/wife’s name is emma (which is stina’s other first name) and all the girls keep bugging reader to meet her or see her at a game. then something happens when it’s like team game night where reader slips up and calls stina ems or emma and everyone’s like 😮
Meet The Wife
Stina Blackstenius x fem!reader
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“Baby, time to wake up. You have to get ready so we can get our drills in before the game.” You say softly, moving the blonde’s messy hair to the side and rubbing your thumb up and down her cheek.
“I’m too sleepy.” Your wife grumbles into the pillow, making no movement to get up. Standing up, you sigh making it sound as if you’re just going to leave her bed but her wishes are soon destroyed when you yank the covers off her body and onto the floor.
“What was that for?” Stina exclaims, now sitting up in bed with an annoyed look pointed at you.
“Good, now that you’re up you can take a shower. You stink.” You fake grimace while folding the blankets that were on the ground. Too caught up in your head, you don’t notice the tall blonde towering over you from behind. Cold hands rest themselves below your shirt, causing you to jump in place.
“Maybe you can join me in the shower, kärlek.” She suggests, nipping at the skin of your neck as you shakily continue what you’re doing, trying not to give in.
“Ugh, really? You’re going to turn down sex?” The taller girl throws her head back, groaning at your denial. All she needs as an answer is the stone expression plastered on your face. Your wife sighs and walks over to the closet to pick out her outfit for the day but not without mumbling under her breath in her native tongue.
“C’mon Stinky Blackstenius.” You joke which the other girl doesn’t find as amusing. She huffs and goes into your shared bathroom, slamming the door. “Ooo Stina Black-stinky-us. Much better.” You announce over the sound of the shower starting.
“I want a divorce!”
“Good game out there, speedy. Glad we snatched you up before anyone else could.” Katie pats your shoulder, passing you to get to her cubby.
Your transfer was pretty sudden but long-awaited, having played for Vittsjö in Sweden. You and Stina met each other when you both debuted on the national team. It both took you a while to admit your feelings for one another, but now here you are, married for 5 years.
No one knows besides your family and a few of your national teammates who’ve accidentally caught you making out in a storage closet. It’s not that you don’t want people to know, you both just enjoy your private life with no interruptions.
“It wouldn’t have been a tough choice anyway. I’d choose Arsenal in a heartbeat.” You proclaim, stripping out of your sweaty jersey.
“Why here?” Vic asks the question everyone is secretly wondering.
“The whole spirit here, the fans, the overall club just outshines the others, and I guess the people here aren’t too bad either.” You yelp as Kyra pokes behind your knee, making your leg weaken and almost make you fall. “You’ll regret that.” You point your finger at the younger girl with a scold.
After your shower, you’re brushing through your hair and gathering everything up in your bag, getting ready to leave as soon as possible to be able to lay around and relax with your wife. Just as you’re about to sling your bag over your shoulder, a sharp gasp stops you.
“Is that a ring?” Steph shouts, grabbing all the girl’s attention. Stina watches from afar with a small smile as the team hounds you with questions.
“Since when?”
“Who’s the lucky gal?”
“You’re engaged?”
“I didn’t even know you were seeing someone.”
“Okay, okay. Yes, I have a ring, no, I’m not engaged.” You answer to which all the girls frown. “I’m married.”
An uproar is held all around the locker room along with several more questions. You sigh with an exhausted smile and answer short questions to the best of your ability.
“Her name is Emma and we have been married for a few years. She’s the light of my life and I could never ask for a better person to wake up to in the morning and go to bed to at night.” Everyone coos at the new information, all finding out their new teammate is in love while Stina looks across the room with a love-sick smile on her face.
“Can we meet her?”
“Maybe one day.”
A few weeks later, the pestering never stops. Every day before a game the girls beg you to bring your wife to one so they all can meet her. You and Stina snicker over how oblivious they are to the wife being her.
It was someone else’s turn to host movie night since Beth and Viv’s place is being occupied by a very wild puppy that wouldn’t allow a quiet movie time. Stina surprisingly offered, the house being big enough and the living room having many different seating arrangements.
“Are ya comin’ to Stina’s tonight for our annual movie night?” Katie asks, watching you do your squatted reps.
“Of course. I couldn’t miss if I wanted to.” You breathe out, setting the bar in its original spot. Katie quirks her head in confusion but shakes it off, moving to start her turn. As your head flips around, you catch your wife’s gaze set on your ass with no shame. You wave your hand to wake her out of her trance which it does but also makes her flush and turn back to her workout.
As 7 pm began to approach, many of the girls began showing up, all bringing snacks and beverages. Some of them asked why you were so early, so you just made up an excuse saying Stina needed help with setting up and they all believed it.
About half an hour later, everyone is here and settled in their designated spots. You’re currently scavenging through the kitchen looking for your candy that you bought. You huff before walking over into the living room.
“Em, do you know where my candy is?”
“Em?” Alessia quips confusingly.
Leah quickly puts two and two together and jumps up to hug both of you awkwardly with Stina still sitting down on the loveseat while you’re standing.
“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” She asks angrily, hitting both of you on the backs of your heads.
Multiple of the girls remain confused besides Viv, Lia, Kim, and Steph who are all smiling in their spots, waiting for everyone else to figure it out.
“Can someone explain here for those of us who don’t know what you’re talking about?” Kyra groans, not liking being out of the loop.
“Our new friend here has a wife we haven’t supposedly met before and her name is Emma.” Leah tries explaining, but the girls remain silent and confused.
“Stina’s first name is Emma! She just called her Emma even though no one else does. You guys comprehend?” The English Captain rushes out, waiting for everyone’s heads to shift. Soon multiple gasps are heard and you’re both quickly crowded by everyone.
“Everyone give my lady some space.” Stina interrupts, pulling you into her lap suddenly, making you shriek. “We get this information might be a little shocking but now you know.” She shrugs, smiling lovingly at you before kissing your cheek.
“A little shocking? Maybe try something bigger than that.” Beth scoffs with her arms crossed.
Once everyone gets their questions in, you all settle on a comedy movie and cuddle into someone. You remain seated in Stina’s lap with your head rested against her shoulder. She randomly kisses any part of your skin she can reach, enjoying not having to hide as much now.
“I have a question for you.” You whisper, turning your attention to the Swede.
“And what would that be?”
“Where’s my candy?” You whine from your lack of snacks which your wife finds adorable. She reaches beside her and pulls out a familiar colored bag.
“I had it ready with me right here, älskling.” Her hand holds up the bag away from your reach just as you’re about to grab it. You huff in annoyance and slump down into your previous position. “I need a little convincing to let you have these.” Stina smirks before perking her lips.
You roll your eyes at the once-shy girl who never wanted to show affection in front of her friends. Your hand grips her jaw, angling her face so you can smash your lips against hers. She hums into the kiss and soon traces her tongue along your bottom lip, but just before anything starts, a whistle grabs your attention.
“Oi lovebirds, get a room. We don’t wanna see you two swapping saliva.”
“Kyra, that is strike two, you better start running.”
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cranberryjuice-posts · 4 months
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Readin between the lines
Pairings - Clarisse La rue x Fem! Daughter of Hecate Reader
Synopis- both you and clarisse like eachother but Your both to stuborn to admit it
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You knew clarisse liked you. It was obvious. How she flirted with you, how touchy clarisse was when anyone else seemed to show any interest in you. The fact you two have kissed before didnt help either, but this girl still refuses to tell you she loved you.
And it just so happened your just as bad. Clarisse would lay awake at night regretfully thinking about you and about you and your antics. You wore shorts that showed off your ass just for you to tease her with them. How you would make flirty remarks while clarisse worked out or how you would complain about how hot it was down at the lake while wearing a bikini you knew the girl liked. But you refused to tell clarisse how you liked her.
That seemed to be your relationship a constant back and forth neither girls wanting to admit they liked each-other but sure as hell getting pissed off if either entertained the idea of another girl.
“Oh you big baby I bet it’s not even that heavy” you teased leaning back on the bench you sat on. Clarisse dropped a heavy weight on the ground looking over at you. “Oh yeah?” She smiled sarcastically “why don’t you come over here and lift them then”
You rolled your eyes, standing up you walked over towards clarisse. Grabbing the heavy weight with both of your hands you still struggled to lift it.
After a few seconds you dropped it down stumbling back into clarisse. “Not that heavy right?”
“Shut up” You laughed looking up at the girl, smiling as she hugged you from behind with her leaning down coming closer to you.
About to kiss the scene was disrupted as silena entered the arena. “Hey Lise, Chiron wants you both” she chuckled dragging her finger between you two “for a meeting or something dont be late Yeah”
The daughter of Aphrodite gave clarisse a teasing Look making the girl sigh annoyingly. “Whatever could silena be implying clarisse” You joked
“You know not everything has to have an underlying meaning” she looked down at you, smiling you leaned into her more letting your lips graze one another’s. “Yeah but where’s the fun in that” kissing her quickly, you grabbed clarisses hand and started to lead her towards the big house
Gods you were going to be the end of her
“Ladies, thank you for coming and meeting us today” Chiron nodded towards you and clarisse as you entered the patio.
Mr. D grunted not bothering to look up from his cards. Chiron looked over at him with a look of dissapointment before facing you two once again. “So why did you need to see us” clarisse shifted around slightly before crossing her arms.
“Well as you know the summer is about to start, and while quest have not been given in the recent years I am in need of you two to find something for me” Chiron held is hands infront of him as he spoke. You didn’t look up but you could tell by how clarisses breath changed that she was more than excited to take this quest. “In flordia, towards Venus beach you will find an abandoned fair grounds, built many years ago by one of Mr.Ds here cults. After a large org—“
“Bascially the cult disbanded and I left a very important kantharos there and I want it back!” Mr.D sat up annoyed by the entire situation. Chiron rubbed his eyes in the gods childlike display. “Essentially girls we have chosen you two for this quest because clarisse your talent in battle and y/n your talent with magic and connection with the spiritual world, these are both traits you will need in completing this quest”
“Do you accept the damn quest or not” Dionysius sighed opening a new can of Diet Coke
You looked up at clarisse, her following suit and looking down at you. Nodding you faced Chiron once again. “We accept”
Sitting in the train station you smiled as clarisse tapped her leg. Finally the girl snapped groaning and standing up. “This is boring— the train won’t be here for another hour can we please go do something”
“And what are we gonna do?” You hummed, continuing to read your book. Clarisse rolled her eyes “I don’t know fucking— maybe we could get some food or something”
“Are You asking me on a Date?” Turning the page you smiled as the girl infront of you continued to get more bc more annoyed. “No I’m not asking you on a date I’m hungry and I want food”
“Then go get food what do you need me for” you continued to tease the woman. Watching as she walked away flustered, it brought a sense of accomplishment towards you— mainly because you loved pissing her off
“Okkkkkk— ah! There it is room 256” you smiled placing your key card into the train room door. Opening it and walking inside you and clarisse both paused taking a moment to comprehend the room.
It was small, that you expected. However the design of the room you didn’t. There was a twin sized bed pressed against the wall with a small window right up against it, a matching bed right above closer to the cieling and a flimsy ladder against the wall. Some storage underneath the bottom bunk and a small table at the other end of the tiny room.
“Nice and cozy” clarisse bitterly spoke as she pushed past you into the room. Setting her stuff on the top bunk you raised an eyebrow while closing the door. “Who said you got top bunk, shouldn’t you take the bottom you know just incase we get attacked and I need someone strong to protect me” You chuckled some, leaning against the beds you reached up grabbing one of clarisses curls twirling the hair around your finger.
Clarisse however remained unamused, her right hand finding itself on your hip. “I’m sure you of all people can take care of yourself”
“Yeah but what’s the point if I have you here” flicking the curl away you leaned up like you were going to kiss her, lips brushing and the hot breath of one another grazing each others skin you smiled pulling back and handing clarisse your bag. “Put it up for me yeah? I wanna go check out the train”
“I fucking hate you”
“You’ll get over it”
Walking out of the shower hall you headed back to your room. Once inside you stop to take a moment to appreciate Clarisse who was doing pull ups with the bar on the top bed.
Taking in the sight of the girl in her black sports bra and red plaid shorts that coincidencly matched your plaid shorts and black tank top, the first person who came to mind was most likely silena trying to make you two match
Clarisse dropped down from where she had once been up high, she looked confused at your two matching pjs
“Silena?” You playfully asked
“Fucking silena” she complained rubbing her eyes. Shrugging your shoulders you sat down onto your bed looking up at clarisse.
After a few moments she started to go around the room grabbing a few items before setting them on her bed, “what no goodnight kiss?” You continued your teasing strike as clarisse tried to get up on her bed.
She looked down at you with a sarcastic face “really.”
“You know it’s not good romantic practice to denye a woman a kiss”
“That’s ironic coming from you”
“And your a bully, just give me a kiss” you laughed tilting your head. After a few minutes of back and forth clarisse eventually leaned down playing a kiss on your lips. It was short and flustered, you could easily tell she was nervous. But it was still cute none the less. “Happy now?”
“Jumping for joy”
Clarisse rolled her eyes “your so stupid”
Two days later the train pulled into its stop at Venus beach flordia, taking your bags both you and clarisse set out looking around for where ever the cult use to be.
Following a long discarded map that Chiron had given in aid on the quest, clarisse had taken the lead charting out the way.
Soon however she came to a stopping point. Grabbing her arm you looked up at the girl with concern. “Your dehydrated, common let’s get you come water”
Clarisse shook her head “no I’m fine..” she stubbornly spoke trying to keep walking
“The quest can wait you need to rest for a moment” grabbing her hand you lead her into a near by cafe.
Ordering two waters and a slice of strawberry shortcake you sat down with the tired girl passing over her drink. Watching as she gulped it down your concern soon dissipating behind you.
You knew you liked clarisse, shit you knew you loved her but for some reason telling her how you felt just.. scared you, you didn’t want to loose her as a friend but at the same time who kisses their friends.
“Dude—“ Clarisse snapped her fingers bringing you out of your head. Now drawn to her attention you watched as she explained the plan. “We’ll wait til night fall, wherever this old cult place use to be I guess was built over with a fair grounds, after some freak accident it was closed down that’s where we’re gonna find Mr.D’s cup ”
Nodding along you took mental notes of the Important stuff. “Ok.. so what we spend five hours at the fair grounds, it’s what 6pm now the sun will set in an hour so at 12 am we head back to the train station inorder to board our next train at one”
she nodded, shaking her leg on the ground you could tell she was anxious to get moving again. Anyone would be lying if they didn’t agree that clarisse was Absolutely beautiful when she was in the middle of plan making.
Finding the fair ground was easy, what wasn’t easy though was having to search through everything just to find one stupid cup.
At this point you had been searching for an hour with nothing to prove for it. The only thing you did find was an obscene amount of green slime? Mucus? You didnt care all you knew was that it was acidic. In a fit of disappointment you sat down on one of the horses on the carousel. Rubbing your eyes frustrated you let out a deep sigh trying to calm down.
After a moment you started to hear music play. Looking up confused you saw clarisse standing at the control pad with a smile on her face. The horses started to move up and down, moving in a circle with the broken record music in the background.
Once the ride came to an end you looked at her with a neutral face, your arms crossed.
“What? We’re at the fair we deserve to at least have some fun” she joked.
“What happened to ‘we need to focus on the quest’ ”
Clarisse rolled her eyes “I said that when we first got here, now we’re having a break so do you wanna go again” you tilted your head some with a smile. “Yeah you come ride it with me”
“Ah see I would but who would control the pannel”
The control board sparked with electricty now working on its own. Waving your fingers at clarisse you giggled knowing your magic sometimes freaked her out.
“Whatever I can do that to” she muttered. Taking a seat beside you on a different horse you both remained quiet just looking at one another.
“I use to come to the fair” clarisse sighed.
You looked over confused at the sudden confession though you weren’t complaining. “See my mom would take me every year since I was 5, she was a military officer so she wasn’t around much but she always came home for the fair. That was until I was 9… a monster attacked me and coach hedge brought me to camp.” she paused for a moment, looking up at the dark sky completly unaware how stunning she looked in the golden light. “It been years since I last saw my mom, being here it reminds me a lot of her.. but I’m glad I’m here with you” she looked back down at you.
There was this feeling in the air— almost like you both had something to say but couldn’t find the words to express it.
Just as You opened your mouth to talk the ride jerked forward coming to an abrupt stop, falling off your horse you groaned. Sitting up and rubbing your head you found clarisse kneeling over you trying to help you up. “You allright? Everything still ok”
Nodding you let your head go. “Yeah I’m fine.. the control panel probably stopped working” giving clarisse a comforting smile she calmed down some helping you up.
“Let’s Just Go find the kantharos” clarisses Guard was up once again. You let out a disappointed sigh but agreed, feeling your cheeks grow warm as the taller girl grabbed your hand
Time was cutting short, 10:45 pm— the entire fair grounds checked and still no damn goblet. At this point you were convinced this was a gag quest. “There’s one place we haven’t checked” Clarisse sighed crossing her arms.
“Yeah and where’s that”
“The hall of mirrors”
Your playful demeanor soon fell “I’m not going in there” you cautiously spoke.
The stronger girl chuckled. “Why are you scared?” At first she she figured it was a joke, once realizing how serious you were she changed her stance. “What’s wrong with the hall of mirrors”
“It’s common knowledge in the witchcraft world that if you face two mirrors together that evil spirits will have access to the mortal world. Being that I’m a daughter of Hecate I’m at much more risk for danger than you as a daughter of are”
“That would of been great to know before”Clarisse let out an annoyed sigh.
“Well I didnt think we We’re going to have to go inside the damned place” you bit back not appreciating her attitude
Tapping her spear trying to think of what to do, she wasn’t about to drag you into the building but knew she was screwed in there if there was a monster without your help.
After a long moment you groaned holding your head back. “Fine I’ll go if it means finding the kantharos— but don’t say I don’t do shit for you”
It was just like clarisse had predicted, the cup was in the middle of the maze, what she didn’t predict was a baby hydra curled up around it.
“Fuck this is a hydra nest?!” You whispered yelled in a panic. Clarisse started inching towards the monster against your better judgement making your whisper curses in Greek at her. “When I say run.. we run” she softly spoke while placing her spear on her back.
“Clarisse don’t do it i will kill you” You threatened as she reached for the kantharos. “Clarisse?!” You spoke against your teeth. The daughter of ares however ignored you, reaching down you watched as she grabbed the cup slowly itching it away from the baby hydra
“RUN!” She yelled grabbing your hand in her free one. The baby hydra quickly woke with its prize now gone.
The screeching monster started to chase you down the maze, breaking multiple mirrors in its fit of rage. You tried not to look back but you couldn’t help. “Shit clarisse look out!” You yelled, letting go of her for a moment you tapped a bracelet on your hand revealing a shield— that you may or may not of stolen from the hephatus cabin— blocking the monsters acidic bile.
That’s what it was, all the slime you found around the park it was hydra venom mentally you beat yourself up at not realizing it sooner
Dodging past multiple dead ins you started to get anxious. Every turn every pause everything felt the same. What if you weren’t moving, what if you didn’t escape. Everything flooding your mind at once you hadn’t realized clarisse practically threw you out the maze.
Taking her spear she tossed the cup to you before using her weapon to seal the metal door shut with the electricity that conducted in the tip.
Pacing back three steps clarisse kept her spear readied waiting for the door to bust down, after what seemed like eternity the monster gave up returning to its spot in the center.
Both of you relaxed immediately. Now with the cup in hand your quest was complete.. “I guess this is it, we take that back to camp and we’ll be named successful victors” she panted slightly helping you up.
“Yeah… orr we could have a little more fun while we’re here. What was that you said about ‘deserving to ride the rides’?” You teased the now flustered girl.
For the remaining hour you had rode every ride that you could, it was almost like a date. A date as a real couple.
Ending the night you rode the Ferris wheel with clarisse. Stopping up at the top you took a minute to appericate the view. “You know.. we would of never gotten this if it wasn’t for you” you looked back at clarisse.
“Yeah Well you were helpful in making sure the entire quest went smoothly” she chuckled holding her head down humbly.
“That’s debatable” You laughed leaning back tracing the designs on the cup. “Not really.. you always make things go smoother so it wasn’t really a shock you made this entire shit show actually tolerable”
“Oh was that a compliment clarisse” you gave a small chuckle. Looking up you noticed clarisse staring at you with a certain softness that if anyone at camp had seen it they would of denied it was clarisse.
She shrugged her shoulders some not really sure what to do. Setting the cup aside you leaned forward some. “Well, if it weren’t for you then we could of never found Mr.D’s goblet so.. if anything your the one to thank” you smiled some at her.
It was like a scene out of a movie. Clarisse learned forward bringing her face close to yours. Both of your hearts beating loudly. “I think.. I”
“Yeah” you whispered back, sure you’ve kissed multiple times before but for some reason.. this time felt different.
Pulling eachother Close you slowly kissed clarisse. Each time before it had been a quick kiss. This time however it was slower, more intimate and loving.
