#sing street fan art
dwsavideos · 2 months
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I’m not a big artist but I was listening to Brown Shoes and the lyric “your up will be down, just hanging around in gravity boots” is always so funny to me and I always visualize it very literally so I decided to draw it. Thought it would be cute to have Brother Baxter angrily floating above the boys while they point and laugh and stare with awe. I was gonna make it a comic but again, I’m not really an artist. But I’ll add some dialogue or anyone else can if they think of something!
So far all I have is this:
Conor: “Look at that, boys, in gravity boots just like we wrote!”
Also another inspiration for drawing this is from Gary’s little moment before the song that lives in my head rent free. It’s the turning point for his character after being the cautious, good student the whole play. Just before Brown Shoes, he stand up on a chair, dedicates the song, and drops the mic, yelling:
“To every Christian Brother who’s been over us, and to anyone who ever tries to stop a kid from living!”
Another reason I made this is because there’s a sad lack of Sing Street musical/movie fan art. I’ve done my duty now. It’s just a sketch and it’s not great, but nevertheless, enjoy!
(The characters I drew are from the NYTW version, so the face claims in order from left to right are Brendan C. Callahan, Brenock O’Connor, Max Bartos, Sam Poon, and Jakeim Hart, and of course, Martin Moran as Brother Baxter)
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thesunsethour · 10 months
little bits of irish history for curious hozier fans: street signs edition
Do you love the song Butchered Tongue? Pay attention to these lines here:
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So, may I draw your attention to the The Official Languages Act 2003 (Section 9) Regulations 2008 (S.I. No. 391 of 2008).
ok stay with me
In 2008, the Irish government passed legislation that made it mandatory for road signs in Ireland to have both Irish (Gaeilge) AND English names on them (or, in Gaeltacht areas where Gaeilge is still the first language, only in Irish). Here’s an example:
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The Irish, or Gaeilge, is always above the English and italicised. This is because that while Gaeilge and English are both official languages of Ireland, Gaeilge is the ‘first’ official language
However, while it was technically only legislated in 2008, bilingual road sings in Ireland had been extremely common for decades prior to it officially being made law. In fact, the first bilingual signs date back to the early 20th century - before our independence from Britain!
In Tom Spalding’s book Layers: The Design, History and Meaning of Public Street Signage in Cork and Other Irish Cities, he found that the first recorded bilingual street sign was in Blackrock, Dublin (An Charraig Dhubh, Baile Átha Cliath). Their local council in 1901 rolled out yellow and black bilingual road sings as part of the Gaelic Revival.
The Gaeilc Revical was a period of time in Irish history that saw a huge resurgence of Gaelic art, sport, and language. Literature was written by Irish people about Irish history, current affairs, and folklore. Traditional Irish music was learned and played again. Gaelic games (Gaelic football and Hurling) spread across the country. And Gaeilge, our language, was to experience an incredible revival.
Despite Ireland’s long colonial history, Gaeilge actually remained the majority tongue until the early 19th century. However, a combination of teachers beating children for speaking it at school, the genocide of the famine wiping out mainly poorer communities more likely to speak Gaeilge, and the knowledge that speaking English unfortunately provided more opportunities than Gaeilge, the language was almost killed off. (This is shown most clearly after the 1800 Act of Union that meant Ireland was ruled directly from London, with no parliament in Dublin).
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Although these maps make for grim viewing, Irish is so very far from dead. Our children learn it from the ages of 4-18 in school (though I believe it can and should be taught better, but I digress). Gaeltacht communities are still going strong particularly in the west of the country. There are more Irish-language schools (gaelscoileanna) than ever before.
And every day as we pass by road signs that display Gaeilge proudly, it is as a result of decades, centuries of people refusing to stop speaking our mother tongue despite incredible violence.
I am far from a fluent Irish speaker, despite my 14 years of learning the language in school. But what Gaeilge I have, I have proudly.
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(The work isn’t over, however. I do not feel knowledgeable enough to speak on Northern Irish efforts to implement more widespread bilingual signage but anyone who wishes to share some info please do!!)
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soobnny · 1 year
classmate au | kim sunoo
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❝ no one is allowed to borrow my art materials except for (name) ❞
heeseung | jay | jake | sunghoon | SUNOO | jungwon | ni-ki
kim sunoo
sweet, sunshine, best friend kim sunoo
it was kind of SO obvious he wanted to be friends
like he wants to be close to you soooo bad and maybe it’s bc he saw u playfully bullying riki
it was love at first sight and an instant best friendship the moment you finally met
your seats were assigned so u were sat next to each other
you two are basically inseparable now
sunoo strikes me as the type to just walk into the classroom and walk straight towards where you’re seated
at school events, he’d leave his backpack on the seat next to him to reserve you a seat
then he’d go “(name)!” while waving from his seat it’s actually kind of embarrassing
there is never anxiety of being seated next to a stranger bc sunoo has your back
he’d grab an extra mini fan from his bag to give to U bc these school events r always so scorching hot
sunoo does that “leaning against your locker while you get things” thing
he is so unaware of how HANDSOME he looks
oh and btw if you don’t attend class, he probably won’t in solidarity
in the chances that he does attend class, he usually sends you photos of his notes and everything you need to know
he’d be like i’m soooooo bored 2 minutes into the class without you like it hasn’t even STARTED
just prepare for his spam messages
after class, you’d buy street food and just gossip over it
you’d stare at what he bought and he’d roll his eyes before pushing the stick towards you so you can bite off it
YES feeding each other … normal best friend things
anyways moving on
another thing in my vision is that he’s the provider of art materials
the teacher suddenly lets you make a poster????
you know you’re secured bc sunoo is ur bff and will let only YOU borrow his supplies
“sunoo, let me borrow your colored markers”
“ok, which colors do you want” ☺️☺️☺️☺️
flat out will say no to everyone else tho
he’s kind of intimidating honestly despite having the sweetest smile
LIKE he’s friends with everyone but not friends friends
do you guys get what i mean
he is just a completely different person with you bc he trusts u the most and he just becomes CRAZY
like yall let him keep his crazy too much .. thank god you’re there for him to unleash it to
he’s one of the people who plays volleyball with riki and friends
but he’s absolutely horrible please save him
altho … why does he look so handsome playing even tho he can’t receive the ball? 🤨
he’d just laugh and crumble in embarrassment and you’d be the number one person cheering for him
(update after ella’s rb,, full credits to her) u would def put the blame on his teammates
“RIKI DO BETTER” even if it was 100% sunoo’s fault like so real
weird specific love language? buying each other water
he’s playing volleyball? you have a bottle of water for him in case he wants to sit out the game and watch with you
you’re finished with your physical education practical exam? he’s waiting for you with his big ass water jug
BUT LIKEEEE why is there a change in the air suddenly 😩😩😩
why is your best friend so boyfriend material actually
he holds your hand… holds it so firmly
sunoo gives the best hugs too
he makes you laugh and he’s so thoughtful with his stupid water and his art materials
even carries your things for you sometimes
AND yall take good photos of each other
“does my hair look fine?”
he’d reach out to fix it … tuck it behind your ear or look at you so intensely before going back to smiling n saying yup all good!
during the sports festival, yall are off joining some type of singing jingle cheer competition which is usually the first event
so you guys just joke around for the rest of the week, watch some events, and take LOTS of photos
you would laugh at your classmates
maybe even cheer for some of your friends
just as long as you’re next to each other
you probably bad mouth the opposite team BUT TO YOURSELVES .. not out loud
would clap so hard when your team wins a point !!!
also back to the taking photos detail
he’d just be dragging you everywhere to take photos bc when is the best time but NOW
ofc u do take his photos .. u ltrly take the Best
“sunoo, look, you’re so handsome here!”
and then you look up at him to see his reaction and he’s already looking at you
uh oh.
your faces are so close to each other like SO close
let’s step back and check the label 😂
tho he does save u out of ur misery by asking you out a week later
bc apparently the sudden shift in air also happened to HIM
he brings it up as a joke first bc he’s testing the waters and he’s not trynna get rejected
“imagine if we were dating…..” and a long lingering pause in the air afterward
if you joked back with like a “LOL”, he’d know u don’t feel the same
but you ltrly go 😮 and so speechless bc why is he suddenly bringing this up when you’ve spent the last few nights thinking about him
did those tiktok manifestations work
did that tiktok audio actually get sunoo to like u back
“um… well! well, you see…”
“i like you”
you guys are like waaaaay more inseparable now that you’re dating
your friends will fake vomit around u .. but don’t worry it’s just bc they’re bitchless
while u and ur bf sunoo are happily in love
btw he gets jealous easily TEARSSSSSS
he gets all pouty but don’t worry, you just have to Hug him and give him a kiss and he’s all smiles again
oh, and i feel the need to inform you that hugs are his favorite thing in the world
and CHEEK kisses like specifically cheek kisses.. he loves them
his ideal dates r just when you’re at each other’s house
you can order takeout and do your skincare together … watch the latest movies
his family loves you too
so much that they include your favorite snacks when they go grocery shopping
“sunoo, get those chips that (name) rly likes. u dont know when she might come over next!”
like they are ANTICIPATING you
enjoy dating i love sunoo
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note. credits to user @.luvknow for the layout of this post! let me know what you think! please discuss these with me i’m crazy
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Good Omens Fic Rec: Big Name Feelings
FANDOM AU! • Crowley is a BNF fic writer, and Aziraphale is a lurking artist who might be just a little parasocially in love with him. How they ever became friends is beyond him, but here they are: One month out from Prophet Con, and Crowley is asking him to be his boyfriend. Just for the weekend, of course.
Length: 103,997 words
AO3 Rating: Explicit / Spice Level 🔥🔥🔥
Best for: Safe in Public, Human AU, Slow Burn, Fake Relationship, Pick-me-up
Triggers: None
Read it here, fic by ghostrat
*Minor Spoilers* It's here! The finale of one of the most entertaining and immersive fanworks that I have ever experienced is finally upon us! I feel like most of you who follow me here are aware of this fanfic or have read it. However, for those who haven't or might come across this post later: I'm begging you to read this one. Buckle up; it's a long post today.
So, if you're not aware, this fanfic involves writer Crowley and fan artist Aziraphale. Crowley, being ace, seeks a boyfriend to shield him from unwanted attention during an upcoming convention. Aziraphale, smitten, agrees to be the fake boyfriend. This Arrangement is sure to work out exactly as planned!
Every one of the author's stories feels cinematic to me. The worlds are always so real and immersive, but this one, in particular, will have you feeling like you're actually watching the story unfold in real life. Some of that is achieved through embedded media like chats, artwork, and Tumblr posts, bringing a sense of reality to these conversations. The rest comes from really rich prose. You'll flow through it very easily, yet deeply.
The use of fandom and a convention as the backdrop for this fic was, to be honest, genius. I've seen attempts before, but none captured the spirit quite like this one. The fandom lore for The Nice and Accurate Prophecy (the in-universe fandom they're in) was rich enough for us to fully grasp the shape and feel of why they loved it so much, yet it never impedes the ongoing story. This story perfectly captured what it's like to be a fan: how friendships develop, how ideas and fan theories are freely discussed, the passion for a shared topic. The con, in particular, will fill anyone who has ever attended a fan convention with a strong dose of nostalgia and love. Oh, and having them in their 50s? Thank you! There is no age limit to fandom!
