#tbb bounty hunter au
thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
In an AU were Crosshair and Mayday went awol and They live on tattoine with Obi-wan and Cody. All 4 of them are bounty hunters
Cody: Hey can I have a sip of your water
Crosshair: It’s not water.
Obi-wan: Vodka. I like your style.
Crosshair: It’s vinegar.
Cody + Obi-wan: whAt
Crosshair: I said its vinegar.
Mayday: Cross, we talked about this.
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yukipri · 2 years
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Alpha-ØØ | "Boba Fett"
Boba in his black arena suit from War of the Bounty Hunters Alpha
(Artist headcanon that Boba's designation being "Alpha" indicates that he was originally decanted as part of the Alpha batch of clones)
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST, EDIT, TRANSLATE, OR OTHERWISE USE MY ART. To share, please reblog! Reblogs and comments greatly appreciated!!!
❀ You can see the rest of my art through the Masterpost pinned to the top of my blog!
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99aceace · 5 months
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Basically Tech and Crosshair as bounty hunters.
I regret i hate drawing digitally so much cause now all i do is post bad quality pictures taken with my phone.
It doesn't look that bad in my sketchbook...
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 2 months
The Gym Membership - Part 35 (Crosshair)
Summary: The Axe Event continues
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
Well I had a nice day today, someone told me they loved me. Of course, it was an 80 year old patient, but hey I'll take an 'I love you' any day. It was adorable.
So I just noticed that I also just gained 100 extra followers since my last celebration. I'm sitting at 550! To my new followers, WELCOME! To my old, THANK YOU for staying around. I know you have all been patient with my uploads on my other stories, and I do apologize for that. Thank you for sticking, it means a lot. I was thinking of writing at least ten chapters for each story first before I started uploading, but I think I'll just write and upload as we go along, but stick to the 1000 word limit I've set for myself.
If you guys have a different opinion, just drop a line and let me know.
I know I've used this GIF before, but I mean... look at him.
Love oo
Warnings: Liquor, axe throwing discussion, attempts at flirting, very close touching, annoyed, drinking, competition. I think that's it, if I miss any warnings, please let me know.
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Crosshair’s hands clenched by his side, at Rob’s attempt of flirting. It wasn’t so much that Layla was getting hit on that bothered him, it was the way Rob was eyeing her. He could tell his brothers were having issues with this man as well. Crosshair looked at Hunter, a silent agreement they would teach this man a lesson or two. He turned his focus back to Layla and Rob, ready to step in if the occasion called for it.  
Rob’s smile was sweet, but … a little too sweet for my liking, almost as though he was putting on airs, to get me to drop my guard down. He held out his hand expecting me to hold it as he guided me over, however when I didn’t take it, he simply smirked as I walked over and stood beside him. He cleared his throat and handed me one of the three axes he had in his hand. 
I gripped the handle, getting used to the weight, as I tried to align myself with the target.
“All right, beautiful, are you right or left handed?”
“Ummm either and the name’s Layla.”
Rob chuckled, “What’s wrong with beautiful?”
I narrowed my eyes at him, “I’m more than just a pretty face. Not everyone is focused on how they look.”
Crosshair couldn’t help but smile at her stance, he let out a quiet chuckle, a red tint appearing on his ears. 
Rob smiled awkwardly and nodded, clearing his throat, “Right. So Layla, Right or left handed?”
“As I said previously, either.”
“What do you mean either? What are you ambidextrous?”
“Yes.” The statement was plain simple and to the point, yet the look on Rob’s face was one of disbelief and annoyance. 
“Me too” Tech’s voice called out from behind me, I chuckled and high-fived him.
“Oookay…” Rob flipped the one of the two axes in his hand, simply nodding as though all of the sudden he found himself out of his depth. He cleared his throat one more time, before his confident demeanour came back, “Well in that case,” he smiled as he looked into my eyes, “whichever hand you decide to use, use the opposite foot to put forward. Got it.”
“Great. Now Layla, let’s start with the two-handed technique; it helps if you keep your thumbs lined up, similar to a golf club.”
Crosshair watched as Rob continued instructing her, his eyes laser focused and narrowing as he noticed Rob getting a little too close for his comfort, although Layla didn’t say anything nor did she seem to be reacting much to his presence. A warm angry sensation started to churn in his stomach, when he noticed how Rob shifted to stand behind Layla, gently wrapping his arms around her, as he adjusted her grip on the axe from behind. His head positioned over her shoulder trying to get a better angle to see what she was doing.
He let out a sigh, Layla didn’t look bothered nor had she glanced over to him or anyone else, to ask for help. He turned his focus to his brothers to see what they were doing since they had a total of four lanes. Hunter was helping Zai, even though she really didn’t need it. Wrecker was assisting Mel, although she was simply looking for an excuse to touch his muscles, meanwhile, Echo and Sofie had gone to get pitchers of beer for everyone. 
“If it bothers you why don’t you go over and instruct her?” Tech’s voice was low and full of tension as he spoke to Crosshair. Although things between the two of them had gotten better, there was still a slight bit of tension, mainly because he hadn’t completely forgiven Cross from harbouring such a secret for so long. 
“It’s not bothering me” Cross stated as he took a swig of the beer Echo brought back, after he nodded his thanks.
“Tell that to your clenched fist and jaw.”
“Crosshair, wanna try?” I motioned him over, and held out the axe to him. Rob decided that my complete and utter lack of interest was no longer an entertainment for him, as he finally backed off. 
Cross swallowed the rest of his beer, he swaggered over towards Layla, smirking as he took the axe from her hand; he flipped it back and forth, spinning it in the palm of his hand as he took a step back, from the designated throwing line.  
“Pick a spot” he looked at Layla, a subtle grin on his lips. 
“Sorry?” I was lost at his request, my eyebrow furrowing in confusion.
“On the target” he motioned with his head, “pick a spot.”
I tried to suppress a chuckle at his audacity, “I’m sorry, you want me to pick up a spot on the target? Anywhere?” He nodded, “Oh, okay um … the bullseye.”
“Really?” He quirked his eyebrow, letting out a sigh as he relented. He lined himself up with the target, standing 16 feet from the target, he placed his foot forward, and without even any force he threw the axe and hit the bullseye dead centre.
My jaw dropped open as he hit it dead centre, “W-wow … that’s …” 
“Oh that’s nothing” Hunter chuckled as he came over smacking Cross on the shoulder. He looked at Rob, “Mind if I make a quick doodle?”
“Ugh, sure … go ahead” Rob was shocked as well, he’d been known as the most proficient axe thrower at the company, but even he never moved further than the designated 12 foot throwing line. 
Hunter took a pen and doodled a happy face on the board, it was tiny, he placed it on the third ring, in the upper right hand corner. “Alright, Cross, that’s your target.” He gave a proud smile as he walked away from the target. 
Cross waited until the area was clear and safe for him. Tech gave him a glass of a beer, he took a swig before handing it back to his younger brother. Nodding his thanks. He released the axe before anyone was the wiser, nailing his target dead centre.
“Whoa!” Zai couldn’t hold back her admiration. 
“That’s crazy” Mel smirked
“That’s just luck,” Rob offered.
Wrecker chuckled, “Do you know how many people say that?”
“There’s no way, he hit it.” 
“Why don’t we have a friendly match?” Crosshair offered, as his toothpick swished from side to side. 
“You’re on”
Rob took the spot beside Crosshair, picking up his axe, “Call it”
“Very well, the blue dot on the right corner, the ten pointer”
“Done” Rob stood at his mark, his back straight, he lifted his arm and threw the axe, hitting the ten pointer, dead centre.
Cross nodded at his opponent, “Not bad. For someone standing on the line.” He mocked.
“Why not draw a target for me, we’ll see who the better thrower is.” 