Her hands holding your waist with your fingers locked in her curls. The kiss breaking multiple times only to be continued not even a moment later, both of you kissing like you needed it to breathe. You figured you had imagined it, hearing an ‘i love you’ muttered somewhere in the heated scene.
Pulling back panting you looked at clarisse with blown pupiles. “I love you to” You muttered not realizing what you said until you spoke.
“Thank fucking god” clarisse tirelessly spoke before pulling you back into a kiss.
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juniefruit · 2 months
☆ Blow The Whistle ☆
☆ Lifeguard! Felix x fem! reader (18+)
☆ Summary: The summer heat has you desperate to cool off in an unconventional way...
☆ Warnings: smut, one night day stand, semi public sex, not proofread, MDNI
☆ Word count: 2.3 k
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Australian summers are brutal. That’s why you and your closest friends have found refuge at the water park for the day. There’s a slight breeze once in a while which makes the heat bearable without being submerged in water constantly. You’ve set up camp on a few beach chairs with tote bags filled with snacks, towels, and ample amounts of sunscreen. You look like the textbook example of relaxation; oversize cat-eye sunglasses, a cute cover-up draped over your shoulders and laying back on the chair. 
What broke your relaxation was the shrill shriek of a whistle from a lifeguard. You move your sunglasses down the bridge of your nose to peer at the cause of the loud interruption. He blows into the whistle again. Why can’t some kids just follow the rules? 
To your surprise, at the other side of the pool, was one of the cutest lifeguards you’ve had the pleasure of seeing. His eyes were obstructed by reflective sunglasses, but they were framed by freckles that blessed his tanned honey skin. Bleach-blonde, sun-kissed hair that was slightly wavy and fluffed. You got the feeling that if he wasn’t forced to wear a shirt for this job, he’d be topless; the tank top he wore had the sides cut so wide that you could start to see his broad pecs and defined abs. Snug board shorts showcased his toned thighs that were splayed out against the white wooden chair. You didn’t even realize you were staring, eyes glazed over, until he turned towards you and sent a shy wave. You snapped out of it and waved back, which seemed to satisfy him since he smirked and went back to scanning the pool for troublemakers on top of his chair. 
A splash of water and a mess of wet hair emerged right at the edge of the pool. 
“Y/n, will you join your besties in the pool already?” One of your friends asked, arms folded against the edge of the pool. “There’s this group of cute guys we’re talking to-” She exclaims, pointing behind her. 
“They’re all yours, because I,” You gesture to the lifeguard. “Have my sights on him. Also, I need to go refill my water bottle. So don’t mind if I do-” You stand up from your seat.
 “Right… water refill… let me know how it goes!” She splashes water at you teasingly before wading back to her group. Was it a coincidence that you had to pass the lifeguard to get to the water fountain? Most likely. Now’s your chance, you thought. As you approached him, he noticed you and turned his head. He tried hiding his grin but failed. “Hey,” you greeted him, leaning an arm against the large wooden chair, painted white. He rested his forearms atop the armrests and had his legs crossed. 
“Hey,” he replied, his voice deep and smooth. 
He’s only said one word and you’re already addicted. “Great day out, isn’t it?” He asks, and you realise you could listen to him forever. 
You huff out a laugh. “Yeah, I suppose.” He perked up at your response. 
“Oh? And why do you only suppose?” He inquires. 
“Well, in a perfect world, all these kids would follow the rules so you can retire blowing into that annoying whistle.” He laughs at your confession. “In a perfect world, I’d be in the break room eating lunch. Yet here we are.” His accent was like the final straw as his baritone voice left his plump lips. “I’m Felix.” He reaches out a hand. 
“I’m y/n.” You shake his hand. He’s gentle yet firm, and slides his hand back to the armrest as if he didn’t want to let go. He clears his voice. 
“I- um, I like your outfit. It suits you well, y/n”. He admits bashfully. You blush at his confession. Was he trying to flirt? 
“Ah, thanks Felix, if you think so.” You reply. 
“I do think so.” He says, in a spur of confidence. You squirm internally. You couldn’t handle much more of this- tension. It’s not every day that he stumbles upon someone like you- someone who he could barely keep his composure around. He was suddenly aware of every fiber in his body, wondering if his hair looked good or if there was sunscreen still smeared on his face. 
“Well,” you sigh. “I should probably go. This bottle won’t refill itself.” You shake the empty water bottle in your hand. 
“Y/n, wait!” He exclaims, startling you a bit. His cheeks were tinted pink with a blush. 
“Um, my break should be in… five minutes. The break room has an ice dispenser, I can let you in? So you don’t have to use the lukewarm fountain water.” He checks the watch on his wrist and he sounds a little nervous at his proposal. 
“Oh- um, sure! I’ll wait by my chair, then.” Taken aback, you tried not to sound too excited at the thought of spending time with Felix, alone. Feeling giddy, you shuffle back to your beach chair, which now feels miles away as you feel his eyes trailing after you. Safe to say you counted down every second until Felix’s replacement swapped him out. He does little to stop the grin creeping up on his face as he approaches you, taking his time. 
“Shall we?” He proposes, the timbre of his voice delectable. You nod with a smirk.You try your best to gracefully stand from your position, but unfortunately, beach chairs were not designed with that in mind. There was tension in the air between you as he led you through the pathways inbetween pools and slides. The death grip on your water bottle was turning into a cramp in your hand, but there wasn’t much available to soothe your nerves. The only sound was the squeak of flip flops as you walked adjacent to eachother. Felix spoke up suddenly. “It’s right up here.” he gestures. You hum in reply. When you approach the ‘Employees Only’ door, Felix punches in the passcode while you wait behind him. His tank top was slightly billowing against his toned back in the breeze. The door unlocked and Felix grabbed the handle, subsequently holding it open for you. 
“Oh! Thanks,” You exclaimed before He graced you with a small smile and a nod. A rush of cool air smacks you in the face as the heavy door closes behind both of you. You turn to see Felix standing behind you, leaning against the closed door, effortlessly charming. His hazelnut eyes were lidded with a glint of desire. 
“We have the room all to ourselves, you know.” He says. Your breath hitches at what he seems to be suggesting. So, you step closer. You can see his chest moving with every breath he takes.. You brought your right hand up to grasp at the whistle and cord hanging around his neck.The damned whistle was calling out for you to just tug it so his puffy lips can finally meet yours. His eyes were inviting you closer as they pierced your own. When you were so close you could feel his shallow breath on your lips, he closed the gap. Subsequently, you tugged slightly at the cord which earned you a soft groan. His lips weresoft but not too moist, like he had just applied chapstick. He dragged his body closer to you and placed the palms of his hands gingerly at your hips, partially covered by your swimsuit. He pulls his face away, just barely in order to speak.
“Tell me you want this- or I'll let go and we can forget it happened.” His voice is airy and his stare hasn’t left yours ever since he pulled away. It was electrifying. Granted, you don’t get this opportunity often- or at all. Maybe that was why you found it so thrilling. 
“I want this- want you.” Both of your hands moved to the junction between his neck and collarbones. Your eyes communicated a silent plea; one that Felix would never forgive himself for if he ignored. With a smirk, he dove back in. His freckled cheeks grazed your cheekbones with how deep he kissed you. His blonde hair fell forward as he tilted his head. At the same time, his thumbs were making little circles against your hips, gliding over your swimsuit before digging in to hook them underneath and into the supple flesh. You whined against his lips, and counteracted by sliding your hands down his exposed sides. You could feel every ripple of muscle, and his stomach tensed when you pased right at his lower waist. As an excuse to pull yourself even closer, you reached behind Felix and locked the door. 
“Come here,” He growled against your lips, and led you to the wide armchair across the small room, with a little table adjacent to it where you set down your water bottle with haste. You grinded against eachother until the fabric felt unbearable. His hands move to your lower back to spin you around, so he can sit against the chair and pull you into his lap, facing eachother. You sat atop his toned thighs, the fabric of the chair adding much needed comfort.  He pulled your face back onto his as your tongues intertwined. As he was licking into your mouth with vigor, your hands roamed eachother’s tense bodies. You felt like you were floating when he pulled your cover up off of your shoulders as it fell onto his feet. 
“My turn,” You spoke, slowly and sdeuctively. Your hands grabbed at the hem of his tank top to pull it over his head, his whistle hitting his chest. The wide planes of his chest and shoulders glistened in the fluorescent light. You ran your hands down his chest as he loosed a sigh onto your lips. Meanwhile, his hands inched towards the apex of your thighs, still covered by your swimsuit, but no doubt messy with your arousal. 
“Hmm, I did this to you, yeah?” The pads of his right hand caress your folds through the fabric. A wanton moan escapes you. You smirk when you look down to see the tent in his shorts, desperately trying to press against you. 
“I can say the same for you,” You counter. The palm of your hand ghosts over his hardness before pressing down slowly. He whines impatiently. 
“I can unzip these, yeah?” You ask. 
“Anything you want, just hurry up.” He squirms under you. You huff at his impatience, and undo his shorts with one hand, shoving his underwear down too. His length is weeping at the tip, swollen and dusty pink. Shuffling as close as you can, Felix pulls the lowest part of your swimsuit to the side with nimble fingers. You shiver as they brush against your folds in the heat of the moment. Grabbing him gently at the base, you align him with your hole, aching with need to quench that empty feeling. He slides against you with ease, the tip catching against your entrance before you sink lower, relieving the muscles in your thighs. His breathing is deep and controlled; His warm brown eyes were full of adoration and eagerness, focused on your lower half. His hands were glued to your hips, periodically squeezing and kneading the flesh.
“So pretty, hah…” He sighs, catching his breath as you reach the hilt. You tilt your head forward to press featherlight kisses to his freckled cheeks before landing on his bottom lip, catching it between your teeth to suck on. His cock throbs with pleasure, overwhelmed yet aching for more. Felix’s hips buck up from their own accord, catching you by surprise, sparks of electricity coursing up your body. His hands helped to guide you up and down his length, coated in slick. 
The loud hum of the A/C muffles the mixtures of sounds you’re producing. Every upwards thrust releases a breathy moan as you shiver with pleasure. Your nails scratch against Felix’s shoulders which causes a grunt to topple from his lips, reddened from fervent licks and kisses. Every time your hips hit against his, Felix’s grunts and groans increase in pitch until he’s whining and whimpering with that saccharine low timbre. His sounds add to the build up of your release, as the upwards movements of his thrusts falter as pleasure takes over. 
“You’re close, yeah? Please tell me you’re close…” He whines. You gasp as the feeling of your climax climbs higher and higher, you can almost taste it. The head of his cock nudges that sensitive spot against your plush inside, consequently making you clench around him. 
“Felix-!” You gasp. “So close, oh my god, Felix! Fuck-”. Your body squirms with delight as Felix wraps his forearms around your lower back, your hands splayed out against his shoulder blades. 
“Cumm-ing Y/n-! shit- I’m cumming-” His voice is strained as the final thread snaps. You feel like you’re floating as waves and waves of pleasure fall through you, eyes closed as your chin rests against the firm muscle between Felix’s neck and shoulder. The air is filled with twin gasps for air as you both come back to reality. The palms of his hands make soothing circles against your sides as you slide out with a deep breath, wincing. 
“Was that okay?” He asks, switching back to his shy demeanor. You sigh with content. 
“That was… definitely more than okay.” That seems to soothe his nerves. 
“I definitely need water now…” You say. He spins you around so he’s leaned up against your back. 
“Mmh, Sure thing.” He grumbles. He leaves a chaste kiss against the nape of your neck, in hopes that you’ll return his feelings. 
“Come to the park again tomorrow, yeah?” You nod in response. 
A dense thud against the door has you both jumping out of your skin and scrambling to your feet. 
“Oi Felix! You good bro?”
Check out my other works here~
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suugarbabe · 8 months
Saving Grace VI
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[Chapter 6]
pairing: mattheo riddle x reader
word count: ~3.3k
warning: angst, fluff, mentions of blood, smut, slight male overstimulation, 18+ content MDNI
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Your heart had never felt so full. Laying on the couch in the common room with Mattheo on top of you, his back to your front as he laid between your legs. His head was resting on your stomach, his arms draped over your thighs as your legs intertwined with his. Soft snores are coming from Mattheo as you continue to trace your fingers through his curls, scratching lightly at his scalp. 
You looked over his face, noting the different scars. The one along his right side, that went through his eyebrow and over his cheek, had been there before you met him. He told you he got it the summer before he came to Hogwarts, something about a ‘task his father had challenged him with’ went not quite as planned. You lightly traced it with your thumb and he seemed to unconsciously lean into your touch. 
He had a couple other small scars from nicks and such in fights, but your favorite one was on the bridge of his nose. It really wasn’t quite a scar yet, but you knew it would turn into one eventually. The scab across it was nearly healed, leaving a thick line of pink skin. The week after you two had made it officially official, Adrian had come to bother you again, this time trying to grab you away from Mattheo in the middle of the hall, yanking on your elbow. 
You had seen Mattheo fight plenty of times, but this time it was like all he could see was red and all he wanted was Adrian dead. It took Theo, Draco and Blaise to finally pull them apart. Mattheo came out with just one deep gash on the bridge of his nose, while Adrain was in the hospital wing for a week. Mattheo got a month’s worth of detention, the last of which he served today. 
McGonagall made him reorganize the quidditch locker rooms and their respective closets. It took him nearly all day, hence his exhausted and sleeping figure on top of you. But you didn’t mind, you loved when he was able to be more vulnerable and loved that he felt safe enough to be that way with you. He was always displaying himself as so tough and unbreakable, you often had to remind him that he, too, was merely human and would break if he didn’t allow himself time to relax and recover. 
You were so engrossed with how pretty your boyfriend looked sleeping that you had zoned out, completely forgetting the other people around you. Pansy’s snapping is what finally broke your trance as you looked over to the couch across from you, giving her an apologetic smile. 
��Merlin, you two are so lovesick on each other,” she teased, causing the others to smile along with her. 
“Thank Salazar you finally admitted your feelings for him, I swear we were all going mental just waiting on you two to make it actually official,” Theo stated, lighting a spliff and taking a drag. 
Your face turned into one of confusion, “What do you mean ‘finally admitted my feelings for him’, what are you on about?” 
Draco rolled his eyes, “Cousin told us you guys were faking it.” You went to sit up a little straighter, however Mattheo’s grip on your legs prevented you from moving all together. 
“You mean you all knew it was fake? I mean, it’s not anymore, it hasn’t been for a while, but you all knew in the beginning?” You looked at each one of their faces. Enzo looked guilty, Theo and Draco both wore annoying smirks while Blaise and Pansy just had huge smiles. 
“To be fair, we didn’t know until after your little show at that first party,” Theo wiggled his eyebrows at you. “Still think about it sometim-” he was cut short thankfully by Blaise throwing a pillow at his head. 
Blaise turned to you then, “At first we thought he was just bringing you to the party as his date for the night, you know, like he was known to do. We played games and had a lot of fun. But during your little performance I noticed someone watching the two of you, specifically you, very closely.” 
You rolled your eyes, his name coming out like a grumble from your mouth, “You mean Adrian.” 
Blaise couldn’t help the slight smirk on his face, “Precisely. So, the next morning, when we were all a little more sober, I decided to ask Mattheo what was going on.” 
“At first he tried to deny everything, saying it was just for the night or whatever, but I could see right through it,” Draco pipped in. “Eventually, he told us how Adrian was being a proper creep and you asked for his help -”
Enzo interrupted him, “And Matty boy was talking about you for months before that.” The rest of the group seemed to nod in agreement. 
You couldn’t help the look of shock on your face, “W-what are you guys talking about? Months before?”
Blaise smiled at you, “That’s right sweetheart.” You looked back down at Mattheo’s sleeping form, admiration clear on your face. You traced your thumb over the apple of his cheek and he stirred slightly. His long eyelashes fluttered open, his voice thick with sleep as he spoke, “You lot talking ‘bout me?” 
A few members of the group laughed softly as you ran your fingers through his hair, “All good things, love.” He grumbled slightly, turning over so he was now laying on his stomach, burying his face into your jumper covered chest. 
“You still sitting with me at the match tomorrow?” Pansy asked excitedly, finally able to have another girl with her to watch the boys play. 
Eyes still closed, Mattheo answered for you, “Course she is, gonna be wearing my spare jersey.” You smiled at Pansy, nodding your head in agreement. 
“And here I thought she’d be wearing mine,” Theo, ever the sass-master, felt the need to interject and quickly regretted it as Mattheo fully opened his eyes. You ran your hand through Mattheo’s curls, essentially soothing him back to a calm state before giving Theo the finger for riling him up.
You wanted to curse whatever founder decided that deep into Scotland was the best location for Hogwarts as you pulled your stocking cap down over your ears. You also wanted to curse whoever decided that quidditch season needed to be in the bloody winter. 
“How the bloody hell do you look so cute but I look like a bundled troll?” Pansy poked the stuffing of her jacket near her stomach. You huffed out a laugh, “Oh please, Pans, we both look like stuffed olives. Green is normally so flattering to me, but right now I feel like a pickle.” 
You and Pansy continued to make comparisons to different green foods back and forth, not being able to contain your laughter as you found your seats in the stands on the Slytherin side. You weren’t sure if it was your relationship status, or if you and Pansy just got lucky, but you managed two front row spots in your house section, giving you the perfect view of the pitch. 
As both teams came out from the locker room tents you joined your fellow students in cheering loudly for green and silver. As members of both teams started doing warm up laps around the pitch, a particularly curly haired captain was hovering right in front of you and you couldn’t contain the grin that spread over your face. 
“Well don’t you look adorable this brisk afternoon, princess,” Mattheo was balancing on his Firebolt, leaning over the banister at the front of the stands. You stood from your seat, leaning closer to him, “I know you love pickles so I figured I’d copy the look to keep you motivated.” 
Mattheo let out a hearty chuckle, “S’that what you think you look like?” You nodded, biting your bottom lip to suppress the grin threatening to spread across your face. “Well you’re correct as always love,” Mattheo closed the gap between you two, placing a gentle kiss to your lips that ended far sooner than you wanted, “I love pickles and you look delicious.” 
You giggled slightly as you pushed his shoulder, effectively pushing him farther from you. With a wink he was soaring back down to the ground, meeting Madam Hooch and the other team's captain. As Madam Hooch released the bludgers and the snitch your adrenaline began to rise. When she tossed the quaffle in the air you were off your seat, keeping a close eye on Mattheo as he maneuvered around the pitch. 
Quidditch games were not foreign to you, you’ve even played it a little on holidays with your friends and such, but there was something about watching Mattheo, watching your boyfriend that made it all the more exciting. 
It definitely helped that Mattheo was a wiz at the game, gliding through the air, catching the quaffle like he’d been playing the game since he came out of the womb. He was especially cheeky this game, though, throwing a wink or a point your way every time he scored. 
The game was so exciting and Mattheo managed to pay you so much attention that you nearly forgot that Adrian was also on the team. That is, you forgot until you saw a bludger head straight for Mattheo. Thankfully he saw it and ducked out of the way. 
You followed the path that the bludger came from expecting to see the colors of the opposing team. Your eyes narrowed to slits as you saw Adrian Pucey hovering on his broom, bat in hand and a smirk plastered on his face. 
Adrian had arrogance, that was evident when he made eye contact with you and sent you a wink. You're sure your face was displaying a scowl but you held up both hands with middle fingers for good measure. 
You weren’t sure the game Adrian was playing at, but you knew Mattheo could finish it. After two more goals you saw Adrian smack another bludger, again heading straight towards your boyfriend, whose back was turned. 
You thanked Merlin for Theo as he came bolting towards Mattheo, using his own bat to beat the bludger in a different direction. Mattheo turned around, confused at the commotion as Theo very obviously shouted something at him. 
Mattheo then flew over where Draco had been, who was very obviously on the hunt for the snitch. Draco’s eyes were darting around the sky, searching for any glimpse of gold as he took in whatever words Mattheo was speaking. 
In an instant Draco was off, the Slytherin section erupting into cheers as he presumably found what he was looking for. Mattheo flew over to Theo, exchanging words. Theo nodded his head in understanding. 
The heat of the game was happening but your eyes stayed glued to Mattheo as he flew to the other side of the pitch towards Adrian. Cheers and shouts erupted around you, leading to an understanding that Draco likely caught the snitch and Slytherin had won. 
You watched as Mattheo all but dragged Adrian off his broom and to the tunnel leading from the pitch to the locker rooms. You watch as Mattheo’s fist connects with Adrian’s nose. Everyone else is seemingly distracted by the victory but you can't tear your eyes away from watching Mattheo beat the living shit out of Adrian not ten meters from everyone else. 
When you see Mattheo walk away from a crouching Adrian on the floor and head to the locker rooms you immediately follow, ignoring Pansy’s calls about where you were going. You rushed down the steps of the stands, taking as large of steps as your legs would allow as you reached the opening of the Slytherin locker room tent. 
The locker room was empty as everyone was still on the pitch celebrating. You walk further into the room, hearing a shower running. You shed some of your layers, taking off your hat, scarf, Mattheo’s extra jersey and your thick jumper. You toed off your shoes, pulling your socks along with them. 
