#spiritual privileges
succulentsiren · 5 months
Things women should never feel ashamed of:
• Orgasms
• Receiving money
• Receiving compliments
• Pretty privilege
• Being smart
• Dressing up
• Menstrual cycles
• Emotions and being sensitive
• Expressing our sexuality
• Resting and relaxation
• Asserting our sexual needs
• Maintaining our standards
• Saying No
• Wanting or having children
• Choosing to be childfree
• Our body count
• Our nude body
• Wearing makeup or not wearing makeup
• Having boundaries and protecting ourselves
• Our spiritual practices
• Using witchcraft
• Being ambitious
• Going to college
• Being a housewife or stay at home mom
• Loving who and what we love
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biblebloodhound · 1 year
Life in the Spirit (Romans 8:1-11)
Life and death are relational terms, communicating either connection or separation.
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh [sinful nature] God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the…
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exquisiteelifee · 1 year
Traits of a high value woman
1. She loves and respects herself
2. She embraces her femininity
3. She knows her worth
4. She’s sexually confident
5. She’s happy on her own
6. She has strong self esteem
7. She’s self sufficient
8. She has her own life
9. She has high standards
10. She’s kind
11. She’s emotionally intelligent and stable
12. She’s committed to personal growth
13. She knows how to set healthy boundaries
14. She's self aware
15. She knows how to keep her expectations in check
16. She takes care of herself
17. She embraces her vulnerability
18. She's comfortable expressing herself
19. She doesn't chase men
20. She understands her purpose in life
21. She dresses well
22. She’s educated
23. She gets money
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thequeenskeep · 3 months
The Power in Being Pretty 🦚
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Only Unsuccessful People Can Afford to be Insecure
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; so best beheld remarkable. Every day I strive to show up as the best version of myself in private and public. This simple objective has amplified my self-concept and work ethic. Whether we blame it on the patriarchy, or blame it on society, there's no denying that humankind is visually motivated. You will see more people in a day than you speak to, and what you pick up will dictate how you perceive that person. Beauty is a performance; it is a sacred dance that men and women alike use to glamourize their reality.
Glamour~ an attractive or enticing quality that makes certain people or things appealing. The decision to be glamourous is an enchanting feat. It requires self-discipline, self-love, and self-respect. The energy you carry is a reflection of your state of being. To glamourize oneself is to energetically enhance existence.
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To truly benefit from the effects of glamour, you must call back your energy cleansed, recalibrated, and only belonging to you; to be used only by you for self-empowerment. Energetic Alchemy is a prerequisite for prosperity. Mastery of this skill is the essence of glamour. Glamour encapsulates the mind, that is where we start.
Self-care means doing the things that make you feel most like yourself. Spend time with yourself, away from the noise. When you begin your self-care ritual; allow your energy to flow authentically. Let your mind race and take you on a journey through your psyche. Converse with yourself, every part of you is a unique entity. Embrace the All. You are a gem, a single stone made up of a multitude of facets; every one as beautiful as the last. No fragment can exist without the other.
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Hygienic maintenance is the foundation of abundance. Dedicate yourself to cleansing your mind, body, and spirit. Remove the junk and gunk to make space for you to shine. A diamond in the rough is merely a gem unable to be seen.
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
"Failure is a choice" is just such a privileged way of looking at everything, like, where do I even start.
I hate the law of attraction/law of assumption people so much.
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thebloodredraven · 6 months
The "why are people criticizing romance tarot readers, I don't want to do shadow work readings" shit I saw on here a few months ago did a lot to my psyche, mostly make me realize I should not be consuming that content as much as I have been over the past few years.
I also learned that anyone who has a problem with doing shadow work or self reflection readings but obsesses over romance are probably suffering with limerence like me and that snapped me tf awake
Edit: also what the FUCK do you mean "if this pile just sounds like it's describing yourself, that just means your person is mirroring you!!" NO???? THAT MEANS YOU NEED TO FOCUS ON YOURSELF BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE WHY ARE WE SAYING THIS TO IMPRESSIONABLE PEOPLE
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bunnykibun · 9 months
See the FULL POST on ig @bunnykibun 🤍
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selamat-linting · 11 months
holy shit. i just realized my friends have been treating me like a cat all along. and worst of all i fell for it and like it that way. im not beating the therian allegations fr.
its the way my older coworkers greets me with so much hype yknow? or how the coworkers make jokes about me that is kinda mean but is said in this weirdly endearing way. or the way girls just like suddenly poking at grabbing at my sides. or the way this girl in highschool likes to pet my head and scratch my ears. or how my most favorite thing is to let people rest on my chest, my stomach, and my lap. or most damningly, the way i play along with people asking me to dance and be a clown because i secretly like being the center of attention. in every friend group im in, the only position i thrive in is when im the honorary pet. im not human indeed.
