#so what the heck a little extra time to join :D
msaholidayspirits · 1 year
MSA Holiday Spirits
A Gift Exchange for the Mystery Skulls Animated fandom!
Welcome to the 7th Annual Holiday Spirits! Gift givers will be semi-randomly assigned to others, and gifts will be exchanged on Christmas day. Gifts can be big or small! The most important thing is to have fun!
How to join:
Submit a completed google form from the link below, before the deadline! The participant form is below the rules on this post!
Submissions will close after October 31st.
Assignments will be given throughout the 1st to the 8th of November. If you haven’t received yours by the 12th, please send us a note! If this changes at all I will make a post!
Rules and link to the form below the cut!
Gifts are due the 25th of December. Do not post them before then. If you wont be home that day, you can schedule it ahead of time so that it will post on Christmas day!
On the 25th post your gift and don’t forget to @tag your giftee! Also put it in the event tag, #MSAholidayspirits2023 so that I can see and reblog the wonderful gifts you all make! Feel free to also tag this blog.
This is a family friendly event, so no gore or NSFW is permitted. Do not use the event tag for art depicting that.
Please don’t reveal yourself to your giftee until the 25th. We want this to be a surprise! If you need any information, pass it to this blog and they can reach out to get your answer!
If you have to back out of the event, let us know ASAP so we can find a back-up! We don’t want anyone to be left out of the exchange. Also if your gift will be late, please let us know before the due date, so we can let your giftee know!
While I will be as understanding as possible, if you drop out and do not message this blog and I cannot get in contact after the deadline even after several tries, your name will be marked down, and I will be wary of you joining holiday spirits again. Life happens, but if you cannot participate, it is only fair to let others know and communicate. Dropping out wordlessly or not responding to my checking in not only affects you, but the person you were meant to make a gift for, and me, the person running this blog who would then have to scramble to get a new gift made!
If you’ve read the rules and accept the conditions of joining, then click the link below and fill out the form!
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wgc-productions · 1 year
The Magnus Archives 4- Page Turner
I think it's been a week since the last one of these. That is mostly because I was preparing for the season 2 premiere of my own show, Small Victories, and that took up quite a bit of time, wouldn't you know it.
But now I'm back and ready to bite into a new (to me), delightful, and hopefully scary episode of TMA.
00:00- Skipping the ads
00:30- I lied, I actually am listening to this ad for an actual play podcast. I want to, eventually, produce an actual ply podcast because people get a heck of a kick out of it, I have friends who love D&D and I think it'd be fun to make a show they'd really enjoy, but I don't really "get it" so I'm looking for ones to listen to. Recommend any if you have them.
01:21- Oh, we just jumped right in. Usually there are 3 minutes of ads.
01:39- I love an orchestral score. It sounds so polished. I just love scores.
02:00- I think in the winter of 2012 I was studying for the FCATS (a deep cut for all you folks who aren't from Florida)
03:14- I think, as a rule, all weird things should happen to actors because I feel they are more equipped to handle the strange than Paul the accountant from Danville, IL, you know what I mean?
04:18- Oh, it's bound in human skin. Calling it!
05:18- All Latin? I bet he wished he joined the priest hood (or was a Classics major).
05:55- Oh, buddy boy there are plenty of people who buy books with no intention of reading them.
06:47- Oh no! He sounds like me!
08:11- Oh, he's a Shakespeare boy. I wonder which role he was.
12:08- Okay, I'm genuinely curious as to what exactly is the books deal. They've got me. A magical/cursed book is what really scratches me. Maybe it's because I know that I ~as a writer~ would probably get pulled in the same way.
13:06- A cursed book that pushes you to madness feels perfectly Grecian. Or at least a little Arthurian.
16:30- I don't know if it's because I'm actually quite tired, but the narration is so soothing. I feel like I'm about to flutter off to dream land. This would be great for bedtime stories (excluding, of course, the vague atmosphere of eeking horror)
21:55- Don't answer the door!
22:15- Oh, he's a goner.
22:23- Okay, so personal hygiene isn't high on the list, but that's not necessarily terrifying.
22:52- Yeah, sell that book. Just sell it and mind your business like that bloke with he coffin in his apartment. Get rid of it and mind your business.
25:04- Woah, this feels way longer than the other episodes. I think the extra time does the stories well.
25:33- I wonder what they used to give the underscoring that spooky wind tone. Does anyone know?
26:03- Light that poppet on fire! Get rid of it!
27:02- Honestly, I kind of love Johnathan the pissed off archivist. You pissed him off Gertrude! Prepare for his wrath!
28:51- I feel like Jared will make him self known again further along.
29:00- Okay, I am proper curious about how these things all run together and also if the creators knew beforehand how this was going to go or if it was more organic.
I think "Do Not Open" is still my favorite one out of the bunch so far. I think that scenario was much more chilling to me than the others, but I will say this piqued my curiosity which is a fun time.
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dravidssideblog · 29 days
Demon's Pet Scenario Maker
Alright human, let's recap the terms one more time: You sign the demonic contract, and you get to be my pet. I'll feed you, pet you, and let you stay in the awesome mansion I got by scamming dumb humans. You're not like them though, you're smart, taking a sweet deal like this! Although… how'd you like it to be even sweeter~? Pick some of these perks, pick LOTS of these perks! What's in it for me? Don't worry about it, just pick as many perks as your heart desires~
Fine Dining: I know how painful it must be to watch me chow down on filet mignon while you're stuck with plain old pork chops. If you'd like, I could let you have a bite~ You can eat food so delicious you'll never settle for anything less than perfection ever again, and you’ll never have to. Just say the word~
Fashionista: No human is satisfied with their appearance, but you could be the first. I could give that wardrobe a nice upgrade, get you whatever you want to wear, a new outfit every day! And not just clothes; hairstyle, tan, makeup, you'll look like a movie star!
Perfect Health: I'm already paying your medical bills, but isn't the common cold such a pain? And allergy season, wouldn't you rather never experience that again? And your doctor always telling you to improve your diet, and your dentist nagging you about flossing, so annoying. Don't you agree~?
Unnatural Talent: Ever dreamed of being a singer? Not with that voice, I'd hope. But I can give you a new one~ Pick any skill you want, and I'll make you a master at it. Want to dance? You can dance any style in the world, perfectly, in high-heels. Want to sing? You can get your voice to make any sound you can imagine, with no worry of wearing out your throat. You can even pick this multiple times, and I'll let you choose multiple skills!
Walkies: I'll take you on walks :). Exciting, I know, but it gets even better: You can pick wherever you want to go for a walk. Paris? Mt. Everest? The bottom of the ocean? The moon? Just say the word and we'll be off, I'll handle any prep we'll need. You can go on a walk once every day for up to an hour, or more if I’m in the mood. I won’t even humiliate you in public. Unless…~
Ultra Arcade: You like video games? TV and movies? Music? VR? I sure do; I’ve got an ever-shifting arcade room, full of every electronic entertainment you can imagine, and some you can't! Want to join me~? I can and will interrupt you whenever I want to play with my pet, but aside from that, you can enjoy it all to your heart's content.
Day Off: Not quite ready to say goodbye to your old life? You don't have to! I can give you one day off per week; leave the mansion, visit your friends, run away from my loving, possessive hands… And because I'm nice, I'll still give you free food and let you stay in the mansion on your day off. I'll even ask permission before rubbing your head and scritching behind your ears.
Sculpted Body: You like your body? Of course not, no human does. That's because you're human. I can help you fix that! Wouldn't it be nice to have great big eagle wings, or shark teeth, or a lion mane? Any of them, all of them, heck you can be a dragon! As long as you're still small enough for me to hug and cuddle, of course. Or, if that's all too much for you, you could just slightly modify your human body; change height and weight, get a new set of genitals, maybe a tail or extra arm, little stuff.
Immortality: Now there's a few options here. I could give you the old "can't age + invincible body", a classic. Or you could drop the no-aging part to avoid joining me in the horrifying specter of eternity. Or you could get the "when I'm killed, regenerate my body", lots of exciting things you can do with that. I'll even let you turn off pain; hard to experience the sensations of decapitation when your nerves are pulling the fire alarm.
Pets On-Demand: I'm giving you something very powerful here: Control. You get to force me to pet you, whenever you want, however you want, for as long as you want. You could keep me trapped with you all day! I'd have no choice but to rub my skilled hands up and down your body in whatever way makes you happiest, for hours and hours. Truly, I'm making a sacrifice by offering this to you.
So, picked out all the perks that caught your eye? You can go back up and pick more if you want. Go on, as many as you want, go for it. Alright, now that you've got a nice list, time to pay for it~ For each perk you want, you have to pick one of these… well, traditionally they're called "drawbacks" but don't think of them like that. Just think of them as more perks, but for me instead of you!
Maid Service: This mansion doesn't clean itself! And not just cleaning, but also cooking, watering the plants, fetching me things, lots of stuff that needs doing. No reason a pet can't be a servant too! I can make you work for up to 4 hours a day, and yes, the maid outfit is mandatory (unless you have Fashionista).
Collar & Leash: I wondered whether to include the collar by default, but it just pairs so nicely with the leash. It's a GOOD leash, by the way; it can extend to any length I want, and I can even make it extend into my hand from far away, so I can reel you in from across the mansion~ And I WILL take any opportunity to tug you around or pull you into my grasp. The collar is mostly just to attach the leash to, but it also helps remind you of your place~
What's Yours is Mine: You won't be needing any of your property anymore, not now, not ever~ From now on, everything you own is now mine to use, sell, or dangle over your head as motivation~ And even when I give you something, you'll just be borrowing it from me. I own your stuff just as much as I own you~
Hypnosis: While I trust you to be a good, obedient little pet, there's nothing wrong with a little insurance, right? I'll be able to drop you into a trance whenever I want, maybe nice and slow, with some pretty lights… or just with a snap if I need something done quick. In the trance, you'll obey me without question, and when you wake up, you'll remember just enough to blush about all the humiliating things I made you do~
Impish Form: Humans? C tier species. They're short-lived, have no magic, and while they're cute, they're just not hot. So instead, you'll get to be a demon like me! Well, not like me; you'll be an imp, a weak, cute little thing, your new body shaped to my desires~ If you have Sculpted Body, then you'll still have to be a demon, but you'll get to choose what kind and what you look like.
Body Worship: Why should YOU be the one getting affection all the time? I want some too! Not petting, no; you're going to massage me, worship me, nuzzle my chest and kiss my feet, whenever I'm in the mood~
Extreme Petting: I have to restrain myself to get humans to agree to be pets, so I don't always get to fully indulge myself. I don't always get to tie my pet up, feel over their skin, sit on their chest with my feet on their face, grab and grope wherever I want, tickle them until they can't even speak! I don't always get to… but now I will~
Limb Privileges: Pets don't walk on two legs! So let's wrap those hands in useless mittens and bind up those legs, you're gonna be crawling on all fours like a proper pet~ Too harsh? Don't worry, I'll only force you to crawl half the day, you can walk around for the other half. There, so much more reasonable by comparison, right?
Pet Food: Hope you like kibble, because it's all you'll be eating now! Your dinner will be kibble from a bowl on the ground, while I sit at the table and have a proper luxury meal. Maybe if you beg enough I'll give you some scraps~ And if you pick this with Fine Dining, then… uh… I guess I'll have to find kibble that tastes better than normal food. Still kibble though, so why would you do that? Silly pet~
Clothes and Bed: Pets don't need either of those things, so neither do you! The mansion will be warm enough for you to be naked 24/7, and I've got a nice, cozy kennel for you to sleep in~ If you have Fashionista, then you can still wear clothes… as long as they utterly fail to cover you up~
Bow-Wow: Pets don't talk, silly~ You'll be doing nothing but barking or meowing or whatever other adorable noises you'd like to make, as long as I can't make out a single word. Say something comprehensible too many times, and I'll have to magically take away your ability to use words at all… or we could just skip to that right away~
Dog Show: I know it's nice and private inside the mansion, but you're such a cute pet I just HAVE to show you off! I'll take you out on walks and play with you in public, and invite my demon friends over to enjoy you too! You're gonna get so much attention~
Do The Sex: I'll do the sex to you. Oh dear, looks like I accidentally put this in the drawbacks instead of the perks! What a steal, you'll be able to get this for free AND get another perk! Better pick this quick, before I put it back in the perks section! You're getting a perk for free, I really messed up big time on this one! OH NO!
Wow, those are some exciting perks (for me)! Having a hard time choosing between them? You can just take more than you need, then go back up and pick more perks (for you). Everyone wins! Now, once all that's finally settled, you finally get to finish the contract. Just sign right here… Perfect~
We're going to have lots of fun together, pet~
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ticklishbeans4 · 2 years
hi! how are you?, have you ever been interested in writing about Adrian Graye (the leader of the coven of illusions) with the idea that he is good and became Gus's teacher or something like that
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Well since you two asked so nicely, and cause this is such a cute idea I HAD to write it! Enjoy!
Illusions of Another Time
“Now, just hold still.” Adrian spoke, a reassuring smile on his face as he placed his hand on Edric’s wrist. Gus watches with bated breath, as did the rest of the student body. But when he pulled his hand back he gestured for Edric to turn to the crowd. “Now! As you can all see, it looks real! But, Edric was it? Show us some beast keeping magic.” Edric looked worriedly out to his sister, but drew a small circle in the air, summoning a butterfly. The tension that left the room was palpable. Everyone was suddenly lining up to get their “sigils” and chattering excitedly about how cool it was that they were gonna pull one over on the emperor’s coven!
When Gus’s turn came up he fiddled nervously with his tunic. He was excited to be part of this whole big ruse, but… He was meeting the head of the illusions coven! The coven he was so desperate to join! This was kind of a big deal!
When he approached, Adrian grinned wide and knelt down in front of him, tail swishing, almost like a puppy. “Ah! You must be Agustus! Principal Bump told me about you! Quite the little prodigy, from what he said. I have to say, for someone so young to be in such advanced classes, it’s a marvel! Why, even I wasn’t that good at your age! Who knows, maybe you’ll replace me one day!”
Gus giggled and held out his arm, “I don’t know about all of that, but I do want to join the illusions coven one day! I like having some extra showmanship in my life.” “You and me both little ringmaster!” he laughed, putting the fake sigil over Gus’s wrist. “If you don’t mind, once the scouts have passed, would you mind showing me just what you can do?” This must be a dream… “I-I’d love to! It would be an honor even!” he grinned, bouncing on his heels excitedly. Adrian chuckled, his tail coming up and playfully tickling Gus’s nose, making the boy giggle and cringe away cutely. “The honor is all mine! Now, run along to your friends, I’ll meet with you soon.” Gus nodded and ran off, “WILLOW! WILLOW! OH MY TITAN!” ~timeskip~ “And so you just draw your spell circle with the mirror and…”
Before them appeared a field of multi-colored flowers and plants. Adrian looked down and inspected the flowers. “Amazing work! So detailed!” Gus tried to grin, always happy to get such high praise from his new mentor, but it was hard keeping up an illusion like this. There were so many tiny details to focus on. The older witch chuckled and ruffled Gus’s hair, “Let’s take a break, alright?” Gus quickly dispelled the field and flopped over with a sigh of relief. “Yes please.” Adrian laughed and sat next to him, “Tired already little ringmaster?”
Gus just put an arm over his eyes, blowing a tired raspberry. They’d been at this for most of the day, though this was the first time he got to use the amplifier. It was a heck of a rush really. The magic was stronger than anything he’d felt before. He’d definitely want one of his own someday!
 A poke to his belly made him jump out of his thoughts with a squeal. Adrian backed up a bit, blinking in shock. “I was just going to ask if you were listening. But I’d rather ask if you’re ok. That was quite a reaction.” Gus’s face went dark with a warm blush, “I-I’m fine! You just startled me, that's all!”
“Is that so…” the head witch smirked, gently poking him again. Gus squealed again, curling up a bit and hugging himself.
“Did that surprise you too? Or are you going to be honest now?” he teased, “I am the head of the illusions coven, if I couldn’t see through a lie then well… I wouldn’t be very good at my job, would I?”
Gus pouted but it was pretty pointless to argue with him at this point. “W-well… I mean… I might be… just a bit… kinda… ticklish?” “Now was that so hard?” he chuckled, ruffling Gus’s hair, “There’s no shame in it! Plenty of people are ticklish! I mean, if I had a snail for every time I saw and heard that Golden Guard boy getting destroyed by Darius, well, my pay as a coven head wouldn’t be able to compare.” Gus laughed a bit, and was definitely remembering that bit of information. After all, Hunter was living with Darius now, and Gus had been wanting to visit again.
“In fact.” the coven head continued, “I am even of the firm belief that everyone has a tickle spot somewhere, I’d even be willing to bet Belos has a few.” Gus snorted,m “No way! He’s way too grumpy!” “The grumpier they are, the harder they giggle.” Adrian replied dramatically, wiggling his fingers at Gus for emphasis, making the boy squeak and giggle. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’d quite like to find your tickle spot!” Gus gasped as Adrian’s wiggly fingers hit his belly, quickly falling into a stream of bubbly, silly, giggles. “W-wahahait! I’m tihihicklish! Ahahah!”
