#star of david ornament
swellcolors · 11 months
Sand Infused Star of David Ornament
We had a client bring sand back from Israel for us to make her a cross and Star of David...Holy Land Sand was born. We infused the sand from this very special place to make these ornaments and sun catchers. We wanted to make a connection in our hearts and in our artwork to a very sacred place that is timeless.
Each piece is hand cut glass infused with sand from Israel when fired in a kiln in our studio in Surf City, NJ. Then the Stars of David get silver wire wrapped and packed in a 5"x 7" eco friendly recycled kraft box with a printed gift tag enclosed.
Makes a great bar/bat mitzvah, wedding, Hanukkah gift for someone you love. 
What a great gift for someone celebration a bat/bar mitzvah, Hanukkah, wedding, Rosh Hashanah, birthday...
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wildbeautifuldamned · 2 months
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Writing Notes: Symbols
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To describe a physical symbol, it might be easier if we first focus on its individual elements, then perhaps integrating all of these elements to create a more coherent whole. Below is an overview of elements or basic shapes that we typically find in symbols.
The Basic Shapes of Symbols
There are elemental structures that occur repeatedly, not only as component parts of more elaborate symbols, but also with rich meanings of their own.
It’s probably true to say that the simpler the symbol, the more scope there is for interpretation; ergo, the more meaningful it is and, paradoxically, the more complex it becomes.
These primary shapes transcend barriers of time, geography, and cultural context, part of a universal language that goes before, and beyond, words.
The elements of a symbol are defined only by the space that is a part of its construction.
Like the wind, the effect of space is gauged by its effect on the things within it or surrounding it.
The concept of space, the void, is a profound part of our experience.
To reach a state of “emptiness” is, for many, the ultimate spiritual experience and a way of connecting to the Absolute.
To be aware of the possibility of space within a flat, two-dimensional representation is to give that shape substance and a new kind of reality that lifts it off the page and makes it real.
The realization that “nothing” can be “something” marked a profound leap forward in man’s development.
All creation myths begin with a Void, symbolic of potential.
Although attempts to explain the concept of space are inevitably faulty, it might help to think of a blank page.
Before a mark is made upon the paper, the potential for what might appear there is so vast as to be unimaginable, a consideration which causes consternation for some artists and writers.
Without this space, there is no arena for anything else to exist.
This absence of any thing means that no thing is the most important symbol in the World.
A dot might seem to be an unassuming little thing, the first mark on the pristine sheet of paper.
In this case, the dot is a beginning.
But see what just happened there? The dot, an essential component in the structure of the sentence, closed it, making it a symbol of ending.
Therefore, the dot is both an origination and a conclusion, encompassing all the possibilities of the Universe within it, a seed full of potential and a symbol of the Supreme Being.
The dot is the point of creation, for example the place where the arms of the cross intersect.
The dot is also called the bindhu, which means “drop.”
The bindhu is a symbol of the Absolute, marked on the forehead at the position of the third eye in the place believed to be the seat of the soul.
The presence of dots within a symbol can signify the presence of something else.
A dot in the center of the Star of David marks the quintessence, or Fifth Element.
It also acts as reminder of the concept of space.
The decorated dots that surround the doorways of Eastern temples are not merely ornamental devices but have significance relevant to the worshippers.
Dots frequently appear in this way, acting as a sort of shorthand for the tenets of a faith. Examples:
In the Jain symbol, the dots stand for the Three Jewels of Jainism.
The dots in each half of the yin-yang symbol unify the two halves: one dot is “yin,” the other “yang.” Together they demonstrate the interdependence of opposing forces.
Effectively an expansion of the dot, the circle represents the spirit and the cosmos.
Further, the circle itself is constructed from “some thing” (the unbroken line) and “no thing” (the space inside and outside this line).
Therefore, the circle unifies spirit and matter.
The structure itself has great strength—think of the cylindrical shape of a lighthouse, built that way in order to withstand the fiercest attack by a stormy sea.
The physical and spiritual strength of this symbol are there because the perfect circle has no beginning and no end; it is unassailable.
This power is the reason why the circle is used in magical practices such as spell-casting.
The magic circle creates a fortress of psychic protection, a physical and spiritual safe haven where unwanted or uninvited entities cannot enter.
Hermes Trismegistus said of the circle: "God is a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference is nowhere."
Where would ancient man have seen the most important circles? Obviously, in the Sun and the Moon.
As the Sun, the circle is masculine, but when it is the Moon, it is feminine.
Because the passage of time is marked by the journey of the Sun, Moon and stars in orbit around our Earth, the circle is a symbol of the passage of time.
In this form, it commonly appears as the wheel.
Because the circle has no divisions and no sides, it is also a symbol of equality.
King Arthur’s Round Table was the perfect piece of furniture for the fellowship of Knights who were each as important as each other.
Perhaps the most prominent arc of the natural world appears in the elusive form of the rainbow, which primitive man saw as a bridge between the Heavens and the Earth.
As a part of a circle, the arc symbolizes potential spirit.
The position of the arc is important:
Upright, shaped like a cup or chalice, it implies the feminine principle, something that can contain the spirit.
If the arc is inverted, then the opposite is true and it becomes a triumphal, victorious, masculine symbol.
As such, the arc can take the form of an archway.
The vaulted or arched shape of many holy buildings, from a great variety of different faiths, represents the vault of the Heavens.
The arc shape often appears in planetary symbols.
Man stands upright, so the vertical line may represent the physical symbol of the number One, man striving toward spirit.
This simple line is the basic shape of the World Tree or Axis Mundi that connects the Heavens, the Earth and the lower regions.
It is not only a basic phallic symbol but also signifies the soul that strives for union with the Divine.
The upright line tells us where we are at a precise moment; think of the big hand of the clock, vertically oriented at 12 o’clock.
Represents: matter, and
the forward and backward movement of time.
This line also signifies
the skyline or horizon and man’s place on the Earth.
Here, the vertical and horizontal lines come together to create a new symbol—the cross.
There are countless different types of cross. Despite any embellishments or devices, however, the basic meaning of the cross stays the same.
The earliest example of the cross comes from Crete and dates back to the fifteenth century BC although the sign is much older than this, ancient beyond proper reckoning.
It is an incredibly versatile and useful sign with many interpretations.
As the convergence of the vertical and horizontal lines, it symbolizes the union of the material and the spiritual (think of the sign of the cross given by Catholic priests).
As a geometric tool, it has no equal; if you put the cross inside the circle, then you are able to divide the circle equally.
Similarly, the cross is said to “give birth to” the square.
