#stepmom diana
dailydccomics · 2 years
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look at the trinity being parents to these little dweebs awwwwww DC's Terrors Through Time (2022)
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lithi · 4 months
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Huh. Long time no Lilliana posting
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roxineedstosleep · 2 years
Wonderbat Vs Superbat.
I have a weird headcanon inside my head, from when Jason was still quite young and showed a certain adorable fanaticism towards Diana.
Like, I imagine Jason, in Crime Valley, always looking at the TV shop windows, every time Wonder Women showed up in a fight; a little Jason who screamed for joy, along with other kids and some adults, every time Diana landed a blow or won the fight with the villain of the day.
Then, when Bruce adopts him, and he starts his life as Robin… he didn't think much of the fact that Batman probably knows Wonder Woman. Let alone the fact that Robin, on special occasions (aka, Alfred has his movie night off), can go to the League base.
And so, Jason nearly goes into cardiac arrest from the excitement of seeing his idol, eating donuts and scolding his dad for making such a risky decision last time… Then he looks down and sees her smile as she notices he's there.
And she gets even more excited to see that her dad is totally comfortable with her around. That he doesn't put up roadblocks or walls like he does with other heroes and people. Even making "boring people jokes."
So, totally convinced, especially after watching several romantic comedy movies, that it's his duty as a son to unite his father with the love of his life. But, when he asks Dick for help, he mentions that B and BigBlue already had something.
Jason doesn't believe him, because he knows his big brother is a big Superman fan, and just wants to have a cool alien stepfather. But, not wanting his dad's romance to turn into a love triangle (because he's his least favorite trope) he decides to clear his doubts with Clark anyway.
And something like that would happen:
Baby Jason, looking at Clark: So, you like my dad?
Clark, nervous about having to explain to Jason about "I don't want to ruin our friendship": I consider him a good friend Jaylad…. Best friend?
Jason: Sure? just a friend?
Clark: Uh… yeah.
Jason, pulling out a notebook full of scraps from single women's magazines: If that's the case…. Can you help me set up a date with my dad and Wonder Woman? I want her to be my new mum.
Clark, completely defeated by a 9-year-old: What?
Jason: Yeah, I can't do this all by myself. I'm little Sups. And if you claim to be my dad's best friend, that means you can help me plan their first date.
Clark: Eh?-
Jason: It's good to know I can count on you, my brother was insisting that you and Dad had a thing and-
Jason couldn't continue, because Clark - actually surprisingly - had fainted upon hearing that he had a chance with Bruce.
So now, Dick tries to help Clark on the sly about how to win over his father; while Jason, left without adult help, decides to set his plan in motion on his little own.
... and
So that in the end, everything goes out the window.
Then, in a meeting between the family, Bruce confesses that he likes both of them, and that they have been in a poly relationship for a long time, but that he didn't know how to tell them.
And all this time, Clark and Diana didn't know how to explain to their partner's children that there was no need to set them up on dates.
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arrowmaker15 · 6 months
(Red Hood and Batman on a patrol again)
Red Hood:
Red Hood: I heard that you and Wonder Woman-
Batman: We are not.
Red Hood: C'mon, B, I have always wanted an Amazonian stepmom.
Batman: Since when?
Red Hood: Since I found out that you and Diana are dating.
Batman: For the final time, that is just a rumor, me and Wonder Woman are not dating, it is strictly professional. And once I find out who started spreading this rumor, I will lecture them.
Red Hood:
Red Hood: It was Hal-
Batman: Indeed.
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kadencrafter78 · 1 year
I'm just imagining the Batfam's reaction to if Bruce and Diana ever got together. Specifically Jason's, because I think it'd be like this:
Bruce after gathering together the Batfam: I want to tell you all that Diana and I have gotten engaged
Batfam: *various murmuring*
Any other member of the batfam: I thought you had a crush on her?
Jason: No? I look up to her, I don't want to date her. Her becoming my stepmom is the second best thing that could have happened. Wait, why is Bruce starting to cry?
Bruce, eyes watering: I'm just glad to hear you think of me as your father again.
