#sick Jason
yaderyngoch · 4 months
Because Jason has an enhanced immune system while Tim is immunocompromised, anything strong enough to get Jason sick is strong enough to do much worse to Tim. (As they learned the hard way from the first incident where Tim insisted on giving a sick Jason cuddles, and wound up in the hospital a few days later)
Because of this, the protocol is now that Tim stays in the manor whenever Jason is sick, and is not allowed back into their apartment until everything has been thoroughly decontaminated and Alfred has given Tim the all-clear that Jason is no-longer contagious.
In the meantime, Jason insists he's perfectly content with just facetiming Tim and doesn't want to risk his boyfriend's safety, but Tim is equally determined to make Jason feel better, and usually does this through building and programming a series of increasingly ridiculous and silly little robots to bring Jason soup and keep him company.
He's working on making a glorified hazmat suit but that is inexplicably more difficult
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ky-landfill · 2 years
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deadsetobsessions · 6 months
I am waiting for my terrible decisions to come feast upon my corpse (I had four slices of mozzarella cheese and I am wildly lactose intolerant) so tall can have this thing I wrote while my bowels attempted to curdle up and wither.
Jason laid face down on the floor of his safe house, cheek miserably smushed to the carpet as his joints screamed in growing agony.
“Oh, shit, you good, little wing?”
Jason groaned, not even having enough energy to flip his face to the other side as a pair of boots came into view. Dick.
“Jason, are you okay? Where’s the wound?”
“C’mon Todd, even Timothy knows the importance of addressing open wounds.” Shit, the brat was here too.
“You coming down with something?” Tim’s voice asked from his other side.
Great, Jason grumbled, the whole idiot platoon is here.
A warm hand shook his shoulder, Dick’s concerned mug showing up in Jason’s- huh, when did it get this blurry?- sight. His face scrunched up in worry.
“You look stupid.” Jason said, though it sounded more like ‘yew loo stew pud’ with his face still smushed onto the ground. Reluctantly, he added, “No wound.”
“Tim, help me out.”
Jason groaned when the world spun as Tim and Dick hefted him up.
“What’s happening, Jason? Talk to us.” Tim said sharply, knowing that the tone would get Jason to respond.
“Growing pains.” Jason mumbled. “Laz pits side effects.”
“I see,” Damian suddenly said, and suddenly Jason was so much more grateful for his presence. The demon brat understood. “Richard, Drake, get him to bed. I will retrieve the ice.”
It probably spoke levels of how bad he looked that Jason’s brothers didn’t bother to even comment on the brat’s orders. Jason was lugged to his bed and tucked in.
“Sorry,” he mumbled at Dick.
“For what?” Dick patted him on the head as Tim went to get a glass of water and the painkillers he stored in the bathroom mirror cabinet.
“I’m heavy. You have old man knees.”
Divk gasped, mock offended. “Excuse me?! I’m not old! You’re fine if you’re talking shit, Jay.”
“Feels like shit…” Jay paused. “Not as shit as your gray hairs.”
“Tim! Jason’s bullying me!”
“Gray is a good color on you, I think,” Tim said, walking back in with water and meds. They helped Jason drink the meds as Dick alternated between whining about not being old and indignantly sayin ‘respect your elders, you brats!’
“Here.” Damian walked in with both bags of peas and actual ice packs. “It should be better after you have rested, but if you don’t, mother knows an acupuncture treatment that would help.”
Jason shivered as they applied the ice packs.
“Ugh, fuck off.”
“Just sleep, you raging asshole.” Tim said, sweeping a blanket onto the crime lord. “Oracle’s got Steph covering your routes until you’re better.”
Somehow, surrounded by his brothers, Jason finally found the energy to fondly flip them the bird and fall asleep.
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awhitehead17 · 2 years
Whumptober 2022: Day 21 - Famous last words
Prompt: Coughing up blood
Summary: It’s not Jason’s fault that he’s sick, Tim knows that, however he can't help but be annoyed by the constant coughing and decides to go and say something about it.