“Well that I could guess.” he drawled, moving to scratch at his ribs, “But your belly isn’t what I’m looking for…”
He squealed and wiggled, batting weakly at Adrians hands, “Stahahahap! It tihihihickles!”
Adrian only chuckled and dug into his underarms, “That’s what it’s supposed to do little ringmaster!”
Gus’s laughter only rose in pitch, it was clearly a bad spot, but noT quite his tickle spot. “EEHEHEHHEHEHE! NOT THEHEHERE!”
“Oh? Not there? Maybe… here then!” Gus shrieked when he felt the fluffy soft tuft of fur on his neck and swiping along his ears. “T-TAHAHAHAHAHILS ARE CHEHEHEHEHEATING!” he squealed, kicking and scrunching up his neck to deter the tickly tool.
Adrian only went faster, his fluffy tail turning the poor kid into a giggly puddle.
He sighed playfully and rolled his eyes, letting the boy go after a final wiggle behind an ear to make the boy squeal. “Alright, alright. I can be nice. And we still have some training to do before you head off home.” Gus was all but limp, half flopped on Adrians leg, “Just…. Juhuhust a sec…” “Of course, take your time. Just be warned, this isn’t going to be the last time this happens.” Adrian smirked, tickling the kids nose with his tail. Gus giggled and batted at his tail, “Okahahy! Ok! I get it! But I’m pretty formidable myself! You’d better watch your back!”
“I’m shaking in my boots.” he drawled, tasering two fingers into Gus's belly, making him shriek and curl up. “But really, you’re still so young Gus. And with all that’s about to happen… you should savor the moments when you can act your age.”
Gus looked up at Adrian and smiled, hugging around his middle. “I’ll try.” Adrian looked a bit shocked, but hugged him back with a smile. Till he felt tiny hands digging into his sides and he shrieked. “Told you to watch your back!”
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rexag0n · 2 years
Can we get some headcanons of yours about rex’s different relationships with other characters in fair city as he assimilates more into his superhero life? 👀
tagging myself bcuz tumblr sucks- @beckface
!!!!! yessssssss
Ok first. He loves the Botsford parents, and they love him. He’s completely delighted by how eccentric they both are, and how quickly they accept him as a friend of Becky’s and accommodate to him being over a lot of the time. Since there’s a fair chance he’ll come over any given day, they’ll always make enough dinner for him (Bob will eat the extra if he doesn’t come over lol) and keep his favorite snacks and drinks in the cabinet
He quite likes TJ as well but TJ doesn’t really know what to make of them
He and Violet get along really well. They will talk about anything together, and their conversations are kind of hard for an outside person to follow bc they have the type of conversations that just jump from topic to topic at a moments notice. They don’t really talk about “deep” things per say, but Rex is very impressed by anything vaguely psychological or artsy Violet says
On that note, wherever Becky is hanging out with Violet or Rex and her social battery is getting drained (happens much more frequently with Rex than with Violet rip, especially when she and Rex were still getting to know each other) she’ll go and find the other so they can entertain each other while she chills and reads for a little while to relax
They were taken aback by how nice some of the villains are (mainly Chuck and the Butcher, but also the Whammer and Invisi-bill). They had to recalculate their perception of villains in their head, but now that they’ve done that, they find aforementioned villains entirely delightful and have a healthier perception of villains overall
When Kid Math was still new to Fair City, the Butcher invited them to hang out outside of “work” (work meaning the butcher commits a crime and the heroes have to stop it) to get to know each other. Kid Math was completely bewildered by this, but WordGirl encouraged it and the two of them plus Huggy all hung out with the butcher and ended up having a really good time.
He and Victor Best are in the same class. Over time they become good friends (and maybe Rex develops a little crush on Victor)
If Victor were to ever find out what Rex is short for, he’d be the only person to refer to them exclusively as “Rexagon”
Their friendship is made more complicated as Victor goes more and more into villainry, especially since Victor doesn’t know that Rex (his friend) and Kid Math (his enemy) are the same person, and Rex hates keeping this from him
It’s a whole thing when Rex learns that Victor tried to steal WordGirl’s powers
Rex likes pretty much everyone. Tobey is the exception.
Most people see Captain Huggyface as a step below WordGirl, seeing as he’s “just” her sidekick, but Rex sees them as equals, both to each other and himself.
Becky and Huggy are trying to teach them Huggy’s monkey language so Becky doesn’t have to be there to translate all the time, with limited success.
I really want Kid Math to bond with the villains that WordGirl never bonded that closely with, eg Granny May, Maria, Eileen to name a few
When Maria gets her communication helmet back, Kid Math is one of the few people to not find her constant talking annoying (along with Eileen.) He thinks she’s great fun
You know that moment in dinner or consequences where Maria is like “hey do you wanna hear me count” And starts counting? She does that to Kid Math at one point and they’re just like “HECK YEAH COUNT! Can I join??” And they just count together for a ridiculously long amount of time
This is self-indulgent as heck but I really want the Botsfords to officially adopt Rex at some point sdfgfjfgf-
Tysm for the ask! :D
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beetlegoose01 · 4 years
Frostbite (Casetello)
AN: do these two have a ship name? Caseytello? eh whatever it’s casey x donnie and they’re gay
special thanks to cal for reading this for me and saying i should post it <3
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There were quite a lot of things Casey Jones loved. Hockey, pizza, riding his motorcycle, video games, beating the crap out of his opponents. Normal teenage stuff. Lately he had been doing the latter, ever since he and April officially joined the 'Unofficial Turtles Team' , helping alongside the teen mutants on patrol. Goofing off with Mikey and Raph were the highlights, but he couldn't deny spending extra time with April was also a benefit. Even if they barely got a single word out- too busy fighting off random mutants scattering the city, it was still nice.
But what wasn't nice, downright unpleasant about patrol...was Donatello. There was an unspoken, mutual loathing that the pair shared that even quick glances at each other led to glaring and arguing. Leaving them together in the same room was never a good idea. Casey hasn't understood why the purple genius was so hostile towards him at first. But the reasons became obvious the first time he caught him staring helplessly at April, fumbling his words and blushing profusely. Not that Casey didn't feel similarly, heck, that was the problem. Both were attracted to April. Obviously Casey had the upper hand, being human. A turtle and a human girl in a relationship was built for disaster.
But their hatred didn't stop there. It wasn't just about April.  Eventually, everything about Donatello annoyed him. His whiny voice, his love for using complicated words to sound superior, soon every little thing bugged him.
Things were easier if the two stayed as far apart as possible.
Of course, fate seemed to work in mysterious ways.
It was starting to get late, the moonlight illuminating the sky. The group stopped on a rooftop, perched by the edge. Leo halted them silently, then turned around.
"Why'd you stop, Fearless?" Raph asked.
"I think we should split up. We'll cover more ground. If you see any sign of trouble, use your T-Phones." said Leo.
"No way dudes!" Mikey squeaked. "I saw this scary movie last night where the team split up! And then..." He paused for dramatic effect. "They all got taken out one by one. Starting with the cute funny one!" He trembled, hiding behind Donnie, who rolled his eyes.
Raph smirked, always prepared for a sassy remark. "Which means, you'll be just fine since you're neither of those."
"And you'll be in pairs." Leo crossed his arms. "I've got it all planned out. Raph and April. Mikey and me."
"Mikey and I." Donnie corrected under his breath. Casey fought the urge to whack the smart aleck turtle with his hockey stick.
Leo ignored him. "Donnie and Casey-"
Casey involuntary let out a loud groan. Just his luck.
Leo narrowed his blue eyes, unamused. "Something wrong, Jones?"
"Er..." His eyes darted to Donatello, who seemed stoic, but equally frustrated with this predicament. On one hand, he wanted to argue and beg to be with literally anyone else. On the other, he didn't want to deal with the leader in blue getting annoyed with him.  "Nah Leo, that's fine by me. Right, D?"
Donnie huffed. "Yeah, that's alright."
"I think this will be good for you both." April grinned.
"Of course, April." Donnie agreed.
"No problem at all." Casey smiled through gritted teeth. When she turned away, they both shared an equally menacing glare.
"I knew I could count on you two." April smiled softly, though even she didn't look entirely convinced.
This was going to be a long night.
Turns out, Casey had underestimated the scrawny (ugh, svelte) turtle. In what Donnie lacked in muscle, he gained with his speed, mobility and of course, his mind. It was practically impossible to keep up once Donatello had leaped from the first building, tumbling and landing with ease, while Casey was coughing his lungs out as he ran desperately after the brainy terrapin.
"Okay, now you're just showing off." He panted irritably, nearly collapsing once he finally caught up with him.
"Are you coming or not?" Donnie gave his trademark gap tooth grin as he turned, slowing down.
"I am! You're just moving too fast!" Casey complained. "I thought turtles were supposed to be slow! I didn't even have time to get my grappling hook."
Donnie shrugged, ending the conversation with one simple movement.
They walked side by side, neither wanting to say anything. They both knew it would only end in arguing.
"Can I just say-" Casey started.
"No, you can't."
"I didn't say anything!"
"Listen, Gap Tooth, I don't like this either!" He flicked a stone off the roof with his shoe. "But we have to ..." He swallowed. "work together, right?"
Donnie said nothing. He looked deep in thought.
"Is it because of April? Because it's not my fault she...y'know likes me more."
At the mention of April, Donnie turned away, eyes flashed with hurt, which only filled Casey with that annoying feeling of guilt.
"It isn't about her."
"Alright." Silence. "Sorry, let's just-" He cleared his throat. "Let's just work together, we don't need to be friends. Just get through the mission. After that, we can go back to hating each other."
"That was...surprisingly mature, Jones. Glad we can agree on something." Donnie quipped. "And for once, you're right. This mission is more important than our petty squabbles. No matter how insufferable you may be."
"Now you're just making up words."
Donnie fought the urge to roll his eyes. "So, that's two more hours of this."
Casey scoffed, but couldn't help but chuckle. Quietly of course. Last thing he wanted was for Donnie to think he was actually amusing.
"Deal." Donnie said, then added: "Cave Mouth." Which made Casey shove him lightly.
For a brief moment, they seemed to share a mutual understanding. The silence that followed wasn't awkward or forced, it was comfortable. Well, as comfortable as they could possibly be.
Donnie paused, startled by something. Lifting his bō carefully, he tried to follow whatever the sound was.
"What the-" Casey raised an eyebrow.
"Shh!" He hissed. "Do you hear that?"
"No?" Casey scrunched his nose, listening closely. It sounded like a...buzzing noise? Like a fly or mosquito. Irritating, but not dangerous. "Chill Don, it's just a bug or something."
"No, listen!" The turtle looked frantic and alert.
The buzzing became louder. Then, it was followed by the sound of snapping wood. Deliberate and exact. Casey gulped, taking his own weapon.
A massive shadow flew over their heads and landed in front of them. Donnie yelped in surprise, stumbling forward.
"Ah, shell." He swore, lifting his head to face the hideous insectoid mutant with acid green eyes. Scumbug spread his deformed wings, antenayes raised, prepared to strike.
"Well, I was right. That definitely is a bug. Scumbug! Wicked! This'll be fun!" Casey sneered.
"Which makes no sense, considering stag beetles aren't even bugs! They're insects!" Donnie spun his staff like a propeller, hitting the mutant face on.
"Not the time!" Casey tackled Scumbug, who roared, jostling him aside like a ragdoll. He smacked the floor with a sickening thud, directly on his arm. He fought back a scream of agony.  "Do you- gah- seriously have to be such a know it all, all the time?" He looked at his arm, which currently looked seriously messed up.
Donnie looked affronted. "I am not a know it all!"
"Yes you are!" Another whack of his trusty hockey stick, followed by a knock to the ground, face first. He wiped his mouth from the metallic taste of blood.
"No I'm not!"
"Yes you- Donnie, look out!" Casey shrieked, sounding less manly than he intended.
Scumbug, now furious, had efficiently used his enemies' bickering to his advantage. Before he could turn around, a spider web twirled from its appendages binding Donatello to the ground, who kicked and struggled furiously.
The mutant now crouched over the captured turtle, prepared to strike with his signature acid spit.
"Hang on, D! Casey Jones is here to save the day! GOONGALA!" He bellowed, racing towards Scumbug and latching onto him like a demented parasite. It was hardly the most graceful of moves, but it distracted him briefly.
He raised his hockey stick, poking him hard in the eye in an attempt to gouge them. Eyes were sensitive- he remembered Splinter telling him that.
With the extra time, Donnie reached for his bō, ripping the web apart with the extended naginata blade.
Scumbug, now looking more disheveled and horrifically disfigured than normal, retreated blindly into the misty air.
"I didn't need your help." Donnie said bitterly.
"Aw, is that any way to say thank you?" Casey retorted. "I just saved your shell." He poked his plastron roughly. "I think I deserve a little appreciation for my heroism."
"I had it handled."
"Did you? Because you looked just about ready to be eaten by Scumbug."
Donatello scowled, moving closer. "And he got away. So your heroism didn't exactly work, did it?"
"Would you rather have acid stuck to your face?" Casey growled. "You'd look even freakier than you do now. Next time you're a little 'turtle in distress' don't expect me to come save your-"
"I didn't need saving." Their foreheads pressed together, any moment ready to face each other on.
Casey gritted his teeth. "Sure, whatever you say. I didn't help because I actually cared about you or anything."
"Then why did you?" Donnie snapped, pulling away. "You could have left me."
"Because I- you- argh!" Casey felt his temper rising. "Because I'm not a monster, alright? We're a team, and we help each other. That's the deal." He wiped his chapped lips again, the disgusting taste of blood still lingering. He winced, clutching his arm.
"I can patch you up at the lair." Donnie said softly. "It just looks sprained."
"Mm." Casey grumbled, still pissed. Stubbornness was taking over any injury he had. He'd rather have his arm stay at this awkward angle than admit he was hurt in front of his rival. "I'll just wrap it up at home. I'll be fine."
Donnie sighed, raising his palm to his face. "Don't be so stubborn, I can help you."
Casey didn't look convinced.
"To repay the favor?" His warm brown eyes looked surprisingly sincere. "You did help me, after all. I'd probably be toast if you didn't."
Casey snorted. "You got that right."
A beat. Donnie looked unsure, as if he wanted to say something else. But whatever it was, it was holding him back.
"So...we should go back to the lair then?" Casey suggested, easing the awkwardness.
"Huh? Yes, of course. Totally. " Donnie nodded. "Naturally."
"Alright then."
Casey turned, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah?"
"I just wanted to say...thanks."
"Hey, no problem. But don't tell anyone I saved your ass."
Casey never expected to be sitting in Donnie's lab table, in between Timothy the blob-organ filled mutant and several bunsen burners, but life tended to be weird that way. He also didn’t expect to be pouting on said table like he was at some freaky doctor’s office. The rest of the team returned shortly after them, and seemed surprised that Donnie was actually willing to fix Casey's arm- and not begrudgingly.
Donnie returned with a first aid kit, setting it on the table. He hummed a familiar tune to himself, as if to fill the empty air of any more awkwardness.
"I've seen these before." Casey said, poking the bunsen burner tap, immediately then swatted away by Donatello. "At my school's science lab."
Donnie nodded, rolling up Casey's sleeve to examine his bare arm. Casey flinched, not comfortable with the random act of touching. "Hey don't!"
"Do you want your arm fixed or not?"
"Then let me work my magic."
Casey frowned, staring at the bottle the turtle was holding. "Your magic looks like antibiotics and advil."
Donnie's lip twitched.
After his arm was treated somewhat, Donnie wrapped him up gently with a clean bandage. The slow movement made his heart race increase every time Donnie's fingertips brushed his arm, but he ignored it.
Don't be weird, Jones.
"That should be good. Don't put any pressure on it." said Donnie, passing him the advil. "And take this, it'll soothe the pain."
Casey pretended to look offended. "Here I thought you were gonna kiss it better."
Donnie rolled his eyes up to the ceiling. "Don't push it, Jones. We aren't there yet."
Casey laughed. "Yet. Thanks for fixin' my arm, D. You...aren't so bad, I guess. But let's go back to hating each other, alright?"
Donnie smirked. "Whatever you say."
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danny-chase · 4 years
The Batfam as Tech Majors
AU where Alfred got tired of watching Bruce slap duct tape on the Batmobile and call it good, so he forced the children into college. He makes each of them complete an internship with Lucius in R and D so they have better knowledge of how the devices that their lives depend on work. Majors/minors/tropes under cut.
Mechanical Engineering Major
He was in undeclared engineering for as long as possible
He settled on mechanical because it seemed the most broad
Plus he joined a car club, loved it, and there were a ton of MechE’s there
He ends up taking credit overloads most semesters because he always finds 1-3 random classes that he wants to take
Despite taking everything from advanced computer science classes (he somehow convinces even the most intense professors to let him into their classes) to hyper specific phycology classes, he doesn’t have any minors to show for it
He just gets bored with the subject after a couple classes
This gives him a bunch of random knowledge
When he talks to his younger siblings about classes, somehow he’s always managed to take at least one that they’re in, and offers advice.