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female-buckets · 3 months
i think dee and sues favorites in this current era of the wnba are stewie, jewell, a’ja, kelsey, and bg like those are the ones they really took under their wing
It's mainly BG and Stewie. Diana tanked for BG. And Stewie was the UConn golden child
Jewell, KP, Arike, and Sabrina were Diana's fangirls
A'ja and Aliyah Boston are Sue and DT's nieces through Dawn. Cam is their niece through their trainer Susan Borchardt
They both love all the UConn babies of course. And Diana is a stepmom to all the Aussie babies. Many Aussie babies have played in either Phoenix or Seattle or both
DT loves Courtney Williams even though they were only teammates for a month. And of course DT loves Tash and Kah because they've given her new life
These are all players that both Sue and DT like. But DT has one more favorite who happens to be Sue's least favorite 😅
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dylan-duke · 3 months
I was gonna say maybe it’s cause my stepmom makes Cinderella’s look like queen Diana and that’s why I favor my dad 🤣🤣. Glad to know they have a better relationship.
but i think because nora doesnt really have another mother to compare her too
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rwac96 · 2 years
Wonderful StepMom
---*On the Island of Patch*---
Ruby: *walks down the path* Yang, don't look like that.
Yang: *mocking tone* "Yang, don't look like that." *turns to Ruby* Rubes, don't patronize me.
Ruby: C'mon, it's rare for Dad to get a date that didn't go wrong.
Yang: *turns away, focused on the path* Hmph.
Ruby: Yang, I know I miss Mom, and she meant the world to me, same as you.
Yang: *creases her brows* I know, but...Ugh! I still can't get over the fact that she may become our stepmom.
Ruby: But from the way Dad talks about her, she makes him happy. Plus, she sounds certainly better than iBurn...who turned out to be Cinder.
Yang: You got a point there. *exhales* Let's get this over with.
---*Xiao Long Residence*---
Taiyang: Ruby, Yang! *spreads his arms out*
Ruby: *Petal Burst towards her father* Dad! *hugs him*
Yang: *sprints towards him* Dad! *hugs him as well*
Taiyang: *wraps his arms around them* Ah, there's my girls! Gods, it's good to see ya both.
Ruby: So... *she & Yang step back* Where's the lovely lady you've talked so much about.
Yang: Yeah. *places her hands on her hips* Where is she?
Taiyang: She's in the house. *turns to the front door* Diana! Ruby and Yang are here!
*footsteps can be heard, out steps a woman in what appears to be armor similar to Pyrrha's, but red, blue & gold*
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Diana: You must be Taiyang's daughters! He's told me so much about you.
Ruby: *eyes widened* Whoa...
Yang: *blinks* Um, I mean, I get Dad has a type, but this' pretty jaw dropping.
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taniatas · 25 days
to be honest i'm really angry about the tendency to compare anne boleyn with princess diana.
because diana wasn’t the other woman and wasn’t hated by her own people or was an abusive stepmom who was anne.
just love anne boleyn and don't compare her to anyone else especially if those comparisons are based on movies. it's cringe.
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Remember how a while back I wrote a post pitching an "ML adopted by DC" AU where various ML characters are adopted by various DC heroes? Well in this AU post, I wrote that the Kubdel siblings were adopted by their Alim's coworker, Diana Prince (AKA Wonder WOman) after Alim is killed by burglars. However, I've also considered keeping Alim alive and instead have it so he and Diana are married (with Steve having died form old age or something sometime prior to Diana moving to Paris), making her Alix and Jalil's stepmom. Thoughts on the matter?
Oh I go back and forth on this with my personal headcanons on Alim's dating life but I totally think it could work!
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triviareads · 7 months
Is there any good historicals with the hero and the heroine having to stay together on a cabin or an inn?
Hi! Sorry for the delay. For some reason, I couldn't think of any more books even though I'm pretty sure there are way more historical romances where they're in a secluded space together.
The Chasing of Eleanor Vane by Sierra Simone: Eleanor tries to run for it to escape her betrothal to Ajax's nephew but he catches up with her and saves her from the storm by bringing her to a cabin he owns. The entire scene is SUPER hot, super emotional and I cry every time I read it.
