#so I'm just gonna leave it there and go to bed
lvstrucks · 2 days
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lando norris x reader
Being a couple both of whose love languages were physical touch, you and Lando were no strangers to a bit of playfighting. Lando loved nothing more than to tackle you onto the soft surface of a sofa or bed and watch you squirm playfully, collapsing into a fit of giggles as you tried to take control of his strong form and make him do what you wanted. It was perhaps the only time Lando would allow his competitive side to slide, letting you pin him down and sit on his toned stomach in victory.
So it was nothing out of the ordinary when he leaned against the doorframe, watching you pad around the kitchen making dinner in one of his Quadrant t-shirts he felt a familiar burst of love begin to creep up his abdomen. It was a quiet Friday night before the Monaco Grand Prix, the both of you enjoying the comfort of being in your own apartment before what was sure to be a hectic weekend.
As soon as you put down the wooden spoon you'd been using to stir the dinner, he makes a beeline for you.
"Lovie," he half mumbles, half laughs into your shoulder as he scoops you off the floor.
"Lando!" you giggle, making a feeble attempt to shrug him off. "Stop, I'm making dinner," you protest, while really having no intention of making him stop.
Lando twists you around so he's holding you horizontally, gripping onto your waist and starts to spin you around so you can't reach to push him off.
"You just look so cuddly and cute dressed like that," he defends, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. "Just wanna love my girl a little."
You both shriek with laughter as he begins to spin you even faster. Lando's certain that hearing you laugh like that because of him is one of the best feelings he's ever had. He feels like he might be flying a little, until your left arm flicks out with the force of being spun and the sound of a crack against the marble counter stops him in his tracks.
"Baby?" He asks uncertainly as he sets you gently on your feet.
"Ow." you blink back tears. "That hurt. But I'm fi-"
You cut yourself off as your hearing becomes muffled.
"Lan, I can't..." you put both hands up to your ears, pressing as if to try and restore your hearing. It comes flooding back, along with a throbbing pain in your wrist as it pushes against your head.
"Fuck, baby. Fuck!" Lando says, snapping into action. Not only is his girlfriend clearly hurt, she got hurt under his care, and it was his fault too.
He grabs a bag of frozen peas from the freezer, pulling you gently over to a chair at the dining table and sitting you down. He hands you the bag of peas, gesturing for you to rest your hurt hand on it.
"Did it...always bend that way?" He asks quietly, face going pale as you both assess the situation. The tears begin to fall as the full brunt of the pain begins to hit and Lando is quick to lead you downstairs, getting you buckled into his car and running around to the driver's seat. 
It takes a little while longer than normal to get to the emergency room, as lots of roads have been closed off in preparation for qualifying tomorrow, and Lando drums his fingers impatiently on the wheel.
"Not long, baby. We're gonna get you some help, and they can give you something to help the pain, ok? I'm right here with you." He tries to reassure you.
Good as his word, Lando doesn't leave your side once. He holds your hand whilst they set your fractured wrist back into place, gritting his teeth and keeping quiet as your nails dig into the calloused skin of his hands. He rubs your back softly as they wrap a pink (as requested) cast around.
You sleep on the way home, suddenly exhausted now the pain meds have kicked in. Lando watches you quietly each time he stops at a red light. He feels sick to his stomach as the red glare catches the streaks of dried tears on your cheeks.
Once back in your apartment, Lando carries you bridal style up to the bedroom. He undresses you quickly, taking care not to bump your wrist as he pulls one of his shirts over your head, one of the softer ones that you love to sleep in.
"I'm sorry," he mumbles into your hair as he wraps himself around you. "I'm so, so, sorry."
You shake your head softly, waking up a little.
"I know you are, Lando. It was an accident."
"But I promised I'd never do anything to hurt you, and I broke it. I broke you." He frets.
You lean up and press a kiss to his pouty lips.
"It was an accident, both of us were being silly. I'm not upset at you, just upset it happened. So please don't beat yourself up about it, okay?" you say and Lando nods solemnly, snuggling down so your head is laying on his chest. He strokes your hair softly and you breathe in his scent, closing your eyes.
"Does it hurt? A lot?" Lando asks quietly into the darkness.
"No." you lie.
Although you'd assured Lando you were fine in the morning, ready to come and support him during qualifying, you were quickly deteriorating as the day dragged on. You found yourself sinking into a cushioned seat in the McLaren hospitality, beginning to shiver as the ache from your wrist travels up your arm. Lando is busy preparing for qualifying, but Adam is talking to an engineer and notices his son's girlfriend fading into herself and walks over to check on you.
"Everything ok?," he questions you. "Should I get Lando for you? He gave strict orders to interrupt him at any time if you weren't feeling well."
"I just need my next painkillers, I think." you say, trying to smile in a way you hope is reassuring. "Do you know where they ended up? I didn't bring a bag so Lando had them in his pocket when we arrived."
Adam tells you he will go and hunt down your meds, but unsurprisingly Lando spots his dad looking around and excuses himself from talking to Zak in the garage and jogs over to the hospitality.
"Baby, are you OK?" He asks, wrapping you in a gentle hug. You sigh, sinking into his chest and allowing him to hold you up.
"It's just..it's really starting to hurt now." you say, and his heart sinks at the sight of your bottom lip beginning to wobble.
"I'm sorry, Y/N," he says truthfully. "Do you want to go home and take a nap there? I can get someone to drive you now."
You shake your head stubbornly.
"I want to stay and see how you qualify. I just need some pain meds."
"They're in my driver's room with my clothes." He explains. "Do you want to come with me? I have that fold-down bed in there now, you can have a quick nap?"
You nod, allowing him to lead you into his room. Once there, he hands you your meds and then slips his comfy cable-knit sweater over your head to stop your shivering. He does his best to tuck you in all comfy, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"I'll come and wake you up in about an hour or so, ok?"
As he shuts the door behind him, he hears a soft "Thank you, Lan." He blows you a kiss, heading back to the garage.
When Lando comes back to wake you up, he's met with a much happier looking Y/N. You sit up on the bed, kissing his cheek and stretching.
"Do you have a pen anywhere? Or do you know where I can find one?" You ask.
Lando frowns, but gestures that he'll be one minute as he slips into Oscar's driver’s room for a second, returning with a Sharpie and handing it to you.
"What's it for?" He asks. "Are you going to vandalize McLaren to get me back?"
You giggle, standing up from the bed.
"I'm heading over to Red Bull," you explain, as if that would make any sense to Lando. "I'm going to see if I can get Max Verstappen to sign my cast. Ooh, and maybe I'll look for Charles too after."
"What?!" Lando splutters. He can't believe his ears. "You want Max and Charles to sign your cast before your own boyfriend? I know they were your favorites before we met, but have I made no progress?"
You laugh, flopping into him and leaning against his legs.
"It's because I don't want to exploit you, baby. I'm going to enjoy their signatures and then maybe sell the cast on eBay once it's off."
Lando bursts out laughing at your explanation, eyes squeezing shut as he holds you tight.
"My little businesswoman. Can I please be the first to sign it?" He asks.
You hand him the Sharpie, holding out your wrist to him. He takes it ever so gently and his tongue peeks out his mouth as he concentrates.
Twisting your arm around to read it, you grin as Lando looks proud of his work. Instead of signing as he would sign a hat or shirt for a fan, he's simply printed his name, followed by a collection of kisses and one wonky love heart. He lightly kisses your exposed fingers, then pats you cheekily on the bum as you pass him.
"Go get your signatures, baby."
thank you for reading! feedback is always appreciated <3
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luvfy0dor · 1 day
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“Your Handprint's on my Soul ♡⁠˖” BSD men x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
╰┈➤ Osamu Dazai, Chuuya Nakahara, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol
warnings; established relationship (Fyodor only), first interactions, kisses, Dazais can be platonic or romantic
description; aus/tropes with BSD characters, inspired loosley by my old post about book types/tropes
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⑅ Osamu Dazai ⑅
• There was only one bed when Dazai appeared on your doorstep one evening. You don't know where he came from and he wouldn't tell you, but he would certainly tell you he wasn't letting you sleep anywhere but the bed, even if you wouldnt allow him to either.
'Knock knock knock' was the first thing you heard when you woke from your slumber in the middle of the night. You felt a little unsettled, but still tiptoed out of bed to the door, peering through the peephole only to see the big head of your coworker and friend on the other side of the door. You huffed and unlocked the deadbolt and opened up. "What are you doing here this late at night?" You asked, rubbing your right eye with the palm of your hand and yawning. "Oh, nothing much, just here for a stroll! It's been quite the long time no see, no?" He says, letting himself in and taking off his shoes at the door. "I saw you..." You peered over at the digital clock on your nightstand table down the hallway. "Like, 7 hours ago. And you texted me 3." You sigh and pull up your pajama pants. "Can I sleepover?" Your brows furrowed at his question.
"Can you sleepover- Osamu, we have work in the morning and- ugh, you know what, yeah, you're already here and it's raining, isn't it? How are you completely dry? I...I have so many questions that I'm not gonna ask right now. You can sleep in my bed, just don't touch anything else in my room, especially nothing in or on my nightstand, got it?" He shook his head and steered you towards your room with his hands on your shoulders. "Oh no, that'd be rude of me to take your bed! I'll take the couch." You shook your head and yanked him gently by the wrist. "No, you're taking the bed-" "why don't we both take the bed?" You were silent for a moment. "Yeah, sure, I don't want to keep going back and forth with this." You say with a sleepy shrug. He walked in front of you to your bedroom like he lived here on the regular and tossed his coat aside. You crawled back into the bed, pulling the covers up to your nose and feeling the bed dip beside you when Dazai crawled in too. He also took his fair share of the blankets, but you soon realized that Dazai was a blanket hog. "Oh my gosh, I'm gonna kick you if y'dont stop stealin' all the blanket!" You groan, yanking the soft material back towards you. "I am not stealing all the blanket, you're very dramatic." He says, rolling over and scooching closer so that he can still be completely covered by the blanket without yanking it back. Each time you moved, you bunched up more of the blanket and pulled it closer to yourself, leaving Dazai uncovered from his right foot to his knee. "And you call me a blanket hog." He starts to steal some of the comforter back, but you toss it over him and roll over to press your front against his, cuddling him. "You come to my house unannounced and steal my blankets..you can just be another source of heat if you wanna act like this." You sleepily say, eyes still closed as you slur out your words. His face was one of surprise for a moment before it melted into a smile. He put a hand on your head and pulled you closer. "And you know what? That's fine with me."
⑅ Chuuya Nakahara ⑅
• Chuuya reminds me of that one soulmate au where whenever you get marks on your skin, they appear on your soulmates too. Small scars, ink scribbles, and bruises would often appear on Chuuyas, but never because of his own doing.
Earlier in the morning, Chuuya had noticed a new doodle on his forearm, this time it was one of a cat. Usually it was partially colored-in hearts or imperfect stars, but he always found other drawings of yours to be more amusing. He was currently relaxing on his couch after a long day of work, shoes kicked off and pajamas put on. He'd gotten bored of whatever nonsense he was watching on the TV and decided to examine the kitty on his arm a little more before picking up a pen and deciding to draw one next to it with a little heart in between them. He rolled his eyes at himself, Chuuya Nakahara, the best martial artist in Yokohama and port mafia executive was doodling kitty cats and hearts on his own arm to appease some soulmate he didnt even know. He sighed and leaned back again. It didn't take long for you to notice and quickly scribble a reply that read "Wow, finally. [poorly drawn eye roll emoji] took you long enough to actually interact w/ me! Started to think I didn't have a soulmate." You felt giddy over the whole thing. Yeah, it was stupid, but he drew a cat in love with the cat that you drew! This was the interaction that you had been waiting for since middle school when all the other kids were writing back and forth with their soulmates so much that they'd make frequent trips to the bathroom to wash off old pen ink since they had no phones to text with yet. Teachers hated it, but everyone was already willing to put their education on the back burner for these, essentially, randos. Not Chuuya, though. Chuuya never liked writing on his skin, the way the ballpoint dragged across his pale flesh made him shiver, and so he never replied to you. His focus on other goals also contributed to that ignorance.