Having Aziraphale as the artist and Crowley the writer was not the most obvious choice, but it's one that worked amazingly well for the story! Crowley struggles with words and expressing his feelings in real life. However, in stories, he can build his own world and express whatever emotions are on his mind. Aziraphale, who does not wish to draw attention to himself in real life, expresses himself through his bold and beautiful artwork. His specialization in traditional, physical artwork is so fitting for him, though he's not unwilling to try new tech. There is a scene where they stumble upon some street art that Aziraphale had done. I teared up at that scene, and it's not even angsty! Just the casualness of it, how it's not Aziraphale but Crowley who boldly leads them to it, how Aziraphale doesn't sing his own praises. He's not self-deprecating, but he doesn't celebrate his work. He's still learning that he has value that's worth celebrating. At least now he has Crowley to teach him to be proud of himself.
They are both beautifully written characters. It's a real testament to the skill of the author to bring these characters into such a different reality and have them be unmistakably Aziraphale and Crowley. Sure, they're updated for the time and setting, but their souls are still the angel and demon we know and love. This setting is an amazing way to explore the different sides of their personalities. Crowley's asexuality, in particular, was one of the best depictions I've ever read. It brought a new level of understanding to me, and I'm sure many of you will feel a kinship with him. Really pay attention to what's being said here, there's some really deep and insightful passages that are worth analyzing. Like this moment, which may have been a subconscious thought, but again speaks to how deeply the author understands the characters.
This was such an amazing experience as a fan. I've never had a fic feel like this much of an event before. Every chapter drop was so exciting; I never knew what exactly to expect. And now, with the end being over 100k words?? Where did that word count come from! That's insane! I'm sad to leave this iteration, but I'm so excited for what's to come next. So please, if you haven't read this, give it a try. It's such a impressive work, so much time and effort was put into this and you can tell. It's not only a love letter to Good Omens, but one to fandom and fanspaces as well. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this journey
There are some explicit scenes towards the end, but they are all marked and skippable, so I'd say you're perfectly fine reading this in public.
Edit from after actually seeing the finale: no I’m not tearing up it’s just really dusty in this room. I’m being so normal rn 🥹🥹🥹
Read it here, fic by ghostrat
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robsheridan · 11 months
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4th of July family album, 1950s-70s. The good ol’ days, a reminder of how things USED to be. Kids these days will never know the simple joy of summoning meat demons from the void dimensions to grill on an open fire. Back then we weren’t “taking selfies,” we were building bone golems of ourselves to bring to brief unholy life so we could ignite them into flames.
We didn’t need “apps” to have fun, we were outside celebrating America by self-immolating and roaming the streets smoldering with hellfire. I can still smell the burning skin! And we didn’t even get hurt, because we were just tougher back then; and also conducted human sacrifices that granted us protection, but you’d get “cancelled” for that these days.
No one complained if you wanted to fill the lake with the blood of cursed swine to bring it to a boil, and we weren’t shy about skinny dipping in it, heck we’d strip down to our bones as we gnawed on each others’ melting flesh - a little snack before heading home for barbecued ribs cracked right off the crispy meat demons.
As night fell we’d sing songs that might not be “politically correct” today just because they were the six profane recitations of Zasorael which brought forth the Araknoloids, but that’s just how things were back then: Men were men, women were women, and the Araknaloids were giant bloodthirsty hellspiders who lit up the sky with ectoplasmic glory when we fed them explosives. And as their flaming bones rained down upon the sky, burning our houses and cars and grandma, we weren’t afraid to say GOD BLESS AMERICA.
NOTE: This is a work of fiction created by me. This alternate reality horror story is part of my NightmAIres narrative art series (visit that link for a lot more). NightmAIres are windows into other worlds and interconnected alternate histories, conceived/written by me and visualized with synthography and Photoshop.
If you enjoy my work, consider supporting me on Patreon for frequent exclusive hi-res wallpaper packs, behind-the-scenes features, downloads, events, contests, and an awesome fan community. Direct fan support is what keeps me going as an independent creator, and it means the world to me.
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zimcard-artblog · 2 years
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I've pulled a Callum Crown and Dial-Up'ed these fellas. Had this in my head for awhile and now I've drawn the scrybes if they were in the DT universe.
Grimora has an old typewriter for a head, of course, while running a small shop involving ghoulish items and even presenting pre-dial up collections for educational purposes. She would definitely get along with Gabby from the Phone Antique Shop down the street, have a nice cup of tea with the woman. She used to write obituaries back in the day, using both her head and quill to edit the papers, yet she moved onto opening her own shop as time passes by.
P03/Poe made designed its own monitor head fit to his needs, one of them being customizing icons to indicate who is currently fronting as he has DID. His prosthetic arm is actually Crown brand as he used to admire Callum Crown for a bit before working on his own things, owning a workshop to fix up tech and make his own gadgets. The stickers on his electric wheel chair were mostly from G0lly and even Unfinished Boss (the scratched doodles on the side of the chair.)
Leshy is, of course, the Leshy. How did the Dial-Up get to build a camera head onto his shoulders? Same reason how they managed to get BIGFOOT to have an object head during the Dial-Up. You know what they say: "If they could get Bigfoot to have an object head, they could definitely get Forest Peepaw". His camera head has some overgrowth there- which is good.
Magnificus has an antique rotary phone head he had customized in the past to his own liking. He is a street artist and also a hobo, yet still respected as an aspiring artist since he used to be quite the famous painter back in the days. He takes his current life as a boring yet deserved break but people refuse to leave him alone, wanting to know more about his works and most importantly the rumors of his past career. He has three fans who constantly approach him and ask numerous questions along with his criticism towards their own works.
Lonely Wizard, Pike Mage, and Goobert are huge wizard fans who have DnD sessions every now and then- hence the wizard hats. LW has a magic 8 ball for a head and is often known for its little performances involving singing and dancing, theater kid and whatnot. Pike has a Pike Weapon for a head which does raise the question if she's from the Dialtown Mob or not, often found talking to other weapon headed folks. Goobert has more of a rotary phone but shaped as a paint palette, having tried to customize his own head to match Magnificus' but it didn't turn out super well, he's an art student trying to paint.
Luke Carder has a Camcorder for a head, reflecting his career as a youtuber. Nothing has changed much as he's still the same guy who opens card packs.
Kaycee has a Floppy Disk Drive as a head and is also an indie game developer, she's doing her best in this dumpster fire of a town. Hah. Get it? Cause-- yeah.
More to come involving these AND working on Scrybing the Dialtown folks- making them Inscryption themed >:]
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laurrrelise · 3 months
mike schmidt headcanons
i’ve never posted before but i’m a huge jhutch fan and i had fun writing these :)
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mike is absolutely a cat person. the only reason they don’t have a cat is because he was too embarrassed to look “un-manly” and buy one himself. he found one outside at one point, and kept trying to get abby to want to take it in and keep it, but she didn’t really want a pet to have to take care of so mike just let it go. mike leaves leftover food outside for it when he remembers, and stops and spends time with it when it’s lingering outside his porch.
he likes to surprise abby with new toys, even if he doesn’t have the extra money for it. her favorites are dragon action figures and stuffed animals (polar opposites ??) and he finds cool smaller ones at the dollar store. she can tell the difference, but pretends not to notice to make mike feel proud of himself. she also likes them, anyways.
mike drinks a lot of water. he drinks almost nothing but water. he very rarely drinks alcohol because he was invited to a high school party at one point, got super drunk, then jumped on a pool table and tried to do a backflip. he broke his leg and was humiliated, and vowed that he’d never drink again. (not completely true, because he goes for a beer once in a blue moon, but it’s so rare that it barely counts.)
him and abby have a 15 year age difference, but she takes care of him just as much as he takes care of her. when he’s super tired after work, she reminds him to brush his teeth before he goes to bed. she brings him a blanket when he falls asleep on the couch. she grabs his keys when he leaves them on the dining table, the kitchen counter, his nightstand, or her dresser, and puts them on the coat hooks so he’ll never lose them. she picks up on when he’s having really really hard days, and even though it’s hard for her, she eats for him.
(i’ve realized this one really isn’t canon, but i don’t care, it’s cute and i want it) mike has curly hair. abby doesn’t. neither does their mom, or their dad, or their little brother, garrett. (he’s older than abby, but shut up and let me have this) abby is jealous of mike’s curls. so, reluctantly, mike taught himself how to curl hair. he found a cheap curling iron at the convenience store down the street from their house and practiced on himself, burning his hands like crazy, and hiding it from abby. the first time he successfully curled her hair, she gave him the biggest hug and ate her entire dinner without having to be begged.
mike loves cleaning. he hates waking up early, but he doesn’t mind when he gets to turn on his music and spend an entire morning cleaning the house. he also really loves his music. he loves divorced dad rock. nickel back, green day, smash mouth, the black keys, etc. he loves putting a cd (he burned some illegally, abby helped him) into his boombox and blasting it at 7 a.m. he’ll walk into abby’s room, nodding to the music and singing along confidently, waking her up and laughing with her when she makes fun of him. but, still, she helps him clean.
abby is really good in school. she has to be, because mike is a bit of a bumbling idiot when it comes to math and english etiquette. the last time she asked him for help on her homework, even though it was just simple multiplication, mike ended up staring at the page for ten minutes before calling his neighbor to ask if she could help because he was “busy”. (he was bored out of his mind, but he couldn’t figure out what 36x5 was, and was too embarrassed to admit it.)
mike loves sweets, but he prefers his coffee bitter. he has a chocolate stash that he keeps on top of the kitchen cabinets for when abby is really good. he also has it because chocolate is his #1 craving when he wakes up in the middle of the night.
mike loves when abby draws him. sometimes, he’ll find her looking at him while she’s coloring, and he’ll hold the pose for as long as he possibly can to be a useful reference to her. he will never criticize her art. drawing is abby’s comfort place, so even when he’s so upset with her that he could rip his own hair out, he would never even think to insult her artwork.
mike despises shopping. in fact, he despises spending money, which is mostly due to the fact that after his mom died and dad left, he’s never had much of it. and he hates the fact that he has to give so much of it back to a government that hates him. so, to make up for it, he prefers thrift stores. not goodwill, essentially a corporate office that helps no one but it’s filthy rich CEO, but small, local thrift stores. the kind that are always filled with volunteers, whose profits exclusively go to keeping the shop running and a small cause, like dental care for youth in Guatemala or starving kittens who would be put down without proper funds to keep them alive. he likes knowing that his money is going to a good cause, even if he hates handing it over.
mike does, however, love picking out the clothes. he scours through the kids’ section for the brightest pairs of overalls, t-shirts, cardigans, skirts, and sneakers. he loves the look on abby’s face when he finds her a pretty sundress, because the smile that so rarely appears is filled with such innocent bliss. for himself, however, he moves as quickly as possible. he pretty much exclusively wears old hoodies, sweaters, jeans, and work boots. as long as it’s comfortable and in a size medium, it works for him.
that’s all for now but i love thinking about this man so i’ll probably end up writing more eventually 🤷‍♀️ who knows
anyways have a good day <3
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yurimother · 10 months
The 2023 Yuri Guide - Webtoons/Manhua/Manhwa
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Your ultimate guide to the best Yuri content with over 200 curated titles from every genre and medium.
