#sirius; head canons
gender-thief2 · 1 day
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randomly generated marauders headcanons that i agree with
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allaboutlov3 · 28 days
Sirius never cried in front of Regulus. Not because he was ashamed of crying but because he wanted to be strong for his little brother. Wanting him being able to cry. Hold him through the worst of it.
When Sirius left home Regulus never cried again.
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mentallyadinonugget · 2 months
all decided that james is desi but i NEED to know which state he’s from. I want to know which ipl team he loves and I want to know what’s his favourite dish. I want to know if he likes Holi or Diwali more. i want to know if he was ever pissed at Effie and fleamont during navratris because he couldn’t eat non veg. I want to know if he called his friends bkl or bc whenever they were arguing playfully. I want to know if he made fun of the marauders for not handling spice. I want to know which god/goddess is his favourite one. I want to know which bollywood film is his favourite and which is the first one he introduced to the marauders+ girls. I want to know if he distributed prasad to all his friends and teachers whenever Effie sent him some. I want to know if he made a small mandir in his dorm jaha par saare marauders maatha tekte the. I want to know which god he prayed to before a quidditch match. I want to know if he drank his ru afza with milk or water. I want to know if he skips the “all Indians are my brothers and sisters” part of the pledge if he finds an Indian person attractive. I want to know how good or bad he is with matras (punctuation) while writing hindi. I want to know if he breaks down in Hindi love songs out of nowhere. I want to know if he wrote letters to regulus in hindi because he didn’t want him to understand what he was saying. I want to know if he feeds Sirius the first bite of his birthday cake and then remus and then peter whenever he’s celebrating it in Hogwarts because Indian ppl feed the first piece of cake to their most beloved family member or friend. I want to know if he wore kurtas or sherwanis at functions. does he prefer parle g or good day biscuits. I WANT TO KNOW OKAY.
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Sometimes (read: almost always) I question my head... I have this hc that it's Sirius who convinces James not to add Remus to his will, thinking Remus is the spy and not being able to stand the idea that Remus will have a financial incentive for James' death on top of everything else.
Like I KNOW this is BS. Canonically it makes perfect sense for James not to think about what would happen if he died - despite the fact that he's got Voldemort after his family. Yes, he knows he is financing Remus, but he will always be alive to do that. It's James and Sirius' arrogance and complete faith in their abilities/intelligence to trick Voldemort that makes them to the foolish thing of using Peter as Secret Keeper. When Voldemort shows up at the door, James is completely unprepared.
But no, my brain went: what can we do to make the fate of two of the most tragic (in my view) characters in the HP series, even more tragic. They are already going to have to work through a huge amount of guilt after POA: let's just add a bit more for good measure...
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am3li420 · 1 month
Remus Lupin head canons i’ve been collecting for 10+ years
- this hoe loves books, i know that’s a common head canon but let me dive deeper;
- he definitely is checking out matilda level amounts of books from the library every week before going to hogwarts.
- homeschooled by his mother 100% and she would make him write book reports so he learned to love annotating books
- cut to lily seeing him writing in a book in 1st year and being absolutely disgusted but eager to make friends so she asks him his favorite books and authors.
- remus goes on like an hour long tangent about tolkien and c.s. lewis and how much he loves fantasy and how he’s so excited he gets to be at hogwarts because it’s so close to his escape from his lycanthropy as a child.
- lily tells him all about literature and they start a book club right then and there.
- remus also studied piano from his mom as well, and then eventually when she couldn’t teach him anymore his parents saved up to pay for a teacher.
- he loves his piano teacher and over summer breaks goes back and takes lessons
- bonds with sirius because of this as sirius had to learn violin to become a “well rounded heir”. they play duet covers as entertainment for gryffindor parties and everyone fucking loves it.
- eventually mary joins in and plays guitar and they have a cute little peter paul and mary vibe going on.
- remus is so outspoken, and truly always the first to be informed on politics or news
- was very forthcoming on his views about the war, along with james and sirius. i believe remus was the most “radical” of them though, and wanted freedom/ equality for all creatures not just wizards.