He has the best RA stories. He most certainly did not need to be an RA. But the school was hurting for them and he thought it would be fun.
His residents loved him, but that didn’t stop them from playing beer pong in the common spaces at 3am.
He founds a circus arts club after his residents pull up information about his past and get overly excited about it
Specifically, he finds out they know about his past, because one of them decided it was a good idea to try and juggle knives, and because he’d prefer there not to be any additional bloodstains on the carpet he decides to start the club
He nearly graduated late because he forgot he needed to take specific classes for his major
Computer Science/Math duel Major
She’s a TA for Comp Sci 1, all the students fight to get her help because she’s amazing at spotting bugs and is super patient
Somehow she’s the president of 3 clubs and is on student senate
She’s the curve breaker
She gets homework assignments meant to take a week done the day they’re assigned
She and Dick went to a single party together, stayed for five minutes, decided it was too loud, and went to get ice cream
Along with her club, she’s in professional organizations, and is part of a women in STEM mentoring program
She started a petition to get more wheel chair ramps installed. Half the buildings are protected under some “historical grounds” bs that’s an excuse for not being accommodating
The petition didn’t go anywhere at first, but it was widely shared on social media and made the school look horrible, so they implemented some of her proposals
Philosophy/Cognitive Science duel Major
He gets asked “There’s a philosophy major?” every time he has to do one of those stupid what’s your name and major icebreakers
Jason lives in the library
He’s fallen asleep in there at 3am after it gets locked up
He quotes philosophers at his siblings when they’re being annoying, and it effectively shuts them up, because he only quotes the most nonsensical arguments
He gets involved with the college’s community outreach program
He volunteers for a local robotics team
When people find out his majors, they’re genuinely confused, because he understands robotics really well
He lies his ass off about being really interested in it as a child
Dick convinced him to be an RA for a semester, and he almost had a heart attack
Someone choked in front of him on the first day
Despite seeming like a tough RA, he genuinely cared about his residents and had to quit because he was so stressed out that one of them would do something stupid and die
Innovation/Design Major
She’s really observant, so she’s great at spotting flaws in infrastructure and coming up with ways to fix them
Spending time with Barbara made her realize the lack of systems designed with wheelchair users in mind
Her experience being illiterate and not knowing English has imprinted on her the need for signage that can be understood by anyone
She focuses on taking project based classes, where she can draw out her designs and build them, rather than figuring out the math behind them
She has patents for the inventions she created at WE
She was exempted from the “Alfred’s mandatory college degree program” but decided to go as a part time student for herself
It took her twice as long to graduate, and a lot of tutoring from her siblings, but she made it!
The family threw her an extra special party when she graduated - everyone else had minor celebratory dinners, but they went all out for Cass
There was not a dry eye at her graduation ceremony
Cass works part time with WE on and off as a designer after her first internship
She comes up with ideas during patrols, draws them and sends them to Lucius
Computer Science Major with a minor in game design
He makes it to approximately 20% of his lectures
He nearly didn’t graduate on time because he put off his humanity courses for so long
He missed the actual ceremony, even though the family showed up
He starts all his assignments the day before they’re due
If at all possible he avoids groupwork and offers to do assignments by himself because he gives his teammates heart attacks when he starts his part the project at 3pm the day before it’s due
This leads to extremely frequent all-nighters
He always finds himself rewriting everyone else’s code to make it work more efficiently
This can, of course, cause some people to feel a little upset
Other students specifically seek him out as a teammate so they can half ass their parts
He participates in game jams when he has time, and got super into the hacking club
Against all odds, he joined a fraternity
Dick literally fell off a building when he found out
He makes up stories about partying for the heck of it, when in reality he and the guys just play Smash Bros together until 3am
He hasn’t seen anyone drink more than two beers, and he hasn’t tried alcohol there either
He joined on accident, he had just pulled an all-nighter and stumbled into a recruiting fair, he heard someone shouting about Mario Kart Double Dash, and bada bing bada boom, he agreed to rush because it involved being stuck in a room playing video games all weekend
Civil Engineering Major with minors in Sustainability and STSS (Science, Technology, and Social Science) 
She gets constantly shit on for being a civie
Every time she introduces herself someone mumbles “fake mechie” in the background
She and Jason complain about the disrespect together
She was genuinely shocked when Bruce offered to pay for her college tuition
She’d been planning on going and cutting costs any way possible
But Bruce took her aside when she was applying and offered to pay it all
She refused at first, but then money just appeared in her bank account, and what was she supposed to do, give it back?
She also participates in professional groups and is a member of SWE (Society of Women Engineers), and she mentors younger students
She ends up as class president by running a very successful social media meme campaign
She got and email saying she’d won and panicked because she had no idea what she was doing and was just having fun making memes
She ended up staying class president the entire time, and ended up getting really into it, and ended up with a pretty solid approval rating
She joined a sorority and had a blast
They worked with the local animal shelter, and she started bringing Damian along as well
Her sisters think he’s adorable and he secretly enjoys the attention
She gets her revenge on all the civil engineering haters by landing her dream job redesigning the poorer areas of Gotham to include more green spaces, increase affordable housing, and upgrading access to utilities
Biochemisty Major with a minor in Neuroscience 
Harper, Tim, Steph, and him are all in the same year
Tim convinces him to join the fraternity with him
He joins a variety of professional groups as well
He mentors other BIPOC, and joins NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers) and runs helps run professional development programs
But he’s also in like million other clubs that he does not put on his resume
He’s runs the college’s meme page club, is part of the Pokémon Go club, is on the competitive Overwatch team, consistently attends the anime club’s Dragon Ball Z watch parties, joins the Dance Dance Revolution club, and the list goes on and on
When Tim is awake, and Harper isn’t busy, they go with him, but both of them have too much inconsistencies in their schedule to join
He ends up meeting like half the campus
He unintentionally has become a god of networking
Unlike his siblings, he goes all the way for a doctorate
He researches Joker venom, determined to figure out a cure for his parents (in my HC, he eventually does)
He wins like every award imaginable for his groundbreaking research into venoms as he comes up with vaccines that save countless lives
He still works on the meme page, even after he graduates
She somehow defies all odds and triple majors in Physics, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering
She takes credit overload every semester, and gets credit for her internships at WE
She and Steph were roommates freshman year, and Steph swears that Harper never sleeps
She is the most wanted partner for every engineering project
She thrives in college, and lives off of coffee
She’s in the front row in every lecture
She doesn’t leave the lecture halls, she’s gotten locked in more than once after falling asleep
She had a heart attack the first time she saw students using the machine shop
Half the students weren’t wearing safety glasses, she counted three people wearing slides, the machines were rusted over, the soldering irons were all broken, and she nearly watched someone break their wrist using a power drill
She refuses to work there
Her secret to success is prioritizing - she absorbs the material like a sponge so if homework is only worth 5%, it isn’t getting done, and she’ll just cram before the exam
She almost joined Tim and Duke’s frat (it’s co-ed), but she didn’t have the time
They let her in without rushing senior year because Tim ended up as the boss, and he said so
I don’t know a ton about Cullen, but I feel like he would be a comp sci major
He comes in when Harper, Tim, Duke, and Steph are upperclassmen, and he joins all of Duke’s clubs
They have a million inside jokes
To the other siblings, it seems like the two have their own language
He also joins a club that mentors LGTBQ+ students at the local high school, and encourages them to pursue STEM careers if they’re interested
Jason recruits him as a mentor for the robotics team (he’s the lead mentor at this point) after some of the kids in his mentoring program mention him at a meeting and Jason is like O.O
He avoids parties at all costs, and ends up joining the frat as well
It’s all Duke’s fault he’s in a frat
He does however, meet some lovely boys in the frat
Aerospace Engineering/Environmental Engineering dual Major with minors in sustainability and biology
He nearly riots when he’s presented with the college’s idea of a vegetarian/vegan meal
He manages to get out of the meal plan after that, and begins rallying students to push for better options that contain actual protein
He joins a community service club that works with the local animal shelter, and secretly joins the circus arts club (that’s thriving even without Dick there)
He learns how to sew blankets out of old clothes for the animals
He and Barbara are the only siblings to graduate with a 4.0, simply because they were the only one that took the time to actually do all the homework, and remembered to turn things in on time
He refuses to live in the dorms, and instead lives in one of their apartments nearby (once again somehow managing to complain to the college enough to get his housing waived)
He literally walked in once when visiting Duke, and immediately walked out, and resolved never to step near one again
He makes a total of three friends while at the school, both are in the animal shelter club
They exchange vegetarian/vegan recipes, and get together to cook
He decides to move off campus with them his junior year when they needed another roommate, and he won’t admit it to his siblings, but he had a ton of fun
He and his friend group may have joined an animal rights hacktivist group and may have helped orchestrate some major hacks
Poisson Ivy finds out and feeds him targets and information when they’re supposed to be fighting (she just walks back to Arkham if the others aren’t watching, and slips him a list at the end)
Bonus Bruce:
He cries at every graduation
He’s asked to make a speech at every graduation
He never does - it’s about his kids, not him
He single handedly is keeping the school from bankruptcy - not that any of his kids (other than probably Barbara) know
He sobbed for days after Cass graduated
He genuinely didn’t expect Dick or Tim to graduate
After Dick graduated, he wouldn’t let Bruce touch any of the equipment, and the rest of his kids followed suit
He isn’t actually bad at engineering, his education was just super informal, and hey duct tape works 95% of the time in his experience
The real reason Alfred was annoyed was because he refused to take the time to properly fix something if someone was in danger, and then he’d forget that he’d just used duct tape to patch something
But now since no one lets him touch anything, he’s genuinely lost a lot of the knowledge
But in a pinch, he can fix stuff
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caprina-mints · 4 years
Could we maybe get a scenario where EJ is in heat and doing the dirty with his s/o if that’s fine ówò
So This Became a Oneshot Because I accidentally made it a bit too Long! But I Hope everyone Enjoys This Though! : )
Type : SMUT
Word Count : 4208
As Usual it's like any other Day at the Mansion being part of this bizarre family is really one heck of a ride. You never know what could happen like anything could happen. Anything.
You're fresh meat. You just joined the family two months ago and getting used to everyone and their behavior was a real pain in the ass.
But surprisingly you clicked well with Toby and E.J the two both have a unique and striking personality but the one that intrigued you the most was Jack.
He gives off a cold and mysterious vibe and you just can't help but to have your curious eyes gleaming at him. You two got along well and he told you a little bit of everything when it came to the human anatomy.
He's a bit over protective of you maybe it's because he sees you as a trusted friend? Well during those 2 months You and Him became a little Mushy together and a week earlier he has been acting extremely weird.
Like, He'd growl if another male creep came near you or even talked to you. He's around you all the time and the only place you're actually alone is your bedroom.
He kept tugging and nudging you just to get his attention and whenever you give him any form of physical touch he'd purr and lean onto you .
He's become very clingy and from the looks of it. It wasn't good judging from the looks the creeps were giving you.
They knew something You don't. Today you were sent on a Job which is unusual because you never get sent out alone but you are now.
Fortunately the Job was easier than expected so you went back to the mansion early.
You barely even touched the door and a Body was sent flying out knocking you along with it.
Groaning you sat back to see who it was and it was none other than the resident smile kid, Jeff.
" What the fuck? " You groaned standing up and brushing your clothes off of the remaining dirt.
" Y/n!... You're fucking back!? " Jeff sounded nervous and bothered seeing you and his expression and tone made it so obvious it offended you.
" Yeah? What's wrong with it? You think I'd never come back because of a tiny Job? " You threw a sharp glare his way and he didn't seem to give a reaction to your attempt on intimidating him .
" You gotta go. Now! ASAP! " Jeff tried shoving you back into the forest and you were dragged on the way.
" Hey! Let me go! What gives!? " You grumbled trying to pry his hand away from your wrist.
But your action was cut short when you heard a loud Yell which sounded more like an animalistic Growl come from inside the mansion.
" What the fuck? What's going on Jeff?! " You asked in panic and at the corner of your eye you could see Jeff Visibly Swallow.
It was definitely serious.
" Did you guys summon a Demon or something!? To get revenge on slenderman? " You jumped to your own assumptions because if he isn't giving you an answer you're going to make your own assumptions .
" No why on earth would we do that? Ok I would! But our Demon Boy is Going In Heat which means He's basically A Cageless Feral Beast on the Loose! " Jeff explained as he continued to drag you deeper into the forest but his pace had increasing by every passing second.
" What does it have to do with me!? " You yelled looking back at the doors of the mansion which were now pounding violently.
" Are you Dumb? Isn't it obvious? He's a demon. He's in heat. If Demons are in Heat they look for a Mate to Fuck and You're unfortunate enough to Have E.J see you as a potential Mate " Jeff explained and you were actually quite shocked by his statement... That's the most well executed Explanation you heard him say.
" Wow.. You sounded kinda uh... Less stupid when you said that " You commented which earned a groan of annoyance from the bleached Smile Child.
You two didn't manage to get far when the doors burst open and you could see. A Black figure heading your way at full speed and following behind that figure were Masky, hoodie, Toby, Ben , Helen and Even Puppeteer Seemed to be involved with the chase.
" Run! They couldn't Hold Him much Longer! " Ben yelled coming out from the mansion and Immediately You Bolted off with Jeff at Full speed never looking back.
You were actually terrified ... 1. if you stay You get Fucked By E.J who you have a hidden feeling for which is... Uh.. Kinda Great? But... 2. I heard Demons Eat their Partners After Sex and you definitely don't want to end up dead. It must be a fact because the one who told you about that was a demon... Jack himself.
" Mate! " You heard a rough growl from behind you his voice Echoing through the woods and when you looked back to take a peek boy were you scared shitless.
He was running on all fours his mask off and his teeth razor sharp, his claws extended and looked extra deadly and he has this domineering aura with him that made every cell of your body shout RUN. Behind him were the rest of the Boys Following Behind and even Puppeteer's strings couldn't hold him.
" Shit He's Catching up! " Jeff yelled and you couldn't help but give off a snarky comment.
" Ya Think!? " You snapped , Your feet were getting tired from running because you just got back from a fucking Mission. You didn't expect to be served a full course of Bullshit when you got back.
" Y/n! " Oh Lord the way he growled out your name made your knees weak and you stumbled on a rock but lucky for you Jeff wasn't being a prick and he pulled your weight back up while running .
" Don't Touch Her! " E.J's threatening Snarl was heard from behind and his Voice changed to something more vicious and ruthless.
" Jack! Stop Chasing Us! " You Cried out because your legs couldn't Take it Anymore, You were panting, sweaty and most of all Traumatized.
You once lived as a normal human who knows nothing about Demons and This World of killers. You were just dragged in unexpectedly and you can't take everything in one go! .
" Then Stop Fucking running from me! " You didn't expect him to reply and you felt relief wash over you.
" So you'll stop chasing us if we stop running? You'll Leave us alone? " You asked making sure you and him are on the same page.
You heard a loud audible growl before you heard his answer.
" Yes " It sounded forced judging by his tone and you were skeptical at first but Jeff had other plans and saw right through His.
" Don't listen to Him! I've lived with Him longer and obviously He's Lying! " Jeff stated and his words made the angry demon boy growl at Jeff, as if he was warning Him.
" Jeff. Don't Fucking Test Me! " He barked and that was enough to silence both of us.
" I can't take it anymore. Jeff even though you're an asshole you're gonna have to live on " You panted and Jeff Flashed you a questioning Look. You didn't bother to reply because it's time to face your fears.
You stopped on your tracks as you turned around Closing your eyes expecting the worst .
You felt sharp claws tug on your hips and your back was slammed on a nearby tree.
You heard growling , the type of growl a prey gives to a little bunny... Yeah it was that scary.
You forced your eyes to peek a look and you saw E.J's figure towering over yours baring his sharp teeth and his claws dug deeper on your flesh making you whimper.
" Why'd you run!? Especially with another man! You like others touching you Huh!?" He spat out angrily his face dangerously close to yours. He was using the same tone earlier and it made you weak.
" Why'd you chase us!? Of course it's a common instinct to run if you see something chasing you... Ready to eat you" You murmured the last part but E.J heard it loud and clear.
" I just wanted to be close to You But you ran away... You don't want to be with me that much? " He whimpered almost like a small dog who was abandoned by his owner.
He nuzzled his face on the crook of your neck your sweet smell intoxicating him but he knew he had to control himself.
His claws were no longer as sharp as they were before and you could hear him purring while rubbing himself on your form.
" Guilt Tripping me is a really old move E.J " You chuckled trying to pry him off you but he whined holding onto you even tighter.
Oh what the hell I'm going with it.
You placed your hand gently on his head petting his locks of brown hair, he started purring and leaned on your touch his hands going lower but the two of you were interrupted.
" Y/n! Get away from Him! " You heard the familiar voice of Jeff and this time Masky, hoodie and the rest were here.
