#so i simply don’t answer just to save everyone the hassle
i ignore people sometimes because i feel like the most annoying person alive
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
A Dance of Hearts - Chapter 2 - Regency AU
As Horangi had expected, when they went to the village, Koenig was all but ignored. He did get a few glances, but everyone saw the way Horangi was guiding his faery chain, and they immediately would just look away. 
As such, Horangi had watched Koenig relax, completely, as Horangi bought a few things. He was wearing the mask and hood that Horangi had promised him. The hood was attached to a short black cloak. Correction, it went to Horangi’s knees, but it barely went to Koenig’s waist. 
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“Kätzchen,” Koenig started and Horangi threw him a look, but Koenig simply continued, “the hilt of your blade appears worn.”
“If you are suggesting it needs to be replaced, I am well aware. However, I am quite used to this blade and getting another would be too much of a hassle.” Horangi answered, looking over a collection of cloaks from a merchant. They were plain and… none of them would be large enough. 
Koenig raised an eyebrow. “And if it breaks during battle?”
Horangi shrugged. “I am willing to take that gamble.”
“Why gamble at all?” Koenig shook his head. 
Horangi frowned, supposing Koenig had a point. Why take the risk? He considered… Well, he supposed it was almost exhilarating to run that risk every fight, but Koenig was right. If his blade broke, he’d have a hell of a time trying to get through the rest of his battle. “I suppose you have a point. I will… talk to the blacksmith, today.”
Koenig nodded. “That is good.”
Horangi simply rolled his eyes at Koenig and continued to look over the cloaks. He went to the merchant. “How much to have one specially made?”
“30 gold.” The merchant replied.
Horangi stared at him. “But the regular cloaks barely cost 5!”
The merchant chuckled. “You are small. You can fit those cloaks. That one cannot. I assume it would be him who it needs to be made for.”
Horangi bristled, slightly. “You would be correct…” He muttered. He could not afford 30 gold for a fucking cloak. So, he turned away from the merchant and went back to the cloaks. He found the longest one he could and took it back to the merchant, paying for it and having Koenig carry it. Might as well make him useful for something. 
Horangi then continued on to the tailor, though he had considerably less confidence that he would be able to afford anything for the alpha. “What did your parents feed you when you were a child?” He asked Koenig, already quite frustrated. 
Koenig chuckled. “I grew up on a diet which was mostly meat.”
“So did I.” Horangi muttered. “You need to become smaller. You are expensive.”
“You could just leave me in these rags.” 
Horangi just laughed, opening the door and going into the tailor’s shop. “Miriam! “ He called. “I have a challenge for you.”
The older alpha female came out of the back of the shop, raising an eyebrow. Then, her eyes moved from Horangi to Koenig and she just sighed, shaking her head. “Fantastic. Come on.” She gestured to Koenig, who looked surprised. “Up, onto the pedestal.”
Koenig seemed hesitant as Horangi took off the faerie chain and then he went to the pedestal, seeming to test its tensile stretch. “It’s reinforced with magic. It will not break.” Miriam explained. “Go, Horangi. Come back in a few hours.”
Horangi shrugged, ignoring the way Koenig seemed to almost beg him not to leave with his eyes. “I will return. I’m going to go talk to the blacksmith.” He told Koenig, who huffed at him. He bowed and then left. 
As promised, he went to the blacksmith, allowing him to look over his blade before saying he could probably make something for him. “It won’t be very intricate.”
“I don’t need it to be. Just… make something that will save my life.” Horangi shrugged. “Beauty is a fool’s gamble.”
“Well spoken.” The blacksmith chuckled and nodded. “You will have a blade.”
“Thank you.” Horangi bowed his head, slightly. When he was done, he went around getting a few more things for Koenig that he could get without trouble, however he was realizing that he’d likely have to also take Koenig to the cobbler. This was really racking up his pockets. This was frustrating! King Alejandro had just dropped this alpha on him with no warning, no reason- 
Horangi paused. Why… him specifically?? Did King Alejandro know Horangi was an omega?? No, he couldn’t! Besides, even if he did, he had to know what a danger that was! It was fortunate Koenig seemed to be mildly pathetic. 
Unless this was some weird punishment from King Alejandro. He found out Horangi was an omega and so gave him an alpha who would likely brutalize him… No. Horangi wasn’t sure if King Alejandro would do that, but he didn’t think Queen Rodolfo would allow him. He didn’t know much about the Queen, but he knew he wouldn’t allow that. 
So.. why? Horangi likely would never know. He didn’t like not knowing. He just shook his head and turned to the tailor’s shop, going that way so he could pick Koenig back up. Then it would be to the cobbler and… He groaned. 
Look, Horangi was no stranger to losing all of his money. He had a bit of a gambling problem that he was working on, but… This just felt unnecessary. He didn’t even want the damn alpha. 
Okay, maybe… a small part of Horangi wanted the alpha. He was an omega after all. But he didn’t want to be in charge of his well being and he didn’t want to have to drag him around. Oh well… He was stuck with him for now…
Where would the alpha even go? Anyone else in the barracks would likely take enjoyment in tormenting him and… Horangi couldn’t stomach that. Koenig didn’t deserve to be tortured. 
When he made it back to the tailor’s shop, he opened the door and went inside, seeing Koenig was now sitting. Miriam was cutting fabric while a sewing machine was sewing the garments together. “You bring me a big alpha, I make him big clothes. This will cost you, Horangi.”
“Yeah, I know.” Horangi muttered. “I’m not exactly thrilled about it.”
Miriam sighed. “He’s dangerous to have around. You look less like an alpha around him.”
“Announce it to the whole town!” Horangi snarked, even more irritated. “Yeah, I’m aware!” 
Miriam had found out while making clothes for him. She’d claimed alphas weren’t built like him and then told him she’d put some kind of magic in the clothing to hide him. “Anyway, I’ll have the clothes in a few days. For now, I managed to whip something up. And I found some very old boots. They might be a little tight, but they look nicer than what he’s wearing now.”
Horangi relaxed. “Thank you.” He got out his gold, but she just snorted and waved him off. “But you said-”
“I never said money.” Miriam sighed. “I need a favor.”
Horangi glanced at Koenig, who seemed intrigued. “I’m listening.”
“I’m smuggling something in. I… I need you to play my nephew. But… You won’t be an alpha.” Miriam sighed. “You and this very large alpha will have to play mates.”
“No way.” Horangi immediately said. “Absolutely not! I’m not risking everything-”
“I’ve made disguises!” Miriam quickly said and shook her head. “No one will recognize you. You’ll simply travel with me for a few days and both of you will guard me while I smuggle this item.”
Horangi furrowed his brows. “What’s the item?” He asked, giving in.
Miriam grinned. “You’ll see. Just… come back in a few days to pick up the clothes.”
Horangi sighed and looked at Koenig. “Are you fine with this?”
Koenig blinked. “This is mercenary work.”
“Yeah, sort of.” Miriam laughed. “But, Horangi needs something and… well, I’m willing to provide.”
Horangi nodded. “Fine. We’ll be there.” He turned back to her. “Will the disguises cover my face?”
“Yes.” Miriam nodded. “Both of your faces.”
“Good. Alright.” Horangi nodded. He took the outfit she gave him, noting that it was all black, and turned to Koenig, nudging his head toward the door.
Koenig gave a polite goodbye and then headed towards the door. Miriam stopped Horangi before he could fully leave. “Take a knot, Horangi. You may loosen up.”
“Oh, get fucked.”
Horangi laid on his back, staring at the ceiling. His mind was turning Miriam’s words over and over in his head. Take a knot. Fuck her. He didn���t need to… loosen up.
He turned his head, seeing the alpha was still awake. No. Just roll over and go to sleep. Don’t open that can of worms. Koenig was just an alpha. Yeah, he was mildly attractive, but tall blonde alphas were more common than shoes and Horangi had seen many. 
But… something about Koenig had caught Horangi’s interest. Maybe it was their situation. Maybe it was that Koenig was so contradictory. He was large and imposing and terrifying and yet he had tried to kill himself to avoid going to a village. 
With a frustrated grr, he got up and went to the alpha, dropping down to his knees beside him. “I know you’re awake.” He could tell by the uneven way the alpha was breathing, though his head was turned away from him.
Koenig’s head slowly turned and those frightening blue eyes met his. “I wasn’t pretending to sleep, Kätzchen.” 
“I just wanted to inform you.” Horangi shrugged. He hesitated before reaching forward and touching Koenig’s face, watching him tense slightly. “Tell me if you want me to go back to bed. I’ll listen. I’ll get up and I’ll go back to bed and we’ll ignore this.”
Koenig furrowed his brows and then he sat up. Even with Horangi on his knees, even with Koenig just sitting up, he still slightly towered over Horangi and Horangi found a certain thrill in being so small compared to the alpha. It was a reminder that he could pretend all he wanted, he was still an omega.
Horangi had never been pretending out of some want to be an alpha. He was pretending because he needed to survive. Maybe for one night… He wanted to be reminded that he was an omega. However, he kept his expression neutral as he looked up at Koenig. “I need you to answer.”
Koenig shook his head. “I don’t want you to go back to bed, Kätzchen.” He reached and then his hands were wrapping around Horangi’s waist, lifting him up. Horangi helped by arranging himself when Koenig moved him so he was straddling him. “I meant it when I called you pretty.”
“You’re wrong.” Horangi shook his head. “You hide your face so no one notices you… I hide mine so no one sees me.”
“Can I see you?” Koenig reached up and touched the mask covering Horangi’s face. Horangi found himself tensing slightly, his mind racing back and forth between letting him and smacking his hand away. 
But, he clenched his hands into fists, closing his eyes and nodding. He wasn’t insecure… but he hated his own skin. He hated what they’d done to him. He felt the mask fall off his face and then he heard Koenig suck in a breath. “You were right. I was wrong.”
Anger flared in Horangi’s chest and his eyes flashed open. How dare Koenig so openly say that? Horangi had expected his mind to change, but for him to say as such was a special kind of cruel! “How da-”
He was cut off by lips pressing against his. Koenig’s lips were rough against his own, slightly chapped. Even still, Horangi relaxed into the kiss, his mind now confused. He wanted to be angry, but… Koenig’s arms moved around his waist and pulled him close, and Horangi hadn’t felt such affection… ever. 
“Du bist schön…” Koenig whispered when he pulled away and his fingers reached up to touch the scaring on Horangi’s face. It looked like the stripes of a tiger, another thing that contributed to Horangi’s name. 
Horangi frowned at his words. “I don’t-”
“You are beautiful.” Koenig translated, chuckling softly. “The scarring… suits you, I think. You’re a scary omega.”
Horangi frowned. He’d never been told that. Sure, he’d been called scary but… well, he’d never let anyone see the scars, to begin with. “They make me intimidating?”
“Immensely.” Koenig nodded. “I like them.”
Horangi relaxed. He didn’t feel offended by Koenig’s like for the scars, Koenig didn’t understand how he’d gotten them. Horangi felt cursed by his often too rational thinking. It didn’t help him gamble, but… it cursed him in moments like these, when he wanted to let his mind go. 
Koenig’s fingers moved to trace over Horangi’s lips and he found them parting slightly. “Why did you come to me, Kätzchen?”
“You know why I came to you.” Horangi answered, meeting his eyes again.
“I need you to answer.” Koenig chuckled, echoing his previous words. “If I’m going to give you what you want, that is…”
“I want you to fuck me, if that’s what your asking.” Horangi shrugged, puffing out his chest, slightly. 
Koenig’s face turned a dark red and he looked shocked for the briefest moment before shaking his head. “You are so bold.”
“I’ve had to learn to be.” Horangi shrugged. “It’s been a while since I’ve had sex. A long while.”
“I worry I might break you, then.” Koenig frowned, looking over him. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I can only hope you will.” 
Koenig rolled his eyes, though his skin had gone an even darker shade of red. “You are too bold.”
“I think you like it.” Horangi laughed. 
Koenig seemed to consider. “Maybe. You are an intriguing omega. You can do whatever you want to me and yet you clothe me and then asked me to touch you. Not told me.”
Horangi was silent. He wasn’t ready to reveal that much of himself, yet. “Well… now I’m telling you. Touch me.” 
Koenig’s eyes seemed to darken, slightly. “Yes, my lady.” His tone wasn’t teasing, despite his words. It was reverent. 
Horangi found himself shivering, liking the power behind the statement. He felt important and he liked that. “I think you can be more creative than that.”
Koenig’s eyes darkened further. “Mistress?”
Horangi liked that. He wished Koenig spoke his language, having no doubt he’d find a word in that which was even better. “Touch me.” He commanded. 
“Yes, mistress.” Koenig responded before his hands found Horangi’s waist again, sliding over them and then up and under the loose tunic he wore to bed. 
“Undress me.” Horangi murmured, his own hand finding Koenig’s hair and slotting his fingers in it, tugging his head back lightly. 
Koenig blew out a breath and then he worked quickly, pulling Horangi’s shirt off of him and then pushing down his pants. Horangi moved so he could get them off, before standing and backing up. 
“Now undress yourself.” He nodded, smiling when Koenig did as told almost immediately. He barely managed to keep himself from reacting too much at the size of Koenig’s cock. It was proportionate. For a 6’10 alpha. 
Koenig was likely only average. For a 6’10 alpha. That meant for the average non-6’10 alpha, he was huge. 
Oh well, Horangi had never backed down from a challenge before. He moved and dropped back down to straddle Koenig again, taking Koenig’s hand and guiding it between his legs. 
Almost eagerly, Koenig pushed a finger up into him and Horangi let himself moan softly, putting his head back slightly. He rocked his hips down onto Koenig’s finger, feeling his own slick drip down his thighs. “Feel that, sweet boy? Feel what you’ve done to me?”
Koenig was staring at him the way a wild animal might and Horangi thought it was adorable, resting his hands on Koenig’s shoulders, close to his neck, and using his thumbs to push Koenig’s head back slightly. Koenig complied with the action, so Horangi pushed his head back all the way and leaned forward, biting into him. Koenig growled and then he was pushing two fingers inside Horangi.
Horangi gasped and his hips jerked. He chuckled and pulled away, tsking. “I’ll forgive that, but take it easy.”
“I’m sorry, mistress.” Koenig answered, shaking his head. He looked genuinely apologetic, so Horangi forgave him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. He reached up and undid the faery chain before pushing Koenig’s hand away, standing and going to the bed.
Koenig followed him without needing any prompt and Horangi laid back as Koenig moved over him, closing his eyes and moaning as his fingers returned inside him. Koenig started to diligently work him open and Horangi guided him through it, though Koenig barely needed it.
For all his lack of confidence, he was clearly skilled, and Horangi appreciated it, melting into the sweet and simple pleasure. Koenig was so gentle with Horangi’s body, treating him like he was precious. Valuable. Horangi thought it was darling. 
“You can push in now.” Horangi told Koenig, when he got slightly impatient. 
Koenig frowned. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“I can take it, come on.” Horangi opened his legs wider and then wrapped them around Koenig’s waist, pulling him close. 
Koenig seemed unsure but he nodded and lifted Horangi’s hips and then he was pushing in and- Horangi realized he’d made a particularly risky gamble, but he wasn’t backing out. He took slow and even breaths, letting Koenig bottom out. 
When Koenig had, Horangi tapped him to stop him, laying back and taking deep breaths. Koenig nuzzled over him and then he scented Horangi and Horangi was just drowning in the scent, melting into the bed as the pain subsided slightly. Lemons and… sugar, which was odd for an alpha, since most alphas didn’t tend to be sweet. 
Horangi liked the scent. He, himself, was a bit more on the sweet side, smelling like a spiced vanilla, according to… He shook his head and focused back on Koenig, looking up into his eyes. He found himself more and more used to the unsettling blue, characterizing them more as striking. He reached up and touched his bottom lip. “No omega at home that I should be feeling guilty for spiting, correct?” Horangi asked, the question having just occurred to him to ask. 
Koenig furrowed his brows. “No. Never found anyone interested.”
Horangi was not quite sure he believed that. Even still, he just ignored him. “Don’t worry about me popping out a pup, either.” As long as he had no heats, he’d never have to worry about a baby. 
Koenig frowned. “Okay.” He nodded. Horangi looked at him for a moment, mostly just noting concern in his face. He shook his head and pulled Koenig down, kissing him softly. Koenig almost seemed to just melt and his arms moved around Horangi’s waist. “Please can I fuck you… Please let me make you feel good…” He murmured, pulling back softly. His accent had thickened again, so Horangi almost had trouble making it out.
Horangi had adjusted enough so he nodded, relaxing back into the bed. Koenig almost immediately started to move and the sensation had Horangi grasping for Koenig, digging his nails into his back.
Koenig moaned and put his forehead on Horangi’s shoulder, his body contorting to make the position. “Ah… tight…”
Horangi made a pleased, proud sound. “Come on, sweet boy… You wanted to fuck me, so do it.”
Koenig grred and then he harshly thrust into Horangi, making Horangi have to slam his hand over his mouth to keep from screaming too loud. He did not need that to be the way the rest of the barracks discovered he was an omega. 
Koenig didn’t stop, starting to fuck in and out of Horangi at an almost punishing pace. He pulled back and his eyes seemed to watch Horangi, slightly changing with every move Horangi made.
Most of the moves were just arching his back, but he had a few others. He dug his right nails into Koenig as he thrust, the other hand staying firmly over his mouth because occasionally Koenig would thrust in almost too deep and Horangi would have to fight not to scream again. 
It felt amazing, but it was almost too amazing. But, Horangi still wasn’t backing down. Koenig’s hand moved to Horangi’s cock and started to stroke and that led to Horangi orgasming entirely without warning. He bit into his hand, whiting out from the pleasure. 
Koenig, thankfully, slowed to a stop and he pulled out, kissing all over Horangi’s shoulders. Horangi panted and closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around Koenig’s shoulders and petting his hair. “Go ahead and finish yourself, sweet boy…”
“I- Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Horangi nodded, not wanting to neglect the alpha. He’d done pretty well and so he wouldn’t be cruel. 
Koenig had turned a dark shade of red again but Horangi only smiled softly at him, continuing to pet his hair. He liked how shaggy it was, giving him plenty to lightly tug as he ran his fingers through it. 
Koenig pushed his face into Horangi’s chest and then Horangi felt his hand swipe up some of his slick before his arm was moving, likely from him wrapping his hand around his cock and starting to jerk off. 
“Good boy…” Horangi murmured and leaned his head, a little, kissing his hair. “Aegiya, you’re doing so well…”
Koenig moaned and seemed to almost hide in his chest. Affection and warmth bloomed in Horangi’s chest and he marveled in the new sensation. He liked this odd feeling of control through taking care of someone. “Remember how it felt inside me? Imagine that…”
He watched the alpha’s movements jerk slightly and then his arm sped up. Horangi continued to pet his hair, closing his eyes and murmuring soft assurances to the alpha. Then, something warm and sticky hit the inside of Horangi’s thigh and Koenig was finally collapsing into him, his movement stopping. “Sweet boy… How do you feel?”
Koenig didn’t answer, just nodded, but Horangi decided that was enough. “What does Aegiya mean?” Koenig asked after a moment, looking up at Horangi with hooded eyes. 
“It’s fairly close to sweetheart…” Horangi explained.
Koenig’s brain seemed to take a moment to work through that before he nodded. “Liebchen… I like Kätzchen better.”
“I think it’s growing on me.” Horangi agreed. “Though I like mistress, most.”
“Herrin…” Koenig murmured, closing his eyes. “You are more adept in the common tongue…”
“I’ve had to speak it for so long, I may as well be.” Horangi shrugged. “You are fairly adept. Sometimes your accent is hard to understand, but I work through it. I do not know if you can fit in my bed. You are rather large.”
“I will sleep on my pallet…”
“Nonsense. Come. No one will see.” Horangi moved and got up, ignoring the way his legs wobbled. He had Koenig climb into the bed, first, seeing that he just barely fit. Then, Horangi climbed up into the bed and settled on top of him, yawning. “Sleep, sweet boy…”
“I will, Kätzchen…” Koenig yawned and hugged Horangi before Horangi felt his chest slow. 
Oh, this alpha was deeply, deeply dangerous…
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godomainers · 1 year
How a domain broker will help you acquire your desired domain
In this digital age, almost everyone owns a website. It has become essential for businesses to have their own website just to establish their presence in the marketplace. Now, the issue is that almost everyone has a website. How do you stand out in the crowd? Another important issue is that most of the classy or attractive names are already taken. Not to mention the fact that the majority of the population has never even dealt with the hassles of registering their own website. Therefore, not only do people find it difficult to register domains but also get scammed sometimes as well.
In order to avoid such issues we have mediators in the form of domain brokers.
What are domain brokers?
Let us break it down for you with a real-life example. Have you ever tried to buy, rent or lease or sell a house? If yes, then you probably know it is not too easy to find an ideal property or buyer. To get one we often use the services of a real estate agent and for a fee they help us find the ideal property or buyer, right? Well, it is the same for domain brokers except for the fact that they deal with domain names and websites instead of properties.
Why should I hire a domain broker?It’s cost-effective
Getting domain broker services saves you a lot of money. One may ask how exactly they would do that. The answer is most of the legitimate domain brokers have been in the game for a long time and now have a solid grip on the market. Moreover, they are aware of all the significant events going down in the domain industry. So basically they are able to guide you regarding the best domains which could be suitable for you and be cost-effective at the same time. Or in case you wish to purchase a premium domain name they know exactly how much it is probably worth so the negotiation will go a lot smoother if they handle it and chances are you could acquire your desired domain for a bargain.
Saves you a lot of time
One of the main reasons people hire domain brokers is they don’t have the time or the patience to go through the rigorous process of registering a domain. When you hire domain brokers, you save yourself from spending weeks and weeks researching, negotiating, and filling out paperwork for acquiring a domain name.
It’s not only that you’re saving yourself from spending that much time buying a domain. Rather when you get domain broker services you’re making the entire process of acquiring a particular domain very fast compared to when you do it yourself.
Protects you from scams or fraud
The best domain brokers have been around long enough to be aware of which people are genuine sellers and which ones are scammers. Moreover, even if they do get scammed, that’s not on you. That is what you are paying for, to be protected from all the hassles and frauds. It’s not limited to that, they also conduct thorough background checks like the ownership history and see how the website used to look at different periods of time using various tools to ensure that the website wasn’t used for illicit purposes in the past. This is why it is recommended to hire the best domain brokers out there.
Getting domain broker services simply saves you from a lot of headaches. Not only do they do your work but also protect you from getting scammed. Moreover, most of the reputed domain brokers have a large collection of domain names that way you get what you want almost every time.
Source: https://godomainers.blogspot.com/2023/04/how-domain-broker-will-help-you-acquire.html
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therunawaykind · 2 years
Driving in her car
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: slightly reckless driving? also this request attacking me personally
The Request: Fluff Wanda request coming through from your favourite anon. Wanda is teaching Reader how to drive! So apparently its known in the compound how Reader doesn't know how to drive yet. When she asked Natasha to help she denied  (they all know how terrible Reader is) and because Wanda has a crush on Reader, she willingly steps in to help. Imagine Wanda having constant panics every time Reader picks up the speed and/or would look away for a few seconds. And after the lesson, Wanda was just too stunned to speak and was like "If I didn't like you I wouldn't have done this." And then, it was Reader who was stunned to speak after that confession. Is this too detailed, Danni? I don't know how to make a request 😭 -💛
*please do not repost or translate my material or claim as yours. reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated!*
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It was no surprise to anyone in the compound considering everyone knew, though it was an aspect of yourself that you would’ve preferred to keep to yourself. What is this aspect of yourself or secret that you have that you don’t want anyone to know? It is simply the fact that you cannot drive. You know it isn’t a big deal but having to rely on and wait around for one of the other avengers if you wanted to go and do anything was really starting to annoy you. And yes, you know buses are a thing, but they just might be the most annoying mode of transport, so you suffered on.
Though what got on your nerves at times were the constant comments made by the majority of the avengers which all revolved around the words “baby.” or “little.” The only avenger out of the whole group that was nice to you and didn’t make you feel bad about not being able to drive was of course none other than Wanda Maximoff.