- he also felt unease at the ministry and wanted systematic changes as well as wanting to fight against voldemort.
- extremely distrustful of dumbledoor towards the end of the war, and it caused division between him and sirius until the second war when sirius realized remus had been right.
- remus had a magical proclivity for defense, and was a great dueler. the only person who he was evenly matched with in his class was sirius. they often fought to draws. they absolutely keep count of their wins.
- remus, lily, and mary all collectively give james and sirius their music tastes. they have new records every time they come home from break.
- remus is absolutely a stoner and loves smoking joints, reading, and listening to music during his free time.
- him and sirius smoke together sometimes but remus smokes a lot more than sirius because it really helps him with his chronic pain and depression.
- oh remus rolling a joint is like the most sexy thing anyone has ever seen. sirius frequently uses those memories for….personal time.
- remus uses an expansion charm under his bed and grows his own weed, eventually becomes hogwarts resident dealer and always puts freebies in his deliveries
- the freebies include:
- little drawings made by sirius
- chcocolates
- sometimes if he’s hanging out with marlene and has to deliver an order she’ll draw a tarot card for the person and write down a little reading for them!
- remus’ own handmade stickers!
- yeah he’s everyone’s favorite drug dealer seriously 10/10.
- he operates this all under minnie’s nose and is forever smug about getting away with it.
- i could probably think of a million more because i just love him so much but ive been hitting my pen while writing this so i’m gonna go make a snack!!!
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herbologyprofessor · 25 days
my collected thoughts on the magic system of harry potter and what I would change to make it better.
i think that the harry potter magic system sucks!!
i mean, im sure this isnt a hot take but like...how is it that students at hogwarts school of WITCHCRAFT and WIZARDRY graduate knowing how to use maybe a handfull of spells in combat? and they're the same spells that all the aurors and all the older members of the order and all the death eaters and even voldemort use?
and im especially talking about how weak it makes people who are supposed to be really powerful and dangerous seem. including the titular character Harry Potter himself. Harry uses spells in a unique way, dont get me wrong, but to me its all just so boring.
and im not saying it doesnt have to work like other fantasy stories, but if the main mechanism behind magic in harry potter is that you are either born with it or not, you dont need a wand but its exponentially more challenging without one (unless you have a unique skillset or education), intention matters, and there are spells that can grant magical abilities to objects. there is so much more possibility than just expelliarmus and expecto patronum. There has to be, or else why tf would hogwarts take 7 years of schooling to graduate from?
so here are some of my headcanons:
families have bloodline abilities
so, in the case of wizarding britan, there are families that want to stay pure such as the sacred 28 (or is it 27 i cant remember), and pure as in their blood and bloodline must stay pure (going so far as to marry your cousins, e.g. Orion and Walburga Black). If this is the case, and they wan't to preserve their magical bloodline so bad, they'd have to have something more than just "magic" to preserve.
I feel like its almost there in canon but falls short of being fully realized. I think of it kinda like how it works in naruto. Theres those who have a bloodline ability and then those that dont. You dont have to have one to be powerful, if you have one it dosent mean you will be powerful automatically.
The black family seems to carry the gene for metamorphmagus, but i wouldnt consder this a bloodline ability and think of it more like a random mutation passed on to teddy, which could occur in any magical person, (theres also the possibility that this was a more common ability in the black family but because of the lack of genetic diversity and inbreeding it was lost until Andromeda had Remadora with Ted, who was not pureblood. I think abilities have to do with the energy of magic that is either created or inherited, not so much genetics. Therefore, families dont pass on the same exact ability but something that is novel or slightly different from person to person.
The Lupins, for example, could be Beast Speakers. Maybe, a long time ago in the Lupin familiy, they kept wolves or something (explaining the surname which would have had something to do with occupation) and they learned from them how to speak with animals?Lyall, who canonically worked in the Department for the Control and Regulation of Dark Creatures, can speak to dark creatures, even werewolves who are transformed. Remus can speak to domesticated animals like cats and dogs, fancy mice, toads, etc. Remus is like Hogwarts' unofficial vet tech, and if you like atyd Remus, this fits in nicely as he specialized in Care of Magical Creatures.