Because of its four cardinal points, the cross represents the elements and the directions.
In the West the cross equates with the number 4,
but in China, it is associated with the number 5 since the “dot” in the middle of the cross, where the two arms intersect, is also included.
The cross is sometimes disguised as another symbol, such as a fourpetaled flower.
All over the world, the cross is a symbol of protection.
Said to be the first shape invented by Man, the square represents the created Universe as opposed to the spiritual dimensions depicted by the circle.
The square represents the Earth and the four elements.
Plato described the square, like the circle, as being “absolutely beautiful in itself.”
Like the cross, the square is associated with the number 4.
A square has four corners; to speak of the “four corners of the Earth” is something of an anomaly since the Earth is round, without corners.
All the symbolism of the number 4 is encompassed within the square, and it is interesting to note that, just as the square represents the created Universe, in the Hebrew faith the Holy Name of the Creator is comprised of four letters.
The square gives man a safe, static reference point, and a stable, unmoving shape as opposed to the continual motion of the circle.
Temples and holy buildings are often built in the form of a square, solidly designed to align with the four points of the compass.
Examples: The Ka’aba at Mecca; the base of the Buddhist Stupa; altars.
Square shapes define limits and create boundaries.
To speak of someone as being “square” means that they are fixed and unchangeable.
A diamond shape often with rounded (rather than pointed) ends, the lozenge is often overlooked, but is actually a representation of the female genitalia.
As such, its most popular appearance is probably as the vesica piscis, the sacred doorway through which spirit enters the world of matter.
In heraldry, for example, the lozenge is used in place of the masculine shield, to denote a coat of arms belonging to a woman or a noncombative male, such as a member of the clergy.
The triangle shares all the symbolic significance of the number 3, as a shape, and therefore represents the many things that come in groups of three, from the Holy Trinity to the triple aspect of the Goddess.
Triangles appear in lots of different signs and symbols.
In ancient times, the triangle was considered synonymous with light, and the meanings of the triangle vary according to which way up it is:
When it sits firmly on its base, then it is a masculine, virile symbol, representing fire.
The other way up it becomes the water element, a chalice shape, emblematic of the feminine powers.
Balanced on its point in this way the triangle also represents the yoni, further underpinning the Goddess aspect.
The equilateral triangle is a harmonious form, used to indicate the Higher Powers, providing a framework, for example, for the All Seeing Eye of God.
As a symbol of strength, the triangle reinforces the corners of the square, both physically and meta-physically.
The solid shape of the triangle also makes its appearance in yogic positions, for example in the Trikona Asana or Triangle Posture.
The square can be divided into two diagonal triangles.
Because the length of these shapes has no simple relationship to its sides, the Greeks concluded that the diagonal must be a symbol of the irrational.
Therefore, the diagonal, or oblique, has come to be associated with the incomprehensible, occult world.
However it is interpreted, the jagged shape of the zig-zag carries with it the idea of heat, energy, vitality, and movement, the archetypal sign for lightning or electricity.
The double zig-zag that makes the astrological glyph for Aquarius could be water or it could be the life-force itself.
The serpent that spirals up the Caduceus is a softened zig-zag shape.
There is an inherent danger in the zig-zag, and the deities that carry it in their hands do so as a sign of their own authority and power.
Source Writing Notes: Symbolism
Hope this helps. Do share with me your writing if it does. I'd love to read your work!
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writer-at-the-table · 3 months
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Marriage Contract by Ben Shahn, 1961, Ink, watercolor, paint, and graphite on paper
Most decorated Jewish marriage contracts use ornamental motifs as framing devices for their written Aramaic text. Ben Shahn's Ketubbah is a marked departure from this model. In the superb execution of this document, the artist has integrated floral and foliate decorations within his lyrical Hebrew calligraphy, the predominant design element.
While Shahn's artistic personality emerged through the religious themes in his illustrations for the 1931 Haggadah for Passover, he would not return to such subjects for many years. The artist spent most of the 1930s and 1940s as a social realist painter. Along with so many other painters and sculptors during those difficult years, Shahn felt that art could help right the inequities of society. His terse visual commentaries on such topical subjects as the Sacco and Vanzetti case, Nazism, poverty, and labor problems brought him great recognition as both a humanitarian and an artist. It was after World War II that he turned inward through what has been called his transition from social to personal realism. During this period he incorporated allegory and religious and philosophical symbolism in his work, often based on his own cultural heritage.
Shahn's updating of the traditional ketubbah results from his changing stylistic and subjective concerns. He became fascinated with letters, both Hebrew and English, which became essential elements in his work. This calligraphic preoccupation led to his 1954 illustrations for The Alphabet of Creation, a book which related a parable of the origin of the Hebrew alphabet. His own combination of these twenty-two letters become a personal stamp and appears on most of his prints and drawings after 1960, including this Ketubbah.
Like the butterfly stamp of James Whistler and the Japonist monogram of Toulouse-Lautrec, this symbol shows Shahn's stylistic inspiration as coming from outside mainstream Western culture. The expressive style of Shahn's Hebrew characters changes with the meaning of each theme he depicts. For this Ketubbah, which is presented at the joyous celebration of marriage, he develops a commanding but elegant Hebrew appropriate to the legal nature of the document and the solemnity of the moment-a calligraphy markedly different from the flame-like evanescences in his tribute to the Feast of Lights, Hanukkah. As had been the custom of Hebrew scribes throughout the ages, Shahn adds eccentric elements to certain letters. Most notable here is the oft-repeated, stylized Star of David.
Shahn's meandering floral and foliate forms refer to Psalm 128:3, a common visual allusion in Jewish marriage contracts: "Thy wife is a fruitful vine in the midst of thy house, thy children are as young olive trees set around thy table." (Kleeblatt, Norman L., and Vivian B. Mann. TREASURES OF THE JEWISH MUSEUM. New York: Universe Books, 1986, pp. 192-193.)
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spacelazarwolf · 10 months
The thing that always strikes me about Hanukkah decorations put out by these large companies is that they’re essentially just Christmas decorations with different colors and shapes. The Star of David “wreath” is a repurposed tinsel Christmas wreath, the Hanukkah yard stake is a redesign of the common “North Pole” directions sign, the tinsel is exactly the same but in blue and white instead of red and green, and of course the ornaments. Could some of these be for interfaith families? Sure. But I doubt that’s who they were created for. So who created Christmukkah?
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rebelliousstories · 11 months
25 Days of Ficmas
Relationship: Marko x Reader
Fandom: The Lost Boys
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, Mentions of Vampirism
Word Count: 1,585
Masterlist: Here
The Lost Boys Masterlist: Here
Summary: If anyone can convince the boys to put in a little effort for the holiday, surely it’s Marko?