It was widely known around the compound just how bad of a driver you were when anyone would volunteer to take you out to teach you. So slowly as the number dwindled down to no one you were stuck. So, as you were approaching Natasha one day before you could even get the question out of your mouth, she had already replied with “no don’t think even think about asking me to teach you how to drive baby avenger.” You let out an exasperated sigh and walked back to your room. You knew Natasha didn’t mean it in a harsh or mean way you trained with her most and you were the most comfortable around her. So, you knew she was just saving herself the hassle so you didn’t even think about asking anybody else within the compound to teach you knowing they would probably give you the same answer.  
What you didn’t notice as you walked out of the room dejectedly was Wanda standing at the entrance by the training room watching the encounter between Natasha and you. She couldn’t stop the sad sigh that escaped her lips as she entered the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and some snacks. As she was absentmindedly eating the snacks contemplating giving to the offer of her teaching you how to drive. As soon as that thought crossed her mind Natasha uttered the words “don’t even think about it Wands, you will not know peace.”
Wanda couldn’t help but stare at Natasha with her mouth agape just as Wanda was about to say something else Natasha cut her off “I also know you aren’t doing this for the good of your health, I know you have a crush on her so you think by offering her this something it will awaken her feelings for you and make her realize at the same time you have feelings for her. But in all honesty, I dunno if that’ll work.” Wanda couldn’t help but scoff and roll her eyes. “I’m not doing this just because I have a crush on her Natasha.”  
Natasha couldn’t help but chuckle as she retorted “sure whatever helps you sleep at night Wands.” Wanda couldn’t help but groan as she walked out of the room leaving Natasha behind. Whilst Wanda still had some confidence in her step she decided to walk straight to your room and tell you her decision, she paused right outside your door and took a deep breath right before she started banging on your door “Y/N Y/N OPEN THE DOOR!” Wanda could hear the slight mumbles and grumbles coming from behind the door as you approached.
You couldn’t help the sigh that escaped your lips “what is that you want Wanda? That is so important you are literally banging on my door as if there is a fire?” Okay, so maybe Wanda didn’t realize how hard she was knocking on your door. She scrunched her face up as she looked at you and muttered a quick apology “I didn’t- uhm I didn’t realize I was knocking so loud.” She glances at you again and notices you raise your eyebrows “right, right…. why I’m here uhhhh.” Wanda takes a quick pause to clear her throat as she tries to gain her confidence back “Tomorrow, I’m taking you out in my car and helping you in learning how to drive.”  
“Wands- I uh- I really don’t think that is necessary, really it is a lovely gesture but I’m sure if you asked the others you’d know and hear what a stupid idea this choice is.” 
“Y/N honey, sweetie. I adore that you’re looking out for me from the clear nightmare that it is trying to teach you, but I am not going to change my mind. I am going to help you to some extent…...even if it kills me.” Both of you couldn’t help but laugh at that last comment but also due to the reality of that comment you had to mumble “that really could happen though.” Wanda clicked her tongue as she shoved your shoulder “if you keep doubting yourself, of course, it’s going to be harder and more difficult for you to do well behind the wheel. I can assure you if you start believing in yourself, you’ll pick it up in no time.” You knew Wanda wasn’t going to let this go so you did all you could do and nod slowly in agreement to her statement. “Okay okay, I believe you.”  
It was the morning of the day Wanda was going to take you out to help you learn to drive…. well, more like attempt. Easy to say you had never felt more nauseous in your whole life. She had to have known the horror stories of the other avengers trying to help you. So why would she even bother to offer this to you. You did the only thing you could do now: groan and flop onto your bed backwards. As you counted down the minutes until Wanda inevitably showed up at your door.  
Wanda couldn’t help but smile to herself as she approached the door to your room. She made sure to not knock on your door so loudly… or urgently this time. She could guess that you would be freaking out a bit knowing how much stress this causes you. She could hear the soft huff that escaped your mouth as you walked towards the door. Wanda rocked back and forth on her feet nervously as she expected the door to open. As you slowly pulled back the door Wanda peeked her head around the corner as a huge grin spread across her face in what you could only guess was an attempt to calm you down. You exhale deeply as you grab a jacket and everything else you need as you walk past Wanda and nod your head “let’s get this disaster over with.” Wanda tried not to be hurt at you walking straight past her since she knew you were nervous and probably freaking out internally. So, she took a deep breath a followed after you.  
When Wanda finally caught up to you by her car you were leaning against the driver's side and nervously picking and playing with your fingers. Wanda decided to slow her walking down slightly as she approached you as she spoke quietly “hey, you ready to do this?” you looked up at her from under your eyelashes and nodded hesitantly Wanda gazed and smiled at you as softly as she could as she threw her keys to you “well let’s go then.” As Wanda sits in the passenger side of the car she glances over and notices that everything about you is tense. “Y/N/N you being tense won’t make this easier, it’ll only make it more difficult.” You nod your head slowly as you mumble “I know, I know.”  
Wanda was proud the longer the both of you stayed in the car. She couldn’t lie, you were very hesitant at first, but you started to get more comfortable. But along with you getting more confident in the car came along you getting a tad too relaxed and laid back. Which resulted in you getting distracted and looking away from where you were meant to be. That also resulted in you picking up the speed at a drastic and alarming rate out of literally nowhere. For some reason, you were oblivious to how tense Wanda had gotten with how you were driving. She had as subtly as she could braced herself if anything were to happen.  
Out of the corner of Wanda’s eye, she could see it going to happen again so before anything could happen, she says as softly and calmly as possible “Y/N/N, Y/N/N Hun, sweetie. I adore you right now and you are doing so well. But if I see you get distracted and look away from where you’re supposed to or if you pick up speed out of nowhere, I think I just might go insane because you were doing so well.” When you hear Wanda’s voice come from nowhere your head darts over to her as you accidentally speed up again Wanda takes a deep breath and looks over at you. “Y/N get out of the car, switch seats.”  
Wanda shakes her head slowly as she starts to unbuckle her belt “nu-uh just-” Wanda sighs “just switch seats.” The drive back to the compound wasn’t as tense as you thought it would be, once Wanda was back in the driver's seat she relaxed quite quickly. But you couldn’t lie out of everyone that had tried to help you to learn to drive Wanda had been the most successful. Wanda parked her car in the garage as she started to switch off the ignition, she turned towards you slightly “Y/N as much as I may have had a little freak-out back there you actually did very well, and I am very proud of you for the progress you made today.” You couldn’t help but smile at her softly as you mumbled “It’s down to your help but thank you.” Wanda smiled softly as she walked into the compound.  
Natasha smirked as she walked past and saw Wanda’s rather dazed gaze. She started laughing as she took a sip of her drink “so how’d it go?”  
You nervously glanced over at Wanda as she paused where she was standing “they did actually very well, but they did give me moments of complete and utter panic.” Your brows furrowed as you looked at Wanda as she was talking. She sighed as she walked over to you and patted your cheek “but you did well, and I would not have done this at all for you Y/N if I didn’t like you.” You stare at Wanda stunned and mouth agape as you stand there stunned as she walks off. As you finally register what she said you shout up the stairs after her “WAIT, do you mean like me as in you’d date me?”  
You hear a faint “YES” come from Wanda’s room. Natasha and Wanda couldn’t help but laugh as they heard you run and scramble up the stairs to get to Wanda’s room.  
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too-gay-for-marvel · 3 years
one of us
a/n: I LIVE! listen. listen. yall know me well enough at this point to know that i make no promises about posting more stuff. i might post something in a few months. maybe next week. lets spin the wheel of fate and see what happens, shall we?
Request:  hi!! do you think you could write a prequel of sorts to i don’t need a hero? it’s one of my absolute favorites and i was wondering if you could write something angsty for the mission where the reader gets shot protecting wanda? <33 thank you!!
Word Count: 2546
Warnings: swearing, canon-typical violence
Pairing: Wanda x Reader
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She hated you.
Wanda Maximoff absolutely, unquestionably, without a doubt hated you. There was not a single thing about you that she didn’t hate, from the stupid cocky look on your face to the way you refused to be of any help. You were supposed to be an ally now, not a nuisance.
And yet there you were.
Sitting across from her at the table and shooting her a look that made her want nothing more than to throw some magic right at your face. If she was lucky then maybe it would even knock you on your ass and she could wipe that stupid smirk from your face. It would almost make this meeting with you worth all the hassle.
“Does everyone understand their jobs?” Maria asked, bringing Wanda back to the table and forcing her to pay attention.
“Blow shit up and have fun doing it?” You asked even though that most certainly wasn’t your job and you knew it.
Don’t let them out of your sight. Maria’s voice rang in Wanda’s mind and, after a silent look, she gave a nod of affirmation. It didn’t seem as if you had noticed, and that gave Wanda a feeling of superiority. Technically it wasn’t a competition, and she already knew she was better than you, but to know that she could scheme about you in front of your face was something that gave her more joy than she would ever openly admit.
The meeting concluded without a hitch. You had even admitted - rather begrudgingly - that you were to do nothing other than keep the attention off of Wanda and Sam. In Wanda’s mind, that was a good start; you usually argued until you were blue in the face.
But with you agreeing, all Wanda had to really worry about was the upcoming mission. And whether you would keep to your word or not.
By all accounts, and much to Wanda’s and Sam’s surprise, the mission had been going well. You had launched fireworks on one end of the building to cause a commotion while they had snuck in through the back. She had used her powers to distract the few guards left inside, and within minutes they had found what they were looking for.
In fact, the mission had been going so well that Wanda had been on the verge of asking if you were okay. There was no way you could have behaved for as long as you had, not without a proper motivation. But right as Wanda had lifted her hand to start her comms, an unusually loud explosion sounded off, quickly followed by guards running and yelling.
Heading in their direction.
“I knew it was too good to be true,” Wanda mumbled to herself.
Only seconds after Wanda had muttered her lack of surprise at the situation, the same guards she had heard appeared in the hallway behind them. Directly between them and their exit.
Of course, she heard Sam think. Very loudly.
It turned, very quickly, into an all-out brawl. Unlike you, they didn’t exactly aim to kill; if it was avoidable then they would. But that didn’t mean there weren’t still plenty of bodies lying on the ground, continuously making it harder and harder for them to leave.
“To the roof,” Sam ordered during a short lull in the fighting. “We can get an emergency evac from there.”
And before Wanda knew it, they were once again fighting and trying to make their way up the stairs. It wasn’t the most difficult thing in the world, not with her powers and Red Wing. But that didn’t mean it was easy either.
“Leaving already?” You asked over the comms, causing both Wanda and Sam to roll their eyes at the lack of seriousness in your tone.
“Just get to the roof,” Sam replied shortly, refusing to say anymore on the matter.
“When I’m ready.”
Wanda swore if she hadn’t promised Bucky not to kill you, she would have done it then and there.
It didn’t take long after that for Wanda and Sam to make it to the roof. He told her he was going to fly around and scope a potential landing, and Wanda agreed to hold down the fort until he came back. They both ignored the fact that you were nowhere to be found.
In typical Avengers fashion, the guards came back not long after Sam had left her alone. She wished she could have been surprised, but when it happens nearly every time, it loses it’s shock factor.
But this one was worse than usual; Wanda was, unfortunately, feeling overwhelmed. She knew the horde would run out of bodies eventually, but would that happen before or after Sam showed up? She had no clue, and that was something that terrified her.
Needless to say, she got her answer when an entire army made it up to the roof.
“That’s my cue,” your voice came over the comms, a little too cheery for the situation, but Wanda wasn’t going to answer. At that moment, she hoped you burned along with the rest of them.
An explosion rocked the building underneath her feet, sending more panic racing through her veins. Fucking idiot, she thought, you’re going to destroy the building with us still in it! More explosions followed suit.
“You’d better hurry, Sam, Y/N is gonna blow the building,” Wanda spoke clearly, but rushed. As terrified as she was, she knew it would do no good if Sam didn’t even understand her.
“Just a bit longer, I’m almost there.” She didn’t like that Sam sounded more panicked than her.
“Need a hand?” Your voice came through again, but it was drowned out by a roar that grew increasingly louder.
It was a missile. A missile that was going to hit the roof. The roof that she was standing on.
“Just move!”
Wanda was too transfixed by the missile heading her way to notice someone running toward her. Someone who quickly wrapped their arms around her waist. Her body tensed as her feet were lifted off the ground and she was suddenly launched off the side of the building right as the missile hit the spot where she had previously been standing.
Wind rushed past her ears, along with something that sounded like a scream. She couldn’t tell who it was coming from. The trip to the ground took only a moment, but felt like it was never going to end. Well, not until she forcefully met the ground, that is. The air was knocked out of her lungs and the person on top of her didn’t help.
“Get off me,” she grunted as she pushed the person off and sat up. Only when she was up did she notice it was you, new scratches on your face and blood dripping down your ears.
“You stupid Avengers, always in the way,” you mumbled just loud enough for Wanda to hear. Or maybe it was just muffled because of the deafening ringing in her ears.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Wanda shouted, pushing herself onto her feet and watching as you did the same.
“What do you mean, what was I thinking?” You shot back. “You were the one who didn’t move!”
“I didn’t need your help.”
“You almost got hit! By a missile!”
“And yet you were the one who launched it!” Wanda stepped forward, her finger jabbing into your chest as she talked.
“I saved your life!” You shouted back, throwing your hands up in indignation.
“You pushed me off a building!”
“Don’t criticise me! No one else was helping!”
“I didn’t need help from some wannabe hero!”
“I’m not trying to-” you were cut off by the sound of a gun, and your eyes widening. You both looked down to see a dark red spot near your hip, growing larger by the second.
You hit the ground before she could catch you.
Wanda looked past you to see one lone guard, his shirt still on fire and his skin singed beyond recognition. His arm was still up, gun pointed where you had previously been standing. She didn’t have to bother with finishing him; he collapsed, his body slowly burning.
She crouched down immediately, her hand moving to the spot on your hip. Her hands went to press on it; something she had learned from Maria and Natasha, something she hadn’t thought she would ever really need to know.
You groaned ever so slightly when she pressed harder, but aside from that you were silent and still.
“Coming in hot,” Sam said. She didn’t bother looking up, but felt the wind from Sam and the evac landing behind her.
Sam was quick in assessing the damage. He picked you up and carried you to the quinjet, getting you stabilised for the trip back. Wanda thanked the gods that it would be a short trip.
She hoped you would be okay.
Technically, it wasn’t the worst injury someone had come back from a mission with. Tony always came back with multiple contusions, sometimes broken bones if he had been careless. Natasha and Clint were always a mess, having been absorbed in trying to keep the other safe. Hell, you had come back with worse injuries.
So why this one had taken so much out of you, Wanda had no idea. All she knew was that it had been four days and you were still unconscious. Even the doctors couldn’t understand why you hadn’t woken up. Sure, trauma could keep someone in a coma, but you had seen much worse. So why this one?
“Time for food.”
Bless that man.
Wanda looked up from her book to see Clint leaning in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. A signature look for him, she realised. But she noticed, strangely enough, that he did not come with food. Extremely rude.
“Making me scavenge for myself now?” Wanda teased as she closed her book.
“You could say that,” Clint shrugged. “You gotta get out of here for a few hours, Wanda.”
So that was his purpose.
“Not yet,” she answered simply.
“They haven’t woken up yet, won’t wake up while you’re gone.”
“You don’t know that-”
“-Wanda,” Clint interrupted, “they’re not waking up. Get some food, take a shower, maybe a nap. It’ll be fine.”
She looked over to you and just stared. Your face hadn’t really changed since they had gotten you back to SHIELD. No sounds, no movement, nothing. Maybe there was a new crinkle between your brows, but nothing to really indicate you were going to wake up. No matter how much she wanted you to.
Damn you for making her worry about you of all people.
And damn Clint for being right.
“Two hours.”
“Make it five,” Clint shot back, a smile tugging at his lips.
Damn him.
“Fine. Four. But not a minute more,” Wanda sighed. But, and she hated to admit this, Clint was right; she needed some time to recover. She hadn’t even left herself recover from the mission, instead coming straight to the medical ward with you.
Clint nodded once and waited for her to leave before heading into your room. Sweet of him to take her place while she was resting. It would at least give her some respite to know that someone was watching you while she was gone. Now she just needed to take care of herself and get back.
Well. Maybe after a bath.
“Wanda wake up!”
Not the best way for anyone to wake up from a nap.
Wanda shot up out of bed and tried to blink the sleep out of her eyes. She was sure she looked like an absolute mess, and she could feel the knots in her hair. Oh god she felt terrible. Two hours was not enough time for a recovery nap. They better have a good reason for waking her up.
“Good, you’re up,” Clint huffed from the doorway. “Y/N’s gone.”
Okay. Pretty good reason.
She didn’t bother brushing her hair; didn’t even bother changing into clean clothes. It was fine though, she had slept in her mission clothes anyway. What was one more day, right? Besides, it gave her a bit of comfort that she at least wouldn’t be running through the hallways half-naked.
It was, for lack of a better word, pandemonium in the halls. The assumption was that everyone was looking for you; and that assumption was correct. If you hadn’t been such a damn nuisance to SHIELD in the past, maybe they would’ve just let you go.
So really, this was all your fault.
But that didn’t stop Wanda from making her way to where she felt she knew you had gone. There was no proof, but it was a feeling. A feeling that was similar to when she had known whenever Pietro had gotten into trouble. Not quite as strong, because nothing could beat twintuition, but it was still there.
And it was right.
Wanda didn’t know what to really expect you to look like after a few days of rest. But you looked a mess sitting in the dark cell. You were still in your hospital gown, and the gauze was still wrapped around whatever wounds you had sustained. The worst part? You sat curled up in the corner.
“Y/N?” Wanda stepped closer to the cell, but was met with a beeping sound that she was terrifyingly familiar with.
A proximity bomb.
She jumped back and waited for the explosion that never came. Instead, the beeping stopped, and you continued to sit in the corner. Her eyes searched for the bomb, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to find it. If you had hidden it, then you would be the only one who could get to it.
“Everyone is looking for you,” Wanda whispered, just loud enough for you to hear.
“Leave me alone.” Your voice was hoarse, and you let out a series of painful-sounding coughs.
“They’re worried about you.”
“They can worry about themselves,” you shot back, “I’m fine.”
“Y/N,” Wanda urged. She didn’t like seeing you like this. She hadn’t cared for you much, hadn’t even liked you, but this… this wasn’t you. “What happened?”
And then you turned. She could see the bruises on your face, the bags under your eyes, a look on your face that she couldn’t quite place. But your eyes… your eyes pierced through her soul in a way she hadn’t thought possible.
“You fucking heroes happened,” you replied, your eyes never leaving hers. “Couldn’t fucking leave well enough alone, had to bring me into all this fucking mess.”
“You wanted me in this fucking cell, now I’m here.” Wanda could tell you were running out of breath. “So leave me the fuck alone.”
With that you turned and stared back at the wall, your back to her. She couldn’t go to you, couldn’t help you. That bomb of yours would blow the both of you up if she got closer. And she just knew you were finished talking to her. You had made your decision, and she would just have to accept it. It seemed the team was right.
You would never be one of them.
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isthisthingeven0n · 4 years
knowing you : s.r
spencer has been a regular at your cafe for a few months, and after working up the courage to ask you on a date he disappears out of the blue without an explanation. (2.4k)
knowing you / forgetting you / remembering you / with or without you / starting over, with you 
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There were elements to your job that you had a love/hate relationship with. The mornings where you woke up before the sun fully had, dealing with rude customers deprived of their first dose of caffeine along with the pseudonyms they provide you with (which you’ve learned you can’t always yell out as the elders freak out.) And lastly, your staff (but they tended to lean heavier on the love side of things.)
Yet, amongst all of it, you still managed to smile by the time you closed up in the evening. You adored your little cafe, though it was never heaving with people, it was comfortable.
“Hey, look who’s hovering outside.” Your colleague, Maggie nudges you playfully as you glance over the counter to the large window filled with your menu written in calligraphy.
And standing in front of it, the quiet smart guy you’ve grown fond of; Spencer.
A smile grows across your face, but you hide your head in the steam that rises from the milk for a second. “It’s been what, two days since he was last here?” Maggie quips, waiting for you to comment.
“Everyone’s gotta get coffee somewhere, Mags.” You remind her, brushing it off.
Spencer was a customer at the end of the day, just like everyone else. Just because he came to your cafe doesn’t mean he’s here for anything more than his double espresso and a blueberry muffin. Even if your heart wished it could be more.
Pushing open the door, the little bell sounds and Spencer looks up before smiling over to you. “Morning, Spencer.” You beam as you lean across the counter as Spencer eyes up the various pastries and paninis you had to offer this morning.
“Hi,” Spencer speaks quietly, clutching his satchel across his chest. “could I get a double espresso and two muffins, please?”
“A double?” Maggie pitches in, and Spencer looks over to your colleague who stands beside you, holding back her tongue as Spencer nods. 
“Caffeine stimulates a similar effect as the stress hormone cortisol, which is secreted in large amounts after an hour or two of waking up in the morning. It takes on the form of waking you up, making you believe you need the caffeine as, without it, you can have stomach aches, headaches and trembles.” Spencer rambles, and you nod in appreciation for the knowledge. “And I prefer a double.”
“Guess you like strong coffee, then.” Maggie mutters, giving you the eye as you smile to yourself.
Turning around you carry on prepping the machine as the espresso drips into the paper cup. “Two muffins, huh? Saving one for later?” You chuckle as you pick the two freshest muffins out that are still warm from the oven.
And then you hear it, Spencer’s awkward chortle that causes butterflies to flutter in your stomach and rise to your throat.
Swallowing the butterflies back down, you place the box onto the counter alongside his coffee, his name written across it with a smiley face.
“Well, I wanted to take one for my friend, Garcia. She’s been by here before, I don’t know if you’d remember her?” Spencer explains and watches you closely, noticing how your eyes drift off into deep thought and your tongue slips through your lower lip before you shake your head. “She probably complimented every single detail in the cafe, wore something colourful?” He adds, and suddenly your eyes light up as you remember.
“Penelope? How could I forget! I’ll give her a complimentary muffin if she comes in again.” You giggle, and Spencer’s eyes crinkle up as he accepts the small box and coffee.
“She’ll love that. Thank you.” Spencer states as he places the cash onto the counter and adds a few dollars to your tip jar- something you forget exists as it collects dust most days, but Spencer always leaves a three dollar tip.
“Thank you, Spencer. Have a good day.” You begin to turn away as you clean up the counter and coffee machine, missing the longing glance Spencer has before he heads to the door, but thankfully Maggie is watching like a hawk.
“Have a good day?” Maggie mutters, crossing her arms. “He was giving you the eyes, babe.” She comments, but you roll your eyes in response once more.
Picking up your tray, you move past the counter and over to clean up a table. “He wasn’t, Maggie.” You simply reply. 
“He was dear.” A new voice pitches in, one of your regulars, Annie. “Finding someone who looks at you like he does is a rare thing, I would know.” Annie’s focus drifts to the empty seat opposite her, one that has been vacant for a few months since her husband passed. 
“I don’t know, Annie,” You trail off, but some of your other regulars also comment on the small looks exchanged between you and Spencer. “Sorry. am I being interrogated in my own cafe?” You joke as three of your regulars laugh before returning to their own conversations. 
“Don’t let it slip out of your grasp, Y/n.” Annie finishes as she rises to her feet, leaving her mug with a few dollar bills underneath before walking out of the exit. 
Sighing deeply, you run your fingers through your hair as your mind goes blank, unable to apprehend how various people have seen you giving Spencer those soppy glances and the fact they might be reciprocated? 
You shrug it off, allowing your mind to return to work as another customer comes in, and your day can proceed as normal. 
“Bye guys,” You wave off your colleagues as Maggie closes the door behind her, leaving you to close up for the evening. 
It had been a fairly slow day, but Thursdays tended to be in the cafe so it wasn’t anything to worry about. 
As you walk around to the counter and bend down to collect the leftover cakes you hear the bell chime. “Sorry, we’re closed!” You call out, placing a few cakes away before lifting your head up to see a rather flustered Spencer. “Spencer?” 
Pushing his hair out of his face, Spencer sighs happily as he smiles to you. “Hi, I, I’m sorry I didn’t realise you closed at 6.” He rambles, a look of hopelessness in his gaze. “I’ll head out, sorry for bothering you, Y/n.” 