After many years though, he finally decided to entertain the whole idea. Chuuya didn't care about who his soulmate was, if he found someone that wasn't them and he loved them, then that was that. He didn't think the universe should decide the only person he could truly be with, so he dated on his own accord. He checked his arm for your reply as if he was checking a watch and he watched the ink appear on his arm, letter by letter and stroke by stroke. He smiled a little and grabbed his pen again. "I never really cared to, no offense." You scoffed when you read that, crossing out the no. "Full offense taken. Anyways, where you from?" He thought on whether or not he really wanted to tell you, so he decided to play it safe. "I'm not telling you that immediately, what are ya, crazy? How old are you?" The number 21 quickly appeared. "And your name?" You started writing out letters, but the ink quickly faded. Chuuya raised an eyebrow and went to write out a couple stray question marks, but the writing came back in a different color. The ink was blue this time. "Y/n." "Okay, y/n, not that you couldn't be lying, I live in Yokohama, Japan. Can I get your number to make this easier?" You smiled and fist pumped. "Yeah, it's ---/---/----." You received a message about four minutes later. "This is better, I have work in the morning and I don't want to have to scrub off any more ink than this tomorrow." You laid in bed, perpendicular to the mattress with your arms hanging off the edge of the bed as you typed out a reply. Your conversation went on for another hour getting to know eachother before he told you that it'd be best for him to go to bed. You wished him a goodnight and he did the same. You knew it'd take a while to build a strong friendship and maybe even relationship, but the thought made you excited nonetheless.
⑅ Fyodor Dostoevsky ⑅
• When I think of my own highschool academic greatness (I'm failing algebra2/trig) I think of Fyodors geniusness and how much highschool/college aus remind me of him. I don't know if he'd try to juggle a relationship and school, but if he did he'd help you be the best student possible while securing that valedictorian title for himself.
Fyodors slim hand gripped his pencil loosely and moved it acrossed the paper he was given for a written assignment. His hair was pulled back in a super small pony tail and his eyes flickered over to the clock every now and again, waiting for the bell to ring with each passing second. He promised to meet you in the library during lunch to study for your AP Bio test you had coming up at the end of the week. He never minded helping you study, it'd help him retain the knowledge anyways. Finally, the familiar 'ding' sounded throughout the school and he packed up his stuff and left. He walked through the hallways and down the stairs to the library where you were already waiting for him. You smiled and waved him over, opening your school-loaned laptop. "Hey Fedya. I know we always spend lunches together but like, thank you for helping me, I'd be screwed otherwise." You say with a small laugh. He smiles and sits down next to you. "No problem, I don't mind, I did really well in that class anyways." He said while watching you type in your password and pull up an assignment. "Yeah, it's just about- oh! You kept the ponytail in?" You asked him with a smile. You had put his hair up that morning while waiting for the first bell. "Ofcourse I did. It keeps my neck cool." He tells you, tracing shapes on the small of your back with his thumb as he read over the assignment. "This is easy, Myshka, what's the trouble?" "I can't grasp ecology." You say, feeling yourself start to nod off. He raises an eyebrow and hums. "Well, do you sleep during your class like this?" He grins a little. You hum in denial and open your eyes again, glancing at him out of the corner of your eye. "No, I just stayed up late last night cramming and stuff..." You say, resting your head against your fist. "Well that's probably why you're having trouble, you work when you should be sleeping."
You knew he was right, you had other classes that you were doing work for and you had put AP Bio on the back burner because you, a) didn't want to do it, b) didn't think you could do it, and c) saw that you'd feel more successful seeing all those 0's in other classes turn into grades. "I know, I know." You groaned. "But maybe we can just get this one done quick since my laptop is already open." You reaffirm and lean your head on his shoulder. He nods and re-reads the question before asking you what answer you'd pick first and why. You told him and he told you if you were right or wrong, briefly explaining why you were incorrect if that was the case. You were only 5 questions in before Fyodor realized you weren't answering him. He looked to his side and realized you had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He smiled and closed your laptop for you and let you sleep against him for a little while, knowing he'd finish it with you later, very determined to help you get all of your work finally done so you could relax. You clearly needed it.
⑅ Nikolai Gogol ⑅
• Nikolai would be a great, flirty barista, which is why I think coffee shop au would be perfect for him. His ability would be of great use winning over a couple cents in tips as well as your heart.
When you walked into your favorite, local coffee shop, the first thing you noticed was an unfamiliar face behind the counter. A tall man with long, braided white hair stood with a shaker in hand, clearly working hard to perfect s customers drink order. His eyes literally up when he saw you walking towards the counter, quickly pouring the liquid into a scribbled-on cup and capping it. "I'll be with you on one minute!" He says with a toothy grin, handing the drink to the lady waiting on the far side of the shop. He quickly returns to the cash register to take your order. "Hey! How can I help you?" He asks you and straightens out his apron. "Hi, uhm, can I have a (favorite drink), please?" He punched some stuff into the cash register and the visible screen in front of you showed you your total. "Anything else?" His eyes stared back into your own, making your heart race in your chest when you noticed just how beautiful he was. His differently pigmented eyes and sharp jawline along with the way his pointed teeth flashed when he smiled had your cheeks heating up pretty quickly. Not to mention his hair and physique.
As he was about to point out your staring with a cheeky expression, you muttered a 'yes.' He nodded. "Okay, your total is $4.20." You pulled out the first bill that wasn't a $1 from your wallet and handed it to him, Nikolais eyebrows raising when you put a $20 in his hands, but he stuck it in the register and counted up your change. "Okay, $15.80 is your change, can I get a name?" He asked you while giving you your change before grabbing a cup and sharpie. "Y/n." You quickly said, dropping all of the $15.20 in the top jar. "Ohhhh, wow! Y/n might as well take me on a date with a tip that big~!." He giggles and turns to make your drink for you while you wait with a warm face and stomach full of butterflies. "I don't think I'd mind taking you out on one." You say with a sense of confidence. "Hm, I might have to take you up on that." It's not long before he has your drink made, using a glowy portal to grab the sharpie on the counter relatively far away and scribbling something in your cup again. "Alright, here ya go! Have a good one!" He hands the drink to you, smiling a little bit when he feels your hand brush against as you take it from him. "Thank you, you too." You call back, turning around and walking away. Once you're out of the café, you rotate the cup 360° to figure out what he wrote on it, only to find ten digits acrossed the plastic. You smiled and your heartbeat picks up ten fold. You make sure to take a picture of it in a good lighting to ensure the visibility of all of the numbers, you might just have to arrange a date with him now.
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A/n; AHHHHHHHHHHHH next time event post <3
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sainns · 1 day
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syn by adoy he had it all planned out but how's he supposed to wait when it comes to you? ㅤ✉️
content femreader, established relationship, sunghoon pov and it's just a lot of him thinking about you, awkward ending cos idk how to end stuff genre fluff, oneshot wc 1147
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sunghoon often gets overwhelmed by his feelings for you. sometimes the love he feels gets to be so intense that he doesn't know what to do, losing the ability to think rationally about anything that has to do with you.
he knew right away that he wanted to be the one to marry you but he held back for the four years and eight months that you dated, waiting until you talked about marriage first. you'd brought it up to him one morning, a simple conversation. one he replayed for weeks.
during those weeks he planned everything; his proposal. he bought a ring, bought tickets to paris (jake's idea—city of love and all that), booked a really nice hotel, and he had a whole itinerary for the day he planned on proposing. he's pretty sure he's going to be in debt for the rest of his life because of these expenses but it's worth it.
when he brought up the trip to you he simply played it off as something for your five year anniversary, it was close enough to the date so you didn't think much of it. five years was a long time so why wouldn't you do something special?
so on thursday morning, you rush to the airport because someone (sunghoon) didn't want to leave your embrace yet. thankfully, you made it on time, sunghoon holding tightly onto your hand to make sure he doesn't lose you in the crowd.
it takes fourteen hours to get from seoul to paris and another hour to drive to the hotel. the flight was.. okay. as good as a flight can be but god was it tiring, you don't think you and sunghoon have ever been as happy as you were to see a bed until tonight.
the next day you take it easy, spending most of it inside your hotel room, briefly stepping out to get dinner at some restaurant nearby. you're walking back, hands swinging back and forth slightly.
"what're we doing tomorrow?"
sunghoon hums, "it's a surprise,"
you knock your shoulder against his, "can i have a hint?"
you groan, throwing your head back while sunghoon smiles fondly at you. he loves you, he knows that. today, though, it feels like it's bigger than love. a lot bigger. you haven't even done anything significant today; it was practically just a regular day. if you ignore the fact that you were at a hotel in paris, but he ignores that part.
honestly, he isn't sure if there's a word deep enough to describe how he feels for you. it feels like he's drowning, sinking deeper and deeper every second that he spends with you and he's okay with that. more than okay; he's happy.
he wants to make you happy, too. he wants to spend the rest of his life seeing your smile and your laugh. he feels a slight wave of anxiety wash over him—what if he messes everything up? what if his proposal turns out to be awful?
he sighs, shaking those thoughts out of his head, instead focusing on you whine about how you need him to tell you what the surprise is. he just laughs at you, pulling out the key to the hotel room.
"i'll tell you tomorrow when we wake up, okay?"
"or now," you smile up at him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. his hands instinctively go to your waist.
"i can't, baby,"
"i'm gonna stay up all night thinking about this,"
he leans down, placing a kiss on the crown of your head, "yeah, i'm sure you will,"
you don't stay up all night. in fact, you fall asleep almost right away, probably still exhausted from yesterday's flight. sunghoon wishes he could fall asleep as easily as you, but he can't. not when he's proposing to you tomorrow. the presence of the ring hidden inside his suitcase is too suffocating, it's like he can feel it in his hands already.
he pulls you closer to his chest, pressing his cheek against the top of your head. he really hopes that tomorrow will be your last day as simply boyfriend and girlfriend.
he falls asleep after you but he wakes up before you. he's glad that he did because it gives him the opportunity to stare at you. he likes when he wakes up before you; it gives him the chance to see you at your most peaceful, when all the stress from your life is missing.
he shifts, cupping your cheek with his hand, rubbing small circles against your skin. he stares at you for a few seconds longer before leaning forward to place a kiss on your forehead.
he smiles against your skin, "morning, baby. did i wake you up? i'm sorry,"
you groan, pulling away from him so that you can rub your eyes, "no, i was already awake,"
he hums and you sit up, stretching your arms out.
"i didn't forget about the surprise, by the way," you glance towards him, "tell me, pretty please,"
he's quiet when he speaks, licking his lips, "i love you,"
"i know you do. i love you too. is that your surprise?" you lay back down, the two of you facing each other.
"will you marry me?"
he doesn't think before asking you. it forces it's way out of his mouth, not giving him any choice in the matter. at first he doesn't care, but then you can practically see him go though all five stages of grief.
"wait, wait, wait," he presses his hand over you mouth when you begin to speak, "don't say anything. i—god, let me ask you for real. i want it to be special, not something i say randomly,"
you listen to him patiently, waiting for him to stop before pulling his hand away from your mouth, "that was special, silly,"
he gives you a dirty look, "uh, no. i don't think me proposing to you in a hotel bed is special,"
"i think so. it's like.. you really couldn't wait to ask me,"
"i couldn't wait,"
"and i can't wait to answer you,"
he stares at you, taking in your expression. you're smiling at him, a soft smile that he hasn't seen from you before. it's different than all your other smiles, he doesn't know why. this one feels like you can understand the feeling that he has for you; something way beyond love.
"will you marry me?"
you giggle, a grin breaking out onto your face, "can i answer this time?"
he nods.
"mhm, i'll marry you,"
"thank you,"
"you don't have to thank me,"
he smiles, "yeah, i do. thank you for letting me into your life all those years ago and thank you for letting me stay in it," he leans forward, pressing his lips against yours, "i love you more than love."
