#sorry it took soooooo long to answer
soranker · 10 months
hi….! any chance we can see your art process ? it’s fine if not! i was wondering if u do a sketch before your lines or you just skip directly to lineart? your art is very beautiful!
HI!!! AUGGHHHJHH THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH T__T my art style is kinda simple imo so my process is pretty bare-bones ^^;; there's not rly much too it!! it also kinda changes depending on how uhhhh lazy im feeling in the moment HAHA
probably around half of my drawings are straight to line art bc they're rly just doodles or things i decide to draw without any planning (but also im kinda impatient so i try to skip the sketching step if i can LOL...). but if i DO have a specific pose in mind for a drawing, i'll start with a sort of mannequin sketch or loose pass, then depending on how messy it is, ill either do the lineart pass on the layer on top or duplicate the sketch and then clean it up.
and then my coloring process is not sophisticated at all i just create a new layer and then paint bucket tool away LMAOOOO
here's an example of a drawing where i did sketch first ^_^
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Helen for the latest ask thing:))
Hello! Thank you! 🥰
1.She's emotional
Helen is very often depicted as not having many emotions/disliking them/doing everything she can not to feel. But she feels a great deal, probably more than everyone else, she just feels like she has to hide because so many people depend on her. So she keeps her feelings to herself and feels them so much, but alone. She tries not to share them because she doesn't want to burden the people that depend on her. It makes for some angsty writing, sometimes, but I feel it's true to her character.
2. She makes mistakes
I keep this in mind because the temptation to right Helen as not making mistakes is sometimes kind of high. She does what she thinks is right and what is best for everyone and everything, but that doesn't mean she is. She's just as human as everyone else, even if she's had more time to make mistakes and learn from them.
3. She doesn't need a romantic partner
I love Helen + whoever as much as the next person, but she doesn't need a romantic partner. She might like to have one and it's fun to have her be happy with someone, but that doesn't mean she needs one. She's a great character that can stand on her own, the fact that she's had and will have romantic partners is a coincidence, not a requirement.
4. She can be a bitch
And she's good at it. I'll admit, it's really fun to write Helen that way (especially since so many female characters aren't allowed it!). And she is. And she's not just a bitch because someone was wrong/did something wrong, etc. She can be one over pretty much everything, but most of the time she knows how to check herself so it doesn't spread too far.
5. She collects 'strays'
Helen is always going to take in a misfit, human or abnormal, and if taking them in doesn't suit that person, she will 100% help them make it to a situation that does. They may not even realize that she's seen them and adopted them in a sense (like when she paid for Will's scholarship, I imagine he wasn't the first or the last). But she does.
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stinkrascal · 1 year
humans in fantasy worlds can be so special bc they are always the most bland in comparison witj other fantasy racds but dammit they keep going anyways !!!!
okay yeah thats fair! but then i raise you this question, how do you have fun pointy ears if you play as a human :(
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chuyua · 16 days
a grin plastered on the red punk's, a red blade coating his board as he looked at the fancy man in the hat and coat. “ you must not be from around here, well let's give you a little warm welcome and some set rules for this city. ” raising his thumb, he pointed directly at himself as his grin shifted into a snarl.
“ here, we reds don't give a damn about no shitty mafia. the only person we listen to is our king. which you sure as hell ain't so I'm gonna ask politely one more time. tell us what you want or get out our turf. ”
-sincerely, yata (hope this is okay!)
gloved hand pinched at the bridge of his nose, patience was a thinning entity, a nearly non - existent presence slowly leaving the silhouette of a rigid frame. too much noise for the morning — it was just half - past noon, but the executive had foregone his typical routine to pay a visit to his targeted destination first, scope out the surroundings, couldn't ever be too careful should a friendly encounter go sideways. storms were careful as they canvassed the nearby buildings, the streets, and the fire - headed kid before him. the urge to ignore him was strong, but he was in no position to wreak havoc without cause. and his irritation would prove no worthy of an excuse. “ right, your king. ” try as he might, but the condescension was thick in his tone, brow raised as if he'd heard something absolutely batshit insane. as if he'd stumbled into an aged era.
“ i dunno what's up your ass today, but i don't got the time to knock heads an' shit. got a letter and directions led me here. ” quick to pull the folded note out, nearly illegible scripture across the white expanse. anyone with an eye could see the symbol of the red clan. “ i'd stop barkin' at me. ”
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amu-brain-dump · 1 month
Team “be gay and do crimes” and “be ungovernable” etc. but I’m laughing that I’ve just realised you’re 29 and reblogged the “ask meme for people in their 30s” game yOU NAUGHTY CHILD (affectionate)
[it’s a bit silly that ask game had an age range in the first place but I thought it was funny I don’t think I ever really processed your age until right now]
Anyway, could we get some of your favourite life lessons that you learned in your 20s? Big or small. 🫶
Listen! Those questions were fun! Why would the over 30s only be allowed to have fun?? 😮‍💨 In any case I stopped feeling my age a long time ago, I consider myself a "young adult" whatever that age is 🤷🏾
As for lessons... I'm the kind of person that makes mistakes repeatedly and expects a different result so it takes me a long time to learn any lessons... But I have learnt some
- Don't do anything for anybody expecting something in return, it's not worth it. Do things cause you want to and if you don't want to don't do them
- Uterus owners, your period patterns can and WILL change throughout your life
- If you find a food that you really like to eat, learn how to cook it and you'll achieve instant happiness whenever you want
- Money is the cause of a big chunk of problems in the world so learn how to budget for your circumstances and to have control over your own
- Friends are, sadly, not forever. And there are people in your life that were never interested in being your friend
- Change sucks
- You cannot "fix" anybody. Mostly cause there are very few people in the world who are "broken". But yeah, you cannot mold someone into the person you expect them to be
- Physical activity is unfortunately good for mental health but that doesn't make it suck any less
And those are all the lessons that I think are important at this point in my life. I'll probably learn more things as I get older but I also don't have the intention to live very long 🤷🏾
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nejackdaw · 5 months
morthal and markarth for the skyrim asks!
