#still don’t think i’m gonna change them but it’s a nice idea
razorblade180 · 2 days
Capturing the Spark
Weiss:*peeks into music room* Summer, sweetie? I can’t help notice you’re playing the same note for like…ten minutes.
Summer: *plucking string* I’ve reach creative bankruptcy.
Weiss:You’re sixteen. There’s something in there.
Summer:Nothing good.
She points at a decently sized pile of paper on the floor. Weiss takes a look at one and realizes it’s a whole song.
Weiss:Are these originals!? Why are they on the floor!?
Summer:I don’t like how they came out. Weeks and months of revising but they feel mediocre.
Weiss:Says you. A single opinion from a creator is damning in any art form. I could’ve listened.
Summer:You would’ve been too nice and supportive.
Weiss:Summer, I told your father he looked fat in the first tux he chose for our wedding. I will never willingly let you embarrass yourself in front of people.
Summer:…There’s been talk on the radio about my recent songs and concerts. People are saying I’m losing my spark, and they aren’t wrong if I’m being honest. Things feel…different.
Weiss:Could it be because you’re getting healthy?
Summer:Pfft, now you’re making me sound ridiculous. Yes, that’s exactly it. Being on stage feels weird now that I’m not fighting for my life. Is that wrong?
Weiss:Little bit, but I get it. Your life was on the line. Adrenaline was at an all time high.
Summer:Exactly! My body was cold and hot. I had to focus on staying myself while thousands cheered my name and had zero clue I was basically on a battlefield! Now I’m just performing.
Weiss:Haha, and that’s a bad thing? It’s gonna be an adjustment but you still have that spark. You don’t need your life on the line to bring it out. You also need to treat these songs better.
Summer:Mom, they’re garbage. My fans don’t come for me for darker stuff anyways.
Weiss:They are fruits of labor. Sure not all of them will be perfect, but not every song you make will be a hit and don’t have to be. Treat these like your puppy. Don’t throw them away because they’re a little all over the place.
Summer:Where is he right now?
Weiss:Bothering Jaune. Anyways, fuck your haters.
Weiss:I mean it! You are the singer! You can’t make people like your music but you change the audience that fills your seats. They’re called fans because they help make you burn bright.
Weiss:The way I see it, you can change up your style and genre to better capture and represent the raw feelings that give you the spark, or bask in the irony of a crowd that loves you, but can’t fathom the real weight of your performance.
Summer:You’ve done that too!?
Weiss:I’ve written so many songs that come from my feelings being around my abusive father and most people don’t have a clue. We may be the entertainment at a concert, but we both know how easy it is to see the crowd as the real fools.
Summer:Yet when I talk like this, therapy gets mentioned.
Weiss:Hey, I’ve been to it many times. I know exactly who I am, and you will too. One day at a time. You’re not creatively bankrupt. You’re just not cashing in all the ideas you have.
And with that nugget of wisdom, Weiss kisses her daughter on the forehead before leaving her to think on it.
Summer:(Damn it. She’s gonna feel so proud about that line.) *grabs paper*……
Weiss:*walking down stairs* I’m back. How’s the puppy?
Jaune:*holding him up* Air jail. Did you solve the one note wonder?
Weiss:Yeah, but it’s gonna get louder in sec-
Both of them looked up as the sound of a distorted and almost wailing guitar started singing wildly. Jaune looked at his wife to see her casually head banging with a smug face. They weren’t even sure if the notes lead to something or if their daughter was simply going for it.
Weiss:It’s been awhile since I heard a eulogy like this.
Jaune:A eulogy?
Weiss:Can’t you hear it? It’s for the death of a pop star as we know her.
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vinylfoxbooks · 1 month
August 22 - Dare | @into-the-jeggyverse | wc: 860 Slightly suggestive
“Truth or dare, Reggie?” Barty asks, practically falling over his best friend with his intoxication.
“Oh come on!” Evan pushes, both figuratively and literally as he shoves Regulus’ shoulder, “You’ve said dare for the past several rounds.” 
Regulus, not nearly as drunk as his friends, rolls his eyes, “That’s because I know that you guys will have me do something stupid or shameful and I’d rather keep my dignity.”
“You’re just not drunk enough,” Barty pushes, “And that’s the entire point of dares. I’m gonna give you a dare.” Barty squints for a second while he’s thinking before he straightens up, “I know! I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Potter.” 
Regulus sneers at the idea, “I didn’t even choose dare.”
“And my question was a courtesy,” Barty replies, “I was gonna dare you no matter what. Now do it, lover boy.”
“I’m gonna fucking kill you.” Regulus murmurs to his best friend before reluctantly standing up and watching James with a glare as they stand up themselves. One of the Gryffindor girls lead them to an empty closet near the common room and shout that they’ve got seven minutes. Regulus leans against the wall nearest to the door while James crosses to the entire other end of the closet, and it sounds like they sink down to the floor. 
They don’t talk for a while, they have nothing to say, until James starts tapping his foot. 
Tap, tap, tap.
“Can you stop that?” Regulus snaps, “Merlin, can’t you sit still for even a couple minutes?” “Sorry that I have fucking issues.” James sneers back, “Can’t you learn to keep your mouth shut for five fucking minutes instead of being an arse?”
“Oh, I’m the arse? And what about the way that you fucking act around me and my friends.”
“I. Don’t. Like. You.” James says, slowing down their words, “I’m nice to everyone else around me, but I don’t like you or your stupid ass boyfriends. The only reason that I put up with you is because Sirius likes you, though I don’t see why.” 
“I’d rather you hate me than be all over me the way that you were Evans. I’m honestly shocked at how she ended up wanting to spend time around you in the end. You’re a fucking twat.”
“At least I have friends, oh and I can apologize and take accountability for the shit that I do.”
“Oh get off your high horse.” 
“Says the person that thinks they’re better than everyone because they dress formally and do well in school.”
“I am better than you. At least I can sit still and do schoolwork on time.”
James scoffs, “I’m mentally ill, I literally can’t do that sometimes. I literally can’t stop moving sometimes, it’s called mental illness, medically. Despite that, I do just fine in school, just not in the same way as you.”
“Oh,” Regulus falters. He may be an asshole, specifically to one James Potter, but he’s not going to make fun of someone for something that they can’t help but he also didn’t know this. Nonetheless, he doesn’t back down, only changes his approach, “Doesn’t give your massive fucking ego an excuse. You think you’re so hot and that no one can touch you.”
“Oh, so you think that about me?” James asks, and it sounds like they’re standing up, “I sure don’t think that about myself, I just go about my day, as the person that I am. It’s wildly telling that you think that.”
“Please,” Regulus scoffs in an attempt to recover from the counterargument. He can feel his cheeks warming and he forces himself to believe that it’s anger -- not the fact that James is getting closer to him in a dark, enclosed space away from everyone, their voice growing more… 
It’s hatred, it’s anger that makes Regulus’ cheeks hot, and James can’t see it anyway, “You’d be stupid to not realise how everyone looks at you, I’m just relaying popular word to your arrogant arse.”
James laughs cruelly before they’re standing chest to chest with Regulus and one of them is surging forward to connect their lips, but Regulus doesn’t know who it was that made the initial move.
The kiss is… intense but in the way that only two people who hate each other’s guts can be intense, fiery and constantly fighting for control of the kiss, they’re grappling at each other but with nails and digging into skin to hurt instead of to cause any form of pleasure -- although Regulus takes a minor note of the way that James groans at one particular spot that Regulus digs his nails into, purely for… blackmail.
The door swings open before either of them are able to pull away and Sirius is the one that’s standing just outside the closet, “I fucking knew it!” He shouts, “I knew that you two were head over heels for each other!”Regulus pulls away, cheeks flushed in a way that he can’t deny it being because of James, and shoves out of the room, but not before he hears James hiss, “We’re fucking what?” To Sirius.
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gyusrose · 10 months
➵ their reaction when you call them another member’s name prank -> enha
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⚠︎ angst? lil bit of fluff ? just the boys getting angry real quick, mild cursing
someone requested this but i accidentally deleted the request i’m so sorry 😭‼️‼️
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heeseung -> you know you shouldn’t pull such prank on hee, knowing how jealous he gets you were pretty much starting something you won’t be able to finish. you were feeling silly that day and decided to do it , why the hell not?
heeseung was sitting next to you on the bed you guys shared. he’s just gotten back from practice so he was very touchy and clingy. kissing all over your face and neck repeatedly , completely missing the camera facing the both of you. this was the perfect time. you giggled as he kissed you trying to push him away slightly.
“sunghoon stop-“ you said in between laughs.
the moment that name fell out of your mouth, he stopped. his whole demeanor changed in a matter of seconds.
“what did you just call me?” his voice was deep and serious.
“heeseung? that’s your name isn’t it?”
“no no no you said sunghoon, i heard it clearly, the fuck’s going on with you and him hm?” you looked at him like you were confused on what he was talking about.
“ what? nothing! i said heeseung you’re just paranoid.” he scoffed, now getting out of bed and made his way out of the room.
you giggled as you grabbed the phone recording and ran up behind him.
“babe !! it was just a prank, don’t leave!” he looked at the camera and rolled his eyes, facing anything but you.
“aw come on hee, it was funny !! you should’ve seen your face”
“don’t you scare me like that.”
sunghoon -> you and sunghoon were driving around the city. it was such a nice peaceful night. the two of you were just talking about your days when you thought of a not so great idea.
when sunghoon wasn’t looking you pulled up the camera app on your phone, knowing you’re gonna want this reaction saved. propping your phone were the two of you were on frame but also not making it obvious.
sunghoon was talking about something when you butted in.
“yeah that’s i’m saying jake- hoonie…sunghoon.” sunghoon stayed silent, side eyeing you slightly while still watching the road. you also stayed silent after your ‘mistake’ , waiting for his response.
the sudden break of the car startled you.
“say his name one more damn time..” sunghoon sternly said, now facing you.
“it was a mistake, you know i meant sunghoon!”
“you both are not even that close, we’ll not that i know of, why did his name come out of your mouth before mines? your own boyfriend?” his eyes never left yours, low key making you scared, you could feel his anger.
“you’re overreacting, just keep driving.”
“if you like the fucker so much then go be with him since-“ he stopped his tracks as he saw the small camera from your phone pointing straight at him.
it all immediately clicked in his head rubbing his temples and shaking his head in annoyance. you in the other hand couldn’t contain your laughter.
“smile you’re on camera” you said giving him a peck on his cheek.
“you had me thinking jake was better than me or something.”
jongseong-> going into the kitchen, smelling the enchanting smell of breakfast was the best feeling of the world, even more so, seeing the sight of your gorgeous boyfriend making it.
“ my princess is awake! sit down it’s almost ready.”
you sat down on the stole in from of him, watching him make the omelette on the skillet.
although you just woke up, you couldn’t help but think about this one prank you’ve been wanting to do on him for a while now. what a perfect way to start the morning right?
you started secretly recording as you continued the conversation with him like normal.
“ you look so fine right now heeseung, you’re perfect.”
jay’s hands dropped the fork he was using and slowly looked up at you.
while you looked at him with wide eyes ‘confused’ .
“ i’m sorry?” he was very offended, how could you even compare him to heeseung? what does heeseung have on you that would make you say his name all of a sudden?
“what ? you don’t like me calling you perfect?”
“you know what you said, y’all got something going on or?” he was not standing with his arms crossed, the most serious expression i’ve ever seen on his face.
“oh my god no jay! what makes you think that! i don’t even know what i did!”
“my name doesn’t even sound close to heeseung’s! you know what, i’m calling him right now an-“
“no no no babe stop stop it’s a prank look!” you showed him your phone recording.
his head leaned back letting out the biggest sigh.
“ it’s too damn early for this, don’t do that to me ever again.”
jaeyun -> “ babe let me teach you this new dance pleasee..” you said panning up the camera ask as you started recording.
jake sat up from his seat making his way to where you were standing. he was more than pleased, he loves this stuff.
“alright so you do this, then lift your arms up and then..” you kept explaining to him the made up dance you’re making him do, him following your every move. jake’s never seen this dance before, nevertheless he continues to copy you.
“but do this part really fast.” jake nodded at you doing the part you told him to do. now’s the time.
you shook your head, “ no jungwon, not that fast, like this!”
jake stood still, looking at you intently. “what? you did the move too fast now we gotta restart.”
“stop playing with me, the fuck did you just call me? jungwon?”
“ugh jake you’re probably mishearing, i said your name.”
“not at all i heard it very clear, what up with that?” he was annoyed and mad. what does jungwon have to do with any of this?
“jake calm down, i just mistook you guys, there’s a lot of you so-“
“but i’m your boyfriend! or is he? i don’t know what to believe anymore!”
you should’ve been laughing but you weren’t, you felt bad. you pulled jake into a tight hug catching off guard.
“it’s a joke, look. you know i love you and only you jakey.”
jake didn’t respond and kissed your lips passionately, you could feel the anger dissolving as the both of your lips connected.
sunwoo -> the two of you were occupied building a lego set. you loved spending time with sunoo like this, you were both pretty good at it.
y’all were conversing as you build your tower. sunoo was never in a bad mood with you, his smile is always present with your presence, so arguments almost never happen.
you shouldn’t have wanted to do this but you wanted to see how he would get, how would jealousy look on him. obviously not too harsh as well.
“ jay- i mean sunoo could you pass me the red piece over there.” you said signalling.
sunoo just stared at you in confusion, did he hear that correctly ?
“ say what?”
“could you pass me the piece?”
“no before that..”
“sunoo could you pass me the piece?”
“no, you said jay could you pass me the piece, then sunoo. why jay huh? “ his voice got louder making you startle.
“erm-no i just- i meant you. not him.”
he rans a hand through his hair sighing in annoyance. jay? really?
you couldn’t hold it in anymore and pinched his cheek. his eyebrows furrowed at your actions. how dare you do that after you pretty much cheated on him.
“it’s a prank baby, the camera’s right there! don’t be mad at me…” sunoo just sulked and pouted on his seat. no matter what, he always managed to look adorable.
“that wasn’t funny.”
jungwon -> the two of you were cuddling in bed watching television. every friday night would be spent like this and you weren’t complaining. having barely anytime for the two of you, times like these were immensely enjoyed by the two of you.
you didn’t want to ruin it but curiosity got the best of you. as jungwon’s eyes were on the television, you placed your phone on the nightstand to get at least the view of jungwon.
“ri-ki could you turn up the volume? “
his hands that were once tangled around your waist, disappeared hearing what you just said.
“ excuse you? i’m not ri-ki, since when are the two of you close like that? “ he sat up on the bed looking straight at you anticipating for your response.
“i meant to say jungwon, you. i got nothing with ri-ki.”
jungwon scoffed, “his legal name even, you’re not fooling me, what’s he to you?” your eyes widened at his demeanour. he was very angry. it was a rare sight to see.
“calm down, i just made a mistake. that’s it end of story.”
“you know what maybe you should be with him instead of me since apparently he’s more important than you own boyfriend.” he said getting up from the bed ready to leave.
“wonie! i’m just kidding, it’s all a joke.” you said showing the phone recording.
“oh my god you’re evil !! why would you do that? also why didn’t i notice the obvious phone looking straight at me?” he rolled his eyes walking back to the bed.
riki -> “don’t cry if you lose again.” niki said as he grabbed the controller and pressed the rematch button.
you rolled your eyes at his words. you were not bad but not good at the same time. he should be making you feel better instead of just laughing at you every time he kills you. as the two of you fought the last round, showing the K.O on the screen you sighed in frustration.
“babe just admit it, i’m just too good.” he chuckled, you weren’t going to take it. you smirked at the idea that just popped in your head, grabbing your phone and discreetly started recording.
“one more time.” you said, niki shook his head at your stubbornness but agreed on it anyways.
as you were fighting, y’all were just yelling stuff at each other trying to make the other lose.
“sunoo, can’t get up?” you said loud enough for him to hear you over the game.
his thumbs left the game controller giving you more than enough time to beat him and win (for the first time)
as you cheered, you looked over at niki and saw an emotionless face on his end.
“aww someone’s mad they lost!”
“it’s not about that, at all.” he glared at you.
“oh really?”
“sunoo? are you for real?”
“what are you talking about?”
“you called me sunoo, don’t play dumb. do i look like sunoo to you?”
“no ni-ki, you must be mistaken, i said ni-ki.” you said emphasizing his name.
he rubbed his forehead in frustration, he’s getting gaslighted right now.
“so you and sunoo hm? how’s it going for y’all?”
“ni-ki what? you know sunoo’s like a brother to me!”
“yea that’s what they all say..” he said under his breath.
“i’m not staying here, i need some space.” he said not before you grabbed his hand and engulfed him in a hug. ni-ki, though, pulled away.
“ask sunoo to give you a hug.”
“ni-ki!! it’s a joke! a prank you know? there’s my phone, right in your face!!”
ni-ki was still annoyed, he hated pranks on him.
“don’t prank me like that! it’s not that funny.” he said looking at you laugh in his face.
“so you can prank me all the time but i can’t?”
“exactly .”
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im-sleepdeprived · 4 months
do u think u can do a Peter Parker x reader where reader is gone for a while and has her phone off, and Peter gets super scared only to find out she’s alright?? I love ur work u’re the best xx
'No location found'
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pairing: peter parker x reader
a/n: thank you for the request !!!! i had this written, then I decided to rewrite it lmao. I pictured college pete but Im not sure if I specified, also not sure if anyone saw my post abt writing a fic inspired by ‘peter’ by taylor swift but i think im going to start working on that and that its gonna be a mini series👀.... so stay tuned and request something in the meantime !!
warnings: none
masterlist, requests are open !!
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“That’s not what I said!”
“Oh? Well, that’s what I heard.”
You two had been going at it for a while now. Peter had missed yet another date you’d both planned. It’d been a while since you both spent time together, and you thought he was finally going to change that. Until he just stood you up again. 
You’d thought after moving in together, you’d see him all the time. The opposite was true. He was always out, either on patrol, at Stark Tower, or wherever else his Superhero duties took him.  The problem was, that place never seemed to be with you.
“Y/N please-”
“No, Peter! I’m sick of it! I try to be understanding, I really do, I try to give you grace, but every time I do it’s like you just make it worse.” You sighed and ran a hand through your hair, “Honestly at this point, it feels like you don’t even care anymore.”
His face fell. “Come on baby. You can't seriously think that! It was just a mistake, I won't do it again.”
You nodded, “Right. Think I’ve heard that one before.” You turned around and walked towards your shared bedroom.
“Woah, hey. Wait a minute, where’re you going?” His voice was hurt, and you almost felt bad for turning your back.
Shaking your head and looked down at your dress. You’d gotten all dressed up, expecting a nice dinner followed by a walk in the park. You said, “I’m tired, I’m gonna change and get ready for bed. Sorry, but hey, at least now your schedule is freed up,” you gave him a weak smile, “You don’t have to worry about me.”
“Y/N you know it’s not like that. Look you’re all dressed up,” he reached for your arm, “we can still go out. Please, let me make it up to you”
Looking into his eyes, it took everything in you to pull away. 
“Peter,” you whispered, voice so quiet, yet so full of emotion. 
“I don’t want us to fight,” he begged. 
'We’re not fighting, not anymore. I just want to be alone.”
“Okay.” He nodded, but still kept his hand on you, reluctant to let go. “I’ll sleep on the couch?”
You nodded, not trusting your voice right now.
He deflated. He wasn’t exactly expecting you to object, but still. It hurt that you wanted to be away from him so bad. 