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author's note new layout!!!! anw the song doesn't rlly have anything to do with this LOL but it represents how he feels about u trust + i miiiight make this into a mini series w the hyung line :3 like how they propose to u
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joelsdolly · 2 days
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warnings: smut, unprotected piv sex, some aftercare, ur sarah's best friend, age gap, no use on y/n, petnames (baby, sweetheart) reader is legal!!!!!!!!!
word count: 1.1k
notes: first time posting smut about a man please pray for me chat😔
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it started as innocent eye contact, winking and some occasionally suggestive jokes, that's all it was, yet it grew into something more when you found yourself straddling your best friend's dad, his lips ghosted yours and before you knew it you were making out, yours lips moved in synch, you started to grind your core against his clothed thigh, he pulled away and stopped your hips, 'not today, but...soon' you giggled and nodded
you waited for that day, you would always find excuses to go over early or forget something and have to go pick it up when sarah wasn't home, and you always found yourself on top of him with your lips pressed against his . you would promise each other that you would stop but you couldn't, it was like an addiction, to the rush and to him, it was something you both needed
the air was hot and sweat dripped down your neck, you were outside gardening with sarah, she has just recently bought some new flowers that needed to be planted, so when she asked you to help of course you accepted . you were wearing some short jean shorts and a tank top, you had slipped on some comfortable shoes, as you dug a hole in the dirt you heard the front door open, joel had brought out two glasses of lemonade
'here you go girls' he placed it on the table on the porch, you rushed over to it, feeling dehydrated, you quickly drank it, not leaving on drop, joel watched you and chuckled . 'you want more?' he stood behind you with his hands on your shoulders, you shook your head and turned around, 'no, m'good, thank though' he patted your shoulder and nodded before heading back inside
the day went on and you spent it all at sarah's house, by the time you had finished gardening and school work it was around dinner time, joel had suggested you stay for dinner, you accepted and helped prepare the food, it was the least you could do . you all sat down at the table, joel choosing to sit next to you, you wondered why but you didn't think to much of it
as you ate your food you felt a hand creep onto your thigh, you almost froze, yet you didn't because you knew who's it was, you looked down and saw joel's large hand gripping and massaging your thigh, you acted like nothing was happening, choosing to ignore the feeling of yourself growing wetter, you continued the conversation and eating, because once again nothing was happening
you helped clear the table and wash the dishes with sarah, you watched some tv with her, choosing a movie you'd already seen hundreds of times, joel sat by you two, reading a book, sarah felt herself get tired, she yawned, 'hm, i think I'm gonna go to bed' she spoke, you nodded your head, 'me too, I guess I'll get going' before you could fully stand up to leave joel put his book down and pulled you back down on the couch, 'or you could sleep over here tonight'
you thought about it, was it a good idea? no, not at all, we're you going to stay? yes, yes you we're . 'okay sure' you beamed, you and sarah headed to her room, she gave you a blanket and some pillows so you could sleep on the ground . she quickly fell asleep, you on the other hand couldn't sleep at all, maybe it was the uncomfortable floor or maybe it was the ache between your legs, you tossed and turned until you got up
you walked downstairs in only a tank top and boxers, you thought joel would be asleep too yet you found him sitting on the couch watching some mediocre show, you sat down next to him, sighing and turning your head towards him, 'can't sleep?' you shook your head, 'so you came down here, because you couldn't sleep? no other reason?'
'well I thought maybe you could help me...' he chuckled, 'and how would I do that?' you moved closer to him, straddling his lap, 'dunno actually...' he cupped your face with his hands and brought you into a rough kiss, 'i have an idea baby, you just lay back' he said between kisses, you ran your hand up and down his arm, giving his bicep a quick squeeze . he gripped your hips as you grinded on to his thigh, he laid you down, 'are you sure you want this' he questioned, 'yes, I am, I want you joel' you whined
'fuck' he mumbled, he began to unbuckle his belt, pulling his pants down, you could see his hardened member though his boxers, he leaned down to kiss you, as you sloppily made out he pulled down your boxers, he slipped his fingers onto your heat, feeling how wet you we're, 'this all for me sweetheart?' you nodded, he chuckled and pulled his boxers down
he pumped his cock a couple times before lining his tip up with your cunt, he slowly slipped into your hole, the stretch stinging but feeling amazing, you shut your eyes and moaned, a little too loud for his liking, he covered your mouth with his hand, 'shh shh' he cooed . he started to rut his hips, his cock pumping in and out of you, your jaw flung open and your eyes rolled to the back of your head
he fucked into you, his tip abusing your poor cervix, with every thrust a small whine escaped your mouth, and he heard and appreciated every one of them . he continued his ruthless pace, grabbing your hips and slamming into you, your back arched and bit your bottom lip, you felt a knot in your stomach grow and he could tell you were close by the way you were clenching around him
'come baby, c'mon' he gently slapped your thigh, with his action you came all over his cock, he could see a ring of your nectar forming around the base of his shaft, with how tight you were clenching around him he spilled his seed deep inside you, he let out a low grown as his orgasm washed over him . he regained his breath and sighed, he pulled out and fixed himself up before rushing into the bathroom
you were too fucked out to tell he was gone but soon you felt a warm wet washcloth wipe your cunt clean, he pulled your boxers back up and grabbed a cover for you, he laid it on top of you and kissed your forehead as you drifted off into a deep sleep .
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ericshoney · 3 days
Mini Matt plays detective ~ Matt Sturniolo
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Summary: Matt has got a new girlfriend and Mini Matt doesn't like her and finds out some info.
Warnings: usual swearing, platonic pet names, shouting, crying, name calling, clout chaser girlfriend (sorry to all the Mollie's out there, I picked a random name!), angst with a happy ending.
You were sat on the sofa with Chris, playing Mario Kart happily. Nick sat next to you watching you both scream at the TV, laughing at how competitive you both are. Matt, well you had no idea where he was, until you heard his voice, along with a set of heels.
"Fuck." You mumbled, hearing the noise.
"Guys, Y/n, I'm back and I have Mollie with me." You heard Matt call, as he appeared with his girlfriend.
To be blunt, you hated her. She was rude when she wasn't around Matt, constantly touching him, hanging off him and being all demanding. She had a few hundred followers on socials, which didn't matter, but recently you've noticed all she posts about is Matt, you weren't sure if it was just her being obsessed or trying to get attention.
"Oh hey." Chris mumbled, getting up to grab a drink from the fridge.
"Hey Chris! Hey Nick!" Mollie squealed, totally ignoring your presence.
"I'm here too you know." You mumbled with a sigh.
"Oh sorry sweetie I didn't see you there." She replied, being as fake as her nails.
"Whatever." You muttered, going into your room to take shelter. You knew she'd be around wherever Matt was.
"Hey sweetheart, you okay?" Nick called softly, entering your room behind you.
"Just don't like her." You said, Nick knew you weren't a fan of Mollie, he saw how she really acted.
"I know bub, neither do I or Chris, but until Matt listens, what are we gonna do?" He responded, patting your knee.
"No idea." You sighed.
Nick patted your knee again as he got up to leave your room, letting you relax alone for a bit, knowing you didn't want to be around Mollie.
As you sat in your room relaxing, you decided to do some digging on Mollie. Call yourself petty but you couldn't deal with her much longer. You scrolled through all her social media, most of it being posts about Matt and her, trying to get followers and the regular selfie.
However, as you searched more, you found an upload of a fan account. It was a video of Mollie with one of her friends, the video looking like it was taken in secret. You watched it, listening to what it said and what was mentioned, you couldn't believe your ears.
"I'm only using Matt for clout, that boy is so dumb but it won't be long before I have a ring on my finger."
Grabbing your phone with the leaked video, you rushed into the living room where the guys were sat, Mollie laying right besides Matt. The four looked at you seeing you rush in with your phone held high.
"What's going on, kid?" Chris asked you.
"I was just scrolling through my phone, after doing a bit of digging and discovered this." You answered, passing him your phone.
The four watched the video, Mollie looking at you with hate in her eyes as the guys continued watching.
"It's fake." She quickly said once it stopped.
"Looks fake." Matt agreed quietly.
"Fuck no! It's as real as anything. Mollie's just using you!" You shouted as Chris passed your phone back.
"Y/n, just stop. Really." Matt said.
"What." You said in shock.
"Your just jealous. Can't you be happy for me?" He asked, looking at you.
"Matt, come on." Nick called.
"No, Mollie's using you Matt. Can't you see it." You responded.
"Just stop! Your just being a stupid bitch! You need attention all the time! Oh look it's Mini Matt. Like get over yourself!" He shouted.
You stood frozen in shock at his words. You felt the tears burn in your eyes as you ran back to your room, crashing on your bed, crying at how hurtful and blinded Matt was being. As you curled, a knock was heard at the door.
"Go away." You mumbled.
The person ignored you and you shot up once you heard the sound of Mollie's heels.
"I'll give you credit, nobody has ever found that much information about me in such little time. Well done on that video too." She said, a wicked smirk on her face.
"Why? Why do all this?" You questioned, rubbing your puffy eyes.
"For followers you dumb bitch. Matt and his brothers are doing fucking amazing at the moment so I want a part of it and if I keep going I'll push you out. I've turned Matt against you, won't take long for Nick or Chris to follow." She confessed with a crazy laugh.
"The fuck."
You both looked over and saw Nick, Matt and Chris in your bedroom doorway. A look of hurt now spread across Matt's face.
"Oh I'm joking Matty bear!" Mollie squealed, rushing over to Matt, only to be pushed off.
"Get the fuck away from me. Your sick." Matt growled.
"I suggest you leave and never come back." Nick said.
Mollie sighed in defeat and walked out of the house. You looked at the boys.
"I'm sorry Matt." You said as he came and sat next to you.
"No, I'm sorry." He responded.
"You didn't see what we saw, it's okay, bro." Chris said, patting his shoulder.
"No, you all tried to tell and show me how she was using me but I was too dumb to listen. I'm sorry for calling you a stupid bitch and saying you want attention." Matt responded.
"It's okay. I understand you were angry." You replied.
"I for one, am glad she's gone." Nick said, waving his hands around, making you all chuckle slightly.
"Let's take this as a life lesson. Nobody and I mean nobody comes in and tries to break up what we have here. Nobody replaces Mini Matt either." Chris said.
"Agreed." You, Matt and Nick said at the same time.
"I also don't think your over yourself, petal. Having you in my life makes me happy and I wouldn't have it any other way, even if you can be slightly grumpy." Matt said, teasing you.
"Hey, I'm Mini Matt, so you just called yourself grumpy." You replied.
"She got you there, dude." Chris said as Nick nodded in agreement.
Matt laughed and pulled you in for a hug, Chris and Nick also joined and knew they would be much more careful when it came to relationships and who to trust from now on.
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thir10th · 14 hours
hey lovely! can I request a fic where r is feeling insecure with her body lately and emily shows how beautiful she is? fluff w some smut if you feel comfortable :)
Hi anon! your timing couldn't be better. This has been sitting on my drafts for weeks, i kinda hated it, but you just gave me an excuse to get back to it, so thank you for that and for requesting! Hope you like it <3
will you? - Emily Prentiss x fem!reader
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summary: see the ask. I changed it a bit but the main idea is still there tw: insecure reader, face-sitting, oral sex, body image, tiny bit of angst (blink and you miss it) a/n: this one might be a bit messy but i still enjoyed writing it! like & reblog <3
You throw your bag far away when you enter the hotel room. This case was getting hard, nothing was making sense, and you had been working for the past 14 hours none stop.
You need to ether sleep, eat something, a shower, or an orgasm. Or maybe all of them
but that isn't an option right now, because you're mad at her.
You aren't even sure why you had gotten so upset about it, its not like she had actually done anything, but you were still annoyed.
You were actually mad at yourself, more than at your girlfriend, but her words still resonating on your head wouldn't go away.
Emily's arms wrapping around your waist make you jump, getting you out of your thoughts.
Hugging you from behind, she rests her face on your shoulder, you feel her warm breath on your neck, she kisses your cheek lovingly.
Her arms leave your waist to reach your shoulders, her hands massage your arms which makes you close your eyes in pleasure, relying on her touch. Maybe staying mad wasn't that worth it.
"You know what i think you need?" she moves a strand of hair to kiss the curve of your neck "mh- what?" you say, a smile of pleasure starting to form on your lips
"I think you know what" she answers, you can feel her smile against your skin, her teeth brushing against your shoulder, and then you realize what she has in mind
"No, no, Em, absolutely not" You refuse, pulling away from her touch, turning around to look at her, crossing your arms.
"ugh i can't believe you're still thinking about it, after this morning" there it is, you are pushing her away again.
Why is she so insistent though, why can't she just read your mind and understand?
"Ok, ok I'm sorry, I just don't understand. You're always so open to trying new stuff, and that, just... i don't know, baby, i just want to know why you don't want it, that's all" She says, her hand reaching to rest on your arm to comfort you.
You just can't tell her, you're too ashamed. That same morning your girlfriend had suggested you tried something new in bed. She had asked you, boldly, (like she always did) to sit on her face.
She had insisted so much, you had denied every time.
Really, what was there to hate? your beautiful girlfriend was literally asking you to fuck her face, to eat you out, to give you full control. But you just couldn't do it.
"c'mon, baby, i just want to understand" she is being gentle, using her persuasion skills on you, calling you by the special pet name that would only come out in moments of special intimacy or vulnerability
She knows how to get to you, and that only makes you angrier.