Ty for the ask! 💞
Morthal - Do you enjoy exploring dungeons and ruins? Why or why not?
Kinda depends tbh. Dungeons with multiple rooms absolutely FULL of enemies encourage a more stealthy approach, and while I'm a capable stealth archer, it's not my preferred play style, so it can be a bit unfun. The alternative, however, is the ENTIRE DUNGEON hearing me engage in melee and swarming me at once, which. Also isn't fun. Ultimately I guess the answer comes down to "depends on the number of guys in there" and "how likely is Marked For Death to solve the entire issue?" Skyrim is basically the only game where, when given a choice, I'll choose martial over caster or archer, but this can be a problem in packed dungeons. I like single or few guy brutal slugfests where we just beat the shit out of each other. Also then I can just take a break to throw up my shield and watch Celann materialize to OHKO them, which fills me with glee literally every time
Markarth - If you could rewrite one questline in Skyrim, which would it be? (This answer is sooooo long btw)
Hmm... I'm actually not too interested in a lot of them, but when it comes to being disappointed in one, it's the Civil War questline. The entire thing amounts to "use your main character powers about 5 times in a dungeon or something and then go fight the oppositional leader." You can't even fix Whiterun, a place you specifically took for its geographical, strategic, and mercantile advantage. You just leave it in ruins???
There are two quests in the entire line that aren't just "awkwardly storm this place with a couple guys,' and one of them is optional. Both sides have a "steal/plant enemy orders" quest, but the "gaining intel/blackmail" quest is in both cases entirely optional. There's one non-combative "sneak and find this document/gather intel" quest, and no "root out a traitor" or "disrupt a supply line" type quests (technically this one is awkwardly tacked onto the end of the optional quest.) The Dark Brotherhood, Dawnguard, and Thieves Guilds have similar respective quests that we can compare to the 1.5 non-combative Civil War quests: finding intel on Maro's son, the radiant "vampire advisor" quests, basically the entire beginning TG questline (Honningbrew, Goldenglow hives.)
Each of these questlines involve non-typical quests, aka quests where you have to approach it a little differently than the rest of your work: the Brotherhood stealing documents and planting false evidence like thieves, the Dawnguard committing assassinations and pickpocketing orders like both the Brotherhood AND the Guild, the Guild quest where you engage not only in open combat with Mercer, but kill him, like both the Dawnguard and, well, the Brotherhood Brynjolf insists you're not.
While those questlines are largely the same sort of quests on repeat, it's because they're, well, specialized guilds. Built entirely around doing those things. That's their entire function. When it comes to a war (which is very NOT a guild,) you'd expect a bit more than just a few skirmishes, especially considering the only thing that changes when you join is, well. There's one more guy in the skirmish. But magically this turns the tide and the entire war is won through brute force when previously there seemed no end in sight. The questline lacks variety, is incredibly, oddly short for what's supposed to be a war, and generally just... lacks impact. Nothing really happens afterwards. Faction camps are still sitting around, and you still can't even clear them. Hold guards are replaced by the faction that won and Whiterun is permanently in shambles. Can't even fix Whiterun ffs there's not even quests for that.
* After leaving this in the drafts for a few weeks and thinking about it some more, I think ultimately the problem IS the brevity. "Do four battles and suddenly we win" is absolutely insane. The Dawnguard DLC and the Thieves Guild, even the one single time I played it, have spoiled me rotten with the never ending radiant quests. It prevents the Companions feeling of "I joined three days ago and now I'm in charge and everyone does what I say" that throws everyone off. Not only can you keep accepting them, the mainline quests don't get in the way of accepting them (... like the Companions only telling you to go talk to Aela.) This means you can keep accepting radiant quests that provide a feeling of integration and contribution (in)to the guild, and also avoids the Companions and Civil War feeling of "I did three quests and it's over and everyone is bowing to me" by allowing you to do guild things in-between the main quests.
Not only that, but they offer a variety the main line might not provide, especially with the Dawnguard. For example, siding with the Volkihar includes a quest where you're given Dawnguard armor and told to go cause a scene, striking down some innocent civilian in the name of "vampire hunting" to sow public distrust. This quest is cool as fuck conceptually btw, why is a Volkihar radiant cooler than the entire CW line???
Ultimately I think if I could change one thing about the Civil War line specifically it would be adding TG/DG style radiant quests that can be done between main missions and also include "milestone" type quests that really bring home the feeling of growth and contribution. I think it would make it feel considerably less jarring and I'd even maybe consider playing it again if we could fix Whiterun.