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Marko was the more oriented of the blonde terror twins. Opposed to Paul, he could focus on one thing for a while without needed other stimuli. His jacket was evidence of that. A testament to his unwavering dedication to his art. So when he meets someone at the boardwalk with an equally detailed, somewhat chaotic, and colorful jacket, he just has to meet them. Which is what led him to her. They bonded over one night with their shared love for patches and any other form of art. What started off as a means to get a meal, turned in to a blossoming friendship, which led to a beautiful and meaningful relationship. With this love for art, came a love for holidays and decorating. Marko shared her love for al things festive and would help her decorate; New Year’s, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, Summer Solstice, Spring and Fall Equinoxes, and Christmas, and the Winter Solstice. But when she moved in to the cave to be closer to Marko, there were certainly some hesitation for her love of decorating.
Namely, David. He did not mind her, but the love for decorating he could do without. However, this did little to discourage her as she made her way around, finding new places to hang tinsel and garland. She had already scooped out a place to put up a tree. But it seemed Marko was the only one on board with her decorating. They took to the boardwalk one night to find some last minute decorations for the cave.
“Hey Marky,” she asked, looking at an ornament. The vampire came up and rested his hands on her waist, and head on her shoulder. He hummed in acknowledgment before pressing light kisses to her neck.
“Do you think the boys would wanna help with the decorations? I know Laddie we can get on board but, like, Dwayne, and Paul, and David. Do you think we could convince them?” Turning in Marko’s arms, he ceased his attack on her neck. She looked up at her lover with a hopeful expression. He thought about it for a minute.
“We can try. Might have to be a tag team effort but, I’m sure we can convince at least some of them.” It was not the best answer, but it was the best she had for the time being. After having a good day’s sleep, the couple woke the following evening to put their plan into motion.
Operation: Celebration and Decorations
Paul was fairly easy to convince. He loved the chance to have a good time, and usually followed plans when they were given to him.
“Hey Paul?” Marko called out, pulling on his boots one evening after they woke up. The other blonde looked over towards the cherub with wide eyes as he was stuck in between getting into his jacket, and then rolling a blunt.
“Wanna help me and love decorate the front of the cave for Christmas?” He stood up and took the blunt from the other vampire so he could finish getting dressed. Paul shrugged his shoulders that the jacket now covered. He took back the blunt from Marko with a, “sure dude!” One down, two to go.
Dwayne was a little harder. He was a rule follower when he wanted to be, and that was apparently now.
“Dwayne?” She came up to the vampire as he waited for Star and Laddie to show up at the boardwalk to go home. He turned to her without saying a word, just raised an eyebrow.
“Will you help Marko, Paul, Laddie, Star and I decorate the cave for Christmas?” Her request was said so sweetly that Dwayne almost gave in. And with the added bonus of doing it with and for Laddie, he almost said yes. But Dwayne called out her name, dragging it out.
“You remember what David said. He doesn’t want the cave all glittered up.” He dragged the woman back so she was looking at him. She knew he was serious but so was she.
“We’re not gonna use glitter. Besides, it’s Laddie’s first Christmas. Please, Dwayne?” The woman turned on the puppy dog eyes, and watched as Dwayne thought it over in his head. Silence stretched long enough that she had considered using another angle to get him to say yes.
“Alright. For Laddie.” Her squeal of delight pulled a small chuckle out of the vampire in front of her before she hoped on the back of Marko’s bike to await his return.
Only one left.
“Come on, David!” Marko begged, watching David walk away from him.
“Marko, no. I will tolerate your human. I will even accept the fact that you are putting up decorations for Christmas. But I will not be any part of it.” He continued to walk away from his vampire brother, wanting the conversation to end desperately.
“David, just, please! Will you stop for a second and listen!” Marko surged forward and grabbed the bleach blonde vampire by the arm. Said vampire turned swiftly and yanked his arm from Marko’s grasp. The pair stood there for a minute as David stared down the cherubic boy in front of him.
“I know you don’t like Christmas and celebrating, David. But she does. This is important to her. Plus, Laddie is really looking forward to celebrating. You’re not going to let Laddie down now right?” It was a dirty trick, but Marko knew that David held a secret soft spot for the young boy. A noise brought the vampires attention to the front of the cave.
Dwayne had Laddie on his shoulders while the young vampire threw tinsel around one of the ledges in the cave. Paul was blasting music on their boombox while Star stayed near Dwayne spotting Laddie. The other girl in the cave was busy sorting out the ornaments for the tree that was going to go in the cave tomorrow night when they could go get it. It was genuinely wonderful to see everyone in the cave laughing and having a good time. Without looking at Marko, David spoke.
“Fine. One thing. I’m only doing one thing and that’s it.” David continued to walk away from Marko, who did not follow him this time. The bleach blonde vampire sat wordlessly in his wheelchair and simply watched everyone for the time being.
Okay. Now they had everyone on board. Time to get this show on the road.
The following evening, everyone was busy decking out the cave. Star was working with Paul to throw the garland around the tree, which was somewhat working. It mostly succeeded because of Star, but she did get plenty of giggles out of watching Paul try his best. Laddie and Dwayne were wrapping Paul’s presents because if they did it any sooner than tonight, he would have torn into them already. Plus, he was distracted, giving them plenty of time to get it done. Marko and his lover were placing stocking all around the fountain, and putting more tinsel around as well. And David sat in his chair, smoking a cigarette.
By the time David had finished his third cigarette, the only thing left were the ornaments for the tree. Everyone gathered around and picked up an ornament each to start placing on the tree.
“David, come on!” He heard Marko’s girlfriend exclaim from the other side of the cave. Sighing, he pushed the fourth unlit cigarette behind his ear and stood. David made his way over to the group and reluctantly snatched an ornament just like the rest of them. Laddie got up on Dwayne’s shoulders to place ornaments near the top, while Paul held up a box of the colorful decorations for the both of them to choose from. Soon enough, all the ornaments had been placed on the tree. It truly looked like the kind of thing out of a Christmas Hallmark film, except it was missing the topper. Marko left, but returned quickly, this time with a new box. A crystallized, star tree topper awaited them. All of them, except David who had already turned to leave again, but a hand on his arm stopped him. Turning his head, he caught the eyes of Marko’s love.
“I did my one Christmas decoration thing. I’m done.” He said with a voice devoid of emotion.
“Will you put the topper on?” She requested, with a sweet voice. But David stood strong.