You didn't get to react because Jack pulled you in his arms growling at the other males. Baring his teeth and almost hissing at them Jack took a few steps back with you.
" Stick your noses to your own fucking business! "
" Jack! She may be a potential mate but we can't have you fucking someone in the mansion just because of your heat. You may not even feel anything for-"
" She is MY mate, she is Mine to Keep and Mine to Love. I don't need your opinion to tell me what to Do! She'll be mine forever and I'll stay true to my words now fuck off! " Jack Snarled glaring at everyone else . The boys seemed to be communicating in a telepathic way because they just exchanged a few looks to one another before finally leaving.
" Y/n...last call if you don't want to just say so we'll help you" Hoodie called out and when you gave the slightest reaction to his question Jack Started whining and whimpering almost like he was physically hurt.
" Uh... I'll be Fine " You answered and Hoodie nodded walking off.
" So- Ah! " You squealed when you were thrown over his shoulder.
" Jack! Wait where are we going? " You asked when he started walking the opposite direction of where hoodie and the rest were heading.
".... I have a cottage around here whenever I'm having my heat... " He answered in a hushed tone .
You looked back at his features and you noticed how he kept realising puffs of breaths, His Face was oddly a different shade that usual and his hands were really fidgety.
" Jack if I'm heavy you can put me dow-"
" And let you run away again? you're not doing that you little Brat. Running away like that with another man. Oh you like teasing me don't you? " His tone was deep and taunting and you could feel his hand crawling its way up your ass.
You felt him squeeze your butt cheek making you gasp and groan when he smacked your ass.
" Jack stop! " You grumbled bit he didn't take that lightly.
" Oh? Resisting me too? " His hand trailed lower down to your pussy rubbing your pussy through the thin fabric of your leggings.
You bit back a moan closing your eyes , he didn't like it and started rubbing you at a rougher pace.
He didn't stop while maneuvering his way through the thick forest and by the time you two arrived at a small cottage you were soaked.
You survived that part by swallowing your voice and it seemed to have thrilled him even more taking it as a challenge.
Opening the door he closed it using his feet and immediately threw you on the couch were he towered over you glaring down at your form.
" Holding back your moans I see? You'll be screaming before you know it " He muttered his large hands gripping onto the fabric of your shirt and with ease he tore your shirt to shreds leaving you in your bra and the only piece of clothing you had now were your leggings.
Your heartbeat began to increase as you scooted away from him . He noticed that and grabbed your foot pulling you over in between his legs both of your legs spread and set on each of his sides and you could clearly feel his hardened cock from your position.
" Oops to Late to run away Now" He grinned using his claws to tear the fabric of your bra and before you knew it he attacked your lips in a hungry Kiss his hands groping your boobs, squeezing and pinching your nipples making you moan in the kiss.
He bit down on your lower lip just enough to tear the skin drawing out a small amount of blood before continuing down to your neck and collar bone his sharp teeth pricking your skin feeling him suck, kiss and nip your neck, your shoulder and collarbone.
You tried pushing him off but he had your hands under his grisly grip before licking and taking your cold buds in his warm mouth his tongue playing and swirling around your breast giving a subtle bite before sucking on your breast each Mounds having the same amount of attention and pleasure.
You arched your back moaning slowly giving into the pleasure he released your hands before shoving two of his fingers inside your mouth . You got the hint and welcomed his fingers inside your mouth sucking and coating his fingers with your saliva while continuing his unfinished worked with your breast.
After awhile he pulled his fingers away and faster than you could say 'I' your leggings along with your soaked panties were ripped and thrown to the floor gasping when the cold air hit your glistening pussy and the very same fingers you sucked on earlier came rubbing on your clit earning a loud shaky moan to tear away from your throat.
He looked so smug seeing how wet you were and he didn't waste another second and placed both of your legs on his shoulders his face dangerously close to your heated flower .
" J-jack Wa- Ahh~" You couldn't stop him when his long Black tongue came lapping on your juices.
His tongue draped over your pussy in a slow and agonizing way making you whine and glare up at him with heavy lidded eyes.
He chuckled at your needy state before his teeth came in contact with your inner thighs biting down on your flesh making you flinch and squeak.
He left a noticeable bite mark on your inner thighs before his teeth grazed on your other thigh doing the same thing while your slick covered pussy was needy for his attention.
" Jack please " You whined biting your bottom lip and hearing you plead for him to give you more aroused him further.
His tongue sneakily slid past your folds and into your squelching pussy , your moans shaky and desperate your hands flailed around to find something to hold on and subconsciously you held onto his brown messy locks raking your fingers through his hair as his tongue went in and out of your fleshy walls and your walls wet and needy welcomed him desperately sucking his tongue in.
You could feel him so deep inside of you it made you squirm and cry out his name in pleasure.
How long is his tongue!?.
Your hips bucked and rocked while he ate you out his tongue playing freely inside you but that was when another tongue rolled out of his mouth and another one.
" Oh shit Jack! " You screamed when he inserted another one while the shorter one lapped on your clit and teased your folds.
Your core lit up when both of his tongues came wiggling inside your walls only making your walls clench tightly around his tongues and when a bubbly and hot sensation built up inside you and was ready to release he pulled back his chin and mouth covered by your juices and slowly dropped down on his chest. He stared at you with a lascivious grin when you grumbles and whine for him to finish what he started.
" You were resisting and running away from me earlier... Look at you now... So wet and Needy for me... What do you want mate? " He purred as he pulled down his pants along with his boxers revealing his thick veiny cock which was bigger than you expected.
How's that supposed to fit?
As if he read your expression he gave you an answer.
" Oh it's gonna fit. I'll make sure you're taking every inch of me for making me go through all that trouble chasing you around like a mad Dog" He growled his figure growing bigger , his ears began to grow longer as well as his claws . Now you know that this is the demon Jack had been hiding.
" Answer me! " He spat at you his hand snaking to your throat slightly choking you and damn hell it sure did turn you on.
" Your Cock... Fuck me till I can't walk anymore " You choked out and that was enough for him to ram his whole length in not even going gentle at first. He didn't give you time to adjust because technically this isn't Jack anymore. He slid inside easily because of how wet you were to begin with .
" Oh- Shit Jack! " You couldn't even finish your sentence because you were choked up in your own moans.
He was going so fast, You felt his Knot and the very shape of his Cock mold inside your pussy. He hit the deepest part of you with every fast and rough thrust.
His speed was in human and it felt so good you almost forgot how to breathe being choked up and at the same time being a moaning mess from his roughness.
You heard his gruff groans and pants not even holding back a loud snarl he placed both of his hand right next to your head trying to steady himself as he pounded is inside you mercilessly and everytime he pumped himself in, your walls would gladly squeeze the life out of him.
An animalistic growl escaped his lips as he gritted his teeth, his claws digging and ripping into the cushion of the furniture and you heard something crack. Was it the couch or the wooden floor.
Tears began to pool at the corner of your eyes holding onto his neck for dear life your legs tightly wrapped around his torso , you couldn't keep up with how rough he is you began to feel dizzy.
Every time he snapped his back and rammed himself in he could reach the deepest depths he could .
Your toes curled arching your back while moaning in pleasure as you reached your high releasing your juices all over his cock. Your walls dangerously clenching his cock which led him to bite down on your shoulder finally releasing his thick seeds deep inside of you.
Panting while staying on that position he pulled himself out of your cum filled pussy that leaked out his seeds.
He sat back on the couch panting before his hand came down on his cock jerking himself while staring at you.
It didn't take him 5 seconds and he was already rock hard.
Oh wow.
He yanked you by your arm and you sunk down on your knees infront of him with his cock standing hard with all its glory.
This time he guided your hand on his shaft letting you stroke him.
Did he really think you're that innocent? Hah. Just watch.
At first your movements were shy and timid and you stuck your tongue out a little to give his tip a few kitten licks.
Looking down at you he saw such an adorable expression in your face. He didn't expect you to directly take his whole cock in your mouth in one go unexpectedly.
He was completely caught of guard his clawed hand pulled on your hair and a loud breathy moan was forced out of his throat staring at you with wide eyes.
" Fuck " He groaned out when you started bobbing your head up and down while occasionally pulling away with a pop before trailing your tongue from his base up to his tip.
The sight of you was really something he'd kill to see. Kneeling right there with an Innocent face while taking his cock like that. Shit he found it extremely hard to control himself around you.
It didn't help when you took him whole once again your hands going down to massage his balls while increasing your speed.
You were so pretty and so good with your tongue. He just had to have you right now and that's exactly what he did.
He stood up shoving your head down on the couch befire you felt him his cock enter you again .
Gasping in surprise you felt his clawed had dig into the skin of your hips and your pussy took him in so tight and so well it made the both of you moan in sync.
Shit how the fuck are you still this tight after he literally wrecked you earlier? .
He didn't much for awhile and it irritated you. You wanted him to fuck you already. You raised your hips but his grip on your flesh made it hard to do so.
" Fucking Move! " You groaned clutching onto the cushion of the couch.
" I'm fucking working on it you impatient little Mate" He pulled back only to push himself back in again.
It made you moan and shudder your knees shaking and your hands trembling as you held onto the seat of the couch when he started ramming himself in again and again .
Your pussy swallowing his cock deep inside you every time he did so. You sucked him inside your walls so well he was so close to releasing again.
You cried out and loud pants and mewls filled the room because you were still so fucking sensitive and you were still being fucked by him at such an animalistic way.
You felt his weight in your hips and he started going even faster. You were practically drooling while moaning out his name.
Your mind felt so mushy and you were slowly seeing stars.
You started moving your hips to meet his thrusts and every time you did he kept hitting that one spot that could make you scream .
You cursed under your breath and felt your walls hugging his cock even tighter. He looked down on you seeing you at such a vulnerable state under his mercy was really something. A growl rumbling at the back of his throat. You were squeezing onto his cock like you were ready to milk him dry.
His thrusts became shallow but soon he sped up almost immediately catching his breath while you made a lot more sinful sounds underneath him.
After a few more thrusts the two of you came at the same time your cum mixed with his and you could feel it leaking out of your hole because of how much was inside. Panting while trying to keep yourself from fainting he stayed at that position for awhile before leaning down to trail soft kisses on your bare back.
" ... after my heat you are obligated to Date me. If you say otherwise... I have my ways to get you around-"
" Oh my God Jack I love you too ok? No need to go that far " You grumbled and from you position you heard his chuckle and another kiss was planted on your back.
" I'm glad you do Y/n "
" Oh and... You're not gonna eat me right? " You asked cautiously and he was quiet for a few seconds before he burst out laughing.
" You seriously believed what I said? I was just Joking Little Mate "
" Tsk... Fuck you Jack "
" Oh I see that you're ready for another round"
By the Time you two were finally done you were cum soaked and sticky, the two of you hopped in the shower but it led to something more again.
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ranvwoop · 3 years
pls tell me more about butler + billiam ....... i love them....... obsessed w the idea of the nonverbal compromise its so good they r a team and i love them
aaaa I'm glad !!!! and same,,,, I did not want him to be like. restricted bc i wanted him to be hanging around of like. his own will and stuff and just. what if he doesn't Want to talk but, y'know, society, so. fine. he will sum it up in Only Five Words Or Less. nonverbal rights heck yeah :D. billiam is chill with it and they go thru the motions to sort of cover for him. sometimes he doesn't mind it, but signing is usually preferred!
but less specifically they r extras/side characters for Moderately Aforementioned Fire Emblem AU !!! well. they started as it but as i have been developing i adore them actually so they're just joining the side character rotation. but, as for the au, Butler has Been Thru A Lot.
... this is a post writing commentary. I am now going to explain the offscreen backstories of these guys. TECHNICALLY it's not actually spoiling my fic bc theyre sIDE CHARACTERS and if I make a prequel of the prequel fic i am going to be on this series for the rest of my life
he was either born into a servant family or just. acquired. y'know. medieval servants. but. he'd basically get kidnapped for Magical Religious Conflict Reasons (there is so much to unpack here. fe is. a very weird video game. but i have basically got the details planned out). he gets a little magically roughed up as a consequence, hence the white hair and being blinded in one eye (pretty much connect him to later characters — cough nondescript split coloured character w/ heterochromia cough — with similar issues - weird religious conflict is like a big plot point). but, once he's free from That Nonsense he has nothing really tying him down after being presumed dead, so he could start a new life doing whatever he wanted. trans his gender and stop having to speak, since nobody he'd meet would know any different.
And then Billiam III! he's a con artist with just enough money to pretend he's a noble and try to worm his way into the political scene. when i drew him i used the knife cat as a reference. At some point, he hires Butler (it was the only skill he had, after all, he needed a job to survive), and, well! It stuck! By the time Butler realized that he had become an Accomplice to Crimes, well. he'd softened to his employer (plus, he wasn't exactly the Prime Candidate to be hired by anyone else), and Billiam is surprisingly understanding about everything (He Is Lonely And Has No Friends. Maybe That's What Happens When You Constantly Assert Your Status As Not A Commoner)
unfortunately, he's a bit sickly from Magical Nonsense— as a rich conman, Billiam would have to be a mage just. logically, and he could provide magical support, but... he was pretty worried. hm. if only there was another supernatural force to turn to after feeling abandoned by the church via magical religious conflict. and, well, maybe they might meet some "heroes" on their endeavours..
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 years
Could I have some hcs of characters who dont cry/too tough to cry/doesnt even have a crying sprite [Who I'm thinking of most is Mondo, Gundham, and Kaito but if you want to add someone else who hides thier feelings I'd love that too!] caught crying by thier S/O who comforts them/reasures them about thier feelings? 💕 Thank you so much, you are amazing and I love to read all your hcs!
Ahh thank you! I’m glad you like my hcs!! And I’m 100% here for giving the DR characters comfort bc they all deserve better ;w; 
I threw in Ryoma, too!
Mondo abruptly showed up after you left the dining hall, getting a snack before the nighttime announcement.
He seemed stressed out, and you wondered what was up. Though he only gave you a kiss and claimed he was tired.
It was an extremely rushed kiss, and you worried something was wrong. So you hastily ate your snack before returning to the dorms.
You noticed his door was open, but as you entered...you could hear crying.
The big, tough biker you’ve come to know and love was quietly sobbing on his bed--hunched over, his coat discarded, and his head in his hands.
“Mondo? What’s wrong?”
He immediately goes quiet. And when he looks at you, his eyeliner is completely smudged, forming black trails down his cheeks.
Tries playing it off as allergies, at first, but gave up when you pointed out he didn’t have any.
He finally shows you his motive (the dark/embarrassing secret), feeling ashamed that he didn’t do so when you showed him yours earlier.
He explains what happened with him and his brother, and you simply listen and take his hand in reassurance.
His voice cracks at the end and the tears he suppressed return once more.
You hug him tightly, letting him lean his muscular frame against you as he sobs into your shoulder, before he forces himself to calm down again.
It breaks your heart when he admits you’re stronger than him--because you trusted him enough to show your secret when he couldn’t even do that himself.
When he asks if you still wanted to date a monster and a coward like him, you softly reassure him he’s neither of those.
He feels stupid for crying, though you tell him it’s “less manly” to hide his true feelings. Even strong men have their weaknesses and it’s okay.
When one of the Dark Devas fall ill--Gundham is clearly in a panic.
He thought they were all enchanted with immunity....he though he did all his research right....so what could’ve gone wrong??
You step in to nurse the poor little hamster back to health. As the Ultimate Veterinarian, it didn’t take long to find a diagnosis. And fortunately you knew how to treat it.
But when you go to the living room to let Gundham know of his pet’s condition, you can see his face burrowed completely into his scarf.
Though after hearing a sniffle, you join him on the couch in concern. And only then does he look at you...with wet eyes and a red nose.
Gundham Tanaka--the Supreme Overlord of Ice--was crying. 
He removed his tattoo and eye contact beforehand so they didn’t get ruined.
“Gundham, honey...your sweet Dark Deva will be okay.” You hug him. “They’re in good hands. I can treat them. You trust my talent, right?”
He could only curl up in your arms, sniffling quietly.
���Yes, but...I feel like a fool. I know my Four Dark Devas of Destruction better than anyone. And for some..mysterious foul plague to infest one of their bodies...it makes me feel...utterly helpless. They’re suffering, [y/n], and I..I-I can only watch..”
Considering how much pride he takes in caring for animals, his frustration and fear is understandable.
“Also I am certainly not weeping like a pathetic child," he insists, despite his head being on your chest and his hand clutching your arm with no intentions of letting go.
You tell him you’re glad he’s expressing his worries more--in fact he’s been better at expressing emotions in general ever since you two began dating.
Another body discovery announcement was made....but Kaito didn’t find you present at the scene like everyone else.
You were missing, and he immediately worries that you became another undiscovered victim.
So he abandoned Shuichi to search high and low, telling himself that you are okay and you are alive and you are--
But..the longer his search becomes, the more his mask of confidence and heroism starts to crack..