#asks#uh. i am. so sorry this took so long to answer alsnkwnswk i couldnt word my thoughts on the cw line satisfactorily#idk man the war before you join is this brutal slog that supposedly is severely impacting the entire population#no end in sight because no one has the upper hand#and then the quests just. are more battles. the ones that were getting no one anywhere besides a grave#like if the same battles in the same places werent really getting results youd think youd try literally anything else#sure you get the crown and whoever you bavk gets public support but i dont recall that really resulting#in like. any extra supplies or soldiers or anything#like the whole point is there ARENT any supplies left for ANYONE and people who can be soldiers are#on the basis of 'its literally a CIVIL war' it is an internal thing#and then you do the one (1) not open combat keep storming quest and divert some weapons#fr i think those are the only changes#idk it was super boring to play through and the reward for my efforts was a fucked up whiterun#like. thanks. i cant even fix it???? wtf#anyway this has been in my drafts for WEEKS im just posting this#okay coming back after that last edit actually i have one last thing to say#dawnguard 10/10 for not making you the leader at the end no one listens to you youre just some guy#which is soooooo. great. no one does it like dg im busy i dont wanna lead your fucking guild#and isran would never fucking let you. he would come back as a malevolent ghost if he died and keep running the guild#absolute dawnguard supremacy in cast quests and not making you god spin that fucking chore wheel boy#edited to add the ask game link rip
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inseparableduo · 1 year
“Talk About Me” (either or both twins)
Meme || No Longer Accepting!
Darla smiled as she came back to the room she was staying in with her brother. She hadn't been gone for long, only a couple of hours, as Teddie had shown her around town. Meanwhile, Andrew had gathered supplies for their travels that they had been running low on.
"So, where have you been all day?" Andrew asked, curiously. Putting the book, he had been reading away as his twin laid down right next to him.
"Oh, I was getting to know a local! He talked to me about the town, he was supper nice!" Darla smiled, taking off her shoes and coat before laying down right next to her twin.
Andrew frowned at the pronoun. Immediately on guard and not liking the sound of this. He knew not every guy had intentions to date his sister. His really worry was that his twin would settle for anyone that wanted her. She was also his only family, so of course he was going to be protective.
Darla sighed at her twin's frown. Pouting in turn as she poked at his forehead, trying to undo the crease. "Hey, stop jumping to conclusions, already. It really wasn't like that at all."
"Sorry. Sorry. So you had a fun time then?"
"Yeah, I did! He seemed to be around our age I think but, he made me think of a little kid! It's hard to describe but, he just seemed so innocent, you know? He was real excitable too."
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vintagevict0ria · 9 months
𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚜𝚎𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞
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“You brush past me in the hallway…”
chapter 1
pairing: Adam Driver x f!reader
content: n/a
a/n: omg i am soooooo excited for this you have no idea. Its been so long since i posted and this idea has been stuck in my drafts since july and since im back in my Adam driver era- id thought id finish this. This is mostly inspired by Taylor Swifts song "I can see you" and each chapter will be based on a lyric! So i am no expert on how film/actor/movie stuff works so bear with me. Hopeful as this goes on, it will get better. Im planning on finishing this by the new year (who knows if that will happen) but since im on break i should take advantage of my free time. Ok long story short I will be writing this shit non stop since im on a writing high so who knows if the next chapter will come out tommorow! Hope you enjoy! Notes are greatly appreciated!!
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Y/n, a famous actress known for her beautiful face and captivating personality but also her incredible acting skills. You had been nominated for over 50 awards and won 5 oscars. It had been a while since you were on a set nor a movie. The last film was a roaring success and the critics were crazy about it! The media begged for another film starring Y/N Y/L/N.
The first thing you heard when you woke up was the sound of your phone ringing. Your agent- Carolina, was calling. You quickly answered- yawning and hoping she wouldn’t hear it. “Y/n! Great news!” You sighed, not really understanding what was happening. “You got the job!” The job? what is she talking about? “huh?” You rubbed your eyes, laying back down. “The movie!! Adam Driver is in it too! Oh my gosh i can hear them now! ‘Y/n y/l/n and Adam Driver are co-stars in the biggest hit of the year!” Once you heard his name, you sprung up “Wait what?” “Yeah! They want you here in LA by tomorrow morning. I’ve already booked you a flight to leave in..5 hours! Bye!” She hung up before you could say another word. You glanced over at the clock- 9:35. The flight was at 2:15 and it would take a while to pack and get ready. So, being the smart woman you are, you got up and started the day. Showering, packing, and of course- stopping to get starbucks.
Once you arrived in LA, you headed to the condo where you would be staying for a majority of filming. That morning you woke up and started getting ready for the day. Showering, and making a coffee before you headed out to the table read. You threw on a pair of leggings and a tshirt. It was late autumn so you took a jacket on the way out. At the studio you said hello to the crew and a huge thank you to the casting director. “Y/n!” It was Carolina- she ran up to you and embraced you in a tight hug. “How was the flight?” You smiled at the redhead girl “Great.” Carolina jumped up and down with excitement and handed you sheets of paper. On the cover was the name of the film, the name of the director-JJ Abrams- and your name. “Heres your script. You need to go ahead and head in there! Bye!” She walked away, the sound of her heals clicked across the floor. You quickly skimmed through the pages while walking and not paying attention. You soon enough ran into someone, your coffee spilling over you and the floor along with your script- which was on the floor…covered in coffee. “Oh gosh Im so sorry!” You apologized while picking up your script, wincing at the wet paper. “You might want to watch where you are going next time.” The voice was soft but stern. You looked up and realized it was Adam Driver.