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reader6898 · 2 months
So, I've been working on a au series with the bad batch and this is what I have so far
* The clones have equal rights and actually get paid for once
* Order 66 never happened and everyone lives happily ever after
* The Jedi found out about the chips and were able to successfully have them all removed from the clones (Fives is a hero)
* Evil Palps was "mysteriously" killed (it was Fox)
Now on for the bad batch part
* the batch are wealthy bounty hunters
* They work with Cody and Rex occasionally (Cody and Rex like to hire them for tough jobs)
* Hunter meets his partner through Omega as she's Omega's teacher
* Wrecker meets his partner at the flower shop she runs and helps her out
* Crosshair meets his girlfriend at Dex's diner as she's a waitress and also a single mother (this gives off sugar baby and sugar daddy vibes)
* Echo's partner is Omega's babysitter
*Tech meets his partner when he accompanies Omega as a chaperone when her class goes on a field trip to the science museum. They don't actually interact but Tech finds her through an escort service website that he joined and that's how they start meeting and talking to one another when they match (I don't even know how I came up with this one but Tech seems like the type to go on an escort service website and meet someone through there)
* Omega goes to school and is living a normal life as a child
* The batch adopted Omega as they didn't want her staying on Kamino
* When the batch get hired to do jobs with Cody or Rex and have to work with their men they actually get along with the regs
That's all for now. I'm planning on a doing mini series with each of these storylines and if all goes well I might do more with other clones with different storylines. Let me know what all of you think of this
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akilahdrawssometimes · 2 months
Full posts on my a03 :D @/akilahdrawssometimes -
Jysyal sat slumped in the cockpit of the starfighter. Leaning as far back as the tilt lock of the pilot seat would allow. Still clutching onto the fresh wound it continued to pulse hot with pain. Running right into a clone trooper base had been free from the to-do list but the force always had a funny way to give you unnecessary problems. With a shot in her side from their blaster, the bilious scent of her burning flesh flared her senses.
A cauterized wound was the worst pain she had ever experienced by far. The med patch was the only thing preventing her guts from spilling out. The cooling gauze was compressed so tightly, almost squeezing her organs together. The dark red splotch became more abstract as blood seeped through the pale cotton. At that moment everything started to feel blurry.
It was almost like she could see spots.
Or was it shapes?
It was too difficult to think clearly when the only rational thing her brain was screaming at her to take care of first was the growing injury. Her skin felt like it was on fire and slightly sticky from the condensation beads of sweat, her slow shallow breaths grew quicker with the anxious energy of not being able to make a miraculous recovery with the med bey being bare she had already used the last of her myoplexarii on the bounty mission in the outer rim after a three on one with Trandoshands.
Which in turn left her a bruised bloodied mess R4 had barely been able to recognize her aside from the gruff attitude she constantly wore. Strenuously leaning forward she jammed the starter button and gave a minute for the battery-powered motor to convulse the diesel engine. As it softly clicked to life she flicked the paddle switch and engaged autopilot.
Forcibly slamming back into the pilot's seat with a huff. R4-B9 shuffled into the small space on her motorized threads chirping and beeping as the droid announced her presence.
“ … R4?”
She turned her head to look down at the quippy astromech from the corner of her eye. She had never been so relieved to see such a provoking droid. She swiveled her cone-like head and chirped in curious recognition.
“I need you …” Drawing a long breath through her nostrils she tried to continue the one-sided conversation.
“Rhinnal take us there.”
Figuring the droid would take her stale statement easier than explaining why she was ten shades paler and half-dead in her pilot's seat.
The expressive droid gawked at the harsh monotone of the Togrtua. Sharply chirping and clicking a demand of a nicer plea. With an internal roll of her eyes, Jysyal quipped stalling and spilling her guts across the cockpit floor for the sake of theatrics just for the droid to shut up and enter the coordinates. It seemed like she was already half dead, the nausea and clammy, sweaty skin as the result of her blood loss had already taken a toll on her body.
Capitulating defeat the droid programmed the coordinates into the ship's navicomputer, skipping a beat when the hyperspace ring of their shared X wing began to glow a subtle white. The hyperdrive motors rolled into rhythm as the all-familiar blue tunnel appeared swallowing the ship into the deep outer rim of space.
As the ship continued to be pulled through space a thought came to her mind. ‘Why does blood always smell like iron’ The same metallic, copperish taste filled her mouth as the air infused with the scent of her raw wound. As she dwelled in the pain she could not help but feel ashamed that her torment and discomfort were so minor compared to those of the Jedi order.
While on Jakku a few rotations ago to refuel and restock basic supplies, she got in touch with an old contact who had informed her of the massacre and betrayal of the clone troopers, even her master, the steady anchor of a mentor had fallen. It was too difficult to comprehend at first but the Jedi temple on Auratera had been burning for a long time when she had to see the evidence herself. The charred remains of the five spiral building only drew her further from the truth it was all too much to believe.
The piles of bodies, the smell, broken lightsaber hilts, and torn robes it was all too much at once. The empty libraries and training halls. Broken holocrons and keber crystals. Everyone deserved a proper burial with their lightsabers but Jysyal doubted herself as the one to do it. “I’m sorry.. ’ her voice wavered in turmoil and shame.
I’m sorry I have no right to give you all the proper burial you deserve I was banished I can't do what you all crying out for me to do. She was forced to leave the guilt burning in her stomach to cease and ignore her internal conflict that was the Jedi order and everyone in it.
The tunnel of blue had finally ended and the planet of Rhinnal had finally come into view. Quickly swatting the few stray tears that had fallen Jysyal slouched forward ignoring the way her lekku fell awkwardly in the process. The landing was a bit rougher than what the two of them were used to but given her condition, she hoped the flailing droid and her dramatics would go easy on her and turned to the droid as she did something else caught her eye.
“R4 we're here.”
Her abandoned lightsaber hilt she had tossed across the cockpit days before. The dull brass handle craved with her initials, the blue and gold ribbon looped around a crease in the base to remember an old friend... a dead friend and the familiar grip of her hand almost imprinted into the surface. It was a part of her, a piece of her, her identity was now a constant reminder of the pain of leaving everything behind.
Leaning over into the passenger seat she grabbed the old sheet that would normally be a safety blanket when doing various repairs on the X-Wing and lazily covered it with the grease-stained fabric. And pressed a various set of buttons to unlock the hydraulics of the ship and let down the ramp. The hiss of the hydraulics finally stopped and the standard controls looked fine, the aerator warning light and circuit breaker were in okay condition. Now she could get the medical attention she desperately needed.
If she could even get there.
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omaano · 6 months
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Touchy subject
"The 501st was one of the best legions during the war. I've lost a lot of good men over the years - some of them would have given even you Mandos a run for your credits. And my general... My general was a good man too, but that's enough of that, I thought you were too old for bedtime stories by now."
Din just tried to figure out what the colour of the clones' armor paint meant, and why he's never heard Rex mention his CO during all the wartime stories and lectures; whereas he's already got to meet Wolffe and his general and even heard Cody mention his every once in a blue moon. (Special thanks to @witchydom for helping with the "dialogue" :3)
The rest of my Star Wars meets Hades AU project is here
I'll take a bit of your time to give a bit of an explanation why I decided to put Rex in Skelly's spot:
During a playthrough when I was looking for screenshots to use as backgrounds the first thing that greeted me was Zagreus calling Skelly "Captain" upon entering the armoury, or whatever that chamber is called. And that really decided it, let's be honest. Rex is Captain, and that is the Captain's spot. End of story.
Reading "still got it" by qigiined even before I got into watching TCW was such a personality defining experience (seriously, this fic lives forever rent free in my brain), that I really had no other option but to put the few clones that I'm willing to work into this AU somewhere around home base (the covert) - so you can guess where Cody and Wolffe are situated. Or will be, hopefully soon enough. Rex needs to be able to hang out with Cody, that's just how it is. (Rebels and TBB canon who?)
Rex deserves to teach some uppity Mando bounty hunters and other warriors who think too much of themselves a few lessons in humility and some crafty tricks. I think it would be very good for him.
As a throwaway note since we are already under the read more section, I've been thinking about sigils and keepsakes (trinkets) and cthonic companions (I know that over a year ago I inaccurately but very self indulgently designed one for Din, Boba and Cobb, that is not the point now) and while Cody can have one shaped like Boga, and Wolffe can obviously get a stuffed loth wolf (and Bo-Katan a very squishy owl)... I have no idea what shaped companion Rex could have. If anyone has any suggestions and would love to share it with me, I'd be very grateful!
