arietisart · 1 year
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comicweek · 11 months
My Adventures With Superman | OFFICIAL TRAILER | adult swim
Witness Clark Kent's transformation into Superman, Metropolis's guardian, as he struggles to embrace his destiny. My Adventures With Superman two-episode series premiere airs July 6th at midnight on [adult swim]. Stream next day on Max.
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givemegifs · 11 months
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crimson-amarone · 20 days
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Chapter 12: Werewolf of December
Chapter Summary:
Previously, Meryl and Clark finally arrived in the city of December. Clark’s powers started to return, but they were acting up for some reason. Meryl met with Milly and the Chief to discuss her next story. Later, Lord Manga Khan hijacked the No Man’s Land satellite broadcast to make his offer to the people of the planet.
Now, Lord Manga begins his resource survey, sending scouts and a special ‘resource survey escort’ down to December to investigate (ahem, steal) the Plants. As this survey group tries to take a ‘sample’ for study, Superman confronts the thieves, and chaos ensues. Superman meets his match against ‘The Main Man.’
Start reading chapter 12
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Chapters: 12/24+ (see chapter 12 snippet below)
Fandom: Trigun Stampede (Anime 2023), Trigun (Anime & Manga 1995-2008), My Adventures with Superman (Cartoon), Superman - All Media Types 
Rating: Mature (Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Language, Adult Themes)
Pairings: Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Meryl Stryfe/Vash the Stampede, Meryl Stryfe/Vash the Stampede/Nicholas D. Wolfwood 
Characters: Clark Kent, Vash the Stampede, Meryl Stryfe,  Lois Lane & Jimmy Olsen, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Milly Thompson, League of Lois Lanes
Story Summary:
Two years after Lost July, an interdimensional rift becomes dangerously unstable, opening a portal between universes—the worlds of No Man’s Land and Earth-12.
Outlaw Vash the Stampede is still MIA, although rumors abound. Despite not knowing if Vash is truly alive, both Meryl Stryfe and Wolfwood catch a lead pointing them to a remote town iles away.
Elsewhere, young Clark Kent’s life is turned upside down when he’s dragged to an unfamiliar planet to help as Superman. Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen follow his trail with some unlikely assistance.
Two heroes must make new allies to fight ruthless villains in a three-way conflict. All while trying to find where they both belong, face their inner demons, and make a better future for their worlds.
Start reading from the beginning
Chapter 12 Snippet:
The scene was pure chaos as people pushed and shoved and screamed.
Emergency lights began flashing, and klaxons blared, drowning out most of the shouting.
Clark superspeed through the building, weaving in between workers with limbs sprawled out as they tried to run but were frozen in time. Their expressions locked in panic and confusion with wide eyes and open mouths. The chorus of noises shifted into a deep, drawn out tone like from the leftmost key on a piano.
Further inside, a grated, raised corridor opened up into a long, spacious room. Above and below were additional floors of similar platforms. 
Rows upon rows of bulb-like pods hung from the curved walls. Each pod was filled with some kind of cloudy fluid that glowed brightly in blue yet tinged purple from the red lights. Round, white objects floated in the center of each pod.
A number of uniformed security guards armed with police-grade handguns or patrol rifles faced the center of the room. 
Various shouts of “Return the Plant!” and “Stand down or we’ll shoot!” were directed at the obvious intruders near the guards. 
Clark quickly realized this must’ve been one of the Plant facilities Meryl had mentioned. 
A remarkably tall, muscular figure leaped forward at one of the guards, knocking the man forcefully into the railing along the edge of the corridor. The guard crumpled, his weapon clattering along the floor several feet away.
Surrounding the figure stood four equally bulky humanoid-shaped robots coated in a shiny, bronze-like plating. One robot manned some kind of machinery akin to a forklift, but it hovered weightlessly in the air. 
One of the cylindrical, liquid-filled pods was attached to the machine. Inside the pod, one of those white, round masses— roughly the shape of a beetroot or flower bud—bobbed delicately, cushioned within the viscous liquid.
Right after the next guard took a shot but missed, the brutish thief ripped the rifle out of his hands. The thief then quickly took the man down with a punch to his stomach.
Without wasting more time studying the room and situation, Clark sped over to the commotion in a blur.
Start reading chapter 12
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bamboozled-distress · 1 month
silver age superman needs to suck a dick and cry in his tiny fucking complete ass apartment about it im so serious
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shizzleytb · 10 months
PRINCESS PEACH NIDALEE (Super Mario) - League of Legends Skin
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demonic0angel · 1 month
Celestial Bodies AU (maybe part 1/?)