After the Curtain Call
• Drama • Romance  • Comedy
Soyoung is devastated when her favorite musical actor is swallowed up by the world of TV. Just after she quits supporting him, she discovers charismatic actress Jaeyi in a theater performance of "Macbeth" and becomes a fan at first sight. By meeting Jaeyi after her shows and even doing her a favor, Soyoung goes from a mere fan to her good friend. But when Jaeyi has to work with celebrity actress Hyesun, who she has a troubled past with, it unexpectedly sours their friendship. All Soyoung wanted was to support her favorite actress... so why does this new development bother her so much?
~Created by Assam, Illustrated by JINA~ Read on Tappytoon
• Action • Sci-Fi • Comedy
Molly Holliday is the new blood on the perilous prison planet Purgatoire. While wet behind the ears, her quickdraw skills catch the eye of steel-edged bounty hunter Tess Seguín and her devilish crew of hard-knocks, The Red Horns. Together, they’ll collect bounties, put scum six feet under, and find a way to escape the planet in their trusty space train, The Apollonia.
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Bai Lijin Among Mortals
• Slice of Life • Romance  • Comedy • Slice of Life • Supernatural
Baili jin, a fairy who was living in heaven, eating and drinking without a care, broke her Majesty’s colourful, stained-glass plate at her birthday and got banished to the mortal realm. Now she has to begin her adventures in the mortal realm with all of her spiritual powers gone! In order to survive, the former fairy has to deliver take-out.... An endearingly silly fairy, a gentle restaurant manager, a reserved top student and a hard to resist two-faced girl, let the story of their beautiful friendship and youthful days begin!
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When shy and timid Eunseo was forced to transfer to the elite Stella Academy of the Arts, she expected lonely school days filled with cutthroat competition. So she's taken by surprise when the free-spirited Ina takes a sudden liking to her. The two girls become closer as they secretly meet on the rooftop after classes, and Eunseo's friendly admiration grows into something more. Luckily, Ina returns her feelings as well... but they seem to border on a dark obsession that grows larger by the day. What will happen when Eunseo discovers the hidden reason behind Ina's mysterious love?
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Blooming Out
• Anthology • Multiple Couples
A GL short story collection. Women from different walks of life realize what's missing in their lives through chance encounters or unexpected realization of ties with kindred spirits at crossroads in life, or a period of self reflection.
~Created by Red Peach Studio~ Read on Pocket Comics
Blooming Sequence
• Slice of Life • Romance • Drama • Senpai/Kouhai
Seowoo, president of the film club, is standing outside in the rain, a welcome break from the noisy and chaotic bar behind her, when a girl with orange hair stumbles out the doors and practically into her arms. Then she begins singing “Dancing in the Rain” while... dancing in the rain. It’s a minute encounter, really, but Seowoo has seen the greatest romances bloom from the smallest moments in the movies. So when Hayoung shows up to join the film club, Seowoo – who’s not even sure what she herself is feeling – finds her heart skipping a beat.
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Butterfly Love Effect
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Bullied at school and abused at home, Seulbi, a high school senior struggling with her interest in other girls and her dull life, is on the verge of ending it all. That is, until she runs into an odd girl, wandering the streets with no memory of who or where she is. Instantly falling for this mysterious girl who has no memories and doesn't feel any pain or hunger, Seulbi gives her a new name, Gu Seju, meaning "Savior". The only clue of Seju's identity is a mysterious note that appears in her pocket each day. Seulbi sticks with her, determined to help and solve the mystery that is Seju. However, as the mystery unfolds... Seulbi discovers a secret beyond anything she could imagine: Seju is her future girlfriend who has traveled back in time to see her??!!!!
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Chasing Lilies
• Comedy • Romance
Hwa-won knows better than to pick things off the street, even if it is just an innocent-looking USB. In an effort to find the owner, Hwa-won discovers that the USB belongs to her favorite GL writer, Kim Yuri, and has unreleased chapters of the latter’s new sequel! As a zealous fan, Hwa-won can hardly resist herself from devouring the chapters in one setting. However, she seems to have forgotten that curiosity is not just hazardous to cats! Because the USB doesn’t just contain the chapters to the sequel. It also contains things that leave Hwa-won upset. Now Hwa-won needs answers and Kim Yuri’s the only one who has them. But Kim Yuri is a staunch recluse who refuses to leave her house! How is Hwa-won to meet her?! Soon, online meets offline, fiction meets reality and as the pages turn, it is no longer Hwa-won doing the chasing!
~Created by baekjoasi, Illustrated by Deepsleep~ Read on Lehzin
Circuits and Veins
• Sci-Fi • Slice of Life • Romance
What do you do when the cutie who moves in next door to you is an android? In a world of automation, artificial intelligence and reliable public transport, two awkward dorks try to work out how to date each other.
~Created by Jem Yoshioka~ Read on Webtoon and Tapas
Crush of the Decade
• Romance • Drama
Yuna has kept a secret for ten whole years: she has a crush on her best friend, Da-hye. It’s a secret she intends to keep for the rest of her life, but the new year brings a lot of surprises: including a strange new woman named Zoey, who just might change everything. Caught between two women, Yuna’s one-sided crush just might die down…or turn into something else entirely. After a whole decade of pining, is it time for Yuna to finally find her happy ending? And if so, who will be the one to ultimately grant it to her?
~Created by Teunteun, Illustrated by CARBONARA~ Read on Lezhin
• Romance • Yuri Cohabitation • Friends to Lovers
Bo-eun has recently acquired a furry little roommate named Dallae (Korean for azalea), who she met in an azalea field. Dallae has her own schedule, though, and comes and goes as she pleases. Meanwhile, Bo-eun can’t seem to stop dreaming about a missed friendship in high school – her name is Saeyeon. Oddly enough, it was around the time that Dallae started showing up that Bo-eun started having recurring dreams of Saeyeon...
~Created by Choonae~ Read on Lezhin
For Her, I'd Give It My All
Comedy • Slice of Life
Jiaxia is a new editor for the comic company BliBli. Ever since high school she has admired comic artist Taiji-sensei, who inspired her to pursue a career in the 2D world. Although Taiji-sensei has a bad reputation in the publishing world for being lazy and troublesome, Jiaxia is determined to be her new editor. But will she be able to get Taiji-sensei to finally get motivated to draw a new comic?
~Created byJitai and Lily Club~ Read on Bilibili Comics 
Getting to Know Grace
• Historical • Drama • Romance
Andrew is the only daughter of the famous Grace family. She also has an incurable disease. Due to her family's high status in society, Andrew grew up with no friends save for her maid, Herta, whom she has become intensely infatuated with. Little does she know, her family is responsible for ruining Herta's life. Can Andrew break the hierarchy and be with her? Or will Herta end her suffering first...
~Created by Hilde, Illustrated by Mokma~ Read on Lezhin
Ghosts of Greywoods
• Historical • Drama • Romance • Tragedy • Mystery
Welcome to Greywoods, a beautiful mansion isolated deep in the countryside. Its main inhabitants? The Viscount Rose, his daughter Lady Eileen, the housekeeper, the butler, and... a new maid, Marie. As Lady Eileen and her newest (and only) companion begin to open up to each other, do their hearts follow close behind? Now, don’t mind any lingering ghosts still haunting the grounds, they’re not real! Nor are there any enduring secrets, deep-rooted betrayals, or an air of mystery... just trust me.
~Created by letINK~ Read on Tapas
The Girlfriend Project
• Romance • Drama • Comedy
When Julia’s scholarship is cut, she’s out of options. A surprise rescue comes when her project partner Ryn offers to pay Julia to pretend to be her girlfriend for the holidays. One problem: Ryn is quite possibly the weirdest person Julia knows. On top of that, Ryn’s filthy rich family snubs black sheep like Ryn and working-class people like Julia. As Julia works to win the hearts of Ryn’s family, she realizes it could be more than her pride on the line: Her own heart may be in jeopardy, too.
~Createdby protokrawl, Grace Franzen, Tami Babikian, and Bre Indigo, Illustrated by Sahyu and Kouwarra~ Read on Tapas
The Glass
• Romance • Friends to Lovers • Drama
Lara and Suni are childhood friends who meet again after 10 years. Suni is a member of the world’s most successful idol group, "THE GLASS''. Lara is looking for a job while planning her wedding with her fiancé, Mark. After a small accident, they meet again and - thanks to Suni's help - Lara gets a job as her new manager!
However, Suni has a secret… she’s been in love with Lara since childhood, and now she is determined to keep the promise they made to each other when they were little girls... to marry her. Suni and her teammates (Eva, Dana, and Lia) will fight to achieve their dream of being the first idol group to win a Grammy, but will their love and drama keep it out of reach in the end? Music, dance, fashion, and a lot of passion... "see us, hear us" we are THE GLASS!
~Created by Nuria Sanguino~ Read on Pocket Comics
Her, Who I Yearn For
• Drama • Romance • Yuri Cohabitation
Dream chaser Nuo En accidentally bumped into the queen of fashion Jun Ling one day, and since then accidentally interlocked their fates. Two individuals from completely different backgrounds began living together after that. However, conspiracy after conspiracy slowly unveil themselves over time; will timid Nuo En alone be enough to save Jun Ling's heart from freezing forever?
~Created by CleverCool~ Read on Bilibili Comics
Her Pet
• School • Comedy • Drama • Romance
Based on a Korean folktale, two very different women find themselves making the same wish - to leave this world behind. One is Shim Chong, a young beggar living off the kindness of others to support herself and her blind father. The other is the bride-to-be of old Chancellor Jang, sold off to him for the sake of her family. When Shim Chong rescues this new bride from the river, their relationship triggers both love and hidden intentions. But will these two women be able to find their way forth in a world that favors men?
~Created by Pito~ Read on Lezhin
Her Tale of Shim Chong
• Historical • Drama • Romance
Based on a Korean folktale, two very different women find themselves making the same wish - to leave this world behind. One is Shim Chong, a young beggar living off the kindness of others to support herself and her blind father. The other is the bride-to-be of old Chancellor Jang, sold off to him for the sake of her family. When Shim Chong rescues this new bride from the river, their relationship triggers both love and hidden intentions. But will these two women be able to find their way forth in a world that favors men?
~Created by Seri, Illustrated by Bi-wan~ Read on Pocket Comics
High Class Homos
• Comedy • Fantasy
Princess Sapphia of Mytilene is not into princes. So, when her parents start putting the heat on her to get hitched, she enlists the help of her equally gay best friend, Prince August of Phthia. But will these two royals be able to pull off a convincing sham marriage? More importantly, will Sapphia ever land a date with the castle maids? Follow these high class homos as they navigate life, love, and (occasionally) their actual jobs.
~Created by Momozerii~ Read on Webtoon
The Incapable Married Princess
• Comedy • Fantasy • Love at First Sight
 For the sake of the country, I was going to sacrifice myself and get married off. But the match was also a woman? I thought I was picking her up, but I didn't think I was being picked up by her all the time.