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acourtofsnakes · 1 year
The Absence Of Sound - Freefall, Chapter 3 || The Bad Batch x Jedi!Reader
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Summary: The Batch catch a lead of where you might be, but is it too good to be true? And a certain angsty clone realises he doesn't have a heart of ice after all.
Warnings: nicknamed reader (Ghost), sleazy guy who cant say no, unwanted touch (a hand on the neck), swearing, canon weapons, The Boys being hot, Reader being a badass, arguing, tension of the spicy kind, mention of slight panic
A/N: The chapters in this series are split into sections, Before and After. The before chapters are set during the Clone Wars, before TBB, with a slight AU. Just a little heads up in advance for chapter 4... You have been warned. 🥲
Words: 5.8k+
Tags: @arctrooper69
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“Well, I gotta say boys, I’ve seen scum in the depths of prisons look happier than you.” Cid strolled into the parlour, dropping a box of credits on the table, payment for their latest mission. 
None of them answered her, barely even acknowledged her, or the credits. As it had been for the past four months, the table was covered in maps, scraps of information, datapads old and new, bounty pucks, everything. Any hint of information, any part of anything that could be relevant. 
For four months now, in every spare second they had, The Bad Batch were searching. Hunting. 
Seeking out their lost companion, their fallen partner. 
You were more than just a member of their tight-knit, rag-tag collection. 
You were a part of them. 
And they couldn’t leave another behind, not again. 
“There seems to have been a lot of activity across these three systems,” Tech flicked through the information on his data pad, the holo in the middle of the table reflecting the same data, “Activity that would not be explained by our usual kind of enemies. Unexplained attacks at any given point of time, surges of energy that people cannot explain, sightings of someone that no-one can quite remember.” He adjusted his goggles, rolling his shoulders a little.
Echo was poring over a collection of bounty pucks, brow furrowed in concentration, “Would she have been that obvious though? I mean, we know her. We know how she operates, how she thinks… She’s our Ghost, if she’s in hiding, why is she letting herself be seen?” The answer already hung there in his words, but it felt like a curse to bring it to light, to snuff out a possibility before it even had the chance to be real.
“Because she knows we’re looking for her. She’s ready to be found. She’s telling us where she is so we can go and rip apart whoever is keeping her.” Wrecker growled a little, thumping on fist into the plan of the other hand, his grey eye smouldering.
“Hunter? What do you think?” Tech turned his attention to his brother, his sergeant, the one he looked up to. 
Hunter was staring at the scattered research across the table, rubbing his fingertips along his jaw over and over again, those senses of his telling him something, telling him this wasn’t right. He shook his head, “No…” It was a soft murmur, before he realised Tech had spoken to him, “No. Something about this isn’t right.”
Tech looked down at the data, ticking it over, “If we leave now, we will be at Moraband in less than two rotations. I can get us through jump points that limit the amount of time we waste. We can go to the planet and inspect for ourselves, what is going on.” 
Wrecker’s head followed the conversation, turning to each brother in turn before he rose from his seat, rolling his neck, “I say we do it. If she’s there, we find her. If not, we bust some heads until someone tells us where she is.” 
Hunter sighed heavily through his nose, skin prickling again but he nodded once, “Get everything you need, we leave in ten.” He just couldn’t shake the feeling that they were wrong about his.
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You had to hand it to yourself - you’d managed to make something out of the mess your life might have handed up being. 
That’s not to say your time in the Jedi Temple was unpleasant or unhappy, it wasn’t. They were some of the happiest memories you ever had, learning how to harness the Force and wield the legendary weapons you’d always dreamed of touching. 
Of course, you did come to the Temple under more devastating circumstances. An attack on your home planet when you were young caused chaos and destruction, turning your once peaceful surroundings into that of fire and blood. 
You vividly remember the moment it all happened, the moment the world turned in on its head and your parents ran with you through the wreckage of the town square, trying to make sure you didn’t look too closely at the scarlet staining the pretty cobblestones like oil.  
Running, running, running. 
Endless running until another explosion rocked the very ground beneath you, throwing you off your feet and ripping you away from your parents. Something pushed into you when you tried to stand, some kind of invisible, weightless energy that kept you down, hidden, seconds before a wave of those awful creatures tore through the plaza, gunning down everything in their path. 
There was so much dust, so much smoke. 
So much screaming and pain. 
When it cleared, the silence was terrifying, like all the life had been sucked out of the world… because it had. 
Your parents had drawn the attention of the monsters so they wouldn’t find you, clutching each other's hands in the growing pool of blood painting the floor. 
Such agony and rage and confusion, all shooting through your body, grief, helplessness - a whirling torment growing wilder and wilder, like the churning sky of a storm before it snapped and that same energy had burst out of you. 
It blew everything away in a ten-foot radius, leaving you in the centre, sobbing and clawing at the ruins of your home world. 
That was how the Jedi had found you when they came to help survivors. Sitting in the centre of a storm, near passed out from exhaustion and grief.
They took you back to the Temple, running a few tests on your Midichlorian count, and to see if you were okay. 
And everything went from there. 
You became part of Anakin Skywalker’s little unit, becoming best friends with his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, and causing just as much mischief for General Obi-Wan Kenobi. 
The four of you were inseparable, working together in a beautiful, coalescent unit, and you even became close with Anakin’s Clone unit, the 501st, led by Captain Rex. 
Ah, how you adored Rex. His easy way of looking at the world, the endless calm that flowed out of him like water whenever you reached out with the Force. 
He commanded his men more like brothers, worked side-by-side with Anakin as though they shared the same blood too. 
Not to mention, he always had a soft spot for you and Ahsoka, and he was one of the first people to notice that you processed the world differently, after Ani mentioned it. 
Perhaps it was this difference that he saw, this unsettled, frantic energy thrumming consistently through your blood that made Rex suggest something. 
That something happened to be by way of a unit of five, Clone Force 99. 
The Bad Batch. 
A group of ‘defective’ clones born and bred for their differences and altered skills, who were efficient and always successful, even if their methods looked like one of Anakin’s mission plans. 
They owned the fact that they didn’t fit it, accepting their differences and turning them into their strengths and pride. 
Rex begged for help on the mission on Anaxes, considering you were the only one who believed his theories about Echo without hesitation.  
And it was there that you slotted in like the sixth puzzle piece. 
The boys were fascinated by you, and you were in turn fascinated by them. 
You weren’t as uptight as other Jedi Commanders they’d met. You felt things and expressed them in ways they’d never seen before. 
You laughed brightly, teasing them with a mouth that could have shocked some of the General’s they’d seen. 
You fought like a whirlwind, your grace and skill honed until you became a blur of light on the battlefield, leaving the Batch staring after you with wide eyes and parted lips. 
They witnessed your anger at the state of Echo, your friend, watched you tear through the enemy with your sabers flashing like bolts of lightning, your fury threatening to rumble the skies. 
Hunter marvelled at your efficiency, something they’d seen only in the brief time they’d known Anakin, but there you were, burning as fiercely as he did yet eyes skipped over you when it mattered. 
A storm, he called you. Always feeling and thinking so intensely, crackling with life yet no one knew when you were going to explode into light next.  
It was after that mission, when you were watching Echo choose to stay with the boys that you realised how right things felt with them, how you didn’t have to mask the fact that you saw the world through an altered lens. You didn’t have to master the emotions that sometimes bubbled over with no warning and dragged you through the undertow. 
Rex must have seen it too, must already have known and spoken to Hunter, because he took you aside and suggested that you stay right where you are, with them. With people who you burn brightly with and not be dimmed. 
And although you missed your friends, missed this family that had held you back from the precipice of oblivion… 
This felt right. 
This felt like home. 
They felt like home. 
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The sounds of the cantina were a pleasant hum in the background, dulling your senses and providing a sort of blanket to dissociate into. 
It was another successful mission under your belts, another tally to add to your repertoires. 
The Marauder was being refuelled, so Hunter suggested you all do the same - considering Wrecker had again eaten through everyone’s ration packs… Again.
All the boys were seated at a table, relaxing after the mission but still with that keen alertness. 