He was wearing all black and his hair was messy. He glanced at you with a subtle stare. “Im so sorry!” You stood up, brushing yourself off. “No worries, happens to the best of us.” He rolled his shoulders back and popped his neck, closing his eyes. Damn he was attractive. ”You headed in?” You asked, trying to keep your composure together. Adam simply just nodded.
The first day of the read consisted of going over the aspects of the film and the time line of production. After the read through, filming would start, then the movie premiere would take place after filming and production in Hollywood, but that was a whiles away. When the read was over you walked out with another co star. Heading to your condo, you received a text from Carolina. "Girl, just talked to JJ and he just gave me word that there is a sex scene between you and Adam 😁" The stupid emoji at the end made you cringe. Carolina giving you this news shot your nerves through the roof. As if you weren't already nervous enough about working with Adam, having to film a intimate scene made it far worse. Kicking your shoes off and falling onto your bed, you opened instagram, an attempt to get your mind of the situation at hand, it didn't work.
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ghosttoastx · 1 month
Hi yes I know I’m late but
I would absolutely love to hear more about your isat x hollow knight idea (< has been looking at isat stuff for days + is listening to Broken Vessel 1 hour long Man on the Internet cover)
Hello hi!!! Sorry it took me a bit to get your ask I’ve been a little busy, but I would love to babble hehehe :3
For the Isat Hollow Knight au thingy I’m still note sure if I want to still have the Isat party as. Well. A party, or if I wanna do it the way Hollow Knight does with with the NPCs and have them Isat characters just be other bugs you meet on your journey.
Still working on the designs of the other characters, but I’m had the idea of having Mirabelle be some sort of butterfly. Though, I’ve also had the idea of Mirabelle taking over Hornet’s role floating around too.
For Odile I’ve been thinking maybe she’s based either on a mantis or possibly a jellyfish type thingy, but I’m still not sure yet.
For Isabeau, I thought maybe he could be based on one of those really big, really annoying guard type bugs in the City of Tears. You know the ones. It fits pretty well considering his role as a defender in Isat.
I am. Still struggling with where to put Bonnie. Believe it or not, it’s kinda hard to fit a child into the world of Hollow Knight due to the. Uh. Horrors. Ya know?
Another idea I had was to have Euphrasie take the role of the White Lady. Don’t have much of an idea here yet.
Same with the King. I’ve thought about just having him be the Pale King soooooo. I dunno.
I’m still not sure what I’m going to do about the Dreamers, still working that out.
For Loop, I’ve thought about having them be THK but also the possibility of them being just a charm you have but can never remove and just kinda floats around like some of the other charms that give you babies and stuff.
Okokok, lots of words. I would love to answer more stuff about this au. Also, was thinking about calling the au the ‘Hollowed Stars au’ <-(literally just came up with that right now). Like I said, I’d love to answer stuff about this au as well as hear any ideas anyone may have :3
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yourmommy600 · 2 days
Yo, I'm back! I finally have something to write for you!
This is small but enjoy!
Bottom! Bill cipher X top! male reader
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Warnings: smut, you lick a triangle you freaky weirdo, size difference, gentle smut, porn with lazy plot,
A year ago, you found bill in the woods completely stone. You made the mistake of placing your hand on his essentially making a deal. Now you have a cocky annoying yellow triangle in your home.
Yet this little shape has been getting your curiosity it started with you holding him in your hands, rubbing your thumbs on the bright yellow being the pads of your thumbs feeling the little engraving of small bricks in Bills body the sharp points poking your skin anytime you touched them he'd mock you but you'd ignore him and continue to wonder what he was but had no answers bill never telling you enjoying how you'd question his very being confused.
Tonight, you sat on your sofa bill neatly in your hands, a small glass of wine in his small black hand drinking it as you stared. "You're a curious meat bag, huh?" He questioned his one eye closing as he took a gulp of his purple wine. You didn't say much of anything, but soon put your thumb on his body in the middle, gently causing the triangle to hum uncaring.
As you held this little bastard you got a surge of boldness and rubbed your thumb on the bottom part of Bills body as if touching his nonexistent groin. "Woah there, bud!" He said caught off guard by your sudden inappropriate touch "heh sorry" you apologized, chuckling nervously not sure what made you get so bold.
"Well, if you're just soooooo curious, why don't you explore more?" Bill asks, cackling as he dropped his wine glass after putting his arms out, not caring about the glass breaking hitting the ground.
You stared for a long moment as Bill laid in your palms, offering his body up to be explored, liking the attention you gave him.
Soon, you explored more and more from bills, little legs to his feet they had small boots with heels on them to his arms and hands it was oddly cool, most definitely unique.
Then your thumb neared bills eye the cocky being let out his black tongue it snaked around your thumb his black slimy saliva coated your skin bill never looked away from you as he opened his small legs resting them on the sides of your hands.