Superman flew through space, eying the new galaxy that he and Batman had discovered the night before.
“So? What does it look like?” Batman asked him through the communications.
“Well…” Superman looked around. “It’s definitely weird. It has an enormous cluster of stars, but I’m not feeling stronger…”
“What? Are you saying that the radiation isn't working?"
"The stars here are all white stars or above, but they don't make me feel stronger. Actually... I think I'm feeling weaker too. Something is definitely wrong here."
Batman was quiet for only a moment before he asked, "Are you in any current danger? Can you defend yourself?"
"No, I'm fine. I don't sense any living beings around me. I can defend myself." Superman understood what Batman was trying to say. "Are you asking me to stay and continue observing?"
"If you can."
"Of course. I'll stay and continue investigating."
"Thank you," Batman said softly and Superman smiled at that.
"Don't sweat it! Let me get the receiver."
Superman pulled out the device that allowed him to connect to radio signals from space, and began turning it on. However, the moment it turned to life, the radio began to malfunction, short circuiting and turning into static as it shook itself. Superman nearly tossed it away before suddenly, it was normal again.
And then, the signal began to pick up.
And it began to sing.
Superman stared wide eyed as a symphony of music and singing came through the radio. It was a little choir of humming and barely audible voices, sounding as though they were underwater. Still, it was undeniably beautiful, like something heard from heaven.
"Batman," Superman said, hushed, "are you hearing this?"
"... yes."
"It's amazing! Are these stars making these sounds?" Superman continued flying, observing the blue and yellow stars, each radiating a heat that could not power him. He continued flying, listening to the ethereal song that called for listeners.
He hadn't been paying attention when he felt an ever sensed blistering heat and a force beginning to drag him forward. He turned his head and his eyes widened again before he cursed and flew a little distance away.
"Superman? What is it?"
"Batman, turn on your visuals," he said as he turned on the camera.
There was silence before Superman heard the barely audible click and then a buzz of a camera. The camera was attached to Superman and it would send the views back to Batman, allowing him to see just what Superman was freaking out over. When it turned on, Batman was silent for a moment, clearly as confused as Superman was feeling.
"... tell me what I'm seeing."
"A quasar, a protostar that is possibly becoming a blue star, a neutron star, and a black hole all coexisting right next to each other. As well as several planets all circling them like stars."
Superman watched the scene with a sense of both interest, awe, and horrified confusion.
The scene in front of him just wasn't possible. Not only would a black hole consume everything around it, there was already a quasar nearby doing the same thing with an even stronger force. However, the protostar and neutron star were fine even though they were so close, along with the few planets. The planetary nebula around the neutron star circled around each celestial object in an assembly line, flowing from the neutron star to the black hole to the quasar and then to the protostar. If the nebula wasn't taken by one celestial object, it was passed onto another.
Most of the nebula seemed to be absorbed by the quasar and protostar, but the two of them seemed to coexist in peace. The neutron star continued to spin and the black hole surrendered most of the nebula to its neighbors. The planets also spun peacefully, a few even had rings that were not taken by the quasar or black hole.
It was like only foreign objects, like Superman himself, would be absorbed.
It was fascinating. Like they were alive and knew how to live with one another.
Superman explained it to Batman in detail. Batman was silent before he said, "This shouldn't be possible. How could this occur? Unless there was some sort of external force that is keeping each astronomical object to themselves and prevents them from destroying each other, there's no way this could be a natural occurrence."
"Are you suggesting that this is man-made?"
"How could it be anything but? Aren't you listening to singing right now?"
Superman raised the receiver and the singing on the other side continued without pause, a constant symphony of voices.
"... you could be right. Do you want to try and make contact?"
"Yes. Send back a signal."
Superman pressed a few buttons on the receiver to send a radio message back and in an instant, the singing died down, leaving only a faint crackling and a water-like noise.
Biting the bullet, Superman then spoke into the receiver.
"Hello. My name is Superman, and I come from the Milky Way galaxy. I am a kryptonian from the planet Earth. I wish to peacefully connect with you, whoever you are."
More crackling.
Batman cursed softly in his ear and Superman winced, already feeling that he was too impulsive. However, just as he was about to backtrack and escape from this particular galaxy, there was a whispered, shuddery, "Hello."
Superman blinked and then called out, "H-Hello!"
There was silence again, only that underwater staticky noise coming through.
"Can I take this as you accepting my peace offering?"