The Potters, canonically, are linked to the Peverell family. The invisibility cloak has been passed down through generations and is still being passed down to Harry's children. I think a common headcanon, and one that i truly love, is that they use Death Magic. But, thats assuming the potters are the exact same family as the Peverells, which they are not. I think, in going along with the Peverell brothers creating the deathly hallows (using advanced death magic), the potters have a Sorcerer's Craft ability. What was the Potter family's source of new money? Fleamont's invention, Sleekeazey's. I know its a "potion", but what if its just like...coconut oil imbued with magical enchantments that make your hair perfect. James could have played a major hand in the creation of the Marauder's Map, an Extremely powerful magical object made to do the impossible task of mapping Hogwarts. And he did this in school. at like 14-15. Harry doesn't do anything that has to do with magic item creation, that I can remember (i haven't read the books in years), however he also had no connection to his family and likely wouldn't be able to learn without another Potter teaching him. BUT! Harry Potter is the master of death, meaning he can use all 3 of the deathly hallows without being corrupted, maybe this could be a side effect of how his Sorcerer's Craft manifests itself.
side tangent, but the reason I think this is an ability even though others have been known to make magical objects, is because the potters are able to do it very creatively, and early on in their lives. They are involved in every aspect of item creation, and they can enchant things in a way no other wizard could replicate, meaning their objects could not be mass produced without their explicit involvement. Maybe Sleekeasy's stops working so well once Fleamont dies, hence why Hermione says its too much hassle to use every day.
The Blacks, you might think, would be something to do with offensive, powerful, and deadly magic. While, yes, this is something that some members of the black family are gifted in, it is not their bloodline ability. I think that the Blacks are Seers. It's no coincidence their families long standing tradition of astrological names are prophetical for their lives. Walburga Black, for example, has the power of Augery. She asks the universe questions and receives omens as answers. She saw a black dog when asking the universe to tell her about her newborn son, hence the name Sirius. For Regulus, well, she saw water. Not knowing what to make of it, she refused to let Regulus near it for his entire childhood. Regulus, as an empath, has the ability of psychometry. The ability to gain information from an object by touching it, including humans ( he cant read minds, but can tell what someone has experienced in their life). This comes in great handiness when he goes to destroy the locket. Sirius, I believe, would have a mastery over tarot cards or oracle cards. He can glean deadly accurate readings, and has a keen ability to interpret meanings unknown to even the most practiced tarot readers. He has a special deck, one that his uncle Alphard gave to him when he found out Sirius could read tarot from Walburga (who, at the time, was very pleased with her Heir's ability). This comes with an emotional expense to Sirius, though, and at times, gives him answers he doesnt want to hear. The girls loved it though, and asked him to teach them. He tried but couldn't explain how he did it, since it's innate to his bloodline. Of course, you could obviously imagine this adding to the piles of angst surrounding the war, as Sirius had to have seen signs that his loved ones would die, making him think he could outsmart fate by changing the secret keeper...
I think this is getting too long, but I'm already thinking about part 2 because I have alot of thoughts about this...especially things that anyone could learn not just inheritied abilities.
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I hc Sirius as diabetic. There is no reason for this is just think he would be. Similarly, James is iron deficient.
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little-rainey · 29 days
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Remus (Moony) is a Little
⊱ ─────────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ─────────── ⊰
Head canons
Age range from a few months-5\6
Sirius is absolutely his favorite to be around
James was the one who helped him understand agere
James and Sirius buy him MANY plushies but his fav will forever be a best up dog plush he had for years
Remus is little ALOT right before and after a full moon
Very quite when little, reserved to his own things
James is Papa(or other variations of dad) as thats the main CG
Lily is Flower or fower cause of the lisp
The other Marauders following different variations of their nicknames
When Remus has a meltdown Sirius will shift I to his animagus form and immediately the big is excited shouting
"Puppy! Puppy! "
He doesn't complain much, usually feeling feeling bad if he does. But when he does complain, and doesn't get his way? Oh man, the temper tantrum is Baaaaad.
