#support refugees
civics-textbook · 10 days
Help a teenager and her injured father escape death
Do you ever think about how much great art or innovation or discoveries in maths and sciences we have lost due to imperialism?
Meena was a computer systems engineering student before the war. It's been eight months since then and she still has absolutely no idea how, or even if, she will get her life back and be able to continue her education. On top of that, her father has been injured and she is unable to access proper medical care for him.
I have spoken to Meena every day for months, and it has been heartbreaking to watch her lose more hope for her future each day. Her fundraiser hasn't gotten much attention yet, so I am hoping it might gain at least a little traction here.
I know this is said a lot but it is true, even if it is as small as $5 your donation can make a difference. If you genuinely cannot donate, share. Even if you have very few followers you still are likely getting visitors to your blog and they might see your post and be able to donate or share. If not, engagement still helps these posts get seen. However you engage with this post or fundraiser, you are showing Meena that people care about her and you are bringing her one step closer to completing her education, becoming a computer systems engineer, and seeing her father recover. You are bringing her one step closer to a life worth maintaining hope for.
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On World Refugee Day, be sure to check out 6 tips from We Welcome on how you can support refugees!
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cyanoticfireflies · 4 months
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🌹💖 Spread Love, Support Lives! 💖🌹
Looking for the perfect Valentine's Day gifts? Explore the heartfelt collection at Preemptive Love's shop, where every purchase supports refugees and artisans worldwide.
🛍️ Dive into our Valentine's Collection: ✨ Handcrafted soaps for a luxurious bath experience. ✨ Scented candles to set the mood for a romantic evening. ✨ Fine teas to share moments of warmth and connection. ✨ Unique jewelry pieces that tell stories of resilience and beauty. ✨ And much more!
💝 Shop consciously this Valentine's Day and make a difference in someone's life. Many of our products are lovingly crafted by refugees, empowering them to rebuild their lives and communities.
🌍 Join the movement for compassion and solidarity. Every purchase matters. Every choice counts.
💸 Enjoy 15% off your purchase with code "Allyson15". Spread love, spread hope, and make this Valentine's Day truly meaningful.
👉 Shop now: https://preemptivelove.shop/collections/valentines-day
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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exhaustedbadger · 1 year
Hey, so I’d like to say thank you to all who are accepting us Reddit refugees. As someone who’s always wanted to get into Tumblr, I guess I never officially did, until the Reddit blackout. I mean I created an account a while back to lurk at awesome and lovely fanart but this recent controversy made me flee here.
Been kinda sad, disappointed, but not surprised that Reddit is heading towards the direction thanks to spez.
So, I’d like to say thank you once more for accepting us :)
Oh and I absolutely love how you’re all just unapologetically outspoken on your burning and fierce hatred of capitalism lol please never stop the momentum
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canmom · 2 months
So a little over a month ago I was reached out to by @peterkats, a gay refugee currently living in a camp with a small group of other gay and trans refugees.
Peter has, to put it mildly, had a fucking time of it. In his home country, Uganda, his partner was murdered for being trans. He stayed for some time in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya with a group of gay and trans people (pictured above), but violence from police forced them to move, and they're currently in a refugee camp run by the UNHCR. (I've been asked not to explicitly name the country but you can probably figure it out.)
Unfortunately this has not in any way been a reprieve. They've managed to flee right into an impending famine, and if that's not enough, they're still facing violence from police and other refugees, and general indifference from the UNHCR medical staff - who are also facing supply shortages. But it's not completely hopeless. When Peter contacted me, he needed money for food - I sent him some via an intermediary and he was able to get quite a bit (the exchange rate seems to be favourable). With help, things can be quite different.
We've stayed in touch since then, talking about our respective lives, the lgbtq situation in different countries, even videogames and music. He's a really sweet guy, despite it all still trying to find a place he can live free. For real, I would not survive any of this shit.
Recently a couple of people in Peter's group have caught malaria. They are currently sleeping on bare mats without mosquito nets. There seems to be some confusion about the exchange rates but as far as I have been able to gather, about €150 (~20,000ssp) gets a mattress and €10(~1000ssp) a malaria net. The UNHCR have not been able to provide any medication except paracetamol, and it's raining which promotes mosquito activity, so this is kind of an emergency.
I would very much prefer if the new friend I've made doesn't die of starvation or malaria. Unfortunately, I do not have the money to support Peter and his group alone. I've sent him money for one mattress (via PayPal for expediency, it won't show up on GFM), and I would be immensely grateful if you would be able to contribute a bit to getting them another (which would be just about enough to keep six people safe from mosquitoes if sleeping three to a mattress).
Beyond that, these guys are prohibited from working so they would definitely benefit from food money. And if anyone has an idea for a long term plan to get them somewhere safer where they're less likely to get bashed, I am sure Peter would appreciate hearing about it. We talked a bit about the UK asylum process but getting everyone here would be very difficult (passports, flights etc.).