It was your round of drinks, and you’d slipped through the crowd to the bar, ordering from the droid and just listening to the hum of everything around you. 
You watched the droid potter around preparing your drinks, toying with your credits on the bartop, flipping them in and out of your fingers absently, just to offset a bit of that lingering energy leftover from escaping possibly another near death experience.
Really, it was like being back with Anakin and the others, there was a remarkable similarity with plans having to be changed right at the almost moment for some reason or another.
The thought brought a faint smile to your lips, how you’d gotten a similar family yet one completely different, one that you fit snugly into and wouldn’t change for the world. 
“Now, there’s a smile I could get used to seeing.” An unfamiliar voice broke your haze, your sensitivity alerting you too late that someone was next to you, bordering on too close. 
Clearly, you’d disassociated harder than you meant to, since you were usually so aware of your surroundings and space, hating it when people you didn’t trust came too close.
Exhaling softly through your nose, you turned your head to the side, examining the male that had bothered you. 
He was human, older by the looks of his greying stubble and the flecks through his hair which was swept back with careless abandon but clearly styled as an attempt to look rumpled. 
He had pale green eyes which lingered on you with too much curiosity, too much weight that didn’t sit well on your skin. 
“Ah, well. Unfortunately for you, this will be the first and only time you get to see it.” You turned to face the droid again, senses now in complete focus but you put off reading his signature yet, not wanting to know what lived in his head before you gave him the chance to walk away. 
The man frowned a little, letting his head fall to one side against his shoulder, elbow resting on the bar with his chest open to you - a cliche sign of dominance if ever you saw it. “Aw, cmon now don’t be like that, I’m just playing.” He ducked his head further, that ridiculous smile on his lips that reminded you of a slimy beast.  
Patience. Calm. That’s what we’re practising right now. 
“I’m only going to say this one more time, and I’ll make it super clear for you.” You didn’t even look at him, instead nodding thanks to the droid as your drinks were placed in front of you, “You will not be leaving this place with me hanging off your arm like another trophy to add to your collection. You’ll be leaving on your own, okay?” 
The man visibly bristled from the corner of your eye, rising up to his full height and he sidled even closer, so close you could smell the alcohol on his breath, the stale sweat clinging to his clothes as they brushed your armour, “Is it because of those boys you’re runnin’ with? Those clones?” He scoffed, looking over at your boys and then back at you, “You realise they’re expendable, right? They’re all the same. You’re never gonna get anythin’ different. Whereas with me,” he actually gestured to himself, “You’ll have somethin’ you’ll never forget.” Then, as if he had bantha dung for brains, he rested his hand on the back of your neck. 
Every muscle in your body wanted to jump and rip his hand off you, to snarl in his face and laugh when he realised what he’d done.
But such anger isn’t the Jedi way, is it, Ghost? We shouldn’t be giving into such feelings of darkness. 
You rolled your eyes internally at yourself and then gazed at your unwanted friend with a stare that Ani and Rex used to say made Hoth look like the sands of Tatooine, “Are you really that dim, or are you just planning on losing a hand tonight?”
Your boys would make a meal out of him. 
Come to think of it, you’d make a meal out of him whilst they watched.
His hand flexed on the back of your neck, making your skin crawl, your stomach roil and you visibly saw the cogs turning over in his mind, trying to work out how to play this at an angle that you supposed would have you falling to your knees for him. 
The feeling of your skin crawling was suddenly soothed, senses pinging and alerting you to a familiar presence. A deadly one. 
The feel of howling winds and low burning fury, the cold crackle of something waiting to be unleashed. 
“I suggest you remove your hand from the Commander’s neck. She isn’t known for her patience.” The cool, liquid rasp of Crosshair emerged from thin air, arm extended and unwavering as he almost delicately pushed the muzzle of his blaster into the cheek of your ‘admirer’.
Despite the position he now found himself in, this guy still seemed determined to stick to his stupidity, “You think I’m afraid of a little girl? What are you, her bodyguard?”
Your body was suddenly washed over by the crackle of fires, of strength as hard as durasteel, the creeping awareness of another type of predator in your midst. And beneath that? A fierce protectiveness and loyalty. 
Hunter prowled over from the table, pausing just a few feet away. He was all broad shoulders and glinting eyes, one hand occupied with the casual flip of his knife, “You’re not all that smart, are you?” He moved between you and the older man, weight settled in one hip.
Said man in question scoffed again, hands held up in surrender as the tangy taste of fear began to spill at the edges of your senses, “Like I said, you think I’m afraid of you? You’re just some kinda jumped experiment, hard to be afraid of something with no life.”
Crosshair laughed softly, the velvet hum of a knife on steel, “I can’t wait to see how this ends.”  
His amber eyes flicked over to you, silently checking you were okay, that no harm had come to you. He probably didn’t even realise he was doing it. 
Hunter had that predator's gaze locked firmly on the man’s, pinning him with that smokey stare, just daring him to move, “Oh, we’re not the ones you should be afraid of.” He jerked his head backward, motioning to where you sat behind him at the bar still, head resting on your fist now, “It’s her you need to watch out for.” 
A smirk crossed your lips as Hunter mimicked exactly what you’d thought earlier, and you merely shrugged at the man with no attempt at disagreeing, sipping your drink as you watched the scene play out in front of you, “He’s not wrong there.” You slipped the edge of your cloak back, revealing just a small percentage of the glittering weapons strapped to your body, not to mention the sabers hanging at your hips. 
The man paled, his cheeks hollowing and skin turning sallow, “You - you’re a Jedi.” He opened his mouth, swallowed. Swallowed again. Then he licked his lips, a bead of sweat tracking down his temple, “I didn’t realise.” 
You were still for a moment, then slowly swivelled your chair round before hopping lightly to the floor, stalking toward him on footsteps that were silent, even though the bar was now quiet, bated, “So, you only would have stopped if you knew I was a Jedi?” You reached Hunter’s shoulder and he moved back a pace, allowing you in front of him without a single hesitation, “You're saying if I weren’t a Jedi, you wouldn’t have cared if I said no?” 
Crosshair hummed, pushing the muzzle of the blazer deeper into the flesh of the man’s cheek, cocking his head, “I’d be careful. You’re digging yourself into a hole you most certainly won’t be climbing out of now.”
He sputtered, opened his mouth, closed it again, trembling head to know now as he met that stormy, ice cold look, “I- I didn’t - I wouldn’t-“ He broke off with a noise, casting a glance around for someone to help him. 
But no one would. The other patrons of the bar had clocked you all as soon as you’d walked in, the painted armour of the boys and yourself, Wrecker’s size, Crosshair’s predatory sweep of the room, the sabers dangling at your hips, as well as every other weapon on your body. 
They wouldn’t help this man, not now. 
You smiled at him, a smile that was all fangs and fury, the silence of the bar allowing that smoky, dark voice to be heard within you, “You, you, what?” You laughed, hand barely twitching and Hunter’s knife slipped free from his vambrace into your waiting fingers. 
Hunter didn’t even flinch, merely rolling his shoulders and allowing a smirk to cross his features when you took his knife. It was a move practised dozens of times now.
The blade glinted in the dim light as you traced the tip along the man’s jaw, “You might be thinking because I’m a Jedi, I’ll be lenient on you.” Your eyes tracked the movement of the blade before flicking to meet his, “If I could be bothered to show you, you’d see the colour blade I carry and why you’d be better off with an actual Jedi.” 
He barely breathed as you nicked the edge of his lip with the blade, probably praying to every single thing he could think of right now. 
You heaved a sigh, a soft pout, “As it stands, I just came from a particularly difficult mission and I don’t really have the energy to waste on bottom-level scum like you.” A careless shrug, “Shame really.” You dropped your hand, still holding eye contact as Hunter extended his arm, allowing you to slip the knife back into the vambrace. 
The man sagged in relief, but only a few centimetres considering Crosshair’s blaster was still jammed into the side of his face. Then he snickered softly under his breath, “Knew it. All show. Just a pretty face tha’ keeps their beds warm.” 
Your foot paused before it hit the ground, body held with perfect poise and stillness, “Cross?” The tone of your voice was so light, you could have been asking for the weather.