The steam from the showers curled around your legs as you entered the shower stalls. When you finally reached him you saw the water at his feet run pink against the tile. You were sure the majority, if not all, was Adrians. You step into the stall, not caring that your clothes were essentially going to get soaked. You placed a tentative hand on his back.
He flinched at first, relaxing quickly into your touch. “What did he say, Teo?” He kept his back to you, doing his best to have a jovial tone, “If you wanted to see me naked again, love, you could’ve just asked. No need to storm the showers.” 
You rubbed your hands up and down his back, massaging his obviously sore muscles, “Mattheo…”
He let out a long sigh as he placed his hands on the wall in front of him. You saw a few cuts on his knuckles that you made note to heal later. “He deserved it,” his voice strained slightly, like just talking about it was making him angry all over again. 
You nodded, though you knew he couldn’t see it, “I’m sure he did, love, but what did he do this time?” 
His muscles tensed again, “It was about you. Had your name in his filthy fucking mouth. He..” Mattheo took another deep breath, you rubbed up and down his back, encouraging him to continue, “Well first he tried to knock me out with two fucking bludgers.” 
“I saw, right coward move if you ask me,” your rested your hands on Mattheo’s shoulders. He placed one of his on top on yours as he continued, “Then when I dragged him down, asking him what his problem was, he started talking about you. Starting saying foul things about you, saying he could have his way with you if he tried hard enough, that you being with me was all a lie and if he asked he could ‘have you up against a wall and calling his name’ and I just lost it.”
He turned to face you, hands gripping at the wet fabric on your waist, “I’m sorry princess, I just…I couldn’t stop myself.” His head fell to the crook of your neck as your arms wrapped around his shoulders, neither caring about the vulnerable state Mattheo was in in the shower stall. 
His posture indicated he felt bad for his actions, or at least feared that you might be mad at him. In reality you were anything but angry. You know it shouldn’t, but seeing Mattheo fight just…spurred you on. 
You tugged lightly at his curls and he lifted his head up, soft brown eyes meeting yours. “I love when you fight for me, Teo,” you twirled a curl around your finger at the base of his neck. Mattheo’s mouth upturned ever so slightly, “Yeah?”
You could feel his fingers dip under the hem of your shirt as you nodded your head, “Yeah, I know it’s kind of bad, but when I saw you hitting him earlier,” you pushed Mattheo back slightly, gripping the bottom of your soaked shirt and peeling it up and off your body, Mattheo’s eyes shot straight to your green lace bra, “I just wanted to get you alone and show you how much I really,” you popped the button of your jeans, “truly,” you dragged them down your legs and stepped out, “appreciate it.” 
He knows he’s seen you bare before, but there was something about you standing in soaking green lace that had his body responding before his mind could control it. Mattheo, for once, was at a loss for words, but you didn’t mind taking control for a moment. 
You placed a hand on his strong chest, pushing him back with the slightest pressure as your trailed your hand down his abdomen, feeling the dips and curves of his muscles that quidditch helped sculpt. His eyes held contact with yours as his back hit the tile wall.
Your hands continued to explore his body, thumbs dipping into the v-cut of his hips before grabbing him fully in your hand. You stroked him with light pressure, Mattheo’s eyes rolling as his head leaned back against the wall, “Your teasing me, Princess.” The statement came out in a breathy moan. 
“Just trying to show my boyfriend how thankful I am that he’s always there to defend me,” you slowly fell to your knees, dragging your nails down his thighs as you did so, eliciting a soft groan from Mattheo. 
You hold your mouth open, sticking out your tongue. You hold him in your mouth for a moment, just feeling the weight of his cock on your tongue. 
You’ve only been any type of intimate a few times since officially being called ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’ but you had made a mental note to take your time and enjoy it all in the beginning. 
“P-please, Princess. I n-need you to do something,” Mattheo’s begging went straight to your core. You pulled him from your mouth slowly, trailing your tongue along the underside of his cock. 
You wrap your hand around him, small strokes up and down as you kitten lick his tip. His hand finds home in your hair, lacing his fingers through the wet strands. 
You flatten your hand at the base of his cock, fingers spread across his pubic bone. You do your best to open your throat as you take as much of him as you can in your mouth. Your thumb applying light pressure where his balls meet his base, massaging the soft spot there. 
“F-fuck, holy shit, love, do that again,” Mattheo pleads. You hum in acknowledgment, repeating the action. Mattheo’s eyes roll in the back of his head and he knows he’s not going to last long. 
When you cup his balls, rolling them lightly in one hand as you deep throat him and hollow out your cheeks, Mattheo can’t even stop himself before he’s shooting hot ropes down your throat. 
You continue to bob your head, hollowing your cheeks out again and milking him for all has. Your hand is back at what won’t fit in your mouth. 
“Fuck, Princess, no more, I can’t,” he hissed through his teeth, grip tightening in your hair. You feel his thighs twitch under your palm but you don’t stop, wanting to push him just a little bit farther. 
His eyes roll to the back of his head and his upper lip quivers, you hum along his shaft, tapping his thigh to silently tell him to look at you. 
He stares down at you, eyes glazed over with lustful stupidity and that’s when you slowly drag him from your mouth with an obscene pop. You give one last long lick from base to tip before kissing his hip, grasping on to his forearm to help you stand up. 
Mattheo is still spent, leaning against the tile wall with shaky legs, one hand on your hip while the other cups your cheeks. 
“You tryna kill me, Princess? Where the fuck did that come from?” He’s breathless as he strokes your cheek lovingly. 
You shrug your shoulder slightly as your wrap your arms around his waist, “Just saying thank you.” You batted your eyelashes, doing your best to look innocent. 
Mattheo used his thumb to tilt your head up slightly, slotting his lips with yours. It was slow and sweet, his lips wet and heavy against yours. When he pulled away you found yourself lifting to your tip toes trying to chase after him. 
He chuckled slightly at your response, thumb tapping playfully at your bottom lip, “Cmon, love. Let’s get dressed before the rest of the lads get in and then we can go back to my dorm and I can,” he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, “return the favor.” 
You slapped his chest playfully, “Cheeky offer, but you don’t have to do that. I’m more than happy with what transpired just now.”
Mattheo smiled your favorite dimpled smile as he grabbed a handful of your ass, “Oh, love, but I want to.”
taglist: @v1olentdelights ; @cherry-hoe ; @itsamusical4life ; @chaosartic ; @b3ean ; @l4venderia ; @mypolicemanharryyy ; @ma-las ; @usmell4 ; @carav4l ; @thereeallink ; @jinxxangel13 ; @stvrlightt ; @taylors--version ; @classicfandomavenue ; @lucyispan ; @moonlightreader649 ; @badasseddy ; @icecube1912 ; @kezibear ; @julerry ; @little-miss-naill ; @kaitlyn2907 ; @laurajmcmanus ; @onlyangel-444 ; @unstablereader ; @aunicornmademedoit ; @im-unwellbabe ; @football1921 ; @kalulakunundrum ; @ayla-1605 ;
if you're not underlined i did try to tag you and it didn't pop up, sozz loves :(
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lokis-army-77 · 1 year
The Princess and her Bodyguard
Orc!Eddie Munson x Princess!female reader
Word Count: 2318
When the princess (reader) can't sleep, she calls on her orc bodyguard for some help.
Warning: 18+ unprotected sex, fingering, teasing, p in v, breeding kink, multiple orgasms,
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The castle air was stuffy as I lay in the strange bed. Although it was a nice room it smelt of dust and general disuse. The bed was also not as luxurious as the one in my own palace, the lumps were starting to annoy me to no end. You would think that if you knew the royal princess was coming for a visit, you would air out her rooms and find a suitable, non-lumpy, mattress for her to sleep on, but alas, not even the highest of the nobles had the best of the best. 
Sighing in annoyance, I threw the blankets from my form and padded my way to the two double doors which marked the entrance to the rooms. Slowly I opened the creaky door and poked my head out. A small smile adorned my lips when I saw my guard standing next to the door. 
“Eddie,” I whispered, catching his attention more than I already had with he opening of the door. 
His tall form loomed over me as he craned his head down to look at me. The light of the torches turned his normally dull green skin into a more yellow hue. Most people would be scared of him, a tall broad orc, charged with guarding the princess, but not I. I had never thought of him as anything but attractive, much to the befuddlement and disgust of my closest friends and two younger sisters too whom I had told of my attraction. 
I looked around the door quickly before grasping his larger hand in mine and pulling him into my room. He came with no protest other than a short grunt in what I could tell was amusement even if his face stayed as stoic as ever. 
“Princess, you should be sleeping. It’s nearly the witching hour.” He spoke out as I continued to pull him towards my bed. 
“But I can’t sleep, I may need tiring out,” I smirked. 
“Ah, but don’t you recall us saying we were going to stop that? You are to be married to one of these noblemen or their sons by the end of this tour.” He spoke, ever the voice of reason. 
“Oh screw letting me choose who I am forced to marry, I’d rather be with you.” I trailed my fingers lightly over the leather brace tied around his forearm. I pulled on the ties and tossed the brace to the floor. “Come on, just one more time,” I pleased, knowing full well that would not be the last time I asked.
He groaned as he continued to follow me, his large hands holding onto my hips as he eventually tossed me onto the bed gently. “You are my weakness, you know that?” He mused while he began to untie the many leather articles of protection. 
I just laid back in my silk nightgown waiting for him to pounce and ravage me as he had so many times before. His tongue darted out over his lips and the two long tusks protruding from his bottom jaw, the left one adorned with a metal ring around the circumference. 
I couldn’t help the giggle which left me when his large hands smoothed over my legs, pushing up the light cloth of my gown to my hips, tickling my skin. He then grasped my hips and pulled me to the edge of the bed, my legs dangled there before he knelt down and placed them over his shoulders. 
“And I thought I was the eager one.” I chuckled, only for my words to catch in my throat when he leaned his face between my legs. A long sigh passed my lips as I felt him kiss the soft flesh of my inner thigh. My hands quickly knot themselves in his long hair which had been braided back away from his face. “Please,” I whimpered. 
“Please what?” He asked. My body shivered at the feeling of his tusks rooting at my leg, drawing him ever nearer to where I wanted him. 
“Please touch me, wanna feel your mouth on my cunt.” I bucked my hips up without thought. 
He grinned and placed a hand over my abdomen, holding me still. “You still need to learn patience, Princess.”
“You have tried before, I will never learn,” I smirked, fingers pulling on his hair just slightly, eliciting a low groan. 
“We shall see.” He pulled his head away and my fingers slipped from his hair, coming to rest on the hand he had set across me. With his other, he began to massage the delicate skin of my thighs, and there they met at the apex between them but never once did his fingers slip past the slit of my cunt and into the wetness. 
My head flings back as I whimper. He felt so good but not as good as it would feel if he were touching me where I wanted. My body was vibrating as need and want grew with each simple push of his fingers. 
Minutes felt like hours as his fingers continued to tease me. I could feel the wetness growing and I was sure that soon it would be seeping down my ass and onto the bed. I was a mess of whimpers and short pleas of need, Eddie simply ignored them all in favor of placing his whole hand over my pussy mound and rubbing circles. I could feel the faintest pressure on my clit and tears of frustration began to well up in my eyes. 
“Please, please, touch me. I need you to touch me.” I begin to beg, not being able to take any more teasing.
“I am touching you.” He states, voice mocking. 
“Need more. Please, Eddie.” I try and buck my hips only to be pushed back down.
“I don’t know if such an impatient princess needs more. I don’t think you deserve it.” His fingers leave my body and he's now looking up at me, grinning. 
“I do deserve it, please. I’ll be good, I’ll be patient.” 
“Are you sure?” 
I nod desperately and breathe a sigh when his large middle finger slips over my slit and then pushes past, collecting wetness and pushing it to my slit. A moan leaves me as well, my body elated to be touched. 
His finger rubs into the swollen nub, back and forth, back and forth. He started slowly at first then the movement became faster and faster. I couldn’t help but clench around nothing as he toyed with me. 
“More.” I pleaded with him, trying hard not to let my hips move. 
“Oh, you want more? Are you not content with what I’m giving you?” He hums. “Sounds to me like you need to be taught a lesson on being greedy.” 
I cried out to him, back arching off the bed, “No please, I’m not trying to be greedy.” 
“You aren’t? It sounds like you are.” His finger keeps flicking past my clit. 
“Please, I’m begging you, just  a little bit more, that’s all I need.” My own fingers gripped his arm tightly as I shook in his hold, so close to coming but not quite there.” 
He shook his head as he sighed, relenting to my pleas. Moving his finger from my clit, he began to circle my entrance. My breathing stuck in my chest when I felt the digit push inside. It was long and thick around, stretching my walls out. I cried into the humid air of the room. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” My cunt squeezed him tightly as I whimpered. 
The sounds of him thrusting into my wet pussy were loud. It sounded as though there was someone sloshing around a bucket of water. Eddie’s other hand moved from pinning my hips down to having his thumb circling my clit. 
A long deep mewl flew from my lips at the stimulation. I was coming to the edge and he knew it if his unrelenting movements were something to go by. 
“Don’t- Ah! Don’t stop. Gonna cum!” I cried, tears running down my face no longer from frustration but pleasure. 
He began to move his finger and thumb at an almost unrelenting pace. I could barely make out the praises he spoke over the sounds of my own moaning. 
“That’s it, Princess. Let it all go.” He coaxed. 
It took only a few more thrusts into me and I was coming. A rapture of intense feelings came over me as I writhed, back arching even more, hip bucking wildly.
“You always look so pretty when you cum.” He coos up to me as he takes his fingers away, pushing them into his mouth to taste them. “Taste good too.”
I have no time to catch my breath before he is atop me, large green hands pushing my thighs together and back so the tops of them touch my stomach. His own thighs press snugly to my ass. I moaned at the feeling of his long hard cock resting against my cunt. 
“Gonna give you what you really wanted now.” He grins, taking one of his hands and giving his cock a few rough tugs. 
He gives no warning when he pushes my thighs back more, causing my lower back to lift off the bed, and placing his cock at the entrance to my wanting cunt. The head pushes in, taking my breath away at how big it is, and stretches me out even more than his finger had. My hand flies to my mouth to keep my loud sobs from being heard outside of my room. 
Eddie pushes in slowly only to pull back and then push in again. He begins to fuck only his thick head into my cunt. The position he has me in gives me no leeway to movies I am stuck lamenting over how I can feel every excruciating bump and ridge of the first inch of his cock being constantly thrust into the tight rim of my cunt. 
With each advance of his cock, wet arousal seeped from our junction. I could feel it as it slowly flowed down my round ass, to my back, then finally onto the sheets below soaking them. I was at a loss for words as he fucked me, his cock, like always, had reduced me to a needy, horny mess. 
Moments later he stopped only fucking the head inside and began to plunge into me all the way. I bit my lip to keep from screaming out into the open air. I could practically feel him hitting my cervix, bruising my insides as he moved like a beast built for battle. 
I loved every painfully pleasurable minute of it. My body eventually went ridged beneath him, and my skin became clammy as a sweat broke out all over. I was on the verge of another orgasm. 
“God, I’m gonna fill you so full of my cum, have you nice and bred.” He begins to grunt. 
I nod my head frantically. “ Yes, yes, please. Want it so- ah- bad!” His words made a flash of heat erupt through my body. Never had he mentioned breading before but now that he had said it, it was all I could think about and it was bringing me so so close to the precipice.
“How would you explain that to your father, the King? Hum? How will you explain all the little half-orcs running around when you’re supposed to be marrying one of these Noble lords?” His thrusts become wild and without rhythm. “Such a fucking whore aren’t you?  Letting an orc fuck you over and over.” 
I grunt and groan at his words, nodding my head along with him. “Don’t want them,” I speak breathlessly. “Only want you.” 
Then, like the snapping of a rope, I am cumming again. My muscles seize up, and My cunt contracts and spasms around Eddie’s cock as he also cums. Greedily I take everything he gives me. 
We both ride out our respective highs together before he leaves me, hands uncurling my aching body, massaging my skin where the joints ache. 
My eyes are half closed, overcome with exhaustion, and now ready to sleep. I can feel Eddie climbing up my body, placing soft kisses along my naked frame before he nestles me into his chest. 
“I’m sorry. I should not have let myself release inside of you.” He mummers into my now frizzy hair. 
I shake my head. “Don’t worry about it.” 
He moves some of my hair from my face and leans down for a short kiss. “I do have to worry about it. I am supposed to protect you, nothing good will come of you being with child, especially from me.” 
“Then maybe we can run away together. I never wanted to rule in my father's place anyway. I’m more of an adventurer at heart.” I joked, eyes now fully closed, head resting on his chest. 
He shakes his head and lowers it to the bed, resting. 
“If I am pregnant, we can work that out when it comes to it. We don’t know for certain, and even if I am, there will be a few months before anything will show.” 
It’s quiet for a long time, I assume he has just fallen asleep like I am about to but then his voice rings out next to me. 
“Would you really run away from all of this? A life of luxury and safety for one of near poverty where we would be looked down upon? No one likes the thought of an orc and human together.” 
“Yes,” I confess. “But only if it were with you.” 
“Then it is decided. If you being to show, we will leave and never return.” 
I hum in response.
"It seems you are now tired out." Eddie laughed and it is the last thing I hear before I am finally falling asleep.
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avoxrising · 6 months
The Feral One • Chapter 5
Finnick x Y/N
Series Masterlist Link
We are finally in the arena! Prepare for the angst… and protective! Finnick ;)
Content warnings - alludes to being dressed without consent, drugging, blood and death
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You’re escorted by five armed peacekeepers to a separate hovercraft than the rest of the tributes, not trusted to be around them yet. It feels like forever just waiting to arrive at your death. You were still stuck in a cell, this one was just also filled with monsters like you.
Having your tracker put in nearly added another name to the list. One of the peacekeepers had to sedate you and you didn’t wake up till you were waiting to be lifted into the arena.
You were slumped in your tube in a wetsuit, uncuffed for once. How did you get into it? Did someone dress you while you were out? You nearly puke as the tube starts to rise, nauseous and drowsy from the sedative.
The bright light of the arena blinds you as you struggle to get your bearings. While the rest of the tributes are standing on their pedestals awaiting the gong, you can’t seem to get up. Your limbs work but not enough to support you.
The gong rings and you lay there, playing dead. Maybe if they think someone else got to you, they’ll ignore you. Or maybe Finnick will leave you here and you can roll off into the water and drown yourself. Neither option sounds better than the other.
You must be good at pretending to be dead, as everyone ignores your limp form. You can hear Finnick calling for you, but yelling out to him will only reveal yourself to the other tributes.
“Y/N!” Finnick yells as you hear him come closer.
“She’s dead Finnick,” Katniss states. “Leave her.”
“Y/N!” he yells, ignoring the girl as he starts swimming over towards you.
He goes to grab your wrist to check for a pulse and you flinch away.
“Hey it’s just me,” he states, sighing in relief. “You’re ok.”
You manage to open your eyes just enough to look at him. He doesn’t look hurt thankfully.
“Can you move?” he asks and you shake your head no to the best of your abilities.
“Finnick we’ve got to go!” Katniss yells. You can now see Peeta next to her, holding Finnick’s trident. She suddenly shoots an arrow just past the two of you, into a tribute who was trying to sneak up on Finnick.
“I’m sorry,” Finnick says as he drags you off the pedestal and begins swimming with you towards the shore. He knows better than to take you directly to Peeta and Katniss on the rocks.
You protest but you’re too weak and are worried you’re going to pass out again. Finnick throws you over his shoulder and begins sprinting into the jungle with Katniss and Peeta in tow.
The group eventually stops to catch their breath and Finnick sets you down. You have blood caked under your fingernails from clawing at him, but other than that he is unharmed.
“What did they do to you?” he asks, crouching down to get a better look at you. He can’t see any obvious signs of injury which worries him.
“Sleep,” you whisper to Finnick. “Fought tracker.”
“She speaks!” Peeta exclaims. Katniss is still up in a tree somewhere.
“Back up,” Finnick states, standing between you and the boy. “She only speaks to me. Her choice not mine. Don’t push it.”
Peeta backs up and you give him a weak smile. You trust him not to do anything threatening. Katniss however…
Finnick and her get into a bit of a stand off when she comes back down from the tree, but you’re too busy trying to stand up to notice. Peeta goes to help you and you yelp, scrambling away from him.
“Sorry,” he states. “No touching, got it.”
Finnick gives Peeta an annoyed look before handing you the end of his trident to help you stand. Your legs are tired but they’re working better than they were 20 minutes ago.
“Let’s keep moving,” Finnick states, and you trudge along into the jungle.
“Peeta!” Katniss yells before she’s suddenly flung back into you. You claw desperately at her scalp until Finnick puts you in a headlock and she’s able to scramble away to check on Peeta. He’s not breathing.
Finnick weighs his options, either he goes to help Peeta, releasing his grip on you, or he holds you back from Katniss, letting Peeta die. He must decide that Katniss can handle herself as he quickly runs over to Peeta and begins CPR.
Katniss doesn’t know who to point her bow at, you or Finnick. She decides on you and quickly sends an arrow into your arm while Finnick is still occupied with Peeta. She could have killed you if she wanted but temporarily disabling you was good enough in her mind. She was wrong.