Spencer turns around, but before he reaches the door, you stop him. “Spencer?” Immediately, Spencer awkwardly spins on his heels, facing you once more. “Would you like a coffee, one for the road anyway?” You shyly suggest, watching as Spencer’s smile only widens as he nods. 
“I’d love that, I, I only just got back from a work trip and thought I’d see if you were still open.” Spencer explains as you push aside your containers and take out a go cup. 
“That’s alright, I like to do what I can for my regulars.” You chuckle, placing the cup on the counter. As Spencer reaches into his satchel, you shake your head. “Oh don’t worry ‘bout it, Spencer.” You tell him and Spencer pauses. 
“I have to pay you, Y/n!” He laughs, but you insist. “Well, at least let me help you close up.” 
“Spencer it’s fine honestly. You’re probably tired as it is.” You shrug him off, expecting him to just walk out after that. 
But Spencer isn’t like any other guy, he takes a sip of his coffee and removes his satchel and places it on a chair. “Where do I start?” He questions, rolling the sleeves of his purple shirt up to his elbows, prepared for business. 
The sight makes you laugh lightly, he looks adorable in every sense which makes you slightly flustered. “Well erm,” You look around, trying to think of an easy job that’ll result in the least hassle for him. “how about you put these cakes away? I’ll drop them off to the food shelter on my way home.” You explain, motioning to the containers and Spencer nods, taking his place behind the counter whilst you clean the tables. 
Pausing from placing the cakes into containers, Spencer looks up in awe as you carry on cleaning. “Do you have any flaws?” He thinks to himself, knowing the answer rationally is yes, as every human being has 10 design flaws in the human body, but you personally, he can’t imagine any. 
“Did you say something, Spencer?” You quip, lifting your head up as Spencer quickly shakes his head, missing the smile on your lips as you hold back a soft laugh. 
“Which food bank do you take these to?” Spencer asks as you move onto your last table, picking up your small menus and coasters whilst you place them onto the chairs. 
“Usually the one two blocks over, but sometimes I stop on the way to Gary - he’s a homeless veteran who camps out under the bus shelter. He’s a good man, but life hasn’t been kind to him.” You explain, thinking how different his life could’ve been. “I’ve tried offering him a job here before, but he shakes uncontrollably.” 
“That sounds like a sign of PTSD, Veterans used to go undiagnosed during the war and suffered from vivid flashbacks, trembling, nausea and intrusive thoughts. Most were outcasted from society, but expected to adjust to normal life afterwards which is what leads many to the streets.” Spencer explains, and once he finishes, you raise an eyebrow. 
“And here I thought you were just a pretty face.” You chuckle, causing a blush to cross Spencer’s cheeks. “You’ve never told me what you do Spencer, outside of drinking heavy doses of caffeine.” 
Spencer rests his hands out over the ledge behind the counter as you walk over, discarding the cleaning supplies beside him. “I work for the FBI.” He starts, and you nod along, trying to hide your surprise. “For the BAU, the behavioural analysis unit. We analyse peoples behaviour to assist in cases around the country to help solve crimes.” Spencer explains simply, not wanting to overcomplicate the matter as your eyes widen. 
“So you analyse people’s behaviour? Does that mean you’ve analysed me?” You slowly trail off as you move away from Spencer and sit down at one of the tables, suddenly feeling self-conscious as his eyes remain on you.
Moving across the cafe, Spencer pulls out the chair opposite you and rests his hands on the table, firmly clasped together. He doesn’t want to lie to you, but he equally does not want to sound like a creep.
“You can be honest, Spencer.” It’s as if you can read his mind as you give him those warm eyes that greet him in the mornings, making him sure that whatever happens at work, you’ll be alright when he next comes in.
Fidgeting ever so slightly, Spencer closes his eyes to allow his mind to focus- something that is usually effortless, but whenever you cross his thoughts they become scrambled.
“You are a warm person naturally, an extrovert as you invite people into your cafe. Mornings are a struggle as you keep a refillable cup by your side next to the coffee machine. I saw you refill it last Tuesday and it must’ve been at least your third cup as I was later that day. You like to please others, make them happy and by doing so you sacrifice your own wellbeing. Helping people makes you happy, but you don’t do it for selfish reasons which I like a lot about you, Y/n.” Spencer explains, and as he looks up you stare at him in a state of awe.
“And you got all that, from interacting with me every week?” You laugh lightly, leaning back in your chair as astonishment crosses your eyes as you click your tongue. 
“Yes.” Spencer curtly nods. “That and I have an IQ of 187, an eidetic memory and 3 PHD’s.” He adds nonchalantly. 
“Just casually slipping that into conversation, Doctor.” You raise an eyebrow, and Spencer brushes his fingers through his curls. 
Tearing your eyes from him, you look up at the clock and swear under your breath. “I’m sorry, Spencer, I’ve got to go.” You tell him with a sad smile, not wanting this to end as he gathers his things along with his cold coffee- not that he’d ever tell you otherwise.
Spencer hovers by the doorway as you switch off the last of the lights and juggle the containers in your arms along with your keys. “Let me help with that, Y/n.” Spencer reaches out, his fingers gliding over yours as he takes the boxes painfully slowly.
“Thanks,” You mutter as you turn the sign over on the door and lock it behind you whilst Spencer stands idly outside, the temperature dropping fastly compared to the LA sunshine he had experienced mere hours beforehand. “my cars just up here, do you mind?”
Shaking his head, Spencer walks alongside you. It feels strange, interacting with him outside of your little bubble, but to him, he likes the chance to burst the comfort bubble.
Bearing in mind all that Penelope and Derek have told him on the jet home, Spencer places the containers in the trunk of your car before you close it.
“Well, this is me.” You rock back and forth on your heels as Spencer wracks his mind to communicate with his mouth. “Spencer?” You wave your hand over his face, and suddenly he snaps out of his deep thoughts.
“Sorry,” He mutters, tugging on his scarf. “Y/n, would you like to go out somewhere, sometime? I mean, I love your cafe, but a change of scenery never hurt.” Spencer asks, and he can see the surprise in your expression as you glance away to your feet. “If not, that’s okay. I understand-” 
“I’d love to.” You cut him off from his own doubts as you step closer and rise to your tiptoes, kissing his cheek. “Here’s my number, I keep some business cards in my pocket.” You hand him your card and Spencer runs his thumb over the embossed logo. 
“I’ll call you.” Spencer tells you with a bright smile, one that causes butterflies to swarm in your stomach as you walk to your car door. “Drive safe, Y/n.” 
“Take care Doctor,” You salute to Spencer before you close your door, driving off out of sight as a squeal escapes your lips in excitement at the thought of Spencer calling you.
Except, what you missed as you turned the corner was Spencer getting a phone call that would change everything for the worse, leaving you in the dark as Spencer answers his phone with his full heart now sinking. 
He’s heading to Mexico.
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sidespromptblog · 3 years
What to Do?: Chapter 6
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
Warnings: Angst, Remus Accurate Thoughts, and Hurt/Comfort.
Summary: Logan realizing that his first mistake was seeing the other sides as anything other than coworkers. They weren't a family. They didn't even like each other. How had he not realized sooner?
Word Count: 1,880
There was a moment where the silence felt like a ticking clock between the two of them, and then...
The moment of weakness was over in a second.
Virgil hastily jerked his shoulder away from Remus’ very touch so hard that the other side was sure that he nearly dislocated it with such a move, it didn’t stop Remus from raising an eyebrow at Virgil as the anxious side snarled at him. As if he wasn’t just weeping his eyes out moments ago, and as if Virgil hadn’t just looked at him like he was hoping that Remus held all the answers to his problems the moment he had appeared. 
“What do you want?!” The anxious side spat out, had he fur Remus was sure that it would have been bristling like a cat’s. “Why are you here? Didn’t you ruin enough?” 
That shouldn’t have hurt the way that it did, and yet… somehow coming from Virgil of all people, it stung in a way that dish soap could not. It was like… peroxide on a fresh scrape. Like it was bubbling and destroying each cell in its wake, not caring if it was bacteria or any normal cell trying to help. 
That’s what this pain felt like.  
For a second there was nothing to be said, not as he felt Virgil’s scorching heated glare that told him just how much the anxious side hated him in this moment. Although, for the life of him, he couldn’t tell if it was because he had seen Virgil in his moment of weakness, or… if Virgil was secretly grateful that he had come along when he did. Either way he could only blatantly stare at the other side for a moment, taking in how Virgil was holding himself, and just how he seemed to clutch at the papers Logan had given him like a lifeline so that he wouldn’t fall apart even more. 
Speaking of Logan though…
“I wanted to see this all for myself, and to see if Janus was right.” Remus didn’t know it was possible for Virgil to bristle even more at Janus’ name. “To be honest… It’s kind of weird to see that he’s right, I mean.. I didn’t think Janus was lying when he told me about it. But I was sure that he was exaggerating in how Logan treated him.” It perturbed him, which he hated, because nothing was supposed to perturb him. He wasn’t somebody who got perturbed by anything! He was Remus Sanders, he was the one who usually did the perturbing, so this.. this wasn’t at all fair. “With dearl old Logic like this it's very unsettling... even for someone like me.” 
For him it was almost impossible to not draw parallels to when it was him, Janus, and Virgil. And just like them, this felt all too similar to how Virgil was acting right before he left them, and as much as he liked to deny any sort of squishy feelings for the anxious side…
It was kind of hard for him to see it happening to Virgil in real time.
But be that as it may, “When it was you…” Virgil flinched, and even so Remus carried on. “There were plenty of warning signs that me and Janus missed and by the time that the point came around it was already too late to get you back.” 
Virgil glowered darkly at Remus, having a feeling that the creative side was trying to point him in some kind of way that he couldn’t exactly see just yet. He didn’t like the kind of game that Remus was attempting to play with him, he already didn’t have a lot of patience when it came to this side, and now with everything involving Logan he had even less of it now. A part of him just wanted to hear it straight up, without any kind of nostalgic twangs in Remus’ voice. But another part of him… Well the other part of him couldn’t help but to agree, he had given Janus and Remus plenty of signs that he was starting to grow tired and that he wanted out of what they were doing. And when they had missed them at every turn, as well as the light sides as well... 
He had simply decided to duck out, and save everyone the hassle of dealing with him in person. 
That little reminder did little to ease his ire though, “Just what are you trying to say?” He growled sharply, not liking this one little bit.
Virgil felt his stomach drop as soon as the smile curved onto Remus’ face like a knife.
“Simple,” The creative side said with a bout of fake cheer, “That you all had plenty of chances to help Logan before it got to this point. And just like me and Janus, you all failed miserably at doing anything worthwhile.” 
In an instant, Virgil rounded on Remus, his hands clenched into fists as a burning rage flooded his stomach and crawled up his throat. In that moment right then and there, he could have strangled Remus with his own stupid sash and he wouldn’t have felt bad for about it for a single second. His teeth bared themselves into a snarl, and without even thinking he took a step forward, almost talking himself into acting on the dark urge that made his hands want to move. 
Virgil was a little more than pissed, “What would you know about any of that?!” The words he had wanted to spit out, he ended up shouting instead. “What the hell would you know about helping someone?! What would you know about making things better?!” His voice shook the pictures on the wall, but he didn’t care. He didn’t care that the others could hear him, and he didn’t care about the weird look of guilt on Remus’ dumb face. The only thing he cared about was pounding his frustrations through Remus’ stupidly thick skull until he finally understood and got it for once. 
Since when had Remus ever cared about helping other people? Since when did he ever extend a thought that just wasn’t about himself, or making someone else’s day even worse? Since when did he care about anything that went beyond tormenting others with his weird thoughts, and the nightmares that he regularly gave to Thomas? Since when did Remus actually have single solitary thought that wasn’t going to hurt them in some kind of way?
As if reading his mind Remus extended his hand in an uncharacteristically placating manner, “Plenty.” He merely says, “Plenty…” Remus says, with a surprising amount of calmness. “I have regretted it every day of my life,” Here Virgil went still, the momentous amount of seriousness in Remus’ voice deserved that much at least. “I have always regretted that I didn’t do a single thing to stop you from leaving and even more that I didn’t help when you needed me to.” For a second he hesitated, delaying and deliberating on what he knew he was going to have to say next to Virgil. “And… I feel that this is also somewhat my doing too…” 
It wasn’t that he was scared, far from it. 
It was that… if he told Virgil what he knew and what he had done, that would be owning up to all of this. And that in some way all of the others could pin this on him, and not the fact that they too could have helped Logan not make the choices that he had made. 
“How?” Virgil tiredly asked, “How could it possibly be your fault? You just said that we didn’t pay enough attention to his warning signs. I know that you were a dick to him recently, but I don’t understand how this is your fault…” 
Remus’ fleshy insides softened at Virgil’s words, and at how much the anxious side seemed to want to absolve him of any kind of guilt. It was sickeningly sweet in his eyes, like Virgil knew he couldn’t absolve himself, so he could in the very least do it to Remus. 
But it needed to come out.  
He had to tell someone. 
So, taking in a steadying breath he went on. 
“I gave him the nudge,” He finally blurted out, he had never been one to keep secrets. So the truth had been pressing inside of him, like a stuffed animal full of too much stuffing. And upon seeing equally Virgil’s bewildered and shocked stare, and clearly not understanding what he was talking about. He went on before neither he or Virgil could stop himself from elaborating. “He was in the imagination after the fiasco of my plans had fucked everything up, he was angry, and sad, and just upset. I could tell that he was feeling a lot of things because clearly no one was listening to him, I.. I had ensured it when I ruined his schedule. And I had thought that he would just shrug the thought I gave him off, or he’d know that it was me…” Remus floundered for a moment, the taste of guilt strange on his tongue, “ I had only suggested that things couldn’t continue like they were, nothing else. But he…” 
But Logan had gone with it, and hadn’t stopped for a single second.
Then everything else had happened. 
He had not meant for the idea he had given Logan to get so out of hand, he was impressed, sure, that Logan was actually taken to it and was making the changes he wanted to see happen. And he was definitely impressed that he had broken under the weight of Virgil’s and the others’ woes certainly… but seeing Janus go numb on him, and seeing Virgil absolutely bawling his eyes out…
Seeing how Logan had reacted to Virgil of all people had made him so obviously apparent to the major flaw in what he had wanted to happen, he had thought, and hoped, that the others would apologize, change, and that Logan would go back to normal. 
He had thought that just once he had helped, but… 
“I don’t think that he’s going to stop anytime soon…” 
It was a lot harder than he had thought that it would be, and it was even harder to see it happening to people that he knew and cared about. 
Looking down at the anxious side he feared for just a moment that Virgil was going to explode on him again. That this time he’d actually lunge forward and wrap his hands around Remus’ throat, and choke the daylights out of him for causing all of this. He knew that Virgil had thought about it, hell every time he talked and caused trouble he could tell that it was something Virgil wanted to do to him.   
But Virgil had gone dead silent, the look on his face unreadable by Remus.  
“Help me fix this,” Virgil finally whispered, his body finally loosening as his fists unclenched, no longer full of murderous rage. “If you want so badly to help… then help me fix this.” After a second finally adding, “Please.”
That was something at least, no even more than that…
It was a start. 
A better start than he deserved.  
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heartshyuck · 4 years
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Pairing: Haechan x reader
Genre: fluff, enemies to best friends to lovers, college au
Synopsis: he was the sun but you liked the moon more.
Word count: 6.3k (I know it's literally double the word limit 🥲)
Warnings: swearing
a/n: this is dedicated to @bl--ankhaeji, for the secret santa (@neoculturechristmas ), I hope you have a great holiday and a happy new year <3 sorry I made you wait forever!
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Beautiful was the moon, the way she gracefully arose to the sky shining down on earth guiding those who travelled late at night. Accompanied by the stars, she outshone all those no matter how much she showed of herself in the night sky. In winter she ruled the skies with her reign lasting even when the sun would emerge, she would still look mesmerising and for that reason you loved winter. With the moon high above watching over you and the white specs of snow that gracefully fell, illuminated by white light; you walked through the empty campus back towards your dorm, it was pretty late but there were still a few passing bodies that relieved some of your building anxiety. 
Once you approached near, your fingers had already begun to numb, the tip of your nose kissed with frost and your toes frozen in place despite the many layers trying to keep you warm. Your hands shake slightly as you try to lift the key to the lock, hearing your struggles to open the door your roommate comes and saves you as he opens the door before you can. The warmth of the house engulfs you and it's like a pair arms have wrapped round you, protecting you from the harsh cold outside, instantly you begin to warm up. 
"Why do you insist on walking back in a blizzard" Jaemin rolls his eyes and shakes his head as he steps aside letting you in and closing the door behind you. "Literally just call me or Jeno and we'll pick you up" he whines, as always nagging and telling you off in the most loving way, and it only makes you smile, genuinely touched that he cares so much about you. 
"Because Jaems you both have lives and I don't want to be a hassle" you say as you rid yourself of your outside gear and then make your way to the living room, him following shortly behind you.  Jaemin and Jeno are both good friends, more like brothers or as you like to put it, guardian angels that the goddess of the moon sent to you upon your new dawn here at Neo University. From showing up when you needed an apartment to being there to remind you to eat when you were studying late into the night, you were indebted to them forever. "You could never be a hassle," Jaemin argues. 
"Who's a hassle?" Jeno walks into the room, food in hand and he chucks you both your favourite snack and again you're reminded how much they take care of you. "Me. I'm a hassle" you raise your arm, waving your hand a bit and Jeno sits beside you, covering himself and you in a blanket as he shoots you his famous eye smile, that reminds you of a crescent moon. 
"Last I checked you were a y/n, not a hassle" Jeno giggles, you and Jaemin both rolling your eyes at his incredibly bad jokes, though you're used to them by now. After a good few seconds of him still laughing at the horrible joke, he clears his throat "anyways Jaemin is right but if you don't wanna rely on us, how about you get a boyfriend" he raises his eyebrows.
"Well sorry to break it to you but there are no decent guys in this uni" Jeno pouts and Jaemin quickly chucks in a "hey we go here too" in protest, but you continue within the same breath, "all fuckboys who truly do not give a shit about anything but getting their dick wet" you huffed out in obvious built up annoyance directed to the male species. 
"What about Renjun? He's decent and you guys are good friends" Jeno asks "surely if you're friends, he has to be decent" 
"I saw Renjun in diapers, his mum's shown me pictures of him as a naked baby, I could never date him;he's literally my brother" you list off the reasons as to why you could never see Renjun in that way, you had known each other since before you could walk. 
"Maybe you should stop brother zoning guys then" Jaemin says under his breath in a pout and you send slit eyes his way and he smiles at you in return. 
"Okay what about Haechan" and as those words fall from Jeno's mouth, laughter erupts from Jaemin. Again you roll your eyes for what seems like the tenth time in this conversation, Jeno is visibly confused by both your reactions as his eyebrows furrow and nose scrunches up slightly. "What's so funny" this comment only makes Jaemin laugh more and you throw a pillow at him in hopes of shutting him the fuck up but it doesn't. "Best joke you've ever told" Jaemin says in between laughs "she hates Haechan's guts"
"I don't hate him" you snap back at him and Jeno's confused look turns into a surprised one "hates a strong word, i just dislike him" you explain yourself but Jeno's expression is dying for a better explanation "I find him insufferable and annoying as hell" 
"But why" Jeno says almost in a cry "he's nice, fun and honesty is the mood maker. He's great." Jaemin nods along showing that he agrees with Jeno 
"If he's so great, you date him" you roll your eyes and it's a childish comment but the topic of Lee Haechan and him in general brings that side of you out. "I think he's self absorbed, thinking he's the center of the universe and lights up everyone's world" Haechan calls himself the sun and honestly it's obnoxious but fitting you think. To all those around him he seems like the sun, but even the sun is insignificant amongst the millions of stars in the universe. He's just the center of a solar system that's amongst millions of others. He's nothing special but he thinks he is and it sums him up pretty well you think plus you've always liked the moon more anyways. "Also can we drop my depressing love life and watch a movie" you sigh, it’s not like you weren’t already thinking about you being incredibly single, you didn’t need these two idiots to remind you. 
"Yeah please, she's hopeless anyways" and again you throw another cushion at Jaemin, landing square on his face,”I’m not wrong” he cries out, hugging the pillow “you refuse to get a driver’s licence too” and you jab him in the ribs with you elbow causing his to yelp, again rolling your eyes. 
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A few days past and much to your relief the topic of both, relationships and Haechan don’t come up again but it was silly of you to assume that God would be so kind to let it drop so easily. Of course Jeno had to bring it up the next time he saw Renjun, “So i was the only one who didn’t know y/n hates Hyuck” Jeno whines a little too loudly in the cafe you all were seated in. It’s a small place, right on campus, decorated with strings of fairy lights that give off a warm hue to the place; it’s open all day and it’s here you found Jeno and Jaemins want for a roommate poster on the notice board. “Jeno can you be quiet, anyone can overhear and like i said i don’t hate him” your voice dropped into a whisper as if it could undo any damage Jeno may have done and you spoke through gritted teeth. 
"It's not like he's here" he argued back and as if he had summoned him Lee freaking Haechan walks through the cafe doors. He strides in with confidence circling around him, dressed in his infamous playboy outfit, the leather jacket and black combat boots, he holds a smirk across his face as he scans the room; all eyes are on him as the bell that hung above the door announces his arrival as if royal blood coursed through his veins. In these moments you understand why Haechan believes he is the center of the universe because here everyone orbits him, everyone but you. Everyone stops and stares, their eyes lingering at each step he takes and each expression he makes. Their weary of his eyes, just in case they stop on theirs, everyone but you because you couldn't care any less. The sun is blinding and it's irritating and you'd much rather avoid it, as he steps closer towards your table; recognising the boys that accompany you, he smiles and waves in their direction, you get up to leave. "I need to go" you blurt out, pushing your chair out abruptly, it scrapes against the floor, the screech making you cringe. "I'm gonna be late for my next lesson" you clear your throat of any awkwardness and grab your things before any of them could question or comment on the situation, you rush past Haechan not giving him a second look. 
Jeno's eyes widen at the scene that had just unfolded in front of him, his mouth slightly gaping, Renjun sighs and rolls his eyes before giving a welcoming smile to Haechan who stands there confused whilst Jaemin simply continues to drink his coffee, firmly believing if he act like it didn't happen, then did it really happen. "Is y/n okay?" Haechan asks with genuine concern in his voice and in the same breath he continues to question the three, "is it me or does she always seem to leave when I arrive?" 
The three sit there in slight awkwardness that hangs in the air, it's not hard to answer this question, the simple answer would be a yes. Another simple answer would be to just shrug him off and tell him you have a lecture, a lie but still a rather simple answer and before the lie could leave Renjun's mouth, the truth slips out of Jeno's. "Yeah she absolutely hates you" Haechan's smile falters and Jaemin chokes on air.  
"What the fuck Jeno" Renjun gawked, jaw hanging, there's a heavy silence and it probably only lasted a few seconds but it felt like forever as everyone just stared at each other, only breaking when Jaemin laughs a little raising confusion amongst the three others who stare back at him. "Good joke Jeno, best one you've told" he places hand on Jeno's shoulder and kicks him under the table. Laughter erupts from both Jeno and Renjun as they try and attempt to cover up the damage. "Yeah y/n just has a lesson" Renjun laughs out and tries to emphasise this to Haechan who's now laughing but with obvious hesitation in it, awkwardness still sitting in the air. 
"Oh shit, I just forgot I had to meet up with Mark" Haechan waves to the boys as he leaves the cafe, a sigh leaves his mouth as he finally exits the cafe, his shoulders drop and a deep breath he didn't know he was holding left his lungs. He sees your figure still in the distance and he's not sure what takes over him but his legs being to move.  Faster and faster, Haechan runs towards your figure that only seems to be getting further, maybe it was his pride that was hurt or maybe it was curiosity as to why you hated him or maybe it was because Haechan liked a challenge. 
The heavy steps and heaving breaths catch up to you quickly, getting louder and louder you stop and turn back, Lee Haechan stands chest rising and falling rapidly bent down with his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath. "Haechan, what the hell are you doing?" He lifted his finger up indicating for you to give a minute for his lungs to catch up with his body, you roll your eyes and it’s action that doesn't go unnoticed as he begins to speak through his heaving breaths, struggling. “I heard you hate me” it’s breathy and deep but you make it out all the same, a wave or shock and slight embarrassment overtakes you, a heat rising up your neck and to your cheeks and you’re quick to shake your head, denying his allegations. “No. what? no i don’t-” you stammer over your words until you're cut off by Haechan, as always he’s the one that controls the conversation.