There was the barest whistle through the air, a solid thump of knuckles impacting flesh and then a body hitting the floor heavily. 
A soft smile graced your lips now as the three of you walked back to your seats, “I’m starving. Let’s get something to eat.” 
Wrecker’s crow of delight filled the space, sparking conversation again as if the previous moment had never happened, and as if one of the patrons wasn’t being dragged outside spitting out teeth.
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He became aware of the footsteps trailing him fifteen minutes ago. Whoever it was must have thought they were doing a good job, or they didn’t realise exactly who it was they were following - as if the sleek grey armour wasn’t enough.
Still, he allowed it, if only to feed the curiosity tickling the back of his mind, the thrill that he hadn’t experienced in a while. If he was being trailed by an attacker, he’d have them incapacitated and on the ground before they could even blink… But maybe he would allow them a small chance first, just for entertainment. 
Just to feel something else other than the hounding desolation and anger constantly assaulting his mind.
And that itching, nagging feeling at his skin that had shaken him from his bed, the atmosphere in the room too tight, too charged. It was pressing on his skin, reminding him of not so long ago of the way the air would feel when you were wound up, on the verge of cracking.
Three more blocks, the wall of the fallen soldiers, his brothers, coming up before him and then the uneven thump of those feet was starting to grate on his already shredded nerves, igniting the cold temper he had always been known for. He slowed under the pretence of examining the names carved into the wall, each one clanging hollowly in his skull. 
One breath, then another, then - 
He swung round, blaster aimed, arm unwavering at the hooded figure lingering behind him who raised their hands quickly, “I suggest you think of a reason for following me very quickly. I would hate to have to ruin these floor-stones with the inside of your head.” The tone of voice didn’t even change, if anything he just came across bored. Empty. 
The figure shook their head, the hood shimmering with the movement but still keeping the face in shadow, “Forgive me, sir!! I wasn’t sure when best to approach you, my employer - they said not to give this information to anyone else, but also to approach with caution as-”
He flicked the toothpick from his lips with a near silent agitated grunt, ”Spit it out, my hand is starting to get tired.” A muscle twitched in his jaw, but his grip was unwavering. He had spent hours upon hours with a target in sight, hand curled around his weapon with his finger resting on the trigger, a trigger which needed only the barest touch from him before his enemy was on the ground. Hours spent willing his body into complete stillness, ready to burst into action at a moment’s notice.
A faint whimper, a half step back, “There is a storm coming.”
Everything in him turned to stone, the ice that usually encased his heart now sending splinters through his chest.
He hadn’t heard those words ever. Not once.
He didn’t even speak, simply sheathed his weapon, the memories threatening to break free of their confinement in his head. He turned away from the messenger, not caring who sent him or why.
There was nothing inside him but a raging, snarling, howling beast, clawing at its cage.
Desperate to be free, to hurt, to protect. 
And then, Crosshair ran.
As his feet pounded on the ground, he was battered with another memory, another flash of the past where you had been so alive, so vibrant, burning through the galaxy as you should do.
Every moment, both awake and asleep, he was given memories of you, even now, even when he could feel that your life was at stake, hanging in the balance. 
He wouldn’t know peace until you were okay.
“What’s your problem, Crosshair?”, Your voice echoed sharply around the clearing, the sunset bouncing off the hull of the Marauder, the pounding music of 79’s a soft hum in the background. 
What was supposed to be a relaxing evening off after a mission had quickly turned south, leaving you and Crosshair hissing at each other in the club until the barman asked you to take it outside. 
Crosshair was leaning against it, long legs crossed over each other at the ankles as he cleaned his rifle, “Problem? Oh, I’m not the one with the problem, Shade.” His words were all poison honey, dripping and lethal. He didn’t look at you, gaze focused on his task, a toothpick in the corner of his mouth as usual. 
Shade. That nickname only he called you, ever. 
You scoffed, pausing in front of him and crossing your arms, “No? Then what was that little comment about back there, huh?” Your gaze was all crackling electricity this time, ready to spit and spark, “What was it again? Oh, yes.” You held your fingers up to make air-quotes, “I’ll just run along to the next person that tells me I’m not bad?” 
He barely glanced at you, a careless thing that he knew just riled you up even more, “Is it not true?” 
That damn unruffled drawl, it made you want to shake him. Or strangle him. 
Maybe you would. 
“No. It isn’t true. You know I am very aware of what lives inside me, I don’t need anyone to validate that. No one.” The bones of your knuckles ached with how tightly you gripped your arms, if only to stop yourself from throttling him. 
How dare he? 
Now he finally looked up, spitting out his toothpick, “No? Then why do you go running to Hunter every time you need validation that you’re good?” He spat the word out like it offended him, pushing off from the ship and taking a step forward, towering over you. 
You refused to back down, meeting his glare with one of your own, even as you tipped your head back to look up at him, “You think I need validation that I’m good?” Stars, you were so angry. It pulsed through your body, making your heart rage and your blood heat inexplicably. 
Crosshair smirked, tilting his head, amber eyes fixed on you, reading every little expression on your face that he knew so well. “I know you do, Shade. What did you did today - that is who you are. I watched you tear through those traitors without a second's hesitation, without thought.” That liquid velvet if his voice was oh so tempting, drawing you in, wrapping you in his arms and coaxing you toward the truth. 
An ache was radiating out from your jaw where you clenched it so tightly, feeling that smokey darkness prick its head at Crosshair’s words, “Enough.”
He wasn’t finished. He stepped even closer, fully blotting out your vision, your senses with that velvet voice, “You were unstoppable. Ferocious. That is who you should be. Not bound by the rules of the Jedi you no longer follow. You should be using everything you have, everything you are.” The rise and fall of his chest was the only indication he was just as affected as you, “You have a beast inside you, Shade. Just like me. I’ve seen it. Time and time again. On the battle in Anaxes, when you tore through the people keeping Echo. Every mission after, I see that beast try to come out, but you deny it. Deny who you are.” With every word, his tone got snider, more sullen, more like a bite than a word. 
“I said enough!!” You growled at him, pushing your hands hard against his chest plate with a pulse of the Force, your own breathing heavier now as that beast in question shone through your eyes, seeing the world for what it was before you quelled it, stuffing it back down. “I’m not you, Crosshair.” 
You couldn’t. 
You couldn’t give in and let people get hurt again, no matter how good it felt, no matter how strong you felt. 
“No. You’re not. Because I wouldn’t have lied to myself over and over, I’d have accepted the truth.” Crosshair watched your internal struggle, watched you deny that half of your soul and he scoffed, shaking his head and stalking off to the steps of the Marauder, shoulders tense and agitation rippling off of him, “Typical. Why don’t you run along to Hunter? I’m sure he’ll pat your head and tell you it’s okay.” You’d never heard such viciousness in his tone. He knew where and how to cut you deep. 
Fury choked you for a second, along with something else, something seductive and intense and you chased after him, “The truth?! You talk of the truth, but what about you, Crosshair?!” You were right on his heels, the quiet of the ship enveloping you even as your combined emotions flooded the space. 
The walls, the chairs, everything rattled as a wave of force energy slipped from your control, butting up against him but it didn’t hurt him. As much as you wanted to strangle him right now, you didn’t want to hurt him. 
Crosshair didn’t even look over his shoulder, long legs stalking across the floor towards… anywhere, “What about me, Shade?” He even had the audacity to sound bored, like all of this was beneath him and you were just wasting his time. 
You growled at him, “You know exactly what I’m talking about. I see the looks, the comments, the way you clam up when someone else comes by us.” You grabbed his arm, spinning him round to face you, glaring up at him despite the seductive heat pounding through your veins, the tension thick, heavy, “Why do you hide that you care about me, huh?” 
The muscles in his jaw rippled, his entire body turning rigid and those honey eyes hardened to pure, solid gold. “Hide?” His voice was soft, caressing the word in such a way that you felt you were staring down a Loth-wollf about to bite. 
But you had just as much of that beast inside you, didn’t you? 
And you would never back down. “Yes, Cross. You hide beneath that mask of cold indifference, like everyone is beneath you, like you don’t care.” 
