#star-daughter au
camille-lachenille · 5 months
Star-daughter 1/?
Part1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
* When Elwing jumps, she knows it isn’t only her own life she is taking, but what other choice is there? If it makes her a kinslayer she doesn’t care. Not really.
* Being changed hurts. It splits her bones, stretches her skin and reshapes her insides. But she lives, and so does the little spark in her.
* Eärendil cries when she tells him of the sack of Sirion; he weeps for their sons and she weeps along him. Then Elwing tells him of the life they can still save, and this time Eärendil’s tears are of happiness.
* The choice isn’t really a choice. It is a new beginning offered to her, a chance to once more rebuild a life for her and Eärendil, and maybe this time they will see their child grow up together.
* Elwing cries in her tower at the edge of the world, looking up at her husband’s ship sailing the skies. She cannot fly to him by now, her body too changed to risk another change. Each night, she climbs the stairs up to the top of her tower, a hand supporting her heavy belly, and looks at the Silmaril’s light until her eyes hurt.
* She is not fully alone for, one day, a golden-haired Elflord and a giant hound came to her door, arms full of presents and brimming with friendship. Elwing let them in and they made themselves at home.
* Huan hunts and Finrod cooks; dishes she has never heard of, dishes from Doriath and the folk of Bëor from lands that no longer exist.
* Elwing hurts, in body and soul, but her new friends soothe the pain and loneliness. She sleeps curled against Huan’s warm and furry side, his snout protectively resting on her belly. Her child won’t be alone.
* She gives birth the night after Eärendil left again after a too brief reprieve from his doom, and names her daughter Elrodel, star-princess.
* The babe is her father’s portrait, all golden locks, blue eyes and dimpled smile. Each night, Elwing climbs up the stairs and shows her daughter the course of Vingilot.
* Finrod is besotted with Elrodel, telling her a thousand stories and more, giving her more gifts Elwing knows what to do with. Elrodel is likely taken by Finrod and wails whenever he is gone for too long.
* Huan looks over Elrodel too, let her ride on his back and teaching her all there is to know about the local wildlife.
* Elrodel’s first word is mama, and Elwing smiles not to burst into tears. Then Elrodel turns to Finrod with her beaming, dimpled smile and says “Da!”
* Elwing flees the room. She runs up up up the stairs, to the last level of her tower. There she collapses amidst the birds and sobs until her eyes burn and her throat aches. A gull pecks at her hair.
* When she comes down, Elrodel is babbling in that language of hers, showing her toys to Huan. Finrod nods gently at Elwing; his eyes are red rimmed despite his smile. “She will learn to call me uncle, eventually,” he says. Elwing nods in return and picks her daughter up, retiring early for the day.
* Elrodel is one year old when Eärendil is granted another reprieve. Elwing waits for him on the pier leading to the edge of the world, their daughter securely held in her arms. Finrod went to stay with his family south, in Alqualondë, and Huan is roaming the wild hills.
* Eärendil is changed. He is thinner and almost shimmers in certain lights. Elrodel shies away from his calloused hands and prickly cheeks, and it takes Elwing everything she has not to think about how her sons would react in a similar manner when Eärendil returned to Sirion after one of his journeys.
* They make an odd family, the three of them in this lonely tower. The tired star-mariner, his sad wife who speaks with birds and their bright daughter who runs on the beach and plays with otters and seals. Elrodel never saw another child, never met someone else outside of her strange little family. Her best friend is a dog and her uncle once ripped a wolf’s throat with his bare teeth.
* It could be worse, Elwing muses as she watches her daughter warm up to Eärendil. She rides on his shoulders as they walk down the beach, pointing at seals swimming in the bay, at hidden puffin nests on the cliff and shiny shells half-buried in the sand.
* Eärendil has sand in his hair and a twinkle in his eyes that night, and Elwing is reminded with a pang of their walks on the shore with their boys. But this is lost forever, and she must focus on the present or fade from grief. For better or for worse, she is one of the Eldar, and she will fight every single day for this life she choose.
* Finrod returns with relatives in tow, a golden haired couple that can only be Eärendil’s parents, Idril and Tuor. There are many tears as they reunite, and much cooing at Elrodel.
* Elwing smiles and chats, serves tea and accepts the gifts from her inlaws, but her heart bleeds. She hates the part of herself who is jealous of her husband for having a family when she has none.