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5-htagonist · 6 months
if i head the words "jesus" "sacrifice" and "himself" in a sentence again ill scream.
#sorry im back in my anti organized religion specifically white nationalist christianity arc#im always there ofc#but i remembered if any spiritual/religious label applies to me its satanist#with zen and jungian mystic elemts#i use zen as a catchall for the perceived commonalities btwn buddhism hindusm and taoism#but at the heart of it all#im frsure a satanist. not that i necessarily align with tst in every way but#call it my aquarian nature enhanced by my capricorn elements buuut#(my mecury and moon are cap)#(enhancing my aqua sun venus uranus neptune)#but the heart of satanism is the contrarian nature of it.#it is literally an idea that combats common christian interpretation of the bible and the institutions that follow it in the U.S#ultimately jesus didnt sacrifice himself and lucifer did not want to be controlled paternally. even yahweh is flawed. he is an archetype#personally i feel in the human consciousness yahweh/father god/jupiter ETCCCCC learned from that#and his golden child... he probably didnt want to lose another child. JS. probably less of a jesus died so we dont go to hell and more of a#father was sick of losing children#this has strayed from bible concretism bc i do not believe in that#i believe its possible anyone and everyone in the bible was a real person maybe#but ultimately all religious text are archetypal and metaphorical stories#like its sooo funny when ppl say the bible says something or the other and its super literal#like the point... woosh#anyway.#satanism is my jam cause its contrarian and at its core sympathizes with those cast out of privilege#plus the whole i desire an abortion for relgious reasons is not only hilarious trollwise but also like#some peoples bodies are their temples yk?#not me personally but like its valid and that pisses christians off so bad!#and i love pissing uppity nonspiritual christians off!!#i dont hate christians or members of organized religions i have a distaste for the institutions imposing its rules upon nonconsenting people
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tides-of-truth · 6 months
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Essay on divine law & spiritual merit - grace or privilege? In two parts available at link in bio.
Is this how it really works? Or is there deception & misconception at play?
#karma #dharma #rta #veda #sanskara #rebirth #divinelaw #maat #entropy #thermodynamics #magic #sun
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carrotkayt · 6 months
Introduction, rabbit hole, personal note
Personally I've lost sense of what a feeling sounds like. I just know my sight to see the world is veiled by my ambivalence with being a part of it and that feels like something.
What trips me up is the words and phrases all smashed into 90 second videos, interfering with my ability to actually do anything because I'd rather watch than play, an unfamiliar game. All the words we have for brainwashing. Insemination, dogmatic, narcissistic, propaganda shoved down the opticals, spectacle.
The ironic, the hopeful, maybe this will help someone else while they go through the process, now I'm wondering if sharing actualizes what you're doing, and I'm afraid to share. Or if it just contributes to the fog. Discovering that this fog is a smoke filled consciousness echo, saying fix this fix that fix it. Inside a self righteous thunderdome for the entertainment of many, and the first platforms to live stream genocides.
Have you not experienced ego death? OH, its radicalizing, you have to see for yourself then maybe you'll understand where I'm coming from.
Am I being dramatic.
Whatever, I'm bothered.
Bothered by society, bothered by humanity, or the lack there of, fully aware that I'm bothered by my perception but I promise I've seen through others, brightly colored, softly toned, calm stone below the crisp and shallow puddle but still underneath it all, I come back here for a reason.
There's something with our psyche, a bug, a virus, an error alert you can't just hit X. Ultimately I feel like we could at least agree on that. We deal with these popups all day, in many different ways.
Ok ok, scroll past the rabbit hole or read me through
It's intermission during the show and we decide mid conversation to start remembering backwards all the things we had said. And its really fucking hard, like memory is weird enough and now it's being tested? But I really think it's necessary, and arguments are inevitable. And to get past it all we need to be is open with a filter, the rest is just the process, processing, in a perfect mind.
