#thank you for rock facts!!! gonna go eat 'em
vynsvision · 2 years
sending an ask cause its easier, so a crystal is basically a mineral that has an internal structure, like a crystal exists because its molecules are built in a specific configuration
example: quartz and opal are both minerals and both are composed by the same exact proportions of silicon and oxygen, but in quartz the molecular structure has to be a specific way to form the natural prism shape that quartz is famously known for, while opal is just a random assortment of molecules and it can grow in any shape because there isnt an internal structure that it has to follow strictly
stones are just any rock! even the ugly ones lol, also yea birthstones and stuff are more astrology than anything really, but its still pretty neat stuff i just know nothing about that
also heres a fun fact! zephyr and ruby are virtually the same rock but in different font
I just now saw this bc I never check my inbox, I thought I was being overbearingndjfjfjfjf BUT ANYWHO WOWIE THANK YOU FOR ROCK FACTS !!! :D
Zephyr is such a good name. Word. Idk. So many rocks n minerals and crystals are the same things, just different fonts, as far as I can tell. So on brand for rocks. <3333
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talltoontales · 2 months
~ Friggin Friday ~
[Story 32]
Prompt: You've been transported to a 2000's live-action Disney movie & your only key to getting is by making the MC's dreams unobtainable through any means necessary. Prompt By: r/wingman66 (Reddit) Started Writing: 07/09/2024
Word of advice: never buy a TV from a witch's garage sale.
Because I've been in this Chinese restaurant since eleven in the morning, downing fortune cookies like cheap shots, looking like an absolute maniac! But the only way outta this C-tier movie is to keep Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan for swapping bodies, and the quickest way to do that is to make sure this place doesn't have any more terrible-tasting mystic fortunes to give…I'm gonna be sick!
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Ok, so fun fact: if you eat your weight in fortune cookies you will vomit until you pass out. But enough about my ongoing hatred for fortune cookies. Time for plan B! Jamie Lee Curtis, who is now in Lindsay Lohan's body, should be meeting with this world's version of the mean girl trio.
Which doesn't really hit, now that I think about it. Because I know Mean Girls came out in 2004, and Freaky Friday, I think, came out the year before, but whatever!
Regina- I mean…who am I kidding? Her actual name doesn't matter. Regina's about to trick Jamie Lee Lohan into getting gift-wrapped, causing her to stumble over a nearby bike rack and eat grass. However, if my math is right, I should have set in motion a Final Destination-style series of unfortunate events where, instead of landing on soft-ish dirt, Jamie'll get knocked out for hopefully the rest of the movie's run time…
-Pulls Out Phone-
Wow, '09 and '04 again! How do I even know that this movie exists? Wait, that's riiiiiight, Parent Trap and the School Sleepover. Man, those were better days. Why couldn't I get trapped in Parent Trap? Could've been done by now.
-Jamie Lee Lohan screams as she topples over the bike rack onto dirt-
What the-where's the duffle bag of football helmets? Where's the horde of test frogs? What happened to the-
-The school shakes as a muffled explosion goes off, followed by fire alarms-
Oh yeah, forgot about the toilet bombs. Oh, man, I should probably make sure that janitor's okay. Alright, first, help the janitor, and then we slash pretty boy's motorcycle tires.
…probably should have done that first.
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Ok, so that did not work at all, but on the bright side, Jamie Lee Curtis' character is a pretty good therapist, so I got that going for me.
Anyway, no more, Mr. Subtle. It's the big concert, and I gotta show stopper, and by that, I mean over a thousand dollars in professional-grade fireworks at the heart of the city's electrical grid. Can't rock with no power!
-Laughs maniacally while lighting the fuse-
…wait a minute…these are rockets…rockets explo-
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-Jerks awake on the couch as the credits for Freaky Friday roll down the TV screen-
Oh, thank God that worked! Not to self, next, get trapped in something fun like Lilo & Stitch or one of the Rugrats movies or…
-Jumps off the couch over to the DVD rack, frantically searching through the stacks until finding "Speed Racer 2008."-
I take it all back, this was the best purchase I've ever made!
. . . . . . . . . .
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed the story. If you have any comments, critiques, or criticisms, please don't be afraid to let me hear 'em (as long as they're constructive (or comical)). Also, if you have some spare time, check out my blog for more stories like the one above. Stay safe, drink plenty of water, and be kind to yourself and others. ToonMan, AWAY!
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strang3lov3 · 3 months
Here we go Bug 🩷
It’s Crazy how many of my panties have been ruined by blood stains, so much so that I only wear black or red ones ���🥲 And the worst part I get so mad like I literally yelled because someone was honking outside of my apartment too many times, that’s it and now there’s some asshole yelling 😡😤
Also the people who have the audacity to ask “oh are you menstruating?🤗” yes bitch I am what a stupid question 🥳
“You look at Joel, sleeping peacefully like a baby, and yet you wanna beat the living fucking crap out of him.” Yes been there done that( not the beating part but the annoyance at literally anything part 😂)
“I didn’t ask you to do that,” you mumble. “The bleach you used makes my head hurt worse.” Ahhh Joel what a rookie mistake, you shoulda know better 🥸
“If looks could fuckin’ kill, Joel thinks. You’re glaring at him.” With me he would probably 24/7 think I want to kill him because no matter if I have my period or not, I always look like I want kill you It’s the resting bitch face the universe gifted me. 😒🤣
“You’re crampy, but you’re also probably hungry. He’ll make you breakfast, something with protein because he knows you need it.” I can feel it, this will be his next mistake uhhhhh poor Joel 🥸😂
“Your face is contorted in disgust and you’re not eating. “What’s the matter?” He walked right into the trap ouch 😣
Very sweet of him to make the scrambled eggs and being so nice while reader is not being so nice but i get her but then again I also love my Joel. I would be very happy to have someone to take care of me instead it’s just me myself and I. 🥲🫠
“No. I don’t care,” you interrupt, which hurts Joel’s feelings a little.” Don’t worry Joeliiiiii you’ll get to punish us for being so mean 🥵😏
Love how she basically tells him to get away from her because he’s too close but then she’s like “come back my pillow” 😂
“He goes upstairs to get his rice sock from his nightstand, then comes back downstairs and heats it in the microwave for a couple of minutes.” Idk why but this line is super funny to me…yes Joel get your rice sock!!! 😂😂🥸
I love the way you write them bantering 🤩🙌🏻
The whole back and forth about the water I cannot 🤣🤣
Now we broke his glasses oh that poor old man is really fighting for his life.
“Joel puts on the movie, grabs his bent glasses from the end table and heads out to the garage without saying a single word to you. You wonder what bug crawled up his ass.” Dear Bug did you write this because you want crawl up Joel Miller’s ass?👀😍😏
No but seriously we are the bug that crawled up his beautiful butt 🤗😅
“Looks like your legs are workin’ now,” Joel replies, without looking at you. “S’a miracle. Means you can follow me around now, terrific.” Sassy pissed of Joel…I love him ☺️
“Joel’s large, warm hand suddenly covers the lower half of your face, silencing your argument. “If the next words outta this mouth aren’t thank you, then I don’t wanna hear ‘em. In fact…” Yes it’s happening now we get our bratty ass rocked I’m so ready 🙏🏻🥳
“You can walk the fuck away from me, or you can get on your knees. Whichever you choose, you do so silently. Nod if you understand.” I would be on my knees in an instant, shatter my own kneecaps who cares for him it’s worth it
(As I kinda predicted, I fell asleep but I’m back up and I couldn’t stop thinking about continuing so let’s go 😅)
“Heard fuckin’ enough outta you today. You keep quiet.” Yes sir I’ll shut up 😏☺️
Joel Miller wherever you may hide please come over and cum inside my mouth without a warning I’m begging you🙏🏻
Now up to the bedroom 😏🥳
“An orgasm should set you straight, or two or three. Whatever he feels is necessary.” It would absolutely set me straight. I’ll take whatever he deems necessary 🙌🏻
“I’ve got a half a mind to take my own hurt out on you, y’know.” His voice is dark and angered, but he speaks calmly in a way that contrasts the darkness but maintains his authority all the same. “And I think I’m gonna.” I’m screaming a very clear yesssssssssss, please take it out on me. I offer myself willingly to volunteer 🙏🏻
“S’right,” he says. “Good girl.” Stfu I’m down bad for being called good girl 😍😌
“It’s all ya needed, isn’t it? The whole goddamn time,” he pants. “Didn’t need to go an’ bitch me out all day if you needed lovin’ like this. Woulda been nice f’ya just said so.” Sometimes communicating is hard Joeliiiii next time I’ll just immediately go for the belt, that will send a message right? If the words fail me🤣😉
“Oh, my sweet girl. What am I gonna do with you, hm?” I want him so much it’s unreal 😵‍💫🩷
“Focus right here. You’re gonna come with me, keep your eyes on me…” Funny how 3 words can make me think of a very specific scene 😉
I case I haven’t made it clear…. The smut absolutely rocked my world and then sweet aftercare perfection. The entire 6K rocked my world so beautifully. I thank you so much 🩷🙏🏻
Aww look at those beautiful fur babies…these fuzzballs 😅😍
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Best part of my day begins NOW
1. I don’t think i own pair of underwear that doesn’t have period stains. It just happens. Is what it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ one time in high school I wore light jeans and started my period unknowingly and walked through the busy halls with a huge stain on my ass and when I realized what happened I backed against the wall and made my friend give me her hoodie - it was super cold this day too. My pants and undies were ruined so I went home and left this poor girl freezing her butt off but she was chill 😭🩷
2. OKAY BUT HAVE YOU EVER LOOKED AT A MAN SLEEPING PEACEFULLY AND THOUGHT I could beat the daylights out of you. There is a war inside my reproductive organs right now and you’re sleeping.
3. The bleach part is inspired by my lovely fiancé who fucking hates whenever I clean our bathrooms with bleach because he hates the smell LOL
4. I also have a bitch face. It’s not RBF, it’s an active facial expression I make when I’m pissed off and apparently it’s just like my little brother’s.
5. About the scrambled eggs, I thought about adding details of her not even eating them 😭
6. THE RICE SOCK EXISTS and my grandpa calls it the royal sack. It is exactly as described and works like a charm. I’ll probably end up using it today!! I wanted a legit heating pad one time but couldn’t find one so royal sack it is.
8. I love how the rest of this ask is you thirsting 😭 Mina, I fucking mean it that the asks I get from you after every fic. Make. My. Day. They make what I do so worthwhile. You are the type of reader that makes this such a gratifying hobby, and I know I’m not the only one getting this lovely treatment, I see you in others’ inboxes and comments being nothing short of kind and enthused and encouraging. I’m lucky to have you in my corner but so is everyone else!! You are the type of person we need so thank you for being here 🩷 you are a such a beacon of love and light
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
The Brother's Keeper
A Dick Grayson and Batsis One-Shot
Word Count: 2.7K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst, References to Past Abuse
Author's Note: Another story edited and re-posted! Enjoy! -Thorne
Despite having not lived at the manor for almost a decade, she still knew every hallway and room like the back of her hand, every sound was a familiar net of reassurance she could count on. The hum of the hidden wall closing behind her, the creaking of the third step from the top that they always avoided, the clicking the bats above made. She descended the steps into the cave, balancing the heavy manila files in one hand, the other holding two protein shakes, knowing her father probably hadn’t consumed nutrition in at least a few hours since he called her.
Her eyes fell on him where he sat at the Batcomputer; he’d changed out of his suit and was in a pair of joggers and a long sleeve shirt. She walked over, setting the files down beside the keyboard. “Here’s the files you asked about, dad. I alphabetized them too…and color tabbed ‘em but that’s not important.”
He glanced at her with a warm smile before nodding and turning back to the screen. “Thank you, sweetheart. I appreciate you doing so.”
She leaned an arm on the back of the chair, propping her chin on his shoulder as she stared at the screen. “New antidote for Scarecrow’s toxin?”
“He’s synthesized a new formula, so I need to make a new antidote in case anyone gets gassed,” he replied, tapping at the screen until the numbers were apparently in approval with whatever he was thinking about—who knew.
She hummed, taking note of the lack of noise. “Where’re the chuckle-heads?”
He chuckled and tipped his head towards the locker room. “They put their suits away and went to change.” She nodded again and patted his shoulder before walking off in the direction of the room.
When she got there, she didn’t see them, but she could hear them harking on one another in the locker room, and she moved in that direction. She stepped into the room and took in the image of the four of her brothers standing in front of the mirrors in their underwear, pointing at each other like they were shocked to see the other.
“Do I even want to know?” she asked, unblinkingly.
Their heads shot up and they saw her; Dick greeted, “(Y/N)! What are you doing here? You usually don’t come to the manor.”
(Y/N) shrugged and stepped inside, taking a seat on one of the cool metal benches. “Dad needed some files over a few previous encounters I’ve had with galactic enemies. And me being here brings me back to my original question.” She gestured to them with a wave of a hand, brows furrowed in confusion. “Why are you guys in your tighty-whities?”
They snorted, and Jason turned around. “We’re comparing scars.”
(Y/N) let out a ‘pfft’. “Of course, you are.” She paused for a second and observed them. “Who’s got the gnarliest one?” Immediately, they pointed at Damian who simply motioned to his chest, and she looked at the faded scar that rested over his heart.
A frown instantly drew her lips, and Damian, being ever so vigilant, caught it and shook his head. “It wasn’t your fault, sister. You tried to save me.”
She met his eyes and murmured, “I didn’t try hard enough.” She glanced at Jason, seeing the scars line his chest, her voice just as soft. “For either of you.”
Jason’s lips pulled downwards, and he walked over, sitting on the bench beside her. “The fact that you tried is good enough for us, Queenie.” He reached out, patting her head.
She sighed and shook it off, giving them a smile before she turned to Tim. “Any on you Nerd-bird?”
He grinned and turned around, running his hand along a scar that rested along the left side of his ribs. “When I fought Ra’s, he got me right here.”
(Y/N) looked at it, then leaned back, a curious look in her eye. “Other than dad, aren’t you the only person he’s called ‘detective’?” Tim gave her a firm nod and she pulled a grin, nodding at him. “Look at the Nerd-bird kicking all our asses in the game. I’m proud of you.” He gave her a sheepish smile and she turned to Dick. “We’ve all had brushes with death, but I don’t think you have a lot of noticeable ones. Which is surprising because out of all of us, you’re the most reckless.”
The others laughed while Dick glared at her, then he shrugged and showed his back, and they saw faint white lines that resembled lightning strikes. “When Wally came back out of the speed force, he accidentally shocked me. Of course, it wasn’t enough to damage me severely, but it’s here.”
They looked at him once more, then Tim tipped his head to the side. “What about you, sis? You’ve been doing this longer than we have. Do you have any good ones?” (Y/N) looked at him before pulling off her jacket and pulling off the tank top she had on. She stood up, walking to the mirror and staring into it.
She pointed to one that lined across her left breast. “Even covered by my bra, you can see how badly this one was.” She paused running a hand down it, gaze far. “When Jason died, I got into it with Joker some time after.” (Y/N)’s eyes drifted to Jason’s, who’s were wide with shock. “I beat him worse than dad did, but he left me with this one before I did.”
���I…didn’t know you did that, Queenie.”
“Of course not Jason. I didn’t tell you.” (Y/N) pointed to a patch that rested on her right hip. “Took a bullet for Tim a few years ago.”
“That was when Deadshot was running around, right?”
She nodded, answering his question. “Mhm. They say he never misses. But that day, he did.” Her hand moved and she touched a curved scar that ran down her neck. “After you died, Damian, I found Talia and we had it out.”
“What happened?” he questioned curiously.
(Y/N) met his eyes in the mirror and frowned. “She and I gave each other a fair share of wounds…but I think the ones I gave her hurt more than the ones she gave me.”
“And those were?”
(Y/N) looked back at her reflection and stared at herself. “The infuriated words of a grieving sister.”
Silence enveloped the room and after a few moments, Dick pointed to a particular scar on her back that ran down the length of it. “How in the world did you get that one?”
She looked over her shoulder and reached behind her, fingers brushing over the raised, jagged skin that had sealed unevenly. “On my back?”
Dick snorted and nodded. “The only one on your back sis.”
She went silent for a moment then she admitted, “…Tarantula gave it to me a few years ago.”
No one noticed the way Dick froze for a split second at her admittance, and Jason asked, “Why did you and Tarantula get into it?”
Her eyes met Dick’s for a flash before she looked at Jason. “She killed an informant of mine and I got even with her.”
“Looks like she rocked your shit, Queenie.”
The others laughed, save for her and Dick, then (Y/N) muttered darkly, “I beat Catalina Flores within an inch of her life that night.” Her statement brought their laughter to a grinding halt, and she continued. “Hell, I almost killed her. But I didn’t.”
Damian crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. “And why not? It would not be the first time you’ve killed someone.”
(Y/N) rolled her shoulders and moved back to her clothes, pulling on the tank top and jacket before turning to him. “Because then she would’ve gotten of scot free, and she wouldn’t have to live knowing what she’s done.”
Jason’s eyebrows furrowed and he followed Damian, crossing his arms and leaning against the lockers. “Not to be nosey, but the way you’re talking about her almost seems like you’ve got a vendetta against her. And I mean like, me to Bruce vendetta.”
(Y/N) met his gaze before reaching down and tossing his muscle tank to him, then passing the others their shirts. “The informant she killed was a good friend of mine. There was…a lot of fury.” She paused, meeting Dick’s gaze once more. “There still is.”
The others simply stared at her before pulling on their shirts, and she looked at them. “I’m gonna get dad to go out and eat somewhere with me. You guys go on out and start working on him, would you?” The three nodded and started towards the door, (Y/N) following.
She was almost out of the door when Dick’s voice reached her quietly. “…(Y/N)?” She paused, turning around, and looking at Dick, who wore an unreadable expression; he glanced up at her, his eyes searching as he inquired, “Was there another reason that you two fought?”
“Me and Catalina?” He nodded and she shrugged. “There might’ve been. But the immediate fight was about my informant.”
Dick stared at her for a few moments before whispering, “…You didn’t start your informant network until I donned Batman.”
(Y/N) tipped her head back and leaned against the door frame, eyes narrowed as she mentally picked his words apart as only an older sister could. “What are you getting at, kid brother?”
He fell silent all at once, but when he finally found it in himself to bring his eyes to hers, she saw such pain in them. “Did you fight her…because of me?”
“No,” she immediately replied, firmly and confidently.
Dick’s eyes widened momentarily, but he looked down and nodded. “I see.”
She kept staring at him, then cleared her throat and turned, grabbing the doorknob. She pulled the door open and stopped, murmuring, “Dick.” He glanced up at her, but she faced forward and said, “I don’t know what happened to you in Blüdhaven all those years ago, and frankly, it’s none of my business.”
Dick’s heart sunk at her words, but then she looked over her shoulder, a solemn tone matching her stance and gaze as she affirmed, “But I am your sister…and I run the best damn informant network this side of the galaxy.” She paused, her words taking on an underlying tone. “There isn’t anything that happens in Gotham and our sister city that I don’t know about.”
Something passed between their eyes and she declared, “I am the family keeper. And I will always be the safety net that catches everyone when they’re in their darkest hours. When there’s something you can’t handle, I will for you.”