You take her hand off your arm, getting yourself away from her, you need to be alone.
"I'm gonna go take a shower, try to keep it in your pants while i'm gone, all right?" you spit at her, and seeing her mouth-opened expression, you regret it inmidiately.
Standing under the warm stream of water helps you get your mind off of things for a while, while you wander what's exactly got you all worked up like this.
Emily doesn't deserve any of this, she had been nothing but sweet. Yes, she has been insistent about it, but that doesn't mean she had to be hit in the face with your own insecurities.
Getting out of the shower you stare at your reflection on the bathroom mirror. God, you hate how it makes you feel, but what you hate the most is how you're paying your own frustrations with your girlfriend.
Wrapped in a bathrobe, you get out, ready to face an angry Emily, instead she lays on the bed, already on her sleep clothes, reading with her book resting on her knees
"Em?" you try, she looks at you from over her book, then gets back to reading
"You're not gonna talk to me?" you ask
"whenever you're ready to actually talk to me, then I will. I'll try to keep it in my pants in the meantime, though" she shoots back in a sarcastic tone.
She's right, you shouldn't have said that, it had been a low blow.
You sit beside her, taking the book from her hands and placing it on the nightstand. She looks at you with mixed anger and sadness.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, you know i didn't, this is just hard for me" you try to explain. "Look, I just don't think it's a good idea, alright?"
"I don't ever want to make you uncomfortable, but i want you to talk to me, i've been trying to get to you, and you just shut me out" she says, sitting upright on her spot on the bed, taking your hands on hers, looking you in the eyes
"it's just... i don't want to... hurt you" her mouth falls open once again "hurt me? that's what this is all about? baby c'mon, you won't hurt me, why do you say that?" her tone switches to full concern now, the previous argument already forgotten
"yes, i will, I will choke you with this big stupid things and you won't ever want to go down on me again" you finally let out
"well... I'll die a happy woman then" she chuckles, trying to downplay it
"Ok, baby, listen to me" she holds your face with both her hands, forcing you to look at her, the tenderness of her gaze deepening into you
"i love every part of you, even the ones you don't like, thighs included" she waits for an answer but you don't say anything.
Emily lifts your your chin with her finger, and leaves a soft peck on your lips, the contact makes you relax instantly
"you are smart" she says, leaving another soft kiss on your cheek
"and beautiful" now getting your other cheek
"and sexy" she kisses your nose this time
"and so, so hot" she moves back to kiss your lips again, and you chuckle nervously at her words
"what can i do to help you believe me?" you shake your head "let me bury myself into you, please" her pleading is getting too much, her thumb caresses your face so softly, so tenderly.
How could you deny her anything when she asks so sweetly? you finally nod, the huge smile spreading along her face
"Em, are you sure?” you ask, biting at your lip as you watch your girlfriend sit on the edge of the bed and recline back, laying face-up atop the covers with an eager grin spread across her face. “I might weigh too much…”
Emily raises her head up and shoots you a look. “Honey, I’m positive,” she says, trying to keep the whine out of her voice.
She wants you on her so badly she can barely stand it, eyes flickering between your face and the bathrobe that covers your thick, delectable thighs from view. 
A moment of deliberation passes, then, without another word, you reach down and untie the soft white hotel bathrobe, letting it slide down your arms to fall to the floor at your feet, leaving you completely naked in a matter of seconds
"fuck" you hear her mutter "you're so beautiful" Emily breathes
“Not as beautiful as you” you murmur as she clambers onto the bed.
You crawl up it until you are kneeling beside Emily's head, the mattress dipping slightly beneath your combined weight.
“Is it okay if I…?”
“Yes.” her decisiveness tells you she wasn't joking, she does want this more than you had thought
You take a deep breath in and then lift a leg, swinging it over Emily and settling it on the other side of her head so that you are straddling her, your cunt hovering mere inches over Emily's mouth.
"Promise me you will tell me if i'm too heavy, or if you can't breath" too excited to resist, Emily reaches up to thumb at your clit. 
“I will” she says, sliding her free hand along your thigh, rubbing comforting circles into the soft skin.
“I promise you i will tap you twice, but i won't need it" she reassures. "You’re gorgeous—fuck, I wanna taste you so bad.”
Cautiously, you lowered yourself down enough that your near-dripping pussy was just barely pressing against Emily’s face.
You were planning to keep as still as possible in order to resist the urge to squeeze your thighs around Emily or put too much weight on her, but that idea flew out the window almost immediately after her tongue darted out, flattening itself against the lips of your pussy before dragging upward and settling at the soft nub of your clit. 
“Oh,” you gasp, giving a shuddery little jerk of your hips before you can stop yourself.
Emily moans in reply, the sound vibrating against your walls and causes you to whimper again. 
Her tongue flicks out, circling your clit and applying occasional pressure, whilst two fingers push inside you, crook and rubbing at your sennsitive inner walls.
You shudder and gasp, quickly losing yourself to the feeling.
“Oh, fuck, Emily,” you gasp out, finally giving in to the temptation to reach down and fist her hand into her silky hair.
Your girlfriend lets out another appreciative moan when you give it a rough tug, the vibrations making every feeling intensify.
Losing yourself to the pleasure, you rock your hips against Emily, knees pressing hard into the mattress. She has always been an expert on driving you wild like this.
Her nose rubbing right at your clit and you couldn’t help but moan, gripping tighter on the headboard. God, she has the perfect nose for this.
Emily’s mouth wrap around you, tongue sinking into your pussy as far as she can while she sucks at you, eagerly lapping your juices into her mouth.
Her hands groped at your ass, encouraging you to roll your hips, effectively riding her face.
She keeps up the pace, mouthing desperately at your clit until you can feel yourself letting go.
Hips stuttering and then stalling. Your thighs shook up, inner walls spasming around Emily’s fingers as you fall over the edge and into bliss.
“Oh fuck! Fuck, Em...” You breath out, your chest heaving as you very slowly open your eyes, coming down to earth as Emily leaves little kitten licks on your cunt, sucking up as much of your juices as she could.
Your body shudders when her nose brushes against you again, this time an accident and she chuckles softly, helping you swing your leg over her and drop onto the bed beside her.
Emily stays put, lying face-up as she catches her breath. Then, once she feels able to, she rolls onto her side and grins at you.
"good?" she asks, her fingers softly playing with your hair
"absolutely perfect" You reply with a dreamy smile, pulling her to you for a kiss. You can't help but moan into her mouth at the taste of yourself on her tongue.
"I'm really sorry of what i said, Em" you said, keeping you face close to hers, holding her
"It's ok, I know you were upset. I just want you to know that i love every single part of your body, no exceptions" you kiss her sweetly, her words causing a warm feeling to spread on your stomach
"you're perfect" you say, pulling her in for another kiss
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Hope you like it! reqs are still open!
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cntloup · 15 hours
medieval au you finally find out what your husband does
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7
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"does it bother you?" you ask as you lay in your husband's arms, "what?" he asks, peering down at you, confusion written on his face.
"that i was... a prostitute." you respond, lifting your head from his chest and gazing into his gorgeous brown eyes as realization settles in them.
"no." he replies with a slight shake of his head, "no?!" you question in a surprised tone.
"no." he repeats, "what bothers me is the fact that you had to do it, the circumstances that forced you into it."
"and i assure you..." he continues, "that you never have to do that again. in fact, you will never have to even lift a finger as long as i'm here."
"simon..." you call out breathily, a dreamy smile painting your face and he pulls you in for a sweet kiss.
as soon as your lips meet, the sound of footsteps and metal clanging in the distance reach your ears.
he's on high alert and instinctively shields you from any possible danger, his large body covering yours as he faces the door, ready to jump at whoever dares to attack him and his wife.
"stay here." he whispers to you and reaches to take his sword beside the bed, "simon? what's happening?" you ask, frightened and confused.
he turns to you as he reaches the bedroom door, "don't make any sound. whatever happens, whatever you hear, you stay here and keep quiet."
"wha-" you start and he shushes you, "under the pillow." he says, gesturing for you to look.
your hand reaches under his pillow and you take the dagger hidden there, "use it if necessary." he says and leaves the room.
you squeeze your eyes shut as your hands tightly hold onto the dagger, crying silently in utter fear.
the sound of shouting and swords clanging against one another and bodies falling and hitting the floor fill the house.
and you pray, although not religious, you pray to whomever there is above listening, that no harm comes to him.
after what feels like an eternity of terror, he enters the room, "we have to go." he informs you while clutching his abdomen as he bleeds into his shirt and hand.
"oh my god, simon!" you rush to his side and remove his hand to take a look at the wound.
he winces as you remove the part of his shirt that was stuck to the wound, "sorry." you apologize.
your eyebrows furrow and you wince in pain, as if you can feel it as you glare at the deep wound.
"you know how to sew?" he asks, "i've got it." you utter and leave to bring your sewing kit, trying so hard to keep your composure and not scream in his face asking what the fuck just happened. he's hurt and he's your priority right now.
you guide him to sit on the bed and sew him up with your delicate hands, shedding silent tears as you think about how you nearly lost him, and the amount of blood frightens you, "don't worry, love. it's nothing. i've had worse." he says, wiping away the tears running down your cheeks and you scoff at his attempt to lighten the mood.
you finish patching him up and place a clean cloth over the wound.
"we have to go now. there has to be more coming." he says and you help him to get up as you witness him struggling.
"go where? who even were they?" you ask in frustration, you still have no idea what it is all about, "i'll tell you on the way. now pack up your stuff." he replies monotonously, only adding to your frustration, but you stay cool and obey.
he informs the lads of the attack and you all gather in a large ship... which is your husband's apparently. there's a whole lot you don't know about him.
"you're a bloody pirate?!" you shout with widened eyes, surprised and angry and all the emotions in between.
"...yes." he mutters, "and there's a prize on my head."
"what?! simon, what the hell?! when were you gonna tell me??!" you start shouting in his face and slapping his chest, unleashing all the anger and frustration you felt.
"i wasn't planning on it." he responds, his nonchalance only fueling the fire of your rage towards him as you huff and puff, glaring daggers at him and pacing the length of the ship.
"i know it's a lot to take in-" he starts, only for you to cut him off, "damn right it is." you snarl, but immediately take a deep breath to cool yourself down, "but it's not your fault."
"i'm sorry, simon. i know i overreacted." you apologize as you walk up to him and embrace him while keeping wary of his injury.
"not at all, love. you have every right to." he says, wrapping his big burly arms around you and taking you in his loving embrace.
"you need to rest." you murmur, looking up at him, "only if you stay with me." he whispers, slowly leaning in, "always." you say and capture his lips with yours, both smiling widely into the kiss.
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mymindcreatedthis · 16 hours
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It was all a dream! 18+
Alexia Putellas x Reader
Warning: Smut, Cuddling, wet dream, Cock Warming, cumshot, handjob.
Plot: After a very long week of training and weight lifting the girls are tired, they eat dinner and head up to their room and immediately fall asleep. Reader holds Alexia close to her as they sleep and starts having a spicy dream of Putellas. Reader and Alexia are to tired to do it but Alexia helps Reader out and gives her a handjob.
*Y/n's Pov*
It was the 4th day of camp, the team and I have been training and lifting weights like crazy. We are all super tired. After the coach blows the whistle we rush over to the water and chug a bunch of water.
We hit the locker room and hit the showers. We change into new clothes and get onto the bus and head back to the hotel. After dinner Alexia and I go back to our room. We immediately lay down in bed.
"Good night baby." I say and kiss her.
Alexia smiles and kisses back. "Good night love."
I cuddle with her and hold her close to me. I kiss her head and fall asleep holding Alexia close to me.
I blush darkly at the naked girl in front of me. She smirks and pushes me back onto the bed. She bites her lip and lays between my legs. She kisses and rubs my bulge over my shorts.
I moan in pleasure as she does this. "Mmm fuck."
The girl giggles. "Mmm so hard. I can feel you throbbing."
She playfully tugs at the waist band of my shorts silently asking for permission. I nod, I bite my lip and watch the beautiful blonde slides my shorts and boxers down my legs and toss them off to the side.
My dick springs out once it's freed from its confinement. "Fuck baby, you're huge." Alexia says as she measures my dick with her forearm.
I blush darkly. "T-Thanks."
Alexia giggles, she slowly strokes my dick and swirls her tongue around the tip. I moan in pleasure as she does this.
"Relax baby, relax and enjoy." Alexia says.
Once I'm hard Alexia takes my dick in her mouth. I moan as Alexia slowly bobs her head. "Mmm fuck just like that."