"... yes."
The sound that came from the receiver seemed to come from many, all joining together into one.
There was a hitched gasp and then Batman hissed, "Keep talking! Ask them questions! Ask them if they want to make contact with us or if we can form an alliance!"
Superman nodded to himself and spoke into the receiver, "Can you see me?"
"We see you."
Superman paused and then continued in stride, "I'm sorry, but I can't see you. Can you show yourself?"
"In front of you."
There was nothing but the strange collection of celestial objects. Unless there was someone inside? It could be possible, but Superman hadn't detected anyone living around him for awhile now.
"Uh, I'm sorry, but—"
"In front of you."
Batman then said through the communicator, "Superman, the neutron star!"
The neutron star in front of him then began to spin faster and faster, before lighting up into a pulsar in the very next second.
Superman was stunned at the sight, as the radiation emitting from the neutron star passed over him over and over and over, radiating with a cold burn that resonated through his bones and made his limbs weak. The impossibly quick change from a regular neutron star into a pulsar only made him even more frightened as the radio signals made the receiver scream.
"We are here." The crackling voices said again, all as one.
Superman flew backwards, his breath caught in his throat.
"Superman?! Why did you go backwards?" Batman demanded.
Superman flinched and then he said softly, "Sorry. Instinct."
It was true. The fear that had entered his body had made him instinctively retreat. It was even worse than looking death in the eye. It was like the feeling of knowing the End of All, of knowing that your existence would be wiped out, of knowing that resistance would be futile and that your death wouldn't even be enough to save the ones you loved.
His heart pounded as he flew a little closer, enough to feel the heat from the quasar again and almost reluctantly said into the receiver, "Are you the neutron star?"
"We are all what you see in front of you."
"'We'? Are all of you speaking to me?"
The neutron star pulsed again, spinning just a little faster like before.
"I am the King. And these are my family."
The voice than switched out, a barely noticeable change in the difference because it was all the same voices speaking as one. However, now a different voice was leading.
"Ask your questions, Son of Jor-El. What do you seek?"
Superman's eyes widened. Then after a moment of silence, he said, "I am here to explore the universe and find protection for the planet I live on. Could you help us?"
"We are but objects in the sky. We will only answer questions."
Batman interrupted. "Ask them if they can see the future and if anything will happen to Earth."
Superman explained to the collection of celestial bodies, "This is my colleague and partner, Batman. We work together for Earth's safety."
"We know. He is the best of you."
There was silence from both Superman and Batman. Superman was stunned, but he also couldn't help but smile. "Yes, that is true. Can you see the future? Can you tell us if any dangers will be coming to earth."
Another voice came to life, taking the lead in speaking. "We can. Whatever comes, you and your Justice League can handle it."
Superman could hear Batman breathe a sigh of relief. Superman felt the same and he placed a hand on his heart as he gave a sigh of relief as well. "Thank goodness." Before Batman said anything, Superman asked, "Could you tell us more about yourself? How do you have a consciousness?"
The radio crackled and popped for a little while before the first voice, the one who called themself 'King' spoke up.
"We were like you once. But then I became a legend."
"Like me?" Superman asked.
Batman then said, "Ask them if they were human."
"Were you human?"
More silence.
And then—
Superman's eyes widened and he couldn't help but gasp in shock, a hand flying to his mouth as he stared at the celestial bodies in front of him, all of which used to be human. These enormous objects that used to be human, now forced to succumb to emptiness and spin in space without pause.
"Are... are you okay? We have magic users in our team, maybe we can offer you help?" Superman asked.
Batman hissed in the comms, "Superman! We don't even know them!"
The receiver crackled some more and the voice changed again. The sound of them being underwater seemed louder than ever.
"We are fine, Son of Jor-El. We are happy."
The person speaking switched to someone new.
"Ask your questions and then leave." The receiver quieted again. And then they spoke, "My little sister needs her rest for her rebirth."
Superman's eyes flicked over to the protostar, which was still absorbing most of the nebula. The only thing that could have possibly been 'reborn' was the protostar, as it needed to heat itself to start the transition to become a main sequence star. Was that one the little sister?
"Just two more questions, if that's alright." He could hear Batman's deep, frustrated sigh. He probably had more questions but was frustrated by Superman's curtesy and his lack of scientific curiosity. Superman knew he was annoyed but he felt an odd camaraderie with the celestial objects. He didn't want to anger them if necessary.
"How old are you? And will you help us again in the future?"
The receiver crackled.