Her words made his eyes shine with unshed tears and she gave him a faint smile and a wink before she stepped out of the locker room, leaving him sitting alone, his thoughts drifting back to the rooftop in Blüdhaven.
She walked across the floor of the cave to see her father standing there, Jason and Tim hanging off his arms and Damian around his neck; he wore the expression of a tired dad and she couldn’t help but laugh at him. “Having fun, dad?”
He shifted slowly as to not knock one of her brothers off and glared at her. “This is your fault.”
“Guilty as charged father dearest! But it’s food time! Let’s get street tacos.”
Jason grunted at her and shook his head. “No, let’s get gyros!”
“Gyros are disgusting, Jason.”
His features contorted in something only described as an insulted disbelief and he declared, “Just because you don’t like limes and lemons, does not mean gyros are gross, (Y/N).”
“We’re not getting gyros, Jason,” she shot back.
“What about Chinese food?”
(Y/N) looked at Damian and nodded. “I’m down for tacos or Chinese.”
“Can we stop and get some shawarma?”
“Tim, which part of tacos or Chinese sounded like shawarma to you? It’s one or the other. Take your pick.”
“But last night was pizza night! And if I eat Chinese or tacos, I’m going to eat more carbs than I need!”
“You do need more carbs, twig-boy.”
“That was mean, sis.”
“Truthful. I mean how have you not been snapped in half yet? You look like a toothpick.”
The others laughed at her comments, and Bruce looked at her. “Where’s Dick?”
(Y/N) tipped her head back to the lockers. “Still changing.” She motioned to the stairs. “You guys go ahead. I’ll wait on Dickie.” They nodded, and she watched her father trudge past with her three brothers hanging off him.
A smile crossed her lips and a few minutes later, she heard footsteps behind her. “Where’d everybody go?”
She turned around and nodded to the stairs. “Told them to go ahead and get ready.” (Y/N) had barely made it up the first ten steps when she felt Dick stop beside her, and she glanced back at him. “Dick? You good?”
He gazed up at her. “Thank you, (Y/N).”
She gave him a knowing look and said, “I didn’t do anything, Dick.”
“You did.”
“Agree to disagree.” They stared at each other for a second then she tipped her head to the stairs. “Let’s go get some food, kid brother.”
He nodded and started climbing the steps beside her. “I don’t tell you enough, sis…but I love you.”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and mumbled, “God, you are so sentimental.”
“It’s one of my perks.”
“More like a curse…but yeah…it is.” She paused and he stopped beside her, and she reached over, wrapping her arms around his waist. “I love you too, little brother.” His arms wound around her, and they shared a moment before she patted his back. “Alright. Let go. I’m done being overly affectionate.”
He laughed, letting her go and she walked up ahead of him. He kept his eyes trained to her back, and he remembered something she once told him.
The two of them walked silently down the twisting and turning garden path, following the little white concrete plates that made the trail. Dick looked up from his hands, calling out to the older girl in front of him. “(Y/N)?”
She hummed in response but didn’t look at him. “What is it, Dickie?”
“Why won’t you let me walk beside you?”
(Y/N) glanced over her shoulder. “Because I’m protecting you.”
His head tipped to the side and he stopped walking. “But were at the manor?”
“And something could always happen. I’m in the front, so that if something comes, I can protect you while you run.” She turned around and looked at him. “One day you’ll be old enough to walk beside me instead of behind me.”
Dick’s eyes widened and he jumped excitedly. “When! When do I get to walk beside you instead of behind!”
(Y/N) giggled at her little brother and reached out, holding his shoulders to stop him from jumping up and down. “When you don’t need me to protect you anymore…you can walk beside me.”
“When will that be?”
(Y/N) pulled her hands away and spun back around, continuing her walk. “When it happens…you’ll know.” It was all the answer she gave the young boy, but he continued following her, still behind.
Dick blinked, the memory flashing away as fast as it had come, and he saw her back once more; he called out to her. “When do I get to walk beside you instead of behind?”
(Y/N) halted, mid-step and she glanced over her shoulder, a faint smile playing her lips as she replied, “When you don’t need me to protect you anymore, you can walk beside me.”
“And when will that be?”
She huffed a laugh chuckled at him before she turned back around, though she paused just as she was about to cross the threshold and peered back at him. “Don’t you already know the answer to that?”
“I’m not sure I’ll ever know the answer to that one, sis.”
(Y/N) shrugged and turned back around, declaring, “Then I guess you still need me to protect you.”
Dick watched her disappear into the manor, listening as she got into the argument that her brothers were bickering about with each other, and he smiled faintly. “Yeah…I guess I still do.”
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59writes · 3 years
part two of @honeyylin ‘s request!!! sorry it took so long honey ㅠㅠ
also check out honey’s acc!!! they’ve recently started writing fic so give em a visit!! <3
today’s photo theme is green green green green green green green green green green
(I didn’t proofread this I will when it’s not 5 am lol)
tw: food, injury
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• *insert terrified screaming*
• yikes. this man. this poor fellow.
• he’s so worried about you!!!
• like. you’re fine. it’s not a big deal you just won’t be able to walk without crutches for a while
• but this man PHYSICALLY refuses to go to work
• Jihoon even comes to your apartment to beat Seokmin’s ass gently request he come to work cuz they kind of need him
• but no, because “y/n needs me more!!”
• please you’re fine. you can walk and you work from home already. you’ll live. You’ve been injured before.
• this goes in one ear and out the other!
• he will stay home and baby you and peek in your room every ten minutes like “hey are you ok???? do you need anything???”
• it’s kind of endearing
• the calls you keep getting from Seungcheol and Jihoon are not though because SOMEONE keeps forgetting to “call in sick” to work!!
• it’s just part of the whole shebang. he calms down eventually and gets over the anxiety of you getting even more hurt or struggling and goes back to the others
• but you bet your ass when he comes home at night you’re not going anywhere and he’s gonna baby you until he deems you all better
• also he definitely just likes babying you because he doesn’t declare you better until a week after the doctor does, “just to be safe!!!”
• he loves you very much and if anything we’re to happen to the love of his life he’d like. Evaporate on the spot
• 10/10 man right here
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• ok so we know how clumsy this man is
• he technically knows how to take care of injuries
• also the injury was sort of maybe his fault ):
• he tripped over a damn rock and made you stumble too, falling and scraping up your leg
• and this poor man is apologizing faster than he raps
• you’re not badly hurt, and when the pain wears off you’re laughing
• and Mingyu’s all pouty lol
• and though you assure him that you’re ok and everyone trips up sometimes, he just wants to make it up to you
• he is also one of the other mfs who would make soup. him and Josh r gonna open a soup kitchen s2g
• but he’s also super cheesy and you wake up from a nap and see that Mingyu’s gone out and gotten flowers and made some nice food and made a little mini date in ur apartment
• and he just feels so bad !!!! please help this man
• once you joke that maybe you should get injured more often so you guys have more dates like this he finally really calms down
• but like I said, he’d know how to treat any injury
• maybe not well, and I’m sure this man’s instinctive response is “I will put a bandaid on it and move on with my life” but how focused he is when he is just wiping off dirt from your arm or leg or whatever and making you sit still while he gauzes it up is just really sweet he cares so much
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• this man does not know anything.
• I mean don’t get me wrong he’s incredibly smart and emotionally intelligent but also. there’s nothing in this man’s brain except for dastardly ideas
• and you nearly breaking your arm is not exactly a dastardly idea
• so he kinda just shuts down
• he wants to help !!! So bad !!!! but he can’t do anything !!!
• like he’s genuinely such a kind dude and always willing to help even if he teases about it and just always there
• and this is the one thing he can’t help with!!!
• so frustrated ):
• so he spends his time with you by lurking with a pout, ready for any request you had
• he definitely looks like a lost puppy ㅠㅠ
• maybe you act a little more helpless than usual so he can feel better about himself. just maybe
• seeing him brighten when you ask him to get the pasta from the top shelf or help with the laundry is completely worth getting hurt for!!
• eventually he cheers up and goes back to his normal and teasing ways
• and once you heal up he’s so glad he can hug you super tight again (:<
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• Ah, Seungkwan.
• be prepared for lots of passive-aggressive scolding
• I mean when it first happens you can see the panic in this poor man’s eyes
• ok well technically you texted him about it but his reply was violently misspelled and he showed up at your house within 15 minutes
• tbh you should be scolding him because he definitely was speeding to get home that fast
• but he was scolding you!!!
• like wtf you’re already feeling shitty and then Seungkwan comes over and is acting like your mom
• but this man is emotionally mature!!!
• he notices how frustrated and snippy your replies get and calms down, hugging you tightly where you sit on the bathroom counter as he cleans you up
• complains about getting blood on his shirt tho the bastard
• but he definitely hangs out with you for the rest of the day and you catch up and eat ice cream while you lie around on the floor and it’s just. aju nice. (lol)
• he does his best to keep your mind off of any pain or struggling, and we all know this man is a master of distraction so it goes very well
• he’s a very home-y person and you always feel safe with him (:
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• his literal response is “well that’s not good”
• you fuckin call him like “hey sol I’m in urgent care kinda like. broke my arm” and he’s just like “Yeah that’s a problem”
• thank you Hansol “Sherlock” Chwe
• he is just. out of his element please this man will just stare at your cast or whatever with wide eyes like “yo you broke your arm” yes Vernon
• he’s kinda just fascinated ngl
• he lets you tell your story with wide eyes, beaming proudly when you said you didn’t cry
• he’s like “yeah that’s my partner (:< so cool and badass”
• he’s just very silly about it and doesn’t treat you any differently
• which is nice because you kinda hate people bringing attention to it cuz it’s annoying as shit already ):<
• and he’s already so helpful and willing to do chores or whatever so you don’t have to worry about carrying things or washing dishes or whatever cuz Vernon’s got it!!!
• plus it’s adorable how literally every night he’s just like “it’s so cool how you have a cast” like it’s the dumbest thing ever but he finds it so entertaining. like not even the fact you got hurt just like “holy shit like. it’s cement they basically cement your arm in place you have cement on your arm y/n you could knock someone out with that”
• he’s a cutie lol
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• ok contrary to popular belief I think he would handle it very well!!
• don’t get me wrong this man is PANICKING under the surface but like. he’s so calm about it on the outside??? hello????
• you call him during practice like “hey so I kinda got hurt I’m ok tho, at the doctor rn” and he’s just like “yes ok are you ok?!”
• little dude lol
• and even though you are, in fact, completely fine, he’s gotta worry smh it’s his job!!
• he comes home and listens to the story as he helps you change the bandages with the most gentle hands ))))):
• and being near you definitely helps calm him down
• he’s back to teasing and being goofy in no time
• this man also definitely knows some medical shit idk what makes me think that but he knows how to like. deal with an injury.
• he definitely is very medically aware idk man I feel like he listens to doctor speak cuz it’s cool and is like “oh yeah go ice that you don’t want it cramping up” whenever one of the other guys complains about something minor lol
• he’s very caring ): I love he sm (:
• he can be a little rat but he knows when to stop and be an ally and what an excellent ally he is!!!!!!!!!
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I’m so sorry I’ve never done an after note like this before but seeing all the green and plants makes me think of this damn tweet and I can’t stop laughinh
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“he has pollen allergy” I’m sobbing please
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enbyprentiss · 4 years
Can i request from Smut prompts #31 #60 #74?
#31: “Don’t kink shame me!”
#60: “You have no idea how much I want you/”
#74: “Yep, that’s me. I love to fuck.”
Pairing: Spencer x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Virgin!Spencer (I pictured like season four), also sub!Spencer, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, oral/fingering (female receiving). mentions of alcohol and intoxication
It was rare that the BAU ever caught a break. But, when they did, they usually went to bars to celebrate being able to rest for a bit. And tonight was no different. Hotch and Rossi were long gone. Hotch having to get home for Jack, and Rossi said he was ‘too old to be out this late’. Leaving just the younger agents together. They were a few shots in with the addition of mixed drinks and or beers. So, of course, they were all very tipsy. Except for Reid, who opted to stick with glasses of water. But that didn’t stop the others from playing games and asking questions that, like usual, turned sexual very quickly. By the time Spencer zoned back into the conversation, Derek and Y/N were playfully teasing.
“Oh, please. You, Derek Morgan, are just jealous that I pick up more ladies and men than you ever do on cases.”
“Alright, whatever you say, Little Mama.”, he surrendered. 
“You both pick up plenty of people, but nobody picks up more working girls than Spence.”, JJ chuckled. A light blush covered his face at the comment. He was always a little timid when it came to topics like these, mostly because of his lack of experience.
“Who can blame ‘em?”, Y/N smiled cheekily, tracing along the young genius’s jawline with her index finger.
“And what exactly does that mean, Y/N?”, Emily arched her eyebrow with a highly amused smirk.
“Have you seen him? We don’t call him ‘pretty boy’ for nothing.”, she bit her bottom lip as Spencer’s already extremely present blush spread all the way down to his neck.
“Ok, ok, Y/N. You’re gonna give poor Reid a heart attack from all that flirting.”
“Hey! Who said I was flirting?”, she crossed her arms at the uproar of laughter from her friends, but she still saw the small smile on Spencer’s blushy face.
Eventually, the topic had switched, focusing on Emily’s latest Sex Capades. Though, even in her slightly delirious state Y/N could feel Spencer’s doe eyes on her every once in a while and see out of the corner of her eye how he kept shifting in his seat. And the more this went on, the more she couldn’t contain herself.
She turned more towards him, twirling his tie in her fingers, “You have no idea how bad I want you, do you?”
Spencer attempted to stutter out a few words to no avail while everyone else watched in amusement and slight shock. They never thought she would really go for it.
“Geez, Y/N, you really just want everyone you can get your hands on, huh?”
“Yep, that’s me. I love to fuck. But mostly when they’re just as pretty as Dr. Reid.”, the use of his honorific made him shudder and his pants grow just a little tighter, no matter how much he tried to fight it off. His own body always found ways to betray him as he mentally cursed himself. 
“Well, that may be a little bit of a problem. You know Reid’s a virgin.”, Derek was always very adamant about this being a fact despite Spencer’s failure to confirm this.
“I don’t see how that’s a problem. In fact, it might be even better.”, she gazed deep into Spencer’s light brown eyes, relishing in how his pupils had dilated to the point where they consumed most of his irises. 
“I’m sorry. What?!”
“Don’t kink shame me! Maybe I have a bit of a thing for innocence--and corruption too.”, she added on the second part much quieter. Spencer hung onto every word, his mind wandering to every and any possibility, which created quite the problem for him...downstairs. He tried to clear his mind, but all he could fill his thoughts with was his pure adoration--fascination with Y/N. Of course, she picked up on this and was simply waiting for the night to come to an end. 
After what felt like an eternity, the night did eventually start to wind down. Everyone began to say their goodbyes and Y/N reached her hand out, offering it to Reid. 
“C’mon, I’ll take you home.”, but he could tell by the smirk on her face that she had other plans and he began to buzz with excitement. She turned to him as soon as they entered the car (she was well sober enough to drive at this point), “Nothing more has to happen tonight. I really can just take you home, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”, and now her mischievous smirk had turned into a sweet and honest smile. 
“N-no! You’re not. P-please take me to your apartment.”, he bowed his head down in slight embarrassment at his vague admission.
“Are you sure?”, he nodded, “And you know you can change your mind at any point, right?”
“Mhm. Just--please.”
“You’re a beggar, huh? I like that.”
Y/N could tell that Spencer was nervous the minute they stepped into her apartment. She gently took his shaky hands in hers, not wanting to startle him, “Spence, I mean it, if you don’t want this it’s ok. I won’t be mad.”
“No--I want to.”
“What do you want?”
“K-kiss me, please?”, who was she to deny him when he was so sweet. She places one hand on his cheek, the other toying with some of his soft brown curls, and pressed her lips gently on his. She brushed her tongue against his bottom lip, silently asking for access, and when he moaned quietly into the kiss she took her opportunity. He wrapped his arms completely around her waist, wanting her impossibly closer and whining when he had to pull back for air, “I really am a virgin, you know? And I know you said you wouldn’t mind but you were also under the influence and--”
“Spencer, it doesn’t matter. If you’re ok with this being your first time, then I am too.”
“Of course. Virginity’s a social construct anyway. So if it doesn’t bother you, then it’s ok. Whatever you’re comfortable with.”
“I’m ok with it.”
“Good.”, she leads him into her bedroom, pushing him onto the bed and straddling his lap. Y/N reconnected their lips, dominating the kiss with ease, rocking her hips every once in a while against his very apparent erection. She only broke the kiss to discard her shirt to the side, Spencer breaking it again shortly after. 
He tugged at her bra strap muttering a little ‘Off, off, please.’
“Needy little thing, aren’t you, baby?”, he nodded shyly as she unhooked her bra, letting it fall off her shoulders. With the way his lips parted, his pupils dilated, and the ginormous blush on his face, he just had to know what he was doing to her. She kissed her way across his jaw, leaning in and pressing her lips against his ear, “You can touch, honey.”
With that permission, he didn’t hesitate to explore her breasts gently while she sucked marks against his smooth skin and unbuttoned some of the buttons at the top of his shirt. 
“W-wait. Can I--um..uh--”
“Can you what, baby?”
“Can I--eat you out, please? I just wanna try--”
“I thought you’d never ask.”, she smiled and pressed another small kiss on his lips before laying back on the bed and slipping her pants off along with her panties. Which left her bare in front of an amazed Spencer. He was absolutely mesmerized by her, her beauty, and the way she was glistening between her legs. He couldn’t believe that he had done that to her. He shook his head, remembering what he was supposed to be doing, and kissed up her thighs softly. He licked a stripe up her core, finding her clit almost immediately. He’s a genius with an eidetic memory of course he would have knowledge of basic anatomy and maybe even pleasure. And once he found that spot that made her squirm, he latched on, making little kitten licks against her.
Y/N tangled her hands in his hair, “Doing so good for me, baby. Such a good boy.”, the mixture of the praise and her tugging on his hair made him let out a filthy moan against her, much to her delight. And even though she loved what he was doing to her she wanted more, “Can you put some of your pretty little fingers in me, sweet boy?”
He obliged, slicking up his fingers in her arousal before pushing two into her. He relished in every little moan and curse that escaped her, and now that he heard that noise, he never wanted to stop hearing it.
“Oh--just curl your fingers up a little bit for me. Fuck! Yes, just like that, such a good boy.”
Spencer sucked on her clit softly, curling his fingers on every upward thrust until she was unraveling before him and he made sure to lick up every last drop of her before sitting back up.
“Aw, look at you. All messy.”, she swiped his chin that was glistening with her cum with her thumb, putting it in his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it, letting out a soft moan. She pulled her thumb from between his lips when she was satisfied with how well he had done, “Can you strip for me, baby?”
He nodded softly and began to remove articles of clothing. Spencer was already very blushy and the way Y/N was looking at him with an almost--primal look in her eyes was certainly not helping. She licked her lips, catching the bottom one between her teeth slightly, “I should’ve known you could get so much prettier.”, he smiled slightly as she guided him back onto the bed, leaning him back against the headboard more and straddling him once more.
Y/N dragged her fingertips down his chest softly, taking a minute to admire every inch of his skin, all while kissing him softly, “Are you ready, honey?”