A Rogue's Rules for Seduction by Eva Leigh: The guy who owns the estate Dom and Willa are staying at has what's pretty much a fuck cabin equipped with toys and everything. Dom and Willa stay there for a night during the house party and basically do sex act known to man.
Heartbreaker by Sarah MacLean: Honestly some of Adelaide and Clayborn's finest moments take place in inns as they travel to stop a couple from getting married. And by finest moments, I mean this dumb man gets injured because he was distracted by her hair or something, she tends to him, he says the immortal lines "a little fucking", there's face-sitting. It's great.
Her Night with the Duke by Diana Quincy: After Hunt saves Leela from a gang of thugs at an inn they're both staying at, they spend a night together, only to find out later that she's the stepmom of the gal he wants to marry.
The Rogue not Taken by Sarah MacLean: This is a roadtrip romance so Sophie and King do find themselves in an inn or two. There's a great scene where he's *pointedly* looking away while she's bathing (he fails ofc), and then they pretend to be newlyweds.
The Truth About Cads and Dukes by Elisa Braden: Jane and Harrison stay in a coaching inn on their way to his country seat after their wedding, and she wakes up to him cuddling her and like, groping a tit but she's super into it except the second he wakes up, he runs away :(
Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas: St. Vincent and Evie stay in an inn after their wedding and they consummate their wedding here because St. Vincent, unlike Harrison, doesn't have scruples.
It Happened One Autumn by Lisa Kleypas: This does technically count because after Westcliff beats up St. Vincent for kidnapping Lillian, they stay in the same inn for the night, and agree to cut their losses and continue the journey north to marry in Scotland.
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doomed-prophetess · 1 year
Diana is similar to Claude's mom what if Penelope was similar to Claude's stepmom
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smithbrainz · 2 years
CN: ageism, racism, migosyny, ableism, gaslighting, British royal family and all their CNs
I'm following the blowback on social media against the current British monarch and his spouse. I happen to dislike them, but that's not what this is about.
Lots of people rooting for Team Sussex are comparing photos of Harry's mother to photos of his stepmom. I'm a fan of Team Sussex. I am only a couple of years younger than Harry's mom would be had she not died in 1997. (Few of us married literal princes, but many of us in that cohort had psychological journeys a little like hers.)
I'm calling foul on people using misogynistic, ageist garbage language in their pushback against the current spouse (who, if various accounts are truthful, is nobody I'd want to be in the same time zone with). Knock it off.
Harry's mom did not get the privilege of growing old enough to sag, have wrinkles. to maybe give less of a damn about being "glamorous" and more of a damn about comfort. She didn't get to see her sons grow up to be men and hold grandchildren in her arms.
Beauty does not equal superiority. Beauty per se is neutral. Its importance in our culture is anything but. The racist, misogynistic, ageist, ableist standards, the pressure on certain people to perform beauty, changing norms and the price tags and health risks attached, the ways society punishes perceived beauty and punishes perceived lack of beauty...all of those permeate our world and our brains and are worth deeper dives than I can do here today.
But what I CAN do is remind all y'all that Diana used what worked in her favor to help others who didn't have it so good. She hugged patients with HIV when that was still a huge taboo. She walked across a minefield and helped survivors of those terrors. She spoke uncomfortable truths about a powerful institution that nobody else dared speak.
Using what privileges you have to leave the joint a little better than you found it is beautiful. Throwing your glamour around to draw attention and support to people and causes worthy of more support is beautiful. Hell, even making people feel better about themselves by sharing a bit of that glamour ain't a bad thing. A little pixie dust thrown around at the right moment might do a lot for someone's spirit.
Diana became a beautiful person through her choices and deeds. Camilla, if Harry's recent memoirs are correct, has been a horrid person for her entire adult life. Every time someone makes this about Camilla's appearance, it feeds into the same overall universe of garbage that ruined Diana's short life. Do better.