“Jeno told me” he clears his voice, finally have caught his breath, “by the look on renjun’s face and your reaction, he wasn’t lying” you grimace at his words “so I’m here to change your mind” Your mouth gapes as he stands there glowing in the white light that reflects off the snow, it angers you how beautiful he looks yet his ego is insufferable and too suffocating for you to focus on that. 
“Fuck you Lee Jeno” you mumble under your breath and haechan smirks at the comment, “honestly Haechan i don’t hate you” you begin to explain hoping you’ll get out of this, whatever this is. “I just don’t like you as much as others do and that’s normal”
“No it’s not” again your cut off and you’re pretty convinced he’s in love with the sound of his own voice with how many times it’s happened “you can’t hate me” and at this you scoff, eyes rolling back so far into your head you’re sure they’ll get stuck. 
“I have a lesson” you say turning on your heels, every conversation with Haechan is a reminder as to why you can’t stand him. He loves himself a little too much, he has a superiority complex that’s consistently being fed, he thinks he’s the epitome of perfection and he thinks he’s the sun, center of everyone’s universe. 
“What lesson, I’ll walk you there” he says as he follows your footsteps, prisoning you as he wraps his arm around yours, you're confused, shocked and baffled, legs stopping, as you look down at the junction where both your arms meet and you try to release yourself but his grip is too strong. “Come on, let’s go” he pulls you, not knowing where your lesson is. “You’re a history major right?” he keeps talking, not allowing you to even answer the question “so you must either be in building B or C, but since psych usually runs at this time in C, i guess your in B” again he doesn’t waste a second before pulling you towards the building he assumes is where your lesson is. You pull back, still in complete shock as to everything that’s going on, you just said you didn’t like him and by how quickly he was able to deduce where you next lesson is, you're pretty certain he knows you don't’ want to spend any time with him and of course he knows, the smirk is evident of that. He doesn’t care what you want, for his pride you must like him because the existence of your hatred itself is an imperfection of his, a cloud covering the sun. 
“Haechan just please leave me alone” it’s like you're speaking to a wall, completely ignored as he just navigates his way to your building, arm still interlinked with yours and every now and then when you try to pry your hand out, his grip tightens. “You’re hurting my arms” you deadpan and he turns back, loosening his grip and rubbing your arm. 
“Sorry” he laughs a little and smiles, you don’t know what it is but for the first time you’ve looked at Haechan and the irking feeling of wanting to punch his face isn’t there, his face looking a little less punchable. You shake your head, choosing not to believe the bubbling feelings of butterflies and warmth on your stomach as that smile replays in your head, again and again. You let him continue leading you to lecture, too tired to fight anymore. 
You don’t even notice when you’ve reached your destination blindly following Haechan, until he stops suddenly turning again as he flashes his brightest smile and it’s as if golden rays are dancing on your skin, lighting you up, sparking warmness in your chest. You’re flying too close to the sun. “We’re here” he says happily and finally releases your arm from his captive.
“Thanks” you mumble annoyed but not as annoyed as you thought you’d be, there was a warmth that comforted you, a woody musk that swirled around you placing you in a trance. Haechan glowed, ethereal he was with all his beauty on display and you realise if kept his mouth shut more often you probably would be just as in love as all the other girls but thank god he doesn’t have an off switch because you will not fall in love with Lee Haechan. The one who melts hearts and burns skin, everyone who’s got too close bursting into flames. 
“I’ll see you after your class” he waves turning back to the direction you just came from, your heart finally returning back to a normal pace the further Haechan walks away from you, the cold from the snow returning to your skin, finally your world has span on its axis away from the sun allowing the moon’s white light to cool you down and comfort you. 
Your lecture went on for about two hours, your eyes nearly closing towards the end as at this point not even caffeine isn’t getting you through these long days and you’re sure your lack of sleep is causing you to hallucinate, because there sat at the bottom of the stairs that lead up to building B stands Lee Haechan, Lee fucking Haechan. When he said see you after class you didn’t think he meant straight after class. Fear rises and you beg he doesn’t turn around. It’s fine you tell yourself, just don’t look in his direction and don’t draw any attention to yourself. You walk down the first couple of stairs, slowly thinking it’ll make you invisible or something and then comes the screams. Girls that flock past shouting Haechan’s names, he turns around and there he sees you, nose scrunched up as you cringe at the banshees and sigh in defeat as your attempt of an eclipse fails. 
Haechan waves at the girls as he walks up to you, snatching your folders out your arms he carries, “so where are we off to now?” he asks, grabbing your hands in his, your hands are cold, fingers frozen but his are warm, a never ending supply of heat emitting off of him. 
“I’m going to the library” you say, taking your hand out of his “no idea where you’re going to next” you smile at him, snatching your folder back. Haechan can’t help but smirk, he really loves a challenge.
“Oh wow what a coincidence, I was on my way there too” he smiles and takes your folders back out of your grasp, “so let me help you” you let a deep sigh out and close your eyes trying to regain some of your patience. You decide it’s best to not fight it, you walk past him letting him carry your folders and he runs to be by your side again catching your hand in his. You don’t know he’s playing but you allow it to happen, after spending two hours learning about medieval medicine, eyes closing slightly, you allow Haechan to warm up your hands. Some sun is good for you, right?
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“So you just not gonna work” you look up from the book you’ve been staring at for the last thirty minutes, Haechan choosing your face to stare at instead, he only smiles at your word as he rests his head on his hand. 
“I am studying” he says with mock offence as if he’s been accused of something he hasn’t done, “I’m studying beauty” he smirks looking directly in your eyes and all though you roll them an unbearable heat still manages to rise up. “You hungry? we should take a break” 
“Why is my face boring you” you look down at the book, trying your best to stay focused but the universe really isn’t letting that happen today. For it places a giant burning ball of fire in your path, one that feels warm from a distance but once you instantly get too close you’ll combust, so you have to keep your distance not ready to give your heart up for anyone just yet. 
“No never” again in that sarcastic offended tone, that just irks you, seriously you’re impressed at your patience in not having punched him in the jaw by now. “But i thought you might be getting bored and studying History must make you hungry” 
“I’m not hungry, thanks” you cut him off, not looking up from your book hoping that the less interest you show, the quicker he gets bored. However, like you said, the universe is not allowing that to happen and your body betrays you for not feeding it earlier. Your stomach rumbles and it doesn’t help that the library is dead silent, the sound echoes and Haechan lets out a soft laugh.
“I think you are, don’t worry I’ll go get snacks” instantly getting up and heading towards the vending machine that awaits outside. This is it you think to yourself, this is your chance to escape his burning presence, finally be free and all you have to do is run out the door. Quickly you pack up your belongings, shoving everything into your bag before Haechan comes back and out the library door you ran, freeing yourself from his burning presence but not for long as he trails after you. As a kid you thought the Sun was following you as you would stare out the window of the moving car, thinking you were the center of the galaxy, only to find out you orbit the Sun instead but now as the sun trails after you, his legs speeding up to reach your side, you guess you are at the center of this galaxy. "Why do you keep running" he shouts as he tries his best to reach you
"Because you're insufferable, Lee Haechan" you shout back, still keeping up your fast pace, not taking a second to spare him a glance. 
"And you think you're not" he scoffs and sighs in disbelief, a sound that makes your skin crawl. “I hate to break it to you but you’re pretty annoying too” and the statement shoots straight to your heart, out of all people who was he to say that, causing your legs instinctively to turn; your fast and loud stomps directed straight at him.
“I’m the annoying one? Says the one who’s none stop bothering me for hurting his superiority complex. I’m sorry Haechan that you’re not as perfect as you thought you were, sorry that one person in this whole world doesn’t like you and I’m sorry you aren’t the center of my universe” you step closer and closer as you ramble about what about him just infuriates you and all Haechan can do is roll his eyes at you and even has the nerve to let out a small laugh that only seeps wrath further into your bloodstream, intoxicating you. Everything about Lee Haechan does that to you, his smirk, his attitude, his carved by the gods features and that damn smile. He’s a menace, the core of chaos and the true essence of calamity and yet somehow it’s exhilarating enough for you to crave his presence and it causes your skin to crawl, your eyes to roll. Too close and you’ll burn. “What’s so funny?” annoyance dripping of every word. 
“I just find it funny how you’ve placed me on a pedestal in your head of being perfect, superior and then decided to hate me because of it” he inches closer, heat radiating off his body , his lips so close to yours, you feel the words that next leave his mouth with each movement, his breath sending chills down your spine “the image of me in your head, isn’t my fucking problem” he steps back after finally being satisfied with how startled he’s left you, leaving you dazed as his words hit you hard. His warmth no longer there, you shiver yet his words still hang in the air as they plague your mind, repeating themselves again and again. He walks further away and you let him have the last say because you're sure he’ll be back, his pride won’t allow you to hate him for much longer, won’t allow you to block his rays of light. He’s right the way you perceive him isn’t his problem but that doesn’t mean he won’t go out of his way to change that and nor does it mean your perception of him is wrong, even if it’s just at surface level you know enough about Lee Haechan to predict his next move. He’ll be back. 
"Ugh" you scream out, letting out a deep sigh, eye's screwed shut as you let the snow fall on your face in hopes of letting it cool you down but then there's a burning on your wrist, fire swirling around you, sparks dancing on your skin and stars shoot through your bloodstream. You're pulled and pushed, swung around until your eyes land back on his, you should've known the sun never really disappears even when it sets, eyes burning red; anger, passion or lust you’re not quite sure but burning orbs are staring right at you. You don’t even have time to respond as both his hands reach up, gripping at the side of your face, holding tight as he crashes his lips onto yours. Your lips melted, his in a hurry as he harshly pressed against yours, passion overflowing in each rough movement, his warmth radiant and you welcome the burning sensation for once. Finally you move your lips against his. The kiss is messy, teeth clashing against each other occasionally, with his grip on your face tightening, you crumpling his shirt as you hold on as if you’d fall without support, his scent intoxicating and strong and you press your body further into his and it’s as if a knot has come undone. As if the air it’s self released a heavy sigh as it seems lighter and all fades away as you begin to float, lips moving in perfect unison until the last of the oxygen in your lungs is exchanged and the burning scorches your lung even after Haechan pulls away, with a heaving chest. “Try hating me with that” he huffs out, lips swollen and eyes glossy and again the sun sets. 
Again he leaves you stunned, holding on to your lips as you walk home in hopes that the warmth from them won’t leave just yet, the scene playing in your head over and over again as if it was the greatest blockbuster but a buzzing snaps you out of it and you flinch at the sudden noise. Your phone flashing bright with an unknown number, hesitantly you pick up. “Um hello” nerves evident in your voice
“I’m picking you up tomorrow at 5, be ready” and with that you roll your eyes, his voice still annoying your ears. “Also before you ask, Jeno gave me your number” he tells you as if he could hear your thoughts aloud.
“I’m gonna kill you Lee” you whisper under your breath and Haechan isn’t sure if it was directed at him or Jeno but he hopes it would be the latter and chooses to ignore it. 
“Anyways 5pm, okay” he repeated once again, asking for confirmation that you heard him.
“You really can’t just leave me alone, can you?” you whine in annoyance but Haechan finds it cute and it only pushes him more to continue bothering you. 
“And have you forget me and my handsome face, never could allow that now could we” he teases 
“Handsome? More like punchable, trust me i could never forget how much i want to just wipe that smirk off your face” you argue back, how could he even think you could forget him after that kiss. It’s all you could think about. 
Ignoring your comment, he continues “Yeah well 5 tomorrow, I’ll be waiting outside your place, dress warmly” he tells you for the third time and without even saying bye, hangs up. 
“Ugh stupid Lee Haechan” you kick some snow in your path as you continue to walk home. 
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When you got home that evening you didn’t waste a second in trying to kill Jeno, trying would have turned into having killed Jeno if it wasn’t for Jaemin who had been there to hold you back. Yet that’s the last thing on your mind right now, now all you can think about is what to wear tomorrow. “Something warm” you keep repeating to yourself, mind wandering to where you'll be going instead of choosing something to wear and time flies past and before you know it, it’s already 5pm. Haechan is outside honking, being his usual obnoxious self, having no patience as usual. You run out the house, shoes not even on properly and quickly shooting Jeno a middle finger as he smirks watching you leave. He’s honking all the way until you sat down in the car. “You’re so annoying, you know that right” you tell him as you fasten your seatbelt. 
“Yes, you remind me every breathing moment” he rolls his eyes and starts driving, christmas songs playing. 
“Well if you weren’t so annoying every breathing moment, i wouldn’t have to remin-” your cut off by your own breath that gets stuck in your throat as you look down to find his hand holding onto yours that rests on your thigh and you see the smirk he holds on your face as he’s proud he managed to shut you up. “You were saying” he teases and you clear your throat as he laughs slightly. 
“Like I said annoying” you move your hand from under his yet it gets worse as he just rests his hand on your thigh, heat seeping through your jeans.
“You call it annoying, I call it charming” he turns to you as he pulls up at a red light, flashing you a beautiful smile causing you to scoff, crossing your legs, his hand drops off your thigh.
“Anyways where are we going?” ignoring his earlier comment, done with arguing for now. 
“Surprise” he tells you, taking your hand back in his, his grip loose and when you make no effort to move, an eternal smile is plastered on his face as his grip tightens. The music fills the car, you hum along to every song that plays. 
“Well then music major” you start up conversation again “how about you sing for me” you turn to him, hands still intertwined. Haechan only laughs at your request “hey I’m being serious, all the rumours that Lee Haechan is good looking, has a great sense of humour and can sing” 
“And you believe them?” he asks, still smiling.
“Well your jokes aren’t for me but humour differentiates, so prove you can sing”
“Ah, so you think I’m good looking” he comments, smile only growing bigger. 
“I didn’t say that” you scoff 
“Yeah and you didn’t say I wasn't” he retorts, smile turning into a smirk as he feeds his own ego. 
‘Are you gonna sing or what” you pull your hand out of his and instantly he pulls it back as he suddenly agrees to sing for you. 
“I sing like an angel hun, you’ll think you’re in heaven” he tells you again feeding into that forever growing ego of him 
“I’m sure i will” every word dripping in sarcasm as you roll your eyes. He wasn’t wrong though, you jaw hung ever so slightly as he sang along with Mariah Carey, compared to him she was nothing. The once vocal goddess outshined by Lee Haechan as his angelic voice drowned hers out. It was beautiful and he knew it, continuously he left you dazed. You were lost for words, you couldn't describe how beautiful it was and all that could leave your mouth in that moment was “wow” you let out a heavy breath.
“I know” he laughs at your reaction. The rest of the ride was silent, on your part at least as you focused on the moments Haechan would sing along with some of the songs, even his humming was pretty. He glew when he sang, shining brightest. 
Pulling up to the place, the light sparkles infinitely. Laughter rang through the air and there was warmth despite the snow that fell down. Your eyes lit up and for once being around Haechan didn't seem so bad. 
"The winter carnival it's my favourite. I come every year" Haechan tells you as he grabs your hand in his, leading you towards the entrance. 
"Oh and how many other girls have you brought here?" You tease him
"None" he turns to look at you and for once the fire that burns behind his eyes isn't blinding or intimidating, they sparkle. Instead of just the sun, a galaxy. You find yourself drawn into them, like a black hole he takes up all life around, light fading away until it's just you two by him. You move closer until you realise black holes destroy, the sun burns and you flinch backwards. 
You clear your throat before shooting him a smile that's well rehearsed "let's go" you say softly, gripping his hand and this time you take the lead. 
A few rides, hot chocolates and countless conversations, you find that Haechan isn't entirely what you thought he was. Yes he's confident, knows he's good looking and has swarms of girls after him but there's something about him that seems to balance it all yet you're not quite sure what it is but he doesn't allow you any moment to think anymore about it. Always dragging you from one stall to the next. 
"I'll win the big Teddy for you" he declares, chest puffed out and embarrassment strikes through you. You would have never imagined standing here, watching Lee Haechan trying to throw down all the pins to win you a Teddy bear. Everything feels so surreal, a warmth bubbles up inside you as you watch him, tongue slightly sticking out as concentration takes over and you can't help but smile. The sun's beauty, clear. He shoot a few times, each time turning to see your reaction, promising he'll get it the next one and when he finally knocks down every pin. He pulls you in his arms, happiness practically seeping out of him. You can feel his heart beat against his chest or was it yours you weren't sure. Pointing at one of the big blue teddys at the back he hands it over to you. You almost fool the sparkles in his eyes for adoration as he nears you again, a smile stretched along his face. "I told you I'd win it for you" he says, cocky as ever. 
"Thanks" you say so softly you're unsure if he heard but the smirk on his face says otherwise and thank god he couldn't hear nor feel your heartbeat as it fastened in pace, jumping and leaping against your ribs, answering to his voice. Your heart was ready to be his. That would've inflated his head a bit too much, and just when he couldn't do anything else to cause butterflies to burst, you watch as his eyes wander to a little girl, also trying to knock the pins down. 
"Do you need help?" He asks her softly as though she was made of glass, she only nodes in return but he picks her up, placing her on his shoulders so she had a better view. Her arms extend backwards as she throws the ball, knocking down all the pins. Haechan shouting words of praise and a smile lights up the little girl's face as she grabs onto a large teddy bear. 
"Thank you" she whispers, visibly shy once Haechan places her down and she hugs him. It was in this moment you could feel you were flying too close to the sun, heat rising, palms sweating and eyes sparkling as you watched him, the only source of light and the center of the universe.
Haechan begged you to go on one more ride with him before going home, the wind was harsher and the snow fell heavier and though the sun had set long ago, the moon’s reign seemed to be never ending. Your own sun was right by you, emitting light and heat endlessly, he held your hand and kept you close as you rode the ferris wheel to the top. The ride was silent most of the way, the occasional hum from Haechan as he stared out into the horizon, the dark sky filled with bright stars and the moon shining down, lights and Christmas decorations and a sfar as the eye could see white snow that illuminated under the moonlight.  Once you reached the top, he turned to you. Your breath hitching as beauty stood in front of you, a stone statue carved by the gods to show the ability of their power, a rival to the moon’s beauty, a rival to the sun light and warmth and a rival to billions of stars that envied the way he shined, forever burning. 
“So do you hate me now?” He asks a smirk always on that goddamn beautiful face of your and you can’t help but smile. Pulling him closer until he can feel your lips brush past his as you speak these next words. 
“Shut up, isn’t this where you kiss me” you crash your lips onto his and you can feel his heart stop, taken back by your actions yet he doesn’t hesitate to kiss you back, lips moving in sync and you can feel his heat overtaking your body, your heart leaping. You’re flying too close to the sun, your wing’s melting and you’re falling. Falling in love with the sun. 
© (jisungiest) 2021. All Rights Reserved.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
I'm so happy you like the idea! Your first three words are: Rattle, Candlelight and Corset.
Oh this is gonna be interesting 🤭
Pairing: Chris Redfield x Female OC (taken in by the Winters family as a daughter of theirs basically)
Warnings: Swearing (No Spoilers for any games don’t worry😊)
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Enjoy the mess my brain’s produced. Love, Vy ❤
“I have several questions surrounding this bullshit event!“ Gwen shouts from inside her room where she’s been getting ready for the past hour with the Captains of the BSAA keeping a watchful eye outside her door, making sure she doesn’t get any ideas of running away.
“I have as many as you do, trust me on that one.“ He replies, readjusting his tie. He hasn’t found himself in a three-piece-suit in a long time, all’s been soldier get-ups, bulletproof wests and combat boots. Truth be told, it’s not that he doesn’t want to dress nicely, he’s just rarely had any occasions worth dressing up for. Lord knows he’d be at home in this very moment, seated on the couch with a cold beer bottle in his hand. So to make the truth truer - he actively avoids places and events that would require him dressing up. It’s simply a hassle in and of itself, but dealing with the people at the even - that’s what he’s most bothered by.
“You cannot expect me to believe that’s the truth!“ Gwen shouts again, the sound of shuffling accompanying her voice. 
“Leon said it was important, Jill backed him up and you know I rarely get a say when the two of them partner up to support one another.“ Chris says, sighing while reaching for a cigarette before withdrawing his hand, remembering he didn’t take his pack with him on purpose. Claire says he needs to break the habit little by little so, in order to give her peace of mind, he does try whenever she’s looking. However, when she turns away, he’s quick to light a cig, almost as quick as a dying man getting connected to life support.
“You, Leon and I have very different definitions of the word ‘important’.“ She sasses back, her voice now being the only sound coming from the room which is a sign Chris cannot decide the meaning of - is she almost done? Is she starting over with everything? Either way, he doesn’t mind. Running late to the gala the mayor’s throwing is not particularly bothering him, he actually prefers it.
What’s been bothering him is the fact that he’s found himself impatient of something else. Impatient of seeing her - not that he’d ever admit it. Him and Gwen have been friends for quite some time. Well, they did get off on the wrong foot, but were quick to arrange a relationship alike a friendship and function without wanting to gauge each other’s eyes out. Somewhere along the lines they became actual friends without even noticing.
Gwen Winters had every right to be suspicious of Captain Chris Redfield. Not that she was always wary of him or anything - seeing as how him and her ‘parents’ are friends, she never thought twice about the guy. However, when she expressed interest in joining the BSAA and earned herself a scoff from him, she was rather pissed. Being the main chemistry project of an asshole with a saving-the-world complex back in Raccoon City, it’s safe to say she got some above average strength to her name. And that’s putting it mildly. Being rescued from that lab by Leon and getting taken in by the Winters family, she’s developed her own hero complex, the need to save those who can’t save themselves always dwelling within her.
And so, despite the amusement Chris showed when she brought up the idea, she became a BSAA soldier. 
“I think we established that on your very first mission, soldier.“ Chris chuckles, recalling that first mission he was so opposed to, mostly because Gwen was tagging along at her request and the allowance of Leon. He was very fucking afraid they’d have to carry her dead body out of there but the action was quick to turn the tables on him - having Gwen save his life more than once. What surprised him most though was her humbleness about it. She didn’t rub it in or nag him about having proved her point. She was just glad they had all made it out in one piece and that struck him with a whole new intensity. Almost like a wake up call.
The door beside him suddenly swings open, causing him to abruptly straighten up from his leaning position, shooting a look at the doorway from which emerges Gwen. Or at least he believes it’s her. Had he not known she was the only other person in the house at the moment, or had he seen her passing by on the street he wouldn’t have recognized her.
And he’d have every right not to: this must be the first time she has worn a dress since prom - if she even wore one then - and the same probably applies for the make-up she’s put on. It’s not much or anything, in fact the only reason he’s noticed it is because he’s so used to seeing her make-up-free face. So much so, he’d recognize even a drop of foundation if she applied it. And oh boy, is he whipped by the sight. He can lie all he wants and to whoever he wants to, but he cannot lie to himself. Especially not when his jaw has fallen to the floor, his eyes have grown wide and his heartbeat has picked up noticeably.
If Ethan could hear at least half of what Chris is thinking at the moment, he’d be as good as banned from the Winters home forever.
When Gwen’s eyes meet her Captain’s, she can’t help but smirk, “What is it, Cap? I exchange the bulletproof vest for a corset and you suddenly don’t recognize me?” She asks, raising a teasing eyebrow.
He knows it’s wrong, for so many reasons: He’s her captain, she’s his soldier; She’s an adult but he’s still significantly older than her; She’s the ‘daughter’ of a friend of his, to make matters even worse - It’s so wrong yet he can’t get the thought out of his head. It’s not just now, it’s something he’s been struggling with for quite some time. He’s constantly haunted by her: the sound of her laughter, her smile, that focused frown that appears every time she is looking at a map or a new case, analyzing its every detail, the twinkle in her eyes whenever she gets told she’ll be going on a mission and that same sparkle growing brighter when she returns from it having successfully completed it.
It’s all overwhelming, and in the nicest, wrongest way possible.
“Honestly, Winters, seeing such a shift does rattle a person. Especially when I haven’t seen you out of a soldier’s uniform for years now.“ He comments, his eyes traveling up and down her body on their own accord, despite his best attempts at keeping his gaze on her face.