She took his cock in her hands, stroking a few times before guiding him into her entrance, sinking down slowly. He wasn’t even halfway in when Y/N noticed his eyes squeezing shut and his lips parting, and she wished she could borrow his eidetic memory to remember this image forever. 
Spencer gripped her waist tighter, “Oh--feels so good.”
“Yeah? Well, it only gets better from here, pretty boy.”, and before he got to question her, she raised her hips only to slam them back down onto him, making him yelp. She set a steady rhythm and leaned more into Spencer so that she could feel every downright filthy moan that escaped him against her lips.
Spencer was trying his best to hold back his orgasm, but he felt himself getting closer and closer to falling off the edge, “Oh--fuck.”, he cursed under his breath an uncharacteristic thing for the doctor, “I-I’m not going to last longer, Y/N. Feels--too good...”
“That’s ok. You were already such a good boy tonight. You can let go, baby.”, she tugged on his curls again, knowing just how much he liked it. And sure enough, he fell over the edge, spilling into her with a filthy moan and burying his head into her neck. He whispered little ‘thank you’s’ while she brushed her fingers through his hair, kissing any of his exposed skin that she could reach. 
Eventually, she had to get up, returning with a warm washcloth to clean them both up, “Well, congratulations Spencer Reid, you are officially no longer a virgin.”, she kissed him softly again, “Maybe Derek will finally lay off those stupid jokes now.”
“Yeah, maybe.”, his heart fluttered at the idea of everyone knowing what had happened. That she wanted everyone to know that he had had his first time with the most beautiful, perfect girl he could ever imagine.
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slashersins · 4 years
Ok so, one of the best dates (in my opinion) is going to build a bear and each getting a bear! Like picking em out together n doing the little heart ceremony (and also putting scents in I love the scentss) putting the hearts in each others bears bc love~ picking out their clothes together, naming em, then afterwards grabbing something to eat! (Taking a picture together n setting it as your lockscreen) its wonderful and you get a bear to remind you of your partner!! 10/10!! -Scooby
jason voorhees 
this boy will dead ass put on his best clothes , his gloves , a hat , a face mask , sunglasses , and come to build a bear with you . he may not speak but fuck he is so excited to do this with you , and you look so fucking happy and excited . he will without a doubt do everything with such dedication and seriousness during the heart ceremony that the bear builder is a bit nervous . he gets his build a bear soft , barely stuffed so that it falls over when it’s sitting . he picks out an outfit similar to his , a bit sad there is no mask or little machete . he’s having so much fun and you can tell . and oh god , there’s little kids who can’t quite reach things and he is helping them , and somehow there are now two kids sitting on either side of him helping him make his birth certificate for his new stuffed animal and jason is just so happy and enjoying himself despite the fact that the children’s mothers look slightly terrified . he ends up naming his bear mr fluffington due to the help of the children who decided jason was their new best friend . the cashier takes a picture of you on the polaroid and jason is very happy with it . he may or may not make a small machete for mr fluffington so he can gaurd the cabin . 
michael myers 
somehow you got michael maskless and dressed in normal people clothes and inside of a mall . he’s intimidating , hair pulled back into a messy bun , face full of stubble , blue eyes cutting into everything and everyone . he doesn’t seem to care , picking his build a bear after staring at them . his bear is completely over stuffed and hard as a rock . he doesn’t move . doesn’t sing . barely holds the heart before dropping it onto the back instead of stuffing it in and watching it fall to the floor . the bear builder tries to pick it up , but michael steps on it , basically telling them to sew the bear up without it . after wards he takes the heart and pockets it . he doesn’t care what the bear wears . the bear has a black shirt and some jeans and that’s it , the clothes barely fit , and it is almost impossible to put them on . when he names it , he just sits at the computer and stares . he names it “no” . later that night , you find “no” stabbed , half of it’s stuffing on the floor leaving a trail to his body . michael is on the floor sewing the heart back inside of it . 
brahms heelshire 
you have to get one of those do it at home yourself build a bear maker kits shipped to you , but you try and give brahms the full experience . it actually scratches an itch of indulge on a childish activity that he didn’t know he had . and the fact that the bear that comes in the kit is rather small , makes him happy . he gives his bear to doll brahms . making it was fun , you taking on the role of peppy bear builder . he thought it was cute . his bear is medium full , and he wanted it dressed in a suit . his name is bearington the third . when you asked if he wanted to help you make your bear he lit up , using his adult voice and treating you like a child . he made you do a million and one things during your heart ceremony and you couldn’t help but laugh at how silly he was . all in all it was a super cute fun time and now bearington and doll brahms are never apart . 
thomas hewit 
you can’t really bring him to build a bear as i don’t think they existed in the time period he lives in , buuuuut you can make him one . you have him pick out a fabric he likes , not giving him any clue as to why . you ask him how soft he likes things . he tells you like his pillow . a little on the firm side . you make a little heart and you have him do a little ceremony with it to put his love in it . he humors you but looks at you with a raised brow as if you’re the silliest person he’s ever met . you ask him what his favorite outfit is and make him pick out more fabrics to get a clothes set out . when you present him with the bear he is shocked . he tries not to tear up . tries not to cry , but he’s so so so happy . he keeps it on his dresser and when he gets out of bed before you , he will put it in your arms so you won’t miss him . 
jesse cromeans 
jesse walks in like he owns the place . the prettiest most expensive bear is his . only the most fancy suit ( he will later order a suit from some fancy designer for his bear ) . he does the heart ceremony , smiling at you the entire time and bumping your hip with his . he promises that he’ll get a chrome heart to put inside of the bear later . and you best bet that jesse gets everything . sun glasses , boots , socks , underwear , roller skates , back pack . his bear is spoiled to shit . you’re is too , and you almost wanna laugh at the look on the other customer’s faces when the price rings up . jesse was being so showoffy that he forgot to get a birth certificate or name his bear . 
bubba saywer 
much like with tommy you can’t really bring bubba to build a bear . but unlike tommy , you already know all of bubba’s favorites . you know he loves textures , so the body , each limb , the head , and the tail are all different fabrics . different sensations so he can have those little stimming moments . you know he likes things extra soft , so that’s how you fill it up . during the heart ceremony you have bubba do so many cute little things and he is more than happy to bounce around and babble . then you have him close his eyes and sew the heart in . when he opens them his eyes light up . and when he feels over the bear he is in utter heaven . it becomes his stress reliever and cuddle buddy . and you’re so happy he finds so much comfort in it . bubba will be giving you so many kisses as a thank you .
billy loomis & stu matcher 
it’s pure chaos . they’re messing with the kids , putting things out of their reach , debating on what animal or bear to get . but they are the most creative . billy gets a bear , stu gets a bunny . billy gets his stuffed medium full , stu barely makes his stuffed at all . stu over exaggerates every fucking heart thing , billy just smirks and makes everything filthy despite the gasps of mothers around you . billy dresses his bear up like a bad ass punk , stu give it a dress and tries to make a thong for it . billy names his bich fuker and stu names his fuking bich . you don’t know how you made it out of the store without being kicked out but somehow you do . later , at lunch , both of them disapear only to suddenly see the stuffed animals pop over the table as they give you a weird stuffed animal porno scene that you try not to die laughing over . 
vincet sinclair 
surprisingly , vincent will go into town with you for this venture . and even more surprising , he will go maskless . his long locks will cover the damaged half of his face , and he might look just a bit annoyed with how crowded it is in the store and how loud it is . he’s used to peace and quiet and metal music . he spends a long time deciding on a stuffed animal , even if he doesn’t think that he’ll put it up anywhere . he tries and does convince you to only get one to share . you’ll both build it together . he choses two and lets you get the choice in which one to get . he does the heart ceremony with you , giving a soft look to you , amused at how much fun you’re having , memorizing the way you look so he can sketch it later . you both decide to try and dress up in cozy clothes , a sweater and pants and socks . you name the bear vincent jr and vincent shakes his head , looking at you amused and presses a kiss to your temple . 
bo sinclair 
bo is annoyed as fuck to be there and is glaring at the kids , calling them brats and ankle bitters . he doesn’t act like he cares , and much like vincent just wants to get one . he isn’t made of fucking money . though he does get pissy when you don’t pick the bear with golden curl fur and you end up changing it with hitting his chest with a limp bear hand . he talks down to the bear builder because at first it’s too soft , then it’s too fucking hard , and then there’s too much stuffing taken out . you end up tipping the poor girl when his back is turned . he almost fucking faints when he sees how expensive everything is for clothes so you only get one white shirt . you then convince him to get a pair of socks because that’s what bo wears when he’s being lazy . he names it ankle bitter . a few days after you get the bear you can’t find it and you think it might have been thrown away , and then you see it in bo’s garage on a top shelf holding a wrench . 
lester sinclair 
lester has a lot of fun . once he makes it inside he gets pumped and asks if he can give his to jonesy . you both decide that your gonna get on each for her . lester gets her a bunny because of how much jonesy loves them . its absolutely adorable . the bear builder has and issue understanding lester’s slurred country talk , and it makes you want to laugh so hard because it’s obvious they’re from out of state . you end up just doing your best to translate and only laugh harder when lester starts laying it on thicker for a laugh . the bear ends up between limp and medium , a good fluff for a cuddle and chew toy . he dresses the bunny up as you , saying that it’s good for jonesy to have a little version of her daddy’s love . and you can’t help but think lester is fucking cute . he doesn’t name the bunny . later , after you decide to eat in the mall , lester says he’ll be back and goes to the bathroom . when he comes back he hands you a little bear that is dressed up like him and tells you that he wanted to make you something to hug on to when you missed him too much . 
jacob goodnight 
jacob is nervous , overwhelmed . you go during a school day in the morning so no one is really around . he doesn’t what to do or what to chose , but decides on one that has eyes that can be removed , you understand that he has a bit of an issue so you promise that you’ll put pretty patches over the eyes when you get home , he’s very relieved by this . now , your boy is usually pouty or neutral looking , but watch him light up and smile during the heart ceremony . he takes everything to heart and is so happy . his bear is medium fluff with most of the fluff in his tummy . he takes his time cleaning it , and picks out a very basic outfit . just a plain shirt and shorts . he names it jacob , after himself and wants you to hold it , thinking that you look so cute with two soft stuffed animals in your arms . later , he’ll try to make matching cross necklaces for both your bears . he also wants to come back and make a bear each for all his dogs . 
martin ( 1977 ) 
this shy boy is extremely excited and nervous at the same time . he’ll be quiet , glancing towards you and back at his bear , one that is pure white . he does the heart ceremony , shy as hell about it , whispering the words and such . but the further into the store the more he comes out of his shell . he smiles and stands close , looking at clothes and wanting your bears to match . they both end up looking cute and fancy , his a girl he names angel , and he tells you it reminds him of you . he keeps it in his room , often looking at it when he thinks and misses you . 
carrie white
this girl is excited , eyes bright and smile wide and sweet . she picks out something soft and pink and colorful . she doesn’t want her bear to be plain , no she wants her to be beautiful and stand out . you can’t help it . you put your own bear away so you can spend all the money spoiling this happy girl you have . she does everything with gusto , even doing it with some shy kids . she’s so lost in the moment that it’s wonderful , she really needed this . her bear is so soft , nearly limp , and dressed in a pretty yellow sundress with ribbons on her ears . she names it sunshine . 
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cowboymirio · 4 years
They Want To Get A Pet - Headcanons
Summary: Your S/O wants a pet and adorable antics ensue~ 
Characters: Hizashi Yamada, Taishiro Toyomitsu, Aizawa Shouta, Eijiro Kirishima, Tenya Iida, Hanta Sero, Takami Keigo
Contains: Gender neutral reader, lotsa fluff, Reader has arachnophobia in Sero’s part! Crackheadery in Aizawa’s part
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Hizashi Yamada - Cockatoo
📣 You guys totally didn’t plan on getting a cockatoo, or any pet for that matter. Y’all just moved into your new place for christ’s sake! 
📣 But after a visit to a lil exotic pet store downtown, your plans changed. And now you’re stuck with a bird with the intelligence of a toddler
📣 According to Yama, the bird just ‘called to him’ and by that, he means the bird literally screamed at him
📣 They’ve got the most bougie cage ever like MTV cribs hit them up. 
📣But he doesn’t spend too much time in there as you guys let him roam around the house all day until it’s time for bed or if you leave for a while
📣 If they’re not attached to Yama’s shoulder, you often find them waddling around the house, picking things up off of the floor and throwing them, and squawking at you when they want attention
📣 Sounds like someone else you know huh…
📣 Yama and the bird dance together so much omg. They do the lil head bobs together, he’ll blast some music for them and they go to town he even chirps along to the lyrics omg-
📣 He doesn’t even have to teach them words, they just pick them up on their own… and then never stop saying them… ever 
📣 ‘YEAHHHHH’ then from the other side of your home you hear another ‘YEAAHHHHH’
📣 Make it stop
📣 You taught them cuss words for the shits and giggles though
📣 Yama finds it funny too though because he’s got that 8-year-old sense of humor… you all do to be honest 
📣 But when the bird chooses to sit on your shoulder you bet your ass Yamada’s gonna fawn over the two of you for the next hour :’) 
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Taishiro Toyomitsu - Pyrenean Mastiff
🍢 Really wants a pet 
🍢 But also really scared of crushing them so…
🍢 You guys settle for a big ‘ol Pyrenean mastiff!
🍢 And when I say they’re big they are big like… I mean knock you over if you’re not careful big
🍢 They’re literally perfect for each other
🍢 They’re both massive units, insanely adorable, and they for sure share the same appetite
🍢 Speaking of food, he makes sure he’s feeding them the best of the best foods even if that means y’all are making it yourselves
🍢 Not as afraid to roughhouse with them as he thought he’d be
🍢 Lots of fetching, frisbee throwing, ‘wrestling’ even?? They’re so rowdy and for what? My heart, that’s what <3 
🍢 The dog definitely sleeps on top of him I don’t make the rules
🍢 Mf just hops on up, curls up and they’re ready to go like--- Is that- is that not y’know,,, HEAVY?? 
🍢 I mean,,, you sleep on top of him too so I honestly don’t think Tai cares too much
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Aizawa Shota - Cat
💤 You guys already know…
💤 If he were to get any kind of pet it’d be a cat.
💤 They’re chill, independent, and sometimes want attention. Just how he likes it.
💤 Well… that’s how he thought that things should be but-
💤 BOY was he wrong
💤 After living together for quite a while, stalking animal shelter websites for the perfect cat, and finding the right one, you bring them home!
💤 When you met them at the shelter, they were a sweet lil baby with an aloof attitude that you both fell in love with
💤 But when you brought them home… They became an absolute crackhead.
💤 Forget having ANYTHING on the tables or countertops. It’s on the floor now thanks to them. Fuck your water glass, fuck those papers you were helping Aizawa grade, they’re gone! Shredded! Positively destroyed :)
💤 Forget having free hands, they’re literally attached to his side and won’t stop rubbing against his hands while he’s grading papers and such
💤 If you’re not watching his little dude/ette will try and eat food WHILE YOU’RE COOKING oh my fuckingf god
💤 Heaven forbid this dude tries to leave the room. They’ll ‘cry’ until he comes back.
💤 ‘Go to your other parent, they’ll give you attention.’ ‘mEEEOWWW’ ‘Oh my god fine come here.’
💤 Honestly though he really appreciates when they’re down to sleep. Their purrs and their cuddles are very appreciated
💤 And literally just imagine seeing them curled up on his chest while they sleep on the couch ;; im so somft
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Eijiro Kirishima - Bearded Dragon
🏮 This man wants to get THE manliest pet of all,,, a bearded dragon
🏮 He probably saw one on a movie or something and immediately came to you like
🏮 ‘Okay but we neeeeed one just look at their lil beards!! And their tongues!!!’
🏮 You tell him to put it off for a bit, do some research, and see if he still wants one later
🏮 Homeboy is DEDICATED so he puts in the time and ofc he still wants one after the fact
🏮 After a good amount of time, he comes back with a books worth of reasons as to why you guys should get one and you’re honestly shocked
🏮 You just can’t say no to those eyes </33 so you oblige and go out and get one from an owner who’s surrendering it (Because we don’t support chain pet stores in this household)
🏮 You guys can’t pick a name for them so for the longest time they’re just called ‘the lizard’ or ‘little fella’ or whatever else you guys come up with
🏮 Anyways- he’s infatuated with them it’s so funny. He spends all of his freetime watching them get used to their new habitat like,,,, all of it. It’s 1am and he’s just watching it hang out and you’re like ‘Kiri if you love it so much then why don’t you sleep with it’ (not in that way ya nasty)
🏮 Next thing you know he hops out of bed, brings them back and puts them between your pillows.
🏮 Lil homie’s just vibin there.
🏮 You’re done tbh but if Kiri’s happy then you’re happy <33
🏮 Absolutely lets it sit on his shoulders when he’s walking around the house
🏮 He has a leash for them and he takes them out during the warmer months
🏮 Dedicates a good portion of his day to clean out their habitat when need be
🏮 Their relationship is just so cute you can’t help but melt every time you see them together
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Tenya Iida - Tropical Fish
🌟 After a particularly rough finals season, you figure that Iida needs to have some sort of hobby that can help him chill out, but also has some sort of brainwork in there because that’s your boyfriend for ya
🌟 You suggest getting some fish!
🌟 He rly said ‘I’ll think about it’ then proceeded to do a shit ton of research on it because he literally does that every time you express interest in something. King behavior!!
🌟 You guys settle on getting a few tropical fish and a super nice fish tank for ‘em
🌟 He lets you name all of them and of course you have to name one ‘Iida junior’ like how could you not-
🌟 But seriously though he finds it so endearing and sweet ;;
🌟 You can’t tell me he doesn’t buy all of the nicest shit he can for their tank too.
🌟 Fresh aquatic plants, huge rocks for them to swim through, a nice ass heater, the WORKS
🌟 He’s gotta treat yall’s babies right like what did you expect
🌟 Constantly checking their water to see if it’s alright for them
🌟 He’s usually the one to feed them so whenever he comes up to the tank, they all crowd up by the top like doggies when their owner comes home omg
🌟 He finds the noises from the tank to be really good background noise when he’s reading or studying
🌟 Iida’s honestly glad that you suggested to get fish ‘cause taking care of them is such a relaxing hobby and lord knows he needs some of those
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Hanta Sero - Rose Haired Tarantula
🧵 So he wants a Rose Hair Tarantula...
🧵 ‘Absolutely not’ - You, 2021 (sorry if you actually like spiders lol, if a singular person wants hcs where y’all both like spiders please @ me)
🧵 Lots and lots of begging and promises
🧵 ‘You won’t even have to clean the cage, I’ll do it!!’ ‘We can keep them in the spare room’ ‘c’mooon pretty please???’
🧵 He had to bust out the puppy eyes for you to say yes
🧵 And with that, you’re now the proud parents of a demon rose hair tarantula!
🧵 ‘We can keep them in the spare room’ your ass. He lets it climb all over him while he’s walking around the house!!