Your eyes widened as you saw a small hole where you touched minutes ago in between the triangles' legs. You were stunned but couldn't help but lift your hands up so bill was near your mouth. You then let your own tongue free, not hesitating to stick the tip of your pink tone inside this hole.
This action drew a giggle from Bill, who seemingly was enjoying this his little legs on your cheeks as you then deepened the depth of your tongue inside bill he tasted different from other men you've dated and or slept with you couldn't tell what it was..just..odd but that didn't stop your freaky ass.
You continue your rhythm of circling your tongue in the small hole belonging to Bill Cipher himself he made mewls and giggles of pleasure surprised a meat bag like you could be satisfying.
After some more pegging of your tone, you pulled away a thin string of saliva that came from your mouth connected to bills hole lowering your hands to your groin, your throbbing erection tenting your jeans.
Bill laughed, mocking you before finally doing something and unzipping your zipper, freeing your leaking cock pre-cum pearling from the tip as you then press the tip on the hole that was clearly to small but with your pre-cum and your saliva on bills hole you managed to prop your thickness in the triangle but only halfway.
Why? Mostly cuz our little yellow triangle is small, and your boner isn't. You'd split him in half! But he was uncaring urging and whining for you to go on, so you did rocking your hips back then forth, gently impaling him with your shaft he was nicely warm.
"Urhhh-.." Bill was now making more louder mewls and odd sounds, his eye rolled back, teary-eyed as his tiny claws marking the base of your thumbs thin claw marks on your skin bleeding a tiny bit your small amount of blood dripping onto your wood floor along with the mess of bills wine.
The smooth rhythm of your rocking hips got more and more messy groans left your parted lips bills hole sucking you in tight like a vice forcing you more to your climax the fog covering your mind as you closed your eyes panting the lewd sounds coming from bill made you look at him seeing how he enjoyed this.
"Ah shit.." You mumbled, leaning your head back as your hands suddenly tightened on bill and pulled him fully down on your cock causing it to spill and burst inside bills walls painting them white and filling him like a donut.
Bill made choking sounds, so you pulled out, thinking you did too much panting and sweating somehow your hair a mess your seed falling like a water fall out of bills widened hole making a mess of the already dirty floor bill laid there on your hands.
You rested him on your thighs and leaned back against the sofa burnt out but satisfied just like Bill, who looked at the ceiling in a hazy before drifting into a sore slumber.
Yea, short, but at least something for you, and I'll totally not disappear again! 😃.
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otdiaftg · 9 months
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The King's Men - Chapter Three
Day: Friday, January 5th Time: 11:10 PM EST
Kevin kept making inroads into the drinks. Andrew watched the crowd and sipped his drink at a snail's pace. Neil didn't know what to say to either of them, so he made himself busy. He traded the remaining full glasses on the tray for the empty ones littering the table and headed to the bar. Roland took it from him as soon as he was able. Neil folded his arms on the bar counter and watched Roland mix the next batch. "So Andrew finally gave in, huh?" Roland said. "That looks pretty bad." Neil almost reached for his face, but Roland was looking at his wrists. Neil's new shirt was long-sleeved, but it was made of a thin material meant to breathe easy in a packed club. The ends had slid up his forearms a bit when he folded his arms. He tugged the hems back down, knowing it was too late to hide the half-healed lacerations. As he did so he realized that rumble in Roland's words was all checked laughter. Roland gave an apologetic grin when Neil frowned up at him. "I'd wondered if being clean would cure that hands-off rule of his. Makes sense it wouldn't, now that we know about..." Roland shook his head and visibly forced his anger back. "I don't know whether to say 'thanks' for easing my curiosity or 'sorry' that sobriety has obviously exacerbated the problem. Just so you know, they make padded cuffs. You should look into them." "The problem," Neil echoed, lost. "What hands-off rule?" Roland looked startled, then confused. "You don't know? But then..." "I got these in a fight," Neil said. "Why would Andrew do this to me?" "Uh, you don't know," Roland said again, not a question anymore but a backpedal out of the conversation. "You know what, let's just forget I said anything. No, really," he said when Neil opened his mouth to argue. "Hey, here. Your drinks are done. I've gotta check on the rest of my customers." He vanished before Neil could get more than a "What" out. Neil stared after him, but there were no answers here.
Art used with permission by Smokesontheroof. Thank you so much @smokesontheroof
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gulliblelemon · 14 days
Love that you're doing these!
I hope I'm not taking this into an angsty direction, but I'd really love some
↻ FLIP FLOP on Where We Left Off
Only if you're inspired, of course! Otherwise just ignore.
Erm... it's gone in a angsty direction. Sorry! That fic is so angsty I can't believe I ever thought otherwise! BUT... I'll put it under a cut for you to read when you have the emotional capacity, and if you have any requests for a fluffier scene, I will absolutely do that 💜 (hopefully the fact that Wille is very, very in love will help, AND we know how it all ends now soooooo.... sorry... but I hope you enjoy it anyway).
Thanks for the ask! I've had a lot of fun with this today. I'm still answering these and these.
This is Wille's POV of the scene at the start of chapter 8 where he picks Simon up. It got... long.
As the car pulled up to the curb where Simon’s location was pinging, Wille scrambled out of the door before it had even drawn to a stop, his PO getting out and throwing him an unimpressed look as Wille rushed over to Simon’s side. 