“Have Laddie do it. He’s already up that high anyways.” David shrugged off her hand with a grumble.
“The tree topper is usually reserved for the head of the family, David.” Dwayne inserted quietly. By now, everyone was staring at the vampire with his back still turned. The look on Dwayne’s face was unreadable, but David knew. He knew that he would not have told him that information unless it was true. Letting his eyes rake over the faces of everyone else, David saw the same look in their eyes. With a sigh, he turned back and got the star topper out of the box. Looking at the top, David flew up to be level with the top of the tree, and ever so gently, lowered the topper down. When he returned to the ground, no one could peel their eyes from the tree, including him. It was just what they needed to complete the magnificent work of art. Marko wrapped his arm around David’s shoulders, and released him with a comforting squeeze. Maybe celebrating Christmas was not as bad as he thought.
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calendae-creations · 2 years
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I’m a queer and transgender artist, currently mostly working with textiles, and selling my work here on tumblr.  Please feel free to message me about purchases, or with any questions you may have.
Hat and kippah pricing information, as well as shipping information, can be found in my store policies page.  Pricing for Magen David ornaments (as a garland or otherwise) can be found in this post. 
The double knit Star Trek potholders are $30 each.  The rainbow entrelac neckwarmers are $50 each, and I’m planning to try out different pride flags with this pattern soonish. 
I am very open to commissions and custom work!  Again, please feel free to message me at any time for inquiries!
Selling my art is my only source of income, so I deeply appreciate any signal boosting!  You can also view my gallery or leave a tip on my ko-fi.
Shop update as of 1 July 2023:
I’m on my way to being properly ambulatory again, having been on crutches for months, but I am still more or less homeless.  My partner was laid off over a month ago, and we really could use any and all sales and commissions we can get!  Please check out my inventory and products tags; reblogs help a lot whether or not a purchase is currently in your budget!
I very much am open for commissions at the moment.  I always welcome messages with any questions!
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Holiday headcanons with slashers
Do I have requests I should be doing? Yes I do. Am I writing this instead? Yes I am. Anyway I need to pump out as much holiday stuff as I can before it's too late. I made it kinda general for all winter holidays but I did include some specific head cannons for Hanukkah and a religious Christmas. I hope y'all enjoy.
Includes: Rz Michael Myers, Norman Bates, Carrie White, Hannibal Lecter and Will Grahm
Warnings: Mention of Michael having eaten a dog
RZ Michael
Now Michael never grew up in a religious house and he never was religious in the first place. Christmas was never a fun time for him as a kid because he never got anything and his family (outside of his mother) were horrible people.
He won't understand why you want to put up lights and a tree but he's not objecting to it. He likes looking at the lights and holding ornaments that look pretty to him.
He won't expect you to actually get him anything but he's going to be a bit surprised when he sees a gift under the tree for him. He totally won't feel guilty and go steal something for you. He only did that because he found that thing and he thought you would like it. Don't press this issue Y/n or he's leaving the house until January.
If you like to bake things Michael won't help but he will eat. It doesn't even have to be cooked and he'll eat the batter or the dough. This man probably has literally eaten a dog, he won't care if your cookies are burnt to high hell he''s eating them.
The same goes for any Jewish dishes you make for Hanukkah. Oh your Latkes are turned into charcoal? Michael will eat an entire plate and ask for another. This man can probably eat literal bricks.
If you're a Christian and you go to Church to worship on Christmas Michael won't be going or praying with you, but he will be outside watching you.
Same goes if you go to Temple for Hanukkah. He'll watch from outside and just look at you. As for lighting the Menorah he'll watch you do that too. He's not judging you doing this Michael just likes to watch.
Norman Bates
Norman is probably a Christian but if you're not he's not judging. If you just want to decorate and enjoy the more commerical Christmas he doesn't care as long as he can still have a little natvity scene and can go to Church, but you're always welcome to join him.
He adores putting up ornaments together. Or just doing any kind of holiday activity together. Putting up lights, baking, cooking, playing in the snow, etc. He just loves spending time with you.
He'll also get lonely around this time without his mother so he's going to want some comfort for that. But he'll talk about how his mother would have loved you and how he would have convinced her that you're a great person who's perfect for him.
Norman will make you write a list of things you want and he will buy mostly all of them. He wants to make you feel loved and he thinks that giving thoughtful gifts this time of year is something important.
He's going to be a bit more busy with the motel around the Holidays but he's going to still make time for you.
Now if you're Jewish and celebrate Hanukkah Norman won't know anything about it but he'll still be supportive. He'll learn some songs and try the food you make.
He'll also still get you gifts for Hanukkah. But I feel like he might buy you both silver or gold necklaces, one with a star of David for you and one with a cross for him.
Carrie White
Carrie's Christmas's have been just hours of worship and praying for forgiveness with her mother. She's never had a tree, never put up lights and has never gotten a gift outside of a bible and a cross necklace one year.
She's going to be so foreign to all of the commerical Christmas things. So she'll want to be included in everything. She'll love to go pick a tree with you and decorate it together. She'll help put up lights and hand wreaths on the front door.
She'll be baking all the damn time. Like your kitchen will permanently smell like cinnamon, vanilla, mint and cloves. And she'll insist you try everything she makes. If you're Jewish and follow Kosher laws Carrie might not understand it but she'll respect it. She'll keep the kitchen Kosher and will even try to make Jewish foods for Hanukkah.
If you're Jewish Carrie is going to have a little bit of prejudice against you but quickly unlearn it because her mother was wrong about so many things. She'll welcome how you celebrate Hanukkah and while she's a Christian, she'll never make you feel uncomfortable with celebrating Jewish holidays around her.
But if you're a Christian she'll join you in going to Church on Christmas and praising the lord. Going back home and opening gifts afterwards.
Speaking of gifts Carrie is going to make you clothes for Christmas. That or go out and buy you something thoughtful. She's not going to expect you to get her anything but when you do she's so surprised and happy that you did.
Hannibal Lecter and Will Grahm
Will is very festive and Hannibal is just kinda normal about it. The three of you will go tree shopping because Will insists on having a live tree and Hannibal can't say no.
Hannibal cooks and bakes so many things for the holidays. And if you're Jewish, he has so many kosher recipes to use and will honestly just start making kosher food most of the time, but if he makes something that isn't kosher for him and Will he's going to make something kosher for you.
Will and you will do most of the decorating around the house because Hannibal "has better things to do" but Hannibal will always come over and insist that he helps "make it better'. Cue argument over Will putting a fishing themed ornament on the tree.