She laughs, “Can’t really go to training in a dress and high heels, you know. If I had more opportunities, the dresses in my closet wouldn’t be covered in spiderwebs.“
“Duly noted.“ He smirks, offering the young lady his hand as he leads her down the stairs, “I could help you out with that.“
She frowns, pausing mid-step, “Oh no, no, no no. If what you have in mind is a bunch of charity events, you better get that thought out of your head. A bunch of rich assholes drinking champagne, really not my scene.”
Chris chuckles offering her his arm as they walk out the front door to where he parked his car upon arriving at the Winters home, running into Ethan, Mia and their five year old daughter, about to head out for the night. He won’t complain about the lecturing he received, he deserved it after all. It’s a miracle the two even agreed to let Gwen accompany him, not that they could stop her either way seeing as how she’s an adult woman who’s more than capable of making her own decisions.
“No, no, I know you hate those events. I do too.“ He says, oddly timidly as the two get seated in the car. “I was thinking more along the lines of...“ He contemplates how to say it without making the rest of this night awkward, or mess things up with Gwen in any way. She means a lot to him and he’d hate to lose her over his complicated feelings he wishes he could control. “Dinner under candlelight, maybe?“
He’s as stiff as a boulder, tense and expecting something, anything. Literally anything, even outright rejection would be better than silence. Regardless of her answer, he’s gonna regret this move later when Ethan hears about it and goes to kick his ass.
Out of the corner of his eye, he catches the slight shake of her head, a blush evidently appearing on her cheeks, visible even in the dim light in the car. A small smile graces he features as her hand travels to his which is nervously resting on the gear shift. “Sure, I’d like that.” She says, her smile growing wider.
There’s that same twinkle - the sparkle in the eyes of a soldier willing to fight for the greater good, putting everyone above herself. And, on his hierarchy, she’s number one.
“I’m glad.“
Chris Redfield has regretted many things in his life and will probably regret even more in the future. However, he was a fool to think he’d regret this decision - one look at Gwen’s eyes and all regret was erased. All ass-kicking he might receive for it seems more than worth it, looking at it from the perspective of this very moment.
Then again, Captain Chris Redfield has never been a stranger to a little ass-kicking.
Thank you so much, Anon for this super fun challenge! I hope to receive more three words to turn into fics cause I really enjoyed this experience 🥰
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whump-town · 3 years
Here is the Scratch fic. I sincerely love the beginning but the ending makes me want to scream in frustration. However, I simply can not stand to look or think about it any longer so cherish this fic for the first 800 words and pretend the last 400 don’t exist because... it’s just miserable writing and I can’t fix it 
There used to be a point in time when Derek Morgan despised some of the additional duties of the Behavioral Analysis Unit. Aaron had been the barrier of that bad news, physically bringing him the sign-up sheet and explaining the general ins and outs of each option. Hotch always does the hostage negotiation class and it’s where he fits best. He was there when Dave, Jason, and Max started the book they teach out of. Being a hot-headed thirty-something Derek wanted to go to bars and hang out with friends in his spare time and he wanted nothing to do with the academy. If anything, he’d like to stay out of that hell-hole as best he can and away from the little savor complex having adrenaline mongers that it holds within its walls. But he’d grown… and more than that he saw things that he can’t forget. Fallacies and stumbles happen when agents aren’t taught by people who know what they’re doing. He’s watched them happen to his family and, suddenly, it didn’t matter all that much if he had to spend his Friday morning with cadets. 
While Aaron works in the lecture halls, Derek spends a lot of time teaching the hand-to-hand combat class down in the academy’s basement. Every few months, when the class sizes diminish as the season dies down and the cadets graduate, Derek hassles them all down there to his thrown of rubber gym mats and the stench of sweat. He’s always met with hesitation and outright dismissals but he gets every last one of them down. Reid laughs him off, anxiously trying to provide every reason under the sun as to why he doesn’t need to be down there. “Hotch doesn’t even put me in the field that much!” and “why do I need that? Why can’t you protect me?” They all present him with similar points. Garcia doesn’t actually ever go in the field, the best taste she gets is going to local precincts. Hotch nods and listens but ultimately promises to get some time in someplace else, running maybe. In Derek’s experience, the only running Hotch does is into fires so that’s obviously not helping too much. 
Derek has wrangled them all down. JJ goes without complaint, she enjoys rough-housing down there with him. He teaches her to protect her left flank, which she has an awful habit of leaving open. Emily will make her way down and raise hell but she’ll listen when he tells her to drop her shoulder more or to shift her weight a certain way. Derek’s trouble comes in Reid and Garcia and, though it’s both surprising yet not, Hotch. He’ll bait the other two down with snacks and the promise of lunch or a dinner date and they’re satisfied if not just putting up with him. Hotch… well, he has to catch him at the end of a seminar and ask him, in front of the students, to do it otherwise Hotch will just glare at him. Which is what he’ll do when Derek asks him in front of the cadets but Hotch has a dash of anxiety and wedged between Derek Morgan standing in his way stopping him from being able to go lock himself in his office and a hoard of cadets, he always cracks. 
He doesn’t do it to torture them (no matter what Reid and Garica think). He does it because...
He remembers the feeling of the cold November breeze drying his sweat to his skin when he heard Hotch’s shout sound through the woods. To find Reid digging his own grave in a dark cemetery hardly able to stand and collapsing right into their arms. The way that Garcia had whimpered and held his hand a little tighter when they walked past the dark stain of her blood sitting right there on her front steps. For the vomit that had crawled up his throat as he ripped the carpet in Hotch’s apartment. Jerking too hard and feeling the blood soaking into his clothes. For the ache of his knees when she cradled Emily on that floor, begging her to stay with him. Her fingers are already cold. For having to listen to JJ’s screams months after she was taken. Finding her in the closed-off rooms sobbing and being reminded all over again what had happened that day and what would have happened if Emily and Hotch hadn’t found her.
He’s just… he’s so tired of seeing them get hurt. 
“Hotch’s going there now.” 
Derek sits up, eyes darting around the car as he realizes if they’re all here Hotch is entirely alone. “Without back-up?” he asks. “That’s crazy. He can’t go in alone like that.” 
Dave shrugs, “well, I’d love to talk him out of it but he’s made his mind up. There’s no stopping him.” Dave meets his eyes through the mirror, face twisted in his own frustration with Aaron’s course of actions, but leaving them unspoken. “We’re right behind him, Morgan. He’ll be fine.” 
Derek averts his gaze to the window, clenching his jaw to ride out the tide of anger boiling over within him. Sometimes he finds that he can’t stand working on this unit. Not with Dave and people like Aaron and Emily. All the hiding and the faking, it’s too much. It’s exhausting. Derek loves Emily, he does but he can’t stand the tiptoeing. The way they have to play every new hand dealt like everything is going to be fine. Like Hotch isn’t going to put himself in danger. Like Reid isn’t too young to be doing the things they ask of him. Like being a family somehow saves the day.
“Be careful,” Dave advises. They don’t know what they’re walking into. Their only way to see insides hasn’t answered their calls. Not Garcia’s and not the three Dave tried to get through. “One of ours is in there,” Dave adds as if they can forget. As if the most pressing thing on any of their minds is finding Hotch. Afraid of what they’ll find but the need to find him regardless of what waits on the other side of that door is stronger. 
Derek goes in first. Reid presses in close, buzzing with his anxiety. The kid can never really get his mind clear but it’s worse when the danger is as clear as it is now. As they stand outside of the door knowing that whatever waits on the other side is entirely out of their control. And that can mean anything. “Ready?” Derek asks, but he’s not waiting for an answer.
The door opens without him needing to force it in but the house is bathed in darkness. Derek’s eyes dart to the only source of light, to his left a desk lamp, but he’s got to clear what’s in front of him. Leave someone else to assess that. He steps into the hall and throws up an arm as something sharp slices through the flesh of his forearm, his only warning the moan of an old floorboard. There’s a tangle of arms, their sight stolen by the way the walls of the hall consume the meager light from the desk.
Derek’s hand throbs as he punches blindly at ribs, finding no resistance, just bone. The other man puffs, caving in as Derek steals the breath from his lungs. The knife glints in the light, as the man turns his wrist but Derek sees it and he smacks it away with the flat of his palm meeting the man’s wrist hard. It’s over just as soon as it started. Reid gets a clear shot from the mouth of the hallway and Derek shoves the other man off and away from him. Staggering quickly to kick the knife further away.
His arm stings as he leans against the wall, moving his gun to throw the beam of his flashlight at his attacker. Finds the blood attached to the white dress-shirt. To the sharp jaw and the worry lines that he knows all too well. “Oh, God.” Derek falls to his knees, arm suddenly forgotten, as he defends himself from what’s left of Hotch’s fight. Slipping in his blood as Hotch tries to force him away, terrified. “Hotch--” the older man lands a solid blow to Derek’s sternum and all Derek sees is red as his vision dances and he struggles to pull in a breath.
It’s just enough time. Too much.
Pulling himself on rapidly numbing arms, Hotch slips in his blood. His adrenaline is working against him as his arms quake beneath him but there is still a threat and he has to eliminate it. Has to stop it from hurting the team. Peter is going to kill them. He knows. He knows it and he’s the only chance they have. His fingers curl around the knife but he can not force his legs to work. Can’t bend his knees. 
“Hotch! Man, it’s me. It’s--”
No. Tears sting his eyes as he thinks about the real Derek Morgan. His friends, his family. About the son, he’s left at home again. Waiting for him to come home. He’s not sure he’s coming back this time but that’s beyond his control. He can save the others. He needs them to live. Crying out as his arm gives out from beneath him, chin hitting the floor hard as his body gives out from beneath him, Hotch knows this is it. He’s got no time left but he won’t let Peter Lewis hurt his team.
The second bullet rips through the air and he feels it lodge itself in his chest. 
Peter is right there.
He doesn’t feel the third.
Derek cries out, his shout ripping his throat as he puts himself between everyone else and Hotch. Pulling the knife from Hotch’s cold limp fingers and throwing it down the hall as far as he can. “Hotch,” he cries, shaking the older man. “Hotch, man, look at me.” He grabs Hotch’s jaw, shaking his head. Trying to draw something sort of reaction out of him but only getting choked, strangled breathes. The wet sound of the blood hitting the back of his throat before it pools in his mouth. Gushing past his lips, trailing down his cheeks like a tear.
“Fucking help me!” Derek cries at the officers loitering-- all caught in the web of confusion. They’d just watched the downed man attack the special agent. They watched him go for the knife again, try to end it. It’d been their bullets that stopped him. They stopped him… “Move!” Derek screams at them. “Move! Do something! I-- I need help!” 
JJ drops down on Hotch’s other side, her hand swiping through the blood on Hotch’s face quickly. Her thumb cleaning it away as quickly as it appears, her other hand coming to cup the side of his head, shushing him gently as she strokes his temple. “It’s okay,” she soothes, calmly. “You’re okay, Aaron. We got Peter Lewis. We got him. You’re okay.”
He fights against them, struggling but ultimately too weak, to pull away from JJ’s warm palm and the hand Derek uses to keep both his arms down. He can’t go anywhere forced to look at them and he’s torn between the way his eyes deceive him. JJ’s hands are cold, they’re always cold. Peter Lewis wouldn’t know that. He wouldn’t know how softly his name rolls off her tongue, quick to slip in Aaron when he doesn’t even know he needs it. How she says it and he can feel his humanity slip right back into place. 
Peter Lewis couldn’t produce that panicked crack in Derek’s voice. The way Derek throws his words like punches. 
He’s not sure what’s real. 
“No, no, no!” Derek pushes at him, sending bolts of pain along his chest but Hotch can’t do it any longer. Each breath pulls more weight across his chest. The cold spreads down his arms, fingers hardened by its bite. He’s done. The confusion-- his vision fading in and out-- but he knows that when he closes his eyes the hands touching him are Derek and JJ. When he opens them again… he doesn’t know what is real.
“Stay with me,” Derek commands but he’s slipping there’s nothing. His hands are covered in blood and he’s torn between leaning into JJ’s palm and being convinced that maybe the voice in his head is right. This is all a trap. But he’s dying and he’d rather do it here with the fictive parts of them in his mind than with whatever is real.  
JJ squeezes his hand, worrying his knuckles with her fingers until he squeezes back. “Just hold my hand,” she encourages. “Just squeeze my hand.” He’s there but he knows his brain will lie if he opens his eyes. She's right there, he tells himself. Right there. “Hotch!” JJ shouts, feeling his hand start to release. She folds her own over his, forcing the grip. “Hotch! Hotch, answer me!”
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wordsfromthesol · 4 years
You Confuse Pity with Love
Author: @wordsfromthesol Pairing: Damian Wayne x Reader Summary: The evolving relationship between you and Damian after you approach him at an annual charity ball. Warnings: Minor injuries, cursing Word Count: 1.9k Taglist: @zphilophobiaz
The annual charity ball was an event you had always been forced to go to. You had to keep up the façade that your family had spent years cultivating. Not that you could blame them, it was a mask that all of the Gotham elite wore. You gallivanted around, searching for something to entertain yourself when your eyes landed on Damian Wayne. The youngest of the prominent Wayne family and the only biological son of Bruce Wayne. Your eyes narrowed as a devious expression graced your features.
"Damian Wayne!" You called out, catching his attention. "Please tell me you are as miserable as I." You commented as you approached the unsuspecting bachelor.
"I would not know. Though I get no pleasure from events such as this. It is simply a means to an end."
"How debonair of you." You twirled around him, "I say we play a game."
"Game?" Damian's interested piqued.
"First person to get the watch of…" your eyes searched the crowd for an unsuspecting party-goer. "That guy, wins."
"This is childish." Damian scoffed as he rose to participate in your ill-conceived game.
"I think you're just afraid you'll lose." You winked at him before making a beeline for the chosen victim.
You had just ordered your coffee when you noticed a familiar face staring at you from across the café. "What, are you stalking me now?"
"Perhaps you are the one stalking me. I believe I was here first."
"Yeah, but this is my favorite place. And the closest coffee shop to my apartment." Damian stared blankly at back at you. "You're a Wayne, you could've figured that out." You scoffed at him, knowing full well that the Wayne's basically ran Gotham City.
"This is the closest coffee shop to my apartment as well. You are a Y/L/N. You could have figured that out." A faint smile donned his lips as he threw your words back at you.
"Y/N!" The barista screamed from the counter, saving you from trying to come up with a rebuttal. Grabbing your drink, you walked over to a nearby table and pulled out your laptop. You attempted to ignore the youngest Wayne heir, but you found your eyes constantly wandering towards him. An hour had passed and you were not getting nearly as much work done as you had hoped, thanks to your lingering stare at a certain someone. You glanced in his direction again, only to snap back to your laptop screen when your eyes met his.
Another hour passed and you began to pack up your things, realizing you would have to retire elsewhere if you hoped to get any work done. You walked over to his table, "I'll be here again tomorrow at 9, if you feel like stalking me more." You spun on your heel and hastily trotted out the door, screaming at yourself for being so brazen.
You stepped into the coffee shop the next day and stopped dead in your tracks as you saw Damian Wayne there yet again. Really you shouldn't be surprised, you did tell him exactly when you would be there. You tried your best to ignore him again, getting your coffee and heading over to an empty nearby table. As soon as you pulled your laptop from its bag, you looked up to see Damian pulling the chair out across from you. You gave him a faint smile before turning your attention back to your work. He didn't say anything, just stared at you for almost an hour before getting up.
"See you tomorrow." Damian mumbled the words as he retreated out the door.
"What the fuck…" you whispered to yourself once he left.
Damian was already at the coffee shop, yet again, when you arrived in the morning. This time you sat down across from him, ignoring the laptop you brought with you. "So, what's your deal?" The question slipped from your lips before you had realized what you had said.
"My deal? I assume you are asking why I keep seeking your companionship." You furrowed your brows at his odd vernacular, but nodded your head to assure him he understood your question. "You seemed entertaining at the charity ball. Then again during our first encounter here. My brothers keep hassling me to find friends outside of our family."
"Aw," your hand shot up to your chest. "And you want that friend to me?"
Damian shrugged, "You seem to be the least irritating person near my age that I have discovered thus far."
"Wow, the compliments just keep coming. I'm honored." You chuckled as you stood up to go order a drink.
"Where are you going?" Damian looked almost hurt that you were already leaving.
"Calm down, I'm only getting a coffee. Want something?"
The next few months went by and the two of you began hanging out outside of the coffee shop. This boy you had innocently approached at a charity ball had turned into your best friend. You weren't sure when it even happened. But there the two of you were, staring at the giraffes at the zoo, when you glanced over at him and commented, "I just really want to ride one."
"You want to ride a giraffe…" Damian auspiciously met your gaze.
"Yeah." The word resulted in an eruption of laughter from your present company. You turned towards him and that's when the realization hit you like a ton of bricks. This person had become your best friend. This person knew you as you truly were and accepted it.
"Why are you still staring at me?" Damian's words broke you from your trance, as you realized you had no idea how long ago he stopped laughing.
"Just zoned out for a minute, sorry."
"You okay?" Damian's face fell as a worried expression overtook his features. A smile lined your lips as you noticed the sudden change in demeanor. You took his hand in yours.
"I'm fine, I promise. Let's go look at the penguins!" You exclaimed, dragging him off down the pathway.
It was time for the annual charity ball and you knew this year's would be better than last. This year you actually knew Damian and couldn't wait to spend the entire night laughing at the Gotham elite with him. You were planning to surprise Damian at his house, so the two of you could go together. That's when everything went wrong. The car suddenly stopped, you looked around, seeing no stop sign or traffic light to warrant such an action.
"Chester?" You called out to your driver, "Is everything alright?"
"I'm sorry miss." His voice shaky, "They have my daughter."
Your eyes went wide as your mind worked out what was happening. The car door opened and two men stood before you with vile grins adorning their faces. You raced to the other side of the car, opening the door and jumping out. Before you could take off running, you felt arms wrap around you. You threw your head back, hearing the cracking of his nose.
"You little shit!" The man behind you screamed, but didn't loosen his grip. You stomped your foot down on his, causing another string of curses to spew from his lips; hisis grasp on you loosened. As you attempted to break free, a hand slapped over your mouth and nose and everything went black.
"Where is Y/N?" Damian echoed the question to anyone and everyone who knew you as he wandered around the charity ball in search of you. Finally, he spotted your parents. He raced over, but his face immediately fell when he noticed you weren't with them. "Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N. A pleasure to see you again. May I inquire as to the whereabouts of your daughter?"
Their brows both furrowed as the anxiety glazed over them, "She's not here? With you? She left an hour ago, saying she was meeting up with you."
"I am going to find her." The rage bubbled inside him as he ploughed through the crowd, heading straight for Dick. "I need you," was the short phrase that left Damian's lips as he approached his brother. He didn't bother to wait, knowing Dick would follow him away from the crowded room.
"D, what's wrong?" Dick called out to his brother as they arrived at the empty balcony.
"Y/N is missing. We need to find her."
"Okay…how do you know she's missing?" Dick's expression gave away his confusion.
"Her parents said she was to arrive with me. She did not."
"Why would she come with you? She probably just said that to get out of going to this stupid thing." Dick turned to leave, thinking his brother misunderstood.
"No." Damian grabbed at his brother's arm. "She would not do that to me."
"I didn’t' realize you two were close." Damian didn't bother answering his brother, partially because he didn't have the words to describe your relationship. He had been avoiding his growing feelings for you since that day at the zoo.
It had been nearly a day, as you sat in the cold dark cell. You didn't know who these people were or what they wanted. Though you guessed it was probably just money. That's all anyone ever wanted from you. Except Damian. Your thoughts had traveled to him more and more the longer you sat there. Your hand reached up to wipe a tear trailing down your cheek. You cringed as the pain shot through you, just from the minor touch. Unfortunately, the kidnapper, whose nose you broke, sought out revenge for the injuries. You retreated further into yourself, until you heard a loud thud right outside the door. You braced yourself for the oncoming pain, but the man who opened the door donned a red costume...and was certainly not your kidnapper. The stranger fell at your side.
"Who let this happen?" You remained silent, still unsure what was happening. "How did --" his words cut off as his hand gently caressed the bruises forming at your jaw.
"I don't need your pity," you pulled back from his touch.
"You mistake pity for love." Before the bewilderment could take over, the vigilante ripped off his mask and you stared into the familiar green eyes before you.
"Am I dreaming…" you whispered as your hand reached up to touch his face. Damian leaned his head into your touch. 
"No. I'm here. I will always be here." He pulled you into his chest just as another figure appeared at the door.
"Robin, we gotta go." Nightwing motioned around, as the sound of sirens began to fill the room.
"I am not leaving her." He mumbled as he pulled you slightly away from his chest, staring into your eyes. "I will never leave you."
Dick sighed, realizing he would lose this battle. "Fine. Bring her. We have to go."
Before you could protest, Damian picked you up and carried you out of your prison. "Damian," you whispered as he set you down in the back seat of the car. The look you gave him nearly broke his heart as in crawled in beside you. "I don't want to go home." Your voice hitched as you forced the words out. "I don't want to be alone." Damian motioned for Dick to drive before pulling you into his chest.
"I'm not going anywhere." Damian mumbled as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
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jamiedc-they-them · 4 years
Who you used to (and can no longer) be (Platonic)
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Requested Imagine: Dany x Brother reader, maybe reader was caught by Cersei and is reunited with Dany. idk its a stretch but it came to mind. it can be angsty or nah whatever u want, B
  It had been a while since you’d seen anything but the small reflection of light from a torch on the cell door. It had been a while since you had heard anything but the rats in the cell that you were thrown into months ago or the creaks of the door or the rustles of your chains.
You got a new sound, that being of the door opening. You also got a bit lighter, for a moment that was. The door was then slammed closed, and a voice that was anything but new spoke.
“Still awake? Hm, I have to give you the fact that you’ve lasted longer than I thought you would,” The taunting voice of Cersei Lannister spat as she approached you, goblet of wine in her hand as always, “Then again, you were always the odd one out, weren’t you? The little Targaryen runt? I do have to wonder though, what your whore of a sister will do to get you back?”
She came even closer to you, now towering over you, “See, the families all live up to their sigils, don’t they? Lannister’s as lions who tear their enemies apart; the Starks, the lucky wolves in a pack who can survive the winter; then there’s the Targaryen’s,” She poured the wine onto you, aggravating your wounds.
“As the feisty, fiery dragons, with so many scars. What’s one more though? Although, I’m sure to your sister, it would make all the difference between you being worth saving and you being left behind to rot. But we’ll see.”  
 It had been a while since Danny had been able to sleep. It had been a while since she had been able to think straight and not have her mind on something other than the fact that her brother was still missing.
It had gotten to the point where she had accidentally called Jorah, Y/N. The man hadn’t minded, of course, he politely corrected her and moved on. Still, it showed. It showed how much of her mind was chipping away at a plan to get you back and safe.
“My Queen,” Daenerys turned to Tyrion, the one who had called her name, “Maybe we should make preparations for when we get Lord Y/N….Make preparations for as to how to proceed.” He suggested, struggling to find a correct way to phrase it without triggering and setting her off.
“What do you mean?” She questioned, blunt and with a bit of fear and tremble in her voice.
He looked to the others for a moment before proceeding, “I just mean, that Lord Y/N will not fully be the same Y/N we knew before his capture…We’ll need to tread lightly. He will be traumatized.”
“But he’s still my brother.” Danny said without hesitation, firmly.
“He doesn’t mean it in offence, your grace,” Missandei said, trying to clear things up, “What he – we mean, is that Y/N will be different, and we need to be aware of that.”
Danny nodded, “We will, but I know Y/N, and I will do what is best for him.”
They didn’t meet eyes, but the others could tell that it wasn’t exactly true. She’d work on a phantom form of you.
One that didn’t exist anymore.
 “Your grace!” A soldier said as he entered the throne room, holding a folded piece of paper, “I have….” He took a moment to catch his breath, have you seen how many steps their were to get to the throne room?
“.I have news on Y/N, Cersei Lannister has him! She wants to meet!” He yelled, giving a brief synopsis of the letter.
Wow, this really wasn’t royal at all, was it?
Then again, the soldier seemed to know that, when it came to you and your safety, royalty was thrown out the window.
Daenerys stared at the soldier in shock. It seemed that the plan that she had devised on her own was also out the window.