Enjoy! :D
He’s feeling irrationally annoyed right now. Tim knows it’s not Jason’s fault but he still can’t help but be irritated by what’s going on. Jason’s constant coughing is driving him insane, it’s loud and it sounds awful. Every time Jason happens to have a coughing fit, which seems to be like every five minutes, Tim gets distracted and loses track of what he’s doing, he's re-read the same line about seven times by now.
Instead of being in one of his own apartments recovering, Alfred has Jason on lockdown here in the Manor until his chest infection clears up. The only reason Tim is at the Manor himself is because Alfred also has Tim on lockdown as he’s now at the tail end of his recovery period from a knee injury that occurred while he had been on patrol. Tim can’t flee the Manor meaning he can’t escape from Jason trying to hack his lungs up.
Just as he’s about to try and concentrate on his work again another bout of coughing from his brother occurs, it echoes through his room and it feels like it’s vibrating against the walls. Huffing, Tim slams his pen down on his desk and gets up from his chair in order to march his way to Jason’s bedroom across the hall.
Not hesitating when he gets there Tim wrenches the door open and stands in the threshold glaring into the room. Jason’s room is dark apart from where he currently has an old 90’s film playing on his TV. Turning his attention to the bed Tim spots Jason swaddled up in his bed covers and blankets, surrounded by empty water bottles and used tissues.
Tim pulls a face at the sight and then soon winces when Jason coughs again and Tim feels it shake his entire frame. It’s a full chesty, wet cough and sounds absolutely awful. When it passes Jason is left breathing heavily.
Crossing his arms over his chest Tim glares at him. “Could you die quietly please? I’m trying to work.”
“Fuck you.” Comes the instant retort. Tim pulls another face, Jason sounds even worse speaking than he did coughing.
“Not in your condition,” Tim quips, “you’d end up making me ill.”
Jason goes to say something again but his words end up turning into another coughing fit. It lasts for a good minute and once again Jason is left breathing heavily when it ends.
“Well that doesn’t sound good.”
Tim jumps at the sound of a new voice coming from behind him. He looks over his shoulder to find Dick standing behind him, peering into Jason’s room with a concerned look on his face.
“I’m fine,” is Jason’s strong argument.
Behind Tim, Dick snorts. “Sure you are.” There’s a pause between them before Dick nudges Tim out of the way so he could head into Jason’s room. Tim blinks and wonders what Dick is thinking, why would he voluntarily enter the infectious room like that. Then again, he's not the one with the compromised immune system, Dick will probably be fine, if Tim were to enter he guarantees within the next few days he’d be bedridden with flu like symptoms.
From the safety of the threshold, Tim watches as Dick starts cleaning up Jason’s mess. He collects the empty water bottles and puts them to the side before moving onto fussing over Jason himself, Dick rearranges his blankets so they’re more comfortably tucked around him and even puffs up his pillow much to Jason’s obvious dismay. Once their brother is more situated on his bed, Dick grabs the bin and begins collecting the discarded tissues.
Finding the situation no longer interesting, Tim turns to leave, he’ll just have to work out a way to block out Jason’s coughing. He had already tried using headphones but he supposes he could try them again, perhaps another option could be to simply move to another part of the Manor.
“Are you bleeding!”
Dick’s sudden exclamation stops Tim in his tracks, not even three steps away from the room, and he goes back to find Dick examining a used tissue closely.
With a roll of his eyes Jason replies in a raspy voice, “I’ve coughed up some blood yeah, nothing to be concerned about.”
Dick looks scandalized. “’Nothing to be concerned about.’ Jason this could be serious! You coughing up blood could mean all kinds of different things. This isn’t nothing! Does Alfred know about this?”
Jason shakes his head clearly not happy to be on the end of Dick’s mother-henning. The eldest has his hands on his hips and is glaring down at him.