Now I've mentioned this before but Hannibal wraps his gifts with black wrapping paper and he does it so perfectly that you almost don't want to ruin it by opening it. And Will tries his best but it always ends up looking so bad. Will also might wrap your gift as something completely different. Like he'll wrap a watch as a mug.
Will and Hannibal aren't religious I think that's kinda obvious but if you go to Church or Temple for the holidays then they're coming with you as guests. Hannibal knows more about Judaism than Will does but that doesn't stop Will from learning about the religion. I feel like Hannibal might even know a little Hebrew.
As for gifts Hannibal will buy you something expensive, but also something thoughtful. Like you pointed out this beautiful necklace that this woman was wearing? Hannibal bought it for you. Oh remember those shoes you tried on in March that you feel in love with but couldn't afford? Hannibal bought those for you. He also might just buy you and Will a vacation to Europe.
Will's gift giving is also thoughtful but not as expensive. Oh remember that really cool but expensive ring you found? Will made one that looks just like it for you. You remember telling Will about how you lost a childhood toy a few years ago that you loved so much? He bought another one just for you.
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autisticempathydaemon · 9 months
we stroll along (walking in a winter wonderland)
A Skyside holiday exchange gift for @sainthowlzon organized by the adored @angelicaether yes it's January fifth but it's still Winter so run with it
Tags: Vega/Warden (Darling), David/Asher, Sam/Darlin, William/Camelopardalis, Porter/Treasure, mentions of food, mild violence, mild gore Also available on AO3
It is a miraculously white Christmas in Dahlia. This year, the cold winds had blown down just right from the nearby mountains and blanketed the picturesque college town in a glistening sheet of snow straight from a Rockwell painting. Everyone, empowered and unempowered alike, can feel the wonder of Christmas magic in the air. Little did they know how close beings of pure, concentrated magic sat watching, judging. 
“I will never understand humans and their inexplicable wonder at something so pedestrian and natural as frozen, falling water,” Warden muses. In a park below, an energetic wolf shifter leaps into the snow and disappears into the unshoveled heap. His companion- his Alpha, Warden deduces from his aura- watches with an affectionate amusement that doesn’t show on his scowling face. Instead of seeing it, the Warden can taste it- the warm, honeysuckle sweetness of a love left to simmer underneath a pot lid. In contrast, the beta’s joy is fizzing, effervescent, threatening to boil over as he looks up at the taller man with a bright, sunny grin. Visible only to Warden’s Aria-borne senses, their cores mingle and harmonize.
Easily spotted by the inchoate on their rooftop perch but unseen by the enamored wolves, one of their pack sits with a vampire on the other side of the park. The two sit quietly on a bench, facing the garishly lit and decorated evergreen tree that the humans put up for the season, illuminating the boulevard with flashing, twinkling lights. Warden, who coalesced to the sight of the cosmos studded with eons-old stars, always found the ornaments on Elegy to be a poor facsimile. The couple below seem to enjoy it at least, sitting silently but comfortably, shoulders touching, as the world clatters and clamors around them. Their serenity is cool and refreshing; their comfortable intimacy tastes of warm, yeasty bread cut fresh out of the oven. 
The wolf leans their head on the vampire’s shoulder, turning to press a kiss to his scarf-covered neck, and their love adds a sweetness to their flavor. It reminds the inchoate of a rich chocolate being drizzled atop the toasted bread of their peace, the sweetness not cloying or overbearing but complementary, balanced. Unfortunately, Warden senses they are not the only d(a)emon lured by the meal and carefully retreats further into the shadows with a watchful eye. After a moment, familiar, blue-tinted horns come into view, and Camelopardalis walks from behind the tree, him and his companion waving politely at the other couple. 
At seeing their former coworker, an uncomfortable feeling stirs in the inchoate where their stomach would be. Without the added context of taste and flavor sensations, their own emotions remain inscrutable and unsatisfying, impossible to properly name or express. When they see Cam smiling so easily, arm in arm with his vampire companion, Warden cannot say what the twisting in their abdomen means, what the magic running sharp and cold under their skin is trying to convey; they just know they don’t like it. 
To escape the frivolity and saccharine spectacle, the inchoate travels across the rooftops, walking through the rifts from one to another. The snow, lights, and auras blur into a monotonous, humming drone, a dull, tasteless barrage of one-dimensional sweetness on Warden’s tongue. Then something heady edges alongside their consciousness- something rich and spicy like Christmas wine spiked with cloves paired with prime rib dripping with herbed tallow. 
In the alleyway below, another vampire uses the din of the nearby street to cloak his misdeeds. Warden watches as a knife- surely laced with demon blood by the way its waning magic calls to them- is buried in another vampire’s throat and twisted with callous efficiency. It is done so quickly, with such sharp, unyielding movements, that the inchoate hardly has time to savor his bloodlust before it blends with the sour, metallic tang of grim pride at a bloody job well done. The man turns on his heel, strutting down the alley and tossing the blade over his shoulder with gloved hands and hardly a care. He walks with purpose, a bounce in his step, and a feeling emanating off of him too lusting and hungry to be called happiness. The vampire’s intense, tempestuous emotions mix into a potent cocktail reminiscent of gore and viscera, the only sweetness that of slain flesh. It both repulses Warden and entices them; their core hums in want.
“My Darling,” a rumbling voice hums in their mind. “Did you find us something to eat?” Vega’s claws trail lightly down Warden’s horns, sending shivers down their corporeal form, and they nod obediently, wordlessly. The sadism demon nods approvingly at them, his eyes glow a piercing, burning red; he turns, skulking toward that night’s meal, and Warden follows like a lamb to the shepherd, a magi to the brightest star.
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[from my files:: the bird girl :: Bonaventure cemetery Savannah Ga ::]
* * * *
For instance, in his wonderful early poem, “Wrestling Angels,” a crew of vandals and thieves has gone into a cemetery (presumably Rose Hill Cemetery off Riverside Drive in Macon).
Only the ironwork will bring us money, ornamental sofas overlooking graves, black-flowered fences planted in marble, occasionally an urn or a bronze star.
But if there is time we shatter the hourglasses, slaughter lambs asleep on children’s graves, break the blades off stone scythes, the marble strings on silent lyres. Only the angels are here to stop us, and they have grown too weak to wrestle. We break their arms and leave them wingless, leaning over graves like old men lamenting their age.