Shit, he looked terrible. Simon still had his phone clutched to his ear, his eyes sliding out of focus. Shitshitshit.
“Simon.” He said it more forcefully this time, and Simon blinked a few times and looked up at him, lowering his phone. 
“Hmm?” he said, his eyes still slightly unfocused.
Panic rose in Wille’s chest. What was wrong? Why had he called Wille when he clearly needed some sort of medical attention? Why was he out here all on his own in the middle of the night?
“Simon. Are you okay? Do I need to call an ambulance?”
That seemed to snap Simon out of it a little, because he looked annoyed when he said, “What? No. Don’t be ridiculous. I’m fine.”
Fine was not a word Wille would have used to describe how Simon looked at this moment, but he did seem to be a lot more with it than he had a few seconds ago.
Undeterred, Wille instinctively reached out and gripped Simon’s face, turning it left and right to see if he could see any damage. “What happened? Did someone hurt you?”
A complicated array of emotions flickered across Simon’s face as Wille dropped it, already missing the feel of Simon’s skin underneath his own.
“No,” Simon said, shaking his head. “I just fell. I’m fine.”
Wille wondered if he should ask any of the million and one other questions that that hadn’t answered. But Simon was already saying, more forcefully, “I promise.”
Wille waited for a moment, trying to assess how much he should press, but eventually he just said, “Okay. Can you stand?”
Simon nodded. “I think so.”
Trying not to think too hard about it, Wille offered his hands. It made his heart soar in his chest how easily Simon took them; and then he internally berated himself for feeling any sort of joy from this moment. 
With regret, Wille let go of Simon’s hands once he was fully upright, but Simon swayed forward alarmingly, causing Wille to reach out to him again.
“Whoa,” Wille said. Then a thought hit him, he hadn’t considered that maybe— “Are you—? Have you been drinking?”
Simon looked so offended by that notion that Wille breathed a slight sigh of relief. He wasn’t really emotionally equipped to deal with a drunk Simon.
“No! No. I mean— sorry. No. I’m just tired.”
Wille looked more closely now and could see that Simon’s eyes, whilst still a little bleary, were mostly just droopy. Dark circles smeared below them, contrasted by the telltale red rings from crying.
“Come on,” Wille said, pointing to the car. “We’ll take you home.”
He was surprised to see Simon shrink in on himself at those words. “I don’t want to go home.”
“Okay.” Confused for a moment, Wille frowned. Then an idea came to him, one he was sure was crossing several lines. But since Simon was, in fact, sober, maybe Wille could trust him to make the decision for himself. “Do you— Would you like to come back to mine?”
Wille really hoped that Simon couldn’t tell how hard Wille’s heart was beating. The idea of having Simon in his home was so exhilarating that he wasn’t sure he was schooling his expression very well at all. Luckily, Simon looked down at his feet as he nodded his head, and Wille could see a blush high on his cheeks. At least he wasn’t the only one having a physical reaction to this whole thing.
Nodding, Wille went to tell the PO to call ahead for them and then turned back to Simon. “Here.” With a shuddering breath, he placed his hand on Simon’s back, trying to ignore his heartbeat clawing up his throat as he tried to rein himself in. He just wanted to bundle Simon into his arms and hold him until everything else went away, but they hadn’t spoken in so long, and everything had been left on such bad terms. 
Guiding Simon into his seat first, Wille quickly rounded the car and lowered himself down, careful not to jostle Simon who still looked decidedly fragile. What on earth had happened to him?
It seemed Simon was content with the quiet as the set off, but Wille needed Simon to know that he was there, in whatever capacity Simon needed. That he’d do practically anything for this man that was currently shaking slightly in the seat beside him. This beautiful, wonderful man that he had loved so fiercely, and lost so spectacularly. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” was what he said, instead.
Simon shook his head. “No. I— not yet.”
Did that mean later? Or never? Or not with Wille?
It didn’t matter. This was about what Simon needed. So Wille nodded and gave Simon some space as he drew in some wobbly breaths.
Wille watched his profile. The slope of his nose, the curve of his lips, the curl of the hairs at the base of his head that Wille had always loved to run his fingers through. He was the most beautiful person Wille had ever known, and he didn’t think he’d ever not be in love with him.
What if this was it? His last opportunity to have any sort of involvement in Simon’s life? Simon had made it very clear that they couldn’t be together. So maybe this was Wille’s last chance.
Slowly, carefully, Wille edged his hand forward and onto Simon’s seat. One breath. Two— Then, miraculously, Simon’s fingers were curling around his own, holding on tight. 
Heart skipping a beat, Wille tried to blink away the prickling in the back of his eyes. This was all he’d ever wanted, and it was all so broken. But if he could just hold Simon’s hand, reassure him that he was there, then maybe everything could be okay. Wille squeezed his hand, hearing Simon’s breath catch, and then turned away, hoping with every fibre of his being that this wasn’t the end of their story.
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whos-hotter-jjba · 6 months
wasn't sure on which way to send you these/submit them so i hope this works fine :] whichever pic you end up choosing is up 2 you really LMAO but im glad i was annoying enough about him to get a reply <3 anyways. i think the sdc anime artstyle is suuuper unflattering for every character drawn in it. he looks so good in every other thing Ever. but i think his appearance in cddh would give him a better shot + its more recent. Idk maybe he's just too cringe but I can try.