* Too soon, Eärendil has to leave again, and the tower feels colder and lonelier than ever. Even Elrodel’s laughter cannot warm Elwing fully.
* Time passes, and the news Finrod brings from the wide world are darker by the day. Eärendil doesn’t come ashore for many years as war rages back home, in Beleriand. Elrodel grows, wild and joyful, blissfully unaware of her parent’s grief.
* She has forgotten Eärendil, Elwing realises. Her daughter doesn’t know she has a father.
* It is her fault, for speaking of Eärendil is so painful she prefers to lock her memories of him away in her heart, with her two little boys. Elrodel never heard of them either, her brothers slain before she even came into the world.
* Idril and Tuor come to stay in the tower. They tell Elrodel stories of her family. Of Eärendil and Sirion, and Gondolin before that. Elwing takes refuge with her birds and listens to their chatter and gossips. She misses being a gull.
* The war is won, Beleriand is no more. Elwing weeps for the loss of her homeland.
* Eärendil docks down at last, wan and tired and the shadow of the man she loves. Her husband, the dragon-slayer, the Star of Hope. Elwing runs down the pier and throw herself at him with all her love and despair. His embrace is cold and unfamiliar and he weeps in her hair.
* Elrodel is taller than her father now, a grown woman with too bright eyes who walks barefoot on the sharp cliffs. She speaks to birds and sea beasts more often than to Elves.
* She looks at Eärendil and she is a little girl once again, shying away from him yet stealing glances at this stranger from behind her mother.
* They stay up long in the night, talking of this or that, Elrodel recounting her latest exploration of the hills with Huan. Elwing sits close to Eärendil, never let him out of her sight. She feels he will disappear of she closes her eyes even for a moment.
* It is much later, once they are alone in her - their - bed, that Eärendil speaks of what he saw. Not everything, Elwing can hear the untold horrors in the pauses of his speech, but enough for her to have an idea of what happened to her beloved homeland. At long least, he closes his eyes, red from crying and staring at the Silmaril for all these years, and he says: “They live, our boys. I saw them both from above, managed to send a letter to them.”
* Elwing grips Eärendil’s hand with all her strength, the air stolen from her lungs. Her boys live. Her two little stars. Elrond and Elros. She cries against his shoulder as Eärendil tells her of Elros’ valour and Elrond’s wisdom.
* The next day, Elwing takes Elrodel for a walk on the beach and, for the first time since that fateful day where she jumped to her supposed death, she speaks aloud of Elrond and Elros. She speaks until her voice gives out and tears stream down her cheeks, and then she sobs and wails for all the years she has lost, kneeling in the sand. When she comes to herself, Elrodel is nowhere to be seen.
* Elwing tries not to fret, for she knows learning she has two older brothers she will never meet must be a hard blow to her daughter. She recalls well enough her own reaction when she learned of the fate of Elúred and Elúrin. Still, Elwing paces her tower and the beach, listens to the birds and tries to find what comfort she can in the tales of their sons Eärendil tells her.
* It takes Elrodel two full weeks to come home, dirty and tired but with Huan walking in her steps. She hugs Elwing hard, then Eärendil, and wordlessly walks to her room. She doesn’t come down for supper but there is a letter for Elwing on the kitchen table the next morning.
* Mum, father, I will be staying with uncle Finrod for the foreseeable future. I hope I can forgive you in time for hiding my brothers from me, but I think I can start to see your reasons. I love you, Elrodel.
* Elwing is alone but for the warm mass of Huan beside her to see Eärendil away again. He spent nearly two months on land, and she knows not when she will see him next. His task now is of uttermost importance and she wishes she could go with him, to guide their son to his new homeland.
* Elrodel sends letters, news of Tol Eressëa, Alqualondë, then Tirion, Valimar and the Woods of Oromë. She never mentions her brothers nor when she plans to return home but each letter eases a little of Elwing’s grief. Her daughter is seeing the world, what she is allowed to see at any rate, she meets people and makes friends. Eleing feels a little guilty for keeping her secreted away in their tower at the edge of the world for so long.
* It takes Elrodel twenty years to come back home, and she is not alone. Finrod is with her, a familiar face, and a young Teler who looks at Elrodel like she hung the moon and sun in the sky.
* “Mum, meet Ciuran, my husband,“ is the first thing Elrodel says. Elwing can only smile and welcome her new son-in-law into her house as a tempest of feelings rages silently behind her smile.