He can only plead that the universe is on his side. You couldn’t die..not here! Not when you promised him you’ll go to space with him when all of this is over.
But after nearly breaking your doorbell (and almost busting down the door), it turns out you were just a heavy sleeper.
Heck.. for you to sleep through a body discovery announcement was something new, but you were downright exhausted from working in your Ultimate lab all day.
When you groggily opened the door--to see your sobbing boyfriend on the other side--you’re suddenly wide awake as he nearly tackles you to the floor.
He was crying as he hugs you tight, and you felt awful when you learned the reason for his behavior.
When he tries hiding his tears, you cup his face and gently brush them away instead.
“Kaito, I’m sure even you know there’s no shame in crying. You tell us that all the time...but remember that applies to you, too.”
After helping him calm down, you two head to the crime scene to help Shuichi with the investigation.
Though Kaito is squeezing your hand extra tight, thanking the stars you were still with him.
Surprisingly, you had Ryoma’s motive video. But it wouldn’t be right to view something that’s not your own.
Though he comes to your room first, with your video in-hand. And so you agree to watch them together.
First it was yours--which had you scared at first, but Ryoma was quick to assure you that it had to be fake.
You trusted his words, deciding to watch his video next.
But..all you two saw was a black screen with construction tape and a sad-looking Monokuma declaring that there was “no one in the world who was important” to Ryoma.
Not even your name was mentioned, so you’re certain this one especially had to be fabricated.
But when you look at Ryoma, he’s staring down at the floor, his beanie covering more of his eyes. And he’s also....trembling?
“D-Damnit..I already knew that..but...why did he have to shove it into my face like this?”
When he finally looks up, there’s tears streaming down his face, which he tries hiding with his arm.
He’s taken by surprise when you suddenly bring him into your lap, hugging him gently.
“It’s like what you said to me..that bullshit video is just edited. Heck, I wouldn’t even call that a video. But..even if it’s true..it only mentioned the world outside this school. And inside this school...there’s someone who’s most important to you.”
It doesn’t take long for him to realize this, as he smiles a bit and lets himself snuggle against your chest more, calming down.
Someone most important to him...someone worth living for...that’s you alright.
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epic-potato-crisp · 3 years
Courtship - Part 3 (AjinWeek21/1)
Notes: So I decided to continue this for Ajin Week 2021! (although I was torn between making this a Sato fic cause you know. Hat.)
Day 1: Favorite character / summer break/ hat
Favourite character: Both Kei and Kou are among my favourite characters, Kei especially is one of my favourite protagonists of all time, and summer break, because this place during the sweltering time that is training camp. (fun! :D)
“Really?” Kei asks with growing annoyance as the vampire movie plays out on the screen in front of them. “Really?!”
“I can’t believe you haven’t seen that!” Kou defends himself, depositing the bowl of chips into Kei’s lap so his hands are free to adjust the volume.
“This is not what I had in mind when I agreed to…well, dating you.” Kei says, lowering his volume at the last three words that seem a little too foreign too pronounce.
“Why not?” Kou replies, “Movie nights are a super normal thing to do, not even for a date-“ He in comparison, has zero trouble adequately naming their current situation – “or with friends!” He smirked, which could never mean anything good: “Which you’d know, if you had any-“ Kou winces as Kei’s elbow rams into his side.
“I did have friends.” Kei grumbles through his teeth, stretching out his feet over the old and battered, but still quite comfortable couch. This is, surprisingly, afar more relaxing activity than he had initially anticipated.
Even if the movie is grating on his nerves.
“Why is everyone trying to befriend her?” he asks, exasperatedly. Bella Swan had made it perfectly clear that she was not interested in socializing from the moment she had arrived in her father’s rainy suburban town. And yet, in the first half an hour, not only had her childhood best friend shown up, she’d also been introduced to numerous classmates and faculty, and on top of that, was subtly encouraged to take a glance at a family of – vampire’s, that was his most likely prediction based on what he’d heard of the plot.
“Well, she’s new and people wanna get to know her. Nothing wrong with that.” Kou said diplomatically.
“Ugh.” Kei groans, and takes a sip of his coke. Eriko had always tried to make him watch these movies, which, if he was correct, were five in number, because apparently it was no enough to have a fourth movie. No, it had two be dragged out across two volumes. So far, he had been able to avoid it. Until training camp.
“Which you’d know, if you’d had-“
“Shut the fuck up.” Kei snaps, and the mood sours for a moment.
“Right, right, I’m sorry.” Kou says, after a beat of silence, and then his hand reaches over to grasp Kei’s.
“Is that really necessary?” Kei mutters, feeling his cheeks heat up. He prays that the darkness of the room, only lit up faintly by the TV, serves as enough cover.
“Well, it’s a date, right?”
“Stop saying that all the time.”
“Date. Date. Daaate.” Kou sing-songs, grinning at Kei knowingly.
The latter glowers: “Are you in elementary school?”
Kou laughs. He still doesn’t let go of Kei’s hand.
Kei feels his heartbeat quicken, ever so slightly, nervousness manifesting in the pit of his stomach. He chalks it up to the unfamiliar situation. After all, he really doesn’t know whether the movie will provide suitable entertainment for the next one and a half hours. There is no way it has anything to do with Kou.
At least, it shouldn’t.
“If you could choose between being a vampire and an Ajin, what would you pick?” Kou asks, out of the blue.
The movie had ended just a little while ago, a pointless two hours and six minutes of a supernatural romance that Kei couldn’t care less for. It was a little past ten, and they were not finished for a long while, apparently, if the cover for the second movie, blinking traitorously in Izumi’s streaming library, was anything to go by.
“Not this again.” Kei sighs, “Do you spend all day on these unlikely scenarios?”
“It’s that not unlikely.” Kou argues, “Come on, a few years back, you didn’t even know Ajin existed! And now you’re one!”
“Of course I knew they existed. It’s part of the school curriculum.” Kei deadpans, this particular lesson still rather unsettlingly fresh in his memory.
“Which you’d know if you’d gone to school.” He adds, acidly.
“Wow, harsh.” Kou pouts, “I did go. I just…dropped out. There’s a difference. Everyone knows that.” He mumbles.
“Keep telling yourself that” is on the tip of Kei’s tongue, but he swallows it down, if only to retain the peace. And perhaps because he would feel the tiniest bit guilty further prodding at that sore spot.
But school is something he does not want to think about for a good while again. The memory brings only pain. Betrayal from his classmates, from teachers, a jealousy- one that Kou would never be able to comprehend - on missing out on education that is a given for his former classmates.. A High School degree that he will never receive, if the government has any say in it, after all the years and effort, the hours of studying and revising he has put into it. A bleak future with all paths to prestigious medical universities blocked irreversibly. His only crime had been crossing that road that day. If only I could be reborn, Kei thinks miserably, then I could get a new chance. chance. He is in dire need of a new identity. Perhaps he can later guilt Tosaki into creating one for him.
“So circling back to the topic at hand, vampires.” he says, reluctantly.
“Heck yeah.” Kou agrees, excitedly, “So?”
“There are pros and cons on both sides.” Kei shrugs, “If you were a vampire, you wouldn’t be able to age and have a career, build a reputation. You’d have to get a new identity every few years. That sounds like a hassle. And don’t get me started on the…blood lust.”
The vampires and even humans in the movie had looked hungry in a completely different way whenever that topic came up. As though sucking your body’s circulatory system dry was desirable under any circumstance. Kei shuddered at the thought.
“You mean, you wouldn’t be able to build a family, live out your life with your friends, that kinda stuff?” Kou asks.
“I was referring to the important things, but I suppose.” Kei says loftily.
“Yeah, well, you’re wrong about that. Even vampires enjoy having relationships.” Kou argued.
“Bella seems pretty happy with the Edward guy.” his teammate emphasizes, “No matter if he’s a vampire or not.”
“But it is going to be a problem in the future.” Kei argues, “Honestly, she should have just stayed with Jacob and been done with it. It’s a suitable match, why put in any extra effort? She’s just going to grow old while he stays young forever.”
“Figures you’d go with the childhood best friend.” Kou mutters, flicking crumbs of his trousers.
But Kou – strangely, for once in his life- doesn’t seem to haven an emergent need to elaborate further on the matter.
Kei probably should have said something a long time ago.
Perhaps he should have stopped Kou from starting the blasted second movie, but “Kei, it’s not that late! And how else will you know how it ends?” (Apparently, never was not a viable option.)
So here they are, sitting through another two hours of what Kou calls an “iconic classic” and Kei under his breath refers to as trash, but not the recyclable kind.
The cinematography is stunning, he has to admit begrudgingly, and the plot, albeit ridiculous, still manages to draw him in enough for him to forego his plans of turning the movie off several times, which is quite bothersome.
Well, fine then, Kei thinks to himself, at least now if Eriko badgers him about those movies again, he can give her a detailed review of every single logical error he has discovered so far.
He is considering starting a list, just so as to have some backup proof. His little sister’s education doesn’t have to suffer any more than it already had.
“Is she really going to sit around for months and wait for him to come back?” Kei complains, grabbing a fist full of popcorn from the bowl Hirasawa had made for them, “That’s a complete waste of time.”
“I don’t know, don’t you think some people are worth waiting for?” Kou threw in, giving Kei a knowing -sort-of-look that he couldn’t place.
It was the first sentence he had spoken in a while. Apart from his rambling monologue to get Izumi to join them a while prior when she came in to check if the streaming service was working.
“Did you see these movies already, Izumi-san?” Kou had asked and Kei surely hadn’t imagined the blush pinkening her cheeks.
“Oh, those? Just…once.” she’d replied, her voice sounding a little too high-pitched for that to be true, “It all seems fine, so I should get going-“
“Ah, already? Take a seat, take a seat!” Kou says generously, gesturing to the couch, “You need a break too, right?”
And Izumi did, albeit only tentatively on the edge. “I’ll be gone in a few minutes.” she promises.
She lied. Fifteen minutes later, she is still there and Kei doesn’t have the heart to kick her out, despite this being a a date, as he not so subtly communicated to Kou via verbal cues – all of which the other successfully ignored -but then, he bitterly thought, what chance did their pseudo-trial stand against Kou’s immortal woman of his dreams?
His thoughts screech to a halt. What does he even care what Kou thinks about either of them? It was all beyond ridiculous.
“It depends on how long you’re waiting for them.” Kei says, in response to Kou’s earlier question, “What about you, Izumi-san?”
“I think some relationships are worth preserving.” Izumi replies meaningfully, but right before she can say anything else, her phone goes off, the Caller-ID flashing with a familiar name.
“It seems Tosaki-san needs my assistance.” she says, barely concealing a wistful sigh, “Have fun you two.”
“He really needs to stop working you to the bone.” Kou complains.
Kei has the decency to feel guilty about the relief that settles in him when she leaves.
The motorcycle ride looks engaging. An activity Kei himself wouldn’t mind doing, seeing as there was zero risk involved to his safety with his newfound Ajin status.
As he verbalizes all of this, Kou gives him yet another of these knowing looks.
“Well, you were always one for motorcycles, weren’t you?” he says, tone bordering on smug.
Kei frowns. “Where did you get that idea from? I’ve only ridden one so far, but that was with Kaito.”
“I know.” Kou says, and then downs the rest of his coke.
“Refill?” he asks, holding out his hand for Kei’s glass.
“Sure.” Kei says, passing it over. He eyes Nakano skeptically, for any hint as to why his demeanor kept fluctuating.
“Here you go.”
“Thanks.” Kei cautiously takes the glass from him. Their fingers brush, lingering just a second too long to be casual. Kei notices how the tips of Kou’s ears redden and uses his momentary distraction to his advantage.
“You really hate that Jacob guy, don’t you?”
Judging by the look on his teammate’s face, he hit the nail on the head.
“I, uh, well hate is a kinda strong word.” Kou hesitates, stumbling over words, “He’s just not my favourite.”
“Really?” Kei asks, raising an eyebrow. In all honesty, he isn’t very interested in either of the characters, but psychoanalyzing Kou is what gives the evening its spice.
“Why is that so surprising?” Kou pouts.
“Because he’s just the same sort of muscle-brained idiot that you are.” Kei responds, gracing Kou with an exasperated look, before turning back to the movie.
His words seemed to have had a profound effect on his teammate. Whatever sort of enlightenment had reached Kou, it had visibly brightened his mood.
“He is, isn’t he.” Kou says, with a small laugh.
“I don’t know why that is so surprising.”
“Guess I never thought of it that way.”
Which was exactly why it fit so well, Kei thinks to himself. Kou looks positively thrilled with the new discovery. As much as it pains to admit him, a lot remains about his teammate that he still doesn’t understand.
“I think he might be becoming my new favourite character.” Kou says, conspiratorially, sliding closer to Kei and slinging arm around him.
As the movie goes on, Kei starts to feel more and more tired. The comfortable atmosphere and the constant stream of voices from the TV serve to lull him a sleepy state. “Wake me up when they reach Italy.” he mumbles, the exhaustion of another day spent training finally catching up with him.
Kou mumbles an affirmative, and that’s where Kei’s memory cuts off.
The next thing he knows, someone is prodding at him from the side, instructing him to wake up.
“Fine, five more minutes.” Kei says, swatting the offending hand away.
He blinks as he comes too, shielding his eyes against the sudden brightness of the room.
The movie has ended, but even if hadn’t, Kei wouldn’t have been able to see much of the screen.
Not with Tosaki blocking their view.
“It’s almost 1 am.” he informs them through clenched teeth, “Get upstairs before I sever the internet connection.”
It’s a substantial threat. Substantial enough to briefly distract Kei from the fact that he had fallen asleep right on top of Kou.
“Fuck.” Kei swears under his breath, sitting up straight.
His teammate seems less perturbed.
“You missed the ending.” is all Kou has to say for himself, with a shit-eating grin.
(“It really is pointless.” Kei whispers, later that night, as they are both lying in Kou’s bed, a hair-brained decision that Kei blames his tiredness for.
“The whole being with a vampire. She can’t be, unless someone turns her into one, but that would be the epitome of a ridiculous clishé".
“Oh God, please tell me I’m wrong.”)
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thefrostrihata · 3 years
Unposted Draft - Angel Town
I’m stuck today and I just really like Furihata’s interaction with Nijimura :D though this will never make it to my Angel Town story as I decided to tell the story from Akashis’s point of view instead of from Furihata’s. So I guess no harm in just posting it!
Furihata let his mind wander as the last customer grabbed the drink and bid him goodbye, saying “Thanks, Suga,” and disappeared towards the rest of his day that he had to face. It stung a little, but Furihata believed it comes from a good heart, so he accepted their greetings like he accepted the fact that he has to go through 24 hours a day.
His hand mindlessly grabbed the thick car brochure that somebody left on the table a few days ago, reading its content. 
“Why the heck is she still calling you Suga?” 
A voice was starting Furihata, taking his attention away from the beautifully-crafted copywriting on the car brochure he is currently reading behind the counter. The man who spoke was sitting in one of the few chairs in the shop, making himself at home. His black hair and his sleeveless cyan shirt damp from sweat.  Clearly, he just had his morning run.
“Shuuzo!” Furihata exclaimed. “How long have you been in here?”
“Since that last customer you served,” the man said, the corner of his lips tugged a little, looking amused. It’s Nijimura Shuuzo, Furihata’s old roommate and now good friend. A guy who apparently went all the way to this secluded coffee shop in the furthest corner of Sunset Drive, four blocks away from where he lived and two blocks away from his usual morning run route. 
“You’ve been creeping in on me since then? Wow.”
“Kinda want to see how long until you notice that I’m here. It’s been ten minutes, if you’re curious. You’re really fixated in that brochure. Are you considering buying a car? Or is it just you haven’t kicked the habit of reading any paper with English words written on ‘em?” he asked, eyes locked on the car brochure that Furihata read just a while ago.
“What? Oh! No, God, no! Don’t be ridiculous. Could sell my soul and still wouldn’t be able to afford any of this. It’s just… I’m… Somebody left it and... yeah, okay, you’re right. Still haven’t kicked the habit.”
Nijimura scowled, which is usually a normal occurrence because he’s scowling 80% of the time. But today, he is scowling extra hard, like Furihata just blurted out rocket science out of nowhere. “I don’t know why you’re still doing that. You’ve been here for years. You can read English Classics without opening a dictionary too much. Your english is almost perfect. Better than Teppei, at least. And he even attends language class.”
The brown-haired boy only smiled upon hearing Nijimura’s compliment. “Would you like to order anything, sir?” he asked. “We have shaved iced latte with cat-shaped foam for today’s special. Please don’t order it. The foam is such a pain in the ass to make.”
Nijimura laughed a little. “Fine, I won’t bother the busy barista today,” he said. “Ice chocolate, please. With a little bit of milk, less ice, and oh, don’t forget to come to my party tomorrow,” he continued, as if the last part is not a different thing entirely. 
“What’s the occasion?” he asked, not even glancing towards the older man as he made his order.