You rip the arrow out of your arm and go to stand up when Peeta gasps in air. Katniss rushes to his side and Finnick slumps over, exhausted.
That’s when you decide what needs to happen. You can’t get in the way of Finnick getting out of the arena, and whatever was waiting for you outside of the arena isn’t any better than what’s in here.
Finnick goes to check on you, only finding a trail of blood drops leading into the jungle. You wouldn’t weigh him down anymore.
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olsenmyolsen · 9 months
You Have Me For The Night (18+)
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master list
dark master list
MCU AU (Female Reader X WandaNat)
Summary: You need a job and money. Luckily, Natasha Romanoff knows exactly what you can do.
Word Count: 11.7K
Content: Heavy Smut! Sex!!! Fingering, Mommy Kink, Daddy Kink, Edging, Begging, Strap, Praise, switch!Wanda, Transactional Relationship, Corruption kink(?), Oral, Handjob, Aftercare, Feelings
Also special thanks to @lesbianpizza for their help from time to time ❤️
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Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff were stuck, and they knew it.
To be more specific, their marriage was stuck.
They loved each other deeply and cared for one another more than themselves. But between training, missions, and the workload of it all. They never ended up on the same page. Or together. In fact, it had been weeks upon weeks since Natasha had touched Wanda and vice versa.
So when week five turned into six. Both of the women felt like they were losing it. Wanda wanted to cry because Nat was across the globe while Natasha wanted to capture their mark and kill the man who made her miss her very spicy scheduled FaceTime call with her little Wands.
But here's where you come in.
You see. You've always been.. flexible. Open-minded.
And with a little download of a very specific new app and a background check using SHIELD encrypted servers led one wife... renting... you for the other.
But we're getting a little ahead of ourselves. So let's back it up a bit and show what happened before you pulled up to a lovely house in upstate New York.
"How's the job hunt going?" Your best friend and roommate Ava Starr asked, making you sigh. Truth be told, since your girlfriend up and left you five months ago for her coworker Jean. You haven't done much of anything. I mean, you cried and got angry and cried again. Got sad. Thought about adopting a cat. But didn't and then cried about not adopting the cat. On top of that, since your father's recent death, you've been coasting off his inheritance. But that money was slowly disappearing.
Hence, the job hunt.
"Oh, it's going.." You reply while you skim through Netflix before switching to Hulu, not satisfied with any of the options. Ava huffs from the kitchen before entering the living room and yanking the Roku remote from your hand, turning the TV off. "Hey!" You barely moved from your laying position on the couch.
Ava walks in front of you, making you eye level with her legs. "Did you use my razor? Your legs are looking better than normal." "Y/N!" Your roommate exclaims, making you look up to her. "Get up." You shake your head. "No."
"I don't want to." Ava rolls her eyes at you. "Y/N. Now." You groan loudly and annoyingly before sitting up. "Child." Ava huffs at you before sitting right next to you. "Have you at least gone out?"
You know what Ava is getting at. The have you tried dating or hooking up? Question. "Tuesday night." You reply, making Ava furrow her eyebrows before she closes them. "Y/N. You and I went out for Chinese on Tuesday night!"
"I went out!" You whine. "With me. We're not dating!" Ava yells and pushes your shoulder lovingly. "We could."
"We could what?"
"Date." You wiggle your eyebrows as Ava laughs. "No. We couldn't. You're not my type."
"What to pretty?"
"Too annoying." She beat you there. "Besides. You know what I'm getting at." Ava gets up to check on her pasta. You let your body go limp and slide down the couch, forcing your sweatshirt to ride up, exposing your stomach. "Did you even try the apps I downloaded for you!" Ava yells from the kitchen. You mumble in response to her that she surprisingly hears.
"Maybe you just need something new," Ava spoke as she came into the room again with a bowl in her hand. "Maybe." You reply. "Where's your phone?" Ava asks as you slide back up the couch, pulling your shirt down. "I don't know somewhere ar-"
"I got it."
You shrugged as Ava typed in your password and searched through the App Store for you. She started asking you questions, but you were too focused on stealing her bowl of food to notice. She even slapped your hand away when you weren't being as sneaky as you thought.
"Oh, can it." Says your so-called best friend.
You sniffed loudly as she handed your phone back to you. "What is it?" You asked, looking at an empty profile of yourself. "I downloaded an app called hush. It's supposed to solve the two biggest problems you are doing nothing about. Basically, have sex. Get money."
You looked through the photos of the women on the app and felt your face getting warm. "How did you find out about it?" You asked, unable to pull your eyes away from a blonde woman named Carol. "I didn't. It was new. But the reviews seem to be nothing but praise. Plus, only women are allowed to use it. I think it connects to your phone account or something.. I don't know... I just signed you up and hit okay every time a thing popped up." That made you pull your eyes away.
"What if I'm signed up to have like my kidneys harvested or something!?" Ava shrugs at you and spins a forkful of noodles. "It'll be better than to hear you close and reopen Netflix fifteen times a night."
"You're being mean tonight."
"Only because I love you."
You got that right.
You flip through the profile and information tabs. "hush haven for under satisfied hores..?" You did a double-take as you read the words again. Ava snickered while watching you. "They spelled whores wrong." You pointed out, making Ava smack you on the arm.
"Okay, so once I upload my.. pictures.." You look to Ava, who nods along. "And select which category I'm in. Giver or Muse... Then it looks like I wait until someone swipes on me. And then the conversation can start.."
Ava sets her bowl of food down and leans over to help you. "Alright. Let's get to work." She states, forcing you to look at her dumbfounded. "But I was going to look through my.." "Nudes?" She cuts you off. "So what, dude? I've known you half your life. Grow up." Ava makes a point and grabs the phone out of your hand. You don't even try to fight because you get distracted by her pasta. Not wasting another second, you grab it and shove a forkful in your mouth.
"Hey!" Ava finally looks up from the phone. "Come on! I bought dinner on Tuesday." You claim, which Ava rolls her eyes at. "Fine." Ava goes back to your phone before she remembers. "Wait, no, you didn't! I did!"
It's a wonder how you ended up in the bedroom of Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff.
As Ava and you set aside your food-related differences and finish setting up your profile. Across the globe, The Black Widow is sitting in a dingy one-bedroom flat waiting for her ride home after taking down an illegal arms operation.
When her phone rings, she expects it to be Wanda but gets disappointed when it's a bald one-eyed man. "Fury," Natasha says in a manner only she can to a superior. "Romanoff." He replies. "I see you didn't run into any trouble on your little excursion." He smiles, knowing Natasha isn't. "Just the usual. Wasn't even a challenge. I made one guy break his own arm just so he wouldn't have to deal with me."
Fury raises an eyebrow. "I'm sure he was more than happy to do so." Natasha shrugs. "Eh, I still pepper-sprayed him." Natasha leans back in the wooden chair she's in. "So what's the call for?"
"I got some intel on a dark web app called hushquietly launching. Don't know if it's legit. Don't know if it's not. But I figured while I got you waiting on a ride, you could help me out. What do you say, Romanoff?"
Natasha sighs. Nicks got her. "I'll let you know what I find."
"Appreciate it. Say hi to Misses for me when you get home." The line goes dead, and Natasha is left wondering about Wanda. Her smile. Her laugh. Her eyes. Her body. How much she misses her touch. How badly she wants to be with her right now. To feel her.
She dips her back and bites her lip before remembering where she was. "Goddamnit!" Natasha curses and storms off to gather her laptops and get to work.
Safe to say, over the next couple of hours, Natasha couldn't find anything on this so-called hush. The keyword existed but not in a way that would be important to SHIELD or The Avengers. Natasha even scoured the ligament app stores repeatedly, and nothin- "Wait a minute.." Natasha leaned forward and clicked on an app that she could've sworn wasn't there a second ago.
Once the app opened, it was apparent that this was not what Fury was looking for. But.. Natasha didn't stop... She looked over the fine detail of the signup menu and the tagline below.
"A special someone for your special someone."
She looked over the full name of the app before she made sure to think about what she was doing. The line between right and wrong was a little blurry. But the line in the sand was quickly drawn when Natsah's phone went off.
A text from her wife.
"I don't know when you'll see this, Milaya, but I just want you to know that while I think about you every day... right now, I'm thinking about you in a way that makes me cry because you can't fuck me."
Attached was a photo of her Sokovian in Natasha's favorite red lingerie set.
Natasha's fingers hovered over the keys to type a response before stopping herself and smiling.
Not too much later, a message was sent.
Natasha leaned back in her chair, smiling, sipping on a beer. On her laptop was every single thing she could find about you. When everything came up green, and the a-okay was given to Natasha's brain, she let you know your services would be required.
Natasha held her phone and double-checked that the cameras inside and outside the house were in working order.
They were.
"This should be fun."
Your phone lit up with a notification from hush. It worked. Whatever you and Ava did worked. "Dude!" Ava looked at the message from a very hot redhead named Natalie. "You have to take this!" You paused your show and looked at the message. You barely skimmed it before you saw the price that was being offered to you. That made you go over and re-read everything Natalie sent.
"I told you the Halloween Catsuit picture would be a good choice!" Ava cheered as you clicked on the pictures of Natalie. You knew the pictures had to be of her. The app ran an algorithm that detected fake/ai photos. So, was Natalie like a model? Or just sculpted by the gods? What did they need you for? 
But as you re-read the message for a third time. You still couldn't believe it.
"Hello Y/N,
I'm just going to cut straight to the chase. I want your services tonight for my wife, Wendy.
I'm away on business, and lately, I haven't been able to give my wife the satisfaction she needs. So, inquiring someone as beautifully stunning as you isn't a wrong place to ask. I'm willing to spend $10,000 for tonight's services and hoping we can bend the rules a little. If you accept, we will discuss more.
Hope to hear from you ;)"
You stared down at your phone, unaware of Ava reading over your shoulder. Your only focus was on three things.
1. Natalie wants you to fuck her wife. 2. She called you beautifully stunning, which means she's seen your pics, and that made you get very, very, very warm. 3. $10,000.
Your phone dinged again as a new message appeared while your brain was processing.
Okay, now there was one more thing on your mind.
Natalie's wife, Wendy.
"After this, I won't be able to send you anything else until you accept. So, with that in mind, Y/N, here's a picture of Wendy from Halloween last year. I thought you might enjoy this since you posted that very sexy Catsuit photo from Halloween. Anyways, cute, right? Just imagine what she's like when she is begging to be fucked like the slut she is."
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The accept button was staring at you in the face.
After looking at a picture like that, how could you say no?
"She's gorgeous," Ava spoke up for the both of you. You just nodded before moving your lips. "She is." Then it dawned on you once again."Holy fuck."
Wendy's wife was about to pay you $10,000 to have sex with someone that you'd pay to hurl slurs at you. Not that you think Wendy would, but you get the point.
Natasha's phone beeped on the bedside table where she was staying. She leaned over, wearing nothing but a black t-shirt and bike shorts, having changed after Fury told her that her ride would be delayed.
Anyways. It wasn't Wanda or Fury messaging her.
It was you.
She smiled and felt the giddiness run through her body when she read the words: "I accept."
The money hit your account quicker than you thought possible. Seconds after you accepted Natalie's offer, the money was there.
Along with an address and Natalie's preferences for what you should wear for Wendy.
- No Panties - Black Dress - Black Tights - Black Heels - Peach Lipstick
You didn't know why it had to be peach lipstick, but when you asked Natalie, she told you to "ask Wendy."
Regardless, Ava and you couldn't believe it. You couldn't think that this was actually happening. That this was going to work. Which meant you couldn't believe that you had to tell Ava that she was right for once.
Luckily, Ava didn't let it get to her head. (She did, especially because she just happened to have the peach lipstick you needed.)
Ava offered to drive you to the location typed in, in your maps app, but you've seen the way she drives, and you'd like to arrive in one piece, so you Ubered.
"Couple of minutes out." You messaged "Natalie".
Unbeknownst to you was that Natasha was already tracking you. Laying in bed, one arm propping her up, she watched a little dot, you, arrive closer and closer to the house she and her wife, Wanda, shared.
Natasha could imagine your face sprinkled with curiosity as the Uber made its way up the winding road that was their driveway.
Even better was the fact that Wanda knew nothing. After messaging her wife earlier, she had to be left to her own devices, which was nice and all, but Wanda was missing contact. Her vibrator and fingers could only do so much. She missed the touch of someone on her body. Lips on her own. Fingers in her hair. She needed it and more!
Wanda turned off the living room TV after not paying attention to anything for the last half hour and was ready to head upstairs when her phone started ringing.
Stopping in front of the stairs, she smiled. "Hi, baby!" Wanda giggled, hoping Natasha would be home soon. "Hi detka." Her wife replied. "How are you?" Wanda asked as she ran up the stairs to peel off her sweats she put on following her afternoon activities. "I'm good Wands. Waiting for my ride out. So I'll be home later than scheduled."
Wandastoppedmoving as her pants fell to the ground, revealing the red strap she put on earlier just for Natasha. "Oh.." The disappointment in Wanda's voice was evident. "Wanda-" "No, it's okay, Tasha. I get it." Wanda sadly took off her top and was about to remove the harness when Natasha's voice spoke up on speaker. "Stop what you're doing!"
Wanda froze her movement. "Don't take that off!" Natasha spoke again. "How did- cameras." Even though Wanda couldn't see it, her wife smiled. "Turn around for me, beautiful." Wanda took her hands off the strap and turned around to the camera in the corner of the ceiling. Smiling at it when she saw the red light glowing underneath it.
Natasha was watching.
"Was that for me?" Natasha smirked. "It was."Wanda grabbed the phone and walked around to the side of the bed, bringing herself closer to the camera. Leaning back so Natasha gets the full of view of her naked wife with a 7" red silicone cock.
"What was my little witch planning on doing with it?" Natasha asked, knowing full damn well. Wanda playfully rolled her eyes at the nickname.
"I think only good girls who come home are allowed to know," Wanda spoke as she turned around, showing off her big smooth ass. Working out with a spy has its benefits.
"So if I were there, you'd do something about it?" Natasha asked while her eyes watched your dot stop right in front of the house. Your Uber leaving. Wanda still having no idea.
Wanda sat on the bed, smiled, and stared at the camera as she started moving her hand up and down the shaft of the cock. "Yes." The Sokovian spoke.
Nat bit her lip as the ring camera went off. The noise and notification alerting Wanda as well. "Is that you?" She looked up to the camera, asking. "No, baby. It's not. But it's for you, my Wendy."
Wanda turned and grabbed her phone, confused. "For me? Wendy-" The alias made Wanda remember times before the I Do's. "Natasha, what did you do?" Wanda was about to take her strap off yet again when Natasha commanded her not to.
"Keep it on. But on your pink robe. She'll explain everything detka. I'll call you in a bit. I'll be watching on cams."
With that, Natasha hung up and left Wanda in their bedroom, horny and confused about what her wife had in store. She turned her head and saw the red light still on. Okay. Wanda thought. Let's see what this is. She ran to the bathroom and slipped on her pink-colored robe before making her way downstairs.
On the front porch, you felt sillier and sillier. The doorbell had gone off twice, and no one had come to the door. You were about to call it quits and probably cry when you got home when your phone buzzed.
"She's coming, baby, don't worry."
If the term of endearment didn't make you blush, then the woman on the other side of the door would have when it flew open, revealing the woman from the photo sent earlier.
This time, instead of a Halloween costume, she was wearing a bathrobe. Her smooth skin was darker than in the photo, and the picture you saw didn't do her eyes justice. Standing before you, you could see pools of emeralds she had been blessed with. Her freckles and moles danced across her body, making you look everywhere before you focused up and smiled as she did the same. "Hi." She softly spoke.
Her slightly accented voice makes you want to scream without the s.
"Hi." You smiled like an idiot, even extending your hand like one, too. "Y/N." Wanda smiled at your cuteness. "Wendy." She said, knowing you'd believe it. "So what do I owe the pleasure, Y/N?" Wanda stepped onto the front porch, coming closer to you. She was now at your level. A bit shorter than you, thanks to your heels.
The step down made her cock jiggle, not that you saw. You fumbled over your words, making Wendy smile and giggle. You froze and let a heatwave run over your body. That giggle of hers, you'd do anything to hear it again.
"Try again, sweetheart."
The pet name should've clued you into the fact that maybe Wendy already knew what you were doing here, but it didn't. You just smiled and started speaking while trying not to get lost in her eyes.
Oh, Tasha, she's so cute. Where did you get this one?
While you poorly explained the events that led you to having an app placed onto your phone, Wanda decided to look you over discretely.
Natasha dressed you. If the black on black on black wasn't a giveaway, then the peach lipstick would've been.
Wanda smiled as she watched your kissable peach-covered lips move. She was going to have fun with you.
Wanda's eyes quickly moved up your body again past the black heels that you'd be in all night and up your legs. Your dress stopping not even mid-way down your thighs.
Wanda was highly aware of what all of this meant.
"...so then, after seeing that cute costume, I accepted. I must say you're much more beautiful in person. Natalie didn't do you justice." You rambled, and Wanda picked up the name Natasha was going with. "Why thank you, Y/N." Wanda smiled before opening her mouth again.
"I know you said this was your first time using this.. app.. but have you ever done something like this?" Wanda needed to know. You slowly shook your head, and Wanda had to do her best to keep her lips from spreading into a wide smile. "Good." She said. "Good."
You watched Wendy look you over once more. "You look stunning, Y/N. I'm lucky to have you tonight." You opened your mouth in shock. "No, Wendy, believe me. I'm the lucky one." She smiled at you before turning around and opening her door wide for you to follow her in. "We'll see."
Natasha watched you follow her wife inside on the ring camera and slowly moved her hand over her clothed pussy, still wet from when she saw Wanda's cock.
Your heels were loud against the hardwood floor of the modern house in the middle of nowhere. "It's beautiful." You looked around as you followed Wendy into a giant kitchen. "Thank you. Natas- Natalie and I designed it ourselves." Wanda quickly looked into the corner of the ceiling, the red light on.
"Could I interest you in anything to drink?" Wendy walked to the other side of the kitchen island. You were about to answer when you closed your mouth shut as your eyes landed on the woman's green eyes staring back at you. Her robe was no longer closed like it was moments ago. Instead, it was strategically open—a clear view of Wendy's side boobs and flat stomach. You could now pinpoint a mole on her left breast. You licked your lips as she leaned forward over the island. Her lower half was still a mystery to you as her boobs threaded to spill out.
"I- I-" You stuttered, forcing Wendy to lean up and smirk at you. "You really haven't done anything like this before. Aren't you adorable?" She said the second sentence under her breath, but you heard her.
That made your legs press together.
Through the laptop screen, Natasha smirked, too. Wanda and Natasha were always teaching each other things. But the ability to flirt and get what you want was masterfully taught to Wanda over the years. "You're doing so good, baby.." Natasha moaned as her finger brushed over her covered clit.
"Here, we'll start with some water." Wendy turned away from you, opening their fridge and pulling out a water bottle. She opened it quickly and set it down near her. "Come here." She spoke softly to you. You swallowed and made your way across the kitchen. The only noise in the house being your heels.
Wanda closed a drawer and placed a straw in your bottle as you stopped before her. Still unaware of the surprise under the robe. "I wouldn't want you to mess up your lipstick."
Not yet.
"Thank you." You awkwardly smiled and took the bottle from Wendy, who watched you drink it like a proud mother. "Good job." She whispered as her right hand pushed some of your loose hairs behind your ear. Her delicate fingers moved down behind your ears and to your neck. Stopping there. "Finished?" She asked as her other hand reached and grabbed the water bottle from you. You nodded as Wendy took a sip as well.
The cold contact from the water made goosebumps appear all over Wendy's body.
Wanda gasped and had a giant smile form as her nipples became hard and brushed up against the robe concealing them. Her eyes pierced through you as you smiled back at her. Your eyes quickly moving up from Wanda's cleavage. "Y/N?" She asked, setting the water down. "I'd like to ask a couple of questions that maybe my wife didn't ask or maybe things she already knows. If that's okay?"
You nodded.
"I like for you to speak when spoken to Y/N." Wendy gently but sternly reminded you as she ran her cold hands over your dress down to your hips, where she kept them in place. "How old are you?"
"25." You replied, making Wendy's face light up. "Wow. Still so young.." Wendy bit her lip. "Do you have a girlfriend?" You shook your head, earning a squeeze on the hips from Wendy. You did your best to hold in a moan but lightly failed. "Speak up, baby." Wanda teased.
"No girlfriend." Wanda smiled. "Good girl. Boyfriend?"
You quickly shook your head and told her no, making Wendy laugh. "Even better, detka.." She whispered as your breath became more erratic. "Safe word?" She asked.
You shook your head before speaking up. "Never had one before." For a split second, Wanda felt bad that you never had one, but her eyes sparkled with wild thoughts. "Mango. That's the word we'll use." The older woman decided. "Don't be afraid to use it either. It stops all actions and can keep you safe. Okay?"
"Good girl."