Alexia hums against my dick, she wraps her arms around my thighs and bobs her head a bit faster. Alexia chokes as gags a bit as my tip hits the back of her throat.
"S-Shit, just like that's, I'm gonna cum buckets." I moan in pleasure.
Alexia plays with my balls as she bobs her head even faster. I moan, after another 5 minutes of an amazing blow job I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
"Alexia baby.... I'm gon-" I'm unable to warn her in time. I bust my load in her mouth.
Throat pie:
I moan, my legs shake and buckle in pleasure as I finish inside Alexia's mouth. Alexia chokes and gags a bit as I cum in her mouth.
I moan in pleasure coming down from my high as the last of my cum oozes inside her mouth. Alexia swallows my load; she gets the rest of my cum. My dick falls from her mouth and falls limp.
Alexia smiles and shows me a mouth full of cum. Cum drips down her chin. Alexia smiles and swallows my load.
I flip us around and kiss her deeply. My hands slip up her shirt, I scratch and trace her abs a bit roughly scratching them with my fingers. Alexia moans as I do this, I smirk and continue to kiss her neck.
My hand slips in her panties and shorts and rub her folds. "Mmm fuck." Alexia moans and leans back against me as I slip in a finger and slowly finger her.
"Mmm take off my clothes." Alexia moans as I continue to finger her.
I giggle, I slide her shorts and panties down her legs and tosses them off to the side. I pick her up, Alexia giggles and squeals as I do this.
I lay her on the bed, Alexia spreads her legs giving me full access to her pussy, I lay between her legs. I take off her shirt and bra and toss them off to the side.
I kiss from her neck down to her chest, I kiss and suck in her boobs leaving hickys. Alexia moans as I do this, I kiss her boobs down to her stomach/ abs. I kiss and suck on her abs leaving hickys.
Alexia moans and runs her fingers through my hair. I playfully tug at her shirts silently asking for permission. Alexia nods. "Take them off."
I slide her shorts and panties down her legs and toss them off to the side. I run my fingers through her folds. She moans as I do this.
"You're soaking wet baby." I say.
"All for you baby." Alexia says.
I smirk, I kiss from her abs down to her thighs. I kiss and suck on her inner thighs. Alexia moans she grabs my head and pushes my head to where she needs me the most. I lick her folds, Alexia moans and rubs her fingers through my hair.
I didn't know what Alexia was into so I was just winging it. Alexia moans as I slip in a finger and slowly finger her as I lick her folds and roll my tongue on her clit.
"Oh fuck, it's so good." Alexia's moans.
I slip in a second finger, I finger her faster. Alexia moans and rests her legs on my shoulders. I stick my tongue deep in her pussy eating her out.
"Fuck....Fuck....Fuck. I'm gonna cum." Alexia moans.
I finger her faster and faster as I eat her out rolling my tongue on her clit adding different pressure sending Alexia over the edge. Alexia cums on my face and in my mouth and on my fingers. Alexia's legs shake and buckle in pleasure.
I help Alexia ride out her high. I lick and clean up her sticky mess. I lick her juices off my fingers and wipe her juices off my face. I lick her folds cleaning up the rest of her cum.
Alexia moans and lays there panting and trying to catch her breath I come back up and kiss her deeply. Alexia moans as she tastes herself on my lips.
"Mmmm you really know how to eat pussy." Alexia says.
I smile. "You taste amazing baby."
I smash my lips against Alexia's and make out with her. Alexia lowers her hand and slowly strokes my dick as she makes out with me.
I moan in the kiss as she does this. Alexia smirks and lays me down on the bed, she smirks and straddles me.
"I'm not done with you yet. I want your load deep inside my pussy." Alexia says seductively.
Fuck that may have been the hottest thing I've heard. Alexia straddles me she lines my dick up with her pussy. Alexia puts my tip in her and slowly sinks down I. My dick taking my length deep inside her.
We both moan as I'm deep inside her pussy. Alexia grabs my boobs and takes a moment to adjust to my size.
"Fuck I thought you were big in my mouth. I feel so full with you deep inside me." Alexia moans.
Me and Alexia both moan as she slowly slides up and down on my dick. "Mmm fuck, so wet and tight." I moan in pleasure.
Alexia slides up and down on my dick faster and faster. "Mmm fuck daddy you're really deep in there." Alexia moans.
Her skin slaps against mine as our moans fill the room. I moan and spank her ass. Alexia moans and goes faster and harder.
"F-Fuck." I moan in pleasure.
Alexia moans and massages my boobs as she keeps riding my dick going harder. "Gah fuck, it feels so good." Alexia moans.
"Mmm you Like that baby? Daddy's dick deep inside you stretching you out?" I ask.
Alexia moans and grips the top of the head board. As she goes faster and faster. "Fuck daddy, I love it. I love you stretching me out." Alexia moans.
I moan loudly as I feel myself getting close to cumming. "Gah Alexia, slow down a bit. I'm gonna cum." I moan in pleasure.
Alexia cutely giggles and moans. "That's the point baby. I'm gonna drain your balls and collect every drop of your cum." Alexia says.
Fuck that may have been the hottest thing I've heard. I moan and watch Alexia as she continues to ride me.
"You close baby? You gonna bust your load deep inside my pussy?" Alexia asks seductively.
"Mmm I'm gonna pump you full of cum." I moan in Pleasure.
Alexia grips the head board tightly and rides my dick faster and harder. I moan loudly in pleasure as I feel myself getting close to cumming.
"Alexia baby, I'm gonna cum." Loudly in pleasure.
Creampie #1:
I moan in pleasure. I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her. Alexia moans and cums all over my dick, we both moan as o continue to shoot ropes of cum inside her and paint her walls white. We both moan as I continue to pump her full of cum.
Alexia gasps and moans as I continue to cum inside her. "Mmm fuck there's so much." Alexia moans.
I help Alexia ride out her high, once we both come down from our highs Alexia closely climbs off my dick. Thick cum ooze sour of her and drips down her thighs and drips onto my lap, my dick and onto the bed and sheets.
"Mmm fuck." Alexia moans as my cum continues to ooze out of her.
I lay her on the bed in Missonary position, I smile and kiss her. Alexia smiles against my lips and kisses my back. My dick rubs against her folds and pokes her inner thighs. Alexia bites her lip and looks down.
"Put it back in, put it back in." Alexia begs.
I smirk. "Such a slut for my dick and cum deep inside you." I tease her as I slide my dick back inside her.
"Mm yes, I love your dick and cum deep inside me." Alexia moans as I slide my dick back inside her.
"Mm fuck you're really deep in there." Alexia moans.
Alexia wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me closer making me go even deeper inside her. We both moan.
"Mmm so wet and warm." I moan in pleasure.
I moan as I slowly slide back and forth. Alexia moans in pleasure. "F-Faster." Alexia moans.
I smirk, I hover over her and thrust in and out of her faster and faster. I moan and kiss her neck, Alexia moans and scratches my back.
"Ugh fuck." She moans, her toes curl.
I smirk, I go at an angle and pound her g spot. "Oh fuck, right there. Right there." Alexia moans.
My dick slips out from how wet she is. Alexia Cutely groans and pouts. "Put it back in, put it back in." Alexia says begging.
I quickly slide my dick back inside her, I moan I go at an angle and pound her g spot fast and hard. My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room.
Alexia screams in pleasure. "I'm gonna squirt."
Alexia screams in pleasure and squirts like crazy. Her legs shake and buckle in pleasure as she squirts like crazy.
"Ahh fuck." Alexia moans.
I smirk, I continue to pound her g spot going faster and faster.
"Fuck....Fuck....Fuck." Alexia squeaks out with each thrust.
"Mmm so good, I don't think I can last much longer." I moan.
Alexia giggles. "Is someone close to cumming again?" Alexia asks teasing me.
I nod and moan in pleasure. I lean down and kiss her deeply, I smirk against her lips as I feel her walls clench around my dick.
"Need to cum again beautiful?" I ask her.
"So damn bad." Alexia moans.
"Let go baby." I moan as I continue to fuck the daylights out of her. I moan as I feel myself getting close to cumming. My breathing gets heavier letting her know that I'm close.
"Yes cum in me, cum in me." Alexia moans.
I lean down and kiss her as I kiss her I feel her juices on my dick and abs. I moan as I continue to thrust into her faster and faster. I moan as I feel that all too familiar feeling in my balls.
"Alexia baby I'm gon-"
Creampie #2:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her. Alexia moans and cums all over my dick. We both moan as I shoot ropes of cum inside her and paint her walls white. We both moan as I continue to pump her full of cum.
I help Alexia ride out her high, once we both come down from our highs I slowly pull out of her. My thick cum oozes out of her pussy and coats her folds and oozes onto the bed.
We both lay there panting and trying to catch our breathes. "Fuck toy are amazing in bed." Alexia pants out.
I giggle and kiss her. "Mmm so are you." I smile and look into her eyes. Alexia smiles and scoots back to her ass to me. She lifts her ass cheek up a bit.
I smirk, I slide my dick back inside her. I moan and rest my head against hers.I reach up and pull her hair. Alexia mains as I pull her hair. "Such a good girl." I tease her.
"Mmm fuck all for you. Mmm you can free use me the rest of camp. Make me your personal cum dump." Alexia moans. I smirk and look into her eyes full of lust and hunger.
"Yeah I bet you would love that. Huh slut?" I tease her.
"Mm yes I would love it so much. Fuck me whener you want and shoot your massive loads in me." Alexia moans.
I smirk. "I like the sound of that." I moan as I lift her leg a bit and hold it up a bit as I thrust into her faster.
Alexia moans and looks deep into my eyes "I've been such a naught girl. Mm fuck." Alexia moans out seductively.
I moan and thrust in and out of her faster and faster, my balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room. Alexia moans she looks me deep in the eyes as I continue to fuck her brains out.
"Fuck....Fuck.....Fuck." Alexia squeaks out with each thrust.
Alexia's mouth hangs open her eyes roll to the back of her head as I continue to pound her pussy going faster and faster.
Alexia screams in pleasure as I pound her g spot. "Ahh I'm gonna squirt again." Alexia screams in pleasure.
I smirk, I hold her leg up and thrust into her faster and harder. Her boobs bounce up and down as I continue to fuck her. I reach down and run her clit with my thumb. Alexia's legs lean against mine.
"Oh fuck." Alexia shouts as she squirts like crazy all over the bed and sheets I smirk and kiss her neck and gently slap her pussy Alexia moans and shudders as I do this.
I smirk and moan in her ear, I wrap my arm around her waist and continue to hold her Leg up as I thrust in and out of her harder and faster.
"Mmm fuck, it feels so good." Alexia cries out in pleasure.
I moan in pleasure and keep going. I moan as I feel myself getting close to cumming. "Ahh I'm close."
"Me too." Alexia moans.
I moan in pleasure, my breathing gets heavier letting her know that I'm close to cumming
"Yes, cum in me. Cum in me." Alexia moans begging as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
"Alexia baby I'm gon-" I try to warn her in time but I'm unable too.
Creampie #3:
I moan in pleasure. I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her. Alexia moans and cums all over my dick. We both moan as I shoot ropes of thick cum inside her painting her walls white.
"Mm fuck there's so much cum." Alexia moans in pleasure.
I moan and lean in and kiss her. I moan in the kiss as the last of my cum oozes inside her. Alexia and I kiss.
"Mmm so sexy. God you are amazing in bed Alexia moans.
I stir awake and groan in annoyance as I feel my dick throbbing. I was super hard and really needed a release. Alexia stirs as she feels my boner poking and rubbing against her ass.
“Mmm Y/n are you hard?” She asks half asleep.
“Sorry baby, I was having a really good dream.” I say and blush darkly in embarrassment.
Alexia giggles. “Yeah I can tell.”
Alexia licks her palm, she reaches back and slips her hand in my shorts and boxers.
I bite my lip and moan as Alexia slowly strokes my dick. I moan and close my eyes letting her do the work.
Alexia strokes my dick a bit faster and rubs her thumb over my tip. She smirks as some of my precum leaks out, as she teases my tip with her thumb.
“Mm so hard baby. I can feel you throbbing, someone really needs to cum.” Alexia says.
I moan in pleasure and cutlet grip the sheets. Alexia giggles as my face cutely contorts in pleasure.
“Jesus cum baby. Let go and cum for me.” Alexia says seductively.
She reaches over with her other hand and plays with my balls as she strokes my dick faster.
I moan in pleasure. After 5 more minutes of an amazing handjob I feel my balls tighten.
