#tall regulus black
whatthebleep · 10 months
how many times do i have to scream out THE BLACK BROTHERS ARE TALL before i am taken siriusly
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reyrey-art · 2 months
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He is not short, everyone else is just related to giants! (⇀‸↼‶)
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a-great-tragedy · 4 days
Regulus was that one short kid who would not hesitate to climb the fucking shelves, because he would rather do that then ask for help
James: Reg.. what are you doing up there?
Regulus: *Clinging on for dear life while also trying to grab a book* Nothing.
James: Okay.. *grabs book* You know I was actually looking for this. I think I’ll take it for myself-
Regulus: *Still hanging on* You bastard-
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poolpvrty · 3 months
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Unfinished regulily prince & knight au <3 Maybe I'll complete it someday, then again, maybe not!
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silverameco · 10 months
the height difference between James and Regulus is cute, but the height difference between Remus and Sirius is ridiculous
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kairospy · 1 year
Just saying,
James is the spoiled one in the relationship. He’s used to getting all he wants because Effie and Monty would indulge his every whim. He’s dramatic as shit, loud, confident, but so theatrical about it.
Regulus is the more quiet one (though not shy or insecure AT ALL. This man was meant to inherit an empire and associate (if not better) the most powerful wizards, be honest with yourself, he was be confident and stoic), and if he wanted something, he had to take it for himself seeing as his parents mostly focused on Sirius for 15 years. He’s independent.
To summarise: Regulus wears the pants in the relationship and James is just happy to be there and be pampered and be bought nice things. Regulus calls him ‘love’ and he’s gone. He wears Reg’s jumpers when he’s home alone. He’s pathetically whipped and would let Reg do anything to him. James cooks so well and makes Reg a different dish each week bc this man is used to house elf menus and that wont cut it. Regulus stands behind him, chin on his shoulder arms around his waist asking about ingredients, and James just about fucking dies—
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deathnguts · 3 months
Regulus: Barty if you kneeled in front of me, we would be the same height.
Barty: that’s so hot of us
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norry-yippee · 3 months
Just looked up a picture of cannon Evan Rosier, will not be doing that again😃
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jewishregulus · 5 months
pls pls pls your thoughts on jegulus height difference
i think g-d put jegulus height difference in the scripture . anything else feels fake and so unlike them . i need regulus to be small enough james can pick him up and chuck him over a shoulder. regulus is canonically really short so this isn’t even fake. james is tall according to VOLDEMORT …. which is crazy…… i think people who get mad abt it r genuinely tweaking over nothing …. i think james should tower over him like a giant cuddly teddy bear who when he hugs regulus regulus is wrapped up!!! i think there is a solid 7-12 inch height difference depending on the day .. my james is never shorter than 6’1 and never taller than 6’3 and my reg is never shorter than 5’3 but never taller than 5’6…. i speak g-ds word !
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quillkiller · 3 months
microfic: lesbian regulily, 1k words
no warnings!! just tall lily & nonbinary dyke reg <3
Regulus has no real reason to ask Lily to come with him whenever he goes grocery shopping, but that doesn’t stop him from asking her every thursday. She always picks him up in her car, reaching over from the driver’s seat and opens up the door for him.
So what if it makes him blush like a teenager being picked up for prom? That’s his business.
Regulus is new to this. He’s new to feeling desire, and is yet to shake off the guilt for feeling it. He’s new to taking any sort of initiative and it had taken him an entire month to ask Lily to ’hang out’ outside of studying together. It had taken him 48 hours to formulate the text, and then another five hours hovering his thumb over the send-button. He was still stumbling over his words whenever he was in Lily’s presence, looking up at her from underneath his eyelashes and counting the freckles on her face like stars in the sky.
“I thought you didn’t like this brand of cereal?” Lily smirked, grabbing the box from the top shelf.
“Uh,” Regulus eloquently said.
Honestly, he wasn’t even sure what he had asked her to grab. Had just gestured vaguely at something high up on the shelves on a whim.
“You,” Lily said, still smirking, pointing at him with a long delicate finger, “refused to eat these when I offered you some only last week when we pulled that all nighter at my place.”
Regulus swallowed. “Well—”
Lily turned back around and put the brand of cereal back on the shelf, and Regulus' words died on his tongue before he could even try to get them out. He was utterly pathetic. Utterly pathetic about Lily Evans. Her shirt rode up when she reached up, just slightly, revealing the tiniest bit of skin; and Regulus wanted to bite at it.