Natasha watched as her wife's hands moved from your hips to behind your back, right above your ass. Wanda was slowly pushing more and more into your space. Your lower back up against the kitchen island.
"Come on, Wanda, show her the camera..." Natasha pleaded.
"You can put your hands on me," Wendy spoke as she watched your hands rise and fall. "Go ahead. Touch me." She looked up to you. You placed your hands on her shoulder, still covered by the robe. "Are you nervous?" You both knew the answer, but Wanda wanted to hear you say it. "Yes."
"That's okay." Wendy's eyes sparkled. "Pretty soon, you won't be." That made your stomach flip positively. You think. "Here..." Wendy quickly removed her hands from you and pushed herself away. Covering her body with the robe again and leaning on the counter a couple of feet away from you.
You wanted to whine at the loss of contact and the sight of her body, but you didn't. Instead, you looked shocked. "I'll start slow and help ease you. Okay?"
"Good girl." Your cheeks went red again, but Wendy didn't stop to comment on it. "To help tonight go smoothly for you, I'm going to be honest." Wanda looked at the camera and back to you. "Wendy is not my name. It's Wanda. My wife is Natasha, not Natalie."
That definitely didn't help your nerves, but it made you feel better knowing that maybe they lied because for a good reason. "I trust you not to tell anybody about it tonight, so there's no harm in telling you our real names."
"Oh... okay. Is it a safety thing?" You asked as your nerves settled a bit. Wen-Wanda nodded. "Yeah. Something like that." You nodded back. "Will Natasha be mad?"
"She's probably a little annoyed as we're speaking, but come tomorrow morning, she'll be just fine. Don't you worry about her." Wanda scrunched her nose up at you as she took a step closer. You looked at her fondly as her eyes grazed over you. In a normal conversation, she's still a goddess.
How can she even be looking at me?
Wanda played with the large belt of her robe before letting the ends causally fall. You watch in one quick motion. Wanda slipped a shoulder out of her robe as she approached you. "Y/N.." She breathed out as you lifted your hand to touch her bare skin. The minuscule divots in your thumb smoothing over her shoulder. "Yes.." Your voice lost itself as you felt a yearning build deep within you.
"I want you to look at me," Wanda commanded, watching your eyes find hers.
She took a step towards you. "Y/N, in the corner of the ceiling, there is a camera with a red light on under it. That's Natasha. So I want you to say hi. Okay? Tell her that her wife is in good hands tonight. You do that, and you can touch more than just my shoulder... Is that something you want Y/N?" Before you can respond, she says:
"Because I want you to touch me."
Wanda bites her bottom lip and watches as you process this information. The two of you becoming wetter with every passing second. Especially when Wanda lays her left hand on the inside of your left thigh. "Tell her hi, baby.."
You close your eyes as the feeling of Wanda's hand on you burns, but it feels so fucking good. You turn your head and open your eyes to the red light in the corner. "Hi Natasha.." You pant as Wanda's hand rises. "Keep going." She says, like you're not struggling already. Fuck it has been a while since you got laid. "Your wife is in.. good hands t-tonight."
You turn back to Wanda, who surprises you by jumping into you and kissing you. You melt as your lips collide. A moan slipping through your lips. You inhale Wanda for the first time tonight and smell lavender. Her body falls on yours, and you wrap your arms tightly around her, pulling her closer, hoping to relieve the pressure between your legs.
But that's when you feel it and moan into Wanda's smirking mouth. "Wanda!" You moan again as Wanda pushes into you harder this time. "Oh, Y/N!" Wanda removes her lips from yours and sends them down your chin before latching onto your neck. Kisses slowly morph into bites and marks of territory.
After all, you were hers for tonight.
Natasha watches your breaths become ragged as you throw your head back and moan loudly. Natasha pants and moans her wife's own name as she slides two fingers up and down her wet clit before slowly putting her middle and ring finger into her needy pussy.
"Oh, Wanda! Fuck!"
"Take my robe off!" Wanda looks up at you, detaching her mouth from your red collarbone. You nod and make work of the robe before it falls to the floor, revealing Wanda and her heavenly body. You push her by her shoulders to get a good look at her.
Perfection. That is all that comes to mind.
"Natasha is lucky." You reiterate your point from earlier as you look down at her body. You're in awe even when your eyes land on the real surprise of tonight.
"Look at how wet you've already gotten it, Y/N."
You do, indeed, take a closer look and see that down the tip of the fake cock is your wetness. "No panties, baby?" Wanda asks in a voice that makes your brain short-circuit. You shake your head. "No panties, Mommy."
You, Wanda, and Natasha all went wide-eyed at that.
Your therapist is going to have more issues to work out next Thursday.
Wanda quickly recovered, unlike you, and took steps closer until she was right up against you like before. The tip of her cock sliding through your wet lips. Earning a visceral moan. "Just wait till later.." Her words hit your burning ears. You nodded and almost begged her to just fuck you right there, but Wanda placed her hands on your hands, stopping you from touching her. Her hips moving forward and back at a quicker pace as she placed kisses on your neck once again.
You couldn't process words, much less speak, at this moment.
You shrieked when Wanda bit you hard. You squirmed when Wanda's mouth didn't stop leaving darker marks than before. "Y/N.." She groaned. "I want you to thank Natasha for this." Your mouth hung open as the length of the cock continuously slid up and down your wet pussy. "Thank her for the both of us. Can you do that?" You wanted to say yes, but the feeling of pure bliss was coming, and you didn't want it to stop.
Neither did Wanda, but this was just light fun. This was the first phase.
Once you two made it upstairs, that's when the real fun would begin.
But for now, the hunping began to slow, as did Wanda's kisses on your neck.
She lifted her head and let go of your hands. Her cock remained still as she took her hands to your face. Pulling your chin down to look at her. "Don't make this difficult," Wanda warned you as you were coming down from your non-orgasm. You went to nod, but Wanda's other hand touched you. While Wanda's shaft was up against your thighs and pussy her fingers found your clit. Soaked and desperate for attention again, she slowly began circling it with precision.
"Look at the camera and thank my wife. Thank Natasha." Her pace increased, as did your breathing. You closed your eyes and opened your mouth.
"Thank-k.." Wanda's other hand reached your back and held you in place. "Keep going, Y/N."
"Th-thank you-u..." You moaned loudly. "Wanda!" "Don't stop!" Her middle finger was now helping you get closer and closer to the edge.
"Natasha-ah! Thank you!" You squealed as Wanda's fingers immediately left you. In an instant, your back slammed against the kitchen island as Wanda thrusted her cock against your clit. You stumbled in your heels and fell back onto the countertop. Your open legs and wet thighs on display for Wanda thanks to your dress riding up.
Wanda was in love with your body.
Meanwhile, you had yet to cum. You had never experienced something like this, and you were so thankful that it wasn't going to stop. "Come here." Wanda reached up and grabbed you by your wrists. Pulling you off the countertop and in front of her yet again. "Strip!"
You stumbled again as you tried to find your footing. Two times, you had been denied an orgasm, yet you couldn't help but feel a little shy and smile as you nodded and went to take your heels off for Wanda. But she stopped you forcefully, grabbing you by your arm. "Y/N.." She looked at your furrowed brows. "We talked about this earlier. I like for you to speak when spoken to Y/N." You nodded again. She was right. "I'm sorry."
Then, a smile appeared on Wanda's face. "There we go. But what else do we say? I'm sorry..." You tilted your head at her before it dawned on you. "I'm sorry, Mommy."
Wanda smiled wider and leaned forward to kiss you. "That's my girl. I'm sorry I had to grab you like that, but I want you to be good. Okay?"
"Yes, Mommy."
"Okay. Now, I only want you to strip out of the dress. Keep the tights and heels on for me." You nodded again as Wanda pulled you away from the kitchen and island and more towards the open space of the giant room. Closer to the camera. "Do it here." She turned to you and waited for you to get to work. Once you started, a smile never left Wanda's face. "You're so beautiful, Y/N." She said again, making you blush. "Isn't she Nat?" Wanda looked up to the camera while she walked around you. Hand stroking her wet cock.
All thanks to you.
Natasha twitched as her wet fingers slid over her swollen clit. She smiled and watched your dress hit the floor. "She's adorable," Natasha spoke to herself. But Wanda knew. She also knew Natasha was going to thoroughly enjoy what was to come.
You weren't sure what to do. Well, you knew you wanted to have sex; no, sorry, that's wrong- You knew you wanted to be fucked by Wanda, but you were in no position to make demands or ask questions. Since you stepped foot into this house, Wanda was in charge.
And you didn't want to upset Mommy.
So your anticipation built over the next few seconds as Wanda stared at your body. You could see it in her eyes that she was fascinated with you, which was nice. It felt terrific. But all you wanted was her touch again. To actually feel her again!
So when Wanda stepped right over your dress and put her hands on your body, you let out a moan just for her. Your thighs clamped together just as her lips found their way to your nipple, sucking it into her mouth, biting your breast. Her left hand landed on your other boob. Her fingers trailed to push it up and take it into her hand. Groping you. The rough feeling sending waves of pleasure all over your body. Her other hand found its way to your hip bone. Kneading and pulling you close. Forcing your wet thighs to push up against her cock. Begging for an opening.
You rolled your eyes back and spread your legs for Wanda's cock to slide right in and over your core. Both of your stomachs slamming into one another, making you put your hands on Wanda's back. Pulling her close. "Someone's desperate." She chuckled as you squirmed and nodded.
You wanted it so bad.
But you were denied once again as Wanda began to pull back. You immediately refocused your eyes and looked down at Wanda with a plead stuck in your throat as she lifted her mouth off your boob.
"Does someone want to cum?"
You nodded. "Please." Wanda smiled at that and kissed your chest up to your neck. Her cock sliding up and down your pussy. "Not yet." You went to whine, but Wanda stopped you. "Not here. Let's go upstairs." You looked down at Wanda to make sure she was serious.
Wanda slowly pulled her long red silicone cock from in between your thighs and grabbed your hand to lead you. "We'll go slow. Just follow me." You nodded and slowly did follow Wanda.
No matter how close, your legs felt like jelly.
"What about Natasha?" You asked as you hit the first step. "You'll be seeing her soon," Wanda replied with a smirk you didn't see.
The same style used throughout the house continued into the bedroom, shared by the woman placing you on the soft bed and the woman somewhere else watching you through a camera.
It was cute, and it seemed to suit Wanda for the most part.
"That's Natasha's side," Wanda said as she came back to you from closing the bedroom door. You went to move, but Wanda stopped you. "Don't." Stern but gentle. You were picking up that that's how Wanda was. She was caring, giving, and someone who you could easily trust. But slowly, she showed you she can be strong, disciplined, and hard.
No pun intended.
"Scoot back a bit." You did as you were told and moved your ass away from the edge. Wanda sat down on the bed right next to you. You felt her soft legs brush up against your own, making you react. "You've been wonderful so far tonight, Y/N." Wanda's left hand started rubbing up and down your thigh. Your kegs spreading themselves open without being told. "See." Wanda brings her hand closer to your center. "You're so good. I know you can't wait to have my cock inside you, huh?" You rolled your head over to Wanda as your body begins to buckle as her hand brushes over your clit.
You have never been teased for this long.
"I can't wait, Mommy." You whine. Wanda smiles. "Thank you for being honest, baby." She leans into you and kisses your lips. Each kiss becomes shorter as your moans grow louder.
Wanda keeps her hand touching your wet folds, only stopping to grab your hand and place it on her cock. You freeze momentarily. "It's okay." Wanda breaths over your ear. "I just want to feel your hand jerk me off. Just for a bit, baby." Wanda kisses the side of your face and is happy when your hand slowly goes up and down her length. The action causing the inside of the strap to push up against Wanda's clit. "What's the safe word Y/N?"
Wanda hums. "Mommy is so proud of you." Wanda moans before her hand slips down, finally inserting two fingers inside you.
Through the camera in the corner, Natasha watches you moan the loudest you have all night. A smile on her face as the naked redhead flops her head back to her pillow as she works herself closer to another orgasm of the night. "Fuck her, Wanda. Make her your slut."
You continue pumping Wanda's cock as you feel yourself tighten around her fingers. You try not to, but you fall flat on your back as the pleasure is reaching its tipping point. "Oh god. You're so tight, Y/N! My cock is going to wreck that pretty pussy of yours!" Wanda is overjoyed at the sight of your body covered in sweat as her two fingers slide in and out of you. The faster and faster she goes, you shut your eyes tight as the pressure builds. You let out a vital moan as you feel the bed shift.
Wanda, getting up on her knees, moves her body closer to you. Your hand still on her cock lazily jerking her off as Wanda doesn't stop her assault on your pussy. "Is someone going to cum?" Wanda asks through ragged breaths as she's having just as much fun as you. Your mouth drops open, and you go to speak. But you just moan as your eyes roll back. "Going to cum for me, baby? Is my Y/N going to cum?" Wanda teases as her fingers curl inside of you. "Answer me." She demands but doesn't slow down.
"Ye-s! Momm- fuck!! I'm going to cu-mmm! I want cum so bad! Can I cum?!" The rest of the words get lost in your throat as Wanda pulls your legs back and has you spread so she can pump her fingers deeper into you. "You want to cum for me?" You rapidly nod as your brain goes dizzy. Wanda smiles as she runs her left hand through your hair before pulling the back of your head up. "Cum for Mommy!" That puts you over the edge. Your legs shake. "Holy fuck! I'm cumming. Oh my god! I'm cumming!"
Hearing your moans and pleas pushes Natasha to cum at the same time you do. A bliss-filled smile on her face as she removes her right hand from her center but keeps her left hand pressed on her throat until she's close enough to see stars.
She wonders if Wanda will do that to you tonight.
"That's it, baby." Wanda praises you as you come down from your high. Her fingers coated in you as she pulls out, making you whine at the loss. "It's okay," Wanda says, but when you look over, her eyes are on her hand. Not you. She also knows you're watching but doesn't pay you any attention as she slips her two Y/N-coated fingers into her mouth.
She moans and savors the taste of you.
She would never admit it, but you were almost more addicting than Natasha.
You tasted sweet, and Wanda wanted more. You watch her hand silently reach down to your spread pussy and slide the same two fingers between your folds. Careful not to brush past your clit.
She knew how sensitive it was at the moment.
You watch the finger shine in the bedroom's light before her tongue runs up the length of her middle finger before she finally looks at you. "Have you ever tasted yourself?" You shook your head. "No, Mommy." Wanda brings her fingers to you. "Open for me." You let your mouth drop open. Tongue flat as Wanda's fingers lay down on the pink bed. You close your lips and suck on her fingers.
A moan gets stuck in your throat.
You love the way you taste.
"I taste good, Mommy." Wanda smiles at you widely and nods.  "Yes, you do, Y/N." She would like to think that she finger fucked you, dumb. Made you a submissive pet. To be hers. But Wanda doesn't know you.
She doesn't know how correct she'd be.
She doesn't know that you just had one of the best orgasms of what you're now realizing is a pretty bland, sex-filled life.
She doesn't know that something did happen when her fingers were inside of you. A switch got flicked on. Not only were you hers for tonight. But you wanted to be Wanda's for every night. You wanted more.
One app turned you into a dumb submissive little slut.
Your eyes dropped from Wanda's to see your hand was still on her fake cock. "Mommy?" You asked. "Yes." Wanda tilted her head with a smile. "I want more." You said, bringing your eyes up to hers. Both are blown out with lust. "I want your cock."
Wanda giggled, making it jump. "Where do you want my cock?"
Before you could answer, a cell phone started to ring. You knew it wasn't yours based on the ringtone and Wanda's reaction of looking in the corner at the camera. "Hold on." Wanda gently let go of your head and moved off the bed to her bedside table. Your lips curled into a smile as you watched her 7-inches jump with every step.
As Wanda picked the phone up, you looked over her body once more. You couldn't believe the natural beauty she had. Her body was yours to worship. Well, yours and "Natasha!" Wanda exclaimed purposefully.
You looked up at Wanda, holding her phone up.
FaceTime call, you thought.
You move your body slightly to lay more in the middle of the bed. Your head closer to the pillows than before. You try not to listen to Wanda and her wife's private conversation just in case it's important, but when "she's being such a good girl" gets said, you turn your head to Wanda, who is already looking at you. She winks at you, causing your stomach to flip and a giddy smile to appear on your face. "You missed her tasting herself?!" Wanda makes a gasping sound. "Tasha!"
"Give the phone to her Wands." Wandaobeys her wife, crawls onto the bed, and gives you the phone. On the screen is Natasha lying on a bed with her red hair sprawled out behind her. Her green eyes piercing you through the screen. She looks so fucking beautiful. More so than the photos on the hush. You see why her and Wanda are together.
It made a wave of jealousy wash over you before remembering the reason you were here.
You leaned up against the pillows as Natasha looked over your face. You quickly peered over the phone to see Wanda on her knees in front of your center. You smiled and wrapped your legs around her. Her mind getting the message, bringing her hands up and down your thighs. Just her touch was enough to make you hold in a moan.
"You've been doing so well, Y/N," Natasha told you. "Thank you." You shyly replied. "Don't be nervous just because I'm here now."
"You were always here," Wanda added, making Natasha wave her off. But only you could see it being in a smile to you. "Mommy says you taste sweet. Do you agree?" It'sthenthat you notice Natasha's right arm appears to be moving out of frame from the camera.
Natasha was fingering herself to you.
And she called Wanda Mommy.
"Yes, I do. Mommy's right." That made Natasha buck against herself, and you felt pride in making that happen. But your face of pride quickly disappeared when you felt Wanda's cock rub up and down your wet pussy. The tip sliding across your clit. Her movement growing faster. "Wand-mommy!" You moaned.
"Daddy just wants to see you taste yourself."
Daddy? But before you could question what you already knew, Wanda accidentally pushed half the length of the cock into you. Making you scream in pleasure because you and your pussy needed it.
You held tight to the phone as Wanda didn't give you time to adjust to the size before she started pulling back out of you. Your body practically going limp as you tried your best to remain strong for Mommy. And Daddy. "Take it, Y/N. It's okay. It's okay!" Your eyes focused back to Natasha as she wore a smirk. You nodded and saw Wanda smile.
"Come here." Wanda pulled out of you and reached down to place her hands on your arms. "Trust me, baby." She spoke softly as she started pulling you onto your black, tight, covered knees. You didn't realize that she grabbed the phone away from you in the process.
Wanda held onto you as she moved to the edge of the bed. She slid off to stand straight up but kept you on it. That's when you realized. With an arch of the back and on your knees, you were face to face with Wanda's cock. The very same that's covered in you.
"Go ahead." You looked up to see Wanda and the phone looking down at you. "See how you taste on Mommy's cock." Daddy said. "I-" You started to speak but stopped. Feeling a little embarrassed. "Have you never-" Wanda started but stopped when you spoke over her. "No, I have! It's just been a long time." Wanda's eyes soften. "I'll be gentle. Remember the safe word?" You nodded. "Mango."
"That's right, baby. Mommy will take good care of you. This is just for Daddy. Okay?" You nodded once again. "Okay."
"She's so good for you," Natasha said to Wanda as you got closer to her cock.
Just like with Wanda's fingers earlier, the fake cock showed how wet you had gotten it in the light of Mommy and Daddy's bedroom. You looked up to Wanda and Natasha. The former gives you an encouraging smile.
You reached your hand out to the cock and began stroking it before bringing your mouth to the base. With your tongue flat against it, you licked up from the bottom to the top. The ridges and feeling of it made you smile as the taste of your own wet pussy landed in your mouth. "Oh god." You heard Daddy moan.
You repeated the process again and again to ease yourself into the act. Soon enough, the tip of the cock was entering your mouth. "Let me know when it's okay for me to move Y/N." You looked up to Wanda and nodded as you pushed another inch into your mouth. Thankful for Wanda choosing now to be extremely kind.
You pulled your mouth off the cock and let a string of salvia fall to your chin. Wanda's hand was quick to wipe it away. "You're doing so good. Daddy is proud of you." You smiled widely and started stroking the cock faster as your mouth sank lower onto it. You gagged, of course, but that didn't stop you. You simply swallowed and kept pumping Wanda's cock into your mouth. Your tongue running up and down it as the cock felt good against your soft lips.
When you reached the halfway point, Wanda placed a hand on your head and started to move her hips.
"Mommy's getting a little restless, Y/N."
With the cock still in your mouth and tears welding in your eyes, you looked up to see Wanda with her head thrown back, pushing the cocking further into you. "Oh fuck." Wanda exclaimed, making you moan at the sight before gagging again. "Baby, it feels so good on my clit. Oh my god!" Wanda moaned as the vibrations from your gag had her hands tighten in your hair. "Don't stop, Y/N!"
You weren't going to. If Wanda was going to cum you wanted to be the one to do it.
Determined, you brought a hand up and placed it on the back of Wanda's thigh, pushing her more into you. The cock sliding down your throat. "Oh baby, you're such a fucking slut!" Daddy spoke through her own moans as she watched her wife fuck your mouth. Wanda nodded in agreement and started pushing your head onto the strap.
The sounds of the wet cock, your gags, and the three of you moaning being the only thing to fill the room.