* Elrodel is with child, and she wants to give birth and raise them in the place she spent the happiest years of her life. Ciuran is a good man for her, smoothing her sharp edges with his kindness but not taming her wild spirit. He is of the Teleri, after all, and knows that the sea cannot be tamed or contained.
* Elrodel is much like the sea indeed, Elwing muses as she reacquaint herself with her daughter. She is brash and loud and unstoppable, but also full of life and warmth. They are much more alike in temper than Elwing ever imagined, she realises after these long years of separation.
* Huan is as protective of Elrodel as he was of Elwing when she was pregnant, and it is an amusing image to see the tall woman walk on the beach, preceded by her large belly and trailed by the huge hound, Ciuran at her side.
* Elwing rips the seeds of jealousy from her heart and nurtures the joy to see her daughter so well loved and supported. At night she lays awake in her too large bed and curses at the stars above.
* Eärendil doesn’t come home for another three decades. When he finally sets foot on solid land Elwing nearly runs away from this ghost of her husband, but she puts on her brave smile and leads him to the tower by the hand. Eärendil is haggard and almost translucent around the edges. His voice is raspy and low from disuse and his eyes nearly burned by the light of the Silmaril.
* Elwing helps him bathe and into fresh clothes before hugging him firmly. “I missed you,” she says. Then, after a pause where she can count Eärendil’s heartbeat through his too this chest, she adds. “I love you.”
* Eärendil is changed but his warmth remains, and he laughs as loud as he is able now, which is not very, at his grandchildren’s antics. Elrodel introduced her sons, twins of course, and her young daughter to Eärendil without a moment of hesitation.
* Her children know everything there is to know about their grandfather, from his great deeds as a dragon slayer to his favourite sweet (honey cakes), and they are overjoyed to meet him at last. The boys try to act grown and impress Eärendil, but they quickly join their little sister, still a toddler, in listening to his tales. Huan curls around the children and listen as attentively as them, his tail wagging.
* Elwing sits with Elrodel and smiles at the picture before her. For the first time in what feels like forever, she can say she is truly happy.
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breesperez139 · 4 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #6
“I’m a twin”, Damian said one night. He could feel the narrowed eyes of his family drilling holes on his back in disbelief. Not that he could blame them. Damian had never so much as implied being raised with a companion, much less a sibling.
“I had a brother”. Damian paused to recollect himself. He had not said his brother’s name out loud in over 8 years.
“His name was… Danyal”. Damian hated the way his voice wavered, but he could not help it. Danyal was everything to him, his other half. Their heart beat as one and when one heart stopped beating, the other one died with it. At least until his family put his heart on metaphorical life support without ever realizing.
“Where is he now?” His father asked, voice filled with knowing grief and a hint of betrayal. It had in fact been 6 years since Damian first showed up on his doorstep.
“Up there”. All eyes shifted towards the specific star he was pointing to. “Right before he died, he promised me he’d guide me from the stars. Unfortunately, the stars are not visible in Gotham, so my brother is unable to be of much help unless I leave the city.”
“Your brother is Polaris, the North Star?” Tim questioned warily, most likely in attempts to not offend him. Damian was aware of how stupid it sounded, but Danyal had promised, and his brother never broke his promises.
“Yes. Danyal is with the stars now, just as he always wanted”
#dc x dp#dp x dc#dpxdc fanfic#dc x dp prompt#dp x dc prompt#dc x dp crossover#dp x dc crossover#ghost king danny#demon twin au#danyal al ghul#batpham#they are not in Gotham at the time of this conversation#I’m thinking they’re visiting the Kent’s on their farm but tbh as long as the stars are visible it can be anywhere#Danny did in fact reincarnate as Polaris#sort of#Polaris is more of a title the Realms gave him the day he was crowned#he is the star meant to guide them through a new era#or something like that#But Damian does look up at the stars for guidance whenever he sees them#and before he knows it he’s accidentally begun praying to Danny#it’s his coping mechanism for being unable to speak about him to anyone#but back to Danny - he regained the memories of his time as Danyal Al Ghul when he died in that portal and became a halfa#well it was more he regained the memories of ALL his previous lives but his most recent one holds a special place in his heart#if only because he knows his brother is still alive on whatever earth he was born on#as bad as it sounds Danny can’t wait until he gets to reunite with Damian#he hopes Damian forgives him for not guiding him though#fun fact! Danny was once known as the god Dan-El in one of his previous lives#he’s ALSO the reincarnation of the Greek Titan Astraeus (and he’s pretty sure Dani is his daughter Astraea)#his previous lives are all so interesting (he still can’t believe he was raised an assassin or that he was a god in multiple lives)#but in all honesty ​it’s even weirder feeling so old and so young at the same time
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stealingpotatoes · 6 months
What do Luke, Leia, and more importantly PADMÉ (and the whole gang really) react to Anakin having siblings - and those siblings being literal Dathomiri Force Gods that Anakin also was instrumental in killing
can u imagine if they DIDN'T die tho
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(donation doodles! // tip jar)
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yescking · 4 months
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changing fate
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starswritingdorm · 26 days
Crowley: you’re getting way to close to that boy
Y/N: which one
Crowley: what do you mean which one!?