Bedtime is always stressful as James would lay him down only for 2 minutes later ending up on one of the boys bed, an endless cycle till their all passed out on top of each other.
Lily was the first of the girls to know and immediately she had claimed Friday nights and "Flower and Moony night"
The two would have hot chocolate, snuggle with stuffies, tell stories, and Lily would even do a shadow puppet show.
He Is A Paci Kid!!!!
Immediately when he's little and in the dorm he runs for the bedside table where his stash of pacifiers are.
Because of this, Sirius made sure to buy chewlery for when Remus was out in public.
Eventually the chewing, (I think the word is oral fixation) got really big that it just became a daily thing to find him chewing or something when big or little.
Little Remus is terrified of the dark. The first night he was little he refused to sleep till Peter had figured out a night light spell.
Baby space Remus is very very common meaning the boy is usually non-verbal.... Which can cause some problems.
Sirius and James got him to learn certain signals for times like these so they know what the boy wants but they can never be too sure.
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Just some simple Head canons! I'm planning to do some Kinnporsche ones next as I HC Tay as little bit for now here's some Marauders!
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rmwb-fanfics · 1 year
Harry was very aware of footsteps. He had to be.
He’d needed the skill to determine which of his relatives had come to wake him up every morning.
He’d needed to know if he’d receive dust coming down from the stairs as his cousin jumped up and down obnoxiously above.
Or perhaps the rapid knocking of his Aunt Petunia. Forever impatient with Harry’s groggy morning tendencies.
Or, worse still, Uncle Vernon’s lazy opening of the cupboard door. A mumbled “Get up,” as he shuffled off to the kitchen.
Harry had come to know Sirius’s steps as well. They were quiet. Years of sneaking around after hours and running from the Ministry had left him a master of going audibly unnoticed.
Though, when Harry caught it, it was always his heels that gave him away. Scraping on the floor as the man trudged down the many flights of stairs in his childhood home. His old prison regaining its title for caging the pride of Sirius Black.
That knowledge held within Harry’s mind was worthless now, however. Because as the June sun beat down on his tired skin, Harry knew that he’d never hear those footsteps again.
He’d never hear that lazy slide of a heel. Not from Sirius, anyway.
Because those footsteps were lost. Tumbling back behind a veil Harry no longer cared to understand.
It should’ve been Bellatrix, or Wormtail, or anyone other than the one man who had stood up for him. Who had reached through the darkness of Harry’s mind and pulled him to safer, warmer shores.
It wasn’t fair. None of this was. The prophecy, the war, the scars on the back of his hand.
It wasn’t fair to his friends, who had grown attached to a boy doomed to become a murderer, or die in his refusal to do so.
It wasn’t fair to his parents, who had sacrificed their lives for a chance at destroying a shell of a man too afraid to let the inevitable claim his wounded soul.
Harry’s eyes are closed. The light and colour of the world shuttered behind the impenetrable red glow of the back of his eyelids. His back pressed against a tree that had lost so much of its comfort in light of the memory of a boy tormenting his classmate. Of friends and future loves saying things only his nightmares could’ve imagined.
He didn’t care about that now, however. All he thought now was that Sirius had once sat here. His eyes alight with mischief and life. Something Harry had only seen glimpses of. Like a ghost at the end of an unending corridor.
The ebb and flow of the shallow waves from the lake kept his mind at bay. It’s murky depths maintaining his sanity. Letting them hold him up.
He hears footsteps, then. Grass getting pressed into the ground under determined steps. Twigs cracking and bending to the sheer will of whoever was coming.
Harry releases a pained sigh. The tranquility of the moment slipping away with each impending step.
They are neither graceful nor clumsy. Each fall is deliberate, understanding. They’re light, which means it isn’t one of the boys, unless Colin Creevey had come looking for an autograph.
It isn’t Hermione, who marched anywhere she went, while somehow managing to be delicate and hesitant.
Then, as the steps near his place, seated against a tree, they stop. He hears the rumple of robes, and the staticky sound of thousands of strands of grass being folded down under the weight of someone sitting down.