The voice changed once more. "We are all far, far, far older than you imagine. Time does not work for us like other stars."
The speaker switched again. "But in human years, we have not reached our adult ages yet."
The honest confession made Superman's eyes widen, especially as he realized what they meant.
A bunch of children had turned into stars and black holes before they were even adults?
Superman was suddenly starkly reminded of Robin, Batman's sidekick, one of the very few children that he knew in their line of business. By Batman's silence, he was probably thinking along the same lines.
"Speak your last question and leave."
"Can the Justice League depend on you for further help and assistance in the future? I would like to come back if I can."
"Our King was once a hero too. Come if you need it."
That was when the quasar sent out a flare, the gases and planetary nebula around it rubbing against each other hard enough to send sparks Superman's way. It was clearly a warning, especially as the neutron star began spinning rapidly again, radiation beginning to light the air around him in a devastating chill.
"Leave," They all chorused.
Superman immediately turned away without hesitation. "Thank you very much! I will come again!"
The receiver did not speak again. Instead, the songs restarted and the voices continued to sing a song that he could not recognize. It was ethereal, if not haunting.
Superman was smiling as he left. Batman was silent in his ear and Superman finally asked, "So? What do you think?"
"... I think we need more information."
"You're just feeling soft because they said they were heroes and were also children," Superman teased.
"How do you know they weren't lying?" Batman sounded angry.
However, Superman wasn't concerned and only laughed. "Lying? For what? They could definitely rip me apart if they wanted. They even had a baby star with them."
"Hnn." The old softie definitely suddenly had a moment of heartache from remembering the baby star.
Superman glanced behind himself, where the fascinating cluster of stars, planets, and black holes all existed in harmony together. The quasar and neutron star lit the way alongside the other stars and the tiny galaxy grew smaller and smaller as Superman flew away.
Whatever this galaxy actually was, Superman would be glad if they could find the help they needed and helped the Justice League in turn.
".... let's come back in a month," Batman said, sounding like it was pulled out from his teeth.
It was good that Batman felt the same way.
Perhaps the next time Superman came, he could chat some more with this little galaxy?
I did so much research for this, it's crazy 😭
Dan is the black hole and Danny is the neutron star. The reason is that both of them are technically star corpses (a large or high-mass collapsed or dead star can either result in nothing, a black hole, or a neutron star) and while Dan consumes everything around him, Danny is a remnant of a star before him. The planetary nebula that came from Danny going supernova is consumed by his siblings, mostly Jazz or Dani. Dan and Danny don't fight over it bc they love their sisters.
Dani is a protostar, which is also a baby star. I hc that she used to be a star before, but she's just restarting her rebirth until she becomes a black hole or a neutron star like her siblings :3
Jazz is a quasar, which is a different type of black hole, (inspired by this post I made). She and Danny light the way for their little galaxy.
Tucker and Sam are also there, as planets! They used to be stars but they're reborn as planets this time. Tucker is a desert planet with several Saturn-like rings of metals and sand. Sam is a terrestrial planet and is capable of life. All that's on her is plants and animals tho (they haven't gotten enough time to evolve yet). The rest of the crew (Valerie, Wes, etc) are also there and are planets. They never really reach the level of stars tho.
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leonardomercon · 2 years
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Ninho de beija-flor de uma super mamãe. Esse foi um dos ninhos que parecem mais aconchegantes que já vi. Olha os detalhes da estrutura... é acolchoado! Rs Já viu um ninho mais chique que esse? 👸 🗺📍Espírito Santo - Brasil. #beijaflor #ninho #hummingbird #colibri #nest #supermama #supermae #mãe #mamãe #mother #mom #birding #birdwatch #birdwatching #observacaodeaves (em Reserva Biológica de Sooretama) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChMwa_eO2uh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I could go off for hours about how mischaracterized superman is in most DC movies but I just don't have the time right now
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lonelysocksclub · 2 months
Oh boy I need patience this weekend. My cousin is visiting and he just explained to me, a biologist who has worked with maize genetics, how to make a kind of supermaize by using electromagnetic fields to manipulate DNA expression. The goal is to trick the maize to express the genes it had millions of years ago, a time when maize as we know it definitely existed and agricultural yield was famously high. And it's only Friday.
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arietisart · 1 year
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mstrickster · 3 months
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This was fun. I might continue this later. Idk I am really shaky on writing Damian and Jon I think. Anyways, enjoy! @korallion
“Why must I do this again?” Damian groaned as Jason prepared the warp pad. Dick and Tim were preparing their supplies.