 “It’s obviously a trap, if anyone knows my sister well enough to know one of her devious schemes, it’s me.” Tyrion made his thoughts on it known. Don’t go.
“Of course, it is,” Grey worm then turned to Danny, “You shouldn’t go, my Queen. Or, if you do, at least bring some guards with you. I’ll find you my best men –”
“No,” Her words stunned all the room, “Cersei asks for me, she gets me alone. I’m not risking Y/N: I’m not losing the only family I have left.”
She knew it was risky. She knew that this could just be something that would end up with the two last Targaryen’s                 being killed. But she also knew that she couldn’t just leave you.
She had to bring you home, to make you feel safe once again.
 It was the dead of night but hearing Tyrion gasp and knock chairs over made everyone rush to the meeting room. There, it held everyone bar one.
“She left.” He announced in a solemn tone.
There was no stopping her now.
Being the youngest made Daenerys’ motherly side show itself so much more than it ever had. Or, unfortunately, more than she ever got the chance to show it. Losing her child was hard, don’t get her wrong; to lose a life she would never know and that would be her own by blood and fix the mistakes.
Now, you were that. You were the thing she had to protect, no matter what. It had started with your brother, his abuse that went more to you as a way to punish her; two birds and all that.
Her maternal instincts made her help comfort you; it helped her help treat your wounds; it helped her be more empathetic; it helped her get through it, putting her mind of helping her younger sibling through the pain kind of helped her through her own.
 She had to admit, the small crew she had brought for the boat did a good job. Was it the most royal of arrivals? No, but she couldn’t play the trump card of the dragons yet. She had to get you back with as little hassle as possible.
Power play’s from her could wait. It could wait until she had you to help council her on it. You were always a smart one smarter than her and always willing to listen to others while arguing your own view.
She was losing it, she had to admit. Hell, she’d sailed all the way with barely any protection, so that wasn’t nothing. Still, if this was it, she didn’t want to make it worse for you.
If this was it, at least you’d be together in the end. The Targaryen siblings vs the world; the world might win, but it wouldn’t win without you both giving it one last chilling smile of acceptance.
“You’re hear to see Queen Cersei?” The guardsman asked. If he had any other right to speak, he probably would’ve mentioned the lack of guards. Still, part of Daenerys appreciated the fact that he didn’t, that he simply let it go and led her up at her nod.
Yes, she was here to see the queen. No, she was not there to burn it all down.
At least, not yet, anyway.
 The stones were sharper here. In Dragonstone, it had a smoothness to them that made it feel like you were almost gliding on them. It definitely helped make it not feel as big as it did, steps wise.
These were different, these were jagged and edgy; small bits pointing out that dug in a few instances. Definitely not well kept.  
Still, that was put aside when she reached the top. In reaching it, she saw you on the floor. She finally got a good look at you. In the dreams (and nightmares) she’d have of finding you, it’d always be you either looking normal or you being too bloodied to recognise.
This was a mix but leaning a lot more towards the dreams than the nightmares (which, unfortunately, came more often than the dreams did). You were bloody, just in your nose and a cut on your lips; your eyes weren’t too bad, if not a little fucked up from punching.
Over than that though, you were breathing and alive. When you met eyes, you looked scared more than relived. Then again, she was riding a high of relief at just seeing that you were ok.
Now came the part where she kept you and herself that way.
 “I must admit, I didn’t expect you to arrive,” Cersei said as she sipped her wine, “Then again, when one of your flock are hurt, the others huddle around them, don’t they?” She taunted.
However, the fire in her eyes died a little when she saw that it was just Danny, “Came alone, did you? It could’ve been a trap.”
Still could be, “It may have been, but I wasn’t going to just abandon my brother. Just as I’m sure you wouldn’t.” She knew it was borderline flattery. But she had to not piss her off.
“Are you alright, Y/N?” Danny asked, fire completely gone from her eyes and a soft gaze replaced it; one filled with love and familial concern. She was dead certain that these types of looks (ones of comfort and respect and love) were something that you had been sorely missing.
There was silence at her answer. You looked as if you hadn’t even heard her question. She, however, didn’t lose hope. You were still in there somewhere.
“Boy,” You looked to Cersei with a shaking body, “Answer your sister.” She commanded.
You looked at Danny, eyes fearful and slightly unfocused. You only nodded, all-be-it slowly.
“Verbally.” Cersei said, not in a snap, but a calm voice.
“I’m alive.” You croaked out.
“I’m ok.” Your words finally reached Danny, and she could hear just how unused your voice had been. It was raw, and it had cracked.
She could see that you clearly weren’t. But she could deal with that later.
  “Why did you ask for me if it wasn’t a trap?” Daenerys asked.
Cersei paused, her face showing that it was a valid question, “Because, I wanted you to see what a broken Targaryen looks like. The mess that they can be. The pain that they can be in. You see, when you do fully come here, to try and take what you believe is yours, maybe you’ll remember this.”
 “He hit me.” You were shaken, still shaking as you sat on your bed and your older sister knelt in front of you.
She took your shaking hands in her own, “He did, yes.” She said, regretfully.
“Why? What did I do to make him hate me.” Your question broke her heart a little.
“You did nothing, dear brother. Nothing. It’s all his ego,” She comforted. She knew, sadly, that the damage had been done. But she knew one thing, she wasn’t going to let it destroy you.
Not you.
 “You can have him,” Danny looked at Cersei in shock, “Take it as a warning. As a precautionary tale.”
 Danny didn’t waste any time in coming to you and picking you up. She didn’t look at Cersei, only you. She then hugged you. You stiffened but didn’t hug back. She didn’t seem to mind much though. She just held you tightly.
She had you, and you were back with those you belonged with.
Now she just had to return home.
The ride back, you sat in your room. Well, you laid in your bed, more like. You only ate when she would bring you food. She wanted to be the one to do it, she knew that you wouldn’t respond to anyone else.
She didn’t try and get you to speak. She knew that you wouldn’t want to and trying to force you to would only lead to more problems.
Still, at least she didn’t have to order the crew not to bother you: they seemed to just know from the get-go.
 “I have no choice in this.” She told you, trying to not allow her voice to tremble and show you the fear she felt. She had to be strong for you.
“I can’t just lose you.” You said in quiet voice. Your fear ruled you. Whenever you had been hurt, she had been there to help you; to help you rise back up when you fell.
Now, that would be gone.
She glided to you, kneeling once more to your level. She put her fingers under your chin and lifted it up, “Whatever happens, we go together. I’m never leaving you, little brother. Never. I’ll protect you as much as I can.” She promised you and pulled you into her arms.
You hugged her back, fearfully.
 The boat arrived, and there stood four or so angry advisors. Well, angry and relieved. Danny walked slowly, holding your hand and arm, and helping you walk down the ramp. She had almost not done this, as you had flinched and pulled your arm away when she went to touch.
However, after a moment, you had allowed it. She led you down, fully concentrated on your wellbeing. She didn’t take any notice of her friends. She only said one thing to you.
“We’re home.”
 The tent was big, but that didn’t matter to you. It was lonely. You were lonely. However, you didn’t tell her; you knew she had enough on her plate, and your issues would only add to that.
“Hey,” You looked up at her soft eyes that seemed to notice your turmoil, “We’ll be fine. We’ll make it through this to the other side, together. I promise, you’ll be fine.”
 “I kept it the same. I didn’t want to touch anything just in case you wanted to make any changes yourself.” You nodded mutely as you entered your room. In the past, it would be a place of comfort, a place where you could feel almost free. This was not that. This place felt foreign and the warmth was something you were used to, just in a torturous way.
The first thing you did was close the curtains.
“You used to love that in the morning.” Your sister didn’t know why she said those words; but she still had.
“Maybe, but not anymore.” You used to be quiet, but this was the quietest she’d heard you.
 She remembered the first time she had been forced to have sex with Drogo. The way he was in charge and she whimpered. She had still been holding out some sort of hope that she could get away from his.
She knew she wouldn’t be able to. She knew she had to adapt.
So, she did. She gave into it. She gave into him. Deep down, she was still the scared little girl who had been dealing with her own trauma. But that girl was repressed more and more.
In the name of survival.
 She had woken on a brand-new day. She woke up with some vigour this time, just happy to have everything back to normal in a way.
She got up and ready for the day, taking in the view from her room.
She then left to fetch you. She felt like a walk would maybe help you a little. They had in the past after all.
However, when she knocked on your door, she received no answer.
“Y/N, it’s me.” She said softly, hoping that announcing that would help you.
Still, the door did not open.
When she went to knock again, she stopped herself when she put her ear to the door only to hear nothing inside.
She put her hand on the handle, turning it. It went all the way; the door was unlocked.
She opened it fully, and her eyes widened, and her breath quickened at what she saw, an empty room.
 She didn’t think she could run this fast, yet here she was. She was yelling orders, “Find Y/N!” Was the main one she was able to track.
You were missing again, but this time it was voluntary.
Now, she just figure out where you had gone. Where you had taken yourself to.
She stopped, letting oxygen fill her lungs. As she took deep gulps, she pressed her back against a wall and took a moment to think; to actually think.
 “Come on!” You cried out in excitement as you led your sister by the hand to your destination.
“Slow down, Y/N.” She tried to be serious, but your happiness made her have a smile of her own at your enthusiasm. You had always been a more pessimistic one, but these moments that could last for a while and bursts of happiness made herself happy.
“Here.” You said, stopping and lowering your hands, pulling her towards you.
Ahead of you laid a lake. It wasn’t the largest, or the deepest. But, still, a small lake was a small lake.
The sun seemed to catch the water just right and it shimmered.
“Oh, Y/N, it’s beautiful.” She said, softly. She took the view in. This beat anything from her window for sure.
 That was the day before you were taken. It was a memory that she both played over and over again, but also wanted nothing to do with it.
Now it was the key.
She knew where you were now. Only thing was, the context of your visit had changed. Just like you had had.
She was right, you were there. You were sat down instead of stood. She watched you for a moment. Actually, saw you for who you were now. Yes, you were still her brother, but you had changed.
She approached you, taking a seat next to you. For once, she didn’t try to force anything. Instead, she just looked at the view, taking in the head and the peacefulness of the place. It was nice.
“I started to have visions while I was there,” She was the now the one looking up at you. However, she didn’t talk, “I couldn’t tell you when I started to do that. It just kind of….happened. Moments where I would see things that a rational part of me knew wasn’t there, but that part was destroyed by the part that wanted it to be real.”
“Who did you see?”
“A mix of you and the others. To be honest, mostly you,” You looked at her as you continued, “You’ve always been the one to look after me. And I appreciate it, so much. But, since I got back, it’s….it’s just been too much. You’re acting as if I’ll snap right back to who I was, but I won’t. I can’t.” You confessed.
“I know….I know,” She let her voice shake this time. She wasn’t going to hide her emotions anymore. You were old enough and knew enough about to world to know the feelings she had, the fear, the pain, and the loss.
“I’m sorry that I did that.”
“We’ll get there. We’ll get there.” You assured; but it seemed it was more so for yourself.
“What can I do right now?” She asked.
“Just….just stay.”
“Of course.” She assured.
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chibinekochan · 3 years
Angel in Hell Season 2 part 9
part 1 | 2  I 3  I  4  I 5 I  6  I 7 I 8
Gen. reader insert.
Words  2k
@gothjuulpod  ; @purgatoryhall ; @sibit360  ; @a-personnamed-ace   ;  @romy350-romyakari 
So now after the long last part, we are ending our journey.
Not everything will be resolved, much of the brother’s grieving process has barely even started.
They will certainly all face their battles to come to terms with what they have lost.
At the very least our angel Mc has found most of the answers for themselves. The rest will come with time.
Here is to an ending and new beginnings.
"What is going on here?" You hear Luke's voice. 
"We are just discussing some important things." Lucifer waves him off. 
"I'd like to ask the same question. Why are you wet and what is with Asmo keeping you steady?" Simeon looks sternly towards the brothers and keeps his eyes on Lucifer. 
"I used too much mana healing Levi from a curse." You don't want Simeon to get the wrong idea. 
"A curse?" Simeon looks confused. 
"I think we should move somewhere else to discuss everything." Lucifer sounds exhausted. 
"I'm not sure we should go anywhere with you." Simeon goes to your side while glaring at Lucifer. 
"I'm okay with that." You feel that there are still things that Lucifer wants to say. 
Lucifer looks at you and Simeon. Then he looks at his brothers. They all still seem very confused and sad. 
"Maybe we can move that discussion to later. Just keep in mind that I haven't changed my position about you staying here. Whatever or whoever you are right now was never part of my concern. Even if you were just a normal reborn human or a demon I'd do the same thing." Lucifer states this calmly but it has so much weight that you aren't sure how to respond to that. 
"You need to stop being so unreasonable." Simeon frowns at Lucifer. 
"Well call me whatever you want but you don't have a patent on loving them." Lucifer glares back.
  You suddenly feel like you are in the middle of a crossfire. 
"Now now, we all love them but now is not the right time for this." Asmo tries to calm both men down, even when he seems pretty amused by it. 
"You probably have a point." Lucifer still glares at Simeon but accepts a momentary truce. 
"Everyone, we are going home. Satan cooks today and I will order ice-cream for everyone." Lucifer sighs. 
Beel let's Levi go. "Finally I'm starving."
"C-can I have peanut butter flavored ice-cream?" Levi is still sobbing. 
"You don't deserve any," Lucifer states coldly. 
"I think he had enough for today. Just let him have the ice-cream Lucifer." You feel a bit bad for Levi, despite everything he looks very miserable. 
Lucifer sighs and shrugs. "Fine, but better be thankful."
  Levi nods. 
Everyone else chuckles a little bit. 
"Let's go then. Have a good day and rest up." Lucifer seems to only address you. 
Simeon ignores this. 
"You need to help them stand, Simeon." Asmo addresses Simeon. 
You feel a bit better and are about to say no when you notice that Asmo is winking at you. You smile, knowing that he just tries to be nice. He really came around. 
Simeon nods and gently holds your arm, to keep you steady. 
"Thank you Asmo." You mostly thank him for being a friend. 
"You better give me some juicy details later, "Asmo whispers but you are pretty sure that Simeon can still hear him. 
The brothers walk-off, being oddly quiet.
  Luke sighs. "What was that about?" 
"I think they have a lot to think about." Simeon isn't fully sure either. 
"I said it to the others but you don't have to worry about this angel and Mc being the same at all anymore. So my work is done. I have a dinner invitation from Diavolo. How about joining me, Luke?" Solomon seems nonchalant as always. 
"Huh, why would I want to have dinner with you?" Luke is genuinely confused. 
"We have a lot to catch up on." Solomon shrugs and whispers something to Luke. Realization seems to hit him. "Ahhh, yeah we have sooo much to talk about. Don't wait for me, you two." Luke overacts way too much. 
It's pretty suspicious.
  "Alright have fun, Luke." Simeon just accepts this without any further questions. 
You wonder what this about but think that he just wants to give you some space.
"If you wish you can stay at the castle tonight. We have free rooms." Barbatos offers in a very kind manner, even when he just seemingly appeared out of thin air. 
"Would that be better for you?" Simeon is worried about your condition. 
"A bit of rest sounds great, to be honest, but I don't want to bother anyone." You admit a bit weakly. 
"You are no bother. After all the hassle that the brothers have caused you. My lord simply desires to offer you some hospitality. In the hopes that you won't think badly of the devildom as a whole." Barbatos speaks in a very polite manner but it's easy to tell that he means his words. 
"I think the devildom is a pretty great place overall. Everyone is very kind to me." You don't have any ill feelings in particular. 
Barbatos smiles in a kind manner. "I'm glad to hear that. Lord Diavolo will be delighted to hear that. I suppose this is right for you as well, Simeon?" 
"Sure, I have no issues with this." Simeon seems to be mostly concerned about you. 
Barbatos nods and then shows you two to a room. It's very nice, with a comfortable couch and a large bed.
  Simeon helps you to sit comfortably on the couch. 
"Thank you Barbatos." You give him a grateful smile. Now where you sit you start to feel how tired you are. 
Barbatos hands you a towel. "There are some clothes on the bed, please feel free to use them." 
You rub your hair to dry it some more. "Thank you. My clothes are actually dry now. I had this magical stone to warm me up." You are grateful for that. 
"Very well then I will leave you alone. Just call if you need anything from me." Barbatos bows and leaves the room.
  Simeon sighs and then takes a blanket from the bed. "You should wrap yourself with this."
  You nod and carefully place Lucifer's cape on the side. 
The blanket feels nice. Simeon also pours you some tea. He still seems a bit uneasy but patiently waits for you to talk.
  After drinking a bit you start the story. "So Levi got us all stuck in a game. Then he got upset and flooded everything. Lucifer saved me. Then Levi came to fight us all, but I think that was because of that cursed armor. I healed him and we all came back here. That's why I was so wet." 
Simeon raises his eyebrows. He sighs. "They tend to cause problems. I'm just glad that you are unharmed. You should be careful. I'm also a bit sad that I didn't get to see you in action. I bet that was amazing." He smiles a bit. 
You blush. "It wasn't that great."
Simeon chuckles lightly. 
"When we came back here Solomon just dropped that I'm artificially made. I mean it's better than being made off... Well you know. So that means I have no sealed memories. I only share Mc's soul and their looks. I'm still not quite sure how to feel about all of that." You look into your cup. 
Simeon is quiet for a moment. Thinking about his words. Then he gets up from his seat and hugs you. It's very unexpected but it feels nice. 
He is so warm, you hug him back.
  "You can take your time to figure it all out." He softly whispers. 
"I think I'm glad that I'm not someone else. That sounds pretty selfish doesn't it?" You aren't sure if relief is something you should feel right now. 
"I'm glad that you are you, and it's not selfish for you to wish to be yourself. I also think that they were unreasonable to ask this of you in the first place." Simeon sits down next to you. 
This feels better than having him across from you. 
"What did Michael say?" You aren't sure what to add to Simeon's words and you still need to know about that. 
"He skirts around a concrete answer so we are staying in the devildom for now. Well, they won't force us back. So conflict has been averted for now. I hope you are okay with staying here after all of this?" Simeon was hoping for a better answer, for your sake. 
"I kinda like the devildom, even when I could use about 60 percent less drama. I was actually thinking of getting a haircut and a makeover or something. I kinda want to look different, you know. It's been pretty hard looking at myself lately." You aren't quite sure what you exactly want to change but it sounds good. 
"Hmm, maybe some shorter hair would look good on you. You could also just dye it pink." Simeon chuckles a bit. 
You puff your cheeks. "Simeon I'm being serious here!"
He laughs. "I know I'm sorry. I think you will look great in the end no matter what."
You shake your head. "You are such a tease sometimes, but it's kinda nice to see you like this."
"You want to be teased?" He grins. 
"No, I don't! I just mean it's nice seeing you so casual." You blush a little. 
"Ah, I see. I guess I was pretty formal lately. I will do better from now on." Simeon has to agree. 
"I look forward to that." You smile. Suddenly you remember and almost jump up, slightly startling Simeon. 
"I completely forgot about the cookies I made you. I'm sure they are ruined now…" You rummage in your pocket and find the bag. It miraculously survived. 
You pull it out. "It survived!" You say gleefully. 
"These must be pretty special." Simeon gently looks at the bag.
  You nod and hand him the bag. 
He curiously opens it, the cookies are all broken. You look at the sight with pain. Too bad now Simeon will never guess their meaning.
  Simeon looks curiously at the crumps in his hand. "Were these heart-shaped?" 
"They were… Luke told me that humans use this shape to express their love." You feel suddenly very embarrassed. 
Simeon smiles at you. "Thank you very much I appreciate them." He eats one of the cookies, with great delight. 
Simeon doesn't mind at all that they all got broken. 
You feel great relief. "I'm truly grateful I have you. Without your support, I would have never come this far." 
"I'm sure you would have managed just fine without me but I'm glad that I can be your support." Simeon gently smiles. Conveying his sincere admiration for you. 
"I'm not done, let me finish." There is probably not enough time in the universe to tell him everything that is in your mind. 
Simeon nods.
  "You have been my mentor for a long time and then my friend for probably the same amount of time. I think I have known for longer but I was just denying it but you aren't just a friend to me anymore. Despite all of this chaos around me, there was something that became crystal clear to me. No matter what might happens next I want you to be at my side. Not only as a friend but as the person who I love with all my heart." You lay it all right in front of Simeon. Finally admitting your feelings not only to yourself but most importantly to Simeon. 
He seems slightly surprised by your confession. "Do you mean romantically?" Simeon wants to prevent any further confusion. 
"Yes." You state clearly without a second of hesitation. 
Simeon takes your hand and he has a smile that you have never seen before. He is so radiant right now. "I'm so glad that you feel the same way about me."
It's almost like a dam has been broken. Emotions seem to be flowing from Simeon.
  You can see a slight blush on his cheeks. 
Your cheeks blush in turn.
  He leans his forward towards yours and looks deep into your eyes. 
He has never been this close to you. Your heart starts to race.
  Never before in your life did you want to kiss someone this badly. 
Your nose’s touch. Simeon looks at you with such love. You can only hope that the same love is reflected in your eyes.
  After a moment that feels like an eternity your lips meet only for a short moment. 
Then again a bit longer this time. 
Both of you seem to want more of that sweet sensation.
  The next kiss feels more passionate.
  It's all so new but yet strangely familiar.
  You are so glad that you finally told Simeon your feelings. 
With a gentle and happy smile, Simeon looks at you. "I'm so glad you came into my life." 
These words mean so much to you, you feel tears in your eyes. 
"It's alright. I'm here." Simeon whispers. 
And then suddenly tears start to fall. You don't even know why you are crying, or who you are crying for. 
It's not even a feeling of sadness. 
It feels freeing, like all the weight that has been building up inside of you is flowing from your body. 
You cling to Simeon and just sob, like a child. 
He gently holds you close and just supports you without a word. 
"I love you, Simeon." You weakly tell him between sobbing. 
You probably look very ugly right now but Simeon however looks at you with his gentle gaze. "I love you too."
This was all very bittersweet. 
Some parts really hurt while writing them.
Other parts made me smile.
I hope you enjoyed the story and its ending.
As a final note, I really like the fact that Mc got many people supporting them and Simeon. 
A huge note to all of you Simeon and Angel Mc shippers, it's all thanks to you. 
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aoyama-division · 3 years
Jet Set Trio Drama Track 1 - Another Day, Another Dollar
Pt. 1
-- Chōten Residence --
[As the clock had struck exactly 12:35 P.M., the alarm in the bedroom clock on the nightstand went off, awakening the young socialite known as Tomi Chōten from his slumber. Hitting the alarm clock until it shut off, he groaned as he groggily sat up from his bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Remembering his events from last night, he looked over his shoulder and saw that the other side of his king-sized mattress was empty, save a single note. Rolling his eyes, he picked it up and half-heartedly read it.]
???: Thanks for the great night, Tomi-san! Looking forward to seeing you again! 💋
Tomi: Tch.
[Crumpling the paper up, the socialite threw it in a random direction in his room, not caring where it landed. Groaning once more, he stood up, grabbing his large emerald green robe from the rack atop his bedroom door. Tying it firmly across his waist, he opened his bedroom door and walked into the corridor where a group of butlers and maids were busy going about their business. As he crossed their path, they all immediately stopped what they were doing, bowed their heads, and greeted one of the heads of the family.]
Maids: *In unison* Good afternoon, Master Tomi!
[The young socialite did not dine to respond to any of them as he proceeded to the end of the hall where the stairs were. Proceeding downward two stories to the first floor, he looked as his family's head butler, Akiharu Hino, was digitally dusting a large vase his father had brought during one of his many voyages overseas. Hearing someone descend downstairs, the old butler stopped what he was doing and turned towards the stairs. Upon seeing it was the young master of the family, he placed his left arm over his chest and bowed his head.]
Hino: Good afternoon, young master.
Tomi: *Groggily* Morning, Hino.
Hino: It's actually afternoon sir, but thank you for the greeting.
Tomi: *Rolls his eyes* Details, Hino. It is far too early.
Hino: If you say so, sir.
[Groaning, the young socialite turned and made his way to the living room.]
Hino: Your morning coffee and cigar are waiting for you on the second end table, sir.
[Tomi did reply, instead simply waving his hand in 'thanks' as he continued towards the large brown doors to the living room.]