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Hey, sorry I took so long to answer 😅 but hey he looks soooooo much better in this style!! Sorry I fucked over your boy the first few times
I'm a proud hater of part 3 style too, I mean Araki always has same-face syndrome but at least in part 5 or part 8 it's a good face, part 3 face is awful
And I love reading your rants and propaganda in the replies!! I love seeing people be insane about jjba characters and I love it when I recognize someone because they interact so often <3 please keep being annoying about him I'm begging you! youre even kind of single-handedly getting him to grow on me
I'll pick one of these for future Hol Horse polls then, thanks for answering!
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wrongcaitlyn · 7 days
very random question but what do you think is "THE" nico lyric in tyt? like, the one that would go trending in those tiktoks that are just someone lying down sad or stuff (idk if im explaining myself, i mean like this) or like the lyric 90% of angels have tattooed?
also i need you to know that my mind has been occupied w the idea of sadie, alex and nico winning best new artist, best alt album and aoty at the same grammys awards (graveyard, tgw and alex fierro would all be released in time for the same grammys, right? idk im so bad w this stuff) for the past week. (i feel bad for thinking abt nico on a grammys setting but hey he mentioned assisting on chapter 18 and i need him to have a healing positive experience /nf)
my first instinctual thought is "always an angel, never a god" which i do think is definitely one of THE lyrics. like. everyone knows it. it's everything to the fandom. it's everything to nico. i honestly think that lyric sums up nico's lyricism in general so well like??
but that was only recently released, so im gonna choose a lyric from each album,,, just bc i can
for haunted, the forever underrated album, i think it'd either have to be from long sleeves, the fandom favorite, or for symbolism, "i'm your ghost right now your house is haunted" from i know it won't work. for long sleeves i think it's less so of a standout lyric, more just a standout song, but also "it's been a long time coming" just fits a lot of different scenarios... very healing acceptance sorta vibes
then from doomsday, i don't think there's necessarily a lyric that i feel like a lot of people would get tattooed, but i DO think that this is me trying is like. THE song from that album. i think it's just such an easy song to resonate with, especially in nico's depressed as hell fandom. so this one is less so they have a tattoo of it and more so they have a wallpaper with the quote "i've been having a hard time adjusting, had the shiniest wheels now they're rusting" bc yk that'll always hit hard. and also "you're a flashback in a film reel" which is soooooo
then for future albums... no spoilers okay but im just gonna count them in my head. 2 from nda4. 1 from nda5. 3 from nda6. 6 from nda7.
but final final answer: always an angel, never a god
(also this has me cackling thinking about people who may have gotten tattoos in relation to apollo in the past, and he's just like. wiping all of that from existence. well not LITERALLY but like he's making it very very clear that anyone who supports all his old music is a shithead and so you've got old fans being like shit shit shit)
and then OH MY GOD??sdLFKJSDF THAT WOULD BE SO FUN AGHHSDFJSD you have actually just made me realize that. yes. they will be in the same eligibility period... for some reason i was convinced that graveyard was a year before tgw and alex's self-titled so that's like... WOAH. THEY'RE ACTUALLY COMING SO SOON?? i write down these dates in my outline and im like haha yea that's months away and then like. its actually coming soon. anyway im not entirely sure if alex's will make the cut (as in, i think i may have been planning on him releasing it in fall of 2020, which would be past the eligibility period,,,, but then the thought of them all being nominated for stuff..... god thats so excitingskdljf)
unfortunately i do have some plans for like which albums/people will be winning things, HOWEVER... i will definitely be excited to write the 2021 grammys bc. grammys shenanigans with the iconic trio. love them sm.
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luvly-writer · 2 years
“You are my Sunshine”
Part 9: Dancing with recognition
Jason Todd x Latina! Reader
Social Media Au
Warnings: none
Series: Finished
Author’s note: Soooooo I wrote a long ass part and had to cut it for it to be two parts cause tumblr didn’t let me post😭. but hey, TWO POSTS A DAY!! Thank you for all the support, I love reading your comments, they make my day!! Hope you enjoy!!
Series Masterlist:
Taglist: @lorosette @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @screeching20s @milas-teapot @izukuisbaby @alecmores
You decided to mingle and chat, no one know who anyone was so it made it a little bit more thrilling. After all, for one night you’d be just like the rest of the high class, so fuck it. Why not enjoy it. You kept on looking around, cautious of who you talked to because you knew that there were many possibilities of you running into them. And even with that, you kept on longingly looking at the dance floor. You are reminded of all the parties with your cousins, tias, and tios. How music was always a constant and how lively it was. Your aunt was the one that taught you how to dance in the first place. Although there is a huge difference between the dances of your family, which are bomba, plena, merengue, bachata, and your absolute favorite, salsa; you were still yearning for the dance floor. Of course, it was a very different setting, there you were in your grandma’s house with all of your family, and here you were amongst most of Gotham’s socialites with classical music. The fluid movements of the waltz mesmerized you and took you way back to when your cousin Pamela and you learned how to dance the waltz just because you wanted to feel like royalty for once. Fun times. Your desire to dance must have been quite clear seeing as a gentleman with a black and white suit and a white mask invited you to dance. You thought about it and accepted. What better way to hide than in plain sight. Before the music began, you excused yourself to the man and said “Sorry if my waltz is a little rusty, it’s been a long time”. A lie. Nola had you practicing the dance the days coming up to the gala but it was good to give a heads up just in case, you know? The man laughed and said, “No worries, I can assure you that you will be fine” and began to lead when the music started.