But were not, we don't have perfect minds, we don't live in a perfect world, I haven't been able to re trace a conversation without yelling since the first time I tried when we were like 10 or something.
So what if we're required, to stop and listen, hear the experiences around me, its not just mine that weighs when I'm crying, there are so many of us and we all have our own to share.
Small set backs you re-calculate and re code, continue with the day. Within that we have different understandings of a small set-back.
But harsher road blocks are placed systemically for us to go through together because how the hell can a mind be well, when you have a piece of it brutalizing and dehumanizing itself with its apparently gained power? I know we can do this to ourselves everyday in small ways.
And how are we supposed be okay with this as reality! It's so easy to close your eyes when the worst isn't happening to you. The thing is there's a worse state of being that you just thought of, or you might agree that it's a malfunction to normalize the effects of poison without treating it's sickly condition. A trick of the mind.
We rationalize our misfortunes under the pretense that one is better then one, then dare to say we deserve what we have because of who I am. And who are you?
The child of a mother of a mother of a mother, where do you think I came from?
I'm going to share a corner of grief, because under the screen under the stars under the eye lids and empty hellos, I'm really fucking lonely.
I noticed you in my fear of connection, reconnecting, wanting to connect.
I've deleted, blocked and removed myself from all social platforms at least 3 times, and in just that moment of humiliation erased every number, every face, every voice, every friend that ever existed within a 10 year sphere of community. Which sounds just digital but it showed me how badly I keep in touch. That has something to do with being seen, and everything to do with seeing myself. Why is that so disgusting. 12th house sun? 1st house rising? Probably my Mercury in Pisces, something aspects around and around this deep dark pit and it makes me so fucking difficult to be around.
They tried to teach me but I don't think I understand.
And I think that's what I am most pissed off about. From the age of diapers, according to my mom, I had an expression of no fucking way are you gonna control me. Have charge over me. And with that one moment I became free to destroy myself as long as it was safe.
As long as someone could watch.
As long as someone knew.
And I never got prepared to protect myself.
With all the appreciation and gratitude I owe my parents, and the adults that raised me in tandem, and the blessing of a life I was gifted into, today I still I have to stop myself from blaming every figure that just watched me as I walked myself off a fucking cliff.
I was a kid, why wouldn't anyone stop me. Or why didn't they know? I guess they tried in they're own way, even today the way people help doesn't seem to get though my thick ass skull. So it really is still.. me huh.
Because I knew EXACTLY what I was setting myself up for, it just happened to be rooted in slowly slowly slowly ruining myself, my ambition, my hopes, my dreams, my goal was never to succeed, not in a new smart gifted way it was to ruin myself so I could at least now, finally, have a concrete reason for why I just cant get it done.
And that's going to be a whole conversation about privilege.
Right now I just feel failed by myself and anyone who could have guided me. Even typing I'm thinking fuck! I should take it all back!
And this is the feeling, so maybe to forgive myself and everyone else I have to be okay with this feeling. Because I know things now, and I knew parts then, but I stayed quite, silent, dismissive, and willing to see what would happen. Which sounds a lot like eating the poison.
But I don't know where I am now, 10 years have passed and in a very very strange way, I'm back where I started, with a twist, and it's kind of laughable, and I am maybe enjoying this, but there is a lot, a lot to talk about.
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exquisiteelifee · 11 months
Ways To Heal Financial Trauma
1. Talk about it.
2. Pray to God for guidance.
3. Write forgiveness letters.
4. Educate Yourself.
5. Write down your financial goals & your money visions (S.M.A.R.T goals)
Also, just remember money is out here, heal the blockages that are causing your ability to receive.
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eaglesnick · 2 years
The economist Kate Raworth has said:
“For me capitalism is an economic system that prioritises, above all, delivering profit for the owners of wealth.”
The owners of wealth  – big shareholders, landowners and financiers - ensure this takes place by "capturing" the legal and political system “so that it can secure and reproduce privilege."
Corporations, on behalf of their shareholders, use lobbyists, public relations firms and thinktanks to influence the political- economic agenda. They use the press and other media outlets to craft the message they want the government of the day to hear.