“Part business, part reunion,” he answered. “An old kouhai from Junior High is in the country, was gonna hang out with him casually until my old geezer learned who the man is. He insisted on making a proper get-together that will impress him without making it look too obvious. So yeah, I thought a reunion would have a nice ring to it.”
Furihata hesitated for a moment. Shuuzo always liked dragging him into his circle, including him in even the tiniest bit of his social life. Furihata always thought that it would stop after Nijimura is dating Kiyoshi, but apparently, he was wrong. Nijimura always inquired him to join them, even on their dates. 
“Don’t make that face, Kouki. it’s not a full-on party. Just close friends. So far it’s just Taiga and Tetsu, Tatsuya, and Teppei. You’re in right? It’s gonna be super fun, I swear.”
“I don’t exactly have a free day tomorrow, though,” he offered as he pushed the tumbler to Nijimura’s side of the table. “Translation work.”
“When is the deadline?”
Furihata shrugged. “Wednesday next week. But on Monday I’m working a double shift and on Tuesday I took a night shift at the gas station.”
Nijimura thought about it a little. “Bring your homework, then.” he said. “I promise that if you want to be left alone, you’ll get that. But you definitely need to join. Because you know what? At this party, no English allowed.”
Nijimura smirked on the last part, definitely seeing how Furihata perked up. He knew so damn well that Furihata could not resist a party where he could speak Japanese. Because though Furihata’s English is getting better to the point that it’s almost flawless, he could never pass up an opportunity to speak in his Mother Language. Especially after two years of living in America. 
“Did you tell Taiga that?” Furihata laughed. “He would not be happy.”
“Taiga could bail for all I care,” Nijimura laughed as he grabbed his tumbler, muttering a thank you. “ I’ll pick you up tomorrow. Your shift ended at the usual time, right?” 
Furihata only nodded, and just like that, Nijimura bid his goodbye.
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kitkatwinchester · 4 years
So...considering we’re on the home stretch of the greatest show of all time--a show that has been a huge part of my life for the last eight years--I figured now was probably a good time to start doing reactions and reviews. I’ve seen a lot of Tumblrs do this, and I want to join in on that.
So basically, I’m gonna start by just doing a bullet point list of reactions as I go. Fair warning, I get very excited and very into this show, so the list’ll probably be pretty long. But hopefully you enjoy it! And, even if you don’t, this gives me something to look back on years down the line. XD
Also, my mom is watching it with me, so I might include some of her reactions/our discussion in my list too!
And, because I can, at the end of all of it, I’ll give a much more concise review/reaction based on how I feel after the whole episode’s over. Because why not. XD
Enjoy my watching! XD <3
Oh we’re starting!
...did I miss the “then” title card?
Oh wait there it is.
Dude we’re going FAR back on this “then”. I wonder what that means?
My poor baby crying again. :(
“It was. In the 50s.” Point taken.
My poor baby. :( :( :( :(
Oh so killing Amara is officially a plan? Okay then.
“I’ve killed Hitler.” I can’t believe he’s still talking about that! XD
Actually I can believe he’s still talking about it, I take that back.
Okay, I know this episode has something to do with them celebrating holidays because of a fairy or nymph or something like that, and this is already feeling like a light-hearted, fun, domestic Winchesters episode. I hope it stays that way. <3
Have you tried turning it back off and turning it on again? Hit reset.
Ummm...okay then.
In case you haven’t figured it out yet, Jack is my favorite and Dean is my second-favorite.
“Language!” “That’s it I’m getting my gun.” XD XD
I can already tell that so many of my reactions are probably just gonna be me quoting and then laughing. XD
They don’t seem very concerned? Shouldn’t random people not be able to get in?
This lady is such a mom omg.
Mrs. Butters? XD
Wood nymph. Got it.
“Shouldn’t you be in the woods somewhere? Nymphing?” XD XD (P.S. That was my mom’s favorite line in this episode. XD)
You what now?
Necessities of life?
Hmmm….I like her, but she weirds me out. Something is off.
Dean’s “oof that’s awkward” face. XD
“2020.” Hearing that year said out loud just feels...oof. Just oof.
Poor nymph…
Wait, haven’t we seen those symbols before? Maybe I’m making that up.
HA! “It’s kind of been one apocalypse after the other.” He’s not kidding.
WAIT WAIT WAIT WHAT??!! A MONSTER radar??!! Dude WHAT?! Man, they’ve needed something like that for YEARS!
Wait wait wait...relatively nearby….it’s not gonna ping because of Jack is it?? SHE’S NOT GONNA HURT JACK IS SHE??!!
Oh okay nevermind. Just a vamp nest.
Say what now?
We can...that just...umm...okay then??
“Heck...heck yeah.” XD XD XD
Yeah I’m with Sam on this one. She seems innocent, but, like…
Dean does have a point though.
But also things like this never last. It’s too good to be true.
“She’s probably harmless, but just in case, watch yourself”?? Dean that was a terrible way to do that but okay.
Snickerdoodles. XD
My poor baby looks so lost. :(
I mean...Dean makes a good point there. But also the son of Satan is adorable and she’s suspicious. But anyways.
“Ignoring your trauma doesn’t make you healthy.” SOMEONE FINALLY SAID IT OMG!!! XD XD XD <3 <3 <3 <3
...Jack is hiding something? IS JACK HIDING SOMETHING?!
...do we know what Jack is hiding??
The only thing I can think of is that he knows about Cas’s deal with the empty, but he had a soul when that happened, and it wasn’t really eating at him then. Is it eating at him more now for some reason??
Jesus christ this is gonna bother me…
Okay but when has that ever actually worked, Dean?
I’m guessing they didn’t tell her he’s a nephilim? If they don’t really trust her--which they don’t--they shouldn’t. Is there a chance she knows already? I feel like she wouldn’t be acting like that if she did.
Vamps watching a movie with vamps. Classy. XD
At least they’re drinking from bags instead of from humans I guess?
Nice slicing at the same time, boys.
Huh. Well. That was easy. Too easy?
Their faces. XD
Okay she’s kind of adorable not gonna lie.
“We are so keeping her.” XD XD
If I can’t get adorable Jack right now, I’m okay with adorable Dean. XD <3 <3
Sam is still suspicious, but Dean is totally into it.
“Enjoy the world you’re fighting for.” That was really quick and so subtle, but d*mn that’s a good line.
Uh-oh. I don’t like the way she said “what are you”. DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH MY BABY!!!
“He’s a millennial.” XD XD
DEAN IN THAT NIGHTGOWN OMG!!! I know it was in the promo photos, but seeing it in the context of the episode is even funnier. XD
Sam’s gagging at his bro’s “down there” bits lol.
Oof. She is VERY absentminded by Jack and whatever he is. No likey.
...hmm. I still don’t trust her with Jack.
HA!! “I’m worried about your cholesterol.”
And Sam and Jack’s little smiles at that omg. <3 <3 <3
The way they’re running to their rooms to get ready omg.
And that cut to them being dressed and going.
Their faces! XD
The cinematography in this episode is AWESOME. Go Serge Ladouceur (and yes, I looked that name up. XD)
No crusts. Blessed knives. “I just waxed it.” She IS a mom!
Wait no. Take Jack with you. I don’t trust her with him.
“What shall we do with you.” LEAVE HIM ALONE IS WHAT!
Oh. They’re doing dishes.
...I don’t like the way she’s talking to him.
Oof. Mary. *gags*
Jack you’re adorable and I love you but please stop being so gullible and stop sharing so much personal information.
WAIT NO! I know you feel guilty, but DON’T TELL HER YOU KILLED HER!
...oh. That was actually super sweet, and honestly the EXACT thing Jack needed to hear. ...maybe she’s not so bad?
...wait what? She just...pulls those out of thin air?
Ha! Another hunt
Aww! Thanksgiving! <3
Where is Cas during all this? Talking to his angel friends I guess?
That finger gun at Sam omg.
It’s so EASY for them wow.
Halloween! Fitting given our current season.
Their little smiles awww!!
...I still don’t necessarily trust Mrs. Butters. BUT I LOVE SAM AND DEAN AND JACK!
Those faces for the lunches just get better and better.
Also that is an AWESOME shot.
BIRTHDAY!! Awww… <3 <3
OOF. Poor Dean. XD
Jack’s laugh and then immediately being like “oop” and bringing his head down but still chuckling when Dean glares at him I CAN’T. XD XD
AWW!! She made extra for him!
Okay, I like her. But I’m still cautious.
Oh. THERE it is.
What’s she doing??
Jack’s got you lady.
My mom is wondering why she has to walk away to make another smoothie when before she was just producing them. I’m wondering if maybe she has to near the ingredients to whip it into a smoothie magically, but that seems weird...continuity error?
Get her, Jack. My smart boi. <3 <3
My Mom: “You better hurry it up there, Jack.”
Oh it’s evil Men of Letters dude. NOW I get why we went that far back.
Oh! AND the Thule. NOW I get why Dean mentioned killing Hitler again. Wow. Nice connections on this episode all around. Go writers.
...she did what now?
HOLY S*** HOLY S*** HOLY S***!!!
Do NOT ask about tea or cookies after you just pulled sh** like that.
On a more positive note, the way Jack just said “son of a bitch” out of nowhere like that is so adorable because he, like, NEVER swears, but also that’s Dean’s saying and it just proves that he’s taking after his dads and just already growing up and AHHHH I LOVE HIM!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Also Jack please go tell your dads what you found.
Okay so during the commercial break, my mom and I looked up wood nymphs and had this big discussion and here’s kind of what we came up with:
So we were trying to figure out if wood nymphs are supposedly evil, and we didn’t find much, but they do have super strength (which explains her ability to rip off that dude’s head…), and the ability to control wood and nature, which might explain why she can pull smoothies out of thin air.
So then we saw on the SPN Wiki page for this episode that part of the description mentions that the wood nymph would do anything for her family, and that makes me wonder if she has, like, ulterior motives to protect her wood nymph family? But also, she said the Men of Letters were her family, so that translates to Sam and Dean now, right? So theoretically, she wouldn’t hurt them, she’d be trying to protect them. Which means they should be fine, because she only hurts threats. But then my mom pointed out that maybe she considers Jack a threat and that’s a really good point, so now I’m worried all over again. She’s still acting weird with him, and even though I did like that little advice she gave about second chances, maybe it’s all an act? My mom thinks she, like, poisoned his sandwich or something with anti-nephilim juice in order to try to hurt him, but that was before she knew he was a nephilim, right? I don’t know. I think my mom makes a really good point. I hope my baby winds up being okay. :(
Okay. Back to the episode now. 
Ahhhhhhhh noooooo. Where are the boys when we need them?
Wait, DATE?? EILEEN??!!
No. He isn’t. Go away.
Sam look at yoooooooouuuu. <3
But also please take a moment to notice how uncomfortable your son is and ask him what’s wrong please and thank you. (And yes, I will keep saying son thank you very much.)
Ha! She wants him to get a haircut just like Dean does. The joke’s about Sam’s (and, by extension, Jared’s) hair will never not be funny.
Ha! “Language.”
Okay the Sam and Eileen thing is adorable, and Sam and Dean’s banter is hilarious, but guys...look at your son please and thank you. :(
I’m so torn between wanting Sam to just be happy and enjoy himself and wanting him to help Jack ahhhhhh.
Sam can go on his date. I’m sure Dean can handle it.
Roses! Nice touch.
Ha! Dean with the supportive big bro action.
Such. A. Mom.
Wait nooooooo.
Okay but Alex’s acting right there...tip top. So subtle. Jack is trying so hard to be sneaky and warn Dean about what he saw, and the way Alex is conveying pure panic but also showing how sneaky he’s being is AWESOME.
Also that little “sh*t” or “da**it” or whatever it was that he mouthed? Somehow so cute and makes me so worried at the same time.
“The Dean Cave”?? XD XD
Dean I am BEGGING YOU, please take a cursory glance at your son.
The subtitles say “suspenseful music plays” XD XD
Wait Jack noooo. Don’t go after her alone! Chase Dean instead!!
She’s totally gonna trap him in there.
She’s being so condescending shut the fudge up.
What? No.
Does he still not have a soul? Is that what he’s hiding? That wouldn’t make sense.
Oh wait. I get it now.
They’re not. They know he won’t now.
He IS family!
...my mom literally just said “told you so” about the poisoning. ...which also explains why she walked away to make another smoothie, because she WANTED him to find the video, says my mom. And yes, my mom was right, AND I HATE IT!! SCREW YOU LADY!! LEAVE MY BABY ALONE!!
It IS safe you B**CH!!
HE’S NOT A MONSTER!!! :’( :’( :’(
Ha! He’s so excited about the sandwich and it’s adorable.
But also save your son!!
...wait what?
She’s...she’s really just gonna out herself like that?
Ha! YES!
Aww...Dean’s so disappointed. :(
BUT! He’s sticking up for his son! Because even if he’s mad at him for everything that happened to Mary (but also get over it, because she sucked anyways, Dean XD), of course he’ll still protect him.
Ha! The way he just takes it away…
Aww...poor baby. :(
He’s so disappointed. He deserves better. I feel bad for him. :(
Aww...looking at the sandwich, but making the right call.
AWW! He’s trying. Best of both worlds.
Take the deal, lady.
Screw you, lady.
He is NOTHING like his father, thank you very much!
Well...now what??
Oh thank god, Sam’s home. He’s smart. He’ll find a way to get them out.
Her calling him Samuel is both hilarious and annoying, somehow. I think it’s only annoying now because I hate her with what she just did to my boys. XD
She gonna out herself again?
Sam’s face when she said that about good news and bad news. XD
I suppose the benefit of having a bad guy who thinks they’re doing the right thing is that she’s not trying to hide it. So hopefully, if she outs herself again, Sam can deal with it a little better than Dean did, knowing Dean was not very successful lol. Dean let his love of her food get in the way. XD
She DID out herself!
Ha! “You were always the smart one.”
YES! Good job, Sam. Starting off strong. <3
YES! GOOD JOB SAM!! Nice manipulation.
Can’t believe she’s asking about the date.
Actually yes I can. XD
Wait, why don’t WE get to hear about the date? I WANNA HEAR ABOUT THE DATE DA**IT!
Well, DUH, Sam, you think they don’t know that?
Dean OMG!! XD XD
In Dean’s defense, he knew she’d wait for Sam, so...it’s not like they were REALLY in danger.
Do NOT try shooting her. Are you kidding me right now?
...really Sam? REALLY?! You’re going to try to SHOOT her?? You’ve seen what she can do, and you’re going to try to SHOOT her? She got the jump on JACK. POWERED UP Jack. Really? Call me crazy, but I feel like that’s not gonna work.
Yes. Yes he is. ...so much for Sam being the smart one.
I want to be mad at them for getting distracted by the holidays, but also I can’t exactly blame them given their childhoods, so…
Ha! The way they both react to the Boxing Day breakfast. Such brothers. XD
There ya go. Good plan. MUCH better than shooting her. Thank you boys.
WAIT WAIT WAIT!! Is this where we’re gonna get the “you sure this is gonna work” “let’s say yes” scene from the promo?? I THINK IT IS!! (Okay, so I MAY have watched that particular five second scene a million and one times because it had my boys in it, but I love them okay?? Sue me.)
Hey. Chill, Dean. Don’t yell at him.
Aww baby. :( :( :(
He doesn’t think you’re a monster. He’s just upset. :( 
...uh oh. This convo is gonna be bad, isn’t it? :( :(
:’( :’( :’( :’( :’(
WAIT! “For a while” YES! THAT’S A GOOD THING!!
Oh wait. “Still am a little bit.”
“Evil Mary Poppins” XD XD
AWWW!! SEE JACK?! He DOES love you!! <3 <3 <3 <3
OKAY NEVER MIND THAT CONVO WAS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD!!! I need to break that down for a second.
That convo was short and subtle and to the point, but it says SO much about Dean and Jack’s relationship.
First of all, the fact that Dean decided to be honest with Jack instead of continuing to pretend everything’s fine shows how much he really does care about Jack and how much he still trusts him and loves him. He doesn’t open up often, and I’m glad he finally did.
Second of all, he may have been blunt, but there was so much affection hidden in the way he addressed all of that. I mean, he tells Jack that he used to be really mad, and he still kind of is, but then he reminds him that just because they’re in a rough patch right now doesn’t mean he wants to lose him. Yes, Jack made a mistake, and yeah, Dean’s finding it hard to get over it, but Jack’s family through and through, and that means that, no matter what, Dean’s going to look out for him. It’s the same way he treats Cas and, more notably, the same way he treats Sam. He’s giving Jack the family treatment. And THAT is a BEAUTIFUL thing.
All of that said, between all of the OG Team Free Will, Dean’s relationship with Jack will always be my favorite (probably mostly because they’re my two favorite characters, but also because they’re amazing together), so this convo makes me so freaking happy. <3 <3 <3 <3
Sam you are being not very sneaky. 
I take that back. Sam is not being smart about this. *eye roll*
Actually quick side note, one that I’m adding now that I’ve finished the episode: not having Cas around TOTALLY makes sense. Explanation included in the review.