Lily made him stupid, but he couldn’t even pretend to mind even if he tried. He’d never been stupid about anyone before, hadn’t allowed himself to be. It made him flush, made him embarrass himself repeatedly, made him absolutely pitiful— and he sort of maybe even liked it. The torture of a crush, entirely his own and no one else’s.
“Besides, “ Lily said as she crouched down on the floor, long legs underneath her that Regulus’ wanted climb onto, “I think you’d prefer these.”
Lily pulled out a box of chocolate covered cereal, Regulus’ favorite; and of course Lily would’ve seen them at his place. He couldn’t stop the heat gathering in his cheeks, though, at the thought that Lily knew what his favorite cereal was. Their fingers brushed when Lily handed them to him and Lily smiled shyly up at him, still so much bigger than him and he wanted more than anything to envelope himself entirely in her arms until he was surrounded with norhing but Lily Evans.
“Thank you,” Regulus managed, watching Lily stand back up.
And yeah, maybe that’s part of why Regulus asks her to come with him every thursday. Maybe he’s indulging himself just a little bit. Maybe, just maybe, he likes watching Lily reach the top shelves without having to get on her tippy toes, likes to watch her long form stretched out and mapping it out like it’s its own country. Maybe he likes looking up at her in awe, with wonder. Likes it when she holds something just out of reach, to tease him, so he has to get up on his own tippy toes to grab it from her. Lily’s laugh like a waterfall and Regulus wanting to dive in head first.
Lily drives him home and he invites her in. It’s still morning and he just bought cereal so they might as well have a second breakfast. Or cereal for lunch, whatever. Lily eyes the box suspiciously like she doesn’t fully trust it. Regulus is sitting on the counter with his own bowl, warm and content, butterflies swirling in his belly from watching Lily in his kitchen like she somehow belongs.
“Just have some of mine,” Regulus offers eventually around the spoon in his mouth, a lot less charming than he’d like to be.
Lily makes her way over to Regulus until she’s nearly stood between his legs. Regulus does his absolute best to act normal. He fails miserably when she puts a hand down right next to him, halfway to caging him in. She’s still taller than him like this, even when he’s sitting on the counter. Regulus takes a deep breath and Lily’s lips twitch in response.
“You said I could have some?” Lily says, a smile in her voice.
Lily huffs out a laugh, her cheeks flushed pink. “Some cereal, princess,”
Right, Regulus thinks, knuckles going white against the bowl he’s apparently still holding. He can’t stop the gasp from escaping his lips.
He gently, as gently as he can with his trembling hands, lifts the spoon to Lily’s cherry red lips. She opens her mouth without looking away from Regulus and closes it around the spoon, and Regulus squirms in his seat. There’s the slight slurping noise as she sucks on the spoon— and so what if Regulus’ traitorous mind imagines that it’s his own fingers feeling her tongue instead?
Lily hums after she swallows, the sound too loud in Regulus’ small kitchen. “Too sweet.”
Regulus stares at her dumbly, still trembling and holding the spoon to her lips— until Lily leans forward, ever so slowly, searching his eyes for permission that Regulus would be an idiot not to give; so he dives forward to give it as enthusiastically as he can.
The kiss is a little clumsy at first, Regulus being too eager and Lily a bit too surprised at his eagerness. Until it slows down, and Regulus wraps his legs around Lily to pull her closer. Lily licks at Regulus’ lower lip, teasing his mouth open. Regulus thinks he whimpers when their tongues touch and he’s not even embarrassed. Lily laughs against his mouth and wraps her hand around his neck.
Lily pulls away first, lips swollen and pupils dark.
”Just like I thought,” she smirks, “tastes better on your tongue.”
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weirdddgirl · 3 days
Dorcas and Sirius have almost beat each other up multiple times.
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calc1fers · 1 month
my boy evan rosier was BUFF please don’t try to convince me otherwise
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sweetnnaivete · 2 months
tall sirius and regulus they could never make me hate you
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wordsofwilderness · 1 month
Would you rather fight 1 James sized Regulus or 100 Regulus sized James's?
Look,,, I put way too much thought into this but I think I'm taking my chances with the 100 Regulus sized Jameses. I feel like I might have a slight chance of convincing them to not flight me at all, where as with 1 James sized Regulus I would be on the floor bleeding out in seconds 😅
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itsriotmotherfuckers · 2 months
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Nap-Time! Sirius Lupin-Black + Teddy Lupin-Black
A picture from an AU I haven’t done anything with just yet, but I need to get to writing it. I’ve already fully drafted it, but writing takes a while. Anyways, yeah, here it is!
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kairospy · 1 year
6 foot James flexing the one (1) inch he has on Regulus at every turn
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