[by David Bottoms]
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Now, in the Whizzvin household, we know Whizzer is only half Jewish. I still don't think they celebrate Christmas itself, but I do think that Whizzer convinces Marvin to let them do some more Chirstmasy traditions each year. For instance, decorating the house with colorful lights, making gingerbread houses, and baking Christmas cookies (though usually with less Christmas-specific shapes, like snowflakes, stars, and candy canes). He definitely puts up a Happy Hanukkah banner of some kind. Marvin isn't the biggest fan, but he's glad Whizzer's excited and Jason seems to enjoy it.
At the lesbians' household, I know that Charlotte is Jewish and Cordelia is not. For winter holidays, they mix it up decorations-wise in December. For one example, they both light the menorah and decorate a tree. They have ornaments shaped like the Star of David, dreidels, menorahs, and other blue and white bulbs. Also, Cordelia always makes a fruitcake, and I will be taking no criticism on that fact-
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kummatty · 9 months
hello. I think you have a great blog and amazing tastes and I was wondering if you had any book recommendations? fiction or non-fiction, though I tend to read more fiction. I'm afraid I do not read enough books that were written outside North America/Europe and I would love to change that. anyway, sorry for the disturbance, I hope you are well <3
hi dear anon, i hope you're well too <3 im so sorry this has been sitting in my inbox forever! i hope you see it. thank u for ur kind words, i'm happy to share some recs! they'll be a mix of authors from north america/europe as well as outside those regions, and most will be writers of color bc that's who I tend to look for and read, i also gravitate towards fiction but ill try to do both. * = i've read it and would definitely recommend, and the rest are on my tbr that ive heard good things about and/or really want to get to myself.
I would also look out for presses that publish specifically translations and non-Western stories - two lines press, europa, transit books, open books, greywolf press - and you can look to who they're interacting w as well to expand your search for these kinds of books. happy reading <3
vagabonds! by eloghosa osunde*
annie john by jamaica kincaid*
if an egyptian cannot speak english by noor naga*
the remainder by alia trabucco zerán, trans. sophie hughes*
sula by toni morrison*
scattered all over the earth by yoko tawada, trans. margaret mitsutani*
the thirty names of night by zeyn joukhader*
a passage north by anuk arudpragasam*
the hour of the star by clarice lispector*
an unkindness of ghosts by rivers solomon*
the umbrella country by bino a. realuyo*
the unpassing by chia-chia lin*
aquarium by david vann*
bright by duanwad pimwana, trans. mui pooposakul
hostages of memory by haitham hussein, trans. jona fras
mother of 1084 by mahasweta devi, trans. samik bandyopadhyay
on a woman's madness by astrid h. roemer, trans. lucy scott
the wild hunt by emma seckel
ornamental by juan cárdenas, trans. lizzie davis
i stared at the night of the city by bakhtiyar ali, trans. kareem abdulrahman*
men in the sun, and other palestinian stories by ghassan kanafani (various translators)*
funny boy by shyam selvadurai
violets by kyung-sook shin, trans. anton hur
afterparties by anthony veasna so
a map to the door of no return by dionne brand*
out of the sun: on race and storytelling by esi edugyan*
uncommon measure: a journey through music, performance, and the science of time by natalie hodges*
from a native daughter: colonialism and sovereignty in hawai'i by haunani-kay trask
braiding sweetgrass: indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge, and the teachings of plants by robin wall kimmerer
care work: dreaming disability justice by leah lakshmi piepzina-samarasinha
don't forget us here: lost and found at guantanamo by mansoor adayfi
the jakarta method: washington's anticommunist crusade and the mass murder program that shaped our world by vincent bevins
a still life: a memoir by josie george
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notyourtoday · 2 months
Caption on post -
Social media users have renewed calls for a boycott of the upcoming Captain America film after the release of a trailer on Friday showed scenes of Israeli actor Shira Haas playing Ruth Bat-Seraph, an Israeli character who was featured in comics as the super-powered Sabra.
Initial boycott calls sparked back in 2022, when the casting of Haas for the role of Sabra was announced. Sabra, who was introduced in Marvel's comics in the 1980s, is usually shown wearing outfits with the colours of Israel's flag, ornamented with the Star of David. The original backstory of the character has her working as an agent for Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency.
However, Marvel announced that in the movie the character will be a former Black Widow and a "high-ranking US official", seemingly altering or minimising elements of the character that were seen as controversial. Some pro-Palestinian users praised the rebranding of the character, but others maintained calls for a boycott of the movie and other Marvel entertainment. Pro-lsraeli users instead criticised Marvel for "erasing" the character's Jewish and lsraeli identity.
By @middleeasteye on Instagram.
Link to post.
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sl-walker · 1 year
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Ad Astra News - 5/21 - 5/27
State of the Archive
Currently the archive is up, running and stable on otw-archive.  Technical issues include: Links from e-mails not landing on the correct subdomain, so if you want to join up, you have to add beta.adastrafanfic.com/[insert validation link] in order to validate your account.  If you don’t want to or can’t, though, just hit me up and I’ll do it from the back end!  Another technical issue is that dates/times aren’t populating correctly on newly posted stories, but that’s a pretty minor thing.  If you see a bug, let me know!
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The original eFiction archive will become a static-only monument on September 1st, 2023.
Weekly Challenge # 6
On our chat server that starts with a D, the current challenge is New Homes; between 100 and 700 words of fic about new homes, be they literal places, new ships, new crews or people in general.