“No. And he doesn’t need to.” Jason says sending Dick his own glare, although any heat behind it is lost due to how exhausted he looks. “It can happen with chest infections and when you have as bad of a cough as I do. It’s only minor bleeding. It’s fine.” As he finishes talking, another coughing fit hits him and the actions just make Dick look even more concerned than before.
Once he's done Dick is quick to hand him a bottle of water which is half full and Jason takes it without protest. As he sips the liquid Dick crosses his arms across his chest and widens his stance.
“Despite what you say, I’m going to get Alfred because I think this needs to be looked at. It’s better to be safe than sorry and Alfred deserves to know what’s going on.”
Before Jason could protest Dick is leaving the room, as he passes by Tim who moved to the side to let him through the door, he shoves the bin into his hands and storms down the corridor in the pursuit of Alfred.
Blinking at the object he's now suddenly holding Tim’s mind takes a minute to catch up with what is going on. Shaking his head Tim moves to place the bin down just inside of the door of Jason’s room. When he straightens back up he spots Jason watching him with a raised eyebrow.
“Got anything to add?”
His brother sounds tired and grumpy, like he’s just done with everything. Tim honestly feels almost sorry for him being on the receiving end of Dick’s care, it’s not that the oldest if awful at looking after them but sometimes he can be a bit much. Tim wouldn’t change that about him however.
Putting his hands up in surrender Tim shakes his head. “Nope. Nothing from me. I’m just gonna… go and not be here anymore…”
Nodding once Tim turns around and leaves Jason’s room. His brother can continue being sick while Tim is in the safety of his own room. Dick and Alfred can handle Jason, Tim will be standing by at a distance until he’s better.
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abisalli · 3 months
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Jason but he wears this helmet 😼
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theredcuyo · 2 months
Bruce tries to figure out why his kids tend to fall asleep when they're under his cape, because it's been happening since Dick was Robin and twice with Jason could be a coincidence, but it's still happening by the time Damian arrives, so there has to be something there
It's the weight? They do like they weighted blankets, but that doesn't seem to be it
He's doing experiments, anything but asking, really-
And it's not like they'd actually tell him that the real reason it's not the cape itself, but the fact that to be covered by it they're being carried by him
They're being hold by their dad, and can hide into the little darkness that it makes, making a little warm, safe, comfortable place because of the man who's wearing the cape
Most of the kids cried upon realizing this, they hadn't felt like that in a long time, or ever before
But since then, it was always a nice thing for them, no matter how big they got
Dick had tried to forget about it when he fought with Bruce, but the first time he had to be carried around after patrol together again, it was still there
Jason had almost actually forgotten when he came back, and by the time he was in good terms with B, he definitely was too big for it, right? Wrong, when they got attacked with fear gas and he was the last to be able to get out of it, he found himself in that same old warm place
Tim felt wrong about it at first, not his place, like everything, he remainded himself, but as time went on, he found himself craving for it sometimes, to an embarassing point where Bruce will just start opening his cape to him every. Night. Not that Tim will say no to it. Bruce does that to him, it's almost a routine by now
Cass and Damian have always liked to hide in there for "surprise factor" but if they stay in for longer, and Bruce knows they'll doze off, it's not a problem either
It gets a bit hard when it happens at the same time though
It was one of the first things they all did when Bruce was back from the time stream, a nice way to process the idea that he was back with them-
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emmeriex · 3 months
girls when they remember that sally named percy after the only greek hero with a happy ending and beryl named jason after a hero who died alone and unhappy to appease a wrathful goddess.