“Good night,” he muttered, watching you walk towards the door with sullen eyes. “I’m right here if you need anything.”
You gave him the tiniest tip of your head, not even bothering to turn around, “Night.”
There was no way he was getting any sleep tonight.
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You slept in that day. It was Saturday and you didn’t feel like doing anything. Even after you woke up, you stayed in bed scrolling on your phone, heart pounding a little harder when you saw messages from Peter pop up, before effectively sliding them away.
After a few hours of doomscrolling, you stepped out of the room. You could see a throw blanket neatly folded on the couch, you have no idea if he’d even used a pillow. Your heart thrummed with guilt and you decided that tonight he was definitely sleeping on the bed. Or at the very least, you’d sleep on the couch. 
Walking into the kitchen, you noticed a tray with a note sitting atop a covered plate. When you got closer, you saw that the note held a cheesy breakfast pun. So Peter.
I love you a waffle lot! With a bunch of hearts around it. You couldn’t help it, you cracked a smile. He was such a dork. And you loved it. 
You heated up your breakfast and had gotten well into eating when your phone started ringing. Was it Peter? You didn’t really want to speak to him, not yet at least. You’d kind of hoped you wouldn’t have to until tonight-
You picked up your phone and almost let out a sigh of relief when you realized it was just one of your friends, Maddie. Then you felt bad for feeling relieved. 
You answered the phone. “Hey Mads, how's it going.” 
“Hi Y/N! Good! I was just calling to see if you wanted to go out tonight? Listen, before you say no-”
“No that sounds great actually,” you cut her off quickly, eager for an excuse to get out of the house. You’d been canceling plans for way too long in hopes of spending even a moment with Peter, and it seemed as if even your friends had noticed. But no more.
“Really? Great! So there's this raging new club,” she went on, giving you all the details of who was going and who might be there and you listened but barely felt a hint of excitement. You weren’t sure if it was because it was a frat party, and those things rarely appealed to you, or if it was lingering feelings from your argument with Peter. Which reminded you why you’d wanted to go out in the first place. 
“We’re gonna pregame at my place though, so stop by here and I’ll take you!” She finished, making you smile. Maddie was always sweet, a little more wild than you, but that’s what made you like her. 
“Sure Maddie, thanks for the invite.”
“Of course, can’t wait to see you, I feel like it's been forever since we went out together.”
You let out a small laugh, “I know what you mean. But we’re gonna change that tonight. 
You said your goodbyes and hung up. You needed to start getting ready soon, despite you just eating breakfast, you’d stayed in all morning and it was pretty late already. 
You got ready quietly, only a playlist you’d turned on droning in the background as you did your hair and makeup. You walked over to the closet to pick out an outfit and felt a little sad. Usually, Peter was here during this part, helping you pick out something, annoying you when he said you looked beautiful in everything. 
“Peter! I need real criticism!”
“Well, I can’t help it if my girl looks stunning in everything!”
You picked out a nice outfit you deemed fit for clubbing before grabbing a pair of heels and stepping out of your room. Looking around at the empty apartment you realized you should probably let Peter know you weren’t going to be home tonight. You didn’t feel like calling him though, and if you didn’t want to open his messages from earlier either so you decided to take a page out of his book. 
Grabbing a sticky note, you wrote down the briefest of explanations, before sticking it on your fridge and leaving. 
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He had sent texts saying Good morning!, Do you need anything?, and another explaining he’d be out for a while but he’d made you breakfast, all in hopes of you responding to him. You didn’t, but that wasn’t too shocking to him. It didn’t make it hurt any less though. 
He knew he fucked up. He knew he’d disappointed you again, let you down again. He knew he deserved this and more. He should be grateful you weren’t giving him the more. And he was! But he couldn’t help the small selfish part of him that just wished you would let him take you out tonight, or give him something else he could do to make up for it because there was nothing he hated more in the world than when you were mad at him. And he did not want to sleep on the couch again. Sure it was uncomfortable but that was the least of his worries. He hated not sleeping next to you.
That had been his favorite part about the two of you moving into your own place, that he got to hold you every night. After a rough night of patrolling, or working too long on his studies, or a new gadget, he got to go home and hold you, get lost in your touch, and that always made everything better. And it killed him to know you were just down the hall, and he wasn’t with you. 
He tried his best to rush everything, trying to get all his work done for the day so he could spend the whole night with you. He was planning a movie night, bingeing all your favorites. He was gonna give you a proper date, soon, but right now, all that mattered was you two spending time together. 
On his way home, he stopped at a corner store to grab snacks for the two of you, making sure to get all your favorite ones. He even stopped at a flower shop not far from your apartment to grab you a bouquet and his heart fell when he realized how long it’d been since he’d done this. He definitely deserved the more. 
He knocked on the door of your apartment a few times and his heart fell as he realized you were either dead set on ignoring him, or you weren’t home. When he pulled out his keys and let himself in, he realized it was the latter. 
Sighing, he set down the bags of snacks and placed the bouquet down as he ran a hand through his hair as he walked around. He entered the kitchen and felt a little better when he saw the dishes he’d used to plate your breakfast were washed and on the drying rack, meaning you’d eaten. 
He was about to pull out his phone to see if he’d missed a text from you when he saw something on the fridge. 
“Went out. Be home late.”
His brows furrowed as he read. He didn’t know you had plans. Hell, he didn’t even know if you had plans now, your note barely explained anything.
All he could do was wait until you came home to sort everything out.
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Peter could handle the silent treatment (barely), but what he couldn't handle, was not knowing if you were safe or not. No. That wouldn’t fly. 
He’d sent you a text when he got home, letting you know he got your note and to have fun and be safe. 
An hour later, he sent another text. Just as a little check-in. Still no response. 
It had been about three hours since he’d gotten back when he noticed that his messages had lost the little mark that indicated they were delivered. Weird. 
He tried to call you, he’d refrained from doing so before because he thought he should let you have your space (which was why, he assumed, you’d left in the first place) but it didn’t even ring, he just got sent straight to voicemail. 
What made him really start to panic, however, was when he went to check your location, which he felt so stupid for not doing before, and it wouldn’t load. It kept saying ‘no location found’ making his heart beat harder.
This was worse. You were ignoring him, his messages and calls weren’t going through. Something was wrong, was your phone off? Were you mugged? Or even worse-
He stopped himself before he could spiral too hard. That wouldn’t help, right now, he needed to figure out where you were and if you were okay.  He knew you weren’t the kind of person who would go out to bars or parties alone. Maybe you went out with a friend? Or maybe you were at a friend's? It was a place to start. 
He started calling your friends, people he knew you might go out with, and on the fifth call he finally got answers. Or…something like that. 
“Hello?” Maddie yelled into the phone, making Peter pull his phone away. 
“Hey Maddie, it’s Peter.”
“Oh yeah, Y/N’s dude,” she slurred. 
“Yeah, yeah, Y/N’s dude. Hey listen, is she with you? She went out tonight but she forgot to tell me where, and now my messages aren’t sending.” His pulse was racing. It sounded like Maddie was out, if the blaring music in the background was anything to go off of, and he was desperate to know you were okay. 
“Sorry Patrick, what’d you say,” she asked making Peter’s brows furrow. They weren’t exactly friends, but he’d met Maddie a few times. Enough times for her to know his name was not Patrick.
He shook his head, that didn’t matter right now. “Y/N. Is she with you, do you go out together?”
“Oh!” She exclaimed as if she’d just remembered something. “Yeah, she is!”
Peter let out a sigh of relief. 
“Or, she was.” He held his breath again. 
“What do you mean ‘she was’? Where is she?”
“I dunno, she left I think.” Maddie let out a little hum as if to say ‘too bad!’ and Peter was sure she must be extremely intoxicated, otherwise there was no way she could be so casual about something like this. He could barely keep himself together.
He ran a hand over his face as he tried not to raise his voice. This was getting frustrating. “She left? Where’d she go? Where are you right now?”
“I don’t know…she was bored I think. She was off today. S’shame, she looked so hot.”
His heart clenched when he realized the reason you were off, was because of him. You didn’t have fun, so you left, now he had no idea where you were and it was all his fault. 
“Where are you, Maddie?” He repeated. 
“That new club on 27th! Get down here Paul, it's so much fun!” She gushed and Peter rolled his eyes. He didn’t have time for this. 
He hung up quickly, not bothering to say goodbye before he got up to put his suit on. He couldn't stand the thought of something happening to you because you were upset and distracted because of him. That you weren't even speaking to him.
There was no way he was going to let anything happen to you. 
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You were walking outside, up and down the sidewalk. You knew it wasn’t the safest decision but you didn’t really care. The club was stuffy, humid, and way too loud. You just needed to breathe, and then you’d go back. Maybe. 
You considered hailing a cab and going back home right now. You’d send Maddie a text, but she probably hadn’t noticed you’d left in the first. She’d been having a blast, unlike you, drinking shots and dancing with every guy she felt like. You weren’t sure she remembered you stopping her to tell her you’d be gone for a bit. 
On second thought, you were kind of hungry. You hadn’t eaten anything other than Peter’s waffles for you that morning and there was an amazing smell floating from a food cart at the end of the block. You could help yourself to something before going home. 
Before you could reach the food cart, you were flying. Or rather, swinging. You knew who it was right away. 
Just as fast as he’d snatched you up, Peter put you down on an isolated rooftop, leaving just you and him high above everyone else.
You were about to reprimand him, about to demand an answer as to why he’d just done that, but there wasn’t a chance before he was pulling you into a bone-crushing hug.
“Pete?” Your voice was soft, you sensed there was something wrong and suddenly any anger or annoyance you held, from now or the night before, disappeared.
“You’re okay,” he mumbled as if that was his way of an answer. 
Your brows furrowed. “Well…yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”
He pulled away then, taking off his mask, and you saw just how terrified he looked, scaring you as well. There might’ve even been a little red rimming his eyes, making you wonder if he was holding back tears. “I came home and I brought snacks and flowers and I thought we could spend the rest of the night together but saw your note. So I texted you and I get that you’re mad at me-”
“I’m not,” you said, and you meant it. You weren’t mad at him, especially right now, seeing him all shaken up like this. “But what's wrong?”
“My texts weren’t delivering, my calls went straight to voicemail, and I couldn’t track your location. Y/N, I got so scared something happened and you weren’t talking to me.” He sniffled and your heart broke a little. 
You reached into your bag and pulled out your phone, but when you tried to turn it on—dead. 
“God sweetheart, never do that to me again. Please.” He looked at you desperately, “Yell at me. Fight with me. But please never ignore me anymore, I can’t stand it.”
“I’m so sorry Petey, I had no idea my phone died. I would’ve said something I swear. I never want you to worry like that.” Your hands went up to hold his face. 
He brought a hand to hold your wrist. Gently running his thumb up and down your hand he said, “I always worry about you sweetheart, it’s my job.”
You shook your head, “You worry about all of New York, I don’t need to add on to that.”
“No,” he said quickly, looking offended you’d even say that, “No. Never think like that. You are the most important thing in my life, okay? You’re my first priority and I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, that I don’t show that or say it enough.
“But I’m going to do better, I promise. I’m going to make it up to you because I can’t lose you, I need you Y/N.”
You didn’t reply, instead just smashed your lips onto his. His hands slid down to your waist, holding you tight. It was a kiss of forgiveness, of second chances, and new beginnings.
He pulled away first, but not before pressing multiple kisses all around your face. “Heels off baby,” he said as he knelt down and started working on your heel straps, lifting each foot onto his thigh before undoing each one. You didn’t even realize how much they’d been hurting until they were off. “I’m swinging you.” He picked you up swiftly, one arm wrapping itself around your ribs.
You groaned, wrapping your arms around his neck, “Peteyyyy. You know the wind tangles my hair too much.”
“Don’t worry,” he said, leaning over to kiss you on the top of your head, “I’ll be careful, c’mon.”
You move your head to peck his cheek and then hug him tight, “I love you.”
He grinned, pulling you in closer. “I love you more sweetheart.” He leaned back and pressed a quick kiss to your lips. “Hold on tight, Spider Monkey.”
You burst into laughter, “You did not just say that!” 
“Oh I totally did,” he gave you the goofiest smile, making you laugh again. 
“Ok, just…don’t let me go,” you said as you wrapped your arms tighter around him. 
“Never,” he replied, and something in his voice told you he wasn’t just talking about swinging. 
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luveline · 5 days
this may sound crazy, but i have really bad OCD in terms of cleanliness. for example, always need clean clothes (has to be exactly “correct” level of clean), hand wash always over and over, i also don’t like anyone sitting or laying in my bed uncleaned or in outside clothes.
eddie is, well eddie. how do you think he would react to a gf or potential gf that has this same issue?
You can’t wear the same sweatshirt twice, you can’t not wash your hands three times before dinner. He doesn’t think much of it, to be totally honest. Eddie’s been called weird his whole life, and he knows that behaviour like yours is out of the ordinary, so he refuses to make you feel bad about it. 
“No, it’s okay,” he says, putting his backpack on the floor. You’re wringing your hands nervously in front of the bed, having just told him Please don’t sit on my bed. I can’t– It’s the contamination, it’s not you.
He unzips his backpack to unveil the extra clothes he brought with him. “I got these fresh out of the washer, but if it’s still not alright, I can just sit on the floor.” 
“Eddie, I’m not gonna make you sit on the floor.” Something in your expression softens. “You promise they’re clean?” 
“They still smell like detergent, but it doesn’t bother me. I can sit on the floor. Or at your desk?” 
“You can’t sit on the floor, Eddie. If they’re really clean, you can come and sit with me.” You smile weakly. “I want you to sit with me. I can’t deal with the idea of, like, your outside clothes on my bed, that’s all.” 
“That’s fine.” He makes sure not to put the clean clothes against his chest. “I get it, babe, the van is gross, pollution is disgusting, I’m gonna save the world for you to make it less icky. Can I get changed?” 
Your smile strengthens. “Yeah, course you can. I won’t look, much.” 
“Much!” Eddie’s joy at your teasing is palpable. 
He changes. You don’t watch, but you don’t avert your eyes either, which Eddie thinks is a good sign. It’s a little nerve wracking to be standing there in his boxers and socks while you’re fully clothed, until you smile at him with your face in your hand and he remembers how sweet you are.
“How many tattoos do you have?” 
“You don’t know?” he asks. 
“I’ve seen them all. Just never counted.” 
Eddie puts his worn clothes in his backpack and sits on your rug to change his socks. “I have sixteen.” 
“What?” you ask incredulously.
“I’m counting the bats separately.”
“Of course you are.” 
He springs up, squeezing the hand sanitiser on your desk into his two palms, and cleaning down to the middle of his forearms. Then, when they’re cold from the air in your room but mostly dry, he meanders his way to your side, giving you a long and loving stare. “You look really pretty when you do that.” 
“Do what?” 
“When you hold your face. Can I…” 
You lean back. He replaces your hand with his own, rubbing a soft path into your cheek. “I can’t believe you sanitised for me,” you say with a smile that’s half embarrassed and half pleased. “Thank you.” 
“Thanks for what?” He strokes your cheek back. The soft skin there pulls. “I should be saying thanks, do you know how big of a deal it is, to get to touch you? I’m on cloud nine. I feel like such a fucking winner.” 
Your nose crinkles as you laugh. “Very passionate.” 
“I’m saying goodbye to grunge. No more unwashed jackets or crust pants, I swear. I even cleaned behind my ears.” 
“You weren’t cleaning behind your ears?” 
He leans down to touch your nose tip with his. His eyes close, but not before he sees your nice smile. Getting to be here joking with you in your bedroom is worth sanitising his hands, are you kidding? He’d do a full body bleach bath three times a day if it meant he got to breathe the same air as you. 
“Tell me if I do something gross, okay? I know you think about things a lot, I just need you to tell me.” 
“I don't want you to get caught up in my stupid rules.” 
“They’re not stupid.” He noses at your cheek, his lips touching skin as he speaks, “Don’t worry about it. Tonight’s about you and me and the Amityville Horror.” 
“Okay, I won’t. I won’t worry.” Your breath warms his lips.
He kisses your cheek gently, a quiet thank you. It’s nice to be trusted with something as important and intrinsic to you as this, nicer to be touching you. He can’t believe he’s allowed. 
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(Continued from this snippet! Content notes: police interrogation, homophobia)
“You don’t look gay.” The detective gives Steve a very obvious once-over. Steve tries to look gayer as subtly as he can. 
“Sorry,” he says. “Guess I’ll have to let my boyfriend know you don’t think I look gay enough to fuck him.”
The detective’s face twists slightly, like he’s smelled something bad. “No need to be like that. I’m just saying, I bet a good-looking guy like you could get a girlfriend pretty easy.”
“You’re not my type,” says Steve. He smiles with his teeth, even though his heart is going fast and he can feel his palms starting to sweat. 
The detective’s hands tense, and Steve wonders if he’s about to get hit, but they relax again and the detective sits back.
“Just doing my job,” says the detective. “Because, funny enough, we asked around with all your little friends, and it seems like you used to be a bit of a ladies’ man.”
“Things change,” says Steve. 
“In fact…seems like none of your friends ever even saw you talk to Munson before. Moved in different circles and everything. I remember what high school was like.”
The detective leans close. 
“So why would the captain of the swim team, a nice normal boy from a good family with a string of pretty girlfriends, ever—ever—stick his neck out like this for some murdering scum like Munson? That’s what I’m trying to figure out, here.”
“Don’t fucking talk about him like that,” says Steve. His mouth is dry. His pulse is thundering in his ears. “He didn’t kill anyone. He was with me the whole time. He’s—he didn’t kill anyone.”
“Hm,” says the detective. 
It takes a while for them to stop interrogating him. They keep asking him the same questions over and over, trying to trip him up. He asks for water and doesn’t get it. In the back of his mind, a hysterical little voice is shrieking Scoops Ahoy! I work for Scoops Ahoy!, but he manages to keep it locked down. Doesn’t let himself get baited, just keeps repeating that Eddie was with him the whole time and neither of them know anything. 
It takes a while, but it’s over eventually.
When he leaves the station, Eddie’s standing outside with Hopper and Joyce Byers, wearing a shirt and jeans that definitely belonged to Jonathan at some point. Eddie’s got his hands tucked into his armpits, looking antsy and tense, but he’s free and standing on his own two feet. It’s a pretty big upgrade from when Steve last saw him about a week or two ago. 
It’s almost too easy to go straight over to him, wrapping him up in a tight hug like they’ve had their arms around each other a million times. 
“Oof. Easy there, tiger,” laughs Eddie. “I’m, uh, still a little fragile.”
“Sorry,” says Steve, and loosens his hold. He doesn’t let go all the way.
“Come on, boys,” says Joyce. “I’m taking you two home. Steve, Eddie’s been staying with us, but we’re a little short on spare beds and it’s not great for his recovery. We’re moving him to your place until we can figure out something better, okay?” 
Joyce drops them off and helps carry in a few garbage bags full of Eddie’s stuff. There’s not that much.
And then the door closes behind her, and Steve’s alone with Eddie for the first time since—actually, maybe ever. 
“So,” says Eddie. “What…the fuck, Harrington.”
“Is that an actual question?” Steve says. He rolls his shoulders, trying to get some of the stiffness out. “I mean, didn’t Hopper and Mrs. Byers explain everything to you?”
“Kind of? I mean, I still think this is probably the worst idea of all time, but they told me—anyway, what I meant just now was a much more personalized and individual what the fuck. As in, why the fuck would you agree to any of this? You know you’re never gonna get another girl in this town to look at you now.”