🧵 Not you actively avoiding him when you see them coming down towards you
🧵 ‘But I wanna kiss!!’ ‘Kiss your tarantula smh’
🧵 After he realizes he’s not gonna get any with his lil buddy (yes, that’s what he calls them) he tries his best to help you familiarize with em
🧵 I’m sorry but he’s trying so hard not to laugh as you freak out when they crawl up your arm
🧵 He takes things more seriously after that though. He’ll give you lil words of encouragement, back pats and such
🧵 He’s so happy that you become… tolerable after a while of you guys just hangin’ out that you can’t help but feel proud too.
🧵 You still can’t stand spiders though.  
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Keigo Tamaki - Bunnies
🐤 Just like Aizawa, he wants something that’s quiet and can be independent since his schedule is a bit busy but he still wants to have a lil buddy to love on
🐤 You’re actually the one to bring up the idea to get a bunny, it’s part of a long list of ideas you had come up with, but for whatever reason, the bunny idea just stuck with him
🐤 You two hop (im a comedic genius hi <33) on over to the nearest rescue you can find, and browse through the enclosures looking for the perfect bunny for you guys 
🐤 Ok so like- here’s the thing,,,
🐤 You totally didn’t plan on getting two bunnies… But you guys found a pair that were literally inseparable and y’all had to have them
🐤 He’s already calling them ‘Our children’ straight off the bat like- y’all JUST got home and he’s already giving you baby fever UGH
🐤 He bunny-proofs the FUCK out of the house so they can roam freely ‘cause he didn’t just get these babies to stick them in a cage smh
🐤 Will lay on the floor and just watch them romp around cus he finds it relaxing and funny 
🐤 Also please get on the floor and watch them with him. Prime cuddling hours
🐤 They burrow under his wings… I repeat- THEY BURROW UNDER HIS WINGS
🐤 They WILL flop together don’t @ me 
🐤 They (and by they I mean all three of them)  flop on you when they want attention can I jst--- *cries*
🐤 Have fun trying to get up, this is your life now. 
🐤 But are you really complaining? You shouldn’t be smh 
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starkeristheendgame · 3 years
Hunter!Tony x Demon!Peter AU
Hunter!Tony binds Demon!Peter to himself in order to find the monster that murdered his late fiancée. Lead down roads he’d never imagined himself taking, Tony discovers that maybe revenge isn’t the only thing he’s hungry for.
TW/Tags: Supernatural AU | Enemies to something | Hurt/Comfort | Angst | Injury | Blood | Near-death experience | First kiss
“Is being a pervert part of the hiring process or are you just getting your money’s worth?”
Tony couldn’t see it, but he knew regardless that those plush lips would be pushed into a pout and those arched brows would be furrowed into a petulant scowl.
“If you’ve got me running around like your little errand boy, the least you could do is be nice to me,” a high, sweet voice simpered back. The face that belonged to it was just as youthful when it appeared in the mirror over his shoulder, watching him button his shirt with vested interest.
Tony didn’t deign to dignify it with a reply, staring down the pretty little monster until it let out a sigh.
“Fine. I have your lead. Arkansas, a seedy little dive known as the Dog Den.”
Something hot and rabid twisted in his gut and he had to pause his motions, hands trembling almost imperceptibly. It felt a lot like rage and a little bit like hope.
“Are you sure?”
Eyes the colour of fresh honey rolled so hard he could almost hear the muscles stretching. “No. I asked a magic eight-ball.”
He twisted with a snarl, reaching out. The ring on his finger pulsed with a molten orange glow and between slender wrists a chain that shimmered transparently flared to life, forming a delicate set of shackles no wider than if he’d wound a necklace there.
He curled a finger in the glowing links, dragging the Demon close enough that he could see the flecks of gold in those dark eyes. 
“I’m sure,” it repeated, softer, quieter, holding his gaze with wariness, but not fear.
He let the chain drop after a moment, grunting as he turned around and finished buttoning up his shirt. When he twisted to reach for the jacket the lithe figure was sprawled out on his bed, artfully arranged as the Demon flipped through a magazine Tony knew hadn’t been in his own bags.
“You know,” the Demon piped up again as he tucked in his shirt, “maybe if you smiled a little more, the ugly things in the dark wouldn’t try to kill you as much.”
“Shut up.”
“Not possible.”
“I’ll make it possible.”
“Oh, you always promise me a good time and never deliver.”
Despite himself, Tony found he had to wrestle fiercely with a smile. “Peter.”
That heady, dangerous gaze pinned itself to him again. He met it evenly, ignoring the thrum of his pulse. The Demon really couldn’t have picked a prettier vessel to take over, a smudge of parasitic darkness inside the prettiest packaging.
That pink little mouth opened like it was considering another witty retort, then closed. Instead the Demon - Peter, merely hummed and went back to flicking through his magazine, disinterestedly glossing over half-naked women and gossip scandals.
It was almost disconcerting. To look at the pretty little slip of a thing sprawled out on his bed like some rented whore and to know that behind that pretty face was a being of Hell’s creation. Something twisted and dark, a corrupted soul festering behind a distracting smokescreen.
Peter Parker was the sort of face Tony would’ve fallen for like a rock, if he hadn’t been the one to summon the Demon to the surface.
Perhaps that’s why the Demon had chosen such a nice outfit. A desperate bid not to get ganked the moment he crawled out of Hell.
“You’re thinking too loudly,” Peter sighed, turning a page idly. He’d rolled over onto his stomach now, jaw propped in his palm. 
“You can’t read minds. Don’t get comfortable, we’re leaving soon,” he grunted in reply, shrugging on a jacket.
“Can’t I just meet you there?” the Demon whined, looking up with (literally) sinful puppy eyes.
He left it at that, flat and unforgiving, as he had to be. In another life he’d have fallen for that soft whine and that pleading look. Might’ve taken his shirt right off and crawled onto the bed, put that open mouth to good use.
But this was not that life, and that pretty face was stolen.
He checked all his things then reached out, plucking the gossip rag from Peter’s hands and throwing it in the trash. “Meet me at the car.”
“I was reading that,” Peter huffed indignantly, glowering up at him before he disappeared, leaving behind nothing but a dip in the bedspread and the scent of copper.
He was sprawled in the backseat when Tony made his out to the 1970 Challenger he called his own, a set of stylish shades covering his eyes, fluffy hair unkempt and arms folded behind his head.
“Feet off the upholstery,” he huffed as he turned the key, swinging the car out of the parking lot and onto the road with a loud rumble of the engine.
“I know for a fact you sleep in this car and my shoes are clean,” Peter answered primly, angling his head towards the open window and the warmth of the morning sun.
Arkansas was a three day drive. They spent the first in almost complete silence, although the Demon did sulk when they stopped for gas and Tony declined to buy him anything. Rather than waste money on another motel he pulled onto a quiet patch of land behind a thicket of trees, settling across the bench seat with a sigh.
“Fuck off and come back in the morning.”
“Eloquent as ever,” Peter griped, leaning over the seat, arms folded and chin atop them. He looked laughably angelic in the darkness, all soft edges, voice quiet enough that a mouse wouldn’t flee it.
“Sweet dreams,” he whispered, and when Tony cracked open an eye to repeat his command, he was gone.
Gone, until he thumped his fist on the window at the ass-crack of dawn, looking chipper and cheerful, Starbucks cup in hand. “Up and at ‘em, sunshine! The monsters aren’t gonna hunt themselves!”
Tony considered stabbing him there and then, but Peter was unfortunately an asset he couldn’t afford to lose. Invaluable, as much as it stroked the Demon’s ego. He settled for glaring, baring past the Demon as he stomped off to relieve himself. 
The next two nights went much the same, although Peter got chattier the more bored he became. Fiddled with the radio, disappeared for moments only to return holding an ‘interesting’ leaf or rock, scooped up from the side of the road Tony had just driven past.
Arkansas was crisp and bright and dewy in the mid-weeks of spring. It was so different from the New York of his youth, with it’s towering glass jungle and concrete pillars. It was a visceral reaction to think of the scent of flowers and clean air in Sicily, of pink lipstick smudged on his jaw, a laugh fading slowly, overtaken by the rumble of the engine.
Countryside became a smattering of industrialisation, bars and houses, garages and stores. He wanted to keep on going, chase that tail until he caught it and tore it off, but he knew better than to rush in half-blind.
He had to eat something proper. Had to rest. Had to learn everything he could from the paltry little stack of papers that Peter had given him, printed out at a library miles and miles back in the time it had taken Tony to piss and buy a bottle of water at a gas station.
Food, first. 
The diner was like every other. Gaudy and cheap with food that was more grease than nutrition. Peter’s nose scrunched the moment they entered and he looked nonplussed when they were guided to a booth.
The Demon made a big show of pulling out a pack of wipes from the pocket of his fitted jacket, scrubbing the table as the waitress listed off the day’s specials. Tony rolled his eyes before ordering coffee and a slap-up breakfast, about to dismiss the waitress when Peter cut in with a saccharine smile. 
“Bacon too, please. Crispy. And a milkshake. Thanks a bunch, darling.”
She arched her brows but made no comment, glancing at Tony before leaving. Then it was Tony’s turn to stare and quirk his brow, watching the Demon shrug lightly. 
“What? I get cravings.”
Peter fiddled with a napkin as they waited, as Tony read through the sheets of paper. Folding it over and over into a little crane that he perched atop the salt shaker. 
“Where did you even learn origami?” Tony grunted, watching it sway before it stabilised. Peter’s gaze flicked up to him and there was something unexpected there. A hollowness, heavily guarded but flickering in the gold of his irises even so. 
“Even the worst of the worst need hobbies, hunter,” he uttered softly, and then their food arrived and they were lost to the silence that overcame those sating their hunger. Peter ate with an almost childlike manner, easily distracted, toying with his straw before each sip. He even swung his legs a little and drummed his fingertips on the table top.
The perfect performance.
He looked away.
Peter was unusually quiet after that, subdued as they made their way to a motel relatively close to the Dog Den. He didn’t even pester the receptionist or try to embarrass Tony by pretending to be some sort of rent boy as he purchased a key, eyeing the Demon consideringly.
When Tony slipped beneath the sheets Peter disappeared without argument, offering only a mock salute before he flickered and was gone, leaving nothing but a wisp of dark smoke.
He wondered where the Demon went. Back to Hell? Some run-down library to read through the night? An empty motel room to pilfer their cable connection?
The disconcertion over Peter’s silence left him the next day, when he commanded Peter to steer clear as he got dressed to hit their lead.
“You can’t go alone,” Peter announced, frowning.
“I can and I am. You’ll just attract attention,” Tony pointed out, shrugging on another flannel and tucking the flask of holy water against his belt.
“And if you die?” Peter shot back. It surprised his brows into lifting as he met the Demon’s gaze, tipping his head.
“Then you’ll be free of your bindings and there’ll be one less hunter ganking your friends. What’s the problem?”
Peter’s mouth opened, then closed, as if he was only suddenly remembering that he wasn’t in this little dynamic duo willingly.
“I get the Challenger if you die,” the Demon said instead, turning away from.
And maybe Tony should’ve thought more about that demand, because the only thing he could think of as he lay bleeding in the middle of the woods several long hours later was that Peter would most definitely get the car all scratched up and dirty.
Demons had no respect for vehicle maintenance. 
He coughed wetly and grunted, pressing a hand to his bleeding chest. They wouldn’t, he supposed. Demons could just fly everywhere.
Peter had adamantly argued it was not teleportation.
He breathed out a sigh and shifted fumbling for his wallet. His fingers smeared blood against the white edges of the crumpled photograph in there and he stared at his wife’s smile, frozen in time and taken just days before a Demon on a murder kick had burnt her soul up from within her, along with their unborn daughter.
“I’d say see you soon, but. W’both know m’goin’ to Hell, not where you are,” he told her image softly, giving it a weary, slow smile.
“Hell would ask for a refund,” came a familiar voice, and moments later there were warm hands on his jaw, tilting his head up. “You stupid bastard. I told you not to go alone. I could feel there was someone stronger in this town!”
Peter’s eyes were wide and round, plump lower lip between his teeth as he dropped his gaze, eyeing where Tony was slowly leaking his insides all over his outsides. “Shit,” the Demon breathed softly.
Tony made an agreeable sound. Shit was about right. He’d run head first into the messy, gruesome end that almost every hunter found themselves at. The end of the road; the final curtain; bleeding out somewhere at the hands of something twisted and ugly and evil.
“Guess you get th’car,” he rasped, aiming for humorous. It fell short when he blanched and more hot fluid slid down his throat and his chest, pooling at his navel. 
“Shut up,” Peter growled at him, letting go of his head to pull up his shirt. His fingertips were light, but it still felt like fire. Hot and licking over everything he touched. “God, you’re so fucking stupid. I told you to take me. I told you I should go.”
“C’n you save th’gloatin’ ‘till I’m dead?” he asked, frowning. Most hunters probably didn’t get this much conversation on their deathbeds.
Peter shot him a positively scathing look, pressing down hard on the wound. It made agony flare up his torso, smothering his pathetic yell of pain into a weak, thready rasp.
“This is gonna hurt us both,” the Demon muttered, looking inexplicably angry as he settled his palms flat atop the worst of the wound. A muted sound was all Tony could manage, watching the Demon with hazy confusion.
For a moment, nothing happened. 
Or at least, Tony didn’t notice it happening. 
But then a strange, new type of pain began to lance through him, battling against the numbing burn of his torn organs. It crept through his veins and branched out, a tingling, almost electric sensation that had him tensing as best as his broken body would let him.
He opened his mouth and if he’d had the energy left for it he’d have reeled in surprise when Peter leaned forwards, slotting their mouths together firmly.
The Demon’s lips were soft and plush, with the faintest trace of soda. His lips were warm, too, just a breath above what would be normal for a person. 
Tony almost didn’t know what he should be recoiling at the most; kissing a Demon, or kissing what was for all intents and purposes a sixteen year old.
Peter didn’t try to do anything else and Tony realised in the timeframe that he’d been internally broiling over the situation, breathing had become easier.
The fire was dulling to a simmer; a slow ember that still ached but no longer made him feel like he had one foot in the gates of Hell. His breath hitched and Peter pulled back slowly, keeling to one side slightly and almost falling over as he drew away.
His eyes were pools of inkblack, shiny and void as the Demon sucked in his own rattled breath, pulling shaking hands away from Tony’s torso.
He let his gaze fall slowly to his chest. He was still covered in blood, but the flesh there looked smooth and unmarred. Where he was once carved open like a pot hole there was once again closed off muscle and flesh.
He looked up in surprise. Peter was on his knees, hands braced on his thighs as he rode out the strain of wrangling his leashed powers. His eyes were slowly returning to the human hue, red-rimmed as if he’d been crying, plump lips downturned.
Tony licked his own, jerked straight back into the sensation of Peter’s mouth on his.
“Why?” he demanded roughly, bringing a hand to subconsciously touch his chest.
Peter shot him a sidelong look, the effect slightly dampened by the way he looked vaguely sick.
“A thank you might be nice,” the Demon sneered at him, huffing a twisted curl from his eyes as Tony pushed himself to his feet, ungainly and uncoordinated. Bracing himself on a tree, Tony stared down at the Demon.
At Peter, who’d saved his life. Against all he stood to benefit from Tony’s death, against all that he’d done his best to kill him when he first discovered he’d been shackled to Tony. 
Coughing, Tony did his best to pull his shredded shirt closed before he made a rough gesture. “Get up. You’ll have to take us back to the motel. My car’s still at the bar.” Smashed up or stolen, he realised with a pang of sadness and anger.
“Oh no, lover-boy. You’ve been keeping me at half-mast all year. One night of fun has done me in for the night. I’m limp - get your own ride into town.”
Tony glowered, but all his frowning and snapping proved fruitless. Peter’s powers had been bound tight for almost a year and he really was burnt out, looking every inch as young as his vessel as he wobbled to his feet. The most he managed them was a few meters down the road when he tried.
It took them until sunrise to come close enough to the town that Tony could hotwire a car from the side of the road, ditching it a reasonable way from the motel and wiping it down with a clean patch of his shirt to get rid of his fingerprints.
He wasn’t bothered about Peter’s. Peter had mentioned having this particular vessel for over fifty years - his prints would be written off as a glitch on the system.
He went straight for the shower, scrubbing his skin pink as he tried to sleuth off the memory of being cut open, of dying alone in the dark and the cold, certain that this was his one-way ticket downstairs.
Brushed his teeth; trying to rid himself of the guilt that came with realising that the kiss had been pleasant, to a degree. Soft, pink skin, the sweetness of a soda consumed while Tony had been-
He shut off the water.
When he stepped out, Peter was actually curled up in the bed, looking almost infantile with the covers pulled up to his jaw. He seemed only half-awake, barely stirring when Tony entered the room. He was pulling on a new shirt when Peter spoke, voice sleepy and quiet.
“My Uncle taught me.”
Tony paused, glancing over his shoulder.
“Origami,” Peter clarified softly. “You asked me. At the diner. Where I’d learned origami. My Uncle taught me when I was thirteen.”
Pulling on a pair of sweatpants, Tony took a light seat on the edge of the bed, each of them facing a separate wall. He was quiet for a little while, digesting the information.
“Thank you for saving me,” he grunted after a moment, uncomfortable with the intimacy of the words. It wasn’t anything he’d ever thought he’d say to a Demon. Peter had gotten him out of scrapes and healed up wounds before, but always under command and never anything so serious.
Desperate to rein back some control, he slid under the sheets and stared up at the ceiling. “If you ever kiss me again, I’ll use thread soaked in holy water and sew your mouth shut.”
Irritatingly, Peter snorted. “That was hardly a kiss.”
“You’re in a snot-nosed brat’s body, what would you know about kissing?” Tony shot back, brows pinching into a frown.
“This,” Peter huffed at him, rolling over and on top of him.
Tony blamed the fact that he didn’t pull away on simply being too tired to.
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bluemoonbeam15 · 3 years
What If...
What if Pixar had added more bloopers into the end credits?
"It's a bug-eat-bug world out there, Princess," Hopper guided her to sit on the rock, resting a foot against it. "Now--" a few whistles interrupt him.
Axel nudges the grasshopper beside him, "Ooh," he grins, "Boss layin' it down!"
Hopper pinched the bridge of his nose, "Of all idiots," he mutters. "Can we get through this scene, please?"
They get back in their original places. "Take two!"
Hopper leans down and guides Atta to sit again, "It's a bug-eat-bug-world out there, Princess--" snickers from the crowd distracts him. He deadpanned at the camera.
"Cut!" John scans over the colony, "Okay, ladies, let's keep this professional here, alright? Gang, don't encourage them."
Axel snickers, "Aw c'mon," he calls out to Hopper, "Show 'em your good side, Boss!"
"Oh my word," Hopper sighs and straightens, face flushing.
Atta holds back her laughter, "Maybe try not doing the foot thing," she suggests.
Hopper mocks her quietly, "'try not doing the foot thing'" He gets back into position.
"Take three!"
"It's a bug-eat-bug-world out there..." he stood awkwardly for a moment, debating on how to approach her differently. Eventually, he puts his hands on his hips and just stares down at her, "Princess-- no, this doesn't feel right."
Atta can't help but burst out laughing, "Nevermind, just go back to the other way."
Axel snickers and calls out again, "That's how she likes it, Boss!"
"I'm gonna quit," Hopper shakes his head.
While all the grasshoppers are in the anthill, Molt kickstarts his wings to shoot through the hole. Unfortunately, he bonks his head against the ceiling and drops to the ground, "Ow!"