But still like, I can only do so much on my own, and I want to give these guys a fighting chance. So if you could pass this around and donate if you can spare a bit? I'd be insanely grateful.
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slimmwrites · 1 year
Was told the art I'll share on here will get more engagement than it ever did/will on Twitter, so I'm bringing my best work forward and sharing this piece I made of beautiful african women🫣🎨🤎
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sayruq · 3 months
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Guys, if you want to help feed Palestinians in Nuseirat refugee camp, the Payp*l is @MohammedAhmed494
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screamingfromuz · 8 months
People have tried a few approaches to get through to you. I'm going to try another. Why do you think this attack was such a surprise in Israel but not to anyone else on earth? When I ask people I know IRL (In the UK) about this, they say, "I'm shocked by what Hamas are doing but what did Israel expect to happen?" Outside Israel it's clear to everyone that the Gaza Strip situation was going to lead to something like this. You've known about Gaza your whole life, you've know that situation was festering for decades, so why the surprise? How did you think this would end?
i'm emotional, so you won't get a good well researched and structured answer, but an emotional ramble. but you don't want a well researched and organized answer, you want me to cave in call israel a monster colonizer and praise the "brave palestinian freedom fighters". fuck you. or say something you can use to prove how bad all israelis are and how good all palestinians are.
do you know what happened back in the 90s when the news of peace talk broke? the amount of attacks against Israelis grew, the death toll grew. in the four years after the accords the death doll doubled. Palestinian authorities celebrated that "israel gave so much without getting back like fools" and "the only good thing that came out of the accords was the intifada".
so I turn the fucking question to you? what is Israel supposed to do? who are we to talk to to reach peace? or should it dissolve? turn power on my life to people who stated they would like to kill or expel all the Jews? give more resources to a terrorist group? you saw where they put the money they get.
why the fuck do you think Israel exist? because we learned that we can never be free nor safe to be ourselves under the control of others. do you know that between 1948-1951 about 300000 MENA Jews became refugees? and the only reason nobody cares is because Israel took them in, while the whole arab world was happy to leave the Palestinians to rot. do you want a fucking list of every atrocity that was made during this conflict? because both sides have a very long one and the big difference is that Israel fucking won the 1948 war!
and of-fucking-coarse we knew something big was gonna happen! it was in the news for months! people have been screaming at the assholes in charge for so long! it doesn't make it less horrifying! it doesn't matter that we knew that Hamas are stealing all the recourse to make missiles and are going to take advantage of the chaos in israel, it doesn't matter that our extremists are feeding their extremists, cause IT DOESN'T MAKE IT FUCKING RIGHT! we knew Hamas will do some horrid war crime but didn't want to think that people will take whole cities hostage and kidnap and murder hundreds! nobody wanted it to become a fucking war you piece of condescending shit!
we wanted the sane people of both sides to take over and work together! we were hoping to use the near municipal elections to get people who support cooperative living in to the city councils so we can change stuff for the better and fight the anti peace movements of both sides! and maybe gain enough power so in the next parliamentarian elections we will get some decent people that would kickstart the peace process and support palestinian communities into the cabinet! do you know how hard we worked to support Israeli-Palestinian lists for the municipal races? how much effort is put by people to try and make things better?
so i'm gonna ask you again, what was Israel supposed to fucking do?
and If you say "to stop existing" I want you to know that you just exposed yourself as a supporter of genocide.
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fitgothgirl · 1 month
Hello all, my friend is in a queer dodgeball league and they’re doing a fundraiser for Palestine; proceeds will go to gofundmes for evacuating families out of Gaza - and you can let them know of a specific family if you want! Otherwise there is a list they have to choose from.
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agentfascinateur · 26 days
From the steps of Cannes to Gaza, more reason to love UN refugee ambassador Cate Blanchett
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drsonnet · 4 months
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where to?
#Rafah #Gaza #Khanyunis #Palestine
د. علاء اللقطة
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Happy World Humanitarian Day! On this important day, find out from 3 humanitarian organizations how you can support refugees! 
➡️ International Rescue Committee (IRC)
➡️ Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS)
➡️ Refugees International
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imforeverjustyours · 13 days
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useless-englandfacts · 7 months
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idk man if i was prime minister and the highest court in my country and the european court of human rights (which is nothing to do with the EU btw!) said that my plans to deport refugees to a country 6000 miles away was Bad then i might… listen to them? rather than. y'know. pushing through legislation to circumvent the courts and sprinkling it with a bit of xenophobia for good measure — even though the british public DID NOT VOTE FOR THIS!
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jloisse · 7 days
Une vidéo touchante montre le moment où un père réalise que son fils est en vie après avoir pensé qu’il était tombé en martyr lors du massacre du camp de Nuseirat.
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