“Dumping me already? Ice cold, man.”
Eddie groans and actually throws his hands in the air in frustration. Steve hadn’t known people did that in real life. 
“Jesus christ.” Eddie wheels around and grabs two of the garbage bags. “I can’t do this right now, I need to take a fucking nap. We will be discussing this later.”
“Still don’t know what there is to discuss,” says Steve, but he picks up the last garbage bag and leads the way to the spare room. 
Eddie pitches forwards onto the bed, arms outstretched and face mashed into the pillow. “Fuck yes, I am going to marry this goddamn mattress. Hit the lights when you leave,” he says, slightly muffled. 
For a second, Steve finds himself stepping forward with a hand outstretched to—do something. He’s not sure what. Touch Eddie’s hair, or something dumb like that. His face warms. He’s really glad Eddie isn’t looking at him and doesn’t see how he’s kind of just standing there with a hand out for no reason. 
He turns around, flicking the light switch on his way out, and doesn’t look back.
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lanadelreyismyfav · 9 months
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Ofc I can 🫶🏼🫶🏼
This is a Walker scobell x fem reader!
Walker had been filming for Percy Jackson for months you miss him so much but you still visit his house to see Leeana his sister.
You And Leena were best friends ever since you Walker started dating she was always so sweet to you. And today you guys plan to hang out.
You get dressed, you slip on one of Walker hoodies that he left behind and you slip on some leggings and some Jordans (if you aren’t comfortable or don’t like the outfit you can imagine you’re wearing something else <3)
You get to the house “Bye mom!”
“Bye Sweetie” Your mom says smiling at you
“Have fun!” She says again all you do is nod back at her
(Time skip)⏭️
You and Leena had been hanging out for a while now, And you had gone to the kitchen to get some snacks and while you were getting snacks you happen to run into Walkers mom
“Hi Ms Scobell” you said smiling at her
“Hi sweetie, how are you?” She says smiling at you
“I’m good, I just miss Walker” you say looking down kinda sad
“Well he’s gonna be home soon sweetie I promise” she says sweetly looking kinda like she’s thinking of something
“Well I have to go back to Leena, see you soon Ms Scobell” you say as you start to walk away to hang out with Leena again
“See you soon sweetie” she says smiling
(Walkers mom POV)
As I start to walk back to the living room after talking to Y/n I start to think maybe we could talk to her parents and plan something to surprise Y/n and Walker so they can see each other again
“Hey honey” I say to my husband
“Hey babe” My Husband says
“You know, Maybe we could get Walker home early for a couple days” I say looking at my husband curiously
“Yeah I mean we probably can, but why do you want him home early?” My husband says with a confused look on his face
“Well I was talking to Y/n and she misses Walker a lot and I do to so maybe we could get him home and surprise them with each other, we would have to talk to Y/n’s parents though” I say hoping he says it sounds like a good idea
“Well yeah we would have to call Y/n’s parents and ask them if we could all set something up for them to see each other, but I don’t see anything wrong with it we would just have to talk to the producers about it” my Husband says smiling at me
“Yes that’s sounds perfect I’ll call Y/n’s parents and you call the producers ok?” I say picking up my phone to call
“Ok well I will call the producers right now then as well” My husband says smiling and picking up his phone
(Your POV)
You and Leena have a sleepover that night so now it’s the next morning and you had to wake up early and leave because your little sibling had a soccer game so you had to leave
“Bye Leena” you say hugging Leena as you walk away
“Bye Y/n” Leena says hugging you back as you walk away
(Time skip) ⏭️
So it had been a couple weeks since you had hung out with Leena and Walker was still gone filming or was he Walkers mom and dad had pulled some strings and got Walker home for a couple days but you didn’t know that but your mom did
(Walkers mom POV)
“Hey Walker we’re going somewhere tonight so dress nice” I say to my son Walker
“Um ok well we’re are we going mom?” Walker asks me looking curious
“Well it’s a surprise honey” I say smiling at him
“Um ok” Walker says looking confused
You were just hanging out in your room and your mom walked in
“Hey honey we’re going somewhere tonight so dress nice ok” your mom says smiling at you
“We’re are we going mom?” You say kinda confused
“It’s a surprise ok” your mom says walking out of the room
“Well ok” you say as you start to get ready
You throw on a pink casual dress and some pink Jordan’s, you curl your hair and put on some light makeup (and again if you don’t like the outfit you can change it if your not comfortable <3)
Your mom and you get into the car and she drives you to some fancy restaurant and You didn’t think anything of it she probably was just taking you out for a dinner or something.
You and your mom walk in to get a table but turns out you guys already had a reservation
You and your mom start to walk to the table with the waiter
“Thank you sir” your mom says to the waiter he gives her a nod as you and her take a seat at a pretty big table
“Mom it’s just me and you, why do we have such a big table” you say curiously
“Well you’ll see honey” your mom says looking kinda sneaky
You were just playing on your phone when suddenly you see someone from the corner of your eye you didn’t think much of it at first but then some people sat with us and of course you look up to see who’s sitting with you
You look up and you see Walker
“Walker!” You say excitedly
“Y/n!” Walker says back to you
You and Walker run to each other give each other one of the biggest hugs ever
“I’ve missed you so much Walker” you say as you hug Walker
“I’ve missed you to Y/n” Walker says as he looks up from the hug and gives you a quick kiss on the lips
You’ve missed his hugs and kisses for so long you’ve just missed him so much
As he kisses you, you hear something
“Aww you guys are such love birds” Leena says teasing you and Walker
“Shut up Leena” Walker says annoyed and embarrassed blushing
So for the rest of the night you and Walker sit next to each other and catch up with each other so when it was time to leave you gave Walker one of the biggest hugs and kisses ever
“I’ll talk to you later ok Walker” you say smiling at him
“Ok well I’ll text you when I get home” Walker says looking at you in awe
“Ok love you” you say you and Walker have never said I love you to each other so you we’re excited to see his reaction to your words
“I-I-I love you to y/n” Walker says stuttering nervously as he looks at you blushing you give him one more hug and Walker to your car with your mom.
-The end
I hope you guys enjoyed
And if you have any advice for writing I would appreciate it but if you don’t that’s totally fine 🫶🏼🫶🏼
Hope you have an amazing day/night 🫶🏼
And you can leave more requests in the comments if you want
Love you guys byeee 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼💞
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
hiii, I love your work, just wanted to ask if you would do the “shes busy bro” text thing with the baldies
i’m so slow bc this is not what you meant but i made the texts too don’t worry😭
she’s busy
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it wasn’t your fault that the waiter was flirting with you while ony was using the bathroom, but he still took it very personal. you knew how he felt about that “friendly” attitude you seemed to have towards people. and even though the waiter had no business trying to get your number while he was in the bathroom, you had no business giggling and smiling in his face like you were going to give it to him. you were both wrong, but since ony can’t deal with the waiter tonight, he will deal with you.
“ma stop wit the runnin. you not goin nowhere.” ony groaned, yanking your hips back to him as you tried to crawl away from his relentless backshots. “i-i didn’t even d-do nun” he chuckled at your weak defense, thrusting back into you at full speed to shut you up. “and ian doing nun right now either. you lucky ion got yo ass cuffed up. daddy bein nice” ony jingled the cuffs in his hand before putting them down and continuing his brutal thrusts, your stomach brushing the sheets as he held your back down with one hand. you decided to just shut up, because little did he know you gave the waiter your number. to you, ony was just overreacting. he seemed like a genuinely nice guy to you so you gave it to him hoping the two of you could become good friends.
*ring ring* the sound of your phone snatched the both of your attention. ‘please don’t be him please don’t be him please don’t be him’ you repeatedly thought as ony picked up your phone. of course the guy had one of those automatic contacts with the picture so ony immediately knew it was him. “oh so this what we doin now?” he mumbled, dick still fully hard inside you as he showed you the screen. “i-it’s not what it looked like baby. i wanna be his f-friend”
ony scoffed as he answered the phone, smirking as an idea popped up in his head. the next thing you knew he was starting his quick pace up again, pounding you into the sheets as he spoke normally through the receiver. “yo?….you looking for my girl?……nah nah nah it’s all good. she right here” he put the phone towards your mouth before thrusting into you even harder, making sure to get each one of your pitiful moans through to him. “d-daddy pleaseeee m’gonna….fuckk m’gonna cummm!” you screamed as you felt his dick kissing your cervix. he brought the phone back to his ear, hearing nothing but the man’s breathing on the other line. “she busy right now…..move your fucking hand ma m’not playin wit you….delete this number or your next shift at that lil restaurant gon be your last” and with that he hung up the phone. you already know you were gonna get it as soon as you heard the sound of metal clanking. the fur of the cuffs brushing against your ass while ony spoke.
“gimme your hands mama”
“you can do it mami. just give me one more and you can get a break ‘kay?” connie said before dipping his tongue back inside your awaiting pussy. you came home from work with tears in your eyes as you explained to connie the rude words your coworker uttered to you. sentences like “what are you, stupid?” and “jesus you can do anything right” thrown your way all day as your frustrated colleague used you as a punching bag.
in order to help fix your sad face, connie decided to change it into one of pleasure. sitting in between your thighs for hours as he gave you words of encouragement and reassurance to help uplift your spirits. “you not dumb mi vida. smartest girl i know so don’t even trip over that . papi gon fix it” connie’s mouth worked wonders on you, kissing, licking, and sucking orgasm after orgasm to keep you from thinking about the harsh words said to you.
the vibration of your phone took connie’s attention. the contact name “charles (coworker)” was calling you. connie brought the phone to your face, giving you time to read the name as he continued pleasuring you with his fingers. “this him?” all it took was a singular nod from you before connie had the phone answered and at his ear. he could hear the man trying to apologize almost instantly. “listen y/n. m’really sorry about how i was actin today. i was just frustrated and you were the closest person to me. please let me make it up t’you with dinner or something”
connie looked up at you, pretty eyes all glossy and low as you tried not to scream from how heavenly connie’s fingers fucked you. he mouthed a “you wanna talk to em?” smiling as you quickly shook your head no. “didn’t think so” he said before putting the phone to his ear. “this her man. she s little preoccupied at the moment” connie quickly flicked his tongue on your clit, digging quicker and deeper into you with his fingers to draw out a loud moan. “auughhh ohh my goddd” your back arched off the bed as you felt your release coming close. connie continued to finger you while he moved his mouth from your clit to speak. “uhh she most definitely will not be having dinner wit your punk ass tho so you can dead that shit. m’not gon fuck you up cause she told me how much you need every check from that lil job, but if she come here crying again cause of you ima break your jaw”
“fuck keep suckin it jus like that mama” aran groaned as you were hard at work on his living room floor. knees burning from being in the same position for so long as you sucked the life out of aran’s dick while he sat on the couch. were you supposed to be here? fuck no, but there was no way you were turning down going to see the d1 athlete just so you can be home arguing with your bum ass ex boyfriend.
aran has been trying to get at you for awhile, and you would’ve been with him too if your ex would just hurry up and move out. he’s been purposely dragging his feet when it came to getting his shit out of your house, always lingering on the couch when you have company over to keep you from moving on. you don’t want to put aran through that so the two of you just settled for this. coming over to his place and getting the best dick if your life every weekend.
you had both of your hands wrapped around his thick dick. stroking him with a tight grip as you sucked on his tip. your eyes trained on his beautiful physique as you watched his big pecs move up and down with each breath. “shit girl you gon make me trap you” he chuckled as he watched you slap the head of his dick all over your tongue, spit dripping all over him as the both of your brown eyes locked. “do it daddy” you sighed before taking his full length down your throat. “oh i will”. the sound of your ringtone went off into the air, the both of you ignoring it as you continued, but it didn’t stop there. whoever was calling must’ve been dying or something because after the call came a bunch of notifications, then it rang again.
“man who the fuck-” aran mumble, his annoyed face quickly becoming one of mischief as he read the name on your phone. “s’randy” he said with a smirk. you rolled your eyes as you released his dick with a pop. “gimme i’ll just turn it off” you went to reach for the phone, but aran pulled it out of your reach, a petty smirk on his face as he answered the call and put the phone to his ear. before you could protest, his big hand found the back of your head, pushing you back down on his dick for you to continue.
“wassup randy. how you been nigga?” you rolled your eyes as you continued to let aran guide your head up and down. your tongue running along the underside of his dick while he continued to talk to your ex. “who is this? tell y/n it’s time to come home. m’hungry and i need her to cook something” randy mumbled, probably sitting on the couch surrounded by bear bottles and filth. “she busy. eating right now as we speak. how it taste mama?” aran said before pushing your head all the way down, his dick hitting the back of your throat as you gagged loudly into the receiver. aran brought the phone back to his ear with a smirk before letting go of your head. it was time for payback so you wrapped both of your hands around him again, quickly stroking him before roughly sucking his sensitive tip. “ooouu shit man we gotta go”
“ohhh my godddd i’m about to give you a baby” tanaka groaned as he watched your skillfully bounce on his dick. large inked hands gripping your hips as the two of you moaned in unison. “want you t’nut in me daddy. cum in this pussy” tanaka’s eyes rolled at your words, the thought of him filling you up bringing him closer to his climax. he was the best bff you could ever ask for.
you’ve been having some issues with a guy you were talking to. he couldn’t seem to be able to grasp the fact that you are a bad bitch and could easily replace him if he didn’t act right. so that’s exactly what you did. you “replaced” him with tanaka. posting him and going on little “dates” with your best friend to get his attention. the two of you never expected to actually fall for each other. letting your true feelings take over as you plopped yourself repeatedly on his dick. you had forgotten all about your ex.
you knew he’d come crawling back one of these days, and you couldn’t wait to break the new to him that you were intact in love with another man. *ring ring* ‘just on time’ you thought as you snatched up your phone on the first ring, picking it up as you began to bounce harder on the man below you. “s-shittt who it that?” tanaka grumbled, but you ignored him. listening to the man on the other line beg for forgiveness. “listen baby i didn’t know it would be like this. i was stupid to think i didn’t need you. you were the best thing that every happened to me please give me another chance.”
a giggled escaped from your mouth before you put the phone to tanaka’s ear. “it’s my ex” you said before letting tanaka listen to the pitiful man beg. a smile planted on his face before he quickly brought your face down to his by your neck, thrusting up into you quickly. you tried to swallow your moans but he was just fucking you too good. “fuck daddy s-slow downnnn” you moaned, eyes rolling back as tanaka held the phone between your faces on speaker.
“stop bitchin, she can’t even talk right now. too busy getting fucked by her new man”
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
Vaggie: “… what a view, huh?”
Charlie: “Heh, yeah. You can see a whole lot of hell from this hill…”
Vaggie: “Meaning they can see the hotel now, too.”
Charlie: “I guess so.”
Vaggie: “…”
Vaggie: “Nice to know they’re finally getting a glimpse of it.”
Charlie: “Oh the hotel’s been sitting up here for years-”
Vaggie: “Not the hotel.”
Charlie: “Not the hotel?”
Vaggie: “You.”
Charlie: “Me.” (sigh) “What’s Hell seen because of me, Vaggie? Extermination day coming early? Everyone panicking over how they might only have a few months left to live?”
Vaggie: “I’m telling you Heaven had their own bullshit reason for that. And it wasn't you. I'd bet my soul on it.”
Charlie: “Don't joke about that."
Vaggie: "I'm not joking sweetie."
Charlie: "I talked to them and less than an hour later they cut our time in half.”
Vaggie: “They were the ones who called for the meeting with Hell. Why do you think that was? Did they have anything else to say?”
Charlie: “No…”
Vaggie: “Then that’s all they had to say. It was already decided.”
Charlie: “They let me talk, a little bit anyway-"
Vaggie: "How little?"
Charlie: "I had a chance, the best chance we might ever get, and it should have been enough! But it wasn't. I wasn't- it still didn’t change anything. I, I couldn’t change their minds.”
Vaggie: “Oh wow, the people happy with murdering souls didn’t jump at the chance not to murder more souls. Shock. Horror.”
Charlie: “Heaven only does that because they’re scared of us! If I could have shown them there’s another way…”
Vaggie: “You will, sweetie. It’s just gonna take time.”
Charlie: “We don’t have time! We don’t even have a year anymore!”
Vaggie: “We’ll make it work.”
Charlie: “You said that earlier but Vaggie-“
Vaggie: “One guest down~” (clap clap) “That’s a pretty good start~” (clap clap)
Charlie: “Vaggie, please not a sarcastic round of my dumb clapping game from Sir Pentious’s orientation circle. Be serious?”
Vaggie: “I am being serious, babe. Cross my heart.” (clap clap…)
Charlie: “Yay….”
Vaggie: “Charlie, c’mon, Pentious is working out… better than I expected. I mean I expected the selling us out stuff, but he got over that real fast.”
Charlie: “Only because he got caught by Angel Dust real fast.”
Vaggie: “Who you didn’t let kill him. You didn’t let me kill him either. Thanks, sweetie.”
Charlie: “You wouldn’t have really anyway. Probably.”
Vaggie: “We don’t have to worry about that because you gave him a hug and a second chance instead. You guys sang a song about it.”
Charlie: “I’m always singing songs. They’re easy. At least when you have a catchy tune and nice little rhyme, there’s a chance no one will notice you have no idea what you’re doing.”
Vaggie: “I know what you’re doing.”
Charlie: “Great. I don’t.”
Vaggie: “You’re letting late night no sleep Charlie be mean to you in your own head.”
Charlie: “Our problems won’t go away just from me sleeping. We might even just get new ones-”
Vaggie: “That’s not a way to makes things work, honey. Clap clap.”
Charlie: “Vaggie…”
Vaggie: “Trust me with my manger job and come to bed- er, with me? Clap clap?”
Charlie: “You’re saying the clap claps aloud.”
Vaggie: “My hands and arms are busy hugging at the moment.”
Charlie: “You also didn’t sing it. And the rhyming meter got all messed up.”  
Vaggie: “And you’re smiling now, I can hear it.”
Charlie: “I have no idea how you do that…”
Vaggie: “Come snuggle with me and maybe I’ll whisper you my Charlie-wrangling secret.”
Charlie: (laughs) “What would I do without you, Vaggie? What did I do without you all this time?”
Vaggie: “Stayed up the whole night trying to help everyone except yourself.”
Charlie: “Ouch.”
Vaggie: “Facts, babe. That’s why I’m here though, so it all works out.”
Charlie: “This one thing really did, didn’t it?”
Vaggie: “I’ve been telling you it will.”
Charlie: “Not the hotel.”
Vaggie: “Charlie-”
Charlie: “The us.”
Vaggie: “…yeah. That too.”
Charlie: “If it’s the only thing this hotel gets right, then I don’t think… I can’t really be mad about it, honestly.”
Vaggie: “You’d be pissed if this doesn’t work out. Spitting hellfire. And I’d be angry as fuck right along with you.”
Charlie: “Partners in high blood pressure! We make a GREAT team.”
Vaggie: “We should be partners in snoring right now so shoo.”
Charlie: “Wait-”
Vaggie: “Shoo shoo, sweetie. To bed with you.”
Charlie: “I just- one last thing, Vaggie?”
Vaggie: “Only ONE and then, BED.”
Charlie: “I love you.”
Vaggie: “Charlie…"
Charlie: "Yes...? Wh- Oof!"
Vaggie: "I love you too, but."
Charlie: "S-surprise tackles aren't fair!"