~Created by Mago and Chengdu Rockman Comics~ Read on Bilibili Comics
June and Alice
• Fantasy • Romance • Master/Servant
June, an oriental girl in a foreign country, becomes the queen's dress-up doll to make a living! June wants to escape once she earns enough money, but she gets caught up in a bigger conspiracy struggle for power.
~Created by Chazi~ Read on Webcomics
Kiss it Goodbye
• Romance • Asexual • School
Aruka and Yukimi, childhood friends living in Kyoto, Japan. The two of them, now adults in a long-term relationship, recount the story of how they became distant friends to lovers. As their teen selves grow up and come to terms with their sexuality and their feelings for each other, the budding couple faces external and internal challenges. 
~Created by Ticcy~ Read on Webtoon and Tapas
• School • Romance • Comedy • Slice of Life
Xia Yuxun, a girl who really likes cute things and has been forced to repeat a year meets what she considers an angel at the start of the school year: the short and cute Xue Shini. In order to force Xue Shini into wearing her cute designs, Xia Yuxun has to attack. Will she get what she wants...? A light and funny schoolyard comedy unfolds here.
~Created by Yy, Illustrated by Lily Club and PIKAPI~ Read on Bilibili Comics
• School • Slice of Life • Enemies to Lovers
Ryoka, who is in charge of school discipline at the school committee doesn't like one of her junior, Rima Sasaki. Rima breaks school rules all the time, but she looks like she doesn't care at all. Since Ryoka likes to look after people, she is always troubled by Rima. One day, Rima comes to cafe where Ryoka works part-time dressing like a boy. Rima thinks she is really "Kazu", a cute boy, and seems to have special feelings for him....
~Yuto Komiya~ Read on BookWalker Global
• School • Slice of Life • Romance • Slow Burn
Prim and proper honors student Fan Yilin and the mysterious and charismatic Lan Ruoxi met through a stroke of fate and a misunderstanding, and only got further involved with each other from that point on. The more they came to know each other, the more something different started blooming between the two. "I like you, only because it's you."
~Created by Yy, Illustrated by Lily Club and PIKAPI~ Read on Bilibili Comics
Lily Love
• Romance • Drama • 18+
When Donut meets Mew, their encounter turns out to be more than just a coincidence, as their closeness slowly turns into something more intimate. Lily Love... is a story between two very different people, who hand and hand, learn to trust each other in order to nurture and protect the love they share regardless of position, distance, or gender. If finding true love already seems next to impossible, how much harder will it be to keep it?
In the sequel, Lily Love 2, Ploy has been avoiding her family and anything that's related to her family's business as long as she could. She is now, however, forced to be part of the business and dreads what her parents have in store for her. Hopefully, there is one thing that could help her bear all of it as a certain student applies for an internship at the hotel Ploy is at.
~Created by Ratana Satis~ Read on Lezhin
Lime Herbal Tea
• School • Romance
Gu Gu, a shy girl, meets Xing Xing, an extroverted basketball girl. Xing Xing is everything Gu Gu wants to be - have lots of friends and live a happy, carefree life with dreams. Gu Gu is organized; she lists out a long to-do list for herself. But how does that help her get closer to Xing Xing? Wait, maybe Xing Xing is trying to get closer to Gu Gu too...
~Created by Ju Wei Wenhua Jixiangwu~ Read on Webcomics
The Love Doctor
• School • Drama • Romance
Jung Erae has no clue about relationships and men to the point where she drives every man away. Desperate, she seeks help and ends up contacting a love doctor, Cha Yoon. Strangely enough, Erae starts developing newfound feelings for this so-called doctor.
~Created by Chamsae, Illustrated by Bansook~ Read on Lezhin
Mage & Demon Queen
• Fantasy • Romance • Comedy • Love at First Sight • Enemies to Lovers
Human adventurers seek to challenge the Demon Tower, and whoever can ascend to the top floor and defeat and kill the Demon Queen Velverosa will gain fame and fortune and a rich reward from the kingdom. A particular thorn in the Demon Queen's side is Malori, a powerful young mage that has repeatedly reached the top, not to kill her, but to win her hand in marriage.
~Created by Color_Les~ Read on Webtoon
Maid in Heaven
• Mystery • Horror • Tragedy • Supernatural • Weak Yuri
An orphan, Sherl Watson, leaves her job in London to work at the Taylor Mansion. Rumorsand a cloud of mystery surrounds the mansion as strange occurences keep popping up. Will Sherl and the other maids be able to get out alive or were they all doomed to begin with?
~Created by Seone~ Read on Pocket Comics
Maison de Maid
• Historical • Comedy • Slice of Life • Master/Servant
The lively yet clumsy new maid June does nothing right except cause trouble and yet, instead of berating June, the young and gracious madam forgives her and shows favoritism among the maids. Both have admiration and affection for one another, but will it turn into something more? 2nd Lezhin Comics World Comic Contest Second Prize Winner.
~Created by Monnyang and Tarang~ Read on Lezhin
Master of the Fox Bead
• Supernatural • Action • Slice of Life • Horror
Human adventurers seek to challenge the Demon Tower, and whoever can ascend to the top floor and defeat and kill the Demon Queen Velverosa will gain fame and fortune and a rich reward from the kingdom. A particular thorn in the Demon Queen's side is Malori, a powerful young mage that has repeatedly reached the top, not to kill her, but to win her hand in marriage.
~Created by Gyaga~ Read on Tapas
• Romance • Drama
Cool and quirky runway model Simone and her witty lawyer lover Marissa were spotted KISSING on the street! Not only that, the photo is all over the internet and people will NOT stop talking about it!! Now their families, employers, and even the public are pressuring them to call it quits on their relationship. But despite their struggle to gain acceptance, Simone and Marissa are set on showing everyone that love is like a well-mixed drink; the sweeter the taste, the harder it is to put down.
~Created by noftB~ Read on Tapas
• Fantasy • Romance • Supernatural • Drama
On the full moon of her 21st year, the young witch, Camille Severin, is expected to perform the traditional ritual to summon forth a winged demon for her families success and prosperity. But when the ritual goes wrong, it reveals the terrifying truths about herself and the secrets that threaten to tear her family apart.
~Created by Miranda Mundt~ Read on Webtoon
My Darling is the Cutest (She is Also Cute Today)
• School • Romance • Drama • Friends to Lovers
As the top freshman at Brilliant Minds High, Sadie Cang is surrounded by students who admire her brilliance, yet she lacks a single real friend. Fellow student Lex Qi has long since accepted her own hopeless, "dead last" title, along with everyone’s aversion to her seemingly contagious tendency to fail. Although they were both prepared to go through high school in these lonely roles, a silly rumor forced them together. Will an imperfect pairing form the perfect bond they never knew they wanted?
~Created by Guo Site~ Read on Tapas, Pocket Comics, Comikey, INKR Comics, and Webcomics
My Food Looks Very Cute
• Romance • Drama • Slice of Life
Twenty-one year old Yuna is tired of having guys hit on her all the time. As popular as she is, she’s been single her whole life. Just when she decided to make herself a boyfriend to fend off guys, she meets a handsome guy who looks good enough to her boyfriend. But wait, that guy is actually a girl! In fact, rumors say that Min is a lesbian. Nonetheless, the two decide to pretned to be in a romantic relationship.
~Created by Radish, Black Box L, and Lily Club, Illustrated by Radish~ Read on Bilibili Comics
My Princess Charming
• Slice of Life • Fantasy
A vampire that has been asleep for almost two hundred years, Maria, has been awakened by a wolf girl passing by, Xing Lan. When the casket was opened, a curse fell upon Xing Lan. Instead of being scared, the naïve Xing Lan instead believes she has found an amazing companion, and the two embark on a journey to the city. The story begins like this.
~Created by Teunteun~ Read on Pocket Comics
The Nightingale and the Rose
• Isekai • Fantasy • Drama
Streamer Bai Xinxin transmigrated into the thriller game “The Nightingale and the Rose” as the prince’s daughter, Bai Yueguang. In this game, everyone wants to kill the female protagonist. Only Lan Sha, the character the player controls, can protect her. To survive in “a world full of bitter yanderes” and “political opponents who want to stop the marriage,” Bai Yueguang has to figure out how to win against her enemies while keeping herself and Lan Sha Alive. However, this “Lan Sha” seems to be a little…?!
~Created by Lily Club, Written by Long You Xiao, Illustrated by Wangyuanlian~ Read on Bilibili Comics
Night Owls & Summer Skies
• Romance • Enemies to Lovers
Despite her tough exterior, seventeen year-old Emma Lane has never been the outdoorsy type. So when her mother unceremoniously dumps her at Camp Mapplewood for the summer, she’s determined to get kicked out fast. However, when she draws the attention of Vivian Black, a mysterious and gorgeous assistant counselor, she discovers that there may be more to this camp than mean girls and mosquitos. There might even be love.
~Created by Rebecca Sullivan, Illustrated by TIKKLIL~ Read on Webtoon
Not So Shoujo Love Story
• School • Comedy • Romance• Slow Burn
Romance-super-fan Rei Chan is ready for her first boyfriend and she knows just who it'll be: the most handsome boy in school, Hansum Ochinchin. But her plans for the perfect love story are derailed when the most popular girl in class declares herself a rival....for Rei's heart?! This is the year her not so shoujo love story begins!
~Created by Curryuku~ Read on Webtoon
Please Bully Me, Miss Villainess
• Isekai • Fantasy • Comedy • Romance
I, Yvonne, reincarnated into an otome game as the evil noble. Based on all other villainesses ever written, a character like me, hated by every reader, should obviously be focusing on bullying the villainess, leading her into the various romance routes. However, something’s wrong with the female protagonist, Elsa! I-I’ve told you that you’re too close to me. Don’t come any further! Elsa: “Yvonne, Yvonne~ How will you bully me today?”
~Created by Chise and  Ci Wei Mao, Magical Deities Studios, and Lustrous Night, Illustrated by Break S~ Read on Bilibili Comics
• Shakaijin • Romance • Drama • 18+
Mel, a renowned heart surgeon, lives a carefree life with sex being a tool for joy rather than a show of affection. Then she meets someone that turns her view of love and life upside down. This story is about two people that meet with minimal expectations but soon become enthralled in a relationship that changes everything about themselves. 2nd Lezhin Comics World Comic Contest Winner.
~Created by Ratana Satis~ Read on Lezhin Graphic Novel Published by Seven Seas Entertainment
• Drama • Romance
Hell yeah! A major publisher wants Mai Sohn to write a webcomic on relationships. But she’s struck with heartbreak as her girlfriend abruptly dumps her. It’s hard writing about relationships without being in one, so she needs to find the inspiration for love — and find it fast. And what’s up with her possibly homophobic neighbor? Why is she cool with Mai one minute and then so awkward and weird to her the next?! Can’t a girl catch a break?