Crosshair cocked his head, hands clenching into fists before he folded his arms across his chest, his forearms brushing your own, “And what makes you think I do care?” His voice was still quiet, but you didn’t need to read his presence in the Force to know he was lying through his teeth, and almost succeeding. 
But you were too similar, the same sides of the coin, the same shock of lightning. 
“Bullshit.” You cut him off again, a laugh in your throat that was anything but humorous, only serving to irritate the pair of you even more, “I can see it. I can feel it through the Force yet you still act like this. You can’t try and convince me this is real. You’re lying to yourself, not just to me.” Your words cut like the edges of blades but you didn’t care.  
There was a beat of silence, a single heartbeat. 
Then he moved, pushing you harshly against the hull of the Marauder, a hand round your throat to pin you there as his other fist banged into the metal loud enough to have it ring in your ears, “I’m not the one lying to myself, Shade. You talk about seeing?” He was breathing heavily, head tilted down to yours, caging you in tightly, your mingled fury charging and choking the air, “Well I see what you so blatantly try to ignore when you look in the mirror. I see that beast inside you that wants to tear into everyone, to make them pay for you losing everything. I see it in the way you tear down fields of enemies without a second hesitation. And that’s what scares you. That I’ve seen is and I’m not afraid. Because I’m like you.”
You shook your head, opening your mouth to speak but then his hand tightening around your throat, thumb pushing into the soft flesh underneath your jaw to keep you there. It might have cut off your air slightly, but you couldn’t hide the faint hum of fiery pleasure, knowing full well it tumbled against his palm but you were both too furious to notice. 
Besides, he wasn’t finished. 
“You could be as… ferocious, as powerful as that all the time, if you just let yourself feel it. But you don’t.” His eyes were livid gold still and he leaned in, his words dancing across your face, hitting straight to the core of you, “You let go and yet still run to Hunter and let him tell you it was okay, it was just a slip of control, you’re still good.” His chest rose and fell sharply, “I would never make you be someone you’re not.” 
Your head spun, his words echoing in your mind, fuelling that confusion, that anger and you snarled at him, lashing out with the force but he held strong, “Why do you care so much, Crosshair? Why do you care what I am, what I do?” You couldn't lean forward so you pinned him with a stare, trying to catch your breath, “Why do you care so much that I go to Hunter instead?” 
Crosshair’s head twitched a little, as if he were going to shake it, “Don’t start down this path, Shade. You aren’t going to like where it leads.” His hand tightened reflexively, making you gasp a little and his eyes dropped to your lips, drinking in that noise hungrily. 
“Backing down from a fight, Cross? That’s not like you.” You narrowed your eyes at him, “You started this. You don’t get to run away just because the tables have turned on you. If you have something to say, say it.” The last two words were a hiss. 
He stared at you, then his face contorted in anger and something else you didn’t recognise, before he moved, his hand drawing into a fist and then he slammed it into the wall beside your head. The ship groaned in protest but he barely flinched, not even when he pulled that hand back and pointed at you, “I have been. But you haven’t been listening.” He held there for a moment longer, looking you up and down before he scoffed and walked away, a flash of something in his eyes… hurt? 
Crosshair didn’t even know where to begin unravelling what he felt around you, but he knew what he felt in this moment. What he would do.
He would tear apart every planet in the galaxy to bring you back from that monster that took you. He wouldn’t stop.
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floral-force · 1 year
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ao3* | taglist | requests are open: please see my request guidelines
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MASTERLIST (all characters)
writing for: din djarin, frankie morales, captain rex, tbb, simon riley
babygirl dollars trilogy & clint eastwood wallpapers
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lay me down to sleep - simon "ghost" riley x gn!reader, mature, 1.8k+
breakfast in bed - simon "ghost" riley x f!reader, explicit, 7.2k
sleeping bounty, chapter 10 - din djarin x f!princess!reader, mature, 4.5k
healing - hunter (tbb) x f!reader, mature, 2k
code of honor, chapter 13 - din djarin x f!bounty hunter!reader, mature, 4.8k
sleeping bounty: 10/10 ch. completed - din djarin x f!princess!reader, mature, 25.9k+
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the cure - din djarin x sick!reader, mature, 1.5k+
fire up the engines - din djarin x f!reader, explicit, 5.9k+
of brown eyes and desert skies (western au) - cowboy!din x f!reader, explicit, 10.7k+
american hospitality - simon "ghost" riley x f!reader, mature, 2.8k+
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code of honor, chapter 13 (ch. 14 TBA)
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“support creators” banner created by @saradika — check out her fics!
due to techbros using ao3 to train AI, my works on ao3 are restricted to registered users only. i encourage you to make an account if you prefer to read there.
unwhitewash the bad batch - info post on ways to write tbb true to temuera morrison
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swift-creates · 9 months
@tbb-appreciation-week DAY 3: TECH (09/05) — Everybody Lives AU | Reunion | "Please, talk to me."
characters and relationships: Tech, Omega, Crosshair, Hunter, (Wrecker and Echo are mostly background)
warnings: mentions of blood, head wound, trapped down a crevasse, Tech falls but not like That dw, one (1) Star Wars swear word
read on AO3
“Tech. Tech!”
He opened his eyes carefully at the call of his name, blinked something warm and sticky away from where it was slowly trickling over his temple and into his face. Raised a hand to wipe at it, and it came away red. “This is… not optimal.” 
“Understatement of the kriffing century.” Omega’s voice floated down from somewhere above, and he started to tilt his head to look at her- OW. No, that hurt too much, so he stopped and carefully tilted it back to the original position. 
“I believe Echo would say, ‘Language’,” he said instead, wiping his bloody hand on his trousers. 
“Yeah, well Echo’s not here right now. Are you okay, Tech?”
“I am still alive. What happened?”
“One moment we were crossing the ice, and I looked away, and the next second there was this huge CRACK, and when I looked back you were gone and I looked down the crevice and saw you bleeding.” The words came out in a rush, like she’d taken a huge breath and let it all out at once. “You were out for almost ten minutes.”
“Wonderful,” Tech said flatly. 
Something dripped into his eyes, and he wiped at them again, smearing more blood over his gloves. He winced at the momentary burst of pain it caused, white spots dancing in his vision as he closed his eyes. That head wound was starting to get more and more impractical, not to mention the potential brain damage if he’d hit his head too hard. He heard shifting and scraping above him, and he looked to see a shadow move from one side of him to the other, casting a layer of blue-gray on the ice to his left. 
“I commed Hunter a few minutes ago. They should all be here by now.” Omega’s voice started to take on a note of worry, and Tech forced away the floating spots in his vision to think about the distance between their location and the Marauder, Hunter’s estimated speed, and the time it should take for his older brother to get there. “Wrecker also said to keep you talking and awake, because you might have a concussion.”
“They should be here momentarily, barring any interceptions,” Tech reassured her. 
“I said I didn’t think keeping you talking would be a problem because. You do talk a lot. Crosshair said it was your toxic trait, whatever that means.” She carried on like she hadn’t heard him. “Maybe he meant one day you’ll talk so much that a bounty hunter will poison you for it.”
“That’s… not what it means.” Tech frowned, then explained the true meaning of the phrase to her. 
Omega paused for a while. “Ohh. That makes more sense.”
“I thought so, as well.” Tech felt his eyelids drooping, fought against it and straightened against the canyon walls. 
“Are you still awake?”
“I would not be able to answer you if I was.”
“I know.” Omega was often puzzling to Tech, what with her random bouts of childish whimsy, but by now he thought he would find it even stranger if she were to suddenly lose them. 
He heard pounding, then the sounds of something scuffing against the ice, then Wrecker’s voice boomed down into the crevice. “Hey, Tech! You down there?” 
“Yes. Did Omega not tell you?”
“She did. I just wanted to hear your voice.” Wrecker often had a habit of doing illogical things for the sake comfort, but then, they all did once in a while. Tech couldn’t help a dazed smile at the thought of his brother listening to hear him from the top of the crevice. 
“Tech? Tech!” Hunter’s voice now, sharp with concern, a bigger shadow hovering on his right compared to Omega’s on his left. Tech pulled himself back into alertness to reply. 