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ditzybat · 2 months
i love the headcannon that both tim and cass look scarily alike, to the point they could be twins.
like they both share the same general lithe build, they’re the same short height, cass has a short bob while tim has his baby mullet, their training is similar due to their backgrounds with lady shiva and the loa, and (depending on your headcanon) both waisan- so i can definitely see instances where they’re confused for each other or where they mess with everyone around them.
cass on patrol in red robin gear so tim can go on a date with bernard:
random thugs seconds away from being one hit k.o’d: yo since when did red robin start melting into the shadows like an eldritch horror?
jason: hey tim -
cass: wrong.
jason: no, im pretty sure you’re tim, i gave you that scar right there in your neck
cass: nu-uh, this is from cain
jason: well this got awkward…
steph hugging tim from behind: hey babe
tim: wrong wayne
steph: ew, i should’ve known, your ass isnt nearly as —
tim walking away with his fingers in his ears: lalalalala im not listening to you
damian: i think you’re the only one in this family i respect
tim who has been silently hanging out with him for the past 3 hours: aw thanks damian, i’ve come to love you like a brother too
damian: drake? i thought you were cassandra, my apologies, i retract my previous statement
tim: don’t care, you love me, don’t try to deny it
lady shiva hugging both tim and cass: my beautiful twins, such well trained weapons, unfortunate that you both ended up with cain
bruce pulling his children back: tim isnt yours…
shiva: well that cant be right, he’s s the spitting image of my sister carolyn, and that birth was far too painful to only produce one small child
tim: woah full circle, my drag-sona is called caroline, maybe you are my mom, i wouldn’t put it past janet drake to adopt
bruce: tim no, you’re not even the same type of asian
cass: too late, we’re blood
shiva: see!
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daisychains111 · 8 months
Thalia doesn’t keep many things in the hundreds of years she’s been alive. 
But long ago, there were people, their names all but distant memories, who mattered in her 1st lifetime. It’s their things that stay hidden in her bag, reminding her of her mortal life. 
A blue hoodie, worn almost threadbare. The scent of its original owner, long since leached from the fabric. But if she closes her eyes, she can almost see the blue eyes of her first and only love. 
A pair of glasses. Frames cracked and crooked. A reminder of a brother she never got to truly know. 
A baseball cap. It’s magic long faded, branded with a forgotten logo. Memories of a blonde girl laughing hidden deep within. 
A letter. Ink fading, paper yellow. The last words of a dying friend. Words that wish her well, words that wished her well in a world they had fought side by side to save. 
Thalia doesn’t keep a lot of things, but even after all this time, Luke, Jason, Annabeth, and Percy will stay with her forever. The memories of her first family to remind her why life is so beautiful.
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katsumox · 1 year
something about jason todd with a touchy!reader s/o is literally so yummie.
You’ve got him on his stomach, regrettably, he thinks, as you watch the hills and divots of his muscles roll and flex as he gets comfortable. The scarred herculean expanse of his back is exposed to you as you sit on his butt.
“Dunno why I agreed to this,” he frowns, not bothering to move his head, unmuffling his musings.
He really doesn’t; ten minutes ago you two were having a very civil discussion (read: arguing) about something or other. Next thing he knew, he was in your bed, on his stomach, half naked and under you.
“Cause you like me,” you sing, breaking him from his thoughts, as you drag manicured fingers up his back, pressing into his taut muscle, deftly massaging each sore part of him.
“You like this. ‘S okay to admit it,” you add.
He gives a noncommittal noise that gets cut off by a strangled gasp when he feels your hands pressing into the upper muscles of his back.
There’s a deep discomfort that settles in his stomach; he’s never been touched so lovingly, not without hidden motives tainting said touch. He isn’t sure if he should push you off him or beg you to keep going.
You hum as you work his muscles, letting his inconsistent breathing and occasional gasps guide you.
You continue rubbing him down, occasionally pausing to apply more shea butter to your hands before resuming your work.
You reach up to his neck, as he sighs. You press just a hair harder, feeling a knot loosen at the pressure. Jason inhales, trying to steel himself from any possible reaction.
Regardless of his efforts, a low “Fuck,” reverberates through his chest. He internally frowns at the sound of his low whine, sounding like a wounded animal. He reddens as he hears himself, internally cringing at his neediness, at your willingness, and the intimacy of it all.