But the problem is worse than that. It was recently revealed that
“One in five new Tory MPs have worked in lobbying or PR for corporate interests, new openDemocracy research reveals today. Opposition politicians have called our findings “deeply worrying”. (OpenDemocracy: 21/12/19)
Having Tory MP’s, "deeply connected to privileged corporate interests" is  not that surprising, but this problem is not restricted to the Conservative Party. In 1997, Tony Blair exempted Formula One from a ban on tobacco advertising, after the Labour Party received a  £1 million donation from the head of the sports governing body.
This was not a one-off. The “cash for honours” political scandal shocked the nation when it was revealed that the Labour Party was accepting large donations from individuals in exchange for seats in the House of Lords. Rich people were quite literally buying a place in government.
Luckily, the land owning aristocratic class do not need to buy their way into Parliament - they have a hereditary" "right" to help shape the laws the rest of us have to live under. Even though the number of hereditary peers entitled to sit in the House of Lords was reduced under the House of Lords Act of 1999, there are still 91 hereditary peers.
“As of November 2022, there are 4 dukes, 25 earls, 15 viscounts, 45 barons and 2 Lords of Parliament among the 91 hereditary peers entitled to sit in the House of Lords.”  (Wikipedia)
On top of this, we have 25 “Lords Spiritual” who also have an unelected  “right" to sit in the House of Lords and shape the laws we have to abide by. The Church of England is the 13th largest landowner in Britain, holding commercial property, ranging from shopping centres to car parks, as well as the land churches occupy. In 2006 the Church of England’s portfolio was estimated to be worth £4.3bn. It is hard to believe this does not influence the way they help frame and vote for new legislation in Parliament.
Cash for questions  - MP's being paid large sums of money to raise an issue in Parliament - is another way the wealthy influence politics, and scandals involving both Conservative and Labour peers have been exposed at heart of government.
 “The new cash-for-access allegations against two former Foreign Secretaries, Jack Straw and Sir Malcolm Rifkind, suggest little has changed inside parliament’s culture since the scandals that led to Liam Fox’s resignation as Defence Secretary in 2011, and the damage to the Labour Party that followed the former Transport Secretary, Stephen Byers, being caught on camera in 2010 saying he was a “cab for hire” who would work for £5,000 a day.” (Guardian: 23/02/15)
As this was not enough, we have the corrupt practice of the revolving door between government and big business: politicians and civil servants moving freely from politics to business and vice versa. Here is one description of how this works:
“Elected and appointed officials working in government may use their time in office to generate connections with legislators they can call on as contacts after they enter the private sector. Business can send members of its companies to alter policy and regulations to its benefit. But one large group is left unprotected and out in the cold by the Revolving Door -- the everyday members of the general public. If democracies are established to serve the public interest, how is the Revolving Door legal?” (howstuffworks: What Is the Revolving Door)
We can see from the above that our economic-political system allows undue influence by the already wealthy, a rich elite who have disproportionate power over all of our lives, and who shape laws to protect their privileges.
From the former non-dom, non-tax paying wife of our Prime Minister, to the tax avoiding Tory Chancellor, Nadhim Zahawi, we see the system working to the advantage of the wealthy. From the energy companies  making obscene profits in a rigged market, to the water companies given permission to continue pumping raw sewage into our rivers and onto our beaches until 2050. From the continued deregulated of the finance sector in the  pursue profit at any cost, to public school charity status, saving the wealthy millions in additional school fees for their already privileged children.
On their educational website “Bitesize”, the BBC proudly inform our children that:
“Democracy is one of the key principles of the UK’s constitution. It ensures that everyone’s voice counts when the government makes a decision.”
If only that were true.
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Rlly wish the near 16000 ppl whove reblogged that home education post would stop to talk to some ppl who were actually home educated. Bc it's literally saved my and several other HE kids who i knew growing up lives. None of us had super religious families. (i do know literal dozens of ppl who were in mainstream school and have trauma inc religious trauma from schools however....). Grades and physical and mental health improved dramatically. Learned about what we were passionate about. Still took exams. Still socialised. Please don't spread misinformation that will result in good parents being hounded by social services and kids who are happy at home being forced back into traumatic environments that don't actually provide a good education anyway.
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submarinerwrites · 2 years
some people can pass as spiritually blonde for several years and then you hear one person call them a brunet and it’s literally all over for them.
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