Harry’s irritation swells in his chest. He’d came here to be alone. To sink in his despair and let the world take hold of him. He’d made himself very clear without saying a word to his friends. They’d understood. He’d seen it in Ron’s eyes and Hermione’s frown.
He hears the creak of leather bindings, and the ruffle of pages. Then, the unfamiliar click of a muggle pen. A sound he hadn’t heard in years, really. Save for Mr. Weasley’s incessant questions on the things over the summer.
His throat dry, his voice harsh, Harry says, “I don’t want to talk,”
There’s no immediate response. Just the sound of someone scribbling away on parchment.
“I know,” his mysterious companion mumbled. Her voice like a song in the breeze. He shouldn’t be surprised now, after a year full of them, that it was Ginny Weasley.
She continues to write, and Harry keeps his eyes shut. He can feel the tickle of hair dancing on his right arm. The wind blowing it onto his bicep.
“What are you writing?” he asks as the dull scratching becomes a monotone ringing in his ears.
“I thought you said you didn’t want to talk?” Ginny’s writing stops, and Harry feels his lips quirk upward slightly.
He doesn’t respond. Instead choosing to shift his legs into a more comfortable position. Giving his knees a break and letting the blood move through them.
“I’m writing a story,” she explains after a long silence filled with the distant cheers of simpler lives and waves rolling up a gravelly shore.
“What’s it about?” Harry asks, his voice lighter this time.
Ginny huffs a quiet laugh. “You don’t get the details. You can read it once it’s finished,”
Harry unwinds his arms and let’s them fall comfortably into his lap. “Will I get a free copy?”
“Maybe,” is Ginny’s shrewd response.
Again a silence lapses between them. Harry’s chest rises and falls with every breath.
Every breath he is still here, on one side of a veil.
“It’s about a girl,” Ginny says eventually. He swears he can see her tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Her freckled nose twitching in the breeze. “She’s awake and she knows what she wants. She’s happy,”
Harry nods slowly, his eyes stay shut.
“I hope you let me read it some time,”
And for hours there was nothing but silent writing, and Harry’s thoughts strayed from Sirius, from the prophecy, and from his parents.
He wanted to know about the girl who knew what she wanted. Who was happy.
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The next gen kids and...
- who they look like the most (which parent)?
- who are they like the most when it comes to personality (which parent)?
- who (except their parents) are they simillar to?
Victoire looks a lot like Fleur when she’s younger and grows to look like her Tante Gabrielle, especially after having children. She’s tall and beautiful, and she grows into her curves and figure.
I would say her personality is a lot like Bill’s and he hates it lol. She’s a rebel with a cause and also a mother hen to her siblings. She does come off as a bit standoffish like Fleur can, but she means well in the end.
I would say she is the most like Ginny, headstrong and stubborn and not afraid to fight for her own rights and happiness.
She looks so much like Fleur, just throw on some freckles and a wild mass of red curls she likes to call her lion mane. She is tiny and is often mistaken for being the premee baby of her siblings, not the one that was over ten pounds.
She is just like Bill, a Weasley through and through. She makes fast and rash decisions and it does bite her in the ass, but she grows from it
Speaking of which, I would say she is most like Percy. When it comes down to it, he is defined by his two biggest moments in canon, leaving and coming back. Dominique is made of the same stuff, fitting for the godfather/goddaughter duo
If you held up a photo of Louis and Bill at sixteen, even Molly would have trouble telling who was who.