“You are Batman now,” Dick explained, “You need to meet the league.”
“I know the league,” Damian stated bluntly.
“This isn’t dad’s Justice League,” Jason replied, “Stop bitching, Batman doesn’t complain.”
Tim laughed softly, “I guess he does now.”
“Silence, Drake,” Damian glared, “Father has a full description of every member of the league, pleasantries are unneeded.”
“Dami, please,” Dick said as he finished getting dress, “This is what Bruce wants.”
Damian scowled, “Fine, are we ready to go?”
“The pad is calibrated,” Jason informed them stepping back from the computer. He grabbed his helmet and secured it on his head.
“We’re ready,” Dick said. Tim nodded in agreement.
“It shouldn’t be a long meeting,” Tim noted, “Steph, Cass, Harper and Duke are on patrol.”
Damian sighed, “Very well, let us go.”
Dick smiled and slapped Damian on the back. This was the first time Damian was taking on the role of the Bat. It made sense, considering he was the youngest at 21. However, his older brothers still worried about the impact of the title on him. He wished they would stop babying him. He is an adult and unlike the others he had no outside family to hold him back. He just had his immediate family and his pets. Which was honestly fine by Damian, he didn’t see the point in having children or a significant other. That’s why he insisted on taking on his current role when his father had decided it was time to step down. He was best fit for the bat.
Damian watched as each of his brothers stepped onto the warp pad and vanished. Finally, it was Damian’s turn. He pushed back his shoulder and stood tall as he stepped through the portal. In seconds Damian reappeared on the landing pad aboard the Watchtower.  Dick, Jason, and Tim were waiting for him. He checked himself over quickly and nodded to the others. His brothers stepped aside and let him lead them to the meeting area.
“Welcome Batman, welcome Nightwing, Welcome Red Hood, Welcome Red Robin,” The doors greeted as they stepped through. Damian was grateful his title had been successfully updated.
“Welcome all, thank you for joining us,” Wonder Woman addressed the group, “I hope your travel was painless.”
“Thank you,” Dick smiled. He was the most personable out of them, so he usually took the lead in conversations.
“Of course,” She gestured for them to table, “Are introductions needed?”
“No, I am well aware of who everyone is,” Damian gruffed, “We should start the meeting.”
“Well, we are waiting on one more person,” Diana noted, “Superman ran into some aliens I am afraid.”
“I hope we aren’t waiting long then,” Damian scowled taking a seat at the front of the table.
“No, he is on his way now,” Diana replied. As if on cue there was the sound of the transportation pod and shortly after the door whooshed open.
“Welcome Superman,” The computer greeted.
“Sorry, I’m late,” Jon apologized, “Have you been waiting long.”
“No, we- “Dick started.
“Tardiness is sloppy,” Damian cut in.
Jon rose a brow, “I will tell the aliens I have plans next time.”
“TT,” Damian replied.
“Welcome Superman, we have a new member joining us today,” Diana explained, “Batman.”
Damian stood and moved to stand in front of Jon.
“Batman?” Jon said looking him over, “I thought you’d be taller.”
Damian glared under his cowl. Who the hell did this guy think he was?
“Superman?” Damian questioned, “For a man of steel, you seem to lack any muscle mass.”
Jon’s expression changed to one of annoyance. “I am plenty powerful.”
“Power is nothing without intelligence.” Damian replied swiftly.
“We should sit,” Dick interrupted, “Start the meeting.”
Damian glared but nodded taking his seat, “Let’s get this over with, Gotham needs me.”
Jon rolled his eyes. This guy almost made him regret accepting the Superman title. Almost.
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cowardlysimon · 8 months
Superma,n evil robot clones eating each ther time ‼️
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sorry for getting obsessed with new characters like.. Every day but idk they are all just so silly I love all of them.
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anyways look at this video I made
I ❤️ Eradic,ator and Cybo,rg Superm,an 💕 (they want to kill each other all the time)
alright that should be all see ya
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jasontoddsguns · 2 years
Clark: so what do you think of Superma?
Lois: I’m glad he’s here in metropolis! Definitely makes my job more interesting. Oh and the whole “protects the plant” thing is a plus.
Clark: I mean do you like him? As a man?
Lois: ….what?
Clark, sweating: you know he’s quite an attractive guy-
Lois: Clark… are we in a love triangle right now?
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prettyboybyers · 1 year
Mike: Yeah, i like superma-
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ultfreakme · 1 month
Cn I ask your top favorite fics that you've written (feel free how much that you want to list)? Why they're special to you? Is there a specific inspiration when you wrote them? Thanks....