Stories Archived
Star Trek: Enterprise
By Jespah
The New House - G - Malcolm Reed/OFC
By @merfilly
The Unquiet End - T - Takashi Kimura/Hoshi Sato
Star Trek: The Original Series
By @beatrice-otter
Undiscovered Stars - G - James T. Kirk/Lando Calrissian (SW x-over) The One Great Choice - T - Cleante al-Faisal, T'Shael, Jasmine al-Faisal
By @merfilly
A Breath of Fresh Air - T - Emony Dax/Leonard “Bones” McCoy Dreams - G - Hikaru Sulu Feelings - G - Spock Introspection - G - James T. Kirk Diplomacy - G - Mara, Pavel Chekov Storyteller - G - Nyota Uhura Serenity - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy, Julian Bashir (x-over with DS9) So Much - G - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Enterprise - G Contemplation - M - David Marcus/Saavik Strong Ones - T - Una Chin-Riley/Nyota Uhura A Gift - T - James T. Kirk/Spock One Friend Lost... One Gained? - G - James T. Kirk A Shore Leave to Remember - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy, Nyota Uhura Necessary - T - Leonard “Bones” McCoy The Sound of His Engines - G - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Frayed - G - Christine Chapel Sippin' Time - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy Complications of Empire - G - Kang Farewells - G - Christopher Pike Just One Man - G - Leonard “Bones” McCoy Change of Command - G - Christopher Pike, Robert April Points of Communion - M - David Marcus/Saavik She Would Have Known - G - Spock Acceptance - G - James T. Kirk, David Marcus Memories of Smoke - G - Nyota Uhura Assumptions - G - Spock, Sarek
By @sl-walker
'Cross the River - G - Spock Iron - T - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott & Spock Not Too Soon - G - Sarek, Amanda Grayson, Spock Maps, Rules and Moderation - G - James T. Kirk & Leonard “Bones” McCoy
Star Trek: Alternate Original Series
By @beatrice-otter
Those Left Behind - G - Christopher Pike, Sarek
Star Trek: The Next Generation
By @beatrice-otter
the simple secret of the plot - G - Guinan/Jean-Luc Picard Hope of Thee (The Zombie Remix) - G - Lwaxana Troi, Kestra Troi Processing - T - Data, Deanna Troi Reboot: The Chase - G - Jean-Luc Picard (x-over with Stargate:SG1) Reboot (Legacy) - G - Jean-Luc Picard (x-over with Stargate:SG1)
By @merfilly
Game in Town - G - Q Intimidated - G - Worf Admiral Compensations - T - Jean-Luc Picard Fell For Him - G - Beverly Crusher
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
By @beatrice-otter
Nerys and the Emissary - G - Kira Nerys & Benjamin Sisko In Due Season - T - Prophet/Joseph Sisko (Rape/Noncon) Ornament - T - Kira Nerys, Lupaza
By @merfilly
In a Different World - T - Elim Garak (Mirror)
Star Trek: Voyager
By @sl-walker
Idle - G - Kathryn Janeway, Chakotay
Expanded Universes
By LordMcCoveyCove
Communiques - G The New Threat - M - Tenth Doctor (x-over with Doctor Who)
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lazyrants · 4 months
Surprise Santa (prod 125)
Chris Crow (https://www.youtube.com/@handle6324) gave GetLazy an .iso of the ninth LazyTown DVD intended for promotional use only. To finally put the .iso to use, I decided to take all the screenshots in this episode myself. I also watched it using VLC.
Original airdate: October 11, 2005 (DVD) December 9, 2005 (TV)
Story by Magnus Scheving
Written by Noah Zachary, Cole Louie, Magnus Scheving
Directed by Magnus Scheving, Jonathan Judge
Executive producers - Magnus Scheving, Ragnheidur Melsted, Raymond P. Le Gue, Mark Read, Brown Johnson, Kay Wilson Stallings
Starring Magnus Scheving, Stefan Karl Steffanson, Julianna Rose Mauriello
Puppeteers - Gudmondor Thor Karason, Jodi Eichelberger, David Matthew Feldman, Julie Westwood, Sarah Burgess
The longest LazyTown episode clocking in at twenty-seven minutes. I am a bit annoyed because I should've waited until Christmas Time, but it's May so that'd be far too long of a hiatus.
It turns out the person who made Sportacus' calendar is a complete goddamn idiot, because it doesn't have any fricking dates on any page at all. It also turns out Mayor Milford Meanswell is a complete goddamn idiot (not that shocking) because while he rips off the YESTER DAY piece, we see a glimpse of 'FESTIVAL DAY'. Could be a hint to 'Sportscandy Festival', or Milford is just a goddamn idiot. Sportacus has HUNDREDS of balls..
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..in the airship. He decides to decorate his airship in the most ridiculous but kinda cool way. He rides hid airship, making it go tipsy turny, so that all the Christmas ornaments go into this hole in the floor that has NEVER been there before.
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So, he flips out of the skutla, and all the ornaments come flying out of one of the holes that Sportacus' football pops out of some time, and he hits them onto the walls with a ping pong racket. It also turns out that Sportacus is a complete goddamn idiot because he must've put glue on all the ornaments. There's no way they'd stick onto the walls in real life! Anyways, in the intro, unlike the normal title card, there is a Christmas version of the town instead! This is the third time the intro has been modified - Night time in 'Sleepless', and the paper plane flying near the airship and off the camera in 'Sportacus Who'.
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So, Ziggy is so shocked by the snow he assumes it's present time, and annoys everyone. Milford is showing the kids the present he got for Bessie. Stingy is looking at the stockings full of presents. All this present talk aught to annoy someone, y'know?
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Knew it. Anyways, he shows great annoyance about not being invited, but he says he doesn't care and wouldn't go if he wasn't invited. Ziggy is still asking if it's present time and Stephanie tells him to calm down (those damn presents ain't goin nowhere!.. unless stingy takes em), but french fry hair boy pops in with some trivia. Apparently Ziggy's eaten 162 pieces of candy in the past sixty minutes. Fatty. Robbie is still peeping in the lair when he has a great idea - to potentially kill everyone of frostbite.
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At every Christmas party, Sportacus is the special guest of honor and he sits on the fancy chair. But he is going to make a GIANT snowball and launch it through the mayor's window so it hits Sportacus at exactly 6:00.
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He has an invention for everything. So some gadget thingy majingy blows snow all around the lair, and he makes a giant snowball. In satisfaction of his work.. he kisses the snowball.
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If there were different scriptwriters, at least ONE would make the snowball come to life, open it's eyes and say 'Ew!' and roll away from him. It'd be better that way. He carries it (isn't he the laziest dude in the town?) all the way to the cannon (which should be near his lair, Robbie, you goddamn idiot). Anyways, Stingy is being a selfish little jerk, writing a present 'To Me, From Me', the little moron. He needs to learn what Christmas is really about. Ziggy interrupts his jerkiness by going crazy about snow angels. Instead of JUST GOING TO DO IT, he keeps on yapping about it. Meanwhile, Robbie is reminded about the presents, but he doesn't know how to go there without being recognized. Then he has it - to dress up as a fat cookie (food) loving man - CaseOh.
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Uh- I mean, Santa. Who stuffed up my 'Make fun of Robbie' paper with the 'Make fun of CaseOh' one?? Anyways, he performs Good to Be Bad. Meanwhile, Milford is putting up decorations ON A STRING, and he is ON A LADDER. Disaster is bound to strike, so Sportacus comes seconds before he even is in trouble! But if he WAS in trouble.. the crystal'd beep. And he saves him using a bowling ball.. and a skateboard. So that just when he trips and he is about to come falling down with the ladder.. he doesn't.
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But Bessie tells him to come down because they still need to put nametags on the gifts (rat). So, Stingy is looking outside to see what happened and asks Bessie for her input on GIVING out gifts. Then he shows a disgusted face when she says it's better to give then recieve.