Vaggie: "All's fair in love and war. And if you don’t close those pretty eyes in the next two minutes I’m gonna try smothering you with all of our pillows. Lovingly.”
Charlie: “We have pillows together. That’s so…”
Vaggie: “Charlie.”
Charlie: “I’m so glad you’re down here in Hell. I’m so lucky- Oh shit- is that a weird thing to say? Oh no that’s a REALLY weird thing to say-”
Vaggie: “Charlie. Sleep.”
Charlie: “I have my eyes closed! But was that weird? I don’t want you to be in HELL, as in stuck living around all this suffering and death and- I’m just so happy you’re-”
Vaggie: “I’m glad I’m here with you.”
Charlie: “Right, okay.”
Vaggie: “I want to be in hell.”
Charlie: “I mean heaven is proooobably better but thanks for saying-”
Vaggie: “If heaven ever wants me they’d have to drag me up there in chains and cage me there.”
Charlie: “Vaggie!” (laughs) “You know they’d never, they’re angels!”
Vaggie: “Murderers.”
Charlie: “That’s different-”
Vaggie: “Don’t you dare get me riled up about those deranged assholes when we’re trying to sleep, babe. I’ll need that boost of adrenaline just to wake up in the morning.”
Charlie: “Well no one’s taking you anywhere anyway, angels or otherwise. I’m keeping you right here.”
Vaggie: “Good.”
Charlie: "...."
Charlie: “…can I keep you for always, Vaggie?”
Vaggie: “Mmf... bold of you to think anything could pry me off you...”
Charlie: “You do give really good hugs.”
Vaggie: (groans) “Know what else would be good right now?”
Charlie: “Sleep?”
Vaggie: “SLEEP.”
Charlie: “Okay~”
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absolutebl · 3 months
This Week in BL - In Which None of You Should be Surprised by a MAJOR Upset in the Standings
Sorry this is so late. I had a pretty epic series of delays landing me at NRT for like 18 hours or something ridiculous. To be fair there are much worse airports to be stranded at.
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
June 2024 Week 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
The Rebound (Weds Gaga) ep 1 of 12 - Fuck all ya'all if you thought I had taste. MeenPing are topping this damn list because... have you any idea how LONG I have been waiting for a real sports centered BL starring at least one boy who actually played the flipping sport? My whole damn life. You ready for me to go into euphoric splooges all over your screens? I don't think you are. SUFFER! And now some splooging:
It’s off to a great start. Thank you, Rebound, for being exactly what I wanted. By which I mean Meen has his shirt off literally in the first two minutes of the show. Also it’s a bit of a childhood sweethearts reunion romance. There’s nothing wrong with this beginning. Fantastic. For a change, I even enjoy the intro music. Golf is directing MeenPing this time, so maybe something magical will happen. Frank is aging so pretty!!! How nice for all of us. Even the bb play is good. It’s a proper sports BL. I’m so damn happy right now. 
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Wandee Goodday (Sat YT) ep 9 of 12 - I’m so tired of Ter, but everything else was lovely. Also they are SUCH boyfriends. 
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Sunset X Vibes (Sat iQIYI) ep 3 of 12 - They are so cute in these roles. I don’t know why, I just like their vibe better here than in the previous show. (And I really enjoyed Big Dragon at the start.) This show is a lot more classic romance and kind of pat because of that. I do hope the ingénue character gets some kind of additional development and talent. But even if it stays mundane, these two have the chemistry to carry it. So I suspect I’ll keep enjoying it regardless. I am mildly intrigued by the spice of the PNR element, so I hope they run with that a bit more. I suspect they will have to, to extend the plot for 12 eps.
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My Stand-In (Fri iQIYI) ep 10 of 12 - Ah Ming... famous last words. This one just makes me sigh a lot and whimper sadly. I don’t know where they’re going with this plot or how they’re gonna resolve it. Joe finally being the asshole Ming deserves is a lot of fun though (double entendre intended). I’m scared but it did make me cry... a lot. (That's fine, I'm a sap.)  
Imma say this because no one else has. Wardrobe is unilaterally terrible in this show. I mean Thailand is notoriously bad in general but this show, nash.
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We Are Cute (Weds iQIYI) ep 13 of 16 - They are so fucking adorable. And so flirty! Also a crying kiss? My favorite! Chain’s little moment of "Cupid shoot thyself" was epic. ("Physician heal thyself" but for the BL world?) Honestly, I could watch a whole show about these two...
The Trainee (Sun YouTube) ep 1 of 12 - How does Gun still look like he’s just out of high school? Madness. Does the set for the print shop that he’s working in at the beginning remind anybody else of Mork’s dad’s place in ‘Cause He’s My Boy? I swear GMMTV has about 3 sets they rotate through.
To be brutally honest, I was not looking forward to the show at all. No idea why. OffGun aren’t my most favorite OG pair, but I respect them for their longevity, optics, acting shops, and enduring brand. Maybe I just needed more of a gap from Cooking Crush?
Whatever, I was absolutely riveted by this first episode. I’m enjoying The Trainee a lot. Like, a lot a lot.
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My Love Mix-Up Th (Fri YT) ep 4 of 12 - This version did the "clear up of the inciting miscommunication" in such a sweet achey way. Frankly that "ache of first love" really plays to G4's strengths as a pair. This was a good ep and I’m now starting to enjoy this one for its own sake and get some distance from the JBL version. It's just there is A LOT of good stuff coming out of Thailand right now.
Love Sea (Sun iQIYI) ep 3 of 10 - I was inspired to write a Shakespearean style sonnet in this week's trash watch. Mame seems to believe that no character can have depth without suffering. And I found this episode both boring and rushed at the same time. Trash watch here. (This week's trash watch also VERY delayed.)
Knock Knock Boys (Thurs Gaga) ep 6 of 12 - It’s eminently missable... so I missed it this week in order to get this weekly update out. Next week will be a two in one. 
Only Boo! (Sun YT) ep 12fin - Okay, that’s it, I guess?
An idol romance about a sunshine boy who dances good and wants to be a star and a reserved food stand vendor. Other side of the tracks, grumpy/sunshine pair who fall in love but, of course, to be an idol baby boy can't date. It wasn’t particularly bad, it wasn’t particularly good either. 7/10
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
I Hear the Sunspot AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru (Japan Weds Gaga) Ep 1 of 10 - A new series adaptation of beloved yaoi I Hear the Sunspot (first adaptation was feature film Silhouette of Your Voice 2017).
I expected the soundscapes in this one to be fantastic, but I didn’t expect the filming to be something special too. But it really is. I’m not gonna lie, I'm nervous about this show because I love the manga and was disappointed by the film, but we were off to a really good start. First names already? So cute. I love them.
Takara's Treasure AKA Takara No Vidro (Japan Mon Gaga) ep 1 of 10 - Shy awkward Taishin goes to a Tokyo university in order to reunite with Takara, a stranger who consoled him over the loss of a parrot the year prior. He finally gets a chance to express his gratitude but is given the cold shoulder. (My thoughts this weekend's round up)
I can't believe Japan is holding it down for the non Thai BL. I mean to say.... JAPAN!!! What alt reality are we living in? It being Japan, I'm scared of the ending.
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It's airing but...
Blue Boys is still going on and I'm still enjoying it (despite the cheating) but I don't know when it drops or where it's going, so I will report in at the end. When they tell me it's ended.
The Last Time (Thai Fri YT?) - Convoluted story of loss and possible reincarnation or something. Can't find it.
OMG Vampire (Thai Sun ???) 10 eps - I've put the search on hold for and y'all can let me know if it's worth tracking down once it ends?
In case you missed it
The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer released to Korean theaters 5/25. HoTae & DongHee, side couple from Unintentional Love Story are back! Same actors, same character names. I love them. Devastated this hasn't had international distribution. I demand you tell me the moment you find it!
Next Week Looks Like This:
NO IMG - we half way through this week already - sorry.
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
July Releases to Come
7/5 This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans (Thai iQIYI) - trailer here, The PittBabe team behind a new restaurant set BL full of hidden agendas and starring my new favorites SailubPon. Delightful!
7/10 Century of Love (Thai Gaga) 10 eps - trailer here, DaouOffroad are back, this time as fated mates in a quasi historical paranormal moment. San has spent many lifetimes waiting for his lost beloved, to reincarnate from her death a century ago. But if he fails to find her within this century's time window, he will succumb to a tragic death. And this time she's a boy. Very much Director Who Buys Me Dinner meets First Love Again, hopefully better than both. I love this pair and think they can handle the premise, it's whether the storytelling is up to the challenge. I'm curious to see but I have reservations.
7/26 4 Minutes (Thai Netflix or iQIYI?) - Great is a university student from Faculty of Business and the son of a wealthy business owner. Out of the blue, he gains the supernatural power to see four minutes into the future.
7/29 Battle of the Writers (Thai ????) - trailer here, TutorYim return and while I adore them, I really hope this is better than Middleman's Love. Won't be hard. However: that premise! Ugh. Something something authors fighting - save me. Why don't writers understand that nothing is more boring than writers?
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Defining @heretherebedork 's favorite endearment of "tiny idiot."
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I love him. I also love what a class act they both were about this turn down. Thailand shows Korea how to handle a love triangle by NOT HAVING ONE.
Both We Are.
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We stand a lap sit on this blog, but I think this is my first lap spin! I adored it! (Sunset X Vibes)
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It's fun to watch them follow the original narrative but with these cute little Thai twists. Sometimes these are shifted for language reasons, sometimes for cultural, and sometimes I think just to draw a clear distinction from the JBL. I'm not mad about any of it. (My Love Mix Up)
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Not just for you, honey. Truer words were never spoken. Yak is the biggest green flag ever to walk BL's verdant earth.
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Linguistic corner!
I love this way of putting the translation. Usually, in Thai, the phrase used means "he's my happiness" (sounds like: kwamsook). To use sabai is different. Sabai more ubiquitous (sabai is one of the most commonly used phrases in Thailand) but also so different from the usual phrase we hear in ThBL at this moment. Thus, this execution is special, particularly from a doctor. I'm not quite sure how to put it but sabai can also be translated as feeling well, as in, not ill. So there is a way of looking at Wandee saying Yak is both his peace of mind and good for his health and well being.
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(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @sunflower-positiiivity @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire @mestizashinrin @bl-bam-beyond @small-dark-and-delicious @saezurumurmurs
Sigh, Tumblr in it's infinite wisdom doesn't like too many tags.
There's these tricks, remember.
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wakatshi · 2 years
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𖥾 ゚ ࣭ with. — SIMON “GHOST” RILEY | female reader, no warnings | word count : 400 words | masterlist
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“what are you doin’ with that?”
“calm down, simon. stop moving so much,” you tighten your grip around his arm, but simon knows better than to listen to you.
“stay still, goddammit! i’m trying to… look.”
you put the cheap marker in your mouth and take off the cap with your teeth quickly. “i’m coloring your tattoos. you should thank me,” the marker tingles his skin, but he doesn’t really react, he doesn’t look away from you, and surely not away your face.
a small frown forms on your face, you furrow your eyebrows instinctively, coloring his tattoos is a job you take seriously. you fill every empty space with the few markers you’ve brought with you. red, green, yellow, some purple here and there.
“thank you? you’re an odd woman.”
he doesn’t find it odd in the slightest, but rather endearing.
“i’m the odd one?”
“the fuck is that supposed to mean?” simon moves in his seat and you’re quick to hold onto his arm. he’s stronger than you, though.
“why do you have so many skulls on your arm anyways?”
“what about ‘em?”
“a normal person wouldn’t have so many skulls tattooed on their forearm.”
you bet there’s story hiding behind all those skulls and tattoos. or maybe he just enjoys them— probably the former.
“who said i’m normal?”
“so you agree. you’re odd.”
simon knows he’s an strange man and being close to him doesn’t change a single thing. but getting to know him is like constantly seeking the meaning behind his strangeness. most of the time. simon has a disgustingly funny sense of humor, an endless collection of balaclavas and masks and well, his tattoos.
“piss off.”
“you snarky man. don’t you dare wash my work off.”
“wasn’t plannin’ to.”
“will you keep it on your mission with johnny?”
soap would most likely laugh in his face ‘nice tats, l.t.’
but then again, if johnny knew about your idea, simon would’ve woken up with a penis on his face the next morning. “and come to think of it, soap’s gonna love this.”
“don’t push it, dollface.”
“so you will.”
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likes, reblogs and comments are all appreciated 🤍
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Best Friend Vacation
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Best friends Harry and Y/N have been the best of friends for nearly a decade. They’re such close friends they take an annual vacation together, just the two of them. This trip, however, may just be the one that changes things.
Contents: Explicit depictions of sex, fluff
6.6k words
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“Oh, my goodness. Harry! This is so nice!”
“Yeah, I think this is the nicest one yet.” Harry set the luggage just inside the door of the cabin you rented for the week. It had been a long drive, but it was still early afternoon—plenty of time to relax and enjoy the day.
You couldn’t say anymore who’s idea it was, but for the last five or six years you and Harry have taken a friends vacation together. One year, you invited some mutual friends, and it wasn’t as fun or relaxing, so you stuck to just the two of you. Things were so much better this way.
After nearly nine years of friendship, you two were super close. You two hung out most weekends and recently had spent many weeks planning this trip to a forested mountainous town close enough to the coast that you could smell the salty ocean air.
“Which room do you want, Harry?”
“I wake up earlier than you, so I want the one with the view. I want my morning tea with a view.”
“I can enjoy the same view when I wake at noon.”
“I’m calling it, Y/N,” he smiled at you and picked up your bags, setting them into the other room – the one without a view, apparently. “Look! Yours has an en suite with a big bathtub.”
You walked further into the room and saw there was a large claw foot tub. “Wow, I don’t remember this on the listing.”
“Me either. Maybe its new and they just haven’t updated the listing yet?”
He turned around to face you, but you only shrugged.
“Let’s put the groceries away, and we’ll figure out what to see first. Maybe we just hang out here and jump in the jacuzzi?”
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“Are you hungry?” Harry asked as you entered the house. You’d spent the afternoon in the jacuzzi with a bottle of Moscato. When the bottle was empty you and Harry decided it was time to go inside.
“Getting there.”
“Let’s get cleaned up then I’ll make dinner?”
“Sounds good.”
When you got out of the shower you heard the sound of chopping coming from the kitchen.
“Hey.” Harry greeted you while chopping heirloom tomatoes. “I thought we could have something light. We have burrata and pesto so I’m making a nice tomato salad. I’ve got some garlic bread in the oven.
“That sounds lovely. What can I do?” You took the towel from your hair and draped it over a chair at the kitchen counter.
“Nothing. Go pick a movie.” He smiled as he mixed the tomatoes in with the pesto then seasoned it with salt and pepper.
“What do you feel like watching?” You walked to the living room and turned on the giant television.
“Whatever. What about that movie you were telling me about on the drive up?”
Harry put the burrata in the center of a serving plate and the tomatoes around it. Harry always had a knack when it came to making food look as good as it tasted. On another plate he piled the garlic bread then took it out to the living room where you sat on the couch, remote control in hand.
“Can you grab us some drinks?” Harry asked as the plates on the coffee table. He looked up and saw that you had on a very tiny pair of pajama shorts.
“Of course. Beer okay?”
“Y/N, didn’t you pack any pants? You’re not even wearing socks!”
“I was hot after my shower!”
“Yeah, but as soon as you sit down, you’re gonna get cold. And what are you gonna do? You’re going to tuck your cold ass feet under me!”
“But you’re always so warm!”
“Y/N...get socks at least.” Harry was behind you in the kitchen now grabbing two small plates and utensils.
“Yes, dad.” You smirked, knowing you were annoying him.
“Fine, don’t listen. But you can’t tuck your cold feet under me and I’m not letting you warm up your fingers on me either.”
“Just grab me a blanket if you’re so worried, damn.”
Harry smacked your ass then called you a brat under his breath.
“Bastard! I almost dropped the bottles!” Harry only turned around and winked at you in response.
Harry sat on the couch. When you sat down, he handed you a plate then served you.
“This was a good idea, Har. Something nice and light after all that crap we ate for lunch.”
“Actually, I wanted something lighter because I want ice cream with all the toppings later.”
You rolled your eyes and pressed play on the movie.
The two of you ate in a comfortable silence.
“Pause it for me please? I’m going to put the leftovers away.”
“Yeah, sure. Thanks. And get some socks! It still gets chilly at night.” He smacked your ass again as you got up from the couch.
“Are you going to bitch at me every night? We are never taking a vacation in the Spring again. Summer only.”
“Then I’ll just bitch at you about staying hydrated in the heat.” He smiled up at you as he laid down on the couch.
“You’re insufferable.”
“I’m your best friend. You know you love me! Hurry up, the plot was just getting good.”
You put the leftovers away then went to your room to grab socks out of your luggage. When you returned to the living room you sat down by Harry’s head and made a big show of putting on your socks.
Harry smiled and gave your thigh a light squeeze. “Thank you.”
The movie was pretty good, not what you had expected, but it was enjoyable. When it was over you stood up and stretched, looking down at Harry.
“I think I’m going to bed. You want me to get you some ice cream before I go?”
“Nah, I don’t really feel like it anymore. I think I’ll go read my book. Thanks.” Harry stretched before standing up, too.
“Alright. Good night, Har.”
“Night. Sleep well.” He kissed you on the top of your head and squeezed your shoulder before walking to his room.
When you reached your room, you took your time washing up then climbed in bed. You scrolled your phone for a bit, but you couldn’t quite relax. Thankfully, you brought your toy with you.
You got out of bed and looked for it in your luggage. Quickly, you realized it wasn’t in that particular bag, so you searched your other bag, but had no luck. In frustration you flipped on the bedside light and dumped both bags onto the bed.
A few minutes later you were folding your clothes and putting them back in your luggage, defeated. A knock on your door startled you.
“Come in.”
“Everything okay? I got up and saw your light was on.” Harry was dressed in sleeping pants with a matching unbuttoned shirt. He had obviously just thrown it on just to leave his bedroom.
“I forgot my vibrator,” you sighed.
Harry chuckled. “Oh, no. A sexually frustrated Y/N is no fun at all.”
You rolled your eyes. “Go to bed, Harry.”
He sat down on the bed, watching you put your things back into your bag. “Oh, come on. Don’t get all bent out of shape. You still have hands.”
You stopped what you were doing just to smack Harry in the arm. “You think if that worked for me, I’d be upset right now?”
“What? So it won’t feel as nice. It’ll still take the edge off.”
You put your bags away and flopped on the bed next to Harry. “No, like, I can’t get there at all without help. Trying just makes me more frustrated.”
After a moment of silence, you reached over to turn off the lamp on the bedside table. “You staying or going? I’m just going to go to sleep.” You didn’t wait for an answer before you settled under the covers again and prepared to sleep.
“Would you like my help?”
With a hearty laugh you swiped your hand down Harry’s face. “Close your eyes and go to sleep Harry.”
“No, I’m serious. Thinking about your toy got me all worked up, too.” You didn’t respond so he continued. “My hand isn’t as fun either. Why don’t we help each other out?”
Is he for real?
“Harry, did the heat from the jacuzzi get to your head?” You chuckled and reached out for his hand and closed your eyes again.
“No, but all my blood is rushing south. Maybe that’s it.”
You opened your eyes again and looked down at his pants. The room was dark, but you could still see he wasn’t lying. He was sporting a bit of a hard on and you let out a breathy laugh. “You’re ridiculous sometimes, you know that?”