“Because you are my favorite.” XD XD XD 
She shouldn’t still be making me laugh, but dangat she’s too funny. XD
Wait noooo. No torture allowed.
Ha! Fixing his hands.
...but did the cuffs break at least?
HA! She actually converted him to not swear.
I love how Dean makes a point of swearing extra loud after he realizes what he did. I love him. XD XD <3
Oh frick, that didn’t break the cuffs? Are you kidding me? Stupid powerful magic…
OOH! Dean’s got an idea!
OH SHUT UP LADY! Are you still talking??
...okay so...trauma.
Please listen to Sam.
Just because he has blood on his hands doesn’t mean he’s not a kid. Just saying.
Okay so I kind of feel bad for her knowing what she’s been through, but also that does not excuse her behavior. However, I will take back what I said about someone ripping her head off. I suppose that isn’t really necessary.
That said, someone please do something. :( :(
My mom and I are both turning away owwwwwww.
Jesus Christ lady!!
“Pain is just weakness leaving the body.” Dean what?! XD XD
HEY! Smart! Way to go you two!! <3 <3
And still helping his son up YES! <3 <3 <3
Okay that could not have been a more in character moment between Dean and Jack right there. Between the “not so bad” and the helping him up and the helping him walk down the hall and Jack just following him along and I just...I LOVE THEM OKAY!! <3 <3 <3
...Dean honey that was the reset button…
There’s no way that did the job. Too easy.
Problem not solved!! Problem DEFINITELY not solved!!
Creepy green eyes!!
Oh she looks maaaaad. That’s not good.
HEY!!! What happened to not hurting family??!!
Which family??!! Cause YOU’RE the one destroying them!
No he won’t.
“You hurt him, you hurt us.” GREAT line!! YES SAM!! <3 <3 <3
Oooh!! He’s getting to her!! <3 <3
Oop. There’s our backstory. Mr. Cuthbert wouldn’t let her go back. Not that I’m surprised, given what he did to Dean all those years ago.
Yes. Yes he did.
YAY! Dean jumping in to save his son. <3
NICE! Good call, Dean! <3
THAT FACE!! Jack’s face!! <3 <3
YES!!!! YES!!! GOOD JOB BOYS!! <3 <3 <3
Awww….poor Mrs. Butters…
Okay now I feel really bad for her. And a little guilty that I called her a b***h. I’m still kind of mad at her, but...her motives make sense.
Hey yay! She healed him!
Wow, this nymph is POWERFUL. Now that she’s nice again, can we, like, actually keep her? Cause that’d be an awesome ally to have.
Aww...Jack being the one to voice their forgiveness. So pure, especially since she was after him all that time. <3
Awww….Dean wants her to stay. He’s so upset. XD
But he also gets it. :) <3
OMG!! That shot with all three of them looking at her and those sweet little smiles they give her as she’s talking about home. There was just so much...genuineness in that! I loved it! <3 <3
Jack being the voice again. <3
Okay, she looks hecka cute in that outfit.
Oof. That makes sense lol. It would be way too easy if it didn’t revert back.
...inter what now?
Oh shoot...that just proves Chuck destroyed all the worlds...lovely….
Awww!! <3 <3
Ha! Her little words of wisdom to them! To reiterate: SUCH. A. MOM. XD XD <3 <3
Sam and Dean’s smirks at each other when she tells them to do the same things they’ve been telling each other to do for years--eat your vegetables and cut your hair. XD
Awww….that little extra nose crinkle and smile at Jack when she tells him to save the world. <3
I also just realized that this breaks my theory that anyone who meets Jack instantly falls in love with him because of how adorable he is. Though, I guess she’s a little different given that extra little motivation to protect her family in the only way she knows how. Plus, trauma.
Oof. Bye bye extra magic.
Aww...this convo between Jack and Sam. <3 <3
Aww Jack… :( :(
You weren’t stupid, baby. You all fell for it. :(
Aww….he’s looking for faith from Sam.
And Sam just gave it to him. <3
I know the line seems desperate, and in a way, it is, but the way that Sam gave him a little smile shows that it’s more than that. They are desperate, and Jack is their only hope, but also, Sam knows Jack can handle it, because he does have faith in him. It’s a short convo, but it says so much.
That tin has a birthday cake for Jack, made by Dean. Calling it right now.
“He loves that apron.” XD <3 <3
I KNEW IT AND I LOVE IT OMG!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
THAT’S SO ADORABLE!!! And that is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT Dean’s way of telling Jack that he still loves him, and that he forgives him. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
AWESOME ending shot. It’s a great way to end a much more light-hearted episode while also setting us up perfectly for knowing that things are about to get heavy and serious. I bet whatever Jack wished for, it has something to do with taking on God.
Okay, so...those reactions were a lot longer than I was anticipating, and I want to apologize, but also, I did warn you. XD That said, review time!
I loved this episode! It was absolutely hilarious, but also sweet and touching. It mixed some crazy and fun moments with some of the most subtly emotional ones, both negative and positive. I absolutely loved all the Easter Eggs, and I loved watching the boys have a chance to celebrate holidays in a way that they never have before, especially with Jack. The facial expressions in this episode killed me. Between all of the little smiles and dorky excitement, I was laughing and smiling right along with the characters. Some stand-out moments/things for me: 
That convo between Dean and Jack. I already broke it down above, but seriously, I love how they did that. As a huge fan of Dean and Jack and their relationship, the way that those two interacted this episode was beautiful and really sets up the fact that they’re going to need to lean on each other for support as a whole family in the coming fight, and I loved that. <3 
Sam going on a date with Eileen! <3 Initially, I had a theory that Sam and Eileen would end up together at the end of all of this, but when she left a few episodes ago, I threw that idea out the window and it made me sad. So the fact that they went on a date and got to see each other again--even if we didn’t get to see it--makes me so happy and brings back my hope that they’ll end up being together. <3 That said, I am 100% going to write a fanfiction of that date, since Supernatural chose to keep it from us. XD
The acting really stood out to me in this one. Maybe it’s just because it’s been so long since I’ve seen them doing something new, but I honestly feel like J2 and Alex nailed it even more than usual. I mean, their facial expressions were seriously so amazing in this episode. Between the really dorky moments and the subtle emotional moments, I felt like their faces were always saying so much and I loved it. <3
One thing I want to address is the lack of Cas. I know a lot of people were upset that he wasn’t in it, especially since the boys were celebrating so many holidays with Jack, and while I agree that it would’ve been beautiful to have him there, it makes perfect sense that he wasn’t there based on the trajectory of the episode and everything that happened. For starters, if Cas had been there, the wood nymph business would’ve been solved INSTANTLY. Cas is always extra suspicious of people, so if she didn’t trust him because he was an angel, the odds of her getting the jump on him would’ve been slim. And yes, she did poison Jack with the smoothies, but, as this episode continued to point out, Jack is still a kid, so he’s still much more naive and gullible. Plus, he’s upset and guilty and confused and just generally vulnerable now that his soul is back, so it was easy for him to trust and be manipulated. But if Mrs. Butters had tried to do the same thing to Cas, (and I’m picturing that one scene with the milkshake in Peace of Mind here) there’s no way he would’ve fallen for it. More importantly, with how worried he is about Jack, he would’ve been really vigilant about the way she was talking to him and everything, and he probably would’ve caught the poisoning long before it could really hurt him. And you can argue that Sam and Dean probably should’ve picked up on it, which is true, however, even they admit that they get distracted in the fun of it all. While it would’ve been great to see Cas in on the festivities, he wouldn’t have been quite as distracted by it as the boys were, and with his vigilance, there’s no way any of them would ever have gotten hurt. He’d be watching Mrs. Butters like a hawk, and the second she did something suspicious, she’d be gone. That said, I can understand if people want to say that’s dumb, because if they didn’t want Cas to defeat the villain so easily, they shouldn’t have had a villain that could be so easily defeated by Cas, and I’m sure some people feel like that’s a stupid excuse. To which I also offer this. After seeing those convos between Dean and Jack and Sam and Jack, and knowing that the episode ends with the three of them celebrating Jack’s birthday, Cas’s absence makes even more sense: this episode wasn’t about him. I love Cas, but it didn’t need him. See, Cas already has an undying love for Jack. While Cas definitely saw Mary as family, he never had the same emotional connection to her that Sam and Dean did--for obvious reasons. But he definitely had--and still has--a very strong emotional connection to Jack. He’s always been the most involved in being Jack’s father--again, for obvious reasons. But even after the Mary incident, it was Cas who went to find him, who tried to help him, and who wanted to protect him. Cas always loved him and always trusted him, and he always will. But Sam and Dean lost a lot of trust for Jack after what happened to Mary...and this episode fixed that. Because Cas wasn’t around, it gave Jack a chance to prove himself to Sam and Dean again. Sam had already pretty much forgiven him, but Dean was definitely on the fence. He even says it. But the fact that Dean had that conversation with him and said everything he did proves that Dean still loves him, and it gave Jack the reassurance he needed that, while Dean is still mad, he doesn’t hate him, and he doesn’t think he’s a monster. And while Sam and Jack were on pretty good terms, Jack was still worried that Sam couldn’t trust him--that Sam didn’t have faith in him anymore. But when Sam tells him that he knows he can defeat God, Jack gets confirmation that Sam does still have faith in him. And after all of that, after celebrating all of those holidays together, and having both of those conversations, to then end that with Sam and Dean celebrating Jack’s birthday? That’s what this episode was about. Sure, it was a silly monster of the week episode. Sure, we got some adorable and hilarious moments. And sure, we got to see them celebrate things that they never got to celebrate in a real way before. But underlying all of that, we got to see Jack become part of Sam and Dean’s family again. We got to see them bond. And knowing that this is right before they all prepare to take on God--Jack needed that. The boys needed that. They needed to all trust each other again. And the fact that they celebrated his birthday at the end proves that they do. They’re a family again. They have each other’s backs. They trust each other. And they love each other. And as much as I love Cas, and as much as I would’ve loved to have seen him be a part of their holidays, he didn’t need to be. But those three did. And that’s why Cas wasn’t in the episode. So, frankly, full points to the writers for making that happen. While they gave us a fun episode, and they may have left out a fan favorite character, it created an underlying theme that’s really going to matter as we get into the big stuff of Season 15. And that’s awesome.
All in all, I thought this was a great episode, and I’m so glad that this is how we get to jump back into the season. Not only was this episode hilarious and fun, but it was also a great set-up for the coming battle and for all the hard and serious things that are bound to come in the next several episodes.
Rumor has it that this was the last “silly” episode of the show, and while that’s a sad thought to think about, it totally makes sense with what they did with the episode, and frankly, I think it’s a beautiful silly one to have ended on and a great way to lead into everything that’s coming next.
My Rating: 10/10
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
Is That My Shirt? (Shinso x Reader)
Prompt: Shinso notices one morning that the space in his closet seems wider than before. Who in the world could have stolen his shirts?
Warnings: FLUFF
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A purple haired boy stared at his half filled closet. Realization hit hard when he saw that the amount of clothes he had when he entered the hero course dorms have now been dwindling. The space seemed to grow more and more everyday.
Deciding not to dwell on this, he grabbed one of his signature navy shirts and sweatpants. Heading downstairs to eat some breakfast. He could deal with his clothes later.
Reaching the last few steps, he could hear the chats of his new classmates. He wasn’t used to it yet but being welcomed with open arms by the class 2-A was something he did not expect. Not wanting to admit it, he did consider himself a hypocrite ever since he began to forge close bonds with the others. Todoroki was right when he said there was no escaping the ‘1-A Bat of Friendship’.
“Good morning, Shinso!” Kirishima greeted him as he waved with a spoon on hand. His bright red hair still is not defying gravity. “‘Bout time you woke up, dude.”
Dragging the chair back, he lazily sat down and let out a huge yawn. The bags under his eyes, despite being hereditary, looked a shade bit darker. Despite knowing they were given a 1 week vacation, he still kept studying and doing his homework in advance.
“Oi, extra!” Bakugo yelled from behind. “Get your food now before I throw it in the trash!”
That was something he could not get used to as quickly tho. Making his way to the common kitchen, he began to count the heads present but yours wasn’t there yet. Perhaps you were still sleeping. Grabbing himself some breakfast, he sat beside Kirishima who gladly gave him some space.
“So, where’s (Y/N)?” Kiri asked as he took in a spoonful of breakfast.
“Probably still sleeping.” Shinso replied. “Why?”
“Nah. But we are curious, though, are you two really just best friends?” His red eyebrow raised as he questioned the mini Aizawa of 2-A.
“We are.”
“Are you though?” Mina inserted herself as she sat beside the messy indigo haired boy. “You tend to stare a little longer when it comes to her~”
“She tends to be touchy when you're within her reach.” Denki added.
“When you’re not looking, she stares at you with lovey dovey eyes.” Even Deku joined in on the conversation.
“And your points are?” Shinso asked with such a deadpan expression. His tired look made them laugh a bit. In some ways, he was like a Todoroki before the UA sports festival. “Just because we're like that doesn’t mean there’s something going on between us.”
“So, you wouldn’t mind if I ask her out?” Kirishima asked. His eyes keenly observing his reaction. “I’ve been meaning to ask her but I just wanted to know if you’re cool with it.”
Shinso was quiet. Looking away from his acquaintance, his thought wandered off to you. Somehow, he found himself a little pissed that some guy would want to ask you out. For some reason, his heart beat increased at the mental image of you with this red haired dude instead of him.
“I mean, I don’t mind.” His answer was a bit hushed. "It's her life not mine."
For the rest of the meal, Shinso remained quiet. Staring intently at his food. He had failed to see the others staring at him with furrowed brows.
Signalling Kiri to stand up and leave, Mina accompanied him. Making sure they were seen heading up to your floor. From the corner of his eyes, he followed them till they disappeared. He only just realized he had been holding a rather long breath.
The doors of the building opened and his eyes landed on you. Hair slightly messy but it was downcasted by the brightness of your smile. A set of floating clothes accompanied you with shared laughter. You wore your signature oversized shirt and black leggings. Your favorite combo.
"You sure you don't have feelings for her?" Deku muttered. 
His gaze never faltered and his hearing non-existent. Did he really have feelings? His breath hitched when your eyes met his. The way your eyes sparkled made his face heat up. Was it possible to look away when the smile on your face was for him?
Wait. His brows furrowed when you were now walking towards him. The answer to his morning question had now been answered.
Sitting beside him, you greeted Deku and him. Handing them a daifuku each.
"That's my shirt." Shinso commented as his fingers played with the sleeves. Meanwhile, Deku's ears were very much focused on the conversation happening before him.
"And your point is?" You teasingly replied. Poking his cheek as well.
'How can these two not be dating?' Deku thought.
"Is this the one of many?" His eyes staring at the shirt's print. This shirt was one of his favorites. But seeing you wear it gave it a whole different vibe. "My closet seems emptier ever since I moved in."
"You're not blaming me now, are you?"  The smirk on your face was as brainwashing as his own quirk. Heck, it almost felt like once he'd answer, he'd fall into your trap.
"Give me my shirts back, (Y/N)..."
'Shirts? Are they sleeping together?' Deku's mind was doing cartwheels by now.
"Can I atleast keep 5?" You pouted and tugged on his arm. "I like wearing your shirts. They're warm and comfy and cozy just like you."
'Warm? Comfy? Cozy?!' At this point Deku went full on mumble mode in his head.
Shinso's jaw dropped but he managed to catch it on time. And did he hear it right? 5?
"How many shirts do you have (Y/N)?"
"8…" You looked away with redness in your cheek.
Ruffling your hair, he stood up and extended his hand.
"Fine." There it was again. The sparkle in your (e/c) eyes. "But only if I get to decide."
Taking his hand, you lead him straight to your room. Hands never letting go. By now, there was no use in denying that he had crossed the friendship line.
Inside your room, you opened your messy closet.
"Don't look."
A little too late on your part. Despite the jungle of clothes inside, he managed to catch a glimpse of a special corner where his clothes were neatly stacked.
One by one, he checked to see which among these he'd give to you. With each shirt, you told the story of why you stole it from his closet. It was all too amusing but cute at the same time. Whatever shirt he wanted you to have, he'd toss it to your face.
"You're… You're giving me all of them?"
"Not exactly." He scratched the back of his neck and looked away. "Just making you part owner. Is all."
You don't know what came to your mind, but you threw the shirts to a random discard pile. The next thing Shinso knew was that he felt your pillow underneath his head. Strands of your hair splayed on his face as you wrapped your arms tightly on his neck. He had to blink himself back to life.
Patting your back, all Shinso could do was hope this moment would last longer.
What he didn't know was how erratic your heart beats were. Sure, he was your best friend but you would be a liar if you didn't want to be something more than just a friend.
"Thank you for the shirts~" You finally broke the silence.
"Anything for you…"
"You have really fluffy hair~" Using your elbows to lift yourself, you took in the view of Shinso. His eyes were deep in thought yet the connection was still there. Your eyes widened when he tucked strands of hair behind your ear. Instantly, you felt heat travel to your cheeks.