He is quiet and calm and delicate, Fleur’s baby through and through. He loves art and to dance and to live his life the way he wants to, even if he has to burn some bridges
Not only is he named after Charlie, they are great friends and pen pals. Louis takes after Charlie like a duck to water and they both enjoy it
She looks like Audrey, but with those Weasley freckles and brown eyes and that unmistakable shade of gingery-orange hair. Really she and Lucy are the perfect mix of their parents
Molly is so bright and happy and hopeful, very much like her mother and the Hufflepuffs she finds kinship with. She has had so much pain and sadness thrown on her that she needs some happiness and lightness in her life
She’s like George, they both have this warmth and happiness they can bring out of themselves while also holding onto a deep trauma
She looks like Percy the same way Molly looks like Audrey. She does have Audrey’s blue eyes but Percy’s eyesight and she does tend to walk a little taller than she really is, but sometimes she needs that extra confidence
Lucy is very emotional, she’ll cry at the drop of a pin and her moods change so quickly from happy to sad to confused to happy to angry, she tends to just let everything out because for so long Molly didn’t or couldn’t
Lucy takes after her “Uncle” Oliver Wood, one of her dad’s closest friends and quite the emotional man (when it comes to his Quidditch team lol)
He looks like George, a bit tanner and a little taller, but he looks just like George.
Freddie is a bit troublesome, but not as bad as his dad. He’s playful and silly, but has a tendency to doubt himself at times. He loves deeply and fiercely and will fight for those he does love. He’s a good son to his parents even if he made them grandparents much too young
He takes after Ron really, his confidence goes up and down and he can crack a good joke while being in love with the smartest girl he knows
She looks like her Aunt Roxie, but with some dark red curls she loves to braid and play with
Like her brother she is a bit troublesome and does have some confidence issues. Her issues manifest into a horrible eating disorder and an abusive relationship, but through a lot of work and love she comes out on top
I really feel like she takes after Hermione, she’s stubborn and headstrong and used to being listened to as the smartest person in the room, but her insecurities do hold her back at times
She looks like Ron, red hair and blue eyes, freckles and that playful smile, but Hermione’s curls and her short stature
Her personality is a great mix of her parents, the good and the bad. She also tends to mother hen her cousins, which they jump on and take advantage of at times
She takes after Harry, he’s her godfather and uncle and in many ways her third parent. She learns so much from him and he’s a great source of comfort to her
He looks like Hermione, but he does have the Weasley red hair and he’s sooo tall, the tallest of the Weasley grandsons with only Louis within inches of him
He’s happy, he’s hyper, he loves to have fun and joke around but come exam times, his head is in the books and won’t come out until it’s all over. He is very competitive, but who can blame him when he wants to be the smartest person despite his set backs
He’s like Fred, funny and sweet but sometimes with a mean streak that he hates and a hyperness that holds him back until he overcomes it
James is the perfect mix of Harry and Ginny, he has the messy red hair and tan skin and brown eyes and freckles and lanky limbs that are both Potter and Weasley
He is definitely a goof ball, but also has a heart of gold. He is protective and loving and often doesn’t think before he talks, but it doesn’t matter because he’s so good and honest to those he loves. He has made his mistakes, but he honors them and lives up to his names and the men his mother named him after
He is very much like Bill, taking the weight of all the family in his shoulders with pride and love even if he sometimes puts his foot in his mouth
He looks just like Harry, but he had freckles on his nose and cheeks and it reminds Ginny of Fred. She will never compare her second son’s looks to Harry, always her brothers
Al is dramatic and moody and always rolling his eyes, but he loves his family and gets along with everyone despite his dramatics. Rose is his ride or die and she is the reason he made it to adulthood and he knows it
Honestly, I want to say he’s most like Ginny, but if I can’t pick a parent I would say Percy. He is a bit high strung and prideful, he’s ambitious and wanting from the world, but his family comes first over and over and over again
Merlin she looks like Ginny, she has hazel eyes like her grandfather James and can’t see anything closer than her outstretched hand without her glasses, but honestly she and Ginny could be twins if they were the same age
She is a bit of a brat, being the only girl in her immediate family and then the youngest granddaughter, she takes full advantage of being the baby. But she does grow up and levels out and becomes more than just her wants. She ends up finding a peacefulness in being unknown and called out on her more selfish behavior, and it’s good for her to see reality a bit
He takes after her Grandad Arthur, taking interest in something small but oh so important to her and finding her own ways to be brave and just in front of not only herself and others. She also takes a bit of happiness in hiding away at times, even if she’s always watching
He looks like Draco, but Astoria’s features have made there way in. It’s in the slight tan of his skin tone and the curls of his white blond hair, but otherwise he is all Malfoy
He is literally the kindest and sweetest person, sure he’s also ambitious and cunning, but people notice his presence through his polite and kind demeanor
He takes after Theodore Nott, who has proven himself to be kind and wholesome and a great father. He loves every lost child that comes into his home and has made his home open and accessible to anyone that needs a place to stay, but especially his children’s friends
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elisedonut · 5 months
I'm always stuck between wanting Sirius to kind of like Percy as a proxy of Reg and him hating him by default for the same reason
Like in that later promotion scenario I mentioned before
Sirius just wakes up late into the night and loses his sense of reality for a moment because he's suddenly in the past looking at Reg reading something in the same place he always does in the same position he tends to take before he shakes himself out of it and realizes that no
that's not who he's looking at.