"Cut! Molt, make sure you're standing beneath the hole first."
He stood up, holding his head, "Yeah, got it."
"Take two!"
Hopper stared the ants down, "You ants have a nice summer. Let's ride!" He crouched down and shot through the hole. Molt laughed and shut up as well, hitting the ceiling again and landing on his back.
"Dang it! Okay, okay! I can get it right this time, I swear!" Molt staggered onto his feet.
His brother peeked back down in the hole, "When I fly off, that's when you move under the hole, got it?"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Molt waved him off.
"Take three!"
"--Let's ride!"
Molt bit his lip a bit, waiting until Hopper vanished before side-stepping and starting his wings. As soon as he pushed off the ground, his foot slipped and he fell face-first on the ground.
Hopper peeked his head through the hole again, deadpanned, "Does he have to be in this movie?" he looked at the directors.
John pinched the bridge of his nose, "He's for comedic relief. Okay, let's just go with the first take and switch it up a bit."
"But I hit my head on that one!"
"It'll be fine, the audience will get a kick out of it."
Hopper sneered down at his brother, "So will the rest of us." Molt huffed.
Flik watched the Circus Bugs convey to him that they were not, in fact, warriors. He gasped and flung the makeshift megaphone to the side, "Your Highness! The warriors have--Ah!" In his effort to crawl over the blade of grass, he slipped on the dewdrop.
"Flik!" Atta kneeled down beside him, "Oh my gosh are you okay?"
He laughed awkwardly, feet hanging over the blade, "Yeah, I'm good."
"Cut!" John rushed over, "You alright, kid?"
"No, no, no, I'm fine." Flik stood back up quickly and brushed himself off. "Can we clear this off before I do that scene?" he pointed a thumb to the dew and petals on the ground.
Francis was doubled over laughing, "No, no, keep it there! I wanna see that again!"
Flik crossed his arms, "Is my pain hilarious to you now?"
The ladybug pointed out one of the cameramen, "Send me that take, I gotta keep that!"
"I said, even Hopper's afraid of birds," Atta repeated.
Flik blinked before chastely kissing her on the cheek and zooming off, "Thank you!" He rushed to the infirmary and nearly made it to the leaf entrance, "Hopper's--" he fell through the leaves and face-planted the ground.
Gypsy rushed to help him up, "Oh, sweetie, it's just not your day is it?" She glared at the others who were laughing -- or at the very least trying to contain their laughter.
The ant held up a hand, not moving from where he'd fallen, "Just...give me a moment," he mumbled through the dirt.
Hopper's eyes hardened at the three grasshopper's, "Well, how 'bout this?" He quickly reached over him to pull the tip of the dispenser off, grunting when it didn't budge. "What the?" He kept trying to pry it open but nothing happened. "What did you guys do to this thing?"
"Cut!" John set the megaphone down and inspected the container, "Alright," he turned to the gang, "Which one of you clowns glued the lid shut?"
Tuck and Roll slowly stepped away from outside the shot, hiding the glue bottle behind their backs.
"You little termites!" The colony turned as Hopper rose into the air with the offering lifted above him. He opened his mouth for the next line but a few whistles and cat-calling stopped him.
One of his gang members shouted teasingly from the side, "You lift bro?"
Hopper pursed his lips and set the offering back down, "Okay, I'm not doing this scene."
"Cut! Hopper, it's in the script," John called.
"Then change the script!"
"Just get through the take, I promise it'll be the last time," John pleaded. He called out to the colony and gang, "And no distractions, ladies! Let's keep it professional here!"
Hopper wrapped his hands around Flik's neck, "I'll be back next season with more grasshoppers...but you won't."
The ant pretended to struggle a moment before clawing at Hopper's hands desperately, "Hop! Wa--" he coughed and Hopper quickly released him.
"Oh my gosh, was I actually choking you?" He watched Flik struggle for air as he doubled over.
Flik waved it off, "It's fine...just...can't breathe," he gasped out.
"Cut! Okay, let's work on that strength there, Hopper."
Hopper patted Flik on the back, looking a bit sheepish toward the crew, "I'm sorry! Can we change that scene or anything? Maybe I'll just pin him down or something?"
John looked over the script, "I don't know...the writers were pretty keen on choking. Just work on your technique, we went over this yesterday during choreography. The best way to not accidentally choke someone is..."
Hopper gave him a confused look, "To not...try and choke them--"
"Well, I don't know what you want me to say!" Hopper threw his hands up in defeat.
Flik straightened as he took in a deep breath, "Okay, I'm good now. Everything's great."
"Ready to try another take?" John called.
Flik hesitated, "Just give me a moment," he laughed breathlessly, "I almost died. Gotta process that," he smiled at Hopper.
"I'm sorry!" Hopper flared his arms out, "Your neck is like a toothpick. How can I not accidentally choke you?"
"We practiced it yesterday, Hopper!" John reminded him.
Hopper rounded on the director, "How about I practice it on you?"
"Okay!" Atta decided to step in now, "Why don't we all take five?"
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livesincerely · 3 years
Part 5 of the Domestic AU (found here)
Also on Ao3
“So, when are you gonna get married?” Tony asks apropos of nothing, looking between him and Davey with keen interest. 
Jack barely manages to keep from choking on his cereal. Davey, who’d been in the middle of spreading a bit of lox on a bagel, slowly sets down his knife.
Charlie aims a kick at Tony under the table. 
“You’re asking them now?” he hisses. “I thought we were gonna ease them into the idea!”
“There is no easing them into the idea when it comes to Jack and Davey,” Tony says, his expression tight with the exasperation of the long suffering. “You gotta give it to ‘em straight, right from the get go, ‘cause they’ll never figure it out on their own.”
“Hey,” Jack says weakly, but he doesn’t have a leg to stand on and they all know it.
“So, I’m asking,” Tony determinedly continues as if Jack hadn’t said anything. “When are you gettin’ married?”
There’s a long pause where he and Davey just stare at each other, neither of them quite sure how to respond.
He gets this from you, Davey’s expression says, clear as day.
I know he does, Jack says with a commiserating look, holding back a sigh.
“Well?” Tony demands when the silence stretches on for too long.
“It’s a little soon to be thinking about marriage,” Davey eventually says, far more delicately than Jack would’ve managed. “We haven’t talked about it at all yet⁠—”
“Because we only just got together yesterday, Tony,” Jack dryly interjects. “In case you forgot about that little detail.”
“—And we should probably start with the question of if we want to get married before we jump to the when,” Davey concludes.
Tony’s nose scrunches up, obviously dissatisfied with this answer.
“Of course you’re gonna get married,” he says, as if this is plainly obvious. “You’re basically married already, I just wanna know when the wedding’s gonna be.”
“Um.” Davey’s gone faintly pink. “Well, like I said, Jack and I haven’t talked about anything like that yet. We’re comfortable the way we are now, no need to rush into anything⁠—”
“And since we literally only just got together yesterday,” Jack says again, a little more emphatically, just to make sure the point lands, “getting married right off the bat would be all kinds of crazy.”
Tony levels him with the flattest look in all of existence. “You’re crazy if you think you haven’t already been married to Davey for years.”
Jack’s voice catches in his throat, a little blindsided by the frank truth of that statement. Davey’s mouth opens and closes, the rosy flush of his cheeks shading a touch deeper. 
“We’re not thinking about gettin’ married just yet,” Jack says once he’s steadied himself, in a tone that brooks no further arguments. “Dave and I will talk about it when the time comes, if⁠,” he stresses clearly, “we decide that’s what we want.”
“But what, exactly, is holding you back?” Tony asks, stubbornly brooking further arguments anyway. “Like, do you have any actual reasons?”
“I’m pretty sure that’s none of your business,” Jack snipes back. “Given that that’ll be a conversation between me and Davey.”
“I just don’t understand what the big deal is,” Tony says, crossing his arms across his chest. “Pretty much nothing would change, except that the next time someone assumes that you two are married, they’d actually be right instead of simply noticing what was so obvious that even complete strangers clue in to it⁠—”
“Tony,” Jack groans.
“—coming to the perfectly reasonable conclusion that you’re together⁠—”
“Tony, that’s enough, we get it,” Jack says.
“—instead of the inexplicable reality of the situation which was that you were, in fact, not together, despite being in love with each other for eight entire years because you’re idiots⁠—”
Jack covers his face with his hands.
“—and given that, like, every aspect of your lives are already tangled together, it’s not really that big of a step for you to just go ahead and make it official.”
Jack sighs so hard he feels it in his bones. “If we promise to talk about this, will you please stop talking about it?”
“Eight years, Jack!” Tony cries, impassioned. “That’s half of my life! That’s more than half of Charlie’s life!”
“Do not bring me into this,” Charlie quickly interjects, “I am a passive witness and nothing more.”
“You’re such a fucking turncoat, Choo-Choo,” Tony mutters with no real heat. “You’re supposed to have my back on this.”
“Maybe if you could ever actually stick to a plan,” Charlie grumbles back.
“We will talk about it,” Jack says loudly, interrupting their bickering before it can gain any ground. “Okay?”
There’s a moment of blessed silence. 
Then Tony says, “So, like, right now? Or…?”
“Sure!” Jack says, throwing his hands up in defeat. “Why not? Clearly, I’m not gonna get any fucking peace until this is sorted—
“Finally!” Tony exclaims. “God, was that so hard?”
“—So go away,” Jack finishes.
Tony’s mouth falls open.
“What do you mean, go away?” he protests, looking genuinely shocked. “Why?”
“What do you mean, why? I’m not gonna let you sit here and fucking… moderate our conversation, dumbass,” Jack sputters. “Get out!”
“But I really feel like this is the kind of conversation that needs moderating,” Tony disagrees. “It’s not like either of you have a great track record for effective communication⁠—”
“Anthony Ethan Higgins,” Jack warns, nearly at the end of his rope. 
Tony rolls his eyes so hard his whole body moves with the motion. “I am literally just trying to help, you don’t gotta get all defensive about it⁠—”
“Jesus Christ, Tony,” Jack says, completely and utterly done. “Will you please just⁠— Just go somewhere that isn’t here.”
“But are you gonna talk about it?” Tony insists, really digging in his heels. “Because if you’re just gonna not talk about it the second I leave then I think I should⁠—”
“Tonio, juro por Dios—”
“Tony, honey,” Davey finally steps back into the fray, far calmer than he has any right to be, and somehow, miraculously, Tony’s mulish expression softens into something a little chagrined. Jack gapes, wrong-footed by the sudden change. “I think you’ve made your point and given Jack more than enough heart attacks for one morning, yeah? So why don’t you go ahead and give us a few minutes, and I promise we’ll talk about it.”
Tony deflates. “Yeah, okay.”
“Thank you, baby.”
Tony shuffles away, mollified for now. Davey pauses, then says, “Charlie, that means you too.”
“But I didn’t do anything!” Charlie protests. “I’m just sittin’ here, tryin’ to eat.”
He takes an exaggerated bite of his bagel as if to prove his point, eyes extra wide and innocent.
“But my food!”
“Take it with you,” Davey suggests, very patiently.
Charlie looks as though that thought hadn’t occurred to him.
“Okay,” he says, scooping up his plate and scurrying after his brother. He hesitates in the doorway, then adds, “My vote is for an autumn wedding, if that counts for anything.”
Once he’s sure they’re both gone, Jack heaves another massive sigh.
“They’re such a pair of little shits,” he says, to Davey and the world at large. “Fucking hell.”
Davey takes a drink of his coffee, holding out his other hand to Jack in offering. Jack reaches over and laces their fingers together, most of his irritation slipping away in an instant at the simple contact.
“But he is right, you know,” Davey comments.
“I know he’s right,” Jack grumbles, rubbing his thumb gently over Davey’s knuckles. “Don’t mean he ain’t a little shit.”
“Well, naturally,” Davey agrees. “He was raised by you.”
“Oh, please,” Jack says with a snort. “That little spiel of his was all you. ‘The inexplicable reality of the situation,’' he echoes, shaking his head. “It was like hearin’ your voice comin’ outta Tony’s mouth.”
“And it was a well thought-out argument,” Davey says pertly, the corner of his mouth twitching up into a wry little grin. “His timing could use some work, though.”
“Ain’t that the fucking truth,” Jack says, huffing out a breath. “Didn’t even let us finish eating before he pounced.”
“It has been eight years,” Davey says, and he’s definitely holding back a laugh. “Guess he’s afraid of a repeat performance.”
“Well....” Jack trails off with a shrug, because that part’s hard to argue with. More than half of Charlie’s life, Jesus. “Yeah, but he was talkin’ like he expected us to walk down the aisle this afternoon. I mean, we can’t just get married. You don’t just get married.”
“Most people don’t,” Davey says, tilting his head. “But then, we aren’t really most people, are we, darling?”
It takes a moment for this statement to really register for Jack⁠, and when it finally does, it lands with an earth shattering boom.
“Are you sayin’ you’d marry me?” Jack asks, utterly floored, heart pounding an unsteady rhythm in his chest.
“Are you asking me?” Davey asks, calmly sipping his coffee like he isn’t rocking Jack’s world, right here over breakfast, for the second time in not even two days.
“You want to marry me?”
This makes Davey pause. 
“Why wouldn’t I want to marry you?” he asks, a confused little furrow forming between his brows.
“Stop answerin’ all of my questions with questions,” Jack demands, a wealth of feelings bubbling furiously in his chest. “Just— You’re serious? Like, you’d really just— Just like that?”
Davey looks at him, his eyes bright blue and utterly sincere. 
“Just like that,” he softly agrees. “If you asked.”
“Well, I’m not askin’,” Jack snaps. His face colors immediately: “No, I didn’t mean it like— It’s just, I don’t want to seem, I don’t want’cha ta think—“
Davey reaches up and gently presses two fingers to Jack’s lips, and Jack’s sputtering slows to a halt.
“Breathe, darling,” Davey says, and the tightness in Jack’s throat eases in the face of Davey’s warm, steady gaze. “What’s got you so worked up about this? I get that it wasn’t what we were expecting to have to talk about this morning, but you seem… upset.”
“I’m not upset,” Jack says.
Davey keeps looking at him.
“...Maybe I’m freaking out a little bit,” Jack allows.
“Talk to me,” Davey prompts, giving his hand a comforting squeeze. “What’s wrong?”
Jack licks his lips, then blurts, “You know that I’m, like, wholly and unshakably in love with you, right?”
Davey blushes, a dash of red pooling high in his cheeks and cutting across the bridge of his nose, his fingers curling even tighter around Jack’s own. 
“Perhaps not in those exact words,” Davey murmurs, smiling as he stares down at their joined hands. Even his ears have turned red⁠—it’s kind of wonderful. “But I had something of an inkling, yes.”
“And you know that if it was just about commitment, if it was just about wanting to, I’d marry you in a heartbeat,” Jack continues. “We could go down to the courthouse today, if it was just that. I’ve been ready for you⁠—for us⁠—for years, sweetheart. I love you. You get that, don’tcha?”
Now it’s Davey’s turn to go speechless.
“Oh,” he says. “I… that’s…” 
“But it’s not just about wanting to,” Jack says. “It’s not about being ready.”
“Then what’s it about, Jackie?”
“It’s about makin’ sure we do this right,” Jack explains. “‘Bout makin’ sure I do this right.”
Davey’s eyes sweep over his face, searching, then his expression turns tender.
“Jack,” he says, his voice full of affection. “You don’t have anything you need to prove to me. Not a single thing.”
“But I do, cielito,” Jack disagrees. “I need you to know that I don’t take you for granted. That you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. That I’d do anything and everything for you. That I love you.”
He lifts Davey hand to his lips and presses a kiss to the back of it.
“When I propose to you, and I am gonna propose to you one day,” Jack says, intently, holding Davey’s gaze, “It’s gonna be special. It’s gonna be sappy. I’m gonna make sure you understand how absolutely, stupidly in love with you I am. I’m going to sweep you off your fucking feet, because you deserve that, Dave. You deserve all of that and more.”
“Jack,” Davey breathes. “Jackie.”
“So I’m not askin’,” Jack finishes. “Not yet. Not today.”
Davey’s smile is a beautiful thing. 
“But one day,” he says, leaning in to press their foreheads together, 
“One day,” Jack confirms, and he seals the promise with a gentle kiss. “One day.”
Tag List: @yahfancyclamwiththepurlinside @corbinthecowboy @stroopwafeldetective @amillionandonefandoms
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fangirl-creates · 4 years
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1 - Banjo Pluck
“Look, all I’m saying is—would it kill Rippen to just have a little chill once in a while?” The red-headed boy vented to his friends as they walked to the movie theater.
“Penn, Rippen is Rippen. Of course he’s still gonna be rude to you when we’re not saving the Multiverse.” Sashi commented, wanting desperately to hear the end of these complaints spilling out of Penn’s mouth.
“Well yeah, obviously. But today, there was just no end to it! Like even when I was eating lunch, BAM! There he was!” He folded his arms, his face turning about as red as his hair at this point.
Rippen had definitely been more annoying than usual today. The reason? Probably having a bad day and picking on Penn was the only thing that would bring him ‘joy’...if you’d even call it that. And even though Penn had learned to ignore Rippen during times like these, today was one of those ‘impatient’ days for Penn Zero—considering the fact he had stayed up till 3am last night on a count of The Chinchilla bothering him again.
“Don’t worry about it, dude.” Boone put his arm around his friend, patting his back. “I’m sure beating Rippen again will put you in a good mood. Think of it as a way to get back at him.”
“Yeah!” Sashi chimed in. “I’ll even let you kick him in the face this time.” She smiled.
Penn felt a little better, the red from his face fading away. “Thanks, guys.”
The trio stepped onto their usual spots on the zap platform, Penn cracking his knuckles.
“I’m really gonna let him have it today.” He grinned between his teeth.
“Violence must wait till tomorrow!” Phyllis called from her spot on the balcony.
Penn titled his head. “...I don’t understand.”
“You will see.” She pulled the lever, the trio levitating as they were forced into the portal. “GOOD LUCK!”
After the brilliant blue flash, Penn opened his eyes. Space. He saw Space. Below him was the material of some kind of smaller planet he stood on—“Purple-colored dirt” in his Earth vocabulary. But that wasn’t the thing that surprised him...it was the body he was in. It was weirdly insulating, like a very thick fur coat—that’s when he realized he was covered in it. Orange fur coated him from head to toe. The only articles of clothing he was actually wearing were white socks and some slightly worn blue sneakers. He felt..uncomfortable.
“Penn?” Sashi’s voice made itself known.
Penn looked up, a bit surprised she was taller than him now. “Sashi! You’re a—uh….” He studied his friend’s new look. She was blue with a pink mane—yet her body itself was a cross between a horse and a dinosaur. He shrugged it off. “Never mind.” He looked around for the Wiseman. “Where’s Boone?”
“Right here!” A confident voice called, Penn searching for the source.
“Boone? Where are-” He noticed Sashi pointing above his head, to which he realized he was wearing a hat as well. He took it off to find the rather large green hat staring back at him. “Oh.”
“Oh yeah. I definitely feel like a wiseman now…”
“Cause you were on my head and you feel like you can give me knowledge that way.” Penn raised a brow.
Boone did what was an attempted shrug. “Who knows...maybe I’m magic.”