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So he looks at all the gifts saying they belong to him and only him. Meanwhile, the kids perform 'I love Christmas' while Santa is sneaking around the town. When the song ends, Ziggy and Trixie start making snow angels, but Ziggy freaks out when he thinks he's lost his lollipops.
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His lollipops aren't the only thing he may have lost.. Anyways, with the guidance of Sportacus, Stephanie starts building a giant snowman. Maybe to get in the Guinness Book of World Records? Ziggy walks up to the snowman and Stephanie questions him holding two lollipops. He lies that they're ears for the snowman (nobody puts ears on a SNOWMAN, but what'd I know, I live in AUS) and runs up to it and it all comes tumbling down. To the ground. So does Ziggy.
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Stephanie is annoyed at him (when she JUST put the head back on in like, two seconds..), and Ziggy runs away of shame. Sportacus goes after him, where Ziggy reveals that at Christmas he gets so excited he eats a ton of candy, then he gets more excited and eats more candy, and gets more exci- you get me. And the remedy to his hyperness?
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Why is it the carrots in this show look like a carrot I'd want to eat? The real life carrots taste horrible and are super hard to bite in! Deceiving us with sneaky little tricks.. So Sportacus throws the carrot (he wants some candy too.. JK) and uses it as the snowman's nose. Then he goes back to his ship. Meanwhile Stingy is hovering over some presents and he shakes gifts to guess what is in them. And in the progress, he breaks a glass one!
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Meanwhile, Robbie's still sneaking around, and lucky him, because he's been caught by Ziggy. Robbie tries bribing him to go home with candy but Sporty already told him to not eat that stuff.. so Robbie gives him more, he eats it, goes wild, and tells him what he wants for Christmas.
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That was the second scene I found funny in this episode. Try harder, whoever wrote this episode. Meanwhile, Bessie notices they have no Christmas tree, so everyone goes out to find one. Ziggy is still going on about what he wants for Christmas.
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But the annoyance hasn't stopped there. Stingy comes with a big book of ALL HIS presents, which seems to have more then 300 pages. Clown. Anyways, everyone has gone away which is the perfect time for Robbie to sneak in, take the presents, and get out! Wouldn't take that long, heh?
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Really? Couldn't he just go from the CLEARLY OPEN WINDOW?? DOES ANYONE IN THIS GODDAMN SHOW THINK? I love this show. But the characters are just brain-dead sometimes. Anyways, he takes the gifts and finds one with HIS name on it, literally.
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He decides he can't steal their gifts and wants to go back, feeling remorse. Softie. So he goes back by the window and just sneaks back to the lair, right?
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Oh my lord. So, Sportacus has to save him (crystal beeps). He flips over the table (he coulda just walked.), and pulls him out the chimney. Everyone discovers it's Robbie. Then they sing Bing- oh, yeah, 5 more minutes because holiday special. Anyways, he decides to go back, but being super kind, Stingy (normally an annoying, selfish unfunny rat) & Stephanie (always kind unless she's kinda annoyed) say he can stay. Robbie wants to start with the presents, but the others want to start with Bessie's turkey. Priorities, Robbie. Anyways, it turns out a bit better as since it is his first time, he gets to be the guest of honor.
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Meanwhile, Ziggy is getting a taste of his own medicine when Robbie asks 'Twinky' if it's time for the presents. But he is not as hyper or loud.
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This is so far kinda heartwarming. Robbie doesn't take as much candy as usual, he starts smiling, and he even says he is gonna have a big dinner. Nothing can go wrong!
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Boom! The snowball comes flying out, and unlike the villian he is, Robbie actually warns everyone about the snowball. Sportacus starts cartwheeling on the table (he would have stepped on at least two pieces of food, come on), grabs a piece of mistletoe (Not in that way), wraps it around Robbie, then swings on the rope so Robbie dodges the snowball.
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It looks like the chair came with Robbie, so either he grasped onto it with his butt REALLY tight, or Trixie put lots of super glue on his seat because comedy. Either way, if this was realistic, that chair would fall off and be in pieces right now. Anyways, the snowball hits the walls, and Sportacus grabs it and does a frontflip. While the flip was cool, it was cooler to know Magnus himself did it.
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Sportacus thanks Robbie for warning everyone, who himself is questioning who'd do such a thing! Sportacus shrugs it off. Anyways, NOW they get into the presents, singing 'Bing Bang'. Apparently, Robbie knows what the present is before even opening it. And as Stephanie says it's a.. 'PAIR OF SOCKS?!'
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He says he likes being bad and somehow the snowman smiles, so he takes off its head, throws it away (into the cannon on accident so the timer starts but shorter), and goes back to the lair. And he has a visitor.
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The snowman's head falls on Robbie's head, and he's cold, and he can't breath, so he dies quickly. But this is a kids show and he sneezes because comedy.
5/10: Would be good as a regular episode, dull in some places, but didn't feel Christmasy enough.
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daintydoilypon · 2 years
Rant and unpopular opinion below about a certain game EYO
Please stop using my heritage to fight your battles. I have never, EVER, felt like the goblins in the HP universe were a slam at Jews because of their noses. YOU are the racist for constantly jumping on that bandwagon. “OH A BIG HOOKED NOSE?” Or “duplicitous and bloodthirsty, speaking a guttural language and having a culture considered inferior by mainstream society MUST BE A JEWISH CARICATURE!!” Literally, you’re the racist for associating that with us. God, it’s the “OrCs RePrEsEnT bLaCk PeOpLe” DnD shit all over again, which I never thought either, so why did/do you people think that? Stop comparing fantasy races with actual races FFS. Stop using us and minorities as a token for your arguments.
And before anyone brings up the Star of David that was in the bank in the movies, it’s an actual location and it’s NOT in the ride.
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If you want the game, get it. If you don’t, don’t. She’s set for life regardless with royalties from the books, movies, the theme park (she’s probably getting some for every ticket for Universal), merch, those expensive Hallmark interactive ornaments, etc. There’s nothing we can do that will effect her revenue unless everyone goes cold turkey, and even then, there will be people that agree with her that will keep her afloat like Chik-Fil-A. Enjoy your X amount of hours of gameplay then forget it exists again until the next controversy. The most she can do is continue to scream into the void that which is Twitter. Stop stressing out about what ifs. I assure you, if she did happen to do anything, everyone would be jumping down her throat and she’d get more publicly ostracized or worse. You’re not a bad person for wanting a game your younger self would have wanted, but wasn’t available due to tech not being there yet. If you want it, if it would heal some childhood things to play as a wizard for a few hours, don’t be made to feel bad about it.
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