Y/N: dad, this is an all boys school, obviously I’m gonna say which one since I’m practically friends which a good majority
Crowley: i shouldn’t have let you stay here..
Y/N: too bad
silly family :)
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bon-sides-sw · 1 year
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I've been so obsessed with my Mando Au, that I had to draw Rey.
Her Dads love her so much and Din is such a pushover and would give her anything she asks for.
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teabeearts · 6 months
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Dad Vader and Leia.🖤
Not a huge fan of this, but the point of drawing this was to not get fixated on perfection.
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varpusvaras · 5 months
There's someone with Fox.
Rex squints his eyes. There's a small, dark-haired woman standing next to Fox. She is looking up to him and saying something, and from the downwards tilt of Fox's head, even with his helmet on, Rex knows that Fox is saying something back.
She looks awfully familiar, but at the same time Rex knows that he has not met her before. It's a somewhat paradoxical feeling, but she's so familiar that he would know if he had ever seen her before this.
He watches them for a while, but mainly her. She is tiny, in both height and overall stature, and she is wearing comfortable, yet high-end clothes. Rex has spent enough time with Padmé by now to recognise when something has been made with enough care and money. Her hair is braided, rather intricately, into two crossing bands at the back of her head. She looks a lot like all the women in the Alderaanian delegation, with the hair and the clothes, he decides.
Perhaps she is. Rex knows that Fox is rather close with Senator Organa these days, as the Senator has been a good ally to the Guard. It makes the most sense. Perhaps she is a relative of someone in the delegation, and Rex has seen those said relatives before.
The thought feels wrong, for some reason, but it's the best he can come up with for now, especially since they seem very comfortable with each other. Fox doesn't let himself be comfortable like that with many people.
Anakin comes to stand next to him.
"What is it?" He asks Rex.
"Nothing, was just watching them", Rex says, and nods his head towards Fox and the woman. "My brother's there, and she looks familiar, so I was trying to see if I recognised her."
Anakin looks over to Fox and the woman as well, and that is the moment Rex sees her going awfully still. Then she's whipping her head around, and locking her dark eyes with Rex and Anakin.
She looks-
Rex blinks. She looks at Rex, for a split second, and then looks at Anakin, and even from this far, Rex sees how her eyes turn hard and cold. She steps closer to Fox, partially in front of him, like she is attempting to shield him from them, even when she's almost two heads shorter than Fox, and not the one wearing full-body armor.
She takes Fox's hand into hers, and says something. Rex sees how Fox looks up at him and Anakin as well, and instead of coming to greet Rex, he lets her turn him around and walks away.
He looks up at Anakin, who has a deep scowl on his face.
"Sir?" Rex calls. Anakin blinks, too, and the scowl clears slightly.
"She looks familiar", he mumbles. "And she felt like...I don't know."
His comlink beeps, and he turns to speak to it. Rex turns to look back at Fox and the woman.
There's something hanging at her waist. Rex can see a glimpse of it when the long hem of her shirt shifts a bit as she walks.
It looks a lot like-
They go down some steps, and Rex cannot see them anymore. He glances back at Anakin, and at his lightsaber, for once securely on him.
He had seen correct. Rex is sure of it.
He is also very sure that the woman is not a Jedi.
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pidgotto · 3 months
"When you're lost in the darkness, look for the light."
I officially introduce my TBB x TLoU AU: Hope for the Hopeless.
I'm so excited for this and can't wait to work on it more. I hope to continue work on my fic, which will be under the same title on AO3, soon! Life's started to get a little hectic in my neck of the woods and has really slowed me down.