“Mmm. Night, Y/N.”
Harry said good night but made no move to go back to his bed. You two had slept together on who knows how many occasions. It was never a big deal, but tonight felt different. You had never fallen asleep next to him while he had a hard on. Or at least not that you knew of.
The two of you laid together quietly before you spoke up. “Okay. Let’s help each other out. I’m not gonna sleep in this state. You can’t be too comfortable either.”
“Oh, come on. You make the suggestion then get shy on me? Besides, we’ve seen each other naked before.”
“You’ve seen me because you never knock anymore, but I don’t recall ever seeing you,” he said with a laugh.
“Wow, Harry. Thanks. Good to know it was memorable.”
“I’m serious! I don’t remember. When?”
You turned your body to face him, and he did the same.
“You’ve seen my breasts I don’t know how many times!”
“Breasts don’t count! You’ve seen mine too.” Harry laughed again.
“We really lack boundaries, don’t we?” You giggled.
“Nah, I think we’re just comfortable with each other.”
“Maybe,” you laughed, “but breasts count.”
“Breasts do not count,” Harry countered.
“Okay, well, this is your chance to see the rest of me. Are up for it?”
Harry sat in silence for a moment. “I’m game. My situation hasn’t gone away yet.”
You laughed, “I can’t believe we’re gonna do this. We’re so stupid.”
“We’ve been stupider,” Harry answers, causing both of you to laugh harder.
Harry cleared his throat in an attempt to stop his laughter. “So, we’re serious about this?”
“Yeah, why not. We’ve been stupider right?” You smiled at your best friend.
“Like that time we got lost in Rome after letting our cell phones die?” Harry sat up and put his hand on your knee.
“God, that was so dumb. I still don’t know how we managed to find our way back to the hotel.”
The two of you broke out into a fit of laughter again.
“So. Any hard boundaries? Things that you like?”
“Harry, I’m not discussing my kinks with you. We’re just going to scratch this itch and go to bed.”
“Okay, okay. You afraid I’ll judge you if I find out you like your hair pulled?”
You were a little surprised. “How did you know that?”
Harry shrugged. “Lucky guess.”
“Ugh, you know me too well.” You got comfortable on the bed and Harry moved to stand on his knees between your legs. He rested his hands on your knees.
“That I do, but I still don’t know where you draw the line.”
“Uhhh. I like dirty talk, but nothing degrading. Nothing rough. I don’t like pain.”
“I could have guessed that,” Harry chuckled.
“What about you? Any no-goes?”
“No, I’ve always really enjoyed wherever the act takes me,” he laughed.
“You’re such a man,” you joked.
Harry shrugged out of his unbuttoned shirt. “Do you…want me to play with you?”
“That feels a bit too intimate, don’t you think?”
“More intimate than sex? Not really. And unless you want to start this with no warmup all dr—”
“Okay. Uh, you could…you could touch me?”
“Sure.” He kissed your forehead and moved from between your legs to lay down beside you. He looked in your eyes as he rested his head on your pillow. He rubbed your stomach, just below your navel. When he moved his hand in gentle circles, his fingers grazing the waistband of your shorts.
“Wanna take these off?” His voice was soft and quiet.
“Yeah.” You looked down at your waist where Harry’s hands still laid. You lifted your hips to take off your shorts and underwear.
Harry groaned and looked back up at your face. “Can I go lower?”
You nodded, not saying a word. He slid his hands lower, barely grazing over your clit on his way to run his fingers between your folds. Your mouth fell open with a sharp intake of breath. His face mirrored yours, clearly drunk on your pleasure.
He played with you for a bit as both of you watched his fingers dip low to gather your arousal and bring it to your clit. He felt amazing. You closed your eyes and focused on your growing pleasure.
“Yes?” You opened your eyes and focused on his face. You could see his arm flexing out of the corner of your eye and it was driving you mad.
“It’s getting painful.” He chuckled uncomfortably.
“Fuck! Sorry!” You got up on your knees, forcing Harry to pull his hand away. “Lie back.”
Harry laid on his back and tucked an arm under his head, watching you.
“Can I take these off?” You kneeled between his legs with both hands on his pants.
“’Course.” He lifted his hips to help you take off his pajama pants. You tugged his pants all the way off of his legs. When you looked back up at him, he had his fingers pressed to his face. “You smell really good.”
You shuddered. It was always such a turn on when a partner enjoyed the smell of you. Without taking his eyes away from you he licked his fingers.
You let out a moan. “Really?”
“It’s a huge turn on for me.” Harry had a broad grin on his face.
“Me too. Never thought we’d know that about each other.”
Harry laughed, prompting you to laugh, too. When you felt a throbbing in your core you decided to get serious.
“Spit.” You held your hand out to his mouth. Harry furrowed his brows. “I mean, unless you like it dry.”
Without taking his eyes away from yours he sat up and spit in your hand. Jesus, that was hot. You brought your hand to the tip off his penis and began to rub him. Your other hand went between your legs to rub yourself. Harry’s eyes fluttered closed and his head fell back on the pillow. When he began to feel dry again you switched hands, bringing the hand covered in your arousal up to his dick.
Harry groaned loudly. “That is the hottest thing anyone’s ever done for me in bed.”
You smiled and hung your head. The feel of Harry’s dick in your hands was such a turn on and you could feel yourself getting closer to your release. You loved it when your partner moaned in bed, it was probably the sexiest thing a man could do in bed. Every sound that fell from Harry’s lips spurred you on.
“Ah—sh—it’s getting dry again.” Harry sat up on his elbows.
You nodded without a word and switched hands again, covering him in more of yourself.
“Y/N, are you still taking the pill?”
Both of your hands stopped moving. “Huh?”
“You’re still on the pill, right?”
“Yes. Yeah.” Your brain was too fuzzy with pleasure to figure out why he was asking.
“So, let’s like, actually do it.”
“Do you want to?” Your heart was still pounding in your chest. You could have come just like this, but you couldn’t turn down intertwining your bodies, feeling full.
“I think that’s pretty obviously a yes. You can feel how hard I am right now.”
You laughed and took your shirt off, just remembering it was still on when the fabric painfully rubbed against your nipples. Harry moaned at the sight of your bare breasts.
“Shit. You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you, Y/N?”
“At least you’ll remember seeing me naked now,” you laughed.
“I never forgot! I just said breasts don’t count.” He ran both hands down your sides. “You haven’t answered me yet.”
You laughed remembering all the times he had to remind you to take your pills in the past. That was so long ago now; you had gotten much better at taking them regularly and on time. “Yes.”
“So, what’s stopping us then?” Harry sat up and wrapped his arms around your waist.
Harry smiled before pressing his lips to yours. He guided you down on to your back and climbed between your legs again. His kisses trailed from your lips, down your neck, then to your chest. You relished the feeling of his lips on you and running your fingers through his hair. Damn, was he good in bed.
“I wanna try something.” Harry was breathing heavily.
Harry wasted no time bringing his lips to his to your nipple causing you to cry out. He propped himself up on one arm and brought his hand between your legs. His fingers slid into you and his thumb rubbed your clit.
“Ah! Harry, that feels really good.”
“Good.” He pressed another kiss to your chest.
All too soon you felt that familiar tension building then spilling over. You had one of the best orgasms you’ve had in who knows how long.
Harry pulled his fingers from between your legs and brought them to his lips. Once he had sucked his fingers clean, he brought himself to your entrance. “You’re still okay with this?”
“Yes,” you moaned.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and brought his body flush against your chest. He easily slid into you, filling you up. Harry pumped his hips, pulling in and out of you slowly while moaning. His breath on your neck was heavenly.
“Y/N, what’s your favorite position? What will make you come again?”
“I don’t know. A partner has never given me two in one go,” you answered.
“Jesus, Y/N. What kind of losers do you sleep with?”
You laughed but before you could even respond Harry had pulled out of you and was flipping you on to your stomach. He pulled your hips up just a bit so he could slide back in. He placed a hand on your ass and pushed you back down flat against the bed. His hand ran from your ass to your shoulder, massaging as he kissed the nape of your neck. With one last kiss he laid his body flat over yours.
“Cross your legs at the ankle and squeeze your legs together.”
You did as you were asked and thought you were going to come again. Your core was so tight he could barely move himself inside you. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, he slipped a hand between you and the bed to rub your clit. He continued to press soft kisses to your back as he slowly thrust in and out of you. You could feel how wet you were.
“Y/N, I’m close.”
“Harry, yes. Just use me.”
“No—ah, I need to see my girl’s face when I come. It’s kind of my thing.”
“Lie down,” you commanded.
Harry traded places with you then you grabbed his dick again and lined it up with your center. You sank down on him slowly, enjoying the sight of him coming unraveled.
He held on to your thighs until you placed both your hands over his and brought them to your breasts. “Keep touching me.”
Something about watching your chest rise and fall while you rocked your hips had Harry needing more. He grabbed you by the small of your back and pulled you close to him. He sat up and leveraged the headboard to thrust up into you, his hands back on your hips.
Eventually he felt the need to hold you even closer. He wrapped his arms around your torso and buried his face in your neck. When that wasn’t enough, he placed one hand on your ass helping you to grind into him. He brought his other hand up your spine and grasped the back of your neck.
“Y/N, quick—do I need to pull out?”
He sounded out of breath, and all wound up.
“No, Harry, just come.”
With that something in him snapped. He grabbed your head in both his hands, roughly dragging his thumbs over your lips. “Y/N, look at me.”
You grabbed his face too and held his stare as you felt his warm release spill inside you. He continued thrusting until he was spent, never letting go of your face. When he stilled, he rested his forehead against yours and closed his eyes.
He was the first to break the silence. “Well, that was quite something, huh?”
You laughed. “Jesus, Harry. You should just wife me right now because I don’t know how anything would ever feel that good ever again. You’ve ruined men for me so you should take some responsibility.”
Harry laughed that gorgeous full-chested laugh of his then tapped your thigh, indicating he wanted you to get off his lap. “Ah, careful, Y/N.” He was so sensitive over his penis sliding out of you. “I’ll be right back.”
You nodded and laid down on the bed. You told yourself that in a second you would get up and clean yourself, but for right now, you just needed a minute to catch your breath.
Harry got out of bed and slipped his pants back on. His first stop was to the hall closet for a hand towel. Next, he went to the kitchen and filled two glasses with ice and grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey from the freezer. He turned on the tap in the kitchen sink and waited for the water to warm up. While he waited, he grabbed a bar of dark chocolate, knowing you couldn’t handle straight alcohol without something sweet.
Harry grabbed a serving tray off the counter and loaded everything on it before checking the water temperature. It was warm enough to sting his hand – just the right temperature for you. He soaked the towel thoroughly then wringed it out, trying not to burn himself on the hot water. How you enjoyed water that hot was beyond him.
When he got back to the room you were still in bed.
“Here, take this.” Harry set the tray on the bed and handed you a glass of ice. He filled it with chilled whiskey.
“Thank you, Harry. That’s so thoughtful.” You took a sip and grimaced even though you enjoyed the flavor.
“But wait! That’s not even the best part yet!”
Harry pulled the warm damp cloth from the tray and grabbed you by the back of your leg, just under your knee. It was one of your sensitive spots and was almost enough to make you want round two. He began wiping your thighs and cleaning you up.
“Wow. Aftercare? I’m impressed, Har. You this nice to all your partners?”
“A few,” he smiled up at you when you brought your glass to his lips and tilted it to give him a drink. You watched his throat as he swallowed. “Usually, I wear a condom so there isn’t this big of a mess.”
“Just a few? Aren’t I lucky, then?”
“You got that right,” he winked. “Only the best from my best friend. Look!” Harry reached behind him then held up the bar of dark chocolate. “I even remembered that you can’t drink it straight without something sweet.”
You giggled. “Wow. VIP treatment tonight.”
Harry finished cleaning you up the chucked the towel into a hamper near the bathroom door. You sat up and poured him a glass which he gladly accepted then laid down. You broke off a piece of chocolate and held it out to him. He grabbed it with his mouth and thanked you.
“What are we doing tomorrow?” Harry asked even though his mouth was still full of chocolate.
You sat up and faced him. “Depends. Do you wanna stick close and go into town or do you want to take a little drive to the coast?”
“Mmmm. That’s a tough one. Why don’t we play it by ear?”
You playfully nudged him. “You mean you don’t have tomorrow all planned out already? Another?”
“Yes, please.” Harry held his mouth open waiting for another piece of chocolate.
“If we stay in town, we can go to that cute little restaurant we saw on the way up.” You tapped his shoulder as if it would jog his memory.
Harry nodded his head but otherwise stayed quiet. He finished his drink then set it down on the tray at the end of the bed.
“I don’t know about you, but I think I need another shower. I worked up a good sweat and now my skin feels all tight and sticky.”
“Can I join?”
“That depends. Are you going to want the temperature scalding hot?”
“Maybe. But I know you love it when someone washes your back for you.”
“Alright, you can come with. But I want you to scrub my back really well. Few minutes at least.” Harry had a playful look in his eyes.
“Well alright then. Lead the way,” Harry followed behind you, watching as you opened the glass door to the spacious shower and turned on the water.
You stuck your hand under the water and looked at Harry. “This good?”
Harry leaned into the shower stall, a hand on the small of your back. “I guess. Unless you’re willing to turn it down just a tiny bit?”
“Not a chance.” You stepped into the shower under the stream of water. He always knew you were beautiful, but tonight was something else.
“You’re making me want another round,” Harry smiled as he slipped off his pants and stepped in the shower, closing the door behind him.
“Funny, I was thinking that earlier when you were cleaning me up.” You twirled your finger in a motion that asked him to turn around. “Pass me the body wash please.”
Harry passed the bottle and waited until he felt you press a soapy loofah to his back. You placed your other hand on his back to steady yourself as you ran the loofah over his back and sides.
“You know, that was pretty good for me, too. Maybe we can do it again. I mean, there’s no harm, right?”
“Yeah. Until one of us gets into a new relationship,” you agreed.
Harry laughed, “Why would I need someone else?”
You hit him on the back with the loofah before scrubbing him. “What do you mean? I’m not sleeping with you while you’re sleeping with someone else.”
“No, that’s not what I mean. I mean, why would I need someone else when I have you? With you I have companionship, someone there when I need them. You give me advice and now I know that we can have some of the best sex I’ve ever had together? What more do I need? We already kind of plan our futures with the other in mind. So… why involve anyone else? I have it made now.”
Both of you laughed.
 “Here. You finish up.” You handed him the loofah and grabbed the shampoo. You began to wash his hair.
“What about love? You can live without someone to romantically love?” You ran your fingers through his hair, cleaning his curly brown locks.
“I don’t know, Y/N. You keep screwing me like that I think I could get to romantic love. I already love you; I just need a couple more orgasms like that to tip me over the edge.”
You held his arms for stability as you bent forward laughing. He held you back and joined in your laughter.
“You’re terrible. Wash up.” You pushed him under the water and watched as he closed his eyes and washed the shampoo from his hair.
“’Kay, your turn.” Harry lathered his palms with shampoo and worked it into your hair by massaging your scalp. You hummed with pleasure, loving it when someone rubbed your head.
“Remember Adriana?”
You didn’t open your eyes to answer him, “Of course. You were crazy about her.”
“I was. But we agreed we weren’t the best for each other.” Harry began to clean the rest of his body. “We actually argued once because she thought we were too close.”
“Sorry, Harry. She wasn’t too far off the mark, though. I mean, look at our history. And then this evening—” You trailed off not finishing your thought.
“Can’t argue that,” Harry chuckled.
Harry placed a hand on your waist to trade places with you so you could rise off.
“I think I’m good without a girlfriend. How about you? Think you’ll get back into the dating game?”
“I don’t know.” You turned to look at Harry. “Done?”
“Yeah. I’ll grab our towels.”
You turned off the water and Harry took a step outside of the shower stall and handed you a towel.
You continued your thought as you dried yourself. “I mean, I think I’m good for now. You’re right that we already have a lot of the components that make a relationship fulfilling. I wouldn’t mind exploring a more physical relationship with you because I already know I can be open and trust you.”
Harry grinned from ear to ear. “I’m always right.”
You playfully smacked his chest and moved past him out of the shower.
“Love you, Y/N.”
You smiled at him but didn’t say it back.
“Y/N! I said I love you.”
Again, you didn’t respond, only nodding. You knew Harry could not handle it when you didn’t say it back.
“Y/N! Say it back!”
Instead, you wrapped the towel around you tighter and scurried back to bed.
“Brat! Come here and say it back to me!”
Harry followed after you and grabbed you with both arms causing you to yelp. He pinned you to the bed and tickled you.
“Say it back, Y/N. Say you love me back and you can end this.”
“Harry, please!” You cried out between giggles.
“Just say it. Three words and I’ll let you go.”
“Ugh, you’re so annoying.”
“Wrong.” He wrapped your hair around his hand to expose your neck. He blew raspberries on the sensitive skin behind your ear.
“Okay, fine! I love you! Are you happy now? Shit!”
Harry playfully pushed your head into the bed and rolled off of you.
You acted mad but Harry knew better. “Was that so hard?”
“No, but I can’t let you have everything so easily. Someone has to keep you in check.”
“So like you. Difficult for no reason.” Harry winked but you still threw a pillow at him.
“You sleeping here?” You had already hung your towel up in the bathroom and crawled in bed again.
“Might as well. I’m already here, right?” He got in bed and pulled the blankets up to his waist. “Do you mind if I sleep naked?”
“I don’t think that after today you ever have to ask that question again.”
Harry chuckled. “Come here. Since we’re being touchy feely, I want to cuddle you in my sleep.”
You scooted closer and relaxed into his arms, your back against his warm chest. He swung a leg over your legs.
“Don’t get upset when my morning wood pokes you.”
“Harry! You’re terrible! Go to bed.”
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“Y/N? Wake up. Your breakfast is gonna get cold.”
You opened your eyes to see that Harry had made omlettes with the leftovers from last night’s dinner.
“See, this is why I took the room with the view. I had tea in my room and still had time to make breakfast before you woke up. You missed a hell of a view.”
You smiled, and looked over at the clock and saw it wasn’t yet 9:00. “Dude, it’s still so early, I’m sure the view is just as nice now as whenever the hell you woke up.”
“You’re something else. Scoot over, would you?” He got in bed and handed you a plate then grabbed his from the bedside table.
When breakfast was done you put the dishes in the kitchen then brushed your teeth. You had yet to get dressed after last night’s shower.
“Hey, Y/N? I’m feeling very frustrated again.”
You laughed, “are you now?”
“Come here.” Harry patted the bed beside him.
When you came near enough, he placed a hand on the side of your face and pulled you in for a kiss. You laid on the bed next to him and he immediately brought a hand between your legs.
“Are you always so eager?” You smirked at him and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
“You have no idea. You better get used to it. Especially if you insist on walking around with nothing on.”
Any response you had dried in your throat. Your mind couldn’t focus on anything else other than the growing pleasure between your legs.
“Y/N. I want to try something with you.”
Harry looked at you nervously, but you only smiled. “Anything.”
“You’re going to regret having said that,” Harry said with a mischievous grin. He laid down on his stomach between your legs. “Still with me?”
“Yes.” You could barely breathe. The anticipation only made you more wet.
Harry wrapped his hands around your thighs and began to kiss your legs, making his way to your core. You let out a low, breathy moan. Even when he was teasing Harry was amazing. Without warning he licked your folds, causing you to cry out. He sucked on your clit before lapping up more of your arousal. He added his fingers and slowly pumped in and out of you, watching you squirm.