Penn rolled his eyes, placing Boone back on his head. “Okay Sash, check the specs.”
Sashi pressed the side of her glasses, which were now a dark purple to complement the colors of her new form. The holographic image showed up in front of them. “You are a wandering Do-Gooder, and I am your trusty steed and best friend.”
“What about me?” Boone asked, feeling a little left out.
“You’re his hat.” ….She didn’t add anything else.
“Well, I still think I might be magic.” He looked away. “You two just don’t know it yet.”
Sashi rolled her eyes. “Annnnyway, the evil Lord Hater is planning to conquer another innocent planet with his army of Watchdogs. It’s up to us to stop him before he manages to leave the planet successful.” Normally, this was the part where the hologram would disappear, but it lingered.
“All right! Sounds easy enough.” Penn pounded his fists together. “I’ll admit, this body is a little on the weaker side, but I can still give Rippen a good fi-”
“Actually, you can’t use violence at all. I’m the one who can fight them. You stop bad guys by...being nice.” Now the hologram was gone.
Penn suddenly understood what Phyllis meant earlier...and he hated it. “I...I can’t fight him?! Seriously??” His face was turning red again, yet it was hard to tell with the orange fur. “So not only does Rippen get away with all the stuff he did to me today, but now I can’t even GET HIM BACK?!”
“No one said you can’t get him back—you just can’t beat him up.” Sashi folded her arms.
“...Can I at least punch him?”
“No. You’ll ruin the hero’s image.”
Penn covered his face with hands, a muffled scream. He then took a deep breath, calming himself. Thankfully for him, this body seemed to have a very calm mindset...that, and really cheerful one. “Okay...okay, I’ll do my best…for the sake of the mission, and because I don’t want to accidentally break something.” He hopped onto the saddle on Sashi’s back.
“Good choice.” Sashi nodded. “Now how do we get out of here?”
“Don’t look at me—what the??” A small bottle fell onto the ground. Upon closer inspection, it looked like a container for bubble blowing, but it read ‘Orbble juice’, with instructions on the back. Penn shrugged and pulled the wand out, blowing as a large air-tight bubble formed around them, lifting them off the ground. “Now we’re talking!” He yelled out into the bubble, cheerfully. “HEIGH-HO, SYLVIA!”
Sashi and Boone both looked at him.
Penn blinked, not sure what came over him. “S-Sashi...I meant Sashi. Oh, that was weird.”
Thankfully, it was quickly forgotten by the trio, heading on their way to their next destination…
2 - A Hero’s Image
Rippen looked at himself in the mirror. In all his years as a Part-Time Villain, he had only been a skeleton once. And even then, it was only for a couple minutes. The complete lack of skin made him feel...exposed. But at the same time, the bone seemed hard as nails, so there was that.
His thoughts were quickly interrupted, however, by the rambles of his cheerful minion—who was in the body of a Commander with the exact opposite personality. But that didn’t affect Larry in the slightest. “Isn’t this eyeball head weird? I mean I’m talking, but there’s no mouth! How crazy is that?” He laughed. “How do people even know when I’m speaking?”
Rippen rolled his eyes. “Your pupil moves, Larry.”
Larry looked in the mirror, expressing a smile as much as a watchdog could to the best of their abilities. “Heh, it’s kinda funny how it bounces like that.”
“Can we get on with it, then?” He was having an exceptionally good day...as far as Rippen’s standards go. And he didn’t want this good mood to go to waste.
“Right, right...sorry.” He laughed softly, pressing the side of his glasses, which were now yellow and only one square instead of two. “Okay, you are the evil Lord Hater and I am your Second in Command. Our Mission is to conquer another poor innocent planet before Penn stops you with-” Larry paused, unsure he was reading this right.
“With what? Come on, spit it out.” Rippen pestered.
Rippen blinked, a bit stunned by what Larry just said. “Maybe it's the lack of ears that makes it hard for me to hear you, but did you say…‘Friendship’?”
“Yep. He’s supposed to be nice to you.” Larry nodded.
Rippen was silent for a moment, then he burst out laughing. “Penn Zero’s forced to be nice to me!” He laughed again. “If we’re lucky, he’ll break under the pressure, completely ruining the hero’s image! And then I can finally become a Full-Time Villain!” When he laughed a third time, however, green lighting shot from his fingertips as he made a ‘rock n roll’ gesture with both of his hands.
Larry narrowly avoided it, but some watchdogs down the hall weren’t so lucky; loud yelps followed by groaning were heard after getting zapped.
“Wait..what just happened?” Rippen looked at the gesture he was making, a bit confused.
“Oh yeah, you got cool lightning powers! I forgot to tell you that…” Larry attempted a smile again.
For once in his life, Rippen was filled with the absolute confidence that this time...this time, he could not only win...but finally annihilate Penn Zero. He laughed one more time, green lighting sparking around him. “This is it, Larry! Victory is finally at hand!”
Friendship...of all the things. He had been nice to Rippen before, sure, but that was often out of pity...or on rare occasions, when he genuinely felt sorry for him. But this was the first time he was forced to do it. And that fact made him upset. Heck, even the phrase ‘Kill em with Kindness’ was starting to sound not understandable anymore. He glanced at Sashi. “Soooo, this whole ‘friendship’ thing…”
Sashi’s eyes met his, despite being focused on the destination.
“Is he like...allergic to it or something? Is he gonna melt if I hug him??”
“No. You’re just being nice to him...for the 100th time.” She mumbled under her breath.
“I know, I know...it’s just...what’s the point of being nice to your enemy if they’re just gonna continue to do you harm? How is this furball even still alive after constantly clashing with this guy?”
It Never hurts to Help. A little voice said in the back of his mind.
Penn blinked. “Boone, did you say something?” He glanced up.
“Uhh no?”
He scratched his head, thinking. If he was really gonna do this, he was gonna do it right. But how?
As if on cue, Boone jumped up, a Banjo seemingly appearing out of nowhere, landing in Penn’s hands. He stared at it. “Uhhh Boone...where did this come from?” He looked up.
Boone just gasped in response. “I AM magic!!” He said triumphantly.
Penn rolled his eyes, holding the banjo awkwardly. When it came to music, Penn considered himself more of a singer than anything else. But Instruments were not his strong suit...still, this Banjo didn’t look unimportant. He held it the right way, his fingers dancing along the frets. And then, as if on command…he started playing. It wasn’t a specific song or anything too complex, just a simple melody that made his friends smile as he continued. It was so strange...he had never played the banjo before, and here he was; playing it like he’d had years of practice. He was so lost in song, that he didn’t realize he was moving around while he did so. Luckily, they had found their destination before Rippen did, so Sashi was able to land on the ground, giving Penn freedom to do...whatever he was doing.
Sashi was amused by this. She had seen Penn dance before, but this was nothing like how he normally did it. This kind of dancing was silly, almost...cartoonish. What was even funnier was that not only did he dance in tune to the music, but he sang along to it as well. Well...more like sing-talking gibberish. Regardless, he seemed really into it. In fact, he got faster with each ‘verse’. It got to a point where he was strumming so fast, one would think the banjo was going to catch fire.
Penn’s chest went up and down as he breathed heavily, stopping finally. The sound of Sashi clapping caught his attention and he immediately realized what was going on. “O-Oh...yeah I didn’t mean to do any of that….” He blushed.
“It was cute.” Sashi commented. “But, you know, like in a funny kind of way.”
“Yeah, But not so good for me…” Boone managed, feeling a bit dizzy from Penn’s rapid dancing and spinning.
Penn cringed. “Ohh oh no. Do you need a minute? Do hats even get sick??” He thought about it for a second. Unfortunately, his thoughts were interrupted by a loud THUD.
All three turned to see a giant Skull Ship land on the planet’s surface. It opened its mouth, a large tongue landing down as watchdogs began to march in formation, chanting ‘Hate’s Great, Best Villain!’ as they did.
Penn watched, standing proudly as he held the banjo close. “Alright…” He took a deep breath. “Time to go to work.”
3 - Never Hurts to Help
It didn’t take long for Rippen to get the Watchdogs out, the inhabitants of the planet already running away in fear. The Do-Gooders were behind a rather large rock. Not the best hiding spot, but a good temporary one.
“Okay, Sash. That’s your cue.”
Sashi cracked her knuckles, but glanced at her friends before she ran off. “I know you can do this, PZ.” Then she was gone—charging into a group of Watchdogs.
Penn watched, taking a deep breath.
“So what are you gonna do?” Boone asked.
Penn hesitated. “Honestly, I have no idea.” He remembered what Sashi had said earlier...No one said you couldn’t get back at Rippen—you just can’t beat him up. Penn remembered how annoying Rippen was earlier...and for some reason, the mindset of this body seemed to know exactly how to annoy him back. A smirk appeared on his face as he ran to find his enemy.
Rippen was having the time of his life, blasting back at forth. What felt even better was that the creatures feared him the closer he got. He didn’t even care Sashi was punching the Watchdogs left and right—as long as he got his reward, he didn’t care what else went wrong.
“Havin’ fun, Rippen?”
And there it was.
Rippen turned to face the orange ball of fur, a cackle at how tall he was compared to the do-gooder. “Well, Well, Well! If it isn’t Penn Zero!” He raised his hands, pointing them at him as green lighting charged between his fingers—the soft glow illuminating on everyone close enough to see. “I know all about this little requirement of your’s to not hurt me-! So now I only have one thing to say to you—!”
Penn’s heart pounded in his chest. Best case scenario, the plan worked. Worst case scenario, Rippen blasts him into the next dimension.
“—Are you ready to meet your demise?”
Penn cleared his throat, standing casually. “Actually, Rippen ol’ Buddy, I’ve got a question for you.” He sounded so calm despite the fear inside of him.
Rippen raised part of his brow, staring down at his enemy. This day had been going so well for him. And if he destroyed him without hearing the question at all, it would haunt him forever. Rippen shrugged, not letting his guard down. “You know what? Ask away!”
Penn breathed a small sigh of relief, taking a step back. “Well I was just thinking...you must be hungry after this...invasion thing.”
Though he didn’t want to admit it, Rippen was starving. He didn’t understand why, but this body had the need to consume every junk food imaginable. And everything it craved, Rippen had never touched in his life. He made a slightly annoyed face at Penn. “Why would it matter to you?”
“Oh no reason…” He pulled out two sandwiches from behind his back. “Just that...uh..got some sandwiches here. Hate for them to go to waste…” He mocked, waving the scent around Rippen’s nonexistent nose. “Truly...truly a shame.”
Rippen’s stomach made probably one of the loudest sounds a stomach was capable of making—strange, considering Skeletons didn’t even have stomachs. He tried to keep his eyes off the two sandwiches, but it was impossible. “Ugh! Just give them to me—!” He tried to reach, but Penn jumped back.
“What’s that? You do want these?” He grinned. “Well, would you prefer—” He threw the first sandwich at Rippen’s face. “Mustard-?” He jumped over Rippen, throwing the other sandwich on his face when he turned around. “-or Mayo?!” He laughed, landing on his feet.
Rippen angrily wiped the sandwiches from his face, staring at Penn with a piercing glare.
Instead of a rude gesture, Penn stuck out his tongue in a playful manner, his legs speeding up. “Come and get me!” And he was gone.
Rippen didn’t know why, but every voice in the back of his head screamed ‘GET HIM!’ no matter what. And that’s exactly what he did. He ran, screaming at the top of his...lungs? Whatever skeletons have.
Penn pulled out the banjo as he ran, turning around as he was now jogging backwards. “How about a little chase music?” He smiled, strumming rather fast. The music seemed to be annoying Rippen even more, which meant it was working.
Meanwhile, Sashi had already beaten up all the Watchdogs while Rippen was distracted. Larry was too busy watching Rippen chase Penn around to notice. Something about it made him want to sigh. He was...disappointed in Rippen?? He shivered, hoping he’d never get that feeling again.
At this point, Rippen was exhausted. He clawed at the ground, now laying on his stomach. Penn, however, didn’t feel tired at all. He felt as though he could run a marathon in seconds. Eventually, he stopped running and walked right over to Rippen, bending down so they were at eye level once more. He put his hands behind his back, a smug look on his face.
“You uh..you doing okay?” He raised a brow.
Rippen wheezed, trying to stand. “W...Watchdogs! Get him—!” It wasn’t until he yelled that when he realized they were all defeated, Sashi standing there triumphantly. “NOOO! I WAS SO CLOSE!!” He wheezed again, his face lightly hitting the ground.
Penn felt a little bad for him. He wasn’t sure why the feeling was so sudden, but he didn’t question it. “Look, you seem pretty exhausted, so I’ll just leave this here for you.” He placed one of the mustard sandwiches and a bottle of a soda labeled ‘Thunder Blazz’ in bright yellow bubble letters on the side.
Rippen stared at the food, standing up as he wolfed down the sandwich. He glared at Penn, pointing at him. “This doesn’t make us friends!” He spoke between bites.
Penn made a face. “I uh...I never said that.”
Rippen blinked, shaking his head. “Oh never mind!” He grabbed the soda and angrily trudged back to the skull ship, Larry patting him on the back as they headed inside.
The inhabitants cheered once the skull ship took off, Sashi running to greet her friends. “You did it, Penn!”
“Yeah!” Boone chimed in. “I’m not exactly sure what you did...but you did it!”
Penn’s eyes watched the skull ship fade from view. Why did Rippen retreat? And why did he think he was trying to be his friend? Even with all these questions, Penn still couldn’t help but feel good about himself…
With another blue flash, the trio was pulled back to the movie theater, landing safety back onto their original spots. Penn looked at himself, no longer feeling uncomfortable, but a bit disappointed the cheerful feeling was gone. “That was probably one of the strangest missions ever...but in a good way.” He managed.
“Yeah, wonder what was up with Rippen after we won…” Sashi added, hand on her chin.
“Sometimes,” Phyills started, coming back down from the balcony. “Enemy is just a friend you haven’t made yet.” She looked at Penn. “Remember that, Penn Zero.”
Penn put his hands in his pockets, a smile. “I will.”
4 - Epilogue
Later that evening, the space duo set up camp for the night. Sylvia was still trying to process exactly what happened earlier. Her fists were sore from punching Watchdogs, when she hadn’t even done that today? Or had she??
Wander, on the other hand, seemed to be in a particularly good mood. Normally, that wasn’t a surprise in Wander’s case, but it definitely was after the events of today.
“I swear,” Sylvia put some wood on the fire, the flames grasping onto it. “My head’s buzzing like a swarm of bees. The whole thing was so weird…” She sat down next to her friend, who was casually resting, playing a happy tune on his banjo. “How are you keeping it all together, buddy? Doesn’t your head hurt?” She asked, concerningly.
The Nomad looked up at her, smiling. “Because I helped someone.”
Sylvia blinked. “So...you remember what happened today?”
“Nope.” He cheerfully responded.
“...then..how do you know if you helped someone or not??”
“Just a hunch.”
Sylvia rolled her eyes, playfully, rustling his fur. “Okay, buddy…”
Deep within the stars, they saw the skull ship pass by, the voice of Lord Hater screaming into the night sky…
Wander chuckled, yawning as he got into his normal sleeping spot. “Yep, not a bad day…”
Sylvia still couldn’t remember what happened, but regardless of that, she was happy Wander still got to help out someone. And in the end, that was all that matters...
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duckymcdoorknob · 3 years
Listing all of the things I audibly made a reaction to during Big Windup.
This involves, laughing, screaming, “crying”, screeching, “OHMYGOD”ing.
Minute spoilers.
Mihashi’s little slide to second base
The Tosei catcher keeping Mihashi from falling.
Abe being voiced by Greg Ayres
“Think positive thoughts, like the field in the morning.”
“We scored a run!!!”
“See for yourself, he’s smiling!!”
“Thanks for the help, Tajima!”
Mihashi being able to make eye contact and conversations with his teammates.
Abs being so genuinely worried about Mihashi’s health constantly.
“Abe fan him down, okay?”
The way Mihashi’s eyes light up after Abe says “we’re counting on you”
“This is gonna take some creativity”
Me constantly saying: “NO THATS NOT SAFE YOU MOTHERF-“
The way they all telepathically communicate with each other.
“Cover your mouth just in case, no- only when you’re talking Mihashi.”
Mihashi’s “runner on third” face.
Tosei’s synchronized movement to accompany their off key singing.
Coach Momoe????
Mihashi’s chicken face
“We can win this!!!!!”, “ :o “
“It’s good to see Mihashi pumped up.”
Tajima’s rock n roll symbol.
Nishiura teammates’ constant reassurance to their pitcher. Bc they know about Mihashi’s past and want their teammate happy. :,)
“I’ll wait till Abe’s ready so we can go out there together.“ 🥺
“That was ten!!!! Ten strikeouts!!!!!!!!!”
“Hey, shut the hell up :)”
Mashiba‘s walk as he goes up to the plate
“Mihashi’s developing a fan base ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) “
“Gimme your hand.”
Tajima and Mihashi are B E S T I E S
“Mihashi you taking a piss?”, “Yeah?” Abe: immediately follows because he knows that he ain’t really taking a piss.
“RenReeeeen~” -Tajima
Mihashi’s grip making Abe tear up after him not having any just minutes beforehand.
“We’re gonna beat their ass in the ninth!!”
Tajima’s intense ass stare.
Mihashi trying SO hard to keep his teammates morale high when he’s like panicking himself.
“Leaaaad leaaaaaad leaaaaaaaaaaad- GO!”
Big bro Tajima 🥺🥺
“Chill out dude, Abe isn’t mad at you anymore.”
Anytime ANYONE smiles. ITS SO CUTE
Both s1 theme songs are UNSKIPPABLE
The recaps!!!!!
Sakeguchi grabbing the short stop’s hand bc hims nervous :(
“Don’t wuss out now”
“I did it! :) “
“Don’t help out the pitcher!!”
“Alright.” (•̀ᴗ•́)و
Poor Mihashi being suffocated by Hanau and Sakeguchi
“You can do it Tajima!!!!!”
“At least we know we can’t rely on your sinkers anymore” LMAO
“Stu-pid mo-therf-“
All of the boys giving him reassurance
“We’ve got your back, right guys?!”
Hanai’s little scream before he throws to home.
Tajima literally wrapping his legs around Mihashi’s neck to hug him.
“The booster club made us these thousand paper cranes, we want you to have em.”
“He’s like a little kid, he just keeps going till he drops.”
Tosei’s catcher being concerned about Mihashi p2.
Tajima spinning the pen was so fucking cool.
Tajima and Abe holding sleeping Mihashi 🥺😭
“Not quite…”
Mihashi’s mom literally stripping her kid down in front of his teammates and their moms.
Nishiura in street clothes>>>
They’re all going to visit Mihashi!!!!
Abe and Mihashi play fighting
“You got an anger problem, you know that?”
“I love breaks!! I eat my lunch and then I go and eat the rest of it at lunch. And then I get real sad :( “
“I’m about to eat my freaking fist!”
“Why did he reply to Tajima’s text and not mine?” :(
I love how Mihashi’s room is “dirty” but it’s just empty water bottles.
“He probably wants to yell at me!!!” BUT HE DOESN’T! HE’S WORRIED ABOUT YOU!!