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
when someone calls scorbus ‘jegulus-coded’ or compares them to drarry (of all ships), or calls albus ‘regulus-coded’ it does my head in. regulus and jegulus are in your head whilst scorbus and albus are on paper, and drarry’s dynamic is LEAGUES different to scorbus come on now
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lunarparacosm · 10 months
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post-prank remus.
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m00neroni · 9 months
remus patronus is padfoot and sirius patronus is moony. i don't make the rules
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herbologyprofessor · 1 month
ok so maybe like sirius has to take chess lessons when he’s young (furthering my hc that sirius would have to learn all sorts of ridiculous things because he was the heir apparent and needed to be worldly and skilled, and these random talents are discovered by his friends and peers in the most bizzare ridiculous ways…that’s another story for another day) and he hates it so much but is forced to study games and theory and whatnot
well cut to first year sirius is still getting used to being in gryffindor, experiencing all the guilt and shame he probably felt after his family’s response and his strange roommates (who, besides james he has not really warmed up to yet) start a small chess tournament in the common room one night about a month into school.
it was conceived by peter and remus, because they grew tired of playing each other, and it turned into the whole crew™️ joining in.
only to be completely decimated by Sirius Fucking Black.
i guess being forced to study all that theory and being able to play against other powerful wizards like his parents (esp orion who considered chess skills a sign of intelligence and strategy and masculinity) and whoever else was around during his childhood paid off?
the person he was up against in the final round was none other than Peter!! Sirius wins but after a very long game, i believe it could have lasted hours. They both played so strategically.
Sirius is an offensive player, is constantly attacking and looking for weak points in his opponent’s play. he sacrifices his pawns to gain the upper hand, he sets up precise traps and as much as he says he hates it, when he checkmates his opponent, the adrenaline and satisfaction he feels is addictive.
peter is as defensive as they come, he is very thoughtful and strategic about his next moves and can visualize his opponents next move based on their positions. he is known for playing the long game and it drives everyone else mad.
in the end Sirius comes out on top. everyone is so amazed at them both, honestly. i think this is when remus sees sirius as something other than just a standoffish rich kid, it reallly helped sirius loosen up and showed him the camaraderie gryffindors have for eachother. and maybe he is in the right place. I also think it was the first time peter felt inferior to sirius and is nice foreshadowing for his betrayal.
anyways….queens gambit wolfstar au needs to be a thing……doing some research brb
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swag696942069 · 10 months
Head canon that Evan was obsessed with bugs as a kid. So, when he started at Hogwarts and found out Barty was obsessed with bees, he just assumed that bees were Barty's favorite but he liked all bugs like he did. So he would go on and on about different bugs for hours to Barty, and Barty would just sit and listen, occasionally putting his input, but mainly just sitting and letting Evan continue to talk his ear off. Which was something new for Evan, since most people thought bugs were gross they didn't usually like when Evan would talk about them. But Barty never cared, in fact, he loved it! It wasn't until years later, when Evan learned the truth, that Barty didn't actually like bugs, only bees, and had been letting Evan go on and on about them for year! When Evan asked him why he never told him he didn't actually like bugs, Barty simply smiled and said "Casue it made you happy." And that's when Evan knew, truly knew, he was in love with Barty Crouch jr.
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