To be honest, you were actually having fun. In the end, the man congratulated you because of your dance skills, expressing that he believes you had outdanced him and that you had nothing to worry about. Then another man came and decided to ask for a dance. You felt as if you were on that show that Nola and you like to watch, Bridgeton, and as silly as it may seem, you were loving it. You changed partners twice more after that dance until one very familiar man decided to interrupt the chat you were having with a blonde man with a dark grey tuxedo and a pink mask and ask for a dance. Lo and behold, Bruce Wayne was standing there, with a black suit, white button-up, a sparkly black tie, and a light grey mask. And just like before, the music began and he began to lead. You decided to start a conversation by teasing him a little. “Love the tie, Mr. Wayne. Was it of your choosing or your daughters?” you ask with a sly smile. At that, he looks a little taken aback but laughs either way. “Thank you, and it was the girls, they planned the gala and insisted on me wearing it to fit with the theme as they put it” he explains making you laugh. His eyes suddenly become skeptical. “Now, how did you guess it was me, miss?”, he questions very intrigued. With a light smirk, you answer, “well, did you think you would go unnoticed at your own party? Quite the opposite, mister Wayne.” He hums in response and asks again, “and who might you be?” You panic a little. Jason has warned you that Bruce was in on the bet and you wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. So, instead, you answer his question with another question. “Mister Wayne! Do you not know the people you invite to your home?”, you fakely gasp and say “the horror, the shame!” You take the hand that was on his shoulder and place it on your chest as if you were clutching your pearls. At this, you cause the billionaire to laugh quite loudly. He hadn’t expected you to turn the tables on him, especially in such a comedic way. To this he responds with a light smile, “and what if you were someone’s plus one? There I wouldn’t know?” Shit. If you confirm you are someone’s plus one, he would be able to connect you with Jason.  Thankfully, the song is coming to an end, he spins you and when you turn back to him, you tell him, “We will never know” with a coy smile and a small laugh. He smiles at your answer, seemingly confirming what he believed. “I have been dancing for a while now, so if you excuse me, I will go to the refreshment table.” you say as you start to leave and he answers, “Alright, Miss Y/n, enjoy yourself” with a knowing smirk. To that, you fakely gasp again and he laughs, so as a small act of revenge, you say a little TOO loudly, “Thank you for the dance MISTER WAYNE” to which he widens his eyes and looks around. Quite a few women and some gentlemen turn to him and he knows he might be fucked because the small sense of peace he had while wearing the mask and being unrecognizable might be gone. He understands what you did and why and laughs whilst he watched you giggle and escape. As he moved around to try and escape people again, he couldn’t help but think of the girl. One conversation and he already approved of her. She was smart, cunning, charming, and had an energy that was just healthy.  She definitely was going to bring light into his son’s life and that gave him hope that Jason would finally start healing. Although their relationship was getting better, he still had a long way to go. He shared an amused look with Alfred and he could tell both were thinking the same thing, She was going to be a handful for Jason in the best of ways and both couldn’t wait to see it. 
Back at the refreshments table, you drank some water. Damn, were you thirsty AF. Looking down at your phone, you decided to text Jason and see how he was.
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chasingrabbits-art · 28 days
Do you have any headcanons that you've picked up from s9meone else or vis versa? Are there any plot threads you're excited to get to in your stories? Hope you're having a good day!
Sorry this took so long to answer!
Didn’t see it for a while and then forgot about it :p
Most of my personal hcs are just me looking at general fandom hcs like ghost cores/lairs, speculative biology and basically going
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Some of my personal favs are:
Danny is trans masc
Leo is trans masc and gay
Donnie is nb and bi
Mikey is bigender/polygender and asexual
Raph is trans fem/demi girl
I’m a big April/Cas/Sunita truther
Love Jack/Maddie/Vlad College trio or Family breakfast
And need more BaronJitsu
Leo and Danny are fluent in Spanish bc I think it’d be funny
Some that are from some more specific places:
@spookberry ‘s half normie Tucker (even tho I’m not at all familiar monster high i still love this au and hc Tucker as a werewolf)
Slider Casey jr. from Cass’ apocalypse series (bc of course)
Can’t think of any other ones off the top of my head and I’d be pleasantly surprised if people have incorporated some of my ideas even if they aren’t that unique
Send in your AUs/headcanons I love hearing about them!!!!!
And I have soooooo many ideas for stories I’m just chronically tired and stressed LOL
For my DPxROTTMNT comic I’m really excited to just get the ball rolling in the story! I had a lot of fun with the script and I’m itching to just draw it out.
I’m also tossing the idea in my head to do a DPxROTTMNT 2 with Big Mama and Vlad and looking for excuses to draw Sunita since I love drawing her a lot now!
I also have so many ideas for AMVs and fanfics in my head that I work on once in a while but since writing and animation aren’t things I’m “good at” they might never see the light of day LOL
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