I can’t take it anymore I moan and let go. Cum shoots out and lands on Alexia’s hands and drips down her fingers. Cum lands on my thighs, my abs, on Alexia’s abs and thighs and on the sheets.
Alexia giggles. “That’s it baby, let it all out.”
I moan as she helps me ride out my high. Cum continues to ooze and spurt out of my dick. I moan and lay there panting trying to catch my breath.
Alexia smiles, she licks my cum off her hand and fingers. She leans down and licks the cum off my abs, my dick and off my dick. I bite my lip as I watch her do this.
Alexia comes back up and kisses me. I moan in the pleasure as I taste myself on her lips. “Mmm you taste amazing daddy.”
Alexia takes off my shorts and boxers and takes off her shorts and panties. “Mmm cuddle me with your dick inside me.” Alexia says. “When we wake up, I’ll help you with your morning wood.” Alexia says.
I smile and nod, I slide my dick inside her and moan as her walls clench around my dick. I pull her against me and cuddle her. We fall back asleep.
There will be a second part of this one since I just left you guys off with that cliff hanger 😂
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Sunday morning Bunny hybrid!reader x owner!Gojo
MDNI 18+
Gojo x reader | 500 something words. | Smut, soft, comfort, fluffy fluffyyyy fluffyyyy, gojo is soft.fuck it's 12:53 I should sleep I have work tomorrow. Umm what else. Established relationship| bunny reader, hybrid. Etc. ok read the story now. Not edited point out typos thx.
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Lazy. Lazing. Laze. That's all your morning could be described as. Gojo had only just returned from a mission and having to leave you behind made him extra clingy.
Not that you were any better. Your bed was covered in his clothes. A pile of expensive sweaters and shirts. All which smelled faintly of laundry detergent and of your owner. The same man who returned home the night before and picked you up, crawling into the bed with you in tow – entirely unfazed by the moat you'd created in his absence.
In your sleep, the two of you had managed to push off a good amount of the structure onto the floor, but it didn't matter now. Gojo was here.
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You’d met him at one of his missions. You say met but he'd actually rescued you. Being a large bunny breed, your previous owner hadn't expected you to grow to the size you had, and had abandoned you, dropping you off at an abandoned building. An abandoned building haunted by a particularly nasty curse. It was here that you were found by Gojo. He'd picked you up, not minding at all how large you may have been, and taken you home with him. He nursed you back to health, making sure to treat any and all wounds left on you by the curse, and looked after you. After this, you were inseparable. You hated when he'd leave for missions because it meant you couldn't go along. Apart from work, you'd follow him everywhere.
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The weak winter sun filtered through the curtains in your bedroom and you felt Gojo nuzzle against your fluffy ear. “Good morning, Bunnie.”
“Good morning, Toru!”
“Did you miss me?”
You nodded your head vigorously in response. “So, so much.” Gojo placed a little kiss on your nose, you couldn't help but blush.
“Look how much I missed you, Bunnie” His eyes moved downwards and yours followed. A large bulge had formed in his boxers and he grinned at you when you looked back up at him. “Think you can take it, bun?”
You nodded again, barely containing your excitement. You ached for him. Even though you had plenty of toys to use, nothing felt as good as Gojo.
He lifted your leg over his waist and carefully prodded at your entrance. Just the thought of having him in you had you feeling ready. But to be safe, he reached over and took out a bottle of lube from the bedside table, generously squirting it over his cock. Then slowly, he pushed in, an inch at a time. He pulled you close and gently kissed your lips.
“Is that alright?” He asked, voice heavy and sleep laden.
“Mmm. More please!” You whispered to him.
He pushed in further, the lube cold for a second on your skin but soon earned by the heat of your bodies. All while Gojo kissed and pecked at your lips. With his free hand, he reached up and cupped a large breast, lightly brushing his thumb against your hardening nipple.
“Feel good, Bunnie?”
“Yes Toru!”
“I'm gonna start moving then, cutie.”
Gojo gently rocked into you. A slow and steady pace. Almost like he was half asleep. His lips found yours again and he sucked on your lower lip nibbling it into a plump red. Then he moved to your neck, nuzzling, kissing, licking.
His slow thrusts gradually grew faster and the room filled with only the wet squelches of your pussy and breathy moans. Gojo turned over on his back, lifting you on with him. His pace didn't once falter as he thrust into you with a new force. Born of desperation and longing his hips moved with minimal spurring; pushing his cock deep into you ready to spill at any moment. He came with a strained groan, empting in you. You could feel it filling you up.
Panting, Gojo asked, “Can we just lay here for five minutes before I clean you up, Bunnie?”
You cuddled into his chest like a giant living blanket. “Mmhmm. Not letting go, Toru.”
The sun had already risen quite high, but Satoru Gojo couldn't deny his sweet little bunny. He cuddled you and felt his eyelids getting heavier. Breakfast could wait…
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AN: yeah, sorry this was late. I'm depresso af. Still needed something soft and comforting ok bye.
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agirlcandream84 · 2 days
Reader and Frank accidentally getting exposed to some good old fashioned sex pollen via superhuman shenanigans (Reader was helping Matt with a case involving someone with poorly controlled pheromone powers causing a riot at work by accidentally making everyone mad)
They're both fine and don't feel anything and kind of laugh off the whole thing as they are getting in the car home. By the time they reach their shared apartment, Frank's shirt is missing all its buttons and Reader is trying to get them both naked as fast as possible because if Frank doesn't fuck them *now* they might actually lose their fucking mind. They barely stumble from the car and Frank practically has Reader over his shoulder as he sprints up the stairs two steps at a time and its a miracle they make it through the door of their apartment before becoming feral for each other
(They basically don't leave bed for two days, and spend a third too blissfully exhausted to even consider moving)
Uhhhhhh I'm dead? Ok so listen, I tend to write Frank out of canon and mostly in domestic situations so I don't think I'll write a whole "piece" on this but putting you over his shoulder and running up the steps??? Ma'am? Like I needed a minute after that.
I love imagining this animalistic feral desire--- you're literally achey, nearly in tears because it's close to pain and there is no one else that can make it remotely better -- it has to be Frank -- and he's racing the damn car home, his own desire making it painful to even sit still but Frank being Frank he's still just sooooo concerned that you're hurting and he's taking it on like a duty to get you home, up the steps, in the door and fucked until you can't walk straight.
And let's be real, you BARELY make it through the door. The second the door clicks shut Frank has peeled the shirt from your body, pushed the pants off your ass and quite literally ripped your panties off your body, all the while just murmuring, "Ssssh sweetheart, gonna make it better for you doll. S'not gonna hurt so bad, lemme help you honey." The first fuck is hurried and frantic-- just to make the ache go away -- and you're bent over the arm of the sofa and Frank and is pumping into you so hard the sofa is scooching across the hardwood floor but you can only manage to mumble, "more, please more, more Frankie," until the orgasm tears through you so violently that Frank stops his thrusts, even pulling out, to give you a moment to find your legs again, lightly dragging his fingers over your back and saying "that's is baby, deep breath, come on, breathe again."
You're foolish enough to think that one good fuck would overcome the sex pollen but only minutes after he's spent his seed in you and you're showering off, you feel it again, the ache so deep you can barely keep yourself upright. Frank hears you mumble, "fuck," from within the bathroom and he's beside you in 2 seconds flat, reassuring you "it's alright sweetheart, it's normal, we'll make it feel better," while he's lifting you from the shower and wrapping your legs around his waist, his cock already free from his pants as he guides it into your gushing core. The sensation is like a cataclysmic explosion and you sink your nails into his back as you grip him tightly and he fucks up into you, him holding you upright in the bathroom.
After you realize the pollen isn't letting up anytime soon, you spend actual hours in his lap, Frank sat on the couch with his cock filling you up, deciding it's better to stay like that and take care of you when you felt the ache. Minutes after finishing you'd slump limp onto his chest, panting, just waiting to feel the hardness of cock once again. It would grow steely in your core and you'd whimper awake, Frank cupping your face and murmuring in your ear "gonna fill you up again, ok honey? Gonna make it feel better," and he did.
Should I be hospitalized?!
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sweetimpurity · 1 day
On the Run 2
w.c. 1.6k. NSFW Chapter 1
A/N: Hi! Not sure how many chapters there will be in total. I'm thinking 3 or maybe 4.
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Chapter 2
He gets up off the bed and at lightning speed pulls on his pants and his black t-shirt, messing with his metal belt buckle and grabbing their things from around the small room, shoving them in their bags. They didn’t take many belongings with them in the first place. 
“Here, put this on.” He passes you a pair of your shorts and his jacket, the quickest things he could find, going back to the window and looking through the blinds, very tense. He runs his hand through his hair, walking back through the room to find anything that they might forget. They can’t leave a trace behind. 
“Move away from the window, okay?” He goes to you, helps you up from the bed, seeing that you're still feeling hazy and your knees are quite literally weak. “What’s going on?” You whisper and hold onto him, feeling overwhelmed by so many things, one of the most powerful climaxes you’ve ever had in your life followed by Miguel pulling away immediately and stepping away from you, leaving you dripping onto the bed sheets. He didn’t even cum, how did he not cum? Were you not doing enough to make him feel good too? You wonder anxiously to yourself.  The situation must be bad then. And you don’t blame him, you know that things are tense and he wouldn’t pull away like that if something wasn’t wrong. He’s always cared for you after sex, he’s your big, sweet, loving man. 
“It’s gonna be okay baby… we just need to go now.” He holds your arm and brings you to the back door of the motel room. There's a small back porch that can hopefully aid you both in making a swift escape. You stand near the packed bags at the back door, his rough jacket wrapped around your still flushed and warm naked torso, watching as he steps back near the window, peeking out the blinds once more before jerking back suddenly to get out of view. They must be close. He switches off the lamp that was giving the room its only light and it’s suddenly pitch black. 
“Miguel?” You whisper anxiously and reach your hands out for him in the darkness, feeling your hands start to tremble. “I’m here, baby…” He whispers back and your hands meet his abdomen before he holds them in his. “It’s gonna be okay..” He tries to soothe you, feeling how your hands are shaking. “Hold these.” He says and you reach out your hands for him to place the bags into your arms. Suddenly you feel Miguel’s arms wrapping around and under you, picking you and the bags up off the ground and holding you in his arms. Your legs fold over one of his strong arms and his other arm wraps around your back. Your head presses against his shoulder and you feel safer in his arms. Even if you’re still not safe yet.
“Stay quiet, okay?” He whispers and you nod against his chest. He opens the back door quietly, looking out cautiously to see if either of the men are waiting there. The coast looks clear so he steps out onto the porch, everything he holds dear resting in his arms. You close your eyes and tuck your face into the crook of his neck, trusting him entirely with everything you have. He looks around the area and listens closely trying to gauge if the men are close by. Silently he carries you down the steps and to the ground, holding you tight. He looks around deciding which way to go. He needs to get around the building to get to his car parked out front but he doesn’t know which side the men are on or which corners they could be lurking around. 
“It’s okay, baby…” He whispers, mostly trying to convince himself that they could make it out of this okay. He walks briskly past many back doors, constantly looking around, he doesn’t want any surprises. He stops at the corner of the building when he hears the men yelling and banging on the doors. Damnit, picked the wrong side. He listens as the men pace back and forth, banging on doors and interrogating the people inside for answers. “Where the hell is he? You seen this fuckin’ guy? We saw his car. We know he’s here, we're not leaving without him… and his whore too!!” He frowns at their words and brings you tighter into his chest. He can’t stay here forever, he’ll need to make a run for it before it’s too late. He moves to turn the corner but then he hears the footsteps grow louder, closer. He panics, stepping back into the shadows, hidden only by a vine covered trellis. Your arms wrap tight around the back of his neck, clutching to him fearfully. He dips his head down into your neck, placing a small silent kiss to your pulse point, staying still until hopefully it passes, he doesn’t want things to escalate, not with you here. His heart beats out of his chest and you can hear it with your head pressed against him. Both of you hold your breath as one of the men walks to the back of the building and Miguel can see him from where you’re hiding in the darkness. He doesn’t take his eyes off of the man, a man he once knew well, a man he called a friend. Just when Miguel thinks he should do something instead of only hiding, they hear the voice of the other man still knocking on doors. “Hey! Someone said they saw him! Get over here!” And the man runs back to his partner. 