“That was pretty,” you murmur, teasing lilt in your voice. He’s fighting the urge to shut down this moment of vulnerability the two of you are sharing. You know he’s really pushing himself, so you try to keep the extra teases locked away for another day, another less intense moment.
You shut yourself up, instead focusing your attention to Jason’s expansive back. You press harder in the same spot, shameless in your attempt to illicit more noises from him as you whisper, “Give me another.”
He shudders, giving a shaky exhale as he composes himself.
“You’re evil,” he grumbles, despite almost leaning up into your touch.
“So evil,” You smile, “Totally evil.”
Not once does your touch on his back falter. He hums in agreement, softly smiling into a pillow.
“Incredibly evil,” Jason sighs. “Lucky I like your evil ass.”
“Aw,” you say, “Red’s finally going soft. I got you up under me and now you don’t know how to act. ”
Jason can hear the smile in your words. Choosing to ignore it, he closes his eyes and focuses solely on your touch.
“Yeah,” He mumbles, before pausing to consider his words, “Goin’ real soft, only for you.”
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frownyalfred · 1 year
the batkids get Bruce some combination of horrifically drunk and high on Ivy’s pollen or something one night after a mission and they ask him the hottest question currently across all the leagues — how many JL members he’s slept with — thinking it’ll be something like two or three.
Bruce is facedown on the table and slowly puts up a hand. A full hand. Gasps around the room. The gasps turn into choking as the second slowly joins the first, slowly opening one by one like he had to count.
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ky-landfill · 2 years
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sunlitlemonade · 4 months
no see the thing about jason & dick is that they have too much between them. they have too many complications for people who never really had the chance to know each other. that's your little brother, one of your biggest regrets. that's your big brother, the most unfamiliar warmth you have ever experienced. that's your little wing. that's the boy you saw swinging around once and thought "he's the most amazing thing I have ever seen". do you understand. do you. realise. there's miles upon miles of unspeakable grief and they have no way to go about it because they carry their blood in their mouth and yearning in their ribcages and they're too stubborn to say anything or reach out and yet too attached to what could have been to let go and they don't want to admit it but they keep coming back because that's my brother that's my brother that's my brother that's my brother
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enobariasteeth · 1 year
okay but reminder they hated this little guy enough to put his life up to a poll
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justicefortulsa · 3 months
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not a lot☹️ just forever😖 intertwined😢sewn together 😭😭
darry soda and pony u guys deserve the world and everything in it i luv you………,,,..,,
i finally finished this nd i think i’m pretty proud of it yippee and i lowkey mixed the musical and movie descriptions of them so ignore that i wanted too
i also have like 3 different versions of this so idk which i like most raaah
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jjenthusee · 6 days
Steady Breaths and String Lights
Jason Todd x Reader
A/N: another drabble 😫 i’m really into domestic jason rn so don’t mind me giving yall soft jason content <3 ENJOY and tell me your domestic jason headcanons in the comments if u have any :D
A brand new couch.
It was a deal from a discount furniture store and once you had laid your eyes on it, how could you pass up the deal?
No tears, a good color, the store wanted to get rid of it, so they slapped a large discount tag on it and it came with the decorative pillows. How could you not have it?
One card swipe later, you were the proud owner of this new couch.
The process getting it in your apartment was different. You had no vehicle to haul it, but you managed to convince the company to do one delivery for you.
After your great declaration of strength and independence (and with the help of your neighbors) you moved the couch.
The living room was complete with the new furniture.
You were practically an interior designer.
If Jason wasn’t gone for the week, he would’ve told you that was a stretch, but he had boring taste anyway.
After a good wash and spray, you moved the cushions into place, angling the decorative pillows perfectly and shifting a pristinely folded blanket for a unique touch. It was just like how you saw it in the store.
Then curiosity got the better of you and all the cushions were taken out again, placed at different angles, leaning against one another.
Placing, stabilizing, placing another one.
You grabbed a blanket from your bed, some battery powered string lights, and Jason’s pillow, leaving yours untouched on your side of the bed.