~Created by letINK~ Read on Tapas
Relationship Guidelines
• Romance • Slice of Life • Friends to Lovers
Hell yeah! A major publisher wants Mai Sohn to write a webcomic on relationships. But she’s struck with heartbreak as her girlfriend abruptly dumps her. It’s hard writing about relationships without being in one, so she needs to find the inspiration for love — and find it fast. And what’s up with her possibly homophobic neighbor? Why is she cool with Mai one minute and then so awkward and weird to her the next?! Can’t a girl catch a break?
~Created by EPUM~ Read on Tapas
Ring my Bell
• Comedy • Romance • Slice of Life
Hell yeah! A major publisher wants Mai Sohn to write a webcomic on relationships. But she’s struck with heartbreak as her girlfriend abruptly dumps her. It’s hard writing about relationships without being in one, so she needs to find the inspiration for love — and find it fast. And what’s up with her possibly homophobic neighbor? Why is she cool with Mai one minute and then so awkward and weird to her the next?! Can’t a girl catch a break?
~Created by Yeongol~ Read on Tapas
Seeing Xinghuo Again
• Supernatural • Romance • Slow Burn • Drama
Through an old camera in the club's storage room, Gu An saw something that should not exist. She was a shooting star from three years ago named "Xinghuo." Why do you stay in the night sky? Why am I the only one who can see you? Gu An, who usually follows the crowd, wants to investigate and take the initiative for the first time in her life. As an observer and "the most important friend," Gu An and Xinghuo set on a journey to find the former club members and fulfill their dreams from three years ago. "It's... been exposed." "But, I'm really happy. Thank you, Gu An."
~Created by Spicy Cat Comics, Written by Wan Dian, Illustrated by Chun Bu Jian~ Read on Bilibili Comics
Seven Days in Silverglen
• Fantasy • Romance
Tess is a professional working gorgon - she's responsible, organised, and keeps her snakes discreetly in place. So she would never act on her feelings for a coworker, no matter how cute she is. But when her crush asks for a favour Tess finds she can't possibly say no, and her carefully constructed life spirals in the worst (best?) way.
~Created by Ari North~ Read on Webtoon
She’s a Keeper
• Drama • Romance • Action
The rate of kidnapping in Phili has been going crazy. Clara del Samson happens to be a daughter of a multi-millionaire businessman. Meanwhile, the Keeper Corp is best known for their “Keepers” who are experts at protecting elites; one of them is Keeper Elle- who was hired to protect Clara.
~Created by Darunni~ Read on Tapas, Webcomic, and Webtoon
Shine on You
• Romance • Drama
Four years ago, Joe came out as a female writer from her pen name Jeffery Collins. Amid many denunciations, an amicable man named Liam approaches her. However, he turned out to be a notorious literary critic. Along with her father's disapproval as a writer, Joe became hostile and unable to trust anyone. That is until Anna Baker, a bright young art student, starts to change her.
~Created by Digby~ Read on Pocket Comics
Slightly Sour Secret
• Comedy • Romance • Friends to Lovers
Have you ever been confused about love? In the end what is "true love" like? Our female lead now is standing at a fork in the road. On one side, her close childhood friend is waiting for her reply. On the other side, there stands her college friend whom she cannot just let go. Where does this love triangle lead to?
~Created by Huang Shi Fan~ Read on Webcomics
Sora & Haena
• Comedy • School • Romance • Slow Burn
Have you ever been confused about love? In the end what is "true love" like? Our female lead now is standing at a fork in the road. On one side, her close childhood friend is waiting for her reply. On the other side, there stands her college friend whom she cannot just let go. Where does this love triangle lead to?
~Created by Jackbull~ Read on Tapas, Lezhin, and Pocket Comics
Soul Drifters
• Sci-fi • Action • 18+
The human race has finally developed beyond natural death. The immortality so many have dreamed of has finally come to fruition. Claire Clayton, employed by the Eternal Life Corporation, spearheads similar projects as a prestigious researcher. Her wife, Sheryl Goss, holds the top position in the very same company. A stable job and a loving partner – the perfect life. Unbeknownst to her, she is an important piece of a puzzle she herself needs to solve; one which will unveil the mystery of life force and memory transference and shed light on the events of her murky past.
~Created by Ratana Satis~ Read on Lezhin
Straight Girl Trap
• Shakaijin • Slice of Life • Romance
The regular office worker Zhan Ying, who is drama-queen at heart, recently encountered a question that made her face flush, heart pound, and become embarrassed at a complete loss. That is, she suddenly wondered if her cold queen boss Zhou Yuanyou, who is always taking care of her, has feelings for her?! Is it heartfelt, or is it just a straight trap? Zhan Ying didn't even have time to really think about it when she found herself already caught in the trap...
~Created by Jelly Without Ice and Lily Club, Illustrated by 42℃ Latte~ Read on Bilibili Comics
• Fantasy • Drama • Romance • Fated Lovers
Qi closed her eyes and fell asleep in the warm embrace of her girlfriend Yuanzi… only to wake up 10 years in the past! Now back in high school, Qi sees this as the chance to save the love of her life from becoming terminally ill. But little does she know that her teenage self is in her adult body, with no clue about the life she's built and the precious time she has left with Yuanzi. Throughout it all, with each other by their side, can their love conquer every obstacle, in any timeline?
~Created by Bing Ke Ran, Illustrated by Wenzhi LIzi~ Read on Tapas
Surprise! You’re Gay!
• Comedy • Romance
Some are born gay, some achieve gayness, and some have gayness thrust upon them.
~Created by laundromat&lawnmower~ Read on Webtoon
What Does the Fox Say?
• Shakaijin • Romance • Drama
As the newest hire of a game dev studio, beautiful Sungji draws all the attention of her coworkers — but it's her bossy and blunt team leader Sumin that intrigues her. Love is a whole new game for Sungji, and with company president Seju breaking (or was it laying?) down the rules, this new girl’s got her work cut out for her if she wants to win. Will she be able to give Sumin what she wants? Both the adult and all ages versions are available on TappyToon
~Created by Team Gaji~ Read on TappyToon
What Should I Do If I've Signed a Marriage Contract with the Elven Princess?
• Fantasy • Comedy • Slice of Life 
As the newest hire of a game dev studio, beautiful Sungji draws all the attention of her coworkers — but it's her bossy and blunt team leader Sumin that intrigues her. Love is a whole new game for Sungji, and with company president Seju breaking (or was it laying?) down the rules, this new girl’s got her work cut out for her if she wants to win. Will she be able to give Sumin what she wants?
~Created by Man Lin and Lily Club~ Read on Bilibili Comics
Would You? Could You?
• Drama • Romance • Slice of Life 
“Why didn't you accept my bouquet?” She asked, years later like it was the simplest thing. Chance brought Juna back into Yunseo's life but things were much more complicated now. They were no longer in college where the only obstacle between them were the truth yet spoken. Juna was married with a child, what could Yunseo do? As Saeha chases after Yunseo, Yunseo discovers even after all these years she'd still love Juna at the drop of a hat. The three women navigate through their feelings for another, each desperate and yearning for a chance to be accepted.
~Created by Manjogyeong, Illustrated by PP~ Read on Pocket Comics
Xian Chan Nu
• Historical • Supernatural • Adventure • Master/Servant
Liu Shiqing is a playful daughter born to a family of armed escorts. One time while sneaking out on another one of her adventures, she finds herself kidnapped by bandits. Moments before it all seemed to be over, Xian Chan Nu suddenly shows up and swoops her off her feet, saving her and stealing her heart. This is a story of humans and demons, masters and slaves; a tale of revenge and a tale of loyalty shall is only beginning to unfold.
~Created by Yy and Lily Club, Illustrated PIKAPI~ Read on Bilibili Comics
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Splinter smiled to himself as he finally stood and looked at his handiwork. Was it pretty? Maybe not, but it worked. An old television set stolen from a thrift shop, a handmade entertainment center that was mostly just pieces of scrap he’d found in the nearby junkyard, and lots of illegal wiring that definitely wasn’t safe to be around this much water, and now their underground home was just a little cozier.
The boys were all sitting on the couch (which had been a bitch and a half to get down there in the first place), watching him curiously. They were getting so big now, and everyone except Donatello was stringing together near-sentences.
“Dada, what is?” Leonardo slapped the cushion between his little legs, a determined frown on his face.
“This is a television.” He told them, “We can watch movies on it.”
They all stared at him, clueless.
He shook his head, bending down to pick up the few films he’d managed to swipe. He’s tried to find some for a younger age group, but all he’d managed to find was a VHS of Sesame Street and… no. First off, there was no way he was finding a VHS player and second, he’s not watching that. He could not deal with puppets singing, even if it was supposed to be good for the kids’ developmental health or whatever.
“Here.” He came over, picking up Michelangelo and Donatello to make room for himself. Thankfully, they were still big enough for him to be able to keep them on his lap, though that wouldn’t last too much longer. He winced as Leonardo and Raphael climbed on, their little claws digging into his legs. As they settled he fanned out the available movies. “We can choose from these.” He pointed to each title as he read them out, “This one is called ‘Back to the Future’. It’s about a time traveling car. This one is ‘Samurai Rabbit’. It’s about a, well, a samurai rabbit.” Michelangelo giggled and he bounced the leg he sat on, chuckling with him, “Then we have ‘Mulan’. This one has singing in it, but it’s about a Chinese girl being a hero. Which one do you want, boys?”
Donatello plapped his hands against Splinter’s legs, turning to look up at him with wide eyes. Splinter held his breath a moment, hoping his youngest would finally start properly talking.
“Daddy.” Donnie wobbled and grabbed onto the front of his robe. He grinned wide, gap toothed from where a couple baby teeth hadn’t grown in yet.
Splinter sighed, “Yes, I am your Daddy.” It was okay. He would catch up. He was younger, he had time to catch up.
“Bunny!” Leonardo screamed, practically shoving Raphael aside as he leaned forward to grab at the Samurai Rabbit case, “Daddy, issa bunny!” He turned around, eyes wide and bright, “Bunny go hop!”
Two sentences. Well, toddler sentences, but still. He set the other two disks aside, letting Leonardo look at the art on the one he chose, “That is a bunny, good job, Leonardo.” He leaned down, kissing the boys head, “That’s my smart boy. Do you wanna watch the bunny?”
Leonardo nodded, slapping his hands onto the disk cover, “I like the bunny!”
Now that was a full sentence.
Two years later Splinter would have to console Leo when the disk finally got scratched beyond use after so many watches. Two months after that Draxum would show up with the entire collection of the main actor’s works.
Splinter refused to admit that he found the rabbit plush out of jealousy. He merely thought he son would enjoy the piece of memorabilia, and the children were still young enough to have toys. Nevermind that Leo had practically cried with joy when Draxum had showed him and had climbed into Draxum’s lap to watch one of the movies with him.
He certainly didn’t care about that at all.
The doll wasn’t in the best condition, with the fluff flattened and some of the details rubbed off from some other kid playing with it, but Splinter had gotten it nonetheless.
Maybe that’s why, when years down the road he decided that they were too old for dolls and toys, he didn’t try to take the rabbit plush.
I wanted to write something Splinter-centric, but I’m not in the headspace to write him being super terribly bad, so I went for turtle tot time. Especially since we’re discussing Usagi and his place in the AU.
-Monster Anon
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consider this fanfic basically canon ! i fuckin!!! loved this!! augsdhuaghs!!