You made sure to push the base of the strap with every jerk you gave it, so it made Wanda buckle. Her moans and breaths becoming inconsistent. "Keep going, Y/N! Make her cum! Make Mommy cum!" You could hear Natasha's fingers rapidly fucking her pussy. You swirled your tongue around the shaft and moaned one last time before you pulled your head back. Letting the cock slide down your tongue out of your mouth. Coating your chin and chest as salvia dripped off of it.
You swallowed what you had left in your mouth and brought your hands up to Wanda's strap. You began to jerk it off, staring straight up at the camera. "Daddy, I want you to cum too. I want you to cum for me. I want you and Mommy to cum all over me." You acted like a slut for the two of them.
Natasha knew it couldn't happen, but goddamn if she wouldn't shoot loads all over that pretty face of yours.
Meanwhile, Wanda had her eyes on you again. Blown out and fully aware of the orgasm she was about to have. The center of the strap pushing back into her pussy and clit was enough to take her to the edge. But you. You on the bed, jerking her off.
That's what made her cum. Her green eyes looking into you. "Don't stop, baby. Don't stop, Y/N! Oh my God. Oh-ooh, my God!!!" Wanda gripped your hair harder than ever before as her eyes rolled back. Fingers holding your skull still.
The inside of the hardness ruined as she came.
At the same time, hearing her wife moan your name. Moan for you. Natasha came. Natasha came for you.
You sat on the bed as Wanda held you still. You were in awe as you watched Wanda start to come down from her climax. Her body was now in a glow of sweat that made her look sexier than ever. The grips on you loosened. For a split second, you swear you saw her green eyes turn red. But when she looked in your direction, you saw how soft they were. She smiled. You smiled back and got up on your knees. You grabbed the phone as it was about to slip from Wanda's hand. When you looked, you saw Natasha still recovering. "You did so good." You said to both of them, but mainly Wanda, in a hushed tone before pulling her close to you, and with Natasha watching, you kissed her wife on the lips.
She responded by pushing her lips into yours and putting her hands on your body to steady herself from almost falling.
Jelly legs and all.
"Let's get me out of this." You nodded and giggled as she did, too. With help from Natasha on the other end of the phone propped up on her bedside table, the harness finally fell to the floor.
Wanda sat back down on the bed and pulled your body in between her legs. With you still in your heels, her face was at eye level with your stomach. Her hands placed themselves on your ass, moving them up and down as her pink lips started kissing your stomach.
You blushed hard as not everything about tonight was new, but this was. This was intimate and special. And you couldn't do anything but love it. Your cheeks became more pink as you grew wetter with each kiss and lick Wanda's mouth left on you. Your hands placed themselves on her head. This time, it was your turn to run your hands through her hair.
You moved back a bit, but to place a kiss on top of Wanda's head, this made the older woman look up at you.
She reached up and pulled your chin down. A gentle kiss placed on your lips. "Come here." She whispered as your body fell onto the bed with hers.
Legs quickly become intertwined as her arms wrap around you. Her mouth immediately attaches to your collarbone as your breath moans into her ear. "Thank you." She moans as your hands grab onto her sides. "Thank you for tonight, Y/N."
You shake your head and kiss her forehead, making her look up at you before you kissed her face and lips. You never want to stop doing that. "No, Wanda.. thank you and Natasha."
You looked into each other's eyes. You realized another thing about tonight right then and there. A one-night stand or a relationship never made you feel how you felt in this moment.
Wanda had only ever felt this way about one person before.
Natasha watched the two of you and smiled. She succeeded in her mission for her wife to have a night like tonight.
Come morning, that app would be off your phone, and there would be no need for Natasha to ever use it for you again—and Vice versa.
Natasha watched you lean down and kiss Wanda's collarbone. Slowly working your way to her chest, kissing over her little moles and freckles. Wanda smiled and moaned at certain spots. "Y/N?" She said, looking down at you. "Yes?"
"I want you to take off your heels and tights."
You looked down and back up. "Are you sure?" Wanda nodded, yet you still looked at the phone for Natasha's confirmation. "Do what she says, detka." You sat up on the bed as the two watched you.
"What does detka mean?" You asked as you placed the right heel down. Wanda took the question. "It means baby, honey, sweetie. It's a term of endearment." You made an "ah" noise and took off your tights. "Any other questions?" Wanda teased.
That made a lightbulb go off. "Yeah..." You briefly looked at Natasha, who looked sleepy (probably due to the 4 orgasms she had) before looking at Wanda. "Nat- Daddy made me wear peach-colored lipstick. Why?" You were now fully nude for the first time tonight, making you feel free and closer to Wanda.
Just like she wanted.
You got on your knees and crawled your way up to the bed before flopping back down into the position you were in earlier. Your legs intertwined with Wanda. Arms around one another. Face to face. Wanda kissed you. "That's a good question." She laughed. "You see... before Natasha and I said the I Do's. We were more open.. kinda like this.." Wanda rubbed her hand up and down your back. "Natasha would bring home pets, toys, and pretty girls like you." Wanda smiled at the memory. But her eyes focused back on you. "And do you know what they always wore?"
"Peach." You responded to Wanda's praise.
"But don't worry, Y/N." Wanda pushed her head closer to you. To lay it on your shoulder. "None of them were ever like you." She kissed your shoulder. You kissed her head.
You two sat in silence for a moment before Wanda disrupted it. "I want to cum one more time." She spoke in a hushed tone. You nodded. "Okay." You replied because you would be stupid not to.
Wanda untangled herself from you and looked back at Natasha and the phone. Only to see her wife passed out. Wanda let out a small chuckle before moving Natasha to the phone charge. Keeping the call active.
Wanda lays back down and motions you over. Her pearly white show themselves as you place your legs over her. Half your body on her—half on the bed.
You begin to kiss Wanda as softly as possible. Almost as slowly as you are soft, you drag your hand across her skin. You feel the goosebumps your breath against her face sends across her body. Wanda moans another kiss into your lips as her hand places itself around your wrist, directing you to feel how wet she is. "It's for you." She says into your ear before shrieking because of the bite you place on her. It didn't hurt her. It was just surprising.
Truth be told, you just wanted to leave a mark.
But the mark you would leave behind isn't one that's visible.
You moan into Wanda as you slip your fingers inside her for the first time tonight. "You're so tight." Wanda whimpers as you don't slow. "Please keep going!" You push her one leg to the side with your knee so she can spread her pussy for you more. "Right there! Right there!"
Wanda wraps her arms around and holds on as you curl your fingers, hitting her spot. "Don't stop. Oh my god! Y/N Please Don't!" Wanda's mouth drops before slamming shut as the point is approaching. "You wanna cum?" You ask as you stare at her with her eyes closed shut. "Wanda wants to cum?"
This was your first time in the bedroom calling her Wanda.
She opens her eyes, shocked, but her face is flushed and red. Contorting as she is close. "Yes Y/N! Please let me cum!" She looks at you, pleading. "Moan into me as you cum. You can cum baby. Okay? Cum for me, Wanda. It's okay!" You and Wanda crash your lips into one another as she tightens around you. She smacks your thumb away from clit as she cums. Your fingers become coated in her, and you feel like you've just won the lottery. "That's it. That's it! Ride it out." You coax her and leave a trail of kisses across her forehead.
Her tight hold that her arms have around you loosens. Delicately, you pull your fingers out of her. Wanda winces and sighs at the loss of you. But is overjoyed with what just happened.
"Have you ever tasted yourself?" You ask, half teasing, half not. "I have." You bring your fingers closer to your mouth, but Wanda's hand grabs your wrist. "But not from you." Before you can protest, your fingers are in her mouth. Her tongue runs over and in between your two fingers. Moaning at the taste. Because of you.
Wanda pulls your fingers out quicker than you'd like. "Well?" You ask, but instead of an answer, Wanda leans into you and puts a hand on the back of your head to keep you in place as she French kisses a mixture of you and her into your mouth. Your stomach erupts with butterflies as you taste Wanda. Both of your moans are muffled in each other's mouths. You continue to make out with one another.
Eventually, you two swallow and come up for air but find each other still in the same position even after silence, and your lingering touches are the only thing.
"Wanda..." You open and close your mouth. Unsure of what to say.
You look down at Wanda, whose head has fallen onto your arm, and see her with her eyes closed. Her breathing slow. She's fallen asleep. You peer over to the plugged-in phone and see Natasha the exact same as before. You don't want to disturb Wanda, and as much as you want to stay and help clean up. She's asleep, and she's not yours. Tonight, you were her's.
But tomorrow, she would not be yours.
Plus, as much as you'd want to have... this... be your life. You can't. Natasha paid you to do a job, and you did it...
With a heavy heart, you begin to untangle and move Wanda. It's not easy at first. It's like once she falls asleep, she has dumbbells attached to her. But eventually, you move and place her in a more comfortable position.
You scoot yourself to the edge of the bed and pick up your heels and tights. You look for your dress before remembering its in the kitchen downstairs. You make your way to the door of the bedroom and unlock it. Opening it, surprised to find out it doesn't creak like every door in every house you've ever had. "Huh." You open it wider and look back just in time to see Wanda crinkle her nose in her sleep and flop onto her side. You smile at her cuteness and pull the light switches down.
Yeah, they have that kind.
You close the door, but just before it closes, you take one last look at her figure lying on the bed, next to it on the table Natasha. You both give them a smile and shut the door.
Lucky for you, Wanda didn't turn out the kitchen lights, so instead of stumbling around in the dark, you find your dress on the floor easily. After tossing it into your hands, you begin to locate your phone. But for the love of God, you can't recall where you had it.
Your heels click as you walk from one side of the house to the other- "Y/N?!" You scream, jump, and almost break your ankles because of the voice from behind you. "Wanda!" You exclaim as you come down from your fright.
"What are you doing?" Wanda asks as she rubs sleep out of her eyes. "Me?! What about you? You're supposed to be sleeping?!" Wanda looks you over with a frown on her face; she says: "Are you leaving?"
The way she says those three words made you look at her like you just broke her heart. "Wanda-" She shakes her head and steps off the last step in the stairs. "Don't leave." She walks up to you and takes your hand in hers. Ignoring the guilty look on your face. "Come on." She starts to pull you, making you stumble before you stop and remove your hand free. "Wanda, stop!"
The Sokovian turns around and looks at you with hurt written on her. "I don't want you to leave," Wanda speaks up. You go to open your mouth and fight that you have to. That you can't stay. You would tell her that tonight was one of the best nights you have had in a long time. You'd say that feelings are bubbling under the surface after one night with you and Natasha, so imagine what would happen if you stayed. You want to say that this was a job, and that's it.
In another life, you do those things.
In another life, it works out. In some, it doesn't.
But here. In this one. You look at Wanda and drop your dress, tights, and heels on the floor.
"Till morning."
"Till morning." She repeats.
That night, you fell asleep with your arms wrapped around Wanda Maximoff.
In the morning, when Natasha Romanoff arrives. She smiles to see that the cameras were right. You never left.
In case it wasn't obvious. Natasha wanted to keep you around. For her and Wanda. So when she opened the bedroom door to confirm that yes, you were still here. Cuddled up with her wife, Wanda. Natasha widely smiled.
"Moya Lyubov," Natasha whispered as she sat on the edge of the bedroom next to her sleeping wife. She brushed hair that had fallen onto her face. But it was no use. Wanda was a dead weight when she slept.
That you didn't know. Which is why it's a wonder how or why Wanda woke up when you were trying to leave last night.
But you woke up when you heard whispering. When your eyes peeled open, you smiled before remembering that you weren't supposed to stay over. But Natasha must've sensed or seen the panic on your face. "It's okay. I'm glad this happened. I wanted it, too." Natasha spoke as her eyes went from Wanda to you.
Natasha sat there as she just looked at you and Wanda. "So now what?" You quietly asked, unsure of what to do. "Now.. this..." Natasha gestures to the three of you. "Transaction is done." She smiles, hurting you. "Oh." You take a breath. "Okay." You go to move, but Natasha stops you.
"This one is done." She says with a smirk that you pick up on. "Oh.. okay." You say again but with a smile, making Natasha laugh. "But you'll have to use the app every time." But Natasha just shook her head.
You never used that app again after the first night.
After one week, Natasha and Wanda stopped paying you. After one month, you had two girlfriends. After three months, their home became your home.
So yeah, Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff were stuck at some point in life.
To be more specific, their marriage was stuck.
But that's where you came in.
Happily married to both.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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obsessedelusional · 1 year
Eddie ‘The Munch’ Munson
parings ✦ Eddie Munson x reader
summary ✦ Your best friend, Chrissy, confronts you wanting to know why you’ve been so distant. When you tell her it’s because you’ve been spending all your time under Eddie Munson she’s in shock, wanting to know everything. So you do exactly that, which leads to Chrissy reevaluating her relationship with Jason. Does her big mouth get you in trouble?
authors note ✦ thanks for all the love on my most recent post omg hope y’all enjoy this one too!! appreciate feedback and reblogs <3 my fav is Eddie being obsessed with eating the reader out expecting nothing in return so that’s where this came from lol
⊹ ꙳ ✦ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹
“I still can’t believe the reason you’ve been disappearing lately is because you’re too busy fucking Eddie Munson.” Chrissy laughs out loud which comes to an end quickly when you tell her shut up. You decided to come clean when she pulled you to side asking what was wrong and why you had been come so distant.
You two grew up together, you considered her family at this point. Chrissy and you were on total opposite sides of the social spectrum. You joined band and she became a cheerleader. That never stopped you two from being inseparable. At first you tried to hang out with her new friends but couldn’t handle it which she took no offense to. You found your own group of friends quickly but you two always found your ways back to each other. Most weekends spent at each others homes or hanging out together at the local mall. You felt like you could tell her anything and felt bad you have kept this a secret as long as you had.
“So how’d this happen?” Chrissy asks wanting to know all the details. But before you can respond the schools bell goes off signally that lunch is over. She groans annoyed, “You best believe I’ll be at your house tonight after practice and you’re going to tell me everything.” She pulls you into a hug before leaving you alone in the quiet hallway which quickly fills up with other students hurrying to their classrooms. Eddie walks by, catches you staring and shoots you a smile. You waste no time pulling out your phone to send him a text making your way to your next period.
You: my parents won’t be home tonight
Only a few moments pass before your phone dings, it’s Eddie.
Eddie: I have a drop off but as soon as I’m done I’ll be at yours
You: I’ll be waiting for you
You’re sat at home anticipating Eddie’s arrival. Periodically checking your phone waiting for any messages letting you know he’s on his way. Your parents would be out of town this weekend, leaving you home alone. No text from him but the music blaring out of a car stereo notifies you, he’s here. You waste no time running down stairs, to the front door to greet him. You open the door just as he’s about to knock.
“Come on, we have one hour until Chrissy’s coming over.” You grab his hand to lead him upstairs, straight to you bedroom. You push him towards your bed he stumbles backwards eventually landing on it.
“Only one hour! What ever shall we do?” He asks, putting on one of his accents, he pulls you in closer so your standing between his legs. You laugh before smashing your lips into his, he hoists you up so you can sit on his lap. His hands wander under the skirt your wearing. “No underwear?” You nod no in response, his hand grasps your ass softly before pulling away swiftly and smacking it hard enough to emit a noise out of you.
“I want to please you.” You pout, letting yourself unbutton his black skinny jeans.
“Won’t be necessary.” He lifts you up unexpectedly causing you to hold on tight before he lays you down so he could be on top. He starts peppering kisses down you neck, pulling at your t-shirt. You help him take it off, exposing your chest. “No bra either? You’re trying to kill me.” He says latching onto you nipple, sucking causing you to arch yourself forward. He let’s go and continues kissing down your body. Stopping at where you skirt starts lifting it up and using his strong hands to spread your legs. Your glistening cunt on full display for him. “One hour right?”
“Yeah,” You gulp nervously knowing what’s coming. Eddie loved nothing more then to spend an extended period of time between you legs making you finish over and over again. Half the time you’d have cum multiple times and he’d never once let you get him off. Telling you that causing you pleasure was more than enough for him.
“I wanna see how many time I can make you cum before our times up. Is that okay?” He asks, looking up from between your legs. You nod yes response but that’s not enough. “I need your words princess.”
“Yes.” Is all you can manage to get out and he doesn’t miss a beat, his tongue running up your opening landing on you clit. Your whimpers fill the silence in the room along with sounds of his fingers slipping between your folds. His middle finger enters your opening and curls it upward.
“More please.” You beg and he adds another finger, stretching you out. His tongue leaves your clit and is replaced by his other hand, running circles around your clit.
“You’re so fucking hot when you beg. So fucking needy.” His words just what you need to send you over the edge. Moans as loud as a yell leave your mouth. Eddie can feel your orgasm as your privates clench on his two fingers. He shuts you up by kissing you his fingers still pumping in and out of you.
You two lost track of time because before you knew it the moment is interrupted by the sound of pounding on front door, a female voice yelling for you. He pulls away from you so he can look out your bedroom window.
You rush throwing your clothes back on and finding your phone to find the time. It had been well over an hour at this point. You have several missed messages and a few missed calls from her. You shoot her a text saying you’ll be downstairs in a moment.
You look into the mirror on your vanity and quickly brush your hair and fix your makeup so it’s not as evident what she’s walking in on. In the mirror you notice Eddie sat on the bed readjusting his boner. Facing him you say, “I hate to kick you out so early but I promised her we’d hang and catch up. She’s was pretty upset because I’ve been preoccupied.”
“By what?”
“You.” He smiles and kisses you one last time before he has to go.
“Do you want me to climb out the window once you let her inside?” Eddie suggest, almost as if he’s had to do that before which makes you sad at the thought of that.
“Why would you do that?”
“In case you don’t want her to see me.”
“I don’t care if she sees you. She knows about you.”
“She does?” You nod, smile reassuringly letting know Eddie everything’s okay. Eddie follows you down stairs, watching as you open the door to let Chrissy in.
“What took you so long?” She groans annoyed throwing her backpack to the ground stopping in her tracks when she sees Eddie standing there. “Oh that’s what took you so long.” She narrows her eyes, looking between Eddie and you.
Uncomfortable by the situation Eddie excuses him self. “We’re still on for tomorrow right?” You ask before he walks out the front door.
“Wouldn’t miss it.” With that he’s gone, shutting the door behind him.
“Girl what the fuck was that?” She makes her way to your bedroom, you follow closely behind. Watching her as she sits on your bed. The bed where you just spent the last last hour being eaten out. You try to hard not to think about it. “Can’t believe you were to busy fucking Munson to let your best friend in.” She looks around your bedroom before terror strikes her, “In this bed too?” She shrieks getting up to move to the chair sat in the opposite corner.
You can’t help but laugh before apologizing, “Sorry we were—“
“Fucking.” She interrupts you.
You sigh excepting the fact that there’s no way to hide it, “Sort of.”
“Sort of? What does that mean?” She ask curiously, “and don’t spare any of the details please.”
“He was going down on me.” You admit. Figuring it was your turn to share the gory details of your sex life. Have been forced on multiple occasions to hear about Jason. The man you hated but knew if you tried to say anything it’d only push Chrissy away from you.
“Must be nice.” She says flatly, distracting herself by scrolling through her phone.
“Jason doesn’t go down on you?” You ask absolutely baffled.
“No he refuses.”
“Do you go down on him?” You ask and she nods yes, likes she’s to ashamed to say it out loud. “Girl what the fuck? Is there anything favorable about him?”
“Enough about me.” She laughs uncomfortably, “How is he in bed? How big is he?
Rolling your eyes annoyed you respond, “Amazing actually. He enjoys making me finish over and over again. Half the time I don’t even have to do anything which is shame because his uhh… is huge.”
“I didn’t think men like that actually existed.” She sighs.
“They’re out there. You’ve just been stuck on the same dick for years, expand you horizons Chrissy. Have you ever even had an orgasm?”
“Ya know they have a name for men like that?” She says completely disregarding your jab at Jason and the question you asked. Her lack of answer was your answer. “He’s a munch.”
“A munch?” You ask, you’ve never heard of it before.
“A man who gets off on performing oral. Doesn’t expect anything in return. Usually because he’s obsessed with the woman who’s receiving.” You laugh because that describes Eddie to a t.
“Sounds a bout right.” You smile.
“Instead of Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson we should start calling him Eddie ‘The Munch’ Munson.” Chrissy says erupting in laughter at her own joke causing you to roll your eyes for the hundredth time since Chrissy showed up.
You two spend the next few hours catching up on town gossip and updating each other on your lives. The conversation somehow always ending back on the topic of Eddie. You didn’t mind though, it was nice finally being able to talk to someone about him. It’s getting pretty late so Chrissy decides to go home not before letting you know she’d be having a talk with Jason about how things needed to change.
The entirety of you weekend was spent in bed with Eddie. Waking up next to him was something you could get used to. You two would stay up supper late fucking and sleep in till the later afternoon. Sometimes being woken up in the middle of the night because Eddie couldn’t contain him self. His favorite image was you laying in bed in nothing more than underwear and oversized t-shirt. It all came an end Sunday afternoon when your mom notified you they were on your way home. Sadly you two separated making plans for Monday night at his place.