You had made a structurally sound fort, with an organized stack of books, lights hung from edge to edge to give the perfect ambience, comfy blankets and Jason’s pillow that smelled like him.
After admiring your creativity and one final inspection, you crawled into the fort, curling yourself in the safe cocoon.
It was warm and you leaned into his pillow, the scent of his shampoo comforting you until your breaths evened, falling asleep to the excitement of telling Jason about your brand new purchase when he got home.
An hour later, a slight rattle came from the window, cautious steps crawling in, but loudly enough to make a sound to alert whoever was inside.
Jason had got home early and he waited for your head to pop out of some corner.
His armor was heavier on his body that night and he had been away way too long. He just wanted to hear your voice happily welcome him back, passionately hug you, and then crash on the bed holding you near him.
Like routine, he was going to unclip his utility belt and peel off his jacket, but he never heard your voice.
Standing frozen, he kept the protective shiny red helmet on his head until he could physically see you.
There was no movement, no noise.
Jason stood still, pressing his boots into the floorboards as he readied himself. While preventing any sound from his movements, he switched on his infrared scanners, sweeping the entire home before he saw a curled up ball.
In the living room, you were protected by a small cushion fort in front of a couch that magically appeared.
You were sound asleep as his hushed footsteps walked closer to you. He had removed his helmet after he ensured you had a steady heartbeat and even breaths.
He placed his helmet outside the blanket door and removed his boots, placing them neatly next to one another.
He wanted to be a respectful guest in your newly built home.
With bare hands, Jason lifted the flimsy door and there you laid, peacefully drifted off.
Jason exhaled, releasing his previous tension with one glance at you.
He always loved coming home to you.
Carefully, he maneuvered himself through the door. With a surprise, he easily fit. He smiled at the thought that you must have built it with him in mind because the door perfectly fit his shoulders. What an attention to detail.
He crawled in, moving his body by his arms until he was parallel with your face.
Unconsciously, you moved to the new warmth, Rolling your body closer to the new presence.
Jason smiled into your scalp, closing his eyes to the weight of you.
“Sweetheart, I’m home.” Jason whispered, vibrations felt against your cheek.
You incoherently mumbled into his body, barely able to open your mouth.
As you felt the comforting arms rubs and strong arms encircling you, your mind started to slowly wake up. The fog clearing.
You freed one of your hands buried underneath the blanket to match the hands enveloping you.
Then your hand felt a familiar bicep, firm in your palm.
Your eyes shot open as you moved your head out of the crevice of Jason’s neck to see your sleepy vigilante laying next to you.
“Feeling me up in your sleep?” Jason tiredly smirked, teasing you as soon as you woke up.
You slowly blinked before fully registering this wasn’t just another pleasant dream.
It was the real deal in front of you.
“Welcome home.” You softly greeted, kissing his knuckles.
Jason’s body physically relaxed at your words, his smirk morphing into content.
His hands were rough and calloused, but the feeling on your lips have never felt better.
“I got a couch.” You smiled into his hand.
“I see that.” Jason glanced around the inside of the fort. “I got ya something while I was out for the week, but I don’t think I could top a couch.”
“It was nicely decorated before, but I got carried away.” You closed your eyes to nuzzle into Jason’s pillow, holding onto Jason’s hand.
He watched you get comfortable, your silent contentment with his touch and warmth. Loving the skin he hated so damn much.
You yawned, the comfortability of your shared lives relaxing you.
Your hair was a mess from the nap, your lashes laid on your skin, and his hands rubbing at any inch of your face, memorizing every detail he could so even his dreams could also have you.
“No, it’s perfect.” Jason watched you, leaning in to kiss your temple, lips lingering a second longer.
You smiled, feeling complete that your other half was home.
“I’m glad.” You slurred, letting sleep inch closer and closer to you.
The two of you lost to the night, your sleeping forms intertwined and Jason’s legs sticking out of the fort.
And a brand new couch that joined your shared life.
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