Hino: Ah sir, before you enter, I feel that I have to warn you that...
[Before the seasoned butler could finish his warning, the young master pushed opened the doors to the family room. He was prepared to see no one present save the maids he may have been cleaning up here. But instead, what his eyes took in was something else entirely. He looked as standing a ways away from his family's large flat-screen television that was hanging atop one of the room's walls, was his friend and associate, Karada Kessaku, busy following some sort of aerobic exercise that was on TV. But what caught Tomi's attention was the fact that his friend was wearing nothing save a pair of tight green exercise briefs, showing off his entire muscled body.]
[Staring at the display for a couple of moments longer, the young socialite, having had enough of the display, looked around for the remote control. Finding it atop the large glass table in the middle of the room, he quickly grabbed it and hit the 'Power' button, turning the television off.]
Karada: Hey!
[Turning around upset, the bodybuilder stopped and looked as it was his friend, Tomi, who was responsible.]
Karada: Oh, hey Tomi. Bout time you woke up. Thought you were just going to sleep the day away again.
Tomi: *Barely containing his rage* Karada, what do you think you're doing?
Karada: Huh? *Looks down at himself* Oh. Well, I was doing my daily aerobic exercises until someone interu...
Tomi: No! I mean, *Waves his hand at Karada's wardrobe* What do you think you doing in my house, in my living room, half-naked?!
Karada: Huh? *Looks down at himself again* Oh. Well, this is how I always do my aerobics. It helps my body to breathe.
Tomi: But why in my house?!
Karada: *Shrugs* I don't know. What's the big deal? It's not like I'm hurting anyone.
Tomi: You're hurting my eyes! Just put some clothes on, for God's sake!
Karada: All right, all right. Sheesh. *Looks over at Hino, who was silently watching the entire display with nary a word nor a hint of emotion* Do you have my clothes anywhere?
Hino: Right here, Master Karada. *Seemingly out of nowhere, he pulls a fresh pair of clothes from behind his back* I took the liberty of having them washed and cleaned for you.
Karada: Wow, thanks dude! *He quickly throws his clothes on, which consists of his green muscle shirt and a pair of long blue gym shorts before looking back at Tomi* There. Happy?
[The young socialite didn't bother to reply instead of walking to a corner of the room where he had spotted a white teacup full of black liquid, which was coffee from the smell of it. Beside the glass was a large light brown cigar that was currently unlit, but was ready to be smoked. Sitting down on the large sofa in the room, Tomi picked up the glass, before taking a quick sip, sighing as the liquid made its way down his body, quickly rejuvenating him.]
Tomi: *Raises the cup in Hino's direction* Good as always, Hino-san. Well done.
Hino: *Bows with his left arm over his chest* My pleasure, sir.
Karada: *Frowning* I don't see how you people can drink that stuff.
Tomi: *Takes another sip, not bothering to look at him* Try it, you might like it.
Karada: Hard pass. Give me a protein shake any day of the week.
Tomi: *Rolls his eyes* Whatever. *Looks up at him, setting his teacup down* What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be at the gym, 'pumping iron' or whatever it is you meatheads call it?
Karada: *Frowns again* Okay, one: I take offense to that. Meatheads are known for generally not being smart. And I like to think I have a good intellect as far as most people go.
Tomi: *Scoffs and speaks under his breath* Keep telling yourself that...
Karada: *Chooses to ignore whatever it was his friend just said* And secondly: if you must know, today was your mother's training day.
Tomi: *Frowning as he picks up his cigar* Again? What is that, the third time this week?
Karada: *Shrugs* Hey, do you have any idea how hard it is to squeeze people into my schedule? Your mom, no offense or anything, is just a few of the many women here in Aoyama who pay for my services.
Tomi: Aren't your services exclusive to only women anyway?
Karada: Well I sure as hell aren't selling them out to men if that's what you're wondering! *Flexes* These muscles are only for the women of Aoyama to partake in!
Tomi: Well you might want to be careful there, Mr. Muscles. *Smirks as he lights his cigar* If these women's spouses or significant others find out that it's a man giving their ladies 'private lessons', you might very well find a mob on your doorstep one day.
Karada: *Smirks* My clients and I have a very strict teacher/student confidentiality act in place. I disavow any knowledge of what goes on during our sessions.
Tomi: *Grins* Hmm, must be nice. *Takes a puff of his cigar*
Karada: *Smirks* Besides, are you really in any position to talk?
Tomi: *Looks up, confused* What are you talking about?
Karada: *Continues smirking* I'm talking about that girl who left early this morning.
Tomi: *Still looks confused, before realization hits his face* Ohh. Her. *Scoffs* Just a one-time thing, I assure you. Nothing more, nothing less.
Karada: You really should take my advice, and meet a real girl for once.
Tomi: And why pray tell, would I waste my time on that? *Takes another puff of his cigar* One-night stands get me all the fun of being in a relationship without the hassle of actually being in one.
Tomi: And F.Y.I., the women I sleep with are real.
Hino: Is that why I always see them leaving the house in the morning with a large bag of money, young master?
[Karada starts laughing out loud, while Tomi scowls at his butler.]
Tomi: You're supposed to be on my side here, Hino.
Hino: My apologies, Master Tomi.
Tomi: Whatever. *Takes another puff of his cigar before snubbing it out in an ashtray nearby* So Hino, what exactly is on the agenda for today?
Hino: Well... *Takes a note out of his shirt pocket, giving it a look over* ...You are free up 4:00 P.M. At that time, you are needed to relocate to the clothing store at the Aoyama Shopping Mall to get fitted for your attire for tonight's banquet at 7:00 P.M at the Aoyama Park Tower.
Tomi: *Groans* Great, another soirée to go to. *Sighs before standing up*
Karada: Hey, since you're free until four, how about we go get some grub over at Luis's place?
Tomi: Good idea. I've not eaten since I woke up.
Karada: Maybe you should try not sleeping past noon.
Tomi: *sarcastically* I'll give your advice serious consideration.
Hino: Shall I prepare the limousine, Young Master?
Tomi: Yes please, Hino. *Begins walking back upstairs* I'll be down in five minutes.
Karada: I'll time you!
Tomi: *Answers without looking back* You do that.
-- Thrilling Heart Restaurant, Aoyama District --
[After about a 10 min. ride, Tomi and Karada finally arrived at Luis's restaurant. Upon arrival, both men looked as there was a line leading out of the restaurant.]
Karada: Sheesh, Luis's place is as busy as ever. And it's only lunchtime.
Tomi: *Scoffs as he begins walking towards the restaurant, bypassing the line of people* I don't know why Luis has to have his restaurant open to everyone.
Karada: *Follows behind Tomi* To make more money?
Tomi: He'd make more if he only catered to a certain kind of people.
Karada: *Frowns* You mean, people like you?
Tomi: *Shrugs* Don't see why not.
[The duo continued passing the crowd, ignoring the looks and complaints they received. Upon entering the restaurant, Tomi looked at the server who immediately recognized who the two were and hastily bowed her head.]
Server: G-good day, Master Tomi and Karada!
Tomi: *Rolls eyes* Spare me the fake hospitality and just get us a table. Far away from the peons, please.
Server: Y-y-yes, o-of course!
[Obeying the young socialite, the server led him and Karada up onto the second floor of the restaurant, which was completely empty. She then lead them to a table close to the back with a sign on it that read 'Reserved for Special Patrons'. Pulling the seats out for both men, the nervous server then stood off to the side, pulling out a pen and notepad.]
Server: W-what would you like to drink?
Karada: I'll take a glass of ice-cold water, thanks.
Tomi: A glass of red wine.
Karada: *Frowns at Tomi* Dude, are you serious? It's like one in the freakin' afternoon!
Tomi: *Cocks an eyebrow at Karada* Your point?
Karada: *Sighs* Whatever. Do what you want.
Server: *Nervously writes the men's drinks on her notepad* A-and for your meals?
Karada: I'll take a couple of those greasy tacos that you guys were serving the other day. Those things were awesome!
Tomi: *Looking at the menu with a frown* Why is everything on this menu so damn hard to pronunciate?
Karada: Well, it is all Hispanic.
Tomi: *Sighs and tosses the menu on the table* Just give me whatever it is you guys called 'grilled goat' or something.
Server: Y-you mean our cabrito?
Tomi: *Looks at the server, annoyed* Do I look like I care what it's called? Just bring it here!
Server: Y-y-yes sir! My apologies! *Starts to run off to take the men's orders*
Tomi: *Holds up a finger* Hold it.
Server: *Stops mid-step, and looks back at the socialite, scared* Y-yes?
Tomi: When our food gets here, tell the owner/chef that we'd like to speak with him.
Server: Y-yes! I-I-I'll make sure t-t-to tell h-him.
Tomi: Good, then get going.
Server: Y-yes! *She then runs off to the first floor to the kitchen*
Karada: *Frowns at Tomi as the server disappears from view* Seriously, dude?
Tomi: *Looks at his friend with a bored look* What is it now?
Karada: What was that?
Tomi: *Looks at his friend, confused* What was what?
Karada: That! *Points to where the server was formerly standing* With the server! Why were you acting rude to her?
Tomi: *Sighs, while rolling his eyes* Karada-san, I don't know how many more times I have to explain this to you before you understand it. *Sits up, giving his friend his attention*
Tomi: We... *Points to himself and Karada* ...are a cultured people, my friend. We are special people. Why? Because we have something that those peons down there... *Points to the people still waiting in line* ...do not have. And you know what that is, correct?
Karada: Uhh...
Tomi: *Continues without waiting for him to answer* Class, my friend. Class. We are on an entirely different level from the peasants down there still waiting to get inside. The fact that we were able to get seated before them is proof enough.
Karada: Isn't that just cause we know the owner?
Tomi: *Sighs* Missing the point, entirely. The very thought that we have to treat, or, Heaven forbid, be treated the same as those peons down there, is not only wrong but also foolish.
Karada: *Frowns* Isn't that kinda arrogant?
Tomi: Arrogant? *Scoffs* This coming from the guy who earlier stated that his 'services' were exclusive to the women of Aoyama only?
Karada: *Opens his mouth to respond, but fails to* …Fine, you win this round.
Tomi: *Shrugs with a grin* Hey, those were your words.
Karada: Yeah, yeah.
[As the two men were talking, they looked as the previous server returned carrying two glasses of liquid: wine and water. Nodding to the gentlemen, she placed the glass of water in front of the bodybuilder.]
Karada: *Swiftly grabs it and drinks half of it, finishing with a satisfying 'ahh'* Thanks, yo!
[Nodding at the bodybuilder, she then placed the glass of wine in front of the socialite, who said nothing in response.]
Server: *Keeping her head down* Y-your meals will be ready in a bit.
Tomi: Did you remember to give the owner our message?
Server: Y-yes. He said he'll personally bring your meals to you.
Tomi: Thank you. You're dismissed. *Waves his hand at the server in a 'shooing' manner*
Server: Y-yes. Thank you.
Karada: *As the waitress leaves, he grins at his friend* You were a lot more polite that time around.
Tomi: I'm not trying to be polite or rude. I'm simply being me. *Takes a sip of his red wine*
Karada: You know you're going to regret drinking this early later on, right? Don't you have a party to go to tonight?
Tomi: *Shrugs* Yes. And your point?
Karada: Just saying. That alcohol's going to hamper you later on.
Tomi: The alcohol is the only reason I attend those parties in the first place. *Takes another sip*
[After a few minutes of waiting, the duo looked as walking up the stairs, carrying two plates of food, was the owner of the restaurant, its executive chef, and their friend, Luis Kōkyū.]
Luis: I have two special orders for a Mister Chōten and a Mister Kessaku?
Karada: Luis!! *Gets up and prepares to hug his friend, but looks as the chef slightly tips his plate of food over a bit*
Luis: Do you want to wait for your food to get made again?
Karada: *Looks in horror as the tacos on the plate begin to slowly slide downward* N-no.
Luis: Then do not touch me. *Lifts the plate back up again, before placing it on the table in front of the bodybuilder*
Karada: *His eyes light up like a little boy* Thank you!! *Begins to dig into his food*
[The executive chef rolls his eyes before placing Tomi's order in front of him, and sitting down in the empty seat at the table. He then takes a cigarette from his back pocket, along with a lighter, and lights it, inhaling the smoke before exhaling.]
Karada: *Frowns as smoke begins to fill the table* Ugh, come on dude, really? Do you have to do that while I'm eating?
Luis: *Looks at his friend, complaining* Look, I've been busy since I first opened up shop today. This is the first smoke I've had since I woke up, so spare me the agony, okay? *Takes another puff before blowing the smoke out into the air*
Karada: *Waves the cigarette smoke away* Whatever. Why is it so busy today anyways?
Luis: Today? It's always busy in here. You two just happened to come during the worst time: lunch hour.
Tomi: *Cutting up his grilled meat with a fork and knife before eating a piece* I was just telling Karada how you need to start selling to a certain kind of people.
Luis: *Looks at his friend with a skeptical look* And who would these certain types of people be, pray tell? People like you?
Tomi: *Shrugs as he holds onto his glass of red wine* I'm just saying. If you started only allowing upper-class people here, maybe your shop wouldn't be so busy.
Luis: *Grins* Yes, but then I wouldn't be making as much money as I am now.
Tomi: *Shrugs* Fair point. *Takes a sip of his wine, before looking at the glass, spinning the glass in his hand, watching the liquid swirl around*
Tomi: People seem to have this misconception that being rich is easy. But it truly isn't.
Luis: *Grins as he closes his eyes, his cigarette between his middle and index fingers* No, it really isn't.
Karada: *Shakes his head 'no'* Not at all.
[All three men look up at each other before a small grin appears on each of their faces.]
JST: It's great!!! *All three men laugh out loud at their inward joke as their lunch continues*
-- Prime Minister's Office, Chuohku Ward --
[Far from Aoyama division, in the Chuohku Ward, the building where the Party of Words made their home base was a steady flow of activity, as everyone in the building was going about their daily activities. At the very top of the building in the main office, behind a grandiose desk, sat the figure of Otome Tohoten, Japan's current Prime Minister and the leader of the Party of Words. By her side stood the figure of Ichijiku Kadenokoji, her trusted aide and Japan's Deputy Prime Minister.]
Otome: *Looking through various papers, her eyes scanning every word and image on each one she looks through* Hmm.
Ichijiku: *Senses something amiss with her leader* Is something wrong, Lady Otome?
Otome: *Doesn't answer at first, still sifting through the papers* Not exactly. *Looks at another paper, before placing it down on her desk*
Otome: We've sent out invitations to every known team or person in all of the Divisions for the upcoming Division Rap Battle tournament thus far.
Otome: *Picks up a paper detailing all the Divisions* Harajuku, Shinagawa, Saitama, Kyoto, Ueno, Ahikabara, and more. *Lays the paper back down on her desk* But it is still not enough.
Ichijiku: Would you like me to send my men out to scout for more teams?
Otome: No need. But... *She, again, picks up the paper detailing the divisions before realizing something* Has the spokesperson from Aoyama arrived yet?
Ichijiku: *Nods* Yes, I believe she arrived several hours ago.
Otome: Good. Have her sent to my office, at once.
Ichijiku: *Salutes* Yes ma'am!
[Putting her fingers to her ear, the Deputy Prime Minister began speaking to someone over a radio. Whilst she was doing that, Otome began swiftly writing something on a piece of paper. Within a couple of minutes, she finished before neatly folding it up and putting it in an envelope, sealed with the official seal of the Party of Words. As she finished, the door to her office slid open, revealing the figure of Okawa Chōten, Aoyama's spokesperson for Chuohku, dressed in the official Party of Words uniform.]
Okawa: *Bows her head in respect to Otome and Ichijiku* You summoned me, Prime Minister?
Otome: Yes. Come in and have a seat. We have much to talk about.
[Obeying, the middle-aged woman walked further into the Prime Minister's office as the door to the room slowly slid shut...]
To be continued...
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pikapeppa · 4 years
Cullen solo smut: Personal Correspondence
In which Cullen has some private commander time when he receives a rather PERSONAL letter from Piper. 😏 Also, some conversations just because they’re fun.
~5200 words; read here on AO3 instead.
Beautiful sexy art by @schoute​​!!
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Cullen was bored.
That wasn’t to say that this meeting with Josephine and Leliana was boring. The issue they were discussing was quite important, in fact: an odd flurry of activity among some minor Orlesian noble houses that seemed related to red lyrium. Despite the importance of the issue, however, the unfortunate truth was this: any discussion involving Orlesian nobility inevitably drove Cullen’s otherwise-disciplined attention toward… well, anything else. 
He forced himself to listen as Josephine tapped her quill thoughtfully on her tablet. “We must be cautious if we approach the de Mouriers,” she was saying. “But I do believe we will get an answer more quickly from them than from Marquise Courtmance.”
“Quicker may not be better, Josie,” Leliana said. “If my spies slip into the Courtmance compound under the guise of servants, they can get a clearer and less roundabout answer.” 
Josephine twisted her lips. “I’m not so sure. I have heard that the Marquise’s butler is particularly stringent about monitoring the comings and goings within her estate.”
Leliana smiled faintly. “Yes, he certainly is.”
Josephine blinked. “Ah. I see. Who told you of their… liaison?”
“Nobody needed to,” Leliana replied. “It was evident at the Winter Palace, no?”
Josephine opened her mouth to reply, but Cullen had had enough. He planted his palms on the table. “Shall we make a decision, then?” he said. “The Inquisitor left the choice in our hands. We should settle on a course of action and move on.” 
“We can’t rush this, Cullen,” Josephine said earnestly. “Every move we make will have a ripple effect across all of Orlesian society, like— “
“—like stones thrown into a pond, yes, I know,” he said impatiently. He folded his arms. “I for one would be thrilled to simply throw stones at the lot of them, but what do I know?”
Leliana smiled serenely. “Now now, Cullen,” she said. “Just because every Orlesian family is trying to marry their daughters to you, it’s no reason to pout.”
Josephine giggled, and Cullen scowled at them both. “I’m not pouting,” he said. “And even if I were, I think it’s a perfectly good reason to pout. Why are they hassling me?” He shot Josephine a resentful look. “Why aren’t they hassling you? You’re just as marriageable.” 
Leliana’s smile widened. “Josephine isn’t as pretty as you,” she said slyly.
“It’s true,” Josephine said happily. “I have yet to hear anyone composing any songs about my hair.”
Cullen double-taked at her. “Composing–! Where – who is composing songs about my hair?” he demanded. “We need to stop this at once.”
Josephine delicately patted her mouth, and Cullen scowled again; she was clearly trying not to laugh. “Unfortunately, we cannot afford to invest the resources into stopping these dastardly songwriters just now,” she said.
Cullen gave her a reproachful look. “You said just this morning that you convinced the Merchant Princes to invest a large sum to our coffers.”
Josephine let out a tiny cough, and Leliana spoke in her stead. “Well, I’ve heard that the ballads about your hair are boosting morale among the soldiers. Especially out at Griffon’s Keep.”
Griffon’s Keep? Cullen thought in annoyance. Was Rylen encouraging the men to engage in these sorts of foolish hijinks? Cullen ought to speak to him about it. 
Then again, if making up songs about his hair was boosting morale among the men…  
He sighed. “Fine. Let them sing about my blasted hair if it amuses them. Are we finished here?”
“Nearly finished,” Josephine said soothingly. “Just as soon as we decide on a course of action.”
Cullen sighed again, then waited with increasing restlessness as Josephine and Leliana discussed the pros and cons of addressing each noble house. When it was finally decided that they would send Leliana’s spies to the Courtmance mansion, Cullen exhaled in relief.
“Are we done here?” he asked. “I have a dozen reports waiting for me.”
Josephine smiled and gave him a small bow. “Yes, Commander. Thank you for your patience.” She drifted toward the war room doors, and Cullen began to follow her, but Leliana held up a hand to stop him. 
“There is one more thing,” she said. “A letter for you.” She pulled a letter out of her pocket. 
It was a rather grubby letter that was sealed with a crude wax seal of a ‘P’. Cullen raised his eyebrows as he took it. “This is from Pipe— from the Inquisitor,” he said.  
“Yes,” Leliana said. “I see no harm in you receiving her… personal correspondence directly.” Her lips curled in the tiniest hint of a smile. “In any case, nobody else can read her handwriting. It’s quite atrocious.” 
“It… yes, it is,” Cullen said. In fact, Piper’s handwriting was so dreadful that her official reports were dictated to Varric or occasionally Dorian when she was in the field, or even Solas on the odd occasion. 
Cullen fondly studied the filthy letter for a moment, then frowned at Leliana. “Receiving these directly, you said. You no longer feel the need to screen these?”
She shook her head. “If there is anything of relevance to our cause, you can pass it on to me.”
Cullen peered suspiciously at the unopened letter, then at Leliana. “Why do I get the feeling you already know the contents of this letter?”
“I don’t,” Leliana assured him. “But it doesn’t take spies to know what is happening around the castle. I suspect that I don’t need to know what that letter says.”
Her tone was rather bland now, but her expression held a trace of humour. Cullen’s ears began to warm, but he straightened and nodded politely. “All right. Thank you,” he said. “I’ll, er… thank you.” He awkwardly patted the letter, then nodded to Leliana once more and left the war room. 
He tucked the letter carefully into the inner pocket of his mantle, then strode purposefully back to his office. Once he was alone in his office, he eagerly broke the wax seal and opened the letter.
A dried flower fell out and crumbled into pieces on his desk.
Cullen’s eyebrows shot up in dismay. “Blast it,” he muttered. He put the letter down and tried to reassemble the flower, but it was no use; the poor dried plant was so crumbled that some parts of the leaves were little more than flakes of greenish-grey.
He gazed guiltily at the dead flower, then sighed and picked up the letter, and his eyebrows rose again: Piper’s handwriting was even more scrawly than usual. Had she been drunk while writing this?
Dearest Commander Golden Boy,
Greetings and evenings from the Exalted Plains! There are a lot of fucking statues here. So many fucking statues. And I mean a LOT of them. The humans reallllllly wanted to mark their territory here. It’s pretty gross. 
Cullen smiled to himself. She’d most certainly had something to drink prior to the writing of this letter.
My official fancypants report will have all the important shit in it, so I saved the good shit for you. For example, Dorian nearly stepped in some actual ram shit today. He practically jumped into Varric’s arms when he realized there was shit on the ground and it was so fucking funny.
What’s some other good shit? This flower I sent you is called Andraste’s grace. Not crystal grace, ANDRASTE’S GRACE. GET IT STRAIGHT. Though if you really want to get it straight, it’s felan’asahngar in Elvhen. It means ‘lucky plant. It’s good luck, see? My kind of plant. I’m sending you one for luck. Dorian says I’m too drunk to be sending anything anywhere aside from sending my ass to bed, which makes noooo sense because there are no beds in the Exalted Plains, DORIAN.
Anyway, this plant is for you. It’s for luck. I’ll bring you another one just in case this one gets all roughed up, though. But DON’T TELL DORIAN I LISTENED TO HIM.
What’s some other good shit? I miss you.
Cullen’s belly did a pleasant little jolt. Piper had only told him once before that she missed him while she was away on her forays. She brought little souvenirs for him and spent as much time with him as she could whenever she returned to Skyhold, but she rarely said that she missed him.
A warm feeling was swelling in his chest. He slowly sat down in his chair and continued to read.
I miss you. I miss your face. Did you know I like looking at your face? Because I do. Everyone likes looking at your face because it’s a really handsome one but I like your face more than anyyyy other face. I like looking at your lips when you smile and I like your scar. I want to lick it.
Cullen’s heart leapt into his throat. He instinctively covered the letter with his hand even though he was alone, and for a moment he sat in his chair trying to breathe normally. 
This letter really ought to wait until he wasn’t working. Leliana was right; it was very personal, which meant he should really be saving it until later. 
The letter was like a beacon beneath his palm, drawing his attention despite his faint feeling of guilt. After a few tense seconds, he picked it up and continued reading. 
You know what I really want, Golden Boy? I want to put a big huge kiss on those nice scarred lips of yours. You have lip scars and I have lips scars so we should definitely kiss more. We should kiss all the time. Kissing allllll the time. I wish we could kiss right now. I wish I could have my tongue in your
Someone knocked sharply on the door, and Cullen jumped. He slapped a hand over the letter on his desk. “Wh-who is it?” he called.