I'll keep y'all updated on the fic's progress as I share artwork for this AU!
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better-call-mau1 · 1 year
Sabine: I can’t believe how much we have in common!
Satine: Our names, for starters —— just one letter different.
Sabine: Iconic style and fashion sense, of course.
Satine: And let’s not forget about our problems with estranged family members.
Sabine: We’ve both had precarious encounters with Maul, too!
Satine: Precarious indeed. Is there anything else you can think of?
Sabine: Hmmmmm...well...
Obi-Wan and Ezra: *standing together awkwardly in the background*
Sabine: ...nothing I’d admit publicly.
Satine: I suppose you don’t have your own Korkie, then? A ‘nephew’ of inexplicable origin?
Sabine: Sorry...a what??
Satine: Never mind. Give it a few years.
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camille-lachenille · 4 months
Star-daughter 3/?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
* Elwing is not a doting mother, exactly, but she is fiercely protective of her family. She has lost too many people not to fight tooth and nails for the ones she has left. And so, when a Maia of Námo comes to her tower she holds her ground.
* She stands very straight in her doorway, barring the way to her family. Elwing isn’t short but the Maia is still a head taller than her; it doesn’t keep her from looking down at them.
* “What brings you here?” she asks, cold and sharp as the Grinding Ice.
* The Maia nods in greeting. I bring no ill news, daughter of Lúthien. Their voice is more thought than sound, wafting through Elwing’s mind like a cool mist.
* She glares at the messenger, waiting for them to get to the point. There is a reason Elwing avoids Maiar as much as she can, save for the followers of Ulmo; none of them can give a straight answer or speak plainly.
* My Lord Námo sends for you, the Maia says at last. To welcome someone back to life as their closest kind.
* Elwing’s icy facade cracks at the news and she digs sharp nails into her palms to keep her composure. “All of my kin on these shores lives here or on Tol-Eresseä,” she replies sharply. “The rest of them is beyond my reach until the breaking of the world, as it was made clear when I first came here.”
* The Maia tilts their head to one side, seemingly thoughtful despite their features being hidden by a deep hood. And yet there is one who seeks you. Lord Námo would have him re-embodied before too long for his Halls are not a place for young souls to dwell in forever. His mother is not ready to leave, so it falls to you to welcome your brother back.
* Elwing slams her door to the Maia’s face and crumbles to the floor. Her brother. Only one of them. She doesn’t even know which one.
* As she sobs where she fell, she wishes Eärendil to be there, for her mother who will not walks amongst the living again.
* Someone wraps a blanket around her shoulders, picks her up, gently sets her on the sofa with a cup of warm tea. Elwing breathes through her mouth, blows her nose with the proffered handkerchief. At last she drinks the tea and looks up at Finrod who gives her a small smile.
* “I cannot do it,” she tells him. He knows, somehow. He was probably hovering just out of sight while she faced the Maia, ready to come and help.
* Finrod sighs tiredly and sits beside her, pulls her in a warm hug. Elwing tucks her head under his chin like a child and focuses on matching his breaths. “It will be hard,” Finrod says at long last. “Hard and painful and ugly, but if someone can do it it’s you, my dear friend. And I will be just behind you to help, Elrodel and Amdir too if I know your children at all. And Huan loves looking after little ones.“
* He is right of course. Infuriatingly so. And so, Elwing nods and goes to pack for the journey to the gardens of Lórien where the newly returned wait for their kin. Finrod keeps the tower for her and writes to her children who are currently visiting friends on Tol-Eresseä.
* Elwing rides on Huan’s back and, if not for the painful feeling in her chest, she could feel like she was living one of her grandmother’s adventures. Or maybe Lúthien was just as terrified as she is when she rode to find Beren…
* Lórien is a beautiful place, but Elwing cannot find any peace there as she is led by a butterfly-Maia to the place her brother awaits for her. She still doesn’t know which one and she won’t ask.
* In her heart she fears what it means that only one of them is returned. Has she lost yet another loved one to Mortality? She would call it a curse if it was not such blasphemy to the memory of her grandmother.
* They come to a halt as Elwing sees the little boy sitting in a clearing, his bare feet in a bubbling stream. She presses a hand to her mouth to stifle her cry and compose herself. This cannot be her older brother, he is so small and young! And yet. And yet this one of her older brother, for he looks like he walked out of the few precious memories she has of her family.