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
omg idk how far along u are in the crown so pls feel free to answer this later but the press was droning ONNNNN about how both charles and diana r portrayed as equally to blame and i dont think that’s particularly true? 😭 yes i believe diana was given a much more complex character than shes usually afforded in biopic adjacent media (i actually gasped when they let her be as charismatic as we’re often told she was irl) but that doesnt mean it was a negative portrayal? even in her more “selfish” moments, and this might just be me being biased lol, but i was fully on her side. its almost like people dont think diana can be sympathetic if she actually fights back against the the system and the people that have trapped her 😭 this all being said i think charles’ portrayal was tooo positive…. but i dont expect less from PM
Lol the press is ridiculous.
The thing is that there absolutely are people who want to put Diana up on a pedestal as this poor little girl lost who had the best of intentions but was fragile and craaaazy and only acted out because other people (not the Windsors) manipulated her poor, silly self. That is what the Windsors are putting out there. That is what the press is playing into. Fuck, that's what William put out there. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Martin Bashir acted entirely ethically; but frankly, if it hadn't been him, Diana would've eventually said that shit to someone else (and she PRETTY MUCH DID to Andrew Morton, lmao). She was spitting mad.
And the thing is? She had a right to be. Diana was seduced into a horrible marriage with a man 12 years her senior as a literal teenager. She had two kids with the man, was continuously gaslit by him, his mistress, his entirely family, most of their social circle... She wasn't perfect, and she had mental health issues that would've likely existed without Charles, but lmao. The woman was emotionally abused by those people for like... her entire marriage. Which covered most of her adulthood. She had a right to be angry.
If you think that her reacting and acting badly in turn is like... less sympathetic, you just have a very black and white view of the world. Someone can be very kind to those in need and have a mean streak towards people they clash with. Someone can be serious about charity work and enjoy the attention. All of these things can be true, and these things all existing in one person doesn't mean they're suddenly shitty lmao. You have to evaluate people (and their behaviors) as individuals.
Idk, to me Diana being selfish at points makes me more sympathetic to her than I would be if she were just a long-suffering angel. She was a fucking human being. She was very loving to her children (and most children), she was incredibly charismatic, she genuinely cared about serious issues and did what she could to bring attention to them... She also had a partygirl streak (lmao the company she kept--Elton John, George Michael, Gianni Versace, COME ON SHEEPLE), could be self-absorbed and catty, and was very needy. She was super genuinely hurt by these people, and knew how to play her audience like a fiddle. All of this... can be true. I think she was, at heart, a good but complicated person. And I appreciate that. That's why I am so fascinated by her--she's this goddess figure in the press, but when you research her she's deeply relatable. I loved that they brought shit up like her calling her stepmother Acid Raine. Anyone who's had a shitty stepmom can relate to that.
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What do you think of this arrangement: Diana is created by Hippolyta and Nubia created by Philippus, with the two girls growing up as friends. Eventually, Donna is adopted by Hippolyta. Hippolyta and Philippus marry, giving Diana both of her sisters.
I mean, I don't dislike it, but if we're bringing back Nubia being created on Paradise Island rather than coming there via the well of souls, I don't see why Hippolyta can't just do it? This just seems like several unnecessary steps to end up with a 'Diana and Nubia are sisters' scenario when we could just.... have Hippolyta create them both.
Also I kinda can't see Philippus creating a child for herself. Like, Philippus is clearly close to Diana, does well as her stepmom in the Young Diana stories, and in at least some continuities/comics was a mentor to her growing up, but frankly, I never got the vibe of her as someone who ached for motherhood the way Hippolyta did. I think Diana enriches Philippus' life in much the same way having a kid around enriched the whole island, but I can't really see her going out of her way to craft a child from clay and bring it to life on her own initiative. That's a desperate move Hippolyta only attempted because, well, she was desperate. Being such a minor character means Philippus' character isn't super well-defined so you can def disagree, but idk, I just don't get especially motherly vibes from Philippus. She seems relatively on par with the rest of the island. Especially if Diana was already around, or Philippus knew she'd be created, I can't see Philippus going 'I want my own, specifically, badly enough I'll do magic about it', you know?
Obviously Donna needs to go back to being adopted by Hippolyta though. No notes there.
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charlotte-of-wales · 1 year
when was someone gonna tell me that Raine Spencer (diana's stepmom) was related to her stepdaughter Sarah's husband? like they are both second cousins once removed. listen aristo family trees are really something lol.
literally everyone is connected lol
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