"I like you wearing my clothes." Somehow, he had found the courage to brush his thumb on your cheek. His mind went blank except for 3 words he wanted to say. Just as he was about to say it… he closed his mouth and gently pushed you away.
"D-did I do something wrong?" The tone of your voice sent guilt down his system. "I'm sorry if I hugged you all of a sudden."
He couldn't bring himself to look at you. If he would then he might lose his resolve. Shaking his head, he stood up and waved his palm back and forth.
"It's nothing."
Gaddamnit. He hated hearing you like this.
"I can't ruin our friendship…" He uttered to himself. Just as his hand touched the door knob, he heard the shuffling of your bed followed by footsteps running towards him. A slight tug on his shirt told him you were clinging on to him.
"What if… What if I want to ruin to the friendship?"
Looking at you over his shoulder, he managed to catch a glimpse of your head hanging low. A few tears running down your cheek.
Turning around to face you, you let go of his shirt and used your hands to cover your face. Thankful you couldn't see him, a smirk formed on his face. It had been mutual all along and his friends were right.
"What did you say?" He faked the shock in his voice.
"I… I…"
"You want to ruin the what?" By now he couldn't help the cheeky growing grin on his face.
Letting out a long breath, you lowered your hands and stared at your cat socks.
"I like you, Toshi." Your voice was small but he heard you loud and clear. "I… wouldn't mind ruining friendship if it means we get to be something more."
You finally said it.
"So, can I kiss you?"
"Eh?" Lifting your head, your heart leaped at the sight of Shinso's lavender eyes. The way they drifted to your lips and back to your eyes made you want to fall flat on the ground due to the sensation of butterflies in your tummy.
"I guess it's a no then~"
Panicking, your hands found their way to his cheeks. Slightly squishing them making him pout. He looked all too adorable when he smiled through your hold.
Taking one step forward, you let go of his cheeks as your hands traveled down to his neck and stopping when they rested on his chest.
Shinso placed one hand on your waist while the other cupped your cheek. Leaning in closer, he chuckled when you stood on your tippy-toes. By now, your noses were brushing and each exhale touched both your lips.
Before closing the gap, he whispered…
"To the ruined friendship?"
All you could do was smile and slide your arms around his neck to pull him closer.
"To the ruined friendship."
With that, the two of you met halfway and savored the moment of finally letting go of your pent up feelings in favor of something much better.
"You think the plan worked?" Kiri asked Mina as they stared at your bedroom door.
"I think it did." Deku answered. "He seemed pretty shaken when you asked him the question."
Guess it wasn't just Shinso who could ruse people.
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justphilia · 5 years
Mob Psycho Characters Playing Minecraft (Headcanons)
He starts with creative mode, just to get the gist of it, before finally heading into survival but on peaceful. Then he’ll do survival easy mode and just stay on that tier forever, until he feels more confident to up his game a little higher.
Only played because Telepathy club was playing and he heard the word “Mob” and was like; “Did you call me?” and the club goes “nah fam, it Minecraft.” “what’s Minecraft.” Boom he plays.
Most likely to have a farm with a lot of cows
Has a dirt house/villager’s house on the first night and stops at just that.
Not much of a great builder
Takes forever to get diamonds
Dies often, but not too much. Just often enough for him to lose a few good iron pickaxes.
Always goes to bed once it’s night.
Most likely to have a pet cat
He just plays for fun, when he’s bored and stuff. So he doesn’t go as far as to defeating the ender dragon. He’ll travel to the nether though, just for potion making
But he does play a heck more when Teru’s around, or when the Telepathy club invites him.
He awaits for a frog update
Jumps into survival hardcore right off the bat after watching one play through
Most likely to have a villager colony and farm
Makes a wooden house with windows and stuff on the first night with a furnace and a crafting table and a bed. The essentials. But he won’t stay in one house often and will move a lot
He can build, but he’s pretty amateur at it, he’s a fast learner though so he could easily replicate houses he see online
He’s the type of guy that never stops mining until he finds diamonds, which means he makes sure he’s at 13-11y in coordinates, has a shit ton of extra pickaxes, and stacks upon stacks of torches. Once he finds them goodies, he heads on home and repeats the cycle
He’ll defeat the ender dragon if he’s bored enough or when someone challenges/pays him to.
Same goes with The Wither
Will skip Minecraft sleep very often and will only go to bed when the phantom starts attacking
Most likely to have many many pet dogs, each one of them have name tags.
When he dies, he gets mad for a few hours, then jumps right back in. He doesn’t die all that often though, so he won’t rage quit.
He gets the minecraft books later on and you can see him reading it under his table time to time
He starts off with easy or normal without much knowledge on the game, probably only played because Shigeo introduced him to or Shou bugged him about it.
He’ll have a farm, but just for resources. Won't have much animals, mostly crops. He’ll live next to a village if there is one.
His first house will also be a dirt house, he’ll improve it overtime and add more levels and decorations. It can get very pretty in the end and he’ll be content to just stay and keep adding more to his house.
Not the best builder, but good enough for people to compliment it. He feels especially proud when Shigeo likes them, so he’s keen on building better and more.
He plans before he mines, calculates how many torches he needs and plans out what he’s exactly looking for, even calculates how many hunger bars each food item will fill before taking it with him.
If he gets really into the game, he’ll defeat the ender dragon, wither and head on into the nether. Not in that order though.
Will sleep if he doesn’t need to do anything
Most likely to have pets, perhaps a cat, or a dog, or a parrot. Only one though.
When he dies, he accepts it and moves on. Though, that would rarely happen.
Recently got into a forced Minecraft marriage with Shou. Is it forced if he enjoyed it though?
This bitch really just gonna jump right into survival just to flex on Shigeo.
Duh, of course he’ll have a farm. Will probably talk to the animals.
His first house is either borrowed from a villager or built with wood, but it’ll definitely not be a simple ass wooden house. It will be a nice fucking mansion, just watch him, he will. He’ll fight all the mobs he needs to just to built this mansion right off the bat, doesn’t even care if the first night he sleeps roofless.
Really good at building, because he wants to compete with Ritsu for fun and boast about it to Shigeo. Shigeo would just clap and be like “Wow so cool.”
“Thanks, made it myself, I can make one for you.” Shigeo declines, he’s an independent man, which makes Teru a mixture of disappointment and oh-my-god-you’re-adorable???
He doesn't plan when he mines, he just estimates and half ass some stuff before he struts into the cave. Sometimes he gets lost, but that’s perfectly fine.
Will defeat every mob boss and mob ever to show Shigeo he’s very powerful.
Doesn’t sleep, fights the phantom instead. Will sleep if Shigeo asks him to.
Most likely to have a pet cat, but he doesn’t mind dogs.
When he dies, he’s an angry baby and makes up some excuse as to why he’s dead. “I was distracted, didn’t see the lava. Whoops I guess ha ha no big deal.” But it is a big deal, he lost his diamonds, he wants to give it to his boyfriend but he cannot. Because he died.
Has yet to marry Shigeo in Minecraft.
Plays because he is a gamer. Survival hardcore ftw. He only plays multiplayer with Ritsu these days, never single player because he has been playing Minecraft his whole childhood and it gets boring on his own.
What’s a fucking farm? I take my food from my Minecraft husband.
Sleeps in a cave, but if Ritsu’s done with the house, he joins his bed with him and sleeps under a roof.
But he’s really really good at building, probably the best next to Serizawa. If you gave him the resources and time, he can recreate Seasoning City.
A concerning miner, jumps in with just torches and a pickaxe and somehow still survives (mostly because Ritsu always goes looking for him)
Could probably easily defeat the bosses because he has already done it so many times
Will only sleep when Ritsu is, which is almost all the time.
He owns every kind of animal.
He dies too many times because he really doesn’t mind, it makes Ritsu mad and that’s what keeps him going.
Shou was suffocated in sand.
“S H O U.” Ritsu yells at the boy next to him.
Was the one that proposed to Ritsu, invited everyone to the wedding; including Serizawa and Reigen.
Played while he was still hiding in his home, so he knows everything about the game when he finally played it with Reigen or the kids.
He loves farming, even the animals, it’s oddly calming to take care of something that won’t die unless he hits em.
He always collects resources first before he actually starts building a home, so he always sleeps in a cave or a villager’s house.
After years of experience, he became really good at building, he use to spend time recreating maps from other games. But he says Shou is better than him, the boy disagrees.
Yeah he mines, but he’s wary of dying when he heads into the cave, so he always brings too many torches. 
Makes sure he is very very prepared before defeating bosses
Always sleeps in time, because Reigen said so. Well, because Reigen advised it, what a hypocrite am I right?
Doesn’t have pets, and even if he does, he always make them stay put at one place.
Doesn’t die all that often, almost not at all.
He pretends to not be good at the game when Reigen’s around, he mostly lets the other do what they wanna do because he loves watching his husband play.
“Serizawa! Look, I made the zombie villager back into a villager!” Reigen pointed, Serizawa smiles and nods. He already knew how to do that, but Reigen’s discovery makes it feel he discovered something new himself.
Bro this woman is so experienced to a point everyone consults her for tips.
She’s building up to find aliens in minecraft, even though they don’t exist, but she’s convinced they’re an easter egg or something.
No, she doesn’t farm. She takes em from the villagers, but she has a few beehives here and there.
She’s only mining to find diamonds as a peace offering to minecraft aliens.
One time she thought the Wither was an alien.
One time, she thought the phantom was an alien.
One time she thought the ghast was an alien.
Has died multiple times because she is careless, but she is never upset about it. Always jumps right back into the game immediately.
Parrots are her pets, because they f l y and d a n c e.
One time she thought the creepers were aliens.
She has this summoning circle made of redstone and torches in case there really are aliens.
She believes in herobrine and sometimes tries to summon him.
She thinks the aliens made the temples in minecraft.
Other Characters
Minegishi has so many bees and flowers and crops it’s almost covering the whole map.
Takenaka plays because it’s very quiet and calming
Shimazaki cannot play. He is blind.
Shou’s old resistance team use to play with him, now they sometimes play together as a trio when Shou is playing with Ritsu.
Mukai and Tsuchi play because Mukai wanted to, she has a lot of armor stands in her house.
Tsubomi does not play, she played once and didn’t enjoy it all that much, but she’s perfectly happy watching her friends play.
Emi roleplays in minecraft.
Mezato doesn’t play, but she likes watching minecraft videos on youtube, mostly the theories.
Everyone in the awakening lab plays, Kurosaki is fantastic at mining because she always knows which way are the mobs and which way are the diamonds. Asahi is an arsonist.
Minori once got invited by Shigeo to play, then she proceeded to buy minecraft and everything in it to impress him. Shigeo only congratulated her once. Contemplating buying the whole of Mojang, but she’s a good girl now so she won’t.
Hoshida plays to impress Tome. Too bad, son, she’s not into you.
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willow-salix · 4 years
Isolation update!
Day 65 of isolation on Tracy Island and there was something weird going on.
“Arghhh, no! Get off you crazy machine!” I swiped at MAX as he rolled silently up behind Scott. “That was just too close for comfort, he almost got you.” Itt was the third time I’d caught him sneaking up behind one of us and I didn't trust him one bit. You want to know why? Because he was brandishing a pair of hair clippers. That was just asking for trouble.
“Stupid bag of bolts,” Scott yelped as he dived out of the way. 
“What is with him lately?” Gordon grumbled, “he tried it with me yesterday while I was sunbathing.”
“And me while I was playing my game,” Alan added.
“Well, you are all looking a little worse for wear now,” I hedged. Who was I kidding, a little worse for wear? No, they were growing hair faster than a teenager in puberty. 
Scott had stolen a hairband from me and was currently sporting a half pony, Virgil was rapidly developing a flock of seagulls fringe as his hair grew heavier and lost its battle with gravity. Alan had resorted to a man bun, it was tiny, but it was there and it was just the cutest thing that I couldn't stop flicking it, much to his annoyance. John was still in his Disney bangs stage, his front curl growing out and flopping forward with the weight of the extra length. And Gordon, well...he was just a mess quite honestly, growing long all over with no discernible shape to it and no way to tame it. 
The problem was none of us had the skills or guts to try to do anything about it. They had all agreed that it was best to just let it grow out and wrestle it into submission rather than risk a cut. You could always take more away but you couldn't put it back on. They would wait until they could get to an actual barber.
“Where is Brains?” I wondered out loud. “Why is he letting MAX roam freely with instruments of destruction?”
“Have any of you guys actually seen Brains lately?” Scott asked.
We all stopped what we were doing at the same instant, like something out of a cartoon, listen, think, realisation, FREEZE. Slowly, one by one, we each shook our heads.
“I’ve not seen him since Wednesday,” Virgil answered.
“Probably Monday for me, but I don’t spend much time in the labs,” I answered slowly, trying to cast my mind back.
“Wednesday too,” John confirmed.
“He has to be somewhere,” Gordon said. 
Food was vanishing from the fridge and the pantry in the middle of the night, bottles of water and juice were growing legs and walking away but we never saw any of it leave. We were used to him never turning up for meals because he was buried in his work, but this was getting ridiculous.
“Don’t you think we should go and look for him?” I asked, just a wee bit concerned.
“Nah, you know how he is when he’s busy, he hates to be disturbed. Remember that time he pitched a fit when Scott walked in and he threw his model on the floor?” Alan reminded us. 
“Oh, yeah, I remember that,” Scott nodded. 
“No, come on now you guys, we can’t just ignore this and not bother to check on him, what if somethings wrong? He could be having a really tough time and need his friends and you lot are just gonna sit around on your butts and keep watching Friends?”
They exchanged glances but didn't look convinced.
“He really does hate to be disturbed,” Virgil said. “You’ve never seen him angry.”
 I sighed, rolling my eyes.
“Bunch of wimps! Seriously, it’s Brains, how bad can it be?”
They declined to comment.
“Fine, I’ll go.”
“Don’t say we didn't warn you,” Scott warned me, going back to the game he was playing with Alan on the games console.
“So none of you are coming with me?” 
Nothing, they all avoided looking at me.
I propped my hands on my hips and brought out the raised eyebrow of doom. 
Gordon nudged John, who glanced over at me. I waited. He got up.
“The door’s locked,” I said, quite unnecessarily really. It was quite plain to see that no amount of pushing or pulling was making it budge.
“Brains?” I knocked on the door. “Are you OK in there?” 
We listened carefully but heard nothing.
“He’s just busy,” John assured me but I wasn't convinced.
“Brains!” I yelled. “Answer us!”
We heard a noise inside but the door didn't open.
“Go away! I don’t wish to be d...disturbed!”
“Does he sound funny to you?” I asked John. He shrugged. Typical man.
“I’m putting my foot down, come out. It’s not good for you to be locked away for days. You need human contact, you need to talk to people. You’ll go mad in there on your own!”
No answer.
“I’m really worried about him.”
“Let’s give him a few hours, if he’s not out by then we’ll try again.”
I nodded, that's about all we could do.
“We’re going away for a bit, but we WILL BE BACK!” I yelled through the door. “So unless you want us breaking in, you had better come out and let us know youre still alive. You got three hours, Brainiac!”
We headed back to the lounge to update everyone on the situation and in my case, to start a timer. I was deadly serious, if he wasn’t  out in three hours I was sending Virgil in to go full out hulk smash on the lab door.
Two hours and forty-eight minutes later and we heard a noise behind us. There was a beep and a whirl as MAX zoomed in, followed by the shuffling of feet.
We all looked up just as Brains popped his head around the door frame.
“A...as you can see, I am q...quite well, there will be no need for f...further threats,” his head withdrew again and he began to make his escape.
“Hey, Brains, don’t run off, come in and sit with us for a bit,” Virgil invited.
“Yeah, Brains, we haven't seen you in days, you can’t spend all your time stuck in your lab you know,” Gordon said, joining in.
“I...I’d rather n...not. I am rather busy.”
I have a highly tuned radar for suspicious activity, and that lad was being the most evasive that i’d ever witnessed.
“What’s going on?” 
“N...nothing!” Brains shifted uncomfortably and that's when we spotted his head.
“Why are you wearing a hat in doors?” Scott asked.
“No reason! I really must get back,” he turned away but MAX, trying to help, got there first. His arm, the one holding the clippers, shot out aimed at his head. Brains tried to duck at the same time as MAX moved, resulting in a midair collision that knocked his hat flying.
We all gasped, stunned at the sight of Brains with a completely bald head.
“Don’t look, I l..l...look awful.”
“What the heck happened, Brains?” Virgil asked, the only one of us that had enough self control to speak without laughing. I admit it, I had my face buried in Gordon’s chest and wasn't able to come out for a good few minutes while he had collapsed over my back, struggling to breathe as he attempted to hold in his laughter.
Max reached out again, his clippers buzzing and it was suddenly all too obvious exactly what had occurred.
“M...MAX’s new programming didn't go quite to p...plan. This was the only way I c...could see to fix it”
And here, in the villa lounge, we see the Brains, king of the understatement,out of his natural habitat and regretting all his life choices. 
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