Hey anon!!! Thanks for the ask!! Favorite fics...I've written. You've given me too much freedom by asking my why I like them I am so sorry for the wall of text about to hit.
To Veer The Tides
It's a fic for Kuroko no Basuke which is basically just me slapping the character names onto a WILDLY different fantasy setting. It's for Akashi x Furihata. An arranged marriage AU where Akashi is the son of an emperor who went too power hungry and wanted to consolidate 7 mostly independent states(provinces??) into one, but he was defeated by the remaining states and to control Akashi, he is arranged to marry far below his station to Furihata, son of a destroyed noble house which is under the rule of Kagami's state. So it's about Akashi climbing back to power with Furihata initially thinking Akashi is pure evil but he soon realizes that maybe Akashi and his family aren't as evil as the people believe.
I ended up doing so much research, world-building and character expansion. It's more political intrigue than romance, lol. I still love that fic to death, I think I honestly peaked there for world-building, at least. I wrote it immediately after reading and watching Mo Dao Zu Shi and being first introduced to the concept of cultivation as a magic system and really wanted to put all my faves in flowy robes and long hair.
I want to get back to it, but I've discontinued it because I am simply not qualified to right about Dissociative Identity Disorder, systems and alters. Akashi has a terribly stereotypical portrayal of it in canon and I thought maybe I could research enough to write that, but I just, I don't know any systems and I felt like if I can't respect it, I didn't want to do it.
But it's still my favorite in terms of the world and aesthetics I had going on for it.
2. Tell Me Your Story (I'll Tell You Mine)
My current baby. The one I incessantly post about and draw for. Single-handedly over saturating the kyoshi warrior sokka x blue spirit zuko market. It's set in the canon world but I had to do so much research for this one too. I learned a lot, I think, while writing this. Big lesson being never ever write in present tense but if you're 200K+ words into it there is simply no going back RIP.
It started as just a silly romance because I thought it'd be funny to have Sokka and Zuko be completely oblivious to who they like. But as I began plotting and writing, it transformed into me projecting all my issues with colonialism and using the ATLA setting as base to dip a little bit deeper into the themes the show itself brings up, and some issues that it doesn't. Like, how colonialism uses your own culture against you, how it makes you fear who you are, makes you do things you don't want.
I deliberately chose that title because lots of indigenous communities in the world have lost their stories because of colonialism. Oral traditions and tales that are forgotten because people were killed and forced to never repeat them, forced to forget their languages. And that, really got to me. How colonialism slowly strips you of what makes human beings what they are; stories, art, music, dance, etc.
So this fic ended up being about how colonialism steals from you, uses what is yours AGAINST you and how it is important to embrace who you are and fight back.
3. Tell The Neighbours I'm Not Sorry
It's for Jon and Jay from DC Comics and Superfam. I wrote it when I was seeing a lot of biphobia against Jon and racism against Jay. As a bi asian, even if it was towards fictional characters, it was getting to me. People kept talking about how there's a specific way to be bi. Why did Jon never have a crisis about being queer? Why did Jon and Jay move so fast? Is Jay manipulating Jon just to get what he wants? It was all filled with a lot of stereotypes and biases.
Superman comics especially often taken up real world issues and puts it into the story. So I took all my anger and frustration from the biphobia and racism and wrote it into a fic.
It's about how there's no one way to being queer, and about how immigrants and non-white people are immediately classified as some kind of 'other' and 'bad' with zero grounding. It's also a little bit about colonialism on Jay's end. It's so charged with me going "FUCK IT!" and still somehow came out okay as a fic and I think I like that I managed to turn my anger into something productive.
4. An Itajun fic I have not published and am still writing
It's my first JJK fic! It's an absolute mess in my drafts right now but I really like it, it's very fun for me. Junpei starts seeing and sensing curses far earlier because of built resentment from his bullies going too far and severely injuring him, his mom finds out and they move to Yuuji's area of Tokyo to get away from the school since they won't do anything about the bullying. Yuuji and Junpei run into each other and meet early at school. So the dynamics are kinda reversed, where Junpei is the one who is into the world of curses first while Yuuji has no clue, but they slowly interact and come together, forming a tight bond.
Junpei trusts no one and is dealing with all this curse nonsense trying to understand what it means. Yuuji is seemingly happy and chipper but he's going through tough times because his grandpa got hospitalized. It's both of them supporting each other and making sure the other isn't alone.
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