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gerec · 4 months
Hi Gerec! Do you have any fics rec where Erik fell in love with Charles at first sight? I just love reading Erik being absolute whipped for Charles.
Hi Anon! Here are a few of my favourites where they fall in love (or in lust!) at first sight. Hope you enjoy :D
Scenes from the Wild by nekosmuse
Erik Lehnsherr, world renowned wilderness survivalist, alongside his husband, Charles Xavier, survive the perils of the wild in order to bring you, Two Men, One Knife, an award winning reality survival series, available only on the Discovery Channel. Follow Erik and Charles as they travel to the world's most remote locations with only the most basic of supplies. Pitted against nature, this husband-husband team struggle to survive in some of the world's harshest climates while battling the planet's fiercest predators. Can they survive the Canadian North? Find out next season, on Two Men, One Knife
Note: Chapter 2 covers their first meeting :D
Other Life Challenges by professor (series)
“Why am I here again?” Erik groans.
“I need you to lift things and glower at people over my shoulder when I tell people that it’s not ‘politically correct’ or a ‘war on Christmas’ to have a non-denominational winter holiday festival,” says Theresa Pryde.
Well, at least those are two things he’s good at.
Trying to create the next world war by aesc
The voice's owner is a young man, maybe a handful of years younger than Erik, with the earnest expression worn by a boy who's never grown up. He's very correctly academic in a dark waistcoat and collared shirt, although the collar is very incorrectly unbuttoned to display a hint of throat – enough, Erik decides, to want to lick. [Or, the one inspired by this moment-inducing gifset, where for some reason Erik's decided to work for the CIA as a means to an end and gets sent to England instead of Moira.]
645 Riverside Drive by smilebackwards
Azazel clearly has yet to understand the shattering power of Charles' disappointment, so Erik takes one for the team, grabbing the cup and downing the remnants of the cappuccino like a shot while Azazel watches with morbid fascination.
Humane Society by smilebackwards
Once Erik finally allows himself to decide that Charles is pretty much the best thing since sliced bread, he spends the next week being incredibly bitter that he's Charles' cat and not his boyfriend.
An Unexpected Muse by RedStockings
Erik is an artist who is obsessed with the young man he by chance bumped into six months ago. Charles is the long-suffering brother being dragged to an art exhibition by Raven. There he spots the man he has been dreaming about for six long months and realises that he had been noticed after all.
Walling in or Walling Out by stlkrchck
Erik stifles a sigh. Of course this is Mr. C. F. Xavier. Of course.
For the prompt: Charles and Raven are throwing a holiday party. Erik is the grumpy neighbor who is annoyed by how loud they are being. So he goes to complain, and Charles makes it up to him.
Protect, Serve, Troll by keire_ke
Erik's fire department has a special relationship with the local university. They visit often. Sometimes, there even is a fire.
Immovable Object Meets Irresistible Force by ximeria
Erik is woefully unprepared for Raven's brother, who returns to the States for her 25th birthday party.
soul of my soul by ikeracity
You can imprint on your soulmate anywhere — school, work, on the street, in a restaurant, on the subway.
Charles and Erik imprint on each other just in time for the holidays.
Some Things Are Meant To Be by ikeracity
Erik is a famous singer. Charles is a closeted fan. When Raven drags him to Erik's concert, the last thing Charles expects is for Erik to single him out of the crowd, for Erik to look right at him as he sings. And the last, last thing he expects is for Erik to personally serenade him and pull him on stage and kiss him senseless, because some things are meant to be and Erik knows it.
Crosswalk by velvetcadence
Erik accidentally French dips a perfect stranger in public. Things go as you might expect it to.
Meet Cute by lachatblanche
Erik never expected to meet his soulmate in a public toilet.
Forelsket by melonbutterfly
Erik doesn't usually react to people like that, no matter how attractive they are, and Lord knows how many incredibly attractive people he's met. And anyway, even if he is attracted to someone, it doesn't… overcome him like this, never.
Defy the Stars by SomeCoolName
Charles can’t sleep that warm night in New York when he decides to get some fresh hair on his balcony. It appears he’s not the only one who can’t sleep as he meets one of his neighbors, smoking on his balcony from the building across Charles’. They meet again in the elevator a few days later and the neighbor, Erik, is not only incredibly beautiful but also charming and funny. But Charles is in a relationship with Scott and Erik is hiding something, so it’s best if they just stay neighbors.
Too bad it was love at first sight.
To Life by professor
Erik wants a Jewish wedding.
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andy-wm · 11 months
Why Jungkook made an explicit version of SEVEN, and why we should be thanking him for it.
The answer to the first question is short:
Because he wanted to.
It's his song, his career, his voice, his time. It's his choice. He doesn't need OUR approval and he certainly doesn't need our permission.
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I think we should be thanking him frankly.
Not just because he made a sexy song although I think it's more sweet than sexy personally but also because it's started so many conversations that I think we need to have.
And that's what is really on my mind, The conversations we need to have, not just about JK and his artistry and his choices, but also about ARMY. About us as human beings.
Let's start with him...
JK's Adult Life:
First thing for me is that JK is UNQUESTIONALBLY an adult. But he's a (relatively) young adult in an industry that's very judgemental, controlled, and tightly scheduled.
He may have money coming out of his wazzoo and millions of adoring fans, but he has limited personal freedom. It's sure as hell not an exchange I would make. I'd choose an average income and the freedom to walk down the street hand in hand with my guy without making headlines - every day of the week.
The fact that he has any kind of personal life is cause for celebration in my eyes. And like the 19+ version of the song, it should be his choice.
I hope it is what he wants it to be. I hope he does have s3x every day of the week if he wants it (and I'm quietly cheering him on) but I don't need to know. I'm not going looking for any information (gossip, let's be real) about that aspect of his life because it's none of my business.
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JK's Artistic and Creative Choices:
The songs he sings, the photos he poses for, the choreo for his dances, the words he speaks... these are his creative expression. To an extent they reflect who he is as a person, but largely they reflect a concept or story he wants to tell with his music. I would really hate it if he started creating work with the aim of pleasing someone else (ARMY, or the media, or any other entity). To me that would mean he had lost his self-belief, and that his spirit was broken. It would be a sign that he was more motivated by fear of rejection than by his own desires and creativity.
Personally I love that he trusts us and shows us so much of himself through his art. If that ever changed, it would be a sad, sad day indeed.
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Cool, that was easy
Now let's talk about ARMY - and for the purposes of this discussion, I'm talking about ALL OF ARMY but mostly in relation to JK.
ARMY - Our Diverse Fandom:
The fandom has a beautifully broad demographic. I love that about us. Of course it means we have differences, but if we acknowledge that and we respect each other's right to those differences, we are all good.
And because we are all fabulously unique individuals, it's a given that not everything JK (or BTS) creates will appeal to every one of us.
We can support their right to make creative choices without engaging with the things that don't work for us.
If some ARMYs are uncomfortable with explicit lyrics, they can scroll past/skip/block songs that are outside their comfort zone.
If some of ARMYs are minors, their parents can supervise their media consumption (because that's their job as parents).
If some ARMYs feel that songs about making woopie aren't their jam, they can instead listen to other songs that are more to their taste.
Magic! Problem solved!
Not really...
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We really do need to talk about S3X
ARMY, we are humans:
Most humans have s3x. As adults (hopefully), when we are ready (hopefully), and if we want to (hopefully).
So what's the big deal about an adult making a choice to sing about that? We were all fine with him singing about 'loving you seven day a week' but when he clarified what that meant, suddenly there was a crisis.
Is it the word F**K? Because if it is, that word is everywhere and it's honestly just a word. He's sung it before. RM sang it, YG sang it, JM sang it. And let's be real, Letto's lyrics were far more explicit and she didn't say that word once.
Is it because he's explicitly telling us that he's sexually active? Did we forget he's an adult? Where do we think he learned to move his hips like that... yoga?
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For the ARMYs who are shocked that JK is sexually active, where do you think you came from? We humans don't reproduce like flowers. You were also concieved. Your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents, have all had s3x... probably many, many times because s3x isn't only about reproduction. It's also about human connection, pleasure, stress relief, and being an adult.
In his live, JK told us that he doesn't consider the explicit lyrics to be 'dirty' and that's awesome.
S3x positivity is healthy both physically and emotionally. Seiously, considering how much of our humanity is linked to this instinctive need, it would be so much better if we weren't conditioned to feel shame about it. If we were instead taught to talk about it comfortably, to express our desires, to understand our bodies, and to protect our rights.
I could go on and on about this (and about control, the patricarchy, and body autonomy) but let's just say that JK is right. It's not dirty, its not immoral. When consenting adults choose to do it with someone they trust it's f**king awesome.
If the term sex positive is new to you and you want to find out more, please do. It could make all the difference in the world to your happiness as an adult. There are many websites you can look at to get more information. This is just one.
Even if nobody else is going to, I am going to say THANK YOU JK for this opportunity to talk about s3x. It's an important part of being human!
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*I'm censoring my language so the ratings police don't block this post.
*as always, opinions expressed here are my own.
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klbwriting · 3 months
Not Romeo, Not Juliet
Chapter 6 - Life's Key
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!reader
Warnings: none, this is just friendship building fluff
Summary: Jason goes to meet YN at the playground
Keep thy friend / Under thy own life’s key.
Jason spent most of Saturday getting new gear together. He wasn’t going to let one run in with some thugs stop him from keeping Crime Alley, or just YN in general, safe. He needed to update somethings, get a kit he could keep on him at all times, and get something sturdier than an old hockey mask. He called around, finding some grappling equipment, smoke bombs, a couple knives, and finally a helmet that he could wear that would protect his whole head. It took about 2 hours to gather everything and hide it in the garage where Dick wouldn’t go looking. And Dick was a suspicious fuck at the moment.
“So, this fight, was it the same jock again?” Dick asked over breakfast on Sunday morning after spending all Saturday at a work function and just generally avoiding Jason. He assumed that Dick was waiting for him to come to his big brother to talk, but after his disparaging remarks against YN Jason didn’t really want to do that.
“Yup,” he said, emphasizing the p. Dick sighed at the curt answer, so Jason elaborated, having had time to flesh out this story. “I was leaving school after practice, they were leaving after some football thing, guess they still keep going even though the season is over, and the one from before threw his helmet at me, that is where this is from.” He motioned to the bandage on his face. Dick worried his jaw, looking like a cow chewing grass.
“And you didn’t go to the hospital?” Dick asked. Jason stared at him. When had any of them ever gone to a hospital? Jason was pretty sure he was still considered legally dead in some places. Dick sighed. “Ya, that was dumb, realized that when I said it.” They sat in silence for several minutes, Jason pushing Dick’s horrible eggs around on his plate.
“I’m going to run lines tonight with some of the seniors from Hamlet,” he said, wanting to make the concerned look on Dick’s face go away. Let him think he had made friends with those assholes. “Thought you weren’t big fans of them after that whole open mic night prank?” he asked. Jason shrugged.
“I’m not, but they’re fine to work with on the play, plus there’s this junior playing Gertrude who is pretty, she’s going to be there,” he said. He wasn’t lying, the junior was pretty, but he had no interest in her. Plus, there wasn’t really a practice session going on that night anyway, he just needed an excuse to be out of the house that night.