“I am… still awake.”
“Just hold tight. We’re gonna get you out of there.” He heard Hunter direct the others to make a setup of ropes and pulleys, with Omega keeping up a constant stream of grounding chatter, to which Tech replied less and less. 
“Tech. Tech!” That was Crosshair, raising his voice and leaning dangerously over the edge, Tech could see now as he looked up through a haze. “For kark’s sake, talk to me.”
“I thought talking too much was my… toxic trait,” Tech mumbled. 
“Not now it isn’t.” The voice was suddenly closer, and he opened his eyes to see Crosshair hovering over him, suspended from a grapple line. “You look horrible.”
“Thank you.”
Crosshair snorted, hooking a second line to Tech’s belt. “You’re welcome.” He called up to the others, and Tech rose towards the bright glow of the ice. 
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thestarwarslesbian · 1 year
More for the bounty hunter AU
more to be explained later!
Luke: *sneaks in through the window*
Cody, turning in his chair and flicking the light on: You want to tell me where you've been all night?
Luke: Uh I- I was with Mayday
Mayday, turning his chair: Wanna try again?
Luke: okay fine i was with Boba
Boba, perched on top of the bookcase: strike three bitch
Luke: Tech?
Tech, emerging from the potted plant in the corner: keep digging that hole, buddy
Luke: yeah well, does Briggs know where you guys are?
Briggs, dropping from the ceiling: Don't even try it
Anakin: Beru and Owen are always out late!
The fridge and freezer doors open, revealing a very cold Beru and Owen: You can't pin this on us!
Luke: Least I came back, I haven't seen Din all day!
Din, riding in doing a wheelie on a speeder bike: Speeder Patrol coming in!!
Luke: okay but Crosshair isn't here either! Why am I getting in trouble?!
Crosshair, perched next to Mayday: hey asshole
Luke: What about Fox???
Fox, muffled beneath the floorboards: Nice try, motherfucker
Luke: Okay, but what about Obi-wan?!
Obi-wan, slurping a juice box next to Cody: Think again
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questforgalas · 1 year
Tay Writes The Bad Batch
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One Shots
We'll be waiting for you Crosshair doesn't flee back to the outpost by himself Characters: Crosshair, Echo, Tech, Hunter, Wrecker Tags: Hurt/comfort, Brotherly support Possible triggers: mentions of buried alive
An Unexpected Enemy Crosshair's new armor is causing some...problems Characters: The Bad Batch pre Echo Tags: brothers being brothers. This is just silly fun. Swearing
Passing the Time Hunter and Crosshair pass the time during watch by reminiscing Characters: Hunter and Crosshair. Tech, Echo, and Wrecker are mentioned Tags: soft bros, brothers reminiscing, pre order 66 Batch
Thank you for coming back The Bad Batch rescue Crosshair from Barton IV before he's transferred to Mt. Tantiss Characters: The Bad Batch Tags: as much brotherly affection as you can fit in 3k words, canon typical violence, AU, family reuniting and crying
March on the Temple As the Batch flee the newly formed empire and head to take shelter on Saleucami, Tech discovers some news that will greatly affect Echo Characters: Tech, Hunter, Echo, Rex Tags: Angst with comfort, post Order 66, 501st flashbacks Possible triggers: Youngling deaths mentioned
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The Uncle Batch Order-66-didn't-happen AU. One-shots of the Batch being uncles and aunty to Hunter's family Characters: The Bad Batch including Omega Tags: Fluff, Uncle!Batchers, Dad!Hunter, Hunter's partner is gender neutral Possible triggers: parenthood, children Best Sniper in the Galaxy - Crosshair and Nina Nina's Special Secret Vacation City - Tech and Nina
We Don't Leave Our Own Behind (Series Masterlist) "And Crosshair is one of them". One encrypted file. Six words. The Batch's galaxy is completely rewritten. Knowing Crosshair has defected from the Empire, the Batch only have on focus: bring their brother home once and for all.
Playing Monopoly - includes Omega Who Says "I love you" first PDA Favorite spot to smooch Reuniting with their Jedi partner (includes Rex)
Sibling Moments that Live Rent Free in My Head
TCW: The Bad Batch A Distant Echo On the Wings of Keeradaks Unfinished Business
TBB S1: Aftermath Cut and Run Replacements Cornered Rampage Decommissioned Battle Scars Reunion Bounty Lost Common Ground Devil's Deal and Rescue on Ryloth Infested War Mantle Return to Kamino Kamino Lost
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Information for each found below the cut. It could be some time before either series will be closer to having chapters ready to publish, which is why I'm opening requests for the time being! I worked on these a little while in the middle of the Hunter series.
"Wounded Wings":
Started out with the idea of being an x reader, realized "hmm, this feels more like an OC because there's a lot of Hey The Person Writing This Really Likes Birds And Is Projecting™ vibes about it" for what I've written of it so far and felt it's getting too niche for an x reader. Chances were not many Tech girlies (GN) were also gonna be Really Into Birds. [I could possibly re-write to make it an x reader.]
You're... gonna be reading a lot about made-up birds, most likely.
This series will take place Pre-TBB!Echo, and there is a chance he will not show up at all or until much, much later. [This will require me to actually get to Season 7 in TCW by suffering through a few fan favorite deaths I've been putting off (Tup, Fives, ect.) to have the full context of their TCW appearance characterizations.]
OC will be Force-sensitive, many possible instances of "the Force works how I say it does", and it works around the headcanon that Tech has some autistic tendencies. Smaller AU factors. Slow burn. Idiots (affectionate) to lovers sorta thing; Tech's bros see it a mile away, Tech just thinks she's a "Very Good Friend :)" for hopefully just the right amount of time.
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"Hunting the Nexu"
HtN is an AU/fix-it series involving a fem!Bounty Hunter "hired" by the Bad Batch to spring Crosshair from Mount Tantiss. Meaning "Plan 99? Don't know her!" for all of us traumatized by the Season 2 finale.
No one dies in this series, at least not the major fan favorites.
Like "Sorry, Wrong Comms!" there will be hints of Reader having a backstory/aspects of personality that are not left quite so vague or open-ended; but for the most part flexible enough to put yourself in the place of the few uses of "[____] spoke with a slow drawl as she gave the marksman a cool look. 'Aw... I didn't take you for the type to hold a grudge, Crosshair...'" [not an actual sentence in-series] throughout the series.
This series does give fem!Reader an established moniker that you'll be referred to more often than an actual name.
Canon-divergent. One sided Enemies-to-Lovers vibes. [Would require me to stop putting off Season 2 re-watch.] Crosshair will not be a complete shit all the time, and there's going to be better coping strategies for everyone much like in S,WC! because they deserve 'em.
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The Gym Membership - Part 36 (Crosshair)
Summary: Layla spends time with the girls; while the guys continue their axe throwing.
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
It took me a little long to edit this part, simply because I got caught up watching a movie. LOL. I know shameful.
Anyhew, enjoy.
Love oo
Warnings: Liquor, intoxication (please enjoy responsibly and do not drink and handle weaponry of any kind. These are fictional characters, if they hurt someone, I can just backspace. There's no backspace in real life), axe throwing discussions, drinking, innuendo, discussions of objectifying male bodies (the girls discussing their husbands/boyfriends), discussions of feelings, feelings of guilt. I think that's it, if I miss any warnings, please let me know.
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Rob spun the axe in his hand, before throwing it at the target. This was his and Crosshair’s tenth match; and right now the score was 9:1, mainly because Crosshair felt the guy should’ve at least won one. 
With each loss, Rob was getting more and more agitated while Crosshair kept taunting him, it was childish. Honestly, I was shocked to see these two acting like a couple of children. After a while, I walked over to the girls who were sitting at one of the tables drinking beer, eating some fries and nachos.
I sat beside Mel, popping in one of the fries from the table. I ordered a drink from the waitress, as I glanced around the table, enjoying the fact that everyone here was here for only one reason, to celebrate Avery’s accomplishments. 