You both let out the breaths you were holding, your breath getting caught in your throat as Miguel turns the corner, he can’t wait any longer. He looks down the row of rooms and sees the men at the other end. Swiftly he carries you to his car, swinging open the passenger door, plopping you down in the seat and looking back to where the men are still standing. He quickly gets in the driver's seat and turns on the engine, watching the men as they look back at the sound of his car turning on and the headlights automatically lighting up the front of the motel. “Fuck.” He grits his teeth and puts the car in reverse. “Miguel!” You practically scream, watching the men run to Miguel’s car as he’s pulling out of the motel parking lot as fast as he can. Holding onto the door as the car jerks around, skillfully getting you out of there. 
He assumes the men are getting in their car right now and are about to chase them down seeing as they saw which direction they went. His eyes flick nervously between the rear view window and the road as he speeds through the darkness. It’s about 3 in the morning now so the roads are clear. You turn in your seat to look out the rear window at the road behind his car, your eyes wide and your heart beating too fast. “Oh no… Miguel.. oh my god!” You panic, watching headlights gaining on you up the highway. Your shaking hands pressed to your thumping heart in your chest. “Hey, just look at me baby, okay? Look at me…” He says and takes your hand in his, bringing it up to his mouth and kissing your fingers a few times, glancing between the road in front of them, the road behind them and your sweet glossy eyes looking at him. The engine revs as he steps on the gas. Flying down the highway, trying not to throw up from the feeling. "Shit." He mutters. Trying to keep his cool but failing completely. High beams flash behind you, teasing you, letting you know that they're still there and getting close enough to be too close. "Yeah I see you!" Miguel seethes, both hands on the wheel this time, taking the next exit, way too fast. "Miguel-" You gasp, fearing you'll crash before you can escape. "I know I know" He sighs, stepping on the gas because there's not much else he can do. "Fuck." He huffs, knowing this isn't smart but not knowing what else to do. "I don't even know where the fuck we are" He keeps speeding up the highway, trying to lose them. Looking for what he can do to get off this damn highway. He takes another exit, white knuckles gripping the steering wheel until finally there seems to be some sort of neighborhood. "Please slow down" You breathe out, pressed so hard against your seat from the rough ride. "I'm trying." He huffs, taking a few random turns to get deeper into this more crowded area. Finally turning down a long wooded driveway, pulling off to the side a bit, killing the engine and headlights.
“What are you doing?! I didn’t say stop! Why did you stop?! Miguel!” You panic, tears welling up in your eyes as you look behind the car again, so worried that you’ll see headlights at any moment. “It’s okay… it’s okay! They're gone.” He tries to soothe you as you sit up on your knees on the bench seat of his car, looking back through the rear window. “Miguel, we need to go! What are you doing!” You exclaim, tears threatening to fall and he just looks at you sadly. He never should have let your get involved. Now you’re crying, you’re scared, and you’re half naked. It hurts him to see you so scared and it’s all his fault. He beckons you over with open arms.
@safixiovi @laysmt @theplaid-wearingmoose @lazyjellyfish300
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eternity-111 · 3 days
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The best punishment for you.
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅It's always you who makes his life a little bit more harder. always on his room and disturb him while practicing a spell. Now he will make you hard to even walk. (AFAB x Dom Solomon)
NSFW! minors scroll down ⊹
rough sex, bruises mentioned, beg/whine/tears
reblogs, likes are appreciated! If you see any grammar mistakes, feel free to tell me <3
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Mc is such a brat! Always nagging on Solomon, she would simply take one or two herbs that Solomon needs to make a curse or potions. And sometimes she would even hide it somewhere just to see his reaction. Ugh! a bad girl needs to be put in her place.
Today, just like always she would come around to visit Solomon and he knew for sure that she would tease him. sometimes he wonders why he doesn't just fuck her so she learn her lesson.
"I bought some apples for a curse I want to try, please don't eat them," Solomon warned you because he knew for sure that you would do something to those apples.
"yeah alright, I won't!" you replied to Solomon while rolling your eyes to the side, even snickering at him.
"I can make you a meal if you want, just don't eat them okay?" offering with a smile at you.
yeah no... you would rather be dead than eat his food. although he is kind enough to offer you just can't risk it.
He had left the room before you could even reply to him, how is he so fast?..and isn't that sort of rude?... While observing the room to see what kind of prank you can pull off, you can't stop but look at the apples he specifically told you not to eat. But.. it looks so delicious! It's like.. those apples want you to eat them, are they challenging you?.. Whatever, a few won't hurt right?
You ate 2 of them now and were about to grab another one but suddenly, at a rapid speed, a hand appeared! Holding you tight. The action was so quick too! how could somebody possibly do that?
"What did I say? you really need a punishment." it's Solomon! what are you gonna do now? he definitely saw you eating his apples but I'm sure his punishment is not that bad right? maybe a little lecture or something?
And before you knew it, you are now on his bed. Your back was facing his stomach, Both of your hands was pinned against his bed by his hand, and the other was holding your cheeks. You knew you were in big trouble, breathing heavily because you are nervous and he could sense that.
He keeps asking you questions and sometimes you can't help but lie. And every time you lie, he slaps your ass. it's like he knew it. And every time he did it, you can't help but let a soft moan. how did you get turned on by this..?
"Alright. You really need a punishment."
And the punishment..? Well. He fucked you relentlessly. Gosh, his dick was so huge for a human you wonder if he is really a human. oh! your whining because you can't take it anymore? He fucked you faster and faster until you cry out loud, even stuttering his name but.. too bad he could care less. Tears and mascara were running down your face and you are a total mess.
Every time you are close, he would simply stop doing anything. Watching you beg him to fuck you again but he wouldn't.. aw :( how sad. And if you try to take matters into your own hands by pleasure yourself, he would simply pin your hands above you, leaving some little bruises on your hand because of how strong he is. So you can't do anything but beg and whine at him.
He flipped you over and now you are facing face to face but of course, he's on top of you. The view is really hot so you can't complain. His white hair was messy and his shirt was nowhere to be found. You wish you could touch him, feeling his hot body and maybe kiss him all over but he is still, pinning you down to the bed. that's unfortunate.
"Be a good girl and I'll let you go." He was taunting you. Looking directly into your eyes.
"i-i am a good girl! please! just fuck me!"This is torture! But he likes seeing this state of you.
"Good." saying that before kissing you. Fuck his lips are so soft! So soft that you don't want to let go. And while he was kissing you, he push his cock inside. As a response, your cunt tightens. That was not on purpose! he did that so suddenly :(
"so tight.. you really want me hm?" whispering next to your ear. It sends chills down your spine. His breath was sort of warm and his voice.. Really soft but good enough to turn you on. Are you really that easy to get turned on or is it because he's just hot?
A few minutes later, You go back begging him to go slower but he won't. Instead of slowing down, he Sucked on your nipple and gently plays with the other one, making your back arch and your eyes rolled.
"i-im close.. please let m-me this time! I'll be a g-good I promise..!"
"do it for me, darling," he demanded. and the next thing you knew, you were making a mess on his bed. Moaning his name while you came as your legs shake from the pleasure. His eyes widened by the view, you look so fucking cute when you moan his name while coming! He gently brushed your hair from your face and then proceeded to kiss your lips and your cheeks.
"Good girl, but be ready because this is just the start." kissing your stomach as he told you that. Gosh, why didn't he say it earlier?! You could at least be prepared..I wonder if you can even walk tomorrow! I mean...a bad girl needs to learn her lessons anyway.
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respectthepetty · 3 days
Pride Petty Watch - LiTA (Sky/Prapai) 2/3
It took me much longer than expected to make it through the first two episodes of Sky x Prapai's arc in Love in the Air, but Prapai called Sky his boyfriend out of nowhere, so now I understand that he is Manifest Destiny-ing his way to love, and for the non-Americans, that's bad. Like real bad.
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Let me be like Prapai and keep marching forward even though all the signs are telling me to stop.
In my first year of teaching, I was told I couldn't want the grade more the student did. I was reminded that some students don't want A's. Some students just want to pass the course, and that's fine. I need to take that approach with Prapai because he held Sky while he clung to him and cried for the nightmares to leave him in peace, yet in the morning, Prapai slings it back in Sky's face and makes it callously sexual. Clearly, Prapai doesn't want points for Slytherin. He does not want an A in decency. He does not want to pass "Go" on the board. Whatever he wants is between him and the demons he is fighting because obviously this ho does not want to be saved.
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"Let me help you" - Look at that! As soon as you let men go, they wanna come back correct. Asking to help instead of forcibly inserting himself. Wow! So you are capable of not making everything aggressively sexual?
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I'm watching you like a fucking hawk, Slytherin, which if you want to pass this course, you will note that hawks eat snakes, so basically I'm telling you I will devour you whole if you make another wrong move.
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"That's all I ask," he says as he asks for EVERYTHING. "I will not restrain myself next time." "You cannot escape me." "Has he blocked this number?" Sky, babe, hon, bestie, rob this fucking man in his sleep. Take the watch off his wrist, the money from his wallet, and the audacity out of his mouth. These are the queer wrongs I'm trying to support this month.
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"You should be spanked" - So 🙃 . . . IGNORING THAT! As a lifelong member and advisor of Greek life (fraternities and sororities are different for BIPOC), every time I see these university rituals, I always wonder what is the equivalent of a compliance officer in other countries because This. Is. Hazing.
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And now Payu and Prapai are just hanging out at university activities like THEY DON'T GOT JOBS! Payu has a room in a garage, a room at his house with a toy car collection, and a terrified mechanic hiding under cars, so the man has got bills. Prapai has companies (plural) to run, and an overworked and rightfully annoyed (always in red) secretary holding down the fort, yet he is on a little vacay. Women in GLs - big bosses and screwing at work on company time. Men in BLs - FORGETTING THEY HAVE JOBS!
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*Regina George has entered the chat* So you agree? You think you're a bad guy to Sky?
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Every time Payu or Prapai mentions getting a reward (for not assaulting the boy they are chasing after especially when that boy is in a vulnerable position), I think of the conversation between Uea and King in episode five (part one) of Bed Friend when King asked for a reward and Uea said "The fuck you just say? Get outta here with that noise" then he left. Uea would eat these men alive.
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The thinnest of ice, Prapai. I can see the freezing water rushing underneath. That's how thin the ice is that you are on, sir.
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Because Prapai is confessing to sleeping with three other people since he began stalking Sky (no shame, as one slut to another, I'm actually very proud he admitted to it), can we get a STI test? We got condoms, so miracles can happen.
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*squints* Is that a heart on your chest, Sky? No, I'm not angry. No, you're not in trouble. No, you're perfect. I'm just working through my own stuff, so I'm gonna need a minute to process this.
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If you wanna live that chismosa life, you gotta be aware of your surroundings. Amateur.
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Yeah yeah yeah, the wind needs the windmill or whatever dumb shit Dangerous Romance said. Now go make the lapel pin of it, and GET BACK TO WORK! This reeks of nepotism because there is no other way you would still have a job.
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Prapai calls Sky by his name, no honorifics. Prapai sleeps on the floor. Prapai asks his mom for advice on how to care for someone. *squints* This is sus af.
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And now he is swerving advances and doing his job. *squints even harder* Are you actually trying to pass this course now?
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I, too, would be sad if rope was spewing out of my shirt like that.
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Prapai just swindled a key to Sky's apartment without asking Sky for it. WHY DON'T YOU WANT TO FUCKING PASS THIS COURSE?! I DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOUR ASS AGAIN NEXT SEMESTER!
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I play with my ears when I get tired, so now I feel even more connected to you Sky, and PRAPAI IS KISSING YOU?! NOOOOO! STOP!!!!! HE'S TIRED! LEAVE MY BOY ALONE!
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"I can't guarantee your safety if I stay" - It was a fake out, and I have lost years off my life because of this show. YEARS!
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The first step is admitting you have a problem are the problem. *growth*
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I'm not going to question the aerodynamics of riding with that project on a bike, but I will state that Prapai is the prefect example of the MAME Extremes I wrote about in the previous post because when he is good, he is really fucking good, but when he is bad, he is The Worst™ so can't we just find an in-between?
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Don't you go pointing your scrawny finger at my boy like that! You're lucky he even still speaks to you. Shut up, five! A ten is thinking!
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Prapai spending all his money on Sky. Prapai deleting all the numbers from his phone. Prapai getting the lapel pin. Prapai cleaning Sky's apartment. Prapai being honest about wanting Sky without being aggressive or crass. *squints so hard my head hurts* This is how Joe must feel with Ming in My Stand-In because I want to trust your ass, but my God, do you make it so fucking hard. I'm begging you to not screw up after this. PLEASE!