“Harry. Come here. I need to feel you.” You ran your hands through his hair.
Harry seemed to be ignoring you. He licked at your insides while he continued to pump his fingers. You caught how he was grinding his hips on the bed and felt a shiver run through your body.
“I’m so close,” you panted.
Harry moaned in response then brought his thumb up to rub your clit. His tongue was still lapping at your folds and licking your insides. Before long you felt yourself shaking as you climaxed.
When your legs had stopped trembling Harry climbed up your body. He kissed you deeply and pressed his body to yours, grinding against your hips. You were so slick he plunged into you without having to guide himself into you.
“You feel so good, Y/N. I’m never leaving this spot between your legs.”
As Harry pumped into you, you thrust to meet his hips. Deep and desperate moans filled the room along with the sounds of your bodies slapping together and the bed creaking.
“Fuck, I’m getting close.”
You wrapped your arms around him in response and dug your heels into his ass in an attempt to bury him deeper within you.
“Y/N, do I have to pull out?” Harry was panting, not slowing his pace at all.
“Inside. Always inside. Give me everything you got.”
With that, Harry came. He drained himself inside of you, his hips only slowing to a stop when he became too sensitive. Harry kissed you with a big smile on his face then laid down next to you. He rubbed your lower stomach—something you could get used to.
“You know, if we keep going raw like that we’re going to end up with an unplanned pregnancy. Especially with how forgetful you are with your meds.”
You smacked his chest playfully. “Hey! I am so much better now. It’s been ages since I’ve forgotten.”
Harry smiled and kissed you on your forehead.
“We should probably invest in condoms. I’m going to want to do this all the time. We could put them on an auto delivery.” You giggled and interlaced your fingers with Harry’s.
“Yeah. I’ll look into it as soon as we get back home.” Harry fell silent for a moment, lost in thought. “Or I could just get a vasectomy. Unless you want kids. Do you want kids?”
“Harry!” You burst out laughing. “We just started this…friends with benefits thing yesterday. Now you’re talking about vasectomies and children?”
“It’s a conversation we should have if we’re going to be sleeping together. Have you changed your mind since the last time we talked about kids?”
“You’re right,” you sighed. “Uh, no. I haven’t changed my mind.”
“Well, your whole ‘if it happens, it happens’ stance is not a solid plan.” He laughed before kissing your forehead. “Such a wishy-washy approach could make things difficult later if something unplanned does happen.”
“What would you do if we go back home, and a couple weeks from now I miss my period. What do you want? Could you raise a kid with your best friend?”
“Absolutely. We’d be great parents.”
“Be serious!” You laughed, causing Harry to laugh too. You cuddled up to him and rested your head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and gave you a loving squeeze.
“So, we actively take steps to make sure it doesn’t happen. Which may or may not include a vasectomy so I can keep enjoying you without a barrier between us.”
“Sounds like a solid plan.”
“But it still doesn’t address the unplanned. What’s our move then?”
“Um…then we have a child. We raise it with all the love we can.”
“I can handle that.”
Harry rested his head against yours and went quiet again. You were rubbing his arm when Harry blurts out, more to himself than to you, “what if we just get married now?”
“The fuck is going on in your head that that is where you ended up?”
“No, listen. I’ve been telling you for years your insurance is too expensive, whereas mine is quite reasonable. If we do become parents-to-be it would be so much cheaper and convenient to have you on my insurance plan.”
“So, I’ll join your insurance plan. Why do I have to marry you for that?”
“Because I don’t have the option to add best friends to my plan. Immediate family only like spouses.”
“Okay, well, if that happens Vegas is only a 6-hour drive from home. We’ll get married and I’ll get on your insurance plan. Deal?”
“Deal.” He snuggled you closer.
“You know, if this is your idea of pillow talk, I no longer wonder why your relationships haven’t worked out.”
Harry playfully shoved your face away onto your own pillow. “Brat.”
“Damn. Maybe we should get married. Think of what we’d save not paying for two mortgages.”
 “Now you’re talking. I’ll start planning the wedding.” Harry chuckled then winked at you.
“You should probably start planning for a future where I leave you and move across the country because you drive me insane.”
“So, what’s the plan for today?” You looked up at him expectantly.
“Shower first?”
“Fine. But this time you have to scrub my back!”
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Part Two
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thehighladywrites · 10 months
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-> Pairing: Cassian x bimbo/ditzy reader
-> Summary: Cassian remembers the first time he met you. He truly forgets what a mess you are sometimes, but you’re still his mess.
-> Author’s note: This is going to become a series where I add new headcanons and little drabbles. I love the idea of a bimbo/ditzy reader who’s a real sweetheart but isn’t really the brightest. No worries! As long as Cassian is here, you won’t have to worry about your safety (not that you were before) among other things. Also I’m either gonna make something where Azriel joins them once or I’m gonna make his own series.
part two part three
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- Cassian honestly wondered how you were still alive sometimes. You’d do things that made his heart stop and you acted as if it was nothing at all.
- For instance, he’ll never forget the day that he met you.
- Cassian found you walking around in the middle of the night, all by yourself. He looked at you as if you were crazy, clad in a little black dress that was tight around your ass and almost had your tits spilling out. You walked right past him, not even noticing him staring at you.
- You were skipping around in the dangerous parts of velaris seemingly unknown about the dangers lurking around.
- This time of day, drunkards, rapists and robbers were everywhere though that thought simply wasn’t in your head
- No, you were looking up at the stars, admiring the different shades of violet, completely oblivious of the fact that you had caught the eyes of a group of men.
- They quickly made their way over to you when you stopped to pick up a flower in a nearby bush, you couldn’t help yourself, they looked so pretty!! How could you walk past them?
- “ Hey there baby, what is someone as pretty as you doing out here all alone?”
- What a nice man! You give them a sweet smile and explain what you’re doing.
- “ Oh hello! i’m just going for a walk. The sky is so beautiful tonight. I think starfall is near, don’t you?”
- You miss the predatory glint in their eyes, happy to be making some friends, something that happened quite often.
- “ Yeah, sure. How about you come with us and have a drink. We could get you something really delicious.”
- “ Really? I’m quite thirsty, that would be perfect! thank you guys!!” Wow, these guys were nice. One of them even had a hand on your lower back to guide you.
- But, wait- isn’t the bar that way? Maybe there’s another bar behind this alley. It was very dark but you were sure it was around here somewhere.
- Cassian had been following you and decided to intervene. Perhaps you already had a few drinks because no sane woman would willingly walk with these males into a dark pathway.
- “ What the hell do you think you’re doing?” a booming voice echoed through the alleyway.
- “ Mind your own business, Illyrian. We’re just taking out this lady out for some drinks, isn’t that right?” The males all nod and grunt in agreement. But you’re not paying attention to them. You’re looking at the towering man infront of you.
- Your glossed lips part in surprise, eyes growing comically large. You had never seen such a handsome guy before, totally your type!!!
- This guy was like a powerhouse—muscular, with huge battle-scarred wings. Wasn’t there a saying about Illyrian wings? And oh his eyes? Intense and a bit playful. Dressed in Illyrian leathers, he was the epitome of strength and confidence. He radiated authority and dominance.
- “ I think you better get out of here. Now.” He stepped forward as the others subconsciously took a step back. Only the guy that was talking to you remained in his position.
- “Yeah? Or what? You filthy low-born.”
- You were shocked at how quick this male had changed. He wasn’t the sweet guy that wanted drinks. Maybe-
- Before you could finish your thought, the tall Illyrian had punched him clean across his face, making you gasp. Your heels clicked against the cobblestones as you took a step back.
- The guy started got up but he didn’t fight back, he and his friends just ran away, leaving you behind. How rude! You really wanted your drink.
- “ Are you okay? You know, you really shouldn’t be walking around this late, especially alone.”
- How dare he lecture you after scaring away your friends like that?!! You scowled at him, your perfectly glossed lips pouting at the intruder.
- “ I was doing perfectly fine, in fact they were about to buy me refreshments before you so rudely chased them away.”
- He looked at you as if you had told him pigs could fly. With furrowed eyebrows, disbelief showed in his eyes. His frame was towering over you as he took a step closer to you.
- “Are you kidding me? Sweetheart, you do know why they took you here to this empty alley.”
- This male was crazy. You tilted your head, your jewelry jingling as you looked at him with confusion.
- “They were taking me out for drinks and we were looking for a bar. What could you possibly mean?”
- He stared at you for a while, deciding if he should tell you. Maybe you really didn’t know. While he wanted to warn you about following strangers into dark, creepy alleys, he also didn’t want to be the one to burst your bubble. He simply couldn’t shatter your innocent view and it made him surprisingly protective. But why was that? He didn’t even know your name, let alone enough about you to be feeling like this. Yet something in him told him to not let you go.
- “ How about I just take you home, you seem to have had an eventful night.”
- You pondered over it but accepted it nonetheless. Some company would be nice.
- The way back to your apartment was comfortably quiet. As you reached the door, you stopped and turned around. You offered your hand out for him to shake.
- “ That was a really quick walk. Oh, also thanks for walking me home. I’m Y/n by the way.”
- “ No worries, I’m Cassian.”
- He shook your hand and suddenly, everything brightened up. His entire world shifted as that golden thread snapped in place. There was a moment of clear truth, a chance for genuine happiness and authenticity to shine through.
- “ Oh, what a cute name. You should definitely have a nickname. Hmm, let’s see… I really like the sound of Cassie. I think it’s super adorable!” You looked up at him again, doe-eyed and blushy.
- He just stared at you wide-eyed, not able to form a single coherent sentence. Usually people loved talking you but this guy just kept quiet. You fidgeted uncomfortably because you really wanted his attention and if he wasn’t gonna give you some, you’d tease him a little for it.
- “ Um, alright, good night then Cassie. I hope to see you around since you now owe me a drink. Also you’re like really hot.” You pressed a quick kiss on his cheek and turned to open the door.
- Before he could respond you had already closed your door, leaving him behind with a flood of emotions, a beating heart and million questions.
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cheri-2047 · 3 months
I have a request for, Zhongli Neuvillette and Ayato so they are forced to marry a reader, who looks a mess like their appearance and they aren't really into them. I hope I explained it properly it's hard for me at times and I got the idea when I saw some mobile game ad.
i think I know this ad LMAO, sure !! I’ll make it headcanons though cause those have been easier for me to write lately. thank you for the request!
Arranged Marriage (Zhongli , Neuvillette, Ayato)
SCENARIO: Your parents somehow got to get you an arranged marriage with these men. You grew up in a rich family, but due to a bad decision, your father’s company ended up going bankrupt. Suddenly, your mom just told you to get into the car and drove off, not knowing where you were going.
MENTIONS OF: Furina, Thoma, Ayaka
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When you enter the court (please tell me where he works guys in the comments, I forgot what it’s called), that’s when you realized.
This is the first time you’ve actually SEEN him. You felt embarrassed because your mother didn’t even let you change out of a decent pair of clothing or even fix your hair.
you quickly tried to change your appearance as much as you could. But when the Melisune opened the door, that’s when you panicked.
Neuvillette was…shocked. He was shocked to see you in a state but he didn’t show it. “Ah..I suppose you’re y/n?”
“yes… I apologize for my appearance, My mother pulled me out of my room and just forced me to leave without a word haha…” you were nervous as hell.
”I see. Nice to meet you.” He stands up and walks over to you, shaking your hand.
”I’d like to go over the terms of our marriage, nothing official just what we both are comfortable with.” Even with your messy appearance, he still treated you with grace and kindness
he asked the melusine to give you some tea, and now you Two were left alone.
”Well…I understand if you don’t want to do this at all, so during our relationship, I will not require you to be affectionate towards me.”
He sat in a chair nearby and he held your hand. “If there’s anything I am doing, or will do that makes you uncomfortable, please do not hesitate to tell me.”
“If you need anything, just say the word and I’ll have to for you.”
“if you would have…other affairs, since were not actually in love…I’m okay with it. Just be careful to not show it in public.” He understands that this is a forced marriage for you, so he tries to still let you have a normal life.
“ah no it’s okay, I’m not interested in anyone at the moment, but I…I would like to try to get this- us to work.” You smiled, and Neuvillette was touched by that.
During your marriage, you lived with him. He wasn’t extremely close to you but you could tell he was trying. On the first night you two slept beside each other but on the next one if you were uncomfy, he arranged another room for you in his mansion.
He lets you do anything really, if you want to work go ahead but if you just want to stay home that’s okay too.
Overall, he grew to like you. And the marriage was like a real thing.
Since he wouldn’t be home often, he apologizes by sending you gifts. When he notices you’re lonely, furina actually lets him have a day off.
as for affection, at most he would kiss you on the forehead or cuddle you close. He won’t force you to kiss him on the lips (since he doesn’t want to intrude on anything) so you’d have to initiate those <3
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When you saw your car drop in front of the kamisato, that’s when you realized.
You tried to fix your appearance, tying your hair up with a desperate attempt to look more elegant.
thoma welcomed you, not gonna lie he noticed how you shuffled your clothes a lot and before taking you to ayato, he let you in a separate room.
”I don’t mean to be rude, but I noticed the way you shuffled with your clothes” he chuckled, handing you an old dress that ayaka owned, (since it didn’t fit her)
he let you changed and once you did, he brought you to ayato.
Ayato welcomed you and thoma left the room. He motioned for you to sit in front of him.
”nice to meet you” he smiled and bowed (iirc in japan they bow as a sign of respect/greeting? Please correct me if I’m wrong!)
you did the same. It was awkward for awhile until he spoke.
”I am sure you’re aware of what’s about to happen correct?” You nod. “I want to try to make this work” he said, looking straight at you.
”if… if we don’t work out that’s alright, but I’d like to know you more.” He smiled as you nodded.
”me too, I’m glad we’re on the same page” you smiled.
you two talked about your own interests, but now you had a problem.
its not that he hated you or judged you, but there are times it’s dead silent. for now he passes it off since you both are new to each other.
”well, I will have thoma show you your room and ah- no more need for formalities it’s okay”
After the marriage you move in together and though it’s still awkward, you two actually end up becoming close.
At some point, during the night when he’s working late, he actually started seeking comfort from you.
sometimes he would visit your room, if you were asleep he would sit beside you on the bed and tuck you in nicely after
or if you’re awake, you (aside from ayaka sometimes) are one of the only few who actually gets him to go to bed.
you sleep in separate rooms but one day he offers for you to sleep with him.
overall, this marriage was a success. Sometimes he’s busy but you take note of it and if he notices you’re lonely, he would invite you over to his room while he works/signs papers and he talks to you.
as for affection, he appreciates if you give him hugs but there are times (mostly when you’re away for a long period of time) when he tilts your chin up and goes “may I?” Before pressing a kiss to your lips
Sorry if I mischaracterized this, I haven’t done the inazuma quest and idk much about him !
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to your surprise, when you almost stopped in a mansion, you saw him standing outside waiting for you.
and that’s when you started to realize.
the moment you got out of the car, you fixed your dress. He was quite welcoming actually.
he welcomed you to his home and set you on the couch. He actually didn’t mind much your appearance.
he sat in front of you and smiled. “Nice to meet you” he handed you a cup of tea before you two got started.
he saw you uncomfortable shuffling around your clothes. “Are you alright? Is something wrong?”
”no no! Just fixing myself a bit, sorry” he wondered why you seemed so tense about your appearance.
”I do not care about such matters if that’s what you’re thinking” he reassured you.
”now..as for this marriage, I do not want you to feel forced. I will allow anything you’d like, if you’d have other affairs, I am okay with that.” He really just wants you to be comfy is all, especially since this was forced.
”however… I would like to get to know you more” and just like that a few months after the marriage, you two actually clicked.
often at night he’d sleep beside you, in the mornings he makes you both tea.
He’d be very respectful with boundaries and he appreciates when you respect his as well.
for dates he loves bringing you to gardens for a picnic or relaxing lakes, somewhere with nature. he hugs you a lot and kisses on your forehead. If you want a kiss on his lips, he will gladly say yes anytime of the day
A/N: OKAY. I loved writing this, I enjoyed Neuvillette and Ayato’s part, I kinda lost ideas for zhongli but THERE WAS AN ATTEMPT. Anyways thank you for requesting, I only have… 2-3 requests left until I can open them again ! I love how thoma would also be a gentleman to you idk I think he’s pretty cool this wasn’t proofread and comments are appreciated !! (Drop by for a tip, or if I mischaracyerized them or just say hi!)
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wintersoldiersoul · 11 months
hey dear ❤️ I maybe thought of an imagine with Bucky where you're on a mission in the mountains but due to the weather you need to stay in a little cabin for the night but it's terribly cold. He lights a fire but then he offers you his sweater. You're both getting closer (you have a crush as well on each other), so you kinda forget about the mission and just enjoy the time together as you also share a meaningful kiss?
Keep Me Warm
A/N: I changed up the timeline of this a tiny bit but the main idea is still there! I hope you enjoy!!
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The mission had been long and grueling. You and Bucky have spent nearly a week in the mountains trying to take down the enemy. You were exhausted, both physically and mentally. Finally, you had gotten the call that you could come home. You were so excited to be back home in the compound, sleeping in your own comfy bed.
“Excited to go home, Y/N?” Bucky asked. 
You rubbed your hands together, trying to keep warm while you waited for the jet. “Can’t wait. I’m looking forward to a nice hot shower and sleeping in my bed.”
He smiled. There was no better thing in the world than him smiling. You tried to keep your crush on him at bay, knowing he’d never feel the same way about you, but damn was it hard. His blue eyes were so mesmerizing and his smile could wake a goddamn army. He was just so perfect.
You smiled back, hoping that he assumed that the blush on your cheeks was from the cold and not from him.
His phone rang and he answered, hoping it would be an update on how far the jet was. “Hey Steve,” Bucky said into the device. “Shit, really? Yeah, yeah, that’s fine,” he sighed. “Yup. I’ll check back when we’re there. Bye.” He hung up and looked at you. “Bad news. There’s a bad storm coming and the jet can’t fly. We’re gonna have to stay here another night.”
“Fuckk,” you threw your head back in frustration. You had spent the entire mission hiding in safe house to safe house, all of them in secluded areas where you couldn’t be found. Sometimes if you were lucky, you got to stay in nicer places with actual beds and furniture. But due to the sensitive nature of this mission, that hadn't been the case. The thought of spending another night in one of those places nearly made you cry. 
“Good news is that Steve said there’s a cabin not too far. It’s still nothing fancy, but he said its an upgrade to what we’ve been in. We should be safe now that we’ve, you know, taken down the enemy,” he smiled warmly, trying to get you to stay positive. 
“Oh, that's good,” you responded. “Let’s go, then.” 
The two of you had to trudge through the snow to get there. The walk ended up being nearly 2 hours and you couldn’t feel your body by the time you arrived. The cabin was small, with only one bedroom, a living room, a small kitchen, and a bathroom.
“Shit, you’re shivering,” Bucky noted when you got inside.
“Yeah, how are you not?” 
He shrugged. “It’s the serum. I’m still cold, don’t get me wrong, but it makes it a lot harder for me to be cold. Even in freezing weather.”
“Must be n-nice,” you mumbled through chattering teeth. “I get cold so easily. Any time it’s below 50 degrees I can’t f-feel my t-toes.”
“Go take a hot shower, okay? I’ll try to see if there’s any food I can make for us.” 