“Having fun Layla?” Mel asked as she took a sip of some proper beer, now that she was no longer breastfeeding Violet and Iris was comfortable enough to be with a babysitter that wasn’t family, not to mention it’d been a while since she and Wrecker had a night out. She was trying her best  not to get too drunk, but watching Wrecker’s muscles flex, as he tossed the axe against the target, was making it very difficult not to just let her inhibitions go completely reckless. 
“I was until those two started acting like fools.” I motioned over my shoulder, to the two just in their own world. “Regardless, I’m glad everyone’s here for Avery.”
Mel reached over and rubbed Layla’s back, stroking her hair, “Of course, sweetie. We’ll always turn up for you and for Avery.”
“You know …” Zai motioned her hand, swaying it a little, she was a tiny bit tipsy. “When you get two men interested in the same woman, you’re going to have childish rivalry” she smirked as she popped a fry into her mouth, followed by another shot of tequila. “Am I wrong, ladies?” She directed the question to Mel, Sofie, and Layla; the three simply nodded as they each took a sip of their beer.
“I’m sure you’re wrong. Crosshair has disliked me for a long time, and I’ve certainly given him enough reasons to hate me. I mean we are just now on speaking terms, and … okay, yes things have gotten better. We are talking and texting more, but … that doesn’t necessarily mean … you know … I mean he was married to my sister. You’re way off base.” I clarified, waving my hand aside as I drank down my whiskey in one gulp, too nervous and too mortified my feelings may have seeped through. I motioned to the waitress ordering a refill, I needed another one to calm down my racing heart, the last thing I needed was for them to misunderstand our relationship. Plus, she was clearly drunk, and not thinking clearly. 
“Hmmm. Well, if you’re so sure, then can you explain why he keeps glancing over here to see if you’re paying attention?” Sofie teased as she took a sip of her drink. 
I glanced over my shoulder to see Crosshair’s eyes focused on his target, even from where I sat, I could tell they were penetrating and fully engrossed in his task. His muscles flexed under his shirt as he moved his arms, his biceps bulging from the slight movement. His jaw shifting ever so slightly as he chewed his toothpick, swishing it from one side to the other as he grinned a self-satisfying smirk at Rob. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t pull my eyes away, as I took note of how his long fingers gripped the handle of the axe, how his forefinger and middle finger straightened completely as he released the axe from his hand, and slowly curled into his palm. 
“Seems like something caught your eye, or maybe someone?” Mel chuckled, wiggling her eyebrows, her lips pulling into the warmest and most comforting smile I’d seen in a long time. I don’t know how to explain it, but she felt like family to me already. “Hey, I don’t blame you, Crosshair is a very attractive man, with a heart of gold. However, not that I’m disparaging against Cross, but have you seen my man, Wrecker’s arms?” She turned and was not ashamed to be ogling her husband, as she pointed out her favourite parts, “I mean look at how my man’s arms ripple with every movement. Look at that back, ”
“Easy Mel, don’t want to see you drool.” 
“Shut up, Zai. Like you’re not watching Hunter with eagle eyes, and admiring his own form.” Mel laughed as she glanced over to Zai, her cheeks and ears turning a deep pink, while Zai’s smiling pout and blush adorned her own features.
“I didn’t say I wasn’t. Just saying no one needs to see you drool. Plus,” Zai turned her head to admire her own man, “look how his hair falls perfectly every time he shifts, the way his stance brings out his thick thighs, and his tapered waist …” She couldn’t help chewing her thumbnail as she eyed Hunter up and down. 
“I think Mel’s not the only one who needs a napkin” Sofie giggled as she handed a napkin to each of the girls.
“Well, I’m sure you’re keeping your eye on Echo too, right?” I teased, enjoying how friendly they were amongst themselves. It was enjoyable to find women that didn’t judge me, didn’t make me feel less than I should’ve simply because I was pretty, or because I wasn’t like other women who enjoyed gossiping or trying to meddle.
“Of course, look at the way he moves …” Sofie’s eyes focused fully on Echo, as they shone with pure joy, “He moves with purpose, elegance, and determination; and not just when he’s standing there throwing an axe; when he’s dancing he’s the most graceful dancer I’ve ever seen.” 
“Are we talking vertical or horizontal dancing?” Zai teased, laughing as she took another swig of her beer. 
Sofie hid her face behind her glass, laughing, as Mel and Zai continued to tease her nonstop about Echo, as my eyes fell back over to Crosshair, watching as he and Rob had fallen into  some sort of heated debate. 
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moon-chaser19 · 10 months
okay y'all I just got a sudden burst of productivity so in my ask page thingy, you can give me an AU listed below and if you want it to be TCW or TBB (or both), and I'll try my best and make a good story out of it! :)
AUs: Historical, Royal, Modern, Coffee Shop, Restaurant, Florist, Bookshop, Hospital, Dance, Band, Travel, Camping, Neighbors, Roommates, Detectives, Summer Camp, School, Teacher, Pirates, Children, Daycare, Bounty Hunters, Jedi, and any others if you can come up with them!
im so bored please help
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violetjedisylveon · 2 years
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Finished drawing Chora, she's one of the main antagonists for my Amnesia Bad Batch story. She a Pantoran bounty hunter/mercenary/assassin and low level force sensitive.
She's really good at her job, sometimes cruel but mostly fair, unless you piss her off. She's got a good record but doesn't go for notoriety to avoid the downsides of it, most people just look at the armor and respect her.
Her armor is from a Mandalorian heritage and she speaks Mando'a, Pantoran and a collection of odd languages from the Outer Rim, basic is very much her second language.
She's very good at ranged and melee combat, can use lots of weapons and is a really good fighter without weapons. She's a well rounded fighter with some strength in everything. For certain targets she does have a melee preference cause she likes to get up close and personal, makes it easier to mess with people.
She has a low level of Force sensitivity, not enough to be a Jedi or to be very noticeable unless you know what your looking for, but enough to be useful to her. She can sense others, track them, has precognition, a fast reaction time and limited mind reading skills, which she uses to get into people's heads. Her skills with the Force don't extend much outside of that, she's very bad at moving things around in the Force.
There are two areas she does have skill in, it's mediocre skill but not as bad as her physical applications are. Those are a limited ability to connect with animals(if the animal is too rild up it's harder to get a good grip) and some basic healing, she usually uses that on herself to make serious injuries less life threaten but it's very draining.
Currently, she is on contract with the Empire as a hired bounty hunter, she did this so she could apend more time with her girlfriend, Yaosney Alameryn, when the latter enlisted in the Empire as one of it's first recruited troops. Yaosney is ES-02 btw.
She is currently tracking the activities of the fugitive Clone Force 99 and the person of Imperial interest, Freyu O'asisk, who is with them.
She's a lesbian and dating Yaosney, they started dating before the Clone Wars. She isn't shy about the relationship, neither is Yaosney, and likes to make people uncomfortable with it. They really love each other and look out for each other, another reason for working for the Empire is making sure Yaosney isn't signing up to be canon fodder.
She has a general dislike for clones rooted in history with Jango Fett, and that some groups of clones were responsible for crimes against innocent non humans, she doesn't stand for that you try calling her a slur and you'll be dead before you know it.
She has a particularly strong dislike for arrogant ones, especially Crosshair for his superiority complex, and often reminds him that he isn't as great as he thinks just cause he's enhanced and thinks himself better than most people because of it. He's also speciest and xenophobic(cause he's a willing soldier in a fascist regime) and she doesn't like that.
She'll take any chance she can get to take him down a peg and remind him that he isn't better than she is just because he's been modified or cause he's human.
They have fought in training type set upd and she's absolutely kicked his ass. She's about ~30 and he's like 12, she's got a lot more experience.
One of her favorite weapons is her modified beskar Force pike.
I'm not explaining her armor, I didn't want this to take a month so I didn't draw it. The only thing I'll be explaining is this
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This is a Force pike. It's a type of vibro weapon. Chora's is heavily modified and self made.
In addition to being a vibro weapon, both ends are sharpened and can release electrical charges and toxins.
The whole thing is made of beskar making it resistant to lightsabers. The pole between the tip and handle is lined with incredibly tiny barbs to make it more deadly.
So that's Chora, she's going to show up more prominently in the next chapters of Amnesia.
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