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I've seen this scene eighty different ways from my dash, but hearing Sky tell Prapai to get bored with him quickly so he can move on while internally begging for Prapai not to get bored knowing what I know about his ex . . . it is salt in the wounds, poison in the wells, and the phone call from within the house. It is painful, deadly, and terrifying.
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Prapai listening tentatively as Sky finally tells him what he actually likes to eat. Prapai responding with little tidbits he has learned about Sky along the way. Prapai giving shoulder kisses. Prapai asking about the ex. To quote RuPaul, "don't fuck it up"
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Sig is the realest of all these boys, and I would give him the softest ear bites, the best thigh kisses, and the most amazing blowjob because that's what he deserves!
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Prapai - Claim me. Own me. Mark me!
Sky - Gross.
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While all of Payu's after scenes only made him look worse as he embraced the Manipulate-Mansplain-Malewife way into Rain's heart, all of Prapai's scenes make him seem like the biggest simp, and I am, once again, pleading for balance!
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So now on to the next episo - - -
Wait a minute . . . I know this scene
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This is where Sky gets in his head and distances himself, so Prapai breaks in and reads the journal. Oh no. Oh no no no.
*lays face first in a field of lavender*
I need liquor, ice, and a blender. They are all needed for different reasons. No, I will not elaborate.
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mylittlesecrethaven · 10 hours
Twst Kinks And Shit They Like To Do During Sex: Pomefiore
Let's go let's go let's goooooo.
I'm in a weird mood so let's see how this turns out.
Whatever that dress up kink is, Vil has it. Puts on his fanciest makeup and clothes and shit just for sex. He expects you to do that, too. Also, a big part of this is just seeing his most amazing and expensive clothes discarded on the floor and his makeup wiped all over your body after sex.
Scritchy scratch this mans back during sex. You're def gonna need nails for this mans, cause he legit just makes you put your hands on his back and tells you to rip his back to shreds. And just loves looking at that shit in the mirror. Thinks it's super beautiful. (Rook's on board, too, once he finds out)
Predator/prey shit (or hunter/prey), straight up. His ultimate dream is to leave you in a forest naked and cold while he hunts you down to fuck you in the dirt. But, until you're ready for that, he's happy playing a much kinder hunter in his own bedroom with you. (seriously though, I wholeheartedly believe Rook is one nasty fucker)
I know some of you might not agree with this, but following that predator/prey kink thing, he keeps sharp shit by his bed every time y'all fuck. He never uses it, but you can see it, and you know it's there, and that's all he needs for now.
Sir kink. As much as I hate this kink, I can't help but think Epel has a sir kink. He won't even know it. You'll accidentally call him that for some reason one day, and next thing he knows, Rook's going crazy over his little boner in class. (idk what's wrong with me and Rook.... but still, it's funny thinking about Rook just teasing Epel about his boner all class.)
During sex, he's still trying to mask his accent (for whatever reason), but whenever he cums or you cum, his accent comes out around 10x stronger than usual, and it probably makes you laugh like a maniac.
Idk why I was so weird about Rook and Epel, but it be what it be.
Ignihyde's coming soon.
Or.... just Idia I guess.
(I keep having to go back and change up the kinks and shit in my previous posts....)
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jade4956 · 3 days
The only stupid thing I ever did was believing you would love me - Jessie Fleming
Jessie Fleming = herself
Niamh Charles = herself
Naomi Charles = Niamh sister
Naomi POV
She walking around the apartment grabbing things and shoving them in a bag. She just broke up with me before an argument was gonna start, really we've only been dating since January 2023 and it's now January 2024 and she's breaking up with me because of an argument. Sure we've had disagreements but every couple has arguments is she really that scared of confrontation.
She walked into our bedroom were I sat at the end of the bed putting shoes on. She stopped and stared at me
"Where are you going" Jessie stated
"Somewhere your not" I replied dry and tears finally finishing
"There's no point I'm going to Chloe's"
"It's not like this is our apartment anymore and beside you owned this before me so I'm leaving" I didn't bother looking at her this time
Jessie never thought of it like that she's always thought of "her" apartment as both of there's. She dropped the bag, to be fair she does hate confrontation but she had no right it break up with you because of it, in fact the second she said we should break up she felt like taking it back, it was the panic in her when she heard you get mad at her. She really regretted it.
I got up from tying my shoes, great a new wave of tears was about to happen, i was going straight to Niamh's I thought didn't care if she had company I had to be with someone a trusted so Niamh was the perfect choice.
Jessie started to follow me out the bedroom I was collecting my phone, car keys, apartment keys for when I collect my stuff and Niamh's spare apartment keys.
Jessie's POV
"Who are you gonna go to" she said (she knew exactly who you wear going to)
"Why do you care now you didn't care about me half and hour ago" (she did care)
"I wanna make sure you don't do anything stupid I wanna make sure you still safe" she said willing looking at me
"The only stupid thing I ever did was believing you would love me"
Jessie felt like she had been stabbed with a knife. She did love You she just was scared you were gonna break up with her first.
“I do love you” she has never said it like that before were she just new what to say or how to look usually when she said it was a quick goodnight text if they were on international camp or it would a kiss in the cheek goodnight but never about it in the day I love you.
“Well maybe you should have thought of that before you broke up with me” Naomi stops to listen to Jessie then stated something and walk away out of the door
Jessie went after and her over the elevator Naomi was going to
“Please can we stop and talk I didn’t want to break up with you” Naomi ignored her getting into the elevator and pressing ground but someone else was in there so when Jessie entered she didn’t say anything to Naomi.
Ground level reached and they both immediately got out, Naomi kept walking away as Jessie was following her to her car
“Please, please just stop and talk to me for like 10 seconds I want to explain please” please was the most Jessie could think of and she wanted more then 10 seconds but that was the first thing that came to mind
“Fine what do you wanna say” Naomi questioned
“I wanna say that I’m sorry okay I didn’t want to break up I just got scared” and she was ignored after 10 seconds Naomi started to walk away
“Hey stop please I wasn’t done I didn’t literally mean 10 seconds” They were both 2 cars away for Naomi’s car.
Naomi opened the car and Jessie ran to the passenger seat and got in.
“Get out” was all Naomi said whilst she was getting in, she had a blank face on had she spoke to her.
“Let me talk to you please” Jessie practically begged
“No get out”
“Please you don’t have to respond just listen”
“No I don’t want to even listen to you right now”
“Then I’m not getting out”
“Then I’m calling and Uber”
“No no no okay I’ll get out” Jessie hated when you got Ubers or anyone did because they’d always unfortunately be sketchy ones but she still wasn’t getting out of the car
Naomi gesture for her to get out but Jessie wasn’t moving. Naomi really hated Ubers but she wasn’t getting anywhere with Jessie in the car but she had to stand her ground
“I know hate Ubers Naomi” Jessie said to her “I Know you won’t call one and you just want me to get out”
“If I let you speak will you get out” Naomi said
“YES” Jessie said, she was about to start speaking but then Naomi interrupted her
“I’ll meet you at the cafe down the road from Niamh’s tomorrow then you can talk to me I think we both need some down time or we both might mess up more than we have. Naomi new in her gut that Jessie didn’t want to break up because she knows the type of person Jessie is even though at the start she was pissed and upset she chilled out and felt bad for dragging Jessie around the apartment complex with her begging to be able to speak to her but she was still frustrated and very upset so she need to be with her sister and just chill so that the next day they will both be able to talk together.
A/N: I suck at trying to finish story’s that’s why I do part two but if you want this to end in a full break up or they get together again tell me or do I leave it like this with no part two please tell me because I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️ anyways thank you
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ericshoney · 3 days
Mini Matt in a bad mood ~ Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: Mini Matt is having a bad morning, but the guys are there to help.
Warnings: usual swearing, teasing, name calling (in a joking way), platonic pet names, mentions of not sleeping, crying.
Today you woke up in a terrible mood. Like usually if you didn't sleep well, you would just be slightly grumpy. But today you woke up pissed. You were going to sleep in Chris' room with him as your bed hasn't been comforting the last few weeks, but he was nothing but annoying to you throughout the day.
"Hey Mini Matt look at this!"
"Oh Mini Mattitude is showing!"
"Yo Y/N you act like such a brat sometimes."
Honestly you loved the nickname, you really did and you knew Chris loved to joke around and tease you, but he seemed to take it too far, plus he kept stealing your food and not letting you speak a word.
So you decided to sleep in your own room for once, resulting in a terrible nights sleep and back pain. You had been meaning to look for a new mattress but had been so busy you kept forgetting.
You trudged out your room and to the bathroom you share with Matt, taking a quick shower with no troubles, the hot water relaxing your muscles slightly. You brushed your teeth and got dressed before going back to your room to find your phone.
"Where the fuck is it." You mumbled, after a couple minutes of searching.
"Yo kid hurry the fuck up we're gonna film a car video!" Chris shouted as he barged into your room.
"I'm looking for my phone." You muttered, throwing your pillows around.
"It's on the floor, are you dumb." He said with a laugh.
You looked down and saw your phone right by the side of your bed on the floor. You sighed as you picked it up and turned to Chris.
"Woah, kid, what's with the bags under your eyes." He mentioned.
"Don't worry." You grumbled, pushing past him, still being petty about the day before.
You quietly went down to the car, not speaking to either Nick or Matt, who gave Chris a confused look upon seeing him.
"Don't ask me." He said, making the eldest two share a look.
The boys got in the car quietly, Matt driving to the car park you had planned on stopping at. Nick had already put some snacks and drinks in the car ready for the video.
As Matt drove, Nick tried to show you some TikTok's on his phone, but you just ignored him, feeling upset, tired and angry. You knew it wasn't his fault, but couldn't quite say out loud what was wrong. Nick sighed and looked at Matt through the mirror, knowing something was wrong.
"Hey, bub, what's wrong?" Matt called, looking at you.
"Nothing." You muttered, looking out the window.
"Someone's got their panties in a twist." Chris replied.
"Will you shut the fuck up!" You shouted, making the brothers share a look of shock.
The rest of the car ride was silent apart from the music. You soon arrived at the car park, the boys sharing a look.
"You know...if your not up for filming we can do it another day or something." Matt suggested softly.
"No we're here now, let's begin." You responded, sitting up in your seat.
"We really don't have too, if there's someth-" Nick tried to say but you cut him off.
"I fucking said it's fine! Now fucking start recording!" You shouted.
"Bub..." Chris started, but again you interrupted him.
"No! If you hadn't been such an ass yesterday I would be fine! I love being Mini Matt but you took it too far yesterday and with the name calling too! If you really think I'm such a brat maybe you shouldn't be friends with me!" You screamed at him, a few tears now leaving your eyes.
"Hey woah, sweetheart calm down." Nick said softly, rubbing your shoulder.
"I'm sorry." You apologised, covering your face as you cried into your hands.
"This is more than just a morning grump....your really upset." Chris said, feeling the guilt set in.
"What happened?" Matt questioned.
Chris sighed and went on how he did everything yesterday, not realising in the time how silly he was being, only until now where you broke, making him feel bad.
"I'm sorry, kid. It's my fault." Chris aplogised.
"No...I'm being over dramatic." You muttered, wiping your tears.
"No, stop right there." Nick said sternly.
"You can't help if something annoys you. We all get annoyed with each other and it's okay, it's normal. You also slept in your own bed, correct?" He continued.
"Correct." You said with a nod.
"And we all know you, much like Chris, struggle to sleep in your own bed, which is okay. And I also know that you mentioned your bed isn't comfy, correct?" He added.
"Correct." You said again.
"Why didn't you come to my room?" matt questioned.
"Felt upset and angry. I wanted to say what was wrong and sort it out before bed, but was feeling tired and stuff." You admitted.
"I'm really, really sorry Y/n." Chris said.
"It's okay, I forgive you." You said, giving him a small smile.
"Hug it out." Nick said.
"What?" You called.
"You heard him, hug it out." Matt said with a nod.
You looked at Chris who laughed slightly, the both of you got out of the car as Chris pulled you into a tight hug, lifting you off the ground. You smiled and let out a small laugh as you hugged him back.
"I'm really sorry again, bub." Chris said, looking down at you.
"I'm sorry I didn't say what was wrong." You replied.
You both smiled and shared another hug, making both Nick and Matt smile. You then got back into the car.
"Next time, talk to us, okay petal?" Matt said.
"I'll try." You responded with a nod.
The four of you then started to film a video, laughing and joking, having a fun time and you started to feel much better.
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