* The butterfly-Maia flies around the boy, Eluréd or Elurín she still doesn’t know, and perches on his outstretched hand. They must have said something in his mind for her brother turns back and looks at her.
* “You are not my mum!” he says, distress clear on his round face. “The butterfly said family would come for me! I want my mum!” his voice trails up in a high pitched whine and his eyes fill with tears. Elwing carefully comes to sit in the grass, not too close to him.
* “I am not your mum, indeed,” she says as softly as she can, her best reassuring smile plastered on her face like a mask while her heart thunders in her chest. “I know you can’t recognise me because a lot of time has passed while you were in Mandos but I am Elwing, your sister.” Her brother stares at her, clearly disbelieving, and Elwing swallows the lump in her throat. She can do this. Finrod told her and he is nearly always right.
* She breathes deeply before continuing, her hands lying outstretched in the grass. “I know it’s hard to believe, I didn’t believe the Maia who told me to come here at first. But I know mother is still in the Halls, as is grandfather Elu, and I was the only one who could come for you…”
* Her brother looks down and kicks his feet in the water. “You can’t be Elwing! My sister’s a baby!” he cries, voice trembling despite his anger. “I wasn’t in Mandos for that long and, anyway, I hate this place! I want to go home with mum and dad!” He is crying for good now, tears streaming down his face and shoulders shaking with heavy sobs.
* Elwing looks up at the leaves fluttering in the breeze, trying not to burst into tears herself. She is the adult here, and it is her role to comfort a distressed child; no matter the child is her older brother. She wishes for Eärendil to be here with her, for Finrod, anyone. But she has to do this alone.
* “I want to go home too,” she says slowly. “But sometimes we can’t have what we want and have to be very brave about it. Do you remember when we had to move from grandad and grandma’s house to Menengroth? I was very small then and don’t remember much but I remember you took my hand and told me we were going on an adventure and I had to be brave about it.”
* The old, old memory hurts as she recalls it from the deepest corner of her memory and yet it soothes something in her at the same time. It feels like she is comforting her past self as well as her brother.
* Her brother looks up, face blotchy from crying and a strange expression on his face. “That’s Elurín who told you that,” he says. “I was looking for good sticks to make swords with so we could protect you. But you’re all grownup now and… and I want to go home with Elurín!”
* It is Eluréd then, Elwing notes as she leans toward her brother with her arms wide open. He throws himself at her, sobbing and leaving a wet, snotty spot on her shoulder. Elwing hugs her brother tightly, unable to hold her own tears back anymore.
* "I wish Elúrin was here too. I wish we were never parted, El,” she whispers in his soft silver hair. Where was her second brother? Did he choose the Gift of Men too? Is he sundered from her forever? She locks these thoughts away with her old grief for her father and for her son.
* “I can’t bring mum and dad back, nor our home, but I can show you my home now,” Elwing says at last. “I have children and friends who will be very happy to meet you.”
* Eluréd looks up at that. “You’ve got children?” he asks with wide eyes. At her nod he makes a face. “That means you got married! Ewww!” he cries.
* Elwing can’t help her sudden burst of laughter, loud and shrill. A flock of birds flies off from the tree above them as she laughs. “Oh, I reassure you, I’m not doing kissy-faces at Eärendil all day long! In fact, my husband is often away, but that is a long story. I will tell you all about him and our children on our way to my house. Now, why don’t we go to the edge of the gardens and eat something?”
* They walk out of Lórien as the sun sets and find Huan waiting for them where Elwing left him. The huge hound is laying on his side, tongue lolling out and seemingly perfectly happy. Eluréd gasps at the sight and grips Elwing’s hand tighter, looking between Huan and her with big round eyes.
* She gently nudges him forward. “Yes, it’s Huan from grandma’s stories. Go on, he’s been very excited to meet you!” Eluréd lets go of her hand and takes a few steps toward the hound before stopping, one hand outstretched.
* Huan looks up and boofs softly looking at Eluréd. His tail starts wagging and the little boy smiles at that, finally taking the final few steps and throwing himself at the hound for a hug. Huan’s tail picks up speed as he rolls on his back, Eluréd clinging to his belly, and playfully licks his face.
* Elúred shrieks in mixed joy and surprise and Elwing smiles through her tears. She knows it won’t be easy and many obstacles awaits them but she can see herself doing that now, raising her brother and learning to be a family again.