“What is she like?” Dick asked. Shit, Jason hadn’t expected this. He scrambled.
“Um, she’s pretty, blonde, kind of a badass, carries a dagger, likes the Yankees, ya know, weird in a school full of douche bags,” he said, describing as best he could to describe Annabeth from the Percy Jackson series. If you going to describe a fictional crush might as well pull a real book girlfriend you wish you’d had. Dick nodded.
“Sounds like your type,” he said, smiling. “Glad you’ve found someone in your school.” Jason kept his face neutral but was confused. He never thought Dick was the classist type, but maybe that was why he was so against Jason spending time with YN. Would be a real dick move considering that Jason himself was once from that same gutter. Just because he got lucky (or stupid) and stole a couple tires didn’t mean he was anything better than YN. She was going to Gotham Academy for a reason, scholarship or maybe an arts grant if her acting was as good as her singing, so she definitely wasn’t just a random person on the street. None of this made sense to Jason and that made him angry.
“I have to do some homework, I’m going to head out, its stuffy in here,” he said, throwing a look to Dick. Dick looked confused but just nodded. Jason grabbed his back of tricks and his phone, checking again for another message from YN as he headed to the garage. She had sent the one message to meet and then stopped, not even confirming she’d gotten his reply. He wanted to go check on her, but once again, he wasn’t going to be a stalker, so he went to a nearby park instead.
After several hours of actually catching up on homework and reading through The Turn of the Screw for a lit class he let curiosity get the better of him. He pulled out his laptop again and booted up some of the software that Dick thought he didn’t know about. Nightwing needed to find people, and Oracle knew all the tricks, so Jason copied Dick’s hard drive and took them. Red Mask (name to be changed, that one still sucked) needed to find criminals too. He searched up YN’s name and found…nothing. She had a mother, no father listed, an address, no social media, no outstanding warrants, no bills even. The only person who had anything was her mother, who had ridiculous medical bills, but no rent to pay. Jason frowned. This screamed a mysterious benefactor. Who was helping them and why? He looked at his phone, seeing that he needed to head over to the playground, so he closed up shop and headed off, making sure to pick up some tacos on the way.
YN was sitting at the top of the slide when he arrived, climbing down the dumbwaiter shaft that used to seem a lot bigger when he was small. She smiled when she saw him, but quickly pretended to yawn, not looking in his direction anymore. He smiled a little, maybe he wasn’t the only one with a crush. She looked at her phone before sliding down.
“You’re late,” she said, crossing her arms. He held up the bag. “What is that?”
“Tacos?” he offered, holding it out to her. She opened it and moved to where her things were, sitting down on a blanket. “Thought we could eat first, and these are the best in Bludhaven.” She took one and handed him back the bag, producing two water bottles from her bag and cookies.
“My mom sometimes bakes on good days,” she said. Jason looked at the cookies and then at her, a questioning look on his face. He knew her mom was sick, but she didn’t know that. “My mom is sick, cancer, but some days she’s really active and today was one so I just thought I’d bring a snack…”
“Thank you,” Jason said, taking a cookie and biting it. He made a face. O these were amazing. “Holy shit.” She laughed.
“Ya, that’s typically the reaction,” she said, eating some of the taco. “Jesus, these are good too.”
“Ya, but I didn’t make those, although mine would be better,” he said. She gave him a quizzical look. “Hey, I cook a lot, when I lived with Bruce we had Alfred and he taught me everything I know.”
“Was he like the in-house chef?” she asked, finishing one and grabbing another as he chowed on the cookies. Jason shrugged.
“He was kind of everything. We didn’t have like a big staff or anything, just Alfred, everyone else came once a week or something to do cleaning or the gardens and shit,” he said. “Fuck I sound like such an ass.” YN shook her head.
“No, you don’t, that’s what you lived, you’re not an ass about it. Not like you’re bragging that you made this Alfred clean your dirty underwear or something. He taught you to cook, that’s nice,” she said. Jason smiled at her. “Now, how are your rehearsals going?”
“Trying to spy on the competition?” he asked. She raised her eyebrows at him. “They’re fine, although pretending to even Chelsea is difficult.” She laughed and pulled out MacBeth. “How are yours?”
“They’re fine, I’m having some trouble though, do you mind pretending to be my husband?” she asked. He chuckled.
“You ask me that without a ring?” he teased, walking over to her, taking the script she offered. Scene 1, Act 7. “Remember, I have only read this so my MacBeth will probably suck.”
“You can’t be any worse than the guy playing him at school,” she said. Jason nodded and let himself slid into the roll of the king tortured by destiny. YN was amazing as Lady MacBeth, and then Ophelia, or Horatio, or Polonius, she was a chameleon. After an hour or so of practicing they sat on the swings, competing to see who could jump off further. Then it was tag around the playground. Jason hadn’t let himself have fun like this since…well since he was playing there as a child. They finally settled back on the blanket sitting and leaning against each other.
“You’re amazing you know that?” he said suddenly, looking down at her leaning to his shoulder. “And just because you’re the best actress I’ve ever seen.” She blushed deeply.
“Thank you,” she said, taking the compliment easily. He watched her as she stared straight ahead, not looking at him. “You’re so flawless when you act,” she said softly. “Its like you can just sink into being another person, it’s a little scary honestly.” Jason sighed.
“When I was living with Bruce it was like I had to be two different people. He was most of the time an alright dad, but when he was in a mood, mostly when he was trying to teach me something, I had to be like a perfect son, a little carbon copy of him. It was like slipping into a mask, hiding who I was or who I wanted to be,” he explained, telling her things he’d only ever told his therapist. “And then I died…” He stopped and she looked at him.
“You…died?” she asked softly. He sighed.
“Yea, this past summer, the um accident I had, I died for a few minutes and it wasn’t Bruce’s fault, but I think afterwards he just, wasn’t right. Didn’t want to bother with my antics anymore. It broke something so now I’m still just trying to figure out who I was when I was his son and who I am now,” he said. “And Dick has been great, trying so hard to be a good brother and almost father, but even with him, I have to wear a mask still. The only person I really feel like I can be me around is you.” He felt a hand on his unbandaged cheek, he leaned into it.
“I feel similar,” YN said. Jason nodded for her to continue. “My mom, I have to be brave, even though she’s going to die, and soon, and I don’t have anyone else. I don’t know who my father is, we have no other family that knows I exist. Apparently, my mom was still a teenager and had some kind of affair with a married man. And despite the fact that she was raped by an adult her family blamed her so now its just us. And when I’m around her I have to be perfect, like after the open mic when those guys threw water balloons of Kool-Aid at me and I was covered in red sticky goo pretty much, when I got home, I had to pretend everything had been amazing so that she wouldn’t get sicker from stressing out about me. I don’t really have anyone to talk about that stuff with.” Jason turned her face to look at him.
“You have me,” he said softly. She nodded and, in that moment, he could have kissed her, could have taken another step, but he could see that wasn’t what either of them needed. At that moment they didn’t need the romance that was there, they needed the friendship that was also there, just as important and just as powerful. He pulled her into a hug, holding her close for several minutes until his phone went off.
“My brother wants me home to get some sleep,” he said. She nodded. “Let me walk you home.”
“Sure,” she said. She stood, taking his hand. He held it as he walked her back to her apartment. “Are you going to be safe?” she asked.
“Ya, my bike is just down the street actually,” he said, pointing towards an alley nearby. “So, I don’t want to stress your mom out, but maybe I could come to your place next time?” She nodded.
“And if you ever want to, you can come to mine too,” he said. “If you ever get over to Bludhaven.” She smiled and leaned up, kissing his cheek over the bandage gently.
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow?” He nodded and watched her get inside before driving home, feeling several pounds lighter and freer than he had in years.
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archangel-seraphiel · 9 months
Love of my Life
part 2
Crowley X Nephalem!Reader X Aziraphale
Warnings: none
May you find some comfort here
It's been a few months since you've gotten to know a certain angel and a certain demon, and things began to grow inside you that you didn't ever feel before.
All your life you spent fighting through the ages with a lonely sword. You didn't know love, neither really hate. Your most prominent feel was fear, and anxiety.
As you grew older, of course your powers started to show through. No one has ever taught you how to use them though. You were, in this state, a living weapon with nobody able to control it.
To prevent chaos, Aziraphale and Crowley want to help you contain your powers.
On the present day you find yourself sitting on a comfy couch in the bookshop, reading a book about heaven. Aziraphale urged you to learn about it, and maybe find your mother one day. Neither you nor Crowley were a huge fan of it.
"Sweetheart, I brought you hot chocolate." You looked up to see Zira with two cups of warm and wonderfully smelling chocolate milk. "Thank you very much, exactly what I needed" you smiled and took a sip.
He looked at you for a moment, a gentle smile on his face. "You seem troubled. We could talk about it, if you are comfortable with that." He sat down next to you, putting one hand on your leg. You shivered a little. You shifted in your seat, and leaned on his shoulder very lightly. "I just don't know how to cope with all these new things when you guys aren't around." "But we're around most of the time!" Aziraphale chuckled, wrapping an arm around you. You looked up at his face. He seemed so wise, yet as pure as a child. "Crowley and I arranged everything for you to be safe while growing. You are still young after all. You have all the time you need to adjust to everything." You sighed, nodding a little. It was a weird atmosphere now.
After a while you got up, to look out of the shop window. There seemed to be some kind of street festival, people were dancing and singing and having fun.
You turned around to Zira, holding out a hand. He tilted his head. Playfully you curtseyed, giggling "May I ask for a dance?" You wouldn't have to ask twice. Zira got up in no time, takimg your hands and putting you two into some classic-dance-wise position. He snapped his fingers and the light dimmed, the blinders on the windows shut. Gentle music started playing, the music you always listened to. You began to move slowly, you didn't even know how to dance. Looking up into his beautiful, crystal clear eyes you searched for help. He smiled back as if he understood, leading you on like a master of this art. For a while, you swayed around the room with him, losing yourself in his eyes without even realising it.
After a while, he pulled you into a hug, a warm and comfortable one full of love. You first weirdly fumbled around your arms before gently wrapping them around him in response.
In the arms of the angel; Fly away from here; From this dark cold hotel room; And the endlessness that you fear; You are pulled from the wreckage; Of your silent reverie; You're in the arms of the angel; May you find some comfort here
For a moment, you remained like this, before he pulled away to cup your cheeks with his hands. "You truly are a work of art, (y/n)." He said in a low voice that was a silky as the soft summer winds. You shed a little tear which he wiped away with a finger. "Heavenly beautiful" he added and smiled. Your faces moved closer, your glances chained together.
And then your lips touched. You trembled, eyes closing slowly. His lips were soft and warm, and it felt as good as never anything you felt before.
It was a daisy kiss, ever so gentle. You two parted a few millimeters, you could still feel his breath on your skin. "Is this part of learning too?" You smiled, giggling softly. "If so, I would nonstop learn." Zira chuckled.