“It’s Cassandra,” she said. “I wish to discuss something with you.”
“Just — just a moment,” he called out. Flustered and embarrassed, he hid the letter under some other papers on his desk and stood up from his chair.
Then he realized that he couldn’t stand right now. Not unless he wanted to draw attention to what Piper’s personal correspondence was doing to him.
He immediately sat back down while silently cursing his own body, then arranged his face into a neutral expression. “Come in,” he called.
Cassandra briskly entered his office and launched straight into business. “We should discuss Emprise du Lion. You have seen the preliminary reports from Sahrnia?”
“Yes,” Cullen said in the most professional tone he could muster. “They’re troubling.”
“They are disastrous,” Cassandra said brusquely. “Townspeople disappearing, unaccounted for? The Inquisitor has agreed that we will go there immediately upon her return from the Exalted Plains, but it was my hope that…” She frowned suddenly. “Are you all right?”
He blinked. “Pardon? Yes. I – why do you ask?”
“You are flushed,” Cassandra said. “Do you feel unwell?”
Damned blasted cheeks, he thought furiously. “I — no. I’m not unwell,” he stammered.
Cassandra’s frown deepened with concern, and Cullen realized what she was thinking about: his lyrium withdrawal. He relaxed slightly; at the very least, he could reassure her on that front.
“Cassandra, I swear to you, I’m well,” he said. “My… symptoms are controlled. The aches and pains are largely gone.” The nightmares were another matter, but they weren’t disrupting his daily activities, so it didn’t bear mentioning to her again.
She took a step closer to his desk. “If you require a break, you have only to ask. We can–”
“I don’t need a break,” Cullen insisted. “I am able to do my duties for the Inquisitor.” The Inquisitor, who was also the woman he loved. The Inquisitor, who was braving the dregs of the civil war in the Exalted Plains. The Inquisitor, who wanted to lick the scar on his lip and place her perfect tongue somewhere...  
His manhood pulsed again, and he forced his face not to react. Unfortunately, Cassandra noticed his discomfiture nonetheless. “Are you certain you don’t have a fever?” she asked. “We can summon a healer–”
“No!” Cullen blurted. “No. I don’t require a healer, I’m… nothing is wrong. I am…” He trailed off uncomfortably. Why in the Maker’s name did his reading of Piper’s naughty letter have to be interrupted by a Seeker of Truth, of all people? 
Cassandra was still staring at him with a combination of sharpness and worry, so he was forced to give her a hint of the truth. “It’s personal,” he muttered shamefacedly. 
“Personal?” she said. “What does that mean?” Then her eyes dropped to his desk and to the crumbled flower that was sprinkled there – a sign of Piper’s well-known hobby. 
Cullen couldn’t decide whether to be relieved or horrified when Cassandra’s face went blank with recognition. “Ah,” she said. “Oh. I – I see.” Her cheeks went bright red, and she immediately changed the subject. “Alban Poulin is managing the villagers who remain in Sahrnia, but they continue to disappear. Do you think it might be worthwhile sending some troops…”
Cullen forced himself to listen to Cassandra, and eventually his shameful excitement waned as he returned to the usual activities of work. By the time Cassandra left, with Cullen’s promise to look over the map of Emprise du Lion for places to fortify with troops, he was almost feeling like his usual focused self. 
He regretfully swept the dried flower off of his desk and into the wastebin, then pulled Piper’s grubby letter out from under the other papers on his desk. I will save it for later, he told himself. If the remaining contents of this letter were as… titillating as the parts he’d read thus far, it would be truly inappropriate to keep reading it now during his working hours. 
He tenderly smoothed out the edges of the letter and folded it up again. He opened the drawer of his desk and lowered the letter into the drawer.
Then he hesitated. How much harm would it be to just finish reading that last sentence? The sentence that he’d had to stop reading when Cassandra knocked on the door?
He sat there thinking for a few seconds longer. Then he unfolded the letter and continued to read.
I wish I could have my tongue in your mouth. But not just your mouth! I want my tongue on your neck and your chest and your scars do you have scars on that big handsome body of yours? I bet you do. If you have scars on your face then you definly definitely have scars on your body and I want to lick all of them. I wonder if you have any scars on your abs? Are there any scars on your thighs? Because Cullen, I would lick every last
Someone knocked on the door, and Cullen flinched. “What?” he barked.
A timid voice called through the door. “It’s, er. It’s Scout Jim, Commander.”
Cullen growled in frustration. His cheeks and groin were tingling in a terribly pleasant way, and it was completely and utterly inappropriate. 
He took a few deep breaths to calm himself. Then Jim knocked on the door again. “Commander? Are you–”
“Enter,” Cullen snapped.
Jim slowly pushed open the door. “C-Commander, ser? Krem was wondering – I mean, Kremisius Aclassi, he and Bull’s other men – a-and women, my apologies–”
“Spit it out, will you?” Cullen snarled. “I haven’t got all day.”
Jim’s face blanched, and Cullen immediately felt guilty. He pinched the bridge of his nose, then gave Jim a frank look. “I apologize. Please, give me your report.”
Jim swallowed hard and bowed. “Serrah Aclassi said you offered to train with him and the other Chargers today in the lower courtyard. They’re waiting for you.”
His gut twisted in dismay. He had completely forgotten about this appointment, thanks to his… distraction. “Thank you,” he said to Jim. “Let Krem know I’ll join them shortly.”
Jim saluted and left his office, and Cullen roughly scraped a hand through his hair. He stared longingly at Piper’s half-read letter, then refolded the letter and carefully locked it in the top drawer of his desk before going to train with Krem and the Chargers. 
After two hours of hard training with the Iron Bull’s people, Cullen felt much more fortified to tackle the rest of his day. For the remainder of the day, he was focused and determined and attentive: he caught up on reading all of the less urgent reports from the last few days and composed his replies, and he developed a plan to heighten the defenses of Emprise du Lion until Piper and her party could venture there. He worked with Bonny Sims to start figuring out a more efficient way to get supplies out to the Storm Coast, and he ate supper in the barracks with his men. And all day long, he very deliberately did not touch his desk drawer with its dangerous and tempting contents. 
It wasn’t until later that night, when Cullen had finished all of his tasks for the day and even some of the tasks he’d planned to do tomorrow, that he finally opened his desk drawer and pulled out Piper’s letter. 
He nervously licked his lips as he unfolded the letter. But before he could fully open the letter, he paused.
He rubbed the paper nervously between his fingers. Then he placed the letter on his desk and started preparing for bed. It wasn’t very late, only about two hours past dusk, but Cullen was rather tired from the long and hard-working day he’d had. It only made sense for him to take his armour off now and have an early night. 
He locked all the doors that led from the battlements into his office, then stripped off his armour and hung it carefully on its stand. He put on his loose cotton sleeping trousers and washed his face and brushed his teeth.
Then, with Piper’s dirty letter in hand, he climbed into bed. And finally, at long last, he continued to read.
I wonder if you have any scars on your abs? Are there any scars on your thighs? Because Cullen, I would lick every last one of them. And you could lick my scars too if you want. I have a lot of scars so you’d be hard at work for quite a while, Golden Boy.
He took a slow breath. Licking Piper’s scars? Licking any part of Piper’s lithe body? He… Maker, he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about it. In truth, his thoughts of Piper were becoming more and more heated as time went on. With every week that passed, with every pressed flower she sent from the wilds and every enthusiastic kiss she gave him upon her return to Skyhold, Cullen felt closer and more comfortable with her. And with that closeness and comfort came an undeniable urge to be… very close and comfortable with her. 
He kept on reading. 
I wonder what you’re doing right now? Are you standing in your office looking all studious and sexy? Maybe you’re sitting in your chair being all busnessy businesslike. If I was there in your office I’ve be sitting in your chair with you and you can bet we wouldn’t be doing business because I’d be kissing you. I really like kissing you. You give really good kisses, nice kisses with nice scarred lips and it’s like your usi you’re using your entire big hard body to kiss me when you bend me back against the desk like a big handsome warrior. You can bend me back over that desk anytime, Commander. 
He paused and took another shaky breath. Piper’s words were like hot coffee, pouring through his throat and down to his belly and below with a thrumming sort of heat that was bringing his manhood to attention. 
Bending her back against the desk… Now that she’d mentioned it, he couldn’t stop imagining it and remembering how good it felt to do just that. To have Piper pressed back against his desk while he kissed her, his hands on her waist and her thigh sliding up along his hip as he carefully pressed himself against her front… 
His manhood was straightening in his loose trousers, but he didn’t mind, not now that he was alone in his bed at night with no one to bother him. He avidly continued reading the letter.
Now I’m just going on and on and Varric should probably have taken this quill and parchment away from me but I’ve never liked kissing anyone as much as I like kissing you. Kissing you is better than sex with anyone else I really like kissing you a lot. A lot a lotttttt. Kissing Cullen. I hope you like kissing me a lot too because I’m going to kiss you so hard when I get back to Skyhold and that’s a promise and Piper Lavellan always keeps her promises unless the promise is to pay my tab to Cabot ALWAYS.
Cullen gazed at the letter, excited by her words in more ways than one. Did Piper really feel that kissing him was better than sex with her other lovers in the past? If that was so, then… then Cullen was thrilled, because he felt the same. He had never felt the same connection to anyone else that he had with Piper. He had always hoped to find this sort of comfort in another person, this feeling that he could finally truly relax and be himself, but he had never managed to find it. Eventually he had begun to wonder if perhaps that sort of connection would never happen for him. After what had happened at Kinloch Hold, followed by everything he’d seen in Kirkwall, Cullen had started to wonder if… well, perhaps he was too guarded to permit the kind of connection that he sought. Perhaps he was too… damaged. Too scarred by mistrust and anger and regret to believe he could trust anyone else to see beyond the damage. 
In her letter, Piper had mentioned scars. But the scars that Cullen harboured weren’t the sort that could be soothed with a stroke of the hand or the sweep of a tongue.
But maybe... maybe they could be soothed, if the hands doing the soothing were Piper’s.
He swallowed hard, then looked at the letter once more. 
Now I’m in my tent. Dorian tried to take my quill away because he think I’ll regret writing this in the morning but he’s wrong. This is the best fucking letter I ever wrote. Someone should frame this fucking letter it’s so good. And now that I’m in my tent, you can think of me crawling into my bedroll to sleeeep. And you remember how I told you I like to sleep, don’t you?
He certainly did remember. As though he could ever forget Piper telling him that she slept naked.
His manhood pulsed at the tempting thought of Piper’s naked body, and he finally gave in: he slipped his hand into his trousers and wrapped his fist around his length. 
He stroked himself, and a rush of pleasure rippled through his abdomen. He shifted his hips restlessly, then settled back against his pillows and continued to read the letter.
Okayfineiconfess I don’t sleep naked in the field because the boys are around and NICE TRY BOYS, THIS ELFY ASS IS FOR CULLEN’S EYES ONLY. Even though you haven’t seen me naked yet but you can if you want to. You know you only have to ask, right? You say the word, and I’ll get naked for you. Naked for Cullen. Nakednakednaked on your bed or your chair or even on your desk with all your papers all over it.
Cullen dragged in a breath and stroked himself firmly. Piper naked on his desk? Piper sitting on his desk while he was trying to work, naked as the day she was born? Naked aside from the intricate tattoo on her lower sternum that peeked teasingly through her billowing shirts, that is. That tattoo that clearly extended beneath her breasts, though Cullen didn’t yet know just how far it extended… 
He closed his eyes and leaned his head back. Now all he could imagine was seeing the full span of Piper’s tattoos. Imagine if she was sitting on his desk and leaning back on her hands so he could stare at her – so he could take in the full extent of the pale ink that crossed her bronze skin, and the full extent of the scars that she’d bragged about in this letter, and the precise shade of pink that her nipples would be… 
He sighed longingly and squeezed his shaft. Would Piper’s nipples be a deep dusky pink, or would they be more of a warm peach? If he was to run his tongue over them, what kind of sound would she make: would she cry his name, or would she gasp? Or maybe she would growl like the fierce little thing that she was? 
Piper. He groaned softly and ran his palm along his rigid length. He desired her terribly, and he was getting increasingly frustrated with himself for not taking their relationship in the direction that they both so obviously wanted. Piper was clearly willing, and Cullen was willing too – Maker’s breath, was he ever willing. ‘Willing’ was an understatement, in fact; Cullen wanted Piper more desperately with every kiss they shared in his office and every heated look that passed between them over the table in the war room, and… and he didn’t want to disappoint her. 
Piper had more experience than he; she was well-travelled, and Cullen knew she’d had her fair share of lovers during her travels. And then there was Cullen, with his paltry handful of partners many years ago, and… Maker, he didn’t want to disappoint her. She was special, more special and more important than anyone he’d ever known, and he couldn’t bear the idea of disappointing her. Nor could he bear the thought of their first time being a rushed and frenzied moment between the endless meetings that they both were constantly being pulled into. Piper was special, and Cullen wanted their first time to be special and for her to enjoy herself, and…
And the more he ruminated about this, the more anxious he was going to get. Perhaps there was something to be said about a more Piper-like impulsive approach. 
Perhaps having Piper naked on his desk wasn’t the most terrible idea.
His manhood pulsed against his palm, and he stroked himself more quickly. Perhaps having Piper spread naked on his desk was a good idea, actually. If she was sitting on his desk and he was sitting in his chair, he could push her legs apart and really make sure she enjoyed herself. She’d written that she wanted him to lick her? Well, that was precisely what Cullen would do if she was spread wide on his desk. 
He imagined Piper lifting her hips to request the touch of his tongue, and his manhood throbbed eagerly against his stroking hand. He inhaled sharply and pumped his hips toward his hand, and he imagined what it would be like to feel her soft and tender folds against his lips while he kissed her so thoroughly that she was gasping. 
Piper’s naked body on his desk, her naked thighs spread beneath his hands, her dewy taste on his tongue… Cullen groaned and squeezed his shaft harder, stroking himself with rising speed and ardour as he imagined her. Imagine her hands clutching his hair as he lapped at the glory between her legs. Imagine her hands smoothing over the broad scar that ran from his left collarbone to his right pec, then her tongue sliding hotly over that same scar as she slid off of his desk and down to her knees…
His pleasure ratcheted higher, and he gasped and bucked his hips. Imagine if Piper was kneeling between his legs while he sat in his chair. Imagine if she was pushing her gorgeous mass of hair back and bowing her head over his lap and her perfect scarred lips were parting to take him deep…
“Please,” he gasped. Imaginary-Piper smiled at him, that cheeky heated smile that he loved so much, and then his manhood was sliding through her lips and down to the heat of her throat.  
He stroked himself more desperately, and with every stroke he imagined Piper’s exquisite mouth moving up and down his shaft. A blissful and torturous minute later, his climax burst with a blissful rush that fanned through his thighs and up to his throat. 
His pleasure spattered over his belly, and he gritted his teeth silence himself. When the heady rush faded away, Cullen let out a long and satisfied sigh, then lifted the letter once more. 
To his amusement, the final paragraph was written in a slightly neater – and clearly sober – hand.
Well shit, I clearly fell asleep before finishing this letter last night. I’m of half a mind to not let this fucking thing see the light of day but now Bull is daring me to send it and I never say no to a dare. I hope you enjoy Drunk and Rowdy Piper Lavellan!
Also… eh, might as well go full sappy for once. I miss you. A lot. And this letter might just brighten your day, so why the fuck not. 
Don’t work too hard, Golden Boy. ❤️
- Piper xxxxx
He chuckled softly. Piper truly was a creature of chaos. He gently placed the letter on his bedside table, then glanced ruefully at the evidence of his own pleasure that was still spattered on his belly. 
He’d expected to feel somewhat guilty about this, but to his own surprise, he simply felt sated. Or as sated as he could be when he was in his bed alone, at least. Now imagine if he wasn’t alone – if Piper was here instead, sprawled beside him and obscured only by her mass of silvery hair… 
Cullen sighed again, more wistfully this time, then gingerly rose from his bed to clean himself up. Once he was tidied up, he climbed back into his bed and blew out the candle, then gazed up at the stars through the hole in his ceiling. 
For now, he was in his bed alone. But as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, he was comforted by the idea of Piper being in bed beside him. 
Someday soon, that thought would become a reality. Someday, when Cullen mustered his courage, he would have his heart’s desire, and Piper would be in his arms and in his bed.
Until then, he would be satisfied with the messy scrawl of Piper’s personal correspondence. 
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His Blood Runs Gold I
Percy is a God: Part I
Masterlist for the next part and more of my stuff
Y’all already know what this is!!!!!!!! But if you don’t then click this to find out. And i hope you enjoy Percy as a god cause i definitely do ;) *shivers*
We were warm and shivering,
and young and ancient,
and alive.
-We Were Liars, E. Lockhart
Time is non-existent anymore. Percy should be twenty this year but now that he has ichor flowing through his veins, he can be 102 or 5. He has done things Homer would write epic poems about. If he were around at the dawn of time Ovid would have happily dedicated the Metamorphoses to him. But today Percy Jackson has been a god for three years and he has never felt more mortal in his life.
“Percy my boy, what are you doing here?”
“Hello Father, Camp Half-Blood is throwing a campfire in my honour and I thought it’d be rude not to show my face.”
“Very noble of you son. I remember back in my day the Greeks–“
Percy zoned out, tired of hearing how people bowed down to all these stuffy Olympians. The camp threw a celebration every year on the day he got immortalized and in return he reinforced the borders and blessed every demigod before they leave at the end of summer. He doesn’t know if he’s doing a good job, he doesn’t even know if what he does is making a difference, but he doesn’t know how else to give back to the camp and the people that saved his life again and again; who loved him and fought next to him and oh gods followed him into battle.
He’s never had the chance to talk to Chiron, who’s always busy with this demi-god and that satyr, and this nymph. He barely gets the chance to talk to all his old friends– between the new campers wanting to hear his stories and the general chaos of end of summer camp-life. He thanked the powers that be–what a jarring thought that he was one of those powers now– that he managed to find days in-between to see Annabeth and Grover.
He smiled to himself as he remembered the last time he saw Annabeth. She had been moving into her own apartment to start her third year at the University of New Rome. To his unsurprised delight she had chosen archaeology as her major but somehow slipped Latin and Ancient Histories into her schedule. He had helped carry bags and bags filled with books up to her room and they spent the day setting her up and making sure everything was in its place before she started the year.
Their relationship had progressed so softly, so slowly, Percy sometimes felt like he had imagined the year they had as a romantic couple. After he became a god they managed to go on a few dates, some interrupted by hothead immortals and revengeful monsters, and some blissfully alone. But once Annabeth started university and Percy was called again and again to help with this problem and that, it became a hassle to set up dates and figure out when to meet. They didn’t grow apart, so much as grow between. And although he missed the softness of Annabeth, he had gained a friend who knew him more deeply than any being alive– he was eternally grateful for that, and he couldn’t hate what they lost out on.
“Son, are you listening?” Poseidon pulled him from his thoughts.
“Yes father, it really was a great time for you. I have to go now, but Iris message if you need me.” And without waiting for a reply Percy strode out of Olympus and into the streets below.
He considered snagging a car but decided against it, since you couldn’t very well drive into Camp Half-Blood. Instead he walked into the ocean and let the current take him all the way to Long-Island, till he could smell the strawberries on the ocean wind and hear the echoes of camp games and reedpipes.
He stepped onto the beach, loving the soft sinking impressions he made in the sand. After his blood turned gold he realized he could walk on the sand and make no footprints whatsoever. The idea scared him so much he sunk under water and cried for three hours. How could he leave nothing behind? How could he have no imprint? It was Tyson, riding on his rainbow hippocampi who found him and showed him how to balance his weight; showed him how to step into the sand and not on it. When his footprints reappeared once more, he hugged his brother so hard if Tyson weren’t a cyclops his ribs might have cracked.
So Percy walked up the beach and through the strawberry fields, taking the time to breathe in the forest air, the fruit breezes, and ah the smell of chaos.
“JACKSON!” Connor Stoll yelled.
And with that single announcement Percy was home.
The day was spent in good spirits: racing with various campers up the wall and avoiding every deadly thing it spat at you– even if he couldn’t really die; then eating in the dining hall and getting to travel between tables without getting glares from various houses or Chiron; laughing as all the food turned blue just for him.
When it was time Percy walked with some of his friends; Clarisse who grew to be a steady, if raging fire, by his side, and Connor Stoll who is now the oldest of the Hermes kids since Travis left for college, and of course Will who above everyone reserves the right to make sure his friends were protected.
In a moment of vulnerability, he broke down on Percy’s immortal shoulder and wept. I don’t want to bury anymore of my friends Percy. I don’t want to be tending to them as they die in my infirmary. I can’t do it anymore. For him, Percy double, sometimes in moments of obsessiveness, triple checked his border defenses.
Now the little group walks around the perimeter of the camp and talks softly and contentedly as Percy knocks against the shimmering force, leaking power into the hollow spots.
“How is everyone at camp?” He asked.
“Fine, nothing has changed much. Ever since the Giant War it feels as if everything has calmed down to a lull. I’m wary it’s the eye before the storm but gods-dammit we deserve a break.” Connor answered.
Percy hid the rage of that truth but let the ache of those words settle in his bones. He simply nodded at Connor and turned to Clarisse.
“Are there any new campers who need to be protected?”
“Only a few, a lot have moved to New Rome over the last years.” There was a bitter edge to her words, caused by the sting of loss.
“You cannot blame them for wanting a life that is not concentrated to three months of safety.”
“I know,” Her nostrils flared, she kicked the rock in front of her. “I know. It just sucks that there’s so few of us now.”
“Maybe we can see about hosting annual games at each camp over the summer?” He suggested, careful to not step where the cracks spidered underneath him– even if the labyrinth had collapsed there was still the chance something tunneled beneath.
“I think that’s a great idea.” Will piped up, “Maybe then I can convince Nico to stay for more than one week.” He rolled his eyes, but the glimmer of happiness in them gave away his annoyed pretense.
“I will talk to the Praetors over there and let you know.”
“Thank you, Percy.”
They turned to face him.
He stared at them for a moment, studying their faces. Even now, all these years later it was jarring to see the signs of growth in their make-ups. He couldn’t say aging, they were barely hitting their twenties, gods Will was still a teenager, albeit not for much longer; but it was weird to watch as they grew up, watch as time changed their features, changed them.
Clarisse, who used to be a spitfire of rage and fierce protectiveness was now, more a well-kept hearth. She was still full of flame, but it was contained, and her fierce was warm instead of scorching.
And Connor, who had been attached to his brother at the hip, was all grown up. Travis was three years into a degree and Connor, although a prospective honours student, had forfeited college until he could figure out what he wanted to do. He was the sole head of the Hermes cabin, but somehow, he kept up the mischief as if the two were still together. The shenanigans are some of Percy’s favourites to hear around the campfire.
And Will, who is dating Nico di Angelo. The two were often running between the camps, though Nico more than the child of Apollo. It was Will, Percy thought, who brought the camp together, more than anyone. And Will, who in the process had lost the most. For him, Percy would continue to be here every year, would continue to help if they called when they were in trouble. Because he too was tired of seeing his friends die. Tired of seeing his friends mourn.
“It’s almost time for me to go but I wanted to say,” He fought to choke back the rising wave of emotions, “I wanted to say thank you. For keeping my home safe. And thank you for being my friends.”
Their hug lasted many moments, ribbons of friendship passing between them. And when Percy walked back into the sea, he was glad no-one could tell the difference between tears and ocean.
Friends, the word echoed in his head. So few and far between since he became a God. It was not that people feared him, they just became… wary. They fell into that space in-between, where one wrong move could plunge them into fear. When he first turned divine, he counted on his fingers how many friends he had, and if he didn’t have enough digits, he deemed it a good day. Now he can count with aching clarity all the people who loved him, and still have fingers to spare.
Annabeth asked him once if he regretted taking up Zeus’ offer, if he regretted turning his red blood gold.
He hadn’t answered her till three weeks later, over a three am phone call.
I don’t regret it, he had said, because I know I can help this way. I know I can protect my family and friends better this way. And when the phone had gone dark, he had whispered into the void of his room– an alcove of coral far, far, far underwater– I don’t regret it, but I’m so lonely. The tears at that admission did not stop flowing for many hours.
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