You were so exhausted from the weekend you slept through your alarm Monday morning. Waking up near noon, your parents already gone for the day. You’ve never gotten ready so fast in your life. Only time to brush your teeth and your hair before running out the door. When you arrive to school it’s lunch time, “Better late than never I guess.” You mutter your self as the lady at the front desk checks you in. Walking out the office you make your way to your locker, throwing stuff from your backpack inside.
“Where have you been?” Chrissy says as she approaches you, wearing her cheer uniform.
“I over slept.”
“So you haven’t heard anything?”
“Heard what?” You groan not in the mood for any drama right now.
“Before I tell you what happened please tell me you’re not gonna be mad at me.”
“What did you do?” Your mind racing at what Chrissy could of possibly done, shutting you locker so you can face her.
“Promise me.”
“Fine I promise I won’t be mad at you.”
“So it’s kinda your fault because you got into my head. All the talk about how good Eddie is in bed made me upset that Jason is the way he is. So after I left yours I went straight to his house and ripped into him.” She hesitates to finish her story so you tell her to skip to the part that would piss you off. “Well he wasn’t taking me seriously and I know how much he dislikes Eddie. So I told him I heard from a friend that Eddie is so good in bed, the best she’s ever had. Always going down on her.” Your eyes widen in horror, “He immediately assumed I meant one of the girls on the cheer squad. He was so mad I would even compare him with Eddie. So he went around telling his friends what I said.”
“Chrissy why would you tell him all that?”
“I’m not done yet.” Guilt spreads across her face.
“Oh my fucking god. What else could you possibly add?”
“Now all the girls on the squad are talking about Eddie and gushing over him. Talking about how who should be the one to find out if the rumors are true. I’m so so so so so sorry.” You can’t come up with a response trying to wrap your mind around all the information she just dumped on you. Out of your peripheral you can see Eddie headed you way, he looks upset.
“Please keep walking,” You mutter to yourself. Chrissy notices Eddie and apologizes again before running of leaving you alone. As you try to follow her your stopped by someone grabbing your wrist. You turn to face Eddie smile plastered on your face praying that he has no idea. Considering this is the first time he’s publicly approached you he must know.
“Care to explain why I’ve got three different cheerleaders in my DMs and Sinclair telling me that everyone on the basketball team was talking about my performance in bed?”
“Huh! That’s crazy.” You laugh awkwardly as Eddie backs you into lockers.
“Considering your the only one at this school I’ve slept with and your best friend is Chrissy Cunningham. It all leads back to you.” You quickly decide that coming clean is your only option.
“I shared details with Chrissy as you do with your closest friends.” He nods watching you attentively as you explain. He’s so much taller then you so you have to look up when you speak to him. Which doesn’t help your nerves at all, fluttering your long lashes at Eddie in the hopes that it’s enough to get you out of this situation.
“And?” Your presenting innocent didn’t work.
“Apparently Jason doesn’t go down on her. So when I told her how much you enjoy it she called you a munch.”
“A munch?” He questions, you ignore it and continue the story.
“She told Jason that he she do it because you do it and she thought because of how much he dislikes you it would make him want to do it. It didn’t. It only made him mad and he told everyone on the basketball team which obviously got passed onto the cheer squad. Now they’re all thirsting after you.” You sigh finishing your rambles.
“Could be a worst rumor going around.” He laughs, allowing you to relax knowing he’s not too upset.
“Yeah and now you can have any cheerleader you want.” You laugh back trying to make a joke of the whole situation.
“I don’t want any cheerleader.” He rejects your joke.
“Who do you want?” You grin, hoping his answer aligns with your hopes.
“Who do you think?” He playfully jokes.
“I dunno.”
“You.” He says and lowering himself to your level, can’t help yourself from blushing at how forward he’s being in such a public setting. His hand finding your face before giving you a sweet short kiss soothing any anger you had toward Chrissy for opening her big mouth. Pulling away he asks, “So are you going to explain what a munch is?” Embarrassed your hands cover your face. “Nah uh you’re gonna tell me.”
“It’s basically a man who enjoys eating pussy without getting anything in return.” You spit it out fast as humanly possible, hands still covering your face.
“Guess that makes me a munch,” he laughs, pulling your hands away from your face.
“She called you Eddie ‘The Munch’ Munson.” You can’t believe your sharing any of this.
“That’s munch better than the original version.” Eddie jokes, laughing at his own joke. When you don’t laugh he ask, “Don’t you get it? Munch instead of much?”
“Yes I understand,” You laugh burying your head into his chest, cheeks red from embarrassment. His arms wrap around you, resting his head on yours before giving the top of your head a kiss.
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lackadaisicallizard · 8 months
“Can you pass me that book?” Regulus points to the text sitting next to James. 
“Are we going to do anything more interesting today?” James’ voice is bordering on whiney as he passes it across the table. 
“I told you I was studying. You were the one that decided to grace me with your ever annoying presence.” He opens the book and starts flipping through the pages. 
“You know you love it,” James’ teasing tone isn’t at all subtle. 
They’ve been playing this game for months now. The game where James flirts overtly and Regulus pretends that he doesn’t flirt back. Where they find excuses to spend time together. Where Regulus lets James interrupt his study session when it’s very clear he has no intention of letting him actually study. 
“Come on!” There’s no reply from the younger boy who would look entirely indifferent if it wasn’t for the small crease between his brows that indicates that he’s not doing a very good job at blocking James out. “Reggie.” 
He looks up then, eyebrows now knitted into a thick line. “No.” 
A smirk. “What?” 
“You are not calling me Reggie.” 
“Why? Sirius does.” 
“Sirius is my brother and incredibly annoying.” 
James’ smirk turns into a grin. “Oh so you don’t find me annoying then?” 
“I told you I did less than thirty seconds ago.” 
“You’re such a bad liar.” 
Regulus rolls his eyes in the way that makes James’ stomach do a little flip and goes back to ‘ignoring’ him. 
James is silent for approximately five seconds. “You can give me a nickname if you’d like.” 
“I’m good, thanks.” 
“Seriously, you can call me whatever you want.” 
“You can even call me tonight if you like.” 
That stops him. It also makes him look up and meet James’ eyes. “Really, Potter?” 
James raises his eyebrows, smiling again. “Didn’t like that one?” 
“You’re a walking, cliche.” 
James laughs. “So is that a no to the nickname then?”
A pause. “I’ll think about it.” 
A week later and James walks into the Slytherin common room. 
“Potter, to what do we owe this honour?” Barty asks, not even bothering to get up from where’s he’s laying across Evan’s lap on one of the sofas, spinning his wand between his fingers. 
Pandora is reading cross legged in an armchair and looks up with a warm smile that contrasts her brother’s suspicious one. 
“Hi guys. Have you seen Regulus?” 
“Let him out of your sight for once, huh?” Evan asks with raised eyebrows. 
“Yes. Well, no- I mean. He’s not always-“ 
“Eloquent as ever, I see,” Barty laughs and Pandora shushes him. 
“Oh stop it you two,” she looks at James, “he’s upstairs. Sometimes he needs to escape from these idiots.” 
She shushes them again as they start to argue and they settle back down with a grumble. 
James nods. “Right, well do you think he’d mind if I drop something to him? I accidentally took his quill from the library the other day and I’m not sure I want to find out what happens if he thinks I stole it.” 
Evan shrugs. “He’s your boyfriend, Potter. Do what you want.” 
Everything stops. 
James can hear his heart beating in his ears. 
Pandora’s smile has dropped. “Are you okay James?” 
James takes a deep breath and nods his head, blinking so the room starts moving again. “Yep, all good. I’ll go deliver this quill to my… boyfriend.” 
The word comes out slowly as James gauges their reactions, waiting for one of them to laugh at him, to laugh at their joke. 
Instead they stare at him. “Okay…” Evan says eventually. 
James doesn’t remember walking through the common room or up the stairs. He doesn’t remember knocking on Regulus’ door or opening it to find him sitting cross legged on his bed, book opened in his lap and beautiful eyes wide in surprise at the sudden intrusion. He doesn’t remember anything before the words that fall out of his mouth. 
“Why did Evan just call me your boyfriend?” 
Recognition appears in his eyes, then and his mouth curls up into a knowing smile. “You told me I could call you anything.” 
“I was talking about a nickname, Regulus.” 
James has to stop himself from looking at the camera that’s surely filming him right now. This can’t be an actual conversation he’s having, surely? 
“Boyfriend is not a nickname. It’s a thing.”  He moves closer to Regulus’ bed as he talks, his words faster than usual. “It’s something a person is, it’s… romantic.”
Regulus blinks before putting down his book and getting up off his bed so they’re standing across from each other. “Thank you for defining the word boyfriend, Potter. And for the clarification.” His tone is definitely sarcastic but James has no idea how to respond.
“You’re welcome,” is what comes out. James kicks himself for it. 
“So are you saying you don't want me to call you that any more?” Regulus’ facial expression seems neutral but there’s a hint of something else there. 
“No,” the word escapes before he even realises he’s said it. “I mean yes. I mean-“ he stops and takes a breath before meeting Regulus’ eyes. They’re softer than usual. “Are you sure?” 
Regulus hums before he smiles and takes a step forward, reaching out to place his hand on James’ cheek and momentarily causing him to stop breathing. “It suits you, you know? Your new nickname, I mean.” 
James lets out a noise that sounds startlingly close to impatience before he finds himself leaning in, and then Regulus’ lips are on his and his hands are in his hair and he forgets any name he’s ever had for a second, a minute, an hour, an indeterminate amount of time before they pull apart again. 
He’s smiling now as his heart beats quickly in his chest, and as the younger boy smiles right back James only has one question:
“So can I call you Reggie now?” 
“Absolutely not.” 
“Oh,” James pouts and Regulus rolls his eyes before reaching down to take his hand, lacing their fingers together. 
“I guess you’ll just have to settle for boyfriend.” 
James’ eyes move from their hands to Regulus’ face. “Oh.” His voice is softer now, light. “I think I can make that work.” 
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cinemastyles-backup · 8 months
One and Done?
Summary: Anon request - “Hello I have a oneshot request/idea can you do an enemies to lovers where y/n is just as popular as Harry and he can't stand it but he secretly loves her and make it as smutty as you possibly can?”
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, enemies to lovers, angst, asshole!harry, masterbation using vibrator, dirty thoughts, dirty talk, fingering, oral (f rec), spanking, creampie, filth
My original CinemaStyles-blog has been terminated, so I created a new one.
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"You can't just not show up to the press conference, Harry." I overhear my manager tell Harry. Well, our manager.
"Why not?" Harry argues, "You'll have y/n there. She can cover all the questions."
I roll my eyes and smirk, Harry cannot stand that I'm just as big as he is. It gets under his skin that his fans love me just as much as him, and I live for that.
"You're the other star of the movie, Harry. You can't just bail on the press for it. We need you to talk about it."
I take a deep breathe and walk around the corner, "Hey, mick, I was looking- oh sorry did I interrupt something?" I glance at Harry and poorly hide my smirk on purpose.
"Yeah, kinda." Harry says with an annoyed tone.
"No, y/n. What's up?" Mick says with a sigh.
"I was wondering what the dress code for tomorrow is." I cross my arms and put my weight on my left leg, popping my hip out, "Is it dress up? Casual?"
"Yeah, we have a dress for you. They're bringing it tomorrow morning." Mick's phone rings, "If you'll excuse me.." he picks up the phone and leaves the room.
I look at Harry, "What?"
He shakes his head, "Did I say anything?"
I shrug, "You're staring at me like you want to."
He rolls his eyes and scoffs, "Staring? Never." He walks over and grabs a bottle of water, "You wish I would stare at you."
I pretend to gag, "Barf."
He tilts his head, "No, I was actually thinking about what horrid dress they're going to make you wear tomorrow."
I roll my eyes, "Please. I could wear a stained table cloth and still look better than you." I turn to walk out and Harry says my name.
I turn and look at him, "What."
He walks over to me and looks down. A smirk slowly grows on his lips, "Good luck tomorrow. You're going to need it."
He brushes his chest against mine and walks out.
I lay in bed alone. Tossing and turning, kind of anxious for tomorrow's press conference.
I roll onto my back and let out a sigh as I drop my hands beside me onto the bed. I bite my lip and flip the covers off of my body.
I get up and walk over to my suitcase, digging though to pull out my compact vibrator. I smile and prance back to bed. I pull the covers back over and bite my lip as I click the button to turn it on.
I go through the options until I'm on the highest setting. I place the vibrator on my clit and arch my back, letting out a gasp.
I spread my legs wider and try to picture something to help me get to the release I'm so desperately craving.
I pull the vibrator away from my body and sit up, "No." I say to myself, "No. No. No."
I toss the vibrator on the bed and lay back down. I chew on the inside of my lip and sigh, he'll never know.
I lean up and snatch the still buzzing object off the bed and place it between my legs again.
Harry circles my brain. In my mind, I make the sex scene we filmed real, and with a few added details.
His cock plunging deep into my pussy. His hands tangled into my hair. His voice, deep and raspy as he tells me how much of a good girl I'm being for him.
I moan Harry's name loudly which catches me off guard and I slam my hand over my mouth.
I arch my back off the bed and squeeze my thighs together as I cum to the image of Harry absolutely railing me into the mattress.
My chest rises and falls quickly as I slowly pull the vibrator away and click it off. I lay it next to me on the bed and slowly take my hand away from my mouth.
Harry's room is right next to mine and I hope to God he didn't hear me.
"Good morning." Gwen, who does the makeup, greets as I sit down in her chair, "Oh honey. Did you not sleep last night? You look exhausted."
Harry walks in and sits down next to me, "Yeah, y/n, you look like you were up all hours of the night." He smirks and sips his coffee.
Oh god, he heard me. He fucking heard me.
"Harry. Stop it. You look tired too." Gwen snaps pointing a makeup brush at him.
I smirk slightly, "Yeah, Harry. You look like you were up all hours of the night." I mock him in a fake British accent. He rolls his eyes and starts to get his hair done.
"I'll fix you up nice and pretty, don't you worry." Gwen winks at me in the mirror and I smile, "Thanks."
"Okay people. It's almost red carpet time!" Don the direction yells while clapping his hands.
"You two better play nice today or I swear to God.." Mick says through gritted teeth.
"Not me you have to worry about." Harry throws me under the bus.
"Mhm." Mick rolls his eyes, "Just- both of you please .. this is important."
"You got it." I give him a thumbs up and give Harry an eye roll. He chuckles and shakes his head.
"What?" I ask turning towards him, "If you have something to say, say it."
He leans in close to me and whispers, "I heard you."
I freeze and stare at him in shock, unable to process that he fucking heard me touching myself to him.
Him of all people.
"Y/N." I blink and look over at Mick, "Y/N. Go. It's your turn."
I suddenly come back to the embarrassing reality and turn away from Harry. I take a deep breathe and smooth my dress out, walking with shaky legs down the carpet.
I smile, turn, and pose for the photographers, moving down the line. The fans scream for me, just as much as they do for Harry and I glance down at him. He clenches his jaw and forces a smile.
Even though he might know what I did, I still get under his skin and his huge narcissistic ego is bruised.
I walk up to the fans to sign a few things and say hello and they go wild.
"Hello. Hi. Hello. Thank you for coming." I say with a huge smile, "Thank you."
"Y/N. You look beautiful!"
"Thank you!" I smile and pose for a selfie with a few fans, "I gotta go! Thank you! Thank you!" I blow kisses as I walk to the last group of photographers.
"Can we see the dress?"
"Do a little spin for us, yeah?"
I spin around slowly, allowing them to see just how good this dress shows off the curves of my body.
"Can we get the stars of the movie together please?"
My heart sinks to my ass and I swear fell out.
"Of course you can!" Harry says with a chuckle as he walks up to me, "Hello." He says with a smirk, "Nice to finally hear- er, I mean see you again."
I can feel my cheeks getting hot and I swallow, "Fuck off." I mumble through a smile.
"Sounds like you already beat me to it. Last night at least." He pulls me closer to him and looks up at the cameras.
I fight to hold my smile. It feels like forever until they're finally done with us.
"Thank you!" I smile and walk away from Harry. I walk into the hallway to meet the other cast members who are joining us today.
I lean against the wall and take a deep breathe. I look over as Harry walks in and I scoff and turn away. He walks up and leans his shoulder against the wall behind me, "You know.." he pauses.
I shake my head and pull my arm away as he touches the back of my arm, "Y/N." I can sense that he stepped closer, "If you would have asked.." he leans down, his lips are almost touching my ear, "I could have helped you."
I whip around and lay a hand on his chest, "You don't know what you're talking about." I yell in a quiet tone, "So just shut your fucking mouth and let me the hell alone."
He chuckles, "I get it. I'd fantasize about me, too. I promise you're not the only one."
"You're so disgusting." I roll my eyes and turn back around, "Fucking men." I grumble to myself.
"You're not easy to like yourself, sweetheart. So maybe before you judge anyone else, you work on fixing yourself." He huffs.
"I don't need.." I turn around, "I don't need to work on anything other than hating you more."
"Mhm." He rolls his eyes and looks at me, "I'm sure you hate me so much." He fake moans the last two words.
"Hmm. I don't need to hate you more because you've just maxed out the scale of hate." I roll my eyes and walk forward, getting ready to walk in.
"Go, y/n." Mick says motioning for me to walk in.
I put on a smile and walk in, waving to the crowd and blowing kisses as they cheer for me. I walk up on stage and take my seat, smiling and thanking them.
Harry walks in and it's the same level of excitement as it is for me. I purse my lips together and look down, brushing my lashes with my finger to hide my smirk.
"Hello, everyone. Thank you." He takes his seat, of course, right next to me.
This is has been a piece of cake. The questions were easy. The answers were easy. We were in the home stretch- until that one interview had to ask that one goddamn question.
"What we're the feelings going on during the big sex scene that you and Harry had to do?"
I stare at her for a few seconds before I speak, "Um, well. I feel like you need to have a certain level of trust when doing something like that, you know?" I start, "I can definitely say that there was a lot of that. We had an amazing coach there with us to help us achieve the level of realness, I guess you could say?"
I glance over at Harry and smile at him, "I couldn't have asked for a better partner to do that scene with."
I look back out to the crowds and Mick gives me two thumbs up.
"And Harry?" The interviewer asks, "How do you feel about it?"
Harry takes a deep breathe and thinks for a moment, "I have to agree with y/n on that actually. You also have to fully be okay with being that.. naked with a couple other people in the room, and y/n was just as nervous as I was at first." He leans forward, "We got comfortable with each other pretty quick."
"And how was that? Did you guys like-"
I cut her off, speaking kinda quickly, "No. No. it was more like we knew we had to do this so we talked each other through our nerves and just focused on making this movie the best it could possibly be."
"Thank you."
I nod and avoid looking over at Harry.
"Let's have a round of applause for our amazing cast of  Rose and Levi." The host says clapping with the crowd.
I stand up, smiling and waving, and praying this is over so I can go curl up in my hotel room and die for the rest of the day.
"We leave tomorrow morning. The cars will be waiting out front to take us to the airport, seven am. Don't be late." Mick says nodding, "You did good today. See you tomorrow."
I smile and grab my bag, "Thanks." I walk to the elevator and press the button. Someone else walks up and I can immediately tell that it's Harry.
"Not one word the entire way up." I say as the doors open. I get on and turn around. My eyes follow him as he walks on. He presses the three button and steps back.
He has his hair pushed back with glasses and a grey hoodie on with black shorts and I find myself thinking what it would be like to get fucked on an elevator.
I chew on the inside of my lip and beg myself to stop thinking that way.
The doors open and I practically sprint off and down the hall way to my room. I give Harry one last look, debating on acting on my thoughts or not.
I tilt my head and go into my room, shutting the door quickly. I press my back against the door and listen to see if I can hear him go into his room or not.
It stays silent and I let out a sigh, "Fuck." I run my hands over my face and go into the bathroom to run a shower.
I strip down from my morning clothes and put the robe on that's hanging on the door. I pour a glass of wine as I wait for the water to heat up and I drink it all in one gulp.
I pour another and do the same thing before I set the glass down and walk into the bathroom. I shut the door and step in.
I let the water run over my body and Harry's voice runs through my head, I could have helped you.
I bite my lip and shake my head. He wasn't serious. Was he? No, no. I'm not asking. No.
I wrap my hair in the towel and put the robe back on, loosely tying the belt around my waist.
I pour another glass of wine, but this time I take my time with it. There's a knock on the door and I look up, "Coming." I look through the peephole and let out a sigh.
"What do you want?" I say as I open the door. Harry pushes past me and walks right in, "Yeah, sure. Just co-"
He turn around and cuts me off, "Just shut the hell up for a minute, okay?"
I stare at him shut the door, "Yes sir."
He runs a hand through his hair, "You." He groans, "Fuck." He walks toward me then turns around, "God dammit, y/n."
"What the hell did I do?" I hold out my arms to the sides and watch was he paces, "If you ca-"
"You made me love you."