Tajima ringing the doorbell 10 times
Abe and Hanai reaching out to catch Mihashi :((
“You’re useless as a lefty”
“He’ll live.”
“Does anyone else ever wanna punch that guy in the teeth once and a while???” “Oh yes.”
“It would be like kicking a puppy.”
“But maybe I’d have to kill him at that point.”
(Can Abe and Mihashi just fucking hug already)
“Dude the guy feels like crap, quit staring him down.”
“Is there still more curry or did Tajima hog it all??”
“Maybe it’s no big deal, but it just bugs the crap out of me.” HANAI JUST CARES SO MUCH ABOUT HIS TEAMMATES.
“It’s where my mom went to school :) “
“Mihashi actually studied????”
Tajima spinning sticks in his hands
“Sometimes a big family sucks.”
“Poor guy had the runs half the test.” LMAO
“Why don’t you give him a massage, Abe.”
“There’s a spa by my doctor :D “
“From a bunch of jackasses like us, you should feel special.”
“When you get my text this time, try responding.”
“Come over anytime you want!!!!”
I love how Mihashi throws his phone everytime he gets a text.
“He called me by my first name! Just like when we were kids 🥰”
“Good luck in your next game, Ren.”
Haruna is actually a nice guy?????
“So instead of going out with the team, he’s busting his ass here?”
“Damn… I think I rolled my ankle.”
“ O H N O !”
“Yeah stretching out like that always hurts my balls too.”
I think his name is Kaguyama???
Bro why the fuck they show like half of this bitch’s titty??????
“Ahv played mah whol lahf”
This is Haruna’s villain origin story
I actually feel bad :(
“Good luck being stylish ya ugly freak >:| “
“This little bastard!!!”
“I’m gonna tell you something that doesn’t leave this field”
The two motherfuckers behind the fence 👁👄👁
“So go on. P l e a s e?“
“I don’t want people to think I’m stuck up or anything”
“I used to be the coaches’ favorite.” YEA OKAY
“Perfect, let’s say we race”
“I’m gonna walk her home.”
“Byeee kids~”
“Everyone was really motivated by Haruna”
End s1.
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
for the meet uglies, 55 indruck sfw? sorry apollo
Here you go! For those wondering, Apollo originates in my Amnesty Super Hero AU
“Okay sir, I’m gonna say this as nice as I can.”
Indrid looks up from his drawing of some mushrooms. The ranger, a man about his age whose little bronze name tag reads “D. Newton”, has the look of someone choosing his words very, very carefully.
“You are this close to me writin you up. And I mean this. Close.” He puts his thumb against his finger.
“I, is this not allowed?” The log he’s sitting on is technically on the trail, just next to it.
“This ain’t the problem. It’s everythin you done since this morning that’s the problem.”
“First there was leavin your breakfast trash on the picnic table by the visitor center so chipmunks got into it--it’s real bad for them y’know, makes ‘em too bold--then there was the selfies on off-limits spots, then you had the fu, uh, freakin nerve to be rude to Juno when she asked you to stay in safe areas, you littered left and right, then you left a beer can in the reeds by the plover nestin’ grounds. I don’t even know where to start with that one; you know we don’t allow alcohol in the park. Campgrounds sure, but we don’t want fellas like you gettin drunk and then fallin off a rock. How can you be so careless, or not give a shit for a place people put time into protectin?
The smile that’s been spreading across Indrid’s face since the word “selfie” is wide enough that the ranger spots it.
“Man, if you think this is funny, you won’t when you’re too drunk to swim or run from a bear. Then I’m gonna have to bail your ass out, which I will, and you’re gonna eat a slice of humble pie big as that overinflated ego of yours.”
Indrid snickers. The ranger glares. Slowly, Indrid pulls back the hood of his sweatshirt and retrieves his glasses from the front of his shirt (he doesn’t wear them when drawing in color due to their red lenses). The other mans expression slides off confusion and tumbles into horror.
“Aw hell, I’m sorry sir. Thought you were your, uh, well, guessin you got a twin runnin around this park.” He pulls the brim of his hat down in a charming attempt to hide his face.
“I do, and this is far from the first time I’ve been scolded in his place. Less so since I dyed my hair” he indicates the artificial silver framing his face, “I’m mostly amused by how accurately you captured his orientation towards the world. It’s also bitterly funny to discover he made someone else's day as unpleasant as he made mine.”
The ranger studies him, seems to notice the creases by his eyes and mouth, “Seem a little old to be gettin forced into family time. Not that you look old. Just, uh, I mean, you might be younger than me, hard to tell with the hair, uh, yeah.”
Indrid points in the direction of the beachside campsites, “The Cold Family Reunion can only be begged off so long.” His phone dings, the reminder that it’s his turn to help his aunt with dinner, “speaking of which, I should pack up.” He quickly gathers his supplies, sends the other man a final smile, “thank you for the laugh, Ranger Newton.”
“You’re uh, you’re welcome. And tell your twin to throw his damn trash away.” He smiles as he says this, suggesting a joke, but Indrid resolves to remind Apollo of his manners anyway.
The fog caresses the coastline, hiding the dawn entirely. Indrid pulls his hood up against the chill, the wooden bench and viewing deck damp from the weather. He’s not going back to camp until he’s captured the sight before him; dozens of fishing boats on the dark water, their lights beautiful and soft against the grey world.
Sandy gravel crunches to his right, and then Ranger Newton appears. He keeps glancing at Indrid as he writes something indecipherable on a clipboard.
“I’m the nice one.” Indrid says in response to the quick, searching, looks.
“Thank fuck.” He turns so they’re actually looking at each other, “guess we’re both on the early shift.”
“Normally I wouldn’t be, but the cold and quiet is preferable to my twin snoring. I brought my own one person tent, but then my aunt and uncle had their monthly argument and she needed a new place to sleep.”
“That was mighty kind of you.”
Indrid shrugs, “Not really. I just want to get through this reunion with as little conflict as possible.”
“How’d you end up on this thing? Said you couldn’t get out of it but-”
“I just moved to town a month ago. Turns out this is a place my parents have always wanted to visit. Not enough to see me, mind you, or refrain from criticizing my choice of towns, but enough to host the reunion here so I had no escape. And if I want to eat with the family, I have to spend the night in the camp and not at home. And since money is tight after moving, well..."
The ranger whistles, “Damn, that’s rough. But uh, since you live in town you’ll actually get to see this place in nice weather.”
“I’m looking forward to it.” He shivers, “though I enjoy the cold when I can be in my nice little apartment. In a tent, not so much.”
“If you get a good sleepin bag or good company, gets a lot better.” The ranger smiles, then looks at his notes, “sorry, that ain’t appropriate talk around a visitor.”
Indrid meets his green eyes, “If you have recommendations for either, I’m all ears.”
A gust of wind carries salt spray all the way to the platform, Indrid shivering as it mists his glasses.
“Here” the ranger holds out his hnd, “I gotta go open the visitor center; nice and warm in there.”
“...Could you possibly come back in ten minutes? I’d like to finish my sketch.”
“Sure, won’t kill me to check on the tide measures while I’m out here.” He tips his hat and soon Indrid sees him winding down a path to the beach. Eleven minutes later he’s back, telling Indrid about a huge starfish he saw.
On the walk to the visitor center, he learns the “D” on his nametag is for “Duck,” that he’s a transplant from West Virginia, and that they’re actually the same age. When Indrid explains that he’s a tattoo artist who sells his drawings on the side.
“You’ll appreciate this, then” Duck bends down to roll up his pant leg. Indrid appreciates the view and the well executed geometric tree tattoo on his ankle.
“Juno and I got ‘em together. Had to go with the ankle because I already got some on my arms. Can’t show those off right now though.”
“My, my, Ranger Newton, you’ll flash a scandalous ankle at a guest but not take him to the gun show?”
Duck laughs, the sound like the mating call of a strange tropical bird; absurd and enchanting.
“Glad you’re in town to stay, Indrid. Think you’re the kind of fella I’d like to get to know.”
Maybe he’s being childish. It’s not wrong for Apollo to say he’s making their father proud, that he’s successful, that he’s a golden boy of his field.
It’s just obnoxious for him to do this the one time their extended family expressed Indrid’s professional accomplishments. With that smile, the one Indrid knows for a damn fact he had fixed, that tone, that, that….
That voice sounds familiar.
He reverses course, takes the path he passed by that points towards the amphitheater. What he gets is more a firepit with a small stage, but standing at the center and addressing fascinated families is Duck.
Indrid sits on the rickety bench furthest from the stage, lets Ducks explanations of night blooming plants and the creatures that pollinate them drown out the echoes of family dinner. When the program ends and the parents shepherd their children off with instructions for bedtime and brushing teeth Indrid stays, not ready to leave but not intending to attract Duck’s attention.
He gets it anyway.
“Enjoy the talk?” Duck stays two steps down from him, rests a foot up on the bench, “this one is always real popular; when it gets warm, the little animal rehab place south of town brings education animals in. Y’know, bats and owls, stuff like that.”
“I’ll have to come back to see them.” The thought of seeing bats up close excites him, but he’s too tired to sell the emotion.
Duck frowns, “You okay?”
Indrid shakes his head, tells him about the constant comments, the threat of living forever as the family disappointment, a threat he can deal with until he’s around them all. Then he’s right back to being seventeen and afraid of failing them.
“....Apollo’s always been the golden boy, ruthless and goal focused like our father. He always knows just what to say to get under my skin and dig out the scar tissue,” Indrid sighs, “All I wanted tonight was to roast marshmallows and go to bed early.”
The ranger moved from the steps to the bench beside him as he told his story. Now, Duck looks at him, smile more soothing than the thrum of the distant waves, “I got an idea. Guessin’ you don’t gotta tell your family where you’re goin, right?”
“No, most of them will assume I’m off sulking and Apollo will hope I’ve fallen off a cliff.”
“Then leave ‘em to be their shitty selves and come home with me. Uh, not, not-not like that, fuck, like what you’re thinkin, uh. Fuck. What I mean is; I got a fireplace and some marshmallows. You want in?”
Indrid watches the dying fire flicker of the curves of his face, thinks back on the last week. The ranger has been a frequent companion, brings him hot cocoa from the little cafe and tells him where he’ll be for chunks of the day in case Indrid needs a break from his family. Last night, all Indrid could think about was wanting Duck to be in the tent beside him.
On the drive over, Indrid points out his apartment complex and Duck points out the best places to eat and the cheapest laundromats. His house is tiny, looks like it was built when the town was a logging hub and not a tourist destination.
“Make yourself at home, it’ll take me a sec to get the fire goin’--uhuh, Taco, stop tryin’ to open that cabinet.” He hoists a yowling, blonde ball of fur on the couch. The cat directs a suspicious look Indrid’s way and then settles on top of the pile of blankets.
“You a s’more man?” Duck calls from the kitchen.
“No, thank you. I prefer my sugar in a single bite.”
“You eat marshmallows in one bite? I’m always worried I’ll choke.”
“I have an accommodating mouth.” Indrid smirks when Duck audibly drops the bag. He’s not always the best with social cues, but if the way Duck kept brushing their hands together on the center armrest in his car is any indication, the ranger is trying to pick him up.
Once the fire is going Duck sits on the rug, patting the spot to his left. Indrid joins him. Caramelizing sugar and increasingly sleepy laughter soon fills the air. Neither of them keep their knees from touching, and Duck keeps dropping his head to Indrid’s shoulder when he giggles. The whole scene is so heavenly Indrid isn’t paying attention to their marshmellow consumption. He reaches into the empty bag and makes a disappointed noise.
“Damn, we really went through ‘em.” He catches Indrid’s eye with a playful grin, “you still cravin’ sugar?”
Indrid licks his lips, “Yes.”
Duck cups his cheek, guiding him into a sleepy, close-mouthed kiss, brushing their noses together when he pulls back to murmur, “That do the trick?”
“Hmmmmm?” Indrid cocks his head, “no.”
The other man guffaws as Indrid pulls him down on top of him, kissing him happily and wiggling his hips when Duck digs his fingers into his hair. His own hands migrate under Duck’s shirts, finding his body just as warm and wonderful as he hoped.
He nips Duck’s lower lip. The ranger growls and Indrid is no longer tired.
“Care to see just how accommodating my mouth can be?”
Duck rolls them twice so they’re a safe distance from the fire, “Hell yeah.”
Indrid saunters into camp late in the morning, some of the Colds already packing up to depart. His twin is stuck on dish duty, grins like a barracuda when he spots Indrid.
“I don’t know why you’re here. You missed breakfast, and you weren’t in camp last night, so you don’t get lunch or dinner either. May as well skulk back into the shadows.”
“Mmm, yes, I was rather undutiful.” Indrid spots a figure checking campsite permits, who stealthily blows him a kiss, “but at this moment in time, I don’t particularly care.”
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valeriethepussycats · 3 years
Inside Out
Chapter 1
Pairing- Loki x Reader
Warning- cursing
Your thoughts and other characters are in italics. Flashbacks are in bold.
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“Long before the birth of light there was darkness, and from that darkness, came the Dark Elves. Millennia ago, the most ruthless of their kind, Malekith, sought to transform our universe back into one of eternal night”
Malekith is looking up at the Convergence
“Such evil was possible through the power of the Aether, an ancient force of infinite destruction.”
The Aether.
“The noble armies of Asgard, led by my father, King Bor, waged a mighty war against these creatures.”
The Dark Elves and Asgardians fighting.
Kurse walks up to Malekith. “Malekith! Asgard's forces are upon us.”
The Bifrost opens, and bor steps out with Asgardian reinforcements.
“Send the Kursed.” Malekith told Kurse.
Some soldiers crush objects in their hands and become giant hulk-like creatures. Malekith looks up at the Convergence again.
“As the Nine Worlds converged above him, Malekith could at last unleash the Aether...”
Malekith and Kurse walk up to the Aether.
However, the Bifrost opens and Asgardian warriors attack Malekith, whom he kills. The Bifrost disappears, just as Malekith tries to get the Aether, but it is no longer there.
“But Asgard ripped the weapon from his grasp. Without it, the Dark Elves fell. With the battle all but lost, Malekith sacrificed his own people in a desperate attempt to lay waste to Asgard's army.”
Malekith watches as his forces are slaughtered. “Their deaths will mean our survival. This war is far from over.” He and Kurse get onto his ship and escape without notice, while destroying the other ships in the process.
The ships kill some of the Asgardians.
“Malekith was vanquished, and the Aether was no more. Or so we were led to believe.”
“Sire, the Aether. Shall we destroy it?”
“If only we could. But its power is too great. Bury it deep. Somewhere no one
will ever find it.”
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Earth, New York City
Wow! A lot has happened in the past couple of years for Y/n. She met an Alien/God, saved New York from an alien invasion, found out she has a soulmate who caused said invasion, and last but not least finding Gambit. Even though these last years had its up and downs. Y/n hadn’t been this happy in a long time, and spending time with Gambit is the cause of that. Spending time with him just make everything better it makes her miss Loki less (even though she didn’t get to spend that much time him). Now She was now walking down the street with Gambit eating ice cream in the middle of November.
“You met my mother. How that happened?” Y/n said taking a spoon full of her ice cream.
“The good professor wanted information on you.” Gambit answered.
“Charles Xavier knew about me and my where abounds this entire time.” Y/n said with an eye roll. “Apparently him and my father have an understanding with each other.”
“Your mother...she didn’t know you existed.” Gambit stated.
Of course she didn’t Charles fucked with her mind too what a big surprise
“Well that still doesn’t change the fact that she abandon me.” She said in a dry tone.
“You gave me a chance....you trusted me to protect you and I couldn’t.” Gambit said with a sad grimace.
Y/n to turns and looks at Gambit. “You did your best. You didn’t abandon me. Ya you could’ve call to let me know you weren’t dead but I wasn’t your responsibility. Those people were after her, and she didn’t want to get caught so she left me behind.” Y/n stated. “You gave me to my father so I could be safe so I wouldn’t be used by The Thieves Guild like you was. You protective me. You’ll always be my hero.....no matter what you say.”
Y/n turns away from Gambit and started to walk away. As she approaches the cross walk she hears a voice being broadcasted in her mind.
Please no!
“Someone is in trouble.” Y/n claimed.
“What?” Gambit mumbled.
Where are you
Oh my god
Where are you
In the alleyway behind the Barbecue Restaurants just off Main Street
Y/n takes off running to Ray’s bbq leaving Gambit in her dust. When she arrives in the alleyway and doesn’t see anyone.
Hello are you here
“Thank you for coming.”
Y/n turns around and see five Einherjar Guards. “Ummmm.Hello.”
“We are the Einherjar Guards of Asgard and our king wishes to speak with you on the behalf of Prince Loki Odinson.”
“The king would like-“
“No no I get that but why.” Y/n said to herself.
Gambit catches up to Y/n and see her with a group of guards. “Petit? What’s happening.”
“I’m being summoned by the king of Asgard.” Y/n said with a small smile.
“A king!! The king of Asgard.” Gambit finished with a gaping jaw.
I get to go to Asgard!
“Look I have no problem coming but I’m kind of in the middle of something.” Y/n voiced.
“This is important the fate of Prince Loki rest in your hands.” Einherjar Guard said not trying to be pushy.
“Fate.....I thought Loki would have been went to trial.” Y/n turns and looks at Gambit.
“l..l hav-“
“No...no it’s find go I know how important he is to you.” Gambit said with a smile.
“But just find your way back Ya.”
Y/n is about to walks over to them when a thought runs though her mind. “How about you come with me?”
“Invitation is only for you.” Einherjar Guard chimed in.
“I see that but I’m just a mere mortal I wouldn’t be comfortable being on a world without someone who can relate to me.” Y/n said artfully. “Would you want to be on a world all by yourself?”
Einherjar Guards look at each other in confusion
“Or someone is going to have to tell the king that they could get a mere mortal to comply.” Y/n said with a smirk.
“He can come but he will be watched.” Einherjar Guard agreed.
“You heard em lets go.” Y/n said as she pulls Gambit and they stand next to the guards.
“Uhhh. What’s happening??” Gambit said with a curious tone.
“Heimdall open the Bi-Frost!” Einherjar Guard shouted.
“This is going to be fun!!” Y/n said In a giggling way.
Gambit looks over at her and could see the excitement in Y/n’s eyes. “What is about-“
Suddenly Bifrost opens! A portal surrounds them In an instant, they're gone.
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Upon emerge from the Bifrost, Y/n and Gambit looks around at the Observatory.
“Woo-hoo...let’s do that again.” Y/n proclaimed.
“No I’m gonna need a bucket.” Gambit grunted.
“Y/n L. Munroe and....Remy E. LeBeau I am Heimdall The gatekeeper of Asgard.” Heimdall announced.
“Hi....” Gambit and Y/n said in-sink.
“You are a friend of Thor. He has told me much about you.”
“I wish I can say the same.” Y/n said with a smile.
“If you follow the guards they will lead you to the Castle.”
“Thanks.” Gambit said walks with the guard.
“Heimdall...I was hoping I could come back here.”
“What for?” Heimdall asked.
“Well I would love to hear all your stories, being able to see everything in the universe....thats kind of wicked.” Y/n answered.
“Of course you can.”
Y/n smiles at Heimdall then catches up Gambit and whispered. “Do you think I look ok to meet a king.” Y/n was wearing a Navy blue crewneck cable knit with some light blue jeans and white air force 1.