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stardust948 · 4 months
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Ozai and Azula being absolute goobers in The Firelord's New Groove
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Obi-Wan: *shows up to Dex’s diner with a Space Gucci (Spucci) bag and new sunglasses* Some guy outside the senate just offered me several G for a foot photoshoot and I had a few free hours so everyone’s tabs are on me for the next hour.
Dex: …who?
Obi-Wan: Who what?
Dex: Who offered you for a foot photoshoot? *looks worried for some reason*
Obi-Wan: idk man some senator from the edge of the inner rim, I think- *turns corner to get to his usual booth only to find Qui-Gon and Dooku already there looking supremely annoyed about this* oh…
Dooku: Give me a name or I’ll go figure it out myself, Grandpadawan.
Qui-Gon: *hauls Obi-Wan across his lap and into the corner of the booth so he’s trapped* You keep asking why you’re not allowed out of the temple without an adult, this is it!
Obi-Wan: I am an adult, I can make my own decisions!
Qui-Gon: Absolutely not. Not allowed. Grounded. Forever.
Obi-Wan: *loud groaning and flopping all over him in protest*
Dex: *comes over to put a milkshake on the table in front of him, pats his head* It’s okay, kid, you’ve obviously got snack credits.
Obi-Wan: You’re the only one on this planet that can handle me.
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batsight · 7 months
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Star Flower, loner, Medic of SkyClan
She/Her, cis bisexual
Mother: Turnip
Father: One Eye
Adoptive Father: Skystar
Siblings: Unnamed, all deceased.
Design notes:
-She is styled after the Pokemon, Ogerpon
-The plants are a physical part of her body. They grow out of her.
-She is the physical embodiment of The Blazing Star.
Story notes: [Abuse CW]
-She was born as a normal kitten to a traveling band of rogues who loved to trade and spread their music. Unfortunately, this band died out to a plague, one that nearly took her own life. Desperate to save his family, her father Carrot traveled to a set of tunnels in Sanctuary Lake rumored to house a reality-bending god. He asked the god for a cure, and the god asked for his eye in return. They made the exchange, and he retrieved a glowing, golden, five pointed flower. However, he was too late to save most of his family, so the entire cure went to his surviving kit. He wasn't expecting her to survive the night given her fragile state and the dubiousness of the exchange...
-But the next morning, she was perfectly fine- great, even. If a little... odd... were those buds growing on her paws...?
-It only got stranger from there. When Carrot ended up finding more cats suffering from the plague, just a few calming purrs from his kit seemed to have them ripe and ready to go the next morning. Carrot understood then what had happened- his kit had become the cure herself. And cats were starting to look towards them more, started begging for her healing, for anything. And Carrot had lost everything... wasn't it time to start winning stuff back?
-And so, the pair became One Eye and Star Flower, for recognition's sake. The two formed their own small group, filled with cats Star Flower had healed. Star Flower loved to spread her magic where she went, to save cats from the brink of death and be showered with their love and appreciation. They felt like they owed a great debt to her, and she enjoyed that.
-She was very close with her father, even if their relationship could be strained. One Eye loved her, but to an extent, he also used her. He grew arrogant in his success, believing he had become the accomplice to a god, and began to hold that over cats who fell sick. He grew desperate for control and Star Flower was his key to that.
-One day, however, her father's group encountered the early clans. They were just beginning to settle down, work out their new rules, and declare borders. But what caught the group's attention was the near murder of a young kittypet, almost mauled to death by proto-SkyClan's leader, Skystar. Unable to heal wounds with her magic, Star Flower managed to bring the cat to a twoleg, who took her away.
-Appalled by the cruelty, Star Flower took a great interest in Skystar's group, and witnessed several of his other crimes against his cats and the other groups. As did One Eye, who, seeing the early signs of a plague, had an idea to put this cat and the other leaders in their place.
-One Eye and Star Flower joined the group, with One Eye acting as a curious loner, flattering Skystar with praise. Skystar enjoyed his company, and so One Eye grew in the rank rather quickly. He also took a great interest in Star Flower and her abilities. After murdering Tom, who insulted the cats and attempted to attack them, One Eye took the chance to take control over the group, overpowering Skystar and using Star Flower's power to keep the remaining cats in line- everything is going to be okay, you'll get your cure... if you stay in line and do as One Eye says.