You nodded, going to the bathroom to take a shower. You took your time, rejoicing in the hot water as you washed all of the dirt off of your skin. When you got out, you rummaged through your bag trying to find a sweatshirt but it seemed to have disappeared. “Fuck,” you whispered. You must have left it at the last safe house. You threw on a t-shirt and sweats, still shivering as you made your way into the kitchen.
“Is the heat on?” You asked Bucky.
“I think it’s broken. I was playing around with it but it doesn’t seem to be doing anything.”
You rubbed your hands over your arms, trying to get warm. “Shit, I think I left my sweatshirt at the last safe house.” 
 “Doll, you’re gonna freeze,” he said sympathetically. “Here.” In one fell-swoop he ripped off the gray cable knit sweater that he had on. “I just put it on when we got here so it’s clean.”
“Buck, I don’t want you to be cold, though,” you protested, despite how cozy the sweater looked. 
He swatted a hand. “Remember, I don’t get too cold. Don’t worry about me. You’re gonna turn into an ice block soon.”
You smiled, graciously. “Thanks.” You pulled the sweater over your head, immediately enthralled by his scent. The fabric smelled like musky vanilla and pine, the scent that you had come to associate with him. It smelled like home. 
“I was able to find some soup,” he said, holding out a bowl for you. “Maybe it will help warm you up.” 
“Thank you, Buck.” You sat down and began to eat.
“Lemme see if I can get a fire started,” he got up and walked over to the fireplace. You watched him as he threw wood into a pile, entranced by his muscles flexing each time he picked up another piece. Between the serum, the metal arm, and the fact that he was just so in shape, he did it all with ease, not even flinching at the weight. How could you not fall for the guy just a little bit? 
“You alright over there?” He smirked at you, noticing your eyes on him.
Shit, get it together, Y/N, you thought. “Oh, sorry, just zoning out,” you tried to cover. 
Within a few minutes, he had a roaring fire emanating heat throughout the room. But it still wasn’t enough to keep you warm over by the table you were still sitting at. 
“Come over here,” he encouraged. “It's nice and warm by the fire.”
You stood up and made your way over to the couch so that you could feel the heat of the fire better. “Oh, that’s nice,” you hummed, feeling the embers warming your body. Bucky crept up beside you sitting down and rubbing his flesh arm over yours.
“You’re fucking freezing. I can feel how cold you are through the sweater,” he whispered. He was so close to you. “Lemme hold you. Warm you up a bit.”
“Um,” you cleared your throat, heart rate speeding up. “O-okay. Yeah, sure.” 
He laughed quietly before pulling you so you were laying back against him. “Damn, I feel bad that you’re so cold,” he said, voice holding sympathy and care.
“It’s not your fault, Buck. You’re already doing a lot to try to help.”
The next words he said were something you never thought you’d hear. “Maybe I should never let you go. Just keep holding you like this forever.”
“What?” Did you hear him right? Did he really just say that? He laughed lightly. “Would you like that?”
“Bucky, I-um…” you felt so flustered. Was he just messing with you?
“Come on, Doll,” he smiled. “I don’t know how much more obvious I can make it that I’m kinda in love with you. And I think…” he said, putting his mouth close to your ear. “You might feel the same way about me.”
“Bucky,” you whispered, the feeling of him speaking into your ear sending chills through your body. 
“If I’m reading it totally wrong that’s okay. But I can’t hide how I feel anymore, Y/N. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I couldn’t even talk to you for like 3 months because I got so flustered around you. Then we did start talking and I found out that you were also the most interesting, intelligent, kind person I’ve ever met. So tell me, please. Do you feel the same way?”
Your heart pounded. How was this happening? “Yes, Bucky. I-I feel the same way.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “Can you turn around so I can kiss you?”
You quickly flipped your body so you were lying on him, face to face. He pulled your mouth to his, quickly inserting his tongue into your mouth. It was so much better than you had imagined, and you had spent a lot of time fantasizing about kissing him. 
“Y/N,” he said, resting his forehead against yours. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.” He ran his hand up and down your back as he spoke. “You’re so amazing.”
“I’ve been dreaming about that for a while too, Buck,” you laughed, enjoying his embrace. “You know,” you spoke, voice in a teasing tone. “There’s only one bed in here. We might have to put it to good use.”
Within a second, Bucky picked you up and carried you to the bedroom.
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onlymingyus · 1 year
Falling for U: Seokmin
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pairing; lee seokmin (dk) x f reader (best friend!seungcheol)
genre; fluff, angst, smut (minors dni)
warnings; eating/drinking, dogs (reader is not allergic to dogs), reader is smaller than seokmin, feelings of self deprecation/not feeling good enough, talk about loneliness, smut warnings -- heaving pettings, grinding, fingering/teasing, dirty talk, cumming in pants
w/c; 7.6k and some change
bout you master list
a/n; thank you to @playmetheclassics @wonwussy @onlyseokmins @junkissed-replies for beta reading this -- i have decided to release this one in parts
before continuing remember reblogs are incredibly important and please read how to support me here
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“Do you think there is something wrong with me?” 
Seungcheol had just put a Twizzler in his mouth when you spoke, flopping yourself down on your sofa dramatically. Your head now resting against the arm of the chair, Seungcheol watches you as he chews on the cherry candy, raising a brow before shaking his head. 
“In what way? Like in the way you are being annoyingly dramatic and cryptic right now, or…?” 
Shooting a dirty look at your best friend, you reach over to swipe one of his Twizzlers as you speak. “As in why I am still single, but maybe those are the reasons.” 
For all your faults, Seungcheol couldn’t help but smile at your words, shaking his head as he watched you gnaw almost sadly on the candy between your lips. Sighing softly, he moves from the chair across from you to smack at your arm so you will sit up, letting him sit with you. Patting his lap, Seungcheol lets you rest your head back down on his legs as he leans his head back and to the side on the back of the sofa so he can look down at you while he speaks softly. 
“You are single because you choose to be. Maybe not consciously, but you work too fucking hard and too much. You don’t make yourself available to many people, so how are they supposed to know how amazing you are?” 
Scoffing, you bite off a piece of the Twizzler in your hand, almost angrily, at Seungcheol’s words before pouting at him. You knew he was right about most of what he had said. You weren’t so sure about “how amazing” you were, but it was kind of him to say. 
“You are literally contractually obligated to be nice to me as my best friend, Choi Seungcheol. You have to say all these things to make me feel better about myself, and as grateful as I am, it doesn’t help my situation. If I’m honest, I’m lonely.” 
A sigh falls from your lips once again, Seungcheol’s hand moving over the top of your head as he furrows his brows in thought. He hated that you felt lonely; he knew that you hadn’t meant that against him, but it still stung a little bit. 
Chewing on his lip, Seungcheol watches you for a moment before speaking, “Y/N, I know some people. Some good guys... if you’d be interested in meeting some of them? I could maybe, like, set up some blind dates?” 
Your brows furrow at Seungcheol’s words. While you didn't mind meeting some of his friends, he had always been protective of you. Before he could even speak with you, he told his friend Mingyu that you were out of his league. What was different about these men? 
“Uh, what? Who are they? You never want me to date any of your friends, Cheol. You treat me like your little sister that they are gonna defile.” 
With his nose wrinkling at the idea, Seungcheol sighs, leaning his head back against the sofa. “Maybe I’m just... listen, alright? You said you were lonely. I want you to be happy, and this is different than meeting some of my dumbass friends at a party. The guys I have in mind are all—okay, let me backtrack; they, for the most part, have good heads on their shoulders. Do you know what I’m saying? They have jobs, they are smart, and I’ve never seen them mistreat anyone. Like I said, they are good guys. Maybe one of them could be, I don’t know... your Mr. Right?” 
Mr. Right. That makes your stomach do a flip. Your lips pull up in a smile before you can’t help but laugh, causing Seungcheol to do the same. “You are such an idiot. I don’t know if I believe in Mr. Right, but I…fuck it. Fine, you said guys, plural, so how many are we talking about, and do I at least get to know the names of the guys you are thinking of?” 
Seungcheol grins a bit at your curiosity, his teeth catching his bottom lip like a cat who caught a canary as he decides how much information to give you. With a small exhale, your best friend purses his lips and shrugs. 
“There are five guys I have in mind. That should give you plenty of options. At least one of them has to be less of a fuckup than the others by statistical standards. But as for their names, no. I think we will keep it completely blind. I’ll let you know their name before your date.” 
You watch Seungcheol shift a bit, a look of pride washing over his face as he considers his plan and how smart he feels at coming up with it. You can’t help but roll your eyes at his internal preening, eliciting a laugh from the man when he notices the look on your face. 
“It’ll be fun, Y/N. You need some fun and some spontaneity. I know you better than anyone. I promise that at least you will have a good evening with a nice guy.” Seungcheol takes a quick pause, letting out a small gruff sound and tilting his head in thought before following his words with, “Or I’ll kill him if he hurts you. Either way, it will be fun.”
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Cheollie: Lee Seokmin
Y/N: Who is that? Am I supposed to know him?
Cheollie: Your first date. He wants to take you out on Saturday at 4 p.m. He will pick you up. 
Y/N: So soon? What sort of date? Is he cute? What is he like? What do I wear? Omg, Cheol…
Cheollie: 🙄 He’s attractive for one of my friends; I wouldn’t set you up with an ugly dude. What do you take me for? Dress in something cute but casual. That’s all you get. It’s a blind date, Dingus. Love you. 
Y/N: I hate you. 💖
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You had done your best to try to find every Lee Seokmin in your local area, but there were just too many to narrow down which man would be showing up at your doorstep in just a few minutes. So, instead of staring at your phone any longer, you decided to move back to fussing about your hair and outfit. 
Seungcheol had said casual but cute, but now you were looking into the mirror, wondering if this was too casual. What if Seungcheol’s version of casual was different than Seokmin’s? This was the worst idea you had ever agreed to. With your phone in your hand, just as you were about to call Seungcheol to tell him to cancel on Seokmin, you heard the sound of your doorbell. 
It was too late; one more glance at your phone told you it was 4:05. Seokmin was pretty prompt; you could appreciate that. Shoving your phone into your purse, you swallow hard, forcing your feet to move you toward your front door to pull it open. 
You weren’t sure what you had expected; you had looked at so many social media profiles, including his, but when Lee Seokmin smiled at you from your front door, your chest tightened. His smile was like sunshine, making you instantly feel warm—something like a hug, even though he was a few feet away and hadn’t yet spoken. 
“Y/N? I’m Seokmin…” 
Extending his hand, Seokmin bites at the inside of his bottom lip, hoping he wasn't at the wrong door. You were stunning, and he almost hated the idea that you wouldn’t be the girl he was going on a date with. You had already taken his breath away. Seungcheol had told him a little bit about you so he could have a bit of a head start, but one look at you and Seokmin’s brain was doing circles like an excited puppy. 
“Hi, yes. It’s really nice to meet you.” 
When your fingers slide over Seokmin's, you can’t help the way your breath catches in your throat. The instant feeling of electricity his skin sends through you makes you shiver slightly, causing Seokmin to tilt his head curiously. A laugh slips from your lips when you take your hand back, your lip caught between your teeth, feeling shy under his gaze. 
“I’ll just grab a sweater, and we can go. I literally know nothing about what we are doing. Seungcheol refused to tell me anything.” You put on your best Seungcheol impression, making Seokmin laugh as he watches you from your door while you pick up a sweater. “It’s a blind date, Y/N.” 
“I don’t know much myself; he only told me enough that I knew I really wanted to meet you. He is very…protective of you, but I can understand why, I think. If you are ready, I thought we could go to a cafe that I love.” 
You feel your cheeks burn at Seokmin’s words, “I can understand why”. Shaking your head to yourself, you laugh before meeting his gaze with a small nod, turning to close, and locking your door so you can walk beside him towards the sidewalk and his waiting car when Seokmin stops and reaches up to scratch the side of his head. 
“I…you know I should have asked Seungcheol, but I am a bit scatterbrained sometimes, and I can pick somewhere else if need be, but um, are you allergic to dogs?” 
Stopping as he does, you look up at Seokmin, tilting your head, only to laugh at his question. Your pretty smile makes Seokmin feel like he is floating over the ground as he stands beside you. He had only met you, but when the wind blows through your hair, causing a piece of it to move across your cheek, he can’t help but feel the urge to reach up and push it behind your ear. Instead, he keeps his hands to himself and simply smiles at you, waiting for your answer. 
“No, I’m not allergic; I love dogs. Wait, are we going to a dog cafe? Oh my god, Seokmin! I haven’t been to a dog cafe in like... years.” 
Your sudden excitement makes Seokmin’s chest tighten; he has to will his feet to move once again, so you will follow him to his car. He simply laughs softly, pulling open the passenger side door for you and letting you slip into the seat before he winks at you sweetly. 
“Guess you will just have to wait and see.” 
No amount of prodding would get Seokmin to reveal his secrets. You had to commend him for that. By the time he pulled his car into the small parking lot, you felt almost completely at ease in his presence despite the short amount of time you had spent with him. The conversation had come easy, and his smile was intoxicating and infectious. You could see why Seungcheol had chosen him as a friend and as a date for you. 
Leaning forward to look at the sign, you squeal softly, making Seokmin grin into a small, subdued laugh. He couldn’t help but be enamored by you already. The two of you had only discussed the basics, jobs, and brief family things, but the way you spoke to him made him want to be close to you. It was like you were water, and he had been wandering for days looking for you. 
“I didn’t even know they had a dog cafe on this side of town. I guess I don’t get over here often. Oh my god, Seokmin... Look at that baby. I want to hug them.” 
Seokmin follows your gestured hand to a small lab-looking dog lying in a chair near a corner of a window. The dog had perked up the moment his car had pulled in. 
“That’s a beautiful dog. You have great taste, Y/N. We can go say hi, but let’s get something to eat first.” 
You knew those were the general rules for these sorts of cafes, but having him pull you back to reality was helpful. Joining Seokmin at the front of the car, you pull your sweater around yourself to guard your skin against the spring air, making him smile at you. His hand is closest to you, hovering near your back as he leans to open the door to the cafe with the other. 
“Thank you, sir.” 
Seokmin swallows slightly into a laugh at your words, letting you go in first before following you. Glancing up at the signs, he can’t help but smile at the pictures of the dogs, finding the one you had found in the chair. 
“Y/N, there is your buddy. Looks like her name is Riley. Come on…” 
You whisper the name Riley, a tiny excited sound under your breath, moving to follow Seokmin into the somewhat crowded cafe section of the building. It's only when someone pushes past you, muttering a quick apology, that you find your hands wrapped around his forearm to keep you close to him. 
Your quiet word causes Seokmin to glance down at you, a smile on his face as he shakes his head, leaning towards you briefly to speak before leading you towards the counter. “It’s okay; I really don’t mind.” 
Your cheeks burn lightly, but you keep your hand where it is, enjoying the warm feeling of his arm under your touch. It had been so long since you had felt this giddy, almost schoolgirl crush feeling that caused your brain to go fuzzy when you looked at Seokmin. 
Glancing over the bakery and drink options, Seokmin purses his lips, nodding to the boy behind the counter before looking back at you, only to find you still looking at him. A small laugh slips from the man’s lips, only to be bitten back when his teeth catch his bottom lip, so he can calm himself before speaking. He found himself so nervous and excited about getting your attention; feeling your fingers lightly picking at the material of his sweater only made it harder for him to focus. 
“Do you see anything you like?” 
That was a question laced with double meaning—if you had ever heard one, whether or not Seokmin had meant it that way or not. You can’t help but smile, glancing away with a smile and clearing your throat to look at the menu. 
“Uh, so much, honestly. Could I get a mocha latte? Oh, these chocolate muffins look good, but I couldn’t finish that by myself.” 
Seokmin’s face felt like he was going to overheat at your words about seeing so much that you liked. He had said it before; he had considered the possible double meaning, but your answer had really knocked him back. It’s only when you mention something you want and are unable to finish it alone that Seokmin is brought back to the present. 
“Then we can share it, and I’ll get an iced Americano.” 
Sliding into a seat, you watch Seokmin lean his shoulder against the wall, his tall frame drawing your eye from his head to his toes, causing you to let out a small sigh until he moves, hearing his name called for the order that was placed. A shy smile takes over your lips, drawing your eyes away from him to allow yourself a steady breath. You hadn’t been sure how you’d feel about dating, especially in this sort of scenario, but so far, you weren’t complaining. 
“One mocha latte, which smells delicious, by the way, and our chocolate muffin.” 
Seokmin’s words pull your gaze upward once again as he takes a seat across from you at the small table. His infectious smile spreads to your face as he leans to place his forearm on the table, picks up his drink, and takes a sip. 
“It does smell good. Is your Americano good?” 
Nodding, Seokmin tilts his head, looking at the drink as if he were appraising it. “It’s alright. I have friends who make better ones, but that isn’t really the draw of this place. I just hope you enjoy yours. I’m not sure even a cute dog could make up for a bad date.” 
Laughing, you bring your latte to your lips, take a sip, and let the warm drink slip down your throat, causing your chest and stomach to feel instantly just as warm as the cup in your grasp. 
“Mmm, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. The drink is good, but the date is going incredibly well so far, Seokmin. It’s not often that I can say that a cute guy took me on a date to see cute dogs for a date. Pretty unique.” 
Seokmin bites at his bottom lip, a quiet laugh barely audible, while his fingers peel at the liner wrapped around the muffin sitting between the two of you on the table. 
“There were a lot of compliments in that statement, Y/N. I would say I’m immune to flattery, but that’d be a lie. I have to be honest with you, though; I don’t know how I got this honor. From what I have learned about you so far, what Cheol told me, and as beautiful as you are.”
His voice trailing off, you find yourself unable to hold back your own laugh, knowing where he is going with the conversation. Shaking your head, you simply smile, taking a piece of the muffin when Seokmin offers it to you before speaking. 
“I’m not some great catch, Seokmin. We talked about work, which coincidentally is the reason my best friend is setting up blind dates for me. I don’t want to give anyone the wrong impression of me. I am looking for something… I don’t know what it is, but I’m tired of being lonely. They didn’t give us a handbook on how to be an adult, and if they did, I doubt they would have included ‘you are going to be lonely often’ inside of it.” 
Seokmin finds himself frowning slightly. He hated that you felt lonely. It wasn’t that he didn’t also share that feeling. He understood exactly where you were coming from. Friendships were great; they filled a void to a certain point, but they could only go so far. 
“No, you’re right. I doubt they’d even want that in the fine print, but I think you are selling yourself a bit short. The reasons that you seem to think that you aren’t a “great catch” make you who you are. They make you unique, and I’ll be honest, they make you one hell of a catch.” 
You weren’t even sure what to say. Instead, you just smile, taking another sip of your latte. Seokmin grins, breaking off a bite of the muffin to bring it to his lips and taking a bite of the chocolate as he watches you process his words. Both of you find yourselves sharing lowered glances and shy smiles for a moment until Seokmin finally breaks the tension, offering you a piece of the muffin. 
“It was a really good choice. It has chocolate chips, too, so it’s a bit rich. Sharing was smart.” 
Taking the piece of muffin from his fingers, you bite at your cheek when your skin brushes over his, causing electricity to pass between the two of you once again. 
“Thank you. I have my moments. Be sure to pass that along to our dear friend Cheol. I think he thinks I’m an idiot.” 
Seokmin grins before shaking his head. You watch him bring his fingers to his lips to suck a bit of melted chocolate from the tips of them. Furrowing your brows, you can’t help the way it causes you to swallow hard and stare even as he speaks. 