“Petit, you look fine don’t worry about it.”
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Throne Room
Loki is in chains, as he gets brought to Odin.
“Loki.” Frigga said in a began.
“Hello, mother. Have I made you proud?” Loki asked
“Please, don't make this worse.” Frigga said with a calm voice.
“Define worse.” Loki said in a casual tone.
“Enough! I will speak to the prisoner alone.” Odin proclaimed.
With one last look Frigga walks out the throne Room.
Loki looks up at Odin and laughs. “I really don't see what all the fuss is about.”
“Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes? Wherever you go there is war, ruin and death.” Odin voiced.
“I went down to Midgard to rule the people of Earth as a benevolent god. Just like you.” Loki expressed with a shrugged.
“We are not gods. We are born, we live, we die. Just as humans do.” Odin specified.
“Give or take 5000 years.” Loki sarcastically remarked.
Odin: “All this because Loki desires a throne.” Odin put forth.
“It is my birthright.” Loki voiced.
“Your birthright was to die!!!....” Odin shouted. “.....As a child. Cast out onto a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in you would not be here now to hate me.”
“If I am for the axe, then for mercy's sake, just swing it. It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just ... I don't love them.” Loki said perpetually tired voice.
Odin tap the Gungnir on the ground and the doors open. Loki looks back back at the doors to see who could possibly coming in.
“Are we to wait on Thor?” Loki questioned.
“No Thor has nothing to do with this......” Odin started. “This is about someone else. That you are not worthy of.”
Wow this place looks so amazing
“Do you still want the Axe?” Odin wondered.
Loki looks over at Odin with wide eye then turns around and see Robin she looks just as he remembered her. Breathtaking.
“Loki!!” Y/n called out.
Loki can tell she’s happy to see him, she had a broad grin on her face despite him being in chains. “Y/n.” Loki said with darted a suspicious glance at Odin. “What is the meaning of this!?
When Y/n reached Loki she stands next to him and looks up at Odin.
Should I bow
You Bow to no one
Y/n looks over at Loki with a quizzical smile and all she gets back is a coy smile.
She turns back to Odin smiling to herself.
“I brought Y/n here to say goodbye to you.” Odin said in A calm voice.
“Goodbye..why would I need to say goodbye.....is he getting-“ Y/n said in rapid blinking and shaking her head ‘no’.
“You brought Y/n here to spite me......how do you even-“ Loki fumed.
“Frigga told me a long time ago, when you was just a boy.” Odin explained. “And Frigga is the only reason you are still alive and you will never see her again. You will spend the rest of your days in the dungeons.”
“I thought he was going to die.” Y/n said like a weight was lifted off her shoulders, but then a relief is quickly replaced by anguish. “If you were going to do this then why do you bring me here? You should’ve left me on earth, instead of bringing me here when you’re just going to but him in the dungeons for the rest of his life.”
My life
Loki looks over at Y/n with knitted brows. “Y/n....”
“I know what Loki did on earth is unforgivable but-“ Y/n started.
“Did he or did he not kill someone close to you?” Odin asked.
“Yes he did and I kick his ass and my father brought him back.” Y/n answered.
“Your father.” Loki looks over at Y/n with his brows pulled together in a frown.
“Ant....Boot.” Y/n said teasing Loki softly.
“Oh.” Loki said with a blank stare and a paled face.
“Does he deserves punishment or not ?” Odin chimed in.
“Yes but-“
“Then it’s decided-“
“No. No. This can’t be the last time I’ll see him.”
Loki looks over at Y/n and see that black veins slowly starting to appear on the side of her neck.
Y/n, what is the matter
Nothing, I’m fine
“Let me have two weeks with him here on Asgard.” Y/n said not wanting to sound pushy.
“Giving you two weeks with Loki would give him happiness-“
“I’ll be in the dungeons with him.” Y/n said meaning the words more seriously than they sounded.
“You would do that.....” Odin said in curious tone. “.....for Loki?”
“Yes I would.” Y/n said firm persistence.
“Hmm.” With tap of the Gungnir, the doors open.
As the Einherjar Guards come in the throne room and takes Loki and they struggle to get him to leave.
“And what of Thor? You'll make that witless oaf king while I rot in chains?” Loki said with a rigid expression.
“Thor must strife to undo the damage you have done. He will bring order to the nine realms and then, yes. He will be king. “ Odin answered.
Loki looks at Odin and then Y/n as he gets drag away, then Odin looks over at Y/n.
“You can have your two weeks.” Odin announced. “You do not have to be in the dungeons with him.”
Y/n turns her head quickly to look at Odin. “What? why would you just-“
“Do you not want it?” Odin snapped.
Yes..yes I do thank you.” Y/n said sincerely.
“Frigga” Odin calls out for his wife.
Frigga walks into the throne. “Well if it isn’t Y/n Munroe, l am Frigga Queen of Asgard.”
Y/n turns around and see the Queen of Asgard. “Hello.”
Wow she is so beautiful
Frigga approached and took Y/n’s hand in hers and looks at her with a sweet smile. “We have so much to talk about.” Frigga said as she led Y/n away out.
“You are even more beautiful then I thought.” Frigga said with a voice soft with affection.
“No you are.” Y/n said with out missing a beat.
Frigga laughs. “Is this Midgard attire.” Frigga said with one hand spin Y/n around to see her full outfit.
“Oh yes it is.”
“It’s lovely your practically glowing like the morning sun my dear.” Frigga said with a smile.
“Thank you.” Y/n said returning he smile.
“Come dear there’s much we must do.”
Meanwhile Loki watches Frigga and Y/n walking and talking, unaware of the horrors that were occurring several stories below his feet.
“I can’t remember the last time Loki or Thor brought a friend home to meet us,” Frigga said to Y/n . “When a young man brings a young woman home to meet his parents…” Frigga began, implying a possible marriage between Y/n and Loki.
“Technically, I think we have only known each other for a month.” Y/n said, surprised to be having this conversation so soon.
“And if it were three million years, would that change how you feel?” Frigga asked.
Y/n thought on this.
It wouldn’t change one thing.
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“Beautiful golden sunlight shined down through the lush, vibrant forests of Vanaheim. Unlike Svartalfheim, the realm of Vanaheim was much more pleasant an environment. It was home to beautiful lakes and mountains, with vast fields of green spread out as far as the eye could see. But today, it was filled with danger and destruction.
The people of Vanaheim—known throughout the Nine Realms as the Vanir—raced through the forests as fast as they could. They were being chased by the Marauders, a race of space pirates—brutal invaders who were armed to the teeth and out for blood. Their sole purpose in life was to take what was not theirs, and destroy anything—and anyone—that stood in their way.
A frightened Vanir woman ran for her life but stumbled, falling down a riverbank just as a Marauder fired a massive fireball. It streaked above her head, impacting a nearby tree and causing it to burst into flames. As the woman regained her footing, she was confronted by a towering Marauder. He raised his razor-sharp ax, ready to strike, when suddenly a steel mace smashed the villain in the face, knocking him down, and knocking him out.
“Standing over the frightened woman was her savior—Hogun the Grim, of the famous Warriors Three. Hogun did not wait for a thank you, nor did he want one. The Marauders were running rampant across his home world, and Hogun was determined to stop them.
As more Vanir ran to safety, Hogun stood his ground—the only barrier between the fierce oncoming Marauders and the peaceful Vanir. The Asgardian warrior gripped his mace tightly and steeled himself, ready for what just might be the last battle of his life. With a skull-shattering roar, the Marauders charged, determined to crush Hogun and the rest of the Vanir people.
The lead Marauder raised his broadsword and swung, but his blade was deflected by another sword—the sword belonging to Fandral the Dashing, the second member of the mighty Warriors Three! Fandral, still handsome as ever despite the battle, rode through the charging Marauders on his white horse, knocking down one intruder after another until he was able to make his way to Hogun, flashing a smile the entire way.
“Do we have a plan?” Fandral asked his fellow Warrior as he flipped the lead Marauder off his horse and tossed.
“We stand and fight!” Hogun the Grim yelled.
Fandral rolled his eyes at his friend’s single-minded determination to fight. Then a loud Boom, Boom, Boom echoed throughout the trees. Fandral, Hogun, and the rest of the Vanir stopped in their tracks and turned their attention toward the deafening noise. It was coming from beyond the woods, and whatever was making the noise was big. Very big. The ground shook and trees fell with each sound as the unseen threat got closer and closer.
The Vanir did not follow Hogun’s orders to stay and fight, but instead quickly retreated into the woods. The idea also crossed Fandral’s mind.
“Have you considered ‘turn and run’?” Fandral asked, but Hogun only frowned in response. Then the grim warrior looked up and over the tree line and began to back away as well. Finding a Marauder’s horse without its rider, Hogun swung up into the saddle and galloped away. Fandral was close behind as explosions rang out throughout the woods. There would be time enough to fight later.
The two warriors quickly rode their horses into a clearing where the Marauders were fighting with a few of Asgard’s elite guards, the Einherjar, who had come to help the Vanir. Hogun and Fandral stopped before one of their Asgardian compatriots, the strong and beautiful Lady Sif, who was just as brave and tough as the Warriors Three.
Sif was on horseback, locked in furious battle with a dozen or so Marauders. Sif spun her bladed spear high over her head, taking down several of the barbarians, then split the spear in two, forming a magnificent blade for each hand.
Sif fought with fierce determination against the horde, but despite her resolve, she was gravely outnumbered. With all her might, she flipped off of her horse and delivered a powerful kick to one of the Marauders, sending him flying back past the third member of the Warriors Three, Volstagg the Voluminous.
“Volstagg—on your left!” Sif cried.
Without missing a beat, Volstagg swung his battle-ax at his attacker, striking him down with one fell swoop. And when another Marauder tried to attack him with a club, the voluminous one merely took the hit, then turned, broke the club in two, and backhanded the Marauder, sending him flying through the air. But all of this nonstop battling was beginning to take its toll on the excessively large warrior. Now out of breath, Volstagg made his way to a giant pile of timber where he could take a momentary break.
“What are you doing?” Sif yelled. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Here they were in a heated battle with villains known for decimating anything in their path, and one of the legendary Warriors Three was taking a breather.
“Giving them a moment…to regroup…only fair…” Volstagg said between long, labored breaths.
But no sooner did Volstagg stop to catch his breath than another horde of Marauders set their sights on the large warrior. They ran at him with their weapons drawn, but Volstagg merely kicked out the timber, causing it to collapse on and crush the approaching horde.
Volstagg gave himself a congratulatory grin, but it was short-lived, for just as he did, he was slashed across the back by a Marauder. He wasn’t as unstoppable or impenetrable as he thought. Nearby, Lady Sif wasn’t faring too much better. She was surrounded, and a Marauder from across the battlefield was aiming his crossbow at her head.
Just as the snickering Marauder was about to squeeze the trigger, a huge thunderclap echoed throughout the land, and with a bright, blinding light, the Bifrost—the way in which Asgardians traveled between the realms—fired down from the heavens into the center of the battlefield—and directly on top of the Marauder with the crossbow. Lady Sif raised her arm to shield her eyes from the spectacular blinding light and was just barely able to make out two Einherjar on horseback bursting from the glowing white column and charging into battle.
One of the Marauders used this commotion to sneak up behind Volstagg. He raised his sword high above his head, preparing to strike down the warrior, when a whizzing sound echoed from within the Bifrost. As the light died down and the smoke began to clear, the sound intensified. Suddenly, an object rocketed out of the Bifrost, sliced across the battlefield at supersonic speed, and slammed into its target: the Marauder who was about to strike down Volstagg.
The Marauder flew through the air and kept on flying. And flying. Volstagg turned, and upon investigation made out the object that had saved his life. It was the most famous weapon in all the Nine Realms. It was Mjolnir.”
The powerful hammer, which was forged in the heart of a dying star and used by only he who is worthy, hovered in midair before speeding back across the battlefield to the hand of its wielder—the mighty Thor!
Thor, Prince of Asgard and son of Odin Allfather, emerged from the light of the Bifrost looking battle-worn but still majestic, and the sight of him instantly gave the Warriors Three, the Einherjar, and the Vanir a renewed sense of hope. Now that Thor was here, they were sure to defeat the Marauders. But Lady Sif felt that she didn’t need Thor’s help to win the day.
“Shouldn’t you be battling trolls in Nornheim?” Sif said with a scowl.
“I ran out of trolls,” Thor said with a charming smile. “Heimdall said these Marauders were giving you trouble,” he added.
“I have this completely under control,” Sif retorted.
Thor surveyed the battlefield. “Is that why everything is on fire?”
“You think you can do better?” Sif challenged with a smile.
“It would be a challenge to do worse,” Thor said dryly before being surprise-attacked by two extra-big and extra-tough Marauders. Sif rolled her eyes in response, then joined her friend in battle.
Soon, Thor and Sif were joined by Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg. As the battle raged on, Thor used Mjolnir to take out multiple Marauders at once. And when one Marauder thought he might be able to seize the hammer by grabbing on to it, the hammer simply pulled the invader through the air, right to Thor’s waiting fist.
Thor, Lady Sif, and the Warriors Three fought bravely against the menacing Marauders, each one helping their fellow Asgardians. When one Marauder shot an arrow at Thor’s head, Sif jumped into the air and raised her shield to block the attack. And when another fired a rocket launcher–like device, Thor valiantly deflected the blast with his mighty hammer, the impact from which knocked them all to the ground—hard.
“As the Asgardians got back to their feet, they heard the same Boom, Boom, Boom sound that Fandral and Hogun had heard earlier. Whatever it was that was making that sound was much closer now. And the Marauders were getting ready for it. They parted the battlefield to make way, and the heroes looked up over the tree line and finally saw the cause of the sound.”
“A giant Kronan stone monster, made entirely of rock and standing fifteen feet tall, loomed before Thor and the Warriors Three. He held a massive metal club and looked down upon the Asgardians with contempt. The monster was about to crush their bones into dust.
“All yours,” Sif said to Thor as she and the Warriors Three began to back away. The Marauders cheered. This was the fight they had been waiting for! Surely nothing could stop their stone man, not even the Mighty Thor. The rock monster smashed his club into the ground and let out a thunderous roar, signaling the start of the battle.”
“I accept your surrender,” Thor said, but the monster only raised its club higher, preparing to strike. But Thor was ready. Holding Mjolnir by the strap, Thor began to spin his hammer. It spun faster and faster and faster until it was nothing but a blur and Thor was rocketed off the ground in flight. The monster roared again as Thor, flying with his arm outstretched and all the might of Mjolnir in front of him, launched himself directly at the great beast. There was a deafening Choom as the hammer connected with the creature, then a blinding explosion. The Marauders looked up in disbelief and their cheering stopped. Chunks of rock rained from the sky as the monster’s feet stumbled backward, disconnected from its body, which no longer existed. The upper half of the stone man had been completely obliterated by Thor.
“The Son of Odin gripped Mjolnir tightly and turned with a scowl toward the rest of the Marauders. Almost in union, the remaining Marauders dropped their weapons and raised their hands in surrender. The battle was over.
“Next time we should just start with the big one,” Fandral said with a smile.”
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lilyclawthorne · 3 years
Through The Looking Glass Ruins Thoughts
what's this? I wrote this post after getting sleep instead of doing it at 3am in an attempt to not accidentally write something that is literally just incorrect for once? amazing.
oh so we're starting off with pain for Gus immediately :(
willow is tough as nails tho, that part is true
gus has a bad girl coven t-shirt!! glad to know the order came in lmao
pls I love his prerecorded message that's so cute
willow's arm is broken :(
I love Luz giving Gus even more nicknames. I like to think it's cause she remembers how excited he was about the first one.
Gus? Different types of magic?? ............... multi-tracker Gus???
BRAXUS IS SAFE THANK TITAN. also braxus is with his dad 🥺
we just met them but I think I love them?? also im a sucker for Felicia Day and she sounds adorable here.
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so matt was a glandus kid, and also has an older brother who picks on him. wonder where he fits into this glandus dynamic though since he was expelled. he was construction too so he would've been in classes with Bria.
galderstones is very clever, seeing that they sound a lot like gallstones, which are just hardened deposits of bile. rocks made of witch bile probably are very powerful
love that planet of the humans was considered an implausible movie
I always forget amity is so good with kids, it's really sweet to be reminded of it
Ed and Em definitely know Luz has a crush on Amity and I'm here for it
"accidentally texted a poem to their mom" Ed's date is nonbinary pls?
obligatory name meaning bullet point: Phillip means "lover of horses" idk what to do with that but there it is
going off of that, Bria means "noble", Gavin means "white hawk" and Agnarr has some type of meaning to do with "warrior"
someone give Agnarr his butterfly sanctuary RIGHT NOW
love how excited to help out Luz Amity is when she suggested she'd show her around the human realm
"im not surprised he couldn't handle glandus"?? wasn't he expelled??
aw I love that Bria wants to make things better at Glandus
"if I catch you playing with anymore bugs I'll make you eat them" ok never mind somethings off about her
literally she's just breaking shit now, like doesn't even care about historical preservation man wtf
ok now I just hate Bria
"I heard it has the power to control the weather, and summon ghosts" I bet you its all illusions
interesting the diary is from the 1600s. I know some are theorizing about this human being Belos, which would then require an explanation for that length of time. perhaps its the magic from the palismen extending his life? if this were the case though, that means there's a chance that this great great great great grand parent clawthorne may have personally known a younger belos and gives some validity back to the belos is related to the clawthornes theories, just with much more generations between them
hey owl house crew please don't do this to me. literally started crying as soon as I saw Luz's face 😢
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aw I love that the keeper was just excited to have a visitor at the graveyard
"we gain no powers from them so we're the least likely to use them" hmmm this is interesting. the stones feel like the kinda thing below probably would want for himself or his coven, so the fact that illusionists decided to protect them and keep them from falling into the wrong hands is interesting. I know I've theorized about bards being more hesitant on belos and his reign and I had a very stretched out theory about illusionists being possible to follow in that way of thinking but now it feels a little less stretched out is all?
"this is exactly how it was at glandus" look I can't help but wonder if he wasn't expelled and actually left of his own choice
pls why did that illusion work on Gavin he's literally so dumb
Bria you little shit you brought this on yourself, it's so fucking creepy but you kinda asked for it. but also I love that she thinks it can't even touch her and it does. I think that really emphasizes how skilled Gus is that she can literally feel his illusions
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also the keeper is so right, Gus is so clever!! was kinda shocked to see all her spells that had worked but she just couldn't see them
ok that was very sweet of Matt to offer to help build the defenses and also aww he and Gus are definitely friends now.
Emira brushing Amity's hair and yelling at Ed for picking his skin, she really is the eldest daughter
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I swear to god if she gets in trouble for this im gonna fight
I also love that she chose a different color instead of just letting her roots grow out. I think it kinda shows her not wanting to look like either parent. But also purple is all matchy matchy with Luz
of course Luz got Amity her job back 🥺
this old clawthorne family member who told Gwen about the human literally knew this human personally, she had to! how else would his door end up in their backyard.
AHH IM SCREAMING AND CRYING OVER THE KISS. no really though, younger me is crying happy tears again because I can not believe we can see this stuff on children's programming nowadays, I love it so so much.
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