-This went on for a moon, of Star Flower holding her magic over the heads of her clients to keep their loyalty towards One Eye. She would be lying if she said she didn't feel pride at it all at helping her father.
-Ultimately, One Eye was overthrown and killed when Skystar came back with reinforcements from the other clans. The rest of the rogues they'd accumulated ran off, and suddenly, Star Flower was alone. She'd never been without her father, and running would mean abandoning his grave, which she didn't want. But... this place had been a home to her for some time now, and she needed a place to stay. SkyClan had taken all of the available territory in the area, anyways, and she was in no shape to brave the other territories or twolegplace. So she offered her power to SkyClan as a peace offering and asked for shelter in return.
-Skystar was still sore from the event, but he couldn't deny that having Star Flower as an asset would be beneficial to him in the long run. And around this point, his son Thunderstar had disowned him and split off ThunderClan from SkyClan. He felt that he was losing allies, losing family, and he latched on to desperate Star Flower very quickly- as a cat who would never disobey him.
-Skystar takes Star Flower under his wing as his new child, her new ward, instating her as a medic. And because she is loyal to a fault, she won't disobey a new leader so similar to her father. And so, he pushes her to do humiliating things in front of the camp, ranging from general chores like tick baths, to forcing her to run laps around camp with an injury if she took too long to work her magic. He would take out his frustration from gatherings on her and berate her over the most menial things. He would make her withhold her power to help anyone in the clan who had displeased him. And if Star Flower ever tried to stick up for herself, all he had to do was remind her of what she did, how she helped torment his cats by holding a cure over their heads to help out her father.
-This went on for years, Star Flower becoming more and more despondent. One night, there was a particularly stressful gathering, in which Skystar got into a territorial dispute with Thunderstar over a pack of dogs ravaging the territories. He lost the dispute, came home, and immediately took it out on Star Flower, shouting at and attacking the molly for "taking too much food she didn't deserve". And something in Star Flower finally snapped, and for the first time, she didn't save a life- she took one. And another. And another. As many as what remained in Skystar's soul. She was discovered taking his very last life in his nest, while she was wondering if she could pin it on the dogs. She escaped the camp, and wandered the territory for the rest of her life.
-Unfortunately, while she finally won against Skystar in the moment, it was history who decided the victor. Sparrowstar declared that they couldn't let a tragedy like this happen ever again, and doubled down on banishing rogues. Every rogue-born cat was looked at with suspicion from then on, and as the decades began to pass, Star Flower's story became twisted and bent. As the story is told, a rogue had infiltrated SkyClan's camp asking for help, but had manipulated and charmed the leader with her prowess and rose in the ranks just high enough to take him out and attempt to claim his spot. Her story was used as a cautionary tale against rogues, warning cats against those who would infiltrate the camp and rot it from the inside. Eventually, even her true name was lost to time...
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Rotten Flower, Warrior of The Dark Forest
Skystar didn't hesitate to throw her in the depth of the Dark Forest when she died. She wears her mask constantly, trying to keep away from the sickness of the muck. She's embraced the false myth made about her, claiming to have killed a founder for power and prestige. But in reality, it's been so long that she's forgotten her family, her power, her name. She barely even remembers Skystar himself. Though she's admired in the Dark Forest for her achievements, she doesn't hang around anyone, and acts hostile to those who approach her.
Perhaps someone can help her remember who she truly is...?
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starswritingdorm · 1 month
crowley: Y/N! I’m telling you this now! No dating on this campus, not on my watch! You are forbidden to even have a crush on any of the boys here!
Y/N: What are you? My dad? Oh wait you are
more to the crowley’s daughter au!!
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morallygraytea · 2 months
I’m of the conviction the acolyte exists because someone pitching it had a daughter who is/was a Reylo shipper. Asked “how can we get more ladies to tune into the Star Wars shows and make us a boatload of money” and replied
“you remember Reylo ladies want Reylo but this time we let the lady Jedi get turned to the dark side and trained under the Sith guy. The ladies will love it and we throw in some mad lore for everyone else so they don’t realize we’re recycling tropes to get lady money.”
I’m sure there’s a more logical reason but because so many of those types of Star Wars fans ask who made this and why, that’s my conviction. Someone was finally brave enough to give us what we’ve wanted for years: a girly to finally be seduced to the dark side by a sexy sith in a mask.
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