“You know?” 
Raising a brow, you shake your head and watch Seokmin smile at you, his head tilting almost like a curious puppy because you clearly weren’t listening to what he had said. 
“I’m so sorry. What did you say, Seokmin?” 
Biting the center of his bottom lip, Seokmin lets the skin drag through his teeth, an amused look on his face, before he leans back in his chair. Seokmin’s eyes take you in a bit more as he takes in a deep breath, speaking once again. 
“Oh, I was just saying... Seungcheol has nothing but nice things to say about you. He would never call you an idiot. Where did that pretty little mind go before, Y/N?” 
Your cheeks burn slightly at the question, causing you to laugh out of nerves. You pick up your cup, taking a sip of the drink, shrugging only to look toward where you could hear the sounds of barking in the distance. 
"Just, uh, you know, thinking about the dogs.” 
Seokmin’s head tilts in the other direction as if he knows you aren’t being truthful with him, but he isn’t going to press the subject. Instead, he smiles at you softly and nods, leaning to collect the muffin wrapper and his empty cup. 
“Mm, then we should get you to them so you can meet Riley. If you are done with your drink?” 
Nodding, you stand to join him, letting him take your cup so he can put them in their proper place along with the trash. You are thankful for the brief moment so you can regain your senses, but it is short-lived when you feel his warm hand at the small of your back guiding you toward the area where you could go see the dogs. 
“Okay, so we can choose a locker and leave our sweaters and stuff here. They don’t want us to bring in any outside food. There are treats and stuff inside; otherwise, we can go in after we wash our hands.” 
You find yourself smiling at Seokmin as you watch him shed his sweater, bundling it into a locker, before he looks towards you, offering his hand for yours. 
“You come here a lot, don’t you, Seokmin?” 
A smile spreads across his features as he takes your sweater in his hands, folding it before adding it to the locker and closing it with a small click. 
“Uh, yeah. I know it might be lame, but I can’t have animals in my apartment, but I really like dogs. So this is the best way to kind of have the best of both worlds, you know?” 
Moving with him towards the sink, you smiled at Seokmin’s explanation. There was nothing lame about it. Offering him your hands, you let him put some liquid soap into your palms before putting them under the warm water, taking turns washing your hands. 
“I think it’s sweet and the farthest thing from lame. It’s a good way to see the dogs; I mean, all of them are up for adoption, so you are doing something so good for these dogs by visiting. They are getting to meet someone so kind who is teaching them how to find a human. I love that so much.” 
Taking the paper towel from him, you smile at Seokmin as he looks down at you shyly. His stature is still so tall but so gentle, making you feel safe. 
“I really thought you might think this was the worst date you had ever been on." 
When you laugh, Seokmin can’t help but smile even brighter, letting you take his hand and pulling him towards the door so the two of you can finally make your way into the room. 
“Well, you thought wrong. This is already one of the best dates I have ever had the pleasure to be on.” 
You don’t have much time to glance around the space once the doors are shut behind you before you feel paws on your legs, drawing your attention down. Seokmin watches, feeling your hand drop from his as you lean down to coo at a small, older dog who had jumped up on your legs. 
With gray on his face and along his back, you find yourself surprised that this was the first dog up to greet you. Turning the dog's collar, you read the name Bailey on the tag as you scratch softly behind his ears, glancing up to look at Seokmin. 
“His name is Bailey. Oh my god, I love him. Come say hi." 
Seokmin grins, his head shaking at how quickly he is falling for you. You had his chest feeling tight and warm. His heart was beating so quickly as he watched you lean your face down to allow this dog to lick at the tip of your nose. 
“He likes you.” 
Your bottom lip got caught between your teeth as you laughed. You pat Bailey’s side before the dog decides to waddle over to Seokmin to get attention from the larger man. 
“And you.” 
With his fingers running through Bailey’s soft fur, Seokmin meets your eyes, only to feel his heart pick up in speed once again at how you are looking at him. He would give anything to have you look at him like that every day, possibly for the rest of his life. There was warmth in your eyes. It was as if he could picture the next 10 years with you in a single second and not even feel guilty about it. 
Clearing his throat, Seokmin smiles as he watches Bailey run off to another person making their way into the room before he offers his hand to you as he stands. 
“Let’s go find Riley, huh?” 
You laugh quietly and nod, allowing the handsome man to lead you through the room until you find who you had been most excited about seeing. The small lab-mix dog perks up when you move into the room where she is lying. Her tail wags quickly, though she doesn’t make any quick movements. 
“Riley, hi, baby. You are so pretty… Oh, my god.” 
Hearing you speak to her, the dog lifts her head and tilts it, much like you had watched Seokmin do while eating the muffin not an hour before. You laugh, moving to sit in front of the chair she had chosen, allowing her to climb down as she curiously looks from you to Seokmin before deciding she wants to lay down between the two of you, laying her head down in your lap and her body across his legs. 
“Wow…I–I didn’t expect that.” 
You shake your head at Seokmin’s words, your hand running over the dog’s head and face softly as she closes her eyes, quietly breathing against your leg. You find yourself feeling a bit sad that she isn’t your dog, causing Seokmin to notice your frown. 
“Y/N, you okay?” 
Seokmin watches you glance up at him, a smile quickly replacing your frown as you try to come up with words. His hand slid along Riley’s side to take your hand, holding your fingers and comforting you. 
“Oh yeah… I just have never had a dog act like this with me before.” You laugh and gesture with your free hand toward her and him. “Or a guy, honestly.” 
Seokmin smiles gently, his thumb caressing your palm as Riley takes in a breath shift to get more comfortable as she drifts off in your lab. 
“I can’t speak to the dog, but as for the guy, it's how you should be treated. I’m not doing anything special. I’m just being myself. I just–fuck…I like you so…you know.” 
You laugh quietly, your finger running along the ridge of Riley’s nose as you look down from Seokmin’s eyes, shyly making him use his free hand to lift your chin carefully. 
“We can come back and visit Riley. If you like her this much... and your apartment allows dogs, then maybe…” 
Seokmin trails off his question, but you nod in understanding, finding yourself afraid that she will be adopted before you can make your way back. You didn’t want to rush any decisions, which included Seokmin, even though you also found yourself having to admit that you liked him very much. 
“Yeah, maybe, but I would like to come back and visit.” 
With his thumb running along your jaw, Seokmin nods. You watch a small smile cross his lips before his hand finally drops from your face, letting you have some of your personal space back, though he doesn’t want to stop touching you. 
“Anytime, that’s if you want me to tag along.” 
It was your turn to smile, your brows furrowing at how shy Seokmin in front of you seemed to get when he tried to be subtle in asking you out again. 
“I’d really like that, Seokmin.” 
Grinning, Seokmin drops his eyes towards Riley, though your eyes stay on him and the way he seems to try to collect himself at your response. Biting your lip, you reach out to tilt his chin back up this time. Your thumb slides along his jaw as Seokmin watches you with warm, curious eyes before you lean in to gently press your lips against his. 
His breath hitching in his throat, Seokmin’s eyes close as his fingers find your wrist even as you pull away, making it clear it was just a simple chaste kiss. He wasn’t sure what he had done to deserve it, but it made him want another. You watch his Adam's apple rise and fall with a hard swallow before Seokmin laughs under his breath, finally opening his eyes to search for yours as he speaks. 
“You have a way of surprising a guy. What did I do to deserve that?” 
Smiling at his words, you relish in the feeling of his thumb rubbing in a gentle circle against the inside of your wrist as the man in front of you looks at you as if you hung the moon and the stars in the sky. 
“Everything and nothing. This has been a wonderful date, Seokmin. I don’t want it to end.” 
Catching his bottom lip between his teeth, Seokmin considers your words carefully before nodding. You watch his tongue gently swipe over his lips before the feeling of Riley shifting on your lap causes you to look away from Seokmin and towards the dog as she moves to lay on the floor. 
“Maybe…if you want—I mean, since you don’t want the date to end, it doesn’t have to?” 
Running your fingers over Riley’s head, you laugh at Seokmin’s words and how he talks in a circle to get to his point before looking back at him and seeing the hopeful look on his face. When you nod, his smile causes your chest to tighten. Seokmin’s smile only seems to brighten as he shifts to his knees and then his feet before he offers you his hands to help you to your feet beside him. 
Soft whispered goodbyes and promises to visit again are made to Riley before you and Seokmin make your way back to the lockers to collect your belongings and find yourselves back in his car, heading towards his apartment. Seokmin’s fingers dance along the gearshift as his eyes move from the road to your hand resting on your lap until you smile into a gentle laugh, reaching to take his hand for yourself, causing him to let out a soft, relieved sound. 
“You don’t have to be so careful with me, Seokmin. If I don’t like something, I’ll let you know. But you can hold my hand…I think it’s clear that I like you. I mean, I like you a lot.” 
Feeling his cheeks heating up at your words, Seokmin tightens his grip on your hand, glancing over at you before looking back at the road, trying to make sure he kept you both safe. Either you had no idea what effect you had on him or you were so aware that you were seeing how he would react. Seokmin’s mind was spinning already. 
"God, I like you a lot too. Like a lot. You are gorgeous, funny, and smart. I was a goner the moment I met you.” 
A hopeless romantic. If you had to describe Lee Seokmin, those are the words you would use for him already. He made your stomach erupt with butterflies and your heart beat faster with just his words. He wasn’t the only goner. Smiling, you press your lips together to stop yourself from smiling too much as he pulls his car into a parking spot, taking his hand from you to put the car into park. 
Shyly meeting your eyes, Seokmin laughs the moment you tilt your head at him. Your pretty smile catches him off guard as you sense his apprehension. Seokmin watches as you lift your hand, quirking your index finger back towards you in a come hither motion. You can’t help but laugh softly as he lets out another breathless laugh, leaning towards you to meet you halfway over the center console. He only falls silent when your lips once again find his in a gentle kiss that erases his nerves. 
With your fingers sliding along his jaw, you smile against Seokmin’s lips, pulling away only enough to speak against them, feeling him chase you ever so slightly. 
“Might not mean much right now, but it’s just me. You talked me up a lot but I’m just me… Are you gonna take me to your apartment, or are we just going to make out in your car like a couple of teenagers?” 
You feel Seokmin’s lips pull up slightly against your lips as you press a soft kiss on them once again. A quiet hum of appreciation slips from between them before he furrows his brows and forces himself to pull away from you. 
“Trust me…  You are tempting me to get into the back seat, and I haven’t done that in years. But yes, let me get you upstairs. Get you something to drink and sit somewhere comfortable.” 
Laughing under your breath, you watch Seokmin turn off the car and slide from the driver's seat before making his way around to you, opening your door, and offering you his hand. Sliding your fingers between his, you watch out of the corner of your eyes as a smile once again pulls up at his lips as he tightens his grip on your hand, walking beside you into the building and up the stairs. 
Opening the door, Seokmin takes a step to the side, letting you move inside first as he reaches to turn on the lights, allowing you to look around. He watches as your smile widens, your feet carrying you through the hallway to the living room, where you were already looking at pictures on the wall. 
“Make yourself at home. You want that drink? I have soda, water, or beer…wine?” 
Hearing the soft laugh in his voice, you can’t help but smile as you turn back towards Seokmin after looking at a few of the pictures of Seokmin and his family and friends. He looked happy and loved. Weighing your options, you purse your lips and tilt your head before finding your way to his sofa, sitting down with a small audible breath before answering. 
“A beer sounds nice, actually.” 
Grinning, Seokmin nods, turning on his heels towards his kitchen and pointing with his left hand to signify where he was going. 
“One beer coming up.” 
When you laugh at his antics, Seokmin can’t help but feel his heart beat a bit quicker as he grabs two beers from his fridge. Taking a steady breath, he mutters to himself to chill before returning to the living room and offering you the beer once he’s removed the top. 
Letting your fingers slide over his purposefully, you smile as you bring the beer to your lips, tilting it back to take a sip as Seokmin finally takes a seat near you. You can’t help but let your smile morph into a bit of a smirk when you notice he hadn’t sat as close as you had wanted, his nerves once again getting the better of him. 
Clearing his throat, Seokmin takes a long drink of his own beer before placing the bottle on the coffee table and glancing down at his hands as if searching for something to say. Opening and closing his mouth twice, you watch the man smile before shaking his head and finally looking up at you with an embarrassed look on his face. 
“It’s been a really long time since I’ve had someone back at my place. I promise I am not usually this awkward—okay, that’s a lie, but I’m less awkward once you get to know me. I’m just scared to screw this up.” 
Laughing against the lip of the beer bottle, you take one more sip before placing your bottle on the table with Seokmin’s. His eyes fixed on you. You watch his lips press together before once again lifting into a smile when you slide closer to him, reaching for his hand once again, breaking the awkward tension. 
“I told you, I’m just me. We were doing so well in the car. Hell, you said you even wanted to get in the back seat. You don’t want that any more? Did the walk upstairs get rid of all the teenage whimsy?” 
Seokmin laughs and shakes his head at your words. You watch his brows lift as he takes a deep breath, shifting on the sofa, his fingers sliding along your palm. 
“No, not at all. I just—” 
“Don’t wanna screw up?” 
Laughing again, Seokmin meets your eyes as you finish his sentence. He watches as you once again move on the sofa, testing the waters in your own way as you lift your free hand to brush it against his jaw. You normally didn’t move quickly with dates, but you weren’t willing to end this one without just a taste. 
Leaning into your touch, Seokmin tries to stifle the groan that rises in his throat when your nails run down the side of his neck, but you smile, letting him know you still heard it. Letting go of his hand, you shift once again on the sofa, moving to your knees next to Seokmin so that your lips can brush against his with ease. 
Seokmin’s hand hovers over your hip, his fingers flexing as he has a mental battle with himself about whether or not it would be okay to touch you as he meets your lips halfway. But when you whine against his lips, Seokmin’s brows furrow and he can’t help himself anymore. Fingers hold tightly over your clothes, pulling you towards him as the kiss deepens with need. 
Parting your lips for Seokmin’s tongue to glide along yours, you find yourself quickly giving into your urges with him. Sliding your leg over his, you sit in his lap, granting yourself a groan from Seokmin’s chest. He was trying hard not to let himself get too aroused, but the feeling of your warmth sliding over his was making it impossible. 
The single word slipping from Seokmin’s lips against yours as you roll your hips down over his causes you to grip his shoulders a bit tighter. You weren’t sure how far you wanted to go with him, but it felt too good to just stop here. Resting your forehead against Seokmin's, you moan his name softly, causing him to buck his hips upwards ever so slightly. 
“Y/N…If you keep grinding on me like that, baby, you sound so pretty.” 
You weren’t even sure if Seokmin had realized he had called you “baby”, but you couldn’t help but smile at the pet name. You could feel his cock getting harder under you, and you didn’t want to stop. Not unless he wanted you to. 
“Mm, you feel good, Seokmin. Do you want me to stop?” 
Slowing your movement, you hear Seokmin whine almost in pain, his hands sliding along your sides to your hips to push you back down over his erection. It was clear you both wanted more. 
"Please, God, don’t stop. Can I—just wanna feel?” 
Leaning back, you glance down to watch Seokmin’s fingers move over the clasp of your jeans and then your zipper. Letting you lift your hips once again, Seokmin helps you wiggle out of the denim before you settle back on his lap, and his fingers slide along your bare legs. His eyes move over your face, lips parted softly, only to pull up into a smile when you let out a moan of his name as you roll your hips down over his jeans. 
“Do you wanna—mmm, oh my god, Seokmin?" 
Starting to ask if he wanted to take off his pants too, you find yourself unable to finish the sentence when Seokmin has other ideas. His fingers were sliding to the center of your legs over your panties, which were now sticking to your wet pussy. 
“This is what I want tonight. Is that okay? God, baby, you are so wet. Gonna get my jeans all messy.” 
Leaning forward once again, you rest your forehead against Seokmin's, hearing his soft groan as you moan. With each roll of your hips towards his, you could feel Seokmin’s fingers brushing your clit though your panties, sending a shockwave of pleasure through your body. 
Your fingers tightly gripping at his shoulders, you feel his shirt bunching under your fingers as Seokmin smiles into another groan, feeling you grind down over his cock once again. He felt like he was going crazy. He wanted inside of you so badly, and yet this was more than enough for right now. The fucked out look on your face, the moans falling out of your mouth laced with his name? Seokmin was on cloud nine as his cock leaked obscenely in his boxers. 
“Fuck, Y/N…want you to cum for me.” 
The gentle and shy man was gone, and in his place was someone almost perfect. You loved how gentle Seokmin was and how he had been talking to you before, but now he was asking you to cum for him? 
Your cheeks heating up. You smile at his words, catching your bottom lip between your teeth. You feel Seokmin’s fingers slide your panties to the side before his thumb and index finger roll around your clit, causing your back to arch. 
Seokmin groans deep in his throat, his free hand holding tightly to your side to keep you safely on his lap as his other hand works over your clit and folds sending you over the edge. His eyes stay fixed on your face, his lips parting ever so slightly as you fall apart for him. Seokmin feels the warm, wet slick of your cum on his fingers and through your panties against it begins to soak through his jeans. 
Another groan draws your attention. This one is not as deep as the last; instead, there is more breath and urgency to it. Your eyes find Seokmin’s face as his hips lift towards your warm, wet core, his hands pulling your hips down over him. You watch as a look of bliss spreads over his face before he closes his eyes and wrinkles his nose, shaking his head. 
Smiling, you reach up to run your fingers along Seokmin’s cheek and down his neck, realizing what had happened. A look of slight embarrassment registers on the man’s face as he opens one eye, looking up at you to find you looking at him in awe. 
“That was so fucking sexy, Seokmin. Oh my god…” 
Biting at his lips, Seokmin quirks a brow at you, his fingers running along your thighs, trying to figure out if you are making fun of him. When it’s clear you aren't, you watch a smile spread along his lips before a laugh escapes his lips. Lifting a hand to his face, Seokmin pushes his hair from his forehead and sighs. 
“Yeah? Well, I haven’t done that since I was a teenager, so how is that for teenage whimsy? I feel gross as hell, though, not even gonna lie.” 
Laughing, you lean to kiss Seokmin, feeling him smile against your lips. His hands slide along your sides, and you back down until you slide from his lap and start to reach for your jeans, causing him to frown. 
You glance back up to see Seokmin’s brows furrowed deeply, a look of concern on his face. Smiling softly, you shake your head and bite at your lips. 
“Well, no…  I mean, you said you felt gross. I thought you might want a shower.” 
Reaching for you, Seokmin pulls you back into his arms and sighs against your temple as you settle against his side. 
“Yeah, in a few minutes. You can take one too before I take you home, or at least wash off or something. I know you can’t feel comfortable. But there is no need for us to rush off, unless you want to. I enjoyed this.” 
Your cheeks once again feel like you are standing too close to an oven. You find yourself smiling and nuzzling against Seokmin’s chest as he grins, feeling how warm your face has become. 
“I’m not in a rush. I enjoyed it too. I told…  I really like you, Seokmin.” 
Leaning his head back against the sofa, Seokmin grins at your words, looking up at the ceiling, feeling like he had won the lottery. He knew he wasn’t the only date you were going to go on, but he felt like his chances were pretty good. 
“Mm, and I like you. Now, tell me about Cheol as a teenager.” 
Seokmin grins as you snort into a laugh at the question. He could get used to that sound and the feeling of you in his arms. He knew it wasn’t up to him, but he was going to enjoy tonight for as long as he could stretch it out. 
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