I cannot produce words anymore, so I just stand there, completely blindsided by what he said.
"You.." he walks over and stands in front of me, "You have a fire inside of you that just.. pulls me in and it gets worse the harder I try to fight it." His eyes scan over my face, "What you did last night? Moaning my name.. I've done countless of times with yours."
My lips part and I just stare at him.
"You have no fucking idea how much I wish I could have just .. Fucked you for real during our scene. Just ripped those panties off of you and shoved my cock deep into that pussy of yours."
My breathe catches in my throat and I look around, "H-Harry." I whisper trying to comprehend the words he just spoke, "I-I.."
He steps towards me, "Hearing you moan my name is something I've dreamed of hearing, y/n."
I watch as he traces the fabric of my robe.
"And the fact that you're loved by the world, makes it even worse for me because you could have anyone you want an-"
"I want you." I speak quickly. I repeat the words I just spoke in my head and nod, "I want you."
He smirks and is quick to untie my robe, revealing my naked body to him. He seen me naked a couple times but the look on his face is like he's seeing me for the very first time all over again.
His eyes scan over my body and he pulls me in by my robe, "You're so fucking sexy, y/n." His hands slide onto my hips and he pulls me into him.
I finish my wine quickly and set the glass on the table. Harry picks me up and takes me to the bed, laying me down and kissing up my body to my lips.
My hands grab his neck and I pull him close, almost like my body missed him.
It did.
"Tell me what you did last night." He says, "Tell me what you thought about."
"You." I whisper, "I thought about you."
"Doing what, my love?" Harry drags his fingers down my naked body, stopping once he reaches my clit.
My lips part as he presses down, "To-touching myself." I breathe out and moan. He presses circles onto my clit as his lips place little kisses on my skin.
"Did it feel good?" He asks quietly, "Did touching yourself to me feel so good?"
I nod and arch my back, "Y-yes."
"I was awake, doing the same thing." He kisses my jaw line, his fingers move down and slip inside of me, "But with you. Thinking about your beautiful, naked body under mine."
I moan as he pushes his fingers deep into me, curling them.
"You drive me fucking insane, y/n." He mumbles as he nudges his nose against my neck, "I hate it."
I open my eyes and look at him, "You.. hate it?"
"Well.." he tilts his head, "Until now. I hated it until this very moment."
I smile slightly and gasp as he thrusts his fingers in slowly, "Harry." I whimper, "Please."
"Please what? Hmm?" He kisses from my cheek to my lips, "Tell me baby. Tell me what you want."
"I need your cock." I clench around his fingers and he chuckles, "Can you cum for me, y/n?" He works his fingers in and out at a slightly faster pace, working me to the edge.
"Fuck." I gasp loudly as I cum on his hand.
He groans lowly, "Good job, baby."
I catch my breathe and look up at him, "Why didn't you ever tell me?" He slips his hoodie and shirt off and shrugs, "It was easier to hate you at the time."
"What do you mean?" I sit up and watch as he slowly pushes his sweats down.
He shakes his head, "That's not important anymore." He takes his boxers off and crawls up the bed. I lay back as he moves on top of me and I look up at him.
"What's important right now.. is that I find out what you taste like." He smirks slightly and kisses down my body.
I bite my lip and watch as he pushes my legs further apart and licks his lips. I throw my head back and my back rises off the bed as his tongue slides up my pussy.
He moans as his tongue slides in and out and I whine, "Harry." He grips my inner thighs and his fingers dig in.
I let out a loud moan and reach down with one hand to lay it on his head. My fingers gradually gather a fist full of hair and I pull as I push him closer.
I repeatedly moan out his name as he tongue fucks me.
His nose rubs my clit, adding additional pleasure and I cum again. He continues to eat me out for another few minutes and pulls away with a satisfied sigh.
"You taste fucking delicious, y/n." He whispers as he makes his way up to me again, "Hearing you moan out my name is music to my ears. I fucking love it."
I bite my lip and lean up to connect my lips with his. My tongue slides into his mouth and I moan at my taste on his tongue.
"Roll over." He commands.
I roll over onto my stomach and his hands grip my ass cheeks, "Fuck." He groans, "So fucking hot."
He leans down and kisses down my back as he grips my hips to pull them up. I move my legs up so my ass is in the air for him.
"You want my cock?" He asks delivering a slap to my right cheek, "Hmm?"
I nod and moan, "Yes."
"Couldn't quite hear ya, love." He delivered a smack to my left cheek.
"Yes." I practically scream out from the pained pleasure he gave me, "Yes Harry."
"Mm." He spreads my folds apart and pumps his fingers inside of me a few times before he pulls them out and replaces it with his cock.
I push my face into the mattress and leg out a loud moan as I grip the sheets.
"I want to hear you, baby." Harry says grabbing my hair and pulling my head up, "I want to hear you scream while I fuck the shit out of you."
I nod once and moan as he pushes his cock all the way inside of me, "Fuck, Harry!"
He groans and pulls out, roughly thrusting back in.
I let out a loud moan and push my hips back to meet his. His hand on my hip tightens as he starts to thrust, hard and slow.
"Your pussy is hugging my cock in all the right ways. Fuck." He moans, "I knew I needed you."
I moan louder with each hard thrust. Screaming out his name with the most utter pleasure, "Fuck. Fuck."
I clench around him and claw at the bed, "H-ha-" I can't even speak. My eyes roll shut and my body goes numb.
Harry groans and let's go of my hair. My head falls onto the bed and he grips my hips, pulling my hips back to meet his thrusts.
"Fuck, y/n." He moans, "You're going to make me cum sooner than I want, fuck."
I grip the sheets and pull, letting the whole hotel know, if they don't already know by now, that's I'm being given a proper fuck.
Harry's thrusts slow down and I can feel his cock twitch inside of me.
I let out a sigh and lay my body down as soon as he pulls out.
Harry falls down next to me and we lay there for a few minutes until he finally gets up. He puts on his sweats and lays his hoodie on the bed.
"So what was that? Just a one and done fuck?" I ask grabbing my robe and putting it on, "Or.." I tie my robe shut again and sit on the edge of the bed.
He looks at me and stares at me for a few seconds before he walks over to me.
He stands between my legs and lifts my chin up with his fingers, "If anyone else touches you, I'll break every single one of their goddamn fingers. You're mine now, baby."
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miniwheat77 · 8 months
Rival. (Ghost x Reader.)
!CW! NSFW, Smut, p in v sex, unprotected sex, threats, mention of violence, (sorry if I missed any.)
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It was clear to everyone on base that you and Ghost didn’t get along. It was no secret. You avoided each other like the plague and when you had to be around each other, you were always short with one another. You fought like crazy and always had something snarky to say to one another. It sounded a little something like "Get off my back, fucking slag." To which you would respond with something like, "Shut the fuck up, ghost face wannabe." Which would piss him off even further, spinning around. Right about then is when Johnny would intervene. Usually along with a "Steamin' jesus you guys are so annoying, go away." He'd mumble. Before separating the both of you.
It was amusing to some on base, even to Captain Price sometimes which is why occasionally he'd put the both of you on watch together so he could hear the both of you complain about what you had argued about while on watch. Usually about something childish and dumb. Nobody knew where it had started. At which point you decided you hated each other but they thought it was amusing to hear the slurs you called each other. On missions, it was always professional. You usually didn't interact aside from keeping the other informed about what you seen.
You kept your petty arguments out of the field and that's why Captain Price never intervened.
After a rough mission that you'd been sent on with a few new recruits, you were limping your way around base. You had an arm sling on, wrap around your foot. You were in bad shape.
Ghost and Soap were sitting at a table in the mess hall when their Captain sat across from them. "What happened to Y/N? She's in pretty bad shape." Johnny asks, Ghost narrowing his eyes. He hadn't seen you since you got back, he really had no idea what Johnny was even talking about. "Ah.. New recruit." He shakes his head. "She was up on a building and they got ambushed, he took off running for the Humvee, she stayed up to cover him, got hit in the chest by a bullet and it knocked her off of the building and the dumbass ran her foot over. Dirt had enough giveaway so it didn't break it. Thank god." He shakes his head. “He's getting taken off my base. He's just not skilled enough."
"I didn't run my own fucking foot over. Get out of my face." Ghost turns his head, barely hearing the conversation. You're standing out in the hallway with who he assumes is the recruit.
"Not my fault your dumbass fell off of the building." He growls. Taking a step toward you. "I was laying there for about a full minute before you hit me. Not sure what you were doing but it definitely wasn't paying attention that's for sure." You roll you eyes, going to walk away. The recruit grabs your arm, pulling you back. This is when Ghost stands up. "Fuck you. You're a stupid bitch. It's no wonder why no one here likes you. I should've run your stupid head over."
"Let go." Ghosts deep voice startles him a little bit. To his surprise he does. "I bet Ghost would agree with me."
A deep chuckle leaves Ghost's mouth. "No. I wouldn't." He breathes. Taking a step toward him. Grasping hold of his lapels. "Y/N and I may not get along. But we don't ever turn our backs on our own. And if you touch her again, I will break your hands. Do I make myself clear?" His voice is deep and threatening. A voice from Ghost that you hadn't yet heard. You watched with wide eyes. The muscles in Ghosts hands and arms flexing as he pushes him further up on the wall. "Y-Yes sir."
"Now apologize." He growls.
"Sorry Y/N." He breathes. Ghost lets go of him, nodding for him to go away. You watched the smaller man rush away down the hallway, seeing Ghost wipe his face through his mask. The man you're looking at is completely different from the man you don't get along with. Your heart races in your chest and heat pools between your legs. This entirely new side of him has taken you completely off guard. "Thank you." You mumble. "You alright?" He asks. You nod your head. Rubbing your arm with your worn hand. "I came over here to save him at first. Thought you were going to hit him." He jokes. Seeing you smile. It's the first time you've ever smiled while talking to Ghost. "Ah. I probably would've but he caught me off guard." You laugh nervously. He laughs as he walks away. Sitting back down at his table. Soap and Captain Price are staring at him wide eyed. "What?" He asks. "Did she.. smile? At you?" Captain Price laughs, bewildered. "Yeah, that fucking recruit put his hands on her." He rolls his eyes. Seeing his Captain nod. "I'll have a talk with him."
Soap laughs. "I can't believe the both of you had a civil interaction. Usually you try to tear out each others throats." He laughs. Seeing Ghosts eyes wrinkle, he's smiling. "It's different when someone is hurting her. You're not supposed to actually hurt those you work with. If that were the case we'd both be dead by now." He laughs.
You made your way back into your room, closing the door behind you. What the fuck was that? You sigh, sitting down on the edge of your bed. You hurt really bad. All you could take since you were on base was mild medicine. You were really restricted. Your shoulder hurt from your fall and your lower leg and ankle hurt from the idiot that ran you over. You needed to get ready for your turn on watch. You nervously slipped some shoes on. You were meant to be on watch with Ghost. You didn't know how it was going to go after what had happened.
You watched the time go by quickly, nerves setting in more and more as the seconds ticked by. Why were you even this nervous? Ghost never made you nervous. Sure, he could be a killing machine. He could murder hundreds of men and never even bat an eye. Hell, he usually harassed you and made fun of you constantly. So why did he stand up for you? And why did he look so damn fine while doing it?
You shook your head, those intrusive thoughts would be the death of you. You didn't like Ghost. He was a prick to you. You hated him and he hated you so what the hell was this that you were feeling?
You stood up from your bed, making your way for the door. "Hey. Ghost said he's got watch if you wanted to rest." Your Captain nods his head. He notices the way you jump slightly. "Sorry darling, didn't mean to scare ya." He laughs. "I was just coming to find you."
You nod your head. "I'll be alright to watch a computer screen, I might take up that offer for training in the morning though." You laugh. He smiles. "With a hurt shoulder and ankle? I think you'll be off a few days. Just relax." He smiles. You thank him, before continuing down the hallway. You could avoid this or face it head on.
Ghost is sitting up in the watch tower, he’s doing a crossword puzzle in an old newspaper. Right, old man stuff. He’s bored. He doesn’t expect to hear footsteps coming up the stairs and he doesn’t expect you to emerge through the door. “What’re you doing?” He asks. “Uh.. coming up for watch?” You mumble. “Did Price not get to you in time?” He stands up. “No, he did. But it’s not like watch is physically exhausting.” You snort. “You’re a crazy girl.” He shakes his head. “Yeah, you need me up here with your blind ass.” You joke. He rolls his eyes. “Yeah. Let’s see you hobble over to the alert button.” He crosses his arms.
You smile, looking up at him. “Touché.” You smirk. Your smile cuts right through Ghost. Sending chills right down his spine. He’s never seen you smile like that. “Are you doing a crossword puzzle?” You laugh. “Yeah. Got bored.” He groans. You laugh. “Maybe I can help you.” You mumble. “Really?” He laughs. “Why’re you being so nice Hm?” He asks.
“I don’t know. I was just offering.” You mumble. He stands up, stretching slightly. His jacket raises and you can see his toned stomach, his pants sitting low on his waist. You swallow hard, turning away from him. “You okay?” He asks. “What? Yeah. Yeah I’m fine.” You laugh awkwardly. “You sure? You’re acting weird today.” He laughs. “Yeah. I just didn’t expect you to stand up for me is all.” You blush, looking down.
Right then, he catches that glint in your eyes. He knows.
He takes a few slow steps toward you. Seeing you back up slightly. Until you’re leaning up against the small countertop. “Where’s the famous little bratty attitude hm?” He chuckles. His voice is deep. His close proximity is intoxicating. “I.. I um..” you take a deep breath.
He steps toward you, lowering his head so that he can look you in the eyes. He reaches down, grasping hold of your thighs and lifting you up onto the countertop. A gasp leaving your lips as he moves himself between your thighs. You’re breathing hard, panting almost. “Ghost-“
His name is perfect coming out of your mouth breathless like that. He can feel himself hardening in his pants already. “Tell me I’m not mistaken. You keep looking at me like that.” He glides his hand up your thigh. You keep quiet. Eyes boring into his hand as it creeps up higher. You push your hips to the edge of the countertop, pushing into his hand. Hearing him let out a snort. “Fuck.. you actually want this.” He breathes. “Say you feel it too, you have to.” You sigh, looking up at him through your eyelashes, seeing him turn his eyes away from your with a groan. “You can’t keep looking at me like that.” He breathes. “Is this because of that stupid recruit?” He asks. You nod your head. “Why?” He asks.
“I’ve just never seen you like that before.. and you were doing it for me.” You whine, pushing your hips lower, eyes getting heavy when his fingertips ghost over the seam of your pants. You take in a shaky breath. Feeling him apply more pressure, you can’t help but tilt your head back slightly. “What, you don’t hate me anymore because I stood up for you? No offense but.. you shouldn’t be so willing for someone doing the bare minimum.” He let’s out a deep chuckle. “Pathetic little thing.” He mumbles. He’s testing you, to see what he can get away with. You roll your eyes. He pulls away from you for a second, moving to make sure the door is latched and locked. He returns to between your legs.
He works with you to remove your cargo pants, hearing your breath hitch in your throat when he reveals you to him. He moves himself closer to you. Tugging his jacket off. He’s got on a black v-neck t-shirt. It’s tight on his arms and upper body. He’s fit. You close your eyes tightly. Overwhelmed by him. It’s funny, how much you hated each other just the day before and now you’re just a few seconds off from having sex.
He reaches up, grasping the hem of his mask. He pulls it over his head. Hearing you take in a deep breath. “You tell anyone about this, you’re dead.” He mumbles referring to the mask. You close your eyes tightly, smile playing at your lips. He smiles, gliding his tongue over his teeth. He likes seeing you like this. “God, you really are pathetic. That why you’ve been so mean to me huh?” He grasps your thighs, pulling you into him. He lowers his hands, unbuttoning his cargo pants and unzipping them. Revealing the thatch of pubic hair he has, sliding his cock from its confines. “You got a crush?” He smirks, seeing you roll your eyes. “Thought I was a slag hm?”
He chuckles. “Just f’me right?” He smirks. Tip lining up with your opening. You take in a deep breath, body shaking slightly. “You’re so full of yourself.” You mumble.
“Yeah?” He laughs. Thrusting into you, seeing the way your mouth parts into an ‘o’, eyes shutting tightly. “Looks like you’re full of me too.” He snorts. Breath right on your ear as he slides back, thrusting back into you. Feeling your thighs shiver in his grasp. “Open your eyes, Cmon. Look at me.” He grits his teeth. You obey him, looking up at him. “You’re so cute when you look at me like that.” He breathes. “Makes me want to ruin you.” You cry out, chills rising on your skin as he thrusts right into that spongy spot inside of you, pushing your thighs up so that he can reach deeper inside of you. It’s clear to Ghost you haven’t had much experience. Your eyes are full of tears as you look up at him. “You’re so wet.” He groans, holding you as he starts a rhythm. Steady pace as he rocks his hips into yours, watching himself disappear into you. Your arousal coating him and building at the base of his cock. He can’t help but smile. Closing his eyes. You feel amazing on him, tight. You’re warm and wet and he’s already addicted. He tilts his head back, a sigh leaving his lips. He grasps the hem of his shirt tugging it up onto his stomach. Trying to avoid making a mess of it with you.
He plunges into you deeper, leaning over you and pushing you back. “Look at me.” He breathes. You look up at him. He can see tears bordering your waterline. Making him smile. “Not too much is it?” He mumbles. “No- no.” You whine. Hearing him chuckle at your fucked out state. He leans into you, lips finally pressing into yours. He wraps a hand around your throat to hold you steady as he kisses you. Throwing another curveball at you. Not only is he really good at this but he’s a really good kisser too. You keep your eyes shut, even when he pulls away. He can see that he’s overwhelmed you. He pushes your shirt up, leaning down to attach his lips to one of your nipples, lowering his hand to rub circles into your clit with his thumb. You cry out, hips bucking into him. “Fuck- oh fuck.” You cry. “Simon- I’m gonna cum.” Your voice is stuttering, almost like you’re crying. “S’alright. Give yourself to me.” He doesn’t want to admit it, but he’s right on the edge. Trying to get you to that line before he finishes. He doesn’t want to look pathetic. You say his name again, feeling him tense into you. The mewl you let out as you say it, the way it rolls of of your lips. It’s everything. His thrusts are getting sloppy, he’s right there. Your thighs tighten against him, a sob leaving your lips. His eyes widen as he feels you tighten down around him. “Oh fuck-“ he gasps. Eyes rolling back as he finishes inside of you, riding out both of your highs. His hips jerk slightly, overstimulated by your pussy. You milk his cock perfectly.
“Shit.” He mutters, relaxing into you. You’re breathing hard, you still have a couple dried tears on your cheeks. Hearing him chuckle as he wipes them off with his thumb. He kisses you again before he helps you down from the countertop, hearing you gasp as you feel his filth spilling back out of you, running down your thighs. His eyes darken when he sees it, cornering you back into the counter. “Look good like that, Sergeant.” He breathes. Seeing your cheeks warm up. You flinch at the stickiness. He runs his finger along your inner thigh, collecting his spunk on one of his fingers. He raises it. “Open your mouth.” He breathes. You obey him immediately, something he’s always loved about you. You’ve always taken orders well. He pushes his finger into your mouth, feeling your tongue on it as you suck it clean. He grits his teeth. “Fuck, you’re a fuckin minx.” He rolls his eyes. Finger moving from your lips with a pop.
“Go get cleaned up, I’ll be waiting for you.” He breathes. You nod your head.
He can’t help but laugh at the discomfort you feel. Flinching as you walk.
You disappear through the door, and he adjusts himself. Cleaning up everything to make it look like he hadn’t just railed you on the countertop. He lets himself cool off for a minute before sliding his jacket and mask back on. Returning to his seat he’d been in previously. A few minutes later, you return. You’ve still got a limp but that’s not from him unfortunately. “Cmere.” He nods his head. You close the door. He moves a chair right in front of him. “Let me take a look.” He mumbles. You sit down and he raises your foot up, untying your boot and carefully pulling it off. He removes the wrapping the medic had put on it. Shaking his head. “Someone needs to show those medics how to actually wrap a foot.” He rolls his eyes. He tilts it carefully to the side, trying his best not to hurt you. He starts pressing on it, feeling you jerk away from him, a hiss leaving your lips. “I know it hurts but you’ve got to let me.” You nod your head, gritting your teeth as he applies pressure to it. Massaging the inflamed muscle.
Once he’s finished abusing it further, he wraps it up tighter than the medic had wrapped it, trying to relieve the discomfort you feel.
“Feel better?” He asks. You tilt it side to side. “Yeah, still hurts but.. better.” You laugh. He helps you put your boot back on, even tying it for you. “Why’re you being so nice to me?” You ask him.
“Because, it’s my responsibility as a soldier to look after you. And I guess you’re kind’ve cute so.” He rolls his eyes. “I’m not kind’ve cute. I’m really cute, thank you very much.” You giggle. “God you’re pretty when you smile like that, suppose I should’ve spent more time being nice to you.” He laughs. “Yeah, you should’ve,” you shove him slightly. Gasping when he forces you closer by your chair.
“I’m still your LT. Behave.”
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