Later that evening, after tons of cuddles and kisses, Crowley came back from his stroll to who knows where and found you two asleep on the couch, intertwined in deep cuddles. He raised an eyebrow, his confused face turning into a smile. He took a blanket and sat next to you, trying not to disturb the sleeping beauties.
Aziraphale opened his eyes, moving his hand to do the 'shush' gesture, smiling down at you. Crowley pat your head lightly before cuddling you from the other side, wrapping the blanket around the three of you.
Unconsciously noticing what's happening around you, your body made your head wings appear and laid them over your eyes like a sleep mask as in 'please do not disturb'. You yawned, shifting around to hug Crowley. You now had your legs spread over Azira, and your head on Crowley's chest. It was like sleeping on those soft sheep clouds, warm and comfy and just peaceful.
They two men were awestruck with the sight of your wings, in the dark their shimmery sparkle was perfectly in scene. Crowley touched them slowly, looking at Aziraphale "They're so soft! Softer than yours, Angel!" He whispered, gesturing zira to touch them as well. Your wings were super sensitive, but you were too far drifted off in the land of dreams to notice now.
They spent half of the night with touching your wings and debating on what is your most precious trait.
At some point, each of them brought out their own wings, wrapping them around you three as an extra blanket and protection.
If this wasn't the most comfortable you could be, then I don't know what is.
-Lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry no more-
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thefoolau · 9 months
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🎪The Fool — a Welcome Home AU!🎭
ㅤㅤPeople are cruel, everyone knows that; and sometimes, a "Home" can be where others like you are.
ㅤㅤBut nice things never last, do they...?
ㅤㅤAfter being discriminated & ostracized by society for as long as they can remember thanks to Kastor's influence, Wally alongside Barnaby go out to find other puppets like them in order to create a circus, where they all started performing together. ㅤㅤHowever, this all came to an abrupt end when Kastor cursed the whole city, making all of them forget everything about the circus out of spite and jealousy; all except Wally, who now has to carry with the burden of remembering, while all of her friends don't.
. . . AU info below !
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!﹘Index ,
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1. ﹕ Boundaries ,
💧 What is ok?
Fan art, edits, cosplays, fanfics, anything creative!
Platonic OC x Canon, Zeze is aroace!
Character interactions of any kind!  In any medium!  I’d love to see them!
Memes or things alike!
Hurt/comfort, angst
Fanon AUs of the AU
Edits! All of this, as long as you tag/ credit me of course!
💧 What is not ok?
Selling mass produced merchandise.
Sexual interactions, both explicit and not explicit.
Romantic OC x Canon, again, aroace!  Not open to relationships!
Anything related to crushes/ atraction to masc/ male characters, not even as a joke. Zeze's a lesbian!
Redesigns, recolors, tracing, etc. without my permission.
Gore, body horror Please respect these boundaries, if not you will be blocked and blacklisted.
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2. ﹕ Characters ,
🎭 ; Wally Darling, the trapeze artist!
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🌺 ; Julie Joyful, the acrobat!
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⭐ ; Sally Starlet, the acrobat!
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🃏 ; Kastor (K.W.), the wizard! (antagonist)
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the others don't have a reference yet, I'll add them once I make them!
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3. ﹕ Story ,
ㅤㅤNo one ever liked them. None of them. They were considered weird, ugly; Dangerous. So they sticked together, supported each other, and thus formed a small family.
ㅤㅤAll of them had Something, were something others didn't like. Wally was too flexible; Barnaby was too big; Eddie was too strong, and all of them were monsters made out of felt to their eyes. They were easy to judge, so people took advantage of that.
ㅤㅤIt all started when Wally found Barnaby in an alley, abandoned and beaten up. They talked, and soon became friends; that's when they had the idea to find others like them, others who were ostracized by society. It didn't take long until they did; through sings, word of mouth and rumors, or by finding them in hidden places like dark streets or abandoned buildings. And so, they formed "Home", a circus of the city's "weirdos". ㅤㅤThey performed for others, with time gained their sympathy and admiration; their shows were fun, unique, mesmerizing. Everyone liked them. But most importantly, They liked doing them. They supported, took care of, Loved each other; they were finally happy, together.
ㅤㅤBut nice things never last, do they?
ㅤㅤIt started just like any other day; Wally woke up in the small room he rented with his share of the money made from the shows, got ready for the day and went out, heading to the tent they performed in to rehearse with the others. It was like a home, only there he felt like he belonged, only there he felt safe.
ㅤㅤBut it wasn't there. Home was completely gone.
ㅤㅤWally felt his heart sank. Did something happen? What could've possibly caused the whole tent to disappear overnight? She quickly approached someone she'd seen in the audience multiple times and asked them about it, but to his surprise, they looked at them with disgust and pushed him away, telling her to never approach them again before walking away, insulting him under their breath.
ㅤㅤShe quickly got up, running to the inn he knew Barnaby was staying at; they'd never seen him there, and added that they'd never let a freak like him stay there in the first place. When he got out, a man dressed in black stared at him from the shadows, mockingly smiling before turning away and disappearing without leaving a trace. Tears were already running down her face, ruining their make up and making other people stare at him with disapproval. "Why?" she thought, dropping to her knees, defeated. Why was this happening to him? What did they do to deserve this? Why was everyone so cruel? ㅤㅤAfter a few hours of walking around, he couldn't deny it any longer. To her horror...
ㅤㅤNo one remembered. Not even those who she thought of as family. ㅤㅤIt was like nothing ever happened. Like Home never happened.
ㅤㅤThis is a story not lost to time, ㅤㅤbut to a man's hatred and jealousy.
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4. ﹕ Misc ,
The AU's Spotify playlist!
more coming soon . . .
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Farewell, neighbor! Thank you for reading. @:)
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Black Cat Au part 5
1. The cats usually go out of thier way to avoid Batman. At first they were afraid of him getting thier hands on thier DNA and finding out they weren't fully human, but then they just kept doing it because they knew it bothered him for some reason.
That and he hated seeing the marks and gouges left behind from thier claws after they run up the buildings with them and they didn't want him to lecture them again.
2. The bats need a distraction so Kitty runs over to some street performers/musicians and ask them for thier help. He sings the punk version of Everytime We Touch with a hint of his ghost powers. It works like a charm and a crowd quickly gathers around.
Kitty leaves thousands of dollars worth of jewels in each performers instrument case and walks away casually as thier eyes bug out.
3. In my original imaginings of Black Cat (and how I still view him) Dannys outfit is a copy of Catwomans jumpsuit/ bodysuit with a spare smaller whip wrapped around his waist and acting as a tail, hence the name Black Cat. Alley tried her best but sadly she couldn't get him to wear the open chest version of the bodysuit. (Which i cannot find a reference picture of for the life of me)
"Theres no way I could pull that off."
"Bro, everyone would be able to pull that off" ;)
Cue kitty's red faced sputtering and Catwoman mentioning she wanted grandkittens and Danny firing back with "Deal with the kids you have now!"
In this household we gang up on Black Cat.
4. Robin had just chased a criminal into an abandoned apartment building and took them down. As he was about to finish securing the thug with rope he spotted something glowey and purple out of the corner of his eye. He notified Oracle through the coms and went to investigate only to find a...door? It was completely identical to all the doors around it aside from its color and glowyness. Upon opening it however he came face to face with the Ghost Zone. The bats explored it for a bit before they returned home. The next day the door was normal and no longer lead to a swirly green goo dimension.
5. Danny seemed really worried/distressed when Damian told the purple door story to him at the flower shop and he had a hunch that he knew more than he was saying. But mostly he was feeling protective. What was making his flowerboy so scared and how quickly can he chop it into tiny pieces?
6. Black Cat has a weird reaction to Blood Blossoms and Batman takes note. He discretely starts testing Kitty for other weaknesses to supernatural wards. All others come back negative. Batman eventually chalks it up to an allergy and moves on.
7. Danny eventually tells Damian about Phantom after they land in a time sensitive situation they can't get out of without the use of his powers. He of course swears him to secrecy.
8. Batman accuses Black Cat to be a League assassin sent to infiltrate the batfam and gain thier trust. Kitty was genuinely surprised about assassins being a thing around here. The batfam apologized for Batmans conspiracy theories and Kitty shrugged it off, saying its not the first time he'd been accused of being something he's not and he doubts it'll be the last.
9. If Kitty gets kidnapped after he and Robin start dating he'll start singing the chorus of My Boyfriend's Back to taunt the villian right before Robin appears to beat the stuffing out of them. Bonus if its Skulker and after Kitty reveals Phantom to him, so Damian already knows everything and has tools Kitty made to fight supernatural beings with.
Skulker learns to fear Robin that day.
10. The cats decided they didn't like the pictures on thier wanted posters so they broke into the police commissioners office and personally handed him pictures they took of themselves doing the nya cat pose.
Gordon just puffed on his pipe as the teens jumped out a window to escape, "Kids these days..."
I told myself I wasn't doing more Black Cat stuff but then people made fan art so here I am with more.
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biconickyoshi · 3 months
this is so cheesy but i couldn't stop thinking about it
Zukaang aladdin au!! look i just really really need them to sing a whole new world on a magic Appa carpet ride while staring lovingly into each other's eyes. the balcony scene is also peak zukaang. zuko's dragon druk (instead of jasmine's tiger) sniffing and growling at aang until he realizes he is Safe. Momo is Abu in this case. Hmmm who is prince zuko being married off to? (my vote is zhao=jafar lol)
Omgggg anon! I genuinely love this AU idea. It actually works so well, especially with Zuko as Jasmine and Aang as Aladdin. All of those iconic moments with Zukaang would just be aaaaaaa. So beautiful. You’re making me want to make fan art of this now lol.
I think you’re right that Zhao is the closest counterpart to Jafar, but also if I were to personally try and adapt this AU, I would probably just do away with the whole “marrying the love interest off to the villain” plot lol (it always made me uncomfortable in the original movie anyway). In my version, Iroh would probs take on the role of Jasmine’s dad (the Sultan), Zhao would be Jafar, of course Momo would be Abu and Appa would be the magic carpet, but idek who the genie would be… Sokka (fits the comedic aspect)? Avatar Roku (fits the mystical advice-giver aspect)?? lmao.
Though I guess technically it also doesn’t have to be a one-to-one direct adaptation of everything that happens in Aladdin - like it could just be about Zuko being the FN prince who wants to see the world and not be married off to a rando, while Iroh is his kindly father figure/Fire Lord, and Zhao is the advisor trying to take over the FN. Aang is of course the scrappy street orphan who manages to catch his eye, and maybe he’s also secretly the Avatar who went missing as a baby? Either way he would have hair in this AU lol.
Maybe Toph is one of Zuko’s close friends - she’s a rich girl from another country who lives in the FN bc her parents are like the ambassadors for the EK or something, but she and Zuko often sneak out so they can have “normal” days in the city (and so Toph can fight in underground bending tournaments). Maybe Katara and Sokka are some of Aang’s friends who are also peasants - I can’t really think of how else they’d fit into the story unfortunately lol.
Anywaysssss sorry for the long ass reply anon, you got me to start seriously brainstorming for a second there haha! Idk if I’ll ever write an actual fic, but I’m definitely seriously gonna consider making some fan art for this AU concept… :)
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